Police increase
Rooftop greenhouse
Young and Parochial
Ten additional officers on duty during Frosh Week. Page 2
Functions of BioSci’s greenhouse facilities. page 3
Kingston’s Sleuth Bears release their debut album. page 10
Baseball missing veterans after last year’s sanctions. page 15
in the nude Postscript discusses undraped modelling. page 19
F r i d ay , S e p t e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 11 — I ss u e 6
j the ournal Queen’s University — Since 1873
No plans to extend ban
Mother Mother
Home game drought
B y M eaghan Wray Assistant News Editor Alcohol-free residences during Frosh Week were implemented this year to discourage alcohol consumption on campus. First-year student Ariel Senegal lives in Gordon Hall and is legally able to drink in Ontario. She said the ban meant students left residence to drink. “At night it was more about going out to the Ghetto and trying to find places for a kegger where they could drink,” she said. “[It] stopped people from drinking as much in residence, but I don’t think it stopped people from drinking in general during Frosh Week.” Senegal, ArtSci ’15, said that first years living in residence found ways around the ban, choosing to drink in their rooms with doors closed. Associate Vice-Principal and Dean of Student Affairs Ann Tierney said the residence alcohol ban meant increased student participation in dry residence orientation events. Based on discussion with campus security and Residence Life staff, Tierney said there was a decrease in Ryan Guldemond and Jasmin Parkin of Mother Mother sing at a sold-out show at the Mansion’s Photo by Karl Gardner See This is on page 6
Living Room on Tuesday night. For review, see page 10.
Grey House groups re-ratify with AMS B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance News Editor Kingston Ontario Public Research Interest Group (OPIRG) and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre re-ratified as AMS clubs on Wednesday, making them eligible for AMS club space. The groups didn’t re-ratify during the summer and were delivered a notice of removal from their space in the Grey House on Aug. 29. After meeting with the AMS on Sept. 13, the groups were told they had until Sept. 14 to re-ratify as AMS clubs.
Vlada Bilyak, Levana Understanding] back to the table,” coordinator, said that by she said. re-ratifying, the onus is now on the OPIRG coordinator Kavita AMS to decide whether or not the Bissoondial said re-ratifying groups will be removed from the comes with the expectation that Grey House. OPIRG will get to stay in the “I would be amazed if we are Grey House. either not given any space at all or “We’re on our toes,” Bissoondial, if we were re-located somewhere ArtSci ’10, said. “It was very clear else,” Bilyak, ArtSci ’10, said. in our meeting with [the AMS] “We’ve basically done all that last week that re-ratifying was we can.” not a guarantee that we can keep By re-ratifying, Bilyak our space.” said Levana will be able to Bissoondial said the decision to speak with the AMS about re-ratify was forced on OPIRG. remaining concerns. “It’s the only way we’re going to “Something we’d like to see keep our space,” she said. happen is to bring negotiations AMS Vice-President of about the [Memorandum of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin
said the space allocation committee will meet on Sept. 19 to determine what spaces will be allocated to OPIRG and Levana. “We’ll review their application and depending on what’s been submitted, a decision will be made,” Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, said. The Education for Queer Issues Project (EQuIP), an AMS committee under the Social Issues Commission, is ineligible for club space but has historically been located in the Grey House. Slobodin said the AMS is in talks with EQuIP about alternative space arrangements.
B y B enjamin D eans Assistant Sports Editor Since 2005, Queen’s Athletics has submitted a scheduling request for a home football game to coincide with Homecoming (or Fauxcoming) weekend. This year, they didn’t. The team hosts the Laurier Golden Hawks at Richardson Stadium on Saturday and won’t return until they play the Waterloo Warriors on Oct. 15. Athletics director Leslie Dal Cin said the decision to refrain from a request for a late-September home game was done in support of the University’s decision to cancel Homecoming. “Did the decision to move away from Homecoming have an implication on our hosting? Of course it did,” she said. Dal Cin said University administration didn’t specifically ask Athletics to avoid a home game in late September. “There was no deliberate attempt to dodge the game,” she said. She said Athletics didn’t expect the football team to be scheduled for a three-game road stint between Sept. 17 and Oct. 15. The only other school with three consecutive away games is York University. Teams are required to submit requests for home or away games to Ontario University Athletics (OUA) a year in advance. OUA sports programming staff member Michael Bianchi said schools can submit as many requests as they want, but they generally only request a home game for their Homecoming weekend.In the past three years, the league hasn’t declined a Homecoming request to any team, Bianchi said. In 2006, Queen’s submitted five requests for home games, asking to play at Richardson Stadium on Sept. 16, 2006; Oct. 13, 2007; Sept. 27, 2008; Sept. 26, 2009; and Sept. 25, 2010. The request to play on Sept. 26, 2009 was withdrawn after the University cancelled See No on page 18
2 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, September 16, 2011
frosh week
Police increase watch Students targeted during Frosh Week for public drinking B y C atherine O wsik Assistant News Editor On Sept. 4 Evan Morrow, Sci ’15 was fined $125 for drinking in public. It was the first night of Frosh Week and move-in day. “Due to the number of cop cars it’s pretty obvious they’re trying to target the Ghetto,” said Morrow, a Victoria Hall resident. Morrow and his friends left campus that night in search of a party in the Student Ghetto. Alcohol was completely banned in residences for the first time this year. Morrow said he wasn’t drunk when he got the ticket. “I was walking west on Union Street and then I pulled a beer out of my bag to pre-drink before we got to a kegger,” he said, adding that it was only half open when an undercover police car pulled up behind their group near the intersection of Albert and Union Streets. Morrow said the police activity was ineffective in decreasing the amount of drinking that occurred within the Queen’s community. “It’s not going to stop anything, they’re just collecting money. But obviously if a cop sees something happening against the law, they have to do something,” he said, adding that if a police officer let one student off without a ticket then others would expect the same. Morrow said that by the end of the night he saw an increase in the number of marked police cars.
The police officer that wrote Morrow a ticket and his friends stayed parked at the same location for at least two hours after they left. “There were people walking by with open drinks and he was just handing out tickets. He didn’t need to leave the area,” he said. “We came back probably two hours later and he was in the same spot.” Morrow said there wasn’t much more the police could do on their part to combat student drinking. Kingston Police increased its presence in the student ghetto from Sept. 7 to 9 of Frosh Week. “We’re doing it for student safety,” said Joanne Geikie, Kingston Police media relations officer. “We had an additional 10 officers on duty.” These officers were most likely split up evenly for a day and night shift, Geikie said. They were on patrol around Kingston and also responded to specific calls, such as noise complaints. From Tuesday, Sept. 6 to Friday, Sept. 9, there were 54 noise complaints reported in the south-end of the city — the area around Queen’s campus. The loudest night was Tuesday Sept. 6 with 19 noise complaints. “I understand things went really well,” Geikie said. There were 49 alcohol-related offences reported in Kingston from Wednesday to Friday of Frosh Week. Wednesday alone had 27 offences.
C o r r e c t i o n The 13.5 million kWh/year solar power system will support approximately 3,015 Ontarians a year. Incorrect information appeared in the Sept. 9 issue of the Journal. The Journal regrets the error.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Leaves Feature and lamps Greenhouse atop BioSci houses over 150 plants B y Terra -A nn A rnone Features Editor In 14 years, Dale Kristensen has never had to buy a light bulb to heat the greenhouse facilities at the Biosciences Complex. Local law enforcement agencies give the bulbs to Kristensen following raids on area grow-ups. The 1,000 watt bulbs, capable of growing hydroponic marijuana, can also be used to control temperature for tropical plants in the greenhouse atop BioSci. “After the court cases are over, they have to get rid of those things somehow,” Kristensen said. “I have a storehouse of lights that they gave me.” Multiple chambers make up BioSci’s roof-top research facility, collectively known as the phytotron. There were four break-ins at the phytotron when it first opened in 1997. “They stole elements related to grow-operations,” he said. “Expensive stuff like lights and timers.” After a security update in 2000 which included reinforced doors and windows, there were no more thefts. The greenhouse’s security measures are more focused on monitoring situations inside the facility. Sensors monitor the greenhouse’s temperature, daylight, light-intensity, humidity and carbon dioxide. Kristensen said that a change in any of these factors could cripple or destroy the living research subjects. “If you’re in the hallway [of BioSci] and there’s a problem, you’ll hear loud beeping and see flashing lights,” he said. “If the breach isn’t acted upon in a certain time frame, the computers will phone out to the Emergency Response Centre and they will contact me at home.” Kristensen’s phone rings when there is a marked drop in temperature or humidity or if a bulb goes out in the greenhouse. A change in these variables would have considerable effects on plants in the environmental growth chambers, also known as mini-greenhouses. The 26 chambers house plant life with specific environmental needs. The isolated temperatures of these spaces can range from -15 C to over 50 C. In the past, monarch butterflies and tilapia fish have also been monitored in the growth chambers. “We can duplicate any environment in any part of the world,” Kristensen said. Winter, when plunging temperatures can interrupt the steam-heating in BioSci, is the most common time for an environmental
Kingston Police gives high-powered light bulbs confiscated in grow-operation busts to the greenhouse.
breach in the facilities. “One of the reasons they built [the phytotron] in the first place was to have a controlled environment,” he said. “The old greenhouses would get brutal hot in the summer and very cold in the winter and destroy research initiatives because you never knew why your plants were displaying a particular stress.”
can duplicate “anyWeenvironment in any part of the world.
—Dale Kristensen, phytotron manager
For a researcher at Queen’s, renting the facilities in the phytotron ranges from $8 to $70 per week. External researchers can expect to spend between $15 and $150 weekly based on chamber size and type. It’s not enough to cover running costs of the phytotron. “We are subsidized heavily by the University,” Kristensen said. “The amount of energy and heating costs
that go into maintaining that facility would be beyond any individual or even group of researchers. “If we rolled those costs into a user-fee system it would probably turn away everybody.” Kristensen said the phytotron and its emergency diesel generator are a major consumer of electricity at the University. “Each light bulb is essentially what a typical household consumes energy-wise,” he said. “If you turn every bulb in the greenhouse on, you’d be looking at 64,000 watts in light alone.” In the winter, light bulbs run for 16 hours a day. Along with the 26 isolated chambers, the phytotron hosts six larger zones for plant life which requires less-precise monitoring. The first and largest zone, the conservatory, houses up to 150 plant species at a given time. Kristensen has collected some of the conservatory plants on his visits to tropical climates, while others were donated or carried over from the old greenhouse in BioSci’s Earl Hall. The room is kept at around
35 C to play good host to its tropical tenants, such as the Jatropha Curcas plant species, which thrives on high heat and humidity. The Jatropha Curcas produces a nut, known as the physic or oil nut, which is being investigated for its use as an alternative fuel. “If you squeeze oil out of the fruit, it can go right into a diesel car’s engine without any processing,” Kristensen said. “The future for that plant species is bright.” The conservatory also houses a number of edible plants like banana, fig and mango trees as well as vanilla orchids, passionflowers and guava plants. “We have a coffee tree in there that produces about a pound of coffee a year,” he said. “One of the graduate students who worked there made coffee-flavoured beer out it. “Not something I’d drink twice.” The greenhouses use natural pest control wherever possible, Kristensen said. “When I took over, we switched as much as possible away from
The Tropical Pitcher Plant uses a cup-shaped flower to hold liquid and drown prey.
Photo by corey lablans
photo by corey lablans
pesticide use to bio-controls,” he said. “We will use spiders, mites, predatory wasps and bacteria to control pest outbreaks.” Kristensen said that there are biocontrol companies who sell the critters specifically for use in greenhouses. Some plants still require chemical sprays to keep pests away. Kristensen is a licensed pesticide applicator, giving him access to over 40 publicly-banned pesticides which he cycles through.
turn every “bulbIf you in the greenhouse
on, you’d be looking at 64,000 watts in light alone.
—Dale Kristensen, phytotron manager “We only apply them to the plants themselves,” he said. “We need to make sure it’s not leeching out into the drains and lake.” A graduate course offered in bioremediation, or natural pollutant control, and a third-year undergraduate course in plant physiology both rely on the greenhouse. The plant physiology course has students experiment with long-term plant growth and environmental adaptation. “Some students test out their ideas at an undergraduate level and go on to graduate work in the same vein,” he said. “It’s a crucial component in effective plant research for the department of biology.” The phytotron is always open to Queen’s students outside of the science department and available to the public by appointment. However, those who are drawn to the greenhouse by on-campus folklore may be disappointed, Kristensen said. “There is no man-eating plant up there,” he said. “I think that was made up by Queen’s TV a few years back.”
4 •queensjournal.ca
New copyright policy enacted Tariff hike causes Queen’s to opt out of Access Copyright B y s aVoUla s tylianoU Assistant News Editor Queen’s opted out of an Access Copyright agreement, saving at least $800,000 in the process. Access Copyright is a collective organization that represents publishers in Canada. Until recently, Access Copyright worked with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) to negotiate licences that were used by most schools. Queen’s last renewed their licence agreement with Access Copyright as of March 2007 and expired at the end of last year. The licence agreement with Access Copyright allowed Queen’s professors to distribute copyrighted materials to students. The licence expired at the end of last year when negotiations between Access Copyright and the AUCC broke down. Access Copyright introduced a new tariff, pending approval from the Copyright Board, Canada’s federal copyright body. Queen’s Copyright specialist Mark Swartz said the new tariff was enacted to create a licence that covered digital materials. His position started in May and was created to address the copyright licensing issues and questions at Queen’s. “The proposed tariff included a fee hike. The old licence was about $3.38 for every full-time equivalent student,” Swartz said. “And the new licence they proposed ups that fee to about $45.” All students would be included in the calculation of this heightened fee, even if they didn’t use copyrighted material, he said. The University’s decision to opt out came after several other schools
Photo by Corey lablanS
Copyright specialist Mark Swartz says under the new copyright policy, faculty will be unable to give out copyrighted material.
decided not to renew a licence with Access Copyright. Nearly three dozen colleges and universities have been reported to opt out of the Access Copyright agreement.
People are just “using digital materials now. ”
—Mark Swartz, copyright specialist
Queen’s is in a different position than some other universities, Swartz said, adding that other schools may not be able to print coursepacks anymore due to the change. “At Queen’s both the Campus Bookstore and the Publishing and Copy Centre, who create coursepacks, are actually separate organizations from Queen’s.” After opting out of the old licence agreement, Queen’s adopted a copyright policy that’s based on
Canada’s federal Copyright Act. “Even if we’d stayed with Access Copyright, we would still put forward a copyright policy. It’s just good practice,” Swartz said. Swartz said the only impact for faculty is an inability to hand out copyrighted materials to students. “One of the reasons that opting out was a decision here was that people are just using digital materials now,” he said. Students won’t notice any major differences in their learning and their classes, Swartz said. “There may be linking material to things in the library catalogue rather than there being a PDF file upload to Moodle, just because of the way the Copyright Policy works.” Swartz said the change since instituting the Copyright Policy has been positive. “I’m getting great feedback from my faculty workshops on policy and getting a lot of questions,” he said.
Friday, september 16, 2011
Friday, september 16, 2011
Post-summer review Exec drops Homecoming contract, plans to fill Queen’s Centre spaces and renovate Macgillvray-Brown Hall B y s aVoUla s tylianoU Assistant News Editor After taking office in May, the AMS executive started to act on their 16-point campaign platform. President Morgan Campbell, Vice President of Operations Ashley Eagan and Vice President of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin won the AMS election on Feb. 3 with 63 per cent of the student vote. One promised initiative was the signing of a Homecoming contract between the AMS, the University and the city to outline each party’s expectations. After sitting on fall planning committees, Campbell said the contract won’t go forward. “It’s hard to nail down what the expectations are going to be given that there’s no set date for an event,” Campbell, ArtSci ’11, said.
hard to nail down what “theIt’sexpectations are going to be given that there’s no set date for an event. ” —Morgan Campbell, AMS president
The decision to cancel Homecoming until 2014 was announced in November last year. Another of CES’s campaign points was to fill empty space in the Queen’s Centre with a grocery store and pharmacy. In August, an agreement was finalized to put two new services in the spaces come October and December. Due to legal reasons, the AMS is not releasing details about each new service, Campbell said. “They’re going to fit the overall mandate of the Queen’s Centre very effectively,” Campbell said. “I can assure you that they are very student-focused and that students will be very happy with them.” During the campaign period in January, a CES platform promise to bring a grocer to campus was questioned during debates.
Currently, there is a city bylaw in place that doesn’t allow for a non-University owned grocer. During the campaign Campbell was adamant the bylaw wouldn’t pose a problem. “There is a way to get around this and that’s through partnerships,” she told the Journal on Jan. 28. New this fall was a renovated AMS website, another platform point CES campaigned on. “The $35,000 contract we have includes hosting and all the training of AMS staff for as long as we need it. This is really important because with a transition between each AMS executive, training can get lost,” Slobodin said. Currently an online shopping section isn’t included on the website but plans are in place for it to be added this year. Students can shop at services like the Publishing and Copying Centre (P&CC), Yearbook Design Services and Tricolour Outlet and have items shipped to an address of their choice. Another website feature will allow students to send their assignments to the P&CC online service to be printed. Then they can pick them up the next morning. “This makes our services more accessible to students as well as to staff and to the Kingston community,” Eagan said. Each service will have its own launch date on the website. Team CES’s platform also included the renovation of Macgillivray-Brown Hall for AMS club use. Following a flood over the summer, the bottom floor is being re-carpeted — a cost that was covered by insurance. Construction still needs to be done on the top floor to remove cubicles and make the gymnasium ready for clubs from Athletics and Recreation to use. The construction will cost a projected total of $30,000, with $15,000 to be spent this fall. Eagan said the construction will be done by mid-October. — with files from Katherine Fernandez-Blance
Photo by JUStIn ChIn
From left to right: Ashley Eagan, vice-president of operations, Morgan Campbell, president, and Kieran Slobodin, vice-president of university affairs won the AMS election on Feb. 3 with 63 per cent of votes and a 16-point platform.
6 •queensjournal.ca
‘This is very early days’
Friday, september 16, 2011
NEWS IN BRIEF research institute ready The Canadian Institute of Military and Veteran Health Research is now operational at Botterell Hall. The institute, co-founded by Queen’s University and Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), will facilitate research in the field of military and veteran health. The institute’s director, Alice Aiken, said the opening symbolized Canada’s commitment to military and veteran health. The institute was launched as a result of the sold-out Military and Veteran Health Research Forum hosted by Queen’s and RMC last year. This year’s forum which runs from Nov. 14 to 16, will feature Lt. Gen. The Honourable Roméo Dallaire as a keynote speaker. It will be hosted once again by both Queen’s and RMC. — Jordan Ray
Cape Town deal re-solidified for law students First-year student Ariel Senegal says the alcohol ban in residence meant more students would look for parties off campus. Continued from page 1
peer pressure to drink in residence. “We have anecdotal evidence … that the first years were relieved that all the events were alcohol-free and that the residence was alcohol-free,” she said. Tierney didn’t have statistics on attendance to Frosh Week events. “This is very early days. We have not yet done a comprehensive, evidence-based review of this policy,” she said. The alcohol-free policy was introduced as a pilot project over the summer. Though Tierney said the week was a success, Tierney
said there are no plans to extend the ban beyond Frosh Week. Other universities have also made significant changes to rules regarding alcohol, she said. The University of Guelph has also implementes an alcohol-free residence policy. “Universities across Canada have really recognized the changed demographic and worked on ensuring that we have a range of events that are very inclusive and community-building for everyone and don’t draw distinctions based on age,” she said. Teryl Adam, Nurs ’13, was a volunteer at the Campus Observation Room (COR) for Frosh Weeks 2010 and 2011. Adam said
Professor wins award Larry O’Farrell recognized for his body of work in drama B y a lison s hoUlDice Contributor
“I look at dramatic arts programs and I see that there are people there who really know what they are doing and are committed,” he A lifetime achievement award for professor said. “That is very encouraging to me.” In addition to his professorship, O’Farrell Larry O’Farrell is the culmination of four decades of work in the dramatic arts holds one of only two existing United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural at Queen’s. O’Farrell, a professor in the Faculty of Organization (UNESCO) chairs in Arts Education. As holder of the chair, his job Education, said the award is humbling. “After I was told I was receiving it, I looked is to promote UNESCO’s mandate, both at up some of the people who had received it Queen’s and internationally. “UNESCO has quite a long history of before, and they are people who I look up to,” he said. “It’s a very wonderful thing to supporting arts education,” he said. At the 2010 UNESCO World Conference receive it and of course I was very pleased.” The American Alliance for Theatre and on Arts Education in Seoul, South Korea, Education — an organization that serves as O’Farrell helped develop the Seoul Agenda, an a professional and networking institution action plan that calls for the implementation for theatre artists as well as dramatic arts and promotion of arts education worldwide. O’Farrell is also the head of the educators — honoured O’Farrell with the Campton Bell Lifetime Achievement Award Canadian Network for Arts and Learning on July 29. Each year it’s presented to (CNAL), which is a Canadian association someone who has spent his or her life closely connected to arts and learning advocacy organizations. contributing to the field of arts education. Through being involved with UNESCO “I like the multifaceted element of working in a university,” O’Farrell said. “We have and the CNAL, O’Farrell has established many networks that have helped him connect excellent programs [at Queen’s.]” O’Farrell said it’s extremely important his students in the Faculty of Education to to have arts educators who are passionate professionals in the theatre community. “In addition to their teaching practice about what they teach. Because of this, he supports programs that send artists and in schools, [they] can go for a few weeks other specialists to teach classes in schools, to a practicum setting in a non-school environment,” he said. provided that they are adequately trained. “If we’re going to have artists come into the classroom, we have to work with those artists in advance to prepare them to work in schools,” he said. O’Farrell said he’s positive about the state of arts education in Canadian schools.
Photo by Corey lablanS
there are no statistics available on the number of students who visited the COR this year. She said Frosh Week was busier than last year. “From a personal opinion, I feel that there was an increase [in students visiting the COR.]” Adam said the ban was unsuccessful in decreasing the number of alcohol-related incidents. “It was a good move on Residence Life from their point of view for safety reasons, however I don’t think it was very effective,” she said.
A deal between Queen’s and the University of Cape Town (UCT) will allow law students from the South African university to study in Kingston. UCT can now send one full-time equivalent student to Queen’s every year, while in return Queen’s can send up to three students on exchange. A previous exchange agreement allowed for two Queen’s students to study in South Africa each year but didn’t include spaces for UCT students in Kingston. Now UCT students can enrol at Queen’s for either the fall or winter semesters. Queen’s expects the first UCT law student in January 2012. — Jordan Ray
Friday, september 16, 2011
Posted Fun fuel up: smoothie recipes for everyone. CaMPUS COOKINg Keen on quinoa: ways to incorporate this superfood into your diet. HeaLTH & FITNeSS
this WeeKend Trend trial: testing out OPI’s Black Shatter polish collection. STYLe Meaningful mindfulness: practicing meditation to cope with campus chaos. HeaLTH & FITNeSS
coMing neXt WeeK Where to go: a guide to shopping vintage in Kingston. STYLe Navigating the cafeteria: assessing the cafeteria through the eyes of a nutritionist. CaMPUS COOKINg
8 •queensjournal.ca About The Journal
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n Sept. 12, the AMS’s Homecoming is suspended until Aberdeen Street party in the future Municipal Affairs 2014 when the decision will be up of Queen’s Homecoming. The MAC’s video draws attention to Commission (MAC) posted for review. As a plea for students to this fact. the video Let Our Alumni Let Our Alumni Come Home Come Home on Youtube. stay away from Aberdeen Street, The QTV-produced video the video is a welcome change is too strong in its attempts at from previous attempts to emotional appeal. The triumphant is praiseworthy. The video features alumni control the party from behind a music is overdone. The video fails to target outof various graduating classes desk. Traditional AMS methods discussing their time at Queen’s. like mailing letters, tacking up of-town students who are known It ends with the alumni asking flyers and sending emails have to descend onto Aberdeen Street each fall. It will have little to return to Queen’s for a been unsuccessful. Alumni in the video put a bearing for this group, but the reinstated Homecoming. Former Speaker of the House face on the issue and appeal to average undecided student may of Commons Peter Milliken and party-goers in the long term. be deterred from inviting their Editor in Chief of The Globe Current students will be alumni friends from other cities. The Aberdeen street party and Mail John Stackhouse, spoke eventually, and if they want the about their time at Queen’s, privilege of a fall Homecoming should be avoided because underscoring the point that themselves, it’s in their interest to it’s a dangerous event that puts an immense burden on the Homecoming isn’t just about keep Aberdeen Street empty. For Queen’s students, the community. The MAC’s video is a street party, it’s a celebration of Queen’s values, traditions importance of Homecoming is a step towards solving the problem the connection with alumni. With and putting the onus on students and stories. Homecoming was initially nearly an entire undergraduate to reduce Aberdeen street traffic cancelled in November of 2008 in class who’ve never experienced an deserves praise. Regardless, whatever your an effort to control the expanding official Homecoming, the Aberdeen Aberdeen Street party that drew Street party has become an feelings towards Homecoming or the infamous street party, watch a crowd of at least 6,000 earlier insufficient replacement. There’s no place for the raucous the video. that year. A University-sanctioned
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The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2011 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3P4 Telephone : 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: journal_editors@ams.queensu.ca The Journal Online: www.queensjournal.ca Circulation 6,000 Issue 7 of Volume 139 will be published on Tuesday, September 20, 2011.
AMS video commendable
Assistant Blogs Editor
Friday, September 16, 2011 • Issue 6 • Volume 139
A welcome change from previous attempts to control the party from behind a desk.
Jessica Munshaw Terence Wong
Blogs Editor
Friday, September 16, 2011
ccording to a study from Learning is often correlated to Practical Assessment, Research the effectiveness of an instructor’s and Evaluation, opinion expressed teaching. Lectures are essentially on ratemyprofessors.com a service, so students should have correlates to official university and some information on what they’re college evaluations. An article in money is being spent on. When a PhD is often the the Sept. 12 issue of the Globe and Mail published the study’s findings. requirement to teach a class instead Given that ratemyprofessors of mandatory training, there’s no uses the criteria of helpfulness, guarantee that a professor is an clarity, easiness and hotness, it’s effective teacher. Queen’s should follow the surprising the opinions expressed on the site indicate a professor’s lead of University of British Columbia and McGill and make teaching abilities. While it’s obvious the metrics of the results of University Survey of easiness and hotness are irrelevant Student Assessment of Teaching when judging a professor, the (USAT) evaluations public for site’s uncensored commenting future students. system leads to a wide array of The anonymity of unsubstantiated comments ratemyprofessors.com allows and attacks. The site is rife with for many disrespectful problems, but without an available comments. Adding the extra alternative, it remains popular. step of moderation, as occurs Higher education is an with USAT evaluations, would investment that costs students be constructive. Where the USAT evaluations thousands of dollars to pursue.
A little help? T
he life of a student is pretty simple. We eat, sleep, chug coffee and study. If we’re lucky, we get to go out and have a social life that doesn’t consist of late nights at Stauffer. It may not seem like an exciting life but it’s certainly a stressful one. Coming out of high school, we all suffer from little fish, big pond syndrome, for which there’s no cure. There are a few key things that could improve our lives as students. First, an hour each day for a mandatory nap period would be helpful. Regardless of how cleverly you plot your schedule, sleep at night is rare. To stay healthy, Queen’s should make sure that students get that extra hour of sleep. It could make all the difference. A nap a day keeps the crankiness away. And while we sit in our three-hour lectures trying to stay awake, a Tim Horton’s concession in the corner of each classroom would ensure that students get a necessary caffeine boost. The ARC isn’t close enough. This would keep us awake and make us attentive pupils. When students get stressed out, eating properly is the second thing that goes down the tubes — the first being lack of sleep. Breakfast becomes an optional meal that’s replaced with a granola bar on the go. We’re struggling students, we don’t have the funds or the time to keep ourselves properly nourished. Home-cooked meals on wheels would be a worthwhile investment. It’s the perfect way to make sure that students don’t get home-sick and allows us to maintain excel in evaluating professors is a healthy diet. Last, students need support and with an emphasis on comments as opposed to numerical ratings. friendship more than anything else. It’s important that the focus of The solution is free hugs. It may seem evaluations be constructive juvenile but hugs work like a cure-all criticism, asking students what they for everything that ails you. Even if liked about a course and what they students are hungry, sleep-deprived and fighting to stay caffeinated, would change. This could be helpful is they can go for a hug and feel understanding whether a instantly better. So Queen’s, here are the demands professor’s teaching style is compatible with a personal of students. Your help implementing learning style and might these changes would be bring to light an instructor’s greatly appreciated. personal idiosyncrasies. The study stated that professor ratings are strongly tied to a unsure of what courses to choose. course’s easiness. Evaluations don’t Until an alternative option is made take into account the effort, or available, students will continue ratemyprofessors.com, lack thereof, that the student puts using regardless of its flaws. into learning. Evaluating professors is The best way to assess an but constructive instructor is to personally attend necessary their class, but having the results criticism always goes further anonymous and of USAT evaluations would be a than useful tool for students who are unsupported comments.
Students need alternative A
Savoula Stylianou
Friday, September 16, 2011
Talking Heads ... at the campus bookstore
Perspectives from the Queen’s community
Photos By Brendan Monahan
Will you use the textbook rental program? All students, even those 19 years of age or older, were prohibited from drinking alcohol in residence during Frosh Week.
Photo By Asad Chishti
Residence Life
Reflection on the alcohol ban Frosh Week alcohol ban in residence is part of a larger strategy to promote culture of safety and responsibility
A nn Tierney A ssociate V ice -P rincipal and D ean of S tudent A ffairs Queen’s made the decision to ban alcohol in residence during Orientation Week this year as part of our strategy to reduce high risk behavior, increase student safety and help students successfully transition to university life. Early indications are that the ban contributed to a more positive Orientation Week experience. Queen’s, like most universities across the country, moved to an alcohol-free Orientation Week many years ago. This decision recognized that most incoming first year students are under the legal drinking age and that the goal of orientation is to provide a range of opportunities to help students connect with a new learning and living environment. Several universities expanded the alcohol-free nature of Orientation Week by implementing alcohol-free residence policies during orientation. Our decision to implement a similar policy this year arose in part from our review of Canadian best practices.
Alcohol misuse is a significant issue among some segments of the university-aged population and best practices suggest that reducing access to alcohol is a strategy that reduces risk and harm. Adjusting to university can be overwhelming for some students who may be worried about making new friends, living away from home for the first time and doing well academically. New students can be particularly vulnerable to peer pressure to engage in overconsumption of alcohol or other risky behaviours. More than 90 per cent of first-year students at Queen’s are underage and the deaths of two first-year students last year, including one on the first day of class, have accelerated the actions of the University’s Alcohol Working Group. The group supports a multi-pronged approach to address alcohol-related harm that includes education, prevention, health promotion and enforcement. We do not yet have data on how many alcohol-related violations or incidents occurred in residence over the course of Orientation Week — the ban just ended Monday. Anecdotal evidence, though, suggests the ban may have helped to change first-year attitudes and create more opportunities for students to get to know their classmates without feeling
pressure to drink. Certainly student participation in evening residence orientation activities skyrocketed suggesting there may have been fewer alcohol-based room parties. More than 3,300 first-years went to the welcome rally on move-in night at the ARC. Students had to be streamed into Grant Hall because there were so many people. The post-rally games on Tindall Field drew 700 students, when fewer than 100 students participated last year. Increased attendance at these types of events is a signal that more students are engaged in the dry events that help build friendships and community. Residence staff also noticed an increase in the number of students who spent time hanging out in residence common rooms throughout the week, getting to know each other, watching movies and connecting as floor mates. Campus security and residence life staff reported positive changes at the annual Main Council Residence Dance and carnival, attended by 2,500 students. Unlike in previous years, no one needed first aid, there were no arrests and no one was taken to the on-site Campus Observation Room (COR). Only a few students were turned away because they were obviously intoxicated — last year,
more than a dozen students were denied entry to the event. Initial reports from dons indicate that Orientation Week in residence went very smoothly. When the presence of alcohol in residence came to their attention — and we’re not surprised there were some incidents — students acknowledged knowing about the ban and were cooperative in surrendering the alcohol they had. We agreed to complete a comprehensive review of this new policy and we will do that once we collect all incident reports, survey results and interviews. In implementing this policy, we were not expecting to eliminate drinking in residence during Orientation Week — nor did we see the ban as a complete strategy. The ban is part of a larger strategy and represents a step toward supporting a culture where underage drinking is less pervasive and where more students make responsible and safe choices, especially in the critical first week of school. As students settle into their new homes and new lives at university, anything that reduces anxiety, promotes confidence, helps students connect with one another and contributes to student wellness is a good thing.
Dear Editors, Over the course of my three-year involvement with First Year Not in Residence Students (FYNIRS), I have witnessed or heard of many cases of negligence and mistreatment which have prevented or hurt FYNIRS’ ability to fulfill its mandate. Often this mistreatment makes our frosh feel marginalized, unsupported, unwanted or outright oppressed. Orientation 2011 was no exception. During the Queen’s Rally, FYNIRS was allocated the worst ‘seating’ (actually, we had to stand). It was impossible to see the gym floor. Our frosh had to wait for a half-hour while a long line of residence students were seated in the gym. Unlike the residences, FYNIRS requested to be included in this event.
We were eventually able to sit on the gym floor. I was informed by an event organizer that this was only because a sufficient number of residence students chose not to attend. Although we understand that there is not an indoor space on campus that can fit the entire new class, this only reinforced our feeling of marginalization. In previous orientation weeks, we have been placed in MacGillivray-Brown hall, a building without wheelchair accessibility, that was not cleaned and whose stage was littered with broken glass, jagged metal, garbage, discarded electronics and boards with nails. This was an unsightly and outright dangerous place to introduce people to Queen’s. FYNIRS operates a social lounge year round, where off-campus students can feel at home, socialize and eat lunch. This was formerly located in that same Mac-Brown hall until a flood and subsequent mould infestation forced us into
Loren Baldwin, ArtSci ’15
“I didn’t use it this year but would consider it in the future.” Jiaya Song, Sci ’15
“I think it’s a cool idea.” Heejin Kim, ArtSci ’12
“I hadn’t heard about it.”
Letters to the editor FYNIRS deserve better Frosh Week
“I don’t think I would use it. I like to write in my textbooks.”
Scott Baker, ArtSci ’13 relocating. Our new space in the JDUC can fit only 11 people under fire code, while we potentially have 400 new students using our service, let alone members in upper years. We only very recently were able to acquire new equipment for this lounge because of lack of funding. Much of our former equipment was either donated by members or scrounged off the street. We only this year have a regular revenue stream to maintain and improve our lounge service. We learned this summer through the Campus Activities Commission that its predecessor had received an allocation for FYNIRS, simply didn’t make us aware of this funding from Student Affairs, then funneled that funding into other committees. Thankfully, this year our situation has been improving. We now have regular funding for orientation, year events and the lounge. We also have, for the first time, a mailing list of every new
first-year student living off campus. However these improvements have been irregular and won only by the hard-fought work of volunteers and proactive AMS officials. Besides these positive events, the conduct of the AMS and Queen’s has placed FYNIRS last on the priority list. The message being sent to FYNIRS volunteers and frosh is that residence is simply better, and that those who do not live there are not wanted. We in FYNIRS try to fight this message, which we know is untrue. However without adequate support we cannot give new students outside of residence the welcome they deserve. FYNIRS needs to be reviewed and reinvigorated. It needs to be given respect, funding and a proper space. Bryor Snefjella, FYNIRS internal communications executive ArtSci ’12
“I already bought all my textbooks.” Tim Connell, ArtSci ’15
Have your say. Comment at queensjournal.ca
10 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sleuth youth
The Sleuth Bears hope to branch out from the Limestone City By Caitlin Choi Assistant Arts Editor The Queen’s-based Sleuth Bears will release their debut album today with a launch party at the Mansion. Guitarist Neven Lockhead said the five-track grunge-rock album, Parochial Youth, is about struggling with a 20-something perspective.
You can always play “Clark Hall Pub and
there’s always going to be your friends coming out. But I think that what a lot of musicians realize ... is that there is a whole other world outside of Queen’s.
—Neven Lockhead, Sleuth Bears’ vocalist and guitarist
photo by Corey Lablans
Garage-punk band Hut cancelled their performance with Sleuth Bears due to a music emergency in Toronto. Experimental-pop project Moon King will take their spot in tonight’s line-up.
Concert review
Next issue
Ominous grooves
Back on the Road Bruce Peninsula returns to Kingston after putting album and tour plans on hold when front man Neil Haverty was diagnosed with Leukemia.
Mother Mother captured the crowd Wednesday night
A Party with Jane
Andrew Stokes Editorials Editor At Mother Mother’s show on Tuesday night, it was hard to tell if the heat was coming from the mob of people or the band’s energy. Throngs of people packed into the Mansion’s Living Room for a sold out show. The opening act, Sweet Thing, brought an enthusiastic, pop-rock set, switching from toe-tapping crowd-pleasers to pulled-back love songs. Lead vocalist Owen Carrier smiled the entire time, taking breaks to leap around, hitting his streamer-covered tambourine. Sweet Thing’s biggest flaw was false finishes. They would end a song and wait eight bars before launching back in again. After the second time, it felt overused. When Mother Mother took the stage, the crowd was in a frenzy, which the band counterpointed with a down-tempo rendition of “Hayloft.” It had a solid groove but an ominous feel. When the song finished, they kept playing a simple tune while white lights started blinking. For a few minutes, while front
“[Parochial] means sort of having a narrow mind, or a narrow scope, like not seeing completely everything in the world,” Lockhead, ArtSci ’13. “These five songs, there’s really a sense of absence. I see it as a reaching and a failing to connect with something.” “Never Been Past the Tracks,” the last song on the album, is about
Photo by karl gardner
Mother Mother’s newest member and former hair-stylist Jasmin Parkin was the highlight of the show with her vocals.
man Ryan Guldemond was getting in tune, the small room felt sinister. Film Guldemond instantly dispelled the feeling with the familiar single “The Stand.” The show mainly featured songs from the band’s two latest albums, O My Heart and Eureka. They tossed in Touch Up’s “Dirty Town,” changing the tone quickly into a stomping barnyard ditty. On every song they paid careful attention to pacing, and rarely was there a complete break. Bassist Jeremy Page steadily plucked away the whole show, keeping the set together as a singular piece that changed moods throughout. On “Simply Simple” everyone scaled back for a gentle performance, except drummer Ali Siadat, who gave the song a pounding, backbeat that kept the crowd from settling down. Praise goes to the band’s backup The Chauvet Cave contains Supplied vocalist and newest member Jasmin drawings that have been sealed
A Q&A with Toronto band Jane’s Party, who will be in Kingston for their annual showing at Clark Hall Pub.
a lack of travel. It channels the feeling of disconnect. Lockhead said the song follows Sleuth Bears’ style of superimposing energetic tracks over harsh and empty sentiments. “We have this idea of us being like the 401,” he said. “The CD is like a highway that is trying to be like the Champs Elysées, but will always just be a highway.” Parochial Youth was recorded in a four-hour session after April exams. Matt Rogalsky, a sound artist and assistant professor in the music department at Queen’s, provided the studio equipment and helped with editing throughout the summer months. Rogalsky has worked with Kingston band PS I Love You. “We wanted to keep things really sort of bare bones and try to capture the kind of energy we have live,” Lockhead said. As a Queen’s-based band, they see the “Queen’s bubble” as an obstacle for musicians getting their start on campus, Lockhead said. “It’s hard. You can always play Clark Hall Pub and there’s always going to be your friends coming out,” he said. “But I think that what a lot of musicians realize after a while is that there is a whole other world outside of Queen’s in Kingston and it’s super supportive.” See Musical on page 14
Writer’s Fest The annual Kingston Writers Fest begins next week and the Journal brings you interviews about the festival which is free for all Queen’s students.
Return of the Smashers The Planet Smashers reveal what they’ve been up to over their four-year break. They’ll play Time to Laugh comedy club on Wednesday.
Enchanting experience The Screening Room is launching a guest speaker series to give indie films a Kingston context
See Hayloft on page 14
away for around 25,000 years.
By Alyssa Ashton Arts Editor Wendy Huot, had big plans to update the Screening Room when she bought the theatre in July. She’s launching a new initiative on Sunday. The Screening Room speaker series will pair films with relevant Kingston experts. “It’s a pretty straightforward idea,” Huot said. “It’s something that will enrich the experience of watching the film, but it also gives
the film a local context.” The series premieres with fourth year Queen’s classics student Marla MacKinnon who will present a talk on her research. It focuses on rock art in Wyoming and Peterborough. The screening of Cave of Forgotten Dreams, a film exploring France’s Chauvet Cave, home to the oldest visual art created by humans, will follow. “It sort of grounds the movie to a specific place that we’re all in,” Huot said. See Carving on page 13
Friday, September 16, 2011
• 11
12 •queensjournal.ca
YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN is a constantly evolving group for artists of Asian and Idingenous identities to creatively compose as a collective.
Radical audio The Vapour concert series at Modern Fuel offers experimental audio art B Y K ATHERINE FERNANDEZ -B LANCE News Editor Psychadelic death-metal, Peking Opera and a sketch comedy troop will be the features of tonight’s installment of Vapours concert series. Modern Fuel has produced the series nine times. For two years, Modern Fuel has partnered with Kingston’s Multicultural Arts Festival to present a set of exploratory pieces to promote emerging experimental musicians. Do-it-yourself duo Pop Talk from Kingston and Montreal and Asian Diasporic inspired YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN from Toronto and Montreal promise to bring a range of theatrics and unique sound creations to Vapours at the Modern Fuel gallery on Queen Street. “Pop Talk describe themselves as an off-kilter mumble-core sketch comedy duo that incorporates bursts of noise rock as part of their act,” Modern Fuel artistic director
Michael Davidge said. He said YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN is billed as a fusion of psychedelic death metal and Peking Opera. Davidge said the Kingston Multicultural Arts Festival presents the “perfect complement” to Modern Fuel’s missions of innovation and education. “The Festival is a celebration of the city’s diverse communities that aims to promote the understanding of cultural differences and multiculturalism,” he said. “I think that this aim is important not only for Kingston, but also for the country.” Modern Fuel tries to incorporate a mix of local and out-of-town musicians for their Vapours concerts, which usually occur three times a year, Davidge said. “Kingston’s artistic scene has recently begun to receive more support from the municipal government and it’s beginning to show,” he said. See Vapourous on page 14
Friday, september 16, 2011
Friday, september 16, 2011
Carving context
Cave of Forgotten Dreams is the latest documentary by Werner Herzog, exploring cave art from over 30,000 years ago. The drawings are twice as old as previous discoveries. Continued from page 10
While Huot is pairing the film and the speaker, she said the speaker isn’t offering an introduction and may not have even seen the film. She’s also looking to update the concession stand with a popcorn contest. “Through the month of September, I’m going to be encouraging people to submit popcorn recipe ideas to the theatre,” she said. “We’re trying to offer a new house blend.” The theatre currently offers the typical popcorn flavourings like dill pickle, ketchup and white cheddar. The winner of the contest will be decided by a panel of judges and will win a year’s supply of popcorn. Huot said the winner can just come in, get their popcorn and leave without seeing a film. Huot took over the Screening Room on July 29 and was splitting her time between the theatre and her job as a Queen’s librarian. “I’ve actually quit my job at the library,” Huot said. “When I first took ownership, I was reluctant to fully leave the librarian position at Queen’s. It’s a professional role
• 13
and that’s a pretty huge step.” Huot finished at Queen’s on Sept. 2 and has since been focusing on theatre improvements like a new Dolby sound system in both theatres. Movie theatres are booming in Kingston, with the recent announcement of a new Cineplex near the 401 highway. But Huot said she’s not nervous about the new competition. “Any film you can watch here you could download online if all you’re interested in is seeing the film at no cost. But, what we like to do is provide the ideal experience,” she said. “You’re providing this evening entertainment. It’s an ideal environment, the lights are dark, there’s no distractions, a big screen, full sound. “If you have people kicking around your apartment and distractions, you’re less likely to have that memorable experience, to be enchanted.” The Screening Room’s guest speaker series begins on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $9 for adults and $8 for students and seniors.
Are you a movie buff, a music lover or a fashion maven?
then write for Arts! Email journal_ae@ams.queensu.ca
14 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, september 16, 2011
Musical make-up sex Continued from page 10
Lockhead, lead singer Annie Dunsford and bass player Kenneth Hall work as programmers at CFRC. The local radio station acted as a base for networking with other musicians which helped the band get its start. Drummer Liam Cole is taking a year off after graduating Regiopolis Notre Dame High School in the spring. Guitarist Gareth Savage just started his third year in Arts and Science. Aside from mixing and picking cover art, the band played the Island Grill at this year’s Wolfe Island Music Festival. “It was the happiest we’ve ever been as a band,” Lockhead said. “We were separated for the entire summer and came back and played this huge show and it felt really good. “Some people in the band were
calling it the make-up sex.” With a young roster, their short album focuses on a small-fish, big-pond complex. “Young people especially have that, maybe not a fear, but a feeling where we’re living and, you know, people are doing so many
great things. “But we’re always thinking, at least for me, that we’re not living quite enough. There’s always more.” Sleuth Bears release Parochial Youth tonight at the Mansion at 9 p.m.
Sleuth Bears commissioned Queen’s student Christine Dewancker to create the cover art for Parochial Youth.
photos by karL gardner
After their show on Wednesday night, the band tweeted that they “Can’t wait to come back to this charming ville.”
Hayloft heat Continued from page 10
Parkin. Out of her slight frame came a gigantic voice that blew me away — she hit high notes hard. They brought the show full circle, ending with the same song they started with. This time the band was sweaty, tired and their hair was helter-skelter as
they descended with full force on “Hayloft.” The crowd was at a deafening volume after they’d left, and they graciously came back on stage for two encore songs. Mother Mother left me with my ears ringing, shirt soaked through and hungry for more.
Vapourous fuels Continued from page 12
Before the Vapours concerts developed, Modern Fuel was still active in the experimental music scene, presenting the Tone Deaf Festival. “We decided to take a more proactive role in the presentation of concerts in our space and promote artists in keeping with our mandate that supports artistic
innovation and experimentation,” Davidge said, adding that the idea was to continue Tone Deaf-type programming year round with the Vapours concerts. The first Vapours concert was in 2008, featuring the synth-pop band Europe in Colour and a wacky aerobics performance called Maylee and Slipper’s Sweatshop Hop. Vapours concerts have come a
long way since then, but what hasn’t changed is the difficulty in defining exploratory or experimental music. For those new to the series, Davidge said it’s most important to come with an open mind and ears. “We hope to reach new audiences with them and keep people returning to Modern Fuel for other new, diverse, entertaining and edifying experiences,” he said. The Vapours concert series begins tonight at 9 p.m at Modern Fuel.
Friday, September 16, 2011
• 15
sports Men’s Baseball
Team struggles to move forward Men’s baseball must compete in the OUA despite sanctions that left them with 11 suspended players B y G ilbert C oyle Sports Editor
Dal Cin said she modified the panel’s initial verdict because she thought it was too harsh. “The panel’s decision was to suspend the program, period,” she said. “I modified the decision because I felt that we had made an obligation to the OUA to participate and by suspending the program we’d actually be hurting our sister institutions who were competing with us.” Photo by Asad Chishti This season, former assistant The men’s baseball team only has six returning players after Queen’s Athletics suspended 11 coach Ken Spicer has taken over players for an alcohol-related incident last season. as head coach and 15 rookies have suspended players on the team last Men’s hockey joined the roster. year. He said while he understands The culture of the the team deserved the sanction, the discipline was too drastic. program that we had “What [Athletics] did was last year was not detrimental to the program,” he conducive to being said. “We were on the right track a competitive and [the suspensions] just kind of ruined everything we built.” program. Boccia said the suspended —Leslie Dal Cin, players accepted they were Athletics director wrong and they understand the sanctions. But he said it’s difficult the region in 1971. Away from Dal Cin said while the sanctions to come to terms with the nature of B y L auri Kytömaa the rink, his humanitarian efforts Staff Writer may affect the team this season, the punishment. in fundraising for children earned “[It was] one of the best things her decision will strengthen we’ve had going for us at the The men’s hockey team will start him two Gananoque citizen of the the program. “The culture of the program that school,” he said. “I miss it a lot this their preseason Friday by resuming year awards. Gibson, a Gananoque native, a 125-year-old rivalry with the we had last year was not conducive year already.” Outfielder Kirby Davidson Royal Military College Paladins. said the community wants to give to being a competitive program … on an ongoing basis,” she said. “In is a suspended player who’s They’ll compete in the sixth annual back to Jeffries. “Lou Jeffries was … always at the long term I’m sure we’re in a staying involved with the team Lou Jeffries Memorial game this year. He said he was given at the Lou Jeffries Gananoque the [games],” Gibson said. “To be much better place.” able to commemorate him with Third baseman and pitcher permission to act as an informal Recreation Centre. See It’s on page 17 The two teams played their first this game means a lot to me as a Dave Boccia was one of the game in 1886. They face off five Gan[anoque] guy.” The game raises money for a times this season and compete in an annual one-game playoff for the scholarship awarded to a first-year Carr-Harris Cup in February. See Award on page 18 “It’s the battle of Kingston,” Gaels forward Kelly Jackson said. “We don’t like each other too much.” Head coach Brett Gibson said the preseason game will be an opportunity for him to evaluate his roster before the regular family Matters season starts.
A Queen’s-imposed sanction means the men’s baseball team will play this season with only six returning players. Eleven players from last year’s team are serving two-year suspensions from Queen’s Athletics and Recreation for two alcohol-related incidents over the past two years. Athletics imposed sanctions against the baseball program last year after players were found drinking alcohol on the team bus on the way back from a game against the Waterloo Warriors on Sept. 25, 2010. An Athletics discipline panel decided the team had violated the Student-Athlete Guidelines for Behaviour and had committed a “major infraction” in non-academic judicial policy. The first-year players on the team bus that night were required to attend courses on alcohol education and serve 40 hours of community service each. But players who were also involved in an alcohol-related incident at a 2009 rookie party were charged with a repeat infraction and given two-year suspensions from the baseball program. The baseball team is on probation for three seasons, with the understanding that “any future misconduct, violations and/or infractions” over the probationary period will lead to the suspension of the program. Athletics and Recreation director Leslie Dal Cin oversaw the discipline panel made up of Athletics’ staff members. The panel submitted a verdict to Dal Cin, who made the final decision. In a letter to the team informing them of the sanctions, Dal Cin told 2010 captain Sandy Clarke that the panel considered “the interests and long-term future of the program, requirements related to leadership … compliance with policies and procedures as well as commitments made to the league and peer institutions.” In her letter, she said the actions of the 11 suspended players were “deeply concerning and extremely disappointing.” Dal Cin told the Journal the discipline panel imposed sanctions because the baseball team disrespected Athletics’ expectations for all varsity athletes. “We’re about creating opportunities for our student-athletes, we’re not about taking them away,” she said. “But when we have teams that go offside of what our studentathlete guidelines for behaviour are ... those are things that we The Queen’s Gaels and the Royal Military College Paladins take seriously.” resume a 125-year-old hockey rivalry tonight in Gananoque.
Rivalry renewed in Gananoque
The men’s hockey team plays Royal Military College in a fundraiser tonight
The women’s rugby team has benefitted from many sibling connections within the squad.
It’s the battle of Kingston. We don’t like each other very much.
—Kelly Jackson men’s hockey forward
“I allow guys that haven’t had big roles in the past to expand their role,” he said. “I also need to see the young players out on the ice and give them the time to get used to the speed of the game.” The annual game was established in memory of Lou Jeffries’ contributions to the local hockey community. He worked in the Gananoque Minor Hockey Association for 50 years and helped bring the Junior B Gananoque Islanders to
page 16
next week Gaels vs. Laurier Assistant Sports Editor Benjamin Deans discusses the football game on Saturday.
16 •queenSjournal.ca
WoMen’s RUGBy
Sibling connection The women’s rugby team has had two sets of sisters on the roster in the last two seasons B y a NaND S riVaStaVa Staff Writer
to the roster. That’s not the only family connection. Fullback Jocelyn Poirier led the Gaels to the CIS Championships last year. Most students have heard the clichés about Her younger sister, Natalie, is in her second the family environment that exists within season with the team. varsity teams at Queen’s. For the women’s Poirier, who scored a try in the team’s rugby team, it’s the truth. home opener on Saturday, said watching her In recent seasons, the Gaels have recruited sister play for the Gaels helped her decide younger siblings of veteran players. They where she wanted to go after high school. currently have two younger sisters of players “I kind of always wanted to go to Queen’s,” from last season’s team on the roster. Poirier said. “All throughout high school Head coach Beth Barz said she’ll take I came to all the home games with my advantage of family connections whenever parents. I’d dress up and paint my face they’re possible. and everything.” “There’s an obvious link if two siblings are Poirier, a winger, said she’d never played involved in the same sport at a high level,” with her sister before last year, but having Barz said. “You already know the parents Jocelyn around made her transition to the and you know the kinds of family values team a lot easier. “It gave me someone to fall back on,” she they have.” This summer the Gaels added said. “It was nice being away from home second-year prop Claragh Pegg’s sister, Gilly, See Natalie on page 18
Claragh (left) and Gilly Pegg both play on the women’s rugby team.
photo by Corey lAblAns
Friday, September 16, 2011
QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY FOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE CALL FOR MEMBERSHIP The vacancy is for a student Member-at-Large position, to be selected by the committee from those responding to this call for membership. Appointed members shall serve for a one-year renewable term. The committee is anxious to attain full representation. While the time commitment is not substantial (the committee generally meets once per month for about one hour at noon), it is an essential part of the stakeholder feedback and consultation. If you are interested in the student member-at-large position or if you wish further information, please contact Maureen Hamilton at 533-6000 extension 74553 by October 3, 2011. __________________________________________________________ The current representatives of the committee are: Executive Director, Housing and Hospitality Services AMS SGPS Queen’s CUPE Local QUSA QUFA JDUC MCRC JRHC Vacant Member-at-Large (student) Vacant Member-at-Large (student) Vacant Member-at-Large (student) The Queen’s University Food Committee is mandated to advise the Executive Director of Housing and Hospitality Services on matters pertaining to policies and directions of food services at Queen’s. Outlets falling under the auspices of the committee include Residence Dining Halls, Residence Convenience Stores, Mackintosh-Corry, The Sidewalk Café, Botterell Hall Bistro, Bio-Sciences Complex and the vending.
Friday, September 16, 2011
‘It’s actually helped this program’ Continued from page 15
coach after extensive talks with Dal Cin and Recreation and Sports Clubs manager Jeff Downie. Davidson said the sanctions will have a major effect on the team’s performance this season. “There are four or five of us that, had we stuck around, could have made this team a lot better than it is right now,” he said. The team is 0-2 after losing to the Toronto Varsity Blues 9-3 on Wednesday. Like most other players, Davidson said he thought the sanctions were too harsh. But having been on Athletics’ radar since
the 2009 rookie night incident, he said the punishment was inevitable. “When it comes down to it, we were repeat offenders,” he said. “If [the suspension] was what they thought was right, we don’t have the right to fight it.” The two-year suspension means Davidson’s Queen’s baseball career is likely over. But the fourth-year student said the program won’t suffer long-term consequences. “It’s actually helped this program in terms of wiping the slate clean and taking us into a new era,” he said. “There’s a big turnover in players, so we have a really positive silver lining for what’s to come.”
The men’s baseball team has 15 rookies this season. They fell 9-3 to the Toronto Varsity Blues at Megaffin Park on Wednesday night.
Photo by asad chishti
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Friday, September 16, 2011
No Homecoming request Want to write for sports? Continued from page 1
Sept. 26, 2009 was withdrawn after the University cancelled Homecoming in November 2008. The request to play on Sept. 25, 2010 wasn’t withdrawn despite the absence of an official Homecoming that year. Last year, the Homecoming football game was the most widely attended home game of the season by a wide margin. The Sept. 25, 2010 game against the Ottawa Gee-Gees drew 9,103 people. Only 5,427 people came to the Sept. 12 home opener against the Windsor Lancers. Richardson Stadium’s capacity is 10,258. Head coach Pat Sheahan said “hopefully the Homecoming, one day, will come back.” “Over the last two years, we’ve had some great home crowds,” he said. “The more people in the stands, the better the guys feel about playing for Queen’s.” Drew Soleyn, assistant manager of interuniversity sport, said Athletics requested a Sept. 5 game to coincide with Frosh Week. He said they requested an Oct. 22 game “to make sure that if we are hosting, we’re hosting towards the end of the season as we get ready Over 9,100 people watched the Gaels’ Homecoming football for playoffs.” game against the Ottawa Gee-Gees in 2010.
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the on-deck circle Football (0-2)
Men’s soccer (2-0)
Men’s rugby (1-0)
vs. Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks (1-1) 1 p.m. on Saturday at Richardson Stadium.
vs. Royal Military College Paladins (0-2) 5:45 p.m. on Friday at Richardson Stadium.
vs. Waterloo Warriors (1-1) 5 p.m. on Friday in Waterloo.
Women’s soccer (3-0)
vs. Trent Excalibur (1-2) 3:15 p.m. on Saturday in Peterborough.
Cross country
vs. Royal Military College Paladins (1-1) 3:30 p.m. on Friday at Richardson Stadium. vs. Trent Excalibur (1-2) 1 p.m. on Saturday in Peterborough.
Women’s rugby (1-0)
Queen’s Invitational, Saturday at Fort Henry Hill.
vs. Brock Badgers (0-1) 4:30 p.m. on Saturday at West Campus.
Award worthy Continued from page 15
Natalie Poirier joined her sister on the team last year.
Photo by corey lablans
Natalie follows in sister’s footsteps first game I realize that I can be that person.” for the first time to see my sister Poirier said the team’s training everyday at practices.” camp helped prepare this season’s Poirier said she’s excited to be rookies for their first taste of the a part of the nucleus that will look competition at the OUA level. to build on the team’s fifth-place “Training camp, for me, was an finish at the nationals last year. eye opener,” she said. “It shows you “Last year I had dressed for some that it’s not high school anymore.” games but didn’t play that much,” The women’s rugby team will she said. “This year was kind of a host the Brock Badgers at 4:30 p.m. reality check, but I think after the at West Campus on Saturday.
Continued from page 16
player who stands out in both academics and athletics. Over five years, the game has raised $17,500 for the Gaels’ top incoming recruits. Gibson said he started the memorial game and the scholarship in 2006 when men’s hockey wasn’t receiving scholarship money from Queen’s Athletics. “It’s something that I’m proud of,” Gibson said, adding the scholarship is also a recruiting tool he can use. This year’s $3,500 award is going to defenseman Patrick McEachen. Previous recipients of the award include forwards Jonathon Lawrance and Payton Liske. “It’s a huge honour, looking at the previous winners,” McEachen said. The Lou Jeffries Memorial game starts at 7 p.m. at the Lou Jeffries Gananoque Recreation Centre. — with files from Gilbert Coyle
ACROSS 1 Resort 4 Rembrandt’s works 8 Obi, e.g. 12 Longing 13 Rotten kid 14 Between tasks 15 Profit 16 Volcanic output 17 Approach 18 Global warming, euphemistically 21 Noshed 22 Pond carp 23 Rental agreement 26 Infinitesimal 27 Hiatus 30 Leave a lasting impression 31 Roulette bet 32 Senate staffer 33 Lemieux milieu 34 Exemplar of patience 35 Silky synthetic 36 Long lunch? 37 ‘— the ramparts ...’ 38 Reversal in attitude 45 Parks or Bonheur 46 Assess 47 Eddie of vaudeville 48 Typical DeMille movie 49 ‘Take — Train’ 50 Cleo’s slayer 51 Feeble 52 Em, to Dorothy 53 Catcher’s place? DOWN 1 Harmonization 2 Rind 3 Con 4 Flattened at the ends 5 Very angry 6 Wash 7 In a pile
8 9 10 11 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
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Last Issue’s Answers
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Friday, September 16, 2011
postscript art
We’re all people who just happen to wear clothing.
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Nonchalant about nudity Fine art classes use undraped models for life drawings B y J essica F ishbein Postscript Editor
brought children into the world. The mother of four became an undraped model in her 40s. “For most women [this] means Being seen naked isn’t everyone’s being in a vulnerable situation, biggest fear. For Bonita Summers, her unclothed in front of strangers,” career as a nude model means Summers said. “During the birth contributing to someone’s experience, there is too much happening for a woman to become artistic development. “Someone made art out of self-conscious. She may realize observing me. That’s pretty afterward that there is no reason to be self-conscious about her body.” amazing,” she said. Young models can be successful In the art world, the position is referred to as an undraped model. in the field if they can think of It’s a job that requires extreme interesting poses, Summers said. stillness — sometimes for hours A model of either sex who can remain motionless for a long time on end. “It requires you to be and hold dynamic poses will stand uncomfortable for a long period out among competition as well. It’s a more lucrative career than of time,” Summers said. “You most people think, she said. can’t fidget.” “On average, $20 to $25 an Summers said as an undraped life model for fine art at Queen’s, hour is common,” she said, adding she would hold poses for an hour that hourly ranges can range from $12 to $50. and a half. As a result, undraped modeling is a physically and mentally A body that is taxing experience. fleshier and that has “You use your imagination to more lines and folds is create different poses,” she said, more of a challenge to adding that meditation allows her draw than a younger to remain still. “When my mind is occupied, physique. I tend to forget what my body is experiencing … still, some —Bonita Summers, undraped model discomfort is likely with any long pose, so models need to have some tolerance,” she said. Summers said she considers it an As a yoga instructor and belly honour to be an undraped model dancer, Summers said she often and that fortunately, she’s never uses complicated poses to make been made to feel uncomfortable herself more of a challenge to draw. by students. It’s a career that doesn’t “I’m just lines and a shadow discriminate on age, she said. to them,” she said. “Students are “A body that is fleshier and that appreciative — if there weren’t has more lines and folds is more of people like us, there couldn’t be a challenge to draw than a younger life drawings.” physique,” she said. In order to avoid awkwardness, It was a combination of Summers said she tries to make Summers’ personal confidence and students comfortable before they appreciation of art that led her to draw her. take jobs as an undraped model. “I walk in and make eye contact, For the past two years, Summers and whenever they’re not drawing has worked as an undraped model I always wear a housecoat,” she at Queen’s, St. Lawrence College, said. “We’re all people who just Loyalist College and for various art happen to wear clothing … it’s not groups in Kingston. a big deal if you’re not insecure “I’m a strong 48-year-old and about your body.” comfortable with my body,” she An undraped model’s own said. “I also enjoy art and wanted confidence level is important to be a muse that inspires people.” for the students’ comfort as well, Summers said older women Summers said. are often more comfortable with “When we aren’t overly their bodies because they’ve concerned about our appearance,
others tend to relax as well,” she said. “A model who is relaxed about being undraped is less likely to make the students uncomfortable.” Summers recounts one incident where the location of a class was unheated in late fall – it’s one rare uncomfortable experience she had. “This was the first cold night of the year, and they were not prepared for the sudden drop in temperature … You know there’s a problem when the artists are rubbing their hands together to stay warm and the model needs frequent breaks to don a robe and warm up,” she said. At Queen’s, undraped models only pose for students in the fine arts program, Summers said. “Queen’s is very respectful of us. Professors give us pillows and [are] respectful if we get hot or cold,” she said. As a result of these accommodations, Summers has been able to do some of her most interesting poses in Queen’s classrooms, she said, however, the environment could be scary for some undraped models. “Queen’s tends to have larger classes, which can be intimidating to new models, because the model is on a platform in the middle of the room, surrounded by students, as opposed to a small stage with a backdrop. It takes a lot of confidence to be an undraped model in such circumstances,” she said. Summers considers herself an art fan and remains continuously impressed by the talents of the students she poses for, she said. “When I’m posing, it’s interesting to see how everyone applies what the teacher has taught differently … everyone has a different technique or perspective.” Ted Rettig is a sculpture and painting professor in the Queen’s department of fine art. He said foundation or painting courses use undraped models. There’s a big difference between sketching an undraped model versus sketching from a photo, Rettig said. “It’s the translation from 3D to 2D that takes a while,” he said. “What one perceives in space is a change of position and variation.” No more than 30 students
A student in the Art & Design Foundation Program at Loyalist College sketches undraped model Bonita Summers.
would sketch an undraped model at a time, Rettig said. “It’s a formal, professional relationship that is not exploitative,” he said, adding that when students sketch a human body, it’s not sexualized. “It’s the study of the form and anatomy.”
he said. “This is something that has been documented for hundreds of years.” Despite the historical presence of undraped models, there has been debate on their use in art. “With the contribution feminism has made, we’ve had important questioning of whether the models We’ve had important are just seen as an objects,” he said. Rettig said he doesn’t face questioning of whether problems finding undraped models the models are just to use in his classes. seen as objects. “It’s a known profession that there are often ads about in the paper … our secretary has a list of people who’ve applied, and we’ll —Ted Rettig, sculpture and call and ask if they’re available,” painting professor Rettig said. Many of these people come Since its beginning in the 1930s, from the Kingston art community the fine art program has used and have had experience doing undraped models, Rettig said. undraped modeling before, “Since [the] Renaissance, every Rettig said. art school has had nude models,”
Sketching an undraped model It’s no surprise that undraped models need to disregard their insecurities but those drawing need to do the same. Emily Carlaw, ArtSci ’13, sketched an undraped life model at the start of her first year at Queen’s. “It was a man wearing a robe and I [thought], ‘that’s an interesting choice of attire,’” she
said. “Then I realized what was happening.” Initially nervous, Carlaw quickly had to overcome her own discomfort in order to complete her assignment. “I had to convince myself to be professional and kept having to say to myself, ‘I’m an artist,’” she said. While Carlaw was surprised
to find herself sketching an undraped life model, apparently her fellow art students didn’t find the circumstance unusual. “A lot of people had done this type of thing before,” she said. At Queen’s, only students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program sketch undraped models in drawing and painting classes. Now in her third year, Carlaw
has gained more experience sketching undraped models. Her nervousness is no longer a factor. “I can manage it much better,” she said, adding that she then translates the sketch into a painting. Larger people are more difficult to paint because the artist has to adequately capture the folds
in the skin, Carlaw said. “If models are bigger it’s more interesting to paint,” she said. “We’re probably bombarded with skinny models all the time in popular culture so … it’s nice to get some larger people.”
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Friday, September 16, 2011