By Kyle Parsons Kyle launched his engineering career with ETC in 2001. Since joining ETC, he has developed experience in numerous roofing and waterproofing applications and has become a Registered Roof Consultant. In addition, he has extensive experience with the inspection and rehabilitation of balconies, exterior facing systems, concrete and pavement. Kyle has also performed numerous reserve studies of varying sizes and complexities. He obtained his Reserve Specialist designation in 2014.
Successful Transition Study
ransition studies are a must for new communities. A transition study (also referred to as a warranty study) is an evaluation of the common and limited common elements of a community performed by a professional consultant to help discover any defects in workmanship or materials. An essential part of the study includes the submission of completed questionnaires by the unit owners.
Questionnaires are used to obtain observations of the owners related to possible deficiencies inside their units as well as in the common areas of the buildings. Some of the defects that could be reported include water intrusion, drywall cracks, site drainage issues, electrical and plumbing issues, and balcony railing problems, just to name a few. The unit
owners are in the building nearly every day, so they are the most aware any issues occurring in the building. Accordingly, they can provide valuable information for the study.
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