Queens Press Epaper

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Volume 11 Issue No. 50 Dec. 17-23, 2010


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PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Parents packed into IS 231 in Springfield Gardens last week to understand why their school, which “has struggled for years,” according to the district superintendent, was being phased out by the Dept. of Education. By Sasha Austrie…Page 3

Enter the Queens PRESS’ Major Homes Makeover Contest for a chance to win a FREE room, roofing, siding or other home makeover for yourself or somebody in need. See Details, Page 3

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Presstime Why IS 231?

Community Decries DOE Neglect

BY SASHA AUSTRIE Students, parents, alumni and teachers filed into IS 231’s auditorium. They were there for answers. Why does the Dept. of Education want to phase out IS 231? How long has the DOE known the school was “failing?” Instead of a phase out, why not put additional resources into the school? What will happen to my child if he does not graduate within the phase out? Aside from IS 231, there are three other Queens schools slated for phase out, PS 30, Jamaica and Beach Channel high schools. “Tonight is not by any means our best occasion,” said Lenon Murray, District 29 superintendent. “The Dept. of Education is proposing to, at this time, to phase out IS 231 and replace it with other institutions. The Dept. of Education believes this is something to help jump-start its improvement.” Desmond Poisen, a science teacher, asked Murray how the school is supposed to compete when the rules are changed from year to year. “We all have a right to be upset,” he said. Poisen said on last year’s quality review

the school received a proficient grade, but “this year, we didn’t even meet the recommendations of last year.” Murray answered, “The rubric for this year is different than it was last year, so you can’t use the same rubric.” Dermot Smyth, a United Federation of Teacher’s representative, told those in attendance the phase out was not a done deal. “This is only a proposal,” he said. “You can make a difference in this school.” Murray said though resources such as leadership, instructional, operational and student support have been instituted, the school is unable to make a turnaround, adding that data collected throughout a five-year period revealed IS 231 as a failing school. “IS 231 has struggled for years,” he said. “IS 231 has struggled mightily.” Murray’s words were buttressed by a DOE fact sheet, which states 25 percent of the school’s students were on grade level for English and only 21 percent were on grade level for math. According to DOE data, the middle school is the lowest performing in District 29; its English grades are at the bottom 44 percent citywide and math in the bottom 12 percent. DOE also points to decreased demand for IS 231 and a survey which reported 33 percent of

students felt unsafe. William McDonald, District 29 Community Educational Council member, said the DOE could not have given the school much support if one out of four students in both math and English are performing below grade level. “I don’t really see what they’ve done,” he said. Donovan Richards, Councilman James Sanders’ (D-Laurelton) chief of staff, said the major concern is, “How did we let this school get to this level?” Richards said problems will persist if there are not systematic changes. He said Sanders believes there are seven components necessary for a successful school. “We need a good leader here, parent involvement, committed young people,” he said. “Students need to recognize that they are the key to their own future, committed staff, community engagement, worthy programs. We need to adopt curriculum to really challenge this school.” Richards also stipulated that for the new institutions to have a fighting chance, the suspension center, which houses suspended middle school-aged students, needs to be removed. “The suspension center needs to go,” he said. “We can’t have that cancer in the building. We have to change the percep-

tion of the school.” Jack Zarin-Rosenfeld, a DOE spokesman, said there were three suspension centers in Queens. He was unaware of the length of time a school hosts a suspension center. “They tend to stay in the same space for a while,” he said. “It is difficult to move them on a constant basis.” Joann Middleton, IS 231’s PTA president, lambasted parents for not taking an active role before the phase out proposal was even an option. She then turned her anger toward DOE officials, “At what point did somebody say to us, ‘Our students were failing?’” Ernest Flowers, an aide to Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica), suggested the DOE was phasing out schools because of monetary gain, saying the DOE nets $2 million for every new school it opens. McDonald said the epidemic of school phase outs will only get worse because of new national curriculum that will be adopted. “They need to stop teaching to the test and start teaching to the students,” he said. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

Complex Tenants Still Left Out In The Cold

be selected. The PRESS will interview each of the finalists and print their stories, along with their entries, in the Jan. 14, 2011 edition of the PRESS. Readers will have an opportunity to vote via mail and e-mail to choose the winner. Voting will end on Jan. 26, 2011, and the winner will be announced in our Feb. 4, 2011 edition. To learn more about Major Homes, visit them on the Web at majorhomes.net or call (718) 229-5741. Contest entries can be e-mailed to editor@queenspress.com or sent via U.S. mail to PRESS of Southeast Queens Major Homes Makeover, 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY, 11357. Entries must be received at the PRESS by 5 p.m. Dec. 31, 2010. Entries received after the deadline cannot be considered. Finalists agree to participate in a story about their need, including follow-up articles and photos, as well as the use of their names and likenesses in both print and online editions.

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Major Homes, a fourth-generation home improvement company in Bayside, in operation since 1919, is partnering with the PRESS of Southeast Queens to award one family in Queens their own version of “Extreme Makeover.” The PRESS’ Major Homes Makeover will award one lucky winning family new windows, roofing or siding at absolutely no cost, courtesy of Major Homes. The contest is simple. Readers can submit themselves or somebody they know into the contest by writing a note and mailing or e-mailing it to the PRESS of Southeast Queens by Dec. 31. The note should, in less than 250 words, explain the need and reason why the entrant deserves the service. Initial entries will be judged by Major Homes and the PRESS based on the most compelling factors – economic need, a person who does good deeds for others and the urgency of the improvement. From the first round, three finalists will

Win A Major Makeover

and hot water. Those apartments are managed by Plaza Real Estate Holdings. Small said the Dept. of Buildings put a Cease Use order on the boilers and deemed the devices “unsafe.” They were removed from service in June. Small waited for inspectors to fix the boilers. When heating season began on Oct. 1, Small started to worry. “I was wondering when Councilman James Sanders Jr. discusses the lack of heat they were going to fix them,” and hot water with Springfield Gardens Complex resishe said. Including a lack of heat, dents. Small had no hot water and had to boil have remained off during heating season. “Last year we, didn’t have heat until the water for baths from Oct. 19 to Dec. 7. Eric Bederman, a Housing Preserva- end of February,” Small said, adding that tion and Development spokesman, said last winter the City picked up the tab for the agency issued C-Class violations for the heating bill. Almost a week before wind chills inadequate heat to three addresses in the dropped to 10 degrees, Councilman James complex on Dec. 10. “The reason for the lack of heat ap- Sanders (D-Laurelton) vowed to get the peared to be that no gas was supplied to tenants heat. “Next Thursday, God willing, we will the heating plant,” Bederman said. “Our inspector noted that the gas-fired hot water do our utmost [to get them heat,]” Sanders heaters were in operation and hot water said on Dec. 9. “Time is not simply money; was provided at the time of the inspec- it could mean life or death.” As of press time, his Community Liaition.” Bederman said he is unsure of HPD’s son Michael Lopes said it was an ongoing next step in dealing with the complex, but process and there were still tenants withmade it clear that “it is a landlord’s respon- out heat. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at sibility under the law to provide heat for his/her tenants.” saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 357This is not the first winter radiators 7400, Ext. 123.

PRESS Photo by Sasha Austrie

As the mercury continues to drop, tenants of the Springfield Gardens Complex have had to find creative ways to heat their apartments and gain access to hot water. Jacqueline Small, a 30-year resident of the complex, has an electric heater and keeps her oven on during the day.

“They say it is dangerous, but you have to do what you have to do,” she said. “You don’t want to wake up in heaven.” The complex, which is comprised of 28 buildings and 58 units, does not have a sole owner or management group, leaving many tenants to fight their own battles. Within the complex, there are at least seven properties and 14 tenants with heat


Black Gets Lesson On Boro Schools BY JESSICA ABLAMSKY

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

gether,” Lancman said. Gennaro said he hopes that the preservation of the Gateway Program will serve as a model for other communities. It is unclear whether the new schools will accommodate the 17 percent English language learners and 12 percent special education students enrolled at Jamaica. “It is our responsibility as elected officials,” Schools Chancellor Designee Cathie Black walks up the steps Lancman said, “to make of Hillcrest High School flanked by State Sen. Malcolm Smith sure that these kids don’t (l.) and Assemblyman Rory Lancman (r.). get lost in the shuffle.” Something that Lancman hopes will Pointing out the diversity of schools like Hillcrest, State Sen. Malcolm Smith change under Black’s leadership is the (D-St. Albans) said, “It is very important lack of attention paid to class size; outgofor [Black] to see that kind of diversity.” ing Chancellor Joel Klein never believed Only large high schools like Hillcrest that class size was an important issue, can meet the needs of a diverse popula- Lancman said. “When I first heard of Cathie Black’s tion, Lancman said. Although he did speak to Black appointment I was surprised, but I am tryabout Jamaica, Lancman suggested to ing to see the optimism in it,” he said. Mayor Mike Bloomberg has made eduher that large schools could benefit by being broken down into smaller learn- cation reform a central part of his administration and would not appoint a chaning communities. To create a small school feel, Hillcrest’s cellor who would damage his record, more than 3,000 students are organized Gennaro said. Reach Reporter Jessica Ablamsky at into nine smaller learning communities, each with its own theme, course offerings, jablamsky@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 124. guidance counselors and teachers.

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen

Chancellor-designate Cathie Black graced Queens with a tour of Hillcrest High School Monday, before Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D-Hillcrest) and Councilman Jim Gennaro (D-Fresh Meadows) announced an additional school that will be phased in at the Jamaica High School building next year. Not allowed into Hillcrest, reporters from multiple outlets waited nearly an hour and a half for Black, who answered a handful of questions. “I have been very impressed with Hillcrest and every school I have visited,” said Black, who thought she has seen 10 schools already. With less than three weeks until her official start date, and spending nearly every day in New York City’s public schools, Black said that she is ready to take on her new responsibilities. “My sleeves are rolled up,” she said. With four schools in Queens proposed for closure and 26 in the City, Black might have her work cut out for her. After the City Dept. of Education was blocked by the courts last year from closing 19 schools, in early December Jamaica High School was again proposed for closure. If approved by the Panel for Educational Policy in February, phase out of the more than 100-year-old school would begin next year and end June 2014.

Though the exterior structure is protected by landmark status, taking Jamaica High School’s place will be the Hillside Arts & Letters Academy and the High School for Community Leadership. Both schools opened in the fall inside Jamaica High School. In response to pressure from the community, Jamaica’s successful Gateway Program will be expanded into its own school. Phase in will begin next fall and be complete by June 2015. Currently, 180 students are enrolled. Designed to prepare low-income, minority students for health-and science-related careers, the academically rigorous program keeps students and a team of teachers together through high school. To attract a wide range of academic performers, 16 percent of seats will be set aside for students at the highest reading levels and 16 percent for those at the lowest. Half the students will be chosen by school administrators. The other half will be random. Lancman and Gennaro heralded the DOE decision as a win. After DOE officials decide on “closure,” a new school concept is generally chosen as a replacement. “The new Gateway School preserves the very best that Jamaica High School has to offer, and its establishment is an example of what communities and the DOE can accomplish when they work to-

All It Takes Is A Vote And A Dream


Lucia Allain always dreamed of finishing school, traveling the world and becoming a well-known news anchor for CNN. She had no doubt that she would attend college and become the first girl on her mother’s side to obtain a degree. But at a young age when Allain asked if she could go visit her father back in Peru, her mother revealed a secret, exposing the reality of

how difficult it may be to achieve her dream. In 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 46 percent of Queens County residents were foreign born, some of whom are undocumented immigrants. As an undocumented immigrant herself, Allain is one of a large number of foreignborn residents seeking to attended college and start a career in America. Allain’s dream is now on hold as she awaits approval of the DREAM Act, legislation that

A DREAM Deferred?


Nine years after it was first introduced, the DREAM Act may be close to becoming law, but hurdles still remain. The DREAM Act, which stands for the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, would provide students the opportunity to receive conditional permanent residency if they complete two years in the military or two years at a fouryear college. Eligible students would be those who immigrated to the United States illegally as minors, graduated high school, are of good moral character and have been in the country five years or more. The DREAM Act passed the House of Representatives as part of the Defense Department funding bill earlier this year, but the bill floundered in the Senate, filibustered by Republicans. The House

passed a standalone DREAM Act on Dec. 8 by a 216-198 vote. “We are one critical step closer to bringing the American Dream within reach for thousands of America’s children who are our neighbors. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to follow suit and send this bill to President Obama,� said U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside). The bill has bipartisan support in the Senate; its original sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), but Senate Republicans have blocked debate on any piece of legislation until a final vote is taken on tax cuts. The House GOP leadership opposes the bill. If the Senate does not pass the bill before Jan. 1, having it reintroduced and passed by the incoming GOP-controlled House is an unlikely prospect. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext 125.

would provide a path towards citizenship for illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children by their parents. Allain’s family came to the U.S. in 2002 from Lima, Peru. In search of economic opportunity and a better quality of life, they moved to the Lower East Side of Manhattan and later settled in Corona. Although Allain’s elementary school did not provide her with ESL classes, she learned English within six months, primarily on her own. Before graduating from high school, Allain quickly adapted to her new home and became active in her community. Recently she won the Outstanding Community Leadership Award from the Mexican American Student Alliance for helping inform Queens residents about the importance of filling out 2010 Census forms in Jackson Heights. Allain’s interest in journalism was sparked after visiting CNN’s offices in Manhattan. When the opportunity of an internship with the broadcast company came up, she applied. Due to her immigration status, Allain was turned down for the position and was devastated. Despite the missed opportunity, she did not put an end to pursuing a career in journalism. Allain postponed enrolling into Queensborough Community College this fall to help her mother. By contributing the money she earns as a babysitter, one of the only occupations she could obtain due to her status, she helps pay the bills and buy groceries while saving money for enrollment in January.

Although Allain’s dream of becoming a news anchor may be on hold, she is optimistic that the DREAM Act will pass, erasing the one obstacle that stands in her way of achieving a successful career in journalism. Despite Allain’s status, she continues to exercise her right to voice her opinions, as she prepared for a trip to Washington D.C. to rally support, with other “Dreamers,� for the DREAM Act. “The fact that I’m undocumented doesn’t mean I sit around and do nothing,� said Allain. “[My status] makes me stronger. I am able to head out and meet with my peers and have a say in the democratic process.� Like Allain, many other immigrant students from Queens headed to Washington D.C. to advocate for the passage of the DREAM Act. Kevin Kang, Youth Organizer for MinKwon Center for Community Action in Flushing, knows if Dreamers’ voices are heard, legislation will become law. “The reason why the legislation made it through the Senate is because young people are stepping up and sharing their stories,� said Kang. Kang now works with high school students who want to attend college and see the passage of the DREAM Act as the only obstacle standing between them and a career in a country they have always called home. When it comes to passing the DREAM Act, “it’s a matter of doing what’s right,� said Kang. “Students are ready to serve.� Reach Intern Jason Banrey at jbanrey@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 128.

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Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5


OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email news@queenspress.com The PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher

In Our Opinion: Arnold Thibou Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Contributing Editor:

Editorial For Two Bits More The cost of doing business in Queens is going to get moderately more expensive come the new year. Since the most recent hike in meter rates, it has cost us 75 cents to park for an hour when out shopping or dining in Queens. It’s now going to cost a dollar. Spread out over the year, that extra quarter we spend an hour when out shopping on Austin Street, Bell Boulevard, 37th Avenue or Jamaica Avenue is going to – if we’re busy weekend shoppers – cost us an extra buck a week, or about $52 for the year. For some who rely on meters for long-term solutions, meters have never been the right method – but it still costs less than a garage. For those who use them less frequently, the impact will be less. The upshot of all of this is that it still costs less to park and shop in Queens than in Manhattan, and despite the City figuring out how to squeeze an extra two bits out of us here and there, the simple truth is that we’re still going to frequent the shops we love in the best borough in the City – Queens.

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:


Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Sasha Austrie Joseph Orovic Domenick Rafter Jessica Ablamsky Editorial Intern: Angy Altamirano Jason Banrey Terry Chao

Privatize To The Editor: If Congress is serious about cutting deficits and curbing spending, it will have to re-evaluate all entitlement programs. It is an immutable undeniable truth that the Social Security system is unsustainable. Criticism and calls for reform of Social Security are dismissed as blasphemous and un-American. The mythology of Social Security, the Holy Grail of progressives, is defended and propagated with misinformation and deception with cult like religious fervor. One of the myths perpetuated

is that only government can provide the “security” in Social Security. Since 1980, when more than 75 percent of municipal workers in Galveston, Texas voted and were permitted to opt out of the system, workers who earned $51,000 per year are receiving $3,846 per month; workers who earned $75,000 are receiving $4,540 per month in retirement. The Galveston Plan is financially sound, is fully funded in advance and invests in guaranteed investment contracts avoiding risky assets. There is no “retirement age,” participants own their invest-

Letters ment, can designate beneficiaries, can pass it on to their heirs and have a choice of options for payment of benefits. Most importantly, politicians cannot raid the funds to pay other bills. It behooves us to examine this successful plan as an alternative and model for reform. Some claim that this kind of investment and privatization is risky, ignoring the fact that most retirement portfolios including police, firefighter, teacher and corporation pension funds, annuities, municipal entities, hospitals, foundations, 401Ks, are similarly invested. The government’s Social Security program is truly one of a kind. It is neither an investment nor a savings account but a Ponzi scheme that has run out of other people’s money. Common sense dictates we explore alternatives and stop recycling failed and discredited economic policies. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is, according to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity. Ed Konecnik, Flushing

Like McCarthy To The Editor: The well-known dialogue between Joseph Welch and Sen. Joe McCarthy during the Army hearings, when Welch finally toppled McCarthy by accusing the Senator of having no shame

or decency in his treatment of a young Army lawyer, has been referred to on many parallel occasions when public officials have acted in an outrageous manner. To those officials I nominate Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his abominable conduct in the case of Willets Point. In pursuing this questionable project for the benefit of his fat cat real estate friends, Bloomberg has been indifferent to the fact that hundreds of small businesses with thousands of their employees and families will be thrown to the winds; failed to live up to his claim that other locations and jobs will be made available; and prostituted the time-honored fact that eminent domain is only used for a public purpose and not for the benefit of real estate moguls. To cap it all off, on Dec. 8, in a Banana Republic fashion, the antithesis of good government, the Mayor unleashed his storm troopers into Willets Point in an obvious attempt to harass and intimidate the small businesses, their employees and customers. Julie Wood the City’s EDC spokesperson denied the invasion was to target the small businesses, saying: “That’s not how the city does business.” At long last Mr. Mayor, have you no shame? Have you no sense of decency? Benjamin M. Haber, Flushing

Art Dept:

Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director Alan J. Goldsher Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2010 Tribco, LLC

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

‘Hello/Goodbye’ To Old And New A Personal Perspective BY MARCIA MOXAM COMRIE It seems like only yesterday that we were welcoming the start of 2010, and here we are getting ready to say goodbye to it, and welcome another new year, just as we are about to say “hello/ goodbye” to two governors. David Paterson’s ascension to the Governor’s Mansion was pure happenstance and in a way, so is Andrew Cuomo’s. Had Eliot Spitzer not messed up, Paterson would probably have succeeded Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Kirsten Gillibrand, who can thank Paterson for appointing her after much fumbling and bumbling. His handling of that appointment was part of the beginning of the end of his governorship. Cuomo bided his time and watched the bleeding, refusing to say whether or not he planned to challenge Paterson for governor in this year’s election. He

knew he didn’t have to declare anything and risk alienating black voters again. He played it smartly and by so doing, even found a staunch supporter in the guy whose candidacy eight years ago was the catalyst for the riff in the first place – Carl McCall. Cuomo decided to get into the “let’s-challenge-incumbentPataki” game with McCall and then dropped out so late his name remained on the ballot, siphoning votes from McCall. Well all is well again – as it should be. In fact, McCall is on the governor-elect’s transition team. And just as they’ve had a chance for a renewed relationship, so too does the state have a new opportunity to grow. This is not to say that anyone should expect miracles from Cuomo. When my siblings and I were children, wanting our mother do more with her stringent budget, she used to admonish us, “I can’t get blood out of stone.” For those expecting Cuomo

to be the anti-Paterson and create jobs, re-open hospitals and a litany of other things on their wish list, let’s get real. It won’t happen. He can’t get blood out of stone any more than my mother could. For all his mistakes, Paterson has always had the state’s best interest at heart and has done the best with the hand the economy dealt him. He has been as responsible as possible with what he had to work with, and he should be commended for that. Paterson swore he would not bankrupt the state for our children to spend the rest of their lives paying, and he deserves credit for that, and many other points. Like any other leader in an elected position for which he was not the voters’ choice, there will always be resentment. If Gerald Ford were still here, we could ask him. But because of legal and other scandals, Paterson decided not to run shortly after his lackluster

announcement that he would. So Cuomo, who had the primary handed to him, went on to win the general election and will take office on Jan 1. But please, don’t expect miracles. Nothing will have changed between the time the Paterson linens are stripped and the Cuomo ones are put on the bed. The economy will still be in the commode and that is the new governor’s reality; no amount of name recognition and perceived leadership strength is going to change that. In the meantime, borrowing from Richard Nixon, they won’t have David Paterson to kick around anymore. He swears he’s not running for anything anymore, as he does not want to be “a retread.” That is probably a good idea for now. He needs to resolve his legal issues first. But we wish him well, just as we wish the new governor well, on our own behalf. Here’s to a healthy and happy holiday season to everyone!

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

This Is Surely Not The Way I Would Run Things! By MICHAEL SCHENKLER As the holiday season is now in full swing, politics takes a back seat. Why would anyone think any legislature would be in session during the holidays?

You mean t he average Joe works? Does the average legislator? Congressional, State, or City? If they are working, you likely will find them doing um, “fact-finding,” on a junket to some far off land, paid for by someone other than themselves. Now these folks who can’t take gifts, sure can take gift trips – by some other name. How often in your lifelong work experience, has some foreign government, trade organization, civic or cultural cause offered you a free, all expenses paid trip to China, Israel or wherever? Now remember it can’t be a gift because the electeds can’t take gifts of value. And it can’t be to influence their

decisions because that would be an ethical violation. So why do we see so many electeds on all levels of government flying across the world on someone else’s dime? Because they can. They make the rules. WHAT’S IN A NAME? Before you think this is another of my rants, allow me to change pace and subjects. Ed Koch deserves every tribute the people of this city can offer. He was and in certain respects still is Mr. New York. He gave us life and reason and fun back in his day. He still entertains and enlightens us. But damn, the Queensboro Bridge has been the Queensboro Bridge for more than a century and certainly should not be renamed for anyone living. At times, Paul Simon caused us to think of it as the 59th Street Bridge as we were “Feelin’ Groovy,” but there are too few City landmarks named for our borough and now they are taking that magnificent bridge from us forever to be known for the Mayor who wanted to know how he was doin’. Or is it forever until some other City Council with a different orientation decides to name it for someone else?

Now I’m picking on Ed Koch – and I really like the guy-but he’s alive and well and still writing movie reviews which he star ted for our papers. Living people shouldn’t get bridges (or tunnels). Sorry Hugh Carey, the Brooklyn Bat ter y Tunnel shal l always be just that to me. I still call the RFK Bridge the Triborough – t hough p erhaps someday I’ll make the adjustment. Bobby is gone – tragically lost his life while running for President. I think my rules would be: 1) the government doesn’t name anything for living people; 2) If it has had a name for, let’s say 100 years, its permanent — even the government can’t change it – unless it’s named for a person who later proves to be a mass murderer or even better. So they leave Gracie Mansion named for some guy who built a different building but had to sell it to pay debts, on the site of the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, but take the beautiful Queensboro Bridge of my youth and change it to a cacophonous Ed Koch Bridge. Geesh! Sorry Mr. Mayor, but I’m one of those purists. If you’re breathing, you’re entitled to our thanks, not our signage. And if it is named for Queens,

you ca n’t cha nge it no mat ter what! WHAT’S IN A NAME 2? The Gotham Gazette reports that The Chocolate Librar y, the recently opened ar tisanal chocolate shop in the East Village, may have to change its name. They cite a Diner’s Journal report that it’s actually illegal to incorporate the words library, school, academy, institute and kindergarten without the education commissioner’s consent. And the folks at the State Education Department are enforcing the law. So here’s th is cute lit tle chocolate shop and a creative small businessman who has set it up as a reference to all who follow chocolate: with products clearly informatively labeled in white cubicle, to shelve s accompa nied by touch screen information kiosks for all to learn about chocolate. What are they afraid of? Perhaps it will help make kids like going to the library. If the State Ed bureaucrats prevail, Gotham Gazette reports that their law yer is incor porating a back-up name: Chocolate 101. Isn’t the State Education Commissioner busy enough deciding on the qualifications of Cathie Black not to get involved with the name

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

Clouds Lie Ahead For Years to Come

By HENRY STERN As the holidays approach, people are speaking broadly about the past year and what lie s ahead for 2011. There is a sense of war ine ss, if not p essimism, which colors our views of the future, at Henry least as far as public issues are concerned. Individual’s’ personal outlooks vary widely, depending first on their own physical and mental health, then on personal economic issues. In these times, the focus is more on the availability of employment t han the level of fulfillment it may provide. The statistic of 9.8% unemployment is somewhat of an underestimate of the state of the economy. It does not count the underemployed, or the people who have given up looking for jobs and dropped out of the labor market. Unemployment remains high when the stock market and corporate profits are rising, so it is not as if a shrinking economy is to blame. It seems that America needs fewer workers than it used to, and that much of the unemployment is becoming structural, and therefore less likely to be cured when economic conditions improve. Another concern of individuals is reflected in their belief that

conditions will be more difficult for their children to deal with than they were for the parents. Upward social and economic mobility has been taken for granted in America for generations, particularly in immigrant communit ie s. Stern For the first time, many people are uncertain that the next generation will be able to get into the schools they did, or hold the jobs t he y have, or buy home s equivalent to those in which they live. This pressure is particularly acute on the middle class, or people who have good jobs in manufacturing, or on the lower levels of middle management. NAFTA and robotics may add to premonitory feelings of anxiety. We don’t think too much about issues like how the next generation, or the ones after that, will pay off the ever-increasing national debt, or pay the interest that accrues annually on the $13.56 trillion public debt of the Federal government (as of 9/30/10). We should also think of the balance of payments between imports and exports, under which the United States for years has paid more for the goods it imports than it has received from the goods it sells abroad. That is another trend that cannot continue indefinitely,

yet it shows no sign of abating. In the last few days, the controversy between President Obama and the Republican leadership in Congress appears to have led to a compromise, which is the only alternative to inaction, neither side having enough votes to pass anything. However, both the Democratic and the Republican plans are supposed to be paid for by increasing the national debt. The parties differed widely as to which category of taxpayers should get relief, and the Dems succeeded in winning a year’s extension of unemployment insurance, which seems increasingly necessary as the recession continues, but which does not result in increasing employment. The sensible compromise, which appears to be on track, was intended to resolve those differences. However, the accommodation of the partie s came at the expense of the future. If we believe that the growing debt will ever be repaid or substantially reduced, we have postponed the time when that might happen. There are many other reasons to be concerned about the future. Nuclear proliferation is the most obvious and threatening. The problem is more severe when nonstate actors acquire nuclear weapons, which is probably only a matter of time, as North Korea may

place parts of its arsenal on sale in mint condition and never used. To us, these problems arise from the rapid advances in the physical sciences made in the last few centuries, rushing far ahead of the behavioral science s. It has taken billions of years for our species to evolve into what it is now, and we cannot expect substantial change in the handful of generations that may remain before, as my mother used to say, “anything happens.” StarQuest@NYCivic.org

of a chocolate shop? CAST YOUR VOTE This is not the first time I’ve raised a writ ten eyebrow at the City’s purchase of the new voting machines. These big boys come under a nationwide program with Federal money attached – HAVA, Help America Vote Act. New York State’s implementation of its program “Election Reform and Modernization Act of 2005” (“ERMA”), came after great delay and I’m sure much lobbying. Well, naturally the City had to wait for the State and, I’m certain, deal with more lobbyists – the winning company spent more than half a million dollars lobbying the city with a lobbyist who has since been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in an unrelated political matter. And this process, which took New York State longer than any other state in the union, produced mach ine s where: pr ivacy wh ile scanning is in doubt; type has to be made tiny to squeeze all the candidates on it; the reverse side of the ballot has to be used for propositions and the like; to tabulate results, the scanning machines produce lengthy spool-like printouts that are difficult to decipher; and the initial tabulation for the first General Election using machine s, missed 80,000 votes in Queens alone and some 200,000 in the state. Any competent computer programmer can write a script to enable ordinary computers to match the form required to be used to forward to the police and Board of Elections, but the City’s failure is the result of a $50 million purchase. Now I don’t mind the lobbyists making their money. And I don’t violently mind the politicians getting their campaign contributions. But to me, for $50 million, we should have got ten the best machines available. System fail! MSchenkler@QueensPress.com

Not 4 Publication.com by Dom Nunziato

Police Blotter Compiled By DOMENICK RAFTER

100th Precinct Struck Down On Sunday, Dec. 12, at approximately 4:58 p.m., police responded to a 911 call for a pedestrian struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Rockaway Point Boulevard and Beach 204th Street in Breezy Point. Upon arrival, police found that a 2002 Saturn sedan traveling westbound on Rockaway Point Boulevard struck Anne Reilly, 84, of 108 Arcadia Walk, Breezy Point, who was crossing northbound across Rockaway Point Boulevard at Beach 204th Street. The vehicle, driven by a 78-year-old woman, remained on the scene. EMS also responded and transported Reilly to Brookdale University Hospital in Brooklyn, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. No criminality was suspected. An accident investigation was ongoing.

102nd Precinct Curbside Kill On Tuesday, Dec. 7, at approximately 6:44 p.m., police responded to a report of a pedestrian struck on the southbound Van Wyck Expressway near 97th Avenue in Richmond Hill. Police determined that an unidentified man in his 50s was sitting at the right side curb line of the southbound Van Wyck Expressway when a vehicle traveling southbound in the right lane struck him. The

vehicle continued south, f leeing the scene. EMS responded to the location and transported the victim to Jamaica Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing.

nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential.

Card Theft II

The NYPD is seeking the public’s assistance in regard to a theft that occurred in Astoria. Found Shot On Monday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m., the On Thursday, Dec. 9, at approxivictim, a 37-year-old white man, realmately 11:20 a.m., police responded to The man at the top of the ized that his Visa debit card went missa report of a person shot in front of 146- Police say this woman photo is accused of steal- ing from his wallet. The card was subse10 105th Ave. in South Jamaica. Upon stole a debit card and ing a Visa debit card and quently used to make purchases at sevarrival, a 28-year-old black man was dis- used it to make purchases. using it for his own goods. eral locations, with an unknown suspect covered lying on the ground with a gunpurchasing items in excess of $2,000. sistance in regard to a Grand Larceny that shot wound to the head. The suspect is described as a black man EMS also responded to the scene happened in Astoria. in his early 40s, with short black hair, wearOn Sunday, Oct. 31, at approximately ing a gray sweater, a dark vest and dark pants. and pronounced the victim dead on arrival. There were no arrests and the in- 3:30 a.m., inside Cavo restaurant at 42Anyone with information in regard to vestigation was ongoing. The identifi- 18 31 Ave. in Astoria, a 31-year-old His- this incident is asked to call Crime Stopcation of the victim was pending proper panic woman realized that an unknown pers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The pubsuspect had taken her purse. Among the lic can also submit their tips by logging family notification. items contained in the purse was a Chase onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at debit card, subsequently used in several nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their locations to purchase items totaling al- tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then entering most $1,000. DWI Cop TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential. The suspect is described as an Hispanic On Thursday, Dec. 9, at 78th Street and Queens Boulevard, off-duty NYC woman in her mid-30s, with light brown Police Officer Luis Moncayo, 27, was ar- long hair in a ponytail, wearing a red YOU DON'T HAVE TO REVEAL hooded sweatshirt and dark gray pants. rested and charged with DWI. YOUR IDENTITY TO HELP Anyone with information in regard to SOLVE A CRIME. this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging Card Snatched The NYPD is seeking the public’s as- onto the Crime Stoppers Web site at

103rd Precinct

110th Precinct

114th Precinct

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

News Briefs No Answers After Sweep In the week following a multi-agency sweep of Willets Point, the City has offered little to explain its motivations behind the sudden and stringent enforcement of every law on the books in what has largely been a 62-acre no man's land. The NYPD's silence on the matter, as well as continued enforcement of previously-ignored infractions, has fueled beliefs the sweep was part of a larger scheme to unsettle local business owners and workers. The city, in a massive redevelopment project, plans to clear out all the existing owners and businesses on the 62-acre site and develop it into a mix of housing, retail, community and park space. The NYPD was joined by the Departments of Buildings, Business Affairs, Housing Preservation and Development, Environmental Conservation, FDNY, traffic cops and even the ASPCA last Wednesday. Police cruisers cordoned off the hexagonal area between 34th and 37th Avenues and 126th Street and Willets Point Boulevard. The cops made more than a dozen arrests, according to Marco Neira, president of the Willets Point Defense Committee, a group of business owners and tenants fighting for relocation.

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

PA Shores Up Security The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced a $120.4 million project to install security bollards in front of airline terminals at JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Liberty. The bollards, permanent columns a few feet high around the outside of the terminal, are being installed to prevent vehicles from crashing into the terminals either by accident or purposely in terrorist attacks, similar to the attack on the airport in Glasgow, Scotland in 2007 in which terrorists drove a car packed with bombs into the airport's main terminal. They are designed to meet requirements set by security assessments and the federal government. "Protecting our customers and employees is the Port Authority's highest priority," said PA Chairman Anthony Coscia. "Completing installation of the bollards at all of our airport terminals will help meet this goal." The PA has already installed bollards in front of terminals it owns, like the Central Terminal Building and Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia Airport; the new bollards will be installed at "tenant terminals," or terminals which are owned by specific airlines, such as the Delta and U.S. Airways terminals at LaGuardia and the American and JetBlue terminals at JFK. The Port Authority said the cost of the project will be recovered through passenger facility charges. Through the 2011 budget, the Port Authority said it has spent more than $6 billion in upgrading security at its facilities, including the AirTrain and Queens West.

Major Rezoning For CB 9 Community Board 9 and residents of Woodhaven, Ozone Park and Richmond Hill got a sneak preview this month of the proposed rezoning of parts of the three

neighborhoods, the first rezoning for much of the area in half a century. The plan, presented at a special CB 9 meeting Dec. 2 at Emanuel Church of Christ in Woodhaven, would involve a 248-block section of the neighborhoods. In Woodhaven, the plan would affect the entire neighborhood north of and including Jamaica Avenue between Elderts Lane and the border with Richmond Hill at 98th Street, as well as south of Jamaica Avenue between 89th Street and 98th Street south to 91st Avenue. In Ozone Park and Richmond Hill, the rezoning area covers over a mile and a half of neighborhood between 102nd Street in Ozone Park to the Van Wyck Expressway between 103rd Avenue and Atlantic Avenue and north of Atlantic Avenue between 112th Street and 123rd Street to Jamaica Avenue. The new zoning plan would designate much of the neighborhood at R3-A or R3X which would no longer permit semi-detached houses. The only exception would be west of Forest Parkway and a few blocks of Central Woodhaven where semidetached or attached homes are already commonplace. Jamaica Avenue, between Elderts Lane and Woodhaven Boulevard will be rezoned to R5D, allowing development up to 40 feet in height, but the section of Jamaica Avenue east o f Woodhaven Boulevard to 100th Street will be rezoned R6A, allowing for development up to 70 feet tall.

New LGA Boss LaGuardia Airport is under new management. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey named 24-year employee Tom Bosco, formerly deputy general manager, as general manager of the 71-yearold airport. Bosco has worked at all three of the area's major airports. He has a long career in aviation, and served in the U.S. Army, where he flew helicopters. The 1980 graduate of West Point served in Operation Desert Storm and, as a Lt. Colonel, led his National Guard battalion in providing security at Ground Zero after Sept. 11. Bosco said his priority is "the safety, security and efficiency of the airport," which he said will serve a total of 23 million passengers in 2010, employs 7,000 people and creates $7 billion in local economic activity. "It was a seamless transition," he said about his first day as general manager. As he previously worked in operations and security at LaGuardia, his first day "was just like any other day." He said a major concern is the surrounding neighborhoods of Astoria, College Point, East Elmhurst, Flushing and Jackson Heights that have to deal with the noise and traffic the airport brings in. "I also want to ensure that airport operations have a minimal impact on residential communities surrounding the airport," he said. "I want to ensure our neighbors reap the benefits" In reaction to Zagat's recent survey calling LaGuardia the worst airport in the country, Bosco said it didn't come as a surprise. "There is some truth to that when you look at its infrastructure," he said.

Vets Get Court Suited To Their Needs BY DOMENICK RAFTER A new court will allow veterans in Queens to have a better chance to access the help they need. Thanks in part to federal money allocated by U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (DBayside), Queens became the 51st locality in the country to open a special Veterans Court this week, aimed at helping veterans caught up in the criminal justice system get the services they are entitled to. “I can’t think of another Queens DA Richard Brown (3rd from r.) joins (l. to r.) the group that has done so Hon. Sol Wachtler, Professor of Constitutional Law at much and asked for so Touro Law School and former Chief Judge of New York little,” said Judge State; the Hon. Marcia Hirsch, presiding Justice of the Fernando Camacho, presi- Queens County Veterans Court; the Hon. Judy Harris Kluger, dent administrative judge Chief of Policy and Planning for the New York State Courts; of the Queens Supreme Fred Wilpon, CEO and Chairman of Sterling Equities and the Court, Criminal Term. New York Mets; and the Hon. Fernando Camacho, the Judge Marcia Hirsch, Presiding Administrative Justice of Queens County Supreme presiding judge of the Court, at the opening of the Queens County Veterans Court. Queens Veterans Court, said the court was different from others because it would assign men- opening. Pat Toro Jr., president of the Viettors, also veterans, to defendants. After a nam Veterans of America, Chapter 32, ceremony opening the new court on Mon- was pessimistic about the court actually day, Hirsch heard her first three cases. coming to the borough. Queens DA Richard Brown said the “I personally didn’t think the Veterans court was “not only smart, but the right Court would come to Queens,” he said. He thing to do.” He noted that veterans of- said the court is not only important for ten come back from wars with emotional veterans of Vietnam, 200,000 of whom and psychological scars that cause them have ended up in jail, but also for veterans to get caught up in drugs and alcohol, returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. which often lands them in jail. “I know the horror of veterans falling Anyone who has served in the Army, through the cracks,” Toro said. “Iraq and Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Afghan vets lean on us for support.” Guard and is over the age of 18 and either The Queens court is the fifth in the a U.S. citizen or resident alien is eligible state, after similar courts in Brooklyn, to participate in the Queens Veterans Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse. Court. Referrals will be screened by the Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at DA’s office. drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 357Veterans groups applauded the court’s 7400, Ext. 125.

York & Baseball:

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

Dr. Marcia V. Keizs, president, welcomes Major League Baseball CFO Jonathan Mariner to the most recent York College Executive Leadership Breakfast.

Meter Mania:

Electeds, Civics Decry Coming Hike In Price Of Parking On Boro Streets PRESS Photos by Ira Cohen

BY DOMENICK RAFTER The plan to increase parking meter rates at the beginning of the new year is being met with across-the-board outrage from officials and civic associations around the borough who say the increase unfairly targets working class New Yorkers. Starting Jan. 3, the Dept. of Transportation will change the rate for 25 cents per 20 minutes to 25 cents for 15 minutes. That would increase the cost of one-hour parking from 75 cents to one dollar. The change will affect thousands of parking meters along major commercial strips like Bell Boulevard in Bayside, Austin Street in Forest Hills, Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills and Middle Village, 37th Avenue in Jackson Heights and Jamaica Avenue in Woodhaven and Richmond Hill. The hike comes only eight months after another rate hike, which brought the cost from 50 cents per hour to 75 cents. During that increase, the DOT said it hoped to raise an additional $12 million. When running for City Comptroller in 2009, John Liu said that the City raises $200 million a year in parking fines and that adding new agents pays out exponentially. He said then that he could see the City reaping close to $1 billion a year in parking fines and collections within the next few years.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

Up In Arms “Talk about a lousy Christmas gift. People won’t even be able to go shopping without the city nickel-and-diming them at every turn,” said Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park), who sits on the City Council Transportation Committee. “This is a petty decision that will hurt average New Yorkers, like Woodhaven residents, who have to park on the street in order to go about their daily lives,” said Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association President Edward K. Wendell. Wendell said the rate increase would hurt businesses on Jamaica Avenue, which is lined with parking meters, and residents who may get more parking tickets because of the change. “This appears to be déjà vu all over again,” said Maria Thomson, executive director of the Woodhaven Business Improvement District and the Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation, and member of Community Board 9. “This will really hurt small mom-and-pop stores on Jamaica Avenue, and deal a painful blow to local commercial strips across New York City.” State Sen. Joe Addabbo Jr. (D-Howard Beach) said the new rates would drive residents to shop away from local business strips. “It will result in more parking tickets for residents and other consumers who, instead of boosting their local small businesses, will drive out of these areas to malls with parking lots to avoid such parking harassment,” he said.

The daily routine of feeding the meter will get pricier starting in January as new meter rates are phased in across the borough.

Not All Are Outraged

Other Solutions?

Gregg Sullivan, executive director of the Bayside Village Business Improvement District, said he was torn on the issue. “We don’t want people to spend more money than they do,” he said. “But the City is in trouble. Do we need to help out the City? I think so.” He said most of those who park along Bell Boulevard will not be hurt by the rate hike, but seniors were his primary concern. “If they want to come do a little shopping, and eat, it would be difficult,” he said. “An extra quarter to a senior citizen in this economy would hurt.” The rate increase, he said, would hurt retail stores more than restaurants because retailers rely on pedestrian traffic, which could be muted if parking costs more. Leslie Brown, executive director of the Forest Hills Chamber of Commerce, said that she did not expect the change to make much difference to shoppers, but feels the neighborhood has been a target for police, especially along Austin Street and 71st/Continental Avenue. “The bigger problem is the ticketing blitz that happens here,” she said. Of primary concern to locals is notification of the change. “I hope the DOT at least has the decency this time to post signs informing everyone of the change,” Wendell said. During the last change, he said, the new rates were not well publicized and as a result people who did not know the rate had changed only found out when they found tickets on their windshields. “The change needs to be well publicized,” said Brown, “They really have to let people know well in advance.”

Sullivan said there were other issues the DOT needed to work out with his group over parking meters in Bayside. He, along with Community Board 11, fought to increase the time limit on the meters from one hour to two, which the DOT agreed to do before the holidays. The plan has still not been fully implemented. The DOT also wants to keep the meters active past 7 p.m., until 9 p.m., an idea Sullivan does not favor, but sees a chance of compromise on. “My suggestion would be to raise the rates after 7 p.m.” he said, when seniors,

who would be most effected, do not use the meters as often. “I’m not in favor of the later parking meters, but as a compromise, it may work.” The rates will also change in Manhattan, where commercial and non-commercial vehicles would have to shell out $3 at muni-meters to park for an hour south of 86th Street, up from $2.50, where the City raised it from $2 last spring. The DOT said it plans on having the new rates set citywide by the end of June. Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at drafter@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 125.

The familiar scene of a traffic agent ticketing a car at an expired meter may become more commonplace as uninformed drivers put in their usual 75 cents for an hour and show up 50 minutes later with an ticket because their meter expired five minutes earlier.

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


40 New Beds

Southeast Queens Photos Edited By Harley Benson

Principal Toby During her stint as principal for a day at Forest Hills High School, Sen. Toby Stavisky spoke to two social studies classes, answering students' questions about her legislation, background, views and outlook for the upcoming session in Albany.

Photo by Ira Cohen

The School for Language and Communication and Development's (SLCD) 25th Anniversary Evening of Honor Gala at Russo's on the Bay in Howard Beach on Saturday, Nov. 6, was a huge success. The more than $200,000 raised will continue to support the expansion of SLCD's high school vocational training centers. Pictured: John Camiolo and his wife, Caryn accepting the award from Mario and Pia Fischetti.

Another Applebees Local staff and the national CEO came to Sky View Park on Saturday to cut the ribbon at the shopping center's new Applebee's Restaurant.

The annual holiday party of the various Queens bar associations was held at the Floral Terrace. The bar presidents hold gifts their organizations collected for the children of Forestdale, the over 150-year old multiservice non-profit foster care and adoption agency located in Forest Hills. Pictured l. to r.: Nicole McGregor-Mundy, Queens County Women's Bar Association; Donna Furey, Flushing Lawyers Association; Lawrence Litwack, Brandeis Association; Fearonce LaLande, Macon B. Allen, Black Bar Association; Chanwoo Lee, Queens County Bar Association; and Nestor Diaz, Latino Lawyers Association of Queens County.

DST Holiday

Happy Jets Kid

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Queens Alumnae Chapter awarded scholarships to 26 students on Saturday, Nov. 20. The keynote speaker was CNN Education Contributor Dr. Steve Perry. The host, pictured, was Lenny Green of 98.7 Kiss FM.

Thanks to the New York Jets and JetBlue, 8-year-old Shonesh Gurung enjoyed on-field activities at the Jets game vs. the Bengals at Meadowland Stadium on Thanksgiving night. Shonesh, a participant in the Sunnyside Community Services after-school program at PS 199, was selected to participate in the Jets "Tee Kid' experience.

New Media

Assemblywoman Ann-Margaret Carrozza cuts the ribbon of the newly expanded Computer Learning and Multi Media Center at Flushing House Senior Retirement Residence, which was funded through a $5,000 grant she secured.

Photo by eEyeCam.com.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

Lawyers Help Out Photos by Walter Karling

SLCD Anniversary

Queens Hospital Center held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the arrival of 40 new medical/surgical beds to help meet the growing demand for healthcare services posed by recent hospital closures in the borough. Pictured l. to r.: Julius Wool, Executive Director of Queens Hospital Center; Jasmin Moshirpur, Dean/Regional Medical Director, Queens Health Network; Ann M. Sullivan, Sr. VP, Queens Health Network; Councilman Leroy Comrie Jr.; Assemblywoman Barbara Clark; Boro Prez Helen Marshall; Sen.-elect Tony Avella; Julia Blair, QHC Community Advisory Board Chair; and Antonio D. Martin, Sr. VP, Central Brooklyn Family Health Network and Exec Dir, Kings County Hospital Center.

Borough Beat


Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

For many, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagaski in Japan are merely a few pages in a history textbooks, but for three women who survived the only recorded uses of atomic weaponry against a civilian target, sharing their experiences and making sure such actions are never taken again have become their life’s work. Toshiko Tanaka, Reiko Yamada and Setsuko Thurlow were young girls in Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945, when an atomic bomb fell on the city. This year, to honor the 65th anniversary of the attacks, they spent five days visiting New York City high schools in all five boroughs to share their stories with today’s youth. Working with Hibakusha Stories, an initiative of Youth Arts New York, in partnership with Peace Boat, the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation and New York Theater Workshop, the women had the opportunity to share eyewitness accounts of the atomic bombings with teens. In Japanese, the survivors of the blasts are called Hibakusha, and many have dedicated their lives to peace and working for nuclear disarmament. On Friday, Dec. 10, the three survivors, along with Hibakusha Stories Program Director Kathleen Sullivan and Founder and Treasurer Rober t

Croonquist, paid a visit to a select group of 11th and 12th graders at Newcomers High School in Long Island City. “Atomic bombs are morally unacceptable; we can take a stand to see it never happens again,” said Croonquist when he welcomed the students in the school’s library. The main goal of Hibakusha Stories is to share the survivors’ tales with future generations, to entrust them with the stories in order to ensure atomic bombs are never used again. “It is unique in the world, what we are bringing to high school students. I think it is unique in the country and in the world,” Sullivan said. “I see hearts open; I see hatred turn into forgiveness and friendship.” Two groups of students came into the library in two class periods to meet the survivors. They were separated into three groups, with each survivor in the center sharing her experiences with students. Translators were seated alongside the survivors for full, accurate accounts of the events. The students listened attentively as each survivor shared their moments of fear and anxiety after the initial attack, uncertain of what would happen next. “When you learn from a textbook you get nothing, but when you learn from actual people, it’s concrete,” said Hanna

Zhuang, a 12th grader at the Academy of American Studies, a school that shares the building with Newcomers High School. “It makes me feel sad, and I got the message of the atomic bomb being bad,” said Jith Deydipro, 12th grader at Newcomers. Thurlow, who was 13 when the bomb was dropped, shared her story with the students, but also emphasized the need for Setsuko Thurlow talks with a group of students at Newcomchange. “It is you that has ers High School in Long Island City. to change the society,” Thurlow said. “This is an urgent issue.” mittee on Disarmament and International She stressed to the students around her Security in October 2008. Yamada, who was 11 at the time of that President Barack Obama needs support for disarmament and the end of con- the bombing, is a part of the Tokyo Astructing weapons that can replay the acts Bomb Survivors Association, and for more than 30 years has continued to tell her that took place in 1945. “You can’t sit still and do nothing,” experience of the atomic bomb and to Thurlow said. “I count on you and the stress a nuclear weapon-free world. “I sincerely hope that people all over world counts on you.” Thurlow trained and practiced social the world should understand how a single work in the United States and Canada atomic bomb could destroy a city and kill and has devoted more than 40 years of a large number of people indiscriminately her life to nuclear disarmament. She even and cruelly,” Yamada said. Reach Intern Angy Altamirano at made her concern for a world without nuclear weapons known at a session of aaltamirano@queenstribune.com or (718) the U.N. General Assembly’s First Com- 357-7400, Ext. 128.

Photo by Angy Altamirano

Atomic Survivors Share Tales In Boro


Taking A Journey In Stone And Wood BY JASON BANREY Each year, as part of an international series of exhibitions, the QCC Art Gallery at Queensborough Community College hosts an artist from the community, ceremoniously displaying the individual’s artistic effort to the world. Many of the artists who are chosen are not known throughout the art world. This year’s featured artist, although popular among her own fan base, takes QCC Art Gallery viewers through a silent setting where the inanimate comes to life. Inspired by human forms and relationships, A Journey in Stone and Wood features a culmination of Gladys Thompson

Roth’s work. The exhibition displays a collection of sculptures produced by Roth, revealing her work that spans 35 years of sculpting. Roth has mastered the art of sculpture, bringing many materials into her repertoire. Creations are chiseled through an impulse dictated by her connection to the elements themselves. “Finding a form within a block of stone or a piece of wood is an adventure,” said Roth. “The sounds of stone responding to a chisel are part of the music and rhythm of carving. It’s musical.” Created through a technique called direct carving, Roth’s works are fashioned from mediums such as soapstone, cola-bola

Restaurant Review

New Twist On Classics

TRATTORIA NEO 15-01 149th St., Whitestone (718) 757-1110 trattorianeo.com CUISINE: Italian HOURS: Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30 am to 3 pm; Dinner Mon-Wed 5-10 pm; Tue-Sat 511 pm; Sun 5-10 pm. Sunday Brunch 11:30 am to 3 pm. PARKING: Valet CREDIT CARDS: All major

Gladys Thompson Roth’s work is on display through Feb. 28. lieves summarizes a sense of her world. The exhibition will run at the QCC Art Gallery through Feb. 28. The gallery is located at 222-05 56th Ave., Bayside. To learn more, call (718) 631-6396 or go to qcc.cuny.edu/ArtGallery. Reach Intern Jason Banrey at jbanrey@queenstribune.com or (718) 3577400, Ext. 128.

An Afrikan Kwanzaa In Southeast Queens


The Holiday season has arrived, bringing to Queens the eight nights of Chanukah, Santa’s night of present giving and the week-long celebration of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is observed Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 every year in the United States. This year, the Afrikan Poetry Theatre, in Jamaica, will celebrate its Fifth Annual Gala Kwanzaa Celebration to start off the holiday week. “Kwanzaa is a period for seven days to celebrate African culture and to bring good into the world,” said John Watusi Branch, Executive Director of the Afrikan Poetry Theatre. The theatre and the Rochdale Village Community Center are sponsoring a celebration of Kwanzaa event Sunday, Dec. 26, from 1-8 p.m. “The celebration of Kwanzaa is a gathering of the family, a gathering of the people, to celebrate their rich history and culture, to feel the rhythm of the drums, taste delicious food, lighting of the candles and great performances,” said Branch. At the Gala, Branch will give a presentation about the celebration of Kwanzaa, which will include performances from “powerful and exciting” dance companies. There will also be an African marketplace and food court where guests can have a taste of delicious cuisine from local food caterers. Admission for the celebration is $5 for adults and $1 for children (up to 18 years old). The event will take place at the Rochdale Community Center, located at 169-65 137th

Ave., between Farmers Boulevard and Guy R. Brewer Boulevard in Jamaica. Any potential vendors can call (718) 523-3312. The Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of cultural, education, recreational and social developmental programs from its home at 176-03 Jamaica Ave. The mission of the theater is “to provide cultural, literary, musical and instructional programs, workshops and facilities of a presenting and instruction nature, generally for the entire Queens community.” The center also serves as a cultural resource for the city of New York. Anyone can come in and get information about speakers, performers and where to go and how to do certain things in the city. The center has run a Summer Youth Employment Program for 12 years. This program has given 500 young adults work each summer for the past seven years and provides workshops. The center has developed its own teen newspaper called “Queens Teens,” which trains youth from the ages of 13-18 in various forms of journalism and introduces to them job training skills. The newspaper is an outlet for teen poetry, articles and viewpoints. The Afrikan Poetry Theatre looks to continue the development of the institution and communities it has successfully served for the past 30 years. To learn more, call (718) 523-3312. Reach Intern Angy Altamirano at aaltamirano@queenstribune.com or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 128.

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Whitestone is filled with delightful Italian dining treasures. Within a few blocks of the intersection of the Cross Island Parkway and 150th Street, there are at least a half dozen great places worth taking the time to explore, mostly on the north side of the Cross Island. But venture down to just south of that intersection, and you'll find yourself at Trattoria Neo - a slight misnomer in name, but not so much so. There is some new food here, but it clearly doesn't dominate the menu. The heart of the place seems to lie in a tradition of quiet, classic Italian dining. The servings are generous, the staff if friendly and the ambiance is serene and romantic. On a recent Friday night, we slipped in before the crowds showed up to enjoy a quiet meal before heading off to the movies. Scanning through the menu, we were served a basket of bread and a dish of what seems almost fresh-pressed olive oil with a sampling of fruity jewels at the bottom. The bread was rustic - if not made in house, clearly it comes from one of the local Italian bakeries. We ordered, and dug into the bread, sipping our drinks beside the small fireplace in the dimly lit room. Somewhere far away, a bar and lounge side of the restaurant exists, but the place is set up so well that a crowd there wouldn't interfere with the comfort of your meal. We started with two appetizers - one from the menu, and one a special of the day. The menu item, Crispy Calamari with Basil Aioli, was delicious. The server suggested we could have marinara if we wished, but their creamy concoction was

just the sort of "neo" we were looking for; a good twist on an old classic. The special appetizer, Burrata - a hand-rolled mozzarella with a creamy, wet interior was served with a Balsamic reduction drizzled atop. It had all the trademarks you hope for - a milky texture, fresh and f lavorful with just a dash of saltiness. Once finished with our first course, the main dishes followed. My guest had the Veal Marsala, which was topped with a hint of prosciutto and a range of mushrooms, all in a thin Marsala wine sauce that evoked hints of Francese and Picatta with its lemon. Torn between the Garlic Crusted Rack of Lamb with butternut squash puree and escarole, and the Roasted Pork Chop, served with hot cherry peppers and roasted Yukon Gold potatoes, I opted for ever more rustic - Fresh Cavatelli, with a braised beef and pork ragout and fresh Parmigiano. Chef Joseph D'Angelo, who came out to greet most tables, explained that they cook entire pork shoulder and beef roasts separately, developing their own flavors and textures, before incorporating them into a very fresh tomato base, which uses only fresh tomatoes for the sauce. The hard work certainly paid off. The chunks of meat, tomato and other vegetables combined with the pasta and cheese to make a traditional dish out-ofthis-world delicious. Filled, but still with room for dessert, my guest enjoyed a fresh apple crumb with thin-sliced apples roasted under a streusel-like cookie topping, served with vanilla gelato. I enjoyed a plate of zeppole with a coarse sugar rub that gets dipped into vanilla gelato that, tableside, gets covered in a fresh shot of espresso. The balance of bitter and sweet with the lightness of the zeppole was a perfect way to end the meal. The menu has a mix of new and traditional; the feel is rustic; the food is expertly crafted. Trattoria Neo may be the newest thing to soon become an old favorite in Whitestone. —Brian M. Rafferty

wood, onyx, clay, bronze and alabaster into impressions that result in active forms of characters, portraying love, motherhood, and the freedom within the female figure. As Roth carved and chipped her way through each of the displayed elements, she developed a connection with each piece; a relationship she believes enables her to see the true form within each of the materials she works with. Before Roth took the first step on her journey toward developing what would become her life’s work, she did not recognize the feminine theme that was cast over many of her projects. “When you see it all together it says something,” said Roth. By sharing her work with an audience, Roth hopes to translate to viewers an overall sense of feminism. Roth rarely displays this many pieces under one roof other than her own, and sometimes finds it hard to part with her sculptures. “They’re my friends. I like remembering how they came about,” said Roth. “I say to myself, would [my art] share the same meaning to anybody else? I don’t picture that they would. So I don’t give them away – and I don’t sell them.” Although she is possessive of her artwork, she invites visitors to come assess the collection of her work that she be-


Spiritual Songs In A Foreign Land When Growth in Christ Choir started out 26 years ago, it was a community entity. Now, the choir is an international hit, as it will spend Christmas touring Italy for 18 days. The Rev. Daryl Ware, founder of the chorus and minister at Bethany Baptist Church, said only 15 members of the chorus have taken the overseas journey. "It is an opportunity for them to see some place other than here," he said. "They are totally enthralled and thrilled." Ware's wife, Winsome, said the choir's

beginning is linked to the SUNY New Paltz Gospel Choir. Her husband brought the choir to Bethany and the performance was so uplifting, the church requested he institute a choir at the church, leading to Growth in Christ. The choir has been to Italy and other countries on numerous occasions. It will perform anywhere as long as it is allowed to sing spiritual music. This year, the group will perform about 15 songs, which include "Oh Happy Day," "Joy to the World" and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful." Ware said though there is a language barrier, the people understand their


“I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure – that is all that agnosticism means.” —Clarence Darrow:

passion and feel the music. Some of the pieces will be sung in Italian. "They feel the spirit behind the music," he said. "When we sing with passion they get it. We even have them sing along." The community choir is based in Jamaica and anyone can join. Winsome has been part of the choir for about a decade and she jokes that she is the weakest link in the chain. Potential singers do not have to possess exceptional singing talents to fit into Growth in Christ. "As long as you can hear, he will work with you," she said. Though it is too late to join the choir in this year's Italian excursion, those willing to join the choir can e-mail Ware at minomuzic@aol.com. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

PRESS Photo by Ira Cohen


Bethany Baptist Church's Growth in Christ Choir is taking its spiritual Christmas performance overseas.

Notebook Twilight Zone Christmas

Peanuts Gang In Another Dimension

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

"Peanuts" has been around for three generations. Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally, Snoopy and Woodstock are forever tattooed in our brains; and Jason Spagnuoli is keeping the gang around for a new generation to enjoy. In his second "Peanuts" installment, dubbed, "Its The Twilight Zone Christmas, Charlie Brown," Spagnuoli introduces the title character to the real world. Charlie Brown's mission is to help a girl whose parents are getting divorced during the holidays. When he enters the real world, he is surprised to find all of his friends as the exact opposite of themselves. Linus even gives up his security blanket for a pair of wings as he goes through the "real world" as Charlie Brown's godmother. "I didn't want to do a happy Christmas play," Spagnuoli said. "I liked the idea

Is Your School Doing Something Good? Write The PRESS of Southeast Queens 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357

of a message with a twist that parents and students can go home with." The underlying message is that it's never just about you, but what you can do for your fellow man. "It is a Christmas show that is unconventional," he said. There are surprises hidden throughout the play. A "real world" version of Charlie Brown may be lurking in any scene. He may actually kick the football. You just have to watch and see. Just as the previous skit, "YO! It's Middle School, Charlie Brown," Spagnuoli, who works with The Child Center of NY OST/LATCH, an after school program, credits the story to Joshua Flower, Matthew Maniaci and himself. The play is written and directed by Spagnuoli. Arianna Mullen, 10, auditioned to be Marcie. "I'm really tough, and loud, and that's how Marcie is in the real world," she said. Arianna said the play starts off with Charlie Brown wanting to help his friends with a Christmas pageant, but since his previous work was sloppy, they turn him down. His quest in the "real world" is to help. Jayden Johnson, 11, is part of the stage crew and plays a small role in the play, which he hopes will bring comic relief. He will be the one in the striped shirt.

"It's going to be funny to the audience," Jayden said of his part. Johnson said the play taught him a lesson, but mostly it brought him out of his shell. "I wanted to be a part of the play because I'm kinda shy and I never really do anything," he said. Christian LaCroix, 9, is Charlie Brown. Originally, he was the understudy. Christian said he is nervous of his first performance, but is sure the cast will have a good performance. "Work hard and you can accomplish anything," he said. "I have a chance to share my talents and show who I am." The students will perform the play on Monday, Dec. 20, at a nursing home and on Dec. 22 at 7 p.m. at PS 223, located at 125-20 Sutphin Blvd. For tickets call (718) 322-7101. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

Photo by Patricio Robayo


The poster for “Its The Twilight Zone Christmas, Charlie Brown,” designed by Matthew Maniaci, which will be performed Dec. 20.


A Cancer Survivor's Inspiring Story BY SASHA AUSTRIE

mended, "Listen to your doctors." Ford said people need to speak positive healing into their lives and "do [your] research because I did mine and I'm still learning." Including her book, Ford provides encouragement as a volunteer for the

American Cancer Society and hosts workshops. Contact Ford at (347) 277-2238. To purchase copies of her book, visit rosedogbookstore.com. Reach Reporter Sasha Austrie at saustrie@queenspress.com, or (718) 3577400, Ext. 123.

PRESS photo by Sasha Austrie

Regina Ford's story is encapsulated in little more than a 36-page novella, but within those pages is a life's journey filled with triumphs and tribulations. "In the Midst of a Storm Stand" is Ford's life story from childhood through her battle with breast cancer. The book's most poignant sections are not the pages rife with teenage angst, but her fight in the face of cancer. The dates of diagnosis, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are recited as easily as a birthday. The thing is, cancer was not a foreign entity to Ford. Her grandmother died of ovarian cancer and her mom of lung cancer. Her battle started with a lump she found on her breast. Even with her family history, there was no immediate urgency. For two months, she tried to will it away by ignoring its existence. "This is going away," she kept telling herself. "Not me." Initially, Ford was told not to worry because all lumps were not cancerous. A biopsy revealed a benign tumor. A May 23, 2007 surgery confirmed that the marble sized growth was Stage I cancer. She was diagnosed on June 2, 2007. She had done all the right things. Ford, 50, started receiving yearly mammograms at 40 and her previous

mammogram was normal. "I was upset," she said. "Just to get the news that you have cancer, I was a little bit shocked. I did get a little bit sad and had a pity party for that moment." With her father lending his full support, she resolved to fight A second surgery to remove four lymph nodes revealed that the cancer had spread; two of the four lymph nodes were cancerous. Ford was now battling Stage II cancer. "That is a storm I wouldn't want anybody to go through," she said. She underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments. The initial side effects of losing her hair were a small stumbling block, but she recovered quickly, basking in her bald beauty. Through her ordeal, Ford said she never doubted her recovery. Her faith in God and support from family and friends gave her strength. "I didn't know so many people loved me," she said. "Cards came in with money. People came [to my apartment] to cook." Ford's book is meant to be a source of encouragement. "What inspired me to write the book was the family history," she said. She advises every woman to conduct a self-exam and for those already inf l i c te d w i t h c a n c e r, s h e re c o m -

Regina Ford's battle with breast cancer has inspired a 36-page novella and a passion to help other cancer patients.

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

What’s Up SATURDAY, DEC. 18 Youth & Tennis The Youth and Tennis group meets every Saturday morning at Roy Wilkins Park Saturday. To learn more, call Bill Briggs at (718) 658-6728.

Tree Lighting And Toys Councilman Leroy Comrie, Neighborhood Housing Services, New York City Dept. of Parks & Recreation, No Doubt (Youth Organization), Corner Store Magazine, and The Women's Information Network present the 9th annual tree lighting and toy distribution. Please open your hearts and donate a toy to a child in need. Donations are being accepted until Dec. 15. All donations may be dropped off at the office of Councilman Comrie. This free event will be held at Detective Keith Williams (a.k.a. Liberty) Park, 173rd Street (between 106th and 107th Avenues), from 2-5 p.m.

The Hedge York College Performing Arts Center and Bethel Gospel Tabernacle's Arts in Christian Theatre present the compelling dramatization of the life of Job. Join the diverse cast as they bring to life the contemporary adaptation of this Bible narrative, titled The Hedge. Come experience a production where demons and angels battle for the life of a man who would not curse God. This event will be held at the York College Performing Arts Center, 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. at 3 p.m. Tickets cost $25.

York College Blue Notes Do something different this year for the holidays. Celebrate the holidays with the York College Blue Notes. This free event will be held at York College Performing Arts Center, 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. at 8 p.m.

MONDAY, DEC. 20 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Page 20 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

TUESDAY, DEC. 21 Job Club Every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Lenin Gross, Job Coach, at (718) 739-2060, Ext. 18 or lgrossjnc@yahoo.com. This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave.

Camera Club The Southeast Queens Camera Club welcomes photographers, beginners to advanced. Meetings are held the second, third and fourth Tuesday every month at 7:30 p.m. at Roy Wilkins Family Life Center, 177-01 Baisley Blvd.

Job Info Center Orientation What is the Job Information Center and what does it do? Find out at an interactive orientation about its services: career resources including workshops in English and Spanish; assistance with your job searching; Job Information Center resources of books, newspapers, pathfinders, bookmarks and brochures, resume/ cover letter reviews; Queens Workforce 1 information. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 1:30 p.m.

Intro to Computers In this workshop, customers will learn the basics of using the computer: how to log on and off; use the keyboard and mouse; open and close "windows;" use toolbars, and scroll bars. Pre-registration is required in person at Cyber Center Desk. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 6 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22 Lunch In Church Join us for lunch and get refueled, renewed and refilled. This free event is held every Wednesday at noon at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, 89-60 164th St. For more information, call (718) 526-4775, Ext. 10. Come just as you are.

Intro to Email In this workshop, customers will learn how manage their own email account and send and receive email messages. Preregistration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. Participants must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. When: Wednesday, December 22nd 10:00 am This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd. at 10 a.m.

THURSDAY, DEC. 23 Adult Chess Club Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Thursday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Computer Classes En Espanol This day's course will cover navigating the Internet. Funding for these programs is provided by The Starr Foundation. This free event will be held at the Queensborough Public Library's Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6:30 p.m.

FRIDAY, DEC. 24 Senior Theatre Acting Repertory Calling all older adults: Join our galaxy of STARs to perform theatrical works at the library with a great group of people while brightening your life. Rehearsals are held at 10:30 a.m. Fridays at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

ONGOING CPR Training The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit

will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit www.nyc.gov/cprtogo for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit www.fdnyfoundation.org or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self - esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Infant Mortality Clergy United for Community Empowerment's Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative program provides the following services free of charge: case management services, parent skills building, crib care, breast feeding education, health education, nutritional information/education, referral for HIV testing, confidential one-on-one counseling, workshops, and women support groups. IMRI provides referrals for Food stamps, GED, GYN, Emergency Baby Formula (qualifications required) and more. Call (718) 297-0720. Located at 89-31 161 St., 10th floor, Jamaica. Services are available Tue.-Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Awareness Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 89-31 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Laurelton Flea Market A flea market has opened at 221-02 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Thursday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CPR Class Learn to protect yourself and others at Heron Care Inc. For more information, please call (718) 291-8788. Heron is located at 168-30 89th Ave., Jamaica.

PAL Volunteers The Police Athletic League (PAL) is looking for volunteers to continue its mission of serving New York City's young people by donating their time and talents to help serve Queens youngsters at PAL's Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon in Arverne-Far Rockaway, PAL's Edward Byrne Center in South Jamaica and PS 214 in Flushing. PAL Centers in Queens offer a wide range of opportunities for volunteers of all talents. PAL's Redfern Cornerstone and Far Rockaway Beacon are looking for people to participate in a center clean-up day. Volunteers are needed to tutor and mentor young people during the After School Program's daily homework help sessions. In addition, individuals can also donate their time assisting the many special events held at PAL's Centers throughout the year. PAL is also seeking professionals to give career advice and talk about their own careers to young people, as well as guest speakers who can share information on a specific hobby of interest to the youngsters. To become a volunteer with the Police Athletic League or to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit palnyc.org. Volunteers will go through an application process that includes an interview, screening and an orientation. For more information, please contact PAL's Volunteer Coordinator, Alexandria Sumpter-Delves, at (212) 477-9450, Ext. 390 or volunteer@palnyc.org.

Tots-2-Seniors Drive During this holiday season, join MAG and State Sen. Shirley Huntley in donating a token of love to our Tots-2-Seniors Toy, Book, Clothing and Coat Drive. Donations can be taken to the office of Senator Huntley at 133-24 233rd St. in Laurelton. Items can also be dropped off at the Rochdale Village Senior Center located at 169-65 137th Ave., Jamaica. For more information, please call Senator Huntley's office at (718) 949-1601, or the MAG office at (718) 712-2061.

Tell The Community

What’s Up!

Send us info about your public events two weeks in advance and we’ll list them here for free.

What’s Up!

150-50 14th Rd. Whitestone, NY 11357 Fax: 718-357-9417

Email: news@queenspress.com

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Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 174-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

TALKS LIC BOOK Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 1 “Freedom” will be discussed at 10 at the LIC library. TIME TRAVEL Tuesday, December 28 explore time travel, fact and fiction at 4 at the Hillcrest library.

THEATER I_NY Saturday, December 18 lives of immigrant NYers intersect at Queens Theatre in the Park at 8. Free tickets; reservations required. 7600064. KILLING KOMPANY The Killing Company performs mystery dinner shows. 1-888-SHOOT-EM for information.

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

SENIORS FREE LUNCH Saturday, December 18 at All Saints Church in Richmond Hill. 849-2352 reservations. AARP 1405 Monday, December 20 Flushing AARP 1405 meets at the Bowne Street Communit y Church, 143-11 Roosevelt Avenue at 1. C h r i st m a s P a r t y f o r p a i d members only. STAY WELL Mondays at 10 at the Central library. Tuesdays at 2 at the Flushing library and Wednesdays at 10 at the East Elmhurst library. Special exercises and relaxation techniques. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. CLEARVIEW Thursday, December 23 General Investing talk at 10:15. Monday, December 27 Music Appreciation at 12:30. Thursday, December 30 Stay Well As You Age talk at 10:15. Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26 th Avenue, Bayside. 224-7888. FREE LUNCH Saturday, December 25 at Church of the Resurrection in Kew Gardens. 847-2649 reservations.

MEETINGS P-FLAG Sunday, December 19 PFLAG, a support group for parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays, meet in Forest Hills. 271-6663. LOST MIRACLES Monday, December 20 St. Adalbert’s bereavement support group, for the loss of a newborn or miscarriage, in Elmhurst. 429-2005. NYC CORRECTION Monday, December 20 NYC Correction Retirees Benevolent Association meets in Forest Hills. 263-6334. TOASTMASTERS Monday, December 20 learn communication and leadership skills in Kew Gardens. 646-269-1577. FRESH MEADOW CAMERA Tuesdays the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-612-3463. ADVANCED WRITERS Tuesdays at 6:30 at the Terrace Diner at Bay Terrace Shopping Center and also t h e l a s t Tu e s d ay o f t h e month in the Communit y Room in Panera Bread at Bay Terrace Shopping. TALK OF THE TOWN Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 1 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans. 527-5889. AMERICAN LEGION Tuesday, December 21 Edward McKee Post 131 meets in Whitestone. 767-4323. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Tuesday, December 21 Bereavement Support Group at Holy Family, 175-20 174 th Street, Fresh Meadows. 9692448. AUBURNDALE ASSN. Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 1 Auburndale Improvement Association meets at the Reception House, 167-17 Northern Blvd. at 7:30. FH VAC Wednesday, December 22 Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corp meets. 793-2055. WOMANSPACE Wednesdays Womanspace, a discussion group devoted to issues concerning women, meets 1-3 at the Great Neck Senior Center, 80 Grace Avenue. New members welcome. QUEENS CENTRAL ROTARY Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Come learn if Rotary is for you. 465-2914; me1nc@aol.com LI STAMP CLUB Thursday, December 23 the Long Island Stamp Club meets at the Forest Hills library at 5:45. TOASTMASTERS Thursdays, December 23, 30 at 6:30 at the Whitestone library. Toast of Queens Toastmasters Club, District 46, Club 4242. CIVIL AIR PATROL Fridays 6-10 at Vaughn College of Aeronautics, 86-01 23 rd Avenue, East Elmhurst. Academy WOMAN’S GROUP Fridays the Woman’s Group of Jamaica Estates meets at noon. Call 461-3193 for information. JEWISH VETS Sunday, December 26 Jewish War Veterans of the USA Lipsky/Blum Post meet at the Garden Jewish Center. 463-


4742. VFW 4787 Monday, December 27 Whitestone VFW Community Post meets; ladies auxiliary meets the 2 nd Monday. 746-0540. TOASTMASTERS Monday, December 27 learn the art and science of Public Speaking in Queens. 525-6830. TOASTMASTERS Thursday, December 30 at the Briarwood library at 5:45. BEREAVEMENT Thursday, December 30 St. Adalbert’s Bethany General Bereavement Group in Elmhurst. 429-2005. DEBTORS ANON. Saturdays at 11:30 and Mondays at 7:30 Debtors Anonymous meets at Our Lady of Mercy, school auditorium in Forest Hills. 212-969-8111. CIVIL AIR PATROL Saturdays Art & Business High School Cadet Squadron at 8 a.m. at the school, 10525 Horace Harding Expressway, Corona. ssgdmp@yahoo.com CIVIL AIR PATROL Mondays Falcon Senior Squadron at 7 at JFK Airport, Federal Express, Building 260, Jamaica. Falcon Senior Squadron. 781-2359. FM CAMERA Tuesdays at 7:45 the Fresh Meadows Camera Club meets. 917-363-6720. QUEENS PRIDE Wednesdays Spanish and English Club (conversational level). Thursdays Movie Night. Fridays Café Social. Saturday Art Club. Queens Pride House. 429-5309 information. BARBERSHOP Wednesdays a t 8 t h e J a maica Chapter of the Societ y for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America meets in Mahoney Hall in Flushing. 468-8416 or 381-8689. CIVIL AIR PATROL Thursdays at 3 at August Martin HS, 156-10 Baisley Blvd., Jamaica. August Martin Cadet Squadron. 5256925 or 835-6862. GOLD COAST ROTARY Fridays the Gold Coast Rotary Club meets from 8-9 am at the Nor th Shore Towers Restaurant, 272-48 Grand Central Parkway. 516-4663636. CLUTTERERS ANON. Fridays Learn how to gain control of your life by eliminating your clutter. 7:309:00 at Pastoral Care Center, Resurrection Ascension C h u r c h , 8 5 - 1 8 6 1 st R o a d , Rego Park. 712-7656.

PARENTS CHILD CARE NETWORK Saturday, December 18 information on free nutrition service and planning for child care providers and families in the Queens area at 10 at the Forest Hills library.

CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at the Douglaston/ Little Neck library at 4. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Monday, December 20 at the Baisley Park library. Register. TEEN TUESDAY Tuesday, December 21 at the Hillcrest library at 4. CHESS Wednesdays at 3:30 at the Queens Village library. B’NAI B’RITH YOUTH Thursdays for high school s t u d e n t s a t Te m p l e B e t h S h o l o m , 1 7 2 nd S t r e e t a n d Northern Blvd., Flushing at 7:30. GAME PLAYERS Fridays at the Hillcrest library at 2. OPEN MIC Monday, December 27 at the East Elmhurst library at 6. GAME DAY Friday, December 31 at the Bellerose library at 4. ACQC SUPPORT AC Q C Te e n Pe e r S u p p o r t Group - information, support, skills development training for those “touched by HIV/AIDS.” Ages 14-16. 8962500. ART CLASSES Fridays the Alliance of Queens Artists in Forest Hills offers teen workshops. 5209842. BOY SCOUTS 138 Thursdays Boy Scout Troop 138 meets at 7:30 at 19215C 64 th Circle, basement, Fresh Meadows. For those up to 17. 454-2391. BUKHARIAN LOUNGE Bukharian Teen Lounge, for those 15-18, at the Central Queens YM-YWHA in Forest Hills. 268-5011, ext. 202. CATALPA YMCA Saturdays recreation, Weight room and fitness center available. 69-02 64 th Street, Ridgewood. 8216271. COUNSELING Call 592-5757 for free counseling at the Forest Hills Communit y House. DROP IN CENTER Mondays-Thursday from 47 the Queens Rainbow Comm u n i t y C e n t e r, 3 0 - 3 7 4 Steinway Street, 2 nd floor, Astoria, holds a Drop-In Center for LGBTQQ youth up to 22. 204-5955. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Sunnyside Communit y Services Youth Employment Services available. 784-6173, ext. 129. GAY GROUP Mondays the AIDS Center of Queens Count y has a Gay/ B i / L e s b i a n Yo u t h G r o u p (ages 16-21) meeting designed to support young people in exploring feelings about sexualit y and other issues. 896-2500. GENERATION Q The Queens Lesbian, Gay, B i s e x u a l a n d Tra n s ge n d e r Pride Communit y Center hold a Generation Q Youth Service program. Call GAY2300. POMONOK TEENS Teen Council addresses teen

i s s u e s i n th e c o m m u n i t y. 591-6060. SAMUEL FIELD Y Basketball, SAT Prep, more at the Samuel Field Y’s Teen Center at PS169. 423-6111. SCOUTING The Rego Park Jewish Center will offer boy and girl scouting. 516-526-2492. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897. TEEN CENTER Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 the Samuel Field Y offers a Teen Center at PS169. 4236111. TENNIS Yo u t h a n d Te n n i s , I n c . teaches tennis to those 4-18

at the Roy Wilkins Tennis Center. 658-6728. VAC YOUTH SQUAD T h e G l e n O a k s Vo l u n te e r A m b u l a n c e C o r p s Yo u t h Squad is looking for new members 14-18. 347-1637. YOUTH GROUP Fridays t he Communit y Church of Little Neck will hold their Communit y Youth Group from 7-9. 46-16 Little Neck Parkway. 229-2534. YOUTH SERVICES The 105 th Precinct Communit y Council of fers a L aw Enforcement Explorers Program for interested youth in the surrounding areas. Contact PO Kirkland at 7769164.

YOUTH QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates. CHESS CLUB Saturdays at the Flushing library at 2. S TORY TIMES Saturdays at 11 and Tuesdays at 10:30 weekly story times at 7 at Barnes & Noble, 1 7 6 - 6 0 Un i o n Tu r n p i ke , Fresh Meadows. YOUNG CHEFS Saturday, December 18 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. For those 8-12. 2294000. HOLIDAY CARDS Sunday, December 19 Making Holiday Cards with Korean Painting at Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. $7. HOMEWORK HELP Mondays-Fridays through December at 3 at the Astoria and Baisley Park libraries. Call 278-2220 (Astoria) or 529-1590 (Baisley Park) to confirm. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck lib ra r y. B r i n g n e e d l e s a n d yarn. CROCHET Monday, December 20 a t the Rosedale library at 4. TWEEN TIME Monday, December 20 at the Arverne library at 4:15. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Monday, December 20 at the Baisley Park library. Register. CHESS Wednesdays at the Queens Village library at 3:30. S TORY T I M E Wednesday, December 22 at the Steinway library at 10:30. FLASH FRIDAY Fridays, December 24, 31 at the Ozone Park library at 3:30. TODDLERS Wednesday, December 29 stories and crafts for toddlers at 10:30 at the Bay Terrace library. CRAFTS Wednesday, December 29 at the Steinway library at 11. MAGIC SHOW Wednesday, December 29 Illuzzionz Magic Show at

1:30 at the Bayside library. BOY SCOUT 138 Thursdays Boy Scout Troop 138 meets at 7:30 in the basement at 192-15C 64 th Circle, Fresh Meadows. For those 11 and older. 4542391. CUB SCOUTS 351 Fridays at St. Nicholas of Tolentine school cafeteria, Parsons Blvd. and Union Turnpike. Boys in grades 15. 820-0015. CUB/TROOP SCOUTS Fridays from September through June Pack 357 and Tr o o p 3 5 7 m e e t s i n t h e S c o u t R o o m , 6 9 - 1 6 1 6 4th Street, Flushing. 591-9514 Cubs, 279-9085 Scouts. SCOUTING Join Scouting in Queens. 212-651-2897. SHABBAT SCOUTS Sundays Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop 613 meets from 6-7:30 at Young Israel of Windsor Park. 969-1571.

EXHIBIT QUEENS HISTORICAL Tu e s d ay s , S a t u r d ay s a n d Sundays 2:30-4:30 Queens H i s to r i c a l Societ y at Kingsland Homestead, 144th 35 37 avenue, Flushing. 939-0647, ext. 17. $2 seniors and students, $3 adults. NO. IRELAND Through December 23 “Voices Envisioned: Memories Made in Northern Ireland,” at the Queens College Art Center. 997-3770. AMER. CIVIL RIGHTS Through December “Marching the Dream: American Civil Rights” with American photographer Dan Budnik. Through Januar y “A Journey I Stone and Wood,” sculptures by Gladys Thompson Roth. February through April “Bindu Masks from the Imperato Collection.” February through June “QCC Art Gallery: 20 Years of Collecting.” May through June “Department of Art and Design’s Juried Student Exhibition.” QCC Art Gallery. 631-6396. HOLIDAY ART Through January 1 at the National Art League, 44-21 Douglaston Parkway. Free.

Queens Today EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS DEFENSIVE DRIVING Saturday, December 18 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Franklin Square. $40. 516-872-8062. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturday, December 18 learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-436-7940. SATURDAY ASTORIA Saturdays Your Communit y Center in Astoria holds classes in Civics Preparation, Computer Skills and ESL. 205-8225. SCRABBLE CLUB Saturdays at 10 at Count Basie Jr. HS, 132 nd Street and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. 8865236. KNIT AND CROCHET Saturdays at the Seaside library at 2:30. PET OWNERS Sundays (not on holidays) from 1-4 free workshops on pet behavior at Crocheron Park in Bayside (weather permitting). 454-5800. KNIT & CROCHET Mondays at 4 at the Douglaston/Little Neck library, 249-01 Northern Blvd. INSTRUCTION & DANCE Mondays and Fridays 7:158:00 dance lessons, dance from 8-11. Italian Charities of America, 83-20 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst. $10. ADULT CHESS Mondays at 6 at the Queens Village library. DANCE CLASSES Mondays through Decemb e r 2 7 Ta p f ro m 6 - 7 : 3 0 , Partnering (including aspects of Jazz) 7:30-8:30. $15 per session at the Astoria Center of Israel. 278-2680. BEGIN CROCHET Monday, December 20 at the Rosedale library at 6. Bring yarn and hook. BALLROOM DANCING

Mondays, December 20, 27 at the Forest Hills library at 6:30. LIC CRAFT CLUB Monday, December 20 a t the LIC library at 1. JOB INFO SERVICE Monday, December 20 at the Middle Village library at 4. ORIGAMI Monday, December 20 the Friends of the Kew Gardens Hills library will host an Origami Class at 1:30 at the library. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesday, December 21 at the Sout h Jamaica librar y. Register. POETRY WRITING Tuesday, December 21 poetry writing workshop at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. OPEN BRIDGE Tuesdays at 8 at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. Call 2637000 for fees. INTRO POWERPOINT Tuesday, December 21 at the McGoldrick library. Register. INTRO INTERNET Tuesdays, December 21, 28 at the Queens Village library. Register. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30-3:00 at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. $12 session, includes light lunch. 261-2900. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Wednesdays at 9:30 at NAL. Traditional and contemporary, all levels. 969-1128. INDOOR SOCCER – DADS

RELIGIOUS ber 19 s : Sung Vespers during Advent. Friday, December 24 Christmas Eve Concerts in the church. St. Thomas the Apostle, 87-19 88 th Avenue, Woodhaven. REGO PARK JC Sunday, December 19 concert starring Baysa Schechter and her international band at 2:30. $15 advance, $18 at the door. Saturday Shabbat Services at 9. Wednesdays 12:30-2:30 Yiddish Vinkel. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 Torah Discussion after evening Minyan Service. Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 4591000. EMANUEL UNITED Friday, December 24 at 8 and Sunday, December 26 at 10:45 Emanuel United Church of Christ, Woodhaven Blvd. and 91 st Avenue, will hold a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Sunday morning worship service. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Friday, December 24 Christmas eve Candlelight Service at 7:30 at Hollis Presbyterian Church, 100-50 196th Street, Hollis.

FLEA MARKETS SANTA & SALE Saturday, December 18 annual Breakfast with Santa and Christmas Sale in Msgr. Mulz Hall, St. Thomas the Apostle, 87-19 88 th Avenue, Woodhaven. 847-1353. FLEA & BAKE SALE Sunday, December 19 from 9-4 at St. Josaphat’s Church, 3 5 th A v e n u e a n d 2 1 0 th Street, Bayside.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 7 days a week. 932-6244. www.westernqueensna.org. SHARP Saturday, December 18 Selfhelp Alzheimers Resource Program (SHARP) in Bayside. 631-1886. WAITANKUNG Sundays at 2. Waitankung is a great total-body workout. Join these ancient Chinese exercise classes in the Flushing Hospital/Medical Center auditorium on 45 th Avenue between Parsons and Burling. Free. Jimmy 7-10pm 347-2156 information. TAI CHI Mondays and Thursdays at 11 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 670-1695. $5 a class. YOGA DANCE Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 at the Cardiac Health Center in Fresh Meadows. 670-1948. $10 class. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT E ve r y Tu e s d a y We ste r n Queens Caregiver Network in Sunnyside. 784-6173, ext. 431. BRAIN INJURY Wednesday, December 22 Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group at Peninsula Hospital. 734-2432. OA Thursdays at the Howard Beach library at 10:30. MEMORY LOSS Fridays Couples with one partner experiencing memory loss meet at the Samuel Field Y. 225-6750,

ext. 236. OA Fridays 6:30-8:30 at Unit y Center of Flushing, 42-11 1 5 5 th S t r e e t . S a t u r d a y s 10:30-noon at Resurrection Ascension, Feely Hall, 85-18 61 st Road, Rego Park. Beginners meeting except the last Friday of each month, which is a writing meeting. CO-DEPENDENTS ANON. Fridays 10-11:45 at Resurrection Ascension Pastoral C e n t e r , 8 5 - 1 8 6 1 st R o a d , Rego Park. Women only. CANCER ACTION Monday, December 27 Corona Cancer Action Council Meeting at the Corona library at 6. Work with the c o m m u n i t y a n d o rg a n i z a tions, improve access to cancer prevention, screening and treatment, address health needs of Corona and more. FEMALE CANCER Monday, December 27 “Look Good, Feel Better” program for women undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy in Flushing. 1-800-ACS-2345. MS SELF-HELP Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 8 Multiple Sclerosis Self-help group to share a common life experience for support, education and mutual aid 12:30 at the Howard Beach library. ALZHEIMERS Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 8 Caregiver Support Group in Forest Hills. 592-5757, ext.

ENTERTAINMENT A NIGHT OUT Saturday, December 18 “Green, Red & Gold Affair” at the JFK Holiday Inn. $35 includes food, music, door prizes. Proceeds go to support the Grace Girls & Suymit Yout h Training Programs. 291-8334. ASTRONOMY PROGRAM Saturday, December 18 at Alley Pond Environmental Center 7-9. $12 non-members, $10 members. 2294000 to register. KWANZAA Saturday, December 18 Robbi K and Friends celebrate Kwanzaa at Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. $16. PAUL TAYLOR Saturday and Sunday, December 18, 19 the Paul Taylor Dance Company performs at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064. MESSIAH Sunday, December 19 the Oratorio Society of Queens performs “Messiah” at Queensborough Community College. 279-3006. $25, $20 seniors and students. Under 12 free with adult. NUTCRACKER Sunday, December 19 at F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700, ext. 222. $16. HOLIDAY CONCERT Sunday, December 19 Oratorio Societ y of Queens’ Annual Holiday Concert at Queensborough Commu-

nity College at 4. $25. 2793006. FAMILY GAME NIGHT Monday, December 20 at the South Jamaica library at 6. BINGO Tuesdays at 7:15 at American Mart yrs Church, church basement, 216-01 Union Tu r n p i k e , B a y s i d e . 4 6 4 4 5 8 2 . Tu e s d ay s at 7:15 (doors open 6) at the Rego Park Jewish Center, 97-30 Queens Blvd. 459-1000.$3 admission includes 12 games. LIVE JAZZ Fridays through December 24 live jazz at 180-25 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 347262-1169. STAMP SHOW Sunday, December 26 Bayside Stamp Show at the Ramada Hotel, 220-33 Northern Blvd., Bayside 10-4:30. 645-7659. THE NUTCRACKER Sunday, December 26 at Colden Center, Queens College. $18, $12 children 12 and under. The RussianAmerican Ballet Company performs. 793-8080. OPEN MIC Monday, December 27 at the East Elmhurst library at 6. THE NUTCRACKER Tu e s d ay, We d n e s d ay a n d Thursday, December 28, 29, 30 “The Nutcracker” will be performed at Queens Theatre in the Park. 760-0064.

237. CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, Januar y 4 at the East Elmhurst library. Register. CO-DEPENDENCE ANON. Saturdays the Bellerose chapter of Co-Dependence Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women seeking healthy relationships with themselves and others, meet at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 6 Commonwealth Avenue. Beginners 9:15, Open 10:30. 229-2113. ALZHEIMERS Saturdays caregivers, friends and relatives of those with Alzheimer’s Disease meet at the Sunnyside Communit y Services. 784-6173, ext. 137. SCHIZOPHRENICS Sundays Schizophrenics Anonymous self-help support group meets at LI Consultation in Rego Park. 896-3400. SOS (Significant Others of Schizophrenics) also meets. SMART RECOVERY Sundays LI Consultation Center in Rego Park. Free self help group based on cognitive behavioral concepts dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming all t ypes of addictive behavior problems. 212-631-1198 or check the web at www.smartrecovery.org AL-ANON Sundays 7-8:15 pm at Sacred Heart School, 216 th Street and 38 th Avenue. Tuesdays at 8:30 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 82 nd Street and 3 4 th Avenue, Jackson Heights. 2 nd floor of the Parish House. 335-7379. AA Sundays from 6-7:30 Total Freedom AA Group meets at Pride Communit y Center in Corona. GAY-2300 for info. PARTNER ABUSE Sundays Partner Abuse Counseling Program for women who experience all t ypes of abuse. 225-6750, ext. 248. EPILEPSY Sundays Epilepsy support group meets in Queens. 212-633-2930. QI GONG Sundays free Qi Gong classes at the Zen & Kung Fu Association’s Healing Center in Corona. 651-3752. TAI CHI Mondays St. John’s Hospital. 558-1198 to register. GLAUCOMA Mondays and Thursdays free glaucoma screenings at Flushing Hospital. 670-5719 ALZHEIMERS Mondays to Fridays Samuel Field YM-YWHA in Little Neck offers a day care and family respite program. 2256750, ext. 221. TAI CHI CLASS Mondays and Wednesdays the NY Hospital Queens Cardiac Center offers tai chi in Fresh Meadows. $5 per person. 670-1695. FOOD ADDICTS Tu e s d a y s F o o d Ad d i c t s Anonymous, a fellowship who abstain from sugar, flour and wheat in Oakland Gardens. 465-1774 or 917403-1818.

Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 23

JUBILATE DEO Friday, December 17 Jubilate Deo: Music in Celebrat i o n o f t h e N a t i v i t y, p r e sented by the Diocesan Vicariate Choir and the Celestial Voices at 7:30 at Our Lady of Fatima Church, 25-02 80 th Street, East Elmhurst. LUTHERAN REDEEMER Friday, December 17 Outdoor Living Nativit y on the church lawn at 7 and 8. December 24 Christmas Eve Service with Caroling at 7:10, service with candles at 7:30. December 25 Christmas Day Service at 10. December 31 New Year’s Eve Service at 7:30. Sundays regular worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30. Sunday School, Adult Bible Class and Friendship Hour at 9:30. Youth Group at 12:30. Wednesday prayer group and Bible Study at 7. Lutheran Church of the Red e e m e r , 1 5 7 - 1 6 6 5 th A v enue, Flushing. 358-2744. ST. THOMAS Saturday, December 18 Annual Breakfast with Santa and Christmas Sale in Msgr. Mulz Hall. Sunday, Decem-

Wednesday evenings at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000. BUSINESS SUCCESS Wednesday, December 22 Business Success Series at 6 at the Flushing library. SCRABBLE/CHESS Thursdays at 4 at the Windsor Park library, 79-50 Bell Blvd., Bayside. QUILTING CLASSES Thursdays 10-2 at the Maria Rose Doll Museum in St. Albans. 917-817-8653 to register. KNIT/CROCHET Thursdays (not holidays) at 6 and Fridays at 10:30 at the Fresh Meadows library. QUILTERS Thursdays at 1:30 at the East Elmhurst library. ADULT CHESS Thursdays at 6 at the Queens Village library. OPEN BRIDGE Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. $12 per player. 2756615 to register. PARROT CARE Thursday, December 23 Feather Friends Parrot Adoption Services discusses the history and proper care of parrots at the Maspeth library at 6:30. COMPUTERS Fridays, December 24, 31 at the Ozone Park library. Register. PRACTICE TESTS Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 8 LSAT, MCAT and GRE Practice Test Prep at the Central library. 5-8:45. WRITER’S WORKSHOP Thursday, December 30 at the Bayside library. Register. CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, Januar y 4 at the East Elmhurst library. Register. JH ART CLUB Classes in all art forms days and evenings for children and adults. 899-0065. WOMEN’S NETWORK The Queens Women’s Network can help with resume assistance, t yping and Microsoft tutorials, job search, interviewing techniques, GED and ESL classes, referrals to training programs. 657-6200. BAY VIEW BRIDGE Tuesday s (except July and August) Bayview Bridge Club meets at 6 at the Church of the Resurrection, 100-17 32 nd Avenue, East Elmhurst. ART CLASSES Children and adults, day & evening, Monday through S a t u rd a y. 926-9821. www.jacksonheightsartclub.org



Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Kevin D. Mullings Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Kevin D. Mullings graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Lezlin Mullings of Queens Village. Mullings graduated in 2003 from Hillcrest High School, Jamaica.

Club Giveaway: PRESS Photo by Bob Harris

Danielle Gore from Rosedale, a sophomore and biological psychology major at Pace University, has been elected President of Pace University’s S.O.C.A. (The Students of Caribbean Awareness Club) at the Pleasantville campus. Pace University is recognized for professionally-oriented programs in business, law, arts and sciences, information technology, education, and nursing, with a core curriculum based in the liberal arts. The New York Lottery announced Doreen Salmon of Queens Village won $25,000 on the Lottery’s Magnificent Millions instant game. Salmon’s winning ticket was purchased at the Valley Grocery Mart at 206 Rockaway Ave. in Valley Stream. Army Pvt. Eric M. Richardson has graduated from basic infantry training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier received training in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, and Army history, core values and traditions. Additional training included development of basic combat skills and battlefield operations and tactics, and experiencing use of various weapons and weapons defenses available to the infantry crewman. He is the former ward of Edith Millwood of Mount Vernon, and grandson of Beatrice Richardson of Jamaica.

Assemblywoman Barbara Clark recently met with student government members from the four schools which comprise the Campus Magnet Complex, Cambria Heights. Clark explained how the State Assembly functions and students asked questins. Clark is shown with student government leaders from the Law, Government & Community Service High School. Tara Driscoll is the COSA. Richardson graduated in 2010 from Mount Vernon High School. Air Force Airman Corey V. Miller graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air

Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Elisha Matthews of Jamaica. Miller graduated in 2010 from George Washington Carver High School, Springfield.


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Dec. 17-23, 2010 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 25


Models Of Queens

Diana Garzon Home: Forest Hills Age: 26 Height: 5’4" Weight: 118lbs Stats: 36-27-37

Ed Koch in his heyday as mayor.

Koch Is Feelin' Groovy

Artsy Waitress We’ve always had a place in our hearts for artistic types. So imagine our joy when Diana Garzon’s creative mind came to our consciousness. The 26-year-old Colombia native came to Queens 13 years ago, and has loved the place ever since. “It’s so easy to get everywhere,” she said. “There’s always something to do. Bars, restaurant, libraries.” Unfortunately, she doesn’t have much time to check out the sights. Life keeps her busy enough as is. Garzon is currently studying studio arts in Queens College, creating paintings and shooting and editing film.

“I do a little bit of everything, which is really cool and the reason I like the major,” she said. When not in school, Garzon works at Hooters in Fresh Meadows. She loves the job’s flexibility, pay and atmosphere. And were it not for that fateful day about a year ago when she walked in looking for work, she’d never be on this page. After getting the job as a waitress, she was entered into a regional Hooters pageant and won. That’s right – she’s the hottest Hooters waitress in New York City. Garzon always considered modeling, but was afraid of adding

another commitment into her already packed schedule. “It’s a lot of dedication,” she said. “I go to school full time. I work full time. It’s hard to find the time.” Garzon takes a sly pride in her major and artistic abilities. “People always see me and they think I’m a model,” she said. “I catch people off guard with the art major.” In 10 years, Garzon imagines herself making a solid living doing either modeling or artistic work, owning a gallery or interior design company. Until then, you can catch her in 2011’s Hooters Calendar.

Order, Law, Justice and Dan Councilman Dan Halloran took one hell of a business trip last week. The freshman Republican from Whitestone visited Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. The councilman was a guest of a Bulgarian anti-corruption conservative party, the Order, Law and Justice Party. While in Bulgaria, he met with the party’s leadership and spoke to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

“In New York City, we fought to preserve millions in funding for our Museum of Natural History this year,” Halloran told the academy’s leadership. “Even in a budget crisis, with a $5 billion shortfall, we prioritize science and culture.” Funding science and culture, while we have budget deficits? That sound you hear may be the tea party headed to JFK to “welcome” Dan home.

Page 26 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 17-23, 2010

Sexy Governor Andy We all know our borough has produced some damn-sexy people. But Andrew Cuomo? The Queens native was in People Magazine’s Sexiest People list in the 50+ segment. He joins the likes of Hugh Laurie, Sting and Michael Bolton – which may actually discredit the list a little. Mr. Governorelect, if you’re reading this, we can make room in our “Models of Queens” section Andrew Cuomo is bringing sexy back to Albany. for you. Just ask.

One City icon will soon be named for another. The Queensborough Bridge, often misstated as the 59th Street Bridge, probably thanks to Kew Gardens Hills’ Paul Simon’s song using that name (and the Manhattan-centric city we live in), will soon lose its Queens branding, falling in favor of iconic former Mayor Ed Koch. Mayor Mike Bloomberg announced last week that the bridge would be renamed to honor the person who Bloomberg hailed as a savior of what was, when Koch came to office, a crumbing relic. “Like Ed Koch, the bridge is a resilient, hardworking New York City icon that’s been bringing people together for a long time – and will probably outlast us all,” Bloomberg said. The bridge, which turned 100 last year, is only slightly older than Koch, who recently celebrated his 86th birthday. We hope both icons are around for years to come.

Boring Material Who ever thought there would come a day when the Material girl would be described as “…boring” and “too vegan for TV.” Piers Morgan, the surly Brit who will try to fill Larry King’s shoes, sad Madge would not be welcomed on his show. Morgan told British newsIs Madonna too boring for TV? paper the Daily that the one— time Corona resident “is so boring. She is too vegan for TV. We have Lady Gaga now, so Madonna is banned from my show.” Um, does he not remember Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” performance on MTV’s VMAs? How she writhed on stage, rolling around in that white, trashy wedding dress. Or maybe he does not remember when she made a black Jesus cry? He will surely remember her romance with ARod or her new boy toy 20 years her junior. Don’t hate, Piers; just congratulate.

This Car’s Got Venom Dan Halloran speaks with Bulgarian reporters after a Order, Law and Justice Party meeting.

South Ozone Park resident Rajesh Sooklal got an unpleasant surprise under the hood of his

Confidentially, New York . . .

Audi – a two and a half foot long corn snake hiding in his engine. The reptiles are native to the American Southeast; Sooklal’s car was recently shipped from Florida. Though non-venomous, the creature provided quite a shock. “It started hissing, and its head came up,” he said. Next time your engine hisses, beware!

The corn snake under Rajesh Sookal’s hood.

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