Queens Press

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Volume 11 Issue No. 39 Oct. 1 - 7, 2010


PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


State Sen. Shirley Huntley and Assemblyman Rory Lancman call on the Governor to sign their bill, which would stop hospitals from closing as abruptly and with as little community notice as Mary Immaculate. By Sasha Austrie…Page 3

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010


Hospital Bill Awaits Paterson's OK ing the impact of the hospital closure within 60 days. Lancman said the issues Standing in front of the shuttered Mary were reworked with the assistance of the Immaculate Hospital, State Sen. Shirley health department and the executive ofHuntley (D-Jamaica) and Assemblyman fice to address the governor's concerns. Rory Lancman (D-Hillcrest) urged Gov. "It's a common sense bill," said David Paterson to sign the Hospital Plan- Donovan Richards, Councilman James ning Closure Act. Sanders' (D-Laurelton) chief of staff, add"When I pulled up here and saw this ing the forum and report can change the hospital closed, I was very disappointed," outcome of a potential hospital closure. Huntley said. "We work very, very hard to "The power of people can help shape keep all hospitals opened." battles," he said. "We shouldn't underestiThe act, which was sponsored by the mate the power of people." legislators, would require the State Dept. As of press time, the governor had not of Health to host a public forum con- signed the bill. Jessica Bassett, Paterson's cerning the impact of a hospital's clo- spokeswoman, said the governor is cursure and access to healthcare. Similar rently looking at the merits of the bill and legislation was introduced last year and has until midnight this Friday to make a though it passed both houses, it was decision. vetoed by governor. Lancman contends that when Mary Lancman said Paterson's issues with Immaculate and St. John's hospitals were the original bill were minute - instead of on the brink of collapse, the Queens elechosting two formal public forums, the gov- torate asked for a lifeline and to their ernor opted for one community forum, dismay, it was not provided, but when St. which would take place 30 days after clo- Vincent Hospital in Manhattan was shutsure. The bill also stipulates a report detail- tered, "the governor was doing double, triple back flips to help that community." "We feel somewhat shortchanged," he said, adding the healthcare crisis worsened when area hospitals were not adequately funded to shore up patient overflow. Though the bill is not designed to stop hospital closures, Huntley said it would alert the community and force the health department to prepare a plan for those affected. She conA bill that has reached the governor would prevent the sudden tends the timeline for closure of hospitals as was experienced when Mary Immaculate Mary Immaculate's closure came as a surprise. closed. Huntley attended a

PRESS Photos by Ira Cohen


$380M Ante For VLTs Placed In State Coffers BY DOMENICK RAFTER

morgue," he said, still wearing his shirt with the Mary Immaculate insignia on the sleeve. "It kills me." Nielsen said the buildings have been sold and he pesters the new owners, Centric Group, about reopening the hospital. "I never thought this would happen," he said. "I would love to see it open again." Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.


wearing the chains of oppression.” Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn) lightened the seriousness of the conference with a bit of humor. “Thank God that [he] made me a black man,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to be any other man. The black man is a warrior.” He questioned the “50 percent unemployment rate” among black men when New York has a black governor and the nation has a black president. Dr. Ron Daniels, a York professor, said black America is divided into two factions: middle class and elite blacks versus the “other black America that is locked out.” To transition from the invisible man to a new man, Corbett suggested six areas of power in which blacks should invest: morality, partnership, family, education, economic and political empowerment. Roger Scotland, Southern Queens Park Association president, said the onus is on the community to aide in its own revitalization. “We need to move from a position of plight and speak to a position of power,” he said. Daniels said black men and women need to work as partners. Not only is it imperative to be educated, but it just as important to share knowledge and talent. “You must be aware of who you are, black man, black woman,” he said. Barron advised black men to embrace their blackness. “Be black, be radical and don’t be afraid to be radical and black,” he said. Sanford said black men do not know their history or capabilities and if they did, “you would stand tall, push your shoulders back.” The black men have suffered “inadequate education” and have not been given the proper resources to learn. “Education is the mechanism to keep those in power in control and comfortable,” she said. Sanford said to remedy the problems facing blacks, there needs to be conversations between black men and women. “My tribute to black men is that you are magnificent, handsome, proud, dangerous,” she said. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Forum Seeks To Boost Black Men

At the Fifth Annual Men’s Conference at York College, panelists discussed the invisibility of black Americans in today’s society. “There is a crisis in our community for young black men and men of color,” said Paul Washington, Male Development director at Medgar Evers College. “If this was in any other community it would be a national emergency.” The theme of Wednesday’s conference was “From the Invisible Male to the Visible Man: How we move from the Sidelines to the Playing Field in American Society.” York’s conference grew out of the Black Male Initiative, which operates on 19 CUNY campuses. “The Black Male Initiative manifests itself on different levels on different campuses,” Washington said. Dr. Adelaide Sanford, the state Board of Regents vice chancellor emeritus, said black men’s invisibility stems from not knowing their origins. “Black males are the only people who can never go home,” she said. “They can go to the warm, moist shores of the continent of Africa, but they can never go to the town. Black males are the only men that I know that raised the children born of the rape of their wives and loved them as their own.” Malik Corbett, entrepreneur, said the approach for equality needs to transition from the civil rights era to modern times. “The goal was assimilation,” he said. “The strategy is no longer working. Equality is still a major issue.” Corbett gave the audience a grave look into the black community’s plight. There are 9.9 million black Americans living in poverty; 28 percent of black Americans go to college and 10 percent of black Americans are imprisoned. Another statistic that further brought the issue home, 32 percent of black men born in 2001 are expected to be imprisoned or embroiled in the justice system. “They are trying to erase their invisibility and they don’t know how to do it,” Sanford said. “[When I go to the prisons of this country] I see gorgeous black males that are whole externally, but they are still

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

The check has cleared. Genting New York officially paid New York State the $380 million licensing fee to develop the VLTs at Aqueduct last Friday, five days before the deadline. With the fee paid, the Malaysian gaming company can begin work on the site, with at last 1,600 of the 4,500 VLTs slated to be operational by the spring. “Genting is excited to have crossed the finish line and will now quickly get to work building a first-class casino that will not only showcase the best in gaming and entertainment, but will result in more than 2,000 jobs and significant recurring revenue for New York State,” said Mike

Speller, president of Genting New York. “We will continue to work closely with State Lottery officials and the South Queens community to ensure that we can quickly open the first phase of Resorts World New York.” Gov. David Paterson, who aimed to close the deal on Aqueduct before his term as governor ends in January, called the project “critical to the future.” “After almost a decade of delay, this project is finally becoming a reality and all New Yorkers will benefit,” he said. The money is earmarked for education funding, according to Jennifer Givner of New York Lottery. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

meeting in the hopes of saving the hospital, only to be told the doors would be closed. "If there is going to be a closure we should know," she said. "People should know." Ed Nielsen, a 23-year veteran employer and the lone engineer left at Mary Immaculate, said managing the skeleton on a daily basis hurts. "It is almost like a giant tomb, a

Plea Deal Is Reported In AG’s Hevesi Probe paign fundraiser Bill White reached an agreement with Cuomo, sealing $1 million State Attorney General and guberna- for the state and promising to cooperate torial candidate Andrew Cuomo’s ongo- with the Attorney General’s investigation. ing investigation into the abuse of the White committed the sin common to state’s Common Retirement Fund inched nearly all parties this investigation has closer to former State Comptroller Alan touched. Cuomo’s findings included Hevesi this week. $570,000 White garnered According to published refrom fees as an unlicensed ports, sources close to the inplacement agent from deals vestigation claim the two pargiven to Guggenheim Partties are in the midst of negotiatners Select State Fund, which ing a plea agreement, which received $500 million in state could lead to a six-month jail pension cash for investing. sentence for the disgraced White then bundled former comptroller, who would $50,000 in contributions from the principals of Guggenheim allegedly cop to charges of corruption in exchange for protect- Ex Comptroller Alan with $10,000 of his own ing his two sons from investiga- Hevesi is reportedly close money towards Hevesi’s reelection campaign. tion. As of press time, no deal to a plea deal. The findings are the first to had been officially announced. openly display a personal benThe investigation, which has lasted three years, found a number of efit to the placement agent system for Hevesi. “The state pension fund, which should backroom deals took place in order to set up Hevesi’s son Andrew (D-Forest Hills) be safeguarded for taxpayers, was instead with his current Assembly seat. Cuomo served up to fixers, finders, and has maintained the younger Hevesi had fundraisers like Bill White, who used his access to fill his pockets,” Cuomo said. no knowledge of the machinations. An investment firm owned by another “Unlicensed placement agents, secret Alan Hevesi son, former State Sen. Dan fees, and even the appearance of pay-toHevesi, received $1 million in fees for il- play erode taxpayers’ trust and pose an legal placements of state common retire- intolerable risk to our pensioners’ retirement funds. New York’s pension system ment fund dollars. The news comes on the heels of the is fraught with systemic problems that we announced capitulation of another former can no longer afford to ignore.” White’s agreement to comply is the Hevesi associate. Unlicensed placement agent and cam- latest in a string of catches by Cuomo’s

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010


office, which has gotten six guilty pleas from several members of Hevesi’s office, including Chief Investment Officer David Loglisci, former Liberal Party Chair Ray Harding and adviser Saul Meyer. Hevesi’s former political adviser Hank Morris is

currently under indictment by the Attorney General, though he has maintained his innocence. Reach Reporter Joseph Orovic at jorovic@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

Mayor Shows Off Wastewater Plan


City officials agree that creeks and rivers are not the appropriate place for raw sewage. To combat the problem, Mayor Mike Bloomberg announced on Tuesday a new plan that incorporates green technology and traditional infrastructure improvements. To reduce the amount of water rushing into the sewer system all at once, the City will utilize green and blue roofs, which use vegetation or barriers to slow the flow of water into rain gutters; rain barrels; and features that allow the ground to absorb water, such as porous pavement, swales and tree pits. By 2030, the plan will prevent more than 12 billion gallons per year of untreated wastewater from flowing into local waterways, a 40 percent reduction. The change will help achieve a key goal of PlaNYC, the city’s sustainability plan – making more waterways available

for recreational use. “The City’s waterways are the cleanest they have been in a century, thanks in large part to the significant investments we have made in protecting our waterways,” Bloomberg said. “Our green infrastructure plan is bringing a new approach to an old problem by using natural means to capture the stormwater that too frequently overloads the system.” At a total cost of $5.3 billion, $900 million of that from new development, the improvements will also help City officials meet state and federal water quality standards, and save money. Traditional methods alone would cost ratepayers an additional $2.4 billion. Other savings include an additional $2.4 billion in sewer management costs over the next 20 years. Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124.

Familiar Face In 28th District Race BY SASHA AUSTRIE

The 28th Council District seat vacated by the death of late Councilman Tom White, Jr. has a slew of contenders vying to lead the district. There are newcomers and then there are the constants. Ruben Wills falls into the latter category. He describes himself as having “an abnormal passion” for service. Wills has mentioned this mantra before, in last year’s race for the same district. But this year, this time, Wills believes it is different. “Our support base is just incredible,” he said, adding he has support from all corners of the district, pointing to his endorsements from some Southeast Queens politicians, clergy, community members and business leaders. Wills said he has a plan of action to help rid the district of its ills. There are five issues that need to be tackled immediately, according to Wills, as they are connected. Jobs, access to affordable healthcare, education, foreclosures and public safety are his most ardent concerns. “This is the height of all of our issues,” Wills asked. “The height of a malfunctioning education system; the height of foreclosures; we are at the lowest point of unemployment,” he said. In terms of jobs, Wills said there needs to be not only creation, but retention. He advocates planned partnerships between projects like the Aqueduct Racino and vendors in the community. Though Wills

notes the majority of jobs will be doled out to people living within the bounds of Community Board 12, he said there could be residual positions for residents. He highlights a trickle-down effect if building supplies were purchased within his district, or potential Aqueduct employees would patronize vendors in the district. To further job creation and retention, Wills said he would try to establish a Department of Education-sanctioned trade school, which would prepare high school-age students for skill-based employment. A satellite school for adults should also be Ruben created to help lower the rate of recidivism. “Job creation is not something that is hard to do,” he said. “It is just something that you have to want to do” With three Queens hospitals closing within the last two years, Southeast Queens has limited healthcare options. Wills said the best solution would be to reopen a shuttered Mary Immaculate and retrofit the hospital. In the meantime, Wills advocates for smaller, manageable clinics. He said there are at least four primary care clinics in the district.

“You cannot replace a hospital,” he said. “You cannot replace the jobs, residual economic benefits, relationships. You cannot replace that.” To further enhance healthcare, Wills would support innovative programs like Southeast Queens Medical House Calls. Wills dubs the current educational system in New York City flawed. He said the budget needs to be carefully observed and excessive spending should be rerouted. “The budget we have is massive,” he said. Resources are spread across a host of different venues from school Wills construction and administration to student benefits. A culprit of unnecessary and consistent overspending is the School Construction Authority, Wills said. Including budgetary issues, the “systematic lockout” of parents and teachers by Mayor Mike Bloomberg has created a defeatist attitude, Wills said. “We can win, but we need everybody’s involvement,” he said. The foreclosure crisis, which has plagued Southeast Queens for years, is steadily peaking. Wills said while in the

employ of State Sen. Shirley Huntley (DJamaica) as her Chief of Staff, he helped modify mortgages for those who were in arrears or had slipped into foreclosure. “I would continue mortgage modifications,” he said, adding he would implement a program which would have neighbor helping neighbor with their mortgage modifications. He would also promote financial management programs. Public safety is more than a police issue, Wills said. “Before we can talk about our police, community relations, we need to talk about our community to neighbor relations,” he said. He said the police and community can use the resources already in neighborhoods. Wills said the NYPD can train members of truck clubs on the signs of criminal activity. Also, officers on the street could meet the community they are policing. Wills said a few times he has brought officers from the 103rd Precinct to meet local business leaders. Wills has no doubt that come Nov. 2 he will be the next city councilman for the 28th Council District. He said he is running on a record of service and action. “We have won 85 percent of our fights, but we have fought 100 percent of the time,” he said. “You don’t know how bad I want to represent these people.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 174-15 Horace Harding Expwy. Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email news@queenspress.com The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

r Opinion: Arnold Thibou Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty

Editorial Sign The Bill The health problems that plague Southeast Queens are not new. A key concern is a lack of primary care physicians, which causes people to rely too heavily on emergency rooms. Unfortunately, when Mary Immaculate Hospital suddenly closed in February 2009, people had lost a busy ER. Even the local officials were blindsided. At a meeting in Borough President Helen Marshall's office, the hospital owners said they could not continue and the State Health Dept. shrugged its shoulders and said there was no more it could do. Well, there's something to the Governor can do before he leaves office. He can sign into law the Hospital Planning Closure Act, which would, at the very least, inform the community beforehand and allow for officials to attempt to fix the problem before the actual closing. We found out way too late about Mary Immaculate. If you care about the people, Mr. Governor, sign the bill.

Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:


Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Joseph Orovic Domenick Rafter Jessica Ablamsky Editorial Intern: Angy Altamirano Jason Banrey Rebecca Sesny Art Dept:

Tania Y. Betancourt Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director Alan J. Goldsher Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2010 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Sarcasm Reigns To The Editor: I’m driving on the Belt Parkway to visit my 92-year-old mother-in-law, and on the radio is the news that Lindsay Lohan may have to serve jail time for her latest indiscretions. It’s a good thing we have nothing else to worry about. Almost nobody votes, incumbents stay in office forever, and the crazies seem to be taking over. When the Roman Empire was in decline, the people were given bread and circuses. Poor Lindsay! Now let’s hear more

say that they have no skeletons in their closet. It also shouldn’t make any difference if they are running on the Republican or Democratic ticket because both parties are not so different. They always seem to vote for more spending and bigger government. I have known good people who have run in both parties. Let’s see more honest campaigning to help us determine why we should vote for a candidate rather than why we shouldn’t vote for his opponent. Janet McCarthy, Flushing

For Paladino

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor


about those new judges on “American Idol.” Ronald B. Hellman, Douglaston

It’s The Issues To The Editor: Now that election time is approaching, we see the candidates making personal attacks on their opponents. I really think that they should tell us where they stand on the issues because that is the reason why we should or should not vote for them. Just about no one running for public office can

To The Editor: The overwhelming concern to the voters today in New York State is the economy. While there are certainly other issues, jobs and economic development are what provides for every item in the State budget. There is only one candidate qualified to lead the State out of its fiscal morass and organizational ineptitude, and that is Carl Paladino. We have all watched Andrew Cuomo over the years. “Do it for Andy” was a watchword of previous Democratic administrations. But not now. In my opinion Mr. Cuomo is just another in a long line of lifeless, listless, lethargic

career bureaucrats, who have never done anything to create private-sector jobs and who, more than most, is tied to feather-bedding unions, entrenched bureaucrats and policies that have long outlived their usefullness or purpose. Carl Paladino is a self-made man, someone who has signed payroll checks and created jobs in the private sector. Just as important, is the fact that he is neither obligated to nor enmeshed in the dysfunctional mess that is Albany today. New York State desperately needs a fresh start and Paladino is the only one with the energy and business acumen to lead us all to a better tomorrow. David Rivkin, Jamaica

SOUND OFF Send your thoughts, ideas, opinions, outrage, praise, observations about our community

To the PRESS of Southeast Queens 174-15 Horace Harding Expy. Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 e-mail:news@queenspress.com

fax: (718) 357-9417

Playing Politics With Hevesi Mess A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE By the time this issue of the PRESS comes out, we could have definitive news on the fate of Alan Hevesi in the state pension fund scandal. The former State Comptroller and some former aides have been under investigation for a “massive pay-to-play investigation.” Some aides, such as the ubiquitous Hank Morris, have already been indicted for their roles, but the biggest fish was obviously saved for last. News reports say that a deal between Hevesi and the Attorney General’s Office is imminent. He is expected to plead guilty to some sort of involvement and could face jail time. It is always heartbreaking to see someone self-destruct. This should not have been the lot of Alan Hevesi, a political scholar complete with Columbia University PhD. A former Queens College professor, Hevesi’s career in elected office began with election to the New York State Assembly fol-

lowed by tenure as City Comptroller. In 2003, he won the race to become State Comptroller. Just as he was running for a second term in 2006, he was accused of designating a state employee in his Office to chauffeur his chronically ill wife to doctors’ appointments and on assorted domestic errands. He copped a plea and avoided jail time right before he was to begin a second term. According to the chastened Queens native, as far as the pension fund scandal, he was blissfully oblivious to the shenanigans of his staffers. If you believe the reports, there were cash, trips, favors and general anarchy at play in the state’s most important office. It was revealed last year that one Elliott Broidy admitted to paying nearly $1 million in gifts to assorted players in the Comptroller’s Office in exchange for a $250 million investment with state money. If indeed Alan Hevesi is guilty of playing games with state workers’ pensions, then he has only himself to blame for the mess

he’s in today. But he claims to have had no knowledge of what was taking place under his nose. Mr. Hevesi, the title you held is “Comptroller,” generally pronounced, “controller.” That means you should have been in control of the funds and controlled those who served under you. They should not have been allowed to run roughshod over you and the Office charged with protecting ours and the state’s money. There should have been accountability at all levels. You should have been smarter. Even in younger photos, Alan Hevesi always seemed the picture of mature gentility. He’s not quite aloof, but not quite accessible either. But he always seemed responsible. He was a quiet presence in New York politics; he tried running for mayor in 2001 and lost the nomination, but soon found new life when McCall ran for governor in 2002, rather than run for another term as comptroller. There are a lot of “what ifs” in Hevesi’s life now, but none as sad as, “What if he goes to jail?” This being Queens, the Donald Manes story comes to mind all

over again. You just hope he has the fortitude to handle better than Manes did. Interestingly, this case is coming to bump right before the General Election in November. Could Andrew Cuomo, the sitting attorney general, have something to gain by having this case resolved so close to the election? The timing is really curious. Cuomo is running for governor against a guy whose platform is the resonant, “clean up Albany.” Pundits are referring to Hevesi as the “highest ranking official in the case.” But Hevesi has not been in Albany or anywhere else in nearly four years. How is this supposed to impress voters? How much “clean up Albany” bang is Cuomo going to get out of this buck? This does not give Cuomo cleanup cred over the bat-wielding cleanup Paladino promises to launch. There is no condoning Hevesi’s alleged acts, but this feels awfully like someone’s playing politics with someone else’s life. However it shakes out, we wish Hevesi well.



today announced a free and reduced price meal (Free Milk) policy for 2010-2011 school year. This is for area school children Local school officials have adopted the following family eligibility criteria to assist them in determining eligibility: 2009-2010 INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR FREE AND REDUCED MEALS OR FREE MILK (Effective until further notice)

Free Eligibility Scale Free Lunch, Breakfast, Milk HouseHold Size Annual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each additional family member add

14,079 18,941 28,803 28,665 33,527 38,389 43,251 48,113 4,862

Reduced Free Eligibility Scale Reduced Price Lunch, Breakfast

Twice Per Monthly Month

Every Two Weeks Weekly

1,174 1,579 1,984 2,389 2,794 3,200 3,605 4,010 406

542 729 916 1,103 1,290 1,477 1,664 1,851 187

587 790 992 1,195 1,397 1,600 1,803 2,005 203

271 365 458 552 645 739 832 926 94

HouseHold Size Annual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For each additional family member add

20,036 26,955 33,874 40,793 47,712 54,631 61,550 68,469 6,919

Twice Per Monthly Month

1,670 2,247 2,823 3,400 3,976 4,553 5,130 5,706 577

835 1,124 1,412 1,700 1,988 2,277 2,565 2,853 289

Every Two Weeks Weekly

771 386 1,037 519 1,303 652 1,569 785 1,836 918 2,102 1,051 2,368 1,184 2,634 1,317 267 134

BOTH of the above scales should appear in the Public Announcement/release to the media (Attachment II) Only the Reduced Price Eligibility Scale can appear in the Letter to Parents (for those schools participating in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program). (Attachment V)


Vissi Dance Theater NYC Presents

QUEENS GALA EVENT Saturday, October 2, 2010 • 7:00 pm $20.00 Adults / $10.00 Students & Seniors

94-45 Guy Brewer Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11451

Major funding for this series provided by NYC Councilmembers Thomas White Jr. (28th-CD), Chair of Economic Development, and Leroy Comrie (27th-CD), Deputy Majority Leader NY City Council and Chair of Land Use Committee.

Box Office: 718-262-2840 PAC Information: 718-262-3750 Tickets are available online at: www.york.cuny.edu

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7




Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

102nd Precinct Burlgary The NYPD is seeking the public's assistance in locating two suspects in a Richmond Hill burglary. On Monday, Aug. 9, at around 5 p.m., two black men entered a private house through a rear window in the vicinity of 101st Avenue and 110th Street in Richmond Hill. The suspects removed an unknown amount of cash and jewelry from inside of the location and fled. The suspects are described as 25-29 years old, the first wearing blue shorts with a white tank top and white sneakers, and the second wearing blue jeans, beige shirt with a brown hat. Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

103rd Precinct Dual Shootings

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

On Thursday, Sept. 23, at around 6:25 p.m., police responded to a 911 call of two people shot in front of 106-29 153rd St. in South Jamaica. Responding officers discovered two victims, William Cobb, 28, of 106-35 159 St., in South Jamaica

Police are seeking assistance in finding these two individuals, who are wanted for a burglary in Richmond Hill. and an unidentified black woman, inside a Ford Windstar, shot several times. EMS also responded to the scene and pronounced both victims dead on arrival.

107th Precinct Deadly Motorcycle Crash On Thursday, Sept. 23, at around 5:21 p.m., police responded to a 911 call of a motorcyclist struck at the intersection of 188th Street and Hillside Avenue in Hollis. Responding officers discovered the victim, a 41-year-old black man, unconscious and unresponsive. EMS also responded to the scene and transported the victim to Queens Hospital Center, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. A preliminary investigation determined that a 2001 tan Buick, driven by a 60-year-old black woman, was traveling

westbound on Hillside Avenue, making a left turn on 188th Street when a 2006 black Honda motorcycle, driven by the victim on Hillside Avenue, struck the car. There was no criminality suspected and the investigation was ongoing. Identity of the deceased was pending proper family notification.

tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

109th Precinct

On Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 6 a.m., police responded to Northern Boulevard and 212th Street in Bayside to a call of a pedestrian struck. When officers arrived, they discovered Al Noskowicz, 72, of 45-20 211th St., Bayside, unconscious and unresponsive. Upon further investigation, it was determined that he had been struck by a vehicle traveling eastbound on Northern Boulevard, while attempting to cross the thoroughfare. EMS responded and transported Noskowicz to New York Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival The driver of the vehicle stayed on the scene.

Unknown Identity The NYPD is seeking the public's assistance in identifying a woman who was found standing at the corner of 16th Avenue and Bell Boulevard in Bay Terrace at 6:50 a.m. on Sept. 29. She was taken to North Shore Hospital in stable condition. She does not remember her name, age or residence. She is not believed to be the victim of a crime. She is about 55 years old, 5-foot5 and 185 lbs. and was found wearing a Police are seeking aswhite tee shirt, sistance in identifywhite tank top and ing this woman, who seems to have forblack skirt. Anyone with in- gotten who she is. formation in regards to the identity of this woman is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their

111th Precinct Pedestrian Struck

112th Precinct Dead In Bookstore On Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 12:18 p.m., police responded to the second floor men's room of Barnes & Noble located at 70-00 Austin St. in Forest Hills to investigate an unconscious male. Upon arrival police discovered the victim, a 25-yearold white man, unresponsive. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A medical examiner was to determine cause of death.

Borough Beat

Feds To Clean Up Newtown Creek

After more than 140 years of contamination, the nearly four-mile stretch of toxic sludge and raw sewage known as Newtown Creek will get a thorough cleanup. One of the country’s most polluted waterways, the creek was recently designated as a Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Superfund program allows the EPA to take the lead in cleanup and force those responsible for contamination to pay for it. Financially responsible for Newtown Creek are New York City, National Grid, mining corporation Phelps Dodge, and numerous oil companies, including BP, Amoco, Chevron, Texaco and ExxonMobil, according to EPA Spokesman John Senn. Other parties could be discovered during the EPA investigation, which will lead to an updated cleanup proposal. Exactly what standard constitutes “thorough cleanup” is unclear, as is the amount of time it will take, and what it will cost. What is known is that the EPA will focus on water and sediment in the creek. The EPA estimated in 2009 that making fish safe for human consumption would take 15 years, and swimability was a pipe dream.

The creek that divides Brooklyn and Sediment in the creek is contaminated by a variety of pollutants, including the Queens, emptying into the East River, is metals antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chro- a victim of success, poisoned by its industrial past. mium, copper, lead, By the late 1800s, nickel, selenium, silver the surrounding area and zinc; polycyclic was one of the largest aromatic hydrocarbons industrial centers in (PAH) and phthalates; New York City, home polychlorinated bipheto more than 50 oil renyls (PCB); and volafineries, and lined by tile organic contamifertilizer and glue facnants (VOC). Present tories, fat rendering in high levels are copplants, shipbuilders, per and chemical comhide tanning plants and pounds that originate other chemical intenfrom crude oil. sive businesses. During “I am grateful that the EPA has desig- Newtown Creek, which was an in- World War II, it held nated Newtown Creek dustrial haven for more than a cen- the honor of being the as a Superfund site, so tury, has been named a federal busiest industrial port in the region. we can begin the pro- Superfund site. The legacy of innucess of cleaning up this merable oil spills is conlong-ailing body of water,” said U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D- taminated groundwater and soil in Astoria). “Restoring the health of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, which the New Newtown Creek will give residents of York State Department of Environmental Western Queens improved access to the Conservation is monitoring and cleaning. New York City’s ongoing contribution waterfront and make the neighborhood a safer place to live. I am also heartened by to the creek’s contamination is an outreports that the costs of the cleanup are dated wastewater system. Although dumping raw sewage into expected to be borne by large corporations, rather than by small businesses in waterways without a permit has been illegal since the 1970s, untreated sewage the neighborhood.” PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


often ends up in Newtown Creek, and other bodies of water like it. Combined sewer systems, like the wastewater treatment plant in Greenpoint, carry in one pipe stormwater plus commercial, domestic and industrial waste. Designed to handle a dry day, when the system is overwhelmed during heavy rain, the excess flows untreated into the creek. Across the city, that happens 60-75 times per year, said Farrell Sklerov, a spokesman for the City Department of Environmental Protection. Sklerov is quick to point out the multibillion-dollar improvements that the City has made to the wastewater system over the last few decades. In the 1980s, the City captured 30 percent of the overflow before it ended up in the water. Today, the City captures 72 percent. The percentage of sewage in that flow has also gone down. Since 1980, the percent of sewage in excess flow has been reduced from 30 percent to 12 percent. Ending the practice entirely is a costly proposition. Separating the sewer system would cost at least $60 billion, which would result in higher bills for residents, Sklerov said. Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Amazing QCulture:

Trio Of Locations Help Highlight Borough’s Diverse Arts Culture BY PRESS STAFF From the African art on permanent display at the Queensborough Community College Art Gallery, to the interactive theater in Long Island City to the upgraded facilities at the neighboring Queens Museum of Art and Queens Theatre in the Park in Flushing Meadows, art can be found just about anywhere. This week, our sister paper, the Queens Tribune, dedicated its entire issue to the subject of the arts in Queens. You can find them at locations throughout the borough or online at queenstribune.com. Here’s a taste of what the Tribune, and the arts in Queens, has to offer.

The Noguchi Museum

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

First Impression A great canvas of green lines the protective walls, with stone structures intruding into what would otherwise be an open space. The Noguchi never actually feels like a museum at the onset. The outside garden, though inhabited by Noguchi’s trademark stone sculptures, allows meditation and exploration simultaneously, combining Eastern and Western ideals. Yet as much as the bamboo shoots, ivy and stones exude austerity and serenity, the odd spinning of a table saw sounds just outside the walls. The effect is disconcerting. You’re never fully detached from the realities of modern life. It’s just like Noguchi to create a teasing reminder of himself in the midst of what was a veritable industrial hell hole, especially at the museum’s opening in 1985.

The expansion project included a “glass Nebula,” and above an inverted sphere with a circular skylight. Today, as you walk in, you are dazzled with sheer brilliance – the glass building welcomes you with open arms, high ceilings, and space – something you do not find in many old, dark, Broadway lobbies. People are not huddled together waiting on the ticket line or simply standing. There are tables, chairs and corners to congregate without a claustrophobic feeling. The lobby’s capacity exceeds the theatre’s capacity by almost 150 people, so you know you will not be standing on top of someone.

First Impression QPAC offers a wide selection of classic off-Broadway shows, the playbills for which are prominently displayed in the lobby of the theater. Two corridors lead downward to the first level of seating, which features stadium seating and the advantage of having no obstructed views. There’s a balcony level with additional seating, bringing the total number to 875. The stage is 41 feet wide by 36 feet deep, and is set in proscenium form with an orchestra pit in front of the stage, making the QPAC a viable choice for a night of classic theater or a timeless musical performance.

Don’t Miss This For all of its innovation The Vibe and pomp, Noguchi’s work QPAC promotes commustill puzzles many scholars. nity unity through musical The artist had a keen gift for and cultural exposure. Musimerging stone and making cals such as “Madama Butseams disappear. No piece terf ly,” “Abbamania” and in the museum’s collection “Swonderful,” as well as balreflects the technique better let performances and live than “The Sun At Midjazz concerts are often part night.” You may find yourself at In the outdoor sculpture garden, Isamu Noguchi’s pieces seem almost to of the itinerary. Shows consistently sell out, and paa loss looking for it. None of show that Mother Nature developed a sense of humor. trons regularly buy tickets in the museum’s pieces are laadvance. Though many of the shows are beled. But just keep an eye out for the The Vibe targeted towards a more mature crowd, perfect circle of black marble. Give it a This place is upbeat, friendly, spacious close inspection, and wonder how he and inviting; you know you’re in for a both teenage and younger audiences alike will enjoy and appreciate acts such as managed to create such geometric per- treat. “Mamma Mia!,” “Bye Bye Birdie” and “All fection in the first place. Shook Up.” Don’t Miss This The Noguchi Museum Obviously, the No. 1 “don’t miss” is Don’t Miss This 9-01 33rd Rd. the event you are going to see! But don’t When asked about the most popular Long Island City miss out on exploring the rest of the thea t t r a c t i o n s , A gin recommended (718) 204-7088, Ext. 208 atre – from the food to the downstairs noguchi.org theatre, a 99-seat studio which produces “‘Swonderful,” the first new Gershwin Hours: Wed-Fri, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; local community productions. Take home musical celebrating the works and geweekends 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. a few brochures and the 2010-2011 sea- nius of George and Ira Gershwin. Inspired by the life and times of the Nearest Train: N or Q at Broadway. son brochure. Nearest Bus: Q103 The Queens Theatre in the Park’s Gershwin brothers, the musical illusschedule is as diverse as Queens. Whether trates their impact on both past and Queens Theatre in the Park your taste is for multi-cultural events, modern times and takes the audience Despite its distance from the train sta- music, plays, children’s events or tradi- on a journey through the places, cultion, Queens Theatre in the Park aims to tional family entertainment, there’s some- ture and musical styles that catapulted the duo to stardom. encourage visitors to use public transpor- thing for everyone. Of course one of the biggest highlights tation. The easiest way is to take the No. of the year is the annual Holiday Concert Queens Theatre in the Park 7 train to the Willets Point/Mets Stadium by the Oratorio Society of Queens, which Flushing Meadows Corona Park station and hop on a shuttle bus provided presents Handel’s “Messiah”and a selec(718) 760-0064 by the theater. Buses begin their run one tion of holiday favorites and carols, held queenstheatre.org. hour before show time. this year Dec.19 at 4 p.m. Get tickets at Hours: (Box Office) Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. queensoratorio.org. to 6 p.m. First Impression Nearest Train: 7 at either 111th Street The recent $23 million expansion Queensborough Community College or Willets Point. Nearest Buses: Q23, project resulted in an additional 75-seat Performing Arts Center Q48, Q58. cabaret performance space, a full service 222-05 56th Ave. cafeteria and kitchen and a 3,000 square Bayside foot lobby/reception area. If you remem- Queensborough Community (718) 631-6311 ber the 1964-65 World’s Fair, you might College Performing Arts qcc.cuny.edu/qpac/aboutus.asp remember the old Theaterama, a 360-deCenter Hours: (Box Office) Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. gree room where you witnessed films to 4 p.m. The Queensborough Community highlighting New York State. Nearest Buses: Q27, Q12, Q30 College Performing Arts Center, or Things are different 46 years later. Photo by Joseph Orovic

The directions to most museums don’t include the phrase, “Then you make a left at Costco.” As you step off your respective subway stop (the bus leaves you right in front), you may notice the odd architectural structure: a wayward house with a massive stoop; the neo-modern architecture of a late 1980s mini-office; a grocery store with a largely unused parking lot. Sure, there’s the random “new development” chic, with gleaming stainless steel window frames, but as you approach the Noguchi Museum, you’re largely accosted by much of the same. Same architecture, by the block-loads. Same structure, shapes, mostly the same feel. In fact, it’s not until you reach Long Island City High School that the transition to classic LIC takes place. Then come the odd bits of residential homes, largely mixed with utilitarian industrial structures – the same kind the Noguchi inhabits. It includes a parcel once belonging to a gas station. One has to wonder why in the world Noguchi, with his endless talk of space utilization and structure, chose this area as the first-ever museum to a still-living artist. Oh, and then you make a left at the Costco.

The Vibe A self-monument will draw its fair share of adoring fans, and the Noguchi is no different. But for all of its namesake’s followers, there is a general spirit of discovery at the museum. Noguchi’s work still seems foreign and fresh, even decades after its creation. Nobody has ventured to copy the man, or at least done so successfully. One is likely to find the adventurous neo-artists of Long Island City mingling with older folks, whose only sustenance is a Social Security check. And while the young bucks will jabber about the consequences of Noguchi’s choice of stone, the wandering elders take moments to decipher if a horizontal slab of rock is meant to be a bench or not (the likely answer is yes – but you cannot touch it).

QPAC as it’s more commonly known, is located on the college’s campus, off of 56th Avenue, between Springfield and Cloverdale boulevards. This Bayside cultural hotspot is on the border between Queens and Nassau, making it equally attractive to residents of both counties. The location is accessible by bus or car. Unfortunately, there are no subway train stops in the immediate vicinity, so commuting visitors should plan their trip appropriately, allowing sufficient time to transfer to a bus from the nearest No. 7, E, F or J train stops.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11


The NYPD was on hand to talk about how they can help local businesses.

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Business Networking Expo Visitors are welcomed to one of the many booths at the expo.

Photos by Walter Karling

The Downtown Jamaica Business Networking Expo, co-presented by the Sutphin Boulevard and Jamaica Center Business Improvement Districts, was held at the newly-opened JFK Corporate Square Marketing Center (across from the Air Train Terminal).

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

Former Councilman Archie Spigner signifies his approval while BID Executive Directors Brigit Pinnell (Jamaica Center) and Simone Price (Sutphin Boulevard) look on approvingly.

Panoramic view of the Expo at the height of the event.

CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOULDN’T FLUCTUATE WITH THE PRICE OF OIL. You should be able to depend on an airline to make your trip easier, no matter what’s going on in the industry – those are our concerns, not yours. To ensure help is always nearby, we’ve brought back our Red Coats, special customer service agents who can handle most of your problems on the spot, without sending you to a line or a desk. You’ll see them around the concourse in their signature crimson blazers, ready to rebook flights, offer directions, and do whatever else it takes to get you on your way.


Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Reaffirming Its Role In A Community On a bustling swath of streetscape, the urban cultural center known as Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning has stood the test of time. Though at 161-04 Jamaica Ave. there is a bevy of activity as ongoing renovations mold the facility. Without its current scaffolding, the façade has the appearance of a grand miniature castle with colorful flags and windows adding uniqueness on a street rife with mirror image storefronts. The arched doorway opens to a small foyer; a stand proclaims the next upcoming features. A board affixed to the wall cautions patrons that their image and likeness maybe used for JCAL’s purposes. First Impression The neo-renaissance building sitting squarely on Jamaica Avenue is inconspicuous to those hurriedly walking under the scaffolding. To those in the know, it represents “the art and soul of the community.” The idea of JCAL was built on the notion of rebuilding Jamaica. Like many ur-

be artist, Eung Ho Park’s work. The former gallery space is undergoing a transformation. Currently, high boards cloak its entrances; when unveiled a comfortable lounge area will stand in their stead. The second floor is outfitted in dance studios and a multipurpose room, which serve either as a dance or painting studio. Hudson said the The Jamaica Center for Arts And studios were renovated Learning is undergoing a transfor- and outfitted with mirrors and barres. The The Vibe mation. renovations were comThis is a space in flux. Those familiar with the previous lay- pleted in time for JCAL’s first session, out will be perplexed on their next visit. which began in September and runs A room to the left painted stark white is through Oct. 30. slowly evolving into a gallery. Kesia Hudson, director of marketing for JCAL, said both local and international artists have showcased their work at JCAL. The next exhibition to grace the gallery will ban communities, the Jamaica business district had suffered a decline during the 1960s. In effort to revitalize the ailing corridor local artists, business leaders and community members came together in 1972. Their home base became the abandoned Queens Register of Titles and Deeds Building – a New York landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

PRESS photo by Ira Cohen


Restaurant Review

Indian At The Palace

DELHI PALACE 37-33 74th St., Jackson Heights (718) 507-0666 HOURS: Sun-Thur s 11:30am to 10:15pm; Fri-Sat 11:30am to 10:45pm. PARKING: Street CREDIT CARDS: Yes

JPAC Set To Debut Its Inaugural Season

The Jamaica Performing Arts Center (JPAC) is proud to present its highlyanticipated inaugural performance season, welcoming a stellar line up of performers to Jamaica. This announcement marks an important milestone for JPAC, the area's new state of the art, 400-seat performance venue which will become one of the premier destinations in New York City for concerts and other performances. "After an $18 million renovation, we are extremely excited to present this premiere season in our stunning performance space," said Philip Willis, Executive Director. "We have selected for the opening season an intriguing mix of performers who we feel will appeal to the broad and multi-cultural communities that surround us. From your seat at JPAC, you'll be able to hear the sounds and rhythms of musicians from around the globe." Kicking off the season, and back by popular demand, "Salsa in Jamaica!" is a Latin dance party in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. The evening includes dinner and dancing (salsa, merengue and bachata). In addition to this event, the season will include a compilation of dynamic multi-cultural concerts, dance performances and special events, including: In collaboration with the World Music Institute, "The World in Queens Series" featuring performances by Haitian songstress, Emeline Michel, new reggaesoul artists Meta and the Cornerstones, the Cuban Diva, Xiomara Laugart and DJ Rekha blending Bhangra with Hip Hop beats. Through a long-standing relationship with The Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall, two free performances as part of the "Neighborhood Concert Series": Red Baraat in the fall and the Celso Duarte

Sextet in the spring. Dance performances by the Octavio Brunetti Tango Quintet and the Vissi Dance Theater. "We are very proud of this season's roster of talent," continued Mr. Willis. "We look forward to welcoming people from all across the city as well as those just visiting New York. JPAC will play an important role in making Jamaica a cultural destination." A full description of the season may be found at jamaicaperformingartscenter.org. Tickets go on sale Oct. 1. To purchase tickets to the upcoming season, call (718) 618-6170, visit the box office or go online to jamaica-performingartscenter.org. Located at 153rd Street and Jamaica Avenue, JPAC is housed in a completely renovated 1858 landmark building, the former First Reformed Dutch Church of Jamaica. This mid-size performance venue has a 400 seat multi-use theater, sky box, state-of-the-art sound and lighting, dressing rooms, rehearsal space, and a kitchen. With a careful eye to detail, the façade and stained glass windows were meticulously restored. JPAC is managed and operated by the Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning, a 38 year old multi-disciplinary arts organization. The renovation and construction of the Jamaica Performing Arts Center was made possible with generous support from the Office of the Mayor, present and former Queens Borough Presidents Helen M. Marshall and Claire Schulman, the New York City Council Deputy Majority Leader Councilman Leroy Comrie, former City Councilman Archie Spigner, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and Commissioner Kate D. Levin, Citibank, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

There's a lot to discuss at the Delhi Palace. This beautiful restaurant is serious about options and combines north and south Indian food in their authentic form. The menu may be intimidating for someone not well versed in Indian food, but the staff is happy to help navigate you through the curries, the meats, the breads and the vegetarian options. With such quality ingredients, you can't go wrong. The concept of the Delhi Palace is to combine different types of Indian food in one place. Southern Indian food is prepared with a lot of coconut milk, exotic spices, Indian curry leaves and mustard seeds. The highlight of the southern Indian food was the dosa, which is a large crepe made from coconut milk filled with a variety of meats and vegetables. These light pockets are the perfect vehicle for the Delhi's Palace's rich spices and complex flavors, and my guest and I am could not stop until the entire dosa was gone. Northern Indian food is probably more familiar to a New Yorker and includes such chicken dishes as the Murg Hara Masala, the Murg Balchao and the lamb-based Gosht Vinaloo. The Hara Masala is a green mixture of unique spices and is a must taste. Likewise, the Balchao, which is chicken cooked

in coconut milk and sauce, sautéed with curry leaves, dry chilies and mustard seeds, is a requirement. The meat filled bread we tried was called Keema Paratha and it reminded my guest and I of the variety of naan (Indian bread) that we could chose from. The bread is traditionally used to scoop the rest of the food, but it is a treat in itself. We stuffed ourselves with the boneless Murg Kabuli Tikka, which is chicken on a skewer that has been cooked over charcoal with onions, spices and lemon. This minimalist dish is a nice counterpoint to the rich, warm spices of the saucier dishes. For vegetarians, there is a plethora of options, but lets focus on one: the Kadai Bhindi Masala. If you like okra, do not miss this dish, which consists of that infamous vegetable cooked with herbs and spices in a traditional fry pan. If you haven't had the best experience with okra, this dish will change your mind if anything could - the okra has no hint of its sometimes slimy and flavorless incarnations. Instead, it features a dry and smoky curry quality and has a crisp texture somewhere between eggplant and zucchini. By the end of the meal, we were too full to adequately sample the sweet shop, but the variety available combined with the top quality of the preceding meal made it just one more reason to come back to the Delhi Palace time and time again. One hint: if you order a lassi, ask to have it without ice. — Vladic Ravich

Don’t Miss This On the second floor is a newly refurbished music suite. Clients can learn to play the guitar or keyboard as well as take voice lessons. For the budding musician looking for a reliable and honest place to learn, this suite comes to the rescue. The music classrooms are soundproofed to thwart distraction or excessive noise. On the ground floor there is a 99 seat theater, which Hudson said has been used for plays, JCAL’s Teen Spot programming, spoken word poetry and a film screening. Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning 161-04 Jamaica Ave. (718) 658-7400, Ext. 123 jcal.org Hours: Mon, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tues-Wed, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Thurs, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123

Notebook Hillcrest H.S.

Hillcrest H.S. Reflects On Accomplishments BY BOB HARRIS As Hillcrest H.S. prepares for a new academic year, the staff ref lects on last year’s accomplishments. During the past four years Hillcrest H.S., using a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has redesigned the school into 10 S m a l l L e a r n i n g C o m m u n i t i e s (SLC’s). The result has been a graduating class of over 700 students which is one of the largest graduating classes in the history of the school with a four year graduating rate of approximately 80 percent, which is 20 percent higher than the city average. More than 95 percent of the 2010 graduates have been accepted into college. Due to the academic results of the SLC’s visitors come to look at the “Hillcrest Miracle.” Visitors have come from Idaho, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Upstate New York, and from local schools. “They have marveled at what was done to turn a large urban school of over 3,200 students into personalized school involvement that builds college readiness skills to ensure post secondary success.” A Saturdays at Hillcrest program, a PM

school, and summer school, plus a SLC/ College Summer Readiness Project, are all available to help the students. The latter is a requirement. Each Assistant Principal and SLC Director wrote about some accomplishments. The Social Studies Department told about outside the classroom activities such as participation in the NYS Bar Association’s Mock Trial Competition, a trip to Albany sponsored by the Queens County Bar Association, induction of students into the Council for Unity, trips to the U.N., and involvement in the Queens County Youth Court. Relying on new technology, Science and Health Career students and teachers both used Power Point presentations in the classroom and several teachers employed an online grade book which allowed both students and parents to keep track of student progress. Several Health Career students attended the HOSA Spring Competitive Events Conference in Syracuse, NY where they won a number of the competitions as well as state elective office. Last January, the brand new Helen M. Marshall and James F. Gennaro Library Center was opened and there was a Spring Festival of the Arts.

The Boys and Girls Tennis, Handball, Basketball, Gymnastic, Wrestling and Cricket teams were all on the top of their divisions. The Mathematics Department was in charge of the St. John’s College Advantage Program and also the Concurrent Options in Math such as “Math AAlgebra Applied” and “Discrete Math” which gave students graduation credit. Foreign Language Department students performed in an International Festival which featured Latino, Desi and AfricanCarribean Dances. Some of the students took Language Regents in Bengali, Urdu and Arabic. The Senior Academy works closely with upper grade students who are behind academically using counseling, tutoring, the PM School, and an online credit recovery program. The SLC Humanities College Preparatory Institute has a Satur-

days in Manhattan program during which they visited the National Museum of the American Indian, Greenwich Village, and even Coney Island. They have a resource area mural project which paints murals on the walls and ceilings of the common area and in the classrooms. Photos of some of the murals have been in local Queens newspapers. Academically weak incoming freshmen and sophomores are placed in the Future Academy where the teachers and students have a common lunch period and all the classrooms are around a common area where students who do not wish to go to lunch can congregate. Teachers use online courses and individual conferences to help the students reach their maximum potential. The students are encouraged to enter school sports and other activities.

Faith Scouts Honored:

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

At the Sept. 18 meeting of the Senior Boy Scout Troop of Sacred Heart Parish in Glendale, local elected officials awarded citations inducting (l. to r.) James Kazlausky and Daniel Waters to the Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Flanking the new Eagle Scouts and offering their congratulations are (l. to r.) Assemblyman Mike Miller, Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley, and State Sen. Joe Addabbo. The impressive ceremony was witnessed by Boy Scout troop leaders and members, parish leaders, family and friends. The Boy Scouts of America are celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2010. For a century, the BSA has created a foundation of leadership, service, and community for millions of America’s youth.

Shown is Cynthia Chiduku, representing Hillcrest H.S. at reception thrown by Mayor Bloomberg to honor NYC’s Valedictorians and Salutatorians. Not only was Chiduku on top of her class, but she was also ranked by PSAL as the No. 1 Singles tennis player in her league. Chiduku, a former resident of Zimbabwe, participated in many activities in Hillcrest H.S. including Arista, Mock Trial, Debate Team and Council for Unity. She was accompanied by her tennis coach and Assistant Principal, Amar Nepal.


Sims' Struggle A Lesson For Others have to do something. I am going to do what people didn’t do for me.” Replaying the reel that is Ginny Born to drug-addicted Sims’ life story, the narrative becomes parents and orphaned at daunting at times, but there is redemp3, Sims was lost. Growing tion. For a little more than three years, up she heard stories of she has been battling her demons, takher mother and at 18, ing the days as they come. Sims took her first steps Sitting at the edge of the sanctuary to emulate her. of New Greater Bethel Ministries in “A friend of mine indim light, Sims relives the scary and troduced me to shocking details. She was raped twice, freebasing,” she said. Afcould have contracted HIV at least two ter the first time, Sims times and hopped in and out of cars could have stopped, but trying to support a crack habit on and feeling the need to fit in, off for 20 years. In the waning days of she continued. spring 2007, Sims made a choice to Ginny Sims' life had plunged into a spiral of addiction but now “The drug took me complete a two-month stint at an Inshe hopes to help others reclaim their own lives. places that I never diana rehab facility. thought I would go,” she “What really started me with using drugs is I really wanted to identify with that if I ever got out I would go back [to said. “I was jumping in and out of cars; help others].” prostituting for crack. I slept in abanmy mom,” she said. With renewed vigor in her own life, Though the event is slated for those doned cars.” Sims knowingly had sex with a man Sims has set out to change the lives of addicted to drugs, the doors are open to that was HIV positive to feed her habit. others. Next month, Sims will host an all. event dubbed “From Crap to Christ, from “If you are going through anything, She let herself be raped by a “friend” so Death to Life,” with the theme, “No one come,” she said. Sims is not waiting for he wouldn’t kill her daughter, Ayana. Hanging out of the window of her left behind.” The event will be held at 7 the hurting and downtrodden to seek her p.m. Nov. 6 at the Zion Glorious Church out; she is going to meet them where they third story apartment topless, Sims hit rock bottom. at 140-24 Rockaway Blvd. are. “I honestly got sick and tired of get“Even if you don’t want to give your “We are going into my daughter’s car life [to Christ], just listen to know that and we are going to get them,” she said. ting sick and tired,” she said. “I was tired there is hope,” she said. “I promised God “I still see people suffering. I feel like I of being up all night and sleeping all day.” BY SASHA AUSTRIE

Her godparents, who had made sure she never went without, told her “No,” when she asked for money. The first emotion was anger and then slowly, Sims realized people were going on with their lives while hers remained stagnant. Going to a local minister, she asked for help. She asked to go to For God So Loved the World Ministries in Indiana. The minister asked when she would like to leave. She was desperate. “As soon as possible because I am going to die,” she answered. He bought her a plane ticket, gave her $50 and picked her up in a limousine. Sims was on her way. This would be the 10th rehabilitation facility she would enter and she is determined that it will be her last. “He planted a seed,” she said of the minister. Sims said her stint in rehab is not the only thing she credits with keeping her on the straight and narrow. A budding relationship with God and a class titled “Women’s Agenda” taught at Greater Bethel by Jerry Morgan gave her the strength to persevere. “Thank god for the class,” she said. “I recommend it to any hurting person.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

People tion in liberal arts and an experience that celebrates excellence, ethical values, lifelong learning and responsible citizenship in a global community.

of Dulwich Court, Lawrenceville, Ga., and niece of Mary L. Scott of Mathias Ave., Jamaica. Davis is a 1994 graduate of August Martin High School, Jamaica.

Army Pvt. Delia Amadiz has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. She is the daughter of Rosa Amadiz of 107th Avenue, Jamaica. Amadiz is a 2008 graduate of Mary Louis Academy, Jamaica Estates.

Air Force Reserve Airman 1st Class Ragev Y. Scott graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air

Army National Guard Pvt. Janae Davis has graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission and received instruction and training exercises in drill and ceremonies, Army history, core values and traditions, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, rifle marksmanship, weapons use, map reading and land navigation, foot marches, armed and unarmed combat, and field maneuvers and tactics. She is the daughter of Carolyn Davis

Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Scott earned distinction as an honor graduate. He is the son of Sharon Scott of Shore Front Parkway, Rockaway Beach. The airman is a 2006 graduate of Aviation High School, Long Island City.

Triple The Fun:

Female triplets were born to Donnalee and Anthony Blair at Queens Hospital Center on September 10, 2010. The babies from left to right are Alique D., Ariel D., and Arianna D. Blair. Both of the proud parents hail from the island of Jamaica and currently reside in Jamaica, Queens.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

The faculty and staff at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh are pleased to announce that the following local residents were awarded degrees during the college’s commencement services this spring: Camice Miquel Allen of Rosedale, bachelor’s in global supply chain management; Amanda Renee Allison of Long Island City, bachelor’s in criminal justice; Jessica Bahn of Oakland Gardens, bachelor’s in studio art; Daniel Bennette of South Ozone Park, bachelor’s in history; Yashuda Gurung of Ridgewood, bachelor’s in communication studies; Munim Jalil of Astoria, bachelor’s in psychology; Jacynth Joyce Johnson of St. Albans, bachelor’s in communication, mass media and criminal justice; Troy Roger Joseph of Jamaica, bachelor’s in English (writing); Adrian Felipe Tejeda of Richmond Hill, bachelor’s in psycholo g y ; N i c o l e Va n a c o re of Ast oria, bachelor’s in hotel, restaurant and tourism management; Simone I. Williams of Corona, bachelor’s in geography; and I va n E d ward Wo h n e r of Jamaica, bachelor’s in studio art. SUNY Plattsburgh (www.plattsburgh.edu) was founded in 1889 as a teaching college and in 1948 became an original member of the State University of New York. Under President John Ettling, Ph.D., the four-year comprehensive college now serves 5,500 undergraduates and 500 graduate students. It offers more than 60 programs/majors, which prepare graduates for professional life and advanced studies through a strong founda-


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.


Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. B’NAI B’RITH YOUTH Thursdays for high school s t u d e n t s a t Te m p l e B e t h S h o l o m , 1 7 2 nd S t r e e t a n d Northern Blvd., Flushing at 7:30. GAME PLAYERS Fridays at the Hillcrest library at 2.

SENIORS CLEARVIEW Brain Fitness Activities available at the SHARP Program. 631-1886. Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26th Avenue, Bayside. 2247888 to register. COMPUTER CLASSES The Selfhelp Benjamin Rosenthal-Prince Street Senior Center in Flushing offers a series of computer classes geared towards seniors. 445-3864. WII BOWLING LEAGUE Cunningham Park Seniors get together for Wii Bowling League. 740-1999. STAY WELL Mondays 10 Central library. Tuesdays 2 Flushing library and Wednesdays at 10 at the East Elmhurst library. AARP 1405 Monday, Oc tober 4 Flushing AARP 1405 meets at the B ow n e Str e e t C o m m u n i t y Church, 143-11 Roosevelt Avenue at 1. AARP 3654 Tuesday, Oc tober 5 meets in Bayside. 423-9416.

YOUTH QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates.


DANCE COUNTRY WESTERN Saturday, Oc tober 9 San Antones performs at the Halloween Dance. Saturday, November 20 Neil Scott Johnson performs at the Thanksgiving Dance. $13. Saturday, December 11 Gunsmoke performs at the Christmas Dance. The NY Metropolitan Country Music Association. $12. Glendale Memorial Building, 72-02 Myrtle Avenue at 7:30. 7634328. ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:15-10:00 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 18202 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. Mondays 7:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $5. Cake and coffee. 5652259. Wednesdays 7:309:00 at ANIBIC Center, 21212 26 th Avenue, Bayside (Bay Te r r a c e S h o p p i n g C e n te r upper level). 939-4936. Thursdays 7-9 in the basement of Ascension Church, 55 th Avenue and Van Horn, Elmhurst. $5. 848-482-0153.

PARENTS RENAISSANCE Wednesday, Oc tober 6 the Renaissance Charter School’s Board of Trustees meeting at 6:30. 803-0060.

SIBLINGS BEREAVEMENT Mondays, Oc tober 4, November 1, December 6 St. Adalbert’s bereavement group for the loss of a sibling in Elmhurst. 429-2005. JEWISH WOMEN Monday, Oc tober 4 Current events discussion at the home of Sylvia Fine at 1:30. 225-4761. Sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women. TOASTMASTERS Mondays, Oc tober 4, 18, November 1, 15, 29, December 13, 20 learn communication and leadership skills in Kew Gardens. 646269-1577. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. ADVANCED WRITERS Tuesdays at 6:30 at the Terrace Diner at Bay Terrace Shopping Center and also t h e l a s t Tu e s d ay o f t h e m o n t h i n th e C o m m u n i t y Room in Panera Bread at Bay Terrace Shopping. COMM BD. 4 Tuesday, October 5 at 7:30 at Flander’s Field VFW Post 150, 51-11 108 th Street, Corona. HAM RADIO CLUB Tuesdays, Oc tober 5, November 2, December 7 the Emergency Communications Service meets in Briarwood.

357-6851. TALK OF THE TOWN Tuesdays, Oc tober 5, 19, November 2, 16, December 7, 21 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans. 5275889. AMERICAN LEGION Tuesdays, Oc tober 5, 19, November 2, 16, December 7, 21 Edward McKee Post 131 meets in Whitestone. 767-4323.

BEREAVEMENT We d n e s d a y, O c to b e r 6 , Tuesday, Oc tober 19 Bereavement Support Group at Holy Family Catholic Church, 175-20 174 th Street, Fresh Meadows in the church basement. 969-2448. KNIGHTS OF PY THIAS Wednesdays, Oc tober 6, 20 Queensview Lodge 433 meets in Whitestone. 7464428.

MISCELLANEOUS PICK PUMPKINS Oc tober 2-31 pick your own pumpkin at the Queens C o u n t y Fa r m M u s e u m o n weekends from 11-4. 73-50 L i t t l e N e c k Pa r k wa y. $ 5 grapefruit size, larger can be decorated. Free admission. 347-FARM. SOUP KITCHEN S a t u r d ay, O c to b e r 9 h o t lunch 12-2 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Queens, 147-54 Ash Avenue, Flushing. 353-3860. COMMUNITY SINGERS Mondays through May the Communit y Singers of Queens, Inc. rehearses at Messiah Lutheran Church, 42-15 165 th Street, Flushing. New members welcome. 658-1021. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays the Oratorio Soci-

et y of Queens rehearses at the North Presbyterian Church. 279-3006. FREE FLAGS The Lipsky-Blum Post #764 of the Jewish War Veterans offers free flags to all families of deceased veterans for use at cemeteries. 4634742. AUXILIARY OFF. The 105 th Precinct Community Council invites all interested in becoming an Auxiliary Police Officer to contact 776-9268. FH VAC The Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps needs volunteers. They will sponsor you for a NYS EMT course at no cost to you once you qualify. 793-2055. Monetary donations also needed PO Box 750617, Forest Hills 11375.

Queens Today FLEA MARKETS Tu r n p i k e . Tu e s d a y s a n d Wednesdays from 2-5 at Church-in-the-Gardens, 50 Ascan Avenue, Forest Hills. 268-6704. First and third Wednesday (September through June) from 10:302:30 at Grace Episcopal C h u r c h , 1 4 th A v e n u e a n d Clintonville Street, Avenue. Wednesdays at Grace Church, 151-17 14 th Road, Whitestone. Wednesdays and Saturdays 9-2 at the Floral Park United Methodist Church, 35 Verbena Avenue, Floral Park. 354-4969. Thurs-

days from 10-1 at All Saints’ C h u r c h , 2 1 5 th S t r e e t b e tween 39 th and 40 th Avenues, Bayside. 229-5631. Fridays through June from 11-3 at the Maspeth United Methodist Church, 66-35 58 th Avenue. JUDAICA SHOPS Daily and by appointment the Forest Hills Jewish Center’s Judaic Gift Store is open. 263-7000. Sundays from 9-11:30 at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center, 13-00 209 th Street. 428-6363.

EXHIBIT EDWIN CADIZ Through Oc tober 4 The Photos of Edwin G. Cadiz at the LIC library, 37-14 21 st Street. QUEENS HISTORICAL Tu e s d ay s , S a t u r d ay s a n d Sundays 2:30-4:30 new exhibit “For Love of the Games: A History of Sports in Queens,” with other exhibits, “Unraveling History: Using Textiles to Date the Past,” “Kingsland: From Homestead to House Museum,” “Persistence: A Celebration of Landmarks in Queens – Past, Present, Future,” and “The Civil War’s La sting Memory.” Queens H i s to r i c a l Societ y at Kingsland Homestead, 1443 5 3 7 th a v e n u e , F l u s h i n g . 939-0647, ext. 17. $2 seniors and students, $3 adults. NOGUCHI ReINstalled Through Oc tober 24, 2010 the Noguchi Museum has completed a major renovation project. Wednesdays through Fridays 10-5, weekends 11-6. $10, students and seniors $5. 32-37 Vernon Blvd., LIC. www.noguchi.org. EDEN Through Oc tober 26 “Eden,” ceramics by Sin-ying Ho at the Queens College Art Center. 997-3770. NAL DRAWNG Oc tober 4 through October 30 National Art League exhibition at 44-21 Douglaston Parkway. BAYSIDE HISTORICAL “The Castle,” “Native Bayside/Native Voice,” “If The Hat Fits,” “The Women of Bayside” and “Bayside Life” On the Edge of Modernity” are on display at the Bayside Historical Societ y, 352-1548. Tuesday-Sunday 11-4. $3 donation. LOUIS ARMSTRONG Guided tours at the Corona museum. $8 adults, $6 seniors, students, groups. 4788274. DOLL MUSEUM Wednesday through Saturdays tours at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 523-5138. AFRICAN ART “Dynast y and Divinit y: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria” and “Perspectives: Women, Art and Islam” at the Museum for African Art, 36-01 43 rd Avenue, LIC. POPPENHUSEN Wednesdays and Saturdays guided tour through the his-

toric Poppenhusen Institute in College Point from 11-3. 358-0067. ANTHROPOLOGY The Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian Cultural Educational Resource Center Gallery are open at Queens College. 428-5650 to visit. CHUNG-CHENG ART Monday through Thursday 9-4, Friday and Saturday 124 at Sun Yat Sen Hall, St . J o h n ’ s U n i v e r s i t y, G r a n d Central and Utopia Parkways, Jamaica. 990-1526. FLUSHING COUNCIL Permanent displays include “Flushing Town Hall:” Fact or Folklore,” an historical exhibition on Flushing Town Hall and its place in history, “Legends of the Queens Jazz Trail” 463-7700. LI ARCHIVES L aGuardia and Wagner Archives display various exhibits exploring the history of NYC, including displays on Mayors Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Robert F. Wagner, Abraham D. Beame and Edward I. Koch, the NY Cit y Council, Queens Local History, the NY Settlement Houses, Steinway and Sons Piano Company and Vice Chancellor Emeritus Julius C. C. Edelstein. LaGuardia C o m m u n i t y C o l l e ge . 4 8 2 5709. Free. KING MANOR Second and last Tuesday of each month at noon and weekends from 12-4 the preHampton 19th century getaway Village, Jamaica Village, is recaptured at King Manor Museum, in the middle of King Park. $2 adults, $1 children. Limited winter hours, by appointment. 206-0545. ONDERDONK Wednesdays and Saturdays from 12-4 self-guided tours of the national landmark building, built circa 1709. School programs, craft courses, horticultural activities and historical slide shows. Greater Ridgewood H i s to r i c a l S o c i e t y, 1 8 2 0 Flushing Avenue, Ridgewood. 456-1776. BOTANICAL GARDEN 9 a.m. to dusk all year, this 38 acre garden provides recreation, formal and informal educational opportunities. Queens Botanical Gardens, 43-50 Main Street, Flushing. 886-3880.

LUNCH/CARD PARTY Register by Oc tober 4 for the Sisterhood of Bay Terrace Jewish Center’s Luncheon Card Part y on Tuesday, Oc tober 19 at 11:30. $20 reservations. 631-5468. AMAZING MAZE Through Sunday, November 7 a 3-acre corn maze at Queens Count y Farm Museum. $8 adults, $5 children. 347-3276 information and times. SIXTIES BEAT Saturday Oc tober 2 starting at 4 in the Rochdale Village Senior Center’s auditorium, 169-65 137 th avenue, Jamaica. Sixties Beat with the Limelites, Johnny Allen, Mel Lewis “Jesters” and the New Marvelletes. 525-2800 ticket information. ONE MAN CIRCUS S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 3 L o u Johnson, a Ringling Brothers graduate, will present a One M a n C i rc u s a t Te m p l e Tikvah, 3315 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park at 3. $15 advance, $18 at the door. 516-746-1120. ‘SWONDERFUL Sunday, Oc tober 3 the first new Gershwin musical since “Crazy for You” will be performed at 3 at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 631-6311. $35. APPLE FESTVAL Sunday, Oc tober 3 the Annual Apple Festival at the Queens Count y Farm Museum from 11-4. 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park. Demonstrations, food, hayrides, scarecrow. 347-FARM. CLOSING PARTY Monday, Oc tober 4 closing p a r t y fo r “ T h e P h o to s o f Edwin G. Cadiz” at the LIC library from 5-7:30. BINGO Tuesdays at 7:15 at American Mart yrs Church, church basement, 216-01 Union Tu r n p i k e , B a y s i d e . 4 6 4 4 5 8 2 . Tu e s d a y s a t 7 : 1 5 (doors open 6) at the Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 459-1000.$3 admission includes 12 games. GREEK FESTIVAL T h u r s d ay , O c to b e r 7 through Sunday, Oc tober 10 the Greek Orthodox Shrine Church of St. Nicholas, 196-10 Northern Blvd., Flushing, will hold their annual Greek Festival. Thursday 6-10, Friday 6-12, Saturday 12-12 and Sunday 12-8. Free admission. PUMPKIN FAIR S a t u r d ay, O c to b e r 9 A l l Saints’ Church Pumpkin Fair from 12-6 at 46th Street bet w e e n 4 3 rd A v e n u e a n d Queens Blvd. Vendors, face painting, music, fun, pumpkin pies and soup and more. CAPITOL STEPS Sunday, Oc tober 10 spoof of politics at 3 at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 631-6311. $3039. OPEN MIC POETRY Mondays, Oc tober 11, November 8, December 13 at 7:30 at Barnes & Noble, 1766 0 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , F re s h Meadows. BYE BYE BIRDIE

Saturday, Oc tober 16 Saturday Night Sing-a-Long at 7:30 at Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 6316311. $5. MADAMA BUTTERFLY Sunday, Oc tober 17 at 3 at Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 631-6311. $3542. PRIMA & MARTIN Sunday, Oc tober 24 “Like Father, Like Son” Louis

Prima Jr. and Ricci Martin celebrate the music of their famous fathers at 3 at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 631-6311. $3540. STAMP SHOW Sundays, Oc tober 31, November 21, December 26 Bayside Stamp Show at the Ramada Hotel, 220-33 Northern Blvd., Bayside 10-4:30. 645-7659.

EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS FREE ESL The Salvation Army in LIC. 721-9046. Register now. Limited space. WOMEN & WORK Free job training program for women at Queens College. 997-4899. DRAWING CLASS S t a r t i n g O c to b e r 4 N a tional Art League will hold drawing fundamentals and advanced techniques 1-4 in Douglaston. 361-0628. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturday s, Oc tober 2, 16, 30 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-436-7940. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. KNIT AND CROCHET Saturdays at the Seaside library at 2:30. PET OWNERS Sundays (not on holidays) from 1-4 free workshops on pet behavior at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 454-5800. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck library, 249-01 Northern Blvd. INSTRUCTION & DANCE Mondays and Fridays 7:158:00 dance lessons, dance from 8-11. Italian Charities of America, 83-20 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst. $10. ADULT CHESS Mondays at 6 at the Queens Village library. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. OPEN BRIDGE Tuesdays at 8 at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. Call 2637000 for fees. ZUMBA FITNESS Tu e s d a y m o r n i n g s a n d Wednesday evenings starting Oc tober 5, 6 at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center. $8 members, $10 others. 4286363. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. INDOOR SOCCER – DADS Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. SCRABBLE/CHESS

Thursdays at 4 at the Windsor Park library, 79-50 Bell Blvd., Bayside. QUILTING CLASSES Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 917-817-8653 to register. KNIT/CROCHET Thursdays at 6 and Fridays at 10:30 at the Fresh Meadows library. QUILTERS Thursdays at 1:30 at the East Elmhurst library. ADULT CHESS Thursdays at 6 at the Queens Village library. OPEN BRIDGE Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. $12 per player. 2756615 to register. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, Oc tober 9 with the Knights of Columbus in Valley Stream. 341-0452. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, Oc tober 9 at St. Margaret’s Church in Middle Village. 326-1911.

HEALTH REDUCE STRESS Saturdays, Oc tober 2, November 6, December 4 at the Poppenhusen Institute. Tea and talk. 358-0067. FLEA/HEALTH Saturday, Oc tober 2 9-5 50 vendors, free health testing at Saint Mark’s Church, 335 0 8 2 nd S t r e e t , J a c k s o n Heights. CANCER SUPPORT Mondays, Oc tober 4, November 1, December 6 Franklin Hospital’s Cancer Support Group meets at 2 in the Cafeteria. 516-2566478. PARKINSON Mondays, Oc tober 4, November 1, December 6 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. 440-4200. WOMEN & CANCER Monday, Oc tober 4 “Look Good…Feel Better” is a free program to teach women how to cope with the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. Franklin Hospital 1-3 in the Hospice Conference Room. 2566486. ZUMBA FITNESS Tu e s d a y m o r n i n g s a n d Wednesday evenings starting Oc tober 5, 6 at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center. $8 members, $10 others. 4286363. OA Thursdays at the Howard Beach library at 10:30.

Oct. 1-7, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

OUTDOOR FLEA Saturdays and Sundays until November 28 St. Nicholas of Tolentine from 9-5 at the intersection of Parsons Blvd. and Union Turnpike, Jamaica. WEEKLY FLEA Sundays 9-4 at Our Lady of the Angelus Church, school field, 98-05 63 rd Drive, Rego Park. RUMMAGE SALE Friday and Saturday, Oc tober , 2 from 9-2 at the United Methodist Church, 112-14 107 th Avenue, Richmond Hill. FLEA/HEALTH Saturday, Oc tober 2 9-5 50 vendors, free health testing at Saint Mark’s Church, 335 0 8 2 nd S t r e e t , J a c k s o n Heights. STREET FAIR S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 2 S t . Paul’s International Lutheran Church’s 4 th Annual International Street Fair from 10-4 starting at the corner of 263 rd Street and Union Turnpike, Floral Park. Free flu shots for seniors, pet blessings, more. BAZAAR Saturday, Oc tober 2 Ukrainian Church Bazaar 10-4 at 171-21 Underhill Avenue, Flushing. RUMMAGE & BAKE Saturday, Oc tober 2 10-4 and Sunday, Oc tober 3 9-3 at St. Josaphat’s RC Church, 2 1 0 th S t r e e t a n d 3 5 th A v enue, Bayside. Rummage sale and ethnic Polish bake sale. THRIFT SHOP Tuesday, Oc tober 5 from 92 at the Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills, 71-25 Main Street, Flushing. YARD SALE Saturday, Oc tober 9 Ann u a l Fa l l Ya rd Sa l e 9 - 5 a t Lutheran Church of the Red e e m e r , 1 5 7 - 1 6 6 5 th A v enue. PUMPKIN FAIR S a t u r d ay, O c to b e r 9 A l l Saints’ Church Pumpkin Fair from 12-6 at 46th Street bet w e e n 4 3 rd A v e n u e a n d Queens Blvd. Vendors, face painting, music, fun, pumpkin pies and soup and more. RUMMAGE SALE S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 1 0 a t Temple Tikvah, 3315 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park from 10-3. CRAFT FAIR Saturday, November 13 sponsored by the PTA of St. Agnes Academic High School in College Point. RUMMAGE/BOUTIQUE Sunday, November 21 9:303:00 at Young Israel of New Hyde Park, 264-15 77 th avenue. THRIFT SHOPS Saturdays and Sundays 104 at St. Fidelis Mother & Child Residence, 124-15 14 th Avenue, College Point. 353-4749. Saturdays 11-4 at Bargain Boutique Thrift Shop, Baptist Church, 93-23 2 1 7 th S t r e e t , Q u e e n s V i l lage. 527-2132. Mondays 10-3 at the Free Synagogue of Flushing, 41-60 Kissena Blvd. Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30-1:30 at Te m p l e S h o l o m o f F l o r a l Park, 263 rd Street and Union


What’s Up SATURDAY, OCT. 2 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

Seido Karate Japanese system Seido Karate emphasizes building of spirit, mind and body, using hand, elbow, and foot techniques. Adults can learn how to defend themselves in a safe and friendly atmosphere every Tuesday and Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. All levels are welcome. The fee to participate is $120.

Classical Ballet Studying ballet is one of the most effective and elegant ways of improving posture, grace, flexibility, and strength. No experience needed for these classes. Students are taught at the barre and must be 6-15 years old.. Learning ballet is a good foundation for all other dance styles. The class will be held every Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 11:30 a.m. The fee to participate is $110.

Belly Dancing Kids between 6 and 15 years old will learn basic and traditional belly dancing movements. Movements will be built into a choreographed routine. The class is a great way to build self-confidence, balance and coordination. No prior belly dance experience required. The instructor was featured on "America's Got Talent." The class will be held every Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 2:30 p.m. The fee to participate is $110.

Men's Prayer Breakfast Don't miss the men's prayer breakfast at the Allen Cathedral. The Reverend W. Darin Moore, Pastor of the Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church, will be the guest preacher. This event will be held at the Allen Cathedral, 110-31 Merrick Blvd. at 9 a.m. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under.

Page 20 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

Business Plan Competition Enter the StartUP! Business Plan Competition. First prize is $12,000 toward starting your own business. You must attend a mandatory orientation session; applications are due Monday, Oct. 18. Call the Queens Economic Development Corporation (QEDC) at (718) 263-0546 to register. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 11 a.m.

Trees and the Urban Forest Discover the trees of NYC with Urban Foresters from the Cornell Extension Service. Learn how trees help you and your community and how trees grow. The event is geared towards families with kids 10 years and up. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 3 p.m.

Rufus King's Library The King Manor Museum cordially invites all children, families and adults to a free lecture: Rufus King's Library. At his death in 1827, King had a library of almost 4,000 volumes, several thousand pamphlets, and hundreds of maps. This talk will explore the culture of an early 19th century gentleman's library and specifically examine his book collecting and reading habits from scrap notes, notebooks, and marginalia in the books themselves. Reserve your seat now! Call (718) 206-0545, Ext. 13 or email Programs@kingmanor.org. This free event, with a suggested $5 donation, will be held at King Manor Museum in Rufus King Park at 5 p.m.

Vissi Dance Theater Come and see, hear and feel with Vissi as they premiere two brand new works and dances from their repertoire that have now become legendary. Choreographer Courtney French along with his company of highly skilled dancers will perform works using his signature style that blends Modern, West African, Caribbean, Jazz and Ballet to create visceral images relevant and accessible to our community. The Vissi Dance Theater has performed in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts and Sardinia, Italy since 1999. For additional information, contact Jacqueline Bailey at jbailey@york.cuny.edu or (718) 262-3750. This event will be held at York College Performing Arts Center, 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. at 7 p.m. Admissio is $20 for adults and $10 for students and seniors.

This free event will be held at York College Gymnasium - 160-02 Liberty Ave., from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

MONDAY, OCT. 4 Adult Chess Club

Poetic Word

Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Zumba The Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves like merengue, salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, belly dance, flamenco, tango and samba which creates a mind blowing, one-of-akind fitness program. Zumba not only has long-term benefits, but will allow all to experience, in an hour, calorie-burning, bodyenergizing and awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life. This class will be held every Monday until Oct. 25 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 7:40 p.m. The fee to participate is $100.

TUESDAY, OCT. 5 Seido Karate Japanese system Seido Karate emphasizes building of spirit, mind and body, using hand, elbow, and foot techniques. Adults can learn how to defend themselves in a safe and friendly atmosphere every Tuesday and Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. All levels are welcome. The fee to participate is $120.

The Sixties Beat The Rochdale Village Senior Center will be hosting an evening of performances from artists such as The Limelites, Mel Lewis and the Jesters and The Lovenettes at 169-65 137th Ave. Tickets are $35 and doors open at 3 p.m. For more information, call (718) 525-2800 or (347) 744-8722.

Melba Moore Songstress Melba Moore will perform at the Black Spectrum Theatre at Roy Wilkins Park, 119-07 Merrick Blvd. at 8 p.m. Admission is $30 for only the show, and $45 with dinner. For more information, call (718) 723-1800 or visit blackspectrum.com.

SUNDAY, OCT. 3 Najib Bahri and El Amal Folkloric music and dance of Tunisia take center stage with master percussionist Najib Bahri, and guest artists Hanna Madbek with dancer Tipshuda. The group will play traditional Tunisian music such as Samahy Take 10, Moudir Erah, Hourdhouni, Bahdha Ahbibti, Yama Lasma Douni, and Sidi Mansour. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 3 p.m.

Local Computer Show An event by the Tri State Fairs, where the selling of different merchandise used for the computer such as, hardware, laptops, etc. is taking place. For additional information, contact, S. Ksenzowski at (718) 227-5586.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6 Men's Soccer Come have some recreational fun in a non-competitive and friendly environment. A great way to stay active and meet people who enjoy the sport. Soccer is played in Jamaica YMCA's main gymnasium at 89-25 Parsons Blvd. every Wednesday, 7-10 p.m., until October 27. All levels are welcome. Rough play will not be tolerated. The fee to participate is $50.

Intro to Computers In this workshop, customers will learn the basics of using the computer: how to log on and off; use the keyboard and mouse; open and close windows; use toolbars and scroll bars. Preregistration is required in person at the library's Cyber Center Desk. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 10 a.m.

THURSDAY, OCT. 7 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Thursday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

The Greater Allen Cathedral of New York Security Ministry presents its 9th Annual Poetic Word in the Great Hall, 11031 Merrick Blvd. For more information, contact Ken Davis at (347) 469-4690 or Diane Sampson at (718) 710-9217.

ONGOING CPR Training The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit www.nyc.gov/cprtogo for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit www.fdnyfoundation.org or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 8931 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self - esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

HIV Awareness Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculumbased prevention education sessions on HIV/ AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 8931 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

FRIDAY, OCT. 8 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory

CPR Class

Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life.

Learn to protect yourself and others at Heron Care Inc. For more information, please call (718) 291-8788. Heron is located at 168-30 89th Ave., Jamaica.

Trib's Journalistic Twister

The Tribune front page headline "Twister" a week before the tornado can be seen the day after it hit in devasted MacDonald Park. Does that front page with the cluded the following caption: headline "Twister," look familiar? “Found this newspaper in A passerby found a copy of our MacDonald Park Queens. It was sister paper the Queens Tribune in soaked, and opened to this page. MacDonald Park the day after the I then posed it myself in a couple tornado and decided to be cute. different spots to highlight the The above photo of our paper’s coincidence.” Sept. 9 cover was submitted to the Yes, “soaked” with the hardNew York Times, which ran it on its hitting, insightful reporting our webpage in a spread of reader- readers have come to expect! And submitted pictures of the storm’s coincidence?! We think not! Our destruction. cover two weeks ago should have The amatuer Queens photo- proven our ability to kinda accijournalist who took the pics in- dentally guess what’s coming. Oh, and thanks for “shooting” the paper so that its actual name does not appear. We’re sure that No more fun and games. A was a “coincidence” too. Bayside woman is waging a legal battle against a comical prop. Sherri Perper, 56, is suing the costume company who manufacOne-time Queens girl Madonna was tured the oversized, red clown recently spotted as a passenger travelling shoes she took a nasty spill in on incognito on the ubiquitous F train she Halloween in 2008. used to take as a struggling artist travelPerper is claiming the silly ling between Queens and Manhattan. shoes are defective and dangerWhere she was heading, nobody ous. The suit goes after Forum knows, but it’s a safe bet the girl Mick Novelties, as well as Rubie’s Cos- Jagger once described as “a thimble full of tume Company, the massive talent thrown tossed into a sea of ambition,” was probably scouting Queens-based costume manufac- locations for a movie or video shoot in her old home borough. turer that owns Forum Novelties. Welcome home, Madge!


Take the F Train

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 1-7, 2010

Designer Vagina Dr. Robert Rho’s skillful hands have intimately touched many women, shaping and molding a “designer vagina.” But there were two who did not seek the good doctor’s touches. Susan Dombrowski and Jiyeon Byun, two former employees who worked out of Rho’s Flushing office, filed sexual harassment lawsuits against the talented surgeon. Dombrowski alleges that days

after Rho gave her a laser treatment, he kissed her ear. He allegedly remarked, “Why are you being ungrateful? I just gave you a free laser treatment. You should treat me nicer.” Byun’s suit alleges that she was forced to resign months after accepting the position because of Rho’s unwanted advances. Both women said the lothario’s advances happened under the

High Heat In A Small Package Models Of Queens

The fact that Starr Sansone is only 5’3" has not deterred her from a career in the modeling world. With the backing of her family, the pintsize beauty is gearing up to make a splash in the industry. “I just figured that I had the potential,” she said. Though her experience is limited to her portfolio pictures, she said modeling has always piqued her interest. Her first taste of the limelight came as a beauty pageant contestant where she won prettiest smile and eyes and also took home the title of pageant princess. Though she has hopes for a modeling career, Starr has other options. She is pursuing a criminal justice degree at Briarcliffe College. “I want to be a crime scene investigator,” she said. The series Law & Order Special Victims Unit gave Starr a peek into a world that not many are part of. Though the semester is barely a month old, Starr is enjoying her first year. “I love it,” she said. “It is so exciting.” In her down time, Starr spends her time in her own backyard, mingling with neighborhood friends. If all goes well, Starr expects a successful career in print, though she has not ruled out the runway. “I have to work on my walk,” she said.

Starr Sansone Ozone Park Age 18 Height: 5’3" Weight: 155 lbs Stats: 36-33-43

Padavan Zapped Democratic challenger Tony Avella almost got a lucky break in his uphill battle to replace Frank Padavan in the State Senate. The tornado that tore a path of destruction across Queens spared no sympathy for the veteran State Senator. “I got electrocuted,” Padavan said the morning after the tornado. “My car was electrocuted last night. I couldn’t open the windows. The lights started flickering. The air conditioning went dead. What I may have done is gone over a live wire.” Is this a shocking example of an environmentally-friendly Republican driving an electric car in an election mo- Frank Padavan was shocked! ment?

Confidentially, New York . . . Did Dr. Robert Rho of Flushing do more than just vagina scupting? unwatchful eye of his office manager and wife. She is clearly very good at her job.

I Heart Money When JetBlue announced it would not move to Florida from Forest Hills earlier in the year, we asked “What’s the catch?” Well, we found the answer. As part of the deal that kept JetBlue in the borough, state tourism officials decided to allow the airline to use its iconic I Love New York logo. This week, JetBlue released their first ad featuring the logo, with the little red heart separating Jet and Blue in a clear blue sky with the words “New York’s Hometown Airline” What other New York-based company is prepared to threaten to move unless they get access to the logo now that the door has opened? How long before we see I Love Bulova, I Love Jet Blue's new logo with heart – NY heart Bergdof Goodman, I Love Citigroup…I Love QConf?

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