Never Reschedule a Patient Due to Downtime Again
Without ChartRescue, a network has many points of failure that can cause system slowness or downtime
Adding ChartRescue to your network will make sure you ALWAYS have an electronic record of your upcoming appointments
ChartRescue Downtime Protection
ChartRescue Conversion Pro
Each night, the Downtime service runs through your database and creates
Changing medical record software? Need to import data from your old
printable backups of crucial patient chart data to be seen in the office over
system into a new one but don’t want to pay for costly data conversions?
the next several days. ChartRescue Conversion Pro will take the data from your existing database Backups are pushed to a local computer in each office, so in the event the
and convert it quickly and easily into one master document that represents
network goes down, your users can still walk over, access records, or print
the entire chart, separately for each patient. This will allow you to keep all
them out. We can customize your backups to contain the data that YOU
of your current data from your legacy system in one place, without having
need! The application was designed to be flexible to meet your needs. We
to pay for a costly conversion that has the potential to clutter your new
respect and acknowledge that your team is unique, why settle with
system with duplicates and disparate data.
standard when you can be the architect? Contact us now for a free quote. 855.WE.QUIRK