Press epaper 061314

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Volume 15 Issue No. 24 June 13-19, 2014

PRESS Photo by Jordan Gibbons


The Jamaica Muslim Center applauded the decision to make its crowded street one-way to lessen the chance of accidents. By Jordan Gibbons ‌ Page 3.


Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

News Briefs Car-themed Playground Opens in Laurelton

NYC Parks’ Queens Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski joined Borough President Melinda Katz, members of Community Board 13 and children from the Cambria Center for the Gifted Child on Wednesday to cut the ribbon on a $1.5 million reconstruction of Cambria Heights’ Laurelton West Playground. Based off the nearby Laurelton and Belt Parkways, the new accessible playground is arranged in a cloverleaf, with car-shaped playground equipment, a spray shower in the shape of a streetlamp and road markings along its safety surface. The playground is built to be accessible for children of all ages and abilities, with ramps leading to its play features, separate sections of play equipment for younger and older children and Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant swings. The project also installed new swing sets, an open lawn area, picnic tables, benches and drinking fountains. The park is ringed with planting beds, shrubs and trees. The playground was funded with an allocation by the Office of the Borough President and designed by NYC Parks’ landscape architect Imelda Bernstein. “Every community deserves great parks and every kid deserves a great playground. Laurelton West Plyground’s new car-themed design will let children of all ages and all physical abilities rev up across ramps, past a streetlamp-shaped spray shower and over a bridge,” Lewandowski said. “I would like to thank the Borough President’s office, both current Borough President Melinda Katz and former Borough President Helen Marshall, for funding this project and continuing to support our borough’s parks.”

New Youth and Family Center Opens in Hollis

Tuesday morning, elected officials, nonprofit leaders and community members gathered for a ribboncutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the Forestdale Youth and Family Center in Hollis. The center offers tutoring and mentoring programs for children and services to strengthen parenting skills, including the Fathering Initiative and Teen Parents in Action. Forestdale’s headquarters is in Forest Hills, but the nonprofit serves families throughout the Borough. “All of us at Forestdale believe in the importance of being in the community we serve,” Forestdale Execu-

tive Director Anstiss Agnew said. “We strive to live up to our motto: ‘Family When Families Need Us.’” At the event, Borough President Melinda Katz praised Forestdale’s work with families. “We need to make sure families have a safe place to get services and that children are cared for when their families are in turmoil,” she said. Former Deputy Borough President Leroy Comrie, who previously represented Hollis in the City Council, was also in attendance for the event. “We all have a big stake in how our kids do, in making sure they get where they want to be,” he said. “Forestdale is an oasis for our children.” The Forestdale Youth and Family Center is located at 203-09 Hollis Avenue and is open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Assembly Unanimously Passes Library Reform

A bill to reform the Queens Library is one step closer to becoming law. Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubry (D-Corona)’s bill to introduce more oversight to the Queens Library was met with unanimous approval in the State Assembly on June 10, passing 132 to 0. The legislation now moves to the State Senate, where it is sponsored by State Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria). The legislation was created in response to the recent controversies that have affected the Queens Library, particularly concerning its financial practices. The library’s CEO, Thomas Galante, has come under fire for his excessive salary, second job and use of library funding to build his office a private smoking deck. If the bill becomes law, it will reform the appointment and removal process of the Board of Trustees, so a trustee can be removed by the official who appointed him or her. A trustee’s term length would be reduced from five years to three years and would require that a member either lives in or owns a business in Queens. The legislation would also create an independent labor committee and audit committee to oversee the Library’s accounting, financial reporting and contracting process. Key library staff members would have to file financial disclosure forms. There would also be limits on outside employment. The Library would have to hold annual budget hearings and maintain a 30-day public comment period before it can adopt its annual budget as well.

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


One-Way Victory For Muslim Center Since 2010, the Jamaica Muslim Center, Community Board 8, elected leaders and local residents have petitioned the Dept. of Transportation to study and convert 168th Street in Jamaica into a one-way road. On Friday, their hard work paid off when the DOT approved the change. Currently, the narrow two-way street runs in front of the Muslim center, creating congestion and safety issues for residents who come to the center for schooling, worship and community events. There are also students commuting to Jamaica High School and Thomas Edison High School each day. The demand for better traffic safety intensified in April after Mahmudur Sarkar, 16, a student attending the center, was struck by a vehicle and critically injured in front of the school. After completing a study of the proposed change, the DOT concluded that a one-way northbound conversion of 168th Street from Highland Avenue to Gothic Drive would improve traffic and pedestrian safety in the neighborhood.

Photo by Jordan Gibbons


Assemblyman David and local elected officials, Weprin (D-Fresh Meadespecially Weprin, Lancows) acknowledged the man and Meng, who were dangerous conditions on instrumental in moving the the street and praised the conversion forward. DOT for acting on the proDr. Wahedur Rahman, posal. president of the Jamaica “The unique combinaMuslim Center, praised the tion of speeding drivers hard work of everyone inand thousands of pedesvolved but pointed out that trians is a disaster waiting there is still work to do. to happen,” Weprin said. “It proved that unity is a “Their proposal for a one- Akhter Hussain, general secretary of the Jamaica Muslim big strength and if we are way will dramatically im- Center, praised the advocacy work of the community. united, we can get things prove safety conditions for done,” Rahman said. “Now to the Community Board that it will members of the Jamaica we need to see real results Muslim Center, neighboring high continue to study the location for as soon as possible and make our school students and everyone who speed bump feasibility. street safe.” U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Flushwalks these streets.” There is no timetable for the conCouncilman Rory Lancman (D- ing) said she was pleased with the version, but with the month of RaHillcrest) credited Mayor Bill de Bla- decision, despite the amount of time madan starting on June 28, when the sio’s Vision Zero Action Plan, the it took to accomplish this change. Jamaica Muslim Center is expecting “The decision to convert 168th a few thousand visitors for prayer City’s foundation for ending traffic deaths and injuries on City streets, Street into a one-way street is long every night, leaders from the center and thanked the residents for being overdue,” she said. “We will continue stressed the importance to get this to push for additional safety improve- done as soon as possible. advocates for the community. “I’m glad Mayor de Blasio is tak- ments as well. As we applaud the “We’re going to make it clear to ing serious action to make the streets extension of this one-way zone, we the commissioner the need to exaround the Jamaica Muslim Center continue to send our thoughts and pedite the process,” Weprin said. safer,” he said. “This is an important prayers to Mahmudur Sarkar and his “There are a lot of logistics.” step in realizing the Mayor’s Vision family.” Reach Reporter Jordan Gibbons at Leaders from the Jamaica Muslim (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, jgibbons@ Zero plan.” The DOT also stated in a letter Center expressed gratitude to the City or @jgibbons2

Norman Towers Receives 40,000 Applicants BY JORDAN GIBBONS The Norman Towers mixed-income affordable housing apartments received 40,000 applications for 100 available units. The Bluestone Organization purchased the property located at 90-14 161st St. in Downtown Jamaica from the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation in 2008, primarily to serve as its new headquarters. The plans changed during the course of five years, transforming the project into two nine-story elevator-serviced towers built over a connecting cellar. There are a total of seven studios, 72 one-bedroom apartments and 21 twobedroom apartments. Sara Herbstman of Blusetone said the organization was not expecting so many applicants, but the City’s Housing Development Corporation’s use of the NYC Housing Connect website,, increased the amount of applications. “HDC had a new online process,” she said. “It made applying that much easier.”

ments and two for people with visual or hearing impairments; residents of Queens Community District 12 will receive a preference for 50 percent of the units and municipal workers receive a preference for five percent of the units. Jim Angley of Bluestone said the decision on who gets chosen was decided by a lottery process generated by HDC, who then provided a list in number priority. The applications ask for limited information, so the interview The Norman Towers will begin filling its process is to ensure the applicants apartments this summer. qualify for each specific type and size of apartment. There are adThe interviewing process began in ditional areas to make sure the mid-May, so qualified applicants are applicants are going to be reasonable already being called in. and responsible, Angley said. “We expect to start moving people in The building will also include resometime into the summer and go until tail space and is expected to generthe end of the year,” Herbstman said. ate more than $30 million in local The selection process is based on economic activity. It will include income levels, but applicants who live 5,311-square-feet of commercial in New York City receive a general space and 4,525-square-feet of retail. preference. There are also five units The Tower will also have parking and for applicants with mobility impair- a bicycle room for residents.

“The new mixed-use, mixedincome development is an investment in the future and another fine example of how private and public sectors can work together,” former Borough President Helen Marshall said at the groundbreaking ceremony last year. This is not only exciting for the spirits who will occupy these apartments but also renews the entire community.” It has long been GJDC’s goal to help facilitate developments like housing, either by assembling properties, finding spaces for projects or highlighting what Jamaica has to offer to potential investors. “People need to live in good, solid neighborhoods, where they shop and where they don’t have to own a car,” Carlisle Towery, GJDC president, said. “Downtowns have multiple destinations and choices, so when you come Downtown, you can do multiple things on any given trip. Downtowns are efficient and Downtown Jamaica is rich with opportunities.” Reach Reporter Jordan Gibbons at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, jgibbons@ or @jgibbons2

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

St. Albans Searching For Housing Compromise BY JORDAN GIBBONS The St. Albans Civic Association met last Thursday with residents, local officials, members of the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans and its building partners to address the issues the community has concerning the proposed development of an affordable housing project on Farmers Boulevard. The purpose of the meeting was to host a civil dialogue between the opposing sides, which was achieved, for the most part. At times, the discussion escalated as residents stressed the current state of traffic congestion, parking, overcrowded schools, flooding and the potential for diminished quality of life. The St. Albans Cycle of Life Project entails a 67-unit housing project between 118th and 119th Avenue. It will be an 81,498-square-foot facility, featuring approximately 6,500-squarefeet of community space for the general public and an 800-square-foot space for building residents. The proposal was rejected by the Dept. of Buildings and will go before the Board of Standards and Appeals on June 24. Resident Mike Pope said he is opposed to the plan because the size of the project is much larger than the

two-to-three-story homes in the area. “It is our professional and residential opinion that the project is just too big in scope,” he said. “We trust the BSA has objectively evaluated this project and will bring about a decision that respects the interests of this community.” He asked that residents write to the BSA and give their opinion, for or against the project, especially those who live within 400 feet, the immediate impact radius. The Rev. Edward Davis, of the Presbyterian Church, spearheaded the project and partnered with Trinity Associates LLC to handle the planning and building. “Anything the church has done has been for enhancing the community,” he said. “We’re leaders, workers desired to make things happen in this community.” Davis said the community space will be used for social, recreational and educational job training programs. Andrea Scarborough, president of the Addisleigh Park Civic Organization, said she stands with the St. Albans Civic Association, citing the area’s zoning parameters, overcrowded schools, traffic congestion and flooding. “You build within the confines of our zoning,” she said. “To put that

development there will only exacerbate the issues.” St. Albans is a R3A contextual district, which are districts that feature modest single and two-family detached residences on zoning lots as narrow as 25 feet in width. The developers are seeking three variances from the BSA, one of them is a request to change the floor area ratio and zoning from R3A. Darryl Hawes, a member of Presbyterian Church and co-developer for Trinity, said that the property has been vacant for 20 years because not one developer has figured out how to develop it. “To develop it requires a certain amount of units to make it feasible,” Hawes said. John Saraceno, president of Trinity Associates, said that in order to get the grants and financial sources that will allow the apartments to stay at an affordable rental rate, it needs a certain amount of units. Another variance Trinity is seeking addresses the height of the building. The current project is three stories along the front on Farmers Boulevard, goes up to four stories along the back and then the fifth story is in the middle of the U-shaped complex. The third variance is to limit the on-

site parking to 23 spaces. Trinity did a parking study that revealed parking spaces along 191st Street, Farmers Boulevard and 119th Avenue, according to Keith Hutson, a St. Albans resident and member of Presbyterian Church who is also on the development team. The Civic Association is also concerned there will be an extreme surge in population with 200 to 250 additional residents. Trinity anticipates 140 to 160 residents based off of data from similar developments. According to the plans, there will be 33 one-bedroom units and 34 two-bedroom units. Sandra Peeden, an attorney who ran for city council last year, said the focus should be on improving the issues for the people already living in the community. “The project doesn’t exactly fit the needs of the community,” she said. “How are we going to strengthen the infrastructure for the people already here before bringing in new people?” Both the Civic Association and Rev. Davis plan to send buses to the BSA Appeals Hearing on June 24 at 22 Reade St., Brooklyn to voice their opinions before the board. Reach Reporter Jordan Gibbons at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, jgibbons@ or @jgibbons2.

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June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

Queens Gateway Struggling To Meet Students’ Needs

Saturday, June 14

BY JORDAN GIBBONS As the school year comes to a close, students and parents at Queens Gateway to Health Sciences Secondary School are looking for help. Annette Kassim is concerned about her son, Zakaria, 15, an Individualized Education Program student who is in an Integrated Co-Teaching classroom with nine other IEP students. Kassim said that Parents and students said there has been a rapid in November, the special decline in the quality of education at Queens Gateeducation teacher, Mitch- way. ell Roseman, was transferred from the class and Aronov also said that there are has not been replaced with a qualino AP Chemistry, AP Biology or AP fied teacher. “My concerns lie with all these IEP Physics classes in the school, which children,” Kassim said. “The school is advertised to have a focus on scishould be run in a more competent ence. The state-mandated HIV/AIDS way. My son is failing due to the fact Curriculum has not been available that there is no ICT teacher.” Each public school child who for two years, according to Aronov. receives special education and re- When he asked Principal Judy Henlated services must have an IEP. It ry why there were no classes, he was creates an opportunity for teachers, told that too many students opted parents, school administrators and out of the instructions. Aronov said he related services personwas part of a Dept. of nel to work together to “My concerns lie Education panel in improve quality educaApril to address the tion for each child with with all these IEP issues in the school. a disability, according to children. The school Marcus Liem, a the National Center for should be run in a spokesman for the Learning Disabilities’ more competent way. DOE, said, “The matwebsite. Kassim said Rose- My son is failing due ter is under investigaman helped her son on to the fact that there tion.” PTA President a daily basis and had Sandra Clarke-Wilone-on-one emails and is no ICT teacher.” -Annette Kassim liams’ son, Quintell conversations to update Willams, will be her her frequently. Now, her third child graduathome tutor informed her ing from the school in June and she that Zakaria is failing. Kassim said she spoke to Princi- said she is very disappointed that the pal Judy Henry many times and she science part of the school died down was repeatedly told he will have an so much. Her other two children, who ICT teacher next week or the following week. This week, she said she re- graduated from Gateway, went on ceived a voicemail from an assistant to graduate from Stony Brook Uniprincipal that Zakaria will have an versity with degrees in Health Science. ICT teacher next year. She said Quintell does not have “I just want to make sure they do something about the lost time,” any math and science classes in his Kassim said. “My son was always senior year because none are offered. happy and anxious to go to school. She said that statistics used to be an Since November, I don’t see my son elective, but once the teacher was no in the same frame. He’s not happy longer at the school, the class was no longer offered. anymore.” “This is a school that I loved,” she The school is located on the Queens Hospital campus, but its said. “I can’t believe how in two years Hospital Rotation Program does not it has gone down so fast.” Reach Reporter Jordan Gibbons at visit the hospital as it is supposed to, according to David Aronov, Student (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, jgibbons@ or @jgibbons2. Body President.

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Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

Editorial OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens


Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

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A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2014 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

More Focus On Schools Needed New Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña’s visit to the Borough’s Parents Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday night offered an interesting glimpse into what the schools’ head believes needs to be done to aid efforts to improve education, not just in Queens, but City-wide. We just hope that the new administration can make the necessary changes before it is too late for our current students to benefit from them. Fariña stated that she was on-hand at the meeting – her first advisory board meeting since becoming chancellor – to listen to parents and to get a feel for what parts of the school system needed improvement. But she also detailed some changes she was hoping to enact, including earlier foreign language classes, more ESL and arts classes and a look into all proposed co-location sites in the City. One of the biggest challenges the school system faces right now is the issue of overcrowded schools and students being shuffled off to trailers to learn because there is no room for them. The lack of classroom space is no doubt hurting the chances for a quality education for thousands of students. Without the proper venue for a classroom, teachers struggle to reach students and students are often unable to process information given to them. The Dept. of Education needs to create a plan immediately to address overcrowding in the schools. We understand that, as Fariña told the advisory board earlier this week, this is not something that can be fixed overnight. But without a plan in place now, it cannot be fixed at all. Yes, Fariña is still in her first six months as head of the schools in the City. But if she does not begin to act toward overcrowding soon, it will be to the detriment of thousands of our students. Their futures are not something that should be trifled with.

Letters Encourage Smoke-Free Housing

To The Editor: O n M o n d ay, J u n e 9 , Queens Community Board 7 passed a resolution that originated in the CB 7 Health Committee that encouraged owners and landlords of new multi-family housing to create smokefree housing units and to establish a smokefree environment in the developments wherever possible. This resolution is not a statement suggesting that people who smoke cannot live in these new apartments, rather similar to other existing restrictions where the indoor air is shared with others, smoking is not acceptable in those premises. I proposed this resolution to the Health Committee after Community Board 2 in Staten Island took a similar step several months ago. I commend those that supported the resolution at the full board meeting and to those who felt the resolution did not go far enough in making the public health statement that every city resident has the right to breathe smokefree air

where they reside. Smokefree multiple housing is the way of the future and is becoming commonplace in other parts of the country. This transition is occurring because of the recognition that non-smokers are involuntary exposed to secondhand smoke, a recognized Class A carcinogen that is responsible for nearly 50,000 annual deaths. I encourage other residents living in New York City apartments to speak to their landlords, local community boards and elected officials and let them know that you have a right to breathe smokefree air where you reside. Phil Konigsberg, Bay Terrace

WRITE ON: The PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 email fax: (718) 357-9417

Race Should Not Decide Elections A Personal Perspective BY MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE It is always a sad day when candidates for office or their supporters and campaign staffers resort to racial, ethnic or religious differences to discredit the opponent. Congressman Charles Rangel, the man many would agree could be dubbed “The Lion of the Congress,” and State Senator Adriano Espaillat are once again locked in a battle for New York’s 13th Congressional District. It is rather amusing that these two men, who essentially look like relatives, have been designated Latino (Espaillat) and African American (Rangel) respectively, rather than as two viable candidates who have served well. What makes one Black and the other “not Black” is not a matter of genetic reality any-

where else but in this country. Rather, it is about language and location. Espaillat is from the Dominican Republic; Rangel, who is reportedly half Puerto Rican, has always identified with the Black community, most notably, Harlem. Espaillat’s native language is Spanish, while Rangel’s is English. Rangel, in campaign mode, must have said that all Espaillat seems to be bringing to the table is the fact that he is Dominican, rather than any real legislative accomplishments because all he seems to be selling is the fact that he is Dominican and part of the larger Hispanic community. Where anyone is from or how they identify from an ethnic perspective should not matter as much as how much they have done and will be able to do in their next office. Rangel was not being “racist,” but in an election, some people will jump on any opportunity to accuse

the other side of biases. Let the candidates’ experiences and record speak for themselves. Rangel is not racist. He is a guy who shares Latin roots with his main rival, and who owns a home in the Dominican Republic. During his time in Congress, he has served every part of his district without bias and so shame on anyone who says otherwise. Espaillat and his supporters should work hard to prove that he is a better candidate than the incumbent. Rangel for his part should probably not have run again. Redistricting, scandals and a transitioning district have all collided to cost him core supporters. Sometimes you just have to know when to say, “when!” It is not acceptable for people to try to win elections via race-baiting. It should be repudiated every time it raises its ugly head. Rangel is not criticizing Espaillat for being

Dominican. He was simply remarking that his nationality seems to be the only thing Espaillat is touting, not a record of accomplishment. That is to say, Rangel is implying that the senator’s record is not impressive so he is trying to get votes by appealing to his fellow-Dominicans and other Spanish speakers to vote for him based on ethnic pride. You can not fault Espaillat for trying to use the “common ground” tactic. It is disingenuous to try to win by dividing the very people he is trying to represent by tearing down the incumbent who has served them with distinction. That is shameful. Our City and indeed our nation deserve better. This election should be decided by people who have been given the facts. Age and ethnicity should not be the only strategies in this election. It is detestable that a candidate is trying to make it so.

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Vote June 24th Democratic Primary for Congress

A Record of results for Southeast Queens and Nassau Families

Vote June 24th for Gregory W. Meeks for Congress Democratic Primary Paid for and authorized by Friends for Gregory Meeks

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

Pavilion In 3D BY JOE MARVILLI The New York State Pavilion is getting a virtual lease on life, thanks to a three-dimensional scan. The University of Central Florida and heritage preservation nonprofit CyArk worked together to scan the New York State Pavilion complex, with the goal of using that data to build a virtual 3D model of the structure as it currently stands. The nearly week-long effort went over every inch of the site, from the top of the Observation Towers to the inside of the Tent of Tomorrow. Getting Started Members of the faculty at UCF decided to do a scan of the Pavilion as part of their involvement with ChronoLeap, a virtual reality game meant to increase science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. According to the ChronoLeap website, the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair made for an ideal environment to convey a wide assortment of STEM content. “We had built a lot of these models based on old photographs and everything, and dropped them into the game engine so these kids could wander and play. We had made the New York State Pavilion,” Dr. Lori Walters, digital heritage lead at UCF, said. Last year, the group acquired a FARO 3D laser scanner, with which they could completely scan an object to make a digital model. They decided that the Pavilion would be a great project to pursue, particularly because of the 50th anniversary of the World’s Fair and the debate over what to do with the Pavilion. Walters said she has a personal interest in the Pavilion as well, since she would often pass by the structure when she went to visit her aunt as a child. “I wasn’t around for the Fair. I spent most of my life in Florida but was born out in Long Island. My aunt lives in Astoria. I remember distinctly when we would come in on the LIE,” she said. “I always remembered when I saw the beautiful colored panels of the Tent of Tomorrow that we were getting close.” In order to take on such a massive project, UCF received assistance from CyArk, a nonprofit that collects 3D data from cultural heritage and archeological sites from all over the world. It stores the information in perpetuity and shares portions of it with the pub-

lic for free at To accomplish this data-collecting mission, CyArk partners with colleges like UCF, which they call their technology centers. CyArk provides technical and fundraising support for these centers, giving them the resources they need to succeed in their project. “[UCF] were coming out to do this project with very limited funding. Some of their time was being volunteered by the staff. With the anniversary of the fair, CyArk was very interested in that,” Justin Barton, CyArk’s Chief Technology Advocate, said. “It became clear we needed to help support them with some fundraising efforts, so we actually established a Kickstarter campaign. We raised $15,000 to help fund their travel costs and staff time for all that data processing that’ll happen in the lab.” Barton also brought over some additional scanners and equipment to quicken the process. He has nine years of experience in scanning structures. CyArk itself has data sets from more than 130 cultural heritage sites, from all seven continents. The Sydney Opera House, Mayan Pyramids, African rock art panels and Shackleton’s Hut in Antarctica have all been scanned in the past. How It Works The 3D scanner works by using a tiny laser that sends out a signal, which hits the building, bounces back and creates a point. Over time, it creates a series of data points that cover the structure and makes an image out of the scan that has been completed. Then, the group does multiple scans, based on how large the complex is. Once the scanning process itself is complete, the team goes back and stitches those multiple scans together, with the help of software. “Once that occurs, you’ve essentially created a three-dimensional point cloud model of the Pavilion. You could create a flythrough where people can walk in and take a look around, see what it looks like,” Walters said. “You can also put it in another software where you can make a real, three-dimensional model. You could put it into a game engine if you want.” The data processing will take weeks to complete, far longer than the scan itself, which was done in less than a week. Multiple scanners helped the process move along quickly and the weather was decent

for the most part. The scanner can work in sunshine or overcast, but not in rain, snow or heavy fog. CyArk and UCF decided that since they were in the area, they would try to scan the Unisphere as well, as a test of their scanning technology. Unlike the Pavilion and other structures that were scanned, the Unisphere is mostly hollow, with many instances of open space. The team is curious to see if the data is usable or if it winds up being a bunch of noise.

Photo by Joe Marvilli

Scan To Aid Preservation Efforts

Why Scan? Both Walters and Barton said that they hope the data from Dr. Lori Walters of the University of Central Florida the Pavilion scan sets up the 3D scanner to create a data map of the could be used to New York State Pavilion. provide a historical record of the Pavilion’s current state. If the structure Pavilion Costs is restored or renovated, the data When it comes to the Pavilion’s will display how it looked before future, several different options have any changes were made. If it is torn come up, all with varying price tags. down, then the scan will act as a Two of the Parks Dept. plans, historical record. Walters said that stabilization and restoration, would the Pavilion is an important part of demolish the Tent of Tomorrow, but 20th century history. fix up the observation towers. The “It’s got an affiliation with the 1964- destruction of the Tent would cost 65 World’s Fair, which is a major his- $10,613,075. Stabilization would not torical event of the 20th century. Its allow for public access, while restoraarchitect is Philip Johnson, one of the tion would. most noted American architects of the The Parks Dept.’s stabilization 20th century. This has a lot of histori- plan would restore or replace cable cal significance to it,” she said. “Plus, hangers and corroded bolts, replace it tells the story of the mid-1960s. You the stairs and add a roof to each oblook at it and it screams ‘Space Age.’ servation tower. This strategy would The Space Age always has a particular cost $11,434,803. fascination for me.” The restoration plan would bring Barton added that the data could the towers back to how they were ultimately be used by the Parks Dept. in 1964. This project would cost to restore the structure or by activist $20,538,130. Stabilizing both the obgroups like People for the Pavilion. By servation towers and the Tent of Toplacing the scan on its website, CyArk morrow would cost $43,013,753. Recan also increase awareness about the storing access for the two structures Pavilion issue, reaching a wider audi- would have a $52,117,080 cost. ence than just New York City. The proposal to demolish the en“If we can put it online, we can tire pavilion would cost $14,264,661. share that story of what this struc- Borough President Melinda Katz has ture represents, that fantastic vision set that amount as the first $14 milof the future from the Space Age,” he lion that needs to be raised to save said. “It can hopefully create that ad- the structure. vocacy that’s needed to do that masReach Reporter Joe Marvilli at sive fundraising, to aid its restoration (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, jmarvilli@ in the long-term.”, or @JoeMarvilli.

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014


Celebrating Education

Library of The Future Queens Faith Temple SDA in Springfield Gardens honored 18 graduates on June 7 during its education day celebration, themed “The Journey to Excellence.” During the ceremony, Pastor Ricardo Bain challenged the graduates to reach for even greater heights than they may have already attained. Photo by Jordan Gibbons

Queens Library and Google recently celebrated the free circulation of donated Google Tablets from public libraries. Pictured, William Floyd, head of external affairs for Google, presented library CEO Thomas Galante (left) with a “Library of the Future” award.

Steven J. Ferrari, editor-in-chief of the Queens Tribune and PRESS of Southeast Queens, accepted a plaque on behalf of the PRESS, recognizing the paper for its community service, from the Queens Faith Temple SDA. The plaque was given during a commencement ceremony for QFT students at the temple on June 7. Pictured (from left) are Pastor Clyde Thomas, Pastor Ricardo Bain, Ferrari, Gloria Panton, assistant education director, and James Richmond.

Memorial Service Photo by Luis Gronda

The St. Albans Veterans Extended Care Facility hosted its semi-annual memorial service to honor deceased veterans on June 8. Family and friends of veterans gathered to remember those who lost their lives in service to their country.

Law Enforcement Conference Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown and NYPD Commissioner William J. Bratton (left) confer after welcoming more than 330 members of law enforcement from across the country who were participating in the 20th Annual Violent Gang Information Sharing Conference held at Citi Field on June 4-5.

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Police Blotter 105th Precinct

turn back. The pedestrian was then struck by a grey 2005 Toyota Avalon sedan traveling westbound on North Conduit Avenue. EMS responded and transported the pedestrian to Jamaica Hospital in critical condition, where he later died at 2:22 p.m. The driver remained at the scene. The investigation is ongoing.

Fatal Collision

At 4:58 a.m. on June 7, police responded to the vicinity of North Conduit Avenue and 225th Street. Upon arrival, officers discovered that Wayne White, 50, of Queens, was riding his bicycle westbound on North Conduit Avenue when he was struck at the location by a vehicle that fled the scene. EMS responded and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The investigation is ongoing.


The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating a suspect wanted in connection with a burglary. At 12 p.m. on May 30, the suspect entered a residence through a front window and removed a bicycle and hair dryer. The suspect then fled on the bicycle southbound on 113th Street. The suspect is described as a white male, 6’0”, with curly black hair and of medium build. He was last seen wearing black sneakers, blue jeans and a dark blue T-shirt. Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-tips, visit www. or text tips

106th Precinct

Fatal Collision

At approximately 9:56 a.m. on June 7, police officers responded to a 911 call of a pedestrian struck in the vicinity of 130th Street and North Conduit Avenue. Upon arrival, officers discovered that an unidentified 58-year-old male was attempting to cross northbound on North Conduit Avenue. When he was midway across the avenue, he turned around and attempted to re-

to 274637(CRIMES), then enter TIP577. All calls are confidential.

108th Precinct


At approximately 8:15 a.m. on June 5, at 45-45 42nd St., police responded to a 911 call for two male elevator construction workers. Upon arrival, it was determined that one of the workers fell down the elevator shaft from the 5th floor of the six story building while the other worker, who was on the 4th floor, was struck by debris from the fall. Both men were transported to Elmhurst General Hospital, where the male who fell from the 5th floor was pronounced dead. The second male was listed in stable condition.

112th Precinct

Sex Abuse

The NYPD is asking for the public’s assistance locating a suspect wanted in connection to a sexual abuse. At 6:55 p.m. on June 3, the suspect followed a female, 47, into her apart-

ment building, located in the vicinity of Queens Boulevard and 76th Road. The suspect grabbed the victim from behind and sexually abused her. The victim suffered minor injuries to her right arm and knee and was treated at Elmhurst General Hospital. Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-tips, visit www. or text tips to 274637(CRIMES), then enter TIP577. All calls are confidential.

Grand Larceny

Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating a Black male wanted in connection with a grand larceny that occurred at approximately 3:45 p.m. on June 3 at the rear of 61-35 Junction Blvd. The suspect approached a female, 21, grabbed her cell phone and fled on foot. Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-tips, visit www. or text tips to 274637(CRIMES), then enter TIP577. All calls are confidential.

Borough Beat

Chancellor Addresses Schools’ Future Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña spoke to Borough President Melinda Katz’s Parents Advisory Board Tuesday night to highlight the positive aspects in schools and get input on the negatives. This was Fariña’s first Advisory Board meeting in the City since she took over as Chancellor in January, Katz said. Katz opened the meeting with an optimistic vision for the future, despite the amount of work that still needs to be done in schools. “I believe that Queens is changing and I believe it’s changing for the better,” she said. “We had a lot of problems. We got overcrowded. We got lots of trailers.” Katz said she believes this administration has shown the dedication to make the overcrowded situation work, but it is not going to happen overnight. Fariña said her main goal in attending the meeting was to listen to what people need to make schools better for everyone. She also pointed out a variety of new programs that have been implemented or will be by September.

Photo by Jordan Gibbons


Education Director Monica Gutierrez (left), Borough President Melinda Katz and Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña (right) spoke to the Parent Advisory Board Tuesday night. In the summer, there will be a rich professional development calendar for training, support and parent coordinators, Fariña said. There is the Summer Quest program, a free five-week, full-day learning program that provides elementary and middle school students with fun, hands-on enrichment experiences while strengthening their academic skills. Fariña said there will be summer schools where children

have the highest need and the Dept. of Education has contacted libraries about being more available for summer reading programs. Fariña said she also plans to put out a posting to hire social studies teachers in the summer to write the new common core texts to save millions of dollars and produce a better product in house. In September, Fariña said the DOE will offer more ESL classes

and 12-month services for IEP students. The DOE has also set aside $23 million for arts programs. Fariña said she will take a look at all co-location sites by sending trained people into schools and find out what their issues are. Fariña said she also plans to start foreign language earlier and she wants to see more dual-language programs. She said she is expanding Career, Technology and Engineering schools too. “Our CTE schools are college prep schools,” she said. “A lot are under-enrolled.” WillieFlora Gaines, president of District 28’s Community Education Council, asked Fariña about the difficulty of using 311 to call schools and administrators. “By the time school starts in September, there will be a printed protocol for who to call, for what,” Fariña said. Residents should not expect overall change for another six months but she said she wants to “make sure nothing goes through the cracks.” Reach Reporter Jordan Gibbons at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, jgibbons@ or @jgibbons2.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014


LgBtQ immigrant Voices take the Stage By Jackie StrawBridge Next Saturday, Flushing Town Hall and Jackson Heights café Terraza 7 will stage LGBTQ Immigrant Voices, a concert in celebration of Pride Month. The trio Mahina Movement will headline a two-set lineup, whose roots span the globe from Peru to Ireland to Jamaica to China. For Sami Shumays, Flushing Town Hall deputy director, the value of the LGBTQ Immigrant Voices concert is twofold. He said that he hopes it will showcase both “the diversity within the LGBTQ community and the possibility of the diverse sides of that community coming together to support each other.” Musician and activist Nadia Bourne, who studies at St. John’s University, will perform original pieces about life, love and revolution. “I am looking forward to performing in such an important cultural center and forum, learning lessons and telling my story, our story,” she said.

“This [concert] offers an ostensibly inclusive space. We are inviting all immigrants and allies to come and listen in. I sincerely hope that those who need to hear what we have to say are present,” she added. “I hope that the audience enjoys the performance and is able to celebrate the common identities and struggles that make us stronger as a collective unit.” Jackson Heights resident Brad Bradley, who has appeared on Broadway in several productions, including “Spamalot,” “Annie Get Your Gun” and “Billy Elliott,” will perform a set from his one-man show, “B Squared,” at the concert. “My set consists of songs about marriage equality, loving someone while still in the closet and boys playing with Barbies,” Bradley said. “Getting to perform these messages to a crowd that can relate is a very special opportunity.” “I’m also looking forward to representing my Borough, a proud Queen from Queens,” Bradley added. LGBTQ Immigrant Voices is spon-

Film explores religious ritual at Jamaica Bay By LuiS grOnda An ongoing documentary shoot about Jamaica Bay unearthed another story that was also converted to a movie. The filmmakers of the in-progress documentary about Jamaica Bay will premier a short film, called “The Divine Waters of Jamaica Bay” about the Indo-Caribbean community and how it uses the bay for religious rituals. The movie follows a group of individuals who travel to the Bay to perform the Hindu ritual of Puja, a ceremony praying to various deities in the Hindu religion, including Shiva, one of the most well-known gods in that religion. Dan Hendrick, the creator of the Jamaica Bay Lives documentary who also worked on the short film, said their goals for the film are to promote Jamaica Bay and to begin a discussion of balancing religious practice with concerns about the environment. One item the movie explores, Hendrick said, is some issues that have

emerged as a result of the ritual. Part of the ceremony is that they leave materials on the water as an offering to the gods they pray to. Hendrick said the Parks Dept. has told them in the past not to leave any items on the beach as it violates the agency’s rules. According to Hendrick, while some have decided to take the items they would leave behind, others have resisted because they want to keep the tradition. Hendrick said he hopes the movie shows the many people that use the Bay and how unique it is to New York. “It will really show how diverse Jamaica Bay is,” he said. The movie will be shown on June 22 at Shri Trimurti Bhavan, which is located at 101-18 97 Ave. in Ozone Park. The free event will begin at 1:30 p.m. For more information, email or call either of the following numbers (718) 848-8831 and (917) 683-8261. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, lgronda@, or @luisgronda.

sored in part by Councilman Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights). “I am proud to be able to fund such a unique and important event that shines light on the LGBT community, immigrants and on our home borough of Queens,” Dromm said. Tickets are $15 for the public

and $10 for Flushing Town Hall members and students. LGBTQ Immigrant Voices begins at 7 p.m. on June 21. Reach Reporter Jackie Strawbridge at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128, or @JNStrawbridge.

Local events For all kinds Of Fathers Dads will be honored on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15. That traditionally means treating them to their favorite meal, or to see their favorite team and making them feel special in general. The following events and activities not only celebrate fathers, but also bring the whole family together. June 14 Father’s day BBQ Our Brothers Guardian Inc. invites all to celebrate Father’s Day with food, fun, music and games. The BBQ will be at the backyard of IS 59, located at 132-55 Ridgedale St., Springfield Gardens on Saturday. The event is free and will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (347) 560-1090. Family day Join Friends of Fort Totten Park for their family day. Enjoy an afternoon of free games, rides, crafts, medical screenings and more. The fun will begin at 12 p.m. at Crocheron Park, on the grass area along 33rd Road between 214th and 215th Pl. For more information, call (718) 3524793 ext. 301 or email Michael Agnello at michael.agnello@ a Father’s Legacy Bethel Gospel Tabernacle invites all fathers to A Father’s Legacy. The program includes a $20 continental breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. and a session with speakers Lee Rouson, Bill Paige, Joe Pellegrino and Jack Redmond at 8:30 a.m. The event will take place at Bethel

Gospel Tabernacle, located at 110-25 Guy R. Blvd., Jamaica. For more information, visit or call (973) 865-8000. Mighty dads There is a Mighty Dads Special Father’s Day story time program at Barnes and Noble Utopia Center, located at 176-60 Union Tpke., Fresh Meadows. Celebrate hardworking dads at this program based on the book “Mighty Dads,” which is a loving devotion to hardworking fathers and the indirect ways they guide their boys and girls to shadow them. The story time begins at 11 a.m. For more information, visit June 15 Father’s day Lunch The New York Mets are honoring dads with a special Father’s Day lunch package in the Caesars Club at Citi Field before the matinee against the San Diego Padres. If you cannot make it in for the lunch festivities, beginning at 11:15 a.m., do not worry. All dads and kids 12 and under will receive a Mets cap upon entry to the ballpark. Visit for info. Magic of Motown End the Father’s Day celebrations with soul and R&B classics at George Seuffert Bandshell in Forest Park, located on Woodhaven Boulevard and Forest Park Drive. The concert will start at 5 p.m. For more information, call (718) 235-4100 or email debby. -esther Shittu

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13



from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information, call (718) 5929700.




The Queens Jazz Overground invites Brooklyn Jazz Underground for an all-out jazz party at Flushing Town Hall. This celebration will start at 8 p.m. and will feature three sets of music. Each group will play a set, followed by a third set of inter-borough collaboration. Tickets cost $15 for general admission and $10 for members and students. Flushing Town Hall is located at 137-35 Northern Blvd. Call (718) 463-7700 for information.


Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1964-65 World’s Fair at the Hall of Science. Learn about the different technologies and advancements made in the past 50 years on land, in space and in the water. Hands-on activities, guest partner groups and documentaries will be part of the fun. The segment on land will take place from noon to 4 p.m., with separate looks at space and water in July and August. The event is free with museum admission.

The Strawberry Festival will take place at the Onderdonk House on Saturday. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 for children. The East Coast Car Association will also be showing their vintage cars, food, music, crafts and games. The Onderdonk House is located at 1820 Flushing Ave. in Ridgewood.

side Drum Corps, the NYPD Marching Band and various local civic and community groups. For more information, visit sunnysideparade. com.




Crocheron Park will present a free screening of “Tangled” at 8 p.m. The longhaired Rapunzel has spent her whole life in a tower but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she sets out to discover the world and who she really is. The film will be shown by 35th Avenue and the Cross Island Parkway in the park.



Join the NannyVan and NYC domestic worker groups in front of the Queens Museum to celebrate International Domestic Workers Day at the Queens Museum with food and family-friendly festivities honoring nannies, housecleaners and caregivers whose work makes all other work possible. The free picnic will take place

The members of American Legion Post 118 have all served our country and the residents of Woodhaven are coming together to thank them for that service at a community barbecue. Everyone is invited to attend, free of charge. There will be hot dogs, burgers, salads and an old fashioned community gathering on Flag Day to celebrate our veterans. The event will run from noon until 4 p.m. It will take place at the American Legion, which is located at 89-02 91st St. in Woodhaven.


Zion Episcopal Church is holding its 184th annual Strawberry Festival. Since the event is partially a fundraiser, there will be a raffle with a wide selection of prizes, such as gift cards, Yankees tickets, an iPad Mini, a television and tickets to a Broadway show. The church is located at 243-01 Northern Blvd., Douglaston. For more information, call (718) 225-0466.


PS 31 The Bayside School presents “The Little Mermaid Jr.” at 7 p.m. Directed by Will Coppola and Terri Graybow, this adaptation of the story by Hans Christian Andersen and the Disney film will feature music by Alan Menken. The performance will take place in the school’s theater, located at 211-45 46th Road. Tickets are $5. Call (718) 423-8288 for information.




At 11 a.m., the Kiwanis Club of Sunnyside will hold its annual Flag Day Parade along Greenpoint Avenue. It is believed that Sunnyside is one of the only communities in all the five boroughs where Flag Day is celebrated with a parade. Participants include Sunny-

der community with dancing, drinks, food and live music performances. From 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., join the party and thank CHN for their dedication to the health of the transgender community. For more information, call (718) 883-8638.

An art residency, titled Anxious Spaces: Installation as Catalyst Art, will begin at the Knockdown Center. The residency will feature the work of several artists including Raul de Nieves, Desi Santiago and Ben Wolf. A new generation of New York-based artists who utilize installation work as a platform for performance, and partner regularly with alternative event spaces and collectives in Brooklyn and beyond. It opens on June 15 and will remain there until July 5. The Knockdown Center is located at 52-19 Flushing Ave. in Maspeth.



Thursdays this summer until June 26, a two-hour tour led by All New York Fun tours will take you to some of the most picturesque points in this region of rich history and rapid rebirth. The contrasts in Long Island City of old and new, brick and glass and rough and refined offer both amateur and professional photographers a plethora of opportunities for dynamic compositions. Meet in front of Long Island City Courthouse at noon. For more information, call (646) 205-8188.


With the Latin American Cultural Center of Queens, Queens Botanical Garden will welcome the Quintet of the Americas once again. Enjoy Father’s Day with a selection of music that celebrates the Colors of the Garden. Seating is extremely limited; first come, first served. The concert starts at 2:30 p.m. and is free with garden admission.


This Sunday at Elixir Bar and Lounge, Community Healthcare Network celebrates 10 years of service to the transgen-

den trimmings and weeds can all become garden gold through composting. Join the NYC Compost Project at the Queens Farm Museum to learn the essentials of outdoor composting. Registration is required. The workshop fee is $5. Email compost@ or call (718) 539-5296 to sign up.


COMPOSTING WORKSHOP Leaves, kitchen scraps, gar-

On Saturdays until Sept. 27, Socrates Sculpture Park offers free yoga classes for all experience levels. Taught by Monique Schubert and Yojaida Estrella, the classes cover body postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel. Free, no RSVP required. For more information, call (718) 9561819.


Send all information to or mail to: 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

Queens today cOmputERS............ Section Editor: REGINA VOGEL Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 3579417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!


DEFENSIVE DRIVING Monday, June 16 Laurelton library. Register. SMART DRIVING Monday, June 16 Windsor Park library. Register. AARP 3334 Monday, June 16 St. Kevin’s Parish Center in Flushing. 224-0478. DRIVING CLASS Tuesday, June 17 Forest Hills library. Register. BASIC COMPUTERS Wednesdays, June 18, 25 Central library. Register. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Wednesday, June 18 Auburndale library. Register.

BEGIN WORD Saturday, June 14 Central library. Register. INTRO COMPUTERS Saturday, June 14 Flushing library. Register. BEGIN EXCEL Saturday, June 14 Central library. Register. BEGIN EXCEL Monday, June 16 Central library. Register. MAC MONDAYS Mondays, June 16, 23 Central library. Register. ADULTS & COMPUTERS Tuesdays, June 17, 24 Sunnyside library 11:45. BEGIN EXCEL Tuesday, June 17 Flushing library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesdays, June 17,2 4 Queens Village library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesdays through July 29 Woodside library at 5:45. TECHNOLOGIST IS IN Tuesdays, June 17, 24 Corona library. Register for 30 minute session. INTRO EXCEL Tuesday, June 17 Central library. Register. COMPUTER BASICS Tuesday, June 17 Corona and Queensboro Hill library. Register. MOBILE DEVICES

Wednesdays through July 30 Woodside library at 10:30. COMPUTER/INTERNET Wednesday, June 18 Hollis library. Register. INTRO EMAIL Wednesday, June 18 Central library. Register. INTRO INTERNET Wednesday, June 18 Windsor Park library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Thursdays, June 19, 26 Ozone Park library. Register. PINTEREST Thursday, June 19 Central library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Friday, June 27 Middle Village library. Register.

tEENS & KIDS......

SCIENCE LAB Saturdays, June 14, 21 Central library at 11. Grades 1-6. HISTORY OF CINEMA Saturdays, June 13, 21 Flushing library for teens at 2. PERSONAL ESSAY Saturday, June 14 Broadway library at 3. PLANNED PARENT. Mondays, June 16, 23 for 11-19 at the Ridgewood library. Register. TEEN ENGINEERING Monday, June 16 Lefrak

City library at 4:30. EASY CRAFTS Mondays, June 16, 23 Steinway library at 11. COMPUTER SKILLS Mondays, June 16, 23 Rochdale Village library at 4. LIVE ANIMALS Monday, June 16 Ozone Park library at 4. Wednesday, June 18 East Flushing library at 4. MEN EMPOWER Tuesdays, June 17, 24 ages 14-19 Laurelton library at 4. TOTS & TOYS Tuesday, June 17 McGoldrick library at 11:15. Ages 2-5. JACK & BEANSTALK Tuesday June 17 Queensboro Hill library at 3. ORIGAMI CLUB Tuesday, June 17 Forest Hills library. Register. KIDS ZUMBA Tuesdays, June 17, 24 Langston Hughes library at 5:30. Ages 6-12. TEEN CRAFT Tuesday, June 17 Corona library at 5. READ TO A DOG Wednesday, June 18 North Hills library at 4. READALOUD Wednesdays, June 18, 25 South Ozone Park library at 4. Grades K-3. TAI CHI Wednesday, June 18 Langston Hughes library at 4:30. Ages 6-12. TODDLER MOVEMENTS Wednesday, June 18 Briarwood library at 1. FAMILY MOVIE Wednesdays, June 18, 25 Fresh Meadows library at 4. TWEEN ART Thursdays, June 19, 26 Langston Hughes library at 3:30. ANIME CLUB Thursdays, June 19, 26 Flushing library at 4. CREATIVE MOVEMENT Thursday, June 19 Middle Village library. Register. GIRLS EMPOWER Thursdays, June 19, 26 Laurelton library ages 1419 at 4. FASHION MAVENS Thursday, June 19 Central library at 4:30. Ages 13-18. FED-RATED CHESS Thursdays, June 19, 26 East Flushing library at 4:30. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Thursdays, June 19, 26 Glen Oaks library at 11:30. KIDS CLUB Thursday, June 19 Hillcrest library at 4:30.


FOREST HILLS Monday, June 16 “TransAtlantic” discussed at 3. 1st TIME HOMEBUYERS Monday, June 16 St. Albans library at 5:30. HISTORY & HEADLINES

Monday, June 16 Broadway library at 6:30. CENTRAL LIBRARY Wednesday, June 18 “One Summer: America, 1927” discussed at 11:30. QUEENS VILLAGE Wednesday, June 18 “Every Last One” discussed at 2.


P-FLAG Sunday, June 15 P-FLAG, a support group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663. BEREAVEMENT Tuesday, June 17 support group at Holy Family in Fresh Meadows. 7:30. 969-2448. AMER. LEGION Tuesday, June 17 American Legion McKee Post 131 at 8 at 10-20 Clintonville Street, Whitestone. 767-4323. SE QUEENS CAMERA Tuesdays, June 17, 24 Roy Wilkins Family Center. 347-528-7178. TALK OF TOWN Tuesday, June 17 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans at 7:15. 640-7092. 102 COMM. PRECINCT Tuesday, June 17 Richmond Hill library at 7. CDEC 26 Thursday, June 19 business meeting at 7, public meeting at 8 at MS67, 52-60 Marathon Parkway, Little Neck.


WORLD’S FAIR EXHIBIT Through June 30 celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1964-65 World’s Fair at the Central library. MOVIE MATINEE Fridays through June 27 Rosedale library at 2:30. BRAZILIAN FOLK Saturday, June 14 Flushing library at 2. STAGED READING Saturday, June 14 “Moon on a Rainbow Shawl” at the Central library at 2:30. AMER. SONGBOOK Saturday, June 14 Mitch Kahn presents the Great American Songbook at the Fresh Meadows library at 2:30. HAITIAN DANCE Saturday, June 14 Cambria Heights library at 3. STAMP SHOW Sunday, June 15 Bayside Stamp Show 10-4:30 Adria Hotel, Northern Blvd., Bayside. Free admission and parking. 645-7659. CONCERT Sunday, June 15 Flushing library at 2.

FILM & TALK Monday, June 16 “Key of Life” in Japanese with English subtitles at the Fresh Meadows library at 2. LAUGHTER Monday, June 16 Glen Oaks library at 3. CONCERTS IN MOTION Monday, June 16 Astoria library at 4:30. LABOR DAY Wednesday, June 18 film at the Central library at 6. JAZZ HITS Wednesday, June 18 Hillcrest library at 2. LAUGHTER Wednesday, June 18 Middle Village library at 2:30. YIDDISH THEATER Wednesday, June 18 Forest Hills library at 5:30. WITNESS Thursday, June 19 “Witness for the Prosecution” film at the Central library at 2. DIVAS TRIBUTE Thursday, June 19 Windsor Park library at 2. ROCK & ROLL HISTORY Thursday, June 19 Woodhaven library at 2. LAUGHTER Thursday, June 19 Baisley Park library at 4. POETRY & STORIES Thursday, June 19 Langston Hughes library at 5:30. PIANO RECITAL Thursday, June 19 Flushing library at 6. BINGO Thursdays McGoldrick library at 1. MONUMENTS MEN Wednesday, June 25 film at the Central library at 6. THE APARTMENT Thursday, June 26 film at the Central library at 2. SONGWRITER TRIBUTE Thursday, June 12 Lefrak City library at 5:30.


CHESS CLUB Fridays, June 13, 20, 27 Woodside library at 4. HSE/TASC SCREENINGS Fridays 11-2 LIC library. WRITE PERSONAL ESSAY Saturday, June 14 Broadway library at 3. BALLROOM DANCE Mondays, June 16, 23, 30 Forest Hills library at 6:30. SKILLS ID Monday, June 16 Flushing library. Register.

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15


Club Promotes Communication, Leadership Skills Talk of the Town Toastmasters Club is a club that helps adults advance in their public speaking skills. The Toastmasters International Club was created in 1924 to help adults advance as better speakers and get over their public speaking fears for an annual fee of $72. In February 2005, the Queens Chapter was created by Louise Manigault, Sam and Gertherine Phillips, Ronald and Jane Lewis and Pauline Edwards. “We promote and educate people on communication skills and leadership skills. A lot of people need that for their jobs. We help people overcome their fear of public speaking,” past president and Distinguished Toastmaster, Louise Manigault, said. According to Manigault, those who join Toastmasters receive a membership package. The membership package instructs members to write and give 10 speeches. Each new member is assigned a mentor who has been in the club for a while. The mentor helps each member with their first three speeches, which are given at the meetings held every first and third Tuesdays of each month. During the first part of the meetings, members give their speech for five to seven minutes. As they present their speeches, they are evaluated based on their organization of the

Talk of the Town Toastmasters meets on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Center. speech, their vocal variety, body language and movement, how inspired the audience is by the speech and their research. “We want people to be expressive, to use their hands, not just stand frozen, move around, vocal variety, in one particular voice or another voice,” Manigault said. Manigault added that the topics members choose are entirely up to them, however the club stays away from controversial topics such as religion and politics. She said that sometimes the topics of speech may depend on the theme of the month. For example, in January, speeches tend to center around Black History Month, while March, speeches are about women in history. According to Manigault, the club wants members to give speeches at least once a month, but the amount of time you speak depends entirely on members.

“There are some who are ambitious, if I am their mentor, who give two speeches a month,” she joked. The membership package is just the beginning of being part of the Toastmasters Club. Once members have given 10 speeches, they receive the Competent Communicator award, a Toastmaster International Certificate, which some use as a tool to become promoted at their jobs. Having received the certificate, members advance to the next level. They receive an advanced manual. The advanced manual instructs them to use all the basic skills they gained and learn more advanced skills to complete complicated projects, like giving a mini seminar. Instead of fiveto-seven-minute speeches, advanced speakers give 15-minute speeches. There are higher levels in the club. Manigault is at the highest level, a Distinguished Toastmaster. A typical Talk of the Town meet-

ing is broken into three sections. The first part of the meeting is when the speeches are given. The second part is called Table Topics. This a time when the Table Topic master picks a topic and picks a member or guest to speak for two minutes on the topic. “[Table topics] is a lot of fun. When I was a Table Topic master, I had this question, if you have a blind date and you reach the blind date and find the person not to be what you expect, how do you get out of it?,” Manigault said, laughing in recollection of the question. The third part of the meeting is the evaluation. “An evaluator is assigned for each person who gives a speech,” Manigault said. “[The evaluator] praises the person, highlighting what they did well, they then give suggestions for improvement, such as body movement, and then they close with another word of praise and tell the speaker that they look forward to their next speech at the next meeting.” Talk of the Town Toastmasters meets twice a month at 7:15 p.m. at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center, which is a part of St. Albans Congregation Church. The church is located at 172-17 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. -Esther Shittu

People Local students who plan to enroll at SUNY Oneonta for the fall 2014 semester were recently awarded scholarships from the college. Alyssa Mohammed of South Ozone Park, who attends Archbishop Molloy High School, won the college's Oneonta Auxiliary Services Diversity Student Leadership Scholarship and will receive $6,170 annually to pursue a bachelor's degree in biology. Jasmin Espinal of St. Albans, who attends Francis Lewis High School, won the college's Presidential Diversity Scholarship and will receive $6,170 annually to pursue a bachelor's degree in dietetics. Cassandra Alexandre of Hollis, who attends Bayside High School, won the college's Oneonta Auxiliary Services Diversity Student Leadership Scholarship and will receive $6,170 annually to pursue a bachelor's degree in international studies. Alyssa Mohammed of South Ozone

Park, who attends Archbishop Molloy High School, won the college’s Oneonta Auxiliary Services Diversity Student Leadership Scholarship and will receive $6,170 annually to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biology. Waldo Espinosa of Richmond Hill, who attends Hillcrest High School, won the college’s Oneonta Auxiliary Services Diversity Student Leadership Scholarship and will receive $6,170 annually to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biology. John Kwon of Forest Hills, who attends Forest Hills High School, won the college’s Oneonta Auxiliary Services Merit Scholarship and will receive $2,000 annually to pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Air Force Airman Sheaosha Bullen graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San AntonioLackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eightweek program that included training in military discipline and studies,

Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Bullen is the daughter of Sean Bullen of St. Albans and Netia Birmingham of Laurolton. Dana Taussig of Queens Village received a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree during spring 2014 commencement ceremonies at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vt. Local students received degrees during spring 2014 commencement ceremonies at Marist College. They include: Jamaica: Gregory Davis, Bachelor of Science degree in business administration, John Lu, Bachelor of Science degree in business administration; Karlelle Rice, Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Queens Village: Stephanie Gualotuna, Bachelor of Science degree in information technology. St. Albans: Alisha Lahogue, Bach-

elor of Arts degree in psychology/ special education. Kendra Robinson of Springfield Gardens received a Master of Science degree during spring 2014 commencement ceremonies at the University of Scranton. Ashley Fana of South Richmond Hill and Jo-Anne O’Selmo of Springfield Gardens, students at Farmingdale State College, were recently recognized as registered dental hygienists.

Send notices of graduation, awards, anniversaries, engagements & honors to: PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014


Offering A Friendly Hand To The Community The Friendly Church of New York, program for all grades on Saturdays, a Pentecostal church in Jamaica, has where students come in and learn been increasing the economic, edu- math. During the times when the cational and social status of all their community lacks, the church collects members and the community since furniture and clothing to give out to the 1990s. the community. The church also “We’ve been working in the com- gives out food after natural disasmunity for the entire time we have ters like Superstorm Sandy. It is bebeen there… we have cause of the outreach a community prothat the church gives gram, we have a youth “What makes us that the community program, a back to unique is the rapstayed faithful after school program, the church had a fire music department, port we have with the in 1991. dance department, people in the commu“Our church in we do everything 1991 had a fire and it nity; how the commost churches do,” took us 17 years to reyLeroy Newman, the munity feels about build this ministry,” overseer of Friendly, the church.” Newman said. “Dursaid. “What makes us ing those 17 years, —Leroy Newman, people in the commuunique is the rapport Overseer, Friendly nity maintained their we have with the people in the communiChurch of NY faith in this ministry ty; how the commuand we have been nity feels about the trying to pay people church.” back for their faithfulness.” The church has programs for Newman said that the church has children and adults. According to been aiming to help those without Newman, the church has a tutoring a job. The Friendly Church has a

goal of having a school where they can teach computer skills that will help people in terms of employment. Newman, who has been in education for the past 40 years, said that whenever an individual comes to the church, it tries to give them training on the computers as well as help with resume building. The church also gives scholarships to students graduating from the elementary level all the way to high school. The money comes from a special offering called a conference fund that is received every three months as well as Sunday school money and donations. Friendly has a back-to-school backpack program every August. This program has been running for more than 20 years. For this program, Friendly collects backpacks and school supplies and distributes them to the community right before school begins. It is this program that Newman said the church needs more help with. “One thing we wish to do is to increase our outreach. We need more

backpacks,” Newman said. “Last year, we had 500 children that showed up. We didn’t have enough bags to put stuff in. We had enough supplies, but we didn’t have enough bags so we put them in plastic bags.” Newman said that the church begins to collect the bags from about late June to the end of August. “Our objective is to expand the program,” he said. “We need more ability to increase our back to school program; we need to increase our bags.” Anyone wishing to contribute to the back-to-school backpack initiative or to any other initiatives that The Friendly Church of New York has should call (718) 322-5433 or send donations to the church at 11503 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica. -Esther Shittu The PRESS wants to hear about special programs in your faith community. Send your thoughts, stories, prayers and photos to: The PRESS at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357. All stories will be considered. Photos cannot be returned.


Hillcrest High School

Fatima Karim, of Far Rockaway, was named Hillcrest High School’s 2014 Valedictorian. She is in the Small Learning Community of the Jamaica-based school called The Academy of Media, Arts and Music. Due to her Moroccan and Guyanese heritage, she speaks French and Arabic and plans to get involved in either international relations activities or domestic politics. She said her philosophy is “to give back to my school.” During her years at Hillcrest High School, Karim has been a role model both inside and outside the classroom. Karim participated in many school activities. From freshman year, Karim showed her leadership skills as vice president of her freshman class. From there, she went on to become a part of the school’s UN class. She worked with New York Cares by painting murals in public schools in underprivileged neighborhoods in

Photo by Bob Harris

Hillcrest Student Helping Those In Need

Fatima Karim was named Hillcrest High School’s 2014 Valedictorian. the Bronx. She was also President of the Junior Committee and belonged to the school’s Student Council, where she organized and hosted events. Karim realized the importance of

helping others when she became a Peer Tutor for fellow students who needed academic help. Karim also participated in community service with Hillcrest’s leadership class. While in the class, she took part in blood drives and breast cancer walks. She also raised funds for HIV/AIDS and for children with food allergies. She did all this while being on the school’s Honor Roll with a 4.0 GPA. She also participated in the Small Learning Community of Hillcrest High School called The Academy of Media, Arts and Music as well as in the ARISTA Honor Society. Outside the school, Karim volunteered for the Arab American Association by being an immigration reform advocate, attending rallies for the immigration cause, doing voter registration, scheduling and planning community events. She created and became president of the SOS Village Project, which helps impoverished

children in Morocco and around the world. This well-rounded student also raised $2,000 for an orphanage, SOS Village, in Casablanca, Morocco. She spent a week there and plans to be there this summer. “Karim is an exceptional student and I look forward to what she does next,” Hillcrest High School Principal David Morrison said. “The Hillcrest community will miss her.” -Esther Shittu

The PRESS of Southeast Queens wants to hear about students’ accomplishments in your school. Send your stories and photos to: The PRESS of Southeast Queens at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

June 13-19, 2014 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

What’s Up June 13 PowerPoint Learn to take PowerPoints to the next level in this class. Topics include creating transitions, emphasizing your information with animations, inserting charts and inserting media. Basic computer skills and knowledge of PowerPoint are required. The class code is CC220. It will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Queens Library Central Branch, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica. Register for the event at Admission is free.

Father’s Day Craft Craft something fun for dad for Father’s Day at the Queens Library Central Branch, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica. The crafting begins at 4 p.m. For more information, call (718) 990-0700.

June 14 Property Management 101 All new and existing property owners are encouraged to attend a free workshop on property management. Topics include responsibilities of a homeowner, tenancy pros and cons, property management assistance and financial assistance options. The workshop will start at 10 a.m. at The Community Bridge Home, located at 120-50 Springfield Blvd. RSVP at if you plan to attend. Breakfast will be served.

Father’s Day BBQ Our Brothers Guardian Inc. invites all to celebrate father’s day with food, fun, music and games. The BBQ begins at 10 a.m. at the backyard of IS 59, located at 132-55 Ridgedale St. Springfield Gardens. Admission is free. For more information, call (347) 560-1090.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Join A Cause A Concern A Solution Network in their office opening and ribbon cutting ceremony. All are encouraged to bring office supplies or equipment for donation. Light refreshments will be served. The event begins at 12 p.m. at A Cause A Concern A Solution Network, located at 150-17 109th Ave., Jamaica. For more information, call (917) 349-1704

Health & Fitness Day Fathers and children are welcome to spend a fun-filled day at EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care Center. Refreshments will be served. The event will start at 1 p.m. at 206-20 Linden Blvd., Cambria Heights. For more information, call (866) 539-0999.

A Father’s Legacy Bethel Gospel Tabernacle presents A Father’s Legacy. The program includes a $20 continental breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. and a session with speakers Lee Rouson, Bill Paige, Joe Pellegrino and Jack Redmond at 8:30 a.m. The event will take place at Bethel Gospel Tabernacle, located at 110-25 Guy R. Blvd., Jamaica. For more information, visit or call (973) 865-8000.

Beginner’s Word Learn to use Microsoft Word’s basic functions at this class, CC170, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Preregister online for the event at The class will be at the Queens Library Central Branch, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica.

Reptile Show Eastern Queens Alliance invites children and adults to a show by Reptiles on the Move. Meet alligators, a giant python snake, lizards, turtles, toads and all exotic reptiles. The show will take place at Idlewild Park preserve Cricket Field Picnic Area, located at 223rd St. and 149th Ave., Springfield Gardens. The show will begin at 1 p.m. All are encouraged to bring folding chairs or blankets. For more information, call (347) 824-2301 or visit info@

Coping With Arthritis Registered nurse Kathy Moran leads a free discussion about living and coping with the pain of arthritis. The discussion will begin at 2 p.m. at Queens Library-Rochdale Village, located at 169-09 137 Ave., Rochdale. For more information, call (718) 723-4440.

Haitian Heritage Month Come and watch La Troupe Zetwal perform traditional Africaninspired Haitian dances with drum solos and singing from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. The event will take place at the Queens Library Cambria Heights Branch, located at 218-13 Linden Blvd., Cambria Heights. For more information, call (718) 528-3535.

Chubby Checker Join the original twister, Chubby Checker, in celebrating over 50 years of the hit song, “The Twist.” Doors open at 7 p.m. and the event begins at 8 p.m. Admission is $20 to $50 at the Resorts World Casino, located at 110-00 Rockaway Blvd., Jamaica. For more information, call (888) 888-6601 or email info@rwnewyork. com.

June 16 Habitat For Humanity Habitat for Humanity NYC will be rehabilitating vacant homes in Southeast Queens and transforming them into beautiful, healthy and sustainable single-family homes. All first-time homebuyer are invited to come learn about the housing program and how to apply at the Queens Library St. Albans Branch, located at 191-05 Linden Blvd., at 5:30 p.m. For more information, call (718) 528-8196.

June 17 Yoga Come learn how to create a union between mind and body at the Vinyasa yoga class. All are encouraged to wear comfortable loose clothing, arrive 10 minutes early and inform their doctors of the class. The class will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care Center, located at 206-20 Linden Blvd., Cambria Heights. For more information or to RSVP, call (866) 539-0999.

Cell Phone Join EmblemHealth for a handson demonstration about cellphones. The class will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care Center, located at 206-20 Linden Blvd., Cambria Heights. For more information or to RSVP, call (866) 539-0999.

June 18 JSPOA Meeting The board of directors of the Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults invites all to their annual meeting, featuring guest speaker Pat McDonald of the EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care Center. The meeting will also include an agency activity update, swearing in of board members and an announcement of the employee of the year. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. at the JSPOA’s Theodora G. Jackson Adult Center, located at 92-47 165th St., Jamaica. For more information, call (718) 657-6500 or email jspoa@

‘The Lego Movie’ The Queens Library Cambria Heights Branch invites all children to watch this month’s screening of “The Lego Movie.” The movie will be screened from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the library, located at 218-13 Linden Blvd., Cambria Heights. For more information, call (718) 528-3535.

Oldies But Goodies National Action Network (NAN) presents their first annual Oldies

But Goodies Night. Join in a night of dinner, dancing and live entertainment. Donations of $30 are accepted in advance. The dinner will take place at Thomas Catering Hall at 205-35 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. It will begin at 8 p.m. and end at 1 a.m. on June 19. For more information, call Lois Menyweather (646) 284-1689 or email queenschapter@

Soca Join Devin McLeod for Soca Dancing from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Queens Library Central Branch, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica.

June 19 Mock Interviews Practice interview skills through one-on-one mock interviews. The class will be held from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Queens Library Central Branch, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica. The class code is JR180. For more information, call (718) 990-8625. To register, visit

June 20 Documentary The Life Light Street and Neon Arts present a documentary screening and panel discussion. The screening is at 6:30 p.m. at Community Mediation Services, located at 89-64 163rd St. Jamaica. For more information, call (718) 523-6868.

OnGOInG Youth Organizations LP FAM’s Youth Organization is holding youth baseball registration for boys and girls ages 5 to 14 every Saturday, 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. at Dunton Presbyterian Church, located 109-29 135th St., South Ozone Park. Call Derick Braswell at (917) 692-4775 or Paul Cox at (718) 835-8416 for more information. The organization is also holding registration for its basketball program. Boys and girls between 8 and 16 years old can register every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Queens Transition Center, located at 142-10 Linden Blvd., South Ozone Park. For more information, call Mike Glasgow at (917) 442-0479, Paul Cox (718) 835-8416, or David Reid at (646) 241-4211. LP FAM is also looking for volunteer youth baseball and football coaches. Call Paul Cox at (917) 6072421 or Derick Braswell at (917) 692-4775 for more information.

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 13-19, 2014

What Causes Corruption? Insanity, Insecurity and Alcohol Halloran attempted to gain some sympathy by invoking the brain tumor he had removed in 2012 as clouding his judgment in participating in the scheme. While no one would joke about the serious medical condition the former Councilman faced, his last-minute attempt to dodge responsibity for his actions seemed to be a "Hail Mary" play, quickly dismissed by the judge in the case because the time for pre-trial motions had passed. Finally, Smith, who was ousted as State Senate Majority Leader during a shake-up in 2009,

Defending Dads Everywhere Mets second baseman Daniel Murphy is visiting a well-known residence on Pennsylvania Avenue to discuss an issue that gave him some flack. Murphy, who usually serves as the table-setter for the heart of the Mets lineup, was at the White House on Monday, June 9 to discuss the state of working dads in the United States. Murphy was criticized on sports talk radio for missing the team’s first two games of this season to be with his wife for the birth of their son, Noah, including the home opener against the Nationals. Talk show hosts Mike Francesa and Boomer Esiason both criticized Murphy for leaving the team to witness the birth. Esiason said that Murphy’s wife, Tori, should have gotten a C-section so that Murphy could play the games. He later apologized for that comment.

was said to feel "marginalized" about what he called a "coup" and was looking for other avenues to reassert his power in the political spectrum. When asked to testify, State Sen. Diane Savino, another member of the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference, said Smith's plan to run for Mayor as a Republican was "goofy," but that he was serious about it. The scheme that resulted in these three men standing trial may have been goofy, but their reasons for being put in this situation may actually be crazier. Only time will tell if the defense holds up...



The trial of State Sen. Malcolm Smith, former Councilman Dan Halloran and former GOP honcho Vincent Tabone has yielded some interesting news items, most notably the defenses of the three men for what they are accused of doing. The three men who were arrested for allegedly scheming to put Smith on the ballot as a Republican in last year's Mayor's race have had some interesting excuses for their actions. Tabone claimed that he was too drunk to realize that what he was doing was illegal, saying he had consumed too many vodka tonics before being approached to accept a $25,000 bribe on behalf of Smith. In cash. In a car parked outside a Manhattan restaurant. At night.

QConf is edited by:

Under MLB’s collective bargaining agreement, players are allowed up to a three-day absence for paternity leave. Murphy stuck to his guns when he was criticized for taking the short leave of absence and he continued to do so at the White House this week. We certainly commend him for wanting to be there for his family, even through the busy schedule that is the MLB season. We hope that the second baseman enjoys Father's Day.

We'll Make You Famous

There is no shortage of alumni from this publication that have gone on to gain a larger level of acclaim, and we can add one more to that list. Frequent contributor Barbara Arnstein sends word that her story, "The Mystifying Mr. Jacob," has been picked up by Fate magazine, whose tag line boasts "True Reports of the Strange and Unknown." The story appears in the September-October issue. The magazine has already commissioned her to write more pieces. We look forward to reading them!

Steven J. Ferrari Contributors: Bruce Adler, Jordan Gibbons, Luis Gronda, Joe Marvilli, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Michael Nussbaum, Michael Schenkler, Jackie Strawbridge.

Follow us on Twitter: @QueensTrib @SEQueensPress Like us on Facebook: QueensTrib QueensPress Do you have talent? If so, we want to feature you! E-mail editor@ for inclusion in a future edition.

Musicians OF QuEEns

Mark Bacino

Even before he knew how to play the guitar, Mark Bacino’s love of music led to his own creativity. According to his bio, as a kid, he assembled his own drum kit from cardboard boxes, tin pie plates and chopsticks. From there, the sounds of AM and FM radio led him to write his own poetry. Eventually, he taught himself how to play guitar. After his college band broke up, Bacino started recording songs by himself. The result of this songwriting was his first full-length album, “Pop Job,” in 1998. “When I come up with an idea, it’s usually the result of me absentmindedly humming a melody over some sort of chord progression that’s randomly found its way under my fingers on piano or guitar,” Bacino said. “Later, said melody eventually implies a kind of rhyme scheme, which ultimately gives way to proper lyrics inspired by the mood of the music and whatever else might be happening in my life at the time.” Since that first record, Bacino’s songwriting has become more personal, discussing his life with a touch of humor in his lyrics, especially on the melancholy numbers. Instrumentally, his songs run the gamut in terms of tempo and style. From straightforward rock (“Want You Around”) to a horn-filled jam (“Muffin in the Oven”) to a string-laden lullaby (“Bridge & Tunnel”), he feels at home in any style, writing catchy songs that stick in the listener’s mind. Bacino’s latest album, 2010’s “Queens English,” is a love letter to the outer

boroughs, a record that came together as the songwriter moved back to Queens after a stint in Manhattan. As he started a family, he used the outer boroughs to sing about the major changes happening in his own life. “Songs that featured the outer boroughs as backdrop and, in some cases, metaphor for the changes happening in my life,” he said. “Although Queens sits geographically close to Manhattan, it’s a very different place. That thought has never been lost on me and it’s a thought I’ve always been fascinated by. It’s a theme I touch on quite a bit on the ‘Queens English’ album.” Besides his own work, Bacino also composes music for television and film. Writing for a client forces him to work at a faster pace than he does for his own work, where he usually waits for inspiration to strike. Bacino’s time composing for others taught him that creating something quickly often yields the best results. “I was always of the mindset, especially with my own music, that great work needed to be labored over and hyper-crafted,” he said. “Sometimes the results of those marathon sessions were pleasantly surprising, so I try to remember that when I’m obsessing over something I’m working on for myself.” For the rest of the year, Bacino will be working on new music, while also composing more tunes for television in his new, personal studio. To keep up with the latest from the Queens songwriter, visit





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CIRCLE THE GLOBE. IT’S YOUR MAP TO A HEALTHIER YOU. Walk five times around the Unisphere at Flushing Meadows, and you just walked a whole mile! That’s a great start, but we can help you do even more. Check out the enclosed insert and explore a world of events and activities that are happening in the neighborhood. You’ll be amazed at where your small steps can take you. Group Health Incorporated (GHI), HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP), HIP Insurance Company of New York and EmblemHealth Services Company, LLC are EmblemHealth companies. EmblemHealth Services Company, LLC provides administrative services to the EmblemHealth companies. Neighborhood Care is a division of EmblemHealth. ©EmblemHealth Inc. 2014, All Rights Reserved.

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