Press epaper 061413

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Volume 14 Issue No. 24 June 14-20, 2013

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


Springfield Gardens residents call out the Dept. of Sanitation on a trash problem that has gotten out of hand. By Natalia Kozikowska ‌ Page 3.

Online at

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013

News Briefs GABPC Goes Green

On June 21, the Guyanese America Business and Professional Council are hosting a Green Gala, Into the Green Age, at the LaGuardia Airport Marriott Grand Ballroom, acknowledging the importance of going and staying green. The annual Gala is the highlight of the organization’s yearly activities and has grown over the years to become a grand affair with dinner, dancing and entertainment as well as an awards ceremony. In keeping with the theme, guests will be asked to wear something green. The annual Awards gala recognizes individuals in the private and the public sectors for their outstanding contributions in health and scientific research, entrepreneurship and business advocacy, community representation, devotion to philanthropic work and active concern for our environment. This year, GABPC have adopted the theme of “Green Gala.” “In many ways, it symbolizes our universal connectedness as expressed in the concern for the sustainability of biodiversity, which of course includes all of us. Like globalization, we ignore at our peril the fact that all parts of the world are now linked together, by economics and the envi-

ronment,” said GABPC President Leyland Hazlewood in a statement. “Recognizing these facts have, in part, underscored the motivation for the establishment of GABPC to share, collaborate and explore opportunities for the Guyanese and American business and professional communities.” This year’s honorees include Dr. Deborah Persaud, a Guyanese-born scientist and research clinician. Named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2013, she was also the sole recipient of the 2013 prestigious Elizabeth Glaser Scientist Award presented to her by the Pediatric AIDS Foundation for her breakthrough research in pediatric HIV/ AIDS. The John’s Hopkins researcher and her team made a stunning discovery that a baby who was born with HIV was cured of the disease. Dr. Persaud is an alumnus of York College. Also being honored is Jack Friedman, executive director of the Queens Chamber of Commerce. Friedman has long been an advocate for “greening” both business and the Queens community. Councilman James Gennaro (DFresh Meadows) is also an honoree at the gala. Gennaro has appeared in an award-winning environmental

documentary, which premiered at the renowned Sundance Film Festival, and has long been associated with environmental concerns. This year’s gala is sponsored and supported by United Health Care, Visiting Nurse Service of NY, Athena, Bon Secour Health System, Delta Airlines, HDL Diagnostic Lab, TD Bank, Mount Sinai Queens Hospital, Hub International, Zara Realty Holdingand Multiviz Health Services and several other businesses. The GABPC is a United Sates registered independent, not-for-profit organization that has a central mission of developing stronger ties between Guyana and the United States and forging closer relations between the business and professional communities of both nations. For more information or to make a reservation, call (347) 384-0147 or email

Lions Clubs Support Local Library

The Laurelton and Springfield Gardens Lions Clubs know the value of Queens Library and support Queens Library at Laurelton with both contributions and programs. Most recently, Springfield Gardens

The Laurelton and Springfield Gardens Lions Clubs. Club President Gloria Garraway and Laurelton Club president, Rayboyd Stennett, presented a gift of $500 to Peter Wayne of the Queens Library Foundation for new books and materials in the Laurelton Library. In addition to their generous gift, Lions Club members volunteer at the Library, assisting students with homework assignments, conducting “Reading for Fun,” a program for children through 6th grade that teaches kids how much fun reading can be, and coordinating a Teen Advisory Board for youth ages 12-18. The motto of the Lions Club is “WE SERVE” and Queens Library thanks the members of the Laurelton and Springfield Gardens Lions Clubs for their generosity and dedicated service to Laurelton Library and the community.

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


dept. of sanitation in the Hot seat For years, Angella Narusse has been working tirelessly to clean up the trash left behind by illegal dumpers and neighbors near her home but she is not an employee of the Dept. of Sanitation, she is simply a resident who is fed up with the eyesore that has become of the Garden Apartments in Springfield Gardens. “I’ve been fighting the garbage for 12 years or more and there are no results,” Narusse said. “I’m called the garbage lady because I’m out 4:30 in the morning cleaning dirty diapers off the street. I buy bags from Home Depot and I am the one who scrapes up the garbage.” Narusse is not is not alone in her battle. On Tuesday evening, nearly two dozen frustrated locals gathered at the Salem Missionary Baptist Church for the opportunity to speak with a DOS spokesperson and brainstorm fresh methods to curb the problem once and for all. At the meeting hosted by the Springfield Gardens Tax Payers Civic Association, residents spoke to the unique situation at the Gardens Apartments and the surrounding neighborhood near 140th Avenue.

Countless testimonies shed light on how out of hand the problem has become. The area has become littered with construction waste, broken down cars without license plates, couches, mattresses as well as garbage from neighboring and outsider business. This problem is also exacerbated by careless tenants, Bruno Iasano, a community liaison for the DOS, explained. “What we found was that there are no maintenance people and whoever built this complex just disappeared,” he said. “They owe money. Some people owe them. Others are just living there – it’s a bad situation.” Iasano went on to explain that the DOS has done a number of outreach programs in the area and will continue to try and educate residents. “We’ve knocked on doors, spoke to several people and let them know they have to put the garbage in front of the house to the designated garbage location,” he said. “We explained to them, aside from what’s happening in the building, you must try to keep up the place.” While the DOS and Richards vowed to implement more outreach programs in the surrounding area,

residents were still skeptical and argued that it has all been done before without result. “This has been going on long enough and it seems like outreach is always making visits into the community,” said Jacqueline Kellum-Foster of the SGTPCA. “I a broken-down cars left unattended was one of the sanithink its time for tation issues discussed during a forum at salem Misenforcement.” sionary Baptist Church on Tuesday. Joe Moretti, an outspoken resident from the neighboring Jamaica, “What does it take? Do I need to echoed similar sentiments but had a burn down these pieces of property?” difficult time keeping his cool when a passionate Moretti asked. confronted with the DOS rep. Although residents did not seem “A lot of these people don’t care satisfied as the meeting drew to an and it’s a waste of time. We need end, the Councilman did share some to work smart. The issue is enforce- good news. In an attempt to clean up ment,” he said. “It’s the same thing Springfield Gardens, Richards will over and over and over. I’ve given deploy young adults from the Doe you folks so many properties and you Fund, a nonprofit agency that emneed to come down hard on these ploys formerly homeless and incarproperty owners. These property cerated individuals, to help. owners are getting away with murder Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowsand I don’t feel like you guys are do- ka at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or ing enough.” Photo by ira Cohen

BY naTaLia KoZiKoWsKa

FEMa releases new Preliminary Flood Maps By Luis Gronda The Federal Emergency Management Agency released a revised edition of their new flood map that, if adopted, would change how homeowners rebuild their property. This new map would represent a change in the requirements for how people living in Queens’ coastal communities – including Howard Beach, Hamilton Beach, Broad Channel and the Rockaways – would rebuild their homes after the destruction Superstorm Sandy caused seven months ago. Many residents in areas like Broad Channel and Hamilton Beach could face rising home insurance costs if the map is adopted. For Broad Channel, this new map sees that coastal neighborhood, which sits between Howard Beach and the Rockaways, shifted from one of the highest flood zones in the previous map, Zone V, to Zone A, which is a notch below the old proposed zone and would not require as high of a Base Flood Elevation,

the amount water could rise during a flood, for the property under that flood zone. Dan Mundy, president of the Broad Channel Civic Association, said that he was satisfied with FEMA’s decision to bump the neighborhood down to a lower flood zone. The BPE for Broad Channel would decrease from 15 feet to 10 feet under this new map. He said that the elevation reduction will allow homeowners in the area who have already started rebuilding their homes to continue doing so with the thought of raising their property in case a major storm like Sandy occurs in the future. “Everyone who’s in the pipeline can start raising their homes,” he said, referring to residents who are ready to start rebuilding. “Compared to the atrocities that were the last map, these are reasonable and we can work with them.” Mundy said Broad Channel was able to get the change they wanted for this new map because they were vocal to FEMA about their displea-

sure for the last map. He said that his civic was one of first groups in the New York area to sit down with the federal agency to discuss their concerns. “We don’t think we would have gotten these changes if we left it up to FEMA,” he said. “We challenged them right down to the science.” Roger Gendron, president of the New Hamilton Beach Civic Association, had a different view on the FEMA map. The higher BPE for that neighborhood would skyrocket insurance costs and could force people to choose between remaining in Hamilton Beach and moving elsewhere. Their new BPE would also be 10 feet. That number remains unchanged from the previous preliminary map but would increase from the 6.9 feet that the flood map currently in use allows. Gendron said that it would force residents to start building their homes at least four feet higher or their insurance rates would dramatically increase. “We were hoping to not have such

a drastic rise,” he said. One problem that many are facing is seeing how long it will take for FEMA to adopt a new flood map. While it may be adopted as early as next year, Gendron said that residents cannot wait that long to rebuild their homes and if they are forced to restart construction to comply with a new map, it possible that some may decide to move out of Hamilton Beach. According to a fact sheet provided by FEMA, the next step in this process is a 90-day appeal period, which the agency will collect testimonies from residents and community groups regarding their concerns about this new map. This is set to begin 30 days after the map’s Monday release. To learn more about the map and to see which flood zone your house is located, go to and click on the “What is my BFE? Address Lookup Tool” under the Hurricane Sandy tab. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or at

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013

James, Saujani Discuss Campaigns In SEQ

On Tuesday morning, the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center in St. Albans hosted two Democratic Public Advocate candidates, Reshma Saujani and Councilwoman Letitia James (D-Brooklyn), whom were each given 30 minutes to explain their platforms and address the issues that were important to them. Saujani began her speech by sharing the experiences of her family who were refugees from Uganda in 1973. Like many immigrants who fled dictatorships, Saujani’s parents came to America with little money and big dreams. “They fought everyday to make sure that me and my family had the opportunity,” Saujani said. After much work and commitment, Saujani said she was able to reach her American Dream, eventually becoming a lawyer, and while she said she is grateful for the chances she was given, she said she understands that not everyone is as lucky. Saujani boasted her work with minority business owners, a group she said was in dire need of assistance and support. “Half of all small businesses in New York City are owned by immi-

Photos by Natalia Kozikowska


New York City public advocate candidates Councilwoman Letitia James and former deputy public advocate Reshma Saujani joined clergy in southeast Queens to discuss their platforms for the seat. grant minority entrepreneurs,” she said. “They are not walking into small business solution centers. They have business ideas and business plans but they don’t know who to go to for help.” As deputy public advocate, Saujani commissioned the first-ever survey and asked these business owners what they needed to be successful. Her work for these entrepreneurs, she said, had even caught the attention of President Barack Obama. “I was sitting in my office one day and the phone rang and it was President Obama calling me to thank me for the work I had done as deputy public advocate, to create a model

that was going to help minority entrepreneurs and to tell me that he was going to take that model and take it all across the country,” she said. Saujani’s vocal opponent, James, began her speech with a similar tune, noting that she too was not born into a lavish lifestyle. “I don’t come from wealth and I don’t have any friends on Wall Street. All my life I’ve dedicated to improving the lives of individuals who have been ignored,” she said. James, a former public defender for the Legal Aid Society and former assistant attorney general under Eliot Spitzer, explained that she is not a newcomer to the political sphere

and has a number of accomplishments under her belt she believed would be instrumental in the role of public advocate. “I am the one in Brooklyn who took on a major developer when he wanted to build an arena that would destroy our community – an arena who took homes away from working people,” she said. “I’m the one who was in the forefront of childcare when this administration closed 10,000 childcare slots.” James, an attorney by trade, also boasted some of the major lawsuits she has brought against the major corporations and City agencies like the NYPD. “When I was the assistant attorney general, I brought the first case against Delta Funding, a predatory lender than preyed on Blacks and Latinos,” she said. “I was the first individual to sue the NYPD for Stop and Frisk not most recently, but 15 years ago.” “If you look at my record, it’s a record of accomplishments. It’s a record of speaking truth to power, even if when I’m alone and I will continue to do that as the next public advocate,” she said. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

opinions vary on Teen CB Bill By Joe MarvIllI

come non-voting members.” “Even though we do have some mature 16-year-olds, I think that’s pretty young,” Yvonne Reddick, district manager of Community Board 12, said. “How are they going to be acting members? They have to concentrate on their schoolwork.” Community Board 1 was more supportive of the legislation, while the Borough President’s office had a neutral standpoint. “We would support that fully. You get a different point of view,” Lucille

Hartmann, District Manager of CB1, said. “We had board members when they were appointed at 18. It’s good to learn what civics are and how the system works.” “We’re going to wait and see what happens,” BP spokesman Dan Andrews said. “The Borough President would certainly embrace anyone at that age who wanted to apply for membership.” Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

Duncan Visits Aviation: U.S. Sec. of education arne Duncan visited with students at aviation High School in long Island City to discuss the school’s Career and Technical education program. Duncan discussed the educational and career training benefits the program offers to high school students.

Photo by Ira Cohen

While politically-minded teenagers are usually involved in student government, they may be able to join community boards if a Queens assemblywoman’s bill passes. Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (DHillcrest) has introduced legislation that would lower the age requirement for community board members to 16 years old. The bill, numbered as A02448, reads that it “provides that members of community boards in NYC need only be 16 years of age to be appointed to such board.” “The concept is something that I had been working on for a couple of years now,” Rozic said. “It comes out of an idea that Councilwoman Gail Brewer had and something that community boards across the City have been pushing for. It would allow the option of a councilmember to appoint a 16-year-old or a 17-year-old onto a community board.” The legislation is co-sponsored by Assemblymen Brian Kavanagh (D-Manhattan), Keith Wright (DHarlem), Karim Camara (D-Crown Heights) and Michael Benedetto (DEastchester). In the New York State Senate, the bill has been introduced

by State Sen. Andrew Lanza (R-Eltingville). Numbered as S04142, it is co-sponsored by State Sen. Adriano Espaillat (D-Inwood). According to Rozic, the bill is in the Rules Committee as of press time. “I think this opportunity lends to greater diversity, opinions and perspectives. It’s very helpful to have an understanding from someone who actually goes to school,” she said. The reaction to the bill among Queens’ community boards has been mixed, with many holding a negative outlook on 16-year-olds being members, though they do encourage youth involvement. “Right now, the schools are not even teaching how government works. Two, there’s a lot of work involved. It’s not just coming to a meeting. These kids have school, they have exams. They can’t leave at 10 p.m. if something comes up,” Marilyn Bitterman, district manager of Community Board 7 said. “It’s nonsense. It’s meaningless. “You’re trying to put people on the community board who can’t even vote yet,” Jerry Iannece, Community Board 11 chair, said. “If 16-to-18 year olds really wanted to be involved, they should join civic groups or be-

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Call To Action OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Natalia Kozikowska Joe Marvilli Luis Gronda Trisha Sakhuja Intern: Asia Ewart Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Lianne Procanyn Barbara Townsend Alan Goldsher Director of Marketing Maureen Coppola Advertising Administrator Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Nicole Douglas Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

After decades of neglect from the City and months of debate over its future, it seems as though members of the City Council have finally realized that something needs to be done at Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Last Friday, the members of the Council’s Parks committee held an oversight hearing on the needs of the park, and the committee’s four Queens members expressed significant concern over the negligence shown towards what several park goers call “the Lungs of Queens.” Of course, this is not the first time that improvements to the park have been discussed. A proposal to take care of one of the Borough’s most sacred resources was formed half a decade ago and summarily forgotten about by the powers that be. In that time, the park has continued to fall into disrepair, mainly because it does not have the support that other smaller yet more famous parks in the City have. There is no conservancy to watch over the park, to raise funds for its care or to make improvements when needed. Instead, we have a Mayor who willfully attempts to give its land away to the lowest possible bidder. Flushing Meadows Corona Park has been left to rot for far too long, even when others have called for its rehabilitation. We were happy to hear that Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras called for last week’s hearing, and we are equally pleased that voices have begun to emerge again to save this precious resource. It is time to push the City on this issue. Do not let it be swept under the rug once again. The people of Queens who use this park need their representatives to fight for them.

Letters A New Plan

To The Editor: There have been some terrible mistakes by our elected officials in Albany and it does not seem to be getting any better. In fact as you follow daily papers, radio and TV programs, it seems to be getting worse. Queens Senator Malcolm Smith, Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson, Brooklyn Assemblyman William Boyland Jr., Bronx Assemblyman Nelson Castro and Senator Shirley Huntley all have some skeletons they probably wish could have stayed in the closet. This doesn’t leave out Sheldon Silver, the powerful Assembly Speaker. The speaker is accused of mishandling complaints of sexual harassment by two women against then-Assemblyman Vito Lopez of Brooklyn. Of course, he has resigned his Assembly seat and seems to be readying a run for City Council. How egotistical can you be? Up to now, Mr. Silver has apologized for agreeing to a $103,000 settlement with the victims rather than follow the rules and refer the matter to

the Chamber’s Ethics Committee. For a man who has been speaker since 1994, it is inconceivable how his colleagues could let him off the hook for such a stupid mistake; unless this is the usual process in caring for your “friends” when they have been caught in a bind. How long have people in high places been protecting their “friends” at the expense of the tax payers of our great Empire State? Maybe much too long. And now it is time to do something about it. One article I read indicated that Assemblyman Keith Wright would have a 10-1 chance in replacing Mr. Silver. And Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubrey is a 20 to 1 shot for the Speaker’s job. I am sure there are others 2 to 1, 7 to 1 and 25 to 1 who may be considered a replacement for speaker Silver. If Assemblyman Wright is anything like his father, the late Judge Bruce Wright, careful and favorable consideration should be given to him. It seems unbelievable to me that no one has mentioned the part played in this decision

Letters by the State Comptroller or the State Attorney General. I would think the comptroller had to sign the $103,000 check for the women to receive it, and the Attorney General. Those two high officials are, in my estimation, just as culpable as the speaker. No one seems to mention them at any time. In my hope for some sanity to come to this longstanding cesspool situation in the capital of our state, I wonder if the following suggestion would be a deterrent to those who misuse their office for personal gain: For those who are convicted of a felony, aside from losing their seat in the Senate, Assembly or the Council, they will also lose their pension. Think of the many thieves who have gone to jail, did their time and are now living on their pension and health care paid by the state and/or the City as the case may be. It is time we drastically do something to those who violate the law for personal gain or take advantage of constituents who elected them to do one thing and they did something else. We need a law in the City, the state and maybe the federal government to rid us of these thieves and take their pension and health insurance so they can’t live like kings or queens when released from the big house. Bishop Charles Norris Sr., St. Albans

Food Stamp Failure To The Editor:

I was shocked and ashamed to read Paul Krugman’s May 31 New York Times editorial, “From The Mouths Of Babes,” concerning Congressional Republicans’ efforts to defund and eventually eliminate the food stamp program. I have a dim view of the mean, selfish, and moronic solutions Republicans have put forward in recent years to address the needs of the country, but to go after a program that, according to Krugman, “... provides modest but crucial aid to families in need...and played an especially useful... role in recent years,” is reason to be very angry. Many Queens households could be affected if this legislation is passed. Congressional politicians

should spend more time figuring out why one in seven families in this country need food stamps to begin with. How is it that we are all surrounded by food but not all of us can reach it? One in seven families! That’s a disgrace. Perhaps if politicians focused on job creation instead of trying to balance the federal budget on the backs of the poor, we wouldn’t need food stamps at all. Maybe if Congress stopped kissing up to Wall Street and spent more time walking down Main Street, they would see that regular people only want an opportunity to make a living. The economic meltdown and subsequent depression, whose effects are still being felt, were not caused by food stamp recipients. They were caused by runaway bankers and investors who were aided by congressional policy makers, many of whom are still making policy for the country. And just maybe, if the Republicans would stop the knee jerk reaction to every economic suggestion of the Obama administration, we could make some headway on the economy, without even thinking about taking food off the tables of hungry children and families The point is cutting programs that temporarily help the poor and middle class live normal lives, while they strive for a more permanent solution, will not solve the economic crisis. Obstructing every policy initiative of President Obama will not make the country any safer or more prosperous. Creating congressional policies that will deny nutritional aid to generations of children will only teardown and weaken the United States as a country. Joseph Tolson, Jackson Heights

WRITE ON: The PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 email news@queenspress. com fax: (718) 357-9417

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

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June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Police Blotter 104th Precinct


At 9:30 p.m. on June 3, police responded to a 911 call of a past assault inside of 1864 Flushing Ave., Ridgewood. Upon arrival, officers discovered Franco Montoya, 21, and Beatrice Morris, 28, both of the above address, unconscious and unresponsive with trauma to the head. EMS also responded to the location and pronounced both dead at the scene. The medical examiner will determine cause of death and the investigation is ongoing.

114th Precinct

Grand Larceny

The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance identifying the following individual wanted for a grand larceny that took place at 7 p.m. on May 29

inside of Zales Jewelry Store, 31-07 Steinway St. The individual entered the location and asked to look at gold jewelry. When he was handed two pieces of jewelry, he fled the store on foot. The suspect is described as a Black male in his 20s last seen wearing black work boots and a dark green waist-length jacket. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, tampering with evidence and resisting arrest based on an incident on June 4. At 5:35 p.m. on June 4, police responded to a 911 call of an assault at 32-48 55th St., Woodside. Upon arrival, officers discovered a female victim, identified as Katherine Seeber, 32, of the above address, unconscious and unresponsive with multible stab wounds to her torso. EMS was on scene and pronounced her dead. The suspect, Sanchez, was subsequently taken into custody.

115th Precinct



On June 5, police charged Pedro Sanchez, 38, of an unknown residence with second-degree murder,

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying the following suspect wanted in connection to an assault.

At 4:15 a.m. on March 17 at the corner of Roosevelt Avenue and 88th Street, a suspect approached a 49-year-old female and punched the victim in the face while making anti-gay statements. The victim sustained bruising, redness and swelling to the lip. The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating. The suspect is described as a 2025-year-old Hispanic male, 5-foot-4 and 140 lbs. with brown eyes, black hair and a moustache. He is known to frequent areas within the confines of the 115th Precinct. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

Borough Beat

CB9 Puts Dist. Manager On Probation It was just after midnight on Wednesday morning when Community Board 9 decided the fate of their long-serving District Manager Mary Ann Carey. In a marathon meeting that started at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday evening and lasted a bit over four hours, CB9 debated the future of Carey, who has held that position for 30 years and is one of the longest serving district managers in the Borough. They ultimately decided to let her keep the position with a six month probation period while she and the board fix the issues that some board members say has festered within CB9 for several years. The motion was made during the meeting to discuss the possibility of removing Carey from her position. The board went into executive session to talk about the dismissal, and as a result of that, Carey, residents and reporters alike were all required to leave the room while the board discussed her future as district manager. During the meeting’s public forum before the session took place, several community leaders and residents, who either know Carey or have worked with her in the past, offered words of support for her and urged the board to let Carey remain as district manager. CB9 members considered removing Carey based on frustration over

the boards organization and lack while she and the board discuss of communication. the problems they feel need to be While members debated her rectified. future inside Ozone Park’s MaAlexander Blenkinsopp, one jestic Marquee, where Tuesday board member who is unhappy night’s meeting was held, Carey with the job Carey is doing but spoke to a group of reporters who ultimately voted for the mogathered outside the catering tion, said that the board had a hall. good discussion that focused on She blamed it on “politics” Carey as district manager and the within the board and said that communication between CB9’s there is probably a group of executive committee and the rest about 15 members, although she of the board. He said that he voted did not cite any specific memfor the motion after hearing other bers, who want her removed as board members speak on how the district manager. board communicates with them; According to Carey, the idea he said he thought it was best not of her leaving the district manto remove her immediately. ager position was first proposed “It seemed reasonable to give during a September 2012 dinner Community Board 9 District Manager Mary her some time,” Blenkinsopp she had with two other members, Ann Carey waits outside as the board met in said. “My feeling is we’ve come Andrea Crawford – who was executive session Tuesday night to discuss 30 years with her, we can afford to serving as CB9 chairperson at her fate. The board ultimately ruled to put give her another six months where the time – and Rabbi Daniel Pol- her on a six-month probation. everyone is in the room about her lack. She said that they suggested performance and there are no that she think about retiring so question marks.” that she could spend more time Cocovillo said that the board of CB9, told her that “your services with her grandchildren. Carey said were no longer required.” has to establish ground rules so that that she would think about their idea “I was shocked, I was embarrassed things get done a certain way and and get back to them at a later date. because there were new board mem- they need to make changes so that She eventually decided to stay bers there,” she said, talking about they can achieve goals that are apin her position because she did not how she felt after Cocovillo said that proaching the board in the near fuwant anyone to force her to retire, to her. “They don’t know what I’ve ture. He also said that he admires Carey said. done over the years; they don’t know Carey and called her an “exceptional According to the district manager, how hard I’ve worked with the com- district manager.” the idea was brought up again last munity.” Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at month at an executive meeting, when CB9 voted 42-4 to keep Carey (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or at lgronJim Cocovillo, now the chairperson as district manager for six months Photo by Luis Gronda

By LuIs GrOnDA

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013

One Mother’s Fight For Justice BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

“These parents can not move on because there is no closure for them,” she explained. “There is no transparency, there is no access to information, there is no accountability and as a result, parents are hurting.” For more than 15 years, the foundation has been calling on the NYPD to change their protocol in dealing with missing persons. In 2000, the La Mont Dottin Foundation held a press conference at Queens Borough Hall and has since been has been urging the New York State legislature to consider passing an all-inclusive missing persons bill. Fowler began to see a hint of progress in February 2001 when the bill passed in the Assembly but was only left disappointed when it was shut down by the Senate. But still, Fowler refuses to back down. With the help of Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica), the La Mont Dottin Foundation helped reintroduce the bill this year and she hopes that this time around, Senate will vote in favor of it. “I’m at peace. I have my closure. I do not have anymore questions and am completely with my faith and I have no more questions,” Fowler said. “I am now just focused on how his case was handled and trying to help others find the peace and closure I did.” Fowler and the La Mont Dottin Foundation have scheduled a press conference at Queens Borough Hall at 10 a.m. on July 1. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Arnita Fowler was studying in California when she received the fateful call from her sister that would change her life forever. Her son La Mont Dottin had not returned to his Hollis home that night. “It was totally out of character, so I knew something was wrong,” Fowler explained. “A mother just knows. Something in my gut told me something was wrong.” Worried that something may have happened to her son, Fowler booked a flight back to New York City the next day and did what any loving parent would do – she went to the police. But Fowler soon learned that reporting her son as a missing person was going to be a challenge, because La Mont, a Queens College freshman, was 21 and according to State law, unless a missing person between the ages of 19 and 64 is mentally incapacitated or potentially a victim of Arnita Fowler and her granddaughter, Tiara Keller, Dottin’s foul play, searching daughter. for him would be considered an “invasion of privacy.” of the East Har- ing loved ones. I can just about fin“I was trying to lem River. Den- ish their sentences,” she continued. convince them that tal records and “Seventeen years later, nothing has there was some- Although La Mont Dottin’s body fingerprints con- changed. They are getting the same thing wrong. The was found six days after he first was firmed the body responses for missing adults. I truly officer brushed reported missing, a miscommunica- was indeed La believe if you remove the age limit it off and said he tion between police precincts left his Mont. His death and you start looking at these cases must have left and mother searching for him for four was ruled an acci- with discretion, it would save another ‘that’s just how years. dental drowning/ parent my heartache.” Black males are.’ suicide – causes Fowler also noted that because I was surprised,” Fowler thinks are there was little communication beFowler said. “He literally would not implausible. tween the City’s precincts and take a report and hear me out. It Some four months after La Mont because the police policies didn’t matter what I said.” was discovered, his body was taken denied her access to FBI reNearly a month had passed before from the New York City’s Medical ports, she was left wondering she was finally able to officially de- Examiners Office and buried as an for four years. She has always clare her son missing, but even with identified person in Potter’s Field on felt that there needed to be a La Mont’s new missing person sta- Harts Island, where approximately better system. tus, Fowler said the officers at the 2,500 John and Jane Does are bur“I want to take that infor103rd Precinct did little to help find ied each year. mation and compile it with him. Because her son was not official- Potter’s Field, which keeps a Without the help of the police ly a missing person at the time his written record of all who are department, Fowler was left with no body was discovered, Fowler said buried and make it computerother option but to look for her son she had wasted four years looking for ized,” Fowler told the PRESS herself. For years the heartbroken La Mont – a turmoil that could have in 2000. “Every times a body mother searched, helplessly holding been avoided had the police lifted is received, that information on to the string of hope that La Mont the age limit. will be collected, downloaded may still be alive. “You really can’t put love on age, into a database for everyone It was not until four years later can you? Do I love you less today be- to see.” that Fowler discovered her son, first cause you’re 35?,” she asked. “The To ensure that no parent reported missing in 1995, had been challenge I see other parents face suffers in the way that she lying in an unidentified City morgue. right now is this age limit. The bill did, Fowler established the And although his body was discov- that has this age limit is a decade- La Mont Dottin Foundation, ered six days after she first reported old legislation and it has not been an organization that helps inhim missing, police were unable to reviewed and we need to determine if dividuals find missing loved Springfield Gardens mother, Arnita Fowler, connect the dots. this is what is best for our society.” ones that have not yet been hopes to share her painful journey to reform According to investigators, on “I hear the same responses that officially declared a missing the way the NYPD handles missing person cases. Oct. 24, 1995, a body was pulled out have been given to parents of miss- person.

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

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Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013

Photo by Ira Cohen


Honors For Arvind

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Showing Library Love Councilman Donovan Richards led a community rally at the Laurelton branch of the Queens Library in support of restoring budget cuts to the library system.

Deputy Borough President Barry Grodenchik presented Bayside Hills’ Arvind Mahankali with a certificate in recognition of his win in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

US Open Auditions Photo by Ira Cohen

The United States Tennis Association held an exclusive auditioning opportunity for children 12-years-old and younger living in Queens on June 11 at the Queens Theatre in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. The USTA will make its final singer selections mid-July, who will perform “America the Beautiful” live for the 2013 US Open at the Arthur Ashe Stadium.

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013


Sal Albanese Discusses Mayoral Bid As primary day draws closer and closer, Democratic candidate Sal Albanese stopped by the PRESS of Southeast Queens office to discuss his run for mayor. Albanese has had a long history in New York City and its politics. Coming to Brooklyn as an immigrant when he was eight years old, he began his career as a teacher at John Jay High School, staying there for 11 years. He was elected to the City Council in 1982, where he won reelection four times and served until 1998. During his time in office, Albanese worked to put more police officers on patrol, overhauled the police’s 911 system and created laws requiring mandatory drug testing for school bus drivers. Although he held an unsuccessful campaign for mayor in 1997, Albanese believes that he is the man for the job in 2013. “I’m the only person in this race who’s not a career politician, who has a record of independence,” he said. “I’m not accepting money from

Photo by luis Gronda

By Joe MArvilli

Sal Albanese discussed his Mayoral campaign with the PRESS. developers or lobbyists. I’m committed to putting the people in charge of City Hall.” When asked why he was putting on another mayoral campaign, the candidate said that he wants the City to offer the same chances he was given when he was young. “The public schools, the libraries, the sports programs, all services the City offered helped raise my family from the working class to the middle class,” Albanese said. “I’m running because I want to offer the same op-

portunity to future generations of New Yorkers.” As a former teacher, educational policy is a subject Albanese has many ideas about. He said mayoral control was a good idea and something he would continue, but he felt Mayor Michael Bloomberg did a “lousy job.” He added that the confidence of teachers and principals needed to be rebuilt after their lack of input during this administration. To do this, Albanese would focus on improving teacher training so educators do not have as steep as a learning curve when they start their careers. The candidate would also deemphasize standardized testing as the key method to assessing student progress. He feels that the arts, physical education and other cultural classes should be a part of the school day. “I want us to go back to evaluating kids based on a portfolio,” he said. Given that he was on the City Council’s public safety committee, Albanese had some thoughts on how to keep crime down if elected. Specifically, the City would hire an additional 3,800 officers and decriminalize

possession of small amounts of marijuana. Talking about the controversial Stop and Frisk tactic used by the NYPD, he said it is a useful tool but needed some major tweaking. “We should focus on quality, not quantity,” Albanese said. “I want intensive training on a proper approach for a stop.” Transit and City infrastructure were other widely discussed topics. In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Albanese said that the rebuilding process offered New York an ideal opportunity to strengthen its infrastructure. “I happen to believe that the City’s infrastructure has been a debacle. We need to invest a lot more,” he said. The candidate felt that mass transit should be put under the City administration’s control. If elected, he would have tolls adjusted based on congestion, putting in policies such as reducing tolls where there are few mass transit options. “I want to be the mass transit mayor,” he said. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at

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June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15


Queens author Preps Second Book By Joe MaRvilli Ever since she was a child, Rosanna Chiofalo wanted to be an author. As a first-generation Italian-American, her work reflects her heritage and her life in New York. Now based in Forest Hills, she is preparing for the release of her second novel, “Carissima,” due out on Aug. 27. Although both this book and her previous work, “Bella Fortuna,” each had their own set of challenges, the author said she is fulfilling a lifelong dream. Chiofalo’s parents emigrated to the U.S. from Sicily in 1961, settling in Astoria. Growing up in a close-knit, ethnic community both inspired her and gave her a strong sense of pride in her heritage. “I met many wonderful, interest-

ing people and I got the idea about 10 or so years ago that someday I wanted to write a short story or novel about a fictional town, in which the neighbors all knew each other,” Chiofalo said. “I wanted to show the sense of community and friendship that neighborhoods like this had.” As time moved forward, the author wound up graduating from Stony Brook University with a Bachelor of the Arts in English in 1992. In addition to the work in her major, she further set herself on the path to being published by taking Creative Writing courses. When the time came to begin work on her first book, Chiofalo knew she wanted to create strong ItalianAmerican characters that bucked stereotypical trends. “Unfortunately, there are still too

Restaurant Review

Steak Done Right (aged.) 107-04 70th Road, Forest Hills (718) 544-2433 HoURS: Mon.-Wed. 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Thurs.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. to midnight; Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m. to midnight CUiSiNe: american CReDiT CaRDS: Yes, all major DeliveRY/TaKeoUT: Yes oUTDooR SeaTiNG: Yes A good steak can be hard to find, but a trip to (aged.) in Forest Hills will easily sate any craving, as it did for my dining companions and I this weekend. Established in 2009 in the heart of restaurant row off Austin Street, (aged.) sets itself apart with a rustic charm that befits a steakhouse. Our starters perfectly set the stage for the succulent surprises in store for our party of four. Baked clams and lump crab cake, along with plates of caesar and caprese salads gave us just a sampling of the restaurant’s extensive starter menu. Each starter had its own charm – the crab cake topped with a seaweed salad and the baked clams with its beurre blanc sauce were highlights. The bar was set high for dinner, and our entrees did not disappoint. Across the table sat a sea bass cooked to perfection with caramelized apples and a sweet potato pu-

many negative stereotypes of Italian- sister Erica, Santore finds herself livAmericans in our media today. I ing close to Italian movie icon Franwanted to focus on the cesca Donata. Santore positives on Italianconvinces the actress American culture,” she to grant her a series of said. interviews that take her Some of these positive from the City that Nevcharacters can be found er Sleeps to The Eternal in her first novel, “Bella City, Rome. Fortuna,” which was re“I actually felt more leased last summer. Set pressure with this secin New York and Venond novel than the first. ice, it is about Valentina As an author, you’re DeLuca who co-owns a amazed when your bridal boutique with her dream of completing a Rosanna Chiofalo family. She is preparing novel and getting it pubto get married herself to her partner, lished comes true,” Chiofalo said. Michael, but finds the road to a per- “And then you panic when it’s time fect marriage to be tougher than she to write the second one, thinking anticipated. ‘Can I do this again?’” “I was working full-time when I Chiofalo is already hard at work wrote my first novel so most of my on her third novel, tentatively titled writing was done early on weekend “Julia’s Grapevine.” The author will mornings. I was constantly fighting have a couple of book readings and off fatigue so that I could complete signings this year, one taking place this novel and meet my deadline,” at Raritan Public Library in Raritan, Chiofalo said. NJ on June 22 at 1 p.m. and another Her second and upcoming novel, at the Westchester Italian Cultural “Carissima,” had its own set of strug- Center in Tuckahoe, NY on Sept. 25 gles. The story follows Pia Santore, at 2 p.m. who moves to Astoria with a journalReach Reporter Joe Marvilli at ism internship at a celebrity maga- (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at jmarzine. Still reeling from the loss of her

Spelling ace Gets His own Knaidel By aSia eWaRT ree. On my left was a New York strip steak accentuated by a tasty Bearnaise sauce. On my right, a spicy Fra Diavolo, filled with clams, shrimp, mussels and calamari over linguini almost made me second guess my own selection. But once I began to dig in to the tasty steak cacciatore over linguini in a tomato, onion and herb sauce, I knew I made the right choice. The steak dishes were cooked to perfection; the seafood kicked in all the right places and the linguini was just the right complement for the meat selections. Before we knew it, we were sending spoons to each side of the table to sample the cheesecake, the chocolate lava cake and the pomegranate and orange sorbets placed in front of us. One visit to (aged.) may not be enough to fully experience the varied menu options, and I definitely look forward to making another trip. - Steven J. Ferrari

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Flushing) honored Scripps National Spelling Bee champ Arvind Mahankali of Bayside Hills on June 10. Mahankali won the contest on June 4 after he correctly spelled “knaidel,” the Yiddish word for matzo ball. Meng’s ceremony took place at Ben’s Best Deli in Rego Park, where owner Jay Parker unveiled a new line of mini knaidels, dubbed the “Arvind Knaidel,” that the restaurant is naming after him. “We thought that we should honor him for his achievement,” Parker commented on the dish’s creation. “The spelling of knaidel has been debated for many years, and he finally cleared it up.” Knaidels are traditionally served in chicken soup. Meng presented Mahankali with an American flag that she arranged to have flown over the U.S. Capitol in his honor; it did so on June 5. “Arvind is an exceptional person who through hard work, determina-

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng and Ben’s Best owner Jay Parker enjoy a mini knaidel with arvind Mahankali. tion and studying hard became the nation’s spelling bee champ,” Meng added. “He has made our borough and our city and state proud, and I know he’ll find success in life.” Mahankali plans to attend Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013


Jamaica Church Holds First-Ever Heritage Tour BY ASIA EWART The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral held their first annual Queens/ Long Island African American Heritage Tour to great success on Saturday, June 8. The all-day event, which featured multiple visits to historic houses, a tour of Old Jamaica by bus and foot and a buffet dinner, covered the history of African Americans in both Queens and Long Island from the 1600s to the 1800s. Church member and tour guide Barbara DeYoungeEzell was elated to have so many participants involved in the event. “The turnout was absolutely wonderful. There wasn’t a negative word about it. Everyone loved it,” she said. The church decided to put together the tour because of the lack of public historical knowledge of Jamaica during that time. “On this side of Queens, we’ve never had anything like this,” DeYoungeEzell explained. “There is a history of Jamaica and a history of Black people here, and so I thought it would be nice if we put together a heritage tour.”

She was also inspired by coming face to face with history herself. “Seven years ago, a friend and I went on an archaeological dig with a group of students,” she said. “We actually found the bones of Jupiter Hammon and that’s how I learned about him.” The idea to bring the knowledge of the man to the church stuck with her after that. “You have to be knowledgeable about where you came from,” DeYounge-Ezell said. Attendees covered a vast amount of ground, both in Queens and on Long Island. The tour began with a history of the Greater Allen A.M.E Cathedral, which dates back to 1816 when it was found by Bishop Richard Allen. Notable stops throughout the day included Lloyd Harbor on Long Island, where colonial poet and slave Jupiter Hammon lived; the Louis Armstrong Museum and the Lewis Latimer House. The history of Old Jamaica was covered during a trip down a large majority of Jamaica Ave., up until Woodhall St. The congregation also visited Addisleigh Park, home at

one time to musical greats such as Lena Horne and James Brown. The event concluded at Plate of Soul on Merrick Blvd., where the congregation enjoyed a hearty dinner after a long day of walking. For DeYounge-Ezell personally, having a chance to both learn about and pass on that knowledge about African Americans so long ago is a reminder to always work hard. Congregants of Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral “It means a lot. The take part in the first annual Queens/Long Island people that came before us African American Heritage Tour. were the salt and the light. They never lost their taste for freedom. It’s important to know dent about the information that the what they accomplished.” congregation took away from the Because of the turnout, Greater tour. Allen is considering doing this again “We covered so much. They now next year. have education and knowledge that “We’d like to get schools involved they didn’t know about. We visited in the future as well. With all of this places that weren’t landmarked and history at our fingertips, it’s very learned about the history of Jamaica important to the community to be and the slaves. A different kind of aware.” message is sent when you actually DeYounge-Ezell is also confi- see all of this. It’s empowering.”


Hillcrest High School

Hillcrest Student Becomes Published Playwright BY ASIA EWART Students from Hillcrest High School in Jamaica were able to take part in the theatrical vision of 18year-old Amanda Morris on June 5. Morris’s play, “Likkle Bowy, Big Mon” was published by Samuel French Publishers and performed for the student body as part of the LeAp OnStage Program. “I’ve been doing [LeAp OnStage] since last year, when I was a junior,” Morris explained. “At first, I just thought of it as a class – I just went along with it. Then I realized that I liked being a part of it and I decided to do it again.” LeAp OnStage is a comprehensive theater program for economically disadvantaged New York City public school students. Each year, LeAp OnStage partners with the theater community to provide students in City’s public schools with both an educational arts program and knowledge and experience in playwriting, performing, directing, and theater appreciation.

Hillcrest High School students perform a peer’s published play.

Morris said she decided to become a LeAp participant because of a love for acting on both the stage and screen. “Since 9th grade, I’ve always loved acting and performing. I love Johnny Depp; he is my idol,” Morris said. “For theater, I really love In The Heights and Fences by August Wilson.” Her play “Likkle Bowy, Big Mon” was performed as a part of LeAp OnStage’s annual showcase. “It’s a play about a young man in

America living with his mom. He isn’t doing the best he should and not giving anything his all, so he’s sent away. He goes to live in Jamaica, in the country with his great aunt, and she straightens him out the old fashioned way.” Morris is not the first student to find success through LeAp OnStage. The theater program is only a small part of the entire LeAp program. Short for Learning through an Expanded Arts Program, LeAp has committed to improving the quality of public education through a unique hands-on, artsbased approach to teaching the core curriculum since 1977. The collaboration between LeAp and the Broadway community inspires young people to use their talents as young artists in the world of theater. More than two million students throughout New York City, from kindergarten through 12th grade, have been provided with music, dance, theater, and visual arts programs to inspire them to reach their full potential. Alice Krieger, director of LeAp

OnStage and asssociate executive director of LeAp, is proud to be a part of a program that makes such difference in the lives of the kids she has met. “What we offer at LeAp gives kids the confidence to perform and speak in front of others. The entire playwriting experience is a vehicle to express themselves and lets them be heard, when they usually aren’t,” Krieger said. “They want to write about issues that concern them and that they care about, and it’s wonderful that we can help them do so.” Even now that her play is over, Morris wants to continue having theater as a part of her life. “Everything is a performance. Theater is life. I can definitely see it as being a part of my future. Honestly, I plan on auditioning for the Lion King in the future. It’s my dream to play Nala,” she said. Morris is currently a graduating senior at Hillcrest High School. She plans on attending Queensborough Community College for two years before transferring to Hunter College.

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013


Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

ALUMNI QUEEN OF ANGELS S u n d a y , J u n e 3 0 60 t h anniversary picnic 1-5 at Sunnyside Gardens Park. Free. Food and beverages will be sold. 9373244.

DINNER LUNCHEON Saturday, June 15 12-4 Angelo Graci Republican Club of Queens will hold a fundraising luncheon. $30. Christ Lutheran Community Center, 5-15 1 0 1 st A v e n u e , O z o n e Park.

TALKS ELDER LAW Saturday, June 15 Far Rockaway library at noon. Also at the Ozone Park library at 4. Tuesday, June 18 Flushing library at 11. Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts and Asset Protection PRIVATE FUNDING Thursday, June 20 How to Get Private Funding at York College, 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., Jamaica 1-3. CHINESE OPERA Saturdays, June 22, 29 lectures on Chinese Opera and Drama at 4 at the Flushing librar y. TIME TO RE-BOOT Sunday, June 23 4-6 at Linden House, 200-19 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 347-913-6342 to register. Information about lifest yle practices on how the body can naturally reverse inflammatory causing orders. Biblical Scriptures, physiology and scientific evidence are the foundations for this presentation.

ENTERTAINMENT ICE CREAM SOCIAL Register by June 15 for the Richmond Hill Historical Societ y’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social with Quatrain Barbershop Quartet 2-4 on Saturday, June 29 at the Leonard Center Lawn in Richmond Hill. 704-9317. BIG APPLE CIRCUS Through June 16 Big Apple Circus at Cunningham ark. 888541-3750. STAR SAFARI Saturday, June 15 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. $12 adult, $7 child. 229-4000. STRAWBERRY FAIR Saturday, June 15 at All Saints Episcopal Church, 4 6 th S t r e e t b e t w e e n Q u e e n s B l v d . a n d 4 3 rd Avenue. 10-6. Puppet shows, dance troupes, vendors, live band, more. 784-8031. DRUM & DANCE Saturday, June 15 Jamaica Drum Jam presents West African Drum & Dance Circle 2-3 at the Central library. NU URBAN CAFÉ Saturdays live jazz, r&b, open mic 8-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917817-8653. MARIONETAS Sunday, June 16 “Marionetas de la Esquina,” a bilingual production at Queens Theatre in the Park. 7600064. KIDS’ ORCHESTRA S u n d a y , J u n e 1 6 43 rd Annual Spring Concert at Queensborough Comm u n i t y C o l l e ge . 6 3 1 6311. STAMP SHOW Sunday, June 16 Ramada Hotel in Bayside 10-4:30. Free admission and parking. 645-7659. BINGO Tuesdays 7:15 American Mart yrs C h u rc h in Bayside. 464-4582. Tuesdays 7:15 (doors open 6) Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. $3 admission includes 12 games. SCRABBLE Tuesdays Fresh Meadows library at 2. CHESS Tuesdays 4 Rosedale library. NU URBAN CAFÉ Fridays live jazz and r&b 9-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917-817-8653. GAME DAY Fridays 4:30 Woodhaven library. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays 2 Hillcrest library.

CAFÉ PARASIO Saturday, June 22 at Lorne Brown Hall, Hollis Presbyterian Church, 1 0 0 - 5 0 1 9 6 th S t r e e t , Hollis. Evening of jazz, r&b, soul, blues. Dinner and show $25. 7pm. ART FESTIVAL Saturday, June 22 Jackson Heights Arts Festival at Diversit y Plaza, 37 t h Road between 73 rd and 74 th Streets from 10-4. Create free art with local artists. Raindate June 23 rd .

MISCELLANEOUS PET ADOPTION Saturday, June 15 Pet Adoption Fair 12-4 at the Buddy Monument at Forest Park, Myrtle Avenue and Park Lane South.

RELIGIOUS SHABBEBEQUE Friday, June 14 Communit y Shabbebeque at the Lake Success Jewish Center, 354 Lakeville Road, Great Neck. RSVP 2240404. REGO PARK JC Saturday, June 15 Parashat and Haftarat Club at 12:30. Monday, June 17 Sisterhood meeting at 7. Sunday, June 23 concert at 2:30. Sunday, June 30 “Defendi n g Yo u r L i f e ” f i l m a t 2:30. $5. Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. ST. MICHAELS Saturday, June 15 Flushing Meadows Corona Park at 7. Prayers for peace. Procession, vigil and candle lighting. Sunday, June 16 LaGuardia Marriott at noon. Rev. Brennan’s journey from attorney to priest. $50 includes food. St. Michael’s World Apostolate. 359-3908. QUEENS JEWISH CTR Sunday, June 16 the Queens Jewish Center honors past presidents at its Annual Dinner in Far Rockaway. 459-8432. JCC LIC Monday, June 17 Torah Class 8-9:30. Wednesday, June 26 “Even I would Go To That” lecture series at 8. JCC, 1031 Jackson Avenue, LIC. 609-0066. SHABBAT AM Saturday, June 29 monthly Shabbat morning experience at 9 at Oakland Little Neck Jewish Center, 49-10 Little Neck Parkway. 224-0404.

EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS JOB SEARCH Saturday, June 15 Job Search Strategies and Resume Writing at the Far Rockaway library at 2. BALLROOM DANCING Mondays, June 17, 24 Forest Hills library at 6:30. YOUNG PROFESSIONS Mondays, June 17, 24 at the Queensbridge library at 4:30. BUSINESS BASICS Mondays, June 17, 24 Woodside library at 4:30. JOB READINESS Mondays Job Readiness and computer assistance 2-6 at the South Jamaica library. JOB SEARCH Mondays free job search and computer help every Monday 11-2 at the Astoria library. BRIDGE Mondays e x c e p t h o l i days 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 423-6200. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30.

BASIC COMPUTERS Tu e s d ay s , J u n e 1 8 , 2 5 Bellerose librar y. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tu e s d a y , June 18 McGoldrick library at 11. Bellerose librar y. Register. JOB SEARCH Tu e s d ay, J u n e 1 8 J o b Search Strategies and Resume Writing at the S o u t h J a m a i c a l i b ra r y. Register. MICROSOFT WORD Tuesday, June 18 Flushing library. Register. FEDERAL JOBS Tuesday, June 18 Federal Job Searching at the Fa r Ro c k a wa y l i b r a r y. 327-2549. CHESS Tu e s d ay s Ro s e d a l e l i brary at 4. SMALL BUSINESS Tuesdays Small Business Workshop at the Central library. Register. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepoint-ers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. COMPUTER CLASS

Wednesdays, June 19, 26 Woodside library at 5:45. CHILDCARE PROVIDER Wednesday, June 19 Professional Development Workshop for Childcare Providers at the Central library at 6:30. WATERCOLOR Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.9691128. PRIVATE FUNDING Thursday, June 20 How to Get Private Funding at York College, 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., Jamaica 1-3. MOCK INTERVIEWS Thursdays, June 20, 27 Central library. Register. INTRO COMPUTERS Thursday, June 20 Ozone Park library. Register. INTRO EMAIL Thursday, June 20 LIC library. 752-3700. CREATE CALENDARS Thursday, June 20 Far Rockaway library at 1:30. PRE-GED CLASS Thursdays and Fridays through June 28 Cambria Heights library. 480-4300.


Trauma Team To Drivers: Avoid Distractions Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States today. Each year, nearly 2.5 million Americans are treated in hospital emergency departments as a result of an MVA. While the numbers are staggering, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Trauma Team is dedicated to decreasing the number of these preventable injuries through education, research and community outreach. Jamaica Hospital operates a Level 1 Trauma Center, the highest designation to treat critically injured patients. Last year, Jamaica Hospital’s ER treated more than 500 patients injured as a result of motor vehicle accidents and the staff wants to offer the following tip to our community on how to avoid serious injury. Stay Focused on the Road and Avoid Becoming a “Distracted Driver” What is a distracted driver? A distracted driver is a driver engaged in another activity that takes their attention away from the primary task of driving. These activities include: electronic devise use, eating or drinking, applying make-up, talking to passengers or adjusting the radio. Distracted Driver Facts and Figures • 16 percent of fatal crashes involve reports of distracted driving (NHTSA) • 20 percent of injury crashes involve reports of distracted driving (NHTSA) • In 2011, 3,331 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, compared to 3,267 in 2010. • 387,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted

driver, compared to 416,000 injured in 2010. ( • 16 percent of all distracted driving crashes involve drivers under the age of 20 (NHTSA) Distractions can impair a driver in three ways: • Visually – Forcing the driver to take his or her eyes off the road • Manually – Forcing the driver to take his or her hands off of the steering wheel • Cognitively – Forcing the driver to take his or her mind off of driving while they are doing something else While there are many forms of distractions for drivers, the type that has seen the largest increase in occurrences is texting while driving. Texting while driving is especially dangerous because it impairs the driver’s visual, manual, and cognitive abilities and studies indicate that text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted. In a recent study by the CDC, 9 percent of U.S. drivers reported texting or emailing regularly or fairly often while driving. Jamaica Hospital’s Trauma Team is well aware of the growing trend involving injuries and fatalities associated with distracted drivers and they want to offer the following warnings: • Avoid eating or drinking while driving • Do not read while driving • Avoid putting on make-up, shaving, or fixing your hair while driving • Turn off all cell phones and electronic devices while driving

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

Queens Today HEALTH BLOOD DRIVE Saturday, June 15 W h i t e s to n e Vo l u n t e e r Ambulance Corps, 1215 150 th Street 9-2. YOGA Saturdays through September 8 9:30-10:30 and 11-12 and Sundays 10-11. Socrates Sculpture, 32-01 Vernon Blvd., LIC. TAI CHI Sundays through September 9 11-12 at Socrates Sculpture, 3201 Vernon Blvd., LIC. TALK TO DOCTOR Monday, June 17 “Wait, C a n I A s k Yo u S o m e thing?” Communicating with your Health Care Professional at 6:30 at the Central library. STRETCH & TONE Monday, June 17, 24 Shape Up NYC at the LIC library at 6:30. HEALTH INFO Mondays, June 17, 24 health information from the Internet at the Langston Hughes library at 10. CHAIR YOGA Mondays, June 17, 24 Steinway and Langston H u g h e s l i b r a r y. Re g i s -

ter. BREAST CANCER Mondays Women Newly Diagnoses and P o st Tre a t m e n t 1 0 : 3 0 noon and Young Women with Breast Cancer 78:30 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516877-4314. METASTATIC BREAST Second and Fourth Mondays 1:30-3:00 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516-877-4314. MEN BREAST CANCER Second Mondays 7-8:30 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516-877-4314. BLOOD MOBILE Tu e s d ay, J u n e 1 8 9 - 2 1981 Marcus Avenue, Lake Success. 661-8711. BALANCE Wednesdays, June 19, 26 Balance and Strength Tr a i n i n g a t N Y H Q i n fresh Meadows. 6701695 1-2. AEROBICS Wednesdays, June 19, 26 Shape UP NYC at the Central library at 4. CHAIR YOGA Wednesday, June 19 Woodside and North Hills library. Register. CHAIR YOGA

YOUTH Wednesdays, June 19, 26 Hollis library. Register. MASSAGE THERAPY Wednesdays, June 19, 26 in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. MANAGE STRESS Wednesdays, June 19, 26 Stress Management support group for heart patients in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. BODY SCULPT FITNESS Thursdays, June 20, 27 Lefrak Cit y library at 5:30. BLOOD MOBILE Thursday, June 20 Silvercrest Center for Nursing, 144-45 87 th Avenue, Briarwood 10-4. 661-7987. KIDNEY DISEASE Thursday, June 20 Treatment Options to Fit Yo u r L i f e s t y l e ( K i d n ey Disease). 670-1276. CHAIR YOGA Thursdays, June 20, 27 Bellerose library. Register. MASSAGE THERAPY Fridays, June 21, 28 Massage Therapy and Reflexology at NYHQ in Fresh Meadows. 6701695.

ANIMAL CARE Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 30 Animal C a r e Tra i n e e a t A l l e y Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. YOUNG CHEFS Saturday, June 15 Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. PERFECT PONDS Saturday, June 15 or June 22 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. WORD GAMES Mondays, June 17, 24 McGoldrick library at 5. SUPERHERO Monday, June 17 at 4 at the Windsor Park library. Create Your Own Superhero and Supervillain. KIDS DIG ANIMALS Tuesday, June 18 North Hills library at 3. Wednesday, June 19 Pomonok library at 4:30. Thursday, June 20 Richmond Hill library at 4. SANDY COLLAGE Tu e s d ay s , J u n e 1 8 , 2 5 Arverne library at 5. KNIT & CROCHET Tu e s d a y , June 18 Rochdale Village library at 5. OWN PLANET Wednesday, June 19 Create your own planet at the Bellerose library at 4. CRAFTERNOONS Wednesdays at the Ridgewood library. Register. YOUNG LEADERS Wednesdays and Fridays Young Leaders Institute of Laurelton at the Laurelton library at 3:30. SING ALONG WITH IRV Thursday, June 20 Windsor Park library at 11:30. Irv Plastock entertains children 2-5. Limited space. ECO CRAFTS Thursday, June 20 Steinway library at 11:30. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. GAME ON Thursdays at the Central library at 3:30. CHESS CLUB Thursdays Rochdale Village library at 4:30. MOUSE IN CITY Friday, June 21 Glendale library at 3:30. “A Mouse in the Cit y: A Puppet Musical for those 3-13. VIDEO/BOARD GAMES Fridays, June 21, 28 Rochdale Village library at 4:30. CRAFT CLUB Fridays Peninsula library at 3. GAME DAY

Fridays at 3:30 Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4. East Flushing Register. Ozone Park at 3. GAME DAY Fridays Windsor Park at 4.

CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale library at 3:30 and W i n d s o r P a r k l i b ra r y. Register. FOREST FINDINGS Saturday, June 22 Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000.

TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. GREEN CRAFTS Monday, June 17 Woodside library at 3. LAPTOPS Mondays-Thursdays Hollis library at 3. KOWA I Wednesday, June 19 Japanese Monsters at the Douglaston library at 4. GAME DAY Wednesdays Howard Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library. PRE-GED CLASS Thursdays and Fridays until June 28 pre-GED Classes at the Cambria H e i g h t s l i b r a r y. 4 8 0 4300. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. ORIGAMI Thursday, June 20 Steinway library at 4. CHESS CLUB Thursdays Rochdale Village library 4:30. MAGIC TRICKS Friday, June 21 Jackson H e i g h t s l i b ra r y. R e g i s ter. RECORDING STUDIO Fridays, June 21, 28 Recording Studio Workshop: Audio Engineering, Editing and Mixing at 2:45 at the Far

PARENTS KIDS MUSIC CLASS Wednesdays newborn to 4 with guardian at the JCC in Jackson Heights. 609-0066. NEW MOMS Thursdays, June 20, 27 support group for New Moms at 56-45 Main Street, Flushing at noon. SCRAPBOOKING Fridays, June 21, 28 Scrapbooking for Preemie Parents. 670-2920. FLEA & FUN DAY Saturday, June 22 flea market and fun day for the kiddies 10-3 at the Ridgewood library, 2012 Madison Street, Ridgewood.

Rockaway library. HAPPY HOUR Friday, June 21 Flushing library at 4. MOVIE AFTERNOON Fridays Central library at 3:30. WII FRIDAYS Fridays at the Hollis library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays at 4 at the Sunnyside librar y.

SENIORS ELDER LAW Saturday, June 15 Far Rockaway library at noon. Also at the Ozone Park library at 4. Tuesday, June 18 Flushing library at 11. Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts and Asset Protection AARP3334 Monday, June 17 at St. Kevin’s Parish Center in Flushing. 224-0478. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Monday, June 17 Queens Villag e librar y. Register. BASIC COMPUTERS Tu e s d ay s , J u n e 1 8 , 2 5 South Ozone Park library at 11. LINE DANCING Tu e s d ay s , J u n e 1 8 , 2 5 Sunnyside library at 2:30. HUMAN INTEREST Tuesday, June 18 Topical Human Interest Stories at the Queens Village library at 11:30. DRIVING CLASS Tuesday, June 18 at the Forest Hills librar y. Register. CLEARVIEW CENTER Wednesday, June 19 93 Open House. Friday, June 21 “Les Miserables” film at 12:45. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. HORIZONS CLUB Thursday, June 20 for those 55 and over, at 12:30 at the Reform Temple of Fore st Hills, 71-11 112 th Street. $3. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Friday, June 21 Cambria H e i g h t s l i b r a r y. 2 7 6 6790.


Page 20 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013



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June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21

People Local students received degrees during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Marist College in Poughkeepsie. Michael Dier of Belle Harbor received a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice. Keisha Mason of South Richmond Hill received a Masters degree in business administration. Nicole O’Laughlin of Far Rockaway received a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics/adolescence education. Azikiwe Rich of Hollis received a Masters degree in public administration. Brittney Sinha of Kew Gardens received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology. Robert Sooter of Rego Park received a Masters degree in public administration. Alex Gobright of Woodahven received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. Nicole O’Laughlin of Far Rockaway received a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics/adolescence education. Local students received degrees during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Quinnipiac Univer-


INDEX NO.: 14182/2012. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE. MORTGAGED PREMISES: 14940 RALEIGH ST., JAMAICA, NY 11417 (BL#: 11554-30) Plaintiff designates Queens County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate. STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF QUEENS ONEWEST BANK, FSB, Plaintiff, againstCONSTANTINO MONTERO, if living, and if dead, the respective heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignors, lienors, creditors and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and their respective husbands, wives or widows of her, if any, and each and every person not specifically named who may be entitled to or claim to have any right, title or interest in the property described in the verified complaint; all of whom and whose names and places

sity in Hamden, Conn. Amanda Alford of Jamaica received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. Elizabeth Vargas of Queens Village received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Oswego. They include: Cambria Heights: Christopher Davius. Hollis Hills: Amy Wise. Jamaica: Shanice Brown, Khayri Klass, Tyrell Moore, Elizabeth Veliz. South Richmond Hill: Leonard Coccaro. Darwin Smith of Cambria Heights and Valentino McKenzie of Jamaica were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at The University of Akron in Ohio. The Richmond Hill Historical Society will hold an Old fashioned Ice Cream Social from 2-4 p.m. June 29 at the Leonard Center Lawn, 112th Street at 86th Avenue. The Quatrain Barbershop Quartet will perform. Ice cream sundaes and cookies will be available.


of residence unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the Plaintiff, NEW,YORK CITY PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU,”JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #10” inclusive, the last ten names being fictitious and unknown to Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the persons, tenants, occupants, or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND


RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $235,000.00 (with an amount not to exceed $270,250.00) and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Queens on August 10, 2007 at CRFN No. 2007000413372, covering premises known as 14940 Raleigh St, Jamaica, NY 11417 - Block 11554; Lot 30. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendant CONSTANTINO MONTERO, the foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. RUDOLPH E. GRECO JR. of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and filed on May 31, 2013, with the Complaint in the County of Queens, State of New York. The property in question is described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough

Cost to members is $12, nonmembers $15. RSVP by June 15 by calling (718) 704-9317 or email Upcoming events at the Kew Gardens Community Center include: Comedy Workshop with Jody Oliver, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Mondays and Fridays. Your Vote is Your Voice with Carlotta, 1:30 p.m. June 20. Current events will be discussed. Joy of Making Music with the Studio of Cesar & Nelly Vuksic, 2 p.m. June 30. The Kew Gardens Community Center is located at 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 202, Kew Gardens. The Ozone Park Civic Association will meet at 8 p.m. June 18 at 97-14 135th Drive. The speakers will be a representative from the 106th Precinct and Iris Rodriguez from the Parks Dept. Patricia Jawor of Richmond Hill received a Bachelor of Science degree in health science/physical therapy during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn. John Gregory Reinhardt of Belle


and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Park Avenue (Raleigh Street) distant 278.46 feet north of the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Park Avenue with the northerly side of Old South Road (now Albert Road); RUNNING THENCE westerly at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE northerly and parallel with Park Avenue, 25 feet; THENCE easterly and again at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE southerly along the westerly side of Park Avenue, 25 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Dated: New Rochelle, N.Y. May 29, 2013. McCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. /s/________________ By: Mark Golab, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot St., Ste. 210 New Rochelle, NY 10801 p. 914-636-8900 f. 914636-8901 HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU

Harbor received a bachelor’s degree in finance during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at the University of San Diego in California. Abdullah Megid of Rockaway Park was named to the President’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Institute of Technology in Utica. Sasha Dorzin of Queens Village was inducted into the Onyx Honor Society at the University of Rhode Island. Sudan Garner and Athiththan Selvendran, both of Jamaica, were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Beloit College in Beloit, Wis. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at York College of Pennsylvania. They include: Belle Harbor: Joseph Doyle, Tara Klein and Ryan Rayder. Rockaway Point: Megan Thompson. Adrian Breda of Ozone Park was named to the Honors List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNYIT.


ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there areinformation about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-226-5697 or visit the Department’s website at FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in


order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Queens County on JUN 05 2013 bearing Index Number NC-000547-13/QU, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, grants me the right to: Assume the name of (First) Md (Middle) Munirul Huda (Last) Talukder My present name is (First) Mohammad (Middle) Munirul Huda (Last) Talukder aka Md M H Talukder, aka Md M Talukder, aka Md Munirul Huda Talukder My present address is 88-15 168th St., Apt. 8D, Jamaica, NY 11432 My place of birth is Bangladesh My date of birth is May 31, 1958

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 14-20, 2013

Maloney Makes Her Theater Debut

U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney on stage. Photo courtesy of NBC4. U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Astoria) appeared during the first night of the American Ballet Theatre’s production of “Romeo and Juliet” at the Metropolitan

Opera House in Manhattan. According to published reports, Maloney played a corpse as part of the play. She will be one of the dead bodies in the family crypt during the

final scene of the production, when both Romeo and Juliet take their own lives. Long before she represented parts of Queens in Washington, Maloney dreamt of an acting and dancing career on stage. Unfortunately, her brief foray on the big stage ended when she broke her thigh bone in a car accident. Still, the Congresswoman was elated to get a taste of what her job could have been like had she been able to continue her theater career. “I’m finally making it to the stage in ballet,” Maloney said to 1010 WINS. “I promise my constituents that I will not let my day job suffer because of my night job on this one day.”

50 Cent Helps Out For Funeral

Rapper and South Jamaica native Curtis Jackson, aka 50 Cent, dug in his wallet to pay for a horse and carriage that carried the casket of slain 14-year-old D’aja Robinson. The Queens native took to Facebook to honor the teen who tragically died after being struck by a bullet on the Q6 bus in Jamaica.

“People always try and paint negative images about me. I'm the most genuine down to earth person and I didn't forget where I came from I came through for baby girl by providing a horse and carriage for her,” he tweeted along with a photo of the funeral. The white horse drawn carriage carried D’aja’s white casket from last week’s service, which drew in more than 2,500 people.

Vallone Keeping Queens Cool It is not everyday you see a Councilman painting on the roof with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria) was seen high above, white-coating the roof of the Trinity Church to start a new movement. “Queens will now literally become cooler,” Vallone said. How does painting a roof help you to stay cooler in the summer? You will see a difference in your electricity bills and you will lend a hand in curb-

ing climate change by painting the roof of your house with solar-reflective, energy consumption-reducing white coating. So, if you want to beat the

scorching heat this summer, throw on a pair of old jeans and grab a paintbrush; better yet, arrange a block-party and get your neighbors involved.

Performers Of Queens: Anthony LoCascio

Anthony LoCascio has been a tap dancing machine since he was a child growing up in Howard Beach. “I started tap dancing at a studio in Lindenwood, and did that for 15 years” he explains. Learning from teachers who have danced for Connie Francis and Chubby Checker, LoCascio eventually got the opportunity to take his talents on the road in 1997, when he joined the tap troupe Tap Dogs. “I was accepted at an audition they held. We performed at the Union Square Theatre and kept travelling from there,” he said. Since then, LoCascio has tapped his way across all 50 states, Mexico, Canada, and Monte Carlo. With all the moving around, he found a new permanent home in Silicon Valley, Calif. “I was out there for 15 years. I danced with the Tap Dogs and taught classes at

local studios and conventions. California itself is like a global valley; a lot of people out there have such an appreciation for all types of dance.” LoCascio recently returned to Howard Beach after a six-week stint with the Tap Dogs in South Africa. Opportunities at home, as well as Superstorm Sandy, brought the Queens native back. “For now, I’m not sure about my return to the West Coast. I’m teaching at Tip Tap Toe in Elmhurst and at the Broadway Dance Center right now, so my home is Queens at the moment.” With so much exposure to technology in California, LoCascio would also like to incorporate to tech work into his future. “I lived in a very techsavvy environment, so I think I’d like to work with both technology and dance in the future; find a way to bring them together. Dance apps, or networking with others about organizing dance events; it’s something I’d love to discuss with a tech co-founder.”

Bridge Is For The Birds While drivers struggled and slogged through traffic on the Throgs Neck and Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial bridges, they were unknowingly commuting underneath some of the City’s newest members. Several peregrine falcon chicks were born on the towers of the two Queens bridges, hundreds of feet above the ground. The Rockaway births were 215 feet high on the Marine Parkway’s Rockaway tower and 360 feet high on the Throgs

Neck’s Bronx tower. The Dept. of Environmental Conservation provided nesting boxes for the newborns to ease their transition. The City’s assistance is part of an MTA program to help the peregrine falcon population, which nearly went extinct in the 1960s due to pesticides. Although being born on one of the City’s congested bridges may seem like a nightmare to any New Yorker, it’s good to see that the baby birds were no worse for the wear.

Be sure to like us on Facebook, QueensTrib, and follow us on Twitter, @QueensTrib

June 14-20, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 23

What’s Up JUNE 14 An Evening with Mark Prentice The Men’s Organization and the Men’s Ensemble of the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans gladly presents, “An Evening with Mark Prentice” in concert with orchestral accompaniment. This evening is also set to include “The Renowned Tenors.” Don’t miss what promises to be the music event of the summer. Limited seating is available, so guests should purchase tickets as soon as possible. The concert, also set to take place on June 15, begins at 7 p.m. and doors open at 6:30 p.m. It will be at the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans, located at 190-04 119th Ave., on 190th Street. Tickets can be ordered by visiting http://www.eventbrite. com/event/6465581729/es2/?rank=1 or by contacting Gary Morgan at or (718) 528-2495. Admission is $35 for adults and $20 for those aged 18 and under.

Youth Worship Alliance - “Are You Ready?” The Youth Worship Alliance of the Presbyterian churches of southeast Queens are pleased to present “Are You Ready?”, a forum in response to the shooting death of D’aja Robinson. The discussion will be at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield Gardens, located on 216-02 137th Ave., on Springfield Blvd. Admission is free. For additional information, call (718) 528-7744.

Salsa Night in Queens New York City Council Deputy Majority Leader Leroy Comrie, in partnership with the New York City Parks & Recreation Department, will co-host “Dancing Under The Stars”, a night dedicated to salsa music heritage. The night will be complete with salsa instructors present to teach basic dance lessons and deejays to play the sounds of great salsa legends like Johnny Pacheco, Willie Colon and Tito Puente. The event will take place from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Rufus King Park, located on Jamaica Ave., at 153rd St. Admission is free.

Blaze Craze 15 Open Mic Calling all poets rappers, singers, business people and vendors. Get ready for the next Blaze Craze 15 open mic. This night is ideal for networking opportunities, as well as honing performance skills. Stage time is limited to five minutes. There will be light refreshments from Ajuba’s Food and drumming. The event begins at

7:30 p.m. at the Afrikan Poetry Theatre, located at 176-03 Jamaica Ave. For further info, call Ja-Man at (646) 571-5589. Admission is $10.

JUNE 15 5th Annual Health Walk State Senator Malcolm Smith is pleased to present his 5th annual Health Walk. Join him and other Queens residents as they walk for the health of it. The walk will be from 10 a.m. to noon in Saint Albans Park, located on Merrick Blvd. and Sayres Ave. Admission is free. For more information, call the district office at (718) 454-0162.

Jamaica Drum Jam: West African Drum and Dance Circle Event Come learn the basics of drumming with Brendan Finnegan and participate in a drum circle. The workshop will be at 2 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queen Library, located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., between Jamaica and Hillside Avenues. Admission is free. Space is limited and preregistration is required, so participants are urged to sign up. Light refreshments will be available.

Indian Classical and Folk Music with African Rhythms and Dance, and Middle Eastern Dance Audiences of all ages are invited to enjoy this diverse spectacle of musical traditions and different cultures. The concert begins at 3 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free.

Kiwanis Club of Jamaica’s Early Summer Wine & Cheese Tasting The Kiwanis Club of Jamaica cordially invites the community to join them for their early Summer Wine & Cheese Tasting. The afternoon will feature a fashion show by Eye Collection Clothing Company, a silent auction, and a 50/50 raffle. There will also be lots of prizes to win and surprises throughout the day. The event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Black Spectrum Theatre in Roy Wilkins Park, located on 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. Admission is $40. For more information, call Fay at (718) 527-3678, Carson at (347) 299-8158 or LaTonja at (646) 515-3270.

“Oldies But Goodies Summer Jam!” Don’t miss the next annual

B.Y.O.B.B. Afrikan Poetry Theatre fundraiser. The fundraiser will take the form of an “Oldies But Goodies Summer Jam” that will feature music from the 1970’s and on through the decades. There will be door prizes, raffles, food and soft drinks included. The fundraiser will take place from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Afrikan Poetry Theatre. Admission is $30 in advance, or $25 at the door.

JUNE 16 Greater Allen A.M.E. Annual Father’s Day Dinner / Comedy Show The Male Usher Ministry of the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York is pleased to present its annual Father’s Day Dinner and Comedy Show. The show will feature Keith “Rock” Shell & Robert Sink. The Gibson family will also be featured as guest artists. The show begins at 4 p.m. at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York, located at 11031 Merrick Blvd. Admission is $25, and $12 for children under 12.

JUNE 17 “Wait, Can I Ask You Something?”: Communicating with Your Health Care Professional Learn how to communicate better with your health care professional. Different topics will be covered throughout the evening. At 6 p.m. is “Ready, Set, Go: Maximizing Your Time with the Doctor,” and at 7:30 p.m. is “Talking through the Tough Stuff: Diagnosis, Treatment and Sexual Health.” Light refreshments will be also served. The event begins at 6 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free.

JUNE 18 Small Business Workshop Do you have an idea for a business? This workshop will teach you how to develop a business plan, create a demand for a product or service, set goals and objectives, create budgets and timelines, identify resources and prepare to open your “doors.” The workshop begins at 7 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free. Those interested are invited to visit the Job Information Center or call (718) 990-8625 for more information.

JUNE 19 ShapeUp NYC: Adult Aerobics Keep that New Year’s resolution with free weekly fitness classes through ShapeUp NYC. Aerobics for Adults provides a moderate workout that burns calories and improves

cardiac function. Danielle Howell instructs this first-come, first-served class. Space is limited, so participants are urged to arrive early. Class begins at 4 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free.

Public Art Artists and art enthusiasts are invited to examine some pieces of public art in New York City and Queens and join a conversation on how they may have contributed to the revitalization of our neighborhoods and communities. The viewing begins at 6 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free.

Professional Development Workshop for Childcare Providers This interactive workshop, given in partnership with the ACS/CUNY Informal Child Care Project, provides information and resources to informal (license-exempt) childcare providers throughout the five boroughs of New York City on building relationships and nurturing social and emotional development, how children learn, physical well-being and development, and language and literacy. The workshop begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Library. Admission is free.

JUNE 20 Non-Profit Workshop (How to Get Private Funding) Be there when New York City Councilman Leroy Comrie joins forces with the Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic (NTAC) for a non-profit workshop on “How to Get Private Funding.” The workshop is from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the York College Academic Core Building, located on 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Boulevard, between Liberty and Archer Avenues. Admission is free.

Donovan Richards Re-election Launch Party! Jacques Leandre, Esq., Chairman Ray Cameron and the Southeast Queens Host Committee are pleased to invite the community to the Donovan Richards re-election launch party. The party is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Law Offices of Jacques M. Leandre, located on 232-06 A Merrick Blvd. Admission ranges from $25-$150. Send your community events to the PRESS for a free listing at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357 Call (718) 357-7400 or email All events will be considered for publication, without a fee.


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