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Are you suffering from Adrenal Fatique? James Jensen
Are you suffering from Adrenal Fatique? (
As humans we are notoriously too capable. We work hard to build successful careers, relationships, and juggle various commitments, while trying to keep all balls flawlessly in the air. The demands of everyday life leave many of us feeling tired, stressed and increasingly unable to cope (COVID certainly hasn't helped). Suddenly feelings of anxiety, fatigue and overwhelm begin to creep in. We blame our lifestyle and naively believe we will feel better once things wind down. But unfortunately, this often isn’t the case. Why? Because internally our body is in overdrive, and a simple nap no longer does the trick to help it recover. This is generally a sign that your adrenal glands are burnt out, otherwise fondly known as adrenal fatigue.
What is Adrenal Fatigue?
The adrenal glands are located on the top of the kidney and produce hormones that help regulate our metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and various other essential functions. The term ‘adrenal fatigue’ can sometimes be misleading as the adrenal glands are, in fact, still capable of functioning. However, the term is instead commonly used to describe adrenal dysfunction, which is when people have difficulty with energy levels and are unable to ‘switch off,’ despite being exhausted. When the body is in a constant state of stress for a prolonged period, the adrenal glands become overworked and depleted. This means they are unable to secrete normal levels of cortisol (the body’s stress hormone) that is required for optimal bodily function.
Why does Adrenal Fatigue occur?
Adrenal fatigue is intrinsically linked with imbalanced hormones. All our hormones are connected, so whatever happens to one ultimately affects the other. Therefore, when the adrenal glands aren’t functioning properly, it means other hormones in the body are out of whack as well. As a result, symptoms such as brain fog, low energy, depressed moods and sweet cravings become commonplace (and hard to fix unless you help your adrenal glands recover!).
How do you fix Adrenal Fatigue?
Whilst the easiest solution is to abolish all stress from our lives, we know that is unrealistic. However, the good news is there are a few different ways you can address adrenal fatigue and help get your body back on track. • Nutritional intake - Our bodies require a healthy diet and lifestyle for optimal functioning. It is important to address any nutrient deficiencies, remove inflammatory foods and utilise supplements to help rebalance your hormones. • Supplemental support Combining therapeutic doses of Magnesium and Activated B’s with natural adaptogenic herbs targets endocrine dysregulations and aims to restore energy and support mood (consult with your practitioner before making any decisions). • Managing stress - While we cannot always remove stressful situations, we can improve the way we cope with it. Undertaking activities such as meditation and exercise can work wonders in reducing stress levels and assist in bringing your adrenal glands back down to normal speed. Don’t let your adrenal glands stop you from living a better, more balanced life! By emphasising a holistic approach, you address the root cause of your health issues.
James Jensen Functional Medicine Practitioner, Australian Nutrition Centre