Southeast Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 14 Issue No. 19 May 10-16, 2013

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013

News Briefs Students Giveaway Trees

As part of a commitment to perform community service, 20 seventh and eighth grade students will assist in a free tree giveaway from 9 to 11 a.m. on May 11 at MS 72, located at 133-25 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., in Jamaica. The students, in partnership with the NY Restoration Project and the Million Trees NYC Initiative, will give away 100 trees on a first-come, firstserved basis. Each tree comes with a free fruit tree care packet. Trees being given away include Jane Magnolias, American Hornbeams and two types of fruit-bearing Asian plumb trees. The students are participants in Ladders for Leaders, a college-to-career readiness program at the Child Center of New York Teens receive free tutoring, recreation and college/career planning. In return, they make a commitment to carry out service learning projects to benefit the community. For information, visit

VP Records Cheers On Etana

On May 4, reggae artist Etana hosted the 32nd annual International Reggae and World Music Awards in Coral Springs, Fla. The artist, who is signed to VP Records based in Jamaica, NY, performed and also took home the award for Best Female Vocalist. “We are so proud of Etana and to be a part of her journey,” VP Records co-founder Patricia Chin said. “Her poise and sheer determination always shine through. She is one of the most talented singer-songwriters of her time, and we are glad that the community and the IRAWMA organization recognize her contributions to the genre.” Etana recently released her third studio album, “Better Tomorrow,” on VP records, and it is currently no. 1 on the South Florida Reggae Album chart. At the end of the month, the artist will participate in the International Women’s Forum Cornerstone Conference, held in the Montego Bay Convention Center.

Liu Staffers Found Guilty

Two former staffers of City Comptroller John Liu were found guilty of being involved of a fraud scheme last Friday. The two ex-staffers, Jia Hou, also known as Jenny Hou and Xing Wu Pan, also known as Oliver Pan, were convicted of orchestrating a scheme that funneled illegal campaign contributions to a candidate for a citywide office.

According to a Federal Bureau of Investigation press release announcing the conviction, the scheme was illegal in two ways: It allowed that candidate to receive more money than the individual contribution limit of $4,950 and it permitted that candidate to claim more matching funds because of the increased dollars that he or she got from the scheme. Hou was the campaign treasurer and Pan was a fundraiser and contribution collector for the campaign. By entering the guilty plea, the jury found that Hou tried to commit fraud, obstruct justice and gave false statements in relation to the scheme. They also found that Pan attempted to commit fraud by being involved in the fraud. “I am deeply saddened by the verdict. I continue to believe in Jenny being a good person and exceptional individual,” Liu said in the statement. “I look forward to this year’s Mayoral election and will continue to ask the voters for their support.” Both convictions carry a maximum of 20 years in prison and they are scheduled for sentencing on Sept. 20.

Far Rockaway Medical Office Reopens After Sandy

Queens-Long Island Medical Group, now part of AdvantageCare Physicians, reopened its medical office in Far Rockaway last week, six months after flooding from Superstorm Sandy damaged the building. In the year before Sandy, more than 9,000 patients used the office, located at 29-15 Far Rockaway Blvd. Each of these patients has been notified of the office reopening, and new patients are now being accepted. The Far Rockaway office offers full-service primary care for adults and children. As the community continues to recover, QLIMG has made it a foremost priority to reopen the medical office, thereby ensuring that families have access to high quality medical care right in their community. “It is our privilege to be back and ready to see patients. Our medical group has been part of Far Rockaway for many years. We are happy to serve them again,” said William Gillespie, M.D., EmblemHealth chief medical officer who also serves as president and CEO of AdvantageCare Physicians. Since Sandy, Rockaway-area patients have been seen in other nearby QLIMG offices or by an area physician. To make an appointment, call (718) 337-7000. For information, visit

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


Wills, Peralta Linked To Huntley Taps BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA In a response to petitions filed by reporters, Judge Jack Weinstein unsealed a document that contained the names of nine people who were secretly taped by the disgraced exSenator Shirley Huntley. The document, released on Wednesday afternoon, contained the name of six elected officials, three of which are representatives from Queens – Councilman Ruben Wills (D-Jamaica), State Sen. Jose Peralta (D- East Elmhurst) and State Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Jamaica), who is already awaiting trial for an alleged corruption scheme to rig the mayoral election. State Senators Ruth HasselThompson (D-Bronx), Velmanette Montgomery (D-Brooklyn), Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) and John Sampson (D-Brooklyn), who is already facing charges, are also on the list of those secretly recorded by Huntley. The former political consultant and associate to New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Melvin Lowe, and former press advisor to Smith, Curtis Taylor, are also on the list. Reports claim that of the nine individuals listed, only eight are still under investigation. The office of Councilman Ruben Wills released a statement saying that he was the lone individual not under investigation. “My attorney has been in contact

with federal law enforcement aufer her a cooperation agreement.” thorities and he has been informed The document, written by that I am not the target of any inHuntley’s Bayside attorney, Sally vestigation arising from proceedButler, also pled for leniency in ings involving Shirley Huntley,” sentencing the ex-Senator. Wills said. “I have personally not Butler claimed that Huntley been contacted by any law enforcewas suffering from sciatica – a set ment officials to date and I look of symptoms that occur from irforward to continuing the work of ritation of the sciatic nerves. The the people of southeast Queens document claims Huntley regularly that elected me.” receives a cortisone injection into Peralta also released a state- Councilman Ruben Wills, right, was one of her spine to reduce inflammation. ment late Wednesday afternoon nine individuals linked to a series of wiretaps Because of her high blood pressure, asserting his innocence. conducted by former State Sen. Shirley Hunt- Huntley did not receive her last two “I am confident that the author- ley, left. scheduled injections. Butler also ities will find, if they have not alnotes that her blood pressure has build a case against ‘State Senator ready done so, that I have engaged also become “increasingly worriin no wrongdoing whatsoever,” Per- #1,’ reportedly Sampson, and two some during these stressful months.” other state senators. The details of alta said. Butler also detailed Huntley’s charRequests for comment for Smith’s those recordings are discussed in a itable work in her career, even well beseparate sealed letter which will be fore she was elected to senate as well office were not returned. According to the document, in filed next week. as the positive things she has done for Although Huntley worked with the City during her term in office. April and May of 2012, law enforcement authorities conducted a judi- the FBI build evidence against her Butler wrote in a letter to Weincially-authorized wiretap of Huntley’s fellow lawmakers, the government stein, “In determining a sentence cell phone. The wiretap revealed evi- refused to enter into a cooperation that is sufficient but not greater than dence of Huntley’s participation in agreement with her. necessary, Mrs. Huntley asks that “Notably, the defendant generally this court consider her years of good three criminal schemes. Between June and August of 2012, acknowledged her criminal conduct works and selfless service, her family Huntley, while acting at the direction as early as the first proffer sessions circumstances, the declining health of the government, recorded meet- with the government. When pressed of her children and her husband and ings with the nine individuals. Ac- for details, however, the defendant her assistance to the government.” cording to the document released often provided answers which were On Thursday, Huntley was senWednesday, recordings of four of the false, implausible and inconsistent,” tenced to one year and one day afelected officials, as well as the two the unsealed document read. “Under ter pleading guilty to embezzlement staffers did not yield any evidence of these circumstances, the government charges. concluded that the defendant could criminal wrongdoing. Reach Reporter Natalia KozikowsBut the secretly recorded meet- not serve as an effective cooperating ka at (718)357-7400, Ext. 123 or ings did yield valuable evidence to witness, and therefore declined to of-

Attack On Black Leaders: Conspiracy Or Corruption? BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA After a series of arrests of Black elected officials, State Sen. James Sanders (D-Jamaica) will host a debate to explore whether there is a conspiracy against Black leaders or whether corruption is among them. The debate will follow a screening of the Carl Clay film, ‘Let’s Get Bizzee.’ ‘Let’s Get Bizzee,’ a 1993 movie shot in southeast Queens, is a feature film that speaks of a young person’s determination to change and challenge the corrupt political landscape. Its message, Sanders said, can be applied to many of today’s scenarios. “If ever there was a time for positive change that time is now and where it comes from is good in the youth are known as change agents,” Sanders said. “In an age of cynicism by many, this film is a call for involvement and getting up and taking back your community. If there was ever a

time it was needed, that time is now.” Despite its close timing to State Sen. Malcolm Smith’s arrest, Sanders assures that the debate is “larger than any individual.” Instead, he hopes the audience can walk away from Friday night’s debate equipped with more knowledge and facts to support their arguments. “This is not an attack on any leader who finds himself in a perilous position or in trouble. The community, however, has a right to think of these issues,” he said. “The events that are in the newspaper are what people are talking about and there two dominant frames of thought. One is that that this is an attack. The other is that there is corruption.” “We want to raise the conversation,” he continued. “We think that it is healthy to explore both possibilities…that it is healthy to look at things in a rational fashion. We are trying to bring thinking back. There should be no sacred cows.”

Much like any other professional debate, there will be scholars arguing from both sides of the spectrum. The teams will be comprised of a legal expert and member of the bar association, a well known columnist and people of the community. The debate will also be moderated by a college law professor. The debate will also have one rule – no representative from southeast Queens may be used as an example. The reason for this rule, Sanders said, was to avoid any bias for politicians who may currently be awaiting trial. When asked if he thought the subject of Smith was inevitable, Sanders simply responded by saying, “I think that thinking is inevitable. A wise mind doesn’t have to speak of a particular individual.” “It’s not insistent that we must speak of a particular bird but we can speak of birds as a whole because after all, birds of the feather do fly

together,” he added. Although Sanders will not sit on the panel, he revealed that he will give his own personal view at the end of the debate. The Senator did note, however, that it was possible his stance could change. “It is possible,” he said. “It is possible that a well rhymed argument, well-reasoned argument could do that and I would have to say, the presenter had just done such a great job that who’s to argue? I would personally be delighted to see my position change.” The film screening and debate will be held at the Black Spectrum Theatre, located at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard on Friday, May 10. The film screening will begin at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are $5. The panel discussion will begin at 8 p.m. and does not require a ticket. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013

New Retail Space Coming To Jamaica

BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA On Monday, May 6, the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation announced that it will be pairing up with Blumenfeld Development Group to transform two parking lots on Jamaica Avenue into a large modern retail space. The announcement marks the first time that Jamaica could potentially see a new department store in more than 35 years. In the 1970s and 1980s, big-box retailers left Jamaica Avenue and moved to suburban areas where business was more profitable. “This is a landmark occasion for Jamaica. This is the initial step in bringing back a department store to downtown Jamaica and to help all of southeastern Queens,” U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica) said Meeks called on memories from more than three decades ago, when downtown Jamaica was home to three department stores – a Macy’s, a May’s and a Gertz. “I remember my mother was remorseful on that day Gertz announced that it would close, because that was one of the places everybody would go to buy their kids clothing for school and what they needed in the

The Greater Jamaica Development Corporation announced that it will transform two parking lots on Jamaica Avenue into a large modern retail space. Rendering courtesy of GJDC. household, so that was not a good day in the early eighties,” he said. “But that was then, and this is now.” The proposed retail development, located at 168th Street, between 90th and Jamaica Avenues, is not anticipated to break ground for another two years, pending City approvals, but the Congressman and GJDC estimate the $50 million project will create 180 construction jobs, as well as 400 new permanent jobs once a tenant moves in. As part of the proposed develop-

ment, the two parking lots at the location, which are currently owned by GJDC, will be converted into a 160,000-square-foot retail store and build a 500 plus capacity parking garage. “In recent years, with the help of Greater Jamaica, Jamaica has turned the economic corner,” Meeks continued. “Greater Jamaica has made downtown, downtown again and once again, downtown has become a vital center for retail and civic institutions.”

Since the economic setbacks of the 1970s and 1980s, it has been the goal of GJDC to redevelop Jamaica by bringing in more businesses to market the neighborhood as a wellrecognized and thriving shopping center once more. “Our mission is local economic development and it includes a lot more than just commercial development. We work with transportation infrastructure, higher education, industrial growth and retention,” said Carlisle Towery, president of GJDC. A lease for the retail space has not yet been signed and the announcement did not specify which, if any, retail stores are looking at becoming a tenant. Still, Meeks, as well as GJDC and Blumenfeld Development Group are confident that once the retail space is built, it will attract potential tenants. The Congressman also made a promise to the crowd in his final remarks about the announcement. “This is only the beginning folks,” he said. “You need something to kick it off – this gives you an idea of what’s to come.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123 or

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

York Students Push for MSW Program For two years, undergraduate students have been fighting to bring a Master’s of Social Work program to York College. On Wednesday, the students held a mini protest at the school, marking their third attempt to get approval from the president and board needed to create the program. “This is a unique situation where it is a student-driven project and there is so much logic, interest, vigor and energy behind this whole project,” said social work professor Vadim Maldovam. “They are applying their skills to their own future.” As part of their initiative, the students, along with Maldovam, have drawn up and later revised their proposal containing a feasibility study, an expense sheet and even a curriculum for potential incoming students. “We improved the letter of intent, the proposal and we even went as far as creating a lesson curriculum that will be accredited by the [Council on Social Work Education],” said Alexis Rountrea, a senior at the college. “Basically, we just need the president to just push

Photo by Natalia Kozikowska


Undergraduate students at York College fight to bring a MSW program to the college for a third time. forward with it and get us the program here at York College.” The MSW program, students said, was denied by the administration at York College twice before because they felt enrollment would not be large enough and the graduate rate was low. “They deny us the new program for the simple fact that York, in general, their statistics are low. Intake of new freshmen and the graduating classes are low,” said Jessica Alvardo, a senior at York. “They are not separating the students that are attending the social work program, they are just lumping us together.” Her fellow classmate, Rountrea, echoed similar sentiments. “Many people go as far as saying

the graduation rate is as high as they would like it to be but that doesn’t change the fact that here in the social work department, we graduate 80 percent of students once they come into the department,” she said. Although many students feel that York College has been denying them an MSW program, Dolores SwirinYao, vice president of institutional advancement at the school, emailed a statement from the college which claimed that developing the program was in the college’s strategic plan developed in 2009. “Establishing a masters program is a complex process that requires approval starting with the department and college governance as well

as ultimately by the CUNY Board of Trustees and the New York State Department of Education,” the statement read. “The process of developing a curriculum and getting approval would take several years. We are currently engaged in the accreditation process in undergraduate Social Work which must be completed before moving forward with considering a Masters Program.” If approved, York College would be the only CUNY school in Queens with the MSW program. As it stands, there are only two other CUNY schools in New York City – Lehman College and Hunter College, that have an MSW program. By bringing the program to Queens, students said, many more students will be able to continue their education close to home and at an affordable cost. “A lot of people could just commute here as opposed to those two as the only schools,” Rountrea said. “I’m not going to postpone my education to wait for York, but I will advocate for something I truly believe in.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400, Ext. 123 or

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Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013

Editorial Time To Clean House? OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Another week and another round of names of elected officials have been released. Over the years, we have reported on too many corrupt elected officials who have decided to make the system work for them instead of for their constituents. If it was not tiresome before, it certainly is becoming so now. Some members of the southeast Queens community – including elected officials and civic leaders – have alleged that there is a conspiracy against minority leaders and investigators are unfairly targeting them. If one looks back over the names of legislators state-wide that have been discovered as corrupt, you will find people from across the spectrum that have been forced to step down. The culture of corruption that has permeated in Albany is at a tipping point, and it is time we stopped allowing our elected officials to get away with these illegal activities. We voted for these individuals to help us, not themselves. If they have no interest in upholding that covenant, we should have no interest in continuing to support them. We continue to call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to crack down on anyone not implicitly representing the people who elected them.

Shiek Mohamed


Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel


Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Natalia Kozikowska Joe Marvilli Luis Gronda Trisha Sakhuja Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Lianne Procanyn Barbara Townsend Alan Goldsher Director of Marketing Maureen Coppola Advertising Administrator Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Nicole Douglas Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

To The Editor: The PRESS of Southeast Queens is to be applauded for its editorial “Not For Sale” (May 3-9, 2013 edition) having reference to a Major League Soccer stadium in Flushing

Meadows Corona Park, in which it rightfully condemns the ongoing desecration of the park which has been alienated piece by piece to private interests. With apologies to William Shakespeare: “The fault, dear

Letters Brutus, is not in the stars,” but at the feet of the current occupant of the office of mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, who in the almost 12 years he has held the office, he not only never lifted a finger to reverse the neglect inflicted on FMCP, the second most used park in our municipal system primarily by the less privileged, but has actively participated in giving up FMCP land, a non renewable resource to private interests. The expansion of the USTA in the park; on the horizon a 1.4 million square foot shopping mall on the Citi Field parking lots which were built on FMCP land, and a Major League Soccer stadium capable of seating up to 35,000 people, are all part of Bloomberg’s romance with the wealthy and indifference to the little people. He fails to understand parks are the life blood of an urban society, or if he does understand, he is contemptuous of the people who need and use the park. In the case of a soccer stadium, as bad as giving away parkland to a private for-profit business, it is

even worse when one notes the recipient is an Abu Dhabi oil multi billionaire whose wealth is not earned the hard way, but directly related to a repressive government and policies that are not ones we Americans would tolerate. I believe if Frederick Law Olmstead, the genius who created Central and Prospect Parks in this City and important parks elsewhere, was still alive, he would not break bread with Bloomberg and justifiably so. Benjamin M. Haber, Flushing

WRITE ON: The PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 email news@queenspress. com fax: (718) 357-9417

Let The Perps Beware, Big Brother Is Watching A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE With all the political scandals sweeping our City, it is easy to forget that there are many other disturbing news of consequence in our communities as well. Political scandals may be more tantalizing for many reasons, but while we were being teased with news of who was taping whom for the FBI, there was a rapist terrorizing children in South Ozone Park. According to police reports, the perpetrator sexually assaulted two seven-year-old girls, groping one right on the front stoop of her home. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when he was caught earlier this week. The alleged predator, Lee Samuel, a homeless 25 yearold man, was charged with first-degree criminal sexual act and endangering the wel-

fare of a child in connection with one attack and forcible touching and endangering the welfare of a child in the other attack, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office. The assaults took place in broad daylight on May 1. If there is any upside to this story other than the fact that the alleged perp was caught, it is the swiftness with which he was apprehended. It wasn’t just the widely-distributed police sketch that led to his arrest. It was the video-taped images of him striding down the street. Practically everyone can use a cell phone camera to shoot stills and video nowadays. There are also public cameras posted everywhere recording every move we make. It feels like the old song by the band, The Police: “Every Breath You Take.” The song is a kind of stalker’s anthem; but it’s also an

Orwellian nightmare. When George Or well predicted in his seminal work, 1984, that “Big Brother” would be watching, not even he could have imagined more than half a century ago that we would have the kind of technology that allows for this kind of scrutiny. It is good and it is not so good. It helped to catch a sexual predator targeting little girls. It helped with the identification and capture of the Boston bombers in a matter of days and it even helped to determine if the surviving bomber was armed in that boat where he had taken refuge. Drones and robots are now part of law enforcement arsenal as well. A lot of the personal electronic devices we love so much bear witness to our deeds whether innocuous or bad. So let the criminals and would-be criminals beware, big brother is watching. It’s unnerving that unseen

eyes are everywhere watching everyone. There is no privacy any more. If convicted, Samuel would face up to 25 years in prison. Anyone who rapes or sexually assaults a child deserves no less. There is simply no excuse for what Samuel is alleged to have done. Our sympathy belongs with the children and their parents. But as a parent, I also feel sympathy for his family too. You can bet they did not rear him to be a menace to society and they must surely be hurting now. We can hope that the threat of being “caught on camer a” will encour age people to think before they commit a crime. If it does then there will be a drop in these random crimes. If not, we will be identifying and arresting anyone who breaks the law. Watch out, big brother is watching every step we make.

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

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Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013

Police Blotter 101st Precinct

27, of Ridgewood and charged him with murder in regards to a call received on April 30 to investigate a missing person. Police responded to 1866 Putnam Ave. in Ridgewood and during a search of the exterior yard, a body was discovered in a shallow grave wrapped in cloth. The body has been identified as Frank Soucie, 60, of the above address.

Homicide / Assault

At 8:17 p.m. on May 3 in front of 54-22 Beach Channel Drive, police responded to a 911 call of shots fired. Upon arrival, responding officers discovered the first victim, a 22-year-old Black male who was shot in the chest, and a second victim, a 36-year-old Black male who was shot in the back. EMS responded to the scene and transported the first victim to St. John’s Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The second victim was transported to Jamaica Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition. No arrests have been made as of press time and the investigation is ongoing.

103rd / 105th Precincts

Robbery Arrest

On April 12, police arrested Corey King, 23, of Queens Village, and charged him with four counts of first-degree robbery in regards to four armed robbery incidents. In all four incidents, King allegedly entered the

106th Precinct

Sexual Assault / Forcible Touching

This suspect is wanted in connection to a sexual assault case in the 106th Precinct. establishment – three delis and a dry cleaners – struck an employee in the face with a shotgun, removed money and fled the scene.

104th Precinct


Police have arrested Derek Tudor,

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance in locating the following suspect wanted in connection to a criminal sexual assault and a forcible touching incident. At 2:45 p.m. on May 1, a 7-yearold female was on the stoop of her house in South Ozone Park when the suspect approached her and grabbed her buttocks. The victim’s sister, 12, who was also on the stoop, yelled at the suspect, at which time he fled the location. Later that same day, at approximately 5:50 p.m., the male suspect approached a 7-year-old female who was outside in a driveway in South Ozone Park. The suspect performed

a criminal sexual act on the female and then fled the location on foot. Due to the modus operandi and description of the suspect, it is believed that the same suspect committed both crimes. The suspect is described as a male with a dark complexion in his 20s, between 5-foot-11 and 6-foot-1 with black hair. The suspect was last seen wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt with white writing. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

109th Precinct


At 1:45 a.m. on May 3 in front of 31-50 137th St., police responded to a call of a male shot. Upon arrival, police observed the victim, Leslie Balogh, 46, of Whitestone, with gunshot wounds to his face and torso. EMS responded and transported the victim to Flushing Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The investigation is ongoing.

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Borough Beat

Carrion Discusses Mayoral Run As part of the PRESS of Southeast Queens’ ongoing series of interviews with City and Queens candidates running for elected office, Adolfo Carrion Jr. stopped by to discuss his run for mayor as an Independent. Although this is Carrion’s first mayoral campaign, the Bronx politician is no stranger to the ins and outs of the City. He won a seat in the New York City Council in 1997. In 2001, Carrion won the election to become the next Bronx Borough President. Carrion’s career was boosted to a national level in 2009 when he was appointed by President Barack Obama to be his Deputy Assistant and the first Director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs. While he was a Democrat, Carrion is pursuing his mayoral run as an Independent, a subject he discussed with the PRESS. Carrion felt that the current political climate was a “perfect storm” for an Independent candidate, mentioning how the electorate’s frustration is coming through with a declining

Photo by Luis Gronda

By Joe MARviLLi

Adolfo Carrion Jr. discusses his Mayoral campaign with the PRESS of Southeast Queens’ editorial board. number of voters and how terms like “special interests” mean nothing to ordinary citizens. “The average person in New York City is concerned about their kids’ education and making sure we really fix the schools,” Carrion said. “The average person out there is looking for a city that works for their family, where they can borrow money, take a little risk and run a business.” On education, Carrion felt that the City was failing its students by

teaching to the test, which has removed creativity from the classroom and taken away authority from teachers and principals. “We need to go back to the notion of creating a citizenry of critical thinkers,” he said. Carrion added that if elected, he would focus on ensuring every neighborhood has an excellent public school so parents can avoid going to great lengths to find a decent place to send their children. When it came to small businesses, Carrion pushed forward an idea of having a one-stop shop for business owners, so they can take care of all their affairs with the government in one location. “We need to ensure that we have a business-friendly city and that people are willing to take their savings, go get a loan and take a risk on New York,” the candidate said. He added that New York City needs to prepare for the new digital age of the economy. In order to support this technology-focused movement, Carrion felt that the City will need to start laying down infrastruc-

ture and build its digital capacities. While Carrion supported small businesses, he was far more wary when it came to the proposal by Major League Soccer to build a commercial stadium in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. “I don’t think we should be sacrificing parkland for that,” he said. In terms of the City’s recovery from Superstorm Sandy, Carrion thought that the City should both work to rebuild a safer waterfront for those who want to remain there but it should also offer to buy the property from those who wish to leave the area. “We need to advance this idea that we will buy some of these properties from these families if they make the decision of no longer wanting to stay there. We have to buy them at the pre-storm market value,” he said. “For those people who make the choice that they’re going to stay, we have to change our building code.” Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013


Chess Queens

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Happy Cinco de Mayo Queens students Morgan Gelber, Ammy Rodriguez and Indiana Budiandri, from Wagner Secondary School, recently traveled with Chess in the Schools to participate in the United States Chess Federation Supernationals National High School Chess championship in Tennessee.

Healthy Hip Hop Photo by Ira Cohen

Photo by Ira Cohen

The Univision television network and Casa Puebla New York kicked off the summer festival season with a Cinco de Mayo celebration Sunday featuring food, music and stars from Univision programs.

Cast members of Hip Hop 4 Health gather before a dance-off on Saturday at American Dance and Drama Studio in Fresh Meadows. The event was a fundraiser for the program.

Retail Unveiling Photo by Natalia Kozikowska

U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks speaks to the Greater Jamaica Development Corp. on the presentation of a potential retail space coming to Jamaica Avenue.

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11


justyna RECEIVES:

of the Year

WINNER: Age 8 and Under Isabella Swierzawska, 8 Mom: Justyna, Maspeth My mom is so very special to me because she believes in me more than I believe in myself and always tells me that as long as I have a good and pure heart I will grow up to be a good person and no one will ever change that. When I am sick she gives me medicine, she prays to God for me to get better and sits next to

me and checks my temperature. Whenever I feel sad or someone is mean to me she always makes me feel better. She tells me not to worry about it and tells me to ignore the person and always hugs me and tells me funny things to make me feel better. She cleans my room when its dirty. She

sweeps up all the dust and organize my toys and books on shelves too. My mom also wants me to explore the world and try new things. She signed me up to skiing school and cheered for me on my skiing competition. She takes me to acro where she watches me compete and practice together with my class mates. She takes me to swimming class where she watches me swim like a shark. This year I decided to play on the piano, my mommy didn’t stop me. She encouraged me and told me how great it is to learn to play piano and now when I don’t want to practice she tells me how important it is. We go on amazing vacations together. One of them was Cancun, Mexico where we got to swim with the dolphins and went to an amazing water park. An-

Massage Envy Spa, Bayside – gift certificate for one-hour massage Indulge Day Spa, St. Albans – gift certificate for coconut body scrub and body massage Mediterranean Grill, Whitestone - $25 gift certificate, lunch for two Sunshine Spa, College Point – gift certificates for one manicure and one pedicure Whitestone Diner, Whitestone - $30 gift certificate Bagel Time, Whitestone – gift certificate for one dozen bagels Fish Town USA, Flushing - $25 gift certificate Shop & Go Wine & Spirits, Elmhurst - $10 gift certificate Silver Bell Bakery, Middle Village - $15 gift certificate Georgia Diner, Elmhurst - $40 gift certificate Trattoria Neo, Whitestone - $50 gift certificate Glendale Diner, Glendale - $15 gift certificate Two tickets to “Ann” Four tickets to “Sistas”

other trip I will never forget was Miami, FL. We visited Miami Seaquarium where we saw a dolphin show. My favorite part was when one of the dolphins got my mommy all wet. That was very funny. Whatever I decide to try she encourages me and always cheers me

Honorable Mentions Brianna Fernandez, 10, Leticia Blanco, Wdsde. Ashley Veras, 10, Mrs. Veras, Woodside Jorge Argote, 10, Mrs. Argote, Woodside Kaila Fernandez, 11, Karol, Woodhaven Alan Ellis, 52, Oida, S. Ozone Park Mara Plaesu, 8, Roxana, Astoria Emily Aguilar, 8, Wendy Avellano, Astoria Azahel Hernandez, 8, Luz, Woodside Michael Vascellaro, 8, Olga, Astoria Husnain Choudhry, 8, Tahira Yasmin, Astoria Alyssa Cancetty, 8, Stephanie Mears, Astoria Taylor Mahoney, 7, Kerri, Breezy Pt. Abigail Urciuoli, 7, Janet, Neponsit Megan Johnson, 7, Katie, Rockaway Pk. John O’Sullivan, 7, Theresa, Rockaway Pt, Reese Morris, 7, Dawn, Rockaway Pt. Ava Powell, 7, Sharon, Belle Harbor Courtney Murtagh, 7, Maureen, Belle Harbor Kevin Watters, 7, Kelly, Belle Harbor Julia O’Sullivan, 7, Maura, Belle Harbor Frank Angerane, 8, Melanie Angerano, Middle Vlg. Rachel Fox, 8, Julie, Middle Vlg. Christina Copria, 8, Maria, Middle Vlg. Martin Bauer, 7, Cecilia, Wdhvn. Marco Diaz, 7, Michelle, Wdhvn. William Heredia, 7, Sonia Rodriguez, Wdhvn. Hannah Daisomont, 8, Christa, Wdhvn. Arianna Rivera, 7, Lissette, Fr. Mdws. Angilee Lesmes, 7, Daiomara, Wdhvn. Brandon DiMaggio, 8, Tara, Maspeth Liam Hughes, 7, Megan, Belle Harbor Jana Elwassif, 8, Hoda Eliam, Astoria Sofia Elias, 8, Marianne, Maspeth Krystal Seddon, 7, Lisa Mattin, Wdhvn. Patrick Svch, 7, Joanna, Maspeth Andrew Park, 8, Johoon, Wdsd. Erick Cayetano, 8, Lucina Juarez, Wdsd. Jaime Perez, 8, Malia, Wdsd.

Continued on page 12

on. She complements me on my drawings and hangs them on the walls for all the guests to see and keeps them in her heart. Whoever is reading this story I want you to know that having a mom like mine is the best thing in the whole wide world.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013


parvin RECEIVES: Baybridge Optical, Bayside - $30 gift certificate

of the Year

Oliloli Arts & Crafts Studio, Forest Hills - $40 gift certificate Il Triangolo, Corona - $25 gift certificate

WINNER: Age 9 TO 12

Foodtown Bayside, Bayside - $25 gift certificate Pizza Club, Bayside – two large pies and two sodas

Tuzree Chisty, 10 Mom: Parvin, Woodside Mom you are extraordinary. I treasure you and today is the day I get to tell you because it is Mother’s Day. I heart and relish you more than anyone. You’re the biggest bouquet of flowers to me. You beat honey when it comes to sweet-

ness. Mother you shine like gold. Radiant like the sun. Mom you are more than an A+ to me. When you cook, its like you have magical hands. You take me everywhere almost the whole USA. You’re the opposite of

sour and bitter. Your scarce as gems. Your more than a BFF, more than a hero. Your caring, beautiful, outstanding and more than ordinary. Mom you gave me a plethora of things. Mom your heart is made of the purest gold. Your always right. Your terrific in every way. I love your laughs, hugs and smiles. You take care of me for a whole 24 hours like a bodyguard. Your kindness takes my breath away so much, I love it! Your blessings are greater than anything. You’re my #1 mom. Mom you are queen. You’re compassionate, gentle, nurturing, devoted, unselfish, creative, and ravishing. Oh, I’m telling you, your worth more than a million dollars. You helped

Sunshine Spa, College Point – gift certificates for one manicure and one pedicure Body & Mind Day Spa, Whitestone - $25 gift card MYTHOS, Flushing - $25 gift certificate Shop & Go Wine & Spirits, Elmhurst - $10 gift certificate Takara Sushi, Whitestone - $15 gift certificate Bosmat Flowers, Fresh Meadows – gift certificate for flower bouquet Silver Bell Bakery, Middle Village - $15 gift certificate The Clinton, Whitestone - $25 gift certificate Two tickets to “Ann” Four tickets to “Sistas”

me on my science project. Decorating a book I made. On my art project. Also on my all about me project in second grade. You were there when I got principal’s honors in third grade, my science

Honorable Mentions Karyn Alagasi, 8, Nenita, Wdsd. Nafeza Thahsin, 8, Mazuda Akhter, Wdsd. Joleen Chen, 8, Lau Sun Yuk, Wdsd. Angel Czuevarra, 8, Joan Rivera, Wdsd. Rashani Shrestha, 8, Rocio Ramos, Elmhst. Arifa Tasmiya, 8, Moksuda Akteo, Wdsd. Isabell Holmes, 8, Maida, Wdsd. Kate Estevez, 7, Elena, Flushing Carin Hennis, 7, Salwa Abdel Malek, Rdgwd. Michael Hoyos, 7, Inex, Glendale Ariana Hoyes, 6, Inez, Glendale Isabella Amador, 6, Mrs. Amador, Briarwood Kailani Bonne, 8, Rachel, St. Albans Daisy O’Grady, 7, Katelyn, Belle Harbor Natalie D’Agostino,7, Virna, Belle Harbor Keira Ward,7, Kerri, Belle Harbor Jonathan Lazo, 7, Dawn, Belle Harbor Lara Brenna, 7, Frances, Belle Harbor Brendan Mullen, 7, Moira, Belle Harbor Gabrielle Reddan, 7, Margaret, Belle Harbor Matthew Stack, 7, Julie, Belle Harbor Brian Rudolph, 7, Kerry, Breezy Pt. Andrew Clark, 7, Joanie, Belle Harbor Timothy Hayes, 7, Maureen, Breezy Pt. Maggie Kelly, 7, Danielle, Belle Harbor Joseph Butler, 7, Mary, Belle Harbor Grace Carlin, 7, Christine, Belle Harbor Liam Murphy, 7, Adriana, Rockaway Pt. Bobby Leonard, 7, Heather, Belle Harbor Michael Benn, 7, Kimberly, Rkwy. Pk. Devin Ward, 7, Kerri, Belle Harbor Peter Audersch, 7, Anja, Maspeth Alissa Ramos, 8, Naomi Fernandez, R.H. Jaime Rankin, 8, Belinda Lopez, R.H. Kimberly Rojas, 8, Nadia, Wdhvn. Jeremy Morales, 7, Nancy Orlando, Ozone Pk. Aliyah Rahaman, 6, Bibi Subha, Ozone Pk. Sara Nieves, 5, Gloria, Wdhvn.

Continued on page 13

project award, and also when I got my award on the book making contest. You are always there for me. I’m lucky because I have you! Enjoy your Mother’s Day!

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13



of the Year

WINNER: Age 13 and UP Candice Ramutar, 19, Mom: Diana, Astoria Why is my mom special? What makes my mom special to me is her boundless love, unending support, sound advice and being my best friend. She is the backbone of my family and never complains with all the responsibilities she encountered every

day. I watched my mom so dedicated caring for my dad who suffers from cancer in his bones and blood called Hairy Cell Leukemia, mental disability and neuropathy. This prevents him from walking on his own due to no muscle mass in h i s

knee. He is aided by a walker and cannot make it even half of a block. He is in a lot of pain, the nerve ending in his toes are very sensitive. My mom gives him bath and prepares nourishing meals, takes him to the doctor. Since his chemotherapy his energy level is low, my mom gives him all the support consistently. Even if she is tired by the end of the day she still wakes up at nights to give him a light snack and assist him to the bathroom. Added to the above my mom never neglects her duty towards me. In my graduating year of high school 2011 she prepared all my college applications, recommendations from teachers and all the necessary requirements because I was down due to my dad’s illness. She reviewed my homework, stayed up at nights when I am study-

Flowers By Marilyn, Cambria Heights – one floral bouquet Associated Market, Sunnyside - $100 gift certificate Bagel Time, Whitestone – gift certificate for one dozen bagels Body & Mind Day Spa, Whitestone - $25 gift card Paging Zone Verizon Wireless, Bayside – One LG Blue Tooth King Yum Restaurant, Flushing – gift certificate, family dinner for two Arpi’s Spa, Fresh Meadows - $75 gift certificate Shop & Go Wine & Spirits, Elmhurst - $10 gift certificate Takara Sushi, Whitestone – One $15 gift certificate, one $20 gift certificate Silver Bell Bakery, Middle Village - $15 gift certificate Keil Brothers, Bayside - $50 gift certificate Two tickets to “Ann” Four tickets to “Sistas”

ing for various exams. This made me through with being Salutatorian of my class. With her guidance I am able to conquer my grades. I am a Sophomore at College, all A’s, Dean’s list and a member of the National Honor Society of Political Science.

Honorable Mentions Jeremiah Vidal, 7, Charlene, Wdhvn. Ana Nieves, 5, Gloria, Wdhvn. Santiago Cardenas, 6, Linda, Wdhvn. Delores Declet, 5, Kathleen, Wdhvn. Chris Mendez, 6, Beverly, Wdhvn. Leah Urbina, 5, Priscilo, Wdhvn. Rovin Itwaru, 7, Veronica Jetto, Ozone Pk. Victor Uzhca, 7, Herminial Alvarez, Ozone Pk. Jayleen Mercado, 6, Jennifer Castillo, Ozone Pk. Eric Kim, 6, Mrs. Kim, Flushing Gabrielle Vasquez, 6, Mrs. Vasquez, Flush Emily Guo, 6, Mrs. Guo, Flushing Ken Kim, 6, Mrs. Kim, Flushing Lydia Du, 6, Mrs. Du, Flushing Elias Cruz, 6, Mrs. Cruz, Flushing Barry Wang, 6, Mrs. Wang, Flushing Donald Li, 6, Mrs. Li, Flushing Julia Santos, 6, Mrs. Santos, Flushng Absar Hussain, 6, Mrs. Hussain, Flushing. John Rojas, 6, Mrs. Rojas, Flushing Jacklynn Lee, 6, Mrs. Lee, Flushing Emily Tiwary, 7, Dolly Persaud, Qns. Vlg. Julia Hayduczek, 8, Joanna, Mspth. Dean Hoover, 8, Leslie Orlovsky, Mspth. Fergal Mullally, 8, Elaine, Wdsd. Michael Kamela, 8, Alexsandra, Glendale Richard Wang, 8, Xiao Jun Huang, Elmhst. Jessica Chen, 8, Lisa Lee, Glendale Andrew Bradu, 8, Tulya, Mdl. Vlg. Upama Hasan, 8, Farida, Wdsd. Naomi Naranjo, 8, Rosario Zambario, Rdgwd. Kaitlyn Lee, 8, Ni Ni, Elmhst. Jasmine Wang, 8, Fanny Wu, Elmhst. Aleksandra Kulis, 7, Grazyna, Maspeth Connor Johnson, 7, Lisa, Mdl. Vlg. Chrissa So, 8, Floressa, Wdsd. Aine Higgins, 14, Pauline, Mdl. Vlg. Lexi Lombino, 14, Lena, Maspeth Jing Jin, 16, Mei Lar Li, Flushing Alyssa Vitalino, 13, Margaret, R.H.

Mom continues to care for my dad keeping him alive and giving me all the encouragement to achieve my goals. She is strong, caring, and loving and enriched my life with her passion. I would never trade her for anyone or anything in the world.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013


Cambria Heights Author Writes About Her Journey When Georgia Dingle’s daughter Velma was just 13-years-old, she underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. “They didn’t expect her to live at that time,” Dingle said. “They did the surgery and said she was never going to go back to school, but she did. She went back to school. She graduated high school and actually went to college.” For years, Dingle witnessed her daughter’s health deteriorate, confused and unaware that her daughter had the rare and fatal disease Von Hippel-Lindau. It was not until Velma was 30 that doctors realized she was suffering from VHL – a genetic mutation that predisposes individuals to grow benign and malignant tumors throughout their entire body. Velma lived another 20 years before succumbing to the illness. She married, had children but eventually passed in 2008. The journey has been difficult for her mother, a retired nurse from Cambria Heights, but she hopes to spread

Photo courtesy of Georgia Dingle


Georgia Dingle, a retired nurse from Cambria Heights, publishes her autobiography about her daughter’s struggle with a rare disease. awareness to the rare disease by writing an autobiography that details her many challenges and struggles.

Dingle began to write the autobiography, “The Journey,” in 2008 before her daughter passed. This was about the same time her daughter grew increasingly ill and she was becoming more frustrated with the situation. “I thought the writing was helping me and it was actually therapy for me because I felt so helpless,” she said. “Everyday she was getting more and more sick. I really felt helpless. The more I felt helpless, the more I wrote.” Soon after her daughter passed, her book and mission took a new turn – to bring awareness to the cause. “So many people don’t know about the disease and there are not a lot of people advocating for it. They need money for research,” she said. “There are also a lot of doctors that don’t even know about it.” “The Journey” was published in February and in honor of Velma, Dingle said a portion of the proceeds from each book will be donated to the Von Hippel-Lindau Foundation. She hopes the proceeds will help spread the word about the disease, which is incurable but better man-

aged when detected at an early age. “We didn’t know what was going on,” Dingle said. “She had problems with her eyes. We thought it was her eyes but it was never her eyes. Since then, they have discovered that if the disease is found early on, they can slow it down,” she said. “It’s incurable, but they can slow it down.” “The Journey” is available for purchase at Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Do You Know Someone Who Fits The PRESS Profile? Send photo with background and contact information to: PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15


Big Apple Circus Returns To Queens By BARBARA ARnSTEin Something wonderful happens whenever the Acrobuffos perform. When the daffy clowns interact with adults in the audience, the grownups relax and play like children, dueling with pool noodles. When they used their clowning skills for special performances in Afghanistan, they successfully communicated lifesaving messages to children about the dangers of land mines and malaria. Husband and wife team Seth Bloom and Christina Gelsone have performed together in 20 countries and are performing for the first time with the Big Apple Circus, returning in May to Cunningham Park, and also for the first time in the United States as the Acrobuffos. Their Big Apple shows include classic slapstick and costumes featuring masks covering half their faces, which they wear to portray the characters “Ma-

The Acrobuffos make their Big Apple Circus debut at Cunningham Park this month. dame” and “Monsieur.” “Acrobuffos” is an abbreviation of acrobatic buffoons. They exhibit all the agility of expert acrobats, as well as dancing and juggling talent. Bloom attended the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, and Gelsone went to the

Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theater, but both learned a lot about grabbing the attention of audiences while performing for passing pedestrians. “We developed the humor skills to stop people on the way to lunch, and make them forget about eating,” said Gelsone. Offstage, they enjoy traveling together in their circus trailer as much as they love performing. When they married in China six years ago, the bride wore a dress made of white balloons. They have brought laughter to small towns and cities, parks and parades, festivals and fairs, and at a stadium in China, they entertained an audience of three thousand. The other Big Apple Circus acts include a woman who shoots arrows from bows using her toes (yes, that is right, she does archery with her

arches), Jenny Vidbel and her welltrained horses, ponies and pups, an all-female acrobatic troupe from China that performs on bicycles, tango-dancing jugglers, acrobats who soar, suspended only by silk fabric and straps, a trapeze artist who performs on a swaying slack wire and much more! This year’s title is “Legendarium” and its segments involve the history of the modern circus. The Big Apple Circus returns to Cunningham Park in Queens on May 19 and runs through June 16. Tickets start at $20 and are available by calling (888) 541-3750 or at The show runs for just over two hours (with an intermission) and is air-conditioned in warm weather. For more information, call the Ticket Info Line at (800) 922-3772.

Michelle Betos’ Eventful Oratorio Society Holds Soccer Career

Spring Concert

By JOE MARvilli This month, prepare to hear the pleasing sounds of Puccini. The Oratorio Society of Queens will join together in their spring concert to perform “Messa di Gloria” by Italian composer Giacomo Puccini on May 19 at 4 p.m. in the Queensborough Performing Arts Center. The venue is located on the campus of Queensborough Community College at 222-05 56th Ave., Bayside. The work is a Mass composed for orchestra and four-part choir with tenor, bass and baritone soloists. Among the featured soloists are tenor Dory Schultz and bassbaritone Nathan Bahny. “It’s a piece that stands well in its own right and it shows the greatness [of Puccini] to come,” artistic director and composer David Close said. In addition to “Messa di Gloria,” the concert will feature various opera arias, choruses and Americana. They will perform “Va, pensiero” from Giuseppe Verdi’s opera, “Nabucco,” Puccini’s “Recondita armonia” from the opera “Tosca,” “Overture to the Magic Flute” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, songs from American composer Irving Berlin and more.

“They’re chosen to compliment the Puccini, but we have found that the audience just loves opera choruses and opera highlights,” Close said. The Oratorio Society of Queens, a diverse performing cultural organization, started in the spring of 1927, making it the oldest in the Borough. When asked what the audience will get out of this spring’s performance, Close said “that they’ll be enjoying some great operatic material right in their backyard. They can come out and hear this music with their friends and their relatives.” If you would like to attend this spring’s performance, tickets are $30 for general admission, $25 for seniors and students with ID and $10 for children 12 and under. The box office is located at Queensborough Community College and open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The box office’s phone number is (718) 631-6311. For more information, please call the Oratorio Society at (718) 279-3006 or visit Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

By JOE MARvilli Queens-raised Michelle Betos has had an eventful soccer career so far in her 25 years of life. The goalkeeper has competed for teams in four different cities and in two countries so far. Now a member of the Seattle Reign, Betos hopes the new National Women’s Soccer League lasts longer and is more successful than the last two professional-women’s leagues, which folded after a few years. “It’s an amazing feeling to be a part of this new professional league, and to have the opportunity to play,” Betos said. “I really believe this league is here to stay. Playing overseas is a great experience but nothing compares to the level of play here in the United States, or to the feeling of getting to play in front of friends and family.” Raised in Flushing, Betos began playing soccer at the age of 5, though her interest in the sport had a strange origin. “I figured out early on that I could have pockets in my shorts and keep some Skittles in them, and that’s literally how I started playing goalie,” she said. “I didn’t want to run and then I realized that I could just have some candy during the game.” From her early interest, Betos moved on to play as part of the Olympic Development Program of the Eastern New York Youth Soc-

cer Association and Region 1 ODP Team. She was a member of both for three years. She was a member of the Albertson Fury ‘87 of the Long Island Junior Soccer League. At St. Francis Preparatory School, she was named the 2005 Most Valuable Player. From there, she attended the University of Georgia where she had 316 saves by the end of her college career, the third most of all-time at the school. She also holds second place for shutout count, with 26, and win totals, with 48. In 2009, Betos joined the Atlanta Silverbacks, helping the team to a Southeast Division title with a 101-1 record. For her efforts, she was named W-League Goalkeeper of the Year. Following her experience there, she joined the ranks of the New York Fury in 2012. Her biggest shift though came when she joined the Apollon Limassol team based in Cyprus for the 2012-2013 season. Despite the fact that she did not speak much Greek, the goalkeeper found a way to communicate with her teammates. “As a goalkeeper, it’s obviously very important to communicate so the Apollon players and I created our own language - a mix of English and Greek - that allowed our points to get across in the run of play,” she said. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013


Church Sets Out On Gospel Cruise BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA The Pioneer Ministry of the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica will hold their first ever “virtual” cruise ship this weekend. Much like any other cruise, there will be food and music but the Church has put a Christian spin on the special event, which will feature gospel music, singing and spoken word. “The idea is to have something

different for the people to come and get interested in the church,” said Charles Daniels, a new chairperson at the Church. “This is a way for them to see what is going on in the church and hopefully they will want to come on Sunday when we have service.” Daniels hopes that by hosting a unique event like this, First Presbyterian Church could stand out in the community as a church that is trying new and innovative things.

WORD ‘I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’ Psalms 16:8

“Instead of just having coffee and cake we are giving people a little something different,” he said. “When you go on the ‘ship’ they will take your picture – and there will be things like that. We are even going to have Hawaiian leis for the people on the cruise.” The ‘ship’ will ‘depart’ at 5 p.m. on May 11 and will ‘dock’ at 9 p.m. The virtual cruise will feature a number of vocal performances as well as dancing performances. There will also be games for passengers to play. Daniels welcomes all members of the community to attend, and hopes that the virtual cruise will bring in more young congregants and families. “The church is ongoing and we are neighborhood friendly and we are trying to get people involved in the neighborhood – young people and families and things of that nature,” he said. “That’s really the growth of the church is the young people and

the young families. We have to have young blood in order to get things going.” For additional information, visit or call contact Stephanie St. Clair at (718) 528-3027, Roxanne Tillman at (718) 528-3027 or Charles Daniels at (347) 806-2251. Tickets are $15 for adults and $7 for children. The First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica 89-60 164th St., Jamaica. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400, Ext. 123 or

Keep’n The Faith Then it’s time to share...The PRESS wants to hear aboutr special programs in your faith community. Send your thoughts, stories, prayers and photos to: The PRESS at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357. All stories will be considered. Photos cannot be returned.


Cambria School of Excellence

Test Prep Center Helps Southeast Queens Students BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA An innovative program in Cambria Heights has reopened its doors for the season in an effort to provide students with the skills necessary to succeed on the Specialized High School Admissions Test and gain entry into high schools that cater to some of New York City’s brightest minds. The test prep center, located at 233-10 Linden Blvd., strives to send more southeast Queens students to these prestigious institutions by giving them the ability to compete with peers in other parts of the City, preparing them for the challenging exam. The exclusive summer and Saturday programs serves seventh and eighth grade students and gives them the opportunity to learn the skills needed for the exam. It will begin in the summer of the sixth grade until the fall of the eighth grade, just before the students take the SHSAT exam. “The content on the test is challenging and unfamiliar to students as it doesn’t pattern the curricu-

lum being followed in their regular schools,” said Sheree Palmer, director of Cambria Center For the Gifted Child in a statement. “Our students find the scrambled paragraphs and verbal reasoning sections daunting in the beginning but less so after a few weeks in the program.” At the program, eighth grade students are exposed to content and conditions meant to simulate the SHSAT test, giving them an edge over others. They are provided with step by step guides to master the challenging content that contributes to the complexity of the verbal and math section of the test. The Cambria Center For the Gifted Child has a staff of expert teachers who aim to teach the stratgies needed to attain high scores by working with students in a small group setting. Arithmetic, algebra, statistics, geometry and probability are all subjects taught at the center. Seventh grade students who enter the program are taught to strenghen their reading comprehension skills in reading, math and science. These criti-

cal thinking skills are geared to help the children score higher on the exam. “The program gave me a big advantage against my classmates in my regular class,” Kobe Williams, an aspiring veterinarian, said in a statement. “The teachers go step by step for any problems we have and the knowledge helps to prepare us for high school. They make the environment friendly.” For those parents and educators looking for a way to provide students with skills that transcend high school into college and career, the specialized high schools in New York offer an array of innovative programs ranging from robotics to the performing arts. Students have the opportunity to focus on their specific talents, interests and explore an array of academic avenues. In 2011, the competitive SHSAT was taken by approximately 28,000 New York City students. That year, only 5,984 eighth graders received an offer to attend one of the specialized high schools based on the results of the test.

The specialized high schools are include, High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College and Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan; The Brooklyn Latin School and Brooklyn Technical High School in Brooklyn; Bronx High School of Science and High School of American Studies at Lehman College in the Bronx; Queens High School for the Sciences at York College and LaGuardia high School Of Performing Arts (auditions and portfolios are required for admission to this school) in Queens; Staten Island Technical High School in Staten Island. Enrollment in the SHSAT Preparation Program is currently underway. The five-week summer session will begin on July 1 to Aug. 2, Monday-Thursday; 9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. For further information, contact Cambria Center for the Gifted Child, at (718) 341-1991 or visit Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400, Ext. 123 or

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17


At EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care, you’ll find new ways to stay healthy, get well and live better with our free health and wellness programs. Each month we’re bringing you events and activities that help make your community — and our community — a healthier, happier place to be.

MAY 11

Saturday Healthy Living with Diabetes 10:30am-1:00pm Low Impact Zumba Gold 2:00-3:00pm


Monday Movement Mondays “Walk Away the Pounds” 10:30-11:30am




Thursday Caregiver’s Support Group 2:00-3:30pm

Saturday National Council of Negro Women: Teen Support Group 1:00-3:00pm Monday Movement Mondays “Low Impact Zumba Gold” 10:30-11:30am

Tuesday Queens Forum 9:00am-Noon


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Thursday Understand Your Blood Pressure Medication Noon-1:00pm Nutrition: Dining Diversities for Diabetics 6:00-7:00pm


Group Health Incorporated (GHI), GHI HMO Select, Inc. (GHI HMO), HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP), HIP Insurance Company of New York and EmblemHealth Services Company, LLC are EmblemHealth companies. EmblemHealth Services Company, LLC provides administrative services to the EmblemHealth companies.

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Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013


Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

SINGLES SPRING FLING Saturday, May 18 9pm1am at the Oakland Little Neck Jewish Center, 4910 Little Neck Parkway. $25 by May 11 or $30 at the door. 224-0404.

THEATER MARISOL Through May 11 “Marisol” is an apocalyptic urban fantasy which urges societ y to ‘wa ke up.’ Queensborough C o m m u n i t y C o l l e ge . 631-6311.

FLEA MARKETS THRIFT SHOP Saturdays 12-4 at the Queens Baptist Church, 9 3 - 2 3 2 1 7 th S t r e e t , Queens Village. 4652504. SPRING RUMMAGE Tu e s d a y, May 14 Bellerose Jewish Center’s Spring Rummage Sale 9-4. 254-04 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , F l o ral Park. NEIGHBORHOOD FLEA Sunday, May 19 Maspeth Federal Parking Lot, 101-09 Metropolitan Avenue, Forest Hills 103. RUMMAGE/BAKE SALE Saturday, May 25 11-4 and Sunday, May 26 9-3 St. Josaphat’s, 35 th Ave n u e a n d 2 1 0 th S t r e e t , Bayside.

MISCELLANEOUS IMMIGRATION Saturdays 10-1 at Council Member Leroy Comrie’s district office. 776-3700 to schedule appointment.


SENIORS DEFENSIVE DRIVING Monday, May 13 Hollis l i b ra r y. 465-7355. Queens Village librar y. Register. SENIOR COMPUTERS Tuesday, May 14 at the South Ozone Park library at 11. AARP 4158 Tuesdays, May 14, June 11, July 9 North Flushing chapter 4158 meets at noon at Church on the Hill, 167-07 35 th Avenue, Flushing. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Tu e s d a y, May 14 Auburndale library. Register. Forest Hills library. Register. AARP3334 Mondays, May 20, June 17 at St. Kevin’s Parish Center in Flushing. 2240478. STARS Wednesday, May 24 at 1 1 : 1 5 a t S N A P, 8 0 - 4 5 Winchester Blvd., Queens Blvd. AARP29 Thursday, June 13 AARP29 meets at Grace Houses Community

TALKS FAHRENHEIT 451 Saturday, May 11 Ridgewood library at 2:30. Monday, May 13 Steinway library at 6:30. Tu e s d a y, May 14 Whitestone library at 2 and Kew Gardens Hills at 2:15 and Broadway library at 2:30 and Mitchell-Linden library at 3. CLASSIC BOOKS Monday, May 13 “Oliver Twist” discussed at the Peninsula library at 6:30. POSTWAR GERMANY Monday, May 13 Professor Dollinger speaks on Jews in Postwar Germany at 1:30 at the Central Queens YM-YWHA in Forest Hills. 268-5011. HILLCREST BOOK Tu e s d a y, May 14 “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” discussed at 3 at the Hillcrest library. FAHRENHEIT MOVIE Wednesday, May 15 special book club meeting discusses Fahrenheit 451 novel and a showing of the movie at 2 at the Queens Village library. COOPERSTOWN Saturday, May 18 “Cooperstown: The Baseball Hall of Fame” at 1. $5. Greater Astoria Histo r i c a l S o c i e t y. 2 7 8 0700.

Room, 155-02 90 th Avenue, Jamaica at noon. ALZHEIMERS Adult Day Care MondayThursday 9-4 in Flushing. 358-3541. SOUTH ASIAN Alternate Saturdays Selfhelp BR-PS Senior Center in Flushing. Indian-st yle activities, lunch. 886-5777. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Mondays Lunch, lesson and congenial play. Pride of Judea. 423-6200. STAY WELL Mondays at the Central library at 10 and Wednesdays at 10:15 at the East E l m h u r s t l i b ra r y. Le a r n how special exercise and relaxation techniques make a difference in your life. SELFHELP LATIMER Tu e s d a y s a n d Fr i d a y s drawing class 9:30-noon. Hot nutritious lunch, ESL, Tai Chi, Ballroom Dancing, drawing, ping pong, mah jong. Selfhelp Latimer Gardens Senior C e n t e r , 3 4 - 3 0 1 3 7 th Street, Flushing. 5594395. CAREGIVERS Tu e s d a y s C a r e g i ve r s Support group at 3:304:30 Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 2 6 th A v e n u e , B a y s i d e . 631-1886. MEN’S CLUB Wednesdays 10-noon Men’s club for those over 65 at the Central Queens Y in Forest Hills. 4230732. STARS Wednesdays Senior Theatre Acting Repertory at the Hollis library at 11:15. JACKSON SENIOR F r i d ays t h r o u g h O c t o ber Senior Strollers – walking at 9:30. Breakfast $1, lunch $1.50. Jackson Senior Center. 6576500. STARS Fridays Senior Theater Acting Repertory Queens Village library at 11. ALLEN COMMUNITY Allen Communit y Center in Jamaica. 658-0980. CLEARVIEW SENIOR Mondays Qi Gong at 10:45, card playing at 1 2 : 3 0 . Tu e s d a y s a n d Thursdays Wii Time at 1 2 : 4 5 . Tu e s d a y s a n d Wednesdays drawing and painting at 9:30. Wednesdays bingo at 12:45, tai chi at 2. Thursdays scrabble at 12:45. Fridays dance fitness at 10:45. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 224-7888.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and preschool programs and more. Contact local branches. PICTURE BOOK TIME Saturday, May 11 Ridgewood library at 10:30. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. MATH HELP Saturdays for grades 48 Flushing library at 10. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays Central library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. S TORY T I M E Monday, May 13 Hollis library at 11:30. BUGS AS PETS Monday, May 13 Cambria Heights library at 3:30. FAMILY STORY TIME Monday, May 13 Auburndale library at 4. READING & CRAFT Monday, May 13 North Forest Park library at 4. CRAFT KIDS Mondays Flushing library at 3:30. S TORY T I M E Mondays at 3:30 at the Peninsula library. BEGIN CHESS Mondays at 3:30 Windsor Park library. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays Douglaston library at 4. HOMEWORK HELP Daily McGoldrick library at 3. Monday through Thursday at the Fresh Meadows library at 4 and at the Rosedale library at 3:30. REPTILE EDVENTURE Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 Pomonok library at 4:30. ORIGAMI MATH Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 Bellerose library. Register. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesday, May 14 East Elmhurst library at 4 and at the Windsor Park librar y. Register. NATURE KIDS Tuesday s Sunnyside library at 3:15. KNIT & CROCHET Tuesdays at 5 Rochdale Village library. CRAFT TUESDAYS Tu e s d a y s Cambria Heights library at 4. READING FOR FUN Wednesdays at the Laurelton library at 3:30. CRAFTIVITIES Wednesdays East Flushing library. Register. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30

Queens Village library and 4:30 Poppenhusen library. GAME DAY Wednesdays Howard Beach library at 5. ARTS & CRAFTS Wednesdays at the Auburndale library at 4. CRAFTERNOONS Wednesdays at the Ridgewood library. Register. YOUNG LEADERS Wednesdays and Fridays Young Leaders Institute of Laurelton at the Laurelton library at 3:30. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. GAME ON Thursdays at the Central library at 3:30. CHESS CLUB

Thursdays Rochdale Village library at 4:30. CRAFT CLUB Fridays Peninsula library at 3. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4. East Flushing Register. Ozone Park at 3. GAME DAY Fridays Windsor Park at 4. CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale library at 3:30 and W i n d s o r Pa r k l i b ra r y. Register. WHAT’S THE SOUND? Saturday, May 18 e x plores orchestral instruments at the Ridgewood library at 2.

TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Monday, May 13 Douglaston library at 4. BIG READ VIDEO Monday, May 13 teens film their own version of the “book people” scene from Fahrenheit 451 at the Flushing library at 4. BOOK RECYLING BIN Monday, May 13 Windsor Park library at 4. Spare the life of discarded picture books by turning them into useful, attractive recycling bins. LAPTOPS Mondays-Thursdays Hollis library at 3. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesday, May 14 at the East Elmhurst library at 4. READING CIRCLE Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 Arverne library at 5. KNIT & CROCHET Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 Rochdale Village library at 5. SCRABBLE Tuesday, May 14 East Flushing library at 3:30. CHESS CLUB Wednesday, May 15 Poppenhusen library at 4:30. COMPUTER CLASS Wednesday, May 15 Woodside library at 5:45. GAME DAY Wednesdays Howard Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. CHESS CLUB Thursdays Rochdale Vil-

lage library 4:30. MOVIE AFTERNOON Fridays Central library at 3:30. WII FRIDAYS Fridays at the Hollis library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays at 4 at the Sunnyside library. BUKHARIAN LOUNGE Central Queens Y in Forest Hills. 268-5011, ext. 202. ACQC SUPPORT Wednesday s Teen Peer Support Group for those touched by HIV/AIDS. Ages 14-16. 896-2500. COUNSELING Call 592-5757 free counseling at the Forest Hills Communit y House.

PARENTS CHILDCARE WORK. Wednesday, May 15 Professional Development Workshop for Childcare Providers at the Central library at 6:30. SCRAPBOOKING Fridays, May 17, 4, 31 scrapbooking for preemie parents in Flushing. 670-2920. NEW MOMS Thursday, May 23 Support Group for New Moms in Flushing. 6702920 12-1. PSYCHOLOGICAL CTR Family and child therapy, parent management training and more. 5700500 sliding scale. KIDS KORNER Weekdays Central Queens YM-YWHA in Forest Hills. For K-6. 2685011, ext. 203.

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19


MEETINGS KNIT & CROCHET CLUB Monday, May 13 Douglaston library at 4. CATHOLIC VETS Mondays, May 13, June 10 American Mart yrs C a t h o l i c Wa r Ve ter a n s Post 1772 in Bayside. 468-9351. VFW 4787 Mondays, May 13, June 10 Whitestone VFW Communit y Post meets. 746-0540. COMET CIVICS Monday, May 13 Comet Civics Regular Monthly Meeting at 7 at Bethzatha Church of God, 85-20 57th Avenue, Elmhurst. QHC TOASTMASTERS Tuesday s, May 14, 28, June 11, 25 QHC Toastmasters meet at 5:15 in t h e N e w B u i l d i n g , 5 th floor, room A540 at 8268 164 th Street, Jamaica. TELEPHONE PION. Tuesdays, May 14, June 11 Telephone Pioneers of America meet in College Point. 463-4535. KNIT & CROCHET CLUB Wednesday, May 15 South Ozone Park library at 1. CLINTON DEMOCRATS Wednesday, May 15 Clinton Democratic Club meets at 7 at Vallone and Va l l o n e , 2 5 - 5 9 Fra n c i s Lewis Blvd. in Flushing. 428-7285. FDR DEMOCRATS Thursday, May 16 FDR Democrats meet at the Chabad Center in Bayside at 7:30. 4608285. P-FLAG Sundays, May 19, June 16 P - F l a g , a s u p p o r t 5 group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663. AMER. LEGION Tuesdays, May 21, June 18 at 8 the American Legion McKee Post 131 meets at 10-20 Clintonville Street, Whitestone. 767-4323. BEREAVEMENT Tuesdays, May 21, June 18 B e r e a v e m e n t S u p port Group at Holy Family in Fresh Meadows at 7:30. 969-2448. TALK OF THE TOWN Tuesday, May 21 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans at 7:15. 6407092. FH VAC Wednesdays, May 22, June 26 Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corp. 793-2055. JAMAICA KIWANIS Thursday, May 23 Kiwanis Club of Jamaica meets. 527-3678. JEWISH VETS

Sundays, May 26, June 23 Jewish War Veterans of the USA Lipsky/Blum Post meet at the Kissena Jewish Center in Flushing. 463-4742. Korean Wa r Ve t S o c c e r Te a m also meets. BEREAVEMENT Wednesdays, June 5, July 3 Bereavement Support Group at Holy Family in Fresh Meadows at 7:30. 969-2448. ONGOING MEETINGS GARDENING CLUB Saturdays in the Steinway library courtyard at 4. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays at 7:45 at Temple Beth Sholom in Flushing. 279-3006. Auditions required. COMMUNITY SINGERS Mondays Communit y Singers start rehearsals for their spring concert at 8 at Messiah Lutheran in Flushing. 658-1021. GLEE CLUB Tuesdays Bayside Men’s Glee Club rehearses at

7:30 at All Saints Episcopal Church, 214-35 40 th Avenue, Bayside. 9616852. SCRABBLE CLUB Tu e s d a y s a t t h e E a s t Flushing library at 3:30. MEN’S CLUB SOCCER Tuesday evenings Forest Hills Jewish Center 89:30. 263-7000. FM CAMERA Tuesdays Fresh Meadows Camera Club. 917-6123463. FH SYMPHONY Wednesdays the Forest Hills Symphony Orchestra rehearses at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 516-785-2532. EMOTIONS ANON. Wednesdays 7:30 Victoria Congregational Church, 148 th Street and 87 th Avenue, Briarwood. Support group for a variet y of troubling emotions.. WOMEN’S GROUP Fridays Woman’s Group of Jamaica Estates meets at noon. 461-3193.

HEALTH BLOOD DRIVE Saturday, May 11 Flushing YMCA Beacon Center at JHS 189, 144-80 Barclay Avenue, Flushing 10-2:30. FEMALE CANCER Monday, May 13 Look Good – Feel Better Female Cancer Support Group at the Radiation Oncology Conference Room. 800-ACS-2345 5:30-6:30. HEALTH INFO Monday, May 13 Health Information from the Internet at the Langston Hughes library at 10. STRETCH & TONE Monday, May 13 LIC library. Limited 6:30. ALZHEIMERS Tuesday s, May 14, 28, June 11, 25 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 592-5757, ext. 237. BLOOD DRIVE Tu e s d a y, M a y 1 4 L I Care Center, 144-61 38 th avenue, Flushing 11-4. AEROBICS Wednesday, May 15 Central library at 4. Space limited. MASSAGE THERAPY Wednesdays, May 15, 22, 29 Massage Therapy and Reflexology at 17403 Horace Harding Expressway, 9-2. STRENGTH TRAINING Wednesdays, May 15, 22, 29 Balance and S t r e n g t h Tra i n i n g a t NYHQ, 174-03 Horace Harding Expressway 1-2.

H EART PATIENTS Wednesdays, May 15, 22, 29 Stress Management support group for Heart Patients at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 6701695. 6-7:30. BLOOD MOBILE Thursday, May 16 NY Medical Diagnostic Center, 80-46 Kew Gardens Road 12-5. KIDNEY DISEASE Thursday, May 16 Treatment Options to Fit Your L i f e st y l e ( K i d n e y D i s ease) at NYHQ, 174-03 Horace Harding Expressway 2-3. MASSAGE THERAPY Fridays, May 17, 24, 31 Massage Therapy and Reflexology at NYHQ in Fresh Meadows. 6701695 9-2. STRENGTH TRAINING Fridays, May 17, 24, 31 Balance and Strength Tra i n i n g a t N Y H Q i n Fresh Meadows. 6701695 1-2. BLOOD DRIVE Saturday, May 18 St. John’s Marthoma, 90-31 213 th Street, Queens Village 9-3. BLOOD DRIVE Monday, May 20 Bowne High School. 6325 Main Street 9-3. MEDICARE RIGHTS Monday, May 20 programs help to pay Medicare costs. June 24 How hospital care is covered. Flushing library at 2.

DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, May 11 at Blessed Sacrament in Valley Stream. $40. 516872-8062. GOOGLE Saturday, May 11 Get More From Google Accounts at the Far Rockaway library at 2. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, May 11 Defensive Driving Course 9-3:30 at Holy Family Church in Flushing. $45. 631-360-9720 to register. DRAWING WORKSHOP Saturday, May 11 Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. BALLROOM DANCING Monday, May 13 Forest Hills library at 6:30. JOB READINESS Mondays Job Readiness and computer assistance 2-6 at the South Jamaica library. JOB SEARCH Mondays free job search and computer help every Monday 11-2 at the Astoria library. BRIDGE Mondays e x c e p t h o l i days 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 423-6200. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 Bellerose library. Register. Far Rockaway library at 2. BASIC COMPUTER Tu e s d a y, M ay 14 McGoldrick library at 11. SMALL BUSINESS Tuesdays Small Business Workshop at the Central library. Register. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. INTRO POWERPOINT Wednesday, May 15 Pomonok library. Register. CHILDCARE WORK. Wednesday, May 15 Professional Development Workshop for Childcare Providers at the Central library at 6:30. BEGIN INTERNET Wednesday, May 15 Windsor Park library at 11:30. Limited space. AMERICAN SIGN Wednesday, May 15 free introductory workshop on American Sign Language program at

L a G u a rd i a C o m m u n i t y College. 5:45-7:15 at 3110 Thomson Avenue, LIC. 917-832-1138 to register. BALLROOM DANCE Wednesday, May 15 Bellerose library at 3. COMPUTER CLASS Wednesday, May 15 Woodside library at 5:45. WATERCOLOR Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.9691128.

LEARN CHINESE Thursdays North Forest Park library at 6. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays Fresh Meadows library at 11. CHESS CLUB Fridays at 3:30 at the Auburndale library and 4 at the Woodside library. JOB READINESS Saturdays, May 18, 22, June 17 resumes, cover letters, job interview and beyond at 2:30 at the Cambria Heights librar y.

ENTERTAINMENT TRIBUTE Saturday, May 11 tribute to Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and Big Nick Nicholas at the Sunnyside Reformed Church at 7. Free. RAGTIME FILM Saturday, May 11 “Ragtime” at 1. Free. Greater Astoria Historical Societ y. 278-0700. TAP EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, May 11 Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. JAZZ VESPERS Saturday, May 11 Jazz Verpsers with the Jimmy Heath and Jeb Patton Due at 5:30 at Church in the Gardens. 894-2178. SPRING CONCERT Saturday, May 11 “Inspiration” choral concert at 8 at Church on the Hill, 1 6 7 - 0 7 3 5 th A v e n u e , Flushing. $10. 658-1021. NU URBAN CAFÉ Saturdays live jazz, r&b, open mic 8-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917817-8653. OPEN MIC POETRY Mondays, May 13, June 10 Barnes & Noble, 17660 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. BINGO Tuesdays 7:15 American Mart yrs Church in Bayside. 464-4582. Tuesdays 7:15 (doors open 6) Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. $3 admission includes 12 games. SCRABBLE Tuesdays Fresh Meadows library at 2. CHESS Tuesdays 4 Rosedale library. FAHRENHEIT MOVIE Wednesday, May 15 special book club meeting discusses Fahrenheit 451 novel and a showing of the movie at 2 at the Queens Village library. NEW MUSIC FEST May 16-19 Queens New Music Festival at the Se-

cret Theater in LIC. 8942178. AFRICA MEETS PERU Friday, May 17 Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. DYSTOPIAN FILMS Friday, May 17 “1984.” Friday, May 24 “Equilibrium.” Friday, May 31 “The Book of Eli.” Screening and discussion of film at 2 at the Flushing library. NU URBAN CAFÉ Fridays live jazz and r&b 9-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917-817-8653. GAME DAY Fridays 4:30 Woodhaven library. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays 2 Hillcrest library. PUPPETRY THEATRE Saturday, May 18 Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. PAUL TAYLOR DANCE Saturday and Sunday, May 18, 19 Paul Taylor Dance Company at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064. NYC’S SOUTH POLE Sunday, May 19 Tottenville, Staten Island and the NY “South Pole” F o rgo t te n N Y Wa l k i n g To u r w i t h t h e G re a te r Astoria Historical Societ y. 278-0700 for ticket. ORATORIO SOCIETY Sunday, May 19 at Queensborough Comm u n i t y C o l l e ge . 6 3 1 6311. STAMP SHOW Sundays, May 19, June 16 Ramada Hotel in Bayside 10-4:30. Free admission and parking. 645-7659. TOMMY TUNE Thursday, May 23 Queensborough Comm u n i t y C o l l e ge . 6 3 1 6311. DR MEETS GARIFUNA Friday, May 31 Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222.


Page 20 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013





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May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21

People Sakirat Akadri of Jamaica was inducted into the Cum Laude Society at the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Conn. Castelli Laflotte of Jamaica took part in an internship through SUNY Oswego’s Experience-Based Education program. Laflotte interned at Robert Berkley Physical Therapy Services, Oswego. The New York Army National Guard has announced the promotion of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their capabilities for additional responsibility and leadership. Ricky Tyson of Springfield Gardens, serving with the 107th Military Police Company, is promoted to sergeant. Taysia Brooks of Jamaica, serving with the 133rd Quartermaster Support Company, is promoted to specialist. Aaron Vassell of Cambria Heights, serving with the 133rd Quartermaster Support Company, is promoted to specialist. Antaun Leary of Springfield Gardens, serving with the 222nd Chemical Company, is promoted to specialist.

Tree Service

Vicente Toledo of Jamaica, serving with Company C, 1-69th Infantry, is promoted to private first class. Jowayne Meadows of Jamaica, serving with Company E, 3-142ndAviation, is promoted to private first class. Guercy Dominique of St. Albans, serving with the Company G (Forward Support Company Field Artillery), 427th Brigade Support Battalion, is promoted to sergeant. Joseph Matthew of Jamaica, serving with the Headquarters and Headquarters Combat Aviation Brigade, 42nd Infantry Division, is promoted to private. Umar Inniss of Ozone Park, serving with Battery B, 1-258th Field Artillery, is promoted to private first class. Ryan Robertshall of Arverne, serving with Company A, 1-69th Infantry, is promoted to private. Emil Phillips of South Richmond Hill, serving with Company D, 1-69thInfantry, is promoted to specialist. Elias Reyes of Far Rockaway, serving with the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 369th Sustainment Brigade, is promoted to private.

World Savvy Leaders:

Maria Proios, a senior at Flushing High School, and Jannatul Shifa, a senior at William Cullen Bryant High School, have partnered with Materials for the Arts to provide a workshop for local youth surrounding climate change and what they can do to help their communities. They used donated materials to produce art.


Tree Service

Tree Service

Tree Service

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Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens May 10-16, 2013

Musicians Of Queens - Off The Turnpike

Sometimes, you want to listen to a band that just plays no-frills rock and roll. Off The Turnpike takes that attitude and delivers it with strong songwriting, a pounding rhythm section and powerful vocals. The band hopes to shake up the New York City rock scene and having been moving forward to do so since they formed in 2011. The hard rock/alternative rock group came together through the most unlikely of places: Craigslist. Although the classified ad website got vocalist Andy Sexton, guitarist Christian Vasquez, bassist ShawnAbraham and drummer Steve Kurlat to join forces, the friendships they now have has helped keep the band moving forward. “We all became very good friends too,” Vasquez said. “That’s what really got us going.” All native New Yorkers, the band calls

Astoria its home, rehearsing at Astoria Soundworks. “It feels good being in Queens and playing in a band,” Vasquez added, saying the neighborhood has a “great vibe.” Off The Turnpike released their selftitled debut album last year, a ten-track effort that was written over the last couple of years and quickly recorded in three sessions in a Staten Island studio. “The lyrical content is about struggles in life and overcoming those struggles,” Vasquez said. For the future, Off The Turnpike plans to continue touring and building a fan base. They recently played their first show in Connecticut. The next upcoming gig schedule is on May 22 at Tammany Hall in Manhattan. Off The Turnpike will be part of the six band lineup for Gotham Rocks’ New Blood Series.

Astoria Welcomes Celeb Chef Michael Psilakis, a celebrity chef who has traveled the world to cook in front of television audiences has just opened a new Greek restaurant in the heart of Astoria. Psilakis, who owns critically-acclaimed restaurants both in Manhattan and on Long Island, is credited for popularizing the Greek cuisine and, on April 22, he opened a new place in the

City’s largest Greek community. The celebrity chef was one of the stars on last year’s cooking show, “No Kitchen Required” – where contestants created meals from local ingredients in different parts of the world. Psilakis has also competed on “Iron Chef” and was nominated for a prestigious James Beard award.

Michael Psilakis

Good Month For Harvey

Matt Harvey

The New York Mets may not be having a very good start to the season, hovering below .500, but Matt Harvey had a very good month. The pitcher went 4-0 with a 1.56 ERA in the first month of the season. Harvey took

pitcher of the week honors early in April and last week, MLB announced he had been named Pitcher of the Month for April. Now if only some of his teammates started to play a little better...

More Sandy Stories A documentary created, in part, by residents recovering from Superstorm Sandy received a prestigious honor even though it is not yet finished. According to an article in the Daily News, the film, called “Sandy Storyline,” won the top prize at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival last week. The movie won the award in the “storyscapes transmedia” category. The documentary was launched just a few days after Sandy hit New York by Brooklyn resident Rachel Falcone. According to the article, the movie combined over 300 photos, videos and

stories as told by Rockaway residents who witnessed the destruction firsthand. Residents who contributed to the project said that it gives them an authentic voice to describe what life been like in the six months since the storm hit. “This is the truth,” Marissa Bernowitz told the Daily News. “The best people to tell the story is us and they were the first ones to document what we’re doing in a way that we can express ourselves and what we’re going through.” Falcone is continuing to collect items from residents affected by the storm and the film is expected to be finished by next year.

Living A Dream

We at QConf like to acknowledge those making even the smallest dreams come true. Pediatric physical therapist Joann Ferrara does just that. She started a unique program in 2002, which allows up to 50 girls to take weekly ballet sessions in Bayside. The program does run on donations, but no one is turned away. Aspiring ballerinas with mental and physical disabilities do not have to stop short of their dreams because they too can also leap in their tutus with a little help. Dancing Dreams, a Queens-

based non-profit, provides classes to girls between the ages of 3 and 17. The stage shows gives the girls a new focus on what they can do, rather what they cannot do. Seeing the girls point their toes on stage brings joy to Ferrara, who started the program after her a young patient dressed up in a tutu said she wanted to be a ballerina, but nobody wanted to teach her. Dancing Dreams is expanding to the Museum of the City of New York in Manhattan. The 45-minute sessions will now be held on Mondays.

Who's Got Talent? QConf is looking for some talented Queens residents to feature. If you are a model, a musician, a chef or an artist, we would love to hear from you! Send an email to

May 10-16, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 23

What’s Up MAY 10 The Earth and Me With a flowing tapestry of song, dance, puppetry and music, “The Earth and Me” inspires children with hope and empowerment. The children learn how they can help protect the Earth’s delicate balance through harmony, tolerance and peace. For additional information, visit http:// Tickets are $15 at the door and $10 in advance. The Jamaica Performing Arts is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave. The show will be held at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Learn Arabic at Central This course will introduce you to the basic vocabulary and grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. The lesson will start with the Arabic alphabet and continue to phrases and complete sentences. The course will also explore many common phrases and terminologies used by Arabic speakers today. The free class will be held at 4:30 p.m. at the Queens Central Library. The show will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets range from $10 to $20 dollars. The York College Performing Arts Center is located at 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. There is also a performance on Saturday and Sunday.

Comrie For Queens Pre-Mother’s Day Dance Come out to a Pre-Mother’s Day Dance at Occasions Banquet and Catering Hall to support candidate Leroy Comrie for Queens Borough President. To contribute online, please visit: Checks should be made payable to “Comrie for NYC.” For additional information, contact Margaret Denson or (917) 447-0260 or;Lois Menyweather at (646) 284-1689 or lmenyweather@; or Comrie for Queens at (917) 737-2415 or The dance will begin at 8 p.m. Occasions Catering Hall is located at 127-08 Merrick Blvd. Tickets range from $50 to $175.

Let’s Get Bizzee: A Carl Clay Film

MAY 11 Do you agree that politics in New Hands-on History: A Garden York has gotten very strange lately? for Mary Come out and see the original movie about community and politics that launched the careers of Lisa Carson and Doug Fresh. Shot in Southeast Queens, this film began the call for youth to get involved in the political process. After the film, State Sen. James Sanders Jr. and the Black Spectrum Theatre will host an informative and historical debate on “Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?” This promises to be an honest and open discussion about our community. All elected officials and community leaders are welcomed for this panel discussion. Tickets are $5 for the film. Attending the discussion is free. The film will screen at 6:30 p.m. and the panel discussion will begin at 8 p.m. The Black Spectrum Theatre is located on 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard.

Dreamgirls The York College Performing Arts Center is proud to present Dreamgirls! A young female singing trio from Chicago get their big break at an amateur competition and begin singing backup vocals for James “Thunder” Early. However, things begin to spin out of control when their agent, Curtis Taylor, Jr., makes Deena and not Effie, the star of what will become known as “The Dreams.” For additional information, visit www.york.

The King family loved agriculture and gardening. Join the staff at King Manor as they plant their vegetable garden. You can make your own compostable flowerpot and plant seeds in it to take home and grow your own flowers or vegetables. This event is free and will be held at the King Manor Museum from noon to 3 p.m. King Manor Museum is located by 153rd Street and Jamaica Avenue.

Shine and the Moonbeams Bring your little ones to this free, interactive, 45-minute concert that is designed for children ages three to six, and fun for the whole family. Family music’s first soul band, Shine and the Moonbeams captures the fun, sweetness and simplicity of youth in a groovy R&B package. With compassionate verses on important subject matter such as standing up to bullies and celebrating individuality, kids and adults will identify with Shine’s insightful lyrics and soulful melodies. The show is free and will be held at 2 p.m. at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center. The Jamaica Performing Arts Center is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave.

Just Jammin’ Percussionists of Jamaica Drum Jam perform an array of cultural

rhythms and members of the audience join in with small hand-held percussion instruments. This interactive concert is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library at 2 p.m.

Black Spectrum Book Fair Blackcurrant Press Company in cooperation with Black Spectrum Theatre will present their second annual book fair featuring acclaimed author Cheryl Wills (Die Free), Tonya Pinkins (Get Over Yourself), Cathleen Williams (Singer Mother The New Father), and Beverly Burchett (Queen Kinni). Come out for what promises to be a wonderful afternoon. The book fair is free and will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Roy Wilkins Park Family Center located at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard.

Landlord-Tenant Issues (in Bengali) In this workshop in Bengali, you will learn the rights and obligations of tenants, as well as about the lease agreement process, security deposits, subletting, rent control, eviction and free legal resources. This free workshop will begin at 3 p.m. at the Queens Central Library.

All Aboard the “SS FPCJ Gospel Cruise Ship” The Pioneer Ministry of the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica welcomes you to join them aboard the newest “virtual” cruise ship, The SS FPCJ, for an evening of gospel music, singing, spoken word and more. The cruise will take place in the Magill House Auditorium. Departing at 5 p.m. and returning Sat. May 11 at 9 p.m. Don’t miss the “boat”. Tickets are $15 for adults and $7for children ages 5-12. For additional information, visit www.firstchurchjamaica. org or contact Stephanie St. Clair, Roxanne Tillman, Charles Daniels at (718) 528-3027 or (718) 529-1375 or (347) 806-2251.

Smell the Power All are cordially invited to a staged reading of “Smell the Power.” “Smell the Power” is a contemporary family drama set in Queens, NY that explores the inherent generational and social/political problems in many of today’s Black families, that extend to the larger society and effect us all. Do not miss what promises to be a great reading. For tickets and info, visit http://www. or call (718) 723-1800. The event is free and will begin at the Black Spectrum Theatre at 7:30 p.m. The Black Spec-

trum Theatre is located at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard.

MAY 13 Stay Well Learn how special exercises and relaxation techniques can make a difference in your life at the Queens Central Library at 10 a.m. The workshop is free.

MAY 15 Healthy Relationships and Assistance for Families in Crisis The New York City Family Justice Center of Queens and the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence present a program explaining how to maintain health and safety by recognizing unhealthy behavior within the home. Resources for assistance and more information will also be provided. The program is free to attend and will be held at the Queens Central Library at 6:30 p.m.

ONGOING Mobile CPR Program FDNY EMS instructors will come out to your site to conduct the CPR training using your facilities. The Be 911 Compressions Only CPR Program is brought to you free of charge by FDNY and NYC Service. The goal of the program is to train as many people as possible in basic CPR skills. In addition, participants will be briefly educated on the automated external defibrillator (AED) used to try and revive a person suffering from cardiac arrest. Though this program does not certify any participants, the FDNY and NYC Service believe increasing the knowledge of how to save a life is far more beneficial. The program welcomes all ages, as long as the individual can demonstrate competency in retaining the required skills. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday during the hours of 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Classes may be approximately 20 minutes depending on the size of the group. For group registration of 10 or more participants or further information, contact the FDNY’s CPR Training Unit at (718) 281-3888.

What’s Up With You? Send your community events to the PRESS for a free listing at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357 Call (718) 357-7400 or email All events will be considered for publication, without a fee.


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