Youaregoingtoencounterlotsofdierenttypes TAKE-HOME of EXAMS assessment in your time studying law at QUT! We Don_tunderestimatethetake-homeexam!Similar have explained some of the most common types to invigilated exams on campus, you should prepare of assessment below. Make sure you read your just like you would for a ‘normal’ exam. The exams assessment task sheets carefully – some of these are usually written in exactly the same format as an assessmentsarespecictotheLawSchoolandwill invigilated be exam,withthemajordierencebeingthat verydierenttowhatyouhaveencounteredinother you have more time to submit your answers. Pay close units or at high school. attention to the word count on your exam submission as markers will usually stop reading if you exceed the EXAMS word limit. For all your exams, check their date and location on the HiQ website under the ‘Study’ tab. The ‘Study’ tab ONLINE ASSESSMENTS also provides more information about preparing for These often take the form of quizzes. You will usually dierenttypesofexams. be told when the quiz opens and when it closes; you need to make it your responsibility to complete the ON-CAMPUS EXAMS quiz within that time frame. Make sure you log on with These are the exams that will feel the most familiar enough time before the quiz closes and have a stable toexamsinhigh-school.Theyareheldoncampus internet connection. during the ‘examination period’. They are invigilated (supervised) and can be open or closed book. ASSIGNMENTS When you’re studying law, assignments come in a If you sit an exam on campus, make sure you monitor variety of formats, so be sure to read the task sheet youremailspost-examforinformationonexam carefully. If you are doing a written assessment, viewingtimes.Thesearespecicdayswhenyoucanremember that Written Assessment in the Law School have access to your exam paper and even photocopy (WALS) and the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, it! It’s great practice to get in the habit of utilising fourtheditionAGLC4 ( )aregoingtobeyourBFFs.These exam viewing early in your degree so that you can keep are the most common assignments you will come improving your results. across: Although you won’t receive individualised feedback on your exam papers at university, you can still seek feedback to improve your marks. One way of doing this is by asking your tutor to give you some pointers, or by taking your exam responses to the Student Success Group for feedback.
CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY This is a type of essay that will require you to wield your research skills to the best of your ability. It often involved researching the current law surrounding a topic and analysing the issues related to it.