Approx. 35 hours a week contact time.
Approx. 12 hours a week contact time.
No real difference in class structure. Usually just called double and single periods.
Learning is divided into lectures, tutorials and sometimes additional workshops.
Intimate classroom settings with access to teacher’s help most of the time.
Large lectures and disaparate student-to-academic staff ratio.
Opportunity to draft work with teachers to perfect assignments.
No opportunity to draft or conference assignments directly with tutors or lecturers. Can talk to the Student Success Group.
Highly guided and supported learning. Teachers chase you up for homework and assignments.
Highly independent and autonomous learning. At university you are left to your own devices.
Not very much free time to participate in extracurricular activities.
Lots of time to pursue sporting, hobby and faculty-related extracurriculars! Being involved makes you more employable.
Seeing the same people each day and getting to know one another.
More freedom to choose classes, so you won’t get to know everyone in your tutorial (unless you really want to!)
Emphasis on close-knit classroom relationships with peers and teachers.
More individualistic classroom culture – tutors are usually practitioners and are time-poor. Your learning is entirely your responsibility.
Have to wear a school uniform.
You can wear anything you like! Some people even wear their pyjamas to exams to be comfortable.