第一章 Branding Fundamentals 品牌化的基本原理 Chapter one
What is a Brand?
Why Branding?
What is Brand Identity?
Things to Know Before You Begin.
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
What is a brand?
品牌是公司用来连接他们的 产品与客户的媒介。品牌为公 司在商品市场中与客户创建 感情,和人际关系。一个好的 品牌能赢得客户的爱,信任与 信赖,这都源于客户们对一个 公司和它的产品的感受。 A brand is what a company uses to identify itself from others, to create an emotional relationship with customers in the marketplace. A good brand will win customer’s love and trust. It represents a customer’s feelings about a company and its products.
coca-cola is a brand
What is a brand?
产品 Product
品牌 Brand
顾客 Customer
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
Brands do four things
的选择中选择他们 最喜爱的产品。 Brands help customers to choose what they like from all choices
Brands help companies to communicate their products
in the market.
with customers.
What is a brand?
多的产品里显现,分 离出来。 Brandshelp companies to distinguish their products from
Brands help to reassure customers about the quality of the
others in the market.
products they bought.
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
品牌用来展示自己的方式 Media are used to propagate the brand
网站 Website
广告 Advertising
电子 Media
博客 Blogs
交通工具 Vehicles
品牌 Brand
What is a brand?
户外宣传 Billboards
文具 Stationery
邮件 Emails
包装 Packaging
声音 Voice
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
为什么要品牌化? why branding?
Branding helps companies to find their customers. Through time and reputation a brand became part of the public consciousness. i t represents the core values and heritage of the company to customers by appealing to theirparticular tastes. Branding helps customers and companies to find each other.
coca-cola is a brand
Why branding?
通过时间,品牌帮助公司建立 良好的名誉,从而帮助公司找 到客户。通过时间的流逝,一 个品牌发展成一种文化。它代 表了消费者的生活方式和公司 自身的核心价值与传统。品牌 帮助公司与客户找到彼此。
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
NIKE is a well-known international brand. Through branding, it has become an inseparable part of the world’s street culture.
耐克是一个世人皆知的品牌。通过品 牌化,耐克已经变成了街头文化不可分 割的一部分
Why branding?
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
What is Brand Identity?
品牌识别是一个经过良好整 合的系统,系统中的所有元素 都是用来帮助品牌提升自己 的档次和建立于其他品牌的 区别。这些元素以不同形式存 在在,你可以摸到,听到,看 见,品尝,甚至闻到他们。 Brand identity is a unified system which is comprised of all the elements a company uses to promote itself and differentiate itself from other brands. There are five primary kinds of brand elements: you may touch them, hear them, see them, watch them or even smell them.
What is Brand Identity?
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
一个具有五个步骤的流程来说明 品牌是如何建立的 Forming a brand identity is a five-step process:
五步 流程 A five-step process
设计一个品牌是需要经过 一个严格规范的流程的。这 个流程就叫做品牌化的过 程。品牌化帮助客户了解这 个品牌并且作为这个品牌 的忠实客户。为了去完成这 个目标,我们要先了解这五 个步骤的流程Designing a brand identity requires a disciplined process, the process is called branding. Branding helps customers to know the brand and then being a loyal buyer of the brand. To do this, we need to start with-
What is Brand Identity?
丰番农品的品牌化设计过程是一个很好的例子来展示五步原则是如何应用到品牌化设计上的。 the FengFan farm which is a good example of showing how the five-step process is used for helping branding design.
收集 信息 Gathering Information
收集信息是一个从市场上,从客户口中,从管理人员中了解设计案例信息的过程。与 此同时,尝试找到顾客,并让自己成为顾客中的一员。目标是尽可能的搜集最多的关 于设计对象的市场信息。 It’s about how to gather market, and product information. Meanwhile try to have the subject tested by target audiences and yourself. The goal is to collect as muchinformation about the project as possible.
从设计人员和公司负责人的采访和市场调查中,我们得知这是一个关于谷物和种植的行业。他们的公司在乡间有许多肥沃的突出土壤。并且他们 的销售对象是在城市生活,想购买干净谷物的消费人群。 Based on the interviewand market research i conducted with several company managers. We know this brand is associated with agriculture. Their company located in the countryside whichhas fertile soil. Their target consumers are the urban population who desire to buy good and pollution free grains.
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
找关 键词
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
找到并且筛选关键词,和关键的方面。并且结合所有关键得信息,使之成为一个便 于理解,而且合理的顺序。
Filtering andfinding the keyword and important aspect and having them combined and orderedin a logical and understandable sequence.
Identifying key concepts
我找到的关键词是,有机和高价。这个公司不使用任何农药,或者杀虫剂之类的东西。与此同时他们从来不用机器耕作,全部劳动都是靠人力完 成。他们的产品定价也是十分的高,定位销售人群是在城市里生活的高收入人群。 The key conceptsi obtained is organic, and high price range. The company used no machinery to cultivate crops but only human,and they don’t use pesticide or insecticides of any kind. So they can requesta high market-set prices to sell their products to urban people.
研究 信息
Analyzing the information
研究信息的意思是用收集而来的不同信息,从不同方面,从市场,设计人员,公司, 行业,顾客的角度来考虑产品的设计。
To have all the collected data analyzed based on different point of views. From the angle of the product, the angle of producer, the angle of industry, the angle of customer and the angle of designers.
从不同角度考虑,设计应该是绿色的,和农田有关,和果实有关。在视觉上,设计视觉上应该表现出高档,信赖。以上所有的特点构成了品牌标示 的创作灵感。 To consider from different angles, the design should be green, related to farmland, crops and also have high-end visual standard. Every element could describe above mentioned of the inspirations of the company logo.
品牌 分类
Brand visual classification
What is Brand Identity?
去分类一个品牌,去决定这个品牌属于哪个行业,它的产品应该摆在市场的什么位 置。去发现这个品牌的共性和特性,并运用所有发现来帮助设计。
To categorize the project and determine which area and industry it belongs to. And find specific and general characteristics of the industry to facilitate the design.
丰番农品生产高质量粮食,和水果。但是让他们与其他竞争对手不同的是,他们用很小的袋子来卖产品。每一袋子谷物只有5公斤。而他们的竞争 对手一般都有用很大的袋子来卖产品。 The FengFan farm production company produces high quality organic fruit and grains, but what made them different from other competitors is they only sell their products in very small bags that is 5 Kilogram per bag when other competitors are selling products with real big bags.
设计 执行
Executing the brand design
执行的就是如何用适当的视觉手段把设计做的合理而且又好看。之前获得的所有信 息,得到的所有灵感将在这最后一部里面全部被应用。
Execution is how to get the design done reasonably and beautifully by performer’s corresponding visual treatments. All the previous effort will be reflected and used at this finishing point.
有机,高档,高质量,五公斤装,面向城市人口销售。我们应用了所有得到的信息,从第一步到第四部来得到最后的设计结果-一个建的而又漂亮的 牛皮纸箱子和一个牛皮纸袋,内有一个帆布袋子装着5公斤谷物,一个名片,和一个产品介绍卡片。 Organic, high-end looking and quality, green, 5 kilograms per bag and targeted urban population. We used everything gathered from step one to step four to come up with the final solution- a simple but fashionable looking paper box which has a canvas bag inside along with a business card and an introduction card of the brand.
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
设计之前你应该先注意什么? Things to Know Before You Begin
Brand Strategy
在品牌化一个公司之前,我们需要建立和想出一个品牌策略。 一个好的品牌战 略是以客户,公司和设计工作者为中心而建立的,它是整个品牌化过程的的核心 思想。品牌战略是可以符合而且应用在公司所有的产品和服务上的。它是在制 作品牌识别的五个步骤中的第一步-收信息中建立并且完善的。 品牌战略通常 由第三方工作人员通过与公司领导,员工的沟通和对公司信息和目标的总结,通 过公司已有的东西,精炼而成。 Before going to brand a company, we need to come up with a brand
generated at the first stage of the five branding process- Gathering
strategy. A good brand strategy is the center of customers, the
Information. Brand strategy is often made by a third party, based
company and the designer. It’s the core idea of a branding. Brand
on the refined communication with company head and staff and
strategy works for all products and services of the company. It’s
what is already there.
The Brand Concept
中心思想是建立品牌战略,和整个公司的的核心。 它经常由简短有力而有意义的语 句组成。中心思想强烈了表达了品牌的性格,价值观,视野和公司的职责与任务。 The concept of the brand is the core of the brand strategy and the essence of the brand. It is usuallycreatedby using simple evocative words that clearly express the vision, value and mission of the company.
Things to Know Before You Begin
美洲狮是一个世界品牌,我们在这用它来做例子 Puma is an international sports brand, here we take it as an example.
美洲狮的品牌战略目标是成为世界上最令人满意的运动品牌。 为了实现这点,美洲狮的设计充满前卫和潮流。 The central objectiveofpuma’s corporate strategy is to become the most desirable sport lifestyle brand in the world. To achieve this goal, puma aims to achieve desirability by combining design and innovation, a clear distribution channel strategy, and brand building marketing initiatives.
美洲狮的品牌中心思想 The brand concept of Puma
成为世界上最令人 满意的运动品牌
to become the most desirable Sport lifestyle brand in the world
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
Brand Structure
品牌构成的意思是用来解释一个公司是如何构成的,它是什么形状的,有多少层 级。这个品牌是公司的唯一品牌,还是这个公司旗下有多个品牌。 是否这个品 牌的产品覆盖了多种产品类别。 The brand structure is comprised of the layers and shape of how the brand is formed. i s it the only brand used by a given company? Does the brand have products that belong to unrelated categories?
Brand Classification
品牌分类的意思是发现公司在不断变换的市场中的位置。去发现这个品牌属于 哪一类,是生活类,办公类,服务行业,还是制造业等等。品牌的潜在客户人群 是谁? 品牌的价格定位在市场中是什么层次的? 这个品牌的商品可以在哪里 陈列和销售? This is how we identify the company’s position in a constantly changing market. Which are the target audiences? What is the price range of the products? What position to those products hold in the marketplace?
Things to Know Before You Begin
美洲狮品牌定位在运动类服装和鞋业行业,美洲狮是一个世界级优质运动服饰,鞋业提供商。美洲狮的产品已经很跨多种运动项目。 Puma has targeted sports apparel & footwear industry. Puma is an well-known worldwide brand for its high quality sport footwear, clothing, accessories and other sports goods. The range of products expands over several sports.
美洲狮的市场定位在15到30岁的热爱运动的男女年轻人,主要以销售运动服装,鞋业为主导。 Puma’s target consumersare of the ageamong 15-30 which a person is into sports and activities both males and femalesby offering with a range of females and males sports clothing, shoe wear even a perfume line.
第一章 — 品牌设计的基础知识
Chapter 1 - The basic definition of branding
让自己成为顾客 Being a Customer 在我们品牌化一个公司之前,从客户的角度思考并且发现是什么激起了客户的购买 欲望是十分关键的。体验顾客所体验的一切,并发现是什么能够创建顾客与品牌之 间终身的情感联系。 It’s important to consider at a customer’s perspective to understandwhat motivates their purchasing choices beforewestart branding the company. Experiencing what customers experienced and understanding the emotional connection a customer has with the products she/he buys can help us tocreate a brand that will build life-long relationships with customers
Localizing the Brand
经济和文化全球化在一定程度上模糊了文化的界限,但是一个好的品牌还是会花 很大精力来关注如何在不同文化中表现自己。当一个品牌扩展到一个新的文化中, 这个品牌应该在它如何讲述自己的故事,让消费者了解自己上,从理念到视觉发生 变化,从而去适应新的文化,语言,价值观和态度。 Globalization may have blurred the distinctions in cultures, but a good brand always pays attention to cultural differences. When a brand comes to a new place with a different culture, the way of how the brand tells its story to customers may need to be altered to adapt to the customs, languages and attitudes of that area. So does the brand strategy.
Things to Know Before You Begin
在中国,美洲狮定位自己为高档运动产品中的一员,为了区别开美洲狮与普通运动品牌的区别。美洲狮 中国店面的店面设计更为优秀,装修花费也更高。 In China, Puma has positioned their stores in the list of high-end sports wears. In order to separate Puma from local sports brands, the Puma stores in China are often nicely designed in the meanwhile more investments are spent on store decorations.
第二章 branding design in China 中国的品牌化设计 Chapter two