Have Solution For Error “Unable To Connect To Company Data File” Intuit is known globally because of its innovative introduction of QuickBooks as the great accounting software that specifically manage complete payroll, sales and inventory. QuickBooks POS really supporting in great way to manage your complete company task. However, despite of its goodness there may be also certain situation that could badly disappoint you. Anyway, with a technical support for QuickBooks, you can have solution for all issues that you are facing while using your QuickBooks POS software. Recently, some users have reported for error ‘Unable to connect to company file’ while using QuickBooks POS. This error just appear after opening your QuickBooks POS. This error usually happens because of following reasons as shown below: Point of Sale tries to connect with your company data file. When database service is not in running state. You may have installed Point of sale on client system instead of installing it on a server. Any one of the reasons may be for QuickBooks POS error. So, here with the help of a QuickBooks POS support number you can have solution for this issues. Before proceeding for solution, you must create the backup of all QuickBooks data as you may lose while going through solution procedure. However, you can also have solution by going through this article piece. So, let you know that procedure: If you are using QuickBooks version 10, you need to execute the following steps as shown below: If you have installation first time, it may be possible that you would have installed POS software on a client system and not on server. So, here you need to uninstall Point of Sale software and gain need to install on a Server Computer.