Steel controversy
Real estate lacks funds
feelin’ good about fat
gaels switch quarterbacks
social media etiquette
Isabel Bader Centre questioned at city council. Page 2
Queen’s can’t develop women’s prison. page 3
Arts reviews student documentary, Fat. page 10
Billy McPhee will be starting quarterback. page 13
Postscript examines the dos and don’ts. page 16
T u e s d ay , J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 11 — I s s u e 2
the journal
Q u e e n ’ s U n i v e r s i t y — C a n a da ’ s O l d e s t S t u d e n t N e w s pa p e r — S i n c e 1 8 7 3
Wandering wires
Faculty strike possible B y M eaghan Wray Assistant News Editor A union of faculty, librarians and archivists at Queen’s could strike if an agreement with the administration isn’t reached by June 30. Since its contract expired at the end of April, Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) has been negotiating with the University. According to a bargaining alert issued on the QUFA website, the union is preparing for the worst. Currently Queen’s is in the process of negotiating faculty pensions. A monetary package presented by the University includes proposals for pension and compensation changes. QUFA officials said such changes will increase the cost and reduce the value of future pensions. QUFA President Paul Young said the University’s current financial plan isn’t sound. “We [QUFA] recognize that changes have to be made,” Young said. “The disagreement is about precisely who should pay, and how we split the costs.” Young said negotiations could continue for any length of time until a party declares them ineffective. The June 30 deadline is a signal to Queen’s that QUFA believes negotiating should be over by that time, he said. While QUFA has always reached an agreement with the University, Young said, if negotiations fail, the results would be disastrous. “Obviously for a university, lockouts and strikes are catastrophic and it’s not what anybody wants,” he said. Associate Vice-Principal of Human Resources Al Orth said during the negotiation process, either party involved may apply to file a No Board Report. This is done when the conciliation officer, a neutral third party, informs the Ministry of Labour that an agreement cannot be reached. At this point, legally there are 17 See Unions on page 4
Katie Strang’s Settle is the newest exhibit on the front lawn of 448 Bagot Street. For full story, see page 10.
Photo by Corey Lablans
Student health services grow
Government funding for HCDS expands the services students receive on campus B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance News Editor Starting this fall, 600 additional hours of counselling per year will be made available to students. Approximately $225,000 of university funding is being funneled into Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) to hire three new counselors and provide mental health training on campus. One of the incoming counsellors will become the associate director of HCDS and another will focus specifically on mental health within residences. Stephanie Phillips, ArtSci ’12, said currently there aren’t enough counselors to meet student needs.
“I don’t think the counselling system is prepared enough,” she said. “[It’s] completely unacceptable.” Last year, Phillips began a campaign to raise money for mental health services at Queen’s after she heard some students were waiting four to six weeks to see a counsellor. “If it’s something you’ve been suffering with for months, when somebody says on the other line ‘I’m sorry, we can’t fit you in,’ it’s the wrong reaction,” she said. “It doesn’t encourage you to call back.” Initially Phillips met with the administration to see if an additional student fee could be set up to cover the cost of hiring more counselors. Undergraduate
students pay a mandatory fee of $54.91, which goes directly to HCDS each year. “In the end I decided to
withdraw the campaign. It’s not the students’ job to support [their peers] in a monetary capacity,” See Meeting on page 6
Losing Ching Ching Wong, Nurs ’13, will be remembered as a determined, intelligent and generous person. Ching died in a car accident on June 14 in Huntsville, ON at the age of 20. Close friend Natalie Chan said it was a privilege to know Ching. She always strived for the best. “Whenever she made a mistake,
she would replay it over and over—and I got to hear her rant about them over and over—but then she would never make them again,” Chan told the Journal via email. Ching wanted to work towards becoming a doctor after graduating from Queen’s. Her dream was to See Plain on page 6