4 minute read
Alumni Feature
by Chris Brennemann, PhD
Jane Blazel Loos ’96 says her openness to new and different options has created many professional opportunities. Jane has worked the last 23 years within Johnson & Johnson gaining cross-sector experience in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and medtech. She’s been a sales rep, regional training manager and district manager, and supported the sales teams in a Learning and Development role at Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Ten years ago, she took a leap of faith and moved to Warsaw, Indiana, to work in Marketing and Medical Devices. In March of 2020, Jane began her latest role of leading Professional and Commercial Education for North America, Medtech. The Franciscan values woven throughout her Quincy University experience provide the foundation for how Jane approaches all aspects of life, personally and professionally. Service is one of the Franciscan values that stands out the most. Jane says she believes we should be in the service of others, and she works hard to follow a servant leadership mindset and make sure that people are always being put first. “In a corporate business setting this is not always the popular or easy way to proceed, but it is the right way. If you focus on people first the business will follow, and our company believes in that as well,” said Jane.
Jane is grateful to work for a company with global impact that is based on putting people first. Johnson and Johnson lives by their credo – putting the patient first when making all decisions, creating environments where people are safe and respected and treated like family, and encouraging and supporting volunteer work in communities and supporting causes that matter to employees.

One defining moment in Jane’s career symbolizes her commitment to serving others. The team she worked for created an award specifically for her that they called
A that time, Jane was the youngest and the only female District Manager on the team. She says that her first year as a leader was rocky, but then she studied servant leadership and mentored with two people who really embodied that philosophy, and she adapted her style significantly.
Jane continues to be driven by the impact that QU faculty had on her life and education. With Dr. Homan’s influence, Jane chose to minor in theology. Fr. Ken Capalbo was one of Jane’s favorite teachers. She still remembers him walking around the classroom excited about the historical moment that Quincy College was going to become Quincy University. Years later, Fr. Ken was the priest presiding over Jane and Chris’ wedding in the QU Chapel. Jane’s father Bob Blazel, who taught at QU for 38 years, has been her greatest influence. Jane says her dad was quiet but quick witted, had a great sense of humor, remained calm in the craziness, and was a constant support. Jane adds that he also didn’t care what others thought of him. “I laugh as all those things are complete opposite in me, however, they are the foundation that I use to try and center myself. I will think what he would have done in this situation, and it helps me lead myself and others with a perspective different than mine.”
After Jane lost her father to brain cancer, she struggled with depression and anger. Jane turned to her faith and experienced God’s presence through it all. “I came out the other side with such a better understanding of how much I needed to ‘let go and let God’,” said Jane. She wrote a book about her dad to help her deal with the loss and grief and to keep the memories of her father alive. As her faith grew and her career advanced, Jane was driven to give back to Quincy University through her time and talent and gifts. She adds that as alum we all have an opportunity to give back to the University and support more students and help the university grow.