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Faculty Briefs
JUSTIN COFFEY, PHD, professor of history, was appointed by President McGee to a five-year term as the Fr. Aaron Pembleton Endowed Chair in History. The Pembleton Chair seeks to strengthen teaching and learning in history and recognizes a faculty member of demonstrated excellence. Dr. Coffey becomes the third historian at Quincy University to hold the Pembleton Chair.
NATHAN AVERBECK, PHD, assistant professor of math and coordinator of math success, attended the following annual conferences during the 2021-2022 school year: AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges) in Phoenix, AZ; NOSS (National Organization for Student Success), held virtually; and the Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, in Waco, TX. The conferences focused on math pedagogy and student success and on a branch of mathematics known as topology.
CINDY LOVELL, PHD, adjunct professor of English, authored “Tom Sawyer's Complicated Relationship with Mark Twain's Hometown” - a contributed chapter in Critical Insights: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, published August 2022, by Salem Press.
ROBERT MANNING, PHD, dean of the school of humanities and professor of philosophy, authored an article published in the current issue of the journal of The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C, the Journal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Dr. Manning’s article concerns the important 20th century Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas and is titled “Einsatzgruppe and Collaborator Horror: Thinking the Holocaust's “Explicit Presence” in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.”
MICHAEL KELLER, PHD, associate professor of English, authored the article Murderous Masculinities: The Early Republic of Charles Brown’s “Wieland”. The article appeared in issue 20 of the European journal Gender Studies. Dr. Keller also presented a paper at the annual conference for the Irish Association for American Studies (IAAS), hosted by Dublin City University, on April 29-30. The paper was entitled, "Familicide in Mettingen: Wilderness Structures in Wieland.
Faculty Briefs
Several works of ROBERT LEE MEJER, MFA, distinguished professor of art, were selected for exhibitions. Mejer’s watercolor “Take PC #34” was shown in the Raleigh, NC 311 Gallery All Abstract-2022, a physical visual art exhibit. It was accepted into the 2022 Green Mountain National Watercolor Exhibition sponsored by Mad River Valley Arts. Internationally recognized artist Mark E. Mehaffey selected Mejer’s watercolor “Variant-Checkmate” for exhibition in the Georgia Watercolor Society Juried National Exhibition 2022, Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation (OCAF) Watkinsville, Georgia. The painting received an Honorable Mention. Juror Janet Doll selected Mejer’s watercolor “Somewhere-InBetween #2” for an Honorable Mention Award in the National 2022 Missouri Watercolor Society Member’s Exhibition held at the MOWS Gallery, St. Louis, MO. Mejer’s watercolor “Take PC Open Book #4” was selected for exhibition in the 41st Annual Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors to be held at the Center for Arts and Culture, Old Forge, NY. Mejer was a Finalist Award recipient in the International Artavita Online Art Contest. He will be published in the 9th issue of World Wide Art Magazine with his watercolor “Variant: The Dance Around” being featured along with a short bio and artists statement. Mejer was recently re-elected to the National Board of Watercolor USA Honor Society and continues to serve as Chair for the Members Watercolor NOW! Exhibition held in different venues. His watercolor “Take #14” has been selected for showcasing in Gallerium Art Prize International 2022 Online Group Exhibition via Biafarin platform Toronto, Canada. Executive Director of the Contemporary Art Center of Peoria invited Robert Lee Mejer & Jason Mejer (1969-2014) to showcase their work in the gallery. “Inscapes-Celebrating a Life”-A father & son exhibition of mixed media painting, monotype assemblegraphs and watercolors revealing an undeniable visual connection.
Awards and Promotions:
Joe Bordewick, staff Nora Baldner, faculty Nancy Geissler, part-time faculty
Kort Finley
Judy Abbott
Dr. Matthew Bates, full professor of theology Dr. Jonathan Miles, full professor of philosophy Dr. Kimberly Hale, assistant VPAA added to role of professor of biology, director of academic advising, dean of school of technology, and director of QU medical scholars program
QU Employees Celebrate Milestone Years of Service:
Karen Rabe Susan Grant Dr. Abdallah Talafha David Ball Dr. Julia Auch Matt Schissel Mark Strieker Blaine Hill
Matt Bergman Sam Lathrop Gary Bass Bill Machold Jennifer Breeden
Donna Sohn Julie Budine
Dr. David Kirchhofer
Donna Sohn, 26 years