Radio’s station management under scrutiny B y Vincent M atak Staff Writer A motion passed at AMS Board of Directors last night postponed discussions on the management restructuring of Queen’s radio station CFRC. CFRC Operations Officer Kristiana Clemens said proposed restructuring would result in a deterioration of programming content and loss of revenue for the station. “We are not going to be able to recruit and train new volunteers, and we are not going to be able to have grants to fund as many special projects,” she said. “Those opportunities will decline
because … at the management level [we won’t have] as experienced and qualified staff to carry out those tasks effectively.” Currently CFRC has three equal managerial positions that are available to full-time or parttime students and can be held for multiple years. If management is restructured, these three positions will become available only to full-time students for a one-year term. There would be a newly-created AMS Board of Directors tabled a motion to change CFRC’s management structure last night. photo by corey lablans head manager position which would assume the responsibilities programming, music programming 40 per cent come from student form of deficit coverage. CFRC is budgeted to run a fees, including a $4.93 mandatory of the business manager, while and music resources. $10,000 deficit this year. Clemens Currently, 60 per cent of AMS fee. overseeing and assisting the The AMS provides CFRC with said this could double in future three new assistant management CFRC revenue comes from nonpositions for spoken word AMS sources, like grants while an additional 10 per cent in the See Structure on page 7
F r i d ay , F e b r u a r y 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 — I s s u e 3 2
j the ournal Queen’s University — Since 1873
Three emergencies at Wednesday Alfie’s
A first-year’s account of getting caught drinking in residence. Page 9
BFA students present Prologue after losing location for BFA Select. Page 10
Queen’s Track and Field struggles to overcome demotion to club status. Page 15
Three Young Liberals resign Former executive members cite philosophical and personal reasons B y A sad C hishti Assistant Photo Editor
you came on his bus, you went to his party, on his coin. He raised the money for all this, therefore Three members of the Queen’s you have to vote for him,’” Young Liberals have resigned, Prescott said. Pegolo won the election citing philosophical differences and on Jan. 14. academic over-extension. “They were trying to The resignations came in the two weeks that followed the National overshadow what was going on, Liberal Biennial Convention, held which is clamping down on privacy, clamping down on free thought, in Ottawa from Jan. 13 to 15. Queen’s University Liberal clamping down on free speech, Association (QULA) sent 12 and I can’t stand an organization delegates on a bus that also had that does that,” he said. “My issue non-QULA liberal supporters. The with this is the fact that we were election for a new Young Liberals treated so poorly because we were Association executive was held on questioning. It seems like they’ve wanted in the subsequent weeks for Jan. 14. Of all the positions, only one me to keep my mouth shut. They was contested, the rest required a don’t want this getting out.” QULA Executive Vice-President vote of confidence. This position was contested between Josh Kyle Richardson denied that QULA endorsed Pegolo. He said the free Hutchinson and Eric Pegolo. According to their websites, both bus wasn’t tied to an endorsement. “This bus had been arranged and candidates received endorsements from several individuals and provided by the Pegolo campaign representatives from Young and people who took the bus up were supporters,” Richardson, Liberals chapters across Canada. Alexander Prescott, ArtSci ‘14 ArtSci ’12, said. “He asked if we was one of the three students could have a bus here and we were who resigned from QULA. The thrilled to have another way to get former events director on the to the convention.” Pegolo was unable to be reached QULA executive board, said the members of QULA who attended for comment. On Feb. 2, Prescott resigned the convention were instructed to vote for Pegolo by members of from his events director position. Richardson said the resignations the association. “We were told, ‘You know you’re are “completely unrelated” to the supposed to be voting for this guy, biennial convention. Scott Mason,
the former communications director for QULA, said he resigned for personal reasons. “I just have a whole bunch of different things going on and ultimately I felt like I wasn’t able to fulfil my responsibilities of QULA while I had these things going on,” Mason, ArtSci ’14, said. Wesley Cohen, the former executive vice-president said he resigned because he had other commitments within the party. “I decided it would be better for me to focus on those rather than choosing priorities and balancing schoolwork,” Cohen, ArtSci ’13, said.
Three women outside Alfie’s nightclub were taken to hospital early Thursday morning. According to a Campus Security alert, they exhibited “levels of intoxication that appeared in excess of their actual consumption,”. “There were no definitive signs of any drinks that were drugged,” said Campus Security Director David Patterson. “That would be a medical determination.” Patterson said officers were on patrol at 1 a.m. when they came across a woman lying on the sidewalk outside of Alfie’s. “She told our staff that she couldn’t move her legs,” he said. All three women were coming out of Alfie’s nightclub. “There were three individuals that passed along the same information,” he said. Patterson couldn’t comment on the medical condition of the students. He said the next step would be to speak to staff at Alfie’s. “That’s part of our follow up,” he said. Patterson said it’s important to be self-aware. “If you or a friend feel dizzy or confused, or experience any symptoms [like] memory loss get to a safe place immediately.” See Students on page 5
ARC thief caught A curl-up bar and barbell weights stolen from the ARC were recovered Wednesday at 3 p.m. A fourth-year Queen’s student had stolen the items last Friday. Constable Steven Koopman, media relations officer for Kingston Police, said the student used force to break into the building at 5 a.m. on Feb. 3 “He stole a curl-up bar and what looked like 45 pounds worth of weights on each side,” he said. Kingston Police released a social media alert on Facebook on Wednesday afternoon with surveillance pictures of the student stealing the curl-up bar. The police asked for tips to help identify the thief. “Within one to two hours we got verification of the individual’s name and address through an anonymous email,” Koopman said. The police arrested the student, who was charged with one count of breaking and entering and one count of theft. A curl-up bar retails for about $200. “He was co-operative with detectives and they decided he didn’t pose a risk to the public,” he said. “He was released on a PTA, which is a promise to appear,” he said. Koopman added that the student will have his first appearance in See Equipment on page 5
Mental health
Anti-stigma position created Bell Canada gives $1 million in funding to Queen’s for research B y S avoula S tylianou Assistant News Editor Bell Canada has given Queen’s $1 million for mental health research, establishing the first-ever mental health and anti-stigma research chair. The new initiative on mental health comes after seven students died at Queen’s last year, which Principal Daniel Woolf said is
“partly coincidence.” “We were already doing stuff in this area well before last year’s tragic events,” he said. “We’ve had the Mental Health Working Group since 2007. The funding was announced at a ceremony on Tuesday at the new medical school building. The chair position will be going to Heather Stuart, a professor of community health and
epidemiology at Queen’s. It will exist for the next five years at which time Bell’s funding expires. “Stigma was one area that is, I think, pretty unique and is a major part of the problem that wasn’t being addressed and we happen to have one of the world’s experts on it right here,” Woolf said. Woolf said the University will provide Bell with a report to detail See Chair on page 7
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Commissioner talks climate Annual conference holds preview at Clark Hall pub B y B RAndon P AsteRnAk C hRistiAne PeRiC Journal Staff
Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner Gord Miller spoke about the provincial implications of climate change in front of a 20-strong crowd at Clark Hall Pub on Tuesday night. “The world is changing, and it has profound effects,” Miller said. The talk was a preview for the Commerce Engineering Environmental Conference (CEEC). “It’s not about believing … it’s already happening, and at an accelerating pace. It may not have touched you yet, but when it does, it doesn’t have a gentle hand.” Miller brought attention to the tangible effects of climate change in Ontario. “In 80 years, the climate that supports the vegetation we know will no longer be here. The coming changes will cause a restructuring of our entire socioeconomic system; energy prices will rise, and municipal water supplies will be threatened.” With the annual CEEC running from Mar. 2-3, there’s a strong emphasis on attracting students from all faculties. “In past conferences we have had too much technical information or too much on the business side,” Sam Christian, speaker’s photo by asad chIshtI co-ordinator for the conference, Gord Miller, Ontario’s environmental commissioner, said. “Gord Miller deals with the speaks at the Commerce Engineering Environmental Conference preview broader policy issues. He was really event Tuesday night at Clark Hall pub. an ambassador to all students for the conference.” Leslie Bothwell, Artsci ’14, said Q. How will Queen’s Q. What is the most he attended Miller’s talk because of its relevance. achieve success with its pressing environmental “People often have a hard time climate action plan? issue facing Ontario ? understanding the implications of climate change, but he highlighted exactly what it means for Ontario ... It’s really up to us.” Prior to his talk on Tuesday, the A: Climate change has a A: We have been underfunding Journal sat down with Miller to compounding effect on everything the ministry of the environment, discuss what Queen’s can do to else. They are seen as different and the ministry of natural reduce its environmental impact. issues, even though they interrelate resources critically, and have been and share a common cause, but the doing so for a number of years, and four issues are climate change, peak this has reduced our capacity to be water shortages and the successful and deliver programs. Q. How can universities energy, biodiversity crisis. There are improvements Now water shortage is not a to be found everywhere, peak be more big problem in Ontario directly, improvements, waste management environmentally-friendly? but we do have some water improvements, but I think much shortages in North America, could be solved if we gave capacity which are a big deal, and we can’t to key ministries and adapted some escape the impact of the need for visionary policies. A: In the environmental bill of water in other places, so it is a rights, which is my legislation, each defining issue.” of the ministries that I oversee Q. What can students do need to have a statement of Q. What are the environmental values, and that is to help tackle a high level statement that says, weaknesses of Ontario’s environmental issues? ‘Here are the environmental values we are pursuing, and here is what environmental initiatives? will inform decision-making in this institution.’ A: If you make things a big Something like that, that is enough issue, there are always signed by the university presidents, A: Every big institution needs politicians that want to get involved. endorsed by the senate, and posted to take a good look at what We can all make the public aware on walls in prominent places, they’re doing ... it will get tougher of things, especially now with saying that ‘We as an institution are over time. our access to blogs, to tweets, to committed to these things.’ Solar is getting cheaper and Facebook, to comments we put I think that would be what cheaper, if some energy could under news articles. you need. be transferred to solar, even All of these things are generator back ups, consumption participatory actions in a will decrease. democratic society, and they allow you to escalate the prominence of issues that matter to you.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Students from across North American will come to Queen’s next month to participate in a crisis simulation conference.
International affairs
Students simulate global crisis Conference participants will respond to Arctic sovereignty scenario B y J anina E nrile Assistant Features Editor
QICSIM’s expansion to retired Lieutenant-General Romeo that don’t have the right kind of ice-hardened hulls or that are students outside of Queen’s began Dallaire as a keynote speaker for carrying hazardous cargo,” he said, last year when Royal Military the conference. He’s best known An oil tanker capsizes off the coast adding that oil spills are also a College (RMC) students were for leading the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Rwanda invited to join the delegations. of Baffin Island and unmarked concern in the Arctic seas. The conference, which operates during the 1990s. “The Chinese are absolutely ships trespass in the area — it’s “I won’t lie,” Waintraub said. a hypothetical situation set to looking to the Arctic Ocean as a under the Queen’s International be discussed at next month’s new shipping route for the new Affairs Association, went from “[This year], there is a feeling of Queen’s Interactive Crisis century so they have a deep interest 45 students in 2009 to nearly 80 pressure — not that we have to top last year but I feel as though we in how this particular dispute last year. Simulation (QICSIM). raised the bar.” Students from 10 North turns itself out,” Nossal said, This year, QICSIM is reaching American universities will meet at adding that no solution can satisfy It gives them the out to Canadian government the Donald Gordon Conference every country. opportunity to see officials like Minister of Foreign “The only way that a conclusion Centre for the conference. They how things are going Affairs John Baird and retired represent delegate countries and would be reached is essentially if to happen in any Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie, government bodies, including Canada gave up its claim because possibility and look but none have confirmed thus far. the United States, Canada it’s highly unlikely … the United Each year’s simulated crisis is and the Canadian Security States would give up its claim [to at outcomes for chosen according to the country’s the Northwest Passage],” he said. Intelligence Service. themselves as well. current political issues. For the first time since the In separate rooms, “With all the focus on waters delegates solve a simulated Queen’s crisis simulation began in — Jamie Hill, and natural resources and international crisis, rarely meeting 2009, invitations were extended to participant sovereignty itself, like who owns face-to-face in an attempt to mimic a American military academies, like the United States Naval Academy “We want to slowly grow,” what with natural resources, real-life scenario. The scenario is based on an and the United States Military Michelle Waintraub, ArtSci ’12, Arctic sovereignty seemed like the international dispute over the Academy at West Point. Students said. “At the moment QICSIM perfect thing,” Waintraub said. Northwest Passage, a 7,000-km from McGill University, the is the only [Canadian conference] “Arctic sovereignty is right now a route that’s frozen for most of University of Toronto, Carleton of its kind and nature so why sexy topic.” The Arab Spring, which began the year. It’s made up of a series University and University of not expand so other students can in Tunisia in December 2010, of seven channels that link the Ottawa have also been invited to experience it as well?” This is Waintraub’s second year proved to be a missed opportunity Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, a this year’s conference. for QICSIM. Organizers say the number of co-chairing QICSIM. route favoured by ships for cargo Hana Delibasic, another Last year, she helped bring in delegates hasn’t been finalized. transport from Asia to Europe. For the past 132 years, Canada has claimed the Passage as national waters. “Since Britain passed over all the Arctic territories to Canada in 1880, everything above sea level has been technically Canadian,” political studies Professor Kim Nossal said. “The Canadians have exercised or tried to exercise sovereignty but the fact is it wasn’t until well into the 20th century that all other countries in the world recognized Canada’s sovereign claims.” Countries like the United States don’t acknowledge Canada’s claim, Nossal said. “The United States wants as much of the world’s oceans to be considered international waterways,” Nossal said. “They are a global power and they want to be able to move their boats wherever they want to move them.” Whichever country lands Arctic sovereignty could potentially charge for entry into the Passage’s waters and create shipping regulations. Graphic by Justin Chin “What you don’t want are The 7,000-km Northwest Passage that connects the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is a favoured ships floating around the Arctic shipping route from Asia to Europe.
QICSIM co-chair, said the Sudanese referendum was chosen as last year’s conference topic months before the Arab Spring broke out. “We didn’t know the Egyptian uprisings would happen last year,” Delibasic, ArtSci ’14, said. “Had we known, it would be an amazing conference to have.” Delibasic is already looking to the future of QICSIM. “I’m actually more stressed about next year than this year,” she said. “We want to be really tough, almost like a competition, and work towards something that’s really exciting for people.” Delegates will be posed two hypothetical challenges: an oil spill in the Passage and the presence of unmarked ships. David Last, head of RMC’s department of politics and economics, is one of two professors from RMC working with student organizers to run the conference. No Queen’s professors are participating. “It’s different from the Model United Nations and the Model North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the sense that it’s not as competitive,” he said. “I think in that sense, it’s a very good learning opportunity.” RMC contributed $1,500 to last year’s Queen’s crisis simulation. Last, who’s completing a research project on alternative decision support, wanted to observe the response to a simulated international crisis. “That was DND [Department of National Defence] research money paying for support to the simulation,” he said. “The cadets who participated wrote reports on their experiences at the simulation.” At the 2011 conference, retired Canadian Ambassador in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade John Schram briefed the delegates on strategy before they entered simulation. “They knew their countries and limitations,” Last said. “I think they brought a level of focus.” RMC student Jamie Hill participated at QICSIM last year. “I assisted with planning and got members from RMC to join and take part,” he said, adding that he was also Lieutenant Dallaire’s aide. Hill said the conference was a good way for RMC students to interact with students outside of their campus. “They got the opportunity to work with Queen’s students in similar programs and get a different point of view,” he said. “RMC provides a well-rounded education but … there’s a bit more focus on how things interact with the military.” Last year’s conference brought in government officials like Sudanese Ambassador to Canada Elsadig Almagly, and gave students the chance to explore a future in international relations. According to Hill, QICSIM’s expansion will bring new perspectives to this year’s conference. “It’ll be an interesting discussion especially if we’re having American students coming in,” he said. “For most Canadians, we see [the Arctic as] sovereign territory whereas American political goals aren’t always congruent with that concept.”
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Friday, February 10, 2012
FaCUltY eleCtions
ComSoc race uncontested Team PFK wants to prioritize cross-collaboration between faculties B y A lison s houldiCe Staff Writer Team PFK is campaigning unopposed for Commerce Society executive, but only one team member is currently in Canada. Vice-president (external) candidate David Koke is fielding questions on campus while presidential candidate Nicola Plummer is in Switzerland and vice-president (internal) candidate Daniel Farewell is in France. For the third year in a row, there’s only one team running. Part of team PFK’s platform focuses on promoting cross-collaboration between faculties, as well as developing a planning process to determine how ComSoc bodies can effectively use their resources. One challenge that Commerce students continue to face, Farewell said, is increasing class sizes. “The biggest issue on everyone’s mind however is sustaining the tightness of the Commerce community, and calibre of the ComSoc portfolio, as 450-student classes continue to arrive.” Farewell, Comm ’13, said PFK will address this issue by ensuring that ComSoc maintains a strong sense of community. Team PFK has approximately eight volunteers on their campaign team, as well as a campaign manager to organize class talks.
The team’s platform includes plans to advertise controversial issues being brought to AMS Assembly with the goal of soliciting feedback from Commerce students.
Comsoc plays a “unique role because a
lot of people want to go into the industries that we offer but they are not in Commerce.
— David Koke, vice-president (external) candidate Farewell has experience both inside and outside ComSoc. In the past, he held the positions of ComSoc intern, director of the ComSoc advisory board and a commerce representative on Senate. Plummer, Comm ’13, has sat on ComSoc assembly since her first year at Queen’s. Plummer said she’s running for president because she wants to see ComSoc and the Commerce student body work together. “I want Commerce students to see ComSoc as a resource, something they use to pursue their passions,” she said. Plummer has also been involved with Queen’s Commerce Initiative Abroad, Queen’s Leadership,
Excellence and Development Conference and the Queen’s Wears Green campaign. Koke, Comm ’13, said collaboration is the biggest part of the team’s platform. “ComSoc offers a lot of opportunities for students but they are in very focused areas,” he said. “We want to collaborate with the AMS and EngSoc and other faculty societies to identify the opportunities that match the interest of every Commerce student.” One goal is to to inform students from other societies of career opportunities that branch away from their specific faculties. According to Koke, these shared resources would benefit all parties. “ComSoc plays a unique role because a lot of people want to go into the industries that we offer but they are not in Commerce,” he said. “It’s about opening our doors to them.” Koke currently sits in an elected position as the president of the 2013 Commerce class. He has also been involved with Queen’s Conference on International Business and Queen’s Non-Profit Gateway, a committee that facilitates student engagement with the non-profit sector. Online voting for the ComSoc elections will take place on Feb. 14 and 15.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Barriers for incoming professionals Teachers, engineers, nurses and doctors have difficulties transferring degrees before working in Canada B y C AtheRine o Wsik Assistant News Editor According to a Queen’s study, people professionally trained abroad have difficulty becoming certified to work in Canada. Currently, an international doctor, nurse, teacher or engineer with English as a Second Language (ESL) must complete recertification and licensing upon coming to Canada to work in the same profession. According to Queen’s education professor Liying Cheng, one of the main systemic barriers faced by these professionals is the cost of recertification. Getting accurate information about the testing process through word of mouth is also problematic, she said, adding that the time, cost and type of certification depends on the profession. “Out of the four professions we tested, medical doctors pay the most [for certification],” Cheng said, adding that they must also compete for limited residency positions. All certifications include an English proficiency test, but beyond that, the type of tests and associated costs are set on an individual basis depending on their qualifications and professional experience, she said. Cheng conducted 18 interviews with internationally educated professionals and two additional interviews with
representatives from professional organizations that give out certifications. She found that the recertification process in Ontario was inaccessible to most immigrants. “Mostly I did research in Kingston and Windsor,” Cheng said. “The key issue was the testing process and their perception about it.” While the participants she interviewed were in the process of becoming certified, she said many immigrants remain unaware of the options available to them. “I had one participant that was an engineer in their home country, and when he came to Canada he thought the most he could do with his degree was become a technician,” Cheng said. She said the solution was to inform immigrants of their options in Canada before they emigrate. Cheng conducted most of the interviews in the summer of 2010 and said it has taken about a year and a half to compile the data. A technical report has been written and she is in the process of writing an article for the Journal of International Migration and Integration. To conduct the interviews Cheng contacted immigration settlement agencies that distributed her contact information. The study also found that personal barriers — including caring
for a family or difficulty speaking English — inhibit professionals from completing their certification. “If they have a supportive spouse or environment, that will help them to get through the process,” Cheng said. Eight months after the initial interviews Cheng followed up with her participants. Fifteen of the 18 responded — two had given up trying to get their certification, three had been certified and 10 were still in the certification process. “The best study is always a longitudinal study, but it’s very hard to do,” Cheng said, adding that people often change their
contact information. “I am quite encouraged with these results though.” Cheng received her PhD in foreign language testing from the University of Hong Kong in 1998. She said unlike her participants she didn’t have to become recertified before working in Canada. “If I wanted to teach in a school, like a high school or elementary school, I would have to go through the certification process,” she said. “For professors there’s no licensing … that’s the fundamental difference from those professions.”
NEWS IN BRIEF students sent to hospital Continued from page 1
editors in Chief elected
Katherine Fernandez-Blance and Labiba Haque were elected as the incoming Editors in Chief for the Journal yesterday. They won a 75.9 per cent vote of confidence with 22 in favour and seven against for Volume 140. Fernandez-Blance, ArtSci ’12, said she was pleased with the results of the vote. “At the end of the day, it’s 22 people who believe in us,” she said, adding that she is photo by corey lablans overwhelmed by the victory. Dr. Liying Cheng’s study found that internationally educated professionals Fernandez-Blance said she and Haque face systematic and personal difficulties when becoming certified to work in Canada. decided to run for the positions while walking home together one night, during an unrelated conversation. “The question asked was ‘Who would you trust at three in the morning when things are going awry?’ and it sounds like a trashy romance movie, but I looked up at her and said ‘It would be you,’” Fernandez-Blance said. One of the team’s platform points was to — Clare Clancy and Savoula Stylianou create Journal behind-the-scenes videos. “I think it will show that at the end of the equipment recovered day, we’re students just like everyone else,” she said. Continued from page 1 Haque, ArtSci ’13, said she’s excited to celebrate with the current Editors in Chief court in one or two months. “It’s a summary offence, meaning a lesser Clare Clancy and Jake Edmiston. “I think we’re going to let Clare and Jake offence,” he said. If the student pleads not guilty to the show us the ropes,” she said. Haque said the two work well together as charges, the maximum sentence he could receive for breaking and entering into a non- a team because they had experience working residence under Section 348 of the Criminal together as assistant news editors. For both, it’s the second year working at the Journal. Code is two years in prison. The name of the student isn’t being Fernandez-Blance is the current news editor released because official information hasn’t and Haque is production manager. “We have great chemistry,” she said. been sworn to yet, Koopman said. “Until information has been sworn in front — Savoula Stylianou of a justice of the peace or a judge, it cannot be released,” he said. Koopman said the curl-up bar and weights were recovered by police. He also said over around six cases have been solved in the last half a year through use of Facebook. — Savoula Stylianou Constable Steven Koopman, media relations officer for Kingston Police, said the police received a call about one female who was unconscious outside Alfie’s. “A call was received at 1:17 a.m. about a medical assist in progress at 87 Union St. for an unresponsive female in her twenties,” he said. Koopman said the call was from paramedics asking for police to attend the scene. “We were cancelled by the ambulance two minutes later at 1:19 a.m.,” he said. Koopman said he couldn’t comment on why the call was cancelled. AMS Hospitality and Safety Services Director Gracie Goad declined to comment to the Journal yesterday.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Restructure could increase deficit, says manager last year, Board of Directors Chair discussions will be tabled until she said. “This decision is affecting Mitch Piper informed the CFRC March 1. He said the reasoning those options at CFRC.” years if the current management Advisory Board of the first mention behind the restructuring was to Shelley Robinson executive system is restructured. of a potential restructuring process bring accountability to CFRC as an director of the National Campus AMS service and align it with other and Community Radio Association, She said this will also mean for the radio station. workloads will shift and grants Since Clemens began working AMS services. which CFRC is a member of, “We believe it’s very important wrote a letter to the AMS Board of won’t be written as efficiently. at CFRC three years ago, she said The spoken word programming she’s seen two student managers to have one person who is Directors on Wednesday expressing manager is currently the only quit their academic programs to accountable for the operational the organization’s concerns about management position occupied continue working at the station, aspects of the service, and having management restructuring. by a full-time Queen’s student. while two others quit to focus on that head manager position and “CFRC-FM is a broader then those assistant manager community resource, and needs Former students occupy the other their academics. two positions. Two CFRC managers aren’t positions makes that accountability to maintain independent control very clear,” he said. enrolled at Queen’s currently. over its operations, finances, It’s the AMS’ responsibility to management, “Student-managers are putting and facilities We believe it’s very in 40 to 60 hours a week here, and hire and pay CFRC employees, as to fulfill its mandate as well as important to have still trying to manage a full course well as to make up for the station’s meet its regulatory requirements,” one person who is load,” Clemens said. “They rely on deficit, he said. Robinson wrote. accountable for the CFRC is currently overseen the non-student managers to pick Robinson told the Journal operational aspects of up the slack.” by the AMS, but the station’s yesterday that she had yet to hear CFRC is fighting for a structure broadcasting licence is provided back from the AMS Board. the service. that’s based on an informed by the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications consultation with the students and and — Mitch Piper, The reality is that chair of the Board of community members who use their Commission (CRTC) and held this decision was made Directors by Radio Queen’s University, a services, Clemens said. by people who have “If the AMS Board proposal had non-profit corporation. no radio experience “The CRTC expects community The possibility of management come from these stakeholders, of whatsoever. restructuring was brought to course CFRC would be in support radio broadcasters to operate independent non-profit the front of the AMS Board of of the changes,” Clemens wrote as Directors’ after CFRC proposed an in an email to the Journal. “The organizations with involvement — Kristiana Clemens, CFRC operations officer AMS review of their management reality is that this decision was at the governance level by the structure in order to create a fourth made by people who have no radio University, the student government, volunteers and community experience whatsoever.” management position. AMS Media Services Director Piper, ArtSci ’11, said members involved with the station,” Dan Szczepanek said a similar In a letter dated Oct. 25 of managerial structure has been in place since 2003, when Queen’s transferred oversight of CFRC to the AMS. CFRC has been exempt from standard AMS yearly turnover rates of staff since 2008, allowing employees to re-apply for their positions after one year for a maximum of three years. Policy was followed and was proved unworkable for maintaining station operations, he said. As a result, CFRC and the AMS worked together from 2005 to 2010 to implement gradual changes, including exemptions to hiring and employment policies imposed on other AMS services. “One of the changes made now is to revoke that clause to get it aligned with other AMS media services,” Szczepanek, ArtSci ’11, said. Photo By alexandra petre Szczepanek also acts as the Professor Heather Stuart is one of two people in Canada whose research is specifically AMS’s liason with Queen’s TV, geared towards anti-stigma research in the mental health field. Yearbook and Design Services and to discuss the first anti-stigma is mental health first aid training. Continued from page 1 Currently Health, Counselling research chair. She also said because she’s the and Disability Services offers this how the funding is spent. “At the end of the year, we chair of the new initiative, she training twice a year through provide a stewardship report to has discretion over where the $1 Student Affairs. “That’s training front line people million will go. the donor,” he said. Stuart said some of the who work with students on how Friday, Feb. 10 The donation to Queen’s is part of the company’s Let’s Talk money will be used for salary to recognize signs of mental illness Campaign, an initiative started funding but also to disseminate and how to get people help,” Which preferences can democracy serve? she said. in 2010 when Bell announced it information faster. Bell’s Chair of the Board Alon Harel: “There will probably be some would give $50 million to mental health-related programs over funding available for presenting Thomas O’Neill said he was Macdonald Hall, room 515 results at conferences, that would happy to partner with Queen’s on 1 to 2:30 p.m. five years. this initiative. Bell has already donated money be helpful,” she said. “Professor Stuart has a Saturday, Feb. 11 The researchers are working to organizations like the Boys and Girls Club of York Region, the with high schools in order improve world class reputation which Psychology Foundation of Canada mental health programs, Stuart said. made the decision easy and Observatory public tour “They’re going to use the coming from Queen’s, I had no Ellis Hall, 4th floor and post-secondary institutions like information right away to make objection whatsoever,” O’Neill, 7:50 to 9 p.m. Lakehead University. Free The $1 million will be used their programs better,” she Comm ’67, said. O’Neill said Bell has always to fund research that Stuart has said. “We’re going to use that already started — she’s one of information to educate funders and been a charitable organization, Sunday, Feb. 12 two people in Canada to focus decision-makers that we do have but was looking to donate to a Greenhouse open house specific cause. research on the stigma surrounding effective interventions available.” Stuart said her research will be “If you look at CIBC, Run for the 111 Norman Rogers Drive mental health. “I’m an epidemiologist and I focus used for academic purposes as well. Cure immediately comes to mind Open Sunday afternoons “We have an obligation to publish to the public,” he said. “They’ve until Mar. 11 on psychiatric epidemiology and mental health services evaluation,” because we’re scientists, but a lot branded it that way so we were she said. “My substantive area has of the information will be up on thinking where we could focus.” O’Neill added that other been in stigma and discrimination.” webpages like the Mental Health companies haven’t explored Epidemiology focuses on the Commission webpage,” she said. Stuart said one tangible initiative mental health initiatives, which is study and treatment of epidemics. Stuart added that Bell to increase awareness about the why Bell chose it as a focus. approached her a year ago stigma surrounding mental illness Continued from page 1
Chair to manage new funds
the Journal. He added that the decision came after an intensive review of CFRC exemptions from AMS management policies. “[The AMS Board of Directors] questioned why they existed,” he said. “Some existed because they need to exist for the benefit of the station, but in other cases we found that [they] weren’t necessary.” Szczepanek said he doesn’t think restructuring management will impact editorial decisions for the radio station. “There is a distinction in job descriptions and contracts,” he said. “We have seen that in other media services, we have different people handling different things.” Szczepanek said he’s confident that students hired for the positions will be able to balance their jobs with school based on management positions at other AMS media services. “I’ve seen first hand how crazy the media services can be,” he said. “My experience [with them] shows you can have exceptional [students] in these roles.” Irina Skvortsova has worked as CFRC’s business manager for two years. As a former Queen’s student, she said her position would be impractical for a full-time student only occupying the position for a one-year term. “It takes at least one year to learn how to do the job,” she said. “What they`ve proposed would mean every student hired after one year will be completely overwhelmed and will never be able to do their job.” According to Skvortsova, the responsibilities of the newlycreated head manager position would create an ethical dilemma for the station. “Because my goal as business manager is to secure money and revenue, the head manager position could potentially affect programming,” she said. “That is where we are crossing a line of editorial content.” — With files from Meaghan Wray
Campus calendar Monday, Feb. 13 Preliminary rounds of Andrina McCulloch Public Speaking Competition JDUC, 2nd floor 7 to 10 p.m. Continues until Feb. 15 Wednesday, Feb. 15 Lecture by Tazachi Zamir: “Pornography and acting: between presentation and re-presentation” Watson Hall, room 517 4 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 Introduction to the intercultural development inventory Mac-Corry Hall, room B176 9 a.m. to noon
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The Journal’s Perspective
CSIS policy unacceptable I
nformation gathered through torture can be used by Canadian security officials, thanks to a directive that allows for flexibility in particular situations. On Feb. 8, CBC reported that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews wrote a letter to Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director Richard Fadden. The letter, written in December 2010, stated that “a threat to human life or public safety” constitutes an “exceptional circumstance.” The order is a reversal of policy. Prior to this, CSIS would discard information if there was any inkling that it was tainted by torture. CSIS’s new policy is a step back for Canada. Torture is a tactic prohibited by international law and Canada needs to take a strong stand against it. It’s something we can’t accept in any form. If Canadian security services
Kelly Loeper
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Carolyn Flanagan
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Friday, February 10, 2012 • Issue 32 • Volume 139 The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2012 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3P4 Telephone : 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal Online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 33 of Volume 139 will be published on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.
We can’t be working with people who discard the value of human life in order to protect it.
Jessica Munshaw Terence Wong
Blogs Editor
Friday, February 10, 2012
Frosh Week
ORT donation builds bridge
his year’s on-campus concert earned $5,000 during Frosh Week 2011. The money was donated to Kingston General Hospital with an intended focus on youth mental health. Orientation Round Table (ORT) is responsible for co-ordinating Frosh Week. The organization should be commended for giving back to the Kingston community while also retaining a Queen’s focus. Queen’s tends to be insular, often to students’ disadvantage. It’s important that students make a point of building relationships with community groups. Kingston should be a priority alongside Queen’s. Mental health is an ongoing concern on our campus, and it’s laudable that ORT’s donation managed to support mental health and wellbeing for Kingston as a whole.
Carolyn Flanagan
are using information extracted by to change. As well as being morally means of torture, it amounts to an implicit acceptance of inhumane reprehensible, the policy is misguided from a practical interrogation practices. Using information gathered standpoint. A wide variety of through torture perpetuates experts agree that torture is often an an intelligence market where unreliable source for information. There have been numerous it’s acceptable. The justification for the policy accounts where people admit to eality television that is to ensure public safety, inciting crimes that they never committed portrays people in unflattering the long-standing fear of terrorism while under duress. Using torture situations isn’t a new phenomenon. that is perpetuated by government to acquire unreliable intelligence In recent years though, shows that officials and media. We can’t be is counter-productive to a document people’s strange, working with people who discard security apparatus. erratic behaviour have seen Working with people, rather tremendous viewership. the value of human life in order to than hurting them, has proven to protect it. TLC’s Toddlers and Tiaras aims We should expect our be a more effective method of to give a behind-the-scenes look at government to take a firm stance collecting information, and should the world of baby beauty queens, on this issue, rather than shape be standard practice. and there’s no attempt to show We live with the fear that families in a flattering light. The policies that accommodate fear. CSIS has been ordered to terrorist attacks are imminent, but more rigorous the child’s routine, make the protection of life and it’s a fear that shouldn’t govern the more airplay and attention for property its overriding priority, our actions. In protecting ourselves the family. Though most of the but if this guiding principal leads against those who seek to harm us, show focuses on pageant parents, to a contradiction of the Geneva we can’t discard our values. watching a four-year-old get a spray Conventions, then priorities need tan is distasteful. Shows like this are ridiculous, but mostly harmless. It’s reality television surrounding mental illness that is most troubling. Intervention follows individuals who are fighting drug or alcohol addictions. Each episode is cleverly presented as documenting a life-changing transformation. Undoubtedly there are viewers who can relate to the experiences and who can benefit from watching, but these viewers aren’t the target demographic. In reality, the show exploits people in vulnerable situations. As viewers, we’re obsessed with watching people who have inappropriate or insane habits. A&E’s show Hoarders, now in its fifth season, and TLC’s Hoarding: Buried Alive, exploit people that are struggling with severe disorders. These illnesses are detrimental to individuals, their families, health and well-being. Though the up-close camera shots and candid interviews with friends and family are intended to show the human side of hoarding, sustained clips of stacked-up diapers leave little to the imagination. Compulsive hoarding is a The budget surplus came from gesture from ORT to those who’ve serious mental illness that shouldn’t over-estimating the cost of the helped them. Events like Homecoming be exploited for the entertainment Frosh Week concert — this was the first time since 2008 that it and Frosh Week impose on the of the average viewer at home. My Strange Addiction, another was held on campus. Hosting the Kingston community, and the noise TLC program, chronicles concert on campus eliminates costs can be disruptive. Fostering a healthy working individuals with obsessions ranging like transportation and venue fees. From 2008 to 2010, the concert relationship with the city will from eating plastic to romantic has been held off campus at the encourage community members to relationships with dolls. Little is done to portray these people in a K-Rock Centre or Fort Henry. tolerate our events. While the donation should be relatable way. Moving the Frosh Week concert It’s important that these back to campus is a win for ORT commended, it’s important to raise questions for the consideration of individuals receive some form of and Queen’s students. The change in venue this year next year’s ORT. The donation professional help, but do we need was made possible by a city council may have had a different effect if to be there to watch it? decision, exempting the concert given to Health, Counseling and If these people are going public Disabilities Services or the Peer to share their stories and help others from noise bylaws. KGH was instrumental in city Support Centre, both of which with their personal struggles, then council’s decision. The hospital could use more resources. power to them. But that doesn’t But the money given to KGH’s change the fact that most viewers wrote a statement of support for psychiatry program will still help are watching for a spectacle. ORT, condoning the concert. As one of the places Queen’s students. If we watch these shows to feel ORT has found a balance and better about ourselves or to be inconvenienced most severely by the concert, it was exceptional other student groups need to privy to someone else’s vulnerable of KGH to support it. Giving take notice. situation, then let’s change money back to the hospital’s the channel. mental health program works as a
Stop watching R
Friday, February 10, 2012
Perspectives from the Queen’s community
I’d prefer to see a system that placed sanctions on unsafe behaviour ... rather than disciplining the act of drinking on its own.
Sanctions go too far
Talking heads ... around campus Photos By Brendan Monahan
What do you think about the Queen’s barbell thief?
A 20-year-old first-year student’s account of getting caught with alcohol in residence
“He’s pretty funny.”
H ayley Toivanen , A rt S ci ’15 “You have just completed your personalized Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO! You are a 20-year-old female and you do not belong to a sorority.” That’s what I read on the results of my e-Chug evaluation, a test I’d been required to take after violating alcohol rules in residence earlier this year. In fact, the e-Chug evaluation was just one of several disciplinary sanctions imposed by the residence staff. I’m also required to complete a reflective essay, meet privately with my residence don, research the negative effects of alcohol on the body and find two campus clubs I’d be interested in joining. It’s a process that has left me frustrated and humiliated. I feel as if the residence sanction system has labelled me an alcoholic. Yes, it’s true I was drinking in residence. I was drinking a beer with friends in my common room, from an opaque travel mug with a closed lid — a violation of Residence Rule 1.2a, which prohibits open alcohol in public areas of residence. According to the residence rules handbook, students aged 19 or above are allowed to have up to 24 cans of beer in their residence room at a given time. What’s not entirely clear is where they’re allowed to drink this alcohol. Open alcohol isn’t permitted in any public space in residence, including students’ rooms when the door is open. That means no beer cans in the common room or hallways. Fine. In my case, because I was drinking from a covered container, I was initially not deemed in violation of any residence rule at the time of the incident. But a couple of days later, my case was re-opened after the Main Campus Residence Council (MCRC) decided the term “open alcohol” included covered containers. From this incident I’ve learned that drinking alcohol isn’t permitted anywhere in residence besides a private room, regardless of the container. But what about drinking privately with other students on
Meg King, ArtSci ’14
“He must be pretty jacked right now.” Evan Zaltz, ArtSci ’13
According to the Main Campus Residence Council’s (MCRC) rules handbook, students aged 19 or over are allowed to have up to 24 cans of beer in their residence room.
my floor, many of whom are underage? Am I supposed to drink my beer alone in my room with my door closed? The lack of immediate and clear action from residence staff at the time of the incident shows that even dons and others who enforce these rules are unsure of their meaning and implications.
It’s a process that has left me frustrated and humiliated. I feel as if the residence sanction system has labelled me an alcoholic. After my case was re-opened, I accepted responsibility for a level-one violation. I didn’t want to spend the time trying to appeal it. Had I lied, it’s likely I wouldn’t have been punished. While I accepted responsibility for my behaviour, the consequences and detailed series of sanctions that followed weren’t clear. I thought that admitting my behaviour as a 20-year-old adult, having a lengthy conversation with residence staff about alcohol consumption rules and accepting the $50 bond placed on my residence account would be adequate.
Instead, I’m completing a lengthy sanction process which seems fit for correcting a serious alcohol problem. To go through this process for drinking a single covered beer in residence is humiliating. Excessive drinking has never been part of my lifestyle. Buying booze isn’t a big part of my budget; I still have the case of beer I bought for my birthday last November. Drinking in residence is comfortable and safe. I like to enjoy a few beers surrounded by friends, with a don on call and a bathroom and bed nearby. The residence rules system should tolerate this kind of responsible drinking in residence. Isn’t drinking safely in residence better than drinking heavily at a kegger in the Ghetto? I know other students who take pride in their e-Chug results. They laugh about how their self-reported intoxication levels put them, in the words of the survey results, “at risk of death.” They boast about how much money they spend on booze — the equivalent of a ski trip or new laptop, for some. Somehow, I don’t think the current disciplinary system is having the right effect. The current system should
Photo by Asad Chishti
be revised. Rules must be more clearly stated for both students and residence staff. Yes, it’s true that students who drink in residence might engage in unsafe behaviour. But I’d prefer to see a system that placed sanctions on the unsafe behaviour — regardless if students are intoxicated or not — rather than disciplining the act of drinking on its own.
It’s inevitable that students will drink alcohol in their first year of university. The residence rules system should recognize this. Each case should be individually considered before disciplinary measures are taken. Honesty and maturity should be rewarded. It’s only by treating students as mature adults that one can expect them to behave that way. It’s inevitable that students will drink alcohol during their first year of university. The residence rules system should recognize this, or it will continue to fail students.
“I wanna know if he’s single.” Jamie Levon, ArtSci ’12
“Now the Queen’s U problem thing makes sense.” Kate Schao, ArtSci ’14
“This is an absolute outrage.” James Dalton, ArtSci ’13
Have your say.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
art preview
Arts BFA has ‘lots to say’ Fourth-year BFA students organize a new exhibition B y C aitlin C hoi Assistant Arts Editor This year’s graduating BFA class is taking matters into their own hands. In previous years, fourth-year BFA students have exhibited their work at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in a show called BFA Select. In September, students were told the campus gallery wouldn’t host the event this year. “It was less about money and more about time,” said Heather Smith, BFA ’12, adding that she understood the Agnes’ chief curator Jan Allan had numerous other commitments. In response to the gallery’s decision, Smith and 13 of her peers organized a surrogate art show called Prologue at a new venue on Princess Street. Keystone Property Management donated the off-campus space to the artists. Though the unavailability of the Agnes inspired the development of Prologue, Smith said it has become an entirely different event from the original show, BFA Select. “I don’t see it as our replacement Agnes show,” she said. “Maybe we lost this opportunity that we thought we were going to have at the Agnes but … it allowed for us to be a bit entrepreneurial and find our own ways to show our work.” The appropriately-titled initiative is similar to the Agnes show in that it precedes the graduating class’ annual end-of-year exhibition. One difference between Prologue and BFA Select is the type of experience the artists gain, Smith said. This year’s presentation of BFA students’ final works, Suspend Your Disbelief, will be held in Ontario Hall. “From what I understand,” Smith said of BFA Select, “it was a lot about working with a curator and on a much more professional level. So that’s a very different experience than what we’re having now, trying to put something together ourselves. “They’re both valuable experiences, but they are very different.” The slogan for this year’s Prologue is “We’ve got lots to say.” “We like to promote our class and our program as this vibrant and worthwhile thing — that we’re not just sitting back in Ontario Hall where we’re isolated and no one can reach us,” Smith said. Although the exhibition only offers paintings and prints, thematically and stylistically it showcases a diverse collection of works. “It’s a show that is supposed to highlight the diversity of our group. We’re all saying a lot of different things in these works of art,” See An independent on page 13
Civic layers editorial headlines with iconic images and artist Janghan Hong’s illustrations, bringing about questions of journalistic objectivity.
Photos by Simona Markovik and Asad chishti
Art review
Cultural collage moments A new exhibit at Union Gallery explores art and editorial content B y M egan C ui Contributor A cut-out of the iconic phrase, “Want fries with that?” is the first of many cultural moments
you’ll see in a new light at Civic, a recent exhibit from a fourth-year BFA student. Civic is a multi-canvas collection by Janghan Hong in Union Gallery’s Project Room.
Sprawling across three adjacent walls, Civic is a collection of cultural references and recognizable headlines mounted on painted canvases that are reminiscent of specimen slides seen through
Hilary Grant and Nicholas Walters sing “La ci darem la mano” from Mozart’s Don Giovanni.
photo by justin chin
Theatre Preview
Under an Austrian sky School of Music presents annual fundraiser, A Night in Vienna at Grant Hall B y A lyssa A shton Arts Editor There will be an abundance of ball gowns on campus this weekend. On Friday and Saturday night the School of Music will present their annual fundraiser, A Night in Vienna. The gala will feature approximately 20 pieces from 19th -century Vienna performed by both students, faculty and alumni.
“It’s a celebration of the tradition, culture and splendor of old Vienna,” said co-ordinator Shirley Roth for A Night in Vienna. “It’s featuring Austrian music, song and dance presented by Queen’s symphony orchestra, vocal students, alumni and faculty.” The show includes 100 student performers, including a 60-person orchestra. It’s directed by Associate Professor Gordon Craig and
produced by adjunct lecturer Bruce Kelly. The fundraiser will raise money to supplement the School of Music’s budget, helping to pay for instrument repairs and travel expenses for faculty who come from Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Roth said she’s unsure how much the fundraiser will raise for See Offering on page 14
a microscope. The collection at first appears arbitrary — a pastiche of newspaper clippings and cut-out phrases. But the ambiguity is what keeps you re-reading and reviewing each canvas, both individually and as a whole. It’s easy to spend half an hour getting up close with each image, moving back and forth from canvas to canvas. Many of the images are easily recognized and others transfix you with bracing uncertainty. Hong’s references range from Barack Obama to Graham Beverly, the founder of the Queen’s Socialist Club. He takes familiar images and renders them open to fresh interpretation, making viewer engagement as much a part of the exhibit’s meaning as the artist’s work. Hong does a commendable job of injecting artistic value in a collection that relies heavily on secondary images. Illustrations are painted over the newspaper collage, providing yet another layer of meaning and another level of complication to journalism and its claims of objectivity. Overlaying newspaper content with illustrations creates a tension between message and medium that is at the core of Hong’s work. Civic stands out amongst the other work at Union Gallery for its use of contemporary images, proving an inviting familiarity that lacks in the other works. Civic is at Union Gallery’s Project Room until Feb. 14.
Janghan Hong, BFA ’12, is the Editorial Illustrator at the Journal.
Friday, February 10, 2012
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Friday, February 10, 2012
A little bit of grit Young Rival plans the launch of their sophomore album, featuring a lighter sound B y a lyssa a shton Arts Editor
Young Rival have toured with the Sheepdogs and Tokyo Police Club. But drummer Noah Fralick says the one that sticks out most is their first major tour with the Sadies.
KINGSTON TRAVEL GUIDE On their official website, Young Rival keeps an Indie Travel Guide, listing their favourite spots in each city they visit. We asked Queen’s alum Noah Fralick, ArtSci ’06, to give us his picks for Kingston.
Best dinner option?
Best place to grab a coffee?
Go-to bar?
I’m going to say Common Ground. Their French roast is one of my favourite coffees. Whenever I go through Kingston, I always make a point of stopping there. I absolutely love the Common Ground coffee. But I find the new student centre really weird, because when I was there it was in the JDUC. It’s like a shopping mall.
I run the risk of sounding really out of touch, because I don’t know what’s cool for all you guys. When I was there, the Brass was always a really great spot because it was one of the few bars you could go to where the DJ was playing some songs that I really dug. Alfie’s on a Friday, I don’t know if that’s cool, but that was always actually one of my funnest nights of the week.
things to check out? The great architecture and the waterfront.
Pan Chancho. I’m a bread fanatic and they make some of the best bread I’ve ever had in my life.
Best greasy breakfast? Morrison’s.
Young Rival will be counting heads in the audience at the Grad Club tonight. The rock trio says attendance at shows is crucial to their self-esteem. “What I love about touring is it’s the best way to get a sense of how well the band is doing,” said drummer Noah Fralick. “You could sell a lot of records, but if you’re not connecting with people and they’re not coming to shows, or you don’t feel that chemistry.” The band is touring Canada ahead of the release of their untitled sophomore album, which they recorded in August. “We’re just in the midst of sorting out when it’s going to come out exactly, but it’s maybe not going to be until the fall,” he said. “We’re really hoping it will be a bit before. “But we’re definitely going to up until then release like one or two singles in advance of the release.” Fralick, vocalist Aron D’Alesio and bassist John Smith worked with producer Jon Drew on Young Rival’s 2010 self-titled debut, as well as their upcoming album. Drew has produced albums for Fucked Up, Arkells and Tokyo Police Club. “On this next record, we more so explored that lighter, more melodic sound,” Fralick said. “But at the same side we’re a rock and roll band at heart.” The band recorded the album in Toronto over 10 days. Fralick said they went into the studio with a clear plan of action. “We’ve never been a band who go into a studio without songs,” he said. “We always
have everything totally tight and ready to go.” Of course, Fralick acknowledges that sometimes creativity comes out in the studio. “I mean when you’re in the studio, you go in hoping for one thing, but you know sometimes certain sounds will come out that you didn’t expect to come out,” he said. “You’re always sort of adapting to the way that the sounds are actually coming out when we start recording.” While they sort out the release date for their new album, Young Rival is quite content with touring. “We play music every night, new city, new stage, new audience and at times it’s a bit monotonous, it’s sort of like drive, play, sleep, repeat,” he said. “Touring Canada is difficult because there’s so much space between cities, but ultimately it’s a lot of fun. That’s what makes it hard to give up.” Young Rival play the Grad Club with Dinosaur Bones tonight. Doors open at 9 p.m. and the show starts at 10 p.m.
NEXT ISSUE DJ DANCE-OFF CFRC sends their best DJs to host a free dance party at the Grad Club. The Journal gets an inside look at what it’s like being a radio DJ for a community station.
Friday, February 10, 2012
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An independent experience Continued from page 10
she said. Though Smith and her peers won’t get mentorship from a curator at the Agnes, she said they have support from a University technician — who generously brought over tools and lent advice on installation. Smith said professors have also encouraged organizers of the upcoming show. The venue — an unoccupied storefront near the corner of Princess and Clergy Streets — was donated in January and Queen’s
supplied the insurance to rent the space. “I would like to see if younger years continue to do it. If the graduating class next year wanted to do a similar thing, I’d hope that they also have the same opportunity and I think that they easily could,” Smith said. “Even if there was the BFA Select show at the Agnes, I think that this could also happen.” Agnes Etherington representatives were unavailable for interviews with the Journal but director Janet Brooke sent a statement via email.
“The Art Centre has been happy to work with the BFA program in past years, for example through staging the BFA exhibition, but shrinking resources have meant that, like others at Queen’s, we’ve had to revisit our programming decisions. We’re delighted that the BFA students have found a vibrant downtown venue for their exhibition,” she wrote. Prologue is at 275 Princess St. until Feb. 16 from noon to 4 p.m.
Fourth-year BFA students Sarah Ammons, Scott MacDonald and Heather Smith exhibit their paintings and prints in Prologue at 275 Princess St.
Lianne Suggitt, BFA ’12, had her oil painting Lingering exhibited at Union Gallery in November last year.
From marketing to finance; from advertising to international trade; this program offers the unique skills you need to launch your career in: • • • • • • •
Marketing Finance Advertising International Trade Retail Wholesale Supply Chain Management
14 •
Friday, February 10, 2012
A Night in Vienna will feature songs from 19th-century Austria. At the reception guests will be offered cheese, bread and fruit, with Austrian Sacher Torte dessert at intermission.
photos by justin chin
Offering a musical education Continued from page 10
the School of Music, but assumes it will be between $10,000 and $15,000. “The piano we’re using for Vienna was donated and we had to tune it as soon as it became comfy cozy in the spot,” Roth said. “We had to move it on the Monday, tune it on the Tuesday afternoon, and we have to tune it again right before they play it. And that’s just money.” The money raised will come from ticket sales, corporate sponsors and donations. There are three levels of corporate sponsors: bronze sponsors who donate a minimum of $250, gold sponsors who donate a minimum of $750
and platinum sponsors who donate a minimum of $1,000. Individual donations are also ranked at three levels: concert masters donate a minimum of $75, soloists donate a minimum of $250 and maestros donate $500. “It’s basically to offer the students the music education that they deserve,” she said. “We use it very carefully because we know it’s such a gift.” Last year the School of Music offered A Night on Broadway. They only perform A Night in Vienna every other year. “We like to offer A Night in Vienna every other year because people I think would tire of it if we had it every year and then, if we miss a year, people go ‘Oh I
remember we went to that two years ago, let’s go to that again,’” Roth said. A Night in Vienna features balcony and floor seating at Grant Hall. The tables on the main level are positioned in the middle of the ballroom, with dancers performing around them. Students in the production had optional waltz and polka dance lessons over two days from Kingston’s JoLyn Dance. “We were surprised because we thought it would be just girls coming to the dance lessons but no the fellas were just as excited because you know many of them they might not get an opportunity like that again,” Roth said. At Wednesday night’s
run-through it felt like an episode of Dancing with the Stars as a bunch of singers attempted to dance. Some of the males clearly struggled to keep their counts. But eight professional dancers from JoLyn Dance will accompany the novices at the gala. Audience members are encouraged to join in. The performance is based on 19th century material, but performers aren’t required to dress in period costume. Instead they have the option to dress up in ball gowns or wear black. “The requirement for the performer is just to wear what you want,” Roth said. “If they want to wear a long, fancy, sparkly dress they just have to be aware that wardrobe malfunctions and all
of that. “They do love to get dressed because usually their performing outfits are black.” Nicholas Walters, ArtSci ’13, will be singing a duet in the show and is planning to wear a suit, instead of renting or buying a tuxedo. “It’s really formal,” he said. “It’s more formal than I thought it was.” A Night in Vienna is tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. with a reception at 7 p.m. Table seating on the main floor is $55 and general balcony seating is $20.
Friday, February 10, 2012
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men’s hockey
Playoffs in doubt Men’s hockey tied for final playoff spot after loss to Ryerson B y G ilbert C oyle Sports Editor
stuff will be secondary for the next couple years.” The track team only has 14 sprinters, down from 31 last season. Last May, former Olympic shot putter Melody Torcolacci stepped down as head coach of the track
After last night’s 3-2 loss to the Ryerson Rams in Toronto, the men’s hockey team’s playoff hopes depend on the final game of the regular season. The Gaels head into Saturday’s game tied with the Concordia Stingers for the eighth and final playoff berth in the OUA East. They host the third-place Nipissing Lakers while the Stingers play the fifth-place Carleton Ravens in Ottawa. Both teams are tied with 28 points, but Queen’s holds the tie-break on head-to-head goal difference — if the Gaels win, they take the spot. “We control our own destiny,” head coach Brett Gibson said after last night’s loss. “If we don’t win, we don’t deserve to be in.” Queen’s has lost two out of three encounters with the Lakers this season, including a 4-3 shootout loss at the Memorial Centre on Jan. 20. In that game, Gaels forward Kelly Jackson scored what would have been game-winning goal in the shootout, but the official called it off. The Lakers won the game on the next shot. The Gaels missed a chance to seal a playoff berth last night. If they had beaten the Rams, they would have clinched a playoff
see Coach on page 18
see Gaels on page 17
photo by corey lablans
Some of the track and field team’s distance athletes warm up at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre indoor field house before a training session on Wednesday night.
Track and field
Track team struggles after demotion Varsity club has 47 fewer athletes and half as many coaches as last season B y G ilbert C oyle Sports Editor One of Queen’s oldest athletics programs has lost over half its members in the span of a year. In September 2010, the track and field program was officially demoted to a Varsity Club. Since then, the team has shrunk from 91 athletes to 44, the coaching staff has dropped from four to two and the field portion of the program has been abolished. The team practices four times a week at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (KMCSC) indoor field house. Almost 200 people fought for space inside the complex on Wednesday night, with Royal Military College’s intramural volleyball players filling the courts inside the track and rugby players working out around the perimeter.
different programs, track practices only started after the cross country season ended in November. “It’s not something we’ve planned,” he said. “It’s just a product of the demotion of track and the varsity status of cross [country].”
Boyd said since cross country has varsity team status and track only has club status, long-distance runners are first priority. “We’re not officially a distance program, but ... we’re recruiting cross runners who are also track runners,” he said. “The [sprint]
men’s basketball
Gaels start push for post-season Men’s basketball has four games left to catch York Lions for final berth in OUA East B y Peter R eimer Staff Writer Ryan Golden thought the men’s basketball team was out of the OUA East playoff picture after losing 66-62 to the York Lions
last month. At the time, the Gaels were 0-12 and six points behind the final playoff spot. They lost their next four games to fall to 0-16. But the Gaels won two straight games over the Royal Military
We’re not officially a “distance program, but
... we’re recruting cross runners who are also track runners.
— Steve Boyd, track and field head coach
About 25 members of the Queen’s track team gathered together at one end of the facility to use the track. They were permitted to use the three outside lanes from 8 to 10 p.m. Steve Boyd became the cross country team’s head coach and the track team’s assistant coach in 2010. He was named head coach of the track program this fall after the team’s veteran coach stepped down. Since Boyd is balancing two
journal file photo
The York Lions beat the men’s basketball team 66-62 at the ARC on Jan. 14. The Gaels trail the Lions by two points in the OUA East.
College Paladins last weekend to improve to 2-16. They’re heading into the last four games of the regular season just two points behind the 3-15 Lions for the conference’s sixth and final playoff spot. “After we lost [to York] … we were sort of kicking ourselves because we had the game, and we lost it,” Golden, a second-year guard, said. “However, the way things have gone … we’re only one game back right now.” To get the sixth spot, the Gaels will have to beat the Lions by at least five points when they meet in Toronto on Feb. 17. If they win, they will tie York for sixth place and will win a tiebreaker on head-to-head point differential. But since the Lions still get to play the Paladins one more time — York beat RMC 107-49 on Jan. 13 — the Gaels will likely have to win an additional game. The Gaels host the OUA East’s second-place Ottawa Gee-Gees tonight. On Saturday, Queen’s is up against the Carleton Ravens, the country’s top-ranked team. Next weekend, they will hit the
road to take on the Lions and the fourth-place Laurentian Voyageurs to close out the regular season. Golden said he’s confident heading down the stretch — even in tonight’s matchup against a Gee-Gees squad that beat the Gaels 87-58 three weeks ago.
no doubt in “myThere’s mind that we have the potential and the ability to win. ” — Ryan Golden, men’s basketball guard
“Last time we played them we just didn’t bring nearly as much as we could have,” he said. “Then there’s Laurentian and York, and we can take both of those [teams]. “There’s no doubt in my mind that we have the potential and the ability to win.” But head coach Stephan Barrie said he’s not thinking about the post-season. He said he didn’t read too deeply into last weekend’s 84-43 and 72-41 wins over RMC see Two on page 19
16 •
Recruitment in full flight Football coach invests up to six months on potential recruits B y B eNJAmiN D eANS Assistant Sports Editor
before deciding whether to come only just get in here.” to Queen’s. Only 25 to 30 of But Queen’s academic standards them will be at the football team’s can also work to Sheahan’s Pat Sheahan’s office at the ARC is training camp in August. advantage — he said they made covered with photos of different “In some cases, Queen’s is very the difference for offensive lineman football players he’s coached in his high on their list,” Sheahan said. and incoming Engineering student 12 seasons at Queen’s. “In other cases they never thought Dan Hayes, the team’s only recruit Every year, 75 to 100 high about it.” of 2012 so far. school prospects visit that office Sheahan said the team spends “Queen’s, for him, was the right around $50,000 annually on mix of academics and athletics,” recruiting, most of which goes Sheahan said. “Of the 85 players towards travel costs. on our team last year, 16 were “The team is heavily dependent in Engineering ... the fact that on alumni donations to be able to [Engineering students] thrive complete the recruiting activities in here creates a comfort zone for Pat Sheahan on... a year,” he said, adding that booster student-athletes.” donations account for over 50 per Sheahan said the Queen’s GIOVANNI APRILE cent of the recruiting budget. campus also impresses prospects. Wide receiver Geography plays an important “There’s old-time spirit here,” role in Queen’s recruiting — 65 of he said. “The football team’s “If he gets selected to the the 85 players on the Gaels’ roster important on campus.” CFL and he gets offered a As the head coach, Sheahan said last season were from Ontario. nice contract ... he’ll have “Some [prospects] look at his personal brand is important a pretty significant decision Queen’s and say ‘Well, it’s just for prospects. After having three Football coach Pat Sheahan says 75 to 100 prospects to make.” another school. What’s the children graduate from Queen’s visit him at his office in the ARC every year. difference from Western and — including two varsity athletes OSIE UKWUOMA McMaster?’” he said. “[But] the — he said he relates to parents. Defensive end In December, Sheahan extended Ontario-based student has an idea his coaching contract to 2017, that Queen’s is … an Ivy-league “If you’re asking my locking in the next five seasons calibre school. opinion ... Osie is going “Saskatchewan is one [place] with the Gaels. down the academic path “Student-athletes would like where it’s extremely difficult to ... I’m not certain that a recruit ... we’ve had a number of to know that the head coach is CFL opportunity would qualified students who could go someone who’s approachable,” he deter him.” to the University of Regina or the said. “Someone who’s going to University of Saskatchewan almost guide him, mentor him through FRANK PANKEWICH Linebacker tuition-free.” this next phase.” But he said Ontario prospects But conversations don’t end “I could see Frank when a prospect leaves campus. can present challenges too. making the CFL. He wants “When other schools are “We probably have a better to play pro football.” chance of getting someone from pursuing a kid aggressively, you Vancouver than we do of getting can’t not call the kid for three RYAN GRANBERG someone from the Sarnia-Windsor weeks,” he said. “Every night, I sit Running back area,” Sheahan said. “To go to down after dinner — I’ll have 10 school here, they’ve got to drive by phone calls to make and it could “His career is mushrooming be a two-minute call or it could be every school in Ontario.” at the right time. He led One way the football team finds a 45-minute call.” the nation in rushing. He Sometimes the calls are players is through provincial all-star could be drafted this year, more urgent. teams. Special teams co-ordinator he’s got good numbers.” Ryan Bechmanis is also an assistant “There are six months where coach for the Ontario East U-18 you’re fairly involved with him, LAST SEASON all-star team, where he’s in direct then the pressure comes when other contact with high school prospects. schools are saying ‘You’ve got your “The two biggest “You’ve got 100 football players acceptance’ or ‘We need to know,’” markers were this: in together in an indoor facility,” he he said. “Then [the prospects] are 2010, we had two said. “[Bechmanis will] be one of saying ‘Coach, what’s going on? games where we were Am I in? Because I’ve got to say no the coaches.” embarrassed. The loss to Sheahan said academics are to McMaster.’” Western down there on TV and then the loss to another major factor in recruiting. Problems usually arise Laurier ... to turn around “Student-athletes that fall because of a lack of structure in and defeat both of those under the Queen’s radar are very Canadian recruiting. Sheahan said teams 12 months later is much a special population,” he compared to U.S. college football a huge turnaround ... the said. “These kids will qualify for recruiting — where prospects can attitude’s different now.” academic scholarship money at a only sign letters of intent to play variety of places, when they may for schools between Feb. 1 and April 1 — Canadian recruiting is a “free-for-all.” “My hope was, with the advent of athletic scholarships in the OUA, that we would be able to tie some operating rules to the letter of intent,” he said. “We still haven’t quite reached that level yet.” Sheahan said the worst part of recruiting is dealing with the occasional prospect who decides not to come to Queen’s. “If I’m following you for six months and then you tell me on the first of June that you’re going to Western, that’s six months of wasted time,” he said. “It was required, but it’s also a waste.” At the moment, Hayes is the team’s only official recruit. Sheahan said he has more prospects who want to sign, but they haven’t been officially accepted to the school yet. journal file photo Pat Sheahan says the football team made great strides “We’re anticipating more good news as the weeks unfold.” last season, especially after beating Western and Wilfrid Laurier.
photo by corey lablans
Friday, February 10, 2012
• 17
Silver for men’s squash in Toronto Western wins 29th straight OUA crown after beating Queen’s 6-0 in tournament final B y G ilBert C oyle K irStyN H eVey Journal Staff
The men’s squash team earned its second- straight silver medal at the OUA championship in Toronto last weekend after falling to the top-ranked Western Mustangs in the tournament final. The Mustangs have won 29 straight OUA titles and routinely post strong finishes at U.S. competitions. They were ranked ninth in North America on the Dunlop Men’s College Squash Association Team Rankings, released on Jan. 29. Mustangs head coach Jack Fairs, 88, has been coaching the team since 1947, winning 39 OUA titles in that span. Gaels second-seeded player Amr Hamour said Fairs’ reputation is respected worldwide. “He’s dedicated his life to making this program,” he said. “[Western] recruits the craziest players.” The Gaels lost 6-0 in the final, but Hamour said it was closer than the scoreline suggested. “It was one of the most competitive finals in at least the past five years,” he said. “We held our own, we’re pretty satisfied.” Hamour said since the Mustangs were heavy favourites, the Gaels were more than happy with second place. “It was our goal to beat them but it was also kind of a dream,” he said. Alex Ford, the Gaels’ first seed,
won the individual bronze medal this weekend to qualify for the Canadian University and College Championship at the University of Calgary from March 2 to 4. At the OUA tournament, every encounter was played out through six individual matches. Before the weekend, participating teams seeded their six players in order from most competitive to least competitive — each player competed against an opponent of the same seed in a best-of-five match, with each match counting for a point. In the event of a tie, the winner was determined by the amount of games won over the six individual match-ups. In the group stage, the Gaels and the McMaster Marauders tied 3-3 in matches, but Queen’s won the tiebreak 12-11 in total games. The Gaels qualified for the final after defeating the University of Toronto Varsity Blues 5-1 in the semifinal. They beat the Brock Badgers 6-0 and the Marauders during the group stage. The women’s team finished fifth overall after beating the Brock Badgers 6-0 in a consolation match. The Gaels finished at the bottom of their first-round group after falling 6-0 to the Western Mustangs and losing 10-9 in games to the Waterloo Warriors after a 3-3 tie. The men’s team came into the weekend ranked third in the OUA behind the Mustangs and the second-place Marauders. Hamour
said beating McMaster was the team’s biggest accomplishment at the tournament. “It was huge for us,” he said. “It was the first time we’ve beat them this year.” Hamour won three times and lost once over the weekend. He’s graduating at the end of the year. “Three of our top six guys are leaving,” he said. “[Next year] will be kind of a rebuilding year.” Head coach Eugene Zaremba said it will be difficult to replicate this season’s silver medal in the next few years with such a big changeover. photo supplieD by jaMie MacDonalD “I don’t think we have the players Bob Noakes and the men’s squash team to step into their shoes,” he said. earned a second straight OUA silver medal in Toronto last weekend.
Gaels host Lakers tomorrow Continued from page 15
spot and climbed to fifth place in the standings.
I think he’d like to “have that one back. ” — Brett Gibson, men’s hockey coach Ryerson scored the game-winning goal with just over eight minutes remaining last night, after Rams forward Greg Payne’s shot squeezed
under Gaels goalie Riley Whitlock’s armpit. “I think he’d like to have that one back,” Gibson said. “But he was great all night and kept us in it.” Whitlock made 32 saves on the night. After the Rams opened the scoring in the first period, forward Scott Kenway scored a shorthanded goal to tie it up. The Rams scored a second goal early in the third, but Gaels captain Jon Lawrance replied three minutes later during a power play. “Scott Kenway and Jon Lawrance
were playing like it was their last OUA hockey game,” Gibson said. “I wish I had 18 guys that played that way tonight.” Gibson said he was proud of his players despite the loss. “There’s not a bad team in the league,” he said. “It was just one of those [games] where you knew a goal was going to be the difference and they ended up scoring it.” The Gaels host the Nipissing Lakers at the Invista Centre at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday night.
18 •
Coach resigned after 23 years Continued from page 15
and field program, a position she’d held since 1988. Torcolacci said the biggest reason she resigned was to teach full-time with the Queen’s School of Kinesiology and Health Studies — but she also said she left partly because of the track program’s demotion to club status. “Had the situation with track not changed, would I have made the move? Probably not,” she said. “If you asked me 10 years ago, I would have seen myself doing exactly what I was doing until I retired.” Since Torcolacci came to Queen’s in 1988, she said she’s operated under an arrangement that split her time evenly between coaching and teaching. But she said recent changes to the program meant she couldn’t maintain the terms she wanted.
If you asked me 10 “years ago, I would
have seen myself doing exactly what I was doing until I retired.
— Mel Torcolacci, former track and field head coach
“With the reality of where the program was going, the opportunity [to stop coaching the team and move to full-time teaching] presented itself,” she said. “It was a natural process in that it doesn’t make sense to pay
a full-time head coach when the program is a club program.” During her 23 years with the track program, Torcolacci focused primarily on field and sprint events. She led the strength and conditioning program and designed the team’s weight program. But the program is moving away from her specialization. “I had forecast the eventuality of a distance-only program in the near future and it is in fact heading that way,” she said. “When you’re keeping one portion varsity and the other portion not, then there’s a second-class citizen out there.” The track team currently rents a portion of the KMCSC field house track on a yearly basis, but there’s no place in Kingston to train for field events. But Torcolacci said the program has had a long history of field achievements even without the necessary training facilities. “We’ve had next-to-nothing for many years and still had success,” she said. “No long jump pit — we had a CIS champion and record-holder in the event. “The argument that you have to have a facility to excel doesn’t work ... the limitation is your coaching staff.” But Athletics Director Leslie Dal Cin said the lack of facilities was a major factor in determining the track and field team’s club status. “With the delay of the field house component of the Queen’s Centre ... we don’t have a venue that we control for track and field,” she said. “We just do not have the ability to support the field portion of the event.”
Although the track and field program has shrunk since being demoted to a varsity club, Dal Cin said she still sees a solid future for the program. “I don’t think it’s less of a priority,” she said. “But as a club, it’s a student-based initiative. The student leadership will make that program into what they want to be.” Fourth-year sprinter Jennifer Barrow said she’s seen a decline in the sprint program since her first
year with the team, claiming the number of coaches, athletes and training hours have all declined. “This year, we didn’t start training until late October,” she said. “In the past, we’d be out as a team during Frosh Week.” Barrow said Torcolacci’s resignation was especially significant because it coincided with sprints coach Sean McKillop’s departure. “I thought she was a tremendous coach ... there was
a lot of knowledge with her and [McKillop],” she said. “Now we don’t have weights incorporated into our training season this year.” Gord Frenke was the sprint team’s captain last season. “There hasn’t really been too much push by Athletics to find a suitable [coaching] replacement,” Frenke said. “Now that it’s a club, I don’t think people are as committed.”
Track and field head coach Steve Boyd (right) talks to his team before Wednesday’s practice.
photo by corey lablans
Friday, February 10, 2012
• 19
BIG GAMES THIS WEEKEND Men’s hockey hosts Nipissing The men’s hockey team closes out the regular season against the Nipissing Lakes on Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Invista Centre. Women’s hockey goes to Toronto The women’s hockey team takes on the Ryerson Rams tomorrow and the University of Toronto Varsity Blues on Sunday. Both games start at 2 p.m.
Gaels host OUA fencing championship at the ARC
Basketball teams at home
The fencing team will try to defend last year’s OUA gold medal this weekend in the ARC’s upper gym. OUA swimming in Hamilton The swim team is at McMaster to take part in the OUA Championship. The event started Thursday and runs until Saturday evening.
The men’s and women’s basketball teams play the Ottawa Gee-Gees tonight and the Carleton Ravens tomorrow. The women tip off at 6 p.m. and the men start at 8 p.m. on both nights. All games are at the ARC. For LIVE UpDATES Follow @QJsports
Two points back Continued from page 15
because the Paladins are 0-18 and have lost by an average of 53 points per game. “It was the one [time] at this point where our talent level was better than the opponents’,” he said. “That ends up having an impact on the game, no matter what.” Barrie said the Gaels have to pick up their play if they even want to Forward Matt Baker is averaging 5.8 points per game for consider making the playoffs. the Gaels this season. “In order for us to beat Laurentian or Ottawa and then beat York on the road, we’re going to have to get better,” he said. Forward Nikola Misljencevic, who leads the Gaels with 12.6 points per game, said his team has already improved significantly this season.
In order for us to “beat Laurentian or
ottawa and then beat York on the road, we’re going to have to get better.
—Stephan Barrie, men’s basketball coach
“As a young team with a new coach, it was going to take some time to adjust,” he said. “But I think that we’re getting around to that right now.” Misljencevic said the Gaels have been more competitive recently because they’ve done more scouting in the second half of the season. “The second time playing [teams] … you get to know the players a bit better,” he said. “That will help us the second time we play Ottawa, Laurentian, and [York].” Misljencevic said their second games against the Toronto Varsity Blues and the Ryerson Rams were good examples of the team’s improved play — the Gaels went from losing by a combined to 41 points to a combined nine points. This weekend’s games against Ottawa and Carleton both tip off at 8 p.m. at the ARC.
journal file photo
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20 •
Friday, February 10, 2012
Enter Postscript’s annual short fiction contest See
social media
Deconstructing digital desires Student Internet use raises questions regarding social media’s addictive nature B y J essica F ishbein Postscript Editor
effects,” he said, adding that often people stop using the Internet cold turkey. “People will come back and say, A local counsellor is seeing social media transform into an ‘I just need to stop gaming, I can’t control it,’” he said. isolating experience. But Myers doesn’t just help “We had a student at Queen’s who kept online gaming and was addicted online gamers – he also spending a lot of time in his room. sees people who spend too much He had horrible hygiene and his time social networking. In order to prevent addiction, studies were going down the drain,” gambling counsellor Chris students should take a proactive approach, Myers said. Myers said. “You have to limit your time The online gamer was initially unconcerned about his habits, online and continue with other extracurriculars,” he said, Myers said. “His friends and roommates adding that he recommends came to us first,” he said. “There site-blocking programs. A recent study from the was definitely denial. A major side effect is less contact with the University of Chicago shows the addictive side of social media. outside world.” Led by researcher Wilhem Myers works with the Options for Change Addictions Team, part Hofmann, the study questioned of Frontenac Community Mental 205 people in Wurzburg, Germany Health Services, based in Kingston. about their desires and levels of This student wasn’t the first self-control. The results of the photo by corey lablans study will appear in the journal In a recent study, participants found it easier to resist their desires for cigarettes online gamer Myers has treated. “We see a lot of online gamers, Psychological Science. and alcohol than their desires to use social media. Participants were between with Halo, Call of Duty,” he said. “I look at when people are spending the ages of 18 to 85. They were TV, using Internet, checking email failure rate when people … wanted small reward … for a larger to control a desire in general.” long-term future reward when you a large amount of time on the asked what desires they were and social networking. But why were subjects more maintain your attention on the So does a participant’s failure Internet. It’d be interfering with experiencing, if they experienced other life activities … like hygiene, these desires within the past 30 to resist social media desires mean likely to use social media than to task at hand,” she said, adding succumb to cravings of alcohol that one could trade the pleasure minutes, how strong these desires it’s addictive? studies and work.” Hofmann’s study found the or cigarettes? of receiving a social message for Myers started seeing people were and whether they succumbed Like other addictive substances, the benefits of an intense focus with online gambling problems in to them. They rated their desires average rate of failure for giving into all desires to be 17 per cent. Fekken said social media has on studying. 2006. Since then, he has seen a from mild to irresistible. This included including work, certain properties that make it hard steady stream of people addicted Long-term productivity isn’t the sleeping, sex, alcohol, smoking and to resist. to the Internet, he said. only thing at risk with persistent A major side effect Fekken said when people use social media use. “It comes in waves,” he said. “It is less contact with the social media. According to Queen’s drugs and alcohol, dopamine starts at an early age. [Online] is “The urge to check your cell outside world. psychology professor Cynthia is released within the brain. phone while driving, crossing the a way of interacting, you meet Fekken, it’s hard to gauge whether Dopamine is a neurotransmitter street and so on may result in friends online.” —Chris Meyers, social media is addictive from the associated with pleasure and health risks because you are not Myers said the recovery time for gambling counsellor study alone. satisfaction. paying attention to your immediate the people he sees varies. “There is evidence to show as environment,” Fekken said. “We all seem to be tied to instant “I work with people to reduce Subjects were questioned seven messages, cell phone calls, Twitter, well that social behaviours like the amount of time they spend on People are reluctant to give the Internet,” he said. “I motivate times per day and received the Facebook, email and so on … I hugs and smiles are associated with up social media because there’s them to make changes — most questions from researchers via was a bit skeptical about whether dopamine release … it’s possible always the potential for benefit, people are in fact addicted to social that social media is pleasurable Fekken said. BlackBerries for one week. people try to limit their use.” Sleep and sex were found to have media,” she said. “Social media and becomes addictive via the As with any other addiction, quitting the Internet has negative above-average desire levels. But the seems addictive in the limited sense dopamine mechanism just as There is no simple study also found above-average that people failed to control the drugs or alcohol can,” she said. side effects. way to compare “You have to be careful of self-control failure rates for media urge to check it 40 per cent of “But for something to qualify as addictiveness of agitation and the withdrawal desires — activities like watching the time, relative to a 17 per cent an addiction, it needs to meet constantly checking various criteria.” your cellphone with Fekken said the term addiction is often overused. shooting heroin Addiction refers to a every day.” dependence on a substance or a behaviour that continues despite —Cynthia Fekken, psychology professor negative consequences. “Dependence is reflected in the number and intensity of urges; “There may also be a learning the inability to control them; the mechanism at play,” she said. number of substance ingestions “The behaviours that are most or undesirable behaviour; and resilient to extinction are ones the consequences of the ingested that are sometimes reinforced substances or behaviours,” she said. and sometimes not reinforced. “It seems an overstatement to Checking your cell phone for call people’s day-to-day love affair updates is sometimes rewarded with social media an addiction … with a message, call, tweet and so there is no simple way to compare on and sometimes it is not.” addictiveness of constantly The inescapable presence of checking your cellphone with social media in today’s digital shooting heroin every day.” culture also makes it hard to resist, Social media usage may not Fekken said. present the same risks as illicit “We’re social creatures and drugs, but people still ignore or interested in human contact. underestimate the risks it can pose, Social media is the latest tool Fekken said. for interacting.” photo by justin chin Excessive social media use can be isolating, according to a local counsellor. “You trade off an immediate