Press epaper 062113

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Volume 14 Issue No. 25 June 21-27, 2013

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

‘KILL THE NOISE’ Groups gathered at Councilman Donovan Richards’ district office to address the problem of noise and other issues arising from parties in the area. By Natalia Kozikowska … Page 3.

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013

News Briefs Deal Reached on Cuomo Casino Plan

In a deal that was reached just before the midnight deadline on Tuesday evening, Governor Andrew Cuomo and state legislators agreed to bring full-gaming casinos to New York State, but the City will have to wait. The deal allows for four casinos to be built in three different regions in upstate New York as a way to boost jobs and the economy. There can be no gaming resorts authorized in NYC, Long Island, Westchester and Rockland Counties and there will be a seven-year period during which no other gaming resorts can be licensed by New York State. “This legislation is a major step forward in our efforts to both capitalize on this economic development and tourism potential and end the trend of letting neighboring states with legalized gaming take revenue that should be going to our schools,” Governor Cuomo said in a statement. According to the Governor’s office, the state gaming commission will oversee the regulation of these gaming resorts and they will appoint a board with expertise in finance and development of these resorts. State Sen. Joseph Addabbo Jr. (DHoward Beach), who has called on the Governor to include the City in his casino plans because of Resorts World Casino in South Ozone Park, said in the past that Resorts World would be able to quickly accommodate table gaming and it would boost the Borough’s economy overall. Addabbo reserved comment on the bill until something official was given to him. “I want to see it in writing and on my desk first,” he said. “In Albany, a handshake deal means nothing and that’s the unfortunate truth.” The State Senate is expected to vote on the bill this week. Addabbo said that he hopes to see the bill as soon as possible so that he has time read the entire agreement before voting on it. The bill would also need to be approved from the public during the November elections.

South Ozone Park Teen Killed Day Before Birthday

A 19-year-old teen, just hours shy of his 20th birthday, was stabbed and killed outside of his South Ozone Park home last Friday. Reports say the victim, D’Anthony McDonald, was outside his home on 130th Street around 9 p.m. when another teen who had fought McDonald earlier returned with a knife and stabbed him on the sidewalk after chasing him. On Tuesday, police arrested

19-year-old Wilson Rivera, an acquaintance of McDonald’s, on murder charges. He was ordered to be held without bail and his next court date will be held on July 2.

Cop Shot With His Own Gun During Dispute

On Wednesday, June 19, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown announced that Jose Bernazard, who remains hospitalized following a domestic violence incident in Jamaica, has additionally been charged with attempting to murder an off-duty police officer with his own gun earlier this week. According to a statement released by Brown’s office, the police officer had been responding to an alleged assault involving Bernazard and his former girlfriend in which her 10-yearold son was allegedly also assaulted. In that incident, it is alleged that Bernazard broke into his former girlfriend’s Queens home Sunday night and physically assaulted her and her 10-year-old son. He is also charged with violating an order of protection based on a prior domestic violence incident which forbade him from having any contact with his former girlfriend. He also faces charges based upon an open bench warrant stemming from the earlier domestic violence incident for which he failed to appear in court to answer thirddegree assault charges. “The defendant has been charged with having exhibited a total disregard for the judicial system and the law. He is accused of twice assaulting his former girlfriend, ignoring a lawful mandate from the court to stay away from her, failing to appear in court to answer pending criminal charges, and now with shooting a police officer attempting to effect his arrest,” Brown said in a statement. Bernazard, 38, is presently hospitalized and being treated for a gunshot wound. He will be arraigned on two criminal complaints. Bernazard faces first- and seconddegree attempted murder, seconddegree assault and menacing a police officer. A second complaint charges him with first-degree burglary, second-degree assault, first- and seconddegree criminal contempt, aggravated criminal contempt and endangering the welfare of a child. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years to life in prison.

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June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


Sanders Hire Raises Ethics Question BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Earlier this year, State Sen. James Sanders (D-Jamaica) welcomed Vishnu Mahadeo, the executive director of the Richmond Hill Economic Development Council, to his team. But Mahadeo’s new employment poses a number of ethical questions when considering their relationship. Last summer, when Sanders was still a councilman vying for Shirley Huntley’s seat, he allocated $5,000 to the RHEDC. The member item was meant to promote an immigrant registration drive in Richmond Hill – outside of Sanders’ City Council district. The $5,000 member item generated much speculation when it was initially reported because the RHEDC was registering voters in the new Senate district where Sanders was challenging Huntley – a potential leg-up for the former councilman. According to the New York State Legislative Ethics Commission, Public Officers Law, Code of Ethics section 74, “No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity or incur any obligation of any nature, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of

his duties in the public interest.” Section E of the Code of Ethics also states that, “No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should engage in any transaction as representative or agent of the state with any business entity in which he has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably tend to conflict.” Although Mahadeo reportedly said he was ‘staying neutral’ in the senate race in August of last year, campaign finance disclosure forms prove otherwise. In April of that same year, just less than four months before the member item, he personally gave Sanders a $4,000 campaign donation. While Mahadeo’s campaign donation would suggest he was throwing his support behind Sanders, he remains firm that he in no way influenced voters the RHEDC helped to register last year and was never promised a job by Sanders. “We [the RHEDC] don’t participate in people getting people to vote for any candidate,” Mahadeo said. “We are a nonprofit organization and what we do is voter registration and

we also stimulate the needs of people who should come out to vote. We don’t tell you who to vote for at all.” Mahadeo also defended his campaign donation, claiming Sanders was one of the very few elected officials who paid attention to the South Asian community. “Quite honestly speaking, you have several people that are working and volunteering their time with the State Senate office because for the very first time, he has reached out to the South Asian community,” he said. “This is the very first time any elected official has reached out to the Indo-Caribbean community to create employment.” Mahadeo also added that he made a $2,500 contribution to City Comptroller John Liu for his mayoral campaign. That contribution was listed as occurring on June 28. Similarly, Sanders stood by his decision to help give the RHEDC a $5,000 grant to help register voters, noting the importance of getting people out to vote. “Mr. Mahedeo’s organization services a population that displayed growing numbers within my council district,”

Sanders said in an emailed statement. “As an ardent defender of the right to vote, I have funded organizations that concentrate on non-partisan elections. The example that you cite is one of the groups that I funded.” The Senator also cited other organizations that he has helped fund that were outside of his City Council district when he was still councilman. “Throughout my tenure in the City Council, I occasionally funded organizations that although located outside of my district, directly serves the people living within my district,” he said. “One such example is the Girls Scouts of America.” Sanders defeated Huntley in the September primary and went on to win the November general election. He hired Mahadeo, his friend of 25 years, as his legislative representative on Jan. 1. “While I appreciated the support of Mr. Mahadeo to the campaign along with the many others who generously came behind my race for the Senate, Mr. Mahadeo’s hire, as well as all of my hires, was based on his knowledge of the community, ability to articulate our vision and passion to give the best service to the people of the 10th Senatorial District,” Sanders said. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Richards Hopes To ‘Kill The Noise’ BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA With the summer and warm weather finally here, many are eagerly gearing up for the parties and barbecues. But one councilman wants to make sure these parties do not come at the expense of residents. On Tuesday, June 18, Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton), accompanied by members of the Federated Blocks of Laurelton, Community Board 13 and the Spring Garden Civic Association, held his first-ever Noise Task Force press conference at his Laurelton district office to address the influx of noise pollution associated with the warm weather. For approximately five years, Richards said, the neighborhoods of Springfield Gardens, Rosedale and St. Albans have been homes to some of the biggest parties in Queens with as many as 500 guests at any given time. According to Richards, these large parties are often heavily pro-

moted on social media platforms like Facebook. As a result, hundreds of people will flock to the bash, disturbing neighbors’ sleep and blocking neighbors’ driveways. “While we want you to enjoy the warm weather and beautiful summer nights, it should not come at the expense of our community and it should not come at the expense of our sleep at night,” Richards said to a crowd of reporters. “We will not allow you to destroy the quality of life in our community.” Richards also noted that renting homes and backyards to party promoters is a growing trend contributing to the problem. In some cases, homeowners even will rent out their houses to promoters they do now know. But these parties, district manager of CB13 Lawrence McClean said, are not only a noise nuisance to surrounding neighbors – they are also a danger to the community. “A couple of years ago, we began to

realize that hundreds of people were coming on the blocks unannounced for these parties. The concern is so great,” McClean said. “Within the last three years, we’ve had a teenager killed that was setup at a party like this in St. Albans. One man who complained about people parking on his front yard was shot.” “This is a major issue for us and we ask the community to follow the guidelines,” he continued. “We don’t want to have an incident over the summer that takes the summer joy away and ends up with someone getting hurt.” In an effort to take a more proactive approach and prevent a similar tragedy from every occurring again, Richards encouraged all residents to report any person who is in violation of the City’s noise ordinance. “For the house on the block that you know violates the ordinance of the City of New York every summer, my office and community leaders need to know about the location,”

Richards said. “There are simple things we can do as a community to catch these noise culprits. The first step is to ensure you call 311. If you are not calling 311, you are doing your community a disservice. And the second thing you should do is contact the community board.” Richards also suggested that residents contact police if they witness a party getting out of hand and revealed that the 105th Precinct has allocated more noise patrol cars for the summertime. To contact Community Board 13 to a report a serial noise offender, call (718) 464-9700 or email larry. To contact the Councilman’s office to report a serial noise offender, call (718) 527-4356 or visit his district office at 234-26A Merrick Blvd., Laurelton. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013

Bloomberg outlines Storm Safety Plan

By Joe Marvilli On June 11, Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveiled a $20 billion proposed plan to protect New York City from future storms, the next chapter in the City’s post-Sandy recovery. Among the recommendations in the report are a slew of proposals to help shield the most vulnerable areas of Queens from flooding, storm surges and more. According to the report, climate change will create an increased risk of rising sea levels, going from a minor risk today to a major one by 2050. Similarly, storm surges are now considered to be a major risk in South Queens and will still be a large cause for concern in the future as more storms will leave less time to rebuild coastal protections. In the Mayor’s protection plan, the City would call on the United States Army Corps of Engineers to study the primary and secondary dune systems in vulnerable Rockaway neighborhoods and install such a system in Breezy Point. The City would also work with the USACE to install wetlands in Howard Beach to lessen the impact of incoming waves. Bulkhead repairs and roadway

drainage improvements would level in 2050. Spread across be put into place adjacent to the five boroughs, the project Beach Channel Drive. While could impact up to 12 miles the floodwalls have deterioof shoreline. Edge elevations rated, the City Economic Dealong esplanades and open velopment Corporation plans spaces, increased street elevato have them restored by early tions and park resiliency mea2014. The road drainage netsures are all proposals that will work that runs from Beach be looked at in a study expect116th Street and Beach 143rd ed to be completed by 2015. Street will be equipped with Another significant move new duckbill tide gates that al- a storm barrier at Newtown Creek is one of Mayor Mike would be to prevent flooding low storm water to drain out Bloomberg’s plans to reduce future storm damage. from Newtown Creek, said the but prevent water from floodMayor. a structure would significantly lower ing in. “One storm surge barrier would In Brant Point, structures known risks of flooding in Howard Beach, be at Newtown Creek, where the as living shorelines would be put into JFK airport and the bayside of Rock- storm surge pushed floodwaters into place to slow down waves. Living away. the surrounding neighborhoods of “The Rockaway Peninsula is one Greenpoint and Long Island City shorelines are small seawalls made up of organic materials. The goal is of the most exposed parts of our and as far inland as Maspeth,” he City, but this dune system, when said. to finish them by 2014. The USACE would also be asked combined with other protections As for the $19.5 billion price tag, to explore lessening overflow risks in we’re proposing today, will ensure about $10 billion of it will be covthe Rockaway Inlet through a surge that communities all along the penin- ered by City capital funding that is barrier. According to the report, sula are better protected from future already allocated and federal relief much of the damage that impacted storms,” Bloomberg said. funds already designated for the City. In terms of Long Island City, an Another $5 billion will come from Jamaica Bay during Sandy came from the water that flowed in through the implementation plan for comprehen- upcoming rounds of Sandy relief that Rockaway Inlet. Since flood protec- sive flood-protection improvements has been appropriated by Congress tion along Jamaica Bay’s shoreline for public and private property would as well as through FEMA risk mitigawould be extremely difficult, the be put into place. tion funding. The City would also raise bulkCity is opting for a surge barrier in Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at the Inlet between Manhattan Beach heads in low-lying neighborhoods to (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, or at jmarin Brooklyn and Breezy Point. Such match projections of the rising sea

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

rH Man Gets second Kidney From Father By Luis Gronda A Richmond Hill dad enjoyed Father’s Day with his family, thanks to a rare sacrifice made by his father. Leonard Burke is now resting and relaxing in his 130th Street home after receiving his second kidney transplant from his 55-year-old father, Ronald, after first getting one from his wife, Rhonda. The story of how Leonard got his second kidney transplant started back in 2008. During that year, he found out that his kidneys were failing due to high blood pressure. While they were searching for a matching donor, Leonard underwent dialysis for two years. Dialysis is a treatment procedure that filters wastes from your blood stream. The kidney failure led to a lack of energy, causing Leonard to feel tired most of the day, including at his job as an office supervisor in New Jersey. “At work, you could be falling asleep because you’re tired.” he said. “You can’t walk for two blocks because you’re tired. You can’t help it.” He had two options for receiving the dialysis treatment: Either travel to North Shore-LIJ hospital in Manhasset, Long Island or use a portable machine that would allow him to get

Leonard Burke (center) gives a kiss to his daughter isabel after a press conference last week discussing his second kidney transplant, this time from his father, ronald (left).

treatment at his home in Richmond Hill. He would often switch between the two, but leaned more towards the at-home machine for its convenience. “We even went on vacation with it,” Rhonda said, referring to a trip to Trinidad and Tobago they went on while he received treatment.

Finally, doctors found that Rhonda was a matching donor for a new kidney. After a couple of years with Rhonda’s kidney, Leonard got the news that his kidney was failing once again and he needed another transplant. For his second transplant, Ronald stepped up to the plate and was

willing to give his kidney to his son. Ronald was also a match during Ronald’s first failure but he was sick at the time and could not undergo the surgery required for the transplant. The second surgery for Leonard took place last week. He was out of the hospital 48 hours after the operation, while Ronald remained in the hospital for two more days to make sure that he was fully recovered from the procedure. Their main reason why the family decided to tell their story is because they want to encourage people to become organ donors just like they are. The Burke family said that, with today’s technology, procedures like a kidney transplant are safe and can often save someone’s life. “This is the most rewarding experience you can have as a donor,” Rhonda said. “We’ve been encouraging a lot of people to go ahead and make the step.” Now Leonard will continue to rest at home and is planning on returning to work on July 8. He and Rhonda have been married for 10 years and they have an 18-month old daughter named Isabel. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or at

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Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013


Why Wait? OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

The announcement earlier this week that Gov. Cuomo and state legislators have reached a deal to bring casinos to four locations in Upstate New York is no doubt good for the economies of those locations, but leaving the City out of the equation was a notable omission. With Resorts World New York City Casino already operating – and doing well for itself despite the lack of table gaming – it seems short-sighted to require the City to wait before table gaming can be introduced within the five boroughs. An attempt to raise tourism revenue upstate is necessary for areas that have lost a good amount from fleeing factories and depressed development, but the same can be said of Queens, which is doing all it can to survive in the shadow of more attractive parts of the City. While a deal has been made, it is in no way final yet, and we hope that before the legislation is voted on and signed, some consideration will be made for the City as we look towards its economic future.

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Natalia Kozikowska Joe Marvilli Luis Gronda Trisha Sakhuja Intern: Asia Ewart Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Lianne Procanyn Barbara Townsend Alan Goldsher Director of Marketing Maureen Coppola Advertising Administrator Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Nicole Douglas Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

Letters Unlikely Action

To The Editor: Your editorial “Call To Action” (Press, June 1319) correctly calls for action to redress the decades of neglect that has been visited upon Flushing Meadows Corona Park. What with Mayor

Bloomberg and far too many myopic politicians who accept the USTA replacing parkland it takes with FMCP land it already took and reserves the right to use the replaced land; are silent about a 35,000 seat Major Soccer League Stadium in the park; has made no cry

Letters in opposition to a Mets ball club ownership of 1.4-millionsquare-foot shopping mall on Citi Field property, which is in fact FMCP land, it is unlikely your “call to action” will meet with much success. As to Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras, congratulations are far from due. While she has been promoting a coalition of private business both inside and outside the park and a conservancy to aid FMCP, she has consis-

tently refused to make it clear contributions will only be accepted on a philanthropic basis with donors getting nothing in return except name recognition. The failure to do so leaves open the same old selling off park property to the highest bidder. Her silence on the soccer stadium and the Mets shopping mall, does not bode well for the future of FMCP. Benjamin M. Haber Flushing

Clarification In a story in last week’s PRESS of Southeast Queens (“One Mother’s Fight For Justice,” June 14-20), Dr. Arnita Fowler, Ph.D/DM was incorrectly identified. She holds a doctorate in organizational leadership and management. Her organization, the La Mont Dottin Foundation, will hold a press conference July 1 on the steps of Queens Borough Hall to put pressure on the City and State to review missing persons policies.

Correction In a story in last week’s PRESS (“Jamaica Church Holds First-Ever Heritage Tour,” June 14-20), Barbara DeYounge-Ezell was incorrectly quoted in regards to the remains of Jupitor Hammon. The remains have not yet been found. Also, in the same article, Bishop Richard Allen was incorrectly cited as the founder of Greater Allen AME Cathedral. He is, in fact, the founder of the AME denomination. We regret the error.

Reality Of Actor’s Death Has Invaluable Lesson A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE A beloved actor died earlier this week from a heart attack and it reminds us once again that no matter how “in the peak of health” we may seem to be, sometimes our ticker is about to fail us. James Gandolf ini was felled by a massive heart attack while vacationing with members of his family in Italy on Wednesday. At a mere 51, Gandolfini, who played Tony Soprano on the HBO Mafiainspired series, “The Sopranos,” was still at the height of his creative powers and from the outside, seemed in good health even if a little burly. Sad though this loss is to us, it is also an opportunity to take stock of our own health. Perhaps there were recent warning signs that the iconic actor chalked up to other possibilities such as indigestion or a pulled muscle. We all self-diagnose at one time or another. Women in particular

are still prone to self diagnose heart attack warning signs as gas, thinking it can’t possibly be a coronary event in the making. Gandolfini, a regular guy from working-class New Jersey, never assumed the Hollywood pretentions associated with movie “stars.” His niche was that of a character actor and, therefore, he did not seem obsessed with working out and looking fit. Character actors have to look like regular Joes. But regular Joes need to exercise, too. Staying fit helps to keep our hearts healthier. This is not to say that fit people don’t get heart attacks. Quite often it has nothing to do with how fit or unfit we are. Family history plays a role as does stress. Regular checkups and healthful eating are essential to better health. If there is one thing to learn from Gandolfini’s sudden death, it is that we have to be alert for the signs of illness. We call heart attacks “sudden.” But according to spe-

cialists, they are not always as sudden as we may think. They may also not all start with chest pain. We have to pay attention to discomfort in the chest and stomach, pain or weariness in the left arm, shortness of breath. According to the American Heart Association, “every year in the United States roughly 785,000 people will have their first heart attack. And approximately 470,000 who have had a heart attack before will have another one.” The organization also says heart attack is still the number one cause of death in American adults. The AHA says it is, “better to go to the hospital and learn that you are not having a heart attack than to stay home and have one.” The group adds that “if your symptoms persist for more than 15 minutes, you are at more risk that heart muscle cells will die. It is critical for you and your heart that you receive immediate medical attention. To receive the best care, you have about 90 minutes from

the onset of the heart attack for an interventional cardiologist or surgeon to restore the flow of blood to the heart before critical heart tissue dies or are damaged.” Gandolfini was a magnetic performer. No matter how much you hated his Tony Soprano – an ill-tempered, ill-mannered, womanizing killer – you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He gave a tourde-force performance every single time. That was, and is, the reason that in-spite of our own moral compass, we couldn’t help rooting for Tony to be safe from his nemeses. This is a sad time for Gandolfini’s legions of fans and our hearts go out to his family and friends. But we can also use this tragedy as reminder take care of ourselves in every way possible. That is the best tribute we can pay to someone we hate to see leave us so soon. So in the words of the Bard through Hamlet, “Good night sweet prince; and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Police Blotter Borough-wide


The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying two individuals wanted in connection with two commercial robberies in Queens. The suspects enter the location, display a handgun and demand money from the employees in both incidents. The first incident occurred at 7:35 p.m. on June 7 inside of Sunlight Grocery, 39-45 43rd Ave., Sunnyside. The second incident occurred at 11:10 a.m. on June 10 inside of the Gulf gas station, 154-11 Horace Harding Expy., Flushing. The two suspects are described as Hispanic males last seen wearing dark clothing. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

106th Precinct


The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying the following

suspects wanted in connection with a robbery. At approximately 1:38 p.m. on June 10, in the vicinity of 156th Avenue and 90th Street, the first suspect, posing as a FedEx delivery man, forcefully entered a residential location, while the second suspect, also posing as a FedEx delivery man, remained outside acting as a lookout. Both suspects fled in a white vehicle without property. No injuries were reported at this incident. Both suspects are described as Black males wearing FedEx vests. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

109th Precinct

Collision Investigation

At approximately 5:30 p.m. on June 12, police responded to a 911 call of a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Northern Boulevard and Murray Street. Upon arrival, officers observed the victim, identified as Kiyanoush Asif, 20,

of Flushing, with trauma about the body. EMS also responded to the location and transported Asif to Flushing Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Further investigation revealed that Asif was operating a 2005 Kawasaki motorcycle travelling westbound on Northern Boulevard when a 2011 Honda Accord, traveling eastbound and operated by a 54-year-old female, attempted to make a left turn onto Murray Street, heading northbound. As the vehicle made the turn, with the appropriate traffic signal, the motorcyclist accelerated and struck the passenger side rear door of the Honda. The vehicle and owner remained on the scene. The investigation is ongoing.

114th Precinct

Robbery Pattern

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the following males wanted in connection with a robbery pattern. The first incident occurred on May 3 at approximately 6:30 p.m. While walking in the vicinity of 3868 11th St., Long Island City, the victim was approached by two sus-

pects who punched him in the face and removed his property. The second incident occurred at approximately 4:45 p.m. in the vicinity of 38-72 13th St., when the victim was approached from behind by one suspect who punched him in the face and removed his property. The third incident occurred at 6:45 a.m. on May 31 in the vicinity of 40th Avenue and 9th Street, when the victim was approached from behind by a suspect who punched him in the face and removed his property. Minor injuries were reported at these incidents. Both suspects are described as Black males in their 20s. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by visiting or texting their tips to CRIMES (274637) then enter TIPS577. All calls are strictly confidential.

You Don’t Have to Reveal Your name to Help Solve a Crime.


Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013

What Does The New Flood Map Mean For SEQ? BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA With the release of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s highly anticipated revised flood map last week, many southeast Queens residents should expect to see changes, some of which will hit them where it hurts most – their wallets. FEMA’s new flood map has many new additions and requirements for people who are living in Queens’ coastal communities. One of these requirements will affect the two percent of homeowners who live in a Velocity Zone, or Zone V – the highest risk zones where waves can cause severe damage to property. The map, which had not been updated since the 1980’s, has a few new Zone V additions and with this new status comes the burden of higher reconstruction costs and higher flood insurance rates for homeowners. “Flood insurance premiums are going to skyrocket and go through the roof,” said Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton). “Many of these homeowners have dug in their lifesaving to pay for the kid’s college or to pay for mortgage so to add these burdens of them is going to hurt them in their pocketbooks and wallets.” In some cases, Richards said, the difference could be as much as $9,500 a year. “The average flood insurance premium is $500 and now you’re talking about $10,000 a year,” he said. “That’s an extra $9,500 on people’s backs that don’t have the money.” Many homeowners, particularly in the Far Rockaway region, will also be forced to raise their homes. As many as 35,000 homeowners in New York City will be forced to elevate their houses by several feet and of those 35,000, many are still recover-

Photo by Ira Cohen

ing from the costs endured by Superstorm Sandy. Some Sandy victims rebuilding after the storm are also left in limbo because the flood map is not yet finalized and is subject to change after a 90-day appeal period. If flood risk zones change, residents may be forced to restart construction to comply with FEMA’s regulations. Similarly, some residents will have already shelled out a lot of cash to have their homes elevated only to discover their home is no longer falls in a high risk zone. FEMA’s new preliminary flood map may wind up costing some southeast Queens residents a According to a pretty penny. statement sent out by FEMA, the map shows that the “Insurance wise, some of them are reduce their flood risk. Despite some negative feedback, majority of areas will see increases in now mandated to have flood insurthe floodplain and Base Flood Eleva- ance that they did not need to get both Richards and Scarborough touted FEMA’s decision to add neightions (BFEs), but some areas may see before.” In many instances, the property borhoods like Rosedale, Springfield decreases. These changes and new regulations are due primarily to more value of a home in a flood zone will Gardens and Brookville as flood risk precise ground elevation data and also decrease. This could potentially zones – areas that are notorious for pose a problem for homeowners look- flooding. were put forth to reduce flood risk. “I think it’s really good that But it is not just homeowners who ing to sell and deter prospective holive in Zone V that will encounter meowners from considering regions Rosedale was finally included in the plan because it was area that has been additional expenses. Assemblyman that are in a new flood zone. Although FEMA’s new flood map overlooked,” Richards said. “They’ve William Scarborough (D-Jamaica) noted that the new flood map will has not yet to be finalized, both Rich- been going through devastation for mandate certain homeowners in ards and Scarborough feel that the years – during Irene they got about southeast Queens to purchase flood City should cover expenses associ- nine feet of water, and Sandy, like ated with many of these changes. 10-12 feet of water in their homes. insurance. “I’m hoping there will be govern- Another good thing is now the City “I’m glad to see the flood map updated but the impact will be more ment funds to help with these chang- is going to pay attention to you if you of an expense for some of our resi- es,” Scarborough said. “It’s important are in a flood zone.” “I am glad the map is updated dents, particularly our residents in that people know their risk and be Rosedale, Brookville and Spring- able to act on it but by the same to- because it definitely needed to be field Gardens,” Scarborough said. ken, this is going to be an expense for updated,” Scarborough said. “There some people who can not afford it.” are additions and the risk is certainly “If they really want these people to something people need to be aware pick up their homes, they are going to of and understand what it means to have to pick up a lot of the costs be- them and their homes.” cause people are getting by on fixed As it stands, FEMA has not anincomes and they’re trying to rebuild nounced when the new flood maps their homes,” Richards echoed. “They will be adopted. While it could be are going to have to have to come up adopted as soon as next year, the with concrete plans to help people agency still needs to go through its with elevating their homes and subsi- 90-day appeal period and collect tesdizing the premiums.” timonies from affected residents to As of now, FEMA does not have ensure that it reflects the true flood any concrete plans to financially as- risk. This appeals process is schedsist those who are financially bur- uled to begin on July 10. dened with the changes associated To view your flood risk zone, with the new map. A rep however visit, click did note that FEMA is working with on the “What is my BFE? Address New York City’s housing recov- Lookup Tool” under the Hurricane ery program, NYC Build It Back, Sandy tab and type in your address. to help homeowners impacted by Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowsflooding conditions in Springfield Gar- Sandy rebuild and meet the new el- ka at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or evation and freeboard standards to

Members of the FDNY work to repair dens in 2010.

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Borough Beat

Pressure halts scaffold Law Changes By Trisha sakhuja Community leaders from Make the Road New York gathered on June 17 to voice concern for the preservation of the Scaffold Law, which was under threat in Albany, but to their surprise, the proposed amendment to the 128-year-law has ended dead in its trap as the legislative session comes to an end on Friday. Pressure from unions, organizations and many elected officials have pushed Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to halt any changes proposed to the Scaffold Law. The new legislation, which was sponsored by State Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-Erie) and Assemblyman Joe Morelle (D-Rochester), would have put more of the burden on the injured worker, instead of the contractor, to prove the job site was safe. The worker’s actions would be taken into greater consideration by the jury to make sure the injury was not caused by a mistake made on their part. If the law were amended, it would essentially reduce the incentive of contractors to protect workers on the job site.

“By repealing the Scaffold here in Queens,” said Marc ProLaw, all of the contractors and feres, a concerete worker injured developers will accomplish is a at an unsafe site for the first time shifting of costs from themselves after working for 30 years. “The (the people in the best position scaffold looked very weak and to prevent worksite injuries) to poorly put together, but my sutaxpayers,”said Assemblyman pervisor made me go up anyway. Francisco Moya (D-Jackson Workers don’t have a say in conHeights) in a letter issued to his struction site safety and that’s colleagues on June 10. even more true for non-union “We are here today because we immigrant workers.” don’t want the Scaffolding Law to Director of strategic Campaigns hilary klein “After I collapsed, I drove myweaken because most of the work- speaks to Community Leader amador rivas. self to the hospital, but there is a ers are immigrant workers, who lot this matter and the compensafeel vulnerable and unsafe,” said Julissa worker to take partial responsibility,” tion was no lottery,” Proferes continBisono, a senior workplace justice orga- Klein added. ued. “But, at least I am walking now Members of the organization gath- because I was bedridden for six years. I nizer at Make the Road NY. “The construction industry is push- ered in their iconic blue t-shirts at the am here today because I don’t want to ing to repeal the law, but when people’s site of a horrific accident and death see that to happen to others.” lives are at stake and the highest protec- of a construction worker in January. “Make the Road New York is very tions are needed, it is not uncommon The 42-year-old Queens construction pleased that the legislature will not to push back strong worker protection, worker died after he hit his head on be considering changes to the Scafwhich holds them [construction com- a steel girder after falling through the fold Law,” said Deborah Axt, copanies] to such a high criteria,” said floor of the Astoria apartment build- executive director of Make the Road Make the Road’s Director of Strategic ing he was working to build, which NY. “We’d like to thank all the legiswas within the guidelines of the gen- lators who stood up for worker safety Campaigns, Hilary Klein. “What would change under the law eral contractor, Centex Builders Inc. in one of the most dangerous occuThe construction of the site on 45- pations in the state.” is that the worker could be blamed for stepping onto the scaffold even if 11 Broadway was halted by the DepartReach Reporter Trisha Sakhuja at he or she didn’t have a choice and ment of Buildings after the accident. (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128, or at tsakhu“I was injured at a construction site it is completely unfair to expect a

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013


Breakfast Feast

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Cricket Champions Below, the Assassins pose with their trophy after defeating the Untouchables in the final of the New York Softball Cricket Association 25-overs championship last Sunday. Pictured at right, Brian Maniram (left) was named the MVP of the final, seen here with skipper Eon Ellis (right) posing with their awards.

On June 25, the York Early College Academy (YECA) will graduate its first cohort of students. But first, the inaugural class was treated to a breakfast in their honor. The June 11 event celebrated the graduating seniors, parents, teachers and administrators of the academy, which teaches students in middle through high school.

Carwasheros Contract Battle

Workers at the Sutphin Car Wash in Jamaica joined with community leaders on Saturday to demand that Sutphin owners Fernando Magalhaes and John Lage negotiate a fair union contract.

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

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Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013


CHN Opens Second Center In Jamaica The Community Healthcare Network, a nonprofit agency that aims to provide affordable health services to underserved communities, formally launched its second Family Health Center in Jamaica today, June 21. CHN centers offer a vast number of affordable health services like primary care, sexual health services, health education, social services, mental health services, nutrition counseling, prenatal and post-partum care, gynecology and transgender-specific programs and medical services. “We really believe that our patients should be a partner in their care and many times these additional care services get the information and support they need to become that active partner,” said Catherine Abate, president and CEO of CHN. “It was really important for us to expand those services in underserved communities.” The new center, located at 9004 161 St., roughly 20 blocks away from their Sutphin Boulevard loca-

tion, replaced an existing According to Castillo, this Public Health Solutions past year, CHN has served apfamily planning center proximately 31 percent more with the goal of providing patients in comparison to the southeast Queens with previous year. She anticipates more affordable healththat with the opening of their care options. new center, CHN will help “The vast majority of out to even more patients. our population are unin“With CHN coming in, they sured or under insured,” are able to reach a larger popusaid the center director, lation and provide the healthDiana Castillo. “As we care needed in the Jamaica know, in the Queens comcommunity,” Castillo said. munity, over a number of The Community Health years a lot of the hospiCare Network will hold tals have closed down and its grand opening event to most of their healthcare Diana Castillo, director of the Community Healthcare launch the new Jamaica Cenwas the emergency room Network in Jamaica, with her staff. ter today, June 21, from 9:30 because they could not afa.m. to 11 a.m. at 90-04 161 ford healthcare.” St., Jamaica. Queens Borough Abate echoed similar sentiments vent disease whether it’s later in life President Helen Marshall and borabout the importance of expanding or instantly.” ough president candidate Melinda in Jamaica. “The more we can do in communi- Katz are scheduled to attend. “Often times, people get sick and ties like Jamaica – offering some exFor additional information about needlessly end up in the emergency tended hours so people can come af- the Community Health Care Netroom in the hospital,” Abate said. ter work or on Saturday, I think that work in Jamaica, call (718) 523“We need young people to under- is helpful for people who just go to 2123 or visit Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowsstand the merits of primary care at the emergency room. The emergency an early age. We can, through pre- room is not meant to be the primary ka at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or vention and health education, pre- health doctor,” she added. Photo courtesy of Jeff Simmons


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June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Queens Pup Finalist in iams Contest By AsiA EwArt College Point’s own Roxie the Cockapoo may just be on her way to becoming the face of Iams in a national advertisement beginning in July. The puppy, who just turned one last month, has been named a finalist in the Iams Love Tails Contest that began on Valentine’s Day. Along with nine other finalists, Roxie was awarded a cash prize and a year’s supply of Iams pet food, plus the chance to be featured in a national advertisement for Iams. “I’d seen the ad on Facebook,” recalls Anne Kanable, whose family bought Roxie with the intent of her being a family dog. “I wanted others to know how much Roxie changed our lives, but we didn’t really have a good enough picture to send in. The end date was approaching and I saw the ad again, and I remember really

wanting to enter. So I did, 15 minutes before the contest ended at midnight. I sent in a blurry Christmas photo. My husband and I couldn’t believe it when Roxie was chosen.” Iams Love Tails is a nationwide contest in search of heartwarming love stories between pets and their owners. Ten finalists were selected based on the unique bond that they share with their dogs and cats, and the important role Iams plays in those relationships. The grand-prize winning family and their pet will star in a national advertisement for Iams, featuring their real-life “Love Tail.” So what is the Kanable family and Roxie’s story? Within days of joining the family, Roxie was able to get Dane, Anne Marie’s then four year old son born with Down Syndrome, to find his voice and speak, after he previously only spoke a handful of words. A year later, Dane, now five,

Arts Festival On Diversity Plaza in Jackson Heights What better way to celebrate Diversity Plaza and the local art scene in Jackson Heights than with an allday public event with free art workshops, music, outdoor exhibitions and beautification activities? The Jackson Heights Arts Festival, to be held on Saturday, June 22, is an initiative to build on the arts community in Queens, increase the visibility of artists that live and work in the neighborhood, promote community-based arts practices and open a dialogue for empowerment through the arts. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., this outdoor festival will provide a space for artists to engage residents and visitors in taking an active role to improve the neighborhood. Artists are invited to come reflect on the neighborhood’s cultural diversity, lifestyles, faiths and history, as well as issues related to sexual orientation, immigration, gentrification, labor and discrimination, among others. This event is part of Making {Art} Spaces, a broader effort initiated by the Hibridos Collective to create public art spaces through collaboration with other artists, neighbors, and local stakeholders. The Diversity Plaza faced usage challenges in the early stages of implementation in September 2011. Residents and merchants

expressed concern and resistance, and almost rejection, to the idea of a pedestrian plaza because of the harm it might have had on the economic and social life of the area. Hibridos Collective believes that the community can come together and change this perception, and successfully implement arts and culture programming that will make this business corridor thrive in collaboration with Sukhi New York, a group of business owners serving as representatives of the pedestrian plaza. The Jackson Heights Arts Festival will begin with beautification projects in the morning hours. Neighborhood volunteers can clean-up and engage in painting activities to bring life and color to the plaza. In the afternoon, local guest artists will be invited to perform, exhibit artwork and provide free art workshops. Interested artists may also submit proposals for art education activities. Queens-based artists of all ages, skill level, and craft, especially from Jackson Heights, Corona and Elmhurst, are encouraged to apply. The Diversity Plaza/37th Road Pedestrian Plaza is located between 73rd St. and 74th St. For more information about the festival, visit -Asia Ewart

speaks in full sentences and interacts verbally with both the family and Roxie. “Dane had been in therapy since birth. Feeding, physical, occupational; all sorts of therapy was used, but to no avail. Sign language showed a lot of promise; he learned that from his sister. The only thing she couldn’t teach him was speech,” Anne said. Roxie’s effect on Dane roxie, a cockapoo from College Point, pictured still floors Anne and her with Dane Kanable, is a finalist in the iams Love husband when they think tails contest. back to their son’s increased speech. From June 24-28, each of these “We both had a look of ‘Did he finalist’s stories will be brought to just say that?’ We were complete- life in a video that will be shared on ly shocked! Our optimism never the Iams Facebook page (facebook. ceased. Roxie went from being a fam- com/Iams). Fans will select their faily dog to a therapy dog in no time, vorite “Love Tail” that week, and the and we wouldn’t have it any other grand prize-winning family will be way. Dane went from a few words, to announced on July 2. small sentences, to commands. He “Roxie is such a good, loving dog went through a sentence explosion. and we are so proud of her. Even if He just needed someone to instruct we don’t win, I’m just happy that and teach, and Roxie did just that,” the awareness of therapy dogs is out she added. there,” Anne said.

Art Express to Host Festival Hosted by Queens Council on the Arts, Queens Art Express (QAX) is an arts festival of exhibitions, events, performances, and great places to eat in the vibrant cultural communities of Queens. Queens Council on the Arts (QCA) is throwing a block party on 37th St. between 34th and 35th Avenues in Astoria to celebrate their move into the Kaufman Astoria Studio community and the center of the most creative, artistic and culinary energies in the borough. The event promises to bring out the artist in all who attend. Each group will bring with them a unique activity that requires much creativity. All Attenborough Naftel, an artist duo from Sunnyside, will create an oversized stoop for an all-day game of creative stoopball. Freestyle Art, an artist team from Long Island City, will provide attendees with paintbrushes attached to fishing poles to create Jackson Pollack style drip paintings. They will also run a Remote Control Canvas, where you can create a drawing with markers

or crayons attached to cars zooming around on a large canvas on the street that you control with a remote. Materials from the Arts will have a table with all kinds of things from their endless warehouse of materials and supplies, and some artists who will do hands-on activities for families and kids. QCA’s High School to Art School students will serve as QCA story ambassadors during the event and rotate as portrait artists creating 60second charcoal sketches that will be signed and matted. There will also be pushcart food vendors on site, in addition to a live performance by the Beechers Fault closing out the block party. The public is invited to join QCA as they cut the blue r ibbon on their new space at the QAX Block Party on Saturday, June 22 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Queens Council on the Arts’ new space, located at 37-11 35th Ave., with an entrance on 37th St., in Astoria. -Asia Ewart

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013


Jamaica Church Spreads The Word Through Performance BY ASIA EWART Paul Nichols of the True Zion Gospel Temple has a message for those attending his congregation’s latest theatrical feat: you can make it through anything without compromising yourself. The True Zion Gospel Temple family, in collaboration with the Church and Compassion Outreach Ministry, will perform their now annual play series from June 28-30. This year’s show, “Temptation Game,” speaks to the audience about keeping strong and having faith in the face of temptation. “It’s about the life of an individual who compromises his integrity and what he believes in for money. He does this in order to get what he wants. We to teach the congregation how to respond when faced with temptation,” Nichols, who also directed the play, explained. Christy Blake, a fellow member, wrote the script, and working with the Church and Compassion Outreach Ministry gave True Zion the publicity they were looking for. “We collaborated with the Ministry when we held last year’s performance, ‘The Ivory Wilderness.’ It was in the midst of [Superstorm]

Sandy and delivered a timely message about how to respond when disaster strikes. Over 500 people were in attendance for our two shows. The Outreach Ministry reaches a larger audience, so working with them opens the doors for us to reach out to more people,” he added. Because of the immense popularity of last year’s play, the congregation is adding another performance. “Our plays are put together to open the eyes of the people coming to see them. Ivory Wilderness, and even Temptation Game,” he said. “When we were coming up with the ideas for them, the messages of both seemed to occur just after they were performed.” Nichols refers to Superstorm Sandy occurring right after the play about disaster prevention. For “Temptation Game,” he said this was a message that has needed to come forward for a while. “It’s a timely message. How does one deal with temptation? We’re tempted to do a lot of things in the face of hardships; personal struggle, financial burden, and the like,” he said. “We want to show the community that there is always a way out of

this struggle, and that is with faith. There are deeper answers out there.” The demand for these plays not only comes from the messages they deliver, which Nichols explains may be on the heels of personal issues for a lot of attendees, but for the appreciation of theater that is alive and well in the community. “There is a great appreciation for the arts. While planning ‘Temptation Game,’ we were asked when the

next play would be by members, and they were delighted to hear that it was in the works. There’s a real demand for the plays,” he explained. True Zion has come a long way from their early play days. Partnering with the Outreach Ministry has expanded their audience size from 15 to over 500 in just a few years’ time. “We’re really starting to grow,” he said. “We might have to find a new venue soon.” With opening weekend quickly approaching, Nichols reflects on just how far the church has come. “We have such an amazing cast and crew,” he said. “They’ve all worked so hard.” If some attendees take nothing away from the show, he wants them to remember one thing. “There is always a way, and that way is in Jesus,” he said. “Temptation Game” will be playing the P.S. 50 auditorium in Jamaica at 8 p.m. on June 28, 7 p.m. on June 29, and 5 p.m. on June 30. Admission is $6. For more information, those interested can call (718) 657-9646 or visit

Notebook York College

York College Prof Teaches Students About Substance Abuse BY ASIA EWART Three York College students recently attended the “Introduction to Alcohol and Substance Abuse” lecture, given by Professor Martin Colucci, at Manhattan College to hear about the first hand substance abuse experiences of the class’s guest lecturers. Three health education majors made their way to the Bronx by suggestion of Colucci, who is also an adjunct professor at York College; he describes the experience as being very interactive. “I like to bring reality into the classroom,” he explained. “Whether it’s bringing in guest speakers who have dealt with this type of reality or having the students watch up to date films on the subject matter, I want them to know that substance abuse

can happen to anyone.” Before becoming a professor, Colucci worked for the Dept. of Homeless Services and worked in corrections in the Bronx. He, along with two other colleagues, were the first three to found a treatment program, the Starr Program, for chemically addicted me. The program still runs out of Green Point, Brooklyn today. “This program saw a lot more than just homeless faces. Men in power, men with status, all had substance abuse problems and were engaging in damaging behavior,” he said. “Every semester, I get two former addicts to come in and speak to my students. They learn about the real horrors of addiction, but they also learn about the freedom gained in recovery.” Colucci runs his classes at both York and Manhattan College in a

similar fashion – very hands on and interactive so the students get the most they can out of it. “I use a lot of the same methods in both my classes and lecture. We use roleplay to tie in the area of personal experience, and then I try and bring in as many guest speakers as possible,” he said. “I’m teaching about the behavior of a substance abuser. When a problem initially starts, it’s because of the behavior. What a person does in moderation now could harm them years from now, and it happens regardless of race or age.” Colucci frequently brings his York College students to his lectures to bring together the world of commuters and those living in dorms. “I have students from a multicultural school like York coming to a not as diverse school like Manhattan. But despite their differences,

all of my students are the same in the fact that they are young and they believe they are invincible,” he said. “I believed it too when I was their age. What I cover in my lectures is a wakeup call, to both the students and the people in their lives. They know that ‘Hey, that could be me.’ They know that addiction doesn’t discriminate.” From teaching at both schools, and even following years of teaching, Colucci knows that college is not only about reading textbooks and studying for tests. “Students carry these experiences for a long time,” he said. “Whether teaching about substance abuse, or just trying to connect to a student, I try to let the students see me as a human being, capable of interaction. I see them in the same respect. We can all learn from each other.”

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15


Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

RELIGIOUS TEMPLE TIKVAH Friday, June 21 Shabbat will be celebrated at 7:45 with NYS Controller Tom DiNapoli as guest speaker. 3315 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park. REGO PARK JC Sunday, June 23 concert at 2:30. Sunday, June 30 “Defending Your Life” film at 2:30. $5. Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. JCC LIC Wednesday, June 26 “ E ve n I wo u l d G o To That” lecture series at 8. Tuesday af ternoons Hebrew School, Torah Hour for adults. Thursdays Taam Shabbat – Mommy and Me. Friday Carlbach S h a b b a t a n d L’ c h a i m , Shabbat dinner third Friday. JCC, 10-31 Jackson Avenue, LIC. 609-0066. SHABBAT AM Saturday, June 29 monthly Shabbat morning experience at 9 at Oakland Little Neck Jewish Center, 49-10 Little Neck Parkway. 224-0404.

MISCELLANEOUS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Experienced in community outreach, social media, public relations and assisting in various activities with seniors at the Jackson Adult Center. 657-6692. IMMIGR ATION SERV. Saturdays 10-1 at Council Member Leroy Comrie’s district office. 776-3700 to schedule appointment. REHEARSALS Saturdays, Sacred Music Chorale of Richmond Hill begins rehearsals at St. John’s in Richmond Hill. Art sSMC.


HEALTH BLOOD DRIVE Saturday, June 22 Rego Park Mall, 96-05 Queens Blvd 11-4. 661-7987. AUTISM Saturday, June 22 “Autism Workshop: Beyond the Basics” at 3 at the Cambria Heights library. HEALTH FAIR Saturday, June 22 Dominico American Society of Queens’ free Health Fair and Health Related Information in celebration of Fathers’ Day. 12-4 at 40-27 97 t h Street, Corona. 4575395. YOGA Saturdays through September 8 9:30-10:30 and 11-12 and Sundays 1011. Socrates Sculpture, 32-01 Vernon Blvd., LIC. TAI CHI Sundays through September 9 11-12 at Socrates Sculpture, 3201 Vernon Blvd., LIC. TIME TO RE-BOOT Sunday, June 23 4-6 at Linden House, 200-19 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 347-913-6342 to register. Information about lifest yle practices on how the body can naturally reverse inflammatory causing orders. Biblical Scriptures, physiology and scientific evidence are the foundations for this presentation. STRETCH & TONE Monday, June 24 Shape Up NYC at the LIC library at 6:30. HEALTH INFO Monday, June 24 health information from the Internet at the Langston Hughes library at 10. CHAIR YOGA Monday, June 24 Steinway and Langston Hughes library. Register. BLOOD MOBILE Monday, June 24 Boys Club of NY, 133-01 41 st Road, Flushing 2-8. 6617987. MEDICARE RIGHTS Monday, June 24 How hospital care is covered. Flushing library at 2. BREAST CANCER Mondays Women Newly Diagnoses and Post Treatment 10:30-noon and Yo u n g Wo m e n w i t h Breast Cancer 7-8:30 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516-877-4314. METASTATIC BREAST Second and Fourth Mondays 1:30-3:00 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516-877-4314. MEN BREAST CANCER Second Mondays 7-8:30 at Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. 516-877-4314. ALZHEIMERS

Tu e s d a y, June 25 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 592-5757, ext. 237. BALANCE Wednesday, June 26 Balance and Strength Tra i n i n g a t N Y H Q i n fresh Meadows. 6701695 1-2. AEROBICS Wednesday, June 26 S h a p e U P N YC a t t h e Central library at 4. CHAIR YOGA Wednesday, June 26 Hollis library. Register. MASSAGE THERAPY Wednesday, June 26 in Fresh Meadows. 6701695. MANAGE STRESS Wednesday, June 26 Stress Management support group for heart patients in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. MEDITATION CLUB Thursday, June 27 Bellerose library at 5:30. BODY SCULPT FITNESS Thursday, June 27 Lefrak Cit y librar y at 5:30. CHAIR YOGA Thursday, June 27 Bellerose library. Register. MASSAGE THERAPY Friday, June 28 Massage Therapy and Reflexology at NYHQ in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. BALANCE Friday, June 28 Balance and Strength Training at NYHQ in fresh Meadows. 670-1695. DANCE FITNESS Friday, June 28 R i c h mond Hill library at 5. BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, June 30 Hillcrest Jewish Center, 183-02 Union Turnpike, Flushing 9L30-2:30. 6617987. WELL SPOUSE Wednesdays, July 10, August 14 Well Spouses or Partners of the Chronically Ill and Disabled meet at St. Charles Rehab in Albertson. 516829-8740. SUPPORT GROUPS AA Tuesdays at 8 at Grace Lutheran Church in Astoria. 520-5021. Also, 520-5021 24 hours, 7 days a week. AL-ANON 457-1511. NAR-ANON 1-800-984-0066. VICTORIOUS VOSG (Victorious Overcomers Support Group) helps all those who are struggling with addiction and compulsive behaviors, anger, fear, etc. 1800 DRUGWAR.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and preschool programs and more. Contact local branches. FOREST FINDINGS Saturday, June 22 Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. PERFECT PONDS Saturday, June 22 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. MATH HELP Saturdays for grades 48 Flushing library at 10. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays Central library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. KID GAMES Monday, June 24 Richmond Hill library at 5. WORD GAMES Monday, June 24 McGoldrick library at 5. CRAFT KIDS Mondays Flushing library at 3:30. S TORY T I M E Mondays at 3:30 at the Peninsula library. BEGIN CHESS Mondays at 3:30 Windsor Park library. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays Douglaston library at 4. HOMEWORK HELP Daily McGoldrick library at 3. Monday through Thursday at the Fresh Meadows library at 4 and at the Rosedale library at 3:30. KNIT & CROCHET Tu e s d a y, June 25 Rochdale Village library at 5. SANDY COLLAGE Tu e s d a y, June 25 Arverne library at 5. NATURE KIDS Tuesday s Sunnyside library at 3:15. KNIT & CROCHET Tuesdays at 5 Rochdale Village library. CRAFT TUESDAYS Tu e s d a y s Cambria Heights library at 4. ECO-CRAFTS Wednesday, June 26 Astoria library at 11:30 and LIC library at 3:30. READING FOR FUN Wednesdays at the Laurelton library at 3:30. CRAFTIVITIES Wednesdays East Flushing library. Register. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library and 4:30 Poppenhusen library.

GAME DAY Wednesdays Howard Beach library at 5. ARTS & CRAFTS Wednesdays at the Auburndale library at 4. CRAFTERNOONS Wednesdays at the Ridgewood library. Register. YOUNG LEADERS Wednesdays and Fridays Young Leaders Institute of Laurelton at the Laurelton library at 3:30. ECO CRAFTS Thursday, June 27 for those 6-12 at the Steinway library at 4. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. GAME ON Thursdays at the Central library at 3:30. CHESS CLUB Thursdays Rochdale Village library at 4:30. VIDEO/BOARD GAMES Friday, June 28

Rochdale Village library at 4:30. CRAFT CLUB Fridays Peninsula library at 3. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4. East Flushing Register. Ozone Park at 3. GAME DAY Fridays Windsor Park at 4. CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale library at 3:30 and W i n d s o r Pa r k l i b ra r y. Register. BUGGY PUGS Saturday, June 29 Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. ANIMAL CARE Sunday, June 30 Animal C a r e Tra i n e e a t A l l e y Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000.

TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. GREEN CRAFTS Monday, June 24 LIC library at 5:30. LAPTOPS Mondays-Thursdays Hollis library at 3. ONLINE TEST PREP Wednesday, June 26 LIC library. Register. GAME DAY Wednesdays Howard Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library. PRE-GED CLASS Thursdays and Fridays until June 28 pre-GED Classes at the Cambria H e i g h t s l i b r a r y. 4 8 0 4300. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. CHESS CLUB Thursdays Rochdale Village library 4:30. RECORDING STUDIO Friday, June 28 Recording Studio Workshop: Audio Engineering, Editing and Mixing at 2:45 at the Far Rockaway library. HAPPY HOUR Friday, June 28 Flushing library at 4. ADVISORY BOARD Friday, June 28 L aurelton library. Register. CUTURAL BREAKOUT Friday, June 28 Cultural Breakout Music Event at the Lefrak City library at 6.

MOVIE AFTERNOON Fridays Central library at 3:30. WII FRIDAYS Fridays at the Hollis library at 3:30. GAME DAY Fridays at 4 at the Sunnyside library. BUKHARIAN LOUNGE Central Queens Y in Forest Hills. 268-5011, ext. 202. ACQC SUPPORT Wednesday s Teen Peer Support Group for those touched by HIV/AIDS. Ages 14-16. 896-2500. COUNSELING Call 592-5757 free counseling at the Forest Hills Communit y House. VAC YOUTH SQUAD The Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps is looking for new members 1418. 347-1637.

FLEA MARKETS THRIFT SHOP Saturdays 12-4 Queens Baptist Church, 93-23 217th Street, Queens Village. 465-2504. FLEA & FUN DAY Saturday, June 22 flea market and fun day for the kiddies 10-3 at the Ridgewood library, 2012 Madison Street, Ridgewood. TRASH & TREASURE Saturday, June 29 All Saints Church, 214-35 4 0 th A v e n u e , B a y s i d e . 229-5631.


Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013



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June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

People Josephina Halman of Jamaica received a Bachelor of Arts degree during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Dominican College in Orangeburg. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Geneseo. They include: Jamaica: Marylen Santos, Danielle Williamson. Queens Village: Jenny Soudachanh. Forest Hills: Joseph Figliolia, Josephine Lukito, Abigail Stein. Ozone Park: Jessica Gavilan. Frederick Louis Antoine of Queens Village was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. Army Pvt. James A. Thorne Jr. has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle


INDEX NO.: 14182/2012. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE. MORTGAGED PREMISES: 14940 RALEIGH ST., JAMAICA, NY 11417 (BL#: 11554-30) Plaintiff designates Queens County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate. STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF QUEENS ONEWEST BANK, FSB, Plaintiff, againstCONSTANTINO MONTERO, if living, and if dead, the respective heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignors, lienors, creditors and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and their respective husbands, wives or widows of her, if any, and each and every person not specifically named who may be entitled to or claim to have any right, title or interest in the property described in the verified complaint; all of whom and whose names and places

marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Thorne is the son of Kimberly Thorne of Hollis and is a 2011 graduate of Martin Van Buren High School in Queens Village. Michael Wuest of Queens Village received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and Jackeline Moreno of Jamaica received a Bachelor of Science degree during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Villanova University. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn. They include: Jamaica: Lisa Powell. Queens Village: Elizabeth Vargas. Local students have been admitted to Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh, N.C. for the fall 2013 semester. They include: Jamaica: Akeva Bolt, Roazena Miller, Brittany Allen. Queens Village: Akayla Anderson. Rosedale: Olyvia Fabre. Kristina Guillan of Jamaica re-


of residence unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the Plaintiff, NEW,YORK CITY PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU,”JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #10” inclusive, the last ten names being fictitious and unknown to Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the persons, tenants, occupants, or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND


RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $235,000.00 (with an amount not to exceed $270,250.00) and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Queens on August 10, 2007 at CRFN No. 2007000413372, covering premises known as 14940 Raleigh St, Jamaica, NY 11417 - Block 11554; Lot 30. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendant CONSTANTINO MONTERO, the foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. RUDOLPH E. GRECO JR. of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and filed on May 31, 2013, with the Complaint in the County of Queens, State of New York. The property in question is described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough

ceived a degree during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, Pa. Nia PierreLouis of Rosedale received a degree during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. Hashley Henry of Jamaica has enrolled at Clarkson University in Potsdam for the fall 2013 semester. Shaneka Nixon of Hollis received a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Widener University in Chester, Pa. Waivelle Farmer of Queens Village received a Bachelor of Science in general studies during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Brendan Burgie of Ozone Park and Esthefania Rodriguez of Richmond Hill were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Oswego. Anais Alicea of Ozone Park re-


and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Park Avenue (Raleigh Street) distant 278.46 feet north of the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Park Avenue with the northerly side of Old South Road (now Albert Road); RUNNING THENCE westerly at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE northerly and parallel with Park Avenue, 25 feet; THENCE easterly and again at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE southerly along the westerly side of Park Avenue, 25 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Dated: New Rochelle, N.Y. May 29, 2013. McCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. /s/________________ By: Mark Golab, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot St., Ste. 210 New Rochelle, NY 10801 p. 914-636-8900 f. 914636-8901 HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU

ceived a Bachelor of Science degree in art therapy during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Cristina Mingione of Ozone Park was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn. Timothi Nunez of Ozone Park was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Piedmont College in Demorest, Ga. Barbara Byrne of Richmond Hill received a degree during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at the University of Connecticut. Local students received degrees during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Dominican College in Orangeburg. They include: Richmond Hill: Nicole Hensel. Woodhaven: Melissa Campillo. Local students received degrees during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Fairfield University in Connecticut. They include: Belle Harbor: Edward Lynch, Danielle Stathis.


ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there areinformation about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-226-5697 or visit the Department’s website at FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in


order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Queens County on JUN 05 2013 bearing Index Number NC-000547-13/QU, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, grants me the right to: Assume the name of (First) Md (Middle) Munirul Huda (Last) Talukder My present name is (First) Mohammad (Middle) Munirul Huda (Last) Talukder aka Md M H Talukder, aka Md M Talukder, aka Md Munirul Huda Talukder My present address is 88-15 168th St., Apt. 8D, Jamaica, NY 11432 My place of birth is Bangladesh My date of birth is May 31, 1958

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens June 21-27, 2013

Performers Of Queens: Natalia Paruz

Astoria native Natalia Paruz has played with international orchestras, in Carnegie Hall and at Madison Square Garden, and has been on countless news programs and television shows. A skilled musician, she is known widely as the “Saw Lady” because of her unique musical instrument, which usually causes a double take: a carpenter’s saw. “People were a bit puzzled about my choice of the musical saw, which is my main instrument, but when they saw that I played serious music with it, they now think of [it] as a regular musical instrument,” she said. Paruz’s younger years were spent learning to play conventional instruments, like the piano and recorder, and in choir. But the saw, which she discovered while she was on a trip to Europe, she taught herself to play. “When I started to play the musical saw, there were no teachers I could find,” she said. “Today I teach people privately to play, and I also organize workshops as

part of the NYC Musical Saw Festival, which I initiated 10 years ago.” Also parts of her list of instrument are the English hand bells and the cowbells. “I love the sound of all these instruments; [they’re] angelic and spiritual. I also love the fact that they all have a visual aspect to them, so a performance is not just sonicly appealing, but also visually entertaining,” Paruz said. As musically gifted as she is today, this wasn’t always the path that Paruz wanted to pursue. “I always knew I wanted to be in the performing arts, but dance was my intended vocation. It was only after I discovered the musical saw that I realized it gives me much more joy than any other art form,” she said. Up next for the Saw Lady is a June performance in the Hamptons and a sci-fi series in which she not only will contribute to the soundtrack, but act as well. Fans can visit for more information and updates.

That's One Way To Campaign

A dating website was going to do their part in helping David Wright get voted as the starting third basemen in this year’s all-star game. That was until the team stepped in and nixed the idea., a dating site that pairs older women with younger men, were talking to the New York Mets asking if they could partner with the team for a campaign to get Wright voted into the mid-summer classic at CitiField. According to published reports, the Mets first sent an email last Friday to CougarLife asking if they could write a blog post asking its users to stuff the ballot box for Wright so that he could overtake San Francisco Giants third basemen Pablo Sandoval in the voting for that position. CougarLife, whose members recently voted the Mets superstar as the most desirable baseball player, was fond of the idea. After that initial conversation, the team emailed Cou-

garLife again and cancelled the idea. “ U n f o r t u n a t e l y, w e reached out trying to push David for the All-Star team before running our plan entirely up the chain internally. We received some pushback as we don’t feel a partnership working together would be the image that our team and David - especially since he recently got engaged - would like to portray,” the Mets rep said in the email. We at QConf wonder how this would have played out if the Mets went through with this partnership with CougarLife. Wright could use all the votes he can get after all.

Bronx: We'll Take MLS In the latest chapter of “As Major League Soccer Turns,” Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. called out Queens for the controversy surrounding the proposed plan to build a soccer stadium in Flushing Meadows Corona Park and provided his own solution. He said that if there are problems getting the structure built in Queens, then maybe MLS should look towards the Bronx instead. In a letter sent to MLS commissioner Don Garber, Diaz even said, “It would appear that there is little enthusiasm

for world class soccer in Queens.” Whoa there, Diaz! Before you go ahead and write Queens off as a whole, you should know that us here at QConf have no problem with a soccer stadium in the Borough. We just don’t want it taking away from public parkland. Just think about the uproar that happened when the new Yankee Stadium was built on a neighborhood park a few years ago. Maybe you should come up with a few sites and see what your constituents have to say before calling us out!

'Coming To Get You'

Last week on Tuesday, the Robert Ross Johnson Family Center in St. Albans hosted two public advocate candidates and three other unlikely guests…the Huntleys. Although the disgraced ex-Senator Shirley Huntley left the breakfast early, her daughter, Pamela Corley, and her husband, Herbert Huntley, were given a few moments to address the audience. Corley took the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported her family during her mother’s legal troubles and her own health problems. She went on to

tell the audience that she loved them all but soon after retracted that statement. “Well not all of you, most of you,” Corley said. “I’m gonna keep it real.” But Corley was not done keeping it real. As her father was finishing up a few words she grabbed the mic to warn a few of the Black political candidates who are running for various offices. “I have one more thing to say,” she said. “I wish everyone here running for office all of the luck in the world, but all I want to say is, be careful, because they’re coming after you too.”

Who Lives Here? If you ever wondered how many languages are spoken in the Borough of Queens, wonder no more because blogger Annabel Short wants to create a mural that says, “I live here,” in all of the 160 plus languages spoken in Queens. Short, a resident of Astoria is asking for language advice on her blog, “Why Leave Astorians.” She wants input on how to write “I live here” in any of the languages that are already not on the list

and suggestions for the wall mural. She is also asking to send her a video of saying “I live here” in your language. Each version of “I live here” will be written by someone who speaks the language. Short has yet to find a place for the mural, but hopes to have it up by 2014. If you would like to get involved in this language phenomenon, check out Short’s blog at

June 21-27, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

What’s Up JUNE 21 Salary Negotiations Workshop Learn how to effectively negotiate your salary with a prospective employer by attending a work shop at the Queens Library – Central Branch- located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd. The workshop is free and it starts at 10 a.m. For more information, contact the Job Information Center at (718)990-8625.

Beginners’ Sewing Circle for Women (in Bengali) If you want to learn how to turn your sewing skills into a career and earn money working for yourself, join a free workshop at the Queens Library - Central Branch - 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica, at 10 a.m.

Stroke: Risk Factors, Warning Signs and Prevention If you want to learn the risk factors, warning signs and how to prevent a stroke, attend a session at the Queens Central Library at 4 p.m. for free. The session will cover risk factors, help you understand preventive steps you can take to reduce your risk of chances of having a stroke and minimize damage should a stroke occurs.

Learn Modern Arabic For Free If you want to learn a new language, try a free course on the basic vocabulary and grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. The course will teach you the Arabic alphabet and help you learn phrases to complete sentences. Enhance your language learning skills at the Queens Central Library at 4:30 p.m.

JULY 22 Free Health Fair Bring your entire family to a free health fair hosted by the Queens Library and the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. and the Queens County Section. They will host a health fair at the Queens Central Library. It will feature activities, music, information and free services, like vision, blood pressure, HIV screenings, mammogram appointments and free enrollment in the NYPD’s child ID program. For a free mammogram, make an appointment by calling (877)628-9090. The fair starts at 10 a.m. and will include live music by New York City Swing, dance for your health with Zumba at 12:30 p.m., enjoy children’s fingerprinting and the Verizon Pioneers clowns will provide face painting and balloon animals. For additional information, visit www.ncnwqueens. org or or

contact Pamela Davis (NCNW) at (917)318-0276 or Karen Vermut (Queens Library) (718)990-0778.

+ Reggae + R&B + Soulful House. For additional information, visit call (718) 523-3312. Advance tickets are $5 and $10 at the door.

Defensive Driving Class at the St. Alban The Martyr Episcopal Church

JUNE 24 Honoring Caribbean Heritage St. Alban The Martyr Episcopal Month With Councilman Church, located at 116-42 Farmers Leroy Comrie Blvd., will host a Defensive Driving class that contains the most current information on defensive driving, traffic laws, collision avoidance and the effects of alcohol and drugs on drivers. NTSI is a DMV-licensed traffic violator school that fulfills the six hour defensive driving requirement, while also reducing up to four points. The $50 course gives you the ability to receive a 10 percent discount on your insurance, and also allows you to fulfill your employer’s requirement or your wish to increase your driving knowledge. The class will be held from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. For additional information, visit or contact SJH Resources at (718)5517381 or

Free Summer Fest at King Manor Museum Enjoy a day in the sun and celebrate the end of school year at King Manor Museum, located at Rufus King Park (153 Street at Jamaica Avenue) from noon to 4 p.m. Make your own windcatcher and other summer crafts, enjoy stories, games, and even make your own ice cream at this fun family event for free.

Comrie for Queens Pre-4th of July Fundraiser Join Leroy Comrie during his “Comrie for Queens Borough President” campaign at his Pre-4th of July BBQ Fundraiser from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The barbecue will be held at 118-40 224th Street and there is a suggested donation of $25.

York College Blue Notes ‘13 Last Performance Join York College Blue Notes’ last performance of the year at 6 p.m. at the York College Academic Core Building, located at 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Admission is free.

Beats, Roots & Life Celebrate the birthday of Apani Fly with The Afrikan Poetry Theater at their Beats, Roots and Life event from 9 p.m. to 3 p.m. Join them to give a shout out to the Geminis Sara Kana, Butch (Grind Design) and DJ Mr. Len. Food will be served by APT’s popular house DJs spinning Hip Hop

In honor of Caribbean Heritage Month, Councilman Leroy Comrie and VP Records will celebrate the contributions of people from Caribbean descent in front of VP records, located at 170-21 Jamaica Ave. The event, which will take place at noon, will recognize the historical, cultural and economic achievements the Caribbean people have made to America.

Stay Well If you want to learn special exercises and relaxation techniques that can make a difference in your life, attend a free workshop at 10 a.m. at the Queens Central Library.

JUNE 25 Resume & Cover letter Workshop If you want the best resume and cover letter, attend a workshop that will cover how to get started, types of resumes, what to include and exclude and tips for making your resume and cover letter stronger. Admission to the workshop is free and it starts at 1:30 p.m. at the Queens Central Library.

Small Business Workshop If you have an idea for a business, but do not know where to start, attend a workshop on how to develop a business plan, create a demand for a product or service, set goals and goals and objectives, create budgets and timelines, identify resources and prepare to open your “doors.” Attend the free workshop at 7 p.m. at the Queens Queens Central Library.

JUNE 26 Mock Interview If you want practice to perfect

your interviewing skills, attend a free mock interview workshop at 2 p.m. on the main floor of the Queens Central Library. The mock interview will help you learn how to prepare for your interview and successfully deal with difficult questions. Space is limited, so schedule an appointment by calling (718)990-8625 or visit the Job Information Center.

ShapeUp NYC: Aerobics for Adults To keep that New Year’s resolution, attend a free weekly fitness class through ShapeUP NYC. Space is limited, so contact the instructor Danielle Howell. The session will start at 4 p.m. at the Queens Central Library.

JUNE 27 If you want practice to perfect your interviewing skills, attend a free mock interview workshop at 9 a.m. on the main floor of the Queens Central Library. The mock interview will help you learn how to prepare for your interview and successfully deal with difficult questions. Space is limited, so schedule an appointment by calling (718)990-8625 or visit the Job Information Center.

Resorts World Casino Job Fair Councilman Ruben Wills presents a free job fair for the Resorts World Casino from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at PS 40Q, located at 109-20 Union Hall Street

Summer Carnival If you want to enjoy a day out with your family, visit the Roy Wilkins Park Summer Carnival and Petting Zoo to go on over 20 rides, pet 30 animals, play games and eat food. Admission is free. Discount ride tickets are available at or call (718) 276-4630 Ext. 100. The Carnival is on June 13 through June 23, from Mondays through Thursday (5 p.m. to 10 p.m.); Friday (5 p.m. to 11 p.m.); Saturdays (noon to 11 p.m.); Sunday (noon to 10 p.m.). The Roy Wilkins Park is located at Merrick Boulevard (at Baisley Boulevard).

What’s Up With You? Send your community events to the PRESS for a free listing at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357 Call (718) 357-7400 or email All events will be considered for publication, without a fee.

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