Living Healthy Magazine September 2010

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living healthy September 10

Queensland Country Health Fund Member Newsletter



Australia’s Health: A Mixed Bag Pharmacy Benefits PREVENTATIVE DENTAL CARE Townsville Running Festival

Medicare Levy Surcharge ABN 18 085 048 237

Benefits of Podiatry

From the General Manager - Health Fund As I am sure most of you know, Queensland Country Health Fund

Health Funds in Australia and one of the two best Health Funds in

has its head office based in Townsville, North Queensland. We are

Queensland for families and established couples.

the only Health Fund to have a head office in regional

We are very pleased to receive this recognition but also

Queensland and one of only two Health Funds based in

understand that there is more that we can do. We conduct a

Queensland. Something not everyone will know is that Queensland Country Health Fund originated in Mount Isa in 1977 and was formally known as MIM Employees Health Society. We

Member satisfaction survey each year and based on feedback received from our Members introduce changes and benefit improvements with the aim of better meeting the needs of our

are very proud of our heritage and the fact that we now provide

Members. We value your feedback and will continue to look for

health insurance coverage to more than 33,000 Queenslanders.

ways to improve our service to you.

The number of people we cover is also growing rapidly. The

Offering good service is only part of meeting the expectations of

growth in our Members with the Fund, increased by more than

Members. We also understand that price and value for money is

twice the industry average growth over the past year, as more people realise the excellent value that Queensland Country offers.

very important. Offering an affordable health insurance product that is

In June this year, the Australian Financial Review “Smart Investor Magazine” included an article on private hospital cover in Australia. The Smart Investor Magazine completed a full comparison of all Health insurers' products to determine the best value cover offered in each state and for each life stage. This review confirmed that Queensland Country Health Fund was considered one of the top 7

competitively priced forms a significant part of our assessment when considering increases to premiums. Queensland Country Health Fund has been successful in ensuring that our premium increases over the past 5 years have been less than the industry average and less than our major competitors.

Health Fund






Queensland Country Health Fund


















BUPA Australia






Industry Average






“Offering good service is only part of meeting the expectations of Members. We also understand that price and value for money is very important. ”

Thanks for your continued support of the Fund and we look forward to rewarding this loyalty with further improvements in our products and service.

Aaron Newman

2 Queensland Country Health Fund | September 10

Financial Review Smart Investor Edition June 2010 Were you aware that you belong to an award winning health fund? Over the last two years Queensland Country Health Fund has won the state award from CANNEX for outstanding value hospital cover in Queensland. We have also been mentioned in the Financial Review Smart Investor Magazine for June 2010 as offering one of the best value Hospital insurance covers in Queensland. What an honour! Of course we know that our product is fantastic, and this cements it in our view. The Financial Review used data from the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman (from ) and information from the State of the Health Funds report, along with information from insurers' websites and product disclosure statements, to compare private hospital insurance plans from 40 different insurers, this included open and restricted access health funds. They compared hundreds of policies and ours came up as one of the best! Some of the features that the Smart Investor Magazine used to determine their winners' were as follows: ✔ The plan must give exemption from the Medicare levy surcharge ✔ It must have minimal or no exclusions other than for surgery by podiatrist or cosmetic surgery ✔ It must have no benefit limitation periods and no, or minimal, limits on cover for cardiac, eye lens, rehabilitation and psychiatric care for singles, couples and families as well as covering families for assisted reproduction, pregnancy and birth and sterilisation; and for older couples: joint replacement, dialysis and palliative care ✔ The plan must have the lowest possible excess and co-payments ✔ The relevant insurer must have a reasonable number of agreements with private and day hospitals in each state where they are recommended ✔ They specifically looked for plans with a high level of member retention and acceptable levels of complaints ✔ The plan must give the highest possible level of gap cover for medical and hospital related services Queensland Country Health Fund was found to be one of the two best health funds in Queensland for family cover and for an established couple as per the above criteria.


The office of the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman has moved. From 19 July 2010, their new location and mailing address is: 2202 / 580 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 PHIO Complain Hotline: 1800 640 695 Phone: 02 8235 8777 Fax: 02 8235 8778 Web:


September 10 | Queensland Country Health Fund 3


A Mixed Bag


Amidst all the current debate and claims

almost 16% moving into the best third

of Australia becoming the fattest nation

among comparable nations. Alcohol

and political claims that the health

consumption also saw a reduction in the

system is in crisis, the recent National

past 20 years and remains steadily in

almost the worst third among

Health Survey (NHS) demonstrated that

the middle third of comparable nations.

comparable nations for diabetes and

not all things relating to health in

In turn the NHS reported an increase

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

Australia are bad. Australians currently

from the middle third to the best third

while Australia did reach the worst third

boast one of the highest life

for the number of people rating their

of comparable nations in regards to

expectancies in the world for both males

health as good or better with almost

infant mortality and obesity.

(almost 80 years of age) and females

85% of people reporting their health as

(almost 84 years of age), and when

either good or better.

compared internationally to a host of

Despite the noticeable disparities in health overall Australia’s health does

Despite this positive outlook regarding

look good with a significant proportion

the health of Australians there still

of the population reporting good or

remain a number of not so positive

better health, however pressure

aspects that despite federal

continues to mount on the current

government, state government, local

health care system as Australia’s

government and non-government

population continues to age. The

organisations spending a combined

increase in chronic disease with an

$103 billion on health in Australia little

aging population will likely continue to

or no improvements are seen. The most

increase costs and add to an already

Among the most notable changes has

pressing example of this is the disparity

stretched health care budget.

seen mortality rates for breast cancer,

in life expectancy among different

Government policies continue to

lung cancer, stroke, suicide and

population groups. Life expectancy for

attempt to maintain the current health

maternal mortality all decrease

Indigenous Australians is 10-15 years

care system into the future, however a

significantly moving from the middle

less than non-Indigenous Australians

100% government funded system is

third among comparable nations into the

and despite improvements in health care

unachievable in today’s climate.

best third. Even more significant was the

delivery Indigenous populations

Continued private health sector growth

reduction in mortality rates of colon

continue to fair worse than non-

and individual investment in health is a

cancer moving from the worst third of

Indigenous populations on a significant

significant step towards a sustainable

comparable nations to the best third

number of health indicators.

health care system for the future.

other health indicators Australia generally fairs in the best third if not leading other comparable nations. According to national data from the NHS and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australia has seen significant reductions in a number of health indicators in the past 20 years.

while other indicators such as coronary heart disease moved from the worst third to the middle third.

The NHS also revealed that regardless of improvements in a number of health indicators Australia is still falling behind

Health risk also demonstrated

comparable nations in regards to a

significant improvement with smoking

number of health indicators. The most

rates falling dramatically from 30% to

recent NHS data saw Australia fall to

“Australians currently boast one of the highest life expectancies in the world for both males (almost 80 years of age) and females (almost 84 years of age)”. 4 Queensland Country Health Fund | September 10

Did you know? Claim Forms

Service Centres

We know how busy you are, so to make things even faster for

We have several Service Centres for our Members'

you, it’s no longer necessary for you to complete treatment

convenience. Sometimes you may need to see a friendly

details on our claim form. Even if you have 30 receipts, you

face when you have a query regarding your cover. You can

only require the one form to accompany it. You can even scan

drop in claims, change Membership details, and ask any

your receipts and email your claim with a claim form to

questions regarding your cover or benefit entitlement. For As we have moved over to paperless

security of our staff, most of our Service Centres are now

technology if you are planning to mail your claim form to us,

cash free but claims are still processed and funds deposited

we would also appreciate your co-operation in using paper

via direct credit to your nominated bank account. Our

clips instead of staples, it’s one way we’re helping to save

Service Centres are in the following locations:

the planet!

Caneland Central Shopping Centre - Mackay 186 Queen Street - Ayr 70 Camooweal Street - Mount Isa (cash claims available) Willows Shopping Centre - Kirwan

Combined Limits Some of your Extras have sub-limits. Whilst the overall Therapy limit is $900 for Essential Extras and $1400 for Premium Extras, some Extras have a sub-limit. This means you can only claim up to a certain amount for specific therapies. These include Physiotherapy and Podiatry. A combined limit applies to Osteopathy, Chiro and Massage. Dental service categories also attract a sub-limit. To see exactly how much you can claim for your particular level of cover please see a list of our Extras on our website or you can call us on 1800 813 415.

Before Commencing Any Treatment If you’re unsure of your level of cover or benefit entitlements, and are requiring or considering commencing medical treatment, be it with your Dentist or Surgeon, we may be able to assist you with some information. We can confirm your benefit entitlements for dental procedures, if an excess is payable for hospital treatment and provide information regarding possible out-of-pocket expenses. Before calling please make sure you have a full estimate of costs from your practitioner so we can best help you.

Tax Time It’s that time of year again. If your postal address details on record are current, you should by now have received your Tax Rebate Statement and Lifetime Health Cover certificate required for completion of personal tax returns. It’s important to note that once you turn 30 years of age you need to maintain your health insurance cover to avoid paying the Lifetime Health Cover loading. If you do drop off hospital cover, you can be without cover for 1094 days without incurring a Lifetime Health Cover loading. If you join after this period, it is Government legislation that a 2% loading will be added to your premium for every year that you are without cover. If you’re a high income earner, private health

Membership Year At Queensland Country Health Fund our aim is to ensure our policy structure is as fair to all Members as possible. This is why we employ an anniversary or join date based system for calculation of benefit entitlement. This means that all your benefit entitlements are based on your initial joining date. So when we talk about your Membership year this means we are talking about the anniversary of your original date of joining. If you’re unsure about your join date, please contact us or check on Web Services via our website. Our new look Membership cards have the Anniversary date displayed for ease of recognition of this important date.

insurance hospital cover is a requirement to avoid paying the extra 1% Medicare Levy Surcharge. Even more reason to maintain your hospital cover!

September 10 | Queensland Country Health Fund 5

MEDICARE LEVY SURCHARGE What is the Medicare Levy Surcharge?

Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds Singles


The Medicare Levy Surcharge is an

The threshold for singles for the 2010-

The threshold for families for the 2010-

extra 1% tax payable by those who

2011 financial year is $77,000. This

2011 financial year is also $154,000, so

earn over a certain threshold but do not

means that if you earn over $77,000

if your combined household income

have eligible private hospital cover and

and do not have eligible hospital cover,

exceeds $154,000 and you do not have

is in addition to the 1.5% Medicare levy

you will be taxed an extra 1%, which is a

eligible hospital cover, you will be taxed

paid by most Australian taxpayers. (All

minimum of $770 annually.

an extra 1%, which is a minimum of

Queensland Country Health Fund

$1,540 annually. This applies to both

private hospital covers exempt


policyholders from paying this

The threshold for couples for the 2010-

however special rules apply to families

additional tax). The objective of the

2011 financial year is $154,000. This

with more than one child. The Medicare

Medicare Levy Surcharge is to

means that if you and your partner earn

Levy Surcharge threshold increases by

encourage high income earners to

over $154,000 and do not have hospital

$1,500 for every child after the first, as

have, and maintain private health

cover, you will be taxed an extra 1%,

per the table below:

insurance to assist in easing the burden

which is a minimum of $1,540 annually.

single-parent and two-parent families,

on the public health system by utilising the services offered by the private health sector. It is necessary to maintain eligible hospital cover for each full 12 month period (financial year) to avoid paying

No. of children

MLS threshold








+ $1,500 per child

the Medicare Levy Surcharge.

Eligible Hospital Cover To avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge

A dependant, in relation to the Medicare

an eligible hospital cover policy must

Levy Surcharge is someone whose

have an excess:

maintenance you contribute towards,

• Equal to or less than $500 per

and they would be:

annum for singles or • Equal to or less than $1,000 for couples and families. Who are dependants in relation to the Medicare Levy Surcharge?

6 Queensland Country Health Fund | September 10

• Your spouse • Any of your children who are under 21 years of age • Any children who are students and are under the age of 25 years of age.


Web Services

Life can be so hectic these days. Work,

Our website is an informative guide to

friends and family, school, study, sport…

the fund and its product range. Did you

sometimes it’s hard to find enough

know that you can also personally access

hours in the day to get things done!

your own membership online? By

That’s why we find ourselves, as a

registering for online web services, you

society, using the internet more and

can check the status of your membership

• Change contact details

more to do everyday things. The

whenever you want. Online web services

internet provides us with 24 hour

gives you the ability to update your

• Add a new person

access to shopping, news,

membership details whenever you want,

• Change personal details

entertainment, banking, bill paying and

giving you greater control and easy

even our friendships, why not your

access. Please see below on how you

• Add student dependant declaration

health insurance too?

can also win a prize just by registering for

• Add Medicare card details

online web services.

• Add previous cover details

We understand that a lot of our

• Claims history • View/print tax statement • Update membership details

Members work long hours. It’s hard to

To access these online web services, all

get to the phone, and sometimes by the

you need to do is register on the

• Change level of cover

time you realise the time, it’s too late to

homepage. This register icon is located

• Update your method of payment

contact us in person. This is why our

at the top right hand corner of the

new website is so helpful.

screen. Once you register for a password, we’ll send you a confirmation

We have designed our website to feature as much useful product information and content as possible. There’s all kinds of information on your Queensland Country Health Fund cover, and it’s right at your fingertips. If you were thinking of changing your level of cover, there’s a calculator there so you

whether your hospital has a contract with us. You can download forms, find important information, and contact details. So jump online

eg: direct credit

email back and you’re ready to go.

• Contribution changes

You can log on at any time of the day

• View benefit limits

and check your cover; you can even update address details, change your

Of course, not everyone is comfortable

level of cover and even add a new

using the internet. That’s why you can

addition to the family. Following is a list

always call us on 1800 813 415.

of all the different things you can do

We’re happy to walk you through it or

by registering:

help you over the phone!

can see the difference in price. If you’re going to hospital shortly, you can check

• Update the way we pay benefits

“Once you register for a password, we’ll send you a confirmation email back and you’re ready to go.”

and have a look around.

register online to


We want you to be more hands on and

for online services just visit our website

we’ll reward you for it! If you register for and

online services in the month of

hit the register button in the top right

September, you will go into the draw to

hand corner and you’ll automatically

win one of 5 $100 gift cards. To register

go into the draw!

September 10 | Queensland Country Health Fund 7

Benefits of Podiatry

Hayley Paterson ACCREDITED PODIATRIST B.HSc. Podiatry (Hons) M.A. Pod A

advice and modification or customised

Why see a Podiatrist?

arch supports (orthotics).

Our feet are often the most neglected and forgotten part of our body.

Can a Podiatrist help you?

Research has shown that people are more likely to have serviced their car than to have had their feet checked by

Podiatrists treat people of all age

accepted, when in fact people with

groups – from toddlers through to the

these conditions need to seek treatment.

elderly. Most people are unaware that

a Podiatrist. Yet our feet are our main mode of transport, carrying us on a journey of 128,000 kilometres in a lifetime – the equivalent to three times around the world!

the majority of adult foot problems

And lastly you may not be aware, foot

manifest themselves in early childhood,

function does not only affect the foot

when the foot is still developing. Early

and ankle, but also has a direct affect

detection may eliminate some problems

on how the knees and hips and lower

from occurring.

back will function. Body weight places enormous stress on these load bearing

Podiatrists are tertiary qualified health professionals trained to deal with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical

Podiatrists play an important role in

joints, so if the joints aren’t properly

sporting circles, including managing

aligned with the foot, then long term

sports injuries but more importantly

ailments may occur.

improving biomechanical performance

conditions of the feet and lower limbs. The complex way feet work and wide range of foot problems demand

to maximise efficiency and minimise the

So if you find any of the above relates

risk of injury.

to you – don’t hesitate any longer before seeing a Podiatrist!

professional expertise to assess and

With the older demographic, falls at

manage the causes of foot pain.

home are frequent and linked to poor

Hayley Paterson is a Podiatrist at

What does a Podiatrist do?

foot mechanics and in particular foot


In my opinion, the primary goal of a

more likely to have bunions, toe

Podiatrist is to manage lower limb

deformities, numbness and poor foot

conditions via conservative treatment,

strength which mean you are much more

where possible, therefore reducing or

likely to suffer multiple falls.

eliminating the need for medication,

Unfortunately, older people tend to

cortisone injections and surgery.

dismiss foot pain and foot problems as

Treatment may include strapping, foot

symptoms of ageing that just have to be

pain. As you get on in years you are

strengthening and stretching, footwear

BENEFITS IN FOCUS Podiatry If you have Extras cover with us you are able to claim for Podiatry

Type of Service

Essential Extras

Premium Extras

$900 combined limit per membership year. Limits apply per person covered

$1,400 combined limit per membership year. Limits apply per person covered


Sub-limit $350

Sub-limit $550

Initial consultation and subsequent consultation



Approved appliances

85% of cost – a sub-limit of $350 applies

85% of cost – a sub-limit of $550 applies

Minor procedures

75% of cost

75% of cost

services from a registered Podiatrist. The following table

2 months

outlines the benefits available and limits that may apply.

Waiting period

8 Queensland Country Health Fund | September 10

Preventative Dental Care

Patricia Drockman HYGIENIST

The key to maintaining your natural

The latest scientific research shows

teeth for life is in the prevention of oral

that dental disease may contribute to

diseases and decay.

health problems such as; heart attack, stroke, premature birth and diabetes.

Regular preventive care appointments are important to help prevent dental

Having regular 6 monthly visits allows

Thorough and consistent oral hygiene

problems. The health of your mouth

issues to be found and treated at an

is one of the major keys to keeping you

has a major impact on your general

early stage preventing them from

smile for life. The great news is that if

health and wellbeing, having a nice

becoming a painful and costly exercise.

you have dental extras a large amount

smile does wonders for your self-

Most people would rather have the

of the costs of preventative care will be

esteem. Healthy teeth and gums

experience and cost of a small filling

covered by your health fund. Early

enable good eating habits and speech

compared to root canal treatment or

intervention is the key to a great smile

formation. The health of your mouth is

an extraction.

that lasts a lifetime.

closely linked to your general health.

BENEFITS IN FOCUS Dental Cleaning and Checkups At Queensland Country Health Fund we have an industry leading range of dental benefits. To help keep your teeth in great shape you should plan to visit your Dentist and Hygienist regularly. Below are some examples of benefits that we pay towards cleaning and check-ups. If you’re unsure of your out of pocket costs, your Dental professional will be able to provide you with the item numbers for the services that will be undertaken and from this information we can give you an exact estimate of benefit entitlement. DENTAL Limits per Membership Year and What We’ll Pay

Type of Service

Waiting Periods

Essential Extras

Premium Extras

$900 overall limit per membership year. Limit applies per person covered

$1,400 overall limit per Membership year. Limit applies per person covered

Diagnostic This includes examinations, consultations, x-rays etc

2 months

$200 Periodic Oral Exam - $22 X-rays - $17

$300 Periodic Oral Exam - $35 X-rays - $27

Preventative This includes Cleaning and scaling, Fluoride treatment , Oral Hygiene instruction and mouth guards

2 months

$300 Scale & Clean - $35 Fluoride Treatment - $10

$500 Scale & Clean - $55 Fluoride Treatment - $15

“To help keep your teeth in great shape you should plan to visit your Dentist and Hygienist regularly.”

September 10 | Queensland Country Health Fund 9

BENEFITS OF VITAMIN D Are you getting enough sun? Living in ‘the Sunshine State’ it may come


hands and face exposed to get the amount of vitamin D required daily.

as a surprise that a reasonable portion of

So how do I get enough vitamin D

our population is actually vitamin D

without increasing my risk of skin

would presume to have high vitamin D

deficient. Vitamin D we typically get from


levels such as cricketers or outdoor

exposure to the sun but it is also available through food sources. An increasing number of us are not experiencing regular sun exposure as we spend daylight hours working indoors and in fact avoid sun

• Eat plenty of oily fish – not only will it provide you with vitamin D but it will supply you with essential omega 3 fatty acids. • If you spend most of your daylight hours

exposure due to skin cancer risk. However,

in the office, try to get out of the office in

there is now also mounting evidence

your lunch break - go for a walk or eat

suggesting that a lack of vitamin D may

your lunch in a park.

also increase the risk of some cancers. So what is vitamin D? It is one of our fat-soluble vitamins and

• Instead of exercising inside in a gym, go outside for a walk/run. • Remember 5-10 minutes of sun exposure

workers, sometimes have low vitamin D levels. We do not yet know why some people maintain good vitamin D levels while others don’t. Recent research has also looked at vitamin D’s role in reducing the risk for cancers such as colorectal, breast, prostate and pancreas. While it is too early to write a prescription for sun exposure to lower your cancer risk, this research does add strength to the importance of maintaining a healthy vitamin D level.

through various pathways and mechanisms

is all you need to meet your requirements.

assists the body with calcium absorption,

If you’re out for longer than this don’t

Research is also looking at vitamin D’s role

regulation and healthy bone development.

forget to cover up and use sunscreen

in mental health disorders such as

Vitamin D also plays an important role

What about in winter, do I need more?

depression. Sun exposure is known to assist in mood disorders, while a lack of

in our immune system. It can also The recommendation is for 10-30 minutes

sun exposure can exacerbate or initiate

exposure two times per week, between What happens if I don’t get enough?

depression. However it is unknown

10am and 3pm.

whether vitamin D is the cause of this

Long -term deficiency results in impaired

Can’t I just take a vitamin D supplement?

disturbance in mood or some other factor.

reduce inflammation.

bone mineralization and can lead to thin, brittle or soft bones. Long-term deficiency can result in diseases such as rickets (impeded growth at childhood), osteomalacia (bone thinning disorder) or osteoporosis (reduced bone density). Where can I get it? Vitamin D is not highly abundant in food sources however the best sources are fatty

You can, however vitamin D is better absorbed via the skin than the digestive tract so a small amount of sun exposure tends to work best.

more research to shed light on this emerging area but it does seem that a little sunlight is a quick and easy way to improve the mood!

If you are concerned, ask your doctor for a

Vitamin D appears to be a very important

blood test.

micronutrient so make sure you’re getting

sardines and cod liver oil. The easiest way

vitamin D?

the peak daylight hours with your arms,

health issues. We will have to wait for


How do I know if I’m deficient in

from the sun. It takes just a few minutes in

D as a treatment for a variety of mental

Should I get my vitamin D levels

fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, to get your required intake of vitamin D is

There is also research looking into vitamin

your twice-weekly dose of vitamin D for strong bones, reducing your cancer risk and lifting your mood!

Often times you won’t until you have a bone issue. In fact, even those who we

10 Queensland Country Health Fund | September 10

Townsville Running Festival At Queensland Country Health Fund we love to get behind the community by supporting a number of different sporting teams and events. This year we have sponsored the Townsville Running Festival. This wonderful community event promotes healthy living and gives the competitors a chance to enjoy Townsville’s beautiful Strand. You didn't have to be the next Steve Monaghetti, but for the more serious competitors

Some of ou

there was a chance to win cash prizes

r staff comp

and break some records. Walk or run, it was a great way to start the day!


Pharmacy Benefits If you have Extras cover with us, you can claim Pharmacy benefits. There are some fund rules that determine what pharmaceutical products are eligible for benefits, for details please see below: • Medication must be listed with Mims (a company that provides independent medical information regarding pharmaceuticals) • Pharmacy item must be scripted • Medication must be supplied in the correct dosage as per Mims – we will only assess benefits on individual dosage quantities if you buy in bulk • Pharmacy item purchase amount must be above the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) amount of $33.30 – for more information on

• Medication must be dispensed from a pharmacy • We require an official pharmacy receipt to accompany claim The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a national pharmaceutical scheme funded by the Federal

claimable. If you’re unsure on whether you can claim for these please contact us to check, a Doctor’s letter is required annually and we need to check its listing in Mims. We do cover Compound Pharmacy items provided that one of the ingredients meets the above criteria.

Government where patients make a contribution to the cost of prescribed

Metvix Cream can also be claimed. It

drugs. We do not pay for any

must meet the above requirements.

pharmaceutical prescriptions that are

Please note that photodynamic therapy

covered by the Pharmaceutical

or related Doctor’s charges are not

Benefits Scheme, ie items under

claimable through us.

$33.30. We do pay benefits for eligible products that exceed this purchase amount.

If a claim is submitted for a PBS pharmaceutical prescription, or for items dispensed at a Public Hospital or for

We do not cover the contraceptive pill.

discharge drugs, Queensland Country

Some pills are prescribed solely for

Health Fund cannot pay a benefit.

skin conditions and these are

this see the following paragraph

September 10 | Queensland Country Health Fund 11

IMPROVE THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF YOUR HOME AND YOU COULD WIN $2,000 CASH BACK. WE CAN PROVIDE A LOW COST LOAN FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: • Solar (photovoltaic) panels and systems • Rainwater storage tanks • Grey-water treatment system

If your Eco Smart Green Loan is approved and funded between 1 July and 30 September 2010, you’ll automatically have a chance to win $2,000 cash back on the energy efficient product that you borrow for.

• Roof insulation

OUR ECO SMART GREEN LOAN PROVIDES: • $0 establishment fee • $0 monthly loan maintenance fee • No deposit required • Borrow between $3,000 and $25,000 • Term of 1-5 years

Visit your local Queensland Country Credit Union branch Queensland Country Credit Union Ltd. ABN 77 087 651 027. AFSL 244 533. Normal lending criteria applies. Other fees and charges apply. Competition and other terms and conditions are available on request.

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