By Crishana L. Loritsch, CMCA, AMS, PCAM Crishana is the general manager of The Adagio Condominium located in Bethesda, MD. An active member of the chapter since 2002, she’s a passionate advocate for the community association industry and believes in the power of volunteerism and paying it forward. Her commitment and enthusiasm have allowed her to be recognized as a Rising Star, Committee Chair of the Year, Volunteer of the Year and to receive the Chapter Appreciation Award. A natural mentor, she strives to influence everyone in her sphere to be better, every day. She truly believes that the chapter represents the best and brightest in the industry. An avid runner, she spends many early mornings preparing for her next big race.
Preparing Your Community for Success: Transitioning From Developer to Homeowner Control
ransitioning from declarant/developer control to homeowner control is one of the most important phases in the development of a community association and yet, many communities enter this phase without the proper guidance and expertise to navigate this challenging phase. It is more than a punch list of outstanding items due before bond release. It is the foundation by which the future operations of the association are built and its imperative that associations use every tool at its disposal to ensure a smooth transition process.
are not represented by the board of directors. Neither should it be a means by which the declarant/developer to perpetuate their policies. Rather, it should be a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties are able to achieve its goals. Secondly, the association should not partner with its management company to act as liaison between the developer and the residents. The management company should be expected to represent the interests of the res-
First, it would be remiss from the start it was not mentioned that the declarant/developer is a valuable component of the transition for the association.
Now that we’ve established how important this transition phase is to the success of your community, who are the experts that should be utilized during this phase. While the experts used will vary depending on whether your community is a cooperative, a condominium building (garden, low-rise, high-rise) or a homeowner’s association
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The relationship between the declarant/developer and the association is critical to the success of any transition. Your relationship should be one of cooperation and not an Us vs Them relationship. Cooperation with the declarant/developer should not be construed as a form of collusion, where the interests of the ownership
idents and to act as a conduit of information between parties and coordinate transition activities accordingly.
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