The Queen's Journal, Volume 142, Issue 21

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F r i d ay , J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 — I s s u e 2 1

the journal Queen’s University — Since 1873

Election results Trustee • page 1 ASUS • page 6

Referendum • page 2 CESA • page 6

photo gallery • page 7

ResSoc • page 5 COMPSA • page 6

EngSoc • page 8

Opinion: Profs talk personal pressures page 11 History has a home in the JDUC • page 8

Resolutions, one month later • page 18


Seven snag Tricolour

Award the highest non-athletic, non-academic student honour B y V ictoria G ibson Contributor After two days of deliberation, seven students were chosen for induction into the Tricolour Society and became recipients of the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award. The award is the highest honour awarded to a Queen’s student for non-athletic and non-academic merit. The award, named for the University’s first female chancellor

and given out annually since 1939-40, serves to highlight those who make a notable impact upon the lives of Queen’s students in a variety of fields. Recipients are chosen for their steadfast commitment to and passion for bettering the Queen’s community. Conrad Behrman, Sci ’15 Behrman has spent his time at Queen’s balancing the demanding workloads of Mechanical

Engineering with his passion for music. Behrman founded the Queen’s Music Club in first-year. Over the past four years as club president, he’s applied for AMS grants to create a space for musicians to learn, practice and play. “Music is easier to continue with when it becomes something social,” he said. Behrman has served as a member of the Queen’s Pediatric

See Tricolour on page 9


Trustee election goes to Jennifer Li Opponent Mike Blair praised for breaking down engineering-AMS barrier B y M ishal O mar and J acob R osen Assistant News Editors Jennifer Li’s party erupted in celebration when current Undergraduate Student Trustee Andrew Aulthouse walked in with a party in tow. Li said she’s “truly humbled by the support of the Queen’s undergrad”, having won the student trustee election with 53 per cent of the votes. “I was just trying to breathe and not stress myself out and overthink it,” said Li, reflecting on the moments leading up to seeing Aulthouse alongside AMS President Allison Williams, Vice–President of Operations Justin Reekie, Rector Mike Young and Commissioner of Internal Affairs Claire Cathro. “It’s kind of crazy to think that it’s over,” she added, “but the 10 days just flew by.” Li’s party was held at a friend’s house in the University District, where she was surrounded by close friends, some from ConEd and

some from home. She said she couldn’t thank her volunteers enough for dedicating their time and effort to her campaign. “When students come together, great things can happen,” she said. After initial celebrations, Li’s party broke into cheers of “Trust Li”, her campaign slogan. Li made her way around the party, hugging each of her supporters and thanking them personally for all their help. Li also thanked her opponent Mike Blair for “such a clean and professional campaign”. “He treated me with so much respect and I’m really grateful for that,” she said, adding that there was never any negativity between the two candidates. She said she’s looking forward to working with Aulthouse. “There is still a lot to learn about the different issues facing the University,” she said. “Running a campus-wide campaign is terrifying, and putting yourself out there is terrifying. I

See Blair on page 9

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Friday, January 30, 2015


Fundraiser keeps mental health talk going Tom Edgerton raises over $250 through online campaign in support of on Bell Let’s Talk Day B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor

contributions and a donation from Tilt itself, for which he serves as an ambassador at Queen’s. Grassroots fundraising for mental is a nationwide network health sprouted at Queen’s this of young leaders, designed to week, thanks to an initiative combat stigma and change the way spearheaded by a student. people think about mental health. The fifth annual Bell’s Let’s The organization stemmed from Talk Day raised $6,107,538.60 the Jack Project, named after Jack for mental health programs in Windeler, a Queen’s student who Canada, contributing to a total of committed suicide in 2010 after $73,623,413.80 raised since 2010. struggling with mental illness. 4,775,708 tweets — an Edgerton launched the Tilt increase of 58.3 per cent from last campaign in order to raise money year — were sent using for the Jack Summit, a mental #BellLetsTalk on Wednesday. Five health innovation summit that cents were donated for each of brings together 200 students from 122,150,772 calls, tweets, texts across the country, which he’s and shares on the Bell network. hosted twice. Tom Edgerton launched a He said the Tilt campaign Tilt campaign on Wednesday to allowed him to return to raise money for, inspired a “grassroots” level. Efforts like by his previous work with his are more than fundraising, the organization. he added. Tilt, a crowdfunding platform, “The shining thing for me isn’t works by having pledges become the cash that came out of it — it’s donations only if the “tilt” definitely the awareness that has amount — in this case, $250 — is been promoted by yesterday, all reached by the deadline. Edgerton’s 24 hours of it, and I hope a tiny, actual target was set at $500. tiny part of that is down to the Edgerton, ArtSci ’15, said he campaign,” he said. Tom Edgerton raised more than $250 in support of chose Let’s Talk Day to launch “If that helped in raising even Jack. the campaign because he thought a little more awareness and one about Let’s Talk Day, Young, org, Young said, created a more there’d be “lots of traffic”, and more person has a conversation ConEd ’17, said some have direct link to Queen’s. the campaign would allow people about mental health, then I’ll expressed skepticism about where “This is less of a you giving to go “a little bit further” in be happy.” the money raised actually goes. money blindly to a corporation or supporting mental health. Queen’s Rector Mike Young According to its website, Bell just participating in that act more His campaign reached the tilt said after he received an email Let’s Talk provides grants to passively,” he said. amount in about 12 hours, with about Edgerton’s campaign, he various programs across Canada. “It was more actively engaging donations from approximately 20 sent messages to about 50 people Kingston’s Youth Diversion in something that takes it to the people. Edgerton will send a cheque and shared the campaign on the Program was among those that next level and really puts it toward to for approximately Rector’s Facebook page. received grants in 2014. something more Queen’s-specific $300, which includes “residual” While many people are excited Edgerton’s campaign for and more local.”


By directing conversation to a particular location and allowing people to donate money and find out about, Young said, Edgerton’s campaign was “really, really smartly done”. “I think what Tom has done is really a cool model for a student getting involved in something they’re passionate about and taking it to the next level,” he said.


MUSE fee proposal fails in winter referendum Voter turnout was 34.6 per cent, up from 33 per cent in 2014; five of six opt-out fee proposals pass B y C hloe S obel News Editor

challenging, but we have full faith that our team will pull through to create an even stronger campaign The AMS 2015 winter referendum, next year,” she said. which took place alongside elections “The MUSE Magazine team on Tuesday and Wednesday, saw a remains completely committed voter turnout of 34.6 per cent, up to its mandate to showcase the from 33 per cent in 2014. incredible creative student talent The referendum included six Queen’s University has to offer.” opt-out fees — an increase for AMS Commissioner of Internal Engineers Without Borders; new Affairs Claire Cathro said it was fees for the Queen’s Diabetic hard to know why the referendum Society, MUSE Magazine, the turnout went up despite the lack of Queen’s Sustainability Conference an AMS executive election. and Talking about Mental Illness; “The ease of using the new and the continuation of the voting system I think is a big factor, HIV/AIDS Regional Services fee. because you have all of the faculty Only the MUSE fee was society elections that are in one unsuccessful. MUSE lost its place, it’s one link that everybody’s opt-out fee of $0.50 in the fall pushing, and it’s easy for everybody 2013 referendum. 54 per cent to log in with their NetID rather of students voted in favour of than having to worry about copy continuing the fee, but MUSE had and pasting a unique username and required a 55 per cent yes vote in a unique password,” she said. order to obtain a fee that year due “We can send email blasts out to low voter turnout. to people that haven’t voted yet as This year, 49.1 per cent of a reminder — and it’s interesting, voters came out in favour of the fee. after we do that, we do see a huge Jaclyn Marcus, the magazine’s spike in people voting.” editor-in-chief, spoke to the The AMS switched to a new Journal via Facebook on behalf of voting software, Simply Voting, for MUSE’s directors. the fall 2014 referendum. That “Without our opt-out fees referendum saw the highest fall there is no doubt that the next voter turnout since 1995, at 34.1 few months will prove extremely per cent.

The software can track turnout in different faculties and years, allowing the elections team to focus their promotion efforts on certain types of students that vote least.

Cathro added that the elections team also worked to promote the referendum among students. “The elections team did a significant amount of work to make sure that students knew

about this, that the election and the referendum were happening,” she said. “A lot of the success in having good voter turnout can be attributed to their hard work.”

Referendum results Do you agree to an increase in the Engineers Without Borders fee (subject to individual opt-out) from $0.75 to $1.25, an increase of $0.50?

MUSE Magazine? 49.1 per cent yes, 50.9 per cent no, 803 abstentions.

66.4 per cent yes, 33.6 per cent no, 876 abstentions.

Do you agree to the establishment of a $0.59 fee (subject to individual opt-out) to support the Queen’s Sustainability Conference?

Do you agree to the establishment of $0.08 fee (subject to individual opt-out) to support the Queen’s Diabetic Society?

72.1 per cent yes, 27.9 per cent no, 726 abstentions.

78.5 per cent yes, 21.5 per cent no, 620 abstentions.

Do you agree to the establishment of $0.35 fee (subject to individual opt-out) to support Talking About Mental Illness (TAMI)?

Do you agree to the establishment of a $0.50 fee (subject to individual opt-out) to support

85.8 per cent yes, 14.2 per cent no, 431 abstentions.

Do you agree to the continuation of the HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS) fee of $0.75 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? 84.3 per cent yes, 15.7 per cent no, 609 abstentions. Do you agree to having the AMS assess the feasibility of divestment from fossil fuels for its Restricted Funds portfolio and the Queen’s University Pooled Endowment Fund? 73.5 per cent yes, 26.5 per cent no.

Friday, January 30, 2015



Student parents say they need support Undergraduate students with children face isolation on campus from professors and peers B y L aura R ussell Features Editor When Logan Weaver told her classmates that she had a child, most of them stopped speaking to her. Weaver, ArtSci ’16, gave birth to her daughter Kennedy when she was 18. She took an extra year of high school after giving birth because she didn’t want to start university with a three-month old child to take care of. Some undergraduate students with children feel there are no resources on campus to help them. Until her third year at Queen’s, Weaver said she’d had a negative experience because of the way both students and professors treated her when they heard about her daughter. “I tell my profs that I have a child within the first couple of weeks, because I’m more likely to miss a lot of class and if anything happens and I get called, I need to leave class,” Weaver said. But she has found that it doesn’t matter to some professors if she has a child. Professors have had very mixed reactions when she explains her situation, she said, and some haven’t given her exceptions to certain classroom rules. “I’ve had profs say ‘no cellphones in class,’ and I’ll go up to them and say that’s not an option for me and explain my situation,” Weaver said. “If something happens, they need to be able to get a hold of me. A prof [once] looked at me in the eye and said: ‘oh, you have a kid? Well, I don’t really care’.” According to Weaver, professors have also told her to drop classes or take the course through distance studies because of her daughter. Fellow students have also been a problem. “I’ve found that in a lot of my first- and second-year tutorials, once it came out that I was a teen mom, all of a sudden students stopped talking to me,” she said. “It was a distancing factor and I felt like it really isolated me from the people in my classes … I’ve had a couple good experiences, but it’s mostly been negative.” Weaver has found the hardest part of doubling as a mother and student has been finding time for everything she has to do — particularly now that Kennedy has started school herself. Although she now has more time to study than she once had, Weaver finds it difficult to work around not only her homework, but also Kennedy’s homework and extracurricular activities. Weaver said she hasn’t received any financial support from Queen’s, adding that she doesn’t know if bursaries are available for students in her position. Queen’s offers a general bursary for both undergraduate and graduate students with dependent

children, changing in value depending on their cost of living. Doctoral students with children can receive $5,000 in maternity or parental leave funding from the School of Graduate Studies, while the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) offers emergency bursaries for SGPS members with financial difficulties. According to the University, a number of Student Affairs units offer child-friendly services, including the Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre, the Queen’s University International Centre and the Ban Righ Centre.

it came out that I was “a Once teen mom, all of a sudden students stopped talking to me. ” — Logan Weaver, ArtSci ’16

The Ban Righ Foundation is a University organization that provides support to mature women students. They operate the Ban Righ Centre on Bader Lane. Weaver said Queen’s needs to provide a support group or club for undergraduate students that are parents. “Not that [Queen’s is] ashamed that they have parents that go to school, but they don’t want to make it known and they don’t want it out there. That’s the vibe that I get from it,” she said. “It would be nice to know how many other parents there are out there at Queen’s.” While the Ban Righ Centre is intended to help mature women students, they provide aid to any student who comes through the door, according to director Carole Morrison. Morrison said 41 new students with children registered at the Ban Righ Centre for the 2013-14 school year — a large percentage of which are graduate students. The centre includes a child-friendly space where parents can spend time with their children, quiet rooms for parents to study or nap and rooms for women who want to breastfeed their infants. Students, faculty and community members work at the Ban Righ Centre to offer support for any problems these student parents may have. “Our student advisors help mothers to locate community resources when required,” Morrison told the Journal via email. According to Morrison, students often reference challenges they face in three areas: finding funded, conveniently-located day care spaces; maintaining a flexible schedule; and approaching

professors for leniency because of their situation. She added that allocating the University’s resources is always a challenge. “I expect many students would benefit from having additional, affordable child care options and services,” she said. “In my view, it is important for the university to balance using resources to help the greatest number of students with the use of resources to help address equity issues.” Doulton Wiltshire, director of the Sexual Health Resource Centre (SHRC), said that although the SHRC usually deals with issues surrounding sex and sexuality, their volunteers are willing to listen to anything. “We’re always here as someone that can listen to you and have empathy and if there is something that we can help you with or lead you to other resources, absolutely,” said Wiltshire, a PhD candidate in Management Science. Wiltshire said the SHRC often provides guidance to parents — not exclusively students — who want to speak with their children


Logan Weaver and her daughter Kennedy.

about sex, sexuality and health. She added that the centre refers students with more serious issues to professional counsellors. “I know in other universities, there are if not a lot better but a lot more pronounced support systems for those who are navigating young children with their studies,” she said. Katharine Tessier, ArtSci ’13, said she found support from her family and significant other after giving birth, rather than resources or guidance on-campus. Tessier gave birth to her son Joey three weeks before starting fourth year at Queen’s in 2012. Instead of taking a few months off after giving birth, she went back to school in September, which she said was the hardest part for her. “I think because [Joey] was so young and that I took no time off, he wasn’t even a month old, I jumped back into the school semester after beginning the whole parenting adventure,” she said. “I guess the lack of time to adjust made it difficult.” Even though she moved from full- to part-time studies in fourth year, Tessier said it didn’t make as big of a difference as she had hoped. She could only spend 40 minutes to an hour studying per night, as opposed to the few hours she had before she had her child. Tessier said she didn’t have any resources on campus to help her, adding that she felt as though the Ban Righ Centre was only for mature students. “I didn’t fit the bill age-wise, and I didn’t want to feel out of place when I already felt out of place in


the greater campus community to start with,” she said. She found it difficult to be at Queen’s and have a child. “I found there was a distinct divide between people that were cool with someone having a kid and the people that didn’t want it to ruin their university experience.”

I expect many students “would benefit from having additional, affordable child care options and services.

— Carole Morrison, director of the Ban Righ Centre

A number of her friends stopped wanting to spend time together when they found out that she would soon become a parent, because she couldn’t go out to parties anymore. Professors weren’t a great support system either, Tessier added. If she handed in an assignment late and explained the situation to her professors, they were fairly reasonable, but she still felt judged. “The second someone saw a student with a belly, there was a look that you caught — not that it wasn’t accepting but it was a shock,” she said. There should be awareness that there are people on campus with kids, Tessier said, and more accessible services need to be made available. There were no resources provided for her, she said. “Not by the AMS, not by any organizations I was involved with — and certainly not by any of my peers.”


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Friday, January 30, 2015


QUMSA addresses Islamophobia at panel Speakers seek to open up conversation around what it means to be a Canadian Muslim today B y M iriam B art Contributor In light of the rising Islamophobia in Canada and around the world, Queen’s University Muslim Students Association (QUMSA) decided to open the conversation about what it means to be a Muslim. Malak Elbatarny, one of QUMSA’s executive members, led the discussion with panelists Yasin Dwyer, Queen’s imam; Meri Macleod, human rights education advisor

for the Limestone District School Board; Kate Johnson, Queen’s interfaith chaplain; Irfan Tahiri, 2013-14 ASUS vice president; and Mohamed Bayoumi, of the Islamic Society of Kingston and Queen’s professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering. The events under discussion included the Oct. 22 shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and the Jan. 7 attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. There was unanimous agreement by

Irfan Tahiri praised the CBC’s decision not to reprint Charlie Hebdo cartoons.


the panelists that the violent acts were inconsistent with Muslim values. Dwyer denied any possibility that these events were a result of a misunderstanding of Muslim scripture. “These events have been looked upon as a deep tragedy for Muslims around the world,” he said. “The idea of projecting the best of your image is important to any group of people. Terrorist acts done in the name of Islam are very hurtful to the Muslim community.” Dwyer said the extremist narrative has nothing to do with tradition, but is the result of individuals reading their own insecurities into the text of the religion. “These people feel they have been done an injustice — any victim of oppression and injustice would react in some way,” he said, adding that the key issues are the extent of violence and using Islam as justification for violence. Elbaterny presented a statistic that 52 per cent of Canadians have become Islamophobic in light of recent events. Dwyer, Bayoumi and Tahiri credited this to the angles projected by mainstream media. All panelists agreed that individuals must educate themselves in order to understand and develop opinions on their own. “We need to recognize the similarities between people and at the same time the differences between cultures, countries and contexts,” Bayoumi said. Bayoumi added that he tried to put things in perspective so that people could understand the different experiences of Muslims in different countries. He said he believes members of the Muslim community

in Kingston feel they are both Canadian and Muslims, and are comfortable identifying themselves as Canadian Muslims. These Muslims are an integral part of the community, he said, which is what Muslims in other countries, such as in France, are lacking. He added that a community’s race relations have proven to be a proactive solution for what could otherwise be a divided community. Tahiri agreed, saying that Canada has made itself “very comfortable” for Canadian Muslims. “However, the result is that it is just as easy for Muslim Canadians to condemn the Parliament Hill shooter as it is for non-Muslim Canadians to be Islamophobic,” he said. “National unity will be undermined the more Muslims are put in the spotlight,” Tahiri added in his closing statement. The predominant topic of conversation surrounded the idea that mainstream media is to blame for spreading Islamophobia. “It is not the job of the media to give us all the information,” Tahiri said, “their job is to write about sensational stories.” Tahiri commended the CBC for choosing not to print the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that many other news sources reprinted. He said this choice to use free speech in a reserved manner is the mark of a “truly civilized society”. “They knew they had the right to publish these photos, but they didn’t,” he said. “Canadians stand together.”


Nog hosts shave-off Manuary amasses funds for head and neck cancer B y M ishal O mar Assistant News Editor In the midst of karaoke on Thursday night, two men held a shave-off at Tir Na Nog in order to raise awareness for head and neck cancer treatment. A similar concept to Movember, Manuary is a charity that started five years ago and is in its second year at Kingston General Hospital (KGH). It encourages individuals to grow facial hair and donate to raise awareness for head and neck cancer — cancers that are generally more prevalent in men but are rising among women. The event at Tir Na Nog raised money through a raffle and by asking the crowd

for money prior to their “shave-off”, when they shaved the beards of Dr. Jason Franklin and Kousha Azimi, a first-year medical student at Queen’s and the brother of one of Franklin’s patients. The charity aims to raise $7,500 for the treatment of head and neck cancer at KGH by the end of the year. Timothy Agapas, an orthodontist who was sponsoring the event at Tir Na Nog, said as someone who previously worked as a dentist, he had a keen interest in raising awareness about head and neck cancer, especially oral cancer. “Last year, 93,000 men and women [in Canada] were diagnosed with oral cancer and

The shave-off took place at the Tir Na Nog Thursday night.

See Head on page 9



Friday, January 30, 2015


Law clinics move to Mews Five specialty clinics now in central location downtown

B y J acob R osen Assistant News Editor Queen’s Family Law Clinic joined four older specialty law clinics when it was opened earlier this year, and now all five have joined together in the same central location in downtown Kingston in a move designed to increase accessibility. The official opening of the clinics, located in the newly renovated fifth floor of the LaSalle Mews at 303 Bagot St., in the heart of the downtown core, was held Thursday. In attendance were Dean of the Faculty of Law Bill Flanagan, Principal Daniel Woolf, Provost Alan Harrison, Legal Aid Ontario Vice-President Randall Ellsworth and Law Foundation of Ontario Policy and Programs Director Tanya Lee. “The University isn’t necessarily that accessible,” Flanagan said. “I think [the new location] is going to enhance the accessibility for clients.” The quality of the newly renovated offices will also help in “recreating the experience of working in a law firm”, he said. The 6,000-square-foot office space features four interview rooms, 12 offices for lawyers and staff, a meeting room that



doubles as a classroom and 24 student work stations. In his address to the crowd at the clinic’s opening, Woolf called the clinics “a truly great accomplishment both for Queen’s and for the City of Kingston”. According to Woolf, the new location will improve services for clients and create

Randall Ellsworth speaks at the clinics’ opening.



the ideal facility for students’ experiential learning. Woolf noted that the clinics won’t be cheap to maintain, costing roughly $1.5 million a year. Because of the $1.1 million a year from Legal Aid Ontario, $250,000 from the Law Foundation of Ontario and generous donations from the Class of Law ’81, though, only a small portion of the clinic’s finances will be covered by the Faculty of Law’s operating fees. “It’s a tremendous service and reaches the more vulnerable population that needs help. It’s a win-win situation,” said Annie Clifford, JD ’15, a student working in the family law clinic. Students apply as volunteers at the clinic, working under the supervision of law professors, which counts as credit towards their degree. “If you love it, it’s really beneficial, and if you hate it, it’s really beneficial, because then you know what you don’t want to go into,” Clifford said.


Team GCS wins ResSoc


New executive says they’re impressed with high voter turnout


B y O livia B owden Opinions Editor


The high voter turnout was impressive to see, said Vice-President-elect (Resident Team GCS was studying for a Affairs) Cole Smith. morning midterm in a Watts Hall “I’m glad that so many boardroom on Wednesday night first-years felt compelled to when Chief Electoral Officer express their opinions,” said Smith, Tuba Chishti announced they ArtSci ’17. won this year’s Residence Society Smith said the closeness (ResSoc) election. of the race spoke to how GCS The vote was split, with 53 per and opposing team LCG cent in favour of GCS. were compatible. Flanked by this year’s ResSoc “Our teams were complementary executive, including President in a number of ways. We were very Nathan Utioh, Chishti told GCS supportive of each others’ point,” they’d won by 81 votes. he said. This year’s election saw a “[Team LCG are] fantastic 36.7 per cent voter turnout, up co-workers, and we hope they from 29 per cent in 2014. can be co-workers in the future,” “We’re really happy and he added. “We look forward to glad, and excited for the next working with them.” year,” said Segen Mehreteab, President-elect Greg Radisic vice-president-elect (judicial affairs). said both GCS and LCG had ideas

that should be put into action. “We’re really excited [the election] was in our favour, but we also hope the other team will still decide to come back to ResSoc and help with us because they do have really great ideas,” said Radisic, ArtSci ’17. “We’re looking forward to the future ahead,” he said. Team LCG waited for election results in a common room in Chown Hall with several friends. Presidential candidate Emily Gjos told the Journal via email that she wishes GCS all the best. “Obviously we are less than happy with the results, but we can be really proud of all the effort and passion we put in the campaign,” said Gjos, ArtSci ’16.



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Friday, January 30, 2015


Second-year team wins ASUS executive race Both candidate teams say they were surprised by the result




B y S am K ary and K ate M eagher

Journal Staff

This year’s ASUS executive election went to Brandon Jamieson and Andrew DiCapua in a race that pitted the pair of second-years against two upperclassmen. The news arrived at the team’s Albert St. party in the form of this year’s ASUS executive, Adam Grotsky and Blake Butler, who were armed with a bottle of champagne. The incoming executive consists of President-elect Jamieson, ArtSci ’17, and Vice-President-elect DiCapua, ArtSci ’17. The final voter turnout was 40.2 per cent. Jamieson and DiCapua won with 52 per cent of the vote. Grotsky and Butler’s entrance prompted a roar from the crowd, which had been anxiously watching the door all night. Supporters were eager to hear results, repeatedly expressing a desire to know either way. The news was well received, though unexpected. “We never knew for sure that we were going to win,” said one supporter of Team Brandon and Andrew. Even the victors were taken aback by the news. “I’m surprised. I’m very surprised,” Jamieson said upon learning of his victory. In a speech to the team’s supporters at the party, Jamieson expressed his thanks for their encouragement and pledged to serve them in his time as president. “We are the underdogs in this race, and our hard work has brought us here and that is a testament to the future of this society.” The news may have come as a surprise, but Team Brandon and Andrew are confident in the support of their constituents. “The students have spoken

and they want our vision,” Jamieson said. DiCapua emphasized that their campaign, first and foremost, sought to connect with students, and encouraged anyone who voted for Team Wiseman and Goodman to reach out to them in the coming months. To those who did vote for Team Brandon and Andrew, DiCapua expressed his thanks and eagerness to get started. “We’re just going to have a good night and we’re going to start working tomorrow morning early morning,” he said. “I’m excited to learn about the role and spend a lot of time with Adam and Blake to really just get immersed in the whole position. I’m really excited.” DiCapua also expressed his thanks to their supporters during the team’s victory speech, specifically calling out their campaign manager. “Carolyn Thompson has become one of the best campaign managers this campus has ever seen,” DiCapua said in his victory speech. Thompson herself was visibly joyed by the team’s victory, and at times was beyond words. “I want to thank the student body. This is like the most incredible thing — this is probably … one of the top moments of my life,” she said. Ultimately, Thompson saw the victory as student politics at its best. “This proves that it doesn’t matter who you are, what [year] you’re in — you can do whatever you want.” As surprising as the results were to the victors, they were no less shocking to the other team. Despite an unexpected loss, the atmosphere at Wiseman and Goodman’s party remained positive. “A lot of things went well over

the campaign,” said Presidential candidate Jon Wiseman. “We started strong and we ended strong.” Co-Campaign Manager Cameron McNeill made an impassioned speech, in which he thanked volunteers for their investment in the two-week-long ordeal and made it clear that he shared their pain. “I haven’t felt this gutted in a long time,” said McNeill, ArtSci ’16. After a short wait, Wiseman and Goodman, both ArtSci ’16, climbed on top of a table in the crowded William St. house to address the room. “I didn’t prepare for a speech like this,” Wiseman said. “All of our volunteers did an absolutely stellar job. The support that you guys gave us, we will forever be thankful for.” Their volunteers also remained positive, with many praising the two for their hard work. “I wanted to work for Jon and Brendan because I know they’re reliable and they work incredibly hard,” said Emma Jones, ArtSci ’15, who worked the campaign from the start. “They were incredibly kind to their volunteers and appreciative of this whole experience.” While clearly upset, both candidates struck an optimistic tone, reaffirming their commitment to ASUS and the electoral process. “We said it from the beginning,” Goodman said. “We have mad respect for the electorate.” “We’re two people,” Wiseman said. “They’re 10,000.” As for their opponents, both were unanimous in sending their support. “They ran a great campaign,” Wiseman said while visiting the victory party. “We wish them the best of luck.”

Elections in brief COMPSA confident in new executive As a second-year Logics test let out at 9:30 p.m., Max Garcia, Mareena Mallory and Zachary Baum embraced in a long hug after learning they were all ratified as the new COMPSA executive. The uncontested candidates were acclaimed with a 36 per cent voter turnout — a lower number than last year. Mallory, vice-president-elect of university affairs, told the Journal via Facebook that the low turnout could be “due to the lack of a ‘competitive spirit’” in the election. Garcia, the incoming president, told the Journal via Facebook that he felt “happy and humbled” by the results. “I’m ready to start this new chapter in my life, and I honestly have no more words — I’m speechless!” Garcia said. The new executive team said

they look forward to moving ahead with their agenda. — Jenna Zucker Teamwork leads to Team WRC’s win as CESA exec Team WRC won a vote of confidence after running uncontested in the Concurrent Education Student Association (CESA) executive election. David Wiercigroch, president-elect; Sarah Chin, vice-president-elect (internal); and Hannah Ramsay, vice-president-elect (external), all ConEd ’16, celebrated the acclamation at Queen’s Pub. All three were all smiles about their win. “[We’re] really humbled by this experience,” Ramsay said. “[We’re] excited to meet with the rest of Council and to work with them and meet ConEd students

and establish that relationship.” Wiercigroch described the experience as “very surreal.” “We’re excited to get right into it and get going,” he said. “We usually get a really high turnout for hiring so [we’re] excited to hear all the new ideas people propose.” Wiercigroch said they planned to meet with the current executive to talk about transitioning “[so] that we can maintain the stability of the organization”. Chin said they’re looking forward to carrying out their platform points. “Especially our alumni Homecoming event,” Wiercigroch said. “That needs to be planned very early.” The exact percentage the team was acclaimed by remains confidential under CESA policy. Voter turnout was 59.8 per cent. — Anisa Rawhani

Friday, January 30, 2015






Clockwise from top left: Brandon Jamieson and Andrew DiCapua embrace after finding out they won the ASUS executive election; Undergraduate Student Trustee-elect Jennifer Li and current trustee Andrew Aulthouse; Andrew Crawford, the incoming EngSoc vice-president (operations); Jon Wiseman and Brendan Goodman thank their campaign team after their loss in the ASUS race; EngSoc President-elect Julie Tseng waits to hear results; and Greg Radisic and Segen Mehreteab of ResSoc Team GCS study while waiting to receive results.



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Friday, January 30, 2015


More than half of engineering students vote in historic election turnout

Julie Tseng, Alex Wood and Andrew Crawford take executive positions with 53 per cent voter turnout B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor

The Engineering Society’s (EngSoc) “Five-Oh and Go Vote” campaign led to the faculty’s highest voter turnout in several years. EngSoc’s goal in this year’s election was to have 50 per cent of engineering students vote. That number was exceeded, with turnout at 53 per cent — 13.2 per cent higher than the 2014 elections. The announcement of the turnout elicited cheers from the crowd gathered inside Clark Hall. Heading the trio brought in by the high turnout is President-elect Julie Tseng, who beat hopefuls

Logan Bell and Kristy Tu. Tseng, Sci ’16, said the win was bittersweet because Bell and Tu were equally worthy. “It’s just going to push me to do even better and make them proud,” she said, “because they had the best ideas and greatest ideas as well.” She added that she’s grateful for the support she received from her fellow students, including both of her opponents in the race. “I couldn’t have done it without all the people who supported me, and that includes Kristy and Logan,” she said. Tseng added that she’s excited to get around to hiring directors and to putting forth her platform

points, saying, “everything starts from day one”. While Bell, Sci ’16, said he’s disappointed he didn’t receive the presidential nod, he added that he’s confident Tseng will do a good job as president. “I put my heart and soul into this campaign and I’m a little bit disappointed,” Bell said. “Obviously I wanted to win, but JT’s a great competitor, a great person. I’ve known her since first-year and EngSoc couldn’t be in better hands.” Bell said he was excited for EngSoc’s future, especially in light of the high voter turnout. Joining Tseng on the executive was Vice-President-elect (Student Affairs) Alex Wood, who topped Jerry Haron in the election. Wood, Sci ’16, said his next step heading forward is transitioning with Alexander Savides, who currently holds the position. “I’m not incredibly versed in the AMS, so I’m going to be sitting with him for probably a couple of days, Incoming VPSA Alex Wood. making sure I know everything there is to know about it,” he said. represent the students as well “Probably getting in touch as possible.” with some of the commissioners, Wood and the new making sure I have a good grasp Vice-President(Operations)Andrew of what’s going on, so that I can Crawford were housemates last


year, increasing Wood’s excitement in working with Crawford and Tseng. “I’m looking forward to working

See Fisher on page 9


Friday, January 30, 2015


Blair wishes Li “all the best” Continued from page 1

personally never thought that I’d be able to do that, but I hope other people aren’t afraid to do the same thing because it’s such an amazing learning experience.” Sherri Patterson, Li’s good friend and campaign manager, said she couldn’t believe it when she saw the AMS walk in, but never actually doubted that Li would win. “I had so much faith in her,” Patterson said. “I just didn’t want to say it because I didn’t want to jinx it. She’s going to do an

amazing job.” Aulthouse said both candidates ran very strong campaigns, and that he looks forward to helping Li transition. Before results were announced, Li’s opponent, Mike Blair, said he was nervous and that he didn’t know which way the results of the election would go. After receiving the news of his loss, Blair, Sci ’17, said he was grateful to those who supported him throughout the campaign process. “I’d first like to thank everyone that did support me,” he said.

“I’m greatly appreciative of that and I wish Jenny all the best in her endeavours … I hope that she now fulfills the mandate of the part.” Stephen Penstone, EngSoc director of communications, praised Blair in a speech following the loss. “I’d like to say that Mike, in running in this campaign, broke a lot of barriers to show that engineers can compete on that level of government and be competitive as well,” said Penstone, Sci ’15. “The first one through the wall is always bloody, and Mike did that for us.” Penstone started an “I like Mike” chant at the end of his speech, and everyone at Clark Hall Pub gave Blair a standing ovation. Mike Blair waiting for results Wednesday night.


Tricolour recipients honoured to receive award Continued from page 1

AIDS Coalition, where he organized and executed a dance marathon that raised thousands of dollars for pediatric AIDS research and treatment. He said he was honoured to receive the Tricolour Award, and hopes the arts community at Queen’s “continues to grow out past the school and into the Kingston community”. Tuba Chishti, ArtSci ’15 Chishti advocates for residence issues and works to promote equitable opportunities for students regardless of location. As former President of the Main Campus Residents’ Council, she ushered through the amalgamation of the two residence societies. She’s currently the Chair of the AMS Board of Directors, and has spent time on Senate and the Queen’s Student Alumni Association. She said she hopes to leave Queen’s a place where help is sought without hesitation, and added that she takes pride in her ability to pass along any knowledge she can to inspire and mobilize students. “No failure defines you — it is what you choose to do in response,” she said. “It doesn’t matter if your 100 per cent is not perfect, as long as it

is yours.” Sebastian Gorlewski, ArtSci ’15 Gorlewski has spent his years at Queen’s pursuing a degree in neuroscience and working towards destigmatizing mental health. While serving on the AMS Social Issues Commission, Gorlewski worked on the Religious Affairs Committee and went on to become the co-chair of the Mental Health Awareness Committee. He became the Director of the Peer Support Centre in 2013; in that year the Centre saw a record number of visits. Under his management, campaigns like Queen’s TALKS and PSE Cares were implemented, and staff training was revitalized to become more personal. He’s also served as a Residence Don for the past three years. He said he seeks to connect first-year students to the vibrant life Queen’s has to offer. “The resources exist to do what you are passionate about, it is just a matter of knowing where to find them,” he said. Ian Moore, JD ’16 Moore is not only on track to complete his law degree next year, but also recently completed a joint Master’s degree in Public Administration. Moore is a co-founder of

Queen’s School of Law newspaper Juris Diction. He said the Canadian Bar Association has offered to republish Juris Diction articles on their own sites, which has never been offered before to a Canadian law school. Moore sits on the Law Students’ Society (LSS), and is also the founder of the Open Door Brunch Club, which offers a safe and welcoming environment to anyone within the Kingston community. “I hope I can use whatever symbolic authority that comes with this opportunity to provide other students with a bit of happiness, the motivation to get engaged and, through Juris Diction, an encouraging space to share their views about law and policy,” he said. Eric Rapos, PhD ’16 Rapos has been a member of the Queen’s community for the last nine years, during which he’s acquired three degrees in Computer Science. Rapos has served as COMPSA President, a member of Computing Orientation, Speaker of the Society of Professional and Graduate Students Council (SGPS), a Graduate Student Senator and Chair of the Student Senate. Throughout this, his academic standing has remained notable, and he maintains a significant bond

with the Queen’s community. After nine years on campus, Rapos said he’s a strong advocate for the Queen’s experience. He said the award is “humbling”, and added that he “hope[s] Queen’s never changes in the sense that you can make your experience really your own”. Currently teaching his first course at the University following four years of TA experience, Rapos hopes to become a professor himself. “Who knows,” Rapos said, “I may be back here one day.” Troy Sherman, ArtSci ’14 Sherman has established himself as a strong player in the Queen’s community. Sherman served as an intern to the Journal’s Business Manager during his first year. Later, he served on the Journal Board of Directors and as Municipal Affairs Commissioner. He also founded academic journal Politicus and its adjacent lecture series. He said his “proudest memory of Queen’s” is his involvement in the 2013 electoral district realignment appeal spearheaded by fellow award recipient Kevin Wiener, for its “difficult advocacy” and the congregation of so many different bodies united against one issue. Sherman said regardless of

Queen’s medium-sized student body, there’s a sense of togetherness that binds students regardless of their individual faculty. “It doesn’t matter what title, faculty or year you are — what matters is that you have drive, your own ideas, and a willingness to learn,” he said. Kevin Wiener, JD ’15 Wiener has spent his time at Queen’s serving in student government as an AMS representative, Senator, member of Queen’s Legal Aid, student caseworker, speaker to the LSS and now President of the SGPS. Wiener was responsible for a successful 2013 Ontario Municipal Board appeal against City Council’s decision to redraw electoral boundaries, eliminate Sydenham District and remove students from the City’s population count. Wiener cross-examined and presented his own case for the appeal, and ultimately won the case. This not only maintained the right of Queen’s students to vote in municipal elections, but set a precedent for other cities on student rights. He said he’d met many of the previous award winners. “To join their company is a high honour,” he added.

Fisher excited to Head and neck cancer need turn over executive more attention, doctor says Continued from page 8

with all of them,” he said. Crawford, Sci ’15, came out on top over Erin Murphy for the Vice-President (Operations) position. He showed his admiration for his opponent in the election. “I just want to say Erin is my best friend and I’m so happy to be able to run against her,” he said. “If this could be a two-person job, it would have been both of us and that’s about it.” He added that his first priority was his lab in the morning, but afterwards he would be focused on getting his bearings and taking part

in meetings. Current EngSoc President Carolyn Fisher said any of the candidates could have won their respective elections. “There wasn’t a bad candidate, so no matter who won, I’m so happy,” Fisher said. “They’ll make a great team and I’m excited to see what they’ll do.” Fisher, Sci ’15, added that she’s excited to turn over the executive to the incoming team. “It’ll be nice to see what they can do and what their experience will be,” she said. “I wish them the best.”

disorders of the ear, nose and throat; he specializes in head and the unique aspect of oral cancer is neck oncology. such that — if treated early — it Franklin said head and can be cured completely,” he said. neck cancers don’t get a lot of Agapas encouraged regular visits attention, which is why he feels the to dentists to identify early warning Manuary campaign and charity is signs of oral cancer. so important. “See a dentist once a year at least,” “Why I think it’s so important he said. “He or she is uniquely is I think head and neck cancer trained to look at diseases of the doesn’t get a lot of notoriety in mouth to identify subtle changes the public eye, yet we’re seeing an that might not be noticed until they increase [in] incidents of head and become very aggressive.” neck cancer, and we’re seeing it in Dr. Franklin, an otolaryngologist, young people and females where brought Manuary to Kingston we weren’t seeing it in that patient last year. Otolaryngologists population before,” he said. treat patients with diseases and Franklin said the increasing Continued from page 4

prevalence of head and neck cancer in females is partly due to the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Franklin added that with the Manuary “shave-off” event, it was important to raise funds, but even more important to raise awareness. “Raising money is important and it allows us to buy equipment and treat our patients with better and newer equipment and better technology,” he said. “But in my mind, the real issue here is to draw attention to head and neck cancer … It’s very important that we get the word out, that the disease is out there and make people aware of it.”

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Friday, January 30, 2015


Let’s talk binge drinking The Queen’s community should take a look at the impact of excessive drinking on student health and safety. According to the 2013 National College Health Assessment survey, Queen’s students consume significantly more alcohol than the average Canadian student. Of Queen’s students who consume alcohol, 57 per cent reported binge drinking (five or more drinks) in the two weeks leading up to the survey — much higher than the national average of 36 per cent. 1.9 per cent of students reported engaging in sex without either their or someone else’s consent after drinking; 23.9 per cent reported physically injuring themselves and 2.7 per cent reported considering suicide. The 2010 deaths of two Queen’s students were found to be alcohol-related. A public discomfort surrounds conversations on excessive alcohol consumption — often because

comments can come across as moralizing. But the issue facing students isn’t ethical — it’s one of health and safety. The Queen’s community has done a good job in promoting mental health education. Conversations around excessive drinking, though, have been neglected. It’s easier to talk about mental health, in a sense, because there’s nothing to blame but the illness itself. That’s not the case with alcohol. In a community where 91.8 per cent of students consume alcohol and 34 per cent have reported having “felt so depressed it was difficult to function”, we can’t talk about one without addressing the other. While the numbers for binge drinking are high, they aren’t necessarily surprising for Queen’s. Alcohol — and the glorification


of excessive drinking — is entrenched in many of Queen’s traditions, such as frosh week and Homecoming. Queen’s emphasizes being a part of a community. But while alcohol can be a useful social tool for starting friendships and networking, the current culture at Queen’s often pressures students to turn those one or two beers into a consistent binge. A student-led and University-supported initiative needs to take place — one that not only educates students on how to drink responsibly, but that pressuring others to drink beyond their desires or capacity can be harmful. This can’t be a one-time campaign or an overloaded one-hour session during Orientation Week. It should be a sustained conversation that continues throughout the year for all students. Student governments and societies should be at the forefront of this, because they have a much better sense of what they and their peers are experiencing. The administration also has a

part to play. P r i n c i p a l Wo o l f has publicly expressed his disappointment

is alluring for most students; it was definitely one of my better decisions. But you tend to focus on the experience abroad, not the bigger picture of coming back and applying those cross-cultural skills. Re-integration never crossed my mind as a potential downside. I’d been warned about reverse culture shock — the process of re-adopting to your home country’s customs — before I left. Outgoing exchange students learn about common symptoms, such as irritability, confusion and disengagement. These feelings are real and more disruptive than one might think. Things like sharing travel stories or keeping in touch with international friends induce nostalgia, but they can also keep you trapped in the past. What tends to happen is your exchange becomes a chunk of

time separate from your Queen’s only to reminisce about the past. I studies. There are opportunities to wanted to keep up my French skills, share travel experiences on campus, but focus on my schoolwork, too. such as exchange information Talking to like-minded friends sessions and Queen’s University helped ease the transition — we International Centre (QUIC) could identify with similar feelings events. But for students who may of isolation or restlessness. Most not have time or aren’t aware of importantly, you realize your these opportunities, their exchange reverse homesickness isn’t unusual. can feel irrelevant and out of place. A year and a month after Whether you spent first-year at returning from France, I’ve already the BISC or attended a summer started to forget some details. course in Venice, your time Yet whenever I remember the abroad isn’t something that can be highlights, I also remember the squeezed into a Facebook album times I struggled to speak French or catch-up over coffee. It’s hard with locals or anxiously navigated to talk about something so foreign my way through a foreign airport. and alien to friends back home. Exchange is undoubtedly an My mind was negotiating a eye-opening experience. The ups lot of conflicting thoughts when I and downs are present overseas, stepped back onto Canadian soil. and they’re here when you return. I wanted to tell people about my travels, but didn’t want to bore Chloë is the Journal’s Lifestyle Editor. them. I wanted to stay in touch She’s a fourth-year English major. with international friends, but not

in the partying habits of Queen’s students during events such as Homecoming. But the University can’t distance itself from its students and demonize their behaviour when convenient. Instead, they should support and invest in the wellbeing and safety of their students, and further promote health services that students can turn to. Ultimately, it’s the responsibility


of students to continue this conversation around excessive drinking — no matter how difficult or awkward it is. — Journal Editorial Board


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Chloë Grande

Return often turbulent Home isn’t so sweet when you’re coming back to -20 degree weather. When I returned from my fall semester abroad in France last year, readjusting to the cooler climate was one of the easier parts of the transition. Reconnecting with friends and trying to meld my international experience with my Canadian identity were more difficult. Studying in a foreign country

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Friday, January 30, 2015 • Issue 21 • Volume 142

The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2015 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $80.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 22 of the Journal will be published on February 6, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Opinions — Your

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Pressure on professors

Contributors discuss the changing university environment and the toll it takes on students and faculty PHOTO BY ARWIN CHAN

Elaine Power Since 2004, I have been teaching HLTH 101 — Social Determinants of Health — here at Queen’s. The size of HLTH 101 was stable for many years at 400 and then 450 students, drawn from all over the University. In the summer of 2013, I received a frantic message from our undergraduate coordinator that the demand for the course had outstripped the room capacity. With only 80 per cent of the first-year students enrolled, the course was already full. After years of intense budget cuts imposed by the University, my department, the School of Kinesiology & Health Studies didn’t have the resources to add an additional section of the course. It was decided that 100 students would sit in an overflow room and watch a small video of me on the screen, along with my PowerPoint slides. It hardly seemed ideal to me, and we lost valuable class time many days because of technological glitches. A cramped room and lower quality classes are more than simple inconveniences. I’ve seen a rise in students who come to me with anxiety and mental health issues, looking for support. There are lots of good reasons for students to be anxious these days, especially the intense pressure to succeed in a time of economic gloom, where jobs are increasingly scarce for young people. Despite all the attention paid to individualized mental health remedies on campus, I worry that university initiatives — such as increased enrollment and altered class formats — don’t account for the mental health implications of students being treated primarily as revenue sources. Student learning suffers in larger classes where students are easily distracted and feel anonymous. In turn,

professors suffer when they lose a classroom Beverley Mullings setting that’s conducive to teaching and have to compete with distractions. Growing recognition of the debilitating For the fall of 2014, I agreed that I would effects of mental and emotional distress teach HLTH 101 as a night course on West among students has led to a number of Campus. I didn’t keep students the whole initiatives at Queen’s. three hours — partly because it’s hard for Student-driven initiatives like the Mental anyone to concentrate for that long, and Health Awareness Committee (MHAC) have partly because I was exhausted by 8:30 p.m. worked to reduce stigma. The creation of the Teaching a night course took a big toll on Principal’s Commission on Mental Health in my sleep patterns and physical health. I feel 2012 showed the University administration is like the students got a watered down version aware of student concerns. of the course because we had less time These programs are designed to heighten together and direct interaction was limited. awareness and remove the silences around What keeps me awake at night mental health issues. these days is our undergraduate Queen’s has become a leader among population — especially the first-year Canadian universities in bringing the students I come to know in person, via email university community into conversation on or indirectly through teaching assistants. issues of mental health and wellness. I’ve long observed high levels of anxiety The growing number of programs and among our first-year students. But this year, policies for responding to student mental anxiety levels were through the roof. I’ve health needs, though, don’t attend to the full never seen anything like it. scope of a possible crisis of mental health in This manifests in considerably more email the academy. traffic, with students looking for extensions Students aren’t the only ones experiencing on assignments and accommodations on mental distress in university communities, and exams. I’ve had more one-on-one meetings these experiences are entangled with shifts with students about anxiety-related problems and changes in the academic environments this year than any other. Perhaps that’s in which we work. partly a reflection of increased enrolment. University faculty members face an But the intensity of the stress seems existential threat to their wellbeing, which qualitatively different. has manifested itself in years of frozen pay, Mental health problems are experienced threats of department closure, losses of by individuals and must be treated individually. tenure-track faculty positions and budget But as a sociologist and public health scholar, cuts for many academic programs. I understand mental health, like other aspects This is an issue universities should of health, to be affected by larger issues and be addressing. deeper causes. This realization became clearer to me Students tell me that one of at the end of last year, when news of the the reasons that HLTH 101 is death of a university professor in the United so popular is they understand Kingdom — and an email posted from his — even in a class of 650 — that I account after his death with the subject heading care about them. “How Professors are treated at Imperial My answer to that is I do care College” — began to circulate online. about them. But I’m worried In the circulated email, it was claimed about them, too, and worried that Stefan Grimm had been threatened with about how the University thinks the potential loss of his job because he was of them. unable to raise 200,000 pounds of research My fear is students are being income each year. commodified, like so much in our Grimm was asked to consider whether society — that increasingly they’re he was performing at the standard expected seen to be sources of revenue of a professor at his college and warned generation, not unique individuals that he could face formal consequences for who are here to learn and grow. poor performance. I hope students will While it’s clear the relationship between start asking more Grimm and his superiors was contentious, we questions about can begin to piece together other dimensions the quality of of the crisis of mental health on university their education campuses that are rarely discussed, much and about how less addressed. the University His case suggests there may be a link treats them. I between heightened levels of mental hope they distress on university campuses demand better. and the increasing pressure for universities to operate as though Elaine Power they’re profit-making institutions is an associate Nearly every university is under professor in pressure to cut budgets and re-orient the School of programs and resources towards Kinesiology and activities that generate revenue or Health studies, meet corporate demands. cross-appointed As academic faculty and to the gender administrative staff here at studies Queen’s know only too well, department. there has been a steady decline in the resources available to maintain a vibrant academic community for SUPPLIED BY CLAIRE STEWART a number of years.

Faculty, staff and students had to meet the challenges associated with budget cuts; a long-standing freeze on new faculty hires; increasing student enrolments; and, most recently, a reduction in the number of full-time unionized custodial staff and their replacement with part-time and precarious workers. The challenges of these changes have been significant because they’ve required all teaching faculty, graduate students and staff to compensate for the diminished resources with more and more of their personal time and resources. Faculty now must work longer, compete harder to bring research grants into the university and, increasingly, find new ways to generate revenue. As opportunities for full-time and protected employment become more precarious, questions of mental distress among academic faculty and administrative staff will continue to remain largely taboo and invisible. It’s time for all universities, including our own, to begin to broaden their commitment to creating healthy, inclusive environments. Exploring the changing university environment — and its relation to heightened levels of mental distress among all its members — is a necessary place to start. Beverley Mullings is an associate geography professor, cross-appointed to the gender studies department.


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Friday, January 30, 2015



A glimpse into our history New collection of archived photos distributed in the JDUC An archived photograph of Franklin Roosevelt receiving an honourary degree at Queen’s.

B y K ashmala O mar Arts Editor The AMS unveiled a 40-piece collection of framed archival photographs distributed throughout the JDUC. The black-and-white installation is permanent, and the concept came to fruition through joint work between Queen’s Archives staff and the AMS. Philip Lloyd, vice-president of university affairs at the AMS, said

the photos play a significant role in showcasing Queen’s history from the early 1900s onwards. “One of the things that we wanted to do, was recognizing that with the space we currently have, down the road it’s going to be completely transformed,” said Lloyd, ConEd ’13. “But as of right now, we asked, what can we do to make [the JDUC] have more of a homey feel, or something that really celebrates Queen’s as it is?” Lloyd added that a few options


The photos include shots of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt receiving honourary degrees in 1948, the corner of University Ave. and Union St. before Stauffer Library was built, aerial shots of the campus, a photo of John Deutsch himself, student life and more. “I feel like this is one building that we’d love for students to engage more with, and I think that if they feel like they’re a part of it, then that can hopefully draw more people in,” Lloyd said. The main goal when creating the collection was to select photographs that encompassed many aspects of life at Queen’s, both then and now. “We really tried to get a variety — ones that encompass everything from the early 1900s to the 1960s to recently,” Lloyd said. “I think they tried to get a wide range of dignitaries, student life, aerial shots, landscapes, different seasons and different groups of people.” The idea of expanding the collection into other areas of campus is a welcome one, Lloyd added.

“I think there’s definitely the option to do that,” he said. “I would love to see even more. This was a great start and we’ve received great reception for it so there’s definitely an opportunity to expand [the collection].” It’s important to look further into the history of Queen’s so, as students, we can form a better appreciation for the past circumstances that made Queen’s the tight-knit, spirited community that it is today, he said. The collection of photographs gives a glimpse into some of the significant traditions, people, and events of the past. “There’s so much history here,” Lloyd said. “When you can see people who are in your shoes decades or even centuries before you, you feel like you’re a part of something. “As students we want to recognize that we’re a part of something — intiatives, projects, ideas, that started long before us and we’re the beneficiaries of that,” he added. “And you can kind of see that within the photos — it all means something.”

were discussed for how they would give the JDUC a more “homey feel”, and it was decided that archival photos would best capture the history of Queen’s. “We thought we should get some archival photos from across our entire history — everything from aerial shots of the campus to photos of dignitaries coming to just general student life,” he said. “We wanted to display that, and hopefully breathe life into the walls of the JDUC.”


Love is Louder shows heart Craig Cardiff meshes two different sounds in his latest album B y O livia L oncar -B artolini Arts Editor In his newest album, Love is Louder (Part 1 & 2), singer-songwriter

Craig Cardiff brings us the best of both worlds. Combining both fast-paced numbers with softer counterparts, Love is Louder is an alternative

Cardiff has been performing for 18 years.


folk album that provides listeners with a gradient of produced- and acoustic-style versions of each song. Starting with the more fastpaced half of the album, we are first introduced to the heavily-produced and buoyant version of each song. “Radio #9”, “Lenny Bruce Lee Pt.1”, “Boy Inside the Boat Pt.1” and “John Wilson Pt.1” are prime examples of this more energetic, up-tempo pace in the first half of the album. On the second half, Cardiff slows the pace with acoustic “Part 2” versions of all the “Part 1” songs mentioned before. Coupled with exclusively acoustic tracks such as “Last Love Letter” and “Sister By The River”, the more subdued half of the album provides listeners with an “unwinding” feeling as they are pulled into the relaxing combination of guitar and Cardiff’s husky vocals. The hushed tones in these songs provide a refreshing contrast to the carefully constructed riffs of songs like “Radio #9”. Although the two halves of the album differ, it’s surprisingly cohesive in terms of the way the songs end up complementing each other — it’s as though each acoustic song has its own studio-produced counterpart. The themes that Cardiff focuses on in his music are specific to everyday life. Whether it’s love,

Pierre Trudeau addressing 1968 convocation.

friendship or travelling, the album gives a new perspective to these otherwise ordinary experiences through expressive lyrics and bold harmonies. In Love is Louder, Cardiff is using music not just as a series of sounds, but as a means of storytelling. Some particular standout songs on this album are “Father Daughter Dance” — both Pt.1 and Pt.2. A meaningful yet simple melody, it tells us the story of the familial love between a father and daughter — this song is graceful and touches on themes that are easy to relate to. With Cardiff’s soft vocals, and the delicate strumming of acoustic guitar, it’s hard not to fall in love with both Pt.1 and Pt.2 of this deeply tender arrangement. A native of Waterloo, Craig Cardiff is a veteran in the Canadian music scene, especially in major cities across Ontario. Playing

sold-out shows in Toronto, London and Kingston, Cardiff has made himself known through his relentless performances over the past 18 years. Cardiff is an incredibly successful musician, having been nominated for a 2012 Juno Award for Roots and Traditional Album of the Year: Solo for his song “Floods and Fires”, as well as being nominated for Contemporary Singer of the Year at the 2012 Canadian Folk Music Awards. Love is Louder (Part 1 & 2) is a perfect addition to Cardiff’s career as it is overall a very aboveaverage album. Showing two diverse sides to his musicianship, Cardiff is truly a master of the alternative rock genre. Craig Cardiff is performing at Clark Hall Pub on Jan. 31.


Friday, January 30, 2015

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Queer film festival comes to Kingston Reelout Festival provides a diverse range of LGBTQ cinema to audiences B y O livia L oncar -B artolini Arts Editor Exploring the relationships, struggles and joys of young people who are discovering their sexuality for the first time, the Reelout Queer Film Festival comes back to Kingston this month with a selection of 18 independent films. “The Reelout Film Festival is about raising the profile and the visibility of the LGBTQ community in Kingston and the Thousand Islands region,” said Matt Salton, the programming and film organizer for the Reelout Queer Film Festival.

“It was started in 1999 by a group of students, academics, and townspeople to find a creative way to empower a marginalized community.” Salton currently lives in Kingston and has been organizing and working on the board of film festivals for over 16 years. In the past, he’s also organized Calgary’s FairyTales Queer Film Festival, the Slimebone City Horror Film Festival and the Winnipeg REEL PRIDE festival. “It’s all about fun, but it’s also about education and learning about different lives and different areas of the world, which is

mutually interesting to everyone,” Salton said. “It’s been really cool to see the festival grow from a three-day festival to a nine-day festival and to see that a city of 100,000 people can sustain a niche boutique film festival of this kind.” Salton added that much of the success of the festival is owed to Kingstonians, Queen’s students and to all the different local businesses that sponsor the festival. Salton said the event will remain “theme-less”. From feminism to race and gender binaries, and everything in between, this year is the most diverse in Reelout’s

history, and Salton said he simply couldn’t choose just one. A highlight, according to Salton, is the Jan. 31 screening of Drown. Focusing on homosexuality in traditionally “masculine” sports, the film explores how gender dynamics affect queer athletes. Bryan Fautley, PheKin ’13 will feature as a special guest alongside the film. A former Queen’s varsity volleyball player, Fautley came

Art fundraiser returns Cezanne’s Closet returns for another year of art awareness B y K ashmala O mar Arts Editor Cezanne’s Closet is an art gala that will be held at Ban Righ Hall next weekend in order to raise awareness about art and fundraise for the Union Gallery. The gala — organized by the Union Gallery — began in 1994 and has had consistent intentions since then: to draw attention to student art, and raise money so that the gallery remains functioning, said Francesca Pang, co-chair of Cezanne’s Closet and Union Gallery Treasures. “The main purpose of Cezanne’s Closet is to fundraise for the Union Gallery to operate and reach out to connect the community that shares a love for art,” said Pang, BFA ’15, to the Journal via email. Tickets for the event are $150 for two people, and allows the holder to bring home an artwork of their choice. The artworks being

sold are created by both Queen’s students and Kingston residents, so it’s fundraising for a local cause. To plan this traditional event, extensive organization on the part of both the Union Gallery and the Cezanne’s Closet committee was required. “My committee and I organized the collection of artwork, ticket sales, promotional activities, entertainment, and volunteer coordination,” Pang said. “Many great volunteer opportunities arise for students on campus of all disciplines to directly observe, participate, and contribute to a gallery event.” Such hands-on experience in a gallery event is unique, Pang added, and hopefully it shows that gallery events are more accessible than originally thought. Not only is the night filled with fun, but both artists and the gallery have something valuable to gain from Cezanne’s Closet, she said.

“Both the artist and gallery benefit from Cezanne’s Closet,” Pang said. “The artist is able to support the gallery through their donation and gain more exposure for their work, and the gallery is able to use the funds raised to support exhibition and outreach operating costs.” Pang added that student rush tickets are available closer to the event, for $20 each. In hosting this gala, Union Gallery provides opportunities for residents of the community and Queen’s to bond over art — and it’s all for a good cause. “We’ve come together to organize an evening that brings the community together to celebrate art and the campus gallery,” Pang said.

Drama Studio Series On The Brink Theological Hall 6 p.m and 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31 Context and Meaning XIV: ideology (IES) AEAC 9-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 Open Mic Relaunch Party The Mansion 9-2 a.m. Monday, Feb. 2 Trumping Poverty Through Euchre ft. Devan & Khalid The Grad Club 8-1 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 Stars + Hey Rosetta! The Grand Theatre 7:30-10 p.m.

Cezanne’s Closet takes place Saturday, Feb. 7 in Ban Righ Hall at 7 p.m.

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Wednesday, Feb. 4 Froid Art — Art On ice The Domino Theatre 12 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5 Queen’s Drama: If We Were Birds The Isabel Bader Centre 8-10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 6 Owen Pallett The Isabel Bader Centre 7:30-10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7 Cezanne’s Closet: Gala Fundraiser Union Gallery 7-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8 Faculty Artist Series The Isabel Bader Centre 2:30-5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9 Open Mic The Mansion 9-2 a.m.

Do you have a passion for art, music or theatre? Contact:

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The Reelout Queer Film Festival takes place from Jan. 31 to Feb. 7 in various locations throughout the city.

ARTS CALENDAR Friday, Jan. 30


out as openly gay in 2012 to his teammates, who showed him vast support. Fautley is now completing a master’s degree in Olympic Studies at the International Olympic Academy, with a focus on LGBTQ rights in international sport.

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journal_ae to contribute.

14 •

Friday, January 30, 2015


A change in the game QSIC takes a step forward by focusing on connections made B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor A keynote speech from Toronto Blue Jays general manager Alex Anthopoulos was merely the tip of the iceberg at this year’s Queen’s Sports Industry Conference (QSIC). Last weekend marked the 10th annual QSIC, and what entailed was a major evolution from past iterations of the event. Speakers like Anthopoulos have long been the conference’s bread and butter, but according to current co-chair Christian Alaimo, more emphasis was put on interactive elements. Alaimo, Comm ’15, said a major part of this year’s plan was to provide opportunities for the conference’s 120 delegates to see how they can find success in the business side of sports. “We’ve built a reputation of being a really entertaining and fun conference,” he said. “But [we] haven’t really been able to provide a lot of value to people who were looking to break into the industry until this year.” Alaimo spearheaded the first QSIC free agency simulation — in which delegates assume the role of either a professional athlete, a pro sports franchise or an agent — at last year’s conference, and made a point to beef up the project further as co-chair. This year’s simulation was sponsored by Sportsnet and featured the addition of

various performance incentives and endorsements. Alaimo said those tweaks were part of a bigger change going on at the conference, with an increased focus on what delegates can learn about the sports industry. One of the benefits of this year’s conference, he added, was the chance to meet industry professionals, including sports agent Pat Morris and Michael Rossi, the president of Adidas Group Canada. Before QSIC existed, there wasn’t a way for Queen’s students to learn in-depth about the way the sports business operated. Part of the executive’s goal is to make sure the conference becomes more about the business side of sports, Alaimo said, as opposed to just appealing to the fan side. When Alaimo attended the conference as a first-year student, several speakers spoke back-to-back. After considering what delegates wanted to see from the conference, he said QSIC events have diversified to better meet the feedback. “This year, we have a case, a workshop, a simulation, two panels and three keynote speakers, so over the past four years, it’s really evolved by taking into consideration the feedback we’ve got and what truly indicates value to our delegates,” he said. “It actually gets people up and engages them and is an interactive form for them to learn,” he added. “That’s a new approach we’ve

taken, so instead of it being a one-way communication, it becomes by far more of a conversation.” The way this year’s executive pursued speakers and sponsors showed another way in which the conference has evolved. While QSIC’s early sponsorship model relied on connections executive members had with companies, the current team looked at the large base of Queen’s and conference alumni. Alaimo referred to finding speakers as a “Hail Mary”, since the pitch made to the potential speaker can determine whether or not they’ll agree to speak at QSIC. On the other hand, finding sponsors often means the executive will start at the bottom of a company and persist until they secure a deal. “We get on the phone and find a phone number and end up with an administration person and we work our way through a three-hour phone call,” said co-chair Jacob MacDonald, Comm ’15. “But we get to the right person. For us, it’s really we have to do our due diligence on our end beforehand.” One of the companies the executive brought in this year was Sportsnet, who provided a livestream of the Saturday afternoon free agency simulation and served as the event’s presenting sponsor. MacDonald said he sees QSIC

SPORTS 120 delegates took part in the Queen’s Sports Industry Conference (QSIC) last weekend.

as a way to bring the sports industry into the way business schools can operate. The executive, he added, wants QSIC to be a way for Queen’s students to make connections in the industry year-round, instead of just over the three days of


the conference. “Our end goal is to get the sports industry as a subset industry in your top four recruiting,” he said. “You have your marketing, your finance, accounting and consulting — why can’t there be sports?”


Win brings relief

Gaels top UOIT despite defensive lapses B y A dam L askaris Staff Writer Members of the men’s hockey team felt two separate emotions after beating the UOIT Ridgebacks Tuesday night. The majority of the team’s players were visibly excited after pulling out a 6-4 win — just their second victory in the past nine games. The win put the Gaels (10-12-1) two points ahead of UOIT (9-14-1) for sixth place in the OUA East. Queen’s has three games remaining on their schedule. While head coach Brett Gibson was satisfied with the outcome, he felt there were persisting defensive issues that could have cost his team the game. Queen’s jumped out to a 2-0 lead after one period, but surrendered four straight goals in the first 10:45 of the second period. “It’s frustrating,” Gibson said. “The only thing we’ll take away from this game is the two points.” Down 4-2, Queen’s came back with four straight goals of their own, regaining the lead and holding on for the victory. Centre Darcy Greenaway had his second hat trick for Queen’s this year, bringing his season goal total

to 15, highest among OUA rookies. His 15 goals are the highest of any Gael since Bobby Olsen racked up 19 during the 2007-08 season. “He stepped up in a positive way — he was going all night,” Gibson said. “I could tell from the first shift he was ready to play tonight.” Forwards Andrew Wiebe and Corey Bureau also recorded tallies, while winger Ryan Bloom scored the game-winning goal. Gibson said Bloom has more to prove this year after scoring just twice in 12 games. “He’s got to get some confidence,” Gibson said. SUPPLIED BY QSIC “Hopefully, this goal will help that QSIC’s free agency simulation was sponsored by Sportsnet and took place in Goodes Hall last take off for him.” Saturday. Sportsnet also did a livestream broadcast of the event, with updates coming from the desk above. Greenaway’s first goal and Bureau’s goal came from a power play unit that had been Greenaway said the Gaels have to struggling recently, but clicked continue to work to prevent the well against UOIT, generating lapses that affected them. scoring chances on nearly Queen’s takes their final road every possession. trip of the year this Saturday, Ottawa up next Ridgebacks routed Gaels goaltender Chris Clarke when they’ll face off against the stopped all 17 shots he faced after Laurentian Voyageurs (12-8-3). replacing starter Kevin Bailie after “We’d like to be a little more the fourth Ridgebacks goal. defensive,” Greenaway said. “It’s a good feeling,” Clarke “There’s a lot of video we’ll take said. “Every night, I try to from that game, but for now, be ready.” we’ll take the two points and Even though the team was move forward.” excited after their big victory,

Women’s volleyball

Women’s hockey




Friday, January 30, 2015

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Seeking a secure spot Gaels clash with Gee-Gees tomorrow before final weekend B y B rent M oore Assistant Sports Editor Women’s volleyball will be looking to lock down a playoff spot when they take the court Saturday. The Gaels (11-5) hold a two-win advantage over the

York Lions (9-6) for the fourth and final playoff spot in the OUA East. They’ll take on the second-place Ottawa Gee-Gees (12-3) on the road in their sole match of the weekend. With three games remaining in the regular season, Queen’s final

PHOTO BY ARWIN CHAN The Gaels currently sit fourth in the OUA East at 11-5. They’re two wins up on the York Lions for the division’s final playoff spot.

position in the standings is still up in the air. “We could go as high as second in our conference or as low as not in the playoffs so it’s pretty up in the air,” said third-year outside hitter Shannon Neville, adding that the team isn’t worried by the potential flux. If the Gaels are to improve in the standings, they’ll need to avenge an early-season loss to the Gee-Gees. Ottawa came away with a sweep when the teams met on Nov. 9 in Queen’s sixth game of the year. Neville said the team has made marked improvements since then. “Now, we flow more together and know each other’s tendencies more,” she said. “I think we have improved a lot since then, so we’re excited to actually give them more of a run for their money.” Setter Gabrielle Down suffered a concussion just days before the season got underway, which meant first-year walk-on Danielle Blumentrath was leaned on in the first Ottawa game. “She did a great job, but she didn’t have as much experience so we all had to adjust to that,” Neville said. To come out on top over Ottawa, the Gaels will have to make several adjustments to their JOURNAL FILE PHOTOS game plan. Niki Slikboer (above) and the Gaels’ front line must “They’re a really physical team, be at their best against the Ottawa Gee-Gees’ aggressive blocking. really big at the net,” Neville said. “We’ve been watching a lot of game See Net on page 17


Back to the beginning A decade after helping kickstart it, an alumni returns to QSIC B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor Katrina Galas was part of the first, unofficial contingent of Queen’s Sports Industry Conference (QSIC) delegates. Back in 2005, Galas — now a brand manager at Sportsnet — joined a group of Commerce and Physical Education students who travelled to Toronto to gain a better understanding of the sports industry. In addition to visiting four businesses, including Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment, the group received on-court access to a Toronto Raptors game that evening. Galas, Comm ’05, returned to her alma mater last weekend for a radically revamped QSIC, taking part in a “Breaking into Sports” panel discussion last Friday afternoon. Since graduating, Galas has worked in marketing for Nike, the Vancouver Olympic Committee and other companies. At Sportsnet, her job sees her finding ways to increase the value of the network through marketing opportunities. The conference gave her a chance to return to her roots — and to discuss her chosen

industry with current students and QSIC delegates. Galas said university programs could place a greater emphasis on the relationship between the sports and business worlds. “It’s not in the consideration set right now of many people in the traditional sense of career progression or career choices,” she said. “I think it’s a huge opportunity to grow and [QSIC has] really set the tone for that here — this year in particular.” Galas said businesses could interact more effectively with students at the university level — something that could potentially grow the Canadian sports industry. “There is a lot of potential still in this country in the industry, compared to the [United] States, so how can we work together in unison to leverage the assets of the school and the professors and the student bases,” she said. In addition to the business experience she gathered at Queen’s, Galas spent 2005-06 as a winger on the women’s hockey team. She said her previous sports experience wasn’t a necessity for her to enter the sports industry — but it provided a definite benefit, along with networking

skills and a finely honed work ethic. Part of the success Galas has enjoyed has come from where she has worked. Both the sports and business industries are predominantly male, she said, but she’s found herself working at companies where gender wasn’t heavily considered. “It depends on the culture of the organization. I would say that in most of the places I’ve worked, it hasn’t even crossed my mind, to be honest, that there isn’t a [gender] balance,” she said. “Some places, you notice it more, but for us, that’s part of our jobs as leaders in the industry to make sure that isn’t a barrier.” Galas said the industry will continue to evolve, and it’s key to keep pushing the involvement of women in the sports business. “I know for myself, I have both male and female mentors, but if those female leaders didn’t exist, it would be hard to source inspiration that was female-led,” she said. “Whether it’s social media as a trend, data analytics as a trend or women in leadership as a trend — if it’s a trend, then that means it’s growing, so to jump on board and help facilitate it and do your part is important.”


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Friday, January 30, 2015


Friday, January 30, 2015

HOCKEY IN BRIEF After a disappointing weekend at home, women’s hockey bounced back in a big way on the road. Entering a hostile road environment against the UOIT Ridgebacks, the Gaels (14-3-3) put on a dominating performance Thursday night, winning in a 5-2 rout. Queen’s came away with only two points over last weekend’s two-game home stand. Their inconsistent play in a loss to the Guelph Gryphons and a shootout scare versus the Brock Badgers gave rise to a simple takeaway message, according to head coach Matt Holmberg: regroup and refocus. They did just that against the Ridgebacks (6-13-1), coming hot out of the gate with a trio of first-period tallies. Centre Chelsey Verbeek and wingers Addi Halladay and Michele Knecht all scored in the opening frame, chasing UOIT starting goaltender Cassie Charette. Halladay’s power play marker was her team-leading 10th goal of the season. Queen’s put the game out of reach in the second period with a pair of power play goals by captain Shawna Griffin. The Gaels’ penalty kill continued to struggle, though, as the Ridgebacks scored twice with the advantage. Gaels rookie goaltender Stephanie Pascal turned away 24 of 26 shots she faced. With the victory, Queen’s grabbed sole possession of second place in the OUA. The Gaels will look to carry the win’s momentum home this weekend for their final home games of the season. They host the Laurier Golden Hawks (11-4-4) on Saturday and the Waterloo Warriors (8-7-4) on Sunday.

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Net game will be key Continued from page 15

tape and I think we know their tendencies more now so we’ll definitely be able to pick up more balls.” The Gee-Gees run a fast offence and utilize an aggressive blocking style. As opposed to steering the ball away from the defenders, the Gaels will attempt to guide it off the defenders and out of bounds. Neville pointed to Ottawa’s strong serving as something the team will need to be prepared for. “They always come at us with their serves, so that gets us out of system,” she said. “The same thing always happens at the beginning — they start serving at us hard and we aren’t passing that well or we’re hitting into their block a lot. By the end of the game,

it always gets way better, but it’s a little bit too late.” Neville said she thinks the team is gelling well going into the final two weeks of the season. “Our blocking has definitely gotten better and we’re more consistent.” After dropping games to York and the Toronto Varsity Blues (15-0) over the last two weekends, the women rampaged through the Ryerson Rams (11-4) in three quick sets on Sunday. Neville said the Ryerson match might have been their best performance of the year. “That was a big confidence boost,” she said, “so now, we’re just really excited to go into the last three games and secure that playoff spot.”

ON DECK CIRCLE MEN’S BASKETBALL Friday, Jan. 30, 8 p.m.: Gaels (4-8) @ Windsor Lancers (8-4). Saturday, Jan. 31, 8 p.m.: Gaels @ Western Mustangs (8-5).

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Friday, Jan. 30, 6 p.m.: Gaels (8-4) @ Windsor Lancers (11-1). Saturday, Jan. 31, 6 p.m.: Gaels @ Western Mustangs (4-9).

— Dylan Yegendorf

MEN’S HOCKEY Saturday, Jan. 31, 7:45 p.m.: Gaels @ Laurentian Voyageurs (12-8-3).

Saturday, Jan. 31, 2 p.m.: Gaels (11-5) @ Western Mustangs (8-8).


Saturday, Jan. 31, 3 p.m.: Gaels (11-5) @ 15-0037Gee-Gees The Isabel -(12-3). Alt Series Journal ad_Layout 1 1/28/15 11:32 AM Page 1 Ottawa

The Isabel


Have your say.

The City of Kingston is currently undertaking a review of the 2014 municipal election and is seeking input from residents on their voter experience. We want to improve our election process, and increase voter participation.

Follow @QJSports.

Sunday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m.: Gaels @ Windsor Lancers (6-10).

What was your experience of the 2014 municipal election?

JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Currently 11-5, the Gaels still have a chance to secure home-court advantage for the post-season.



Owen Pallett doors open at 7:00

Show at 8:00 pm

Series is sponsored by

February 6th

Burgundy Asset Manag


There are several ways that you can participate in this review: • At a public meeting of the administrative policies committee 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12 in Council Chambers at City Hall, 216 Ontario St. • Through an online survey at Council members and City staff will be at the public meeting, which will be chaired by councillor Peter Stroud, chair of the administrative policies committee. Wish to speak at the meeting? Register at the welcome table ahead of the meeting. Speakers will be chosen in random order and offered a maximum of five minutes to present. Written submissions are also being accepted and can be sent to: John Bolognone, city clerk City of Kingston, 216 Ontario St., Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3 All feedback will be considered in developing a final report that will be presented to the administrative policies committee no later than March 12.

The Barr Brothers with AroarA

Series is sponsored

March 13th

by Burgundy Asset


doors open at 7:00 Show at 8:00 pm



18 •

Friday, January 30, 2015


Resolution check-in

Oven fries The perfect recipe for Super Bowl Sunday

Why even the best intended goals don’t always succeed

B y A lex W att Staff Writer We’re only a month into 2015, but do you even remember your New Year’s resolution? Each year, I’ve observed the line of eager runners and prospective body builders at the ARC begin to dissipate after the first week of January. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Like many students, I usually neglect my well-intentioned

resolution within the first month of the New Year. This year, I resolved to spend more time practicing yoga. I wanted to de-stress with my newfound passion at least three times a week. Instead, I found excuses with perceived obligations of schoolwork, a part-time job and allocating time for family and friends. Yoga was put on the sidelines. But being busy with other obligations isn’t a reasonable excuse for neglecting our

Many people plan to exercise, but fail to do so regularly.


resolutions. Some researchers have found psychological reasons that explain why it’s so difficult to stick to resolutions. In a study conducted by the University of Scranton, researchers found that only 40-60 per cent of resolutions last longer than six months. The study determined that people who believe in their resolutions are more likely to succeed. Besides being optimistic, resolution makers should aim to create realistic goals. Researchers also found that supportive relationships are key. People who have a strong support system of friends and family have a higher chance of persisting. The study also emphasized the importance of allowing time to solidify new behaviour. For most people, it can take months to adjust to new lifestyle habits. Instead of feeling frustrated only a few weeks into 2015, we need to give ourselves more time to get used to these changes. If you’re in the habit of snacking on potato chips, it makes sense that you won’t suddenly crave veggies.

PAGE 19 Oftentimes, our resolutions tend was something more tangible than to focus on negative aspects of our self-improvement resolutions.” personalities: we want to spend Perhaps it’s time to recognize less money, drink less alcohol or that when our heart isn’t in it, lose a few pounds. it’s better to spend time doing Katie Johnstone has come up something we genuinely love. with a possible solution to make That’s when we start to see her resolutions more attainable improvement — no matter what and enjoyable. our unconscious desires may say. “Everyone is susceptible to falling into the trap of improvement, whether it’s exercising more or eating healthier. I think if you aren’t willing to take the first step to facilitate a new hobby, then it will never work,” said Johnstone, ConEd ’16. “My resolution is to do something that I enjoy.” An avid craft-lover, she said she wanted to diversify her crafts more this year. “I typically stick to one stream of crafting and I chose this resolution because I thought it

Follow @QJLifestyle for recipes, travel, fashion and more.

How to Report a Sexual Assault CRIMINAL

Contact the Kingston Police to get information about filing a criminal complaint, the investigative process and criminal charges. A police officer can also meet you at home to discuss possibilities of making a criminal report. If you need any help navigating the criminal process and/or if you’d like accompaniment, contact Margot Coulter and/or Campus Security.


Do you want information on the criminal or non-criminal process? You’re able to file under both. ?

Going through the criminal process means the assailant could be convicted, and the incident would be recorded by the police as a crime. A non-criminal process means there’s no conviction, but you can still get accommodations on campus. You’re able to do both at the same time.

Get advice on available options for reporting. You don’t need to make a final decision on the spot.

Call Margot Coulter Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call Campus Security Mon-Sun after 4:30 p.m.

Follow if you would like to file a criminal complaint as well.

NON-CRIMINAL A member of the Queen’s community

Who was the assailant?

Contact a Human Rights Adviser to file a non-criminal complaint under Queen’s Harassment & Discrimination Policy and Procedure. A Queen’s employee Contact Patti Castro-Evaristo to find out which appropriate supervisor or union rep to file a complaint with. If you’re in need of accommodations (i.e., extensions on assignments, deferrals of exams, dropping classes, continuing studies from home, etc.), you can make an appointment with an HCDS counsellor or Margot Coulter.


Margot Coulter Sexual Harassment Prevention Coordinator Human Rights Office (613) 533-6886 ext. 36629 Residence Student Conduct Coordinator (613) 522-6000 ext. 75037

A Queen’s student living in residence Contact Residence Student Conduct Coordinator to file a complaint under the Queen’s Residence Conduct System.

Campus Security and Emergency Services (613) 533-6111 HCDS Counselling Service (613) 533-6000 ext. 78264 Human Rights Adviser (613) 533-6886 Kingston Police 911 Patti Castro-Evaristo Client Services Manager Human Resources (613) 533-6000 ext. 75037 GRAPHIC BY MICHAELLA FORTUNE


Friday, January 30, 2015

• 19


Super Bowl oven fries A healthier take on deep-fried taters B y C hloe S obel News Editor

You can vary the thickness depending on personal preference.

Growing up, my mother never made French fries at home. It was partly because we didn’t have a deep fryer and partly because of her deep-seated belief that frying things is “bad for you”. Though she may be right, there’s no denying that oven fries are easier and cheaper to make. They’re also the perfect Super Bowl snack — few dishes have the universal appeal of the fry. Make a ton before the big game so you can pig out on them while cheering on whichever team you’ve declared arbitrary allegiance to. It’s the American way. You can also try variations to this simple recipe to add your own personal twist, whether you’re craving something cheesy, saucy or spicy.

4. Once you’ve got your sliced raw potatoes, take out your pan and pour some oil in it. You want enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Next, put salt evenly over the bottom of the pan — this helps prevent the fries from sticking.


7. You’re done and now you have delicious oven fries! Serve hot and enjoy.

5. Place the fries in the pan and toss them in the oil and salt so they’re evenly covered on both sides. I recommend using a roasting pan or something with deep sides. If you only have cookie sheets, put a sheet of tinfoil over the top of the fries for the first five minutes so that the insides will cook. 6. After 10 minutes, take the fries out and flip them over. Rotate the pan and put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

• At least one large baking potato (more depending on how many people Variations: you’re feeding) • Salt • Sprinkle on seasonings to add a flavour kick. • Olive or vegetable oil Toss the potatoes with spices and oil to coat. Some tried and trusted options include onion Directions: and garlic powder, cayenne pepper, chili pepper and paprika. 1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. • Stir a spoonful of garlic powder into mayonnaise and use as dip to add a Belgian 2. Wash the potatoes. You can choose to peel flair to your snack. them or not. • For a Canadian classic, sprinkle cheese curds over your fries and drizzle with gravy. It’s 3. Take a large, sharp kitchen knife. Slice the hard to go wrong with poutine, especially on potatoes in half, then keep slicing lengthwise. cold days like these.

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ACROSS 1 Winged 5 Turn blue? 8 Frog’s cousin 12 Rickey flavor 13 Mardi Gras VIP 14 Shake in the grass? 15 Poetic foot 16 Shrill bark 17 Detail 18 Company of actors 20 Parliamentarian 22 From stem to stern 26 Elevator passage 29 Golf position 30 Confucians ‘ “way” 31 Swine 32 Artists Vermeer 33 “West Side Story” gang 34 Mimic 35 Play on words 36 Makes weary 37 Everywhere 40 Pealed 41 Costello’s partner 45 Bloodhound’s clue 47 Back talk 49 Sandwich cookie 50 Gloomy 51 Actress Mendes 53 —a soul (nobody) 53 Catch sight of 54 ”Oh year?—who?” 55 Shade providers

DOWN 1 Came to earth 2 Taleteller 3 Bullets and such 4 Snubs 5 Laundromat machine 6 Verily 7 Tell how 8 Bronze winner’s placek 9 Passe 10 Hearty brew 11 Beavers’ construction 19 Cauldron 21 Inseparable 23 African antelope 24 Destiny 25 Throw 26 Persian bigwig 27 Kachina worshipper 28 Demographic division 32 Impenetrable thickets 33 Samson’s weapon, courtesy of an ass 35 Skillet 36 Occupation 38 Wizard Potter 39 Bolivian capital 42 Verbal 43 Contract clause 44 Santa’s sackful 45 Rhyming tribute 46 Two, in Tijuana 48 “— been had!”

20 •


Friday, January 30, 2015


Float on

A student’s first flotation tank experience leaves him rested and recharged B y N ick F aris Editor in Chief

goofy smiles on their faces. It was certainly a calmer working environment than I found serenity buck-naked in a defending editorial autonomy with saltwater bathtub. a jagged stick. I hadn’t been searching for We greeted a receptionist and any miracle stress remedy when filled out information sheets, a friend suggested we visit a including a question on how we’d flotation tank — a lightless pod heard of the flotation tank. One of in which the user floats alone in the most cited references, according water — in the waning to the receptionist, was American days of this year’s comedian and tank enthusiast Joe winter break. Rogan, who Morris interviewed The idea had been spurred for his VICE series. by a 2013 VICE documentary Rogan is known for frequenting featuring the website’s intrepid flotation tanks under the influence science editor, who secluded of various hallucinogens — a himself with nothing but his own practice this spa hastily forbade thoughts in a grassroots stab at at the top of its terms of psychedelic research. use agreement. “I prepare for a long and grueling Clad in white robes of our excursion into the terra incognita own, we were directed to adjacent of the human mind,” said the rooms, where we’d spend the next editor, Hamilton Morris, as he hour bobbing in saltwater. sipped water from a Mason jar and My friend was shown to an clambered inside the emptiness of egg-shaped pod, whose top half the tank. opened and clicked shut, encasing To me, visiting a tank was more the user in darkness. I had opted of a fun diversion before heading for an “open concept” room, back to Kingston, where 60 hours which contained a rectangular tub a week spent fretting over the in which I would float aimlessly. operations and welfare of this I shut the door and climbed in. newspaper loomed. One hour of The first thing you notice is the quiet couldn’t hurt. black. The lights cut out as soon as PHOTOS SUPPLIED BY H20 FLOAT SPA We set out from my limbs dipped into the water; Flotation tanks are essentially dark, shallow pools of salty water. Ottawa — home of Canada’s I raised my arms, but couldn’t government and shawarma joints discern them even right above my conjure either. I was at ease — a mind were relaxed. I wandered for stop thinking. on nearly every block, but no head. Drips of saltwater landed level of ease I’d never felt before. a few minutes in a lingering daze. “It shuts down the input from flotation tanks — one afternoon, perilously close to my eyes. Sensory deprivation implies We dressed and tied our shoes all of your senses so your mind bound for Toronto. I drove and One quirk of flotation is that the total loss of external sensation, and the spa manager — who now really has no feedback my friend extolled the virtues time evaporates into a meaningless but you only realize after that any isolated himself in the tank once mechanism. It’s not interpreting of sensory deprivation from the construct — and so these events light or sound must have been a week, he said — regaled us with any data that’s coming in,” Sherri passenger seat. unfolded in order, but without any manufactured from within. a story of his most memorable said. “You can’t feel anything you He had me convinced midway known timeline. Suffice it to say that the patches customer: a man who once fell can’t hear anything, you can’t through the ride, after passing I felt an intense desire to explore, of white lightning I saw and the asleep in the tub and couldn’t be smell anything, and you can’t really from clear weather into a snow which basically consisted of crescendo of rumbling trains I woken by banging on the door, taste anything when you’re in the squall and a lengthy stretch of whirling my arms indiscriminately. heard encapsulated the purpose in such a state of bliss that he tank, either.” newly formed ice. (The trouble I lay completely immobile, yet of the tank: the brain whirring unknowingly wrested another 20 Many of Sherri’s clients remark started around Kingston, in a wry still pulled a series of 180-degree to life and creating an experience minutes of use. how much more vivid their dreams bit of symbolism.) turns without realizing, until I out of nothing, unencumbered by We laughed. It was a drastic but are after floating. For some, it’s the We arrived in Toronto that night, felt varying texture on the side of anything outside the room. understandable measure, it seemed, first time they’ve dreamt in years. fingernails nibbled to the bone. the tub. And at the end, I lay in of warding off real life. “It would change your life, The tank waited until the next day. Aloud, I spit-balled any words or self-imposed silence, presented The need for escape is a feeling right? If you didn’t have dreams The spa we chose for our ideas that sprung to mind, without with the chance to think of nothing Fred Sherri knows well. The owner or anything like that for five or excursion was modest and any other thoughts interrupting the and be completely still. of Odyssey Float Spa in Stirling, six or more years and then now, pleasant; white-clothed employees stream of consciousness. The lights flicked on; I stumbled Ont., Sherri said many of his clients all of a sudden, you’re starting to prepared tea and oranges for a I tried to simulate anger and into my robe and into the hallway, seek flotation tanks for stress relief. have vivid dreams again,” Sherri few customers, who emerged from frustration by thinking of things grinning stupidly at the aide “The biggest things we see from said. “To see ladies that are in back rooms in bathrobes with and events that upset me. I couldn’t waiting outside. My muscles and clients are sleep problems or stress their 60s just light up when they problems at night … they just can’t come out of the room because of stop the train of thought of all the the experience that they have, it’s things they did throughout the really rewarding.” day,” he said. The float-centre owner said he “The tank is actually able to enjoys helping people heal their quiet that and essentially turn it off. minds, body and spirit. But he So you can go into a state that’s like didn’t always intend to go into this a stasis state — a brain state where particular type of business. your body can start to regenerate.” It wasn’t until his father Sherri finds it difficult to explain passed away five years ago that his first floating experience. Put Sherri — a former engineering simply, he described it as a feeling student — began exploring of complete weightlessness, akin to meditation, hypnosis and past plummeting through the sky. life regressions. The floating experience “[His death] sent me on … a ultimately depends on the person spiritual journey where I was and his or her background. Sherri kind of trying to seek out what practices meditation, and said his consciousness was and where we first time may differ from someone go when we pass. without that level of self-awareness. “So I started building my own “People a lot of times comment tanks and my own filtration on feeling like they’re in the systems and it’s kind of just womb again,” he said. “And then snowballed from there,” he said. the biggest thing that they point “It’s just [been] a four-year journey out … [after] the night of their first of figuring out life’s true purpose, float is that they haven’t slept so and that’s where it ended up.” well in months.” They can credit sensory — With files from Chloë Grande deprivation for that calming effect. and Kate Meagher H2O Float Spa in Toronto offers clients a choice between an open-concept float tub or enclosed float pods. It essentially forces the mind to

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