Southeast Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 12 Issue No. 38 Sept. 23-29, 2011

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Finishing Touches

Page 18

With just weeks until the opening of Resorts World Casino at Aqueduct, the last of the work is being done to get the betting parlors ready for an October opening. By Domenick Rafter…Page 8

Online at

News Briefs Comrie Clean-Up

with special guest

NEA JAZZ MASTER, CANDIDO Saturday, October 1, 2011 â—? 7:00PM

$20.00 Adults / $10.00 Students & Seniors

YORK COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Tickets available at the Box Office, 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Call: 718-262-2840 or online at Major funding for this series provided by NYC Councilmembers Leroy Comrie (27th-CD) Deputy Majority Leader NY City Council and Chair of Land Use Committee, and Ruben Wills (28th-CD), Chair of Substance Abuse Sub-Committee.

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

The Late Cliff Robertson:

Aviator and movie star Cliff Robertson (c.) died Sept. 10 in Long Island at the age of 88. Standing next to Robertson is York College's Dr. Robert Aceves, director of the CUNY Aviation Institute, along with students. Aceves had taken the students to an aviation-related event where Robertson was a speaker and he graciously posed with the group.

Keyawnia Ross/NYC Council


Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) joined with New York City Community Clean-Up last week to clean two homes in his district and draw attention to the issues of abandoned foreclosed properties in Southeast Queens. The properties, located at 186-24 Foch Blvd. and 191-11 114th Road in St. Albans, were foreclosed upon over the last few years, had fallen into disrepair and became a dumping ground for NYC Community Clean-Up workers clear the garbage. Local residents brought the two loca- yard of 186-24 Foch Blvd. in St. Albans. The tions to Council Member Comrie's atten- property was foreclosed upon over the last few tion and his office reached out to NYC years and had fallen into disrepair and become Community Clean-Up to assist in ad- a dumping ground for garbage. dressing these hazardous conditions. "Abandoned homes in Southeast Queens have become a growing quality of you have no support and no one will listen life crisis," Comrie said. "When these situ- to your concerns. But by joining together, ations are brought to my attention, my management will listen, and Registered staff will reach out to the property owners, Nurses and all working people can have a who in most cases are unresponsive to say in our future." The hospital did not respond to reverbal and written communication asking quests for comment as of press time. them to clean & secure the buildings. ThereThe move will allow St. Mary's RNs to fore, we are left with no alternative but to elect a bargaining team that will negotiate rely on organizations like NYC Community Clean-Up to address the unsanitary a contract with the hospital. "It's very important for Registered conditions. In some instances, with vaNurses to have a voice in the delivery of grancy and drug dealing, we have to notify care," said Cynthia MacDonald, a Regisour local law enforcement organizations tered Nurse at St. Mary's. "Having a voice to address those issues." means that we will be able to create workpolicies that benefit the children we St. Mary's Nurses Unionize place care for and the communities we live in, At a time when organized labor has along with helping to raise standards for been vilified nationally by some politi- Registered Nurses everywhere." cians, the registered nurses at St. Mary's The union has become a known politiHealthcare System for Children voted to cal force within local politics, and prejoin one of the medical profession's larg- sents a strong voting block in local elecest unions. tions. The hospital's RNs voted by an overThe move comes after what the Union whelming 90 percent margin to join and RNs claim was a concerted effort by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers the hospital to prevent the unionization of East. its workforce. The 98 RNs followed the footsteps of "We really are at a cross roads in this 222 licensed medical professionals, in- country," said Mark Bergen, vice presicluding nurses, nurses' aides, clerks and dent of 1199SEIU. "There used to be a housekeepers, who voted to join 1199 last promise in our nation that if you worked month. hard and played by the rules, you could "As RNs, we must have a professional have a secure job, send your kids to colvoice to ensure quality care for our pa- lege, advance your career and retire with tients, especially when it comes to staffing dignity. Unions are the best way to restore levels," said Clare Thompson, a vice presi- that promise, and make sure hard work is dent of the RN Division of 1199SEIU. rewarded and that there is a strong, vibrant "When you stand alone without a union, middle class in America."


Jobs Bill Needed; Its Success In Doubt


Some lucky enough to afford a tank of gas can attest to the return of a familiar sign of tough times. Squeegee men, the once-omnipresent bucket toting pan handlers, are back. And with dismal national unemployment figures hovering stubbornly around 9 percent, some may wonder what took them so long to return. The City’s 8.7 percent unemployment figure now has a physical embodiment on its streets; a contentious plan has been presented to help. President Barack Obama made unemployment a signature political issue on Sept. 8 with a speech before a full house of Congress, touting his $477 billion American Jobs Act. The bill is an amalgam of tax cuts and spending geared at keeping folks employed, getting jobs to those that need them, while also shoring up infrastructure around the country. “Our recovery will be driven not by Washington, but by our businesses and our workers, but we can help,” Obama said. “There are steps we can take right now to improve people’s lives.” In the two weeks that have followed, the media and general populace have had time to digest the President’s proposal. Most polls find a majority of Americans in favor of the plan. Yet the borough’s Congressional representatives doubt the bill’s viability in what

they claim is still a toxic political environment. Overall, the President’s plan aims at cutting the payroll tax in half for the first $5 million businesses spend on wages. It also offers a payroll tax holiday for added workers or wage increases. The plan also incentivizes the hiring of unemployed veterans and the long-term jobless; gives states funding to keep public sector employees on the job; makes various infrastructure and school investments; and helps homeowners refinance their mortgages. According to the President’s figures, the plan could add $1,500 to the typical American family’s coffers. Obama later proposed a revised tax structure to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans in order to fund his Jobs plan and help cut the budget deficit. A preliminary analysis by City Comptroller John Liu paints a rosy picture should the bill pass Congress. The Comptroller estimates the plan would add more than $9 billion to the City’s economy while creating or keeping 50,000 jobs. Liu’s figures show $1.1 billion in savings for 1,251,500 Queens workers as a result of the payroll tax cut, with 23,700 jobs created by infrastructure investments and mortgage refinancing. According to Queens College Professor Joshua Freeman, who studies labor history, Obama’s plan rests on past tactics many feel helped pull the country out of tougher times.

way. When you look at trying to balance the budget and get out of deficit spending, it doesn’t put it on the backs of the poor and working people.” Meeks has authored a bill to add to the President’s proposal by repatriating $1.2 trillion dollars in overseas corporate profits at a reduced tax rate, re-investing the tax revenue in a Jobs Fund with goals similar to the President’s plan. Meeks had high hopes for his legislation, but said the early rhetoric coming from the other side of the aisle does not leave much promise for the President’s bill. A notably piqued U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside) laid into his Republican counterparts, citing early signs from House Speaker John Boehner that the President’s proposal is unacceptable. “They have not put up one, not one, not one, not one, not one bill with one job,” he said. “Did I mention there hasn’t been one bill with one job? […] I’ve been here a long time. I’ve never seen a Congress that wants to see the President fail. And when the President fails, the country fails.” Ackerman demurred at the chance to express optimism the American Jobs Act would pass as written, thinking it will fall victim to more partisanship. Newly-elected U.S. Rep. Bob Turner(RBreezy Point) was unavailable to speak for this story. Reach Deputy Editor Joseph Orovic at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

“We’re in a pickle, there’s no two ways about it,” he said. “It’s hard to tell, in a detailed sense, [the plan’s] effect on a specific location. It certainly would have an impact. There’s no question these [proposals] would provide jobs to people who otherwise wouldn’t work.” Freeman pointed to infrastructure spending and keeping public sector employees as classic maneuvers in the battle against unemployment. Whether or not they are enough to pull the nation out of a mire is another matter. Freeman was particularly skeptical about incentivizing new hires. “Companies are reluctant to hire because they don’t see the demand,” he said. “I think we’re kind of in a trap, where lack of consumer demand is contributing to this stagnation, and the stagnation is undermining employment.” The borough’s Democratic Congressional Representatives welcomed the plan as a good start, but had various hopes for the bill’s passage. U.S. Rep. Greg Meeks (D-Jamaica) welcomed the President’s bill, especially in light of an employment rate he claims is around 15 percent in his district. “Overall, I think that [the bill] is helpful because any time that you talk about something that’s going to save police officers, firefighters, and teachers, those are folks that are in our district,” he said, adding the rails and JFK airport will benefit from infrastructure spending. “It does it in a fair

Avella Calls For Halal Market Closure the blood in the street from the meat deliveries,” Hauger said. “You don’t see that in other stores.” Kahn said he believes the fight against the market is a racial issue because he is selling Halal meat, food permissible to Islamic law. He said he has tried to fix complaints when he receives them, but opposition remains strong. Kahn reached out to the senator for help, but nothing came out of it. “I’m a minority and I’m screwed over here,” he said. Joyce Marino has lived in Bellerose for 18 years and chose the community for its diversity. She worries the conflict could create an irreparable divide in the neighborhood. “When a neighborhood loses its diversity and it appears as though you only want to be homogenous and you don’t want to assimilate, that is a problem,” she said. Marino said the real problem lies with the DOB, who has allowed the supermarket to rack up violations instead of shutting the business down. Avella called the matter a huge quality of life issue. “Everybody has to follow the law. I don’t care who you are. Follow the law and be a good neighbor,” he said. Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Bellerose residents are accusing a Halal supermarket of being a bad neighbor, while its owner thinks his establishment has been the target of discrimination since it opened last year. State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) and more than 50 concerned residents stood outside of the Super Halal Meat Market on Tuesday calling for its closure while employees and management watched from inside. Despite the protest, customers went in and out of the market while a list of the store’s violations could be heard down the street. As of Tuesday, the market on 253-06 Hillside Ave. has nine open complaints and three open violations with the Dept. of Buildings, in addition to 13 open violations with the Environmental Control Board. The current certificate of occupancy permits a dry cleaning business to operate in the building. A stop work order was issued on Aug. 15. After three failed inspections, the state Dept. of Agriculture and Markets has given the store 60 days to clean up its act before losing its license to operate. “If it was legal, I’d understand it and I would accept it. Everything they’ve done is illegal,” said resident John Patel. Owner Sheraz Kahn admitted manage-

ment made some mistakes in the past but is working to fix them. “We did some work without the proper permits but we got fined, and we’re correcting those problems,” he said. The market has more than $23,000 in unpaid fines. Kahn said the opposition started when his store opened last October. Things escalated when one resident captured photos State Sen. Tony Avella and concerned residents call for the of vendors dropping off un- closure of Super Halal Meat Market Tuesday. covered raw meat in the back of pick up trucks and shopping carts. market, which the senator said may be “It doesn’t take a genius to realize because patrons are unaware of the store’s that’s unsanitary, unhealthy,” Avella said. practices. Kahn disagrees. “My clients who live in this neighbor“It’s obviously in violation of numerous codes and this is what goes on.” Kahn hood, they’re very happy. It’s just two, said the meat never made it to store three people on the block who have a problem,” he said. shelves. Residents have also complained about Some of the rally participants were excessive garbage, sidewalk parking, noise former customers of the market. Fred and horrendous smells. Avella met with Hauger has lived in the neighborhood his residents and market management in April, entire life and stopped in the market to buy but community relations have not im- apples, which he said were good. Howproved. The store has racked up 63 com- ever, he said the store should not be operplaints in 11 months, including a Sept. 17 ating without a proper certificate of occucomplaint for recently installed roof light- pancy. ing. Avella has not received complaints “There’s been a lot of complaints from from customers who have shopped at the the neighbors who live down here about

Photo by Veronica Lewin


Forced To Pay City DEP Quake Bill BY VERONICA LEWIN

Mom Stole Kids: Cops BY DOMENICK RAFTER The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance in locating the parents of eight children in foster care. The parents are accused of taking their children from Forestdale child agency in Forest Hills on Monday afternoon during a scheduled visit. On Monday, Sept. 19, at around 4 p.m., Shanel Nadal, 28, who lives at 1430 Amsterdam Ave. in Manhattan, was visit-

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

These eight children went missing Monday when their parents snuck out of Forestdale with them.

ing her eight biological children, ages 11 months to 11 years, at Forestdale, located at 67-35 112th St. in Forest Hills, when she allegedly took the children from the center without permission or authority. The NYPD said the mother and the children may be travelling with the children’s biological father, Nephra Payne, 34, of Manhattan in his black 1996 Chevy Suburban with a New York license plate number EXZ5896 All but the youngest child, Nefertiti, share the same name as the father and the children have been split among three different foster homes in Southeast Queens. Through a statement, the Administration for Child Services said they are cooperating with investigation. An ACS spokesman would not comment further on whether or not the visit was supervised or what the children were doing in foster care, citing the open investigation. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

money, Collazo made the $3,000 repair and charged it to his credit card. “I don’t see how somebody in my position, my age, and with my service should be responsible for the street,” Collazo said. The repair took more than a week to complete, leaving Collazo to rely on his neighbor’s garden hose for water. State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) is helping him fight the charges. “It’s not the homeowner’s fault, but the city makes the homeowner responsible,” Avella said. City law states that when the DEP detects a water main break, a notice is given to the homeowner or occupant to make a repair in three days. According to the DEP, they regularly check the city’s 6,600 miles of water mains to ensure necessary repairs are made before they become a major issue. “Water service lines are private property that are part of people’s homes,” said Ferrell Sklerov, DEP spokesman. “Is he asking city taxpayers to pay for those repairs as well?” Avella is trying to put a stop to what he calls a “long-standing, unfortunate city policy” that makes homeowners responsible for repairs. He said it is especially unfair when a water main break occurs as a result of a natural disaster or heavy traffic. A similar situation happened to the Odaira family of Hollis, who returned from vacation in July to a notice to repair a water main break within 72 hours. The

Photo by Veronica Lewin

Unexpected, costly water main repairs have some Queens residents struggling to make ends meet. Arthur Collazo is a retired veteran who has owned a home in Bellerose for the past

12 years. Collazo suspects last month’s earthquake caused the water main under his street to break. After an inspection, the Dept. of Environmental Protection notified him that he had three days to repair the leak under the street before they would shut off service. Though he was short on

Homeowner Arthur Collazo (l.) and State Sen. Tony Avella speak out against a City policy that makes homeowners responsible for water main breaks outside of their homes. family hired a private contractor, which cost them more than $3,000. Sklerov said the DEP understands these sudden repairs are costly and can put strain on a family’s budget. Because of this, the agency proposed an insurance plan in March 2011. Similar to homeowner’s insurance, residents would be able to pay a small monthly premium that would prevent them from shelling out thousands of dollars on an unexpected leak. While saving homeowner’s money, it would also reduce the expense to DEP of shutting down service lines that have not been repaired. The program is still in the development stage. Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

The Countdown Begins At W’haven BY DOMENICK RAFTER The long-awaited pedestrian countdown clocks that appeared last year on Queens Boulevard have finally come to Woodhaven Boulevard and beyond. The Dept. of Transportation installed the clocks in late August and early September along the Woodhaven Boulevard corridor between the Queens Center Mall and Rockaway Boulevard in Ozone Park, according to DOT spokesman Scott Gastel. The new signals add a countdown clock when a red hand begins flashing, informing pedestrians of how many seconds are left before the light changes. The crosswalks that received the new clocks are the busiest, including at Jamaica Avenue, Myrtle Avenue and Metropolitan Avenue. There are also new signals near schools, like at Booth Street adjacent to the Long Island Expressway, on Dry Harbor Road, at Union Turnpike and on 101st Avenue. There is even one near a senior center at 89th Avenue in Woodhaven, where State Sen. Joe Addabbo Jr. (D-Howard Beach), Assemblyman Mike Miller (D-Woodhaven) and AARP held a press conference in early 2010 warning about the dangerous crossing conditions on Woodhaven Boulevard. The 89th Avenue intersection is located close to the Forest Park Senior Center and two public elementary schools.

Among the suggestions made at the time were countdown clocks. “I have asked the DOT to install these countdown clocks for some time. I am glad to see them installed,” Miller said. One of the clocks is located at the intersection of Woodhaven Boulevard and Park Lane South, outside his district office, where Miller had warned the time allotted to cross the street was not enough

for the width of the street. “I would still like to see the amount of time pedestrians have to cross the street be increased and the installation of larger medians,” he added. Legislation proposed by Miller would mandate increased time. Other streets in South and West Queens are on the list to receive clocks, Gastel said. Cross Bay Boulevard is not on the list

but thoroughfares like Jamaica and Atlantic Avenues are and those should be installed soon, if not already. The countdown clocks were first installed along Queens Boulevard last year. More than 1,500 intersections citywide are slated to receive the clocks. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

What’s That Smell? The Subway BY DOMENICK RAFTER Our subways have a distinct smell. That musky scent of the underground tunnels is something most of us are used to. But last week, some commuters at one of the borough’s busiest subway stations got an unwelcome odor gift that left some gagging while waiting for a train, and they say it is an ongoing problem. The smell of garbage made commuters at the Union Turnpike-Kew Gardens subway station feel like they were waiting for a train next to a full dumpster. Last Friday the smell was so strong some commuters were forced to walk to the Forest Hills station to catch a train. One commuter said the smell was strong even at the street level, emitting from the subway stairs and was unbearable on the platform.

Though Community Board 9 said it morning had their nose and mouth covreceived no complaints about the smell ered.” On Saturday afternoon, on Friday, commuters who inhaled Friday’s the smell seemed to dissistench said it has been a “This morning the pate, though it was still noticeable on one end of problem at that station stench hits you as soon the platform on the Jabefore. “I cannot overstate as you descend from maica-bound track. The how horrible the stench the sidewalk. Everyone MTA said on Wednesday the problem may have is down there this morni n g , ” o n e c o m m u t e r on the platform this originated from garbage said on Sept. 16. “Every morning had their nose that collected on one of tracks in the tunnel just morning when you get and mouth covered.” the north of the station, and down the two flights of — Commuter at the crews were working to stairs to the platform it Union Turnpike — clean it up. smells like garbage Kew Gardens subway station Reach Reporter down there. This mornDomenick Rafter at ing the stench hits you as soon as you descend from the side- or (718) 357walk. Everyone on the platform this 7400, Ext. 125.

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Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

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Editorial Watching The Money OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

Brenda Jones Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Deputy Editor:

Joseph Orovic Contributing Editor:

As we begin the countdown to next month’s soft opening of the Resorts World Casino at Aqueduct, we already hear the buzz on true legalized gambling in New York State. We are not taking an immediate position on either side, but are certainly intrigued by the possibility – if only for the promise of jobs and return to fiscal solvency. But we also believe that we have not tried all other resources. We believe that frugality, spending that is in the interests of the people – not the electeds, the elimination of waste and redundancy, and the investment in industries that create opportunity – not just a paycheck – is where New York State must head. Surely, we’re going to be among the first to lay down a dollar at Resorts World; we all have big dreams. But we’re also going to watch to see what the State does with that new-found 69 cents going into its pocket from every dollar we spend, and to see if, given this new revenue stream, the state can figure out a way to make that money grow, rather than new ways to just spend it. If the state wants real legalized gambling, they’re going to have to earn that right by showing us what they do with this new money that will be streaming up from Queens.

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:


Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Domenick Rafter Jason Banrey Veronica Lewin

Misspent Money To The Editor: The amount of money that was spent on the special election for Anthony Weiner’s seat is obscene. After the Democratic National Committee pumped $600,000 into the campaign, I started to get three phone calls a day, loads of campaign mail and almost daily visits asking me how I wanted to vote. I had an absentee ballot and I had already voted, but if I had not decided

who to support, I would have voted Republican as a protest against being constantly annoyed. Just think how $600,000 would have helped finding a cure for cancer or other diseases. Sidney J. Rubin, Forest Hills

What A Joke To The Editor: The divided result of the special elections in the 23rd A.D.

Letters and the 9th C.D is really a defeat for the Democratic leadership. In past years, Chuck Schumer was elected to Congress after a contested primary against incumbent Congressman Steve Solarz. When Schumer ran for the Senate, Anthony Weiner came in first in a very competitive race against three experienced Democratic legislators. This year, Democratic leaders, with the apparent cooperation of the Governor, timed a special election to avoid giving registered Democrats an opportunity to meet, question and educate the candidates on local issues. The primary process is a strength, not a weakness. However well intentioned, David Weprin has diff iculty transmitting the urgency of maintaining and improving federal programs on health care, the environment, progressive taxation and consumer protection to the majority of voters. We recall that David Weprin f inished last among four candidates in the Democratic primary for Comptroller in 2009. Philip Goldfeder has been an intelligent and diligent candidate who tried hard to connect with all segments of our varied community. He received strong support from local elected Democrats and unions which traditionally support Democrats. However, among Phil’s core group of supporters there are many

who show little interest in achieving Democratic goals of full employment, national health care, protection of the environment or taxation based on the ability to pay. There was so little interest in the campaign of David Weprin for Congress that Goldfeder volunteer poll watchers were not asked to collect results of the race for Congress when the polls closed. Democratic Party policies going back as far as the New Deal of the 1930s are under attack as never before. Local Democrats will be unable to advocate for better health care or even continuing inadequate payments to local community hospitals under the budget almost all Republicans are supporting. We will not get better transportation when funds for mass transit are frozen. Local politicians will be unable to protect our shores from liquefied natural gas facilities if environmental laws are ignored. Those who have joined the political process need to consider which side are we on. Norman Silverman, Queens


The PRESS of

Southeast Queens,

150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 email fax: (718) 357-9417

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Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director James Mammarella Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2011 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Love Him Or Hate Him, Ed Koch Is Hot Again A Personal Perspective


Ya gotta love him! Ed Koch has been out of office since Dec. 31, 1991, and yet he continues to make himself relevant as a political figure in our city. Boosted by his role as a NY1 “Wise Guy,” he has a ready platform for the issues of the day in his exchanges with his friend and former Senator Alfonse D’Amato, retired State Comptroller Carl McCall and a revolving list of guest “wise guys/gals.” When Senator Barack Obama won the Presidential Primary in 2008, Koch took to the senior centers of South Florida to stump for Obama to help him defeat Senator John McCain. By this summer, he was so disenchanted with President Obama’s supposedly negative position on Israel, Koch supported the Republican candidate over his party nominee for Anthony Weiner’s vacated 9th District seat. He termed it “sending a message to President Obama.” It helped turn the tide against Assemblyman David Weprin,

who was trounced by the Kochbacked Republican Bob Turner, a political novice. Such is the power of Ed Koch 20 years after leaving office. My son enjoys him so much on NY1, he calls him, “a funny old man.” Although Koch is actually old enough to be considered “old” (he’s 86), his political savvy and outspoken nature makes you forget that he is indeed well into his golden years. Through his newlyformed organization, NY Uprising, he has pressured Albany legislators to not have those with special interests, i.e. legislators, draw the new district lines in a self-serving manner. To add to the pressure, he has labeled any legislator who does not support independent redistricting an “enemy of reform.” The fear is that he will use his stillstrong influence to get those who don’t go along with his wishes voted out of office. Earlier this year, he also lobbied for the passage of the gay marriage bill. As the messed up actor Charlie Sheen would say, Koch is “winning!” Like it or not, Koch is on a

winning streak. Two decades after David Dinkins defeated him for the Mayor’s office, Ed Koch is a relevant and strong politico again. He is more influential now than he was when he first left office. Funny old man indeed! Koch is laughing all the way to the bank and to everywhere else. He was always outspoken and not always appreciated for it. People have cursed his name for stirring up trouble and many times it was probably well deserved. He was always a rabble rouser. When he was mayor, I was often appalled at some of the things he’d say. When poor Donald Manes was arrested for suspected wrong doings as Borough President, Koch came right out and called him a crook. There was no waffling. He just flat out called his old friend a crook to the TV cameras. This was 1986. Koch was mayor and within days Manes was dead, ostensibly at his own hands – a knife to the chest. I couldn’t help wondering if Koch’s kicking him while he was down didn’t help drive Manes

deeper into depression over his plight. But that has always been the former Mayor’s style. He used to fight with Mark Green all the time when Mark was a fellowWise Guy on NY1. But Koch is the quintessential New Yorker. His style is brash and just plain aggressive. Koch has not gone gently into retirement and he will not go “gentle into that good night,” to borrow from Dylan Thomas. He is one of those people who will go to the grave absolutely spent. There are times when we agree with him and times when we may yell at him through the TV screen. But always, he is fascinating and he’s on fire again. I’d bet there’s at least one person right now who really doesn’t love him – David Weprin. Koch used his considerable influence to turn the Jewish vote in the Ninth Congressional District away from the Jewish candidate with the name recognition to the Catholic guy who’s brand new to the game. Love him? Nah, ya gotta fear him!

9th CD Reflected: Koch Intervention, Obama Distaste By HENRY STERN The election of Republican Robert Turner to Congress is significant for several reasons. One is that the result will be widely perceived as a rebuke to Pre sident Obama and the Democratic Par ty, which it is. For some, the issue was Henry jobs and the economy. For others, the administration’s hostility to Israel is an important issue, which affected Catholic voters as well as Jews. The hostility of Muslim extremists extends to all other religions, and the Catholics were the original crusaders in the Middle Ages. The Democrat, David Weprin, was clearly the machine candidate, chosen in part because he could be counted on not to squawk too loudly when his district was eliminated. Mr. Weprin, a retiring person and a hard worker, would not be in politics except that his father, the distinguished Saul Weprin, rose to be Speaker of the Assembly. David’s younger brother, Mark Weprin, was also a member of the Assembly before he was elected to the Cit y Council in 2009. The Weprins are the last remaining political dynasty in the Queens delegation to Albany, the Hevesi clan having been reduced to son Andrew, an assemblyman since 2005. There was no Democratic or Republican primar y to select the candidate to fill the seat vacated by Ant hony Wei ner, whose troubles have been recounted at length. Normally par ty nomina-

tions are t he result of primary elections, but in all five elections held last week, the departing officials left at a point on the calendar when a primary was not required, and the nominee could be selected by the county leader. Observers believe that Melinda Katz, the Stern former Councilmember and Asssemblywoman, would have been a stronger candidate. She came in third while Weprin ran fourth in the 2009 contest for City Comptroller. But she would have been less likely to take a dive to suit the county leader. Many voters had negative views on the economy and the Obama administration, which were reflected in the vote. When seen together, Turner, at 70, was physically more imposing than Weprin, who is 55. Turner was a more folksy and less political figure, running at a time when politicians are not held in high regard for good and sufficient reasons. The solidarity of Democrats, practically all the legislators lining up like sparrows on a wire to support colleague Weprin, left the field open for independent Mayor Koch and Assemblyman Dov Hikind, both of whom occasionally suppor t Republicans. Both Liberal Party members and Conservative leader Michael Long supported Turner. The Liberals want Obama to win in 2012, and urgently wish him to change course before it is too late. The Conservat ive s simply oppose Obama, and are promoting the Turner vic-

tory as a national uprising. Basically, this was an election between boss-picked candidates to fill a vacancy created when party leaders decided that a way ward Congressman guilt y of infantile behavior was dispensable. The problem they must face is that the cure for Weiner’s bizarre misconduct may be worse for the Democrats than the disease. The wild card in the primary turned out to be Mayor Koch, a popular and credible octogenerian leader who seeks no public office, and is therefore more susceptible to the dictates of conscience. He has never been shy about expressing his opinions, and the fate of the Jewish people is an issue of great importance to him, although he is a secular Jew. His early intervention made the sleepy race competitive. The vigorous Turner campaign attracted both Russians and Orthodox Jews, neither of whom has particularly high regard for the other. Politically, the Russians are mostly conservative, having lived under an all-powerful state. The Orthodox were upset that Weprin favored gay marriage, and said that his position was consistent with his Orthodoxy. His coreligionists disputed his claim. Turner promised Koch not to exploit the issue, and he kept his word. The Or thodox, however, consider this an important matter, even though the State Legislature had approved it and will not change its position, in part because of demographics and in part because of increasing public acceptance of same-sex marriage. So it is that Mr. Turner will go

to Washington, and the Ninth District, in its present gerrymandered dumb bell configuration, with a narrow link bet ween Brooklyn and Queens, will retire to well-deserved oblivion, having enjoyed its moment in the spotlight. Unless there is another major hurricane or other disaster, the television towers will not return to Broad Channel and Howard Beach. Let us hope that the President gains insight from the events in NY-9, as they call it, and returns to the foreign policy of American pre sident s star t ing w ith Har r y Truman in 1948, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, who has established a center in Georgia that requires continuous infusions of

funds, provided by friends in the Middle East. More will be writ ten about NY-9. It may be remembered like one of those towns whose high point was a battle in the Civil War, and after which slept quietly for a century. But, on Sept. 13, 2011, ten years and two days after the fateful 9/11, the people of the district spoke. I believe they were influenced to some extent by the national tragedy whose anniversar y they had so recently observed. In any event, an election is a great public event and an expression of the views of the community which people who believe in democracy are bound to respect.

Not 4 by Dom Nunziato

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

Betting On Growth:

After A Decade Of Wrangling, First Slots Ready For Oct. Open site to drop people off at a special bus station next to the garage. The Q37 terminates at the Union Turnpike-Kew Gardens subway station in Kew Gardens and also connects to the J and Z trains at Jamaica Avenue and 111th Street in Richmond Hill. Speller also said he would continue to try to attract passengers waiting for connecting flights at JFK and those spending a night at local hotels around the airport. Many travelers have seven or eight hour layovers at JFK. “It gives us a great opportunity to market to those customers who would not ordinarily come out into New York State,” Speller said.


Meet Resorts World “We are well down the road toward completing our first phase opening,” Resorts World New York President Michael Speller announced on Tuesday as he led a tour of the facility. “We will be opening by the end of October. We will be completely finished with this project by the middle of December.” The first phase, which will be the first of the three floors of the property, will feature 2,280 video lottery terminals and 205 electronic table games including Baccarat, Roulette and Craps. The entire casino is New York-themed: the first floor opening next month is modeled after Times Square; the second floor casino floor will be Fifth Avenue-themed; and on the third floor, an event space will be based on Central Park. The VLTs are already in place on the Times Square floor. The kitchens are installed in the food court, where there will be seven different restaurant choices ranging from ice cream to burgers to dim sum, and decorative light fixtures have been hung at the Aqueduct Buffet. Electrical and ventilation systems are in place. Video screens and a ticker, similar to the one in Times Square, will be installed this week. The six-story parking garage, housing more than 2,500 parking spots, is complete. The casino will be accessible both from the Rockaway Boulevard main entrance and the entrance along North Conduit Avenue. There will be a total of 6,400 parking spaces in both the garage and in the adjacent lots. In the center of the casino floor, a two-story atrium will house Bar 360, the central bar that will have room for 240 people. At its nucleus, a 28-by-18-foot television, the biggest in Queens according to Speller, will broadcast local sporting events. The portion of the bar on the second floor will be called Liberty Bar. Also on the second floor opening in December – the Fifth Avenue floor –

Crews clean off betting stations at the electronic Baccarat table (above) while Resorts World New York President Michael Speller (below) shows off the casino’s eateries. there will be two signature restaurants: Genting Palace, which will serve Chinese food, and RW Prime, a steak and seafood restaurant. Both eateries will also have outside seating, and the steakhouse’s outside terrace will offer views of Manhattan. Also on the second f loor will be Crawfords Club, a private, invitation-only lounge for high-rollers. The casino will be designed so that families can travel between the main entrance and the restaurants and Central Park floor without having to set foot on the casino floor. Outside, between the casino and the racetrack, there will be a Festival Commons, a 70,000 square foot space for outside events including concerts and other mass gatherings. Though the original plan was to open the casino in three stages between Summer 2011 and Spring 2012, Speller said some unexpected surprises, included asbestos and pigeon infestation, caused a delay and ultimately they decided to open in two phases and have the entire casino operational at the end of this year. “We found additional remediation work that had to be done,” he said. “That was a challenge for us. Our role was not to be daunted by the challenge, but to turn it into an opportunity.” The weather in the past year, including two blizzards and Hurricane Irene, did not delay the construction process, Speller said. The Jobs Are Coming In the NYRA clubhouse, an employment center is open and has been bustling with job-seekers for weeks. A steady f low of applications came in and out of

Photos by Ira Cohen

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

The smell of cut sheetrock, the earsplitting sounds of saws and drills, the banging of a hammer and the beeping of construction equipment in motion all tell a story of progress. Just 11 months after ground was broken at Aqueduct Racetrack for the new Resorts World New York Casino, the first slots machines are lined up on the multicolored carpets as more than 1,000 construction workers mull around them, installing the final finishing touches. Next month the first casino floor at the site will open; the rest of the property, including restaurants, buffets and event space, will follow in mid-December. By the end of the year, the decadelong wait for a casino at the track will be over.

the employment center, filling out applications and talking to potential employers. Renderings of Genting uniforms lined the wall in the employment center. Already, 200 personnel have been hired in management, middle-management, administrative and supervisory positions. By October, that number will go up to 1,350. “We have had over 35,000 applications for 1,350 jobs,” Speller said. “And it shows the real need for jobs in our environment.” He added that 70 to 80 percent of those jobs will be given to Queens residents and hiring will occur “shortly.”

A High-Rolling Future Resorts World New York will have no manned table games, just electronic table games, but Albany has begun mulling the possibility of legalizing table games via constitutional amendment. Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver said this week that he would support legalized casino gambling at “resort areas,” but not in the city itself – though Aqueduct would be an exception, he said. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos also expressed support at amending the constitution to allow it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he would support a move. If the state constitution is amended, it would require a vote by the legislature now and again after the 2012 elections before going to voters in a statewide referendum. A constitutional amendment would allow table games at Resorts World New York, a move Speller said he supports. “Resorts World New York, as well as the New York Gaming Association, is very supportive of commercial gaming at the existing racetracks,” he said. “We think it’s a great opportunity to create tens of thousands of jobs in existing facilities and this comes at a time when we need these jobs.” Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Getting There Next year, an enclosed walkway will open connecting the site to the “A” train subway station. Speller said Resorts World and the MTA have been working on a plan to revamp the Aqueduct Racetrack station, which currently only has one platform and was only utilized during racing season. Speller said Resorts World would foot the bill for the new station. Also, the Q37 bus, which stops at the corner of 111th Street and Rockaway Boulevard at Construction workers install the electric equipment over the the edge of the property, casino floor. will be rerouted into the

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

100th Precinct Dead Near Bridge On Friday, Sept. 16, at approximately 6:40 a.m., police responded to a call for an unconscious man on the shoreline near the Joseph P. Addabbo Bridge and Cross Bay Boulevard in Broad Channel. Upon arrival, officers discovered a black man unconscious and unresponsive. EMS responded and pronounced the man dead at the scene. The Medical Examiner was to determine the cause of death and the investigation was ongoing. Identification was pending proper family notification.

103rd Precinct Shot Dead On Sunday, Sept. 18, at approximately 3:56 a.m., in front of 160-50 107th Ave. in Jamaica, Lucien Lee Brown, 25, of 107-16 Waltham St., South Jamaica, suffered multiple gunshot wounds throughout the body. He was taken to Jamaica Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Killed On Job On Monday, Sept. 19, at approximately 11:40 p.m., police responded to a call of a pedestrian struck by a vehicle near the intersection of Sutphin Boulevard and Archer Avenue in Downtown

Jamaica. Upon arrival, police found Cesar Cepedes, 44, of 117 Florence Ave., Hempstead, lying in the right northbound lane of Sutphin Boulevard. EMS also responded to the location and transported Cepedes to Jamaica Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. An investigation found an MTA Bus was traveling northbound on Sutphin Boulevard under the Long Island Rail Road overpass at Jamaica station, when the top of the bus inadvertently struck a lift apparatus in which Cepedes was working. Cepedes was knocked to the ground and sustained severe head trauma. The operator of the bus remained on scene. There was no criminality suspected.

a homicide. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing.

104th Precinct

115th Precinct

113th Precinct Shot In Neck On Friday, Sept. 16, at approximately 7:23 p.m., in front of 140-11 130th Ave. in South Ozone Park, police responded to a 911 call of a man shot. Upon arrival, responding officers discovered the victim, a 27-year-old black man, shot in the neck. EMS also responded to the scene and pronounced the man dead at the scene. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing. Identification was pending proper family notification.

Ruled Homicide

Killed On GCP

On Wednesday, Sept. 14, at approximately 5:45 p.m., inside of 57-06 Clover Pl., in Ridgewood, police responded to a call of unconscious man. Upon arrival the officers were met by a family member who reportedly found the victim, Peter Polizzi, 31, lying on the floor with trauma to his head and torso. EMS responded and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital where he was admitted. On Saturday, Sept. 17, the victim died. Following an autopsy by the Medical Examiner, this case was deemed

On Thursday, Sept. 15, at approximately 4:54 a.m., police responded to the 82nd Street exit of the westbound Grand Central Park for a call of person struck by a vehicle. Upon arrival responding officers observed Jerry Kishun, 65, of 135-10 134th Pl. in South Ozone Park, unconscious and unresponsive. EMS responded and transported him to Elmhurst General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Further investigation revealed that Kishun was driving a white Mitsubishi

Galant that was involved in an accident with another vehicle. Kishun got out of his vehicle and was struck by a third vehicle which then fled the scene as did the second. The investigation was ongoing by the NYPD’s Highway Patrol. There were no arrests.

107th Precinct Bank Robber The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance in locating the following man who is wanted in connection with an attempted bank robbery in Pomonok. On Tuesday, Aug. 30, at approximately 2:30 p.m., a man entered a Capital One Bank located at 70-09 Parsons Blvd. in Pomonok and passed a note to a teller demanding cash. The teller refused and the suspect fled the location. The suspect is described as a Hispanic man, 25-35 years old, 5-foot-10 to 6-feet, with black hair. He was last seen wearing green shorts with a blue polo shirt and black tinted glasses. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800)-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at or by texting their tips to 274637 (crimes) then entering TIP557. All calls are strictly confidential.

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9


Welcome To The Library A slew of children and local officials were on hand to celebrate the grand opening last Thursday of the Helen Marshall Children's Discovery Center at the Central Branch of the Queens Library.

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

Photos by Ira Cohen

Borough Beat

Freaks On Acid? No; It’s Just Makers


A giant, fire-breathing dragon with a cool and cozy lounge inside.

Photos by Ira Cohen

If you weren’t at the World Maker Faire, held this past weekend at the New York Hall of Science, the list of what you missed may be too long to tally. Perhaps, for some with a fear of the unkown, it may have been too much to handle. Roaming inside and outside, from robot to circus show to solar-powered carousel (General Electric’s “Carousolar”) to craft table to strange bicycle to fire-breathing dragon (tremendous, with a lounge in its belly), inspiration and creativity were found at every turn. In this acid trip come to life, singing and dancing fake fish and lobsters – replete with two soloists, a conductor and six different choral groups – were attached to the hood, roof and doors of a car.

MakerBots demonstrated their machines that create three-dimensional objects from almost any designs by assembling them layer by layer. Circus Warehouse acrobats performed on a hillside; they included Matthew Greenfield, who made incredibly athletic moves while dangling from straps around his wrists, and Tess Emerson who exquisitely combined agility and grace while maneuvering around a hanging hoop. A trio of mechanical skeletons wearing daisy-decorated derby hats, swaying and lipsynching to “Rockin’ Robin,” greeted visitors at the top of a museum staircase. A rolling remote-controlled robot wore used Metro cards; its human controller was wearing a full suit made from the little yellow throwaways. There was a swing that started shooting water as soon as someone started swinging on it, programmed to shoot its sprays around the seats, never at them. Rides were offered in Dogzilla, a two-seat bicycle with a transparent covering and a floppy canine face, from the Lower Eastside Girls Club. Maker Faire’s mission is to inspire, inform, connect and entertain thousands of Makers – inventors, scientists, educators, artists, artisans, crafters, entrepreneurs and other tech and “do-it-yourself” enthusiasts – and aspiring Makers of all ages and backgrounds through the public gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tink-

The robot – and its controller’s suit – is all about recycling. ers, hobbyists, science clubs, students, authors and commercial exhibitors. Clearly, the freak show was in full effect. A human-powered inflated astronaut figure, about 10 feet tall, posed for pictures. People wove colorful scraps of ribbon, lace and fringe through rubber bands stretched around empty CD cases, at the table for “Materials for the Arts,” a Long Island City organization that accepts donations of craft materials, office equipment, and surplus scraps and redistributes them to non-profit arts and cultural groups, schools, art programs and

government agencies ( There was the “Creatomatic” table, at which visitors were asked to pick two cards depicting two everyday objects and imagine creative ways of combining them. (Two cards, for example, with a bird’s nest, and a lollipop, could result in baby birds chirping “Treat, treat!”) A gigantic version of the mousetrap, from the board game “Mousetrap,” was on hand. There were needlepoint classes, and acrobatic instruction for kids. Creative clothes of all kinds were for sale, including an interesting t-shirt featuring President Obama punching a zombie. Freebies included tote bags, magazines, and mini-robot figurines. There was a dark room in which illuminated inventions were displayed, such as a device that projected letters one by one onto a sheet of falling water, and another that could introduce any image onto a whirling wheel. Everywhere, children were tinkering with objects to connect and color, weave and wiggle, activate and adorn, and all their imaginations were working overtime. To see kids playfully interacting with imaginative exhibits any time, bring the family to the New York Hall of Science, at 47-01 111th St., in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. For info, call (718) 6990005 or go to

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11


Church Tribute To Local Jazz Greats BY VERONICA LEWIN One St. Albans church is taking the time to honor some of music’s greatest musicians who came from the neighborhood. The New Vision Choir at the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans is presenting A Tribute to The Legends of Soul next weekend. Two performances will be held at the church, located at 190-04 119th Ave., Friday, Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 1 at 6 p.m.

“In the New Testament, religion is grace and ethics is gratitude.” —Thomas Erskine

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


Geraldine Taylor-Brown leads the choir and member Dauphine Buggs said this is the third year New Vision Choir has done the tribute show. The choir started preparing for the concert three months ago. The neighborhood of St. Albans is known for being home to some of jazz and soul’s most popular singers and musicians, including Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown, Fats Waller and John Coltrane. The jazz culture is so rich in the neighborhood, there is even a mural depicting jazz greats underneath the LIRR tracks on Linden Boulevard. The Presbyterian Church of St. Albans has been around for more than 100 years. Since opening its doors, the church has increased its neighborhood presence by organizing senior centers and youth outreach centers. In 1977, the church hosted the Christian Peace Conference. The church has several ministries, including ones for young adults and Vacation Bible School. The church also runs a drama ministry called “Theatre of the Living Word,” which performs shows at the church’s theatre and throughout Southeast Queens. Tickets purchased in advance are $20, but tickets will be available at the door

The Presbyterian Church of St. Albans’ New Vision Choir is presenting A Tribute to The Legends of Soul. for $25. The church encourages people to buy tickets now to save money. Children under 16 can purchase tickets for $10. For more information or to buy tickets for next week’s concerts, contact

Buggs at (718) 528-2495 or (718) 4818144. Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Notebook Ronald McDonald House Scholarship

Future Pediatrician Gets Scholarship BY VERONICA LEWIN

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

One local college freshman is the lucky recipient of a Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarship. John Adams High School graduate Sabrina Hussain won a $17,000 scholar-

Sabrina Hussain

ship for higher education. The Ozone the Hispanic American Commitment to Park native recently began attending Educational Resources program. The New Pace University, where she plans to study York Tri-State Area branch of RMHC has biology. She hopes to become a pediatri- given more than $85,000 this year to locian who specializes in neonatology – a cal students. To date, the national charity pediatric sub-branch that has awarded more than focuses on newborns. $32 million in college While in high school, “Sabrina exemplifies scholarships. Hussain was an active mem- all of the qualities of a Award recipients were ber of several organizations, true leader and role selected based on acaincluding the John Adams model, working very demic achievement, comHigh School Key Club, Namunity involvement and hard throughout high tional Honor Society and financial need. To be elithe Boys and Girls Club of school to achieve her gible, applicants had to be goals.” America. graduating high school –Diane Koury, seniors with plans to at“Sabrina exemplifies all of the qualities of a true President of the Ronald tend a two- or four-year leader and role model, workMcDonald House’s college or university with ing very hard throughout local chapter an intended course of high school to achieve her study. goals,” said Diane Koury, The charity has four president of the charity’s local chapter. scholarships available to students of “Looking at all of her academic achieve- various ethnic backgrounds: the Asianments and volunteer positions within the Pacific Students Increasing Achievecommunity, we have no doubt Sabrina will ment Scholarship, African-American be extremely successful at Pace Univer- Future Achievers Scholarship, the Hissity and one day become a very talented panic American Commitment to Edupediatrician.” cational Resources and the RMHC RMHC began its scholarship program Scholars Scholarship, which is available in 1985 by committing $50,000 towards to students of all backgrounds.

The charity strives to better the lives of children and families in the communities they serve by creating programs to improve health, education, social services and exposure to the arts. Since 1992, the local chapter of the Ronald McDonald House Charities has donated more than $10 million to local non-profit organizations. For more information about the scholarship program, visit or call (973) 287-1476. Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Is Your School Doing Something Good? Write The PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357


Newton, Rivers Coming To QPAC BY DAVID RUSSELL With some Broadway tickets costing hundreds of dollars, Queensborough Community College is offering an inexpensive alternative – and all in the comfort of Queens. Living legends such as Wayne Newton and Joan Rivers highlight the upcoming season at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center in Bayside. “Our popularity within the community has really grown in the last few years,” said Susan Agin, executive and artistic director of the Queensborough Performing Arts Center. “As a result, two things have happened; No. 1 is that the demand for these acts has gotten greater. Secondly the artists themselves have gotten to know us.” “I think as a result of our good reputation in how we treat artists and in how we respond to the needs of our community has helped make these icons available to us,” she added. “The way that we present our shows, the word has gotten out that we produce these high-caliber, world-class shows that are well-respected shows. These artists want to play and perform here.” The season kicks off Sept. 25 with “Let’s Hang On,” a tribute show to

Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. On Oct. 9, iconic comedienne Joan Rivers comes to Bayside. The Emmy Award-winning Rivers will be with special guest Dick Capri, primarily known for his role in “Catskills On Broadway;” he will open the show. The following week, “Three Mo’ Tenors” appears at the QPAC, after highly successful performances on Broadway, featuring a mix of Opera, Jazz, Motown, Blues and Broadway. Jose Porcel’s “Compania Flamenca” performs Oct. 23. The show received great reviews during its coast-to-coast tour of North America in 2008. On Nov. 19, the legendary band Blood, Sweat & Tears brings their roster of jazz and rock musicians to Queensborough. Blood, Sweat & Tears has won three Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year. “Forbidden Broadway” comes to Queensborough the following day. The satirical show has spoofed Broadway hits for 30 years, roasting more than 30 shows. The most popular Beatles tribute band comes to the QPAC, as “Yesterday” performs on Jan. 28. The band recreates Beatles concerts in chronological order, complete with costume changes and vin-

Restaurant Review

Just Like Home CRONIN AND PHELAN’S BAR AND RESTAURANT 38-14 Broadway, Astoria (718) 545-8999 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8 am-4 am; Sun noon to 4 am CUISINE: Pub Grub CREDIT CARDS: All Major PARKING: Street DELIVERY: No

Wayne Newton

tage film footage. Seven days later, a change in genre occurs as the QPAC puts on one of Verdi’s most famous operas, “Rigoletto.” The show is complete with a full orchestra and English supertitles. On Feb. 18, “Las Vegas Tribute To Motown” returns to the QPAC. The tribute features songs from The Temptations, The Supremes and The Four Tops. On March 17, “The Official Blues Brothers Revue” comes to Queensborough – the only Blues Brothers show to be officially sanctioned by original Blues Brother Dan Aykroyd and Judith Belushi Pisano, widow of original Blues Brother John Belushi. On March 25, the Moscow Festival Ballet presents “Cinderella,” based on the timeless rags-to-riches story. On April 1, the Red Star Army Chorus & Dance Ensemble performs their act. They have sold out more than 220 shows and have even performed on the White House lawn. April 15 features a show billed as “The Bronx Meets Brooklyn In Queens,” as stand-up comedy legend Robert Klein takes on long-time friend and Brooklynite Stewie Stone. Klein appeared on the first HBO comedy special in 1975. The following week Queensborough is home to Rex Reed’s “The Man That Got Away:

New JCAL Exhibit Puts Art On The Grid day through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. JCAL is located at 161-04 Jamaica Though considered rigid and hard edged, the new exhibition at the Jamaica Ave., and has been serving the community for 38 years, providCenter for Arts and ing the public with eduLearning titled “Chilcational programs, workdren of the Grid,” is turnshops, film screenings, ing this notion on its lectures, and art exhibiface. tions. It functions as a Following the opennon-profit organization ing reception on Sept. 14 that uses art and art eduin the William P. Miller Jr. cation to enrich Queens Gallery, JCAL has begun and encourage the arts to showcase the work of amongst students and 21st-Century artists Joel residents alike. Carreiro, Franklin Evans The exhibition runs and Changha Hwang; all Changha Hwang’s “Rollercoaster” through Nov 26. of whom are masters of is one of the pieces on display. For more informathe Grid technique. They transcend the usual conceptions of rigid tion, go to or call (718) forms in their works, turning instead to flu- 658-7400. Reach Intern Marlena Matute at idity with it having a relationship with our or (718) 357material world. The exhibition hours are from Tues- 7400, Ext. 124. BY MARLENA MATUTE

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13

With a slew of European-style cafes popping up around Astoria, it’s comforting to know some places hold back on pretension and kick up the quality instead. Cronin and Phelan’s fits the mold of the blue collar Astorian’s favorite joint – the spot in existence since Godknows-when, with the bartenders as worn as the furniture and food as comforting as your mother’s. Its biggest flaw rests in its dungeonlike facade, which only seems uglier with every shiny, trendy new Euro-style joint that opens around it. But if you manage to get past the confusing triangulated entry, you’ll find a pristine pub seemingly transplanted from Ireland. Wood abounds, with brass in key spots, the stock collection of beer on tap and walls covered in flat-panel televisions, should you be there to watch a game. But for now, head on back to the outdoor patio, with the summer’s wane still keeping the temperature bearable. Should you be looking for a delicate,

gourmet gastronomic experience, well, don’t bother. Once you order an entree, you’ve committed yourself to an enormous rib-sticking meal packed with some sort of meat, an obscenely delicious side and a pint. I heard good things about the shepherd’s pie, but I was wary. It’s the sort of peasant meal that’s as easy to screw up as it is to enjoy. Fortunately, Cronin and Phelan’s avoids any trap. Just meat, diced veggies and a thick slab of mashed potatoes crisped at the top. Humility embodied in a giant portion. Of course, with the burgers or wings you can’t go wrong. The honey-barbecue wings are beyond divine, and make the pint more refreshing than intoxicating. The menu includes something fairly exotic, even for Queens – bangers and mash. This concoction from the British Isles has been the bane of many a foodie. By nature, the meal is ugly, the sauce weird and the potatoes unwelcoming. I’ve been told you have to be drunk or a complete glutton to actually enjoy it. And to be fair, the massively sized portion at Phelan’s greets you like some culinary Frankenstein, daring you to finish it all. But the obligatory cringe at the first bite? It wasn’t there. The flavors meshed to form a funky but welcoming party on the palate. I almost wished it was a bitter, rainy winter’s night to do the meal – and Cronin and Phelan’s – full justice. –Joseph Orovic

Joan Rivers

Ira Without George.” Reed hosts a tribute to the life of Ira Gershwin, the older brother of George. Reed’s narration follows Ira through his life, as an all-star cast performs more than 25 numbers. “Mr. Las Vegas” performs April 29. It is a rare New York appearance for Wayne Newton, who has done more than 25,000 concerts in Las Vegas. Instead of performing at Madison Square Garden or the Beacon Theater, Newton stars at the QPAC. On May 6, Mal Z. Lawrence performs with The Four Preps. Lawrence co-starred in “Catskills on Broadway,” and The Four Preps took in eight gold singles and three gold albums over three decades. The following week, on Mothers’ Day, “Spencer’s Theatre Of Illusion” comes to the QPAC, in a rare magic show. Kevin and Cindy Spencer were named International Magicians of the Year, for their ability to combine drama, comedy, romance and suspense along with illusions. Throughout the year, Queensborough will also put on some sing-a-longs, which are very popular. These shows have the words to the songs on the screen during the show allowing the audience to participate. The first is “Annie,” on Dec. 3. “Dreamgirls” follows Feb. 11 and “West Side Story” is scheduled for March 31. “The hits keep on coming and we will continue to bring in world-class artists,” Agin added. “In doing so we’re showing the community our commitment to them. We will stop at nothing to make sure shows we have here are of the highest caliber because our community is worth it.” To learn more about what’s happening at QPAC, or to buy tickets, call (718) 631-631 or go to


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

ALUMNI MARTIN LUTHER HS Saturday, September 24 Martin Luther HS in Maspeth will host an Alumni Day for all grades. 894-4000. THOMAS JEFFERSON Sunday, January 15 class of 1961 will meet in Florida.

DANCE COUNTRY WESTERN Saturday, Oc tober 15 San Antones and Halloween Costume contest. $12. Glendale Memorial Building, 72-02 Myrtle Avenue at 7:30. 7634328. LINE DANCING Saturdays 2-4 at Holy Family RC Parish Church, Msgr. Mahoney Hall, 175-20 74 th Avenue, Fresh Meadows. Light refreshments. Bring friends! ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:15-9:45 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 18202 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. LINE DANCING Mondays 6:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $7. Cake and coffee. 565-2259.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

RELIGIOUS REFORM TEMPLE Saturday, September 24 “Engaging Israel: A New Perspective” at 7:30. Thursday, September 29 tashlich service at 3:15. Friday, September 30 study session at 1 0 : 3 0 . R e fo r m Te m p l e o f F o r e s t H i l l s , 7 1 - 1 1 1 1 2 th Street, Forest Hills.

ENVIRONMENT ESTUARIES FEST Saturday, September 24 festival to commemorate Little Neck Bay. 11-3 at Alley Pond Environmental Center, 228-06 Northern Blvd., Douglaston. Free. 229-4000. WASTE RECYCLING Sunday, September 25 Electronic Waste Recycling from 10-4 at the Hall of Science. 212-477-4022 information. COMPOSTING Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 waste food drop off at the Steinway library at 4.

ENTERTAINMENT PARISH CARNIVAL Through Sunday, September 25 at St. Joseph’s in Astoria. Rides, games, food, more. AMAZING MAZE Through Oc tober 30 the Amazing Maize Maze3 114:30 at the Queens Count y Farm Museum, 73-50 Little Neck Parkway. $9, $5 children. 347-3276. MOVING IMAGE Through January 16 Jim Henson Screenings and Programs. Museum of the Moving Image, 36-01 35 th Avenue, Astoria. 777-6800. $15. ESTUARIES FEST Saturday, September 24 festival to commemorate Little Neck Bay. 11-3 at Alley Pond Environmental Center, 228-06 Northern Blvd., Douglaston. Free. 229-4000. Entertainment, demonstrations, crafts, fun games, boat and canoe rides, more. FM POETS Saturday, September 24 Fresh Meadows library at 10. LOVE & JUSTICE Saturday, September 24 Songs about Love, Justice and Feelings at 2 at the Flushing librar y. AFRICAN PERCUSSION Saturday, September 24 Langston Hughes library at 2. DREAMS OF PARIS Saturday, September 24 concert of clarinet and piano at the Forest Hills library at 2:30. POETRY READING Saturday, September 24 poetry reading and book signing with George Edward Tait at the Langston Hughes library at 3:30. FOUR SEASONS Sunday, September 25 Let’s Hang On, the premier Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons tribute band performs at Queensborough C o m m u n i t y C o l l e ge . 6 3 1 6311. SUNSET CRUISE Sunday, September 25 from 4-7. 318-9344. SUMMER FUN Sunday, September 25 Jackson Heights Green Alliance Ending Celebration. 5pm at the 78 th Street Play Street, 78 th Street between Northern Blvd. And 34 th Avenue, Jackson Heights. OUTDOOR JAZZ Sunday, September 25 jazz concert in Weeping Beech Park. Free with admission to Kingsland Homestead (new exhibit “Growing Up in Queens”) $3 adults, $2 students and seniors, children under 10 free. Members free. 143-35 37 th A v e n u e , Flushing. 3-4:30. LIVE JAZZ Sundays through December 18 at 180-25 Linden Blvd., St. Albans from 5-9. $5 donation. 347-262-1169. SWING TO SOUL Monday, September 26 From Swing to Soul at 6:30 at the Hollis library. SCRABBLE Tuesdays at the Fresh Meadows library at 1. LIVE JAZZ

Fridays through December 13 at 180-25 Linden Blvd.., St. Albans. 347-262-1169 ticket information. BANANAGRAM/SCRABBLE Fridays at the Windsor Park library at 2. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays at 2 Hillcrest library. CHINESE AUCTION Friday, September 30 at the United Methodist Church of Floral Park at 7. $35. 516-3544969. SOUNDS OF COLOMBIA September 30 to Oc tober 30 at Thalia Spanish Theatre in Sunnyside. 729-3880. JAZZ & R&B Saturday, October 1 Jazz, r&b, Brazilian music at 2 at the Flushing library. STREET FAIR S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 S t . Paul’s International Lutheran Church’s 5 th Annual International Street Fair 10-4 at the corner of 263 rd Street and Union Turnpike, Floral Park. Blessing of the pets, entertainment, games, vendors, more. BOYZ OF SUMMER Saturday, Oc tober 1 film at F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700. APPLE FESTIVAL Sunday, Oc tober 2 at the Queens Count y Farm Museum 11-5. 73-50 Little Neck Parkway. Free. SUNDAY CONCERT Sunday, Oc tober 2 Dominican Folk and Modern Merengue Central library at 3.

DINNER CENTENNIAL 2011 Saturday, September 24 Queens Chamber of Commerce will celebrate the Centennial at Terrace on the Park. EMANUEL UNITED Saturday, September 24 dinner and entertainment at Emanuel Church in Woodhaven. $15 adults, $7.50 children. 849-1153. APEC Sunday, Oc tober 2 Brunch on the Boardwalk With Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. $50, $75 couple.

MISCELLANEOUS MINI GOLF Through December 31 Rocket Park Mini-Golf 10-6 weekends, 2-5 Fridays Hall of Science. $6 adults, $5 children plus NYSCI admission. WALK & RUN Sunday, September 25 Long Island Hear t Walk and 5K Run. 516-450-9126. MARTIN LUTHER SINGS Tuesday, September 27 the choirs of Martin Luther School in Maspeth will sing the National Anthem at CitiField. 894-4000, ext. 133. SAFETY EVENT Saturday, Oc tober 1 at the Forest Park Bandshell Parking Lot 10-2. BLESSING OF PETS S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 a t Church of the Resurrection, 8 5 - 0 9 1 1 8 th S t r e e t , R i c h mond Hill at 11.

EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS KAYAKING Week e n d s t h r o u g h O c to ber 9 (weather permitting) kayaking from Socrates Sculpture Park Beach at Hallets Cove. 228-9214. LANDSCAPE/FLORAL Charcoal and pen and ink classes. 969-1128. JH ART CLUB Classes in all art forms days and evenings for children and adults. 426-9821. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, September 24 at the Knights of Columbus in Valley Stream. 341-0452. BUSINESS PLAN Saturday, September 24 Start UP Business Plan at the Central library at 11. ORIGAMI Saturday, September 24 at the Bayside library at 2. INTRO PUBLISHER Saturday, September 24 Steinway library. Register. JEWELRY WORKSHOP Saturday, September 24 plastic bag jewelry workshop a t t h e S u n n ys i d e l i b ra r y. Register. INTRO EXCEL Saturday, September 24 Steinway library. Register. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, September 24 at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in Bayside. 631-3609720. SEWING CLASSES Saturdays 11-3 at Maria Rose International Doll Museum in St. Albans. 2763454. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. SCULPTURE WORKSHOP Saturdays through September 24 children and families at the Socrates Sculpture Museum. 956-1819. PET OWNERS Saturdays (not on holiday weekends) from 1-4 free Doggie Boot Camp at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 4545800. Reservations required. Donations accepted. SKYPE CHAT Mondays, September 26, Oc tober 3 at the Queens Village library at 2. BALLROOM DANCING Monday, September 26 Forest Hills library at 6:30. POLISH RESUME Monday, September 26 at the Central library. Register. COMPUTER BOOT CAMP Monday, September 26 at t h e Fa r Ro c k away l i b ra r y. Register. BUSINESS PLAN Monday, September 26 Start UP Business Plan Competition at the Central library at 6. INTRO POWERPOINT Monday, September 26 at the Maspeth library at 6. BRIDGE CLUB Mondays except holidays 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 4236200. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. Register.

DRAWING CLASS Mondays at the National Art League in Douglaston. 3610628. LINE DANCE Mondays beginner to intermediate lessons 6-9 in Bayside. 917-886-0519. KNITTING CIRCLE Mondays at Alley Pond Environmental Center. Register 229-4000. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesday, September 27 at the Arverne library at 10:30. INTRO INTERNET Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Queens Village library. Register. INTRO EMAIL Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Steinway library. Register. INTRO INTERNET Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Steinway library. Register. PRACTICE LAB TIME Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 computer practice lab time at the Far Rockaway library at 4. LI CHESS CLUB Tuesday, September 27 at the LIC library at 4. INTRO EXCEL Tuesday, September 27 at the Central library. Register. SEARCH INTERNET Tuesday, September 27 at the Maspeth library at 1. Introduction to searching the Internet. LEARN TO DRAW Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Hillcrest library. Register. SCRABBLE CLUB Tuesdays at the East Flushing library at 3:30. KNIT & CROCHET Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Windsor Park library at 2. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. LANGUAGE CLASS Wednesdays Conversational Hebrew 2:30-3:30 and Torah Stories in Yiddish 3:30-4:30 at the Bayside Jewish Center. 352-7900. TANGO CLASS Wednesday, September 28 a t B u e n o s A i re s Ta n go i n Forest Hills. 347-642-4705. CREATE EMAIL ACCT. Wednesday, September 28 Central library. Register. JOB SEARCH SKILLS Wednesday, September 28 at 10:30 Far Rockaway library. BASIC COMPUTER Wednesday, September 28 at the Windsor Park library. Register. PLASTIC JEWELRY Wednesday, September 28 at the Astoria library. Register. Thursday, September 29 at the Steinway library. Register. Plastic Bag Jewelry workshop. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900 INDOOR SOCCER – DADS

Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. OIL PAINTING CLASS Wednesdays 6-8 adult classes, all levels. Grace Lutheran Church in Forest Hills. 472-4055. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. PREPARE FICTION Thursday, September 29 preparing your fiction; A Creative Writing Workshop at the Langston Hughes library at 6. QUILTING CLASS Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 276-3454 or 917817-8653 to register. QUILTERS Thursdays at the East Elmhurst library at 12:30. CHESS CLUB Thursdays at the East Flushing library. Register. COMPUTER CLASS Every Thursday Queensboro Hill librar y. Register. KNIT & CROCHET Thursdays at the Fresh Meadows library at 6. CHESS CLUB Friday, September 30 at the Auburndale library at 3. COMPUTER BEGIN Friday, September 30 computer class for beginners at the Middle Village librar y. Register. COMPUTER LAB Friday, September 30 computer practice lab time at the Arverne library at noon. KNITTING CLUB Fridays at the Maspeth library at 10. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. COMPUTER COURSE Every Friday at the Ozone Park library. Register. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturday s, Oc tober 1, 15, 29, November 5, 19, December 3, 17 Learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-4367940.

EXHIBIT QUEENS COLLEGE ART Through Oc tober 14 “This is Personal: Michael Ragsdale’s 9/11 exhibition. Queens College Art Center. 997-3770. FLUSHING COUNCIL Through November 14 “Endangered Art/ists: China.” November 19 through January 7 “Korean Painting Exh i b i t i o n : A Wa l k T h ro u g h Nature.” Permanent displays include “Jazz Live!”, “Flushing Town Hall:” Fact or Folklore,” an historical exhibition on Flushing Town Hall and its place in history, “Legends of the Queens Jazz Trail” 463-7700. HALL OF SCIENCE Through January 15 Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think.Adults $11, children 2017 $8, college students with ID $8 and seniors $8. 699-0005.

Queens Today MEETINGS


HEALTH FAIR/DRIVE Saturday, September 24 communit y health fair and blood drive 10-3 at Macedonia AME Church, 3722 Union Street, Flushing. Health screenings, workshops, more. CHAIR YOGA Saturday, September 24 introduction to chair yoga at the Elmhurst library. Register. ZUMBA Saturday, September 24 at the Fresh Meadows library. Register. YOGA IN THE PARK Saturday, September 24 at Socrates Sculpture Park. 9561819. PILATES IN THE PARK Sundays through September 25 at Socrates Sculpture Park. 956-1819. TAI CHI IN THE PARK Sundays through September 25 at Socrates Sculpture Park.956-1819. ZUMBA Monday, September 26 at the Langston Hughes library. Register. MEDITATION Monday, September 26 Meditation for Healthy Living Astoria library at 4. STRESS FREE LIVING Monday, September 26 at the Woodside library at 4. ORGANIC FOOD Monday, September 26 Organic food facts made simple at the Broadway library at 6:30. NUTRITION Monday, September 26 lushing library at 6:30. MEDITATION Monday, September 26 reducing stress through meditation at the South Hollis library at 6:30. CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, September 27 at the Queensboro Hill library and the Rego Park librar y. Register. INTRO CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, September 27 at the Rego Park library. Register. ALZHEIMERS Tu e s d a y s , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , Oc tober 11, 25, November 8, 22 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 5925757, ext. 237. ZUMBA Wednesday, September 28 at the Richmond Hill library at 4. T’AI CHI Thursday, September 29 at the Forest Hills library. Register. FREE YOGA Thursday, September 29 at the Queensboro Hill library. Register. INTRO CHAIR YOGA Thursday, September 29 at the South Ozone Park librar y. Register. TAI CHI Thursday, September 29 at the Forest Hills library. Register. ZUMBA Thursday, September 29 at the Lefrak City library. Register. CHAIR YOGA Friday, September 30 introduction to chair yoga at the Ozone Park library. Register.

JEWISH VETS Sundays, September 25, Oc tober 23, November 27, Jewish War Veterans of the USA Lipsky/Blum Post meet at the Garden Jewish Center. 463-4742. ST. ALBANS CIVIC Sundays, September 25, Oc tober 23 the St. Albans Civic Improvement Association meets at 1:30 at St. Albans Lutheran Church, 200 th Street and 119 th Avenue in the undercroft. QUEENS HISTORICAL Sunday, Monday, September 25 Queens Historical Societ y annual meeting at 2 at Kingsland Homestead, 143-35 37 th venue, Flushing. VFW 4787 Mondays, September 26, Oc tober 10, 24, November 14, 21, December 12, 26 Whitestone VFW Community Post meets. 746-0540. HIKING CLUB Mondays, September 26, Oc tober 24, November 21, December 19 at 7 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. 114 TH PRECINCT Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 114 t h Precinct Communit y Council meets at Riccardo’s at 7. MEN’S CLUB SOCCER Tuesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 2637000. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. ADVANCED WRITERS Tuesdays Advanced Bayside Writers’ Group meets at 6:30 in the Terrace Diner, 212-97 26 th Avenue, upper level. Get feedback on your writing and develop your skills. WOODHAVEN CULT. Wednesday, September 28 Woodhaven Cultural and Historical Societ y meets at Emanuel United Church, 91 st Avenue and Woodhaven Blvd. at 1. FH VAC Wednesdays, September 2 8 , O c to b e r 2 6 , N o ve m ber 23, December 28 Fore st Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corp meets. 7932055.

OPEN FORUM Monday, September 26 Open Forum at the Lefrak library at 6. Explore issue in your area, meet neighbors and elected officials. BOOK TALK Monday, September 26 book talk with author Erick S. Gray (“One Life to Live”) at 6:30. BOOK CLUB Monday, September 26 “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” discussed at 6:30 at the Steinway library. GREEN BOOK CLUB Monday, September 26 “Hot, Flat and Crowded” discussed at the Sunnyside library at 6:30. TAX WORKSHOP Wednesday, September 28 at the Flushing library at 6:30. FIND WORK YOU LOVE Thursday, September 29 Finding Work You Love: A Workshop on Life and Career Planning at 6 at the Douglaston/Little Neck library. GREEN ROOFS Thursday, September 29 discussion on green roofs at the Broadway library at 6:30. LEVITATION Thursday, September 29 Levitation Through Literacy book club discusses “A u th e n t i c H a p p i n e s s ” a t the Sunnyside library at 6:30.

FLEA MARKETS FLEA MARKET Saturdays and Sundays through Oc tober 1 at Faith Mission, 114-40 Van Wyck Expressway. BOOK & HEALTH FAIR Saturday, September 24 12-6 6 th Annual Queens Book and Health Fair in the Harvest Room at Jamaica Market, 90-40 160 th Street, Jamaica. FLEA MARKET Saturday, September 24 94 at the First Presbyterian Church of Newtown, Queens Blvd. and 54 th Avenue, Elmhurst. THRIFT RE-OPENS Thursday, September 29 grand re-opening of the thrift shop at All Saints Church, 214-35 40 th Avenue, Bayside 10-1.

SENIORS AUTUMN COMPUTERS S ta r t i n g i n O c to b e r t h e Selfhelp Benjamin RosenthalPrince Street Senior Center holds a series of computer classes. 445-3864. AARP CHORUS Like to sing? The AARP Queens Chorus holds practice rehearsals. 523-1330. FREE LUNCH Saturday, September 24 at Church of the Resurrection in Kew Gardens. 847-2649 reservations. AARP 1405 Monday, September 26 Flushing AARP chapter 1405 meets at the Bowne Street Communit y Church, 143-11 Roosevelt Avenue. CLEARVIEW Monday, September 26 Music Appreciation at 12:30. Friday, September 30 Current Events at 12:45. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 224-7888. SOCIAL WORKER Wednesday, September 28 social worker answers questions for older adults and caregivers about long term care and more at the LIC library at 1. BASIC COMPUTERS Wednesday, September 28 computer basics for seniors at the Central library. Register. STARS Friday, September 30 Senior Theater Acting Repertory at the Queens Village library at 10:30. 7760529.

YOUTH QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates. TUTORING CLASSES Weekdays after school and on Saturdays Bridgesmart Tutors in LIC. 450-6493. SCIENCE PLAYGROUND Weekends through December 31 10-6 and 2-5 Fridays at the Hall of Science. $4 plus general NYSCI admission. SCULPTURE PARK Saturdays through September 24 the Socrates Sculpture Park will hold drop-in workshops for families. STORY BOOK LADY Saturdays 12:30-1:30 reading enrichment program for 6-9 year olds at Maria Rose International Doll Museum, 187-11 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. $7.50. 276-3454. SCIENCE LAB Saturday, September 24 at the Central library at 11. MATH HELP Saturdays at the Flushing library at 10. HOMEWORK HELP Saturdays 10-noon teen tutors available at the Bayside library. CHESS CLUB Every Saturday at the Flushing library at 2. S TORY TIMES Saturdays at 11 and Tuesdays at 10:30 weekly story times at Barnes & Noble, 1766 0 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , F re s h Meadows. BABY & ME Monday, September 26 at the Bayside library. Register. ORIGAMI Monday, September 26 Queens Village library at 4. FROGS & BUGS Monday, September 26 Frogs, bugs and animals at the Steinway library at 4. BOOST WORD Monday, September 26 Word Project at the Central library at 4:30. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck lib ra r y. B r i n g n e e d l e s a n d yarn. HOMEWORK HELP Mondays 3:30-5:00 teen tutors available at the Bayside library. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Tuesday, September 27 at the Glen Oaks library at 11. SIGN LANGUAGE Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Rego Park library. Register. CRAFT Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Queens Village library at 4. SEPTEMBER CRAFT Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Windsor Park library at 4. BOOST BANKING Tuesday, September 27 at 4:30 at the Central library. BOOST MATH Tuesday, September 27 at the McGoldrick library at 5. FAMILY STORY TIME Wednesday, September 28 at the Seaside library at 11. BOOK MAKING Wednesday, September 28 book making workshop at the Cambria Heights library. Register.

READING BUDDIES Wednesday, September 28 McGoldrick library at 5. CHINESE CULTURE Wednesday, September 28 for those 11-12 at the Laurelton library. Register. CRAFTS Wednesdays, September 2 8 , O c to b e r 5 at the Steinway library at 11 for those 2-4. BOOST SCIENCE Wednesday, September 28 at the Central library at 4:30. CHESS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. KNITTING Every Wednesdays at the Bayside library at 4. TOPS TRUMP CARD Every Wednesday tournament at the LIC library at 4. BOOK MAKING Thursday, September 29 at the Ridgewood library. Register. BOOST HEALTH Thursday, September 29 Health Science at the McGoldrick library at 5. POETRY & ME Thursday, September 29 at the Flushing library at 2. CRAFT TIME Every Thursday at 3:30 at the Ozone Park library. BOY SCOUTS Thursdays Boy Scout Troop 138 meets at 7:30 in the basement at 192-15C 64 th Circle, Fresh Meadows. For

those 11 and older. 4542391. CHESS CLUB Friday, September 30 at the Auburndale library at 3:30. GAME DAY Friday, September 30 at the Bay Terrace library at 2:30. BOOK BUDDIES Friday, September 30 at the Bayside library at 4. BOOST GAME DAY Friday, September 30 at the Central library at 4. MATH CLUB Friday, September 30 at the McGoldrick library at 4. GAME TIME Friday, September 30 at the Windsor Park library at 4. BOOST GAME DAY Friday, September 30 at the McGoldrick library at 5. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays at 2 at the Queens Village library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays LIC library at 2. GAME DAY Fridays at the Queens Village library at 2. FLASH FRIDAYS Every Friday at 3 at the Ozone Park library. GAME PLAYERS Every Friday at the Hillcrest library at 4. CUB SCOUTS 351 Fridays at St. Nicholas of Tolentine school cafeteria, Parsons Blvd. and Union Turnpike. Boys in grades 15. 820-0015.

TEENS TEEN HOMEWORK Saturday, September 24 at the Bayside library at 10. CHESS CLUB Every Saturday at the Flushing library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. TEEN HOMEWORK Mondays, September 26, Oc tober 3 at the Bayside library at 3:30. TEEN CHESS Mondays, September 26, Oc tober 3 at the Bayside library at 6. CATS Tu e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 7 Council of Advisory Teens at the Flushing library at 5. BOOK MAKING Wednesday, September 28 at the Cambria Heights library. Register. TEEN REC ROOM Wednesdays, September 2 8 , O c to b e r 5 a t t h e Steinway library at 4. CURRENT EVENTS Wednesday, September 28 White House Current Events at the Laurelton library at 3. COVER LETTERS Wednesday, September 28 cover letters at the Arverne library at 4. PLASTIC BAG JEWELRY Wednesday, September 28 at the Astoria library. Register. Thursday, September 29 at the Steinway library. Register. GAME DAY Every Wednesday at the Howard Beach library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 at the

Queens Village library. BOOK MAKING Thursday, September 29 at the Ridgewood library. Register. CREATIVE WRITING Thursday, September 29 creative writing workshop at the Langston Hughes library at 6. SAT STRATEGY Thursday, September 29 at the Bellerose librar y. 800273-8439 to reserve a seat. AUTHOR TALK Thursday, September 29 teen author talk with Joseph Lunievicz at 4 at the Flushing librar y. TEEN THURSDAYS Every Thursday at the Bay Terrace library at 3. CHESS CLUB Every Thursday 4-5:30 at the Douglaston/Little Neck library. CHESS CLUB Friday, September 30 at the Auburndale library at 3:30. BOOK BUDDIES Friday, September 30 at the Bayside library at 4. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Every Friday at 4 at the Hillcrest library. YOUNG REFORMERS Friday, September 30 America’s Young Reformers meet at the Laurelton library. Register. INTRO KNITTING S a t u r d ay, O c to b e r 1 fo r those 10-16 at the Steinway library. Register. HOMEWORK HELP S a t u r d ay, O c to b e r 1 t u tors at the Bayside library at 10.

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15



Cabell’s Eight Decades Of Service She said its uniqueness made it a lucrative business at the time. When Cabell was 16, she and her family moved to St. Albans, becoming the first black family on the block. In 1947, Cabell’s parents were able to hold the house for just one dollar until they could save up the rest of the money. She wasn’t happy about moving to Queens, and remembers her first day in the neighborhood. “I was standing outside when my parents were in the house negotiating and a little Caucasian boy rolled by on his bicycle and stuck his tongue out at me, and that was about the most terrible thing that had happened in my whole life at that time,” Cabell recalled. She ended up raising her children in her parents’ old home, before selling it in 2004. Cabell studied child psychology at City College in Manhattan, but switched her course of study to Latin and English. Her academic plans changed when she married a man named Wally her junior year. She took a few classes at Queens College after having her two children – Patricia and Stephen – but found it difficult to be a mother and a student. After 17 years of marriage, she and her husband divorced. Still, Cabell said they remained good friends until his passing.

Photo by Veronica Lewin

delegates to represent the State of New York at the first National Women’s ConAs one Jamaica resident becomes an ference in Houston, Texas. Cabell ran for octogenarian, her life of service contin- office when Malcolm Wilson was governor and was the chosen Republican for a ues. Constance Cabell was born in Harlem, job development position in the adminiswhich she said had a strong sense of com- tration. “I think I’m the only black Republican munity and neighbors looked out for each other. “Growing up in Harlem was a won- in this whole neighborhood, this whole derful experience because it was so dif- community anymore. All of the others have died out,” she said. ferent than it is now,” she said. That sense of commuIn 1998, Cabell retired nity carried over into her for a few months. On the life as a St. Albans resi- “It’s been a very first day of her retirement, dent. active life. I don’t a friend asked her to join Cabell’s public service the board of Blanche resume is extensive. She know when the Community Progress Day helped lobby to have York heck I had time to Care Centers. She started College “right where it’s even work.” the position in March needed” in Southeast 1999 and was elected —Constance Cabell president just three Queens instead of being built in Bayside. months later. The organiFor 15 years, she was trustee at Amity zation has a site in Jamaica and St. Baptist Church on 108th Avenue in Ja- Albans. She said she had tried to step maica, where she has been a member down from being president, but her job since 1972. She has served on the board is fulfilling because she enjoys interactof the Jamaica chapter of the NAACP, ing with children. It’s a commitment that the women’s division of the National reflects her own unique affinity for the Conference of Christians and Jews and neighborhood. the 103rd Precinct Community Council, Cabell’s father owned the only matamong other positions. tress factory in Harlem, where he reupIn 1977, she was chosen as one of 37 holstered mattresses and other furniture. BY VERONICA LEWIN

Constance Cabell Cabell turns 80 on Sept. 29 and said she has been blessed to be able to accomplish all she has in eight decades. “It’s been a very active life,” she said. “I don’t know when the heck I had time to even work.” Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

People The Queens Library Foundation will host its Annual Gala on Monday, Oct. 3, from 6-10 p.m. at Studio Square, 35-44 37th St. in Long Island City. Being honored as 2011 Children’s Champions are Michael Dana, President and Chief Executive Officer of Onex Real Estate Partners; George L. Stamatiades, Vice President, Dignity Memorial Funeral Providers and member and past president of Queens Library’s Board of Trustees; and Cisco. A special award will be presented to 1100 Architect, designers of the new Children’s Library Discovery Center. All event expenses have been underwritten; 100% of the proceeds from the Gala will support the availability of library materials, educational and intellectual development resources for the children of Queens. Dominick Ciampa is the Gala Committee Chair. Michael Dana is President and Chief Executive Officer of Onex Real Estate Partners, the owner and developer of Sky View Parc in Flushing Queens. Sky View Parc is a 14 acre planned mixed use development site comprising of 448 luxury condominium units atop a 785,000 square feet shopping center, housing some of America’s most popular retailers such as Target and Best Buy. George L. Stamatiades is Vice President of Thomas M. Quinn and Sons Funeral Home, Dignity Memorial Provider Trustee and is a member and past president of Queens Library’s Board of Trustees, in addition to being a community

activist. He serves as president of Central Astoria Local Development; cofounder of the Western Queens Gazette; chairman of the Queensboro Correctional Advisory Board; first vice chair, Community Board No. 1; treasurer of Athens Square Committee Inc.; executive director and past president, Dutch Kills Civic Association; member of the Broadway Merchants Association; member and past president, 36th Avenue Merchants Association; member, Hellenic-Plato Lodge F&AMasons#1129 10th Manhattan District & Geba Lodge F&A Masons; member and past president of Mr. and Mrs. Club of Saint Demetrios G.O. Church; member, past president of the Long Neck Royal Canal Association. Southampton, NY; member and past president of the Bayview Pines Home Owners Association, Southampton, NY; and many other affiliations Cisco is a consistent corporate supporter of community-based education for children and supports the goals of Queens Library and the Children’s Library Discover y Center. Cisco partners with nonprofits and non-governmental agencies around the world to improve access to education to help infuse curricula with 21st century skills, and to promote economic opportunity through education. Tickets for the event are $350 per person. For more information on the event, including corporate packages/ sponsorship opportunities, please p h o n e ( 718 ) 4 8 0 - 4 27 3 o r v i s i t The following local residents began their first year at Saint Michael’s College this semester: Charles Russell, son of Charles & Josephine Russell of Ozone Park, graduate of HS for Const. Trades, Engineering & Architecture; and Michael Thompson, son of Sharon Saunders-Thompson and Merrick Thompson o f Rosedale, graduate of Christ King Regional H.S. Saint Michael’s College, located in Burlington, Vermont, arguably the best college town in the country, is a distinctive Catholic liberal arts college that provides education with a social conscience. One of Princeton Review’s Best 371 Colleges, Saint Michael’s makes it possible for students to participate in independent science research, do real-work internships, get free passes to the best skiing in the East, and live in sight of Vermont’s majestic Green Mountains.

Rockaway, Isaac Zafir of Far Rockaway and Meyer Bendelstein of Far Rockaway. The following local residents are among more than 1,000 students who recently received undergraduate degrees from the State University of New York at New Paltz: Alexandra Picault, a resident of Cambria Heights, received a BA in Communication Media; Gilroy Savery, a resident of Springfield Gardens, received a BA in History; Katrina Wynter, a resident of Springfield Gardens, received a BA in Sociology; Dana Koresh, a resident of Kew Gardens, received a BA in Sociology; Angie Fleury, a resident of Rockaway Beach, received a BS in Biology; Eboney Jordan, a resident of Rockaway Park, received a BS in Management; Faye Peithman, a resident of Belle Harbor, received a BA in Sociology; and Mary O’Leary, a resident of Breezy Point, received a BS in Visual Arts.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Metropolitan Campus has released the names of students who have graduated as of May 2011 on undergraduate and graduate levels. Students from your area include: Joseph Ferraro of Bayside, Gloria Benitez of Oakland Gardens, Annalise Henry of Flushing, David Shafran of Flushing, Joshua Kutner of Flushing, Yitzchak Ostrow of Flushing, Naomi Press of Kew Gardens, Candice Chin of Jamaica, Nancy Ubilla of Jamaica, Andrew Feigenbaum of Far Rockaway, Charles Edelstein of Far

Tell The PRESS Send notices of graduation, awards, anniversaries, engagements and honors to: PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd. Whittestone, NY 111357 All announcements will be considered for publication without fee.

Queen's controversial NBA star Ron Artest, who randomly renamed himself Metta World Peace recently, is trading his b-ball kicks in for a pair of dancing shoes. Making his debut on the 13th season of Dancing with the Stars, Peace will be getting his groove on with New Zealand native and veteran dancing beauty Peta Murgatroyd. In a recent interview with ESPN, the Queensbridge native seemed a little stiff two-steppin’ to the cha cha. Although the Kiwi can kick it, the 6'7", 260-pound baller didn't have what it takes to make it through the first episode. Heavens to Murgatroyd, World Peace! Couldn't you hold it together. We're so sorry Peta. It's sad to see you go so early in the game.

Ron Artest with Peta Murgatroyd

Yuppie Paradise? With the hipsters slowly being priced out of Williamsburg and other Brooklyn neighborhoods near Manhattan, at least one Realtor is trying to lure them to Queens. But not Astoria, LIC or Forest Hills; this clever Realtor is trying to entice them closer to the ocean… to the Rockaway Peninsula. The realtor describes Rockaway as “the new Williamsburg” in an ad for a 5-bedroom, 2-bath home with fireplace, hardwood floors, driveway and finished basement.

The ad doesn’t specify where in Rockaway the house is, but the description of the home seems to point to ultra conservative middleclass Irish Catholic Belle Harbor, where we’re sure Williamsburg’s Bohemians will fit in just fine. Also, the realtor forgot to mention “easy to get to.” Just a dozen or so stops on the J train to Broadway Junction, head down a flight of stairs that conjures up thoughts of hiking down the Matterhorn, wait for the Rockaway-bound A train, take it another 20-25 minutes to Broad Channel, then switch to the shuttle to Rockaway Park and in only two hours flat, you’re in the new yuppie paradise. No sweat!

Four years ago, Bianca Golden came in to the spotlight while vying for the top spot on America’s Next Top Model. She established herself as the fierce and feisty minx from Hollis, whose only goal was to make it big in America’s modeling scene. “That’s what was the plan going,” said the confident cutie. “I knew everyone’s plan was to try to bring it home but I really wanted more.” Although she was cut before making the show’s finale, success came quick, catapulting her into multiple modeling contracts and taking her around the world. “Although I didn’t win, I had a ball,” Bianca said of the 12 shows she starred on in 2007. “It was great exposure for me.” Since then, the Hollis babe said jobs have been rolling in. Immediately following the show she was signed by Major Model Management for two years, Fusion Model Management in South Africa and Ford Models in Chicago. She also had the opportunity to correspond for BET, Oxygen and E! Entertainment Television, broadening her exposure in TV land, which she hopes one day will open up the possibility of an acting career. Although Bianca admits she doesn’t get much time to return back to the borough between shoots, fans of the finelooking female will be able to watch her compete once again on America's Next Top Model All-Star season, which debuted Sept. 14 on the CW. As the 14 bombshells battle it out for supremacy, we will root for our hometown hottie to take the title. There’s only one thing Bianca can guarantee about her second shot at the top. “There’ll be lots of drama.”

Darling Nicki Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Sept. 23-29, 2011

Bianca Golden Home: Hollis Age: 22 Height: 5’11" Weight: 129 lbs Stats: 34-24-34

Bianca’s Back Best Bar Ever?

Sometimes checking your bank account Monday can remind you of a weekend of overindulgence, perhaps jostling memories of the college football beer and wing special at the Best Bar Ever LLC. Where’s that, you ask? Apparently Blackbirds in Astoria knows where they stand against other watering holes, and they’re not afraid to remind you after you swipe just check your charge card statement. Hey, if they keep having Saturday afternoon football specials, Blackbirds could be the best bar ever in our eyes, too.

Nicki Minaj during Fashion Week

It has been a while since our borough has produced a talent worth going crazy for, but apparently Nicki Minaj has crossed that threshold. The South Ozone Park native sent New Yorkers into raging lunacy when she made an appearance at the recent Fashion’s Night Out. She started off at the Guiseppe Zanotti store, before moving on to Versace then YSL. At every stop she made, bedlam broke out. “Barbz, the President of YSL said we made history tonite for the most pandemonium ever. *kisses the barbz*” Minaj tweeted after the night. If that’s the reception that awaits her checking out shoes, it’d be nice if Nicki gave her home borough a boost during Queens Restaurant Week.

Models Of Queens

Keep Dancing

Confidentially, New York . . .

Making Reading Fun Maybe this will get high school boys interested in reading. A group of women have formed a unique book club that may get attention, but not for the books they’re reading. These women from all over the city head to a public park or location popular with city readers. Before they open their books- of the pulp fiction genre- however, they take off their tops. The Outdoor Co-Ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society calls itself a group of friends, family, and perfect strangers who like to read pulp fiction – the early 20th century genre of crime and superhero stories printed in magazine or comic format – on sunny days “as nearly in the altogether as the law allows.” Luckily for them (and all of us), New York City law only requires men and women wear clothing below the waist. So far, they’ve taken out their- um- books in Manhattan; Washington Square Park, the High Line and in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but seeing as many of the club’s members live in Queens, we look forward to these courageous women exposing our fine borough to joys of pulp fiction of the 20th Century. May we suggest a Flash Gordon story?

What’s Up SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

Walkers for Wellness Club Looking for a fun way to improve your health? Join the Walkers for Wellness Club at New Hope Lutheran Church of Jamaica. Under the guidance of a Walking Leader, you will walk two to three times each week at a comfortable pace with others along routes throughout Southeast Queens. The club is open to walkers of all ages and abilities. The walking schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Saturdays at 8 a.m. Walkers meet at New Hope Lutheran Church, located at 167-24 118th Ave. T-shirts and pedometers will be provided. Contact Thurkessa Brown at (917) 553-1089 for more information.

“The Hoarde” Come, see, hear and feel, with Vissi as they present “The Hoarde,” a visceral story about love, betrayal, death, vengeance, and redemption. This is a marriage of dance and theater at its finest. Choreographer Courtney Ffrench returns to York College with his company of highly-skilled dancers for a performance featuring his signature style that blends Modern, West African, Caribbean, Jazz and Ballet. This event will take place at the York College Performing Arts Center, 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., at 7 p.m. Admission is $20.

StartUP! Competition The Queens Economic Development Corporation will begin the 6th Annual Queens StartUP! Business Plan Competition in September 2011. The competition gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to strengthen their business knowledge, learn about business trends, gain insights about starting and growing a business, as well as an introduction to the vast resources at the Queens Library. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 11 a.m.

held it together, the contact points that enabled men and women of diverse backgrounds and interests to find common ground. Refreshments will be served following the lectures. Reserve your seat today. Call (718) 206-0545, Ext. 13 or email This free event will take place at the King Manor Museum in Rufus King Park, 153 Street at Jamaica Avenue, at 5 p.m.

School Supply Giveaway A Cause A Concern A Solution Network Inc. will be hosting its 7th Annual School Supply Giveaway, co-sponsored by State Sen. Shirley Huntley, Councilmen Leroy Comrie and Ruben Wills. Hot 97 DJ C-Lo will attend as a special guest. Free supplies, food, entertainment and health screenings will be available, with more. This event will be held at Baisley Pond Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, contact Christina Winslow at (917) 349-1704.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 Sickle Cell Walk-A-Thon The Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network (QSCAN) is proud to present its annual Sickle Cell Walk-A-Thon and Blood and Bone Marrow Drive. The festivities will start at 160th Street between Liberty Avenue and Archer Avenue (York College) near the last stop on the “E” Train, Jamaica Center, and end at Roy Wilkins Park – Merrick Boulevard at Foch Boulevard. For additional information, visit, or contact QSCAN at (718) 712-0873 or This free event will begin at York College, 160th Street between Archer and Liberty Avenues, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

MONDAY, SEPT. 26 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 27 Camera Club The Southeast Queens Camera Club meets at Roy Wilkins Park, Administration Bldg., 2nd Floor, 177-01 Baisley Blvd. Summer photography classes occur on the second, third and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. Classes are free - bring camera manual. For full details, visit or (718) 723-6849 or (516) 328-3776.

Computers Demystified Do you feel intimidated by today’s electronic gadgets? Don’t understand what your relatives and friends are talking about? Check out author Abby Stokes as she explains in “Is This Thing On?: A Late Bloomer’s Computer Handbook.” In this interactive session, Stokes will help to clarify, demystify and guide you through this technological maze. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 1 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 York Observatory Open Night The York College Observatory is open to the public every second or third Wednesday of the month - rain or shine - at 8:30 p.m. Gather in room 2E01 and then proceed to the fourth floor terrace off G corridor if it’s clear. For additional information, contact Tim Paglione at or (718) 2622082. This free event will be held at the York College Academic Core Building (AC 2E01), 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. from 8:30-9:30 p.m.

Intro to Email In this workshop, customers will learn how to manage their own e-mail account; review messages and email etiquette. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. Pre-registration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. For details, please call (718) 990-0769. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

StartUP! Competition Healthier and Happier Life

The Queens Economic Development Corporation will begin the 6th Annual Queens StartUP! Business Plan Competition in September 2011. The competition gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to strengthen their business knowledge, learn about business trends, gain insights about starting and growing a business, as well as an introduction to the vast resources at the Queens Library. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6 p.m.

Polish Your Resume Cultural Pluralism On The Hudson Bring a copy of your resume on a flash Valley drive and volunteers will guide you through Native Americans, Dutch, English, French, Germans, Africans, West Indians, Scandinavians, Scots, Irish, Poles, Jews and more jockeyed for recognition in their own cultural traditions and, when their numbers were large enough, the power to assert them. Yet, society ultimately held together. Fabend considers the glue that

editing and producing a professional quality resume using Cyber Center computers. Participants must have keyboard and mouse experience. Pre-registration is required at the Job Information Center. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 Walkers for Wellness Club See Saturday’s listing. At 7 p.m.

Union Hall Street Thursdays Come one, come all, to the greatest block party of them all. Applebee’s, the Jamaica Center Business Improvement District, Councilman Leroy Comrie, Jamaica First Parking, and the Downtown Jamaica Open Space Coalition are pleased to present Union Hall Street Thursdays. Come on out for and evening of food, drink, music and dance. Tonight’s evening will feature Caribbean, Calypso, and Reggae music. This free event will be held at Union Hall Street (between Jamaica and Archer Avenues) at 5 p.m.

Immigrant Biz Owners Workshop In this seminar in English you will learn about: minimum wages and overtime, hours of work and break time; record-keeping

FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life. Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Sugarfoot’s Ohio Players The Margert Community Corporation and Councilman James Sanders Jr. are pleased to present another great concert in their Garvey-Tubman Music Series. The afternoon’s musical offering includes the superstar funk band Sugarfoot’s Ohio Players. Call or stop by the Laurelton Office (718) 527-4356; 234-26 Merrick Blvd. for additional information. This free event will take place at the York College Performing Arts Center, 9445 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., from 3-7 p.m.

Legends Of Soul The Presbyterian Church of St. Albans presents A Tribute to the Legends of Soul at 190-04 119th Ave. at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 at the door. For advance tickets, call Dauphine Buggs at (718) 528-2495.

ONGOING Job Club The Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Ethan Chazin, Job Coach, at (718) 7392060, Ext. 18 or This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave. Services are available Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

HIV Awareness Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 89-31 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Merrick Flea Market A flea market has opened at 221-02 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.

Sept. 23-29, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

The YMCA wants you to enjoy a healthier and happier life. Join them for an open house that will allow you to experience the Y for free, take sample classes, experience community vendors, and enjoy refreshments. For additional information, visit, or contact Sheila Clark-Hawkins at (718) 7396600, Ext. 6005 or This free event will take place at Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd., from noon to 4 p.m.

and wage statements; employment of minors; unemployment insurance; Worker’s Compensation and Dept. of Labor’s services for business. This free event will take place at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6 p.m.

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