Southeast Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 12 Issue No. 24 June 17-23, 2011

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I QUIT Embattled U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner resigned Thursday, just 10 days after a tearful press conference where he admitted to sending lewd photos and messages to women he met on the internet. See Coverage…Page 3

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

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Free Wi-Fi In Parks Queens parks will soon be connected. In an effort to keep borough residents surfing the net, Wi-Fi service will be introduced to multiple City Parks, including three in Queens. On June 9, Mayor Mike Bloomberg and AT&T Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson announced a five-year initiative to provide Wi-Fi service at 26 locations in 20 City parks throughout the five boroughs. "We're pleased to join Mayor Bloomberg and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to bring the convenience and benefits of Wi-Fi to many of the city's world-renowned parks," Stephenson said. The three borough parks scheduled to be serviced by Wi-Fi are Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Astoria Park and MacDonald Park in Forest Hills. "Park visitors will now have more options to surf the net while enjoying the great outdoors of New York City's open spaces," said Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe, who said he was pleased with the partnership's five-borough reach. The introduction of Wi-Fi service to New York City parks is part of Road Map for the Digital City, Bloomberg's comprehensive strategy to make the Big Apple the nation's leading digital city. The initiative also aims to enhance the City's engagement with New Yorkers by increasing their access to new technologies, the intention is to make government information and services more transparent while promoting the tech industry. "New York City has the greatest network of public parks in the world," Bloomberg said. "We've invested heavily to expand and enhance them." Stephenson assured users that the service will be "reliable and very dependable." Although free Wi-Fi service has been introduced throughout the city in the past at various commercial locations, such as Starbucks and McDonalds, this initiative is free to all city residents who own laptop computers, smartphones and tablets. Hotspot locations will be marked by signs. Users will not have to register and will only have to agree to the term and conditions of the AT&T service. Although there is no specific date schedule for connection, the Wi-Fi service is expected to be installed at the Queens locations this summer.

Fighting Meter Hike 'SFF 3FGSFTINFOUT t -JNJUFE 4FBUJOH Call (718) 276-3500 to reserve your seat.


Less than six months after the City Council defeated a plan to raise parking meter rates, they are regrouping to do it again. The Dept. of Transportation quietly announced last week that it would seek to raise parking meters from 75 cents an hour to $1 an hour outside of Manhattan. The rate hike is part of Mayor Mike Bloomberg's budget plan released last month. The announcement led outer-borough Council members like Karen Koslowitz (D-Forest Hills) to slam the plan that would affect hundreds of parking meters in her district, which includes commercial strips like Jamaica Avenue, Austin

Street and Yellowstone Boulevard. "It is unconscionable," Koslowtiz said. Small businesses in Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and Elmhurst rely on customers who park their cars at meters. She said she feared increasing the price of meters will drive people away from Austin Street and Queens Boulevard to shopping malls on Long Island. The plan to raise parking meter rates for this past January was met with stiff opposition from members of the City Council and business owners in neighborhoods where businesses rely on shoppers who park along the street. If the rates increase, it would affect hundreds of meters in Astoria, Flushing, Bayside, Jackson Heights, Forest Hills, Ridgewood, Woodhaven, Jamaica and Fresh Meadows. Koslowitz and Council Transportation Committee chairman James Vacca (DBronx) both promised to kill the planned increase a second time. Both were instrumental in killing the planned increase in December. Vacca noted that the increase was likely not necessary, as the amount of money the city would raise with rates at the current level would far exceed the city's projected portion of the DOT budget in 2012.

Calls To Save Fire Houses Last Thursday, Bayside residents took time from their protests and rallies to do something different to try to save their firehouse - and 19 others across the City slated for closure in Mayor Mike Bloomberg's budget. Under the leadership of Community Board 11 member Tom Meara, residents and firefighters of Engine 306 in Bayside held a phone bank at Bourbon Street Restaurant on Bell Boulevard; volunteers used their own cell phones to call residents and tell them how to voice their concerns about the proposed closures. Each volunteer and firefighter at the event was given a list of names to call and a sheet of paper briefly explaining what to say when they call. It is a very simple process that only takes about three minutes, Meara explained. If they were able to get in touch with a resident, they were told to tell them to call 311, select the language preference and press 0 when the recording starts to list specific services, which will transfer them to a live operator. Then tell the operator "you want to register your concerns over the closing of the 20 firehouses specifically, Engine 306." "It is unfortunate that people can't reach the mayor," he said. If Engine 306 is closed, then response time for local emergencies would increase by two minutes, he said. In a area where many senior citizens live, it is imperative to have firefighters available at all times, Meara said. "Is it really worth $2 million in a $60 billion budget," he asked. "He's a mayor that's out of touch." People that will be affected firsthand are the firefighters. Two firefighters of Engine 306 who wished to remain anonymous, said they are infuriated that their house along with 19 others could possibly be closed.


Weiner Resigns:


U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Kew Gardens) resigned from Congress Thursday, nearly two weeks after he tearfully admitted to engaging in raunchy online conversations with at least six women, sending them photos of himself. Weiner announced his resignation at a senior center in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, where he launched his career in public service nearly 20 years ago when he ran, and won, a seat on the New York City Council representing Southern Brooklyn. “I’m here to apologize for the personal mistakes I have made and the embarrassment that I have caused,” Weiner said. He added that “the distraction I created has made” representing his constituents in Congress “impossible.” Weiner was greeted with shouts of “We love you” when he walked into the room, but was heckled with yells of “pervert” as

he announced his resignation. He took no questions at the press conference and was not joined by his wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Few have come to the Rep’s side in the last week, as President Barack Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) both suggested Weiner step down. “I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,” Obama said in an interview with NBC. “I think he’s embarrassed himself. He’s acknowledged that. He embarrassed his wife and his family. Ultimately, there’s going to be a decision for him and his constituents.” Other members of the Queens delegation refused to defend him and expressed regret at his resignation. “This is a sad day,” said U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica), “but Anthony has made the right decision for himself, his family and the Democratic Party. He will be sorely missed by me and his constituents. I wish him the best.”

“I’m sorry it has come to this, but I think it’s best for both him and his family and for the Congress,” said U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Astoria). “While the disclosures of his behavior have been incredibly disappointing, I’m going to choose to remember all the good things he’s done for his district and our city.” Weiner’s successor will likely be chosen by a special election to be called by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but with redistricting only a few months away, Weiner’s successor could be representing a district that will not exist in the 2012 elections. A special election would take place between 70 and 80 days after Gov. Cuomo calls for one. Two state assembly seats within in the 9th district are currently vacant since the resignations of Nettie Mayersohn and Audrey Pheffer, and a special election for Congress could coincide with those special elections, which have not yet been called by the governor. A likely date would be Sept. 13, the same

day as the citywide primary. Another, more unlikely option, is for the seat to remain vacant and a successor chosen in the regular November election, allowing for September primaries. “The Governor will take the appropriate steps to ensure New Yorkers in the 9th district are fairly represented in Congress,” Gov. Cuomo’s office said in a statement. Among the potential candidates who could run for the seat: former Councilwoman Melinda Katz, who narrowly lost to Weiner in the 1998 Democratic primary for the seat; Councilman Mark Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens); former Councilman Eric Gioia; or Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D-Hillcrest). Republicans may look to Councilman Eric Ulrich (ROzone Park). Politico reported on Wednesday that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has spoken to Ulrich about running. Reach Deputy Editor Joseph Orovic at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

Starbucks Contract Snub Puts Squeeze On Dairy BY SASHA AUSTRIE

with processed milk since 2003, and has a contract with Bartlett that runs through 2013, which Bartlett said it would honor. “It is imperative that we support local proprietors of our community in order for them to expand, grow and flourish,” said State Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Jamaica). “I encourage Starbucks to remain invested in Elmhurst Dairy which is a part of New York’s business community. I am prepared to explore the use of state resources to find a solution.” The owner of Elmhurst Dairy hopes for a change of heart. “Elmhurst Dairy provides well-paying jobs to hundreds of New Yorkers and provides the milk that has literally fed generations of the City’s residents,” said Henry Schwartz, Elmhurst Dairy owner and president. “As a locally based busi-

Elected officials and Dairy workers rally at City Hall to urge Starbucks to keep using milk from the Jamaica processing plant. ness, Elmhurst Dairy aligns closely with the principles of social responsibility that Starbucks claims are its hallmark.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Bill Stopping VA Plans Passes House BY SASHA AUSTRIE Veterans and the St. Albans community may soon get their wish to stop the Enhanced Use Lease Process at the St. Albans Community Living Center. An amendment, attached to the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2012, passed in the U.S. House of Representatives 411 to 5. The amendment, which was introduced by Congressmen Greg Meeks (D-Jamaica) and Peter King (R-Nassau), would stop the preferred developer, St. Albans Village, from building a new facility mirroring the existing center and leasing 25 acres of land for 75 years. “The passing of this legislation with the inclusion of my bipartisan amendment is a big win for veterans in my district and

veterans across Metropolitan New York,” Meeks said. “By having the amendment included in this bill, it will prevent the fabric of my community from being destroyed by the creation of high-density residential and retail developments.” The VA center has been at the heart of a tug of war between veterans and the Veterans Administration. Veterans insist the site should house a full-service hospital and the VA’s current plan includes replacing the existing facilities with a new nursing home, psychosocial rehabilitation domiciliary and expanded outpatient facilities. The 25 acres garnered to the developer is slated for about 1,000 units in a jazz-themed neighborhood complete with a jazz plaza and enhanced train station. As of press time, the VA had not returned calls for comment.

Many of the plan’s detractors contend that the VA’s plan is outdated and does not meet the needs of the veterans or the St. Albans community. “For seven years now, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs has pursued a perhaps well-intentioned, but a stubbornly wrongheaded plan for the St. Albans primary and extended care facility, which is located in the county of Queens,” said U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside). “I am very concerned that the VA is proceeding full speed ahead with its plans to lease property currently dedicated exclusively for veterans.” The bill will move onto the Senate and Meeks hopes the bill will become law by the end of the month. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Officials and a legion of grocers and employees from the last remaining dairy farm in the City protested against Starbucks’ plan to move its milk source from Elmhurst Dairy to national conglomerate Dean Foods, which locally operates Tuscan Dairy Farms, the No. 1 distributor of milk in New York Metro region. “Elmhurst Dairy is an invaluable institution in our City, not only as a provider of dairy products for New Yorkers, but as a long-time employer and good corporate citizen,” said Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans). “Starbucks’ plan to move the production of the milk supplied to their stores out of New York City to a nonunion plant would potentially result in the loss of hundreds of union jobs in Southeast Queens, which has long suffered from unemployment.” Elmhurst Dairy employs 702 people, of which 252 work in the processing plant headquartered in Jamaica; another 450 are commissioned for delivery and support operations. Rally attendees contend that if Starbuck’s eliminates its contract, Elmhurst Dairy will fold. Starbucks refuted the claims that 702 people would be out of work. “First and foremost, this move will result in no New York City job loss,” the company wrote in a statement. Starbucks referenced court documents in which its New York based distributor, Bartlett, which contracts milk sourcing through Elmhurst Dairy, states that “If Elmhurst lost the Starbucks volume it would not have to lay anyone off, but rather it would merely cut the substantial overtime it is currently giving its workers.” “Elmhurst Dairy is the last vestige of New York City’s agrarian past, and its employees deliver fresh, local milk that families depend on every day,” said Coun-

cilman James Sanders (D-Laurelton). “If we were to lose Elmhurst, we face the very real possibility of milk shortages and sky rocketing prices as milk becomes a rare and precious commodity. Further, we add to New York’s growing unemployment rolls in a time of economic uncertainty, climbing gas prices, fewer jobs, and more stress than ever on our local businesses, residents, and families.” The Starbucks contract is only 10 percent of Elmhurst’s overall business, according to the coffee giant, and Elmhurst Dairy failed to participate in the RFP process last fall as Starbucks sought to rebid for its milk. “We awarded the business to another dairy in New York State that submitted a bid,” the release reads. The company has provided Starbucks


Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

Though Resorts World New York casino initiated a new on-site employment center, there is a community faction questioning whether or not enough has been done to outfit Southeast Queens residents with jobs. “The opening of this on-site employment center has flooded the area with great excitement and optimism,” said Michael Speller, President of Resorts World Casino New York. “Our hiring process is about building a hardworking, diverse and local Resorts World workforce.” But while Leroy Gadsden, NAACP Jamaica president, commended the company for the employment center, but said the Resorts World has not negotiated in good faith with the community. He contends that the employment center is in response to the NAACP’s constant haranguing of the company to the media. There are three demands Gadsden said Resorts World needs to meet: 25 percent of permanent and construction jobs set aside for Southeast Queens residents; a special training facility to prepare residents for management positions; and hiring an equal opportunity officer. Gadsden said the company has not complied with the organization’s demands. He said the NAACP’s stipulations are legitimate and it is common business practice for a community to benefit from a large corporation.

Resorts World officials enter into a labor agreement with local unions to ensure equality in hiring practices at the groundbreaking for the Aqueduct casino. “They have a moral obligation, for that which they tear down and destroy, they have to build up,” he said. He said the only community stake holders that have had a limited involvement with Resorts World are residents in Community Board 10. “More than Community Board 10 would be involved with the negative impact of the casino,” Gadsden said, adding that illicit activity will rise throughout Community Boards 12 and 13 because of the casino. “Community Board 12 and 13 have been ignored and left out of the process.”

Gadsden charges that Resorts World has not hired a decision maker from the affected communities. “We hope the community realizes just how disrespectful this company is being,” he said. To quell the NAACP’s claims, Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for Resorts World’s parent company Genting, said contractor Tutor Perini has awarded $50 million in sub-contracts to minority- and women-owned businesses, 54 percent of project’s workforce are minority and female workers, and MWBE-certified sub-

contractors and suppliers stand at 25% of total contracts awarded to date. Anthony Gellineau, a member of the South Ozone Park Civic Association West, disagrees with the notion that Resorts World has not engaged the surrounding community. “From day one they have met with us,” he said. Gellineau said detractors of Resorts World are out of bounds. “They met with Genting with a five page document with 25 demands,” he said. “How do you meet someone for the first time and come with demands?” He said instituting a casino at aqueduct has been a lengthy process. “Where were they when MGM had the contract?” he asked. “Where were they when we were trying to get money to keep the whole thing going? We have been there for the past 20 years.” Betty Braton, Community Board 10 chairwoman, said the NAACP has never contacted the board to discuss their concerns. Braton supports Gellineau in his characterization of the company. “Genting has been extremely forthcoming about their desire to hire locally,” she said. “There are plenty of people who are working there already who are from the local area.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Addabbo, Huntley Flip As Vote Nears BY DOMENICK RAFTER

All of Queens' State Senators are in support of marriage equality and a final vote is expected before the end of the week as activists on both sides jockey to lobby the final undecided Senators. State Sens. Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica) and Joe Addabbo Jr. (D-Howard Beach) who both voted "no" in 2009 have switched their vote in support, along with fellow Democrat Carl Kruger (D-Brooklyn), another 2009 "no" vote. Huntley and Addabbo both said there were significant shifts in support among constituents in their districts. "The numbers have changed," Huntley said at a press conference Monday announcing her support. Her district, she said, is 60/40 in favor. Addabbo said more than 6,000 constituents wrote or called his office on the issue. Of those, more than 4,800 of them were in support. Both have said their "no" votes in 2009 were based on surveys of their districts that showed their constituents against, but that has changed. Their votes mean 29 of the State Senate's 30 Democrats, including all seven Queens Senators, are now in support of the bill, with only Sen. Ruben Diaz (DBronx) in opposition. They were joined by two Upstate Republicans, Sen. Jim Alesi (R-Rochester) and Sen. Roy McDonald (R-Saratoga Springs) leaving the measure just one vote shy of passing as of Wednes-

day. The bill passed the Assembly by a vote falo), who represents a very Democratic of 80-63 Wednesday night with most of district, were still undecided as of Wednesday. Advocates in favor of marriage equalQueens' members voting for it. "Years from now, I'm still going to be ity who have been tallying votes say there proud of this vote," said freshman Assem- are anywhere from three to seven Repubblyman Ed Braunstein (D-Bayside), who licans still on the fence. Republicans are feeling the heat from voted yes. Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi (D-For- the state's powerful Conservative Party, est Hills) injected some humor into the whose ballot lines Republicans often need debate, noting that legalizing same-sex to win elections. State Conservative Party chairman Michael Long has marriage meant many of his warned he would pull his friends will soon have wedparty's support for any Redings, requiring him to buy publican who voted for the them gifts. bill, but that feeling hasn't "I swore an oath to upbeen echoed by some Conhold the is servative Party county chairs, our duty to make sure all who will ultimately have concitizens are treated equally. trol over who gets party supPeriod," he said before votport next year. Also, the antiing yes. gay-marriage group New Meanwhile, Gov. AnYorkers For Constitutional drew Cuomo met with ReFreedoms is threatening publicans on Monday to push the bill. State Sen. Shirley Huntley Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos with potential "I believe the votes will be there for marriage equality," Gov. third-party general election challenges if he even brings the bill up for a vote. ArchCuomo said. But some potential "yes" votes from the bishop Timothy Dolan spoke in staunch GOP side are already gone. Long Island opposition on Tuesday, comparing sameRepublicans Chuck Fuschillo, Jack Mar- sex marriage to government intervention tins and Kemp Hannon have announced into families in totalitarian countries. "Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear they would oppose the bill, as has Sen. Betty Little (R-Glens Falls), and freshman we are living in New York, in the United Sen. Greg Ball (R-Hudson Valley). The States of America - not in China or North other potential "yes" votes, Andrew Lanza Korea," he said. "In those countries, gov(R-Staten Island), Steven Saland (R- ernment presumes daily to 'redefine' rights, Poughkeepsie), and Mark Gristani (R-Buf- relationships, values, and natural law."

In the meantime, activists are continuing the push, with same-sex marriage supporters like New York Ranger Sean Avery and actress Cynthia Nixon headed to Albany to lobby the final undecided votes, and organizations like New York Young Democrats holding phone banks to keep public pressure on the undecided legislators. Pro-marriage equality clergy held a rally Tuesday in Rochester, in Sen. Alesi's district, to offer him support. Former State GOP Chairman Alexander Treadwell, who ran against now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for her Upstate House seat in 2008, also called on Senate Republicans to not only hold a vote, but vote yes, on marriage equality. "I strongly encourage our fellow Republicans to allow a vote and to let individual Senators vote their conscience as Sen. Skelos has suggested," Treadwell said. "I believe that when they do, Republicans will help make history and enact the freedom to marry in New York State." Should it pass, New York would be the sixth state to legalize same-sex marriage and the largest. It would also mark the first time such a bill passed a Republican-controlled legislative chamber. Marriage equality is one of the major pieces of legislation Albany is tackling in the final days of the session. The legislature is also working on reauthorizing rent regulations and passing a property tax cap, a major priority of Senate Republicans. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

In Our Opinion: Brenda Jones Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Deputy Editor:

Joseph Orovic

Editorial Holding Our Breath First and foremost – we thank and congratulate Sens. Shirley Huntley and Joe Addabbo for changing their position on gay marriage. The two were the only remaining Queens Democrats who had previously voted against gay marriage; this week they said they changed their minds. Yes, we recognize that they perceived the issue to be in opposition of their constituents, and we are glad to see that the people they represent spoke up in great numbers to convince them to change their position. We certainly realize that this is not a fait accompli. As of printing, there were only 31 Senators committed to voting in favor of granting members of the LGBT community the right to marry one another; 32 are needed, and a vote was expected by Friday. This newspaper has taken great pride in championing what we feel is the basic equality of civil rights for all New Yorkers. If, indeed, the measure does pass, it will be a historic day in New York – and one of celebration here in Queens, home to one of the largest organized gay communities on the East Coast. We patiently await the vote of the Senate. Do the right thing. We all should be equal.

Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie


Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Domenick Rafter Jason Banrey

Art Dept:

Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director James Mammarella Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2011 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Resign Now To The Editor: I write with sadness not anger. The congressman from Forest Hills Gardens has become a national laughing stock. The tabloid newspapers have published unsavory disgusting photos of female friends of Anthony Weiner on Twitter. In the early 1980s, Nita Lowey represented us who lived here in Parkway Village. On a snowy Sunday morning in January, her congressional staff set up a table in our supermarket on Union Turnpike. Her staff asked her constituents what help was needed. Anthony Weiner does not reply to a

letter. I had Joe Crowley’s staff send a letter to Weiner’s staff just to please get an answer on questions of veterans’ entitlement. As a registered Democrat in Queens for 40 years, I demand Weiner resign. Let him run in a special election to vindicate himself. Ryan Hayes, Jamaica

Betrayed To The Editor: We have learned a lot about Congressman Anthony Weiner over the past few weeks. While it troubles me to see a human being publicly humiliated over a self-

Letters imposed scandal, the issues here go well beyond what Weiner does in his private life. The core problem is repeated dishonesty and shameless hypocrisy. Putting aside the creepiness of his actions, Congressman Weiner has shown himself to be untrustworthy and therefore unfit to serve. Weiner betrayed his trust and lied to the media and his constituents. Only after his clear involvement was exposed, did he confess and claim to accept responsibility. However, he continued to lie, claiming he did not use government resources in the scandal, or coach anyone else to lie. New evidence suggests he did indeed coach a woman on how to mislead the press and even offered the assistance of a Congressional staff PR expert. General House Ethics Rules state that all members of the House must conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects credibility on the House. It also states that members should not in any way use their office for private gain. Nor should they attempt to circumvent any House rule or standard of conduct. When it became apparent in Washington that Weiner’s violations of House rules are significant, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership team began calling for his resignation. Once a representative has lost the confidence of his own party leaders, he is no longer capable of serving the best interests of his constituents, regardless of the situation. Many people have argued that although Weiner lied and broke

house rules, he is not guilty of breaking the law. But let’s consider the scandal in this way… any private citizen would be fired from their position if they behaved in a similar way. Shouldn’t our elected officials be held to the same standards of behavior as ordinary citizens? Congressman Weiner is a tragic example of how power corrupts. When a leader is willing to cheat, lie, blame and mislead people in order to hold onto power, then that individual’s power does not serve the people and his power must be revoked. The issue is not whether forgiveness can be offered to someone who has erred in the public eye. But I believe Weiner has betrayed the public trust past the point of being able to function in this position. Congressman Weiner must resign. Bob Turner, Howard Beach

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To the PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357

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Birth Of A New Woman Candidate For President

A Personal Perspective


The 2012 Presidential Campaign finally got underway earlier this week with the first Republican debate. It was a bit of a yawn, but it did serve up an array of candidates to represent the party going into fall 2012’s general election. Mitt Romney, the presumed front-runner, has done this before while running for governor of Massachusetts and for president in 2008, so he handled himself well, as expected. Tim Pawlenty, whose best shot was as John McCain’s running mate, which never happened, proved he belongs in the lineup. Still, he didn’t wipe the floor with anyone. Congressman Ron Paul, who also ran last time, is a quirky sort of perpetual candidate and you’re not quite sure what to make of him. But he’s nobody’s fool. He hung in for a long time last time out and had people talking. Former House Speaker Newt

Gingrich was knowledgeable and able but won’t get very far. There has already been an exodus of campaign staffers and a jewelry store snafu. His time has come and gone; and he won’t get much traction. Ex Pizza CEO Herman Cain seems to be hoping he’ll be the Republican alternative to President Obama. Only trouble is, most black voters are registered Democrats and not too many will switch party allegiance to vote for “alternative to Obama.” Nonetheless, it is good to have him in the race. He’s no Barack Obama, but he still held his own. He’s a political novice who will learn a lot for his next venture, which won’t be a presidential race. There were others of course, but the one who stole the show was the lone woman, Michelle Bachmann. The Tea Party darling from Minnesota proved she can definitely handle herself in the ultimate boys’ club. In fact, she was a revelation. It is delightful to see the relative diversity of an African-Ameri-

can and a woman in the lineup; and greater yet to see that they were not there for comic relief. But in terms of sheer potential, Bachman was the more interesting of the two. Certainly she beats Cain on legislative experience and name recognition. He has neither. But hot on the heels of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s historic run for president and Sarah Palin’s zany run for vice president with McCain, Bachman garnered a lot of interest and will have gotten the most mileage out of this first debate. In terms of the potential for popularity, she could well be the Palin-with-gravitas candidate for Republican women voters and Tea Party zealots. It is also not outside the realm of possibility that women will cross party lines to vote for her if she proves she can go the distance. Bachmann, a former state senator and the mother of five who has foster-mothered some 23 children, is going to appeal to women across the spectrum.

An attorney by profession, Bachmann has said, “I don’t change what I say based on political winds and desire.” We haven’t known her long enough to make a fair assessment of that statement, but if she makes it all the way to the first primary next spring, we will have plenty of time to find out for ourselves. Unlike Hillary, Bachman comes with less presumed baggage. However, she can be acerbic and that could turn off voters. Still, it’s encouraging to have a woman in the race who is at least as viable as any of the better male candidates in the line up. It should help to make the next 18 months worth tuning in to. It would also be fun to see her go up against the Obama juggernaut, should she score the nomination. He would defeat her but women have fought for the right to compete fairly whether it leads to a win or not. Ah politics, such a great alternative for those who don’t watch a lot of sports!

Sorry, I Can’t Resist: Weiner No Longer Cocky back to work. He should be aland our country is justice and lowed to continue his impresequality. I want standards that sive fight for those things apply to him to apply to progressives of this nation beCharlie Rangel and every other lieve in. member of Congress. And his party should not I do not want to see the buckle under the pressure of puritanical roots of this nation the right wing of the Republiin the far-off Midwest dictate to can Party, but should stand up my County, my City that you and demand: let he who is can’t deviate slightly from acwithout sin cast the first stone. ceptable sexual mores or sexual Damn, if we were getting behavior without resigning, but rid of every imperfect member criminal misconduct doesn’t rise of Congress (especially those to the same heights. At the who lied about their imperfecmoment, Carl Kruger, a corrupt tion), Joe Crowley would find indicted State Senator, sits in the halls of the Capitol a very office. As I recall, popular U.S. lonely place. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, who On the advice front, my represented a poor working class Congressman Anthony Weiner and Trib rant Almond, in Bridgehampton is district in Chicago from 1958 position has not changed and Publisher Mike Schenkler during better I wish I had written this and one of my favorite places to dine. to 1995 and served 13 years as times for Weiner. Anthony read it when the If suppor ting Anthony through chairman of the Ways and this crisis would get me a table Means Committee, was allowed to my friend Democratic Campaign story first broke. I now offer Anwithout a rezzy in the summer, I remain in office although he resigned Congressional Commit tee chair thony the following advice – I wish may be able to be bought. And if his chairmanship, while under Fed- Steve Israel of Long Island, and he could have taken it before the bro Jason brings back the Satur- eral indictment on mail fraud Democratic National chair Debbie lying began. Anthony should acknowledge day night five-course tasting menu, charges. Rosty lost his seat when Wasserman-Schultz in a coordiI’m in. nated effor t have cal led for his personal failings, explain the voters refused to reelect him. Finally, all I want for Anthony Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Weiner’s re signat ion – for t he sexting as an addiction – an illness, wrong reasons. Their concern is and obtain professional help. Yes, not good government. Their con- Anthony has an ego that has precern is that the Republicans will vented him from resorting to the utilize Anthony’s insane online “illness” explanation. But come on conduct and contrast it with the — putting a likely Mayoralt y in quick resignation of upstate bare- jeopardy for a couple of online chested emailing Congre ssman thrills is a sickness. Admit it. Get treatment. ReChris Lee to point out that the matches what I saw as I levard project and Democrats do not hold their mem- build the confidence of your wife. walked the site and spoke the arrival of an- bers (excuse me) to the same stan- And heal yourself. with countle ss men and other accredited dards as the Republicans. Our nation is a very forgiving women of African descent college, Technical Now, I am not defending or lot. Bill Clinton is still our idol. in particular. Career Institute condoning Anthony’s behavior. I I returned Saturday night, afIf Re sor ts World’s (TCI). condemn it. However, this aberrant ter writing this column, from a day commitment to diversity To be clear, as behavior is a personal failing and out and dinner at Almond, to find in its construction the pastor of one of as long as it is not criminal, he that Anthony had asked for a short workforce is any indicathe largest Baptist should and can remain in office. Ul- leave to seek professional treattion of what its permachurches in Queens timately, his constituents should ment to become “a better husband nent staff will be like, I am and a leader in the make the decision. and healthier person.” ver y confident t hat the N YS Progre ssive He’s on the right road. His district should not be the chronic unemployment Baptist Convention target of the map-drawers when Now, Anthony, can you get Dr. Calvin Rice and lack of economic forI do not in any way the anti-good-government political me that table at Almond? tune that has plagued us support gambling because I have redistricting process takes place. (This column was written on Saturfor so long will star t to wane. seen some of the negative effects Anthony should be given the day, well before Anthony Weiner reWith the 1,150 permanent posi- it has had on some who become time to heal himself and his fam- signed on Thursday afternoon.) tions that will be available at the obsessed with greed and lose their ily, seek therapy, all while he gets facility, and the countless spillover life savings. jobs that will be created in the Our great challenge will be to community as a result of Resorts gain the benefits of employment, World’s arrival, this is a project and enjoy the family friendly aspects with economic benefits that will of the project such as the dining stretch far beyond the grounds of and enter tainment features that the Aqueduct Racetrack. And, this have been carefully isolated from is a project that is presenting eco- the casino which is in the center nomic oppor tunit ie s t hat we of the facility and leave the gamwould be ill-advised to overlook. ing which is the profitability of the As a community, we have to project to the tourist and those meet this t ype of commitment who can best afford it. with a cooperative spirit, sending Resorts World has informed a message to others contemplat- me that they are working with the ing making the type of investment New York Council on Problem GamResorts World has that Queens is bling to train their staff on probopen for business, and that we lem gambling, and to provide ashave the talent pool right here in sistance for anyone with a gambling South Queens to make any ven- problem. ture succe ssful. T he Re sor t s Rev. Dr. Calvin Rice is pastor World project can be the model at the New Jerusalem Baptist project, leading the way for oth- Church in Jamaica, Queens and the ers such as the Delta project, the First Vice President of the New continued revitalization of Down- York State Progressive Baptist Not 4 by Dom Nunziato town Jamaica, the Sutphin Bou- Convention. spent with Anthony but never really developed a friendship as I have with others who have been in the political game for a long time. Secondly, his brother’s restau-

Photo by Ira Cohen

By MICHAEL SCHENKLER Wow! I’d love to utilize the near-tragic situation of Congressman Anthony Weiner to get some chuckles – and I’m sure I will occasionally veer from my serious message – but from the time the news of Weinergate first broke to this moment, there are serious consequences for our nation wrapped up in this small Congressional member and his inappropriate adventures. First, a disclosure. I’ve known Anthony Weiner since he was a Brooklyn Councilman running to succeed Chuck Schumer in his Brooklyn-Queens congre ssional seat some 13 years ago. I’ve interviewed him several times; sat and talked to him one-on-one a small handful of times and enter tained him (and a couple of hundred other friends) at the Trib Holiday party. I found on most occasions that we would spar – a good-natured intellectual challenging about small degrees of difference. I always enjoyed the time I

Resorts World:

The Right Partner for Queens

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

By Rev. Dr. CALVIN RICE Our communities here have been devastated by unemployment and home foreclosures. The abandoned storefronts and crowded employment services centers are constant reminders of Queens’ harsh economic climate. At a time when our residents are facing such tremendous economic peril, we need all the help we can get, par ticularly when we have seen few indications that our economic situation is changing for the better. Therefore when someone makes the decision to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in our communit y like Re sor t s World Casino New York has done, we should be fair and considerate; even when it goes against our personal ideology, political and religious beliefs. Throughout the years I’ve watched numerous developers promise to fairly distribute jobs to local minority and women workers, only to be disappointed when all that talk failed to amount to any real action. Thankfully, the same ca nnot be said about Re sor ts World. I say this because on a recent site visit I saw firsthand the reality of their commitment to subcontracting Minority Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE’s) and having a diverse staff at the facility. In fact, when Resorts World claims that 25% of subcontracts or MWBE’s and that minorities and women make up more than half of the work force for the project it

Where Are The Cars?

Willets Point Foes, City EDC Square Off Over Ramp Data

The battle over Willets Point’s redevelopment reached its highest technical peak at a public hearing regarding the plan’s oft-lambasted ramps leading to and from the Van Wyck Expressway. The roadway additions have driven the case against the project for more than a year. The hearing, held last Wednesday, was most notable for what it lacked: attendance was sparse, about 50 people in total; passions were tempered; and a somewhat subdued tone overtook most of the project’s adamant opponents. It was a far cry from last winter’s hearing regarding Phase 1 of the redevelopment, which brought out workers and landowners opposing the project with red-faced anger, damning the New York City Economic Development Corp. and its planned use of eminent domain. Last weeks’ hearing, held in the Flushing Library, offered a second chance at more salvos against the NYCEDC and its plans. Yet most involved have seemingly resigned themselves to letting courtrooms, agency approvals and legal filings be the stage for the battle. The fate of Willets Point may ultimately, and without much fanfare, rest in the hands of number-crunching traffic gurus.

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

The Road To The Ramps The lead-up to Wednesday’s hearing provides an abject lesson in the density, scope and epic mountain of red tape required to slap new ramps around Flushing Bay. It’s a three-year odyssey of competing reports, varying math formulas and legal gamesmanship. What emerges is a veritable chess match, with leading opposition group Willets Point United and the EDC playing an exhausting series of countermoves based on the ramps. As the plan to redevelop Willets Point wound its way through the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure in 2008, the City Council’s ultimate stamp of approval included the plan’s Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS). The report mapped out the potential traffic impact of the project, as well as the ramps’ role in easing any congestion. At the outset, WPU latched onto the ramps as the potential linchpin to any challenges of the project. The interchange between the Grand Central Parkway and the Whitestone and Van Wyck Expressways already presented a nightmare of congestion at peak rush hours. The City presented a bleak picture of the ramps’ ability to ease traffic in the surrounding local roads, WPU argued, with the added congestion of a planned monolithic mixed-use redevelopment of the 62-acre Iron Triangle. The City Council approved the plan regardless. A subsequent legal challenge initiated by WPU lived a short life in court but still achieved some success. The EDC prom-

Photo by Ira Cohen


the ramps made it past the DOT. Though lacking the state agency’s final endorsement, the plan was sent out for public review. EDC welcomed the move as a signal of the ramps’ imminent approval. WPU contended the DOT’s new commissioner and former EDC Transportation Vice President Joan McDonald was reAttorney Michael Gerrard speaks as opponents of the Willets Point turning favors to her former employer. Redevelopment Plan’s ramps rally before a public hearing. Part of the pending approval process ised Judge Joan Madden it would not requires an environmental assessment, a employ eminent domain until the ramp draft of which EDC put together in plan was fully approved, marrying the con- March. The report addresses the impact troversial land acquisition technique to on surrounding highways. It concludes, the State Dept. of Transportation and “The proposed access modification Federal Highway Administration’s OK. It project would be necessary to prevent sigwas as good an outcome as WPU could nificant congestion on these freeway seghope for. The group steadfastly believed ments within the study area.” That draft EA, held alongside the the ramps were a fool’s errand, the EDC’s figures were flawed at best, and FGEIS, provided a morphing depiction no state agency would ever approve the of the ramps’ impact, according to WPU. The group enlisted Brian Ketcham, a plan. Initially, the gambit appeared to work. Brooklyn-based transportation engineer Emails acquired by WPU through freedom with a history of being a pain in the City’s of information requests showed State backside (he effectively killed Westway, DOT’s engineers were skeptical about the the Koch era’s massive West Side Highramps’ traffic-saving ability. WPU felt as- way proposal). Ketcham’s number sured the ramps’ lack of approval could crunching and colorful assertions have keep the project tied up in agency offices become the dogma behind WPU’s oppoand red tape, effectively leaving eminent sition. His reports, the most recent a 286domain off the table for the foreseeable page rebuttal of the draft EA, amount to future. But EDC screwed their hopes the group’s sacred text. cross-eyed when it segmented the project Same Math, into phases. The first chunk to be redeveloped fell Different Results outside the auspices of the proposed Should the redevelopment of Willets ramps, the agency argued, and therefore Point go through as planned, all roads did not require DOT approval. The 22- within a two-mile radius would become a acre chunk of land, with nine landown- hellhole of steady brake lights, honking ers still not selling to the City, began a horns and an incapacitated mass transit public review process required for the use system, according to Ketcham. of eminent domain. “They’re essentially proposing the largWPU contended the fragmented apest shopping mall in the city,” he said. proach was meant to sidestep EDC’s “The impact on the surrounding local acpromises to Judge Madden while lending cess roads is so horrendous. They lowthe redevelopment an air of inevitability. balled the traffic, they have overstated The agency said the switch was a the impact of transit. These folks are playbyproduct of a rough financial climate, ing games with the numbers.” making a singular developer undertaking Ketcham’s point lies in the differences the entire mammoth project difficult, debetween gridlocked hell depicted in spite receiving 29 responses to its initial 2008’s FGEIS and smooth driving porRequest for Qualifications for the project. trayed in the draft EA, both prepared by The initiation of the public review proengineering firm AKRF. According to cess opened a door for legal challenges, and WPU charged through it, with two Ketcham’s submission, the latter hides lawsuits aimed at halting the EDC’s many of the flaws laid bare in the FGEIS, march to redevelopment without the underreporting the estimated car trips by ramps’ approval, while also questioning as much as 100 percent. The gulf between the FGEIS and draft the legality of the project as a whole. WPU’s plans took a second hit when EA can easily be explained by competing

formulas, according to the EDC’s dense, three-paragraph response to Ketcham’s assertions “[The draft EA], which is more regional in its approach, and focused on highway systems, uses different modeling procedures for forecasting future traffic volumes,” the agency said. “In contrast, the FGEIS analysis conservatively assigned vehicles according to the most direct route between their origins and destinations. Both approaches are appropriate and represent industry-standard protocol for evaluating traffic.” While the FGEIS states half of the Iron Triangle’s auto traffic would use the Van Wyck Expressway, the latest EA lowers the figure to one third. An estimated 2,000 cars were not reassigned to local roads in the report, according to Ketcham, showing “operating conditions on local roads that are better than reported in the FGEIS despite carrying 26 percent more Willets Point trips. More trips, lower impacts: it is mysterious why EDC thinks anyone will believe this.” Ketcham claims the EDC’s reports willfully ignore the ongoing development within Downtown Flushing, with the likes of Flushing Commons, the RKO Keith’s, Skyview Parc and other big ticket projects adding to traffic congestion. “They just don’t complete all the calculations,” he said. “My analysis does. The frustration for someone like me is where is the planning? Where is the upfront analysis? They will build it and nobody will come because they can’t get into or out of it. Or the whole area will be gridlocked.”

Ace Up Their Sleeve Ketcham’s latest rebuttal to a Cityproduced report will play a major role in any lawsuits challenging the planned ramps, including a case returning to Judge Madden’s court. “If the court rules [it] does have jurisdiction and that we should litigate the merits of the traffic impact, Ketcham’s report would definitely be integral,” said Michael Gerrard, WPU’s attorney for the case. Gerrard also hopes Ketcham’s findings will encourage the Federal Highway Administration to undertake a Federal Environmental Impact Statement, which would most closely mirror WPU’s desire for a non-partisan third party to assess the traffic impact of the plan. Meanwhile, the EDC is currently gathering responses to its recent Request For Proposals for Phase 1. It has consistently reiterated its belief that the ramps’ approval is coming. The next move in the ongoing chess match appears to be the July 20 oral arguments both parties will present, once again, to Judge Madden. Reach Deputy Editor Joseph Orovic at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime StopShot In Head pers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The pubOn Sunday, June 12, at approximately lic can also submit their tips by logging 2:52 p.m., police responded to a 911 call onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at reporting a man shot at 364 Beach 56th or by texting their St. in Arverne. Upon arrival, police dis- tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering covered Yommaine Hunter, 23, who lived TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential. at the location in apartment 4C, lying in the fourth floor hallway after being shot twice in the head. EMS also responded to the location Victim Dragged The NYPD is asking for the public’s and pronounced the victim dead at the scene There were no arrests and the in- assistance in locating two men wanted in connection with a robbery that occurred vestigation was ongoing. in St. Albans. On Monday, June 6, at around 6:50 p.m., the two men walked into the GBA Another Shot Computer store located at 110-32 FarmOn Wednesday, June 8, at approxi- ers Blvd. in St. Albans and walked out with mately 2:50 p.m., police responded to a a laptop computer without paying. A store report of a person shot in the vicinity of employee followed both suspects out of 111th Road and Francis Lewis Boulevard the store and confronted them. The men then assaulted the victim causing injuries. in St. Albans. Both suspects then entered a blue Upon arrival, police discovered Jimmolt Gonsalves, 26, of 111-08 Francis Lewis Honda Civic and attempted to flee. As Blvd., St. Albans, lying on the ground with they began to drive away, the victim hung a gunshot wound to his head. EMS also onto the vehicle and the suspects dragged responded to the location and pronounced him, resulting in him sustaining multiple him dead at the scene. There were no ar- lacerations to his arm. The victim was able to let go of the vehicle and both susrests and the investigation was ongoing. pects drove off northbound on Farmers Boulevard toward 109th Avenue. Both suspects are black men in their 20s, Burglar Sought 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10. One suspect was wearThe NYPD is seeking the public’s as- ing dark pants and a dark colored zippered sistance in locating the following man vest, while the other was wearing a dark basewanted in connection with a burglary that ball hat, white t-shirt and grey jogging pants with black stripes on the side of the legs. occurred in Elmhurst Anyone with information in regards to On Tuesday, May 3, at approximately 4:30 p.m., a Hispanic man, 40-45 years this incident is asked to call Crime Stopold, 5-foot-10, 220 lbs., entered an apart- pers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The pubment at of 78-36 46th Ave. in Elmhurst lic can also submit their tips by logging and removed a safe, containing an un- onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at known amount of cash and jewelry, be- or by texting their fore fleeing. The suspect was last seen tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential. wearing a beige shirt with black pants.

101st Precinct

113th Precinct

105th Precinct

110th Precinct

DA Says Mejias Cleared Of Charges By BRIAN M. RAFFERTY

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

The Queens DA’s office has dropped the final charge against former Democratic Nassau County Legislator Dave Mejias who was arrested last year after allegedly threatening an ex-girlfriend. On Sept. 1, 2010, while in the heat of a Senate race against Kemp Hannon (RGarden City), Mejias was accused of menacing, reckless endangerment and stalking after an alleged incident. He had been accused of tailgating a former girlfriend, causing her to pull off the road. When both cars were pulled over, he allegedly slammed his fist onto her car hood and yelled at her in obscenity-laden language. Due to Mejias’ connection to the Nassau County political infrastructure, the prosecution for the case was handled by Queens DA Richard Brown. The menacing and stalking charges were officially dropped in December 2010, but well after the political damage had been done. Mejias pulled him-

self out of the Senate race. Last Friday, the Queens DA’s office dismissed the final charge, and sealed the case. From the beginning Mejias had contended that the incident did not go down the way his ex had described it, and he characterized what happened as a business dispute that turned into a roadside argument. According to court papers, the woman had called and text messaged Mejias more than 200 times in the month prior to the incident, including five times earlier on the day of the incident and three times as the incident was happening. Oscar Michelen, an attorney for Mejias, characterized the incident as “an argument between adults,’ and said that it at no point crossed the line into criminality. Mejias said that he no longer intends to seek elected office. Reach Editor Brian Rafferty at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 122.


Southeast Queens Photos Edited By Harley Benson

End Of Year Celebration

Councilman Ruben Wills (r.) and Rushell White (c.), principal of MS 226 on Rockaway Boulevard, pose with students at the End of Year School Community Barbecue on June 4.

Rochdale Job Fair

More than 15 employers and 1,000 residents participated in a job fair sponsored by Councilman Ruben Wills in partnership with the Rochdale Youth Council and Rochdale Community Center held at the Rochdale Village Big Mall. Pictured l. to r.: Assemblywoman Vivian Cook, Assemblyman William Scarborough and Council Member Ruben Wills listen to a presentation by an employer at the job fair held inside the Rochdale Village Big Mall.

Progress Barbecue

Englebrech Retires Photos by Walter Karling

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

Members of the Jamaica Rotary Club and Police Officers from Queens South, 102nd, 103rd and 113th precincts sponsored a Barbeque for Queens Centers for Progress' program participants at their Bellerose Campus. Hot dogs and hamburgers were served and everyone present was treated to tee shirts, face painting, a magic show and a live DJ. Pictured l. to r.: Joseph Iaboni, President Jamaica Rotary Club; Alfred Jimenez, QCP Program Participant; Queens South Chief James Secreto; M a r y a n n M c A l e e r, Q C P D i r e c t o r o f D e v e l o p m e n t ; a n d N Y P D Counterterrorism Deputy Chief, Michael A. Blake.

Peter Engelbrecht (r.), architect, contractor, landscape artist, and plumber retired after 38 years as the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation's Director of Planning, Design, and Capital Projects on May 30. F. Carlisle Towery, President of GJDC, praised his colleague and friend. "Peter Engelbrecht is a rare combination of artist and bulldog. He's a great visionary, but he will also never give up until the job is done-and done right. All of Jamaica, indeed the entire City of New York, owes him a great debt for all he has built and all he has saved of our city's heritage."


Free programs and events for all ages, including adults.

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June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Register at any Queens Library location or online at

Borough Beat

Commuting Along Our Waterways BY DOMENICK RAFTER

Photos by Domenick Rafter

The clouds that socked in the city last week were beginning to break shortly after 7 a.m. Monday as a half dozen people gathered on a dock in Hunters Point, waiting for the inaugural East River Ferry to make its way uptown from Wall Street and take them across the river to East 34th Street. Among those gathered on the dock were Gayle Baron, President of the Long Island City Partnership, and a handful of commuters from Long Island City who decided to try out crossing on the river, rather than under it on the crowded 7 train. "It's good to have options," Baron said as the 74-foot ferry boat appeared head-

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

The boat navigates its way out of Hunters Point.

ing north from Brooklyn. When the boat docked, the Queens commuters were greeted by U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Astoria) and Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyside) who were joined on the first cruise by Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Less than five minutes later, everyone arrived in Manhattan. The ferry, operated by New York Waterway, which runs successful ferries along the Hudson River and from New Jersey, makes six stops along the East River. Its southern terminus is Pier 11 at Wall Street, where ferries from New Jersey also dock. On its way uptown, it makes a series of stops in Brooklyn; first in DUMBO at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Schafer Landing in South Williamsburg, North Sixth Street in North Williamsburg and India Street in Greenpoint followed by its single stop in Queens at Hunters Point. The ferry then makes the quick trip across the river to East 34th Street where commuteArs can take buses to Herald Square and Rockefeller Center. The entire trip from Pier 11 to East 34th Street only takes about a half hour. On the weekends and on Friday nights throughout the summer, the ferry will add a leg from Pier 11 to Governors Island. The ferry runs every 20-30 minutes (20-

60 minutes in the winter), from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the weekdays and 9 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends. The double-decker boats, capable of carrying 149 passengers, also has a bike rack in the front of the boat for twowheeled commuters. Two hours after the inaugural trip, three commuters waited for the uptown ferry at Wall Street. It left at 8:40 a.m., its passenger totals doubling at each stop in Brooklyn. Most of the passengers gathered in the small open-air section on the second floor of the boat, taking pictures of the Manhattan skyline, while others stayed indoors, relaxing on the velour, cushioned seats, reading the paper or checking their emails. "There's free coffee by the way," announced a female passenger who boarded in North Williamsburg, taking advantage of the perks of the ferry's first day, "You won't find that on the L train." There were still some first-day kinks to work out. When the uptown ferry arrived in Greenpoint, the downtown ferry was parked in the slip, leaving the boat to idle in the river for about two minutes. "Nothing in this city is without its delays," joked a male passenger from DUMBO. By the time the boat arrived in Hunters Point shortly after 9 a.m., about three

Riders from Queens and Brooklyn disembark after docking in Manhattan. dozen people were aboard. A few more boarded as it left for Midtown. The one downside to the ferry's Hunters Point location is its distance from residential areas; the dock is three blocks south of the Queens West development on Second Street, in the middle of the Hunters Point South construction site - but there is a $5-a day parking lot. Baron said she hopes the dock will be moved to Gantry Plaza State Park, which would be more convenient for those living in Queens West. The ferry is free through June 24, and will be $4 one-way after that. There will be a $1 surcharge for bikes. For more information, including a full schedule, go to Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.


Comedic Novel Steps Back In Time BY JASON BANREY Judging a book by its cover is the worse cliché any enthusiastic reader would want to find themselves under. According to Jack Newcastle, author of “The Fine Art Of Mixing Girls,” his debut novel may look deceiving, but leaves it to the readers to not oversimplify. “It’s unfortunate if anyone judges this book by its cover,” said Newcastle with a subtle chuckle. “[Mixing Girls] is definitely more than what seems to be.” Set in the 1950s, this quick-witted comedy tells the tale of Roosevelt P. Lane, a New York City entertainment columnist with a nose for news in the nightlife of a town brimming with dubious debutantes, cunning Commies and lackadaisical lushes. Torn between two loves – an unassuming salacious starlet and a pragmatic, progressive arts editor – Lane struggles to not only decide who to be with, but which

one is the “right one” to be seen with. With each night that passes, Lane finds himself in dodgy dilemmas. Whether it’s saddling up to a song and dance at The Stork over a martini, or taking the gents up on a drinking contest at Father Doyle’s hole in the wall, Lane never finds himself without enough material to muster up and rattle out of his typewriter each morning at the Daily Mail. Just when the book’s main character believes he sees a bit of light at the end of the tunnel, Newcastle pulls the rug out from under him, which he feels is a comedic catharsis Lane needed to experience before making his final decision on who to be with as the book climaxes. “It was important that [Lane] looked back and said to himself ‘Could I have done something differently,’” Newcastle said about the book’s conclusion. “The ending will make my readers think – something I wanted to achieve.”

Restaurant Review

Go Visit Red House

RED HOUSE 192-03 Union Tpke., Fresh Meadows (718) 468-0888 CUISINE: Chinese & Japanese HOURS: Mon-Thu: 11:30 am-10 pm; Fri.-Sat 11:30 am-11 pm; Sun noon to 10 pm CREDIT CARDS: All Major DELIVERY: Yes

Local Restaurant Week Returns To Jackson Hts The second annual “June in Jackson Heights” initiative, sponsored by Councilman Danny Dromm, is in full swing with art shows, performances, films and historic tours. Now, residents and visitors will be able to sample cuisine from around the world during Jackson Heights Restaurant Week, Monday, June 20, through Saturday, June 25. This year, more than 20 restaurants will offer specially priced menus during the week-long event. Many restaurants were happy to be included again, including Natives Restaurant (82-22 Northern Blvd.), which offers a shell salad filled with grilled chicken, shrimp or salmon and a glass of wine for only $15. Also participating once again is La Pequeña Colombia (83-27 Roosevelt Ave.), offering a choice of appetizer and a selected entree with soda or juice for $20. Delicious entrees from Nepal can be found at Mustang Thakali Kitchen (7414 37th Ave.) where a 10 percent discount off anything on the menu is available for the entire week and Desi Chinese newcomer Himalayan Hut (75-18 37th Ave.) has a grand deal for two: soup and one special entrée with rice and tea for just $14.95. Delhi Heights (37-66 74th St.) which has received an outstanding Michelin rating, offers a fresh and authentic home-style Indian cuisine with a buffet that runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for only $10 or 15 percent off their delectable dinner menu. Mehfil (76-05 37th Ave.) is also on the list again where a vegetable samosa, an a la carte entrée, naan, rice and soda will cost $20. City Coffee (77-17 37th Ave.) will of-

fer a small Greek salad with moussaka for $10 while at Espresso 77 (35-57 77th St.) an entrée and a glass of wine for two will run $20 and an entrée and a glass of wine for one will cost $10. Ricky’s Café (75-02 37th Ave.), a local favorite, has a great lunch special for just $7. Japanese Restaurant, Tomo (86-12 37th Ave.), will provide any three regular rolls for $10 and a la carte sushi and sashimi for $1 apiece. Happy Kitchen (8012 37th Ave.) meanwhile, is offering the aptly named Jackson Heights Roll, Shrimp Tempura Roll, and California Roll for $10. For Italian cuisine, head over to Armondo’s Italian Restaurant (74-27 37th Ave.), which will offer 10 percent off. Head to El Coyote (80-16 Northern Blvd.) for Mexican done right at $20 for three courses. For Greek food, Plaka (7561 31st Ave.) is an excellent choice with a great menu at 20 percent off. If you like steak, restaurants that hail from countries in South America like La Porteña, La Boina Roja, Novo and Cafe La Nueva, have the best cuts at the best prices. Of course, we cannot forget American dining. For a Texas BBQ walk over to Legends (71-04 35th Ave.) with a “buy one get one free” signature BBQ sandwich. To promote the event, organizers have created a website,, containing a full list of all the June activities, as well as all of the restaurants participating in Jackson Heights Restaurant Week. Additionally, local web sites like will be working to promote June in Jackson Heights throughout the month.

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13

In only eight months, Red House has done more than just attract neighborhood locals and borough residents to feast on its delicacies from the Far East. Word has it, Red House’s clientele extend all the way out to Brooklyn, Long Island and as far as Washington D.C. If people were willing to travel nearly 250 miles from the U.S. capital just to get a taste of one of our borough’s hidden gems, my companion and I decided to take a short trek to see what all the fuss was about. Located only 10 minutes away from Queens Boulevard, the authentic Asian fusion restaurant finds itself at the foot of Cunningham Park’s forested trails. On entry, we were graciously welcomed by the warm staff and slowly soothed to our booth by the restaurant’s tranquil Asian music which crafted a gentle atmosphere. Initially, we sifted through the menus filled with a variety of options of both fine Japanese and Chinese cuisine. Looking over the menu we immediately noticed the Sashimi Pizza dish. Intrigued by the unconventional combination of raw fish spread over a fried scallion crispy pancake, we ordered away. At a quick glance the dish gives off a culinary kaleidoscope of colors. A mixture of tuna and salmon is sprinkled on a pancake among sodden seaweed and sliced avocado, along with a dusting of

sesame seeds. Skeptical of the plate’s combination, my guest looked across at me and took the first bite. As I hesitated, her eyes rolled into the back of her head with satisfaction. I immediately followed her move and placed the triangular treat on my tongue and crunched it back which fully pleased my belly’s longing for something different. Salaciously savored by our taste buds, each bite brought on different flavors an experience no culinary aficionado should miss. Next we order from the Chinese menu. Keeping along with the “try something new” motif, we asked for the steamed tiny buns with pork and the Triple Delight with Scallions. Opening the warm bamboo steamer revealed the delicately rolled dough which enveloped a generous portion of pork that laid stewing in a warm tangy broth. Nibbling off the tip of the bun gave us access to the juices within, a temperate transition for what was to come next. The sound of the Triple Delight with Scallions echoed the gluttonous passion we had already embraced. Sliced beef, chicken and shrimp sautéed in an auburn sauce specially prepared by the chef seemed like the way to end our date. The glazed plump shrimp, intermingled within the tenderly cooked meats, was a perfect seductive sampling. The slightly sweet sauce along with shoots of scallions brought silence over the table. Throughout the entire experience we realized we barely uttered a word to each other and the realization of Red House restaurant’s widely renowned recognition reigned over us. We will be back. —Jason Banrey

The Astoria author assures his readers that Lane is strictly a fictional character, who is in no way near based on himself – despite their mutual disdain for vodka, ‘that national drink of Mother Russia’ and a spirit which finds itself at the heart of Lane’s lovely dilemma. The fast banter and rhythmically placed dialouge carry Lane from chapter to chapter, creating a recipe for disaster, unfolding a plot that only a 1950’s savant could concoct. Compared to today, Newcastle admits it was not easy recreating a world where social media and smartphones never existed. Author Jack Newcastle’s new book not only oozes Nonetheless, Newcastle 1950’s style, so does his wardrobe. stresses the fact that his novel is a complete comedy while acknowledging his attempts to paint a time Whatever way you see it, it is a comwhich is completely different than today; edy, Newcastle confesses. a time where the fate of opinions of one “It is a comedy. Till it isn’t.” another rested solely on actions rather Reach Reporter Jason Banrey at than the frequency of Facebook status or (718) 357updates. 7400, Ext. 124.


A Shindig For Dads Who Love Jazz By SASHA AUSTRIE Still unsure of where to take dad for Father's Day? Does he love Jazz? The men at the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans have just the event for you. The church is hosting a "Pre-Father's Day Men Who Cook and Love Jazz" event at 4 p.m. on June 18 at the sanctuary located at 190-04 119th St. "It is very, very uplifting for men to join in and participate and be at the forefront," said Elder on Session at the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans

Patrick Tomlinson. Tomlinson said the church's celebration of Father's Day began in 2003. "Usually it was an event on Father's Day at an outside venue," he said. "In the last three years, we brought it back to church." Tomlinson said attendees can look forward to a good time. "I have heard [people] talking and they are looking forward to having their pallets and senses delighted on Saturday." The church was borne out of cottage prayer meetings. In 1898, the year before


“Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms.” —Robert Ingersoll

the town of St. Albans was named, a group of Christians started holding Wednesday evening meetings in their houses. Although the foundation was laid well before there was a building to house the spirit of the church, people worshipped in the Community Hall, built in 1903, which is now the First Church of God in Christ. The Presbyterian Church of St. Albans is hosting a pre-father's day The cornerstone event. known as the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans was built in decades. "That same spirit has penetrated 1907. The church, which has endured every aspect of the 100 years. There is a more than a century within St. Albans great interest in young people and youth." stands as a symbol of its resilience. The event is open to the public; it costs "This church was founded March 5, $15 for adults and $8 for children. For ad1907, by mothers and fathers in St. Albans ditional information call (718) 528-2495. and the main thrust was focusing on the Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at children," said the Rev. Edward Davis, or (718) 357-7400, who has led the church for more than two Ext. 123.

Notebook 50’s Garden

A Garden Teaches PS 140 Students Chyna Taylor, 12, said visiting the garden makes her proud. Last year, she helped The gray overcast skies did not plant strawberries, eggplants and tomatoes. dampen the mood of PS 140's Second Natalia Taylor, 11, marveled at the lush Annual Garden Party. garden laden with fresh herbs and vegHope Dorsey, math teacher and leader etables. Looking at the rewards from the of PS 140's Down and Dirty Horticultural labor of community residents and the club, Society, said the event is to celebrate the she felt a sense of achievement. beginning of the planting season. "It was an enjoyable experience," Natalia The Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson Commu- said. "I feel I can accomplish more than just nity Garden, on 165th Street, was lively as sitting at home all day watching TV." students and community residents filled For her, planting is a hobby she enjoys the space, donning colorful hats. not only with her classmates, but also with her grandmother. "Planting the tomatoes felt like finding buried treasure," she said. "We [unearthed] all kinds of different insects." Beverly Baptiste, parent coordinator and Down and Dirty Horticultural Society member, said being part of the process from inception to harvesting is beautiful. Though the Down and Dirty Horticultural Society is in its second year, Dorsey and colleague Susan Gittling have been tending the garden's soil for three years. "It's like therapy," she Teachers and students enjoying a day at the garden. said.

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Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, along with students and community members at the rapper's eponymous garden in Southeast Queens at its opening two years ago. While the Society has yet to begin planting, Dorsey said this year's crops will include tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and herbs. Throughout the summer, Dorsey and the students will volunteer their time to nurture and plant. David Norment, PS 140's principal, said the garden is the perfect learning environment for students.

"It's amazing for our kids to get out of the building, and go to a place in their neighborhood to see life growing in an environment that is warm and loving," he said. "This is the type of learning that is sometimes overlooked with all the standards." Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

DANCE COUNTRY WESTERN Saturday, June 18 White Lightening performs at the Fathers Day Dance. $12. Glendale Memorial Building, 72-02 Myrtle Avenue at 7:30. 763-4328. ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:15-9:45 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 18202 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. LINE DANCING Mondays 6:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $7. Cake and coffee. 565-2259.

RELIGIOUS BUKHARIAN MUSIC Tuesday, June 21 at 1:30 at the Central Queens YMYWHA, 67-09 108 th Street, Forest Hills. $6 donation. HISTORY OF ZIONISM June 23 at Temple Tikvah, 3315 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park. $10 non-members.. 8pm.


WOODBLOCK PRINTING Easy method in full color at the National Art League. 969-1128. JH ART CLUB Classes in all art forms days and evenings for children and adults. 454-0813. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturday, June 18 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-4367940. CRAFT CLASSES Saturdays 11-3 at Maria Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans. 2763454. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. PET OWNERS Saturdays (not on holiday weekends) from 1-4 free Doggie Boot Camp at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 4545800. Reservations required. Donations accepted. BALLROOM DANCE Mondays, June 20, 27 ballroom dancing at 6:30 at the Forest Hills library. BRIDGE CLUB Mondays except holidays 124 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 4236200. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. DRAWING CLASS Mondays at the National Art League in Douglaston. 3610628. LINE DANCE Mondays beginner to intermediate lessons 6-9 in Bayside. 917-886-0519. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays at the Queens Village library at 5:30. BEGIN ENGLISH Mondays and Wednesdays free Beginners English Classes 10-11:30 at the Pomonok Senior Center, 6709 Kissena Blvd., Flushing. 591-3377. CAREER POTENTIAL Monday, June 20 and Thursday, June 23 discover your career potential at the Central library. POETRY WRITING Tuesdays, June 21, July 19 budding poets are invited to a constructive feedback in a personalized setting at 7:30 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. SCRABBLE CLUB Tuesdays at the East Flushing library at 3:30. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. TANGO CLASS Wednesdays, June 22, 29 at Buenos Aires Tango in Forest Hills. 347-642-4705. NOOK NIGHT Wednesday, June 22 at 7 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. DUPLICATE BRIDGE

Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900 INDOOR SOCCER – DADS Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. OIL PAINTING CLASS Wednesdays 6-8 adult classes, all levels. Grace Lutheran Church in Forest Hills. 472-4055. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. CHINESE LANGUAGE Wednesdays, June 22, 29 at the Laurelton library. Register. QUILTING CLASSES Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454 or 917817-8653 to register. QUILTERS Thursdays at the East Elmhurst library at 12:30. CHESS CLUB Thursdays at the East Flushing library. Register. COMPUTER CLASS Thursdays at the Queensboro Hill library. Register. KNIT & CROCHET Thursdays at the Fresh Meadows library at 6. BALLROOM DANCING Thursdays, June 23, 30 at the Woodside library at 6:30. PAINTING WORKSHOP Fridays through June 24 N e w C re a t i v i t y a n d A d vanced Painting Workshop at National Art League. 1-646546-2296. KNITTING CLUB Fridays at the Maspeth library at 10. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. BAKERS & SHAKERS Starting Sunday, June 26 4 course class for the family. Star ting Tuesday, June 28 8 session course for adults. Central Queens Y. 268-5011, ext. 482. JOB INFORMATION Thursday, June 30 Job Information Center at 7 at the Central library.

DINNER DINNER CRUISE Thursday, June 30 1 st annual charit y dinner dance cruise for Bobbi and the Strays. JEWISH WOMEN Tuesday, June 21 luncheon by the NY section of the National Council of Jewish Women. 1-800-829-NCJW. CENTENNIAL 2011 September 24 Queens Chamber of Commerce will celebrate the Centennial at Terrace on the Park.

ENVIRONMENT SPRING BIRD WALKS Sunday, June 19 APEC. $5 members, $7 others. 2294000. ENVIRONMENTAL FILMS Thursday, June 23 “Homo Toxicus” Idlewild Park Science Learning Center. 347824-2301 to register.

ENTERTAINMENT MOVING IMAGE Museum of the Moving Image, 35 th Avenue and 37 th Street, Astoria. $10 adults. 777-6888. SOAP BOX DERBY Saturday, June 18 in East Elmhurst. 468-5144. HOT JAZZ Saturday, June 18 the Bria Akonberg Quartet at 2 at the Louis Armstrong Garden. $10. 478-8274. APOLLO Saturday, June 18 From Havana to Harlem at Queens Theater in the Park. 7600064. ASTRONOMY NIGHT Saturday, June 18 Evening with the Stars from 8-10 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. $10 adults. ASTORIA HISTORICAL Saturday, June 18 History R o u n d Ta b l e w i t h t h e events of t he Civil War in 1861 at 1. $5. Greater Astoria Historical Societ y, 35-20 Broadway, 4^: th floor. 278-0700. JAMAICA BAY CRUISE Saturday, June 18 Jamaica Bay Cruise 4-7 from Brooklyn. 318-9344. SPRING CONCERT Sunday, June 19 Children’s Orchestra Societ y presents t h e i r 4 2 nd A n n u a l S p r i n g Concert at 5 at Queensborough Communit y College. 516-869-9696. BINGO Tuesdays at 7:15 at American Mart yrs Church, church basement, 216-01 Union Tu r n p i k e , B a y s i d e . 4 6 4 4 5 8 2 . Tu e s d ay s at 7:15 (doors open 6) at the Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 459-1000.$3 admission includes 12 games. OPEN MIC Thursday, June 23 at the East Elmhurst library at 6. OPEN MIC Thursday, June 23 Open Mic: An Urban Love Story at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center. LIVE JAZZ Fridays through December 13 at 180-25 Linden Blvd.., St. Albans. 347-262-1169 ticket information. STAMP SHOW Sunday, June 26 Bayside Stamp Show at the Ramada Inn in Bayside. 10-4:30. Free. CONCERT Sunday, June 26 Quintet of the Americas performs at 2:30 at the Queens Botanical Gardens. Free. CONCERT Sunday, June 26 concert on the lawn in Fort Totten Park at 6. JAZZ Sunday, June 26 Hot Jazz/ Cool Garden, a July 4th birthday celebration for Louis Armstrong. July 30 Gordon Au and the Grand Street Stompers. August 4 Jazzmobile in front of the museum at 7. August 20 Baby Soda Jazz Band. Armstrong House Museum. 478-8274. DANCE ODYSSEY Monday, June 27 at the Flushing library at 6:40.

ASTORIA PARK CONCERT Thursday, June 30 at 7:30. Free. Astoria Symphony performs. OPEN MIC Monday, July 11 Open Mic Poetry Night at 7:30 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 U n i o n Tu r n p i k e , F r e s h

Meadows. WORLD MAKER FAIRE September 17-18 family fun festival to make, create, learn, invent and more by celebrating arts, crafts, engineering, food, music, science and technology. Hall of Science.

EXHIBIT QUEENS HISTORICAL Tu e s d ay s , S a t u r d ay s a n d Sundays 2:30-4:30 new exhibit “For Love of the Games: A History of Sports in Queens,” with other exhibits, “Unraveling History: Using Textiles to Date the Past,” “Kingsland: From Homestead to House Museum,” “Persistence: A Celebration of Landmarks in Queens – Past, Present, Future,” and “The Civil War’s La sting Memory.” Queens H i s to r i c a l Societ y at Kingsland Homestead, 1443 5 3 7 th a v e n u e , F l u s h i n g . 939-0647, ext. 17. $2 seniors and students, $3 adults. MOVING IMAGE Through June 12 “Real Virtualit y.” Through July 17 “Cit y Glow.” Museum of the Moving Image, 35 th Avenue and 37 th Street, Astoria. $10 adults. 777-6888. AMER. CIVIL RIGHTS Through June “QCC Art Gallery: 20 Years of Collecting.” May through June “Department of Art and Design’s Juried Student Exhibition.” QCC Art Gallery. 631-6396. NY REGIONAL AESTHETICS Through June 30 “Express: L o c a l / N ew Yo r k Re g i o n a l Aesthetics” at the Queens College Art Center. 9973770. SOCRATES SCULPTURE Through August 7 “Vista” at Socrates Sculpture Park, intersection of Broadway and Vernon Blvd., LIC. 956-1819. FLUSHING COUNCIL Through September 2011 “Within the Emperor’s Gard e n : ” T h e Te n T h o u s a n d Springs Pavilion.” Through November 14 “Endangered Art/ists: China.” November 19 through January 7 “Korean Painting Exhibition: A Walk Through Nature.” Permanent displays include “Jazz Live!”, “Flushing Town Hall:” Fact or Folklore,” an historical exhibition on Flushing Town Hall and its place in history, “Legends of the Queens Jazz Trail” 463-7700. DOLL MUSEUM Wednesday through Saturdays 12:30-4:30 the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454. BAYSIDE HISTORICAL “The Castle,” “Native Bayside/Native Voice,” “If The Hat Fits,” “The Women of Bayside” and “Bayside Life” On the Edge of Modernity” are on display at the Bayside Historical Societ y, 352-1548. Tuesday-Sunday 11-4. $3 donation. LOUIS ARMSTRONG Guided tours at the Corona museum. $8 adults, $6 seniors, students, groups. 4788274.

ANTHROPOLOGY The Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian Cultural Educational Resource Center Gallery are open at Queens College. 428-5650 to visit. LI ARCHIVES L aGuardia and Wagner Archives display various exhibits exploring the history of NYC. LaGuardia Communit y College. 482-5709. Free. ALLEY POND C TR. Va r i e t y o f e x h i b i t s a n d a chance to see nature upclose in the mini-zoo and aquarium. 229-4000 for a current program guide. KING MANOR Pre-Hampton 19th century get-away Village, Jamaica Village, is recaptured at King Manor Museum, in the middle of King Park. $2 adults, $1 children. Limited winter hours, by appointment only. 206-0545. ONDERDONK Self-guided tours of the national landmark building, built circa 1709. School programs, craft courses, horticultural activities and historical slide shows. Greater Ridgewood Historical Societ y, 1820 Flushing Avenue, Ridgewood. 456-1776. BOWNE HOUSE Original 17th, 18th and 19th century furnishings. 37-01 Bowne Street, Flushing. 3590528. $4 adults, $3 seniors, $2 students and children. POPPENHUSEN Visit the kindergarten room, Victorian Hall, old village jail cells and current exhibits, including the “September 11 Memorial,” “College Point Then and Now” and the “Native American Exhibit.” 10-2. 358-0067. BOTANICAL GARDEN 38 acre garden provides recreation, formal and informal educational opportunities. Queens Botanical Gardens, 43-50 Main Street, Flushing. 886-3880. COUNT Y FARM Tours available of historic Adriance Farmhouse, which dates back to 1772. Queens Count y Farm Museum, 7350 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park. 347-FARM. HALL OF SCIENCE Adults $7.50, children 4-15 and seniors $5. 699-0005. FISHER LANDAU The Fisher Landau Center for Art, 38-27 30 th Street, LIC. 937-0727. Free. Recent acquisitions and core holdings in photography, painting and sculpture. ISAMU NOGUCHI Noguchi Museum, 32-37 Ve r n o n B l vd . , L I C . $ 1 0 adults, $5 seniors and students. 204-7088.

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

DOG/CAT VACCINE Through July 30 Petland Discount locations offer low cost dog and cat vaccinations. Contact your local store. HOUSING EXPO Saturday, June 11 9-4 at Queens College Student Union Ballroom. 298-6505. GOLF CLASSIC June 20 23 rd Annual American Heart Association Golf Classic. 516-450-9129. EXHIBIT June 22 unique program of local artists at the Kew Gardens Communit y Center, 8002 Kew Gardens Road 11-7. WALK & RUN September 25 Long Island Heart Walk and 5K Run. 516450-9126. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays through April the Oratorio Society of Queens rehearses at the North Presbyterian Church. 279-3006. COMMUNITY SINGERS Mondays through May the Communit y Singers of Queens, Inc. rehearses at Messiah Lutheran Church, 42-15 165 th Street, Flushing. New members welcome. 658-1021.



Frat Maintains Legacy Of Support BY SASHA AUSTRIE For more than a century, the men of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity have toiled in their communities across the globe. Here in Queens, the brothers of the alumni chapter Zeta Zeta Lambda are keeping with tradition. "It gives me a means to provide service to the community," said Malik Goodson, president of the chapter. To celebrate the work that the organization has completed during the fraternal year from September to June, the alumni chapter will host their 2011 Presidential Awards and Scholarship Presentations. The festivities will begin at 3 p.m. on Saturday at St. John's University's D'Angelo Center. "We will present some awards to some of the people who have helped us during the year," Goodson said. This year, the alumni chapter will bestow the Annie C. Singleton Award to two women, Lynn Stanton and Hilda

The members of Alpha Phi Alpha’s alumni chapter, Zeta Zeta Lambda. Rogers, who have aided the fraternity. Singleton, dubbed the mother of the fraternity, helped the founders of the organization by providing a meeting space and lodging for a few members. The organization will award six scholarships, totaling in $12,000, four to graduating high school seniors, and two to stu-

dents enrolled in an accredited university. Though the chapter focuses heavily on young men, the Alpha’s impact can be felt throughout the community. Alpha Phi Alpha was founded on the campus of Cornell University as the first Greek-letter fraternity for black males. It was founded by five of the fraternity's

seven jewels, and it initially served as a support and study group for minority students facing racial and social discrimination at Cornell. The legacy of the Alphas includes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Dr. Cornel West, U.S. Rep. Greg Meeks (D-Jamaica), and Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans). Goodson believes the men who came before him made his life easier and it is his mission to aide the next generation. "There was work to be done then, and there is still work to be done now," he said. Since the first group of young men blazed the trail, the Alphas have expanded worldwide, with chapters nationwide and abroad. It may have started out as a fraternity that focused on black men, but about 40-years-ago it morphed, and the members are now a representation of all races. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.


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Kerron A. Henry Air Force Airman Kerron A. Henry graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Wayne Henry of Jamaica. Henry graduated in 2008 from August Martin High School, Jamaica. Air Force Airman Ramon C. Aarons graduated from the Utilities Systems Apprentice Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. The course is designed to train students in water processing, analysis, operating principles of water treatment plants, maintenance of water and waste water, fire suppression and backflow prevention systems and components; and maintenance and repair of water supply, waste,

fuels, and natural gas systems. The training included monitoring systems operation to ensure efficiency and compliance with safety and environmental regulations for hazardous materials; performing inspection, recurring maintenance, and seasonal overhaul on systems and components; troubleshooting malfunctions and removing, repairing, and replacing defective components; and modifying equipment for specific missions or to increase efficiency. Aarons is regularly assigned to the 341st Civil Engineering Squadron, based out of Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Mont. He is the son of Almarie A. Delahaye of Brooklyn. His wife, Alicia, is the daughter of Ionie James of St. Albans. Army Pvt. Ruben E. Caminero has graduated from the Basic Field Artillery Cannon Crewmember Advanced Individual Training course at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. The course is designed to train servicemembers to maintain, prepare and load ammunition for firing; operate and perform operator maintenance on prime movers, self-propelled Howitzers, and ammunition vehicles; store, maintain, and distribute ammunition to using units as a member of battery or battalion ammunition section; perform crew maintenance and participate in organizational maintenance of weapons and related equipment; and establish and maintain radio and wire communications. Caminero is the son of Antonia Veras of Rockaway Park. His wife, Seydy, is the daughter of Lupe Hernandez, also of Rockaway Park. The private is a 2010 graduate of Beach Channel High School, Rockaway Park. The University of Connecticut recently announced the students who at-

tained the Dean’s List for the spring 2011 semester. To make the Dean’s List, students must be taking at least 12 credits, finish the semester with a grade point average that is among the top 25 percent of students enrolled in their school or college, and have no grade below a “C.” Julie Kim of Elmhurst, Helen Cai of Flushing, Kimberly Koop of Forest Hills, Alvin Cheung of Fresh Meadows, Evins Clauther of Jamaica and Jose Torres of Whitestone were all awarded with the honor. Army National Guard Pfc. Jonathan Fowler has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. He is the son of Lydie Boutros-Fowler of Jamaica. Fowler graduated in 2005 from Martin Van Buren High School, Queens Village, and received an associate degree in 2010 from Technical Career Institute. The State University of New York at Geneseo has announced its Dean’s List for the spring semester 2011. To be on the list, a student must have achieved a 3.5 grade point average while taking at least 12 credit hours. Students on the list from this area are: Saskia Talay from Floral Park, Nicole Karras from Long Island City, Oliver Lee from Flushing, Derek Weng from Queens, Efthimia Barbagiannis from Whitestone, Elizabeth Kussman from Whitestone,

W i lliam Labate from Whitestone, Fangyuan Jin from Flushing, Brianne Rosa from Bayside, Christine Bae from Bayside, Jesse Hong from Bayside, Hyein Kim from Bayside, Doris Lee from Douglaston, Gregory Palermo from Bayside Hills, Inhwa Song from Oakland Gardens, Collette Spagnolo from Oakland Gardens, Ashley Thornton from Bayside, Joon Min Chun from Flushing, Minji Lee from Fresh Meadows, Natalia Bagnowska from Flushing, Valeria Maroutsis from Flushing, Jisu Ryu from Corona, Raymond Ferreira from East Elmhurst, Daniel Nan from Rego Park, Jack Silano from Forest Hills, Elizabeth Solaimanian from Forest Hills, Haisu Qu from Woodside, Mateusz Zukowski from Maspeth, Stephanie Halvax from Middle Village, Sierra Hunt from Glendale, Fiona Harvey from Cambria Heights, Marilyn Yang from Richmond Hill, John David Acevedo from Jamaica and Nazibur Rahman from Jamaica. Hampton University’s 141st Annual Commencement ceremony was held on May 8, 2011 at Armstrong Stadium. Actor/comedian Bill Cosby served as the commencement speaker. The following local residents graduated from Hampton University during the ceremony. Malynda Washington of Glen Oaks, Ianandra Booker of Flushing, Jasmine Butler of Oakland Gardens, Antoinette Brown of Cambria Heights, Shanel McMillian of Cambria Heights, Tiffany Edwards of St. Albans, Shanise Johnson of St. Albans, Kirsten Jones of Laurelton, Jonathan Petersen of Springfield Gardens, Yampu Freeman of Rosedale, Simone Lomax of Jamaica, Natalie Bennett of Jamaica, Shanae Cole of Jamaica, Kacia Hunter of Jamaica, Sahlia JosephPauline of Jamaica, King Imasuen of Jamaica and Dominique Harris of Far Rockaway.

Models Of Queens

Elle Elle Santangelo Location: Astoria Height: 5’ 9" Weight: 115 lbs Age: 25 Stats: 32-24-33

Comrade Chris Who better to grace the cover

Lenny Dykstra back in the day

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 17-23, 2011

Still Wild After being a member of the Mets from 1985 to 1989, helping lead the team to two World Series, including the victorious year of 1986, Lenny Dykstra’s life has changed greatly. The Mets of 1986 were known to party hard, but Dykstra apparently hasn’t stopped. Last Monday in Los Angeles, he was charged with 23 felony counts and two misdemeanor charges. He was charged with grand theft auto, identity theft and possession of cocaine, ecstasy and synthetic human growth hormone. He was also charged with bank fraud by federal authorities in May. Dykstra failed to make his $500,000 bail and could face up to 12 years in prison if convicted. Portrayed in the Mets 1986 post-season video as a “Wild Boy,” it would seem the moniker may not have been that far off.

of Russia’s latest issue of “Esquire” than Astoria native Christopher Walken? Ever the professional, Walken manned up for the role and posed for the creepiest, most depressing shot of him ever taken. What could be more appropriate for the land of Siberia, gulags and the KGB? Though we’re sad to see him aging, we’re proud he’s wearing his wrinkles with flair. Now if only he can reprise a role along the lines of “Deer Hunter.”

Every now and then, we at QConf like to take a look back at one of our favorite models, and check in to see how things are going. It turns out that Elle Santangelo, who first appeared on our page six years ago, is about to have a small featured role in a movie that has been in the works for about four years. “Bamboo Shark” is a film about a handful of MIT students who drop out of college to make a movie – but no company will finance it because there are no celebrities in the film. So the guys take it upon themselves to impersonate celebrities, ranging from Michael Jackson to Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Judge Judy. Though Elle’s part is small, as Lingerie Girl No. 3, we think she will probably steal whatever scenes she is in. A New Jersey native, Elle was living in Astoria when we last spoke to her. She had already enjoyed a few good photo shoots under her belt, and was spending plenty of time enjoying work on student films and getting her foot in the door as an actor. Hopefully this will be the time that she gets noticed. We look forward to seeing more of her… er… seeing her more.

Ladies Still Love Him

Lately, LL Cool J has immersed himself in his acting career. We almost believed that he had abandoned his first love – music, but last Thursday he was a special guest at a free Black Eyed Peas concert held in Central Park. To those who didn’t get a chance to hear the Queens emcee rock the mic, there is a possibility that LL will get a chance to spit fire on an upcoming “NCIS LA” episode. LL is cast on the television series as former Navy SEAL and undercover agent, Sam Hanna. If he can give us a little of “Mama Said Knock You Out” and “Doing It,” we will be happy campers.

McDonald’s Ad

Councilmember Jim Gennaro

Ringmaster Jim When the Big Apple Circus comes to town, it offers folks in Queens relief from the political sideshows that seem to pop up daily. Of course when you throw a City Council member into the mix, you’re sure to have the best of both worlds. Here, Councilman Jim Gennaro steps into the ring to welcome kids from PS 82 who all got to go free thanks to an allocation from Ringmaster Jim. Part circus, part sideshow, all Queens.

Confidentially, New York . . .

Ron Artest

Peacemaker? Queensbridge native baller Ron Artest showed why he has gained respect lately (following some unfortunate incidents a few years back), when after leaving a club he broke up a fight between a drunk woman and a man without having to throw a punch. People in Detroit and Indiana may be wondering where this guy was when he played for their teams.

Queens since birth, LL Cool J

How many times have you fallen asleep on the train and woken up way past your expected destination? We admit that for some of us at QConf, it has happened more often than it should. In an attempt to keep Queens and Brooklyn commuters up while riding the rails, McDonald’s introduced 1,000 subway ads to the city trains, promoting their ice cold java. The poster depicts a shot of an iced cup of McCafe raised up to a slogan that reads, “To not falling asleep and ending up in Far Rockaway. (Unless, of course, you live there.)” Cheers to that! But when Councilman James Sanders, who represents Far Rock, “refused to be the butt of a cheap joke,” Ronald agreed to take them all down. Thanks James; but how else are we going to remember to stay awake now? Guess we’ll have to fight the urge of nodding off after a late night in Brooklyn. (Wait… did we just publicly admit we hang out in Brooklyn?!) Somebody’s not paying attention to the ad.

Who We Are QConfidential, a selection of local celebrity, politics and gossip edited by Michael Schenkler. Contributors: Sasha Austrie, Jason Banrey, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Mike Nussbaum, Joe Orovic, Brian Rafferty, Domenick Rafter.

You can reach us by email at

What’s Up SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

Walkers for Wellness Club Looking for a fun way to improve your health? Join the Walkers for Wellness Club at New Hope Lutheran Church of Jamaica. Under the guidance of a Walking Leader, you will walk two to three times each week at a comfortable pace with others along routes throughout Southeast Queens. The club is open to walkers of all ages and abilities. The walking schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Saturdays at 8 a.m. Walkers meet at New Hope Lutheran Church, located at 167-24 118th Ave. T-shirts and pedometers will be provided. Contact Thurkessa Brown at (917) 553-1089 for more information.

Roy Wilkins Park Fundraiser The Friends of Roy Wilkins Park cordially invites you to attend their 7th annual fundraising dance. This is a BYOBB affair. All proceeds will benefit Roy Wilkins Park. For information and tickets, call Ernest Darby at (718) 978-6546, Wendy White at (917) 916-6891, Barbara Dillard at (718) 527-0139, Mary Ramseur at (718) 723-0570, Liz Evans at (718) 528-8666, Yvonne Richardson at (718) 527-5085, or Andrew Straker at (917) 863-7356. Checks made payable to “The Friends of Roy Wilkins Park, Inc.” should be mailed to Friends of Roy Wilkins Park, PO Box 341042, Rochdale Village, NY 11434. This event will take place at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center, 172-17 Linden Blvd, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets cost $35.

tion, visit, or contact Genay Adams at (718) 712-0873 or This free event will take place at Crown Plaza Times Square Hotel, 1605 Broadway, from 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m.

Journeys: A Cultural Celebration Take a magical trip around the world and explore the similarities and differences of various cultures woven together in a magnificent tapestry of music and dance. Visit places like Africa, Mexico, Spain, Scotland, the Middle East, India, Hawaii, Canada, Ireland and Russia. When: Saturday, June 18th - 2:00 pm This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 2 p.m.

MONDAY, JUNE 20 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

The Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network, New York Chapter of the National SCDAA, is pleased to invite you to a “Be Sickle Smart Empowerment Workshop.” Join others in your community in an exchange of ideas and insights on successfully living with Sickle Cell Anemia. Attend an important workshop and get educated on Sickle Cell Disease and Iron Overload. Get a free screening to see if you are at risk of Iron Overload. Receive a personally autographed Sickle Cell Disease tool kit from Dr. Ian Smith. The first 100 people to register will receive a free Tshirt and a bag of goodies! Registration is required to attend this event. Please submit your registration form at For additional informa-

In this single-session workshop, customers will learn how to set up/open their own email account. Pre-registration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10 a.m.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 York Observatory Open Night The York College Observatory is open to the public every second or third Wednesday of the month - rain or shine - at 8:30 p.m. Gather in room 2E01 and then proceed to the fourth floor terrace off G corridor if it’s clear. For additional information, contact Tim Paglione at or (718) 2622082. This free event will be held at the York College Academic Core Building (AC 2E01), 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. from 8:30-9:30 p.m.

Please join us for this interactive forum, “Living in America Now....and then, “I Remember”.... This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 12:30 p.m.

Discover Your Career Potential Take the Career Exploration Inventory, a self-scored, easy-to-use survey guide to choosing a career based on your interests and experiences. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 1 p.m.

Poetry Workshop with Michael Alpiner MFA graduate Michael Alpiner will lead a 90-minute workshop on poetry writing. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 4 p.m.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Job Club Every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Lenin Gross, Job Coach, at (718) 739-2060, Ext. 18 or This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave.

Camera Club The Southeast Queens Camera Club welcomes photographers, beginners to advanced. Meetings are held the second, third and fourth Tuesday every month at 7:30 p.m. at Roy Wilkins Family Life Center, 177-01 Baisley Blvd.

Walkers for Wellness Club

JSPOA Action Coalition Interested in living a better life, getting information about ramps and lifts, or learning more about Medicare and Medicaid? Then join JSPOA’s action coalition. For additional information, call (718) 6576752. This free event will take place at the Rockaway Boulevard Senior Center, 12310 143rd St., at 10:30 a.m.

JSPOA Annual Meeting The Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults’ Chairperson Ann Wilkinson and President William Collins, Jr. are pleased to invite you to the JSPOA annual meeting. Don’t miss this celebration of service to seniors! This free event will take place at JSPOA Theodora G. Jackson Adult Center, 92-47 165th St., at 5:45 p.m.

Grant Writing Councilman Leroy Comrie is pleased to present a series of Community NonProfit Resource Seminars. This week’s seminar will focus on grant writing. Topics covered will include: hiring a grant writer; advertising; and running a successful nonprofit. For additional information, call (718) 776-3700 or visit This free event will take place at the York College Academic Core Building, 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd, from 6-9 p.m.

- under the direction of Tom Zlabinger. This free event will take place at Union Hall Street (between Jamaica and Archer Avenues) at 6 p.m.

Discover Your Career Potential Take the Career Exploration Inventory, a self-scored, easy-to-use survey guide to choosing a career based on your interests and experiences. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 7 p.m.

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life. Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800. The group will have a performance at the Bellerose Library, 250-06 Hillside Ave., at 2 p.m.

ONGOING CPR Training The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Walkers for Wellness Club See Saturday’s listing. At 7 p.m.

Union Hall Street Thursdays Come one come all, to the greatest block party of them all. Applebee’s, the Jamaica Center Business Improvement District, Councilman Leroy Comrie, Jamaica First Parking, and the Downtown Jamaica Open Space Coalition are pleased to present Union Hall Street Thursdays. Come on out for and evening of food, drink, music and dance. Tonight’s special guest will be the York College Blue Notes

Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

June 17-23, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

Be Sickle Smart Workshop

Create an Email Account

Living in America Forum

Queens Health Fair Councilman Leroy Comrie is pleased to present a Queens Health Fair. Don’t miss this day of screenings for blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, EKG, weight and height, asthma, and brain tumors. There will be workshops on nutrition and diabetes, as well as asthma education. A dental van will be on site, and kids can be finger printed. For additional information, call (718) 776-3700 or visit This free event will take place at Majority Baptist Church, 115-21 Farmers Blvd., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

See Saturday’s listing. At 7 p.m.


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Except for those offers available until July 1, 2011, all Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are subject to change without notice. *Super Statement Savings rate of 1.20% APY is guaranteed thru December 31, 2011 and will revert to the bank’s prevailing Savings Account variable rate on January 1, 2012. Minimum deposit is $5,000. **This is a tiered account and APYs will vary with balance. The minimum to open a Power Flex Money Market Account is $1,000. If your daily balance is below $10,000 the APY is .25%. If your daily balance is between $10,000 - $24,999, the APY is .75%. If your daily balance is $25,000 or more, the promotional APY is 1.50% and is guaranteed thru December 31, 2011. The guaranteed rates for the Super Statement Savings Account and the Power Flex Money Market Account only apply to new accounts opened through July 1, 2011 at the Hollis branch. Subject to the rate guarantee, the APYs may change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings. FDIC regulations apply. ***There will be a substantial penalty for premature withdrawals. ‥Visit or branch for specific program terms. Š 2011 Velocity Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. All points earned will be issued by mail, e-mail or in-branch no later than September 30, 2011. †Debit MasterCardÂŽ must be activated within the first 60 days of the account opening to earn the 100 points. ††An ACH Direct Deposit must be received within the first 60 days of the account opening. †††Checking Account must be enrolled in eStatements within the first 60 days of the account opening. ††††Three Online Bills must be paid within the first 60 days of the account opening. Offers for new deposits only and may be discontinued at any time. In-bank transfers ineligible. The bank is not responsible for typographical errors. Member FDIC

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