Press epaper 101113

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Volume 14 Issue No. 41 Oct. 11-17, 2013

PRESS Photo by Natalia Kozikowska

COMMUNITY CLEANING Councilman Donovan Richards and the DOE Fund announce an initiative to expand clean-up efforts on Merrick Boulevard. By Natalia Kozikowska ‌ Page 3.

Online at

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

News Briefs CB 9 and 10 Approve Ozone Park Rezoning






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The proposed Ozone Park rezoning was given a seal of approval from two community boards last week, as Community Boards 9 and 10 both voted for the measure. The proposal would change the zoning for residential and business properties of 530 blocks in Ozone Park to promote new types of businesses to open in the area, like on Liberty and 101st avenues and Rockaway Boulevard, while still maintaining its current character in residential neighborhoods like South Ozone Park and Tudor Village. The rezoning is split between the two Community Boards that cover Ozone Park, about 318 blocks in CB 10 and approximately 212 blocks within CB 9’s region, and it has not been updated since 1961. Thomas Smith, a Dept. of City Planning representative who gave a presentation on the proposal to both community boards before they voted, said the problem with the current zoning is that it does not differentiate between commercial areas and the residential streets that many people live on and the rezoning aims to keep commercial businesses from opening in residential areas. “So you can see the same type of development happening on Liberty Avenue as you could on the residential side streets next to it,” he said. Smith also said the increase of the foreign-born population in Ozone Park was another factor in rezoning the neighborhood. Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) praised DCP for making the neighborhood a priority when it came with rezoning and it will have a positive impact on Ozone Park’s future. “If you are born and raised in Ozone Park or you lived in Ozone Park for a long time, you will know that this is

our time,” he said. “This is our way to finally protect the residential character and integrity of our community, while also allowing for the strengthening of commercial areas and stimulating economic development.” A DCP spokesperson said the rezoning still needs to be approved by the Queens Borough President, the City Planning Commission and the City Council before it goes into effect.

Murray Endorsed By Fire Marshall Benevolent Association

The New York City Fire Marshall Benevolent Association endorsed Scherie Murray earlier this week. According to a press release announcing the endorsement, the Association endorsed Murray because of her strong work ethic. “Instead of shouting from the crowds, Scherie has stepped to take on the task of representing the southeast district. Her strong work ethic will make a strong impact in improving the quality of life in the 31st District,” said William Kregler, president of the FMBA. Murray is running against incumbent Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton). The 31st District covers Rosedale, Laurelton, Springfield Gardens and parts of Far Rockaway.

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PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


DOE Fund Plans Merrick Blvd.Clean-Up BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

Photo by Natalia Kozikowska

After successfully helping the Rockaways curb its trash problem, the DOE Fund has expanded its efforts to Merrick Boulevard in Laurelton. The initiative, which began three weeks ago, was funded by Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton) in an effort to restore Merrick Boulevard and to ensure that the strip reflects the beauty of the community. “One of the biggest problems we’ve incurred over the past few years is the problem of garbage. Certain days, it looks like a pigsty on this boulevard and it does not reflect the beauty of this community,” said Richards at Tuesday’s press conference. “It also hurts our small businesses, because who wants to stop in a store with garbage literally outside of the store?” The DOE Fund is strategically scheduled to do clean-ups from 219th Street to Francis Lewis Boulevard on Fridays and Sundays, in addition to the Dept. of Sanitation’s scheduled pickup days. But the Councilman made it clear that the DOE Fund is not supplementing the work of the DOS. “I want to be clear that although I am funding this program, sanitation still

Councilman Donovan Richards and former Mayoral candidate George McDonald announce plans to bring the DOE Fund to Laurelton. has a job to do and that job is to ensure that store owners are keeping their store fronts clean,” he warned. “We are not going to subsidize you being lazy. We want you to also do your part.” Richards also warned community residents and store owners that the initiative should not serve as an excuse or reason to litter or violate laws set forth by the DOS. “If they [community members] feel they must throw their trash in City waste baskets because they are too lazy to put it out on trash day –

we are going to call the City to increase fines on you,” he said. The DOE Fund, founded by former Republican mayoral candidate George McDonald, is a nonprofit organization which provides paid transitional work, housing and employment opportunities to people with histories of homelessness, incarceration and substance abuse – giving them a second chance at life. “I can tell you from my personal experience after all these years, that if you give someone an opportunity, they will

go out and straighten up, nine out of 10 times,” said McDonald at the press conference. “It’s our responsibility, as people who are privileged enough to serve the public of this great City, to provide them with that opportunity.” And Victor Pacheco, one of the two men selected to do the clean-ups along Merrick Boulevard, is a prime example of McDonald’s theory. “I’m out of the projects in the Bronx area. There are some unhealthy neighborhoods, and I’ve been involved with some unhealthy people – selling drugs and doing some unhealthy things,” Pacheco said. “A friend of mine had told me about the DOE Fund and how it was a good place and it changed his life. He gave me the address, I did the necessary things and it helped me turn my life around.” Although the initiative is still fairly new to Laurelton, Richards already revealed his plans to bring the DOE Fund to Rosedale and parts of Springfield Gardens – areas that he believes are also plagued by trash. To learn more about the DOE Fund, visit Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

LIFE Camp Still Waiting On Much-Needed Cash LIFE Camp, an anti-gun initiative with an office on Sutphin Boulevard, is still waiting on a much-needed grant that the group was awarded by the City more than a year ago. After successfully lobbying for $500,000 to start LIFE Camp’s CureViolence program from the New York City Council, Erica Ford, founder of the intervention program, opened an office at 111-12 Sutphin Blvd. and hired 12 staffers. But the group, which has been tackling senseless shootings and deaths in South Jamaica – one of the most crime-ridden areas in Queens – is still owed more than $130,000 in grant money and as a result, the organization has fallen behind on rent and has been unable to pay its employees. “You have people volunteering – people who really believe in the cause and then you introduce money into the situation, make a promise to pay people and it takes a long while for people to get paid … people really lose their belief in the entire thing,” explained Almitra

Gasper, LIFE Camp’s proery day and the constant gram manager. response is, ‘It’s coming, “In my community, people it’s coming – just wait.’ are already walking around But they can not say what with a considerable level of date,” she said. “There is discouragement,” she added. no absolute time that it’s “People still have to deal going to happen or if its with the bills they have to even going to happen. Nopay or other financial oblibody over there knows.” gations. We had people that In the meantime, quit their jobs – people who LIFE Camp has turned have made choices based on to Queens-born entreprethe promise that they are get- Erica Ford and volunteers stand near their CureViolence neur Russell Simmons ting a salary and now, they office on Sutphin Boulevard last year. and the Internet for some have to leave.” help. Gasper, who has been Earlier this month, working on a volunteer basis, is also while it waits for the grant. But the Simmons launched a fundraising concerned that the credibility of the company that used to fund the orga- campaign for the organization on organization will be questioned as a nization is no longer willing to front the popular website, Crowdtilt. To cash. result of the delay. date, the website has raised nearly “It has left us looking for someone $40,000 in funds, with the hope of “I have taken time to study the process so I know where the account- else to do that and quite frankly, they securing $100,000. ability lies, but most people just seem to be the only game in town To donate, visit www.crowdtilt. blame the organization,” she said. that’s able to front the money,” said com/campaigns/give-life-to-life-camp“And it’s a disservice to the organiza- Gasper. no-more-bullets-in-the-hood. Gasper and LIFE Camp’s voluntion and the communities that they For more information regarding teers have contacted the City on multi- CureViolence, visit www.peaceisalserve.” In previous years, LIFE Camp ple occasions and have still not gotten or call (646) 258-0936. has relied on a private company to a clear answer as to when the organiReach Reporter Natalia Kozikowsoffer the group with a bridge loan – a zation will see its promised money. ka at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or “We speak to the City almost ev- short-term loan, to fund its programs Photo by Natalia Kozikowska


Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

Queens Leaders Slam Proposed Co-Locations


Photo by Ira Cohen

On Tuesday, more than a dozen local leaders gathered on the steps of Queens Borough Hall to protest the Dept. of Education’s proposed colocations in the Borough beginning the 2014-2015 school year. Elected officials, community board members and representatives from the United Federation of Teachers each slammed the proposals, which they fear will have a devastating impact on New York City public school students, teachers and parents. “Once again, the Bloomberg administration is trying to implement policies in our schools without understanding the consequences – without understanding the impact on people,” said organizer and Deputy Majority Leader, Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans). The DOE has proposed 23 colocations in Queens within the next four years – one of which would place an elementary school inside a high school while another would place three schools in the same building. “The Dept. of Education should not take space and resources from the children in its traditional schools in order to provide those things to a se-

More than a dozen local leaders protested the DOE’s 23 proposed co-locations in the Borough.

lect group of other students,” Queens Borough President Helen Marshall said in a statement. “But all too often, that is what co-location does. That’s why I join with the Queens Delegation of the City Council in speaking out against the DOE’s extensive colocation plans for Queens.” The timing of the proposals, just two-and-a-half months before Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s 12-year regime will come to an end, had many protestors convinced that the administration is trying to impose its will on students long after they leave office. “It’s important to note, especially

for the press, that this is going to be a new administration in two-and-a-half months,” said Democratic candidate for Borough president, Melinda Katz. “To do co-locations now, which sets the policy for a long time to come – it really just doesn’t make sense. Let’s wait until January to have the discussions. It is crazy to do this now.” “We need a change, and it’s outrageous that the new administration will be hindered and saddled with these old ideas when we want reforms in our education system,” echoed Councilman Mark Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens). “We will be

working hard together, all of us in Queens, to make sure our Mayor doesn’t try to force his old policies on our new administration.” Before the DOE can propose a school co-location, it is required to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement to study its impact. While some argued that the DOE is not doing enough to make the statements as easily assessable to parents as they should be, others, like Councilman Ruben Wills (D-Jamaica) claimed that the EIS statements were simply inaccurate. “We have the EIS statement now – they are trying to put an elementary school inside August Martin [High School] and everything that they have in their EIS statement is totally untrue,” Wills said. “If you do not want to affect enrollment or the educational options of the students currently at August Martin – how is that possible? What you’re saying is a lie, automatically from the start. If you bring down enrollment to 800 children and you’re stopping the options we have put in, then you’re affecting enrollment.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

Church To Hold Annual Domestic Violence Walk On Oct. 12, New Hope Lutheran Church in Jamaica will hold its 11th Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk to shed light and educate community residents about domestic violence. The walk, which is strategically scheduled in October during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, is part of a large-scale effort to combat domestic violence in America. Every year, New Hope Lutheran distributes educational pamphlets to the Southeast Queens community – where domestic violence arrests are most prevalent in the Borough. “Our goal is to save a life in some small way by educating people,” said Ophelia Coleman, the church’s evangelism committee chairperson and event organizer. “We will be distributing material that tells people about the resources available to them if they find themselves, or know a friend or relative involved in a domestic violence relationship.” The Domestic Violence Awareness Walk is open to all who wish to attend, including the youth and men, who also fall victim to domestic violence but are often swept under the rug because they do not

Photo provided by New Hope Lutheran Church


Every year, New Hope Lutheran Church in Jamaica holds a Domestic Violence Awareness walk to educate community residents. make up a majority of statistics. “People forget, but men can be victims of domestic violence too,” Coleman said. “And we also like to bring awareness to our youth. The youth that is out there, they may think they are in love but its not love – it’s usually a control issue, which will ultimately result in domestic violence, one way or another.” According to the Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s website, every nine seconds in America, a woman is assaulted or beaten and

around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Domestic violence is also the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined. “Sometimes people that are involved in the situation do not fully understand what they have and what resources are available to them,” she added. “They don’t know that they don’t have to remain in that relation-

ship – they can get out and make a better life for themselves.” Coleman has long been involved in bringing awareness to the cause, especially after having seen friends fall victim to domestic violence. “I’ve been very, very close with people that just didn’t understand that they were being abused,” she said. “That’s why this event, and the educational component, is so important to bring to the people. Hopefully, they will be able to pass along the information to friends and family and co-workers and neighbors.” The Domestic Violence Awareness walk is scheduled to take place at 9:15 a.m. and will meet at New Hope Lutheran Church. New Hope Lutheran Church is located at 167-24 118th Ave., Jamaica. For more information about the walk, you may call the church office at (718) 528-0453. If you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation, you may call the New York State office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-942-6906 or visit to learn more. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

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A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

Editorial Senseless Solutions There have been few educational solutions that have caused more controversy than the co-location proposals that have plagued this City, if any. And now, with just weeks left of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s third and final term, the Dept. of Education has proposed 23 more over the next four years. These co-locations seem to be a disruptive influence within the educational facilities where they are to be implemented. Teachers and administrators dislike them, as do parents, as placing more than one school within one building can create a divide between students and the resources they need to learn. Instead of putting resources toward creating new schools, training new administrators and splitting these schools up into pieces, we should be putting these resources towards education, using resources for the schools that already exist and ensuring that kids are taught in the best possible way. With only weeks to go before we get a new Mayor, we should not be pushing through the old one’s policies for the future. Hopefully, the next Mayor will have a better solution.

Letters Israel: Time For Vote To End Shutdown

To the Editor: There’s a lot of blame and finger pointing for the recent federal government shutdown. Today I’m offering a common-sense solution. Originally, House Republicans in the majority offered a resolution to temporarily continue governing operations. It had two conditions: Fund the government at a level that many Democrats felt was insufficient; and defund and delay the Affordable Care Act. I could not support both of those conditions, particularly using a shutdown of the federal government to effectively repeal the Affordable Care Act. Now I have been advancing a common-sense compromise that would reopen the federal government immediately. We should vote on a budget that agrees to the original funding level proposed by Republicans, but does not defund or repeal the Affordable Care Act. This extension would give us the time to negotiate long-term budget issues while keeping our government open. If you are on the far right, you will disagree with me that we should not defund or repeal the Affordable Care Act. If you are on the far left, you will disagree with me that we should accept, even temporar-

ily, the Republican-proposed budget levels. However, I believe that most people whom I represent do not want to use the Affordable Care Act to shut down services they are paying for with tax dollars, and they expect that I will work hard and responsibly to keep the government open while negotiating our differences. I believe that there are enough votes in Congress today to pass this compromise immediately. I have urged Republican Speaker John Boehner to just bring it to a vote. People can vote for it or against it, but we owe the American people a vote. Steve Israel, U.S. Congressman 3rd District

Blame Both Sides

To The Editor: In the Oct. 3-9 issue, there was a letter from Tyler Cassell relaying his experiences of receiving emails mocking President Obama and Democrats, and his claims of having left speechless acquaintances when defending policies of this administration. Tyler, I have news for you. I’ve had the same experiences. There are readers, such as yourself, who write letters to this fine newspaper. Week after week, the same writers use that as a forum to endlessly knock Republicans, the Tea Party, conservatives, and their policies.

Letters I, too, get emails ridiculing and mocking Republicans, Joe Lhota, the Tea Party, and their opposition to Obamacare. I will remind you that Obamacare remains unpopular even among many Democrats. My employer has told me that once implemented it will cost him dearly, and he may very likely have to let workers go. More unemployment, more dissatisfaction. Alas, the program is not the silver bullet the Democrats, liberals, Bill Maher, many one-sided news networks and Nancy Pelosi have made it out to be. I’ve tried to discuss this with some of my more left-wing friends, but they refused to listen. As for those who you disagree with being unable to answer, I have had the same response. I ask Democrats why I can’t be allowed guns to defend myself and family, but it is perfectly alright for politicians, the Hollywood elite and certain left-wingers to own them. They can’t answer me. Notwithstanding the present government shutdown, both parties are to blame, as well as their supporters. Alas, Tyler, it works both ways. Edward Riecks, Howard Beach

Collapse Concerns

To The Editor: The Woodhaven Business Improvement District is very concerned with the lack of action since the collapse of the building at 78-19 Jamaica Avenue on April 15, 2013. This collapsed building also

damaged our Woodhaven Senior Citizens Center, which is located next door. The owner, 78-19 Jamaica Avenue LIC, had 42 open building violations at the time of the collapse, which still have not been corrected. During these past five months, no action has been taken by the owner to repair or reconstruct this building, other than to build a fence (which is constantly graff iti vandalized). This lack of repair has resulted in the Senior Citizen Center elderly members having to vacate the premises due to the dangerous conditions. This Senior Citizen Center is such a necessary service and an asset to our community and was opened for our seniors due to our elected officials funding and support. This is why it is so imperative that the owner of 78-19 be forced to repair their premises complying with all building certifications and codes. If they do not, then their building should be demolished. The Woodhaven Business Improvement District and the Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation would appreciate your intervention in this dangerous situation. It is very important that we make this our Woodhaven Senior Citizen Center structurally sound and fully repaired. In this way, our elderly once more will have their beautiful meeting place that we all worked so hard to give them. Maria A. Thomson, Executive Director Mathew Xenakis, President

SOUND OFF Send your thoughts, ideas, opinions, outrage, praise, observations about our community WRITE ON: The PRESS of SoutheastQueens 150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 fax: (718) 357-9417

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

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Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013


shutdown the GoP Government shutdown By ConGressMan GreGory W. Meeks If it wanted to, the House Republican majority could immediately end the government shutdown it has caused. While Americans wait, over 800,000 federal employees have been furloughed; millions more are working without pay; vital federal services, programs, facilities, national parks and monuments have been suspended or closed; federal intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies are understaffed; cities and communities where federal facilities are located and the tens of thousands of small businesses with federal contracts and the hundreds of thousands of workers they collectively employ, are being hurt. Some of these businesses may not recover. Constituents ask: How much longer is the shutdown going to affect me? Why did things come to this and who’s responsible for this mess? What needs to be done to reopen the government? We’ve reached this impasse because of the total war Tea Party Republicans in Congress are waging on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Frankly, it’s hard to tell whether it’s just that they don’t like the ACA or all things Obama. Republicans are a 234-201 majority in the House. Democrats are a 54-46 majority in the Senate. The 49 members of the House Tea Party Caucus account for only 20 percent of all House Republicans. The five members of the Senate Tea Party Caucus make up just 10 percent of Republican senators. Nonetheless, these minorities have cowed their

u.s. rep. Gregory Meeks

GOP colleagues into going on the impossible mission of undoing the historic health care reform that Congress enacted and President Obama signed three years ago; that already has three years of implementation under its belt; that the Supreme Court ruled constitutional 16 months ago; and that voters affirmed 11 months ago by reelecting President Obama by five million votes along with a 332206 landslide victory in the Electoral College against a Republican who pledged to repeal “Obamacare.” Yet, the Tea Party still wants repeal of the law that is finally making affordable, quality health care insurance accessible to tens of millions of Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions, age, or employment status. During my 15 years in Congress, members, whether Democrat or Republican, addressed a law they didn’t like by fulfilling their legislative oversight responsibility to monitor that law’s impact or by seeking to

negotiate adjustments they thought would improve the law. Not so with Congressional Tea Party Republicans. They’ve bullied the House Republican leadership and bulldozed a majority of the Republican conference into incorporating their ideological objections to Obamacare into the continuing resolution (CR) that would otherwise simply fund the government for a period of time while the House and Senate, Congress and the White House, Democrats and Republicans, work out their differences on the budget for the 2014 fiscal year. Again and again, the President said he is willing to discuss any Republican proposal designed to improve the Affordable Care Act. The fact is the ACA itself is an example of what can happen when both sides listen to each other. It is modeled after the Massachusetts health care program proposed by a Republican governor and authored by a Republican think tank. ACA includes over 160 proposals House or Senate Republicans made in committee. If the President and Congressional Democrats give in to the hostage taking and extortion tactics of Tea Party Republicans in this instance, there is absolutely no doubt that they would use the debt limit negotiations a week from now or next year’s budget process to dismantle other laws and programs they don’t like, namely Social Security and Medicare. We cannot allow a small faction of our government to wreak such havoc on our nation. The long term ramifications of this kind of brinksmanship are grave. We have already had a taste of the consequences.

So, here we are. The shame of it is that there are enough votes in the House to pass a clean CR. Until the Obama presidency, enacting clean continuing resolutions were the norm. Congress has done so 45 times since Ronald Reagan was president. John Boehner has voted to approve a clean CR numerous times. The federal government had been operating under a clean CR all year long. Last week, 200 House Democrats sent Speaker Boehner a letter calling for a floor vote on a clean CR. Over 20 House Republicans have said they would vote yes. Together, this is enough votes for passage. Given the majority Democratic Senate, Congress could quickly enact it and the President just as quickly sign it into law. The government could be fully reopened. All federal employees could return to work with all federal agencies, services, programs, national parks and monuments resuming operation. Plus, a bipartisan predicate will have been laid for raising the debt limit and preventing a default without another deliberately engineered crisis. I hope House leadership will soon put our country’s economic stability above its party politics; that’s what I’m fighting for until this is resolved. We should all be. Congressman Gregory W. Meeks is the U.S. Representative for New York’s Fifth Congressional District, and a member of the House Financial Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee. For additional information or questions, contact Congressman Meeks’ district office at (718) 725-6000; log onto http://meeks. or follow him on Twitter @GregoryMeeks.

MTa includes Queens Lirr in Capital Plan By Luis Gronda Could the Metropolitan Transportation Authority possibly reactivate a defunct Long Island Rail Road line in the next two decades? That is what transit activists hope after reading the MTA’s Capital Needs Assessment from 2015-2034. In page 133 of the report, the agency lists possibly reviving the train line as a way to address the growing need for more subway and bus patterns. “A possible option is the utiliza-

tion of abandoned or underutilized Rights of Way (ROW) such as... the abandoned Rockaway Beach Branch...Conversion of existing ROWs...could help reduce land acquisition and construction costs, and facilitate construction time in densely developed areas,” it says in their report, released last week. Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (DOzone Park), who has long been an advocate for revitalizing the train line that would run from the Rockaways to Rego Park, praised the transit agency for including the train line in their capital needs report. “The MTA has heard our calls for

smart investment in existing Right of Ways to improve transit infrastructure, create jobs, while helping each family in Queens and across the City in their daily commutes,” he said in a statement. But Andrea Crawford, a member of the Friends of the QueensWay group, which supports creating an elevated bike path on the 3.5-mile stretch of vacant land instead of revitalizing the train line, said this does not mean the QueensWay will not happen and the feasibility study for the project, which began last month, is still ongoing. “The study does not say its in-

tent is to activate or fund the train line,” she said. “We continue to move forward in a way that supports the economic development of Queens without impacting its ecology.” Kevin Ortiz, an MTA Spokesman, said its inclusion in their report does not mean the agency is considering activating the train line and nothing has been done regarding that issue at this time. He added the 20-year plan gives possibilities for all potential projects. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, lgronda@, or @luisgronda.

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

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Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013



Taking Care


Miss USA 2012 Nana Meriwether receives a flu vaccination at Queens Hospital Center’s “Take Care NY” event, Oct. 9 in Jamaica. Sponsored by the City Health and Hospitals Corporation, the 10th annual “Take Care NY” series of 60 public health fairs is open in October to all New Yorkers to screen for health issues such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, HIV status and Body Mass Index (BMI). HHC President Alan D. Aviles (left) and Dr. Jean-Bernard Poulard, Deputy Medical Director, Queens Hospital Center (right), joined Nana as she was vaccinated by Jennifer Henry, RN.

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At its annual gala this week, the Queens Library Foundation honored Spiros Voutsinas, president of Atlantic Bank, and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, for their support of the libraries. Pictured (from left) are Thomas Galante, president of Queens Library; Amalia Delicari, programs officer, Niarchos Foundation; Joseph Ficalora, president, Queens Library Foundation Board of Directors; Vasili Tsamis, CFO, and Stelios Vasilakis, senior program officer, Niarchos Foundation; Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer; honoree Spiros Voutsinas; Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Melinda Katz; Jacqueline Arrington, board of trustees president; Diana Chapin, executive director, Queens Library Foundation; and Roula Siklas, program officer, Niarchos Foundation.

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Police Blotter 105th Precinct

109th Precinct

Fatal Collision

At approximately 5:36 p.m. on Oct. 6, police responded to a 911 call The NYPD is asking the public’s for a pedestrian struck at the interassistance identifying and locating section of Cherry Avenue and Main the following three suspects wanted Street in Flushing. Upon arrival, in connection with a robbery. police discovered a three-year-old At 6:20 a.m. on Sept. 21, the female, identified as Allison Liao, three male suspects approached a unconscious and unresponsive with male victim in the rear of his home severe body trauma. in the vicinity of 218th Street. The EMS transported the child to a first suspect struck the victim in the nearby hospital, where she was prohead and face with a gun while the nounced dead. second and third suspects removed A preliminary investigation rehis property. The suspects fled with vealed that the child and her grandproperty and the victim sustained mother were walking eastbound on minor injuries. Cherry Avenue, attempting to cross at the intersection of Main Street, when the child was struck by an SUV also traveling eastbound on Cherry Avenue, which was attempting to make a left turn on to Main Street. The driver These three suspects are wanted in connection to a robbery remained on the scene and the inveswithin the confines of the 105th Precinct. tigation is ongoing.

Cigs Seized:


Queens DA Richard Brown is pictured with 1,100 cartons of illegal cigarettes seized after a search of an apartment on Saul Street in Flushing. Qinghai Wei, 50, of Flushing, was charged last week with various violations of the New York State Tax Law regarding cigarettes and tobacco. He faces up to four years in prison.

113th Precinct


At 1:34 a.m. on Oct. 5, police responded to a 911 call of a male shot in front of 184-09 140th Ave., Springfield Gardens.

Upon arrival, police observed the victim, a 29-year-old Black male, with five gunshot wounds to the body. EMS responded and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. There have been no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.

Borough Beat

Queens GOP Split Deepens After Meeting BY STeveN J. FeRRARi The contentious split between Queens County Republicans has become deeper, with allegations of racism and bullying on one side and a court case filed from the other. The latest source of discontent spilled over after the Sept. 27 reorganizational meeting, where longtime Republican leader Phil Ragusa held on to his position, despite a challenge from former U.S. Rep. Bob Turner. According to members present at the Sept. 27 Queens Republican Party reorganizational meeting, a faction led by Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) made a number of racist and disparaging remarks about and towards individuals at the meeting. Some members in attendance said they felt they were bullied and belittled by Ulrich. Ulrich was said to become increasingly agitated when the vote was not going his way. Sources say that Ulrich’s faction, which also included Bart Haggerty, Ulrich’s former chief of staff, and Tony Nunziato, a Republican District Leader in Maspeth,

Councilman eric Ulrich

continued to disrupt the meeting. Natalie Dubovici, a member of the party’s credentials committee tasked with verifying the votes, said Ulrich “was acting like a child” and made “a mockery” of the process. She noted that Ulrich and his companions loudly accused her of doing her job poorly and belittled her when she defended herself and explained her decisions. “I was just disgusted about how an elected official belittled me,” she said. “As an elected official, [Ulrich] should not be talking to people like that.”

Ulrich called the meeting “a circus,” and responded it was being run unfairly and they were attempting to maintain order. He noted that a court case has been filed to attempt to wrest leadership from Ragusa. “Just because you declare yourself the winner and tell people to shut up doesn’t mean you’re the chair,” Ulrich said. An email written by Kathy Huang, who served as parliamentarian for the meeting, detailed a number of racist remarks made by the group, both towards her and other AsianAmericans present. The email obtained by the PRESS of Southeast Queens was sent to a party member who was not present at the meeting. When Huang explained who she was and her role at the meeting, a member of Ulrich’s group was said to have asked, “Is she even American? Where does she practice law, in China?” Huang’s email also stated that when a speaker had trouble pronouncing an Asian district leader’s name, Nunziato stated, “Ching Chong Won, what’s the difference, they all sound the same.”

Nunziato also reportedly referred to Eben Brofman, John Catsimatidis’ Mayoral campaign manager, derogatorily, saying “there’s that fat pig’s Jew coming to do his dirty work,” the email also detailed. Another source at the meeting, who wished to remain nameless, said Ulrich berated an older woman at the meeting after Ulrich challenged a proxy vote the woman had cast. Robert Hornak, the party’s executive director, said the comments were upsetting. “Those kinds of sentiments are completely unacceptable in the political sphere, as they are in any other aspect of life,” he said. Ulrich denied the allegations. “Nothing could be further from the truth,” he said. “It’s such an outrageous claim to make.” Nunziato added that no one in their camp made racist remarks at the meeting. “I would never say or do anything like that to personally offend someone,” he said. “I just want to get real people to come out and run, so there’s real choice on the ballot.”

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

A&E BY JOE MARVILLI While the music environment at St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children is usually for the patients to use themselves, the room was used on Thursday for a special appearance by Nick Cannon. The musician, philanthropist and host of “America’s Got Talent” visited St. Mary’s on Oct. 3 to meet the patients and create a lead-in to a charity concert for St. Mary’s that took place that night. Before Cannon arrived, around 50 patients of St. Mary’s sat in the music environment and listened to performances by up-and-coming artists like Wonder Boyz, a rap duo, 4Count, a boy band, and Gabi Wilson, a singer/songwriter. The children were very enthusiastic, cheering for every artist.

When Cannon arrived, he talked to the kids as a group for a minute before meeting each of them one-on-one. The entertainer was signing autographs, taking photos and shaking hands until all the patients had left. “It’s such a pleasure to be here. This music room is awesome. We’re going to have an incredible time,” he said. “I can’t wait to get a chance to meet everyone.” Cannon said that helping the youth is a very important cause to him, and that he was happy to meet so many of the kids. “This is one of those things where it’s kind of near and dear to my heart. It is a passion of mine at the end of the day,” Cannon said. “Meeting the kids is the best part of the whole experience, and the staff too. When you think about the experience and when-

Photo by Joe Marvilli

nick Cannon swings By st. Mary’s Hospital

nick Cannon met with several children at st. Mary’s Hospital before performing at a benefit concert.

ever you can make these people have a smile on their face when they’re going through tough times.” Later that day, the three musicians and Cannon performed at “Nick Cannon ROCKS Times Square,” a benefit

concert for St. Mary’s that took place that same night at the Hard Rock Cafe. According to Leslie Johnson, director of communications and marketing at St. Mary’s, children from the hospital’s afterschool program were able to attend the show. Some of the kids even got the chance to introduce the acts, along with Cannon. This is the second charity concert the hospital has held. “We’re so honored to have Nick Cannon being the host and a performer and bringing all this incredible talent together for St. Mary’s Kids,” Johnson said. “We are thrilled that they can be a part of it, to help build awareness and raise funds for St. Mary’s Health System for Children.” Reach Reporter Joe Marvilli at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 125,, or @Joey788.

Queens Center Celebrates Hispanic Culture BY LuIs GROndA Latin music, art and fashion will engulf the Queens Center Mall this weekend. The shopping center will host the first-ever CultureArte event on Oct. 12-13, which aims to celebrate Hispanic culture during Hispanic Heritage Month. It is hosted by Macerich, the company that operates Queens Center, and LatinSphere, an advertising company that focuses on the Hispanic market. The two-day event will include live music, dance performances and a fashion show. Aurora and Zon Del Barrio, a salsa music group, will headline the live performances at the event. They will

Rodrigo Guzman (above) and Yesenia Adame (far right) will perform at the CultureArte event this weekend.

be playing songs with another salsa legend, Larry Harlow. The dancing will feature “Dancing With The Stars” performers Yesenia Adame and Rodrigo Guzman, who will perform variously throughout both days. The fashion show will showcase clothing from several companies like Club Monaco, J.C. Penney and Steve Madden. Dawn Bankert, the regional Assistant Vice President of Marketing for Macerich, said they wanted to honor Hispanic diversity and culture and gear the event towards its large Hispanic shopping base. According to Bankert, 36 percent of people who go to shopping centers owned by Macerich are of Hispanic origin. “We feel that it is relevant given the time period and hopefully it will enhance the shopping experience at Queens Center,” she said. Bankert said the company was brainstorming ideas of what event they can put on their east coast properties as it is different for the shopping market in the western United States. Harlow, who has been a performer for more than 50 years and has produced over 300 albums while singing in 50 of his own albums, said it is important to remember Hispanic culture especially with more Latin people moving to the United States each year. “Pretty soon, it’ll be a bilingual town,” Harlow said. Bankert said the performances will be kept to about 15-20 minutes each to keep the traffic in the shopping center moving throughout the day.

The event will run from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. on Saturday while on Sunday, it will begin at 11 a.m. and finish at 8 p.m. The performances will begin at the top of every hour from noon until 8 p.m. on Saturday and noon until 7 p.m. on Sunday. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, lgronda@, or @luisgronda.

The Louis Armstrong Museum Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary BY TRIsHA sAkHuJA Join the party at the Louis Armstrong Museum as it celebrates its 10 year anniversary on Oct. 15, starting at 6 p.m. Known as the founding father of jazz, Louis Armstrong’s legacy will be celebrated with a special performance by The Hot Sardines. The menu for the anniversary bash will include Creole creations based on Louis’ own recipes, prepared by the Cooking Channel’s Tamara Reynolds, a self taught cook and the owner of Van Alst Kitchen. The museum will also unveil Louis Armstrong’s life mask, which has been recently restored and will be on display for the first time in the museum’s history. “The life mask of Louis Armstrong, made in the 1950s, captures broad scars on his lips, heavy bags under his eyes and deep creases on

his forehead,” said David Reese, the museum’s curator. “Viewing this plaster portrait is almost like seeing Louis’ real face, and it reveals his character as no other image can.” The Louis Armstrong House Museum’s anniversary bash will be held in the Armstrong garden at 3456 107th St. Tickets ranging from $30, $45 and $100, include beer and wine, but must be purchased in advance. The $45 ticket includes a limited-edition commemorative print of Louis Armstrong and $100 ticket includes the print plus a oneyear museum membership. Tickets can be purchased online at For more information, call the Louis Armstrong House Museum at (718) 478-8274. Reach Reporter Trisha Sakhuja at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128, tsakhuja@, or @Tsakhuja13.

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Jamaica Doc Helps Girls Regain Confidence It has been nine years since Dr. Cheryl James overheard that fateful conversation between her daughter and a classmate, Taylor. Taylor, a second grade student at the time, suffered from a brain aneurism which left her bald, and although she was well enough to return to school, she worried about being teased. Moved by what she heard, James, a minister from Jamaica, felt as though she needed to do something to help Taylor regain her self confidence and feel comfortable about going back to school. So, rather than buy Taylor a Barbie doll or another toy, she came up with an idea. “I credit God with giving me an idea. I had always played around with a lot of wigs or hair pieces. I never had a cosmetology degree or license, but it was something I always had a love for, so it was easy for me to try to create things,” James said. “I recalled having a beautiful yellow scarf and I took some of my hair pieces and cut them up a little bit and placed a bang on the scarf.” Excited by her creation, James and her daughter visited Taylor in the hospital with the headpiece in hand and wrapped it around her head.

Photos by Dr. Cheryl James


It has been nearly a decade since Jamaica resident Dr. Cherly James started Where There’s A Need - a nonprofit which seeks to help children and women from diseases that result in hair loss.

“The smile on her face was so big and I was pleased that she was so happy,” she said. “It looked like her real hair.” And before she had known it, James had paved the way to the start of Where There’s A Need – a nonprofit that seeks to provide support and encouragement to women and children with cancer and other diseases that result in hair loss and baldness.

The nonprofit creates scarves, hats, baseball caps and turbans with hair, giving women and girls suffering from medical conditions such as cancer, alopecia, discoid lupus, scalp eczema and female baldness the appearance of having hair. “I tell you, you feel a lot of joy,” James said. “There’s emotion behind it because you realize the difference that this really makes for some. Sometimes, you don’t understand until you’re in the position or

you know a close friend that is in the position – it really hits home.” Since it was founded, Where There’s A Need has given away hundreds of headpieces and hundreds of wigs to children, women and seniors who would not normally be able to afford them on their own. “You leave happy and you leave with a sense of purpose, but sometimes, you also leave with tears in your eyes because you understand that it might be minor for someone, but it’s major for someone else,” she said. “It’s hard to comprehend what these women are going through. They are fighting for their lives.” To raise money for its cause, Where There’s A Need will hold their Fifth Annual Luncheon fundraiser event at Thomasina’s Catering Hall on Oct. 12 from 3 to 6 p.m. Thomasina’s Catering Hall is located on 205-35 Linden Blvd., Jamaica. Tickets are $40 and $20 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased at www.wheretheresaneed. org. Attendees can enjoy dinner, live jazz entertainment, a silent auction, raffles and door prizes. For more information about the event or Where There’s A Need, visit or call Dr. Cheryl James at (347) 223-2774. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska.

People New York Army National Guard Lt. Col. David Feeley, a veteran of the Iraq war, takes charge of the 1st Battalion 258th Field Artillery, an Army National Guard unit headquartered in Jamaica, on Oct. 27. Local students have enrolled in Rochester Institute of technology’s National Institute for the Deaf for the fall 2013 semester. They include: Cambria Heights: Serena Dorch. Jamaica: Raiheim Marshall. Isaiah Henderson of Jamaica was one of 36 students honored for outstanding academic achievement for the 2012-13 school year at the Pomfret Academy in Connecticut. Local students have enrolled as full-time students at SUNY Adiron-

dack in Queensbury for the fall 2013 semester. They include: Jamaica: Kalyn Credle and Elvis Lettman. Laurelton: Elijah Jones. Tabernacle Community CME Church and the American Italian Cancer Foundation will host no-cost digital mammograms and clinical breast exams from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 20 in the Care Clinic at the church, 115-62 Farmers Blvd., St. Albans. An appointment is needed. To schedule an appointment, call (877) 628-9090. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proclaimed October 2013 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in New York State, and has encouraged New Yorkers to participate in the State’s annual Shine

the Light on Domestic Violence campaign by wearing purple on Oct. 16. Albert Cole of Rosedale has enrolled as a student at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire for the fall 2013 semester. Investors Bank will present the inaugural Queens Not-for-Profit conference from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 17 at the LaGuardia Marriott, 10205 Ditmars Blvd., East Elmhurst. The conference theme is “The Art of Thriving” and will feature a keynote address, special presentation and four breakout sessions. Tom Finkelpearl, executive director of Queens Museum of Art, will deliver the keynote address. For information or to register, visit

Tom Finkelpearl

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013


Church Aims To Empower The Youth BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

to love and open up their hearts to God using unique platforms in entertainment, media and technology. “They wanted to reach this generation. They saw so much negativity and they wanted to transform it into something positive,” Boyd said. “They not only wanted to change their lives – they wanted to change the lives of their peers.” “We thought it was very necessary to do something positive that can relate to them – that’s our long-term vision,” he added. “At times, we’ve had situations where there are gangs and kids getting beat up on the buses – we see this deterioration and negativity in our youth.” The event proved to be a success as church youth groups from all over the City came out for the celebration. In its first year, E.D.G.E. drew out more than 500 young adults and the number has grown every year since.

On Oct. 13, the Kingdom House Youth Ministry of the Greater Bethel Ministries in Queens Village will host its annual movement, E.D.G.E: Light the World – an event which seeks to empower, mobilize and manifest positive influences in the community’s youth. “It’s aimed at bringing youth to a greater relationship to God and the idea is to relate to them on their level,” Pastor John Boyd said. “It’s very youthful, there’s music and we want to create a certain type of accommodating atmosphere.” E.D.G.E, which stands for ‘Extreme Degree of God Encounter,’ began three years ago when the church’s youth group, Kingdom House Youth Ministry, and then-youth-pastor Andre Jones wanted to teach the community’s younger generation to learn

“We’ve had a lot of testimonies from kids who went who were on drugs, on the brink of suicide – this experience literally changed their lives,” he said. “We, as individuals of God, should bring light to the community and be mentors to our youth.” The movement, which was put together by the church’s Kingdom House Youth Ministry, will feature a skit, a dance performance, music and spoken word. “It’s in the church but it doesn’t look like the church,” the Pastor said. “They take the stage apart. It looks like a theater – like you’re attending a Broadway play and so they go through a lot of work to create this atmosphere. It really has this concert feel.” After all is said and done, Boyd is just hopeful that the community’s youth will be able to take away from

the experience and find themselves closer to God. “My hope is that our young people who are in search for something that can only be filled by God, find it,” he said. “I believe that when Christ comes into your life, you can become a more caring and compassionate person. I hope they find new direction and feel inspired to do something more – to go back into the community and be a light.” The event is free and will be held at Greater Bethel Ministries at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Greater Bethel Ministries is located at 215-32 Jamaica Ave., Queens Village. For more information about the event, you may call the church office at (718) 740-4357. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or or @nkozikowska


York College/CUNY

York College Hosts Annual Black Male Initiative On Friday, Oct. 4, York College and CUNY schools across the City held its eighth annual Black Male Initiative – an all-day conference with a theme centralized around race, law and justice. The CUNY-wide initiative explored a wide variety of civil rights themes that demonstrated and touted the significant progress that has been made since the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic, “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. But while keynote speakers and guests reflected upon the progress that has been made over the course of 50 years, the BMI conference also explored a number of topics, such as Stop, Question and Frisk, which may still be hindering complete social justice for minorities. According to a statement released by York College, the initiative represents the University’s acknowledgement of its stature as the nation’s largest urban public university and its obligation to raise societal awareness of the challenges facing under-

Photo provided by Sasha Austrie


ticularly the annual Conference, CUNY BMI fulfills its role of raising awareness and sharing information about the pronounced challenges that many African American/ Black males face in the present society that frustrate their access to higher education,” the statement read. “With this in mind, the CUNY BMI Conference should reach a broad audience of persons within the CUNY community and beyond.” Since the University’s Task Force on the Juan Cartagena, a constitutional and civil rights atBlack Male Initiative torney, speaks to York College students about some of was first convened in the cases he has worked on in his career, highlighting 2004, the University his work with minorities. and its colleges have been actively pursurepresented students, particularly ing ways to increase and support Black males. the inclusion and educational suc“Through its programming, par- cess of under-represented groups in

higher education. “I take great pride in the many programs and services the initiative offers our students and the broader CUNY and New York City communities, including doctoral study preparation programs, a distinguished speaker series, summer pipeline programs and a range of academic support services at CUNY’s campuses across the five boroughs,” said William Kelly, interim chancellor of CUNY in a statement. Hundreds of students and professors flocked to the auditorium to hear the morning’s keynote speaker, Juan Cartagena, a constitutional and civil rights attorney, speak about some of the cases he has worked on in his career. During his speech, Cartagena highlighted his experiences defending minority clients who have suffered at the hands of discrimination – noting that America is on its way to curbing racial profiling, but still has a long way to go. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

What’s Up Oct. 11 Spectacular Arts Gala The Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the Jamaica Performing Arts Center will hold its first-ever Spectacular Arts Gala designed to expose the community to the resources that are available to them – right in their backyard. The gala will be held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. VIP ticket holders are welcome to come to the center at 6 p.m. for a special VIP reception. The Jamaica Performing Arts Center is located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave. VIP tickets are $150, general admission tickets are $100 and student tickets, which must be purchased with a valid student ID, cost $50. To purchase tickets, visit For more information about the gala, visit or call (718) 6587400.

“the World Is My Home” From 10 a.m. to noon, Stogie Kenyatta will bring “The World Is My Home: The Life of Paul Robeson” to the Black Spectrum Theatre. Portraying 10 characters, he chronologically goes through the life of history’s first Black Renaissance man and one of America’s most complex, brilliant citizens. Tickets are $7. The Black Spectrum Theatre is located at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. For more information, call (718) 7321800 or visit www.blackspectrum. com. The play will be performed on Oct. 12 and Oct. 13 as well.

Oct. 12 Annual Luncheon All are cordially invited to People United for a Better Community’s first annual luncheon. Join them as they pay tribute to Adrienne Eadie-Adams – Chair, Community Board 12; Dorrin Ferguson - Detective, 113th Precinct; Charles Norris – Bishop, Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church; Jo-Ann Gonzalez – Sergeant, 113th Precinct and Tanya Duhaney, Police Officer, 113th Precinct. For tickets, contact Bishop Melvin Artis at (718) 551-2575. Tickets are $65. The Luncheon will be held at La Bella Vita from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. La Bella Vita is located at 106-09 Rockaway Blvd., Ozone Park.

St. Albans congregational church college Fair Mark your calendars now for the St. Albans Congregational Church

15th Annual College Fair. Do not miss the opportunity to hear from over 150 college representatives, participate in career counseling and workshops, learn more about financial aid and receive SAT/ACT testing tips. The Reverend Dr. Henry T. Simmons will be the guest speaker. For additional information, contact Rev. Gular H. Glover at (718) 657-8282. The College Fair will be held at the Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Robert Ross Johnson Family Life Center is located at 172-17 Linden Blvd. It is free to attend.

Personal Growth Educator Dr. Sharon M. Cadiz, author of “Traveling Directions for Women,” will lead an interactive workshop exploring strategies for personal growth and enrichment and creative ways to sustain your wellbeing. The free event will be held at Queens Central Library from 2 to 3 p.m. For more information, call (718) 990-0700.

Oct. 13 Open Mic Night for Poets Paolo Javier, the current Queens Borough Poet Laureate, is the author of four chapbooks and three full-length poetry collections, including “The Feeling Is Actual.” He edits “2nd Ave Poetry,” and curates Queens Poet Lore, a roving literary series that takes place across the Borough. The free event will be held at the Queens Central Library from 2 to 3 p.m.

Oct. 17 Fifty Shades Book club A new book discussion group begins this fall at Central Library. We will meet on the third Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to discuss popular works of fiction, such as “Fifty Shades of Grey.” No registration is required. The book club will meet at Queens Central Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. It is free to attend.

Oct. 19 “Fruitvale Station” Screening Christ Church International is pleased to present a showing of “Fruitvale Station.” During the events based on this true story, on January 1, 2009, the writer Rayan Coogler was in USC’s graduate program for Cinematic Arts. He was compelled to write this script about the last day of Oscar Grant’s life before being killed by a BART police officer. This movie was not written to promote

riots or revenge but to seek acts of non-violence to insure a peaceful community. For additional information, contact Pastor Kelly Riggins or Sister Akea Lyels of Christ Church International at (347) 878-5290. The movie will be shown at the Jamaica Multiplex Cinemas located at 159-02 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica. Tickets are $10. The movie will be shown from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

mitted by two people in their early twenties who saw no other way to escape what they felt was the constant state of racial oppression in America. There will be a Q&A with director Maia Wechsler after the screening. Tickets cost $12 for general admission and $10 for students under the age of 18 and seniors. Call (718) 723-1800 for more information.

Author talk with Robert Kolker

Oct. 20 “Danse Macabre”

“Lost Girls” is a haunting and humanizing account of the true-life search for a serial killer still at large on Long Island. In a triumph of reporting, and in a riveting narrative, Robert Kolker presents the first detailed look at the shadow world of escorts in the Internet age, where making a living is easier than ever but the dangers remain all too real. Come and meet Kolker at the Queens Central Library from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The event is free.

Singing Workshop Do you love to sing? Then join the musical director of Braata Productions for an afternoon singing workshop! Space is limited and the event is free. Preregistration is required, online or by calling (718) 990-0728. The workshop will be held at Queens Central Library from 3 to 4 p.m.

Josephine Baker The Black Spectrum Theatre Company will present a documentary on one of the most famous and popular performing artists of the 20th century, Josephine Baker. “A Black Diva in a White Man’s World” looks at her life and work from a perspective that analyses images of Black people in popular culture. The event will run from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Black Spectrum Theatre, located at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. It costs $12 for general admission, $10 for seniors and students under the age of 18. For more information, call (718) 723-1800 or visit www.blackspectrum. com.

“Melvin & Jean: An American Story” The Black Spectrum Theatre Company will hold a screening of “Melvin & Jean: An American Story” from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Melvin and Jean McNiar hijacked a plane from Detroit to Algeria in 1972 with their two babies on board. They called it an act of political resistance. The hijacking was also an act of desperation com-

Not for the squeamish or faint of heart! A contemporary tribute to the theatrical horror genre comes to center stage with dance and plays that combine physical and psychological terror with a strong dose of humor. The show is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“After Earth” The Central Library will hold a free screening of the sci-fi film, “After Earth,” from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. M. Night Shyamalan teams up with Will and Jaden Smith in this tale chronicling the journey of a father and son whose spacecraft crashes on the long-barren Earth 1,000 years in the future.

Youth Mentoring Meeting The National Council of Negro Women, Queens County Youth Section is seeking girls 12 to 18 years old for their mentoring program. The program will assist girls in developing into young women through leadership and etiquette skill training with mentorship, using real-talk and entertaining activities. The first meeting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at Dave & Busters in Westbury. If you are interested, please contact them on Facebook at “NCNW Queens Youth” and leave a message. You can also contact the Youth Advisor, Sakinah Black, at (516) 241-8800.

Ongoing: Early Exposure to tennis tryouts Youth and Tennis Inc. will present their “Early Exposure to Tennis Program” for children ages 4-8. The tryouts will be held at the Roy Wilkins Tennis Courts located at the intersection of 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard. Scholarships and partial scholarships will be available for the talented youth. For more information, call (718) 658-6728.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

Queens today

FRIDay 10/11

43-12 46th St. in Sunnyside. The entrance to the fair is free.



National Endowment for the Arts jazz masters Jimmy Heath (saxophone), Barry Harris (piano) and Jimmy Owens (trumpet) will perform at Flushing Town Hall, starting at 8 p.m. The three musicians will be joined by bassist Christian McBride, guitarist Russell Malone and drummer Tootie Heath for an evening of music. There will be a panel discussion beforehand at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $40 for general admission, $32 for members and $20 for students.

Sunnyside Community Services will host a conversation with author Jonathan Lethem to discuss and sign his latest book, “Dissident Gardens.” Jackson Heights based author/ artist Franklin Bruno will also join the conversation. Lethem is the author of eight novels, and recipient of the MacArthur fellowship. The event starts at 2 p.m. To RSVP, visit https://

Make costumes with your kids, from ages 5 to 11 at the Noguchi Museum. Advanced registration is required. The Museum is located at 9-01 33rd Rd. in Long Island City. The arts-and-crafts day starts at 10:30 a.m. For more information visit, www.


Chamber Music Live and Queens College will present “Year of Brazil,” a performance at LeFrak Concert Hall. The concert will take place at 10 a.m. and will feature guitaristvocalist Richard Boukas and his Brazilian Jazz Ensemble. Individual tickets cost $30, though the show is free for Queens College students, faculty and staff. Free parking is available. For information, call (718) 997-3800.

saTURDay 10/12


The Annual Pumpkin Fair at All Saint’s Church is back for the fall. Come for a day of fun and good food from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Have something to eat and shop for bargains. The fair will take place at

saTURDay 10/12

RONNIE SPECTOR JES Entertainment and Queens College will present “Ronnie Spector: Beyond the Beehive” at LeFrak Concert Hall. Starting at 8 p.m., the two-hour show will take attendees on a 50-year journey through Spector’s rock and roll. Accompanied by a full band, Spector will tell stories, display unseen images and home videos and sing up to 15 songs from her career. Tickets are $50. For more information, call (718) 997-3800. will host the latest edition of its popular queer comedy event, hosted by comedian Leighann Lord and including Frank Liotti, Lousine Shamamian, Rich Kiamco and “Clutter Cowgirl” Jeni Aron. The show begins at 8 p.m. and has an admission price of $10. For information, visit www.


sUNDay 10/13



Michael Cooper will spin tales using a strange and colorful cast of characters at the Queens Theatre, with shows at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. “Masked Marvels & Wondertales” references Cooper’s experiences growing up on a ranch. The world he creates has oddities like hatwearing dogs, giant noses and fish bait candy to catch children in a pond. Featuring outlandish antics and thrilling adventures, this show is for all ages. Tickets are $14. For more information, call (718) 760-0064.


The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society will host its annual harvest festival, from noon to 4 p.m. at The Onderdonk House, 1820 Flushing Ave., Ridgewood. Cost is $3 for adults, children 12 and younger are free with an adult. The first 500 children in attendance will receive a free pumpkin. For information, call (718) 456-1776.


Broadway star Michele Lee will perform at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center at 3 p.m. On the stage, she is known for her roles in “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” “Seesaw” and “The Tale of the Allergist Wife.” The Broadway Boys joining her are male actors working in various Broadway shows, such as “Wicked,” “Jersey Boys” and “Hair.” Tickets are $40. For more information or to buy tickets, call (718) 631-6311.


The American Legion Post 118 in Woodhaven will host a lunch to honor the past president and commander of the legion post from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The following foods will be served: roast beef, turkey, mashed potatoes, string beans, bread/rolls, beer, wine and soda, coffee, tea and cake. Music will also be provided by DJ Walter. Tickets are $25 per person. Call Loretta Phillips at (718) 848-1292 for tickets and more information. Seating is limited. The Legion Post is located at 89-02 91st St. in Woodhaven.


The Laughing Devil Comedy Club in Long Island City


You are invited to the Grand Opening of the Little Free Library at 4 p.m. This celebration will include children’s books storytelling and a Composting for Kids class. Little Free Libraries are local community based and run book exchanges, that are springing up all over the world. The LIC Community Garden is located at 49th Ave. between Vernon Blvd. and 5th St. For more information about Little Free Libraries, visit


St John’s University will present a free screening of the documentary “Koch,” a movie detailing the life of former New York City mayor Ed Koch, beginning at 5:30 p.m. A panel discussion featuring political experts will follow the presentation. The event will take place at the Little Theater on St. John’s Queens Campus, 80-00 Utopia Pkwy. Contact Brian Browne at (718) 990-2762 or for more information.


The Forest Hills Library will host the first of six craft Tuesdays from 3:30

to 4:30 p.m. Children aged 5 and older will explore their artistic side using materials to create projects that they will be able to take home. The library is located at 108-19 71st Ave. in Forest Hills.

WEDNEsDay 10/16


A Rolling Stones Tribute Band, called Streetfighter, will perform at Resorts World New York City Casino starting at 8:30 p.m. They will perform many Rolling Stones classics like “Paint It Black,” “Gimme Shelter,” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” The Casino is located at 110-00 Rockaway Blvd. in South Ozone Park.

moNDay 10/17

IT’S gREEk (ANd ROMAN) TO ME The Adult Education Committee of Hillcrest Jewish Center and Rabbit Manes Kogan will present “It’s Greek (and Roman) to Me,” a program on Jewish life under the Greeks and Romans. Liora BenHarari will discuss this period of Jewish history, going over topics like Alexander the Great, the Hasmoneans, Herod, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, the start of Christianity and the origins of rabbinic Judaism. The event is free, starts at 7:30 p.m. and takes place at 183-02 Union Tpke., Fresh Meadows.


send all information to or mail to: 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, Ny 11357

Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17



Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 11-17, 2013

Artists OF QUEENs

Anthony Mavilia

QConf is edited by: Steven J. Ferrari

Special Performance Musician Sonia Rao, who was featured on the first season of "The Voice," stopped by our office last week to discuss her new album, "Los Angeles, Part 1," and her time on "The Voice." Rao even performed for the staff. See video of the interview and her performance at the revamped

Contributors: Luis Gronda, Natalia Kozikowska, Joe Marvilli, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Michael Nussbaum, Trisha Sakhuja, Michael Schenkler.

'Linsanity' Returns To New York City A documentary showcasing the craziness of “Linsanity” appeared on the big screen last week. The popularity of former New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin was shown in a biographical movie entitled “Linsanity: The Jeremy Lin Story.” Two years ago, Lin burst onto the scene, coming off the bench and becoming a prominent player on the team that year. His run was highlighted by scoring 38 points against the Los Angeles Lakers and hitting a game-winning three pointer against the Toronto Raptors. Many fans, especially those of Asian descent because of Lin’s

Asian-American background, flocked to Madison Square Garden and restaurants and bars to watch him play and “Linsanity” engulfed New York City in 2012, including the heavily-Asian Flushing. Although many in New York barely pay mind to Lin anymore, he is no longer on the team as the Knicks declined to match an offer sheet made by the Houston Rockets, they can revisit that time by watching the movie. Comptroller John Liu, a Flushing resident, has sent out emails promoting the movie and his appearance at its premiere last week in Manhattan. We guess Liu is grasping for some attention since his bid for

Wi-Fi Coming to LIC To ensure the City grows as a global hub of technology and innovation, Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to a leave a techsavvy legacy behind, by launching free public wireless networks in certain parts of the five boroughs, in collaboration with the New York City Economic Development Corporation. One of the 10 commercial districts chosen is the warehouseturned-tech-savvy-hub of Queens, Long Island City. In addition to the launch of free public networks, WiredNYC will spearhead a program that consists of a rating platform that evaluates the broadband connectivity and infrastructure of office buildings. The program will create a “LEED for broadband’ certification to give businesses information about a building’s connectivity. It also allows landlords to better market a building’s positives. Long Island City Partnership, along with GOWEX, will install Smart Points to the corridors of Queens Plaza, Jackson Avenue and Vernon Boulevard. The first informational session will be held on Oct. 16 from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Munducatis Rustica. For more information, email Dana Frankel at We at QConf are excited to see Queens on the map of the Smart Points initiative. With our newly-launched, revamped website (make sure to check out, the Wi-Fi initiative means that more folks will be able to check out our site wherever they are!

Mayor was unsuccessful last month. We also wonder about all the hoopla around Lin back then, since he has turned out to be an above-average player at best.

Not 'Bad' News Good news “Breaking Bad” fans. If you still have the “Breaking Bad” blues after September’s series finale, you can come relive your favorite moments at the Museum of Moving Image. The exhibit dedicated to AMC’s hit show will be open at the Astoria museum through Oct. 27. The museum had a sold-out gathering for the finale on Sept. 29. Museum admission is $12 for adults and $9 for senior and students. The museum is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. The Museum of Moving Image is located at 36-01 35th Ave., Astoria. For more information about the exhibit or the museum, call (718) 7776888.

When Anthony Mavilia creates art, he prefers to use media like charcoal and acrylics. The artist said that charcoal is “almost an extension of the hand.” Given how ingrained art is in his life, it comes as no surprise that he would prefer a medium that extends that dedication. Ever since he was young, Mavilia has spent his time drawing or painting whatever caught his eye, even to the point where it got him in trouble in the classroom. But that enthusiasm paid off in the long run, as he pursued his interests through college. “I remember my parents were proud of what I did and invited people to see my work,” he said “Eventually, I began taking classes at Parsons New School and the Art Students League.” In 1991, Mavilia joined Abingdon Square Painters, an organization that offers a space where artists can work freely in any style they choose. While originally located in Manhattan, it ran into financial trouble due to rising rent in the late 2000s. Mavilia spearheaded a plan to move the studio to Long Island City. He is now the director of Abingdon Square Painters. When it comes to art, Mavilia’s work is abstract and mood-setting, a preference that evolved over time. Originally, he drew and painted in a realistic style, but grew to appreciate and take inspira-

tion from the abstract. “I also looked at and read about Asian art. In those cultures, depictions of living things like bamboo and plum trees stand in for human values like flexibility and beauty under adversity,” he said. “My vine drawings are a way of dealing with the way that society coerces individuals to conform to its values and restrictions and in some cases, suffocates individual aspirations.” His work depicting nature was inspired by his own home setting, as he lives in a Kew Gardens complex situated in Forest Park. He is very involved in the community’s gardening. “Most of the values that apply to art - line, color, texture etc. - apply to a garden, with the added complexity that it is a three dimensional space which changes over time,” Mavilia said. For those who wish to pursue art as well, Mavilia recommends that they take a good foundation course that will expose them to essential elements such as composition, value, color theory and more. “Drawing is essential as is daily practice, whether in a sketch book or at the easel or table,” he said. “It is also important to look at other art, both contemporary and historic, to inform one's taste and expand one's notion of what is possible in art.”

Who's Got Talent

Got Talent? Talented individuals of all kinds should email for inclusion in a future edition.







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At an IAS Part 7 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Queens, at the Courthouse at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, State of New York on the 9th day of September 2013 PRESENT: HON. DAVID ELLIOT INDEX NO. 10657/13 JESSE C. DAVENPORT III, JOHN RIVERS, STEPHANIE MCCRAE, NICOLE FRIDAY, and CYNTHIA ABRAHAM, Trustees of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Petitioner, To Dissolve BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Pursuant to New York Not-for-Profit Corp. Law § 1102(a)(2)(A) UPON reading and filing the petition of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC. verified by JESSEE C. DAVENPORT III, JOHN RIVERS, STEPHANIE MCCRAE, NICOLE FRIDAY and CYNTHIA ABRAHAM all Trustees of BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., and the affidavit JESSE C. DAVENPORT III, the affirmations of EVERETT HOPKINS, ESQ. affirmed the 9th day of August 2013 and ANDREW P TUREAUD ESQ. affirmed the 12th Day of August 2013, all annexed hereto, and upon all prior pleadings had herein; LET, all persons interested show cause at the Centralized Motion Part of this Court, to be held in and for the County of Queens, at the Supreme Court, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, NY on the 7th day of November,


2013, at 2:15 in the afternoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard WHY an order should not be granted dissolving BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, INC., Inc. and authorizing petitioners to sell the real property known as 109-50 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, New York, 11434 residing in the County of Queens, City and State of New York, Block 10189, Lot 8 & 19 pursuant to a contract of sale dated February 25, 2011 and WHY an order should not be granted immediately authorizing petitioner, a religious corporation organized and existing under Article 10 of the Religious Corporations law of the State of New York, to hereby sell the property known as 109-50 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica New York, 11434 residing in the County of Queens, City and State of New York, Block 10189, Lot 8 & 19 in accordance with the provisions of the Contract of Sale of One Million Five Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars and no cents, and to pay all closing costs and fees; and SUFFICIENT CAUSE appearing therefore, let service of a copy of this order giving notice of the petition upon all interested parties by publication once per week for four consecutive weeks in Southeast Queens Press 718-357-7400 a newspaper published in the County of Queens on or before October 24, 2013, be deemed due and sufficient service hereof. ENTER DAVID ELLIOT Justice of the Supreme Court





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Oct. 11-17, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

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