The Queen's Journal, Volume 142, Issue 3

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T U E S D AY , J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 — I S S U E 3




“We do not say that we won the war, but we did fight it, and in the War Memorial no body of student will claim they alone won the campaign, but all will say they fought for it.”

Noise exemption granted City Council approves temporary exemption for West Campus B Y C HLOE S OBEL News Editor The unanimous passage of a temporary noise bylaw exemption for Queen’s at the July 15 city council meeting has received mixed reactions from local residents. Queen’s filed an application for an exemption on June 20 and altered it after a public meeting on July 2. It asked to allow blowing whistles, playing or singing the

national anthem and making public announcements at 93 sports games at Richardson Stadium and the West Campus turf field. By-Law 2004-52, which the University was seeking an exemption to, prohibits noise from activities reaching off the premises of origin. Queen’s had initially applied for a bylaw exemption in February, seeking a permanent exemption that would have allowed practices

Queen’s and the First World War page 2 PHOTO BY ARWIN CHAN

The West Campus exemption will expire in June 2015.


to run from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays and until 9 p.m. on weekends, along with 24 days where weekend practices could be extended to 11 p.m. The University abruptly withdrew the request prior to a March 4 council meeting where it would have been voted on. At the time, the University had been criticized for not consulting with largely unhappy residents about its bylaw request. This time, the University held public meetings to consult with residents, but criticism came again after Athletics and Recreation launched a Save Our Fields social media campaign on July 9. At City Council, councillors said they were unhappy with emails they had received from students as a result of the campaign, requesting their support. Caroline Davis, vice-principal of finance and administration, later expressed regret for the “adversarial” process during a presentation alongside Director of Athletics Leslie Dal Cin and Dean of Student Affairs Ann Tierney, at Council. See We’re on page 8

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


One hundred years ago, armed conflict broke out in Europe, pitting the world’s major countries against each other. In Kingston, a university and its students prepared to join the fight

Queen’s at war B y S ebastian L eck L aura R ussell Features Editors


Two-and-a-half years after Arthur Thorne Darby left Queen’s, a German artillery shell exploded next to him, driving shrapnel into his chest and hip. Darby had enrolled at Queen’s as an engineering student in the fall of 1913, but attended for only a semester, having failed his examinations that December. It was several months after he left the university that global warfare erupted in Europe. On Aug. 4, it’ll have been 100 years since Great Britain declared war on Germany — the beginning of the deadliest, bloodiest conflict in Canadian history. Darby joined the 58th Battalion as a private in 1916, and later fought alongside 170,000 Allied troops at the Battle of Vimy Ridge in Pas-de-Calais, France. He was hospitalized on the first day of combat on April 9, 1917. After recovering from his injuries, Darby received a military medal for crossing enemy lines and returning with reconnaissance and a machine gun. After an incident he was forbidden to discuss with his wife, Marilla Darby, he had a bar added to his medal, signifying an additional act of bravery. “[He] could merely say he was part of a raiding party and they had a bayonet scrap and out of 10 men who went out, only two others besides himself came back,” Marilla wrote in a 1919 letter to

Private Arthur Thorne Darby.


Hospital beds in Grant Hall after its conversion into a military hospital.

the Queen’s Engineering Society. Darby’s fate soon changed. By Nov. 11, 1918, more than 60,000 Canadians and 189 Queen’s students had been killed in combat, including the young private. On Sept. 28, 1918, he led his company through a wire entanglement in Cambrai, France, towards German fire. He’d walked “but a few yards”, according to the same letter written by Marilla, when a sniper shot him in the head. Darby was buried in the Anneux British Cemetery, in the northernmost region of France. He was 24.


Like hundreds of Queen’s students and alumni during the First World War, Darby enlisted in the Canadian army voluntarily. At the time, Canada’s foreign affairs were guided by London. When the British Empire waged war on Aug 4, 1914, so did its former colony. Much of Canada’s war effort was driven by volunteers, both by enlisted soldiers and civilians helping on the home front. Churches, charities, schools and women’s organizations helped the war effort in any way they could. Queen’s contributions to the war were extensive. More than 1,500 students and alumni fought in the First World War, according to historian Kathryn Bindon, and four out of 10 students were in uniform by the end of 1915. Enlisted soldiers weren’t required to provide their educational background, so there’s no full list of students who went to war. The dead, however, have been accounted for. The names of the 189 students and alumni killed during the war are now inscribed in the Memorial Room in the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC). The Journal and the Kingston Whig-Standard reported their deaths throughout the war. According to Peter Gower, president of the Kingston Historical Society, Queen’s students would have initially expected a short conflict — something resembling the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War, fought over five months between the British Empire and the Zulu kingdom. After 1914, the perception changed. “Students then knew that they would be in for a much dirtier and messier life in the trenches,”

Gower said. The University’s first contribution to the war effort, Gower said, was the creation of a military training camp at Valcartier, Quebec, which eventually attracted 33,000 volunteers. The Fifth Field Company, composed entirely of Queen’s engineering students, built the camp in 1914. The No. 7 Canadian General Hospital, run by staff from Queen’s medical and nursing faculties, was established in Cairo, Egypt, to serve soldiers fighting in the Middle East and the African theatre. Out of 4,140 patients admitted from Great Britain and its allies, 28 died. The field hospital later moved to Étaples, France, where it suffered

Military records of Darby’s medals.

at least one air raid, in 1918. Photographs from the bombing show upended hospital beds and the destruction of buildings, turned into rubble. Queen’s also volunteered its facilities to the war effort. Grant Hall became a training hall and military hospital until it was restored in April 1919, housing more than 4,000 casualties during the war. University Historian Duncan McDowall said the expectation for male students to go to war would have been strong at Queen’s. “An unquestioned pressure was placed on the students and faculty of Queen’s that going to war was the appropriate thing to do,” he said.



Tuesday, July 29, 2014

While male students enlisted, women joined medical units as nursing sisters, he said, and those who didn’t go to war backed the efforts through donations and fundraising. According to McDowall, the people most likely to enlist were Anglo-Canadians, many of who had recently arrived. Over 300,000 Europeans immigrated to Canada in 1912-13, just before the war. “In the case of Queen’s students, many immigrated here from the British Isles,” McDowall said. “They were still mentally part of Britain.” That strong British presence at Queen’s, McDowall added, would have intensified pressures felt across the country. “Queen’s went riding this carriage of late 19th-century imperialism, Anglicism and this notion of romantic sacrifice,” he said. “You were going to lay down your life for the country.” In Oct. 1914, Principal Daniel Miner Gordon addressed students about the war effort and the military training offered on campus. In his speech, he told students they should train so they could fight “for freedom, for righteousness, for national existence.” Male students who stayed at Queen’s instead of venturing overseas would have been affected by social pressures, McDowall said — if not always directly. “You might have found it hard to get a date,” he said. “Word was around that you were going to finish your degree before going off to war.” Although Queen’s student soldiers made up a miniscule fraction of the Canadian army, they distinguished themselves from others. Queen’s soldiers had distinct thistle collar badges and “Cha Ghèill” was the motto in their army companies. The university didn’t change politically after the war, McDowall said — but the effects of the war were noticeable. “The demographics had been skewed — there were more women than men, and it was hard to get married,” he said. Students may also have seen disfigured veterans walking the streets of Kingston, he added, as a reminder


Queen’s and the military today

Queen’s field hospital in Etaples, France was bombarded during an air raid in 1918.

of the war. Several efforts for remembrance were undertaken at Queen’s after 1918. James Richardson, a wealthy Queen’s alumnus, donated Richardson Stadium in honour of his brother, George Taylor Richardson, a Queen’s graduate who was killed in Feb. 1916 while serving overseas. In Jan. 1920, the Queen’s

Returned Men’s Club started a fundraising campaign for the creation of a Memorial Union, in honour of fallen students and alumni. The Journal urged students to contribute. In 1927, Queen’s purchased the Students’ Memorial Union building, where the JDUC now stands. The building contained the Book of Remembrance, which lists the names of men


and women from Kingston and Queen’s who served in the military. The fundraising effort had raised $7,000 by Feb. 6, 1920. On that date, the Journal wrote: “We do not say that we won the war, but we did fight it, and in the War Memorial no body of student will claim they alone won the campaign, but all will say they fought for it.”

The Memorial Room lists the names of 189 students and alumni killed during the First World War.

The Fifth Field Company poses for a photograph at Valcartier, Quebec.


Today, some students continue to enlist in the military while attending Queen’s. Chris Parker, ArtSci ’15, is an artillery officer in the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. When he graduates, he’ll become a Second Lieutenant and a commissioned officer. During the school year, Parker completes his classes at Queen’s and the Royal Military College, and attends meetings with his superiors to ensure that he’ll graduate. He’d been interested in joining the Canadian Forces since childhood, Parker said. “If someone forgets an order, or someone somehow ‘messes up’ then we have each others’ backs, no matter who they are, and no matter what unit they serve,” he told the Journal via email. Now that Canadian forces focus primarily on humanitarian objectives, Parker said, the First World War has gained a poor reputation — though it’s mostly a matter of perspective. “The perspective that [we took] was that nationalism and pride were the most important traits of a country during the period,” Parker said. “A war based on nationalism and militarization would have, at the time, been considered rational and justified.” To Parker, war is justified when Canada or one of its allies is threatened by a foreign entity, or another nation asks for Canadian help. “As a G7/8 nation, we have an obligation to help the world, and if we do not meet those obligations, we do not deserve our international status as a peacekeeper and peacemaker,” he said. — Laura Russell



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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

world events

Kingstonians seek peace in Gaza Silent rally at City Hall in solidarity with Gazans drew hundreds protesting Operation Protective Edge B y C hloe S obel News Editor

July 19, according to a compilation from Al Jazeera. Samantha King, one of the A July 22 rally organized by organizers of the protest and a Queen’s faculty members saw over professor at the Queen’s School 300 people stand outside City Hall of Kinesiology and Health Studies, in silent solidarity for Gaza. said they chose to hold a silent vigil The protestors carried signs out of respect. and Palestinian flags. Some signs “We thought it was the most reiterated the death toll, which respectful thing to do given the as of the protest stood at 600 scale of the tragedy and the number Palestinians dead and 30 Israelis. of deaths,” she said. Others criticized Stephen Harper She said people had to for supporting Israel and its continue to pressure the Canadian Operation Protective Edge. A government to “stop supporting cardboard sign gave the names Israel in its military assault” and of every Palestinian killed as of to “acknowledge the genocide

that’s occurring.” She added that the organizers had been discussing making the rally a regular event. “Certainly as long as the massacre lasts, but beyond that … there’s everyday violence that’s wrought on the Palestinian people and that has to stop,” she said. King had posted on a Facebook event advertising the rally instructing people not to respond to any hecklers, of which there was at least one. An older man walked past and said, “If you feel so strongly, go over there and join them. Fucking terrorists.”


More students confirm OUAC reports increase in number of students accepting admission B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor

No one responded. just unbelievable,” he said. The silent crowd was a mixed The day of the protest was the group, which, according to King, 17th anniversary of Adelman’s included Jews, Muslims and making aliyah, or immigrating Christians. There were students in to Israel. “We made aliyah to Israel with a attendance, as well as a Sir John A. Macdonald impersonator and whole bunch of hopes and what’s happening there, which my sons families with young children. Anticipating a large turnout, are witnessing it firsthand, is totally King had asked online that out of the vision that we had for participants, after filling up the the country,” he said. “The amount of racism and City Hall steps, form a single file line going down either side of hatred in the streets — I just can’t the building. The line stretched sit by while crowds are yelling down Ontario St. and around ‘Death to the Arabs’.” He said the situation was both corners. The line included Howard Tzvi complex, and that ultimately Adelman, the director of the Jewish nothing would happen until Hamas and Israel sat down together to Studies program at Queen’s. He said he came to the protest discuss a ceasefire. because the violence in Gaza has “I’m not a political scientist. no rationalization in the name I’m a Jew, an Israeli American, permanent resident of Canada, of self-defence. “The carnage in Gaza on the part and I just think it’s something to of Israel against the Palestinians is say enough.”

applying, it’s logical that you will have fewer accepting offers,” he said. Applications from gap year The number of students accepting students, international students admission to Queen’s has and greater collaboration increased significantly since July between colleges and universities 2013, according to undergraduate could account for growth in the confirmation statistics released on non-secondary category, he added. July 9 by the Ontario Universities’ “We’ve got a good university Application Centre (OUAC). sector, and people in other July 2014 data from Queen’s provinces and other countries shows that confirmations have see Ontario as a good place to increased in both categories since consider,” Granger said. July 2013 — by 5.9 per cent, from AMS Academic Affairs 3,169 to 3,357 confirmations, in Commissioner Colin Zarzour said the secondary school category, that the money a university receives which refers to those who is often linked to enrolment graduated from an Ontario high numbers — a motivating factor for school last year, and 17.8 per cent, them to increase their enrolment. from 1,024 to 1,206 confirmations, Enrolment funding is in the non-secondary category, determined based on the number which consists of other domestic photo by chloe sobel of students enrolled at a university A man holds the flag of Palestine at a rally for Gaza. or foreign students applying to on Nov. 1. first-year university in Ontario. “What we’re seeing is other The increase comes in light of universities implementing strategies to try to get more students to move degree students to 10 per cent of a 2.8 per cent overall decrease the total undergraduate population. and enroll,” he said. This year, the University saw a “So, maybe that will affect things, maybe it won’t, but I have no idea.” 79 per cent increase in the number Zarzour added that of international students accepting a greater effort by the offers to Queen’s, compared to University to attract international last year. International students are students could account for the increase in the number of expected to comprise 6.3 per cent non-secondary confirmations of the incoming class. The quality of academic at Queen’s. “There’s a more concentrated programs and overall student effort on the part of the University learning experience is what attracts to increase Queen’s’ international students to Queen’s, Tierney said. “We offer the benefits of a profile,” he said. Ann Tierney, vice-provost mid-sized, residential university and dean of student affairs, focused on an exceptional education, told the Journal via email that undergraduate Principal Daniel Woolf aims to within the context of an innovative increase the proportion of research-intensive institution,” graphic by michaella fortune international undergraduate she said. Undergraduate confirmation has increased at Queen’s while falling provincially. in the number of confirmations to Ontario universities in the secondary school category. This is the first time this category has seen a decline since the 1990s. In the non-secondary category, total confirmations have increased by 5.2 per cent. The July data from OUAC shows that the total number of confirmations to Ontario universities, relative to last year, has decreased by 977 students. Updates to the confirmation statistics are scheduled for release on August 13 and September 17. George Granger, executive director at the OUAC, said despite the past decade’s increase in the participation rate — the students in a cohort applying to post-secondary institutions — demographers have predicted that in the last couple of years there would be fewer 17-20 year olds. “If you have fewer students

EDITORS’ NOTE As the Journal enters its 142nd year, it’s set to undergo a few notable changes. Starting in September, we’ll be releasing content every day on our website: As our production schedule adapts to how news is reported

and consumed, we’re working to link the digital and print sides of the newspaper in the most effective, innovative way possible. Our weekly print edition will still be published and distributed around campus every Friday. We’re committed to being the most

dependable and comprehensive source for campus coverage, and to facilitating dialogue within the Queen’s community. This summer, we’ve introduced a new editorial section: Lifestyle, in an effort to provide broader coverage on student life and culture

at Queen’s. Over the coming months, we’ll also be producing with any questions or comments, several longform, interactive or stop by the Journal house at digital features, in the vein of our 190 University Ave. Homecoming and State of the Thanks for reading. University projects released this past year. — Nick Faris and Vincent Ben Matak Feel free to email us at


Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Budget to benefit university Pension solvency deficit may be absolved with joint plan B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor The University stands to benefit from the provincial budget passed by the Ontario legislature on July 24 — the same budget that triggered the June election. Caroline Davis, vice-principal of finance and administration, told the Journal via email that several aspects of the budget will affect Queen’s and other post-secondary institutions. Among these are deferred maintenance funding, support for research infrastructure and a framework allowing pension plans to take advantage of a pension solvency exemption through a Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan (JSPP) — absolving the University of having to pay $22 million in special solvency payments beginning in 2015. The JSPP’s permanent solvency exemption and funding for the Ontario Research Fund will impact Queen’s the most, Davis added. The option to transfer to a JSPP comes as the Queen’s Pension Plan (QPP) faces $292 million in solvency deficits with a 10-year payment period under temporary solvency relief measures, the Journal reported last month.

The pension provisions in the budget would allow the QPP to switch from a single-employer pension plan to a JSPP, availing the University of the JSPP’s permanent solvency exemption. “This could potentially be important to Queen’s, as it is one of the options we are considering to address the solvency deficit within the QPP,” Davis said. The budget also calls for a three-year, $250 million contribution toward the Ontario Research Fund which, Davis said, “will leverage federal government and private sector support for research infrastructure.” She added that Queen’s receives roughly $1 million annually from the province to address the University’s $243 million deferred maintenance backlog. While the 2014 budget includes a 10-year $500 million investment for deferred maintenance funding across the post-secondary sector, the additional funding Queen’s will receive is currently unknown. However, the University expects to spend $5.9 million in 2014-2015 on the “highest priority items” in deferred maintenance, Davis added. December panels on the Campus Master Plan stated

that four buildings are in critical condition — Jeffery Hall, Kathleen Ryan Hall, Harrison-LeCaine Hall and MacGillivray-Brown Hall. AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Colin Zarzour said that the 2014 provincial budget is “not the worst budget” for post-secondary education and Queen’s. However, he noted an absence of a large focus on post-secondary education in the budget. “We look at the provincial budget which is supposed to be supporting the system and then post-secondary education is hardly in there,” he said. Deferred maintenance is a problem that affects students daily through wear and tear of campus buildings, the safety of buildings and how advanced or not advanced classrooms are, Zarzour added. “Basically, the $500 million towards deferred maintenance that the Liberals set out doesn’t even cover U of T’s costs of deferred maintenance, let alone all the universities.” “It’s good, I guess, that we’re seeing money being allocated towards that, but the worrying part is that the money does not at all reflect the gravity of the problem,” he said, adding that

The University could save $292 million worth of solvency payments as a result of the budget.

most Ontarians consider post-secondary education as a necessity. “It’s not simply students being

graphic by michaella fortune

like ‘we want more in the budget’, it’s Ontario saying we need more in the budget.”

campus media

CFRC accused of discrimination Former volunteer says he was victim of employment discrimination; station denies charges B y C hloe S obel News Editor

Holland said that he was than indoctrination.” asked to resign from CFRC last During training, volunteers fall because of problems with were shown Toby Keith’s music manager, video “American Soldier”, Holland A former CFRC volunteer has then-programming accused the campus and community Camille Di Iulio, and station said, adding that he became radio station of anti-Semitism and manager, Kristiana Clemens. He uncomfortable when Keith was said he was given a verbal warning criticized for being male and white. employment discrimination. “It’s the exact opposite of what I Brent Holland, a former and an official letter of reprimand volunteer who hosts an after he filled in for another fought for in the 60s, the 70s and independent paranormal radio volunteer and played “the wrong the 80s … it had nothing to do with anti-oppression at all,” he said. show “Night Fright”, took issue music” on the show. “They asked me to resign He said he’s hired a lawyer with the show “Under The Olive and may launch a human rights Tree” ­— a rebroadcasted show on because I didn’t fit in,” he said. He said this was because of complaint against CFRC for Palestinian politics -— for its claims that the Canadian government is his politics, which didn’t match employment discrimination. “What they’ve done is completely complicit with “Israel’s crimes” CFRC’s. He objected to the and that Israel uses drones to station’s anti-oppression training, illegal,” he said, adding that he which he called “nothing less thinks politics have no place on target Palestinians. He also criticised the show’s sources, including Press TV, which is owned by the government of Iran but managed autonomously and has been accused of anti-Semitism by the Anti-Defamation League. “Under The Olive Tree” is broadcast by McGill’s CKUT campus-community station on Thursdays, and rebroadcast later in the day by CFRC. Holland said the show’s claims about Canada’s complicity with “Israeli crimes” implied that crimes are being committed without specificity or proof, and makes “no mention of rockets being indiscriminately dropped on kids in Israel.” He added that the claim of Israeli drone use against Palestinians was a lie and that Israel had never purposely SUPPLIED targeted civilians. Brent Holland has accused CFRC of discrimination.

that Holland had not submitted a publicly-funded community radio. Katherine Garven, a co-host complaint regarding the program. She added that CFRC had of “Under The Olive Tree”, said that the show’s political views received positive feedback about the program. aren’t anti-Semitic. “Listeners appreciate “We are a community radio the program offers program representing the that Palestinian community where grassroots, non-partisan, human Israel’s treatment of Palestinians rights-focused coverage that is often discussed,” she told the explores the realities lived by working people and families in the Journal in an email statement. She acknowledged the use of occupied territories,” she said. Clemens also said that Holland Press TV as a source, but added that the show bases its reports was removed from the National on a variety of sources, including Campus and Community Radio the Times of Israel, Haaretz and listserv for posting hate speech, and independent sources such as United was aware of the past comments when Holland completed volunteer Nations reports. She added that it was “sad” that training last August. She said that Holland became people have to defend themselves against accusations of anti-Semitism “increasingly hostile, aggressive and for criticizing Israel’s actions threatening” in emails between himself and Di Iulio after he filled and policies. Garven also said that specific in for an indie music program criticisms from Holland about where he played a 90-minute a July 17 show were “personal interview about JFK’s assassination, opinions and not based on facts or and no music. According to Clemens, he specific references.” She provided multiple articles discussing left CFRC last September after Canada’s political environment a meeting with herself and Di regarding Israel, as well as ones Iulio, where he admitted to having about drone action, including a violated the terms of a volunteer piece from Human Rights Watch agreement he had signed. She added that, until this month, saying that Israeli air strikes have staff at CFRC had not heard targeted civilian structures. Kristiana Clemens told the from him. “It is sadly and shamefully Journal via email that CFRC had received a few negative comments obvious … that he is seeking to about “Under The Olive Tree”, but capitalize on people’s complex didn’t believe that the station had emotions stemming from recent ever received a formal complaint and tragic losses of life in Gaza,” about the program. She noted she said.


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Research assistants move closer to unionizing University, local union and Labour Relations Board meet to determine potential union members B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor The formation of a union of graduate student research assistants (RAs) at Queen’s is moving slower than expected. An application by Queen’s RAs to unionize with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) 901 was submitted in April, a move that followed two and a half years of deliberation. If formed, the union will represent approximately 1,000 RAs. PSAC 901 already represents teaching assistants and teaching fellows at Queen’s. The Journal reported in May that Research Assistantships were being re-classified under two categories: RAs receiving T4 employment tax forms, and Graduate Research Assistant Fellowships (GRAF) receiving T4A scholarship tax forms. GRAFs are not legally considered as workers and therefore don’t receive employment insurance or pension contributions from the University. The potential union aims to see graduate RA work legally considered as work, which would include stricter health and safety protections than those received as a non-employee. This would also allow them to receive legal protection under the Ontario Labour Relations Act and the Ontario Employment Act. Neither act can apply to scholarship recipients.

Following the union [the documentation] comes from the University spoke to their certification vote on April 30 so many departments within the respective parties before opting to in which approximately 600 university, it’s just too difficult for gather more documentation from graduate student RAs voted, the them to gather it all,” McDonald, Queen’s, including T4 and T4A tax forms, prior to proceeding ballot box was ordered sealed MA ’14, said. At the meeting, lawyers with litigation. by the Ontario Labour Relations A settlement was also discussed Board (OLRB) due to contestation from the potential union and over the eligibility of some RAs who participated in the vote. The first regional certification meeting took place on May 21 between the OLRB, the PSAC and the University, to discuss steps toward determining the membership of the potential bargaining unit, with the potential union side working to include in the membership all the ballots in contestation. During that meeting, Queen’s was granted an extra month to prepare documentation. The second certification meeting took place on July 7, with litigation set to begin during the meeting. Queen’s was scheduled to present their case first in litigation with opening arguments, evidence and witnesses, followed by the potential union side. Kathryn McDonald, lead organizer of the unionization drive, said the University still hadn’t produced the necessary documentation as of the July 7 meeting, and the litigation didn’t take place. Dan Bradshaw, associate vice-principal of faculty relations, wasn’t available for comment by deadline, according to Rosie journal file photo Hales, communications officer for Research assistants are seeking to have their work the University. recognized as such, rather than treated as scholarships. “[Queen’s has] said that because

during the meeting, but there was no agreement on its terms. McDonald said the University was willing to open the ballot box with a shortened voters list, which the potential union didn’t accept, because “it didn’t offer any sort of guarantees for the future in terms of negotiating a contract.” “[Queen’s was] offering a list of around 20 people, basically saying, this is a starting point, we will informally acknowledge that more than 20 people have an employment relationship but we’re not going to say who and we’re not going to say under what conditions, we’re going to bargain in good faith,” she said. The University’s contestations to RA unionization have unofficially begun to change, McDonald added, reflected in the University’s willingness to open the ballot box during talk of a possible settlement. “It is changing favourably but I don’t think future success is dependent on their position changing,” she said. A case management hearing is scheduled for Sept. 8, with litigation expected to begin in October. McDonald said the future of unionization remains positive. “I do think that we will get a certification from the labour board to have a bargaining unit of graduate student research assistants at Queen’s,” she said. “I’m not sure what it will look like at this point, but I think there will be one.”

Campus Catch-Up Calgary professor left in 2009 because of anti-Semitic student

Hughes also said that he heard conservative views of Islam in his classes, with students calling scholars heretics and labeling some fields of study non-Muslim.

Aaron Hughes, a former professor at the University of Calgary with a PhD in Islamic Studies, left in — Chloe Sobel 2009 after the university wouldn’t remove a student spreading radical Queen Bey conquers University Muslim views from his classroom. of Victoria Hughes found a message written in Arabic on a classroom chalkboard endorsing Islamic Next year, the University of Jihad and Hamas, considered a Victoria will offer a course on terrorist group in Canada. He is Beyoncé, taught by popular music Jewish, and considered this to be professor Melissa Avdeeff. The course is so popular already anti-Semitic, but when he said he was uncomfortable teaching that capacity has been increased in what he said to be a hostile from 70 to 100 seats. Avdeeff ’s M.A. thesis at environment, the university failed McMaster University was on to respond. Hughes also said that he once Beyoncé, and she’s using the saw a young man stand up at popular singer as a gateway to a 9/11 memorial service to say, popular music studies. She told “Islam will always stand up for Maclean’s that the course will those who are dispossessed,” and explore the concept of the male later saw a student wearing a gaze, as well as authenticity, saying that rock musicians are often Hamas headband. He asked his department to perceived to be authentic and let him teach another subject, sincere when presenting themselves but his request was declined by publicly, while pop musicians are seen as inauthentic and university officials. There have been reports that simply entertainment. She says she aims to challenge people from Calgary have traveled abroad to fight with extremist these stereotypes and encourage groups, and there are worries critical engagement with the music about homegrown radicalization students consume. As for the male gaze, she wants in Calgary after Salman Ashrafi participated in a suicide bombing to ask who Beyoncé is performing in Iraq in Nov. 2013. Ashrafi was for, and whether she’s empowering herself or performing for raised in Calgary.

male pleasure. Avdeeff also said that while people have questioned the course’s legitimacy, had she chosen a different artist such as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones there would be less outcry. Avdeeff is primarily involved in the music and technology side of popular music, and looks at social media and how it’s changed the way fans interact with music. — Chloe Sobel Student sues University of Manitoba for not admitting her to medical school Henya Olfman failed to be admitted to the University of Manitoba’s medical school in 2009 — so, with the help of her father, a lawyer, she sued the province and the university. The Olfmans initially filed a 154-page statement of claim against the university and the province in Feb. 2012, and the statement was tossed a year later because it dealt with a matter that was in the university’s jurisdiction. The second claim accused the province and university of violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Once again, it was

thrown out. The Olfmans argued that because the rules of admission to the medical school had changed after Henya started her undergraduate degree in 2005, a contract was broken before she applied. One of the changes was the introduction of multiple mini-interviews, used to determine applicants’ soft skills such as communication. The Olfmans argued that no faculty of medicine anywhere in the world used these interviews in applications, although McMaster University uses it, as well as schools in Israel and Australia. The Olfmans also took issue with a “rurality co-efficient”, which gives extra points to people who are more likely to practice in rural areas. The judge awarded $3,000 each to the province and university. — Chloe Sobel Christian law school approved by New Brunswick lawyers Graduates from a religious law school to open in 2016 at Trinity Western University in British Columbia will now be eligible to practice in New Brunswick, as well as in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The New Brunswick Law Society voted 14 to five in favor of accreditation, unlike societies in Nova Scotia and Ontario, who

rejected accreditation. The university has been accused of anti-gay discrimination because it asks students to sign an agreement that promises they will uphold biblical values — including no sex outside of heterosexual marriage. Trinity Western argues that the failure by Ontario and Nova Scotia to offer accreditation is discrimination on the basis of religion. The governing council of the Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society voted to accredit Trinity Western, but only if it relinquished the agreement that forbids sex outside of heterosexual marriage. John Malone, president of the New Brunswick Law Society, said that no matter what law school students graduate from, they all complete Law Society training and evaluation, including the core aspects of professional responsibility and non-discrimination. He said that the governing council will always recognize religious freedoms and the right to sexual orientation without discrimination. The British Columbia Law Society initially decided to accredit the school, but a non-binding vote led to 77 per cent of voters favouring a resolution to deny accreditation. — Chloe Sobel


Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Successful first year for QSuccess

Academic success program expands threefold after high demand for enrolment in pilot year B y Kylee Pedersen Assistant News Editor

the weekly meetings bring. Program participants are put into groups of 30-35 students in order QSuccess, the peer-mentoring to give them an opportunity to meet program that assists in the other first-years. “That can be difficult first-year transition process, larger programs like has increased its capacity this in upcoming year from 100 to Arts & Science,” Eberhardt told the Journal via email. 300 spaces. The groups of students are led by QSuccess aims to ease the transition for first-year two upper-year peer mentors who students into life at Queen’s by share their own experiences, refer delivering weekly lessons through first-years to campus support upper-year mentors and trained and services and answer staff. Lessons on academic, their questions. QSuccess increased its organizational and time management skills are given enrolment capacity this upcoming as part of the program, among year to accommodate the demand others. The program is weekly seen in its 2013 pilot year, when and runs from September 5 to over 300 applicants applied for only 100 available spots. November 24. The pilot project also allowed Program coordinator Cassandra Eberhardt said that it’s designed the program to review and solve to take a holistic approach to challenges it faced in its opening year, first-year transition issues, and Eberhardt said. “We found that commitment ensures that lessons related to university life are delivered to to nine weeks was difficult students at a time when they need for many students, so we’ve streamlined the program to six them most. Eberhardt said that a heavy weeks and have provided students focus on peer engagement is a with the option to apply for reason why the program has had a three different program start dates positive impact, as students in the second, third and fourth have showed appreciation weeks of classes,” Eberhardt said. She added that this adjustment for the interactions

will give students the opportunity to settle into their classes before beginning the program. Eberhardt said many of the changes the program has made for its second year were in response to participant feedback. The biggest change is involving more peer-to-peer engagement. “This year, QSuccess mentors will play a more active role facilitating the weekly sessions and guiding students through the weekly materials,” Eberhardt said. There will also be more opportunities for students to explore experiential learning, like creating their own learning tools, or trying new strategies like stress management techniques, according to Eberhardt. The introduction of experiential learning will be enriched by student interaction from the weekly lessons, she added. “Students have an opportunity to meet other first year students and to interact with them throughout the program, while upper year peer mentors facilitate participants’ transition.” QSuccess is expanding from 100 to 300 spaces.

graphic by michaella fortune

News in brief Queen’s ranked 277th internationally The 2014 rankings established by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has placed Queen’s University 277th out of the top 1,000 world university institutions. The CWUR began producing rankings in 2012. The Centre bases its rankings off of a number of factors: quality of education, alumni employment, quality of faculty, publications, influence, citations, broad impact and patents. Quality of education is measured by the number of alumni who have won major international awards, relative to the university’s size. Alumni employment is measured by the number of alumni who hold CEO positions at the world’s top 2000 companies. Publications are the number of research papers that appear in reputable journals. Quality of faculty is measured by the number of academics who have won major international awards. Quality of education, alumni employment and quality of faculty are most heavily counted, each making up 25 per cent of the total score. Publications, influence, citations, broad impact and patents are all weighted at five per cent. Queen’s received a rank of 301 in quality of education, 172 in alumni employment, 210+ in quality of faculty, 253 in publications, 273 in influence, 220 in citations, 281 in broad impact and 204 in patents. The University’s overall score was 46.59. Previous reports issued in 2013 and 2012 measured the top 100 institutions, and Queen’s

didn’t rank. Board of Directors in finding new Reuters’ Highly Cited Researchers Robert M. Buchan Department The ranking puts the donors to assist in the preservation list, which includes scientists and of Mining and Department of University in the top 1.3 per of the museum’s history. researchers whose work is most Geological Sciences and Geological cent of the world’s 22,000 The museum is the only one of often cited in other research papers. Engineering. degree-granting institutions. its kind in Canada, and is dedicated Janssen is the only Queen’s This is one of several partnerships Other Canadian universities to preserving the legacy of professor on the list and one of Queen’s has with China, including included University of Toronto health care. 88 researchers working in Canada a Master of Finance program ranked 31st on the overall It aims to show collections out of 3,215 members. He has with Renmin University and list, McGill University at 42nd, regarding all health care disciplines, published almost 200 research a study abroad program with University of British Columbia at and increase their understanding papers since 1999. Fudan University. 61st, McMaster University at 141st by the public. and University of Western Ontario Six other Queen’s alumni were — Kylee Pedersen — Chloe Sobel at 152nd. named to the Order of Canada. and Chloe Sobel Queen’s ranked 12th nationally. Three were named officers of Men’s mental health group to The top 10 universities were the order: Harold Jennings, Twenty-year relationship with address substance abuse Harvard University; Stanford MSc ’61, for his contributions to China continues University; Massachusetts Institute carbohydrate chemistry, including A $1.7 million grant from of Technology; University of to the development of a pediatric Queen’s has renewed a Movember Canada will allow Cambridge; University of Oxford; vaccine used to prevent the most two-decade-long relationship with Dr. Heather Stuart, Bell Canada Columbia University; University of common meningitis strain; Veena the Chinese Ministry of Land Mental Health and Anti-Stigma California, Berkeley; University of Rawat, PhD ’73, for contributions and Resources (MLR), signing a chair; Shu-Ping Chen of Public Chicago; Princeton University and to telecommunications engineering memorandum of understanding Health Services; and Terry Krupa, Yale University. and leadership in establishing a this week. School of Rehabilitation Therapy, The University was unable to global regulatory framework for The partnership began in 1995 to create a campus-wide effort comment by deadline. radio spectrum management; and thanks to Hok-Lin Leung, former to improve men’s mental health Shirley Tilghman, ArtSci ’68, for director of the School of Urban and relating to substance use, involving — Chloe Sobel championing women in science Regional Planning and professor a team of 25 male students. and engineering and contributions emeritus. The first memorandum Most of the 25 students are Queen’s professors, alumni to molecular biology. of understanding was signed in second-years. When applying for recognized for contributions Three others were named 1999, allowing two Master of the program, which will last three to research members of the order: Jim Leech, Urban and Regional Planning years, applicants had to write a MBA ’73, for innovation in pension students from Queen’s to work in letter that explained what they Professor James Low has been management; Bruce McNiven, the MLR each year. It also involves could contribute to the group. All named a member of the Order of ArtSci ’76, for commitment to the a three- to six-month internship of the members are concerned Canada for his contributions as an preservation of Montreal culture for a group of MLR officials with the culture of substance use academic and as the founder of the and heritage; and Donna Stewart, to work in a public or private and overuse, and some have had Museum of Health Care. Meds ’67, for contributions to organization in Canada to gain overuse affect them. Dr. Low was the head of the women’s health as a leader in experience here. The group’s first activity will be Department of Obstetrics and the field. The agreement has Queen’s a student summit on September Gynecology at the University from The award is the second highest provide training to Chinese officials, 12 and 13 that focuses on the link 1965 to 1985. He then proceeded honor of merit in Canada and is and the MLR offer an internship between substance use and mental to volunteer at the museum given to those who make a major program for Queen’s students. health, as well as having the students when it opened in 1991 as a difference in Canada through Every year, Queen’s holds a come up with campus activity ideas. non-profit institution. lifelong contributions in their field. three-week training session for up The activities will seek to engage Dr. Low was the museum’s In addition to seeing seven to 50 MLR officials and mining the campus in creating sustainable executive director until the end people named to the Order, professionals with the goal of cultural change. of 2012, and now works as its researcher Ian Janssen in the School exposing them to Canadian land advancement officer, allowing him of Kinesiology and Health Studies and resource management practices. — Chloe Sobel to collaborate with the museum’s has been named on Thomson The program is offered by the


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Queen’s aims to internationalize

International students to make up 6.3 per cent of this year’s incoming undergraduate class B y C hloe S obel News Editor

report, 6.1 per cent of first-year undergraduate students in 2013-14 were international. The top three countries of The number of international undergraduate students accepting citizenship that undergraduate admission to Queen’s has increased international students come from by 79 per cent from the 2013- are China, the United States and 14 academic year, bringing South Korea. An international 281 international students to student is defined as someone who Kingston this September to begin is a temporary resident of Canada, and doesn’t include people who their degrees. Principal Daniel Woolf have immigrated to Canada or said in the March strategic hold Canadian citizenship but framework that the University live elsewhere. intends to increase international As part of the University’s undergraduate students objective to increase international to 10 per cent of the total enrolment, it has also increased recruitment efforts. Last fall, undergraduate population. 6.3 per cent of this year’s Queen’s hired Sunny Wang as a incoming class is comprised of recruitment officer in the China international students. According Liaison Office in Shanghai, and to the 2013-14 enrolment earlier this year joined CALDO, a

consortium of leading Canadian research universities whose emphasis is on recruitment in Latin America. Emma Harvie, an American student from Duluth, Minnesota, said there was no recruitment presence from Queen’s at her high school. Harvie, ArtSci ’16, holds dual citizenship with the U.S. and Canada and wouldn’t be defined as an international student by the University. “Canadian schools aren’t advertised at all at my high school, I just found out about it through my dad and online resources,” Harvie told the Journal via email. 2014-15 tuition for international students varies depending on program. For engineering students,

the course fee per unit is $1,067.66; for Arts and Science, it’s $913.76. Students enrolled in a full course load of 30 units pay $32,029.80 in engineering and $27,412.80 in Arts and Science — before other fees. International students are also required to enroll in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). UHIP is equivalent to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan and costs $648 per year, while paying up to $1,000 per year in coverage. Ray Wen, a student from Shenzhen, China, said he’d always wanted to go to a university in the West. “Canada was one of my top choices. Frankly, I did not hear anything about Queen’s until

I search[ed] for universities in Ontario,” Wen, CompSci ’17, told the Journal via email. Part of why he chose Queen’s was that he was offered a scholarship. “Tuition fees for international students are really high here. I am crossing my fingers to hope that they won’t raise the fees too much next year,” he added. Wen said recruiters from Queen’s didn’t come to his high school while he was a student there, but did after he’d left for university. “I was in a local public school though. I think people from Queen’s had been to the international schools in my region long before I left,” he said.

‘We’re waiting to see what Queen’s ... does with it’ Continued from page 1

Dal Cin was unavailable for comment by press time. Two other delegations presented at Council. Donald Mitchell, a resident living near West Campus, asked for a requirement that all future West Campus construction plans be submitted to a planning committee for conscious oversight. Susan Reid and Thomas Moynihan of Stop Queen’s Noise,

a group of residents against the exemption, urged Queen’s to have a more thoughtful attitude towards noise. Reid, who works at Queen’s, said she was “not thrilled” that the noise exemption passed at Council. “We’re waiting to see what Queen’s actually does with it because I think it was made fairly clear that council was expecting them to deal with the noise in general,” she said.

“So if they successfully manage to put good amelioration and good mitigation, then we’ll go forward from here.” She said the Save Our Fields campaign put forward red herrings in the form of concerns about Richardson Stadium and blowing whistles. The campaign had posited that Queen’s might have to forfeit football games if the exemption didn’t pass at Council and allow

referees to blow whistles at Richardson Stadium. “I think it’s an excellent tactic by the Queen’s Athletics side to introduce that, but it’s always been about the artificial turf field and the fact that there are no walls, and nothing to contain the noise that’s generated on that field,” she said. Reid said that residents were hoping for Queen’s to address its sound system in the redesign. “In the 1970s, technology was

just put in something really big and blast it out horizontally so people at the Kingston Centre can hear who scores. But nowadays, technology is much, much better,” she said. “We’re hoping that they’ll really take the opportunity to do a really good design job as they move forward.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Editorial Board Editors in Chief

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Editorials — The Journal’s perspective

“Consent shouldn’t be based on a technicality buried in a 15-page terms and conditions document.”


Ask before you tinker, Facebook Whether or not it was technically legal, Facebook didn’t do good by their users when they conducted a recently released study. Researchers at Facebook published a paper last month revealing that they had manipulated the newsfeeds of over half a million of their users, by changing the number of positive and negative posts that appeared. The news was met with outrage, with some users saying it was a violation of their rights. The study was unethical, regardless of whether Facebook’s study was technically legal according to their terms and conditions. Facebook isn’t obligated to do what their users want, but they still have a social obligation to be respectful of their users.

Facebook, like other social media outlets and search engines, is a free service, not a democratic right. In exchange for these services, users offer their personal information and data for the use of advertisers, marketers and researchers. This is an agreed-upon exchange. But when people sign up for Facebook, though their data is free for use, they aren’t signing up to be lab rats. Participants need to know the terms of psychological experiments, and some sort of conscious consent and acknowledgement needs to be given. Consent shouldn’t be based on a technicality buried in a 15-page terms and conditions document. A participant’s psychological background is an important

factor in a study’s data. Although Facebook didn’t tamper too much with their users’ newsfeeds, it was a dangerous attempt to provoke an emotional response in unknowing participants, some of whom may have mental illnesses. Users need to be informed of studies in some way and have to opportunity to opt in or out. They don’t need to know the particulars, but must be consciously aware that they’re participating. Researchers stated that the study was meant to improve their users’ experience — but at the end of the day, in what way did this study actually benefit anyone? — Journal Editorial Board

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Tuesday, July 29 • Issue 3 • Volume 142

The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2014 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $80.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 4 of Volume 142 will be published on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014


illustration by Michaella Fortune


Don’t shoot the photographer The New York Times’ front-page photograph of a victim of the MH17 tragedy was an example of the power of photojournalism. Published on July 19, the photograph has received backlash, with people calling it shocking, gratuitous and disturbing. The fact is that the events of flight MH17 were shocking, gratuitous and disturbing, and the photo reflects that reality without being exploitative or sensationalist. Dean Baquet, The Times’ executive editor, was correct in his defence of the photo when he said that now is “not the time for antiseptic coverage.” The MH17

plane crash is currently one of the biggest events in the world; it’s the responsibility of major news outlets to express this reality in the most effective manner possible. Photography plays an important role in that. News coverage is often inundated with statistics and facts, making it increasingly easy to become numb to harsh realities. The Times’ photograph, and photojournalism in general, is what adds humanity to these statistics. Photographs help readers feel a personal connection to a situation they’re otherwise far removed from. The Times isn’t obligated to soften harsh realities in order to

make readers more comfortable. People are free to remain oblivious to realities of war and violence; The Times is a paid subscription that no one is forced to read. It’s understandable that this photograph evoked negative emotions, but it’s good that people are getting emotional over it — that’s how we combat apathy towards these tragedies. It’s disrespectful to the victims to call photos like this one obscene, and to say they should remain out of the public eye. Photographs are how we can honour these victims by acknowledging the tragedy. — Journal Editorial Board

Emilie Rabeau

French divide There’s a reality many French-speaking Canadians outside of Quebec face where their ability to speak the language is overshadowed by whether or not it’s considered “real” French. The recent defeat of the Parti Québécois in the Quebec provincial elections may already be forgotten by many, or celebrated as the final defeat of nationalism in Canada’s second-most populated province. Some may be inclined to dismiss bilingualism in the rest of Canada as unnecessary and expensive. Many others, such as myself, feel differently. You see, my Canada includes both English and French with rights protecting both official languages and branding them equal counterparts in the eyes of Canadians from coast to coast. As a proud French-Canadian, born and raised in Ottawa to parents originally from Montreal, my experience as a French-Canadian living outside of Quebec is at times frustrating. Franco-Ontarians, like all other Francophones living outside of Quebec, are often seen as inferior, caught in limbo where they’re not “French” enough in the eyes of Quebecers and still not as Anglophone as the rest of Canada. This drive towards linguistic purity has created an arbitrary and deep divide among Canadians, perpetuating the false argument that one language or dialect is better than the next. What many Anglophones fail to recognize is the variety of French dialects in Canada. According to Statistics Canada, more people outside of Quebec reported French as their mother tongue than in Quebec — approximately 1,067,000 in 2011. The census also revealed the geography of French in Canada, whereby 77 per cent of French-speaking Canadians living outside of Quebec reside in Ontario and New Brunswick. Spanning over just these three provinces, the quality of French and the expressions used vary wildly. The only constant is the language they speak. It should bridge these Canadians together, not tear them apart. Language is a powerful way to unify a nation. At the same time, it can be divisive to our national identity, pitting French and English speakers, or even French speakers, against each other. The ability to express myself in French shouldn’t be overshadowed by the place I come from. Canadians everywhere should celebrate their capability to speak French, regardless of its quality. Emilie is the Journal’s Assistant Photo Editor (Video). She’s a third-year geography major.



TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014



More to Pride than meets the eye

Straight allies should have more awareness about LGBTQ issues SUPPLIED BY DUNCAN RAWLINSON

JESSICA WEISS SINCLAIR, ARTSCI ‘13 This June marked a special time for self-identified queer Queen's students and alumni, as Toronto hosted World Pride for the first time. The event aims to raise awareness for LGBTQ issues on a global scale. It’s been hosted in Rome, Jerusalem and London since 2000, before coming to Canada this past June. Kingston also played host to their own Pride Parade this summer, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the event. Seeing Toronto and Kingston embrace Pride events is empowering — but one event doesn’t make Canada a perfect oasis for those who are marginalized. As a queer-identified woman, one can find me every Toronto Pride at Church and Wellesley Streets, prancing around in rainbow-themed outfits and walking with my head held high as I wander the busy streets, holding hands with my girlfriend of three years. Modern-day Pride is about demonstrating a love for who you are and acceptance and support for all sexual orientations, sexual expressions, gender identities and

gender expressions. Transphobia, though, is still a major problem, as is a general lack of knowledge of LGBTQ issues beyond gay marriage. This year, I couldn’t help but wonder if Pride really was the perfect short-term haven of love, acceptance and equality that it’s made out to be. My questions were mainly directed towards the massive influx of self-identified “allies” that attend Pride every year. Don't get me wrong — I love that Pride is inclusive of those who don’t identify under a queer spectrum. It’s extremely important that those who identify as queer have support and that they aren’t isolated from normative society. Joining forces with non-queer supporters has ultimately provided a great push for queer communities. But are Pride attendees and sponsors authentic allies to queer issues and causes? My problem with allies at Pride is that they’re often rights activists during Pride Week and other LGBTQ events, but abandon all feelings of responsibility for supporting queer communities once the festivities have concluded. While I don’t mean to disregard the many amazing, active allies who fight for queer visibility and equality throughout the year, it appears as though most Pride-attending "allies" show up for the party, preach that they love same-sex couples and then go back to their everyday lives. I've heard friends of mine, who attend Pride with me, continue to express homophobia once they’re

away from the Pride atmosphere. Phrases like "that's so gay", "she looks like a big dyke", and transphobic expressions that I won’t repeat for the sake of protecting people from emotional triggers, are dropped on the daily by these "allies”. In order to be a true ally, one shouldn’t abandon their queer activism in places where it’s not already laid out on a rainbow-painted platter. Being an ally means raising awareness about queer issues that are harder to understand, more difficult to swallow and less fun or trendy to engage in. These include support for trans peoples, who don’t receive the same amount of support as cisgender LGBTQ — individuals whose gender identity matches the one they were assigned at birth. At the last few Toronto Pride Parades, the support for trans people from the city has been nonexistent. Nicki Ward, organizer of Toronto’s 2013 Trans March, wrote a piece in Vice stating that Pride Toronto Inc. gave no funding to the Trans March that year. Researcher and activist Alex Abramovich has said the Toronto homeless shelter system remains largely unsafe for those who identify as LGTBQ. Toronto still has a ways to go to improve the lives of trans people, he’s argued. Twenty-five to 40 per-cent of homeless youth in Toronto are self-identified as LGBTQ.

Talking heads

While the city recently voted in favour of looking further into this issue, the problem requires further awareness from the Toronto community. Being a more active ally involves making the effort to understand and acknowledge the daily struggle of those who remain marginalized, even in Toronto. Consider how many people can’t express their personhood every day and have to explain their gender pronouns and genitalia to strangers. Many trans people are only free from this during one week of the year, in a condensed area. Another way to be an active ally is to recognize that queerness comes in all shapes, sizes, colours and forms, and these are all legitimate. Listen actively to people's experiences; let them shape their identities without assumptions and expectations from outsiders. We must recognize that Pride doesn’t revolve around cisgender queer couples deserving the same legal rights as straight couples. Oppression, such as misogyny, racism, transphobia and biphobia is rampant even within the Pride setting, which is supposed to be the biggest protective haven for queer folk. There’s much more to Pride that needs to be recognized by the public. Being "proud" isn't enough. Jessica Weiss Sinclair is a graduate of the Gender Studies program.

Until very recently, I had been operating as an undiagnosed manic-depressive. As as a direct consequence, I have a year of straight Fs on my transcript, little in the way of on-paper accomplishments, and even had to take a year off from school. I consider myself very lucky to be in the position that I am today, but I could never have imagined that I’d go through what I have four years ago when I was a nervous 18-year-old hoping to begin an exciting new chapter in my life. That distinct feeling of hope has been replaced by a sense of foreboding for those who are like I was. It is known that mental illness very often makes its first appearance right around when students begin university. It is also well known that males tend to shield their pain from onlookers. It is little surprise, then, that male suicide rates are dramatically higher than female suicide rates. The activities of the Mental Health Awareness Committee (MHAC) at Queen’s highlights the inadequacy of mental health discourse on campus, particularly with respect to acute mental illness. When I was at my darkest, a fluffy Facebook post telling me that I was loved was never going to push me to get the help I needed. In fact, seemingly confirming that those who purport to understand have little idea of what they aim to address, MHAC perpetuates the dreadful feeling that nobody understands. Any good doctor will tell you that preventive medicine is the best kind of medicine. There isn’t any known medical procedure to revive the dead, so preventive medicine is the only medicine for far too many. Preventive medicine starts and ends with a climate of true understanding. At present, this does not exist at Queen’s University. Abdisalam Musse ArtSci ‘16

Read more letters at

... around campus PHOTOS BY OLIVIA BOWDEN

How do you feel about Facebook tinkering with news feeds?

“Facebook privacy doesn’t exist.”


“It’s pretty outrageous that [Facebook] would do that.”

“It’s pretty invasive. Big Brother is watching.”


“It’s a little scary, but it makes perfect sense from a business point of view.” RYAN PISTORIOUS, ARTSCI ’16

“It’s creepy, you can know all about someone without knowing them personally.” BRANDON KIM, ARTSCI ’16

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014



The Scottish connection Cultural traditions have become a central part of Orientation Week and student life B Y O LIVIA B OWDEN Opinions Editor Orientation week at most universities includes your average frosh week fare: activities, concerts and students finding their footing in a new place. But Queen’s isn’t like most universities. All the flavours of a regular frosh week are present at Queen’s, but with a unique ingredient: a deeply-rooted Scottish heritage, from traditions like the use of Gaelic in cheers and songs to performances by highland dancers and bagpipers. Why all the fuss over Scotland? According to University Historian Duncan McDowall, the traditions stem from the group of Scottish Presbyterians that founded Queen’s in 1841. “The values of Queen’s were religiously and culturally Scottish. The staff [was] recruited largely from Scotland, the early principals come from Scotland,” McDowall said. “And with that came a Scottish cultural imprint.” The Ontario government mandated in 1912 that Queen’s become a secular university, meaning professors could no longer preach Presbyterianism in classes. The Scottish Presbyterian heritage then became entrenched in Queen’s culture and student life, McDowall said. “This meant the Scottish stuff had to cease being religious, [and] the Scottish stuff went to the cultural side of Queen’s,” he said. “It got commodified as a cultural brand for Queen’s.” The Scottish brand can be observed in many elements of today’s frosh week. The “Oil Thigh” cheer — officially known

as “Queen’s College Colours” — is sung entirely in Gaelic. Three Gaelic-speaking students wrote the Oil Thigh in 1891 to create a universal Queen’s battle cry for sporting games. The chant’s seminal cheer, “Cha Ghèill”, means “no surrender”. During Orientation Week, new students also receive Scottish hats known as tams,

Queen’s Bands was established in 1905 and plays at numerous school events.

Residences set for 2015


as an informal induction into Queen’s. McDowall said the tradition has persisted at Queen’s for nearly a century. Fifteenth-century Scottish warriors wore tams of certain colours to indicate which clan they belonged to during battle. “[It was worn] so you didn’t lop off the head of someone in your own clan,” McDowall said.


Another major part of Queen’s Scottish heritage, Queen’s Bands, was established in 1905 and still plays today. The band includes bagpipe players and highland dancers. Queen’s Bands play at Gaels football games and other school events, including Orientation Week. Brad McVey, a Bands’ pipe sergeant and an executive member of the Queen’s Bagpipe Club, said he grew up with a strong Scottish family heritage, which led him to Bands when he first came to Queen’s. “The Scottish spirit that is so present in Bands makes me feel at home. I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of,” McVey told the Journal via email. “[Queen’s Bands] takes a lot of the old focal points of Scottish identity that people like myself were familiar with — bagpipes, kilts, dancing and an underlying sense of spirit – and essentially modernizes them.” Queen’s Scottish traditions connect students with the school’s history and the local community and add more fun to frosh week, McVey added. “Queen’s has a miraculous ability to breathe new life into many of these old traditions and it’s something more and more young people are getting into,” he said. Along with the fun, frosh week traditions do serve a higher purpose, according to ASUS President Adam Grotsky. “[Tradition is] a way to unite the entire incoming class,” Grotsky said. “It’s a new experience coming to university. Having these traditions like the tam and the Oil Thigh — they really connect you, and remind you of the history.”


Life outside the bubble

Alcohol ban persists


In Focus

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

• 13


Common space to increase in 2015 Opening of new residences could offset proposed uptick in student enrolment B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor The class of 2018 will find themselves with less space in residence than future first-year students. Next year, 15 common rooms will be restored and an additional 18 created as a result of the construction of new residences on campus, according to Philip Lloyd, AMS vice-president of university affairs. Two new residences, one on Leonard Field and the other at the corner of Albert and Stuart Streets, are on schedule to be completed by fall 2015. Once complete, they’ll create 550 new residence spaces. The University first began to convert common rooms into residence rooms in 2008, following a surge in enrolment and a lack of available residence space. Plans for common room restoration come as Senate approved the 2014-15 and 2015-16 enrolment targets in April. The targets show a planned increase in the number of undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University, from 21,441 this fall, to 22,199 in 2015 to a projection of 23,002 in 2016.

As enrolment at Queen’s has grown and residences have hit capacity, Lloyd said, common rooms were converted into bedrooms in existing residences. “The [new] residences are the opportunity to help alleviate some of the pressures that have come from increased enrolment,” said Lloyd, ConEd ’13. The target enrolment figures project an additional 758 students on campus from 2014 to 2015, and 803 new students between 2015 and 2016. 465 more first-year students and are projected to begin their studies at Queen’s for the 2015-16 academic year, bringing the total first-year enrolment to 4,482. According to Lloyd, the new residences will have the capacity to house the additional students, because the enrolment figures include new upper-year students. Not all first-year students choose to live in residence, he added. An additional 171 upperyear students will transfer to the University, bringing the total to 233 additional upper-year students by the 2015-16 academic year. The remaining enrolment projections will covers students advancing through the University, Lloyd said.

The two new residences will reportedly be able to accommodate 550 students.

Common spaces benefit students’ experience in residence, Lloyd said. If the common rooms are restored, the class of 2018 will be the final first-year class to live in residence with a reduction in common space. Rooms in the two new residences will resemble the floor plan of Leggett Hall and Watts Hall, with one shared washroom for every two rooms. The larger of the new buildings will house a food service similar in size to the Lazy Scholar in Victoria Hall. Lloyd said the AMS is trying to work with the administration to ensure increased enrolment doesn’t negatively affect areas of student life, including resources allocated to Health, Counselling and Disability Services and accessibility to professors and Career Services.

“[The AMS will] ensure that initial plans and the conversations that were had last year, and concerns that were raised, are actually addressed,” he said. Bruce Griffiths, executive director of Housing and Ancillary Services at Queen’s, said the residences are being constructed to accommodate increased enrolment and to take pressure off older residences. “We wanted another food service, as well. We wanted more air-conditioned residences we could sell in the summer,” he said. “So I think there was four or five good reasons that we had that all worked in tandem in building the new buildings.” City Council approved the construction of the two residences last September. Griffiths said


Housing and Hospitality Services held a focus group in March 2012 with residents of Leggett and Watts Halls to gather feedback on the design of those existing residences. “We made adjustments based on user feedback,” he said. Nathan Utioh, president of the Residence Society, said common spaces are beneficial to life in residence. Learning Commons and peer health educators wouldn’t be able to talk to groups of students in residence without these spaces, he added, while dons would struggle to provide alternative programming for their students. “That in itself is a negative for students,” said Utioh, ArtSci ’15. “The perfect picture is to have common rooms on all floors and all buildings.”


The truth about spending first-year in residence Proximity to peers and development of friendships can help students adjust to new surroundings

D anielle B engall , A rt S ci ’15

First year is difficult for everyone at one point or another, whether it be adjusting to your first time away from home or trying to find food you actually enjoy at the cafeteria. But if I had to describe my first year experience in residence at Queen’s in one word, it would be “awesome”. Although there’s a lack of cleanliness in residence, it’s a great social environment and everything you need is close by. I had never lived without my parents, but my don and my floor-mates encouraged me to have the time of my life. Leggett Hall, my residence, became my home shortly after I arrived. My don greeted me with the biggest smile, one that assured me that I was going to like it there. I unloaded the car, set up my new room and went to the common room to meet some friends. We played icebreakers and went through campus basics while sitting around each other in our

awkward glory, sharing our first moments as university students. The unpleasant feelings dissipated almost immediately as I took every chance to meet new people and learn about people’s differences — backgrounds, cultures, eating, sleeping, study habits and more. With an open mind, I developed my own routine, which allowed me to adjust to life in residence as a Queen’s student. My favourite thing about living in residence was the proximity of my friends. I remember leaving my door open whenever I was inside and having people wander in and out telling me about their day or a great professor. It was fun having friends next door and down the hall, because I had my own space and a hug when I needed it. Not only were my friends always there for me, but my don also made sure I was managing my new lifestyle well. Although my experience proved to be more than I had hoped, some people aren’t so lucky. There’s a high chance that you’ll hate something about your residence, whether it be an odd roommate, an unhelpful don, dirty toilets and showers, a lack of late-night food availability nearby or even being assigned a residence

that’s a 15-minute walk to main campus. There’s often late-night noise, and if you’re not one who always enjoys socializing, it’s best to find a favourite spot in one of the libraries on campus. The most important thing about first year in residence is to listen to

yourself and your body. If you’re tired, then sleep. It seems fairly simple but with your friends such a short distance away, it may seem impossible to stay away. Take advantage of the opportunities around you, but don’t jump at the first thing that comes your way if you aren’t

The lobby of Victoria Hall, one of Queen’s on-campus residences.

ready. Take time to learn the ins and outs of campus, of the classroom, of Kingston — it’s beautiful when it isn’t buried beneath five inches of ice — and of your residence. If first-year doesn’t prove to be everything you dreamed, look on the bright side: you’ll have three more years to make up for it.




TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


How to support a friend with a mental illness Although mental health issues are sensitive, experts say friends can help those who are affected B Y A NISA R AWHANI Editorials Editor Even after recognizing the symptoms of mental illness in a friend, it isn’t always clear what steps to take next. Students are among those who are at the highest risk of having a mental disorder. The 2013 Student Health Survey Report, carried out by Queen’s Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS), found that 60.4 per cent of students “felt an overwhelming anxiety”, while 38.6 per cent “felt so depressed it was difficult to function”. The rapid changes students experience in university can leave them particularly susceptible to mental disorders. “[Students] can be jarred by several new stressors in their first year,” Cara Chen, the director of the Peer Support Centre (PSC), told the Journal via email. “Changing academic demands … [being] far from close family, friends, and others in their primary support network. Forming new relationships, while being so unfamiliar with your surroundings, can be quite intimidating.” According to Mike Condra, the director of HCDS, the consequences of these stressors can be severe. “If the toll becomes too great,” Condra told the Journal via email, “then a mental health problem can develop.”

As such, the vast majority of students will come in contact with a mental illness at some point in their academic career. Here are some steps on how to assist a friend who has a mental illness. The initial conversation They haven’t said anything to you yet, but the signs are there. Don’t be afraid to ask. Find a quiet, appropriate environment where you can have the conversation. According to Chen, it’s best “to say what you see, not what you think you see.” It’s important not to make assumptions and to try and diagnose, but to instead explain what you’ve noticed. A friend may not tell you right away what they’re experiencing — sometimes because they don’t fully understand it themselves — so it’s important to be patient and non-judgemental, and to assure them of your love and support.

as though you’re making light of the situation, or minimizing their bravery in speaking openly about their experience. “Ask open-ended questions that encourage an honest and dynamic dialogue,” Chen said. “Avoid ‘why’ questions, as they can seem accusatory.” Don’t be afraid to ask someone if they’re struggling. This lets them know you’re still available and thinking of them, but also gives them an opportunity to change

the subject. That said, it’s also important that you don’t only talk about mental illness — it’s not the only thing in their life. It’s important to be supportive, not to smother. Be there Although a friend who is mentally ill may want to socialize less, friendship can play a critical role in the recovery process. Even if they decline to join every

Don’t play psychiatrist Naturally, when we see a friend in pain, we want to help them. But in the arena of illness there are limitations. “The important thing to remember when supporting someone with a mental illness is that it is not your job to fix them, nor are you solely responsible for their recovery or happiness,” Chen said. “The biggest misconception is that being a friend, a supporter, and listening to the person in distress and guiding them to professional help is not ‘helping’ them,” Condra said. Know your resources

Conversations after If a friend has confided in you, it’s important that your support doesn’t completely disappear. Don’t ignore or avoid the topic. A friend may make small comments about how they’re feeling, and it’s important to pick up on them. It may be tempting to crack a joke to lighten the mood, or to brush it off. However, such reactions can make the other feel

time you invite them to an activity, it’s important to keep asking and to find ways you can spend time together in a setting that makes them more comfortable.

Mental health resources on campus.


Helping a friend seek professional help is an extremely important step. “Do some research on the resources in your area that might be helpful to your friend’s struggles,” Chen said. “Respect that it is ultimately their decision to seek professional help, but keeping them informed of their options and encouraging them on their journey gives them the support and confidence to work towards recovering.”


TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


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Alcohol education a priority Queen’s health outreach fixates on frosh week initiatives B Y B RENT M OORE Assistant Sports Editor For the fourth consecutive year, alcohol will be banned from residence buildings during Orientation Week. The alcohol ban, which was enacted following the deaths of two students in 2010, is part of a larger strategy enacted by University officials, aimed at promoting physical, mental and emotional health on campus. The deaths of first-year students Cameron Bruce and Habib Khan were deemed by a coroner to be alcohol-related in 2010. Bruce died that September after falling out of a residence window, while Khan was killed that December after falling through a library skylight. Kingston In 2011,Queen’s CoronerJournal Roger Skinner recommended that Queen’s review its campus alcohol policies. Alcohol has since been banned from residence buildings during Orientation Week. The University’s overall strategy comprises a mix of professional and student-led initiatives, including research on student alcohol consumption. According to the 2013 National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey, which sampled roughly 1,200 Queen’s students as part of a 34,000-student total across the country, Queen’s students were above the national average in binge drinking.

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Of Queen’s students who consume alcohol, 57 per cent reported binge drinking (five or more drinks) in the two weeks leading up to the survey, compared to the national average of 36 per cent. Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) conducted the Queen’s portion of the NCHA. This type of research is a key part of the University’s overall student health strategy, according to Arig al Shaibah, assistant dean of student affairs. “The reasons we are doing all of these surveys ... is to be able to then identify the places where we should be focusing on [are] with respect to ensuring that students can remain safe in our environment,” al Shaibah said. 10InX the 7.5!NCHA survey, 72 per cent of first-year Queen’s students polled said they’d consumed alcohol at least once in the previous 30 days. Forty-six per cent of Queen’s students who drank reported doing something they later regretted, compared with 39 per cent of total respondents. “Substance abuse, specifically around alcohol misuse, is a really challenging area because it requires that multifaceted approach,” said Kate Humphrys, health promotion coordinator at HCDS. Autumn is a critical time to reach out to new students, Humphrys said, adding that HCDS plans

to inform students in September about health resources available on campus. In residence, dons facilitate an activity called Name That Health Logo, where different campus services are introduced and discussed, including HCDS, Walkhome, the Peer Support Centre and Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre. Walkhome provides escorted walks throughout campus and the University District. The student-run Peer Support Centre provides confidential drop-in counselling services, while Four Directions offers academic tutoring, cultural programming and workshops. Another key area of emphasis for HCDS, Humphrys said, is safe and smart alcohol use. During Orientation Week, students are informed about resources like the Campus Observation Room (COR), a non-medical detox centre in the basement of Victoria Hall where intoxicated students can stay overnight. As a non-judgmental service, COR volunteers don’t berate intoxicated students or provide information on who has used the service to university officials. Michelle Chrabalowski, who worked as a residence don on West Campus last year, saw the positive effects of temporarily banning

The ban on alcohol in residence during Orientation Week was enacted in 2011.

alcohol in residence. “I definitely think a dry Frosh Week benefits the school because students have energy to take part in the daytime activities, which really noticeably fosters their sense of community,” she said. Chrabalowski said it’s important for dons to explain the effects of


drinking on the liver and brain to their residents. “This allows students to see in a direct way why they should limit drinking,” she said, “rather than making [the ban] seem like a rule meant to make life in residence more calm and quiet.”

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TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


Venture outside the bubble There’s more to Kingston than Queen’s. Here’s what to look for B Y L AURA R USSELL Features Editor

RESTAURANTS Casa Domenico One of the best Italian restaurants in Kingston, Casa Domenico is a great romantic date spot. With flavourful appetizers and pasta dishes, this restaurant will leave you wanting more. Although your bank account might take a hit as a student, the quality of the meal is worth it. No more Kraft Dinner for you! Harper’s Burger Bar Harper’s is one of the best spots in Kingston to grab a great and unique burger. It offers a variety of burger “styles” and the choice to build your own. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find one that whets your appetite. This restaurant won’t break your bank, but it will satisfy your The Sleepless Goat offers a unique study spot on Princess St. burger cravings.


Tommy’s How could you not love the old-school diner feeling of Tommy’s? With all-day breakfasts and tasty fish and chips, this is the place to go for feel-good food. Your wallet and your stomach will thank you for choosing this place! Oh, and did I mention that it’s open 24 hours a day from Thursday to Saturday?


The Sleepless Goat

Coffee & Company


Although The Sleepless Goat is further away from campus, it offers a unique study spot. With great food and drinks, this quaint café is good for pumping out a five-page paper. It also has board games and books for study breaks.

This quiet café is a great escape from the loud atmosphere of the Queen’s campus. Although it’s a great location to cram for exams and feed your coffee addiction, there’s a shortage of tables, so spots fill up quickly.

Every university district has a Starbucks filled with students typing thesis papers and solving equations, and Queen’s isn’t an exception. Just a short walk away from campus, the Starbucks at Division and Johnson Streets is a small, but comfortable study spot.

Tommy’s is open 24 hours a day from Thursday to Saturday.

Tucked away on Garrett St., the Brooklyn features a variety of craft beers.



Walking and Running

Rock Climbing


The Brass

There’s a great running path right along the water that couldn’t be more perfect on those warm September days. Although the waterfront path doesn’t last long, it’s a great section that demonstrates the beauty of Kingston. If you’re willing to take a bus or a cab, there are also forest trails farther from the downtown core.

There’s an indoor rock climbing gym in Kingston called The Boiler Room. This gym is the home of Canada’s highest indoor climb, but it also has easier ones. No matter what level that you’re at, The Boiler Room is a great way to stay in shape while sharing a laugh with friends.

Why not take advantage of the ridiculously cold Kingston weather and go for a skate at one of Kingston’s rinks? In the winter, Market Square is turned into a skating rink that’s open to the public. There’s also a skating rink just north of campus, which is typically used by Queen’s students for pick-up hockey games.

The Brass is a great place to catch the game, share a plate of wings and take a breather from school. Their menu is well priced for a student budget and they have great nightly deals. With its pub-style atmosphere, The Brass is one of the best locations in Kingston to both eat and drink. The Brooklyn The Brooklyn is the perfect place to enjoy one of their many craft beers after a long week of classes. With a laid-back feeling, this bar offers a great setting for sharing a few drinks with friends while still having the opportunity to socialize. The Brooklyn is one of the city’s most popular bars, so fair warning: get there early.

The Boiler Room is home to Canada’s largest indoor climb.

Stages Ready to sweat buckets and have a screaming conversation over dance music? Stages is one of Kingston’s top dancing bars for Queen’s students. With a huge dance floor and bar areas downstairs and upstairs, this place is great for letting off some stress. As long as you don’t mind waiting in a line, Stages is always a fun time.


TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


• 17


Major decisions, minor worries

A contributor reflects on his choice to switch academic programs midway through university


Decision-making is tough. That’s a fact of life. University is no exception. Here, making hard choices seems to be a lifestyle. With what seems to be the world on your shoulders during plan selection — picking a major and minor or some combination of academic programs — this decision in particular stands out. To make the right decisions during your university career, you must realize that even if you make the wrong decision, there’s always the option to make a change. That change will often be a good thing. As you continue through your undergraduate education, you might find yourself changing. The way you view the world and how you see your place in it may also evolve. This is personal growth. Don’t fear growth, but rather make decisions that will foster it. New students should attempt to align their university experience with the beliefs of this emerging ‘you’. As you grow, you might find your DrugsmartUnderadStudentAd_4.5x4_v1.pdf goals begin to shift. If this happens, try not to stay hung up on what you had previously thought was ideal.

Take it from someone who, just last month, switched plans for the second time. I was once fully committed to my goal of attending medical school, but now I’d be satisfied with spending my years after graduation working on organic farms. I know — a full 180-degree turn. As I began to see the world in a new light, I knew my place wasn’t in a hospital. My grades in life sciences courses reflected that, so I knew it was time for a change. I figured I was more likely to succeed if my academics were in the same field as my endless Wikipedia search trails. After looking through my search history I found food security to be a common theme. Thus, I figured environmental science would be a better fit. Only after switching programs have I felt truly engaged in school. From there, everything else seemed to fall into place. Strive for this satisfaction. Never settle, because ultimately, it’s you that’ll be spending the time and money. For some, this might take more time than others. If you must take an extra semester or more to complete your degree your way, then so be it. In the grand scheme of things, taking an extra year is truly nothing. When attempting to find your path, try to be mindful of your individuality. You’ll find yourself being compared to others regularly. Just remember that your interests may not matter to the 500 other people in a lecture 1 14-07-23 4:01 PM hall with you. Don’t simply make a choice based on popular opinion.

Switching academic programs midway through undergrad can be a viable option, according to our contributor.

On this journey, you may want to stray from extremely precise five- or 10-year schemes. These may end up generating more stress, if the strict goals aren’t met on time. Instead, try to live your academic life one semester at a time. Once you make a decision, stick to it and push yourself to finish the semester strong. If you find that things don’t work out, it might be time for some more change. Finally, some of you may decide to transfer schools or drop out entirely. This


won’t make you a quitter. If anything, it’ll make you one of the brave few. These next four years (maybe five ... or six) are going to fly by. Take your academic career one credit at a time and never fear change. Chase every interest and don’t let your plan requirements stunt your personal growth. If you strive for this, you might leave the Queen’s bubble ready to face the real world. But that’s another story.

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TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014



The balancing act Juggling school and life can often pose challenges B Y K ASHMALA O MAR Assistant Arts Editor For incoming first-years, the mere prospect of experiencing university can be overwhelming. Queen’s undergraduates and administrators say it’s important for students to have realistic ideas of what to expect when transitioning from high school. What some students find most challenging is being able to maintain a good balance between their studies and a social life. First-years can feel pressure to be as social as possible, especially those living in residence. Tyli Onel, ArtSci ’17, said she was initially wary upon going into first-year — but she was able to strike a positive balance between her social life and academics. “At the beginning of first year, I was having trouble balancing my work and social life,” Onel told the Journal via email. “But once I was in the routine I found it easier to balance my work and play. “I knew that I had a lot more time to do all my work in the day,” she added, “whereas in high school you had to be at school all day and still find time to do homework.” Susan Korba, director of Student Academic Success Services (SASS) at Queen’s Learning Strategies and Writing Centre, said it’s vital for first-year students to manage their time properly. “I think it’s about thinking of what you

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want your life to look like and then setting some priorities,” she said. “Academics, of course, are extremely important, but so is having enough sleep. So whether or not you’re spending time studying or spending time going out on the weekend, it’s about having a healthy lifestyle.” Korba said it’s imperative for students to take advantage of all the student resources that Queen’s has to offer. “I think that students who are proactive tend to be the most successful,” she said. According to Korba, students must be open to receiving advice and see how that fits with their needs. Planning a realistic weekly schedule, Korba added, is a good idea for new students. Fitting in time for schoolwork and socializing with friends, in addition to other equally important activities such as exercise and alone time, creates productive habits. At Queen’s in particular, Korba said, the student support resources available are high quality, making them hugely beneficial to students. “There’s a real community here, and it’s a sort of transition-easer,” she said. “I think that there’s a lot of outreach and programs that take place. It’s a really good place for students to find themselves.” As well as academic resources offered through SASS and other programs, there are health resources on campus that include Health, Counselling and Disability Services and the AMS Peer Support Centre. “First-years are in for a wonderful experience, and they need to remember when they need some support, it’s available to them,” Korba said. “They just need to reach out and grab it.”

According to Susan Korba, director of Student Academic Success Services, first-year students must learn how to manage their time properly.




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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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street festival

Crowds gather for annual spectacle


Buskers Festival puts Kingston’s best street performers in the spotlight B y M ishal O mar Contributor From magic to music to fire shows and everything in between, Kingston Buskers Festival is an annual event that showcases the talents of individuals and groups from all over the world. This popular event that took place from July 10-13 in downtown Kingston garners the attention of thousands of people in and outside of Kingston each year — and this year it didn’t disappoint. As far as excitement goes, the buskers that performed at this year’s festival went above and beyond. Acts such as The USA Break Dancers kept the crowd on their feet as they danced and performed acrobatic stunts. Flame OZ garnered some of the largest crowds as they wowed with their pyrotechnic routines, and managed to win the “popular choice” award at the end of the weekend. The Four Roads and Sasquatch & the Jackalope are two separate bands who met at the festival in 2012. Jonas Lewis-Anthony, Alex Ryan and newest member Ryan Monahan of The Four Roads, along with Ryan Carroll and Robert Burdick of Sasquatch & the Jackalope have come together from all over the world to play at the festival ever since they first met. Their folk-rock sound offered something unique to a festival that consisted largely of circus acts. Alex Ryan expressed his appreciation of the festival’s overall vibe. “We realized how much the festival adds to the city,” Ryan said. “Things like the incredible buzzing atmosphere. We have met so many

amazing people, and we aren’t just learning about the profession and trading stories. We’re making friends.” The shared experience between performers and their audience, and amongst the performers themselves, is unmatched by any other event that takes place in Kingston. While the individual acts were the focus of the festival, the atmosphere of unity amongst the buskers was palpable. They were not just there to perform for others, but to learn from other performers as well. “Coming back in 2013, we started to notice the sheer skill of the other buskers like the full-time guys and the circus guys doing the circle show,” Ryan said. “The past couple of years we’ve worked on learning from them to improve our show, which is another good thing about the busker’s festival — you meet so many amazing people.” Their commitment to returning led to new opportunities for the band, and they now tour around Canada in addition to performing at the festival each summer. The Kingston Buskers Festival highlights the importance of busking for these performers. Not only does it promote the specific performers, but it’s a reminder that the art that they produce is important and worthy of notice — and not just during events such as this. The incredible talent, high levels of energy and interactive performances made for the perfect weekend. As far as summer events in Kingston go, the annual Kingston Buskers Festival is one that shouldn’t be missed.

Street artists make a dangerous duo as they throw flames back and forth.

A street performer juggles flames for the crowd at Kingston’s Buskerfest.

photos by chloe sobel


20 •

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

art exhibiton

Another Space Gallery kicks off a fresh start Modern Fuel hosts final exhibition at their current gallery space before moving to new location

Photo by emilIE Rabeau

Joan Scaglione’s installation piece Ascent-Descent.

B y L auren L uchenski Contributor Kingston’s Modern Fuel Gallery welcomed Toronto-based contemporary curator, Yan Wu, to curate the gallery’s current exhibit Another Space Gallery. The exhibit invites viewers to explore Modern Fuel’s historical gallery space and confront their own perceptions of space. Another Space Gallery is the final exhibition that Modern Fuel will hold at its current location on Queen St., as they’ll be relocating to the Tett Center for Creativity and Learning later this year. Wu paid tribute to Modern Fuel’s history when curating the 16th Annual Juried Exhibition by creating an exhibit with the same name as the gallery’s past identity: Another Space Gallery. “Yan came for a site visit prior to the submission deadline and was inspired by the history of our space,” said Emily Marshall, Modern Fuel’s artistic director. Modern Fuel is a local non-profit gallery that exhibits contemporary art, from painting and sculptures to video installations and photography. The gallery supports contemporary artists through exhibition, discussions and mentorship opportunities. Modern Fuel has been a part of Kingston’s art community since 1977. The gallery emerged as Kingston Artists’ Association Inc. and amalgamated with Another Space Gallery two years prior to opening. The gallery then moved to its current location at 21 Queen Street and in 1995 was renamed as the Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre. Kingston artist Ben Darrah’s painting, Orange Chair, complements the exhibitions’ concentration on the history of Modern Fuel’s space. The painting depicts one of the gallery’s infamous orange fold-out chairs that have been used for artist talks, workshops and presentations for decades. As they wont be included in the move, the chairs are now a sentimental symbol of the gallery.

The exhibition gives the artistic members of Modern Fuel the opportunity to submit their work for display. From these submissions, Wu selected seven artists that she felt best represented the blurring of real and imagined spaces. “Yan used this exhibition as a means of creating a fictional gallery setting known as Another Space Gallery, as well as a way of approaching space from a conceptual point of view,” Marshall said. Upon entry into the show, viewers are immediately confronted by the art as it invades and manipulates their sense of space. Kingston artist Joan Scaglione’s installation of wooden 2x4 frames, Ascent-Descent, contributes to this experience. The piece whimsically wraps around the doorway and almost touches the viewer upon entry. “I think there are so many guidelines and rules to follow when you typically enter a gallery, and contemporary art can challenge that for us,” General Director, Megan McNeil said. Each of the show’s pieces invite viewers to interact on a daring and intimate level. “Whether by walking through Fraser Radford’s Ceremony, imagining yourself within Rachel Kalpana James’s Studio or getting up close to appreciate the intimacy of Christine Dewancker’s Collage Magnets,” Marshall said. Another Space Gallery at Modern Fuel runs until August 9.

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festival preview

Music festival aims big Annual music festival returns to Kingston in early August

2014 WIMF Lineup: - K-OS -SHAD -The Rural Alberta Advantage - PUP -Young Galaxy - Wilderness of Manitoba - Harlan Pepper - Bry Webb and the Providers - Zerbin - Thus Owls - The Luyas -Grey Lands - Luther Wright - Cousins - Alvvays - Will Hunter Band - Mozarts Sister -Rueben Degroot - Sweet Jets

B y O livia L oncar -B artolini Arts Editor What better way to kick off the sizzling heat of August than spending two full days soaking up live tunes on a grassy, open field on Wolfe Island? The Wolfe Island Music Festival (WIMF), located in the quaint smalltown of Marysville on Wolfe Island, has become an annual tradition for festival-goers since it began in 1998. Local residents, students and people from out of town journey to Kingston’s waterfront, where they hop on the 15-minute ferry

ride to Marysville — a town of 1,800 — to enjoy two days jam-packed with Canadian musical acts. The acts are typically split up between two days of performance. On Aug. 8, acts are organized into four categories: The Main Stage concert, the Paper Bags Record showcase, KPP Concerts showcase, and the Flying V Productions showcase. On Aug. 9, OASIS Juices sponsors a full day of 40-minute musical acts from 12 pm to 11pm. Although it’s considered a smaller venue on the music festival scale, WIMF crowds grow thicker every year. Last year, the festival boasted a total crowd of 1500 people. But one of its best features is that it isn’t overcrowded. Many travelling attendees will set up a tent and camp overnight, taking advantage of the small-town camaraderie of Marysville during the two-day long event. According to Virginia Clark, who has been the artistic director of the WIMF since 2004 and has been working with the festival for over 10 years, the annual growth has caused the festival to experience some growing pains in the past year. The result is a cooler option for ferry-travelers. “Last year, there were so many people that not everyone could make it onto the ferry that takes them to the island,” she said, “so this year we decided to add in a festival express boat which will feature DJ’s on board, and is like a big party boat.” The boat will leave from the same dock as the ferry — the Barrack Street dock at the bottom of Ontario and Queen Streets — serving additional ticket holders who might not snag a spot

on the Wolfe Islander in time for the festivities. This year’s musical lineup, which Clark curated herself, includes PUP — featured in Rolling Stone magazine as one of the best up-and-coming acts — K-OS and SHAD — two of Canada’s most renown MCs — and Kingston’s own Will Hunter Band, who are set to release their first record this August, among other smaller local acts. Clark said she was pretty happy about the lineup. “Getting to see the bands perform and watch the crowd react positively is one of the best parts of the job,” she said. But planning an event like WIMF is no easy task. The crew plans the festival a year in advance. As soon as the festival ends, the crew starts again. “One of the hardest parts is curating the lineup and deciding which bands to feature. There are so many amazing bands that audition and it’s really hard to choose, it takes a lot of time and it feels almost like solving a puzzle,” she said. Clark also notes the team of people that she works with help to make the job easier. “The amazing crew working together makes the whole job a lot easier, we’ve all been doing this for many years now and it’s great because everyone who works the festival really love what they do, have a passion for it and volunteer their time and work really hard,” she said. “Everyone is really fun to work with and we have a good time putting it together.” Wolfe Island Music Festival takes place all day August 8-9.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

• 21

band preview

Kingston band shows their fighting spirit Vorasek emerges stronger with a new musical vision after facing many losses along the way


Vorasek band members are excited to debut their new album The Last Ride.

B y K ashmala O mar Assistant Arts Editor It’s bad enough having to experience the sudden resignation of one band member, but when it happens multiple times and the remainder of the group still continues to make music, you’ve stumbled upon something special — just ask Kingston band Vorasek. Lead vocalist Mitchell Freeman, bass guitarist Ted Evans, lead guitarist Jeebs Simpson, and drummer Zakk Badour have managed to strike gold with their band lineup, after years of different members coming and going. “When [the members] left, they said the songs were too hard for them and they didn’t want to be in a metal kind of band,” Badour said. “And I understand that completely. But in a way, it just feels like this is what we’ve been looking for, what we’ve been searching for the

whole time.” of the best things to happen to the band, in take it.” Understandably, the rock group went terms of him bringing his classically-trained Vorasek insists that they play music as a through production issues after the initial opera voice to their hard-rock music, giving reminder that rock and roll is ever-present in member changes. They had already recorded the band a completely original sound. the music world and that it must be heard. music, and with the loss of a singer and Vorasek has been around since 2009, with “I think we’re trying to remind everybody later a drummer, it proved to be difficult, Evans and Simpson being the two that have that rock and roll’s still here. It’s what though not impossible, to start that again been in it from the start. everybody still needs. It’s a release, and from scratch while also maintaining the “We’re on our second drummer now, it’s organic,” Simpson said. The other two original material they had worked which is Zakk, and on our third singer, added on in agreement, speaking of the diligently on. that’s Mitch. It’s definitely the right relatable nature of their music and how This initial struggle later on showed itself lineup. We’re a solid group of guys, important that is in connecting to to be a blessing in disguise for the band. It both onstage and off, even at practice,” an audience. allowed them to alter their music in ways Evans said. Despite having experienced seemingly that would fit with the new sounds of singer Simpson, who became a part of Vorasek one of the worst issues a band could face, Freeman and drummer Badour. Vorasek’s immediately after graduating high school each member is optimistic for the future of successful two-member addition led to the in 2010, spoke of the emotional toll the Vorasek, especially with the band’s newest release of their EP The Noise Complaint in lineup changes had on him and the others EP The Last Ride coming out at the end March 2013. at the time. “I think the worst part of the of July. “Without Mitch, we’d have a hard rock lineup changes was the personal, emotional “We always say you can fuel each other’s sound. You would think he’s from the 80s stress. My passion forever has been music,” fire. We’ll play harder, and the audience is or something. It kind of brings together two he said. “And when someone in your band going to enjoy it harder.” different types of music,” Badour said about drops out it’s just so disheartening. I really the singer. Although Freeman wasn’t present, almost left after the first lineup Vorasek plays at The Mansion on July 31. KT June 2014 QJ_Layout 1 18/06/14 1:48 PM Page 1 his bandmates assured me that he was one change, I didn’t know how to

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TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


Ideally ready for the 2015 season, the new stadium will seat roughly 10,000 and become a focal point of the University’s plans for West Campus revitalization.



New stadium awaits final donations With $6-8 million left to raise, Queen’s is meeting with design firm to plan football team’s future home B Y S EAN S UTHERLAND Sports Editor

firm and physical contractor to design the complex, which will seat around 10,000 — about the same Stu Lang’s gift was just the first step as the current stadium, prior to the condemnation of the upper west towards Queen’s new stadium. Coming off the heels of the bleachers last summer. No design plans have been Guelph football coach’s $10 million donation in March, the announced as of yet, but Harris University has received additional said Queen’s is about a month pledges — enough to cover roughly away from publicly revealing some 75 per cent of the stadium’s of the details. According to Harris, the estimated $25 million cost, according to Vice-Principal of Richardson family hasn’t been involved in talks about plans for Advancement Tom Harris. One month after Lang’s the new stadium. “They’re captivated by the initial donation, the Richardson Foundation pledged $5 million vision of what we can accomplish,” towards the stadium. Since he said. “The Richardson then, Harris said, the University Foundation basically said ‘proceed has been in contact with several in the project’ but they’re very donors, whose donations are arms-length with this.” Lang, meanwhile, has been awaiting approval from the Board involved to an extent in how the of Trustees. “We know these are people that stadium will be designed. “Mr. Lang is more involved we count on — they’re reliable, trustworthy, all those things,” in the sort of defined vision for Harris said. “We have no doubts this,” Harris said. “We’re working collectively as a team on this, as a about their intentions.” Harris said the University is $6-8 partnership on design elements and million away from their goal, once things like that.” A former Gaels wide receiver money from the pending donors in the 1970s, Lang was part of is included. There’s no established timeline the group that helped bring in the on when construction would begin, Richardson Foundation’s donation, but Harris said the new stadium alongside Principal Daniel Woolf. Lang confirmed in an interview would ideally be ready for the start with the Journal that the new of the 2015 season. “The upfront work, that is the complex would still be known as design, the consultation and the Richardson Stadium. One of the major reasons for fundraising are the things we’re focusing on now,” he said. “You Lang’s donation was the state of have to decide, at some point, the the current stadium. As Guelph’s things you want to do and the head coach, he witnessed first-hand what Richardson looked like last things you can afford to do.” Harris said the University is season, calling it “disheartening”. “I planned to do something currently working with a design

Men’s Hockey

The OHL connection


Realignment How it impacts Queen’s


anyways, and you don’t often get to choose the times in your life,” Lang said. “Even though I’m competing against Queen’s, the time was appropriate to provide a gift to kickstart the campaign.” Lang said during the course of finalizing design plans, he’s come to Kingston to discuss the architectural feel of the new stadium. He said he’s also met with Gaels football coach Pat Sheahan to see what his counterpart wants heading forward. In Lang’s conversations with Principal Woolf, he said, there was discussion of using a new Richardson Stadium as the linchpin of West Campus revitalization. “He went as far as talking about re-naming it because West Campus talks about separation and distance,” Lang said. “I think the goal of the stadium is to bring [West Campus] Former Gaels receiver Stu Lang made a $10 million donation towards more on campus, in a sense.” Richardson Stadium. Above, bleachers in the current stadium.


On to the CFL gridiron Andrew Lue and Scott Macdonell signed after rookie camps B Y B RENT M OORE Assistant Sports Editor Of the four Gaels selected in May’s CFL’s draft, two have found steady homes on professional rosters. Defensive back Andrew Lue, the 10th overall pick, signed a three-year deal with the Montreal Alouettes in late May, while the Ottawa RedBlacks locked up receiver Scott Macdonell for two years. Fellow draft pick Matt Webster was initially released by the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but was signed to their practice squad last week. Though young players lack the luxury of an extended contract, Macdonell is confident he’ll be staying in the CFL for the near future. “I’ll be in Ottawa as long as I continue performing,” he said. Now four games into his pro

career, Macdonell is practicing RedBlacks’ full training camp. Moving up to the professional with Ottawa’s special teams unit and their scout team, a group that level means Macdonell has gone emulates the opposition’s offence from big dog on campus to to prepare the RedBlacks’ starting unproven rookie. “I like the dynamic I’m in now,” defenders for their upcoming game. “The harder we make it for those he said. “I feel like I’ve got a lot guys,” Macdonell said, “the easier to learn and I don’t mind paying my dues.” it is on Saturday.” Part of those dues is extra work In 2013, his third collegiate season with the Gaels, Macdonell and preparation. For Macdonell, tallied 39 receptions for 449 yards this means running routes and and four touchdowns. catching balls after practice, as well His breakout performance was as working on fitness plans drawn strong enough to catapult him up up by RedBlacks staff. the draft order. The receiver was The receiver stressed that he snapped up by Ottawa at 13th didn’t get to this point by exerting overall, despite not making an the minimum energy required. appearance on the CFL’s pre-draft This way, he’ll be ready when his coaches call on him. prospect rankings. “Whenever I get my opportunity,” Following his selection, Macdonell remained in Kingston he said, “I’m going to seize it.” Lue is the other Gael who’s until late May, working out with former teammates Derek Wiggan already seized his pro football shot. and Alex Carroll. Three days The defensive back has registered of rookie camp preceded the See New on page 24


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Men’s Hockey

Securing standouts University hockey not first choice for many top recruits B y A dam L askaris Staff Writer

Brett Gibson has brought several OHL talents to Queen’s.

Journal File Photo

One of the most stressful moments of many parents’ lives is helping their children decide where to go for university. Men’s hockey head coach Brett Gibson is more concerned with where other people’s kids choose to study. Gibson and his coaching staff participate in the player recruitment process from November to June, looking to bring in around 10 new recruits to Queen’s hockey program every year. Gibson described the process as an “emotional rollercoaster”, where often the slightest difference


The realignment game When OUA divisions change, Queen’s teams face new challenges B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor Over 33 years as head coach of the women’s basketball program, Dave Wilson has seen his fair share of divisional alignments. The most recent realignment for OUA basketball will come into effect this season. The conference will switch from a two-division set-up to four, with Queen’s playing in the East alongside Toronto, Ryerson and York. Wilson said the change is a good step forward — but he’ll have to wait until the season takes place to know for sure. “It’s going to take a run-through, just to see how it actually works out,” Wilson said. “It’s hard to predict how all this is going to go and how it’s going to feel like, having different divisional alignments.” The changes were brought to

For Wilson, facing teams from the OUA basketball coaches for the first time at their annual meeting western Ontario was an important in March of this year. Wilson recruiting tool. When the said the coaches later provided cross-over between the OUA East feedback to make sure the new and West began in the 2000-01 system worked best for the teams, season, he was in favour of it. “For the early years of my and will continue to do so after the coaching it was very difficult for upcoming season. “Anything we’ve done in the us to get players west of Toronto,” past, we’ve had the ability to he said. “So when we went to modify … after going through [east-west] interlock, I felt that we the run of it,” he said. “It will get exposure down there. “Whether it’s causality or just be interesting to see after a year of people going through a relationship, we now have it, if they think there are better a lot of players coming out of ways to make this work, and south-western Ontario to Queen’s if they think there are ways that in my previous years as coach we didn’t have.” of adjustment.” A major part of conference Before this year, the OUA was split into East and West divisions, realignment is the impact it has with all teams in the conference on the recruiting game. Women’s facing off against each other. In hockey head coach Matt Holmberg the past, there was no divisional said his team benefits from the crossover between the divisions, OUA’s current single-division set-up. “I like the fact that we get to limiting the Gaels’ presence in the minds of potential recruits. See Lighter on page 24

can lead to a recruit picking one school over another. “It’s all about building a relationship with the player and with their family,” Gibson said. “These parents are investing a lot into their children’s future. You need them to trust you. You need them to believe that they’re going to a good hockey program, and at the end of it get a four-year degree. We’re looking to bring in impact players into the program, guys with a lot of character. That starts within the family.” Recruiting top-end junior talent can be a challenge. Canadian university hockey has a stigma attached to it as a second-rate league, but Gibson is adamant that it’s much more than a graveyard for straggling careers. “We know these kids want to go play pro hockey, and we want to be the best possible plan B on their road to get there,” he said. “Kids in junior hockey, they want to go pro. Sometimes [university hockey] ends up being the end of the road for them, but I know what their goals are and we want to help them reach them.” One notable example is former Queen’s defenceman Patrick McEachen, who was invited to the Carolina Hurricanes’ rookie camp this summer following four years with the Gaels. While the Queen’s name is well known for all sorts of reasons, “powerhouse men’s hockey program” isn’t a statement one could truthfully make. Gibson, the incumbent CIS Coach of the Year, is working to change that. The Gaels had their most

successful season in decades last year, featuring multiple times in the country’s top 10 rankings and winning their first-ever playoff series under Gibson. Much of the Gaels’ resurgence had to do with division MVP and CIS Rookie of the Year Kevin Bailie. While the goaltender’s on-ice contributions were more than notable, his close friendship with Kingston Frontenacs centre Darcy Greenaway helped sway the player Gibson called “maybe the country’s top CIS recruit” into a commitment with the Gaels. “Your players are everything [when you’re recruiting],” Gibson said. “They speak out for you, they tell their buddies and other players about the program. All players want to win. Why wouldn’t you want to be on a winning team with your buddies?” Greenaway, who racked up 35 goals and 27 assists last season for the Frontenacs, said seeing Bailie’s day-to-day life and the Gaels’ growing success were key factors in his decision. “I got to sort of go through that first-year experience a year in advance [through Bailie],” Greenaway said. “You see what it’s like balancing school and hockey.” While Gibson was more than thrilled to recruit Greenaway, he said there were periods of time where he feared the forward was going to commit to another program. Other top players committed to the Gaels without a second thought. Eric Ming, a 32-goal scorer last season with the OHL’s Niagara See Off-season on page 24

Success in 2013-2014 made the Gaels an attractive option among other universities and professional opportunities.

Journal file photo

When women’s basketball didn’t play against schools from western Ontario, their recruiting in the region was hindered, according to head coach Dave Wilson. The OUA schedule since 2001 has changed that.

Journal file photo


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SPORTS IN BRIEF Gaels medal in Moncton A pair of Queen’s athletes found themselves on the podium at the Canadian track and field Championships in June. Julie-Anne Staehli snagged the silver medal in the 3,000m women’s steeplechase at the national event, while Jeff Archer registered third in the men’s 10,000m. The event was held in Moncton, N.B. over the June 27-29 weekend. Staehli, the 2013 CIS women’s cross-country athlete of the year finished in 10:00.17, five seconds behind gold medalist Jessica Fulan and less than a second ahead of the third-place finisher. Archer completed his race in 30:30.50, a full 20 seconds behind the leader. At this year’s CIS track and field championships, Staehli won the 3,000m and came fifth in the 1,500m, with times of 9:32.91 and 4:28.97. She also competed in Uganda at the 2014 World University Cross Country Championships, where she ranked seventh in the women’s 6km event. University cross-country competition

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returns in September, beginning with the McGill Invitational on the 13th. Two weeks afterwards, the Gaels will host the Queen’s Invitational at Fort Henry. — Brent Moore

Rugby players make FISU roster Kainoa Lloyd and Nadia Popov will be travelling to Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil for this year’s International University Sport Federation’s rugby sevens tournament. In Brazil, athletes will test their mettle against international competition and look to make an impression on the Canadian national team coaches. Lloyd joined the Queen’s men’s team last season, providing a scoring boost to the OUA champion Gaels. He drew attention early in the season after scoring three tries in a 36-18 defeat of the Western Mustangs in London. He was also a member of the Gaels’ squad that finished third at the National University

Continued from page 22

five special teams tackles through four games with the Alouettes, second-highest on the squad. “I tried to soak in the moment as much as “ON THE WATER” I could,” he said. Once the roses were adequately sniffed, Lue said he trained his gaze on the task in front of him. “Any time I get on the field I want to give it my all,”2:50 he said. Q journal ad AIRPORT 7 flights 2014_airport ad 03/06/14 PM “Show Page 1 I belong here.” Last season, Lue contributed 23 tackles, SAILING / SEA KAYAKING / CANOEING CYCLING / STANDUP PADDLE BOARDS


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— Brent Moore

Quidditch bronze for Queen’s students Two Queen’s students were part of the Canadian delegation at the Global Games International Quidditch Tournament, hosted

New roles for ex-Gaels

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Sevens Rugby Tournament. Popov, who will play with the women’s team, left Queen’s after her first year to train with Canada’s under-20 team. She received the Alfie Pierce Trophy for top female rookie in 2012-13, as well as the OUA Women’s Rugby Rookie of the Year award. After veteran centre Mel Judges suffered an injury, Popov was encouraged to take on a larger role in 2012. She finished the season tied for third in total points. The rugby sevens format typically offers a more open, fast-paced game compared to traditional 15 player-a-side games, like those in the OUA and CIS. Speed and open field tactics are valued over scrum dominance.


Isn’t it time you got on board?

two interceptions and three pass breakups for the Gaels. He’s currently playing on all of Montreal’s special teams units and backing up the Alouettes’ starting cornerbacks. “Special teams is my contribution right now,” he said. “But defence is definitely on my mind. I study it all the time.” With his college accolades behind him, Lue said Montreal’s training camp demanded his highest level of performance. “[It was] such a long, gruelling process just to get to the season,” he said, adding that he was surprised by the pro game’s quicker tempo. “It seemed daunting the first day.” Now that he’s left Queen’s, Lue’s found his focus on football is far less complicated. “It’s a different lifestyle,” he said, “not having to run to class before or after practice.”

in Burnaby, B.C. on July 19. Chris Radojewski, MA ’14, and Andrew Kusters, Sci ’15, represented Canada in the event, based on the sport created by J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter book series. The duo helped lead the national squad to a third-place finish. Both Radojewski and Kusters are members of the Queen’s Quidditch Club, with Radojewski serving as the school’s competitive team’s co-coach. Radojewski played chaser during the tournament, while Kusters served as keeper. The pair beat out over 100 other players who attended May’s eastern Canadian tryouts, held in Kingston. The seven-team tournament featured entries from three continents. After a round of pool play, in which Canada finished third behind the American and Australian teams, the scene was set for a third-place showdown with the United Kingdom. Canada prevailed 60-40 in the match, capturing the bronze medal, while the USA won gold. — Sean Sutherland

Off-season hustle Continued from page 23

Ice Dogs, wanted to enroll in engineering at Queen’s and was mostly disinterested in going elsewhere, Gibson said. Mississauga Steelheads captain Brett Foy expressed a strong interest in the Gaels back in January, near the start of the recruiting process. “Last year’s performance was a big reason for a lot of the guys to come here,” Greenaway said. “You play against them and see who we’ve brought in, we’re certainly bringing quality players to Queen’s.”

Andrew Lue signed with the CFL’s Montreal Alouettes this season.

Journal file photo

Lighter travel costs 7 scheduled daily flights from/to Toronto & Kingston

Minutes from Queen’s campus

Continued from page 23

see all the teams,” Holmberg said. “We do recruit throughout the province, so I suppose it’s a good thing that we’re being visible in everyone else’s city as well.” But being lumped in a single, 13-team division isn’t entirely positive. Holmberg said switching to an east-west split would allow the Gaels to cut down on their travel time and costs. Part of Queen’s additional travel costs come from the fact that the Gaels don’t play the two schools closest to them. Ottawa and Carleton are members of the Quebec-based RSEQ. Holmberg said he hasn’t been part of

any discussions about bringing the five-team RSEQ into the OUA — as is the case in men’s hockey — or the Gaels leaving the OUA to join the RSEQ. He added that he hadn’t heard anything recently about a potential shift happening. The biggest concern with any form of realignment in women’s hockey, Holmberg said, would be ensuring the Gaels continue to play against western Ontario schools — especially those Queen’s has built rivalries with. “I’d still like to see some sort of cross-over between divisions because there have been some good rivalries that have been developed,” he said. “I wouldn’t want the first time we play Guelph or Laurier to literally be in the playoffs.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

• 25

LIFESTYLE Speaker series

Open mic opens minds to diversity Kingston-based speaker series sparks conversation about people of colour at Sleepless Goat B y C laudia Tsang Contributor

Lady Sin Trayda, born Ryan Kai Cheng Thom, was the featured speaker at this month’s event.


Sky-high learning Bursary brings Fine Arts student to Tibet

B y E mily G ong Contributor Above one of Tibet’s three greatest Gelukpa school monasteries, Sera Monastery, is an abandoned sky burial platform. Located at the top of the mountain, this platform was once the main sky burial site in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Sky burials are the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of carrying the deceased to mountaintop platforms and preparing their bodies to be eaten by vultures. Tibetans believe in reincarnation and the transmigration of spirits, hence the body is only an empty vessel. It is therefore virtuous to offer one’s flesh to sustain the life of other living beings and complete the cycle of life. As part of my Queen’s Research Fellowship, I spent 40 days travelling from the Gobi Desert to the Himalayas while exploring Buddhist art. Before embarking on the trip, I planned to track down a sky burial to witness for myself in Tibet, but conversations with Tibetan locals and local residents about the disruption tourists caused to their tradition changed my perspective. The landscape of the Lhasa area is still stunning with an air of sacred spirituality. Rock boulders, painted with richly coloured deities and white ladders, lead up to the top of the mountain. These white ladders appear at the foot of mountains and symbolize the peaceful ascension of souls into heaven. Sera Monastery is still a powerful teaching monastery today and a large tourist destination for foreigners looking to see monks

debate Buddhist doctrines. But it was precisely the growth of Lhasa as a popular tourist destination and the misconduct of tourists which obstructed use of the sky burial site and led to its abandonment. When the platform was still in use, the sky burial ceremony would start between 3-5 a.m. The body of the deceased would be carried through a certain path which often went through Barkhor Street, a famous tourist street in Lhasa. Some tourists would wait at points in the path and follow the death procession up the mountain to photograph the death ritual. See Discovering on page 26

inside People are often “intimidated by

“style” as if it’s a set of rules governed by magazines and blogs. Style is developed by you, the wearer, and is unique to your own likes and dislikes. If you like it, wear it and develop your own sense of style.


Study abroad

I didn’t know what to expect when I walked into the Sleepless Goat Café for my first POCTALK event on July 18. POCTALK, otherwise known as a “People of Colour” Talk, is an open-mic series aiming to provide a safe place to people of colour, mixed race and Indigenous backgrounds to share their lives, poetry and histories. As I began to grow restless in my seat, the first speaker approached the microphone and read an entry from her former diary. She openly disclosed her past and present challenges with the audience, with a particular focus on the healing process. Similar acts followed and I was surprised to hear the passion behind these non-fiction narratives. Performers shared personal topics such as what it meant to be black,

See Talking on page 26

A castle to call one’s home

Queen’s BISC summer program pushes student’s perceived limits B y E mily G raham Contributor Have you ever asked yourself, “What would I do if I weren’t afraid?” This summer, I answered that question. In November, when I was accepted to attend the summer term at the Bader International Study Centre (BISC), affectionately known as “the castle,” flying across the Atlantic Ocean seemed like a lifetime away. As the days until I left decreased, my excitement increased exponentially. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, other than that I would be studying in a 15th century castle. Little did I know an incredible adventure awaited. The two months I spent at the BISC were academically intensive, sometimes socially awkward and a wonderful whirlwind of epic proportions. Not only was completing three courses in six weeks a daunting

task, but making friends was even more intimidating. You’re essentially in first year again, with a roommate, cafeteria and the same old residence shenanigans. In the beginning of the term, I felt like a frosh. The constant worry that I wouldn’t make friends, the slight homesickness and possible regret of travelling so far from home loomed in the air. In all honesty, I was afraid. Yet, as days passed, I realized I needed to be brave and embrace this amazing opportunity to meet and travel with new people from numerous backgrounds and academic disciplines. From tea dates in local villages, field studies in London and around East Sussex, to a weekend trip to Paris, you essentially discover different things about your surroundings and yourself every time. Knowing how to use the tube, asking for a café Americano and keeping calm if you ever got lost

were essential things to learn. I also learned that sometimes just walking through the different boroughs of London helped you embrace the culture more than visiting crowded tourist sites. If I were to sum up my experience at the castle in one word, it would be surreal. Wandering the halls of Herstmonceux Castle can be a hauntingly romantic experience. It’s as if every crack in the wall has a story, each spiral stairway its own legend. From the haunted Drummer’s Room to the charming courtyard, the grounds appeared to be the setting of a fairytale. It was the castle and the people that helped me let go of my fears and allow me to become re-enchanted with life and all its endless possibilities. Above all, I’ve learned that life has a funny way of introducing you to fantastic people on opposite shores. Even though I was only there six weeks, the castle began to feel like home. I hope to one day find myself wandering those historic halls again. My advice to those itching to travel to the castle or elsewhere? Be adventurous, be brave and have a ridiculous amount of optimism. There’s no need to be afraid.

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— Martyne Alphonso, third-year English and Global Development student PAGE 26

Asian, sad, depressed, manic or healed. POCTALK was the brainchild of Raissa Simone, a former Queen’s student who completed her Master’s program in Cultural Studies. Simone, MA ’13, wanted an outlet in which she could freely express herself as a self-identified person of colour. After spending six years in Kingston, she noticed an increasing imperative to address the lack of “POC-centrism”. With a few other friends, Simone held a Poetry Slam at the Sleepless Goat last January. POCTALK was then inaugurated. Hosting one event per month, POCTALK has organized seminars, academic discussions, slam poetry stages and film screenings. The series hopes to establish itself within the wider artistic community in Kingston and has been reaching out to communities

Herstmonceux Castle in East Sussex, England.

Supplied BY jessica young


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Student street style: the boho urbanite Lifestyle’s first-ever fashion profile features free-spirited Queen’s student Martyne Alphonso B y C hloë G rande Lifestyle Editor Whether she’s sporting fuchsia lipstick, thick Zooey Deschanel-style bangs or floral patterned tights, Martyne Alphonso isn’t one to blend in. Alphonso, ArtSci ’16, doesn’t shy away from punchy accessories or bright colours. It’s her unexpected combinations of girly, edgy and playful looks that make her style memorable. How would you describe your personal style? My personal style is metropolitan and versatile. I like to pick out pieces with a lot of texture and structure, and mix and match with colour and pattern. I guess my personal style is ‘I wear what I want, and when I want’. Favourite store/designer: All-Saints. It’s high-fashion structure meets monochromatic basics and it’s to die for. The story behind the outfit: I woke up this morning to a gorgeous summer day and figured the loose and lightest clothes would fare best in the heat. So I dressed it up with some metallic

Asian-inspired jewellery and shoes. Comfy and trendy – you can’t lose. Who is your style inspiration? Nicole Richie. She’s a spunky little lady who pairs different textures and prints, or can tone it down on casual days. I love her versatility. Describe your style in 3 words: Effortless, vibrant, urban. What she’s wearing: I’m wearing black chiffon palazzo pants by Pink Manila, a crochet crop top by Pins & Needles, leather handbag by Deena&Ozzy, silver Kolhapuri chappal sandals by Indian Handcrafts, necklace and belt by The Barber’s Daughter, and wood panelled sunglasses by Red Pegasus. Favourite blog: The Vogue Mode, by Jenn Boctor. It’s a fashion blog by an up-and-coming Toronto stylist and she’s incredible. Everything from makeup tutorials to runway worthy outfits, The Vogue Mode is a forum to gawk at today’s Toronto fashion scene. Quotation to live by: Life’s short, eat dessert first. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Talking POCTALK Continued from page 25

such as the Artel and the AKA Autonomous Social Centre, Simone added. Groups such as OPIRG Kingston and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre at Queen’s have also been fundamental to POCTALK’s development. Whether expressing themselves through spoken word, song or journal entries, they shared their struggles through artistic expression with the hopes of seeing their fragmented narratives brought into solidarity. For July’s event, POCTALK invited Lady Sin Trayda, born Ryan Kai Cheng Thom, a spoken word

Alphonso keeps it cool in breezy chiffon pants and a crochet crop top.

artist from Montreal, to perform pieces on love, self-discovery and how her father, a first generation childhood as seen through the eyes immigrant, experienced racism. of a person of colour. When she asked him whether Donning electric blue lipstick he still felt bitterness toward and a fiery red cheongsam, a Caucasians, her father replied, traditional Chinese gown, Lady Sin “Why would I feel bitterness encouraged us to share our stories. towards Caucasians? I think they’re While she understood that the great. It’s the Aboriginals you’ve stories shared that night were ones got to look out for.” that broke the storytellers, she also Her simple anecdote reveals wanted those same stories to heal. the complexity that decades Through storytelling and retelling, of brokenness and hurt have she understood the healing process contorted society today. that can only be realized through POCTALK provided the perfect the catharsis of expression. environment for closing the space Lady Sin brought us back to our between storyteller and listener. It original stories — our parentage allowed for an air of camaraderie and our ancestors. She spoke of rather than showmanship.

Sky burials are a valuable tradition threatened by environmental and social disruptions.

Supplied by Emily Gong

Supplied by martyne alphonso

Discovering Tibet a hundred metres away to find out more. Yet the vultures’ role in sky The middle-aged woman and burial is crucial and irreplaceable young girl were delighted to hear I by any other predator bird. was from Canada. Tibetans believe vulture are They spoke openly to me in divine creatures that will soar up Mandarin about the sky burial that into the sky and perish in the was in progress — two bodies had atmosphere when they are close been lifted up the mountain at to dying. 6 a.m. and the vultures would According to Buddhist doctrine, arrive in about 40 minutes. this type of death represents the They also told me that from most complete and selfless way of their home they see bodies carried leaving human existence. up the mountain every morning. The lack of vultures at the sky But they stated sternly, “We do not burial threatens this practice of want passersby to see.” Tibetan customs. The man of the household Not only do the decaying came over to see what I was doing, corpses pose the problem of shook my hand respectfully and becoming a breeding ground for welcomed me to their land with a disease, but most importantly, it friendly smile. impedes the Tibetan cycle of life. I realized then: this is their land. Curious tourists often interfere As travelers, regardless of how with the fate of the deceased since interested we are in the topic or death is regarded as an opportunity how like- or share-worthy a picture for spiritual progress as opposed to might be on social media — it’s the termination of life. important to learn from and listen I learned this lesson as we drove to the people of the land, first from Shigatse to Lhasa. and foremost. Tourists can pick up their things It was around 10 a.m. when I saw a lot of smoke ahead rising and leave the place behind entirely, from the top of a mountain, framed but for Tibetans, this is their by prayer flags, while en route to permanent home. Sera Monastery. I chose to respect and help I asked our driver to stop protect the sacred traditions of the at the side of the road and it inhabitants by staying out of their must have been the urgency in traditional burial practices. my voice that caused him to pull Some things are meant to over immediately. be admired from afar and kept I pulled out the 50X zoom on esoteric — after all, part of the my camera as I hopped out of the beauty of Tibet comes from its van and, after getting a close-up, mysterious aura. I confirmed it was indeed a sky burial. Check back next month for more on I approached a local family Emily’s experiences travelling selling souvenirs approximately in Tibet. Continued from page 25


TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014


Song of the summer A fancy look at 2014’s catchiest hit B Y Z OE K ELSEY Contributor This summer, how cool you are is directly proportionate to the number of Iggy Azalea lyrics you know. Every bar, club and shanty has been blaring at least one of her massive hits on repeat since May, and if you’re not rapping along yet, you’ve still got a month or so to learn. Every summer one song rises above all others to become “The Song of the Summer”. The song is the soundtrack of an imagined period of carefree beach parties,

romance and road-trips. While it may still be too early to call, the odds of Azalea’s “Fancy” claiming this title are looking pretty good. The song of the summer crown is descending from the heavens, still a little slick from Robin Thicke’s greasy coife, and will soon inevitably rest on Azalea’s blonde, Australian head. The enviable title has come to the 24-year-old, born Amethyst Amelia Kelly, in the wake of the release of her second full-length album earlier this year. “Fancy” may not be the most interesting or thoughtful track on the album, but it’s by far the best


Happy Monarchy Day It’s time for Canada to break ties with Britain B Y J USTIN M ATHEWS Contributor Earlier this month, Canada celebrated 147 years of independence and although our night skies were streamed with red and white, there remained an asterisk. While Canada’s place on the international stage is resolute and we have held our independence in practice since the Statute of Westminster, our head of state is still not Canadian. Even a year after his birth, the arrival of the royal baby is still perhaps a stark and much-needed reminder that our country remains a relic of the 19th century British Empire. Prince George, according to the rules of succession and under Canada’s Constitution, may very well become our future king and head of state. This fact ought to reinvigorate a dialogue on the monarch’s role in a 21st-century Canada. As a constitutional monarchy today, Queen Elizabeth II serves as the head of state in writing only and, according to procedure, acts entirely on the advice of our elected representatives. To this end, the Queen of Canada — distinct from her role as a Queen of the United Kingdom — personifies the state, is heralded as a personal symbol of allegiance, grants honours to outstanding Canadians and pays patronage to Canadian charities and public organizations. Niceties notwithstanding, the monarch’s role does beg the question: at what cost? Robert Finch of the Monarchist League of Canada is noted for routinely insisting that, “For the price of a cup of coffee, Canadians can enjoy the stability of the Crown”. As novel as a justification that this may seem, any Canadian with a modicum of knowledge of our parliamentary system knows the suggestion that the monarchy brings Canadians stability is as baseless as it is insulting. While the Queen doesn’t receive a salary, every Canadian pays $1.53 — approximately $50 million in Canadian tax dollars — to fund the monarchy, a figure that has more than doubled in the past decade. The Queen’s annual income will also see a raise by 5 per cent to a salary of almost $58 million annually. Perhaps most astonishing is that the Queen costs Canada more than it does the United Kingdom, with the Brits paying only $1.32 annually. This unwarranted excise brings to mind the “no taxation without representation” adage that iterated the primary grievance of British colonists in the Thirteen Colonies, ultimately leading to the American Revolution. While the Canadian contribution to the

monarchy is no paltry sum, rather than regressing into a discussion on more effective spending, it is perhaps better to unearth what the monarchy represents — and more importantly, whom it does not. Since the 1970s, when we began our multicultural experiment by opening our borders to immigrants from every corner of the globe, Canada has endeavoured to create a cultural mosaic that weaved the best and the brightest without discrimination. This undertaking was formally legislated when the Constitution Act of 1982 enshrined in it a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that placed a prohibition on discrimination of any form, and guaranteed equal rights. While Canada remains undoubtedly successful in its multicultural experiment, it is unbelievable and bizarre to learn that Canada is still beholden to the British laws of succession. These laws dictate expressly that Canada’s head of state cannot adhere to any form of religion save for Anglican Christian and cannot be Canadian. Canada’s antiquated traditions that pay homage to the British monarch extend even to the Citizenship Act, which requires applicants to swear to “bear true allegiance to Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors”. Monarchists have routinely argued that this requirement ought to be preserved, as it pays tribute to Canada’s foundational heritage. But a tribute seems more justifiable in the form of printed currency rather than a forced allegiance that will exempt a person from the benefits of citizenship if not taken. To be sure, Canada’s current political landscape is hardly inhibited by the Royal family, and a move to abolish the monarchy is purely symbolic. There is something to be said when in 2014, Iraq has an elected head of state that is an ethnic minority, while Canada still remains beholden to the rules of British succession on the basis of hereditary privilege. Routinely criticizing the inept democratically elected leaders of our neighbours to the south while praising our head of state for winning the lottery and being born “royal” is simply antithetical and hypocritical to a multicultural democracy that aspires to meritocratic advancement. Undoubtedly our own polity is enriched by the traditions of British common law and parliamentarianism, but as history has quite clearly indicated, Canada has rightly evolved her own separate national identity. It is time Canada’s head of state move into the 21st century, became sovereign, and most of all, Canadian.


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Top Queen’s Twitter accounts to follow: – @queensu, Queen’s official Twitter account – @EventsQueens, the go-to for Kingston events – @emilymcgraham, ASUS Academics Commissioner – @mikeyoungmusic, Queen’s Rector – @JonathanRose, Political Studies professor – @sidneyeve, Film and Media professor – @queensprincipal, Principal Daniel Woolf – @lifebettergreen, English major and corgi lover See for more and to find out what makes these accounts worth following!

candidate for the song of the summer. If I died tomorrow, the following equation would be my legacy: a catchy pop tune + an intriguing artist + a killer viral video = the song of the summer. “Fancy” has all of these things. Its chorus is singable, Azalea is a newcomer with a striking look, a rough past and a surprisingly gritty tone, and the music video is an ode to the 1995 film Clueless with over 140 million views on YouTube. Bolstering the success of “Fancy” is the chart domination of her collaboration with Ariana Grande: “Problem.” The song’s success has not only kept the saxophone hook trend alive, but kept Azalea and “Fancy” in the front of people’s minds as well. All of the runners-up this year for song of the summer are so because they’re missing at least one key component of the magic equation. “Sing” by everyone’s favourite Ron Weasley lookalike, Ed Sheeran, is catchy, with a memorable, if not odd, music video. The video follows a creepy puppet version of Sheeran on a night of wild partying, complete with shots, prostitutes and racial stereotypes. It’s no surprise that Sheeran

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Typeface option Coll. transcript no. Afrikaner Unsigned (Abbr.) Antiquated Busy with Imaginary objects of fear Weaponry Donkey Allow English composition Pleasure PC peripheral connection Molded jelly Investigation — moss Chinese chairman of yore Zilch Kodak inventor George Karenina and Kournikova Dine on Hobbyist’s abbr. Tusk material Scarlet “Eureka!” Branch Virus that withstands medication Stead Favorite Christmas Vocalize Blond shade Greek vowels

therefore falls short of the song of the summer title with this mediocre music video. “Chandelier” by Sia is another good candidate, but the song itself, although extremely catchy, leans a little too heavily in the indie direction to qualify. Similarly, Calvin Harris’ “Summer” and Katy Perry’s “Birthday” lean too far in the club and fluffy-sugary-nothingness directions, respectively. Hedley’s “Crazy for You”, despite its massive success on Canadian radio, feels too much like last year’s “Get Lucky” for it to overcome more original tunes. After sleaze, controversy and hype won the war between “Get Lucky” and “Blurred Lines” last summer, with Robin Thicke taking the title, I worried the song’s lyrics about blatant misogyny would make its way into the song of the summer equation. Fortunately, the summer of 2014 feels a little less Thicke with more female artists enjoying time at the top of the charts and fewer contestable lyrics. So while Miss Azalea may not entirely put my faith back into humanity, she certainly puts me at ease in the wake of last year, and that’s fancy enough for me.

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Ali — Responsibility Fireplace supply Genetic evidence Viscous Contrive Billboards Fudd foe Piece of work Sicilian spouter Optimistic United nations Barrister’s title (Abbr.) Jazzy two-step Popular card game Mimic Caribbean, e.g. — de deux Author Fleming Charged bit Cousin of 4-Down “Of course” Wrestling surface Spring month Staffer Profundity Woes Henry — Portent Wishes otherwise Touch Hawaiian dance Census statistics Resort “Catcher in the —”



TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014

Outdoor restrooms inhabit a realm where the public collides uncomfortably with the private, which leaves many feeling hyperaware of their bodily functions.



Let’s talk crap It’s about time to dump the anxiety-provoking stigma surrounding poop once and for all B Y C HANDRA E RICKSON Copy Editor

In turn, the dominant ideology topic’s unorthodox nature of poop is normally considered convinced the sociology major to a taboo subject. But this attitude see what others had to say about My heartbeat accelerated, nerves can lead people to believe that poop and how they related or tightened and palms sweated as what happens in the bathroom differed in comparison to her I fought back a sudden onset of is disgusting, shameful or even own responses. According to Canario, ArtSci flatulence. I had become a victim abnormal. It all boils down to the nature ’15, “[Public washrooms] essentially of the horrendous symptoms of of the topic — no one wants to challenge the whole notion of being food poisoning. I always thought I knew my talk about it and no one, most private, because you are removing body, but it wasn’t until it turned certainly, wants to hear about it. that repression and putting it out against me that I realized otherwise. What happens in the bathroom, in the open. “When you go from being in a As an anxious public bathroom stays in the bathroom. Despite Monica Canario’s initial private sphere to being in a public user, I feel self-conscious when other people are aware of any hesitation to be interviewed, the kind of space, doing private things, there is no way to cope with that business I must attend to behind unfamiliarity,” she explained. the stall doors — even more so “That’s why I don’t … do it when I’m vulnerable to in public.” uncontrollable bodily Part of this functions. If given avoidance behaviour the choice, I avoid can be attributed to relieving myself in the fact that we any public facility. are socialized Sometimes, from an early however, you age to control just can’t wait excretion and for the comfort taught that and privacy of our failures to your own home. control it are Such was the embarrassing case when I was and humiliating, hit with a case of she added. At food poisoning. this young age, I know it’s we also learn ridiculous to hide this behavior that excretion is something because pooping you do alone is a natural bodily and behind function. We all closed doors. do it. But when Therefore, it the situation seems logical calls, I nervously that there wait for the tap will always be or blow dryer to some negative turn on. I even connotations, rattle the metal such as anxiety tampon-disposal box all in attempts and disgust, to drown the associated with sounds of my excretion. bowels and to “ T h a t ’ s conceal the fact shame when a that, like animals, kid defecates humans excrete himself in public and defecate. and obviously The bathroom it’s an accident, is a place, unlike a natural body a n y w h e r e habit, that they’re else, where the already ashamed of,” public collides she said. “Then the negative reinforcement uncomfortably or connotation carries with the private.

with them through their lives.” It’s not just bodily functions and excretion we consider taboo, but also subjects such as sex, sexuality and gender. In turn, the lack of open discussion regarding our bodily habits can translate to other dimensions of our lives and mute those conversations as well.

[Public washrooms] “essentially challenge

the whole notion of being private, because you are removing that repression and putting it out in the open.

— Monica Canario, ArtSci ’15 “It’s because there’s that parallel between your sex organs, gender and bodily habits,” Canario said. “You translate the negative connotations from that one sector to the other.” By saying that women can only do their business in a women’s washroom, for example, while men have to urinate standing up not only puts restrictions on how one controls their bodily functions, but it also highlights how gender is viewed in the public sphere. This shame or nervousness of taking an extended bathroom break in a public facility, especially in the presence of others, is more prevalent among women than men. “It’s really awkward. People just don’t want to be gross in public places, and so the anxiety develops — especially for girls,” said Laura Blair. “It’s the whole notion that girls don’t poop, but guys do.” According to Blair, ArtsSci ’15, nobody talks about poop and, as a result, ‘pooping’ in public has become a social pressure, rather than one we put on ourselves. So how can we then dump these negative connotations? Alexandrina Pinheiro, a third-year sociology student, doesn’t think we can. She said the connotations around ‘going poop’, though a normal bodily habit, will be challenging to change as they’re socially constructed and ingrained

in our upbringing. Consequently, people fear being shamed and stigmatized for an already traumatizing experience. “Everyone is so scared of being different that they will go along with a lot of what the majority says, no matter how stupid it might seem,” she told the Journal via email. In contrast, author of Psychology in the Bathroom and professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne, Nick Haslam said that some of the shame we attach to the bathroom is evolutionary. “There are some good reasons why societies have standards surrounding cleanliness and sanitation, and excretion is associated with communicable disease. So it does make sense for there to be standards surrounding how, when and where you excrete,” he told the Journal via email. “There is a kernel of good sense in looking negatively on something that can cause disease, so it’s not surprising that the activities that produce it are also seen somewhat negatively,” Haslam added.

just don’t want “toPeople be gross in public places, and so the anxiety develops — especially for girls.

— Laura Blair, ArtSci ’15 Professor Haslam also noted, however, that talking about bathroom issues wasn’t always so off-limits. Psychoanalysts, in particular, devoted a lot of time to defecation. “These days, also, psychologists tend to study particular processes rather than particular activities or settings, so we know a lot about shame in the abstract but not much about excretion or toilets,” he said. If we’ve talked about it before, we can talk about it again. This means discovering new ways to ease the anxieties people feel in public bathrooms and reducing the need to police our natural bodily habits. After all, everybody poops.

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