Southeast Queens Press 122812

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013

News Briefs Queens Man Pleads Guilty In Identity Theft Scam

On Wednesday, Dec. 19, District Attorney Richard Brown announced that a South Ozone Park man, who held himself out to be a Harvard graduate with plans to open a medical facility, has pleaded guilty to firstdegree identity theft in a case that compromised the personal information of eight individuals, including six physicians. The defendant, identified as Delloyd Hill (a.k.a. Tom Hill), 50, of 124-18 115th Ave., South Ozone Park, pled guilty to one count of first-degree identity theft before Acting Supreme Court Justice Pauline A. Mullings. According to the charges, Hill used the identities of six physicians, as well as those of his landlord and another individual between April 23, 2012 and Sept. 25, 2012, to secure three lines of credit with TCF Equipment Finance Inc., — a medical equipment financing company, that totaled more than $415,000. Additionally, the defendant asked his landlord and another individual to invest in his planned medical facility, taking $35,000 and $30,000 from each of them, respectively. “The defendant claimed to be interviewing for positions at a facility he was opening, as well as seeking investors for it, when, in fact, he was targeting individuals for identity fraud. By stealing their personal information the defendant was able to open lines of credit totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars,” said Brown is a statement. “Sadly, this case underscores that even the most sophisticated and well-educated individuals are vulnerable to scams such as this.” Justice Mullings indicated that she would impose a sentence of two to four years in prison at his sentencing scheduled on Jan. 8, 2013.

Beached Whale Washes Ashore In Queens

A beached whale, which was discovered in Breezy Point on Wednesday, was confirmed dead, officials announced on Thursday. The 60-foot finback whale, an endangered species, was found on the sand near the Rockaway inlet at Beach 216th Street and Palmer Drive in Breezy Point just shortly after 10:40 a.m. on Wednesday, The New York Times reported. Despite efforts to try and save it, there was little rescue organizations could have done to help the 60-ton whale. Officials spotted the whale on

Thursday morning after it had disappeared underwater overnight, and it was not breathing, executive director of the Riverhead Foundation said. Biologists are now developing a plan to conduct a necropsy and dispose of its body, The Times reported. Conducting the necropsy might require dissecting the body to such an extent that it would no longer need to be towed.

Robbery Pattern In Queens

The New York Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in the apprehension of two suspects wanted in connection to six commercial gunpoint robberies in Queens. In each incident, two masked suspects enter the commercial locations, display firearms and removed property. There are no reported injuries. The first incident took place on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 at approximately 5:40 p.m. The suspects entered a Gulf Gas Station located at 131-07 Farmers Blvd. and removed cash. Suspects fled north bound on Farmers Blvd on foot. The second incident took place on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 at approximately 6:00 p.m. The suspects entered Quick Script Pharmacy located at 197-18 Hillside Ave. and displayed firearms and ordered two customers to lay on the floor. The suspects removed property from the two customers as well as cash from the store register. The third incident took place on Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 at approximately 4:22 p.m. The suspects entered Norden Drugs Rajani Inc. located at 79-01 Main St. and removed cash and a cell phone. The fourth incident took place on Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012 at approximately 2:45 p.m. The suspects entered Totaled Wireless located at 13407 230 St. and demanded all customers to lay down on the floor. One suspect removed cash from a customer and the other suspect removed cash from the store cash registers. The suspects fled south on 230th Street. The fifth incident took place on Monday, Dec.17, 2012 at approximately 5:16 p.m. The suspects entered Great Supermarket located at 222-16 144 Ave. and displayed firearms and removed cash from the store register. Suspects fled on foot eastbound on 144th Avenue. The last incident took place on Dec. 19, 2012 at approximately 8:13 p.m. The suspect entered a Gulf Gas Station located at 133-44 150 St. and displayed a firearm and demanded cash.

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


Rockaways: We Still Need Help BY MEGAN MONTALVO

As the harsh conditions of winter approach, the Queens Congregations United for Action is reiterating a message that Mayor Mike Bloomberg has heard since Superstorm Sandy hit: Do not forget about the Rockaways. Joined by local residents and Public Advocate Bill deBlasio, an interfaith network of more than 50 Queens houses of worship stood on the steps of City Hall last week to demand a complete restoration of electricity by the year’s end. “Two full months after Sandy struck, the Rapid Repairs program still hasn’t restored heat and electricity for thousands of our fellow New Yorkers,” QCUA Executive Director Joseph McKellar said. “Thousands more are living with horrible mold infestations that Rapid Repairs doesn’t address at all.” According to McKellar, who has been volunteering in the Rockaways since Sandy hit, 8,600 New Yorkers living in the Rockaway Peninsula still do not have power, heat or help to fix mold so severe that it is causing health problems in children and adults. “Many residents are experiencing what has been dubbed ‘the Rockaway cough,’” he said. “Living without heat and power is bad enough for one

night, but to be living without it for months is just unacceptable.” In addition to experiencing health issues, several religious leaders living in Far Rockaway described the situation at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, the only major medical facility on the Peninsula, as “overwhelmed” and “in the desperate need for assistance.” “St. John’s has been so inundated with patients that it is in danger of closing,” said Rev. Jeffry Dillon, who pastors Christ the King Church in Springfield Gardens. “If this were the Upper East Side, or other parts of the City, would such suffering be permitted to continue? We believe the answer is no.” Despite setting up warming centers in the area, clergy members said that all too many residents are falling ill and have no where else they can afford to go. Others, McKellar said, are immigrants too fearful of risking deportation to ask the government for help. “My home has been totally gutted. It is a shell. It is uninhabitable,” said Rockaway homeowner Pauline Anderson Brown. “Part of my appeal of being here today is to say to Mayor Bloomberg we need more help.” Though QCUA acknowledged Rapid Repair workers for the more than 2,000 homes they have restored

to full capacity since Sandy, many rally attendees, including deBlasio, criticized the Mayor for “not doing good enough.” “City Hall likes to tell us the crisis is over, but it is not over,” deBlasio said, as he stood in front of the large crowd of residents On Dec. 21, Public Advocate Bill deBlasio joined Rockaway on City Hall’s steps. residents and more than 50 Queens houses of worship on “When the time the steps of City Hall to deliver a petition urging Mayor comes that every Mike Bloomberg for more post-Sandy assistance. New Yorker can go back to living some semblance of nor- said he remains hopeful that malcy, that is when the crisis will be Bloomberg’s office will schedule an over. The Rapid Repairs program appointment to address the clergy’s must live up to its name.” concerns. Though QCUA’s rally joined a 21“In light of all the research we have page research report they released done, it is clear that something needs earlier this month, which outlined a to be done immediately,” he said. 10-point strategy for immediate and “Unfortunately, all we can do now is long-term recovery, and the delivery move on with our volunteer efforts of a petition containing more than while we wait for the Mayor to re3,000 signatures urging the Mayor to spond.” include mold remediation under the As of press time, calls made to the Rapid Repairs program, the group Mayor and the Long Island Power has yet to receive a response from any Authority were not returned. top officials within his administraReach Reporter Megan Montalvo at tion. (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or Within the coming weeks, McKellar

JCAL In Danger Of Closing Its Doors For 40 years, the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning has been breeding new artists and providing children and adults alike a place to create and perform, keeping the arts alive in Southeast Queens. But since the economy crashed, JCAL has lost over $400,000 in annual funding and may be in jeopardy of closing its doors. In order to try to save the center from closing, JCAL, the only arts center of its kind in Southeast Queens, was recently forced to cut many of its most valued programs. They have already cut several after-school programs and offer fewer performances and exhibitions but can not subsidize as many programs in local schools. As a result, JCAL has been turning to the community it has been serving for financial help. “In order to continue our work and bring back these beloved programs,

we must raise more funding,” JCAL said in an email to its supporters. “Everything helps. We need the help of our supporters and our community now more than ever.” The multidisciplinary urban arts center, located in the diverse community of Jamaica, has catered to more than 28,000 people of all ages who participate in their wide variety of artistic programs. People of all ages and artistic levels have participated in the not-forprofit’s arts and education programs ranging from art forms that include theater, dance, ceramics, keyboard lessons and cartooning. In total, the center offers more than 40 different workshops for children, teens, adults and seniors. To make a tax-deductible donation to the Jamaica Center for Arts and learning, visit c_donate.asp?CharityCode=1745 or

The Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning is located at 161-04 Jamaica Ave. For more information about the center and its programs, you may call (718) 658-7400. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or JCAL’s 2011 Young Dancers Showcase.

Photos courtesy of JCAL


Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013

Ethics Committee Clears Meeks

BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Last week, the House Ethics Committee cleared U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica) of any wrongdoing after failing to disclose a loan on his financial disclosure statement. Drawing to conclusion a year-long investigation, the panel unanimously agreed that Meeks’ failure to report the questionable $40,000 loan he received from real estate broker Edul Ahmad in 2007 was an unintentional and common error. “The Committee has unanimously determined, based on the Committee’s review of this allegation, that Representative Meeks failed to disclose the Ahmad loan as a liability on his 2007, 2008 and 2009 Financial Disclosure Statements. The Committee found no credible evidence that the errors were knowing or willful,” said Ethics Committee leaders in a statement. “The Committee recognizes that unknowing failures to report such items are not uncommon.” This news came as a relief, but not a surprise, to Meeks, who claimed that the error was an honest mistake that he remedied in 2010.

U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks “The truth of the matter is, not only this loan, there was another loan that I had with the Congressional Federal Credit and no one talks about that. I didn’t put that down either,” he said. “It was a mistake. The Ethics Committee said at least 50 percent of

the filings have mistakes. We are human beings. You make an honest mistake and that’s what this was.” Additionally, Meeks shared sentiments claiming the media blew the entire investigation out of proportion, blaming the National Legal and Policy Center, a non-partisan non-profit group that promotes ethics in public life. “What [the NLPC does] and have done continually is try to create an atmosphere where they blow it out of proportion and try to get a media frenzy going on,” Meeks said. “They are the ones that filed the complaint. There is a question about what the motivation behind all of this was.” Meeks also expressed his disappointment with the unequal coverage in the investigation, claiming the media paid far more attention to the initial investigation than the closure of the investigation. “The same reporters that were in cahoots, they don’t want to make themselves look bad so they will try to

color the story and try to find a word or two and try to take it out of context so it makes them look like they were not wrong in their assessment when clearly, they were,” he said. Pleased to finally have the investigation behind him, Meeks said he is looking forward to focusing on the most important and pressing issues that face his district and New York City. “The first thing that I have to focus on is unfortunately, the fiscal cliff,” he said. “So may people are unemployed. The first thing I am focused on is trying to figure out how we avoid the fiscal cliff so that people are not hurt in a devastated way going into the new year.” “Another focus of mine is to help those that are still victimized by Superstorm Sandy,” Meeks added. “We have a whole lot of individuals that are going to need help for a while so we need to be focused on them and how we can make a difference in their lives. That’s another immediate focus.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

Scarborough Wants Well Reopened For more than 20 years, the Southeast Queens community has been combating chronic flooding in homes. But just as residents began to see some relief when the state reopened a pumping station in St. Albans, the progress was soon taken away when the Dept. of Environmental Conservation closed the well without notice. Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica) has been close to the issue, which he said plagues his district. “This community needs relief,” Scarborough said. “This has been going on for 20 years. People have suffered tremendous damage to their property and spent tremendous money on electric pumps to get rid of water in their basements.” In 2011, Scarborough visited the home of Lucille Jordan, a St. Albans resident who lives just six blocks away from Station 24 – the St. Albans well. “She has had constant flooding in her basement. She has two electric pumps that are running 24 hours a day in her basement to try and get rid of her water that bubbles up in the

underground,” Scarborough said. “It’s a shame because it’s a beautiful house. It’s a nicely kept middle class home, but when you go to down to the basement, it is just ruined.” When the St. Albans well reopened in August, about 800,000 gallons of water were being pumped out a day. The reopening of the well was crucial in eliminating toxic material in groundwater and lowering high water tables in the area to alleviate flooding for homeowners, Scarborough said. “When the City and state began to re-pump from Station 24 in August, she started to see relief,” he said. “Her pumps did not run nearly as much. The water in her basement was a trickle as compared to gushes. She began to see relief and so did other residents.” In an attempt to have the St. Albans well reopened, Scarborough has been in contact with and writing letters to the commissioners of the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Conservation. Both agencies deny responsibility for operating the well, although reports suggest the DEC is responsible. “For reasons unknown to us, they

stopped pumping Station 24 a few weeks ago,” Scarborough said. “We are in touch with the City and state and I’m in the process of sending letters to both of them requesting them to reopen the well. But, we need to have a meeting with both of Assemblyman William Scarborough is urging the City and them at the same State to reopen Station 24. table.” Although Scarborough was not told in his district. of the plans to close the well or the “[It’s been] hundreds [of comreason for doing so, he does have an plaints.] It’s not just St. Albans, its all of inclination. Southeast Queens. Parts of Rosedale, “It’s because of the cost,” he said. Ozone Park,” he said. “York College “They are planning to re-open it [the has the same problem. I.S. 8 has the well] in 2018, when they need the same problem – they are all tied to the water. At that point this water be- same problem, which is the high water comes a resource to them, but in the table which leads to flooding.” The DEC and DEP have not remeantime, in the years before that, my community is suffering.” turned phone calls as of press time. Since he was elected into office in Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska 1994, Scarborough said he has heard at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or hundreds of complaints of flooding

Photo by Ira Cohen


Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013

Editorial Our Heroes OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Managing Editor:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie

Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Natalia Kozikowska Megan Montalvo Joe Marvilli

Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend

Advertising Director Gerry Laytin Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2012 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

The holidays are traditionally known as “the season of giving,” and that has never been more apparent than in Queens in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. With so many people left homeless or without power after the devastating disaster, the Borough responded with an unprecedented relief effort, and without question, the individuals and groups who have given their time, their money and their dedication to the victims of the storm have earned the title of the PRESS of Southeast Queens “2012 Persons of the Year.” The “Heroes of Sandy” listed within these pages are in no way a complete list, just a sampling of the thousands who have given of themselves as we approached the holiday season. As 2013 approaches over the horizon, we hope for better days and a prosperous New Year for all.

Letters Same Old, Same Old

To The Editor: Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer is an announced 2013 candidate for New York City Comptroller. His Op-Ed article in the PRESS of Southeast Queens (Growing New York City’s Entrepreneurial Economy for All – Dec. 21-27) is not, in my opinion, an auspicious beginning. Mr. Stringer seems to believe the new economy he is talking about will create job opportunities for seekers in Willets Point, Flushing. With due respect, Mr. Stringer has obviously bought into Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ill-advised Willets Point so called redevelopment plan. That plan has and will destroy over 200 small businesses and destroy the livelihood of thousands of workers and their families, for the benefit of Bloomberg’s fat cat real estate and multimillionaire friends. Mr. Stringer is apparently unaware or may not care that not only will the proposed development involve usurpation and gross impact on public parkland, free of charge, but hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars will be doled out to the developers, as for example, billionaire Wilpon, the owner of the Mets. Mr. Stringer does not seem to care about the horrendous traffic nightmare the development will create on the Van Wyck Expressway and downtown Flushing. His notion of the new economy, assuming it ever comes to fruition, will

take dozens of years, by which time the poor disenfranchised Willets Point workers will be long dead. If Mr. Stringer is serious about being Comptroller, he will have to state he wishes to be judged by what he does for the poor, the middle class and small businesses and unlike Mayor Bloomberg not what he does for the wealthy and the privileged. He will also have to step up to the plate and declare that under no circumstances, economic or otherwise, will he allow any public parkland to be taken by private business interests. Should he fail in any of the above, the public will simply be treated to the same old same old. Benjamin M. Haber, Flushing

Looming Cliff

To The Editor: That ol’ “Fiscal Cliff” is progressively looming… or rather dooming. Both sides are increasingly anxious and the closer we get to the edge, the greater is the anxiety. It’s like a bladder condition; the closer one gets to the source of resolution the less likely it seems that it will be reached in time. I believe it will be; that is if our clueless freshmen installed into the House of Representatives after the 2010 election disaster have their way and force us over. The last time they managed to lower our credit rating; perhaps this time they will manage to more completely destroy our country’s credibility… of course not coinci-

Letters dentally while occurring during the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. And it may very well work. Initially it will be obvious that the fault was that of our horse blindered Right Wing Congress, but history books will have it categorized as occurring during our president’s tenure, and after all is said and done, that is the goal. And that’s from those “values” exclaimers. One would think that first and foremost America’s standing in the world would be of the greatest importance to any patriotic citizen, but clear thinking has not been on the front burner of that group. Nor has it been on the frontal lobe on the “Things to do” brain of our Congress. That gray matter seems to have been replaced with Earle Grey, the tea, that is. Nicholas Zizelis, Bayside

Bad Idea

To The Editor: The NRA’s st atement that there should be an armed guard in every single school as a result of the Sandy Hook school massacre is not a very good suggestion at all. We cannot turn our schools into armed camps - the goal is to keep our schools safe and to keep guns out of our schools. There was even a suggestion made by a politician that teachers and principals should carry guns, which is totally without logic. What really needs to be done is for the NRA to work in tandem with the President, Congress and gun companies to find some mutual solution to this ever-growing problem. Any person who wants to purchase a gun, either at a gun show or in a gun or sporting goods store must have a thorough background check done. If a discrepancy arises, then that person must not be allowed to purchase a gun. We cannot tolerate any more shootings that will take innocent lives. Enough is Enough! John Amato, Fresh Meadows

Less Guns Needed

Dear Editor: I could not believe that NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre, executive vice-presi-

dent of the NRA, is calling for armed guards in every school after what happen at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In my opinion we don’t need more people carrying guns, but less guns. The NRA ought to be working with Congress to pass legislation to control guns and eliminate assault rifles. They should not be blaming films and games alone for the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and other schools as well. In my view, the NRA is not only brain dead, but also out to lunch and eight cents short of a dime. Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Glen Oaks Village


To The Editor: Many of us grew up accepting the premise that the actions and pronouncements of the government were truthful, legitimate and in our best interests. Unconstitutional limitations of our rights and regulation of our lives have been unquestioningly acquiesced to only as a result of deception and the appearance of legitimacy. The deception is so pervasive and subtle that we have come to accept it as the natural order of things. A tax cut is the act of government allowing citizens to keep more of the money they have earned. Calling it an expenditure implies that all wealth belongs to the government to dispose of as it wishes. Whose money is it, anyway? Social Security and Medicare are now referred to as “entitlements,” even though recipients, along with their employers, have contributed to the fund their entire working lives. If you die before you are eligible to collect, do you ever wonder what happens to all that money? An example of government doublespeak is the term “fair share.” It is an inconvenient truth that the top 10 percent of earners pay 70 percent of federal income taxes. What amount of taxation would accommodate the new paradigm of “fairness”? Evidently, the answer is: as much as the government wants. Ed Konecnik, Flushing

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013

Queens Chamber of Commerce Among the widespread devastation felt in Queens after Superstorm Sandy was the damage done to small businesses in the Borough. Hundreds of local establishments were left without power and struggling to find a way to open, causing a severe loss of revenue. In the wake of the damage, the Queens Chamber of Commerce lived up to its vision statement to “become the premier comprehensive resource for the diverse Business Community in Queens.” Noting that small business owners could be overwhelmed

in recovery efforts, the Chamber compiled an online resource guide, giving step-by-step instructions on the path to recovery. The “Hurricane Sandy Relief Guide For Businesses” included links to forms, email addresses, phone numbers and relevant information for the various available relief measures. The Queens Chamber of Commerce also worked with Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s office to help provide matching grants to small businesses that applied for the New York City

Rockaway Relief

The Rockaways have been one of the hardest neighborhoods in Queens to be hit by the damage of Superstorm Sandy. Rockaway Relief, a network of volunteers and donation centers in the community, has been steadily working with the residents to get them back on their feet after the disaster. The effort’s Facebook page contains a large amount of information regarding help to restore the community. A lengthy list of donation centers, including churches and schools, is mentioned for anyone looking to help with supplies, food and cash donations. Businesses in need of volunteers list their email addresses and phone numbers; they have a large share to choose from, as many residents have displayed their willingness on the page’s wall. Those in need of specific items and tasks,

such as help cleaning and clothing, and information are free to directly message the group or email them at There is also a list provided of specific items needed that can be dropped off at the aforementioned churches, including flashlights, batteries, paper towels, Band Aids and the like. The effort also keeps the community up to date with use of the media. Before and after pictures of destroyed buildings give visuals to just how much damage was done. Video updates, event invites of fundraisers and news regarding any and all other efforts, from toy drives to local concerts to brainstorming at community board meetings, are also posted. Visit for all lists and volunteer opportunities available. -Asia Ewart

Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton visited the Rockaways during a relief effort from Rockaway Relief. Photo provided.

Emergency Loan Fund. The grant, which matched the dollar amount awarded to loan recipients, were designed to provide supplemental assistance to small business owners. The Chamber, which has served Queens since its inception in 1911, continues to collect donations for its relief efforts for the victims of

Superstorm Sandy. Donations can be made to the Queens Chamber of Commerce Foundation by sending a check to 75-20 Astoria Blvd., Suite 140, Jackson Heights, NY 11370. For information on the Chamber’s efforts, visit -Steven J. Ferrari

Queens Library Given its presence in several hard hit areas of Queens, it should come as no surprise that the Queens Library was greatly impacted by Superstorm Sandy. Five branches found in the Rockaways and Howard Beach were completely devastated by the flooding and high winds. Despite the setbacks, the library immediately went to work on helping those in the Rockaways affected by the damage. A mobile library made its way down to the Rockaways to supply seven-day service to all who need it, including Wi-Fi and computer access. The mobile library was not just staffed by your average librarians though. They were trained in social services, disaster relief, health care, job services and information. The number of recovered and open branches in Queens jumped from 52 on Nov. 1 to 61 on Nov. 19.

The Far Rockaway Community Library gave out emergency food, water and supplies, including a free coat distribution, seven days a week. In other locations, FEMA information is being provided, along with professionals in filing for disaster relief. In a partnership with the Dept. of Education, Queens Library also helped displaced students access coursework online, so they would not fall behind in their studies, an effort championed by Chancellor Dennis Walcott. “Some of our families have not been able to return to their homes, and the impact on students demands more resources to ensure they get the education they need,” Walcott said. “These online courses will help keep our students on track for their academic success.” -Joe Marvilli

Queens Tourism Council The Queens Tourism Council usually focuses on what is going on within the Borough. If you are looking for food to eat, things to do or places to live, the organization has answers ready and waiting for you. In the months after Superstorm Sandy though, the group has taken to social networking to promote the best Sandy relief events in an effort to connect those who wish to donate with methods on how to do so. The Queens Tourism Council’s website kept visitors up-to-date with the situation in the Rockaways in the weeks and months after Sandy stormed through. Among the information given out for public viewing is an infographic on 1,200 homes that need to be mucked before rebuilding can begin, an overview of the

Broad Channel Historical Society post-Sandy and a video on the Rockaways 40 days after the superstorm hit. While all of the reporting is helpful to those in need of information, it is not all the organization has done to help with the recovery. The group partnered with Applebee’s and the Queens Economic Development Corporation for a Breakfast with Santa event on Dec. 22. It took place at four Queens-based Applebee’s restaurants, located in Bayside, Rego Park, Astoria and Fresh Meadows. Patrons who paid $10 got a complete breakfast buffet and a Polaroid photo with Father Christmas himself. The $1,625 raised went towards YANA Services and the Rockaway Waterfront Alliance. -Joe Marvilli

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Police Blotter 105th Precinct

Accident Investigation

At 6:07 p.m. on Dec. 14 on the Belt Parkway in the vicinity of Francis Lewis Boulevard, police responded to a call of a pedestrian struck by a car. Upon arrival, police observed the victim, a Black male in his 50s, with trauma about the body. EMS responded and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Upon further investigation, police determined that the victim was crossing the Belt Parkway from south to north when he was struck by a black Toyota Camry, traveling westbound. The operator remained on scene and there is no criminality suspected.

Accident Investigation

At 3:17 a.m. on Dec. 19 at the corner of Francis Lewis Boulevard and 246th Street, police responded to a 911 call of a pedestrian struck. Upon arrival, police observed the victim, a 31-year-old Black male, unconscious and unresponsive with trauma to the body. EMS responded

Compiled by STEVEN J. FERRARI and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital, where he was pro- their tips to CRIMES (274637), then enter TIPS577. nounced dead on arrival. All calls are strictly confidential. Preliminary investigation determined that the victim was struck by an unknown vehicle that fled the scene. The investigation is ongoing.

111th Precinct

Pedestrian Struck

109th Precinct


At approximately 9:30 a.m. on Nov. 3, a victim went to a residence on 157th Street to be given injections to enhance her appearance. The victim sustained a serious infection several days later. Police arrested Liliana Coello, 39, of Flushing on charges of first-degree assault, a class B felony; first-degree reckless endangerment, unauthorized practice of a profession and criminal possession of a weapon. The NYPD is seeking other potential victims of the suspect’s unlicensed practice. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers’ website at or by texting

At 4:24 a.m. on Dec. 15, police responded to a report of a pedestrian struck on the Long Island Expressway in the vicinity of the Little Neck Parkway. Upon arrival, responding officers discovered the pedestrian, identified as Jordan Savvides, 22, of Jericho, lying on the ground with severe body trauma. EMS also responded and pronounced the victim dead at the scene. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the pedestrian was walking along the LIE when he was struck by a vehicle operated by Christian Ludlow, 69, of Great Neck, trav-


eling eastbound. Ludlow was taken into custody and charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated.

Motor Vehicle Accident

At approximately 6:39 p.m. on Dec. 24, police responded to a report of a motor vehicle accident at 85th Avenue and 218th Street. An investigation revealed that the motorist, identified as Martin McHale, 50, of Hollis Hills, was traveling eastbound on 84th Avenue when he lost control of his vehicle, a grey Chevrolet Silverado and struck a tree. The motorist was discovered unconscious and unresponsive. EMS responded to the scene and removed him to North Shore University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Photo by Juliet Kaye

Holiday PPar ar ty arty

Photo by Walter Karling


Gif Giftt Giving

Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica), honorary chair of the Million Fathers Club, sponsored his annual Holiday Toy Giveaway for the Queens children affected by Superstorm Sandy. The event took place at Move Your Body Kidz Klub in Jamaica. Pictured (from left) are Shantel Melton, NYC Parks Dept.; Scarborough, Jennifer Baker, director, Move Your Body Kidz Klub; Yubette Wilkins, vice president, Ladydoves; Natasha Liggins Matels, National Coalition 100 Black Women; Andrene Williams, founder and director Ladydoves.

The Sutphin Boulevard Business Improvement District held its third annual Adopt-A-Family Program at the Harvest Room at the Jamaica Market. Pictured (from left) are Sutphin BID staffers Tyrone Burton, Gia Wills, Executive Director Simone Price and Stephanie Ambersley.

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Borough Beat

Congress Calls For Labor Reform BY MEGAN MONTALVO In light of the Bangladesh factory fire that killed more than 100 workers last month, four members of Congress are urging the U.S. Trade Representative to complete a review of Bangladesh’s labor record. On Dec. 20, U.S. Reps. Joe Crowley (D-Jackson Heights), Sander Levin (D-MI), Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), along with other members from the

Ways and Means Committee and the House Bangladesh Caucus, announced they had issued a letter to Ambassador Ron Kirk, expressing concern over the deteriorating labor rights situation in Bangladesh. “We are seriously concerned about the deterioration of working conditions and worker rights in Bangladesh,” the letter read. “The latest apparel industry fire, with over 100 workers killed, in the Tazreen garment factory is the latest in a series

of events and practices constituting this decline.” According to Crowley’s office, the factory owner, who produced clothes for export to the U.S., allegedly claimed that no one had told him to install fire exits and violated other safety codes in the construction of the building. Because U.S. law grants preferential duties on exports from developing countries, Crowley said that benefits can be retracted unless they are

paired with progress on labor rights, so that the development gains of the program are broadly shared. “Though there is no way to replace the loss of lives in Bangladesh, the silver lining in all of this is that hopefully, we can focus on taking steps forward towards stronger labor reform both in the U.S. and our partnering countries,” Crowley said. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or

Whitestone Expy. Exit Closing For 2 Years BY JOE MARVILLI Drivers who use the Whitestone Expressway should prepare to make an adjustment to their driving pattern in the New Year. The Whitestone Expressway’s 3rd Avenue exit will be closed to all traffic starting on Jan. 7 for approximately two years. The closure is part of the Metropolitan Transportation Author-

ity Bridges and Tunnels’ Capital Improvement Project. The 42-month, $109 million reconstruction will transform the 1,010foot-long Queens approach to the bridge, rebuilding the roadway and adding new emergency breakdown shoulders. The southbound 14th Avenue exit ramp will be repaved as well as gaining a deceleration lane and new curbing.

Passenger vehicles driving from the Bronx-bound Cross Island Parkway will have to exit at Utopia Parkway (Exit 33N), and those driving from the northbound Whitestone Expressway will get off either at the 20th Avenue exit and or merge onto the Cross Island Parkway. Signs and traffic agents will be on hand once the detours begin in January. Although these extra precautions

will be in place, drivers will not be forced to pay a toll for accidentally going over the bridge. According to the MTA B&T, drivers who miss the exits and go over the bridge can proceed to the cash lane, where the toll collector will give them an off-route pass back to Queens. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013


Afrikan Poetry Theatre Presents Kwanzaa 2012 BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Since 1976, the Afrikan Poetry Theatre, a non-profit organization, has been providing the Southeast Queens community with a range of cultural, educational, recreational and social development programs. For more than three decades, the theater has held free performances

to kick off the start of a week-long Kwanzaa celebration meant to educate the community about African culture. This year's event, scheduled to take place on Dec. 29, will include a Kwanzaa presentation and explanation by John Watusi Branch, executive director at the Afrikan Poetry Theatre, and a wide variety of unique

The History of Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration that honors African-American culture and is observed from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. It is centered around seven core principals – Umoja (unity), kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work and responsibility), ujamaa (cooperative economics) nia (purpose), kuumba (creativity) and imani (faith). Kwanzaa symbols include a decorative mat on which other symbols like corn and other crops, a candle holder and seven candles are placed. One candle is lit on each day of the celebration. Created in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa is the first specifically African-American holiday. Karenga said his goal for the creation of the holiday was to “give Blacks an alternative to the existing holidays and give Blacks and opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society.” The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili phrase ‘matunda ya kwanza,’ meaning first fruits of the harvest.

artistic performances. Performances at this year’s Kwanzaa 2012 at the Afrikan Poetry Theatre will include a variety of dance and musical groups including the Devore Dance Company, the Edge School of the Arts, Ballet International Africans, Southside Classic R&B, S.V.S. Self-Defense and the Universe In-Motion Children's Ensemble. "The Kwanzaa celebration is a harvest celebration. It is a celebration of the richness of African culture," said Watusi Branch. "It's not religious, it's not political - it's just a celebration of the richness of African culture. This is the largest Kwanzaa celebration in Queens." In addition to celebrating the African heritage, the Afrikan Poetry Theatre hopes that its presentation will help those in attendance understand the seven principals and symbols of the celebration, particularly "ujamaa" - cooperative economics. "Sharing is a big concept of Kwanzaa," Watusi Branch said. "It's an example for the new year coming because the last day of Kwanzaa is

the first day of the New Year. It shows the community to come together and share the goods that you have. We work together for a successful harvest for the New Year." Just two short months after Superstorm Sandy devastated the North East and just a day after Christmas, the message of sharing could not come at a better time to the community, Watusi Branch said. "We give free fruit to everyone who comes in and we give toys and gifts to the children," he said. "Sharing - that's the message so we can all work together, especially after all that has happened." The free Kwanzaa celebration will be held on Saturday, Dec. 29 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Springfield Gardens Educational Complex. The Springfield Educational Complex is located at 143-10 Springfield Blvd. For more information about the celebration, or for a vendor booth rental, call (718) 523-3312. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

People Timothy Klein of Belle Harbor received a Bachelor of Science degree in sport management during winter 2012 commencement ceremonies at York College of Pennsylvania. Air Force Airman 1st Class Octavio Montalvo Jr. graduated from the Water and Fuel Systems Apprentice Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. The course is designed to train students in water processing, analysis, operating principles of water treatment plants, maintenance of water and waste water, fire suppression and backf low prevention systems and components; and maintenance and repair of water supply, waste, fuels, and natural gas systems. Montalvo’s wife Ashia is the daughter of Billy and Cathy Mann of South Richmond Hill. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Emmanuel Rivas has graduated from the U.S. Navy’s Nuclear Power School at Naval Nuclear Power Tr a i n i n g C o m m a n d i n G o o s e Creek, S.C. Nuclear Power School is a rigorous six-month course that trains officer and enlisted students in the science and engineering fundamental to the design, operation, and maintenance of naval nuclear

propulsion plants. Rivas is the son of Mildred Rodriguez of South Ozone Park. Isaiah Henderson of Jamaica earned Honors with a 3.0 average during the fall 2012 term at the Pomfret School in Pomfret, Conn. Henderson is a member of the class of 2014.

fessor Derrick A. Bell Jr. ¯ the first tenured African-American on the Harvard Law School faculty ¯ the annual Derrick A. Bell Award honors a junior faculty member who, through

activism, mentoring, colleagueship, teaching and scholarship, has made an extraordinary contribution to legal education, the legal system or social justice.

Gift Giving:

Frederick Louis Antoine, a junior at Hampden-Sydney College, has been recognized as an outstanding campus leader in the 2013 edition of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Antoine is the son of Millicent Gregory of Queens Village and is a graduate of Aspirations High School. Janai S. Nelson, Professor of Law and Associate Director of The Ronald H. Brown Center for Civil Rights and Economic Development at St. John’s University School of Law , has been selected to receive the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Minority Groups’ 2013 Derrick A. Bell Award. Professor Nelson will accept the award at the AALS Annual Meeting in January. Named in honor of the late Pro-

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Ozone Park) distributed toys in Far Rockaway to children affected by Superstorm Sandy. Diaz and Goldfeder were joined by representatives of Health Plus, who donated the toys for the event.

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Astoria Resident Wins Recipe Challenge BY MEGAN MONTALVO Pamela Vachon may live in Astoria, but when it comes to her recipes, her name is known nationwide. On Dec. 10, College Inn broth named Vachon as the top winner in its first-ever Ultimate Recipe Challenge for her inventive spin on creamy chicken enchilada soup. Along with winning $5,000 in grand prize money, College Inn also awarded Vachon with a $500 gift card for her savory honey mustard poached pears and figs recipe. “I was very shocked that I won,” said Vachon, who is also a waitress at Blue Smoke Restaurant in Manhattan. “To think that somewhere across the country, someone is using my recipe to prepare their dinner is just amazing.” Though she drew from her education at the Institute of Culinary Education, from which she graduated after earning a Master’s degree in music from the Colombia Graduate School, Vachon said she does not plan on quitting her waitress job any time soon. “Entering recipe challenges is a fun, side hobby of mine,” she said. “My passion remains in being a waitress. I love educating people about food.”

As part of her prize, Vachon will also attend the No Kid Hungry charity dinner in San Francisco next month with Chef Amanda Freitag, who is a judge on the Food Network series Chopped and competitor on “The Next Iron Chef: Redemption.” For those interested in preparing the award-winning dish at home, the recipe is as follows: Ingredients call for one pound of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, one quart of College Inn Chicken Broth, canola oil, one-fourth teaspoon of salt, two soft corn tortillas sliced into quarter-inch strips, one small, diced yellow onion, one minced garlic clove, a teaspoon of ground cumin, one and a half teaspoons of chilli powder, 14 and a half ounces of canned, diced tomatoes, one fourth cup of lime juice, one fourth teaspoon of lime zest, two scallions, bias-sliced into one-fourthinch pieces, one-half-cup of shredded cheddar cheese, four ounces of reduced fat cream cheese or neufchatel cheese and four ounces of canned, diced green chilies. Once all ingredients are collected, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In an oven-proof dish, brush chicken thighs

Restaurant Review

Comfy and Tasty Network Café 108-02 72nd Ave., Forest Hills (718) 263-5700 HOURS: Noon to 1 a.m. daily DELIVERY: No CREDIT CARD: Yes, all major Walking along Austin Street in Forest Hills, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of eatery options available. Although there are many great places along that main road, it is worth turning a few corners and going down a few side streets to discover gems like Network Café. When I walked in with a couple of friends, one of the first things I noticed was just how relaxing the atmosphere was in the dining room. Smooth jazz played gently in the background and the lighting was low-key, but not dull. A spiral staircase led downstairs to a large room that looked like it would work for any type of party. For starters, my friends and I decided to try the house-made sangria.

The drink was absolutely delectable, tasting just sweet enough to be very enjoyable but not enough to be overpowering. The various fruits floating around in my glass created a variety of different flavors with each sip. Plus, they made for a nice snack once the wine was gone! For dinner, I went with the penne ala vodka with chicken, a fairly simple dish that was nevertheless mouth-watering when it arrived in front of me. The vodka sauce was warm and creamy, making every bite a great experience that also put me into an even more relaxed mood. The chicken was cooked tenderly, making for an excellent complement to the pasta. Network Café is a great place to go after a long day at work or school. Everything about this restaurant is made to create a tranquil, friendly atmosphere. The décor and music are calming, the staff is welcoming and the food is top-quality. What more could you ask for? -Joe Marvilli

with one-half teaspoon canola oil and sprinkle with salt. Cook chicken thighs in oven until cooked through, for about 15 minutes. Shred cooked chicken meat with two forks and set aside. Meanwhile, heat a half-cup of canola oil in a small sauté pan. Add tortilla strips in two batches and fry until golden brown, for about 2 minutes each batch. Drain on papertowel lined sheet, sprinkle with salt and set aside. In a large soup pot, heat 1 tablespoon of canola oil over medium heat. Add onions and cook until translucent, for about 3 minutes. Then, add garlic and cook 1 more minute. Do not brown garlic. Next, add chili powder and

cumin; stir to distribute evenly and cook 30 seconds. Add lime juice, lime zest, College Inn Chicken Broth, tomatoes and diced chilies. Bring mixture to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer. Add shredded chicken and cream cheese. Simmer until cream cheese is melted and chicken is heated through, about 10 minutes. Lastly, ladle into individual bowls and garnish with shredded cheddar cheese, tortilla strips, and scallions. Total prep time is an estimated 20 minutes. Cook time will take another 45 minutes. The recipe serves approximately four to six people. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or


sonality to entertain the masses with. Mike uses his knowledge as a sculptor and printmaker at Colorado State University to build props and design sets for the circus, in addition to his variety routines. He is known as Mike the Handsome when he performs. Dave Clay built up a reputation for his quick wit and outstanding stunts throughout his performances in the Pacific Northwest. He toured with the March Fourth Marching Band, juggled at the Kennedy Center and performed alongside the Oregon Symphony. Cole Schneider, known on stage as The Lovely Little Lolo, has been with the Handsome Little Devils since 2005. She studied physical comedy, dance and slapstick at Denver’s Academy of Theatre Arts, continuing her love of being onstage that has only grown since second grade. Jason Knauf has a long history with improvisational theater, going back to his training at Second City Conservatory in Chicago. He performed with the improv team, Cowlick, at the Playground Theater. Tickets are available at Queens Theatre is located at 14 United Nations Ave. South in Fresh Meadows Corona Park. The shows will run at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. daily between Dec. 27 and Dec. 31. Tickets are $32 each, with family fourpacks available for $99. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

Handsome Little Devils Take Over

If you are looking for a show for the whole family but you want something different than the Big Apple Circus, then the Squirm Burpee Circus is the place for you. Created by Handsome Little Devils Productions, the Squirm Burpee Circus will make its way to the Queens Theatre for a Vaudeville-filled performance. The Vaudeville entertainment provided includes whimsical displays, such as chainsaw juggling, swing dancing, serenading and a human cannonball. There are more than just bit pieces included though. At the heart of the Squirm Burpee Circus is a fun story. Mike the Handsome and Dashing Dave are two vaudevillians who have relationship issues with women. Mike is still trying to get over a broken heart from grade school, while Dave seems to fall in love with every woman he meets. Adding to this romantic quagmire is the geeky Lovely Little Lolo, who is obsessed with Mike. Worse than all their relationship troubles, though, is the threat of Baron Vegan von Hamburger, waiting for his chance to destroy the heroes. Handsome Little Devils Productions is based in Denver. It was cofounded by brothers Mike and Dan Huling in 2000. During their street performances, the duo realized they could combine juggling and art to create a unique performance aesthetic. The troupe has four core performers, each with a distinctive set of talents and per-

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013


Jazz at St. Albans Presents Helen Sung BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Saint Albans Congregational Church will kick off the New Year with a special concert featuring award-winning pianist Helen Sung. The world renowned musician will play the best of her jazz music, enhancing listeners with her imaginative, modern artistry that thoroughly captivates the audience. The Houston, Texas native began her career with classical piano and violin. She went on to attend Houston’s High School for the Per-

forming and Visual Arts. Soon after she graduated from high school, Sung received an undergraduate and masters degree in classical performance at the University of Texas at Austin, where she was first introduced to the world of jazz. In 1995, Sung was accepted into the inaugural class of the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Performance at the New England Conservatory of Music. When she graduated in 1997, Sung briefly joined the Boston area jazz scene before moving to New York City, where she currently resides.

In addition to her first-rate albums and her own band, the pianist appears with top-flight ensembles including the Mingus Big Ban, T.S. Monk, and Terri Lyne Carrigton’s Grammy-winning Mosaic Project. Sung was also named by Wynton Marsalis as one of his 2011 “Who’s Got Next: Jazz Musicians to Watch!” It only seems appropriate that the unique and famous jazz musician will showcase her talents at St. Albans Congregational Church’s monthly jazz vesper series. Home to several jazz legends, including Count Basie,

Lena Horne, Ella Fitzgerald and John Coltrane, St. Albans will be the perfect venue for the genre’s fans. The performance will be held at Saint Albans Congregational Church located at 172-17 Linden Blvd., on Saturday, Jan. 5 at 5 p.m. There is no entry fee, however, donations to the church are greatly appreciated. For more information about the concert or the church’s monthly jazz vesper series, call (718) 657-8282. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Notebook Hillcrest H.S.

Humanities H.S. Names Valedictorian BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Humanities and the Arts High School, located in Cambria Heights, has named senior Shantell Andrews as their valedictorian for the 2013 graduating class. The star student is not only passionate about her doing well in school; she is also heavily involved with the community and volunteers her time. With math being her favorite subject, Andrews participated at the Time 2000 Math Conference at Queens College. She also serves as a tutor at her high school, helping students with algebra every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. She is well ahead of the game, and also took precalculus courses in the Math, Science High School located in the same

building of her school. As a member of Student Council, Andrews also serves as a project manager for fundraisers in which she helped collect coats for the needy, raised money for victims of breast cancer and collected essential supplies for the victims of Superstorm Sandy. The talented senior is also involved with a variety of after-school activities like the marching/concert band, where she plays the flute. She has played with the band in the Greek Independence Day Parade, the Memorial Day Parade, the Israel Independence Day Parade and the Dance Parade on 5th Avenue in the City. The band is currently trying to raise money so they can go to Disney World to perform. With a 93.82 grade point average,

Andrews is a member of Arista-NHS and aspires to one day be an accountant. She has applied to colleges like St. John’s University, Fordham University and Baruch. She plans to graduate in 2013 with an Advanced Regents Diploma. Andrews is also involved with a Summit Peer leader program, which enables students to attend workshops and receive leadership training so participants may attend college and be successful. She attended a four-day workshop in New Jersey, where she did a personal statement to examine requirements to apply to colleges and meet her financial capabilities. She used her knowledge from this workshop to help freshman at her high school adjust in their new environment.

Another activity the teen participates in is an A & E Network Awareness Intern program. She visits the A & E Network once a month and interacts with their employees to explore different careers. She learns about the different jobs at the network and explores what its employees enjoy about the entertainment world. She finds this information useful during her own mentoring activities at her high school. Outside of school, Andrews frequently volunteers in the Queens Library in Hollis and was a volunteer receptionist at Agoci Entertainment Studio, where she tutored children in math and reading. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

What’s Up DEC. 28 Online Community Forum

The Queens Central Library will host an online community forum for you to contribute your best ideas for the strategic plan that will guide the library for the next few years. Participate by leaving your comments here: online-community-forum-help-shapethe-future-of-queens-library. The free forum will be held at 1 p.m. at the Queens Central Library located at 8911 Merrick Blvd.

DEC. 29 Afrikan Poetry Kwanzaa 2012


The Afrikan Poetry Theatre will present its annual Kwanzaa 2012. This event of cultural pride and expression will include a Kwanzaa presentation and explanation by John Watusi Branch, executive director of the Afrikan Poetry Theatre. It will also include performances by Devore Dance Company, Edge School of the Arts (ESOTA), Ballet International Africans, Southside Classic R&B, S.V.S. Self-Defense (Mixed Marital Arts) Universe In-Motion Children’s Ensemble. Also featured will be the lighting of the candles, distribution of free fruit, and the distribution of Zawadi (gifts) to the children. For more information, call (718) 5233312. The free event will be held from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Springfield Gardens Educational Complex located at 143-10 Springfield Blvd.

DEC. 30 Central Library Sunday Movies

The Queens Central Library will hold a free showing of the movie “Snow White and the Huntsman,” starring Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron. In this epic action-adventure directed by Rupert Sanders, an evil queen sets out to destroy a young girl who is the only fairer person in the land. The free event will be held at the library at 2 p.m.

DEC. 31 Stay Well

Learn how special exercises and relaxation techniques can make a difference in your life at Queens Central Library at 10 a.m., for free.

EdeYouth Black Tie Affair

The EdeYouth Foundation cordially invites you to their first ever New Year’s Eve Gala. EdeYouth is a non-profit organization working to

enlighten the importance of self awareness, self-worth, self-esteem as well as self-improvement among young adults aged 13-21 living abroad through education, seminars and training. Join EdeYouth as they dance the night away for a good cause. Free hors d’oeuvres all night long and a champagne toast at midnight. For additional information, visit or call (917) 6019306 or Betty Aristide at (212) 4085793. The event is $75 in advance. The black tie affair will be held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 10 p.m. The Jamaica Performing Arts Center is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave.

JAN. 2 Resumes and Cover Letters

Queens Central Library will be holding a free workshop where participants will learn how to get started in their careers by learning about resumes, what to include and not include and tips for making your resume and cover letter stronger. For further information, please visit the Job Information Center or call (718) 9908625.The event is free and will begin at 10 a.m.

JAN. 3 Mock Interviews

The Queens Central Library will hold a free workshop to help residents practice and perfect your interviewing skills. Mock interviews let you make mistakes before they count. In this one-on-one practice interview, you will learn how to prepare beforehand, successfully deal with difficult questions and follow up properly afterwards. Space is limited. To schedule an appointment, call (718) 9908625 or visit the Job Information Center. Participants must arrive 10 minutes before class starts, latecomers will not be seated. The event will begin at 9 a.m.

Becoming a U.S. Citizen

The Queens Central Library will hold a free workshop for participants who are interested in becoming U.S. citizens. Sessions are in English and include basic civics education. The event will be held at 5 p.m. at the library.

Healthy Weight Loss

Is your New Year’s resolution to lose weight in 2013? The Queens Central Library has you covered! No crazy diets here, just some free sensible advice from a registered dietician. The event will be held at the library at 7 p.m.

ONGOING Mobile CPR Program

FDNY EMS instructors will come out to your site to conduct the CPR training using your facilities. The Be 911 Compressions Only CPR Program is brought to you free of charge by FDNY and NYC Service. The goal of the program is to train as many people as possible in basic CPR skills. In addition, participants will be briefly educated on the automated external defibrillator (AED) used to try and revive a person suffering from cardiac arrest. Though this program does not certify any participants, the FDNY and NYC Service believe increasing the knowledge of how to save a life is far more beneficial. The program welcomes all ages, as long as the individual can demonstrate competency in retaining the required skills. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday during the hours of 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Classes may be approximately 20 minutes depending on the size of the group. For group registration of 10 or more participants or further information, contact the FDNY’s CPR Training Unit at Telephone Number (718) 281-3888.

Group Sessions

Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as domestic violence, mental health, substance abuse intervention, decision making, condom use, high risk behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Infant Mortality

Clergy United for Community Empowerment’s Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative program provides the following services free of charge: case management services, parent skills building, crib care, breast feeding education, health education, nutritional information/education, referral for HIV testing, confidential one-on-one counseling, workshops, and women support groups. IMRI provides referrals for Food stamps, GED, GYN, Emergency Baby Formula (qualifications required) and more. Call (718) 297-0720. Located

at 89-31 161 St., 10th floor, Jamaica. Services are available Tue.-Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Awareness

Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 89-31 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Merrick Flea Market

A flea market has opened at 22102 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.

PAL Volunteers

The Police Athletic League (PAL) is looking for volunteers to continue its mission of serving New York City’s young people by donating their time and talents to help serve Queens youngsters at PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon in Arverne-Far Rockaway, PAL’s Edward Byrne Center in South Jamaica and PS 214 in Flushing. PAL Centers in Queens offer a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all talents. PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon are looking for people to participate in a center clean-up day. Volunteers are needed to tutor and mentor young people during the After School Program’s daily homework help sessions. In addition, individuals can also donate their time assisting the many special events held at PAL’s Centers throughout the year. PAL is also seeking professionals to give career advice and talk about their own careers to young people, as well as guest speakers who can share information on a specific hobby of interest to the youngsters. To become a volunteer with the Police Athletic League or to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit Volunteers will go through an application process that includes an interview, screening and an orientation. For more information, please contact PAL’s Volunteer Coordinator, Alexandria Sumpter-Delves, at (212) 4779450, Ext. 390 or

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013


Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

TALKS AUDIO BOOK CLUB Monday, December 31 at the Seaside library at 11.

FLEA MARKETS FLEA MARKET Thursdays-Sundays MFM flea market at 221-02 Merrick Blvd., Springfield Gardens. THRIFT SHOPS S a t u r d a y s a t Tr i n i t y United Methodist C h u r c h , 8 6 - 0 2 1 0 8 th Street, Richmond Hill. 347-251-8583. Saturdays 11-4 at Bargain Boutique Thrift Shop, Queens Baptist Church, 9 3 - 2 3 2 1 7 th S t r e e t , Queens Village.4652504.

EXHIBIT SAMADHI + ART Through December 30 Korean Traditional Illuminated Sutra Exhibition at Flushing Town Hall. 4637700. MUSEUM OF ART Through January 6 “Caribbean” Crossroads of the Wo r l d , ” “A d a Bobonis: Stages, Mount a i n s , Wa t e r ” a t t h e Queens Museum of Art. 592-9700. THREE GENERATIONS Through January 12 three generations of the Aguilera Family at Queensborough CC. 631-6396. REGENERATION Through January 13 at the Hall of Science. 6990005. SHANGAA February through May Shangaa: Art of Tanzania at Queensborough CC. 631-6396.


EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS ELECTRONIC DEVICES Saturday, December 29 How Do I Use Thing? C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 9 9 0 8625. BORROW E-BOOKS Saturday, December 29 a t t h e C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 990-8625. SEWING CLASSES Saturdays 12-3 at Maria Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS. 886-5236. OPEN COMPUTER LAB Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 at the Arverne library. 634-4784 info. METRIX LEARNING Monday, December 31 free online training through Metrix Learning a t t h e C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 990-5148 register. ENGLISH CONVERSA. Monday, December 31 at the Douglaston library. Register. INTRO COMPUTERS Monday, December 31 a t t h e C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 990-8625. OPEN LAB Monday, December 31 at the Central library at 2. BRIDGE Mondays e x c e p t h o l i days 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 423-6200. DRAWING CLASS Mondays National Art League in Douglaston. 361-0628. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. LIC CHESS CLUB Tuesdays LIC library at 4. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays af ter evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needle-pointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. ENGLISH FOR SPANISH Wednesdays-Fridays English for Spanish speaking people in Flushing. 917-612-1431. WATERCOLOR Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.9691128. GENTLE YOGA Thursday, January 3 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 183-02 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. 646-250-5379 to reserve. BUSINESS BASICS Thursdays, January 3, 17, 24 at the Flushing library at 6. QUILTING CLASS

Thursdays 11-3 Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454 East Elmhurst library at 12. CHESS CLUB Fridays at 3:30 at the Auburndale library. OPEN LAB Fridays at 2 at the Central library. OPEN COMPUTER LAB Fridays 2-5 at the LIC librar y. JOB SEARCH HELP Fridays 1-2 one-on-one help with your search for employment at the Astoria library. 990-8625 register.

ENVIRONMENT GARDENING CLUB Saturdays help with our vegetable and shade garden at the Steinway library at 4.

DINNER COMRIE KICKOFF Sunday, January 6 at Antuns. 347-808-8920.

MISCELLANEOUS IMMIGRATION Saturdays 10-1 at Council Member Leroy Comrie’s district office. 776-3700 to schedule appointment. DOCUMENT SHRED Friday, January 11 free document shredding at Council Member Leroy Comrie’s district office. 776-3700. COMMUNITY SINGERS C o m m u n i t y S i n ge r s o f Queens, Inc. rehearses at Messiah Lutheran Church. New members welcome. 658-1021. AUXILIARY OFF. 105 th Precinct Communit y Council invites all interested in becoming an Auxiliary Police Officer. 776-9268. BARBERSHOP Wednesdays Barbershop Harmony Societ y meets in Flushing. 381-8689. FH VAC The Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps needs volunteers. 7932055. FH SYMPHONY Wednesdays rehearsals at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 374-1627. GLEE CLUB Tu e s d ay s t h e B ay s i d e Men’s Glee Club rehearses. 424-5769. MEMORY LOSS? Caregivers need a break? 631-1886.

SQUIRM BURPEE Through December 31 Squirm Burpee, a vaudevillian melodrama for the entire family at Queens Theatre in the Park. 7600064. MOVING IMAGE Through December 30 “See It Big” films. Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria. $12. Adults. 777-6800. LIVE JAZZ & R&B Sunday, December 30 live jazz and r&b 6-10 at Déjà vu, 180-25 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. SUNDAY MOVIE Sunday, December 30 “Snow White and the Huntsman” at 2 at the Central library. SALSA Mondays Resorts World Casino holds Monday Night Salsa events. Lessons 7:30. 110-00 Rockaway Blvd., South Ozone Park. 215-2828. Free. BINGO Tuesdays 7:15 American Mart yrs Church in Bayside. 464-4582. Tuesdays 7:15 (doors open 6) Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. $3 admission includes 12 games. SCRABBLE Tuesdays Fresh Meadows library at 1 and East Flushing library at 3:30. SOUTH ASIA ON FILM Wednesdays through April 25 at 4:30 at the G o d w i n - Te r n b a c h M u seum at Queens College. 997-4747 for titles and other info. FILM & TALK Friday, January 4 “Snow Falling on Cedars” book discussion and film screening at 1 at the Flushing library. GAME DAY Fridays 4:30 Woodhaven library. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays 2 Hillcrest library. CHINESE OPERA Saturday, January 5 “The Black Pot” at 2 at the Flushing library. INTER. SONGS Saturday, January 5 classical and popular international songs at the Forest Hills library at 2:30. DOMINICAN FILM Saturday, January 5 “The Travelers” screened at 3 at the Langston Hughes librar y. SUNDAY CONCERT Sunday, January 6 Ze Mauricio’s Hot Samba at 3 at the Central library. CON BRIO ENSEMBLE Sunday, January 13 at Church in the Gardens at 4:30. 894-2178.

MUSICA REGINAE Sunday, January 27 Tomorrow’s Artists Today featuring “Face the Music” at 5:30 at Church in the Gardens. 894-2178. FILM & TALK Februar y 1 “Angels and Demons.” March 1 “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” April 5 “The Other Boleyn Girl.” Book discussion and film screening at 1 at the Flushing library. HATE MAIL Saturday, February 9 “You’ve Got Hate Mail” at Queensborough Communit y College. 6316311. UGLY DUCKLING February 10 at 1 and 3 for the entire family at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064. FLAMENCO VIVO February 16-17 Carlota

Santana at Queens Theatre in the Park. 7600064. BLACK STARS Sunday, February 17 Black Stars on the Great White Wa y at Queensborough Communit y College. 6316311. BEAUTY OF BALLET Sunday, February 24 School of American Ballet at 1 and 3 at Queens Theatre in the Park. 7600064. MUSICA REGINAE Saturday, March 2 New Music Composers’ Forum featuring composers and artists from NYC at Church in the Gardens. 894-2178. GISELLE Sunday, March 17 Russian National Ballet opera at 3 at Queensborough Communit y College. 631-6311.

HEALTH WAITANKUNG Sundays at 2. Total-body workout. Flushing Hospital/Medical Center. Free. Jimmy 7-10pm 347-2156. SCHIZO. ANON. Sundays in Rego Park. 896-3400. TAI CHI Mondays and Thursdays at 11 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. $5. RELAX & MEDITATION Tuesdays, Januar y 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Relaxation and Meditation Time at 5:30 at the Seaside library. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT Tu e s d a y s We s t e r n Queens Caregiver Network in Sunnyside. 5:306:30. 784-6173, ext. 431. Also, 3:30-4:30 Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 631-1886. Various services at the Queens Communit y House, 80-02 Kew Gardens Road. 268-5960, ext. 226. AUTISM Tuesdays Qualit y Services for the Autism Communit y holds workshops for families and friends of autistic children and adults. 7-AUTISM, ext. 1219. DAY TOP Tu e s d a y s s u p p o r t f o r family and friends of those affected by substance abuse. 1-8002Daytop. OA Wednesdays Overeaters Anonymous at the Howard Beach library at

11. ZUMBA Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 6701695. $10 class. GENTLE YOGA Thursday, January 3 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 183-02 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. 646-250-5379 to reserve. CO-DEPENDENT ANON. Fridays 10-11:45 at Resurrection Ascension Pastoral Center, 85-18 61 st Road, Rego Park. Women only. BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, January 6 9:301:30 at Temple T ikvah, 3315 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park. 516746-1120. SUPPORT GROUPS Alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, martial issues, depression, a n x i e t y, phobia, etc. Woodside Clinic. 779-1234. ALZHEIMERS 1-212-983-0700. DOMESTIC VIOL. 24 hour Domestic Violence Hotline. 657-0424. WOODSIDE MENTAL Woodside Mental Health Clinic. 779-1234. 12 STEP PROGRAMS AA Tuesdays at 8 at Grace Lutheran Church in Astoria. 520-5021. Also, 520-5021 24 hours, 7 days a week. AL-ANON 457-1511. DEBTORS ANON. 212-969-8111. FAMILIES ANON. 343-2018.

Dec. 28, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Queens Today

Queens Today



HALL OF SCIENCE Through December 30 activities include learning to work on a circuit board, creating a tissue box guitar, build a drum kit, create boats, more. Hall of Science. QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and preschool programs and more. Contact local branches. HOMEWORK HELP McGoldrick library. Call for hours and days. STORY BOOK LADY Saturdays 12:30-1:30 reading enrichment program for 6-9 year olds at Maria Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans. $7.50. 276-3454. MATH HELP Saturdays for grades 48 at the Flushing library at 10. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays Central library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. SHABBAT SCOUTS Sundays Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop 613 at Young Israel of Windsor Park. 969-1571.

25 at the Rochdale Village library at 4:30. BOARD GAMES Fridays at the Windsor Park library at 4. KIDS ACTIVITIES Fridays at 3:30 at the Briarwood library. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4.East Flushing Register. Ozone Park at 3. GAME DAY Fridays Windsor Park at

4. CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale library at 3:30 and at the W i n d s o r P a r k l i b r a r y. Register. CUB SCOUTS 351 Fridays at St. Nicholas of Tolentine. Boys in grades 1-5. 820-0015. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897. CUB/TROOP SCOUTS Fridays September through June Pack 357 and Troop 357 in Flushing. 591-9514 Cubs, 2799085 Scouts.

MEETINGS CIVIL AIR PATROL Mondays Falcon Senior Squadron at 7 at JFK Airport. 781-2359. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays at 7:45 at Temple Beth Sholom in Flushing. 279-3006. TALK OF THE TOWN Tuesdays, Januar y 1, 15, February 5, 19, March 5, 19 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans at 7:15. 640-7092. GLEE CLUB Tuesdays Bayside Men’s Glee Club rehearses at 8 at All Saints Episcopal

Church, 214-35 40 th Avenue, Bayside. 961-6852. MEN’S CLUB SOCCER Tuesday evenings Forest Hills Jewish Center 89:30. 263-7000. FM CAMERA Tuesdays Fresh Meadows Camera Club. 917-6123463. ADVANCED WRITERS Tu e s d a y s Advanced Bayside Writers’ Group meets at 6:30 in the Terrace Diner, 212-97 26 th Avenue, upper level.

THEATER Saturday, December 29 Action Racket Theatre at the Flushing library at 2. CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. SUNDAY MOVIE Sunday, December 30 “Snow White and the Huntsman” at 2 at the Central library. LAPTOPS Monday, December 31 at the Hollis library at 3. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. KNIT & CROCHET Tuesday, Januar y 1 at 5 at the Rochdale Village library. LIC CHESS CLUB Tuesdays LIC library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesdays Windsor Park library at 4. LAPTOPS Wednesdays, January 2, 24, 30 at the Hollis library at 3. CHESS CLUB Wednesdays, January 2, 30 at the Poppenhusen library at 4:30. RESUME HELP Wednesdays at 3 at the Arverne library. GAME DAY Wednesdays St. Albans library at 4 and the Howard Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library. LAPTOPS Thursdays, January 3, 10, 17, 31 at the Hollis library at 3. ANIME Thursdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 a t t h e Flushing library at 4. DRAMA POSSE Thursdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 for those 11-14 at the Hillcrest library at 4:30. TEEN THURSDAYS Thursdays Bay Terrace library at 3. CHESS CLUB Thursdays intermediate level at the East Flushing library at 5. Sunnyside library at 5. ZUMBA FOR TEENS Friday, January 4 Bellerose librar y. Register. HAPPY HOUR Fridays, January 4, 11, 18, 25 at the Flushing library at 4. TEEN MOVIES Fridays at 3:30 at the Central library. BOARD GAMES Fridays at 4 at the Windsor Park library. CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale li-

brary at 3:30. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4. WII FRIDAYS Fridays at the Hollis library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays Woodhaven library at 4:30 and the Windsor Park library at 4. ACQC SUPPORT Te e n Pe e r Support Group for those touched by HIV/AIDS. Ages 1416. 896-2500. ART CLASSES Fridays Alliance of Queens Artists in Forest Hills offers teen workshops. 520-9842. BOY SCOUTS 138 Thursdays Boy Scout Troop 138 in Fresh Meadows. 454-2391. BUKHARIAN LOUNGE For those 15-18 Central Queens YM-YWHA in Forest Hills. 268-5011, ext. 202. CATALPA YMCA Saturdays recreation, 69-02 6 4 th Street, Ridgewood. 821-6271. COUNSELING Call 592-5757 free counseling at the Forest Hills Communit y House. DROP IN CENTER

Mondays-Thursday from 4-7 the Queens Rainbow Communit y Center in Astoria for LGBTQQ youth up to 22. 2045955. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Sunnyside Communit y Services. 784-6173, ext. 129. GAY GROUPS Mondays the AIDS Center of Queens Count y has a Gay/Bi/Lesbian Youth Group (ages 16-21) meeting designed to support young people in exploring feelings about sexualit y and other issues. 896-2500. POMONOK TEENS 591-6060. SCOUTING Rego Park Jewish Center. 516-526-2492. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897. VAC YOUTH SQUAD The Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps is looking for new members 1418. 347-1637. YOUTH GROUP Fridays Communit y Church of Little Neck Youth Group from 7-9. 46-16 Little Neck Parkway. 229-2534.

SENIORS DUPLICATE BRIDGE Mondays Lunch, lesson and congenial play. Pride of Judea. 423-6200. STAY WELL Mondays at the Central library at 10 and Wednesdays at 10:15 at the East E l m h u r st l i b rar y. Le a r n how special exercise and relaxation techniques make a difference in your life. FAIRWAY SHOPPING Tuesdays free transportation to and from courtesy Hollis Court Bd. Of Directors. Pickup and drop off on the corner of 213 th Street and 73 rd Avenue at 10:30 for 1.5 hours shopping. POMONOK CENTER Tuesdays and Thursdays free ESL classes 9-10:30. Thursdays Dear Abby Group at 11 and Knitting and Crochet Club at 1 and Chinese Language Classes at 1. Pomonok Senior Center, 67-09 Kissena Blvd., Flushing. 591-3377. CAREGIVERS Tu e s d a y s C a r e g i ve r s Support group at 3:304:30 Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 2 6 th A v e n u e , B a y s i d e . 631-1886.

STARS Wednesdays Senior Theatre Acting Repertory at the Hollis library at 11:15. BRIDGE Wednesdays Reform Temple of Forest Hills. 261-2900. KEW GARDENS Thursdays relax and improve your health 10-11. 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, suite 202. STARS Fridays Senior Theater Acting Repertory at the Queens Village library at 11.

THEATER OUR TOWN March 1-9 “Our Town” at Queensborough Communit y College. 6316311. MARISOL May 3-11 “Marisol” is an apocalyptic urban fantasy which urges societ y to ‘wake up.’ Queensborough Communit y College. 631-6311. KILLING KOMPANY The Killing Company performs mystery dinner shows. 1-888-SHOOT-EM for information.

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