Being gay and dating in 2020 is
from actually talking. I know this because
hard and straight people just don’t get it.
I am guilty of it! Our society has become
I was talking to my friend about my dating
obsessed with looks over actual substantive
troubles once and he said that I just needed
value and this can be seen in queer dating as
to find some gay dudes and stop falling for
well. However, this is another privilege that
straight ones. See, herein lies the problem,
straight people have; they can meet people in
how do you tell if someone is gay? It is easy
person. Being gay, you are always faced with
to say that you should not fall for straight
the questions: What if they do not like the
people, but if I reversed the roles and told a
same gender? What if they are homophobic?
straight person to not fall for a gay person
What if they think I am a creep? You get the
the response would be “ I did not know they
point. Straight people often are not faced
were gay”. This exhibits straight privilege:
with any of these questions. Yet, these are
Our world is built upon this concept that
the questions that burden all queer people.
being straight is the norm and that being
gay is not. As a gay man, I do not knowingly
“Okay, I get it. Dating for queer people sucks,
hit on straight men, but have crushes on
but what’s the point?” Well, in reality, there
random guys in the hopes that they might
is no point besides that— dating for queer
also like guys.
people is harder so do not be an asshole to
Now let’s talk about meeting people
your friend when they are queer and griping
online. As queer people, we are forced to meet
about being single, or do not be a douche
online, because 1. It is one of the only ways
when your friend who is gay happens to have
to know for sure that someone is into you
a crush on a straight person.
So you may be asking at this point,
and 2. It presents us with a variety of people. Yet, while this may sound ideal, it actually sucks. You can call me old fashioned, but I have received enough Dms from 70 y/o white dudes to tell you online dating is not the move. Online dating is encapsulated in this cloak of shallowness, that prevents people
“I have received enough Dms from 70 y/o white dudes to tell you online dating is not the move.”