Queens Press Epaper

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PAGE 22 Volume 12 Issue No. 2 Jan. 14-20, 2011

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PRESS Photos by Ira Cohen

In the wake of the shooting of an Arizona Congresswoman, and a string of recent gun deaths in Southeast Queens, Sen. Malcolm Smith was joined by local leaders and U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy to call for an end to gun violence. By Sasha Austrie…Page 3

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News Briefs

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

Jamaica Expands Joint Care Severe pain and stiffness in the hip and knee can limit the enjoyment and ease of everyday activities, such as standing, walking, and jogging, and be a significant reason to visit your doctor. Each year, many Americans suffer from hip or knee osteoarthritis, the most common forms of arthritis. According to the CDC, by the year 2030, an estimated 67 million adults, aged 18 years and older, will be diagnosed with arthritis, compared with the 50 million adults diagnosed from 2007 to 2009. Occurring when the cartilage between the thigh and leg bone in the knee wears, collapsing the joint, knee osteoarthritis not only contributes to pain and stiffness but decreases a person's range of motion as well. The same wear-andtear process of the hip joint results in hip osteoarthritis. "Symptoms of osteoarthritis tend to develop slowly in the beginning but worsen over time," explained Dr. Sean Thompson, Jamaica Hospital's newly added Orthopedic Surgeon, whose specialty is total joint replacement. "Once an individual reaches the point of constant pain, it's usually a clear indication that an evaluation of the hip and joint is needed." To diagnose osteoarthritis of the knee or hip, total joint specialists provide individuals with an evaluation that includes a medical history, physical examination, and imaging. Since there are various stages of osteoarthritis, early diagnosis offers the greatest variety of treatment options. In most cases, treatment options for knee or hip osteoarthritis include health and behavior modifications, drug therapy, injections, or surger y, specif ically arthroscopy and joint replacement. Jamaica Hospital recently expanded its total joint replacement services, staffed by highly-skilled and Board Certified total joint specialists who provide a wide variety of operative and non-operative treatment options to individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis, including post traumatic, rheumatoid, infectious, and inflammatory joint diseases. Specifically, the service offers therapeutic injections, total knee and hip replacement, total hip resurfacing, computer navigation surgery, hip and knee arthroscopy and rehabilitation medicine. "It is important that patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip obtain continuity of treatment from the time they are diagnosed to post-surgical recovery," explained Dr. Thompson. "Our integrated team of orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists and specialized nurses work diligently to provide this kind of care." If you suffer from arthritis of the hip or knee and would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sean Thompson, call (718) 206-6923.

Defending Hydrant Fixes An audit by City Comptroller John Liu found 38 percent of "high priority" fire hydrants sat in disrepair well past the Dept. of Environmental Protection's 10day goal of fixing the broken water spouts. The worst of the lot belonged to our

borough, as a high priority hydrant on 116th Street and Liberty Avenue was allowed to remain broken for 368 days. The hydrant serves a commercial strip that sits below the elevated A train in Richmond Hill. "New York City's firefighters already have a dangerous job, and a malfunctioning fire hydrant represents one less tool that our firefighters have to carry out their duty of protecting lives and property," Liu said. "Repairs to fire hydrants - especially the ones deemed 'high priority' by the City's Bravest - must be better prioritized and further accelerated." Hydrants deemed "high priority" are located either near a school, hospital, a senior citizens' residence or are the only hydrant on the block. The DEP responded saying more than 99 percent of its 109,000 hydrants are working every day, and said the period the audit examined was before it set its 10-day goal for repairs. "At times, some fire hydrants can need repairs, often because of reckless driving or normal wear and tear, and DEP fixes them as quickly as possible," the agency said in a release. "When hydrants are inoperative, DEP works closely with the FDNY to ensure that there is an adequate supply of water to fight fires and keep the public safe. "In the past two years, response times to replace high priority hydrants in Queens have dropped to less than seven days, well below our target goal of 10 days."

City Abortion Rate High Religious leaders gathered together in Manhattan on Jan. 6 to highlight the "shocking" number of abortions in New York City. In 2009, 39 percent of pregnancies in the City ended in abortion, according to a recent report by the City Dept. of Health. "This New York community is rightly celebrated for its warm welcome to immigrants, for its hospitality, sense of embrace and inclusion, and gritty sensitivity for those in need," said Manhattan Roman Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan. "But we are tragically letting down the tiniest, most fragile and vulnerable: the little baby in the womb. We have to do more than shiver over these chilling statistics. I invite all to come together to make abortion rare, a goal even those who work to expand the abortion license tell us they share." The statistics are evidence of a larger citywide problem, said Erica Sackin, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of New York City. "To focus on just abortion rates is to ignore the larger issue," she said. "The fact is that New Yorkers aren't having safe sex. There are huge disparities, and the issue we need to deal with is the high rate of unintended pregnancies." The rate of STD transmission in the City is "astronomically" higher than nationally, she said. "We're living in a city where we don't require sex education to be taught in schools," she said. "It is in fact up to each individual principal, if in fact they teach it, and what they teach."


Pols, Public Slam Recent Bloodshed

on Your Corner event on Jan. 08, Jared Loughner, 22, allegedly approached the Standing in front of the 113th Precinct Congresswoman's event and opened fire, with a whipping flag flying at half-mast, killing six people and injuring 14, includpoliticians, clergy and community mem- ing Giffords. "The horrific tragedy involving my colbers stood up against gun violence. "This year, thousands of people will die league and many others in Tucson this because of gun violence," said State Sen. weekend reminds us that we must all work together to fight gun violence in America Malcolm Smith (D-St. Albans). Speaking in the same vein as Smith, and keep dangerous weapons out of the Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City) hands of the wrong people," said McCarthy said 30,000 people are killed each year in a press release. because of gun violence. McCarthy knows the ramifications of "We have more guns in this country gun violence. Her husband was killed and than any other country in the world," she son was injured by a gunman in 1993. She has introduced legislation which would said. The gathering was a protest the recent target high-capacity ammunition clips alspike in gun violence in Southeast Queens legedly used by Loughner in the shooting. and the nation. The recent shooting of The glock 19 9mm semi-automatic pistol Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was not Loughner allegedly used was purchased lost on those in attendance. At a Congress legally, but the gun's magazine would have been illegal under the assault weapons ban, which Congress allowed to expire in 2004. "We need to work with our communities; we need to work with everyone to reduce gun violence," McCarthy said. "We need voices […] across this country to say, 'Enough is enough.' How many more killings do we need?" The Rev. Floyd Flake said gun violence has spilled out into communities, destroying neighborhoods with a loss of life and citizens being afraid to leave their U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy speaks out against a recent spat of homes. "When guns prolifviolence,with Souteast Queens’ pols, including Sen. Malcolm erate [within] a comSmith in tow. munity, all of our lives BY SASHA AUSTRIE


were in place, her son would still be alive. "We need to get more of those illegal guns off the street," she said. McCarthy was asked if the political rhetoric was a catalyst for Loughner's alleged rampage. Though she would not condemn political colleagues, she said the discourse had reached a fever pitch. "It used be that after you had a fight on the floor, you went out and had dinner together," McCarthy said. "The rhetoric has gone up. We need to respect each other." Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Boro Reps Don’t Plan To Beef Up Security BY DOMENICK RAFTER In the wake of last weekend’s attempted assassination of a Congresswoman in Tucson, Ariz. that left her injured and six others, including a federal judge, dead, local Congress members are sounding off on the tragedy and questions about security. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), a third-term representative from Southern Arizona, was shot in the head on Saturday while holding a public meeting with constituents outside a supermarket in suburban Tucson. Though she survived and was listed in critical condition, the shooter killed six people, including John Roll, chief judge of the U.S. District Court in Arizona, a Giffords staffer, and four constituents, including a 9-year-old girl. Giffords, like most members of Congress, had no security detail at the meeting. She was shot point blank by the gunman at close range. The question of security for members of Congress has arisen in the wake of the shooting. In recent years, members of Congress have received countless threats and some offices, including Giffords’, have been attacked. However, many members of Congress do not want stiffer security to disrupt their ability to meet with constituents one on one. Meetings like Giffords’ “Congress on your Corner” event where she was shot are common events held by most members of Congress. U.S. Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Jackson Heights), who brought water and food to staff in Rep. Giffords’ Washington D.C. office immediately after the shooting, said he “did not feel threatened” and would continue to go meet with constituents as he has in the past. U.S. Rep. Greg Meeks (D-Jamaica) said he was “shocked and saddened” by the shooting of Giffords, whom he called “a friend and extraordinary colleague.” He said it should not change any Congress member’s ability to meet with their constituents. “The essential features of our democ-

The shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, seen here being sworn in last week by House Speaker John Boehner, is not expected to change the security habits of Queens Congressmen. racy is the dynamic of elected officials listening to the issues our neighbors raise and assembling with them freely in open dialogue without fear, intimidation or violence,” Meeks said. “Congresswoman Gifford was doing what she loves best – talking with and earnestly listening to her constituents’ concerns.” Meeks said there will be new measures of security at local offices to protect staff and constituents, who may come to the office or to meetings, but he will continue to be just as accessible to his constituents and he has been. “I love this district and I love meeting with constituents,” he said. U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (DAstoria), who has often met with constituents outside her Astoria office, called the shooting “tragic” and reiterated the need for non-violent debate. “The fundamental wisdom that has long distinguished our nation and has led her to greatness resides in our unwavering commitment to settle our differences with ballots, not bullets,” she said. Officials said the preliminary investigations have not shown that the gunman, Jared Loughner, was acting on political motivation. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

The City Council and Mayor Mike Bloomberg reached a deal late last week to delay the parking meter rate hikes in the outer boroughs and Manhattan north of 86th Street until at least July. “We said ‘no” and we won,” said Councilman James Vacca (D-Bronx), chairman of the Transportation Committee. Council members from the outer boroughs sought to fight off the planned increase, which would have hiked the cost of a parking meter from 25 cents every 20 minutes to 25 cents for 15 minutes. Local civic groups and business improvement districts worried the parking meter rate increase would keep people away from their commercial strips like Bell Boulevard, Myrtle Avenue, Jamaica Avenue, Austin Street, and 37th Avenue. The DOT estimated that raising the rates citywide would

bring in an extra $2.5 million in revenue for the cash-strapped city budget. The rates will still go up for meters in Manhattan south of 86th Street, from $2 per hour to $3. Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) praised the deal. “These types of fiscal gimmicks are short-sighted and do little to address the city’s budget woes in the long run,” he said. Vacca is joining with Councilwoman Diana Reyna (D-Ridgewood) to introduce legislation that would bar the City from raising parking meter rates by more than 25 percent over a five-year period without special approval from the City Council. They plan to introduce the bill next month. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

are in danger," he said, adding that the explosion of violence results not only in a loss of life, but the thinning out of neighborhoods as people seek safer communities. Liz Bishop-Goldsmith, Mothers Against Guns founder, called the up-tick in violence a national epidemic. She urged elected officials to enact "common sense federal legislation that applies to all." "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired," she said. "Prevention is the key." Andrea McGowan, whose son was killed in Oct. 2010, also urged stronger legislation. She believes that if tougher gun laws

Peer Groups Unfair Contrast: Dromm BY JESSICA ABLAMSKY

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

Schools citywide live and die by a tool few outside the Dept. of Education understand. Some local elected officials charge the agency with manipulating progress report data to force large high schools to close, while also robbing students of a chance at a good education. "I think that 65 percent of the progress report is based on the test scores," said Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights). "These scores are used to prove what they want it to prove." Issued by the DOE once a year, progress reports assign a letter grade to each public school in the City. For schools like Jamaica High School, the D it received on the 2009-10 report may have sealed its fate for closure. For teachers and principals, making the grade can pay off financially in the form of bonuses. It is totally unfair to compare a school like Jamaica to the DOE's new small schools, said Dromm, a former classroom teacher with 25 years of experience under his belt. "There were no music classes at Jamaica High School," he said of his recent visit to the school. "The class size was 34. There was a lack of computers." A schools' grade is based on an assessment of the school environment, student performance and student progress. While school environment makes up 15

Side, where families may be more financially stable. To identify schools with similar populations, the DOE uses four criteria: the average ELA and Math before students entered high school; the percent of special education students; the percent of self-contained special education students; and the percent of students who enter high school two or more years over age. The criteria used by the DOE "appear to be very Jamaica High School, which faces possible closure based in reasonable ways to find part on low progress report grades. schools that we would expect to perform similarly," percent of the grade, student performance said Eric Hanushek, an education profesaccounts for 25 percent and student sor at Stanford University. "This methodology permits both the district and parprogress 60 percent. Fundamental to the progress report are ents to dig deeper if any school is falling peer groups. To determine whether a noticeably behind." While he does not recommend taking school is effective, the progress report compares it to a group of schools that small differences too seriously, large difhave similar student populations - called ferences require an explanation, one of which comes in the form of a complaint peer schools. "The schools are judged against 40 simi- commonly lobbed at the DOE: large lar schools," said DOE spokesman Matt schools are being starved of resources. Among Jamaica's peers are the CulMittenthal. "They are fundamental to how schools are graded in the progress reports." tural Academy for the Arts and Sciences, Without peer groups, a school in the which last year had fewer than 150 stuSouth Bronx would be judged solely by test dents and offers an extended day and a scores against a school in the Upper West weekend program; the School for Democ-

As We Salute the Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Let Us All... Together... Strive to Make That DREAM Come True

racy and Leadership with 300 students, whose program highlights include advisory, college prep and internships; and the Expeditionary Learning School for Community Leaders with 161 students, which offers small student-teacher advisory classes, internships and a youth-led urban agricultural program. A lot of peer schools seem to be "pulled out of a hat," said Councilman Marc Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens). All but one of Jamaica's peers were located in Brooklyn, The Bronx or Manhattan. "Kids only get one chance at an education," Dromm said. "When they starve the school, they starve the students. And that is not fair." Education is more complicated than A, B, C, D or F, said UFT Queens High School District Representative James Vasquez. "Since they have such a dislike of large schools, they have now found a calculated way to declare a school failing," he said. Dromm and Weprin agree that learning is more than filling in little bubbles with a No. 2 pencil. "The Math and ELA aren't a proper way to show that students are learning," Weprin said. "A good teacher is not the teacher who can get her kids to give the right answer on a standardized test." Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124.


Gregory Meeks 6th District

Paid for by Friends for Congressman Gregory Meeks

Disgraced Politician Dies In Federal Prison nity. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife and his children. “ Former State Assemblyman Anthony In 2009, a federal indictment was Seminerio, who represented Southwest handed down on charges of fraud, after he Queens for more than 30 years before was accused of using a fake consulting resigning in disgrace in 2009, died Jan. 6 agency to collect payments on actions he in a North Carolina prison took as an Assemblyman beat the age of 75. tween 1999 and 2008. AcSeminerio, a Democrat, cording to the charges, was elected in 1978 to repSeminerio solicited and reresent a Richmond Hillceived payments to a conbased district in the State sulting firm he set up called Assembly. His 133-vote vicMarc Consultants from pertory assured him the seat for sons and organizations that the next 31 years. had business with the state In later years, he often for nearly a decade beginning endorsed Republican candiin 1999, and sometimes dates like Rudy Giuliani for threatened anyone who reMayor, George Pataki for fused to pay to the firm. ProsGovernor, and Rick Lazio ecutors discovered that and Al D’Amato for U.S. Disgraced Assemblyman Seminerio did not perform Senate. During his time in Anthony Seminerio died in “any bona fide consulting serthe Assembly, he repre- prison last week. vices that fall outside the sented Glendale, Ozone scope of activities an elected Park, Richmond Hill, Ridgewood and official could readily be expected to perWoodhaven. He last faced a Republican form on behalf of his or her constituents.� opponent in 2000 and often got the nomiInstead, he used his elected office to nations of both the Democratic and Repub- lobby state legislators and state agencies lican parties in his reelection campaigns. on behalf of his paying clients and occa“For over 30 years Anthony Seminerio sionally against people and organizations, represented the 38th Assembly District including some of his own constituents, with passion and dedication,� said Assem- who refused to pay his firm a fee. According to specific charges, blyman Mike Miller (D-Woodhaven), who succeeded Seminerio in the Assembly. Seminerio approached the founder of a “We should remember all of the good Queens-based consulting firm in 1999 for things that he has done for the commu- whom he once worked and demanded a BY DOMENICK RAFTER

share of the company’s revenue. When the founder refused, Seminerio sought to dissuade their clients from doing business with them and instead hire Marc Consultants. That same year, Seminerio also pressured Robert Richards, the President of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, to pay fees to Marc Consultants and threatened to work against vital state funding to the Chamber of Commerce in the state legislature if they didn’t pay consulting fees. In January 2000, Richards agreed

and paid a monthly fee to Seminerio’s firm for approximately two years. Seminerio had attempted to claim his actions were approved in 1996 and thereafter by the New York Legislative Ethics Committee, but the court rejected the assertion. In February 2010, a federal judge sentenced Seminerio to six years in jail and a $1 million fine. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Contractor Nabs Electricity BY DOMENICK RAFTER Tutor-Perini, the general contractor on the Resorts World casino at Aqueduct Racetrack, will award a series of bids to nine local subcontractors totaling more than $32 billion and employing more than 400 people, according to Resorts World. “From the beginning, Resorts World New York has made it clear that hiring locally is a top priority for us,� said Michael Speller, president of Resorts World New York. “The awarding of bid packages to these nine subcontractors speaks to our unwavering commitment to creating jobs in the community and putting local residents back to work. “ One of the subcontractors is Five Star Electric Corp., based in Ozone Park, which has been awarded a bid to handle electri-

cal needs. Five Star’s headquarters is located less than a half a mile from Aqueduct. “We are very excited to see this project get under way,� said Gary Segal, president of Five Star. “Given the economic hardships that the people of Queens, as well as all of New York, are facing, it is encouraging to see this fast-tracked project that is giving so many people the opportunity to work and provide for their families. There is no doubt that the construction of Resorts World New York will help 2011 start out in a positive direction.� Speller said more bid announcements will be made in the coming weeks, as well as further job opening announcements. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

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Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5


Contact the Program for Autoimmune Disease and Clinical Research, part of North Shore-LIJ Health System’s The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, for state-of-the-art treatment along with opportunities to participate in clinical research trials of new therapies and studies to increase our understanding of these conditions.

Editorial OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email news@queenspress.com The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

In Our Opinion: Arnold Thibou Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie

No Backing Down The horrifying attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and the tragic loss of life associated with the shooting, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges of having an open government. We expect our Congress members to be accessible, to meet with us, to be in their offices, to be on the street and even in our homes. They represent us, and we confer upon them the respect they deserve as our representatives to our Congress. The fact that they do not hide behind a wall of security, but stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us is part of what makes our system great; they are our peers. Even though sometimes we may disagree with their ideals, their morals, their thinking or their actions, we respect their title, their function and their position. The shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is a warning to us all about the frailty of our system, but it also serves as a proud reminder to see her colleagues stand up and say they will continue on as they have, not hiding, not scared and not distancing themselves from those they represent.

Production Manager:


Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Joseph Orovic Domenick Rafter Jessica Ablamsky Editorial Intern: Angy Altamirano Jason Banrey Terry Chao Art Dept:

Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director Alan J. Goldsher Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2011 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Calm Down To The Editor: I’ve heard, read and experienced the pains, agonies and disappointments of the snowstorm and its incapacitating effects. The plows weren’t fast enough, the city didn’t respond adequately… But why are we all in such a rush? The blanket of white provided a welcome respite from the fast-paced grind and pressing de-

mands of our every day lives. I appreciated and stopped to enjoy the padding beauty of the snow. It was an acceptable reason not to report to work. It was extra time with my 2-year-old son. It was a chance to assist neighbors with shoveling, sharing basic staples and bonding over a common condition. I never felt exasperated or trapped. I knew the conditions would quickly pass and the snow would subside as it has. I recog-

Letters nize that basic services must continue as needed. However, I question the overzealous aggression of those lambasting our own City and not simply stopping to enjoy an uncommon and beautiful moment of tranquility. Brian McCaffrey, Glen Oaks

Great Issue To The Editor: Thanks to the PRESS aspiring city planners in Chicago now know who Carlisle Towery is and what he’s accomplished. As an alumnus panelist at a career planning event Jan. 8 for students at the University of Chicago, I passed around the Dec. 30 Person of the Year issue – which I received in the mail just a day before – to a group of sophomores and juniors curious about careers in city planning or economic development. “This could be you in 30 years,” was my message. When I was growing up in Kew Gardens in the 1950s, Jamaica was our downtown. I am delighted to see the neighborhood coming back again, thanks in part to what Mr. Towery has done. As I imagine you already know, the PRESS’ influence extends far beyond the borders of Queens. Thanks for an exceptionally valuable issue and for such timely

delivery. I’ll be hanging onto the issue for possible future use. John L. Gann, Jr. President, Gann Associates

Freedom In Jeopardy To The Editor: It is truly a most sad day in Tucson, Ariz. and for the country after the shootings yesterday. Many lives were lost and many injured, which included U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This horrific carnage by the accused demented perpetrator, Jared Lee Loughner, is sadly indicative of the fact that the psychologically unbalanced can still possess a gun. The other day Giffords recited in the House part of the U.S. Constitution which was the First Amendment and read in part, “Or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the rights of the people to peaceably assemble” Now these people were shot for doing just that. Our political leaders need to meet in such forums with the people without fear of being attacked or killed for their beliefs. Our democracy is truly in jeopardy because of these blatant acts of violence. My prayers as well as others go out to the victims and their families in these most troubling of times. Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Glen Oaks

Honor MLK: Pull Up Those Pants

A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE

“Nothing in this whole world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. It seems we first celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday as a federal holiday only yesterday; but this year actually marks the 25th anniversary of the hardwon holiday signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. It would take three more years for us to get the King Holiday as a day off from work to honor the man who led the Civil Rights Movement with aplomb and grace under pressure. It is an important day in the lives of African Americans and all those who value justice and equality. The day is a time for reflection in church and civic gatherings across the nation. For many, it is a time of thanksgiving for the life of a man whose courageous leadership of a movement that changed the course of millions of lives then, now and forever in this country. Like Jesus, King was willing to

“lay down his life for his friends.” It was the ultimate sacrifice and we are perpetually grateful for his, and all the lives dedicated to that change – black and white, Jew and gentile, young and old, rich and poor, exalted and humble. Those sacrifices made it possible for countless people to have access to education, career opportunities, participation in the electoral process and leadership in the halls of government. Barack Obama is president because Dr. King, his lieutenants and countless supporters worked for it even before this president was born. I say all of this to say this to our young black men: pull up your pants and watch your language! And to our young black women: don’t hang out with guys whose pants are falling off; and don’t join in their blue conversations! Earlier this week, I was on the E Train coming back from Manhattan when three young people boarded the car in which I was traveling. They were standing across from me, discussing some insignificance or another. I couldn’t really hear what they were discussing because of the Fbombs dropping from their

mouths. I was also distracted by the pants hanging off the guys’ posteriors, not to mention the fact that the third person in the trio was a young woman participating in the discussion with equal disrespect for self and fellow-passengers alike. These young people in their late teens or early 20s did not have one among them to redeem the other two. I don’t know where they were going on that day, but the impression one gets from their attitude is that they are going nowhere fast. Now I could be wrong. They could well be college students who are, if you’ll pardon the pun, just letting it all hang out, while using language stereotypically associated with sailors. One of the most memorable things about Dr. King was the eloquence with which he spoke. Almost 43 years after his assassination, his words and the elegance with which he uttered them still echo in our ears, hearts and minds. He is one of the most quoted of 20th century figures; and will continue to be throughout the 21st century and well beyond. His message transformed a nation, freed a people and influ-

enced a world in turmoil. And yet, many of his ethnic descendants cannot pull up their pants and conduct themselves appropriately in public. It’s a shame of enormous magnitude. Dr. King’s example deserves better respect in the form of more emulation. Too many of our young people just don’t get it. They seem clueless that their freedom was bought with the blood of not just Dr. King, but the blood of three innocent girls in a Birmingham church; a 14 year-old boy named Emmett Till and three guys surnamed Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman – the latter two from our own New York City were in Mississippi to help register voters. There were many others sacrificed in the name of civil and human rights during that tumultuous time, but you get the point. So yes, pull up your pants and get a clue, guys. To borrow loosely from now-Senator Al Franken’s “Saturday Night Live” character Stuart Smalley, you’re better than that. You’re smarter than that; and doggone it, people want to like you. Thank you, Dr. King, for your extraordinary example.

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

100th Precinct Missing Man The NYPD is seeking the public's assistance in locating a missing man from Rockaway. On Friday, Jan. 7, at approximately 2:40 p.m., Benedicto Espino, 69, of 140 Beach 114th St., Rockaway Park, was last seen leaving the Wyckoff Medical Center located at 374 Stockholm St. in Brooklyn. Espino is described as 5-foot-6, 140 lbs., with brown eyes and gray hair. He was last seen wearing a black shirt, gray

sweatpants and white slippers. Anyone with information in regards to this missing person is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

105th Precinct Killed In Crash On Monday Jan. 10, at approximately 1:05 a.m., police responded to a one-car accident on the Belt Parkway near Springfield Boulevard. Upon arrival the officers found a green 1991 Acura that had veered off the roadway and struck a tree. EMS also responded and pronounced the victim, Andre Stephenson, 31, of Rockville Center, dead at the scene. No criminality was suspected and the accident investigation was continuing.

112th Precinct Police are searching for Benedicto Espino of Rockaway Park who went missing last week from a hospital in Brooklyn.

Motorcycle Mishap On Monday Jan. 10, at approximately 1:01 a.m., po-

lice responded to an accident on the Long Island Expressway. Upon arrival, responding officers found a motorcyclist, Dwan Gonzales, 44, of 110-02 153 St. Apt. 2R, Jamaica, unconscious and unresponsive at the scene. EMS also responded and pronounced him dead at the scene. Further investigation revealed the motorcycle, a 2002 Harley Davidson, was traveling eastbound on the Long Island Expressway and was struck from behind by a white Mercedes Benz that fled the scene. The Mercedes Benz was found a short time later by officers nearby and the driver, Shamel Campbell, 26, of 120 Maryland Ave., Freeport, NY, was taken into custody and charged with being an aggravated unlicensed operator, DWI, and leaving the scene of an accident. HANGED: On Monday, Jan. 10, at about 2:45 p.m. a woman in her 20s was found hanging from a noose tied to a water pipe in the 71st/Continental Avenue subway station in Forest Hills. EMS pronounced the woman dead at the scene. An investigation was ongoing.

114th Precinct Fire Death On Wednesday, Jan. 5, at approximately 11:59 a.m., police responded to a report of a residential fire at 14-11 31st

Rd. in Astoria. Upon arrival, George Samaritis, 66, who lived at the location, was discovered inside the home unconscious and unresponsive. EMS also responded and transported Samaritis to Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. A 23-year-old white woman who sustained a sprained ankle, and a 30-year-old white male who sustained a minor burn to his face, also were transported to Mount Sinai in stable condition. No criminality was suspected at this time. The investigation was ongoing.

115th Precinct Sitter Kills Baby On Wednesday Dec. 29, at approximately 1:30 p.m., police responded to a call of an unconscious baby inside of 10452 39th Ave. in Corona. Upon arrival, responding officers found Addison Reinoso-Xoyatla, 3 months old, of 10832 42nd Ave., 3rd floor in Corona, unconscious and unresponsive. EMS also responded to the scene and transported the baby to Elmhurst Hospital where on Wednesday, Jan. 5, she was pronounced dead. On Friday, Jan. 7, the death was ruled a homicide and Ana DeLarosa, 26, of 104-52 39th Ave, 3rd floor, Corona was arrested and charged with second-degree murder and endangering the welfare of a child,

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Guns Are Welcome In Whose America?

By MICHAEL SCHENKLER over the seats of the 20 Congress members I don’t blame Sarah Palin. the wanted taken out – including Giffords. It’s Saturday, Jan. 8th – my birthThe graphic map was quickly taken down day – and I’ve been on Facebook trying shortly after the shooting. to keep up with many more friends than While Palin has never advocated vioI really have who are sending me greetlence, the gun-toting right winger used colings and stuff. The FB trend on my feed orful language when speaking of aiming to all of a sudden changes and the shootremove the 20 members who won seats once ing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords held by her party. (Democrat, Arizona’s 8th District), beNothing should be thought of her use gins to flood my page – with comments of the words “reload,” “targeted districts,” or and links about the tragic incident. “crosshairs” aiming at the selected seats. I quickly find out she is married to Astronaut Mark Kelly; No, Sarah Palin is not responsible. was elected in 2006; she was shot in the head at a superShe, like I, love the richness of language. market event; a young white man, Jared Loughner is being Palin, a believer in the need of Americans to bear arms, held as the shooting suspect; first repor ts were that she show them, wave them, use them and advocate people to was deceased, but soon the news feed talks of surgery; more arm, chooses to use metaphors of hunting, shooting and than a dozen people shot – including a staffer; several are killing. That is her choioce. dead including a child and a Federal judge. Why would anyone imagine words of violence by a I start searching the web and watching TV news to try national figure might incite acts of violence on the party of to distinguish hard news from blog and social media unreli- a fringe element of society? able info – I’ve writ ten Nope; can’t happen. “Sarah Palin has crosshairs on our district; about this before. Well, the story is still But the undercur- people have to realize there are consequences to be told. We hope that rent of the web static is to that.” - Rep Gabrielle Giffords. “Gabby,” the nickname the Repre sentat ive by which Congre ssGiffords was one of 20 members of Congress on a so-called woman Giffords is known, has a speedy and full recovery. hit list of Congressmembers whose seats were being tarWe hope that this tragic event teaches some good to geted by everyone’s favorite former governor of Alaska, someone. Sarah Palin. And Palin’s PAC (Political Action Committee) I just can’t figure out things like this. had por trayed the targeting on their Facebook page by But I don’t blame Sarah Palin. putting rifle sight cross hairs on a map of the United States, MSchenkler@QueensPress.com

The map targeting Rep. Gabby Giffords and 19 other members of Congress with crosshair rifle targets which was taken down from the Palin PAC page.

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

Cuomo: Fiscal Disaster Ahead Without Sharp Reductions By HENRY STERN The new Governor Cuomo delivered his first State of the State message. I found the speech credible and constructive. Cuomo seems to be making a conscious effort to get along with the legislature. At the same time, he outlined spending reductions, ethics reforms, independent redistricting and other proposals which have been anathema to the Senate and Assembly in years past. Polit ics require s a certain level of optimism, and with a new goverHenry nor, there is more reason for hope than there has been for many years. The wrenching disappointments of the Spitzer and Paterson administrations are now behind us, the ever-mounting budget deficit is before us. The substance of the message showed clearly the Governor’s awareness of fiscal reality and his w i l lingne ss to make hard choice s. Of cour se, he didn’t get around to specifying those choices precisely; that will presumably come in the budget message next month. What seems clear, today, is that Andrew Cuomo is conscious of how his policy decisions will be perceived not just by New Yorkers, but by people across the nation as well, the potential greater constituency. It was said that in the French Army, every corporal has a field marshal’s baton in his cap. So it is that every governor of New York State dreams of the White

House. So far three have made it, Martin van Buren (1837-41) and the t wo Roose velt s, T heo dore (1901-09) and Franklin (1933-45). Among those who tried and failed in the 20th century are Charles Evans Hughes (1916), Alfred E. Smith (1928), Thomas E. Dewey (1944, 48) and Nelson A. Rockefeller (1960, 64 and 68). George Pataki tested the waters in 2008 and found them frigid, as ever yone knew. Perhaps t he most dramatic non-candidacy occurred on Dec. 21, 1991, when Governor Stern Mario Cuomo, whose staff had chartered two planes to fly him and t he press cor ps to Concord, New Hampshire - where he would have paid a $1000 filing fee and announced his candidacy in the Democratic Presidential primary in front of the State House unexpectedly left the aircraft waiting on the tarmac when he decided not to take flight. That afternoon, Cuomo announced his decision in the New York State Capitol. He said that the Republicans, who then controlled the State Senate, had made it impossible for him to run “for their own purposes.” It was 19 years ago that budget problems obstructed Mario Cuomo’s president ial campaign, and those difficulties have only grown in the years that followed. Although there have been years of unheeded warnings that the days of reckoning were at hand, the national recession of the past two years and the continuing spiral in

health and pension benefits have brought a number of state governments to the brink of insolvency. Some cities and counties have been through bankruptcy, but no state has yet defaulted on its sovereign debt. No government wants to be the first to blow, so fiscal reality has been widely concealed by bookkeeping devices loosely described as Enronian. The budget problems t hat Ne w York State faced in 1992 are dwarfed by the $10 billion deficit the state must deal w ith today. However, New York is not the worst. The California state budget deficit is expected to be $19 billion in the next fiscal year. There is a problem in the governor’s plan to enlist groups of stakeholders to recommend policy changes and service reduct ion. Many of these stakeholders have directly conflicting interests, and it is hard to foresee what they might agree on to suggest to the governor. Cuomo evoked the Berger Commission, ably chaired by Stephen Berger, which recommended hospital closings in 2006. There is enormous local resistance to closing hospitals, or any other state facilitie s. Whether they are medically needed or not, they are job providers, like the upstate prisons and juvies (juvenile detention facilities) which Cuomo specifically targeted in his remarks. We think the Governor jumped the first hurdle nicely, with spirit and good humor, showing his desire to bring people together, which is urgently needed. The next test will be his executive budget,

which is due on Feb. 1, twentysix days from today. The deadline for adopting the budget is April l, but that date is rarely met, and no one seriously expects a $10 billion gap to be closed in two months. We enjoyed the spirit and verve of Andrew Cuomo’s speech: the young lancer laying out the problem and part of his plan (if there be a plan); the Albany veterans, expressing verbal support and encouragement, the infighting necessarily left for another day and a place outside public view. Nonetheless, Cuomo made real progress, speaking bravely about the fiscal chasm. For a Democratic governor, it was an astounding admission of

reality. There were no impractical schemes to tax rich people who, by pressing a but ton, can move their industries and their income outside the state. A great deal will depend on who is chosen to staff the new State Depar tment of Fina ncial Regulation, but it will give Governor Cuomo a piece of the action in a field otherwise likely to be dominated by the new Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, a man who is as ambitious and as enterprising as his two immediate predecessors, the Governors Spitzer and Cuomo. Let the games begin. StarQuest@NYCivic.org

Not 4 Publication.com by Dom Nunziato

Borough Beat

RKO Plan Favors Rentals Over Sales


The new $160 million vision for the RKO Keith’s theatre has finally come into view with the revelation of developer Patrick Thompson’s plans for the site, as well as its Board of Standards and Appeals request for a minor modification. The 17-story structure will largely remain unchanged in size and presentation from past owner Boymelgreen’s aesthetic plans. It will just house considerably more residents. The BSA application asks for the modification of the maximum number of apartments from 200 to 357, and adds 131 parking spaces, giving it a total of 360. The plan also increases the floor space for commercial spaces to 17,460 from 10,957. The residential units will also change from condominiums to rentals. It will leave intact the community space, in the form of the senior center, moving it up to third floor from the second. The plan was generally met with open arms by local elected officials. “The RKO Keith’s site has been an eyesore for too long, and I am glad someone has bought it who has promised to rehabilitate it,” said Sen. Toby Stavisky (D-Flushing). “Northern Boulevard is the gateway to Flushing, and I don’t want

The curtain-like glass facade of the renovated structure. visitors to be greeted by a derelict abandoned movie theater.” The modification must navigate the typical approval process, with a presentation before Community Board 7, which will then offer recommendations. The modification will go before the borough president before finally winding its way back to the BSA in early spring. “It is my hope that through a process of community input and governmental negotiations, that renovation can begin to

improve its current abhorrent condition,” said Councilman Peter Koo (R-Flushing). The change in the number of units reflects a reaction to the fluctuating real estate market. Whereas 200 larger condo units would have been marketable when Boymelgreen originally acquired the building in 2002, economic forces have forced a scaling back of the size of units. The decision to go rental, on the other hand, can be attributed to the difficulty being experienced by the RKO’s

neighbors. “A lot of the condo projects in the Flushing market and Queens market are having a hard time,” Thompson said. The design of the building itself remains largely unchanged from Boymelgreen’s original look. The structure, at the northern end of Main Street, will have a glass curtain-style lower façade, with a wavy entrance designed to present the historic lobby of the former theater. The lobby itself, a landmarked and oft-

romanticized portal into the theater’s heyday, will be fully restored to its previous state, according to architect Jay Valgora of Manhattan-based Studio V Architecure. “The new building will be very contemporary, and work with and contrast the lobby,” he said. “The goal is to recreate the theatrical character of the theater. The lobby will be on stage at the end of Main Street.” Thompson feels the layout, design and location of the building will suit the market and attract renters. The project is his first foray outside of Manhattan, and he has learned the distinct differences between the boroughs. “The project is more local to Flushing,” he said. “Manhattan is a very dense housing market.” Oh, and the view is nicer than anything you can find in that other borough. “It’s a wonderful sightline with views I can’t replicate in Manhattan,” he said. Thompson hopes that after navigating the approval process, shovels will hit dirt sometime this year and will become a signature building to the community decades after its completion. “It’s going to be a landmark building,” he said. “It’s going to solidify the northern end of Main Street.” Reach Reporter Joseph Orovic at jorovic@queenstribune.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Haiti: A Year Later

They Live Lives On Unstable Ground have to carry your weight. In a situation like Gladys', she's not able to financially pitch in so basically, she's frowned upon." Despite an unsteady new life in Queens, Niclas explained that it's just as hard for the children. "My kids are very traumatized because they said if they go back, they will be dead," she said. Allende Jr., 6, who now attends PS 95, was traumatized, according to MadooDevine. "Her son really did not speak very much initially," Madoo-Devine said. "And we understood that because of the trauma he had experienced. Within a couple of weeks, he was speaking, he was drawing; he was showing me pictures. He was drawing for me what happened to him in the quake. So he was communicating on a whole different level."

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011


On a chilly morning, a bundled up Gladys Niclas waits for her 4year-old daughter, Alourdes, near an overpass bridge on Guy R. Brewer Boulevard in Jamaica. Niclas, a recent refugee from Haiti, asked her friend to pick up her daughter from the South Jamaica Center for Children since she knew would not be on time. She's cautious by waiting at the entrance of the overpass since she is frightened to walk under a bridge, in fear of it collapsing. "Every time I think about [the earthquake], I'm scared that I will get stuck somewhere like here," Niclas said. "I feel like it will just collapse and I will be stuck." Niclas' recent bout of claustrophobia also leads her to take buses instead of trains. Her thought process is interrupted as soon as she hears Alourdes' voice echo through the underpass. She comes running to her mom. As they make their way to the Presentation Roman Catholic Church past the busy shopping area of Jamaica Avenue, Alourdes The devastation of the Niclas home in Haiti points out the items she would like, keeps the family hoping for the ability to stay in but Niclas knows she cannot af- the United States. ford. Arriving at the church 10 minutes later, Niclas tries to sit quietly in the outside. I tried to pull my foot but it back pews to pray for an optimistic and was stuck. Once I pulled it, I was able promising future. Although she's Baptist, to go outside but my husband and kids she finds the church to be a comforting were still stuck inside. I told him, 'I'm not going to leave you! You have to do place. "I come here to pray because God is something.'" everywhere," she said. "You need to Finally, a police officer came and was able to pull everyone out of the pray." It's a typical routine that she goes rubble. Niclas, her two kids and her husthrough every day. But life in Queens over band walked to the hospital on their the past year has been anything but typi- own. cal for Niclas and her children. They barely slept that night due to several aftershocks and fear of a tsunami. Unforgettable but "It was very dark. It was a bad day," Real Nightmare she explained through tears. "I saw a kid Life changed drastically on Jan. 12, with his head broken in two. His dad tried 2010, when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake to fix the head. You couldn't have. There destroyed infrastructure and killed nearly were too many, too many people hurt. 100,000 people in Haiti. The devasta- There was a lady crying because she lost tion still troubles many Haitian immiher four children. It was very sad. And I grants like Niclas. She was one of the 3 said [to myself], thanks God because I million people affected that day. The 37am alive with my two children and my year-old mother of two was inside her husband." home in Port-au-Prince when she noticed the sea had turned gray. Something did A Renewed Life with not seem right. Niclas alerted her family Uncertainty and Conflicts to the troubling discovery, but no one listened. On Jan. 28, 2010, Niclas and her kids, Her husband, Allende Sr., came home Allende Jr. and Alourdes, arrived in the early from his night shift and was helping U.S. on a tourist visa and moved in with his son with his homework. But Niclas her husband's relatives in Jamaica. She continued to look out the window until left behind her husband, Allende Sr., bethe house started violently shaking, as if cause he refuses to live in New York someone "pushed the earth" below their where wouldn't legally be able to work. feet. Niclas said it's hard to raise her children Niclas' husband quickly grabbed their on her own, while also struggling to stay son while she went looking for Alourdes. with family who is forcing her to move In the process, the ceiling collapsed and out. a big block fell on her right foot. "When you live with someone [else], "After we were stuck in the house, they tell you where to go, what to touch we pray to God to save us," Niclas said. and what not to touch. I don't like that," "My kids said that too. Then after [the Niclas said. ground] stopped shaking, we tried to go She added, "I just want to live in my

Support From Familiar Strangers

own house because when you have kids, they break everything," she said. "So sometimes you get in trouble with the person where we live. I want to have my own place but because of money, and work, I don't work, I cannot have my own place." Over the past few months, Niclas' tedious search for a cheap apartment failed because she cannot afford the monthly rent. Lystra Madoo-Devine, director of the Haitian support group at Catholic Charities in Jamaica, understands Niclas' frustration with her living arrangements. "There is tension [between the family] - tremendous tension because 10 months of living there and more mouths to feed and rambunctious and active children will lend one to say eventually, 'you have to move,'" she said. "Gladys is faced with 'Do I stay here with a not so pleasant situation with relatives or do I go back to Haiti where I don't have a home anymore and I won't have the quality of life I had before?'" Madoo-Devine added, "Knowing what I know about Haitian culture, if you're not pitching in, then you're resented. You

Niclas and her children are part of a support group that meets twice a month to discuss any issues they may have. The Haitian support group has played a critical role in her life since the migration. "When you're here, they make you laugh. Even if you are stressed, when you come here, you forget about the stress," she said. "It's like you put the stress outside and come here to enjoy yourself. When you go back out, you take the stress back." Madoo-Devine saw a lot of motivation and will power in Niclas when they first met in February. "I saw a mom who really wanted to succeed and to have the best for her children; a mom who is very protective of her children," Madoo-Devine said.

The Uncertain Future Almost one year after she arrived in the U.S., Niclas does not know how she'll continue to survive because the family's tourist visa will expire Jan. 24. She was denied temporary protective status, like many other Haitian refugees, because she was not here before the earthquake. Her hope is that the American government will protect those who arrived after the earthquake. "We cannot go back to Haiti," she said. "We lost ever ything. If we go back, what can we do there? And now there is a disease that's killing people. [The government should] give us papers to work because we cannot stay like this."

This Old Bridge Photos by Walter Karling


Back With Black

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Stavisky & FDR Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky and two leaders of the United Federation of Teachers, District 25 Representative Joseph Kessler and Queens Borough Representative Rona Freiser, spoke at the December meeting of the FDR Democratic Association. Pictured l. to r.: Stavisky, Kessler, Freiser, FDR Democratic Assn. President Judith Abbot.

Assembly In Israel

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

New and returning Assembly Members Aravella Simotas, Grace Meng, Mike Den Dekker, Sheldon Silver, Jeff Aubry and Ed Braunstein enjoy a trip to Israel in December organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council.

Council Member Eric Ulrich joined new Schools Chancellor Cathie Black on Monday for a tour of John Adams High School in Ozone Park. Along with Principal Grace Zwillenberg (l.) and other school officials, the Chancellor and Councilman visited various classrooms and learning communities including the College Summit Program, English as a Second Language and the school's Virtual Enterprise Program.

The sign on the Queensborough Bridge has been in place for a mighty long time. If it is renamed for former Mayor Ed Koch, who gets the bronze relic?

Children Christmas Show

Sponsored by Youths International, a Childen's Christmas Show was held Sunday, Dec. 19, at Saint Paul's Parish Hall Corona. About 200 kids and their families celebrated with singing carols and receiving holiday gifts.

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Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

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Moving Image's Glorious Reopening BY DOMENICK RAFTER Covered in a coat of fresh white paint, matching the freshly fallen snow, the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria will reopen its doors to the public on Saturday with twice the space, new state-ofthe-art theaters and more exhibitions. The museum, located at 35th Avenue and 37th Street across the street from Kaufman Astoria Studios and the Frank Sinatra High School for the Arts, just completed a three-year $67 million renovation that nearly doubled the size of the space. "The word of the day is 'more,'" said Carl Goodwin, director-designate of the museum. "More space, more programs, more exhibitions." The museum's original façade remains, but its extension is made up of hundreds of blue triangle panels that permit the museum to blend into the blue sky. For architect Thomas Leeser, being inside the museum was like "walking in renderings." "The ideas have become reality," he said. "I don't have to explain anymore.

The structure speaks for itself." Rochelle Slovin, the museum's director and founder, called the new space a "great launching pad for all of [the museum]'s programs." The building's main entrance on 35th Avenue is decorated with large letters spelling out the museum's name. Inside the lobby, a wall of video, nearly half the length of the building itself, greets visitors. The museum has expanded its "Behind the Scenes" collection, giving its visitors two f loors of more than 1,400 visual mementos like movie props, historic film equipment, movie and TV show memorabilia and even classic arcade and video games. The collection on display is only a small part of the museum's more than 100,000-item collection, which will allow items to be replaced by others in the collection, constantly changing what visitors will see. On the museum's third f loor, a new exhibition called Real Virtuality presents boundary-crossing experiments in realtime and art dimensions with unique

Restaurant Review

A Whitestone Classic

THE CLINTON RESTAURANT 9-17 Clintonville St., Whitestone (718) 746-4800 CUISINE: Italian HOURS: Sun & Mon noon to 10 pm; TueThu noon to 11 pm; Fri & Sat noon to midnight PARKING: Street CREDIT CARDS: All Major

works of art, some commissioned by the museum. When visitors ascend the stairs into the exhibition, they are greeted by Augmented Sculpture, a work by Spanish artist Pabla Valbuena, that projects light in different forms onto a three-dimensional object that could almost resemble a model of a Manhattan skyscraper. On the second f loor, the museum's new Video Screening Amphitheater hosts bench seating that doubles as steps toward the "Behind the Scenes" exhibition. Currently showing in the amphitheater is a piece called "Dolls and Dictators," inspired by the museum's collection of licensed film and television merchandise and created by Queens filmmaker and artist Martha Coburn. In the rear of the museum will be a courtyard, to be completed in the spring, which will serve as more event space, and also the entrance for school groups. Previous to the renovation, the museum served more than 30,000 students both

(clockwise from l.) Pablo Valbuena’s Augmented Sculpture in the “Real Virtuality” exhibit, famous movie masks in the “Behind The Scenes” exhibit, the museum’s new main entrance, a wall of video greets visitors in the lobby, the blue-lit entrance to the main theater, the stage of the main theater.

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

For three generations, the Babich family has been preparing delicious, homemade dishes on the corner of 10th Avenue and Clintonville Street. Since 1939, The Clinton Restaurant has been using fresh ingredients to create some of their traditional favorites as well as unique treats. We had a chance to stop in on a recent Friday night, and were not disappointed. As we perused our menus, our friendly server rattled off some of the specials of the night and co-owner Bobby Babich dropped in to say hello. After a quick chat he worked his way around the welllit space replete with checkered tablecloths, greeting regulars and newcomers alike. Clearly, there is a family atmosphere at The Clinton. People stop in for a drink or just to say hello while others fill the back room for a birthday celebration. Nobody feels left out, and nobody goes hungry. We started our night with a few appetizers to share. The Caesar salad was a classic done well, light on the dressing, heavier on the Parmesan, with a nice lemon tang that gets lost or overwhelmed in some restaurants. Of the three soups we tried, the Lobster Bisque was the clear winner, with its rich sherry zing and velvety smooth texture. The Pasta

Fagioli was rich in beans, pasta and chicken bits, and the Minestrone tasted of fresh vegetables and herbs. The highlight, though, was the Gnocchi in Veal Sauce, a recipe handed down from Babich’s grandmother. The ragout is infused with such a rich, meaty veal flavor – and chunks – that the gnocchi serve their perfect purpose, to be the medium for the mouth-watering sauce. Moving on to our main dishes, we went classic nearly all the way. Eggplant Parmesan is served in a metal baking dish – so soft, so tender – and smothered with a house-made marinara and a slab of mozzarella. The Chicken Florentine, pieces of chicken breast served atop a bed of spinach with mushrooms and that ubiquitous mozzarella, with a thick-cut piece of prosciutto thrown in for good measure, was salty, rich and earthy. And the steak – yup, an inch-thick, no-frills New York Strip – was served straight off a fire grill, with that crisp char on the outside so perfectly paired with the reddish pink interior. Filled, we managed to save room for dessert, which included a lemon sorbet (in the lemon, of course), perfectly layered tiramisu and a carrot cake that is a cream cheese-lover’s dream. Whitestone is known for its historic Italian cuisine. The Clinton is clearly the granddaddy of them all. “The community has helped us out a lot,” said co-owner Ray Babich. “We’re preparing the food the way my father and grandfather did. Everything is fresh; everything is homemade.” Go hungry; bring a friend. Split a couple of dishes. Enjoy! —Brian M. Rafferty

The puppet used for Linda Blair’s character in “The Exorcist.

locally and globally a year, with a waiting list of many more. Now the museum will be able to serve twice that amount. The building has a dedicated entrance for school groups and will include lockers for students and dedicated introduction screening room and media labs that could hold multiple groups at one time. The crown jewel of the new museum is its 267-seat state-of-the-art theater. The theater features stadium seating and will be able to project in any film format; from 16mm to 70mm, and even 3-D digital. The theater also includes a stage for live speeches and an orchestra pit. "[The theater] gives us the opportunity to do so much in this room," Museum Board of Directors Chairman and former NBC CEO Herbert Schlosser said of the new theater. The museum's smaller screening room, which seats 68, will also allow exhibitions for smaller crowds and be able to feature live musical accompaniment. The museum will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $10 for adults, $7.50 for senior citizens and college students, $5 for children between ages 5 and 18, and free for museum members and children under 5. As part of its grand reopening, the museum will feature a flurry of events and exhibitions in January and February. For more information, go to the museum's website at movingimage.us. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400. Ext. 125.


More Kids Help At Grace Episcopal BY SASHA AUSTRIE

Word "The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next." — Helen Keller

was created soon after. On July 15, 1822, a new church was dedicated; 38 years later, in 1860, the church was improved and stain glass windows were added at a cost of $300. On New Year's Day 1861, the church burned

to the ground. On Jan. 8, 1863, Grace Church's current location was consecrated. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123. PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Since his tenure began at Grace Episcopal Church almost four years ago, the Rev. Darryl James' mission was to expand the church's ministry to include children. He first instituted the Bishop Thompson Music and Arts Workshop, which he dubbed a safe haven. "It is a safe place for kids to come during the summer," he said. "There is an emphasis on music."

James was seeking additional programs to involve children in the community. Initially, his plan fell on deaf ears. In recent months the church has forged a partnership with two area schools - High School for Community Leadership and Hillcrest High School. According to James, the principal at Community Leadership "knew exactly what I wanted and I knew what he wanted." The students are tackling administrative duties at the church. Four students working at the church serve as Community Leadership interns, coupled with 25 students from Hillcrest that assist with the church's after-school program, soup kitchen and toy drive. The students are building a Web site for the church's programs and have to hone a mission statement and an objective. "They are learning leadership skills," James said. "It's been a great support." The church, located at 155-15 Jamaica Ave., has a legacy spanning 309 years. The current location is the church's third building. Initially, Grace Church held its services in the county court house, and after worshipping there for six years, patrons decided to build their own church. The new church opened its doors in 1734. Its now-landmarked cemetery

Grace Episcopal Church has expanded its outreach to local students during the tenure of the Rev. Darryl James (c).

Notebook Hillcrest High School

‘Hillcrest Miracle’ Draws A Crowd


As Hillcrest HS prepared for the new academic year, the staff reflected on last

year’s accomplishments. During the past four years, Hillcrest, using a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, redesigned the school into nine small

Photo by Bob Harris

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

MAST Fair:

The faculty and students from the Mathematics, Science Research & Technology HS in the Campus Magnet Complex, Cambria Heights, at the October 2010 Queens High School Fair in Francis Lewis HS. They volunteered to talk to the thousands of middle school students and parents who wanted to learn what the Queens high schools had to offer.

learning communities (SLC’s). The result has been a graduating class of over 700 students, which is one of the largest graduating classes in the history of the school, with a four-year graduating rate of approximately 80 percent, which is 20 percent higher than the city average. More than 95 percent of the 2010 graduates have been accepted into college. Due to the academic results of the SLC’s, visitors come to look at the “Hillcrest Miracle.” They have marveled at what was done to turn a large urban school of over 3,200 students into personalized school involvement that builds college readiness skills to ensure post secondary success. The Saturdays at Hillcrest program, an evening school and summer school, plus an SLC/College Summer Readiness Project, are all available to help the students. The latter is a requirement. Each Assistant Principal and SLC Director wrote about some accomplishments. The social studies department described outside the classroom activities such as participation in the NYS Bar Association’s Mock Trial Competition, a trip to Albany sponsored by the Queens County Bar Association, induction of stu-

dents into the Council for Unity, trips to the U.N. and involvement in the Queens County Youth Court. Relying on new technology, science and health career students and teachers used Power Point presentations in the classroom and several teachers employed an online grade book which allowed both students and parents to keep track of student progress. Several health career students attended the HOSA Spring Competitive Events Conference in Syracuse, where they won a number of the competitions as well as state elective office. Last January, the brand new Helen M. Marshall and James F. Gennaro Library Center was opened and there was a Spring Festival of the Arts. The Senior Academy works closely with upper grade students who are behind academically, using counseling, tutoring, the PM School and an online credit recovery program. Academically weak incoming freshmen and sophomores are placed in the Future Academy where the teachers and students have a common lunch period and all the classrooms are around a common area where students who do not wish to go to lunch can congregate.


Memories Of Haitian Life Remain BY SASHA AUSTRIE On Jan. 12, 2010, shards of Alexandra Cothia's life toppled in the aftermath of an earthquake. As the 7.0 quake shuddered and shifted underground, chaos crippled Haiti. Like many standing amidst the rubble, Cothia found a new beginning. Days after the quake, she boarded a military plane bound for the United States. The transition and immersion into American culture was wearisome. She was ill-prepared for the weather conditions. Images from her broken homeland remained jarring. A year later, she is adjusting and putting her new future into focus in the heart of Laurelton. "I'm enjoying it," she said of her life. "I'm feeling good." In Haiti, Cothia was an attorney. She is now slowly trying to align her American life with some semblance of normalcy. Cothia has acquired a driver's license and has graduated from an intermediate ESL class. She is currently enrolled in an advanced English class. Cothia is also employed as a receptionist at a Brooklyn law firm, which is sponsoring her law school goals, according to her aunt Sylvia Cothia. "We are very proud of her," said Sylvia Cothia. "We are grateful that she has an

Alexandra Cothia has been slowly growing accustomed to life after Haiti's earthquake a year ago.

Alexandra's aunt Sylvia Cothia says her niece is slowly adapting to New York.

opportunity to start over here." Her American future has not diminished her love for Haiti. Though she is slowly assimilating to her new life, there

are haunting reminders of what she left behind. The vibrations from an oncoming train at above ground platform mimics small tremors. The pictures of tent vil-

lages and the latest outbreak of cholera still leads to the visions of despair she still remembers. "She was not prepared for anything like this," Sylvia Cothia said of her niece's circumstance. "She fell into the lap of a bigger world." Though Alexandra Cothia made the long journey to safety, there are still members of the Cothia family in Haiti. Sylvia Cothia said her 4-year-old nephew will be coming to the United States later this year. Sylvia, a nurse, said she will visit the country to lend her medical expertise. "We are continuing to keep Haiti in our memory," Sylvia Cothia said. "We are praying and keeping positive hopes for Haiti." She said the status of the country is saddening. "One year later, Haitians still live in tents, there is a lack of medical equipment, lack of transportation," she said. "There is a lack of basic necessities." She continued that Haiti is no longer a headline. Sylvia Cothia urges the international community to continue its aid and help. "It's not the right thing to do, but it's the humane thing to do," she said. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

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Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

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Queens Today Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

THEATER KILLING KOMPANY Friday, February 4 “Murder by Marriage” at Riccardo’s in Astoria. The Killing Company performs mystery dinner shows. 1-888-SHOOTEM for information.

PARENTS OPEN HOUSES Tuesday, January 18 at 9, Tuesday, Februar y 15 at 6 and Tuesday, March 15 at 9 at the Renaissance Charter School. 803-0060, ext. 106 REPORT CARDS Saturday, January 22 Avoid Report Card Surprise, a parenting workshop from Sylvan Learning Center at the Bayside library at 2:30.


Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

REHEARSALS Saturdays, starting January 15 10am rehearsals at St. John’s Lutheran church in Richmond Hill for their Spring Concert. 516-2496553. EDUCATOR APPRECIATE Saturday, January 15 through Sunday, January 23 pre-K to grade 12 educators will enjoy special discounts at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays through April the Oratorio Society of Queens rehearses at the North Presbyterian Church. 279-3006.

DANCE COUNTRY WESTERN Saturday, January 22 San Antones perform. Saturday, February 12 Mary Lamont performs at the Valentine’s Day Dance. The NY Metropolitan Country Music Association. $12. Glendale Memorial Building, 72-02 Myrtle Avenue at 7:30. 7634328. ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:30-10:00 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 18202 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. LINE DANCING Mondays 6:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $7. Cake and coffee. 565-2259.




BEREAVEMENT New bereavement group forming at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 223 for information. P-FLAG Sundays, January 16, February 20, March 20 PFLAG, a support group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays, meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. AUBURNDALE Tuesdays, Januar y 18, February 15, March 15 the Auburndale Improvement Association meets at St. Kevin’s Church, 45-21 194 th Street. Enter through parking lot. Meet neighbors and a d d re s s c o m m u n i t y c o n cerns. AMERICAN LEGION Tuesdays, Januar y 18, February 1, 15, March 1, 15 Edward McKee Post 131 meets in Whitestone. 7674323. BEREAVEMENT Tu e s d a y, Januar y 18, Wednesday, February 2, Tuesday, Februar y 15 Bereavement Support Group at Holy Family Catholic Church, 175-20 174 th Street, Fresh Meadows t 7:30. 969-2448. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. FLUSHING CAMERA Wednesdays, January 19, February 2, 16, March 2, 16, 30 F l u s h i n g C a m e r a C l u b meets at Flushing Hospital at 7:15. 479-0643. TOASTMASTERS Wednesdays, January 19, February 2, 16, March 2, 16 learn the art of public speaking at the Voices of Rochdale

To a s t m a s t e r s C l u b i n J a maica. 978-0732. KNIGHTS OF PY THIAS Wednesdays, January 19, February 2, 16, March 2, 16 Queensview Lodge 433 meets in Whitestone. 917754-3093. QUEENS CENTRAL ROTARY Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Come learn if Rotary is for you. 465-2914. BEREAVEMENT Thursday, January 20 The Queens Counseling Services of the Foundation of Religion and Mental Health will start a bereavement group at Temple Beth Sholom in Flushing. 461-6393. STRONG WOMEN Thursday, January 20 SelfPampering Part 2: Setting Boundaries with the Strong Women’s Group at 2 at the LIC library. ADOPTION MEETING Thursday, January 20 Spence-Chapin International Adoption Meeting at the Forest Hills library at 6. FRIENDS OF RH Thursday, January 20 Friends of the Library meet at 6:15 at the Richmond Hill library. WOMAN’S GROUP Fridays the Woman’s Group of Jamaica Estates meets at noon. Call 461-3193 for information. ST. ALBANS CIVIC Sundays, January 23, February 27, March 27 St. Albans Civic Improvement Association meets at St. Albans Lutheran Church, 200 th Street and 199 th Avenue in the undercroft at 1:30. JEWISH VETS Sundays, January 23, February 27, March 27 Jewish Wa r Ve te ra n s o f t h e U SA Lipsky/Blum Post meet at the Garden Jewish Center. 4634742.

FLEA MARKETS TALKS MYSTERY BOOK Saturday, January 15 Paranormal/Mystery Book Club meets at the LIC library at 3:30. MOVIES & MUSIC Monday, January 17 book discussion focused on titles with strong ties to music and movies. “Love Is A Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time” will be discussed at 7:30 at Barnes & Noble, 1766 0 U n i o n Tu r n p i ke , F re s h Meadows. LIC BOOK CLUB Tuesday, Januar y 18 “Cutting for Stone” will be discussed at 10 at the LIC library. LITERARY SOUP Thursday, January 20 book discussion at 6:30 at the Queens Village library. BAY TERRACE BOOK Friday, January 21 at the Bay Terrace library at 10:30. START A BUSINESS Saturday, January 22 Inform a t i o n o n St a r t i n g Yo u r Own Business at 3 at the Sunnyside librar y.

TREASURE SALE Saturday, January 22 9:303:30 and Sunday, January 23 11:30-3:30 Winter Treasure Sale and bake and book sale at Church of the Resurrection, 85-09 118 th Street, Richmond Hill

RELIGIOUS STORAHTELLING Saturday, January 15 translation and interpretation of Torah by means of original theatrical performance at the Re fo r m Te m p l e o f F o r e st Hills, 71-11 112 th Street from 9-10:30, preceding the Shabbat service. 261-2900. MLK JR. Sunday, January 16 Clergy United for Communit y Empowerment, Inc. presents a celebration service of commemoration for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at 5 at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 202-03 Hollis Avenue. TU B’SHEVAT Friday, January 21 at 7:30 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, 71-11 112 th Street.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates. TEEN TUTORING Saturdays, January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26 at the Bayside library at 10. ANIMAL CARE Saturday, January 15 and Sunday, January 23 for those 8-12 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 2294000 to register. STORY TIME Saturday, January 15 story time featuring books that celebrate each person’s uniqueness and show how important it is to be a good friend at 11 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. MLK JR. Saturday, January 15 program at the Central library beginning at 11:30. SCIENCE FAIR HOW TO Saturday, January 15 at the Ridgewood library at 1. MATH HELP Saturdays at the Flushing library at 10. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays, January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26 at the Central library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. S TORY TIMES Saturdays at 11 and Tuesdays at 10:30 weekly story times at 7 at Barnes & Noble, 1 7 6 - 6 0 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , Fresh Meadows. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck lib ra r y. B r i n g n e e d l e s a n d yarn. HOMEWORK HELP Weekdays at the Lefrak Cit y library at 3. Call 592-7677 to confirm. NUTRITION WORKSHOP Tu e s d ay, J a n u a r y 1 8 f o r those 11-14 at the LIC library. Register. Also at the LIC library on Thursday, January 20. Register. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesday s, Januar y 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 at 3:30 at the Hillcrest library. ACTING WORKSHOP Tuesday, January 18 at the Peninsula library. Register. CHESS & CHECKERS Tuesdays, January 18, 25 at the LIC library at 4. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Tuesday s, Januar y 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 at the Baisley Park library. Register. CHESS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. CRAFTS Wednesday, January 19 at the Steinway library. Register. GAME DAY Wednesday, January 19 at the St. Albans library at 4. WINTER CRAFT Wednesday, January 19 at t h e W i n d s o r Pa r k l i b ra r y. Register. KIDS KARAOKE Wednesday, January 19 at 4:30 at the Seaside library. AFTERSCHOOL TIME Thursdays, January 20, Feb-

ruary 3, 10, 17, 24 at 3 at the Arverne library. BOOK TALK Thursday, January 20 at the Poppenhusen library at 3:30. For grades 4-6. ARTS & CRAFTS Thursdays, January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24 at the Auburndale library. GIRL SCOUTS Thursdays, January 20, February 3 at 4 at the Queens Village library. KIDS CLUB Thursday, January 20 at the Hillcrest library at 4:30. CHESS CLUB Fridays at the Poppenhusen library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays, January 21, 28 at the East Flushing library. Register. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays at the Hillcrest library at 4. PLANT PROJECT Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11 Intergen-

erational Plant Project at the Hollis librar y. Register. GAMES Friday, January 21 at the Seaside library at 3:45. GAME TIME Fridays at the Windsor Park library at 4. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays, January 21, 28 at the Peninsula library at 4. CHESS CLUB Fridays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library. Register. BOOK BUDDIES Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18 at the Bayside library at 4. SNOW MOBILES Saturday, January 22 for those 8-12 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 2294000 to register. YOUNG CHEFS Saturday, January 22 for those 7-11 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 2294000 to register. FOOTPRINTS IN SNOW Saturday, January 22 for those 5-6 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000 to register.

TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. TEEN TUTORING Saturdays, January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26 at the Bayside library at 10. SCIENCE FAIR HOW TO Saturday, January 15 at the Ridgewood library at 1. MYSTERY BOOK CLUB Saturday, January 15 at the LIC library. Register. OPEN MIC Sunday, January 16 at the Central library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 at the Hillcrest library at 3:30. CHESS & CHECKERS Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 25 at 4 at the LIC library DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 at the Baisley Park library. Register. SAT SECRETS Tuesday, Januar y 18 SAT Te st - Ta k i n g S e c r e t s w i t h Kaplan at 4 at the Kew Gardens Hills library. LEARN MAGIC Tuesday, January 18 at 4 at the Middle Village library. LAPTOPS Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 22, February 1, 8, 15 learn how to use a laptop at 4:30 at the Hollis library. SAT STRATEGIES Wednesday, January 19 at 4 at the Bay Terrace library with Kaplan. MEET A NOVELIST Wednesday, January 19 meet graphic novelist Neil Numberman at 4 at the Whitestone library. LAPTOPS Wednesdays, January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16 learn how to use a laptop at 4:30 at the Hollis library. CHESS

Wednesdays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. TEEN GAMES Wednesdays, January 19, 26 at the Central library at 4. GAME DAY Wednesdays, January 19, 26 at the St. Albans library at 4. TEEN GAME DAY Wednesdays, January 19, 26 at the Kew Gardens Hills library at 4:30. HISTORY OF CINEMA Wednesday, January 19 History of Cinema for Young Adults at 4 at the Steinway library. DRAMA POSSE Thursdays, January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24 at the Hillcrest library at 3. GIRL SCOUTS Thursdays, January 20, February 3 at the Queens Village library at 4. LAPTOPS Thursdays, January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24 learn how to use a laptop at 4:30 at the Hollis library. HAPPY HOUR Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25 at the Flushing library at 3. GAME PLAYERS Fridays at the Hillcrest library at 2. BOOK BUDDIES Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18 at the Bayside library at 4. GAMES Friday, January 21 at 3:45 at the Seaside library. PLANT PROJECT Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11 Intergenerational Plant Project at the Hollis librar y. Register. WII SPORTS Friday, January 21 Wii Sports Challenge at 4:30 at the Lefrak Cit y library. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897.

Queens Today EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS JIC JOB INFO Saturday, January 15 at the Central library at 11. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, January 15, 29, February 5, 19 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-4367940. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. PET OWNERS Sundays (not on holidays) from 1-4 free workshops on pet behavior at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 454-5800. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays at the Queens Village library at 5:30. CREATIVE WRITING Monday, January 17 at the Seaside library at 2. POETRY WRITING Tu e s d a y, J a n u a r y 1 8 a t Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. INTRO EMAIL Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 25 at the Queens Village library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesday, Januar y 18 at the South Jamaica library. Register. CRAFT CLUB Tuesday, Januar y 18 at the LIC library at 1. INTRO MICROSOFT WORD Tuesday, Januar y 18 at the Maspeth library at 1. COMPUTER CLASS


Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454 or 917817-8653 to register. CHESS CLUB Thursdays at the East Flushing library. Register. KNIT & CROCHET Thursdays at the Fresh Meadows library at 6. KNITTING CLUB Fridays at the Maspeth library at 10. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. SCRABBLE Fridays Bananagrams and Scrabble at the Windsor Park library at 2:30. PLANT PROJECT Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11 Intergenerational Plant Project at the Hollis librar y. Register. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, January 22 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Franklin Square. 516-872-8062. POETS Saturday, January 22 the Fresh Meadows Poets meet to discuss and critique their work at 10 at the Forest Hills library. US CITIZENSHIP Saturdays, January 22, 29, February 5, 12 Pathway to US Citizenship at 2:30 at the Jackson Heights library.

EXHIBIT QUEENS HISTORICAL Tu e s d ay s , S a t u r d ay s a n d Sundays 2:30-4:30 new exhibit “For Love of the Games: A History of Sports in Queens,” with other exhibits, “Unraveling History: Using Textiles to Date the Past,” “Kingsland: From Homestead to House Museum,” “Persistence: A Celebration of Landmarks in Queens – Past, Present, Future,” and “The Civil War’s La sting Memory.” Queens H i s to r i c a l Societ y at Kingsland Homestead, 1443 5 3 7 th a v e n u e , F l u s h i n g . 939-0647, ext. 17. $2 seniors and students, $3 adults. AMER. CIVIL RIGHTS Through Januar y “A Journey I Stone and Wood,” sculptures by Gladys Thompson Roth. February through April “Bindu Masks from the Imperato Collection.” February through June “QCC Art Gallery: 20 Years of Collecting.” May through June “Department of Art and Design’s Juried Student Exhibition.” QCC Art Gallery. 631-6396. NAL STUDENTS Through January 29 National Art League Students’ Art Exhibition at the league, 44-21 Douglaston Parkway.

DINNER SONS OF ITALY Friday, January 28 at Chateau Briand. 1-800-322-6742. Sponsored by the NYS Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. Order Sons of Italy in America.

Monday through Thursday 14 and weekends 1-3. Free. NY REGIONAL AESTHETICS January 29 through June 30 “ E x p re s s : Lo c a l / N ew Yo r k Regional Aesthetics” at the Queens College Art Center. 997-3770. FLUSHING COUNCIL Through September 2011 “Within the Emperor’s Gard e n : ” T h e Te n T h o u s a n d Springs Pavilion.” Through November 14 “Endangered Art/ists: China.” November 19 through January 7 “Korean Painting Exhibition: A Walk Through Nature.” Permanent displays include “Jazz Live!”, “Flushing Town Hall:” Fact or Folklore,” an historical exhibition on Flushing Town Hall and its place in history, “Legends of the Queens Jazz Trail” 463-7700. MANSHENG WANG February 8 through May 22 M a n s h e n g Wa n g : A rt a n d Artlessness at the GodwinTe r n b a c h Museum at Queens College. BAYSIDE HISTORICAL “The Castle,” “Native Bayside/Native Voice,” “If The Hat Fits,” “The Women of Bayside” and “Bayside Life” On the Edge of Modernity” are on display at the Bayside Historical Societ y, 352-1548. Tuesday-Sunday 11-4. $3 donation. LOUIS ARMSTRONG Guided tours at the Corona museum. $8 adults, $6 seniors, students. 478-8274. DOLL MUSEUM Wednesday through Saturdays tours at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454.

MLK JR. Saturday, Januar y 15 TriBoro Intergenerational Services of Jamaica invites all to an afternoon of reflections and entertainment at their annual celebration dedicated to the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 2 at the Merrick Park Baptist Church, 120-02 Bishop Curtis G. Norton, Sr. Drive (Marsden Street), Jamaica. 276-5039 information. Free will offering. CON BRIO ENSEMBLE Saturday, January 15 at the Flushing library at 2., ASTRONOMY Saturday, January 15 from 7-9 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000 to register. $12 adult, $7 children. LAS POSADAS Saturday, January 15 Radio Jarocho celebrates Las Posadas at 3 at the Elmhurst library. AMERICAN HEARTLAND Saturday, January 15 Claremont Strings presents Music of the American Heartland at 3 at the Jackson Heights library. OPEN MIC Sunday, January 16 at the Central library at 2. MLK JR. Sunday, January 16 Clergy United for Communit y Empowerment, Inc. presents a celebration service of commemoration for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at 5 at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 202-03 Hollis Avenue. CON BRIO ENSEMBLE Sunday, January 16 at 4:30 at Church in the Gardens, 50 Ascan Avenue, Forest Hills. $12. GUITAR NIGHT Sunday, January 16 International Guitar Night at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064 tickets. MOVIE & TALK Mondays the Friends of Pomonok present a movie and discussion. Bring lunch. 1 at the Pomonok library. BINGO Tuesdays at 7:15 at American Mart yrs Church, church basement, 216-01 Union Tu r n p i k e , B a y s i d e . 4 6 4 4 5 8 2 . Tu e s d ay s at 7:15 (doors open 6) at the Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 459-1000.$3 admission includes 12 games. CON BRIO ENSEMBLE Saturday, January 22 at 2 at the Langston Hughes library. CONCERTI Sunday, January 23 young virtuosi take the stage to perform a program of concerti with orchestra. All ages. 9973888. GOLDILOCKS Saturday, January 29 Goldilocks and the Three Bears at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064. BACK TO THE 60S Saturday, January 29 Ron Dante, Sonny Geraci and Dennis Tu fano per form at Queensborough Communit y College. 631-6311. COFFEEHOUSE

February 5 at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. OLDIES DANCE-ORLEANS Saturday, February 12 St. Francis Prep Fathers’ Guild presents the 70s band Orleans (“Still the One”) with contests, dj, food and more. $35. 423-8810, ext. 324.

OPEN MIC POETRY Mondays, February 14, March 14 at 7:30 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. TANGO BUENOS AIRES Sunday, February 20 at Queensborough Communit y College. 631-6311.

HEALTH CAREGIVER SUPPORT Queens Communit y House at 268-5960, ext. 226. Counseling, support groups, education, respite services, referral services, more. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 7 days a week. 932-6244. WAITANKUNG Sundays at 2. Waitankung is a great total-body workout. Join these ancient Chinese exercise classes in the Flushing Hospital/Medical Center auditorium on 45 th Avenue between Parsons and Burling. Free. Jimmy 7-10pm 347-2156 information. TAI CHI Mondays and Thursdays at 11 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. $5 a class. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT E ve r y Tu e s d a y We ste r n Queens Caregiver Network in Sunnyside. 5:30-6:30. 784-6173, ext. 431. ZUMBA Wednesdays the Sisterhood of Bay Terrace Jewish Cent e r , 1 3 - 0 0 2 0 9 th S t r e e t , bayside, will hold Zumba Fitness classes from 7:30-8:30. $8 members, $10 others. 428-6363. YOGA Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 6701695. $10 class. OA Thursdays at the Howard Beach library at 10:30. OA Fridays 6:30-8:30 at Unit y Center of Flushing, 42-11 1 5 5 th S t r e e t . S a t u r d a y s 10:30-noon at Resurrection Ascension, Feely Hall, 85-18 61 st Road, Rego Park. Beginners meeting except the last Friday of each month, which is a writing meeting. CO-DEPENDENTS ANON. Fridays 10-11:45 at Resurrection Ascension Pastoral C e n t e r , 8 5 - 1 8 6 1 st R o a d , Rego Park. Women only. CANCER Sunday, January 23 Hope, Health and Prevention: Cancer and Our Communit y at 4 at the Jackson Heights library. ALZHEIMERS Tuesdays, Januar y 25, February 8, 22, March 8, 22 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 592-5757, ext. 237. WELL SPOUSES Wednesdays, February 9, March 9 Well Spouses or Partners of the Chronically Ill and Disabled meet at 7 at St. Charles Rehab Center, 201 IU Willets Road, Albertson. Donation. 516829-8740. AL-ANON Sundays 7-8:15 pm at Sacred

Heart School, 216 th Street and 38 th Avenue. Tuesdays at 8:30 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 82 nd Street and 3 4 th Avenue, Jackson Heights. 2 nd floor of the Parish House. 335-7379. QSAC Tuesdays Qualit y Services for the Autism Communit y holds workshops for families and friends of autistic children and adults. 7-AUTISM, ext. 1219. AL-ANON Tuesday s Al-Anon, a selfhelp support group for anyone affected by a loved one’s use of alcohol at 7:30 at Resurrection Ascension Pastoral Center, 85-18 61 st Road, Rego Park. 212-9410094. Also at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, corner 82 nd Street and 34 th Avenue, on the 2 nd floor of the Parish House at 8:30. 457-1511. GAM-ANON Tuesdays Free Synagogue of Flushing and Zion Episcopal Church. Wednesdays All Saints Episcopal Church in Bayside, First Presbyterian Church in Forest Hills, Church on the Hill in Flushing and United Methodist Church in Middle Village. Thursdays Free Synagogue of Flushing and Zion Episcopal Church. Call 1-877-6442469. DAY TOP Tuesdays support for family and friends of those affected by substance abuse. 1-8002Daytop. AA Tu e s d a y s a t 8 a t G r a c e Lutheran Church in Astoria. 520-5021. INSTABILIT Y Tuesdays and Fridays day activit y program for people who experience mood instabilit y and depression. Woodside Clinic. 779-1234. NAR-ANON Wednesdays at 7:30 at Church in the Gardens, room 204, 50 Ascan Avenue, Forest Hills. 1-800-984-0066. Also available on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 at the VFW, 19-12 149th Street, Whitestone. Self-help support group for anyone affected by a loved one’s use/ abuse of drugs. TAI CHI Wednesdays at MS172 in Floral Park. 347-3270 to register. HIV/AIDS Wednesdays J-CAP Living Proof holds weekly HIV/ AIDS support groups in Jamaica. 658-2464. OUTREACH SERVICES Thursdays Intervention and educational group sessions on HIV/AIDS in Jamaica. 297-0720, ext. 112.

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

FREE LUNCH Saturdays, January 15, February 19, March 19 at All Saints Church in Richmond Hill. 849-2352 reservations. AARP 4977 Wednesdays, January 19, February 16, March 16 the Corona/E. Elmhurst AARP 4977 meets at 1:30 at Corona Congregational Church h a l l , 1 0 2 - 1 8 3 4th a v e n u e . 458-7429. STARS Wednesdays, January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23 at 10:30 at the Hollis library and Fridays, January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25 at 10:30 at the Queens Village library. Senior Theater Acting Repertory meets. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. CLEARVIEW Thursday, January 20 blood pressure check at 9:15 and “Let’s Talk Travel” at 10:15. Friday, January 21 Current Events Discussion at 12:45. Friday, January 28 “The Bucket List” movie at 12:45. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 224-7888.

Tuesdays, Januar y 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 at the Arverne library at 10. COMPUTER CLASS Tuesdays at the Sunnyside library. Register. KNIT & CROCHET Tuesdays at the Windsor Park library at 2. SCRABBLE CLUB Tuesdays at the East Flushing library at 3:30. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. INDOOR SOCCER – DADS Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. NOOK NIGHT Wednesday, January 19 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7. INTRO EXCEL Thursday, January 20 at the Pomonok library. Register. QUILTING CLASSES


People Paule Alexander, a board member of United Adult Ministries from 1974 to 2010, received the Director Emeritus Award upon her retirement on Dec. 16, 2010. The award was presented to the 96-year-old Bayside resident at the United Adult Ministries (UAM) board of directors Christmas dinner, held recently at Flushing House. The award was in recognition of her strong leadership, commitment and dedication, in delivering outstanding care and services to older adults. UAM is the parent of Flushing House, and Alexander has served on their board since Flushing House was built in 1974. Flushing House is New York State’s largest, not-for-profit, independent living retirement residence. Alexander retired from the board of Flushing House holding the title of first vice president. Throughout her long career, Alexander has served on the boards of other senior housing communities, such as Alberta L. Alston House in Corona, and Fort Schuyler House in the Bronx, NY. An elder of the Presbyterian Church USA, Alexander has also served on the boards of other faith-based groups, such as: the Council of Churches of the City of New York; the Queens Federation of Churches, and; chair of the board of the Protestant Chapel at JFK Airport. She was also the moderator for the Presbytery of New York City in 1983. In addition, Alexander has been active with various not-for-profit groups, such as: chair of the board of the

Pictured l. to r.: The Rev. Douglas Kurtz, UAM President, Paule Alexander, UAM First Vice President, Janet Allen, UAM Chair. Whitestone Counseling Center; a member of the Oratorio Society of Queens for 30 years; a reader at Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic in Manhattan for 40 years, and; the board of Lincoln Trust. Alexander is a long-time member of the North Presbyterian Church of Flushing.

Bridget Quinn-Carey will join Queens Library as Chief Operating Officer on April 4. She succeeds Maureen O’Connor who retired in July 2010. Quinn-Carey has been Director of Buffalo and Erie County Public Library since 2008 and is chair of the New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries. In making the announcement,

Queens Library CEO Thomas W. Galante said, “Queens Library is one of the premier library systems in the world, known for the quality of its collections, innovative programs that serve a diverse community, world-class facilities and cuttingedge technology. Quinn-Carey earned her Master’s Degree in Library Science right here in Queens at St. John’s University. I am pleased to welcome her back. I know that leveraging her skills, we will continue to enrich lives.” “I am thrilled to be joining the Queens Library as COO,” said Quinn-Carey. “I look forward to continuing the critical work of developing quality programming, collections and services for the Queens community and to working with such an esteemed group of library professionals.” At Buffalo and Erie County, QuinnCarey had oversight of 37 libraries. Prior to that, she was Director of the Essex (CT) Library Association. She has been a librarian and library administrator since 1991 and has been actively involved in many professional associations. The following area students recently achieved high honors or honors for the Fall Term at The Loomis Chaffee School: Sophomore Sakirat Akadri of Jamaica achieved High Honor Roll; Junior Kevin Caba of Ridgewood achieved Honor Roll; Sophomore Gregory Duverg of Long Island City achieved Honor Roll; and Senior Bianca Polycarpe of Fresh Meadows achieved Honor Roll.


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Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21


Models Of Queens

Accent? Fashionista! What So the New Yawk Times thinks

Takiya Roebuck, working with customers, dishes out fashion advice for Macy’s clientele, hoping to make the world a little more chic. “I love it,” Takiya said of her Queens department store gig. “It gives me the opportunity to give my input to people who don’t know a lot about fashion.” And as a model, Takiya is trying to not just recommend the fashion, but set it. From a young age, as the daughter of a fashion designer, Takiya became interested in modeling. The combination of fashion and her knack for dancing drew her towards the limelight. Her first modeling gig – after being scouted by the California based clothing company “I Love Being Black” — helped her modeling career take off. As a model, she believes her dance experience will Takiya Roebuck help her land future Home: Rosedale gigs, while developing Age: 20 a career that will eventually migrate onto Height: 5' 2'’ television. Weight: 118 lbs Look to the stars Stats: 34-25-36 Takiya, we can’t wait NYPhotoByNick to see ya’.

Slight Delay The fuselage of U.S. Airways Flight 1549, the infamous flight that left LaGuardia Airport on Jan 15, 2009 only to end up in the Hudson River after migrating Canada Geese got sucked into the Airbus A320’s engines on takeoff, has spent the last two years in a New Jersey warehouse. Now ‘Sully’ Sullenberger's plane will find a permanent home, but not here in Queens where the flight originated, but rather at the Carolinas Aviation Museum at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport in North Carolina. Flight 1549 will finally arrive in

Flight 1549 takes the highway to New Jersey Charlotte in the spring, almost two and a half years after it left LaGuardia.

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens Jan. 14-20, 2011

Lancing Foxes Assemblyman Rory Lancman took on the Fox Business News goon squad in a knockdown, drag-out fight last week, and never lost his cool. With New York State’s temporary surcharge (Albany doublespeak for tax) on the wealthy set to expire this year, British blowhard Stuart Varney arRory Lancman keeps a smile on his face as he gued – in his signature paternalistic enters the Fox wolf den. way – that any extension should crash and burn to promote economic growth. Lancman disagreed. When the token female panelist pointed to anecdotal evidence of at least five of her friends, and five hedge funds, moving to Connecticut to escape the state’s taxes, Lancman said, “But, we in government don’t deal in anecdotes, we deal in data,” explaining that New York State raises $4 billion per year on the surcharge, at a time when the state is facing a $10 billion deficit. There Rory goes, trying logic on Fox!

This may still give U.S. Airways a better on-time record than some airlines.

dehe’s somethin’ funny about the way folks from Queens tawk? Well that’s the least we can take away from a recent tongue-incheek article about Queens native and now-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “accent.” “Mr. Cuomo takes to a bigger political stage, his accent will be on conspicuous display: the nasally vowels, the occasional dropped ‘r’ and perhaps a few signature sounds like ‘kawh-fee’ or ‘ar-unge,’” the paper wrote. Memo to the Times: We’re not sure how people talk in your hoitytoity Manhattan offices, but we don’t hear no stinkin’ accent.

Mario’s Queens kid Andy, you keep tawkin’ tough and refawm Albany, and pretty soon the whole state’ll be imitatin’ you.

Terrific Terminal

JFK Airport may not just be the highest volume international gateway on the east coast – it has now been ruled the best food and beverage airport program in North America. At the recent Airports Council International - North America (ACI-NA) Conference, Terminal 4, in conjunction with its concessionaires, also received top awards for other food and beverage concessions as well as its retail programs, taking home four out of 22 awards at the 2010 Excellence in Airport Concessions Contest. Terminal 4’s awards include: Best Food and Beverage Program, which includes The Palm Bar and Grille, Seafood Bar by

Confidentially, New York . . .

Caviar House & Prunier, Tigin Irish Pub and Restaurant, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Zpizza, Panda Express, Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar, Upper Crust and Panopolis; Best Consumer Services Concept, with Secure Wrap, a baggage wrapping service; Best New Retail Concept for Victoria’s Secret; and Best New Food and Beverage Concept, specifically for Tigín Irish Pub & Restaurant. So if you’re headed to Brazil, but need a beer and a brassiere, Terminal 4 is the place to be. This gives new meaning to the children’s rhyme: I see London, I see France, I see Victoria’s Secret underpants.

Hall of Fame By the time his career made a pit stop in Queens, Roberto Alomar’s bat had lost some of its pop and his leather some of its flash, but not once did you doubt his skills. In his second year of eligibility Alomar achieved every little leaguer’s dream; he was elected to Roberto the Baseball Hall Alomar of Fame. Though Alomar’s stint with the Mets only produced a batting average of .254 in 2002, in his heyday, he amassed 10 Golden Gloves and 12 All-Star appearances. Congratulations, Mr. Alomar. We’re thinking of even forgiving you for that comment you made about the umpire’s son.

What’s Up SATURDAY, JAN. 15 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

JIC Orientation Join library staff for an interactive orientation to learn about the library’s services including: career resources; assistance with your job search; the library’s resources (including books, newspapers, pathfinders, etc.); resume/cover letter reviews and Queens Workforce 1. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 11 a.m.

SUNDAY, JAN. 16 Open Mic for Poets This week’s open mic for poets will include the following featured feeders: Norman Stock, Tim Suermondt, and Pui Ying Wong. Inge Judd will host. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 2 p.m.

Referee Banquet Please join the American Youth Officials at its 5th annual referee banquet. For additional information, contact: Justice at (321) 288-6309; Andre at (718) 5250446; or Mike at (917) 733-5497. Thank you for your support during 2010. This free event will be held at The Harvest Room at the Jamaica Market, 9040 160th St., from 7-11 p.m. Call to find out the price.

MONDAY, JAN. 17 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Gun Buy-Back Press Conference

Community or Chaos Conference Councilman James Sanders Jr. cordially invites you to join him in commemorating the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Looking to start your own organization? Are you a non-profit looking to expand your organization? Tired of senseless violence in our community? Want to build a community center? If so, pre-register for the conference at (718) 527-4356. Presented by: the Robin Hood Foundation; the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty; Cause Effective; the Federation of Protestant Agencies; the Citizens Committee of New York; the Fund for the City

Day of Service Councilmen Leroy Comrie and Ruben Wills will celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday with a Day Of Service in Southeast Queens by distributing donated Winter Coats to the needy on Monday, Jan. 17 from 10 a.m. to noon at Comrie’s District Office, 113-43 Farmers Blvd. in St. Albans.

TUESDAY, JAN. 18 Job Club Every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Lenin Gross, Job Coach, at (718) 739-2060, Ext. 18 or lgrossjnc@yahoo.com. This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave.

Camera Club The Southeast Queens Camera Club welcomes photographers, beginners to advanced. Meetings are held the second, third and fourth Tuesday every month at 7:30 p.m. at Roy Wilkins Family Life Center, 177-01 Baisley Blvd.

Intro to Excel In this two-session workshop, customers will learn the basics of how to create spreadsheets, use formulas, and print tables. Pre-registration is required in person at Cyber Center Desk. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. When: This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19 Lunch In Church Join us for lunch and get refueled, renewed and refilled. This free event is held every Wednesday at noon at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, 89-60 164th St. For more information, call (718) 526-4775, Ext. 10. Come just as you are.

Intro to Email In this single-session workshop, customers will learn how to manage their own email account and send and receive email messages. Pre-registration is required in person at Cyber Center desk. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10 a.m.

THURSDAY, JAN. 20 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Thursday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217

St., (718) 776-6800.

MS Word En Espanol Get ready for the second in a series of three computer classes in Spanish. The day’s session will focus on creating and saving documents. Attendees should have basic computer skills, such as being able to use the keyboard and the mouse, and to open and close applications. Pre-registration is required in person at the Cyber Center Reference Desk. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6:30 p.m.

FRIDAY, JAN. 21 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life. Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

ONGOING CPR Training The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit www.nyc.gov/cprtogo for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit www.fdnyfoundation.org or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Infant Mortality Clergy United for Community Empowerment’s Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative program provides the following services free of charge: case management services, parent skills building, crib care, breast feeding education, health education, nutritional information/education, referral for HIV testing, confidential one-on-one counseling, workshops, and women support groups. IMRI provides referrals for Food stamps, GED, GYN, Emergency Baby Formula (qualifications required) and more. Call (718) 297-0720. Located at 89-31 161 St., 10th floor, Jamaica. Services are available Tue.-Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Awareness Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 89-31 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Laurelton Flea Market A flea market has opened at 221-02 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Thursday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CPR Class Learn to protect yourself and others at Heron Care Inc. For more information, please call (718) 291-8788. Heron is located at 168-30 89th Ave., Jamaica.

PAL Volunteers The Police Athletic League (PAL) is looking for volunteers to continue its mission of serving New York City’s young people by donating their time and talents to help serve Queens youngsters at PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon in Arverne-Far Rockaway, PAL’s Edward Byrne Center in South Jamaica and PS 214 in Flushing. PAL Centers in Queens offer a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all talents. PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon are looking for people to participate in a center clean-up day. Volunteers are needed to tutor and mentor young people during the After School Program’s daily homework help sessions. In addition, individuals can also donate their time assisting the many special events held at PAL’s Centers throughout the year. PAL is also seeking professionals to give career advice and talk about their own careers to young people, as well as guest speakers who can share information on a specific hobby of interest to the youngsters. To become a volunteer with the Police Athletic League or to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit palnyc.org. Volunteers will go through an application process that includes an interview, screening and an orientation. For more information, please contact PAL’s Volunteer Coordinator, Alexandria Sumpter-Delves, at (212) 477-9450, Ext. 390 or volunteer@palnyc.org.

Jan. 14-20, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 23

Here’s your chance to help get guns off the street. Join Councilman James Sanders Jr., the Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Mothers Against Guns, the New Progressive Democratic Club, and other civic and community organizations from throughout the district in calling on Queens District Attorney Richard Brown to institute another gun buy-back program. This free event will be held at Birch Family Center, 145-02 Farmers Blvd., at 9:15 a.m.

of New York; the New York Foundation; and the Community Resource Exchange. This free event will be held at Birch Family Center, 145-02 Farmers Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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