11 Vocabulary Homework Ideas And How To Motivate. I have to write a paragraph using these vocab words and the paragraph has to make sense. duly- rightfully; suitably moor- a tract of open, rolling, wild land,. Vocabulary Activities for Any Word List. List of Words: Indolent - Frenetic - Soporific - Blithely - Provocative A. The owner of the automotive plant approached the new worker. Adam, the __ one,. Vocabulary Homework. 539.544.721.0.. Can someone with my vocabulary homework. Do Your Homework with Vocabulary.com Which of these vocabulary words best fit in these sentences (Homework help). 12 Best vocabulary homework images.ive already made a crossword and one of the things where you find the hidden message. the paper has to help my class review the word and the definition.. I am trying to better my intelligence. But I am not much of a reader because of comprehension. so what other ways to increase my vocabulary? Also my