Southeast Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 13 Issue No. 36 Sept. 7-13, 2012


PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott visited Eagle Academy For Young Men in Jamaica on the first day of school. By Ross Barkan ‌ Page 3

Online at

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

News Briefs Senior Center Opens Its Doors

Corona Welcomes Public Mural

There is some big news for the elderly in Howard Beach. The Howard Beach Senior Center will be open Sunday, Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch will be served at 12 p.m. Dancing and fun will then ensue when DJ Rich starts spinning some cool beats. This is just one of many activities the senior center is known for. Computer classes, talent shows and photography classes are all offered by the senior center. On Friday mornings in October, seniors can learn how to better utilize digital cameras. Previous computer experience would be helpful for this class. The Howard Beach Senior Center is located 156-45 84th Street and the entrance is on 85th Street. The center is funded under contract to the New York City Dept. for the Aging and is open to anyone age 60 and over. For questions, call 718-738-8100.

On a simple drive down the Horace Harding Expressway in Corona, one may be hardpressed to notice the High School for Arts and Business, located at 105-25 Horace Harding Expressway North. The road, which routinely hosts hoards of cyclists, drivers and pedestrians, recently received a face lift drawing attention to the school’s presence. On Aug. 31, Groundswell, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the practice of public art making, partnered with the Dept. of Transpor tation’s Of f ice of Safety Education to unveil a new public mural that was painted on 83 feet of the high school’s exterior space. Over the summer, Groundswell paired 16 young people ages 14 to 20 with artist Yana Dimitrova of Forest Hills to create the mural, aptly named “Yield in the Name of Creativity.”

By aiming to combine the message of street safety with the creativity that stems from the local students, the team of muralists designed winding roads with an ever watching eye overseeing the heavily trafficked area where the mural is located. At the focal point, two children are featured in a representation of the dual aspects of the business and art focuses of the high school. As one child sketches a “Yield” sign that embodies the overall theme of the painting, the other, clad in a suit, depicts the various creative paths to attract opportunity and success. “The roads in the painting not only refer to traffic safety but also to the different roads the students must take in life,” Dimitrova said. “We would like for the drivers to see the mural and be aware that there are students who are arriving here every day with the purpose of becoming successful.”

Kids Running Show At Flea Market A very unusual flea market is coming back to Kew Gardens. On Sunday, Sept. 9, a group of parents will be hosting the third annual Kew Gardens Kids for Kids Flea Market. There will be selling tables, new and gently used merchandise and bargaining but the difference is that children between the ages of 5 and 12 will be in charge of their tables and their parents will be assistants. Each child will be selling toys, games, books and clothes and each child will also be making a donation to the The River Fund, a Richmond Hill-based charity that aids impoverished families, seniors and adults. Jennifer Giardina, a Kew Gardens parent, is heading the event because she wants her children to “appreciate and value the things that they have and to realize and acknowledge that there are children who are less fortunate than they are.” Giardina is passionate about giv-

ing her children empowering experiences so that they will “know that they can make a positive difference in their world and in their community.” The flea market committee hopes community members will come on Sept. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kew Gardens Cinemas Park, located on Austin Street off of Lefferts Boulevard. Community members will have an opportunity to meet a group of committed young entrepreneurs and will enjoy face painting and arts and crafts — children will be working on a project that will be displayed at Odradeks Coffee House — story-telling and entertainment. Several neighborhood businesses will be donating food, supplies and raffle items to Kids For Kids Flea Market. There will be a raffle with many great gifts to win.

Brief Us! Mail your news brief items to: PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357


Commission Unveils Council District Draft


The City Council districting commission unveiled their preliminary draft of new district lines, irking minority advocacy groups who believe the lines fail to account for radical demographic changes over the last decade. After a series of public hearings throughout the City, the commission released a City Council map on Sept. 4 that may still undergo additional changes. A new cycle of public hearings, set to begin in October, will be based upon the preliminary map. The 51 districts are altered every 10 years to reflect demographic shifts recorded by the Census. “There are many more views that need to be shared with the commission given the significance of redrawing these lines

for the next 10 years,” said Benito Romano, the redistricting commission chairman. “We encourage the public to participate and look forward to hearing from more of the public in the second round of hearings.” In Queens and throughout New York City, the preliminary district lines do not vary much from their predecessors. Small alterations, like moving downtown Jamaica and part of Fresh Meadows out of term-limited Councilman James Gennaro’s (D-Fresh Meadows) 24th District, were made. Political insiders believe Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D-Hillcrest) will run for that seat next year. Council members not term limited in 2013 will benefit from districts that are similar to their current ones. The Asian Ameri-

can Community Coalition on Redistricting and Democracy, a coalition of 14 Asian-American advocacy organizations, have been lobbying for changes to Queens district lines that have, at least at the moment, not been adopted. An ACCORD member organization, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, spearheaded the Unity Map, a proposal for City Council district lines that would have united Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park into a single district, Councilman Eric Ulrich’s 32nd (R-Ozone Park), and merged part of Oakland Gardens into Bayside, among other changes. These proposals, ACCORD argued, would better account for a surging Asian population that is now 23 percent of the borough, up 31 percent from a de-

cade ago. Queens has one Asian member of the City Council, Councilman Peter Koo (D-Flushing), and the joining of heavilyAsian Oakland Gardens into the 19th District, now represented by Councilman Dan Halloran (RWhitestone), would increase the possibility of Queens sending another representative of Asian descent to the City Council. A burgeoning South Asian and Guyanese population in South Ozone Park and Richmond Hill is sliced up among four districts currently, and the commission’s proposed map would maintain those divisions. “Essentially, it doesn’t look like community input has figured into the drawing of this draft which is surprising because there have been five public hearings, one in each borough, and dozens

of testimonies,” said James Hong, civic participation coordinator for ACCORD. “There are very incremental changes in many places; this is while demographically the City has undergone rapid and dramatic shifts within its population.” The districting commission, mandated by the City Charter, is made up of 15 members, eight appointed by the City Council party leaders and seven by the mayor. There must be members from each borough. Racial and language minority groups must be represented as well. Former State Sen. Frank Padavan and former Councilman Tom Ognibene are among the 15 members. Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or

Walcott Opens School Year At Eagle Academy BY ROSS BARKAN

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott toured the new home of Eagle Academy for Young Men of Southeast Queens yesterday. Walcott, along with Principal Kenyatte Reid, viewed the gleaming facilities of the all-male Eagle Academy that even the eighth grade students on the tour had not yet seen. It was their first day of school and a new beginning for Eagle Academy in Queens, one of several Eagle Academy public schools throughout the City. Now housed in the building of the former Allen Christian School, Eagle Academy is a school for grades 6-12. “We’re fortunate to be one of the few schools that have their own building,” said Reid. “That’s why the students are so starstruck right now.” Reid was referring to the fact that Eagle Academy, now in its third year, was once co-located with I.S. 59 in Springfield Gardens. The original Eagle Academy was founded in the Bronx in 2004 and the second was founded in Brooklyn. Though

misidentified as a charhe was already preparing ter school in a Dept. of himself for Regents exEducation press reams. lease, the 570-student Councilman Leroy Eagle Academy is not Comrie (D-St. Albans) one. Like in private and Assemblywoman schools, however, the Cathy Nolan (Dstudents wear school Sunnyside), the chair of uniforms consisting of the Assembly’s Commitslacks, button-down tee on Education, were in shirts and customattendance as well. For made Eagle Academy Eagle Academy President ties. and CEO David Banks, The building housthe day was particularly ing Eagle Academy special. Eagle Academies on 171-10 Linden are aimed at serving miBlvd. is still undergonority and low-income ing renovations, with youth. phase two — includ“People are excited to ing a music room, know that there is a multi-media library, school that has at its fokitchen, science labo- The eighth grade class of Eagle Academy for Young Men of Southeast Queens will be the first cus on a level of hope ratory and athletic to graduate from the school. and redemption for lockers — to be comyoung men of color,” said pleted next year. A new labora- thwarted initiative known as eighth graders. “That comes with Banks. “All too often we hear in tory and renovated gym were a “turnaround” that would have re- a special responsibility. You will the media about all of these tragpart of phase one upgrades: both placed half the staffs of high be the leaders.” edies and young men shooting The students were eager about each other. We always say that were shown off to the students schools throughout the City and changed their names, he was in their first day and a fresh start in happens when people don’t and the chancellor. For Walcott, a Queens native good spirits at Eagle Academy. a new building. have a sense of hope for them“I felt happy we had our own selves and their future.” and graduate of Francis Lewis “You have a unique distincHigh School, the tour was a home- tion of being the people who will school and that we got this far,” Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at coming. Though the chancellor be the first high school graduates said 13-year-old eighth grader (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or has faced criticism over a of this school,” Walcott told the Damoni George, who also said

Queens Schools Facing Shutdown Again

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

The State Dept. of Education last week released a list of 221 struggling schools throughout New York State, including 16 in Queens, that must take drastic action or be shut down in the next three years. Representing the bottom 5 percent of elementary, middle and high schools in New York, almost all of the schools on the list had high concentrations of poverty. The schools were targeted for a variety of reasons, including low graduation rates or rock bottom test scores. The 16 Queens schools, some of which were in danger of closure this year, are: Newtown High School, Grover Cleveland High School, Flushing High School, Martin Van Buren High School, M.S. 053 Brian Piccolo, August Martin High School, Beach Channel High School, Richmond Hill High School, John Adams High School, J.H.S. 008 Richard S. Grossley, Jamaica High School,

I.S. 192 The Linden, Excelincrease teaching time and sior Preparatory High must spend more of their School, P.S. 111 Jacob federal funding on “parent Blackwell, William Cullen engagement.” They must Bryant High School and also have new plans for Long Island City High judging teacher perforSchool. mance. “The State’s new system Flushing, William Cullen more closely resembles the Bryant, Long Island City, City’s school Progress ReAugust Martin, Richmond ports by recognizing growth Hill, John Adams and and measuring students’ Grover Cleveland were all college and career readitargeted for closure this ness,” Schools Chancellor year before a court ruling Dennis Walcott said, notblocked the DOE’s initiaing 55 schools were recogtive, known as “turnnized for their “strong peraround,” that would have formance” including P.S. 89 replaced 50 percent of the in Elmhurst. “There is still schools’ staffs and remore work to do, and we August Martin High School is one of 16 Queens schools identified as needing named the schools. The will continue to support our significant improvements to avoid shutdown. The school was originally listed as being United Federation of struggling schools while a “turnaround” school last year. Teachers and local elected holding them accountable officials fought the initiato the high standards our stu- dollars. Schools are no longer ority schools have to develop tive, arguing it was a politicallylabeled Schools in Need of Im- whole school improvement plans motivated ploy to punish the UFT dents deserve.” The schools were chosen provement if they do not meet that are in line with the federal for failing to reach an agreement through a new system now that certain performance targets; in- government’s School Improve- on teacher evaluations. New York has a waiver from the stead, the State DOE looks at the ment Grants no later than the Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at No Child Left Behind law, grant- bottom 15 percent and labels the 2014-15 academic year. (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or The schools are required to ing it more flexibility over federal schools “priority” or “focus.” PriPRESS photo by Ira Cohen


Officials Kick Off Senior Appreciation Week nity have been the backbone,” said Assemblyman William For the past 10 years, the borScarborough (D-Jamaica). “We ough has hosted a series of activicelebrate Senior Appreciation ties to serve the senior citizen Week for a simple reason - to community. let our seniors know that we The week-long annual event, appreciate what they have known as Senior Appreciation done and what they continue to do for this community.” From Sept. 8 to 17, Scarborough will join several officials, including U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica), State Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-St. Albans) and Councilman James Gennaro (D-Fresh Meadows) to host a series of free borough-wide festivities designed to help seniors stay physically, mentally and socially active. The events are as follows: On Sept. 8, the A panel of local representatives unveils a schedule of festivities at Roy Wilkins Park LINKS Health Fair will in honor of Senior Appreciation Week. take place at York Col-

PRESS Photo by Megan Montalvo


Week, will once again make its resurgence this year. On Sept. 6, the community came together at Roy Wilkins Park in Jamaica as local elected officials unveiled the upcoming list of events. “The seniors in this commu-

lege, located at 94-20 Guy R Brewer Blvd. in Jamaica from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Sept. 10, Smith will host a senior appreciation lunch at the Robert Johnson Family Life Center, located at 172-17 Linden Blvd. in St. Albans from noon until 3 p.m. Also on Sept. 10, State Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica) will host the “Oldies but Goodies Luncheon” from noon to 4 p.m. at the Rochdale Village Community Center, located at 169-65 137th Ave. On Sept. 12, seniors can join Meeks for “An Afternoon at the Movies” at Jamaica Multiplex Theatre at 15902 Jamaica Ave. from 12:30 to 3 p.m. On the same day, Councilman Ruben Wills (D-Jamaica) will host karaoke and zumba fitness at the Rochdale Community Center, located at 169-65 137th Ave. in Jamaica from noon until 4 p.m., and Assemblywoman Michelle Titus (D-South Ozone Park) will offer senior

fitness in Springfield Park at 183rd St. from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. On Sept. 14, Gennaro will give a senior informational series from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Queens Community House, located at 108-25 62nd Dr. in Forest Hills. Later that day, Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) will host a Jazz Concert from 2 until 4 p.m. at York College. Lastly, on Sept. 17, Scarborough will wrap up the week long fun with a “Bowling and Bid Wisk” at Jib Lanes from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 67-19 Parson Blvd. in Flushing. For more information on Senior Appreciation Week, call Tai White of Senator Smith’s office at (718) 454-0162 or Margaret Denson of Councilman Comrie’s office at (718) 7763700. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or mmontalvo



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Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5


Editorial OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Managing Editor:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel

PRESS 2012 Primary Endorsements: State Senate District 10

Assembly District 33

As the incumbent in this primary race faces indictment for funneling money into a nonprofit run by a family member and a former aide, it is clear that voters need to send a message to Albany that elected officials need to serve the best interests of their constituents, not themselves, their friends or their special interests. While he would be a new face in Albany, James Sanders is experienced in serving his constituents, having effectively represented Southeast Queens in the City Council since 2001. The PRESS endorses James Sanders.

While it is clear that New York State would be better if more established members of the Legislature were replaced with people who were not beholden to special interests, sometimes we need to keep an experienced fighter in office. Assemblywoman Barbara Clark is an old-time reformer who has stood up to Albany leadership in the past and can be counted on to do it again. The PRESS endorses Barbara Clark.

State Senate District 15 Councilman Eric Ulrich has been a rising star among Queens Republicans since he took office in 2009. Ulrich speaks confidently and knowledgeably about the issues that he feels are important to the district. He has been a hardworking member of the City Council who we believe would be a hardworking member of the State Senate as well. The PRESS endorses Eric Ulrich.


Photo Editor: Ira Cohen Reporters: Harley Benson Ross Barkan Megan Montalvo Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director Gerry Laytin Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2012 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Assembly District 38 Assemblyman Mike Miller is still a fresh face in Albany, having won his seat in a special election in 2009. With a history of working for the people in his district, Miller seems committed to the betterment of his community. Miller seems dedicated to leaving his district a better place than he found it, and we believe he should be given the opportunity to continue. The PRESS endorses Mike Miller.

Unacceptable To The Editor: The depth of corruption in New York politics is unfathomable. If the latest indictment of State Senator Shirley Huntley for using taxpayer money to fund her family’s lavish lifestyle isn’t enough, we now learn that Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver has authorized $103,0 00 of taxpayer’s dollars to pay hush money to female victims of sleazy Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s unsavory advances. The details of the sordid Lopez episode have only begun to emerge. While our community begs for library funds and desperately needed curb and sidewalk repairs, our elected leaders secretly throw our tax dollars at the accusers of their political pals to keep these travesties under cover and out of the public eye. Sickening! Of course Lopez should immediately resign his Assembly seat, but there must be no lesser penalty for Silver who covertly used taxpayer funds to silence the female victims of Lopez and Company. Lopez was Silver’s handpicked Brooklyn Democratic Leader. The attempt to use this secret stash to save face at taxpayer expense by keeping this sordid affair out of the media and public scrutiny is repulsive. Where are the Democrat

Assemblymen calling for Silver’s ouster or at least demanding that he step down as Speaker? Why have first-time “reform minded” candidates such as Jerry Iannece and others who received Dem Party endorsement suddenly gone mute? My local Assemblyman David Weprin is absolutely silent on this matter as is his brother, Mark, who worked with Shelly in the Assembly for almost two decades before he and brother David swapped political seats in a clever bid to circumvent term limits. But they’re in good company. The NY Assembly delegation seems to have forgotten that their allegiance is to their constituents - not the Assembly Speaker. This “Let them eat cake” attitude is indicative of their unbridled and unchallenged power. How many more indictments, arrests and boorish behavior must we accept before we say enough is enough? Fortunately, voters will have an opportunity to answer that question in 2.5 months. Bob Friedrich, Glen Oaks

Honoring Hoffa To The Editor: In celebration of Labor Day 2012, I would like to honor James Riddle “Jimmy” Hoffa (1913-1982), the American labor union leader who, as General

President of the International B rotherhood of Teamsters (1958-1971), catalyzed the development of IBT into the largest and most powerful single union in the United States, with over 1.5 million members during his terms as its leader. In 1964, Jimmy Hoffa brought all overthe-road truck drivers in North America under a single national master-freight agreement, in what may have been his finest achievement in a lifetime of union activity (Moldea, The Hoffa Wars, 1978. pp. 171-72). Hof fa’s militar y service deferment during World War II made possible the harnessing of his union leadership skills in keeping freight running smoothly to assist the war effort towards victory of the United States in 1945. Jimmy Hof fa was an extraordinary exemplar of the democratic counter-hegemonic initiative of trade unionism in perpetual political struggle with the corporatist merger of corporate and state power (fascism). Jimmy Hoffa was not, as Robert F. Kennedy termed, “The Enemy Within” (Harper and Brothers, 1960), but rather an American national hero, who fought for the political and economic freedom of working class Americans. Jimmy Hoffa of Teamsters is analogous to the Polish leader, Lech Walesa, of

Solidarity, in the conflict over whether a national government should have been an instrument of working class or corporate aggrandizement. Fortunately,because of the power of Jimmy Hoffa (and President Richard Nixon), Bobby Kennedy was as doomed as Jaruzelski, Poland’s dictator. Let us salute Jimmy - Jimmy Hoffa - this Labor Day for his indefatigable efforts on behalf, not only of truckers, but of all working class men and women in America. Thanks to Jimmy, Humphrey Bogart and George Raft (of the 1940 flim, “They Drive By Night”), as honorary Teamster truckers, have not battled the dangers of the open road in vain! Joseph N. Manago, Briarwood


The PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 email fax: (718) 357-9417

Editor’s Note:

Marcia Moxam Comrie’s column will return next week.

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Senate District 10

Indictment Complicates Three-Way Primary BY PRESS STAFF Now indicted for alleged wrongdoing involving a nonprofit organization, State Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica) has another immediate concern: keeping her seat. Councilman James Sanders (D-Laurelton) is running an aggressive campaign to defeat Huntley and represent the new 10th Senate District, which includes the portions of Far Rockaway that Sanders represents in the City Council. Gian Jones, a community activist who also served five months in federal prison for conspiracy to commit bank fraud, is running the Democratic primary as well. Though an avalanche of bad press may sink Huntley’s campaign, she is not losing the money race. According to latest filings, she raised $11,650 and Sanders raised $8,335. His campaign coffers have $19,805 left, while Huntley has a little more than $21,300. It is too late for the Board of Elections to remove Huntley from the ballot for the Sept. 13 Primary. Attorney General Eric

Shirley Huntley

James Sanders

Gian Jones

Schneiderman accused Huntley of conspiring to help a niece and aide to steal money that the nonprofit Parent Workshop was supposed to use to help poor students navigate the City school system. The organization is accused of funneling public money to Huntley’s aide, Patricia Savage, and to the senator’s niece, Lynn Smith. According to the indictment, Savage and Smith submitted fraudulent documents to the state to obtain public money from a member item Huntley sponsored. Instead of providing the promised programs, Savage and Smith allegedly pocketed approximately $29,950. With two weeks to go until

the primary, Sanders said his team believes he was already in place to win the Sept. 13 election. “I believe she wants the people of Southeast Queens to have a strong voice in the State Senate,” Sanders said. “One who would advocate tirelessly on their behalf, without the distinct distraction of scandal or the difficulties of mounting legal defense. This is why today, with great regret, I am calling upon Sen. Shirley Huntley to take the high road. Step aside so that a new voice can take over and that you can deal with the legal problems you’re dealing with.” Sanders acknowledged that

Huntley could drop out of the race, but with less than a week to go, Huntley is likely not going anywhere. “We have no intentions of bowing out of the race,” Huntley spokeswoman Adrienne Felton said on Tuesday. Lois Menyweather, Huntley’s director of inter-governmental relations, sent out an email to supporters Monday night on the senator’s behalf. “The fact that this indictment against me has been announced less than three weeks before the Primary Election is no coincidence,” the Aug. 27 email states. “I have served humbly as New

York State Senator for over six years now, and it is my desire to continue in this capacity of service to our community,” the email later reads. “As such, any assistance you can provide to ensure that I can continue to represent our community in Albany greatly valued (sic).” The email ends with Huntley thanking readers for their support and asks those who can help to call the senator’s campaign office in Rochdale Village. “We were winning before this tragedy. We were winning on the ground,” Sanders said. The councilman received a key endorsement last month from the Rev. Floyd Flake. Sanders served as his assistant district manager during Flake’s time in Congress. Flake served in Congress from 1987 to 1997, until he left Capitol Hill to be a fulltime pastor at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral in Jamaica. Flake is considered influential in Southeast Queens politics and Sanders told reporters that character was a factor when Flake chose to endorse him over Huntley.

Assembly District 33

Clark Faces Assembly Rematch With Vanel Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

BY ROSS BARKAN Clyde Vanel is at it again. The 37-year-old business attorney is challenging 73-year-old Assemblywoman Barbara Clark (D-Queens Village) for her seat, hoping to defeat an incumbent that has represented the Southeast Queens area since 1987. Vanel was overwhelmingly defeated in 2010, garnering only 33.2 percent of the vote, but has been spending heavily on his second quest to defeat Clark. That spending took its toll: in latest filings, Vanel is actually in the red, owing $31.99. Clark’s campaign coffers are far healthier: she has approximately

$12,000. After raising his Committee on Aging. name recognition in 2010, She worked to increase Vanel could be more of a funding to City public threat to Clark on primary schools and authored day, Sept. 13. legislation to establish Born of Haitian immithe age of six as the statugrants, Vanel, a Cambria tory age for full time atHeights native, once tendance in school. Born owned a Manhattan restauin West Virginia, Clark atrant and hopes to make tended Andrew Jackson Southeast Queens more atHigh School, now closed tractive to entrepreneurs. and renamed Campus Vanel supports lower taxes Magnet High School. Clyde Vanel Barbara Clark on small businesses and She is also running on wants to create a more inthe Working Families dependent Joint Commission mission and prevent allegations Party line. No Republicans have on Public Ethics because, he has from being made public. filed to run in the general elecsaid, the Public Integrity Reform In the Assembly, Clark serves tion. Act gives officials the ability to as deputy majority whip and Clark, along with former State stop investigations by the com- once chaired the Standing Sen. Frank Padavan, drew scru-

tiny for her role in a 2009 deal to sell land at the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center to the Indian Cultural and Community Center—the land, valued at $7.3 million, was sold for $1.8 million. Clark received thousands in campaign contributions from the ICCC. The redrawn 33rd District encompasses the neighborhoods of Cambria Heights, St. Albans, Hollis, Queens Village and parts of Bellerose and Floral Park. If Clark triumphs, she will be embarking on her 14th term in the Assembly. Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or

Police Blotter Compiled by STEVEN J. FERRARI

Borough-wide Bank Robbery The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance with the whereabouts and identity of the following individual wanted in connection to a bank robbery pattern in the confines of the 104th, 108th and 115th Precincts. During these incidents, the suspect enters the banks, approaches the tellers and passes a demand note. After receiving the money, the suspect flees the location to parts unknown. The first incident occurred on July 17 at approximately 3 p.m. at Amalgamated Bank, 78-01 37th Ave., in Jackson Heights. The victim complied with the demand note and the suspect received an undisclosed amount of cash. The second incident occurred on Aug. 10 at approximately 5:50 p.m. at Chase Bank, 74-03 Metropolitan Ave., Middle Village. The victim walked away from the station and the suspect fled the bank without any cash.

The third incident occurred on Aug. 20 at approximately 1:52 p.m. at HSBC Bank, 22-15 43rd Ave., Long Island City. The victim complied with the demand note and the suspect received an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect is described as a Black male in his 30s, approximately 6-foot, 200 lbs. In the Aug. 20 incident, the suspect was wearing a white striped shirt, jeans, sunglasses and a blue baseball cap. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers’ website at or by texting their tips to CRIMES (274637), then enter TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

108th Precinct Robbery Police are asking the public’s

assistance in locating three males, aged 15-18, wanted in connection with a strong-arm robbery that occurred on Aug. 19, at approximately 3:50 a.m. in front of 41-26 71st St., in Woodside. The victim, a 40-year-old Asian male, was approached from behind by the suspects, who assaulted him and fled on foot with the victim’s wallet and two cell phones. The first suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 1518 years old, 5-foot-6, 140 lbs., with long black hair, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. The suspect had a skateboard, which he later returned to retrieve. The second suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 15-18 years old, 5-foot-9, 180 lbs., wearing a baseball cap and blue jeans. The third suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 1518 years old. The suspect is described as a Black male in his 30s, approximately 6-foot, 200 lbs. In the Aug.

20 incident, the suspect was wearing a white striped shirt, jeans, sunglasses and a blue baseball cap. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers’ website at or by texting their tips to CRIMES (274637), then enter TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

Homicide Police arrested Ramiro Martinez, 28, on charges of second-degree murder and fourthdegree CPW in connection to a homicide that occurred on Aug. 26 at approximately 4:30 p.m. at 69th Street and Woodside Avenue in Woodside. According to police reports, NYPD responded to a 911 call at the above address and observed Enrique Morales Martinez, 37, with stab wounds to the neck and

shoulder. EMS responded and removed the victim to Elmhurst Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

109th Precinct Homicide At approximately 10:38 p.m. on Aug. 21, police responded to a 911 call of a male shot behind 133-20 Roosevelt Ave., in Flushing. Upon arrival, police observed the victim, Alejandro Ramos, 46, of Flushing, unconscious and unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the back. Ramos was transported to New York Hospital Queens, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. A second victim was also observed, a 28-year-old Black male, with a gunshot wound to the buttocks. The second victim was also transported to New York Hospital Queens, where he was listed in stable condition. There are no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing.

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9


College Welcome Queens College Student Association President Karamvir Singh led hundreds of students on the college quad in a flash mob performance of a popular Indian dance routine, masala bangla. The dance was one of several events held for over 1,000 new and returning students as part of the college’s annual Welcome Day festivities. The bands Red Baraat and We the Kings also performed. Photo by Georgine Ingber.

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Let’s March

Photo by Ira Cohen

Photo by Ira Cohen

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (left) stands with singer Harry Bellafonte, who served as a grand marshal for the West Indian Day parade.

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

Prepared For Service

Victoria Azarenka awaits a serve in her match against Kirsten Flipkens at the U.S. Open on Aug. 29. Azarenka defeated Flipkens in two straight sets.

Jewish Council Honors U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (DBayside, center) was honored by the Queens Jewish Community Council with a lifetime achievement award. He is pictured with Cantor Josee Wolff and Paul Trolio of Temple Sholom of Floral Park, which was presented with the council’s New Tamid Award.

Borough Beat

Weight Watchers Joins Mayor’s Soda Ban BY MEGAN MONTALVO When Queens Resident Rachelle Conley first joined Weight Watchers, she was not quite sure of how her decision would soon affect her waistline. By drastically cutting down her sugary beverage intake, Conley said she was able to lose 91 pounds. “Before losing weight, I would drink 48 ounces of fruit flavored juice drink each day and coffee with 25 packets of sugar every morning,” Conley said. “Now, I’ve completely cut out sugary beverages, drink mostly water, eat healthy portions and exercise near Flushing Meadows Park. For the first time in my life I’m at a healthy weight range, and I plan on staying here.” On Sept. 4, Conley stood alongside Mayor Mike Bloomberg at Flushing Mead-

ows Corona Park and used her testimony to back his sugary beverage portion proposal. “It’s time to face the facts: obesity is one of America’s most deadly problems and sugary beverages are a leading cause of it. As the size of sugary drinks has grown, so have our waistlines – and so have diabetes and heart disease,” Bloomberg said. “Our proposal for reasonable portion sizes won’t prevent anyone from buying or drinking as much soda as they want, but it will help people keep from inadvertently taking in junk calories simply because the small drink they ordered was actually very large.” Lauded by Weight Watchers President Dave Burwick, the proposal will face a vote by the Board of Health on Sept. 13. If passed, the legislation will go into effect by next March and would limit the serving size to 16 ounces or less at restaurants,

delis and concession stands at movie theaters. According Health Commissioner Thomas Farley, if the proposal passes, the City could see a decrease in obesity numbers as quickly as within a few months. “In a City with large sizes of

high-calorie snack foods and beverages at your fingertips around the clock, it is no wonder many New Yorkers struggle to maintain a healthy weight,” Farley said. “Reducing sugary drinks is the simplest dietary change that people can make to

lose weight or avoid gaining weight. We hope that our proposal will help New Yorkers do just that.” Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or mmontalvo@queens

Woman Gets 11 Years For Infant Death


A 28-year-old Corona woman was sentenced on Sept. 4 to 11 years in prison after pleading guilty to causing the death of a three-month-old infant. Ana Delarosa of 104-52 39th St. pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree manslaughter and one count of first-degree assault, admitting she violently shook the child to death because he was crying. “Today’s sentencing will hopefully give some closure to the

child’s parents and spare them from having to sit through the painful testimony of a trial,” District Attorney Richard Brown said. Brown said that, according to the guilty plea, Delarosa, a family friend, was babysitting threemonth-old Addison ReinosoXoyatla at her residence on Dec. 29, 2010, when, sometime after 11:00 a.m., the baby awoke and began crying. Delarosa tried to console the infant but he continued to cry. Delarosa shook the baby until he stopped crying and went limp. She then sought help.

The child arrived at Elmhurst General Hospital later that day in cardiac arrest. An examination of the child revealed that he suffered severe brain injury, as well as bleeding around the nerves that connect the eyes to the brain. He died on Jan. 4, 2011. Delarosa confessed to the police that she violently shook the baby when she became frustrated because the child wouldn’t stop crying and was then arrested. Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127 or

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11


‘Enchanted Cat Katrina’ Finds New Life “The Enchanted Cat Katrina,” based on an old European parable, recently found new life thanks to revered composer and lyricist James Cohn. The story came to life on stage at the eighth annual Theatre by the Bay Original Plays Festival. Established in 2004 by the Community Theatre Group of Bay Terrace Jewish Center, the Theatre by the Bay Festival puts on a wide variety of off and on Broadway musicals for the community to enjoy. The festival will also be composed of dramatic readings and musical works by Lawrence Bloom, Jenifer

Badamo, Michael Chimenti and Stanley William Hathaway. With dialogue by Jeffrey Fites and Kitty Perez and music and lyrics by the aforementioned James Cohn, “The Enchanted Cat Katrina” is the leading musical in the Festival. Described as “a very old folk tale … [possibly] by The Brothers Grimm,” it is about a kitten who falls in love with a young prince and must make the decision whether or not she wants to live with him as a human or without him as a cat. The kitten ultimately makes the decision best for her, but that part can be a surprise.

Based out of Douglaston, award winning composer and director Cohn is the musical mastermind behind “Katrina’s” score. He began writing music at 6 years old, when his mother taught him how to play the violin and viola. Holding two college degrees – a bachelor’s and master’s of science in musical composition – Cohn went on to graduate from The Juilliard School at age 22. In his accomplished and noteworthy career, he has written and performed eight symphonies, assorted operas and performances of the voice, piano, chamber music,

and concert variety. His Symphony No. 2 won a Queen Elisabeth of Belgium Prize, his Symphony No. 3 was conducted by Paul Paray and the Detroit Symphony, and his Symphony No. 4 received an A.I.D.E.M. prize. Cohn’s one act opera “The Fall of the City” premiered in Athens, Ohio after it received the Ohio University Opera Award. He is currently continuing on the orchestra writing path with the recent finishing of “The Erie Canal,” which will make use of the kettle drum, woodwinds, brass, percussion and the tri-

angle. His musical mastery was taught to him by gifted names in the music world, among them Roy Harris, who taught him composition at Juilliard and Bernard Watgenaar (close friends with acclaimed composer Bela Bartok). The Theatre by the Bay Original Plays Festival begins at 1 p.m. at the Bayside Terrace Jewish Center, with “The Enchanted Cat Katrina” being performed at 7:30 p.m. General seating tickets are $10. For more information, call (718) 428-6363 or visit

Charissa Ng of Forest Hills graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in American studies during spring 2012 commencement ceremonies at Tufts University in Medford, Mass. Ng was also named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2012 semester.

in industrial design during commencement ceremonies at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga. Julie Canova of Maspeth is a member of the freshman class at Alfred University. Canova is the daughter of Jeffrey Canova and Celeste Walicki of Maspeth and is a graduate of Humanities and Arts Magnet High School in Cambria Heights.


Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

Local students were named to the Dean’s List and President’s List for the spring 2012 semester at Berkeley College. Students named to the President’s List include: Queens Village: Cheryl Cunjie, Terri Gooden-Miller, Mikhail Robertson. Students named to the Dean’s List include: Queens Village: Natasha Rajcooar, Sergio Turbides, Roland Vaval. Local students were named to the Dean’s List and President’s List for the spring 2012 semester at Berkeley College. Students named to the President’s List include: Fresh Meadows: Andy Ho. Oakland Gardens: Tiffany Chin, Qin Liu. Queens Village: Cheryl Cunjie, Terri Gooden-Miller, Mikhail Robertson. Forest Hills: Georgy Samoylov. Kew Gardens: Lissette Rodriguez. Rego Park: Richard Devera. Glendale: Moises Hassell. Middle Village: Toma Derapinaite. Ridgewood: Quincy Anthony, Marija Balaban, Merelinda Duhan. Sunnyside: Besir Bektesevic, Hyerin Lee. Woodside: Rochel Eustaquio,

Eunsil Gil, Soohee Han, Eun Jung Kim, Giseong Park, Tenzin Pema, Seiko Watanabe. Students named to the Dean’s List include: Floral Park: Angela Miller. Fresh Meadows: Mustafa Naseer. Queens Village: Natasha Rajcooar, Sergio Turbides, Roland Vaval. Forest Hills: Mairi Inoue, Marie Esther Saintable. Kew Gardens: Valerie Owens, Maha Shahid, Kathyanne Smith. Rego Park: Christine Aragoncillo, Rizki Hamid, Susan Leviyev, Aye Mya Ya Mon. Glendale: Alyssa Kiefer, Jennice Rodriguez Gulli, Angelica Waszakowski. Maspeth: Marcos Brito, Megan Wagner. Middle Village: Donna Donahue, Marlene Mungalsingh, Suada Selmanovic. Ridgewood: David Banegas, Vanessa Corlette, Amanda Jardine, Thinh Nguyen, Govanny Rodriguez. Sunnyside: Marcia Azcona, Cheolbin Lim, Ken Mochimaru, Sheraf Sonam, Tadeusz Zych. Woodside: Sharjel Ali, Anthony Cosme, Jaspinder Kaur, Jennifer Lam, Dessy Liem, Lucas Moreira, Dipen Patel, Yekaterina Sahakyan. Community District Education Council 27 has announced

its list of officers and members for the 2012-13 school year. Officers include: Coralanne Griffith-Hunte, president; John Larkin, first vice president, Charlyene Blunt, second vice president and Borough President representative; Alexanderia Siler, recording secretary; Joshua Hirschman, treasurer. Members include: Gina M. Davis, Dawn LoBello, Jennifer Keys McNamara, Raymond McNamara Sr. and Janice Wilson. Dawn LoBello also serves as Borough President representative.

Shuyao Wu of Rego Park participated in Purdue University’s annual Summer Transition, Advising and Registration program in advance of fall enrollment to the university. Daniel Taft of Forest Hills received a Master of Arts degree

Natasha Lazare of Queens Village received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in fashion during commencement ceremonies at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga.

Back To School: South Jamaica was chosen as one of several locations to be included in the Kars4Kids Back-toSchool Week Charity Bash, during which the well-known educational nonprofit distributed thousands of free backpacks to New York’s most needy children.


New Brewery Comes To Queens


Restaurant Review

A Worthwhile Mexican Meal

De Mole 45-02 48th Ave., Sunnyside (718) 392-2161 HOURS: 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day CUISINE: Mexican DELIVERY/TAKEOUT: Yes CREDIT CARD: Yes

Buceta said. "We are looking forward to using the stage to perform and feature local DJs and other musical acts whenever we host beer tastings." By next month, Buceta said he hopes to have the facility up and running with the intention of producing his initial drafts of brew by November. A total of five brews, two lagers and three hoppy ales, will be released to pubs throughout Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. Included in the long list of retailers are locals Queens Kickshaw, Alewife NYC, Crescent & Vine and MexiBBQ. In addition to their flagship 19-33 Lagrrr!, SingleCut will also offer a Sunburst Finish Lagrrr!, Pacific Northwest Mahogany Ale, 18-Watt Indian Pale Ale as well as a slightly hoppier version in the Half-Stack Indian Pale Ale. "Some of the brews are more extreme than others in terms of bitterness and taste, but I think people will find that they all have a unique approachability that will appeal to those who may not be craft beer drinkers," Buceta said. While the brews will be initially restricted to draft sales, Buceta said he plans to eventu-

Rich Buceta stands by his brewing equipment. ally invest in a canning machine for furthered distribution. In the meantime, Buceta says he will be patiently waiting out the construction process with the rest of us. "A lot has been happening every day with getting the brewery up and running, but when the day comes, and I can go to a local bar and see my tap handle behind the counter, that is going to be an amazing moment. I might cry," Buceta said. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or mmontalvo@

Queens Center Kiosk Highlights Praline BY MEGAN MONTALVO In 1912, the world was introduced to a new kind of chocolate, named the praline. The traditional chocolaty goodness the world came to know was forever changed when the Belgian chocolatier Jean Neuhaus II invented the first filled bite-sized chocolate. Since then, the Neuhaus Belgian chocolates brand has expanded to global lengths, offering more than 60 different varieties of pralines in 40 countries, including three store locations in Manhattan. Last month, the chocoate brand came to Queens for the first time with the opening of a luxury kiosk at the Queens Center Mall, located at 90-15 Queens Blvd in Elmhurst.

Situated on the first level of the mall, the kiosk offers all the same Neuhaus signature classics that New Yorkers have enjoyed at the high-end Manhattan boutiques. "The Queens Center mall is one of the highest quality and trafficked malls in the US, and we wanted to be present next to the other high-end brands that are already present," Neuhaus CEO Jos Linkens said. "We were attracted to the fabulous area, because it is the second largest populated borough of New York." According to Linkens, locals can now partake in the joy of sampling Neuhaus' fan favorites, such as their traditional Tentation, which is composed of homemade artisanal nougatine and hand-filled with a coffee fla-

vored ganache coated in milk chocolate, and the Caprice, which is traditional artisanal nougatine hand-filled with smooth Madagascar vanilla fresh cream and coated with dark chocolate. All of products sold at the kiosk are imported directly from Belgium. The kiosk will also offer pre-packaged gift sets and will be open every Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information on the kiosk, visit, or contact the kiosk directly at (718) 592-3900. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or mmontalvo@

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13

Tucked away in a corner of 48th Avenue in Sunnyside, my girlfriend and I found De Mole when we recently decided to dine out with a friend who was in the mood for some good Mexican food. The restaurant had been recommended in the Queens Tribune's recent Best of Queens list, so we decided to head out and give it a shot. It turned out to be a great decision. As we walked in one weeknight, the place seemed very cozy. As could be expected from a small corner restaurant, the dining area was a bit small. Only a handful of tables dotted the landscape, though, so we weren't crowded by the other people enjoying their meals. Despite the small dining area, we never felt cramped. The atmosphere was just what we were looking for: not too loud, with just enough lighting for a nice night out. While the restaurant's appetizers offerings looked great all-around, we wanted to keep our meal light, so we decided on the De Mole nachos, which included dipping sauces of black beans, guacamole, pico

de gallo and sour cream. We also decided to split a chicken tamale. In no time, the dishes were in front of us. As big fans of guacamole - who isn't? - we dug right in to the chips. The guacamole was mixed perfectly and before we knew it, we had devoured it all. We chopped up the tamale into thirds so we could each take a bite. It was the first time she had tasted a tamale, so she approached it tentatively, but as soon as she took a bite, she was ready for more. Once we had cleared our plates of the appetizers, our meals appeared almost immediately. My girlfriend and I each had a chicken enchilada with a green tomatillo sauce, while our dining companion chose a burrito filled with grilled steak. Each of our dishes came with generous servings of rice and pinto beans, which nicely complimented the large main dish. While our dining companion marveled over how good his burrito was, my girlfriend and I could not have been happier with the chicken enchilada. An enchilada needs a good sauce, and the tomatillo sauce we chose was a very good sauce, giving the dish a great flavor. We ate it right up with no hesitation. In all, we had an enjoyable and affordable - night at De Mole, and I look forward to heading out there again to try some more of its extensive menu. -Steven J. Ferrari

dress for the new brewery appropriately ties into the past as 1933 is also the year prohibition ended. The coincidence inspired owner and head brewer Rich Buceta to create a Lagrrr! - not to be confused with the traditional lager - by the same name. For the Jamaica-born Buceta, the excitement of opening the brewery is second only to his pride of being able to offer the City a truly local craft beer. "For a city this size, we really don't have a lot of local breweries. A lot of the breweries that do exist here have had to source their production elsewhere like upstate New York or Pennsylvania," Buceta said. "People are starting to find out, and they're not happy about it. The fact that we're going to be brewed 100 percent in New York City really helps set us apart." As construction of the SingleCut Brewery wraps up, Bucheta said he looks forward to hosting a grand opening. A performance stage will be incorporated into the space, which will allow for Buceta to showcase his second hobby as lead guitarist for his rock band Bandsaw. "Everyone who works at SingleCut is also a musician,"

PRESS photo by Megan Montalvo

Attention all Queens craft beer drinkers: your drinking options are about to get a little wider. As Queens awaits the long overdue opening of a local brewery, SingleCut Beersmiths are

placing the finishing touches on their new facility, located at 1933 37th St. in Astoria. SingleCut Brewery, whose name comes from musical influences, will be the first full-scale brewing operation to hit the borough since prohibition. Ironically enough, the ad-


Church Hosts Carnival, Health Fair Also taking place at the church on Sept. 8 will be a health fair and blood drive. Confirmed participants at the health fair include: York College – Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center, Jamaica YMCA , New York Blood Bank – the Lupus Association, Choices Women’s Medical Center, among a number of others. Because of the size of the event, the street next to the church will be closed to accommodate all of the carnival’s participants. “This is a way of giving back

to this terrific neighborhood we call home,” the Rev. Bob Fritch, senior pastor, said. “Just as God’s love is free, we offer ourselves freely to our community. No strings attached.” Fritch noted that the event is not a fundraiser and no donations or tips would be accepted. For information, call the church’s offices at (718) 7397452 or email oursaviorjamaica@ Information on the church can be found at

Photo provided by Robert Fritch

Our Saviour Lutheran Church will sponsor a community carnival and health fair from noon to 4 p.m. Sept. 8. The event is free and open to the public. The afternoon event will feature a talent show and an international fashion show, which will showcase the more than 20 nationalities that make up the congregation at Our Saviour Lutheran Church. In addition, the carnival will include music all day long. Free food will also be available, featuring hamburgers, hot dogs and a selection of ethnic delights.

Our Saviour Lutheran Church will hold a community carnival this weekend.

Word Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. -Isaiah 58:8

Keepin’ The Faith? Then it’s time to share... The PRESS wants to hear about the special programs in your faith community. Send your thoughts, stories, prayers and photos to The PRESS at 1150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 All stories will be considered. Photos cannot be returned.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

Notebook vnsny choice

Girl Scouts Make Pizelle For Queens Seniors With Grandparent’s Day taking place this Sunday, seniors at the VNSNY CHOICE Queens Adult Day Center in Woodside welcomed an early celebration. On Sept. 4, the Westchester Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Daisies visited the nursing facility, located at 61-10 Queens Blvd., to share stories and introduce the creation of the Intergenerational Recipe Book.

Organized by 16-year-old Girl Scout Victoria McGuire and her mother, Sherri Zabko-McGuire, the event featured a cooking demonstration followed by a discussion of family recipes and tastings. As the seniors reminisced over the recipes they enjoyed sharing with their grandchildren, Victoria McGuire prepared Pizelles taken from her

grandmother’s favorite recipe. “The Pizelle is a traditional Italian cookie that can be enjoyed around Easter or Christmas,” Victoria McGuire said. “I love that I can share them with everyone today because it is something I’ve always enjoyed with my grandmother.” In June, Victoria McGuire received a $1,000 grant from the MetLife Foundation to create

her vision for the Intergenerational Recipe Book, and said she plans on including her grandmother’s recipe along with additional recipes she plans to gather from senior at VNSNY CHOICE will also be included. The cookbook will be distributed to home-bound seniors at the facility and in Westchester as part of in-home

nutritional activity kit. The kits will be dispersed in the Spring of 2013. For more information about VNSNY CHOICE programs, visit or call 1-855-282-4642. Reach Reporter Megan Montalvo at (718) 357-7400 Ext. 128 or mmontalvo@queens -Megan Montalvo

What’s Up SEPT. 8 Free Zumba Class The Queensborough Public Library – Central Branch will host a free outdoor Zumba class with certified Zumba instructor Maxine Davis at noon. Participants will also have the opportunity to schedule an appointment at the Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center. The library is located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica.

Back To School Celebration A Cause A Concern A Solution will present a Back 2 School celebration from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Baisley Pond Park on Sutphin Blvd. The whole family is welcome for a day of free food, entertainment, health screenings, bounces, face painting, clowns, balloons, healthy snacks, food and more. Free backpacks will be given out at 3:30 p.m. Kids ages 12 and younger must register for a backpack by noon. The event is hosted by Big Uptown with music by The Amazing DJ Dewitt. For information, call Christina Winslow at (917) 349-1704 or Pamela Hight at (718) 433-7763.

Open House

Family Fun Day The Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning continues to celebrate its 40th anniversary with an anniversary celebration and Fall Family Fun Day from noon to 5 p.m. at Jamaica Performing Arts Center, 153-10 Jamaica Ave. The free event will include JCAL workshop previews, face painting, a DJ, arts & crafts, onsite workshop registration and one-day only discounts.

SEPT. 9 Sunday Concerts @ Central Papo Ortega’s CUBANOSON, a Cuban dance orchestra, unites the Punto Cubano and the Son Montuno for an exciting style of danceable Cuban music. Their sound combines traditional Cuban music with a mix of New York Salsa. The free event takes place at 3 p.m. at the Central Branch of the Queens Public Library, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica.

SEPT. 10 Networking Affair The STEP Network will host a Grand Business Networking Affair 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Jamaica Export Centre, 157-11 Rockaway Blvd. The $10 event will allow for introductions to business professionals from all five boroughs and beyond. Guest speaker Linda Clemons, a sales and body language expert, will present on “Sales Seduction: How To Seduce Your Clients Into Loving You.” For more information, call Sherise Patterson at (718) 2894080 or email

Sickle Cell Awareness Stay Well Night The Central Branch of the The Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network will hold its inaugural New York Mets Sickle Cell Awareness Night to raise awareness and commemorate 102 years since the discovery of the disease, which affects more than 100,000 Americans in the United States. The Mets will donate a portion of each ticket sold to QSCAN & SCTPN. Tickets range from $28 to $40 for the 4 p.m. game. For information, call Gary

Queens Public Library will host a free presentation at 10 a.m. on special exercises and relaxation techniques to make a difference in your life. The library is located at 89-11 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica.

SEPT. 11 Bubba’s Fish Market Auditions The Black Spectrum Theatre

Company will hold auditions for “Bubba’s Fish Market” 4 to 7 p.m. Sept. 11-12 at the theater, 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. The show opens on Oct. 12 and runs through Oct. 28 with a possible extension to Nov. 4.

SEPT. 12 Operation Safe Southeast Queens Now that summer is almost over, Operation Safe Southeast Queens will refocus its energy on the task of combating crime and violence in the community. The group will meet at 7 p.m. at the District Office of State Sen. Malcolm A. Smith, 205-20 Jamaica Ave.

SEPT. 14 Taste Of Praise Through the Decades The Greater Allen AME Cathedral will present “A Taste of Praise Through the Decades: Praise in Music, Dance and Spoken Word,” at 7:30 p.m. at the cathedral, 110-31 Merrick Blvd. Tickets cost $15 for general seating and $20 for reserved seating for the talent extravaganza featuring Allen’s resident artists. The evening will include a taste of diverse praise music, liturgical dance and poetry representing the 1930s, 40s and 50s through the present day.

ONGOING Mobile CPR Program FDNY EMS instructors will come out to your site to conduct the CPR training using your facilities. The Be 911 Compressions Only CPR Program is brought to you free of charge by FDNY and NYC Service. The goal of the program is to train as many people as possible in basic CPR skills. In addition, participants will be briefly educated on the automated external defibrillator (AED) used to try and revive a person suffering from cardiac arrest. Though this program does not certify any participants, the FDNY and NYC Service believe increasing the knowledge of how to save a life is far more beneficial. The program welcomes all ages, as long as the individual can demonstrate competency in

retaining the required skills. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday during the hours of 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Classes may be approximately 20 minutes depending on the size of the group. For group registration of 10 or more participants or further information, contact the FDNY’s CPR Training Unit at Telephone Number (718) 281-3888.

Group Sessions Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Infant Mortality Clergy United for Community Empowerment’s Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative program provides the following services free of charge: case management services, parent skills building, crib care, breast feeding education, health education, nutritional information/ education, referral for HIV testing, confidential one-on-one counseling, workshops, and women support groups. IMRI provides referrals for Food stamps, GED, GYN, Emergency Baby Formula (qualifications required) and more. Call (718) 297-0720. Located at 89-31 161 St., 10th floor, Jamaica. Services are available Tue.-Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Awareness Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmis-

sion. Services are located at 8931 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/ women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Merrick Flea Market A flea market has opened at 221-02 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.

PAL Volunteers The Police Athletic League (PAL) is looking for volunteers to continue its mission of serving New York City’s young people by donating their time and talents to help serve Queens youngsters at PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon in Arverne-Far Rockaway, PAL’s Edward Byrne Center in South Jamaica and PS 214 in Flushing. PAL Centers in Queens offer a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all talents. PAL’s Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon are looking for people to participate in a center clean-up day. Volunteers are needed to tutor and mentor young people during the After School Program’s daily homework help sessions. In addition, individuals can also donate their time assisting the many special events held at PAL’s Centers throughout the year. PAL is also seeking professionals to give career advice and talk about their own careers to young people, as well as guest speakers who can share information on a specific hobby of interest to the youngsters. To become a volunteer with the Police Athletic League or to learn more about volunteer opportunities, visit Volunteers will go through an application process that includes an interview, screening and an orientation. For more information, please contact PAL’s Volunteer Coordinator, Alexandria SumpterDelves, at (212) 477-9450, Ext. 390 or

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

Totally Involved Parenting Services Place Inc. will present an open house for its programs including: the Healthy-Us Family Fitness Program, focused on helping people maintain healthy weight and fight obesity; and the Grandparents/Relatives Kinship program, for people taking care of minors. There will also be refreshments served and a raffle. For information, call Diana at (718) 558-5900 or email

Garcia at (718) 559-3131 or email


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417,


Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

SENIORS ELDER LAW Monday, September 10 Eld e r L aw, P r o te c t i n g Yo u r Assets, Wills, Trusts, Health Care Proxies 1:15-2:00 at St. Johns Vianney Church, 14010 34 th Avenue, Flushing. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Mondays, September 10, 17 at the Queens Village library at 11. DENTAL SERVICES Tu e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 1 free dental service to seniors at Center for Smiles in Bayside. 6311-7800 appointments needed. BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS Tuesday, September 11 at the South Ozone Park library at 10. STARS Wednesday, September 12 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory at the Hollis library at 11:15. AARP 29 Thursdays, September 13, Oc tober 11, November 8, December 13 AARP 29 meets at noon at Grace House, 155-02 90 th Avenue, Jamaica. HORIZONS CLUB Thursday, September 13 at 12:30 for those 55 and over at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, 71-11 112th Street. Bring lunch. $4 includes coffee and cake. INTRO COMPUTER/EMAIL Thursday, September 13 at the Flushing library at 10. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Thursday, September 13 at the Auburndale library. Register. STARS Friday, September 14 Senior Theater Acting Repertory at the Queens Village library at 11. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Friday, September 14 a t the McGoldrick library. 3357547 to register.


MEETINGS LIBRARY DIRECTORS Saturday, September 8 Friends Board of Directors of Queens Library at Cambria Heights meet at 4. VFW 4787 Mondays, September 10, 24 Whitestone VFW Comm u n i t y Po s t m e e t s . 7 4 6 0540. CATHOLIC VETS Monday, September 10 American Mart yrs Catholic War Veterans Post 1772 in Bayside. 468-9351. AMER. LEGION Mondays, September 10, Oc tober 8, November 12, December 10 American Legion Post 510 at St. Robert Bellamine in Bayside Hills. 428-2895. TABLE TENNIS CLUB Mondays, September 10, 17 at 1:30 at the Seaside librar y. WRITING GROUP Monday, September 10 Shut Up And Write! Meetup Group at 6:30 at the Broadway library. SUNNYSIDE WRITERS Monday, September 10 at the Sunnyside library at 6:30. TELE. PIONEERS Tu e s d ay s , S e p te m b e r 1 1 , Oc tober 9, November 13, December 11 Te l e p h o n e Pioneers of America meet in College Point. 463-4535. LIONS CLUB Tuesday, September 11 Lions Club of Ravenswood at 6:30 at Riccardo’s by the Bridge, 21-01 21 st Avenue, Astoria. COMM. BD. 9 Tu e s d ay s , S e p te m b e r 1 1 , Oc tober 9, November 13, December 11 Communit y Board 9 meeting at 7:45. 286-2686 for location. WRITING GROUP Wednesday, September 12 Seaside Writing Group at the library at 3. 98 TH STREET Thursday, September 13 98 th Street Block Association meets at 6 at the East Elmhurst library. HORIZONS CLUB Thursday, September 13 at 12:30 for those 55 and over at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, 71-11 112 th Street. “Rossini and the Barber of Seville” is the topic. Bring lunch. $4 includes coffee and cake. JEFFERSON DEMS Thursdays, September 13, Oc tober 11, November 8, December 13 Jefferson Democratic Club meets 7:30 at the Clearview Golf Course Clubhouse. ILION BLOCK Fridays, September 14, Oc-

tober 12, November 9, December 14 Ilion Area Block Association meets at the African Center for Communit y Empowerment, 111-92A Farmers Blvd., St. Albans at 7:30. KNIT & CROCHET Friday, September 14 knitting and crocheting club at the Fresh Meadows library at 11:30. CHESS CLUB Friday, September 14 a t the Auburndale library at 3:30. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, September 15, 22 learn how to communicate effective 10-12 at the Elmhurst Hospital Conference Room A-1-15. 646-7488290. P-FLAG Sundays, September 16, Oc tober 21, November 18 P-Flag, a support group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663.

HEALTH HEALTH TALK Saturday, September 8 Understanding Stroke, Diabetes and the New Health Care Regulations at the Bayside library at 2. BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, September 9 a t 188-15 McLaughlin Avenue, Hollis from 2-8. ALZHEIMERS Tu e s d ay s , S e p te m b e r 1 1 , 25 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 5925757, ext. 237. MS Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 1 1 National Multiple Sclerosis Societ y Support Group meets at 1 at the Howard Beach library. WELL SPOUSES Wednesdays, September 12, Oc tober 10 well spouses or partners of the chronically ill and disabled meet at St. Charles Rehab Center in Albertson at 7. 516-8298740. WILLING HEARTS Wednesday, September 12 family caregivers relief at the North Hills library at 1:30. RECOVERY, INT. Thursday, September 13 Recovery International meets at 2:30 at the Forest Hills library. Addresses anxiet y, fear, obsessions, temper, stress, depression. MEDITATION CLUB Thursday, September 13 at the Bellerose library at 5:15. INTRO YOGA Friday, September 14 Glendale library. Register.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs and more. Contact local branches. STORY BOOK LADY Saturdays 12:30-1:30 reading enrichment program for 6-9 year olds at Maria Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans. $7.50. 2763454. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays Central library at 11. CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. FLYERS TRYOUT Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, September 9, 10, 11 Flushing YMCA Flyers tryout at the YMCA in Flushing. 961-6880. For girls and boys 5-18. SHABBAT SCOUTS Sundays Shomer Shabbat B oy S c o u t Tr o o p 6 1 3 a t Yo u n g I s ra e l o f W i n d s o r Park. 969-1571. REPTILE EDVENTURE Monday, September 10 at the Ozone Park library at 3. RAINFOREST BUTTERFLIES Monday, September 10 at the Woodside library at 3. Thursday, September 13 at the Astoria library at 3. WHERE’S WALDO? Monday, September 10 at the Seaside library at 4. LEGO TIME Mondays, September 10, 17 at the LIC library at 6:15. CRAFT KIDS Mondays at the Flushing library at 3. FASHIONISTA STYLE Tu e s d ay s , S e p te m b e r 1 1 , 18 at the Broadway library at 3:30. HONEY BEE ALIVE! Tuesday, September 11 at the Sunnyside library. Register. Wednesday, September 12 at the Steinway lib ra r y. Re g i st e r. Tu e s d a y, September 18 at the Astoria library. Register. WII BOWLING Tuesday, September 11 at the Windsor Park library at 4. 9/11 TRIBUTE Tuesday, September 11 at the Central library at 4:30. For all ages. PLAY-DOH PART Y Wednesday, September 12 at the Fresh Meadows library at 3. CRAFT ACTIVITIES Wednesday, September 12 at the East Flushing library at 4. BOOST MATH Wednesday, September 12 at the Central library at 4:30. AUTUMN CRAFTS

Wednesday, September 12 at the Hillcrest library at 4:30. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. TIMELESS TALES Wednesdays at 10 at the Central library. S TORY T I M E Wednesdays at the Seaside library at 11. GAME DAY Wednesdays at the Howard Beach library at 4. CRAFTERNOONS Wednesdays at the R i d ge wo o d l i b ra r y. Re g i s ter. SHEEP TO SHAWL Thursday, September 13 at the Sunnyside library. Register. POETRY Thursday, September 13 at the Ridgewood library at 3:30. ARTS & CRAFTS CLUB Thursdays at the Seaside library. Register. BACK TO SCHOOL Friday, September 14 celebration with magic, face painting and fun at the East

Elmhurst library at 3:30. INTRO TO SCRATCH Friday, September 14 “Scratch” is a programming l a n g u a ge . C e n t ra l l i b ra r y. Register. KIDS ACTIVITIES Fridays at 3:30 at the Briarwood library. GAME DAY Fridays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays Briarwood library at 4.East Flushing Register. Ozone Park at 4. GAME DAY Fridays Windsor Park at 4. CHESS CLUB Fridays Auburndale library at 3:30 and at the Windsor Park library. Register. CUB SCOUTS 351 Fridays at St. Nicholas of Tolentine. Boys in grades 15. 820-0015. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897. CUB/TROOP SCOUTS Fridays September through June Pack 357 and Troop 357 in Flushing. 591-9514 Cubs, 279-9085 Scouts.

TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. FLYERS TRYOUT Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, September 9, 10, 11 Flushing YMCA Flyers tryout at the YMCA in Flushing. 961-6880. For girls and boys 5-18. POETRY Monday, September 10 at the Flushing library at 4. BULLYING Monday, September 10 at the St. Albans library at 4. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays Douglaston/Little Neck library at 4. FASHIONISTA STYLE Tu e s d ay s , S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 18 at the Broadway library at 3:30. TAROT CARD READING Tu e s d ay s , S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 18 Seaside library at 4. LIC CHESS CLUB Tuesdays LIC library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Tuesdays Windsor Park library at 4. TEEN SPACE Wednesday, September 12 clay creations at 4 at the Windsor Park library. RESUME HELP Wednesdays at 3 at the Arverne librar y. GAME DAY Wednesdays St. Albans library at 4 and the Howard

Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 Queens Village library. ECO-JEWELRY Thursday, September 13 eco-jewelry workshop at the Woodside library. Register. TEEN THURSDAYS T h u r s d ay s Bay Te r ra c e l i brary at 3. CHESS CLUB Thursdays intermediate level at the East Flushing library at 5. Sunnyside library at 5. POP ROCK CONCERT Saturday, September 15 at 2:30 at the Forest Hills library.

FLEA MARKETS OUTDOOR FLEA Sunday, September 23 Outdoor Flea Market 10-5 at the Free Synagogue of Flushing, 41-60 Kissena Blvd., Flushing. OUTDOOR FLEA Saturdays and Sundays through November 25 94:30 at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Parsons Blvd. and Union Turnpike, Jamaica. FLEA MARKET Thursdays-Sundays MFM flea market at 221-02 Merrick Blvd., Springfield Gardens.

Queens Today ENTERTAINMENT TAROT CARD READING Tuesday, September 11 at the Seaside library at 4. SOUTH ASIA ON FILM Wednesdays through April 25 at 4:30 at the GodwinTe r n b a c h Museum at Queens College. 997-4747 for titles and other info. LOVE SONGS Thursday, September 13 Spanish and English love songs at the Poppenhusen library at 3. TANGO, BOLERO, R&B Thursday, September 13 at the Corona library at 5. AUTUMN PASSION Thursday, September 13 Chinese Communit y Center of Flushing presents Autumn Passion Performance at 6 at the Flushing library. SCRABBLE Thursday, September 13 at the Bellerose library at 6:30. CHINESE MUSIC Friday, September 14 Ba Ban Chinese Music Societ y Autumn Moon Concert at 5 at the Flushing library. CASABLANCA Saturday, September 15 “Casablanca” will be shown with a discussion and trivia game to follow at noon at the Ridgewood library. SPANISH DANCE Saturday, September 15 Flushing library at 2 and 4. ROCK & POP CONCERT Saturday, September 15 at the Forest Hills library at 2:30. BIG BAND SINGERS Saturday, September 15 Fresh Meadows library at 2:30. ECUADORIAN MUSIC DAY Saturday, September 15 at the Jackson Heights library at 2:30. SACRED FESTIVAL Saturday, September 15 Queens Botanical Gardens presents a performance celebrating the sacred traditions of master artists from around the globe at 2. GREEN FILM Saturday, September 15 “Fuel” will be shown at 3 at the Broadway library. AMAZING MAIZE MAZE Weekends through Oc to ber 28 at the Queens Count y Farm Museum, 7350 Little Neck Parkway, Flor a l Pa r k . 3 4 7 - FA R M . $ 9 adults, $5 children. PARISH BBQ Sunday, September 16 at St. Josaphat’s in Bayside. $15 adults, $10 children 1115, under 10 free. 7465138. STAMP SHOW Sundays, September 16, Oc tober 21, November 18, December 16 Bayside

Stamp Show at the Ramada Hotel, 220-33 Northern Blvd., Bayside from 10-4:30. Free admission and parking. 645-7659.

TALKS ELDER LAW Monday, September 10 Eld e r L a w, P ro t e c t i n g Yo u r Assets, Wills, Trusts, Health Care Proxies 1:15-2:00 at St. Johns Vianney Church, 14010 34 th Avenue, Flushing. WINDSOR PARK Monday, September 10 “One Thousand White Women” discussed at 2 at the Windsor Park library. CLASSIC BOOKS Monday, September 10 “Grapes of Wrath” discussed at 6:30 at the Peninsula library. HILLCREST BOOK Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 1 1 “The Submission” discussed at 3 at the Hillcrest library. AESTHETIC REALISM Wednesday, September 12 at the Flushing library at 6:30. ELDER LAW Thursday, September 13 Elder law, estate planning, trusts, and asset protection at 1:30 at the Windsor Park library. NIGHT BOOK Thursday, September 13 “Strength In What Remains: A Journey of Remembrance and Forgiveness” at 5:30 at the Windsor Park library. GLENDALE BOOK Thursday, September 13 “In the Garden of Beasts” discussed at 6 at the Glendale library.

DINNER NETWORKING LUNCH F r i d ay, O c to b e r 2 6 9 0 t h Annual Salute to Commun i t y Le a d e r s N e t wo r k i n g Luncheon in Flushing. 6852802.

INTER. WORD Saturday, September 8 at the Central librar y. Register. BECOME A CITIZEN Saturdays, September 8, 15 at the Flushing library at 3. Becoming a US Citizen and Building Your Civic Knowledge. SOUND EDITING Saturday, September 8 at the Jackson Heights library. 592-9700, ext. 135. BEGINNERS EXCEL Monday, September 10 Central library. Register. INTRO COMPUTERS Monday, September 10 at the Flushing library at 10. Introduction computers and email. INTRO COMPUTERS Mondays, September 10, 17 at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. CRAFT CLUB Mondays, September 10, 17 at the Broadway library at 12:30. METRIX Mondays, September 10, 17 free online training through Metrix at the Cen-

tral library at 1. SOCIAL MEDIA Monday, September 10 at the Arverne library at 5:30. RESUMES & COVER LTS. Monday, September 10 Central library. Register. SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT Monday, September 10 at the LIC library. At 6. BALLROOM DANCING Monday, September 10 Forest Hills library at 6:30. BRIDGE Mondays except holidays 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 4236200. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston library. DRAWING CLASS Mondays National Art League in Douglaston. 3610628. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. SMALL BUSINESS Tu e s d a y , S e p te m b e r 1 1 Central library. Register. MASTERING WORD

Tuesday, September 11 at the LIC library at 10. INTRO COMPUTERS Tuesday, September 11 at t h e O z o n e Pa r k l i b r a r y. Register. WATERCOLOR Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.969-1128. KNIT & CROCHET Wednesday, September 12 at the South Ozone Park library at 1. CRIMINAL RECORD Wednesday, September 12 Job Searching with a Criminal Record at the Far Rockaway library at 3. Also on Friday, September 14 at the Arverne library at 10:30. TECHNOLOGY Wednesday, September 12 Getting Organized with Technology at the Central library. Register. FICTION WRITING Thursday, September 13 at the Langston Hughes library at 5:30. MOCK INTERVIEWS Thursday, September 13 at the Central librar y. Register.

ATTENTION: DO YOU SUFFER FROM IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS ALSO KNOWN AS IPF? If so, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is currently enrolling patients diagnosed with IPF in a 52 week research study for an investigational medication. To qualify you must: • Be at least 40 through 80 years of age • Be diagnosed for at least 6 months and not more than 4 years. • Be a non-smoker


• Not have any other significant pulmonary diseases

VISIONARIES Through September 12 QCC Art Gallery highlights the works of Visionary Master Artists. Queensborough CC. 631-6396. INSRUCTORS EXHIBIT Through September 29 at the National Art League, 4421 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston. 516-300-3025.

Eligible participants will receive study related tests and study drug at no cost while participating in the study. Those who qualify to be in the study may receive reimbursement for their travel related expenses.

Please call Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Department of Clinical Research at 718-206-5800 or 718-206-5844 for more information.

Sept. 7-13, 2012 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

GUERNICA 75 Through October new compositions by acclaimed young flamenco guitarist and composer Daniel Casares at Thalia Spanish Theatre in Sunnyside. 729-3880. LITERACY CELEBRATION Saturday, September 8 Fa m i l y L i tera c y Wa l k a n d Celebration starting at 11. Ravenswood library. DISCOVERY DAY Saturday, September 8 Discovery Day Street Fair at the Central library for the family starting at 11. BLUES Saturday, September 8 James Lewis sings the Blues at the Flushing library at 2. SHAKESPEARE Saturday, September 8 Shakespeare in Music: Scenes from Famous Operas by Great Composers at the Forest Hills library at 2:30. ARMSTRONG Saturday, September 8 Lincoln Center Local presents It’s All About Armstrong at the Peninsula library at 2:30. NEW PLAYS Sunday, September 9 “Jessie and Sam.” Sunday, September 16 “Wish Play.” at the Creek and Cave, 1093 Jackson Avenue, LIC. $7. www.ThePlat CUBAN DANCE Sunday, September 9 Papo Ortega’s Cubanoson at the Central library at 3. MOTORCYCLE SHOW Sunday, September 9 antique motorcycle show at the Queens Count y Farm Museum 11-4. $5. 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park. 347-3276. NY OPERA Sunday, September 9 Saint Luke’s in Forest Hills presents a NY Opera Forum double bill: Meistersinger, Act III, Pt. 1 and Bartok’s Bluebeard’s Castle at 3. 85 Greenway South, Forest Hills. $10. LIVE JAZZ & R&B Sundays, September 9, 16, 23, 30 live jazz and r&b 610 at Déjà vu, 180-25 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. BUKHARIAN MUSIC Monday, September 10 Forest Hills library at 5:30. CLASSICAL PIANO Monday, September 10 at the Flushing library at 6. OPEN MIC POETRY Monday, September 10 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , F re s h Meadows at 7:30. AUDITIONS Mondays, September 10, 17 for the Oratorio Societ y of Queens. 279-3006.


Models Of Queens Venus

Venus Maldonado Home: Woodhaven Age: 21 Height: 5’ 0"’ Weight: 127 lbs Stats: 36-28-38

Painting, photography and music are just some of the talents displayed by this Woodhaven wonder, a returning favorite here at QConf. Venus grew up all over Queens – raised in Bayside, moving across the borough to Woodhaven a few years ago and graduating from Springfield Gardens High School where she focused on Veterinary science and played volleyball and softball. She isn’t looking for a career as a vet though; Venus is looking to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology for photography, her real passion. In her spare time, Venus enjoys hanging out in Greenwich Village, and is an avid painter, having sold some of her work. She calls her artwork “abstract” and “fantasy art,” and has painted dragons, Andy Warhol pieces and the character Harley Quinn from Batman. Venus also has painted pieces inspired by Pink Floyd, her favorite band. Other than Pink Floyd, her musical tastes vary. Although she enjoys listening to mostly heavy metal or classical rock music, she’s open to all types of music “I’ll listen to just about anything if it’s good,” she said. Venus is also a fan of horror movies, listing the classic “The Exorcist” as her favorite movie. She enjoys watching football and says her favorite team is the New England Patriots. “I don’t like to limit myself boundarywise,” Venus explains. “I try to learn and do everything”

Put Down That Phone!

Astoria's Libby Sile

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 7-13, 2012

Aye, Dios Mio! This week, Astoria resident Libby Sile introduced readers to the Chilean Hotdog in a short piece in Esquire magazine. The article took the internet by storm and led to a subsequent profile on Sileand her hotdog-in a Chilean newspaper. While the write up included a very compelling description on what ingredients are in a Chilean Hotdog and how you can make your own, QConf cannot help but think one thing– Really? Astoria, we remember when you were known as the home of legends like Christopher Walken and Tony Bennett. Now, when people speak of you, it will just be in reference on where to find a decent dog.

One year after Gov. Andrew Cuomo passed a new law against texting while driving, the governor’s office announced that police state-wide have issued four times as many tickets to drivers in the last 12 months than they had the year before. In Queens, that number was significantly higher. From 2010-2011, NYPD issued 401 texting tickets. Between July 2011 and July 2012, that number jumped to 3,334 – an increase of more than 800 percent! Put down that phone, you may save a lot more than money.

Cartoonist Wanted Calling all artists! The Queens Tribune is holding a contest to find the next great editorial cartoonist. Submissions become property of the Queens Tribune and we reserve the right to print them. A small stipend is available if the newspaper selects an artist to become a regular editorial cartoon contributor who would then contribute 2 cartoons per week. To enter, send as many submissions as you wish via email to Make sure to include your name, email and contact information .

Spiderman at JFK Airport

Flying Spider There are many hassles associated with going to the airport – security lines, lost luggage, delayed flights among the most common. Travelers flying out of JFK airport recently had to deal with a more unusual one: Broadway. The cast of the Broadway hit “Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark”

recently took to the stage, er, we mean terminal, to perform some songs from the formerly-troubled production, including a dance routine performed by multiple SpiderMen. Thankfully, there were no reports of webbing causing any delays.

On Fire Meet Darius Dorsett of Engine Company 260 in Long Island City. Darius, is featured on the cover of the $15.95 Calendar of Heroes 2013 Calendar produced by the FDNY, which is now on sale with proceeds funding fire prevention programs. Darius is a body builder, marathon runner and one of New York's bravest. You can get your calendars and more online at:

Hello Children Kew Gardens Kids for Kids Flea Market will be held on Sept. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kew Gardens Cinemas Park There will be selling tables, new and gently used merchandise, bargaining but the difference is that the children, 5-12 years, will be “in charge” of their tables and their parents will be “the assistants.” Each child will be selling toys, games, books and clothes and each child will also be making a donation to a wonderful organization, The River Fund which serves the poor and those living with AIDS. Kids bargaining with kids? Sounds like the U.S. Congress.

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