Press epaper 100413

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Volume 14 Issue No. 40 Oct. 4-10, 2013


PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Habitat for Humanity plans to fix five homes in Queens, including this house in Rosedale, to help families who may not be able to afford them otherwise. By Natalia Kozikowska ‌ Page 3.

Online at

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

News Briefs Build It Back Extended For Sandy Until October

Homeowners still rebuilding from Superstorm Sandy will have more time to apply for a City program that aids them in that process. The City’s Build It Back program has been extended another month and the new deadline to apply for it is now Oct. 31. According to a press release from NYC Build it Back announcing the extension, almost 5,000 people have registered for the program in the last two weeks and more than 22,000 people have signed up for it in total since its inception in June. That number includes more than 9,000 residents of Queens. The Build It Back program is funded with about $648 million in federal disaster recovery funds that was passed by Congress this year. It was created to help families rebuild their residential properties by giving them several different options, including helping repair their properties or giving them money to help pay for costs related to rebuilding damaged homes.

Muyskens To Step Down From Queens College

Queens College President James Muyskens will step down from his position on Dec. 31, according to an email sent out to college staff earlier this week. Muyskens took over as the college’s ninth president in July 2002 and has been credited with adding a number of new programs to Queens College, including business administration, Chinese language and neuroscience. “I must confess that I did not originally plan to stay at Queens College as long as I have,” he said in his email. “But then, I did not know how much I would come to love and value the people I have had the privilege to work with.” According to his email, Evangelos Gizis, the former Queens College Provost, will serve as interim president. Praising the college’s achievements under his tenure, Muyskens noted that he would like the opportunity to return to teaching, do more writing and spend time with his family. “[His wife] Alda and I are now grandparents of two boys whom we don’t see as much as we would like,” he said. A nationwide search for a new president will begin immediately, he said, in the hopes that a new presi-

dent will take over this summer. “I hope that I am leaving Queens College a better place than when I arrived,” he said, “and am certain that the best days of this college lie ahead.”

Cardozo Students Protest Funding Cut

Hundreds of students gathered outside Benjamin N. Cardozo High School to rally against cuts enacted by the Dept. of Education. Cardozo is facing a $400,000 cut to its budget, resulting in the loss of some Advanced Placement courses and the limiting of electives like physical education. As a result of these sudden drawbacks, students flocked onto the school green, holding makeshift signs and shouting in protest loud enough to be heard two blocks over. The event happened just one day after principal Gerald Martori sent a letter to parents on Oct. 1, informing them about the financial situation. In the letter, he said that Advanced Placement courses that were taught in a double period will instead be conducted in a “blended learning model” with the second period devoted to student research, problem solving and portfolio development. “I assure you that these necessary adjustments will not impact on our students’ ability to meet New York State’s graduation requirements and college and career readiness,” the letter said. Many of the students disagreed. “We’re definitely an underdog and we’re trying to survive. We want to hold our high academic standards,” Tom Dinegar, a senior and the student government president who also planned the rally, said. “It just triggered something when they started cutting all these classes, just last week, not even in the beginning of school. It’s not right. We have to stand up for ourselves.” In response, the DOE said the change in budget would not strongly affect AP classes and that the cuts were partially because Cardozo is 15 students below its enrollment projections. “School budgets fluctuate annually based on the number of registered students,” Marcus Lim, deputy press secretary for the DOE, said. “We are working closely with Principal Martori to make sure that the school’s programming is aligned with their budget and continues to focus on providing rigorous courses to prepare our students for college and careers.”

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


Habitat For Humanity, Carter Comes To Queens BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

Last week, Habitat for Humanity began phase one of a set of projects to rebuild homes in Southeast Queens, with Councilman Donovan Richards and Borough President Helen Marshall on hand. York City said in a statement. “We are deeply grateful for their time, talent and sweat at Habitat for Humanity New York City.” “Habitat for Humanity – they really are humanitarians and I am so excited about them working on homes in Queens – especially in my district,” said Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton). “It’s a beautiful thing when we can help families who would not have necessarily achieved the American Dream or picket fence.” In total, Habitat for Humanity purchased 38 one-and-two bedroom homes in the Borough from the New York City Housing Authority. Many

of the homes, including the five that will be renovated in Richards’ district, have been vacant for quite some time. “They are going to be working on a couple of homes in my district that were eyesores for over a decade,” Richards said. “The neighborhood has been crying about these sites. We were pushing NYCHA to do something about these properties so we were very overjoyed when Habitat came in.” Since 1984, President Carter and thousands of volunteers have been giving a week of their time each year to help build homes and raise awareness of the important role that

Photo by Ira Cohen

This week, former President Jimmy Carter, who has been the face of Habitat for Humanity for more than 30 years, will visit and rebuild homes with the nonprofit in Southeast Queens. During the week-long October celebration, which is part of the 30th Annual Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project, Carter, his wife Rosalynn Carter and more than 1,000 volunteers will be renovating five singlefamily homes in Queens, as well as 10 homes in Staten Island that were damaged by Superstorm Sandy. In addition to the renovations in New York City, an estimated 3,000 volunteers will join the Carters to help build and repair more than 80 homes in five locations across the United States. Phase one of the projects in Queens took place in Rosedale last Saturday and will continue for a week until the selected homes in Queens Village, Cambria Heights, St. Albans, Jamaica and Rosedale are move-in ready. “Working alongside Habitat for Humanity families and volunteers, President and Mrs. Carter have given the world a powerful expression of how to live out change. Their advancement of human rights over the decades has brought hope to so many that were living in despair,” Neil Hetherington, CEO of Habitat for Humanity New

decent, affordable housing plays in breaking the cycle of poverty. “President and Mrs. Carter have been powerful voices in addressing the issues surrounding substandard housing,” Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International said in a statement. “As we prepare for our 30th Annual Carter Work Project, we again want to thank the former president and first lady for their incredible service in helping us move closer to a world where everyone has a decent place to call home.” Habitat for Humanity is putting an emphasis on helping local families who rent apartments into the homes which will range anywhere from $200,000 to $300,000 and rather then a typical mortgage, Habitat will offer loans that require only a one percent down payment with a 30-year fixed interest rate at 2 percent. A qualified family must earn between 50 percent and 80 percent of the neighborhood’s median income and put in between 200 and 400 hours of volunteer time – also referred to as “sweat equity.” For more information about the project visit To learn how you can volunteer, contact Councilman Donovan Richards’ district office at (718) 527-4402. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @ nkozikowska

Gennaro, Comrie Celebrate New Landmark BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA Last week, Councilman James Gennaro (D-Fresh Meadows) joined Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) on the steps of City Hall to celebrate the City Council’s vote to approve landmark status for the “old” Jamaica High School building. Located on Hillside Avenue between 162nd and 163rd streets in Gennero’s district, the Dutch Revival-style Jamaica High School was built in 1895-1896, originally as a combined grammar and high school, PS 47. The school replaced a much smaller, simpler school building located close to the center of Jamaica. The elaborate details and style expressed the town’s optimism about future development. By 1909, the three-story building had become so crowded, the gram-

mar school moved elsewhere and the school was officially renamed as Jamaica High School, serving only high school students. For years, the building served older students until the current and much larger Jamaica High School was constructed on Gothic Drive in 1927. The current Jamaica High School earned a designation as a New York City landmark in 2009. For the design on this building, the Jamaica Board of Education hired renowned Brooklyn architect William Tubby, who had produced a number of well-regarded institutions. He was also very well known for his Dutch Revival-style approach to architecture. Tubby faced three stories with red and tan brick with contrasting decorative details such as splayed lintels. A large, modified stepped gabble near the western side of the front

features a series of tall windows grouped under a red-brick arch. The tall, hipped roof is highlighted by unusual “witch’s hat” dormers and high chimneys. Much of this style is still preserved on the building today. “Throughout my time in the City Council, preserving Queens’ unique cultural and historic heritage has been a priority,” said Gennaro in a statement. “Even as we build for the City of tomorrow, we cannot lose the iconic structures of the past. I am incredibly thankful for the support of my Council colleagues in helping to preserve this one-of-a-kind school building that has served this area’s students for 117 years.” “When residents of Jamaica, Queens decided to build a school at the turn of the century, they wanted to make sure the building was big enough to accommodate the growing

population of the community,” said Comrie in a statement. “Today, over one-hundred years later, the building is still serving the same purpose its original designers envisioned. Many students have come and gone through those doors receiving the skills and knowledge that have helped them reach their goals.” “The designation of a historic landmark is not just a way to preserve the past, but also an opportunity to learn from it,” Comrie added. “The same motivations that helped to erect this building still apply today. As the city continues to grow, this building should serve as a reminder of how education must continue to be a top priority for future leaders of Jamaica, Queens, and the City.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @ nkozikowska

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

JPAC, JCAL To Hold Spectacular Arts Gala BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA On Friday, Oct. 11, the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the Jamaica Performing Arts Center will hold its first-ever Spectacular Arts Gala designed to expose the community to the resources that are available to them – right in their backyard. “The goal of the event is to make sure that we are no longer the best kept secret in New York, but in fact, a well known opportunity to pursue the arts,” said Philippa Karteron, board of directors co-chair at JCAL. JCAL, which will celebrate its 41st year, has been breeding new artists and providing children and adults alike a place to create and perform, keeping the arts alive in Southeast Queens. People of all ages and artistic levels have participated in the not-forprofit’s arts and education programs, ranging from art forms that include theater, dance, ceramics, keyboard and cartooning. In total, the center offers more than 40 different workshops for children, teens, adults and seniors. JCAL was founded in 1972 as part of a large-scale effort to revitalize the Jamaica business district. In

response, the group purchased the vealed JCAL was in danger of closlong-vacant First Reformed Dutch ing its doors. Church of Jamaica and transformed So in addition to reintroducing the it into the Jamaica Performing Arts art centers to the public, Karteron Center. The renovated 1858 land- and other board members are hoping mark building now serves as a 400- the Spectacular Arts Gala will help seat theater owned and operated by stabilize programming at the faciliJCAL. ties. “It will allow us to increase and “Between them, JCAL and JPAC – they are compabroaden our perforrable in many ways mances at the perto Lincoln Center in “The goal of the formance center and terms of the services event is to make it will allow us to provided,” Karteron maintain and expand said. “The JCAL sure that we are no our services at JCAL building is a land- longer the best kept – our workshops as mark theater and well as our gallery it has been trans- secret in New York, exhibits,” she said. formed into a state“Of course, in any but in fact, a well of-the-art dance stufundraising event, dio. The space has known opportunity the funds will offset been used to bring any expenses that we in dance groups, cul- to pursue the arts.” have – any needs for -Philippa Karteron funding to expand tural events, as well as used for weddings the programming and meetings.” and to stabilize the Despite offering a variety of ar- programs.” tistic and cultural programs to New The Spectacular Fall Arts Gala York City residents, JCAL, like will feature a VIP cocktail hour, dinmany other businesses across the ner, dancing, art demonstrations, nation, lost a significant amount a coffee hour and a number of live of funding since the economic cri- dance and music performances. sis. And just a few months ago, the Some performers include the Edge group sent out an email that re- School of the Arts, the Carl Bartlett

Jr. Sextet, Mari Yan Pringle, Braatta Productions and the Vissi Dance Theater. Guests will also have the opportunity to view and purchase art at the Noir Gallery, where paintings are on loan from the Galleria Noir. JCAL and JPAC will also be honoring Helen Marshall with a lifetime achievement award as well as WASA Architects, which redesigned the performing arts space, and the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, which Karteron said has been a “true supporter” of both the centers. The Gala will be held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. VIP ticket holders are welcome to come to the center at 6 p.m. for a special VIP reception. The Jamaica Performing Arts Center is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave. VIP tickets are $150, general admission tickets are $100 and student tickets, which must be purchased with a valid student ID, cost $50. To purchase tickets, visit For more information about the Gala, visit or call (718) 658-7400. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @ nkozikowska.

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

Queens Reacts To U.S. Gov. Shutdown BY JOE MARVILLI

bringing the process to a grinding cancelled many events planned at halt. the refuge, such as a walk to see miOn Monday, the last day the two grating hawks that was scheduled by government bodies had a chance to Don Riepe of the American Littoral work out an agreeSociety. ment, the House “The people I most “There needs to be a repeatedly sent a feel sorry for are the spending resolution visitors from other law stating that the to the Senate that countries who come government can’t shut would either defund to see our National down for political or delay the Patient Parks. They spent a lot Protection and Afof money for nothing,� reasons. A handful fordable Care Act, Riepe said. “There of extremist politipopularly referred to needs to be a law statcians [are] holding us as Obamacare. The ing that the governhostage.� Senate rejected that ment can’t shut down section of the resolu– Don Riepe for political reasons. tion, sending the rest A handful of extremist of the text back to politicians [are] holdthe House. This backing us hostage.� and-forth has continued with no end Additionally, the Department of in sight, as of press time. Homeland Security’s E-Verify proThe shutdown, the first one since gram, which lets businesses check on December 1995, has resulted in the the legal immigration status of posloss of several services throughout sible employees, has been shut down. the nation. About 800,000 workers The Dept. of Housing and Urban are furloughed indefinitely without Development can no longer send out pay, while 1.3 million employees con- payments to the nation’s 3,300 pubsidered to be essential will continue lic housing authorities, though most to work, although their paychecks of them have enough funding to last may be delayed. a month or two. The Centers for National parks and museums are Disease Control and Prevention has closed, including the Jamaica Bay stopped its seasonal flu program. Wildlife Refuge. The closure has While Social Security payments

While many may not seem to be affected by this week’s federal government shutdown, the longer it continues, the worse things may get for Queens, the City and the nation. The Queens Economic Development Corporation said that it is still operating at full strength, but the longer the shutdown goes on, the greater the chance of damage occurring to the organization and the Borough. “So far, everything is okay. QEDC continues to offer all the services that we offered before the shutdown,� Rob MacKay, director of public relations at QEDC, said. “However, our ability to apply for federal grants and our access to certain federal workers are on hold. So time is not on our side, and I hope the politicians can resolve their issues as soon as possible.� The Republican-led House of Representatives and the Democratic-controlled Senate could not come to an agreement for a budget or short-term spending measure to fund federal agencies by the Sept. 30 deadline, leading to an Oct. 1 shutdown. Ideological differences between the parties got in the way of negotiations,

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are still being sent out, other functions of the Social Security Administration, such as replacing benefit cards or scheduling hearings for disability cases, are delayed for the length of the shutdown. Throughout Queens, members of the public voiced displeasure with the shutdown, but others believed it would not last long enough to cause any significant problems. “Congress sucks,� one Forest Hills resident said. “It will only be two or three days,� countered another man from the neighborhood. Steve from Woodhaven mentioned that the nation has gotten through many shutdowns before and that it is “not the end of the world.� “We’re going to survive it. It’s happened many times before. I remember it happened one time in the 70s and I didn’t even realize it happened. It lasted about eight days and nobody noticed it,� he said. “Maybe we should do it every year. Cut their salaries a couple of months out of the year and then continue. They don’t seem to do that much. Do they know what they’re doing?� Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, jmarvilli@, or @Joey788.

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Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

Editorial OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Natalia Kozikowska Joe Marvilli Luis Gronda Trisha Sakhuja

Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Lianne Procanyn Barbara Townsend Alan Goldsher Director of Marketing Maureen Coppola Advertising Administrator Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Shari Strongin Wazeer Ali

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

A Costly Run-Off Councilwoman Letitia James won an election earlier this week, but it seems like very few people actually cared. James defeated State Sen. Daniel Squadron in the run-off for the Democratic nomination for Public Advocate Tuesday night. James and Squadron led the pack of five candidates after Sept. 10’s Primary election, but neither were able to garner 40 percent of the vote. So, the City held a run-off election earlier this week, drawing in less than 190,000 voters. As a point of reference, James garnered nearly that many votes herself on Sept. 10, while Squadron trailed not far behind. But because of antiquated election laws, the City spent an estimated $13 million for Tuesday’s run-off, for a position allocated just more than $2 million. With no Republican running in the Nov. 5 General Election, James’ win on Tuesday means that she is virtually guaranteed to be sworn in as Public Advocate. While no candidate was able to sway a majority of voters on Sept. 10, Tuesday’s results mean that a miniscule fraction of the City’s voters determined the fate of the position. While some will say that the position is unnecessary – we did so last week, in fact – the Public Advocate is the individual who will take over in the event that the Mayor cannot perform his duties. With that in mind, should we not come up with a more efficient and cost-effective way to determine the position? Should someone elected by such a small percentage of voters be a heartbeat away from being Mayor? Perhaps the first cause our new Public Advocate should take up is reforming election policies.

Letters Obamacare Delusion

To The Editor: A long-time friend sent me an email the other day about defunding Obamacare, and hoping his side would shut down the government in protest. He’s in that Tea Party, Republican, Libertarian loop of emailers who continually send out crazy, racist, bigoted, mean emails mocking president Obama, and any of the Dems. I used to get the same crap from a couple of other friends and relatives, until I told them flat out not to send them. Now and then he fires one off to me hoping to convert me to his side, or maybe just to bug me…I’m not sure which. I sent a reply asking him why he didn’t want 40 million uninsured people to have healthcare insurance. He answered, “because it’s socialism.” I replied, saying the plans were underwritten by the major insurance companies, not the government. I said, “You’re on Medicare. Don’t you like it?” He said he didn’t like “the government telling him what to do.” So I asked, “what are they telling you to do?” No answer. I asked why he didn’t opt out of Medicare and pay out-of-pocket for another

plan of his choosing. He said, “Obamacare will cost too much.” I said that wasn’t true. Free annual preventive care checkups would catch health problems earlier, saving money in the long run, and new fraud detection methods would also save money. I asked if he didn’t like the fact that kids could stay on their parents plan until age 26 now, and pre-existing conditions were no longer a reason to deny coverage. In the near future, the drug prescription donut hole will be closed saving us more money on drugs. I said if he had a better healthcare plan to tell me about it or, better yet, tell his party about it, because they offer no alternative. “What is your answer to the uninsured?”, I asked. All he had was party-line rhetoric, Obama-hater quips and the same bumper sticker language used by the rightwing pundits. I can’t have a logical discussion with him because he gets his news from Fox television and right-wing radio shows, and is ignorant of the facts. When questioned, he thinks raising his voice and swearing will make him right. Tyler Cassell, Flushing

First African-American Woman Elected To Citywide Office A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE For the first time in the history of New York City, a woman of color has won a City-wide primary election, shattering a glass ceiling as she prepares to take office in January. In the Runoff Election to the September Primary, Councilwoman Letitia James handily dispensed of her opponent, State Senator Daniel Squadron, with a 60/40 margin. Tears welled up in the Councilwoman’s eyes as she commented on the historical moment. Egged on by Comptroller John Liu, himself a glass-ceiling-breaker, James remarked on the accomplishment and invoked the late Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman elected to Congress and a modest run for president. This win also makes her

only the second woman to win City-wide office. The first was Betsy Gotbaum, who won the same office 12 years ago. There is a lot riding on James’ performance when she takes office in January. Everything she says and does will be dissected. Tearing down walls with an election is one thing, but that in and of itself is not enough. That is a feat soon forgotten if you don’t distinguish yourself in the position in a hurry. James is a smart woman, she knows this. However, the accomplishment of defeating the betterfunded Daniel Squadron, who also had the support of former advocates Mark Green and Betsy Gotbaum as well as the major New York newspapers, has to be gratifying. The 33 year-old state senator, a Chuck Schumer mentee, outspent James both in the Primary and in the runoff. It got nasty, but James gave as good as she got and prevailed. Squadron was

as gracious in defeat as he had been aggressive in battle. We wish him well as he heads back to Albany. The saying “success has many parents but failure is an orphan” was blatantly obvious Tuesday night as supporters encroached on James’ personal space while she gave her victory remarks. Squadron on the other hand, was a solitary figure in his concession speech. One has to wonder why he wanted that job anyway. Perhaps it is the possibility of using it as a launching pad to run for mayor as Green and de Blasio have done. Many have argued that the Office of the Public Advocate should be eliminated. Mike Bloomberg certainly defunded it into near oblivion when he and Betsy Gotbaum took their respective offices in January 2002. But it is not a bad thing to have a public advocate. Mark Green, the inaugural public advocate, defined the role and was a remarkable advocate.

In fact, dialing 311 to report problems in our communities was his baby. Bloomberg saw its value when he took office and instituted it generously. On the other hand, Gotbaum, with her pauper’s budget, was unremarkable and de Blasio, who succeeded her, didn’t break any major new grounds either. It’s an office waiting to be developed and James could be the person to do it. The novelty of her “firstness” will wear off five minutes after she takes office on Jan. 1, so she’d better have some great plans. I hope James will bear that in mind as she counts down to January and that she will find that her campaign promises of advocating for education, affordable housing and such, can indeed come to fruition in meaningful ways. Congratulations to her and to all of us who made it happen!

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7


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Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

Expo showcases Queens Businesses American-made products from Queens were on display at Atlas Park mall last week. The “Make It In America” expo, showcasing products and businesses that call Queens home, was held at the shopping center last Saturday. The event was organized by U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Flushing). Taking place at the event space in the mall, several types of local businesses displayed what they offer customers, including a pastry chef, an author and a local artist. Dellalyn Rothstein runs a gourmet pie and cookie website called “The Pie Lady.” Made out of a kitchen in Long Island City, Rothstein makes baked goods and ships them out for individual orders or catering for a party or event. Among the goods she offers are different flavors of pies including pecan, chocolate mousse and pumpkin. She also bakes six flavors of cookies, including Wild Fire, Mystical Macadamia and Blissful Cranberry. The pies range from $20 to $30

Photo by Luis Gronda

By Luis Gronda

a resident paints a line on sandra Vucicevic’s (left) canvas, as part of her “Brush Votes – Creating The Creator” project.

and feed six to eight people. The cookies cost $13 for a dozen and $7 for a half dozen. The goods are available for order at Rothstein said her friends were the primary reason she started a baking company. While she attempted to qualify for the green market in Union Square, she would often ask

sikhs rally against Hate in richmond Hill By Luis Gronda In response to a hate crime late last month, members of the Sikh community and several elected officials gathered to say the hate must stop. On Sept. 21, Dr. Prabhjot Singh, a Sikh-American professor at Columbia University, was attacked while walking in Harlem on Sept. 21. The attackers reportedly yelled slurs, including “Osama” and “Terrorist” while they assaulted Singh. The professor was punched in the face multiple times and sustained a broken jaw as a result of the incident. The Sikh community in Richmond Hill condemned the attack at the Sikh Cultural Society last Sunday. “We are all troubled by the rising number of hate crimes in a City that we all refer to as home. Today marks an opportunity for us to pool our resources, minds and resolve to ensure that we have a safe and nourishing environment for all New Yorkers. A safer New York for all people is a stronger New York

City,” said Sona Simran Kaur Rai, a spokesperson for Prabhjot Singh and a member on the Board of Directors of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund in a statement. According to a report released by the SALDEF, a civil rights and education group, there have been more than 300 crimes against SikhAmericans since 9/11 and the victims are often subjected to intimidation or vandalism of their personal property. Assemblyman David Weprin (DFresh Meadows), whose district includes part of Richmond Hill, also attended the rally and spoke out against the attack. “In a nation that thrives because of its long standing commitment to diversity, religious tolerance and freedom, it is unacceptable that Sikh Americans have been the repeated targets of hate crimes. Mass violence and hate crimes against any group of people are intolerable and preventable,” he said in a statement. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, lgronda@, or @luisgronda.

her friends to taste her desserts and give their opinion. Several friends enjoyed what she baked, she said, and put in orders for more baked goods. “They just kept ordering and ordering and it just became a ripple effect,” Rothstein said. She added that the expo presented a terrific opportunity to present what she offers and promote her business. David Yale is a Bayside-based author who was at the expo promoting his new book, “Homes Pun Humor.” Yale’s book is a complied series of original puns, play-on-words and clever satire. This is his second book, following 2010’s “Pun Enchanted Evenings.” He got into the pun-writing busi-

ness after a few quips made people laugh. Yale said he started writing more puns and compiling them together. “I found that it was giving me a sense of empowerment. I could walk around and make people laugh,” he said. Yale has since self-published two books of puns and will judge a punoff competition in Austin, Texas next year. Yale’s book is available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Artist Sandra Vucicevic was also at the expo, continuing her project “Brush Votes – Creating The Creator.” As someone walks by, Vucicevic offers the brush and asks to paint a straight line on the canvas. Then, you write your initials on a separate canvas, which allows her to keep track of how many have contributed to the project. According to Vucicevic, her project is aimed at getting the public involved in a piece of art as opposed to only looking at what the artist has created. “The point is to include the community in this project and make them feel like an artist,” said Vucicevic, who is based in Long Island City and lives in Briarwood. She has taken her project throughout Queens, including at a community arts day last month in Kew Gardens, and will host another “brush votes” performance in Long Island City later this month. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, lgronda@, or @luisgronda.

James Wins run-off Councilwoman Letitia James won a commanding victory Tuesday night, setting the stage for an historic Nov. 5 election. With no Republican candidate on the ballot for the General Election, James’ Public Advocate run-off victory over State Sen. Daniel Squadron virtually ensures that she will take office come January. James would be the first Black woman to hold citywide office. Less than 190,000 people voted in the run-off, with James taking 59.4 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results. The Councilwoman pulled in more than 173,000 votes during the Sept. 10 Primary Election, where she narrowly edged out Squadron. Neither candidate was able to garner 40 percent of the vote, however, triggering the runoff.

Councilwoman Letitia James The run-off for the Public Advocate position reportedly cost the City approximately $13 million.

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

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Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

Photos by Andrew Kelly for NYSCI


Maker Faire Meets Iron Man


It seems like everyone made their way to the annual Maker Faire, held at Flushing Meadows Corona Park on Sept. 21-22. Above, a man in a full-sized Iron Man costume greets people outside the New York Hall of Science.

Photos by Walter Karling

Honoring Washington

Decorative artist Katherine Daniels cleaned up an alcove between the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the site of the former Jamaica Savings Bank on Jamaica Avenue. Daniels is pictured here with Edwin Rosado, real properties facilities manager for the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, and colleague Mary Reda, GJDC director of real properties.

Celebrating Jack and Jill

Borough President Helen Marshall recently joined with members of the Queens chapter of Jack and Jill of America to celebrate the chapter’s 61 years of service. The event included a tribute to Carole Robertson, one of the four Black girls who were killed in the Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. Pictured (from left) are teen advisor D. Nicole Marion, associate Terry Burrus, parliamentarian Stacie N.C. Grant, editor Michelle Hawkins-Jones, program director Carlene Jean-Hosbon, vice president Yvette Williamson, president Elizabeth A. Hooks and Marshall. Photo provided by the office of the Borough President.

Students of the Aquinas Honor Society at the Immaculate Conception School in Jamaica Estates plan to honor the Presidential visit of President George Washington to Jamaica in 1790 with the dedication of a bronze plaque on Oct. 8. The nation’s first president dined and slept at an inn that once stood on the corner of Jamaica Avenue and Parsons Boulevard when he toured Long Island.

Grand Opening

Assemblyman David Weprin joined with members of the Bukharian community to celebrate the grand opening of the Congregation Bet-El Sephardic Center of Jamaica Estates last month.

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Police Blotter 103rd Precinct

Collision Investigation

At approximately 11:37 a.m. on Sept. 27, at the intersection of 160th Street and Archer Avenue, a 50-year-old male was struck by a black Mercury Mountaineer, driven by a 42-year-old female, as he crossed the street in the crosswalk. The aided was transported to Jamaica Hospital via EMS, where he was later pronounced deceased. The driver of the Mountaineer remained on the scene. The NYPD’s Highway Patrol Collision Investigation Squad is conducting the investigation.

104th Precinct


The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying and locating the following suspect wanted in connection to a robbery. At approximately 6:50 p.m. on Sept. 15, the suspect entered the Radio Shack located at 70-01 Grand Ave., displayed a firearm and demanded cash. The victim complied and the suspect fled with cash. No injuries were reported at the incident.

This individual is wanted in connection to a robbery within the confines of the 104th Precinct. The suspect is described as a male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, mask and white headphones.

108th Precinct

Collision Investigation

At approximately 11:05 p.m. on Sept. 28, police responded to a 911 call of a motor vehicle accident involving a pedestrian at the intersection of Broadway and 58th Street. Upon arrival, officers observed a 19-yearold male, identified as Luis Bravo of Jackson Heights, unconscious and unresponsive, with severe trauma about the body. EMS also responded to the location and transported Bravo to Elmhurst Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Investigation revealed that the pedestrian was walking eastbound on Broadway at 58th Street when a darkcolored sedan, traveling southbound on Broadway, struck him and subsequently fled the scene. There have been no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.

Collision Investigation

At 11:38 a.m. on Sept. 26, police responded to a 911 call for a pedestrian struck on 47th Avenue between 32nd Place and 33rd Street. Upon arrival, police discovered an 18-yearold male, identified as Alexander Ciszewski of Sunnyside, unconscious and unresponsive with severe trauma to the body. EMS responded to the scene and transported Ciszewski to

Elmhurst Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Investigation revealed that the pedestrian was skateboarding while holding on to the passenger side of a white 2005 GMC box truck traveling eastbound on 47th Avenue when the pedestrian apparently lost control while riding the skateboard and fell underneath the rear wheel of the vehicle.

109th Precinct

Grand Larceny

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying the following suspects wanted for grand larceny. At 1:15 p.m. on Sept. 11, the victim, a 27-year-old female, was walking in the vicinity of Broadway and Grove Street when the suspects rode up on their bicycles and removed the victim’s iPhone from her hand. The suspects then fled the scene. There were no reported injuries. Both suspects are described as males between the ages of 16-20. The first suspect was last seen wearing a blue shirt and black shorts. The second suspect was wearing a black shirt and black pants.

Borough Beat

Four Hour School Bus Trip Leaves Parents Fuming BY JOE MARVILLI

Photo by Ira Cohen

Sept. 18 ended just like any other school day for the students at PS 115. They packed up their books and got on a school bus for the trip home. Most of them arrived with no problems. But one group of students found themselves stuck on a bus for about four hours. A parent, who wished to only be identified as Ed to avoid retribution against his daughter, said her school bus left at 2:30 p.m. from PS 115 in Floral Park and arrived at Bell Boulevard and 73rd Avenue in Oakland Gardens at 6:20 p.m. Under normal circumstances, the complete bus route would take around 45 minutes. According to Ed, the bus driver was a temporary replacement and did not know the area at all. He was asking the students, who are second-graders, for directions and wound up in Flushing at one point. Despite all the problems, none of the parents received any word from Atlantic Express Bus Company about the delay, leading them to worry about their children’s safety. “The parents and kids were crying because they didn’t know if the

bus was in an accident, press, he also was critical of we didn’t know where the 911, which he called during the bus was. We didn’t get any incident and did not receive a phone calls from the bus response for 40 minutes. company,” Ed said. “An “I called 911 and another hour later, two hours later, parent did too. The police this driver could be in andidn’t respond for over 40 other state already. Parents minutes. The police not are thinking the worst.” coming? These are children. Besides the stress caused I’m upset about that,” he to the parents and the chilsaid. dren, the kids also suffered Ed said that PS 115 had physically from the incibeen helpful in doing everydent, due to the long length An Atlantic Express bus like this one took nearly four hours thing it could to assist with of time they went without to bring some students home from PS 115 on Sept. 18. the situation. When reached any food or water. for comment, the DOE said “Four hours on a bus, the kids hour and feels nauseous because of it needed the name of the parent and were dehydrated, confused, dizzy and the fumes.” the student to look into the incident In a follow-up conversation, Ed re- before commenting. The Atlantic scared,” he said. Ed reported that his daughter ported that the same bus broke down Express Bus Company could not be often feels ill after riding in the the next day before arriving to pick up reached for comment either. school bus, due to the bad shape the students in the morning, leaving “The kids can’t get an education like the buses are in. There is no air parents to scramble to get their kids this. It’s supposed to be a good proconditioning in the warmer months to class on-time. The day after that, gram and now I have to worry about of the year and the bus runs on die- the bus pick-up was 40 minutes late. these concerns,” Ed said. “Why would “Obviously, there’s something [Atlantic] get these contracts when sel fuels, rather than green, clean wrong with them. They’re breaking they aren’t qualified drivers and the alternatives. “At the end of the school year, kids down, there’s no AC. It’s ridiculous,” buses aren’t inspected to be running?” have to be on buses that are over 100 he said. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) While Ed was very upset with the 357-7400, Ext. 125, jmarvilli@queendegrees on the bus,” Ed said. “My daughter gets a headache after an Dept. of Education and Atlantic Ex-, or @Joey788.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013


astoria Native To Compete For ‘Top Chef’ Title By Trisha sakhuja Astoria native Benedetto Bartolotta will take his cooking skills to New Orleans, where he will compete with 16 contestants for the title of Bravo’s “Top Chef.” Bartolotta said he is ready for this season’s cookoff because he expects intense cooking with close to impossible cooking limitations. For its 11th season, the chef’testants will battle head-to-head for $125,000 furnished by Healthy Choice, a feature in Food & Wine magazine, a showcase at the Annual Food & Wine Classic in Aspen and

the title of “Top Chef.” As this season’s show premieres on Oct. 2, the chefs will be tasked with serving food for top entertainers, culinary stars and celebrity guest judges. The contestants will have to pass the taste-test from lead judges like Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons, Hugh Acheson and Emeril Lagasse, alongside host Padma Lakshmi. Bartolotta comes from a family who loves to cook and who stays true to their “culinary rituals.” Since his parents would often entertain family and friends with homemade feasts, he said he would always help out in the kitchen.

CMj Music Marathon returns By jOE MarViLLi Music fans, it is that time of year again. The CMJ Music Marathon is set to kick off for the 33rd time this October. From Oct. 15-19, CMJ will fill more than 80 venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn with more than 1,400 performances and 100 conference events. This is not your typical festival, with big names and crowds in the thousands. Instead, CMJ focuses on tomorrow’s superstars, spreading them throughout clubs, concert halls and theaters. CMJ, which originally stood for College Media Journal, held its first iteration of the music marathon in 1981 with only two bands. From there, it has grown to become one of the most well-known and respected showcases for new artists ready for their big break. The festival’s attendance is now around 120,000, giving these unknown musicians plenty of people on which to make an impression. Many artists that have played CMJ in the past are now at the forefront of their particular genre, with some having broken into the mainstream. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs played at CMJ in 2002, one year before “Maps” made them famous. In 2004, Arcade Fire played at the 250-capacity Mercury Lounge for CMJ. Six years later, the band performed at Madison Square Garden. Mumford & Sons had a CMJ showcase in 2009, one year before their debut album went multi-platinum, and four years before playing a sold-out show at the tennis stadium in Forest Hills.

So what does CMJ have to offer this year? There is an expansive variety of artists and bands that will be playing over the course of the festival. Most of these bands are unknown, though quite a few have built up some buzz over the last couple of years. Savages is a post-punk revival band from London that is becoming well-known for their ferocious live performance. Glasser is an experimental singer-songwriter that combines ethereal sounds with solid songwriting. Father John Misty is a folk singer that dips into psychedelic rock and is a former member of Fleet Foxes. P.O.S. is an alternative rapper from the underground Minneapolis scene. Additional artists are still being added to the line-up. If you are low on cash, keep an eye out, as there are often many free shows open to the public during CMJ. One example is KEXP’s Live Broadcast at Judson Memorial Church, located at 55 Washington Square South. From Oct. 16 to Oct. 18, a number of bands and DJs will keep the music playing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To purchase tickets to this year’s festival, visit Discounts are offered for those with a valid student ID. If you do not want to shell out the money for the entire week and are only interested in a couple of showcases, contact the venue of that specific show, as there are sometimes tickets for individual concerts available. Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125, jmarvilli@, or @Joey788.

Growing up in Astoria also inspired Bartolotta to cook because fresh groceries at the retail fruit stands on Ditmars Boulevard, and all cuts of meat from the butcher shops lining Broadway were always readily available. When asked how he will handle any surprises during the competition, he said, “You have to be light on your feet and expect the unexpected.” Since Bartolotta was recently a sous chef for Chef Odette Fada on Bravo’s “Battle of the Sous Chefs,” which is a part of “Top Chef Masters” culinary competition, he said he is a bit more familiar with the geography of the kitchen. “Plus I have been an executive chef in real life for many years before the show, so I took a step down to get a step up,” Bartolotta said.

Bartolotta left Astoria at the age of 18 to pursue a degree in culinary arts from the Culinary Institute of America. In addition to his degree, Bartolotta studied extensively in Europe and Asia, where he said he was able to hone his skills and bring back innovative ideas. Bartolotta has not only worked as the executive chef for acclaimed New York City restaurants such as San Domenico NY, Cipriani and Osteria del Circo, but he is also the founder of Indulge by Bene’s, an event-planning and catering company. If he wins the title of “Top Chef,” Bartolotta said he would use the winning prize money towards a store front for his catering business. Reach Reporter Trisha Sakhuja at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128, tsakhuja@, or @Tsakhuja13.

Dribble Event raises $55k When Steve Lavin told the participants in the Dribble for the Cure that they were “soldiers in a fight against cancer,” they listened. The head coach of St. John’s men’s basketball team has been cancer-free for about 20 months and addressed a crowd at Carnesecca Arena last Saturday. Lavin, who was diagnosed in 2011 with prostate cancer, expressed that “the most powerful form of leadership are your actions.” Members of the team expressed how they were affected by the diagnosis and what the Dribble for the Cure event means to the man who recruited them to St. John’s. “Our coach survived cancer, it’s like seeing our father survive cancer,” said Red Storm center Chris Obekpa. “I can’t wait to lead the kids in here and see the smiles on their faces.” “This is my favorite time of year,” said St. John’s point guard Phil Greene IV. “This is about giving back to kids who have cancer. For a day, they can take their minds off their troubles and take them away.” Junior guard D’Angelo Harrison commented that it was a good opportunity for the team to “count our blessings and put smiles on their faces.” Jakarr Sampson said he was pleased to be a part of it. “It means a lot to us and St. John’s,” said last season’s Big East Rookie of the Year. “It’s about giving back to the community and serving. Lavin always talks about the struggle and these kids are going through it, so you can just imagine what they’re going through.” Also appearing at the event was

Former sju athletic Director jack kaiser (from left), former sju coach Brian Mahoney, early 70s basketball star Billy schaeffer at the Dribble for the Cure event last week.

legendary St. John’s basketball coach Lou Carnesecca. “The cause is wonderful. People give themselves up. The big thing about this is you help people,” he said. “It’s good for the young people to see that there are other people in this world. It’s wonderful really. St. John’s has always done that.” The event raised more than $55,000 this year, the most in the three years the event has been held at St. John’s. More than 500 people came out to help the cause. The Pediatric Cancer Research has raised more than $30 million since being established in 1982. Red Storm sharpshooter Max Hooper said the event gave “perspective to see what kind of impact we have on the community as St. John’s student-athletes.” “It’s pretty special if we can raise money for people who have experienced cancer,” remarked Mel Davis, who played for St. John’s from 1970 to 1972. “We’re on board to help as many people as we can.” -David russell

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Group Seeks To Promote Farmers Boulevard BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA For nearly five years, the Farmers Boulevard Development Corporation has focused on a revitalization of Farmers Boulevard to be a convenient, vibrant and inspiring main corridor serving Southeast Queens, its residents and its visitors. “We aim to accomplish that largely by working to fill storefront vacancies with new businesses that support the existing business culture through community events along Farmers Boulevard, arts and cultural events, as well as civic programs,” said Isa Abdur-Rahman, co-founder and executive director of FBDC. FBDC is focused on four different methods of revitalization in the community. Its goals are centered on improving arts and culture, opportunities for the youth, health and wellness resources and economic development. The Development Corporation has a close relationship with Joe’s Music Center, a musical store and

academy located on Farmers Boulevard. By developing such relationships, Abdur-Rahman said, FBDC has been able to infuse the community with more arts and culture. “The aim of the arts and music component is to highlight the legendary jazz and even old school hiphop icons that have come from that neighborhood – those neighborhoods in Southeast Queens,” he said. “Part of our effort to support the area is to do programs reminiscent of the musical culture that has its roots in that neighborhood.” In addition to holding many cultural events, FBDC has helped with a number of health initiatives and for the last three years, it has hosted a number of wellness fairs. “We are just trying to reinforce some of the health priorities of the neighborhood. Southeast Queens, in particular, has had high incidents of hypertension, obesity, diabetes,” he said. “We also have a significant aging population which we view as an asset and a blessing to the commu-

nity, so we are trying to encourage long-term care and wellness for our seniors.” FBDC’s main goal, however, is to revitalize Farmers Boulevard by educating entrepreneurs and business owners about the opportunities and potential of the boulevard strip. “The challenge with Farmers and a lot of Southeast Queens is that the businesses, as well as the brokers, will evaluate Southeast Queens as though it should be Downtown Brooklyn or Harlem,” explained Abdur-Rahman. “Because the traffic and density numbers are nothing like those areas, a lot of time Southeast Queens gets overlooked and the entrepreneurs and business owners that do have interest in the area tend to be not as substantially financed.” “We’re very diligent in working with landlords and property owners along Farmers Boulevard to encourage them to realistic expectations when entering into new leases,” he added. “We also try to encourage them to work with us creatively to attract things other than

the barber shops, the beauty salons and the bodegas. Every time such an establishment opens up, of course we want to be supportive, but there has been an overabundance of those types of businesses.” In an effort to expose the community to FBDC’s different types of services, the Development Corporation has started a new tradition on every fourth Saturday of the month. The “Fourth Saturdays on Farmers Boulevard” series is divided into four different segments with different focuses – arts and culture, investment planning, youth empowerment and health and wellness. Every month, residents will have the opportunity to learn about the different resources available to them right in their backyard. For more information about the locations and times, visit or call (718) 262-0881. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @ nkozikowska.


Diedre S. Brown

Air Force Airman Diedre S. Brown graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San AntonioLackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eightweek program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Brown is the daughter of Patricia Brown of Jamaica and is a 2007 graduate of the High School for Law Enforcement in Jamaica. Army Pvt. Eric N. Jones has grad-

uated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Jones is the son of Constance Waller and brother of Jasmine Jones, both of Jamaica, and a 2012 graduate of Richmond Hill High School. Local students received degrees during summer 2013 commencement ceremonies at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. They include: Jamaica: Austin Chan, Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology; Devon Moore, Bachelor of Arts in interior design. Shaqueal S. Burton has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier

studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Burton is the son of Sean Smith of Jamaica and is a 2010 graduate of Springfield Gardens High School. Army Reserve Pvt. Andrew A. Alicea has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. Alicea is the son of Karen Sanabria of South Richmond Hill. Kyle Credle of Jamaica and Desean Myland of South Ozone Park have enrolled at SUNY Adirondack in Queensbury for the fall 2013 semester. In recognition of Financial Literacy Month, Astoria Federal Savings recently held its eighth annual essay contest for children ages 5-12, asking them to complete the statement, “If I save a lot today, in the future I could…” Astoria Federal Savings judges se-

Fundraising Talk:

Cayla Kumar, an 11-year-old Queens Village resident who was recently named Miss Empire Preteen, visited Councilman Mark Weprin to discuss her efforts to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Cayla will compete in the 2013 Miss American COED National Pageant this November in Orlando, Fla. lected one winner from each branch, with Brianna Maher, 10, submitting the winning entry at the Flushing branch.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013


Jamaica Church Teaches Community Through Film BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

Moved by the theme and lessons of the movie, Riggins was eager to bring it back to her church and share it with the community. “We wanted to bring that movie home and show it to our congregation and whoever would come. The idea is to improve the relationship between police and the community,” she said. “If you are stopped by a policeman, there is a way we should behave and there is a way they should behave as well.” “For me, this leadership conference was definitely an eye-opener,” Riggins added. “A lot of the time, we stick to what we know and stay in the church but we have to come outside of the church and engage the community and get educated on different things like how to behave when cops stop you.” The movie, Riggins said, sheds light on a lot of the same issues and problems that are affecting Southeast Queens. Just like the film’s main char-

On Oct. 19, Christ Church International of Jamaica will be screening the 2013 drama, “Fruitvale Station,” to educate its parishioners and the Southeast Queens community about the correct protocol when pulled over or stopped by a police officer. This is the first time Christ Church International is holding any type of movie screening. Its goal is to reach out to the community in an innovative, productive and positive way. Kelly Riggins, the associate pastor at Christ Church International, was first introduced to the movie during a visit to a leadership conference in California. “It’s very intense just showing the life of a young Black man trying to get his life in order and move away from selling drugs,” Riggins said. “But it was very instrumental in showing us a message. We left there feeling a little bit numb.”

acter, many community residents are struggling to get by, find employment and make the right choices for their families. “There was a part where you saw he was trying to hustle, but he realized he needed his job back and he couldn’t get it back, so he was in another bind,” Riggins explained. “It touches a lot of areas of real life and there are parts that the people can relate to.” Riggins admits that the film is not for the faint of heart. The movie, which is Rated R, shows a lot of violence and sensitive imagery, which is why she felt it was important to screen the movie through a religious institution. “It made us numb, which is why I was so adamant that we played it in a religious setting,” she said. “After the movie, we do have a breathing exercise to calm down the audience. We are not showing the movie for violence, we are showing what could happen and what to do if it happens.”

Riggins also says she is hopeful that the film screening will spark a movement in her community. “I wanted to put this movie on so we can work on the next step of awareness. I’m looking at doing a walk in Queens with some of our sister churches in Harlem,” she said. “Often we stay in the same place. God instructs us to take care of one another and I think this is a positive way of reaching out to the community, the youth and the Black youth.” For additional information, contact Pastor Kelly Riggins or Sister Akea Lyels of Christ Church International at (347) 878-5290. The movie will be shown at the Jamaica Multiplex Cinemas, located at 159-02 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica. Tickets are $10. The movie will be shown from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

Notebook IS 59

IS 59 Launches All Dads’ Saturday Roundtable After hosting yet another successful “Dad Take Your Child to School Day,” the staff at IS 59 in Springfield Gardens, along with Minister Corey Terry, the executive director of Our Brothers Guardian, has decided to launch a spin-off program – the All Dads’ Saturday Roundtable, at the school. This marks the third time the school has attempted to launch a similar type of program and although it has not worked in the past, Sheryl Levertt, parent coordinator at IS 59, is confident that this year, the program will take off. “Three or four years ago, I had started a dad’s group here which didn’t jump off as well as they wanted to,” Leverett said. “We’ve actually tried it twice before but I think that this group is very energized and passionate. Between me and Mr. Terry, it’s always been a goal to bring back the fathers’ group.” The All Dads’ Saturday Roundtable will meet once a month for network and resource sharing. All fathers and father figures will have the opportunity to share their experiences and

Photo provided by Sheryl Leverett.


After hosting yet another successful “Dad Take Your Child to School Day,” the staff at IS 59 has decided to launch a spin-off program to help fathers deal with a variety of issues and challenges. struggles with one another in a safe and non-judgmental environment. A number of services, such as financial counseling, training and employment and legal aid will also be provided free of charge. “This will give them the chance to get together in a group and really just talk about the issues and share and find out some resources to help them,” Leverett said. “As a group of males, they find it easy to communicate and to relate. This is not only beneficial to them, it is beneficial for their children.”

Although Leverett does not feel that a sense of fatherhood is missing in the Southeast Queens community, in her 11 years at IS 59 she has realized that mothers tend to be more involved in their children’s lives than the fathers. She hopes that by relaunching the program, the dynamic will begin to shift. “I am a mom, so as a mom I can say that mothers tend to be here, a lot on the scene,” she explained. “In general, I think fatherhood is not as present as it could be and there is always room to do better.”

The All Dads’ Saturday Roundtable is a free program and is open to all fathers and father figures in the community. By keeping it open and free to the general public, Leverett said she feels that the participants will have a stronger voice in the community. “I think that if they can get together, they can have a stronger voice and a stronger presence. It’s a self-worth and self-strength that comes from joining together and sharing together – it trickles down to their children. I think they will take away a sense of camaraderie, a sense of neighborhood and community,” she said. For more information about the program, or to see how you can join, call Minister Corey Terry at (347) 560-1090 or email him at You may also call Sheryl Leverett at (718) 527-3501 ext. 1051 for more information. The year’s first meeting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at IS 59 in Springfield Gardens. IS 59 is located at 132-55 Ridgedale St. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

What’s Up oCt. 6 Urban Book Club Queens Central Library will review books from various genres, both fiction and non-fiction. Many of the books reviewed are urban-themed. Books are voted upon by club members. Supplementary activities are also incorporated into club meetings on a regular basis. Main Floor Meeting Room. First Sunday of every month. All are welcome to join. The book club is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library at 2:30 p.m.

p.m. VIP ticket holders are welcome to come to the center at 6 p.m. for a special VIP reception. The Jamaica Performing Arts Center is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave. VIP tickets are $150, general admission tickets are $100 and student tickets, which must be purchased with a valid student ID, cost $50. To purchase tickets, visit For more information about the Gala, visit or call (718) 6587400.

oCt. 7 Becoming a Mystery Writer

oCt. 12 Annual Luncheon

The Queens Library and the Mystery Writers of America will present “How I Became a Mystery Writer” at the Queens Central Library. Terrie Farley Moron, Laura Jon Rowland, Nancy Bilyeau and Joel Gomez-Dossi will all attend the event and discuss how they got into the genre of mystery writing. The event will take place at the Queens Central Library at 89-11 Merrick Blvd. in Jamaica. Admission is free. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. and run until 8 p.m. For more information, call the library at (718) 990-0700.

Eating for heart health Learn about good fats and bad fats, learn how to monitor your sodium levels and keep your cholesterol levels down at Queens Central Library. A dietitian will be on board to answer all your heart health questions. The program is free and will be held at the library at 7 p.m.

oCt. 9 Success Charter Academy Co-Location hearing The general public is invited to a public hearing to solicit comments regarding the co-location of Success Charter Academy with IS 59 and PS 176. Come prepared to discuss the pros and cons of this potential colocation. The hearing will be held at PS 40, located at 109-20 Union Hall St., Jamaica from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. It is free to attend.

oCt. 11 JCAL/JCAp Arts Gala On Friday, the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the Jamaica Performing Arts Center will hold its first-ever Spectacular Arts Gala designed to expose the community to the resources that are available to them – right in their backyard. The Gala will be held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 7

All are cordially invited to People United for a Better Community’s first annual luncheon. Join them as they pay tribute to Adrienne Eadie-Adams – Chair, Community Board 12; Dorrin Ferguson - Detective, 113th Precinct; Charles Norris – Bishop, Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church; Jo-Ann Gonzalez – Sergeant, 113th Precinct and Tanya Duhaney, Police Officer, 113th Precinct. For tickets, contact Bishop Melvin Artis at (718) 551-2575. Tickets are $65. The luncheon will be held at La Bella Vita from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. La Bella Vita is located at 106-09 Rockaway Blvd., Ozone Park.

St. Albans Congregational Church College Fair Mark your calendars now for the St. Albans Congregational Church 15th Annual College Fair. Do not miss the opportunity to hear from over 150 college representatives, participate in career counseling and workshops, learn more about financial aid and receive SAT/ACT testing tips. The Reverend Dr. Henry Simmons will be the guest speaker. For additional information, contact Rev. Gular Glover at (718) 657-8282. The College Fair will be held at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center is located at 172-17 Linden Blvd. It is free to attend.

personal Growth Educator Dr. Sharon Cadiz, author of “Traveling Directions for Women,” will lead an interactive workshop exploring strategies for personal growth and enrichment and creative ways to sustain your well-being. Books will be available for sale and signing. The free event will be held at Queens Central Library from 2 to 3 p.m. For more information, call (718) 990-0700.

oCt. 13 open Mic Night for poets

Author talk with Robert Kolker

Paolo Javier, the current Queens Borough Poet Laureate, is the author of four chapbooks and three full-length poetry collections, including “The Feeling Is Actual” (Marsh Hawk Press). He edits “2nd Ave Poetry,” and curates Queens Poet Lore, a roving literary series that takes place across the Borough. The free event will be held at the Queens Central Library from 2 to 3 p.m.

“Lost Girls” is a haunting and humanizing account of the true-life search for a serial killer still at large on Long Island. In a triumph of reporting, and in a riveting narrative, Robert Kolker presents the first detailed look at the shadow world of escorts in the Internet age, where making a living is easier than ever but the dangers remain all too real. Come and meet Kolker at the Queens Central Library from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The event is free.

oCt. 17 Fifty Shades Book Club

Singing Workshop

A new book discussion group begins this fall at Central Library. We will meet on the third Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to discuss popular works of fiction, such as Fifty Shades of Grey. No registration is required. It is free to attend.

Do you love to sing? Then join the musical director of Braata Productions for an afternoon singing workshop! Space is limited and the event is free. Preregistration is required, online or by calling (718) 990-0728. The workshop will be held at Queens Central Library from 3 to 4 p.m.

oCt. 19 “Fruitvale Station” Screening

oCt. 20 “Dance Macabre”

Christ Church International is pleased to present a showing of “Fruitvale Station.” During the events based on this true story, on January 1, 2009, the writer Rayan Coogler was in University of Southern California’s graduate program for Cinematic Arts. He was compelled to write this script about the last day of Oscar Grant’s life before being killed by a BART police officer. This movie was not written to promote riots or revenge but to seek acts of non-violence to insure a peaceful community. For additional information, contact Pastor Kelly Riggins or Sister Akea Lyels of Christ Church International at (347) 878-5290. The movie will be shown at the Jamaica Multiplex Cinemas located at 159-02 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica. Tickets are $10. The movie will be shown from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Not for the squeamish or faint of heart! A contemporary tribute to the theatrical horror genre comes to center stage with dance and plays that combine physical and psychological terror with a strong dose of humor. The show is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

oNGoiNG: Early Exposure to tennis tryouts Youth and Tennis Inc. will present their “Early Exposure to Tennis Program” for children ages 4-8. The tryouts will be held at the Roy Wilkins Tennis Courts located at the intersection of 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. Scholarships and partial scholarships will be available for the talented youth. For more information, call (718) 658-6728.

WhAt’S Up With YoU? Send your community events to the PRESS for a free listing at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357. Call (718) 357-7400 or email All events will be considered for publication, without a fee.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

Queens today

FRIDay 10/4 QUintEssEntiAL QUEEns

Queens College will hold an all-day conference called “Quintessential Queens: Celebrating America’s Fourth Largest City,” in a celebration and study of the Borough’s diversity, vitality and heritage. The all-day conference will feature discussions on Queens’ culture, natural landscape, history, neighborhoods and future. The conference costs $20 to attend and it includes lunch. For more information, call (718) 9973603, email qqc75@qc.cuny. edu or visit www.qc.cuny. edu/QuintessentialQueens/ Pages/default.aspx.

saTURDay 10/5

BEAUtiFiCAtion DAy


Help clean up and beautify your local street trees with Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Partnership for Parks, BIG!Compost, the Sunnyside/Woodside Boys and Girls Club, TreesNY, the Girls Scouts and New York Cares. Volunteers are needed and you are invited. Volunteers will add soil and mulch to tree pits, remove weeds and plant daffodil bulbs. These efforts will go a long way to beautify Queens Boulevard and Greenpoint Avenue, and ensure that our street trees stay healthy. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Nick Gulotta at gov. The clean-up starts at 10 a.m. under the Sunnyside Arch at 46-02 Queens Blvd.


Cuban artist, pianist and composer Manuel Valera will bring his New Cuban Express to Flushing Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. The free, first-come, first-served jazz performance will feature Yosvany Terry on sax, Ton Guarna on guitar, John Benitez on bass, Ludwig Afonso on drums and Mauricio Herrera on percussion.

The Emanuel United Church of Christ in Woodhaven will host its annual blessing of the pets at 11 a.m. There will also be a pumpkin patch after the ceremony. The church is located at 9312 91st Ave. in Woodhaven. To contact the church for more information, please call them at (718) 849-1153.

saTURDay 10/5

ContinEntAL AvE. spRUCE-Up

Join the Forest Hills Green Team as they clean up the tree pits on Continental and 71st avenues in Forest Hills on Saturday, Oct. 5. Volunteers will weed, dig, plant and mulch around trees. There is no experience necessary and it is open to all ages. Tools and work gloves will be provided. The event will run from 10 a.m. until noon. Volunteers will be meeting at the HSBC Bank on 71st Avenue. For information, please send an email to


Friends of the Ridgewood Library will host a fall fun day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring a flea market with more than 25 vendors,


free face painting, a free cartoonist and more. The event will take place outside the Ridgewood Library.

Singer Audra McDonald will start the season of Queens College’s Kupferberg Presents with a concert in Colden Auditorium. The Tony Award-winning Broadway legend will perform her favorite show-tunes as well as songs from her new album, “Go Back Home.” The show will run from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Ticket prices range from $30 to $89. For more information, visit son, Reba McEntire and Garth Brooks, playing hits from the musicians’ respective catalogs. For tickets and info, visit or call (718) 631-6311.

sUNDay 10/6


The Bayside Historical Society will hold its first annual Oktoberfest from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Celebrate at Fort Totten Castle with beer, bratwurst, pretzels and other traditional German foods and beverages. Attendees will be entertained by free music and games all day long. Admission to the festival is free, but reservations are suggested. Bayside Historical Society members will receive a free commemorative stein. For more information, call (718) 352-1548.

FALL FEstivAL CAR show A MovinG soUnD

Flushing Town Hall will present Taiwan-based world music group, A Moving Sound, at 7:30 p.m. The band combines traditional Chinese instruments and melodic themes with modern compositions and musical experimentation. Tickets cost $15 for members, $10 for students and $20 for general admission.

ALL-stAR CoUntRy tRiBUtE

The Queensborough Performing Arts Center will hold an “All-Star Country” tribute concert at 8 p.m. Costing $35, this show will feature look-alikes of Dolly Parton, Willie Nel-

The East Coast Car Association will host their annual car festival show at the Forest Park Bandshell in Woodhaven. Come by and look at antique and specialty vehicles. There will also be trophies and door prizes handed out at the event. There is also an optional $20 donation you can give at the show. All donations will go to St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children. The show will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call Bob at (917) 385-2322 or call Lou at (917) 682-5362.

whAt’s nEw?

If you want to learn more about Long Island City, take the tour, sponsored by Community Board 2 and Long Island City Part-

nership. During the tour, you will walk from Queens Plaza to the East River waterfront. It will be an opportunity to learn about the rezoning and demographic change in the community. You will also see a lively arts community and restaurant scene that has developed. The tour starts at 4 p.m. at the fare booth on the lowest level of the Queensboro Plaza station. The fee is $15. For more information, visit id=7.

moNDay 10/7 MystERy wRitERs

The Queens Library and the Mystery Writers of America will present “How I Became a Mystery Writer” at the Queens Central Library. Terrie Farley Moron, Laura Jon Rowland, Nancy Bilyeau and Joel Gomez-Dossi will all attend the event and discuss how they got into the genre of mystery writing. The event will take place at the Queens Central Library at 89-11 Merrick Blvd. in Jamaica. Admission is free. It will begin at 6:30 a.m. and run until 8 p.m. For more information, call the library at (718) 990-0700.

TUEsDay 10/8 noRMAn RUsh

National Book Awardwinning author Norman Rush will be interviewed by Leonard Lopate as part of Queens College’s Evening Readings series. Taking place in LeFrak Concert Hall at 7 p.m., Rush will be read-

ing from his work, which includes the forthcoming book “Subtle Bodies.” Tickets can be purchased for $20 at the box office the evening of the event.

sMALL BUsinEss sEMinAR

If you want to learn how the Small Business Administration can help your business, then you must attend the seminar starting at noon. Man-Li Kuo Lin, an economic development specialist from New York District Office of U.S. Small Business Administration, will present ways in which SBA can assist small business owners. The seminar will take place at 41-26 27th St., Long Island City. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Man-li.

WEDNEsDay 10/9


Looking to learn what’s ahead in the fight for LGBT marriage equality in the aftermath of the recent Supreme Court decisions. The evening will consist of speakers, including Mariko Hirose of the New York Civil Liberties Union, Elizabeth “Ez” Cukor of the New York Legal Assistance Group, and Moderated by CUNY Law Professor Richard Storrow. The seminar will take place the CUNY School of Law, located 2 Court Square in Long Island City starting at 6 p.m. For more information, visit index.html.

Got EvEnts?

send all information to or mail to: 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, Ny 11357

Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Queens Today Section editor: reGinA VoGeL

Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

tALK BASKetBALL Saturday, october 5 “Basketball Slave: Andy Johnson Harlem Globetrotter Story” discussed with the author at the Central library at 2:30. KoreAn BooK Monday, october 7 McGoldrick library at 1. WindSor PArK Monday, oc tober 7 “A Week in Winter” discussed at 2. LeFrAK citY Monday, october 7 First Monday Book Club at 6. ArcHitectUre Mondays, october 7, 21, 28 at 6:30 at the Flushing library. FLUSH.reMonStrAnce tuesday, october 8 Queens Village library at 2. WHiteStone tuesday, october 8 “Isaac’s Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History” discussed at 2. retireMent thursday, october 10 “Planning Your Great Escape” at the Hillcrest library t 2. GLendALe t h u r s d ay, o c to b e r 1 0 “Strength in What Remains” discussed at the Glendale library at 6.

SeniorS Senior FitneSS through november 1 tennis and yoga. Call 760-6999 for 0065act times and locations. cPr Monday, october 7 Sunnyside library at 2. AArP4158 tuesday, october 8 North F l u s h i n g c h a p te r 4 1 5 8 meets at noon at Church on the Hill, 167-07 35 th Avenue, Flushing. New members and visitors welcome. deFenSiVe driVinG tuesday, october 8 Auburndale library. Register. YoGA thursdays, october 10, 17 Flushing library at 1.

teenS cHeSS cLUB Saturdays Flushing library at 2. Wii GAMeS Mondays and Fridays McGoldrick library at 5:30. tHeAter WorKSHoP tuesday, october 8 Bayside library at 4. teen AdViSorY tuesday, october 8 Flushing library at 4. ArAB AMericAn tuesday, october 8 ArabAmerican stories and live music at 6 at the Flushing library. ArtS & crAFtS tuesdays & Fridays 5:30 at the McGoldrick library. needLeWorK cLUB tuesdays through november 26 Bayside library at 4. Green crAFtS Wednesday, oc tober 9 Steinway library at 4. decoUPAGe BrAceLet Wednesday, oc tober 9 Pomonok library at 4:30. cHeSS cLUB Wednesdays, october 9, 16, 23 Queens Village library at 3:30. BoArd GAMeS Wednesdays 5:30 McGol-

drick library. Green crAFtS t h u r s d ay, o c to b e r 1 0 Woodside library at 3. ScrABBLe cLUB thursdays through november 26 East Flushing library at 3:30. Wii GAMeS thursdays, october 10, 17, 24, 31 5:30 at the McGoldrick library. cHeSS cLUB thursdays through november 21 East Flushing library at 4:30. BooK BUddieS Fridays through november 22 Bayside library at 4. teen FUn HoUr Fridays, oc tober 11, 25 Jackson Heights library at 4. crocHet Fridays, october 11, 18, 25 Woodside library at 5:30. teen HAPPY HoUr Fridays through november 29 Flushing library at 4. cHeSS cLUB Fridays through november 22 Woodside library at 4. HiSPAnic FeSt S a t u r d ay, o c to b e r 1 2 Langston Hughes library starting at 11.

YoUtH cHeSS cLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. crAFt tiMe Mondays, october 7, 21, 28, november 4, 11 Steinway library at 11. MotHer GooSe Monday, october 7 11:15 at t he Douglaston and Ridgewood libraries. FAMiLY StorYtiMe Mondays, october 7, 121, 28, november 4, 18 Auburndale library at 3:30. SoLAr one tuesdays, october 1, 8, 15 Astoria library at 4:30. eco crAFtS tuesday, october 8 LIC library at 3:30. PenGUin eXPLoreS tuesday, october 8 Broadway library at 4:30. oriGAMi tuesdays Richmond Hill library at 5. ArtS & crAFtS tuesdays at the North Hills library at 2:15. nAtUre KidS tuesdays Sunnyside library at 3:00 and Woodside li-

enVironMent LeAFdroP tuesdays, oc tober 8 at 5:15. Saturdays, october 12at 10:30 and 1. Broadway, Steinway, Sunnyside and Wood-side libraries. Bring your bags of leaves to be turned into mulch.

brary at 4:15. BooK BUddieS tuesdays through november 26 Windsor Park library at 4. eco crAFtS Wednesday, oc tober 9 Broadway library at noon. PreScHooL crAFt Wednesday, oc tober 9 Windsor Park librar y at 1:30. oriGAMi SHAPeS Wednesday, october 9 East Elmhurst library at 4:30. crAFtiVitieS Wednesdays through november 27 East Flushing library. Register. KniGHtS oF QUeenS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. FAMiLY StorYtiMe t h u r s d ay, o c to b e r 1 0 Steinway library at 11:30. ScArY StorieS t h u r s d ay, o c to b e r 1 0 4 at the Queens Village library. Wednesday, october 16 Briarwood library at 4.

FLeA MArKetS FLeA MArKet Saturday, october 5 St. Mark’s Church, 82nd Street and 34 th Avenue, Jackson Heights from 9-4. FLeA MArKet Saturday, october 5 Our Lady of Hope, Eliot Avenue and 71st Street, Middle Village 9-5.

edUcAtion/GAMeS/crAFtS MAtH For AdULtS Saturdays, october 5, 12, 19, 26, november 2 LIC library at 10. Wire ScULPtinG Saturday, october 5 Steinway library. Register. MAtH For AdULtS Mondays through november 25 LIC library at 5:30. BALLrooM dAncinG Mondays, october 7, 28 Forest Hills library at 6:30. BeLLY dAncinG Mondays, october 7, 21, 28, november 4 Broadway library at 1. oFFice SUite Mondays, october 7, 21, 28, november 4, 18, 25 Poppenhusen library at 1. JoB SeArcH Mondays free job search and computer help every Monday 11-2 at the Astoria library. BridGe Mondays except holidays 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 4236200. AdULt cHeSS Mondays and thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. BeLLY dAncinG tuesday, october 8 North Forest Park library. Register. deFenSiVe driVinG

tuesday, october 8 Auburndale library. Register. Pc BASicS tuesdays, october 8, 22 Ridgewood library. Register. tecHnoLoGiSt iS in tuesdays through november 26 Pomonok library. Register for 30 minute appointment. coMPUter cLASS tuesdays, october 8, 15, 22, 29 sponsored by NY Cares at 5:45 at the Woodside library BeGin coMPUterS tuesday, october 8 Flushing library at 10. BeLLY dAncinG tuesday, october 8 North Forest Park library. Register. FAceBooK tuesday, october 8 Flushing library at 6. intro Word PoetrY WritinG tuesdays, october 8, 22 Langston Hughes library at 5:30. BeGin coMPUterS Wednesdays, october 9, 16, 23 Windsor Park library at 11:30. BeGin internet Wednesday, oc tober 9 Central library at 9:30. JoB SKiLLS Wednesday, oc tober 9 Central library at 10.

entertAinMent AMAZinG MAiZe MAZe Weekends through october 27 maze and pumpkin patch 11-4:30. $9. Queens County Farm Museum, 7350 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park. 347-FARM. red VioLin Saturday, october 5 Musica Reginae Productions presents “Red Mendelssohn” at Church in the Gardens, 50 Ascan Avenue, Forest Hills at 7:30. $20 adults. 894-2178. PUMPKin PAtcH Saturday, october 5 9-4 All Saints Church, 214-35 40th Avenue, Bayside. coUntrY triBUte Saturday, october 5 tribute singers for Dolly Parton, Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Willie Nelson at 8 at Queensborough Community College. 631-6311. AUtHor eXPo Saturday, october 5 Peninsula library at 1. en diABLAdA BAnd Saturday, october 5 Flushing library at 1:30. BeLLe oF AMHerSt Saturday, october 5 Forest Hills library at 2:30. MonA LiSA Sunday, october 6 “Who Stole the Mona Lisa?” at the Lefrak Concert Hall at Queens College at 3. $20,

seniors $10, Kids 13 and under $10. 793-8080. GAteKeePerS Sunday, october 6 “The Gatekeepers” f ilm with English subtitles at 2 at the Rosenthal Library 230 at Queens College. 9975730. KicKoFF to FALL Sunday, october 6 11-4. Apples, fresh cider, apple pie. Free. Queens County Farm Museum, 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park. 347-FARM. MoVie tuesday, october 8 “Warm Bodies.” tuesday, november 12 “Quartet.” tuesday, december 10 “Identity Thief.” Queens Village library at 3. triBUte tuesday, october 8 tribute to Sinatra, Manilow, Sedaka and more at 3 at the Poppenhusen library. ArAB AMericAn tuesday, october 8 ArabAmerican stories and a live concert at 6 at the Flushing library. SePHArdic APProAcH Wednesday, oc tober 9 “A Sephardic Approach to Tradition and Modernity” at 7:30 at Rosenthal Library 230 at Queens College. 997-5730.

WAtercoLor Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.969-1128. MicroSoFt oFFice thursdays, october 10, 17, 24, 31 Poppenhusen library at noon. BeGin coMPUterS thursdays, oc tober 10, 17, 24 Ozone Park library. Register. JoB StrAteGieS thursdays, october 10, 31 Flushing library at 3. MocK interVieWS thursdays, october 10, 17, 24, 31 Central library at 9. citiZen cLASS thursdays, oc tober 10, 17, 31 Broadway library at 11:30. BUtton JeWeLrY thursday, october 10 Whitestone library. Register. PHotoGrAPHY thursdays, october 10, 17, 24, 31 Life and the Opposites: A Photography Series. Flushing library at 6. LeArn cHineSe thursdays North Forest Park library at 6. intro coMPUterS Fridays, october 11, 18, 25 Poppenhusen library at noon.

MeetinGS AcAdeMY cHArter Monday, october 7, Central Queens Academy Charter School meeting 7-9:30 at 5530 Junction Blvd., Elmhurst. 261-6200 to register. ScrABBLe cLUB tuesday, oc tober 8 East Flushing library at 3:30. Knit & crocHet tuesdays, october 8, 15 Windsor Park library at 2. needLeWorK cLUB tuesdays, october 8, 15 Bayside library at 4. ScrABBLe cLUB tuesday, oc tober 8 Bellerose library at 5:30. teLePHone Pion. tuesday, october 8 Telephone Pioneers of America meet in College Point. 4634535. AdMin. ProFS tuesday, october 8 Queens County Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals meet at 6:30 at Bourbon Street Restaurant in Bayside. 357-7887. 98tH St. BLocK ASSn. thursday, october 10 East Elmhurst library at 6. KnittinG cLUB Fridays, october 11, 18, 25 Maspeth library at 11. cHeSS cLUB Fridays, oc tober 11, 18 Woodside library at 4. LA LecHe LeAGUe Friday, october 11 Forest Hills library at 2.

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 4-10, 2013

Hairstyles Are Like Father, Like Son

Comment Consequences It looks like Bobby Valentine comments about the Yankees’ absence after 9/11 has cost him some money in his wallet. According to a report, the former Mets manager was set to be an analyst for TBS’ coverage of this year’s MLB playoffs, but has been canned because of the comments he made. Last month, Valentine said the Yankees were not seen in public in the immediate time after the planes hit the towers on 9/11. “You couldn’t find a Yankee on the streets of New York City. You couldn’t find a Yankee down at Ground Zero, talking to the guys who were working 24/7,” he said during an appearance on WFAN radio last month.

In addition to various reports disproving Valentine’s bizarre rant, TBS has elected to move in another direction, going with Tom Verducci and Pedro Martinez, who was a starter on the Mets from 2005 until 2008, as analysts for their playoff coverage. Although we’re sure Valentine will be fine money-wise, as he still has his job as Athletic Director at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut, the comments cost him a chance to get some face time on TV and maybe, although it seems doubtful at this point, get consideration for a manager’s job in Major League Baseball. The old adage “think before you speak” applies here.

Nicki's Blue Light Special If you are looking to add some color to your wardrobe, you must check out Queens’ rapper Nicki Minaj’s new clothing line at Kmart. Actually, let me rephrase, adding some color to your wardrobe is an understatement. The 13 looks Minaj posted of herself on her Instagram includes six dresses and five matching top and bottom combos. She makes ripped jeans look R-rated and bright animal print with skin-tight pants look over the top gaudy. Minaj said since her fans can’t afford the brand names she rocks, she wants to give them a clothing line they can afford. We thank her for being so considerate, but really, who models their own clothing line? No one! However, we do give her credit for being “real” enough to admit she will wear what she sells to her fans.

Mark Lane



Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s son, Dante, was in the news for his hairdo almost every week inching up to the Primary. Some may even argue that Dante’s afro helped his dad seal the Democratic nomination for New York City Mayor. And it appears as though Dante took his style after his father, formerly Bill Wilhelm. Pictured in this photo is a scruffy de Blasio in his New York University yearbook photo. De Blasio completes his suave 70s look with a matching beard and lost gaze. We here at QConf can’t help but wonder if Dante’s fro was such a hit, why did dad lose the winning do?

writers OF QUeeNs

Daddy Issues

Talk about kicking someone when he’s down. While basketball player and South Jamaica native Lamar Odom has been struggling with drug addiction and marital problems, his father has blamed his woes on his marriage to Khloe Kardashian. Joe Odom gave an interview to gossip website RadarOnline. com where he said that the marriage was the “worst mistake” his son had ever made. “It's simple,” he said. “They brought him down. He would be better off without them. Let him go and get his life together.” From there, the elder Odom attacked Kris Jenner, Khloe's mother, as well, saying she tried to push Lamar out of the marriage. Lamar did not take the interview lying down, responding to the interview his dad gave on Twitter. “He wasn't there 2 raise me. He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons,” he said. We’ll see you next time on “As Lamar Odom Turns.”

Mark Lane of Little Neck has a long-time passion with the written word. He takes his life’s observations and experiences from home and work and transforms them into humorous anecdotes and short tales that blend in some fiction. He enjoys “turning the real into the surreal,” with endings that often have an Alfred Hitchcock style twist. “My style? It's just my personality coming out. I'm more reserved in person,” he said. “Writing really gives me a venue to display my imagination.” When it comes to his comedic pieces, Lane talked about the various comedians he has seen throughout his 63 years. Their style and humor have left an impact on him and his writing. “ I loved most of the standup comics over the years, seeing just about every name from Rodney Dangerfield, Billy Crystal, Robert Klein, Jerry Seinfeld, Howie Mandel, too many to list,” he said. “Actually, one stands out in my mind, Steven Wright. I liked the humor you need to think about for a second, plus his deadpan way of delivering.”

Lane has lived in Little Neck his whole life and began writing as a teenager. Back then, he used to put together stories using his friends as the participants. His main form of writing though was in a letter format. “On vacations, I used to write humorous lengthy letters to friends describing my traveling and what and where I was visiting,” Lane said. “My wife saved some old letters I used to write her when we were just friends and she was just another person I wrote to.” Married for 28 years with one daughter, Lane managed a family pharmacy for years and now works for a national sales and marketing company in supermarkets. Writing gives him an outlet for the various occurrences in his day-to-day life. Lane said he often writes on social sites dedicated to creative writers like him. “These are short pieces I write. These social sites mostly for baby boomers have really given me a great way to share my writing,” Lane said. “I'm on every day, enjoying the responses I get and befriending folks online who have been so encouraging over the years."

Who's Got Talent Got Talent? Talented individuals of all kinds should email for inclusion in a future edition. QConf is edited by: Steven J. Ferrari Contributors: Luis Gronda, Natalia Kozikowska, Joe Marvilli, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Michael Nussbaum, Trisha Sakhuja, Michael Schenkler.





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Oct. 4-10, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

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At an IAS Part 7 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Queens, at the Courthouse at 8811 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, State of New York on the 9th day of September 2013 PRESENT: HON. DAVID ELLIOT INDEX NO. 10657/13 JESSE C. DAVENPORT III, JOHN RIVERS, STEPHANIE MCCRAE, NICOLE FRIDAY, and CYNTHIA ABRAHAM, Trustees of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Petitioner, To Dissolve BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Pursuant to New York Notfor-Profit Corp. Law § 1102(a)(2)(A) UPON reading and filing the petition of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC. verified by JESSEE C. DAVENPORT III, JOHN RIVERS, STEPHANIE MCCRAE, NICOLE FRIDAY and CYNTHIA ABRAHAM all Trustees of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., and the affidavit JESSE C. DAVENPORT III, the affirmations of EVERETT HOPKINS, ESQ. affirmed the 9th day of August 2013 and ANDREW P TUREAUD ESQ. af-

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firmed the 12th Day of August 2013, all annexed hereto, and upon all prior pleadings had herein; LET, all persons interested show cause at the Centralized Motion Part of this Court, to be held in and for the County of Queens, at the Supreme Court, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, NY on the 7th day of November, 2013, at 2:15 in the afternoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard WHY an order should not be granted dissolving BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Inc. and authorizing petitioners to sell the real property known as 109-50 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, New York, 11434 residing in the County of Queens, City and State of New York, Block 10189, Lot 8 & 19 pursuant to a contract of sale dated February 25, 2011 and WHY an order should not be granted immediately authorizing petitioner, a religious corporation organized and existing under Article 10 of the Religious Corporations law of the State of New York, to hereby sell the property known as 109-50 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica New York, 11434 residing in the County of Queens, City and State of New York, Block 10189, Lot 8 & 19 in accordance with the provisions of

the Contract of Sale of One Million Five Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars and no cents, and to pay all closing costs and fees; and SUFFICIENT CAUSE appearing therefore, let service of a copy of this order giving notice of the petition upon all interested parties by publication once per week for four consecutive weeks in Southeast Queens Press 718-357-7400 a newspaper published in the County of Queens on or before October 24, 2013, be deemed due and sufficient service hereof. ENTER DAVID ELLIOT Justice of the Supreme Court



Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Queens County on JUN 05 2013 bearing Index Number NC000359-13/QU, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, grants me the right to: Assume the name of (First) Abigail (Middle) Christine-Elizabeth (Last) Morris My present name is (First) Christine (Middle) Abigail-Elizabeth (Last) Morris (infant) My present address is 190-08 117th Rd., Saint Albans, NY 11412 My place of birth is Manhattan My date of birth is October 17, 2002

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