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A Letter to the Community
by Victor Mora
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I am writing to let you know that I will be retiring effective October 31, 2021. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this wonderful university for the last 31 years. It has been rewarding to work with a wonderful group of talented colleagues over the years in conceptualizing, developing, and improving tools that have significantly advanced methods and protocols for how the university conducts enrollment management. One of these is EMA. I was privileged to be one of its founding members and develop its approach to supporting the undergraduate outreach and recruitment efforts across the university.
It has also been rewarding to have had the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the Hispanic/ Latinx community at OSU in various capacities. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to work with many outstanding colleagues in the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and the Center for Latin American Studies.
I came to Ohio State in 1990, to head the Hispanic Affairs component of the Office of Minority Affairs (now Office of Diversity and Inclusion). In the mid 1990’s, I transitioned to the Office of Admissions where I could apply my background in marketing at a larger scale. Despite this change in career, my engagement and commitment to the Hispanic/Latinx community continued over the years.
In the early 1990’s I worked with faculty, staff and students and the central administration in the implementation of the Hispanic Action Plan. Resources and initiatives were channeled through the Hispanic Oversight Committee, which reported directly to the provost. We addressed community needs, such as academic enrichment, adaptational support services, methods to keep our community connected, and cultural affirmation and enrichment initiatives.
Some examples of these initiatives that resulted from these collaborative and dedicated efforts include:
• The creation of the Latino Studies minor in Comparative Studies
• The creation of a Latinx psychologist at Counseling and Consultation Services to provide support to students with cultural adaptational issues
• The creation of ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? to provide a mechanism to keep our comunity connected (Thanks to the support from Jim Mager and other leaders, this magazine operated in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, receiving the space and the administrative and technical support for 16 years. I managed this operation under the direction and guidance of an editorial board)
• The allocation of funds for cultural enrichment events, which were channeled through the Organization for Hispanic Faculty and Staff (now known as OLE)
Some examples of accomplishments include:
• The Student Needs Assessment Survey of 2003 sponsored with Student Life, which helped address issues and experiences of students
• In 2003 there was also the Ecuadorian Cultural Ambassadors group, which brought a blend of music, paintings, and lectures to OSU with a focus on colonial times
• In 2007 there was the theatrical performance by New York city’s Repertorio Espanol, with a performance at the Wexner Center that featured a play by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Nobel laureate in Literature
• More recently, OHLFS was able to bring to Ohio State renowned Argentinian musicians to perform the first ever Latin American Music Celebration. The programming of events celebrated the diversity of Latin musical accomplishments that were arranged by OHLFS members in conjunction with our School of Music.
I want to thank the many individuals and organizations who worked so diligently and selflessly over the years to bring into reality initiatives that enriched both our university and the larger community. The list is so vast that I could not include all. So, thank you, everyone! I’ve enjoyed your colleagueship. I hope the few individuals I list represent the large collective group of wonderful people I had the privilege to work with and learn from:
Faculty members: Omar Barriga, Jamie Cano, Raul Herrera, Keith Kilty, Ignacio Corona, Pat Enciso; Jose Cabral, Jose Castro, Michelle Wibbelsman.
Professional staff: Carmen Alvarez-Breckenridge, Ernesto Escoto, Normando Caban; Yolanda Zepeda.
Students: Claudia Moreno, Ezra Escudero, Paula Gonzalez, and many other student leaders of student organizations.
Thank you all for your willingness to work alongside me and others in making the OSU community better and stronger. Your encouragement, support, and advice have been invaluable.
With best regards, Victor Mora
Congratulations Victor Mora, on your retirement after 31 years of service!