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IN A GROWING SHIFT TOWARD TRANSPARENCY, quality scores reported by Eligible Professionals under the

prices and quality are being reported publicly, both by

Value-Based Modifier and/or the Physician Quality Reporting

CMS and commercial payors. The implications go beyond

System will be published to the general public on the

losing reimbursement. Providers can actually be delisted

Medicare Physician Compare website. Sub-par or missing

from an insurance network.

scores could have a negative financial impact on a practice and will certainly color patient perception. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has also published financial data for providers who serve its beneficiaries.

Quirk Healthcare Solutions can guide you and your organization

Quirk Healthcare Solutions can guide you and your organi-

In addition to the availability of quality metrics data, provid-

zation in joining the effort to build a better and more

ers are also starting to publish cost data to facilitate treat-

transparent healthcare system that emphasizes value over

ment cost estimates. The availability of quality, cost, and

volume through:

other data prior to treatment can help lower costs, improve health outcomes, and optimize clinical performance. Many commercial payors are already sharing this data with patients to encourage them to make healthcare choices that provide the best quality at the best price.

Improving quality and cost transparency Innovative approaches in utilizing transparency tools more effectively Marketing practice and posting prices Reporting of good quality data

All providers should be aware of transparency. Although currently available only in a few markets, all patients will soon be able to look up information about physicians

A comparison of costs in your service area

before deciding where they would like to have their medical


procedures done. Practices need to be aware that their

to learn more about our transparency services.

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Transparency by Quirk Healthcare - Issuu