Counseling Children 9th Edition by Henderson-Test Bank
by Donna A. Henderson, Charles L. Thompson
True / False 1. The costs to society of failing its children are huge. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 2. Children's views are rarely heard and rarely considered in the political process. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 3. The actions, or inactions, of government impact children less than any other group in society. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 4. Children are largely unaware of what is happening politically and economically in the world. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 5. A child's world is for the most part carefree, with little pressure other than that of schoolwork. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 6. Normal child development brings with it a variety of tasks such as achieving independence and forming basic values. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 7. Children in today's world are more "protected" than earlier generations and are not expected to mature as quickly or make critical decisions as early. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 8. The resilience approach to understanding children provides one example of looking at the deficiencies of human beings a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 9. Children, as well as adults, need to be treated as worthwhile individuals who can think and behave responsibly in order to build strong self-esteem. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:05 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 10. Accreditation standards and states laws govern the certification and licensure of counselors and psychologists. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 11. Graduate programs that meet the accreditation requirements of CACREP are 48 semester hours. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM Multiple Choice 12. An invention that provoked a new idea of adulthood was a. The combustible engine b. The telephone c. The printing press d. The computer ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 4 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 13. In the 17th century two people who thought that children should be treated with thought and care were a. Locke and Rousseau b. Rogers and Maslow c. Dixon and Binet d. Freud and Freud ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 5 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 14. Adults may underestimate children’s ability to a. Learn b. Problem-solve c. Recognize reality d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 7 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 15. Family conditions that promote resilience include a. few alternative caretakers. b. older mothers for resilient males. c. opportunities to participate in household activities d. a strong sense of political commitment. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 14 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 16. According to your text, some of the things that cause our children problems are the following a. the changing world, values in flux, and stress b. too much sugar and starch in their diets c. a competitive environment d. the focus on self-esteem ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 7-9 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 17. One of the continuing challenges for many children is a. enmeshed extended families b. unchanging values. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. poverty. d. high stakes testing ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 9 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 18. Brazelton and Greenspan’s “irreducible needs” include all the following EXCEPT a. physical protection. b. nurturing relationships. c. working alliances d. opportunities to learn ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 11 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 19. Which of the following statements is true? a. Counseling involves a relationship between a counselor and client, with the counselor helping the client resolve a problem. b. Child counseling focuses on children with learning, social, or behavioral problems who are not classified as being severely disturbed. c. There are completely different principles of counseling for children than adults. d. None of the above. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 20. Possibly the most important outcome for counseling occurs when a client a. is able to cope with the stresses and conflicts of his or her growth and development. b. feels good about himself or herself, resulting in positive self esteem. c. has a feeling of love and belonging. d. learns how to be his/her own counselor. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 18 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 21. Children bring three pieces of information to the counseling session. That information includes their problem or concern, their feelings about the problem, and a. their expectations of themselves b. their expectations of the counselor c. their parent’s expectations d. none of the above ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 19 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 22. A counselor working with children focuses on a. growth and development and the effect of childhood experiences on the adult. b. treating children with serious emotional and behavioral problems. c. helping children with learning, social, or behavioral problems, using both preventive and remedial techniques. d. normal developmental concerns only. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 19 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 23. Counseling is a process that may involve all of the following except a. personality change. b. individual and group counseling. c. consultation. d. administration. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 19 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 24. Which of the following are categories of personal strengths that are positive developmental outcomes of resilience? a. High expectations, care and support, problem-solving Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. Opportunities to participate, high expectations, autonomy c. Social competence, autonomy and purpose d. High expectations, autonomy and care and support ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 13 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 25. Communities enhance resilience when a. streets are clean b. education is valued c. road signs are clear d. curfews are enforced ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 14 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 26. While there is considerable overlap, counseling, as opposed to psychotherapy, is generally most appropriate for a. clients, conscious concerns, preventative and remedial concerns. b. patients, personality concerns, medical settings and a teaching methodology. c. decision-making, developmental and concerns, and a preventive focus d. educational concerns, vocational concerns, decision-making concerns and personality problems. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 17 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 27. Jane wants to augment resilient qualities in her fourth-grade students. Basing your answer on the research in resilience, which of the following would you suggest she do? a. provide opportunities for self-discipline b. provide clear expectations c. encourage them to participate in useful social tasks d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 15 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 28. Which of the following was the court case that determined children were protected under the Bill of Rights? a. In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1 (1967) b. In re Willard, 632 U.S. 2 (1947) c. In re Brown, 84 MS (1962), d. In re State of Maryland, 99 U.S. 1 (1928) ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 6 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 29. Well-being can be defined as a. The absence of illness b. An optimal state c. Judging life positively and feeling good d. Exercising and eating well ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 11 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 30. Child welfare agencies are designed to protect with which of the following for children a. Physical well-being, b. Emotional well-being c. Intellectual well-being d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 16 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 31. State laws protect counselors’ practice through granting a. Certification Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. License c. Graduate degrees d. Medicare and Medicaid ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 23 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 3:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM Subjective Short Answer 32. Explain the fundamental rights identified in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 33. Outline the historical changes in children’s rights. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 34. Describe the legal significance of In re Gault. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 35. List five career options you have in counseling. What are the educational requirements for each and in what setting would you be employed? ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM 36. Explain the fundamental aspects of supporting resilient children in families, schools and communities with specific examples. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 4:16 AM
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According to Piaget, there are four stages of cognitive development. Match the stage with the appropriate type of development. a. Concrete b. Formal c. Pre-Operational d. Sensorimotor REFERENCES: pp. 35-36 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/2/2015 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/2/2015 5:17 AM 1. Infancy ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 2. Childhood ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 3. Pre-Adolescence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 4. Adolescence through adulthood ANSWER: b POINTS: 1
Match the task or intervention listed below with the stage identified by Piaget. a. Concrete b. Formal c. Pre-Operational d. Sensorimotor REFERENCES: pp. 35-36 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/2/2015 11:33 PM DATE MODIFIED: 11/2/2015 11:37 PM 5. Can distinguish self and other objects ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 6. Have greatest language growth ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 7. Can distinguish reality from fantasy ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 8. Move toward logical thought ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 9. Are capable of self-reflective thought ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 10. Achieve a sense of object permanence ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 11. Can do reversible thinking ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 12. Are capable of understanding and applying ethical principles ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 13. Have trouble with reversible thinking ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 14. Are capable of high levels of empathic understanding ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 15. Development may be considered a. Periods of unusual events in life b. Periods of transition and reorganization c. Periods of stagnation d. Periods that occur each decade of life ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 31 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:40 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 16. Beatriz complains to her father about the outfit he wants her to wear. Among many other things, she says “But everybody will be looking at me!” According to Elkind this is an example of a teenager’s a. vanity b. Oedipus complex c. imaginary audience d. avoidant attachment ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 37 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 17. The brain stem controls a. Sensory activities b. Memory c. Sensory output d. Body functions like breathing ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 32 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 18. The cerebellum coordinates a. Sensory activities b. Memory c. Sensory output d. Body functions like breathing ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 32 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 19. The cerebrum handles a. Sensory activities b. Memory c. Sensory output Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. Body functions like breathing ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 32 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 20. In Piaget’s stage of formal operational thought, young people a. Focus only on themselves b. Need concrete materials to understand concepts c. Can think logically, rationally and abstractly d. Have imaginary audiences ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 35 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 21. Perspective taking refers to a. Adjusting the focus in microscopes b. Taking another person’s point of view c. Qualitative research d. An interviewing technique ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 37 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 22. For Vygotsky the zone of proximal development means a. The best possible developmental outcome b. The range of developmental tasks c. The area nearest the developmental outcome d. The gap between what a child can and cannot do ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 39 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 23. The information processing approach refers to cognition analyzes a. The cognitive development of children b. The friendship capacity of children c. The way people make sense of information d. The computer model of development ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 39 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 24. In Erikson’s stage of industry versus inferiority, the child’s task is to a. Learn the range of skills needed in an adult world b. Develop a sense of initiative c. Gain a sense of self-control d. Develop a self-image ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 40 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 25. One type of insecure attachment is a. Disruptive b. Avoidant c. Disruptive d. Unpredictable ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 42 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 26. Kao has parents who are warm, loving and supportive. If he responds as others have in studies of attachment, as a young adult he will describe himself in which of the following ways? a. uncomfortable with intimacy b. worried about being abandoned Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. not very likeable d. easy to know ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 41 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 27. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs contains five levels. In order, they are a. safety needs, physiological needs, love and belonging, self esteem, and self-actualization. b. love and belonging, safety needs, physiological needs, self-actualization, and self esteem. c. physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, self esteem, and self-actualization. d. self-actualization, love and belonging, physiological needs, safety needs, and self esteem. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 29 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 28. Preoperational children have egocentric thinking which means they a. put events in the proper order or sequence b. focus on more than one aspect of a problem. c. work from front to back and then back to front in solving a problem. d. think everyone thinks the same way ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 35 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 29. A need that Glasser lists that Maslow does not include is a. the need for safety b. the need for fun c. the need for love and belonging d. the need for intelligece ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 30 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 30. Challenges that counselors may face in their work with children from diverse ethnic groups include a. mistaken assumptions about cultural assimilation. b. similar world views. c. stereotypical generalizations. d. both A and C ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 47 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 31. Culture includes which of the following a. Ways people perceive their experiencess b. Beliefs people use to explain events c. Principles for dealing with people and for accomplishing goals d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 46 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 32. Counselors with multicultural competence know a. child-counselor cultural similarities are not important b. child-counselor cultural difference are not important c. everyone is alike so the focus should be on the problem d. child-counselor cultural similarities and differences are important ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 48 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 33. The process of becoming like another culture is called a. ethnic identity development. b. becoming culturally competent. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. acculturation. d. none of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 53 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 34. Worldview consists of a. a set of beliefs about reality b. distance and closeness in relationships c. kinship relationships d. all of the above ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 51 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 35. Ethnic identity refers to a. a person’s sense of group patterns b. a person’s incorporation of beliefs into self c. a person’s position in the family d. a person’s career and family development ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 52 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 36. The second stage of the levels of acculturation as described by Garrett is the ______________ level. a. traditional b. bicultural c. transition d. assimilation ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 53 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 37. The effective multicultural counselor a. considers differences in social class and culture. b. uses strategies consistent with the life experience of the client. c. is knowledgeable of issues of cultural diversity. d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 48 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 38. The concept of collectivism refers to the ideas of a. living together in a communal residence b. being part of a group, protected and working for the group c. loosely connected to other people d. forming cooperatives to share resources ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 52 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 39. Thomas et al. have specific suggestions for culturally responsive counseling. Which of the following is the most important? a. matching counselor – client socioeconomic backgrounds b. determining the child’s ethnic identity status c. rejecting racism and prejudice d. focusing on family relationships ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 55 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 40. The characteristics of a culturally effective counselor also include all of the following except a. understanding his or her own values and philosophy toward other cultures. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. recognizing that no theory of counseling is entirely neutral. c. assisting the client to change and adjust to the present culture. d. avoiding being "culturally encapsulated. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 55 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 41. One writer advocates that counseling interventions be selected on all of the following except a. race. b. client's degree of acculturation. c. sex. d. socioeconomic status. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 54 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 42. Focusing on specific ethnic groups may create a. Stereotypical thinking b. Ethnic pride c. Multidimensional myopia d. Ignoring barriers to success ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 46 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM Subjective Short Answer 43. Discuss the brain structure with functional aspects. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:44 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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44. Discuss the importance of cultural factors that affect counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 45. Explain the difference between ethnicity and ethnic identity. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 46. List five competencies of the culturally skilled counselor. Describe and illustrate each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM 47. Define acculturation and describe Garrett’s explanation of the four levels of acculturation. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM Numeric Response 48. In the three columns below, match the developmental stages of Erikson's model of personal development with the developmental tasks associated with that stage and the intervention needed for an individual at that stage. Each step should have one answer from the task and one answer from the intervention. A. B. C. D.
Learn a variety of skills to find a place in the adult world Need to know who they are and how their roles will fit into their future Intimacy through sharing in a close friendship Need to develop initiative as opposed to guilt
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E. F.
Develop trust in their environment and in their caregivers Control over self and environment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Finding identify through groups, courses, or special abilities Setting goals and carrying out projects, discipline based on logical consequences Affectionate, consistent, predictable & high quality care Large doses of encouragement & praise Focus on relationships and a search for meaning Opportunity to be successful doing something for themselves
Response: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ANSWER:
a. Stage I – Birth to age 1 ½ b. Stage II – Age 1 ½ to 3 c. Stage III – Ages 3 to 6 d. Stage IV – Ages 6 to 11 e. Stage V – Ages 12 to 18 f. Stage VI, VII & VIII – Adult ages E-3 F-6 D-2 A-4 B-1 C-5 POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 40-41 QUESTION TYPE: Numeric Response HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/5/2015 4:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/12/2015 7:54 AM Essay 49. Indicate guidelines for assuring multicultural sensitivity in a counseling program. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 5:37 AM 50. Explain adolescent brain development. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 5:38 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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51. Discuss Piaget's stages of cognitive development. Include definitions in your discussion. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 5:39 AM 52. Summarize Erikson's and Havinghurst's developmental tasks and the appropriate interventions at each stage. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 5:39 AM 53. List Maslow's hierarchy of needs and give an example of how a child's needs might and might not be met in
each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 6:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 6:12 AM 54. Discuss minority ethnic identity development. not be met in each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 6:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 6:13 AM
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In the two columns below, match the examples of problems with the seven categories of problems in the Lazarus BASIC ID model. a. Behavior b. Affect c. Sensation/School d. Imagery e. Cognition f. Interpersonal relationships g. Drugs/diet REFERENCES: p. 69 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/2/2015 11:41 PM DATE MODIFIED: 11/2/2015 11:46 PM 1. Withdrawing from others ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 2. Alcohol abuse ANSWER: g POINTS: 1 3. Phobias ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 4. Fighting ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 5. Problem solving concerns ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 6. Nightmares ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 7. Headaches ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 8. Depression ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 9. Low self-concept ANSWER: d POINTS: 1
The counseling process may be described as a six-step process. Match the correct step number with the following a. Exploring what new solutions to the problem b. Defining the problem through active listening c. Obtaining a commitment to try one idea d. Closing the counseling interview e. Clarifying the child's expectations f. Exploring what has previously been tried REFERENCES: pp. 80-85 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/2/2015 11:47 PM DATE MODIFIED: 11/2/2015 11:50 PM 10. Step 1 ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 11. Step 2 ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 12. Step 3 ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 13. Step 4 ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 14. Step 5 ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 15. Step 6 ANSWER: d POINTS: 1
Theories of counseling may be classified as primarily related to one of three categories. Match the following theories to their most descriptive category. a. Affective Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. Behavior c. Cognitive REFERENCES: p. 71 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/2/2015 11:51 PM DATE MODIFIED: 11/2/2015 11:55 PM 16. Psychodynamic counseling ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 17. Reality therapy ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 18. Gestalt therapy ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 19. Rational-Emotive therapy ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 20. Person-Centered ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 21. Transactional analysis ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 22. Brief counseling ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 23. Corsini summarized his elements of change in counseling in the following terms a. Know thyself b. Love other people c. Do good work d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 66 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 24. Precontemplation refers to a. A client who has made significant change before counseling b. A client who has made significant change during counseling c. A client who sees no need for change d. A client who is ready to change ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 70 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 25. Maintenance refers to a. Incorporating progress into life b. Upholding the BASIC ID c. Supporting other people in the group d. Doing regular check ups ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 70 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 26. One adaptation counselors should make when working with children is a. Presenting information to parents rather than children b. Trusting the memories of children c. Knowing that concrete examples and hands-on materials are important d. Realizing children are eager to change ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 73 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 27. The child says “My teacher tricked me.” An example of a paraphrase would be a. “Umm, hmm “ b. “The teacher surprised you.” Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. “What did you say about your cat?” d. “You’re afraid of your teacher.” ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 74 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 28. The child says “If I make good grades, I can get a new game.” An example of a clarifying response would be a. “umm, hum” b. “You are excited.” c. “that means? “ d. “Really?” ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 74 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 29. Of the various seating arrangements possible in a counseling room, the preferred would be a. having no barrier at all between the counselor and child. b. having a desk between the adult and the child. c. using the corner of a desk as an optional barrier for the child. d. a seat which allows the counselor to keep both feet off the floor. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 75 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 30. Regarding how much self-disclosure is appropriate for the counselor, Poppen and Thompson concluded that a. self-disclosure is more beneficial when it takes a here-and-now focus. b. self-disclosure should always be positive. c. self-disclosure is seldom appropriate. d. self-disclosure is an excuse for getting help with one’s own problems. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 87 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 31. Which of the following statements is true about the goal attainment scale? a. The scale can facilitate the counseling process and evaluate counseling outcomes. b. The counselor's task is to help the child clarify goals in something other than measurable terms. c. Counselors establish priorities to the client's goals by assigning them a weight that represents the counselor's perception of the degree of importance. d. The tabulation and calculation of the data are the client's responsibility. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 96 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 32. The three things counselors should listen for are clients' concerns, feelings about the concerns, and a. what others people think about the client's problems. b. how the past has caused the problem. c. the expectation the client has for counseling. d. general information about the client's life as age, academic achievement, and occupational goals. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 81 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 33. The hardest type of silence the counselor may deal with is the silence of a. confusion. b. a few moments. c. resistance. d. reflection. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 77 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 34. When the interviewee will not talk, the counselor's best technique is to a. wait in silence. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. probe with questions in order to break the ice. c. encourage the interviewee to relax and "open up." d. reflect the interviewee's reluctance to begin or continue. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 78-79 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 35. Closing the interview is especially important for a. opening up new matters for the next interview. b. pointing out things that were not mentioned. c. summarizing with the client the main points of the interview. d. the counselor's comments on the goal attainment of the interview. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 85 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 36. The goal of role playing in counseling sessions is to allow the child a. time to practice behaviors b. factual information c. encouragement d. logical consequences ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 83 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 37. Congruence in the counseling relationship refers to which of the following a. repeating the child's phrases b. using the child's metaphors c. being artificial d. being authentic ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 81 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 38. Counselors use their skills to help children make choices and ultimately to a. change behavior. b. manage plans. c. learn how to become their own counselor d. change attitudes and feelings ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 90 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 39. Of the following statements, the best opening statement for the initial interview is a. "I understand you want to talk with me about something." b. "I understand you have problems you would like to discuss with me." c. "Please tell me how I can be helpful to you." d. "Oh, you must be here to see me about..." ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 81 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 40. Choose the most common sequence of events within a general counseling framework a. build rapport--identify problems--identify alternative behaviors and possible outcome of each--build commitment. b. build rapport-identify problems--build commitment--identify alternative behaviors and possible outcomes. c. build rapport--build commitment-identify problems--identify alternative behaviors and possible outcomes. d. identify alternative behaviors and possible outcomes--clarify problem--establish rapport--build commitment. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 81-85 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 41. Goal Attainment Scaling provides for (select the best answer) Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. behavioral plans and levels of outcome. b. process and outcome evaluation. c. levels of outcome evaluation. d. positive outcome evaluation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 96 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 42. The best predictor of successful counseling outcomes is which of the following a. counseling relationship b. shared understanding c. encouragement d. theoretical orientation of the counselor. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 65 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 43. In effective counseling the behavioral factor ventilation refers to the client a. increasing assertive behavior through rehearsal and practice in actual situations. b. having a place to express strong emotions and be accepted c. admitting something is wrong d. assisting clients in learning more about themselves and their environment. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 67 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 44. Which one of the following is not a good idea when conducting an interview with a child? a. Have a very stimulating environment. b. Furniture should be comfortable and suitable to size. c. Have puppets and other toys to facilitate communication. d. Check your own mood and physical alertness. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 74 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 45. If a counselor wants to tape a counseling session, a. the recorder should be hidden during the session. b. a person should be identified to control the machine. c. the child should be allowed to control the machine. d. permission should be requested from the child and parents. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 85 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 46. The authors suggest that questions a. are the best way to get to know the child. b. should be rephrased as statements. c. should always include information about adults. d. are better if a "yes" or "no" answer is required. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 88 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 47. The authors state that "why" questions a. lead to a great deal of information. b. need to be followed by another question. c. may lead to blame. *** (p. 89) d. speed the flow of the sessions. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 89 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 48. Counselors learn most from clients by Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. listening and summarizing. b. ignoring the adults in the child's life. c. making up stories with the child. d. self-disclosing. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 89 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 49. One productive use of silence in a counseling sessions that was suggested by the authors is a. checking out the environment. b. regaining composure. c. reacting to resistance in counseling. d. planning for the next session. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 78-79 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 50. The difference between advice and information is a. information may cause dependence, advice never does. b. advice is needed for good decisions. c. conformity and low self-esteem in clients may be fostered by counselor's giving advice. d. only experienced counselors are capable of giving advice. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 90-91 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM Subjective Short Answer 51. Describe the essentials of a counseling environment that would contribute to a client's feeling of comfort. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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52. Outline the six-step counseling process described in your textbook. Include what happens during the step and the purpose(s) of each part. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 53. Explain the essential ingredients for effective counseling outlined by Seligman. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 54. Summarize Corsini’s elements of change in counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM 55. List 8 essential counseling skills, the goal of each and an example of each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM Essay 56. Discuss the categorization of counseling theories and give examples of goals for each category. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:43 AM 57. Explain how the goal attainment scaling could be used in counseling. Complete the form based on a client's
problems that you have described. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:43 AM 58. Outline the BASIC ID acronym and give examples for each category. Create a short description of a client
and identify the problems according to the BASIC ID. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:45 AM
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Match the following a. related to federal, state and municipal standards b. moral duty or obligations c. technical, procedural, or cultural standards REFERENCES: p. 2 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 12:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 12:04 AM 1. ethical issues ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 2. legal issues ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 3. professional issues ANSWER: c POINTS: 1
Match the following a. legal right of professionals to protect clients' confidences b. ensures people may choose what others know about them c. professional responsibility one has to respect and limit accessibility to clients' personal information REFERENCES: p. 117 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 12:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 12:06 AM 4. privacy ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 5. confidentiality ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 6. privileged communication ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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7. Virtue ethics may also be considered a. Principle ethics b. Legal guidelines c. Character ethics d. Prevention ethics ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 107-108 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 8. One of the five virtue ethics is a. Prudence b. Beneficence c. Justice d. Autonomy ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 108 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 9. Veracity can be defined as a. Virtue ethics b. Being faithful c. Being fair d. Being honest ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 108 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 10. Generally legal and ethical issues involved with counseling minors a. Are equivalent to those with adults b. Are simpler than those with adults c. Are more complex than those with adults d. Are overrated ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 111 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 11. Which of the following does not describe the role of ethical standards? a. defined by cultural expectations and mores b. self-imposed regulations c. prevent internal disagreement d. provide protection in case of litigation ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 107 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 12. Ethical codes also help mental health professionals in all but one of the following ways a. They protect clients. b. They ensure the autonomy of the professional. c. They provide penalties for unethical behavior. d. They increase the prestige of the profession. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 13. Which of the following is true of codes of ethics? a. Since a code of ethics must be general, the standards are often open to interpretation. b. Professional ethical codes take precedent over state laws. c. Codes of ethics are considered equal to state law in a court case. d. Codes of ethics and state laws are written agreement on provisions and avoid conflict in rules. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 14. Which of the following is true regarding confidentiality? a. Warning a person of threat against his or her life is the only time it is acceptable to break confidentiality. b. It is acceptable to break the confidentiality of a minor child and report counseling content to parents. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Even though the report breaches confidentiality, counselors must report child abuse or neglect in all states. d. Law in all states grants confidentiality between counselor and client. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 15. To safeguard against confidentiality becoming a possible ethical or legal problem, counselors should a. inform the child about the limits b. tell the principal about problem situations immediately c. avoid writing reports d. rely on their instincts ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 119 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 16. The files of clients who are children a. may not be seen by anyone, even the client. b. are no longer personal files if typed by a personal secretary. c. are not accessible to parents. d. are protected by law. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 120 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 17. Exceptions to the privileged communication right in which professionals must disclose information include a. a 13-year-old client is considered to be dangerous to self or others. b. a 19-year-old client has a gun at home. c. a 23-year-old client is a victim of domestic abuse. d. a 16-year-old client has confessed to taking illegal drugs. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 122 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 18. As a counselor, you receive a referral for a child who is the daughter of your husband’s bowling teammate. What do you do? a. Accept the referral and work with the child. b. Accept the referral and work with the child, even offering a friendly discount for services. c. Do not accept the referral because you don’t want to risk a co-occuring relationship that could impair your professional judgment. d. Let your husband decide what you should do; do not take the referral if he is not completely comfortable with the situation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 128 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 19. You hold strong beliefs/opinions against homosexuality, and you are a counselor for a group of young men, one of whom is a homosexual. What do you do? a. Let the homosexual man know about your beliefs, and kindly tell him that he can’t be included in the counseling group for these reasons. b. Allow the man to stay in the counseling group, but be up front with the group by letting your opinions be well known to him and to the others. c. Resign from this job, but search for another job where you will not be counseling a homosexual person. d. Resign from this job, and seek help to resolve the conflict between the nondiscriminatory counseling philosophy and your discriminatory beliefs. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 124 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 20. A local industry calls you to consult with them about the motivational and morale problems of their employees. You are trained and have a credential in school counseling but have a strong background in psychology. With your knowledge and training you believe you can help the organization. What option would be best? a. Accept the consultation assignment. b. Decline the consultation assignment since you are primarily a school counselor. c. Advise the industry until you feel that this assignment is beyond your competence. d. Review your credentials with a colleague or credentialing board and obtain their advice. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 114 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 21. You have been counseling with a 10-year-old who has been setting small fires for the three months you have been working with him. As an ethical counselor you should do which of the following? a. Review your case with a colleague to assess if progress is reasonable. b. Terminate immediately. c. Continue your counseling since the time has been so short. d. Talk to the child's parents to determine their feelings about his progress. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 114 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 22. You are asked to appear on a local radio show to give general suggestions to parents going through a divorce, You are to talk about how parents can tell their children about the breakup, what reactions to the divorce they can expect from their children, and to provide guidelines for good parenting after the divorce. Which of the following is the correct response? a. You should agree only to counsel with a specific group of parents and children on a radio show. b. You could agree to counsel 2 to 3 groups of specified families on the radio show. c. You can take calls from parents about the specific problems of their children. d. You should provide only general information about parenting on the radio show. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 114 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 23. Lynn, age 7, is upset over the death of her mother and tells you she plans to join her mother in heaven. She has found her mother's medicine and plans to take a large number of pills in order to die. You discuss the situation with her at length and try to convince her it is better to live, but you are not sure she agrees. When she leaves, you still fear she will try to "join her mother in heaven." What would you do? a. Make her sign a statement that she will not take the pills. b. Call her father to alert him of her plan and ask him to keep your conversation confidential. c. Call her medical doctor immediately and arrange for institutionalization. d. Tell Lynn you believe that there is a possibility of her hurting herself and suggest that she talk with her father with you. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 124 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 24. Counselors may increase the possibilities of confidentiality being maintained in small groups by which of the following practices? a. Using reverse psychology and telling members it does not matter what they tell others about what happens in group. b. Having group members sign a pledge promising to never talk about what happens in the group. c. Have group members practice keeping confidentiality through role-play situations d. Careful selection of group members. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 125 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 25. The “well-lit room standard” refers to which of the following? a. Publishing ethical decision making process in case notes b. Expectation of approval of decision from counseling professionals c. An ethical decision-making model based on philosophy d. Maintaining autonomy and competence ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 126 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 26. Garry’s teenage client reveals little personal information so he has decided to see what he can discover about the adolescent on social media sites. What ethical guideline should guide this decision? a. Garry needs to know more about his client to be helpful. b. Garry needs to respect the privacy of his client’s virtual identity c. Garry should ask his client to “friend” him so he can read postings. d. Garry’s concern for the client’s safety allows him to investigate. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 127 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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True / False 27. One mark of a profession is its ability to set standards for training and practice of its members. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 28. All ethical codes are enforceable by law. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 29. Ethical standards usually specify desirable conduct between professionals. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 30. Conflicts sometimes exist between codes of ethics and the law. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 31. Child abuse laws sometimes place counseling in a "double agent" position. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 32. Counselors can ask children if something can be disclosed to an adult. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 33. Laws strictly forbid clients from seeing their own records or parents from seeing the records of their children. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 34. At least one researcher found that maintaining confidentiality in groups may not be a realistic goal. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 35. "Privileged communication" and "confidentiality" both refer to protection by the law from revealing client information. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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36. A member of a professional organization should indicate such membership by citing this affiliation after his or her name. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 37. A friend of yours who is in training to be a counselor asked you to help her overcome her anxiety about working with clients with disability. Since this is not a deep emotional problem, ethically you can assist her to overcome this problem. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 38. A father asks you to counsel with his son to change certain behaviors. Since the son is a minor, you can accept the father's request without fear of violating ethical codes. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 39. It is acceptable to tape counseling interviews for your own use without the permission of your clients. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 40. Informed consent creates a climate of safety and trust. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM Subjective Short Answer 41. Explain the concepts of legal, professional, and ethical guidelines. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 42. Discuss privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 43. Summarize the suggestions in your textbook for handling a situation in which a counselor must breach confidentiality. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 44. Explain dilemmas counselors may face with informed consent, confidentiality of files, child abuse, and confidentiality in groups. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 45. Describe the implications of working with minors, confidentiality and parents’ rights. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM Essay 46. Pose an ethical dilemma and ask students to work through the decision-making model in the text to arrive at
their responses to the situation. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:48 AM
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Match the terms listed below with their best descriptor. a. composed of two parts - the ego ideal and the conscience b. strikes a balance between parent, adult and child c. contains our basic instinctual drive d. strives to strike a balance between a person's needs and moral standards, operates under the reality principle REFERENCES: p. 142 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 12:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 12:13 AM 1. Id ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 2. Ego ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 3. Superego ANSWER: a POINTS: 1
Match the following terms with the best definition a. a refusal to face unpleasant aspects of reality b. attributing one's own characteristics to others or to things in the external world c. reducing ego involvement by becoming passive or learning to avoid being hurt d. forcing a dangerous memory, idea, or perception out of the conscious into the unconscious e. an attempt to prove that one's behavior is justified f. the development of attitudes or character traits exactly opposite the ones that have been repressed g. a way of seeking gratification of needs and frustrated desires through the imagination h. the act of separating the normal affect or feeling from an unpleasant or hurtful situation i. reducing the anxiety aroused by forbidden desires by expressing them j. a retreat to earlier developmental stages that are less demanding than those of the present level k. engaging in some form of atonement for immoral or bad behavior l. covering up a weakness by emphasizing some desirable trait or reducing frustration in one area of life by overgratification in another area m. the development of role models that people identify with or imitate n. redirecting energy from a primary object to a substitute when an instinct is blocked REFERENCES: p. 146-148 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 12:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 12:26 AM 4. Identification ANSWER: m POINTS: 1 5. Repression & Suppression ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 6. Reaction Formation ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 7. Denial ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 8. Withdrawal ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 9. Regression ANSWER: j POINTS: 1 10. Undoing ANSWER: k POINTS: 1 11. Displacement ANSWER: n POINTS: 1 12. Projection ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 13. Rationalization ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 14. Fantasy ANSWER: g POINTS: 1 15. Intellectualization Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: h POINTS: 1 16. Compensation ANSWER: l POINTS: 1 17. Acting Out ANSWER: i POINTS: 1
Match the dynamic concepts listed below with their best descriptor. a. refers to the force the super-ego exerts to block or restrain the impulses of the Id b. a conscious state in which a painful emotion is produced c. an inborn psychological representation referred to as a wish or need d. the energy that permits life instincts to work e. refers to the force the ego exerts to block or restrain impulses of the id f. directing one's energy toward an object that will satisfy a need REFERENCES: p. 143-144 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 12:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 12:36 AM 18. Instinct ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 19. Libido ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 20. Cathexis ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 21. Anticathexis ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 22. Anxiety ANSWER: b POINTS: 1
Match the following descriptions with the appropriate psychosexual developmental stage. a. Phallic stage b. Genital stage Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Latency stage d. Anal stage e. Oral stage f. Cerebral stage REFERENCES: p. 149-150 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 1:13 AM 23. self-manipulation of the genitals, the Oedipus complex occurs during this stage ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 24. includes the sub stages oral erotic and oral sadistic ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 25. sexual motivations presumably recede in importance during this stage ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 26. anal region is the major source of pleasurable stimulation ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 27. the major task of this stage is the development of relationships ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 28. One innate drive Freud discussed was a. Aggression b. Humility c. Hubris d. Anger ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 140 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:16 AM 29. Throughout the psychoanalytic process, the therapist acts as Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. A disputer b. An encourager c. A third ear d. Someone who finds exceptions ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 151 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:18 AM 30. In the genital stage of development the focus changes to a. Fulfilling basic needs b. Conflict between wants and reality c. Maintaining status quo d. Developing genuine relationships with others ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 150 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:19 AM 31. Psychoanalytic therapy has traditionally been a. Short-term b. Long-term c. Dictated by managed care d. Inappropriate for children ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 151 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:21 AM 32. In the middle phase of psychoanalytic therapy the goal is to a. Find triggers to current problems b. Identify patterns and themes c. Develop a goal attainment plan d. End the therapeutic relationship ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 153 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:23 AM 33. According to psychoanalytic theory, the basic concepts of human nature revolve around which two notions? a. psychic determinism and unconscious mental processes b. conscious mental processes and random occurrences c. nothing happens by chance and non-causative relationships d. chaos and psychic determinism ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 140-141 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:25 AM 34. The primary goal of counseling within a psychoanalytic frame of reference is a. to re-educate. b. to make the unconscious conscious. c. to make the conscious unconscious. d. to measure psychic energy. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 154 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:27 AM 35. Which of the following is not one of the basic methods of psychoanalytic counseling? a. Interpretation b. Catharsis c. Cognitive restructuring d. Free association ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
c 1 p. 155-157 Multiple Choice False 10/23/2015 8:27 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:29 AM 36. The case of Pete exhibits all of the following psychodynamic concepts except a. acting out. b. making the unconscious conscious. c. interpretation. d. undoing. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 167-170 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:31 AM 37. Which of the following states Freud's belief about people? a. born as blank slates to be built on by heredity and environment. b. basically evil and victims of instincts. c. irrational, self-defeating individuals. d. as princes and princesses. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 140 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:34 AM 38. Freud's concepts of personality were based on the structural concepts of the id, ego and a. libido. b. superego. c. unconscious. d. conscious. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 142 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:35 AM 39. Freud viewed personality development as a succession of psychosexual stages. Which stage is characterized
by a son's sexual desire for his mother? a. Oral stage b. Anal stage Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Phallic stage d. Latency stage ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 149 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:37 AM 40. Which of the following theories uses free association as a method for probing into the unconscious? a. Adlerian Counseling b. Behavioral Counseling c. Logo Therapy d. Psychodynamic Counseling ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 156 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:39 AM 41. Which theorist wrote that if a person's love life and work life were going well, his/her state of mental health
would be healthy? a. Freud b. Frankl c. Dreikurs d. Satir ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 163 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:40 AM 42. According to Freud, the developmental stages are a. oral, anal, pre-operational, and formal. b. infancy, oedipal, childhood, puberty. c. social emotional, oral, phallic, sensorimotor. d. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. ANSWER: POINTS:
d 1
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REFERENCES: p. 149-150 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:42 AM 43. The Oedipal-Electra conflict is resolved in which stage of development? a. Sensorimotor b. Anal c. Phallic d. Genital ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 149 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:44 AM 44. The psychoanalytically oriented counselor often employs the technique of a. transference. b. internal inhibition. c. aversion therapy. d. all of the above are correct. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 151 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:47 AM 45. According to Freud, a therapeutic relationship is built on a. hypnosis. b. trust. c. exposing the ego to analysis. d. unconscious. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 159 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:48 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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46. The "backbone of civilization," according to Freud, is a. the superego. b. sublimation. c. instinct. d. psychosexual development. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 148 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:50 AM 47. Individuals who see in others what they fail to recognize in themselves are exhibiting a defense mechanism
known as a. denial. b. projection. c. rationalization. d. repression. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 147 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:52 AM 48. The principle of transference refers to a. repression of hostile emotions during therapy. b. reliving, through the therapist, other interpersonal relationships. c. making of important decisions as soon as regression occurs. d. independence of attitude by moving from past to present. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 151 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:53 AM 49. Three types of anxiety according to Freud are a. reality, neurotic, and material. b. reasonable, neurotic, and material. c. reality, neurotic, and moral. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. reality, determinism, and material. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 145 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:55 AM 50. The difference in instinct and libido is a. energy and object. b. need/wish and object. c. block and object. d. need/wish and energy. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 143 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:56 AM 51. In objects relations therapy, the word object refers to a. a person b. a pet c. the home d. work ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 163 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:57 AM 52. Psychoanalytic play therapy involves a. reflection of feelings b. interpretation of symbolic play c. encouragement d. schematics of toy selection ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
b 1 p. 163 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:59 AM Subjective Short Answer 53. List and describe six defense mechanisms. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 9:00 AM 54. Explain the psychosexual stages according to Freud’s theory. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 9:01 AM 55. Compare object relations theory to psychoanalytic theory. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 9:02 AM Essay 56. Discuss the etiology of maladaptive behavior according to psychoanalytic thought. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:50 AM 57. Describe and illustrate the structural, dynamic, and developmental concepts of psychoanalytic theory. ANSWER: Answers May Vary Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:51 AM 58. Defend the use of psychoanalysis with multicultural clients. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:52 AM
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Multiple Choice 1. Rogers believed that once a person is free of their defensive behavior (188) a. They will become angry at injustice b. Their reactions will be more positive c. They will no longer have the same basic needs d. Their behavior will be more erratic ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 178 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 2. In person-centered counseling, the world includes a. Seven continents b. The immediate neighborhood c. Bronfenbrenner’s macrosystem d. Everything the person experiences ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 179 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 3. Landreth explains that child-centered counselors focus on the a. Past rather than the present b. The problem rather than the child c. Feelings rather than thoughts and behavior d. Explaining rather than listening ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 181 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 4. The main goal in person-centered counseling is to a. Help people become more autonomous and confident b. Help people develop an action plan c. Help people reframe their thoughts d. Help people connect to other people Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 183 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 5. A person-centered counselor believes all of the following except a. people need to be guided by another person in order to make sound judgments. b. people have worth and dignity in their own right. c. people can make constructive use of responsibility. d. people can select their own values. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 178 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 6. All of the following are techniques related to the person-centered counseling method except a. summarization. b. active listening. c. constructive advice. d. clarification. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 7. The Rogerian model for helping, as modified by Carkhuff (1973), involves which one of the following answers? a. self-exploration, understanding, goal-directed action b. establish goals, insight, revise goals c. establish goals, goal directed action, evaluation d. insight, generating new experiences, reflection ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:14 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 8. According to Rogers the essential purpose of education is a. learning to be free. b. learning to be happy. c. learning to detriangulate. d. learning to be more intimate with others. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 184 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 9. Person-centered counseling can be problematic for clients from cultures a. that encourage self-actualization. b. that expect counselors to be experts. c. that value genuineness d. that devalue action. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 201 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 10. Which of the following is not one of Rogers’s books? a. Dibs In Search of Self b. Counseling and Psychotherapy c. Client-Centered Therapy d. The Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 176-177 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 11. Which of the following statements are true of person-centered counseling (check all that apply) a. The counseling process works best when the counselor lets the client direct the interview. b. The client is viewed as the expert whose task is to teach the counselor about the client's life situation. c. Empathy is the attitude that holds the counseling process together. d. The main technique is skillfully asked questions. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 186-188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 12. Which of the following statements does Radd (2005) emphasize as an important self-concept and life skill? a. People are special and valuable because they are like all other humans. b. People have a responsibility to help and not hurt themselves. c. People are responsible for helping each person with whom they come in contact in order to be special. d. People are most complete when they are united with another person. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 193 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 13. According to person-centered counseling theory, who should direct the interview? a. counselor b. client c. situation or topic d. both A and B ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 14. Person-centered counselors should use the methods of 1) active and passive listening, 2) reflection of thoughts and feelings, 3) clarification, 4) summarization, 5) confrontation of contradictions and 6) ________. a. interpretation b. diagnosis c. directive questions which leads to making judgments d. open leads that help client self-exploration ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:28 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 15. Which psychologist would give the following description to his therapeutic technique "The therapist feels this client to be a person of unconditional self-worth; of value no matter what his condition, behavior or feeling. It means that the therapist is able to let himself go in understanding this client..." a. Robert Carkhuff b. Abraham Maslow c. William Glasser d. Carl Rogers ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 16. According to person-centered theory, a synonym for congruence is a. accepting b. understanding c. listening d. being genuine ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 17. The person-centered approach to counseling generally begins with the counselor doing considerable a. encouraging. b. reinforcing. c. searching. d. listening. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 18. Empathy in the counseling process was most important in the approaches of a. Ellis. b. Rogers. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Glasser. d. Perls. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 19. Empathy is most similar to which of the following statements a. "Play me another somebody done somebody wrong song." b. "You always hurt the one you love." c. "Lean on me brother." d. "Walk a mile in my shoes." ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 20. When Bill exclaims, "My math teacher is a fool," the counselor's best plan is to a. disagree with Bill and his disrespect for his teacher. b. agree with Bill and his disrespect for his teacher. c. tell Bill what you know about getting along with teachers. d. show that she/he understands Bill's message. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 189 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 21. According to Rogers, the most humanistic thing counselors can do for clients is to a. be warm and friendly to them. b. solve their problems. c. encourage them to do better. d. assist in opening up choices for them. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 22. According to Rogers, counselors do the most damage to their clients when they a. don't clarify their clients' feelings. b. don't listen to what their clients are saying. c. judge their clients' statements d. can't identify the client's problem. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 186 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 23. Acceptance, according to Rogers, is based on the premise that individuals a. have personal worth and dignity and should be valued as unique people. b. are responsible for their own life and life situation and therefore have a right to make choices and decisions in leading their own life. c. A and B are both correct in the context of person-centered theory. d. none of the above are correct. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 24. According to Rogers, advice should always be given to clients a. upon request. b. when counselors see that clients are having difficulty solving their problem. c. when the client demands it and the counselor has it. d. none of the above. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 9:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 25. Two ineffective confrontations in adult-youth relationships according to Gordon's "dirty dozen" are the "put down" message and the Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. "send a solution" message. b. silence of no message at all. c. "invitation to talk further on the topic" message. d. "I hurt" message. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 6:46 AM Client "I just can't take it any longer and must do something."
Counselor "You feel completely fed up and you want to make a change." 26. The counselor's response is an example of a. reflection of feeling and content. b. statement of fact. c. clarification of competing statements and emotions. d. interpretation of unconscious free association. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False PREFACE NAME: Client DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 6:50 AM 27. Listeners are most effective when they a. remain silent during the presentation of content. b. take a position on the content message. c. summarize and restate talker's content. d. focus on feelings as well as content. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 28. In replying to a statement such as "I just can't seem to please Harry with my cooking," which response would be most related to an effective counselor's response as opposed to the "person on the street" response? a. “Don't worry about Harry, Jim acts the same way about my cooking. All men are alike when they try to be difficult.” Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. “Cooking for Harry seems to be a frustrating experience.” c. “I have a new recipe for chicken that is out of this world. It would make Harry appreciate you.” d. “Why don't you let him cook for a while?” ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 29. Which of the following is the most appropriate response to children's statements of problems? a. advising the appropriate solutions b. inviting the child to talk more c. praising the child's past good behaviors d. try to get the children to see some humor in the situation ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 30. Which of the following leaders in the mental health field and literature would most likely have believed that clients' actions are the best that they are capable of doing at that moment? a. Albert Ellis b. William Glasser c. Carl Rogers d. Richard Williams ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 183 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 31. Acceptance, according to the person-centered counseling approach of Carl Rogers, is based on several premises. Which of the following is one of them? a. Individuals are not responsible for their own lives. b. Individuals have limited potential based on their capacity for reasoning. c. People have the right to make choices and decisions concerning their own lives. d. The "I-Thou" relationship is of second order importance. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 182 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 32. Which of the following would generally not be considered a helping message during the first part of an interview with a client? a. Silence with a non-verbal invitation to continue b. A minimal encourager c. Active listening d. A probing response ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 184 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 33. Juan’s client looked bewildered when Juan asked about her friendship with Belinda. Which of the following responses is an example of client-centered counseling? a. What are you doing to make Belinda angry? b. You looked confused when I asked about Belinda. c. You have been doing a good job of avoiding Belinda. d. Some people are just not friendly and Belinda seems to be one of those. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 188 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 34. Which of the following is an empathic response to the statement “My teacher promised she’d come to my Little League game but she didn’t.” a. She was probably busy. b. You expect too much from your teacher. c. Why don’t we talk about how that makes you feel? d. You were disappointed when you teacher didn’t see you play baseball. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:25 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 35. Axline’s nondirective play therapy model is based on a primary belief that a. most children can learn. b. children have an innate desire for growth and the capacity for self direction. c. children can easily be trained. d. children acquire skills when modeled by the counselor. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 197 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 36. Which of the following is not one of Landreth’s suggested messages that the person-centered therapist should “live out?” a. “I am here.” b. “I hear you.” c. “I understand you.” d. “I will always be around.” ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 198 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 37. The purpose of motivational interviewing is to a. Hire a person-centered counselor b. Screen a potential client c. Increase potential for change d. Do an intake assessment ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 195 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 38. One of the techniques in motivational interviewing is a. Creating a discrepancy b. Listing helpful behaviors c. Analyzing dreams Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. Explaining the dangers of alcoholism ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 196 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 39. The ACT method of setting limits in play therapy includes which of these a. Acknowledge the family system b. Create a play area c. Target acceptable alternatives d. Communicate the parameters of the relationship ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 198-199 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM Subjective Short Answer 40. Explain and give examples of Carkhuff's levels of responding. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 41. List the beliefs of the person-centered therapist and discus how those beliefs are reflected in the practice of this approach to counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 42. Define the following terms: unconditional positive regard, congruence, empathy, active listening, reflection, clarification, and summarization. ANSWER: Answers May Vary Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 43. Name Axline’s eight basic principles of the child-centered relationship. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 44. Explain the ACT method of setting limits and give an example of the process. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM Essay 45. Summarize the contributions and limitations of person-centered therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 46. List and explain the ways Landreth proposes to evaluate child-centered play therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 47. Discuss the history of person-centered counseling. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM Numeric Response 48. CLASSIFICATION Classify the following responses according to Carkhuff's five levels of counselor responses presented in class. CLIENT "I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO PLEASE MY DAD. HE CRITICIZES EVERYTHING I DO." ____ 1. Counselor “You're worried about that? Heck, I had the same problem with my Dad!” ____ 2. Counselor "You're concerned about you and your Dad's relationship, because you just can't seem to please him and you would like to work out a better situation with him. Would you like to take a look at what you have been doing to solve your problem?" ____ 3. Counselor "A lot of kids your age seem to have the same problem you are having. I guess it is called the generation gap. Samuel Clemens once said that his Dad sure learned a lot between the time when he (Sam) was a teenager and an adult." ____ 4. Counselor "You're concerned because no matter what you do, your Dad seems to get on your back." ____ 5. Counselor “Why don't you ask him to read Ginott's book?" ____ 6. Counselor "You find your mother to be much closer to you." ANSWER: 1 5 1 3 2 6
POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 187-189 QUESTION TYPE: Numeric Response HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 6:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 6:57 AM 49. Carkhuff believes counselors typically respond on any one of five levels of active listening. Match the
following descriptions and statements with their corresponding level. _____ a. "You should eat better." _____ b. "You feel bad about your math grade." _____ c. "You want to find a better way to get along with people because the loneliness of not having a close friend is getting you down." _____ d. "Don't feel bad, some people do much worse than you do." _____ e. "The discouragement over your English grade has motivated you to find a better solution. We could begin by discussing what you have been doing to solve this problem." Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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2 3 4 1 5 POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 187-188 QUESTION TYPE: Numeric Response HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/12/2015 7:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/12/2015 8:01 AM
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Match the neurotic problems with the appropriate description listed below the neurotic problems. a. unexpressed feelings or uncompleted situations clamoring for resolution b. inability to meet ones' needs; too much of self in others c. too much of others in self d. a conflict between what a person thinks "should" be done and what they want to be done e. conflicted dichotomies f. cut off from others and other environmental resources REFERENCES: p. 215 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 1:26 AM 1. Lacking contact with the environment ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 2. Confluence ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 3. Unfinished Business ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 4. Fragmentation ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 5. Top dog/Underdog ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 6. Polarities ANSWER: e POINTS: 1
Match the five layers of neurosis described by Perls with their appropriate descriptions. a. stuck between giving up games and learning new ways to cope with fears b. awareness of self-limiting behaviors c. regaining of unused energy expressed in new behaviors d. trapped in trying to be what one is not e. fears which motivate people to play games REFERENCES:
p. 219
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QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 1:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 1:50 AM 7. Phony ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 8. Phonic ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 9. Impasse ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 10. Implosive ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 11. Explosive ANSWER: c POINTS: 1
Identify all of the following statements as either being a "TOPDOG" or "UNDERDOG" statements. a. Topdog b. Underdog REFERENCES: p. 223 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 2:14 AM 12. "I tried hard to..." ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 13. "You should not talk with her that way." ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 14. "I want to..." ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 15. "I have good intentions." ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 16. "You should take a break" ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 17. According to Gestalt therapy, people are capable of a. becoming self-regulating beings b. changing their thoughts c. recognizing neuroses in others d. integrating into their families ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 212 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:05 AM 18. Gestalt therapists think that people get into trouble when they a. Depend on all parts of themselves b. Become separated from parts of themselves c. Refer their problems to psychiatrists d. Accept their phony layer as their lifestyle ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 212 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:30 AM 19. Gestalt therapist focus on the a. Past b. Family c. Future d. Present ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
d 1 p. 212 Multiple Choice False 10/23/2015 5:30 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:32 AM 20. Gestalt therapy stresses a. Wholeness, b. Integration, c. Balance d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 212-213 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:34 AM 21. In Gestalt thought, ground is equivalent to a. Dirt b. Integration c. Background d. Balance ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 214 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:36 AM 22. For Gestalt therapists awareness signifies a. Emotional inbalance b. Emotional health c. Emotional homeostatis d. Emotional distress ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 213 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:37 AM 23. Unfinished business refers to a. Unclosed accounts b. Completed Gestalts Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Incomplete Gestalts d. Balanced Gestalts ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 216 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:39 AM 24. Gestalt therapy is a. Exploring rather than changing behavior b. Changing rather than exploring behavior c. Ignoring rather than exploring behavior d. Completing the Gestalt in everything ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 215 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:40 AM 25. Gestalt counseling is least recommended for which one of these types of individuals? a. overly socialized b. borderline c. restrained d. constricted ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 233 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:42 AM 26. People may be frustrated with the Gestalt counselor because a. they focus on fragments that define the presenting problem. b. they focus on the past. c. they take a global focus of examining the total picture. d. they focus on the family system rather than the individual. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
c 1 p. 232
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:44 AM 27. Which of the following is emphasized in Gestalt counseling? a. Rational thinking b. Support from others c. Awareness d. Planning for the future ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 218 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:47 AM 28. Which of the following statements is representative of the Gestalt view of dreams and dream work? a. Dreams are a contrived expression of the human being. b. The Gestalt approach is concerned with the analysis of dreams. c. Clients play the parts of all the objects and persons in the dream. d. Clients describe the dream from historical remembrance. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 225 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:48 AM 29. Gestalt counseling is appropriate for all of the following populations except a. severely disturbed or psychotic clients. b. sexually abused children c. clients dealing with grief issues. d. overly intellectualizing clients. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 233 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:50 AM 30. Which of the following statements is representative of the Gestalt view and approach to counseling? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. The key to successful adjustment is the development of successful relationships. b. Gestalt counseling focuses on achieving awareness of the implications of the past. c. Incomplete Gestalts are referred to as "unfinished situations" or "unfinished business." d. Homework is designed for practicing new behaviors outside the sessions. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 216 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:52 AM 31. There are 5 layers which act as counseling stages for the counseling process, the 1) phony layer, 2) phobic
layer, 3) impasse layer, 4) a. top dog/under dog b. implosion/explosion c. confluence/fragmentation d. none of the above
and 5)
ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 219 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:53 AM 32. According to the Gestalt counselor, when using the method of the empty chair, you should a. use only when the child has another person to direct his comments. b. use only when in individual counseling not in group counseling. c. use only after several other methods have shown no progress. d. use only after the procedure has been fully explained and accepted by the client. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 222 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:56 AM 33. According to Perls, Gestalt theory involves a. thoughts and feelings of the moment. b. awareness that being alone can be curative. c. reactions as total organisms. d. all of the above are parts of the theory. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 212 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 5:58 AM 34. Which of the following would be primarily concerned with establishing a healthy figure-ground relationship
in a client? a. Rogers b. Perls c. Ellis d. Glasser ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 214 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 5:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:00 AM 35. According to the Gestalt viewpoint, the healthy person has a. a rigid figure and an obscure ground. b. figure only and no ground. c. a figure-ground relationship that emerges and recedes smoothly. d. a flexible figure superimposed on a rigid ground relationship. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 214 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:03 AM 36. The Gestalt therapy emphasis is primarily on which one of the following processes? a. empathy b. catharsis c. concentration d. reflection ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
c 1 p. 218 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:05 AM 37. In the top dog--under dog game a. top dog uses threats as a means of control. b. under dog functions like a superego. c. top dog always wins.. d. under dog makes "I should" comments. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 223 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:07 AM 38. Perls practiced Gestalt therapy. What does this mean? a. He dealt with emotional experience past, present, and future. b. He was a follower of Adolph Gestalt, an early pioneer in Viennese psychotherapy. c. He dealt with oneness or wholeness of perception in the present. d. He got people to react violently to him in therapy in order to release repressed material in the
unconscious. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 212 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:09 AM 39. "Your smile and the tightness in your hands give me two different messages," would probably most likely
have come from a. Leona Tyler and William Glasser. b. Virginia Johnson and Albert Ellis. c. Virginia Satir and William Masters. d. Violet Oaklander and Fritz Perls. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 233 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:11 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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40. Several of the following Gestalt techniques are useful to the counselor. Which one is not a Gestalt
technique? a. the empty chair b. using "I" language c. playing projections d. analyzing dreams ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 225 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:12 AM 41. Oaklander described the process of Gestalt therapy as like a. dream in which the counselor is one with the child. b. game of “give and take.” c. a dance in which the counselor sometimes leads and sometimes follows. d. an empty chair. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 227 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:14 AM Subjective Short Answer 42. Discuss the client's responsibility in Gestalt therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:20 AM 43. List five techniques from Gestalt therapy. Define and give an example of each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:18 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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44. Explain the meaning of Gestalt and tell how the meaning of the word is related to the counseling approach. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:23 AM 45. Explain the importance of “contact” in Gestalt play therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:22 AM Essay 46. Use the five layers of neuroses to illustrate how a client might progress through the Gestalt therapeutic
process. Give specifics regarding the differences in the client at each layer. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM
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Match the terms listed below with their most accurate description. a. occurs after the behavior occurs but tends to decrease its occurrence b. the process of eliminating learned behavior by ignoring the it c. occurs when behavior is reinforced by its capacity to stop an aversive stimulus d. a form of conditioning which occurs after the desired behavior and reinforces it with a rewarding stimulus e. behavior that operates on and changes the environment in some manner f. logical consequences that follow the behavior REFERENCES: p. 242-243 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 4:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 4:34 AM 1. operant behavior ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 2. punishment ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 3. negative reinforcement ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 4. positive reinforcement ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 5. extinction ANSWER: b POINTS: 1
Match the four conditioning methods listed below with the best descriptor. a. the aversive stimulus is continually repeated until the fear response wears itself out b. the more painful negative reinforcement overcomes the benefits gained from daydreaming in class c. the aversive stimulus is handled in small steps by visualization/relaxation and by practice until increasingly larger steps can be handled d. the larger pleasant stimulus overcomes the anxiety or fear evoked by the smaller aversive stimulus e. the more painful stimulus overcomes the smaller reward gained from daydreaming in class QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 4:35 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 4:38 AM 6. Desensitization ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 7. Internal inhibition (flooding) ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 8. Counter-conditioning ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 9. Aversive conditioning ANSWER: e POINTS: 1
Match the terms listed below with the best description. a. using a seven-step self-management punishment, and maintenance b. includes the teaching strategies-tell me, show me, let me try it c. exposure to real life or film presentations of the behavior to be adopted by the child d. requires the counselor to look, wait, and reinforce e. using a machine to accomplish the three behaviors of looking, waiting, and reinforcing f. used on a group basis, a system for earning points for target behaviors REFERENCES: p. 252-260 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 4:52 AM 10. Shaping ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 11. Biofeedback ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 12. Modeling ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 13. Token economies ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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14. Behavior-practice groups ANSWER: b POINTS: 1
Contingency contracting is a technique in behavioral counseling involving six steps. Match the step with the appropriate order in which it occurs. a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth f. Sixth REFERENCES: p. 253-254 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 4:55 AM 15. counselor and child identify the problem to be solved ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 16. counseling techniques & methods are selected for attaining goals ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 17. counselor and child set mutually acceptable goals ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 18. new methods and techniques are selected if the first ones chosen were not effective ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 19. data are collected to verify the baseline frequency rate of the undesired behavior ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 20. techniques are evaluated for observable and measurable change ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 21. A broad view of Skinner’s view of the nature of people is that a. Children change because people love them b. Children change because of their experiences Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Children change because they can identify their emotions d. Children change because their self-talk is modified ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 239 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:34 AM 22. Reductionism refers to a. telescoping actions to the smallest, final source b. telescoping people to their evolutionary continuity c. telescoping people to their primary emotions d. telescoping people to their automatic thoughts ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 240 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:49 AM 23. Behavioral counseling is a(n) a. Dream interpretive therapy b. Script analysis therapy c. Active, directive therapy d. Evolutionary interpretive therapy ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 240 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:51 AM 24. In behavioral therapy knowing the origins of psychological problems is a. Dependent on the DSM description b. Necessary for second order change c. Not necessary for change d. Creates motivation for change ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
c 1 p. 241
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:52 AM 25. Currently behavioral counseling uses a. Only covert processes b. Only overt behaviors c. Neither covert processes or overt behaviors d. Both covert process and overt behaviors ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 242 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:53 AM 26. A behavioral chain is a. the arrangement of individual responses in a particular sequence b. the arrangement of a group of individuals working toward a specific goal c. the arrangement of a classroom by ability level d. the arrangement of contingencies in a special order ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 244 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:55 AM 27. Shaping involves children a. Learning a way to mold different types of media b. Learning a behavior by approximations of it c. Learning how to influence others d. Learning components of communication ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 245 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 6:58 AM 28. One focus of behavioral counseling is to Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. Learn to increase excesses b. Learn to increase deficits c. Learn to decrease excesses d. Learn to live with deficits ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 240 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 6:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:00 AM 29. Which of the following is a tenet of behavioral theory? a. people are innately good b. human behavior is a product of unconscious drives c. the child of our past is still contained within us d. people are products of their environment ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 239 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:01 AM 30. According to Skinner, individuals choose behaviors based on which of the following? a. emotions b. fears c. pleasure principle d. anticipated consequences ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 241 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:03 AM 31. In behavioral counseling the counselor's role is to help clients achieve goals through which of the following? a. insight principles b. reinforcement principles c. psychodynamic principles d. natural principles ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 252 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:06 AM 32. Behavior consists of three phases. Which of the following is the correct order of these phases? a. behavior, antecedent, consequence b. antecedent, behavior, consequence c. consequence, behavior, antecedent d. antecedent, consequence, behavior ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 248 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:09 AM 33. Behavior analysis involves four steps. Which of the answers listed below best describes the sequence of the
four steps? a. identify the problem category, identify problem type, determine cause, select a problem solution b. identify who is responsible, why they are acting irresponsibly, punish responsibly, punish again if necessary c. identify who is responsible, identify the person's irrational beliefs, substitute rational believes, reeducate d. identify why the problem exists, how long it has occurred, provide insight, reorient and reeducate ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 248 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:10 AM 34. Skinner describes the nature of people as a belief that a. people are influenced and changed by things that happen to them. b. that the child in our past serves a useful purpose in explaining present behavior . c. people are essentially neutral at birth with equal potential for rationality or irrationality. d. both A and C ANSWER: POINTS: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
d 1 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:16 AM 35. There are several techniques mentioned under behavioral counseling methods. One states six steps in which
the counselor and child work through the problem, collect data, and set goals. This method is which of the following a. self-management. b. role playing. c. contingency contracting. d. shaping. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 253-254 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:24 AM 36. Another counseling method used by behaviorists consists of giving points for certain target behaviors that
are correct or are close approximations. This method is known as a. biofeedback. b. modeling. c. shaping. d. token economics. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 256 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:25 AM 37. Which of the following would you be using if you had just been thrown off a horse and were forced to get
back on? a. systematic desensitization b. hypnosis c. counter-conditioning d. internal inhibition ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 263 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:27 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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38. According to principles used in behavioral counseling to change behavior, it is necessary to a. identify reinforcing stimuli. b. identify underlying needs. c. increase client awareness. d. explore historical causes. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 248 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:29 AM 39. Which of the following statements about punishment is true? a. Punishment (if not harsh) may be effective if it is instructional. b. Punishment usually promotes more effective behavior. c. Punishment may produce undesirable side effects. d. Punishment may be a permanent solution. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 243 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:31 AM 40. According to behaviorist principles, adults can increase their capacity for modifying the behavior of children
by a. listening carefully. b. avoiding snap judgments. c. avoiding pretending to pay attention. d. catching them doing "good" behavior. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 243 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:32 AM 41. The behavioral counselor in organizing a self-management program would be least concerned with a. self-actualization needs. b. reinforcement schedule. c. baseline behavior. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. setting events. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 255-256 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:33 AM 42. The primary focus of behavioral counseling is on teaching clients about a. determining unconscious motivations. b. reinforcement and extinction. c. becoming more comfortable with new behavior patterns. d. better ways to meet their needs. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 246 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:35 AM 43. Presenting the stimulus very weakly and increasing it gradually while pairing it with a positive reinforcer is
an example of a. aversion therapy and internal inhibition. b. internal inhibition and counter conditioning. c. desensitization and counter conditioning. d. counter-conditioning and shaping. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 265 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:37 AM 44. Changing the balance of positive and negative consequences requires selecting an appropriate a. stimuli. b. extinction. c. schedule of reinforcement. d. punishment. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
c 1 p. 243
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:38 AM 45. A child who wears a rubber band around a wrist and snaps it each time she finds herself daydreaming
instead of listening to the teacher is an example of a. negative reinforcement. b. extinction. c. desensitization. d. aversive conditioning. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 265 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:40 AM 46. When behavior therapists advise teachers to "ignore a child's minor misbehavior and it will go away," they
are counting on the process of a. extinction. b. modeling. c. desensitization. d. Aversion. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 243 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:42 AM 47. Anxiety may be reduced by a method in which a. irrational thinking is disputed. b. repressed conflicts are uncovered. c. lack of agreement between the real and ideal self is explored. d. relaxation is paired with a related stimuli. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 261 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:44 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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48. Which of the following techniques enables an individual to gain a measure of control over his or her
involuntary physiological responses? a. behavioral programming b. biofeedback c. modeling d. role reversal ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 258 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:46 AM 49. For the behavioral counselor, the counseling method would involve a. focusing on self-actualization. b. utilizing diagnostic categories. c. replacing bad habits with good habits. d. exploration of childhood experiences. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 246 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:47 AM 50. The behavioral counselor's reinforcement of successive approximations of the desired behavior applies most
closely to the technique of a. desensitization. b. retroactive inhibition. c. shaping. d. massing of trials. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 256 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:49 AM Subjective Short Answer 51. Explain four different schedules of reinforcement. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:50 AM 52. Discuss the similarities and difference in operant and classical conditioning. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:52 AM 53. Outline a contingency contract for a child who is not completing her homework. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 7:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 7:53 AM Essay 54. Compare the behavioral approach to counseling with the person-centered approach. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:25 AM 55. Write a short paragraph describing a misbehavior problem in a classroom. Discuss how you would design a
plan to diminish the behavior. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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56. List and explain the major contributions and limitations of behavioral counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM 57. Outline the steps of behavioral analysis with examples from a specific situation. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:27 AM 58. Describe the procedure of behavioral counseling with examples of each step. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:30 AM
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Reality therapy and psychoanalytic theory differ in a number of ways. Match the theory with the statement which best describes it. a. Reality Therapy b. Psychoanalytic REFERENCES: Chapter 9 & Chapter 5 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:12 AM 1. The unconscious is largely ignored ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 2. A healing process, not a teaching process ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 3. Focus on right and wrong ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 4. Focus on the past ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 5. Utilizes transference as a therapeutic mechanism ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 6. Favors the concept of responsibility over mental illness ANSWER: a POINTS: 1
In reality therapy the counselor often follows five basic steps. Match the step with the order in which it occurs. a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth REFERENCES: pp. 287-288 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:15 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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7. Development of plans that will help ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 8. Identification of present behavior--what is being done ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 9. Commitment from the client to try at least one of the plans ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 10. Establishment of a relationship ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 11. Evaluation of present behavior--Is it helping? ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 12. The main focus of reality therapy is a. Explaining to people right and wrong b. Supporting people so they can lead more fulfilling lives c. Helping people get in contact with reality d. Arranging contingencies to reinforce positive behavior ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 279 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:04 AM 13. Choice theory is based on the idea that a. The only behavior we can control is our own b. Controlling other people takes special skills c. Social skills lead to different choices d. Highly structured environments are needed to give people control ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
a 1 p. 279 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:05 AM 14. According to Glasser at birth people have which of the following sets of needs? a. Love, belonging, self-esteem, power, freedom b. Love, safety, self-actualization, power, fun c. Survival, love and belonging, power, fun, and freedom. d. Survival, self-esteem, control, freedom ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 280 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM 15. According to Glasser irresponsible behavior refers to people a. Trying to meet their needs while infringing on other people b. Meeting their inappropriate needs by controlling others c. Trying to meet their mistaken goals d. Ignoring their needs and the needs of others ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 281 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:09 AM 16. Throughout the reality therapy counseling process, the counselor is a. Active b. Focused on the present c. Concerned with what the person is doing d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 284 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:10 AM 17. Wubbolding encourages counselors to be a. Directive Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. Informative c. Enthusiastic d. All of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 284 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:12 AM 18. Unhealthy functioning in reality therapy involves a. A breakdown in meeting needs in responsible ways b. A corrupt thought process c. Uncontrolled emotions d. Broken relationships ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 283 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:13 AM 19. According to Glasser people stay in their misery in order to a. Get their needs met the best way they know b. Get medical reimbursement c. Control other people d. Get in touch with reality ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 283 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:15 AM 20. One of the things counselors should not do in reality therapy a. Accept the client’s choices b. Ask why c. Be firm and courteous d. Be enthusiastic ANSWER: POINTS:
b 1
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REFERENCES: p. 285 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:20 AM 21. Glasser believes problems are the result of one factor. Which of the following would he say is that one? a. an inability to fulfill one's basic needs b. incorrect learning c. irrational thinking d. inability to express one's feelings ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 279 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:21 AM 22. Reality therapy includes each of the following steps except a. logical consequences. b. involvement. c. examining the reasons why a behavior is performed. d. not becoming discouraged and giving up too soon. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 285 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:23 AM 23. According to the ten-step reality therapy consultation model, which of the following is not an example of a
Phase III intervention? a. in class time-out b. a time-out outside of the classroom c. taking the child on a field trip to juvenile court d. verbal encouragement ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
d 1 p. 295-297 Multiple Choice False 10/23/2015 8:24 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:25 AM 24. Which of the following is true of reality therapy? a. emphasis upon helping people accept responsibility for their choices b. a pessimistic counselor c. Glasser's fellow psychiatrists have offered the strongest support in favor of reality therapy d. right and wrong defined by a religious institution ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 286 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:26 AM 25. According to Glasser's book Choice Theory, which of the following statements is true? a. People are not responsible for their own choices. b. People are controlled by external events. c. Glasser suggests "I am depressing" rather than "I am depressed." d. Reframing thoughts or visualizations are prescribed as ways of treating undesirable states. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 285 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:28 AM 26. Glasser's books include all of the following except a. Choice Theory. b. Positive Addiction. c. Reality Therapy. d. Inadequate Choices. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 278-279 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:30 AM 27. Which one of the following views adheres to the beliefs to William Glasser? a. that people resent the reality of the world around them b. that people need to be controlled in order to learn to fulfill their needs and to become responsible
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c. that adjusted people are those who can fulfill their needs without infringing on the rights of others d. that people are basically bad and must learn responsible behavior ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 281 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:31 AM 28. Which of the following statements concerning reality therapy is true? In reality therapy a counselor would a. work on the past to understand the present b. avoid right and wrong issues c. relate to the client as a part of a larger system d. ask a client how the behavior is helping ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 287 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:33 AM 29. The three R's of reality therapy are a. reason, relate, and rebuild. b. relate, re-evaluate, and re-educate. c. reality, responsibility, and re-educate. d. reality, responsibility, and relationships. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 289 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:34 AM 30. According to Glasser, if clients are asked a "why" question, they will usually a. evaluate their behavior. b. condemn their behavior. c. rationalize their behavior. d. exploit their behavior. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
a 1 p. 288
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:38 AM 31. Clients most likely would be asked to evaluate their behavior when counseled by a. Ellis. b. Glasser. c. Carkhuff. d. Rogers. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 287 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:40 AM 32. A good counselor will, in the view of William Glasser a. find out what's causing clients' problems. b. try to solve client's problems. c. tell clients that it's not as bad a problem. d. help clients solve their own problems. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 286-288 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:41 AM 33. Reality therapists argue that a. changing feelings will change behavior. b. changing behavior will change feelings. c. the issue of right and wrong should not be considered in counseling. d. therapy sessions should not be limited in time. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 281 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:43 AM 34. Glasser labels mental illness as Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. irresponsibility. b. irrationality. c. psychosis. d. insanity. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 283 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:45 AM 35. Glasser defines responsibility as a. a willingness to face each day without resorting to neurotic symptoms. b. the ability to fulfill one's needs without depriving others of need fulfillment. c. the assuming of ordinary, daily tasks required of normal people in our society. d. the ability to be happy and to know that one's life is worthwhile to others. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 283 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:46 AM 36. Counseling following the reality therapy process is focused on needs identified by Glasser. Some of those
needs are a. the need to achieve the self-ideal. b. the need to love and belong. c. the need to maintain a satisfactory standard of behavior. d. the need to be accepted be others as an individual. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 280 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:49 AM 37. Glasser recognizes the need for
rather than repressed sexual and aggressive motives in his treatment process. a. a complex need hierarchy b. self-actualization and self-management c. self-reinforcement and encouragement Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. love and self-worth ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 284 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:50 AM 38. Glasser believes the quickest way to change behavior is to a. probe probable causes of feelings by examination of one's past. b. work through the client-counselor transference relationship. c. focus on body movements. d. ask clients to evaluate their behavior. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 281 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:52 AM 39. The types of questions a reality therapy counselor may use to facilitate counseling clients about their
irresponsible behaviors include all of the following except a. when? b. what? c. where? d. why? ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 285 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:54 AM Subjective Short Answer 40. Discuss the concept of failure and success identities. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:54 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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41. Explain Glasser's definitions of responsibility and reality. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/23/2015 8:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/23/2015 8:56 AM Essay 42. Compare and contrast reality therapy with any other theory. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:32 AM 43. Outline the eight steps of reality therapy by listing the steps and providing examples of what would happen
in each step. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:33 AM 44. Use the five reality therapy questions turned into statements to demonstrate how the theory could be put into
practice. Do this by creating a transcript as an illustration of using the statements and of responses a client might give. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:35 AM 45. Explain and illustrate the 10-step reality therapy consultation model. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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Multiple Choice 1. Counselors who use solution-focused brief counseling believe that to feel better people a. Need a diagnosis b. Need a healthy relationship c. Need to focus on making behavioral changes d. Need to figure out why things are happening ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 305 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:48 AM 2. In SFBC every problem has a. Identifiable exceptions b. Crossed relationships c. Predictable causes d. Prescribed treatment protocols ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 306 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:50 AM 3. One way to build momentum is to encourage a. A scaling question b. Small behavior changes c. A skeleton key d. Ask a miracle question ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 306 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:51 AM 4. A primary goal in SFBC is to a. Create conversations that mobilize b. Build relationships that are long-standing c. Share the counselor’s expertise Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. Outline a best practices approach to the problem ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 307 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:52 AM 5. In SFBC counselors focus relentlessly on a. Interpreting b. Training c. Giving directions d. Finding solutions ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 307 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:54 AM 6. According to SFBC, all environment a. Have difficulties b. Have unsolvable issues c. Have resources d. Have unresolved stresses ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 308 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM 7. SFBC create hope by a. Interpreting b. Training c. Building anticipation of change d. Giving directions to other resources ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
c 1 p. 308 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:57 AM 8. To be effective goals must be stated a. In positive terms b. In emotional language c. As final steps d. In the form of what not to do ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 308 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 1:58 AM 9. WOWW stands for a. What order would work b. Work on what works c. Would Orlando work well d. What or why work ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 313 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:00 AM 10. Counselors who use solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) believe that people a. will resist counselor’s suggestions. b. need to focus on the causes of their problems. c. focus on present problems. d. are free to make responsible choices. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 309 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:01 AM 11. SFBC is most likely the only counseling theory in which a ____ orientation takes precedence over a _____
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a. present; past b. future; present c. past; present d. none of the above ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 305 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:03 AM 12. A song title that captures the belief of solution-focused brief counseling is a. “Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song.” b. “Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative.” c. “Ain’t Misbehavin’.” d. “You’re So Vain.” ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 305 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:04 AM 13. Counselors who use solution-focused brief counseling believe that people respond better to counseling when a. they focus on cognitive aspects of the problem situation. b. they focus on affective aspects of the problem situation. c. they focus on positive changes in behavior. d. they focus on the past. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 306 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:06 AM 14. According to the SFBC approach, small behavior changes a. are a waste of valuable time. b. build momentum. c. are too difficult to evaluate. d. lead to complacency. ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 306 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:07 AM 15. Bruce suggests the following task for someone who has a victim mentality a. keep repeating what you are doing. b. control your urge to continue the behavior. c. observe someone who does this well. d. pay attention to a time when things were good. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 311 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:09 AM 16. Of the following, the strategy that is most valued in SFBC is a. a new strategy that the counselor can easily teach the client. b. a simple technique that is age appropriate. c. a technique that allows for some emotional and behavioral component. d. whatever works for the client. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 323 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:14 AM 17. Which of the following is a “motto” of SFBC? a. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” b. “If it works a little, build in it and try to do more of the part that is working.” c. “If it ain’t broke, break it!” d. Both A and B ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
d 1 p. 305 Multiple Choice False 10/24/2015 2:14 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:15 AM 18. Bruce’s intervention of observe and take notes is intended to a. provide models. b. stimulate role shifts. c. increase documentation. d. change beliefs. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 311 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:17 AM 19. SFBC strategies may be explained as a. helping a client find a meaning in life. b. helping a client rearrange thought patterns. c. helping a client build on personal successes. d. helping a client identify emotions. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 305 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:18 AM 20. Four things the counselor needs to understand in SFBC are the problem, the emotions, the intensity of the
emotions, and a. the cause of the emotions. b. the reinforcers of the problem. c. the client’s expectations and goals. d. the family structure. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 311 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:20 AM 21. In SFBC goals should be a. “Thou shalt not…” b. paradoxical. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. determined by the counselor. d. observable. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 312 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:21 AM 22. A way SFBC may work with negative goals is to change “I want others to stop…” to a. “Could your teacher help with that?” b. “What would be different then?” c. “Some people have tried …” d. “How can you reward them for stopping?” ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 313 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:22 AM 23. “If something happened overnight and your problem were solved” is a. the miracle question. b. a bridge. c. scaling. d. a positive goal. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 315 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:24 AM 24. Solution-Focused Brief Counseling focuses on all but a. setting goals. b. recognizing instances of success. c. pathology. d. rediscovering client resources. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
c 1 p. 306
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:27 AM 25. All of the following except a. scaling
are used in Solution-Focused Brief Counseling.
b. problem analysis c. framing interventions d. task assignments ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 313-316 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:29 AM 26. Homework assignments are given to help students a. realize they are resistant to change. b. realize they are capable of coming up with solutions. c. practice what they learn in sessions. d. realize that practice makes better. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 321 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:30 AM 27. A brief solution-oriented therapist would most likely a. focus on a trauma which took place in childhood. b. focus on dreams. c. focus on the exceptions of when the family is functioning well. d. focus on transference. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 320 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:31 AM 28. Solution-focused brief counseling is most ideally suited for school because it Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. overcomes many pitfalls that impede counselors. b. is suitable for a range of problems. c. makes counselors more accountable. d. shows rapid observable changes in students. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 326 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:33 AM 29. Goal attainment scaling is a method of evaluating (323) a. interview interactions between counselor and client. b. interview responses by a client. c. degree of accomplishment of counseling goals. d. a counseling process paradigm. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:47 AM 30. At the conclusion of the initial session, the counselor prepares a message for the student. The message
consists of all of the following except a. compliments. b. bridging statements. c. tasks. d. interventions. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 323 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:36 AM 31. “When was the most recent time that this happened?” is an example of a. goal negotiation. b. miracle question. c. scaling question. d. exceptions. ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 314 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:38 AM 32. SFBC practitioners include of the following except a. Gerald B. Sklare. b. Rudolph Dreikurs. c. Steven deShazer. d. Insoo Kim Berg. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 303-305 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:39 AM 33. To be efficient and effective, goals must be a. stated in terms of small steps of observable actions students will start. b. stated in terms of what they will not do or what they will stop. c. included in the desired behavior. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 312 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:41 AM Subjective Short Answer 34. List the steps for solution-focused brief counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:45 AM 35. Explain the characteristics of appropriate and inappropriate counseling goals. Give examples of each. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:44 AM Essay 36. Discuss the applicability of brief counseling for multicultural clients. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:46 AM 37. Explain the differences in brief counseling and reality therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:47 AM 38. Describe five strategies in brief counseling and give examples of each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:48 AM
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Multiple Choice 1. Private logic includes which of the following a. lifestyle goals, b. hidden reasons, c. immediate goals. d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 333 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 2. Adler believed that problems that come to therapy are related to a. Career, love relationships and friendships b. Attention, power, inadequacy c. Career, sex, and power d. Revenge, career, relationships ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 334 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 1:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 3. Adler believed people need to be educated to value and exhibit a. superiority b. social interest c. achievement d. career competency ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 334 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 4. Adler’s concept of style of life refers to a. A person’s picture album b. The way a person meets personal needs c. The direction in which the person is moving d. The family constellation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 335 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 5. Which of the following is a personality priority according to Adlerians? a. Disputing others b. Emotional lability c. Seeking revenge for inferiority d. Pleasing ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 337 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 6. Which of the following did Adler consider a barometer of mental health? a. Social interest b. Goals of misbehavior c. Lifestyle d. Inferiority complex ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 335 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 7. Which of the following is an Adlerian concept? a. a few people develop some sense of inferiority b. masculine protest - a striving for power is common to both sexes c. sexual pleasure is the prime motivator of behavior d. individual interest is more important than social interest ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 334 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:06 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 8. Which of the following are true of Adlerian psychology? a. behavior is mechanistic b. one's level of social interest is not a good measure of mental health c. pronounced egocentricity leads to good adjustment d. persons feeling inferior will do useless things in order to prove their own worth by gaining attention ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 343 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 9. Which of the following is one of the three environmental factors identified by Adler's individual psychology that affect the development of a child's personality? (347) a. family income b. family geneology c. family atmosphere d. family living conditions. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 341 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 10. According to Adler, four ties create reality and meaning in people's lives. These include all of the following except a. people exist to help ensure the continuance of the human species. b. human survival depends on our need to cooperate with our fellow human beings. c. human problems can be grouped into the following categories social, occupational and sexual. d. human beings do not need to depend on each other. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 343 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 11. Which of the following is one of the four priorities suggested in the chapter regarding the need to belong? a. The main objective is to ignore stress. b. The main objective is to please others to avoid rejection. c. The main objective of trying to prove inferiority complex. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. The main objective is to expect humiliation to avoid disappointment. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 346 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 12. Which of the following is one of the four mistaken goals through which children attempt to belong? a. revenge b. confusion c. social interest d. pleasing ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 348 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 13. Which of the following is listed as an appropriate corrective procedure to be implemented after identifying the goal of misbehavior? a. encouragement b. punitive consequences c. blame d. punishment ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 347 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 14. Adler believed that all people develop some sense of inferiority because a. they are born basically evil. b. they are born neutral where heredity and the environment are the main influence. c. they are born completely helpless and remain that way through a long childhood. d. they are born as princes and princesses and can't live up to this. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 333 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 15. According to Adler, the counselor's job was to help the child substitute realistic goals for unrealistic goals and install social interest and concern for others. In accomplishing that, the Theory of the Family Constellation came about. Which one of the following birth orders is characterized most often as being creative and freethinking? a. the Only child b. the First-born c. the Second-born d. the Youngest ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 339-340 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 16. Adler mentions several goals of misbehavior Attention, Power, Revenge and a. Withdrawal b. Inadequacy c. Destructive d. both A and B ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 347-350 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM
17. According to Dreikurs, a display of inadequacy can best be treated by a. encouragement. b. the buddy system. c. ignoring. d. reinforcement. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 355 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 18. The ultimate driving force of people according to Adlerian theory is a. a striving for power. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. a feeling of inferiority. c. the drive to fill deficiency needs. d. the drive to fill being needs. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 333 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 19. According to Adlerian psychology, the four reasons that children misbehave are a. power struggling, irresponsibility, lack of adequate value system and birth order in the family. b. attention getting, revenge, depression and reaction formation. c. attention getting, power struggling, revenge and display of inadequacy. d. display of inadequacy, projection, attention getting and rationalization. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 347-350 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 20. Logical consequences rather than punishment are recommended most often by a. family counselors using Satir's method. b. behavioral counselors. c. Adlerian counselors. d. transactional analysis counselors ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 359 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 21. Punishment and logical consequences differ in ways to deal with misbehavior in that a. punishment is related to the behavior, while logical consequences are related to moral judgments. b. punishment focuses on the here and now while logical consequences deal with the past. c. their descriptive terminology is different even though both are basically the same. d. punishment is related to the power of personal authority; logical consequences are related to social reality. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 360 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 22. Adlerian psychologists base their system on a. the will to become all that one can become. b. the will to meaning. c. the will to power. d. the will to pleasure. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 334 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 23. When the concepts of natural and logical consequences are applied, people are a. allowed to experience the actual results of their behavior b. given a reward on a fixed interval schedule c. allowed to make decisions on the type of punishment to be used d. reinforced on a variable ratio schedule ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 360 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 24. According to Dreikurs, misbehavior has all of the following goals except a. status. b. understanding. c. power. d. control. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 347-350 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 25. Which theorist believes that one must learn about goals in order to understand behavior? a. Wolpe Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. Satir c. Dreikurs d. Berne ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 346 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 26. Developmentally, Adler specified which of the following responses as the most severe case of misbehavior? a. revenge seeking b. power struggle c. display of inadequacy d. attention-getting ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 348 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 27. Which counseling approach is associated with the concept of "inferiority" - "superiority"? a. Behavioral Therapy b. Conjoint Family Therapy c. Individual Psychology d. Transactional Analysis ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 333 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 28. In Adlerian play therapy the ultimate goal is to a. reduce discouragement. b. identify birth order c. track early recollections d. hold family education classes ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 363 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 29. One strategy suggested for use in Adlerian play therapy is a. color my world and emotive brain work b. hypnosis c. contingency contracting d. therapeutic metaphors ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 364 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 30. A counseling technique described by proponents of Adler allows children to experience the natural results of their behavior. That technique is a. description of children. b. logical consequences. c. isolation techniques. d. listed behaviors. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 360 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 31. In considering birth order and ordinal position, the key question for counselors is a. how each child finds a place in the family. b. how each child communicates needs. c. how each child displays social interest. d. how each child achieves academically. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 341 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 32. Kottman explained that the counselor using Adlerian play therapy begins by assuming that the child is Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. angry. b. insufficiently motivated. c. abused. d. discouraged. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 363 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM Matching
Match the following generalizations about birth order with the birth order listed. a. they usually enjoy being the center of attention, may get along better with adults than with children their own age b. may become dependent or spoiled and experience a lag in development c. may be extroverted, free thinking, may feel squeezed out or neglected d. may be introverted and conforming REFERENCES: pp. 339-341 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:23 AM 33. only child ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 34. second born child ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 35. youngest child ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 36. first born child ANSWER: d POINTS: 1
Match the following 12 family atmospheres with their best description. a. Parents do too much for the children, protect them from consequences of their behavior, leads to feelings of helplessness and dependency. b. Discouraged and "unsuccessful" parents often pass these attitudes on to their children. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Fear of failure leads to the considerable distress perfectionist people experience, "I am not loved unless I
make all A's". d. Too much criticism generally leads to cynicism and an inability to form good interpersonal relationships. e. Expect favors from others to make up for their misfortune, may occur with handicapped children who are encouraged to feel sorry for themselves. f. A pessimistic viewpoint possessed by individuals suffering from low self esteem, hopelessness, and discouragement, children may learn that life is unfair and that people should treat them better. g. Children in this type of home learn that feelings of self-worth depend on possessions and on how much you own in relation to your peers. h. Irregular/unpredictable methods of discipline and home routines create confusion and disharmony. i. Requires unquestioned obedience, children who have little or no voice in family decisions. j. Children feel unloved and unaccepted in their type of family, parents have difficulty separating the deed from the doer. k. Homes with considerable quarreling teach children to try to control other people and keep others from controlling them, power is the primary goal for these children. l. Similar to the authoritarian home in this family atmosphere children are not allowed to express their opinion or feeling, these children also have trouble expressing their feelings outside of the home, close relationships are not encouraged. REFERENCES: pp. 341-343 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:29 AM 37. Authoritarian ANSWER: i POINTS: 1 38. Suppressive ANSWER: l POINTS: 1 39. Rejective ANSWER: j POINTS: 1 40. Disparaging ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 41. High standards ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 42. Inharmonious ANSWER: k POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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43. Inconsistent ANSWER: h POINTS: 1 44. Materialistic ANSWER: g POINTS: 1 45. Overprotective ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 46. Pitying ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 47. Hopeless ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 48. Martyr ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 Subjective Short Answer 49. Explain the concept of social interest according to Adlerian psychology. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 50. List and discuss the qualities of a well-adjusted child according to the Adlerian view. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 51. Compare and contrast praise, encouragement, and reinforcements, bribery, rewards and punishment. ANSWER: Answers May Vary Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 52. Discuss natural and logical consequences. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM Essay 53. Outline and provide details about the goals of misbehavior and interventions for each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 54. Explain family atmosphere and indicate how negative family atmosphere can affect children. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 55. Describe the four phases of Adlerian play therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM Numeric Response Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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56. Match the following items in Columns B and C with the appropriate Column A items. Column B (Adult Feelings) A. helpless B. threatened C. anxious D. hurt E. depressed F. annoyed Column C (Counseling Questions) a. b. c. d. e. f.
"Could it be that you want to make more decisions about what you do?" "Could it be that you are not following your rules?" "Could it be that you want me to punish Joe?" "Could it be that you want me to notice you? "Could it be that you want me to leave you alone?" "Could it be that you've been wronged?"
Response: _____ _____ _____ _____
3. Attention getting 4. Power struggling 5. Revenge 6. Display of inadequacy
F and d B and a D and f A and E POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 347-350 QUESTION TYPE: Numeric Response HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/18/2015 11:16 AM
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Multiple Choice 1. REBT practitioners concentrate on a. Past events and people’s emotional memories b. Present events and people’s emotional memories c. Past events and people’s reactions to them d. Present events and people’s reaction to them ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 374 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:06 AM 2. One of the innate propensities identified by Ellis is a. The tendency to love one another b. The tendency to think irrationally c. The tendency to seek comfort d. The tendency to discard parents ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 374 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:08 AM 3. According to Ellis one theme of a rational life is a. Accepting certain limits in life b. Determining the important shoulds in life c. Demanding others to accept you d. Relying on other people for decisions ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 376 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:11 AM 4. An area of crooked thinking is a. I must be perfect b. Others must be perfect c. The world must be perfect Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 377 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:13 AM 5. Self-demandingness refers to the belief that a. I must stand up for myself b. I must always perform well c. I should always be happy d. I should discount people who do not approve of me ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 377 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:15 AM 6. Other-demandingness refers to the belief that a. People should always be kind and fair b. People should obey me c. People should accept me for who I am d. People are not important enough to worry about ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 377 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:17 AM 7. World-demandingness refers to the belief that a. Life should be risk avoidant b. Life should be free of hassles c. Life should give people extra chances d. Life cannot be what I want ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
b 1 p. 377 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:19 AM 8. In REBT counselors a. Let the client direct the process b. Let the insurance company dictate the process c. Direct the therapy d. Use several non-directive techniques ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 380 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:20 AM 9. “I struck out two times and got one hit. I’ll probably strike out again” is an example of a. A distortion b. An overgeneralization c. A deletion d. Catastrophizing ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 382 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:23 AM 10. “I got an F on the spelling test. I will never be a good student” is an example of a. A distortion b. An overgeneralization c. A deletion d. Catastrophizing ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 382 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM 11. Which of the following best describes the goal of rational-emotive-behavioral counseling? a. identify emotions then change behaviors Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. teaches people to think and behave in a more personally satisfying way c. change their behavior in order to change their feelings d. changing behavior causes change in how we think ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 382 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:27 AM 12. Rational-emotive-behavioral counseling is frequently referred to as the "A,B,C,D, and E" approach. Place
the following list in chronological order according to this model by numbering them 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. a. Consequence b. Disputing arguments to attack irrational self-messages c. Activating event d. How you evaluate the event e. Answers you develop to questions about rationality of beliefs ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 383 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:31 AM 13. Which of the following is descriptive of rational-emotive-behavioral counseling? a. indirect b. didactic c. verbally inactive d. non-confrontational ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 384 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:33 AM 14. Cognitive behavioral counseling combines a. intrapsychic and interpsychic change. b. intrapsychic and thought-restructuring. c. thought-restructuring and behavior change. d. behavior and emotive change. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 385 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:38 AM 15. As reported in the summary, Ellis states that his objective is for all people to rate their performance in
relation to the goals they have set. Which of the following statements would Ellis consider a healthy belief? a. "I am great because I succeeded." b. "I prefer to succeed and it t is bad when I fail and am rejected." c. "I am bad for getting rejected." d. "It is good when I fail and am rejected." ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 394 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:39 AM 16. Which of the following counseling strategies listed below is least likely to focus on symptom removal? a. Systematic desensitization b. Rational emotive behavioral counseling c. Behavior modification d. Brief therapy ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 385 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:41 AM 17. The REBT concept of self-acceptance means a. a person is more than a set of behaviors. b. a person is whatever their behaviors are perceived as being. c. a person is their behavior. d. a person's existence precedes essence. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
a 1 p. 394 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:43 AM 18. Which of the following statements about Albert Ellis is true? He a. attacks the environment of clients to show the cause of their self-defeating actions. b. follows the philosophy of Epictetus. c. focuses on past behavior. d. believes it is the way things happen that causes people problems. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 373 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:44 AM 19. Which of the following answers is most correct concerning Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy? a. "Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so." (Shakespeare) b. "Men are not disturbed by things, but by the view we take of them." (Epictetus) c. "It is what you tell yourself that makes you feel bad." (Ellis) d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 394 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:46 AM 20. Ellis is like Glasser in that he often requires a. dream analysis
of his clients.
b. homework c. transference d. emotional catharsis ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 388 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:48 AM 21. Rogers, Ellis, and Perls would agree that a good counselor will a. be a good listener. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. accept the client's behavior. c. utilize empathic responses as a counseling technique. d. suggest homework. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 380 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:50 AM 22. "This is absolutely awful," is a statement that would most likely occur in a counseling session with a. Ellis. b. Glasser. c. Rogers. d. Perls. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 381 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:53 AM 23. According to Ellis people are naturally viewed as a. irrational, self-defeating individuals. b. that people are born bad and must be taught to be good. c. that the external forces control our likes. d. none of these. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 374 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM 24. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is also referred to as the A, B, C, D, & E approach. What is the B step? a. activating event b. evaluation of event c. consequences or feeling resulting from self-messages d. disputing arguments used to expel irrational self-messages ANSWER: POINTS:
b 1
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REFERENCES: p. 383 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:57 AM 25. REBT must be modified when used with children because they a. haven't reached the cognitive development necessary to do REBT. b. do not generalize well from one situation to another. c. both A and B. d. none of these ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 386 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:42 AM 26. In order to undermine irrational beliefs in children, one should teach a. winning at all costs. b. avoiding failure. c. achieving perfection in all. d. joy of engaging in games. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 389 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:53 AM 27. According to Ellis, irrational or illogical thinking originates from inherently irrational beliefs or philosophies
common to our ________ that are conducive to maladjustment a. parents. b. our culture. c. mass media. d. all of the above ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
b 1 p. 377 Multiple Choice False 10/24/2015 4:53 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:54 AM 28. A common irrational belief of children is a. Things may not always come easily to me. b. Adults should be perfect. c. There is often more than one answer. d. I can wait for things to happen. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 379 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:56 AM 29. A child says “everybody thinks I’m a klutz” is an example of a. personalization b. overgeneralization c. tunnel vision d. jumping to conclusions ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 382 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:58 AM 30. A student says “My best friend didn’t sit at my lunch table today. She doesn’t like me anymore.” This is an
example of a. a mental filter b. overgeneralization c. catastrophizing d. personalization ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 382 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:03 AM Subjective Short Answer 31. Explain the part blame plays in emotional problems according to REBT. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:05 AM 32. Review the suggestions for undermining irrational beliefs in children. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:10 AM 33. Explain the principles of the rational emotive behavioral education noted in your textbook. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:11 AM 34. Reproduce the REBT process notes and add examples to each statement. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:12 AM Essay 35. Discuss the approaches and effectiveness of REBT with children. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:14 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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36. Explain the diversity implications of REBT. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:15 AM 37. Debate the pros and cons of using REBT with children. Include how some of the limitations may be
overcome. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:16 AM
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Match the following terms with their definitions a. A type of questioning designed to promote new learning. b. The person thinks in terms of two opposite categories. c. Requiring client to keep a log of their thoughts, emotions, and response to events. d. The positive parts of the person’s situation, what is not the problem. e. Modifying and replacing dysfunctional thoughts with more adaptive cognitive patterns. REFERENCES: Chapter 13 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:40 AM 1. All-or-nothing thinking ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 2. Socratic dialogue ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 3. Cognitive restructuring therapies ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 4. Strengths and assets ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 5. Self-monitoring ANSWER: c POINTS: 1
Match the following with their definitions a. Absolute rules that govern a person’s beliefs about the world b. Connect a situation, emotion and reflect a person’s perception of them c. Lead to expectations and can act as mental filters d. Globally, over-generalized rules REFERENCES: p. 399 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 5:46 AM 6. Automatic thoughts ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 7. Intermediate beliefs ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 8. Core beliefs ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 9. Schemas ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 10. Which of the following is not descriptive of cognitive behavioral play therapy? a. It is educational and collaborative. b. It is brief, directive and problem oriented. c. It uses play activities as communication. d. It lacks research support for its effectiveness. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 419 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 11. Schemas are a. Ways of defining self-image. b. Cognitive structures within the mind that integrate core beliefs. c. Emotional responses to environment. d. Scenes from our dreams. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 398 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 12. Three fundamental assumptions of cognitive behavioral therapists include all of the following EXCEPT a. Cognitive activity impact behavior. b. Cognitive activity can be monitored or changed. c. Cognitive activity dictates emotions. d. Changing cognitions can accomplish desired change in behavior Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 400 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 13. According to cognitive behaviorists, which of the following explain psychiatric disorders such as depression or anxiety? a. Automatic thoughts b. Cognitive schemas c. Cognitive distortions d. Neurotic imbalance ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 401 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 14. A common technique found in many forms of counseling in which the counselor shows the child how to do something and the child imitates the behaviors is a. Self-monitoring b. Gestalt therapy c. Free association d. Modeling ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 408 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 15. Which two therapists are credited with the development of cognitive therapy? a. Virginia Satire and Jay Haley b. Carl Rogers and Alfred Adler c. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck d. Carl Jung and Victor Frankl ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 398 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 16. The four categories of self-talk designed by Meichenbaum include all of the following EXCEPT (421) a. Preparation for a stressor b. Confrontation and management of a stressor c. Emotion alteration d. Reinforcing self-statements ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 409 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 17. Which approach seems to work best with children who have been sexually abused? (424) a. Trauma-focused CBT b. Social problem solving c. Role Playing d. Prevention ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 411 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 18. The purpose of cognitive-behavioral play therapy is to a. Restructure dysfunctional cognitive schemas. b. Incorporate cognitive and behavioral therapies through play, using play activities to help the child solve problems. c. Create a state in which can safely tell the counselor what their earliest memory is. d. Model appropriate behavior. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 418 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 19. Common denominators across all effective therapies include all of the following EXCEPT a. The client’s active participation in counseling b. An understandable framework Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Frequent emotional breakdowns d. Reality testing the situation ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 420 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 20. Which of the following definitions best describes CBT? a. Emotion-focused b. Unstructured and client-directed c. Brief, structured, collaborative, and effective d. Focused on the past ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 420 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 21. Cognitive therapists believe people are a. Passive victims of their innate tendencies b. Active victims of their libido c. Active participants in behavioral modifications d. Creating and moving toward goals ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 398 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 22. Which of the following use assimilation to maintain homeostasis? a. Schemas b. Cognitive distortions c. Automatic thoughts d. Intermediate thoughts ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 400 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 23. “I’ll mess up the speech and everyone will laugh at me” is an example of a. Blame b. All-or-nothing thinking c. Catastrophizing d. Discounting the positive ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: (p. 402 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 24. “If I don’t get to be team captain, I’m a total failure” is an example of (414) a. Blame b. All-or-nothing thinking c. Catastrophizing d. Discounting the positive ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 402 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 25. “If I had a good teacher, I’d be a great gymnast” is an example of a. Blame b. All-or-nothing thinking c. Catastrophizing d. Discounting the positive ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 402 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 26. Which of these is an example of a Socratic question to use in cognitive therapy? a. Why did you do that? b. What’s the evidence? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. When did your mother tell you that? d. What’s your earliest recollection? ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 404 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 27. The cognitive counselor helps a child shift from a. Automatic thoughts to schemas b. Dysfunctional patterns to realistic thinking c. Guided discovery to homework d. Core beliefs to more functional behavior ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 403 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 28. Cognitive restructuring is used to a. Reduce cognitive distortions b. Modify cognitive distortions c. Replace cognitive distortions d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 403 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 29. Reattribution involves a. Finding an alternative explanation b. Distributing responsibility more realistically c. Questioning the sources d. Returning rationality to irrational situations ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 408 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 30. “What is it you have to do?” is an example of Meichenbaum’s strategy called (421) a. Reinforcing self-statement b. Coping c. Confrontation of a stressor d. Preparation for a stressor ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 409 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 31. “It’s getting better every time” is an example of Meichenbaum’s strategy called a. Reinforcing self-statement b. Coping c. Confrontation of a stressor d. Preparation for a stressor ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 409 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 32. According to Beck, a depressed person has a negative view of a. Self b. The future c. The world d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 412 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 33. In cognitive behavioral play therapy, the relationship is a. Adversarial with the therapist questioning everything b. Relaxed with the therapist being non-directive Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Dependent on the parent’s directions d. Educational and collaborative ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 418 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 34. CBT is focused on a. Current concerns b. Future goals c. Past mistakes d. Unconscious motivations ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 419 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 35. CBT practitioners believe a. People’s emotions give meaning to the events in their lives b. People’s emotions and thoughts give meaning to the events in their lives c. People’s thoughts give meaning to the events in their lives d. People cannot achieve the rationality to give meaning to their lives without help ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 420 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM Subjective Short Answer 36. Outline the cognitive behavioral therapy process according to Judith Beck. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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37. Define and give examples of the cognitive triad. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 38. List the problem solving steps of CBT and give an example of the steps being used. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 39. Discuss the use of CBT with children who are depressed. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM Essay 40. Describe the basic foundations of CBT (i.e. cognitive distortions) and how cognitive behavioral counselors believe change occurs. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 41. Compare and contrast Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck’s approaches to cognitive behavioral therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:13 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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True / False 1. Sylvia Brandon-Jones was one of the founders of transactional analysis. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 2. The role of the transactional analyst is that of a teacher. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 3. The primary goal of transactional analysis is to help the person achieve an "I'm okay - You're okay" life position. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 4. School age children cannot learn and understand the terms and concepts of transactional analysis. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 5. Contracting between counselor and client is a large part of the transactional analysis process. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM Multiple Choice 6. Which of the following is a type of analysis in TA? a. Game analysis b. TA c. Script analysis d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 429 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 7. The parent state contains a. Instructions b. Joy and creativity c. Objective information d. None of these ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 429 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 8. The adult state contains a. Instructions b. Joy and creativity c. Objective information d. None of these ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 430 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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9. The child state contains a. Instructions b. Joy and creativity c. Objective information d. None of these ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 430 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 10. According to TA, the well adjusted person a. Allows one ego state to predominate b. Has a constant ego state for responding c. Allows the situation to dictate the ego state d. Eliminates ego states in order to be okay ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 430 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 11. The individual primarily responsible for the development of Transactional Analysis was a. Erik Erikson. b. Milton Erikson. c. Eric Berne. d. Eric McGill. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 427 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 12. The Transactional Analysis Theory of human nature and human relationships is derived from all of the following except a. script analysis. b. game analysis. c. structural analysis of personality. d. transgenerational analysis. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 429 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 13. The three ego states of the adult personality include all of the following except (443) a. Child. b. Adolescent. c. Adult. d. Parent. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 429 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 14. According to Transactional Analysis what is not one of the three categories of transactions? a. Complimentary b. Crossed c. Covert or ulterior d. Symmetrical ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 431-432 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 15. According to Transactional Analysis there are three basic life scripts. Which of the following is one of those scripts? a. non-winners b. sick c. helpless d. semantic ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 433 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:36 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 16. Which of the following is one of four life positions in Transactional Analysis ? a. “I'm not well--you're well” b. “I'm not okay--you're okay” c. “I'm well-you're well” d. “I'm okay--we're okay” ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 434 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 17. Which of the following is not one of the six options for structuring time in pursuit of strokes? a. Activities - structured around some task or career b. Pastimes - involve superficial transactions or conversations c. Withdrawing - no transaction takes place d. Games - the need is met in a crooked way e. Planning - responsible self-construction f. Rituals - routine greetings ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 440 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 18. In TA acts that recognizes another person’s presence are defined as a. strokes b. games. c. rackets. d. journals. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 439 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 19. According to Berne, the nature of people is that they are a. born as blank slates, neutral to be filled by the environment. b. born basically bad or evil. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. born completely helpless and remain that way for a long time. d. born as princes and princesses. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 427 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 20. In Transactional Analysis an injunction is a. a negative stroke that is more like punishment than negative reinforcement. b. a positive stroke which corresponds to positive reinforcement. c. a nonverbal communication that is disapproving while the verbal communication states approval. d. an order a parent gives to a child to behave or believe in a certain way. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 433 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 21. From your study of Transactional Analysis, which of the following transactions would most likely influence personality development? a. Transactions between parent and child ego states b. Transactions between Real and Ideal self c. Transactions between personal needs and societal demands d. Transactions between previous experiences and present aspirations ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 433 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 22. The theory that each of us forms a life plan during early childhood and unknowingly follows this plan throughout our lives is referred to as a. ego state theory. b. script theory. c. time structuring theory. d. transactional communication theory. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 432 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 23. Which of the following defines an ongoing series of complementary, ulterior transactions progressing to a welldefined, predictable outcome such as bad feelings of anger, depression or guilt? a. life style scripts. b. egogram. c. game. d. defense mechanism. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 434 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 24. The following dialogue, "Have you seen my glasses?" "Find them yourself," would be an example of what type of transaction? a. crossed transaction b. angular transaction c. complementary transaction d. duplex transaction ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 432 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 25. Which of the following is not one of the ways of structuring time presented in the transactional analysis system? a. intimacy b. rackets c. rituals d. games ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 440 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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26. The philosophy that people are born princes and princesses and that their parents turn them into frogs comes from a. Behavioral Therapy. b. Cojoint Family Therapy. c. Transactional Analysis. d. Logotherapy. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 427 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 27. According to TA, the child part of the personality includes a. the adopted child, the little persistent one, and the inhibited child. b. the adapted child, the little perfectionist, and the free child c. the adopted child, the little professor, and the free child.. d. the adapted child, the little professor, and the free child. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 443 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 28. The part of the child that does the creative and clever planning is the a. adapted child. b. little perfectionist. c. free child. d. little professor. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 443 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 29. The key to understanding PAC is to know a. which is in charge at a particular moment and if that is appropriate. b. which is the most assertive. c. which is the most demanding. d. which achieves the most ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 444 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 30. We know which ego state is in charge by a. how we talk. b. how we act. c. how we feel. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 444 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM Subjective Short Answer 31. List and describe different types of strokes according to Transactional Analysis. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 32. Explain the transactional analysis concept of games by giving examples and defining them. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 33. Give examples of the different types of ego states in transactional analysis. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:15 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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Essay 34. Discuss transactional analysis as a behavioral and as a cognitive therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 35. Compare the concepts of transactional analysis to psychoanalysis. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM 36. Design a lesson plan to teach children about ego states. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:19 AM Matching
Match the following games to be avoided in a counseling interview with the appropriate description. a. talking about people who are not present b. increasing disabilities to avoid responsibility c. giving advice d. seem to enjoy being victimized e. You're not okay. I know what's good for you. f. avoiding the responsibility for one's life g. manipulating the counselor into placing blame REFERENCES: pp. 437-438 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:19 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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37. "Why don't you, yes but" ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 38. "I'm trying to help you" ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 39. "Gossiping" ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 40. "Kick me and NIGY" ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 41. "Wooden leg" ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 42. "Courtroom" ANSWER: g POINTS: 1 43. "If it weren't for you." ANSWER: f POINTS: 1
Match the statements below that represent a transaction. On the blank provided, identify for the sender whether the person is speaking as P (parent), A (adult) or C (child). Do the same for the responder. a. P (parent) b. A (adult) c. C (child) REFERENCES: pp. 429-430 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/6/2015 5:23 AM 44. S. "Do you know where the Simpson report is?" ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 45. R. (Critically) "It's right where you left it. Can't you remember anything?" ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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46. S. (Angrily kicking the leg of the desk) "Do you know where that damn Simpson report is?" ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 47. R. "I've spent an hour looking for that blasted thing, too. Sure is maddening." ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 48. S. (Looking downcast, sighing deeply) "You don't really care about me or you'd find that Simpson report for me." ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 49. S. "Do you know where the Simpson report is?" ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 50. R. "It seems to be temporarily misplaced. I have a tracer out on it." ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 51. S. "Do you know where the Simpson report is?" ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 52. R. (Whining) "Why ask me? I never use that thing." ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 53. S. "Please help me find the Simpson report. I'm so tired." ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Numeric Response 54. Match all of the following descriptions with their appropriate TA ego state. Note Ego states can have more
than one description. A. B. C. D. E.
"You should" or "you should not" operates logically and non-emotionally contains two parts adaptive and free contains two parts nurturing and critical none of the above applies
Response: _____ _____ _____ _____ ANSWER:
a. Child b. Adolescent c. Adult d. Parent C E B
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A and D POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 429-430 QUESTION TYPE: Numeric Response HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/6/2015 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/18/2015 11:18 AM
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Multiple Choice 1. Family therapists believe that a. The parts are greater than the sum b. The sum is greater than the parts c. Individualization is paramount d. The “double bind” defines mental illness ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 459 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 2. The concept of circular causality refers to a. Internal forces that circle a phenomena b. External forces that surround the person c. Bronfenbrenner’s amcrosystem d. Reciprocal causality ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 460 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 3. Dysfunctional families a. Function at some extreme position on some continuum b. Balance between opposite ways of functioning c. Are always enmeshed d. Develop effective role patterns ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 460 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 4. The family therapist who agreed with Adler’s position on the importance of birth order was a. Virginia Satir b. Murray Bowen c. Cloe Madanes d. Jay Haley Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 466 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 5. Minuchin suggested which of these for developing trust with a family? (486) a. Tracking b. Mimicry c. Genograms d. A & B ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 6. Family therapy almost always involves interventions to alter a. an individual’s phenomenology. b. the content of family problems. c. the way a family system operates. d. the coping mechanisms of the individuals within a family system. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 463 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 7. Murray Bowen focused on how family members could maintain a healthy level of _____ while maintaining ______. a. industry; a sense of relaxation in the home. b. individuality; closeness. c. honesty; privacy. d. solitude; communication. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 465 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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8. Bowen believed that schizophrenic children resulted from a. generations of undifferentiated individuals marrying each other. b. a psychological distant parent coupled with an overly involved parent. c. overly differentiated parents. d. the development of rigid roles within the family. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 465 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 9. Jane increasingly confides in her daughter about problems in Jane’s marriage. According to Bowen this would be an example of a. self differentiation. b. disengagement. c. strengthening the marital subsystem. d. triangulation. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 465 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 10. Bowen included data from at least _____ generations in his genograms? a. one b. two c. three d. four ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 467 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 11. All of the following are premises of structural family therapy except a. In a functional family, the subject matter of each subsystem should be shared with the other subsystems. b. In a functional family, an appropriate boundary balance is found between too rigid and too diffuse. c. A functional family may have multiple subsystems. d. A functional family has members who respect boundaries within the family. ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 471 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 12. Which of the following is true of Minuchin’s work? a. He developed his therapy style while working in a child development center in an affluent neighborhood of Pittsburgh. b. In therapy, he refrained from becoming a “member” of the family. c. He viewed psychosomatic illness as a symptom brought on and maintained by the family. d. Both B and C ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 473 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 13. Second-order change is a. when a symptom is temporarily removed but secondarily returns because the family system has not been changed. b. when a family manages to deceive the therapist. c. when symptom and system are repaired. d. when a system is partially changed. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 477 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 14. Which of the following is true of Milton Erickson’s teachings? a. The client’s personal growth and development is one of the primary therapeutic goals. b. Change will not be maintained unless accompanied by insight, awareness and emotional release. c. Problem solving through minimal intervention is the primary therapeutic goal. d. All of the above are a central part of Erickson’s theory. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 477 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:44 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 15. Haley would be likely to do which of the following in the strategic family therapy interview? a. Involve reluctant participants first in the problem discussion and the identified client last. b. Have every family member interact with every other family member. c. Neither of these in the session. d. Both of these in the session. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 477 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 16. Which of the following is the meaning of strategic as related to family therapy? a. drawing a map of communications b. capturing the cynical disbelief c. a specific, brief plan devised by the therapist d. insight, awareness and emotional release ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 477 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 17. John Gottman designed his behavioral interviewing method to teach people to match the _____ with the _____ of their communication. a. “listening”; “hearing” b. style; content c. impact; intent d. translation; transmission ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 480 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 18. Which of the following is true of Satir's system of therapy? a. Satir supported triangular relationships. b. Behavior is related to one's birth order position in the family. c. Communication styles are not to be considered Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. Self-esteem is given a prominent role.. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 483 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 19. According to Satir, which of the following is not one of the four components in a family situation that are subject to change and correction? a. the family’s communication abilities b. the system c. the rules d. transgenerational history ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 484 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 20. According to Satir, it is important to understand the rules that govern emotional interchanges. These rules include all of the following except a. an emphasis on who is "right'" and who is "wrong." b. freedom to comment. c. freedom to agree or disapprove. d. an emphasis upon asking questions when one does not understand. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 484 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 21. Which of the following statements is true of structural counseling? a. Boundaries or family roles are ignored. b. The counselor does not construct interventions. c. Attention is given exclusively to children. d. The therapist at certain points in counseling acts as a play director. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 472 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 22. Satir has a positive view of human nature and views people as basically free. Self-esteem is a prominent factor and is related to a. one's participation in the family interaction. b. one's family position. c. how other family members perceive you. d. all of these. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 483 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 23. According to Satir, there are 5 response patterns into which a family member may fall. Which one of the following patterns does being cool, calm and collected represent? a. Leveler b. Distractor c. Blamer d. Computer ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 484 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 24. Satir's approach to family counseling focuses on the three key ingredients that are a. increasing self-esteem, improving communications, and utilizing experimental learning techniques b. increasing self-esteem, improving communications, and problem solving c. increasing self-esteem, improving communications, and playing games d. family games, systems games, and communication games ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 489 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 25. Using Satir's family member role classification, what role is characterized by "You are so illogical, be reasonable." Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. Irrelevant b. Computer c. Blamer d. Guilt-inducer ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 485 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 26. Which statement is true of Virginia Satir? a. Her emphasis is on the pathology of individuals. b. Her method involves each individual in the family separately. c. She uses role-playing and games to accelerate and intensify the experience of family communications. d. She authored Dibs In Search of Self. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 488 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 27. One of the main emphasis of Satir's family therapy is that of strengthening a. responsibility. b. self-esteem. c. leadership. d. togetherness. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 488 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 28. All of the following are found in nurturing families according to Satir except a. Communication is direct. b. Rules are flexible. c. Individuals value parents the most. d. Linking to society is open and hopeful. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 487 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 29. According to Satir, a placater does which of the following? a. Blames others b. Is a "yes" person c. Has no feelings d. Makes irrelevant statements ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 485 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 30. Which type of response comes from a person with high self-esteem? a. Placating b. Leveling c. Computing d. Blaming ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 486 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 31. Satir hopes that all family members will become (504) a. Placaters. b. Levelers. c. Computers. d. Blamers. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 486 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 32. A genogram includes Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. neighbors. b. environmental demands. c. family members. d. teachers and employers. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 467 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 33. Filial therapy a. is based on the principles of Adlerian therapy b. is based on the principles of behavioral therapy c. is based on the principles of conjoint therapy d. is based on the principles of child-centered therapy ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 495 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 34. Filial therapy uses ______ to help parents strengthen their relationships with children a. genograms b. family scripts c. play d. picture albums ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 495 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 35. Which of the following is a form of family play therapy in which play is based on attachment and attunement? a. Theraplay b. dynamic family play therapy c. filial therapy d. strategic family play therapy. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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REFERENCES: p. 494 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM Matching
Match the following individuals with the form of family therapy for which they are noted. a. communications approach b. structured family therapy c. strategic family therapy d. none of the above REFERENCES: Chapter 15 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:25 AM 36. Virginia Satir ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 37. Jay Haley ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 38. Salvador Minuchin ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 39. Cloe Madanes ANSWER: c POINTS: 1
Match the following statements with the therapies which best describe them. a. Communications b. Structural c. Strategic REFERENCES: Chapter 15 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:32 AM 40. Operates on the assumption that families are evolving, hierarchical organizations with rules and behavior
patterns for interacting across and within subsystems Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 41. Helping family members become aware of how others in the family react to their communication style. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 42. Based on the assumption that family-member behavior is ongoing and repetitive, and can only be understood
in context ANSWER: c POINTS: 1
Match the list of therapeutic approaches with the short descriptions associated with them Approaches may be used more than once. a. Structural b. Strategic c. Communication REFERENCES: Chapter 15 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:35 AM 43. Ordeal therapy ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 44. Changing family structure ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 45. Coalition game ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 46. Simulated family game ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 47. Developing a strategy to resolve the presenting problem as quickly and efficiently
as possible. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Subjective Short Answer 48. List and give examples of Satir's communication types. ANSWER: Answers May Vary Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 49. Explain enmeshment, disengaged, detriangulation, and first-order and second-order change. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 50. Explain Bowen's therapeutic approach. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 51. Describe and give examples of Gottman's stages of therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM Essay 52. Choose two models of family therapy and compare and contrast those models. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 53. Explain the techniques of strategic family therapy and provide examples of each. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 54. Discuss Virginia Satir's approach to family therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 55. Outline the process of filial play therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM
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Multiple Choice 1. Consultation and collaboration have all of the following in common EXCEPT a. Problem-solving processes b. Communication c. Clarity of roles d. Contracts ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 505 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:52 AM 2. Consultation is a method of a. Creating cognitive dissonance b. Sharing expertise c. Eliminating barriers d. Enhancing public engagement ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 506 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM 3. Mental health consultation is most closely associated with a. Caplan and Caplan b. Brown and Trusty c. Doughtery d. Glosoff and Koprowicz ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 507 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 2:59 AM 4. Schein emphasizes a. Policies and procedures b. How things happen between people c. A new kind of problem-solving approach Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. A different way to look at a work problem ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 512 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM 5. Which of the following are NOT considered in process consultation? a. Communication patterns b. Leadership and authority c. Organizational history d. Cooperation and competition ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 512 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:03 AM 6. The selection of a target behavior is a part of which type of consultation a. Mental health consultation b. Process consultation c. Behavioral consultation d. Consultee-centered consultation ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 510 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:04 AM 7. In the pre-entry stage of any consultation, consultants a. Negotiate a contract b. Decide whether they are right for the job c. Outline a plan of action d. Meet the people involved ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
b 1 p. 514 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:06 AM 8. Consultation outcomes may include a. Whether the fee is paid b. Change in the consultant c. Change in the client system d. Problem redefinition ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 515 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:08 AM 9. Which of the following may be a consultant role? a. Expert b. Researcher c. Adviser d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 515-516 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:09 AM 10. Consultation is the process in which the consultant works with a ____________ with the goal of bringing
about a positive change in the __________. a. client; consultee b. client, guardian c. consultee; relationship d. consultee; client ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 506 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:11 AM 11. When a consultant comes to the organization to consult about the mental health or organizational factors, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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this approach is referred to as a. client-centered case consultation. b. consultee-centered consultation. c. program-centered administrative consultation. d. consultee-centered administrative consultation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 507 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:12 AM 12. The approach wherein a consultee presents information about a client who is having some difficulty and
asks the consultant for assistance in developing a plan is called a. client-centered case consultation. b. consultee-centered consultation. c. program-centered administrative consultation. d. consultee-centered administrative consultation. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 507 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:15 AM 13. When the consultant works with the administration of an organization to solve problems, this approach is
called a. client-centered case consultation. b. consultee-centered consultation. c. program-centered administrative consultation. d. consultee-centered administrative consultation. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 507 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:16 AM 14. Process consultation focuses on a. improvement of programs or policies. b. improvement of consultee’s professional functioning in relation to specific program or policies. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. developing a plan for a specific client. d. how problems are solved and on the system in which the problems occur. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 512 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:18 AM 15. The consultation model that emphasizes such techniques as reinforcement, punishment, and shaping is
referred to as a. mental health consultation. b. Process consultation c. behavioral consultation. d. none of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 510 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:20 AM 16. The first stage of the consulting process focuses on a. information gathering regarding the problem. b. goal setting. c. brainstorming of possible solutions. d. none of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 514 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:26 AM 17. Human service organizations tend to see _________ factors as the cause of most problems while industry
and businesses most often see their problems coming from ________ causes. a. human; structural b. structural; systemic c. unpredictable; predictable d. predictable; unpredictable ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 515 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:28 AM 18. A unique contribution of Kahn’s solution-focused consultation is the focus on a. data collection. b. exploration of exceptions to the problem. c. brainstorming possible solutions. d. developing a plan. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 515 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:29 AM 19. Collaborative consultation includes the components of voluntary participation, equality and a. shared accountability. b. agreed-on mutual goals. c. parity. d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 519 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:31 AM 20. Which of the following is one of the steps in collaborative collaboration? a. Collecting and sharing data on school performance b. Developing programs to teach personnel the rules c. Emphasizing a healthy school environment d. Defining a shared vision ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
d 1 p. 520 Multiple Choice False 10/24/2015 3:31 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:33 AM 21. Myrick includes which of the following for clarifying the problem situation a. Who is to blame b. What has been done previously c. What are the weaknesses of the system d. Who will be responsible for the payment ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 516 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:35 AM 22. A consulting technique that requires parents to ask themselves “What does this child want?” is known as a. a parental role shift b. the quiet corner technique c. time-out room d. in-house suspension for the disruptive behavior ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 518 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:36 AM 23. Which of the following is the term used for a group activity in which parts of a topic are researched by small
groups that share what is learned by teaching their results to others?. a. compare and contrast b. logical consequences c. jigsaw d. circle response ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 521 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:38 AM 24. Gina’s being required to pay the large Internet bill that she incurred is an example of a. logical consequences. b. positive reinforcement. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. punishment. d. negative reinforcement. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 519 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:39 AM 25. Mrs. Houch reports to the school counselor that one of her students, Joe, is constantly stirring up trouble in
her class. The counselor asks her to keep an exact count for three days of each incident where she observes him initiating a problem. This technique is an example of a. listing behaviors. b. role shift. c. logical consequences. d. time out. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 519 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:42 AM 26. Which of the following is not a projective instrument? a. The Children’s Apperception Test b. The Stanford Binet c. Manchover’s Draw-a Person d. Kinetic Family Drawing ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 525 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:43 AM 27. Which of the following is true regarding testing within the schools? a. Counselors generally administer a wide range of intelligence and projective tests. b. Counselors have no need to be familiar with projective tests because they do not normally administer
them. c. Special tests are available for children with exceptional conditions. d. Intelligence test results are seldom used for classification of students in educational planning. ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 528 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:45 AM 28. A test that is designed to predict learning or a behavior such as the Metropolitan Readiness Test is called
a(n)________ test. a. intelligence b. aptitude c. achievement d. projective ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 527 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:46 AM 29. The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure is the test a. reliability. b. accuracy. c. validity d. infallibility. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 528 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:48 AM 30. The consistency with which the test provides accurate measurements is called its a. reliability b. accuracy c. validity d. infallibility ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
a 1 p.528 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:49 AM True / False 31. School consultation may involve providing relevant materials and resources to teachers, especially relating
to classroom guidance. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:51 AM 32. Consultants who help children increase their awareness of events in the environment and to assess how to
respond are engaging in process consultation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:51 AM 33. Caplan believes that mental health consultation should focus on primary prevention and involve only
professionals trained appropriately for the counseling role. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:52 AM 34. Behavioral consultation as described by Dougherty involves the following steps problem identification,
problem analyses, selection of a target behavior, plan objectives, plan implementation, and evaluation. a. True b. False ANSWER: POINTS: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
True 1 True / False False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:52 AM 35. The consultant is directly involved with the identified client. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:53 AM 36. The consulting relationship is a professional one, not a therapeutic one. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM 37. Simply changing one's own behavior may elicit a behavior change in another person. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM 38. Logical consequences teach children that adults are authority figures who know the "real world." a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:55 AM 39. Punishment quickly teaches children the order and rules of society. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:55 AM 40. Team members who are effective are committed to building and maintaining constructive relationships
among themselves. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 3:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 3:56 AM Subjective Short Answer 41. Explain the STAR steps in parent training program. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:22 AM 42. Name and explain the four ways that Caplan describes to approach the mental health consultation
relationship. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:22 AM 43. List at least five consultation activities in which school counselors or clinical mental health counselors might
engage. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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44. Define consultation, and collaboration, according to some similarities and differences proposed by the
authors of the text. Give one example of a situation where a school counselor or a clinical mental health counselor may be involved in each of these processes. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:24 AM Essay 45. Describe how you, as a school counselor, could incorporate consultation into your program. In what kinds
of activities would you be involved? ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:25 AM 46. Compare and contrast consulting and counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:26 AM 47. You have been asked by a counseling colleague to consult about a dysfunctional family. There are three
children involved a girl, age 9, who is severely withdrawn and whose school grades have fallen significantly during the past two years; and two boys, ages 9 and 12, who are constantly in trouble at home, school, and in the neighborhood for acting-out behaviors. Outline your consultation approach for this case. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:27 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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Match the following descriptors or characteristics with the type of play therapy that it best describes. The items on the right may be used more than once. a. Prescriptive b. PCIT c. Ecosystemic Theraplay d. Group REFERENCES: Chapter 17 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:42 AM 1. Modeled on healthy parent-child interactions ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 2. Parents are taught to play with children ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 3. Each intervention is tailored for each child ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 4. A disadvantage of this method is the vast amount of information that the counselor must integrate ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 5. The child’s interactions and experiences in the world as well as the internal, symbolic world of the child are
emphasized in this type of play therapy ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 6. Parents are coached to ignore the negative and disruptive behaviors of their child and to concentrate on the
positive, suitable behaviors that their child presents. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 7. A hybrid approach that integrates biology, several theories of psychotherapy and developmental concepts ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 8. Play therapists choose play therapy techniques to a. Distract the child from distress Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. Allow the child to express what is troubling c. Avoid creating a structured environment d. Investigate the viability of the toy media ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 539 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:30 AM 9. The goals of play therapy are which of these? a. Symptom reduction b. Enhanced development c. Provocative expression d. Both A & B ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 540 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:35 AM 10. Abreaction allows children a. to symbolically relive and gain mastery over negative experiences b. to practice new behaviors and gain empathy c. to release strong emotions d. to problem solve ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 541 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:38 AM 11. Catharsis allows children a. to symbolically relive and gain mastery over negative experiences b. to practice new behaviors and gain empathy c. to release strong emotions d. to problem solve ANSWER: POINTS:
c 1
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REFERENCES: p. 541 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:42 AM 12. One possible cultural conflict with play therapy is the a. Similarity of play across cultures may lead to generalizations b. Expression of strong feelings may not be culturally acceptable c. Problem solving may not be possible because of stereotypes d. Children may be unfamiliar with the play media ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 543 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:54 AM 13. According to Kottman, one way to gauge whether children are appropriate for play therapy is to a. Complete a Global Assessment of Functioning b. Conduct a Mental Status Examination c. Ask the child whether he would rather talk or play with toys d. Ask the parent if the child would be willing to play ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 544 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:55 AM 14. Which of the following is one of the stages of play therapy according to Orton? a. Re-orientation b. Redirection c. Resistance d. Release ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 546 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 4:58 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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15. In prescriptive play therapy the counselor a. Prescribes medication b. Refers the child to a medical professional c. Matches the treatment to the child’s problem d. Uses an established protocol ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 549 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:02 AM 16. The ultimate goal of ecosystemic play therapy is to a. Change beliefs that are causing problems b. Change the systems in which the child exists c. Teach parents to play with children d. Change the beliefs of the adults that work with the child ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 547 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:06 AM 17. Using generic toys allows a. Well-known character plots b. Open interpretations c. More sanitary conditions d. Less expensive options ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 555 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:10 AM 18. The goal of theraplay is to a. Foster attachments b. Create catharsis c. Model structure d. Problem-solve Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 552 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:13 AM 19. Effective play therapy is likely to a. Be long-term b. Be short-term c. Include several forms of play media d. Involve parents ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 553 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:15 AM 20. One criteria for assessing the effectiveness of play therapy is a. The number of sessions b. The child seems to be more confident c. The parents continue to pay d. The GAF increases ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 553 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:17 AM 21. Using the child’s metaphor a. Allows the counselor’s interpretation of the story to be included b. Limits the counselor’s interpretations of the story c. Avoids the counselor’s interpretations of the story d. Make the child inpatient ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
c 1 p. 557 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:20 AM 22. Which of the following is not among the 14 therapeutic powers of play that Schaefer identified? a. Creative thinking b. Relationship enhancement c. Mastering developmental fears d. Overcoming inappropriate attachments ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 540-541 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:22 AM 23. In an effort to understand the home environment of multicultural populations, the text
suggests that the counselor discuss with the parents their values on the two opposing values of individualism and a. connectedness. b. autonomy. c. worthiness. d. none of the above. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 543 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:25 AM 24. Which of the following was suggested in the text for group play therapy? a. Members should be within a 5-year age span of each other. b. No more than 10 children should be included in a group with 2 adults. c. Boys and girls should rarely be included in the same group. d. Up to 8 children may be included in a group with 1 adult. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 548 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:26 AM 25. In Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), the counselor Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. coaches parents on their interactions with children b. always stays with the parent and child c. recognizes the self-esteem factors involved in the interaction d. does not rely on out-of-session interactions ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 551 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:28 AM 26. According to Kottman, play therapy would not be the treatment of choice for children a. of divorce. b. with chronic or terminal illness. c. with severe conduct disorder. d. with dissociative disorder. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 554 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:29 AM 27. Because children often believe they are invisible when they put on sunglasses, Gil recommended the use of
sunglasses in her work with _____ children. a. disabled b. abused c. immature d. adopted ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 556 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:31 AM 28. Play media should be chosen on which of the following criteria? a. encouraging the child’s expression b. facilitating the relationship c. helping the counselor gain insight into the child’s world d. all of the above Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 555 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:33 AM 29. The group play therapist serves as a facilitator of the process, working to do which of the following? a. highlight maladaptive behavior b. intensify tensions and anxieties c. build resistance to past emotional experiences d. instill hope ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 549 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:35 AM 30. When selecting materials for the playroom, counselors should consider which of the following? a. competitive value b. exploratory nature c. artistic expertise of counselor d. ability to display products of play ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 555 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:37 AM 31. Selection criteria for puppets include which of the following? a. universal symbolism b. firm and rigid construction c. low cost so that they are disposable d. ease of manipulation ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
d 1 p. 562 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:38 AM 32. With finger painting, playhouses, and sand play, the counselor may proceed by asking the child a. why certain choices were made. b. to tell the story of the creation. c. how to make something similar. d. to interpret the creation. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 557 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:40 AM 33. Strategies for choosing a play therapy method depend on a. the artistic ability of the counselor. b. the artistic ability of the child. c. the stage of the counseling process. d. the age of the child. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 558 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:42 AM 34. One of the counseling skills used in play therapy is tracking, which means a. the child tells what comes next b. the counselor states what will happen next c. the parent explains the process to the child d. the counselor describes what the child is doing ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 556 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:43 AM 35. In play therapy the counselors reflect children’s feeling in order to a. return responsibility to the child Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. deepen the relationship c. describe what is going to happen d. explain what the parent wants ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 557 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:44 AM 36. Which of the following is an example of words a counselor could use to allow the child to take
responsibility? a. “Stay inside the sandbox.” b. “We won’t use the computer today.” c. “I think you know how to set that game up.” d. “We have only five minutes left.” ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 557 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:46 AM True / False 37. One of the advantages of play therapy is its applicability across cultural groups. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:47 AM 38. To be competent in working with children from multicultural perspectives, it is usually sufficient for
counselors to ask the children to tell them about their values, their families, and their customs. a. True b. False ANSWER: POINTS: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
False 1 True / False False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:48 AM 39. In PCIT parents remain indirectly involved through observation. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:48 AM 40. In prescriptive play therapy, counselors do not need to have a knowledge base about any other theories of
play therapy. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:49 AM 41. Play therapy is recommended as the treatment of choice for children with severe attachment disorder. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:50 AM 42. The play therapist should have the safety of the child as the highest priority. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:51 AM 43. One criteria for choosing play media is that the material or prop can provide the child with an opportunity to
test reality. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:51 AM 44. A disadvantage to using the visual arts in play therapy is their tendency to keep the child at the sensory and
conscious level rather than tapping into the unconscious. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:52 AM 45. Theraplay is modeled after healthy parent-child attachments a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:53 AM 46. Theraply is long-term a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:53 AM Subjective Short Answer 47. Choose four different play therapy techniques. Describe and discuss how those techniques might be used. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:54 AM 48. List at least four capabilities of the potential client for play therapy as described in the text. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:55 AM 49. Name the three categories of play media and give several examples of each. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:56 AM Essay 50. Debate whether there should or should not be structure in play therapy. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:57 AM 51. Compare and contrast two different types of family play therapy. Include which has the greatest appeal to
you and your reasons. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:58 AM 52. Kottman listed 11 personal qualities of the effective play therapist. Describe one approach to play therapy
and present a persuasive argument for the six (or more) characteristics from Kottman’s list that you think would Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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be essential for that approach. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 5:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 5:59 AM
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Match the following a. focus on here and now and on maintaining personal awareness b. the group is a microcosm of the "real" world c. focus on games and interaction among people d. used when clients' goals are similar and members can help one another e. members are encouraged to recognize and confront their thoughts & feelings f. believe the group is a natural environment for helping children REFERENCES: pp. 580-584 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:47 AM 1. Adlerian groups ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 2. Behavioral counseling ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 3. Rational-emotive group ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 4. Transactional analysis ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 5. Gestalt counseling ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 6. Reality therapy ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 7. As group members show understanding for each other, they increase their a. Trust b. Tolerance c. Support d. All of the above ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 576 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:03 AM 8. One assumption on which group work is based is that a. Social behavior is learned b. Everyone needs to be involved c. Group leaders must be directive d. Screening is not necessary for any types of groups ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 577 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM 9. Psychoeducational groups a. have counseling goals b. focus on skill developmen c. focus on personality change d. focus on completing a task ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 578 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:15 AM 10. One of the goals of counseling groups is a. Learning study skills b. Finding the causes of behavioral problems c. Helping members develop interpersonal skills d. Teaching time management ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
c 1 p. 579 Multiple Choice False 10/24/2015 6:16 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:17 AM 11. Group therapy deals with a. Social skills b. Unconscious motivations c. Time management d. Education ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 579 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:18 AM 12. Blocking refers to the group leader a. Making members take turns b. Intervening in counterproductive behavior c. Not admitting a new member into an on-going group d. Moving the group in a desired direction ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 586 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:20 AM 13. Which of the following is necessary for running effective groups? a. Planning b. Performing c. Processing d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 586 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:21 AM 14. Remedial groups concentrate on a. Problems faced by most students b. Personal problems Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. Avoiding difficulties d. Unconscious motivations ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 588 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:23 AM 15. Support groups concentrate on a. Problems faced by most students b. Personal problems c. Avoiding difficulties d. Unconscious motivations ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 588 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:25 AM 16. Preventioin groups concentrate on a. Problems faced by most students b. Personal problems c. Avoiding difficulties d. Unconscious motivations ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 588 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:26 AM 17. The ______of the group determines the type of group being led. a. size. b. members’ interests c. purpose d. duration. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
c 1 p. 598
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:28 AM 18. Of the following theoretical orientations, the one that emphasizes each group member’s early history is a. REBT. b. Reality. c. Gestalt. d. Adlerian. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 581-582 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:29 AM 19. ____________ therapists commonly believe that groups can be beneficial in helping children and
adolescents meet their psychological needs that they define as belonging, power, freedom, and fun. a. REBT b. Reality c. Gestalt d. Adlerian ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 581 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:31 AM 20. All of the following are among the skills identified by the Association for Specialists in Group Work as
skills used by effective group leaders except a. engaging in appropriate self-disclosure. b. confronting group members’ behavior. c. observing and identifying group process. d. facilitating catharsis for each member. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 584-585 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:33 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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21. It is recommended that counselors consider designing groups for children and young adolescent to be more
____________ than for older participants. a. action-oriented b. problem-centered c. remedial d. topic centered ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 587 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:34 AM 22. An important reason for screening interviews is that they allow the counselor the opportunity to a. talk privately with prospective members. b. decide if the child would benefit from a group. c. define some possible goals for members. d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 590 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:36 AM 23. Some theorists believe that anyone who wishes to participate in a group should be able to do so. Most
notable among these theorists are the a. behaviorists. b. Rogerians. c. Adlerians. d. reality therapists. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 590 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:38 AM 24. According to your textbook which of the following children should not be included in a group? a. a withdrawn child b. an underachiever Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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c. attention-seeking child d. one with extreme behaviors ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 590 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:40 AM 25. Which of the following children might profit more from individual counseling rather than group? a. an extremely dominating child b. an underachieving child c. a child whose family is going through a divorce d. a "newcomer" to the school ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 590 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:41 AM 26. The ideal size for a group of children 10-12 years is usually considered to be a. 2-3 members. b. 3-4 members. c. 5-6 members. d. 8-10 members. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 592 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:43 AM 27. Group counseling with elementary aged children usually lasts about a. 30 minutes. b. one hour. c. 1 ½ hour. d. 50 minutes. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
a 1 p. 592
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:44 AM 28. An informative statement about forming a group describes the counseling process and will include a
statement about a. what will be expected of participants. b. each of the counseling techniques to be used. c. the outcomes expected for each member. d. all the above ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 591 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:46 AM 29. If no one in the group begins to talk about a concern or problem, the leader may want to a. dismiss the group until another day. b. self-disclose about one of his or her concerns. c. sit in silence until someone speaks. d. suggest to the members that one of them may want to bring up a concern discussed during the
screening interview. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 591 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:47 AM 30. According to Corey, group cohesiveness grows during the a. initial stage. b. transition stage. c. working stage. d. consolidation stage. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 593 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:49 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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31. Groups begin to function effectively and move toward accomplishing goals during the a. initial stage. b. transition stage. c. working stage. d. consolidation stage. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 593 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:50 AM 32. Members are tentative and reserved during what stage of the group process? (609) a. initial stage b. transition stage c. working stage d. consolidation stage ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 592-593 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:52 AM 33. Which of the following are not appropriate group prevention processes? a. handling stress b. peer relationships c. personality change d. academic achievement ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 588 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:54 AM 34. Evaluating group processes may be done by a. determining if goals have been met. b. having feedback during the last session. c. asking participants to respond to incomplete statements about the group. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 598-599 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:55 AM 35. Group crisis intervention may be appropriate for a. children who are displaying impaired functioning. b. children who have physical symptoms. c. children who are experiencing grief. d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 602 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:56 AM 36. Some procedures included in crisis counseling which are not ordinarily a part of group counseling include a. running the group for two hours b. taking care of all needs before the group starts so that no one leaves. c. focusing on what happened and what you are experiencing now d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 603 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 6:58 AM 37. Children may need coping with feelings of __________ following a catastrophe. a. fear and helplessness b. insecurity and loss c. worry and shock d. all of the above ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
d 1 pp. 602-603 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 6:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:00 AM 38. Which of the following are three types of classroom meetings? a. screening, working, evaluating b. psycho-educational, growth, remedial c. educational-diagnostic, social-problem-solving, open-ended d. transition, working, consolidating ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 601 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:02 AM True / False 39. Groups encourage members to take risks and accept responsibility for their growth as well as the growth of
others. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:07 AM 40. The Adlerians believe that groups are natural environments for children. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:08 AM 41. The seriousness of their problems is the major reason that group counseling has not been recommended for
children in correctional institutions, those with substance abuse problems, or those with handicaps. a. True b. False ANSWER: POINTS:
False 1
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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:08 AM 42. Self-help groups attract persons wanting to learn a new skills or trying to cope with a problem such as
divorce in the family. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:09 AM 43. There should always be a balance of boys and girls in a group to represent the real world. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:10 AM 44. The counselor should consider the consequences of including in a group children with dissimilar interests or
maturity levels. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:10 AM 45. Glasser sometimes includes up to 30 children in his classroom group meetings. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:11 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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46. It is recommended that counselors not video or audiotape group sessions, since this procedure may inhibit
discussion or distract the group. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:12 AM 47. All groups need to set aside time to evaluate their progress and relationships among members. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:13 AM 48. Classroom meetings can be used to help discover what children already know about a subject. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:13 AM 49. Glasser urges that behavior problem-solving meetings be used frequently to change a child's behavior and
teach new ways of behaving. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:13 AM 50. A crisis counselor must assess the severity of the crisis subjectively, as the client sees it, and objectively, as
the counselor sees it. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:14 AM Subjective Short Answer 51. Explain the stages of group development. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:15 AM 52. Differentiate the group models such as group therapy, group counseling, group preventive processes and
group crisis counseling. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:16 AM 53. Choose and discuss five group leadership skills and five group leader personal characteristics. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:17 AM Essay 54. Write your own definition of group counseling. Defend your reasoning for including all elements of your
Answers May Vary 1 Essay False
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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:17 AM 55. Compare and contrast individual counseling and group counseling focusing on similarities and differences in
the processes and procedures. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:18 AM 56. Develop a six-session remedial group plan. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:18 AM
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Each age may experience a divorce differently. Match the following a. worry about relationships b. continue to have most of their needs met c. may believe the divorce was their fault or get angry d. often experience nightmares and regress to an earlier developmental stage REFERENCES: pp. 647 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:52 AM 1. infants ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 2. preschoolers ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 3. school age ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 4. adolescents ANSWER: a POINTS: 1
Match the following roles which children of alcoholics often adopt to the description of the role a. appears independent and never asks for nurturing b. overly responsible and helpful c. provides comic relief d. behaves irresponsibly REFERENCES: p. 627 QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 11/3/2015 6:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 11/3/2015 6:56 AM 5. hero ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 6. scapegoat ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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7. lost child ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 8. mascot ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Multiple Choice 9. The federal law relative to child abuse is a. CAPTA b. FERPA c. NCLB d. FABTA ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 611 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:21 AM 10. A condition that would lead to the charge of child abandonment is a. The parent’s identity is unknown b. The child has failed to provide reasonable support over time c. The child is left in dangerous circumstances d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 612 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:25 AM 11. Research on maltreating parents indicates they are a. Unrepentant b. Likely to use harsh punishment c. Older mothers d. Stepparents ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES:
b 1 p. 615
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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:27 AM 12. Counselors need to help children of alcoholic parents understand a. They cannot love their parent until the substance abuse stops b. They can love their parent and accept their behavior c. They can love their parent and not like their behavior d. They will probably become alcoholics ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 629 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:29 AM 13. Which of the following might be treatment goal(s) for children of alcoholic families is a. Reduce children’s isolation b. Provide accurate information about chemical dependency c. Provide support d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 629 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:37 AM 14. Which of the following would be a compentency(ies) for health care providers who work with children from
alcoholic families a. A knowledge of symptoms b. Routine screening c. Ability to offer support d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 628-629 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:38 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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15. Irreversibility refers to the understanding that a. Death is a permanent condition b. Death cannot be undone c. Death is unavoidable d. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 630 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:40 AM 16. Finality refers to the understanding that a. Death is a permanent condition b. Death cannot be undone c. Death is unavoidable d. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 630 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:41 AM 17. Inevitability refers to the understanding that a. Death is a permanent condition b. Death cannot be undone c. Death is unavoidable d. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 630 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:42 AM 18. Crisis depression is a. A reaction to a specific external event b. A persistent feeling of sadness c. Extreme psychological impairment d. Response to setbacks Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 639 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:43 AM 19. Clinical depression is (657) a. A reaction to a specific external event b. A persistent feeling of sadness c. Extreme psychological impairment d. Response to setbacks ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 639 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:44 AM 20. One component of the ACTION program is a. Always call your parent b. Catch the positive c. Identify the person involved d. Negative thoughts need to be reframed. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 640 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:46 AM 21. An important guidelines in working with children who are suicidal is a. Do not debate whether suicide is right or wrong b. Do not call parents until absolutely necessary c. Do not ask others for help d. Do not take every threat seriously. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
a 1 p. 643-645 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:47 AM 22. Child maltreatment refers to a. physical abuse. b. sexual abuse. c. psychological abuse. d. all of the above and more. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 611 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:48 AM 23. Which of the following is not true about child maltreatment in the U.S.? a. Statistics regarding the prevalence of child maltreatment are underestimates. b. Statistics regarding the prevalence of child maltreatment are overestimates. c. Child abuse occurs at all levels of social, economic, and educational status. d. In a large number of cases, the offender is a male relative or friend of the family. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 613 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:49 AM 24. Of the following, which are believed to be the more difficult clients because of greatest difficulty in
developing relationship of trust? a. Physically abused children b. Emotionally abused children c. Sexually abused children d. Both A and B ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 624 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:50 AM 25. Which of the following are not included in the alcoholic family’s “unspoken rules” that were listed in the
text? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. Do have fun. b. Don’t feel. c. Don’t blame chemical dependency. d. Do be better and more responsible. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 628 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:51 AM 26. The CAST and the CASTD are a. measurement instruments for use in counseling with children of substance abuse. b. screening instruments for identifying children who are substance abusers. c. classroom guidance lessons designed to help abused children cope. d. group counseling materials for use with alcoholic families. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 628 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:53 AM 27. Which of the following are needs for parents who have divorced a. expanded parent education b. conflict resolution skills c. none of the above d. both A and B ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 652 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:54 AM 28. The most critical factor in helping children through divorce is a. parental support. b. keeping them in familiar surroundings. c. providing structure and consistent discipline. d. supportive counseling with someone to whom they can release their feelings. ANSWER:
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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 647 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:55 AM 29. Which of the following is not a "psychological task" children of divorce must resolve? a. acknowledging the reality of the marital rupture. b. resolution of loss. c. resolving anger and self blame. d. making a decision about the custodial parent. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 648-649 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:56 AM 30. Children of divorce do which of the following? a. blame their parents for being selfish b. blame themselves for the breakup c. feel intense anger at one or both parents d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 646-647 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:57 AM 31. Adolescents who have been through a parental divorce a. must learn to take a chance with relationships. b. can resolve the issues associated with the crisis more rapidly than very young children. c. do not experience the feelings of being unlovable and unworthy as intensely as young children. d. do not blame themselves for the divorce as young children do. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES: DATE CREATED:
a 1 p. 649 Multiple Choice False 10/24/2015 7:58 AM
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 7:59 AM 32. Which is not true of blended families? a. Expectations and relationships are more ambiguous. b. Social guidelines are not clear. c. Home schedules and guidelines may change. d. Modes of interaction remain the same as pre-divorce. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 651 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 7:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:00 AM 33. Some writers have pointed out that schools have not been particularly sensitive to different types of
families. They recommend all except a. providing teachers with information about the child's living arrangements. b. encouraging teachers to interview the child about the home situation in order to understand the child's world. c. school personnel making every effort to get parent names correct. d. asking children how they want to handle special occasions such as Mother's Day or Father's Day. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 652 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:02 AM 34. Adults can help children with grieving over the death of a loved one by a. gently diverting the child's questions to more pleasant topics. b. protecting the children from seeing their own adult grief. c. telling children that death is God's will. d. encouraging children to talk about their feelings. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 637 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:03 AM 35. Children have trouble understanding death because a. of their cognitive level. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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b. it occurs so seldom in their lives. c. adults protect them from facing death. d. of the portrayal of death on television. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 630 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:04 AM 36. Kubler-Ross has defined the stages most families go through in facing death as a. denial, resistance, bargaining, and acceptance. b. denial, anger, bargaining, reality, and acceptance. c. denial, bargaining, reality, resistance, and acceptance. d. denial, bargaining, acceptance, reality, and anger. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 631-632 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:06 AM 37. Whether or not a child should attend the funeral of a loved one is dependent on the child's a. wish to attend or not to attend. b. age and cognitive development. c. acceptance of the death. d. age, kinship to deceased, and reactions to death. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 635 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:07 AM 38. Which of the following is a treatment goal for children of substance abusing parents? homes? a. Teach them to keep family rules. b. Reduce their isolation. c. Assess for suicide. d. Explain the need to get the parent(s) into treatment. ANSWER: POINTS:
b 1
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REFERENCES: p. 629 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:08 AM 39. Factors that ranked low as contributors to suicide in children include a. family problems such as divorce or alcoholism. b. peer pressure. c. academic pressure. d. drug abuse. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 641 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:09 AM 40. Check all the following that could be signs of suicidal thoughts in children. (p. 642) a. poor self-concept b. quiet and withdrawn c. need to be with people always d. highly active and agitated e. sleeplessness and loss of appetite f. overeating ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:14 AM 41. If you suspect a child has suicidal tendencies, you should a. ignore your suspicions until you have additional indicators - a cluster of symptoms. b. find ways to confirm your suspicions without mentioning suicide in order to avoid suggesting the
idea to the child. c. confront the child with your thoughts and feelings immediately. d. ask the parents if they have noticed indications of depression. ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
c 1 pp. 644-646 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:16 AM 42. The impact of bullying on the target children is that of a. chronic, systematic terrorism b. telling teachers and other authorizes c. positive coping skills d. low commitment to positive peers ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 658 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:18 AM 43. Reviews of conflict resolution programs have found which of the following results? a. higher incidents of referrals to principals b. fewer classroom meetings. c. disruptions in the daily schedule. d. high student academic performance. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 659 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:19 AM True / False 44. Psychological abuse may include living in unstable or dangerous environments, negative modeling, and
cultural bias. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:21 AM 45. In most cases of child abuse, the offender is a relative or friend of the family. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:21 AM 46. Many child abusers also abuse alcohol or other drugs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:22 AM 47. Researchers have found that abused children talk less than non-abused children do. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:23 AM 48. Abusers usually have below average intelligence. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:23 AM 49. An attitude of disrespect for minors is often found among abusers. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:24 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:24 AM 50. There is strong evidence to suggest that psychological maltreatment results in serious emotional and/or
behavioral disorders. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:25 AM 51. Most children who are sexually abused are withdrawn and isolated. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:25 AM 52. Girls appear to experience more academic problems than boys as a result of divorce in the family do. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:26 AM 53. In order to work through the divorce successfully, children must distance themselves from the crisis and
resume normal activities. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:26 AM 54. A child's ability to blame himself or herself for the divorce is a significant step toward forgiving his or her
parents. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:27 AM 55. Once a parent has remarried, children usually give up their fantasies of parental reconciliation. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:28 AM 56. The "sleeper effect" suggests that the trauma of divorce will become more apparent in boys as they enter
young adulthood. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:28 AM 57. Laws have just been passed to give stepparents protected parental rights. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM 58. Some problems in blended families stem from traditional assumptions about the man's and woman's role in
the family. a. True b. False ANSWER: POINTS:
True 1
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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM 59. Some well-adjusted children live in a single-parent home. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:30 AM 60. Children finally understand death and their own immortality during the concrete operations stage. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:30 AM 61. Even as adults, children who grew up in alcoholic homes may continue to experience problems. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM 62. Children with learning disabilities or gifted children may attempt suicide more often than children without
exceptional conditions may. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:31 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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63. Children who threaten "you're going to miss me" use this as a manipulative tactic and seldom attempt
suicide. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM 64. A "sudden recovery" after severe depression may be a warning sign of suicidal intentions. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:32 AM Subjective Short Answer 65. Cite eight characteristics of a person who is a child abuser. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:34 AM 66. Explain counseling strategies for working with children who have been maltreated. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:35 AM 67. Summarize the psychological tasks children of divorce must successfully resolve. Include counseling
suggestions for each. ANSWER: POINTS: QUESTION TYPE:
Answers May Vary 1 Subjective Short Answer
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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:35 AM Essay 68. Janna is a 9-year-old girl you have been asked to treat. She has been sexually abused for two years by an
uncle in the household. Describe your treatment plan. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:36 AM 69. Briefly outline your treatment for working with a 10-year-old male whose parents have just divorced. What
symptoms of trauma would you expect to see and what kinds of counseling interventions would you plan? ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:37 AM 70. Describe four goals you might include in your treatment plan for a child in an alcoholic family. What kinds
of counseling techniques would your probably include? ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:38 AM 71. Jim, a 13-year-old, hints to you in your office that he is considering suicide because his mother and father
are divorcing. Describe the steps you would take at this time to help Jim. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:39 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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1. Students are eligible under 504 when they a. Have impairments that substantially limit them b. Met the criteria of what is a spectrum of exceptionalities c. Are between birth and 3 years old d. Are educationally able ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 673 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:36 AM 2. IEP stands for a. Initial educational plan b. Individual evaluation plan c. Individual education plan d. Individual education progress ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 674 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:40 AM 3. Some concerns that may come up in counseling children with disabilities are a. Self-other conflict b. Career counseleing c. Maladaptive behavior d. All of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 676 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:41 AM 4. Children with emotional disorders need which of the following interventions? a. A time out room b. Security and stability in the counseling relationship c. Systematic desensitization d. More time to complete school work Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 680 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:43 AM 5. Dyscalculia refers to a. problems with arithmetic and math concepts b. problems with reading c. problems with illegibility d. problem with motor coordination ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 681 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:44 AM 6. One component of effective training programs for parents is a. Unstructured sessions b. Small group presentations c. Requiring parents to practice d. No more than six meetings ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 692 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 8:46 AM 7. Which of the following is true of exceptional children? a. They are different from their peers in some way. b. They deviate from what is considered average or normal. c. They may fall within a spectrum of exceptionalities. d. all of the above ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: HAS VARIABLES:
d 1 p. 669 Multiple Choice False
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DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 8:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:02 AM 8. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act is a. a rehabilitation act. b. a result of Franklin Roosevelt’s disability c. Section 504 d. PL 94-142 ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 670 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:03 AM 9. A person with disabiliy is not limited as much by the disability as by a. his or her attitude toward the condition. b. pity c. how the parents handle their reactions. d. the degree of severity of the conditions. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 675 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:05 AM 10. The authors believe that a. counselors with exceptional children and their families require dedication to the philosophy that all
individuals are unique and capable of growth. b. counselors would be aware of exceptional problems, but this is primarily an educational and/or a medical matter. c. counseling with children who have exceptionalities is no different than counseling with other children. d. counseling with children who have exceptionalities requires specialized training which provides skills most counselors do not learn in their training programs. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 675 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:07 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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11. Which of the following is not true about children with exceptionalities and their families? a. Parents are often confused about their child's condition. b. Parents may experience guilt. c. The family will be unaffected. d. Having children with exceptionalities often strains family finances and relationships. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 692 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:08 AM 12. One of the primary concerns of a counselor working with children with exceptionalities should be a. the child's limitations. b. the child's self-concept. c. the symptoms exhibited. d. all of the above ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 675 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:10 AM 13. In IDEA, children with disabilities refers to people who have a. Parents who will lobby for services b. Permanent or temporary disabilities that interfere with their education c. Communicable diseases. d. Enhanced sensory perceptions ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 671 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:11 AM 14. The definition of intellectual disability disorder includes sub average general intellectual functioning and
which of the following? a. conceptual skills b. social skills c. practical skills Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 687 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:13 AM 15. A counselor's interventions for children who have special needs a. do not involve the family or teacher in any interventions. b. ignore the disability c. refer them to a specially trained counselor if at all possible d. are knowledgeable of the needs and characteristics of these children ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 689 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:14 AM 16. Which of the following are not symptoms of emotional disturbances? a. hyperactivity b. disorder in the basic psychological processes of language. c. difficulty developing and maintaining relationships. d. immaturity ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 677 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:16 AM 17. Which of the following is not a symptom of mild-moderate emotional disturbance problems? a. hyperactivity b. withdrawal c. aggression d. autism ANSWER: POINTS: REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE:
d 1 p. 677 Multiple Choice
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:17 AM 18. To increase the possibilities of success for children with emotional disturbances, (and all others), schools
and parents need to a. allow more time for young people to develop relationship b. increase community, parent, and administration participation c. build a school climate of nurturing d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 677 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:23 AM 19. Among the conditions excluded from definitions of learning disabilities is a. environmental disadvantage. b. brain injury. c. imperfect ability to do math. d. developmental aphasia. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 681 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:24 AM 20. Most definitions of learning disabilities contain references to all of the following except a. neurological functioning. b. uneven growth patterns. c. below average intelligence. d. academic and learning difficulties. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 681 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:26 AM 21. In a longitudinal study of attributes that might predict life success for those with learning abilities which of Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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the following was not included? a. perseverance b. academic success c. emotional coping skills d. goal-setting ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 683 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:27 AM 22. Overarousal, impulsivity, blurting out, interrupting, losing things, and engaging in dangerous activities may
be symptoms of a. learning disabilities. b. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. c. emotional disorder/behavior disorder. d. educable mental retardation. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: pp. 683-684 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:29 AM 23. A child with a physical disability has feelings about self that stem from a. how he or she is treated by others b. the child's age at the time of occurrence c. the severity of the condition d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 687 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:31 AM 24. Three types of ADHD are which of the following a. predominately active type, predominately inactive type, combined type b. predominately inattentive type, predominately hyperactive/impulsive type, combined type c. predominately impulsive type, predominately attentive type, combined type. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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d. unclassified attentive type, classified impulsive type, combinations ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 684 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:34 AM 25. Teachers of exceptional children were particularly concerned about all of the following except a. their competence to meet the child's needs. b. the teaching time exceptional children might require c. not being able to meet the needs of other children in their room.. d. not understanding the full range of the child's limitations. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: p. 690 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:35 AM 26. Progress toward helping exceptional children in society has moved rapidly since the first efforts were made
early in the 20th century. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:42 AM 27. Section 504 provides that all handicapped children shall receive free educational experiences to meet their
needs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:43 AM 28. Labels for "special" children inhibit communication about their symptoms, characteristics, and needs. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:46 AM 29. The U.S. Department of Education is moving away from categorical classification of exceptional children. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:46 AM 30. Drug therapy is the preferred treatment for children with emotional disturbances. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:48 AM 31. Children with emotional disturbances need a loosely structured counselor/client relationship in order for
them to express their feelings. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:49 AM 32. Some children with learning disabilities may perform poorly in social situations. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:49 AM 33. Counselors will want to focus primarily on counseling with children with learning disabilities and avoid
involvement with diagnostic services. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:50 AM 34. Children with learning disabilities rarely have emotional problems because they lack good social perception. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:50 AM 35. Drugs that are used to control the attention, distractibility, and behavior of children with disabilities have
been highly effective. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:51 AM 36. Children with learning disabilities often also have attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:51 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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37. Attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity are very different disorders. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:52 AM 38. Parents of children with handicapping conditions may experience a range of emotions including
helplessness, denial, disappointment, and resentment. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:52 AM 39. Summarize the tasks of counselors working with the child who has a learning disability. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:54 AM 40. List the tasks of the counselor working with any type of exceptional child. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 9:56 AM 41. Explain the tasks for counselors working with parents of exceptional children. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 9:56 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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10/24/2015 9:56 AM
42. Tommy is a 9-year-old child from a single parent home. He has been diagnosed with an emotional
disturbanceand has symptoms of hyperactivity, anxiety, sadness, and is destructive with his acting-out behavior. Describe your plan for treatment. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 10:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 10:04 AM 43. Mark has been diagnosed as a child with learning disabilities and is having trouble making friends. He
appears to be insensitive to others and lacks good judgment about appropriate behaviors. What counseling strategies would you recommend and why? ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 10:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 10:05 AM 44. The child with intellectual functioning disorder has not usually received counseling in the past. In what
areas would the counselor's skills be most helpful to these children? Discuss the relevant counseling goals for this child. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 10:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 10:06 AM 45. Trace the history of legislation related to exceptional children. ANSWER: Answers May Vary POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic DATE CREATED: 10/24/2015 10:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/24/2015 10:06 AM 46. List the categories and descriptions of exceptionalities. ANSWER: Answers May Vary Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.
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