The Queen's Journal, Issue 9

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T u e s d ay , S e p t e m b e r 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 — I s s u e 9

j the ournal Queen’s University — Since 1873



Support dwindles

Inside Feature

Funds down over 20 years, but walk exceeds this year’s goals

A look at the Alumni Association’s international branches.

B y Vincent M atak Assistant News Editor Twenty-two years after Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life started in Kingston, event organizers have seen a decrease in donations for the event. “When we first started them in the 90s we had 300 or 400 people out and would raise on average around $25,000 a year,” John MacTavish, executive director for HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS) in Kingston, said, “but that was the beginning of it, it was a crisis.” HARS is the host organization for the annual Kingston Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life. Approximately 150 people attended the event on Saturday, a decrease of 50 people from last year. The walk began in City Park and included groups of children leading the walk that went down Princess St. This year’s Walk for Life raised $13,000 from online donations and cheques — $3,000 more than organizers had expected. The annual lantern festival, a regular component of the Walk that signifies resilience for those with HIV, was cancelled due to bad weather. MacTavish said he attributes the decrease in overall funds raised at the Walk partly to the fundraising for other issues people are supporting. “There’s only so much money to go around,” he said. “If it’s your family member living with cancer, you’re going to support that, and you have to find ways to work with that and work with the other groups to make it happen.” Despite the decrease in donations and participation from last year, MacTavish said there is still a strong network of support for people living with HIV/AIDS in Kingston. HARS offers resources to students through Health, Counselling and Disability Services at Queen’s and helps around 240 people with HIV/AIDS in Kingston each year. One of the main issues the service deals with is deconstructing the stigma around people living with the disease. “People will look at it like it’s a matter of blame,” he said. “People have to know that it’s my friend, my neighbour, my coworker … it’s not as easy to say something negative about it or ‘we don’t care’ if we consider it on a personal level.” The funds raised will go toward HARS access services, a project See Event on page 6

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Philosophy professor discusses the ethical implications of having kids. page 4


A review of Russell Peters’ Saturday night show at the K-Rock Centre. Jordy Jacob, Sci ’16, captures the tam on Saturday’s Grease Pole event.

Photo by Tiffany Lam


Sci ’16 makes slick history Two weeks after event was postponed, engineering frosh capture Grease Pole tam on first attempt B y R achel H erscovici Assistant News Editor Despite Saturday’s grim weather, Sci ’16 pressed on to become the first year ever in Grease Pole history to capture the tam on their first attempt at the directed climb. Like other Grease Pole climbs, the frosh began the event left to their own devices in the pit trying to climb the pole. Slowly upper years were allowed into the pit to splash and taunt the first-years , delaying their success further. The directed climb was the final stage of the event when everyone, upper years and frosh alike, came together to coordinate climbing the pole. Covered in mud and with shoes strapped to feet with duct tape, this year’s frosh completed the event in 1:30:48. The fastest time ever in Grease Pole history, back before the times of directed climbs, was Sci ’77’s 17-minute climb. The event was postponed from its original scheduled date of Sept.

8 due to inclement weather, but this didn’t deter students from beating last year’s time of 2:09:06. Taylor Wheeler, Engineering Society President, said he thought

the event went better than anyone could have expected. “Everyone was pretty nervous we wouldn’t be able to run the

page 10


Exploring lesser known sports. page 19

See Climb on page 5


Improving the Queen’s Press McGill-Queen’s University Press’ Kingston office to hire two full-time employees after external review recommends changes B y H olly Tousignant News Editor The Kingston office of the McGillQueen’s University Press (MQUP) is temporarily closed after its three staff left their positions. Their departure followed an external review of the Press in 2011 which recommended steps for moving forward and expanding. The Press is one of the largest university publishers in North America, and ranks in the top 10 percentile in volume of

work published. “These are exciting times for the Kingston editorial office of the Press as the number of manuscripts from that office will at least treble in output once the two editors have settled in their places,” MQUP Executive Director Philip Cercone told the Journal via email. The review was conducted by the Provost at the University of British Columbia and the directors of two major American university presses and found that MQUP was “clearly the best Canadian University

Press and among the best in North America,” Cercone said. “In the next 10 years, the 17-member Board of Directors of the Press, on which sit the Principals and Provosts of both Queen’s and McGill, will be considering a 10-year blueprint — one hopes that the number of titles published will be increased by some 50 per cent,” he said. “As well, the list will be more focused and the area of growth will likely be more on internationally-themed books than See Review on page 7


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Nations

Entrenching Indigenous knowledge in academia Visiting speaker Stephanie Inglis to discuss the success of First Nations programming at Cape Breton University B y H olly Tousignant News Editor When linguist Stephanie Inglis arrived to teach at Cape Breton University (CBU) in 1986, the school had few First Nations

students and offered no Native Studies courses. Thanks in part to her contributions, the school has now become a success story among the various attempts at Canadian universities to incorporate

Linguist Stephanie Inglis will deliver three talks on First Nations issues on campus this week.

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Indigenous knowledge and engage Trent University and the Aboriginal of projects which engage the local Law and Governance program at Mi’kmaq communities. Aboriginal students. The Lab’s Jilaptoq Project, a Inglis will be offering three talks the University of British Columbia on campus this week on topics as particularly successful examples. talking dictionary to be used by Inglis added that initially, CBU’s the Nova Scotia Department of relating to her work at Cape Breton University as part of the Natives Studies courses were Education’s Grade 7 Mmi’kmaw Brockington Visitorship and the non-credit, as the content wasn’t curriculum, will be the topic of her Chancellor Dunning Trust Lecture. considered “valid” within an second talk in Walter Light Hall Her visit comes just weeks after academic setting. Today, CBU offers on Wednesday. The Lab’s study of Mi’kmaw the first Indigenous language degree program in Mi’kmaq Studies, classes — Mohawk and Inuktitut as the Mi’kmaw people make up a “pain words” — words used to significant portion of Nova Scotia’s describe injury — will be the topic - commenced at Queen’s. of her Thursday talk in the New “Certainly in Canada, in the Aboriginal population. CBU is also home to Unama’ki Medical Building. Studying the last five or six years, there has been much more awareness within College, which aims to engage words people from the Mi’kmaq academia of making courses Mi’kmaq and other First Nation use to describe pain, which are location and cause-related which contain and foster the study Nations students. Inglis said one challenge that the rather than intensity-related, can and scholarship of Indigenous knowledge [and] bring it to the school’s First Nations students face be used for practical application in is balancing family life with school, hospitals, Inglis said. forefront,” Inglis said. As for Queen’s, she said she “Queen’s is certainly part as many of them are parents. The success of CBU’s sees the new language courses as a of that initiative, and I think relationship with the Mi’kmaq good starting point for improving it’s wonderful.” Back when Inglis took part Nation is the topic of Inglis’ first Indigenous engagement. Queen’s also currently offers in creating the first Natives talk, which will be presented at Studies courses at CBU in the the Agnes Etherington Art Centre courses in Aboriginal Studies and the history of Canada’s Indigenous 1980s, that area of study was tonight at 4 p.m. “Before the early ’80s there peoples, and is also home to the relatively uncommon. “There were one or two courses were no Mi’kmaw students at Master of Education in Aboriginal that were appearing at other CBU,” Inglis said. “Now [over] and World Indigenous Educational universities across Canada,” she 10 per cent of the undergraduate Studies as well as the country’s said. “The trend was to sort of have population is First Nation, so that’s only graduate program in Indigenous public administration a generic-type course. That’s why it a huge change.” The University has graduated and policy was called Native Studies, where “I think you’ll see this only being you would talk generally about a total of 500 Aboriginal students, issues related to First Nations and many of whom have gone on the first step and that there will be to spread Mi’kmaw knowledge all kinds of other initiatives which Indigenous peoples.” There are now hundreds of through teaching and other will allow Queen’s students to engage in the scholarship of those Indigenous issues-related programs professions, she added. Inglis is the director of the Indigenous peoples.” at universities across the country. Inglis pointed to the Indigenous Mi’kmaw Language Lab at CBU, Studies at York University and which is responsible for a variety

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Feature aLUMNI

Global graduates Queen’s has 18 alumni branches outside Canada and the US, with memberships ranging from just a few members to several hundred B y A lison S houldice Features Editor Sarah Tessier, ArtSci ’05, wasn’t born British, but thanks to a large settlement of Queen’s grads in the United Kingdom, she’s found a community overseas. Tessier is one of many Queen’s graduates to move abroad for work or education-related purposes. For the past two years, she’s been involved with the U.K. branch of the Queen’s University Alumni Association (QUAA) — a group of 849 alumni, the largest of Queen’s 18 international branches. The University categorizes its alumni into three divisions, depending on where they’re situated — those living in Canada, US and internationally. Currently, there are approximately 137,000 Queen’s alumni with 13,500 living internationally in 153 countries worldwide. Only 15 of these countries have alumni branches. Countries such as Australia have multiple branch locations varying amongst cities. Although the U.K. branch is the University’s biggest, Tessier, who’s the branch president, said it’s still in its infancy. When she first arrived, the branch was in the process of getting up and running, as its activity had previously stalled due to volunteer turnover. “It’s been quiet over the past couple of years which can sometimes happen with branches depending on who’s involved,” she said. “People come and go.” Now, the eight executive members plan reunion events for alumni in the U.K. This spring, the branch hosted a weekend event at Herstmonceux Castle. The two-day event welcomed 30 alumni from the U.K. and Europe and involved seminars taught by castle faculty on archaeology, theatre and international relations. The branch also takes part in the annual Canada Day celebration each year at Trafalgar Square in London. “We would hope that people attending come away with a good feeling of Queen’s and a nice reminder of how great they feel about their alma mater,” Tessier said. Although it has over 800 members in its database, Tessier said she’s aware that there are many more alumni living in the U.K. Not all of the University’s international branches boast large numbers; some have as little as one or two members. One of these is the Honduras branch. Yusuf Kappaya, ArtSci ’08, is the branch leader and said he’s currently the only active member. According to Alumni Relations, there are four alumni

in Honduras. Kappaya originally contacted QUAA about starting a branch for Central America but they instead decided to open a Honduras branch. He received email addresses of two other alumni living in the country to contact. He emailed them, but never got a response. A third he never received the contact information for. “I don’t know why they still have it,” he said of the branch. “The thing is there’s no mechanism to find people.” Other very small branches include the Tasmanian branch with three members and the Moroccan branch with two. Liz Gorman, manager of branches and students at Alumni Relations said these branches exist to maintain at least one contact in the country. “We’re always happy still to have a contact in that area so if there are any questions or if there are recruitment opportunities or … current students who are thinking of accepting a job offer in Honduras, having an alumni contact in that area who is willing to act as a contact for those folks is very valuable,” she said. The Association generally tends to concentrate most of its efforts in places with more alumni, she said. These efforts include events such as pub nights and student recruitment events which are mostly focused in the U.K. and Hong Kong. Currently Hong Kong has an alumni base of 588, which is the second largest international branch behind the U.K. According to Gorman, Hong Kong is a strong area for alumni because many students live there before coming to Queen’s.

Although there are University staff that oversee the Alumni Association’s international reach, the branches themselves are all run by volunteers. According to Gorman, while many of them also give financial donations, the time they spend planning events is valuable for the association, she said. Money into the University from international locations is also a focus for the administration, who actively solicits alumni donations abroad. “We follow our alumni, from a fundraising point of view, around the world,” said Tom Hewitt, chief development officer in advancement at the University. “We sometimes travel a great distance to connect with these people, because it’s a worthwhile investment of time and effort.” Hewitt’s job is to head up fundraising efforts for the University both in Canada and worldwide. Under his watch, there are 35 development officers hired to travel both nationally and internationally to solicit donations from alumni. “Most of our solicitations are one-on-one meetings with potential donors,” he said. This often involves arranging fundraising events hosted by the alumnus or alumna with an invite list consisting of Queen’s graduates. “In [the office of] Advancement, we tend to focus on those who can make large multi-year pledges, because that’s how we’ll be more successful,” Hewitt said. The University also has a research team who determines what graduates are financially able to make large donations. Information on alumni is collected through public means, Hewitt said.

The U.K. branch of the Alumni Association has the largest number of members within international branches.

They also talk to branch leaders who may be able to pinpoint the more wealthy members of their group. “[Donors] like to know you’ve done some homework on who they are.” Carleton University also employs a similar method of recruiting alumni donors via inviting prospective donors to international recruitment events. However, only an estimated five per cent of the approximately 125,000 alumni are living internationally, said Heather Theoret, alumni relations officer at Carleton. Unlike Queen’s, the majority of Carleton’s graduates remain in the same city as the school. “Because Carleton is in Ottawa, historically most of our students come from Ottawa,” Theoret said. “Currently 40,000 alumni live in the city.” She added that developing international alumni relations is something that Carleton is interested in doing due to the increasing presence of international students. At Carleton, the alumni branches are called ‘affiliates.’ Theoret said that the affiliates are to keep the Carleton graduates that live far away connected with their

There are 35 development officers hired to travel nationally and internationally to solicit donations from alumni.

Photo by Tiffany Lam

alma mater. There are 43 affiliates, with four international branches in France, Spain, India and Hong Kong and four in the US. Hong Kong is currently the largest affiliate branch with 248 members, and Spain is the smallest with 26 members. “Activity overseas and in the US is largely connected to all Canadian university alumni associations but we also work closely with senior administration and international recruitment office to be informed of their travel plans to reach out to alumni internationally where possible,” Theoret told the Journal via email. She added that Carleton’s president will travel to alumni events in foreign countries in order to connect with international alumni. When it comes to soliciting donations, the Development Office and the University Advancement Department work collaboratively. Prospective donors are invited to events where they can get caught up on the goings on at Carleton. Theoret said keeping alumni connected and informed about Carleton becomes more challenging as the geographic distance increases. — With files from Rosie Hales

graphic by ali zahid


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Debating the decision to reproduce Having children is a choice with strong ethical implications, Queen’s Research Chair Christine says in her new book By Vincent Matak Assistant News Editor The decision to have kids may be a very personal one for most people, but for philosophy professor Christine Overall, it’s a decision with far-reaching consequences. “There is the burden of justification for women who choose not to have kids,” she said, “but I think that burden needs to shift toward women who do.” Overall, a Queen’s University Research Chair, held a talk at the Ban Righ Centre last week to discuss her book, Why Have Children? The Ethical Debate. The book, released in February, argues that people should abstain from having kids because of the inherent ethical risks involved. According to Overall, one can’t predict the impact children will have on society at large or on

family members. “Choosing to have children has a profound effect on people and makes a huge difference to society,” she said during the talk. “It affects so many people.” Every person’s actions have ripple effects, she said, adding that if a child acts unethically in his or her lifetime, this could negatively affect society on a larger scale. Part of this social impact is an increased consumption rate, which negatively affects the environment, she added. “It’s not a prudential or pragmatic or personal question, but an ethical one,” she said. “By having only one kid, you are doubling your own consumption rate in your own lifetime and putting the planet at more risk for environmental degradation.” Children have no control over being born, she added, and this

brings serious ethical implications to procreating. “Children will have no idea what their lives will be like and they have no control over the experiences they are born into,” she said. Overall said she became interested in the philosophical implications of having kids after she felt the pressure to become a mother when she was younger. She said it’s only really been in the past 50 years that women have had the opportunity to choose whether or not to become a mother because of progressive social movements started in the 1960s.

Despite this, there is still social pressure to have kids, she added. “It’s important that we educate women about their choices so they don’t feel like they have to abide by or subscribe to these gender norms,” she said. This pressure leads to people having children for the wrong reasons, which adds to the ethical dilemma. “Most of the time, people have kids because they feel pressure from other people, like their own parents or friends or grandparents,” Overall said. “They are using their kids as a means to an end and that is ethically wrong in and of itself.” Donna Bell, executive director

of Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre, said she thinks ethical concerns shouldn’t get in the way of a woman’s right to reproduce. “A woman should never be denied the right to have a baby,” she said. “I don’t think procreation is ethically wrong ... that isn’t right.” Having kids is a natural process many women undergo for instinctual reasons, she added. “Life is precious and I don’t think bringing more life into the world could be considered an ethical mistake,” she said. “Women choose to have children because it’s an [instinct] to want to reproduce. All species have that desire.”

Philosophy professor Christine Overall spoke at the Ban Righ Women’s Centre last week to discuss her new book, Why Have Children? The Ethical Debate.

Photo by Alex Choi


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Climb better than expected, EngSoc president says Continued from page 1

event,” he said. The Grease Pole event has never been cancelled, but, it has been split up into a two-day event when

Sci ’72 was unsuccessful on their first day trials. Wheeler noted that about 500 frosh were in attendance along with approximately 250 upper-year students. This was about two thirds of the

Shine day delivers Shine Day saw mixed participation on Sunday — two weeks after it was originally scheduled. The annual event, organized as part of the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society’s Orientation Week had been cancelled due to inclement weather. Sunday started out rainy but cleared up just as the event began. “It wasn’t as high participation as it would be during Orientation Week,” Aanjalie Collure, head gael for ASUS Orientation Week, said. There was advertising in Kingston’s market square on the day of the event promoting Shine Day Activities and the cause — the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. “There was a lot more community participation this week.” Collure, ArtSci ’13, said. “There was a lot more children from Kingston coming out to the bouncy castle and things like that, a huge tourist group came by.” The exact total of money raised isn’t yet determined but should be announced this coming Wednesday or Thursday says Maggie Robinson, the Community Awareness, Respect and Engagement (C.A.R.E) Chair. Sci ’16 endured rain and cold weather to reach the tam in under two hours.

Photos by Tiffany Lam

— Rachel Herscovici and Holly Tousignant

average upper-year attendance of 450. Heavy rain fell as organizers set up and frosh began the climb, but the sun eventually came out and weather conditions hit a peak just as Sci ’16 retrieved the tam. “It was almost kind of symbolic,” Water Team head Gordy Best

they get that “tamWhen [it’s] a pretty magical feeling. ” — Gordy Best, Sci ’13 and Water Team head said. As Water Team head, he’s responsible for the safety of the group in the pit. “When they get that tam [it’s] a pretty magical feeling,” Best, Sci ’13 added. Standing at six feet four inches, Jordy Jacob was chosen to capture the tam as this year’s Tam Frosh because of his height. As he wore the greasy, lanolin-covered tam, Jacob beamed with pride. “This is an unreal feeling,” Jacob, Sci ’16 said. “Apparently I’m now Tam Frosh for the rest of my career here. Everybody will know who I am.” During and after the event, many students shivered and covered themselves with blankets to stay warm – but not Jacob, who didn’t appear to be cold. “I was,” he said, “but once I pulled [the tam] off I was all warm.”


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Event raised $13,000 for HIV/AIDS services Continued from page 1

that helps people with HIV/AIDS obtain better food, medicine and transportation to clinics. “We really strongly focus on assisting people who are living with HIV so that they can be independent and stay healthy and stay alive longer.”

will look at it like it’s “a People matter of blame ... People have to know that it’s my friend, my neighbour, my coworker.

— John MacTavish, HIV/AIDS Regional Services Kingston executive director

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As of 2008, it’s estimated that around 65,000 people in Canada live with HIV/AIDS. The Walk for Life event was held in 47 cities across Canada this year,

ranging from Fredericton to Toronto. According to organizers of the Toronto event, early estimates suggest that at least 1,000 people attend and at least $375,000 was raised. Nearly 30 years after being diagnosed with HIV, MacTavish said he’s lived a lucky life. “I have my friendships, my family and my community,” MacTavish. “I can live very openly as a gay man with HIV and I don’t have to deal with the stigma as much as others have to.” For MacTavish Kingston has always been more responsive to issues related to HIV/ AIDS than in cities like Toronto, and this has helped people living with the disease overcome stigma. “We always have a group of people living with HIV who are able to be vocal and that is what makes it different here,” he said. “People can get to know other people living with the virus and have a connection versus the big, broad city environments.”

Approximately 150 people attended this year’s AIDS Walk for Life, a decrease of approximately 50 people from last year’s event.

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Photo by Colin Tomchick


Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012


Review deems Press the best in Canada Continued from page 1

Canadian ones so that we will have an even split between world and Canadian themes.” In June, the University announced that Donald Akenson, the long-time senior editor of the Press’s Kingston office, was stepping down. A Sept. 10 release on the Queen’s News Centre announced that two additional staff members had resigned, and that Queen’s will shortly be undertaking the hiring of new editors.

the next 10 years, “theIn17-member Board of

Directors of the Press, on which sit the Principal and Provosts of both Queen’s and McGill, will be considering a 10-year blueprint — one hopes that the number of titles published will be increased by 50 per cent.

— Philip Cercone, McGill-Queen’s Press executive director

Two full-time acquisition editors will be hired to work in Kingston and will be supported by clerical staff. “After that I’m preparing a strategic plan not just for that office but for the whole press

and that will be considered by the board. It would probably be by December,” he said. Cercone added that the editorial offices in both Kingston and Montreal are being allocated additional resources to significantly increase the yearly number of titles to be published. The Press began at McGill in 1960 and merged with Queen’s in 1969. Cercone said the Press continues to publish the same sorts of books today as it did when it was created, which includes “scholarly, high-end trade and some course adoption books” mostly in the area of humanities and social sciences. Queen’s Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Alan Harrison, who is co-chair of the MQUP’s Board of Directors, said the restructuring won’t mean turning the Kingston office into something entirely different. The review was commissioned by the Provost of McGill University, and Harrison’s predecessor at Queen’s, Bob Silverman. “I think what they asked the reviewers to do was to look at where McGill-Queen’s Press was in the market and also assess whether, and if so how, the Press should reposition itself within that market,” Harrison said. “I think the overall tone of the review was very positive. That said, the reviewers did make some particular recommendations on how the press might be repositioned.” — With files from Megan Cui, Alison Shouldice and Vincent Matak

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8 •

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dialogue Alison


Too perfect


ood grades, sleep or a social life. Pick two. It’s something students joke about, but it’s a sad reality. There’s an underlying expectation of perfection on Canadian university campuses, and it’s something few students can live up to. Three years ago, I graduated from high school as a top student, where hard work would mean top marks. This quickly changed when I arrived at Queen’s. My first-year marks could only be described as mediocre, and three years later, they still haven’t fully recovered. When I was in second year, I dealt with a short bout of depression that coincided with an extremely stressful academic time. I think it would be naïve to say the two weren’t interrelated. Luckily, I recovered on my own, but many other students struggling

Editorials — The Journal’s Perspective


Queen’s rejection of the CAUT’ report isn’t the right step to take.

with mental health issues aren’t as lucky. It’s no wonder young people, especially university students, have such a high rate of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. A 2005 survey of Ontario university students found that 42 per cent felt elevated distress during their time in post-secondary education. When I look at the current university structure and the vulnerabilities faced by our age group, I see a formula for disaster. If I graduated this year with a 4.3 GPA but didn’t have one extracurricular activity on my resume, there’s no doubt my lack of involvement on campus would be questioned by prospective employers. We’re expected to be perfect in an imperfect world. We’re told we can’t choose between good grades, extracurriculars, our health and a social life — we must have them all. Those students who don’t pick two but make an attempt to fulfill every expectation are the ones who risk undue stress and mental illness. The expectation for perfection on campuses needs to change. We need to continue raising awareness on these issues and discuss potential solutions to the larger problem. We students may be young and vibrant, but we’re not superhuman.

faculty rights

Transparency required


he University’s handling of Mike Mason’s case has been shrouded in mystery, a typical reaction that the administration has had over the past several years of bad PR incidents. Their refusal to engage in further discussion or admit wrongdoing is concerning. The recent report released by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) that criticized the Queen’s administration for the way they dealt with the whole situation, created the ideal opportunity for the administration to be transparent about what truly happened. The report outlined that the University had violated the academic freedom of Professor Mason, offering steps that the University administration could take to redeem itself for its actions. Instead, the administration has chosen to completely reject the report, arguing that the CAUT

isn’t the appropriate body to be bringing forward these concerns. The problem in and of itself isn’t solely with how the administration dealt with the one situation. It’s not that Mike Mason wasn’t at fault — it’s still unclear to those who weren’t in his classes whether or not the nature of his commentary was truly offensive or taken out of context. It’s that very lack of transparency that’s problematic. Very few people know why Professor Mason took an extended leave of absence or whether or not the administration had any role in it. With little comment from the administration, the issue was quickly swept under the rug. The rejection of the report only shows a further effort by Queen’s to avoid dealing with difficult conversations that address these issues for the sake of protecting their public image.

It’s been a bad couple of years for Queen’s image with highly publicized mental health issues and controversies from Fauxcoming to Queen’s Bands. Whether or not CAUT’ allegations against the administration are true, the decision makers at Queen’s owe it to their students to admit to or at least discuss their actions. The only way to grow and to ensure that everyone’s rights are being respected — whether students or faculty — is through having these sorts of difficult conversations openly. Queen’s rejection of the CAUT’ report isn’t the right step to take — a larger, more transparent investigation needs to take place, where everyone can finally get a response to the questions no one wants to answer.

— Journal Editorial Board

Alison is one of the Features Editors at the Journal.


Northern exploits T

he alleged abuse of Canada. Heads of cabbage have emergency medical flights been known to cost upwards of by staff at the Poplar $25, while cases of 24 water bottles Hill nursing station reach over $100, according to one demonstrates a clear exploitation Huffington Post article. It’s understandable then that, if of taxpayers’ money. According to a recently released one can buy food at a cheaper investigation by the Canadian Press price in the same town that offers based on a Health Canada report, the needed medical services, the these nurses from the northwestern nurses would take advantage of Ontario community were using the opportunity. If they were purchasing food for using these trips which require these very medical emergency flights to pick up groceries other members of the community more resources than pre-planned to help them save money as trips, solely for the sake of for themselves. This in and of itself isn’t what’s well, then their actions would be getting groceries. Furthermore, by choosing concerning — after all, there’s more justifiable. However, these flights have what’s reported to be the most nothing wrong with nurses picking up groceries as a pit stop on a seemingly far less innocent motives. expensive airline, Keeper River pre-planned medical trip. Nurses in this region are able to Airways, instead of two cheaper Food in these northern arrange urgent medical transport available alternatives, the nurses communities is astronomically outside of regular working hours. cost the government much more more expensive than elsewhere in The report accuses the nurses of money than necessary.

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The actions of the nurses in question demonstrate a clear lack of judgment. Instead of flying to the nearest town, which was only a 12-minute journey away, the nurses would often fly to a town over twice as far without giving any solid explanation to their reasoning, the investigation reports. In total, this led to an excess of over $650,000 spent on

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Illustration by Olivia Mersereau

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Jennifer Che Fanny Rabinovtich-Kuzmicki Hank Xu Tuesday, September 25, 2012 • Issue 9 • Volume 140

Writers Contributors

Peter Reimer

Josh Burton Jordan Cathcart Mira Dineen Sierra Megas Emily Miller Adrian Smith

The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2012 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal.

flights — flights that were used for solely selfish purposes. The abuse of the emergency flights is a waste of money for the government, for taxpayers, and, ultimately, for those living in Northern communities whose precious medical resources are being squandered.

—Journal Editorial Board The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L-3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal Online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 10 of Volume 140 will be published on Friday, September 28, 2012


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Opinions — Your Perspective


Talking heads ... around campus Photos By Alex Choi

Journal File Photo

What band/musical act would you like to play in Kingston?

Education Reform

Brace for reforming impact AMS vice-president of university affairs outlines the possible changes that could drastically affect post-secondary educational institutions

Mira Dineen, ArtSci ’11 Picture, for a moment, a deserted university campus. Classrooms sit empty, doors are locked and boarded up and the usual comforting hustle and bustle of campus sidewalks is replaced with a barren silence. During a speech at the Partners in Higher Education Dinner in April 2012, Patrick Deane (President of McMaster University and former vice-president Academic of Queen’s) asked guests to contemplate this very scenario: the image of a vacant, lifeless, abandoned campus. The thought was, to me and many guests, jarring and eerie, tempered with an underlying sense of loss. Deane was describing this bleak landscape in the context of the rise of virtualized education, and the impact on how society constructs and values higher learning. He asked the audience, “If the vision does seem dystopian, it is important to ask why this is the case. What do we feel is lost — or will be lost — in the migration of students to the web, in this twenty-first century reprise of the industrial revolution?” These are the critical questions as post-secondary education in Ontario sits on the brink of fundamental and likely irrevocable change. The current post-secondary system is financially unsustainable and struggling to position itself within a digital age and changing global economy. With the highest tuition in the country, Ontario students can’t afford to attend university for the sake of

higher learning alone. With information readily available through Wikipedia and open courseware like MITx (where anyone can register for non-credit online courses), they don’t need to. The death of the university as a place of education for education’s sake is seemingly upon us. In June 2012, the Ontario government released a discussion paper, entitled “Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation, and Knowledge.” The paper offered proposals including compressing four-year degrees to three-year degrees, expanding online learning, and increasing job readiness of graduates by expanding experiential education like co-op and entrepreneurship during degree programs. The ensuing discourse has been dominated by frequent reference to innovation, productivity and the job readiness of graduates.

The death of the university as a place of education for education’s sake is seemingly upon us. Queen’s has already embraced “blended learning,” where, in theory, technology is used to enhance the in-person classroom experience. Although reputable research suggests that “blended learning” can, when done correctly, improve a student’s learning experience, it is also no secret that cutting costs is part of the appeal to universities. Queen’s recently signed a memorandum of understanding with St. Lawrence College and is exploring opportunities for students to obtain a supplemental credential concurrently or consecutively to their Queen’s degree. Independently, some of

these proposals may appeal to students and serve to address pertinent trends. Despite these considerations, I am nevertheless drawn back to Deane’s reference to the dystopian image of a deserted university. The government discussion paper, and the subsequent discourse across the province, is distinctly removed from the concept of a university as a place of higher learning. The discussion has been couched instead within the context of productivity, labour markets, and repositioning Ontario’s economic advantage. Students are increasingly viewed and defined as revenue streams, while universities seek to identify learning outcomes that map onto labour market demands, so that graduates can achieve maximum job readiness. Perhaps universities, including Queen’s, have already evolved beyond the quaint (or antiquated) meaning of “university,” from the Latin phrase universitas magistrorum et scholarium, or ‘community of teachers and learners.’ Universities have become businesses of learning, not institutions of learning with attendant business functions. The increased corporatization of operations and leadership structures is a testament to this shift. In a Vancouver Sun article in May 2012, titled “Universities have been taken over by administrators,” University of Calgary professor Barry Cooper reflected on the overarching shift from the university as a place of learning to the university as a business. He suggested that professors value discovery and insight, viewing universities as a means to that end, while administrators view universities “as an end in itself and teaching and research are just

the means.” The post-secondary education sector has been confronted with a fundamental identity crisis. Universities have always had links to careers and employment and only the most impractical among us would deny the relevance of these links. But it is short-sighted to remise the reform of post-secondary education solely on labour market demands. Universities exist as necessary sites of discovery and intellectual exchange that benefit society as a whole. A balance must be struck that preserves the University as a community of teachers and learners, as an end in itself.

Dear Editors, I’d like to congratulate you on your recent editorial titled “Twitter travesty,” which encouraged the media to focus messages on sexual assault and sexual violence towards initiatives that target perpetrators rather than victims. Student-organized events including last year’s SlutWalk and new groups, such as the Queen’s Sexual Violence on Campus Awareness Committee, are excellent signs of

a more engaged, critical discussion on the issues of sexual violence and sexual assault at Queen’s. Health Promotion (QueensU Be Well) at Health, Counselling and Disability Services supports the need for strong messages around sexual assault, particularly sexual assault that involves alcohol. This is especially important in September, as statistics show us that first-year female university and college students are at the highest risk for sexual assault during the first eight weeks of school (Canadian Women’s Federation). Along with our community partners, we are promoting the

Emily Obal, ArtSci ’14

“Zeus.” Ebonnie Hollenbeck, BFA ’13

Universities have become businesses of learning, not institutions of learning with attendant business functions. The dialogue and decisions surrounding the future of post-secondary education are being framed by the wrong set of priorities. At a time of such critical mass change, communities of teachers and learners across the province must lead the philosophical debate about the place and meaning of education in our society. Student unions, faculty boards, provincial student advocacy groups and University Senates across Ontario must shape the dialogue. And as we forge ahead, we must ask ourselves: when confronted with the image of a deserted university, what are we at risk of losing?

“The Shins.” Nick Chauvin, ArtSci ’14

“Maroon 5.” Shannon Brent, ArtSci ’14

Mira Dineen is the AMS vice-president of university affairs.

Letters the to editor Rethinking sexual assault


“Unrealistic, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers.” “Don’t Be That Guy” campaign that targets potential perpetrators, as opposed to the victims. Typically, sexual assault awareness campaigns target potential victims by urging women to restrict their behaviour. Research tells us that targeting the behaviour of victims is not only ineffective, but also contributes to how much they blame themselves after the assault. That’s why this campaign targets potential offenders — they are the ones responsible for the assault and responsible for stopping it. By addressing alcohol-facilitated sexual assault without victim-blaming, we are joining

several other communities and universities across Canada. The overall vision for this campaign is to encourage men and women alike to reconsider the way they think about alcohol-related sexual assault. We are hoping that this campaign gets people talking, as we all have something to gain from creating a culture where we can talk openly and honestly about consent. Kate Humphrys, Health Promotion Coordinator, Health Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS)

Samantha Wollaston, ArtSci ’12

Write in your opinions: journal_letters@

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


photo by tiffany lam

Castings for both Sweeney Todd and The Drowsy Chaperone happened during the first week of school this month.


Making the right casting call Two Queen’s student musical directors talk about how they cast their respective shows B y S avoula S tylianou Arts Editor It takes more than singing and dancing to be in a musical. Kelsey Jacobson, director for Blue Canoe Productions’ The Drowsy Chaperone said she always looks for people with a great attitude. This is reflective in her audition process. “What I like to do is have people sing their song a second or third time and letting them sing it in a different way by putting some acting into it,” Jacobson, ArtSci ’13, said. “I ask them to sing the song as if they were on a

cooking show on TV and that lets people have more fun with it.” Jacobson said The Drowsy Chaperone includes 22 production team members, 14 cast members and nine band members, two of which are high school students. Blue Canoe Productions is known for mixing both community members and Queen’s students in their productions, even having all high school casts on occasion. Chris Blackwell said when casting for Queen’s Musical Theatre’s (QMT) fall production of Sweeney Todd, he was looking for a strong emphasis on acting. “We asked everyone coming in for an audition to prepare a

song and a monologue,” Blackwell, the show’s director, said. “So for me as a director, I demanded a stronger emphasis on acting from my performers and the monologue is important in that way.” Castings for the QMT fall production happened earlier this month from Sept. 11 to 14, with 20 auditions per night. “We managed to fit in a few extra auditions, we had 100, if not more auditioners to what ended up being a cast of 15 people,” he said. Blackwell, ArtSci ‘14, said a majority of the cast for Sweeney Todd is mainly from the drama and music departments, but QMT also has the ability to cast actors outside

of Queen’s. “That being said, we choose shows that we know Queen’s has the talent to put on.” Drama student Rebecca Flynn who’s done over 25 auditions in her four years at Queen’s said she was involved in both Vogt studio series and Queen’s players last year. Flynn, ArtSci ’13, said she tried out for both The Drowsy Chaperone and Sweeney Todd. “I went into the Drowsy audition more relaxed; the production team was more relaxed and seemed to have more fun,” she said, adding that the Sweeney Todd auditions were a little different.


See Discerning on page 12


Russell Peters hits on your wife and laughs The Canadian comedian makes a stop in Kingston on his 2012 Notorious World Tour

Russell Peters performed at the K-Rock Centre on Saturday night.

B y J oanna P lucinska Editorials Editor Before seeing Russell Peters live, I didn’t know it was possible to gasp and snort with laughter simultaneously.


This is what Peters is known for. His humour, characterized by its ridiculous racial stereotypes and imitations, was on full display Saturday night at the K-Rock Centre. Up until that point, my

experience with stand-up comedy had been limited to mostly YouTube clips of Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K. Initially, I was less than impressed with the set-up of the whole show. It all seemed slightly out of place. Though I’d never been to a comedy show before, I’d expected a more intimate connection between the audience and the performer — which wasn’t achieved until 30 minutes into the act. Two DJs, DJ Starting from Scratch and DJ Spinbad (which he did) headed up the stage as audience members took their seats in the fully-lit stadium. As they spun cliché club beats, layered with excessive amounts of scratching, I couldn’t help but feel that a show designed for a nightclub made a rather poor transition to the larger stage.

It was only once Peters himself stepped on stage that I realized why he had surpassed the dingy nightclub scene, moving to arena-sized stages and earning himself a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame. Within minutes, he singled out members in the front row of the audience, creating a conversation with the viewers in the stadium, making them feel like they were buddies of the comedian. As he continued cracking jokes, I couldn’t help but notice my contradictory reaction — never had I felt so insulted, while simultaneously collapsing in stitches of laughter. His humour varied in its degree of raunchiness. While complimenting a man in the front audience on the hotness of his wife seemed slightly inappropriate, going into great depth about the skin

colour of a visibly uncomfortable black man in the audience seemed outright tactless. He carried on making jokes about border security and calling the seven Arab guys sitting in one row terrorists, while obnoxiously imitating the French-Canadian accent of another father sitting a few seats farther down. One thing’s for sure — he was well-versed in the quirks and negative stereotypes of almost every cultural group. Ultimately, Peters didn’t disappoint. My jaw dropped repeatedly at how closely he toed the line between hilarious and just plain offensive — but ultimately it’s that very shock factor that has him filling stadiums.


Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012


All that glitters isn’t gold Samantha Mogelonsky’s exhibit deals with postcards and leaving B y s iERRa M EGas Contributor Samantha Mogelonsky’s Glitter Island World, recently on display at the Union Gallery, is reminiscent of preschool days — sticky Play-Doh hands and afternoon naps. As I walked through the installation looking down at the metallic-coloured islands sitting on the floor, I had a strong desire to lie down on the floor and examine the structures from a child’s point of view. On first glance, the shiny blobs look simply constructed — an afternoon papier- mâché project. However, upon closer examination, the intricacies of Mogelonsky’s work shine through. The islands themselves are 3-D metallic miniatures of different island shapes and are made from wood bases. These bases are built up with silver painted plaster, while the objects that garnish the top of the islands are made from a variety of tissue paper, beads and glitter paint. The assortment of handcrafted objects and manufactured items vary from tiny red flowers to miniature pink windmills. The islands underneath these small constructions are different sizes, from tall CN Tower-like pillars to horseshoe-shaped, bungalow-looking islands. I find a cave of marbles, beads and shiny bits of glass. With every blink of the eye, a new detail appears.

The island structures in Samantha Mogelonsky’s exhibit are made out of silver painted plaster.

The installation is an individual journey where the viewer is free to imagine. There’s no explanation for the islands. They could be Neverland or Ha Long Bay. Mogelonsky’s work attempts to create narrative environments with hints of the factual and


fictional running throughout. “My sculptures examine nostalgia,” she writes in her artist’s statement. “I build imaginary spaces that merge the ‘made’ with found kitsch objects to reflect the intricate situational details of my practice.” See Wish on page 14

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Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012

Discerning drama Continued from page 10

“It was more relaxed than I thought it would be, but there’s a certain level of intensity with QMT stuff — QMT has a sense of

prestige,” she said. Flynn said the fact that so many drama and music students, auditioned is a strange process because the community is so small at Queen’s.

“When you’re super involved in drama, you end up auditioning for your friends, but everyone’s in their professional element,” she said. “You’re showing your best as a performer.”

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photos by tiffany lam

While Kelsey Jacobson, ArtSci ’13, says she focused on hiring actors with a good attitude for The Drowsy Chaperone, Chris Blackwell, ArtSci ‘14, says he was looking for strong acting ability for Sweeney Todd.

Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wish you were here


Continued from page 11


On the far wall above the islands, a neon blue sign reads “Wish you were here” in cursive writing. A stack of postcards, that visitors can take away, contains similar slogans splashed across photos of the islands set against vibrant sunsets. Above ground the mystical place no longer feels like an arts and crafts school room, but an adult world filled with consumerism and lost emotions. “Who are you to going to send those postcards to?” the islands ask. “Who do you

wish was with you on Glitter Island?” the walls whisper. It’s a playful installation that teases emotions and flirts with memory. Leaving the room, I don’t take any postcards with me. Something about their bright, shiny quality and touristy slogans scared me. They look so different from the islands I visited. Mogelonsky’s installation leaves me contemplating the disconnect between experience and its representation. Glitter Island World can’t be replaced by a postcard; it can only be remembered as if it were a dream.


@TheAleHouse The formations on top of the islands in the exhibit ranged from plant life to windmills.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Sports Hockey

Fans turn to Frontenacs Junior teams benefit from NHL lockout B y Peter M orrow Sports Editor The Kingston Frontenacs offered local hockey fans something to cheer about last Friday in a time of hardship. The home opener at the K-Rock Centre ended in a 3-1 victory over the Barrie Colts, in vintage OHL fashion. Colossal hits, a fast pace and a few tussles represent what’s now considered the highest level of hockey in Canada, amidst the NHL lockout. “It’s disappointing, but this is good hockey,” Mark Coughlin, Comm ’15, told the Journal from the stands. “It’s better than watching players fight over a ton of money we’ll never make.” The Fronts finished dead last in the OHL’s Eastern Conference last season under new head coach

Todd Gill, winning 19 of 68 games played. Up 2-0 after the first period on Friday, the K-Rock Centre felt alive with hockey fans cheering for a new cause. Kingston native Terry Cloutier is among those who feel the major junior level provides more entertaining hockey than the NHL. While NHLers ultimately strive for the Stanley Cup, an 82-game season provides dull stretches prior to the playoffs. Alternatively, the OHL’s 68-game season features a more energized and exuberant style of play. Players aged 15-20 play each game with the intention of being noticed by NHL scouts, by whatever means necessary. “In a way, it’s better hockey,” Cloutier said. “These guys are really playing for something. The effort’s always there.”

But even Cloutier, a Fronts fan since the team was founded in 1989, feels a profound disdain for the NHL lockout, despite not having a pro team in Kingston. “Of course I’m not picking sides — they’re all greedy sons of bitches,” Cloutier said. “And it’s the people at arenas selling hot dogs, people like that who’re feeling the most pain.” Beyond resentment for the sheer principle of the lockout, Cloutier represents an overwhelming number of Canadians temporarily unable to watch hockey as a pastime after work. “I used to watch hockey on cold winter nights, and stay inside by the fire,” Cloutier said. “So much for that, eh.” See So on page 17

Men’s Soccer

Another clean weekend Defence keeps Queen’s in first place through midway point B y Peter R eimer Staff Writer Goalkeeper Dylan Maxwell extended his shutout streak to four games this weekend, keeping Queen’s undefeated season alive. The Gaels secured a pair of 1-0 victories at home, topping

the Nipissing Lakers and Laurentian Voyageurs. Head coach Chris Gencarelli said Maxwell was outstanding. “Dylan has had a phenomenal season so far,” he said. “He is, along with the back four, the reason we’ve only conceded two goals this year.”

The men’s soccer team remains undefeated (6-0-1) after beating Nipissing and Laurentian on the weekend.

Photo By Alex Choi

Queen’s had a strong start to Saturday’s game against Nipissing, getting the only real chance of the first half when defender Joe Zupo got his head on a well-taken corner. Zupo’s effort beat the Lakers’ keeper, but a defender was there to clear the ball from the line. The Gaels continued to apply pressure in the second half, as Nathan Klemencic and Zupo each had a header saved on set pieces. Midfielder Henry Bloemen finally broke the deadlock with a header in the 72nd minute, off a throw-in from defender Kristian Zanette. Gencarelli said Nipissing was a tough team to break down defensively. “It was a game that needed grinding out, and we were able to get the one goal that we needed,” he said. “Three points is three points.” Queen’s suffered through a tense moment early in Sunday’s match against Laurentian, when defender Marco D’Elia took down a Voyageurs attacker on a breakaway just outside the 18-yard box. D’Elia could have been sent off witharedcardfordenyinganobvious goal-scoring opportunity, but he escaped with only a yellow. The resulting Laurentian free kick just missed outside the right post. The game later erupted in the second half, with both keepers denying several See Bloemen on page 17

The Kingston Frontenacs won their season opener 3-1 on Friday night against the Barrie Colts.

Photos By Alex Choi


Queen’s falters McMaster wins after blazing start, but Gaels show promise in second half B y N ick Faris Assistant Sports Editor Billy McPhee thinks Queen’s can do better. The Gaels fell 33-20 on Saturday to McMaster, the

Inside Men’s Rugby

Gaels fall to Western in agonizing finish.

Women’s Soccer

Queen’s tallies 12 goals in weekend homestand. PAGE 16


Clear route to nationals after win at McMaster. PAGE 17

top-ranked team in the country. Despite trailing by as many as 30 points, Queen’s quarterback didn’t give the Marauders full credit for the early lead. “They [scored] points, but I don’t think they made a statement,” McPhee said, noting that Queen’s offense didn’t convert when they should have. An inauspicious start cost the Gaels against McMaster. Seven of Queen’s first eight drives ended in punts, with their only first-half points coming on a 42-yard field goal from kicker Dillon Wamsley. The offense was considerably sharper in the second half. Rookie Doug Corby returned a third-quarter kickoff 71 yards, setting up a two-yard touchdown run from Ryan Granberg — his seventh of the season. Late in the fourth quarter, See Missed on page 18

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Men’s Rugby

Western wins in final seconds Rookie McQueen steps up in rivalry match against Mustangs, but Queen’s no longer undefeated B y A drian S mith Contributor The men’s rugby home opener was a nail-biter, from opening kickoff to the bitter end. The Gaels suffered their first loss of the season on Saturday in a tightly contested 22-20 match versus the Western Mustangs. A last-minute penalty decision saw Western capitalize for the two-point victory on Queen’s home turf. “[It was a] questionable call made by the ref, but at the end of the day we didn’t put together what we wanted to,” said fly half Brendan McGovern, who replaced fellow fourth-year Liam Underwood in Queen’s lineup. “That’s not what decided the game, anyway.” The first half saw two evenly matched teams dictate the game from the defensive side, which ended in a 7-5 Western lead. It wasn’t until the second half when play opened up. Gaels flanker Matt Kelly’s crunching tackle on the opening kickoff was ruled a penalty, setting the tone for the rest of the game. In front of a vigorous Queen’s crowd, the Mustangs responded with an early 12-point barrage with tries from Conor Trainor and Eric Selvaggi. Early in the second half, Queen’s substituted in rookie fly half Adam McQueen, allowing McGovern to return to scrum half — his regular position. Soon afterward, the Gaels’ offense started to click. “It was one of [McQueen’s] first games coming in as a first-year, against a tough opponent in a hostile environment,” McGovern said. “He did well to step up.” Despite trailing late in the second half, the

Saturday’s game between Queen’s and Western was decided by two late penalty kicks, with the Mustangs prevailing 22-20.

Photo by Alex Choi

Gaels remained composed and returned to Women’s soccer controlling the game defensively. After tries from Kelly and fellow forward Tim Richardson, Queen’s found themselves down 19-17 with 13 minutes left to play. “The forwards dominated,” McQueen said. “The boys kept their heads up. The intensity was there the whole game.” Queen’s had a chance to take the lead for the first time in the dying minutes. McQueen stepped up and converted on B y J ordan C athcart See Clutch on page 18 Contributor

Confidence boost

Nationally sixth-ranked Gaels combine for 12 goals in games against Nipissing and Laurentian

Brutal weather conditions didn’t stop the country’s sixth-ranked women’s soccer team from putting up impressive numbers. The Gaels cruised to two home victories this weekend, beating the Nipissing Lakers 8-1 and the Laurentian Voyageurs 4-1. Queen’s managed to keep their heads in games which were punctuated by roughness and physical play. The two home wins may be just what the Gaels needed to boost their confidence heading into the second half of the season. The wins were their first back-to-back through the first eight games. On Saturday, the Gaels outshot Nipissing 19-3 in a match they completely dominated in all aspects. Jackie Tessier led the Gaels with a hat trick, while Alexis McKinty and Breanna Burton both buried two goals apiece. Striker Kayla Crnic also scored in the blowout. After being shut out in three of their first six games, Queen’s has now scored 26 goals, — the second-best in the OUA. “I feel some of the things we do in training are starting to kick in,” said head coach Dave McDowell. “I hate to sound like Tiger Woods, but it’s a process, right?” Queen’s was spurred to victory over Laurentian on Sunday by their usual offensive tandem. Burton scored twice in the game’s first 15 Photo by Tristan DiFrancesco minutes, while Tessier found the net in the Queen’s Breanna second half. Striker Brittany Almeida came Burton scored four goals on the weekend. off the bench to score Queen’s other goal. The Gaels’ offense executed when all those goals.” The Gaels’ defence remained strong chances were presented, maintaining a level of consistency over an entire weekend for the this weekend, despite seeing their four-game shutout streak end first time this season. Burton said she’s pleased to see the against Nipissing. Co-captain and defender Chantal confidence returning to Queen’s attack. “Coming into the weekend we were McFetridge remains sidelined with an injury, looking to play to our potential, and it with no timetable set for her return. looks like we’re on our way to doing that,” Up next for the Gaels is a rematch against she said. the Carleton Ravens on Sept. 26. The teams “For a while we weren’t finishing met last Sunday in Kingston, playing to a how we liked to, so it was nice to put up 0-0 draw.


Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012

OUA East Women’s Rugby Standings 1. Queen’s [4-0] — 20 pts 2. York [2-2] — 12 pts 3. McMaster [2-2] — 9 pts T4. Toronto [1-3] — 5 pts T4. Trent [1-3] — 5 pts

• 17

WoMen’s rugby

McEwen shines in vital victory Saturday’s win at McMaster a big step in Queen’s campaign for nationals B y J osh B UrtoN Contributor Queen’s won their most important game of the regular season in convincing fashion. The nationally fifth-ranked Gaels preserved their unbeaten record on Saturday against ninth-ranked McMaster. Queen’s opened the scoring with a try early in the first half, leading to a 32-10 victory. Head coach Beth Barz was impressed with the complete team effort. “It was definitely a team effort in terms of our attack and particularly our defence,” Barz said. “Our backs stepped up to the plate

on defence, especially at the goal line.” After McMaster tied the score in the 19th minute, the Gaels responded quickly with two more tries and a conversion, taking a 17-5 lead into halftime. Four different Gaels found the end zone in the victory. Second-year centre Lauren McEwen led the offensive charge with three tries. The effort won her the game ball. “[McEwen] played very well,” Barz said. “When she hits the line at pace from depth, she has a lot of success and that’s really the key to the game.” Scrum-half Susan Heald, number eight Kayla Roote and wing Caitie Ryan also scored tries. With the win, the Gaels have realistically clinched the OUA’s Russell (East) Division. They’ve managed to collect the maximum

number of points in all four games, currently sitting at 20. Winning the division is of utmost importance to Queen’s. It would give them a bye straight to the OUA semi-finals, likely allowing them to avoid the powerhouse Guelph Gryphons until the league final. Both teams in the OUA title game automatically qualify for nationals. Despite the win’s significance, Barz feels very little will change in her team’s mentality. “The girls started the season thinking CIS or bust, and that’s been the focus ever since training camp,” she said. “Was this one of the boxes we needed to tick off and say ‘Mission accomplished?’ Absolutely. But does it change anything? Absolutely not.”

‘So much for that, eh’ Continued from page 15

NHL followers in Kingston are generally Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens and Ottawa Senators fans. Cloutier’s a die-hard Canadiens fan, who’ll be prevented yet again from visiting Montreal’s Bell Centre this season. “I’ve been going every year for the past 45 years — except for the three lockouts,” he said. The NHL experience is in some ways irreplaceable — the grandeur, the tradition, the skill. But a city like Kingston has options, as Cloutier pointed out. “I’m going to more of these games, maybe some [Kingston] Voyageurs games,

The Frontenacs finished last in the oHL’s Eastern Conference last year, but Kingston hockey fans could witness an improvement this season.

maybe some Queen’s ones.” As for the Frontenacs organization, a full-season lockout could help them through another rebuilding season. The 1,465 fans at the K-Rock Centre stayed until the final whistle, roaring as the game ended with a line brawl between the Colts and Frontenacs. “At the very least, we’ll have a bigger crowd,” said Frontenacs forward Darcy Greenaway. A part-time Queen’s student, Greenaway also expressed similar concern to Cloutier. “It’s going to be tough not watching SportsCentre in the morning.”

Photo By Alex Choi

Bloemen, Michael score Continued from page 15

glorious chances. In the 63rd minute, half-time sub Lucas Lobo found midfielder Chris Michael with a through-ball. Michael chipped the keeper to put Queen’s up 1-0. Lobo’s presence seemed to transform the Gaels, who struggled to find scoring opportunities in the first half. “We felt we just needed a bit more pace,” Gencarelli said. “[Lobo] did a fantastic job at being available for a long pass option … and applying pressure on their backline.”

Dylan [Maxwell] has had a “phenomenal season so far. ” — Chris Gencarelli, Queen’s head coach

Maxwell made two incredible saves in Queen’s avenged last year’s Photo By Alex Choi the final five minutes to preserve the win. playoff loss to Laurentian with a 1-0 win. Queen’s now sits at 6-0-1, leading the OUA East with 19 points. forward Adrian Rochford were all forced out The Gaels start the second half of their of action on Saturday, although Zanette did season on a short week, with games at dress for Sunday’s game. They join striker Carleton on Wednesday and at RMC Eric Koskins and midfielder Tommy Hong on Saturday. on the injured list. Zanette, midfielder Michael Campea, and



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Tuesday, sepTember 25, 2012

Clutch kick kills comeback Continued from page 16

a 40-yard penalty kick, undeterred by the pressure or the heckling Western supporters trying to break his concentration. “I’ve got my routine. I’ve done that since I was 12, so I kept my head on,” McQueen said. “I practiced that kick yesterday about 10 times in the area, so I was ready.” The Gaels 20-19 lead was short-lived, as Western was awarded a penalty kick in the final minute.

Helped by the wind, Joe Dalia’s kick sailed through the uprights to seal the game for the Mustangs. The penalty against Queen’s was called due to obstruction off the Mustangs drop-kick from half. “Some calls go for you, some against you,” McQueen said. “They could have argued my penalty [and] we could have argued theirs, so I guess that’s the way it goes.” “No one wants to lose a game like that. It happened that we got

FolloW @QJsPorts

the rough end there, but we still have the playoffs.” Western is now just two points behind Queen’s in the standings. If the teams end the season tied, home advantage for the playoffs will favour the Mustangs. The Gaels (2-1) will face off against the Waterloo Warriors (2-2) Saturday at 3 p.m. on Nixon Field.

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— With files from Peter Morrow

OUA Men’s Rugby Standings 1. Guelph [4-0] — 19 pts 2. Brock [3-1] — 15 pts 3. Queen’s [2-1] — 11 pts T4. McMaster [2-2] — 10 pts T4. Waterloo [2-2] — 10 pts 6. Western [2-1] — 9 pts 7. RMC [1-3] — 5 pts


T8. Laurier [0-3] — 0 pts

1 5 9 12 13 14 15

T8. Toronto [0-3] — 0 pts

Photo By Alex Choi

The Gaels nearly won Saturday, despite the absence of defending ouA scoring champion Liam underwood and captain Dan Moor.

Missed chances Continued from page 15

McPhee and the offense gained 60 yards in under a minute, capping the quick drive with a nine-yard touchdown pass to receiver Justin Chapdelaine. The final score could have been even closer, but the Gaels failed to cash in on several late chances. Wamsley hooked a 33-yard field goal attempt wide left; receiver Scott Macdonell lost a fumble in McMaster territory; and Queen’s turned the ball over on downs on the Marauders’ seven-yard line with a minute left. Despite the missed opportunities, McPhee expressed confidence in the offense’s ability to produce. “I think we showed spurts of brilliance,” said McPhee, who completed 29 of 46 passes for 320 yards. “There were points where I’d never felt part of an offense that lethal. With the athletes we have on the field, we can make plays basically at will.” McMaster’s offense imposed their will on the Gaels for the entire

first half. They covered 90 yards in five plays on their opening drive, taking just 1:48 to claim a lead they never relinquished. In the final minute of the half, Marauders quarterback Kyle Quinlan hit receiver Ben O’Connor with a 50-yard touchdown pass, extending the lead to 26-3.

I don’t think they “made a statement.” — Billy McPhee, Queen’s quarterback Quinlan, the CIS’s most accurate passer through four games, completed 25 of 36 passes for 340 yards. He ran for a sixyard touchdown early in the third quarter — the first rushing score Queen’s had conceded in 13 regular season games. McPhee tabbed Quinlan as the favourite for this year’s Hec Crighton Trophy, awarded to the CIS’s most outstanding player. “He’s the heart and soul of this McMaster team,” McPhee said. “It’s tough to beat a guy of

OUA Football Standings 1. McMaster [4-0] T2. Guelph [3-1] t2. Queen’s [3-1] T2. Western [3-1] T5. Laurier [2-2] T5. Windsor [2-2] T7. Toronto [1-3] T7. Waterloo [1-3] T7. York [1-3] 10. Ottawa [0-4]

his character.” Queen’s hasn’t beaten McMaster since the 2009 OUA semi-final, in Quinlan’s first season as Marauders’ starting quarterback. Since then, the Gaels have suffered five straight losses, including playoff defeats in both 2010 and 2011. “We sort of unraveled [in the first half], which has been our wont against these guys the last two years,” said Gaels head coach Pat Sheahan. “We need a little bit more consistency on offense — that’s been our tragic flaw in every game [this season].”

Colorado Springs org. Bivouac Hot tub Ashen Winged “Holy mackerel!” Independent’s ballot, at times 17 George’s brother 18 Group of actors 19 ___ Island 21 Smaller map 24 Titanic’s woe 25 Treats the lawn 26 Praiseworthy 30 Greek consonant 31 NHLer in Buffalo 32 Summer mo. 33 Judge’s pronouncement 35 Not fooled by 36 Heredity unit 37 Guys 38 Weary of it all 40 Prizefight 42 Venusian vessel? 43 Playground structures 48 “The way”, philosophically 49 Teeny amount 50 Met melody 51 Mess up 52 Midday 53 Piquancy DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

___ and downs Cutting tool Mr. Baba Borderline constructs Cleveland NBAers, for short oodles Wrestling surface

8 9 10 11 16 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47

Go before Benny Goodman’s group, e.g. Skin opening Vacationing Gangster’s weapon Man-mouse link Mischievous tykes Schnozz Double-hinged entry Pavel of hockey note Bowler’s path “Wipeout” network Troubadour’s instrument Broadway clashers Submits Ball holder Waited longer than used a shovel Rope fiber Somewhere out there ___-Honey candy bar Biblical brother of Er Court Historic period Stannum Droop

sePTeMBeR 18TH AnsWeRs

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Making the cut Social and cultural factors bring certain sports into the spotlight over others B y E mily M iller Contributor I was 14 when the tendonitis in both my knees began to ruin my grand pliés. Forced to acquire a new exercise regime, I began playing for my high school’s field hockey team. I cherished the sport, but upon my entry to Queen’s realized the lowprofile field hockey and other competitive sports seemed to have. “A sport can only grow if it’s got support,” Mary-Anne Reid, head coach of the women’s varsity field hockey club said. Numerous other sports, like the varsity field hockey club lost varsity team status upon the inauguration of the new competitive sport model in 2010, Reid, ArtSci/PheKin ’09 and BEd ’10 said. In a 2010 University press release it was stated that the new model “Reflects changes adopted by Ontario University Athletics (OUA) and provincial and national sporting trends.” “We’re all under cuts ... We’re doing the best we can to maintain all the opportunities we offer now,” Interuniversity Sports Program Manager Janean Sergeant told the Journal in 2010. These imbalances aren’t exclusive to the Queen’s community; rather, they mirror the selection of higher profile professional sports in North America. North America’s highest grossing professional sports include basketball, football, hockey and baseball. The fiscal magnitude of the hockey industry in 2012 reveals

society’s inclination towards the sport — the average NHL player’s salary is currently around $2.45 million. In comparison, the average National Lacrosse League player’s salary this year is just under $20,000. The keen attitude toward hockey is often induced by the social connection and cultural identity cultivated by the sport, said Sam McKegney, a professor in the department of English. According to McKegney, who is teaching a hockey mythology seminar in the winter, people generally assume that the NHL will be the course’s first agenda. He said this is highly problematic.

sport “canAonly grow

if it’s got support.

— Mary-Anne Reid, head coach of the women’s varsity field hockey club “It’s not simply the game — it’s the narrative about the game,” McKegney said. “We are accentuating our own identities in relation to each other and narrating a story about our team identity.” Still, hockey holds an intrinsic value as a binding social force in Canada. “You can ... find a common ground for connection and conversation. That affords the game a certain social currency,” McKegney said. The key to a sport’s public recognition lies in its accessibility, according to School of Business professor Monica LaBarge.

According to Marty Clark, PhD ’12, the reason the community gravitates towards football is that it represents traits we value most in society, like teamwork.

“In Canada, it’s not hard to find a team for your kid to play hockey on. It could be very hard to find a team for your kid to play lacrosse on,” LaBarge said. “The fact that you see [hockey] a lot more in society generally means that it’s more accessible and so more people are going to be playing it.” Historically, hockey has been a defining feature of Canadian culture, but what is it that fuels our infatuation with a handful of sports and creates such stark biases in the athletic realm? According to LaBarge, many of these biases are induced by the media. “Part of the reason revenue sports win and non-revenue sports don’t is because they aren’t thinking in terms of, ‘How are we going to capitalize on these things?’” LaBarge said. Society’s interest in more violent male sports can be seen in the public response to their marketing, indicating a major trend in sports advertising, LaBarge said. “That represents a general move in society towards things that are more violent, as we see in video games and movies … so you’re appealing to what consumers want and providing it to them.” On the other hand, LaBarge said, it’s perceived that females

tend to pursue less gritty sporting endeavors. “We see this with female athletes who are pulled into endorsement deals,” she said. LaBarge cites Gabrielle Reece, a professional American volleyball player. “[She’s] beautiful and tall and thin,” LaBarge said, “whereas you might have a female hockey player in Canada who might have a harder time getting noticed than male hockey players.”

Part of the reason “revenue sports win and

non-revenue sports don’t is because they aren’t thinking in terms of, ‘How are we going to capitalize on these things?’

— Monica LaBarge, professor in the School of Business She said the sexualization of athletes makes for a stronger contrast between traditionally masculine and feminine sports. “That lends us to dwell on the violent masculine sport and beauty-based feminine sport.”

According to School of Business professor Monica LaBarge, a lack of accessibility in communities makes sports like fencing lesser-known to the public.

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According to LaBarge, biases also come from North America’s emphasis on team sports over individual ones. “It’s sort of the collective way that sport evolved in Canada — we should all do it, it’s good for everybody, we’re all in it together,” she said. According to Marty Clark, PhD ’12, the reason the Queen’s community gravitates towards football is that its players seem to possess the traits we value most in society. “If you look at the history of sport, early on, university football has been seen as those who control sports, as incredibly important for creating the type of people that we want to create,” he said. “People who know things about teamwork and how to work as a team, and who are going to go on to the public sector or into business.” Unfortunately for some, football is not a viable athletic option. What would be a positive addition to the Queen’s community, according to Clark, is greater access to a wider variety of sports. “There should be options and maybe more alternative sports and opportunities to play new games. I think it would be nothing but positive.”

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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