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Queensland Country Good for Good Grants
Queensland Country Good for Good Community Grants is our way of providing a helping hand to community groups across Queensland.
During each application period not-for-profit organisations are invited to apply for funding of between $5,000 and $30,000 to deliver projects that make a practical difference to the lives of people in Queensland communities - projects that help Queenslanders ‘live better’. $2.5 MILLION Injected back into regional QLD since 2005 COMMUNITY IMPACT All throughout QLD from Weipa to Koralbyn MEMBER-OWNED Supporting our Members and our communities

Some of our past Good for Good success stories: • The Burdekin BMX Club have used their funds to renovate their amenities so they can host larger competitions. • Jerona Citizens Association, Helicopter Landing Site to ensure the remote community has access to transport options. • Restorative building works are underway at Magnetic
Island History and Craft Centre to preserve some of the island’s original buildings. • Edge Hill FC were able to build a fence around the perimeter of their fields to ensure a safe environment for players and supporters. Visit: queenslandcountry.bank/goodforgood