Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 11 Issue No. 41 Oct. 15 - 21, 2010


PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


A surge in shooting deaths in the 113th and 103rd Precincts has neighbors worried and officials moving to stem the bloody tide. By Sasha Austrie…Page 3

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Spike In Shootings Has SEQ Vexed well and our people are starving.” He cautioned young black men against the ills of the streets. With the recent uptick in gun violence, including a shooting death “Too many black mothers are as recent as Thursday morning, comgoing to prison [for visits] and dying munity have found in solidarity in with broken hearts,” he said. “We purpose. are destroying ourselves as a community.” “I have no idea where these guns Tuesday’s press conference was are coming from,” said State Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica). “All the third stand against violence the past week a one week period. The of a sudden, it exploded.” From Jan. 1 to Oct. 14, there community pleaded last week with have been 41 murders in Southeast NYPD officials to bolster its presQueens. ence in the neighborhoods and ro“Our streets are becoming like tate critical resources in trouble zones. the Wild West out here,” said Community Board 12 District Manager Reddick said she has encouraged Yvonne Reddick. people to fight back by going to their Garth Marchant, uncle to Willcommunity council meetings and iam Cobb, 28, said his nephew and knowing their community affairs Raquel Seaborn, 19, were shot mulofficers. tiple times in a minivan on 153rd “You can’t be afraid,” she said. Street. Marchant said Cobb, an as“People do what we allow them to piring rapper, lived in the South Ja- State Sen. Shirley Huntley gathered with members of the community to decry the recent wave of shooting do in our community. There are too maica Houses with his mother. He deaths in Southeast Queens. many guns on the street.” alleged that the young lady was a Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at prostitute who worked for Cobb. Cobb’s death. “There is a memorial in The Rev. Larry Davidson said the rash saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 357“It was devastating,” Marchant said of front of the building for him.” of crime proves that “poverty is alive and 7400, Ext. 123. BY SASHA AUSTRIE

Hevesi Admits Corruption, Faces Jail BY JOSEPH OROVIC

sonal, were contacted by the Queens Tribune, and all declined to comment. Former Manhattan Councilman and City Parks Commissioner Henry Stern, who operates the good government watchdog group New York Civic, did chime in. “When he started, he was a golden boy,” Stern said. “Tall, good looking, smart and Jewish, which is a rare combination. Clearly a very intelligent man. He represented a kind of scholar in politics.” But first appearances can betray better judgment, and the latter portion of his career proves early assessments of Hevesi were bunk. Following his Assembly stint as a “go along,” according to Stern, ambition got the better part of Hevesi. After lambasting Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, he burned many bridges at the City’s political level. But Hevesi’s crimes in the State Comptroller’s office were of a different nature. According to Stern, the pay-toplay ethos was alive well before Hevesi took office. “Who is going to give thousands to a Comptroller if they don’t expect something in return?” Stern asked. “They all did it. [Hevesi] refined it.” The distance though, between perception and reality, makes this particular story especially dreadful. Which begs the question: What if Alan Hevesi did not epically betray the public’s trust? “He’d be regarded as a sage,” Stern said. “It’s not as if they found out that some schmuck stole. This was Comptroller Hevesi. The Golden Boy. That’s why it’s a tragedy.” Reach Reporter Joseph Orovic at jorovic@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Exactly how wrong can a first impression possibly be? The long rise of a promising political career careened forever into oblivion on Oct. 7, as former State Comptroller and one-time “Golden Boy” Alan Hevesi pleaded guilty to a felony charge of official misconduct. The plea is another in a long string of Comptroller officials and Hevesi associates copping to corruption charges during a three-years-and-counting investigation by Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo. The AG’s office uncovered the allocation of investment dollars from the state’s Common Retirement Fund in exchange for personal and political favors. The former Forest Hills Assemblyman, City and State Comptroller could face up to four years in prison at his sentencing scheduled for Dec. 16, a day which could represent the finale of a Shakespearean tragedy of political proportions. Hevesi admitted to reaping nearly $1 million in benefits after doling out $250 million in state pension fund investment to Markstone Capital Partners, which was managed by Hevesi fundraiser and pal Elliott Broidy. “In exercising my discretion as Comptroller to approve these deals, I gave preferential treatment to Markstone and Broidy, who was a friend of mine and political fundraiser for my campaign,” Hevesi said in his allocution before the court. Broidy himself pleaded guilty to a felony charge of rewarding official misconduct in 2009. The nearly $1 million in benefits Hevesi

“Alan Hevesi presided over a culture of corruption and violated his oath as a public servant,” Cuomo said. “He was solely charged with protecting our pension fund, but he exploited it for his personal benefit instead. With his guilty plea, we can now focus on the process of restoring public trust in government.” The investigation found a number of backroom deals took Alan Hevesi, as the “golden boy” in 1970s politics (l.) place in order to set up Hevesi’s and as he strode out of his polling place on election day son Andrew (D-Forest Hills) 2006, shortly before he was forced to resign over a with his current Assembly seat. Cuomo has maintained the chauffeur scandal. younger Hevesi had no knowledge of the machinations. An investment firm owned by another knowingly received included $75,000 in travel junkets to Israel, Italy and California Alan Hevesi son, former State Sen. Dan for himself, his family and other Comp- Hevesi, received $1 million in fees for troller officials. The expenses included illegal placements of state common retirefirst-class airfare, luxury hotel suites, a ment fund dollars. To date, Cuomo’s investigation has helicopter tour, and security detail. Broidy hid the expenses through chari- landed seven guilty pleas and recovered table organizations and false invoices to $138 million for the state. Early in his career, Hevesi came loaded the Comptroller’s office, all under Hevesi’s with an abundance of potential and a thick cognizance. Another $380,000 of the benefits went resume: the erudite, intelligent, charming, towards a friend of Hank Morris, Hevesi’s Ph. D-from-Columbia-University toting campaign manager, via a sham consulting scion of a rabbinate, who moonlighted as agreement. Another $500,000 was allo- a poli sci professor at Queens College and cated towards Hevesi’s re-election cam- was known for his lethal jump shot. To paign – one which ended in victory only to some, he was a budding political superstar. be followed by his resignation after plead- He was elected to the Assembly in 1971, ing guilty to defrauding the government by and served for 22 years, traversing many using a State-employed driver for personal committees and climbing the body’s ranks. By some estimates, he was on the cusp of reasons. Hevesi also acknowledged Morris’s becoming Assembly Speaker before being habit of soliciting campaign contributions elected City Comptroller in 1993. Many of Hevesi’s friends from his early in exchange for doing business with the political career, both professional and perComptroller’s office.

At York, MTA Chief Defend Hikes BY STEFAN SINGH

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

On Oct. 7, the Metropolitan Transit Authority voted to increase subway fares (see our full coverage on page 12). The very next day MTA Chairman and CEO Jay Walder came to York College for breakfast. Walder hopped on the train and came to Queens as the keynote speaker at President Marcia V. Keizs’ Executive Leadership Breakfast Series. With the fare hikes approved less than 24 hours before his speech, Walder came prepared to defend and explain them. To the students of York College and New Yorkers everywhere, Walder said, “I do recognize that fare hikes are frustrating and difficult for people.” He explained that the MTA is dealing with more than $900 billion in state tax cuts and reductions, but that the fare hikes were not their first option. According to Walder, the MTA has reduced its cost structure by $500 million, cutting 20 percent of their headquarters’ operation, 15 percent of management across the board and cancelling contracts. “But at some point, you have to have the money to make the system run,” he said. “8.5 million people a day rely on the system and there simply was no choice but to raise the fares.” Walder, a native of Far Rockaway, rides the subway everywhere and he knows that the MTA is far from perfect.

“For my first year at the MTA, I swiped my MetroCard just under 900 times,” he said. In riding every train in the system, Walder took notes and planned for change. “It was better to move forward than to stand still,” he said. Walder said that the notion that technology is a luxury is incorrect. He recalls that years ago, before cell phones were popular, people had to find a pay phone to call a house phone and hope that the person they were trying to reach was still at home. Nowadays, without thinking people whip out their cell phones to get in touch with each other. “The transit system still feels like a place where you need to go find a pay phone,” he said. The MTA is working on many technological improvements. Walder noted that a plan to install cell phone and Wi-Fi capability from Sprint and T-Mobile is on the horizon. Walder also noted that digital signs that notify passengers about the train schedules and delays are going to be installed outside the stations. “Wouldn’t it be nice to know that the train is running before you go down the stairs and pay your fare?” he asked. Another technological advancement on the horizon is bus lane cameras. The cameras will be designed to enforce laws that restrict passenger cars from being in the bus-only lanes. Walder wrapped up the breakfast by taking questions from the audience, the

most difficult of which was about cutting jobs to make ends meet. Cuts were “the single most difficult thing I’ve had to do since becoming the MTA chief,” Walder said, noting that if

he could, he would have gone another way. Stefan Singh is the Editor-In-Chief of Pandora’s Box, the college newspaper of York College.

New Beginning:

A student at IS 238 in Hollis can’t help but smile at the grand opening of the school’s new playground. See story on Page 12.

Hostess To Shutter Wonder Bakery Hostess Brands Inc. will close its Wonder Bread Bakery in Jamaica. “It is always a difficult decision to close one of our facilities, but during this slow economic recovery, we must carefully evaluate all options and take prudent steps to make our system more efficient and balance productivity and demand,” said Hostess’ Chief Executive Officer Brian Driscoll. Greater Jamaica Development Corporation’s President F. Carlisle Towery found Hostess’ decision to close the Jamaica bakery surprising. “Losing them is very disappointing to us,” he said. The bakery, located at 168-23 Douglas Ave., employs about 200 plant and trans-

port employees and is slated for closure on Jan. 7. The Dept. of Labor and other agencies have been notified of the impending closure and will help employees get unemployment insurance benefits, access to job re-training, re-employment or other assistance with new employment. “We want to thank our employees for their years of service and dedication,” Driscoll said. “We deeply regret the impact this will have on our employees and their families. We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.” Towery said he was unsure of the impact on customers, but the job loss would take its toll. “We really regret and lament the loss of 200 jobs,” Towery said. “Those jobs are important to the City.” The 100,000 square-foot facility, which

‘No’ On Stadium Condo BY JOSEPH OROVIC The West Side Tennis Club headed back to the drawing board Oct. 7 after its members voted down a proposal to redevelop its fabled Forest Hills stadium. The move would have seen the original home of the U.S. Open converted into a condominium while preserving the structure’s exterior. The vote split evenly, with 123 members voting in favor and against each. According to the club’s bylaws, the move

needed the approval of two-thirds of the 291 members to become a reality. The result was met with dismay from the proposal’s developer and proponents of the sale. The developer proposed a four-story, 75-unit condominium which included leaving the exterior of the stadium intact while adding a community room and garage. Reach Reporter Joseph Orovic at jorovic@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

was originally built in the 1870s, “was in need of modernization, an undertaking that would be difficult and expensive given the age and configuration of the plant,” a press release from Hostess said. The facility was originally home to the Shults Bread Company and sold to William Ward’s United Bakeries in 1921. The company was renamed Continental Baking Co. in 1925 and 70 years later, in 1995, the business was purchased by Interstate Bakeries Corporation, now Host- Hostess’ Wonder Bread bakery will shut down in January, ess. The bakery produces leaving about 200 employees seeking new employment. Wonder Bread Classic and other Wonder varieties, Beefsteak Breads, closure comes as Hostess is emerging from and Home Pride varieties as well as pri- Chapter 11. vate-label breads. “We are a little disappointed that they Towery said GJDC was aware of the are closing the plant,” he said. facility’s age, but thought close proximity The bakery outlet store and administrato distribution and markets would allevi- tive and distribution offices will move to ate the plant’s defects. When Hostess, new locations in the area when the current previously Interstate Bakeries Corpora- site is sold. tion, filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, GJDC Towery said though GJDC has not was instrumental in the Jamaica plant re- received inquiries on the plant, the organimaining open. Throughout the company’s zation receives calls looking for space. restructuring, GJDC helped Hostess ac“We want to be helpful in assessing the quire Empire Zone benefits, according to plant’s reuse,” Towery said. Towery. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at Richard Werber, GJDC’s director of saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 357Business Services Group, said the plant 7400, Ext. 123.

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 174-15 Horace Harding Expwy. Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email news@queenspress.com The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

In Our Opinion: Arnold Thibou Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Editorial Sad Tale Of The Big Fish We had been waiting for some time to see if the net Attorney General Andrew Cuomo was casting to catch people in the scandal-plagued State Comptroller’s office would be wide enough to land the biggest fish of all – former State Comptroller Alan Hevesi. That question was answered last week when Hevesi admitted wrongdoing in taking free trips – with family and co-workers – to Israel, Italy, California and other locales, all on the dime of a campaign donor who, in return, received hundreds of millions of dollars in state retirement funds to manage, and the hefty fees that went along with those funds. Hevesi will be required, we assume, to return any ill-gotten gains he may have acquired during his time in office. The former Assemblyman and City Comptroller fell from grace four years ago when it was discovered that he used a state car and driver to chauffeur his wife around town, and when we reached out this week to speak to those who knew him from before the scandal, aside from a casual joke about his basketball ability, nobody wanted to talk. Alan will likely go to jail, and it seems that those who knew him before the scandal broke are keeping their distance from him now. We knew Alan back then, and we know today that his family is hurting. We wish his loved ones peace in what is assuredly a difficult time for them.

Shiek Mohamed


Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel

We The People Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Joseph Orovic Domenick Rafter Jessica Ablamsky Editorial Intern: Angy Altamirano Jason Banrey Rebecca Sesny Art Dept:

Tania Y. Betancourt Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director Alan J. Goldsher Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2010 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

To The Editor: The contentious rhetoric and widening ideological divide have raised the stakes in the upcoming election. The myths, fables and distortions heaped upon us by the media only serve to confuse and not enlighten. Now more than ever it is imperative that we stay informed, check facts and search for the truth. Falsehoods and half truths have become so pervasive we no longer question the premise on which they are based. When someone claims that all students have a right to a free education and a free lunch, the reality is that public schools are not free but are funded by tax dollars which must

be extracted from taxpayers. We should all have learned by now that “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” We are constantly told that Social Security is secure and that it is a form of savings and an investment for the future. The facts are that it is neither a savings account nor an investment but a Ponzi scheme, a crime for which Bernie Madoff went to jail. Google “Galveston Social Security” and compare benefits and results. The media’s “blame game” consists of comparing the socalled Bush deficits with Clinton surpluses. Most people are not aware that presidents cannot create either a deficit or a surplus. All spending bills originate

Letters in the House of Representatives and are voted into law by Congress. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress before Barack Obama became president. The deficit President Obama inherited was created by a Democratic Congress of which he was a member. The truth is that President Clinton’s budget surplus, the first surplus in over 25 years, was the result of a Republican controlled House of Representatives. In our search for the truth and competent honest representatives, let’s question with boldness, listen carefully, apply reason, check the facts, check the premise. We must re-establish the supremacy of the Constitution; it is not “We, the Congress” but “We, the People” who are in charge. I urge you to read the Constitution, then go out and vote! Ed Konecnik, Flushing

No Convention To The Editor: There is a lot of talk lately about having a Constitutional Convention. The purpose of this is to revise the U.S. Constitution. While many people may be in favor of this, it can be very dangerous. While the Convention can be called to consider a specific agenda such as term limits or a balanced budget, there is no effective way to limit its actions. Our Constitution could be abolished in its entirety during a Convention. James Madison was present at the first Constitutional Convention and he personally

witnessed the difficulties and dangers of that Convention and he shuddered to think what a second Constitutional Convention would bring. Our Constitution is considered a “miracle” by some of its authors and it is still relevant today, if Congress would only obey it. If it needs to be repaired, it could be dealt with by specific amendments. Our Constitution should remain as it is and all attempts at a Constitutional Convention should be avoided. Janet McCarthy, Flushing

None Of The Above To The Editor: I am proud to have the Conservative Party endorsement for the NYS Assembly in the 24th AD. The Conservative party recognized that my strong financial credentials as a fiscal conservative and an accountant could help reform Albany’s addiction to spending that is out-of-control. That addiction is being fueled by ever increasing taxes and fees that are pushing middle class taxpayers out of their homes. On Oct. 1 the squeeze got even tighter when a sales tax was imposed on all clothing purchases. Minor party candidates are rarely elected without major party support. Since a Democrat and a Republican candidate are already in this race, I expect most voters in our district to choose between them. Therefore, I plan to redirect my energies from campaigning to again working alongside my fellow civic leaders. Bob Friedrich, Glen Oaks

Padavan And Avella Get Ready To Rumble

A Personal Perspective By MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE

Frank Padavan is a wanted man. Well, not so much Padavan the man, but the State Senate seat he represents. It seems every state election cycle lately has seen an opponent vying for the seat he has held since 1972. Padavan is perpetually fending off opponents to hold onto the 11th Senatorial District, which covers parts of Hollis and Queens Village. He must have the most enticing seat in the Senate. How else do you explain the line of people hungering for it? In recent years, Bangladeshi native Morshed Alam has challenged him, and then two years ago City Councilman James Genarro came “this close” to dethroning him. The nail-biter of an election took months to resolve, with Padavan gaining reentry by the slimmest of margins.

Now this November, Tony Avella, who represented Bayside in the City Council, is his opponent. But here’s one reason for the lust: Padavan is a rare breed in elected Queens. He’s a Republican. His former Senate colleague, Serf Maltese, was beaten two years ago by Joe Addabbo, Jr. and so Padavan’s out there all by his lonesome now. So in the entire borough of Queens, Padavan is the only Republican holding any elected state office at the moment. That is no surprise, given that the overwhelming number of Queens citizens are Democrats. Opponents don’t publicly say they’re chasing after Padavan’s seat because he’s Republican. That would be simplistic. Rather, they say he’s not effective. One supposes the veteran senator must have done a few good things in his nearly 40 years in the office. We know he has been a propo-

nent of education reform and of lowering crime by upping police presence; and of local sports teams such as baseball for youngsters and of healthcare; so the general quality-of-life issues that drive Democrats are his issues as well. Enter Avella. Tony Avella is an interesting guy. He served eight years in the City Council and was known for his plain-spoken ways. He’s a guy of his word. He said if the Mayor got his term limits bill to pass, he would not run for re-election to a third term. It passed and Tony did not run. There were a lot of members out there opposing it, too. They were eating up face time on TV and yet when it passed, they all ran for a third term. Brooklyn’s Tish James even cried a bucket at a City Hall hearing. Bill de Blasio and John Liu said they would not run as well, and they did not. But that’s only because they were running for other of-

fices. Now Avella has set his sights on Albany. Well woe unto those he disagrees with up there. Carl Paladino’s talking about taking a bat to the legislature and Cuomo is talking about reform as well. But should Avella win, he’ll put his own brand of “clean up” in place. He’s a good guy, but makes enemies easily. When he first got to the Council, he vowed not to take a lulu nor a pay raise and he never did. There were those who said they wouldn’t and basked in the good press and in the bosom of the good government groups, only to change their minds when it was safe to do so. But Avella only has one face – like it or not. Now if he should defeat Padavan, he’ll be the same in Albany and Padavan will ride off into the sunset, perhaps meeting up with Maltese and former Councilman Tom Ognibene to reminisce. Election night returns should be interesting.

News Briefs Breast Cancer Walk Queens residents can take a step in the fight against breast cancer just by taking a stroll down one of the borough’s busiest boulevards. Thousands are expected to unite on Queens Boulevard this Sunday for the American Cancer Society’s annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. The 5-mile event is supported by local businesses and organizations with hundreds of cancer survivors participating from throughout the borough and beyond. “The walk became personal for me when I was diagnosed five years ago,” said Gail Neufeld, a five-year breast cancer survivor. Participating in the event for more than a decade, Neufeld said she believes taking strides towards awareness actually does produce results for both survivors and those who have not yet been diagnosed. “Collecting donations really does save lives, and we see that each year as the number of survivors increases,” said Neufeld. In Queens approximately 1,422 men and women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, with 314 deaths occurring each year, according to the State Dept. of Health. The walk will kick off in front of Queens Borough Hall. Walker check-in begins at 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 11 a.m. Those looking to get involved and become a part of event can find more info on makingstrides.acsevents.org/queens.

NYHQ’s Hybrid OR

GOP Bus Tour Like a rock band embarking on a promotional tour, Queens Republican candidates and New York GOP chairman Ed Cox toured the borough last week on their “Take Back New York” bus, rallying their base and spreading their message in areas where they hope to win next month. Stopping in Forest Hills, Fresh Meadows, Middle Village and Glendale, the GOP bus included Congressional candidate Bob Turner, who is running against U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Kew Gardens), Assembly candidates Tony Nunziato and Alex Powietrzynski and Council members Dan Halloran (RWhitestone) and Peter Koo (R-Flushing). Cox said that while it was Queens that cast the deciding votes that ended his party’s control over the State Senate. It could be Queens that gives it back. Republicans may have one hurdle, and that could be GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino. Most polls show him popular upstate while very unpopular in the City. A Siena poll out last week had Cuomo leading Paladino in New York City 70-17. Paladino lost all five boroughs and Long Island in the GOP primary, but the margin was narrow in Queens. Cox admitted Paladino might not have coattails in the City. “He’ll certainly help upstate; downstate will be harder,” he said.

Holy Cross Saint For the brothers of Holy Cross High School, an honor is being bestowed upon one of their own for the first time. A fellow Brother of the Holy Cross will, for the first time in history, receive the Catholic Church’s highest honor when Bro. André Bessette will be canonized on Oct. 17. The pronouncement will bestow sainthood upon a Brother who barely became a brother in the first place. “He is not somebody you would typically think would be canonized,” said Bro. Jonathan Beebe, Director of Vocations for the congregation. Bessette was born in Montreal in 1845. The son of working class parents, he led a life deprived of wealth, education and health. Orphaned at the age of 12, he carried his mother’s deep passion for St. Joseph with him, bringing it to the Holy Cross congregation. Their initial reaction, after seeing his poor health, was to reject him. It was only after a bishop threw his support behind Bessette that he joined the congregation. Despite his lackluster health, he lived to the ripe age of 92 as he spent his waning years living off of a mixture of flour and salt in boiled water. For the Queens school, Bro. Andre’s inclusion amongst the saints represents a high water mark. A group of students took a trip up to Montreal in July, to see the St. Joseph’s Oratory Bro. Andre funded and helped build, climbing its steps on his knees. “It’s very hard to follow what he did,” said senior Anthony LaRosa, who attended the trip. “It takes a really strong person to do that.”

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

NYHQ is preparing to unveil the borough’s only vascular hybrid operating room by the end of the month. As opposed to an ordinary operating room, the state-of-the-art, multi-faceted facility is a fully equipped surgical suite which will minimize the need to relocate patients during treatment. Before, when a patient was treated, he or she needed to undergo various procedures in several rooms that required numerous pieces of equipment. Rosita Ortiz, an NYHQ nurse, was on hand to show how that will change and to give a tour of the new facility. She pointed out the opportunity to minimize patient complications by moving the patient less. Patients typically get moved from one room or device to another, with each location or instrument having its own specialty. “Then they had to call in the X-ray machine, then we have to move the patient,” Otriz said. “With this, the patient is stationary and no longer has to be moved around the hospital.” Gregg Landis, the hospital’s director of vascular and endovascular surgery, highlighted how the room will actively improve patient recovery time and pointed out how the facility addressed procedural dilemmas. “The quality of the care we’re able to give will improve with this room,” he said. “As a vascular surgeon, I always had to compromise. Do I need to be in the best X-ray place or do I need to be in the best operating environment? And now, I can do both here.” The new facility also offers the capability to treat patients with complex medi-

cal conditions –- including those who would have required open-heart surgery, and those previously considered too highrisk for surgery.

Disgraced Hevesi Plea Bargaining, Cuomo Gets His Man By HENRY J. STERN There was lit tle surprise in Alan Hevesi’s confession that he was a corrupt Comptroller. News of the Attorney General’s inve st igat ion had leaked over the years, and the guilty pleas of his co-conspirators made it clear that his office was a cesspool of favoritism obtained through bribery. For a person in such high office to betray it so Henry completely is shocking, even to those of us who are accustomed to repor ting on polit ical corruption. It is one thing for a Vito Lopez, Pedro Espada and Lar ry Seabrook to turn their anti-poverty organizations into automatic teller machine s for t hemselves, t heir mistresses, their unemployed children, their campaign managers, and the friends and relatives (kith and kin) of any of the above insiders. Their conduct is highly offensive and, if convicted of the allegations against them, they should go directly to prison But for Alan Hevesi, a reasonably affluent, well-educated intelligent and articulate elected official, descendant of rabbis, state legislator for 23 years, two-term Comptroller of the City of New York, Professor of Political Science at

Queens College, recipient of a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in 1971, after having written his thesis analyzing the leadership of the state legislature, to turn out to have repeatedly betrayed the public trust - that is difficult to accept. Si nce He ve si has turned out to be a crook, what politician can we believe to be honest? We assume that most of Stern them are, but we know there are some who are dishonest, even if we do not know their names. We are familiar with those who have been convicted in recent year s. Former Senate major it y leader Joseph Bruno heads the list, with Senators Guy Velella, Efrain Gonzalez and Hiram Monserrate, Assemblymembers Diane Gordon, Roger Green, Brian McLaughlin, Clarence Norman, Anthony Seminerio, and Councilmembers Angel Rodriguez and Miguel Martinez. Governor Eliot Spitzer and Congre ssman Vito Fossella were not tried for criminal behavior, but were disgraced when their extra-curricular activities became known to the public. Councilman Dennis Gallagher was convicted of criminal harassment. Spitzer and Gallagher resigned, Fossella fin-

ished out his term, but did not seek re-election. For appointed public officials, one can start with former Police Commissioner B er nar d Kerik, now in a Federal prison in Maryland. If we have omitted any convicted public officials, please let us know and their names will be added to the list. The question arises: what is an appropriate punishment for a high official who betrays his trust? He is responsible not only for the money he took for himself and his family, but the depredations of Hank Morris, who was his political manager. Morris appears to have enriched himself far more than Hevesi, but we do not really know where the money extorted from people who wanted to deal with the pension fund ended up. In China, such a person would be executed, but that is not the American way. Hevesi was born on January 31, 1940, and is now 70 years old. A prison sentence is required, but should the length be calibrated with his life expectancy? One obvious penalty is to forfeit the pensions he now receives from the City University and the State Legislature. He certainly did not provide hone st serv ice s to the public while holding high elective

office. Restitution to the state for his ill-gotten gains should be part of any plea arrangement. It is likely that when a person demonstrates such a basic character flaw as we have in this case that there are all kinds of other situations in which he behaved improperly. This is a terribly sad case: for the former Comptroller, for his fam-

ily, for the people he victimized, for his community and for those who admired him. I am reminded of the kid who met “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, a star outfielder on the 1919 White Sox who took bribes from gamblers to throw the World Series to the Cincinnati Reds. “Say it ain’t so, Joe,” the youngster said to his hero, or so the legend goes. StarQuest@NYCivic.org

Not 4 Publication.com by Dom Nunziato

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

102nd Precinct Burned In Car

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

On Saturday, Oct. 9, at 4:20 p.m., at the corner of Jamaica Avenue and 130th Street in Richmond Hill, NYPD and FDNY responded to a 911 call of a vehicle fire. After putting out the fire, which torched a 2000 BMW, police found an unidentified person in the backseat unconscious and unresponsive with serious trauma to the body. EMS responded and pronounced the victim dead at the scene. The Medical Examiner was to determine the cause of death. The investigation was ongoing.

104th Precinct Dead In Park On Thursday, Oct. 7, at 8 a.m., police responded to a call of a person in need of help at Reese Park in Maspeth, located at 59th Drive and Fresh Pond Road. Upon arrival, police discovered a Hispanic man in his 20s unconscious and unresponsive. EMS responded and pronounced the man dead. The Medical Examiner was to determine the cause of death.

108th Precinct Robber Sought The NYPD is seeking the public’s help identifying a man wanted for a rob-

bery in Long Island City. On Sunday, Oct. 3, at approximately 10 p.m., at the Queens Plaza subway station located at Jackson Avenue and Queens Boulevard, a black man in his 40s bumped into a 28-year-old Asian man several times and removed the victim’s wallet from his backpack while doing so. The suspect then fled back into the subway station. The suspect is described as 5-foot-7 with black hair tied up in the back. He was last seen wearing a dark blue waist length jacket, dark colored shirt and pants and dark sunglasses. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

111th Precinct Attempted Rape The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect wanted in connection with an attempted sexual assault in Bayside. On Sunday Oct. 3, at approximately 5:50 a.m., inside of 38-28 Bell Blvd in Bayside, a 24-year-old white woman was walking north on Bell Boulevard when a man approached her from behind,

grabbed her and dragged her into the vestibule. The man threw the victim to the ground, attempted to sexually assault her and then fled in an unknown direction. The suspect is described as a Hispanic man, light skinned, mid 20s, 5-foot-7, medium build with dark colored hair. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

113th Precinct Two More Shot Dead On Monday, Oct. 11, at around 4:39 p.m., and on Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 3:24 a.m., police responded to 911 call reporting a man shot. The first was at the front of 177-53 119th Rd. in St. Albans, the second at the corner of 180th Street and Linden Blvd in Addisleigh Park Upon arrival to the first scene, police discovered Tony McFadden, 26, who lived at 177-53 119th Rd., shot once to the head. At the second scene, police found Damien Beamon, 31, of 106-56 160th St., with a gunshot wound to the head. Both were pronounced dead. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing.

Another Shooting Victim On Thursday, Oct. 14, at 12:15 a.m., police responded to a call of a man shot near the intersection of 148th Street and 115th Avenue in South Jamaica. Upon arriving, officers discovered an unidentified man shot once. The man was declared dead at the scene.

From the DA Van Thief Arraigned A Far Rockaway man has been ordered held on $50,000 bail following his arraignment on grand larceny and other charges. He is accused of stealing eight Ford vans and one short school bus and selling them to a salvage dealer in Nassau County. The defendant, Jason Kortbawi, 25, of 1115 Gipson St., was arraigned on Oct. 7 on charges of third- and fourth-degree grand larceny, third- and fourth-degree criminal possession of stolen property and fifth-degree conspiracy. He faces up to seven years in prison if convicted. According to the charges, Kortbawi stole seven Ford vans that were parked on various streets in Queens and one van and one short school bus parked on a Brooklyn street between Sept. 13 and Sept. 24. Kortbawi allegedly sold each of the vehicles for $500.

Save 911 For The Real Thing!

Borough Beat

Legendary Lover’s Lair Lures Locals One of Hollywood's earliest sex symbols, Rudolph Valentino, rose to the heights of fame, but never got what he really wanted. His goals were simple - a wife, kids and a little farm. Dead by 31, the "Latin Lover" left unfulfilled the dream he spent his entire life working towards. Now, his dream will come to fruition at Valentino's on the Green, Valentino's mansion-turned-restaurant. Opened in mid-September after extensive renovation of what was once CaffÊ on the Green, the restaurant is filled with touches that honor Valentino's life and work, like his portrait featured prominently over the fireplace, and the hand-blown glass inspired by one of his movies. Set on three acres, Valentino's will soon be home to a fully sustainable hydroponic farm and aquaponic fish farm, said Don Pintabona, chef for Valentino's. "This time next year, we hope to produce up to 80 percent of the produce we use," he said. "I believe it will be one of the most advanced in the country." The operation will be run by a nonprofit and used as a teaching lab for local students. It will feature a rainwater catchment, solar and biodiesel energy and have a goal of operating at a zero carbon footprint. "That's where a lot of things are headed, I think," he said. "The thing I'm most excited about is the kids." That is how Valentino would have wanted it. "We're going to be introducing things that have never been seen in this country," Pintabona said, like strains of mushrooms from Cambodia and Laos and heirloom varieties of produce. Although it is every chef's dream to cook with food picked fresh from the backyard, the project is about much more than Pintabona "playing with vegetables." As a "closed, fully integrated system, it's something that could be instituted anywhere: Brooklyn, Haiti," he said, obvi-

PRESS Photos by Jessica Ablamsky


Chef Don Pintabona lounges for a moment between lunch and dinner rushes. ously excited about the implications for the world's hungry. Valentino's is already a place where the hungry emerge well fed. With a full bar, the dinner room is decorated with thick red velvet drapes and dark wood that lend a feel of old-fashioned luxury perfect for a romantic night out. Separated from the entryway by a builtin wine rack, is the Vigneto room, which features a rustic wood ceiling and large windows that overlook the perfectly manicured lawn of the golf course next door. The menu offers Italian dishes that range from the readily recognizable to more exotic fare designed with foodies in mind. "We want this to be a regular place, not just a special occasion restaurant," said Pintabona, who serves up mouthwatering eggplant rollatini and desserts to die for. Set up to serve any festive occasion, the Valentino's team offers catering, and private rooms for parties and weddings. Valentino's on the Green is located at 201-10 Cross Island Pkwy., Bayside. To learn more call (718) 352-2300 or go to valentinosonthegreen.com. Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124.

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

The image of Rudolph Valentino greets diners as they enter the restaurant.


A Political Outsider Pushing Reform

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Harpreet Singh Toor, a political novice, had set his sights on the 28th Council District long before the position became vacant. Toor had prepared himself to step into the political arena in 2013, but the passing of late Councilman Tom White Jr. gave him an early opportunity to try his hand. “A lot of community [members] reached out and told me to run,” Toor said. He is a 27-year resident of the community and claims he has worked with all factions in the neighborhoods. A mere two years after he immigrated to the United States from India, Toor established an educational program at the local Gurdwara – a Sikh Temple. He also expanded the temple’s library volumes from 5,000 to 25,000. By Toor’s count, the ills facing the 28th Council District includes a lack of education, transportation and healthcare facilities. He dubs the New York City educational system as “broken down.” “[We spend] less per student as compared to upstate kids,” Toor said, adding that New York’s educational funding gap between rich and poor students is the “biggest in the nation.”

PRESS Photo by Sasha Austrie


Harpreet Singh Toor has emphasized a renewed focus on education and social harmony in his campaign for the City Council’s 28th District seat. “We need to reinforce our efforts and press harder so we can get more money,” he said. He advocates smaller classrooms, funding of after school activities and an overall education, instead of teaching to standardized tests. Toor said there needs to be observation of persistently failing school districts for possible mitigating circumstances. “We need to look at causes and why it is like this,” he said. Language barriers

and troubles at home can contribute to low scores. In terms of transportation, Toor believes the MTA’s repeated fare increases and service cuts are hurting working families. He said the MTA needs to scrutinize its budget and cut out wasteful spending. Toor said healthcare funding is directly tied to population and because Southeast Queens historically has a low participation rate in the Census, resources have been hard to procure. As a crew leader

during the 2010 Census, Toor helped count Southeast Queens and hopes the results will garner additional funding for healthcare services. Toor wants those affected by hospital closures in Queens to mobilize and demand appropriate medical funding. To further enhance Southeast Queens, Toor advocates for Aqueduct to be transformed into a school and park. Another is renting out the facility as office space to Wall Street firms. He said both City and State government needs to stop borrowing and spending. “Right now it looks like everything is broken down,” Toor said. “We need to learn to tighten our belts and get it done.” According to Toor’s Campaign Manager Donald Kaplan, Toor is not only seeking the reins of the district to simply squelch the ills, but to usher in a new era of social harmony. Kaplan said Toor can be a catalyst to change the recent uproar and violence against Muslims, minorities and gays “When he stands up to be sworn in and people look at his turban, [they] will see there is a change,” Kaplan said. “The majority is no longer the majority.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

MTA Fare Hike:

Boro Resident Endures New Horror Agency Says Straphangers Spared, After Exposure To Mystery Powder Bridge, Tunnel Toll Eyed Oct. 27 BY DOMENICK RAFTER The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, still facing a $900 billion budget shortfall, approved fare hikes last week that will take effect on Jan 1, 2011, but the MTA is telling riders that fare hikes could have been worse if not for last winter’s emergency rescue legislation passed by the state.

Basic Changes The base fares for subways and local and express buses will remain the same,

though a single ride ticket will go up in price. Unlimited cards will see a sharp rise in prices. The 1-day unlimited “Fun Pass” and the 14-day unlimited ride MetroCard will be eliminated because of low demand. The MTA will begin charging a $1 surcharge to purchase a new MetroCard. There will be no such charge for customers turning in a recently expired MetroCard. Long Island Rail Road and Metro North fares will increase between 7.6 and 9.4 percent, and some discounts will be reduced or eliminated entirely. The validity of a one-way or round-trip ticket will be reduced to two weeks from six months and there will be a $10 charge for processing refunds for unused tickets, which must be requested within 30 days

Talk Of Savings

Park demanding the elimination of its toll. Earlier this year, the MTA changed the residents’ rebate program, allowing rebates after only one round trip per day, the amount most residents make. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.




Subways, local buses



Express buses



Single Ride Ticket



15% when adding at least $8

7% when adding at least $10.

30-day unlimited MetroCard



7 day Express Bus + unlimited MetroCard



7-day unlimited MetroCard



1-day “Fun Pass”



14-day unlimited MetroCard



Pay-per-ride Metrocard bonus discount

PRESS Photo By Tania Y. Betancourt

Earlier this year, the MTA threatened to cut discounted student fares but at the last moment changed its position.

The MTA said the cost cutting actions taken this year will save $380 million in 2010 and generate more than $525 million in annual recurring savings that will grow to more than three quarters of a billion dollars by 2014. “Given the magnitude of the budget shortfall the MTA faced in 2010, this fare increase would have been much larger if our efforts to fundamentally overhaul the MTA’s cost structure had not been successful,” said MTA Chairman and CEO Jay Walder. “While we cannot avoid this increase, we have listened to the comments of hundreds of customers and others about how they use the MTA’s services and how dependent they are on it.”

The MTA will make a decision on bridge and tunnel tolls at a meeting Oct. 27. The risk that tolls may increase trigged a protest on the Cross Bay Bridge. More than 200 local residents from the Rockaway Peninsula and surrounding neighborhoods marched across the bridge between Broad Channel and Rockaway

As a part of restructuring, certain train and bus lines were eliminated, including the W train, while others were rerouted.

Many token booths were previously closed this year. PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

MTA Blasted In a joint statement released last Friday, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Transportation Committee Chairman James Vacca (D-Bronx) gave a pessimistic outlook. “Today is another dark day for millions of straphangers across our city. Coming just six months after the most severe service cuts in recent memory, today’s drastic fare hike sends the message that the MTA’s fallback solution in the face of growing expenses is to hike transit fares with no strong plan for the future,” the statement read. “Make no mistake about it: All New Yorkers will feel the sting of today’s action and thousands of riders will be forced to make difficult sacrifices they otherwise would not have had to make. Worst of all, until the MTA can count on a steady, sufficient source of funding from Albany, we that fear straphangers’ darkest days are yet to come.”

Commuters will see an increase in their monthly MetroCards at the end of the year.

The Greater Jamaica Development Corp. recently helped fund a solar panel installation for the J. Sussman Custom Window manufacturer in Jamaica. Photos by Walter Karling


Up On The Roof

Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

One Nation Councilman Danny Dromm met with NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous at the LGBT Community Center to discuss ways to help organize community involvement in the One Nation Working Together march Oct. 2.

A panoramic view of the installation.

Fighting Autism

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Senate President Malcolm Smith (l.) used the Autism Speaks annual fundraising walk at Jones Beach to urge Gov. David A. Paterson to sign the Autism Bill. Dr. Temple Grandin, who was recently the subject of an HBO documentary and voted one of Time Magazines Most Influential People of 2010, was also present at the rally.

The Sussman Brothers, David (l.) and Steve (r.), grandchildren of the founder and current leaders of the custom window manufacturer J. Sussman, Inc. and Greater Jamaica Development Corporation's Aron Kurlander (c.), look over the solar panel installation on the roof of their facility at 109-10 180th St. in Jamaica. The 567 solar panels will provide 100 percent of the company's annual energy needs taking them "off the grid."

People ceived an associate degree in 2002 from Wood Tobe-Coburn School, New York.

Air Force Reserve Airman 1st Class Michel Desdunes.

Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Air Force Reserve Airman 1st Class Michel Desdunes graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Margaret Desdunes of Queens Village. Desdunes graduated in 2001 from Bayside High School, and re-

rum. Only 30 college athletic professionals from Division I, II, III were chosen to serve as facilitators for the Leadership Tiheem 'Neik' Crocker, age 9 of the Forum, which will take place Oct. 21-24, Jamaica Bulldogs, has been named to the 2010 at the Disney Contemporary Hotel 2nd Annual Offense-Defense Youth All- in Orlando, Florida. American Bowl. Neik, an outside line The 2010 NCAA Student-Athlete backer, #56, will join dozens of peers in Leadership Forum is a four day event that his age group nationwide in an East meets will engage a diverse and dynamic repreWest clash that is part of a week-long se- sentation of student-athletes, coaches, ries of events leading up to the nation- faculty and administrators and provide ally-televised, 5th-annual Ofpertinent and customized fense-Defense All-American sessions that will enhance Bowl, an All-Star football personal awareness and leadgame of similar format showership skills needed to imcasing 80 of the top high pact student-athlete develschool seniors in the counopment at the campus and try. He was selected from a conference level, and begroup of young athletes numyond the collegiate realm. bering in the thousands As a facilitator, Cherry across the country to particiwill be responsible for pate in this one-of-a-kind Allmentoring participants, volStar game. unteering resources and Offense-Defense Sports time to student-athletes and has been running full-conproviding student-athletes, tact football instructional coaches and administrators camps for the past 42 years Tiheem 'Neik' Crocker with an energetic and engagand currently operates in aping learning environment. proximately 40 camp loca"The Department of tions nationwide every summer. For more NCAA Student-Affairs worked tirelessly information visit o-d.com. to make this forum extraordinary," said Cherry. "The training has been rigorous, Jessica Cherry, the Assistant Athletic but the administrators that were chosen Director at York College, was one of a are an energetic group of people who exselect few of college athletic administra- ude leadership. They are the epitome of tors chosen to take part in the inaugural professionalism on campus. I'm happy NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Fo- and excited the NCAA chose me."

Air Force Airman 1st Class Tanisha S. Delancey Air Force Airman 1st Class Tanisha S. Delancey graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. She is the daughter of Rose Hall of Queens Village. Delancey is a 2004 graduate of Campus Magnet High School.


Take Flight At Queens Circus Center BY JESSICA ABLAMSKY Standing on the platform, my toes dangling over the abyss, the safety belt strapped snugly to my waist became irrelevant. With both of my hands on the trapeze and my body leaning into the fall, the hands that held me steady from behind were an extreme experiment in trust. The command to bend my knees and jump was contrary to every bodily instinct, but one I somehow obeyed. Those first few swings were spent listening to the desperate voice in my head that screamed, “I’m slipping.” Then I remembered that I was supposed to be doing something up there, which the instructors claim I managed. To fly is divine. So is the adrenaline rush. Thus explains the appeal of Circus Warehouse, the Long Island City school that teaches average, ordinary kids and adults to become the circus stars you remember from childhood trips to Ringling Bros. I was given the opportunity to try my hand at the circus arts at an Oct. 10 fundraiser for Students for a Free Tibet. The afternoon, filled with speeches, performances and audience participation, was organized by Suzi Winston, owner and director of Circus Warehouse. The event is in its eighth year, but was a first for LIC. Usually held at her upstate farm, Winston took the opportunity to

move it to Queens after opening Circus Warehouse this past July. “It’s something that I’ve done personally, but I’ve always involved the trapeze community because I feel that flying is a good metaphor for freedom,” she said. As Winston made clear at the fundraiser, trapeze and Tibet have more in common that it would appear. Through incremental change, trapeze artists accomplish what at first seems impossible. The same can be said for Tibetan freedom. “What we’re seeing inside Tibet, even though it’s not widely reported, is a cultural renaissance,” said Kate Woznow, campaigns director for Free Tibet. Traditional street protests are dangerous, so people are using music, song and poetry to resist Chinese occupation, she said. “It’s these small little acts we haven’t seen before,” she said. “We’re trying to highlight and amplify what they’re doing, so involving the arts community more here is a good way to let Tibetans know that their voices are being heard.” Instructors from Circus Warehouse donated their time for the cause, something they were happy to do. “There’s been paid gigs I’ve turned down because it was work,” said instructor Summer Lacy. “This is different. I am essentially donating my performance. I feel really good about that.” What is different about Circus Warehouse

Restaurant Review

A Delightful Oasis doesn’t exist. There is a two-level restaurant-style seating area and an entire outdoor set up, open on sunny days. In total, the café can seat up to 300 people, so if you head over on lunchtime in a weekday you can choose to be seated in an intimate corner, but if you need to seat your entire big, fat Greek family after Sunday mass at St. Nicholas’ next door, Oasis has got you covered. One of the owners of the family-run café, which has been around since 1986, invited me to choose anything I wanted from the menu. “Everything’s good,” he said. He was right. From pizzas, panninis, salads and sundaes, I decided to put the Greeks to the ultimate test and order my absolute favorite food of all time: a crepe with nutella and banana. I’m an extremely critical crepe-connoisseur and I must say Oasis passed my challenge with an A+ in all categories: packed to the brim with bananas, soaked in hazelnut chocolate sauce, nice Nutella-to-banana ratio, generous helping of whipped cream and an elegant presentation to top it all off. Dare I say, it rivaled some of the crepes I sampled in crepe capital of the world, Paris. If Oasis has mastered French desserts, I shudder to think how savory and delicious their Greek treats or basic eats must be. I’d be willing to bet even Zeus himself stares downward at the eatery with a smile upon his face. — Kaitlyn Kilmetis

“I think that’s pretty much what we do,” Winston said. “We train people. That’s our deal.” To learn more to to www.circuswarehouse.com or call (212) 751-2174. Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124.

Jamaica Harvest Fest Set For This Saturday BY ANGY ALTAMIRANO Horses doing tricks, line dancing lessons, face painting and a local firemen’s chili cook-off are part of the many activities coming to Jamaica this Saturday for the Ninth Annual Harvest Festival at the Jamaica Farmers Market. The event, which is geared for children yet open to people of all ages, begins at 11 a.m. and has events carrying on till 3:30 p.m. The market is located at 90-40 160th St. / 159-15 Jamaica Ave. Each event will keep visitors busy and enjoying every moment of the day. All these activities come free to the public. Nothing is better than a free admission for a calm, fun-filled Saturday afternoon. Pumpkins, contributed by Upstate farmers, will be there for traditional carvings just in time for Halloween. Along with Jack-O-Lanterns, participants will also be able to make their very own scarecrow – just bring some old clothes. The magic show, Magic Rabbits, will wow audiences indoors, while the bands and dancing lessons will move the public outdoors. Yet, in dealing with Queens’ crazy weather, in case of rain (or snow), all the

events will be held inside the Farmers Market. So rain or shine, the show will still go on! The objective of the Harvest Festival is to allow local residents and visitors to “let loose” and enjoy themselves. “We want to show that Jamaica is not just a business district,” said Mary Reda, part of the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation. The activities are scattered throughout the day. The Savannah Sky Country Western Band, Line Dancing and Pumpkin Carving / Scarecrow Making will take place from 11 a.m. to 3p.m. The Federation of Black Cowboys will make their horses dance from 1-2 p.m. The day will end with the Fireman’s Chili Cook-Off from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Throughout the day, there will also be various others activities such as Face Painting, a YMCA Kids Dance Showcase, Magic Rabbits, a cooking demo, felt making, having an encounter with a clown and The Bug Lady and a chance to meet with your local officials Have fun, enjoy the fall in Queens and see for yourself that Jamaica has more to offer than just places to spend your money. Reach Intern Angy Altamirano at aaltamirano@queenstirbune.com or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128.

QSO Kicks Off Season In ‘Winds Of Change’ BY DOMENICK RAFTER The Queens Symphony Orchestra will kick off its 58th season with the “Winds of Change” Masterwork Concert Series on Saturday, Oct. 23, at the QSO’s artistic home; the Queensborough Performing Arts Center at Queensborough Community College. The concert, titled “Wind Serenades,” will feature three pieces; Serenade for Wind Instruments, Cello and Double-Bass in D minor, Op. 44 by Antonin Dvorak, Serenade for Winds in E-flat Major, Op. 7 by Richard Strauss and Mozart’s Serende No. 10 for Winds in B-flat Major, K. 361. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m., but there will be a pre-concert lecture beginning at 6:30 p.m. featuring Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos, who will begin his fifth season as music director of the QSO. He will preview and explain the selected pieces and also answer questions about the program. The lecture is free to subscribers and only $5 for ticket buyers. Tickets for the

concert are $30 for orchestra seats and $25 for balcony seats. There are discounts for students and senior citizens and groups of 10 or more can get a 20 percent discount. “Winds of Change” is the first of a series of concerts the QSO will feature in it’s packed 2010-11 season, which also includes the second concert in the “Winds of Change” series, The Voice, to be held at Queensborough on May 14, as well as the QSO’s performance of the opera Rigoletto on April 3, at LeFrak Concert Hall at Queens College. The season will also include concerts focused on children, called “Young People’s Concerts” in December and April. For more information about “Winds of Change” and the other upcoming events in QSO’s 2010-11 season, call the QSO office at (718) 326-4455, or at qso@queenssymphony.org, or visit the QSO website at queenssymphony.org. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

OASIS CAFÉ & BAKERY 196-30 Northern Blvd., Flushing (718) 357-4843 HOURS: Seven days a week 7:30a.m. - 2:00 a.m CUISINE: Greek bakery with plenty of other European options CREDIT CARDS: All Major PARKING: Street DELIVERY: No Oasis Café and Bakery is a far cry from the Parthenon-shaped Greek eateries that line Northern Boulevard. The restaurant is Greek chic, so you won’t find any tacky faux columns or oversized blue and white flags at this joint. The entrance features the Greek colors, but done classy and tastefully, in a mosaic of blue tiles that serve as a backsplash to the bakery counter. The four display cases hold an assortment of desserts that at first glance alone could send any sweet tooth into a sugar rush and any diabetic straight into a coma. From Greek treats like baklava and melomakarona to Western dessert delicacies like Oreo caramel cake and strawberry shortcake, the bakery will instantly revert you back into a sucrose-craving child, eyes darting excitedly in every direction unsure of which cookie or cake to sample first. Beyond the bakery entranceway, Oasis keeps going and going with an amount of depth that the humble storefront deceives passersby into thinking

is a program that is unique in the New York City area – one that teaches students to become professional performers, Winston said. “The world needs flyers and acrobats, it turns out. We’ve got them,” Winston said. “When they are done, they are ready to work in some capacity or another.” There are also classes for beginners who’d rather fly, or learn silks, than go to the gym.


A Big Sunday Dose Of Inspiration BY SASHA AUSTRIE Victory Faith Christian Center is hosting a Big Sunday celebration, which is an acknowledgement of God’s faithfulness. “This is our first Big Sunday,” the Rev. Curtis Norton said. “We are hoping to do it twice annually.” Norton and his wife, the Rev. Tina Norton, said the catalyst for Big Sunday

was the societal ills and the “hopelessness in the nation.” “We wanted to inspire people,” Curtis said. “This is designed to talk about, as well as to display, ordinary people who have done extraordinary things in their lives.” Big Sunday services will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 24 at The JFK Plaza Hotel, located at 151-20 Baisley Blvd. “The key element is that we are pas-


"Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." - H. L. Mencken

sionate about bringing and helping people to understand their value,” Tina said. One of the success stories at Big Sunday is a cancer survivor named Regina Ford. Another triumphant narrative is a domestic violence survivor and a gentleman with lack of formal education. “It will give people a passion to press through the seasons they have been going through,” Tina said. Ford, who is two weeks shy of her 50th birthday, felt a lump in her right breast during a self-examination. “Immediately I knew because I never had nothing like that before,” she said. Ford was diagnosed with Stage 2 lymphoma and started chemotherapy on July 30, 2007 and ended treatment on Jan. 2, 2008. Since her bout with cancer, Ford has become a volunteer for the American

Cancer Society and is leading a group of women in the Queens Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday. Ford is also a published author. Her book, “In the Midst of the Storm,” chronicles her breast cancer battle. James Gamble, 26, said the Nortons’ teachings of value, purpose and destiny gave him perspective. Though knowing the Nortons less than three years, Gamble has made great strides. He went from life as a high school dropout to being an account manager at a security firm in New Jersey. He is also eight months from his wedding day. “Those three principles have really pulled me together,” he said. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Notebook Eagle Park

IS 238's Eagle Park New Fun Hub BY SASHA AUSTRIE

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

IS 238 unveiled a newly-renovated, $1 million playground that will serve both the school and community. “I’m just overwhelmed,” said the school’s Principal Joseph Gates. “I just know what this will mean to our school and I know what it will mean to the community.” The community playground was created in conjunction with Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s PlaNYC and The Trust for Public Land. The Trust’s Director Mary Alice Lee said the organization completed a mapping study of neighborhoods, which had a large population of students with very little recreational space. Before the reno-

vations, IS 238’s playground was a cracked asphalt lot with faded paint. “The students were yearning for a place to play during recess and the community wanted a park,” Lee said. “Today, those dreams are a reality.” The playground is open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to dusk. During school hours, only students of IS 238 can use the facilities. This is the 48th community playground that TPL has constructed and it is the largest in a school setting. The playground is complete with an artificial turf field, gazebo, outdoor classroom, track, open planting beds, multi-purpose courts, a performance area, trees, benches, basketball courts and a mural, which was painted by IS 238’s students along with TPL artist Suzanne Goldenberg.

Lee said the design process was inclusive with students, community members and staff of the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation participating in the playground’s development. From inception to the ribbon cutting on Tuesday evening, the project took three years. “Eagle Park will provide a beautiful sports area for the entire community that will inspire good health and recreation for generations to come,” Gates said. “The design and layout was the brainchild of Susan B. Anthony Academy students, who took part in the democratic process to determine which features would be prominent in Eagle Park.” Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

IS 238’s new Eagle Park finally opened, giving neighborhood kids and students a new stage for recreational fun.

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

What’s Up SATURDAY, OCT. 16 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

Seido Karate Japanese system Seido Karate emphasizes building of spirit, mind and body, using hand, elbow, and foot techniques. Adults can learn how to defend themselves in a safe and friendly atmosphere every Tuesday and Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. All levels are welcome. The fee to participate is $120.

Classical Ballet Studying ballet is one of the most effective and elegant ways of improving posture, grace, flexibility, and strength. No experience needed for these classes. Students are taught at the barre and must be 6-15 years old.. Learning ballet is a good foundation for all other dance styles. The class will be held every Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 11:30 a.m. The fee to participate is $110.

Belly Dancing Kids between 6 and 15 years old will learn basic and traditional belly dancing movements. Movements will be built into a choreographed routine. The class is a great way to build self-confidence, balance and coordination. No prior belly dance experience required. The instructor was featured on “America’s Got Talent.” The class will be held every Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 2:30 p.m. The fee to participate is $110.

Apple Tasting Too many apples to choose from? Taste a few different slices at the Farmers’ Market manager’s tent. Don’t forget to pick up an information sheet on which apples to buy for pies, sauces, or just for eating. This free event will be held at the Farmers’ Market Jamaica, 90-40 160th St. from 10 a.m. to noon.

Page 20 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Symposium and Community Building Workshop The Greater Queens Chapter of the Links and Genesis Transitional Housing Ministries are pleased to present “Self Sufficient to Successful: A Symposium and Community Building Workshop” between Genesis and community service providers. For additional information, contact Deborah Maisonet at (347) 7433737 or grvc@att.net. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. from 2-4 p.m.

Sickle Cell Foundation Dinner The Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation is pleased to present dinner and theatre at the Black Spectrum Theatre. For additional information, contact Merlene Sotillo at (347) 233-1069 or merlenesotillo@yahoo.com.

This event will be held at the Black Spectrum Theater at Roy Wilkins Park from 6-11 p.m. Admission is $55.

Hispanic Heritage Month Here is your chance to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month right here in Jamaica. Join DJ Oscar de la Paz as he mixes the sounds for the best Latin dance party ever. Come on out for an evening of dancing and dining. The evening will feature a cash bar. This event will be held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center, 153-10 Jamaica Ave. at 8 p.m. Admission is $40.

SUNDAY, OCT. 17 Doll Museum Open House The Maria Rose International Doll Museum, will host an open house for the public to view the International Doll collection. For additional information, contact Naida Njoku at (718) 276-3454 or (917) 8178653 or naida187@aol.com. This free event will be held at The Maria Rose Doll Museum, 187-11 Linden Blvd. from 2-6 p.m.

Doo-Wop of The Tribunes The Tribunes have a long history of a cappella vocal harmonizing on songs of the 1950s, performing solid gold oldies and sharing the stage with virtually all of today’s oldies artists/groups. This free event will be held at the the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 3 p.m.

MONDAY, OCT. 18 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Zumba The Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves like merengue, salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, belly dance, flamenco, tango and samba which creates a mind blowing, one-of-akind fitness program. Zumba not only has long-term benefits, but will allow all to experience, in an hour, calorie-burning, bodyenergizing and awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life. This class will be held every Monday until Oct. 25 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. at 7:40 p.m. The fee to participate is $100.

nominating committee, nominations by petition, and selection of the election supervisory committee. All members whose memberships are current as of 180 days prior to the meeting may be nominated for office or the Executive Committee. In order to sign a nominating petition, or be elected to the Election Supervisory Committee, a member must be current as of 30 days prior to the October meeting. This free event will be held at the NAACP Jamaica Branch - 189-26 Linden Blvd., at 7 p.m.

TUESDAY, OCT. 19 Job Club Every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Lenin Gross, Job Coach, at (718) 739-2060, Ext. 18 or lgrossjnc@yahoo.com. When: Tuesday, October 19th - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave.

Seido Karate Japanese system Seido Karate emphasizes building of spirit, mind and body, using hand, elbow, and foot techniques. Adults can learn how to defend themselves in a safe and friendly atmosphere every Tuesday and Saturday until Oct. 30 at the Jamaica YMCA, 89-25 Parsons Blvd. All levels are welcome. The fee to participate is $120.

Camera Club The Southeast Queens Camera Club welcomes photographers, beginners to advanced. Meetings are held the second, third and fourth Tuesday ever month at 7:30 p.m. at Roy Wilkins Family Life Center, 177-01 Baisley Blvd.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 Men’s Soccer Come have some recreational fun in a non-competitive and friendly environment. A great way to stay active and meet people who enjoy the sport. Soccer is played in Jamaica YMCA’s main gymnasium at 89-25 Parsons Blvd. every Wednesday, 7-10 p.m., until October 27. All levels are welcome. Rough play will not be tolerated. The fee to participate is $50.

Find a Job

Google Tips

The Job Information Center, in collaboration with New York Cares, will help you find the most useful websites when job hunting. You must have basic computer skills and bring your resume. Seating limited; preregistration required. Topics: introduction to Internet job searching; job search assessment; job sites and resumes; applying for jobs and a practice session. This free event will be held at the the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6:30 p.m.

In this single session-workshop, customers will learn how to use Google Maps; create and share documents online; organize your medical records all in one place; design your home page with iGoogle; and much more. Preregistration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. This free event will be held at the the Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 10 a.m.

NAACP Monthly Meeting

THURSDAY, OCT. 21 Adult Chess Club

Join the NAACP for their monthly meeting. Come on out for a report of the

Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings.

The event is held at 6 p.m. every Thursday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

FRIDAY, OCT. 22 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life. Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Theatre Season at York Please join us for the kickoff of the 2010-11 Theatre Season at York College with the opening of “Istwa,!” “Istwa!” is a spellbinding hour of stories from around the world, told in a uniquely physical way. These simply-told but enduring fables will enchant audiences of all ages! The production has been adapted and directed by Tom Marion. For further information contact the York College Theatre at (718) 2624375 or visit us on the web at york.cuny.edu.

ONGOING CPR Training The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit www.nyc.gov/cprtogo for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit www.fdnyfoundation.org or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 8931 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

SENIORS FREE LUNCH Saturdays, October 16, November 20, December 18 at All Saints Church in Richmond Hill. 849-2352 reservations. AARP 1405 Mondays, Oc tober 18, November 1, 15, December 6, 20 Flushing AARP 1405 meets at the Bowne Street Communit y Church, 143-11 Roosevelt Avenue at 1. STARS Wednesdays, Oc tober 20, 27 at 10:30 at the Hollis library. Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at 10:30 at the Queens Village librar y. Come join this theatrical group. AARP DRIVING Friday, October 22 one day defensive driving class at the Bellerose librar y. Reser vations 641-3911.

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

MISCELLANEOUS PICK PUMPKINS Through Oc tober 31 pick your own pumpkin at the Queens Count y Farm Museum on weekends from 114. 73-50 Little Neck Parkway. $5 grapefruit size, larger can be decorated. Free admission. 347-FARM. DINING FOR WOMEN Thursday, Oc tober 21 bring a dish and use our dining out dollars to support women livi n g i n e x t re m e p o ve r t y around the world. 516-7701704. CITIZENSHIP Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 Pathway to US Citizenship: Becoming a US Citizen and Building Your Civic Knowledge at 5:30 at the Rego Park library.

ALUMNI CARDOZO 84-85 Saturday, November 6 at the Marriott in Melville. 800655-7971. CARDOZO 90 Saturday, November 13 at the Marriott in Melville. 800655-7971. ST. JOHN’S PREP Saturday, November 20 reunion. 721-7200, ext. 686. INCARNATION SCHOOL Saturday, November 27 Homecoming 2010 for all graduates from 5-11pm at 8943 Francis Lewis Blvd. 4655066.


TEENS CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. BOARD GAMES Weekdays in October at 3 at the Sunnyside library. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. CHESS CLUB Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 6 at the Bayside library. POETRY WORKSHOP Monday, Oc tober 18 at 4 at the Briarwood library. COLLEGE BOUND CLUB Monday, Oc tober 18 programs for navigating the path to college at 4 at the Central library. CREATIVE Monday, Oc tober 18 creative writing and dance workshop at the Laurelton librar y. Register. Also at the South Ozone Park librar y. Register. CHESS CLUB Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 5:30 at the South Hollis library. CREATIVE Tuesday, Oc tober 19 creative writing and dance workshop at the Pomonok library. Register. CROCHETING CLUB Tuesday s, Oc tober 19, 26 at the Bayside library. Register. POETRY SLAM Tuesday, Oc tober 19 at 4 at the Briarwood library. T WILIGHT TALK Tuesday, Oc tober 19 at 4 at the Hillcrest library. STORY TELLING Tu e s d ay, O c t o b e r 1 9 th e Art of Storytelling at the L aurelton library. Register. Also on Thursday, Oc tober 21 at the North Forest Park library. Register. HALLOWEEN CRAFTS Tu e s d ay, O c to b e r 1 9 a t 4:30 at the Queens Village library. TEEN GAMES Wednesdays, Oc tober 20, 27 at 4 at the Central library. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. CREATIVE We d n e s d a y, O c to b e r 2 0 creative writing and dance workshop at the LIC library. Register. WII TOURNAMENT Wednesday, Oc tober 20 at the Queens Village librar y. Register. B’NAI B’RITH YOUTH Thursdays for high school s t u d e n t s a t Te m p l e B e t h S h o l o m , 1 7 2 nd S t r e e t a n d Northern Blvd., Flushing at 7:30. LIGHTS ON T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 1 Lights On After School at the Queens Village library at 4. HALLOWEEN ARTS Thursday, Oc tober 21 arts and crafts for those through 14 at the Hillcrest library at 4. GIRL SCOUTS Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 at 4 at the Queens Village library. COLLEGE ESSAY Thursday, Oc tober 21 the College Application Essay at

4:30 at the Far Rockaway library. TEEN GAMING Fridays, October 22, 29 at 4 at the Fresh Meadows library. BOOK BUDDIES F r i d a y s , O c to b e r 2 2 , 2 9 teens share books with children in grades K-3 at 4 at the Bayside library. GAME PLAYERS Fridays at the Hillcrest library at 2. HALLOWEEN SHOW Saturday, Oc tober 23 Blood Moon Rising Horror Magazine presents Blood Fest 2010: Halloween Show and Rock Concert at 12 at the Flushing library.

RELIGIOUS ROCKAWAY REVUE S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 6 evening of fun, fellowship, music and entertainment with the Amit y Baptist Church from 5-7. 739-8278. HOLY FAMILY PARISH Sunday, Oc tober 17 70 t h Anniversary celebration with 12 noon Mass followed by a 2pm reception at Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. FIRST PRESBY TERIAN S u n d ay, O c to b e r 1 7 th e First Presbyterian Church of New Hyde Park will hold its Food, Fun & Fellowship night with pot roast beef dinner and bingo. $15, $7 children under 12. 516-354-5013 reservations.

FLEA MARKETS OUTDOOR FLEA Saturdays and Sundays until November 28 St. Nicholas of Tolentine from 9-5 at the intersection of Parsons Blvd. and Union Turnpike, Jamaica. WEEKLY FLEA Sundays 9-4 at Our Lady of the Angelus Church, school field, 98-05 63 rd Drive, Rego Park. FALL FLEA MARKET Saturday, Oc tober 16 from 8-5 at the LIRR North Parking Lot, 82-60 Austin Street. Benefits the Jamaica Hospital Medical center Pediatric Department. TREASURE SALE Saturday, Oc tober 16 9:303:0 and Sunday, Oc tober 17 11:30-3:30 at Church of the Resurrection, 85-09 118 th Street, Kew Gardens/ Richmond Hill. RUMMAGE SALE Monday and Tuesday, October 18, 19 at St. Barnabas Church, 159-19 98 th Street, Old Howard Beach from 104. Also Monday evening 79. FLEA MARKET Thursday and Friday, Oc tober 21, 22 starting at 1 at the St. Albans library. CRAFT FAIR Saturday, November 13 sponsored by the PTA of St. Agnes Academic High School in College Point.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates. ALLEY POND Alley Pond Environmental center in Douglaston presents Sunny Bunnies for those 3-4, Wee Sprouts for those 18-23 months, Toddler Time for those 24-35 months and Fledglings for those 3-4 Through December. Call 229-4000 for exact schedule. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. SCIENCE LAB Saturdays, Oc tober 16, 23, 30 at 11 at the Central library. MATH HELP Saturdays, Oc tober 16, 23, 30 at the Flushing library at 10. S TORY TIMES Saturdays at 11 and Tuesdays at 10:30 weekly story times at 7 at Barnes & Noble, 1 7 6 - 6 0 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , Fresh Meadows. BABIES Saturdays, Oc tober 16, 23, 30 Babies in Queens library at 10:30 at the Cambria Heights library. NATURE PHOTO. Saturdays, Oc tober 16, 23 Alley Pond Environmental Center will hold a Children’s Nature Photography class, for those 6-11. 229-4000 to register. MUSICAL MAYHEM S u n d a y, O c to b e r 1 7 a t F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700, ext. 222. Free Reservations. POLYGRAPH LOUNGE S u n d a y, O c to b e r 1 7 a t F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700, ext. 222. Free. Reservations KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck lib ra r y. B r i n g n e e d l e s a n d yarn. CRAFT KIDS Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 3 at the Flushing library. CREATIVE Monday, Oc tober 18 creative writing and dance workshop at the Laurelton library. Register. Also at the South Ozone Park library. Register. BUTTERFLIES Monday, October 18 Rain Forest Butterflies at the Kew Gardens Hills library. Register. Also on Tuesday, Oc tober 19 at the Lefferts library. Register. LITTLE TOT TIME Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 4 at the Hillcrest library. CHESS CLUB Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 5:30 at the South Hollis library. STORY TELLING Tuesday, Oc tober 19 the Art of Storytelling at the L aurelton librar y. Register. Also on Thursday, October 21 at the North Forest Park library. Register. IMAGINATION! Tuesday, Oc tober 19 for grades 3-6 at 3:30 at the Poppenhusen library. CROCHETING CLUB Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, 26 at

the Bayside library. Register. CREATIVE Tuesday, Oc tober 19 cre ative writing and dance workshop at the Pomonok library. Register. CREATIVE We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 0 creative writing and dance workshop at the LIC library. Register. S TORY T I M E Wednesday, Oc tober 20 at the Steinway library at 10:30. CRAFTS Wednesday, Oc tober 20 at the Steinway library at 11. CHESS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. GLITTER LEAVES We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 0 learn this craft at the East Flushing library. Register. HALLOWEEN CRAFT Thursday, Oc tober 21 Halloween Arts & Crafts at 4 at the Hillcrest library. GIRLS & BOYS CLUB Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 Girls and Boys Club at 4:45 at the Astoria library. SCARY STUFF Thursday, Oc tober 21 Scary Stuff for Storytelling Month at the Mitchell-Linden library. Register. LIGHTS ON T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 1 Lights On After School at 4 at the Hollis library. Also at 4 at the Queens Village library. POETRY & ME Thursday, Oc tober 21 at 4 at the Flushing library. GIRL SCOUTS Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 at 4 at the Queens Village library.

YOGA FOR KIDS Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 at t he Fore st Hills librar y. Register. GIRLS & BOYS CLUB Thursdays, Oc tober 21, 28 “ at 4:45 at the Astoria library. GAME DAY! Friday, Oc tober 22 at the Queens Village library at 3:30. FOLKTALES Friday, Oc tober 22 Folk and Fairytales Storytelling at 3:30 at the Queensboro Hill library. FLASH FRIDAY Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at 3:30 at the Ozone Park library. COLORING & CRAFT Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at the Queensboro Hill library at 10:30. GAME PLAYERS Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at the Hillcrest library at 4. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at the East Flushing library. Register. STORY SHARERS Friday, Oc tober 22 at the Central library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at the Bayside library at 4. STORY HOUR Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at 3 at the Briarwood library. ARTS & CRAFTS Fridays, Oc tober 22, 29 at 4 at the Briarwood library. FIRE SAFETY Saturday, Oc tober 23 Fire Safet y Magic and Comedy Show at 11 at the Central library.

THEATER LIGHT UP THE SKY Fridays and Saturdays, October 15, 16, 22, 23 at 8 a n d S u n d ay , O c to b e r 1 7 and Saturday, Oc tober 23 at 2. Douglaston Communit y Theatre presents “Light Up the Sky” t Zion Episcopal Church in Douglaston. $15. 482-3332. ON GOLDEN POND Friday, Oc tober 15 at 8. Saturday, Oc tober 16 at 8. S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 1 7 a t 3:30. Beari Productions presents “On Golden Pond” t Trinit y Lutheran Church, 6370 Dry Harbor Road, Middle Village. Also performances at All Saints Church, 214-35 40th Avenue, Bayside on Saturday, Oc tober 23 at 8 and Sunday, Oc tober 24 at 3. 736-1263. 167 TONGUES Saturday and Sunday, October 16, 17 “167 To n g u e s , ” a p a n o ra m a o f characters are interwoven in this rich and rewarding tapestry of life in the streets at Queens Theatre in the Park’s Studio Theatre. Free. Reservations needed. 760-0064. BRIGADOON O c to b e r 2 2 - 2 4 a t L e Fr a k Concert Hall. $15. 793-8080. ONE RIDE O c t o b e r 2 9 - N ove m b e r 7 new dance musical from the creators of “Swango” at

Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064. CROSSINGS Saturday and Sunday, October 30, 31 a powerful docudrama based on real life interviews with NYC immigrants at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064 reservations. Free. SWEET CHARITY Saturdays, November 6, 13, 20 at 8 and Sundays, November 7, 14, 21 at 3. FSF Communit y Theatre Group presents “Sweet Charit y” at the Free Synagogue of Flushing. $16. 229-8547. MAME Saturdays, November 6, 13, 20 at 8 and Sundays November 7, 14, 21 at 3 at Bay Terrace Jewish Center, 130 0 2 0 9 th S t r e e t , B a y s i d e . $18. 428-6363.

PARENTS CAR SEATS Wednesday, Oc tober 20 Is Your Child’s Car Seat Safe? At 11:30 at the South Ozone Park library. OPEN HOUSE Oc tober 21 at 9am and November 4 at 6pm. Open House for high school with the Renaissance Charter School in Jackson Heights. 803-0060.

Queens Today MEETINGS P-FLAG Sundays, Oc tober 17, November 21, December 19 PFLAG, a support group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays, meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663. NYC CORRECTION Mondays, Oc tober 18, November 15, December 20 N YC C o r r e c t i o n Re t i r e e s Benevolent Association meets in Forest Hills. 2636334. LOST MIRACLES Mondays, Oc tober 18, November 15, December 20 St. Adalbert’s bereavement support group, for the loss of a newborn or miscarriage, in Elmhurst. 429-2005. TOASTMASTERS Mondays, Oc tober 18, November 1, 15, 29, December 13, 20 learn communication and leadership skills in Kew Gardens. 646-2691577. TALK OF THE TOWN Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, November 2, 16, December 7, 21 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans. 5275889. AMERICAN LEGION Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, November 2, 16, December 7, 21 Edward McKee Post 131 meets in Whitestone. 7674323. AUBURNDALE ASSN. Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, No-


vember 16, December 21 Auburndale Improvement Association meets at the Reception House, 167-17 Northern Blvd. at 7:30. BEREAVEMENT Tuesday, Oc tober 19 Bereavement Support Group at Holy Family Catholic Church,

TALKS MEN CAN Saturday, Oc tober 16 Author Talk with Donald Unger – “Men Can: The Changing Image and Realit y of Fatherhood in America” at 2 at the Forest Hills library. INVESTMENT ED Saturday, October 16 St. John’s University Securities Arbitration Clinic presents Investor Education Seminar at 2:30 at the Fresh Meadows library. ELMHURST S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 6 “Changing Neighborhoods of Queens: Elmhurst: Then and Now” at 3 at the Elmhurst library. PROTECT ASSETS Monday, Oc tober 18 How to Protect Your Assets, Your Retirement Income & Your Heirs at 6 at the Fresh Meadows library. POSITIVE THINKING Monday, Oc tober 18 the Art of Thinking Positive at 6 at the Queensboro Hill library.

175-20 174 th Street, Fresh Meadows in the church basement. 969-2448. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. ADVANCED WRITERS Tuesdays at 6:30 at the Terrace Diner at Bay Terrace Shopping Center and also t h e l a s t Tu e s d ay o f t h e month in the Communit y Room in Panera Bread at Bay Terrace Shopping. KNIGHTS OF PY THIAS We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 0 Queensview Lodge 433 meets in Whitestone. 7464428. TOASTMASTERS Wednesdays, Oc tober 20, November 3, 17, December 1, 15 learn the art of public speaking at t he Voices of Rochdale Toastmasters Club in Jamaica. 978-0732. FLUSHING CAMERA Wednesdays, Oc tober 20, November 3, 17, December 1, 15 Flushing Camera Club meets at Flushing Hospital. 441-6210. UNITED CIVIC T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 1 U n i te d C o m m u n i t y C i v i c Association meets at 7:30 at Augustana Lutheran Church, 69-05 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria Heights. Health care reform and immigration reformed to be discussed.

AMAZING MAZE Through Sunday, November 7 a 3-acre corn maze at Queens Count y Farm Museum. $8 adults, $5 children. 347-3276 information and times. RENAISSANCE CHINESE Saturday, Oc tober 16 Renaissance Chinese Opera S o c i e t y p re s e n t s C h i n e s e Opera Performance at 2 at the Flushing library. BEIJING OPERA Saturday, Oc tober 16 Journey to the West: A Story in the St yle of Beijing Opera told in English and Chinese at 2:30 at the Jackson Heights library. PHILIPPINES S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 6 Folktales, Music and Dance from the Philippines at 3 at the Sunnyside library. JAZZ & MORE Saturday, Oc tober 16 jazz standards made great by Ellington, Washington, Wilson and more at 3:30 at the Broadway library. RECEPTION Saturday, Oc tober 16 reception for “Endangered Art/ists: China” at Flushing Town Hall. 12-5. $5. 4637700, ext. 222. FALL FIFTIES Saturday, Oc tober 16 Fall “Fifties” Fabulous Fun Night. $25, $30 at the door. Food and beverage included. 4-8.

Poppenhusen Institute in College Point. 368-0067. ASTRONOMY Saturday, October 16 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. $10. 229-4000 to register. ROCKAWAY REVUE S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 6 evening of fun, fellowship, music and entertainment with the Amit y Baptist Church from 5-7. 739-8278.

BYE BYE BIRDIE Saturday, Oc tober 16 Saturday Night Sing-a-Long at 7:30 at Queensborough Performing Arts Center. 6316311. $5. LAR LUBOVITCH Saturday and Sunday, October 16, 17 Lar Lubovitch Dance Company at Queens Theatre in the Park. 7600064.

EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, Oc tober 16 the American Mart yrs RC Church of Bayside will present a Defensive Driving Course. 631-360-9720. $45. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, Oc tober 16, 30 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-436-7940. BOATING SAFETY Sundays, Oc tober 17, November 21 the US Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Boating Safet y Class will be held at Fort Totten. 917-952-7014. EMAIL CLASS Monday, October 18 Fresh Meadows library. Register. CHESS CLUB Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 South Hollis library at 5:30. LIC CRAFTS CLUB Monday, Oc tober 18 LIC

Crafts Club at 1 LIC library. COMPUTER CLASS Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at the Douglaston/Little Neck library. Register. BALLROOM DANCE Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 6:30 Forest Hills library. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays, Oc tober 18, 25 at 4 t the Douglaston/Little Neck library. Bring your own needles and yarn. COMPUTER BASICS Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, 26 at the Astoria library at 11. SCRABBLE CLUB Tuesdays, Oc tober 19, 26 at 3:30 East Flushing library. POETRY WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 19 poetry writing workshop at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30.



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Oct. 15-21, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 25

Rent w/Opt to Buy All new 4 BRs, 2 Bths, Granite Tops, Gar, Bkyd, Great Schools Other Homes Available! Credit NP 516-695-6190

7th Heaven

Gossip pages are trying to get a handle on Chelsea and Fiddy

Fiddy’s Handler

Models Of Queens The #7 Train

Casey At The Bat Casey Stuart is new to model- alternative, but she is also intering, but it was something she al- ested in glamour and high fashion, ways wanted to do. In June, she anything that “breaks the norm” Casey hopes that she can prove answered a Facebook ad looking for models. Modeling, she said, to be a positive influence on girls in Queens. She struggled from an gives her life. “It’s the thing that keeps my eating disorder a few years. “I knew I’d never be tall enough blood flowing,” she said. to be a model, but I The 19-year-old SufCasey Stuart thought I could be thin folk County native, who enough,” she said. is now loving living in Little Neck She said she wants Little Neck, also loves Age: 19 to promote healthy fashion. Casey, who Height: 5' 5'’ works as a barista at Weight: 125 lbs lifestyles and spread the Starbucks in Great Neck, Stats: 34-26-37 message that “everyone is beautiful.” She is looking to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology has since developed a healthy eatand has ambitions to make – and ing habit, something she credits for her modeling career. model – her own clothes. “It’s no accident that I got my An avid seamstress, she hopes to one day open her own custom first modeling job when I started to boutique. Her design, she said, is eat healthy,” she said. She looks very healthy to us. unique. She described her style as

What’s long, silver and connects you to the most miserable sports franchise in baseball? The 7 train, which despite its association with the New York Mets, was ranked No. 1 in cleanliness and reliability by the Straphangers Campaign for a second year in a row. The high grades were given in spite of constant complaining by people who actually take the 7 line every day, which means we can say with near certainty Comptroller John Liu, the train’s biggest decrier, was not consulted during the grading process.

Provocative 101 It sure is more interesting than “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” A substitute teacher at Robert Goddard High School in Ozone Park assigned a rather racy reading assignment to her students. The 16-year-olds were assigned “The Rules of Attraction” by Brent Easton Ellis, a dark novel about the sometimes rather graphic trysts of promiscuous college students. Perhaps you’ve seen the movie adaption staring teen-icons Jessica Biel and James Van Der Beek? No? A lot of high school kids did when it came out in 2002. The book uses some sexually explicit terms, such as “diaphragm.” And we know no 16-year-old in Queens knows about diaphragms or are exposed to sexuality explicit terms. Many 16-year-olds are forced to read “The Scarlet Letter,” which of course is not at all sexually provocative. Read on!

Photo by Ira Cohen

Page 26 PRESS of Southeast Queens Oct. 15-21, 2010

Queens' Best Anybody who has tried to make a reservation online for a quality restaurant in the last few years has surely come across Open Table, the reservation matrix that eateries all across the country have joined to help streamline the reservation process. As the popularity of the service has grown, so, too, has its influence on its users. Like any good Web site, it promotes itself as well as its vendors, letting subscribers know about specials and discounts at local restaurants. Now they’ve one-upped themselves, taking on the Zagats of the world, and showcasing user favorites. A recent e-mail highlighted the top recommended restaurants in New York City, as well as subcategories, such as favorite bar,

The gossip mill kicked into high gear after late night talk show host Chelsea Handler was spotted at a New Orleans jazz bar getting cozy with Queens-bred rapper 50 Cent, of “I’ll take you to the candy shop. I’ll let you lick the lollipop” fame. Back in January, the comedienne split with live-in boyfriend/ boss Ted Harbert, CEO of Comcast, which owns the E! Network and her show. Although Handler denied this new, unholy union via Twitter, 50 has remained mum. Adding fodder to the fire was gossip mag US Weekly, whose unnamed source claims the “relationship” has been going on for a while. “It’s more of a hookup

Inside the kitchen at one of Queens' best-London Lennies. best ambiance, best service, etc. Clearly, either LIC’s got a betSo what’s the Best in Queens? ter way of pleasing customers than The Top 10 Diners’ Choice win- the rest of the borough, or perhaps ners are Uncle Jack’s in Bayside, Manhattan foodies get scared of Vetro by Russo’s on the Bay in heading too far east for fear that Howard Beach, 5 Napkin Burger in they might not make it back to their Astoria, Dee’s in Forest Hills, Lon- precious island. don Lennies in Rego Park, Cavo in Whatever the rationale, we’re Astoria, Waters Edge in Long Is- thrilled to have these places, and land City (LIC), SHI in LIC, Pent- happy to share them with those house 808 at the Ravel Hotel in LIC guys on the other side of the river and Riverview, also in LIC. – or wherever they’re coming from.

thing—whenever they are in the same town.” Chelsea, say it ain’t so! But is she benefitting from the gossip?

Singh’s Tune Mother always said honesty is the best policy, and one Queens cabbie took the saying to heart. Kashmir Singh returned a purse with contents totaling more than $1,500 to a Swiss tourist at a Brooklyn bed and breakfast. Daniel Hasler and Valeria Zapata forgot $700 in cash, a camera worth $500, an iPhone, an iPod and credit cards in Singh’s cab. Instead of pocketing the goods, he doubled back and returned their belongings. When praised for his good deed, Singh said he is a typical New York guy and wanted the tourists to think highly of New York. This just proves how awesome New Yorkers are and it further confirms something that we have always known, Queens has the best people.

Who We Are QConfidential is edited by: Michael Schenkler. Contributors: Jessica Ablamsky, Sasha Austrie, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Michael Nussbaum, Joe Orovic, Brian Rafferty, Domenick Rafter.

--------------You can reach us by email at Conf@QueensTribune.com;

Confidentially, New York . . .

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