Southeast Queen Press Epaper

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Volume 12 Issue No. 12 March 25-31, 2011


PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

34!9).j !,)6% Teachers, staff and students at August Martin High School rallied last week to show their support for keeping their school open. The school’s fate – closure or one of several fixes – will be known by the end of April. By Sasha Austrie…Page 3

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011




Students, Staff Rally To Keep Martin Open school’s 2009 to 2010 graduation rate was 61 percent. He said the 11point increase shows that the For months, there have been whispers in the reeds where Auschool is a thriving community gust Martin High School is constaple, gaining support from the community and public officials. cerned. Closure, restructure, reor“Twenty percent of the staff is ganization are all words carried by alumni,” Evans said. “They have a the buzz floating around the vested interest in this school” school. “We don’t know if they are goHe also has a bone to pick with ing to close it or restructure it,” the [New York Post], which recently ran a story that Evans said used as said Ruth Bryan, August Martin High School Advisory Commissources students who were no longer at the school. He said the paper has sion chairwoman. been harassing students, trying to Unlike other City schools embroiled in a phase out process, Auget them to say inflammatory things. gust Martin High School is on the A poster shows the concern for potential loss of the school’s “How is it that the [Post] is comNew York State Dept. of Education specialized programs. ing here and asking students, ‘Why Persistently Lowest Achieving List. are you going to a school that is going to close?’” Jack Zarin-Rosenfeld, New In a united stand, students and teachYork City Dept. of Education spokesman, would transfer existing students to neighsaid the state identified 57 schools as boring, higher-achieving institutions. With ers broke up last Friday’s midmorning lull persistently low achieving, with 11 of this model, the school would be closed by walking their own picket line. The fadthem, including August Martin, slated for within a year. ing morning dissipated with passing cars transformation. Just what form of transAugust Martin will know its fate by and trunks honking their horns in support of the protest. formation that would be remains a mys- April 30. “What we are trying to do is keep the tery. The school community said August There are four intervention models: Martin is undeserving of the flak it is taking programs that are doing well,” Bryan said. turnaround, which includes phase out or from the DOE and media reports. Accord- “We are taking a proactive stance. We are redesign; restart, which would either con- ing to a DOE fact sheet, the school gradu- going to invite the Dept. of Education to vert or replace August Martin as a charter ation rate during the last five years has see what we can do to save this school.” The school’s most notable programming school; transformation, which would keep hovered below 50 percent and in 2009, it is its Aviation Academy, which is the only the school on the PLA List until it demon- was 49 percent. strates an ability to rebound; and the most Cleavon Evans, August Martin Alumni of its kind in the City, and the Culinary drastic measure – school closure, which Association president, contends that the Academy, where students prepare food PRESS Photo by Sasha Austrie


that is then made available for purchase by teachers. The school also operates the Business and Law, Media and Technology, and Communication Arts academies. Fodaor Sheriff, 17, stood outside with his colleagues fighting for a school that he will soon leave behind. “This school meant a lot to me,” the senior said. “Everyone achieves in this school.” He said though he “messed up” as a freshman, the staff, especially Principal Anthony Cromer, himself a graduate of August Martin, helped him right his failing high school career. Sheriff said he took part in Cromer’s Young Men’s Leadership Group. Jaime Kneutt, 15, said she choose August Martin because of its Aviation Academy. Kneutt is also enrolled in the College Now Program, which allows her to obtain up to 12 college credits prior to graduation. “This school means the world,” she said. Zarin-Rosenfeld said he is unsure if the school’s programming would remain after the alteration. A teacher who has been at the school for eight years said it would be unfortunate if the school closed. “Students come from two hours away to [enroll in] the Aviation Academy,” he said. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Council Robs Queensboro Of Its Name of Queens,” said James. “I hope we could revisit this issue in the future.” Earlier this month, after the Tribune polled Queens City Council members, it was evident that the borough’s local officials favored the name change. Ignoring 70 percent of Queens residents who wanted to keep the previous name (according to a Quinnipiac University poll), the council’s Parks Committee approved the renaming of the Queensboro Bridge earlier this week before the City Council vote. Initially proposed by Mayor Mike Bloomberg at Mayor Koch’s 86th birthday last December, the co-naming drew the attention and outspoken rhetoric of multiple civic associations and some elected officials in Queens. This is not the first time there was a battle over the bridge’s name, as the century-old structure struggled with an identity crisis. Many Queens residents may have forgotten that the bridge’s original name, while it was being built, was Blackwell’s Island Bridge, named after the earlier name of Roosevelt Island. Historians debate how the bridge ultimately came to bear the borough’s name. City officials and real estate developers, from both Manhattan and Queens, allegedly disputed over the bridge’s initial name. But On March 20, 1909, at its ceremonious grand opening, the bridge was christened the Queensboro Bridge. Over the decades that followed, the

The plaque is no longer valid. bridge has taken only one other name. Known to many Manhattanites and some Queens residents as the 59th Street Bridge, the Queensboro Bridge was thought to be eternally coveted as the borough’s sole eponymous structure. Mayor Koch oversaw the beginning of the rehabilitation of the Queensboro Bridge. Despite the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, the City regained control of the bridges from the State and began revitalizing the metropolitan area’s transportation infrastructure. Developing the fully funded Bureau of Bridges within the Dept. of Transportation, Koch helped spearhead a citywide project which eventually reduced the number of bridges in poor condition in the city to zero. Reach Reporter Jason Banrey at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 128.

March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Queens residents seeking to travel to Manhattan will soon get a glimpse of another name before crossing the Queensboro Bridge. On Wednesday, after a blunt debate during a lengthy legislative session, the City Council voted 38-12 to rename the only bridge that bears the borough’s name after former Mayor Ed Koch. In a vote that altered the way future generations will forever address the bridge, the sonamed Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge, City Council members voiced their opinion in one last opportunity to sway the majority vote. Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria) and Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyside) made one last stand against the proposition to rename the bridge. Holding more than 1,000 petitions received from his constituents, Vallone stood in opposition to renaming the only bridge that bares the borough’s name. “This has nothing to do with Koch,” Vallone said. “It’s about the pride in our borough and in our bridge. Don’t do this. The people don’t want this.” Van Bramer, whose district is at the east terminus of the bridge, touted the tone of his constituents as well, while also paying tribute to the former mayor. “Everyone in Queens can honor a life of service that spans a lifetime such as Koch’s,” said Van Bramer. “But without any doubt, 100 percent of the people in my district have said they are opposed to this.”

While introducing the proposition, Council Speaker Christine Quinn fumbled the bridge’s name, uttering Williamsburg Bridge instead, before lavishing a lengthy analogy fit for the proposed honor. “Today we can look a New Yorker in the eye and add their name to the city they love,” said Quinn. “In the midst of the City’s worst fiscal crisis, [Koch] was the bridge that brought us back to greatness.” Many other outer borough councilmen were also vocal in opposition to the proposed co-naming. Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn) delivered a rousing monologue, criticizing both those in favor of the renaming and its honoree. The person being honored “is not the Koch the black community remembers. It’s the Koch that shut down hospitals in Brooklyn and Harlem,” said Barron. “I hope the bridge doesn’t come as shaky as his past did, endangering us all.” As an alternate, Barron suggested plastering the former mayor’s name on one of the city more notorious sites. “You should name Rikers Island after Koch,” said Barron, “for sending many of the city’s young black youth there.” Unhappy about the process by which the proposition made its way onto the City Council’s agenda, Councilwoman Leticia James (D-Brooklyn) opposed the renaming despite being endorsed by Koch in her run for City Council. “With respect to the wishes of the people

Photo by Walter Karling


Slow, Steady Win Boro Growth Race BY DOMENICK RAFTER

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

PRESS photo by Domenick Rafter

In short, Queens is developing at a natural pace; perhaps not at quite the speed hoped by some, but according to a panel of five leaders of commerce from different parts of the borough who met last week at a Queens College-hosted business forum, progress is being made. During the hour and a half presentation, the five discussed problems, successes and hopes for the future of development in their part of Queens and how it affects the rest of the borough. Kevin Alexander, executive director of the Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corp., discussed the Arverne-By-The-Sea development, which he said has revitalized the economically distressed area about halfway between Rockaway Park and Far Rockaway, bringing 2,300 new residences to the area. As a result of the new homes, just farther east, 20,000 square feet of commercial space and a new Stop & Shop has brought jobs and shopping to the community at Wavecrest Gardens. Alexander also outlined plans to reinvest in Far Rockaway, including renovations of the A train subway station at Mott Avenue, and creating a better commercial strip along Beach 20th Street. He outlined plans to renovate O'Donohue Park on Seagirt Boulevard to include a new skate-

Carlisle Towery speaks at the forum. boarding park and concert space on the oceanfront. Gayle Baron, president of the Long Island City Business Development Corp., said Long Island City was undergoing a major commercial and residential boom with the completion of new buildings around Court Square and Queens Plaza, as well as the recently-announced Hunters Point South project. The neighborhood, which will soon be the new home of JetBlue and CUNY School of Law, is attracting not only new residents and businesses, but

tourists seeking to stay close to, but not in, Manhattan. "European and Asian tourists are choosing Long Island City as a place to stay," she said, adding the neighborhood is home to the Toyoko Inn, the largest hotel in the city outside Manhattan. Over in Ridgewood, Theodore Renz, executive director of the Ridgewood Local Development Corp., acknowledged that the neighborhood is more isolated and less commercial-centric than the other sites in the borough, but that it has also been experiencing its own revival as an artisan community. Most of the apartments at the redeveloped Ridgewood Times building at Myrtle and Cypress Avenues have been occupied, with a significant number of new residents coming from Williamsburg and Greenpoint, Renz said, noting that the new Ridgewood transit terminal at Myrtle and Wyckoff Avenues has helped spur development. He pinpointed the area around the Halsey Street L train stop as one where development has been occurring. In Flushing, former Borough President Claire Shulman, president and CEO of the Flushing Willets Point Corona Local Development Corp., said there needs to be better "transportation-orientated development." She avoided most

discussion about Willets Point and focused her presentation on Downtown Flushing, including renovating the LIRR station to make it more accessible. She also focused on revamping College Point Boulevard and stressed the need to redevelop the waterfront at the Flushing River. Shulman discussed ideas to build a pedestrian bridge over the Flushing River connecting Downtown Flushing to Willets Point, and credited the Asian community for redeveloping Flushing, which she said had been stunted in growth until the new immigrants arrived. "The Asian community really saved Flushing," she said. Carlisle Towery, president of the Greater Jamaica Development Corp., said with the economy on the mend, the GJDC has been "wooing the private sector" into reinvesting in Downtown Jamaica, especially in the developing Airport Village around Jamaica Station. The current national financial situation, he said, has been the biggest obstacle in attracting commerce to Jamaica, which he said was ripe for development. Towery also acknowledged that the much-anticipated commercial strip along Sutphin Boulevard below the LIRR was moving forward and would be completed soon. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Hobby Turns Into A Prized Collection


Photo by Juliet Kaye

One of the most unusual museums in the city is located in Southeast Queens – the Marie Rose International Doll Museum and Cultural Center, is located at 187-11 Linden Blvd. in St. Albans. This little gem of a museum was founded by Naida Njoku in 2008, a woman with a life-long passion for collecting an amazing array of dolls. She is now in danger of foreclosure and came to Assemblyman William Scarborough’s (DJamaica) office for assistance. The retired nurse started collecting dolls at the age of 14. She had amassed a large collection when she married and moved to Nigeria, settling with her husband and doll collection. When civil war erupted in the country in 1967, she fled with her husband, Dr. John Njoku to re-

Assemblyman William Scarborough tours the Marie Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans, with Naida Njoku.

settle in the United States, leaving behind their home and all their personal possessions, including her vast doll collection. It took her a few years to get over her despair at losing her doll collection and start collecting again. She amassed more than 500 dolls from five continents and space for them in her home was scarce. Upon retiring from her career as a nurse, her husband suggested she share her vast collection and open a museum because by relocating Njoku’s collection, they would regain their dining room and the rest of their home,

which was overflowing with dolls. For the price of admission, Njoku gives a tour of the charming museum and information about the origins of the dolls. You will see a Jackie Kennedy doll; a John Kennedy Jr. doll as a young child saluting at the funeral of his father; unique African dolls; and unusual Asian dolls. There is a model train set up that comes from England. Various artworks adorn the walls, much of it painted by the collector, who is also an artist. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit this

incredibly charming and unique museum. The site hosts school groups and senior center visits, holds special events and has craft workshops, including a quilting workshop is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; a sewing workshop on Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. ; and a scrapbooking workshop on Wednesdays. The museum is open Wednesday to Saturday from 12:30-4:30 p.m. or by special appointment. Admission is $2.50 for children under 12, $3.50 for seniors and $5 for adults. Call (718) 276-3454.

Helping Jamaica Read Better With the support of late Council Member Thomas White, Jr., Target, the City Dept. of Education, the City Dept. for the Aging, the Allen Transportation Corporation, and Learning Leaders, A Better Jamaica has launched Jamaica Reads - an effort that puts local seniors to work helping local first graders become stronger readers. Using active neighborhood seniors from the Allen Cathedral Senior Residence on Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica Reads places five seniors in each of two first grade classes at PS 48 for three mornings a week from 9:30-10:30 a.m. These "Senior Reading Buddies" are paired with the five weakest readers in each class with the goal of moving the participating children further along the reading/decoding

matches the needs of strugpath than they might othgling students, with the erwise progress. community resource of "I struggled with readunderutilized seniors." ing in the early part of my PS 48 Principal Pat elementary school career. I distinctly remember a Mitchell is a fan of the program. "We believe in the classmate's mother coming potential of all students, in to work with students like me," said A Better Jamaica One of the senior volunteers reads and are happy to have the additional resource of JaFounder Greg Mays. "As with a first grader at PS 48. maica Reads seniors to help our society has changed, there are fewer and fewer stay-at-home all of our children reach their potential," she moms available to parachute into class- said. rooms to help struggling students at the A Better Jamaica's other programs inbeginning of their academic careers. What clude: Classic Film Fridays, Family Movwe do have is an abundance of seniors who ies in the Park, and Adare ready willing and able to make a differ- ditional information about A Better Jaence in the lives of children. Jamaica Reads maica can be found at

March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

In Our Opinion: Arnold Thibou Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty

Editorial Shame On Them The City Council voted Wednesday to steal our identity. We will not let them. The Queensboro Bridge is now and always will be the Queensboro Bridge. We love and respect former Mayor Ed Koch, but we refuse to use his name on our bridge. The fact that the majority of our own council members voted against the clear wishes of our residents shows the arrogance of their power and position. How dare you! To say that it’s already known colloquially as the 59th Street Bridge is a coward’s position. What happened to fighting to defend what is yours? The argument that other landmarks are named for historic icons is a sham – they were never named for Queens in the first place. You have stolen the little that we have. Why not go ahead now and try to change Queens College and Queens Borough Hall. You have stolen our name, our spirit and our pride. Shame on you!

Deputy Editor:

Joseph Orovic Contributing Editor:


Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Domenick Rafter Jason Banrey

Art Dept:

Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director James Mammarella Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2011 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

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Take A Lesson

Protect Vets

To The Editor: The United States Postal Service will never issue a stamp honoring a living person. Other than a President, they will not issue a stamp until a person has been dead for at least 10 years. Someone should ask the City Council to follow this policy. Michael Tuchman, Ponciana, FL

To The Editor: On Feb. 10, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development jointly published an analysis of the extent of homelessness among our nation’s military veterans. The results were very troubling. The analysis reported that as of 2009 there were 76,000 veter-

Letters ans who were homeless on a given night and roughly 136,000 veterans spent at least one night in a shelter during that year. Veterans now make up 12 percent of our nations homeless population and Veterans are 50 percent more likely to become homeless compared to all other Americans. The risk of homelessness among our veterans is even greater if the veteran is under the poverty line. Our veterans deserve better from government. Queens County has a very large veteran population, and as a grandson of a World War II Navy Veteran, with a brother in-law to-be who is currently serving in Afghanistan, and as someone who works on a day-to-day basis helping find employment for veterans, I feel that we are shortchanging our veterans. A few weeks ago U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman wrote a letter to U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki urging the Secretary to stop plans to redevelop the current VA Hospital in St. Albans. The Congressman suggested that instead of redeveloping the land privately, a new state of the art full service VA hospital should be built. I couldn’t agree more. As the war in Iraq and Afghanistan comes to an end our

veteran population is soaring and Queens will become home to many of these veterans. I urge all Queens residents to contact Secretary Shinseki and tell him not to leave any veteran behind. Let’s honor our veterans by building a new facility that will serve the Queens County veteran population for years to come. Matthew Silverstein Democratic State Committeeman, 26th AD

SOUND OFF Send your thoughts, ideas, opinions, outrage, praise, observations about our community To the PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357

fax: (718) 357-9417

It's Time For A Fair Budget Fix BY COUNCILMAN JAMES SANDERS, JR. Earlier this month, Gov. Andrew Cuomo released his first budget. It was designed with several goals in mind: tightening New York's collective economic belt, reigning in a projected budgetary deficit of $8 billion dollars for the upcoming fiscal year, and starting to close our large and growing budget gap. I truly believe that the governor's intent was to return accountability to an out-of-control process, and begin to right New York's economic ship; but I also believe his priorities in terms of where he chose to cut back are out of sync with the needs of New Yorkers. There is no doubt that New York is drowning. As usual, the pertinent question isn't whether or not to do something, but what to do; not whether or not to cut back, but where to cut back. How do we divide up a shrinking economic pie in the fairest way possible? How do we ensure that everyone shares equally in the burden of bringing our state's fi-

nances back in line? New Yorkers are struggling to keep up with the demands of a state and national economy that are both slowly recovering from the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression. Unemployment hovers around 9 percent, and more and more people are struggling to make ends meet, even as they watch Wall Street rake in record profits and reward their highest paid executives with bonuses in excess of half their annual salary. Meanwhile, Main Street has been forgotten; left behind in a turbulent sea of economic turmoil, with fiercely partisan economic battles raging in legislatures around the country. Main Street faces a potent combination of greed and indifference that threatens to undermine the very way of life for working people in New York City. It seems to me that we cannot start by punishing those already being asked to carry the lion's share of the burden. We should not and cannot vilify the working people who make New

York City run. Cutting benefits, slashing pensions, lay offs of civil service workers - these are not the kind of answers New York needs in these difficult economic times. We cannot simply add to the unemployment roles by recklessly laying off civil service workers; we cannot tell unionized workers, many of whom carry out some of the most difficult physical labor in the City, that they will see their benefits slashed or their retirement age raised. Doing so would only add to the long term burden of the city's health care costs. In these difficult economic times, it is proper and necessary that we ask everyone to share a little in the burden in order to put New York back on sound fiscal footing. But the Governor's budget calls for the pain to fall disproportionately on those who can least afford to bear its brunt, and on those who have already sacrificed so much in service to the rest of us. New York City simply would not function without its civil service work force. They have opted to take positions in public

service, sacrificing the big checks and lofty perks they might have received in the private sector in service to what most feel is a higher calling. Cuts should be borne from the top down, from those who can most afford them. We should not cut workers benefits before without also extending the millionaire's tax. We should not raise the retirement age for workers without also asking for more from Wall Street's top money earners. Only by creating a more even and equal economic playing field can we hope to create a more even and equal society. Our state is facing a fiscal crisis. We must return accountability and sanity to the budget process. But we must also make sure our priorities are straight and that we are not cutting from the "have-nots" in order to line the pockets of the "haves." Straightening these priorities is the only way to rescue our city, and our state, from the edge of economic calamity. James Sanders, Jr. represents the 31st District in the New York City Council.

News Briefs Emergency Preparedness Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (CNR) Adult Day Health Care Program and the American Red Cross will hold a free emergency preparedness seminar Tuesday, April 5, 11 a.m., at the CNR location, 97-35 Allendale St., Jamaica. Members of the community are welcome to attend the seminar, designed to prepare individuals and families for emergencies. Attendees will learn how to create a family disaster plan, build and maintain a supply kit, and keep loved ones safe and informed during times of disaster. There will be a raffle for an American Red Cross Go Bag and additional prizes. Refreshments will be served. Attendees will received free interactive CD that can be used to create a customized evacuation plan and other tools that will help any family prepare for an emergency. To learn more, call Sheva Turk at (718) 297-4700, Ext. 224, or send an e-mail to

One Mega Prize The New York Lottery announced the jackpot for Friday night’s Mega Millions drawing has been bumped to $312 million. The New York Lottery credits strong sales across all participating Mega Millions jurisdictions for the $8 million jump from the previously advertised jackpot. Tickets for Friday’s $312 milloion Mega Millions drawing may be purchased at more than 16,000 retail locations in New York State until 10:45 p.m. for the 11 p.m. drawing.

Millionaire Tax Assemblyman William Scarborough helped pass an Assembly budget that rejects the executive budget proposal to cut taxes for the state’s wealthiest. “With a $10 billion deficit and scores of painful cuts on the tables, including sizeable reductions in critical education and health care programs, now is not the time to give millionaires a tax break,” Scarborough said. “That’s why I helped pass an Assembly budget that doesn’t favor the state’s privileged few - less than half a percent of the resident population over working families.” Under the executive budget, millionaire tax rates would drop from 8.97 percent to 6.85 percent, the same rate paid by New Yorkers making $20,000 a year. Instead, the Assembly’s budget maintains the current rate and directs 30 percent of the revenue - a projected $706 million in

Councilman Leroy Comrie (l.) recently attended the History Makers NYC Speaker Series sponsored by AT&T and held at the World Famous Apollo Theater in Harlem. Here, he is greeted by Grammy-award winning artist, actor and activist Common, who hosted the series.

7 Service Interrupted MTA New York City Transit announces that in order to carry out switch replacement work in the area of the MetsWillets Point 7 station, there will be no 7 line subway service between the MetsWillets Point and Flushing-Main Street stations between 4 a.m. on Saturday and 10 p.m. on Sunday on the following weekends: March 26-27, April 2-3, April 16-17 and May 14-15. Free shuttle buses will operate between the Mets-Willets Point and Flushing-Main Street stations on those weekends. Regular weekend 7 line service will operate between the Mets-Willets Point and Times Square-42nd Street stations while this work is underway. In addition, during the weekday rush hours from March 23 until May 13, the last Manhattan-bound express train will leave Flushing-Main Street at 9 a.m. rather than 9:55 a.m. Posters in four languages (English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean) will go up at all 7 line stations. In addition to onboard train and station announcements, Transit personnel will be on hand during the weekend to provide assistance and direct customers to alternate bus service. Customers may visit and click on “Planned Service Changes” for information or sign up for free email and text message alerts. The Travel Information line may be reached at (718) 330-1234 daily, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. for assistance with travel plans. March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Common People:

2011-12 – to the Educational Assistance Fund, with the balance going toward cashstrapped programs and services. “We need all New Yorkers - not just the middle-class and lower-income families - to bear the burden of our state’s fiscal crisis,” Scarborough said. “If we give millionaires special treatment, schools, hospitals and other vital programs and services stand to suffer crippling cuts.” The executive budget proposal comes after the recent renewal of the Bush-era tax cuts for America’s richest, which took effect in January. Estimates show that the average annual federal tax cut for those making over $1 million is $128,832. “To provide millionaires yet another tax break on the heels of their federal tax cut is not only grossly unfair, it’s fiscally unsound,” Scarborough said. “We’re accepting a lot of pain in this budget, but we just couldn’t accept what boils down to a multibillion dollar handout to millionaires.”

Kent State, The Beatles Disband & The Trib Is Born By MICHAEL SCHENKLER The year was 1970 and some of you may remember the world into which the Queens Tribune was born:

The first episode of US soap opera All My Children is broadcast on the ABC television network. Diana Ross & The Supremes perform their farewell live concert together at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas Biafra capitulate s, endi ng the Nigerian civil war. The Mov ie s: M*A*S*H, Patton, Love Story, Airport, Catch 22. Pan American Airways offers the first commercially scheduled 747 service from John F. Kennedy

Internat ional Air por t to London Heathrow Airport. A jur y fi nds the Ch icago Seven defenda nt s not gui lt y of conspiring to incite a riot, in charges stemming from the violence at the 1968 The Beatles release their 12th and final album, Let It Be. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty goes into effect, after ratification by 56 nations. United States Postal Service workers in New York City strike; which spreads to 210,000 out of 750,000 U.S. postal employees who walk out. President Nixon assigns military units to New York City post offices. The strike lasts two weeks. The fir st Ear t h Day is celebrated in the United States.. The Concorde makes its first supersonic flight The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act is enacted into law, banning cigarette television advertisements in the United States. The Beatles disband. By yearend, al four members release solo albums. Apol lo 13 splashe s dow n safely in the Pacific.

A first-class stamp costs $.06 Tina Fey, Uma Thurman, Mariah Carey, Naomi Campbell, Gabrielle Giffords and Matt Damon are born. The U.S. invades Cambodia to hunt out the Viet Cong; widespread, large antiwar protests occur in the U.S. Four students at Kent State University in Ohio are killed and nine wounded by Ohio State National Guar dsmen, at a prote st against the incursion into Cambodia. The median household income in current dollars: $8,734. In Washington, D.C., 100,000 people demonstrate against the Vietnam War. President Richard Nixon signs a measure lowering the voting age to 18. The United States gets its first female generals. The Women’s Strike for Equality takes place down Fifth Avenue. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacks four passenger aircraft from Pan Am, TWA and Swissair on flight s to New York from Brussels, Frankfurt and Zürich.

Elvis Presley begins his first concert tour since 1958. The first Ne w York Cit y Marathon begins. The songs: Layla, Derek and the Dominos; Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon and Garfunkel; Let It Be, The Beatles. Monday Night Football debuts on ABC. The Cleveland Browns defeat the New York Jets 31-21. Gamal Abdal Nasser dies; Vice President Anwar Sadat is named temporary president of Egypt. The U.S. Congre ss give s President Richard Nixon authority to sell arms to Israel. The Public Broadcasting Service begins broadcasting -- hey Congress. Earl Stanley Gardner, Walter Reut her, Vince Lombardi, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin die -- the last two of drug over doses. On Oct 12, 1970, U.S. President Richard Nixon announce s that the United States will withdraw 40,000 more troops before Christmas. A Chinese nuclear test is conducted in Lop Nor. U.S. unemployment was at 3.5%.

Salvador Allende is elected President of Chile. Democrats sweep the U.S. Congressional midterm elections; Ronald Reagan is re-elected governor of California; Jimmy Carter is elected governor of Georgia. Books, Fict ion: Love Stor y, Erich Segal; The French Lieutenant’s Woman, John Fowles; Islands in the Stream, Ernest Hemingway. Books, Non-Fiction: Ever y th ing You Always Wanted To Know About Sex but Were Afraid To Ask, Dav id Reuben, M.D.; The New English Bible; The Sensuous Woman, ”J” Lieutenant William Calley goes on trial for the My Lai massacre. The United State s Environmental Protection Agency begins operations. The U.N. General Assembly suppor t s the isolat ion of South Africa for its apartheid policies. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is signed into law. IBM introduces the floppy disk. Gary Ackerman launches the Queens Tribune from the rear of a real estate office on Main Street in Kew Gardens Hills.

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

Pensions For Crooks: Are They Justifiable?

By HENRY STERN One of the perennial questions that arises in government is whether dishonest public officials, if convicted, should forfeit their pensions. There is considerable sentiment that a n officeholder, whether elected or apHenry pointed, who has betrayed the people he was paid to serve faithfully, should not be rewarded after he leaves government because he did not de serve the compensation he received from the state or the city while he was enriching himself. The pension for feiture has been a powerful incentive over the years to keep police officers honest. A crooked cop is one of the worst enemie s of good government, since physical protection is a basic service provided by local government, and officers who take bribes either to protect wrongdoers or to enforce the law not only violate their oath of office, but they undermine both the concept and the realit y of equal justice under law. The issue become s murkier when we consider the different varieties of criminal conduct. For example, some acts which are clearly cr ime s are unrelated to t he employee’s official duties. A city worker kills his wife, and is sent to prison. All during his career, he has been making contributions to the pension fund. Those savings should, in fairness, go to his chil-

dren, whose mother is dead and whose father is in jail. His crime should not impoverish the innocent children, who have already been victimized. This leads to questions of where to draw the line. The case of former Stern Supreme Court Justice Victor Barron of Brooklyn, who continued to collect an $89,094 pension during the two years he was imprisoned for demanding a substantial bribe from a litigant in order to settle a case that was before him, was considered particularly offensive. While the state was paying for his room and board in prison, it was also compensating him handsomely for what had been corrupt service. Who knows how many other bribes Barron received before one law yer complained to District Attorney Joe Hynes, who subsequently launched an investigation? Is a public pension a form of deferred income, which vests in the pensioner’s family, or is it a reward paid at the conclusion of one’s public service for faithful performance of duty? There is a provision under which cit y employees can defer income to 401(k) accounts, and that money is clearly theirs, except that it may be used to pay a fine. As to the justification for for feiture of a pension, which is primarily the city’s money, the case is perhaps murkier. One great advantage of the

city’s right to deny a pension to a dishonest employee is that it enable s le sser set tlement s to be made in cases of misconduct. There are some sins or indiscretions or serious errors of judgment for which a fine of thousands of dollars would be an appropriate penalty. That could provide for the recovery of misappropriated funds and serve as a deterrent to others not to engage in similar misconduct. If the pension were to be immune from recapture, there would be no incentive for the employee to pay or settle the claim against him; he could simply retire and collect his ill-gotten gains for the rest of his life, as could his wife, if she were his beneficiary. They could laugh all the way to the bank, or to Florida if they wanted their income to go farther. There is a great variet y of crimes that have been committed by public employees, both on and off the job. For instance, a social worker or HR A manager may wrongly certify someone as eligible to receive benefits. If this is done because the employee mistakenly believes the applicant is entitled to or worthy of benefits, whether food stamps, rent reduction, monthly subsidies, or enrollment in a particular program, that is one kind of error. If the employee himself receives personal benefit from that decision, whether cash, sex or unearned privileges of any nature, the situation is much more serious, and punishment should be more severe. If the case should justify

dismissal, the issue of pension forfeiture should be considered as a potential part of the penalty, depending on the circumstances. There should not be an ironclad rule in these cases, where the extent of the penalty should depend on the motive of the wrongdoers, the seriousness of the offense, the number of people victimized, denied their rights, or unjustly enriched or deprived, the length of time the conspiracy continued, the defendant’s willigness to co-operate with the authorities, the value of that co-operation, to whom pension benefits may be allocated if the defendant’s inter-

est in receiving those benefits is revoked, as well as other facts which may be unique to the situation. No one rule can cover all the cases, but pension forfeiture should be within the range of available outcomes, depending on its gravit y. Often cases of this sort deal with people who have already messed up their lives, one way or another. The rule, “Nobody does it once” applies here, and people who are apprehended for one specific offense have usually committed others which did not come to the attention of the authorities.

Not 4 by Dom Nunziato

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

103rd Precinct Robber Sought The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating a suspect wanted for a robbery inside a Jamaica apartment building. On Sunday, March 20, at approximately 4:55 a.m., the suspect, an unidentified black man, followed the victim, an 18-yearold Asian woman, from a nearby subway station and into a building vestibule at 16640 89th Ave. in Jamaica, where he approached her from behind and repeatedly punched her. During the assault, the suspect also choked the victim before he ultimately fled on foot in an unknown direction with her cell phone. The suspect is described as a heavyset black man wearing a light-colored cap, a beige coat, a dark shirt, dark pants and dark shoes. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at or by texting tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

108th Precinct Tractor Trailer Death On Thursday, March 17, at approxi-

trailer and another vehicle that was parked inside. The investigation was ongoing.

a.m. on Thursday, March 17. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing.

113th Precinct

Pedestrian Struck

Shot Dead On Sunday, March 20, at around 2:30 p.m., police responded to a 911 call of a man shot at 114-45 199th St. in St. Albans. Upon arrival, they discovered a 20year-old black man with a gunshot wound to the head. EMS responded and Police are seeking the public’s assistance in finding this pronounced the aided dead on the scene. There were man, who is a suspect in a robbery case. no arrests as of printing. The investigation was onmately 11:22 a.m., police responded to a going. Identification of the victim was report of a motor vehicle accident inside pending proper family notification. of Boro-Wide Recycling, located at 3 Railroad Place in Maspeth. Upon arrival, Anibal Pilataxi, 21, of 237 Stanhope St. in Brooklyn, was found unconscious and Stabbing Death unresponsive on the ground inside of the On Wednesday, March 16, at 10:30 warehouse garage of the location. EMS a.m., police responded to calls of a disalso responded to the location and pro- pute at 104-05 Northern Blvd. in East nounced the male dead at the scene. Fur- Elmhurst. Upon arrival, police officers ther investigation revealed that a 2000 discovered Jose Balberas, 24, of 103-01 Commercial Tractor Trailer, operated by 34th Ave., Corona, with multiple stab a 35-year-old Hispanic man was backing wounds to his body. EMS responded and into the garage of the location when it transported him to Elmhurst Hospital struck Pilataxi, pinning him between the where he was pronounced dead at 5:06

115th Precinct

On Monday, March 21, at approximately 12:48 p.m., police responded to a report of a pedestrian struck by a vehicle at 70th Street and 32nd Avenue in Jackson Heights. Upon arrival, police found Margaret Choborka, 82, of 31-41 70th St., Jackson Heights, unconscious and unresponsive. It was determined that a 2002 Mercedes Benz was traveling northbound on 70th Street at the intersection of 32nd Avenue when it was struck by a 2009 Toyota Sienna traveling westbound on 32nd Avenue. As a result of the collision, the Mercedes struck the pedestrian, causing head trauma. EMS also responded and pronounced the pedestrian dead at the scene. Both drivers and vehicles remained on the scene. No criminality was suspected.


March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Looming Childcare Crisis:

Electeds, Community Denounce Proposed Cuts To Daycare Programs With budget cuts threatening to decrease daycare slots across the City, Southeast Queens launched a preemptive strike. “We have a serious issue here,” said Charles Fisher, founder of the National Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council. “We have a crisis. We have a childcare crisis.” In Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s budget, proposed cuts would affect families mainly in the priority 5 and 6 categories, who are working or currently in training programs. It would also increase parental fees and about 16,500 vouchers would be terminated. Families with a child in care for nine years would no longer receive service. “Families [with children] in care the longest are affected,” said Borough President Helen Marshall.

early childhood education, said it was “deplorable” to dismantle education in the formative years of learning. “The interesting thing is we are struggling to protect Taking A Stand our seniors and babies,” she There are those who are said. Marshall vowed to cautiously optimistic that budkeep fighting for the centers get cuts will not affect their to remain open. centers. The Sheldon R. Marshall was not the Weaver Daycare Center in Far only elected official who Rockaway is slated for closure promised to fight the proon June 30. posed daycare cuts. As“It won’t happen,” said semblywoman Vivian Arlene Cauley, the center’s diCook (D-Jamaica) said it Randy Fisher speaks to the audience with community activist Valerie Bell. rector. was time to tell the mayor Weaver, which is ranked number one in Queens, was supposed to itself of the responsibility and put the that the “we are not going to take it close its doors last year, but it was given a onus on individual daycare advisory anymore. She continued, “You cannot do this boards, the source said. Another change reprieve. “Do you think God is going to let them included DYCD taking over after school on the backs of our children.” Another center being closed is the first close a number one center, with a num- programs. “This is something we as a commu- center established in Southeast Queens, ber one director, and a number one staff?” nity need to ask, ‘What’s going on?’” said dubbed The Originals of Jamaica, which she asked. Cauley tempered her confidence with Leroy Gadsden, NAACP Jamaica Branch State Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica) a message for her fellow daycare direc- President. “We are at war. We are being helped start. “Sen. Huntley is with the parents [in tors. “If they close the 16 daycare cen- attacked at all sides.” believing that] no center should be Gadsden claimed the mayor has a treters, be weary because it will happen to mendous disconnect with the people of closed,” said Huntley’s deputy chief of you.” Fisher made a bold statement to this City and it is evident by the elimina- staff, Monica Pringle, adding that the centers provide education, socialization and tion of the daycare slots. Cauley. foster a love of learning. “New York City is symbolic of the “They are not closing your center “If we start at an early age, we won’t American dream,” he said. “The mayor is down,” he said. “It is what it is.” Tammy Miller, United Federation of about to change the concept of New York have to worry about the back end of it, Teachers representative for 28,000 city City. He might as well put a sign on the which is the Juvenile Justice System,” she daycare providers, said the proposed George Washington Bridge, ‘No poor. No said. To stop the proposed daycare center 16,500 voucher terminations would mean colored.’” Center for NuLeadership on Urban closures, Fisher said he is going to use devastation to an equal number of famiSolutions Executive Director Dr. Divine the resources at his disposal. In terms of lies. “Our message is simple,” she said. “We Pryor and Lance Feurtado of the King of families only being eligible for nine years need to stand together. We cannot allow King Foundation and Operation S.N.U.G. in the system, Fisher said a class action the mayor to cut the very fibers holding alluded to a connection between the clos- lawsuit could be filed on behalf of the ing of daycare centers and the criminal parents. He said he would tap into his this community together.” justice system. media, entertainment, and corporate conPryor said when the decision is made tacts to have them possibly subsidize Dubious Motivations A source with knowledge of the sys- to stunt the growth of children, they are daycare centers. “We are going to leverage corporate tem said since 1997, there has been a left to a system that is ripe for their desupport,” he said. “Nobody gets away, not storm brewing in the childcare system. struction. “They have a method to their mad- even the guy with the bodega on the corThere were hints along the way, the ness,” Feurtado said. ner.” source said, such as when ACS became Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at the lead agency. Soon after, the certificaTapping Unused Resources, or (718) 357tion process for early childhood educaMarshall, who has a background in 7400, Ext. 123. tion teachers changed. The City relieved

The City Administration for Children’s Services spokeswoman Elysia Murphy said there is a $95 million hole in the daycare system’s budget. State regulations require that when a locality is reducing subsidies, either the first or most recent families receiving benefits become causalities. “When faced with those two options, we went with the families that have been receiving care the longest,” she said, adding that, on average, the families affected have had a child in the system for about nine years. “Unfortunately, this is the only option to address such a significant deficit,” Murphy said. Of the 16,500 daycare slots to be eliminated, 9,700 utilize vouchers, according to Marshall. Kindergarteners make up 59 percent of the students possible affected and 14 percent would be preschoolers. “When you start closing down childcare centers […] parents are going to have to make the decision about going to work or watching their kids,” Fisher said. Information listing alternative care went out to impacted families, according to Murphy. Some children would be eligible for kindergarten, Head Start, Out of School Time, a Dept. of Youth and Community Development program; and Universal Pre-K. “The mayor doesn’t understand that going without childcare is not a viable option,” said Councilman Ruben Wills (D-Jamaica). “We have an uphill battle on our hands.” Assemblyman Bill Scarborough (D- Jamaica) believes there are financial Tammie Miller, Chapter Chair of the UFT difficulties at every level, and Home Childcare Providers speaks to the audithough there need to be so- ence. lutions, it is unfair to solve

Photo by A. Kelly

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

Painful Cuts and Rules

the budget crisis on the back of the daycare system. Budget cuts are attacking the “City’s youngest, city’s oldest and city’s poorest,” he said.

Photo by L. Moore


Lance Feurtado (l.) and Councilman Ruben Wills.

Directors Jamel Coleman and Shelia Willard go over their notes before they address the crowd.

Borough Beat

New Face At Helm Of Queens Theatre


The Queens Theater in the Park welcomed Ray Cullom as its new executive director this week, as the theater winds down one season and begins work on the next. Cullom, a native of Philadelphia, comes to Queens Theater after two years as managing director of Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, Conn. Originally on track to become a stage director, Cullom came to New York in the late 1980s where he worked on Theater Row on 42nd Street gaining experience in performance, lighting and production. He later spent some time working for the Nederlander theater family group’s Nederlander Worldwide Entertainment in Maryland. Altogether; Cullom has over two decades of both forprofit and not-for-profit theater experience. “I bring to the theater a different perspective,” he said, having experience in for-profit theater, where he said the art is used as a means to create revenue, and non-for-profit, which he said revenue is used to create art. Cullom, who replaced Jeffrey Rosenstock, who had been with the theater since its rebirth in 1989, said he was spending his first days learning the names of his staff and the history of the Queens Theater. The theater, which sits in the shadow of the long-abandoned towers of the New York State Pavilion in Flushing

Meadows Corona Park, both produces its own material and presents programs produced elsewhere as a venue. That’s a combination Cullom says he likes. It was the culture of Queens that brought Cullom back to New York. He said he hopes to use social media like Facebook and Twitter to entice programs to come to the theater and to help sell tickets. “The potential for this theater is the thing that brought me here,” he said. “The fact that such diverse programs exist [around the borough] and it’s easier to

find and bring them here more than ever.” Cullom said one focus will be to promote local artists, performers and playwrights; the borough’s diverse and dense population should make it easy to fill the theater’s 460 seats for just about any performance. “I guarantee you there is an audience for anything and everything of quality that we can put our hands on,” he said. “There are 460 people in this borough who will show up.” Another project on Cullom’s mind is to get the theater an actual physical street

address. The site, located in the middle of the World’s Fair grounds, has no actual address and cannot be found on GPS. Instead, motorists have to follow small signs on surrounding highways and in the park itself to lead to a parking lot a short distance from the theater. “Having an address would make this easier to find,” Cullom said. “If people can’t get here, they won’t come.” Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Melinda Katz Welcomes Second Child


Former Councilwoman Melinda Katz recently welcomed a second child into her life. Hunter Charles Katz was born nearly three months premature at Weill Cornell Medical Center on Feb. 24. The good news was tempered by the loss of Hunter’s twin. “Most of my friends knew that I was pregnant with twins,” Katz said in a phone interview Tuesday. “It was a difficult pregnancy for a bunch of reasons. But in the end I gave birth to one beautiful little baby boy. The other one unfortunately did not survive.” Hunter’s middle name is from Katz’s Zadie (grandfather) from Hungary. “I wanted

to pay tribute to him.” Her first son, Carter David, is named for her father’s Jewish name. As for Hunter, you can attribute the name to ex-football player Fred Dryer for acting in one of Katz’s favorite TV shows – “Hunter,” which ran from 1984 to 1991. Young Hunter was born at 3 lbs 3 oz, and as of Tuesday morning was up to 3 lbs, 14 oz. “Thank God, he’s doing well so far,” Katz said. “I’m looking forward to bringing him home.” Hunter joins his brother Carter, who turns 3 on May 3. Reach Executive Editor Brian Rafferty at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 122.

Hunter Charles Katz was born Feb. 24.

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March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

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Southeast Queens Photos Edited By Harley Benson

Queens Colony Civic State Sen. Tony Avella was invited by the Queens Colony Civic Association of Bellerose to speak at their monthly meeting. Pictured (l. to r.): Queens Colony Civic Association President Angela Augugliaro, Treasurer Brian Long, Sergeant at Arms Michael Augugliaro and Sen. Tony Avella.

Free Taxis

Celebrating A Holy Centennial A banner displaying the celebrations for the 100th birthday of the Dawoodi Bohra community's spiritual leader, His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin T.U.S. As part of the celebrations, the community organized a procession and a fun fair at their community center in Springfield Boulevard in Queens.

Community members pray for the long life and good health of H i s H o l i n e s s D r. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin T.U.S.

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) and the Design Trust for Public Space congratulate Abdul Mohammed for winning the grand prize of a year's worth of free taxicab rides. Pictured (l. to r.): Design Trust Executive Director Deborah Marton, contest winner Abdul Mohammed and TLC Commissioner David Yassky.

Tennis Bubble Opens Tennis pro John McEnroe joined Queens Borough President Helen Marshall and Youth and Tennis Executive Director Bill Briggs at the official opening of the Roy Wilkins Park tennis bubble in Jamaica March 12. Marshall provided $2.27 million for the installation of the bubble, access for the disabled, a storage shed and new landscaping.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

United Black Men Of Queens

Elected officials and community leaders came together to attend the United Black Men of Queens County Legislative Breakfast.

Head priest (Aamilsaheb) of the Dawoodi Bohra community in New Yo r k , J a n a a b B e h l u l B h a i s a h e b Hashemi, thanks NYPD policemen who helped run security during the procession.

Children and adults join the parade route.

A child from the Dawoodi Bohra community, dressed in traditional attire, waves a flag specially designed for the 100th birthday celebration.

Janaab Behlul Bhaisaheb Hashemi poses with the community's children outside the Jamali markaz (community center) in Queens.


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March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


‘Busy Mom’ Becomes A Job Title


Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

For the last five years, Valerie Samuel has been embarking on the most important role in her career - "Mom." Her entire life changed when her son Jeremiah was born. Samuel traded in her daily of 8 a.m.-til-whenever routine as a financial consultant and a college professor for diaper changes and bottle feedings. "That was a hard transition because you are so used to being around people and being in the game," she said. "It was very difficult because I always held executive level positions, but I couldn't do that now because who is going to watch the baby." Samuel weighed her options. She could resume her post, become a stay-athome mom, or reinvent herself. As a fiercely independent woman, Samuel chose the latter. The skills she had deftly put to use for others were repurposed to start marketing herself as "mompreneur." Samuel has written three books, including "The Balancing Act II" and "Framework One Project Management System." Samuel has also created DVDs to reinforce the message. She is currently hosting Mommy Makeovers throughout the City. From 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on June 18, Samuel will

Valerie Samuel be at the Harvest Room. If you are seeking immediate financial advice, Samuel can be heard at 7p.m. Sundays on Cathleen Williams' "I'm Just Saying" on Blog Talk Radio. "I wanted to do something more," she said. "I needed the flexibility and the income." Samuel who initially studied broadcast journalism in college, garnered her busi-

ness experience in her father's store, which sold Benjamin Moore Paints in Georgia. Samuel, 46, said the store was forced to close because the surrounding community was being redlined. She turned misfortune into triumph. Samuel was employed by the same group that helped her father launch his business, Minority Business Development Agency in Georgia. For three years, she provided marketing, and wrote and implemented business plans for corporate companies. Samuel moved onto the New York City Small Business Administration where she conducted market research for companies. Samuel said the only difference from the MBDA she encountered was her additional duty training entrepreneurs on how to enact their business plans. "Whatever they needed, we did it for them," she said. It was then, in the midst of an upward trend in her career, Samuel became an expectant mother. She decided she would not rejoin corporate America, but become an entrepreneur, and as a strong proponent of having it all, she began teaching other women how to live the life they want. Samuel is not only extending her knowledge to the working mom, but se also teaches at three colleges in the city. Even with all of her accomplishments, Samuel

is still a work in progress. Like every busy mom, she is still balancing and toeing a fine line between work and family. Last Friday, while sitting in her beautician's chair, she was multitasking as usual. On the phone, she was summing up her life story while occasionally admonishing Jeremiah. "I'm here with my son because his school is closed," she explained. "Do you know any other employer who is tolerating this kind of stuff?" Samuel would not change her life path and would like to have another child. "I want to be with him," Samuel said of her son. "I want to have fun with him." For mothers, she has this parting advice, "Don't sacrifice your children." For information regarding Samuel services call (212) 292-5127 or e-mail Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

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PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357


Queens’ Leguizamo Back On B’way BY ELYSE TREVERS The 7 Train was one of actor John Leguizamo's first theaters. As a teenager, the former Jackson Heights resident kicked open the conductor's "boof" and "riffed" on the subway PA system, before he was brought to the 110th Precinct. In his latest Broadway offering, Ghetto Klown at the Lyceum Theatre, Leguizamo mines his life and experiences for material. Starting with his upbringing in Queens, he talks quite freely about his stoic, non-demonstrative father and focuses on the effects his dad had on him. He enters onstage wearing sweatpants, a warm up jacket, T-shirt and backwards Mets' cap. (Unsurprisingly, several in the mixed theater audience were dressed in the same way.) Later the workout clothes prove useful as he dances, hustles and runs around the stage, even climbing up the fire escape. This is an R rated show, hardly appropriate for children, and while many performers in one-man shows have bottles of water nearby, Leguizamo drinks openly from beer bottles. His language gets quite colorful at times and particularly humorous is his interpretation of the U.S. map, as he details events where he lived and worked. (Queens gets a particularly vivid description and those of us who lived and worked in Queens laughed the hardest of all.) He proves himself a master of voices and accents. Each character has his or

her own distinctive mannerisms, postures and voice. Leguizamo's first acting teacher, who he affectionately refers to as "Tweety," sounds like Katherine Hepburn in "On Golden Pond." When he discussed some of the movies in which he acted, he began to impersonate several familiar actors, including Steven Seagall, Al Pacino and Kurt Russell. Many of the encounters were a bit aggressive, but Leguizamo mastered the voice and mannerisms of the familiar stars. The show includes some touching moments, especially when he lovingly imitated his Socialist grandfather. He is able to inject humor even into poignant moments. After telling of the passing of his beloved grandfather, he recalls being told that when an elder dies, the grandson should put his ashes into his etch-a-sketch so he's always with him. The show is liberally sprinkled with Spanish, much of which is clear even to the non-Spanish speakers. Not all, however. And cognizant of this, Leguizamo focused on one woman in the audience asking if she understood. When she said no, he replied, "Call your bank and press two." He has had other one-man Broadway shows, some of which received critical acclaim. He got a nomination for best solo performance, but he was up against Elaine Stritch and Bea Arthur, both octogenarians. He said he thought he'd win since he was the only one of the three able to climb onto the stage to receive

Restaurant Review

Boro’s Burger Crown and chips platter. Yeah, we could have had the soup or ordered off the short menu of specials, but we have come to love Donovan’s, consistently rated as the best burger in the borough, for its hot off the griddle meaty madness. We were not disappointed. The burgers were thick, weighty, juicy and delicious. They have that perfect balance with the tenderness of the beef, the crisp snap of the seared exterior and the juiciness that, by the time you’re done, has turned your napkin translucent. The fish was light and buttery, its crust simultaneously tender and crisp, served with lemon and just the right amount of tartar sauce – malt vinegar is available if you ask. Both the burger and the fish were served with thick, hand-cut fries that are nearly wedges, well browned and crisp on the outside, soft and steamy in the middle. Following our dinner, we sat over coffee and were never rushed. People came and went, all greeted by the hostess, all having a great time. It’s a simple meal, a friendly place and great spot to enjoy a quick bite – or to linger and enjoy the evening. And for that Best Burger title? The crown still resides in Woodside. —Brian M. Rafferty

Swinging Guitar Licks To Flit Through QPAC Guitar virtuoso and vocalist John Pizzarelli will perform an evening of jazz standards and American popular song with the Swing Seven Orchestra at Queensborough's Performing Arts Center (QPAC) on Saturday, April 2, at 8 p.m. John Pizzarelli - the son of swing guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli - is known by those in our area as the face and voice of the popular Foxwoods television commercial. He has earned the distinction of being one of the only "second generation" musicians responsible for preserving the legacies of many great American compos-

ers and musicians. In his recording work and concert appearances, John has paid tribute to great singers such as Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole, and great American composers such as Richard Rogers and George Gershwin. Tickets are $40 and are available online at or by phone at (718) 631-6311. Tickets are also available online at The center is located on the Queensborough Community College campus in the heart of Bayside, with ample free parking and 24hour security.

Harry Potter, City Sites Through Tourist Eyes The New York Pass, New York City’s premiere money saving attraction card, will soon open up a special exhibit on everybody’s favorite boy wizard, Harry Potter. Opening April 5 at Discovery Times Square, “Harry Potter, The Exhibition” will give visitors an up close and personal look at the official artifacts and props that were used throughout the Harry Potter films, from Quidditch uniforms, Mandrakes and Hagrid’s hut to Harry’s wand and signature glasses. “The New York Pass is thrilled to add ‘Harry Potter, The Exhibit’ at Discovery Times Square to its list of attractions. This highly anticipated exhibit is sure to be a favorite with New York Pass holders, both children and adults,” said Brian Scullin, spokesman for New York Pass. The New York Pass grants access to more than 50 of the top sites and attractions across the Big Apple for a single price, many with exclusive “fast-track” entry privileges, allowing card holders to

whiz past long lines. Most of the time, tourists are the ones who enjoy the pass, but folks from Queens and the other borough who want to spend some time living like a tourist can also get a great taste of what Mahattan has to offer with the New York Pass. New York Pass offers single-day passes regularly priced at $80 for adults, $55 for children; two-day passes, $125 for adults, $105 for children; three-day passes, $155 for adults, $135 for children; and seven-day passes, $200 for adults and $160 for children. Every New York Pass comes with a free 175-page guidebook that includes detailed maps, hours of operation, tips and directions to every New York Pass attraction. The pass can be purchased online at or picked up in person at Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises, Madame Tussaud’s, New York Skyride, NBC Experience Store, Planet Hollywood, Bike and Roll NYC Bike Rentals and Radio City Music Hall.

March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

DONOVAN’S PUB 54-24 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside (718) 429-9339 CUISINE: Irish Pub – Burgers HOURS: 11 a.m. to midnight, 7 days PARKING: Street CREDIT CARDS: Cash only It was an unusually warm Monday night for this early in March, and having just come back from Manhattan at an event, we were looking for some place to go that was easy to get to and where we knew we’d have a good time. Our first choice was obvious – Donovan’s. Arriving just after 7 p.m., we got a parking spot right in front and headed inside this dimly lit haven for local Irish rogues and those seeking out the finest burger in Queens. Passing through the bar, as the Irish eyes smiled upon us, we headed down a couple of steps to the dining room and were handed the simple menus. Irish favorites – from Shepherd’s Pie to a house special flounder stuffed with crab meat – dotted the menu. But really, mostly we were there for the burgers. In her thick brogue, our server took our drink order and hurried off to place her order at the bar. By the time she returned, we were set – two burgers, an order of onion rings to share and a fish

the award. He didn't win; Stritch did. The show is a bit cathartic as Leguizamo discusses his inability to connect emotionally and form a strong relationship. However, these revelations make the second act a bit overlong and perhaps overly sentimental. Leguizamo has an avid vocal following and after seeing him for the first time, I can easily see why. He is energetic, charming and incredibly talented. And well worth the price of the ticket. Ghetto Klown ends where it begins: with the Queens boy, now a successful family man and per- John Leguizamo performs on Broadway in “Ghetto former, back riding the 7 train Klown.” where it all began. Ghetto Klown is playing at the Lyceum 4887 or go to Theater, 149 W. 45th St. Call (866) 276- for tickets.


Celebrating A Decade of Leadership BY SASHA AUSTRIE This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Rev. Craig Scott Brown, Sr.’s leadership of Bethany Baptist Church. To celebrate his decade-long stint at Bethany’s helm, there was a series of services throughout March, which will cul-

Word Religion is the belief in an ever-living God, that is, in a Divine Mind and Will ruling the Universe and holding moral relations with mankind.” —James Martineau

minate in a banquet on Saturday and a service on Sunday. Nancy Scott, church administrator and a member of Bethany for almost 30 years, is happy with Brown’s guidance. “We have a fiery pastor,” she said previously. “He believes in what he’s doing. He is passionate about the word.” Brown is not only celebrating his tenure at Bethany, in May he will graduate with a Doctorate of Ministry from Drew University. The academic honor will add to his already distinguished catalog of degrees with a Master of Divinity from Yale University Divinity School. He also has a degree in philosophy and religion from Montclair State University. Brown answered God’s call to the ministry in 1981 and received his license to preach at the St. Paul Baptist Church New Jersey, under the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Henry Davis, Jr. Before taking his post at Bethany, Brown served at Greater Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church in Connecticut and Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Illinois. On Feb. 12, 2001, Brown was called to pastor Bethany. A month later, he took his post at the helm of the church. Since coming to Bethany, Brown has added to the already rich legacy.

The church did not only need a new pastor, its physical walls were crumbling. Instead of panicking or shuttling the responsibility, Brown took the challenge head on. At the start of his second year of leadership, Brown started to put his vision into focus. In 2002, he established the Leadership Council & Bible Study Class, two church vans were purchased, and he assigned a theme for the year. The first was, “The Year of Unity.” To learn more about the events celebrating his tenure, call (718)659-6099. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at, or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Rev. Craig Scott Brown, Sr.

Keepin’ The Faith? The PRESS wants to hear about the special programs in your faith community. Send your thoughts, stories, prayers and photos to: The PRESS at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357 All stories will be considered. Photos cannot be returned.

Notebook Campus Magnet Complex

Aspiring Actor Plays Many Roles ning of all school shows, on the School Leadership Team, participated in College Summit Workshops and was a College Summit Ambassador, participated in High School Fairs, in Open House Night, Red Ribbon Week, Stage Crew, the AVID enrichment program, and was one of several student leaders chosen to speak with alumni Abbe Ravin when she was Principal for a Day. Edmund’s philosophy is, “It’s all about family and friends.” He thanks his best friend, John, who is Student Council VicePresident, friend Shaquilla, and his family for their support and always believing in him.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

BY BOB HARRIS Jayson Edmund is a senior in the Humanities and the Arts HS in the Campus Magnet Complex, Cambria Heights, who is the Senior Council President and also an actor. This Brooklyn resident entered the acting program in his freshman year at HUM HS and has been in more than 14 shows in the past four years. He has been involved in several school educational programs and student government. On Nov. 19, 2010, he played his last role on the stage of the Campus Magnet auditorium as Peter in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Story.” The school has created the HA! Theater Company, which produces one big name show every holiday season. Director Mayna L. Bragdon has created a HA! Theater company alumni association and provides alumni free front row tickets to all future productions and updates of theater news at the Humanities and the Arts HS. Edmund’s acting career started as a freshman when he auditioned as an understudy for the Lion in The Wiz, and within a week was given the part. Bragdon wrote to Edmund, “Allowing you, as a

Jayson Edmund freshman, the role of the Lion in The Wiz in such a lead role was very scary, but you pulled it off. You showed that you were responsible and talented. That combination is always hard to find, especially in freshmen. Edmund has been involved in several

different activities, such as the Young Men’s Alliance, took part in a Toy Drive with Young Men’s Alliance, is Drum Major for the HUM HS Band, a Steel Band member, Arts Committee Member, Beta Club representative, played football for more than eight years, was part of the plan-

Is Your School Doing Something Good? Write The PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Queens Today RELIGIOUS


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

PARENTS COLLEGE LOANS Monday, March 28 College Prep: Loans, Scholarships and Grants at the Pomonok library at 5. YOGA FOR PARENTS Thursday, March 31 at the Ridgewood library. Register. SYLVAN LEARNING Saturday, April 2 parent workshop from Sylvan Learning Center at 2 at the Central library. S TORY T I M E Saturday, April 2 at the Ridgewood library at 11.

SINGLES SINGLES SOCIAL & DANCE Sundays, March 27, April 10, June 12 singles social and dance from 2-6. $10. Over 45. Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd., Rego Park. 459-1000.

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

TALKS WOMEN MOVERS Saturday, March 26 Women Making Moves: The Three Ps: for Success: Platform, Power, Publishing at 10:30 at the Langston Hughes library. DIE FREE Saturday, March 26 Cheryl Wills speaks about her book “Die Free: A Heroic Family History” at 1:30 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. WOMEN & FOOD Sunday, March 27 “Mom’s Home Cooking: Women & Food in Queens History” lecture 2:30 Queens Historical Societ y. $8 non-members, $5 members. 939-0647. STEINWAY BOOK Monday, March 28 adult book club at 6:30 at the Steinway library. LIFE COACHING Thursday, March 31 lifecoaching seminar at the Bay Terrace library at 6. TIME TRAVEL Thursday, March 31 Time Travel Time: Fact and Fiction at the Hillcrest library at 6. BLACK INDIANS Thursday, March 31 Black Indians lecture at 6:30 at the Langston Hughes library. FLUSHING BOOK Friday, April 1 “ To Kill A Mockingbird” will be discussed at the Flushing library at 1.

GLENN MOHR CHORALE Sunday, March 27 at 4 at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. Sunday, April 10 at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Forest Hills. Glenn Mohr Chorale presents an original production highlighting the events of the Lenten Season. 516488-0600. REGO PARK JC

SENIORS FREE LUNCH Saturday, March 26 at Church of the Resurrection in Kew Gardens. 847-2649 reservations. TAI CHI CLASSES Mondays at 9 at the Pomonok Senior Center, 6709 Kissena Blvd, Flushing. 591-3377. TAX HELP Monday, March 28 free individual income tax counseling for low-income older adults at 1 at the Sunnyside library. CLEARVIEW Monday, March 28 Music Appreciation at 12:45. Tuesday, March 29 Trip to the 99 cent store. Register. Thursday, March 31 Jokercise at 1 and “HSBC: Maximize What You Leave Your Loved Ones” at 10:15. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 224-7888. CAREGIVERS Ever y Tuesday Caregivers Support group at 3:30-4:30 at the Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 631-1886. TAX HELP Tuesday, March 29 A ARP free individual income tax counseling for low-income older adults at 1 at the Bayside library. STAY WELL Wednesdays at 10:15 at the East Elmhurst library for exercise and other health related programs. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. TAX HELP Wednesday, March 30 free tax help for low and middle incomes at the Broad Channel library at 1. TAX HELP Thursday, March 31 AARP free individual income tax counseling for low-income older adults at 1 at the Fresh Meadows library. STARS Friday, April 1 at 10:30 at the Queens Village library. Senior Theater Acting Repertory meets. DANCE LESSONS Fridays, April 1, May 6 free dance lessons – tango, pasodoble, cha cha, etc. – from 1-2:30 at the Pomonok Senior Center. 591-3377. LUNCHEON & DANCE Saturday, April 2 Rockaway Blvd. Senior Center will hold a luncheon and dance. 6576752 ticket information.

Sunday, March 27 light brunch, make collage art, appreciate poetry and join in singing Yiddish songs. $5. 11:30am. Saturday Shabbat Services at 9. Wednesdays 12:30-2:30 Yiddish Vinkel. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 Torah Discussion after evening Minyan Service. Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 4591000. SHOLEM ALEICHEM DAY Tuesday, March 29 celebration of Yiddish culture at the Central Queens Y in Forest Hills. 268-5011, ext. 151. ST. THOMAS March 29-31 Lenten Parish Mission. April 16 Annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. May 7 Mother’s Day Concert. May 14-15 Homecoming Mass, brunch and t o u r s . 1 0 0 th A n n i v e r s a r y Events for St. Thomas the Apostle, 87-19 88 th Avenue, Woodhaven. LUTHERAN REDEEMER Wednesday, March 30 Midweek Lenten Service at 7:30. Sundays regular worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30. Sunday School, Adult Bible Class and Friendship Hour at 9:30. Yo u t h G r o u p a t 1 2 : 3 0 . Wednesday prayer group and Bible Study at 7. Lutheran Church of the Red e e m e r , 1 5 7 - 1 6 6 5 th A v enue, Flushing. 358-2744. CULTURAL JUDAISM Saturday, April 2 the Queens Communit y for Cultural Judaism will present the story of one man who found h i s J ew i s h i d e n t i t y a t th e Unitarian Congregation of Queens, Ash Avenue and 149 th Street, Flushing. At 2. %4 non-members. EMANUEL UNITED Saturday, April 2 “ Voices of Victory,” a gospel choir will perform at 4. $10 suggested donation. Sunday, A p r i l 3 L e n te n Ve s p e r s Prayer Service at 5. Emanuel United Church of Christ, Woodhaven Blvd. and 91 st Avenue. 849-1153. WOMEN’S SEDER Sunday, April 3 at 12:30 at Temple Tikvah of New Hyde Park. 516-746-1120.

FLEA MARKETS SPRING BOOK SALE Sunday, March 27 9-3 at the Bellerose Jewish Center. Books, records, DVDs and more. 254-04 Union Turnpike, Floral Park. FLEA MARKET Sunday, March 27 at Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church, 31-12 30 th Street, Astoria from noon to 5. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE Tuesday, April 5 9-5 at the Bellerose Jewish Center, 254-04 Union Turnpike, Floral Park. Also from 9-2 at the Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills, 71-25 Main Street, Flushing. THRIFT SHOPS Saturdays 11-4 at Bargain Boutique Thrift Shop, Queens Baptist Church, 9323 217 th Street, Queens Village.465-2504.

YOUTH S TORY T I M E Saturdays, March 26, April 2 Ridgewood library at 11. TEEN TUTORING Saturdays, March 26, April 2 Bayside library at 10. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays, March 26, April 2 Central library at 11. TALONS Saturday, March 26 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck lib ra r y. B r i n g n e e d l e s a n d yarn. AFTERSCHOOL TIME Monday, March 28 at the Arverne library at 3. CRAFT KIDS Monday, March 28 at the Flushing library at 3. TEEN TUTORING Monday, March 28 at the Bayside library at 3:30. CUDDLE-UP TIME Monday, March 28 Russian Cuddle-Up Story Time at the Forest Hills library at 3:30. CHESS CLUB Monday, March 28 at the Lefferts library at 6. CUDDLE UP STORY TIME Monday, March 28 Chinese Cuddle-Up Story Time at the Forest Hills library at 2. WRITING WORKSHOP Monday, March 28 at the C a m b r i a H e i g h t s l i b ra r y. Register. LITTLE TOT Monday, March 28 at the Hillcrest library at 4. SPRING ARTS Monday, March 28 at the Hillcrest library at 6. CHESS CLUB Monday, March 28 at the Lefferts library at 6. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Tuesday, March 29 at the Glen Oaks library at 11. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesday, March 29 at the Hillcrest library at 3:30. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Tuesday, March 29 at the Baisley Park library. Register. READING CLUB Tu e s d ay, M a r c h 2 9 w i t h BOOST at the McGoldrick library at 5. AFTER SCHOOL Tuesday, March 29 at the Bellerose librar y. Register. CHESS CLUB Tuesday, March 29 at the LIC library at 4. ELA PREP Wednesday, March 30 6 th Grade ELA preparation workshop at the Cambria Heights library. Register. MATH ACTIVITY Wednesday, March 30 with BOOST at the McGoldrick library at 5. CHESS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. CRAFTS Wednesday, March 30 at the Steinway library at 11. First come, first served. FAMILY COLORING Wednesday, March 30 at the Queensboro Hill library at 11:15. CHESS & CHECKERS Wednesday, March 30 at

the Woodside library at 3. FUN READING Wednesday, March 30 Bay Terrace library at 3:30. CROCHETING Wednesday, March 30 at the Bayside library. Register. CHESS CLUB Wednesday, March 30 at the Ridgewood library at 4. FAMILY STORY TIME Wednesday, March 30 Queensboro Hill library at 11. BABY CRAWL Wednesday, March 30 Forest Hills library at 1:30. WEATHER ACTIVITY Wednesday, March 30 East Flushing library. Register. CRAFTS Wednesday, March 30 at the Seaside library at 4. DISCOVER SCIENCE Thursday, March 31 with BOOST at the McGoldrick library at 5. AFTERSCHOOL TIME Thursday, March 31 at the Arverne library at 3. SKATEBOARD CRAFT Thursday, March 31 Mini Skateboard Craft at the C a m b r i a H e i g h t s l i b ra r y. Register. YOGA FOR YOUTH Thursday, March 31 at the Ridgewood library. Register. CHESS CLUB Fridays at the Poppenhusen library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays Hillcrest library at 4. GAME TIME Fridays at the Windsor Park library at 4. CHESS CLUB Fridays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library. Register. ACTIVITY TIME Fridays at the Briarwood library at 3:30. FAMILY STORY TIME Friday, April 1 at the Seaside library at 11. CRAFTERNOONS Friday, April 1 at the Ridgewood library. Register. GAME DAYS Friday, April 1 at the Bay Terrace library at 2:30. RAISING READERS Friday, April 1 at the Peninsula library at 10:30. FAMILY PLAY TIME Friday, April 1 Queensboro Hill librar y. Register. S TORY T I M E Friday, April 1 Family Story timeSeaside library at 11. PRESCHOOL CRAFTS Friday, April 1 at the Sunnyside library. Register. YUGI OH Friday, April 1 at the Queensboro Hill library at 4. ARTS & CRAFTS Friday, April 1 at the McGoldrick library at 5. FAMILY STORY TIME Saturday, April 2 at the Flushing library at 11. POETRY Saturday, April 2 Poetry in your Pocket Story time at 11 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. SCIENCE Sunday, April 3 Science and Structures at the Noguchi Museum. 204-7088.

TEENS FUTURE WRITERS Saturday, March 26 book club at the LIC library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. TEEN TUTORING Saturday, March 26 at the Bayside library at 10. TEEN TUTORING Monday, March 28 at the Bayside library at 3:30. LAPTOPS FOR TEENS Monday, March 28 at the Hollis library at 4. CHESS CLUB Monday, March 28 at the Lefferts library at 6. TEEN CHESS Monday, March 28 at the Bayside library at 6. SAT STRATEGY Monday, March 28 SAT Free Strategy Session with Princeton Review at the Richmond Hill library. Register 800-273-8439. TEST FEST Monday, March 28 Test Fest with Princeton Review at the Queens Village library. Register 800-273-8439. CRAFT CLUB Monday, March 28 at the LIC library at 6. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesday, March 29 at the Hillcrest library at 3:30. LAPTOPS FOR TEENS Tuesday, March 29 at the Hollis library at 4. TEEN GAME DAY Tuesday, March 29 at the Rochdale Village library at 4. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Tuesday, March 29 at the Baisley Park library. Register. CATS Tuesday, March 29 Council of Advisory Teens meet at the Flushing library at 4. CRAFT Tuesday, March 29 at the Queens Village library at 4. SHSAT PRACTICE Thursday, March 31 practice test with Kaplan at the Bayside library at 3. TEEN POETRY Thursday, March 31 corny teen poetry craft at the Flushing library at 3:30. DUCT TAPE WALLET Thursday, March 31 at the Windsor Park library. Register. YOGA FOR YOUTH Thursday, March 31 at the Ridgewood library. Register. TIME TRAVEL Thursday, March 31 talk at the Hillcrest library at 6. POETRY SLAM Friday, April 1 Poetry Slam Workshop at the Pomonok library. Register. TEEN HAPPY HOUR Friday, April 1 at the Flushing library at 3. COOL CROCHET Friday, April 1 at the East Elmhurst library at 3:30. TEEN DRAMA Friday, April 1 Teen Drama Club at the Central library at 4. LEARN MAGIC Friday, April 1 at the Pomonok library at 4. WII SPORTS Friday, April 1 Wii Sports Challenge at the Lefrak Cit y library at 4:30.

Queens Today EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS JH ART CLUB Classes in all art forms days and evenings for children and adults. 454-0813. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, March 26 at the Knights of Columbus in Valley Stream. 341-0452. Also at St. Margaret’s Church in Middle Village. 326-1911. Also at Holy Family Church in Flushing. 631-360-9720. INTERVIEW PREP Saturday, March 26 Interview Preparation Workshop


MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHING DRIVE Through April 24 at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 2637000. WALK-A-THON Sunday, March 27 Forest Hills Jewish Center walk for their shul. 263-7000. TAX PREP Saturday, April 2 free tax preparation at the Langston Hughes library at 11.

ers, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. INDOOR SOCCER – DADS Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. SCRABBLE Wednesday, March 30 at the Forest Hills library at 2. GOOGLE TIPS Wednesday, March 30 Google Tips and Tricks at the Central library. Register. JIC ORIENTATION Wednesday, March 30 career resources at the Central library at 11. QUILTING CLASSES Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454 or 917817-8653 to register. COMPUTER CLASS Thursdays at the Queensboro Hill library. Register. EXCEL Thursday, March 31 Introduction to Excel at the Pomonok library. Register. FINANCIAL SEMINAR Thursdays, March 31, April 7, 14 at the Central library at 10:30. CAREER POTENTIAL Thursday, March 31 at the Central library at 1. JOB SEARCH Thursday, March 31 Job Search and Networking Strategies at the Lefferts library at 6. FINANCIAL SEMINARS Thursdays, March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28 at the Steinway library at 6. KNIT & CROCHET Thursdays at the Fresh Meadows library at 6. KNITTING CLUB Fridays at the Maspeth library at 10. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. SCRABBLE Fridays Bananagrams and Scrabble at the Windsor Park library at 2:30. GAME DAY Friday, April 1 chess, checkers and other board games at 2:30 at the Bay Terrace library. COMPUTER CLASS Friday, April 1 at the Middle Village library. Register. BASIC COMPUTER Friday, April 1 basic computer lessons at the Auburndale library. Register. SILENT LIBRARY Friday, April 1 play games on being “Silent In Our Library” at the Cambria Heights library at 4. IMPROV WORKSHOP Saturday, April 2 learn the basic techniques involved in improvisational theater at the Rochdale library at 3. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, April 2, 16, 30 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-436-7940.

ABBAMANIA Saturday, March 26 at Queensborough Communit y College. 631-6311. DOO-WOP Saturday, March 26 annual fundraising Doo Wop concert at Beach Channel HS. 755-6262. RUSSIAN FESTIVAL Saturday, March 26 at the Flushing library starting at noon. WOMEN’S HISTORY Saturday, March 26 celebrating Women’s History Month with New Voices in Fiction at the Langston Hughes library at 1. SYMPHONY 101 Saturday, March 26 at 1 at the Lefferts library and at 3 at the Bayside library. MERCER Saturday, March 26 tribute to Johnny Mercer at the Forest Hills library at 2. ART IN EUROPE Saturday, March 26 Provocative Fin de Siecle: Art in Europe at the End of the 19 th C e n t u r y a t t h e F r e s h Meadows library at 3. LATIN/AFRO-CARIBBEAN Saturday, March 26 at the Langston Hughes library at 3:30. PET THEATRE Sunday, March 27 Gregory Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre at Queens College. 7938080. KAROAKE Sunday, March 27 at the Community House in Forest Hills. 279-3006 for ticket information. Fundraiser for the Oratorio Society of Queens. RAGTIME Sunday, March 27 Paragon Ragtime Orchestra at Flushing Town Hall. 894-2178. STAMP SHOW Sunday, March 27 at the Ramada Inn, 220-33 Northern Blvd., Bayside. Free. 104:30. THE MUSIC MAN Monday, March 28 Carl “The Music Man” and TeriAnn perform at the Laurelton library at 6:30. JAZZ FESTIVAL Monday, March 28 Latin Jazz Festival at the East Elmhurst library at 7. MOVIE & TALK Mondays the Friends of Pomonok present a movie and discussion. Bring lunch. 1 at the Pomonok library. BINGO Tuesdays at 7:15 at American Mart yrs Church, church basement, 216-01 Union Tu r n p i k e , B a y s i d e . 4 6 4 4 5 8 2 . Tu e s d ay s at 7:15 (doors open 6) at the Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 459-1000.$3 admission includes 12 games. LOVE STORIES Tuesday, March 29 Long Island Love Stories from Beyond at 1:30 at the Bay Terrace library. GREAT MUSIC Tuesday, March 29 great music from the 30s to 70s at the Douglaston/Little Neck library at 2. DINO ROSI Wednesday, March 30 at 2 Concert of International Songs with Dino Rosi at the

Briarwood library. SONGS OF 60S Thursday, March 31 at 3:30 at the Ozone Park library. MOVIE BASED ON BOOK Friday, April 1 “To Kill a M o c k i n g b i r d . ” Wa t c h a movie based on a book at 2 at the Flushing library. FLAMENCO & INDIAN Friday and Saturday, April 1, 2 at 8 and Sunday, April 3 at 4 the Thalia Spanish Theatre in LIC presents Flamenco and Indian Music and Dance. 729-3880. COOL BEATS JAZZ Friday-Sunday, April 1-3 at LeFrak Concert Hall. 5442996. LIVE JAZZ Fridays through December 13 at 180-25 Linden Blvd.., St. Albans. 347-262-1169 ticket information. BRAZILIAN DOC. Saturday, April 2 film screening of Brazilian documentary “Rhythmic Upris-

ing” at the Broadway library at 2:30. SYMPHONY 101 Saturday, April 2 performance workshop for the entire family at the Lefferts library at 1 and the Bayside library at 3. ROB CROWE Saturday, April 2 Rob Crowe Situation performs at the Flushing library at 2. CHARMED CIRCLE Saturday, April 2 Pablo Picasso and Paris in the Early 1900s at 2:30 at the Forest Hills library. IRISH CONCERT Saturday, April 2 f o r t h e benefit of the People of Haiti with Mary Courtney and Morning Star at Our Lady of Mercy in Syosset. 454-9804. GREEK CULTURE Sunday, April 3 at the Central library at 3 with Grigoris Maninakis and the Mikrokosomos Ensemble.

HEALTH NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 7 days a week. 962-6244. WAITANKUNG Sundays at 2. Waitankung is a great total-body workout. Join these ancient Chinese exercise classes in the Flushing Hospital/Medical Center auditorium on 45 th Avenue between Parsons and Burling. Free. Jimmy 7-10pm 347-2156 information. TAI CHI Mondays and Thursdays at 11 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. $5 a class. ZUMBA Monday, March 28 at the St. Albans library. Register. MARROW REGISTRY Monday, March 28 join the Marrow Registry at the Flushing library at 2. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT E ve r y Tu e s d a y We ste r n Queens Caregiver Network in Sunnyside. 5:30-6:30. 784-6173, ext. 431. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT Every Tuesday 3:30-4:30 at the Selfhelp Clearview Se-

ALUMNI ST. AGNES Saturday, April 16 St. Agnes Academic HS in College point for all years, especially those ending in 1 or 6. 3536276.

DANCE SQUARE DANCE Saturday, March 26 Alley Pond Environmental Center’s square dance. $12. 2294000 to register. ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:30-10:00 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 18202 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. LINE DANCING Mondays 6:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $7. Cake and coffee. 565-2259.

nior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 631-1886. CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, March 29 Woodhaven library. Register. CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, March 29 at the Rego Park library. Register. YOGA Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 6701695. $10 class. ZUMBA Wednesday, March 30 at the Flushing library at 6. OA Thursdays at the Howard Beach library at 10:30. COOK WITH SPICES Thursday, March 31 at the Flushing library at 6. HATHA YOGA Thursday, March 31 at the Queensboro Hill library at 6. Mat, comfortable clothing. CHAIR YOGA Saturdays, April 2, 16, 30 Chair Yoga Fresh Meadows library. Register.

ENVIRONMENT GOING GREEN Saturday, March 26 greening, educational and networking conference in Flushing. 341-1395. BIRD OF PREY Saturday, March 26 hawks, falcons and owls at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. $15. 2pm. FREE TREES Sunday, March 27 free trees to the first 200 people at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000 to register. T WILIGHT WALK F r i d a y, A p r i l 1 Tw i l i g h t Spring Peeper Walk at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. $5 members, $7 others. WORK IN WETLANDS Saturdays, April 2, 23, 30 help eradicate invasive plant species from the wetland of Alley Pond Park with a volunteer crew. 229-4000.

March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

ST. ALBANS CIVIC Sunday, March 27 St. Albans Civic Improvement Association meets at St. Albans L u t h e r a n C h u r c h , 2 0 0 th Street and 199 th Avenue in the undercroft at 1:30. JEWISH VETS Sunday, March 27 Jewish Wa r Ve te ra n s o f t h e U SA Lipsky/Blum Post meet at the Garden Jewish Center. 4634742. VFW 4787 Monday, March 28 Whitestone VFW Community Post meets. 746-0540. MENS CLUB SOCCER Tuesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 2637000. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. FLUSHING CAMERA Wednesday, March 30 Flushing Camera Club meets at Flushing Hospital at 7:15. 479-0643. WOODHAVEN CULT. Wednesday, March 30 Woodhaven Cultural and Historical Societ y, Inc. meets at Emanuel United Church of C h r i s t , 9 1 st A v e n u e a n d Woodhaven Blvd. 845-3385. ADVANCED TOASTMASTER Thursday, March 31 learn the art and science of public speaking in Queens. 5256830. QUEENS CENTRAL ROTARY Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Come learn if Rotary is for you. 465-2914. WOMAN’S GROUP Fridays the Woman’s Group of Jamaica Estates meets at noon. Call 461-3193 for information.

for Adults at 3 at the Broadway library. FM POETS Saturday, March 26 Fresh Meadows Poets meet to discuss and critique their work at 10 Forest Hills library. BECOME A CITIZEN Saturday, March 26 at the LIC library. AN ARTIST IN YOU Saturday, March 26 917494-3572. All ages. CRAFT CLASSES Saturdays 11-3 at Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. PET OWNERS Sundays (not on holidays) from 1-4 free workshops on pet behavior at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 454-5800. BOAT SAFETY Sunday, March 27 About Boating Safet y with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary in Fort Totten. 917-952-7014. Also Wednesday, March 30 at Queensborough Communit y College. 281-5538. DRAWING CLASS Mondays at the National Art League in Douglaston. 3610628. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. BALLROOM DANCE Monday, March 28 Ballroom Dancing with Jing Chen at the Forest Hills library at 6:30. CHESS CLUB Monday, March 28 at the Lefferts library at 6. LIC CRAFT CLUB Monday, March 28 for adults at the LIC library at 1 and 6. CREATIVE WRITING Monday, March 28 creative writing workshop at the Seaside library at 2. JOB INFORMATION Monday, March 28 Middle Village library. Register. POWERPOINT Monday, March 28 Introduction to PowerPoint at the Maspeth library at 6. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesday, March 29 at the Astoria, LIC and Glendale libraries. Register. SCRABBLE CLUB Tuesdays at the East Flushing library at 3:30. COMPUTER CLASS Tuesday, March 29 at the Arverne library at 10. INTRO COMPUTERS Tuesday, March 29 at the Peninsula library. Register. MICROSOFT EXCEL Tuesday, March 29 at the McGoldrick library. Register. COMPUTER BASICS Tuesday, March 29 Queens Village library. Register. CHESS CLUB Tuesday, March 29 at the LIC library at 4. MEDITATION Tuesday, March 29 Finding Inner Peace Through Meditation at 4 at the Richmond Hill library. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crochet-


People LaGuardia Community College honored six newly elected New York State Assembly and New York City Council women at its inaugural “New Women Leaders of Queens” luncheon on March 4. Recognized at the Women’s History Month celebratory event were Assemblywomen Grace Meng, Aravella Simotas and Michele Titus and Councilwomen Elizabeth Crowley, Julissa Ferreras and Diana Reyna. Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, who served on the Assembly since 1984 and officiated the event, was joined by a host of legislators, which included Congresswomen Carolyn Maloney and Nydia Velazquez, Council member Jimmy Van Bramer, former Senator Serph Maltese and members of the college community, that came to recognize the women. In her remarks, Nolan said that historically, Queens County has always had a very strong tradition of women in legislative positions. “It is wonderful that there is a new group of women stepping up and assuming that leadership mantle and taking it further,” she said. “They are extremely accomplished and come to the job with a strong skill set.” Assemblywoman Meng, who serves Flushing, is the youngest Asian American ever elected to the New York State Legislature, and is currently the only Asian American serving in the entire legislature. Eight of Meng’s bills on issues, ranging from extending unemployment insurance to providing new incentives for property owners to commit to providing

The honorees of LaGuardia Community College’s inaugural “New Women Leaders of Queens” luncheon. affordable housing, have been signed into law. Assemblywoman Simotas, who comes to the Assembly with a law degree, is the first woman to represent District 36 (Astoria) and the first Greek American woman to be elected in the Assembly. Simotas is a longtime member of Queens Community Planning Board 1 and has served on the boards of the United Community Civic Association and the Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund. Assemblywoman Titus represents the communities of South Ozone Park, Springfield Gardens, Rosedale, Far Rockaway and Laurelton. She has introduced and supported policy for afterschool programs in every public

school, expanding early childhood education, providing access to quality healthcare, and lowering senior prescription costs. Council member Crowley is the first Democrat and the first woman to represent the 30th Council District—Maspeth, Middle Village, Glendale, Ridgewood, Woodhaven and Richmond Hill. The new council member is interested in stopping overdevelopment, improving local schools, strengthening services for seniors, improving healthcare and improving parks. Council member Ferreras serves Corona, East Elmhurst and parts of Jackson Heights. Ferreras is a vigorous defender of the rights of victims of sexual

and domestic violence, an impassioned fighter for the working people of her district, and is committed to the rights of New York’s large and growing immigrant community. Council member Reyna, the first woman of Dominican descent elected to office in New York State, represents communities stretching from Williamsburg and Bushwick in Brooklyn to Ridgewood, Queens. Reyna chairs the Council’s Committee on Small Business and has been an advocate for affordable housing as well as initiatives to stem obesity and asthma rates in her community. During the ceremony, the young legislators jointly praised Nolan, who represents Sunnyside, Ridgewood, Long Island City, Queensbridge, Ravenswood, Astoria, Woodside, Maspeth, Dutch Kills and Blissville, as having charted a course for women politicians. “Cathy has been a trailblazer for women not only in Queens County but in New York State,” said Crowley. Dr. Gail O. Mellow, President of LaGuardia Community College, echoed their accolades saying, “Cathy is a real leader who leads with her head and her heart, and whose feet always stay rooted in this community.” Dr. Mellow added that the College will honor these legislators with the LaGuardia Wall of Fame—a gallery of photos and bios of the newly elected public servants and Assemblywoman Nolan— which will be placed in the LaGuardia and Wagner Archives.


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March 25-31, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21

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Red noses invaded East Elmhurst as a Clown Convention came to Queens.

Clown Convention up design and shoe sizing.

Clowns – you either love ’em or hate ’em. We’ve got least one person on staff here who’s petrified of them. Perhaps he saw “Poltergeist” one time too many. Good thing he wasn’t out covering the 2011 World Clown Convention last weekend at the LaGuardia Plaza Hotel in East Elmhurst. From March 14-18 more than 200 clowns from across the country emerged from a tiny car parked outside the hotel to learn the latest techniques in pratfalls, make-

Seriously, though, we’re a little creeped out and unsure of just how LaGuardia Airport was able to handle the security when they arrived. Were the x-ray machine containers big enough to hold the shoes? Were they allowed to have their water-spraying flowers loaded as they boarded the plane? Perhaps for the TSA's sake, these questions are best left unanswered. Only a real Bozo would ask them anyway.

Viper Returns

Victor Mooney’s boat hits the water – at least for a little while.

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens March 25-31, 2011

Washed Up Mayday, mayday. The captain’s lost control again. Attempting to row across the Atlantic Ocean for the third time, Victor Mooney, of Forest Hills, was rescued after only two weeks at sea. In an effort to raise HIV/AIDS awareness, Mooney believed his third attempt at crossing the treacherous waters, would prove to be successful. His first attempt, in 2006, ended when his handmade boat sank just hours after departing from Senegal, in West Africa. In 2009, the second attempt went bust when his water purification system broke down and ended in another sea rescue. Apparently the third time was not a charm. After his state-of-the-art rowboat wouldn’t stop taking on water, Mooney decided to bail on the 5,000-mile voyage back home. While floating aimlessly at sea, Mooney was ignored by the first ship that sailed by before eventually being rescued by a Greek merchant vessel. The dangerous rescue mission, which took nearly five hours, “saved my life,” said Mooney. Now bound to land, but not broken, Mooney vows to continue raising HIV/AIDS awareness. And promises his wife, his mission will stay as dry as possible.

We here are excited about the second installment of Kung Fu Panda. The cast for sequel to the goofy blockbuster was recently unveiled and Lucy Liu will once again reprise her role as Viper, a member of The Furious Five. The Queens beauty Lucy Liu is reprising a role that makes us will bring as much of her sexiness to the slithery squirm - in a good way. character that is allowable in animation. If you can not wait until May 26 to satiate your Liu appetite, you can hear voice on the Bullitts new single. The new song, dubbed “Close Your Eyes” is due for release April 18. The song is not part of your everyday conventional album. It seems, “They Die By Dawn and Other Short Stories” is a concept album that follows the narrative of Liu’s character Amelia Sparks. Sparks is a convicted murderer awaiting execution. Sounds interesting.

Terezia Revesova Home: Glendale Age: 24 Height: 5’ 4" Weight: 114 lbs

Glendale Gal Terezia, who hails from Slovakia, was first featured in our pages in 2008, and her sharp looks enthralled us enough to revisit this gal who is still making her impression in the modeling world. Since last we spoke, Terezia won second place in Miss Diaspora International, has worked on commercials and has done print modeling in a variety of places, including some work for the New York Giants. This past December she came back to the Miss Diaspora annual contest as a judge and was more of a knockout than some of the contestants. Speaking of knockouts, watch out – this gal is a master at karate, studying for a decade and entering in national competition, where in 2006 she was a world champion for her class. Great looks and a solid uppercut to boot.

No Love For Mets The season didn’t even start yet, and already one New York company has thrown in the towel on the Mets. In the their latest ad campaign, Manhattan Mini Storage, the company that brought New York such sarcastic ads as “Can’t Squeeze Another Thong in Your Closet” and “You’re Just Not Meant For The Suburbs” has unveiled their latest ad campaign aimed at convincing city dwellers it’s better to store their extra junk in their storage centers rather than buy a big house and paying astronomical property taxes. In it, they take a cynical swipe at the city’s lessstoried baseball team. On subways, bus shelters and The company’s caustic campaign telephone booths (the few that art left) around the city, you might have seen the ad that reads “Why leave a city that has six professional sports teams and the Mets.” Real nice Manhattan Mini Storage. Why don’t you just go ahead and hire John Rocker to be your celebrity spokesman?

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