Ech 235 week 5 ability comparison

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ECH-235 WEEK 5 ABILITY COMPARISON DOWNLOAD Details: Within your Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3 practicum/field experience settings, confer with the mentor teachers to choose two children of the same gender who would be willing to take a physical ability assessment. Secure parental permission if necessary. One child should be 3-4 years old and the other 6-7 years old. To administer the physical ability assessment, ask each child to perform the following: Balance: 1. Walk 10 feet. 2. Hop on both feet (note how high the child hops). 3. Stand on one foot for 5 seconds. 4. Stand on one foot and clap hands. 5. Walk while balancing a book on the head. Locomotion: 1. Walk up stairs. (Does the child go up one stair at a time or use alternate feet?) 2. Walk down stairs. (Does the child go down one stair at a time or use alternate feet?) 3. Walk a straight line. (Put masking tape on the floor and have the child walk on the tape.) 4. Walk backward for 10 feet. 5. Lie on the floor and roll like a log (note the direction). Fine Motor: 1. Observe the child's hand preference. (Hand the child objects and observe which hand reaches out.) 2. Cut paper in a straight line. (You might model this but do not draw a line on the paper.) 3. Draw a person. 4. Button a button. 5. Tie a shoe. Create a table/chart/matrix that presents a comparison of the two children. Be sure to comment on how the children approached the tasks. Based on the assessment, recommend activities that might help each child move to the next developmental level in these areas. GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected

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