A critical look at the Coke contract.
The sixth annual Art on the Street event exhibits art from people connected to the Street Health Centre.
The third installment of the Queen’s Athletics Initiative series looks at the building of a west complex.
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F r i d ay , O c t o b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 2 — I s s u e 1 7
j the ournal Queen’s University — Since 1873
Pile on the smiles
Missing Person
Local college student missing Ken Kilabuk disappeared from downtown Kingston early on the morning of Oct. 16 B y R achel H erscovici Assistant News Editor
Biology professor Sharon Regan gets pied in the face by her son at Operation Smile’s Pie the Prof event on Tuesday. The event aimed to raise funds for cleft palate surgeries for children.
Photo by Vincent Matak
project budget, which totals approximately $5,600.
the police. Kilabuk 5’9” and 250 lbs is originally from Pangnirtung, Nunavut, where his family still resides. He was last seen wearing a blue baseball cap, a black Bench jacket, blue jeans and possibly lime green running shoes. Kingston Police experience missing person cases daily, but they are usually easily explained or instances of teenage runaways, Detective Frank Howard, one of the lead investigators on the case said. This case stands out, he said, because Kilabuk doesn’t seem to fit into these categories — leaving unannounced is out of character for him, according to friends and family. “In this case, the dog being left alone is a big red flag” Howard said. He added that nothing is certain about the reasoning behind Kilabuk’s disappearance. Many things, like amnesia or an unknown stressor, could have caused Kilabuk to run off or go missing, Howard said. He has no history of mental illness or criminal record or
See Rabbits on page 7
See Police on page 6
Kingston Police are investigating the disappearance of Ken Kilabuk, a 22-year-old Kingston resident who was last seen early on the morning of Oct. 16. Kilabuk, a St. Lawrence College student, was reported missing on Oct. 16 after his girlfriend, Meghan Mike, didn’t receive her usual “good morning” text from Kilabuk. After Mike, who studies in Ottawa, didn’t hear from Kilabuk all day, she grew increasingly worried and around 10 p.m. sent a few friends in Kingston to check if Kilabuk was in his apartment. When they found Kilabuk’s dog alone at the home, they contacted
Student Life
Animals to come to campus for stress Studies show that having a pet to hold and talk to can ease anxiety for students B y J ulia Vriend Assistant News Editor
visiting roster. “These dogs are just ordinary dogs,” said St. John Ambulance Students looking to alleviate stress therapy dog coordinator Monique this exam season will soon have the Grambin-White. “[They’re] certified by the St. opportunity to do so through an John ambulance and their role is to unusual resource. The AMS is pairing with Lost come into contact with people to Paws and the St. John Ambulance reduce stress.” She said because so many to bring animals to the JDUC in an attempt to reduce student stress. students have pets at home, she On site will be therapy dogs, cats thinks the program brings comfort to the students who come to pet and rabbits. The initiative will occur over and talk to the dogs. While St. John’s Ambulance will two days, one in November and one during the December exam be supplying the dogs, the kittens period, although final dates have and the rabbits will be coming yet to be decided. from the Kingston Humane The dogs will come from the Society. The animal shelter will St. John Ambulance’s therapy select the animals that are the most program. According to their conditioned to people. Last year, ASUS Lost Paws website, therapy dogs help reduce feelings of loneliness, depression came up with this idea when they heard that the AMS was also and anxiety in people. The dogs can also assist with contemplating something similar. prescribed therapy and lowering Together, they’ve been planning the event to take place in Wallace blood pressure. The therapy dogs normally Hall sometime in early November. The event will be free but a travel to retirement homes and hospitals, but trainers have recently donation box will be available, with been adding Queen’s to their proceeds going to the Kingston
Humane Society. Funding for the project will come out of the AMS special
Wind farm project halted Trillium Wind Power to appeal court decision over $2.25 billion loss B y Vincent M atak Assistant News Editor A court-ruled motion to dismiss claims against the provincial government will postpone plans to build a windmill farm in Lake Ontario near Kingston until further studies are done. Trillium Power Wind Corporation (TPWC), the Toronto-based corporation behind the proposed plan, is filing a court appeal against the province for a projected $2.25 billion of lost profits resulting from a moratorium imposed last February. Court proceedings began
in August. On Oct. 5, the corporation’s claims against the government were dismissed due to lack of proof. The wind farm was proposed as an alternative clean energy resource for Ontario residents and was also meant to provide an economic boost for the area through a direct $3 billion in investments and 15,000 new employment opportunities. In 2004, TPWC obtained a land use permit on Crown land 35 km south of Kingston. A 420 MW off-shore windmill farm was proposed to be developed on the site, making it the first of its kind in
the Great Lakes. Since then, the corporation spent approximately $5 million in development surveys and scientific studies, with a total of 104 studies completed prior to imposing the moratorium, or halt, on the project. Problems with the government regarding the plan began in 2008 after a moratorium was imposed close to a provincial election, according to John Kourtoff, president and CEO of TPWC. After the moratorium was lifted, applications for developing the sites were reopened, but TPWC didn’t reapply because of their previous See Trillium on page 4
2 • queensjOurnal.ca
Friday, OctOber 26, 2012
MuniCiPAL PoLitiCS
Dental program for low-income families denied Program would have offered dental work to 35-40 Kingstonians on welfare to aid in finding employment B y vincent m atak Assistant News Editor At a City Council meeting on Tuesday, 29-year-old mother of two Chantelle Robinson told councillors she believes the only thing stopping her from getting a job is her bad teeth. Robinson presented her case to
City Council on Tuesday before a motion to fund $100,000 worth of dental coverage for low income Kingston residents was lost to a tie vote of 6-6. The proposed funding was stated to be enough to provide 35-40 Kingston residents on welfare with dental work in an attempt to help them enter the
workforce. The funding would about $200,000 from property tax have come from the City’s $180 to dollars to fund the relocation of the 190 million reserve funds. museum, Downes said. “Property tax dollars were used “When you go into a job interview and you’ve got bad for that and other projects that teeth, people won’t hire you,” Rick came before this idea,” he said. Downes, city councillor for the “What we wanted to do is to define Cataraqui District, said. “They’ll and look at the people whose only sort out an excuse, but they won’t problem is getting work because of hire you. You’re the face of the their teeth.” The proposal was meant to company to the public.” Downes proposed the replace a similar 2009 program motion to City Council after that had been slashed after the meeting in April with the provincial government drew back Kingston Dental Coalition (KDC), on municipal funding, Downes a community group that aims said. There are currently no plans to provide dental coverage for to bring the issue back to Council, low-income residents. He said he added. There are an estimated 5,000 the City has used discretionary funds in the past to support local Kingston residents who can’t afford to have their teeth replaced, business development. Earlier this year, Kingston’s according to the KDC website. The program would have had Hockey Hall of Fame was given
Photo by tiFFany laM
The program aimed to help job hunters with bad teeth who face difficulty finding employment, Councillor Rick Downes said.
positive economic impacts on the city, Downes added. “If we want a good local economy we need to get people into the workforce and get people out of welfare,” he said. Opposing councillors argued that the program wasn’t under the direct purview of the City, but was the responsibility of the province, Downes said. Some councillors also argued that the program would affect a minimal amount of people This isn’t something that should have deterred it from being passed at Council, according to Colleen Davison, an adjunct professor in global development studies. “If they’re saying it’s not a good investment because only 40 or so people are using it, I would question that rationale,” she said. “You can’t judge a policy decision based on the number of people that it impacts ... our value system as a community shouldn’t be exhibited in that way.” She added that dental health should be considered just as important as a serious health issue. “It calls into question about whether or not we think dental problems are serious health issues that we need to intervene on,” she said. “These dental problems that continue can certainly influence their ability to work and go to school.”
Friday, October 26, 2012
Location for innovation The Queen’s-affiliated facility on Princess St. is home to companies hoping to commercialize their technologies B y R osie H ales Features Editor
Peppley said what could be powered by paint fumes is astounding. For example, the paint fumes Testing facilities at Innovation Park are helping fumes from car paint from painting pick-up trucks in the Complex would provide about a generate power. The Queen’s-RMC Fuel megawatt (MW) of power, Peppley Cell Research Centre (FCRC) estimated. This is enough to is currently researching ways to generate an average hourly power harness energy produced by demand for Stauffer and Douglas incinerating harmful paint fumes, libraries and the JDUC, which is said Brant Peppley, director of about 1.1 MW. Peppley added that this the FCRC. The FCRC is one of several technology could potentially be initiatives based in Innovation utilized in other car manufacturing Park — a 200,000 square plants across the world. Around 40 student researchers, ft. complex at Princess St. and in addition to post-doctoral Bath Rd. administrative Queen’s-based initatives take researchers, up around 85,000 square feet of assistants and professors work at the facility which is made up of the lab. This number increases a community of researchers and during the summer when four to organizations working to simulate 10 internships are available for commercialization and develop undergraduate students. Summer intern tasks may innovations for the marketplace. “We’re taking a substance that vary from evaluating greenhouse was a pollutant and turning it into gas emissions to measuring clean power,” Peppley, a Queen’s thermal conductivity. But the FCRC doesn’t professor, said. The Ford Motor Oakville stop there. Peppley said the team at FCRC Assembly Complex in southern Ontario sends the Centre trapped endeavors to go beyond the science paint fume samples using a carbon and technology realm by looking at absorbent. The samples are used to issues of policy and social impact. It hopes graduate students test different methods of hydrogen conversion and the information leaving the Centre will be not is then relayed to the Complex, only qualified in technology, but where the actual conversion of conscientious of the importance of sustainability and the well-being fumes to fuel is done. Power generated could of society. “We’re not just a bunch of potentially be used to power an office block or small residential techies playing with fancy toys, we’re doing it because we want to area, Peppley said. Queen’s researchers have been make a difference,” Peppley said. Medizone, another company examining ways of turning the paint solvents into a gas mixture based at Innovation Park, has developed a technology to that can be used in a fuel cell. A fuel cell is a battery where help with the sterilization of the energy source is continuously hospital rooms. The technology, AsepticSure, added to keep the battery powered. “If we can run the world on fuel seeks to be more effective cells instead of internal combustion than manually disinfecting a engines, we can actually start hospital room. It’s a gas mixture that can be exploiting renewable energy injected into a room to sterilize it, sources,” he said.
said Rick Boswell, assistant director at Innovation Park. Applications of this technology can extend beyond hospitals, which includes sterilizing meatpacking plants, food processing and hotel rooms. Boswell said that professional sports equipment could also benefit from the treatment. “If you play hockey or football, your equipment turnover is very high because as you wear them it gets very stinky. They found that they can gas the equipment to get rid of the bacteria,” he said. Medizone’s headquarters are currently based in California, but the facility at Innovation Park is the research and development facility for the company. Boswell noted that Medizone came to Innovation Park three years ago wanting space on a very short-term basis, and they’ve never left.
We’re not just a “bunch of techies
playing with fancy toys, we’re doing it because we want to make a difference.
— Brant Peppley, director of Queen’s-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre
For many companies, Innovation Park can be a gateway for starting a business in Kingston.
Novelis currently owns the site, do business in Kingston or start with Queen’s taking responsibility a business in Kingston really has for the entire second floor and to come through the Innovation smaller companies paying rent to Park front doors,” she said. “They need to work with the use space in the building. Queen’s launched their part Kingston Economic Development at Innovation Park in 2008 with Corporation (KEDCO), they the intent of having researchers, need to work with the Chamber innovators and specialists [of Commerce].” PARTEQ Innovations — the work together. Janice Mady, director of technology transfer office at and GreenCentre Innovation Park, said the facility Queen’s can be crucial for new businesses in Canada — directed by Philip Jessop, Kingston because of the agencies a world renowned environmental chemist and professor at Queen’s, which reside in the Park. “Any company that wants to are also residents of the Park.
Photo by Tiffany Lam
Novelis, a leader in rolled aluminum products, have based their research and development facility at the location since 1942. Novelis’ ministry approval for air and noise emissions on their grounds allows the process of getting approved for potential emissions for smaller businesses to be minimized. For Stephen Liss, the community at Innovation Park is just as important as the initiatives that rise from it. “The community creates opportunity for synergy and interaction,” Liss, Queen’s vice principal of research, said. “It’s more than real estate space. Partnerships are critical. Vision is the key.” The Park is changing as Novelis prepares to relocate to Atlanta to be closer to their head office. “Novelis is basically a materials-based company, mostly in aluminum. They are driven towards the auto sector,” Liss said. Initially, the company was to phase their operations out of Kingston to Atlanta over time, but now the research and development facility will be shut down by next summer. “We hope to continue collaboration and to maintain the relationship,” Liss said. “Right now, it’s business as usual. The University will be assessing the options. The concern right now is that we continue to move forward.” — With files from Alison Shouldice
Innovation Park provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-doctoral researchers for the development and commercialization of initiatives.
Photo by Tiffany Lam
4 • queensjOurnal.ca
Friday, OctOber 26, 2012
NEWS IN BRIEF Alumnus gets Harper’s attention
A clean energy project proposed by Trillium Wind Power Corp. would see the first off-shore wind turbines in Lake Ontario.
Photo by tiFFany laM
Trillium never owned exclusivity rights, court says Continued from page 1
land use permit. “That did not apply to us ... we had land rights and we have tenure and the others don’t so that’s an important part,” Kourtoff said. He also said the court ruling for a motion to strike in favour of the provincial government was against court policy. In court, the government argued that TPWC never had exclusive rights to develop the sites to begin with. Kourtoff also said he thinks
both moratoriums imposed last February and in 2008 had political undertones. “The senior political operator contacted us in August 2007 and said the election is coming up; if you stay offline, we’ll get through this and once we get to the other side, we’ll take off the moratorium,” he said. Chris Hargreaves, chair of the Kingston Field Naturalist Conservation Committee, said he agrees with the court ruling. He added that he thinks the moratorium is necessary because
the project hasn’t yet undergone an external environmental review. “I think the court ruling is terrific because the lawsuit from Trillium assumes that they would get a contract except for the moratorium, except they haven’t gone through the environmental review,” he said. “Currently, we are gathering data so that when it comes to an environmental review, we can oppose the project strongly.” The proposed project would see wind turbines installed near important bird migratory routes, he said, adding that he doesn’t
Prime Minister Stephen Harper noted the achievement of prominent Queen’s alumnus Robert Sutherland at an event honouring Jamaican-Canadians’ contributions to the country. Born in Jamaica, Sutherland studied law at Queen’s, making him the first black man to obtain a degree from a North American university in 1852 and first to practice law in Canada. Sutherland left an estate worth around $12,000 to the University upon his death in 1878, a sum that saved Queen’s from a difficult financial situation. In 2009, the former Policy Studies building was renamed Robert Sutherland Hall and a plaque was unveiled in his honour. The reception marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and Jamaica, and was attended by about 500, including Jamaican business leaders, government representatives and religious leaders. — Holly Tousignant think the wind farm would do much to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Ontario. “You can’t turn down a coal plant power station and can’t turn down a nuclear power station so what they can turn down is the hydro,” he said. “If that’s all you can do, you’re not actually saving any carbon dioxide emission.”
University of Ottawa |
Learn more about: • Master’s and PhD programs • Admissions criteria • Scholarships and funding Speak with representatives from our faculties and services at the information fair. Travel subsidies of up to $85 will be offered to help pay for your trip to Ottawa for this event. Visit discoveruOttawa.ca for details and to register.
Queen’s gets graded Queen’s fared well in a recent student satisfaction survey conducted by the Globe and Mail. Queen’s, ranked with other medium-sized Canadian universities, received mostly grades in the A range on the survey, with an A- in student satisfaction, workplay balance, student residence, city satisfaction and career preparation. The University received an A in student-faculty interaction, quality of teaching and learning, information technology and campus atmosphere. The University received one A+, in reputation with employers. The rest of the grades fell in the B range, with a B in research opportunities, environmental commitment, course registration and career preparation (co-op, internship and other work-related opportunities) and a B+ in instructors’ teaching style, class size and academic counselling. For the full results of the survey, see globeandmail. com/news/national/education/ canadian-university-report/. — Holly Tousignant
“So, what we have is this project which is likely to have minimal environmental benefits to the province right in the middle of a major bird migration route,” he added. City of Kingston officials said they had no comment on the issue because of the project’s location on Crown land.
Friday, October 26, 2012
6 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
Police ask for public’s help in finding Kilabuk Continued from page 1
any kind of history that would indicate why he disappeared. “We couldn’t begin to know where to start to look,” he said. “We certainly have a long list of things that we would do to locate someone or at least put the word out.” Kilabuk was originally reported to have been out late the night before he went missing, waiting on Main St. while his friend was arranging a ride. Police aren’t investigating this lead.
“We’re not concerned about [his friend] at this time,” Howard said, referring to his company at the time of his disappearance. On Saturday, Kingston Police community volunteers distributed flyers and searched the areas from Patrick and Clergy Streets on the east, Colborne St. on the south, Division St. on the west and Plum, John and York Streets to the north in hopes of finding any information or evidence. Since then, Howard said, there have been more investigators and more agencies involved to help look into
different possibilities. “We want the family to know this case will not be forgotten and we will investigate until there’s nothing else left to investigate,” Howard said. “It will never be closed.” Despite the efforts, no new major leads or evidence has been recovered. “My level of concern goes up every day,” Howard said. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Frank Howard at 613-549-4660 x 6126 or fhoward@kpf.ca. Anonymous tips can be made to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or on the website at www.tipsubmit.com.
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Kilabuk is 5’9” and 250 lbs and was last seen wearing a blue baseball cap, a black “Bench” jacket and possibly lime green running shoes.
Fall referendum results Do you agree to the establishment of the Queen’s Space Engineering Team (QSET) fee of $0.50 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? Yes: 70% No: 30 % Do you agree to the establishment of the Queen’s InvisAbilities fee of $0.10 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? Yes: 76% No: 24 % Do you agree to the establishment of the Queen’s Quidditch Club fee of $0.25 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? Yes: 47% No: 53% Do you agree to the establishment of the Global China Connections (GCC) fee of $0.35 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? Yes: 47% No: 53% Do you agree to the continuation of the Queen’s Project on International Development (QPID) fee of $2.00 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 1991 and last went to referendum in 2009. Yes: 75% No: 25% Do you agree to the continuation of the Queen’s Backing action on Climate Change (QBACC) fee of $0.50 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2009 and last went to referendum in 2009. Yes: 71% No: 29% Do you agree to the continuation of the Earth Centre fee of $0.50 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2007 and last went to referendum in 2009. Yes: 69% No: 31%
AMS voter turnout was 26.33%
Do you agree to the continuation of the Vogue Charity Fashion Show (VCFS) fee of $0.50 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2010 and last went to referendum in 2010. Yes: 60% No: 40% Do you agree to the continuation of the Students Taking Action Now - Darfur (STAND) fee of $0.90 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2007 and last went to referendum in 2010. Yes: 63% No: 37% Do you agree to the continuation of the Living Energy Lab fee of $0.20 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2009 and last went to referendum in 2009. Yes: 70% No: 30% Do you agree to the continuation of the Queen’s Health Outreach (QHO) fee of $3.75 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2006 and last went to referendum in 2009. Yes: 75% No: 25% Do you agree to the continuation of the Queen’s Students Interested in Medical Sciences (QSIMS) fee of $0.50 (subject to individual opt-out) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 2007 and last went to referendum in 2010. Yes: 58% No: 42% Do you agree to the continuation of the Queen’s Legal Aid fee of $5.00 (AMS Mandatory fee) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 1974 and last went to referendum in 2010. Yes: 69% No: 31% Do you agree to the continuation of the Union Gallery fee of $3.71 (AMS Mandatory fee) for the next three years? This fee was originally established in 1994 and last went to referendum in 2010. Yes: 50% No: 50%
Friday, October 26, 2012
The animals will be on campus for one day in both November and December.
photo by julia vriend
Rabbits, cats and dogs set to arrive in early November Continued from page 1
“This is a great market to tell people how to relieve stress,” AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Isabelle Duchaine said. “Having pets around is physiologically proven to reduce stress.” According to the National Research Centre’s website, pets help improve the health and well being of their owners. Their research shows that people with pets at home made less visits to the doctors and
had a lower blood pressure and lower anxiety. Pamphlets will be distributed at the event with information about the grievance centers at Queen’s, the Kingston Animal Shelter and St. John Ambulance. Lost Paws advocates responsible pet ownership, and is run by Kaila Elders and Lisa Liu, both ArtSci ’14. “We just want to give students a break,” Elders said. “We encourage the students to come out and cuddle the animals.”
Campus catchups U of T professor accused of plagiarism
explosion in one the school’s Robarts Research Institute. The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon, and prompted an evacuation of the building. A sweep of the building following the fire concluded that the air quality was at normal levels, Western’s director of media and community relations told the Western Gazette. No estimate of damage has been reported.
A prominent University of Toronto medical researcher was recently accused of self-plagiarism by the journal that published the paper in question. According to a recent retraction notice in the Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews journal, chair of the physiology —Holly Tousignant department Stephen Matthews and two colleagues are accused of plagiarizing five previous papers in Dalhousie student a 2005 report. held at gunpoint The retracted paper looked at by police a drug given to women facing potentially dangerous early deliveries, and plagiarized previous A Dalhousie University student papers published by the author was held at gunpoint by Halifax in other publications. Matthews, Police after he waved a BB gun at the lead researcher, has received his friends during a party. over $10 million in funding for The incident took place on his work on maternal health Sept. 27, the same month as two from the Natural Sciences and other BB gun-related incidents Engineering Research Council of in the city, one involving a Canada and Canadian Institutes of 12-year-old pointing one at a car Health Research. and the other involving three The Secretariat on Responsible people injuring passersby with Conduct of Research couldn’t BB pellets. comment on whether the incident The student, Nick Rotta-Loria, is being investigated, according to told the Dalhousie Gazette that he Postmedia News. was joking with his friends when he “turned around and saw two —Holly Tousignant cops,” with their guns pointed at him, who later told him that his Western tech burned actions could have got him shot. Rotta-Loria was questioned by in lab fire police but not charged. A lab technician at Western University was taken to hospital —Holly Tousignant for chemical burns following an
Campus Calendar Friday, Oct. 26 Frybread Fryday Join the Four Directions Aboriginal Centre for homemade frybread 146 Barrie St. 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 A Healthy Dose of Horror A history of grave robbing and medical studies Adult event runs 6 to 7 p.m. and 8 to 9 p.m. $5, free for adults accompany children at kid’s program Halloween Bash Alfie’s Nightclub. 9 p.m. $5 in advance, $7 at the door Wristbands available in the ARC until Oct. 26 from noon to 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 29 Leading Education in Violence Against Women: Taking it to Law Schools and Communities Patricia Hughes, Executive Director, Law Commission of Ontario Macdonald Hall, Rm. 2011 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30 Castle at Queen’s Lecture: 5,000 years and counting: The Archaeology of the Herstmonceux Castle Estate Macdonald Hall, Rm. 001 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Master of Management & Professional Accounting
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The stripping of Armstrong’s titles should lead to a larger cultural shift.
Call for change
ance Armstrong’s recent fall from grace points to a larger problem in cycling culture. This past Monday, the International Cycling Union (UCI) which is responsible for administering and promoting cycling, stripped Armstrong of seven Tour de France titles. After extensive research and testing was carried out by the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), it’s indisputable that Armstrong did cheat through steroid usage. This is undeniably wrong and it’s justified that disciplinary action was taken against him. However, the strong language the Union released condemning Armstrong goes a step too far. The organization has chosen to put the spotlight on Armstrong’s wrongdoings instead of addressing the overarching doping culture in
the sport. Armstrong shouldn’t be completely demonized for what he did. Through his charitable endeavors, his sports sponsorships, and his inspirational journey fighting cancer, he has done more for cycling than any other athlete in the sport. Armstrong has raised millions of dollars for cancer research through his LIVESTRONG charity,
using his celebrity status for the greater good. Armstrong’s doping charges indicate a larger, more troubling trend in cycling. While cyclists give their whole life to the sport, training night and day to be the best they can be, it’s become evident that many feel the need to dope in order to maintain a competitive edge. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the UCI
Fraternal skeptics T
he AMS’ revisitation of the from this already existing sense ban on their members joining of community. While being a member of a fraternities is a step forward — one that doesn’t necessarily imply that club on campus is typically based fraternities will be welcomed back on equal opportunity and merit, being a member of a fraternity at Queen’s. The ban, instituted in 1934, can often be based on far more hasn’t been properly re-evaluated arbitrary qualities. If AMS members were allowed since its inception. Currently, the AMS is seeking legal advice and to join fraternities, this doesn’t looking to receive student feedback necessarily mean that Queen’s would turn into the stereotypical on the ban. It’s common sense that the ban rowdy college campus. Steps can be taken to make sure should be looked at again to make sure that all relevant questions that the negative qualities many regarding fraternities are addressed. fraternities are associated with It’s the decision of students, won’t manifest themselves. If the ban were to be lifted, the at the end of the day, to decide whether they’d like to see AMS would ultimately have to help fraternities and sororities on their institute a series of concrete rules campus. However, questions should and sanctions that all would have be raised about how fraternities to abide by. The re-evaluation of the ban is would affect our campus. Queen’s is lauded for its the right step. However, students strong sense of community. should consider the potential Students often come here to take repercussions that a lift of this advantage of this, participating in ban could lead to when giving many initiatives on top of going their feedback. to class. Fraternities, with their — Journal Editorial Board air of exclusivity, could detract
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Fighting stigma M
ental illness stigma has been at the centre of frequent and ongoing dialogue at Queen’s. With the creation of the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health and the anti-stigma research chair position and the work of a number of student-led initiatives, it’s become a priority on our campus. I’m grateful for the dialogue, but I wish it didn’t so often portray stigma as an abstract, intangible concept rather than a very real method of oppression. Stigma is bad, we’re told, but we rarely explore how it’s used or exactly
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commissioned tests for all of the other athletes that placed well in the Tour de France. How many of them would also be found guilty of doping? In stripping these titles from Armstrong, the UCI should take broader steps to address the problem of doping in the larger culture. This could mean stricter anti-doping tests prior to and after races or stronger punishments
against all athletes who have used performance-enhancing drugs. Ultimately, the stripping of Armstrong’s titles should lead to a larger cultural shift in cycling to combat doping — a shift that should ultimately be spearheaded by the UCI.
what its effects are. In my years-long battle with depression and anxiety, I’ve hit many low points both in my emotional well-being and my dignity. One of the biggest blows to the latter came when I was in my first year at Queen’s, in the midst of what was then my worst depressive episode to date. I hadn’t been thinking rationally and I’d let an essay slip by, along with all of my other obligations. My TA had already agreed to mark the paper, but I was still prepared for the professor to say no when I brought him my counsellor-signed request for an extension. What I hadn’t been prepared for was his disgust, and him telling me I couldn’t expect to last in university looking for “special treatment” like that. I didn’t tell him he was wrong because I wasn’t sure that he was. The professor ultimately let me submit the paper, but I held onto his words for years, playing them over in my mind whenever I had to shamefully ask for “special treatment” to accommodate my illness. I also remembered the words
of friends who told me they thought people with mental illness should just stop “whining about their problems.” I’d been made to feel ashamed, and that shame often prevented me from seeking the help I so badly needed. The root of these feelings was the thing we’ve all heard so much about: stigma. The way we talk about stigma reminds me of something novelist Teju Cole wrote in a March essay in The Atlantic. In the essay, he notes that although we’re talking more about issues like racism, misogyny and homophobia, we’re still hesitant to actually call anyone racist, misogynistic or homophobic. But oppression can’t exist without oppressors, just as stigma can’t exist without stigmatizers. If we’re going to continue this dialogue on stigma, we need to stop being afraid of calling it out when we see it. Accusing someone of stigmatizing may cause hurt feelings, but the risks of its continued perpetration are far greater.
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JENNIFER CHE FANNY RABINOVTICH-KUZMICKI HANK XU Friday, October 26, 2012 • Issue 17 • Volume 140
The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2012 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal.
— Journal Editorial Board
Holly is the News Editor at the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L-3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: journal_editors@ams.queensu.ca The Journal Online: www.queensjournal.ca Circulation 6,000 Issue 18 of Volume 140 will be published on Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Talking heads
Opinions — Your perspective
... around campus Photos By Terence Wong
What do you think about the AMS revisiting the fraternity and sorority ban? Photo by JULIA VRIEND
Coke Contract
More harmful than sweet Contributor examines the negative effects of the renewed Coca-Cola exclusivity agreement
Matthew Muto, ArtSci ’14 On Oct. 5, the Journal published a story announcing that Queen’s would renew their contract with Coca-Cola to provide Coke products exclusively on campus. For some, this renewal has been nothing but a passing thought while for others it’s contentious. Queen’s has no responsibility to Coke or any other soft drink companies’ products. Picking a side in the marketplace for unhealthy drinks makes the signing of the contract frivolous. It’s an inefficient use of resources to help exclusively sell a product that brings with it a number of health, environmental and moral issues. By partnering with a company like Coke, Queen’s is making several negative statements. First, they’re saying that they’re more worried about their budget than the health of their students. Coca-Cola contains 65 grams of sugar for every individual bottle and, like many soft drinks, contributes to the obesity pandemic spreading across North America. Not only does it look like the value of students’ health is being sold away, but questions of morality also come into play. Coke has had their labour practices questioned and scrutinized over the years. KillerCoke.org has cited many of Coca-Cola’s court cases. Allegations of intimidation and torture have been made, supposedly justified by Coke to stop plants in developing countries from unionizing. It doesn’t look good on Queen’s if it strikes a deal with a company that is constantly in legal battle over business ethics. It could potentially alienate alumni from donating if the school’s reputation is tarnished and seen in a negative light by
the public. Corporations have gained the ability to negatively influence many institutions through money. Being able to make or break a budget for schools gives companies like Coke the opportunity to make decisions — ones that will most likely be in their own interest. Some may argue that the reason this contract exists is because of the ongoing competition between Coke and Pepsi, but neither company’s business is a necessity for Queen’s. This too is a faulty argument in favour of exclusivity. Both companies create an unhealthy beverage that isn’t necessary to the well-being of anyone in the Queen’s community. Both companies are certainly rich enough to continue selling their products while not being affiliated with Queen’s. According to Forbes.com, Pepsi has made $6.4 billion in profit this year while Coke has made $8.6 billion. While the administration may
argue that the money gathered from the contract is put towards popular causes on campus, other schools have done away with Coke’s exclusivity and are doing fine, further reinforcing the lack of utility an exclusivity agreement has. In 2005, McMaster ceased to continue their $6 million exclusivity contract with Coca-Cola and, no surprise, the school is still up and running. In comparison, Queen’s original contract was worth $5.8 million. If the school truly needs money from external companies, there are plenty of alternative companies that they could endorse other than Coke, like ones that were perhaps education-related. While Coke is clearly a popular beverage it also has a spotty history. Coca-Cola has socially created the demand for their sugary, carbonated beverages that doesn’t need the assistance of an exclusivity contract. Pop wasn’t something that was inherently wanted by anyone. A pharmacist created the
“need” for their product himself. In the late 1800s, Coca-Cola launched as a beverage containing elements of cocaine until society’s views on cocaine changed and it became outlawed. Like any product on the food and drink market, some enjoy it and some don’t. It’s best to let students decide whether to sign a Coke exclusivity contract. What’s deplorable is that students didn’t get to vote on it like McMaster did. The contract was originally supposed to expire in 2010 but because Queen’s was unable to meet the sales expectations that were written in the contract, it had to be extended for two more years. With the renewal we’re stuck with another 10 years of Coke exclusivity (at least). It has to be asked: why does Queen’s need to sign an exclusive agreement to sell specific products on campus? The answer is it doesn’t.
“Frats and sororities are wild — great for the community.” Kieran Dobson, ArtSci ’13
“I think a frat or sorority would seperate us rather than bring us together.” Rya Marrelli, ArtSci ’15
“As far as I’m concerned, the whole campus is already a frat.” Henry Barron, ArtSci ’15
Letters to the editor On fraternities Re: “AMS revisits fraternity ban” Dear Editors, There is a group of men in Kingston who contribute hundreds of hours of volunteer services annually. They have raised thousands of dollars for diverse charities. They have increased involvement and awareness for numerous philanthropic causes. They train people to become true leaders. That their name consists of Greek letters does not diminish their worth. The men of Alpha Epsilon Pi are valuable members of the Kingston community, and any action taken to inhibit their efforts would be a disgrace. They
ask not to become an AMS-sanctioned club, or to become a Queen’s chapter by name. They simply ask that their members be as free as other students to engage in extra-curricular activities of their own choosing. By any account, this is a reasonable request. In addition to their philanthropic contributions, the members of AEPi play a vital role in Kingston’s Jewish community. Providing routes through which everyone can form a personal, meaningful Jewish identity is a pillar of creating a strong Jewish community, and giving students a range of organizations through which to find that identity is crucial. Hillel, Chabad, and the synagogues in Kingston are excellent groups that can
provide a nurturing community for many students, but they cannot reach everyone. AEPi is open to anyone who espouses their values, and they offer a welcoming environment for students who haven’t found a community in other groups. Many people close to me have discovered in AEPi a circle of strong and inspiring role models, and my own experience at Queen’s was enriched by their presence. Hindering AEPi’s continuing efforts would be shameful.
“I don’t know anybody in a frat, I’ve got no point of reference.” Hilary Fitzgibbon, ArtSci ’13
Sincerely, Madlyn Axelrod ArtSci ’11
Agree or disagree with our content? Write letters to the editor and send them to: journal_letters@ams.queensu.ca
“I’d like to join Alpha Delta Gamma.” Eric Lai, ArtSci ’13
10 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
art exhibit
Stopping stigma, saving self-esteem Art on the Street event includes over 22 artists B y S avoula S tylianou Arts Editor
Arts Street Health Centre counsellor Kelly Sexsmith says the goal of Art on the Street is to reduce stigma and build self-esteem for the artists involved.
photos by alex choi
Chasing after Chaisson
Four porcelain enclosed walls didn’t stop John MacFarlane from creating his art. He’s one of many who’ve created their art for the Art on the Street exhibit from inside Kingston Penitentiary, the place he ended up after committing a series of bank robberies. Art on the Street has had over 200 individual pieces shown in the past six years of its existence. The annual exhibit showcases the work of Street Health Centre clients, those who’ve dealt with long-term substance abuse or mental health problems. Kelly Sexsmith is the Street Health Centre counsellor responsible for coming up with the original concept for the art show. “People have to apply to get a registration to produce art in prison, but John’s being released this year so he’ll be able to be at the show, which will be nice,” she said. The exhibit, which varies from drawings of jumbled up words to picturesque nature, has 22 artists involved this year. Sexsmith said the main goal of the show is two-fold: reduce the stigma coming from the viewers and build up the self-esteem of the artists. “We really try not to target the fact that these people’s lives might have been marginalized,” she said. The quality of the artwork on the walls was as good as anything viewed at another Kingston art gallery. The intricacies and attention paid to detail in each piece was, to say the least, breathtaking. “There are some people who
have been involved in the program year after year and you look at their artwork and see how it’s completely evolved and they get more serious about it,” she said. “Where they’re at now in their art is pretty phenomenal.” All the necessary components of the exhibit are donated — from the food and refreshments to the lighting and floors themselves. None of the artwork submitted is eliminated, Sexsmith said.
really try not “toWe target the fact that these people’s lives might have been marginalized.
— Kelly Sexsmith, Street Health Centre counsellor It’s important that the artists feel their work is being presented in a professional artistic setting, she said. Most of the pieces of art currently on exhibit are for sale, and Sexmith said 90 per cent of the profit goes to the artist, with 10 per cent being used to offset costs for the exhibit, as opposed to the 40 to 60 per cent that galleries usually take. Sexsmith said this show is unique in the physical and emotional feedback it can give the artists. “I think the artists just want to talk to people — it’s sort of the biggest event for their year.” Art on the Street runs until Sunday night at 275 Princess St.
East coast native brings his Celtic roots to his worldwide shows B y J oanna P lucinska Editorials Editor It’s been a while since Tim Chaisson has had a day off. The P.E.I. native and singer/songwriter has been busy shaping his music career since 2002. “I’m kind of constantly on tour,” he said. Chaisson has been traveling with his own East Coast teaser while on tour — having recently
come from playing New York City to playing out west in the Canadian prairies. Kingston is next on his list. Chaisson will be putting his dreamy brand of acoustic stylings on display at the Mansion with hopes of charming his audience with his latest solo tunes. While he used to play in a band called Tim Chaisson & Morning Fold, Chaisson said his solo act will have more focus on the songs. “With this record I wanted
Tim Chaisson used to perform with his backup band Morning Fold. They recorded four albums together before Chaisson went solo.
to make something where I could recreate [life stories] in all different shapes and forms,” he said. While his solo music and his group music both focus primarily on tales of life and love, his solo songs are simpler and feel more personally intimate. Simple melodic tunes accompany his heartfelt lyrics, making Chaisson successful at producing an album that will tug more firmly on his audience’s heartstrings than ever before. His knack for all things musical is evident in the live performance clips he’s posted on YouTube — displaying his flawless vocal abilities and his capability to masterfully play a myriad of different instruments. Chaisson has been fine-tuning this ability to sing ardent love songs to audiences for many years. Music-making runs in the family, he said. “I’m a sixth generation fiddle player and I was basically brought into it by family … when I was 14 I started playing bass in a [contemporary Celtic] band with [my cousins] … and I haven’t
After Tim Chaisson finishes his North American tour, he’s heading on tour in Australia. It’ll be his third time playing there.
stopped playing since then.” It’s from these roots that he gets his distinct east coast flair — something he tries to bring to his shows regardless of where he’s playing. Soon he’ll bring this to Australia where he’ll be playing for a month. Chaisson said people in Australia don’t really know about Canadian musical artists, but it’s his third time playing there.
“Whenever you go to Australia, the majority of people are fairly unfamiliar with Canadians and Canadian music.” World traveler or not, Chaisson is sure to bring thoughts of his home back east with him everywhere he plays. Tim Chaisson plays the Mansion on Nov. 6 at 9 p.m.
Friday, october 26, 2012
• 11
Blast from the British past Musical group pays tribute to British folk musician Nick Drake B y tEREncE WonG Opinions Editor If going to see a musician’s live show isn’t an option, make your own live show of their music. British 70s folk-rock musician Nick Drake didn’t have much commercial success in his career. But his lack of album sales during his life slowly reversed after his death and since then Drake has developed a strong following. Luke Jackson is one of those followers. He became a fan of Drake’s music and he is now one of 12 performers in the tribute band The Songs of Nick Drake, inspired by the man himself. Jackson is also the tour producer and built the band up to what it is today. “I haven’t picked this artist willy nilly, I’m
not a particularly big fan of tribute concerts per se,” he said. “Nick Drake played very little live and people love his records and never imagined they could hear his songs played live, much less in an elaborate setting on this tour.” Drake, who died in 1974 at the age of 24 from a drug overdose, has an aura of mystery and mythos behind him due to the little people knew about him. “He’s not an artist who you can go find on YouTube and search for footage of him playing live because there’s no video footage of him at all,” Luke said. It was his want to pay tribute to Drake that drew Jackson to start The Songs of Nick Drake tribute band three years ago. “When you really get into his music, you wind up getting into his life to a greater degree.”
Rocking roots of science Crystalyne got their name from a science textbook B y s avoula s tylianou Arts Editor They may be the toys of the past but Gameboys are in the present for Crystalyne. Lead singer of the Toronto-based band Marissa Dattoli said she and her band mates are “big, nerdy turds” who have a hard time turning away from their Gameboys while on tour. “We’re obsessed with Pokemon and we’re just 20-year-olds who play our Gameboy constantly,” she said. The pop punk band is currently on their second tour with their debut EP Navigate, which started off at Mod Club Theatre in Toronto last week. Since then, they’ve played with fellow Canadians Marianas Trench in Oshawa. The group’s show in Kingston this week will be their first, but local hotels aren’t a site they’ll be visiting. “I’ve been here before because I have a couple of girlfriends from high school that go to Queen’s, so it’s really convenient that we can have a place to stay,” she said. “The only thing I’ve ever really done in Kingston is go on a boat ride.” Meeting through mutual friends, Dattoli got together with her current band after parting ways with her former musical partner. She started playing music with band
mates and friends Josh, Scott and Justin three years ago and said she doesn’t mind being surrounded by boys in her band. “I don’t get along with many girls because I’m a tomboy — getting dolled up to go to clubs isn’t me. So we usually just chill and play video games,” she said, “but when we’re playing shows in different cities, sometimes I’ll say ‘I need some time to go shopping on my own.’”
It’s hard for me to sing “about something if I haven’t experienced it myself. ”
— Marissa Dattoli of Crystalyne
Dattoli said the origins of the name Crystalyne are just as nerdy as the four members of the group. “My sister had a book on how crystals form and there’s a real word for it called crystalline. I looked it up and it related to our band and [that’s] how we slowly formed,” she said. Even though the crowds they play to are the same age as the band, Dattoli said she isn’t going to party like people her age usually do. “For me, I have to be careful because I don’t usually drink when we’re on tour
Crystalyne lead singer Marissa Dattoli says she doesn’t mind being the only girl in the band since she’s a tomboy who likes hanging out and playing video games with the guys.
Jackson’s known and worked with Robert Kirby, a music producer who helped Drake with his first album when they were both 20 years old in 1969. Kirby later worked with Luke on a Nick Drake tribute show in 2009 in Toronto. “I had planned to do a more elaborate one with a full string section and a band,” he said. Kirby was going to fly in to help develop strings for the show but he passed away unexpectedly, leading Jackson to cancel the show. Despite that setback, Jackson would bring together the musicians in 2010 for a show dedicated to not only Drake, but also to Kirby. Since the success of that first concert, the “string-laden folk pop” sound of The Songs of Nick Drake will be going on tour and featuring 12 different musicians when they play Kingston including Jackson, Oh Susanna, Kevin Kane, Kurt Swinghammer and special guests Jim Bryson and Jeremy Fisher. Jackson knows the assumptions made about tribute bands — sometimes people would rather pay more money to see the because of my voice. I don’t want to drain it and the alcohol dries out my throat,” Dattoli said. If the words coming out of her mouth during a song weren’t from the heart, she wouldn’t be able to do it, she said. “I write all my own songs and I write
Nick Drake tragically died at the age of 24 after a drug overdose.
real thing. “It’s like, ‘why go see a Neil Young or Tragically Hip tribute concert when you can pay two hundred bucks and go see the act themselves,’” he said, “but Nick Drake is different.” The Songs of Nick Drake plays Chalmer’s United Church on Nov. 7 at 8 p.m.
them about things that have happened to me and stuff I’ve gone through,” she said. “It’s hard for me to sing about something if I haven’t experienced it.” Crystalyne plays the Mansion on Saturday at 6 p.m.
12 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
Is music your forte? Is art your niche? Is theatre your calling?
Email us to write for Arts! journal_ae@ams.queensu.ca What We’re Listening To It’s not all about dressing up as the Rich Kids of Instagram and Honey Boo Boo this Halloween. The Journal reverts back to the basics and brings you creepy tunes for your celebrations. 1) “Welcome to My Nightmare” by Alice Cooper 2) “I Died So I Could Haunt You” by Stars 3) “Howlin’ For You” by The Black Keys 4) “Secret” by The Pierces 5) “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC
Keep up to date on Kingston’s art, music and theatre scene
Follow @QJArts on Twitter!
Friday, October 26, 2012
• 13
14 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
Men’s Soccer
Tracing the turnaround Soccer veterans assess their first-place season — and the road that lies ahead
The men’s soccer team will host the Toronto Varsity Blues on Sunday in the OUA quarter-final. If they win, they’ll advance to the OUA Final Four for the first time since 2007.
Photo By Colin Tomchick
Athletics initiative series
• Field House
• Scholarships • Fields & Stadium Project
The future lies west
More turf fields, new rink part of anticipated development Part 3 of 3 B y Peter M orrow Sports Editor West Campus will be home to a new athletic complex in time. With space constraints on main campus, Queen’s Athletics will be looking for funding to develop the area into a hotspot for multiple varsity sports teams. As it stands, two more turf fields and a hockey rink are on the table for the pending athletics complex project. Other features will depend on the scope of funding and priorities at the time of building. The building time and location will coincide with a growth in West Campus population. Associate director of Athletics, Business Development and Facilities, Jeff Downie said future plans to develop West Campus are based more on necessities than choice. “If university planners could’ve seen how big Queen’s University would get at some point, maybe there would be field space to
develop,” Downie said. “It’s not a choice now; it’s about how best to develop west campus to make it a hub.” Tindall, Nixon and West Campus turf fields cost the University $10 million, primarily generated by alumni donations over the past five years. Athletics Director Leslie Dal Cin says the final West Campus product will be a better home base for several varsity teams, including soccer, hockey and football. “The fourth [field] is a stadium field; the fifth will be more soccer-oriented.” she said. “Ideally
all our participants — students, varsity teams, varsity clubs, intramurals — will have quality venues by the end.” Richardson Stadium will eventually have its natural grass replaced by artificial turf — the same process used to build Tindall Field and Nixon Field. “[Richardson]’s been a grand old dame — it’s one of the only grass fields we have left,” Dal Cin said. “It’s been a great, great home base, but its life span is coming to an end because the needs are changing.”
B y N ick Faris , Peter M orrow and P eter R eimer Journal Staff
After being in the middle of the pack for the last few years, how does it feel to finish in first place?
The men’s soccer team won’t rest on their laurels just yet. The Gaels (11-1-2) enjoyed a nearly perfect regular season in 2012, finishing atop their conference for the first time in over a decade. They’re set to face the fourth-seeded Toronto Varsity Blues (7-5-2) in a home quarter-final match on Sunday. Queen’s has won just one playoff game in the last four seasons, failing to reach the OUA Final Four in that period. Last year, they lost in the first round, falling in penalty kicks to the lower-seeded Laurentian Voyageurs. This season, the Gaels lost just once, conceding an OUA-low eight goals in 14 games. They’re favoured to reach the league final and qualify for the CIS national championships. The team’s veteran players have witnessed an astonishing turnaround since head coach Chris Gencarelli assumed his role in 2010. Third-year captain Joe Zupo has evolved into one of the OUA’s premier defenders, while fourth-year midfielder Nathan Klemencic made significant offensive contributions in his first season as a starter. Midfielders Nick Pateras and Patrick Zanetti and defender Adrian Rochford, the team’s fifth-year players, have provided valuable depth and veteran experience throughout their Queen’s careers. Klemencic, Pateras, Rochford, Zanetti and Zupo sat down with the Journal to discuss the team’s transformation.
Zanetti: First is nice — once you get to the playoffs, it doesn’t mean much, though. You have to win once you’re there. Zupo: No one gets a medal for being first in the OUA East. You need to go and make noise in the playoffs — that’s how you make history. Do you feel any extra pressure coming into the playoffs? Klemencic: More than any other year I’ve been here, we’ve got more confidence. It’s a lot less about ‘it sucks to play the bigger teams’ and more that they should be afraid of us. I don’t think there’s more pressure than any other year. Why were you suddenly able to make the jump to first place this season? Zupo: From my first year onward, [the coaching staff] has tried to preach a message of possession football, being positive and communicating. That’s resonated more this year than prior years. With the group of lads we have right now, we’ve really come together as a unit. Zanetti: We’re coming out on top [in close games], where in past years we’ve been on the losing end of those. That’s a testament to the depth of our team, since we’ve had a lot of injuries. Everyone’s given significant minutes this year, which makes a big, big difference. See November on page 18
See Natural on page 17
Inside Athlete Profile
Japanese exchange student Shingo Tanaka has quickly adapted to Canadian lacrosse
Playoff primer
Mapping the Gaels’ fall post-season routes in football, soccer and rugby
Home of the Queen’s football program, Richardson Stadium will undergo a complete refurbishing as part of a Queen’s Athletics Initiative once funding is in check.
Photo By Alex Choi
Friday, october 26, 2012
• 15
Athlete ProFile
Swift exchange Japanese lacrosse player adapts to life in Canada B y J osH B UrtoN Staff Writer Far away from home, Shingo Tanaka still feels comfortable on the lacrosse field. The third-year Japanese exchange student joined the men’s varsity lacrosse team this fall, after wanting to do an exchange abroad and coming across the Queen’s Athletics program online. “To be honest, before I came here, my expectations for the Queen’s team were lower than I feel now,” Tanaka said. “After I joined this team, I realized the level is very high.” Tanaka is on exchange from Keio University in Tokyo, where he studies environmental economics and plays varsity lacrosse. In Japan, competitive lacrosse is only played at the collegiate level. Tanaka was a multi-sport athlete in high school before picking up lacrosse in university. A steady, reliable defenseman, Tanaka has scored two goals in nine games for the Gaels in 2012. He’s adapted well to the Canadian style of play, which he attributes to Keio’s distinctly North American strategy. His school faced the likes of NCAA Division 1 teams Georgetown, Towson and UMBC during a US tour this September “I think Keio’s play style is very similar to Canadian lacrosse,” Tanaka said. “In Canada, [the players] focus on short passes and quick
Shingo Tanaka credits the North American style of play employed by his Japanese team for his transition to Canadian lacrosse.
play because they played box lacrosse in high school.” “[Keio] focuses on fast breaks and transition play, which is a very similar style.” Tanaka was immediately impressed by the Gaels’ skill level. After a disappointing 2011 season where the Gaels failed to win a game, Queen’s finished 4-5 this year, third in the Canadian University Field Lacrosse Association’s (CUFLA) East division. The Gaels will face the Bishop’s Gaiters (8-2) tomorrow in a wildcard game to qualify for the Baggataway Cup, the CUFLA championship tournament. Tanaka scored the Gaels’ first goal in their 7-6 loss to Bishop’s on Sept. 23. “I think we have a good chance to win the league. We lost to McGill and Bishop’s but they were very close games — only by one goal or in overtime,” he said. “If we can
complete our jobs and stay focused, we can definitely win the championship.” Off the field, Tanaka has quickly made friends with many of his teammates. “I’ve never lived by myself so it’s very
Photo By Alex Choi
challenging for me. I can speak English well, but I thought I’d have difficulty doing [daily things],” he said. “I can enjoy living at Queen’s because the lacrosse guys are very kind and good guys.”
Saturday Oct. 27, 1 p.m.: Gaels vs. Laurier Golden Hawks (OUA quarter-final)
Sunday Oct. 28, 3:15 p.m.: Gaels vs. Toronto Varsity Blues (OUA quarter-final)
Saturday Oct. 27, 1 p.m.: Gaels vs. Guelph Gryphons (OUA final)
Saturday Oct. 27, 9 a.m.: Gaels @ OUA Championship (Guelph, Ont.)
Sunday Oct. 28, 1 p.m.: Gaels vs. Toronto Varsity Blues (OUA quarter-final)
Saturday Oct. 27, 11 a.m.: Gaels @ OUA Championship (Toronto, Ont.)
16 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday, october 26, 2012
Natural grass gets cut Continued from page 14
These entail less weekly maintenance, increased usage and a multi-purpose capacity. Tindall’s grass became turf in 2009 and the benefits were recorded. Dal Cin said the switch to turf resulted in an increase in total hours of usage. This increase is an estimated 500 per cent difference on a yearly basis. Queen’s football’s home field once stood in place of Mac-Corry, but moved westward in 1971. A revamped Richardson Stadium would be a staple in the West Campus project. “The venue that was set up in 1971 isn’t going to support the needs we have in 2012,” Dal Cin said. “The same as the PEC — it didn’t support the needs of our student body in 2010.” A hockey rink is also part of the grand picture, which has lacked since Jock Harty Arena was torn from its roots at the corner of Division and Union Streets in 2007. The men’s and women’s hockey teams and the figure skating teams have been training and competing at the Memorial
Centre, north of Princess St. since. “The rink was supposed to be a component of the full vision of the Queen’s Centre and then we hit the time when our philanthropic giving was not strong,” Dal Cin said. “We had to make certain decisions and one of those was that the rink would have to move out to West Campus.” Dal Cin said the project’s timeline is driven by the ability to fundraise the project. “We build as we fund. Like all other projects and the campaign, they get initiated by the donations that trigger the activity.” The hockey teams have experienced a substantial drop in fan attendance since the move. The proposed West Campus athletics complex would mean students would still have to travel off main campus territory to enjoy the action. Dal Cin sees the project will likely intersect with a West Campus population growth, while bridging a gap between the two campuses. “We have a reality that we have a West Campus population as well. It would link our two campuses in a way that the issue just becomes transportation.”
Waterloo Warriors (1-3-2)
Friday Oct. 26, 8 p.m.: Gaels (6-1) @ Guelph Gryphons (7-0)
Friday Oct. 26, 7 p.m.: Gaels (0-0) @ McMaster Marauders (0-0)
Friday Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m.: Gaels (22-0) vs. McGill Redmen (2-3-0)
Saturday Oct. 27, 8 p.m.: Gaels @ York Lions (0-0)
WOMEN’S HOCKEY Saturday Oct. 27, 3 p.m.: Gaels (5-0-1) @ Laurier Golden Hawks (5-1-0) Sunday Oct. 28, 2 p.m.: Gaels @
WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL Saturday Oct. 27, 6 p.m.: Gaels (10) @ York Lions (2-0) Sunday Oct. 28, 1 p.m.: Gaels @ Brock Badgers (1-1)
We are Halloween 365 Days a Year!
COSTUME CASTLE & DANCEWEAR Audrey’s Costume Castle is a huge A sharp decrease in attendance at Queen’s hockey games has shown one of the costs of holding games away from main campus.
Photo By teRenCe WonG
Hwy 401
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• 17
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18 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
November in reach Continued from page 14
How important has the defence been to your success this year? Rochford: This year, more so than others, our back line is playing as a unit. It’s much more organized. Pateras: The experience has really shown. Our two centre [backs], Zupo and [David] Tom have been pretty critical players since they came, but this year we’ve seen them develop into probably the two best defenders in the league. They’re the towers back there and they’re instrumental in why we have such a good defensive record. Zupo: I’ve been playing for years, and not once have I had goalkeepers that put in the effort and the consistency that [Dylan Maxwell and Max Materne] put in.
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How big of a difference is it having the same coaches for a few years? Rochford: It’s so much easier to come to training camp every year and know what’s going to be on the plate. You build on it. Pateras: It makes it a lot easier being familiar with the ethos of the team and the philosophy the coach wants to implement.
with DJ LuxLootz @TheAleHouse
Zanetti: We defend more as a team on the field. That has something to do with the coaching staff being intact for three years and the core group of players being here three years as well.
Zanetti: Off-season stuff is a lot more coordinated. When we had an interim coach, training wasn’t the top priority for everyone. It’s a lot easier when you have instructions from the top down. What’s the team’s attitude heading into the playoffs?
Rochford: It’s just another game. That’s how we’ve come into every single game — we’ve got to win it, no matter who [we play]. Pateras: Anyone in this league can beat anyone. We’re pretty confident that the odds are in our favour. We know we can beat anyone on our day and it wouldn’t be an upset. Zupo: This week of training, the intensity’s been higher than I’ve ever seen it. From top to bottom, we have players that know they can play the game. If you have that confidence going in for 90 or 120 minutes, that’s when your class is going to show — and we have tons of class with this group. What are you most looking forward to in the playoffs? Zanetti: Soccer in November. Never had it. Zupo: Last year, we were out today. What I want to avoid is that feeling of being empty for the next three or four days, where you don’t even know what to do with yourself. Pateras: For me, it’s the thrill of knowing that it’s so serious. Our season could be over on Sunday, but it’s entirely in our hands to make it not just this week or the following week, but all the way to nationals. Zanetti: For those of us in fifth year, we really have to cherish this, because we’ll probably never train or play at this high of a level again in our life. This is it, really. Pateras: It’s a real privilege. We want to prolong it as long as we can. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
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Friday, october 26, 2012
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• 19
20 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, October 26, 2012
postscript animals
Life after death
Though taxidermy isn’t as common as it once was, some still appreciate the skill B y J anina E nrile Postscript Editor Scattered throughout the Biosciences Complex is a collection of animals caught in time. They’re all preserved skins, mounted on a sculpted shape to retain life-like looks — specimens of the art of taxidermy. And some of them are made by one man, a technician for the department of biology. I meet with Tice Post in his office. It’s a small room, piled with tools and documents under a halo of fluorescent lighting. A fish is mounted on the wall above his desk. Mid-motion, with its tail curved right, the fish’s shiny, artificial coating of varnish is supposed to reflect how it once lived — wet and swimming frantically, as if escaping the fisherman that ended its life with a hook. It’s a finished product, which alludes to a room on the bottom floor — a workshop where Post does most of his taxidermy work. Some call taxidermy an art, but Post, who’s been doing it for just over 43 years, insists he’s no artist. For him, the craft is simply a byproduct of growing up on a farm north of Kingston, hunting and gaining a parallel respect and fascination for the animal world. The taxidermy process comes down to three things, according to Post: skinning, preserving and shaping. Post first obtains the animals from biology faculty members who request the taxidermy. The lifeless bodies arrive frozen in a plastic bag, waiting to be gutted and skinned in Post’s workshop. Post uses a male pheasant, a colourful specimen, to trace where he would cut a bird’s flesh in order to skin it. It’s a straight line right down the middle of the chest. The skinning process can take
up to an hour, Post said. “You just wet the feathers a little bit and part them back and there’s always a little bit of bare skin there with no feathers,” he said. “You cut that with a scalpel.” To prepare an animal skin, Post first cleans it. Fish and mammal skin is treated with a mixture of salt, water and Borax that acts as a guard against insects. “For the feathers, you don’t use the salt because the skin is very fatty. It’ll just dissolve the skin,” he said. He keeps the specimen in the solution for up to three days, a careful process, as too much time submerged can ruin the skin. A mammal with fur will be tanned, similar to leather. A bird, however, is dried with the reverse function of a vacuum — similar to a blowdryer. Hanging on the walls of the workshop are several fish, all in the middle of a process that could take up to a week. They’re drying out until Post can fit them onto a styrofoam sculpture, an anatomically correct mold of the animal’s shape. These can be bought, Post says, but he uses a fillet knife to modify it as needed. Taxidermists will place the skin over the mold, using wire to shape legs, necks and tails as needed. A final stitching job seals the wound that shows how the animal was killed. He said these final steps are often the most difficult ones. “When you first start something like this, you think you know the animals. You don’t,” he said. “You’ve got to spend time and observe how they walk, how they hold themselves.” It’s all part of the craft, it seems. Expose yourself to wildlife enough and you might gain the skill to
Birds, like the pheasants above, are skinned after a cut is made down the middle of their chest.
duplicate it for all to see. “You keep learning. You never stop learning,” he said. While mammals and birds retain their colour over time, a fish skin will slowly turn into a dull, grey colour upon drying. Post says he’ll use oil paints to colour in the animal’s skin. It’s why most fish taxidermists are skilled painters as well. “I find [acrylic paint] dries too fast and I have trouble blending the colours,” he said. “You’ve got to put all that colour back in.” Other animals are made into rugs. On one side of Post’s workshop sits a bear skin with the head protruding, intended to lie on someone’s floor. Surrounded by his work, it’s clear that taxidermy is more than just a weekend hobby for Post. He said it all began with a high school correspondence course in taxidermy that led to a summer job with Queen’s department of biology. Post said he was hired in anticipation of creating a new museum for the department. The museum was later canned, but the department kept Post on. Taxidermy used to occupy half of Post’s time at work but since the retirement of one Queen’s biology professor whose work often required Post’s specimens, his workload has gone down substantially.
Nowadays, he’s typically busiest during the spring, a time when biology faculty members’ last-minute requests for taxidermy come in. “They’re getting ready to head out into the field, or they want something for the classroom,” he said. The influx of projects means Post’s personal projects, remnants of his hunting trips, are often left until later. “It’s like a mechanic. Your stuff comes last,” he said. While most commissions come from people looking to decorate their homes with their latest kill, Post said a lot of his work goes towards education. Some of the animals are kept in biology labs, or in the display cases that line the halls of BioSci. According to Post, he’s lost count of how many animals remain to be worked on. He tells me of the road kill sitting in a chest freezer, waiting to be made into taxidermy. “I’ve got coyote, an otter, two mink and a fish,” he said. “They’re going to be used in the classroom and [by the local nature group, the] Kingston Field Naturalists.” Taxidermy reached its height during the Victorian era, in the late 1800s to the early 1900s when transatlantic voyages sparked curiosity about exotic animals. For the Victorians, it was a
photo by janina enrile
combination of the scientific and aesthetic as they decorated their homes with preserved specimens — mounted zebra heads or colourful birds under bell jars. Now it’s a dying craft — something that has become more of a hobby for Post, with some work done on a commission basis. “It’s nothing where you’ll make a lot of money,” he said. “That’s why you’ll get people [who] start it and then just find out it’s not worth the work.” He makes about a dozen specimens each year for the biology department. Although the demand for his craft has changed, one basic principle has remained. “You’ve got to have knowledge of your animal,” he said. “That’s the hard part.” It’s a point traditionally taught in a taxidermy class, like the ones Post said he used to teach in night courses at Frontenac Secondary School. In fact, he said he still gets Queen’s students and faculty approaching him to learn taxidermy. Not all of them can cope with the process, though. “They just can’t handle the blood, I guess.”
Tice Post, biology department technician, does about 12 taxidermy works each year. While some become full-body models, others, like the bear above, are made into rugs.
photo by janina enrile