Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood A Cultural Approach, 6th edition Jeffrey Jensen Arnett Test Bank

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Test Bank For

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Sixth Edition Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Clark University

Prepared by Jason S. Spiegelman, Community College of Baltimore County


Chapter 1 Introduction


Remember the Facts 3, 10-11, 1314 79-84

Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History From Adolescence t Emerging Adulthood

Multiple Choice

The Transition to Adulthood

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

37, 39, 41 85-87

Multiple Choice

54, 58-59, 6163

The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Methods and Designs in Research

Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Other Themes of the Text

True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice

19, 22, 25-26

Understand the Concepts 2, 5, 8-9 93 15, 18, 20, 24, 29, 32-35

Apply What You Know +++++

Analyze It 4, 6

16-17, 21, 23, 27-28, 30-31

True/False Short Essay

42-44, 46-47

40 88 94 45

36, 38 48


True/False Short Essay

53, 56

51, 57, 60, 64


Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

67-68 89-91


Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

69-71, 78 92

73, 75-77

72, 74 97

1 ..

49-50, 52, 55

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_01_01_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Apply_1.1 Suppose you are a 9-year-old boy under Plato's tutelage. What would you most likely be studying? a. b. c. d.

philosophy and Greek art sports and music geography and history math and science

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 3 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe how views of adolescence changed in the West from ancient Greece through medieval times. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. sports and music TB_01_02_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.1 Plato, Aristotle, and Saint Augustine all described adolescence as a period that focuses on the struggle between a. b. c. d.

reason and passion. math and science. storm and stress. individualism and globalization.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 4 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe how views of adolescence changed in the West from ancient Greece through medieval times. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. reason and passion. TB_01_03_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.1 The Children’s Crusade in the Middle Ages was composed mostly of a. b. c. d.

children younger than 10 but older than 7. mothers and infants who had been abandoned by their husbands/fathers. young people in their teens, including university students. emerging adults and young adults who had already learned a career skill. 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 4 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe how views of adolescence changed in the West from ancient Greece through medieval times. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. young people in their teens, including university students. TB_01_04_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Analyze_1.2 Life-cycle service in the U.S. faded during the 18th and 19th centuries because a. b. c. d.

collectivism was on the rise and individualism was faltering. the plague killed most eligible workers. people were having fewer children in both major cities and rural areas. the economy became more industrialized and less based in farming.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 5 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.2 Explain what life-cycle service involves and specify when it was most common. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. the economy became more industrialized and less based in farming. TB_01_05_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.2 Social control institutions such as the YMCA developed in the 1800s as a response to a. b. c. d.

increased rates of social problems among young people. the beginning of the child study movement. increased individualism among youths. growing urbanization.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 5 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.2 Explain what life-cycle service involves and specify when it was most common. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. increased rates of social problems among young people.

3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_01_06_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Analyze_1.2 In the 1800s, an increase in social problems among young people may have been due in part to a. b. c. d.

reduced family ties among people living in cities. the advent of social agencies such as the YWCA. a decrease in school attendance. an increase in agricultural industry.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 5 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.2 Explain what life-cycle service involves and specify when it was most common. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. reduced family ties among people living in cities. TB_01_07_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Apply_1.3 Imagine you are a 13-year-old boy living in the United States in 1902. You most likely would be a. b. c. d.

going to secondary school. attending college. working in a coal mine, factory, or other industrial work. raising a family.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 7 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. working in a coal mine, factory, or other industrial work. TB_01_08_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.3 One of the important changes in Western countries, which began to define the "Age of Adolescence," was a. the implementation of child labor laws. b. the advent of social control agencies. c. the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. increasing industrialization. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 7 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. the implementation of child labor laws. TB_01_09_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.3 New requirements for children to attend secondary school were crucial in establishing the characteristics of a. b. c. d.

child labor laws. life-cycle service. modern adolescence. emerging adulthood.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 5 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. modern adolescence. TB_01_10_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 Every day in the media we see, read, and hear about countries becoming more industrialized. We refer to these countries as a. b. c. d.

developing. the West. individualized. majority cultures.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 6 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a. developing. TB_01_11_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 The term "socioeconomic status" is often used to refer to a person's a. b. c. d.

social class. geographical area. economies of scale. majority culture.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 6 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. social class. TB_01_12_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Apply_1.3 Leanne's father is a criminal lawyer and her mother is a surgeon. They live in an urban neighborhood with a diversity of cultures. The family has extensive financial resources and enjoys many luxuries that others cannot afford. Leanne would be considered a. b. c. d.

high SES. middle class. low SES. spoiled.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 6 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. high SES. TB_01_13_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 G. Stanley Hall is credited as the initiator of the a. inventionist movement. 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. child labor laws. c. social control agencies. d. study of adolescence as a distinct field. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 7 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. study of adolescence as a distinct field. TB_01_14_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 Margaret Mead's ethnographic research challenged Hall's claim that adolescent "storm and stress" has a universal biological basis. Mead's finding is based upon which of the following? a. Many youth in non-Western cultures that she studied had neither a stormy nor a stressful adolescence. b. Many American youth she studied went through adolescence with a minimum of turmoil. c. Few of the American youth she studied experienced transitional turmoil and stress. d. Many youth in non-Western cultures that she studied experienced transitional turmoil and stress. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 8, 23 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Many youth in non-Western cultures that she studied had neither a stormy nor a stressful adolescence. TB_01_15_ Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.3 With regard to the notion of "storm and stress" first coined by G. Stanley Hall, a modern psychologist is most likely to believe a. completely in Hall's definition of storm and stress. b. that storm and stress is derived entirely from peer pressure. c. a "modified" version of storm and stress. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. that storm and stress is purely biological. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 9 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. a "modified" version of storm and stress. TB_01_16_Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Apply_1.3 Jason is a well-adjusted, happy adolescent. According to Anna Freud, Jason has a. b. c. d.

become a productive member of society. built up excessive defenses against his own drives and desires. accumulated past experiences and uses them to calm himself. overcome the stereotype of storm and stress in his life.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 9 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. built up excessive defenses against his own drives and desires. TB_01_17_Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Apply_1.3 A teacher who believes that adolescents experience ongoing turmoil and mood swings has beliefs similar to those of a. b. c. d.

M. Mead. B. Whiting. D. Davis. A. Freud.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 9 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. A. Freud. 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_01_18_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.4 Adolescence is generally viewed as beginning with the a. b. c. d.

first signs of pubertal changes. transition from elementary to high school. thirteenth birthday. attainment of an integrated identity.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. first signs of pubertal changes. TB_01_19_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.4 Which of the following studies on adolescents and emerging adults is a large-scale survey with a focus on drug use, as well as on peer relations and educational goals? a. b. c. d.

Monitoring the Future Harvard Adolescence Project Davis Adolescent Survey Youth Ethnography Initiative

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 10 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Monitoring the Future TB_01_20_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.4 When conducting survey research, why would one need to make sure the sample is "stratified"? a. because a random sampling is problematic in this case b. to correspond properly to ethnographic research c. as a symbol of quantitative investigations 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. to represent categories of people in proportion to their presence in the population Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 10 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. to represent categories of people in proportion to their presence in the population TB_01_21_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.4 Phoenix, a research assistant, is going to "draw names out of a hat" to select research participants for his study. Phoenix would be a. b. c. d.

choosing a random sample. circumventing the proper protocol. stratifying the sample. doing a qualitative research study.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 10 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. choosing a random sample. TB_01_22_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.4 When G. Stanley Hall defined adolescence, he felt it applied to young people aged a. b. c. d.

5 through 15. 10 through 18. 13 to 15 through 24. 16 through 30

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 13 to 15 through 24. TB_01_23_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.4 Helen is 10 years old. According to the modern conception of adolescence, Helen would be considered a. b. c. d.

a child. an early adolescent. a young person. an emerging adult.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. an early adolescent. TB_01_24_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 Which statement best characterizes the main difference between adolescence and emerging adulthood? a. b. c. d.

Adolescents are more independent of their families. Emerging adults are prone to flights of fancy. Adolescents are more likely to be in long-term relationships. Emerging adults are more independent of their parents.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Emerging adults are more independent of their parents. TB_01_25_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.5 According to the text, there are five characteristics that distinguish emerging adulthood from other age periods. Which characteristic does NOT describe emerging adulthood? 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

engaging in identity exploration an increased sense of stability being self-focused having many possibilities and a sense of optimism

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. an increased sense of stability TB_01_26_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.5 Emerging adulthood is a phenomenon that exists mainly in ________ countries. a. b. c. d.

third world industrialized socialist global

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. industrialized TB_01_27_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.5 Cory is a 20-year-old woman who is not sure about leaving home, about going to college, or about dating Mike. Cory would be considered in a stage of a. b. c. d.

storm and stress. exploration. individualism. adolescence.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 11-12 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. exploration. 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_01_28_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.5 For emerging adults, the age of identity explorations is best described by what following scenario? a. b. c. d.


Celeste still feels like a kid but wants her parents to treat her like a grown-up. Tony is exploring love and work choices as he decides what he wants to do. Brian has always known he wants to be a small business owner. Peggy moved to eight different apartments with different roommates in two years.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 12 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Tony is exploring love and work choices as he decides what he wants to

TB_01_29_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 The goal of being self-focused in emerging adulthood is to a. b. c. d.

create a permanent state as individuals enter adulthood. learn to stand alone as a self-sufficient person in adulthood. continue feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood. allow adolescents an opportunity to experience adult life in brief episodes.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 12 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. learn to stand alone as a self-sufficient person in adulthood. TB_01_30_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.5 Which scenario best summarizes the ambiguity felt by emerging adults? a. Tim feels like he never wants to grow up. b. Kari doesn't know what to wear to school today. c. Mallory feels in-between—not quite an adolescent, but not quite an adult. 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Logan wants to know what life was like for his parents. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 12 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Mallory feels in-between—not quite an adolescent, but not quite an adult. TB_01_31_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.5 When asked about his hopes and expectations for the future, Steve, a 22-year-old American man, would MOST likely agree with the statement a. "I am confident that eventually I will get what I want out of life." b. "My education will directly impact whether I will work in a dreary, dead-end job." c. "Knowing 50% of marriages end in divorce, I'm not sure I will have a happy marriage." d. "I am sure that I will be married by the time I'm 28 years old." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. "I am confident that eventually I will get what I want out of life." TB_01_32_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 According to the text, which statement best characterizes emerging adulthood as the age of possibilities? a. This timeframe is viewed as beginning with the first noticeable changes of puberty. b. One feature of this age is emerging adults' reliance on parents' decisions. c. Typically, emerging adults have left their families of origin but not yet committed to new relationships. d. Most emerging adults face dreary, dead-end jobs, bitter divorces, and disappointment. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Typically, emerging adults have left their families of origin but not yet committed to new relationships. TB_01_33_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 Emerging adulthood only exists in cultures where young people are allowed to a. b. c. d.

postpone entering adult roles. date beginning in early adolescence. drink alcohol. attend college for free.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. postpone entering adult roles. TB_01_34_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 Industrialization has contributed to a growing population of young people a. b. c. d.

reverting to childlike behaviors. finding careers early in life. never getting married or having children. entering the emerging adulthood period.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. entering the emerging adulthood period. TB_01_35_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.5 Which statement concerning the developmental period known as emerging adulthood is most accurate? a. Most adolescents do not move through the emerging adulthood period. 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. It is a period of possibilities marked by exploration. c. Emerging adulthood is a period reserved for children with high SES. d. It is best described in terms of Hall's theory of storm and stress. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. It is a period of possibilities marked by exploration. TB_01_36_The Transition to Adulthood_Apply_1.6 Nineteen-year-old William believes that he "became an adult" when he got a job, moved out of his parents' house, and became responsible for "paying his way" and making his own life decisions. William's definition of adulthood best reflects the a. b. c. d.

inexperience of youth. legacy of the industrial revolution. interdependent values of Western society. values of individualism.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 15 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most common across cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. values of individualism. TB_01_37_The Transition to Adulthood_Remember_1.6 Learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person without relying on anyone else is considered a. b. c. d.

collectivism. individualism. interdependence. correlation.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 15 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank common across cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. individualism. TB_01_38_The Transition to Adulthood_Apply_1.7 How would Eva (a young emerging adult from Argentina) differ in her criteria for adulthood from either Adrian (a young American), Mara (an Israeli girl), or Twan (a young South Korean boy)? Unlike the others, Eva knows a. b. c. d.

accepting responsibility is a key criterion of adulthood. that being able to support a family financially is important. completing military service is an important sign of adulthood. when she becomes an adult she will support her parents financially.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 15 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. that being able to support a family financially is important. TB_01_39_The Transition to Adulthood_Remember_1.7 According to anthropological research, in most traditional, non-Western cultures, a person attains adult status with a. b. c. d.

employment. the completion of post-secondary education. marriage. the completion of military service.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 16 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. marriage. TB_01_40_The Transition to Adulthood_Understand_1.7 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank The view that marriage is the key transition to adulthood is characteristic of a. b. c. d.

cultures that value interdependence more than independence. people raised in large families. cultures that face economic hardship. individuals who engaged in early dating behavior as adolescents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 16 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. cultures that value interdependence more than independence. TB_01_41_The Transition to Adulthood_Remember_1.7 Which statement best reflects conclusions about traditional cultures based on anthropologists' observations? A person is considered an adult a. b. c. d.

when old enough to vote. after marriage. with the development of self-control. after finishing college.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 16 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. after marriage. TB_01_42_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.8 In the scientific method, the sample is meant to represent the a. b. c. d.

population. hypothesis. method. researcher.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 19 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. population. TB_01_43_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.8 When scholars who study adolescents and emerging adults select a sample of the population to study, the most important consideration is that the sample a. b. c. d.

is representative of the population they are interested in. is small enough to study in a reasonable time frame. also contains people they are not interested in studying. be selected using a computer-generated random number table.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 19 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. is representative of the population they are interested in. TB_01_44_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.8 The procedure of a research study refers to the a. b. c. d.

legal obligations that must be followed. selection of a representative sample. way the study is conducted and the data are collected. choice of quantitative or qualitative techniques.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 19 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. way the study is conducted and the data are collected. TB_01_45_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.8 Which statement most accurately represents the relationship between theory and research? 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. Theory exclusively drives research; all research is based on established theory. b. Research never initiates theory; sound theory arises from new discoveries. c. A theory generates hypotheses that can be tested in research, which modifies theory, which leads to further research. d. Theory and research arise separately; scholars of theory rarely enter the realm of research. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 20 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. A theory generates hypotheses that can be tested in research, which modifies theory, which leads to further research. TB_01_46_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.9 Consent forms typically do NOT include a. b. c. d.

information on the purpose of the study. a statement that participation is voluntary. information on potential risks and benefits. the results of previous studies on similar topics.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 21 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. the results of previous studies on similar topics. TB_01_47_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.9 In a research study, appropriate procedure usually requires the consent of a parent or guardian a. b. c. d.

for adolescents 12 and under. for emerging adults who still live with their parents. for adolescents under age 18. only if the study is conducted in a public school.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 21 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. for adolescents under age 18. TB_01_48_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Apply_1.9 Seema is conducting a study of how adolescents spend their time and wants to collect unbiased data. Which of the following should she NOT do? a. b. c. d.

Phrase questions in a way that leads to a desired answer. Ensure that participants' responses are confidential. Present participants with a consent form before they participate. Allow participants to withdraw from the study if they want to.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 20-21 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Phrase questions in a way that leads to a desired answer. TB_01_49_Methods and Designs in Research_Analyze_1.10 An advantage of questionnaires with a closed question format is that they a. b. c. d.

are easier for the participants to understand. facilitate data collection and analysis with large samples. are found to have a high degree of validity. allow for participants' unique responses.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 21 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. facilitate data collection and analysis with large samples. TB_01_50_Methods and Designs in Research_Analyze_1.10 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank One limitation of research questionnaires is that a. b. c. d.

these measures may not capture the complexity of the issues being investigated. such measures cannot be analyzed efficiently. paper and pencil measures are expensive to administer. these measures cannot be used in a controlled setting.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. these measures may not capture the complexity of the issues being investigated. TB_01_51_Methods and Designs in Research_Apply_1.10 Beryl, a researcher studying adolescents' friendships, wants to understand her research participants' unique lives in-depth and from their own perspectives. The best choice of method would be a. b. c. d.

experience sampling method. interviews. questionnaires. observations.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. interviews. TB_01_52_Methods and Designs in Research_Analyze_1.10 One of the reasons that more research studies are conducted using questionnaires than using interviews is that a. b. c. d.

questionnaires are more valid than interviews. interviews are not as reliable as questionnaires. coding interview data takes considerable time, effort, and money. questionnaire data is the most likely to be generalizable. 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. coding interview data takes considerable time, effort, and money. TB_01_53_Methods and Designs in Research_Understand_1.10 Living among and observing the people being studied is most closely associated with which of the following research methods? a. b. c. d.

biological measurement ethnographic research interview method experience sampling

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. ethnographic research TB_01_54_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.10 The first ethnography on adolescence was written by a. b. c. d.

G. Stanley Hall. J. M. Tanner. Margaret Mead. Erik Erikson.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 23 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Margaret Mead. 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_01_55_Methods and Designs in Research_Analyze_1.10 The main disadvantage of the case study method of research is that it is a. b. c. d.

not very rich in details. tough to use in mental health settings. difficult to generalize the results. limited to one person per study.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 23 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. it is difficult to generalize the results. TB_01_56_Methods and Designs in Research_Understand_1.10 What is the simplest form of experimental research? a. b. c. d.

a double blind study focusing on a placebo interviewing three people to develop case study data having young people keep daily records at random times during the day collecting data from two groups—control and experimental

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 24 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. collecting data from two groups—control and experimental. TB_01_57_Methods and Designs in Research_Apply_1.10 According to the text, another area of adolescent research for which the experimental research method is commonly used is interventions. Which scenario best describes an intervention? a. people spending a considerable amount of time among the people they wish to study b. designing a program to promote critical thinking to help teens stop smoking 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. measuring biological changes like timing and pacing of different aspects of physical development during puberty d. having young people wear watches with beepers to help them record a variety of a. experiences at random times during the day Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 24 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. designing a program to promote critical thinking to help teens stop smoking. TB_01_58_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.10 Twin studies are a kind of a a. b. c. d.

peer-review. microsystem. causation. natural experiment.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 24 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. natural experiment. TB_01_59_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.11 The truthfulness of a measure best defines which of the following concepts? a. b. c. d.

validity reliability generalizability recapitulation

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 25 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.11 Define reliability and validity, and indicate which is easier 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank to establish and why. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. validity TB_01_60_Methods and Designs in Research_Apply_1.11 Mark has constructed a test to measure adolescents' creativity. After administering the test many times with different groups of adolescents, Mark found that the test consistently measured adolescents' ability to solve math problems. This test is a. b. c. d.

valid, but not reliable. neither valid nor reliable. neither generalizable nor valid. reliable, but not valid.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 25 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.11 Define reliability and validity, and indicate which is easier to establish and why. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. reliable, but not valid. TB_01_61_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.12 Which type of research involves collecting data from a sample of people on a single occasion, with the goal of examining those data for relationships between variables in the data, based on the hypotheses of the study? a. b. c. d.

longitudinal protocols cross-sectional designs. correlational studies case studies

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 26 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. cross-sectional designs. TB_01_62_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.12 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

A statistical relationship between two variables that cannot be used to determine causeand-effect relationships is called a(n) a. b. c. d.

sample. theory. hypothesis. correlation.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 26 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. correlation TB_01_63_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.12 Most longitudinal research studies take place for about a. b. c. d.

a year or less. one to two years. two to four years. five or more years.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 26 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. a year or less TB_01_64_Methods and Designs in Research_Apply_1.12 Dr. Goldsmith is conducting a study where the same participants will be assessed repeatedly, every 12 months, over a 10-year period. This is an example of ________ research. a. b. c. d.

cross-sectional quasi-experimental case study longitudinal 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 26 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. longitudinal TB_01_65_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Understand_1.13 In order to gain a complete understanding of adolescent development, it is vital that researchers be aware of different lives, customs and ideas across cultures. This idea reflects the a. b. c. d.

individual approach. Western approach. cultural approach. ethnocentric approach.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 27 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.13 (Introduction) Name the main challenges facing African adolescents in the 21st century, and identify positive cultural traditions and recent trends. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. cultural approach. TB_01_66_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Understand_1.13 African cultures have strengths in their tradition of a. b. c. d.

independence. small families. familial conflict. large families.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 28 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.13 Name the main challenges facing African adolescents in the 21st century, and identify positive cultural traditions and recent trends. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. large families. 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_01_67_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Remember_1.14 Discussion of family rules in Muslim families is a. b. c. d.

encouraged. decreasing. overlooked. uncommon.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 28 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.14 Explain how Islam structures development for adolescents in North Africa and the Middle East. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. uncommon. TB_01_68_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Remember_1.16 A distinctive feature of Indian culture is a. b. c. d.

Confucianism. filial piety. the high literacy rates. the caste system.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 29 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.16 Identify the main challenges for Indian adolescents in the 21st century. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. the caste system. TB_01_69_Other Themes of the Text_Remember_1.19 According to your text, most scholars who study adolescence today work in the discipline of a. medicine. b. sociology. c. education. 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. psychology. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 31 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.19 Describe the disciplines that contribute to a complete understanding of adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. psychology. TB_01_70_Other Themes of the Text_Remember_1.19 The view that the boundaries between academic fields of study are essentially artificial reflects an ________ approach. a. b. c. d.

individualistic interdisciplinary emergent interdependent

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 31 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.19 Describe the disciplines that contribute to a complete understanding of adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. interdisciplinary TB_01_71_Other Themes of the Text_Remember_1.20 According to research, differences in cultural expectations related to gender generally become more pronounced a. b. c. d.

with immigration. at about six years of age. with marriage. at puberty.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. at puberty. TB_01_72_Other Themes of the Text_Apply_1.20 Corbin is a front desk receptionist at a law firm. His career choice best reflects a. b. c. d.

a departure from the gender-specific expectations of the West. the availability of vocational training. a decision to follow cultural norms. an inability to "fit in."

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. a departure from the gender-specific expectations of the West. TB_01_73_Other Themes of the Text_Understand_1.20 Which statement most accurately represents expectations for males and females across cultures? a. Cultural differences in gender expectations are minimal; most differences center on socioeconomic status. b. All cultures have traditional male and female roles; gender expectations do not change over time. c. In some cultures role expectations for males and females are the same; males and females share equal opportunities. d. All cultures have different expectations for males and females, but the degree of the differences varies greatly across cultures. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. All cultures have different expectations for males and females, but the 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank degree of the differences varies greatly across cultures. TB_01_74_Other Themes of the Text_Apply_1.20 In the majority of Western cultures today, many men and women make the same career choices and wear similar fashions. This is evidence that a. b. c. d.

differences in gender expectations for males and females are deeply entrenched. differences in gender expectations for males and females are somewhat blurred. family values are disintegrating. globalization is introducing non-Western ideas into Western culture.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Skill: Apply What You know Answer: b. differences in gender expectations for males and females are somewhat blurred. TB_01_75_Other Themes of the Text_Understand_1.21 Which statement most accurately represents the concept of globalization? a. b. c. d.

Cultural beliefs are becoming more distinct. The world is becoming smaller and more diverse. The world is becoming smaller and people more similar. Economic disparity is becoming less pronounced.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. The world is becoming smaller and people more similar. TB_01_76_Other Themes of the Text_Understand_1.21 The idea that young people around the world are increasingly experiencing similar environments is most closely associated with which of the following concepts? 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

individualism recapitulation globalization contextualization

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. globalization. TB_01_77_Other Themes of the Text_Understand_1.21 "Kids on the streets of Tokyo have more in common with kids on the streets of London than they do with their parents." This statement best reflects the belief that a. b. c. d.

runaway youths face distinct geographical challenges. watching television adversely affects adolescents regardless of where they live. the lives of adolescents are being affected by globalization. adolescents have not changed throughout history.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. the lives of adolescents are being affected by globalization. TB_01_78_Other Themes of the Text_Remember_1.21 Which of the following terms do scholars use to refer to the environmental settings in which development takes place? a. b. c. d.

Life space Milieu Habitat Context

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 33 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Context True/False TB_01_79_Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 The term traditional culture refers to a culture that has maintained a way of life based on stable traditions passed from one generation to the next. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 6 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_80_Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Remember_1.3 G. Stanley Hall's theory of recapitulation held that the development of individuals reenacts the development of the human species. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 7 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_81_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.4 In Western society, adolescence is generally viewed as beginning with puberty and ending when an individual reaches the end of secondary school education. 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_82_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.5 According to the text, emerging adulthood is characterized as an age of identity exploration. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 11 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_83_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.5 Erik Erikson felt that emerging adulthood is characterized by the age of identity explorations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 12 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_01_84_From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood_Remember_1.5 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

The developmental period termed emerging adulthood exists in all cultures. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 13 Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_01_85_The Transition to Adulthood_Remember_1.7 Davis and Davis (1989, 2012) found that Moroccan youth most commonly defined the transition to adulthood by both physical development and development of character qualities. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 16 Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_86_ The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_1.8 If a research sample is representative of a particular population, the findings will most likely be generalizable. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 19 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_01_87_Methods and Designs in Research_Remember_1.10 Quantitative research data most commonly come from interviews, while questionnaires are the usual source of qualitative data. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_01_88_Methods and Designs in Research_Understand_1.10 Correlation does NOT imply causation. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 26 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True TB_01_89_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Remember_1.13 African cultures have strengths in their tradition of large families and strong, supportive family relationships. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 28 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 1.13 Name the main challenges facing African adolescents in the 21st century, and identify positive cultural traditions and recent trends. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_90_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Remember_1.15 Filial piety is one of the tenets of Confucianism. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 29 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.15 Describe the distinctive features of the cultural context for Asian adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_91_Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview_Remember_1.16 Education is NOT compulsory for all children in India. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 29 Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Learning Objective: 1.16 Identify the main challenges for Indian adolescents in the 21st century. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_01_92_Other Themes of the Text_Remember_1.20 Gender is NOT a key issue in life-span development in most cultures. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 32 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_01_93_Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History_Understand_1.3 List and briefly describe the three major contributions which made 1890-1920 the "Age of Adolescence." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 5-6 Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: Key changes during these years included the enactment of laws restricting child labor, new requirements for children to attend secondary school, and the development of the field of adolescence as an area of scholarly study. • Child labor laws: In the view of urban reformers, children were being exploited and harmed, both physically and morally. These activists successfully fought for legislation that prohibited companies from hiring preteen children and limited the number of hours young people could work. • School attendance laws: Laws requiring longer periods of schooling and mandatory attendance in both elementary and secondary schools. The proportion of adolescents attending school rose dramatically from 5% of young people age 14 to 17in 1890 to 30% in 1920. • Study of adolescence: The work of G. Stanley Hall began the study of adolescence as a distinct field of scholarship. He wrote the first textbook on adolescence, published in 1904. It covered a wide range of topics, such as physical health and development, adolescence cross-culturally and historically, and adolescent love. A surprising number of Hall’s observations have been verified by recent research, He advocated research in order to improve the conditions for adolescents in family, school, and workplace. TB_01_94_The Transition to Adulthood_Understand_1.6, 1.7 Describe how varying values of individualism and interdependence impact how different cultures define the transition to adulthood. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 15-16 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most common across cultures; 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • In the past two decades, many studies have examined what young people view as the key markers of the transition to adulthood. In these studies, young people from their early teens to their late 20s agreed that the most important markers of the transition from adolescence to adulthood are: 1) accepting responsibility for oneself, 2) making independent decisions, and 3) becoming financially independent, in that order. These three criteria rank highest not just across cultures and nations but across ethnic groups and social classes. All three are characterized by individualism; that is, all three emphasize the importance of learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person without relying on anyone else. The criteria for adulthood favored by emerging adults in developed countries reflect the individualistic values of those societies. • Traditional, non-Western cultures view marriage as the transition to adulthood. Only after marriage is a person considered to have attained adult status and is given adult privileges and responsibilities. Traditional cultures view marriage as the key transition to adulthood because they see the collectivistic value of interdependence as more important than the individualistic value of independence. Marriage signifies a person is taking on new interdependent relationships outside the family of origin. TB_01_95_The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Understand_1.8 Describe in detail the five steps of applying Scientific Method. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 18-20 Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Step 1: Identify a Research Question. The question may be generated by a theory or previous research, or it may be a new question based on the researchers own observation or experience. • Step 2: Form a Hypothesis. The hypothesis is the researcher’s idea about a possible answer to the question of interest. • Step 3: Choose a Research Method and a Research Design. The research method is the approach to investigating the hypothesis (interview, questionnaire, etc.). The research design is the plan for when and how to collect data for the study. • Step 4: Collect Data to Test the Hypothesis. This includes selecting a sample that is representative of the population. • Step 5: Draw Conclusions and Form New Questions and Hypotheses. Once the data for a study have been collected, statistical analyses are usually conducted to examine relationships between different parts of the data. Then the analysis must be interpreted and discussed. This discussion is typically in the form of a research article in a professional journal.

40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_01_96_Methods and Designs in Research_Understand_1.10 Outline the advantages and limitations of both interview and questionnaire methods of studying adolescence. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 21-22 Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Questionnaires: Advantages: facilitate large-scale data collection and analysis in a relatively short time. Limitations: range of responses is limited by closedended question format, so it does not capture the full depth and complexity of the experience. • Interviews: Advantages: able to capture complexities and richness of experience to provide individuality of responses not possible with questionnaires; interviews allow adolescents’ unique “voices” and perspectives to emerge, so the researcher can understand the “whole person” and interconnectedness of life issues. Limitations: must be coded into categories in order to analyze; interviewing and coding are costly, time-consuming, and require considerable effort and skill. TB_01_97_Other Themes of the Text_Apply_1.21 Define globalization. What impact might globalization have on the lives of adolescents and emerging adults? Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 32-33 Topic: Other Themes of the Text Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: Globalization means that the world is becoming “smaller,” more homogeneous, due to increased connections in trade, travel, technology, and leisure. As a consequence of the globalization of adolescence and emerging adulthood, young people around the world experience increasingly similar environments. It appeals to adolescents and emerging adults who are more capable of exploring beyond family boundaries and less committed to established roles. • Common experience across cultural boundaries (e.g., clothing, soft drinks, music, television, etc.).

41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q1.1 During Ancient Greece, the philosophers Plato and Aristotle identified adolescence as the third distinct phase of life when which of the following developed? a. b. c. d.

The capacity for reason Vocational skills Sexual maturity Conflict with parents

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe how views of adolescence changed in the West from ancient Greece through medieval times. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.2 Imagine that Joseph is an 18-year-old adolescent who lives in Europe during the 1500s. Joseph recently moved out of his family’s home and into that of an expert carpenter to undergo a 7-year apprenticeship. Joseph is experiencing what historians would call __________________. a. b. c. d.

life-cycle service storm and stress the Children’s Crusade the capacity for reason

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.2 Explain what life-cycle service involves and specify when it was most common. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.3 Which of the following was one of the three key changes from 1890 to 1920 that was crucial to defining these years as the “Age of Adolescence”? a. Development of laws requiring a longer period of schooling b. Development of life-cycle service c. Development of youth service programs, such as YMCAs 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Development of an industrialized economy versus farming economy Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Topic: The Age of Adolescence, 1890–1920 Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.4 Which of the following is one of the explanations for why emerging adulthood is a recent historical phenomenon? a. Increases in the median age of marriage to the later 20s b. Declines in the typical age for the initiation of puberty c. Increases in high school attendance to a normative experience for youth in Western countries d. Higher rates of residential changes among youth ages 18 to 29 than at any other period of life Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.5 Which scenario best describes emerging adulthood as a time of identity explorations? a. Travis is taking a variety of courses from different college majors to explore what type of career best fits him. b. Cynthia wants her parents to treat her like an adult but feels like she still relies on them for support. c. Stephanie feels confident that one day she will obtain her dream job. d. Will moved back into his parents’ home after college graduation and then into an apartment of his own 6 months later. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Topic: From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2

43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q1.6 Across many developed cultures, emerging adults consistently report three main criteria that mark the transition to adulthood. These criteria are characterized by __________, which is the importance of learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person without relying on anyone else. a. b. c. d.

individualism collectivism globalization interdependence

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most common across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.7 Zhang Li is a 23-year-old emerging adult who lives in China. When asked what she considers to be the most important markers for adulthood, which of the following is most likely to be one of the markers she lists? a. b. c. d.

Being able to support her parents financially Finishing her college education Settling into a long-term career Moving out of her parent’s home

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across countries. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cultural Variations Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.8 Hypothesis formation is one of the most important steps of the scientific method because it influences the ____________ of the study, which is the plan for when and how to collect the data for the study. a. research design b. reliability c. validity 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. theory Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.9 A researcher is conducting a study to assess how student–teacher relationship quality is related to academic performance among middle school students. The teachers want to know how their students are rating their relationship quality. If the researcher provides this information, which ethical research requirement would be violated? a. b. c. d.

Confidentiality Informed consent prior to participation in the research study Protection from physical and psychological harm Debriefing following participation in a study that involves deception

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Topic: Ethics in Human Development Research Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.10 Will is surveying college student-athletes to investigate how their parents’ involvement is linked to their athletic and academic performance. To increase the depth of the survey answers provided by the student-athletes, which research method should Will include in his study? a. b. c. d.

Interviews Biological measurements Experiments Observations

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty: 3

45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q1.11 Ryan is developing a questionnaire to assess the frequency of adolescents’ healthy dietary behaviors on a scale that ranges from 1 (Never) to 5 (Almost Always). Which of the following items should Ryan include on his questionnaire to increase its validity? a. b. c. d.

I drink water instead of soda. I feel fat. I am happy with the way I look. I do not like the way my clothes fit my body.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.11 Define reliability and validity, and indicate which is easier to establish and why. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.12 Katie is designing a study that will include four time points to assess how students’ depressive symptoms change across the first year in college. What are two major limitations associated with this longitudinal research design? a. b. c. d.

Time, Attrition Time, No Depth Attrition, No Depth No Depth, Preset Responses

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.13 Although African adolescents in the 21st century face many challenges, notably extremely poor living standards, what is a positive African cultural tradition that serves to protect adolescents from these challenges? a. b. c. d.

Strong family relationships More democratic governments Upward economic growth Less civil wars 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.13 Name the main challenges facing African adolescents in the 21st century, and identify positive cultural traditions and recent trends. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.14 Usman is an adolescent boy growing up in the Middle Eastern country of Iran. Which of the following is most likely to occur in Usman’s family? a. b. c. d.

Unquestioning acceptance of family rules Discussion of Usman’s curfew Discussion of family rules Promotion of equal rules for Usman and his sister, Aisha

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.14 Explain how Islam structures development for adolescents in North Africa and the Middle East. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.15 Although there are many different Asian countries, they share common characteristics that are rooted in Confucianism traditions and thus influence the cultural context of Asian adolescents. Which characteristic reflects the Confucian culture for Asian adolescents? a. b. c. d.

Filial piety Independence Individualism Self-focus

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.15 Describe the distinctive features of the cultural context for Asian adolescents. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.16

47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Deeya is an adolescent girl growing up in the rural state of Bihar, India. Deeya has different experiences compared to girls growing up in urban states of India. Which of the following is Deeya most likely to experience? a. b. c. d.

Illiteracy resulting from a lack of access to compulsory education Spending more leisure time with family versus friends Arranged marriage within her caste status Warm and strong family relations

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.16 Identify the main challenges for Indian adolescents in the 21st century. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q1.17 Although many of the countries of Latin America have established democracies and have experienced economic growth, youth in Latin America still face high unemployment rates that often exceed _________ percent. a. b. c. d.

25 30 35 45

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.17 Describe the common features of Latin American countries and the two key issues for today’s adolescents there. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.18 Joan and Sheila are adolescent girls growing up in the United States and Australia, respectively. Although Joan and Sheila live in different countries, which of the following leisure time experiences are they likely to have in common? a. b. c. d.

Spending leisure time text-messaging with friends Spending leisure time primarily working Spending leisure time primarily with their families Spending leisure time primarily studying for school exams

Answer: a 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 1.18 List the common features experienced by adolescents in the countries that make up “the West,” and indicate what is distinctive to minority adolescents. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.19 A team of researchers is developing a study to assess how the transition to middle school influences mental and physical health outcomes among adolescents. The researchers are especially interested in assessing links between the school transition and adolescents’ reports of depressive symptoms and manifestation of stress hormones. Which of the following research teams would be best suited to carry out this study? a. b. c. d.

Psychologists and physicians Psychologists and historians Psychologists and anthropologists Psychologists and sociologists

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.19 Describe the disciplines that contribute to a complete understanding of adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q1.20 Although children are typically aware of their own gender when they are 2 years old, the process of _____________ deepens cultural expectations related to gender roles during adolescence because it heightens awareness of differences between girls and boys. a. b. c. d.

puberty brain development identity development formal education

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1

49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q1.21 Because of increased access to information technology and international trade, adolescents around the world are growing up experiencing relatively similar environments. Which of the following is an example of this globalization? a. b. c. d.

Youth in Siberia getting a Happy Meal from McDonald’s Youth in America getting a Happy Meal from McDonald’s Youth in Europe attending a World Cup Soccer game Youth in China attending the Chinese New Year celebrations

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.1.1 During medieval times, youth ages 13 to 15 undertook the “Children’s Crusade.” These young crusaders traveled across the Mediterranean coast to the Holy Land in hopes of peacefully appealing to the Muslims to allow Christians to visit holy sites. Which of the following summarizes what happened to the crusaders and how the outcome depicted views of adolescents during medieval times? a. The crusaders were robbed, kidnapped, or sold into slavery, indicating adolescents were viewed as innocent and lacking experience during medieval times. b. The crusaders were granted their request to visit holy sites by the Muslims, indicating adolescents were viewed as mature and knowledgeable during medieval times. c. The crusaders were protected by local military forces at each town on their journey, indicating adolescents were viewed as influential and important members of society during medieval times. d. The crusaders never made it to the Holy Land because their parents prevented them from going, indicating adolescents were viewed as incapable of being independent during medieval times. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe how views of adolescence changed in the West from ancient Greece through medieval times. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 2

50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q1.1.2 Although life-cycle service occurred in both Europe and the United States, this experience occurred during different historical time periods. Which of the following reflects the historical time period in which life-cycle service was most common in the United States? a. b. c. d.

Colonial period Renaissance period Medieval period Industrial period

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.2 Explain what life-cycle service involves and specify when it was most common. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.1.3 Between 1890 and 1920, states began passing laws requiring attendance in both primary and secondary school, which influenced a change in the proportion of adolescents in formal schooling. Which of the following reflects this change? a. b. c. d.

School attendance at ages 14 to 17 increased from 5% in 1890 to 30% in 1920. School attendance at ages 14 to 17 increased from 15% in 1890 to 45% in 1920. School attendance at ages 14 to 17 declined from 10% in 1890 to 5% in 1920. School attendance at ages 14 to 17 declined from 30% in 1890 to 5% in 1920.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.1.4 Imagine that Ryan is a 10-year-old boy living in the United States during the Industrial Revolution. Which of the following scenarios best reflects how Ryan’s life might have been during that time? a. b. c. d.

Ryan was working 12-hour days in a coal mine for 35¢ a day. Ryan was engaging in life-cycle service to learn how to be a blacksmith. Ryan was working on a farm to learn how to raise crops and cattle. Ryan was attending formal school every day learning how to read and write. 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.1.5 Which of the following scholars was responsible for initiating the scholarly study of adolescence as a distinct field? a. b. c. d.

G. Stanley Hall St. Augustine Aristotle J. Jensen Arnett

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.3 Identify the three features that made the years 1890–1920 the Age of Adolescence. Topic: Adolescence in Western Cultures: A Brief History Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.2.1 In the early 20th century, G. Stanley Hall defined the age range of adolescence as beginning at 14 and ending at 24. Today’s scholars generally consider adolescence to begin at about age ____ and end by about age ____. a. b. c. d.

10; 18 13; 18 10; 25 15; 25

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Topic: Adolescence Arrives Earlier Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.2.2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank A decline in the typical age of the initiation of puberty across the 20th century is a biological change that explains the earlier beginning of adolescence. Which of the following reflects a societal change that occurred across the same time period that explains the earlier end of adolescence? a. Increases in the proportion of youth attending secondary school, thus normalizing the high school experience for youth. b. Increases in the proportion of youth pursuing college education, thus normalizing the college experience for youth. c. Increases in the proportion of youth making frequent residential changes, thus normalizing a focus on life explorations for youth. d. Increases in the proportion of youth getting married at older ages, thus normalizing a focus on self-development for youth. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.4 Summarize the influences that have led to an earlier beginning and end to adolescence. Topic: Adolescence Arrives Earlier Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.2.3 Mandie is a 21-year-old emerging adult living in the United States. When asked if she feels she has reached adulthood, she says she feels she has in some ways but not in others. Which of the following features of emerging adulthood is Mandie experiencing? a. b. c. d.

Feeling in-between Identity explorations Instability Self-focus

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Topic: Distinctive Features of Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.2.4 Phillip is a 22-year-old emerging adult who just graduated from college. Phillip is completing a graduation survey, and one question asks him to rate his agreement with the statement “I am very sure that someday I will get to where I want to be in life.” Which of the following agreement ratings is Phillip most likely to select? a. Strongly Agree 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Topic: Distinctive Features of Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.2.5 Across his entire college experience, Wesley moved many times, which included moving into and out of a dorm, into and out of an apartment with friends, and into and out of his parents’ home one summer. Which of the following features of emerging adulthood did Wesley experience? a. b. c. d.

Instability Possibilities Feeling in-between Self-focus

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.5 Summarize the five features of emerging adulthood. Topic: Distinctive Features of Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.3.1 Emerging adults in developed countries consistently report which of the following to be a main criterion that marks the transition to adulthood? a. b. c. d.

Accepting responsibility for oneself Finishing a college education Having a child Purchasing a house

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most common across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cross-Cultural Themes Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.3.2 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Sarah has been accepted into two graduate school programs for engineering, and she must choose which one to attend. Rather than immediately calling her parents to help her choose, she is making pro and con lists to inform her choice of engineering program. Which of the following markers of adulthood is Sarah best demonstrating? a. b. c. d.

Making independent decisions Accepting responsibility for oneself Becoming financially independent Feeling in-between

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.6 Identify the three markers of adulthood that are the most common across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cross-Cultural Themes Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.3.3 Research by anthropologists has found that in virtually all traditional, non-Western cultures, the transition to adulthood is explicitly marked by ___________. a. b. c. d.

marriage growing facial hair military service reaching age 21

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cultural Variations Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.3.4 Sanda is a Burmese emerging adult who recently got married and is now considered an adult in her culture. Why does marriage constitute the attainment of adulthood in Sanda’s culture? a. Sanda’s culture is collectivistic and as such values the interdependence that marriage entails. b. Sanda’s culture is individualistic and as such values the independence that marriage entails. 55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Sanda’s culture is individualistic and as such values the interdependence that marriage entails. d. Sanda’s culture is collectivistic and as such values the independence that marriage entails. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cultural Variations Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q1.3.5 Elizabeth and Achu are best friends who are both 21 years old, but Elizabeth lives in the United States and Achu lives in India. Although both girls are the same age and are emerging adults, when asked what they think is the most important criterion for adulthood, they provide different answers. Which of the following represents Elizabeth’s and Achu’s criterion, respectively? a. Accepting responsibility for oneself; Being able to financially support one’s parents b. Accepting responsibility for oneself; Making independent decisions c. Being able to financially support one’s parents; Accepting responsibility for oneself d. Being able to financially support one’s parents; Being capable of running a household Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.7 Give examples of how criteria for adulthood vary across cultures. Topic: The Transition to Adulthood: Cultural Variations Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.4.1 A researcher has formed the following research question: Why do adolescents engage in higher levels of risky behavior than children? What is the NEXT step this researcher should take according to the scientific method? a. b. c. d.

Propose a hypothesis Choose a research design Collect data Draw conclusions 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.4.2 A researcher is conducting a study to assess emerging adults’ attitudes toward bingedrinking and has formed a hypothesis that emerging adults who are involved in Greek life at college will have more favorable attitudes toward binge drinking than those who are not. The researcher has also determined how she will collect the data. What should the NEXT step in the researcher’s process be? a. b. c. d.

Collect data Choose a research design Draw conclusions Identify a research question

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.4.3 Obtaining a representative sample for a study is an important part of collecting data because if the sample is representative of the population of interest, then the findings from the study will be ______________ to that population. a. b. c. d.

generalizable unrelated ethical biased

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.8 Describe the five steps of the scientific method. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.4.4 The most important ethical consideration in research on human participants is which of the following? 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

Protecting participants from physical and psychological harm Maintaining participants’ confidentially Obtaining participants’ informed consent Debriefing participants about deception involved in a study

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.4.5 A researcher is conducting a study to assess links between bullying and depressive symptoms among middle school students. Which of the following persons listed is required to provide informed consent? a. b. c. d.

Parents of the middle school students Middle school students Friends of the middle school students Teachers of the middle school students

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.9 Explain the process that requires that research on adolescents must be done within ethical guidelines. Topic: The Scientific Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.5.1 Research studies comparing the similarity of characteristics between monozygotic and dizygotic twins are classified as a type of _____________. a. b. c. d.

natural experiment ethnography interview experiment

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 1 58 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q1.5.2 An advantage of ____________ is that they provide rich, detailed results, but a disadvantage is that their results are difficult to generalize. a. b. c. d.

case studies questionnaires experiments biological measurements

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.10 Describe the research methods used in research on adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.5.3 Laura and Maria are researchers working on a study that conducts observations of parents and children on playgrounds to assess parental responsiveness in recreational contexts. Laura and Maria are trained to use a parental responsiveness scale when conducting observations, and on their most recent playground observation they achieved 20% agreement on responsiveness ratings. Which of the following statements best summarizes the problem Laura and Maria are experiencing with their research method? a. b. c. d.

Laura and Maria’s ratings are not reliable. Laura and Maria’s ratings are reliable. Laura and Maria’s ratings are not valid. Laura and Maria’s ratings are valid.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.11 Define reliability and validity, and indicate which is easier to establish and why. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.5.4 Aryn is conducting a study to assess how minority youths’ experiences of discrimination at school are related to their academic achievement. Aryn’s research procedure consisted of collecting survey data from all minority youth at a middle school during their free class 59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank period on one occasion. What type of research design is Aryn’s study, and what is the key limitation of this design? a. b. c. d.

Cross-sectional; correlational results are difficult to interpret Cross-sectional; preset responses Longitudinal; attrition Longitudinal; expensive

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.5.5 Richard conducted a longitudinal study to assess how religious beliefs changed across high school. He collected survey data from adolescents once a year for 4 years. Richard’s Time 1 sample consisted of 800 freshmen, his Time 2 sample consisted of 740 sophomores, his Time 3 sample consisted of 600 juniors, and his Time 4 sample consisted of 545 seniors. Richard’s study suffered from which of the following limitations associated with longitudinal designs? a. b. c. d.

Attrition Expense Time Preset responses

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.12 Explain the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal research design. Topic: Methods and Designs in Research Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.6.1 Lesedi is a 13-year-old girl growing up in Ethiopia, Africa. Which of the following challenges is she most likely to experience? a. Threats to her physical survival, such as access to clean water b. Working long hours in unsafe and unhealthy jobs, such as cigarette manufacturing c. Restrictive rules regarding her appearance d. Limited access to education 60 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.13 Name the main challenges facing African adolescents in the 21st century, and identify positive cultural traditions and recent trends. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.6.2 In North Africa and the Middle East, the Islamic tradition of patriarchal authority means that youth do not question family rules. This tradition also has differential implications for the development of adolescent girls and boys. Which of the following best summarizes this difference? a. Males have dominance over women, and adolescent girls are very restricted regarding their appearance and behavior. b. Males have dominance over women, and both adolescent girls and boys are very restricted regarding their appearance and behavior. c. Males have dominance over women, and adolescent boys achieve higher levels of education. d. Males have dominance over women, and both adolescent girls and boys achieve high levels of education. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.14 Explain how Islam structures development for adolescents in North Africa and the Middle East. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.6.3 Min-jun is an adolescent living in South Korea who is the oldest son of his family. Considering he was raised within the tradition of filial piety, which of the following responsibilities is he expected to undertake when he is an adult? a. b. c. d.

Caring for his parents when they become elderly Obtaining a high level of education Obtaining a stable job Providing for his children

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.15 Describe the distinctive features of the cultural context for Asian adolescents. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview 61 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.6.4 A distinctive feature of Indian culture is the caste system, in which people are believed to be born into a particular caste based on their moral and spiritual conduct in their previous life. Which statement best reflects how the caste system influences development for Indian adolescents? a. Adolescents from lower castes are less likely to attend school, which restricts the jobs available to them as adults. b. Adolescents from lower castes are more likely to attend school, which increases the jobs available to them as adults. c. Adolescents from low and high castes are equally likely to attend school. d. Adolescents from low and high castes are allowed to date and marry each other. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.16 Identify the main challenges for Indian adolescents in the 21st century. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.6.5 Jayla and Karen are adolescent girls who are graduating from high school in Atlanta, Georgia. Jayla is African American and Karen is Caucasian. Which of the following is Karen most likely to experience during emerging adulthood compared to Jayla? a. b. c. d.

Obtaining a graduate degree Unemployment Discrimination Spending leisure time with friends

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.18 List the common features experienced by adolescents in the countries that make up “the West,” and indicate what is distinctive to minority adolescents. Topic: Adolescence Around the World: A Brief Regional Overview Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.7.1

62 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank _______________ is the main field in which research on adolescence and emerging adulthood occurs. a. b. c. d.

Psychology Anthropology Sociology Historiography

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.19 Describe the disciplines that contribute to a complete understanding of adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Other Themes of the Text Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.7.2 Which statement best describes the current status of gender-specific expectations for adolescents in Western cultures? a. Gender-specific expectations for adolescents in Western cultures have decreased, but subtle gender role differences between males and females still exist. b. Gender-specific expectations for adolescents in Western cultures are the same in the 21st century as they were in the 20th century. c. Gender-specific expectations for adolescents in Western cultures have increased, and there are now more distinct gender role differences between males and females. d. Gender-specific expectations for adolescents in Western cultures have decreased so much that there are now no gender role differences between males and females. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Topic: Other Themes of the Text Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q1.7.3 Adolescence and emerging adulthood are developmental periods that focus on preparation for adult roles in family and work. How might preparation for adult roles influence gender issues during these developmental periods? 63 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. Because adult roles in family and work have distinct gender expectations, male and female youth will be expected to demonstrate different gender role behaviors. b. Biological differences between males and females influence the automatic, hardwired development of different adult roles in family and work. c. Because adult roles in family and work are becoming increasingly similar for men and women, gender issues are no longer a prominent issue in adolescence and emerging adulthood. d. Gender issues during adolescence and emerging adulthood are only relevant for non-Western, traditional cultures that formally prepare their youth for adult roles. Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.20 Explain why gender issues are especially prominent in adolescence and emerging adulthood, and summarize the range of gender expectations for adolescents in different cultures. Topic: Other Themes of the Text Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q1.7.4 Amy lives in the United States and Seda lives in Turkey. Amy and Seda are adolescent girls who love the same fashion brands and listen to the same music. Despite living in two different countries, Amy and Seda are experiencing relatively similar environments. This experience is called _________________. a. b. c. d.

globalization gender role development individualism storm and stress

Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Other Themes of the Text Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q1.7.5 A consequence of globalization is that adolescents and emerging adults across the world are becoming increasingly _____________ in their identities, with one identity participating in their own culture and one identity participating in the global culture. a. bicultural 64 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. bilingual c. Western d. individualistic Answer: a Learning Objective: 1.21 Explain why it is important to account for globalization in understanding adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Other Themes of the Text Difficulty: 1

65 ..


Chapter 2 Biological Foundations

Topic The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Cultural Responses to Puberty Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects

Remember the Facts 1-4, 11-14, 75-76

Understand the Concepts 7-9

Apply What You Know 5, 10, 15

17-19, 22, 24-26, 30 77-78

16, 21, 29, 32

20, 23, 27-28, 31, 33

Multiple Choice

36-40, 44

34-35, 41, 43, 45


True/False Short Essay


Multiple Choice

46, 56-57, 61 82—85 94 69, 73 88-90

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Analyze It

91 49, 54, 58-60, 62, 64-65 86 93 68, 70-71, 74 87

47-48, 50-53, 55, 63, 66-67 92 72 95

1 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_02_01_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 The physical and biological changes of puberty result from changes that occur in the a. b. c. d.

endocrine system. lymphatic system. nervous system. thyroid gland.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 38 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. endocrine system. TB_02_02_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 The text likens the physical changes the body goes through at puberty to a a. b. c. d.

biological revolution. hormonal storm. sociology course. psychological revolution.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 38 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. biological revolution. TB_02_03_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 In which of the following parts of the anatomy is puberty initiated? a. b. c. d.

gonads testes and ovaries pituitary gland hypothalamus 2 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 39 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. hypothalamus TB_02_04_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 What causes the hypothalamus to increase GnRH production? a. b. c. d.

development of gametes reaching a threshold level of body fat increasing testosterone or estrogen releasing luteinizing hormones

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 39 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. reaching a threshold level of body fat TB_02_05_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Apply_2.1 According to the text, there are many factors which may affect the onset of pubertal changes. Which scenario would most likely lead to delayed onset? a. Lee is a wrestler who constantly diets and over exercises to maintain a lower weight class. b. Jared rides his bike over rough terrain and comes home with scrapes and bruises. c. Greg plays video games after school, particularly golf, and doesn't go outside to play. d. Dianna overeats and doesn't exercise but loves to walk her dog after school. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 39 3 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Lee is a wrestler who constantly diets and over exercises to maintain a lower weight class. TB_02_06_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 The two classes of sex hormones are a. b. c. d.

estrogens and estradiols. androgens and testosterones. gonadotropins and androgens. estrogens and androgens.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 40 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. estrogens and androgens. TB_02_07_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Understand_2.1 Female is to estradiol as male is to a. b. c. d.

testosterone. androgen. estrogen. glycoprotein.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 40 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. testosterone. 4 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_02_08_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Understand_2.1 Which statement most accurately represents the feedback loop in the endocrine system? a. A "communication system" between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonads, and adrenal glands that monitors and adjusts the levels of sex hormones. b. An anomaly in some adolescents that causes pubertal development to be prolonged, and fertility to be decreased. c. A "communication system" between androgens and estrogens that determines the gender of an individual. d. A structure within the endocrine system that controls the order of hormonal and pubertal events. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 41 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. A "communication system" between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonads, and adrenal glands that monitors and adjusts the levels of sex hormones. TB_02_09_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Understand_2.1 Which term is commonly used to represent the feedback loop in the endocrine system? a. b. c. d.

answering machine burglar alarm thermostat fridge light

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 41 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. thermostat TB_02_10_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical 5 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Growth_Apply_2.1 At puberty, the set point for androgens rose higher than the set point for estrogens in Cory's hypothalamus. Which of the following is the most likely description of Cory's sex? a. b. c. d.

Cory is male. Cory is female. Cory will likely be transgender during adolescence. Cory may have androgen insensitivity syndrome.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 41 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Cory is male. TB_02_11_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.2 The adolescent growth spurt is best demonstrated by the rapid increase in a. b. c. d.

height at the beginning of adolescence. hormone production before puberty begins. height in boys and weight in girls at puberty. size of reproductive organs at puberty.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 41 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. height at the beginning of adolescence. TB_02_12_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.2 The adolescent growth spurt occurs approximately a. the same time for boys and girls. b. two years earlier for boys than for girls. c. two years earlier for boys and girls in developing but not industrialized countries. 6 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. two years earlier for girls than for boys. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 42 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. two years earlier for girls than for boys. TB_02_13_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.2 Which of the following best represents the occurrence of the adolescent growth spurt? The growth spurt begins a. about three years earlier for girls than for boys. b. about the same time for girls and boys. c. at about age 11 for girls and 13 for boys. d. at about age 11 for boys and 13 for girls. 3 for boys. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 43 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. at about age 11 for girls and 13 for boys. TB_02_14_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.2 Which of the following best defines the concept of asynchronicity? a. b. c. d.

Girls experience the growth spurt earlier than boys. Boys' body parts grow in a different order than those of girls. Some body parts grow faster than others during puberty. The extremities are the last body parts to grow.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 43 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical 7 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Some body parts grow faster than others during puberty. TB_02_15_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Apply_2.2 Sven, your adolescent nephew, tells you he is worried that he is not normal because his feet and hands seem to be too big for his body. Which of the following is the best advice for Sven? a. "Eat more calcium-rich foods so that your growth gets back on the right track." b. "Everybody has different sized feet and hands – yours are just big." c. "There is reason to worry. Each person has a unique growth pattern, but your case sounds unusual." d. "Don't worry. Hands and feet hit the growth spurt before the rest of your body." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 43 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. "Don't worry. Hands and feet hit the growth spurt before the rest of your body." TB_02_16_ The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth _Understand_2.2 Boys experience greater muscle growth than girls during puberty because they a. b. c. d.

tend to get more physical exercise. enter the growth spurt earlier. maintain hormone levels for longer periods of time. experience greater increases in testosterone.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 43 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Skill: Understand the Concepts 8 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: d. experience greater increases in testosterone. TB_02_17_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.3 Which of the following is NOT associated with primary sex characteristics? Development of the a. b. c. d.

breasts. penis. eggs and sperm. ovaries.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 44 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. breasts. TB_02_18_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.3 The first production of sperm in boys is called a. b. c. d.

spermarche. semenarche. menarche. premature ejaculation.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 44 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. spermarche. TB_02_19_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.3 Menarche refers to 9 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

a female's first menstrual period. a female's first ovulation. reproductive maturity in males and females. a male's fertility.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 44 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. a female's first menstrual period. TB_02_20_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.3 Miranda is in ninth grade. She wrote the following statements in an essay on reproduction for her health class. Which of the following of Miranda's statements is NOT true? a. b. c. d.

"Girls cannot get pregnant until their periods are regular." "Females are born with about 400,000 immature eggs in each ovary." "Males do not produce sperm until they reach puberty." "The average male produces millions of sperm every day."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 44 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. "Girls cannot get pregnant until their periods are regular." TB_02_21_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Understand_2.3 Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding female reproductive development? a. b. c. d.

The first ovulation always occurs with the first menstruation. Fertility may be inconsistent during the first four years after menarche. The adolescent female is infertile during the first two years after menarche. Secondary sex characteristics only appear after reproductive maturity is reached. 10 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 45 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Fertility may be inconsistent during the first four years after menarche. TB_02_22_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.4 Which of the following does NOT belong to the category of secondary sex characteristics? a. b. c. d.

growth of pubic hair growth of facial hair hardening of the bones sperm and egg production

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 45 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. sperm and egg production TB_02_23_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.4 Matthew is about midway through puberty. In tears, he tells his camp counselor that he won't go swimming without his shirt because his breasts are enlarged. Which of the following is the best advice for Matthew? a. "All boys experience enlargement of the breasts during puberty." b. "One out of four boys experiences breast enlargement, which goes away in about a year." c. "About half of all boys experience breast enlargement, which goes away in about a year." d. "One out of a hundred boys experience breast enlargement, which goes away during adulthood." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 45 11 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. "One out of four boys experiences breast enlargement, which goes away in about a year." TB_02_24_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.4 Which of the following physical changes typically occurs for males only? a. b. c. d.

growth of shoulder and back hair increased sweat gland production deepening voice growth of facial hair

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 45 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. growth of shoulder and back hair TB_02_25_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.4 Which of the following physical changes occur for males and females alike during puberty? a. b. c. d.

Skin becomes more oily and prone to acne. The proportion of muscle to fat increases. The shoulders and chest become wider. The hips widen and abdominal fat levels increase.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 45 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Skin becomes more oily and prone to acne. 12 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_02_26_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.5 It is possible that individuals in developed countries may experience their first pubertal events as early as age a. b. c. d.

8 for boys and 10-11 for girls. 7 for girls and 9-10 for boys. 5 for girls and 8-10 for boys. 6 for girls and as late as 13 for boys.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 7 for girls and 9-10 for boys. TB_02_27_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.5 Olga is almost 10 years old. Over the past months, she has noticed the appearance of downy pubic hair, followed by the appearance of breast buds, and recently she has begun to grow taller and heavier. This order of pubertal events is found to a. b. c. d.

occur only in industrialized countries. signal the onset of her age of identity negotiation. be typical for an adolescent female. be highly unlikely to occur in the typical adolescent female.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. be typical for an adolescent female. TB_02_28_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.5 Which of the following is in the best order regarding the age of first appearance of pubertal 13 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank events for a typical boy? a. b. c. d.

growth of testes, spermarche, initiation of growth spurt initiation of growth spurt, growth of testes, spermarche growth of testes, initiation of growth spurt, spermarche growth of penis, growth of testes, spermarche

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. growth of testes, initiation of growth spurt, spermarche TB_02_29_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Understand_2.5 One of the problems associated with the body of research on puberty today is that a. b. c. d.

food additives have drastically changed the rate of development in recent years. it is mainly focused on White adolescents in Western countries. it has not been verified by research studies in North America. it is too detailed to understand in a general way.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. it is mainly focused on White adolescents in Western countries. TB_02_30_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.5 Much of our information about pubertal development comes from J. M. Tanner's research. Which of the following most accurately represents this research? The research was conducted a. b. c. d.

at the turn of the century on middle-class American adolescents. in the 1980s on a cross-section of North American youth. during World War II on British adolescents in boarding schools. 40 to 50 years ago on British adolescents in foster homes. 14 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 40 to 50 years ago on British adolescents in foster homes. TB_02_31_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.6 Ty is a researcher who wants to determine the typical amount of time it takes for Peruvian adolescents to develop from the onset of puberty to full maturation. Among the following choices, which type of study should Ty conduct? a. b. c. d.

cross-sectional study ethnographic study secular study longitudinal study

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 49 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. longitudinal study TB_02_32_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Understand_2.6 Which of the following best represents the health status of emerging adults? Emerging adulthood is the period when a person is a. b. c. d.

the least susceptible to health problems resulting from risk behaviors. the most susceptible to physical illnesses. at peak form in terms of strength and health. done with positive growth and at the start of a long period of physical decline.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 51 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical 15 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Functioning Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. at peak form in terms of strength and health. TB_02_33_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Apply_2.6 You are a secondary school teacher developing a health promotion program. According to information you gathered from reading this text, your program should a. b. c. d.

emphasize prevention by promoting strategies for reducing risk behaviors. focus primarily on strategies for dealing with health problems as they arise. be cancelled and offered only to adult students. focus only on boys because they have greater risks during adolescence.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 52 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. emphasize prevention by promoting strategies for reducing risk behaviors. TB_02_34_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.7 Which of the following statements most accurately represents the relationship between pubertal timing and a group’s technologies? In general, puberty begins a. later in countries where medical care is more widely available. b. earlier in countries where better nutrition and medical care are more widely available. c. earlier in countries where health promotion education is more widely available. d. earlier in countries where there are fewer female doctors. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 52 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. earlier in countries where better nutrition and medical care are more widely available. 16 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_02_35_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.7 Evidence for the influence of technologies on pubertal development is based on data gathered regarding the age when what event occurs? a. b. c. d.

spermarche menarche breast development hair growth

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 52 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Menarche. TB_02_36_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.7 Which of the following is associated with historical evidence that technologies influence pubertal timing? a. b. c. d.

reaction range secular trend distancing hypothesis feedback loop

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 52 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. secular trend TB_02_37_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.7 According to research, the average age of menarche for girls in the United States is ________ years. a. b. c. d.

10.5 11.5 12.5 years 13.0

Difficulty: 3 17 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 53 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 12.5 years TB_02_38_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.7 Eveleth and Tanner (1990) recently researched pubertal development in other countries. An important finding was that the timing and rate of pubertal development a. b. c. d.

vary with levels of nutrition and medical care. are different when studied using longitudinal versus cross-sectional studies. are not impacted by environmental factors. are influenced by being part of a research study.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 53 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. vary with levels of nutrition and medical care. TB_02_39_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.7 Which of the following best defines reaction range? a. b. c. d.

genetically determined range of potential that is affected by the environment environmentally determined range of potential difference between nature and nurture variation in the rate of pubertal development

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 53 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. genetically determined range of potential that is affected by the environment TB_02_40_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.8 According to cross-cultural research, puberty rituals are more common for a. males. b. females. 18 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. adolescents in Western cultures. d. families with high socioeconomic status. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 54 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. females. TB_02_41_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.8 The cultural rituals of the Asante culture marking menarche and menstruation reflect a. b. c. d.

annoyance with menstruation. the joy associated with menstruation. a fear of menstruation. ambivalence toward menstruation.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 54 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. ambivalence toward menstruation. TB_02_42_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.8 According to your text, traditional male puberty rituals, such as scarring and bloodletting, operate as a metaphor for a. b. c. d.

demonstrating one's readiness for the challenges of adult life. the pain of childbirth experienced by the boy's mother. athletic competitions. childhood play.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 55 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. demonstrating one's readiness for the challenges of adult life. 19 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_02_43_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.8 The decline in frequency of puberty rituals in traditional cultures is most likely associated with a. b. c. d.

globalization. poverty. rising age of menarche. racism.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 55 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. globalization. TB_02_44_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.8 In Samoa, the traditional rite of passage into adolescence involves a. b. c. d.

tattooing of both males and females. tattooing of males only. tattooing of females and branding of males. an elaborate process of body piercing.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 56 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. tattooing of both males and females. TB_02_45_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.8 Traditional puberty rituals, such as tattooing, are undergoing a revival in some cultures. This best reflects an a. b. c. d.

example of ethnographers' influence on the cultures they study. example of Western youth copying traditional culture. attempt to assimilate into the global culture. attempt to keep traditional cultures from disappearing due to globalization. 20 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 56 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. attempt to keep traditional cultures from disappearing due to globalization. TB_02_46_ Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.9 Which of the following characterizes parent-adolescent relationships in nearly all cultures that have been studied? a. b. c. d.

Adolescents of both sexes tend to be closer to their mothers than to their fathers. Communication styles shift toward consoling through touch. Adolescent females tend to be closer to their fathers. Adolescents of both sexes tend to pull away from both parents.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Adolescents of both sexes tend to be closer to their mothers than to their fathers. TB_02_47_ Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.9 Abelard is thirteen years old. He spends more time during the day with his mother than with his father. His relationship with his mother is stronger and he feels closer to her than his father. According to research, Abelard is a. b. c. d.

unusual – most adolescents are closer to their fathers than mothers. typical – most adolescents are closer to their mothers than fathers. a difficult child – he is most likely afraid of his father. unusual – most adolescents are closer to their parent of the same gender.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Apply What You Know 21 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. typical – most adolescents are closer to their mothers than fathers. TB_02_48_ Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.9 Gina is eighteen years old and feels that she is no longer as close to her parents as she was when she was a child. In fact, she has moved away from the religious commune where she was raised and is engaged to the boyfriend she met at college. This scenario is consistent with which of the following concepts? a. b. c. d.

distancing reaction range active genotype-environment interaction nature-nurture debate

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. distancing TB_02_49_ Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.9 Which of the following is a valid criticism of the notion of distancing during adolescence? a. b. c. d.

Distancing may have an evolutionary basis. Parent-adolescent conflict increases in adolescence. Distancing does not occur equally in all cultures. Some adolescents really love their parents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Distancing does not occur equally in all cultures. TB_02_50_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.9 Meena's father died when she was a baby, and there is a lot of ongoing conflict in the household between her mother and stepfather. According to research discussed in the text, Meena may be more likely to a. reach puberty earlier. 22 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. reach puberty later. c. experience storm and stress. d. experience an atypical order of pubertal events. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 58 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. reach puberty earlier. TB_02_51_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.9 Recent research has shown that some girls tend to go through puberty earlier than others. What scenario most likely creates early onset of puberty? a. Damini, whose mother was only 17 years old when she had Damini b. Brandi, who lives with only her father and shares a room with her younger sister c. Elizabeth, who lives with her mom and her stepfather but doesn't see her dad at all d. Beverly, who has an eating disorder and has been severely underweight for three years. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 58 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Elizabeth, who lives with her mom and her stepfather but doesn't see her dad at all TB_02_52_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.10 Liza is an early-maturing girl who just reached menarche. She is very upset and is having a difficult time adjusting. Which of the following is the most likely reason for Liza's feelings? a. b. c. d.

Liza was unprepared for menarche; her mother hadn't even told her about it yet. All of Liza's friends had already reached menarche and she felt left out. Liza was well prepared for menarche and had learned a lot from her peers. All of Liza's siblings are boys and she feels uncomfortable.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 58 23 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Liza was unprepared for menarche; her mother hadn't even told her about it yet. TB_02_53_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.10 Justine's older sister has told her that "getting her period will be a real drag – painful and annoying." According to research, how is Justine likely to report her menarche? a. b. c. d.

as a discomfort associated with severe depression positive and elated mostly ambivalent

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 58 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. as a discomfort TB_02_54_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.10 Which statement best represents how culture influences girls' responses to menarche? a. b. c. d.

Premenstrual syndrome is a socially constructed phenomenon. Socioeconomic status is a major factor impacting girls' experiences of menarche. Geographical region and climate impact girls' experiences of menarche. Knowledge and expectations impact girls' experiences of menarche.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 59 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Knowledge and expectations impact girls' experiences of menarche. TB_02_55_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.10 Boris, who has just experienced semenarche, feels embarrassed and has vowed he would not tell anyone about it. Boris's attitude best reflects 24 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

a distant relationship with his parents. Western attitudes toward this topic. his positive feelings toward becoming a man. his awareness of his own bodily functions.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 59 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Western attitudes toward this topic. TB_02_56_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.10 The history of American beliefs about menstruation is described in a book by a. b. c. d.

J. M. Tanner. Joan Jacobs Brumberg. Nora Ephron. Judy Blume.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Joan Jacobs Brumberg. TB_02_57_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.10 A survey conducted in 1895 found that ______ percent of Boston high school girls had no knowledge of menarche before it occurred. a. b. c. d.

10 25 60 75

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche 25 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 60 TB_02_58_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.10 Which of the following contributed most to the secrecy surrounding menstruation in 19th century middle class America? a. Girls reached menarche at a later age than today. b. There were no feminine hygiene products. c. Girls reached menarche at an earlier age than today and could not fully understand it. d. People associated menstruation with sexuality and tried to preserve girls' virginity. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. People associated menstruation with sexuality and tried to preserve girls' virginity. TB_02_59_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.10 Which of the following illustrate the changing Western attitudes toward menstruation in the early part of the twentieth century? Menstruation became a. b. c. d.

less associated with adolescent storm and stress. more associated with health and hygiene than with sexuality. a focus for national debate. a topic that was more and more taboo to discuss.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2. 10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. more associated with health and hygiene than with sexuality. TB_02_60_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.11 Age-grading in schools contributes to 26 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

advance pubertal development. delays in pubertal development. the need for puberty rituals. social comparison of physical maturity.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 61 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. social comparison of physical maturity. TB_02_61_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.11 According to recent research, which of the following best represents the effects of early maturation for girls in Western societies? Early maturing girls are a. b. c. d.

more likely to hold positive body images than late maturers. at risk for higher incidence of depressed mood. no different than normal maturing or late maturing girls. less likely to have eating disorders or substance abuse.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. at risk for higher incidence of depressed mood. TB_02_62_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.11 According to the text, why is early maturation such a problem for girls in the West? a. b. c. d.

Because Western cultures value thinness in females' appearances. Delayed physical development draws attention from younger boys. They have more favorable body images and lower levels of estrogen. Pubertal changes affect muscle development and growth spurts.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls 27 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. Because Western cultures value thinness in females' appearances. TB_02_63_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.11 Shelly is a young adult who suffers from anxiety, drinks alcohol, and is sexually active. Which of the following is most likely to describe Shelly in terms of her pubertal timing? a. b. c. d.

early maturing on time late maturing non maturing

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. early maturing TB_02_64_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.11 Early-maturing girls and late-maturing boys may be at greater risk for adjustment problems than other groups because they a. b. c. d.

experience more parental pressure because of their physical attributes. are more likely to have skin problems like acne. are more likely to compare themselves to peers who develop at "regular" ages. tend to spend more time with their friends.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 61 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. are more likely to compare themselves to peers who develop at "regular" ages. TB_02_65_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.11 The emergence of dieting behavior at the time of puberty, particularly among girls who begin developing earlier, is likely to stem from 28 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

boyfriend/girlfriend pressures. the storm and stress of adolescence. loss of appetite due to hormonal changes. a pervasive cultural ideal of thinness.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. a pervasive cultural ideal of thinness. TB_02_66_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.11 Jamie became physically mature at a younger age than most peers. In high school, Jamie was popular and had a positive self-image, yet experienced more temper outbursts than peers. At the age of 37, Jamie is a very sociable person. Most likely, what is Jamie's sex? a. b. c. d.

It is impossible to tell based on research presented. Female. Male. Either male or female.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Male. TB_02_67_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.11 Jamie discovered sex at an early age and smoked pot by 13 years old. Jamie likes going to parties and having sex most weekends and finds it hard to concentrate on homework. According to research, Jamie most closely fits the profile of a(n) a. b. c. d.

on-time male. early-maturing male. late-maturing female. late-maturing male.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 62 29 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. early-maturing male. TB_02_68_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Understand_2.12 Nature is to nurture as biological is to a. b. c. d.

sexual. environmental. educational. creationist.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. environmental. TB_02_69_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Remember_2.12 The view that both biology and environment play an important role in human development is consistent with the theory of a. b. c. d.

genotype → environment effects. the distancing hypothesis. health promotion. the secular trend.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. genotype → environment effects.

30 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_02_70_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Understand_2.12 According to genotype → environment effects., we create our own environments based on our a. b. c. d.

parents' skills. family type. genetic makeup. social context.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. genetic makeup. TB_02_71_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Understand_2.12 According to the text, why should you be skeptical when you read studies about parents and adolescents in biological families where the behavior of parents is claimed to be the cause of the characteristics of adolescents? a. Behavior may be caused by biology and not environment. b. Behavior may be caused by environment and not biology. c. Because the divorce rate is so high in the U.S., no conclusive findings could be drawn. d. There are few studies which investigate the differential treatment of mothers and fathers. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. Behavior may be caused by biology and not environment. TB_02_72_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Apply_2.12 31 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Matt is a six-year-old who constantly draws and spontaneously makes up original cartoon characters. His mother, proud of Matt's evident talent, has bought him computer graphics software and has arranged for art lessons. This situation best illustrates _______ genotype→environment effects. a. b. c. d.

retentive evocative passive active

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. evocative TB_02_73_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Remember_2.13 Which genotype→environment effect is MOST pronounced during childhood? a. b. c. d.

active passive evocative stable

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. passive TB_02_74_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects_Understand_2.13 During adolescence and emerging adulthood, autonomy increases along with _____________ genotype→environment effects. a. active b. passive 32 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. evocative d. stable Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. active True/False TB_02_75_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 The word puberty is derived from the Latin word meaning "to grow larger." a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 38 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_02_76_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth_Remember_2.1 Lower levels of body fat signal the hypothalamus to increase GnRH production. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 39 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts 33 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. False TB_02_77_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.3 Menarche is the first menstruation and the first ovulation. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 44 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_02_78_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.5 According to the text, Kikuyu boys show the first physical changes of puberty before their female peers, which is the opposite of typical Western patterns. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 47 Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_79_The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning_Remember_2.7 In general, puberty begins earlier in cultures where good nutrition and medical care are widely available. a. True b. False 34 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 52 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_80_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.8 There are some cultures that do not mark puberty with rituals. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 54 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_81_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.8 The Asante, a culture in the African Nation of Ghana, celebrate a girl's first menstruation (menarche) with an elaborate ritual celebration, but at other times this pubertal event is viewed with dread and fear. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 54-55 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_82_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.10 In the 1940s, Walt Disney produced an educational cartoon titled "The Story of Menstruation." a. True 35 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_83_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.11 You are a middle school teacher. It is possible to have students in your class who have finished pubertal development, and others who have not yet started. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 61 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_84_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.11 Within cultures, the timing of puberty appears to be based mainly on social factors. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 61 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_02_85_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.11 For the most part, early maturation tends to be more positive for girls than for boys. a. True 36 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_02_86_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.11 Early maturation is a problem for girls in the West because of cultural values about physical appearance. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 62 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True TB_02_87_ Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects _Understand_2.12 In recent years, most scholars agree that both biology and environment influence human development. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True

37 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_02_88_ Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects _Remember_2.12 Active genotype→environment effects occur in biological families because parents provide both genes and environment for their children. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 63 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_02_89_ Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects _Remember_2.12 Evocative genotype-environment interactions remain stable over time. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_02_90_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects_Remember_2.13 The theory of genotype → environment effects has garnered universal acceptance by scholars on human development. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype 38 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank →Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. False Essay TB_02_91_Cultural Responses to Puberty_Apply_2.7 Define and explain the secular trend in terms of the influence of culture on the timing and initiation of puberty. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 52 Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: Secular trend: Historical records show a steady decrease in the age of menarche in Western countries over the past 150 years. Puberty begins earlier in cultures with wider availability of health care and nutrition. TB_02_92_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Analyze_2.9 Describe the changes in parent-adolescent relationships at puberty. Provide a possible explanation for this change. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: At puberty: Relationships characterized by becoming somewhat cooler. Parent-child communication shifts from touching to talking. Conflict increases, especially for early maturing adolescents. Feel less close to mothers, and less accepted by fathers. Distancing hypothesis: Theorizes evolutionary basis for the increasing distance between parents and adolescents. That is, it is adaptive in terms of mating and reproduction for adolescents to move away from closeness with parents to find mates in a larger social circle. TB_02_93_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Understand_2.9 Describe the concept of the incest taboo. Using examples, illustrate the cultural differences that have been researched. Difficulty: 3 39 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 57 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: Studies have shown that conflict with parents tends to be especially high for adolescents who mature early. Various explanations have been proposed, centering mostly on how the biologically based incest taboo between parents and children becomes activated once children reach sexual maturity, resulting in more distancing relations. Studies have found that this takes place mainly in two-parent White American families and one study of African American families. Distancing is not common in Latino families or in divorced mother-headed families. TB_02_94_Social and Personal Responses to Puberty_Remember_2.10 Summarize the history of American attitudes toward menarche and menstruation from the 19th Century to the present. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 60 Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: In the 19th century, menarche and menstruation were "taboo" topics in middle class America. Menstruation was associated with sexuality and thus took on the status of a "secret" topic in order to protect the "innocence" of girls. Menarche occurred later (secular trend) and most girls experienced menarche with little or no information. In the 20th century, menarche became more openly discussed and associated with health and hygiene. Information about menstruation was communicated via media and corporations. Today it is rare for girls to reach menarche without some awareness of the process. TB_02_95_Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects_Apply_2.12 List and provide an example for the three categories of genotype-environment interaction. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 63-64 Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype→Environment Effects Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: Passive genotype→environment effects. Example: Hank's mom and dad 40 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank both have inherited artistic talent. They spend a lot of time drawing, painting, and visiting galleries. The parents include Hank in their activities and encourage his participation. Evocative genotype→environment effects. Example: Bernice is an agreeable, content, and calm child. Her mother responds to her with lots of smiles, cuddles, and shared activities. Active genotype→environment effects. Example: Like her father, Bette has inherited a real knack for biology. Therefore, she decides to join the naturalist club at her local community center.

41 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q2.1 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are the two gonadotropins released by the pituitary gland that are responsible for: a. b. c. d.

stimulating the development of the gametes. most of the observable bodily changes of puberty. myelination of brain neurons and axons. synaptic pruning of the brain’s grey matter.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.2 An adequate level of the protein ___________ is required to signal the ___________ to increase its production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and initiate the process of puberty. a. b. c. d.

leptin; hypothalamus estradiol; pituitary gland testosterone; hypothalamus leptin; pituitary gland

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.3 Which of the following best illustrates the concept of asynchronicity? a. Some body parts grow faster than others during the growth spurt. b. Girls experience the growth spurt earlier than boys. c. Boys’ body parts grow in a different order than those of girls during the growth spurt. 42 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. The extremities are the last body parts to grow during the growth spurt. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.4 Which of the following best represents the occurrence of the adolescent growth spurt? a. b. c. d.

The growth spurt begins about age 11 for girls and age 13 for boys. The growth spurt begins about age 11 for boys and age 13 for girls. The growth spurt begins about the same time for boys and girls. The growth spurt begins about 3 years earlier for girls than boys.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.5 Jack is 12 years old, and unbeknownst to him his body is working to produce sperm now that he has reached puberty. Which of the following is Jack experiencing? a. b. c. d.

Development of the primary sex characteristics, specifically spermarche Development of the secondary sex characteristics, specifically spermarche Development of the primary sex characteristics, specifically pubic hair Development of the secondary sex characteristics, specifically pubic hair

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 2

43 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q2.6 Both girls and boys tend to follow the same order of the development of secondary sex characteristics. Which of the following reflects the typical first secondary sex characteristic to develop? a. b. c. d.

Appearance of pubic hair Growth of underarm/facial hair Growth spurt Secretion of increased skin oil and sweat

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.7 Debbie is growing pubic hair and breast buds. Which of the following is Debbie likely to experience next regarding her pubertal development? a. b. c. d.

The growth spurt Menarche Growth of underarm hair Secretion of increased skin oil and sweat

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.8 Jack is a 15-year-old boy in middle school in the United States. Jack recently visited his doctor, and his BMI indicated he is obese. According to researchers, which of the following is the most likely explanation for Jack’s obesity? a. Soft drinks and junk food are available in Jack’s school. b. Jack spends time playing video games. c. Jack’s parents are obese. 44 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Jack spends time watching TV. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.9 Alisha is an African American girl growing up in the United States, and Jamila is an African girl growing up in Kenya, Africa. Alisha experienced menarche at 12 years old, and Jamila experienced menarche at 16 years old. Which of the following is the best explanation for the difference in the age at which they experienced menarche? a. Accessibility to high-quality nutrition and medical care in the United States b. Heredity, such that the girls were more likely to experience menarche at the same ages that their mothers did c. Participation in sport activities that pressure girls to maintain low body weight in the United States d. Increased stress levels resulting from exposure to civil war in Africa Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.10 Although research by Schlegel and Barry in 1991 found that about _______% of the traditional cultures they assessed had pubertal rituals, since this time globalization has _______ the prevalence of these pubertal rituals. a. b. c. d.

75; decreased 25; increased 25; decreased 75; increased

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty 45 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.11 Valerie is a 13-year-old White adolescent girl growing up in the United States who recently experienced menarche and is also showing visible secondary sex characteristics such as breast development. Which of the following best reflects Valerie’s family relationships now that she has reached puberty? a. Valerie and her parents now have a distant relationship, in which she feels less close to her parents. b. Valerie and her parents now have a closer relationship, in which she feels a stronger bond especially with her mother. c. Valerie’s relationship quality with her parents is the same as it was prior to puberty. d. Valerie and her parents now have a closer relationship, in which she feels a stronger bond especially with her father. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q2.12 Imagine that Adeline is a 13-year-old girl growing up in America in the 1890s. What is Adeline’s most likely response to her experience of menarche, and why? a. Adeline is likely to be shocked and scared about menarche because the culture of her time did not advocate educating young women about menarche. b. Adeline is likely to be happy about menarche because it reflects her transition to becoming a sexually mature woman. c. Adeline is likely to be happy about menarche because it will make her feel more a part of the culture of her peers who have already begun menstruating. d. Adeline is likely to be annoyed about menarche because of having to cope with the biologically based discomfort associated with menstruation known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 46 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q2.13 Girls who mature later compared to their peers are likely to experience which of the following? a. b. c. d.

teasing substance use delinquency eating disorders

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.14 Which of the following best summarizes the theory of genotype → environment effects? a. Both genetics and environmental factors make contributions to human development, in which genes influence the kind of environment experienced. b. Human behavior can best be explained by genetic factors alone. c. Human behavior can best be explained by environmental factors alone. d. Both genetics and environmental factors make equal contributions to human development. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q2.15 According to the theory of genotype → environment effects, __________ genotype → environment effects become _________ salient during adolescence because parental control tends to diminish and youth spend more time away from the family of origin. a. passive; less 47 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. passive; more c. evocative; less d. evocative; more Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.1.1 The ___________ begins to increase its production of ___________ to initiate puberty, which actually occurs in middle childhood at least a year or two before even the earliest bodily changes of puberty. a. b. c. d.

hypothalamus; gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) hypothalamus; luteinizing hormone (LH) pituitary gland; follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) pituitary gland; adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.1.2 The two primary hormones that the pituitary gland releases to stimulate the development of the gametes are: a. b. c. d.

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). estradiol and testosterone. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol. luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1 Describe the functions of the hormones in the feedback loop of the endocrine system and how they initiate puberty. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth 48 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.1.3 Kevin and Katie are both 13-year-old adolescents who have just begun to show the observable changes of puberty. Increases in the sex hormones have influenced these observable changes, with Kevin producing more _________ than Katie and Katie producing more _________ than Kevin. a. b. c. d.

testosterone; estradiol sperm; egg cells follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH); luteinizing hormone (LH) estradiol; testosterone

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.1.4 Emmy and Matthew are 18-year-old adolescents and as such have undergone puberty. Which of the following best illustrates how Emmy and Matthew are different in terms of their physical growth by the end of puberty? a. As a result of a higher level of testosterone production during puberty, Matthew has a higher muscle-to-fat ratio than Emmy at the end of puberty. b. As a result of increases in testosterone production during puberty, Matthew and Emmy have less fat at the end of puberty. c. As a result of increases in testosterone production during puberty, Matthew and Emmy have equal muscle-to-fat ratios at the end of puberty. d. As a result of a higher level of testosterone production during puberty, Matthew has a lower muscle-to-fat ratio than Emmy at the end of puberty. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 2

49 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q2.1.5 _____________ is when the adolescent growth spurt is at its maximum and adolescents grow an average of about 4 inches per year. a. b. c. d.

Peak height velocity Asynchronicity Hormone production Set point

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the growth spurt differs for girls and boys, and identify the order in which body parts experience rapid growth. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Hormonal Changes and Physical Growth Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.2.1 During puberty, increases in the production of the sex hormones promote the development of eggs and sperm and the sex organs, which are called the _____________________. a. b. c. d.

primary sex characteristics secondary sex characteristics puberty characteristics reproductive characteristics

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.2.2 Which of the following exemplifies the development of secondary sex characteristics? a. Leslie is 14 years old and has noticed her skin is oilier and more prone to acne. b. Sadie is 14 years old and has been experiencing monthly menstrual cycles for 1 year. c. Brad is 13 years old and just experienced semenarche, or his first ejaculation. 50 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Greg is 14 years old and has noticed that his penis has grown in length and diameter. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.4 Provide the typical order of development of secondary sex characteristics in boys and girls. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.2.3 David has begun to shave because of the growth of his facial hair over the past few months. Which of the following has David already experienced regarding his pubertal development? a. b. c. d.

Spermarche Menarche Peak VO2 max Maximum physical height

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.5 Chart the typical order of pubertal events, and explain the basis for variations in their order, timing, and total duration. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.2.4 During puberty, adolescents’ hearts and lungs experience considerable growth. This growth has implications for changes in physical functioning such that adolescents’ heart rate _____________ and vital capacity _____________. a. b. c. d.

decreases; increases increases; decreases stabilizes; increases increases; stabilizes

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning 51 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.2.5 Which of the following statements best describes physical functioning in emerging adulthood compared to adolescence? a. The opportunity for peak physical functioning is highest during emerging adulthood; however, as a result of lifestyle behaviors, emerging adulthood is also a time in which there is a high incidence of disease, injury, and death. b. Physical functioning, such as VO2 max, cardiac output, and reaction time, is similar during adolescence and emerging adulthood. c. Peak physical functioning, including VO2 max and cardiac output, are achieved during adolescence and then decline into emerging adulthood. d. Susceptibility to physical illness is lowest during adolescence, whereas physical functioning is highest during emerging adulthood. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.6 Describe how physical functioning changes during puberty, and contrast physical functioning in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: The Biological Revolution of Puberty: Sexual Maturity and Physical Functioning Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.3.1 Access to a culture’s technologies that include adequate ________ and _________ can influence the timing of puberty because puberty takes place earlier when health conditions are favorable. a. b. c. d.

nutrition; medical care nutrition; education medical care; education energy sources; nutrition

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.3.2

52 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following statements best summarizes what scholars believe explains the secular trend in the age of puberty? a. As medical advances have reduced illnesses and advances in food production have enhanced nutrition over the past 150 years, puberty has come sooner. b. An increase in the obesity rate among adolescents over the past 50 years has influenced puberty to come sooner. c. Steep declines in physical activity from middle childhood to adolescence have influenced puberty to come sooner. d. As playing computer games and watching television have become the most popular leisure activities among adolescents over the past 50 years, this sedentary lifestyle has influenced puberty to come sooner. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.7 Explain how culture influences the timing of puberty. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.3.3 Historically, traditional cultures have puberty rituals to mark the departure from childhood and the entrance into adolescence. Which pubertal event is most commonly marked by a ritual for adolescent girls? a. b. c. d.

Menarche Breast development Pubic hair growth Growth spurt

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.3.4 In traditional cultures, puberty rituals for male adolescents typically involve activities that require boys to display which of the following characteristics? a. Strength and courage b. Patience and kindness c. Humor and wit 53 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Strength and humor Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.3.5 Which of the following traditional cultures engages in mikveh, which is a ritual bath taken a week after an adolescent girl’s first period as a way of cleansing themselves of the impurity believed to be associated with menstruation? a. b. c. d.

Orthodox Jews Asante of Ghana Sambia of New Guinea Samoans

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.8 Identify the rates of prevalence of puberty rituals across cultures, and explain the function of these rituals. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.4.1 __________ cultures tend to experience __________ distancing in parent–child relationships during puberty because youth typically spend a large portion of their day in shared labor with their parents. a. b. c. d.

Traditional; less Traditional; more Western; less Western; more

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.9 Compare and contrast cultures in how puberty influences family relations. Topic: Cultural Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.4.2 54 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Sharon has not experienced her first menstruation. Which of the following would increase the likelihood of Sharon having a positive experience with her first period? a. Conversations with her mom about what menstruation is and how to prepare for it b. Conversations with her mom about how menstruation is always painful c. Conversations with her friends about how menstruation is always painful d. Conversations with her mom about how menstruation can influence one’s good luck Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.4.3 In America, boys are ________ to tell their friends about their first ejaculation, and most boys report feeling ________ as part of their experience of semenarche. a. b. c. d.

unlikely; guilt unlikely; proud likely; guilt likely; proud

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.10 Describe personal responses to menarche and semenarche among adolescents and how these responses are shaped by cultures. Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.4.4 14-year-old Trey is taller, more muscular, and has some facial hair compared to the rest of his friends. Which of the following is Trey likely to experience? a. Compared to his friends, Trey is more likely to be popular. b. Compared to his friends, Trey is more likely to have good relationships with his parents. c. Compared to his friends, Trey is more likely to engage in volunteer activities. d. Compared to his friends, Trey is more likely to have a poor body image. 55 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.4.5 Compared to early maturing boys, early maturing girls are _______ likely to have a negative body image and _______ likely to become involved in delinquent behaviors. a. b. c. d.

more; equally more; less less; more equally; more

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.11 Summarize the gender differences in how boys and girls respond to reaching puberty relatively early or late. Topic: Social and Personal Responses to Puberty Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.5.1 _________ studies help disentangle the correlational limitation of interpreting passive genotype → environment effects. a. b. c. d.

Adoption Longitudinal Cross-sectional Ethnographic

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.5.2 Which of the following best reflects an example of active genotype → environment effects? 56 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. An adolescent boy chooses to volunteer in the local animal shelter because of his longstanding interest in becoming a veterinarian. b. An adolescent boy’s parents enroll him in piano lessons because they think he should develop musical skills. c. An adolescent girl’s English teacher asks her to join the debate club because she is excelling in her writing coursework. d. An adolescent girl’s parents send her to boarding school because she has consistently been expelled from school for misbehavior. Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q2.5.3 ________ genotype → environment effects occur when a person’s inherited characteristics stimulate responses from others in their environment. a. b. c. d.

Evocative Active Passive Effective

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.12 Compare and contrast passive, evocative, and active genotype → environment effects. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.5.4 According to the theory of genotype → environment effects, __________ genotype → environment effects are stable from childhood through emerging adulthood. a. b. c. d.

evocative active passive effective 57 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q2.5.5 An increase in _________ during adolescence is hypothesized to be the main factor explaining increases in active genotype → environment effects. a. b. c. d.

autonomy parental control cognitive ability peer relationships

Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.13 Explain why genotype → environment effects change over time. Topic: Biological Development and the Environment: The Theory of Genotype → Environment Effects Difficulty: 2

58 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.


Topic Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking The InformationProcessing Approach Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Social Cognition

The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Chapter 3 Cognitive Foundations

Remember the Facts 2, 5, 10, 22

Understand the Concepts 3-4, 8, 12

Apply What You Know 1, 6-7, 9, 11, 13-16, 18-20

23, 26

24, 28

Analyze It 17, 21

77-78 95 25, 27, 29


Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

33, 36-37, 40-41, 47, 49 80, 82

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

59, 64

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay


30, 42

31, 34-35, 38, 32, 39, 45 43-44, 46, 48

81 52-54

50, 55

60, 63

56-58, 61-62


65-66, 70


85-86 67-69, 72-73 87-90 76

91 94

1 ..

92, 93 51

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_03_01_Introduction_Apply_3.1 Ed is a 14-year-old boy living in Seattle. Where is Ed likely to face most of his intellectual challenges? a. b. c. d.

completing his daily school activities working in his chosen career providing for his family testing his bravery

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 68-69 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: (Introduction) 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. completing his daily school activities TB_03_02_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.1 When Piaget shifted his interest from studying mollusks to studying human development, he was interested in a. b. c. d.

seeing how evolution influenced development. children's interactions with animals. tracing the impact of genetics. wrong answers children gave on intelligence tests.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 69 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. wrong answers children gave on intelligence tests. TB_03_03_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Understand_3.1 In terms of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, what statement does NOT belong? a. distinct stages b. formal operations 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. continuous change d. maturation Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 69-70 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. continuous change TB_03_04_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Understand_3.1 What factor is considered to be the "driving force" in Piaget's theory of stage development? a. b. c. d.

education environment maturation evolution

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 70 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. maturation TB_03_05_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.1 Piaget proposed that the active construction of reality takes place through the use of schemes. In this model, schemes were defined as a. b. c. d.

problems in thought processes. mental abilities that involve speed of analyzing. mental structures for organizing and interpreting information. the way we think about social institutions.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 70 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. mental structures for organizing and interpreting information. TB_03_06_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.1 Which of the following is the best example of Piaget's concept of assimilation? a. An infant who knows how to breast feed does not find it difficult to feed from a bottle. b. A 10th grade student reading a text from a different culture and trying to understand it. c. A 7-year-old seeing an airplane for the first time and knowing nothing about flight. d. A young boy from Zimbabwe coming to Canada in January and seeing snow. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 70 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. An infant who knows how to breast feed does not find it difficult to feed from a bottle. TB_03_07_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.2 Anthony thinks that the sun is alive and walks across the sky every day. According to Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory, Anthony would be in what stage? a. b. c. d.

preoperational sensorimotor concrete operational formal operational

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 71 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.2 Outline Piaget’s first three stages of cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. preoperational 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_03_08_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Understand_3.2 Mental operations performed by children in the concrete operational stage (age 7-11) are limited to what they can a. b. c. d.

create themselves without any assistance from an adult. think and reason about using abstract or hypothetical concepts. dream and fantasize about. experience and manipulate in their physical environment..

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 71 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.2 Outline Piaget’s first three stages of cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. experience and manipulate in their physical environment. TB_03_09_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.2 Marty is at the park with his friends. They want to build a seesaw they can use. Every time Marty chooses a board, he moves the stone fulcrum and changes the number of people on the seesaw. Marty is most likely a. b. c. d.

using hypothetical-deductive reasoning. a preoperational thinker. a concrete operational thinker. going to be a construction worker when he grows up.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 71-72 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.2 Outline Piaget’s first three stages of cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. a concrete operational thinker. TB_03_10_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.3 Hypothetical-deductive reasoning is defined as a. b. c. d.

engaging in a systematic test of possible solutions. changing multiple variables to arrive at a single solution. monitoring one's own cognition in order to understand the issue. only being able to imagine realistic solutions. 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 72 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.3 Explain how formal operations is different from concrete operations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. engaging in a systematic test of possible solutions. TB_03_11_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.4 Who is the most likely to understand the metaphor "life is like a box of chocolates"? a. b. c. d.

Wayland, a 15-year-old boy. Forrest, a 10-year-old boy. Carrie, a 12-year-old girl. Robyn, a 9-year-old girl.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 73 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Wayland, a 15-year-old boy. TB_03_12_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Understand_3.4 The primary purpose of metacognition is to monitor and reason about a. b. c. d.

feeling. problem solving. others. thinking.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 73 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. thinking.

6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_03_13_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.4 Lorraine is a 14-year-old girl who knows when she is studying she needs to monitor her comprehension. Lorraine is employing ________ skills. a. b. c. d.

hypothetically-deductive sarcastic metacognitive reductionist

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 73 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. metacognitive. TB_03_14_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.4 Margaret comes to class with a new hair color (orange) and her best friend thinks the look is awful. She scoffs, looks at Margaret, and says "nice hair." Margaret smiles and thanks her friend, missing the negative intention of the comment. Margaret has failed to understand a. b. c. d.

automaticity. sarcasm. metacognition. a metaphor.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 74 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. sarcasm. TB_03_15_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.5 Imagine you wrote a brilliant paper that discussed the "extensive individual differences in formal operations." Your view would be contrary to a. Jean Piaget. b. Robert Sternberg. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Howard Gardner. d. Alfred Binet. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 74 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Jean Piaget. TB_03_16_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.5 If Dr. Phil was a Piagetian psychologist, he would most likely believe which of the following statements? a. b. c. d.

Development is based on the accumulated experience of humankind. Genetics is the single driving force behind intelligence. Everyone attains the same cognitive stages at about the same ages. The culture you live in will impact your unique developmental trajectory.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 74 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Everyone attains the same cognitive stages at about the same ages. TB_03_17_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Analyze_3.5 Which statement most accurately represents modern conceptions of formal operational thought? Adolescents and adults tend to apply formal operational thought a. b. c. d.

to all situations they encounter. only with regards to scholastic or academic areas. to situations where they have the most experience. to no areas of their lives.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 75 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. to situations where they have the most experience. TB_03_18_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.5 Thirty-one-year-old Paul loves bikes. He is constantly in his garage fixing bikes and on the mountain trails riding them. When faced with bike problems, Paul will most likely apply a. b. c. d.

sensorimotor reasoning. preoperational thought. concrete operational thought. formal operational reasoning.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 75 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. formal operational reasoning. TB_03_19_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.5 Darlene and Geoff are both taking math classes at Westgate High School. Darlene is in a class where her teacher is constantly doing "hands on" projects with the class. Geoff's teacher simply lectures and assigns homework. Who is more likely to exhibit formal operational thinking? a. b. c. d.

Geoff Darlene both neither

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 75 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Darlene TB_03_20_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Apply_3.5 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank The best way to test the potential for formal operational reasoning in most cultures is to a. b. c. d.

administer an IQ test and score the results. tailor the problem to the children's daily lives. give students the Piagetian pendulum problem to solve. provide a universal task or problem for each child to solve.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 75-76 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. tailor the problem to the children's daily lives. TB_03_21_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Analyze_3.5 One of the limitations of Piagetian theory is the a. b. c. d.

inability to operationalize and evaluate stages. need for a stage-like explanation for development. neglect of the cultural basis of cognitive development. lack of metacognition.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 75 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. neglect of the cultural basis of cognitive development. TB_03_22_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.5 According to the text, one positive benefit of Inuit children attending school has been to a. b. c. d.

raise their intelligence. assimilate to the majority culture. gain autonomy from their parents. allow a greater range of opportunities.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 76 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. allow a greater range of opportunities. TB_03_23_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Understand_3.6 The primary purpose of pragmatism is to enhance logical thinking with an awareness of a. b. c. d.

practical constraints of real-life situations. academic and scholastic tasks of the majority culture. the development of the imaginary audience and personal fable. the advent of information processing as an explanation of cognition.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 77 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. practical constraints of real-life situations. TB_03_24_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Apply_3.6 Suppose you wrote a profound paper on dialectical thought. You would most likely conclude young adults develop an awareness that most problems a. b. c. d.

have all crucial pieces of information present. are complex and don't have a single solution. have a single perspective to analyze the solution set. have only two sides which are completely at odds with one another.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 77 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. are complex and don't have a single solution. TB_03_25_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Remember_3.7 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

According to the textbook, reflective judgment is the a. b. c. d.

capacity to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence. ability to monitor one's own thoughts and cognition. foundation of crystallized and fluid intelligence. logical precursor to behavioral decision theory.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 78 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. capacity to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence. TB_03_26_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Understand_3.7 In contrast to emerging adults, adolescents and first-year college students tend to engage in a. b. c. d.

absolute performance assessment. socialized cognition. dualistic thinking. optimistic yet conservative biases.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 78 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. dualistic thinking. TB_03_27_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Remember_3.7 According to Perry (1970/1999), what order are the stages of reflective judgment? a. b. c. d.

multiple thinking, dualistic thinking, commitment commitment, relativism, dualistic thinking relativism, commitment, multiple thinking multiple thinking, relativism, commitment 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 78 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. multiple thinking, relativism, commitment TB_03_28_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Apply_3.7 Cam and Sue are young college students discussing capital punishment. While they disagree on their views, Sue understands the merits of Cam's position and recognizes its legitimacy. What stage of reflective judgment would Sue be displaying? a. b. c. d.

relativism multiple thinking dualistic thinking commitment

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 78 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. relativism TB_03_29_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Remember_3.6 A recent study completed by Peng and Nisbett (1999) which focused on dialectical thinking found that what culture tended to promote this type of thinking more than others? a. b. c. d.

American Korean German Chinese

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 78 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: d. Chinese TB_03_30_The Information-Processing Approach_Understand_3.8 New models of information processing have moved away from what analogy? a. b. c. d.

innate learning like mammals the mind as a simple computer social networks as spider webs never forgetting how to ride a bike

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 79 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. the mind as a simple computer TB_03_31_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.8 Suppose you were a participant in a study on the original information processing theory of cognition. Your thought processes would be understood by comparing them to the a. b. c. d.

genetics of your parents. actions of a primate. other people in your age category. functions of a computer.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 79 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. functions of a computer. TB_03_32_The Information-Processing Approach_Analyze_3.8 What do information processing and the componential approach have in common? a. They are both components of crystallized intelligence. b. They were both developed by Robert Sternberg. 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. They both break down the thinking process into separate processes. d. They have nothing in common. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 79 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. They both break down the thinking process into separate processes. TB_03_33_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.8 What are the three separate capacities in the information processing model? a. b. c. d.

attention, processing, and memory storing, retrieving, and attention retrieving, attention, and processing storing, attention, and retrieving

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 79 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. attention, processing, and memory. TB_03_34_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.9 While Lynn is trying to read a book, her daughter Jennifer is listening to loud music in the same room. In order for Lynn to concentrate on her book, she needs to employ a. b. c. d.

divided attention. processing capacity. short-term memory. selective attention.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 80 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.9 Compare and contrast selective attention and divided attention. Skill: Apply What You Know 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: d. selective attention. TB_03_35_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.9 Which of the following individuals provides the best example of divided attention? a. b. c. d.

Kelly, who is listening to a lecture and trying not to fall asleep Jay, who is listening to Lady Gaga while studying for a math test Paul, who is trying to eat dinner while his little sister is playing Nintendo Shannon, whose computer won't boot up and she's trying to find the problem

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 80 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.9 Compare and contrast selective attention and divided attention. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Jay, who is listening to Lady Gaga while studying for a math test TB_03_36_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.10 There are two types of short-term memory: one type is involved in the input and storage of new information, the other type of short-term memory is known as ________ memory. a. b. c. d.

selective retrieval working divided

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. working TB_03_37_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.10 From about 16 years of age and forward, the average capacity of short-term memory is about ________ units of information. a. 5 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. 9 c. 7 d. 16 Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 7 TB_03_38_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.10 In order to remember his grocery list, 12-year-old Andy organizes the list into food groups (i.e., dairy, grains, junk food). Andy is using a. b. c. d.

his fluid intelligence. a mnemonic device. his metacognition. adolescent egocentrism.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. a mnemonic device. TB_03_39_The Information-Processing Approach_Analyze_3.10 The advantage of mnemonic devices is that they a. b. c. d.

make remembering more effective. help automate processing. get you hooked on phonics. contribute to dualistic thinking.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. make remembering more effective. TB_03_40_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.11 Processing speed in adolescents is a. b. c. d.

faster than in children. slower than in children. the same as in children. organized completely differently than in children.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. faster than in children. TB_03_41_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.11 The more automatic a cognitive task is, the a. b. c. d.

more capacity of working memory is needed. slower you are able to complete the task. faster you are able to complete the task. more processing is needed.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. faster you are able to complete the task. TB_03_42_The Information-Processing Approach_Understand_3.11 It is reasonable to conclude that as automaticity decreases, what increases? a. cognitive effort b. processing capacity 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. divided attention d. processing speed Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. cognitive effort TB_03_43_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.11 Fifteen-year-old Donny can read his math textbooks quickly. His little sister, Marie, also reads her math books, but it takes her longer and she stumbles over some words. Donny is demonstrating greater a. b. c. d.

abstract thinking. metacognition. hypothetical deduction. automaticity.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. automaticity. TB_03_44_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.11 Concerning the automaticity of problem solving, the biggest difference between 9-year-old Charlie and his 50-year-old father, Martin, is that a. b. c. d.

Charlie's problem solving is more automatic. Martin's problem solving is more automatic. both are the same. one could not draw conclusions based on their ages.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank functioning develops in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Martin's problem solving is more automatic. TB_03_45_The Information-Processing Approach_Analyze_3.12 One of the major limitations of the information-processing approach to explaining cognitive development is its use of a. b. c. d.

pragmatism. reductionism. divisionism. anthropomorphism.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 83 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. reductionism. TB_03_46_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.12 Imagine you are a brilliant scholar writing about the limitations of the informationprocessing approach. Your major argument is based on the reductionist nature of the theory. You would be arguing that information processing a. compartmentalizes intelligence testing. b. fails to consider the importance of attention. c. fails to consider the whole of thought by examining the individual pieces of cognition. d. does not develop a strong metaphor for cognition. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 83 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. fails to consider the whole of thought by examining the individual pieces of cognition

20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_03_47_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.12 During the 18th and 19th centuries, females were most likely to a. b. c. d.

not be permitted to attend colleges or universities. receive a higher education. not attend school at all. be home schooled.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 84 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. not be permitted to attend colleges or universities. TB_03_48_The Information-Processing Approach_Apply_3.12 Mrs. Beal's daughter, Ollie, wants to attend college. Ollie's family lives in Boston in the early 1800s. Most people in Ollie's neighborhood feel that Ollie should a. b. c. d.

attend college because women are considered intellectually superior to men. attend college and become a lawyer. not attend college because she lacks scientific superiority. not attend college because it would spoil her femininity.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 84 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. not attend college because it would spoil her femininity. TB_03_49_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.12 In the 19th century, some prominent scientists concluded that women were intellectually inferior because they had a. b. c. d.

not benefited from higher education. smaller brains. fewer teeth. fewer synaptic connections. 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 85 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. smaller brains. TB_03_50_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Apply_3.13 Little Alvin is in his room playing with his chemistry set, which he is using to learn the materials in his science textbook. He is constantly making judgments and considering how his experiments are progressing. Alvin's mother knows Alvin is using a. b. c. d.

perspective taking. critical thinking skills. short-term memory. mnemonic devices.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 85 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. critical thinking skills. TB_03_51_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Analyze_3.13 According to the textbook, both American and Asian secondary schools do a rather poor job of promoting a. b. c. d.

cognition. rote memorization. critical thinking. socialization.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 86 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Skill: Analyze It 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: c. critical thinking. TB_03_52_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Understand_3.13 Which statement best characterizes the current climate in American high schools? a. b. c. d.

Schools tend to embrace the teachings of Gardner and Piaget. Schools tend to promote postformal reasoning to prepare students for college. Schools promote critical thinking, creativity, and divergent thinking. Schools promote rote learning and memorization of concrete facts.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 86 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Schools promote rote learning and memorization of concrete facts. TB_03_53_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Understand_3.14 Why do most states in the United States still treat adolescents differently when they commit a crime? a. b. c. d.

Fewer adolescents commit crimes and therefore those who do need counseling. Adolescents commit less serious crimes, so the justice system should reflect this. Adolescents are not held to be as responsible for their actions as adults are. More adolescents lie.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 86 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Adolescents are not held to be as responsible for their actions as adults are. TB_03_54_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Understand_3.14 According to the text, one possible explanation of why adolescents and adults differ in decision making is because mature decision making requires both 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

short-term and long-term memory. fluid and crystallized intelligence. behavioral and social cognition. cognitive and psychosocial factors.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 87 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. cognitive and psychosocial factors. TB_03_55_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Apply_3.14 Helen is a young adolescent at a rave. Helen's date, John, is trying to convince Helen to try Ecstasy. All John's friends are pressuring Helen. If Helen decides to try the drug, it may be due in part to a. b. c. d.

the fact that Helen understands the medicinal merits. her metacognitive development. the desire to be accepted by peers. her being at a rave instead of a party.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 87 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. the desire to be accepted by peers. TB_03_56_Social Cognition_Apply_3.16 Elaine is talking to her friends Mike and Jeremy. As the friends discuss their first day of third grade, Mr. Kramer notices Elaine is more interested in talking about herself. This is an example of her lack of a. b. c. d.

social cognition. critical thinking. automaticity. perspective taking.

Difficulty: 3 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 88 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. perspective taking. TB_03_57_Social Cognition_Apply_3.16 "I know that while I think capital punishment is wrong, Jack has a different view. I understand that Jack has reasons for why he disagrees with me," said Geoff to his wife Darlene. Geoff's statement provides an excellent example of a. b. c. d.

mutual perspective taking. dualistic thinking. concrete operational thought. conventional analyses.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 88 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. mutual perspective taking. TB_03_58_Social Cognition_Apply_3.16 Kyle knows that while torching his own car for the insurance may not physically injure any one person, it does create an effect of contributing to the rising costs of car insurance. As a result, he does not take this action. Kyle is demonstrating a. b. c. d.

advanced social cognitive reasoning. conventional system perspective taking. information processing. mutual perspective taking.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 88 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. conventional system perspective taking. 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_03_59_Social Cognition_Remember_3.17 The term “adolescent egocentrism” refers to an adolescents' beliefs that a. b. c. d.

they will score high on the next IQ test. their own thoughts are distinct from those of everyone else. everyone is watching and judging them. they are the smartest and brightest in their class.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 89 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. their own thoughts are distinct from those of everyone else. TB_03_60_Social Cognition_Understand_3.17 The imaginary audience phenomenon is based on the lack of distinction between adolescents' thoughts about themselves and a. b. c. d.

their actual IQ scores. how media portrays their age group. how they act in public. others' thoughts about them.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 90 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. others' thoughts about them. TB_03_61_Social Cognition_Apply_3.17 Mrs. Nichol is trying to explain to her son that everyone has bad hair days and it's not the end of the world. Jack refuses to leave the house because he knows the humiliation he will endure will go on for months. This shows an example of a. perspective taking. 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. pragmatic realism. c. personal fable. d. imaginary audience. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 90 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. imaginary audience. TB_03_62_Social Cognition_Apply_3.17 Bob and his friends have developed a new game. After school, they all climb aboard a freight train, and when it crosses the river, they dive off the top of the box cars into the water. This dangerous behavior is best explained by the a. b. c. d.

personal fable. imaginary audience. metacognition. satire.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 90 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. personal fable. TB_03_63_Social Cognition_Understand_3.17 The personal fable is built upon what concept? a. b. c. d.

optimistic bias prosocial behavior imaginary audience reductionism

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 90 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. imaginary audience TB_03_64_Social Cognition_Remember_3.17 According to the text, optimistic bias is defined as a. the gap between what children and adolescents can accomplish alone and what they are capable of doing if guided by a more competent peer. b. the tendency to assume that accidents, diseases, and other misfortunes are more likely to happen to others than ourselves. c. the cognitive process that occurs when a scheme is changed to adapt new information or assimilate prior knowledge. d. an aspect of short-term memory that refers to where information may be influenced by heuristic thinking. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 90-91 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. the tendency to assume that accidents, diseases, and other misfortunes are more likely to happen to others than ourselves. TB_03_65_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Apply_3.18 Jared and his dad are working on Jared's calculus homework. While Jared is quick to respond when he sees information that he learned in class, Jared's dad, Greg, uses his years of experience to figure out the answer. As compared to Greg, Jared possesses better a. b. c. d.

multiple intelligence. fluid intelligence. absolute intelligence. crystallized intelligence.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 93 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. fluid intelligence. 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_03_66_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Apply_3.18 Rupal and her dad are working on Rupal's English homework. While Rupal is quick to respond when she sees information that she learned in class, Rupal's dad, Genoe, uses his years of experience to figure out the answer. As compared to Rupal, Genoe possesses better a. b. c. d.

multiple intelligence. fluid intelligence. absolute intelligence. crystallized intelligence.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 93 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. crystallized intelligence. TB_03_67_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.19 Studies which focus on transracial adoption have shown that African American children raised by White families have a. b. c. d.

low or lower IQs than their White siblings. low or lower IQs than similarly aged Latino children. high or higher IQs than the average IQ for Whites. high or higher IQs than their biological siblings.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 95 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.19 Explain how adoption studies show the expression of genotype → environment effects from childhood through adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. high or higher IQs than the average IQ for Whites. TB_03_68_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.20 Which psychologist is credited with the development of a cultural approach to cognition? a. Howard Gardner b. Alfred Binet c. Jean Piaget 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Lev Vygotsky Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 95-96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Lev Vygotsky TB_03_69_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.20 According to the text, Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development is defined as a. the gap between what children and adolescents can accomplish alone and what they are capable of doing if guided by a more competent peer. b. the tendency to assume that accidents, diseases, and other misfortunes are more likely to happen to others than ourselves. c. the cognitive process that occurs when a scheme is changed to adapt new information or assimilate prior knowledge. d. an aspect of short-term memory that refers to where information may be influenced by heuristic thinking. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. the gap between what children and adolescents can accomplish alone and what they are capable of doing if guided by a more competent peer. TB_03_70_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Apply_3.20 Tony is a 12th-grade boy who is having trouble learning about anatomy. Seeing this, Tony's teacher has asked Gladys, a bright classmate of Tony's, to help him understand the concepts he's having trouble with. Deciding to have Gladys help Tony learn anatomy, the teacher is helping Tony work within his a. b. c. d.

fluid intelligence. absolute performance. zone of proximal development. triarchic theory of intelligence. 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. zone of proximal development. TB_03_71_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Understand_3.20 In order for scaffolding to be successful, what does the teacher need to be aware of? a. b. c. d.

when the student becomes competent at the task he/she is performing how a student's innate intelligence will affect the work he/she will perform the effect of optimistic bias in understanding prior knowledge whether a student has been exposed to dialectical thinking in his/her culture

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. when the student becomes competent at the task he/she is performing TB_03_72_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.20 What does guidance refer to in Rogoff's concept of guided participation? a. b. c. d.

the degree of assistance provided in the zone of proximal development what one is capable of doing if instructed by a more competent peer the accumulated knowledge needed by a competent peer to assist a student the direction offered by cultural and social values as well as social partners

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. the direction offered by cultural and social values as well as social partners

31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_03_73_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.21 Which item is NOT considered one of the multiple types of intelligence proposed by Howard Gardner? a. b. c. d.

logical mathematical interpersonal bodily kinesthetic crystallized

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 97 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.21 List the types of intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligence, and explain the limitations involved in measuring them. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. crystallized TB_03_74_Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_3.22 Overproduction of synaptic connections occurs in many parts of the brain's gray matter but is especially concentrated in the a. b. c. d.

cerebellum. occipital lobe. frontal lobe. corpus callosum.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 99 Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 3.22 Describe the processes of overproduction (or exuberance) and synaptic pruning that take place in the brain during adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. frontal lobe. TB_03_75_Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_3.22 What process functions to keep the brain's electrical signals on one path and increases processing speed? a. myelination b. synaptic processing c. fMRI 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. maturation Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 99 Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. myelination TB_03_76_Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Apply_3.23 Imagine you are a neurological researcher looking at a PET scan of a 16-year-old boy. Compared to the brain scan of an 8-year-old girl, you'd most likely see a. b. c. d.

increased frontal lobe. a larger cerebellum. decreased myelination. a smaller hypothalamus.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 100 Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. a larger cerebellum. True/False TB_03_77_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.1 The two processes involved in the use of schemes are assimilation and analytic thinking. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 70 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_03_78_Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development_Remember_3.5 Cultures that do not have formal schooling have adolescents who are likely to reach formal operational thought. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 75 Topic: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_79_Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking_Understand_3.7 Gains in reflective judgment are due to maturation. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 79 Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. False TB_03_80_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.10 The capacity of long-term memory is limited and information is retained for specific lengths of time. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 81 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_81_The Information-Processing Approach_Understand_3.10 The more information you have in your long-term memory, the more you can assimilate information from the environment and the less accommodation is required. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 82 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True TB_03_82_The Information-Processing Approach_Remember_3.10 Adolescents have more experience and knowledge than children do, which enables them to have more effective long-term memory. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_03_83_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Remember_3.13 Critical thinking develops automatically during adolescence. a. True 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 86 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_84_Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making_Remember_3.13 Asian secondary schools have an especially strong emphasis on critical thinking. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 86 Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_85_Social Cognition_Remember_3.16 Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states to one's self and others. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 89 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_03_86_Social Cognition_Remember_3.17 In a study by Elkind and his associates (Alberts et al., 2007), it was shown that girls had 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank higher reported scores on personal fable and risk behavior. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 90 Topic: Social Cognition Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_87_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.18 The relative performance on IQ tests is very unstable; therefore, people's scores vary depending on when they are tested. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 93 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_88_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.19 According to research done in the 1990s, Black children raised by White families had higher IQs than their White counterparts. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 95 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.19 Explain how adoption studies show the expression of genotype → environment effects from childhood through adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_03_89_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.20 Scaffolding refers to the gap between what adolescents can accomplish alone and what they are capable of doing if guided by an adult or a more competent peer. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 96 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_03_90_The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing_Remember_3.20 Rogoff's concept of guided participation refers to the teaching interaction between people as they participate in culturally-valued activity. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 96-97 Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_03_91_Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_3.22 Overproduction or exuberance occurs only during prenatal development and through the first 18 months of life. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 98-99 Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 3.22 Describe the processes of overproduction (or exuberance) and synaptic pruning that take place in the brain during adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_03_92_The Information-Processing Approach_Analyze_3.10 Compare and contrast short-term and long-term memory. Highlight the similarities and differences and define each. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 81 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Short-term memory: memory for information that is currently the focus of your attention; it has a limited capacity and retains information for a short period of time (30 seconds or less). The more information you have the less efficient shortterm memory is. Working memory is a “mental workbench” where you keep information as you are working on it. • Long-term memory: memory for information that is committed to storage, so you can draw on it even if your attention is not focused on it. Long-term memory has an unlimited capacity, and information is retained indefinitely. The more information you have the more efficient long-term memory is. • Similarities: both improve substantially during adolescence, both are described and detailed as part of information processing; they work together to create human memory. TB_03_93_The Information-Processing Approach_Analyze_3.12 Discuss the limitations of information processing's reliance on a computer as a metaphor for human cognition. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 83-84 Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Skill: Analyze It Answer: The computer metaphor fails to capture the nature of human cognition based on lack of self-reflection -- computers have no capacity to reflect on how their cognitive processes are integrated. They have no awareness -- computers are not aware of their decision-making. They have no emotion -- emotional response is an 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank important part of cognition. Computers also lack metacognition -- computers lack the capacity to be aware and think about their own thinking. TB_03_94_Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood_Remember_3.22 Describe (using examples) what recent research has shown in three areas about brain development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 98-101 Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 3.22 Describe the processes of overproduction (or exuberance) and synaptic pruning that take place in the brain during adolescence; 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence; & 3.24 Summarize how gray and white matter change through emerging adulthood and beyond, and the neurological changes that make emerging adulthood a stage of high potential as well as high risk. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • It is clear that the brain grows a lot more, and a lot differently than we had known in the past. Overproduction peaks at about age 11 or 12, but obviously that is not when our cognitive abilities peak. In the years that follow, a massive amount of synaptic pruning takes place, in which the overproduction of synapses is whittled down considerably. Like overproduction, myelination was previously thought to be over prior to puberty but has now been found to continue through the teens. The cerebellum continues to grow through adolescence and well into emerging adulthood. • The new findings confirm in many ways what we had known from studies using other methods, that adolescents are distinctly different and more advanced in their thinking than children are, but their cognitive development is not yet mature. Their abilities in areas such as making decisions, anticipating the consequences of their actions, and solving complex problems are not as advanced as they will be once they have reached adulthood and their basic brain development is more or less complete. • There are both gains and losses in the course of brain development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. The same neurological changes that make thinking faster and more efficient also make it more rigid and less flexible. TB_03_95_Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development_Analyze_3.1 Describe the differences between Vygotsky's sociocultural approach to cognitive development and Piaget's approach. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 69-70 & 96 Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development & The Psychometric Approach: 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Intelligence Testing Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation; 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Piaget believed that development proceeds from the individual to the social world. Egocentric speech suggests that the child is self-centered and unable to consider the point of view of others. Piaget also maintained that development precedes learning. • Vygotsky believed that development begins at the social level and moves towards individual internalization. Egocentric speech is seen as a transition between the child's learning language in a social communicative context and attempting to internalize it as "private" or "inner speech" (i.e., thoughts). For Vygotsky, learning precedes development. • Both agree that development may be initiated by cognitive conflict. • Like Piaget, Vygotsky believed that children's egocentric speech was an important part of their cognitive development. The two differed in how they viewed the purpose of egocentric speech.

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q3.1 Which of the following best summarizes Piaget’s theory of cognitive development? a. Cognitive development proceeds in distinct stages and progresses with age, in which each stage is organized into a coherent mental structure. b. Cognitive development proceeds in distinct stages and progresses because of environmental stimulation, such that environmental rewards and punishments shape mental development. c. Cognitive development proceeds in a continuous fashion and is limitless, indicating much variability in mental development can exist within ages and is highly dependent on environmental factors. d. Cognitive development proceeds in a continuous fashion but is highly dependent on genetic factors such that mental development will only occur within a restricted range regardless of environmental factors. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.2 The prominent use of imaginative play and difficulty with using mental operations are highly characteristic of youth ages _________ and reflect the _________ stage of cognitive development. a. b. c. d.

2 to 7; preoperational 1 to 3; preoperational 2 to 7; concrete operational 1 to 3; concrete operational

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.2 Outline Piaget’s first three stages of cognitive development. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.3

42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Connor understands that when he pours water from a narrow, plastic bottle into a wide drinking glass, the amount of water remains the same. However, Connor is unable to determine whether the amount of water would remain the same if he poured it into an icecube tray and froze the tray. According to Piaget, Connor is in the _________ stage of cognitive development and is having trouble using hypothetical-deductive reasoning. a. b. c. d.

concrete operations preoperational formal operations sensorimotor

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.3 Explain how formal operations is different from concrete operations. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.4 A researcher is investigating children’s and adolescents’ ability to understand metaphors. Which of the following best reflects an adolescent’s description of the meaning of the saying “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”? a. “When a group of people are working together to solve a problem, every person must contribute strongly for optimal success.” b. “A chain made of steel will be strong and will not have weak links compared to a chain made of plastic.” c. “If you replace weak, plastic links with strong, steel links, a chain will be less likely to break.” d. “If a chain has a weak link, it will be more likely to break.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.5 By taking an automotive class in high school, Samuel is skilled with fixing cars; however, when Samuel is asked to bake a cake in his home economics class, he has no idea where to start. Which major critique of Piaget’s theory is Samuel demonstrating? a. Use of formal operations may be topic specific 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Cultural differences may affect formal operations c. Gender differences may affect formal operations d. Educational differences may affect formal operations Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.6 A researcher is investigating adolescents’ and emerging adults’ ability to engage in pragmatic thinking by asking them to predict what will happen in this scenario: “A man is unhappy with his job and despite having expensive medical bills, he has decided to quit his job if his boss gives him the night shift again. The boss posted the upcoming work schedule, and the man is assigned the night shift. What will the man do?” Which of the following best reflects an adolescent’s prediction? a. The man will quit his job because he said he would if his boss gave him the night shift, which he does not like. b. Despite being unhappy, the man should consider staying in his current job until he finds a new job so he can continue to pay his medical bills. c. The man should talk with his boss to negotiate a work schedule that better fits his needs. d. The man should talk with his coworkers to see if they have experienced similar treatment from the boss, and plan to unionize to protect their rights. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.7 _____________ is the capacity to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence and arguments. a. b. c. d.

Reflective judgment Pragmatism Metacognition Dualistic thinking 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.8 Rather than viewing cognitive development as separated into distinct stages, the information-processing approach views changes in cognition to be _____________. a. b. c. d.

continuous componential unlimited discontinuous

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.9 Kevin is reading his history textbook while watching his favorite TV program. Kevin is engaging in ___________ attention, and this is likely to influence a ___________ performance grade on his history homework. a. b. c. d.

divided; lower selective; lower divided; higher selective; higher

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.9 Compare and contrast selective attention and divided attention. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.10 Chelsea made a new friend at summer camp, and she wants to stay in touch with her friend so they are exchanging phone numbers. Chelsea does not have a piece of paper to write 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank down her friend’s phone number. What type of memory is Chelsea using to remember the phone number? a. b. c. d.

Short-term memory Long-term memory Episodic memory Explicit memory

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.11 When James was in the third grade, he used a technique involving his fingers to help him remember the multiplication table for the number nine. Now that James is in the fifth grade, he no longer needs to use the finger technique and is fast and accurate with all of his times tables. What aspect of information processing has James developed? a. b. c. d.

Automaticity Executive functioning Selective attention Divided attention

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.12 Which of the following best summarizes the critique that the information-processing approach is reductionist? a. The information-processing approach fails to consider how human cognition works as a whole rather than as a set of isolated parts. b. The information-processing approach fails to consider how human emotions may influence cognitive functioning. c. Because computers have such incredibly fast processing speeds, they are not the best representative for human cognitive functioning. 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Because computer technology is exponentially advancing, computers are not the best representative for human cognitive functioning. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.13 Which of the following best exemplifies a classroom characteristic that promotes the development of critical-thinking skills among adolescents in secondary school? a. Johnny is pouring together different materials, such as water, sand, oil, and chalk, and making hypotheses about the properties of the resulting mixtures for his science project. b. Maggie is memorizing and reciting the Gettysburg Address for her history project. c. Grace is writing down facts about the planet Mercury for her science project. d. Michael is practicing for the spelling championship by repeating the spelling of the top 10 commonly misspelled words. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.14 According to research on decision making, even though adolescents may demonstrate similar decision-making abilities as adults, they are likely to make different decisions than adults because they are _____________ influenced by psychosocial factors such as ___________. a. b. c. d.

more; peers more; laws less; peers less; laws

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.15 Advances in cognitive development facilitate understanding complexities in family and peer relationships during adolescence, including the ability to have empathy for a sibling or friend who is undergoing a difficult challenge such as bullying. This example highlights cognitive development as a(n) _____________ that affects all other areas of thinking. a. b. c. d.

organizational core network core maturational core social core

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.15 Explain what social cognition is and what it means to say it functions as an “organizational core.” Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.16 According to Selman’s theory of perspective taking, __________ perspective taking develops during early adolescence, which includes the ability to understand that a third-person perspective exists. a. b. c. d.

mutual singular social conventional

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.17 Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescents’ experiences of the imaginary audience?

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. Becky is going to prom, but she is quite upset because she has developed a pimple on her forehead and is afraid everyone at the prom will notice it and make fun of her. b. Taylor is obsessed with a famous pop star and fantasizes about meeting the star and getting to hang out with her for a day. c. Tyrone likes to drag race his car down a stretch of highway that is steep and windy, and while some of his friends have been in accidents, he feels confident that he will not wreck. d. Louis is a talented musician who has won a few competitions, and thinks that he does not need to achieve in school because he is going to become a famous singer. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.18 Timmy is 14 years old and is going to take a test to evaluate his cognitive abilities and determine how his overall intelligence quotient compares to other adolescents his age. Most likely Timmy will take the _____________, which reflects the _____________, approach for measuring intelligence. a. b. c. d.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V); psychometric Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V); psychoanalytic Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-V); psychometric Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-V); psychoanalytic

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.19 Likely because of a gradual increase in _________ genotype → environment interactions, by the time adopted children reach adolescence, the correlation between their IQs and the IQs of their adoptive parents has _________. a. active; declined b. active; increased c. passive; declined 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. passive; increased Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.19 Explain how adoption studies show the expression of genotype → environment effects from childhood through adolescence. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.20 Mario is taking a home economics class and is a novice at cooking. For his final project, he must successfully bake and compile a three-layer cake. According to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development, which of the following scenarios best reflects how Mario would be able to achieve this task? a. At first, Mario’s teacher should provide him with substantial direct instruction on baking, and as he gains knowledge and skills with baking, his teacher should gradually remove assistance. b. Mario’s teacher should constantly monitor his every baking activity and provide detailed feedback on all of his cooking skills throughout the entire duration of the class. c. In general, Mario’s teacher should not provide him with any cooking instructions because he needs to learn how to be independent in the kitchen. d. Even though Mario’s friends in the class are also inexperienced bakers, he should only ask them for help because they can learn from their cooking mistakes together. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.21 Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences includes nine types of intelligence. Which of the following types of intelligence reflects skills regarding empathy, interaction, and understanding with other people? a. b. c. d.

Interpersonal Intrapersonal Existential Linguistic 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.21 List the types of intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligence, and explain the limitations involved in measuring them. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.22 During early adolescence the brain undergoes a considerable thickening of synaptic neural connections that is called ____________, and this process is concentrated in the ____________ lobes of the brain. a. b. c. d.

overproduction; frontal overproduction; temporal myelination; frontal myelination; temporal

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.22 Describe the processes of overproduction (or exuberance) and synaptic pruning that take place in the brain during adolescence. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q3.23 How does myelination, the development of the fatty sheath around brain neurons, influence cognition during adolescence? a. The myelin sheath insulates neurons and enables faster and more clear transmission of electrical signals, which enhances executive functioning during adolescence. b. The myelin sheath becomes thick and fatty during the pubertal process and can slow neural connections, which reduces executive functioning during adolescence. c. Myelination increases the production of the brain’s grey matter, or neurons, which thus promote advancements in cognitive development during adolescence. d. Myelination is the last component of brain development during adolescence and is primarily responsible for functions such as mathematics, music, and even social skills. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence. 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q3.24 Which of the following best summarizes the changes in grey and white matter that take place during emerging adulthood? a. During emerging adulthood, the proportion of grey matter decreases and white matter increases so that the brain’s processing becomes even more efficient. b. During emerging adulthood, the proportion of grey and white matter both increase at an equal rate, which makes the brain less vulnerable to mental disorders. c. During emerging adulthood, the proportion of grey and white matter both increase at an equal rate, which makes the brain more vulnerable to mental disorders. d. During emerging adulthood, the proportion of grey matter increases and white matter decreases so that the brain’s processing becomes even more efficient. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.24 Summarize how gray and white matter change through emerging adulthood and beyond, and the neurological changes that make emerging adulthood a stage of high potential as well as high risk. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.1.1 Cory is a sophomore in high school. He just finished taking Algebra and will take Geometry during his junior year. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, because of Cory’s Algebra foundation, some of the Geometry concepts will be familiar and he will be able to use ________ to incorporate them into his existing math scheme. However, many of the Geometry concepts will be brand new and he will have to use ________ to develop new aspects of his math scheme. a. b. c. d.

assimilation; accommodation assimilation; maturation accommodation; assimilation accommodation; maturation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.1 Explain the principles of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, including mental structures, maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation. 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.1.2 Learning how to coordinate the activities of the senses with motor activities is highly characteristic of youth ages _________ and reflects the _________ stage of cognitive development. a. b. c. d.

0 to 2; sensorimotor 2 to 4; sensorimotor 0 to 2; preoperational 2 to 4; preoperational

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.2 Outline Piaget’s first three stages of cognitive development. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.1.3 For her science project, Kara is investigating what type of environment influences the most amount of mold growth on bread. Kara knows there are multiple environmental variables that can influence mold growth, such as exposure to sunlight, moisture, and air. To determine which combination of variables influences the most mold growth on bread, Kara changes one variable at a time and then measures the mold on the bread. According to Piaget, what type of reasoning is Kara using? a. b. c. d.

Hypothetical-deductive reasoning Assimilation reasoning Accommodation reasoning Mental operations reasoning

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.3 Explain how formal operations is different from concrete operations. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.1.4

53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Darren is studying for his upcoming 11th-grade history test on 20th-century America. Which of the following best reflects a metacognitive strategy that Darren might use while studying? a. Pausing at the end of each chapter section on 20th-century America to mentally identify the main concepts b. Listening to music by composers from 20th-century America while reading his history textbook c. Memorizing as many facts as possible about America in the 20th century d. Memorizing the information his history teacher said would be on the test about 20th-century America Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe how thinking in adolescence becomes more abstract and complex, using metacognition, metaphor, and sarcasm as examples. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.1.5 Researchers critiquing Piaget’s theory have speculated about the extent to which cultures differ in whether their members reach formal operations at all. Which of the following statements best reflects Piaget’s response to this critique? a. Piaget suggested that even though all people have the potential for formal operational thinking, they apply it first to areas in which their culture has provided them with the most experience. b. Piaget suggested that because certain cultures do not have formal schooling, the absence of this education will limit the development of formal operations. c. Piaget suggested that formal operations will only be used in cultures that are scientifically advanced because science requires utilization of hypotheticaldeductive reasoning. d. Piaget suggested that because formal operations require so much effort and time, all cultures are limited in the number of members who can achieve formal operations. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.5 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s theory, and Piaget’s response. Topic: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.2.1 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Research by Labouvie-Vief on postformal thinking has found that emerging adulthood brings about an awareness of how social and situational factors must be taken into account when problem solving in real life, which is called __________. a. b. c. d.

pragmatism practicalism realism skepticism

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.2.2 Research by Basseches on the development of postformal thinking has found that emerging adults develop an awareness that problems often have no clear solution and that two opposing points of view may each have merit, which is called _____________. a. b. c. d.

dialectical thought binary thought dualistic thought twofold thought

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.6 Describe pragmatism and how it affects thinking from adolescence to adulthood. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.2.3 Tanner is a freshman in high school and believes that the drinking age should be lowered to 18. His parents argue that there is sound evidence for why the drinking age should remain 21, and show him numerous articles that support their beliefs. Tanner thinks his parents are completely wrong and are just trying to control him. In which stage of reflective judgement is Tanner operating? a. b. c. d.

Dualistic thinking Multiple thinking Relativism Commitment 55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.2.4 Kelly recently graduated from college and is out with friends. The conversation turns to cosmetics, and Kelly tells her friends that she no longer purchases any cosmetics that test their products on animals. In fact, she says she believes all animal testing is wrong, even when such testing can lead to drug advances for currently incurable diseases. She listens to her friends’ counter-arguments and understands their points of view, but she still feels that her view is the most valid. In which stage of reflective judgment is Tanner operating? a. b. c. d.

Commitment Dualistic thinking Multiple thinking Relativism

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.2.5 Research on Perry’s theory of reflective judgment has found that although significant gains are made in emerging adulthood, these gains tend to be more a result of _________ than of maturation. a. b. c. d.

educational influences genetic influences peer influences media influences

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.7 Describe reflective judgment and the difference between dualistic thinking and multiple thinking. Topic: Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood: Postformal Thinking Difficulty: 2 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q3.3.1 Contrary to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the information-processing approach is discontinuous and instead focuses on the components of thinking that are integral to cognition across the life span. The two components of the thinking process that the information-processing approach focuses on are _________ and _________. a. b. c. d.

attention; memory attention; assimilation memory; assimilation assimilation; accommodation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.8 Identify how the information-processing approach differs from Piaget’s cognitive-developmental approach. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.3.2 __________ attention is the ability to focus on relevant information while screening out information that is irrelevant, and adolescents tend to be __________ than preadolescent children at tasks that require this kind of attention. a. b. c. d.

Selective; better Divided; better Selective; worse Divided; worse

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.9 Compare and contrast selective attention and divided attention. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.3.3 Max is studying for a science test on the planets. To remember the order of the planets, he is repeating the following “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.” The first letter for each word in this phrase stands for a planet, such that it begins with Mercury and ends with Neptune. What type of memory strategy is Max using? a. Mnemonic device 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Hierarchy technique c. Cramming d. Metacognition Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.10 Distinguish between short-term, long-term, and working memory, and explain how adolescents use mnemonic devices. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.3.4 Adolescents are better than children at integrating cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, planning, and reasoning. This skill is called ____________, and an example of it is ____________. a. b. c. d.

executive functioning; driving a car automaticity; driving a car executive functioning; adding automaticity; adding

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.11 Give an example of automaticity, and explain how executive functioning develops in adolescence. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.3.5 Researchers critiquing the information-processing approach have found that adolescents and emerging adults placed in situations that elicit a high level of ___________ are ___________ likely to engage in advanced reasoning. a. b. c. d.

emotions; less boredom; less emotions; more boredom; more

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.12 Summarize critiques of the information-processing approach. Topic: The Information-Processing Approach Difficulty: 1 58 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q3.4.1 _____________ involves recognizing the opportunity to analyze information, making judgments about what it means, relating it to other information, and considering how it might be valid or invalid. a. b. c. d.

Critical thinking Metacognition Reflective judgment Dialectical thinking

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.4.2 According to cognitive psychologist Daniel Keating, critical-thinking skills do not develop automatically in adolescence. Which of the following is necessary to occur during adolescence to increase the likelihood that youth will develop the utilization of critical thinking? a. Exposure to an educational environment that promotes and values criticalthinking skills b. Exposure to an educational environment that promotes and values rote memorization c. Exposure to an educational environment that is structured so that one teacher lectures to a large group of students d. Exposure to an educational environment that is structured so that students are encouraged to achieve a 100 on every test Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.13 Describe the features of critical thinking in adolescence and how it can best be promoted in schools. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.4.3 A researcher is investigating decision-making skills in adolescence by asking groups of 4th, 8th, and 12th graders to identify risks associated with dropping out of high school. 59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank According to behavioral decision theory, which of the following is likely to be a result of this study? a. Twelfth graders were able to identify the most risks associated with dropping out of high school, including consequences such as limiting future career opportunities. b. Eighth graders were able to identify an equal amount of risks associated with dropping out of high school as fourth graders, including the basic consequence of not earning a high school diploma. c. Fourth graders were able to identify an equal amount of risks associated with dropping out of high school as 12th graders, including the basic consequence of not earning a high school diploma. d. Eighth graders were able to identify the most risks associated with dropping out of high school, including consequences such as limiting future career opportunities. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.4.4 According to behavioral decision theory, there are five steps to the decision-making process. First, there is identification of the range of possible choices. Which of the following is the second step in the decision-making process? a. Identifying the consequences that would result from each choice b. Integrating information gained from evaluation of consequences to make a decision c. Evaluating the desirability of each consequence d. Assessing the likelihood of each consequence Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.4.5

60 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank The fact that youth in America must be 18 years of age to vote, make independent decisions about medical treatments, and enter into legally binding contracts, reflects which of the following research findings about decision making? a. Early adolescents are less skilled than late adolescents or emerging adults at identifying and evaluating the consequences of a wide range of possible choices. b. Because 18 is the age at which most youth complete high school, it follows that 18 should be the age at which independent decision making is allowed. c. Adolescents and emerging adults are equally skilled at identifying and evaluating the consequences of a wide range of possible choices. d. Adolescents and emerging adults are equally skilled at identifying and evaluating and integrating information to make decisions. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.14 Explain how decision-making abilities change in the course of adolescence, including with respect to judging risks. Topic: Practical Cognition: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.5.1 _____________ is the term for the way we think about other people, relationships, and institutions. a. b. c. d.

Social cognition Relational cognition Institutional cognition Personal cognition

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.15 Explain what social cognition is and what it means to say it functions as an “organizational core.” Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.5.2 Which of the following scenarios best reflects research on adolescent perspective taking, prosocial behavior, and peer relationships? a. Karen has many friends because she is a good listener, is empathic, and is kind and considerate. b. Bobby has many friends because he excels at sports and was awarded the most valuable player of his soccer team. 61 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Jameson has many friends because he is funny and was awarded the class comedian of his sophomore class. d. Abby has many friends because she wears fashionable clothes and educates her classmates about runway designers. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.5.3 Which of the following best reflects adolescents’ development of theory of mind? a. Jack is able to describe in detail his parents’ thoughts and feelings about their marriage. b. Francis is able to describe in detail her thoughts and feelings about her future educational aspirations. c. Harry is able to describe in detail his thoughts and feelings about his body image. d. Mary is able to describe in detail her thoughts and feelings about her relationships with her friends. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.16 Chart the stages of Selman’s theory of perspective taking and explain how “theory of mind” is related to perspective taking. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.5.4 Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescents’ experiences of the personal fable? a. Tyler does not care about doing well in school because he believes he will become a professional basketball player in the NBA, given he was recently awarded the most valuable player of his high school team and was also featured in the town newspaper as a star athlete. b. Marian spilled ketchup on her t-shirt during lunch and is extremely embarrassed, so she tries to hide the red stain by wearing a jacket so that none of her classmates will notice. c. Stuart does not own a pair of Nike brand shoes, which are popular at his school, and when he wears his non-Nike shoes and hears someone giggling he is convinced they are laughing at him because he isn’t wearing Nike shoes. 62 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Laura is obsessed with having the best social media profile picture, so she had her make-up done by a professional stylist and then had pictures taken by a professional photographer. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.5.5 A researcher is investigating optimistic bias among adolescents and adults by administering a survey on smoking risks. An item on the survey is “I could smoke for a few years and then quit if I want to,” and participants respond to the item on a scale that ranges from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). What is likely to be a finding from this study, and why? a. The majority of adolescents are likely to Strongly Agree (score of 5) with this item because they do not believe they will ultimately die from smoking because they think they will not become addicted. b. The majority of adolescent smokers are likely to Strongly Disagree (score of 1) with this item because they have been educated about smoking risks through their health classes at school. c. Adults and adolescents are equally likely to Strongly Agree (score of 5) with this item because both believe they will not succumb to the addictive properties of nicotine. d. Nearly all adults will Strongly Disagree (score of 1) with this item because they have the cognitive abilities to predict the long-term health consequences associated with becoming addicted to smoking. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.17 Describe how the imaginary audience and the personal fable reflect adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Social Cognition Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q3.6.1 Which of the following could be an item from a Verbal subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-V)? a. Describing similarities between computers and cell phones b. Arranging blocks into a geometrical pattern that is displayed on a card 63 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Completing pictures where something is missing d. Matching numbers and symbols Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.6.2 _______ intelligence refers to mental abilities that involve speed of analyzing, processing, and reacting to information, and this type of intelligence tends to _______ in emerging adulthood. a. b. c. d.

Fluid; peak Crystallized; peak Fluid; stabilize Crystallized; stabilize

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.18 Describe the main way intelligence is assessed. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.6.3 Results from transracial adoption studies have found that, in general, when Black children are raised in adoptive White families, their IQs are as high or higher than the average IQ for Whites. These findings indicate that overall differences in IQ between Whites and African Americans are mostly a result of _________ factors. a. b. c. d.

social class genetic evocative passive

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.19 Explain how adoption studies show the expression of genotype → environment effects from childhood through adolescence. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q3.6.4 64 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank According to Vygotsky’s theory, adolescents learn best if instruction is provided at the ________ of their zone of proximal development and then is gradually removed as competence is developed. This principle of gradually removing direct instruction is known as ________. a. b. c. d.

top; scaffolding top; mentoring bottom; scaffolding bottom; mentoring

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.20 Explain how the zone of proximal development is related to scaffolding in Vygotsky’s theory. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.6.5 Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence has received many criticisms; however, the overarching issue revolves around how intelligence should be defined. Critics of Gardner’s theory assert his definition of intelligence is too _______. a. b. c. d.

broad narrow reductionistic fragmented

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.21 List the types of intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligence, and explain the limitations involved in measuring them. Topic: The Psychometric Approach: Intelligence Testing Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.7.1 Between the ages of 12 and 20, the average brain loses up to ________% of its gray matter through a process called ________. a. b. c. d.

10; synaptic pruning 10; overproduction 3; synaptic pruning 3; overproduction

Answer: a 65 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 3.22 Describe the processes of overproduction (or exuberance) and synaptic pruning that take place in the brain during adolescence. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.7.2 ____________ is the development of a fatty sheath around neurons, and along with synaptic pruning ___________ executive functioning during adolescence. a. b. c. d.

Myelination; increases Overproduction; increases Myelination; decreases Overproduction; decreases

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.7.3 As a result of recent findings from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies, researchers now know that the ________ is the last brain structure to stop growing in emerging adulthood and is involved in higher functions such as development of _________. a. b. c. d.

cerebellum; social skills frontal lobe; social skills cerebellum; posture frontal lobe; posture

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.23 Explain how myelination and changes in the cerebellum enable new cognitive capacities in adolescence. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.7.4 Emerging adults develop enhanced self-control over their emotions because of new connections in the brain between the ____________ and parts of the lower brain that are involved in emotion and motivation. 66 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

prefrontal cortex temporal lobes occipital lobes cerebral cortex

Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.24 Summarize how gray and white matter change through emerging adulthood and beyond, and the neurological changes that make emerging adulthood a stage of high potential as well as high risk. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q3.7.5 Although synaptic pruning during adolescence is a normative biological process that enhances the efficiency and maturity of cognitive skills, recent research has also found that it may be linked to development of mental health disorders during emerging adulthood. Which of the following best summarizes the research on the link between synaptic pruning and mental health disorders? a. Rapid synaptic pruning during adolescence may heighten vulnerability to stress, and thus increase the likelihood of developing mental health disorders in emerging adulthood. b. Rapid synaptic pruning during adolescence may heighten vulnerability to stress, and thus decrease the likelihood of developing mental health disorders in emerging adulthood. c. Slow synaptic pruning during adolescence may heighten vulnerability to stress, and thus increase the likelihood of developing mental health disorders in emerging adulthood. d. Slow synaptic pruning during adolescence may heighten vulnerability to stress, and thus decrease the likelihood of developing mental health disorders in emerging adulthood. Answer: a Learning Objective: 3.24 Summarize how gray and white matter change through emerging adulthood and beyond, and the neurological changes that make emerging adulthood a stage of high potential as well as high risk. Topic: Brain Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 3

67 ..


Chapter 4 Cultural Beliefs

Topic Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence

Religious Beliefs

Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Political Beliefs

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Remember Understand the Facts the Concepts 4-5, 7, 11, 2, 6, 8 16, 18 75-79 91 20, 23-24, 21 26, 28

Apply What You Know 1, 3, 9-10, 12-15,17, 19

Analyze It

31-35, 37, 39, 41, 46 80-83

40, 47

36, 38, 4245, 48

49, 54, 5960 , 65, 67

51, 53, 55, 63

50, 52, 56, 58, 61-62, 66

57, 64




71, 74

22, 25, 27, 29-30

84-85 94 70, 72-73 86-89

1 ..

68 90 95

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_04_01_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.1 Which statement best characterizes the term symbolic inheritance? a. the processes by which people acquire the behaviors and beliefs of the culture they live in b. developing a set of beliefs that serve as a basis for political attitudes c. a set of ideas and understandings, both implicit and explicit, about persons, society, nature, and divinity d. gaining property and personal belongings after the death of a loved one Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 106-107 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.1 Define cultural beliefs and explain how they reflect a culture’s symbolic inheritance. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. a set of ideas and understandings, both implicit and explicit, about persons, society, nature and divinity TB_04_02_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Understand_4.1 Cultural belief systems include the roles that are appropriate for particular persons. What role is NOT a legitimate cultural role? a. b. c. d.

cognitive age-related social status gender

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 107 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.1 Define cultural beliefs and explain how they reflect a culture’s symbolic inheritance. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. cognitive TB_04_03_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.2 Bill is wrestling with his desires. He is tempted to steal a bicycle he saw in an unlocked garage, but he has not yet decided whether or not to do it. Bill's mental dilemma shows us that he is beginning to exert a. role preparation. 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. self-regulation. c. metacognition. d. symbolic inheritance. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 107 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. self-regulation. TB_04_04_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.2 The three outcomes central to the process of socialization are a. b. c. d.

preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional reasoning. custom complex, ontogenetics, and cultural beliefs. self-regulation, role preparation, and sources of meaning. interdependent self, independent self, and group identity.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 108 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. self-regulation, role preparation, and sources of meaning. TB_04_05_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.2 Providing consolation, guidance, and hope to people confronting existential questions defines the concept of a. b. c. d.

self-regulation. role preparation. moral development. sources of meaning.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 108 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. sources of meaning. TB_04_06_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Understand_4.2 According to the text, one important reason why adolescents need to learn self-regulation is to regulate a. b. c. d.

individualism. sexual impulses. political beliefs. moral development.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 108 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. sexual impulses. TB_04_07_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.2 In the Jewish tradition, the bar/bat mitzvah a. b. c. d.

signifies that an adolescent is allowed to drink alcohol. signifies adult participation in religious life. communicates the moral teachings of Kohlberg. takes place at age 21.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 109 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. signifies adult participation in religious life. TB_04_08_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Understand_4.3 The contrast between individualism and collectivism is best captured in a discussion about a. poetic-conventional faith. 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. intelligence. c. variations in cultural beliefs. d. autonomous morality. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 110 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. variations in cultural beliefs. TB_04_09_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.3 Collectivistic cultures promote the development of an interdependent self. If you wanted to research such collectivism by visiting a culture where it is prominent, you would most likely travel to a. b. c. d.

Canada. Germany. Korea. Australia.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 110 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Korea. TB_04_10_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.3 Tish is a 15-year-old girl who believes that everyone should be his or her "own person," make his or her own decisions, and have the freedom to choose a course in life. Of the following, where would Tish most likely live? a. b. c. d.

Japan China Iran Canada

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 110 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Canada TB_04_11_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.4 In a culture characterized by narrow socialization, what traits are highly prized? a. b. c. d.

obedience and conformity individualism and choice intimacy and fidelity complexity and tradition

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 110 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. obedience and conformity. TB_04_12_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.4 If you were writing a research paper about collectivistic and individualistic beliefs, one caution you would have to keep in mind would be a. these categories describe overall tendencies for beliefs, but individual differences exist. b. that diversity can be suppressed for the purposes of clearer explanation. c. to target only those cultures which typify the pure types. d. the level of collectivism or individualism in a culture is uniquely determined by the wealth of that culture's members.. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. these categories describe overall tendencies for beliefs, but individual differences exist. 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_13_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.4 Desi is always striving to be better than his coworkers. He is considered to be very competitive at work, but at home Desi strives to maintain harmony with family members to promote cooperation. After reading Chapter 4, you would conclude a. b. c. d.

we know for certain that Desi lives in Canada. Desi is very young and doesn't know how to act. Desi is a unique individual who is unlike most people. these two drives can coexist in Desi.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. these two drives can coexist in Desi. TB_04_14_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.4 P.J. is a 13-year-old boy who needs to work in order to help feed his family. P.J. feels the pressure to conform to his culture's beliefs. Where does P.J. most likely live? a. b. c. d.

Sweden England Canada Japan

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Japan TB_04_15_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.4 Which statement would originate from an individual who has adopted a strongly positive view on the merits of narrow socialization? a. I think adolescents should conform to our culture's norms. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Morality is a stage-related theory of development. c. I think adolescents should be individuals. d. Cultures set a range of opportunities for development. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. I think adolescents should conform to our culture's norms. TB_04_16_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.5 Which of the following sources of socialization diminish in influence during adolescence? a. b. c. d.

nuclear and extended family school and teachers media and community peers and friends

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.5 Identify the eight sources of socialization and describe the broad and narrow forms each one takes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. nuclear and extended family TB_04_17_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.6 Kakari is an Australian Aborigine child. Kakari likely lives by what set of cultural beliefs? a. b. c. d.

The Koran The Ramadan The Law The Shalshelet

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 112 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.6 Explain how the teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents socialization for cultural beliefs. Skill: Apply What You Know 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: c. The Law TB_04_18_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.6 Australian Aborigine Law does NOT include an explanation of a. b. c. d.

how the world began. the male circumcision ritual. where to hunt and how to prepare food. moral precepts of how interpersonal relations are conducted.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 112-113 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.6 Explain how the teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents socialization for cultural beliefs. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. where to hunt and how to prepare food. TB_04_19_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Apply_4.6 Kev is a young Australian Aborigine who feels the adolescent rituals in his culture are outdated and irrelevant. Kev is probably being influenced by a. b. c. d.

the Law. globalization. moral development. social desirability.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 113 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.6 Explain how the teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents socialization for cultural beliefs. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. globalization. TB_04_20_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Remember_4.8 According to the text, what two disciplines combine to produce the field of cultural psychology? a. psychology and anthropology 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. culture and history c. philosophy and biology d. genetics and development Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 114 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. psychology and anthropology TB_04_21_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Understand_4.8 Which statement best represents the definition of "custom complex"? a. Beliefs based on non-religious values. b. A stage of moral development characterized by a realization of social conventions. c. A pathological fear of other cultures' traditions. d. Normative cultural practices and the beliefs that underlie them. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 114 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Normative cultural practices and the beliefs that underlie them. TB_04_22_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Apply_4.8 Sami is a 15-year-old girl who likes a boy named Nal. Unfortunately in Sami's country, dating is discouraged. Sami and Nal most likely live in a. b. c. d.

Sweden. United States. Austria. Thailand.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank operates in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Thailand. TB_04_23_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Remember_4.8 One Western cultural belief which underlies the practice of dating is that young people should a. b. c. d.

spend time with their families. have a right to decide with whom they are intimate. not have sexual experiences prior to marriage. have a restricted level of leisure time.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. have a right to decide with whom they are intimate. TB_04_24_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Remember_4.9 The Boy Scouts were conceived as a way to overcome the perceived danger of a. b. c. d.

globalization. religious teachings. immigrants. moral decline.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 116 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. moral decline. TB_04_25_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Apply_4.9 Juan is the child of Marta and José. Juan lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his parents and two sisters. Juan is a second generation Latino. According to the text, Juan is more likely than 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank most majority American adolescents to a. b. c. d.

show his independence towards his family. have problems with his sisters. defy his parents. have a strong tie to his family.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. have a strong tie to his family. TB_04_26_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Remember_4.9 According to the text, which statement typically applies to Asian American emerging adults in their beliefs about a key criterion of adulthood? a. b. c. d.

gaining their independence from their parents beginning to date and thinking about marriage becoming capable of financially supporting parents embracing the American majority culture

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. becoming capable of financially supporting parents TB_04_27_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Apply_4.9 Joel was born in the United States and has lived in New York for his entire life. According to the text, what message would Joel likely be exposed to in popular media? a. b. c. d.

collectivism cynicism individualism conservatism

Difficulty: 1 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. individualism TB_04_28_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Remember_4.9 In a study by Feldman et al, (1992), what statement best summarizes the collectivistic value maintained by Chinese adolescents living in Australia or the United States? a. b. c. d.

parents as deregulating influences siblings as moral agents persons as independent entities family as residential unit

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 118 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. family as residential unit TB_04_29_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Apply_4.9 Robyn feels that until she gets married she will live with her parents. As well, Robyn knows when she becomes an adult she will have her aging parents live with her and her husband. From this information, we can conclude that Robyn is most likely a. b. c. d.

an Asian adolescent living in Hong Kong. a White adolescent living in Australia. an Asian adolescent living in the United States. a White adolescent living in Canada.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 118 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. an Asian adolescent living in Hong Kong. 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_30_Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence_Apply_4.9 Simon is a second generation Chinese adolescent living with his mother in Sydney, Australia. Simon wants to be like the teens he sees on television. This is likely to create a. b. c. d.

disequilibrium for Simon. parent-adolescent agreement. parent-adolescent conflict. cultural norm for Simon's mother.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 118 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. parent-adolescent conflict. TB_04_31_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 According to the text, religions typically specify a code for behavior and these codes usually contain rules for a. b. c. d.

self-regulation. family structures. sexuality. education.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. self-regulation. TB_04_32_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 According to the text, which statement about religion is TRUE? a. Religious beliefs are high among European adolescents as well as European senior citizens b. People in developed countries tend to be less religious than people from 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank traditional cultures. c. Most American adolescents don't believe in God and actively deny that such a Being exists. d. Adults tend to be less religious than adolescents but reclaim religiosity as they move to their older years. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. People in developed countries tend to be less religious than people from traditional cultures. TB_04_33_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 According to the text, what developed country has more religious people than virtually any other? a. b. c. d.

France Belgium Canada United States

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. United States TB_04_34_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 The National Survey of Youth and Religion in the U.S., which surveyed over 3,000 adolescents, found what percentage of adolescents believe in God (or a universal spirit)? a. b. c. d.

12% 48% 51% 84%

Difficulty: 3 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 84% TB_04_35_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 A study that investigated religious participation versus how people reported their religious activity concluded that a. b. c. d.

self-reports were lower than participation. the data was inconclusive. self-reports and participation were the same. participation was lower than self-reports.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. participation was lower than self-reports. TB_04_36_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.10 Liam's parents disagree about religious beliefs. Her mother is devout and attends mass twice per week, while her father is an atheist. Her parents’ disagreement is so deep that they no longer discuss religious issues. According to the text, which of the following is most likely? Liam a. b. c. d.

is African American. is less likely to be religious. attends church with her mother. believes in God.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 120 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. is less likely to be religious. 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_37_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 Which of the following statements best embodies a feature of the "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism," according to Smith and Denton (2005)? a. b. c. d.

"Life is nasty, brutish, and short." "God speaks to people in dreams." "Good people go to heaven when they die." "Purgatory is where souls go first."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 120 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. "Good people go to heaven when they die." TB_04_38_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.10 Albert is 17 years old. Albert is not a very religious person. According to the text, what factor(s) may account for Albert's lack of religiosity? a. b. c. d.

Albert's parents disagree about their religious beliefs. Albert's parents are happily married. Albert is Latino. Albert is heterosexual.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 120 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Albert's parents disagree about their religious beliefs. TB_04_39_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 In the American majority culture, adolescents who are more religious report a. higher rates of premarital sex. b. lower rates of delinquent behavior. 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. higher rates of depression. d. lower rates of parental divorce. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 120 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. lower rates of delinquent behavior. TB_04_40_Religious Beliefs_Understand_4.10 How are Ramadan and the Koran related? a. b. c. d.

Ramadan and the Koran are holy rituals practiced by Muslims. Ramadan commemorates the revelation of the Koran. The Koran commemorates the revelation of Ramadan. Ramadan and the Koran are not related.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 120-121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Ramadan commemorates the revelation of the Koran. TB_04_41_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 What country has the largest Muslim population? a. b. c. d.

Indonesia India Pakistan Saudi Arabia

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Indonesia 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_42_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.10 Rani is a young Muslim girl. As Ramadan is approaching, Rani is preparing for her first fast. Knowing this we can conclude a. b. c. d.

Rani is married. Rani has reached menarche. Rani is a preadolescent child. nothing about Rani.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Rani has reached menarche. TB_04_43_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.11 Vaughn is 22 years old. His parents took him to church every Sunday until he was 16 years old. Based on the research presented, now that Vaughn is an emerging adult we would predict that a. b. c. d.

he will attend church less often. his parents no longer attend church. he will not take his children to church. his parents continue to pressure him to attend church.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. he will attend church less often. TB_04_44_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.11 Tanya is a 16-year-old girl living in Salt Lake City. Tanya has attended church regularly for as long as she can remember. Lately she is not attending regularly and only goes to mass on holidays. According to the text, what is one possible reason for Tanya's change? 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

She feels the secular pressure from peers. She no longer believes in God. Her religious observances are now based less on her parents' practices. Sixteen-year-olds aren't welcome in church.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Her religious observances are now based less on her parents' practices. TB_04_45_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.11 Adina tells people that she is Jewish, and she goes to Friday evening services at her temple when she has no other plans. She does not believe in keeping Kosher because she loves to eat bacon, but she does fast for 24 hours during the holiday of Yom Kippur. In the National Study on Youth and Religion, Adina would fit into which category? a. b. c. d.

Religiously indifferent/hostile Spiritually open Committed traditionalists Selective adherents

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 122 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Selective adherents TB_04_46_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.11 According to a study by the Pew Research Center (2012), people in which age group are the most likely to be religiously unaffiliated? a. b. c. d.

18-29 30-49 50-64 65+ 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 122 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. 18-29 TB_04_47_Religious Beliefs_Understand_4.11 Current studies of self-reported participation in religious activities have concluded that self-reports are probably a. b. c. d.

accurate. understated because of social desirability. inflated by social desirability. inaccurate because people have trouble remembering this information.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 123 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. inflated by social desirability. TB_04_48_Religious Beliefs_Apply_4.11 Eighteen-year-old Rebecca was asked in a phone interview if she attends church at least twice a month. She said yes. Rebecca has not attended church twice a month in over 15 years. Why would Rebecca say she regularly attends when she does not? a. b. c. d.

poetic-conventional faith social desirability moral development conventional reasoning

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 123 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. social desirability 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_49_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.12 According to the text, who was the most influential scholar on adolescent moral development? a. b. c. d.

Albert Bandura Lawrence Kohlberg Robert Sternberg Carol Gilligan

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 123 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Lawrence Kohlberg TB_04_50_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.12 If you were a research participant of Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development project, you would be a(n) a. b. c. d.

10-year-old boy. 14-year-old girl. 18-year-old boy. 9-year-old girl.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 123 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. 10-year-old boy. TB_04_51_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.12 Kohlberg's theory of moral development is based on a. how children and adolescents discussed the rules of games. b. whether they thought the person in the moral dilemma was right or wrong. 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. how participants explained their conclusions to dilemma discussions. d. observation of how children interacted with siblings and parents. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 124 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. how participants explained their conclusions to dilemma discussions. TB_04_52_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.12 Giselle reasons at Kohlberg's Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation. What would Giselle be most likely to say about lying? a. b. c. d.

"Lying is OK if there are benefits for me." "Lying is OK if the truth would hurt more." "Lying is wrong because it hurts other people’s feelings." "Lying is wrong because Mommy spanks me when I lie."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 124 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. "Lying is wrong because Mommy spanks me when I lie." TB_04_53_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.12 Kohlberg's Stage 3 (in Level 2) is characterized by a. b. c. d.

reference to social order. care and loyalty to others. avoidance of punishment. an independent moral code.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 124 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Understand the Concepts 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. care and loyalty to others. TB_04_54_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.12 After following his participants for 20 years, Kohlberg found a. b. c. d.

the majority remained in transition. most skipped a stage along the way. all had proceeded to Stage 5. none had reached Stage 6.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 124 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. none had reached Stage 6. TB_04_55_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.12 Which statement best characterizes Kohlberg's conclusions concerning moral development? a. b. c. d.

Moral development is not related to intelligence. People could skip lower stages of moral development. Moral development proceeded unpredictably. Moral development progresses with age.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Moral development progresses with age. TB_04_56_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.12 Mick and Steve are two emerging adults living in Pittsburgh. According to the classification system of Lawrence Kohlberg, Mick's level of moral development is higher than Steve's. If Mick and Steve are the same age, what can we predict about Mick? 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

Steve comes from a middle-class family and Mick from a working class family. Mick has a higher level of education than Steve. Mick has a lower IQ than Steve. There is nothing that explains this phenomenon.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Mick has a higher level of education than Steve. TB_04_57_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Analyze_4.12 According to the text, Kohlberg's theory has been subject to many critiques. One of these is based on ________-related factors. a. b. c. d.

design society gender cognitive

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. gender TB_04_58_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.12 Imagine you wrote a paper that agreed with the gender critique of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. You would most likely have researched the work and writings of a. b. c. d.

Piaget Gilligan Rest Walker

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Gilligan TB_04_59_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.12 According to Carol Gilligan's (1982) critique of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, Kohlberg's theory is biased towards a. b. c. d.

a justice orientation. a care orientation. people who have attained formal operations. a heteronomous orientation.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 15 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. a justice orientation. TB_04_60_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.13 The most extensive and penetrating critique of Kohlberg's model of moral development has been presented by cultural psychologist a. b. c. d.

Carol Gilligan. Richard Shweder. Lawrence Welker. Lene Jensen.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Richard Shweder. TB_04_61_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Applied_4.13 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Based on research examining the cultural accuracy of Kohlberg's model, which of the following statements would be endorsed as being "right" by an adolescent from India? a. b. c. d.

incest behavior occurring between a brother and sister a woman sleeping in the same bed as her husband during her menstrual period a father beating his son for skipping school a 25-year old son addressing his father using the father's first name

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 126 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. a father beating his son for skipping school TB_04_62_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.13 Which statement would be coming from an individual who agrees with the cultural critique of Kohlberg's theory of moral development? a. b. c. d.

Kohlbergian theory disregards the content of moral reasoning. The highest level of moral reasoning is also the most rational. The justice orientation is a middle-class, male-dominated philosophy. The universal ethical principles orientation has been negated.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. The highest level of moral reasoning is also the most rational. TB_04_63_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.13 Shweder's research provided evidence that moral reasoning is not a simple reflection of a person's level of cognitive development. Rather, moral reasoning is rooted in a. b. c. d.

cultural beliefs. social determinants of health. brain development. socioeconomic status.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 125 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. cultural beliefs. TB_04_64_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Analyze_4.13 Another critique of Kohlberg's theory is that in his model, moral reasoning was assessed based on a. b. c. d.

real-life situations. religious precepts. hypothetical situations. adolescent levels of reasoning.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 126 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. hypothetical situations. TB_04_65_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.14 Who developed the worldviews approach to moral reasoning? a. b. c. d.

Gilligan Jensen Bandura Sternberg

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 127 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Jensen TB_04_66_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.14 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Danika is trying to decide the right thing to do. Her friend Lisa wants Danika to accompany her to the clinic where she is scheduled to have an abortion. Danika really wants to support Lisa who is going through a harrowing experience. Ultimately, Danika decides she cannot accompany Lisa because of her religious beliefs. Danika's reasoning focuses on the ethic of a. b. c. d.

Majority. Autonomy. Divinity. Community.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 127 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Divinity. TB_04_67_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.14 Recent research shows that adolescents as well as adults in the United States have moral views related more on the Ethic of ________ than on the other ethics of the worldview model. a. b. c. d.

Majority Autonomy Divinity Community

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 127 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Community. TB_04_68_Political Beliefs_Understand_4.15 What does the development of religious and political thinking in adolescents have in common? a. In both areas, adolescents in Western cultures begin to move toward greater abstraction. b. In both areas, adolescents in Eastern cultures take on an individualistic 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank perspective. c. Religious and political beliefs are not developed until emerging adulthood. d. Cultural beliefs do not affect the development of religious and political beliefs. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 128 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. In both areas, adolescents in Western cultures begin to move toward greater abstraction. TB_04_69_Political Beliefs_Apply_4.15 In terms of political views, Pierre believes that no matter when you steal, you go to jail. His sister Margaret knows that sometimes you may not be punished for stealing. From this we can predict that a. b. c. d.

Margaret is younger. Pierre is younger. the siblings are the same age but Pierre has never stolen anything. Margaret thinks the laws are eternal and unchangeable.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 128 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Pierre is younger. TB_04_70_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.15 In terms of political beliefs, what does "capacity to develop an ideology" mean? a. b. c. d.

a tendency to see laws less as concrete objects and more as social arrangements changes related to the development of formal operational thought developing a set of beliefs that serves as a basis for personal political attitudes understanding that beliefs are about the extent to which human rights should be allowed

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 129 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. developing a set of beliefs that serves as a basis for personal political attitudes TB_04_71_Political Beliefs_Analyze_4.15 Adelson's studies concerning the political development of adolescents was conducted in the United States, Great Britain, and West Germany. What conclusions can be drawn from this? a. b. c. d.

Adelson's model of political development would not apply to Canadians. Adelson's model has a strong cultural basis. Adelson's conclusions may not apply to non-Western cultures. Both Western and Eastern views were portrayed.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 129 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. Adelson's conclusions may not apply to non-Western cultures. TB_04_72_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.16 In a nationwide survey of college freshman in the United States, how many reported they had participated in a political demonstration? a. b. c. d.

28% 50% 63% 81%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 50% 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_04_73_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.16 The "Cultural Revolution" that took place in ________ between 1966 and 1975 was instigated by the head of that country's government, but was carried out almost entirely by emerging adults. a. b. c. d.

Japan Indonesia Yemen China

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. China TB_04_74_Political Beliefs_Analyze It_4.16 Which of the following is a reason why emerging adults tend to have a renewed interest in political action? a. b. c. d.

It is a time when social commitments are at their low point. Involvement in politics can be a strategy toward finding a perspective mate. Many jobs that are being pursued during emerging adulthood involve politics. They may find that making a difference in their community is more interesting now that they are independent.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. It is a time when social commitments are at their low point. True/False TB_04_75_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.2 All cultures share similar socialization outcomes and similar socialization beliefs. a. True 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 107 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_76_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.3 According to the text, Eastern cultures such as Japanese and Chinese place a high emphasis on individualistic values. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference:110 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_77_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.4 Most cultures with narrow socialization are less economically developed than the West. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_04_78_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.6

33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank A key part of traditional adolescent socialization among the Aborigines involves the ritual teaching of a set of cultural beliefs known as the Law. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 112 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.6 Explain how the teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents socialization for cultural beliefs. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_04_79_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Remember_4.9 According to the text, American minority cultural beliefs tend to be less collectivistic and more individualistic than the cultural beliefs of the American majority culture. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 115 Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_80_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 Americans are not as religious as most other developed countries. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 119 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_04_81_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.10 According to the text, in American society religious faith and practices tend to be stronger among African Americans than among Whites. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 120 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_04_82_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.11 In American studies, religiosity generally declines from adolescence through emerging adulthood. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 121 Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_04_83_Religious Beliefs_Remember_4.11 According to the National Study on Youth and Religion, approximately 75% of emerging adults polled reported that they do not believe in God or any form of higher power. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 121 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Religious Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_84_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.13 Kohlberg believed that one's culture was the single biggest determinant of how that individual would develop a personal code of moral thought and behavior. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. False TB_04_85_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Understand_4.14 According to Jensen, the ultimate basis of morality is a person's worldview. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 127 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True TB_04_86_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.15 According to Adelson (1971), one key change observed between early and late adolescence was a sharp increase in authoritarian political views. a. True 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 128 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_87_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.16 Emerging adults' political participation is generally higher now than during previous generations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 129 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_88_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.16 Emerging adults in the West are more likely than older adults to be involved in organizations devoted to particular issues such as racism. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_04_89_Political Beliefs_Remember_4.16 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

One reason why emerging adults are likely to be involved in extreme political movements is that they have greater social ties and obligations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_04_90_Political Beliefs_Understand_4.16 For emerging adults, embracing an extreme political ideology may relieve the discomfort that can accompany the uncertainty and doubt of ideological explorations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 130 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True Essay TB_04_91_Cultural Beliefs and Socialization_Understand_4.4 Compare and contrast broad and narrow socialization. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 111 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Broad socialization -- cultures that favor individualism; encourage individual uniqueness, independence, and self-expression; encourage broad 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank socialization with little restrictiveness in socialization; Western cultures tend toward broad socialization, and these cultures tend to be more economically developed. • Narrow socialization -- cultures that favor collectivism; hold obedience and conformity as the highest values; discourage deviation from cultural expectations; encourage narrow socialization with high degree of restrictiveness in socialization; Eastern cultures tend toward narrow socialization, and these cultures tend to be less economically developed. TB_04_92_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Apply_4.12 Choose any two stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Describe each and provide illustrative examples not outlined in your text. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 124 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Stage 1 -- punishment and obedience orientation; rules should be obeyed to avoid punishment. • Stage 2 -- individualism and purpose orientation; what is right satisfies one's own needs and leads to rewards for oneself. • Stage 3 -interpersonal concordance orientation; care of and loyalty to others is emphasized. • Stage 4 -- social systems orientation; judgments are made by reference to concepts such as social order, law, and justice. • Stage 5 -- community rights and individual rights orientation; sees society's laws as important but also sees it as important to question them and change them if they are obstacles to freedom and justice. • Stage 6 -- universal ethical principles orientation; development of an independent moral code based on universal principles. TB_04_93_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Analyze_4.12 List and describe two major critiques of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, noting the scholar(s) associated. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 125-126 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Gender critique -- Carol Gilligan claimed Kohlberg’s theory is biased toward a justice orientation that does not value females’ care orientation. • Cultural critique: Shweder, Jensen (worldviews approach) -- Kohlberg saw the influence of 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank culture in terms of how well cultures provide opportunities for individuals to reach the highest level of moral reasoning. Shweder believed this is biased toward a secular, individualistic, Western way of thinking about moral issues in which detached, abstract individualism is valued over traditional and religious authority; used real-life practices rather than hypothetical situations. TB_04_94_Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development_Remember_4.12 Briefly describe the relation of moral reasoning, moral evaluations, and moral behaviors in terms of the worldviews approach to moral development, outlining the three associated "ethics." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 127 Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • A worldviews approach provides the basis for moral reasoning (explanation for why things are right or wrong). Moral reasoning yields moral evaluations or judgments as to whether a particular behavior is right or wrong. Moral evaluations then prescribe moral behaviors. • The Ethic of Autonomy: the individual is the primary moral authority. One has the right to do as she or he wishes as long as her or his behavior does no harm to others. • The Ethic of Community: individuals are members of social groups to which they have obligations and commitments. • The Ethic of Divinity: individuals are spiritual entities subject to the rules and precepts of a divine authority. TB_04_95_Political Beliefs_Understand_4.15 In terms of Adelson's (1971, 1991) studies of political development in adolescence, list and explain the three key changes based on age. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 128-129 Topic: Political Beliefs Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Change in cognitive mode -- as children get older, increase use of abstract ideas, tendency to see laws as human constructions rather than absolute and unchangeable, decreased use of concrete examples. • Decline in authoritarian political views -- younger adolescents tend to be very authoritarian, older adolescents' thinking is more complex, as children get older they take into account 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank consideration of law and individual rights. • Capacity to develop an ideology -- older adolescents had developed a set of beliefs that served as the basis for political attitudes, as children get older they are not as much focused on immediate and concrete solutions but are focused more on some combination of individual and community rights.

41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q4.1 As a result of increased cognitive capabilities, adolescence is a premier time for cultures to educate youth about their set of beliefs and ideas that are the foundation for norms and standards of behavior. This set of beliefs and ideas is called ____________. a. b. c. d.

cultural beliefs standards roles morals

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.1 Define cultural beliefs and explain how they reflect a culture’s symbolic inheritance. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.2 Fatima is a 13-year-old girl in the Middle Eastern country of Saudi Arabia. Growing up in a country that endorses Islamic principles, she must wear a veil to cover her face and body to demonstrate modesty. Fatima is being socialized to adhere to a strict female gender role, which includes valuing virginity before marriage. Which socialization outcome does this describe? a. b. c. d.

Role preparation Sources of meaning Self-regulation Collectivism

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.3 Ethan is a 15-year-old boy growing up in New York City. Having won his school’s science fair, he is going to compete at the state science fair. Ethan wants to win the state title to receive the prestige that accompanies it. Given his focus on this individualistic achievement, what would Ethan be most likely to say upon winning the state science fair? 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

“I am proud of my hard work.” “I could not have achieved this without my teacher.” “I respect my competitors’ projects.” “I want to thank my parents for their support.”

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.4 Seo-yeon is a 16-year-old girl living in Korea. Growing up in this Eastern country and culture, she has cultivated a strong belief in prioritizing familial obligations and social order. She is experiencing ______________ cultural values that are being taught through the process of ______________ socialization. a. b. c. d.

collectivistic; narrow individualistic; broad collectivistic; broad individualistic; narrow

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.4 Distinguish between broad and narrow socialization and specify how they are related to individualism and collectivism. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.5 In Western cultures during adolescence, the socialization influence of the __________ tends to diminish. a. b. c. d.

family legal system community school

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.5 Identify the eight sources of socialization and describe the broad and narrow forms each one takes. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.6 Which aspect of the traditional teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents the socialization outcome of cultivating sources of meaning? a. An understanding of the origin of the world, such as divine beliefs b. An understanding of controlling one’s sexual desires, including marrying within one’s social class c. An understanding of abiding to strict gender norms, including the male being the hierarchical figure d. An understanding of the importance of participating in the Law to promote social status within the community Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.6 Explain how the teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents socialization for cultural beliefs. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.7 From the 1920s to the 1980s, women in the famous Middletown studies reported a dramatic shift in child-rearing beliefs that emphasized broad socialization values and minimized narrow socialization values. Which of the following pairs of beliefs reflect this shift? a. b. c. d.

Increased value of independence; decreased value of obedience Increased value of obedience; decreased value of independence Increased value of loyalty to church; decreased value of good manners Increased value of good manners; decreased value of loyalty to church

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.7 Summarize the change in values shown in the two Middletown studies. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.8 The Chinese custom that adolescents should not question their teachers, and the underlying belief in respect for authority, is an example of a ________________. 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

custom complex gender role socialization practice symbolic inheritance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.9 Research by Shirley Feldman and colleagues on individualistic and collectivistic values among Chinese adolescents who had immigrated to Australia or the United States found which of the following? a. First- and second-generation Chinese adolescents endorsed similar high levels of individualistic values as White Western adolescents. b. First- and second-generation Chinese adolescents endorsed similar low levels of individualistic values as Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. c. All Chinese adolescents, regardless of generational status or country of residence, endorsed the same level of importance placed on the collectivistic value of “family as a residential unit.” d. Hong Kong Chinese adolescents endorsed a lower level of importance placed on “family as a residential unit” than all other Chinese adolescents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.10 Although American adolescents tend to be more religious than adolescents in other developed countries, their religious beliefs do not follow a traditional doctrine and are more generalized. This general set of beliefs is called Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and includes which of the following features? a. Believing that the central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself b. Praying once a week c. Attending religious services twice a month 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Being involved in a youth group Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.11 Across adolescence and into emerging adulthood, Jake has held similar religious beliefs and says that he chooses to follow certain aspects of Christian faith and not others. For instance, he says that he believes in God and prays to God but that he does not feel the need to participate in weekly church services. Jake belongs to which of the following religiosity categories? a. b. c. d.

Selective adherents Committed traditionalists Spiritually open Religiously indifferent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.12 Kohlberg conducted 20 years of follow-up research on his participants’ moral reasoning development. Which of the following was one of the key findings of this longitudinal research? a. b. c. d.

Stages of moral reasoning tended to increase with age. Participants were found to skip a stage of moral reasoning. Ninety percent of participants reached the stage of postconventional reasoning. Participants were found to regress in their stage of moral reasoning over time.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 1 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q4.13 Shweder challenged Kohlberg’s assumptions for his classification system of moral reasoning development. His research provided evidence that moral reasoning is not a simple reflection of a person’s level of cognitive development. Rather, moral reasoning is rooted in _________________. a. b. c. d.

cultural beliefs brain development socioeconomic status gender roles

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.14 Jill is trying to decide the right thing to do because her friend Amy wants Jill to accompany her to the hospital to have an abortion. Jill wants to support Amy through this difficult time, but Jill decides she cannot accompany Amy because of her religious beliefs. Jill’s decision is guided by the ethic of _____________. a. b. c. d.

divinity community collectivism autonomy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q4.15 Adelson’s research on political beliefs revealed three key changes from early to late adolescence. One of these changes was a shift in cognitive mode. Which of the following statements best reflects what a late adolescent would say when providing a rationale for laws? 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. Laws are important because they promote the safety and rights of the population. b. Laws are important because they prevent the population from killing each other. c. Laws are important because they provide rules for punishment. d. Laws are important because they are unchangeable rules for behavior. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q4.16 Emerging adults are likely to be involved in organizations working toward change in a specific area, including political movements. Which of the following reflects a developmental perspective for why emerging adults are likely to be involved in political movements? a. Emerging adults are engaging in identity explorations to find an ideological framework for explaining the world. b. Emerging adults are trying to establish more of an equal relationship with their parents. c. Emerging adults are trying to engage in more independent decision making. d. Emerging adults are trying to gain financial independence from their parents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.1.1 ________________ are the commonly held norms and moral standards of a culture, the standards of right and wrong that set expectations for behavior. a. b. c. d.

Cultural beliefs Symbolic inheritances Gender roles Custom complexes

Answer: a 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 4.1 Define cultural beliefs and explain how they reflect a culture’s symbolic inheritance. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.1.2 Which of the outcomes of socialization listed reflect the following scenario: Maria’s friends want her to skip school to go shopping at a new store that is opening at the mall. Maria feels pressure to join her friends and really wants to go to the store; however, she decides not to join them because she does not want to get in trouble and receive detention. a. b. c. d.

Self-regulation Role preparation Individualism Sources of meaning

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.2 Describe the process of socialization and the three main outcomes. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.1.3 Sandy’s parents have taught her how to change a tire and the oil in her car because they want her to develop self-sufficiency. Sandy is growing up in a(n) ____________ culture that promotes the development of the ____________ self. a. b. c. d.

individualistic; independent individualistic; interdependent collectivistic; independent collectivistic; interdependent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.3 Define individualism and collectivism and explain how they foster independent and interdependent selves. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.1.4

49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank During adolescence, the socialization influence of school tends to increase as youth spend more time in school to garner an education and prepare for adult responsibilities. Cultures can be broad or narrow with regard to school socialization. Which of the following pairs of examples below reflects the contrast between broad and narrow school socialization? a. Students are encouraged to engage in critical thinking; students are taught a standardized curriculum that focuses on memorization of facts b. Students are firmly disciplined; students must abide by a dress code c. Teachers promote individual achievements; teachers promote creativity d. Youth are allowed to choose their own friends; youth are expected to socialize with members of the same social class Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.5 Identify the eight sources of socialization and describe the broad and narrow forms each one takes. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.1.5 Which child-rearing belief was rated as the least important value by women assessed during the late 1970s in the famous Middletown study? a. b. c. d.

Strict obedience Loyalty to church Good manners Tolerance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.7 Summarize the change in values shown in the two Middletown studies. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Socialization Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.2.1 Scholars define a _________________ as consisting of two primary components, which include a typical practice in a culture and the cultural beliefs that provide the basis for the practice. a. b. c. d.

custom complex socialization outcome symbolic inheritance gender role 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.2.2 Which of the following best illustrates a custom complex in a culture that values individualism? a. Adolescents are allowed to choose their own friends with whom they spend a considerable amount of unsupervised time. b. Adolescents are allowed to have friends only of the same sex. c. Adolescents are allowed to spend time with their friends only when being supervised by a parent. d. Adolescents are allowed little time to spend with their friends due to family obligations. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.2.3 In the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell developed the Boy Scouts to fill a need for formally educating children about moral standards and values. An example of a moral value listed in the Scout Oath that all boys memorized is _________________. a. b. c. d.

obedience self-expression uniqueness independence

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.8 Define custom complex and give your own example of how it operates in adolescence. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.2.4 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Sofia is a 14-year-old Latina girl growing up in the United States. She greatly respects the authority of her parents and feels a strong attachment and obligation to her family. As part of an American __________ culture, she is being socialized to develop __________ values. a. b. c. d.

minority; collectivistic minority; individualistic majority; collectivistic majority; individualistic

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.2.5 Zhang Wei is a second-generation Chinese adolescent living with his mother in Sydney, Australia. Zhang Wei wants to be like the teens he sees in shows about White American and Australian families on television. This is likely to influence which of the following? a. b. c. d.

Conflict between Zhang Wei and his parents Conflict between Zhang Wei and his friends Conflict between Zhang Wei and his teachers Closer relationships between Zhang Wei and his parents

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.9 Describe the main variations in cultural beliefs among American immigrant groups. Topic: Cultural Beliefs in Adolescence Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.3.1 According to the National Survey on Youth and Religion, which of the following is true about the relation between American adolescents’ religious beliefs and religious practices? a. b. c. d.

Eighty-five percent believe in God; 50% attend religious services twice a month Fifty percent believe in God; 50% attend religious services twice a month Fifty percent believe in God; 85% attend religious services twice a month Twenty percent believe in God; 90% attend religious services twice a month

Answer: a 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.3.2 Many American adolescents are religious, but many others are not. Which of the following best explains differences among adolescents in their religiosity? a. b. c. d.

Family factors, such as parental agreement on religious beliefs Cognitive factors, such as IQ level Biological factors, such as timing of puberty School factors, such as relationships with teachers

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.10 Specify the features of American adolescents’ religious beliefs and practices, including Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.3.3 Longitudinal results from the National Study on Youth and Religion found which of the following changes from adolescence through emerging adulthood? a. b. c. d.

Declines in religious beliefs and participation Increases in religious beliefs and participation Increases in adherence to standard religious doctrines Declines in an individualized approach to religion

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.3.4 Results from the National Study on Youth and Religion prompted researchers to create four categories to describe emerging adults’ individualized approach to religion. Which of the following categories would an emerging adult fit who says “I definitely believe that there is some kind of higher power, but otherwise I’m not sure what to believe”? 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

Spiritually open Selective adherents Committed traditionalists Religiously indifferent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.3.5 In adolescence and emerging adulthood, religiosity is associated with which of the following? a. b. c. d.

Higher levels of well-being Higher levels of risky behaviors Higher levels of identity exploration Higher levels of conflict with parents

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.11 Summarize the similarities and differences between American adolescents and emerging adults in their religious beliefs and practices. Topic: Religious Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.4.1 Amy was awarded a scholarship to study at a prestigious college preparatory school and must abide by all school rules, including a no cheating policy, to keep the scholarship. When one of Amy’s friends asked to copy her chemistry homework, Amy agreed because she wants to remain loyal to their friendship. Which of the following stages of moral development would Kohlberg classify Amy? a. b. c. d.

Conventional Preconventional Postconventional Nonconventional

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q4.4.2 Which of the following best describes Kohlberg’s stage of Postconventional moral reasoning? a. Reasoning is based on the individual’s own independent judgments, which may conflict with what others view as right and wrong. b. Reasoning is based on the value of conforming to the moral expectations of others. c. Reasoning is based on perceptions of the likelihood of external rewards and punishments. d. Reasoning is based on adhering to laws to maintain social order. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.4.3 Carol Gilligan critiqued Kohlberg’s theory of moral development by claiming that his theory was biased toward males, because girls follow an ethic of “care” and boys follow and ethic of “justice.” Which of the following reflects the research results regarding her claim? a. Research results found that no significant differences existed between males and females in level of moral reasoning as rated by Kohlberg’s system. b. Research results found that boys were consistently rated higher than girls in level of moral reasoning according to Kohlberg’s system. c. Research results found that significant differences existed between males and females in level of moral reasoning as rated by Kohlberg’s system. d. Research results found that boys were consistently rated lower than girls in level of moral reasoning according to Kohlberg’s system. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.12 Describe Kohlberg’s levels and stages of moral development and the evidence supporting the theory. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 2

55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q4.4.4 Postconventional reasoning has been found to be rare in non-Western countries. In critiquing Kohlberg’s theory, Shweder argued that this research finding did not mean that adolescents in non-Western countries had less developed moral reasoning, but that it instead revealed which of the following? a. Kohlberg’s theory is biased toward secular and individualistic ways of thinking about moral issues. b. Kohlberg’s theory favors traditional and religious ways of thinking about moral issues. c. Kohlberg’s theory is generalizable to all cultures. d. Kohlberg’s theory is strongly rooted in an adolescent’s level of cognitive development. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.13 Identify the main points of the cultural critique of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.4.5 The ethic of ____________ defines individuals as members of social groups to which they have commitments and obligations. a. b. c. d.

community divinity autonomy conventional

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.14 Describe the worldviews theory of moral development, including the three ethics and the template model. Topic: Cultural Beliefs and Moral Development Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.5.1 Adelson’s research on political beliefs revealed three key changes from early to late adolescence. One of these changes highlighted older adolescents’ desires to balance the goal of laws with considerations of individual rights. Adelson noted this change was which of the following? 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

Declines in authoritarian political views Declines in cognitive mode Increases in authoritarian political views Increases in cognitive mode

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.5.2 Recent studies investigating Adelson’s model of political thinking during adolescence have found which of the following? a. b. c. d.

Tolerance of opposing political views increases across adolescence. Tolerance of opposing political views decreases across adolescence. Tolerance of opposing political views remains the same across adolescence. Adolescents do not engage in thinking about opposing political views.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.15 Describe Adelson’s view of how cognitive changes from early to late adolescence result in changes in political beliefs. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q4.5.3 Gene is an emerging adult in college who is interested in becoming active in a campus organization. Like many other emerging adults, Gene is interested in improving the state of his community, society, and the world. Given this information, which of the following organizations is Gene most likely to join? a. b. c. d.

Student Environmental Action Coalition Student Marketing Society Student Yearbook Association The lacrosse team

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 2 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q4.5.4 Overall, research has found that emerging adults’ political involvement is typified by which of the following? a. b. c. d.

Rejection of conventional political participation Acceptance of conventional political participation Rejection of political demonstrations Acceptance of traditional political parties

Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q4.5.5 Which of the following is the best developmental explanation for why emerging adults often become involved in political movements? a. Emerging adults are in a time of identity explorations, one aspect of which is ideology. b. Emerging adults are part of a “Millennial” generation that is unusually selfcentered. c. Emerging adults are at a life stage when worldviews tend to be fixed and rigid. d. Emerging adults are part of a “Millennial” generation known for being selfrighteous. Answer: a Learning Objective: 4.16 Explain, from a developmental perspective, why emerging adults are so likely to become involved in political movements. Topic: Political Beliefs Difficulty: 2

58 ..


Chapter 5 Gender

Topic Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Adolescents and Gender in American History Socialization and Gender in the West

Multiple Choice True/False

Remember the Facts 3, 5-7, 10, 19-20, 25 75-78

Understand the Concepts 2, 9, 13-16, 24

Apply What You Know 1, 4, 12, 1718, 21

Analyze It

91, 93


26, 30, 35

27, 29, 31, 34

32, 36

41, 44-45, 51, 53, 5556, 60, 6465, 69, 7374

48, 52, 71

Short Essay Multiple Choice

28, 33, 37



8, 22-23

Short Essay Multiple Choice

38-39, 4243, 46-47, 54, 59, 61, 63, 66, 68

40, 49-50, 5758, 62, 57, 70, 72


81-86, 8890


Short Essay


1 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_05_01_Introduction_Apply_5.1 Luther's friends sometimes tease him about his preference for wearing pink button-down shirts and his plans to be a kindergarten teacher. Luther's attributes most likely violate his friends' views of a. b. c. d.

vocational choices. psychological roles. gender roles. adolescent personality.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 134 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. gender roles. TB_05_02_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.1 In cultures where socialization would be considered narrow, it tends to be the narrowest of all with regard to a. b. c. d.

vocational choices. gender expectations. socioeconomic mobility. development of political positions.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 134 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. gender expectations. TB_05_03_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.1 Sex is to biological status of being male or female as gender is to ________categories of male and female. a. b. c. d.

androgynous genetic pathological social 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. social TB_05_04_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.1 Which of the following best represents a gender difference versus a sex difference? a. b. c. d.

Girls tend to have a more negative body image than boys. Girls develop breasts at puberty, whereas boys do not. Boys tend to reach the growth spurt two years later than girls. Boys grow facial hair during adolescence, whereas girls do not.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Girls tend to have a more negative body image than boys. TB_05_05_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.1 In your text, the use of the term sex refers to the a. b. c. d.

theoretical notion of socially constructed identities. mate selection patterns in various societies. biological status of being male or female. psychological status of being male or female.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. biological status of being male or female. TB_05_06_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.1 Awareness of gender roles and expectations tends to ________ during adolescence. 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

decrease intensify stabilize disappear

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 134 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.1 (Introduction) Distinguish between gender and sex. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. intensify TB_05_07_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.2 Which statement best reflects adolescents' family relationships in traditional cultures? a. b. c. d.

Boys have more contact with their mothers than do girls. Boys have more contact with peers than do girls. Girls have more contact with peers than do boys. Girls have more contact with their fathers than do boys.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Boys have more contact with peers than do girls. TB_05_08_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_5.2 According to research, in traditional cultures, during adolescence, socialization becomes broader for boys and narrower for girls. Therefore, a. b. c. d.

the world generally expands for girls and contracts for boys. the world generally contracts for girls and expands for boys. girls are expected to leave home at an early age. boys are expected to have sexual experience before marriage.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. the world generally contracts for girls and expands for boys. TB_05_09_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.2 In cultures with narrow patterns of socialization, it tends to be the narrowest in terms of a. b. c. d.

gender expectations. peer relationships. religious expectations. intellectual development.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 134 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 (Introduction) Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. gender expectations. TB_05_10_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.2 Which of the following is most true of adolescent relationships in traditional cultures? Boys and girls a. b. c. d.

live very different lives and spend little time together. spend a great deal of time working together. spend most of their time with friends and at school. spend very little time with their immediate family.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 136 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. live very different lives and spend little time together. TB_05_11_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.2 Brittany is eight years old. Her daily activities include helping her mother make meals, 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank running the household, and looking after her baby brother. Most likely, Brittany lives in a(n) a. b. c. d.

traditional culture. urban Westernized area. large single-family household. industrialized European nation.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 136 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. traditional culture. TB_05_12_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.2 Which of the following tasks best reflects the socialization of adolescent girls in traditional cultures? Preparation for a. b. c. d.

leaving the family home. entering the workplace. establishing peer relationships. marriage and gender-specific adult roles.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 136 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. marriage and gender-specific adult roles. TB_05_13_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.2 Chinas (1991) studied adolescent girls and women in a traditional village in a ________ village. a. b. c. d.

Canadian Columbian Japanese Mexican 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 136 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Mexican TB_05_14_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.3 Cross-cultural analyses have shown that in traditional cultures a boy is considered a man when he is able to a. b. c. d.

divide and conquer. clothe and feed himself. work, war, and wager. provide, protect, and procreate.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 137 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. provide, protect, and procreate. TB_05_15_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.3 The idea that attaining manhood is considered a difficult achievement is best reflected by a. b. c. d.

a large population of males who do not conform to traditional ways. many cultures having a special word meaning "failed man." a large proportion of matriarchal societies. many cultures having a distinct name for adolescent males.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 137 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. many cultures having a special word meaning "failed man." 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_05_16_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.3 Which of the following most accurately represents manhood requirements in traditional cultures? a. b. c. d.

acquiring useful skills and developing character qualities discovering new ideas through formal education learning how to raise a family by working alongside female family members separating from home and village ties

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 137 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. acquiring useful skills and developing character qualities TB_05_17_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.3 Petro is a young man being raised in a traditional culture. He will be expected to learn how to serve many functions associated with manhood as he grows into adulthood. One of those functions, the ability to ________, is associated with the character qualities of diligence and stamina. a. b. c. d.

pragmatize procreate protect provide

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 137 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. provide TB_05_18_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.3 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Jen and Brendon are new parents of a beautiful baby boy, whom they've named Isaac. As the parents are observant Jews, they will most likely plan to have their son partake in a ritual circumcision ceremony ________ after he was born. a. b. c. d.

2 days 8 days 2 weeks 1 month

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 138 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. 8 days TB_05_19_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.3 Which of the following would NOT be considered a significant risk associated with the performance of female circumcision? a. b. c. d.

an increase in infertility rates a great deal of bleeding chronic pain during menstruation or urination heightened risk of urinary infections

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 138 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. an increase in infertility rates TB_05_20_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.3 Gilmore (1990) studied the Mehinaku people who live in the remote Brazilian rain forest. The Mehinaku culture has been affected very little by a. research procedures. b. gender expectations. 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. village traditions. d. globalization. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 138 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. globalization. TB_05_21_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.3 Kedrick is a 12-year-old member of Mehinaku society. He is often sick and stays at home to help his mother rather than fishing with his father and practicing wrestling. Kedrick is likely to be a. b. c. d.

ridiculed and called names like "little girl." married earlier than most of his peers. considered a tribal religious leader when he reaches manhood. more desirable to the women in his village.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 138 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. ridiculed and called names like "little girl." TB_05_22_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_5.3 In your text, which of the following is put forth as a function of female circumcision? a. b. c. d.

It is a form of male control over female sexuality. It is a traditional method of practicing hygiene. It provides equality with males who are also circumcised. It shows females' ability to endure pain.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 139 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. It is a form of male control over female sexuality. TB_05_23_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_5.3 The use of derogatory names for men who prefer the company of women illustrates a. b. c. d.

pressure to conform to culturally prescribed gender norms. a subordinate role of men in matriarchal societies. the absence of passionate manhood. instrumental traits of males.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. pressure to conform to culturally prescribed gender norms. TB_05_24_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Understand_5.4 In your text, the idea is raised that discrimination against girls may decrease with a. b. c. d.

increased globalization. an equal decrease in globalization. a return to traditional cultural values. increased female population in the West.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. increased globalization. TB_05_25_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.4 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Increased emphasis on gender roles in adolescence is characteristic of a. b. c. d.

traditional cultures only. cultures affected by globalization. industrialized cultures more so than traditional cultures. both traditional and industrialized cultures.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. both traditional and industrialized cultures. TB_05_26_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Understand_5.5 Which of the following was most likely to be the adult role of a young middle-class woman in 18th and 19th century America? a. b. c. d.

wife and mother teacher or nurse nun or telephone operator hostess or waitress

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 141 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. wife and mother TB_05_27_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Apply_5.5 Eunice is 13 years old and lives with her family in 1861. She is about to begin puberty, but her parents have avoided educating her about menarche. They have withheld this information because they believe that girls a. b. c. d.

should be seen and not heard. need more access to higher education. have limited intellectual capacity to understand biology. should remain innocent from sexual knowledge. 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 141 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. should remain innocent from sexual knowledge. TB_05_28_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Remember_5.5 Historically, American girls were socially constricted in terms of employment, sexuality, and a. b. c. d.

language development. health care. family relationships. physical appearance.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 141-142 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. physical appearance. TB_05_29_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Apply_5.5 Historically, service organizations such as the YWCA provided a "protective umbrella" for the nurturing of adolescent girls. The focus of activities was mainly on a. physical appearance and deportment. b. building relationships, serving the community, and developing character qualities. c. marriage preparation and health education. d. social adjustment and conflict resolution. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 142 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. building relationships, serving the community, and developing character qualities. TB_05_30_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Understand_5.5 Brumberg (1997) argues that although today's adolescent girls are less constricted than their historical counterparts, they are also a. b. c. d.

more likely to suffer from emotional problems. less integrated into the lives of adult women outside their families. more integrated into the lives of adult women outside their families. overwhelmed by the pressure of having too many vocational choices.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 142 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. less integrated into the lives of adult women outside their families. TB_05_31_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Apply_5.6 Gerald is a young man who is preparing to become the head of his future household. Like most of his peers, Gerald believes it is more important to contribute to community and family than to pursue personal goals of wealth and success. The year is most likely a. b. c. d.

1547. 1776. 1969. 1999.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 142-143 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. 1776. 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_05_32_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Analyze_5.6 In colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries, preparations for manhood most closely resembled those in a. b. c. d.

present day America. traditional cultures. 19th century America. the era of self-made manhood.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 143 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. traditional cultures. TB_05_33_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Remember_5.6 In America, the concept of self-made manhood is associated with what century? a. b. c. d.

17th 18th 19th 20th

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 143 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 19th TB_05_34_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Apply_5.6 The year is 1865, and Jan is a member of a popular volunteer youth organization. The organization stresses the importance of service to others, belief in God, and developing selfcontrol. Sometimes during meetings, the group engages in competitive sports, and occasionally has rowdy celebrations under the leadership of their 19-year-old president. Jan is most likely 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

female. male. from a rural area. from a wealthy family.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 143 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. male. TB_05_35_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Understand_5.6 Individualism is most closely associated with __________ manhood. a. b. c. d.

traditional communal passionate diminishing

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 143 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. passionate TB_05_36_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Analyze_5.7 Today, American adolescents are entering an adult world in which traditional gender beliefs are a. b. c. d.

stronger than in the past. virtually nonexistent. more egalitarian than in the past. reversed relative to previous attitudes.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 144 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.7 Summarize the changes in beliefs about gender in American 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank society since the 1970s. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. more egalitarian than in the past. TB_05_37_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Remember_5.7 Research shows that approximately ________ of Americans have beliefs about gender roles consistent with those in traditional cultures. a. b. c. d.

one-half to three-quarters one-tenth to one-quarter one-quarter to one-third one-eighth to one-quarter

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 144 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.7 Summarize the changes in beliefs about gender in American society since the 1970s. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. one-quarter to one-third TB_05_38_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.8 Hill and Lynch (1991) argue that the increase in the intensity of gender socialization at adolescence is a. b. c. d.

the same for males and females. greater for males than for females. greater for females than for males. dependent upon socioeconomic status.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 144 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.8 Describe how gender socialization changes from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. greater for females than for males. TB_05_39_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.8 Which of the following best reflects the socialization patterns of boys and girls in Western 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank culture? a. Boys are more self-conscious about their appearance and take more interest in forming intimate friendships. b. Girls and boys are equally self-conscious about their appearance and forming intimate friendships. c. Girls are more self-conscious about their appearance and take more interest in forming intimate friendships. d. Boys are less self-conscious about their appearance and take more interest in forming intimate friendships. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.8 Describe how gender socialization changes from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Girls are more self-conscious about their appearance and take more interest in forming intimate friendships. TB_05_40_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.9 Which of the following best defines differential gender socialization? a. b. c. d.

Gender expectations differ across cultures within the first and third worlds. Boys and girls are socialized according to different gender expectations. Gender intensification decreases with age in non-Westernized cultures. Boys are more likely than girls to conform to gender expectations.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Boys and girls are socialized according to different gender expectations. TB_05_41_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.9 Daryl, a thirteen-year-old boy, takes jazz dancing lessons and wants to be a fashion designer. According to research, he is likely to experience a. some peer ridicule and be less popular. b. academic difficulties. 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. peer acceptance and popularity. d. late maturation. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. some peer ridicule and be less popular. TB_05_42_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.9 The research finding that 90 percent of infants observed at an American shopping mall were wearing gender-specific clothing provides support for a. b. c. d.

differential gender socialization. the gender intensification hypothesis. gender stereotypes. self-socialization.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. differential gender socialization. TB_05_43_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.9 Differential gender socialization becomes more pronounced during a. b. c. d.

adulthood. adolescence. middle childhood. early childhood.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. adolescence. TB_05_44_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.9 Carmela encourages her daughter to "express" her feelings, while she advises her son to "forget about" his hurt feelings over an argument with his friend. Most likely, Carmela's behaviors result from a. b. c. d.

favoritism toward her daughter. intentions to treat her children differently. beliefs arising from her own gender socialization. ignorance of inherent differences between boys and girls.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 146 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. beliefs arising from her own gender socialization. TB_05_45_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.9 In a study by Jackson and colleagues (2014), which of the following directions of bias were found to be the most salient? a. b. c. d.

male faculty members' biases against female students male faculty members' biases against male students female faculty members' biases against female students female faculty members' biases against male students

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 146 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. male faculty members' biases against female students TB_05_46_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.10 Which of the following is NOT a typical article topic in magazines targeted to adolescent girls? 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

fashion and beauty entertainment weight reduction/control professional careers

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender socialization in social media. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. professional careers TB_05_47_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.10 According to research, the percentage of teen magazines devoted to advertising is nearly a. b. c. d.

one-quarter. one-third. one-half. two-thirds.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender socialization in social media. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. one-half. TB_05_48_Socialization and Gender in the West_Analyze_5.10 Unrealistic beauty ideals in magazines likely contribute to adolescent girls' a. b. c. d.

increased self-confidence. negative body image. early maturation. late maturation.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank socialization in social media. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. negative body image. TB_05_49_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.11 Boys are found to be more aggressive than girls due to ____________ factors. a. b. c. d.

strictly biological simply socialization a combination of biological and socialization a combination of media and environmental

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. a combination of biological and socialization TB_05_50_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.11 According to the text, for adolescent girls, gender role socialization is most problematic with regard to a. b. c. d.

submissiveness. body image. early sexuality. social cognition.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. body image. TB_05_51_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.11 Jake plays defensive tackle on his high school football team and is an aggressive player on 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank the field. According to research, which of the following is most likely to be TRUE? Jake is a. b. c. d.

unpopular with peers. popular with peers. academically gifted. a late-maturer.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. popular with peers. TB_05_52_Socialization and Gender in the West_Analyze_5.11 Insults that ridicule a boys' manhood provide evidence of a. b. c. d.

a parallel between Western and traditional cultures. underlying violence in patriarchal societies. the effects of the women's movement. self-made manhood.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 147-148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. a parallel between Western and traditional cultures. TB_05_53_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.11 Jonathan sometimes starts physical fights with his friends and often shouts insults at other neighborhood kids. When his mother asks him what was wrong, he replies that he "is just acting normal – it's cool to be tough." According to research, Jonathan has a good chance of a. b. c. d.

doing well in business as an adult. marrying at a young age. being abused by his parents. engaging in other problem behaviors.

Difficulty: 3 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. engaging in other problem behaviors. TB_05_54_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.12 According to the cognitive developmental theory of gender, children understand gender identity when they are about ______ year(s) old. a. b. c. d.

one three five seven

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. three TB_05_55_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.12 Bonnie is in kindergarten. She tells her mom, "I don't want to go to the hockey game – that's for stinky boys!" This scenario best illustrates a. b. c. d.

media control. parental influence. self-socialization. expressive traits.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 148-149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. self-socialization.

24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_05_56_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.9 Alex finds enjoyment in after-school activities that include playing soccer, showing off on the latest video game, gossiping with friends, or playing with dolls. Alex isn't concerned about whether after-school activities are "boy" things or "girl" things. Alex is most likely a a. b. c. d.

5-year-old boy. 9-year-old girl. 12-year-old boy. 16-year-old girl.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 145-146 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school.. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. 9-year-old girl. TB_05_57_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.12 Piaget's gender schema theory portrays gender as one of the fundamental ways that people a. b. c. d.

organize information about the world. interact with one another. stereotype and categorize people. create norms and behaviors.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. organize information about the world. TB_05_58_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.12 Which of the following is associated with gender schema theory? a. an assumption that people organize information about the world in terms of gender b. an assumption that differences between males and females are purely biological c. the belief that gender is a social construction 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. the belief that psychological theories of gender are inadequate Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. an assumption that people organize information about the world in terms of gender TB_05_59_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.12 Which of the following best defines "schema"? a. b. c. d.

the name for a type of individual that is self-motivated the statistical technique that integrates many research studies a means of coordinating one's physical surroundings a mental structure for organizing information

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. a mental structure for organizing information TB_05_60_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.12 Margot loves going to the mall with her friends, trying on clothes, and talking about boys. Mitch plays football, hangs out with his friends, and plays video games on the weekend. Allison likes collecting baseball cards and playing hockey with the neighborhood kids. According to the text, whose activities would most likely be inconsistent with traditional gender schemes? a. b. c. d.

Margot trying on clothes Mitch playing football Allison collecting baseball cards Judy enjoying baking cakes

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Allison collecting baseball cards TB_05_61_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.13 According to research, which of the following traits are considered most desirable for an American male? a. b. c. d.

analytical, sympathetic, and gentle affectionate, loyal, and tender ambitious, cheerful, and warm self-reliant, competitive, and assertive

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 150 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. self-reliant, competitive, and assertive TB_05_62_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.13 Which statement most accurately represents the expressive traits ascribed to females? Women are generally ____________ than males. a. b. c. d.

more emotional and relationship-oriented more artistic and creative less sexually and physically active less androgynous and stereotypical

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 150-151 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. more emotional and relationship-oriented TB_05_63_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.13 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank A cross-cultural study of the qualities of an "ideal man" or "ideal woman" was conducted, and the results showed that for both cases the most important quality was a. b. c. d.

being physically attractive. having a good sense of humor. being kind and honest. a high level of intelligence.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 151 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. being kind and honest. TB_05_64_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.13 Eleanor and Jerry are adolescents who both have some masculine traits and some feminine traits. According to research, a. b. c. d.

Eleanor is more likely than Jerry to have a positive self-image. Jerry is more likely than Eleanor to have a positive self-image. Jerry and Eleanor are likely to be ostracized. this will have no bearing on self-image.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 151 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Eleanor is more likely than Jerry to have a positive self-image. TB_05_65_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.13 The year is 1958. Norma is applying to different law schools. Which of the following would be accurate advice for Norma, given the year? a. "Norma, your grades are so high you should apply to Harvard Law School." b. "Norma, it's too bad Harvard doesn't grant degrees to women – your grades are so high." c. "Women are not allowed to practice law." d. "There are no institutions in North America that grant law degrees to women." 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 152 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. "Norma, it's too bad Harvard doesn't grant degrees to women – your grades are so high." TB_05_66_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.13 Which of the following was NOT a political action associated with the women's movement? a. b. c. d.

the kidnapping of a wealthy publisher a nationwide strike for women's rights demonstrations protesting beauty pageants the publication of books on feminist issues

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 152 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. the kidnapping of a wealthy publisher TB_05_67_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.15 Some scholars argue that for African American adolescents gender roles reflect a. b. c. d.

differential gender socialization. challenges faced in African American history. the lack of research done with minority samples. a reversal of gender roles.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 154 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.15 Explain how the gender roles of African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans are rooted in their distinctive cultural histories. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. challenges faced in African American history. 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_05_68_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.16 According to your text, masculine and feminine stereotypes are one aspect of a. b. c. d.

adolescent egocentrism. cultural norms. social cognition. gender schemas.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 156 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. gender schemas. TB_05_69_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.16 You have a friend who is 6’10” tall, another who is 4’10”, and several who are somewhere between 5 and 6 feet tall. This scenario reflects the concept of a. b. c. d.

meta-analysis. normal distribution. effect size. instrumental traits.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 156 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. normal distribution. TB_05_70_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.16 In terms of gender differences in adolescence and emerging adulthood, which of the following is the most accurate? For most characteristics, there is ______________ between genders. a. more difference than similarity b. no significant difference 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. more similarity than difference d. limited means of determining differences Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 156 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. more similarity than difference TB_05_71_Socialization and Gender in the West_Analyze_5.16 Gender differences may be exaggerated because a. b. c. d.

our gender schemas alert us to information that confirms our expectations. research is often conducted on people with narrow cultural views. globalization is influencing traditional cultures and marginalized populations. most people do not understand sociological categories in terms of their own expectations.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 157 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. our gender schemas alert us to information that confirms our expectations. TB_05_72_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.16 Social roles theory asserts that the social roles for males and females may a. b. c. d.

disprove the cognitive developmental theory of gender. be based in biology. increases women's chances for employment outside the home. enhance or suppress certain skills.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 157 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. enhance or suppress certain skills. TB_05_73_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.16 Belinda plans to study early childhood development. Her decision was based upon her love of baby-sitting when she was in high school and looking after her young niece on the weekends. Her brother Brad disliked baby-sitting and tried to "get out of it" when it was his turn. Most likely, Belinda a. b. c. d.

is naturally a more nurturing person than Brad. has developed skills and is thus more interested in child care than Brad. is considerably older than Brad. has more career options, but is still more interested in childcare than Brad.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 157 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. has developed skills and is thus more interested in child care than Brad. TB_05_74_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.16 Helen is a researcher interested in gender differences in students' math achievement. She plans to use the meta-analysis technique because a. b. c. d.

it is more accurate than collecting data in schools. there are very few studies published on this topic. there are many studies published on this topic. it is more respected than other methodologies.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 158 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. there are many studies published on this topic. True/False TB_05_75_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.2 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

In traditional cultures, socialization becomes broader for girls and narrower for boys in adolescence. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_05_76_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.2 In traditional cultures, boys are allowed and even expected to gain some sexual experience before marriage. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 135 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_77_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.4 Today, women tend to earn less money than men for similar work. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank changing their gender roles. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_78_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Remember_5.4 Research shows that economic development and perceptions of gender roles are NOT strongly related. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_05_79_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Remember_5.5 The historical belief that intellectual work endangered women's health is an example of a gender difference thought to be a sex difference. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 141 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_80_Adolescents and Gender in American History_Remember_5.7 The results of the General Society Survey have found that there has been a dramatic shift in beliefs about gender roles, with more than half of Americans abandoning traditional beliefs about what men and women should be expected to do. 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 144 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Learning Objective: 5.7 Summarize the changes in beliefs about gender in American society since the 1970s. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_05_81_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.9 Research shows that teachers generally reinforce traditional cultural messages regarding gender. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 146 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_82_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.9 Research shows females in college tend to get more support from both male and female professors, leading to an uptick in the number of women working in STEM fields. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 146 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False

35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_05_83_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.10 In teen magazines for girls, articles about career choices are the most common, followed by articles about fashion and beauty. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender socialization in social media. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_05_84_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.11 Adolescents who value aggressive behavior as part of male gender roles are more likely to engage in problem behavior. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_85_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.12 Kohlberg's cognitive developmental theory of gender was based on Jean Piaget's ideas about cognitive development. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 148 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank males and females should behave. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_86_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.9 According to research, gender roles may temporarily become more flexible during middle childhood. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_87_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.12 Gender schemes have no influence on the way we interpret the behavior of others and what we expect from them. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. False TB_05_88_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.13 Harvard University first granted degrees to women in 1963. a. True b. False 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 152 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_05_89_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.14 A person whose self-identification does not match their biological sex and who has undergone physical transformations (including surgery to create better alignment between these two parts of the "self" is typically referred to as being transgender. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 153 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.14 Describe the challenges facing transgender youth and how they respond. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_05_90_Socialization and Gender in the West_Remember_5.16 The term "opposite sex" accurately describes the differences between men and women. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 157 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_05_91_Socialization and Gender in the West_Apply_5.9 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Define differential gender socialization. Provide an example. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 145 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Differential gender socialization -- Socializing males and females according to different expectations regarding appropriate behaviors and attitudes. Gender appropriate behavior is encouraged, while gender inappropriate behavior is often ridiculed by peers. • Example: Bob and Lucille have decorated their nursery in blue with pictures of cars, boats, and airplanes when their test results indicated they were going to have a boy. • Example: Aunt Phyllis buys Helen a Barbie Doll and Joseph a chemistry set. • Example: Darryl's older brother teases him when he says he wants to take figure skating lessons instead of hockey. TB_05_92_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_5.2 Contrast gender roles of male and female adolescents in traditional cultures. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 135-140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence; & 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Gender roles for males and females are distinct; girls work alongside mothers and other women learning skills related to running the home and child care. Boys learn skills related to the tasks of providing, protecting, and procreating. TB_05_93_Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures_Apply_5.4 Discuss possible effects of globalization upon gender role perceptions in traditional cultures. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 140 Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Economic development is associated with availability of contraception. • Men's physical prowess becomes less important as work becomes more specialized and focused on information technology. • Gender roles are likely to become more egalitarian. TB_05_94_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.10 Discuss media influences in terms of gender socialization in adolescence. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 146-147 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender socialization in social media. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Media popular with adolescents promote gender stereotypes, for example, magazines for girls focus on physical appearance. • Gender intensification at adolescence and culture makes girls susceptible to the message to strive to conform to presented ideals. • The focus on physical appearance in the female gender role is associated with girls' negative body image, depression, and eating disorders. • For boys, gender expectations and value of aggression are associated with problems and problem behavior. TB_05_95_Socialization and Gender in the West_Understand_5.12 Define gender schema theory and discuss the possible effects of these schemes on how adolescents interpret behaviors of others. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 149 Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Gender Schema Theory -- portrays gender as one of the fundamental ways that people organize information about the world. By the time we reach adolescence, we have learned to categorize an enormous range of activities, objects, and personality characteristics as "male" or "female." Gender schemas influence how we interpret the behavior of others and what we expect from them.

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q5.1 The fact that females undergo menarche and males undergo significant muscular development during puberty reflects a ________ difference, which implies that the difference has a ________ basis. a. b. c. d.

sex; biological sex; cultural gender; biological gender; cultural

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.2 Which of the following scenarios reflects how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence for adolescent girls in traditional cultures? a. As a young girl, Sophie excelled in school, and now that she is age 16, her parents are encouraging her to think about what university she would like to attend. b. As a young girl, Sofia attended school for 10 years to learn how to read and write. Now that Sofia is 16 years old, she is considered to be independent and allowed to pursue her own future without influence from her family. c. As a young girl, Sofia helped her mother take care of her younger siblings and accomplish household work chores. Now that Sofia is 16 years old, she is considered to be independent and allowed to pursue her own future without influence from her family. d. As a young girl, Sofia attended school for 10 years to learn how to read and write. Now that Sofia is 16 years old, she is considered to be marriageable age and is being chaperoned at public festivals to initiate courtship with adolescent boys. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2

41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q5.3 Trumak is growing up in a traditional Brazilian culture, and every day he participates in wrestling matches with his peers to learn skills required for warfare. Trumak has been losing his matches and is worried this will affect achieving the status of manhood. Which requirement for manhood is Trumak failing? a. b. c. d.

Protection Procreation Provision Proliferation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.4 Which of the following reflects how globalization is influencing gender role socialization among adolescents in developing countries? a. Globalization promotes more industrialized economies, which is influencing socialization of male adolescents toward technological careers versus traditional hunting careers. b. Globalization promotes establishing secondary school as a normative experience, which makes it more likely that female and male adolescents have equal access and opportunity to gain an education. c. Globalization promotes more industrialized economies, which allows a majority of female adolescents to pursue science careers rather than traditional domestic careers. d. Globalization promotes establishing secondary school as a normative experience, which is influencing socialization of female and male adolescents so that the majority of adolescents worldwide pursue college educations after graduating from high school. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q5.5 Which of the following scenarios reflects how adolescent girls growing up in the 18th and 19th centuries in America faced restrictive gender expectations? a. Joan is pursuing a career as a seamstress because she has been sewing since she was a little girl. b. Joan is pursuing a career as a lawyer because she was captain of her high school debate team. c. Joan is pursuing a career as a landscape architect because she enjoys the physical work of gardening. d. Joan is pursuing a career as a banker because she has excelled in her accounting and math classes at college. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q5.6 Historian Anthony Rotundo refers to the ____________ century as the era of ____________ because an explicit emphasis on developing the individualistic character qualities considered necessary for manhood, such as self-control and independent decision-making, became paramount. a. b. c. d.

19th; self-made manhood 20th; self-made manhood 19th; passionate manhood 20th; passionate manhood

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.7 Results from the General Social Survey include which of the following about gender role beliefs among Americans since the 1970s? 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. Since the 1970s, the proportion of Americans who endorse egalitarian gender roles has increased, such that fewer Americans today believe that preschoolers would suffer if their mothers worked. b. Since the 1970s, the proportion of Americans who endorse egalitarian gender roles has decreased, such that fewer Americans today believe that preschoolers would suffer if their mothers worked. c. Since the 1970s, the proportion of Americans who endorse egalitarian gender roles has increased, such that more Americans today believe that preschoolers would suffer if their mothers worked. d. Since the 1970s, the proportion of Americans who endorse egalitarian gender roles has decreased, such that more Americans today believe that preschoolers would suffer if their mothers worked. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.7 Summarize the changes in beliefs about gender in American society since the 1970s. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q5.8 According to the ________________ proposed by psychologists Hill and Lynch, behavioral and psychological differences between males and females become more distinct as adolescence progresses because of increasing socialization pressures to adhere to culturally prescribed gender roles. a. b. c. d.

gender intensification hypothesis sex intensification hypothesis pubertal intensification hypothesis stereotype intensification hypothesis

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.8 Describe how gender socialization changes from middle childhood to adolescence. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.9 Which of the following scenarios reflects the research evidence for differential gender socialization that occurs in the family? a. Nate has a later curfew than his sister, and Nate is younger than his sister. b. Nate’s parents always ask him where he is going and who he is hanging out with. 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Nate has an earlier curfew than his sister, and Nate is younger than his sister. d. Nate’s parents never ask him where he is going and who he is hanging out with. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q5.10 Research investigating links between Facebook use and body image has found that adolescent girls: a. tend to draw negative conclusions about their appearance when making comparisons to the Facebook pictures of other girls. b. believe their photos on Facebook make them look too thin. c. tend to draw positive conclusions about their appearance when making comparisons to the Facebook pictures of other girls. d. care mostly about how witty they seem to others on Facebook, not how they look. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.10 Summarize how adolescent girls respond to gender socialization in social media. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q5.11 Problems that arise from gender socialization among adolescent girls tend to be a result of a focus on _____________, whereas problems that arise from gender socialization among adolescent boys tend to be because of a focus on ____________. a. b. c. d.

physical appearance; aggressiveness intellectual ability; creative ability aggressiveness; physical appearance creative ability; intellectual ability

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.11 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 1 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q5.12 During adolescence, the development of cognitive skills such as ___________ enhances adolescents’ abilities to interpret __________, which are ways in which people organize and process information according to cultural norms of what it means to be “female” or “male.” a. b. c. d.

formal operations; gender schemas concrete operations; gender schemas formal operations; sex schemas concrete operations; sex schemas

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain how gender schemas guide expectations for how males and females should behave. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.13 Masculine traits such as being ambitious and competitive are referred to as ___________ traits and are reflected in adolescents’ perceptions of gender ideals because research has found that adolescents rank the importance of having a good __________ as the most important quality for the ideal man. a. b. c. d.

instrumental; job instrumental; physical appearance expressive; job expressive; physical appearance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q5.14 Brooke was born female, but she does not identify with being female. Since the time that she was 12 years old, she has requested people address her as “Brooks” and has worn masculine clothes because she identifies with being male. Which of the following scenarios below demonstrates a challenge “Brooks” is at risk of experiencing compared to other adolescents? 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. Brooks has a higher risk of experiencing verbal and physical aggression compared to other adolescents. b. Brooks has a higher risk of doing poorly in school compared to other adolescents. c. Brooks has a lower risk of having an eating disorder compared to other adolescents. d. Brooks has a lower risk of dropping out of school compared to other adolescents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.14 Describe the challenges facing transgender youth and how they respond. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q5.15 Mateo is an adolescent who is being raised in a traditional Latino home. Which of the following scenarios reflects the ideology of machismo that Mateo is being socialized to develop? a. Mateo’s father is teaching him that, as a man, he is the head of the household and any decisions he makes should not be questioned. b. Being one of 10 children in his family, Mateo is being socialized to desire procreating a small family so that he can allocate more quality time to his children. c. Mateo’s father is teaching him that, as a man, he is the head of the household and any decisions he makes should be informed by his wife’s opinions. d. Being one of 10 children in his family, Mateo is being socialized to desire procreating only girls because girls are prized over boys in the Latino culture. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.15 Explain how the gender roles of African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans are rooted in their distinctive cultural histories. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q5.16 Which of the following reflects research results on gender stereotypes that provide insight into why gender stereotypes continue to exist? a. College students rate articles they believe are written by males as higher in quality than articles believed to be written by females because of gender 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank schemas that seek to confirm expectations that men are more intellectual than women. b. College students rate articles they believe are written by males on a “female” field, such as dietetics, to be lower in quality than if the same article were written by a female because of gender schemas that seek to confirm expectations that women are more suitable for nurturing careers. c. College students rate articles they believe are written by males lower in quality than articles believed to be written by females because of gender schemas that seek to confirm expectations that men are less intellectual than women. d. College students rate articles they believe are written by females to be higher in quality than if the same article were written by a male because of gender schemas that seek to confirm expectations that women have higher verbal abilities than men do. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q5.1.1 The fact that boys typically have less contact with their families, whereas girls maintain a close relationship with their mothers and spend more time with them on a daily basis, reflects a __________ difference between boys and girls during adolescence in traditional cultures. a. b. c. d.

gender sex biological social

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.1 Distinguish between gender and sex. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q5.1.2 In traditional cultures, socialization becomes more ________ for girls during adolescence, as girls prepare for gender-specific adult responsibilities such as ________. a. narrow; raising children b. narrow; hunting skills 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. broad; raising children d. broad; hunting skills Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.2 Summarize the gender roles of adolescent girls in traditional cultures, including how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q5.1.3 Which of the following best summarizes how adolescent boys reach manhood compared to how adolescent girls reach womanhood in traditional cultures? a. In traditional cultures it is common for adolescent girls to naturally obtain womanhood thorough the biological change of menarche, whereas adolescent boys must demonstrate their capacities to provide, protect, and procreate to achieve manhood status. b. In traditional cultures it is common for both adolescent girls and boys to naturally obtain womanhood and manhood through the biological changes of menarche and spermarche, respectively. c. In traditional cultures it is common for adolescent boys to naturally obtain manhood thorough the biological change of spermarche, whereas adolescent girls must demonstrate their capacities to clean, cook, and care for children to achieve womanhood status. d. In traditional cultures it is common for both adolescent girls and boys to achieve womanhood and manhood status by demonstrating their capacities to provide, protect, and procreate. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.1.4 Among adolescent boys in traditional cultures, developing the character qualities of ____________ leads to sexual opportunities that help boys demonstrate the capacity to ____________ that is required to achieve manhood status. a. confidence and boldness; procreate 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. courage and fortitude; procreate c. confidence and boldness; protect d. courage and fortitude; protect Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.3 List the three requirements of manhood for adolescent boys in traditional cultures, and explain the key factor that makes reaching manhood for adolescent boys different than reaching womanhood is for adolescent girls. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q5.1.5 Which of the following best summarizes research evidence for how economic development in developing countries is influencing more egalitarian gender roles? a. Adolescents in developing countries have less conservative perceptions of gender roles than adults. b. Emerging adults in developing countries are pursuing careers that involve less technological skills. c. Adolescents in developing countries have more conservative perceptions of gender roles than adults. d. Emerging adults in developing countries are pursuing careers that involve more domestic skills. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain how economic changes in developing countries are changing their gender roles. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.2.1 Across the 18th and 19th centuries in America, women strove to achieve the female ideal of the time, which included wearing corsets to make their waists look smaller. This example reflects how adolescent girls have historically been narrowly constricted in the area of _____________. a. b. c. d.

physical appearance sexuality occupational roles intellectual ability

Answer: a 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q5.2.2 According to historian Joan Brumberg, which of the following reflects how adolescent girls through American history were more supported than adolescent girls today? a. Adolescent girls in the 18th and 19th centuries had the opportunity to participate in voluntary organizations, such as the YWCA, which taught girls valuable skills and connected them with female mentors in their communities. b. Adolescent girls in the 18th and 19th centuries had the opportunity to participate in sports programs to promote the development of physical and mental strength. c. Adolescent girls in the 18th and 19th centuries had the opportunity to participate in school programs that focused on the development of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills to prepare them for technological careers. d. Adolescent girls in the 18th and 19th centuries had the opportunity to participate in sex education programs to learn how their bodies would be changing during puberty so that they could be prepared for events such as menarche. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.5 Explain how gender expectations for adolescent girls through American history both supported and restricted them more than adolescent girls today. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.2.3 According to historian Anthony Rotundo, gender expectations for young males in America during the 20th century reflected an increased emphasis on individualistic qualities in which _________ replaced self-control as a paramount virtue of young males. It is for this reason Rotundo refers to the 20th century as the era of _________ manhood. a. b. c. d.

self-expression; passionate self-expression; self-made self-denial; passionate self-denial; self-made 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q5.2.4 According to historian Anthony Rotundo, which of the following scenarios best reflects the ideal man of the era of communal manhood? a. Joseph is working on his father’s farm and is learning how to tend to crops and run a farming business so that he can prepare to become the provider for his future family. b. Joseph is lifting weights because he has an interest in participating in physical fitness activities to develop a muscular body that conveys strength and sexual desire. c. Joseph is a member of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) and participates in community service activities that foster his development of selfcontrol, strength, and discipline. d. Joseph is moving into the city away from his family’s farm to work in a factory and learn a vocational trade so that he can become independent from his family. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.6 Describe how views of the values of self-control and selfexpression in men changed in the course of American history. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.2.5 Although results from the General Social Survey (GSS) show a clear trend toward more egalitarian gender attitudes among Americans in recent decades, which of the following is a result from the GSS that reflects how Americans continue to harbor traditional gender attitudes? a. About 25% of Americans report they believe women should focus on caring for children and running the household. b. About 65% of Americans report they believe that preschoolers will suffer if their mothers work. c. About 80% of Americans report they believe men are better politicians. d. About 30% of Americans report they believe working mothers can have warm relationships with their children. 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.7 Summarize the changes in beliefs about gender in American society since the 1970s. Topic: Adolescents and Gender in American History Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.3.1 Which of the following research evidence on the gender intensification hypothesis best reflects how gender socialization changes from middle childhood to adolescence? a. Despite a comparable amount of weight gain across adolescence, adolescent girls report increases in body dissatisfaction compared to adolescent boys. b. Children report a higher adherence to gender stereotypes than adolescent girls and boys. c. Despite a comparable amount of weight gain across adolescence, adolescent girls report decreases in body dissatisfaction compared to adolescent boys. d. Children report a similar adherence to gender stereotypes as adolescent girls and boys. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.8 Describe how gender socialization changes from middle childhood to adolescence. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.3.2 Which of the following best reflects research evidence on the differential gender socialization that occurs in the school? a. Female professors are less likely to agree with explicit stereotypes, such as “Men are better at math than women,” compared with male professors. b. Girls tend to receive more peer support for their science interests than boys during adolescence. c. Female professors are more likely to agree with explicit stereotypes, such as “Men are better at math than women,” compared with male professors. d. Girls and boys tend to receive an equal amount of peer support for their science interests during adolescence. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe the evidence for differential gender socialization in the family, with peers, and in school. 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q5.3.3 Transgender adolescents are at high risk for ________, but they also often demonstrate _______. a. b. c. d.

verbal and physical aggression; resilience obesity; high self-esteem depression; high grades in school obesity; high grades in school

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.14 Contrast adolescent boys and girls in the major problem that results from their gender socialization. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q5.3.4 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence on androgynous adolescents and emerging adults? a. Across adolescence and emerging adulthood, androgynous females have the highest level of peer acceptance and report the highest level of positive body image. b. Across adolescence and emerging adulthood, androgynous females have the lowest level of peer acceptance and report the lowest level of positive body image. c. Across adolescence and emerging adulthood, androgynous males have the highest level of peer acceptance and report the highest level of positive body image. d. Across adolescence and emerging adulthood, both androgynous males and females have the highest levels of peer acceptance and report the highest levels of positive body image. Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.13 Connect the concept of expressive and instrumental traits to research on adolescents’ views of the ideal man or woman. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q5.3.5 According to ____________, gender stereotypes persist because roles for males and females enhance or suppress different capabilities, so that males and females tend to develop different skills and attitudes, which then leads to gender-specific behaviors. a. b. c. d.

social roles theory sex roles theory gender roles theory biased roles theory

Answer: a Learning Objective: 5.16 Explain why gender stereotypes persist despite limited evidence for their validity. Topic: Socialization and Gender in the West Difficulty: 1

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Chapter 6 The Self

Topic SelfConceptions Self-Esteem

The Emotional Self Identity

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Remember the Facts 3, 5, 16

Understand the Concepts 2, 4, 9, 12, 14

Apply What You Know 1, 7-8, 1011, 13, 15

Analyze It

19-23, 26, 28 76-79

17, 25, 27

24, 29

18, 30

37-38, 40

91 32, 35

33, 36, 39 80-83

92 31, 34, 41

42-46, 50, 54, 47-48, 55, 64, 59, 61-63, 65, 70 68, 71 84-90 95

49, 51-53, 56-58, 67, 69, 73-74 93-94

Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1


60, 66, 72, 75

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_06_01_Introduction_Apply_6.1 At the beginning of the chapter on the self, the author of the text uses Holden Caulfield (the young character) from Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye to illustrate a. b. c. d.

adolescent rebellion. how adults cannot understand adolescents. how society has changed since the 1950s. aspects of adolescents' self-development.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 162 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. aspects of adolescents' self-development. TB_06_02_Introduction_Understand_6.1 Which of the following is associated with adolescent cognitive development? a. b. c. d.

inability to see others' perspectives self-reflection concrete thought a lack of object permanence

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 162 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. self-reflection TB_06_03_Introduction_Remember_6.1 Which of the following is most TRUE of identity development? a. b. c. d.

Middle childhood is the key life period for identity development. During adolescence, a person's identity is solidified. Identity issues continue through emerging adulthood. After the first six years of life, a person's identity is set. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 162 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Identity issues continue through emerging adulthood. TB_06_04_Self-Conceptions_Understand_6.1 Individualistic culture is to independent self as collectivistic culture is to __________ self. a. b. c. d.

collection social ideal interdependent

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. interdependent TB_06_05_Self-Conceptions_Remember_6.1 The term self-esteem was first invented by American a. b. c. d.

Mary Cover Jones. William James. G. Stanley Hall. Susan Harter.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. William James. TB_06_06_Self-Conceptions_Analyze_6.1 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Of the following countries, where is the independent self likely to be MOST embraced as being culturally important? a. b. c. d.

China the United Kingdom the United States Pakistan

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. the United States TB_06_07_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.1 Constantine is a young adult who spends a lot of time volunteering for his church. He gladly gives a portion of his paycheck to his aunt and grandmother each month. Constantine's wife, Vera, is very upset and thinks that he should be focusing on his own career and trying to get ahead. Which of the following is most likely true of this couple? a. Constantine grew up in an individualistic culture; Vera grew up in a collectivistic culture. b. Constantine grew up in a collectivistic culture; Vera grew up in an individualistic culture. c. They are exhibiting normal behavior due to differential gender socialization. d. They are experiencing normal troubles associated with marriage in emerging adulthood. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Constantine grew up in a collectivistic culture; Vera grew up in an individualistic culture. TB_06_08_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.1 Jiang is twelve years old. He arrives home after school and announces to his family, "I am Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank the best public speaker in my class! I am so proud of myself. I'm going to be a great journalist!" Jiang's father replied by saying, "You shouldn't brag, Jiang. Remember your responsibilities." The father's comments best exemplify __________ cultural values. a. b. c. d.

individualistic collectivistic broadly defined self-reflective

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. collectivistic TB_06_09_Self-Conceptions_Understand_6.2 Childhood is to concrete as adolescence is to a. b. c. d.

combined. defined. vague. abstract.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. abstract. TB_06_10_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.2 When asked to describe himself, Kolton replies, "I have a sister named Jo and I live in Fort Qu'Appelle." Most likely Kolton is _________ year(s) old. a. b. c. d.

one five fourteen sixteen Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 163 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. five TB_06_11_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.2 Muukadu's stepmother was a "workaholic" and was hardly ever home. Muukadu plans to apply for law school, but swears she will not be like her stepmother. This scenario best reflects Muukadu's a. b. c. d.

actual self. feared self. abstract thought. barometric self-esteem.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 164 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. feared self. TB_06_12_Self-Conceptions_Understand_6.2 For an adolescent, feelings of failure may result from awareness of a difference between the a. b. c. d.

false self and ideal self. the ideal self and the feared self. the concrete self and the abstract self. actual self and the ideal self.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 164 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. actual self and the ideal self. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_06_13_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.2 Brenda knows that her grandmother suffered from alcoholism and ultimately drank herself into an early grave. Brenda dreads the idea of turning to alcohol herself, and promises her mother that she'll never take a drink. The idea of becoming someone with an alcohol problem represents Brenda's ________ self. a. b. c. d.

acquired unique feared idealized

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 164 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. feared TB_06_14_Self-Conceptions_Understand_6.2 One reason that depression is more prevalent in adolescence than in childhood may be that a. feelings of inadequacy stem from large discrepancies between actual and ideal selves. b. parents do not understand what it is like to be an adolescent. c. children do not have a sense of self. d. feelings of loneliness accompany adolescents' abstract self-understanding. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 164 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. feelings of inadequacy stem from large discrepancies between actual and ideal selves. TB_06_15_Self-Conceptions_Apply_6.2 Lauren, a ninth-grade student, describes herself as a pretty good guitar player and an excellent math student who can't understand chemistry. She says she is wild and Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank extroverted with friends in her band, yet is shy and quiet at school. Lauren's selfdescription reflects a. b. c. d.

the inability to integrate different aspects of her identity. that she is significantly different from most of her peers. differential gender socialization. the ability to recognize contradictions in her personality.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 165 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. the ability to recognize contradictions in her personality. TB_06_16_Self-Conceptions_Remember_6.2 According to research, an adolescent is most likely to put on a "false self" with a. b. c. d.

parents. dating partners. close friends. teachers.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 165 Topic: Self-Conceptions Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. dating partners. TB_06_17_Self-Esteem_Understand_6.3 Which of the following may contribute to a decline in self-esteem experienced in adolescence? a. b. c. d.

imaginary audience response bias separation personal fable

Difficulty: 2 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 165 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. imaginary audience TB_06_18_Self-Esteem_Analyze_6.3 The value placed upon self-esteem in the United States is associated with a. b. c. d.

child welfare. individualism. interdependence. the age of adolescence.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 166 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. individualism. TB_06_19_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.3 Research has found that ________ tend to have higher self-esteem than members of other racial/ethnic groups. a. b. c. d.

African Americans Caucasians Hispanic Americans Asian Americans

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 166 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. African Americans TB_06_20_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Which of the following scholars distinguished between baseline self-esteem and barometric self-esteem? a. b. c. d.

Susan Harter Erik Erikson Lawrence Kohlberg Morris Rosenberg

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 167 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Morris Rosenberg TB_06_21_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 When would a person likely experience the most intense fluctuations in barometric selfesteem? a. b. c. d.

early adolescence middle adolescence late adolescence emerging adulthood

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 167 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. early adolescence TB_06_22_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 The Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents was developed by a. b. c. d.

Morris Rosenberg. Carol Gilligan. James Marcia. Susan Harter. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 167 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Susan Harter. TB_06_23_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Which of the following is NOT one of the domains of self-image proposed by Harter in her Self-Perceptions Profile for Adolescents? a. b. c. d.

athletic competence close friendship extracurricular participation social acceptance

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 167 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. extracurricular participation TB_06_24_Self-Esteem_Apply_6.4 Lee responded to The Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents. Lee has a high self-image in terms of close friendship, and a low self-image in terms of physical appearance. Lee is most likely a. b. c. d.

male. female. struggling with sexual orientation issues. prone to depression.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. female. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_06_25_Self-Esteem_Understand_6.4 Which one of the following statements relates to girls' decline in self-esteem in adolescence? a. b. c. d.

Normal physical development is at odds with a cultural ideal of thinness. Boys typically have a more negative body image than do girls. Girls' scholastic achievement is typically lower than that of boys. Teachers are more likely to see them as being disciplinary problems in school.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. Normal physical development is at odds with a cultural ideal of thinness. TB_06_26_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Most of research showing a decline in girls' self-esteem in adolescence and a gender difference in perceived physical appearance has focused mainly on a. b. c. d.

middle-class Canadian adolescents. White adolescents. African American college students. adolescents of minority ethnicity.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. White adolescents. TB_06_27_Self-Esteem_Understand_6.4 An increase in self-esteem in emerging adulthood is associated with all of the following EXCEPT a. comfort with one's physical appearance. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. improved relationships with parents. c. social acceptance from peers. d. ability to ignore peers’ frequent evaluations. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. ability to ignore peers’ frequent evaluations. TB_06_28_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.5 Recent research has shown that the best way to increase school-related self-esteem is to a. b. c. d.

teach them knowledge and skills that can be the basis of real achievements. praise students regardless of real effort or achievement. encourage students to rate themselves favorably on self-image questionnaires. teach students how to praise themselves even when they don't try to do well.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 170 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. teach them knowledge and skills that can be the basis of real achievements. TB_06_29_Self-Esteem_Apply_6.5 Tessa's parents have noticed that she has low self-esteem. Of the following, what is the best advice for them? a. b. c. d.

Provide love and encouragement. Send her to a "boot camp." Do nothing; it's a normal phase. Seek treatment for depression.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 170 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank adolescents and relatively low for others. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Provide love and encouragement. TB_06_30_Self-Esteem_Analyze_6.5 In the 1960s and 1970s, American educational programs designed to enhance self-esteem reflected a predominant belief that self-esteem a. b. c. d.

is a result of school success. is a cause of school success. had declined steadily since World War II. is a socio-cultural invention.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 170 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. is a cause of school success. TB_06_31_The Emotional Self_Understand_6.6 Throughout the ages, the period of adolescence has been considered a time of a. b. c. d.

increased emotionality. increased resiliency. decreased cognition. decreased ambition.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 171 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. increased emotionality. TB_06_32_The Emotional Self_Analyze_6.6 According to most scholars, increased emotionality in adolescence can be attributed primarily to Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

raging hormones. cognitive and environmental factors. the generation gap. storm and stress.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 171 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. cognitive and environmental factors. TB_06_33_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.6 According to the text, recent research indicates that ___________ may make a significant contribution to adolescents' emotionality. a. b. c. d.

media consumption globalization brain development environmental toxins

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 171 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. brain development TB_06_34_The Emotional Self_Understand_6.7 According to Gilligan's theory, girls have a "different voice" than boys. This refers to girls' a. b. c. d.

sensitivity to the subtleties of relationships and emotions. understanding of logical and mathematical problems. tendency to speak more than boys. awareness of extra-sensory perceptions.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 172 Topic: The Emotional Self Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. sensitivity to the subtleties of relationships and emotions. TB_06_35_The Emotional Self_Analyze_6.7 Critics of Carol Gilligan's work argue that a. b. c. d.

differences between boys and girls are understated. validity and reliability of the methodology is hard to determine. her studies of gender differences rarely include girls. she did no research to support her theory.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 172-173 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. validity and reliability of the methodology is hard to determine. TB_06_36_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.7 Recent research testing Gilligan's theory found that a. b. c. d.

"feminine" girls reported higher levels of "voice" than boys. "feminine" girls reported lower levels of "voice" than boys. "androgynous" girls reported higher levels of "voice" than boys. it is impossible to compare boys and girls on this matter.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 173 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. "feminine" girls reported lower levels of "voice" than boys. TB_06_37_The Emotional Self_Apply_6.8 Celeste spends an unusually large amount of time alone. In fact, her parents notice that she is alone over half of the time. Celeste is likely to have a Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

greater than average chance of psychological difficulties. lower than average chance of experiencing adjustment problems. greater than average chance of school success. lower than average chance of relationship difficulties.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 173 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties. TB_06_38_The Emotional Self_Apply_6.8 Dominick has ten brothers and sisters and shares a bedroom with two brothers. His parents take in boarders who sleep in the basement. Dominick rarely gets to spend time alone, and sometimes wears his iPod just to block out the noise and be alone with his thoughts. Dominick is likely to have a a. b. c. d.

greater than average chance of psychological difficulties. lower than average chance of experiencing adjustment problems. greater than average chance of school success. lower than average chance of relationship difficulties.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 174 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties. TB_06_39_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.8 Robert Weiss (1973) makes the distinction between two types of loneliness: social and a. b. c. d.

spiritual. unsocial. emotional. constructive.

Difficulty: 2 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 174 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. emotional. TB_06_40_The Emotional Self_Apply_6.8 Jakob goes out a lot. He hangs around with a lot of guys from his neighborhood and his school. They are always skateboarding together downtown and playing video games. However, Jakob feels like he has no one to talk to about his problems and the things that are important to him. Jakob is experiencing a. b. c. d.

social loneliness. emotional loneliness. separation. marginality.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 174 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. emotional loneliness. TB_06_41_The Emotional Self_Understand_6.8 During which of the following life periods do people tend to spend the most time alone? a. b. c. d.

childhood adolescence emerging adulthood middle adulthood

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 174 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. emerging adulthood Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_06_42_Identity_Remember_6.9 According to Erikson, each life period is characterized by a specific a. b. c. d.

developmental crisis. physical experience. socio-cognitive task. ethical dilemma.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 175 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. developmental crisis. TB_06_43_Identity_Remember_6.9 Which of the following scholars proposed the theory of the adolescent identity crisis? a. b. c. d.

James Marcia Erik Erikson Carol Gilligan Susan Harter

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 174 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 (Introduction) Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Erik Erikson TB_06_44_Identity_Remember_6.9 According to Erikson, an infant's developmental task is to a. achieve a secure sense of identity. b. differentiate between the self and others. c. establish a sense of trust and security with someone. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. learn language in order to communicate. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 175 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. establish a sense of trust and security with someone. TB_06_45_Identity_Remember_6.9 According to Erikson, the central task of adolescence focuses on a. b. c. d.

real identity versus identity consolidation. identity versus identity confusion. childhood identity versus sexual identity. identity versus immaturity.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 175 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. identity versus identity confusion. TB_06_46_Identity_Remember_6.9 Psychohistory is the psychological analysis of a. b. c. d.

mental health institutions. major historical figures. important historical events. academic institutions.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. major historical figures. TB_06_47_Identity_Understand_6.9 Erikson (1958) used the life history of Martin Luther to illustrate a. b. c. d.

the identity crisis in adolescence and emerging adulthood. the impact of religious beliefs on self-esteem. career choices during adolescence and emerging adulthood. intimacy versus isolation.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. the identity crisis in adolescence and emerging adulthood. TB_06_48_Identity_Understand_6.9 The key areas of identity formation in adolescence are love, work, and a. b. c. d.

ideology. rebellion. body image. entertainment.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 177 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. ideology. TB_06_49_Identity_Apply_6.9 Enid looks up to her aunt who is a writer and wants to be just like her when she grows up. According to Erikson, which of the following terms describes this situation? Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

retention separation ideal self identification

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. identification TB_06_50_Identity_Remember_6.9 Which of the following best describes the psychosocial moratorium? a. b. c. d.

a period during adolescence where various identities are explored a period of identity consolidation in emerging adulthood the inability to make a decision about the future the suspension of working on identity formation

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. a period during adolescence where various identities are explored TB_06_51_Identity_Apply_6.9 Juan is a high school senior. He's not sure what he wants to study in college, but he is considering either teaching or nursing. He has a part-time job as a clerk in a medical clinic and volunteers at his stepsister's preschool. We could say that Juan is experiencing a. b. c. d.

identity achievement. identity foreclosure. identity diffusion. psychosocial moratorium. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. psychosocial moratorium. TB_06_52_Identity_Apply_6.9 Blake is 28 years old and hasn't settled down. He has started college twice and quit, unsure of what career would suit his personality. He plays in a rock band on the weekends and secretly hopes he will be discovered by a record company, but doesn't really like performing all that much. According to the theory of Erik Erikson, Blake is most likely experiencing a. b. c. d.

identity foreclosure. identity confusion. negative identity. marginality.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 177 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. identity confusion. TB_06_53_Identity_Apply_6.9 Fiona has always excelled in school and is a talented artist and pianist. Her parents have always told her, "You're so bright; you can be anything you want!" Now a young adult, Fiona is having difficulty deciding what to do and as a result feels depressed and unable to do anything. Most likely, Fiona is experiencing a. b. c. d.

parental control. psychosocial moratorium. identity confusion. her feared self.

Difficulty: 3 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 177 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. identity confusion. TB_06_54_Identity_Remember_6.10 Which of the following researchers developed the "Identity Status Interview"? a. b. c. d.

Erik Erikson James Marcia Reed Larson Jean Phinney

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 178 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. James Marcia TB_06_55_Identity_Understand_6.10 Each identity status contains a different combination of exploration and a. b. c. d.

crisis. reflection. commitment. assimilation.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 178 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. commitment. TB_06_56_Identity_Apply_6.10 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Ingrid is trying to "find herself." She is traveling to Asia and Europe next month and also plans to attend several career seminars when she returns home. Right now, she is considering a career in engineering and is taking a prerequisite physics course by correspondence. However, she has been talking to her aunt lately about her aunt's experiences staying home with her kids while she runs a home-based Internet business. All in all, Ingrid feels "up in the air," but she is trying to figure it all out. Which of the following identity statuses best describes Ingrid? a. b. c. d.

achievement foreclosure moratorium diffusion

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 178 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. moratorium TB_06_57_Identity_Apply_6.10 Dylan plans to get his commercial pilot's license and be a pilot at the company where both his father and grandfather work. He's never given it a second thought. Dylan's brother Aidan constantly warns him, "Take some time, man, don't rush into it; do what's right for you." Dylan always replies, "If being a pilot is good enough for Dad and Grandpa, it's good enough for me. Besides, they would be very disappointed if I backed out." Which of the following identity statuses best describes Dylan? a. b. c. d.

foreclosure moratorium diffusion achievement

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 178 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. foreclosure

Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_06_58_Identity_Apply_6.10 During her first year of college, Sarah left her options open by choosing a variety of courses. She had planned to be a business major, but after two summers of volunteering in a hospital, she decided that business went against her sense of values. She was able to transfer into a social work program at the start of her second year of college and is now sure she wants to go into social work. During this time, she had stopped going to church. Recently, she has started going to church again but has decided to join an ecumenical congregation that fits best with her beliefs. All in all, Sara feels like she has made the right choices. Which of the following identity statuses best describes Sarah? a. b. c. d.

diffusion moratorium foreclosure achievement

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 179 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. achievement TB_06_59_Identity_Remember_6.10 Adolescents in the foreclosure status tend to score higher on a measure of a. b. c. d.

rebelliousness. conformity. inquisitiveness. independence.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 179 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. conformity. TB_06_60_Identity_Analyze_6.10 Conformity is likely to be thought of more unfavorably in Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

a Western culture. a non-Western culture. adolescence. emerging adulthood.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 179 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. a Western culture. TB_06_61_Identity_Remember_6.11 Of the following, which is NOT one of the main critiques of Erikson's model? a. b. c. d.

critique of the identity status model a gender critique a cultural critique a socio-religious critique

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. a socio-religious critique TB_06_62_Identity_Remember_6.11 According to recent research, the postmodern identity status model is a. b. c. d.

stable and unitary. changeable across contexts. not able to respond to cultural elements. portrayed by a predictable stage theory.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. changeable across contexts. TB_06_63_Identity_Remember_6.11 The postmodern identity theory replaces which criticized model? a. b. c. d.

cultural identity model bicultural identity model identity status model negative Identity model

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. identity status model TB_06_64_Identity_Understand_6.11 Gender differences in identity formation exist especially in the area of a. b. c. d.

religion and spirituality. ideology and political beliefs. education and occupation. athletics and fashion.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180-181 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. education and occupation. TB_06_65_Identity_Remember_6.11 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Critics of Erikson's work have argued that it is a. b. c. d.

biased toward male development. outdated in its historical approach. based only on European contexts. too focused on questionnaire data.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. biased toward male development. TB_06_66_Identity_Analyze_6.11 In terms of culture and identity, critics of Erikson's theory argue that it a. b. c. d.

focuses on emerging adulthood. is outdated in its historical approach. assumes an independent identity. assumes an interdependent self.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. assumes an independent identity. TB_06_67_Identity_Apply_6.12 For adolescents in minority cultures, the cognitive ability of self-reflection may bring about a heightened awareness of all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

what it means to be a member of a minority group the cultural stereotypes others may hold differences between the majority and minority cultures their own need to break free of their parent's cultural background Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 182 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. their own need to break free of their parent's cultural background TB_06_68_Identity_Remember_6.12 Which of the following scholars is well-known for the study of identity formation of members of ethnic minorities in Western society? a. b. c. d.

James Marcia Carol Gilligan Jean Phinney Robert Weiss

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Jean Phinney TB_06_69_Identity_Apply_6.12 It is Chantel's first day at a new high school. At lunch, a girl from her class asks her, "Where are you from? What's your background?" Chantel replies, "My parents are originally from Korea, but I really think of myself as just Canadian." Chantel's statement best illustrates a. b. c. d.

marginality. biculturalism. separation. assimilation.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. assimilation.

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_06_70_Identity_Understand_6.12 Which of the following ethnic identity statuses is characterized by low identification with the majority culture? a. b. c. d.

marginality assimilated bicultural separation

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. marginality TB_06_71_Identity_Remember_6.12 Of the following, which group of adolescents is most likely to view themselves as bicultural? a. b. c. d.

Mexican American African American Native American Puerto Rican

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Mexican American TB_06_72_Identity_Analyze_6.12 With regard to ethnic identity, a separation orientation most likely might result from a. b. c. d.

discrimination experienced by minorities. conflict in parent-adolescent relationships. the loss of traditional cultural values and practices. international trends in globalization.

Difficulty: 3 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 184 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. discrimination experienced by minorities. TB_06_73_Identity_Apply_6.13 As a consequence of __________ many young people around the world adopt a(n)_________ identity. a. b. c. d.

racism; bicultural racism; assimilated globalization; separation globalization; bicultural

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 184 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. globalization; bicultural TB_06_74_Identity_Apply_6.13 Mobashar lives in Pakistan and is a member of a rap group. His favorite recording artist is Jay-Z. His rap group integrates traditional music with rap. He plans to study information and communications technologies at college and is happy with the arranged marriage that awaits him. Mobashar's situation best exemplifies a. b. c. d.

hybrid identity. marginalization. immigrant identity. identity confusion.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 184 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. hybrid identity. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_06_75_Identity_Analyze_6.13 Related to issues of globalization, the pervasiveness of identity confusion may be best equated to a. b. c. d.

hybrid identity. identity foreclosure. marginalized identity. identity achievement.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 186 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. marginalized identity. True/False TB_06_76_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Levon feels good about his physical appearance and friendships, but worries that he is not so good at school. According to Harter, it is possible for Levon to have healthy global selfesteem. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 167 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_77_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Adolescent boys are more likely than girls to focus on physical appearance as a basis for self-esteem. a. True b. False Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 167-168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_06_78_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 Global self-esteem and physical appearance are closely linked for emerging adults. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_79_Self-Esteem_Remember_6.4 According to research, African American adolescent girls are more likely to have a positive body image than White American adolescent girls. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 168 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_80_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.6 Adolescents tend to experience more negative moods than preadolescents or adults. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 171 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_81_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.6 Adolescents do NOT report more extremes of emotions than children or adults. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 171 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_06_82_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.7 Harter's (1999) research supports Gilligan's claim that girls' "voice" declines as they enter adolescence. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 173 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_06_83_The Emotional Self_Remember_6.8 According to research, adolescents spend approximately one fourth of their time alone. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 173 Topic: The Emotional Self Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_84_Identity_Remember_6.9 According to Erikson, adolescence is the most crucial age in terms of identity development. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 176 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_85_Identity_Remember_6.9 Erikson's work on identity formation was mostly based on the findings from research projects. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 175 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Remember the Facts Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 36

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. False TB_06_86_Identity_Remember_6.10 Of all the identity statuses in adolescence, diffusion is the most likely to be predictive of anxiety, apathy, and having a disconnected relationship with one's parents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 179 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_87_Identity_Remember_6.10 "Prolonged adolescence" is most likely to occur in industrialized societies. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_06_88_Identity_Remember_6.11 The postmodern identity is stable across contexts and over each developmental period. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 180 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 37

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_06_89_Identity_Remember_6.11 According to Erikson, intimacy versus identity is the central issue of young adulthood. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 181 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_06_90_Identity_Remember_6.12 Biculturalism is the option that involves leaving behind the ways of one's ethnic group and adopting the values and way of life of the majority culture. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_06_91_Self-Esteem_Analyze_6.3 Provide reasons for a decline in self-esteem during early adolescence. Include reference to gender differences. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 165-171 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations; 6.4 List Harter’s Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence; & 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Adolescents' changing cognitive abilities and associated "egocentrism" (i.e., imaginary audience) coupled with ability to understand sarcasm. • Peeroriented nature of adolescence in Western cultures makes peer judgments highly salient. • Research shows that an important caution is not to exaggerate the degree of decline in self-esteem among adolescents. • Harter's research has shown that girls tend to rate themselves lower than boys on physical appearance, but higher than boys on close friendships. TB_06_92_Self-Esteem_Understand_6.5 List and describe influences upon self-esteem in adolescence. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 170 Topic: Self-Esteem Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Self-esteem is enhanced by parental support and encouragement. • Approval from adults outside the family contributes to self-esteem. • School success contributes to self-esteem. • Inflated self-esteem may be associated with adjustment problems. TB_06_93_Identity_Apply_6.9 According to Erikson, the three principle areas of identity formation for adolescents and emerging adults are love, work, and ideology. Discuss and relate these to the cultural values of individualism in America. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 175 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Psychosocial moratorium (a period of exploration) is more viable in industrialized societies. • Individualism is associated with independence in decision making about beliefs, etc. • An extended period of adolescence (exploration) is associated with industrialized societies. • Limitations on exploration in both love Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank and work in traditional cultures have been more restrictive for girls than boys in those cultures. TB_06_94_Identity_Apply_6.12 Describe four possible alternatives of ethnic identity and provide an example of each demonstrating an awareness of the cultural makeup of the United States. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 183 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Assimilation -- leaving behind the ways of one's ethnic group and adopting the values and way of life of the majority culture in keeping with the "melting pot" theme. • Separation -- associating only with members of one's own ethnic group and rejecting the ways of the majority culture. African American and Puerto Rican adolescents are more likely to have a separation orientation (legacy of racism and discrimination in America). • Marginality: rejecting one's culture of origin, but also experiencing rejection from the majority culture. Marginality is common among Native American adolescents (legacy of legislated cultural destruction). • Biculturalism: dual identity based upon one's ethnic group of origin and based in the majority culture. Overall, minority adolescents tend to view themselves as bicultural. Mexican American and Asian American adolescents are most likely to view themselves as bicultural. TB_06_95_Identity_Understand_6.13 Outline important issues relating to the impact of globalization on identity development during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 184-186 Topic: Identity Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Many adolescents around the world adopt bicultural identities, even within their own countries/cultures. • Hybrid identities arise when features of globalization (e.g., media, etc.) alter traditional cultural practices and beliefs. • Higher levels of immigration may increase the complexity of identity development. • Globalization may lead to an increase in the pervasiveness of identity confusion and marginalization, which in turn may be associated with problems such as depression, suicide, and substance use. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 40

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q6.1 Which of the following best summarizes how collectivistic cultures socialize adolescents on conceptions of the self? a. Because narrow socialization values are emphasized within collectivistic cultures, an interdependent conception of the self prevails in which adolescents are socialized to focus on their own needs and interests. b. Because narrow socialization values are emphasized within collectivistic cultures, an independent conception of the self prevails in which adolescents are socialized to consider their self-conception as defined by relationships with others. c. Because broad socialization values are emphasized within collectivistic cultures, an interdependent conception of the self prevails in which adolescents are socialized to consider their self-conception as defined by relationships with others. d. Because broad socialization values are emphasized within collectivistic cultures, an independent conception of the self prevails in which adolescents are socialized to consider their self-conception as defined by relationships with others. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.2 When asked how she describes her personality, 15-year-old Serena said, “I am friendly and outgoing, but sometimes I can be self-conscious.” Which of the following best explains why Serena described her self-concept this way? a. The cognitive development that occurs in adolescence, specifically the attainment of formal operations, enables Serena to develop self-conceptions that are more complex and abstract. b. The cognitive development that occurs in adolescence, specifically the attainment of concrete operations, enables Serena to develop self-conceptions that are more complex and abstract. c. The cognitive development that occurs in adolescence, specifically the attainment of formal operations, enables Serena to develop self-conceptions that are more material and simple. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 41

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. The cognitive development that occurs in adolescence, specifically the attainment of concrete operations, enables Serena to develop self-conceptions that are more material and simple. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.3 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence that describes how and why selfesteem changes during adolescence and emerging adulthood? a. Self-esteem is lower during adolescence compared to emerging adulthood because adolescents tend to be more peer-oriented and self-conscious about harsh peer evaluations than emerging adults. b. Because emerging adulthood is an age of possibilities, which includes an optimistic view of the future, emerging adults tend to have higher levels of selfesteem than adolescents. c. Self-esteem is higher during adolescence compared to emerging adulthood because adolescents tend to be less peer-oriented and self-conscious about harsh peer evaluations than emerging adults. d. Because adolescence is an age of possibilities, which includes an optimistic view of the future, adolescents tend to have higher levels of self-esteem than emerging adults. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.4 Research by Susan Harter and other scientists has found the domain of ________ has the most influence on global self-esteem during adolescence, and that this link is strongest among ________. a. b. c. d.

physical appearance; girls physical appearance; boys social acceptance; girls social acceptance; boys Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 42

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q6.5 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence that explains differences in self-esteem among adolescents? a. Celine has a warm and supportive relationship with her parents, and in turn she has a high level of self-esteem. b. Celine has a high level of self-esteem, and in turn made the A/B honor roll at her school. c. Celine thinks that she is the most popular girl in her class, and in turn has an inflated self-esteem. d. Celine has an inflated self-esteem, and in turn has gotten in trouble at school for talking back to the teacher. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.6 Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) studies on emotional volatility across adolescence? a. The ESM results indicate adolescents reported experiencing more extremes of emotions, such as feeling embarrassed, compared to both preadolescents and adults, and that from fifth to eighth grade there was a 50% decline in the proportion of time youth reported feeling “very happy.” b. The ESM results indicate adolescents reported experiencing more extremes of emotions, such as feeling embarrassed, compared to both preadolescents and adults, and that from 9th to 12th grade there was a 50% decline in the proportion of time youth reported feeling “very happy.” c. The ESM results indicate adolescents reported experiencing more extremes of emotions, such as feeling embarrassed, only compared to preadolescents, and that from fifth to eighth grade there was a 50% increase in the proportion of time youth reported feeling “very happy.” Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 43

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. The ESM results indicate adolescents reported experiencing more extremes of emotions, such as feeling embarrassed, only compared to adults, and that from 9th to 12th grade there was a 50% increase in the proportion of time youth reported feeling “very happy.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.7 Which of the following best summarizes Carol Gilligan’s perspective that girls “lose their voice” during adolescence, along with the major criticisms of this perspective? a. According to Gilligan’s research, girls “lose their voice” in the course of conforming to cultural pressures for the passive female role during adolescence; however, critics argue that this perspective is biased because of major flaws in Gilligan’s research methods, including rarely assessing boys and only conducting qualitative research. b. According to Gilligan’s research, girls “lose their voice” in the course of conforming to cultural pressures for the passive female role during adolescence; however, critics argue that this perspective is biased because of major flaws in Gilligan’s research methods, including rarely assessing the parental strategies for gender socialization and only conducting quantitative research. c. According to Gilligan’s research, girls “lose their voice” during adolescence after going through pubertal rituals that elevate boys’ social status and minimize girls’ social status; however, critics argue that this perspective is biased because of major flaws in Gilligan’s research methods, including rarely assessing boys and only conducting qualitative research. d. According to Gilligan’s research, girls “lose their voice” during adolescence after going through pubertal rituals that elevate boys’ social status and minimize girls’ social status; however, critics argue that this perspective is biased because of major flaws in Gilligan’s research methods, including rarely assessing the parental strategies for gender socialization and only conducting quantitative research. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 3

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q6.8 Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) studies on adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone? a. The ESM studies revealed adolescents spend about 25% of their time alone, and that although they report experiencing low moods during these hours, they use this time to engage in self-reflection and mood regeneration. b. The ESM studies revealed adolescents spend about 50% of their time alone, and that although they report experiencing low moods during these hours, they use this time to engage in self-reflection and mood regeneration. c. The ESM studies revealed adolescents spend about 25% of their time alone, and that although they report experiencing low moods during these hours, they use this time to finish their homework and clean their bedrooms. d. The ESM studies revealed adolescents spend about 50% of their time alone, and that although they report experiencing low moods during these hours, they use this time to finish their homework and clean their bedrooms. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.9 In Marcia’s system based on Erikson’s identity development theory, the psychosocial moratorium entails ______ but not _________. a. b. c. d.

exploration; commitment commitment; exploration crisis; development development; crisis

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.10 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 45

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank James Marcia and other psychologists extended Erikson’s theory of identity development by creating and conducting research on a questionnaire called the Identity Status Interview that classifies adolescents into one of four different identity statuses. Which of the following best explains how this questionnaire categorizes adolescents, and what the resulting four identity statuses are? a. The Identity Status Interview has questions that tap into adolescents’ level of engagement in identity exploration and commitment, and the resulting combinations of these processes are the four statuses of identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. b. The Identity Status Interview has questions that tap into adolescents’ level of engagement in identity crises and identifications, and the resulting combinations of these processes are the four statuses of identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. c. The Identity Status Interview has questions that tap into adolescents’ level of engagement in identity exploration and commitment, and the resulting combinations of these processes are the four statuses of identity assimilation, marginality, separation, and biculturalism. d. The Identity Status Interview has questions that tap into adolescents’ level of engagement in identity crises and identifications, and the resulting combinations of these processes are the four statuses of identity assimilation, marginality, separation, and biculturalism. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q6.11 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the postmodern identity? a. When Ellen is around her close friends, she is more outgoing, and when she is around her coworkers, she is more reserved; furthermore, since Ellen has transitioned to college from high school, she has found herself being more openminded and is choosing to remain this way. b. From spending time with close friends to engaging with coworkers, Ellen is always the same reserved person; furthermore, since Ellen has transitioned to college from high school, she has remained close-minded to perspectives opposite of her own. c. Ellen is a high school student who is participating in multiple different afterschool clubs, from the Science Team to the Debate Team, so that she can explore her interests to gain clarity about what she might want her major to be when she transitions to college. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 46

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Ellen’s parents both served in the Army, and as such have strongly encouraged her to pursue an occupation in the military; thus, Ellen has been participating in the Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC) because her sole career goal is to join the Air Force branch of the military upon graduating from high school. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q6.12 Which of the following best explains how Jean Phinney’s model of ethnic identity development classifies adolescents into one of four different identity statuses, and what are the resulting four identity statuses? a. According to Phinney, identity development among ethnic minority adolescents involves a process in which youth must negotiate the values of their ethnic group with the values of the majority culture; the resulting combinations of this process are the four ethnic identity statuses of assimilation, marginality, separation, and biculturalism. b. According to Phinney, identity development among ethnic minority adolescents involves a process in which youth must negotiate the values of their ethnic group with the values of the majority culture; the resulting combinations of this process are the four ethnic identity statuses of diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. c. According to Phinney, identity development among ethnic minority adolescents involves a process in which youth engage in different levels of identity exploration and commitment; the resulting combinations of this process are the four ethnic identity statuses of assimilation, marginality, separation, and biculturalism. d. According to Phinney, identity development among ethnic minority adolescents involves a process in which youth engage in different levels of identity exploration and commitment; the resulting combinations of this process are the four ethnic identity statuses of diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 3

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q6.13 In response to rapid globalization, researchers have found that many adolescents are developing a ___________ identity, which integrates elements from their native culture, their current local culture, and the global culture. a. b. c. d.

hybrid multicultural bicultural assimilated

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.1.1 Individualistic cultures use _____ socialization to promote an ______ view of the self. a. b. c. d.

broad; independent broad; interdependent narrow; independent narrow; interdependent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.1.2 Collectivistic cultures use _____ socialization to promote an ______ view of the self. a. b. c. d.

narrow; interdependent narrow; independent broad; interdependent broad; independent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.1 Summarize the differences among cultures in conceptions of the self. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 48

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.1.3 Bethany has done well in high school and hopes to go to a good university, but she worries that she might do poorly and drop out like her older brother did. Bethany is imagining which type of possible self? a. b. c. d.

Feared self Ideal self False self Anxious self

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.1.4 A researcher is investigating differences between fifth and eighth graders’ descriptions of their self-concepts. Which of the following best reflects a response an eighth grader would provide when asked to describe themselves? a. “I am a serious flute player and I have a great best friend, Jen; we really know each other and trust each other.” b. “I play soccer and I have a twin brother whose name is Caleb.” c. “I like to spend time with my family, and once a week we have family game night.” d. “I think science is fun and I am part of my school’s Science Olympiad team.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.1.5

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Researchers have found that adolescents report they are most likely to exhibit a _______ self when interacting with _______, because they want to impress someone or to conceal aspects of themselves they do not want others to see. a. b. c. d.

false; dating partners false; parents ideal; dating partners ideal; parents

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe the different kinds of selves adolescents may have, and explain how this variation reflects adolescents’ cognitive development. Topic: Self-Conceptions Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.2.1 A researcher is investigating differences in self-esteem among American ethnic groups, specifically African American, Asian American, and white adolescents. After computing the mean self-esteem scores for each ethnic group, which of the following is likely to be the order of the self-esteem scores from highest to lowest, and why? a. African Americans will report the highest self-esteem scores and Asian Americans the lowest, with white adolescents in between, because Asian cultures tend to discourage high self-evaluations. b. African Americans will report the lowest self-esteem scores and Asian Americans the highest, with white adolescents in between, because Asian cultures tend to encourage high self-evaluations. c. White adolescents will report the highest self-esteem scores and African Americans the lowest, with Asian Americans in between, because the African American culture’s history of slavery encourages submission. d. White adolescents will report the lowest self-esteem scores and African Americans the highest, with Asian Americans in between, because the African American culture’s history of slavery discourages conformity. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.3 Explain how and why self-esteem changes from preadolescence through adolescence, including ethnic variations. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q6.2.2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Katherine argued with her sister during breakfast and felt angry on the car ride to school, but once she got to school and chatted with friends about planning a shopping trip to the mall, she felt happy. Katherine soon felt miserable because she got a poor grade on her Language Arts test, but her spirits were quickly lifted when the boy she liked smiled at her during lunch. This scenario reflects fluctuations in _________ self-esteem. a. b. c. d.

barometric baseline global social

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.2.3 Which of the following domains of self-concept is assessed by this survey item: “Some teenagers feel like they could do better at work they do for pay, but other teenagers feel that they are doing really well at work they do for pay.” a. b. c. d.

Job competence Scholastic competence Behavioral conduct Social acceptance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.2.4 Which of the following survey items best reflects the self-concept domain of romantic appeal? a. “Some teenagers feel that they are fun and interesting on a date, but other teenagers wonder about how fun and interesting they are on a date.” b. “Some teenagers think that they are good looking, but other teenagers think that they are not very good looking.” Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 51

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. “Some teenagers understand how to get peers to accept them, but other teenagers don’t understand how to get peers to accept them.” d. “Some teenagers are able to make really close friends, but other teenagers find it hard to make really close friends.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.4 List Harter’s eight domains of self-concept, and identify which of them has the most influence on global self-esteem in adolescence. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.2.5 Which of the following best describes the current perspective on associations between school success and self-esteem among adolescents? a. School success and self-esteem are mutually reinforcing, in that doing well in school enhances adolescents’ self-esteem, which in turn gives them confidence that promotes further school success. b. Confidence in one’s abilities to be successful at school, even if the school material is beyond the adolescent’s abilities, will guarantee school success. c. Having an inflated sense of self-esteem is necessary for adolescents to obtain a high level of school success, especially with the achievement standards being so competitive today. d. Self-esteem is a cause of school success rather than a consequence, in that having a high level of self-esteem is the only way for adolescents to achieve a high level of school success. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.5 Explain why self-esteem is relatively high for some adolescents and relatively low for others. Topic: Self-Esteem Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.3.1 Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from brain-imaging studies on emotional volatility during adolescence? a. Compared to adults, adolescents had higher brain activation in the amygdala and lower brain activation in the frontal lobes in response to pictures displaying strong emotions, indicating adolescents are prone to respond to emotional stimuli in a less rational way. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 52

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Compared to adults, adolescents had lower brain activation in the amygdala and higher brain activation in the frontal lobes in response to pictures displaying strong emotions, indicating adolescents are prone to respond to emotional stimuli in a more rational way. c. Compared to adults, adolescents had higher brain activation in the hypothalamus and lower brain activation in the frontal lobes in response to pictures displaying strong emotions, indicating adolescents are prone to respond to emotional stimuli in a less rational way. d. Compared to adults, adolescents had lower brain activation in the hypothalamus and higher brain activation in the frontal lobes in response to pictures displaying strong emotions, indicating adolescents are prone to respond to emotional stimuli in a more rational way. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.3.2 What does the research evidence suggest about emotionality in emerging adulthood? a. Research suggests that from ages 18 to 25, negative emotions, such as feeling depressed or angry, decrease, indicating for most youth the self becomes happier and more stable from adolescence to emerging adulthood. b. Research suggests that from ages 18 to 25, negative emotions, such as feeling depressed or angry, increase, indicating for most youth the self becomes less happy and more volatile from adolescence to emerging adulthood. c. Research suggests that from ages 18 to 25, positive emotions, such as feeling happy or energetic, decrease, highlighting emerging adulthood as a time of instability. d. Research suggests that from ages 18 to 25, positive emotions, such as feeling happy or energetic, remain unchanged, indicating the self as stable and enduring from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.6 Summarize the evidence for emotional volatility in adolescence. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.3.3 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 53

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank According to findings from Susan Harter’s research that evaluated Carol Gilligan’s claim that girls “lose their voice” during adolescence, the results indicated some support for Gilligan’s theory in that __________ girls reported lower levels of “voice” than boys did; however, __________ girls were equal to boys in “voice,” suggesting that a “loss of voice” is not universal among adolescent girls. a. b. c. d.

feminine; androgynous androgynous; feminine feminine; masculine masculine; feminine

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.7 Evaluate the claim that girls lose their “voice” in adolescence. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.3.4 Larry and Sarah are siblings who are in middle school. Whereas Larry spends most of his time away from school at home alone in his bedroom, Sarah spends most of her time away from school with friends. If Larry and Sarah are like many other adolescents studied with the same behaviors, which of the following are Larry and Sarah MOST likely to experience? a. Both Larry and Sarah are likely to experience high rates of school problems and depression. b. Both Larry and Sarah are likely to experience low rates of school problems and depression. c. Larry is likely to experience a high rate of depression, and Sarah is likely to experience a low rate of school problems. d. Larry is likely to experience a low rate of depression, and Sarah is likely to experience a high rate of school problems. Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.3.5 Jenny is a first-year college student who lives in the dormitory on campus. Jenny has many interactions with people throughout a typical day, from chatting with roommates about their daily plans over breakfast to reviewing notes with classmates after physics lectures. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 54

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Despite these many interactions, Jenny feels lonely because the interactions are not rewarding to her. What type of loneliness is Jenny experiencing? a. b. c. d.

Emotional loneliness Social loneliness Family loneliness Peer loneliness

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.8 Summarize adolescents’ emotional states during times they are alone. Topic: The Emotional Self Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.4.1 According to Erikson’s theory, identity confusion reflects a failure to establish commitments in which of the following areas? a. b. c. d.

Love, work, and ideology Family, work, and peers Love, peers, and ideology Work, family, and peers

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.9 Explain how identity issues develop in adolescence, according to Erikson’s theory, and how and why identity development might go off track. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.4.2 Research on the identity status model has found that the identity statuses are differentially associated with aspects of adolescent development. For instance, adolescents in the __________ status report lower levels of self-esteem and poorer relationship quality with parents compared to adolescents in the __________ status. a. b. c. d.

diffusion; achievement achievement; diffusion moratorium; achievement achievement; moratorium

Answer: a Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 55

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 6.10 Connect Erikson’s theory of identity development to the identity status model on which most research is based. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.4.3 Erikson’s theory has been critiqued for being biased toward male development, notably within the stage of intimacy versus isolation in that Erikson assumed that achieving ________ was a higher priority for males, whereas achieving ________ was a higher priority for females. a. b. c. d.

identity; intimacy intimacy; identity autonomy; identity identity; autonomy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.11 Evaluate Erikson’s theory from the perspective of postmodern theory, and note the theory’s limitations concerning gender and culture. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q6.4.4 Which of the following scenarios best reflects an adolescent who has a separated ethnic identity? a. Omar is an African American adolescent, and when asked to reflect on his ethnic identity, he says, “I am only part of one culture, and that is the proud Black culture.” b. Omar is an African American adolescent, and when asked to reflect on his ethnic identity, he says, “When I’m with my Black friends, I feel White, and when I’m with my White friends, I feel Black. I don’t really feel like I belong with either group.” c. Omar is a Mexican American adolescent, and when asked to reflect on his ethnic identity, he says, “I like being both Mexican and American, because I can draw from different strengths in different situations.” d. Omar is a Mexican American adolescent, and when asked to reflect on his ethnic identity, he says, “I only really think of myself as American, and not Mexican American.” Answer: a Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 56

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 6.12 Describe Phinney’s model of ethnic identity in adolescence. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q6.4.5 Researchers have found that adapting to the rapid changes of globalization has been difficult for adolescents in traditional cultures, and as such, they are more likely to undergo _____________ and are more at risk for _____________. a. b. c. d.

identity confusion; suicide and substance use identity confusion; bullying and discrimination identity foreclosure; suicide and substance use identity foreclosure; bullying and discrimination

Answer: a Learning Objective: 6.13 Explain how globalization is influencing identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Identity Difficulty: 1

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Chapter 7 Family Relationships

Topic Adolescents’ Family Relationships Variations in Parenting

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice


Historical Change and the Family Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Problems in Family Functioning

Remember Understand the Facts the Concepts 1, 6, 9, 112-3, 8 14, 18 76-77 20, 23, 26, 29-30, 32, 35, 38, 43, 50, 52-54

25, 28, 33, 40, 46, 49, 51

Apply What You Know 5, 7, 10, 1517 19, 21-22, 24, 27, 31, 34, 36-37, 41-42, 4445, 47-48, 55

78-80, 8286

Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice

56-57, 59 87

True/False Short Essay

88 94

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

73-75 89-90

Analyze It 4 91 39

81 92 58, 60

61 93



62-63, 6970


Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

72 95

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_07_01_Introduction_Remember_7.1 According to research, what family members do adolescents rate as having the closest attachments with? a. b. c. d.

parents sisters brothers grandparents

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 189 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. parents TB_07_02_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Understand_7.1 Which statement most accurately represents a dyadic relationship? a. b. c. d.

mothers, fathers, and children acting together relationships between three siblings single-parent family with two children a relationship between two persons

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 190 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. a relationship between two persons TB_07_03_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Understand_7.1 One key principle of the family systems approach is a. b. c. d.

parents often become depressed when children move away. each subsystem influences every other subsystem. conflicts arise regardless of culture. subsystems are independent of each other. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 190 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. each subsystem influences every other subsystem. TB_07_04_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Analyze_7.1 A key change which may cause disequilibrium in a family as a child enters adolescence is the a. b. c. d.

status of the parent's marriage. beginning of puberty and sexual maturity. affective functions of the family. profound social changes over the last decade.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 190 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. beginning of puberty and sexual maturity. TB_07_05_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.2 Garth is an 11-year-old boy. If Garth lives in a developed country, his parents are most likely a. b. c. d.

emerging adults. entering midlife. in their early 30s. in their late 20s.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 191 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. entering midlife. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_07_06_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.2 According to research, for most Americans midlife is marked by a. b. c. d.

feelings of depression and introspection. a midlife crisis and out of the ordinary behavior. feeling that one is in the prime of life. feeling more like one's adolescent children.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 191 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. feeling that one is in the prime of life. TB_07_07_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.2 Tracy is a mother in her early 40s. She is taking part in a study which is investigating the "empty-nest syndrome" that occurs when children leave home. Tracy has two daughters who have recently moved out, one to attend college and the other to move in with a boyfriend. When asked how Tracy is adjusting to life without the girls, she is most likely to say, a. "I have had very little trouble adjusting to their departure." b. "I have been devastated by their departure." c. "My husband and I don't have a clue what we're going to do now." d. "Our marriage has suddenly become troubled." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 191 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. "I have had very little trouble adjusting to their departure." TB_07_08_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Understand_7.2 Which statement best summarizes the situation of people in midlife? Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

Earning power declines during this stage. Job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood. Marital problems increase. Physical skills have experienced significant decline, leading to some feelings of despair.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 191 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood. TB_07_09_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 According to research, the amount of time American adolescents spend with their families drops by what percentage between fifth and ninth grades? a. b. c. d.

10% 25% 50% 75%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 194 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 50% TB_07_10_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.3 Dylan, a 15-year-old boy, and his father, Craig, have spent less time together over the past few years. On average, Dylan and his father only spend about one hour a day together, and most of that time is spent watching television. What does this tell us about Dylan's home life? a. Dylan's dad is an authoritative parent. b. Dylan is a neglected child. c. Dylan's home life is normal. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Dylan is most likely a maladjusted teen. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 194 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Dylan's home life is normal. TB_07_11_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 Research has demonstrated that parents' relationships with their adolescents a. b. c. d.

provide a negative familial pattern. focus on only mothers' interactions. are of enduring importance. show only a shadowy presence.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 195 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. are of enduring importance. TB_07_12_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 In the research focus box entitled "The Daily Rhythms of Adolescent's Family Lives," how are fathers portrayed? a. b. c. d.

Fathers are deeply involved in their adolescents' lives. There is no data to support the role of fathers. Fathers are as likely as mothers to be involved in their child's lives. Fathers are usually only a minor presence in adolescents' lives.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 195 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Fathers are usually only a minor presence in adolescents' lives. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_07_13_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 According to research, what relationship is marked by the most frequent number of conflicts? An adolescent's relationship with a. b. c. d.

parents. friends. teachers. siblings.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 193 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. siblings. TB_07_14_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 Compared to Western societies, siblings in traditional cultures are more likely to experience ________ relationships. a. b. c. d.

rival caregiver casual critical

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 193 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. caregiver TB_07_15_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.3 Barbara and Mary are sisters who are 13 and 15 years respectively. Barbara, the younger sister, knows that Mary is older and has to be obeyed whether she likes it or not. These sisters are most likely to live in a(n) Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

traditional culture. Western country. industrialized country. broadly socialized culture.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 194 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. traditional culture. TB_07_16_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.4 Wahib is getting married. He ascribes to the traditions of his culture in rural India. He and his wife have never met, as their parents arranged the marriage. In order to maintain his traditional cultural beliefs, when Wahib and his new bride have returned from their honeymoon they will most likely a. b. c. d.

move in with his wife's family. move in with Wahib's family. find a place of their own. build a house next to Wahib's grandparents.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 195-196 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.4 Explain why relations with extended family members are often especially close for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. move in with Wahib's family. TB_07_17_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Apply_7.4 Gustavo is a young Mexican American boy living in Tucson, Arizona. His entire family embraces the traditional beliefs of family relationships. Besides his siblings and parents, who else would be living in Gustavo's house? a. b. c. d.

uncles aunts grandparents nephews Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 196 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.4 Explain why relations with extended family members are often especially close for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. grandparents TB_07_18_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.4 What percentage of African American families is headed by a single parent? a. b. c. d.

10% 30% 50% 70%

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 196 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.4 Explain why relations with extended family members are often especially close for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 70% TB_07_19_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Imagine you are a prominent scholar in the field of parenting. You are most likely to describe parenting in terms of what two dimensions? a. b. c. d.

demandingness and responsiveness ideal and real traditional and modern punishment and indifference

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. demandingness and responsiveness

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_07_20_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.5 Parental responsiveness is the degree to which parents a. b. c. d.

express disdain, coolness and distance. are sensitive to their children's needs and express love, warmth, and concern. set down rules and expectations for behavior. react whenever their children ask for something.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. are sensitive to their children's needs and express love, warmth, and concern. TB_07_21_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Marina and Carl are raising two children, Kira and Michala. In terms of parenting style, Marina and Carl are authoritative. What statement best characterizes how they raise their children? They have a. b. c. d.

low demands and are not very responsive. high demands and are highly responsive. high demands and are not very responsive. low demands and are highly responsive.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. high demands and are highly responsive. TB_07_22_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Pierre and Marisa are raising twins. Both Pierre and Marisa use an authoritarian parenting style, much in the way they were both raised by their own sets of parents. What statement best characterizes how Pierre and Marisa raise their twins? They have a. low demands and are not very responsive. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. high demands and are highly responsive. c. high demands and are not very responsive. d. low demands and are highly responsive. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. high demands and are not very responsive. TB_07_23_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.5 Permissive parents are those who are a. b. c. d.

low in demandingness and high in responsiveness. high in demandingness and high in responsiveness. low in demandingness and low in responsiveness. high in demandingness and low in responsiveness.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. low in demandingness and high in responsiveness. TB_07_24_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Michelle and Andres are parents who describe themselves as "middle class." Michelle is a nurse and Andres is an accountant. Michelle and Andres are busy with their jobs, but always make time to talk with their children about how they are doing in school, their friends, and the reasons for their household rules. According to the text, both Michelle and Andres are most likely to be ________ parents. a. b. c. d.

disengaged permissive authoritative authoritarian

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 197 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. authoritative TB_07_25_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.5 Which statement best characterizes parents who are disengaged in raising their children? a. b. c. d.

Parents seem unconcerned with their children's daily activities. Each parent disagrees with the other about raising children. One parent feels they need clear expectations while parenting. Both require strict obedience from each child.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. Parents seem unconcerned with their children's daily activities. TB_07_26_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.5 Research on parents' child-rearing goals shows that American parents tend to value ________ highly as a quality they wish to promote in their children. a. b. c. d.

conformity tradition dependence independence

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. independence TB_07_27_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Sasha is an independent, self-assured, creative, and socially skilled teenager starting the 10th grade in the fall semester. Sasha has many friends and is very popular at her high school. She plays hockey and loves to write poetry. According to research, Sasha's parents are most likely to be a. b. c. d.

disengaged. permissive. authoritative. authoritarian.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. authoritative. TB_07_28_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.5 Authoritative parents promote autonomy through a. b. c. d.

encouraging discussion and give-and-take. absence and restraint. demandingness and inconsistency. requiring absolute obedience from their children.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. encouraging discussion and give-and-take. TB_07_29_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.6 Passive and conforming adolescents are mostly likely being raised by what type of parents? a. b. c. d.

disengaged permissive authoritative authoritarian Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.6 Outline how research has shown parenting styles to be related to aspects of adolescents’ development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. authoritarian TB_07_30_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.7 What principle describes the idea that adolescents are not only influenced by their parents but also influence their parents? a. b. c. d.

reciprocal effects binocular vision unidirectionality responsiveness

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 199 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects of parenting on adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. reciprocal effects TB_07_31_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.7 Izmit and Emer are two adolescent boys living with both their parents. Izmit can't wait to be old enough to move away from home. He feels like every time he asks for something his mom says no. Emer doesn't feel the same way his brother does. Emer feels his parents are loving and allow him sufficient autonomy. According to the text, Izmit and Emer are a. b. c. d.

unique; they are both adolescents and their diverging behavior is troublesome. normal; adolescents can experience very different feelings in the same home. Izmit needs to seek professional advice to understand his hostile feelings. Emer is younger than Izmit and will feel the same way in a few years.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 200 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of parenting on adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. normal; adolescents can experience very different feelings in the same home. TB_07_32_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.7 A recent study completed with 720 American families with two same-sex siblings including identical twins, fraternal twins, full siblings, half siblings and biologically-unrelated stepsiblings had a research design which allowed researchers to examine a. b. c. d.

how adolescents demand compliance and become more authoritarian. questions of both genetic and environmental family influences on adolescents. the effect of parental responsiveness in non-Western cultures. the parental influence of how early adolescents choose their friends.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 200 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects of parenting on adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. questions of both genetic and environmental family influences on adolescents. TB_07_33_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.8 Which statement about parenting is most true of non-Western cultures? a. b. c. d.

Authoritarian parenting is typical. Disengaged parenting is common. Authoritative parenting is rare. Permissive parenting is the norm.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 201 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Authoritative parenting is rare. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_07_34_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.8 May is a 42-year-old mother of four. Two of May's children are teenagers and May knows that her authority will be obeyed, without question and without requiring an explanation. According to research, May most likely lives in a. b. c. d.

the United States. Canada. Japan. the Netherlands.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 200 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Japan. TB_07_35_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.8 According to research, one consequence of the strong family identity nurtured in traditional Indian cultures is that a. b. c. d.

children show high rates of delinquent behaviors. adolescents have increased rates of drug use. children rebel against their parents' authoritarian practices. adolescents have low rates of depression and suicide.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 203 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. adolescents have low rates of depression and suicide. TB_07_36 _Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.8 Pradeep is a young Indian man who is entering into adulthood. As a young man, his thoughts are turning to marriage and he feels he is ready to make a commitment. According Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank to research, if Pradeep embraces the ideals of his traditional culture he will a. b. c. d.

choose his own bride from a neighboring village. marry the girl he has been dating since high school. enter into a marriage arranged by his parents. narrow down his choices and let his sister make the decision.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 203 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. enter into a marriage arranged by his parents. TB_07_37_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.8 Tak is a first generation Asian Canadian. Tak is raising his two sons as he was raised while living in his native Vietnam. It is most likely that Tak will engage in a(n) ________ parenting style. a. b. c. d.

authoritative permissive traditional disengaged

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 201 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. traditional TB_07_38_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.8 According to research, what Western parenting style cannot be easily applied to Asian American parents? a. traditional b. disengaged c. permissive Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. authoritative Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 201 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. authoritative TB_07_39_Variations in Parenting_Analyze_7.9 In regard to attachment theory, which statement does NOT belong? a. b. c. d.

The theory was originally developed by John Bowlby. It has been tested with both primates and humans. It has an evolutionary basis for the safety of children. It describes the emotional relationships between siblings of similar age.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 203 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. It describes the emotional relationships between siblings of similar age. TB_07_40_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.9 According to attachment theory, what shapes expectation and interactions in relationships with others throughout a child's life? a. b. c. d.

id strivings affective functions bidirectional effects an internal working model

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 204 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: d. an internal working model TB_07_41_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.9 Niles is a young man who feels close to his parents and confident about his parents' love and concern for him. As Niles is entering adulthood, he is most likely a. b. c. d.

feeling separation anxiety as he contemplates leaving home. developing a healthy sense of autonomy from his parents. understanding how authoritarian his parents have been in raising him. feeling he has an insecure base from which to explore.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 204 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. developing a healthy sense of autonomy from his parents. TB_07_42_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.9 Freddie is a 15-year-old boy who has a secure attachment to both his mother and father. In terms of his friendships at school, Freddie is more likely than others to a. b. c. d.

feel he cannot get close to the girls in his peer group. find solace in individual sporting activities. express his feelings and develop close relationships. be called a mama's boy and teased every day.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 205 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. express his feelings and develop close relationships. TB_07_43_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.9 With regard to the findings of many longitudinal studies on attachment theory reported in the textbook, which statement accurately describes the overall conclusions? Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. The studies reported do not really test the heart of attachment theory, which is the claim that infant attachments form the basis for later relationships. b. These longitudinal studies have provided a clear support for the link between parental separation and secure attachment. c. Most of the studies relied on having people recall memories from childhood which was found to be an unreliable enterprise. d. These longitudinal studies have provided mixed support for the predictions of attachment theory. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 205 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. These longitudinal studies have provided mixed support for the predictions of attachment theory. TB_07_44_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.10 Carrie is 15 years old and is constantly arguing with her mother. According to the text, what is likely to be the most common area of conflict between Carrie and her mother? a. whether Carrie can make her own decisions about things such as how she dresses b. what school Carrie should attend, public school or the private school across town c. where the family should live once Carrie's father gets the promotion he was awaiting d. who Carrie's mother should date – the grocery manager or the researcher at the university Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 205 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. whether Carrie can make her own decisions about things such as how she dresses TB_07_45_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.10 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Benjamin and his father tend to argue more and more lately. Benjamin is 16 years old. What are he and his father most likely to be arguing about? a. b. c. d.

the way Ben's dad and mother interact curfews and Ben's choice in music who Ben will marry when he reaches the age of consent the importance of a post-secondary education

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 205 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. curfews and Ben's choice in music TB_07_46_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.10 What do early and middle adolescents have in common in terms of their family harmony? Both age groups tend to have high levels of a. b. c. d.

conflict with parents. harmony with parents. parental contact. avoidance of parents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 206 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. conflict with parents. TB_07_47_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.10 Marcia and her mother seem to argue about everything. Marcia is in her second year of high school, and she is constantly complaining about how her mother treats her. "She never lets me wear makeup." "How does she think I can go to school in the clothes she bought me?" "How come Jan can stay out later?" "She is always complaining about my music, my room, and my friends." How would one classify Marcia's relationship with her mother? Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

Marcia's relationship with her mother is better than with her father. This seems to be typical of many adolescents' relationships with their parents. Marcia's relationship is unhealthy and both should consider counseling. Marcia's mother is creating a dependent child, who will have problems in the future.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 206 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. This seems to be typical of many adolescents' relationships with their parents. TB_07_48_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.10 Jaquie is a young girl who constantly engages in petty conflicts with her mom, Sally. Where do Jaquie and Sally most likely live? a. b. c. d.

Uganda Mexico the United States Japan

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 207 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. the United States TB_07_49_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.10 Which statement logically follows from the idea that in nonindustrialized traditional cultures, family members tend to rely a great deal on each other economically? a. b. c. d.

Families in these cultures tend to be more individualized. There are patterns of broad socialization in these cultures. Petty arguments about dating and friends persist. Adolescents prepare for interdependence by learning to submit to parental Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank authority. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 209 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Adolescents prepare for interdependence by learning to submit to parental authority. TB_07_50_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.10 Levels of conflict are low in parent-adolescent relationships not only in nonindustrialized traditional cultures but also in a. b. c. d.

Canada. Japan. Great Britain. Germany.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 208 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Japan. TB_07_51_Variations in Parenting_Understand_7.10 In contrast to Westernized cultures, parents in traditional cultures are more likely to be concerned with a. b. c. d.

regulating adolescents' autonomy and independence. adolescents' conformity to cultural beliefs. the petty arguments about dating and peer groups. adolescents' disdain for their extended family members.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 208 Topic: Variations in Parenting Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. adolescents' conformity to cultural beliefs. TB_07_52_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.11 What statement most closely reflects the feelings of emerging adults after their departure from the family home? Emerging adults report a. b. c. d.

greater closeness with their parents. poorer relations with their parents. increased negative feelings about their upbringing. out of sight, out of mind.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 209 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. greater closeness with their parents. TB_07_53_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.11 As compared to the United States, emerging adults in European countries tend to live with their parents ____________, especially in southern and eastern Europe. a. b. c. d.

longer shorter about the same more often

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 210 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. longer TB_07_54_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.11 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

In recent studies, what percentage of American emerging adults "return to the nest" to live at least once after they leave? a. b. c. d.

10% 25% 40% 60%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 210 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 40% TB_07_55_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.11 Brandi is 22 years old and has just finished a communications degree at a university. Finding a job in a marketing firm is difficult, so Brandi decides to move home with her parents for a while until she finds a good job. What is likely to make Brandi's transition to moving back home easier for both her and her parents? a. b. c. d.

If Brandi's parents recognize her new maturity. When moving home, Brandi needs to expect to be treated like an adolescent. Brandi's parents need to help her manage her life choices. Brandi needs to take on a subordinate role as a dependent child.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 210 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. If Brandi's parents recognize her new maturity. TB_07_56_Historical Change and the Family_Remember_7.12 A change that has influenced family life over the past two centuries is a. higher birth rate. b. shorter life expectancy. c. movement to urban centers from predominantly rural residences. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. increased religious devoutness. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 211 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. movement to urban centers from predominantly rural residences. TB_07_57_Historical Change and the Family_Remember_7.12 In terms of the changing dynamics of family life over the past 200 years, what statement does NOT belong? a. b. c. d.

Human life expectancy has increased from 45 to 70 years of age. People are having fewer and fewer children. After 1830, the proportion of family farms steadily declined. Family is the single dominant supporting institution for adolescents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 212 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Family is the single dominant supporting institution for adolescents. TB_07_58_Historical Change and the Family_Apply_7.12 Suppose you were an adolescent growing up in the United States in 1830. Where would you most likely live? a. b. c. d.

uptown apartment coastal cottage family farm southern retreat

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 212 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Skill: Apply What You Know Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: c. family farm TB_07_59_Historical Change and the Family_Remember_7.13 According to the text, in the past 50 years which of the following is among the most dramatic changes in family life? a. b. c. d.

lower birth rates longer life expectancy higher divorce rates increased urbanization

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 212 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. higher divorce rates TB_07_60_Historical Change and the Family_Apply_7.13 Brendan lives in a suburban neighborhood where 6 out of 10 families are divorced. Where does Brendan most likely live? a. b. c. d.

Boston Toronto Berlin London

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 213 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Boston TB_07_61_Historical Change and the Family_Analyze_7.13 One implication that follows from increased rates of divorce in the United States is a. fathers are custodial parent in 90% of divorces. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. children will find work to support the family. c. mothers are more likely to work. d. second marriages are more likely to be successful. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 213 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. mothers are more likely to work. TB_07_62_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Apply_7.14 Suppose you were a subject in a research study investigating the effects of adolescents caught in a loyalty conflict between divorcing parents. What are you likely to be feeling? a. b. c. d.

elated and relieved depressed and anxious confident and alone disinterested in ever getting married

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 214 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. depressed and anxious TB_07_63_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Apply_7.14 Greg's parents are recently divorced. Greg has always been a "B" student. After the divorce, what is likely to happen to Greg's grades? a. b. c. d.

They are likely to rise. They are likely to fall. They will stay the same. We are unable to predict.

Difficulty: 1 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 214, 216 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. They are likely to fall. TB_07_64_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 In contrast to merely studying rates of divorce, researchers interested in the psychological effects of divorce need to focus on a. b. c. d.

the declining birth rate in industrialized nations. the cultural beliefs of the larger society. the lack of extended family relationships. exposure to conflict between parents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 216 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. exposure to conflict between parents. TB_07_65_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 In terms of research conducted on the effects of divorce, the major psychological damage tends to be due to a. b. c. d.

dad leaving the home. mom getting a job. exposure to conflict between parents. grandmother moving in.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 214, 216 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. exposure to conflict between parents. TB_07_66_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 According to research, in the first year following a divorce, mothers tend to be a. b. c. d.

more affectionate. less permissive. less consistent with parenting. more consistent with parenting.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 217 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. less consistent with parenting. TB_07_67_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 In most divorced families, a young person's contact with his or her father a. b. c. d.

stays the same. increases dramatically. declines steadily over time. changes in intensity.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 217 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. declines steadily over time. TB_07_68_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Families_Understand_7.14 According to research, which statement best characterizes the role of extended family after a divorce? a. b. c. d.

They have no effect on the family dynamic. Their effect is only felt with the parents. They can help provide emotional support. Grandmothers tend to have a greater effect than anyone else.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 218 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. They can help provide emotional support. TB_07_69_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Apply_7.15 Imagine you wrote a paper covering research on the effects of mother's remarrying after divorce. You would most likely conclude a. b. c. d.

adolescent problems decline. siblings choose sides. adolescent problems rise. the effects depend on characteristics of the new stepfather.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 218 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.15 Explain why adolescents often respond negatively to parents’ remarriage even though it benefits the mother in many ways. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. adolescent problems rise. TB_07_70_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Apply_7.15 Pat is related to Jared. Pat is having a hard time establishing an attachment to Jared. Jared also does not respect Pat's authority. According to research, what would be a good prediction of the way Pat and Jared are related? Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

Jared is Pat's father. Pat is Jared's father. Pat is Jared's stepfather. Jared and Pat are brother and sister.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 219 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.15 Explain why adolescents often respond negatively to parents’ remarriage even though it benefits the mother in many ways. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Pat is Jared's stepfather. TB_07_71_Problems in Family Functioning_Apply_7.17 Carlton is 14 years of age and has suffered from intermittent physical abuse for several years. Which statement is most likely to be true about Carlton's situation? a. b. c. d.

He is most likely being abused by his father. The abuse he suffers is most likely coming from an older sibling. His mother is the one who is probably abusing him. Carlton's physical abuse probable comes from classmates at school.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 220 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. He is most likely being abused by his father. TB_07_72_Problems in Family Functioning_Analyze_7.17 For what reason does your text suggest that sexual abuse of a child or adolescent is more likely to be perpetrated by a stepfather than by a biological father? a. because the mother (or wife) is less likely to believe that a stepfather would commit sexual abuse compared to a biological father b. because there are, in fact, no laws in most states that prohibit sexual activity between a stepfather and stepdaughter c. because there is no biological incest taboo between stepfathers and their stepdaughters d. because most of the time the mother in a blended family situation works outside Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of the home, leaving more opportunity for a stepfather to behave in this abusive manner Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 220 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. because there is no biological incest taboo between stepfathers and their stepdaughters TB_07_73_Problems in Family Functioning_Remember_7.18 All of the following are more likely to be found in adolescents who run away from home compared with those who stay in their homes EXCEPT a. they are more likely to have been involved in criminal activity. b. they are more likely to have been either an only child or the youngest of their siblings. c. they are more likely to have had problems in school. d. they are more likely to use illegal drugs. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 221 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. they are more likely to have been either an only child or the youngest of their siblings. TB_07_74_Problems in Family Functioning_Remember_7.18 According to research conducted on runaway youth, what percentage who leave home stay within 50 miles of home? a. b. c. d.

5-10% 20-30% 50-60% 80-90%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 221 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 80-90% TB_07_75_Problems in Family Functioning_Remember_7.18 Studies of Kenyan homeless children found differences between street boys and street girls. One difference researchers found was that street girls a. b. c. d.

continued to live with their families and brought home most of their money. who left home typically had no contact with their families. demonstrated impressive resourcefulness by taking advantage of aid programs. far outnumber street boys.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 222 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. who left home typically had no contact with their families. True/False TB_07_76_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.1 Adolescents' changing cognitive development may affect family equilibrium. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 190 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_77_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Remember_7.3 In Schlegel and Barry's (1991) analysis, over 80% of adolescent boys and girls in Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank traditional cultures had frequent responsibility of caring for younger siblings. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 193 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. True TB_07_78_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.5 A distinctive feature of authoritarian parents is that they explain the reasons for their rules and expectations to their children. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 197 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_07_79_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.6 Adolescents of permissive parents tend to be immature, irresponsible, and are more likely than other adolescents to conform to their peers. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.6 Outline how research has shown parenting styles to be related to aspects of adolescents’ development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 35

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_07_80_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.6 Adolescents with authoritarian parents tend to be dependent, passive, and conforming. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.6 Outline how research has shown parenting styles to be related to aspects of adolescents’ development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_81_Variations in Parenting_Analyze_7.7 Differential parenting did not result in nonshared environmental influences, meaning that the adolescents experienced the same family environments. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 200 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects of parenting on adolescents. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. False TB_07_82_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.7 According to research, parents in non-Western cultures do not fit into the parenting scheme which includes authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive styles. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 201 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 36

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_83_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.10 Anna Freud (1946) believed that adolescents would not develop normally without turmoil in the relationships with their parents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 205 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_84_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.10 Based on the biological and cognitive changes of adolescence, parent-adolescent conflict is universal and "natural." a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 207 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_07_85_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.11 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 37

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank In the United States as well as in other Western countries, the majority of emerging adults remain in their parents' home until marriage. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 209 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_07_86_Variations in Parenting_Remember_7.11 A successful transition for emerging adults returning home is more likely if parents recognize the change in their children's maturity and treat them as adults. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 210 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_87_Historical Change and the Family_Remember_7.13 After divorce, fathers are usually designated the custodial parent. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 213 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_07_88_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 Family process is the term scholars use to refer to the outward characteristics of the family – whether or not the parents are married, how many adults and children live in the household, whether or not there is a biological relationship between the family members (e.g., in stepfamilies), and so on. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 216 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_07_89_Problems in Family Functioning_Remember_7.17 According to the text, fathers who abuse their adolescent daughters tend to have been detached and distant from them when they were younger. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 220 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_07_90_Problems in Family Functioning_Remember_7.18 According to research completed by Aptekar & Stocklin (2014), there are fewer than 10 million street children worldwide. a. True Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 221 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_07_91_Adolescents' Family Relationships_Analyze_7.3 Compare and contrast three of the five common patterns in adolescents' relationships with their siblings. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 192 Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Caregiver relationship -- one sibling serves parental functions for the other. This is most common between an older sister and younger siblings in both Western and non-Western cultures. • Buddy relationship -- siblings treat each other as friends. They try to be like one another and they enjoy being together. • Critical relationship -- characterized by a high level of conflict and teasing. • Rival relationship -- siblings compete against each other and measure their success against one another. • Causal relationship -- the relationship between them is not emotionally intense, and they may have little to do with one another. TB_07_92_Variations in Parenting_Apply_7.5 Discuss each of the four parenting styles using examples not discussed in the textbook. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 197-198 Topic: Variations in Parenting Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Authoritative parents -- high in demandingness and high in responsiveness. They set clear rules and expectations for their children. They make clear what the consequences will be if their children do not comply. They explain the Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 40

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank reasons for the rules and expectations to their children. • Authoritarian parents -high in demandingness but low in responsiveness. They require obedience from their children, and they punish disobedience without compromise. They expect their commands to be followed without dispute or dissent. In addition, they show little in the way of love or warmth toward their children. • Permissive parents -- low in demandingness and high in responsiveness. They have few clear expectations for their children's behavior and they rarely discipline them. They believe that children need love that is truly "unconditional." • Disengaged parents -- low in both demandingness and responsiveness. They seem uninvolved and even uninterested in their children's development. Their goal may be to minimize the amount of time and emotion they have to devote to parenting. They may seem to have little emotional attachment to them. • Students must provide examples on their own. TB_07_93_Historical Change and the Family_Analyze_7.13 Discuss the three major historical changes affecting family life in the past 50 years. Include a discussion of how these historical changes may affect adolescents. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 212-213 Topic: Historical Change and the Family Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Rise in the divorce rate -- 50 years ago divorce was relatively rare in American society, compared with the present. • Rise in the rate of single-parent households -- the rise in the divorce rate has contributed to a simultaneous rise in the rate of single-parent households. As well as divorce, there has been a rise in children living in households where parents have never been married. • Rise in the rate of dual-earner families -- the rise of industrialization took most employment outside of the home and farm into factories, larger business, and government organizations. The trend in the last 50 years has been the rise of dual-earner families as mothers followed fathers out of the home and into the workplace. TB_07_94_Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families_Remember_7.14 Discuss the effects of single parenthood on adolescents. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 217 Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 41

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank responses to divorce. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • Adolescents have a greater likelihood for a variety of problems including psychological problems (e.g., depression, anxiety). • Academic achievement of adolescents tends to be lower. • Adolescents are more likely to be substance users/abusers. • Adolescents tend to be early initiators of sexual conduct. TB_07_95_Problems in Family Functioning_Analyze_7.18 Compare and contrast the description of street children from around the world. Use examples from India, Brazil, and/or Kenya. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 222 Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • In India, there are more than 11 million street children. Reasons for living on the street include: overcrowded homes, physical abuse, and parental substance abuse. About half of Indian street children are homeless; for street children, 4 out of 5 of their families are also homeless. Most work as beggars, vendors, shoe shiners, or car cleaners. They have high rates of a variety of diseases such as cholera and typhoid; they are vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse. Additionally, they are in frequent conflict with their parents over low earnings, disobedience, and watching movies (a very popular form of recreation in India). Typically, street children form gangs. • In Brazil, the estimates of street children range from 7 to 30 million. Many are driven to the streets by poverty -- seeking food, money, or clothes; some return home bringing what they have collected on the streets. Many make a slow transition to the streets by going out only a few hours a day until they don't return home at all; they are viewed as little criminals and future thieves. • In Kenya, there is a distinction between street boys and street girls. Street boys outnumber street girls. Street boys typically maintain contact with their families, often continuing to live with them and bringing most of their money home. Street boys demonstrate impressive resourcefulness -- forming friendships, taking advantage of aid programs, and developing cognitive skills, while street girls, often leaving home to avoid sexual abuse, typically have no further contact with their families. They do not form friendships with other girls. Street girls are evaluated mainly in sexual terms -if they are considered unattractive, they are shunned, and if they are viewed as attractive they are forced into prostitution. Often, the leaders of street boy gangs take several street girls as "wives," providing them with food and protection from other boys in return for sex.

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q7.1 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the family systems principle of subsystems? a. Jaime and her brother, Jordan, are constantly fighting over who gets to use the family car on the weekends to hang out with their friends; as such, their fighting has negatively impacted both of their relationships with their parents, as well as their parents’ marital relationship because their mom and dad disagree about how to handle their fighting. b. Jaime and her brother, Jordan, are constantly fighting over who gets to use the family car on the weekends to hang out with their friends; as such, their fighting has negatively impacted their relationship and they avoid spending time together. c. Kaitlyn recently graduated from high school and moved into the dormitory on campus for her freshman year; as such, this transition and time apart is helping Kaitlyn and her mother improve their relationship quality. d. Kaitlyn recently graduated from high school and moved into the dormitory on campus for her freshman year; because this transition was very stressful for Kaitlyn and her grades suffered, she moved back in with her parents and has had to readjust to living at home again. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.2 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence on the general patterns of parents’ development in midlife? a. Research has found that midlife is a satisfying and enjoyable time of life, as job satisfaction and earning power increase and gender roles and personalities become more flexible; the research evidence does not support the stereotyped “midlife crisis.” b. Research has found that midlife is a satisfying and enjoyable time of life, as most people between the ages of 40 and 60 report increases in energy, physical health, and physical attractiveness; the research evidence does not support the stereotyped “midlife crisis.” c. Research has found that midlife is an unsatisfying and boring time of life, as most people between the ages of 40 and 60 report declines in wisdom, competence, Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 43

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank and psychological health; the research evidence does support the stereotyped “midlife crisis.” d. Research has found that midlife is an unsatisfying and boring time of life, as job satisfaction and earning power decrease and gender roles and personalities become less flexible; the research evidence does support the stereotyped “midlife crisis.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.3 Rebecca is in seventh grade, and her brother Alex is in fifth grade. Because their parents work late into the evening, when the school day ends Rebecca makes them an after school snack and helps Alex with his homework. What type of sibling relationship do Rebecca and Alex portray? a. b. c. d.

Caregiver relationship Buddy relationship Casual relationship Critical relationship

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.4 Which of the following reflects the typical living arrangements of families in traditional cultures, and how that is linked to family relationships? a. In traditional cultures it is typical for newly married couples to live in the husband’s parents’ home; youth growing up in these households are in close proximity to their extended family, which promotes developing close and supportive relationships, especially with grandparents. b. In traditional cultures it is typical for newly married couples to live in the husband’s parents’ home; youth growing up in these households are in close Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 44

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank proximity to their extended family, which promotes conflict between the generations, especially with grandparents. c. In traditional cultures it is typical for newly married couples to live separately and geographically far away from their parents’ homes to pursue opportunities that an industrialized economy provides; youth growing up in these households have little contact with their extended family and as such have emotionally distant relationships, especially with grandparents. d. In traditional cultures it is typical for newly married couples to live separately and geographically far away from their parents’ homes to pursue opportunities that an industrialized economy provides; youth growing up in these households can have much contact with their extended family via communication technology and as such have emotionally supportive relationships, especially with grandparents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.4 Explain why relations with extended family members are often especially close for adolescents in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q7.5 Diana Baumrind and other psychologists conducted research on the kinds of practices that parents exhibit in relation to their children and the effects of these practices, which resulted in identifying four distinct parenting styles. Which of the following best explains how parents are categorized into one of the parenting styles, and what the resulting four parenting styles are? a. The level at which parents engage in the dimensions of demandingness and responsiveness in their parenting practices determines their parenting style; the resulting combinations of high and low levels of these dimensions are the four parenting styles of authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged. b. The level at which parents engage in the dimensions of demandingness and responsiveness in their parenting practices determines their parenting style; the resulting combinations of high and low levels of these dimensions are the four parenting styles of independent, dependent, irresponsible, and impulsive. c. The level at which parents engage in the dimensions of autonomy and relatedness in their parenting practices determines their parenting style; the resulting combinations of high and low levels of these dimensions are the four parenting styles of authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged. d. The level at which parents engage in the dimensions of autonomy and relatedness in their parenting practices determines their parenting style; the resulting combinations of high and low levels of these dimensions are the four parenting styles of independent, dependent, irresponsible, and impulsive. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 45

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q7.6 Adolescents raised by ___________ parents, who provide their children with love and give them a great deal of freedom to do as they please, tend to be ________________. a. b. c. d.

permissive; irresponsible and immature permissive; independent and creative authoritative; irresponsible and immature authoritative; independent and creative

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.6 Outline how research has shown parenting styles to be related to aspects of adolescents’ development. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q7.7 When Damian transitioned from middle school to high school, he increasingly broke the boundaries his parents set and argued with his parents about their rules. In response, Damian’s parents increasingly demonstrated an authoritarian parenting style because Damian ignored the explanations of the rules they previously established and because he repeatedly violated their trust. This scenario reflects which of the following principles about research on parent–child relationships? a. b. c. d.

Reciprocal effects Differential parenting Nonshared environmental influence Active genotype → environment interactions

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects of parenting on adolescents. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOC_Q7.8 Which of the following best explains how the parenting styles model classifies parental responsiveness in non-Western cultures and Western cultures? a. Because the parenting styles model defines responsiveness as open expressions of affection, the model classifies non-Western parents as low in responsiveness compared to Western cultures; however, this is an erroneous conclusion because parent–adolescent relationships in non-Western cultures maintain a high level of closeness via the value of interdependence. b. Because the parenting styles model defines responsiveness as a strong level of family obligation, the model classifies non-Western parents as high in responsiveness compared to Western cultures; however, this is an erroneous conclusion because parent–adolescent relationships in Western cultures maintain a high level of closeness via the value of interdependence. c. Because the parenting styles model defines responsiveness as open expressions of affection, the model classifies non-Western parents as high in responsiveness compared to Western cultures; however, this is an erroneous conclusion because parent–adolescent relationships in non-Western cultures maintain a strong degree of closeness via the value of independence. d. Because the parenting styles model defines responsiveness as a strong level of family obligation, the model classifies parents in non-Western and Western cultures as demonstrating equally high levels of responsiveness; however, this is an erroneous conclusion because parent–adolescent relationships in Western cultures maintain a low level of closeness via the value of independence. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q7.9 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how a secure attachment relationship established in infancy is linked to developmental outcomes during adolescence? a. During childhood, Claire’s parents consistently and caringly responded to her needs and she felt safe to explore her environment; as such, Claire developed a healthy level of relatedness and autonomy that has positively influenced her social skills and self-dependence as an adolescent. b. During childhood, Claire was separated from her parents for 2 years because they were sent overseas to serve in the military; as such, Claire developed low Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 47

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank levels of relatedness and autonomy, which has influenced her inability to regulate her emotions and form intimate peer relationships as an adolescent. c. During childhood, Claire’s parents catered to her every need and constantly monitored her activities; as such, Claire developed high levels of relatedness and autonomy that influenced her inability to regulate her emotions and form intimate peer relationships as an adolescent. d. During childhood, Claire’s parents inconsistently and uncaringly responded to her needs and she felt scared to explore her environment; as such, Claire developed an unhealthy level of relatedness and autonomy that has negatively influenced her social skills and self-dependence as an adolescent. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.9 Summarize the two main forms of infant attachment and the evidence for their influence on adolescent development. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.10 Conflict with parents tends to increase sharply in ___________ adolescence and according to research by psychologist Judith Smetana, parents and adolescents often disagree about who should have the authority over issues such as hairstyles and choice of friends, which reflects parent–adolescent differences in perceptions of the range of adolescents’ ___________. a. b. c. d.

early; autonomy early; decision making middle; autonomy middle; decision making

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q7.11 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for what an emerging adult would say in response to the question, “How has conflict with your parents changed since adolescence?” a. “Since I started college and moved into the dorms, we argue less because we are not living on top of each other. Plus, I can control when I do and do not talk and Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 48

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank spend time with my parents, and this time apart has helped me see my parents in a new light and establish a new sense of mutual respect with them.” b. “Since I started college and moved into the dorms, we argue more because my parents are trying to keep tabs on me like they did when I was a teenager. Plus, they text and call me all the time and drop by my dorm unexpectedly, and this makes me feel like they think I cannot be responsible for myself and that they want to maintain a hierarchical relationship.” c. “Since I started college and moved into the dorms, our level of conflict has not changed because my parents have never been involved in my life. I do my own thing, and rarely ask them for their advice or rely on them for emotional support since they are so disengaged.” d. “Since I started college and moved into the dorms, our level of conflict has not changed because my parents rarely disciplined me as a teenager as they believed that it was best to shower me with unconditional love instead. Thus, I do my own thing and even if I get into trouble at school I know my parents will not do anything about it.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.11 Explain why conflict with parents usually decreases from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.12 The fact that about 80% of American adolescents today list at least one member of their extended family, notably their grandparents, among the people most important to them reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives over the past 200 years? a. b. c. d.

Longer life expectancy Lower birth rate Increased urbanization Decreased family farming

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q7.13

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank The fact that more than 25% of young people today will spend some time in a stepfamily by the time they reach age 18 reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives over the past 50 years? a. b. c. d.

Rise in the divorce rate Rise in the rate of single-parent households Rise in the rate of dual-earner families Rise in the rate of custodial parents who are mothers

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q7.14 Which of the following examples best reflects the research findings regarding the importance of attending to family processes versus family structure when investigating the effects of divorce on youth? a. Adolescents and emerging adults in high-conflict nondivorced households have poorer adjustment than adolescents and emerging adults in low-conflict divorced households. b. Adolescents and emerging adults in high-conflict nondivorced households have better adjustment than adolescents and emerging adults in low-conflict divorced households. c. Adolescents show fewer negative effects of parental divorce than younger children, and emerging adults from divorced families may be wary of entering marriage but are determined to avoid having a divorce of their own. d. Adolescents show more negative effects of parental divorce than younger children, and emerging adults from divorced families are wary of divorce and are determined to avoid having a marriage of their own. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.15

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Rachel’s biological parents divorced when she was 11 years old and her younger brother, Richard, was 5 years old. Rachel’s mother remarried 2 years after the divorce, and now Rachel and her brother have a stepfather. Based on the research evidence about remarriage, how are Rachel and Richard MOST likely to respond to their mother’s remarriage and why? a. Rachel will have more problems adjusting to her mother’s remarriage than Richard because the closeness Rachel developed with her mother post-divorce will be disrupted by her stepfather, whom she views as an unwelcome intruder in their family. b. Rachel will have less problems adjusting to her mother’s remarriage than Richard because Rachel’s cognitive maturity over her brother allows her to perceive how much happier her mother is being remarried to their stepfather. c. Rachel and Richard will both have problems adjusting to their mother’s remarriage because as soon as they got used to being a three-person family, they had to quickly integrate their stepfather into the family system. d. Rachel and Richard will both have problems adjusting to their mother’s remarriage because they still have a good relationship with their biological father and fear that establishing an attachment to their stepfather conveys a betrayal of their father. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.15 Explain why adolescents often respond negatively to parents’ remarriage even though it benefits the mother in many ways. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q7.16 Donna’s parents work full-time, and she often spends a few hours alone from the time school gets out to the time both of her parents get home from work. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents do which of the following? a. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents consistently and caringly monitor her behavior from a distance by asking her to call them when she gets home from school. b. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents excessively monitor her behavior from a distance by calling her every hour to ensure she is at home doing her homework until they get home from work. c. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents require her to go straight home after school and abide by strict rules while she is home alone, such as not watching TV. d. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents trust her completely and let her decide what to do with her time after school. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 51

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.16 Identify the variables that influence adolescents’ response to both parents working. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q7.17 ____________ tend to be the most common parent to physically and sexually abuse their adolescent children, and ____________ adolescents tend to be the most common recipient of physical abuse. a. b. c. d.

Fathers; male Fathers; female Mothers; male Mothers; female

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q7.18 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for the general pattern of adolescents who run away from home in the United States? a. Approximately 1 million adolescents run away from home every year in the United States, and one of the most common family factors linked to running away is experiencing physical or sexual abuse. b. Approximately 5 million adolescents run away from home every year in the United States, and one of the most common family factors linked to running away is experiencing severe family poverty. c. Approximately 1 million adolescents run away from home every year in the United States, and one of the most common family factors linked to running away is experiencing severe family poverty. d. Approximately 5 million adolescents run away from home every year in the United States, and one of the most common family factors linked to running away is experiencing physical or sexual abuse. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 52

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.1.1 _________ is a principle of the family systems approach that explains why, for instance, the advent of puberty can result in poorer relationship quality between adolescents and their parents. a. b. c. d.

Disequilibrium Equilibrium Subsystem Interdependence

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.1 Describe the family systems principles of disequilibrium and subsystems. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.1.2 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how a parent would describe the experience of their first child moving away from home to attend college? a. “I have missed my son a lot since he moved out, but I have enjoyed being able to spend more quality time with my husband, and as such our marital relationship has improved.” b. “I could not wait for my son to move out of the house and have not missed him at all since he went away to college.” c. “I have missed my son a lot since he moved out, and my depression about his absence has negatively affected the quality of my relationship with my husband.” d. “I have missed my son a lot since he moved out, and I cannot wait for him to move back home during his summer break from college because I have no idea what to do with my free time.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.2 Summarize general patterns of parents’ development in midlife and how these patterns influence their relations with adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 53

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q7.1.3 Which of the following scenarios best reflects a critical relationship between siblings? a. Debbie and Amy are sisters who are both in middle school and often argue about how they feel their parents do not treat them equally; Amy thinks it is unfair for her to have an earlier curfew than Debbie since she is only 1 year younger. b. Debbie and Amy are sisters who are both in middle school and often compete with each other in their academic and extracurricular activities; Amy wants to prove she is just as good as Debbie even though she is only 1 year younger. c. Debbie and Amy are sisters who are both in middle school and spend little time together in and out of school; they feel like they have little in common so they invest more time into developing emotionally supportive relationships with their friends. d. Debbie and Amy are sisters who are both in middle school and spend a lot of time together in and out of school; they feel like they have a lot in common and think of their relationship as being best friends. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.1.4 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for the general pattern of how and why sibling relationships change from childhood into adolescence? a. Research has found that from childhood to adolescence, sibling relationships tend to be less conflictual and more casual, partly because adolescents’ increasing involvement in friendships and employment outside the family results in less time spent with, and thus less conflict with, siblings. b. Research has found that from childhood to adolescence, sibling relationships tend to be more conflictual and less casual, partly because adolescents’ increasing cognitive abilities enable them to perceive how their parents may be treating them differently, resulting in more conflict with siblings. c. Research has found that from childhood to adolescence, sibling relationships tend to remain stable and are characterized by the caregiver style, as older siblings are understood to have authority over younger ones, simply by virtue of being older. d. Research has found that from childhood to adolescence, sibling relationships tend to remain stable and are characterized by the rival style, as younger siblings Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 54

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank will always challenge the assumed authority of the older siblings and try to prove themselves as equals. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.3 Identify the five common patterns of sibling relationships in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.1.5 Research on American minority cultures has found that because about ___________ of African American adolescents are being raised in single-parent households, extended family support is especially important and has been ___________ linked to adolescents’ engagement in problem behaviors. a. b. c. d.

70%; negatively 70%; positively 90%; negatively 90%; positively

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.4 Explain why relations with extended family members are often especially close for adolescents in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescents’ Family Relationships Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.2.1 Parents in India generally expect adolescents to obey without questioning their parents’ authority. This style of parenting is ______ with an underlying value of _________. a. b. c. d.

a custom complex; collectivism damaging to adolescents’ autonomy; parental individualism rare in India today; authoritarianism against the law in some countries; traditionalism

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.5 Summarize the parenting styles model, and explain how the styles represent custom complexes. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 1

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q7.2.2 When Brittany received her driver’s license, her parents initiated a discussion with her about changing her curfew from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Her parents explained that with the driver’s license, she has more ability to spend time with friends, but that this freedom comes with responsibility, and that it is safer for Brittany to have a curfew of 10 p.m. versus midnight. What parenting style are Brittany’s parents exhibiting? a. b. c. d.

Brittany’s parents are exhibiting the authoritative parenting style. Brittany’s parents are exhibiting the permissive parenting style. Brittany’s parents are exhibiting the permissive parenting style. Brittany’s parents are exhibiting the authoritative parenting style.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.6 Outline how research has shown parenting styles to be related to aspects of adolescents’ development. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.2.3 Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from the studies on differential parenting that tracked 720 families across the United States and included multiple types of two same-sex siblings within each family? a. Results supported the existence of nonshared environmental influences, in that the siblings experienced different family environments and that these differences were evident in adolescents’ behavior and psychological functioning. b. Results supported the existence of shared environmental influences, in that the siblings experienced different family environments and that these differences were evident in adolescents’ behavior and psychological functioning. c. Results indicated that most parents and adolescents were very similar in their reports of parenting behavior, and that the alignment of their reports was linked to positive developmental outcomes. d. Results indicated that parents were very dissimilar in their reports of parenting behavior, with parents reporting less warmth and more negativity for themselves than their adolescents reported for them. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.7 Explain how theory and research on reciprocal effects, differential parenting, and nonshared environments complicate claims of the effects of parenting on adolescents. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 56

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q7.2.4 Diego is a 13-year-old Latino boy who is being raised to obey his parents without question, especially his father, while also maintaining a high level of family closeness and mutual obligation. Which of the following two cultural beliefs is Diego being socialized to develop? a. Diego is being socialized to develop the Latino cultural beliefs of respeto and familismo. b. Diego is being socialized to develop the Latino cultural beliefs of respeto and amor. c. Diego is being socialized to develop the Latino cultural beliefs of obligación and familismo. d. Diego is being socialized to develop the Latino cultural beliefs of obligación and amor. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.8 Identify the limitations of applying the American parenting styles model to other cultures, and the distinctive practices of Asian and Latino cultures that are not included in this model. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.2.5 Chen is a 12-year-old girl growing up in China. Chen really wants to go to the movies with her friends after school, but her parents have said “no” and instructed her to come home and finish her homework instead. How is Chen MOST likely to respond to this conflict with her parents if she is like the majority of adolescents from a traditional culture? a. Chen disagrees with her parents’ decision, but she will not argue with them or defy their decision out of respect and obligation for parental authority. b. Because Chen disagrees with her parents’ decision and feels like she should be allowed to be independent and spend time with her friends, she will defy their decision and go to the movies behind her parents’ back. c. Because Chen disagrees with her parents’ decision and her family encourages discussions about conflicts, she will ask her parents to consider a compromise in which she will spend the weekend at home doing homework in exchange for being allowed to go to the movies after school. d. Chen disagrees with her parents’ decision, and she will express herself despite for their authority by instigating an argument about their unfairness. Answer: a

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 7.10 Describe how conflict with parents changes during adolescence, and identify the main sources of the conflicts in the United States and around the world. Topic: Variations in Parenting Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.3.1 The fact that the majority of American adolescents with siblings today have only one sibling reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives over the past 200 years? a. b. c. d.

Lower birth rate Longer life expectancy Increased urbanization Decreased family farming

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.3.2 From 1800 to 2000, the range of functions the family serves has been greatly reduced and transitioned to other social institutions, with the _________ function being one of the only functions the family still provides in modern day. a. b. c. d.

affective recreational economic support religious

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.12 Summarize the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 200 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.3.3

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Most White and Black American adolescents today do not live with both biological parents. This reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives over the past 50 years? a. b. c. d.

Rise in the rate of single-parent households and the divorce rate Rise in individualism Rise in the rate of dual-earner families Increase in the proportion of stepfamilies

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.3.4 Maggie has two teenagers and works 40 hours a week as a legal aide at a law firm. Although Maggie’s husband earns enough money so that she does not need to work, she says that she wants to keep working because she enjoys the challenge of the legal profession. Maggie’s perspective reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives over the past 50 years? a. b. c. d.

Rise in the rate of dual-earner families Rise in the rate of single-parent households Rise in the divorce rate Rise in rate of custodial parents who are mothers

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.3.5 The current divorce rate in America is such that about _____ of the current generation of youth are expected to experience their parents’ divorce by the time they reach late adolescence. a. b. c. d.

50% 40% 60% 75% Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 59

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.13 Name the main changes that have taken place in adolescents’ family lives in Western countries over the past 50 years. Topic: Historical Change and the Family Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.4.1 Longitudinal studies that include data before and after divorce indicate that adolescents’ problems after divorce often began long before the divorce, as a consequence of high conflict between their parents. This research reflects a scholarly focus on ___________ to explain the effects of divorce. a. b. c. d.

family process family structure family subsystems family disequilibrium

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.4.2 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how divorce affects adolescents’ relationships with their fathers? a. After James’s parents divorced, he and his mom moved from Indiana to Florida to start a new life; subsequently, James has little contact with his dad and blames him for the divorce. b. After James’s parents divorced, he and his mom moved from Indiana to Florida to start a new life; subsequently, James has a lot of contact with his dad and has found that this distance has helped improve their relationship. c. After James’ parents divorced, he and his mom moved to a new neighborhood 30 minutes away from his dad; subsequently, James and his dad spend a lot of time together, especially with James’ extracurricular activities, and thus he feels supported by his dad. d. After James’ parents divorced, he and his mom moved to a new neighborhood 30 minutes away from his dad; subsequently, James and his dad spend little time Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 60

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank together because his mom won’t let them, and thus he feels disconnected to his dad. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.4.3 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how family process may ameliorate the effects of divorce on adolescents? a. Beth’s parents are undergoing divorce mediation to negotiate an agreement regarding child support for her mom and a visitation schedule for her dad; as such, her parents are being less hostile and more civil in their communication. b. Beth’s parents refuse to undergo divorce mediation; as such, her parents are more hostile and less civil in their communication about child support for her mom and a visitation schedule for her dad. c. Beth’s parents are divorced and she spends the weekends with her dad and the weekdays with her mom; as such, when she is with her dad she experiences an authoritarian parenting style and when she is with her mom she experiences a permissive parenting style. d. Beth’s parents are divorced and she spends the weekends with her dad and the weekdays with her mom; as such, when she is with her dad she experiences an authoritarian parenting style and when she is with her mom she experiences an authoritative parenting style. Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.14 Distinguish between family structure and family process, and use the concept of family process to explain variability in adolescents’ responses to divorce. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q7.4.4 Research has found that a key family process variable that explains adolescents’ responses to remarriage is the extent to which stepfathers use their ________ when parenting adolescents. a. authority Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 61

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. attachment c. responsiveness d. demandingness Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.15 Explain why adolescents often respond negatively to parents’ remarriage even though it benefits the mother in many ways. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.4.5 Although researchers have found few differences between adolescents in dual-earner families and sole-earner families, studies have indicated that adolescents are at a _________ risk for problem behaviors if both parents work _________. a. b. c. d.

higher; full-time higher; part-time lower; full-time lower; part-time

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.16 Identify the variables that influence adolescents’ response to both parents working. Topic: Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, Single Parenthood, and Dual-Earner Families Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.5.1 Researchers have found that the family structure factor of ___________ and the family process factor of ___________ are strongly linked to increasing the likelihood of the occurrence of physical abuse toward youth. a. b. c. d.

large family size; high parental depression parental depression; high parental depression dual-earner families; poor social skills low parental social skills; poor social skills

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1 Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 62

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q7.5.2 A psychologist has an adolescent patient who is sexually active with multiple partners and reports having suicidal thoughts and difficulty trusting others. If this adolescent follows general patterns of adolescents who have been researched, the sex of the adolescent is MOST likely _________, and the type of abuse the adolescent experienced is MOST likely _________. a. b. c. d.

female; sexual female; physical male; sexual male; physical

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.17 Describe the causes and consequences of physical and sexual abuse. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.5.3 Jamshed’s family’s poverty and overcrowded home led him to become a street child. On the street, he joined a gang of other street boys, and they often find time for play and recreation amidst working as shoe shiners. Mason enjoys the freedom and thrill of being on the street. Given this information, what country is Jamshed MOST likely from? a. b. c. d.

India South Africa Brazil China

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.5.4 Compared to runaway children in the United States, street children across the world are more likely to develop resourcefulness and cognitive skills despite their difficult conditions, which is called _________. Furthermore, the main factor that leads street children to leave home is _________. Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 63

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

resilience; family poverty resilience; abuse rigidity; family poverty rigidity; abuse

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q7.5.5 John is a street child who has developed resourcefulness despite his challenging conditions. For instance, John buys souvenirs from his local market and then sells them at 75% markup to tourists in the nearby city to make a profit to give to his mother, who is a single parent. Given this information, where is John MOST likely from? a. b. c. d.

Africa India Brazil China

Answer: a Learning Objective: 7.18 Distinguish running away from home in developed countries from becoming “street children” in developing countries. Topic: Problems in Family Functioning Difficulty: 1

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Topic A Shift from Family to Friends

Multiple Choice

True/False Short Essay Development Multiple Choice of Friendships True/False in Adolescence: Short Essay The Rising Importance of Intimacy Becoming Multiple Choice Friends and Becoming Like True/False Friends Short Essay Adolescents’ Multiple Choice Social Groups True/False Short Essay Popularity and Multiple Choice Unpopularity True/False Short Essay Youth Culture Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Chapter 8 Friends and Peers

Remember Understand the Facts the Concepts 4-6, 8, 11, 1-2, 9, 12 13 74-76

Apply What You Know 3, 7, 10, 14

Analyze It

15, 20 77, 79

16, 19 78



26, 30, 3233, 37 80-82

25, 28, 31

22-24, 29, 34-36


38, 46-47, 50, 52-56 83-85 58, 63-64 86-87

40-41, 45

91 39, 44, 48-49

42-43, 51

57, 62, 65

92 59-61

93 66

67-69, 7173 88-90

70 94-95

1 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_08_01_Introduction_Understand_8.1 Friendships are particularly important during adolescence because it is a time of life when young people a. b. c. d.

extend their relationships outside the immediate family. are more likely to experience social isolation. are more at risk for being unpopular with peers. spend more and more time with their parents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 227 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. extend their relationships outside the immediate family. TB_08_02_Introduction_Understand_8.1 Being friends is a ___________________ relationship than being peers. a. b. c. d.

more common more equal closer shorter

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 227 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. closer TB_08_03_Introduction_Apply_8.1 John and Kim are in the same grade at school. They met each other once at camp but really don't know each other that well. Which of the following is the most accurate description of their relationship? John and Kim are a. friends. b. peers. c. clique-mates. 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. dweebs. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 227 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. peers. TB_08_04_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.1 Typically, what happens to the level of warmth and closeness between parents and their children during adolescence? a. b. c. d.

It increases. It decreases. It stays the same. It disappears.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 228 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. It decreases. TB_08_05_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.1 According to research, who are 16-year-olds most likely to depend upon for companionship and intimacy? a. b. c. d.

parents friends siblings teachers

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 228 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. friends TB_08_06_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.1 In a study by Youniss and Smollar (1985), approximately _______ of adolescents reported having at least one close friend. a. b. c. d.

33% 50% 75% 90%

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 229 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 90% TB_08_07_A Shift from Family to Friends_Apply_8.1 Niles is 15 years old. He is not sure if he wants to go into a technical high school or an academic program next year. Based on research, it could be predicted that Niles is most likely to seek advice from his a. b. c. d.

father. best friend. girlfriend. employer.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 229 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. father. TB_08_08_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.1 According to research, who do tenth graders indicate is their primary source of emotional support? 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

parents parents and friends equally romantic partners same-gender friends

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 229 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. same-gender friends TB_08_09_A Shift from Family to Friends_Understand_8.1 According to the text, which of the following does NOT represent a way in which parents influence their adolescent children's peer relationships? a. b. c. d.

location of the family home choice of school religious practices extracurricular activities

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 229-230 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. extracurricular activities TB_08_10_A Shift from Family to Friends_Apply_8.2 Nandirani is a 12-year old adolescent who lives in India. After she has completed her chores and schoolwork, with which of the following is she most likely to choose to spend time? a. b. c. d.

members of her church the teachers in her school her friends her family members

Difficulty: 2 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 230 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.2 Explain how the balance between friendships and family relationships is distinctive in developing countries. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. her family members TB_08_11_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.2 In one study examining adolescents in Indonesia, those polled tended to rate __________ higher than __________ as the source of companionship and enjoyment. a. b. c. d.

friends; family members family members; friends peers; friends friends; peers

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 230 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.2 Explain how the balance between friendships and family relationships is distinctive in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. family members; friends TB_08_12_A Shift from Family to Friends_Understand_8.3 One reason that adolescents report they generally feel happier when they are with their friends is that they a. b. c. d.

feel more "open" and accepted with friends than with parents. are able to "get away" with things their parents would not allow. spend less time with friends than with parents. can solidify their religious beliefs based on those of their closest friends.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 231 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. feel more "open" and accepted with friends than with parents.

6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_08_13_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.3 Which of the times listed below do Larson and Richards (1998) call the "emotional high point of the week" for adolescents? a. b. c. d.

on Monday mornings on weekend mornings on Thursday nights on weekend nights

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 231 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. on weekend nights TB_08_14_A Shift from Family to Friends_Apply_8.3 Derek's best friend Orlando let him down. Orlando chose to go to a concert with his brother instead of going to Derek's birthday dinner. The next day, Orlando phoned Derek's house. Derek told his mother, "Tell him I'm not here, I don't want to talk to him." This conflict is most likely a. b. c. d.

a regular part of adolescent social life. a symptom of poor parenting. indicative of a behavior disorder. unusual in male friendships.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 231 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. a regular part of adolescent social life. TB_08_15_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Remember_8.4 Which of the following scholars first developed ideas on the importance of intimacy in adolescent relationships? 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

Reed Larson Harry Stack Sullivan David Kinney Helena Wulf

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 232 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Harry Stack Sullivan TB_08_16_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Understand_8.4 Around age 10, a developing capacity for perspective taking allows children to form friendships in which they a. b. c. d.

care about their friends as individuals. serve as playmates to each other. compete with each other in school and sports. compare themselves to their friends.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 232 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. care about their friends as individuals. TB_08_17_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Analyze_8.4 Close friendship in adolescence promotes development of a. b. c. d.

perspective taking. a more community-based identity. sympathy. egocentrism. 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 232 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. perspective taking. TB_08_18_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Analyze_8.4 The emphasis on intimacy in adolescent friendships is best reflected in which of the following statements? More than younger children, adolescents a. b. c. d.

rate trust and loyalty as important to friendship. describe their friendships in terms of doing things together. like to hang out in groups. become more interested in extracurricular activities at school.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 233 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. rate trust and loyalty as important to friendship. TB_08_19_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Understand_8.5 Thinking during adolescence becomes ________ abstract and _______ complex, and these changes affect how they understand social relationships and solve problems. a. b. c. d.

more; more more; less less; more less; less

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 233 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.5 Connect adolescents’ cognitive development to the rising importance of intimacy in friendship and explain why intimacy is more central to girls’ friendships. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. more; more TB_08_20_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Remember_8.6 According to research, in emerging adulthood, the importance of ________ tend to decline as romantic relationships ________. a. b. c. d.

sexual relationships; develop cliques; decline family relationships; decline friendships; develop

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 235 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.6 Identify the ways friendships change from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. friendships; develop TB_08_21_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Apply_8.5 Joie and John are in a committed relationship. Friends are not quite as important to them as they used to be. Based on research, most likely Joie and John are likely in the a. b. c. d.

earlier stages of emerging adulthood. later stages of emerging adulthood. earlier stages of adolescence. later stages of adolescence.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 235 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.6 Identify the ways friendships change from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. later stages of emerging adulthood. TB_08_22_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.7 Wayland is studious and works very hard on his course work. Based on research, it is likely that his friends a. b. c. d.

also work hard at school. spend little time studying. think he works too hard. come to him for help.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 235 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. also work hard at school. TB_08_23_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.7 Timo listens to alternative music, Alexis listens to country music, and Gabby is a big-time rap fan. They are probably a. b. c. d.

not friends. friends. not adolescents. both unpopular.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 235 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. not friends. TB_08_24_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.7 Sheldon smokes cigarettes and drinks beer every weekend. He gets into many arguments with his friend, Chris, who doesn't smoke or drink and is worried about Sheldon. Based on research, it could be predicted that eventually they will 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

remain friends. grow apart. switch roles. grow out of it.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 235-236 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. grow apart. TB_08_25_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Understand_8.7 In terms of friendships, ethnic boundaries may become sharper during adolescence due to a. b. c. d.

the developing capacity for perspective taking. awareness of divisions between ethnic groups. similarities in socioeconomic status. traditional parenting.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 236 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. awareness of divisions between ethnic groups. TB_08_26_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.8 According to your text, which of the following is a more accurate term for peer pressure? a. b. c. d.

risk influence peer effectiveness friends' influence adolescent egocentrism

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 237 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. friends' influence TB_08_27_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Analyze_8.8 Which of the following has been shown by research to be an area in which adolescents are influenced by their friends? a. b. c. d.

encouraging entry into specific career paths discouraging risk behaviors pushing each other to participate in sports teams deepening of religious or spiritual affiliation

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 237 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. discouraging risk behaviors TB_08_28_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Understand_8.8 Adolescents' self-reported rates of risk behavior are correlated with the rates of risk behavior they report for their friends. What can we conclude from this? a. b. c. d.

Friends' risk behavior directly affects one's own risk behavior. One's own risk behavior causes risk behavior in his or her friends. One's own participation in risk behavior is influenced by his or her friends. Adolescents' risk behaviors are associated with their friends' risk behaviors.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 237-238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Adolescents' risk behaviors are associated with their friends' risk behaviors. TB_08_29_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.8 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Savannah sometimes smokes pot. When her mother finds out, Savannah defends herself by saying, “All my friends smoke pot too.” Which of the following is most likely TRUE? a. b. c. d.

This is a typical perception of exaggerated similarity between self and friends. Savannah was a teenager during the 1960s. This is an atypical belief that her behavior influences her friends. Savannah and her mother live in a postfigurative culture.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. This is a typical perception of exaggerated similarity between self and friends. TB_08_30_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.8 The principle that most people tend to choose friends who are similar to themselves is called a. b. c. d.

peer group affiliation. instrumental support. correlation-causation. selective association.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. selective association. TB_08_31_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Understand_8.8 The saying "birds of a feather flock together" best reflects a. b. c. d.

informational support. prefigurative cultures. correlational research. selective association. 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. selective association. TB_08_32_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.9 Harry Stack Sullivan (1953) tended to emphasize the ________ aspects of adolescents' friendships. a. b. c. d.

positive negative intimate instrumental

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. positive TB_08_33_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.9 Which of the following is NOT outlined in your text as a type of support provided by adolescent friendship relationships? a. b. c. d.

esteem instrumental companionship compassionate

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. compassionate 15 ..

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TB_08_34_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.9 Abrie and Farah are best friends. Abrie has a part-time job at a clothing store and helped Farah by letting her use her staff discount card to buy a prom dress. In turn, Farah promised Abrie that she would help her study for her biology exam. They are offering each other ________ support. a. b. c. d.

informational instrumental companionship esteem

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. instrumental TB_08_35_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.9 Ryan applied for a scholarship and did not get it. His friend Mike consoled him by saying, "You're the smartest person I know. You don't need a scholarship to tell you that!" Mike is offering Ryan ________ support. a. b. c. d.

informational instrumental companionship esteem

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. esteem TB_08_36_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.9 Rajesh and Brent live next door to each other and are both new to the junior high school. They usually walk to school together and hang out at lunchtime. Rajesh has been away for 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank two weeks and Brent feels anxious because he doesn't really have anyone to sit with at lunchtime. We could say that he probably misses the ________ support that Rajesh and he share. a. b. c. d.

informational instrumental companionship esteem

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. companionship TB_08_37_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.9 Friendships in emerging adulthood often include information, instrumental, companionship and ________ support. a. b. c. d.

intellectual emotional esteem cognitive

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. esteem TB_08_38_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.10 What term refers to a small social group of friends who know each other well and often do things together? a. b. c. d.

crowd clique argot peers 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 240 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds, and describe their separate functions. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. clique TB_08_39_Adolescents' Social Groups_Apply_8.10 Scott, Kerry, and Todd all go to the same school but don't know each other very well, even though they are all involved with athletics. Scott is on the junior basketball team, Kerry is a champion skier, and Todd is a football player on the senior team. Most likely they belong to the same a. b. c. d.

crowd. clique. friendship group. peer group.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 240 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds, and describe their separate functions. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. crowd. TB_08_40_Adolescents' Social Groups_Understand_8.10 Social categories such as "nerds," "normals," and "burnouts" represent a. b. c. d.

cliques. crowds. friends. ethnicity.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 240 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds, and describe their separate functions. Skill: Understand the Concepts 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. crowds. TB_08_41_Adolescents' Social Groups_Understand_8.10 Which of the following best represents the function of crowds? a. b. c. d.

They help adolescents define their identities. They assist teachers in ranking students academically. They take the place of childhood friendships. They replace family as the prime source of support.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 240 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds, and describe their separate functions. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. They help adolescents define their identities. TB_08_42_Adolescents' Social Groups_Analyze_8.11 Adolescents' use of antagonistic interactions such as sarcasm and ridicule are related to a. b. c. d.

the establishment of a dominance hierarchy. disputes between friends. developmental trajectory of inter-crowd competition. decreases in family interaction.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 241 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.11 Explain why sarcasm and ridicule are common in adolescent cliques, and give examples of cultural variations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. the establishment of a dominance hierarchy. TB_08_43_Adolescents' Social Groups_Analyze_8.11 Within cliques, the use of sarcasm and ridicule may a. cause adolescent rebellion. b. reinforce group conformity. c. widen group membership. 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. reduce group conflict. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 241 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.11 Explain why sarcasm and ridicule are common in adolescent cliques, and give examples of cultural variations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. reinforce group conformity. TB_08_44_Adolescents' Social Groups_Apply_8.12 Sonya got very angry at her friend Lilah over a disagreement that they had. In school the next day, Sonya told several friends that Lilah got in trouble for shoplifting over the weekend, an event that never took place. It took weeks before Lilah was able to clear her reputation. Sonya's behaviors are an example of ________ aggression. a. b. c. d.

transactive reactive relational instrumental

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 241-242 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.12 Define relational aggression, and explain why it is more common among girls in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. relational TB_08_45_Adolescents' Social Groups_Understand_8.13 According to the text, crowd formation is salient during adolescence mostly because of adolescents' a. b. c. d.

understanding of ethnic diversity. differing rates of physical development. ability to think in abstract terms. capacity for emotional understanding.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 242 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. ability to think in abstract terms. TB_08_46_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.13 From early- to mid-adolescence, crowd structure becomes________ differentiated and ________ influential. a. b. c. d.

less; less more; less less; more more; more

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 242 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. more; more TB_08_47_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.13 From mid- to late-adolescence, crowd structure becomes ________ hierarchical and ________ influential. a. b. c. d.

less; more more; less less; less more; more

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 242 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. less; less TB_08_48_Adolescents' Social Groups_Apply_8.13 Cold Lake Middle School students were asked to describe the crowds in their school. Which 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of the following is the most likely description? a. b. c. d.

nerds and headbangers trendies and dweebs normals and jocks normals and nerds

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 243 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. trendies and dweebs TB_08_49_Adolescents' Social Groups_Apply_8.13 Danyon is a popular student who plays basketball and excels at track and field. He describes his friends and other students on the sports teams at school as jocks, but doesn't feel that this label really describes him. Most likely, Danyon may believe that he is a. b. c. d.

too unique to be labeled as any one thing. not as good at sports as his friends. being ostracized from the group. smarter than the typical jock.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 243 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. too unique to be labeled as any one thing. TB_08_50_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.13 Generally, during early adolescence, most of a person's social life takes place in a. b. c. d.

mixed-sex cliques. opposite-sex pairs. same-sex cliques. same-sex pairs.

Difficulty: 1 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 244 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. same-sex cliques. TB_08_51_Adolescents' Social Groups_Analyze_8.13 One criticism of Dunphy's (1963) model of adolescent relationships is that it a. b. c. d.

may not reflect relationships outside of adolescents' nuclear families. is based on research conducted only in traditional cultures. deals only with male, and not female, adolescents. may not apply to adolescents today.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 244 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. may not apply to adolescents today. TB_08_52_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 In schools with diverse, multiethnic populations, adolescents tend to see ________ crowd distinctions in other ethnic groups than they do in their own. a. b. c. d.

more fewer similar no

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 245 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. fewer TB_08_53_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank In traditional cultures, the adolescent peer crowd is __________ than in Western cultures. a. b. c. d.

more age-graded more affluent less age-graded less affluent

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 245 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. less age-graded TB_08_54_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 In some traditional cultures, the dormitory is the place where adolescents a. b. c. d.

sleep, relax, and perhaps experiment sexually. attend classes and perform housekeeping duties. are excluded until emerging adulthood. perform military service.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 245 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. sleep, relax, and perhaps experiment sexually. TB_08_55_ Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 Of the following scholars, who is known for researching adolescent crowds via participant observation? a. b. c. d.

David Kinney Albert Bandura Dexter Dunphy Harry Sullivan

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 246 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Skill: Remember the Facts 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a. David Kinney TB_08_56_ Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 Which of the following researcher characteristics would be most useful for conducting successful participant observation amongst adolescents? a. b. c. d.

youthful appearance an air of authority sneakiness ability to lie

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 246 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.14 Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. youthful appearance TB_08_57_Popularity and Unpopularity_Understand_8.15 Which of the following factors is NOT related to popularity across the life span? a. b. c. d.

physical attractiveness musical ability social skills intelligence

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. musical ability TB_08_58_Popularity and Unpopularity_Remember_8.15 Which of the following has been shown by research to be MOST connected with someone being viewed as a "nerd"? a. high academic achievement b. lack of social skills 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. high intellectual ability d. lack of wealth Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. lack of social skills TB_08_59_Popularity and Unpopularity_Apply_8.15 Margalit is unpopular and has trouble making friends. She is aggressive and just last week started a fight by punching the girl in front of her. Which of the following is most likely the case? Margalit is a(n) __________ adolescent. a. b. c. d.

neglected rejected controversial alternative

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. rejected TB_08_60_Popularity and Unpopularity_Apply_8.15 Huxley is shy. Most of his classmates neither like nor dislike him. Which of the following is most likely the case? Huxley is a(n) ___________ adolescent. a. b. c. d.

neglected rejected controversial alternative

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. neglected TB_08_61_Popularity and Unpopularity_Apply_8.15 Samantha is highly aggressive, yet has a high level of social skill. Which of the following is most likely? Samantha is a(n) ________ adolescent. a. b. c. d.

neglected rejected controversial alternative

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 248 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. controversial TB_08_62_Popularity and Unpopularity_Understand_8.16 One reason that popular children tend to become popular adolescents is that they are a. b. c. d.

reinforced in their popularity on an ongoing basis. given more independence by their parents. not likely to suffer from anxiety disorders. less reliant on physical appearance for confidence.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 248-249 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. reinforced in their popularity on an ongoing basis. TB_08_63_Popularity and Unpopularity_Remember_8.16 Most interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents focus on developing 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank ________ skills. a. b. c. d.

academic parenting social emotional

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 249 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. social TB_08_64_Popularity and Unpopularity_Remember_8.16 In one social intervention, adolescents are taught a six-step sequence for a. b. c. d.

anger management. assertiveness training. participant observation. emotional suppression.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 249 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. anger management. TB_08_65_Popularity and Unpopularity_Understand_8.17 There are three different components to bullying. Which of the following is NOT one of them? a. b. c. d.

aggression repetition power imbalance proximity 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 249 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.17 Define bullying, and describe its prevalence and consequences across countries. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. proximity TB_08_66_Popularity and Unpopularity_Analyze_8.17 Research finds that cyberbullying typically involves one-time incidents rather than an ongoing pattern of such behavior. Because the bullying component of ________ is absent from these instances, your text suggests that a better term would be online harassment. a. b. c. d.

repetition aggression power differential dominance hierarchy

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 250 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.17 Define bullying, and describe its prevalence and consequences across countries. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. repetition TB_08_67_Youth Culture_Remember_8.18 The study of youth culture has a long history in the field of a. b. c. d.

psychology. sociology. community health. education.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 251 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. sociology. 29 ..

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TB_08_68_Youth Culture_Remember_8.18 Youth culture is generally believed to have arisen in the West during the a. b. c. d.

1890s. 1920s. 1950s. 1960s.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 251 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 1920s. TB_08_69_Youth Culture_Remember_8.18 Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the style of youth culture described in the text? a. b. c. d.

image demeanor argot skills

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 251 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. skills TB_08_70_Youth Culture_Apply_8.18 It is 1967, and Reggie is a teenager who likes listening to the music of Jimi Hendrix. Reggie says, "Jimi is totally groovy, man." Reggie's phrase is an example of a. image. b. demeanor. c. argot. 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. posture. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 251 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. argot. TB_08_71_Youth Culture_Remember_8.18 Which of the following is the term for a society that condones a high degree of variability among individuals and groups? a. b. c. d.

pluralistic dualistic postfigurative prefigurative

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 252 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. pluralistic TB_08_72_Youth Culture_Remember_8.19 An informal vocabulary and grammar that differs from that of a given culture's native language is called a. b. c. d.

aphorisms. colloquialisms. image. slang.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 253 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Skill: Remember the Facts 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: d. slang. TB_08_73_Youth Culture_Remember_8.20 Which anthropologist was the first to observe that in times of rapid technological change, young people tend to look to each other for instruction in a variety of aspects of life? a. b. c. d.

Mead Shaw Dunphy Figarella

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 255 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.20 Explain how technology is important to the distinctiveness of youth culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Mead True/False TB_08_74_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.1 Relationships with family and friends during adolescence tend to change in quantity, but not in quality. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 228 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_75_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.2 Traditional cultures are likely to have fewer gender differences in terms of adolescents' relationships to peers and family. a. True 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 230 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.2 Explain how the balance between friendships and family relationships is distinctive in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_76_A Shift from Family to Friends_Remember_8.3 Besides being a source of emotional support and enjoyment, adolescents' friendships are also a source of worry. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 231 Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_77_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Remember_8.4 Adolescents rate trust and loyalty as more important to friendship than younger children do. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 233 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_08_78_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Understand_8.5 Greater ability for concrete reasoning makes it possible for adolescents to think about and talk about more abstract qualities in their relationships. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 233 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.5 Connect adolescents’ cognitive development to the rising importance of intimacy in friendship and explain why intimacy is more central to girls’ friendships. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. False TB_08_79_Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy_Remember_8.5 Boys tend to have more intimate friendships than girls. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 234 Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Learning Objective: 8.5 Connect adolescents’ cognitive development to the rising importance of intimacy in friendship and explain why intimacy is more central to girls’ friendships. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_80_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.7 In American society, childhood is the life period when ethnic boundaries in friendships are the most defined. a. True b. False 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 236 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_81_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.8 Adolescents tend to choose friends who are similar to themselves. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_82_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Remember_8.8 Selective association is the degree to which two people share personal knowledge, thoughts, and feelings. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 238 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_83_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.11 In some traditional cultures, adolescents may use sarcasm and ridicule toward adults in 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank order to reinforce cultural standards of behavior. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 241 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.11 Explain why sarcasm and ridicule are common in adolescent cliques, and give examples of cultural variations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_84_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.12 Relational aggression is the term for behavior that includes not only sarcasm and ridicule but gossiping, spreading rumors, snubbing, and excluding others from the clique. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 241-242 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.12 Define relational aggression, and explain why it is more common among girls in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_85_Adolescents' Social Groups_Remember_8.13 Recent research shows that adolescents generally spend more time with other-sex friends than with same-sex friends. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 244 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_08_86_Popularity and Unpopularity_Remember_8.15 In adolescence, high intelligence is related to popularity. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_87_Popularity and Unpopularity_Remember_8.15 Neglected adolescents are actively disliked by their peers, usually because others find them to be excessively aggressive, disruptive, and quarrelsome. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 247 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_08_88_Youth Culture_Remember_8.18 Not all adolescents participate in youth culture. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 253 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank they develop. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_89_Youth Culture_Remember_8.19 Common English slang terms that are used by people for whom English is not their first language include swear words, terms for sexual activities and body parts, as well as derogatory terms for men and women. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 254 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_08_90_Youth Culture_Remember_8.20 Anthropologist Margaret Mead believed that as technology continued to advance, adults would be primarily responsible for teaching children how to use the latest breakthroughs. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 256 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.20 Explain how technology is important to the distinctiveness of youth culture. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. False Essay TB_08_91_Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends_Apply_8.9 List and define four types of support that friends may provide to each other in adolescence. Provide an example for each. 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 239 Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Informational support -- advice between friends in solving personal problems; sharing personal problems, feelings, and thoughts (e.g., providing guidance regarding romantic relationships or personal problems involving other friends or parents). • Instrumental support -- between friends, helping out with various concrete tasks (e.g., helping each other with homework; lending money). • Companionship support -- being able to rely upon one's friend for social companionship in various activities (e.g., having someone to walk to school with; having someone to be a partner with in a school activity). • Esteem support -providing encouragement for a friend's success and consoling a friend when he or she fails (e.g., having a party to celebrate a friend's athletic award; consoling a friend who did not pass her driver's test). TB_08_92_Adolescents' Social Groups_Apply_8.10 Define and distinguish between crowds and cliques. Provide an example of each from your own adolescent school experience. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 240 Topic: Adolescents' Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds, and describe their separate functions. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Crowds are large, reputation-based groups of adolescents. • Cliques are small groups of friends who know each other well, do things together, and form a regular social group. • Students will provide their own examples. TB_08_93_Adolescents' Social Groups_Analyze_8.12 Define relational aggression and provide a rationale for evidence that girls exhibit more relational aggression than boys. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 241-242 Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Learning Objective: 8.12 Define relational aggression, and explain why it is more common among girls in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: Relational aggression is the term used to describe behavior that includes sarcasm, ridicule, gossiping, spreading rumors, snubbing, and excluding others from the group. Relational aggression is a phenomenon recently identified among cliques of adolescent girls. It is posited that girls resort to relational aggression because their gender role prohibits more direct expression of conflict and disagreement. While they experience anger, they are not allowed to express it openly, even in a verbal form; aggression takes a more covert and indirect form. Relational aggression can also be a means of asserting dominance among peers. TB_08_94_Popularity and Unpopularity_Understand_8.15; 8.16 Define and distinguish among rejected, neglected, and controversial adolescents. Briefly describe possible long-term consequences of unpopularity during adolescence. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 247-249 Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity; 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change, and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Rejected adolescents are actively disliked by peers; they tend to be aggressive, disruptive, argumentative, and lack social skills to make and keep friends. Consequences include: higher rates of aggression-related problems and greater likelihood of dropping out of school. • Neglected adolescents are neither liked nor disliked strongly by peers; they are "unnoticed" by their peers, are usually shy and withdrawn, and lack social skills to make and keep friends. Consequences include: low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, alcohol abuse. • Controversial adolescents generate mixed responses among peers. Rather than being consistently popular or unpopular, they may be strongly liked as well as strongly disliked, by different people and by the same people on different occasions. They tend to be aggressive, but also possess strong social skills. TB_08_95_Youth Culture_Understand_8.19 List and briefly describe the significance of four historical influences that led to the rise of youth culture in the 1920s. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 254-255 Topic: Youth Culture Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Skill: Understand the Concepts 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: • World War I -- more than 2 million American young adults went to Europe as part of the war effort. Upon returning home, values of freedom from restriction and enjoying life rose to the forefront. • Ideas of Sigmund Freud -- his ideas became popularized after World War I. A popularized interpretation included the view of an uninhibited sex life as part of psychological health. • Changing status of women -- the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote became law in 1920. More women entered the workplace, adding increased independence. • Increased availability of automobiles -- middle class young people could get away from parents' supervision with this newfound mobility.

41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q8.1 Which of the following best summarizes research findings on the proportion of time youth in developed countries spend with friends and family during adolescence? a. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially other-sex peers, during adolescence; furthermore, about 60% of adolescents in developed countries across the world report having daily social media contact with their friends. b. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially same-sex peers, during adolescence; furthermore, about 60% of adolescents in developed countries across the world report having daily social media contact with their friends. c. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially other-sex peers, during adolescence; furthermore, about 40% of adolescents in developed countries across the world report having daily social media contact with their friends. d. Findings that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially same-sex peers, during adolescence; furthermore, about 40% of adolescents in developed countries across the world report having daily social media contact with their friends. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.2 Akira is a 14-year-old girl growing up in India. When asked how she likes to spend her leisure time, Akira is likely to respond with which of the following statements? a. “I like my friends, but I typically spend more of my leisure time with my family than my friends because I value and enjoy spending time with my family more.” b. “I like my family, but I typically spend more of my leisure time with my friends than my family because I value and enjoy spending time with my friends more.” c. “Because I value and enjoy spending time with both my family and friends, I typically evenly split my leisure time between my friends and family.” d. “I like my friends, but I typically spend more of my leisure time with my family than my friends because my family requires and expects me to do so.” Answer: a 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.2 Explain how the balance between friendships and family relationships is distinctive in developing countries. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.3 Robert is a middle-school student who is participating in a study on the emotional status of adolescents when they are among friends and parents. When asked whether he is most likely to feel positive and happy around his friends or his parents, Robert is likely to say which of the following statements? a. “I feel much more positive and happy when I’m around my friends because I know I can let loose and be myself around them.” b. “I feel much more positive and happy when I’m around my parents because they completely understand how I’m feeling.” c. “I feel equally positive and happy when I’m around my friends and family because they both understand me and how I’m feeling.” d. “I feel much more positive and happy when I’m around my family because I know I can let loose and be myself around them.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.4 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for an adolescent’s explanation for the dissolution of a friendship, and why? a. Adolescents are most likely to indicate violations of trust, such as divulging secrets or competing for a romantic partner, as the main explanation for the dissolution of a friendship because intimacy is more highly valued in adolescent friendships than in younger childhood friendships. b. Adolescents are most likely to indicate differences in academic achievement, such as taking advanced classes or being on the honor roll, as the main explanation for the dissolution of a friendship because consistency in educational aspirations is more highly valued in adolescent friendships than in younger childhood friendships. c. Adolescents are most likely to indicate differences in shared activities, such as joining an artistic group versus a sports group, as the main explanation for the 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank dissolution of a friendship because common interests are more highly valued in adolescent friendships than in younger childhood friendships. d. Adolescents are most likely to indicate differences in political beliefs, such as supporting the death penalty or not, as the main explanation for the dissolution of a friendship because consistency of political beliefs is more highly valued in adolescent friendships than in younger childhood friendships. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q8.5 In general, the friendships of adolescent girls are based more on ______ than the friendships of adolescent boys, whereas the friendships of adolescent boys are based more on ______ than the friendships of adolescent girls. a. b. c. d.

intimacy; shared activities shared activities; intimacy common interests; personality similarities personality similarities; common interests

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.5 Connect adolescents’ cognitive development to the rising importance of intimacy in friendship and explain why intimacy is more central to girls’ friendships. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.6 Which of the following reflects the research evidence for characteristics of friendships between adolescents and emerging adults? a. Emerging adults are more likely to have other-sex friendships than adolescents. b. Emerging adults are less likely to have other-sex friendships than adolescents. c. Emerging adults and adolescents report an equal level of the importance of intimacy in their friendships. d. Emerging adults and adolescents both report spending less time in their friendships as they cultivate romantic relationships. 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.6 Identify the ways friendships change from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.7 Mark and Andrew are in the same sixth-grade class. Mark likes to practice his trombone during his free time, and Andrew likes to practice baseball during his free time. Which of the following best explains whether Mark and Andrew are likely to become friends? a. Mark and Andrew are unlikely to become friends because they are dissimilar in their preferences for leisure activity. b. Mark and Andrew are likely to become friends because they are similar in their preferences for leisure activity. c. Mark and Andrew are unlikely to become friends because they are dissimilar in their educational orientations. d. Mark and Andrew are likely to become friends because they are similar in their educational orientations. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.8 Caroline and Kelly are friends in middle school and they both like to sneak beers out of their refrigerators at home to try out drinking. The fact that Caroline and Kelly’s friendship may be explained by their shared preference for drinking is called __________. a. b. c. d.

selective association friends’ influence peer pressure friends’ intimacy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.9 Gene and Doug are planning to go to their high school’s homecoming football game together so that they do not have to go alone and can sit by each other and hang out. What type of friendship support are Gene and Doug providing each other? a. b. c. d.

Companionship support Esteem support Instrumental support Informational support

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.10 Craig is one of five trumpet players in his middle-school band. The trumpet section members are good friends who often hang out together. Craig’s friendship with the trumpet section members is an example of a(n) __________. a. b. c. d.

clique exclusionary social group crowd in-group

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds and describe their separate functions. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.11 Which of the following best summarizes adolescents’ use of sarcasm and ridicule in traditional cultures? a. Adolescents in traditional cultures sometimes direct their sarcasm and ridicule toward adults to enforce social norms. 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Adolescents in traditional cultures use sarcasm and ridicule frequently, but only toward peers. c. Adolescents in traditional cultures rarely use sarcasm and ridicule, because these verbal forms require schooling. d. Adolescents in traditional cultures and Western cultures use sarcasm and ridicule, but mainly toward persons of the other sex. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.11 Explain why sarcasm and ridicule are common in adolescent cliques, and give examples of cultural variations. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.12 Rachel found out that her friend, Emma, kissed the boy that she has a crush on. Rachel is mad at Emma for violating the trust in their friendship and wants to get revenge. Which of the following scenarios best depicts Rachel’s use of relational aggression toward Emma to express her anger? a. Rachel will instruct all of their friends to ignore Emma, including not letting her sit with them at lunch, and spread a rumor that Emma has a sexually transmitted infection. b. Rachel will try to trip or shove Emma as she is walking around the school so that Emma will fall down and everyone will laugh at her. c. Rachel and her friends will force Emma into a corner at school in between classes, and they will throw rotten eggs on Emma and call her “damaged goods.” d. Rachel will have a one-on-one conversation with Emma in which she berates her for her behavior and says that she does not want to be friends with Emma anymore. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.12 Define relational aggression, and explain why it is more common among girls in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.13 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for how the function and importance of crowds change from 6th through 12th grade? a. From the 6th to 9th grade, crowds become more differentiated and increase in importance for defining social status, whereas from the 9th to 12th grade, 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank crowds become further differentiated but have less importance in defining social status. b. From the 6th to 9th grade, crowds become more differentiated and increase in importance for defining social status, whereas from the 9th to 12th grade, crowds become less differentiated and less important for defining social status. c. From the 6th to 9th grade, crowds became less differentiated and less important for defining social status, whereas from the 9th to 12th grade, crowds become more differentiated and more important in defining social status. d. From the 6th to 9th grade, crowds become more differentiated but less important for defining social status, whereas from the 9th to 12th grade, crowds become less differentiated but more important for defining social status. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.14 The adolescent crowd structure in traditional cultures versus the American culture is different in that crowds tend to be less __________, especially because most youth sleep and spend their leisure time in a separate dwelling from their families, which is called a __________. a. b. c. d.

age-graded; dormitory age-graded; camp important; dormitory important; camp

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.15 The qualities most likely to distinguish popular from unpopular adolescents on sociometry measures are ________, and asking an adolescent to identify with whom among their classmates that they’d most likely to be paired on a team is an example of ________ sociometric measurement. a. social skills; indirect b. social skills; direct 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. academic skills; indirect d. academic skills; direct Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.16 Richard is participating in an intervention for neglected adolescents. Which of the following reflects a step Richard might learn for improving his social skills, and why? a. A step Richard will learn is to “make eye contact, smile, and nod when listening to someone talk,” because as a neglected adolescent Richard needs to improve his social skills involved with learning how to make friends. b. A step Richard will learn is to “calm down and think before you act,” because as a neglected adolescent Richard needs to improve his social skills involved with learning how to control and manage anger. c. A step Richard will learn is to “make eye contact, smile, and nod when listening to someone talk,” because as a neglected adolescent Richard needs to improve his social skills involved with learning how to control and manage anger. d. A step Richard will learn is to “calm down and think before you act,” because as a neglected adolescent Richard needs to improve his social skills involved with learning how to make friends. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q8.17 Which of the following summarizes the research evidence for the sociometric status of victims of bullying, along with the outcomes reported by victims of bullying? a. Victims tend to be low-status adolescents who are rejected by their peers, and victims tend to report significant psychological and physical problems such as anxiety and headaches, respectively. 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Victims tend to be low-status adolescents who are rejected by their peers, and victims tend to report significant psychological and physical problems such as headaches and anxiety, respectively. c. Victims tend to be low-status adolescents who are neglected by their peers, and victims tend to solely report significant psychological problems such as anxiety. d. Victims tend to be low-status adolescents who are neglected by their peers, and victims tend to solely report significant physical problems such as headaches. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.17 Define bullying, and describe its prevalence and consequences across countries. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.18 Carlos is part of a clique of boys who play video games. To demonstrate their clique identity, every day the boys wear a t-shirt that depicts their favorite video game character and greet each other by pretending they are robots. Which of the following two components of youth culture style are Carlos and the clique of video game boys displaying? a. b. c. d.

Image and demeanor Image and argot Demeanor and argot Argot and hedonism

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q8.19 The frequent inclusion of taboo and vulgar words in adolescents’ language most closely reflects which of the following purposes for slang? a. b. c. d.

To challenge adult norms To engage in hedonistic behaviors To convey the youth culture value of irresponsibility To expand their vocabulary

Answer: a 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q8.20 Which of the following best summarizes anthropologist Margaret Mead’s description of how technological changes influence youth culture? a. Among cultures in which the rate of technological change is fast, youth are more likely to learn from each other than from adults regarding what is required to succeed in their economy because there are likely generational differences in technology knowledge. b. Among cultures in which the rate of technological change is fast, youth are more likely to learn from adults than from each other regarding what is required to succeed in their economy because adults will always be the ones responsible for innovations in technology knowledge. c. Among cultures in which the rate of technological change is slow, youth are likely to learn equally from each other and from adults regarding what is required to succeed in their economy because there are few generational differences in technology knowledge. d. Among cultures in which the rate of technological change is slow, youth are more likely to learn from each other than from adults regarding what is required to succeed in their economy because there are likely generational differences in technology knowledge. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.20 Explain how technology is important to the distinctiveness of youth culture. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.1.1 Which of the following BEST summarizes the research findings on the quality of adolescents’ relationships with peers versus parents? a. About 70% of adolescents report they agree that their close friend understands them better than their parents, and that they prefer to discuss personal issues with their friends and educational issues with their parents. b. About 70% of adolescents report they disagree that their close friend understands them better than their parents, and that they prefer to discuss both personal and educational issues with their parents rather than their friends. 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. About 70% of adolescents report they agree that their close friend understands them better than their parents, and that they prefer to discuss educational issues with their friends and personal issues with their parents. d. About 70% of adolescents report they disagree that their close friend understands them better than their parents, and that they prefer to discuss personal issues with their friends and educational issues with their parents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.1.2 Adolescents mostly depend on ______ for emotional support, whereas emerging adults depend mostly on _________. a. b. c. d.

parents; romantic partners parents; same-sex friends parents; other-sex friends parents; grandparents

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.1 Summarize the shift in adolescence in the balance between friendships and family relationships in developed countries. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.1.3 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for gender differences in adolescents’ relationships with friends and family in traditional cultures? a. In traditional cultures, adolescent girls’ involvement with friends tends to be much less compared to boys; specifically, girls spend more time with adult females than boys do with adult males to garner the skills required to run a future household and raise future children. b. In traditional cultures, adolescent boys’ involvement with friends tends to be much less compared to girls; specifically, boys spend more time with adult males than girls do with adult females to garner the skills required to provide for and protect their future family. c. In traditional cultures, adolescent girls’ involvement with friends tends to be equal compared to boys; however, girls spend more time with adult females than 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank boys do with adult males to garner the skills required to run a future household and raise future children. d. In traditional cultures, adolescent girls’ involvement with friends tends to be equal compared to boys; however, boys spend more time with adult males than girls do with adult females to garner the skills required to provide for and protect their future family. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.2 Explain how the balance between friendships and family relationships is distinctive in developing countries. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.1.4 Research on adolescents’ emotional states has found that youth report their ________ are the source of their most intense negative emotions. a. b. c. d.

friends parents teachers siblings

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.1.5 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence about adolescents’ positive emotions during time spent with family versus friends? a. Edith and her friends are so excited about getting tickets to see their favorite singer in concert that they are jumping up and down, laughing, and hugging each other with joy. b. Edith and her family are so excited about getting tickets to see their favorite singer in concert that they are jumping up and down, laughing, and hugging each other with joy. c. Edith and her friends are excited about getting tickets to see their favorite singer, and to ensure their experience is the best it can be, they are taking time to sit down and plan out their timeline for attending the concert. 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Edith and her family are excited about getting tickets to see their favorite singer, and to ensure their experience is the best it can be, they are taking time to sit down and plan out their timeline for attending the concert. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.3 Explain why friends are the sources of more intense emotions than parents are. Topic: A Shift from Family to Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.2.1 Researchers have found that when describing ideal friendships, adolescents are more likely to identify characteristics that include _______, whereas younger children are more likely to identify characteristics that include _______. a. b. c. d.

intimacy; shared activities intimacy; empathy shared activities; intimacy shared activities; empathy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.2.2 Sibyl and Cora are in the eighth grade and have been best friends since the fourth grade. Sibyl and Cora know more about each other’s __________, such as their __________, now than they did in the fourth grade. a. b. c. d.

preferences; favorite school subjects preferences; hopes and fears backgrounds; favorite school subjects backgrounds; hopes and fears

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.4 Describe the role that intimacy plays in adolescents’ friendships and how it changes with age. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.2.3 During adolescence, girls’ friendships tend to be based more on ________, whereas boys’ friendships tend to be based more on _________. a. b. c. d.

intimacy; shared activities intimacy; popularity shared activities; intimacy shared activities; popularity

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.5 Connect adolescents’ cognitive development to the rising importance of intimacy in friendship and explain why intimacy is more central to girls’ friendships. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.2.4 Which of the following best summarizes the general pattern for how friendships and romantic relationships intersect during emerging adulthood? a. For most emerging adults, friends are more important in the early part of emerging adulthood, when an enduring romantic relationship has not yet developed, and less important later in emerging adulthood as they progress toward a long-term commitment to a romantic partner. b. For most emerging adults, friends are more important in the later part of emerging adulthood, when a steady romantic relationship has developed and emerging adults must rely on their friends’ advice on whether to marry the romantic partner. c. For most emerging adults, friends and romantic partners are equal in importance during the early part of emerging adulthood as the multiple transitions youth make during their early 20s reflect the instability of this developmental time period. d. For most emerging adults, romantic partners are more important than friendships throughout the 20s because the main developmental goal of emerging adulthood is to develop one’s identity via explorations into love. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.6 Identify the ways friendships change from adolescence to emerging adulthood. 55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.2.5 Researchers have found that it is common for other-sex friendships in emerging adulthood to include a sexual element. Misunderstandings occur in these friendships, as about _______ do not discuss the rules for their relationship, such as _______ rules, which include guidelines for honesty. a. b. c. d.

75%; communication 75%; sex 25%; communication 25%; sex

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.6 Identify the ways friendships change from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Topic: Development of Friendships in Adolescence: The Rising Importance of Intimacy Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.3.1 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for how ethnicity is related to adolescents’ development of friendships? a. Adolescents’ ethnic identity development may promote adherence to one’s own ethnic group to minimize interethnic tensions and conflict; thus, youth who align in their ethnicity are likely to become friends during adolescence. b. Adolescents’ ethnic identity development may promote rejection of one’s own ethnic group to maximize interethnic acceptance; thus, youth who align in their ethnicity are unlikely to become friends during adolescence. c. The peers that adolescents meet in their schools and neighborhoods tend to be from different ethnic groups, so these are the groups from which they draw their friends; thus, youth who differ in their ethnicity are likely to become friends during adolescence. d. The peers that adolescents meet in their schools and neighborhoods tend to be from different ethnic groups, so these are the groups from which they do not draw their friends; thus, youth who align in their ethnicity are unlikely to become friends during adolescence. Answer: a 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.7 Identify the similarities that draw adolescents together into friendships. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.3.2 Research on friends’ influence on risky behaviors and supportive behaviors during adolescence indicates which of the following general developmental patterns? a. Friends’ influence on risky behaviors and supportive behaviors tends to follow a similar developmental pattern, in which the influence of both domains rises in early adolescence, peaks in mid-adolescence, and declines in late adolescence. b. Friends’ influence on risky behaviors and supportive behaviors tends to follow a similar developmental pattern, in which the influence of both domains peaks in early adolescence and declines in mid-adolescence. c. Friends’ influence on risky behaviors and supportive behaviors tends to follow a dissimilar developmental pattern, in which influence in the risky behavior domain peaks in mid-adolescence whereas influence in the supportive behaviors domain peaks in late adolescence. d. Friends’ influence on risky behaviors and supportive behaviors tends to follow a dissimilar developmental pattern, in which influence in the risky behavior domain peaks in late adolescence whereas influence in the supportive behaviors domain peaks in mid-adolescence. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.3.3 Research on friends’ influence indicates that pressure to participate in ________ is often the weakest domain of influence compared to pressure to participate in ________, suggesting that friends’ influence may be more positive than the general public perceives. a. b. c. d.

risky behaviors; school activities risky behaviors; family activities school activities; risky behaviors school activities; family activities

Answer: a 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.8 Summarize the research on friends’ influence on risk behavior, and explain why “influence” is difficult to determine. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.3.4 Melanie and Laura are juniors in high school and are both excited about going to college in 2 years. Laura has decided she wants to major in business and has a list of five colleges to which she will apply. However, Melanie has not decided any of these things and feels behind in her college plans; as such, Laura is giving her advice on how to figure out her interests and select colleges. What type of friendship support is Laura providing Melanie? a. b. c. d.

Informational support Esteem support Companionship support Instrumental support

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.3.5 Recent research has found that adolescent boys especially benefit from friendships with adolescent girls because the girls’ provision of emotional support is __________ related to boys’ coping with emotionally challenging situations. Researchers refer to these friendships as __________. a. b. c. d.

positively; platonic positively; friends with benefits negatively; platonic negatively; friends with benefits

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.9 Name the different ways adolescent friends support each other and how that support influences their development. Topic: Becoming Friends and Becoming Like Friends Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.4.1 58 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Which of the following is the most important function of crowds for adolescents? a. The main function of crowds is to help adolescents identify themselves and others within the social structure categories of their school. b. The main function of crowds is to provide a setting for adolescents’ social interactions and friendships. c. The main function of crowds is to provide adolescents with a small group of close friends with whom they can regularly spend a lot of time. d. The main function of crowds is to help adolescents form small, cohesive groups that are defined by distinctive shared activities. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.10 Distinguish between cliques and crowds and describe their separate functions. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.4.2 Tricia makes fun of the nerdy kids in her middle school, such as impersonating their social awkwardness to her close group of friends. Even within her group of close friends, Tricia makes direct comments to them about how “books are their best friends” if she sees them reading at school during their free time. Tricia is engaging in ___________ interactions, which promotes _____________ within her clique. a. b. c. d.

antagonistic; conformity antagonistic; nonconformity amicable; conformity amicable; nonconformity

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.11 Explain why sarcasm and ridicule are common in adolescent cliques, and give examples of cultural variations. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.4.3 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for adolescent girls’ and boys’ use of relational aggression? a. Research findings indicate that adolescent girls and boys both use relational aggression, but that it is a more common form of aggression among girls because 59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank gender socialization norms for girls prohibit direct and physical expressions of conflict. b. Research findings indicate that adolescent girls and boys both use relational aggression, but that it is a more common form of aggression among girls because girls are more cognitively advanced in the use of sarcasm and ridicule than boys. c. Research findings indicate that adolescent girls and boys both use relational aggression, but that it is a more common form of aggression among boys because gender socialization norms for boys promote direct and physical expressions of conflict. d. Research findings indicate that adolescent girls and boys use relational aggression equally, especially because this form of aggression is primarily used to assert dominance among adolescents, which facilitates clique cohesiveness. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.12 Define relational aggression, and explain why it is more common among girls in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.4.4 Sociologist Dexter Dunphy described developmental changes in the structure of adolescent cliques and crowds, where in the fifth and final stage males and females paired off in more serious romantic relationships, which led to the breakdown of cliques and crowds. How does current research evidence on the developmental period of emerging adulthood support or refute this fifth stage? a. Current research on emerging adulthood indicates that because the median age of marriage has risen to the late 20s, the committed romantic relationships that Dunphy proposed break down cliques in late adolescence is not supported; thus, membership in a variety of same-sex and mixed-sex groups is highly likely into emerging adulthood. b. Current research on emerging adulthood indicates that because the median age of marriage has remained in the early 20s, the committed romantic relationships that Dunphy proposed break down cliques in late adolescence is supported; thus, membership in a variety of same-sex and mixed-sex groups is highly unlikely into emerging adulthood. c. Current research on emerging adulthood indicates that because one of the least important goals of this developmental time period is the establishment of committed romantic relationships, Dunphy’s proposition for the breakdown of cliques in late adolescence is not supported; thus, membership in a variety of same-sex and mixed-sex groups is highly likely into emerging adulthood. d. Current research on emerging adulthood indicates that because one of the most important goals of this developmental time period is explorations into different friendships to assist with identity formation, Dunphy’s proposition for the 60 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank breakdown cliques in late adolescence is not supported; thus, membership in a variety of same-sex and mixed-sex groups is highly likely into emerging adulthood. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.13 Describe how the functions and importance of crowds change during the course of adolescence and into emerging adulthood. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q8.4.5 Although studies have found that within American multiethnic high schools there tends to be little crossing of ethnic boundaries in crowd membership, which of the following have researchers found to be an exception to this trend? a. Adolescent boys who have a common interest in sports, or the “Athletes,” are the most likely to form a multiethnic crowd. b. Adolescent boys who have a common interest in alcohol use, or the “Deviants,” are the most likely to form a multiethnic crowd. c. Adolescent girls who have a common interest in obtaining a high social status, or the “Elites,” are the most likely to form a multiethnic crowd. d. Adolescent girls who have a common interest in obtaining high grades, or the “Academics,” are the most likely to form a multiethnic crowd. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.14 Outline the various cultural forms crowds can take. Topic: Adolescents’ Social Groups Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.5.1 Tom and Harry are both boys in the same fifth-grade class. Tom is aggressive, disruptive, and selfish, and almost all of his classmates do not like him. Harry is aggressive, funny, and confident, and about half of his classmates do not like him. According to sociometric ratings, Tom would most likely be categorized as a __________ adolescent and Harry would most likely be categorized as a __________ adolescent. a. b. c. d.

rejected; controversial rejected; neglected controversial; rejected neglected; rejected

Answer: a 61 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.5.2 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for links between intelligence and popularity among adolescents? a. High intelligence is positively related to popularity among adolescents, but the perception that crowds such as “Academics” or “Nerds” lack social skills is what influences these groups’ unpopularity. b. High intelligence is negatively related to popularity among adolescents, but the perception that crowds such as “Academics” or “Nerds” lack social skills is what influences these groups’ unpopularity. c. High intelligence is positively related to popularity among adolescents, but the perception that crowds such as “Academics” or “Nerds” lack physical attractiveness is what influences these groups’ unpopularity. d. High intelligence is negatively related to popularity among adolescents, but the perception that crowds such as “Academics” or “Nerds” lack physical attractiveness is what influences these groups’ unpopularity. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.15 Explain how popularity in adolescence is measured, and identify the main characteristics that are sources of popularity. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.5.3 Researchers have found that popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change during adolescence because the qualities that are predictive of popularity, such as intelligence and aggressiveness, are highly ________, and because the interactions among peers that serve to reinforce levels of popularity are ________. a. b. c. d.

stable; self-perpetuating stable; other-perpetuating unstable; self-perpetuating unstable; other-perpetuating

Answer: a

62 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 8.16 Identify the reasons why popularity and unpopularity are difficult to change and the characteristics of effective intervention programs for unpopularity. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.5.4 George is in the sixth grade and is overweight compared to the other boys in his class. One day in Physical Education class, the students were playing volleyball and George missed hitting the ball with his hands and it instead bounced off his belly. Jerry, the most popular boy in the class, made fun of George by yelling “Georgie Porgie” and all of the classmates laughed. Explain whether George experienced bullying. a. Although George did experience the aggression and power imbalance components that are part of bullying, because the “Georgie Porgie” name-calling was an isolated incident, the repetition component that is also integral to defining bullying was missing; thus, George did not experience bullying. b. Although George did experience the repetition and power imbalance components that are part of bullying, because the “Georgie Porgie” name-calling was a verbal incident, the aggression component that is also integral to defining bullying was missing; thus, George did not experience bullying. c. Because George did experience the power imbalance component that is part of bullying, and because the “Georgie Porgie” name-calling caused public humiliation and thus negatively affected George’s self-esteem, George experienced bullying. d. Because George did experience the aggression component that is part of bullying, and because the “Georgie Porgie” name-calling caused public humiliation and thus negatively affected George’s self-esteem, George experienced bullying. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.17 Define bullying, and describe its prevalence and consequences across countries. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.5.5 Researchers have found that the developmental pattern of bullying indicates it peaks in __________, and that across countries __________ are the least likely to be bullies as well as victims. a. middle adolescence; girls b. middle adolescence; boys 63 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. late adolescence; girls d. late adolescence; boys Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.17 Define bullying, and describe its prevalence and consequences across countries. Topic: Popularity and Unpopularity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.6.1 Recent sociologists have emphasized two central values to youth culture. Specifically, these values are a focus on seeking out pleasurable experiences, called __________, and a focus on seeking out eventful experiences, called _________. a. b. c. d.

hedonism; pursuit of adventure pursuit of adventure; hedonism argot; irresponsibility irresponsibility; argot

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.6.2 Some sociologists have argued that a condition that is necessary for the development of youth culture is the existence of a _________ society, or a society that tolerates many forms of behavior and belief that depart from the norms as a whole. a. b. c. d.

pluralistic homogeneous individualistic broad

Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.18 Identify the components of youth cultures, and explain why they develop. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 1

64 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q8.6.3 Spencer and his friends are surfers. When they catch good waves or make a good joke, they use the word sick to describe good events. Everyone in Spencer’s middle school can identify the surfers because they use the word sick and greet each other as dude. Spencer and his friends are most likely using slang for which purpose? a. Spencer and his friends are using slang to signify their membership in a specific peer group. b. Spencer and his friends are using slang to challenge adult norms. c. Spencer and his friends are using slang to create a vivid and original effect. d. Spencer and his friends are using slang to challenge the correct use of the English language. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q8.6.4 A recent study of Bulgarian tenth-grade adolescents found that the more they learned and used American slang, which of the following occurred? a. Bulgarian adolescents reported that the more American slang they knew and used, the more prestige and acceptance they gained with their peers. b. Bulgarian adolescents reported that the more American slang they knew and used, the more they got in trouble with their teachers because of their use of derogatory and sexual slang. c. Bulgarian adolescents reported that the more American slang they knew and used, the less they felt like they were a part of their Bulgarian heritage. d. Bulgarian adolescents reported that the more American slang they knew and used, the more confidence they had in their bicultural identity. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.19 Name the purposes of slang in adolescence, and give examples. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q8.6.5 65 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank As part of her fifth-grade science project, Jenna has to create bar charts using a computer program to show the differences in density between liquid substances like water and oil. Is Jenna likely to ask her friends, parents, or grandparents for help and why? a. Jenna is most likely to ask her friends for help with creating the bar charts because their generation grew up with computers and thus have more experience with technological skills than adults belonging to other generations, such as her teachers and grandparents. b. Jenna is most likely to ask her parents for help with creating the bar charts because her parents’ generation grew up with the advent of computers and thus have the foundation for technological skills compared with other generations who have less experience, such as Jenna’s generation and her grandparents. c. Jenna is most likely to ask her grandparents for help with creating the bar charts because their generation best understands and has experience with explaining the scientific principles of density compared to younger generations, such as Jenna’s and her parents. d. Jenna is most likely to ask her friends for help with creating the bar charts because their generation is the most advanced with understanding and explaining the principles of density compared to older generations, such as her parents and grandparents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 8.20 Explain how technology is important to the distinctiveness of youth culture. Topic: Youth Culture Difficulty: 3

66 ..


Chapter 9 Love and Sexuality

Topic Love's Beginning, Development, and Endings Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity

Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice

True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Remember the Facts 2-3, 5-6, 1718, 20, 24, 26

Understand the Concepts 9, 11, 13, 23

76-77, 79


27, 29-30, 32, 33, 37, 41, 47, 34, 36, 39, 43, 45, 48, 52-53 80-84 60-61, 64, 66, 57-58 68, 71 87-91

1 ..

Apply What You Know 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14-16, 19, 21-22 92 31, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49-51, 54, 56 94

Analyze It 8, 25

28, 55


63, 65, 67, 59, 62 69-70, 72-75 85 95

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_09_01_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.1 Miryam and Louis, both in 10th grade, are in a relationship. Which of the following terms are they least likely to use to refer to their arrangement? a. b. c. d.

going with each other dating each other seeing each other hanging out together

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 261 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.1 Summarize the ways in which adolescent love in developed countries takes different forms today than it did in the past. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. dating each other TB_09_02_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.2 According to research, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that adolescents give for forming love relationships? a. b. c. d.

rebellion intimacy recreation status

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 261 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. rebellion TB_09_03_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.2 In contrast to adolescents, college students are more likely to rank ________ as the most important reason for engaging in romantic relationships. a. recreation b. intimacy c. status 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. companionship Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 262 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. intimacy TB_09_04_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.2 Mike and Lisa, both 16 years old, are in an "exclusive" romantic relationship. If Mike and Lisa were typical of the young people in recent research on adolescent romantic behavior, what would they look for in a romantic partner? a. b. c. d.

Lisa would emphasize physical attractiveness. Lisa would say intimacy is not very important. Mike would mention physical attractiveness. Mike would emphasize communication.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 262 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Mike would mention physical attractiveness. TB_09_05_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.2 The process of "dating" developed as a way for people to explore a romantic relationship in the ______ century. a. b. c. d.

17th 18th 19th 20th

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 263 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 20th TB_09_06_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.3 According to Robert Sternberg, different types of love involve the combination of what three fundamental qualities? a. b. c. d.

joy, togetherness, and humor passion, intimacy, and commitment fidelity, romance, and attraction hate, anger, and disgust

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 264 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. passion, intimacy, and commitment TB_09_07_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.3 Bob and Lorraine have been married for 50 years. What fundamental quality of their love has most likely kept them together for all these years? a. b. c. d.

intimacy commitment passion fidelity

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 264 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. commitment TB_09_08_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Analyze_9.3 According to Sternberg, in cultures where marriages are arranged by parents rather than chosen by the young people themselves, the marital relationship tends to start as what type 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of love? a. b. c. d.

romantic empty fatuous consummate

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 264 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. empty TB_09_09_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Understand_9.3 Commitment in a relationship tends to develop in a. b. c. d.

preadolescence. adolescence. emerging adulthood. late adulthood.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 265 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. emerging adulthood. TB_09_10_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.3 Tom is in love. He is in a relationship where he believes the most important aspects are companionship and intimacy. Tom is not worried about how committed his relationship is. From this, we can most likely conclude he is about how old? a. b. c. d.

15 21 35 42

Difficulty: 3 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 265 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. 15 TB_09_11_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Understand_9.3 Which statement best characterizes adolescent love? a. b. c. d.

Commitment is a typical trait in adolescent relationships. The majority of adolescent relationships last over one year. Adolescents rank security as the most important aspect of love. Infatuation is very common among adolescents.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 265 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Infatuation is very common among adolescents. TB_09_12_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.4 Jared and Breanne are in love. They are always spending time together. They have very similar religious beliefs. They love to hike, camp, swim, fish, and water-ski. People have commented how alike they are. According to social scientists, Jared and Breanne are most likely seeking a. b. c. d.

proactive scripting. fatuous love. consensual validation. an arranged marriage.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 266 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. consensual validation. 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_09_13_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Understand_9.4 In contrast to emerging adulthood, according to the developmental model of adolescent love offered by Bradford Brown, adolescent romantic relationships tend to include a ________ context. a. b. c. d.

maternal peer teacher spousal

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 266 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. peer TB_09_14_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.4 Steve and Leanne can't take their eyes off each other. Every time Leanne is in the cafeteria, Steve finds an excuse to be there. In math class, Leanne doodles Steve's name in her book. However, both Leanne and Steve are anxious and fearful of their new feelings. As well, they are worried about their friends teasing them. Steve and Leanne are probably in what Bradford Brown refers to as what phase of adolescent love? a. b. c. d.

initiation status affection bonding

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 267 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. initiation TB_09_15_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.4 Ed likes Sandy but he is not sure how to tell her and feels he wants to avoid any direct 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank rejection. Ed asks his friend Cory to ask Allison to ask Sandy if she likes Ed. Ed is probably in what Bradford Brown refers to as the ___________ phase of adolescent love. a. b. c. d.

initiation status affection bonding

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 267 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. status TB_09_16_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.5 Fifteen-year-old Alexa sits at home feeling sad. Her first romantic relationship with Lisa has just come to an end. Her mom comes into her room to see how she is doing. Alexa feels like the world is over, she will never love again, and this is the worst thing that has ever happened to her. Alexa's unhappy feelings are intensified by her a. b. c. d.

reactive script. affection phase. latency period. adolescent egocentrism.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 268 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the reasons romantic relationships dissolve and the consequences of breaking up. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. adolescent egocentrism. TB_09_17_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.5 According to research by Hill and colleagues (1979) and Sprecher (1994), the most common reasons that couples gave for breaking up was boredom and a. lack of common interests. b. desire to be independent. c. infidelity of a partner. 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. conflicting religious beliefs. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 268 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the reasons romantic relationships dissolve and the consequences of breaking up. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. lack of common interests. TB_09_18_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.6 What country has the highest percentage of young adults who cohabitate before marriage? a. b. c. d.

Sweden Britain United States France

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 269 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.6 Summarize the themes and variations of cohabitation among emerging adults in Western countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Sweden TB_09_19_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.6 Albert and Margaret have lived together for 10 months and are beginning to talk about marriage. Robert and his girlfriend Lorraine have also lived together for less than one year. According to recent research, if Robert and Lorraine are from New York and Albert and Margaret live together in Brussels, which statement is MOST likely true of their futures? a. Albert and Margaret are most likely teenagers. b. Robert and Lorraine are more likely to stay together longer than Albert and Margaret. c. Robert and Lorraine will probably live together more than 10 years before getting married. d. Albert and Margaret are more likely to stay together longer than Robert and Lorraine. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 269 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.6 Summarize the themes and variations of cohabitation among emerging adults in Western countries. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Albert and Margaret are more likely to stay together longer than Robert and Lorraine. TB_09_20_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.7 According to the text, what personal qualities do young people rate highest in their "ideal" man or woman? a. b. c. d.

social status and money refinement and neatness kindness and honesty ambition and sexiness

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 270 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. kindness and honesty TB_09_21_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.7 Ji-Sung is a young girl living in Tokyo. Ji-Sung is part of a study which questions young adults about the most important aspects of potential spouses. What would Ji-Sung probably rate as the highest quality in the person she hopes to marry? a. b. c. d.

good financial prospects mutual attraction (love) social status similar religious background

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 270 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. mutual attraction (love) 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_09_22_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.7 A modern social scientist is studying the traits involved in mate selection. If the research was being conducted in a Middle Eastern culture such as Iran, what would likely be one of the highest ranked traits? a. b. c. d.

status attractiveness money chastity

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 270 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. chastity TB_09_23_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Understand_9.7 Which statement concerning relationships applies to young people in virtually all cultures? a. b. c. d.

Commitment is a typical feature of these relationships. Feelings of passion appear to be a universal characteristic. Most marriages begin during adolescence. Dating/courtship is a universal experience.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 270 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Feelings of passion appear to be a universal characteristic. TB_09_24_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.7 Romantic love as the basis for marriage is a. universally accepted. b. universally rejected. c. a historical universal. 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. a fairly new cultural idea. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 270 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. a fairly new cultural idea. TB_09_25_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Analyze_9.8 One implication regarding marriage that follows from increased globalization is that a. adolescents in Western cultures increasingly understand the benefits of arranged marriages. b. Middle Eastern cultures are beginning to rate chastity low in terms of ideal traits. c. arranged marriages have increased in Eastern cultures. d. young people in traditional cultures increasingly value individual choice. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 271 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.8 Specify the features and prevalence of arranged marriages, including how they are currently changing. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. young people in traditional cultures increasingly value individual choice. TB_09_26_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.8 In India, the cultural tradition has favored the practice of arranged marriages. Recently, however, as many as _____ percent of adolescent Indians report that they intend to choose their own mates, a number that would have been close to zero in the past. a. b. c. d.

15 28 40 51

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 271 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.8 Specify the features and prevalence of arranged marriages, including how they are currently changing. 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 40 TB_09_27_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.9 Adolescent sexuality tends to begin with a. b. c. d.

masturbation. necking. petting. oral sex.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 272 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. masturbation. TB_09_28_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Analyze_9.9 Which statement best characterizes the research conducted on adolescent masturbation? a. b. c. d.

Ninety percent of boys have masturbated before the age of 13. Girls' reports of masturbation may be influenced by social desirability. Social desirability has impacted on boys' reported frequency of masturbation. Masturbation is just a sexual release for adolescents who are not having intercourse.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 272 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. Girls' reports of masturbation may be influenced by social desirability. TB_09_29_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.9 According to recent research, American girls reported having their breasts touched by a boy by about 16 years of age. In contrast, American boys reported touching a girl's breasts earlier. On average, how much earlier did boys report beginning this sexual act? 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

nearly 6 months younger around 1 year younger about 2 years younger approximately 5 years younger

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 273 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. around 1 year younger TB_09_30_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.10 In tracking the historical pattern of college students' sexual experiences, research has shown that reports of sexual intercourse have a. b. c. d.

increased over the last 10 years. decreased over the last 10 years. changed little in recent decades. not been widely researched.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 273 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. changed little in recent decades. TB_09_31_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.10 Art is a 9th-grade student. In a recent research study, Art reported he had already had sexual intercourse for the first time. According to the text, Art is most likely a. b. c. d.

Caucasian. Asian. Latino. Black.

Difficulty: 3 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 273 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Black. TB_09_32_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.10 Which ethnic group represented in the United States is least likely to engage in early sexual intercourse? a. b. c. d.

European Americans Asian Americans African Americans Latino Americans

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 274 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Asian Americans TB_09_33_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Understand_9.11 Which development in recent years has made pornographic material much easier to obtain? a. b. c. d.

the invention of the Internet removal of laws that restrict the age at which one can purchase pornography relaxing of cultural norms that frown on pornography greater availability of pornography at regular stores

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 274 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. the invention of the Internet 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_09_34_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.11 According to Ybarra and Mitchell (2005), about _____ percent of those polled who reported that they view Internet pornography were female. a. b. c. d.

5 12 21 30

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 275 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. 5 TB_09_35_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.11 Hendrik is a 16-year-old boy taking part in a study about adolescent sex. Evidence indicates that Hendrik will be most likely to disclose his true experience when he a. b. c. d.

completes a paper and pencil test. answers questions on a computer. responds directly to an interviewer. is part of a focus group.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 275 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. answers questions on a computer. TB_09_36_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.12 According to Ford and Beach (1951), there are three types of cultural approaches to adolescent sexuality. One of these types is labeled a. tolerant. 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. restrictive. c. semi-limiting. d. prohibitive. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 276 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. restrictive. TB_09_37_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Understand_9.12 One implication that follows from restrictive cultures placing strong prohibitions on adolescent sexual activity before marriage is that a. b. c. d.

males are physically punished for premarital sex. boys and girls are encouraged to have group social events together. they allow adolescents to be sexually permissive if they are discreet. females are punished for engaging in premarital sex.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 276 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. females are punished for engaging in premarital sex. TB_09_38_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.12 Tonga is a young Samoan boy. Tonga embraces his cultural traditions, which include "semirestrictive" beliefs about sexual conduct. If Tonga has engaged in premarital sex, he can expect a. b. c. d.

his parents feeling dishonor by his choices. that if he is discreet, most will ignore his behavior. to face threats and physical punishment. his family will openly encourage his sexual activity.

Difficulty: 3 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 277 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. that if he is discreet, most will ignore his behavior. TB_09_39_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.12 According to recent cross-cultural research on sexual activity, which country has the lowest rate of adolescents engaging in premarital sex? a. b. c. d.

Kenya Spain South Korea Brazil

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 277 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. South Korea TB_09_40_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.12 Moai is a girl being raised in the Trobriand Islands of the South Pacific. In her culture, her sexual activity is expected to begin between 6 and 8 years of age. She will receive explicit instructions from older companions, and her sexual behaviors will have the full approval of her parents. Moai is living in a(n) ________ sexual culture. a. b. c. d.

authoritative permissive egalitarian semirestrictive

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 277 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. permissive TB_09_41_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.13 Chris and Alex are beginning to explore their sexuality. Chris feels Alex should be the initiator, and Alex knows Chris is the person who sets the limits. What might we conclude about Chris and/or Alex? a. b. c. d.

Chris is an adolescent girl. Chris is a preadolescent boy. Alex is an adolescent girl. Alex is younger than Chris is.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 278-279 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.13 Compare and contrast the sexual scripts of adolescent boys and girls, and explain the reasons for the differences. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Chris is an adolescent girl. TB_09_42_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Understand_9.13 In contrast to boys, girls' sexual scripts are more likely to be ________ about premarital sex. a. b. c. d.

disturbed happy satisfied ambivalent

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 279 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.13 Compare and contrast the sexual scripts of adolescent boys and girls, and explain the reasons for the differences. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. ambivalent TB_09_43_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.14 What factor tends NOT to affect the timing of an adolescent's first sexual experience? 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

timing of physical maturation level of parental communication level of religious involvement aspirations of high academic performance

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 280 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.14 Explain how sexually active adolescents in the United States are different from peers who are not sexually active. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. level of parental communication TB_09_44_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.14 Shaquille and Walter are two young adolescents. Shaquille has already had sexual intercourse with three different girls. Walter is still a virgin. Other than sexual experience, how might Shaquille and Walter be different, according to research? a. b. c. d.

Shaquille has higher academic performance. Walter has lower academic aspirations. Walter is a late maturer. Shaquille participates in religious activities more often.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 280 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.14 Explain how sexually active adolescents in the United States are different from peers who are not sexually active. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Walter is a late maturer. TB_09_45_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.14 According to the text, which statement best categorizes the connection between a mother/daughter relationship and an adolescent daughter's sexual habits? a. The closer the mother/daughter relationship is, the more likely the daughter will use contraception. b. Mother/daughter relationships have an inverse effect on early pregnancy results. c. The closer the mother/daughter relationship is, the earlier a daughter will have sexual intercourse. d. The mother/daughter relationship has no effect on the daughter's adolescent 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank sexual practices. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 280 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.14 Explain how sexually active adolescents in the United States are different from peers who are not sexually active. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. The closer mother/daughter relationship is, the more likely the daughter will use contraception. TB_09_46_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.14 Dianna and Sheri are two 6th grade girls. Dianna is a late maturer, while Sheri is an early maturer. According to research, Sheri will tend to a. b. c. d.

play more sports. have higher academic aspirations. be sexually active earlier. attend religious services more regularly.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 280 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.14 Explain how sexually active adolescents in the United States are different from peers who are not sexually active. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. be sexually active earlier. TB_09_47_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Understand_9.15 According to the text, adults often view sex in emerging adulthood as a. b. c. d.

"problem behavior." "a normal part of life." "saturating American life." "a potential career impediment."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 280 Topic: Sexuality: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.15 Summarize the features of sexuality in emerging adulthood, including differences compared to adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. "a normal part of life." TB_09_48_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.15 According to the text, emerging adults are more likely than adults in older age groups to a. b. c. d.

engage in long-term relationships. experiment with same-sex partners. use contraception. engage in recreational sex.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.15 Summarize the features of sexuality in emerging adulthood, including differences compared to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. engage in recreational sex. TB_09_49_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.15 Over the past year, Alex has been sexually active with several partners, and thinks of this "casual sex" behavior as okay, even if they are not emotionally connected. According to the text, Alex is most likely a. b. c. d.

an adolescent. African American. an emerging adult. from a traditional culture.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.15 Summarize the features of sexuality in emerging adulthood, including differences compared to adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. an emerging adult. TB_09_50_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.16 Sexual harassment during adolescence may include all of the following EXCEPT a. name-calling. 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. jokes. c. complimenting the person.. d. unwanted touching or sexual contact. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. complimenting the person. TB_09_51_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.16 Stella is in the 9th grade and has been sexually harassed by the boys in her school. The boys have called her names and made sexual jokes at her expense. Stella's experience is like what percentage of other girls her age? a. b. c. d.

5% 20% 50% 80%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. 50% TB_09_52_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.16 When a person experiences unwanted sexual contact due to verbal pressure, alcohol or drugs, or physical force, he or she has been a victim of a. b. c. d.

sexual coercion. sexual harassment. date rape. first-degree sexual assault.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 282 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. sexual coercion. TB_09_53_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.16 According to research, nearly ________ of adolescent girls report that they have been the victims of sexual coercion. a. b. c. d.

one-quarter one-half two-thirds three-quarters

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 282 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. one-half TB_09_54_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.17 Jerry is a gay male. If Jerry is like most gay men, research predicts that he probably started the "coming out" process at around _____ years of age. a. b. c. d.

12 16 18 25

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 283 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.17 Explain how social attitudes toward homosexuality have changed in recent decades and how this has influenced the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. 16 TB_09_55_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Analyze_9.17 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

One implication that follows from the pervasiveness of homophobia in American society is a. b. c. d.

coming to the realization of one's LGBT identity can be a traumatic experience. gay teens feel comforted by telling others about their new identity. suicide rates are lower among homosexual teens. parents' response to adolescent homosexuality are highly positive.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 283 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.17 Explain how social attitudes toward homosexuality have changed in recent decades and how this has influenced the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. coming to the realization of one's LGBT identity can be a traumatic experience. TB_09_56_Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.17 Barry is a high school student in a small, rural community. Barry has been "outed" by some kids in his class. According to research, what is Barry likely facing because of this event? a. b. c. d.

verbal abuse peer support feelings of guilt parental support

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 283 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.17 Explain how social attitudes toward homosexuality have changed in recent decades and how this has influenced the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. verbal abuse TB_09_57_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Understand_9.18 Why are girls who have sexual intercourse soon after menarche less likely to get pregnant than if they delay intercourse until at least two years later? a. The boys with whom they may be having intercourse are unlikely to have fully developed sperm in their semen. 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. They will be more cautions and therefore more likely to use condoms or other forms of contraception. c. Their reproductive systems will not be mature enough to support a pregnancy. d. Ovulation is irregular for the first two years after menarche. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 284 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. Ovulation is irregular for the first two years after menarche. TB_09_58_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Understand_9.18 Which statement concerning adolescent sexual activity and contraception use is most accurate? a. b. c. d.

Over 80% of adolescents regularly use contraception. Higher rates of poverty are negatively correlated with teenage pregnancy rates. Adolescent sexual activity and contraception use are usually unplanned. Most adolescents have never heard of contraception and have no idea what it is.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 285 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Adolescent sexual activity and contraception use are usually unplanned. TB_09_59_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Analyze_9.18 According to the text, adolescents who feel guilty about engaging in sexual activity are likely to a. b. c. d.

talk to their parents about their issues. use contraception. not engage in sexual activities. not use contraception.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 286 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. not use contraception. TB_09_60_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.18 Sweden is to "permissive beliefs about adolescent sex" as Japan is to a. b. c. d.

"explicit sex education programs." "easy access to contraception." "strictly forbidding adolescent sex." "acknowledging their adolescents' sexual orientations."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 286 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. "strictly forbidding adolescent sex." TB_09_61_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.19 About what percentage of American adolescent pregnancies end in abortion? a. b. c. d.

15% 30% 60% 75%

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 287 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 30%

27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_09_62_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Analyze_9.19 Between 2006 and 2015, the effects of AIDS, a decline in sexual activity, and an increase in condom use all contributed to a(n) a. b. c. d.

increase in STIs. decline in adoptions. increase in marriage rates. decline in birth rates.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 287 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. decline in birth rates. TB_09_63_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.19 Rae-Ann is a young adolescent mother living in Minneapolis. If Rae-Ann is like most young mothers raising a daughter alone, she has a high likelihood of a. b. c. d.

going to college this fall. dropping out of school. working at a high paying job. giving her child up for adoption.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 288 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. dropping out of school. TB_09_64_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.19 According to research, teenage mothers are less likely than their peers to do all but which one of the following? a. go to college 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. get a job c. get married d. get divorced Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 288 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. get divorced TB_09_65_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.19 Dorothy is a young African American adolescent. Dorothy is expecting her first child. The father of Dorothy's child is absent and does not want to be part of raising the child. According to research, which of the following was related to Dorothy's most favorable economic outcome? a. b. c. d.

family support reestablishing the father's relationship with her child obtaining education being on welfare

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 288 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. obtaining education TB_09_66_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.19 According to research, adolescent fathers are more likely than their male peers to a. b. c. d.

become divorced. have higher levels of education. have better paying jobs. break the law and end up in prison.

Difficulty: 2 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 289 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. become divorced. TB_09_67_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.19 Lola is a brand new baby. Her mom, Sadie, is an unmarried adolescent. According to research, Lola is more likely than other babies to a. b. c. d.

say her first word by age 10 months. have a high birth weight. have behavior problems in childhood. be a full-term baby.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 289 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. have behavior problems in childhood. TB_09_68_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.19 Which of the following is NOT one of the misperceptions about contraception that your textbook associates with American emerging adults? a. thinking that the chance of getting pregnant while on the pill is around 50% b. being under the impression that the likelihood of cancer or other serious health risks is higher for women on the pill c. thinking that a woman on the pill should "take a break" every few years to preserve her heath d. being under the impression that the pill can prevent STIs as well as pregnancy Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 290 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. being under the impression that the pill can prevent STIs as well as pregnancy TB_09_69_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.20 Bruno had sex with a new partner last week, and during that encounter he contracted a sexually transmitted infection. He has no symptoms, however, for over 2 years and in that time unknowingly passes the infection on to three other partners. These years would be called a(n) ________ period. a. b. c. d.

alpha beta down latency

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 291 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. latency TB_09_70_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.20 Emily has HPV and like most others is asymptomatic. According to the text, Emily a. b. c. d.

is not able to pass on the disease until her symptoms appear. has signs of genital warts on her vagina. can continue to infect her partners. will develop pelvic inflammatory disease within 3 months.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 291 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. can continue to infect her partners. TB_09_71_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.20 Women who continue to carry HPV have a greater risk of developing cervical cancer, 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank though it may take _________________ to develop. a. b. c. d.

4 to 6 months. 1 to 3 years. 5 to 25 years. more than 25 years.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 292 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 5 to 25 years. TB_09_72_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.20 Emily has an STI. Her symptoms include pain during urination and intercourse. Her doctor has told Emily that, if left untreated, this STI is the leading cause of infertility in women. Emily has a. b. c. d.

HIV/AIDS. human papillomavirus. herpes. chlamydia.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 292 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. chlamydia. TB_09_73_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.21 According to the text, in recent years what group has experienced the greatest percentage increase in cases of HIV/AIDS in countries outside of the West? a. b. c. d.

homosexuals heterosexuals intravenous drug users bisexuals 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 292 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.21 Describe HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted, its progression, which young people are most at risk, and its treatment. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. heterosexuals TB_09_74_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.21 Andy is HIV positive and is beginning to show symptoms of full-blown AIDS. Andy is losing a great deal of weight and is becoming extremely emaciated. Andy has the AIDS symptom known as a. b. c. d.

subfecundity. wasting syndrome. initiation phase. latency period.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 293 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.21 Describe HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted, its progression, which young people are most at risk, and its treatment. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. wasting syndrome. TB_09_75_Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.22 Angela is a proponent of "comprehensive sexuality education." Angela most likely agrees with what statement? a. b. c. d.

Abstinence is the best method of contraception. Sex education should not begin until late adolescence. Sex education should be provided for young people. Sex education leads to promiscuity.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 293 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.22 Identify the main features of effective sex education. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Sex education should be provided for young people. 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank True/False TB_09_76_ Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.2 Among adolescents the process of dating has become more formalized than in previous generations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 261 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.1 Summarize the ways in which adolescent love in developed countries takes different forms today than it did in the past. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_77_ Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.2 One reason adolescents give for forming love relationships is to achieve status, which means impressing others by having a relationship with a high-status partner. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 261 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_09_78_ Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Understand_9.3 In terms of Sternberg's theory of love, commitment is either missing or highly tentative in most adolescent love relationships. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 265 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. True TB_09_79_ Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Remember_9.6 A national survey in the United States of 20- to 29-year-olds found that 62% agreed that "living together with someone before marriage is a good way to avoid eventual divorce." a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 269 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.6 Summarize the themes and variations of cohabitation among emerging adults in Western countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_09_80_ Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.9 Girls who masturbate do so more frequently than boys, although they self-disclose less often. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 272 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_81_ Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.10 According to the text, having sexual intercourse once does not necessarily initiate a pattern of frequent intercourse from that point onward. a. True 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 274 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_09_82_ Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.11 Of all uses of the Internet, the sites with the highest traffic are those that contain pornography. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 274 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_09_83_ Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.11 Research shows that pornography use in the United States is higher among adolescents than emerging adults. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 275 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False

36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_09_84_ Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Remember_9.15 Casual sexual behavior is frowned upon more by emerging adults than it is by older age groups. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.15 Summarize the features of sexuality in emerging adulthood, including differences compared to adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_85_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Analyze_9.18 Some scholars suggest a link between cognitive development during adolescence and contraceptive use. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 285 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. True TB_09_86_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.18 Countries such as Denmark, Sweden, and The Netherlands have low rates of adolescent pregnancy because they are restrictive about adolescent sex. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 286 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_87_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.19 A research study which tracked adolescent mothers found that five years after giving birth, these mothers lagged behind their peers in educational progress. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 288 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_09_88_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.20 People who have STIs and are asymptomatic show all the symptoms of their disease. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 291 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_89_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.20 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of female infertility. a. True 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 292 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_90_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.20 AIDS and HIV are the same thing. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 292 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.21 Describe HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted, its progression, which young people are most at risk, and its treatment. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_09_91_ Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Remember_9.22 A recent review of research showed that most abstinence-only programs delayed initiation of sexual intercourse. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 294 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.22 Identify the main features of effective sex education. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_09_92_Love's Beginnings, Development, and Endings_Apply_9.3 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Choose three of Sternberg's seven different forms of love, comparing and contrasting each with examples. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 264-265 Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Liking is intimacy alone, without passion or commitment. This is the type of love that characterizes most friendships. Infatuation is passion alone, without intimacy or commitment. • Infatuation involves a great deal of physiological and emotional arousal, and a heightened level of sexual desire, but without emotional closeness to the person or an enduring commitment. • Empty love is commitment alone, without passion or intimacy. This might apply to a couple who has been married for many years and who has lost the passion and intimacy in their relationship, but nevertheless remain together. It also applies to the early stages of marriage in cultures where marriages are arranged by parents. • Romantic love combines passion and intimacy, but without commitment. This is the kind of love people mean when the talk about being "in love." It is often experienced as intense and joyful but it rarely lasts long. • Companionate love combines intimacy and commitment, but without passion. It may be applied to married or long-term couples who have gradually decreased their passion for each other but have maintained the other qualities of their love. • Fatuous love involves passion and commitment without intimacy. This kind of love would apply to a "whirlwind" courtship where two people meet, fall passionately in love, and get married, all within a few weeks, before they even have time to know each other well. • Consummate love integrates all three aspects of love into the ultimate love relationship. It is the kind of love that represents the ideal for many people. TB_09_93_Sexualitiy: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Analyze_9.12 The "Cultural Focus" box in Chapter 9 discusses sexuality in the Netherlands. Compare and contrast the sexual attitudes of the Netherlands and the United States. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 278 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • The Netherlands is considerably more liberal than the U.S. and much more tolerant of sexual involvement by late adolescence and emerging adulthood, but young people's sexuality in Northern Europe is still complicated. Parents seem 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank to accept the sexual activity of adolescents, somewhat. Parents thought they should know the adolescent partner well before becoming sexually involved. They also wanted to know that the sexual component had built up gradually over time, and that there was responsible use of contraceptives. There was a difference of opinion whether a boyfriend would be allowed to sleep overnight in their home. Even in a society that is relatively open and accepting of adolescents’ sexuality, communication between parents and adolescents on this topic is not easy. • The United States is considerably more conservative than the Netherlands but the American majority culture would probably be classified as semirestrictive and somewhat ambivalent with mixed messages. Many Americans think that it is acceptable for unmarried adolescents and emerging adults to have sexual intercourse, but many others do not. The prohibitions are not strongly enforced and are easily evaded. Although there is less stigma against premarital sex, a gender double standard exists in cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality. Contraception appears to be used on a less regular basis in the U.S. than in the Netherlands. The Netherlands educates teenagers about contraception and gives them easy and free access to birth control. TB_09_94_Sexualitiy: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity_Apply_9.16 Define sexual harassment in terms of mild to severe, providing examples. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 281 Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Sexual harassment is a pervasive part of the peer interactions of adolescents. It is usually defined as including a wide range of behaviors related to sexuality, from mild harassment such as name-calling, jokes, and leering looks, to severe harassment involving unwanted touching or sexual contact. • Students will provide their own examples. TB_09_95_Sexualitiy: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences_Apply_9.22 Choose three of the characteristics of successful sex education programs and describe why you believe each would make the program a success. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 294 Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Learning Objective: 9.22 Identify the main features of effective sex education. Skill: Apply What You Know 41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: • Focus narrowly on reducing one or more sexual behaviors that lead to unintended pregnancy or HIV/AIDS infection. • Base the program on theoretical approaches developed to treat other risky behavior, such as cognitive behavioral theory, which rewards changes in thought and behavior. • Give a clear message about sexual activity and condom or contraceptive use and continually reinforce that message. • Provide basic, accurate information about risks and methods to avoid intercourse or pregnancy and STIs. • Include activities that teach how to deal with social pressures, such as information that helps them refute frequently used lines like “everybody does it” or activities that generate peer support for withstanding social pressures. • Model and provide practice in negotiation and refusal skills, such as how to say no, how to insist on condoms or other contraception, and how to make sure body language supports the verbal message. • Use a variety of teaching methods to involve participants and personalize the information. • Incorporate behavioral goals, teaching methods and materials that are specific to the age, culture and sexual experience of the students. • Run the program over a sufficient period of time (at least 14 hours spread over several weeks). • Train teachers, youth workers, or peer leaders (generally for at least six hours) who believe in the program.

42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q9.1 Which of the following scenarios best depicts how the characteristics of adolescent romantic relationships in developed countries have changed over the past few decades? a. Mark and Karen are in the ninth grade and have been friends for a few years. They say that they are “hanging out” with each other, and they spend time together listening to music. b. Mark and Karen are in the ninth grade and have been in the same class since the seventh grade. They say that they are “dating” each other, and they attend school dances together. c. Mark asked Karen to go to their high school’s homecoming football game together. Karen accepted his invitation, and Mark picked Karen up at her home where he met her parents and agreed he would bring Karen home by 10 p.m. d. Mark asked Karen to go to the movies together. Karen’s parents insisted on meeting Mark before providing their approval for her to go on a date with him. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.1 Summarize the ways in which adolescent love in developed countries takes different forms today than it did in the past. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.2 Researchers have found that by the 11th grade ________ of adolescents report experiencing a romantic relationship at some point, and that by emerging adulthood the most important function of romantic relationships is ________. a. b. c. d.

80%; intimacy 80%; recreation 50%; intimacy 50%; recreation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.2 Describe how age and gender influence the forms that love takes in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.3 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following best describes Sternberg’s theory of love and how it applies to adolescent romantic relationships? a. Sternberg’s theory identifies three qualities of love, specifically intimacy, commitment, and passion, which are combined at different levels to identify seven different types of love; researchers have found that because adolescent romantic relationships last less than a few months, this lack of commitment indicates the two principal types of adolescent love are infatuation and romantic love. b. Sternberg’s theory identifies three qualities of love, specifically intimacy, commitment, and passion, which are combined at different levels to identify seven different types of love; researchers have found that because adolescent romantic relationships last less than a few months, this lack of commitment indicates the two principal types of adolescent love are fatuous and liking. c. Sternberg’s theory identifies three qualities of love, specifically communication, shared interests, and physical attractiveness, which are combined at different levels to identify nine different types of love; researchers have found that because adolescent romantic relationships lack a high level of private conversation, this lack of communication indicates the two principal types of adolescent love are infatuation and romantic love. d. Sternberg’s theory identifies three qualities of love, specifically communication, shared interests, and physical attractiveness, which are combined at different levels to identify nine different types of love; researchers have found that because adolescent romantic relationships lack a high level of private conversation, this lack of communication indicates the two principal types of adolescent love are fatuous and liking. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q9.4 Megan likes two boys in her ninth-grade class: Wesley, who plays on the football team, and Nick, who is on the science team. Megan decides to ask her friends to ask Wesley if he likes her because she thinks that by going with Wesley she will become more popular. According to Bradford Brown’s developmental model of adolescent love, in which phase are Megan and Wesley? a. b. c. d.

Status phase Initiation phase Bonding phase Affection phase 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.5 Nathan is a college student, and he recently broke up with his girlfriend. Which of the following statements BEST reflects the research evidence for what Nathan would say when asked why he broke up with his girlfriend based on the notion of consensual validation? a. “I broke up with my girlfriend because I like to spend time playing sports and working out at the gym, whereas she prefers to spend time reading novels and watching movies; in short, we did not line up on our common interests.” b. “I broke up with my girlfriend because I am Catholic and she is an atheist; in short, we did not line up on our religious beliefs.” c. “I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt like she was much more into me than I was into her; in short, we did not line up on our levels of commitment to the relationship.” d. “I broke up with my girlfriend because I decided to focus spending my free time on improving my academic standing and building my future career; in short, I want to be independent.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the reasons romantic relationships dissolve and the consequences of breaking up. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.6 Among American emerging adults, although about ________ report that living together before getting married is a good way to avoid divorce, cohabitation is ________ associated with divorce. a. b. c. d.

60%; positively 60%; negatively 75%; positively 75%; negatively

Answer: a 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.6 Summarize the themes and variations of cohabitation among emerging adults in Western countries. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.7 Findings from psychologist David Buss’s worldwide study on the importance of traits for selecting a marriage partner found a cross-cultural difference on the trait of _________, in which ________ cultures ranked this trait highly important. a. b. c. d.

chastity; Eastern chastity; Western good financial prospects; Eastern good financial prospects; Western

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.8 Which of the following is most likely to be the basis of the selection of a partner in an arranged marriage in India? a. Parents choose a partner for their child on the basis of similarity of family economic status. b. Parents choose a partner for their child on the basis of similarity of personality between bride and groom. c. Parents choose a partner for their child on the basis of potential for shared leisure and values. d. Emerging adults choose a partner for themselves on the basis of “love at first sight.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.8 Specify the features and prevalence of arranged marriages, including how they are currently changing. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.9 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Jamal and Candice are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they often engage in long episodes of kissing that include Jamal touching Candice’s breasts and vagina. Based on the research evidence for the development of sexual behavior among American adolescents, how old are Jamal and Candace and what phase of sexual behavior are they experiencing? a. Jamal and Candace are likely 18 years old because they are experiencing the petting stage of sexual behavior that includes touching below the waist and typically occurs in late adolescence. b. Jamal and Candace are likely 18 years old because they are experiencing the necking stage of sexual behavior that includes touching below the waist and typically occurs in late adolescence. c. Jamal and Candace are likely 16 years old because they are experiencing the petting stage of sexual behavior that includes touching below the waist and typically occurs in early adolescence. d. Jamal and Candace are likely 16 years old because they are experiencing the necking stage of sexual behavior that includes touching below the waist and typically occurs in early adolescence. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q9.10 Which of the following best summarizes the historical change in the timing of first intercourse among American adolescents over the past century? a. Currently, about 45% of high school students report having intercourse at least once, with rates increasing from 9th to 12th grade; however, before 1965, 10% of girls and 25% of boys in high school reported having intercourse at least once. b. Currently, about 60% of high school students report having intercourse at least once, with rates increasing from 9th to 12th grade; however, before 1965, 10% of girls and 25% of boys in high school reported having intercourse at least once. c. Currently, about 45% of high school students report having intercourse at least once, with rates increasing from 9th to 12th grade; however, before 1965, 5% of girls and 10% of boys in high school reported having intercourse at least once. d. Currently, about 60% of high school students report having intercourse at least once, with rates increasing from 9th to 12th grade; however, before 1965, 5% of girls and 10% of boys in high school reported having intercourse at least once. Answer: a 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.11 American adolescents report _________ levels of pornography use compared to Chinese adolescents; furthermore, among American emerging adults, about ________ of men report that viewing pornography is not acceptable behavior. a. b. c. d.

lower; 30% lower; 70% higher; 30% higher; 70%

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.11 Summarize the national variations in pornography use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and views of its acceptability. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.12 Which of the following BEST summarizes the research findings that demonstrate crossnational differences in countries’ cultural approaches to adolescent sexuality? a. Given that premarital sex is most prevalent in Western countries and least prevalent in Asian countries, there is evidence that Eastern cultures are more restrictive in their approaches to adolescent sexuality. b. Given that premarital sex is most prevalent in Asian countries and least prevalent in Western countries, there is evidence that Eastern cultures are less restrictive in their approaches to adolescent sexuality. c. Given that the rates of premarital sex are increasing in Asian and Western countries, there is evidence that both Eastern and Western cultures are less restrictive in their approaches to adolescent sexuality. d. Given that the rates of premarital sex are decreasing in Asian and Western countries, there is evidence that both Eastern and Western cultures are more restrictive in their approaches to adolescent sexuality. Answer: a

48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.13 Which of the following best summarizes gender differences in responses to first intercourse? a. Boys feel excited and happy and will likely tell their friends about having sex; conversely, girls often feel ambivalent because they are excited to experience intercourse but feel guilty for engaging in the behavior due to fears of becoming pregnant and the double standard for girls’ sexuality that exists in Western countries. b. Boys usually feel embarrassed and nervous and are unlikely to tell their friends about having sex; conversely, girls usually feel ambivalent because they are excited to experience intercourse but feel guilty for engaging in the behavior due to fears of becoming pregnant and the double standard for girls’ sexuality that exists in Western countries. c. Girls usually feel excited and happy and are also likely to tell their friends about having sex; conversely, boys are likely to feel ambivalent because they are excited to experience intercourse but feel guilty for engaging in the behavior due to fears of getting their partner pregnant. d. Girls and boys are both likely to feel ambivalent about having sex because they are excited to experience intercourse but feel guilty for engaging in the behavior due to fears of becoming pregnant. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.13 Compare and contrast the sexual scripts of adolescent boys and girls, and explain the reasons for the differences. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q9.14 Which of the following factors are related to a later initiation of adolescents’ first episode of sexual intercourse? a. b. c. d.

Monitoring by parents and a warm and supportive relationship with them Lack of parental instruction about contraception Early maturation and having older friends Lower interest in school achievement and organized sports 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.14 Explain how sexually active adolescents in the United States are different from peers who are not sexually active. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.15 Gene is 21 years old and in college. Which of the following statements BEST reflects the research evidence for what Gene would say when asked about how his sex life as an emerging adult is different from when he was an adolescent? a. “Now that I’m in my 20s, sex is just a normal part of life and there is much less restriction around it compared to when I was a teenager; also, in the past year I’ve had two sexual partners and I am willing to have recreational sex.” b. “Now that I’m in my 20s, sex is just a normal part of life and there is much less restriction around it compared to when I was a teenager; also, in the past year I’ve had one sexual partner and I am against having recreational sex.” c. “Being in college has not changed my sex life compared to when I was a teenager in that I still feel restricted and embarrassed about my sexual behaviors; for instance, in the past year I have not had any sexual partners and I am against having recreational sex.” d. “Being in college has not changed my sex life compared to when I was a teenager in that I still feel unrestricted and excited about my sexual behaviors; for instance, in the past year I have had two sexual partners and I am willing to have recreational sex.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.15 Summarize the features of sexuality in emerging adulthood, including differences compared to adolescence. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.16 Sexual ________ is when a person experiences unwanted sexual contact, and studies indicate that about ________ of adolescent boys report experiencing this. a. b. c. d.

coercion; 30% harassment; 30% coercion; 50% harassment; 50% 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.17 LGBT adolescents usually “come out” around age ___, first to ________. a. b. c. d.

16; friends 14; parents 18; therapists 21; romantic partners

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.17 Explain how social attitudes toward homosexuality have changed in recent decades and how this has influenced the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.18 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence on explanations for the prevalence of contraceptive use among American adolescents? a. Because most American adolescent sexual activity is unplanned and infrequent and because youth receive conflicting cultural messages about the acceptability of premarital sex, about 60% of American adolescents report “always” using contraception in their most recent sexual relationship; thus, American adolescents are inconsistent in their contraceptive use. b. Because most American adolescent sexual activity is planned and frequent and because youth receive concurrent cultural messages about the acceptability of premarital sex, about 80% of American adolescents report “always” using contraception in their most recent sexual relationship; thus, American adolescents are consistent in their contraceptive use. c. Because most American adolescent sexual activity is unplanned and infrequent and because youth receive conflicting cultural messages about the acceptability of premarital sex, about 20% of American adolescents report “always” using contraception in their most recent sexual relationship; thus, American adolescents are inconsistent in their contraceptive use. d. Because most American adolescent sexual activity is planned and frequent and because youth receive concurrent cultural messages about the acceptability of 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank premarital sex, about 90% of American adolescents report “always” using contraception in their most recent sexual relationship; thus, American adolescents are consistent in their contraceptive use. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q9.19 Within the United States, ________ adolescents have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy; however, regardless of race, girls from ________ households are MOST likely to become unmarried teenage mothers. a. b. c. d.

Latina; single-parent Latina; two-parent White; single-parent White; two-parent

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q9.20 _________ is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection among adolescents and emerging adults, and _________ are the most effective form of treatment. a. b. c. d.

Chlamydia; antibiotics Chlamydia; medical ointments Human Papillomavirus; antibiotics Human Papillomavirus; medical ointments

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 1 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q9.21 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for the transmission and progression of HIV/AIDS among those infected in the United States? a. Among those infected with HIV/AIDS in the United States, the most common form of transmission is bodily fluids via intercourse; furthermore, once HIV is contracted, the virus has a long latency period and AIDS symptoms do not present for at least 5 years. b. Among those infected with HIV/AIDS in the United States, the most common form of transmission is blood via shared needles of intravenous drug users; furthermore, once HIV is contracted, the virus has a long latency period and AIDS symptoms do not present for at least 5 years. c. Among those infected with HIV/AIDS in the United States, the most common form of transmission is bodily fluids via intercourse; furthermore, once HIV is contracted, the virus has a short latency period and AIDS symptoms present about 6 weeks later. d. Among those infected with HIV/AIDS in the United States, the most common form of transmission is blood via shared needles of intravenous drug users; furthermore, once HIV is contracted, the virus has a short latency period and AIDS symptoms present about 6 weeks later. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.21 Describe HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted, its progression, which young people are most at risk, and its treatment. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q9.22 __________ programs are sex education programs that encourage adolescents to delay intercourse while also providing contraceptive information for adolescents who choose to have intercourse. a. b. c. d.

Abstinence-plus Abstinence-only Comprehensive sexuality education Biology-based sexuality education

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.22 Identify the main features of effective sex education. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 1 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q9.1.1 Jessica and Matt have been together for 1 month, and over that period of time they have spent increasingly more time talking on the phone together about their interests and how much they really like each other. Plus, they kiss each other more often and for longer periods of time than they did when they first started going out. According to Sternberg’s theory, Jessica and Matt are experiencing which type of love? a. b. c. d.

Romantic love Infatuation Fatuous love Consummate love

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.3 Explain how Sternberg’s theory of love applies to adolescents. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q9.1.2 José is a 20-year-old, Mexican American emerging adult who practices Catholicism. When José is asked to describe characteristics of a woman he would like to marry, which of the following responses best reflects the principle of consensual validation? a. “I want to marry someone from a Mexican heritage and Catholic religious background because I know we will share the same traditions and support each other’s values.” b. “I want to marry someone from a different ethnic and religious background as me because I know that will help us be more open minded and understanding of differing values.” c. “I want to marry someone who is physically attractive and shares the same interests as me because I know that will help us maintain the passion and fun in our relationship.” d. “I want to marry someone who shares the same career aspirations and life goals as me because I know that will minimize conflicts about how we spend our time and money.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.4 Summarize the basis of romantic attraction among adolescents, and name the phases that adolescent love typically follows. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q9.1.3 Which of the following are emerging adults most likely to experience after the dissolution of a romantic relationship? a. Emerging adults are likely to experience modest negative psychological symptoms after breaking up, which includes moderate levels of depression that last for about 2 months. b. Emerging adults are likely to experience a psychological breakdown after breaking up, which includes a major depressive episode that lasts for about 6 months. c. Emerging adults are likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors after breaking up, which includes an increased level of casual sex with multiple partners. d. Emerging adults are likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors after breaking up, which includes an increased level of dangerous driving such as speeding and running red lights. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the reasons romantic relationships dissolve and the consequences of breaking up. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.1.4 Which of the following best summarizes the main finding regarding the most important trait for selecting a marriage partner reported by young people in the large-scale, worldwide study carried out by psychologist David Buss? a. Across countries and genders, the most important trait for selecting a marriage partner reported by young people was “Mutual attraction–Love.” b. Across countries and genders, the most important trait for selecting a marriage partner reported by young people was “Dependable character.” c. Across countries, the most important trait for selecting a marriage partner reported by young people was “Mutual attraction–Love”; however, there was a gender difference in which females ranked “Love” more highly than males. d. Across countries, the most important trait for selecting a marriage partner reported by young people was “Mutual attraction–Love”; however, there was a gender difference in which males ranked “Love” more highly than females. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.7 Compare and contrast the process of choosing a marriage partner in traditional cultures and in the modern West. 55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.1.5 Given that globalization has increased the adoption of individualistic values within traditional cultures, researchers have found that in India, for instance, _______ of emerging adults report they intend to choose their own marriage partner and that the most common type of marriage in Eastern cultures is currently the ________. a. b. c. d.

40%; semi-arranged marriage 40%; self-arranged marriage 60%; semi-arranged marriage 60%; self-arranged marriage

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.8 Specify the features and prevalence of arranged marriages, including how they are currently changing. Topic: Love’s Beginnings, Development, and Endings Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q9.2.1 Recent studies of American adolescents’ sexual behaviors have found gender differences in the rates of masturbation, in which by 20 years of age _____ of boys report masturbating and _____ of girls report masturbating. a. b. c. d.

90%; 75% 90%; 50% 75%; 30% 75%; 15%

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.9 Summarize rates of various types of sexual behavior among American adolescents. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q9.2.2 Recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates ethnic differences in the proportion of high school students in grades 9 to 12 who have had 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank intercourse. Which of the following best describes the research findings for these ethnic differences? a. Asian American adolescents report the lowest level of sexual intercourse compared to all other ethnic groups, whereas African American adolescents report the highest level of sexual intercourse, with White adolescents reporting a level of sexual intercourse that is in between these two ethnic groups. b. Asian American adolescents report the lowest level of sexual intercourse compared to all other ethnic groups, whereas White adolescents report the highest level of sexual intercourse, with African American adolescents reporting a level of sexual intercourse that is in between these two ethnic groups. c. White adolescents report the lowest level of sexual intercourse compared to all other ethnic groups, whereas African American adolescents report the highest level of sexual intercourse, with Asian American adolescents reporting a level of sexual intercourse that is in between these two ethnic groups. d. White adolescents report the lowest level of sexual intercourse compared to all other ethnic minorities, whereas Asian American adolescents report the highest level of sexual intercourse, with African American adolescents reporting a level of sexual intercourse that is in between these two ethnic groups. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.10 Describe the changes in the past century in timing of first intercourse and current patterns among American adolescents, including ethnic differences. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.2.3 Anthropologists Ford and Beach categorized America as a restrictive culture in their approach to adolescent sexuality in the 1950s. As the proportion of American adults who report accepting premarital sex has _______ since the 1970s, America would be currently classified as a _______ culture in its approach to adolescent sexuality. a. b. c. d.

increased; semirestrictive increased; permissive decreased; semirestrictive decreased; permissive

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.12 Identify the types of cultural attitudes toward adolescent sexuality, and summarize cross-national variations in rates of sexual behavior in emerging adulthood. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 1 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q9.2.4 Which of the following adolescents is most likely to be victimized by sexual harassment? a. b. c. d.

early maturing girls late maturing girls early maturing boys late maturing boys

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.16 Describe the prevalence and causes of sexual harassment and sexual coercion. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.2.5 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for changes in American attitudes toward homosexuality across recent decades? a. American attitudes toward homosexuality have become more tolerant across recent decades as evidenced by the age of coming out declining from 21 in the 1970s to 16 in the present, along with development of social organizations such as “Gay-Straight Alliances” in schools to reduce homophobia. b. American attitudes toward homosexuality have become more tolerant across recent decades as evidenced by the age of coming out declining from 31 in the 1970s to 21 in the present, along with development of social organizations such as “Gay-Straight Alliances” in schools to reduce homophobia. c. American attitudes toward homosexuality have become more tolerant across recent decades as evidenced by a recent study that found 40% of adolescents support gay marriage, along with development of social organizations such as “Gay-Straight Alliances” in schools to reduce homophobia. d. American attitudes toward homosexuality have become more tolerant across recent decades as evidenced by a recent study that found 40% of older adults support gay marriage, along with development of social organizations such as “Gay-Straight Alliances” in schools to reduce homophobia. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.17 Explain how social attitudes toward homosexuality have changed in recent decades and how this has influenced the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. Topic: Sexuality: Rates, Timing, and Cultural Diversity Difficulty: 2 58 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q9.3.1 Among girls in _______ cultures, having a child outside of marriage can be viewed as a positive event because it is an indication of her fertility. a. b. c. d.

traditional developed restrictive semirestrictive

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.18 Explain why contraceptive use in adolescence is often inconsistent, and identify cultural variations in adolescent pregnancy and the reasons for those variations. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q9.3.2 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for the consequences of teenage pregnancy for mothers and children? a. Mothers are twice as likely to drop out of high school compared to their peers; babies are more likely to be born prematurely. b. Mothers are six times as likely to drop out of high school compared to their peers; babies are more likely to be born prematurely. c. Mothers are more likely to get married than their peers are; babies usually receive adequate prenatal care. d. Mothers are more likely to get divorced compared to their peers; babies are usually able to get prenatal care because of programs for poor families. Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.19 Summarize rates of adolescent pregnancy in the United States in different ethnic groups and compared to other developed countries, and specify the consequences for mothers, fathers, and babies. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.3.3

59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Women who are carriers of the human papillomavirus (HPV) are at an increased risk for __________ cancer; a vaccine has been developed that prevents HPV and about _________ of American adolescent girls have received the vaccine. a. b. c. d.

cervical; 60% breast; 60% cervical; 80% breast; 80%

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.20 Name the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections and their treatments. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q9.3.4 Which of the following groups of American youth are most at risk for HIV/AIDS? a. b. c. d.

gay African American males in urban areas gay African American males in rural areas heterosexual African American males in urban areas heterosexual African American males in rural areas

Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.21 Describe HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted, its progression, which young people are most at risk, and its treatment. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q9.3.5 Which of the following features of a sex education program is likely to be the most effective for delaying sexual intercourse and increasing contraceptive use among adolescents? a. Maintaining a narrow focus on reducing one or two risky sexual behaviors that lead to unintended pregnancy or HIV/AIDS infection. b. Maintaining a wide focus on reducing all risky sexual behaviors that lead to unintended pregnancy or HIV/AIDS infection. c. Solely providing information about the anatomy and physiology of sexual development. d. Solely providing information about the biology of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 60 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 9.22 Identify the main features of effective sex education. Topic: Sexuality: Pregnancy Prevention and Consequences Difficulty: 2

61 ..


Chapter 10 School

Topic Secondary Schools, Past and Present What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Tertiary Education: College and University

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Remember the Facts 1-2, 5, 7-8, 14, 17 75-79

Understand the Concepts 10, 13, 15

Apply What You Know 3-4, 6, 11

18, 22, 25 80-81 91 27, 30-31, 34-37 82-88 92


19-21, 26

38, 41, 44, 47-51, 53, 56-57

39, 45, 54

Analyze It 9, 12, 16

28-29, 32-33

94 58, 61-63, 65, 74 70-72 89-90

40, 43, 46, 52, 55


93 59-60, 64, 6669, 73 95

1 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_10_01_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.1 According to the text, when did states in the USA begin passing laws requiring school attendance through early teens? a. b. c. d.

Age of Innocence Age of Adolescence Time of the Season Time of Social Control

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 300 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Age of Adolescence TB_10_02_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.1 School attendance for adolescents in developing societies is a. b. c. d.

mandatory. inconsistent. higher. nonexistent.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 300 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. inconsistent. TB_10_03_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Apply_10.1 Anwar is a 15-year-old who lives in Egypt. Based on research, it could be predicted that Anwar's literacy a. b. c. d.

would be higher than his grandfather's literacy. would be lower than his grandfather's literacy. would be about the same as his grandfather's literacy. would match his parents' literacy. 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 301 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. would be higher than his grandfather's literacy. TB_10_04_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Apply_10.1 Darryl is a young man attending secondary school in the late 19th century. He comes from a very wealthy family. What subject is especially likely to be part of Darryl's curriculum if he is like most of the wealthy adolescent boys in his school? a. b. c. d.

French Geography Physical Education Greek

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 301 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Greek TB_10_05_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.1 According to the text, the comprehensive high school system was designed to a. b. c. d.

eliminate general education courses. prepare students for college. exclude vocational training. prepare females for marriage and males for university.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 301 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. prepare students for college. 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_10_06_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Apply_10.1 Todd is a young boy attending UWO Senior Secondary High School in Fort Meyers, Florida. His cousin, Kim, lives in New Orleans where she also attends high school. According to the text, how might Todd's and Kim's educational experiences compare? a. b. c. d.

The same, because of the national policies on education. Different, because schools are controlled by states and cities. The educational system in Florida is more progressive in relation to liberal arts. The educational system in Louisiana is comprehensive in terms of science.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 301 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Different, because schools are controlled by states and cities. TB_10_07_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.2 Most European countries have three types of secondary schools. They include all but which one of the following? a. b. c. d.

college-preparatory schools vocational schools. business-trade schools professional schools

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 302 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. business-trade schools TB_10_08_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.2 According to the text, in most European countries how many adolescents attend vocational schools? Approximately 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

one-fourth one-half two-thirds three-quarters

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 302 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. one-fourth TB_10_09_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Analyze_10.2 One implication that follows from the European system of different types of secondary schools is that a. b. c. d.

unemployment rates are low among vocational and related jobs. this system involves great flexibility in occupational choices. adolescents must decide early about their educational direction. teenagers are given no choice about what their schooling path will be.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 303 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. adolescents must decide early about their educational direction. TB_10_10_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Undersetand_10.2 In the European education system, adolescents choose the type of secondary school they will enter when they are about 15 or 16 years of age. This decision is influenced by all but which of the following factors? a. b. c. d.

the choices of their peers the opinion of their parents their own interests the opinion of their teachers

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 303 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. the choices of their peers TB_10_11_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Apply_10.2 Cosmo and Joseph are both attending high school. Cosmo lives in Berlin, Germany, and Joseph lives in New York City. According to the text, how might the boys' experiences compare? a. b. c. d.

Their experiences would be the same. Cosmo doesn't have to worry about early occupational decisions. Joseph has a greater flexibility because of the broad range of courses. Both Cosmo and Joseph can chose among multiple types of secondary schools.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 304 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Joseph has a greater flexibility because of the broad range of courses. TB_10_12_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Analyze_10.2 One major drawback of the U.S. system of comprehensive high schools is that a. b. c. d.

it limits adolescents' occupational choices. vocational training limits academic pursuits. adolescents need to decide their occupations early. it limits job-specific training.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 304 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. it limits job-specific training. TB_10_13_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Understand_10.2 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

In the Arab countries of North Africa, _______ is an enduring influence in educational contexts and content. a. b. c. d.

Islam American consumerism globalization women's liberation

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 304 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. Islam TB_10_14_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.2 According to the text, nearly _____ of poor girls in rural India cannot read and write. a. b. c. d.

15% 25% 40% 60%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 304 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 40% TB_10_15_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Understand_10.2 In China and Japan, because university admission is restricted to the very highest performing students, high school students a. b. c. d.

have collectivistic views. experience less competition than North American students. are more likely to pursue a professional career. are under intense pressure to achieve academically. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 305 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. are under intense pressure to achieve academically. TB_10_16_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Analyze_10.3 The key influence on adolescents' academic performance in different parts of the world is a. economic development in their country. b. acceptance of equal educational opportunities for both boys and girls. c. the number of teachers who are graduating from college with degrees in education. d. the political climates of their home cultures. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 305 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.3 Identify the main reason why secondary school performance is higher in some regions of the world than others. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. economic development in their country. TB_10_17_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.3 The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) examines student performance in four areas, including all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

math history science reading

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 306 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.3 Identify the main reason why secondary school performance is higher in some regions of the world than others. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. history 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_10_18_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.4 Larger high schools have some advantages over smaller schools. One advantage of larger schools is a. b. c. d.

higher SAT scores. higher rates of participation in extracurricular activities. a more diverse range of classes. a reduced overall incidence of bullying behaviors.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 306 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. a more diverse range of classes. TB_10_19_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Apply_10.4 Blanca and Melanie attend high schools in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Blanca attends a large high school with 3,000 students. Melanie, on the other hand, attends a smaller school of only 200. According to research, which statement regarding their participation in extracurricular activities is the most accurate? a. Blanca is more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. b. Melanie is more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. c. Melanie's school will offer more extracurricular activities but most will be related to sports. d. Blanca's school will offer more extracurricular activities, but most of them will be only for boys or girls rather than being coed. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 306 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Melanie is more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. TB_10_20_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Apply_10.4 Carson is an adolescent in a large urban high school. There are more than 35 students in all 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of his classes. According to research, how might the large class sizes affect Carson? a. b. c. d.

Carson will benefit from larger classes. Carson will be adversely affected by larger classes. Scholars are unable to agree on the effect of class size. Carson will only benefit if the groups are homogeneous.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 307 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Scholars are unable to agree on the effect of class size. TB_10_21_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Apply_10.5 Anne is a teenager attending junior high school in Washington, D.C. Anne attends a school where all her teachers have high expectations for student conduct. If Anne is typical of students in research conducted on this subject, we may expect Anne to have ___________ compared to students in other schools. a. b. c. d.

more adjustment problems a higher level of achievement a higher level of delinquency lower self-esteem

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 307 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. a higher level of achievement TB_10_22_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.5 School climate refers to the a. b. c. d.

socioeconomic status of the school neighborhood. quality of interactions between students and teachers. quality of relationships among students. way the school is decorated. 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 307 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. quality of interactions between students and teachers. TB_10_23_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Understand_10.5 Similar to successful parenting styles, studies have shown that successful teaching includes all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

high standards for behavior combination of demandingness and responsiveness an authoritarian classroom, encouraging student competition moderate level of control in the classroom

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 308 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. an authoritarian classroom, encouraging student competition TB_10_24_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Understand_10.5 According to the text, what is it that essentially determines the occupational fate of Japanese young people? a. b. c. d.

a major research paper at the end of their schooling a senior project an oral report a national system of entrance exams

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 308-309 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. a national system of entrance exams 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_10_25_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.5 According to recent research, competition for spots in colleges is decreasing in Japan. This is related primarily to a. an increase in the number of working class jobs because of a boom in natural resources. b. a decrease in the number of college age people because of the low birthrate. c. an increase in the number of colleges because of a glut in the building trade. d. a decrease in literacy because of a decline in quality of elementary education. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 309 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. a decrease in the number of college age people because of the low birthrate. TB_10_26_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Apply_10.5 Raymond is a Japanese college student who has just begun his higher education after finishing high school. What can he expect with regard to the amount of work he'll be doing outside of his college classes? a. He will do about half as much homework as he did when he was in high school. b. He will have the same amount of homework as in high school, but it will be spread over a greater number of subjects. c. He will have slightly more homework than he did in high school, but it will apply to about half as many different subjects. d. He will do about twice as much homework as he did when he was in high school. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 309 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. He will do about half as much homework as he did when he was in high school. TB_10_27_ Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom _Remember_10.6 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

According to the text, adolescents' academic achievement tends to be worst when they have _____________ parents. a. b. c. d.

authoritative authoritarian permissive neglectful

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 310 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.6 Explain how family expectations and parenting are related to adolescents’ school attitudes and performance and the difficulties in establishing causation in this research area. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. neglectful TB_10_28_ Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom _Apply_10.6 Which adolescent is likely to have the most successful performance in school? a. b. c. d.

Leonard, whose parents have an neglectful style. Raj, whose parents have an permissive style. Howard, whose parents have an authoritarian style. Sheldon, whose parents have an authoritative style.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 310 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.6 Explain how family expectations and parenting are related to adolescents’ school attitudes and performance and the difficulties in establishing causation in this research area. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Sheldon, whose parents have an authoritative style. TB_10_29_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Apply_10.7 Dr. Shaw wants to conduct a large-scale study examining the attitudes that 20,000 adolescents hold toward their high school education. He starts by doing a small version of the study, using only 40 students to make sure his measures have adequate reliability and validity. This smaller study is an example of 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

an analogue study. pilot testing. quasi-experimental research. a correlational design.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 311 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. pilot testing. TB_10_30_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.7 Consider the research of Niobe Way (1998), who interviewed students to understand their school experiences and the way in which school interacted with other parts of their lives. Which statement about her research is TRUE? a. b. c. d.

It was a qualitative, ethnographic study. It used a variety of questionnaires to help her gather data. It involved several thousand students in her home city. Her interviews yielded very few insights into the students’ experiences at school.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 311 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. It was a qualitative, ethnographic study. TB_10_31_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.7 Which statement best represents the relationship between low- and high-achievers? a. b. c. d.

Low achievers tend to have a negative influence on their high-achieving friends. Low- and high achievers are almost never friends. High achievers tend to have a positive effect on their low-achieving friends. Low- and high-achieving students are influenced most strongly by their romantic partners. 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 312 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. High achievers tend to have a positive effect on their low-achieving friends. TB_10_32_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Apply_10.7 Karen has recently moved from a large academically focused high school to a new school in a small town. In her old school, most of her classmates were high-achievers with high aspirations for academic careers. In her new school, academics are not a big focus and, in fact, Karen has among the best grades in her class and feels great about her school achievement. This situation best illustrates the ________ effect. a. b. c. d.

big fish in a little pond fresh start small town-small dreams coming of age

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 312 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. big fish in a little pond TB_10_33_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Apply_10.8 Theo works at a fast food restaurant. His boss has asked Theo if he is willing to take more shifts. If Theo decides to take on the extra work he will be trying to juggle 20 hours of parttime work and full-time high school. According to research, if Theo is a typical adolescent, what might we conclude about the potential effects of the increased hours? a. b. c. d.

a drop in grades higher attendance at school more time spent doing homework positive psychological effects on self-esteem

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 312 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. a drop in grades TB_10_34_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.8 According to research, which factor is most likely to contribute to lower grades in high school? a. b. c. d.

having high achieving friends amount of time spent socializing having a part time job 9 hours a week participating in diverse extracurricular activities

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 312 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. amount of time spent socializing TB_10_35_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.9 According to the text, which of the following best represents American parents' attitude towards school? The majority would support a. b. c. d.

lengthening the school day. a law restricting the number of hours per week a person under 18 can work. a balance of academic and nonacademic activities. three to four hours of homework per night.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 313 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. a balance of academic and nonacademic activities. TB_10_36_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.9 Which of the following is an accurate difference between American secondary schools and those find in Asia and Europe? a. The American schools have a longer school day than the Asian and European schools. b. The American schools allow time for physical education, art, and music, while the Asian and European schools do not. c. American schools are less likely than Asian and European schools to have singlesex schools. d. American schools have higher testing standards that serve as a gateway to college than the Asian and European schools. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 313 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. The American schools allow time for physical education, art, and music, while the Asian and European schools do not. TB_10_37_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.9 How is socioeconomic status (SES) related to adolescents' school performance? a. b. c. d.

Performance and SES are positively correlated. Performance and SES are inversely related. There is no relationship between performance and SES SES causes a student's level of performance.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 314 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Performance and SES are positively correlated. TB_10_38_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.10 According to the text, Asian American adolescents have the best academic performance. Which option is NOT a likely contributor to these differences? a. b. c. d.

social class parenting practices teacher favoritism friends' influences

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 315 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. teacher favoritism TB_10_39_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Understand_10.10 According to research, Asian American parents and adolescents tend to believe that academic success is due mainly to effort. Therefore, a. b. c. d.

they would not accept mediocre performance. parents will continually stress the importance of being lucky. they will understand that a first effort is the only effort needed. children are less likely to believe that study time is useful.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 315 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. they would not accept mediocre performance. TB_10_40_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.10 Junko and her friends are young girls in grade 10 and have been raised in similar traditional Japanese families. Based on research, how might we predict Junko and her 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank friends feel about schoolwork? a. They feel there's no reason to work hard because they will be discriminated against. b. Junko wants to work hard to keep up with her friends. c. Junko's friends really feel that homework and school is useless. d. All of the girls believe that academic success is a matter of luck. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 315 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Junko wants to work hard to keep up with her friends. TB_10_41_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.10 Studies have found that minority adolescents who believe that their opportunities are unfairly limited by ethnic discrimination a. try harder to overcome this negative perception. b. have higher than average academic achievement when compared to their majority peers. c. have lower achievement when compared to their minority peers who don't believe this. d. are unaffected by this perception. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 315 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. have lower achievement when compared to their minority peers who don't believe this. TB_10_42_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Analyze_10.10 One controversial explanation for African Americans' poor academic performance is a possible belief that a. education is affected by a low income status. b. doing well in school is an example of "acting White" and therefore is not 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank desirable. c. education is negatively portrayed by popular media. d. schools have a secret agenda to keep minority children from succeeding. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 315 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. doing well in school is an example of "acting White" and therefore is not desirable. TB_10_43_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.10 Sunny and her family have lived in the U.S. for eleven years. Her friend, Sonia, has just moved to the U.S. two years ago. Both Sunny and Sonia's family came from the same village in Mexico. According to research, based on their years in the United States who is more likely to have poorer academic performance? a. b. c. d.

Sunny Sonia both girls neither girl

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 316 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Sunny TB_10_44_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.11 Which statement concerning gender differences and school achievement differences is most accurate? a. b. c. d.

Girls achieve higher grades than boys do. Boys are less likely to have learning disabilities. Girls are more likely to drop out of school. Boys are less likely to be held back a grade.

Difficulty: 2 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 316 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Girls achieve higher grades than boys do. TB_10_45_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Understand_10.11 According to the text, what best explains girls' superior performance in school and the relatively poor performance of boys? a. Girls report less positive experiences in the classroom, leading to greater personal effort. b. Girls feel greater support by their parents. c. Girls have less contact time with their teachers, leading to more independent skill-building. d. Girls are more likely to get involved in peer-group activities, which is associated with better academic performance. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 316-317 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. Girls feel greater support by their parents. TB_10_46_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.11 Halee is a young girl just entering college. According to research, what program is Halee LEAST likely to enter? a. b. c. d.

psychology engineering pre-med education

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 317 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Skill: Apply What You Know 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. engineering TB_10_47_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.12 Which statement concerning gifted students is most accurate? a. b. c. d.

Many schools have advanced placement classes for gifted students. High schools do not recognize art or music "giftedness." Some high school programs consider students as gifted with an IQ of 100. Gifted students have a higher risk of psychological disorders and social awkwardness.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 318 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Many schools have advanced placement classes for gifted students. TB_10_48_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.12 Currently the diagnosis of learning disabilities is based on a. b. c. d.

neurological test scores. observation of behaviors in school contexts. the gap between intelligence test and achievement scores. self-report indicators.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 318 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. the gap between intelligence test and achievement scores. TB_10_49_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.12 Which of the following academic areas is the most common source of difficulties for adolescents with a learning disability? a. mathematics 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. writing c. reading d. verbal expression Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. reading TB_10_50_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.12 The ADORE study was a large scale trial involving over 1,500 children and adolescents with ADHD conducted in a. b. c. d.

North America. South Asia. Australia and New Zealand. Europe.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Europe. TB_10_51_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.12 In America, the most common approach to treating ADHD is a. b. c. d.

psychotherapy. waiting for a child to outgrow it. medication. parental training.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. medication. TB_10_52_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.12 Yolanda is a 14-year old girl who was born and raised in Chicago. She still lives there with her parents and younger brother. Yolanda has been diagnosed with ADHD. Which of the following treatments is she most likely to receive? a. b. c. d.

psychotherapy medication electrical stimulation techniques EMDR

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. medication TB_10_53_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.13 According to the text, what group has the highest dropout rate among adolescents in the United States? a. b. c. d.

Latinos African Americans Native Americans Asian Americans

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 320 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. Latinos TB_10_54_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Understand_10.13 Repeating a grade, having a history of school difficulties, and scoring low on achievement 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank and/or intelligence tests are all factors that predict a. b. c. d.

mainstreaming. advanced placement. tracking. dropping out.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 320 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. dropping out. TB_10_55_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.13 Suppose you were a participant in a study about high school dropout rates. You are one of the youngsters at high risk of dropping out. According to current research, what factor in your life is a strong predictor of your potential of dropping out? a. b. c. d.

your parents' educational level being in a two-parent family attending a smaller school having more than four siblings

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 321 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. your parents' educational level TB_10_56_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.13 According to research, dropout rates are higher in a. b. c. d.

larger schools. smaller schools. suburban schools. rural schools.

Difficulty: 2 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 321 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. larger schools. TB_10_57_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Remember_10.13 According to the text, the key to success for intervention programs designed to help potential dropouts is a. b. c. d.

attention from caring adult staff. high student teacher ratios. beginning the program in elementary school. involving parents in the process.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 321 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. attention from caring adult staff. TB_10_58_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.14 Currently, the undergraduate college population in the United States is _____ female. a. b. c. d.

28% 45% 58% 66%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 322 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 58% TB_10_59_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.14 Myrra is young college graduate. She is considering dentistry as her post-graduate work. If 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Myrra is pursuing this option at UCLA in 1972, how many women is Myrra likely to meet in her class of 100? a. b. c. d.

virtually none 20 34 42

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 322-323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. virtually none TB_10_60_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.14 Richard is an 18-year-old student who has just graduated from high school and is going right on to college. If Richard is like the average American college student, it will take him ______ years to earn a "4-year" degree. a. b. c. d.

3 4 5-6 more than 6

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. 5-6 TB_10_61_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.14 A recent study which investigated the length of time it takes the average student to complete a "four-year college" degree found it took approximately ________ years. a. b. c. d.

3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 5-6 TB_10_62_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.14 The model of European university education has recently changed to match the ___________ system. a. b. c. d.

American global Japanese open learning

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. American TB_10_63_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.15 According to the text, approximately what percentage of college students drop out before obtaining a degree? a. b. c. d.

10% 25% 50% 75%

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.15 Identify the factors that contribute to college retention and dropout. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 50% 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_10_64_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.15 Carl recently dropped out of college. According to the text, what might be a strong factor contributing to Carl's early departure from college? a. b. c. d.

lack of friends high socioeconomic status few liberal arts courses lack of financial support

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.15 Identify the factors that contribute to college retention and dropout. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. lack of financial support TB_10_65_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.16 Which of the following is NOT described as a college student subculture? a. b. c. d.

rebel religious academic vocational

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 324 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.16 Name the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow, and assess whether they still apply to students today. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. religious TB_10_66_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.16 Britt is a member of an environmental activist organization and has helped organize peaceful protests on campus. She is deeply involved in her sociology studies but is skeptical of her instructor's expertise and wisdom. According to the text, Britt could be best described as a member of the __________ subculture. 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

academic rebel vocational collegiate

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 324 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.16 Name the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow, and assess whether they still apply to students today. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. rebel TB_10_67_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.16 Beverly attends a community college and works 30 hours per week in a veterinarian's office to pay her tuition and bills. According to the text, Beverly could be best described as a member of the _______ subculture. a. b. c. d.

vocational rebel academic collegiate

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 324 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.16 Name the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow, and assess whether they still apply to students today. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. vocational TB_10_68_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.17 Which one of the following college students is most likely to be satisfied with his or her educational experience? a. b. c. d.

Armand, who attends a larger college with larger class sizes. Bailey, who attends a larger college with smaller class sizes. Carlos, who attends a smaller college with larger class sizes. Dmitryi, who attends a smaller college with smaller class sizes.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 325 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Dmitryi, who attends a smaller college with smaller class sizes. TB_10_69_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.17 Francisco is 27 years old, has a high school degree, and has never attended college. Ernestine is a 26-year old who has both a high school diploma and college degree. According to NCES statistics (2016), Francisco is _______ as likely as Ernestine to be unemployed. a. b. c. d.

equally twice three times five times

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 325 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. twice TB_10_70_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.17 A college student who majors in ________ is likely to have the lowest immediate earning potential after completing their his or her degree. a. b. c. d.

computer science engineering mathematics journalism

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 325 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. journalism 31 ..

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TB_10_71_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.18 What is the term that refers to a large course, taught over the Internet, that a college offers with an "open door" admission policy? a. b. c. d.


Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 326 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.18 Explain what MOOCs are, and analyze their potential advantages and disadvantages in delivering tertiary education. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. MOOC TB_10_72_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.18 According to the text, one of the biggest problems with Massive Open Online Courses is that approximately _____ percent of students who enroll in such classes fail to finish them. a. b. c. d.

45 60 75 90

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 326 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.18 Explain what MOOCs are, and analyze their potential advantages and disadvantages in delivering tertiary education. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 90 TB_10_73_Tertiary Education: College and University_Apply_10.19 Rajiv is a student in England who has decided to take a year (or two) after high school before applying to college. According to the research of Jones (2004), Rajiv is likely to cite all but which of the following as a reason for planning this "gap" in his education? a. He wants to get a broader perspective on life. 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. He's interested in exploring marriage to his girlfriend. c. He wants to develop his personal skills. d. He wants to do some good in the world, both locally and abroad. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 327 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.19 Describe the prevalence, motivations, and benefits of taking a gap year between secondary school and tertiary education. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. He's interested in exploring marriage to his girlfriend. TB_10_74_Tertiary Education: College and University_Understand_10.19 The fact that the American college system is designed so that early years focus on general education requirements rather than specialized courses leads to which outcome? a. Students are more likely to do poorly in early years, earning a low GPA that will stress them as they try to improve it in the later years. b. Financial aid is not available to most students until they select a major, and this requires them to choose before they are ready to do so. c. Students are less likely to take a gap year between high school and college. d. Those attending college are more likely to drop out if their interest in a specific occupation is not peaked. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 327 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.19 Describe the prevalence, motivations, and benefits of taking a gap year between secondary school and tertiary education. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. Students are less likely to take a gap year between high school and college. True/False TB_10_75_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.1 Efforts to create a national education curriculum have been vigorously resisted by those who believe that this should be formed at state and local levels. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 301 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_76_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.1 In Egypt, the number of younger people who are literate (that is, can read and write) is far lower than the number of older adults who are. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 301 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_77_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.2 A century ago, the mission of most colleges and universities was grounded explicitly in religious beliefs. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 302 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_78_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.2 The gender gap that exists in most regions outside the West is NOT found in Latin American schools. 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 305 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_79_Secondary Schools, Past and Present_Remember_10.3 The key influence on adolescents' academic performance is the level of economic development in their country. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 305 Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Learning Objective: 10.3 Identify the main reason why secondary school performance is higher in some regions of the world than others. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_80_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.4 In general, students who attend larger schools feel less attachment to their teachers and to the school as a whole. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 306 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_10_81_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.5 According to research, support from teachers may be one factor in creating a positive school climate. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 308 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_82_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.6 According to the text, parenting has very little effect on adolescents' performance in school. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 310 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.6 Explain how family expectations and parenting are related to adolescents’ school attitudes and performance and the difficulties in establishing causation in this research area. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_83_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.7 Several studies have found that in terms of adolescents' school attendance, parents have a greater influence than friends. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 311-312 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_84_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.9 One aspect of adolescents’ families that has been recognized for decades as being strongly related to academic achievement is the family’s socioeconomic status. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 314 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_85_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.12 Approximately 15% of adolescents in American schools have been diagnosed with a learning disability. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 318 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_86_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Classroom_Remember_10.12 Approximately 10% of learning-disabled adolescents have been diagnosed specifically with ADHD. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_87_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.12 Approximately one-half of adolescents with a learning disability have been diagnosed specifically with ADHD. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_88_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.12 Most adolescents who have ADHD also have an additional learning disability. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 319 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_10_89_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.14 According to a 2016 survey, there were more young men than women in higher education. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 322 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_10_90_Tertiary Education: College and University_Remember_10.17 College students are more likely to find their experience satisfying at a small college than at a large university. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 325 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True Essay TB_10_91_What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools_Remember_10.4 Discuss the positive and negative effects of school size during adolescence. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 306 Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • Large school advantages -- offer a more diverse range of classes and a wider range of extracurricular activities. Disadvantages -- large schools can be alienating, students feel less attached to their teachers and to the school as a whole. Students are more likely to be observers than participants in activities. • Small school advantages -- students are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. Students typically report that their participation makes them feel more confident in their abilities and more needed and important. Scholars agree that for students with academic difficulties, small classes are preferable because students are likely to need more individual attention. Disadvantage -- a less diverse range of classes and extracurricular activities. TB_10_92_Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom_Remember_10.8 Discuss the effects of part-time work on school performance. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 312 Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • Working more than 10 hours a week -- grade point average drops;.• class cutting increases as weekly work hours increase; • time spent on homework decreases; and • psychological symptoms, such as depression, increase. • Sleep patterns also change -- sleep decreases as hours of weekly work increase. TB_10_93_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Apply_10.11 Provide an explanation for girls’ superior performance in school and the relatively poor performance of boys. What caveats should be kept in mind when considering the evidence? Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 316-317 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: Girls achieve higher grades and have higher educational aspirations. Girls are less likely to have learning disabilities, less likely to be held back a grade, and 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank less likely to drop out. These differences are especially strong among African American adolescents: Possible reasons are -- girls enjoy the school environment more, report more positive experiences in the classroom, and have more favorable relationships with teachers. Additionally, girls are more likely to feel supported by their parents, both academically and in other realms, as well as have more supportive relationships with adults outside the family. Boys do less homework, watch more television, and read fewer books independently. TB_10_94_Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences_Understand_10.12 Outline and define four characteristics of gifted children or adolescents. Discuss how these characteristics might present problems in terms of schooling. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 317-318 Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Precocity -- their gifts are evident at an early age. • Independence -prefer to work independently and need less instructional support. • Drive for mastery -- intense drive to master the area of their gifts; they are capable of focusing for long periods on the topic or challenge before them. • Excellence in information processing -- they process information faster, learn more quickly, make fewer reasoning errors, and use effective learning strategies. • Potential difficulties in school -- they may become bored or alienated; often they become socially isolated in regular classrooms. Also, school context may not match their characteristics. TB_10_95_Tertiary Education: College and University_Analyze_10.15 Explain and discuss the factors relating to college dropout. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 323 Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Learning Objective: 10.15 Identify the factors that contribute to college retention and dropout. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Half of all college students drop out. • Factors -- African American and Latino college students have higher dropout rates in part because minority students often come from high schools where they received poor academic preparation for college. Retention is also related to students' family socioeconomic status (SES) -- lack of financial aid and adequate financial support often cause students' premature departure from college. Personal concerns may also contribute to students' decisions to leave, for example, 41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank marriage, family responsibilities, health problems, and accepting a new job.

42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q10.1 Which of the following best summarizes the history of secondary school attendance in developing countries? a. Industrialization of developing countries has introduced agricultural technologies that make youth’s labor less necessary to the family, while staying in school has economic benefits as more jobs become available that require educational skills; over the past 35 years the proportion of adolescents in secondary school in developing countries has increased and youth are more likely to be literate compared to older generations. b. Industrialization of developing countries has introduced agricultural technologies that make youth’s labor less necessary to the family, while staying in school has economic benefits as more jobs become available that require educational skills; over the past 35 years the proportion of adolescents in secondary school in developing countries has increased to 100% and all youth are literate compared to older generations. c. Industrialization of developing countries has introduced agricultural technologies that make youth’s labor more necessary to the family, as staying in school has economic detriments because if youth attend school, they remove themselves from contributing to the family income; over the past 35 years the proportion of adolescents in secondary school in developing countries has stayed the same and youth are as likely to be illiterate compared to older generations. d. Industrialization of developing countries has introduced agricultural technologies that make youth’s labor more necessary to the family, as staying in school has economic detriments because if youth attend school, they remove themselves from contributing to the family income; over the past 35 years the proportion of adolescents in secondary school in developing countries has decreased and youth are more likely to be illiterate compared to older generations. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.2 European adolescents have to make educational and career decisions ________ than American adolescents, such that by about age ________ European adolescents have a clear idea of their chosen occupation. 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

earlier; 16 earlier; 10 later; 18 later; 20

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q10.3 Estella and Yifei are both in 8th grade, but Estella lives in Brazil and Yifei lives in Japan. If Estella and Yifei are representative of the majority of teens in their countries, who is likely to obtain a higher score on an achievement test, and why? a. Yifei is likely to obtain a higher score on an achievement test than Estella because he is growing up in the developed country of Japan, whose economy is more industrialized and advanced compared to Brazil. b. Yifei is likely to obtain a higher score on an achievement test than Estella because he is growing up in Japan, where the culture values education at a higher level than the culture of Brazil. c. Yifei is likely to obtain a higher score on an achievement test than Estella because he is growing up in Japan, where the culture prioritizes education for male youth compared to the culture of Brazil. d. Yifei and Estella are likely to score equally high scores on an achievement test because they are from countries whose economies have experienced significant growth over the past 50 years. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.3 Identify the main reason why secondary school performance is higher in some regions of the world than others. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.4 Researchers have concluded which of the following regarding links between school size and adolescents’ academic achievement? a. Researchers have concluded that there is no consistent association between school size and adolescents’ academic achievement. 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Researchers have concluded that there is a consistent, negative association between school size and adolescents’ academic achievement. c. Researchers have concluded that there is a consistent, positive association between school size and adolescents’ academic achievement. d. Researchers have concluded that there is a consistent, negative association between school size and adolescents’ academic achievement, but only at the middle school level. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.5 Evan goes to a private high school, William goes to a public high school, and Evan is from a higher socioeconomic background than William. Both Evan and William report that their teachers have high expectations for performance but are also involved and supportive. If Evan and William are representative of students with their backgrounds, who is more likely to report higher levels of achievement and lower levels of delinquency, and why? a. Because researchers have found that the effects of school climate remain above and beyond differences in school type and students’ socioeconomic backgrounds, Evan and William are likely to report equally high levels of achievement and low levels of delinquency because they both view their school climate as being positive. b. Because researchers have found that the effects of school climate are influenced by differences in school type, Evan is likely to report a higher level of achievement and a lower level of delinquency than William since he attends a private school. c. Because researchers have found that the effects of school climate are influenced by differences in students’ socioeconomic background, Evan is likely to report a higher level of achievement and a lower level of delinquency than William since he comes from a higher social class background. d. Because researchers have found that the effects of school climate are influenced by gender differences, Evan and William are likely to report equally high levels of achievement and low levels of delinquency since they are both male. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 3 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q10.6 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for parenting characteristics that are positively linked to adolescents’ academic engagement and achievement? a. Stephanie is in middle school and her parents talk with her about the importance of gaining an education, expect her to do well in her classes, and stay involved in her education by helping with homework and attending parent-teacher conferences. b. Stephanie is in middle school and her parents talk with her about the importance of gaining an education and expect her to do well in her classes, but they do not help her with her homework or attend parent-teacher conferences. c. Stephanie is in middle school and her parents talk with her about how she can be successful and earn money without gaining an education, and as such they do not help her with her homework or attend parent-teacher conferences. d. Stephanie is in middle school and her parents do not talk with her about the importance of gaining an education, nor do they know how she is doing in her classes because they do not attend parent-teacher conferences. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.6 Explain how family expectations and parenting are related to adolescents’ school attitudes and performance and the difficulties in establishing causation in this research area. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.7 Studies have found that low-achieving adolescents’ grades _________ over time when they have high-achieving friends. a. b. c. d.

increase decrease remain the same fluctuate

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 1 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q10.8 Janice and Caroline are in high school and both spend about 25 hours per week socializing with friends. Janice spends her 25 hours with friends shopping at the mall or hanging out and talking, whereas Caroline spends her 25 hours with friends while in band practice or debate club. How is this time spent socializing with friends MOST LIKELY linked to Janice’s and Caroline’s academic performance? a. Caroline is likely to have better academic performance and is less likely to drop out of high school compared to Janice, because Caroline spends her 25 hours socializing with friends in structured activities. b. Janice is likely to have better academic performance and is less likely to drop out of high school compared to Caroline, because Janice spends her 25 hours socializing with friends in unstructured activities. c. Janice and Caroline are both likely to have low academic performance and are more likely to drop out of high school, as they both spend 25 hours socializing with friends, which is more time than they spend in school. d. Janice and Caroline are both likely to have high academic performance and are less likely to drop out of high school because they both spend 25 hours socializing with friends who have the strongest and most positive influence on their academic performance. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q10.9 Which of the following statements most likely reflects what American parents would say regarding their beliefs about educating adolescents? a. “I believe that getting an education and doing well in school is the key for adolescents to become successful adults; furthermore, I think that it is important for youth to develop interests outside of academics, such as playing a sport, so that they can be well-rounded and have fun.” b. “I believe that getting an education and doing well in school is the key for adolescents to become successful adults; furthermore, I think that it is important schools reduce the number of humanities classes, such as music, so that more time can be devoted to academic work.” c. “I believe that getting an education and doing well in school is the key for adolescents to become successful adults; furthermore, I think that youth should 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank spend most of their time out of school studying versus hanging out with their friends.” d. “I believe that getting an education and doing well in school is the key for adolescents to become successful adults; furthermore, I think that schools should have longer school days so that youth can spend more time learning the core subjects of math, science, reading, and writing.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.10 Researchers have found that African American and Latino students report ________ motivation to achieve compared to White and Asian students because they are _______ optimistic about future career success even if they do not excel academically. a. b. c. d.

lower; more lower; less higher; more higher; less

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q10.11 Which of the following is an explanation researchers have found that clarifies why girls’ academic performance usually exceeds boys’ during adolescence? a. Adolescent girls report more positive classroom experiences, including better relationships with teachers, compared to boys. b. Adolescent girls inherently have higher levels of intelligence compared to boys. c. Adolescent boys read more books that are not connected to school material, such as comic books, compared to girls. d. Adolescent boys spend almost all of their time outside school playing sports instead of studying, compared to girls. 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.12 Kevin is in gifted classes in his middle school for multiple reasons. Notably, as a child Kevin could read and write earlier than other children his age, and because he currently expresses an intense desire to master his course material. Which of the characteristics that distinguish gifted youth is Kevin demonstrating? a. b. c. d.

Precocity and drive for mastery Precocity and independence Drive for mastery and independence Drive for mastery and excellence in information processing

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.13 Which of the following adolescents are least likely to drop out of high school? a. b. c. d.

adolescents whose parents graduated from high school adolescents whose personalities are high in sensation-seeking adolescents who attend a large high school adolescents who expect to play college sports

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.14

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Currently in the United States, ________ are the ethnic group most likely to attend college immediately following high school. Furthermore, across academic fields, women currently earn ________ of postgraduate degrees compared to 10% in 1960. a. b. c. d.

Asian Americans; 60% Asian Americans; 30% Whites; 60% Whites; 30%

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q10.15 Which of the following factors is linked to increasing the likelihood of an emerging adult’s college retention? a. b. c. d.

Coming from a family with a high socioeconomic status Getting married Having a history of academic difficulties Being an ethnic minority

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.15 Identify the factors that contribute to college retention and dropout. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q10.16 Jameson and Josh are both majoring in engineering. Jameson enjoys attending his classes and participates in class discussions to gain a deeper understanding of the material. Josh is majoring in engineering because he knows it will guarantee him a well-paying job after graduating. According to the student subcultures described by the sociologists Clark and Trow, Jameson would be categorized as part of the ________ subculture and Josh would be categorized as part of the _________ subculture. a. academic; vocational b. vocational; academic c. collegiate; vocational 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. vocational; collegiate Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.16 Name the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow, and assess whether they still apply to students today. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.17 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence on the long-term intellectual and nonacademic benefits of a college education? a. Regarding the long-term intellectual benefits, emerging adults who obtain a college education tend to have higher levels of critical thinking skills, and the long-term nonacademic benefits include a higher level of psychological wellbeing. b. Regarding the long-term intellectual benefits, emerging adults who obtain a college education tend to have higher levels of psychological well-being, and the long-term nonacademic benefits include a higher level of critical thinking skills. c. Regarding the long-term intellectual benefits, emerging adults who obtain a college education tend to have a higher level of verbal and quantitative skills, and the long-term nonacademic benefits include higher levels of occupational status. d. Regarding the long-term intellectual benefits, emerging adults who obtain a college education tend to have higher levels of occupational status, and the longterm nonacademic benefits include a higher level of verbal and quantitative skills. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q10.18 Dean is an emerging adult who is enrolled in a few MOOCs. Which of the following best describes Dean’s experience of the MOOCs and the likelihood of him completing them? a. Being enrolled in massive open online courses (MOOCs), Dean likely watches prerecorded lectures, engages in online discussions with classmates about the course material, and takes unmonitored online exams; furthermore, Dean is 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank unlikely to complete his MOOCs because 90% of students who enroll in them fail to finish. b. Being enrolled in massive open online courses (MOOCs), Dean likely watches prerecorded lectures, engages in online discussions with classmates about the course material, and takes unmonitored online exams; furthermore, Dean is likely to complete his MOOCs because 90% of students who enroll in them finish. c. Being enrolled in massive open on-campus courses (MOOCs), Dean likely attends live lectures, engages in in-person discussions with classmates about the course material, and takes monitored exams on-campus; furthermore, Dean is unlikely to complete his MOOCs because 90% of students who enroll in them fail to finish. d. Being enrolled in massive open on-campus courses (MOOCs), Dean likely attends live lectures, engages in in-person discussions with classmates about the course material, and takes monitored exams on-campus; furthermore, Dean is likely to complete his MOOCs because 90% of students who enroll in them finish. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.18 Explain what MOOCs are, and analyze their potential advantages and disadvantages in delivering tertiary education. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q10.19 Taking a gap year is ______ common in Europe compared to the United States, and the emerging adults who take a gap year in Europe have _______ levels of academic motivation and performance when they enter tertiary education after their break compared to students who do not take a gap year. a. b. c. d.

more; higher more; lower less; higher less; lower

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.19 Describe the prevalence, motivations, and benefits of taking a gap year between secondary school and tertiary education. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.1.1 During the Age of Adolescence, states passed laws requiring school attendance through the early teens such that the proportion of 14- to 17-year-olds in school was ________ by 1920; furthermore, during the 1920s the content of the education in secondary school shifted 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank from a focus on liberal arts to ____________, which consisted of general education, college preparation, and vocational training. a. b. c. d.

30%; comprehensive high school 50%; comprehensive high school 30%; family life and leisure 50%; family life and leisure

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.1.2 Imagine that Michelle is a 15-year-old girl growing up in America in the 1950s. Which of the following classes is Michelle likely to experience in her high school, and why? a. Michelle is likely to experience a home economics class in her high school to help her prepare for her future family life. b. Michelle is likely to experience a Greek Literature class in her high school to help her become educated about classical works of writing. c. Michelle is likely to experience an Egyptian Art History class in her high school to help her become knowledgeable about the different periods of worldwide art history. d. Michelle is likely to experience a Latin Language class in her high school to help her learn the foundation for the Romance languages. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.1 Summarize the history of secondary school enrollment around the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.1.3 Which of the following best summarizes the secondary school system offered in European countries and the proportion of adolescents who attend? a. European countries have three types of secondary schools, specifically a collegepreparatory school, a vocational school, and a professional school in which about 50%, 25%, and 25% of adolescents attend each type, respectively. 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. European countries have three types of secondary schools, specifically a collegepreparatory school, a vocational school, and a professional school in which about 75%, 15%, and 10% of adolescents attend each type, respectively. c. European countries have two types of secondary schools, specifically a collegepreparatory school and a vocational school, in which about 75% and 25% of adolescents attend each type, respectively. d. European countries have two types of secondary schools, specifically a collegepreparatory school and a professional school, in which about 75% and 25% of adolescents attend each type, respectively. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.1.4 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for the characteristics of an adolescent in a developing country who is most likely to attend secondary and tertiary school? a. Samir is an adolescent boy growing up in an urban city of India whose family is wealthy. b. Samir is an adolescent boy growing up in a rural city of India whose family is wealthy. c. Shovani is an adolescent girl growing up in an urban city of India whose family is wealthy. d. Shovani is an adolescent girl growing up in a rural city of India whose family is wealthy. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.2 Compare and contrast the forms that secondary school takes today in different regions of the world. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.1.5 Which of the following best reflects the academic performance of American adolescents from the 1970s to the present on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)? a. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the NAEP found declines in eighth-graders’ “higher-order thinking” in math, science, and reading; in the 1990s, scores in 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank these subjects increased, and currently math scores are at their highest level in the history of the NAEP. b. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the NAEP found increases in eighth-graders’ “higher-order thinking” in math, science, and reading; in the 1990s, scores in these subjects continued to increase, and currently math scores are at their highest level in the history of the NAEP. c. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the NAEP found declines in eighth-graders’ “higher-order thinking” in math, science, and reading; in the 1990s, scores in these subjects continued to decrease, and currently math scores are at their lowest level in the history of the NAEP. d. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the NAEP found increases in eighth-graders’ “higher-order thinking” in math, science, and reading; in the 1990s, scores in these subjects decreased, and currently math scores are at their lowest level in the history of the NAEP. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.3 Identify the main reason why secondary school performance is higher in some regions of the world than others. Topic: Secondary Schools, Past and Present Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.2.1 Based on the empirical research about school size, how is school size related to participation in extracurricular activities? a. Smaller school size is related to a higher likelihood of participation in extracurricular activities. b. Smaller school size is related to a lower likelihood of participation in extracurricular activities. c. School size is not related to likelihood of participation in extracurricular activities. d. There is no relation between school size and participation in extracurricular activities. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.2.2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for links between school size and adolescents’ school experiences in larger schools? a. Generally, larger schools offer more diversity in class offerings and thus are better able to cater to a wide variety of adolescents’ interests; however, adolescents in larger schools tend to feel less attached to their teachers and their school. b. Generally, larger schools offer more diversity in class offerings and thus are better able to cater to a wide variety of adolescents’ interests; however, adolescents in larger schools tend to report lower levels of beliefs in their academic abilities. c. Generally, larger schools offer less diversity in class offerings and thus are not equipped to cater to a wide variety of adolescents’ interests; however, adolescents in larger schools tend to feel more attached to their teachers and their school. d. Generally, larger schools offer less diversity in class offerings and thus are not equipped to cater to a wide variety of adolescents’ interests; however, adolescents in larger schools tend to report higher levels of beliefs in their academic abilities. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.4 Summarize the research on school size in relation to adolescents’ school experiences and performance. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.2.3 Scholars have defined school climate as being comprised of multiple components. Which of the following lists includes these components? a. School climate includes how teachers interact with students, the expectations teachers have for students, and the methods teachers use in the classroom. b. School climate includes how teachers interact with students and the methods teachers have for students. c. School climate includes how teachers interact with students, the expectations teachers have for students, and the educational background of teachers. d. School climate includes how teachers interact with students and the educational background of teachers. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 2 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q10.2.4 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for characteristics of a positive school climate? a. Donna feels like her teachers are supportive and encouraging, clearly communicate classroom rules, and convey high expectations for academic performance and appropriate classroom conduct. b. Donna feels like her teachers are supportive and encouraging, and even let some misbehaviors go in the classroom because they do not want to discourage students by disciplining them. c. Donna feels like her teachers have high expectations for academic performance and appropriate classroom conduct, and that they are not warm or approachable. d. Donna feels like her teachers have high expectations for academic performance and appropriate classroom conduct, and that they make up classroom rules on the spot so they can remain in control of the students. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.2.5 Recent studies investigating links between school climate and adolescents’ outcomes have found that favorable school climates are _________ linked to adolescents’ reports of depressive symptoms and __________ linked to adolescents’ reports of engagement. a. b. c. d.

negatively; positively negatively; negatively positively; negatively positively; positively

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.5 Define school climate and identify the ways that it influences adolescents’ experiences in secondary school. Topic: What Works? The Characteristics of Effective Schools Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.3.1 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Which of the following best summarizes the major limitation of the body of research on associations between parenting and adolescents’ school outcomes? a. Because the majority of research on associations between parenting and adolescents’ school outcomes is correlational, it is difficult to establish the direction of effects. b. Because the majority of research on associations between parenting and adolescents’ school outcomes is experimental, it is difficult to establish the direction of effects. c. Because the majority of research on associations between parenting and adolescents’ school outcomes only assesses parents’ views of their parenting behaviors, the research is biased to one perspective. d. Because the majority of research on associations between parenting and adolescents’ school outcomes only assesses teachers’ views of their students’ parents’ behaviors, the research is biased to one perspective. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.6 Explain how family expectations and parenting are related to adolescents’ school attitudes and performance and the difficulties in establishing causation in this research area. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.3.2 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for the influence of peers on adolescents’ academic outcomes? a. Marlin’s high school is competitive because the highest achieving students are accepted into the best universities; as such, because Marlin feels surrounded by high-achievers, he has a low level of academic self-concept. b. Marlin’s high school is competitive because the highest achieving students are accepted into the best universities; as such, because Marlin feels surrounded by high-achievers, he has a high level of expectations for his academic attainment. c. Marlin attends a high school where most of the students are failing and are not engaged; as such, because Marlin feels surrounded by low-achievers, he has a low level of academic self-concept. d. Marlin attends a high school where most of the students are failing and are not engaged; as such, because Marlin feels surrounded by low-achievers, he has a low level of expectations for his academic attainment. Answer: a

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 10.7 Summarize how friends may influence each other’s school engagement, and distinguish between the influence of friends and the influence of peers. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.3.3 Terrance and Paul are in high school, and both have part-time jobs bagging groceries at the local grocery store. Terrance works 5 hours per week bagging groceries, whereas Paul works 25 hours per week bagging groceries. How is this time spent in their part-time jobs linked to Terrance’s and Paul’s school performance? a. Terrance is likely to have better grades and higher educational aspirations compared to Paul because he works less than 10 hours a week bagging groceries. b. Paul is likely to have better grades and higher educational aspirations compared to Terrance because he works less than 30 hours a week bagging groceries. c. Terrance and Paul are both likely to have poor grades and lower educational aspirations because the hours spent in their part-time jobs take away from time they could spend on their homework. d. Terrance and Paul are both likely to have high grades and educational aspirations because the hours spent in their part-time jobs help them budget their time so that they schedule time for schoolwork every day. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q10.3.4 Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how time spent in a part-time job may negatively influence adolescents’ school commitment over time? a. Candice is interested in becoming a veterinarian, and got a part-time job working 10 hours per week at an animal hospital in 10th grade. In the 11th grade she worked 20 hours per week, and in the 12th grade she worked 25 hours per week. b. Candice is interested in becoming a veterinarian, and got a part-time job working 25 hours per week at an animal hospital in 10th grade. In the 11th 59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank grade she worked 20 hours per week, and in the 12th grade she worked 15 hours per week. c. Candice is interested in becoming a veterinarian, and got a part-time job working 15 hours per week at an animal hospital from the 10th grade to 12th grade in high school. d. Candice is interested in becoming a veterinarian, and got a part-time job working 20 hours per week at an animal hospital from the 10th grade to 12th grade in high school. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.8 Identify the ways that working and leisure activities may impact adolescents’ school performance, and specify the threshold of hours per week beyond which working has negative effects. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.3.5 Which of the following is the best example of the research evidence that explains how family socioeconomic status (SES) is positively connected to adolescents’ academic outcomes? a. Middle-class families are likely to have an authoritative parenting style, which is linked to higher levels of academic achievement among adolescents. b. Middle-class families are likely to have an authoritarian parenting style, which is linked to higher levels of academic achievement among adolescents. c. Adolescents from lower-class families are likely to receive quality medical care, which is linked to higher levels of academic achievement. d. Adolescents from lower-class families are likely to receive healthy nutrition, which is linked to higher levels of academic achievement. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.9 Identify the differences between American and Asian views of what schools should require of adolescents, and explain how social class is connected to cultural beliefs about school within American society. Topic: Engagement and Achievement in High School: Beyond the Classroom Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.4.1 Which of the following BEST reflects what Asian American parents would do if their adolescent received a letter grade of a C in Algebra, and why?

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. The adolescent’s parents are likely to encourage her to try harder and devote more time to studying to improve her Algebra grade because Asian American parents believe academic success is a result of effort. b. The adolescent’s parents are likely to encourage her to try to maintain her C grade in Algebra because Asian American parents believe academic success is a result of ability. c. The adolescent’s parents are likely to ignore her C grade in Algebra and not say anything to her because Asian American parents believe their children must be solely responsible for their academic success. d. The adolescent’s parents are likely to punish her by forbidding her from having any contact with her friends outside of school because Asian American parents typically engage in authoritarian parenting practices. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.4.2 According to the immigrant paradox, an Asian American or Latino adolescent’s academic performance is likely to be ________ the more generations the adolescent’s family has been in the United States; researchers have found that first-generation Chinese immigrants have ________ levels of academic motivation compared to second-generation Chinese immigrants. a. b. c. d.

worse; higher worse; lower better; higher better; lower

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.10 Explain the differences in adolescents’ academic performance among American ethnic groups. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.4.3 Which of the following best summarizes the current research evidence on gender differences in math and science achievement from adolescence to emerging adulthood? a. Currently, research indicates girls are as likely as boys to take and perform well in math and science courses in high school; however, women continue to be less 61 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank likely than men to choose college majors such as engineering and the physical sciences. b. Currently, research indicates girls are as likely as boys to take and perform well in math and science courses in high school; furthermore, women are also equally likely to choose college majors such as engineering and the physical sciences. c. Currently, research indicates girls are less likely than boys to take and perform well in math and science courses in high school; however, women are equally likely to choose college majors such as engineering and the physical sciences. d. Currently, research indicates girls are more likely than boys to take and perform well in math and science courses in high school; furthermore, women are also more likely to choose college majors such as engineering and the physical sciences. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.11 Identify the reasons why girls’ academic performance generally exceeds boys’. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.4.4 ________ is the academic area that is the most common source of difficulty for adolescents with a learning disability, and among youth diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), studies have found that the most effective treatment for controlling the symptoms of ADHD involve _________. a. b. c. d.

Reading; combining medication and behavioral therapy Reading; medication only therapy Math; combining medication and behavioral therapy Math; medication only therapy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.12 List the distinctive qualities of gifted adolescents, and describe the most common learning disabilities and their treatments. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.4.5 Which of the following school factors is linked to increasing the likelihood of an adolescent dropping out of high school? a. Negative school climate b. Small school size 62 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Constructive teachers d. Orderly classrooms Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.13 State the reasons why some adolescents drop out of school. Topic: Academic Achievement in High School: Individual Differences Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q10.5.1 Which of the following summarizes the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States? a. The proportion of Americans attending college has risen dramatically in recent decades, with approximately 70% of high school graduates entering college; furthermore, among those who enter college, the average amount of time taken to obtain an undergraduate degree is now 5 or 6 years because many emerging adults have had to work to pay for the rising costs of tuition. b. The proportion of Americans attending college has risen dramatically in recent decades, with approximately 90% of high school graduates entering college; furthermore, among those who enter college, the average amount of time taken to obtain an undergraduate degree is now 2 or 3 years because many emerging adults have acquired credit for college classes in their high school curriculum. c. The proportion of Americans attending college has risen dramatically in recent decades, with approximately 60% of high school graduates entering college; furthermore, among those who enter college, the average amount of time taken to obtain an undergraduate degree is now 7 or 8 years because many emerging adults have had to work to pay for the rising costs of tuition. d. The proportion of Americans attending college has risen dramatically in recent decades, with approximately 80% of high school graduates entering college; furthermore, among those who enter college, the average amount of time taken to obtain an undergraduate degree is now 3 or 4 years because many emerging adults have acquired credit for college classes in their high school curriculum. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.14 Summarize the historical trend in tertiary education participation in the United States and current variations by ethnic group and gender. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.5.2 63 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following best summarizes scholars’ perceptions as to whether the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow still apply to students today? a. Scholars agree that the four main student subcultures are still applicable today, and that most students are a blend of all four subcultures. b. Scholars agree that the four main student subcultures are no longer applicable today because most students today tend to primarily reflect the collegiate subculture. c. Scholars agree that the four main student subcultures are no longer applicable today because most students today tend to primarily reflect the rebel subculture. d. Scholars agree that the four main student subcultures are still applicable today, and that most students are a blend that reflects 50% collegiates and 50% academics. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.16 Name the four main student subcultures identified by Clark and Trow, and assess whether they still apply to students today. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.5.3 Which of the following best reflects what an emerging adult who just graduated from college would say in response to the question, “How satisfied are you with your college experience?” a. “I was satisfied with the quality of the teaching at my university, and I feel like my degree was a good investment.” b. “I was not satisfied with the quality of the teaching at my university, and I feel like my degree was a bad investment.” c. “I was satisfied with the quality of the teaching at my university, but I feel like my degree was a bad investment.” d. “I was not satisfied with the quality of the teaching at my university, but I feel like my degree was a good investment.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.17 Summarize the benefits of a college education, according to students and according to research on long-term outcomes. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.5.4 Which of the following reflects a potential advantage of MOOCs? 64 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. The electronic methods used to present course material through MOOCs may promote active learning. b. The electronic methods used to present course material through MOOCs may help students improve their communication skills. c. The convenience and accessibility of MOOCs may promote better time management skills. d. The convenience and accessibility of MOOCs may help students identify a career that they feel best fits their interests. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.18 Explain what MOOCs are, and analyze their potential advantages and disadvantages in delivering tertiary education. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q10.5.5 Which of the following BEST reflects the research evidence for emerging adults’ motivations for taking a gap year? a. Emerging adults take a gap year because they want to take a break from formal education and gain a better idea of their career direction experiences. b. Emerging adults take a gap year because they want to sleep late and go out with friends. c. Emerging adults take a gap year because they are reluctant to take on adult responsibilities. d. Emerging adults take a gap year because they do not want to leave home and desire spending time with their parents. Answer: a Learning Objective: 10.19 Describe the prevalence, motivations, and benefits of taking a gap year between secondary school and tertiary education. Topic: Tertiary Education: College and University Difficulty: 2

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Chapter 11 Work

Topic Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures The History of Adolescent Work in the West Adolescent Work Today

Multiple Choice

Remember the Facts 1, 3, 9-10

True/False Short Essay


Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

12, 14

Multiple Choice

18, 20-23, 25-26 77-80

True/False Short Essay From School and Multiple Choice Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” True/False Short Essay Occupational Multiple Choice Choice True/False Short Essay Work in Multiple Choice Emerging True/False Adulthood Short Essay Volunteer Multiple Choice Work— Community True/False Service Short Essay

Understand the Concepts 5-6

Apply What You Know 2, 4, 8, 11

Analyze It 7 91




17, 19, 24, 2930

33-34, 3638-39 81-84

31, 40

92 32, 35, 42

46, 48, 5051 85-86

44, 47, 53

45, 49, 52


93 57

54, 61


63, 66

94 64, 67, 70, 72


55-56, 58 87 62, 65, 6869, 7-75 88-90


1 ..


Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_11_01_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Remember_11.1 Hunting, fishing, and farming are occupational pursuits most common in ________ cultures. a. b. c. d.

Western traditional industrialized Eastern

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 333 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. traditional TB_11_02_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Apply_11.1 Ocheling is an adolescent nomadic Bushman of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. If Ocheling wants to get married he will first have to a. b. c. d.

get a tattoo. wait until he is 20 years old. kill an antelope. wait until his father dies.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 333 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. kill an antelope. TB_11_03_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Remember_11.1 In traditional farming cultures, who is typically responsible for the livestock and farmland? a. b. c. d.

mothers and daughters fathers and daughters mothers and sons fathers and sons 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 334 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. fathers and sons TB_11_04_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Apply_11.1 Marilina is a young Brazilian girl living in a traditional culture. As such, she will be expected to have the responsibility of helping to care for her younger siblings beginning around ________ years of age. a. b. c. d.

12 or 13 6 or 7 17 or 18 10 or 11

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 334 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. 6 or 7 TB_11_05_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Understand_11.2 According to Chapter 11, one benefit of globalization has been a. b. c. d.

making daily life easier in traditional cultures. the increased wealth of industrialized nations. creating a similar set of world beliefs. increasing the stratification of the sexes across cultures.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 335 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. making daily life easier in traditional cultures. 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_06_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Understand_11.2 According to the text, one disadvantage of increased globalization is a. more competition among nations resulting in higher production. b. lower wages in Western countries which affects unionized workers. c. horrific working conditions in countries changing from a preindustrial to a global economy. d. creating large debts in Eastern countries particularly after the fall of Communism. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 335 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. horrific working conditions in countries changing from a preindustrial to a global economy. TB_11_07_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_11.2 What benefit do adolescents and their families in traditional cultures derive from adolescents working? a. b. c. d.

improves basic necessities like food and clothing creates an opportunity for families to travel and see loved ones builds opportunities for younger siblings to work and earn the adolescent may benefit from earnings, but there are no benefits to the family

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 335 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. improves basic necessities like food and clothing. TB_11_08_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Apply_11.2 Balwant's parents are living in severe poverty in New Delhi, India. Balwant's parents have decided that the only way they can survive is to take out a loan and guarantee the money with Balwant's labor. This is known as 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

credentialism. debt bondage. indentured servitude. apprenticeship loan.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 335 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. debt bondage. TB_11_09_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Remember_11.2 According to the text, adolescent girls in developing countries may become prostitutes in several ways, including all but which one of the following? a. b. c. d.

kidnapped and taken to another country. being coerced into sexual slavery by their church. sold into prostitution by parents. promised jobs in domestic service.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 336 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. being coerced into sexual slavery by their church. TB_11_10_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Remember_11.2 According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the number of child and adolescent laborers _________ during the first decade of the 21st century. a. b. c. d.

rose steadily rose sharply fell substantially fell slightly

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 336 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. fell substantially TB_11_11_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Apply_11.2 Imagine you bought an Indian rug with a RUGMARK label. This means that the rug a. b. c. d.

was made without the use of child workers. is an antique. was made by hand. is authentic and was made in India.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 336 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. was made without the use of child workers. TB_11_12_The History of Adolescent Work in the West_Remember_11.3 Before industrialization began as early as the ________ century, America was similar to many current traditional cultures in terms of adolescent work. a. b. c. d.

17th 19th 20th 21st

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 336 Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. 17th TB_11_13_The History of Adolescent Work in the West_Apply_11.3 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Suppose you wrote a paper detailing the decline of family farming and the increase of factory work among adolescent laborers in the United States. What conclusion would most likely be a part of your paper? a. Farm service increased to over 70% in the 18th and 19th centuries. b. The transition to industrialized labor is known as life cycle service. c. In the 19th century, the proportion of the farming labor force declined to under 40%. d. A large proportion of adolescent workers were unemployed in the 19th century. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 337 Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. In the 19th century, the proportion of the farming labor force declined to under 40%. TB_11_14_The History of Adolescent Work in the West_Remember_11.4 According to the text, what was the first country in which industrialization took place and the first to use child and adolescent labor in industrial settings? a. b. c. d.

United States Turkey South Africa Great Britain

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 338 Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain how the frequency and types of adolescent work changed in the West from the early 20th century to the present. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Great Britain TB_11_15_The History of Adolescent Work in the West_Analyze_11.4 One implication that follows from American schools placing low demands on their students is that adolescents a. have higher achievement scores. b. often choose vocational careers by their mid-teens. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. will eventually have lower paying jobs. d. are able to hold part-time jobs. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 338 Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain how the frequency and types of adolescent work changed in the West from the early 20th century to the present. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. are able to hold part-time jobs. TB_11_16_The History of Adolescent Work in the West_Analyze_11.4 Which statement most accurately represents the relationship between American schools and adolescent work? a. Apprenticeships are the cornerstone to the adolescent work/school experience. b. Work experiences are directly related to school curriculum. c. Widespread mentoring programs in American schools create a smooth transition to adolescent work. d. Widespread employment among adolescents makes it difficult for schools to require more academic work from them. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference:338 Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain how the frequency and types of adolescent work changed in the West from the early 20th century to the present. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. Widespread employment among adolescents makes it difficult for schools to require more academic work from them. TB_11_17_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.5 Gillian is a 14-year-old girl living in Columbus, Ohio. If Gillian is typical of most adolescent girls, Gillian's first job is most likely a. b. c. d.

baby-sitting. lawn mowing. sales clerk. restaurant hostess.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 339 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. baby-sitting. TB_11_18_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.5 According to research, the part-time work done by American adolescents a. b. c. d.

is strongly connected to their career paths. rarely involves close partnerships with adult role models. is usually in apprenticeships that connect to school curriculum. increases a student's grade point average.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 340 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. rarely involves close partnerships with adult role models. TB_11_19_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.6 Carl works for a delivery company. He works most weekdays after school and long shifts on the weekends. During most pay periods, he has banked over 25 hours a week. From this we can conclude that Carl a. b. c. d.

may be more anxious than his classmates. comes from a low-income family. has younger stepbrothers and sisters. gets more sleep than his friends.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 340 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. may be more anxious than his classmates.

9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_11_20_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.6 Samantha is 16 years old and works after school at the local gas station. If Samantha is typical of other high students, working more than 10 hours a week will be associated with which of the following? a. b. c. d.

getting less sleep per night eating healthier exercising more performing better academically

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 340 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. getting less sleep per night TB_11_21_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.6 Some studies have shown positive findings between adolescent work and psychological functioning that includes a. b. c. d.

a more balanced personal fable. strong adolescent egocentrism. increased self-esteem. better relationships with family members.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 340-341 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. increased self-esteem. TB_11_22_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.6 According to research, what work factor is positively related to psychological well-being and self-esteem? It is a job that involves 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

learning new skills. working 15 hours a week. performing repetitive skills. working major amounts of overtime.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 341 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. learning new skills. TB_11_23_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.7 According to the text, in contrast to adolescents who don't work, those who work more than 10 hours per week are more likely to a. b. c. d.

have more regular sleep patterns. live in an urban center. come from a single-parent family. use alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 341-342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. use alcohol and smoke cigarettes. TB_11_24_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.6 Dennis is a young adolescent working 15 hours a week at the Burger Barn. Similar to adolescents in a study investigating rates of alcohol use and work patterns, Dennis drinks more than his nonworking counterparts. According to research, what is likely to be Dennis's pattern of alcohol use in his early twenties? a. Dennis will continue to have higher rates of alcohol use than girls his own age. b. Dennis will drink less by his early twenties regardless of whether he attends college. c. Dennis's alcohol use will be similar to emerging adults who worked less in high school. 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. There is no data to support a conclusion about Dennis's drinking or other social habits. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 341 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. Dennis's alcohol use will be similar to emerging adults who worked less in high school. TB_11_25_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.6 According to the text, in terms of research, "retention rate" refers to a. the length of time a research participant was able to recall information. b. the amount of information a participant is able to learn during an intervention study. c. how long a person holds onto negative feelings while participating in a study. d. the percentage of participants who continued in a longitudinal study after the first year. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 341 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. the percentage of participants who continued in a longitudinal study after the first year. TB_11_26_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.7 According to research, working more than _________ hours a week is associated with a variety of types of problem behavior including vandalism, driving while intoxicated, and beating up someone. a. b. c. d.

4 8 10 20 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 20 TB_11_27_Adolescent Work Today_Understand_11.7 According to the text, adolescents who become cynical about their part-time work are potentially justifying their a. b. c. d.

occupational deviance. debt bondage. community service. retention rate.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. occupational deviance. TB_11_28_Adolescent Work Today_Understand_11.7 According to the text, one potential explanation for higher substance use among adolescents who work part-time while attending high school is that they abuse substances a. b. c. d.

for enjoyment. as a stress reliever. because of peer pressure. to self-medicate for a psychological disorder.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. as a stress reliever. 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_29_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.7 Heather has a part-time job while attending high school full time. According to research, if Heather is living with her middle-class professional parents she is likely to spend her money a. b. c. d.

helping support her parents. solely for her own enjoyment and leisure. on food, rent, and utilities. to save for college.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. solely for her own enjoyment and leisure. TB_11_30_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.8 Suppose you were an adolescent girl in a study about costs and benefits of employment. When asked about the benefits of working, you would likely agree that _________ is one positive factor. a. b. c. d.

access to a mentor connections to school thinking about work during boring classes gaining a sense of responsibility

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 343 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.8 Summarize the positive effects of working on adolescent development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. gaining a sense of responsibility TB_11_31_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Understand_11.9 Generally, adolescents view their part-time jobs as 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

apprenticeships to their school work. the beginning of career development. strongly connected to their postsecondary education. temporary and transient.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 343 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. temporary and transient. TB_11_32_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Apply_11.9 Doug is a young adolescent who is facing a job search right after high school graduation in 2012. How would Doug's job prospects likely compare to his father's job prospects in 1968? a. b. c. d.

Doug has a better chance of getting a good manufacturing job. Doug's father had a better chance at a good manufacturing job. Both Doug and his father have the same opportunity. Neither of them would have an opportunity because they would lack the needed training.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 344 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Doug's father had a better chance at a good manufacturing job. TB_11_33_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.9 Approximately _____ of American emerging adults attend college after graduating from high school a. b. c. d.

20% 50% 70% 80%

Difficulty: 3 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 344 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 70% TB_11_34_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.9 Researchers have revisited the 1988 study "The Forgotten Half" to see if the plight of high school graduates who do not attend college was the same 10 years later. The current study found that a. their job prospects rose as the economy grew in the United States. b. young people who don't attend college still face declining earnings and diminishing expectations. c. high school graduates now have equal opportunities as graduates with associate degrees. d. there were no clear differences after 10 years of study. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 344 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. young people who don't attend college still face declining earnings and diminishing expectations. TB_11_35_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Apply_11.9 In research that investigated the jobs available to high school grads, six "new basic skills" were found to be necessary for job success. If Harjeet is a young girl facing decisions about jobs after high school graduation, which of Harjeet's skills would be considered helpful to her finding a good job? Being able to a. b. c. d.

collaborate in diverse groups. read at an eleventh-grade level or higher. use a computer for mathematical analysis. show excellent leadership skills.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 344-345 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. collaborate in diverse groups. TB_11_36_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.9 Research that calls for the “new basic skills” to help high school students find gainful employment without a college degree outlines six skills that increase success in getting a good job. Which of the following is NOT one of the six skills they specify? a. b. c. d.

solving semistructured problems doing math at a ninth-grade level or higher collaborating in pairs with persons of similar skills communicating effectively orally and in writing

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 344-345 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. collaborating in pairs with persons of similar skills TB_11_37_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.9 According to Murnane & Levy (2004), high schools are failing to connect to the new economy by NOT providing adolescents with what? a. b. c. d.

volunteer opportunities work experience hot lunches computer skills

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 345 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. computer skills TB_11_38_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.11 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

According to the text, all of the U.S. school-to-work and job-training programs tried thus far have a. b. c. d.

met with little or no success. been adopted as a nationwide coordinated program. only been implemented on a limited scale. been federally funded.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 346 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. only been implemented on a limited scale. TB_11_39_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Remember_11.11 According to research conducted on Job Corps results over four years, researchers found a. b. c. d.

participants were more likely to be arrested. higher unemployment rates after the program ended. participants were more likely to earn a GED. less motivation among nonparticipants to be gainfully employed.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 346 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. participants were more likely to earn a GED. TB_11_40_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Understand_11.12 According to the text, at what age do most Western European adolescents enter an apprenticeship program if they have chosen that direction? a. b. c. d.

13 years old 16 years old 18 years old 21 years old 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 347 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. 16 years old TB_11_41_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Analyze_11.12 The American job-training or school-to-work system would be described as being _______ in transparency and _____ in permeability. a. b. c. d.

low; low low; high high; low high; high

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 348 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. low; high TB_11_42_From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job"_Apply_11.12 Rudyard is a 16-year-old living in Germany. In terms of research conducted on adolescent employment, if Rudyard is typical of most adolescents in Western Europe, we can conclude that a. b. c. d.

adolescent employment is nonexistent in Rudyard's country. Rudyard's work is in an apprenticeship program connected to his schooling. in Rudyard's country, most adolescents attend school and work part-time. Rudyard lives in a rural part of the country.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 348 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a "Real Job" Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Rudyard's work is in an apprenticeship program connected to his 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank schooling. TB_11_43_Occupational Choice_Analyze_11.13 In terms of occupational choice, what benefits do adolescents from preindustrial traditional cultures have? a. having the security of growing up knowing their work is important and learning those skills gradually b. having a wide range of choices with little gender bias c. allowing adolescents time to decide on their career choice d. matching their individual talents to their occupations Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 349 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. having the security of growing up knowing their work is important and learning those skills gradually TB_11_44_Occupational Choice_Understand_11.13 In contrast to traditional cultures, adolescents in developed economies a. have security from knowing that they will do what their father and grandfather did. b. have to decide on an achievable career choice. c. only have access to gender-specific career choices. d. realize that they must attend college to achieve occupational success. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 349 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. have to decide on an achievable career choice. TB_11_45_Occupational Choice_Apply_11.13 Shelby is a 20-year-old girl entering the psychology program at her local college. She is 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank doing so because she has decided she wants to work with abused children. According to Super's theory of occupational goals, what stage would Shelby be? a. b. c. d.

Crystallization Consolidation Implementation Specification

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 349 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Specification TB_11_46_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.13 What is the last stage of Super's (1992) theory of the development of occupational goals? a. b. c. d.

Implementation Specification Stabilization Consolidation

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 349 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Consolidation TB_11_47_Occupational Choice_Understand_11.14 One implication that follows from cultures where people are allowed to choose their occupation is that a. b. c. d.

unemployment is lower than in traditional cultures. people have higher levels of depression associated with occupational choice. individuals are able to judge how a job would be suited to their personality. people are less likely to choose academic occupations.

Difficulty: 2 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. individuals are able to judge how a job would be suited to their personality. TB_11_48_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.14 According to Holland's theory (1993) of personality, "conventional" personalities are best suited to be in occupations such as a. b. c. d.

bank tellers. teachers. truck drivers. counselors.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. bank tellers. TB_11_49_Occupational Choice_Apply_11.14 Carl is a young man who is introspective, imaginative, and sensitive. Most people would think of Carl as an unconventional person who loves unstructured activity. According to Holland's personality theory, what "type" is Carl? a. b. c. d.

Intellectual Social Enterprising Artistic

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Artistic 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_50_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.14 The _________ Inventory is a vocational interest inventory used for matching a person with a prospective occupation based on Holland’s theory of personality. a. Jarvis-Selinger b. Novak-Lauscher c. Strong-Campbell d. Woodcock-Johnson Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Strong-Campbell TB_11_51_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.14 According to the text, which of the following illustrates gender socialization? a. teaching girls that math and science should not be male-dominated b. recognizing the developmental period when boys and girls should learn about their own sexuality c. learning that no job is either "male" or "female" but everything is based on talent d. emphasizing to children that a kindergarten teacher should be female while a gym teacher should be male Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 351 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. emphasizing to children that a kindergarten teacher should be female while a gym teacher should be male TB_11_52_Occupational Choice_Apply_11.14 Susanna is an emerging adult who has to think about what career she wants to pursue. She is also acutely aware of the possibility that she may have to leave her work to raise a family and be a mother. According to research, if Susanna is typical of most girls her age she 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

is likely not to let her family aspirations interfere with her career choices. is thinking she will have children before she begins her career. realizes that motherhood may affect her career choices. knows her husband will take a leave of absence to help raise their young children.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 351 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. realizes that motherhood may affect her career choices. TB_11_53_Occupational Choice_Understand_11.14 According to the text, technologically-driven changes in work are likely to a. b. c. d.

allow an increasing proportion of work to be done at home. allow less flexibility in the workplace for both men and women. increase women's second shift because of longer hours at their job. allow men to be the primary caretaker of young children.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 352 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. allow an increasing proportion of work to be done at home. TB_11_54_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Apply_11.16 Imagine you wrote a paper which investigates the connection between unemployment and cultural groups. One likely conclusion your paper would draw is that a. b. c. d.

there is no relationship between culture and unemployment. unemployment is highest among Asian Americans. unemployment is especially high among Black and Latino teenagers. the U.S. has higher unemployment when compared to most European countries.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 353 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. unemployment is especially high among Black and Latino teenagers. TB_11_55_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Remember_11.16 According to the text, who would be considered unemployed? a. b. c. d.

a mother caring for her children a full-time college student a young man who is not looking for a job a woman who has completed her degree but has not yet found a job

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 353 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. a woman who has completed her degree but has not yet found a job TB_11_56_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Remember_11.16 Research completed in the United States shows that lower educational attainment, especially for _______________, leads to more difficulty in finding stable jobs. a. b. c. d.

African Americans Latinos Whites Asian Americans

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 354 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Latinos TB_11_57_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Understand_11.16 In contrast to high school graduates, adolescents who drop out before they graduate are 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank more likely to be a. b. c. d.

underemployed. unemployed. employed. married.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 354 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. unemployed. TB_11_58_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Remember_11.16 According to research, which cultural group has the lowest educational attainment? a. b. c. d.

African Americans Asian Americans Latino Americans White Americans

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 354 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Latino Americans TB_11_59_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Analyze_11.16 According to the text, one implication that follows from increasing technology in manufacturing is a. b. c. d.

higher wages for unskilled U.S. workers. the decline of high-paying, low-skilled manufacturing jobs. factories moving overseas or to the suburbs. an increase in the urban tax base.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 354 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. the decline of high-paying, low-skilled manufacturing jobs. TB_11_60_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Analyze_11.16 According to sociologist William Julius Wilson (1996), what conclusion can we draw about the current system of local funding of schools? The current system a. b. c. d.

is centralized and equal between inner-city and suburban schools. concentrates the most effective school programs in the inner-city areas. perpetuates inequality because poor areas have a smaller tax base. creates an inequality in favor of inner-city schools.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 354 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. perpetuates inequality because poor areas have a smaller tax base. TB_11_61_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Apply_11.16 Georgia is an emerging adult living in Philadelphia. She lives in a downtown apartment with her mother. According to research, Georgia's chances of securing a well-paid job are low because a. b. c. d.

most jobs are being created in rural areas. she does not own a car. she is more likely to have access to many personal contacts for jobs. there are no good colleges in her city.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. she does not own a car.

27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_11_62_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.17 According to research, approximately how many adolescents participate in community service at least once a year? a. b. c. d.

one-third two-thirds one-half three-quarters

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. two-thirds TB_11_63_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Understand_11.17 In contrast to adolescents who don't volunteer, those who do tend to a. b. c. d.

live in a two-parent family. have higher educational goals. be an only child. come from minority backgrounds.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. have higher educational goals. TB_11_64_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Apply_11.17 Julie lives with her mom and dad in Pittsburgh. Julie is an only child and just celebrated her 15th birthday. Her father is a lawyer and her mother volunteers at the YMCA. According to research, what factor in Julie's life is most likely to predict the fact that Julie engages in community service? The fact that a. she lives with both her mom and dad. b. she is 15 years old. 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. her father is a professional. d. her mother volunteers. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. her mother volunteers. TB_11_65_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.17 It "requires a personal investment in which the action of helping others becomes part of one's identity and thus is understood and articulated in terms of what makes one feel good." This statement describes a. b. c. d.

community service. apprenticeships. occupational deviance. international labor regulations.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. community service. TB_11_66_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Understand_11.17 One implication that follows from adolescent community service is that, in contrast to adolescents who don't volunteer, those who do are a. b. c. d.

less likely to be politically active. more likely to become cynical about what volunteering can accomplish. less likely to be reflective on their lives. more likely to be conscious of themselves as citizens.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 356 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank promotes healthy development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. more likely to be conscious of themselves as citizens. TB_11_67_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Apply_11.17 Jenny lives in Alabama and volunteers with the Red Cross four times a month. According to research, when Jenny becomes a young adult, compared to others who have not volunteered, she is a. b. c. d.

more likely to be politically active. less likely to be politically active. more likely to move out of Alabama. more likely to stay in Alabama.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 356 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. more likely to be politically active. TB_11_68_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.18 According to the text, approximately how many Peace Corps volunteers are currently serving? a. b. c. d.

5,000 7,000 15,000 178,000

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 356 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 7,000 TB_11_69_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.18 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Who is most likely to serve in the Peace Corp? a. b. c. d.

An only child A recent university graduate An adolescent from a single-parent family An emerging adult from a traditional culture

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 356 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. A recent university graduate TB_11_70_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Apply_11.18 Gurjit is 18 years old and has just finished a year in Ethiopia with the Peace Corps. Gurjit helped build a school for a small village. When Gurjit returned to the U.S., she was asked if she would make the same decision to go into the Peace Corps again. If Gurjit is like most Peace Corps members, she would most likely respond, a. b. c. d.

"No, I'd never do that again." "Yes, I would make the same decision to join." "Maybe, but I wouldn't go to Africa again." "No comment, and get that microphone out of my face."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 357 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. "Yes, I would make the same decision to join." TB_11_71_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Analyze_11.18 How do the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps differ? a. b. c. d.

AmeriCorps sends volunteers abroad. The Peace Corps is only open to volunteers who are over 25 years old. AmeriCorps does not administer a volunteer program. There is no difference between the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 357 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. AmeriCorps does not administer a volunteer program. TB_11_72_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Apply_11.18 Kendra is a member of AmeriCorps. She has spent two years volunteering as a tutor for children and adults in low-income families. According to the research, if Kendra is like most AmeriCorps volunteers, we can predict that she a. b. c. d.

will not be a volunteer in her adult life. will continue on to the Peace Corps. has significantly gained in all five "life skills areas." will not be able to afford to attend college after AmeriCorps.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 357 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. has significantly gained in all five "life skills areas." TB_11_73_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.18 A recent study reported that Americorps volunteers were higher than a comparison group on all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

understanding community problems. engagement in civic activities. religious devoutness overall life satisfaction.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 357 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. religious devoutness 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_74_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.19 For recent veterans, military service has been found to a. b. c. d.

increase self-confidence and leadership skills. broaden emerging adults intellectually. contribute to alcohol abuse. negatively impact future career choice.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 358 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. increase self-confidence and leadership skills. TB_11_75_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.19 Eamon is interested in enlisting in the military even though he is under no obligation to do so. According to the research cited in the text, which statement is probably TRUE about this young man? a. b. c. d.

He is likely from a high SES background. He tends to have mediocre grades in school. He's likely very interested in attending college. He's probably White.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 358 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. He tends to have mediocre grades in school. True/False TB_11_76_Introduction_Remember_11.1 Industrialization has left adolescents vulnerable to exploitation in unhealthy and unsafe working conditions. 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 332 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_11_77_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Remember_11.2 One way to decrease the exploitation of adolescent and child labor is to lower the number of years children need to legally remain in school. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 336 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_78_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.5 The majority of jobs held by American and Canadian adolescents in high school involve restaurant work. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 339 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True

34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_11_79_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.6 According to research, adolescents who work long hours in high school have lower rates of alcohol use than nonworking adolescents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 341 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_80_Adolescent Work Today_Remember_11.8 Researchers argue that good relationships with adults met in the workplace can be a protective factor for adolescents from stressful family situations. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 343 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.8 Summarize the positive effects of working on adolescent development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_11_81_From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job”_Remember_11.9 Research has concluded that close to half of all 17-year-olds in the United States cannot read or do math at a grade-9 level. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 345 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_11_82_From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job”_Remember_11.11 The United States leads all other countries in implementing and funding school-to-work programs. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 346 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_83_From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job”_Remember_11.11 Research results from JobCorps studies showed that participants were more likely to earn a GED than emerging adults who did not belong to JobCorps. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 346 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_11_84_From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job”_Remember_11.12 A common feature of apprenticeship programs is training which takes place in a classroom setting under simulated working conditions. a. True 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 347 Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_85_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.13 In the crystallization stage, occupational choice becomes more focused. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 349 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_86_Occupational Choice_Remember_11.14 According to Holland's theory of personality, people with conventional personality types tend to have high physical strength and low social understanding. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_87_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Remember_11.15 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank The average American holds 7 to 8 different jobs between the age of 18 and 30. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 353 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.15 Describe the typical experiences of emerging adults in looking for a job. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_88_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.17 Community service involves volunteering to serve members of the young person's community for monetary compensation. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_11_89_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.17 Through the course of volunteer service, adolescents may begin to reassess themselves in terms of seeing themselves as potential political reformers. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 356 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_90_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Remember_11.19 For more recent veterans, since the establishment of the all-volunteer military, the effects of military service have been found to be largely negative. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 358 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_11_91_Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures_Analyze_11.1 Discuss the effects of globalization on traditional cultures. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 333 Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Benefits -- although the globalization of economic life holds the promise of making life better for people around the world, preindustrial economic life can be hard; simply providing the everyday necessities of life is a lot of work without industrialization. Entry into the global economy, however, is usually accompanied by increased access to electricity which often makes preparing food, obtaining water, and performing daily chores considerably easier. Entry into the global economy is also usually accompanied by increased access to education and medical care. • Problems -- can be the potential for increased brutal work in terrible conditions for miserable pay. The burden of much of this work is falling on the shoulders of adolescents because they are more capable than children of doing useful industrial work and less capable than adults of asserting their rights and resisting maltreatment. In India, a particularly brutal system for exploiting adolescent labor is called debt bondage. The worst form of exploitation of adolescents’ work is prostitution. TB_11_92_Adolescent Work Today_Apply_11.7 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Discuss the explanations for why adolescents engage in occupational deviance. Use examples of the deviance to illustrate your point. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 342 Topic: Adolescent Work Today Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Examples of occupational deviance would be -- falsely calling in sick, giving away things free or for less than value, taking things from employer or coworkers, working while drunk or high, putting more hours on timecard than were actually worked, lying to employer to get or keep job, taking money from work, purposely short-changing a customer, or purposely damaging employer's property. • Explanations for occupational deviance may be that work is often boring and tedious, jobs are not seen by the adolescents as leading to anything they plan to be doing in the future, and not much feeling of personal investment in the job. If you get caught doing these things you might get fired but who cares, there are plenty of other jobs of the same type that are easily available. The adolescent workplace has little adult supervision, and adolescents do not feel close to the adults they work with, so they may feel they have little obligation or responsibility to these adults to behave ethically. TB_11_93_Occupational Choice_Understand_11.14 Compare and contrast the six categories in Holland's (1993) theory of personality. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 350 Topic: Occupational Choice Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • Realistic -- high physical strength, practical approach to problem solving, and low social understanding. Best occupations: those that involve physical activity and practical application of knowledge, such as farming, truck driving, and construction. • Investigative -- high on conceptual and theoretical thinking, preference for thinking problems through rather than applying knowledge. Low on social skills. Best occupations: scholarly fields such as math and science. • Social -- high in verbal skills and social skills. Best professions: those that involve working with people, such as teaching, social work, and counseling. • Conventional -- high on following directions carefully, dislike of unstructured activities. Best occupations: those that involve clear responsibilities but require little leadership, such as bank teller or secretary. • Enterprising -- high in verbal abilities, social skills, and leadership skills. Best occupations: sales, politics, management, running a business. • Artistic -- introspective, imaginative, sensitive, unconventional. Best occupations: artistic occupations such as painting or writing fiction. 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_11_94_Work in Emerging Adulthood_Apply_11.15 Meandering or drifting/floundering have been used to describe many emerging adults’ work experiences. Using examples, explain why this description may be accurate. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 353 Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Learning Objective: 11.15 Describe the typical experiences of emerging adults in looking for a job. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • "Meandering" might be a more accurate word or maybe drifting or even floundering than “exploration” -- for many emerging adults, working in their late teens and early 20s simply means finding a job, any job that will pay the bills until something better comes along. • Many emerging adults express a sense that they did not really choose their current job; one day they just found themselves in it, like a ball that rolls randomly on a pocked surface until it lands in one of the holes. • "I just fell into it" is a frequently-used phrase when they describe how they found their current jobs. Their eventual goal is to find a job they love and that fits their interests and abilities, but virtually all of them have many jobs in their late teens and early 20s that have little or nothing to do with this goal. TB_11_95_Volunteer Work—Community Service_Understand_11.17 Discuss the distinct characteristics that contribute to the likelihood that adolescents will engage in community service. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 355 Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: • From the mid-1970s through the present, about 22% of high school seniors have reported taking part in volunteer work on a weekly or monthly basis. An additional 45% have reported yearly participation. • Characteristics -- adolescents who volunteer have a high sense of personal competence, and they tend to have higher educational goals and performance than other adolescents. They tend to have high ideals and to perceive a higher degree of similarity between their "actual selves" and their "ideal selves" than other adolescents do. In addition to wanting to help others, adolescents also volunteer because it gives them a sense of personal satisfaction, they develop a greater sense of social responsibility, and they enjoy doing the work. Adolescents who participate in community service often indicate that one or both parents do so as well. 41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q11.1 Which of the following best summarizes the main forms of work that adolescents in traditional cultures usually engage in? a. Within traditional cultures, adolescents are less likely to be involved in farming because this type of work requires more training and skill development; instead, adolescents are more likely to be involved with care of domestic animals. b. Within traditional cultures, adolescents are less likely to be involved in farming because this type of work requires more training and skill development; instead, adolescents are more likely to be involved in fishing. c. Within traditional cultures, adolescents are less likely to be involved with care of domestic animals because this type of work requires more training and skill development; instead, adolescents are more likely to be involved in farming. d. Within traditional cultures, adolescents are less likely to be involved with care of domestic animals because this type of work requires more training and skill development; instead, adolescents are more likely to be involved in fishing. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.2 Which of the following best summarizes how globalization of economic life in traditional cultures has influenced adolescents’ work? a. Globalization has provided adolescents in traditional cultures with more access to industrial jobs; however, the working conditions of these industrial jobs are hazardous because youth are often locked in hot factories and forced to work 14-hour shifts. b. Globalization has provided adolescents in traditional cultures with more access to technological jobs; however, because youth in these cultures do not experience education on computers and modern technology, they are often fired within 6 months of being hired. c. Globalization has provided adolescents in traditional cultures with more access to agricultural jobs; however, the working conditions of these agricultural jobs are hazardous because youth are often forced to work 24-hour shifts in fields with few water breaks. d. Globalization has provided adolescents in traditional cultures with more access to hospitality jobs; however, the hospitality jobs that adolescents acquire do not 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank offer any career advancement as most youth are placed in janitorial or housekeeping jobs. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.3 Which of the following jobs would an adolescent likely have during the Industrial Revolution in the United States? a. b. c. d.

Working in a coal mine Working on a farm Working as a server in a restaurant Working as a teller in a bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q11.4 Which of the following part-time jobs would a 16-year-old girl growing up in the United States in the 1960s MOST likely have, and why? a. She would most likely work at a store because from 1950 through the 1990s, the fastest-growing sectors of the American economy were retail trade and service. b. She would most likely work as an assistant in a pharmaceutical laboratory, because from 1950 through the 1990s the fastest-growing sector of the American economy was medicine. c. She would most likely work on an assembly line in a shoe factory, because from 1950 through the 1990s the fastest-growing sectors of the American economy were the textile and fashion industries. d. She would most likely work as a farm hand on a large-scale farm, because from 1950 through the 1990s the fastest-growing sector of the American economy was agriculture exports. Answer: a 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain how the frequency and types of adolescent work changed in the West from the early 20th century to the present. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.5 Which of the following BEST reflects the research evidence for late adolescents’ workplace experiences in developed countries today? a. An adolescent works as a busboy in a restaurant cleaning tables about 15 hours per week, and does not feel close to his bosses nor does he see this job as the basis for a future career. b. An adolescent has a job doing lawn work for his neighbors during early spring to late fall in which he mows lawns a few times a week depending on his neighbors’ needs, and he does not see this job as the basis for a future career. c. An adolescent works as an apprentice in a plumbing company learning how to install pipes and small appliances about 20 hours per week, and by working side by side with his mentor he feels close to his mentor and sees this job as the basis for a future career. d. An adolescent works as a salesman in a retail clothing store helping people pick out wardrobes about 15 hours per week, and by obtaining training from his bosses about fashion he feels close to his bosses and sees this job as the basis for a future career. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.6 Researchers have found that working up to ______ hours a week has little to no influence on adolescents’ psychological functioning; however, working ______ hours a week or more has a considerably negative influence on adolescents’ psychological functioning. a. b. c. d.

10; 20 5; 7 15; 20 15; 25

Answer: a 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q11.7 Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence linking working and substance use during adolescence? a. Researchers have found that the link between working and substance use is complex; specifically, adolescents who work long hours may already have a tendency toward substance use, and that tendency may be further amplified by working long hours. b. Researchers have found that the link between working and substance use is direct; specifically, an increase in work hours is associated with increases in substance use. c. Researchers have found that the link between working and substance use is direct; specifically, adolescents who have a tendency for substance use are more likely to work longer hours. d. Researchers have found that the link between working and substance use is complex; specifically, all adolescents have a tendency toward substance use, and that tendency is only revealed among youth who choose to work long hours. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.8 Which of the following BEST reflects the research evidence on the benefits of working conducted by Mortimer and her colleagues? a. Adolescents who have a part-time job feel that working has helped them learn better social skills. b. Adolescents who have a part-time job feel that working has helped them improve their academic grades. c. Adolescents who have a part-time job feel that working has helped them improve their ability to focus while in classes at school. d. Adolescents who have a part-time job feel that working has helped them get a better night’s rest. 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.8 Summarize the positive effects of working on adolescent development. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.9 Based on research conducted by Murnane and Levy on “the new basic skills” that adolescents need to acquire a job directly after graduating from high school, which of the following scenarios BEST reflects an adolescent who is MOST likely to be hired and why? a. George can read and do math at the 9th-grade level and is proficient with operating a computer; George is most likely to be hired because his higher-level math, reading, and computer skills are attractive to the current information- and technology-based economy in America. b. George can read and do math at the 9th-grade level and has good communication skills; George is most likely to be hired because his higher-level math, reading, and communication skills are attractive to the current information- and technology-based economy in America. c. George can read and do math at the 8th-grade level and can work in diverse groups; George is most likely to be hired because his fundamental math, reading, and collaboration skills are attractive to the current farming economy in America. d. George can read and do math at the 8th-grade level and has good communication skills; George is most likely to be hired because his fundamental math, reading, and communication skills are attractive to the current manufacturing economy in America. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q11.10 Because the economy of the 21st century will continue to become ________ based, countries across the world are focusing on helping adolescents develop ________ capabilities that will contribute to services based on technology and science. a. knowledge; intellectual b. knowledge; physical 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. manufacturing; intellectual d. manufacturing; physical Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.10 Summarize the areas where job growth is likely to be strongest in the next decade, and describe the range of approaches countries are using to prepare adolescents for the workplace. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q11.11 Emerging adults who did not go to college but who participated in the Job Corps program are _______ likely to be arrested and _______ likely to earn a GED compared to emerging adults who did not go to college and who did not participate in the Job Corps program. a. b. c. d.

less; more less; equally equally; more equally; less

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q11.12 Which of the following best summarizes the main features of the apprenticeship program in Europe? a. Adolescents in Europe typically enter into an apprenticeship program at age 16 that lasts for 2 to 3 years, during which youth continue to attend school parttime while learning skills from a master across a wide range of professions including auto mechanics, computer technicians, and child-care. b. Adolescents in Europe typically enter into an apprenticeship program at age 14 that lasts for 3 to 5 years, during which youth continue to attend school parttime while learning skills from a master across a wide range of professions including auto mechanics, computer technicians, and child-care. c. Adolescents in Europe typically enter into an apprenticeship program at age 16 that lasts for 2 to 3 years, during which youth continue to attend school parttime while learning skills from a master in a narrow range of craft professions such as carpentry and blacksmithing. 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. Adolescents in Europe typically enter into an apprenticeship program at age 14 that lasts for 3 to 5 years, during which youth continue to attend school parttime while learning skills from a master in a narrow range of craft professions such as carpentry and blacksmithing. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.13 Jasmine is 19 years old and officially declared biology her college major because she wants to become a veterinarian and learned by talking with her academic advisor that the majority of veterinary schools enroll graduates with biology undergraduate degrees. According to Super’s theory of occupational development, at which stage of occupational development is Jasmine? a. b. c. d.

Crystallization Specification Implementation Stabilization

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.14 Which of the following reflects one of the main critiques of Holland’s theory of occupational choice? a. One of the main critiques of Holland’s theory of occupational choice is that because the six personality categories are not mutually exclusive, there is not just one personality type that is best suited to a particular career. b. One of the main critiques of Holland’s theory of occupational choice is that fewer than six personality categories are needed to accurately describe the occupational options that today’s youth pursue. c. One of the main critiques of Holland’s theory of occupational choice is that the six personality categories are dated and do not accurately describe the 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank occupational paths that today’s youth pursue in the worldwide knowledge economy. d. One of the main critiques of Holland’s theory of occupational choice is that the personality categories are biased toward youth in countries that have broad socialization goals. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.15 Which of the following statements best reflects what an emerging adult would say when asked how they found their current career? a. “I just fell into my current job because I was trying to find something to help pay the bills while searching for my dream job”. b. “I found my current job by first picking a college major that best fit my occupational interests, and then I systematically selected and interviewed for jobs that fit those interests and my educational background.” c. “I got my current job so that I could bring in enough cash to pursue an active leisure life, including going to the movies and going out with friends.” d. “I got my current job because my parents stopped giving me money to help pay my bills.” Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.15 Describe the typical experiences of emerging adults in looking for a job. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.16 Which of the following best summarizes one of the main reasons for high unemployment rates among minority emerging adults in urban areas in the United States? a. Unemployment is prevalent among African American and Latino emerging adults living in American cities because these minority groups are more likely to drop out of high school and less likely to obtain higher education that specializes in fields such as information technology that are prominent in America’s economy. 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Unemployment is prevalent among African American and Latino emerging adults living in American cities because these minority groups are more likely to have job demands that prevent them from gaining employment. c. Unemployment is prevalent among African American and Latino emerging adults living in American cities because these minority groups are more likely to stay at home with their families and help raise their younger siblings while their parents work. d. Unemployment is prevalent among African American and Latino emerging adults living in American cities because these minority groups are less likely to be willing to take manufacturing jobs that are highly available in the current American economy. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.17 Garth’s high school requires him to participate in community service before graduation. Garth did not want to volunteer his time and would not have done so without the requirement. How is Garth’s community service participation likely to influence his interest in political and social issues, and why? a. Garth is likely to have an increased interest in political and social issues after participating in community service because despite his resistance to service, the experience likely helped him gain consciousness of his own political socialization. b. Garth is likely to have an increased interest in political and social issues after participating in community service because despite his resistance to service, the experience likely helped him make friends who were more politically conscious. c. Garth is likely to have a decreased interest in political and social issues after participating in community service because the requirement made him feel forced to volunteer and thus increased his resistance to service. d. Garth is likely to have a decreased interest in political and social issues after participating in community service because the experience exposed him to serious issues in America for which he feels any amount of time he volunteers will not make a difference. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Topic: Volunteer Work – Community Service Difficulty: 3 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q11.18 Which of the following activities would an emerging adult who is participating in AmeriCorps most likely be engaged? a. Rehabilitating housing for low-income families in a local, American community b. Rehabilitating housing for low-income families in an international community c. Playing music in a local, American orchestra that provides free concerts to lowincome communities d. Playing music in an international orchestra that provides free concerts to lowincome communities Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Topic: Volunteer Work – Community Service Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q11.19 Which of the following outcomes is common among emerging adults who choose to volunteer for military service in the United States? a. b. c. d.

Increases in self-discipline Increases in fear of death Decreases in self-reliance Decreases in tolerance for international cultures

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. Topic: Volunteer Work – Community Service Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.1.1 Which of the following best depicts the roles of adolescent boys and girls in traditional cultures while hunting? a. Males are typically the primary hunters and adolescent boys learn how to hunt by accompanying their fathers and other men on hunting trips, whereas 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank adolescent girls sometimes assist with the hunting process by setting traps or holding nets to capture animals. b. Males are typically the primary hunters and adolescent boys learn how to hunt by accompanying their fathers and other men on hunting trips, whereas adolescent girls never assist with the hunting process because their main role is to focus on child care and housework. c. Males are typically the primary hunters and adolescent boys learn how to hunt by listening to lectures on hunting strategies by the village elders, whereas adolescent girls sometimes assist with the hunting process by setting traps or holding nets to capture animals. d. Males are typically the primary hunters and adolescent boys learn how to hunt by listening to lectures on hunting strategies by the village elders, whereas adolescent girls never assist with the hunting process because their main role is to focus on child care and housework. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.1.2 Women and adolescent girls in traditional cultures are often responsible for ________, which is foraging for and collecting edible wild fruits and vegetables to contribute to their families’ food supply. The amount of this contribution to the food supply by women is _______ men’s contribution through hunting. a. b. c. d.

gathering; equal to or greater than gathering; less than farming; equal to or greater than farming; less than

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe the main forms that work has taken for adolescents in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.1.3 The International Labor Organization has estimated that more than ________ children and adolescents are employed worldwide, with the largest proportion of adolescent workers in the worst working conditions in the continent of ________. 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

200 million; Asia 200 million; Europe 20 million; Asia 20 million; Europe

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.1.4 Rahul is 12 years old, and his father recently pledged Rahul’s labor to the local carpet weaving factory for the next 5 years in an effort to pay off loan debt. Because of his father’s actions, Rahul is now involved in a system that exploits adolescent labor called _________. a. b. c. d.

debt bondage commercial exploitation feudalism servitude

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.1.5 Which of the following best summarizes and explains any changes in the number of child and adolescent workers from 2000 to 2010 in developing countries as documented by the International Labor Organization (ILO)? a. According to the ILO, the number of child and adolescent workers in developing countries substantially declined from 2000 to 2010 because many countries more strictly enforced laws against child labor and took legislative action to raise the number of years youth are required to attend school. b. According to the ILO, the number of child and adolescent workers in developing countries substantially increased from 2000 to 2010 because many countries needed to supply cheap workers for the growth in industrial jobs created by the globalization of developing countries’ economies. 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. According to the ILO, the number of child and adolescent workers in developing countries substantially declined from 2000 to 2010 because many youth and their families went on strike to protest the hazardous working conditions that youth were forced to endure. d. According to the ILO, the number of child and adolescent workers in developing countries substantially increased from 2000 to 2010 because youth are more educated about technology and are thus better suited for the industrial jobs created by the globalization of developing countries’ economies. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.2 Explain how globalization has both positive and negative effects on adolescents’ work in traditional cultures. Topic: Adolescent Work in Traditional Cultures Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q11.2.1 By 1870 in the United States, young men and women ages 16 to 20 represented about 50% of the workforce in ________ and _______ factories, respectively. a. b. c. d.

textile mill; boot and shoe textile mill; rubber boot and shoe; textile mill boot and shoe; rubber

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.2.2 Which of the following best describes adolescents’ work experiences in the United States during the early 20th century? a. Adolescents were most commonly employed in factories that required them to work about 12 hours for 6 days a week, and youth were two times more likely than adults to sustain accidents and injuries in the factories. b. Adolescent employment was extremely rare during the early 20th century because secondary school attendance was mandatory for all youth younger than 15 years of age.

54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Adolescents were most commonly employed in factories that required them to work about 8 hours for 4 days a week, and youth received the same pay as adults in the factories. d. Adolescents were most commonly employed by their families’ farms, and boys helped their fathers tend crops and girls helped their mothers care for domestic animals. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.2.3 Which of the following best summarizes how adolescents’ work experiences during the early 20th century in the United States influenced their health outcomes? a. Youth who worked in cotton mills were less likely to live beyond 20 years of age compared to youth who did not work in cotton mills. b. Youth who worked in cotton mills were more likely to live beyond 20 years of age compared to youth who did not work in cotton mills. c. Youth who worked in textile mills received so much exposure to the materials that they became immune to tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. d. Youth who worked in factories were two times less likely to sustain injuries than youth who did not work in factories. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.3 Summarize the types and conditions of adolescent work in the West before 1900. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.2.4 By 1940 in the United States, adolescents lived in two separate worlds as about ______ of 14to 17-year-olds were in high school and about ______ were employed full-time. a. b. c. d.

70%; 30% 80%; 20% 90%; 10% 60%; 40%

Answer: a 55 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.2.5 Which of the following best summarizes and explains the differences in current adolescent employment rates in developed countries? a. The United States’ current adolescent employment rate is 80%, which is the highest among developed countries, and Canada’s rate is 45%, while Japan’s rate is almost 0%; furthermore, these differences mostly exist because adolescents in the United States have shorter school days and less homework, leaving more time for part-time jobs. b. The United States’ current adolescent employment rate is 60%, which is the highest among developed countries, and Canada’s rate is 25%, while Japan’s rate is almost 0%; furthermore, these differences mostly exist because adolescents in the United States have shorter school days and less homework, leaving more time for part-time jobs. c. The United States’ current adolescent employment rate is almost 0%, which is the lowest among developed countries, and Canada’s rate is 45%, while Japan’s rate is 80%; furthermore, these differences mostly exist because adolescents in the United States have longer school days and more homework, leaving less time for part-time jobs. d. The United States’ current adolescent employment rate is almost 0%, which is the lowest among developed countries, and Canada’s rate is 25%, while Japan’s rate is 60%; furthermore, these differences mostly exist because adolescents in the United States have longer school days and more homework, leaving less time for part-time jobs. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain how the frequency and types of adolescent work changed in the West from the early 20th century to the present. Topic: The History of Adolescent Work in the West Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q11.3.1 Among American early adolescents, the most common first job held by girls is ________ and the most common first job held by boys is ________. a. babysitting; yard work b. babysitting; grocery bagger 56 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. hostess; yard work d. hostess; grocery bagger Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize adolescents’ workplace experiences in Canada and the United States. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.3.2 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for how the number of hours an adolescent works in his part-time job is likely to be related to his psychological and physical health? a. An adolescent who works more than 10 hours a week is likely to report high levels of depression and anxiety and is also likely to report getting less sleep and having less time for exercise. b. An adolescent who works more than 15 hours a week is likely to report getting more sleep and spending more time exercising. c. An adolescent who works more than 20 hours a week is likely to report higher self-esteem from taking on work responsibilities. d. An adolescent who works more than 15 hours a week is likely to report low levels of depression and anxiety and is also likely to report getting more sleep and having more time for exercise. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.6 Identify the ways working in adolescence is related to psychological functioning, and specify the number of hours per week where the relation becomes evident. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.3.3 Researchers have suggested that which of the following might best explain the higher rates of substance use among adolescents who work? a. Adolescents who work in jobs with a high level of stress are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, which suggests that substance use may be serving as a stress reliever. b. Adolescents who work in jobs that have later evening hours are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, which suggests that substance use may occur as a result of a lack of monitoring by adults at night. 57 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. Adolescents who work in jobs with a low level of stress are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, which suggests that substance use may be serving as a way to entertain youth because their jobs are boring. d. Adolescents who work in jobs that tend to employ their friends are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, which suggests that substance use may occur because youth are using it as a means to bond with friends. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.7 Describe how working promotes problem behavior in adolescence. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.3.4 Research by Mortimer and her colleagues found that more than 80% of adolescent boys and girls reported that working has helped them improve their _________. a. b. c. d.

responsibility occupational skills money management skills work ethics

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.8 Summarize the positive effects of working on adolescent development. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.3.5 Research by Mortimer and her colleagues found that one of the most commonly reported costs of employment reported by adolescents is ________. a. b. c. d.

less time for homework less time for socializing with family having to give the money earned from their job to their family receiving no benefits, such as health insurance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.8 Summarize the positive effects of working on adolescent development. Topic: Adolescent Work Today Difficulty: 1 58 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q11.4.1 Among the _______ of adolescents today who are called “The Forgotten Half” because they begin full-time work after high school instead of attending college, reading and writing at the ________ grade level are integral skills for obtaining a job in America’s current economy. a. b. c. d.

30%; 9th 50%; 9th 30%; 11th 50%; 11th

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.9 Identify the skills adolescents need to learn to be prepared for jobs in today’s economy. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.4.2 Which of the following best summarizes the Job Corps program? a. The Job Corps program is the largest government job-training program in the United States, in which about 60,000 youth ages 16 to 24 are accepted into the program every year and live on site while receiving occupational and educational training. b. The Job Corps program is the largest government job-training program in the United States, in which about 60,000 youth ages 13 to 21 are accepted into the program every year and live on site while receiving occupational and educational training. c. The Job Corps program is the largest government job-training program in the United States, in which about 6 million youth ages 16 to 24 are accepted into the program every year and live on site while receiving occupational and educational training. d. The Job Corps program is the largest government job-training program in the United States, in which about 6 million youth ages 13 to 21 are accepted into the program every year and live on site while receiving occupational and educational training. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.11 Describe the Job Corps program, and summarize the research on its effectiveness. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 2 59 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q11.4.3 The European school-to-work system has a ________ level of _________ compared to the American system, because the educational and training requirements for various occupations in Europe are clearly laid out and young people are well informed about them from an early age. a. b. c. d.

higher; transparency higher; permeability lower; transparency lower; permeability

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.4.4 The American school-to-work system has a ________ level of ________ compared to the European system, because it is relatively easy for youth to change educational or career paths in the United States. a. b. c. d.

higher; permeability higher; transparency lower; permeability lower; transparency

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.12 Identify the main characteristics of apprenticeship programs in Europe. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.4.5 Which of the following reflects what adolescents growing up in India would experience as part of their school curriculum to prepare them for the 21st-century knowledge-based economy? a. Mastering basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills 60 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Having a wide selection of classes in their academic curriculum c. Having a narrow selection of classes in their academic curriculum d. Mastering a high level of computer, economic, and science skills Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.10 Summarize the areas where job growth is likely to be strongest in the next decade, and describe the range of approaches countries are using to prepare adolescents for the workplace. Topic: From School and Part-Time Work to a “Real Job” Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.5.1 According to Super’s theory of occupational development, the ________ stage is characterized by emerging adults ages 21 to 24 who are completing their education or training and entering the job itself. a. b. c. d.

implementation crystallization stabilization consolidation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.5.2 Which of the following reflects one of the main critiques of Super’s theory of occupational development? a. One of the main critiques of Super’s theory of occupational development is that progression through the stages is assumed to be linear when in fact most of today’s youth will change career directions at least once. b. One of the main critiques of Super’s theory of occupational development is that the stages are biased toward youth in developed countries who have more access to higher education. c. One of the main critiques of Super’s theory of occupational development is that more than five stages are needed to accurately describe the varied educational and occupational paths that today’s youth pursue.

61 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. One of the main critiques of Super’s theory of occupational development is that the stages should begin in childhood, instead of adolescence, because that is when the creation of future occupational and educational goals begins. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.13 Summarize Super’s theory of occupational development and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.5.3 According to Holland’s theory of occupational choice, the personality category that reflects a low level of social skills and a preference for the practical application of knowledge is the _________ category. a. b. c. d.

realistic investigative conventional artistic

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.5.4 Holland’s theory of occupational choice focuses on matching _________ characteristics typical of people who hold various jobs to adolescents who aspire to those jobs; furthermore, Holland’s theory suggests that there is a _________ association between occupational match and occupational success. a. b. c. d.

personality; positive intellectual; positive personality; negative intellectual; negative

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 1 62 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q11.5.5 Benjamin is a freshman in college and is working with a career counselor to help him gain insight into fields that might be best for him to pursue. As a part of the career counseling process, he took the Strong-Campbell Vocational Interest Inventory and scored highly on the section that assesses interpersonal skills. What types of occupations is Benjamin’s career counselor likely to recommend, and why? a. Because Benjamin scored highly in the Social personality category, his career counselor is likely to recommend occupations that involve working with people, such as teaching, social work, and counseling. b. Because Benjamin scored highly in the Investigative personality category, his career counselor is likely to recommend occupations that involve critical thinking, such as scholarly research in math and science. c. Because Benjamin scored highly in the Social personality category, his career counselor is likely to recommend occupations that involve working with people, such as scholarly research in math and science. d. Because Benjamin scored highly in the Investigative personality category, his career counselor is likely to recommend occupations that involve critical thinking, such as teaching, social work, and counseling. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.14 Summarize Holland’s theory of occupational choice and identify its limitations. Topic: Occupational Choice Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q11.6.1 Adolescents typically have jobs to facilitate __________, whereas emerging adults typically have jobs to facilitate __________. a. b. c. d.

leisure activities; identity development leisure activities; financing college identity development; leisure activities financing college; leisure activities

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.15 Describe the typical experiences of emerging adults in looking for a job. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 63 ..

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EOM_Q11.6.2 Emerging adults are MOST likely to have more than ________ jobs during emerging adulthood and experience periods of _________. a. b. c. d.

10; unemployment 10; overemployment 5; unemployment 5; overemployment

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.15 Describe the typical experiences of emerging adults in looking for a job. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.6.3 Which of the following is MOST likely to be unemployed in the United States? a. b. c. d.

A 23-year-old African American who dropped out of high school A 28-year-old African American who dropped out of high school A 23-year-old African American who is in college full-time A 28-year-old African American who is in college part-time

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.6.4 A main factor that has contributed to the high rate of unemployment among African American and Latino emerging adults living in American cities today has been a decline in ___________ manufacturing jobs over the past 30 years. a. b. c. d.

high-paying, low skill high-paying, high skill low-paying, low skill low-paying, high skill

Answer: a 64 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.6.5 Sociologist William Julius Wilson proposed an approach to address urban poverty and unemployment among young people. One of the steps in this approach includes developing job information and placement centers in urban areas. Which of the four steps does this strategy reflect? a. b. c. d.

Improve access to employment Upgrade education Improve school-to-work programs Provide government-funded public service jobs

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.16 Summarize the main reasons for high unemployment rates among emerging adults in urban areas in the United States. Topic: Work in Emerging Adulthood Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.7.1 Which of the following outcomes is common among adolescents who participate in community service? a. b. c. d.

A high level of personal competence A high level of helplessness A high level of self-admiration A high level of religiosity

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.17 Summarize the ways community service in adolescence promotes healthy development. Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.7.2 How do most emerging adults who participate in the Peace Corps feel about their time there? 65 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

They report they would be highly likely to participate again. They report they would be highly unlikely to participate again. They report they are unsure whether they would participate again. They report they would be open to participate if the pay were higher.

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.7.3 Which of the following outcomes is common among emerging adults who participate in AmeriCorps? a. b. c. d.

Increases in analytical problem solving Increases in a desire to travel internationally Increases in discriminatory attitudes Decreases in tolerance for the American political system

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.18 Describe the main forms of community service in emerging adulthood. Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q11.7.4 Which of the following is MOST likely to volunteer for military service in the United States? a. An African American who comes from a low-socioeconomic family and has a C average in high school. b. An African American who comes from a low-socioeconomic family and has mostly A grades in high school. c. A White person who comes from a low-socioeconomic family and has a C average in high school. d. A White person who comes from a low-socioeconomic family and has mostly A grades in high school. Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. 66 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q11.7.5 Adolescents in developing countries are often abducted from their families and forced to participate in warfare, and they are called _________. Researchers have found that youth who engage in this experience for less than 6 months refer to themselves as ________ of the warfare organization. a. b. c. d.

child soldiers; victims child soldiers; members adolescent soldiers; victims adolescent soldiers; members

Answer: a Learning Objective: 11.19 Compare and contrast the military experiences of emerging adults in the United States and adolescents in developing countries. Topic: Volunteer Work—Community Service Difficulty: 1

67 ..


Topic Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Controversial Media

Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice

True/False Short Essay The Future of Multiple Choice Media Use True/False Short Essay

Chapter 12 Media

Remember the Facts 1, 3-7, 1112, 16-17, 20-22, 24 74-79

Understand the Concepts 10, 25-26, 28, 31

Apply What You Know 8, 13-15, 1819, 27, 32-34

Analyze It 2, 9, 23, 29-30


80 91 47, 51, 58

35-36, 38, 40-46, 48, 52-54, 5657, 59-62 81-86


37, 49-50, 55

65, 68-70, 72-73 87-90

66, 71

63-64, 67 95

1 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_12_01_Introduction_Remember_12.1 At the beginning of the chapter, the author uses the example of the Disney movie "The Program" to illustrate the a. b. c. d.

effects of globalization. lack of parental control. power of advertising. complexity of media effects on adolescents.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 362 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. complexity of media effects on adolescents. TB_12_02_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.1 Rates of media usage are rather easy to establish, but the question of ________ are complex. a. b. c. d.

how adolescents use media and how it is part of their socialization experiences production and distribution of media technological features of media the availability and cost of regularly interacting with media

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 362 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. how adolescents use media and how it is part of their socialization experiences TB_12_03_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.1 Kyla is asking her parents for a cell phone, and they tell her that a 13-year old girl does not need one. Kyla argues that all of her friends have phones, and that she doesn’t see why she can't have one too. According to the Pew Research Center, Kyla is correct, as ______ percent of adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age have access to a digital device. a. 62 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. 74 c. 88 d. 95 Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 362 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. 88 TB_12_04_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.1 More and more, the primary manner in which adolescents interact with media is through the use of a. b. c. d.

television. satellite radio programming. digital devices. virtual reality.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 362 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. digital devices. TB_12_05_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.1 According to the Pew Research Center (Lenhart, 2015), the average adolescent sends about _______ text messages per day. a. b. c. d.

15 30 45 60

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 362-363 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in 3 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 30 TB_12_06_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.1 The Internet is perhaps the greatest invention in human history for providing a. b. c. d.

sexual exploitation. peace. access to information. direct communication.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 363 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. access to information. TB_12_07_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.2 Which of the following is NOT one of the theories of media influence discussed in this chapter? a. b. c. d.

Uses and gratification approach The cognitive developmental approach Social Learning Theory Cultivation Theory

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 363-365 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. The cognitive developmental approach TB_12_08_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.2 All of her life, 15-year-old Trina has watched American television shows depicting life in a middle-class, two-parent home. Trina believes that this type of family life is typical of life in 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank America. This example best illustrates a. b. c. d.

Cultivation Theory Sensation seeking approach Uses and gratification approach Social Learning Theory

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 363 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Cultivation Theory TB_12_09_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.2 Studies finding that heavier exposure to sexual content on TV is related to earlier initiation of sexual intercourse are guided by which of the following theoretical frameworks? a. b. c. d.

Cultivation Theory Social Learning Theory Uses and gratification approach Sensation seeking approach

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. Social Learning Theory TB_12_10_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Understand_12.2 The uses and gratification approach emphasizes that consumers a. b. c. d.

tend to blindly follow media trends. are active participants in their use of media. are highly critical of the media forms and content. are easily influenced by media consumption.

Difficulty: 3 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. are active participants in their use of media. TB_12_11_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.2 Research by Jane Brown and colleagues (2006, 2014) has shown that adolescents are active consumers who use media for a variety of purposes. This best reflects the a. b. c. d.

uses and gratification approach. negative effects of media. impact of technology on adolescents. displacement effect.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. uses and gratification approach. TB_12_12_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 The most common reason that adolescents state for listening to music is to a. b. c. d.

relate to others. have fun. dance with potential romantic interests. waste time.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 365 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. have fun. TB_12_13_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 6 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Saroj loves listening to her favorite band, No Doubt. Recently, Saroj read an interview of the lead singer and decided, "I like her attitude. She always makes up her own mind. I hope I'm like her when I'm that age." Which of the following uses of media is best represented in this scenario? a. b. c. d.

coping entertainment identity formation sensation seeking

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 365 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. identity formation TB_12_14_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 Robbie is in 10th grade and edits the school poetry magazine. He hopes to be a published writer and win a scholarship to a fine arts college. He says he became interested in poetry two years ago when he watched a television show about Jack Kerouac. This situation best illustrates media use and a. b. c. d.

identity formation. entertainment. coping strategies. displacement effect.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 365 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. identity formation. TB_12_15_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 Sheldon is a huge fan of heavy metal music. His bedroom walls are plastered with posters of Slayer, Metallica, and Led Zeppelin. Sheldon practices guitar daily and hopes to have a career in music -- if not as a "guitar god," then as a studio musician. Which of the following 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank uses of media is best represented in this scenario? a. b. c. d.

sensation seeking coping identity formation entertainment

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 365 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. identity formation TB_12_16_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 Which of the following is NOT specified as one of five common uses of media by adolescents? a. b. c. d.

entertainment coping cognitive development identity formation

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 365-366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. cognitive development TB_12_17_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 The extent to which a person enjoys novelty and intensity of sensation best describes the personality characteristic known as a. b. c. d.

sensation seeking. sensationalism. sensory stimulation. sensuality.

Difficulty: 1 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. sensation seeking. TB_12_18_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 When Nand feels angry, he goes home and listens to heavy metal music. According to research on coping, if Nand is typical of adolescent heavy metal fans, which of the following may we predict is the most likely effect? After listening to the music for a while, Nand a. b. c. d.

calms down. feels angrier. writes a song. withdraws.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. calms down. TB_12_19_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 Jarrett is angry. He puts on his headphones and blasts his favorite band, Megadeth. Based on research, what effect could we predict this to have? Jarrett a. b. c. d.

freaks out and punches a hole in his bedroom wall. listens to the songs and eventually calms down. stays in his room and is very depressed. gets in a fight with his brother.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. listens to the songs and eventually calms down. 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_12_20_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 Which of the following groups is the primary target audience for action films? a. b. c. d.

males in middle adulthood males in adolescence and emerging adulthood males and females in emerging adulthood males and females in adolescence

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. males in adolescence and emerging adulthood TB_12_21_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 Research finds that early adolescents who experience increasing problems at school, at home, and with friends are likely to a. b. c. d.

spend more time listening to music. spend more time with friends and family. spend less time listening to music or watching TV. quit watching TV altogether.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. spend more time listening to music. TB_12_22_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 Bryan moved from New York to Los Angeles during the 9th grade. Bryan is an avid fan of rap music and was happy to discover many of the boys his age in his new neighborhood listen to the same music as his friends back on the East Coast. Which of the following uses of media is best represented in this scenario? a. identity formation 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. coping c. sensation seeking d. youth subculture identification Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. youth subculture identification TB_12_23_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.4 The most important result of 20th century media, such as television and radio, was the creation of a new source of a. b. c. d.

gratification. socialization. cognitive development. gender identification.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. socialization. TB_12_24_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.4 According to a 1999 national survey, the highest percentage of adolescents reported that they "learn a lot from" a. b. c. d.

their mothers and fathers. brothers and sisters. books and newspapers television and movies.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. television and movies. TB_12_25_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Understand_12.4 A society offering a tremendous diversity of media is most likely to be associated with which of the following values? a. b. c. d.

conformity collectivism individualism gratification

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. individualism TB_12_26_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Understand_12.4 Legal prohibition of music and lyrics that promote hate is not likely in the United States because of the a. b. c. d.

protection of free speech via the First Amendment. media's ethical marketing practices. lack of racism in industrialized countries. widespread dislike of censorship among parents.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. protection of free speech via the First Amendment. TB_12_27_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.5 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Which of the following is NOT an example of a qualitative research method? a. b. c. d.

Adolescents take researchers on "tours" of their bedrooms. High school students interview each other about media use. Adolescents keep daily journals about gender stereotypes in media. Students answer questionnaires about the frequency and type of media use.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. Students answer questionnaires about the frequency and type of media use. TB_12_28_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Understand_12.5 One researcher asks adolescents to keep a daily journal related to specific sensitive topics. A second asks high school students to interview each other about their use of media in their homes. A third researcher takes "tours" of student's bedrooms and the students explain their various possessions that are special or meaningful. What do these three research approaches have in common? a. b. c. d.

They are all quantitative methods. None of them will require any analysis of the gathered data. They are all qualitative methods. They would all be considered unethical according to APA standards.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. They are all qualitative methods. TB_12_29_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.5 Adolescents have greater control over their socialization from media than they do over socialization from family or school because the media are 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

largely market-driven. directed toward encouraging adolescents to be good citizens. chosen by parents and other adults. limited in scope.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 367-368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. largely market-driven. TB_12_30_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.5 What is meant by the following statement? "The socializing provided by media goes over the head of other socializing adults in an adolescent's environment?" a. Adolescents use media in every aspect of their lives, from home to school to recreational time. b. Adolescents can avoid the restrictions their parents place on media use if they are determined to do so. c. There is a lot of diversity in media, and adolescents can get information from a variety of sources. d. Adults are generally not technologically savvy enough to understand the way adolescents use media. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. Adolescents can avoid the restrictions their parents place on media use if they are determined to do so. TB_12_31_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Understand_12.5 It is difficult for parents to impose restrictions on adolescents' media consumption because a. schools generally do not support parents' efforts to guide their children. b. parents and adolescents spend a lot of time away from each other. c. adolescents are less independent today than in earlier times. 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. the content of most media is not understood by adults. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. parents and adolescents spend a lot of time away from each other. TB_12_32_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.5 Eli often looks to the media -- television, radio, the Internet -- for information that he is uncomfortable asking his parents or friends. For Eli, media is acting as a(n) ________. a. b. c. d.

super peer reference group encyclopedia normative standard

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 369 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. super peer TB_12_33_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.5 Marcella enjoys watching YouTube videos that feature an adolescent that is about her own age named Trixie. Trixie likes to use foul language, speak about sexual issues and drug use, and tries to glorify her own illegal use of alcohol. Marcella knows that her parents would be disturbed by these videos, but watching them serves which function? a. b. c. d.

high-sensation entertainment coping youth culture identification

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 369 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. youth culture identification TB_12_34_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.5 Basima is an adolescent girl who lives in rural Morocco. Her brother, Mohan is allowed to go to movies at the local theater. Basima's parents told her that she is not allowed to go to movies because they don't want to subject her to shame. This situation best illustrates which of the following? a. Narrower gender socialization for girls is reflected in differential gender access to media. b. Basima's parents do not love her. c. Basima's parents do not adhere to ideas of traditional gender socialization. d. Basima's brother is atypically rebellious. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. Narrower gender socialization for girls is reflected in differential gender access to media. TB_12_35_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 Most of the research connecting media with the promotion of violence has focused on a. b. c. d.

television. computer games. music. magazines.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. television.

16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_12_36_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 The majority of research on media and violence has studied a. b. c. d.

infants. adolescents. preadolescent children. emerging adults.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. preadolescent children. TB_12_37_Controversial Media_Apply_12.6 Paritha is participating in a study in which her behaviors are studied in a natural setting. This is an example of a(n) ________ study. a. b. c. d.

field analog between subjects longitudinal

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. field TB_12_38_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 It is difficult to make a clear link between viewing violent television and aggressive behavior in adolescents because most of the research is a. b. c. d.

outdated. correlational. Canadian. experimental. 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. correlational. TB_12_39_Controversial Media_Understand_12.6 Because most studies on adolescents and television violence are correlational, it is a. pointless to study the possible causes of aggressive behavior. b. not possible to prove from these studies that television causes aggressive behavior. c. likely that television violence is not associated with aggressive behavior. d. important not to restrict adolescents' television viewing. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. not possible to prove from these studies that television causes aggressive behavior. TB_12_40_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 A famous longitudinal study linking aggression to the viewing of television violence was conducted by a. b. c. d.

Eron and Huesmann. Brown and Steele. Becker and Fagan. Rogers and Coombs.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 371 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: a. Eron and Huesmann. TB_12_41_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 According to the longitudinal research of Eron and Huesmann, boys who had _______ at age 8 were more likely to be arrested, have traffic violations, and abuse their own children when they were 30. a. b. c. d.

been victims of parental neglect or abuse viewed pornography played violent video games watched violent television

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 371 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. watched violent television TB_12_42_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 Which of the following is an accurate statement about the children in the Multitel community contained in the research study conducted by MacBeth (2006)? a. b. c. d.

They had exposure to television with multiple channels. The children were raised in communal neighborhoods. All of the kids in this community were raised in multiethnic families. None of these children had adequate medical care, and some had never been to a physician.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 371 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. They had exposure to television with multiple channels. TB_12_43_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 A study conducted in a Canadian community, called "Notel" by the researchers, revealed that aggressive behavior in children ________ after television was introduced to a community. 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

remained the same decreased increased virtually disappeared

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 371 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. increased TB_12_44_Controversial Media_Remember_12.7 One recent study of children from 6 to 16 years of age in Europe and Israel found that they averaged more than ________ each day playing video games. a. b. c. d.

a half hour one hour two hours three hours

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 372 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. a half hour TB_12_45_Controversial Media_Remember_12.7 Analyses of the most popular electronic games found that ____ percent of them contained violence. a. b. c. d.

50 65 75 90

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 372 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 90 TB_12_46_Controversial Media_Remember_12.7 According to research, many of adolescents' favorite computer games involve a. b. c. d.

sexual imagery. team sports. violence. music.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 372 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. violence. TB_12_47_Controversial Media_Analyze_12.7 Some experimental research randomly assigns participants to play regular video games or violent video games, followed by conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships between such video games and aggressive behaviors. From a uses and gratification perspective, what is the primary problem with this type of approach? a. It does not appropriately operationalize what does or does not qualify as a "violent video game." b. It neglects to consider that cause-and-effect conclusions cannot be drawn from experimental research approaches. c. It does not take into account the fact that people in the real world make their own choices about what media to use. d. It assumes that all participants will have the same opinion about whether or not a video game is violent in nature. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 372-373 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. It does not take into account the fact that people in the real world make their own choices about what media to use. TB_12_48_Controversial Media_Remember_12.8 What type of music was criticized in the 1920s for promoting promiscuity and alcohol use? a. b. c. d.

classical jazz rock alternative

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 373 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. jazz TB_12_49_Controversial Media_Apply_12.8 Cindy is an adolescent in the 1920s; if her parents are worried that the music she is listening to will promote promiscuity and encourage her to drink alcohol, what type of music is she likely to be listening to? a. b. c. d.

jazz rock classical alternative

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 373 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. jazz TB_12_50_Controversial Media_Apply_12.8 Rhys, an American adolescent, is listening to his new favorite musical group. What genre of 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank music is this group likely to fall under? a. b. c. d.

hip-hop rock heavy metal alternative

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 373 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. hip-hop TB_12_51_Controversial Media_Analyze_12.8 Hip-hop music has been criticized for all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

it's negative views toward Whites and Asians actively encouraging rebellion against the United States government implying that Black men are misogynistic and violent suggesting that Black men are sex-obsessed

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 373-374 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. actively encouraging rebellion against the United States government TB_12_52_Controversial Media_Remember_12.8 Elvis's career got its initial burst through what form of media? a. b. c. d.

radio television newspaper movies

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 374 Topic: Controversial Media 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. radio TB_12_53_Controversial Media_Remember_12.8 Many people who are fans of hip-hop believe that the violent lyrics reflect a. b. c. d.

comical depictions of police and other authority figures. grim conditions of inner-city life for Black American youth. the wasteland that is popular music. the stereotype of young Black men as criminals.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 374 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. grim conditions of inner-city life for Black American youth. TB_12_54_Controversial Media_Remember_12.8 Elvis's first performance on The Ed Sullivan Show still ranks as the highest rated television show ever broadcast in the U.S. Approximately _____ of the television sets in the country tuned in. a. b. c. d.

56% 83% 92% 98%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 375 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 83% TB_12_55_Controversial Media_Apply_12.9 24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank A character in a movie is wearing a t-shirt with a Nike logo and drinking a Pepsi. These are examples of a. b. c. d.

product placement. billboarding. guerilla marketing. free advertising.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 375 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. product placement. TB_12_56_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 According to the text, the most controversial form of advertising in relation to adolescents has been ________ advertising. a. b. c. d.

alcohol cigarette condom cosmetics

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 375 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. cigarette TB_12_57_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 Advertising cigarettes in television and radio has been illegal in the U.S. since a. b. c. d.

1956. 1971. 1989. 2000.

Difficulty: 3 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 375 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 1971. TB_12_58_Controversial Media_Analyze_12.9 A major criticism of cigarette advertising is that it is a. b. c. d.

too sexy. targeted toward the middle class. targeted toward adolescents. directed primarily at women.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 375 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. targeted toward adolescents. TB_12_59_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 According to Haas and Schafer (2014), what percentage of smokers begin smoking by age 18? a. b. c. d.

25 50 70 90

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 376 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. 90 TB_12_60_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

According to a study by Arnett & Terhanian (1998), which cigarette brand was most likely to have adolescents report that they'd seen an advertisement for the product more than six times, liked the advertisement the most, and was most likely to believe that the ad made smoking more appealing? a. b. c. d.

Lucky Strike Marlboro Benson & Hedges Camel

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 376 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. Camel TB_12_61_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 Research has found that the effect of advertising on brand choice for cigarettes and tobacco was ______ times as strong for adolescents as for adults. a. b. c. d.

three five seven nine

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 376 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. three TB_12_62_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 The "Joe Camel" campaign provides evidence of how targeted advertising impacts adolescents' a. cigarette brand choice. b. age to begin smoking. 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. attitudes toward parents. d. realization of smoking risks. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 376 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. cigarette brand choice. TB_12_63_The Future of Media Use_Apply_12.10 Marina is a 15-year-old girl who has a profile on Facebook and Snapchat. Marina mainly uses these sites to a. b. c. d.

check sports updates. look at weather reports. keep in touch with friends. text her classmates.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 377 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. keep in touch with friends. TB_12_64_The Future of Media Use_Apply_12.10 Vicente wants to sign up for an account on a social media website. He decides to join the service that has the highest number of users across the planet. Vicente will be creating a profile on a. b. c. d.

Instagram. Facebook. Snapchat. Pinterest.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 377 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank and emerging adults. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. Facebook. TB_12_65_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 According to the 2012 study by Common Sense Media, around 45% of adolescents polled reported that they get frustrated with friends for doing what? a. texting or social networking when they are out together b. talking too much about their boyfriend or girlfriend c. watching television or talking on the phone when they should be studying for school d. having other friends with whom they spend more time Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. texting or social networking when they are out together. TB_12_66_The Future of Media Use_Understand_12.11 The digital divide is a concept which, according to recent research, is a. b. c. d.

diminishing for technology users in developed countries. increasing between African American and White families. decreasing between adolescents and emerging adults. increasing among socioeconomic classes in the majority culture.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. diminishing for technology users in developed countries. TB_12_67_The Future of Media Use_Apply_12.11 Airin lives in Malaysia and Craig lives in Manhattan. They are both 15 years old and have 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank met over the Internet. Airin and Craig both love the same television shows and music. This scenario is most illustrative of which of the following concepts? a. b. c. d.

adolescent egocentrism displacement effect globalization consumerism

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. globalization TB_12_68_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.10 According to a national survey of American adolescents, the use of social media has been found to make them feel more ________ and at the same time less ________. a. b. c. d.

shy; sympathetic to others confident; outgoing depressed; popular outgoing; shy

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. outgoing; shy TB_12_69_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 Among the adolescent girls of ________, attending a movie -- any movie -- is regarded as shameful. Only 20% of girls in this country have ever been to see a movie in a theater. a. b. c. d.

India Morocco Sri Lanka Laos 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 379 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. Morocco TB_12_70_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 According to research, in which of the following areas were striking changes observed in Inuit adolescents' behavior after the introduction of television? a. b. c. d.

romantic relationships and education education and competitive sports competitive sports and dancing romantic relationships and competitive sports

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 380 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. romantic relationships and competitive sports TB_12_71_The Future of Media Use_Understand_12.11 The example of the Kathmandu rock band that recorded an original Nepali language album in the style of the Beatles best reflects which of the following? a. b. c. d.

the combination of local culture with imported Western styles the Nepalese people's historical affinity with the United Kingdom a rejection of Western culture by traditional musicians a means used by Nepalese youth to make sense of their lives

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 381 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. the combination of local culture with imported Western styles 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_12_72_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 The use of the English terms teen and teenager in Nepal refers to a(n) ________ category rather than an age category. a. b. c. d.

economic gender social psychological

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 381 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. social TB_12_73_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 Which of the following researchers conducted an ethnographic study of adolescents in Nepal? a. b. c. d.

Kinney Mead Liechty Arnett

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 381 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Liechty True/False TB_12_74_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.1 American adolescents typically spend about 8 hours per day using media. a. True b. False 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 363 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_75_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.2 Mean World Syndrome suggests that the more people watch television, the less likely they are to believe that the world is dangerous, that crime rates are rising, and that they are likely to be the victim of a crime. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 363 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_76_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.2 Cultivation Theory argues that people will be more likely to imitate behaviors they see frequently performed by models who are rewarded or at least not punished. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_77_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Adolescents and emerging adults tend to be higher in sensation seeking than adults. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_78_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.3 For a majority of music fans, listening to music appears to be a helpful emotional outlet. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 366 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_79_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Remember_12.4 In Germany, there is no law that prohibits music lyrics from expressing hatred or advocating violence toward minorities. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False 34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_12_80_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.5 Because adolescents can make choices related to their media use that some adults might find troublesome, the media bears some similarity to an adolescent's peers. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. True TB_12_81_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 According to research, the majority of violent crimes are committed by young males aged 15 to 25. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_82_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 Most of the studies on adolescents and television violence are correlational studies, thus cause-and-effect conclusions cannot be made. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 370 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_83_Controversial Media_Remember_12.6 Research has shown that there is no significant correlation between adolescents' aggressiveness and their preferences for watching violent television. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 370 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_84_Controversial Media_Remember_12.7 When adolescents play violent games, some report that the activity helps them to work through feelings of anger and stress. This is called a cathexis effect. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 373 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_85_Controversial Media_Remember_12.8 It was television that made Elvis a world-famous star. a. True 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 374 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_86_Controversial Media_Remember_12.9 The most heavily promoted brands of cigarettes are those most often chosen by adolescent smokers. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 376 Topic: Controversial Media Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_12_87_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.10 Research supports the widely-held fear that adolescent use of social media will lead to them being less social and less connected to others in an old-fashioned, face-to-face way. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 377-378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_88_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.10 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Of those polled, only about 10% of adolescents said that they wish that they could sometimes "unplug" from media. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_89_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 Several ethnographic studies of adolescence provide compelling evidence that the media play little to no role in promoting globalization in the lives of adolescents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 378 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_12_90_The Future of Media Use_Remember_12.11 In Moroccan culture, it is considered shameful for any adolescent -- boy or girl -- to attend a movie. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 379 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay TB_12_91_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Analyze_12.2 Define the uses and gratifications approach in terms of adolescents' media consumption. Discuss implications in terms of interpreting existing correlational research on media use and adolescent behavior. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Uses and gratifications approach -- is an approach to understanding media that emphasizes viewing people as active media consumers. The uses and gratifications approach is based on two key principles. The first is that people differ in numerous ways that lead them to make different choices about which media to consume, and second is that even people consuming the same media product will respond to it in a variety of ways, depending upon their individual characteristics. • Adolescents are active participants in the consumption of media. This has implications regarding the choices they make in terms of media content. Correlational research shows the relation between adolescent media consumption (e.g., violent television) and behavior (e.g., aggression). However, it is impossible to prove causation from the results of correlational research. It is important to consider contextual factors, etc. when interpreting research. For example, perhaps adolescents who live in violent contexts may listen to violent music to achieve a cathartic effect. TB_12_92_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.2 Describe the Media Practice Model of the uses and gratifications theory in terms of adolescents' active uses of media, noting three categories of active uses. Provide an example. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 364 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Selection -- each adolescent’s identity motivates the selection of media products (e.g., Jessica, who enjoys sports selects Sports Illustrated Magazine). • Interaction 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank -- the products are evaluated and interpreted. (For example, Jessica enjoys the articles in the magazine that highlight female athletes, but boycotts the Swimsuit Edition because she thinks it is sexist and portrays women as objects.) • Application -- the adolescents engage in application of the media content they have chosen. (For example, Jessica responds to the swimsuit edition by rejecting the models as a false ideal; Jessica responds to the articles about female athletes in terms of role models for her own progress as an athlete and striving to achieve her goals.) TB_12_93_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.3 Briefly define five uses of media by adolescents specified in Chapter 12. Provide an example for each. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 365-367 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Entertainment -- an enjoyable aspect of adolescents' leisure lives. • Identity formation -- media provide information about career possibilities, gender role identity, role models, etc. • High sensation -- media may provide novelty and intensity of sensation sought more by adolescents than adults. • Coping: to relieve and dispel negative emotions. • Youth culture identification -- a sense of connection to a youth culture or subculture unified by certain values or interests. • Students will provide their own examples, either drawn from the text or from their own experiences. TB_12_94_Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses_Apply_12.4 Discuss differences between media as a source of socialization and other sources of socialization for adolescents. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 367-368 Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization & 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • A recent national survey showed that more (49%) adolescents said "they learn a lot from" television and movies, a higher percentage than learned a lot from their mothers (38%) or fathers (31%). • Media are largely market-driven and therefore its consumers (i.e., adolescents) largely determine the content. This means that, adolescents have greater control over media as a socialization source than they do over other sources 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank of socialization. • The limited time parents and adolescents spend together makes it difficult for parents to enforce restrictions over adolescents' media consumption. TB_12_95_The Future of Media Use_Analyze_12.11 Discuss possible implications of media as an important force behind the globalization of adolescence. Provide two related examples from research discussed in Chapter 12. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 378-382 Topic: The Future of Media Use Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: • Widespread international distribution of media has resulted in adolescents the world over being familiar with the same television shows, music, etc. This has implications in terms of socialization factors -- in traditional cultures, adolescents are growing up in socialization contexts very different from that of their parents. Media provides information on what the "global village" of their future will be like. • Example: Davis and Davis (1995) found that among Moroccan youth, narrow gender socialization was replicated via differential gender access to new media. • Example: Liechty's (1995) Nepal study (Cultural Focus Box, p. 390). • Example: Condon's (1988, 1995) study of the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic regarding the introduction of television to the community.

41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q12.1 Which of the following best reflects how adolescents are MOST likely to use their digital devices? a. Both girls and boys are likely to primarily use their smartphones to access social media, especially Facebook; however, girls are likely to use their smartphone to text more often than boys. b. Both girls and boys are likely to primarily use their smartphones to access social media, especially Snapchat; however, girls are likely to use their smartphone to text more often than boys. c. Both girls and boys are likely to primarily use their smartphones to access social media, especially Facebook; however, boys are likely to use their smartphone to text more often than girls. d. Both girls and boys are likely to primarily use their smartphones to access social media, especially Snapchat; however, boys are likely to use their smartphone to text more often than girls. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.2 Which of the following best summarizes the Media Practice Model? a. The Media Practice Model is based on the uses and gratifications theory, and thus emphasizes people as active media consumers; furthermore, the model describes the selection, interaction, and application of media products into adolescents’ development of an identity. b. The Media Practice Model is based on the social learning theory, and thus emphasizes people as passive media consumers; furthermore, the model describes the selection, interaction, and application of media products into adolescents’ development of an identity. c. The Media Practice Model is based on the uses and gratifications theory, and thus emphasizes people as active media consumers; furthermore, the model describes the process of how viewing reinforcement and punishment via media products is integrated into adolescents’ development of problem behaviors. d. The Media Practice Model is based on the social learning theory, and thus emphasizes people as passive media consumers; furthermore, the model 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank describes the process of how viewing reinforcement and punishment via media products is integrated into adolescents’ development of problem behaviors. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.3 Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescent media use for the purpose of identity formation? a. Jarred loves jazz music and has ambitions of being a professional piano player in a jazz group. Jarred decorated his bedroom with posters of famous current and historical jazz pianists, some of which have women in minimal clothing laying on top of the pianos, and made his Facebook profile picture that of his favorite jazz pianist. b. Jarred recently broke up with his girlfriend and has been feeling sad and depressed. Jarred loves jazz music and has been listening to slow and somber jazz songs with lyrics about unrequited love in the privacy of his bedroom. While listening to the songs, Jarred reflects upon memories with his ex-girlfriend and finds himself missing her. c. Jarred loves jazz music and listens to jazz when he is driving in his car or doing his homework. His favorite recreational activity is attending local jazz concerts. d. Jarred recently moved from New York to Chicago and started attending a new middle school. Growing up in New York, Jarred developed a love for jazz music and all of his friends in middle school were in the jazz band. Jarred quickly made new friends at his new school by joining the middle school jazz ensemble. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.4 In a study that includes the question “What sources do you think you have learned a lot from?” American adolescents were MOST likely to answer: a. TV and movies b. parents 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. friends d. the Internet Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.5 Researchers have suggested that the media function as a __________ because adolescents often use media to learn about topics that they might not talk with their parents about, especially topics concerning ___________. a. b. c. d.

super peer; sexuality super peer; discrimination super teacher; sexuality super teacher; discrimination

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q12.6 Which of the following BEST explains whether adolescent boys’ viewing of violent TV shows will be linked to promoting aggressive behavior if they did not grow up watching violent TV? a. It is unlikely that the boys’ viewing of violent TV shows will promote aggressive behavior because the body of research linking violent TV and aggressive behavior during adolescence is weaker and more inconsistent compared to the research during childhood; thus, because the boys did not watch violent TV as a child, the chances of watching the violent TV shows causing increases in their aggressive behavior are low. b. It is likely that the boys’ viewing of the violent TV shows will promote aggressive behavior because the body of research linking violent TV and aggressive behavior during adolescence is stronger and more consistent compared to the research during childhood; thus, even though the boys did not watch violent TV as a child, the chances of watching the violent TV shows causing increases in their aggressive behavior are high. 44 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. It is unknown if the boys’ viewing of the violent TV shows will promote their aggressive behavior because all of the research linking violent TV and aggressive behavior during adolescence is correlational; thus, it cannot be determined if the boys’ viewing of violent TV will promote aggressiveness or if they were predisposed with a level of aggression that attracted them to watching the violent TV shows. d. It is highly likely that the boys’ viewing of the violent TV shows will promote their aggressive behavior because all of the research linking violent TV and aggressive behavior during adolescence is experimental and consistently indicates a positive association; thus, it can be stated that the boys’ viewing of the violent TV shows will cause an increase in their aggressive behavior. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q12.7 Will has been practicing to try out for his middle school’s baseball team. Will made a lot of mistakes at the tryout and did not make the team. When he got home from the tryout, he played a violent video game in which he used an army tank to run over enemy soldiers. After playing the game, he felt less angry about not making the team. Which of the following best describes why Will played the violent video game? a. Will played the violent video game because it provided a cathartic effect. b. Will played the violent video game because he is interested in becoming a soldier in the military. c. Will played the violent video game because he has a high level of sensation seeking. d. Will played the violent video game purely for entertainment purposes. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.8 Which of the following best summarizes the three main criticisms of hip-hop music and the research evidence linking listening to hip hop and aggressive behavior among adolescents? 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. The three main criticisms of hip-hop music are that it promotes sexual exploitation of women, violence, and racism. Furthermore, there is little support for evidence linking listening to hip-hop and aggressive behavior among adolescents because the research is correlational. b. The three main criticisms of hip-hop music are that it promotes sexual exploitation of women, violence, and racism. Furthermore, there is strong support for evidence linking listening to hip-hop and aggressive behavior among adolescents because the majority of the research is longitudinal. c. The three main criticisms of hip-hop music are that it promotes drug use, denigrates education, and glorifies gangs. Furthermore, there is little support for evidence linking listening to hip-hop and aggressive behavior among adolescents because the research is correlational. d. The three main criticisms of hip-hop music are that it promotes drug use, denigrates education, and glorifies gangs. Furthermore, there is strong support for evidence linking listening to hip-hop and aggressive behavior among adolescents because the majority of the research is longitudinal. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.9 A research study found that the effect of advertising on brand choice was _________ as strong for adolescents as for adults, and provided the example of the character _________ as being alluring to adolescents to initiate smoking because it depicted acceptance from peers if one smoked. a. b. c. d.

three times; Joe Camel three times; Marlboro Man five times; Joe Camel five times; Marlboro Man

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q12.10

46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescents’ and emerging adults’ primary use of social media? a. Kristy graduated from high school in Washington, DC, and is moving to San Francisco, CA to begin college. Kristy connected with all of her high school friends via Facebook to keep in touch when she moves. b. Kristy graduated from high school and decided to major in dance performance in college. Kristy updated her Facebook profile picture to that of a famous dancer that graduated from her college to show her career aspirations. c. Kristy graduated from high school in Washington, DC, and is moving to San Francisco, CA to begin college. Kristy is upset about leaving home and has been posting sad songs and videos on Facebook to help her cope. d. Kristy graduated from high school and decided to major in chemistry in college. However, Kristy is really bored in her chemistry classes and often scrolls through Facebook the entire time for entertainment. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q12.11 Which of the following changes did Richard Condon observe in his study of the adolescent Inuit of the Canadian Arctic following the introduction of television to the community? a. Following the introduction of television to the Inuit community, adolescent participation in sports increased, and adolescents’ romantic relationships became more public. b. Following the introduction of television to the Inuit community, adolescent participation in education increased, and adolescents’ romantic relationships became more public. c. Following the introduction of television to the Inuit community, adolescent participation in sports increased, and adolescent pregnancy became more prominent. d. Following the introduction of television to the Inuit community, adolescent participation in education increased, and adolescent pregnancy became more prominent. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 2 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q12.1.1 Regarding media use, emerging adults have higher rates of _________ and lower rates of ________ compared to adolescents and older adults. a. b. c. d.

texting; watching TV texting; using social media watching TV; texting watching TV; using social media

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.1 Summarize patterns of media use among adolescents in developed countries. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q12.1.2 Which of the following is a key critique of two of the main theories of media use, Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory? a. Both Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory depict the media consumer as a passive recipient of the media’s effects; as such, the research using these theories often interpret correlations between media use and attitudes or behavior as causation. b. Both Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory were developed more than 50 years ago and do not reflect modern types and uses of media; as such, research using these theories is outdated and not valid. c. Both Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory assume that people consuming the same media will respond to it in similar ways; as such, research using these theories does not account for individual differences in media consumption. d. Both Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory were developed in industrialized countries; as such, research using these theories is biased toward developed countries’ socialization goals regarding media use. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify the major theories of media use, and describe the Media Practice Model. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank EOM_Q12.1.3 Considering researchers have found that adolescents and emerging adults tend to have higher levels of ___________ than adults, youth will often use media such as ___________ to help them satisfy their desire to experience intense and novel feelings. a. b. c. d.

sensation seeking; action movies sensation seeking; romantic movies emotional fluctuations; romantic movies emotional fluctuations; action movies

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the five major types of media use, and explain why they are especially prominent in adolescence. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.1.4 Because Western societies promote __________, media tend to promote _________ socialization values. a. b. c. d.

freedom of speech; broad freedom of speech; narrow censorship of speech; broad censorship of speech; narrow

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.4 Describe the role of media in adolescent socialization, including whether media tend toward broad or narrow socialization. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.1.5 Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for a key way in which media may undermine parental socialization during adolescence? a. Because adolescents have more control over their socialization from media than from their parents, researchers have found that less than 50% of adolescents report their parents have rules about time spent watching TV and the content of TV watched. b. Because adolescents have more control over their socialization from media than from their parents, researchers have found that less than 10% of adolescents 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank report their parents have rules about time spent watching TV and the content of TV watched. c. Because adolescents have less control over their socialization from media than from their parents, researchers have found that more than 50% of adolescents report their parents have rules about time spent watching TV and the content of TV watched. d. Because adolescents have less control over their socialization from media than from their parents, researchers have found that more than 70% of adolescents report their parents have rules about time spent watching TV and the content of TV watched. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.5 Explain the ways media undermine other sources of socialization. Topic: Adolescents’ Interactions with Media: Rates, Theories, and Uses Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q12.2.1 Which of the following best summarizes the research method and main findings from the study by Eron and Husemann that is most often cited to support claims that violent television causes aggressiveness? a. Eron and Husemann conducted a longitudinal study in which television-viewing patterns and aggressive behavior were assessed at ages 8, 19, and 30. Findings indicated watching violent TV at age 8 predicted aggressive behavior in boys at age 19 and an increased likelihood of men being arrested at age 30; furthermore, no support was found for links between TV watching and aggressiveness for girls. b. Eron and Husemann conducted a longitudinal study in which television-viewing patterns and aggressive behavior were assessed at ages 8, 19, and 30. Findings indicated watching violent TV at age 8 did not predict aggressive behavior in boys at age 19, but that it was associated with an increased likelihood of men being arrested at age 30; furthermore, no support was found for links between TV watching and aggressiveness for girls. c. Eron and Husemann conducted a cross-sectional study in which televisionviewing patterns and aggressive behavior were assessed at ages 8 and 19. Findings indicated watching violent TV at age 8 predicted aggressive behavior in boys at age 19; furthermore, no support was found for links between TV watching and aggressiveness for girls. d. Eron and Husemann conducted a cross-sectional study in which televisionviewing patterns and aggressive behavior were assessed at ages 19 and 30. Findings indicated watching violent TV at age 19 predicted an increased likelihood of men being arrested at age 30; furthermore, no support was found for links between TV watching and aggressiveness for girls. 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q12.2.2 Across the body of research on viewing television violence and aggression among adolescents, the evidence is strongest that television violence influences ________ among adolescents, making them ________ accepting of violent behavior. a. b. c. d.

attitudes toward violence; more attitudes toward violence; less attitudes toward discrimination; more attitudes toward discrimination; less

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.6 Summarize research on the relation between violent television content and aggressiveness in adolescence. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.2.3 Which of the following reflect a commonly reported use of violent video games by adolescent boys? a. b. c. d.

To experience fantasies of power To experience fantasies of murder To learn military tactics To learn how to fight

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.7 Describe the uses of violent electronic games by adolescent boys. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.2.4

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Although one of the main criticisms of hip-hop music is that the songs promote ________, such as drive-by-shootings, a research study investigating juvenile offenders found that about ________ reported they believed that the hip-hop music they listened to contributed to their deviant behavior. a. b. c. d.

violence; 4% violence; 15% racism; 4% racism; 15%

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.8 Describe and evaluate the claims that hip-hop instigates aggressive behavior. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.2.5 Considering that 90% of smokers begin smoking by age _______, tobacco companies have focused their advertising efforts toward adolescents by presenting images of ________, such as the Marlboro Man. a. b. c. d.

18; independence 14; independence 18; youthful fun 14; youthful fun

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.9 Explain how cigarette advertising aims at the developmental vulnerabilities of adolescents. Topic: Controversial Media Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.3.1 Which of the following reflects the primary reason adolescents and emerging adults report using social media? a. b. c. d.

To maintain and make new friendships To facilitate identity development To distract their minds from unhappy or angry thoughts To entertain their minds when they are bored

Answer: a 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q12.3.2 Fears have been expressed that social media will damage adolescents’ social relationships. Does the research evidence support or refute this fear? a. Considering that a national survey of American adolescents ages 13 to 17 found that more than 50% reported social media improved their friendships, the research evidence refutes the fear that social media damages adolescents’ social relationships. b. Considering that a national survey of American adolescents ages 13 to 17 found that more than 50% reported social media hurt their friendships, the research evidence supports the fear that social media damages adolescents’ social relationships. c. Considering that a national survey of American adolescents ages 13 to 17 found that more than 90% reported social media improved their friendships, the research evidence refutes the fear that social media damages adolescents’ social relationships. d. Considering that a national survey of American adolescents ages 13 to 17 found that more than 90% reported social media hurt their friendships, the research evidence supports the fear that social media damages adolescents’ social relationships. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q12.3.3 Paul wants to start a karate club at his high school, and he needs to acquire a membership list of 20 people before he can obtain permission from the school to make the club official. If Paul is representative of how many adolescents communicate with others, which of the following is Paul MOST likely to do to advertise the club to acquire a membership list? a. Paul is most likely to use social media to create a karate club page to facilitate advertising the club and connecting with people at his high school who share the common interest of martial arts. 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Paul is most likely to create an electronic flyer and e-mail it to the entire high school to facilitate advertising the karate club and connecting with people at his high school who share the common interest of martial arts. c. Paul is most likely to create a paper flyer and display it all over his high school to facilitate advertising the karate club and connecting with people at his high school who share the common interest of martial arts. d. Paul is most likely to take a picture of himself in a karate pose and text it to the entire high school to facilitate advertising the karate club and connecting with people at his high school who share the common interest of martial arts. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.10 Identify the main uses of social media among adolescents and emerging adults. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q12.3.4 Which domain of adolescent socialization is most commonly being changed in traditional cultures by the introduction of Western media? a. b. c. d.

Gender roles Educational values Career aspirations Family values

Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q12.3.5 Which of the following outcomes is a 13-year-old girl growing up in the South Pacific island of Fiji, whose community recently acquired access to television, MOST likely to experience since she has begun watching many Western TV programs? a. She is likely to engage in purging behavior to control her weight after viewing the images of thin women that are prominent in Western TV. b. She is likely to purchase more sports products after viewing the images of athletic women that are prominent in Western TV.

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. She is likely to have more positive feelings about her body image after viewing the images of thin women that are prominent in Western TV, because her culture values full-figured physiques. d. She is likely to increase her volunteering time at local shelters and food banks after viewing the materialistic programs that are prominent in Western TV, because her culture values community service. Answer: a Learning Objective: 12.11 Summarize the evidence that media play a leading role in the globalization of adolescence. Topic: The Future of Media Use Difficulty: 2

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Chapter 13 Problems and Resilience

Topic Externalizing Problems

Internalizing Problems


Multiple Choice

True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice

True/False Short Essay Multiple Choice True/False Short Essay

Remember the Facts 1-3, 6, 8-10, 15-18, 21-22, 24, 27-31, 34, 39, 42, 45-46 76-77, 79-85

Understand the Concepts 5, 12, 35, 38, 40

47-48, 50, 54-56, 58-60, 62, 64, 68 86-91 94-95 69, 72, 75

49, 52, 65-66

1 ..

71, 73

Apply What You Know 4, 7, 14, 1920, 23, 2526, 36, 43 78 92-93 51, 53, 61, 63


Analyze It 11, 13, 3233 37, 41, 44

57, 67


Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_13_01_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Scholars distinguish between two types of problems young people experience: a. b. c. d.

internalizing and externalizing. male and female. depression and aggression. "in control" and "out of control."

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 385 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. internalizing and externalizing. TB_13_02_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Which of the following is NOT considered an internalizing problem? a. b. c. d.

depression substance use eating disorder anxiety

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 385 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. substance use TB_13_03_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Young people with internalizing disorders are sometimes referred to as a. b. c. d.

undercontrolled. overcontrolled. unsocialized. oversocialized.

Difficulty: 2 2 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 385 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. overcontrolled. TB_13_04_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.1 Caddy suffers from clinical depression. Based on the type of problem that this is, it could be predicted that Caddy is more likely to ________ than other adolescents. a. b. c. d.

have an anxiety disorder engage in aggressive behavior excel in academics excel in sports

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 385 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. have an anxiety disorder TB_13_05_Externalizing Problems_Understand_13.1 Which of the following is a common characteristic of people considered to be "overcontrolled"? a. b. c. d.

calm and relaxed extremely lazy overly self-punishing above average intelligence

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. overly self-punishing

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_13_06_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Young people with externalizing problems are sometimes referred to as a. b. c. d.

overcontrolled. unsocialized. oversocialized. undercontrolled.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. undercontrolled. TB_13_07_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.1 Kris is 14 years old. The assessment done by the school psychologist refers to Kris as "undercontrolled." Based upon research, which of the following predictions is most likely accurate? Kris likely a. b. c. d.

comes from a family with little parental monitoring or control. is an only child with only one parent. is a fraternal twin brother. is a late-maturing girl who is just beginning high school.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. comes from a family with little parental monitoring or control. TB_13_08_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.2 Which of the following age groups has the highest rate of automobile accidents, fatalities and injuries? a. 16-24 b. 24-30 c. 30-50 4 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. 65-80 Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. 16-24 TB_13_09_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.2 In the United States, the leading cause of death among adolescents and emerging adults is a. b. c. d.

violent crimes. suicide. automobile accidents. eating disorders.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. automobile accidents. TB_13_10_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.2 In Western countries other than the United States, a higher minimum driving age and less access to automobiles is associated with a. b. c. d.

fewer car accidents and fatalities among young people. higher unemployment rates due to lack of transportation. more car accidents and fatalities among young people. a decreased rate of other externalizing problems amongst adolescents.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging 5 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. fewer car accidents and fatalities among young people. TB_13_11_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.2 According to research highlighted in the text, which of the following has NOT been identified as a factor contributing to high automobile accident rates amongst young Americans? Young drivers are a. b. c. d.

less likely than adults to wear seatbelts. more likely than adults to drive at excessive speeds. more likely than adults to report driving under the influence of alcohol. less likely than adults to have a cell phone for emergency calls.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 387 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. less likely than adults to have a cell phone for emergency calls. TB_13_12_Externalizing Problems_Understand_13.2 Which of the following characteristics are most likely associated with young males' involvement in automobile crashes due to their promotion of risky driving behavior? a. b. c. d.

internalizing and externalizing problems anxiety and depression sensation seeking and aggressiveness identity diffusion and passive aggressiveness

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 387 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: c. sensation seeking and aggressiveness

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_13_13_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.3 One factor that may contribute to the failure of driver education programs to reduce accidents is that they a. b. c. d.

often employ a graduated licensing approach. are often taught by instructors who are emerging adults. are more often offered to young females than males. enable adolescents to obtain a driver's license more quickly.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 388 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.3 Describe the features of graduated driver licensing programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. enable adolescents to obtain a driver's license more quickly. TB_13_14_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.3 Aaron is a young driver who has been awarded a restricted license. He is allowed to drive unsupervised but cannot drive after 9 P.M. Which of the following approaches to reducing traffic accidents and fatalities is best described in this scenario? a. b. c. d.

graduated licensing driver education zero tolerance parental monitoring

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 388 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.3 Describe the features of graduated driver licensing programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. graduated licensing TB_13_15_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 Rates of smoking are particularly high among adolescents in a. the United States. b. Canada. c. Europe. 7 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. South America. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 389 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Europe. TB_13_16_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 According to the text, approximately what percentage of American high school seniors reported smoking cigarettes at least once in the past month in 2015? a. b. c. d.

11% 24% 37% 55%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. 11% TB_13_17_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 Which of the following best describes substance use among American adolescents? a. b. c. d.

Most smoke cigarettes at least once, but never use alcohol. All substance use is uncommon among American adolescents. Other than alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana, substance use is uncommon. A large proportion of adolescents experiment with substances such as amphetamines, cocaine, and Ecstasy.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in 8 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Other than alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana, substance use is uncommon. TB_13_18_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 According to a survey conducted in 2015, American adolescents were shown to experiment with other substances such as amphetamines, inhalants, hallucinogens, and cocaine. What percentage of American adolescents tried Ecstasy? a. b. c. d.

3% 6% 11% 22%

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. 6% TB_13_19_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.4 Cade is 20 years old and moved out of his parents' house two months ago. He smoked marijuana several times last year but since he has been living on his own, has smoked marijuana much more often. Cade and his roommates are always having parties. Which of the following is the best possible explanation for Cade's behavior change? a. b. c. d.

increased propensity and opportunity acquiring full license socialized delinquents increased protective factor

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. 9 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. increased propensity and opportunity TB_13_20_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.4 Mika rarely goes to parties or smokes marijuana anymore because she is too busy working and looking after family responsibilities. Based on research, it could be predicted that Mika is approximately what age? a. b. c. d.

9-12 13-19 19-24 25-30

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. 25-30 TB_13_21_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 Osgood used the term ________ socializing to include behavior such as riding around in a car for fun, going to parties, going shopping, and going out with friends. a. b. c. d.

unstructured leisure-time graded peer

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. unstructured TB_13_22_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 10 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

In general, which of the following best describes the overall pattern for substance use from ages 18 through 45? Substance use a. b. c. d.

steadily increases. peaks in the early 20s. steadily decreases. declines in the late 30s.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. peaks in the early 20s. TB_13_23_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.4 Vanessa does not use drugs or alcohol. She refuses to smoke cigarettes. Vanessa most likely defines herself as a. b. c. d.

slide-rule. straight-edge. unpopular. goody-goody.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. straight-edge. TB_13_24_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.5 Which of the following is NOT described in the textbook as one of the purposes for which young people use substances? a. experimental reasons b. social experiences 11 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. medicinal purposes d. peer acceptance Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. peer acceptance TB_13_25_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.5 Gil feels anxious and depressed a lot. He is nervous leaving his house in the morning and dreads the thought of having to speak in front of others at school. Sometimes he smokes marijuana to relax and drinks when he feels nervous around people. Which of the following purposes best describes Gil's substance use? a. b. c. d.

experimental social medicinal addictive

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: c. medicinal TB_13_26_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.5 A person who frequently says, "I'm so stressed out right now that I have to have a cigarette" is engaging in ________ substance use. a. b. c. d.

experimental medicinal social peer-monitored

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392 Topic: Externalizing Problems 12 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. medicinal TB_13_27_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.5 According to research by Windle et al (2005), which of the following groups of adolescents were found to be the most psychologically healthy? a. b. c. d.

frequent substance users experimental substance users addictive users self-medicators

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. experimental substance users TB_13_28_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.5 Efforts to prevent or reduce substance use among adolescents have generally been delivered through a. b. c. d.

community centers. church organizations. correctional facilities. schools.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. schools. TB_13_29_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.6 13 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Violations of the law committed by juveniles are referred to as acts of a. b. c. d.

propensity. opportunity. delinquency. transgression.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. delinquency. TB_13_30_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.6 According to research, which group of people commits the great majority of crimes? a. b. c. d.

males, ages 12-25 females, ages 18-25 males, ages 25-35 females, ages 25-35

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. males, ages 12-25 TB_13_31_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.6 According to the law in most countries, a juvenile is defined as a person under the age of a. b. c. d.

14. 16. 18. 21.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Remember the Facts 14 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: c. 18. TB_13_32_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.6 Higher rates of violent crime in the United States than in other Western countries appear to be due in part to a. b. c. d.

more expensive automobiles. more conservative religious beliefs. higher rates of poverty. stricter gun control.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 395 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. higher rates of poverty. TB_13_33_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.6 That African American adolescents are more likely than White adolescents to be arrested reflects a. b. c. d.

higher religiosity among Whites. lower SES among African Americans. genetic predisposition to certain risk behaviors. cultural differences in the acceptability of crime.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 395 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. lower SES among African Americans. TB_13_34_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.7 Terrie Moffitt's (1993, 2003) theory proposes a distinction between which two types of delinquency? a. male and female b. urban and rural 15 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. hedonistic-social and poverty-needs-based d. adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 395 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.7 Identify the two types of delinquency in Moffitt’s theory and their different origins. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent TB_13_35_Externalizing Problems_Understand_13.7 According to Moffitt (1993, 2003), neurological deficits are associated with which type of delinquency? a. b. c. d.

life-course-persistent hedonistic-social adolescence-limited bio-psychological

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 395 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.7 Identify the two types of delinquency in Moffitt’s theory and their different origins. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. life-course-persistent TB_13_36_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.7 According to her mom, 33-year-old Shara had no problems during childhood. Shara is now a school teacher and has a child of her own. During her adolescent years, however, Shara "ran with a crowd" that smoked pot, shoplifted, and occasionally vandalized buildings. During her youth, Shara's behavior could best be described as a. b. c. d.

suburban diaspora. adolescent-limited delinquency. life-course-persistent delinquency. adolescent egocentrism.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 395-396 Topic: Externalizing Problems 16 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.7 Identify the two types of delinquency in Moffitt’s theory and their different origins. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. adolescent-limited delinquency. TB_13_37_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.8 Some delinquency prevention interventions have been found to increase delinquency because they a. b. c. d.

teach specific techniques for certain crimes. bring high-risk adolescents together to form a clique. are facilitated by teachers who are “out of touch.” are attended only by adolescent-limited delinquents.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 397 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Skill: Analyze It Answer: b. bring high-risk adolescents together to form a clique. TB_13_38_Externalizing Problems_Understand_13.8 Which of the following best explains the ineffectiveness of some delinquency prevention programs from the perspective of adolescent participants and programmers respectively? a. "I don't want to be there," and "We should have caught the problem earlier." b. "There are too many boys there," and "We should wait until they are more mature." c. "There are too many girls there," and "We should wait until they are more mature." d. "I don't want to be there," and "Programs should be centered in urban areas." Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 397 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. "I don't want to be there," and "We should have caught the problem earlier." 17 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_13_39_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.8 One successful approach to delinquency prevention is the ________ approach. a. b. c. d.

contextual just say no scared straight multisystemic

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 397-398 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. multisystemic TB_13_40_Externalizing Problems_Understand_13.8 The Gluecks' longitudinal research found that the key to delinquency lay in an interaction between a. b. c. d.

constitutional factors and family environments. age and gender. intelligence and school environments. heredity and peer socialization.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 398 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. constitutional factors and family environments. TB_13_41_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.8 One criticism of the Gluecks' longitudinal research on delinquency is that the researchers were a. not blind to participants' delinquent status. b. unaware of participants' delinquent status. c. approximately the same age as the participants. 18 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. teachers in the schools the participants attended. Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 399 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. not blind to participants' delinquent status. TB_13_42_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.9 Which of the following parenting styles is a socialization source that is NOT associated with an increased incidence of externalizing problems? a. b. c. d.

permissive disengaged authoritative authoritarian

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 399 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. authoritative TB_13_43_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.9 Sixteen-year-old Joaquin's parents work out of town several days a week, and he is often alone in the house. His parents agree that he is old enough to make his own decisions, and they do not check up on him and rarely monitor his whereabouts or activities. Based on research, it could be predicted that Joaquin has a(n) a. b. c. d.

increased likelihood of engaging in delinquent acts. decreased likelihood of engaging in delinquent acts. increased likelihood of becoming depressed. decreased likelihood of becoming depressed.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 399 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and 19 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. increased likelihood of engaging in delinquent acts. TB_13_44_Externalizing Problems_Analyze_13.9 Attending a school with an orderly climate that has a strong sense of cohesiveness can potentially a. b. c. d.

make risk-taking behavior less likely for the adolescent. increase the risk of substance use. create lenient parent behaviors. reduce parental monitoring.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 399 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. make risk-taking behavior less likely for the adolescent. TB_13_45_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.9 A sense of neighborhood stability and trust tends to a. b. c. d.

increase gang activity. limit school ethos. reduce parental monitoring. discourage delinquency.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 399 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. discourage delinquency. TB_13_46_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.9 Which of the following individual factors is found to be related to risk-taking behavior? 20 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

passiveness high intelligence low self-esteem aggressiveness

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 400 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. aggressiveness TB_13_47_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.10 The most serious form of depression is a. b. c. d.

major depressive disorder. depressive syndrome. persistent depressive disorder. schizoaffective disorder.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 400 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. major depressive disorder. TB_13_48_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.10 Which of the following is the most common form of internalizing problem in adolescence? a. b. c. d.

depressive disorder depressed mood anorexia nervosa claustrophobia

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 400 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. 21 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. depressed mood TB_13_49_Internalizing Problems_Understand_13.10 The interaction of genetic and environmental factors is particularly well-established with respect to a. b. c. d.

depression. risky driving. eating disorders. substance use.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 401 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. depression. TB_13_50_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.10 Which of the following terms refers specifically to a preexisting, biologically-based vulnerability? a. b. c. d.

inclination amenorrhea diathesis ethos

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 401 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. diathesis TB_13_51_Internalizing Problems_Apply_13.10 Richie, who demonstrated early delays in motor skills, was diagnosed with depressive disorder at age 13. This situation suggests 22 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

a neurological diathesis for depression. authoritative parenting patterns. a lack of parental monitoring. neurosis triggered by puberty.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 401 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. a neurological diathesis for depression. TB_13_52_Internalizing Problems_Understand_13.10 One of the factors that constitutes the highest risk of developing depression in adolescence is simply being a. b. c. d.

an only child. intelligent. handicapped. female.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 401 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. female. TB_13_53_Internalizing Problems_Apply_13.10 D.J. responds to problems by focusing distress inward. Based on research, it could be predicted that D.J. is most likely a. b. c. d.

male. female. from a traditional culture. from a Western culture.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 402 23 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. female. TB_13_54_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.11 A review of over 70 different research studies found that there was a considerably higher risk of suicidal thoughts and aggressive behavior among children and adolescents who were being treated with ________ medication. a. b. c. d.

mood stabilizing antipsychotic antianxiety antidepressant

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 403 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. antidepressant TB_13_55_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.12 Suicide is currently the ________ most common cause of death among young people between the ages of 15 and 19. a. b. c. d.

second third seventh ninth

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 404 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. third

24 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_13_56_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.12 ___________ are about four times more likely to attempt suicide; ___________ are about four times more likely to kill themselves. a. b. c. d.

Young adults; older adults Older adults; young adults Females; males Males; females

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 404 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Females; males TB_13_57_Internalizing Problems_Analyze_13.12 Which of the following anticipates that a suicidal adolescent will be more vulnerable to the negative effects of life stressors (e.g., a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend or feeling rejected by peers). a. b. c. d.

being of a minority racial background having parents who are non-heterosexual having older peers who are more academically successful coming from a family with low levels of emotional nurturance

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 404 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Analyze It Answer: d. coming from a family with low levels of emotional nurturance TB_13_58_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.12 Which type of therapy has been found to be the most effective in the treatment of suicidal adolescents when it is combined with antidepressant medication? a. cognitive behavioral therapy b. modern psychodynamic interventions 25 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank c. graduated exposure therapy d. directive gestalt therapy Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 405 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. cognitive behavioral therapy TB_13_59_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 Most cases of eating disorders are seen in females and have their onset during a. b. c. d.

early childhood. middle adulthood. the teens and early 20s. early and middle adulthood.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. the teens and early 20s. TB_13_60_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 Boys are much _______ likely than girls to believe that they are overweight, and are much ______ likely than girls to be satisfied with their bodies. a. b. c. d.

less; less less; more more; less more; more

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 405 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts 26 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Answer: b. less; more TB_13_61_Internalizing Problems_Apply_13.13 Leanne is underweight and has experienced amenorrhea associated with anorexia nervosa. Despite this, when she looks in the mirror she sees herself as overweight and flabby. This situation best illustrates a. b. c. d.

fatigue. realistic perfectionism. underlying physical illness. cognitive distortion.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: d. cognitive distortion. TB_13_62_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 Amenorrhea -- a symptom often accompanying anorexia -- is the term for loss of a. b. c. d.

appetite. body hair. menstruation. bone density.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. menstruation. TB_13_63_Internalizing Problems_Apply_13.13 Lewis suffers from an eating disorder in which he regularly engages in episodes of binge eating and then attempts the purge the food that he ate. Lewis would be best diagnosed with 27 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

pica. bulimia. anorexia nervosa. rumination disorder.

Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: b. bulimia. TB_13_64_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 Unlike people who suffer from anorexia nervosa, those with bulimia typically a. b. c. d.

lose more than 15% of their weight in a very short time period. often develop a fine downy body hair called lanugo. experience tremendous loss of bone density. maintain a normal weight.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: d. maintain a normal weight. TB_13_65_Internalizing Problems_Understand_13.13 Which of the following provides evidence for a cultural basis of eating disorders? Eating disorders are a. b. c. d.

common in cultures with a larger female body ideal. more common in cultures that emphasize female slimness. most common in males who are in adolescence and emerging adulthood. almost universally seen in all subcultures of Africa.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. 28 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. more common in cultures that emphasize female slimness. TB_13_66_Internalizing Problems_Understand_13.13 Extreme fasting in females as _____________ arose during the 16th through 19th centuries. a. b. c. d.

a religious rite. a commercial spectacle. disease prevention. beauty enhancement.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 407 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: b. a commercial spectacle. TB_13_67_Internalizing Problems_Analyze_13.13 The development of anorexia in young females is related to all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

a general susceptibility to internalizing disorders. substance use such as cigarette smoking and binge drinking. a loss of contact with reality, which is termed "psychosis." the same factors involved in the development of bulimia.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 406, 408 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Analyze It Answer: c. a loss of contact with reality, which is termed "psychosis." TB_13_68_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.14 Because anorexia is eventually life threatening, the first step in recommended treatment is usually a. hospital-based. 29 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. school-based. c. family-centered. d. group-oriented. Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 408 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.14 Evaluate the effectiveness of the main treatments for eating disorders. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. hospital-based. TB_13_69_Resilience_Remember_13.15 "Good outcomes in spite of serious threats to adaptation and development" is one definition of a. b. c. d.

cohesion. resilience. diathesis. correspondence.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 408 Topic: Resilience Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. resilience. TB_13_70_Resilience_Apply_13.15 Westgate High School is known for having a positive climate. Students and teachers describe a belief system that includes fairness, a high value on all kinds of schoolwork, and equitable and firm guidelines for behavior. Which of the following best describes Westgate High School? a. b. c. d.

favorable ethos low socioeconomic status. working class ideals hidden curriculum

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 409 Topic: Resilience 30 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. favorable ethos TB_13_71_Resilience_Understand_13.15 The idea that religious participation may make it less likely that an adolescent take part in risk behavior best refers to a. b. c. d.

adolescence-limited-delinquency. labeling theory. parental monitoring. protective factor.

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 409 Topic: Resilience Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: d. protective factor. TB_13_72_Resilience_Remember_13.15 Which researcher noted that an important part of being resilient is having the "ordinary magic" of being able to function reasonably well even when faced with difficult circumstances? a. b. c. d.

Piaget Jessor Masten Sternberg

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 409 Topic: Resilience Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. Masten TB_13_73_Resilience_Understand_13.15 Which of the following is a protective factor associated with resilience? 31 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank a. b. c. d.

high intelligence an adult mentor within the family parents who use control and discipline as the dominant parenting style. having a boyfriend or girlfriend

Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 409 Topic: Resilience Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Skill: Understand the Concepts Answer: a. high intelligence TB_13_74_Resilience_Analyze_13.16 One reason that emerging adulthood has been proposed as a key period for the expression of resilience is because emerging adults a. b. c. d.

have not yet made the commitments that structure adult life. are impervious to life changes. are unable to leave unhealthy, high-risk family environments. are too busy at work and school to experience stress.

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 410 Topic: Resilience Learning Objective: 13.16 Explain why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience. Skill: Analyze It Answer: a. have not yet made the commitments that structure adult life. TB_13_75_Resilience_Remember_13.16 In the Kauai study discussed in your textbook, adolescents who had been placed in a "nonresilient" group turned out to be more resilient in emerging adulthood as a result of several factors. They included all but which of the following? a. b. c. d.

participating in higher education learning new occupational skills through military service engaging in psychoeducational classes that taught about resilience converting to a religious faith that provided a community of support

Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 410 Topic: Resilience 32 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.16 Explain why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: c. engaging in psychoeducational classes that taught about resilience True/False TB_13_76_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Adolescence is a time of increased risk for a wide range of problems. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 385 Topic: Introduction Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_13_77_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.1 Externalizing problems are more common among females than among males. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_78_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.1 Quentin is considered to have an externalizing disorder. He frequently engages in delinquent behavior and fighting. Based upon research, it could be predicted that Quentin experiences little distress related to his behavior. a. True 33 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: a. True TB_13_79_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.2 The rate of automobile fatalities among young people is lower in the United States than in other Western countries. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_80_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.3 Research shows that adolescents who have taken driver education courses have lower involvement in automobile crashes. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 388 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.3 Describe the features of graduated driver licensing programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False

34 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank TB_13_81_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 Rates of cigarette smoking are lower among adolescents in Europe than in Canada and the United States. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 389 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_82_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 In general, substance use is higher among White adolescents than among African American adolescents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 390 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_13_83_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.4 The peak of substance use occurs during adolescence. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 391 Topic: Externalizing Problems 35 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_84_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.6 Adolescents and emerging adult males are more likely than children or adults to be the victims of crimes. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_13_85_Externalizing Problems_Remember_13.6 Legal systems in most countries define a juvenile as a person under 21 years of age. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_86_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.10 Rates of depression are considerably higher among males than females. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 36 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Page Reference: 401 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_87_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.11 The use of most antidepressant drugs has been found to be generally ineffective with adolescents. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 403 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_88_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.11 People who have received cognitive-behavior therapy are less likely than those who have been treated with antidepressant medication to relapse after the treatment period. a. True b. False Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 403 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_13_89_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.12 Suicide rates are lower in Canada and the United States than in other industrialized countries. 37 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 404 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False TB_13_90_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 Approximately 90% of eating disorders occur among females. a. True b. False Difficulty: 1 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: a. True TB_13_91_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.13 A disturbing symptom associated with bulimia is the tremendous loss of weight that can lead to hospitalization and, in some cases, death. a. True b. False Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 406 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: b. False Essay 38 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_13_92_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.1 Define internalizing and externalizing problems. Provide three examples of each type of problem. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 385-386 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Internalizing problems -- take place when people turn their distress inward toward themselves. Adolescents with internalizing problems are sometimes called "overcontrolled" and tend to come from families with tight parental psychological control. As a result, their own personalities are often overly controlled and self-punishing. Young people with internalizing problems usually feel distress. Internalizing problems are more likely to be experienced by girls. Three examples: depression, anxiety, eating disorders. • Externalizing problems -- are problems that are directed outward rather than inward. Adolescents with externalizing problems are sometimes referred to as "undercontrolled" and tend to come from families lacking parental monitoring and control. Additionally, they tend to lack self-control themselves, which then leads to their externalizing problems. Distress is not often experienced with externalizing problems. Externalizing problems are more likely to be experienced by males. Three examples: delinquency, substance abuse, risky driving. TB_13_93_Externalizing Problems_Apply_13.5 Describe three types of substance use in adolescence, providing an example for each. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 392-393 Topic: Externalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Skill: Apply What You Know Answer: • Experimental -- adolescent tries a substance once or twice out of curiosity, and then does not develop a pattern of use afterwards. Much adolescent substance use falls into this category. • Social -- involves the use of substances during social activities, such as parties and dances, with one or more friends. • Medicinal or self-medication -- involves substance use in order to relieve an unpleasant emotional state such as sadness, anxiety, stress, or loneliness. Adolescents who self-medicate tend to use substances more frequently than those in the previous two categories. • Note -- students will provide their own examples. 39 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

TB_13_94_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.11 Define and briefly explain the goals and processes of cognitive-behavior therapy for treating depression in adolescents. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 403 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) recognizes that depression is characterized by negative attributions or negative ways of explaining what happens in one’s own life (e.g., adolescents may believe their situation is unchangeable and out of their control, and they may ruminate on the negative). • CBT addresses these thinking patterns with a goal of helping the adolescent to recognize the cognitive habits that are promoting depression. • Therapy includes getting the adolescent to critically analyze and actively work on changing his or her behaviors and cognitive habits. The therapist actively challenges the negative attributions, so that the client will examine them critically and begin to see them as distortions of reality. • Processes include role-playing, conversing with the therapist, and practicing new ways of thinking and interacting. TB_13_95_Internalizing Problems_Remember_13.12 List two strong predictors of suicide among adolescents. Briefly outline gender differences in adolescent suicide rates. Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 404 Topic: Internalizing Problems Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Skill: Remember the Facts Answer: • Family disruption -- risk factor from family life that is chaotic, high in conflict, and low in warmth. Suicide or suicide attempt is often preceded by a period of months during which family problems have become more severe. • Substance abuse problems -- may be an attempt at self-medication for distress. • Gender differences: females are about four times more likely than males to attempt suicide, and males are about four times more likely than females to kill themselves. Males are more likely than females to use violent means to commit suicide, e.g., males are more likely to use guns or hanging; females are more likely to use an overdose of pills. 40 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank REVEL QUIZ QUESTIONS EOC_Q13.1 Which of the following statements best summarizes the main differences between internalizing and externalizing problems during adolescence? a. Adolescents with internalizing problems are called overcontrolled because they often come from families who exercise strict psychological control and typically experience problems such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders; conversely, adolescents with externalizing problems are called undercontrolled because they often come from families who lack monitoring and typically experience problems such as delinquency, substance use, and risky driving. b. Adolescents with internalizing problems are called undercontrolled because they often come from families who exercise strict psychological control and typically experience problems such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders; conversely, adolescents with externalizing problems are called overcontrolled because they often come from families who lack monitoring and typically experience problems such as delinquency, substance use, and risky driving. c. Adolescents with internalizing problems are called undercontrolled because they often come from families who lack monitoring and typically experience problems such as delinquency, substance use, and risky driving; conversely, adolescents with externalizing problems are called overcontrolled because they often come from families who exercise strict psychological control and typically experience problems such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. d. Adolescents with internalizing problems are called overcontrolled because they often come from families who exercise strict psychological control, and typically experience problems such as delinquency, substance use, and risky driving; conversely, adolescents with externalizing problems are called undercontrolled because they often come from families who lack monitoring, and typically experience problems such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.1 Distinguish between internalizing and externalizing problems. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.2 Which of the following scenarios BEST reflects the research evidence for an adolescent or emerging adult who is the most likely to experience a fatal driving accident? a. A 23-year-old male who has had a few alcoholic drinks with friends at a bar and just left to drive home. 41 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. A 23-year-old female who has had a few alcoholic drinks with friends at a bar and just left to drive home. c. A 16-year-old male who passed his driver’s license test a month ago. d. A 16-year-old female who passed her driver’s license test a month ago. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.3 The _________ is the second stage of a graduated driver licensing program, and one of the most effective prohibitions during this stage that has been linked to reducing crashes is _________. a. b. c. d.

restricted license; driving curfews restricted license; zero tolerance rule for alcohol use learning license; driving curfews learning license; zero tolerance rule for alcohol use

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.3 Describe the features of graduated driver licensing programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q13.4 Which of the following best explains the difference in rates of substance use between adolescents and emerging adults? a. The peak of substance use occurs in emerging adulthood and not adolescence because emerging adults have higher levels of unstructured socializing, which includes both the propensity and opportunity to engage in risky behavior. b. The peak of substance use occurs in adolescence and not emerging adulthood because adolescents have higher levels of unstructured socializing, which includes both the propensity and opportunity to engage in risky behavior. c. The peak of substance use occurs in emerging adulthood and not adolescence because emerging adults have higher levels of sensation seeking, which includes both the desire and curiosity to engage in risky behavior. 42 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank d. The peak of substance use occurs in adolescence and not emerging adulthood because adolescents have higher levels of sensation seeking, which includes both the desire and curiosity to engage in risky behavior. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.5 Michael went to a fraternity party and drank a lot of alcohol with his friends to celebrate the end of the college semester. Greg went to the same fraternity party and decided to try marijuana for the first time because he wanted to see what it felt like. Michael engaged in _________ substance use, and Greg engaged in _________ substance use. a. b. c. d.

social; experimental social; social experimental; social experimental; experimental

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q13.6 Researchers have consistently found that crimes committed by young men usually take place in a _______ context compared to adult offenders. a. b. c. d.

group individual emotional urban

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.6 Explain the reasons for the age–crime relationship. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 43 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOC_Q13.7 Which of the following scenarios best depicts the factors that are highly associated with a life-course-persistent pattern of delinquency? a. Connor was raised in a single-parent family and diagnosed with ADHD at age 5. b. Connor was born with an easygoing temperament and raised in a family with a high socioeconomic status. c. Connor became friends with a group of boys in high school who liked to take risks, including stealing low-priced items from the grocery store. d. Connor became friends with a group of boys in high school who liked to challenge authority and often engaged in vandalism such as breaking windows. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.7 Identify the two types of delinquency in Moffitt’s theory and their different origins. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.8 Which of the following is one of the main reasons why programs such as “Outward Bound” and group therapy have failed to prevent adolescent delinquency? a. Adolescents who participate in these programs often do so unwillingly, leading to an increased resistance to engage with the program content. b. Adolescents who participate in these programs are highly anti-social and do not like to do group activities, which leads to an increased resistance to engage with the program content. c. Adolescents who participate in these programs often have ADHD and are thus unable to focus on the program content. d. Adolescents who participate in these programs often have high levels of depression and are thus unmotivated to engage with the program content. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.9

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Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Which of the following is NOT a risk factor that increases the likelihood of externalizing problems among adolescents? a. b. c. d.

Family history of depression Optimistic bias Being male Low impulse control

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.9 Summarize the ways that sources of socialization and individual factors contribute to externalizing problems. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.10 ___________ is the most common internalizing problem during adolescence, and one of the key symptoms is a(n) ___________. a. b. c. d.

Depressed mood; enduring period of sadness Depressed mood; recurrence of suicidal thoughts Major depressive disorder; enduring period of sadness Major depressive disorder; recurrence of suicidal thoughts

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q13.11 Which of the following BEST reflects the research evidence for the most effective approach for treating adolescent depression? a. Taking the antidepressant medication Prozac in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy sessions b. Only taking the antidepressant medication Prozac c. Only engaging in cognitive behavioral therapy sessions d. Engaging in group psychotherapy sessions with other adolescents who have depression Answer: a 45 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.12 Which of the following best summarizes and explains the gender difference in rates of suicide attempts and suicide in adolescence and emerging adulthood? a. Female adolescents attempt suicide four times as often as males because of the higher rates of depression among females; however, males are about four times as likely to kill themselves because males are more likely to use deadly methods to kill themselves, such as guns. b. Female adolescents attempt suicide 10 times as often as males because of the higher rates of depression among females; however, males are about 10 times as likely to kill themselves because males are more likely to use deadly methods to kill themselves, such as guns. c. Male adolescents attempt suicide four times as often as females because of the higher rates of depression among males; however, females are about four times as likely to kill themselves because females are more likely to use deadly methods to kill themselves, such as taking poison. d. Male adolescents attempt suicide 10 times as often as females because of the higher rates of depression among males; however, females are about 10 times as likely to kill themselves because females are more likely to use deadly methods to kill themselves, such as taking poison. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 EOC_Q13.13 Molly has been diagnosed with bulimia and Haley has been diagnosed with anorexia. Which of the following best describes how Molly and Haley’s body weight may be influenced by their respective disorders? a. Molly will likely maintain a normal body weight and she will have relatively normal eating habits in between her episodes of binging and purging, whereas Haley will likely experience a 15% reduction in body weight because of her restriction of food intake. 46 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank b. Molly will likely gain body weight because of her episodes of binge eating, whereas Haley will likely experience a 30% reduction in body weight because of her restriction of food intake. c. Molly and Haley will both likely experience a 15% reduction in body weight because of their restriction of food intake. d. Haley will likely maintain a normal body weight and she will have relatively normal eating habits in between her episodes of binging and purging, whereas Molly will likely experience a 15% reduction in body weight because of her restriction of food intake. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 3 EOC_Q13.14 Which of the following treatments have been found to be the most effective for eating disorders in adolescence? a. b. c. d.

Family-based therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy Drug therapy Hospital-based therapy

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.14 Evaluate the effectiveness of the main treatments for eating disorders. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q13.15 Studies have found that religiosity is _______ related to participation in risk behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood, such that youth who have _______ levels of religiosity are less likely to engage in substance abuse. a. b. c. d.

inversely; high inversely; low positively; high positively; low

Answer: a 47 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 1 EOC_Q13.16 Which of the following best summarizes the results from the Kauai study that provided evidence for emerging adulthood as a critical period for resilience? a. Many of the participants who were categorized as nonresilient in adolescence were then recategorized as resilient in emerging adulthood. b. Many of the participants who were categorized as nonresilient in childhood were then recategorized as resilient in adolescence. c. Many of the adolescents categorized in the resilient group were found to have exceptional abilities. d. Most of the participants who were categorized as resilient during adolescence had serious problems in emerging adulthood. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.16 Explain why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q13.1.1 Which of the following groups of factors are most likely to increase the likelihood of risky driving behavior among adolescents and emerging adults? a. Low levels of parental monitoring, high levels of friends’ approval of risky driving behaviors, and high levels of optimistic bias b. High levels of parental monitoring, low levels of friends’ approval of risky driving behaviors, and low levels of optimistic bias c. Low levels of parental monitoring, high levels of sensation seeking, and low levels of optimistic bias d. High levels of parental monitoring, low levels of sensation seeking, and high levels of optimistic bias Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.2 Summarize the overall pattern of crash risk in relation to age, and identify the factors that promote risky driving in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 2 48 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

EOM_Q13.1.2 Which of the following best summarizes how adolescents’ participation in graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs is associated with their likelihood of experiencing automobile crashes? a. Adolescents who participate in graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs are up to 40% less likely to experience an automobile crash, most likely because youth who participate in GDL programs obtain driving privileges gradually, contingent on a safe driving record, rather than all at once. b. Adolescents who participate in graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs are up to 80% less likely to experience an automobile crash, most likely because youth who participate in GDL programs obtain driving privileges gradually, contingent on a safe driving record, rather than all at once. c. Adolescents who participate in graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs are up to 40% less likely to experience an automobile crash, most likely because youth who participate in GDL programs are required to take driver’s education courses taught by experts and then receive their license all at once. d. Adolescents who participate in graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs are up to 80% less likely to experience an automobile crash, most likely because youth who participate in GDL programs are required to take driver’s education courses taught by experts and then receive their license all at once. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.3 Describe the features of graduated driver licensing programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q13.1.3 Regarding adolescent substance use in Western countries, youth in Europe are more likely to use _________ and __________ compared to youth in America and Canada. a. b. c. d.

alcohol; cigarettes alcohol; marijuana cigarettes; cocaine cigarettes; marijuana

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.4 Summarize the variations in adolescent substance use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and explain the relation between substance use and unstructured socializing in emerging adulthood. 49 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.1.4 School programs that have been found to be effective in reducing adolescent substance use have focused on __________, and family programs that have been found to be effective in reducing adolescent substance use have focused on __________. a. increasing youth’s strategies to decline substance use offers; increasing parental monitoring b. increasing youth’s knowledge of illegal drugs and their effects; increasing parental monitoring c. increasing youth’s strategies to decline substance use offers; improving adolescent–parent communication d. increasing youth’s knowledge of illegal drugs and their effects; improving adolescent–parent communication Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.5 Identify the different types of substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood and the outcomes of attempts to prevent substance use. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.1.5 Nelson is a 13-year-old boy who is involved in a program in which he attends an afterschool youth center to do his homework, and his parents are learning strategies to increase their parental monitoring. Nelson is involved in a ________ for juvenile delinquency, and his participation in this program ________ the likelihood that he will go to prison in the future. a. b. c. d.

multisystemic approach; decreases multisystemic approach; increases life-course approach; decreases life-course approach; increases

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.8 Evaluate the success of programs to prevent delinquency, and explain why some have been more successful than others. Topic: Externalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.2.1 50 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

Which of the following would NOT be considered a “diathesis” in the diathesis-stress model of adolescent depression? a. b. c. d.

Being male Prenatal difficulties Emotionally distant parents Family history of depression

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.10 Identify the main types and causes of depression in adolescence. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q13.2.2 One of the reasons why studies have found cognitive behavior therapy is an effective treatment for adolescent depression is because this therapy challenges _____________, which are pessimistic explanations for life events, especially the tendency to dwell on the things that are wrong, or ___________. a. b. c. d.

negative attributions; rumination negative attributions; suicidal ideation uncontrollable attributions; rumination uncontrollable attributions; suicidal ideation

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.11 Explain the benefits and risks of antidepressant medications, and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.2.3 The two most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence are a history of ___________ and ___________. a. b. c. d.

family disruption; substance abuse family disruption; school failure peer rejection; substance abuse peer rejection; school failure

Answer: a 51 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank Learning Objective: 13.12 Describe the most important risk factors for suicide in adolescence. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.2.4 Which of the following scenarios BEST reflects the research evidence for factors that have the strongest association with developing an eating disorder during adolescence? a. A female who is White, comes from a family with a high socioeconomic status, and has a history of having depression and anxiety. b. A female who is White, comes from a family with a low socioeconomic status, and has a history of having depression and anxiety. c. A female who is African American, comes from a family with a low socioeconomic status, and has a history of having depression and anxiety. d. A female who is African American, comes from a family with a high socioeconomic status, and has a history of having depression and anxiety. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.13 Explain the causes of eating disorders and the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 3 EOM_Q13.2.5 Carrie is 15 years old and is undergoing therapy for bulimia. There is a _____ chance that she will relapse after treatment, and even if the treatment is successful, it is likely she will show significant impairments in her _________ as an emerging adult. a. b. c. d.

50%; social functioning 50%; career development 75%; social functioning 75%; career development

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.14 Evaluate the effectiveness of the main treatments for eating disorders. Topic: Internalizing Problems Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.3.1 52 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

__________ is the term scholars use to describe adolescents and emerging adults who face dire conditions, yet manage to adapt and function well. a. b. c. d.

Resilience Revitalization Determination Perseverance

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 1 EOM_Q13.3.2 Derrick is growing up in a low socioeconomic family and lives in an impoverished neighborhood that has a high level of crime. Despite these conditions, the likelihood that Derrick will have a positive self-image and avoid antisocial behaviors is increased if his parents do which of the following? a. Promote a supportive and warm parent–adolescent relationship quality b. Spend a considerable amount of time working to financially provide for the family c. Allow a lot of freedom by engaging in low levels of parental monitoring d. Endorse educational values that convey it is possible to be financially successful even if one does not obtain high academic achievement Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q13.3.3 Which of the following best summarizes the findings from research by Rutter and colleagues on school environments and resilience among adolescents? a. Youth who experience a positive school climate and an ethos that emphasizes the value of schoolwork, rewards good performance, and establishes fair but firm discipline are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors across adolescence. b. Youth who experience a positive school climate and an ethos that is characterized by a substantial proportion of bright and achievement-oriented 53 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank students who identify with the aims and rules of the school are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors across adolescence. c. Youth who experience a positive school climate and an ethos that is characterized by strict discipline, a focus on memorization and performance, and hierarchical student–teacher relationships are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors across adolescence. d. Youth who experience a positive school climate and an ethos that is characterized by a substantial proportion of bright and performance-oriented students who challenge authority are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors across adolescence. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.15 Identify the protective factors associated with resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q13.3.4 Which of the following best explains why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience? a. Because emerging adults are legally adults and because they have not yet committed to adult roles such as marriage and parenthood, they have the ability to leave unhealthy family environments and take advantage of opportunities to turn their lives in a different direction. b. Because emerging adults have not yet committed to adult roles such as marriage and parenthood, they have the time and ability to take advantage of opportunities to turn their lives in a different direction. c. Because emerging adults are legally adults, they have the ability to leave an unhealthy, high-risk family environment and turn their lives in a different direction. d. Because emerging adults have mature cognitive capabilities, they are able to make positive decisions to turn their lives in a different direction. Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.16 Explain why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 2 EOM_Q13.3.5 Which of the following was an experience that the participants in the Kauai study cited as a key reason they changed their life for the better during emerging adulthood? 54 ..

Arnett Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, 6e Test Bank

a. b. c. d.

Participating in higher education Participating in volunteer activities Getting married to a supportive partner Obtaining their dream job

Answer: a Learning Objective: 13.16 Explain why emerging adulthood may be a critical period for the expression of resilience. Topic: Resilience Difficulty: 1

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