Quest Journals Journal of Software Engineering and Simulation Volume 2 ~ Issue 8(2015) pp: 01-08 ISSN(Online) :2321-3795 ISSN (Print):2321-3809 Research Paper
The Analytical Perspective of Research Report Writing Dr. Mc Chester Odoh Department of Computer Science Michael of Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State.
Committing the collected data to paper is an important part of any research project and can be described as the face of the investigation that should reflect the research process and the outcome accurately, adequately and effectively (Sarantakos, 2000). If the execution of any project was warranted in the first place, it should also be adequately reported. Without the completed report, there is no indication that any research has been done. However, writing the report is possibly the most difficult part of any project. A variety of issues has to be addressed in the report and a balance has to be maintained between the various components of the investigation. The report can also be view as a final product of the long research process that has now been complete. Thus, we see that three product results from three related though distinct processes: The process of selecting a broad problem or theme, which resulted in the initial identification of the problem by writing out a tentative formulation such as, “I want to do research about the effect of the birth of a physically handicapped child on the functioning of the child family” The process of selecting a unit of analysis, goal and objective, a suitable research approach (i.e quantitative or qualitative or combined approach) and often also research design and data collection method, which resulting in writing out the formal problem formulation, usually consisting of a few paragraphs. The process of integrating these initial processes into a detailed research proposal. The completion of the full cycle of the comprehensive research process, which culminates in the final report.
Writing the report Definition of concept Williams et al (1995), state that a research report is the manner in which a complete study is described to other people, whether they are colleagues at work or a worldwide audience. A research report is defined by Darbyshire (1970) as “a written document produce as a result of producers undertaken to reveal information.” Mouton (2001) Says that the report is a scientific document and has to conform to the style and format required by academic institutions. Bless and Higson-Smith (2000) contend that a report should be clearly written, without unnecessary details and empty phrases, McBurney (2001) adds that scientific writing aims persuade as well as to inform, of necessary is that writing of any report must be preceded by certain activities. In the case of the research report. These activities are termed research or investigation. A report is a mode of communication, since a written message is conveyed from the author to the readers. Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992) add the following comment: “writing is a way of thinking, a way for learning, a way of sharing ideal with others”. The research report is the essence of, and serve as a modle for, an investigation in which the written results, as they result to conclusions, recommendation and evaluation of the collected material, are presented to the reading public (Hubbuch, 1982:3;Smit, 1983:229; Sussams, 1991-2; Zimmerman &Rodrigues, 1992:15) the research report can take the following form: a thesis or dissertation submitted to a university with a view to obtaining a degree; or an ordinary report on a limited local investigation. it can also be part of the daily routine of social worker, or it can be intended for publication in a professional journal.
Goal and objective of a research report Smit (1983:229) describes the overall goal of a research report as conveying the knowledge and findings of the research project in an intelligible and scientifically based manner, i.e. to convey the information as effectively and economically as possible. The specific objectives of a research report can be described as follow: *Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh 1 | Page Department of Computer Science Michael of Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State.
The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing
To pinpoint the essence of the project and to wind up the investigation. To broaden our knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live. To convey the knowledge effectively in legible and intelligible language to the reading public. To submit a written report for evaluation by colleagues and for examiner. To replicate the certain investigation in order that translatability and verification can be enhance with a view to contributing a scientific factual basis for the profession (Reid, 1993: 446; Huysamen, 1993: 210; Kirt & Berger, 1994: 3; Moor & Hesp, 1985: 49; Smit, 1983: 23, Strydom, 1994:23-24). Requirement for a research report Some of the most important requirement for an effective research report are indicated as follow by Andrews and Blikle (1978: 3-4), Darbyshire (1970: 6-7), Graziano and Raulin (1993: 342), Neuman (2000: 445), the psychological society of South Africa (1987:12), Steward (1990: 106), and Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992: 9): Organization is one key to a good research report, whether it is the article or the full format. Accuracy, which implies that fact are presented in a pure manner without any form of distortion. All relevant information should be provided and the author most ensure that the information are accurate. Consistency, which means that at least within an organization a certain degree of conformity and firmless of principle, should exist with regard to technical issuer, grammar and style. The style that an individual select must be maintained at all costs. Clarity and communication, which means that the report must be easily intelligible, logically consistent and should not provoke any kind of misunderstanding in the process of communication the method and finding to others. Conventionality. i.e. the report must be conventional in the sense that conventional and characteristic usage, with specific reference to spelling and choice of word, must be maintained. The requirement of the organization concerned must also be considered. Conciseness, which implies that the message must be conveyed succinctly and that a minimum of word must be used to convey the message. Objectivity, which is the basis of all the requirement stated above. The author must, therefore, maintain the essential distance between himself and his material in the report in order to avoid emphasizing his own preferences and aversions. Elements of a research report Various elements of a research report can be distinguished, and these are describe below. III. THE AUTHOR HIMSELF Hubbuch (983: 3) considers the author himself as the most important element of the final product. The author should not merely absorb the information, but also digest it, fully consider it and achieve a meaningful version of it. The report thus reflect the critical though invested in the subject. Self-confidence is certainly one of the fundamentals of research in order that the researcher may arrive at his own conclusion and recommendation. The correct personal attitude on the part of the researcher is crucial to commencing to write the report. This includes a clear awarence and consideration of the researcher`s own prejudices, limitation and potentialities, (Andrew & Blikle, 1978: 61). Almost everyone struggle with commencing the report. “Getting started is a common problem because it is not simply a question of ability or of knowledge about the subject. Getting started is often a strategy problem directly related to you tackle the task” (1987: 35). However, a start most be made. As soon as something has been jotted down roughly, it can be improved upon. Bailey and Powell (1987: 65) add: “when you are actually writing, rather than thinking about writing, your mind is actively, closely engage with your topic and struggling to capture ideas with those elusive things: words.” The author must initially contemplate carefully the image and the purpose that he wishes to convey, and the relationship between himself and the reading public he means to reach. The author should consider that the first impression a report makes on its readers are important, and that he should thus start off on a high note (Moore & Hesp, 1985:8). The author should view his style, as a form of face-to-face contact with his readers in which a certain relationship emerges, such as student towards master, expert towards expert, of friends towards friends. The Reading Public The reading public is obviously an important element of any research report and this aspect should be considered carefully. The variety of different reading publics should be kept in mind. Andrews and Blickel (1978) specifically mention the different degrees of training, experience and motivation of members of the reading public. Even if the reading public consist of social workers only (or any of the other caring professions), there will be a considerable difference between the different readers and each will approach the report with his own purpose and motives in mind. *Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing The research report must be of such a nature that a clear relationship between reader and author can emerge, upon which the rest of the content can be built. A research report is not normally illustrated with a talk or slides, and therefore the report must be able to stand on its own legs and convey its message clearly, honestly, thoroughly and informatively, although diversity of content, presentation and structure cannot be avoided (Sarantakos, 2000). The Research Proposal The research proposal is the report in which the candidate initially sets down his problem in writing. The purpose of the research proposal is to help one think through the problem. In a proposal the problem formation, the purposes, the methods and a tentative organisation of chapters will already be offered. A research proposal is, according to Brink (1992), a written document in which the researcher specifies his intentions as well as the reasons for the investigation and the methods that will be utilized. The research proposal is written before the investigation commences. The Subject The subject or problem should always be spelt out carefully and explained in a simple manner (Williams et al., 1995). With the research problem as point of departure, specific research questions should be developed, which in turn determine the goals and hypotheses (Zimmerman & Rodrigues, 1992). Goals must always be specific and defined operationally in order to make them clear and feasible. Most subjects considered for research are initially complex and vague. After careful consideration, the initial strangeness and even fear of the subject disappears and it gradually becomes clearer. The complexity of the report will inevitably vary according to the reading public’s understanding of the subject (Moore & Hesp, 1985). The author should, throughout the report, deal with the subject without furnishing too many details. Hubbuch (1982) add: “Think of your readers as people who had no ideal were working on any research project until they picked up the report”. The Report Itself The report itself is, of course, the core of the process. Flower (1981) elaborates that its purpose is “to create a momentary common ground between the reader and the writer. You want the reader to share your knowledge and your attitude toward that knowledge.” A smart report closes the gap between the author and the reader. Dane (1990) also pinpoints the importance of initially catching and then holding the reader’s attention. Before The Process Of Writing Before commencing to write, the author should focus on the subject and his reading public. The researcher should also have records that provide the most accurate description possible of the events in the research setting. Accuracy can be improved by using aids such as a tape recorder, video recorder or the taking of notes. However, the obtrusiveness of these strategies often prevents the researcher from using them (Erlandson et al.,1993). All these strategies should be investigated before the actual inquiring takes place. Bailet and Powell (1987) emphasizes evaluating, the sources available for utilization in the investigation, and refer especially to relevance and reliability. At this stage the author should determine the outlines of the investigation and organize his style of presentation so that the written report will make since to the reader. The Process Of Writing The process of writing commences when all the preceding matters have been dealt with. The report should be written and developed in such a manner that the total document is attractive and stimulates the reader to want to study it. Darbyshire (1970) explicates the further that “in the actual writing and revision of the report, the writer should of the report is the final round-up of the process of careful study, through and the systematic collection of data. Bailey and Powell (1987) sate that inspiration should never be ignored, and an author should realize that his best ideas may possibly emerge while he has a pen in hard or is sitting in front of the computer. The Process Of Rewriting Rewriting is viewed by some as merely correcting errors, punctuation and spelling errors. Many authors underrate the value of revision and “many writers lack the skill to make effective use of revision in their own writing” (Hayes & Flower, 1986). Authors often miss errors in their own written work because of over familiarity. Aspects that should also be considered include whether the chapters are appropriately arranged, whether ideas follow logically upon one another from paragraph to paragraph, and whether the title and the contents are complementary. Creyhton (1990) holds the opinion that the existing material should be reread and improved repeatedly, and that writing is a matter of working, reworking, working at, working through and adding finishing touches. The purpose of all this is to review one’s own written work critically and add improvements before the report is finally typed and bound. Sections Of A Research Report
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing A research report can be arranged in a variety of ways, but for the purpose of this assignment, suggestions are offered regarding the introduction, research methodology, the findings, summary, conclusion and recommendations. IV. INTRODUCTION The introduction includes the title of the manuscript, the abstract (when applicable), the table of contents and the introduction proper, which normally consist of the first chapter of a report. The title should unequivocally designate the contents, be concise and to the point, and stimulate the reader to think further. The title is, according to Ehlers (1987), the only advertisement that will either “sell” the report or not. The title should also catch the attention of readers while at the same time informing them about the main focus of the study (Silverman, 2000). Darbyshire (1970) states that the title should be simple, and unambiguous and that it should contain all the keywords. The title page includes the title of the article, the list of authors, and institutional affiliations of the authors, and a running head. The title should be concise, while still describing the focus of the study. Phrases such as “a report on” or “a study of “add little page. It is an abbreviated title with no more than 50 characters and spaces. When the article is printed in a journal, the running head will appear at the top of each page. Note that page numbering begins with the title page (page number 1) and continues serially for all the pages except the art work (i.e. figures) (Graziano& Raulin, 2000). The abstract must summarise the research paper in no more than 960 characters and spaces (about 120 words). It must include all elements of the research report. Enough information should be given so that anyone who reads the research study after reading the abstract will not be surprised by what they find in the article. Even though the abstract appears first, it is usually written last because it essentially summarise the work. Although the abstract is one of the shortest sections of the paper, it is often the most difficult to write because so much must be said in a limited space (Graziano & Raulin, 2000). The abstract is often modified repeatedly in order to reflect the essence of the report in the predetermined number of words. This summary is, according to huysamen (1993), extremely condensed. The table of contents is also important and should present, at a glance, a complete visual image of the data that can be expected in the report. It should also indicate accurately the page numbers (Human Science Research Council, 1985). The introduction proper should offer a brief description of the subject of the study, as well as the research problem and specific questions generated by the problem and also of the methodology that will address these questions (Rubin, 1983). Williams et al. (1995: 317 stated that in order to slove a problem it must be specified, and ways of solving it must be explored. The relationship between the relevant investigation and previous research in the field should also be indicated in the introduction. The goals, objectives and hypotheses should be clearly presented in the first chapter, as well as the methods utilized and the specific problems experienced during the research. Delimitations, technical shortcomings and failures of the study, the sampling strategy selected, definition of concepts and how the chapters of the reports will be arranged or organised, should also be discussed (Babie, 2001; Rubin & Babbies, 2001). The introduction should capture reading the report. The purpose is to minimize issues that are not clear, and to maximize understanding. The introduction should place the total investigation in context, and should provide a framework for the problem that is being studied (Salkind, 2000). V. LITERATURE REVIEW The field of study has to be located in the research paper and is usually done through a literature review that maps out the main issues in the field being studied and should point out where this particular research fits in (Cross & Brodie, 1998). The need for conciseness dictates that only that which is relevant to the argument should be included in the report. VI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Arkava and Lane (1983), Reid (1993), Grinnel and Williams (1990) and Rubin (1983) maintain that the description of the research methodology utilised by the researcher should be viewed as a separate section of research report. In this section, which is normally the third chapter of the report, the research methodology is described comprehensively so that the reader develops confidence in the methods used. The context in which and purpose for which the collection of data took place should also be clearly spelt out (Cross & Brodie, 1998). The research should, however, guard against becoming bogged down in technical details. It is suggested that descriptions of the participants, the research design, the sampling plan, data collection procedures, and also of the apparatus and measuring instruments be included (McBurney, 2001; Williams et al., 1995). It is especially important that the relationship between the research question and the data collected emerges clearly. The steps according to which the data were gathered should also be described here. VII.
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing The largest portion of the report consists of the findings, including the processing, analysis and interpretation of the data in figures, tables or other forms of data display (Cross & Brodie, 1998: 19, Williams et al., 1995). Here the researcher must convey to the reader, participants and any other interested groups that the data were competently analysed and tell the reader what was found (Bless & Higson-Smith, 2000; Mitchell & Jolley, 2001). In this section of the report the review of literature and the findings may be reported in a quantitative and/or qualitative manner. The discussion should begin with a brief summary of the results in nontechnical language. The reader should also be told what the results are believed to mean and how they should be interpreted. The interpretation of the results should follow logically from the actual data obtained in the study. The discussion should also focus on the future directions that research might take. Negative findings should be reported on. In science it is often just as important to know that two variables are not related as to know that they are (Babie,2001; Rubin & Babie, 2001). If there are weakness in the current study, one should describe ways in which they may be overcome in future studies. The goal of any research endeavour remains to find answers to questions (Graziano & Raulin, 2000). VIII. SUMMARY,CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this section of the report the conclusions and recommendations, as well as further interpretation and a summary of the investigation, are presented. The report should conclude with a statement of what has been discovered about the subject matter and where future research might be directed (Babie, 2001). In the discussion section of the report, control and judgment are needed to reach the delicate balance between not saying what needs to be said or repeating information (Williams et al., 1995). The bibliography and appendices are, strictly speaking, not really part of this section but, for the purpose of this write-up, are considered part of it. In this section, answers are given to the original questions, goals, objectives and hypotheses. Recommendations should always be based on the conclusions and should be of a practical nature, so that they can be utilized maximally in practice. The summary of a report, according to Bailey and Powell (1987), serves two purposes: it summarizes the main points and suggests the idea of finality to the reader. Moore and Hesp (1985) elaborate further: “A recommendation is simply a suggestion to someone to do something.” However, recommendations should be carefully worded in order to ensure that the right person acts correctly with regards to a situation. After the final chapter the list of references follows. According to Huysamen (1993), this is a list of only those sources referred to in the report. Its purpose is to enable the reader to check and trace the sources. Smit (1983) draws a distinction between a list of references and a bibliography: the former is a complete record of sources and their details, consulted directly by the researcher and referred to in the report, as against a bibliography which is a comprehensive record of all relevant sources. The bibliography is followed by the various appendices, which are numbered as part of the report. Smit (1995) views appendices as material that is not part of the text or that is not essential to the thought processes contained in the report and that can, therefore, be attached at the end of the document. Appendices are found in most research reports and normally they “offer a convenient way of presenting necessary information which would otherwise disturb the flow of the report” (Moore & Hesp, 1985). We feel that appendices should be limited to the minimum and that each one that is included be referred to in the text of the report. Appendices could contain material such as the measuring instruments used. Sussams (1991) mentions that some authors include appendices simply in order to add to the impact of the report. This should be avoided at all costs. A clear bridge should be built between the various sections of a research report, but the various sections should form a unit. A brief report such as a research article is not divided into chapters, but only into a few and important questions that still need to be answered. Suggesting directions for future research is a natural part of any well-designed and well-executed research project (Graziano & Raulin, 2000). Technical aspects of a research report Attention must be drawn to the following general, technical aspects, including aspects of grammar and style: It is of crucial importance that the total project be planned thoroughly, preferably planning from the return dta backwards. The author must allow himself sufficient and realistic time for each phase of the research project. Even with a carefully planned programme, problems with regard to the planning can still arise, but the author will know whether he is on time or whether he is running behind schedule. Authors are sometimes overwhelmed by the fact that they have to process a mass of information meaningfully in a limited article. Ehlers (1988) suggest that one way to get one’s first thoughts on paper is to hold a “brainstorming session” with oneself during which everything about the subject comes in mind is writing down without considering any kind of order. According to Ehlers, “anything written down is better than nothing at all. It is easier to improve on something than to create it”. The ability to write accurately does not come *Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing mechanically, but is result of careful study and practice. Ehlers (1987) also suggests that a researcher need not to wait for the right “mood” to bedding writing because there is never a better time than present. The concepts uses in an investigation are the channel of science. Tutty et al. (1996) emphasis the utilization of correct terminology in scientific writing. Concept should be use as far as possible in any way that reflect their true meaning. If this is not done, confusion can result for the reader. The language in which a report is writing must not be vague and unnecessary connotation should not be attached to general term. This can only detract from the scientific value of a research report (Van Rooyen,1984). The use of heading for various subject or points within the text is good practice because it divide the page, given an overview of the report, and make the report more attractive and easier to read. However, heading should never be use in an attempt to somehow link independent ideas to each other. The report contents should flow smoothly and logically from one paragraph to the next, or from one section to the next (Andrews and Blickle, 1978). The number of page is important and small roman numeral are allocated to all page preceding the main body of next, i.e. the text containing the “real” content of the report. Graphs and figures must also be numbered consecutively in the next. Footnotes are considered an obsolete practice and are limited to the minimum. An author should consider whether is perhaps better to blind into the next the information which he has planned to place in a footnote (Welman, 1988). Smit (1995) maintains that footnote should be use only in exceptional cases, for instance when a word had to be explained and such explanation, if included in the text, will disturb the logical flow of the argument and the reader`s thought process. The selection of sources that might possibly be used, everything that is available, can be done in a variety of ways, e.g. according to the date of publication or the status of the author (Human sciences Research Council, 1985). As there is normally more material available than could possibly be absorbed into the report, the author should select beforehand on the basis of that which need to be emphasized, what could be accorded lower priority, or what could be ignored completely. Tornquist (1986) explicates as follows: “in other word, you must decide on the thrust of the article: the most important thing you have to communicate.” Numbers up to ten should be writing in words (Steward, 1990). Huysamen (1993) agree and indicate further that percentages, unusual fractions, decimal figures, sample size and age are usually expressed as a number. If a sentence commences with a figure, that figure is usually written as a word If a report is written after the investigation has been completed, the past tense is used, while the future tense is used for that which has still to be done (Steward, 1990). Information reflected in a graphic representation need not be repeated fully in the discussion. Sussams (1999) make the following signification statement: “one picture is worth a thousand words.” Rubin (1983) remind us, however, that explanatory note with regard to the graphic representation should be contained in a brief discussion following such representation. A graphic representation should depict a comprehensive image of the relevance situation, and the brief discussion directly afterwards should focus only on the main point and implications emanate from the graphic representation (Tornquist, 1986). The heading of a representation should state the subject precisely in as few words as possible. Graphic representation must be large enough to be clearly legible. Alternating types of graphic representation are important. Too much information should not be squeezed into one representation. Information that can be grouped into categories can easily be represented in tables. Figures and other representations are, however, better choices for ungrouped material (Andrews & Blickle, 1978; Bailey & Power, 1987). The reference list provides the reader with the information needed to seek out the original source of information. Each study discussed in the paper is listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the author(s). works by the same author are arranged chronologically according to publication date. In addition to the author(s) and the title of the research study, a complete reference to the research report is included. The most common reference is to list the following (Graziano & Rauline,2000): a. Author(s), last name first b. Year the paper was published c. Title of the article d. Journal title e. Volume of the journal f. Page numbers of the article A similar format is used for a reference to book. Again, we list: 1. Author(s) 2. Year the book was published 3. Title of the book, which should be underlined or italicized (underline titles usually appear italicized in printed form) 4. City in which the book was published *Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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Publisher Authors should also ensure that each reference used in the text is mentioned in the list of references, and that sources do not appear in the list of references that are not referred to in the text. The primary purpose of writing a research report is communication, and anything that obscures communication should be avoided. Pronouns should also be used sparingly and should always be explained to the reader. Using the active voice and simple sentence structures can help a writer avoid numerous communication pitfalls. Traditionally, the research reports is written in the past tenses and primarily in the third person, although there is a current trend to use the first person more in research reports. A good way to improve a research report is to have someone who was not involved in the research review the report. Anything that is unclear to this reviewer will probably also be unclear to other readers (Graziano & Rauline, 2000). With regard to quotation marks, steward (1990) remarks: “Double inverted commas are preferred – single inverted commas are recommended for a quotation or highlighted word or phrase within a longer quotation”. An author should guard against including too many direct quotations. Copyright legislation indicates the reasonably use of a source and “stipulates that the use of a quotation should not exceed the justified by the aim’’ (welman, 1988). The use of long quotations should rather be avoided completely. The author should reflect his own ideas and opinions in the report and then support them with evidence from other sources. A golden rule with direct quotations is, according to Hubbuch (1982), to use them when the quotation best states the point to be made, or because the direct words of the person who is quoted describe the relevant matter very aptly or accurately. Bailey and Powell (1987) make the following points on quotations: “Quote only when you have good reason to do so. Use summaries and paraphrases the rest of the time.’’ Too many direct quotations disturb the course of the issue being discussed and the content can easily lose its logical flow. Too many thoughts should not be drawn from one author, since this may give the impression that only one or two sources have being consulted, and that these few have served as the basis of the total investigation. Writing a research report requires spontaneity and creativity. Creyghton (1990) elaborates that the legibility of a text is enhanced by the impression that it has been written spontaneously and comfortably. Bostian (1983) warn authors against subjective and emotional statements. The tone of the report should be as objective and impersonal as possible, and grammatical and stylistic neatness should receive high priority. it is essential not to raise peripheral issues above main issues. If the content is cohesive the reader will easily get the gist of it. The subsections of the texts will also relate well to one another and to the whole. Ideas should be grouped together in certain paragraphs should have central themes. Caplovitz (1983) comments as follows on the close relationships between the style of writing and thinking of author: “Fuzzy writing is the product of fuzzy thinking. Clear writing stems from clear thinking, and those who cannot write well probably cannot think well. To be a good writer one must understand what one wants to say.’’ Unnecessary words and other redundancies that tends to creep into the sentence construction of most author should be avoided as far as possible. Accurate sentence construction is very important. Even though short sentences offers greater clarity and impact, the author will have to find his own balance between brief and long sentences. Very brief sentences can easily leave an unfinished cryptic impression. Kirk and Berger (1993) indicate that using sentences of varied lengths is the best way to retain the attention of the reader. There are of course “right” and “wrong” styles, but according to Creyghton (1990), the author will attempt to develop his own, unique style of writing. That is in any case not unusual, as almost everyone has a need to give a personal hallmark to his own work. Grammar and style should be as simple and clear as possible. Andrews and Blickle (1978) and Van Roonyen (1984) warn that flowery writing is irritating, and that slang should be avoided as it may possibly have meaning only for the author. The author should not attempt to impress with his style but should rather write clearly and legibly. Researchers are often so familiar with their material that they have too much to say, with the result that the main points get lost. Kirk and Breger (1993) states in this regard that “keeping it simple is not simple to do”. The researcher should have integrated his material so well that he is able to convey complex ideas effectively and meaningfully to the average reader. Words should, wherever possible, be used according to their familiar and accepted meaning. Hubbuch (1982) contends that those words and phrases that convey the relevant idea best should be selected. Van Rooney (1984) maintains that, almost without exception, a researcher who submits an untidy and poor report has also been careless in the collection, processing and presentation of his data. Faultless typing and layout of the material are also of great importance and should be executed according to the latest requirements. The author remains responsible for typing errors and it is his duty to d careful proofreading. The finishing touches of the report also rest with the researcher. Ehlers (1988) adds: “The manuscript’s final preparation for submission will require much time and effort from the writer to ensure an attractive paper always….”
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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The Analytical Perspective Of Research Report Writing SUMMARY This write-up describes a few crucial aspects a researcher should be familiar with prior to attempting to write his research report. The reader learns what the goals and objectives of a research report should be, the requirements expected of a research report, the elements influencing the nature of the report, such as the author himself, the reading public, the research proposal, and other such matters. The sections the research report should contain are spelt out, and the technical aspect that are of crucial importance also highlighted. REFERENCES [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. [17]. [18]. [19]. [20]. [21]. [22]. [23]. [24]. [25]. [26]. [27]. [28]. [29]. [30]. [31]. [32]. [33]. [34]. [35]. [36]. [37]. [38]. [39]. [40]. [41]. [42]. [43].
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*Corresponding Author: Dr. Mc Chester Odoh
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