Customer Service Skills for Success 6th Edition
by Robert Lucas
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The goals of providing customer service are similar despite the differences between organizations in their focus. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Defining Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
2) Customer service is the ability of knowledgeable and capable employees to deliver products to their external and internal customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Defining Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The ultimate goal of customer relationship management is customer loyalty. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Defining Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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4) Internet service providers are an example of organizations that provide both products and services. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Focused Organizations
5) According to the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, state and local governments are classified as belonging to the service sector while the federal government isn't. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Focused Organizations
6) A manufacturer of consumer electronics, wanting to reduce costs, relocates his production facility to a rural location. This is an example of a cottage industry. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Evolution of Customer Service
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7) Organizations such as the International Council of Customer Service Organizations (ICCSO) work to help develop and promote service and professional excellence standards throughout the world. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Evolution of Customer Service
8) According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the long-term shift from goodsproducing to service-producing employment is expected to decline. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
9) One trend in job development comes about from the need for employees to be able to have regular access to personal and professional networks and to engage in collaborative exchanges, which means more jobs are likely to develop in rural areas ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
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10) Employees who work from their homes or satellite locations are considered to be telecommuting. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
The practice of telecommuting does not include people who are self-employed. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
12) Instant messaging refers to a form of Internet communication where users can transmit text messages or chat in real-time via the Internet to one or more people. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
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13) The development and increased sophistication of technology has led to an increase in manufacturing and blue-collar jobs. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
14) The U.S. government has not made any effort to upgrade and expand broadband access nationwide since the late 1990s ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
15) Offshoring refers to the practice of contracting with third-party companies outside the organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
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Deregulation is the removal of government restrictions on an industry. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
17) After the recession, economic reports are now indicating that people have begun to shift from a "cutting back" mentality to a slightly more optimistic "cautious spending" approach. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-04 Recognize the changes in consumer behavior that are impacting service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How Consumer Behavior Impacts Service
18) Customer service professionals need to be abreast of current organizational policies and procedures. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-04 Recognize the changes in consumer behavior that are impacting service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How Consumer Behavior Impacts Service
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19) Customer satisfaction refers to the feelings of a person whose needs have been met by an organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-04 Recognize the changes in consumer behavior that are impacting service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How Consumer Behavior Impacts Service
20) The customer is a key component of the customer service environment that is directly under the control of the service provider and staff. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
21) External customers are the ones who actively seek out; research; and buy, rent or lease products or services offered by the organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Internal and External Customers
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Motivated and competent workers are the key to making a difference in customer service. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
Older workers are more likely than younger workers to be short-tenured employees. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
24) Learning organizations are businesses that use knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-06 Explain how some companies are addressing the changes impacting the servic AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Learning Organizations
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In a learning organization, learning from mistakes and adapting accordingly is crucial. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-06 Explain how some companies are addressing the changes impacting the servic AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Learning Organizations
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) The ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external clients in a manner that satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in positive word-of-mouth publicity and return business is called ____.
A) downsizing B) networking C) customer service D) outsourcing
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Defining Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
27) Analog Corp., a multinational software company, spends time and makes efforts to satisfy its clients by identifying their needs and establishing policies and procedures to support excellence in service delivery. In this case, Analog Corp. is most likely to be a(n) _____.
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A) customer-focused organization B) offshoring organization C) cottage industry D) outsourcing organization
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Focused Organizations
28) According to the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, wholesale trade, retail trade, finance, insurance, and the federal government are examples of the ____.
A) service sector B) primary sector C) public sector D) private sector
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Evolution of Customer Service
29) During the early days of business growth, many sold or bartered products from their homes in what became known as ____.
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A) outsourcing organizations B) cottage industries C) service industries D) customer-focused organizations
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Evolution of Customer Service
30) RedAngle Corp. is a company that allows its employees to set up home offices and communicate electronically to its corporate office. This is an example of ____.
A) downsizing B) outsourcing C) telecommuting D) offshoring
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
31) The term that applies to the situation in which employees are terminated or empty positions are left unfilled once someone leaves an organization is ____.
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A) offshoring B) downsizing C) networking D) outsourcing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-02 Describe factors that have impacted the growth of the service sector in th AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Factors Impacting the Growth of the Service Sector
32) _____ is the term applied to an ongoing trend of information, knowledge, and resource sharing around the world.
A) Networking B) Telecommuting C) Globalization D) Deregulation
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
B2B stands for ____.
A) back-to-business B) brand-to-brand C) brokering-to-business D) business-to-business
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
34) _____ refers to the relocation of business services by a company or organization from one country to another.
A) Offshoring B) Insourcing C) Deregulation D) Outsourcing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
35) _____ occurs when organizations decide to have its own employees assume functions and perform work instead of contracting out to third parties.
A) Insourcing B) Deregulation C) Outsourcing D) Offshoring
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
36) Which of the following countries is a part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
A) Mexico B) Costa Rica C) Bermuda D) Greenland
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
Which of the following statements best describes the term "e-commerce?"
A) It refers to an entire spectrum of companies that market products and services on the Internet and through other technology. B) It is a trade agreement entered into by the United States, Canada, and Mexico to help eliminate barriers to trade. C) It is a process by which employees are terminated or empty positions are left unfilled once someone leaves an organization. D) It refers to the group of companies operated by the federal government that sells products free of cost.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
38) Which of the following statements is true of the impact of the economic recession on consumers' mindset?
A) A majority of consumers have started to act on impulse and buy whatever they desire to buy. B) Consumers have begun to reevaluate their paradigm or the way they look at products. C) A large number of consumers are opting to buy rather than rent homes, cars, and clothes. D) Consumers have begun to shift from a cautious spending approach to a cutting back mentality.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-04 Recognize the changes in consumer behavior that are impacting service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How Consumer Behavior Impacts Service
Service providers invest large amounts of money in training employees because ____.
A) they lose business and revenue if they do not meet the service expectations of customers B) they are unaffected by the economic recession and massive job losses C) a larger number of consumers are opting to buy rather than rent homes and cars D) consumers act on impulse and purchase any product or service that they desire to buy
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-04 Recognize the changes in consumer behavior that are impacting service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How Consumer Behavior Impacts Service
Which of the following is a component of a customer service environment?
A) Technical know-how B) Suppliers C) Delivery systems D) Management
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
41) Those who actively seek out, research, and buy, rent, or lease products or services offered by a business are its ____.
A) external customers B) internal customers C) investors D) suppliers
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Internal and External Customers
Who among the following is an example of external customers?
A) Subordinates B) Suppliers C) Coworkers D) Security personnel
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Internal and External Customers
43) Employees of other departments or branches, coworkers, and other people who work within the same organization are _____
A) external customers B) internal customers C) online customers D) current customers
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Internal and External Customers
Who among the following is an example of internal customers?
A) Vendors B) Suppliers C) Potential clients D) Subordinates
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Internal and External Customers
The _____ includes any element of an organization that a customer experiences.
A) human resource B) organizational culture C) service environment D) service recovery
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
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46) _____ undertakes activities such as recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining qualified people.
A) Human resource B) Customer relationship management C) Service recovery D) Organizational culture
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
_____ refer(s) to the products or services offered by an organization.
A) Outsourcing B) Offshoring C) Deliverables D) Networking
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
48) The manner in which a company and its employees treat its customers when delivering the company's products or other deliverables is known as ____.
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A) outsourcing B) offshoring C) service D) training
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
49) _____ is a term that describes an organization that uses knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage.
A) Learning organization B) Customer-focused organization C) Service industry D) Cottage industry
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-06 Explain how some companies are addressing the changes impacting the servic AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Learning Organizations
50) The process of righting a wrong or correcting something that has gone wrong involving provision of a product to a client is called ____.
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A) service recovery B) delivery system C) downsizing D) deregulation
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-06 Explain how some companies are addressing the changes impacting the servic AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for the Changing Customer Service Environment
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) Define the service sector and list a few industries that it covers.
Question Details Learning Objective : 01-01 Define customer service. Topic : Defining Customer Service Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Distinguish between offshoring and outsourcing.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
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Define e-commerce.
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-03 Identify societal factors that have influenced customer service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Societal Factors Affecting Customer Service
Discuss the term “organizational culture”.
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-05 List the six major components of a customer-focused environment. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Components of a Customer Service Environment
Explain the term “service recovery”.
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 01-06 Explain how some companies are addressing the changes impacting the servic AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for the Changing Customer Service Environment
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch1 1) FALSE There have been many attempts to define the term customer service, but depending on an organization’s focus—such as retailing, medical, dental, industry, manufacturing, or repair services—the goals of providing customer service may vary. 2) TRUE Customer service is defined as the ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external customers in a manner that satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in positive word-of-mouth publicity and return business. By doing these things, organizations can truly become customer-focused organizations 3) TRUE The concept of identifying customer needs, understanding and influencing customer behavior through ongoing communication strategies in an effort to acquire, retain, and satisfy the customer is known as customer relationship management. The ultimate goal is customer loyalty. 4) FALSE Internet service providers, associations, banks and credit unions, and consulting firms are examples of organizations that specialize in providing only services. 5) FALSE
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The term “service sector” as used by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their reports and projections typically includes transportation companies, communication companies, utilities companies, federal government, and state and local governments. 6) FALSE Cottage industry is the term adopted in the early days of customer service when many people started small businesses in their homes or cottages and bartered products or services with neighbors. Relocating a firm to a rural area is not an example of this. 7) TRUE Today, businesses have changed dramatically as the economy has shifted from a dependence on manufacturing to a focus on providing timely quality service. Tied to this trend has been the development of international quality standards by which service effectiveness is measured in many multinational organizations. The International Council of Customer Service Organizations (ICCSO) has contributed to this by setting internationally acceptable standards and certifications to create a global atmosphere of service. 8) FALSE Customer service representative and other types of service jobs are projected to have the most job growth between 2014 and 2024. Serviceproviding sectors are projected to capture 94.6 percent of all the jobs added between 2014 and 2024. 9) FALSE This trend means that more jobs are likely to develop in major metropolitan areas, where ease of interaction with peers and suppliers, high customer density, and access to the most current business practices exist. Version 1
10) TRUE A trend seen that allows employees to set up home offices and from there electronically communicate and forward information to their corporate offices is called telecommuting. 11) TRUE To reduce traffic and pollution and save resources (e.g., rent, telephone, and technology systems), many organizations allow employees to set up home offices and from there electronically communicate and forward information to their corporate offices. The practice of telecommuting does not include people who are self-employed. 12) TRUE Instant messaging refers to a form of Internet communication where users can transmit text messages or chat in real-time via the Internet to one or more people. More advanced forms allow voice calling, video chat, and hyperlinks to various media. 13) FALSE The development and increased sophistication of machines, telephones, service equipment, and computers have caused an increase in production and quality. One result of this trend has been a decrease in manufacturing and blue-collar jobs 14) FALSE The U.S. government passed the Recovery Act in 2009 with money allocated for expanding nationwide Internet access to rural areas and into schools, libraries, public safety offices, and other community buildings 15) FALSE
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Offshoring refers to the relocation of business services by an organization from one country to another. In doing so, companies often save money on costs such as production, wages, and benefits. 16) TRUE Deregulation is the removal of government restrictions on an industry. The continuing deregulation of major U.S. public services has caused competition to flourish. However, deregulation has also brought major industry shakeups, sometimes leading to breakdowns in service quality in many companies and, in some instances, closure or restructuring of the company. 17) TRUE After the recession, economic reports are now indicating that people have begun to shift from a "cutting back" mentality to a slightly more optimistic "cautious spending" approach. Part of their new strategy is to reevaluate their paradigm, or the way they look at products. Where they might have only gone for the nationally known brand or reputation in the past, they now evaluate and consider generic or store brands with comparable options and services offered by local providers. 18) TRUE The expectation of quality service that most consumers have also creates a need for better-trained and better-educated customer service professionals. They need to be abreast of current organizational policies and procedures, what the competition offers, and the latest techniques in customer service and satisfaction. 19) TRUE
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Customer satisfaction refers to the feeling of a person whose needs have been met by an organization. With consumers now on the defensive and ready to fight back, all business owners find that they have to continually prove the worth of their products and services. They must provide customer satisfaction or face losing customers to competitors. 20) FALSE The customer is a component of the customer service environment but the customer is the only component that is not directly under the control of the service provider and staff. Customers are the “star” of the show and should be the central focus of all workplace efforts. Other components of the customer service environment include organizational culture, human resources, products/deliverables, delivery systems, and service. 21) TRUE External customers are the ones who actively seek out; research; and buy, rent or lease products or services offered by the organization. This group includes vendors, suppliers, people on the telephone or Internet, and others not from the organization. 22) TRUE The biggest differences in customer service stem from motivated and competent workers, planning, policy, and procedure change, or system adaptation. For this reason, many organizations go to great lengths to obtain and retain the “right” employees who possess the knowledge, skills, and competencies to professionally serve customers. 23) FALSE
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Younger workers are more likely than older workers to be short-tenured employees. The median tenure for 55 percent of employees between the age of 55 and 64 was 10.1 years in January 2016, over three times the tenure for workers age 25 to 34 (2.8 years). Among workers age 60 to 64, 55 percent were employed for at least 10 years with their current employer in January 2016, compared with 13 percent of workers age 30 to 34. 24) TRUE Learning organizations are businesses that use knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage. This means providing ongoing training and development opportunities to employees so that they can gain and maintain cutting-edge skills and knowledge while projecting a positive can-do customer-focused attitude. 25) TRUE Learning from mistakes, and adapting accordingly, is crucial in a learning organization. A learning organization also ensures that there are systems that can adequately compensate and reward employees on the basis of their performance. 26) C Customer service is the ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external customers in a manner that satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in positive word-of-mouth publicity and return business. 27) A
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A customer-focused organization is a company that spends energy and effort on satisfying internal and external customers by first identifying customer needs, then establishing policies, procedures, and management and reward systems to support excellence in service delivery. 28) A The term service sector as used by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their reports and projections typically includes wholesale trade, retail trade, finance, insurance, and federal government. 29) B In the past, many people made and sold or bartered products with their neighbors from their homes or cottages, These businesses came to be known as cottage industries. 30) C Telecommuting is a trend seen in many organizations that allows employees to set up home offices and from there electronically communicate and forward information to their corporate offices. 31) B Downsizing is the term applied to the situation in which employees are terminated or empty positions are left unfilled once someone leaves an organization. 32) C Beginning in the 1960s, when worldwide trade barriers started to come down, a variety of factors have contributed to expanded international cooperation and competition. Globalization is the term applied to an ongoing trend of information, knowledge, and resource sharing around the world. 33) D
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B2B refers to business-to-business customer service. 34) A Offshoring refers to the relocation of business services by a company or organization from one country to another. By offshoring, companies often save money on costs such as production, wages, and benefits. This is becoming more and more common in technology-oriented companies. 35) A Insourcing occurs when organizations decide to have internal employees assume functions and perform work instead of contracting it out to third parties or outsourcing it. Insourcing is the opposite of outsourcing, and while this has not reversed the offshoring or outsourcing initiatives of some major companies, it does hold potential promise for some skilled unemployed workers seeking new opportunities in the production and service industries on a local level. 36) A The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 37) A E-commerce refers to an entire spectrum of companies that market products and services on the Internet and through other technology, and the process of accessing them by consumers. 38) B Economic reports are now starting to show that people have begun to shift from a "cutting back" mentality to a slightly more optimistic "cautious spending" approach. Part of their new strategy is to reevaluate their paradigm or the way they look at products. 39) A
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Companies recognize that if they do not meet the service expectations of customers, they lose business and revenue. Thus, the superior service providers invest large amounts of money in training employees. 40) C The six key components of a customer service environment are the customer, organizational culture, human resources, products, delivery systems, and service. 41) A External customers may be current or potential customers or clients. They are the ones who actively seek out, research, and buy, rent, or lease products or services offered by an organization. 42) B External customers are the people outside the organization who purchase or lease products and services. This group includes vendors, suppliers, and others not from the organization. 43) B Internal customers are coworkers, employees of other departments or branches, and other people who work within the same organization. 44) D Internal customers include peers, coworkers, bosses, subordinates, and people from other areas of the organization. 45) B Put simply, organizational culture is what the customer experiences. This culture is made up of a collection of subcomponents, each of which contributes to the overall service environment. 46) A
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To make the culture work, an organization must take great care in recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining qualified people. This is the core concept of human resources, a component of customer service environment. 47) C A deliverable may be a tangible item or a service available to the customer. In either case, there are two potential areas of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction—quality and quantity. 48) C Stated simply, service is the manner in which a company and other employees treat its customers and each other as they deliver the company's deliverables. This is an important component of an effective service environment and includes industry standards, customer expectations, capabilities, costs, and current and projected requirements. 49) A Basically, a learning organization is one that uses knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage. They learn from their competition, industry trends, and other sources, and they develop systems to support continued growth and development. 50) A Service recovery is the process of righting a wrong or correcting something that has gone wrong involving provision of a product or service to a customer.
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51)Service sector refers to organizations and individuals involved in delivering service as a primary product. The term service sector as used by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their reports and projections typically includes:● Transportation, communication, and utilities ● Wholesale trade ● Retail trade ● Finance, insurance, and real estate ● Federal government ● State and local governments In addition, there are people who are self-employed and provide various types of services to their customers and clients. 52) Offshoring refers to the relocation of business services by an organization from one country to another. The work may be kept in another entity of the organization that is located in another country or contracted to a third party. Typically, this is done to cut costs with cheaper worker salaries or tax savings. Outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting with third-party companies or vendors outside the organization to deliver products and services to customers or to produce products. 53)E-commerce refers to the entire spectrum of companies that market products and services on the Internet and through other technology, and the process of accessing them by consumers. 54)Organizational culture is what the customer experiences. This culture is made up of a collection of subcomponents, each of which contributes to the overall service environment made up of factors including: the customer, organizational culture, human resources, products or deliverables, delivery systems, and service.
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55)Service recovery means the process of correcting something that has gone wrong involving provision of a product or service to a customer. If a service breakdown does occur, managers in truly customer-focused organizations should empower employees at all levels to do whatever is necessary to satisfy the customer. For this to happen, management must educate and train staff members on the techniques and policies available to help serve the customer. They must then give employees the authority to act without asking first for management intervention in order to resolve customer issues. This concept is known as service recovery.
Version 1
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The service culture in every organization does not include beliefs and rituals. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
2) Any policy, procedure, action, or inaction on the part of an organization contributes to its service culture. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
3) Companies that are customer-centric typically view customers from the standpoint of what company products or services they use. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
4) In the past, a company's primary approach to attract and hold customers was to continually make changes to its product and service lines. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
5) Customer-centric organizations have realized that it is cheaper to attract new customers than to try and retain their current customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
A company's mission is generally driven from the top of the organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
7) Mission statements should always tie back to the vision statement and should be incorporated into the infrastructure and service culture of an organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
8) Employee expectations are perceptions about positive and negative aspects of the workplace. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
9) For any goal to be attained, it must be believable to the people who will strive to reach it and to the supervisors or team leaders who will monitor it. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
Employees should share their organization's internal problems with the customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
A sole proprietorship is a one-owner business. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
12) The return policy of an organization is a gauge customers use to determine where they will spend their time and money. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
13) Protégés are individuals in an organization who dedicate time and effort to befriend and assist others.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
14) An organization should periodically conduct an inspection of its systems and practices in order to better serve customers and to be competitive in a global service economy. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-02 Define a service strategy. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Establishing a Service Strategy
15) The service delivery system of an organization includes having customers deal with the organization's internal policies, practices, or politics. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
The type of delivery system used by organizations to serve customers is not important.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
17) In a direct contact environment, customers interact directly with an organization’s representative. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
18) By outsourcing jobs to a third party, companies can save money by reducing health benefits or retirement payments. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
19) Employees should focus on taking a one-time service or sales opportunity approach instead of developing an ongoing relationship with customers.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
20) To demonstrate strong support for their company, frontline employees or supervisors should always use "they" language when dealing with customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
21) A service professional should partner with customers to promote a positive service culture. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
22) An organization that is committed to providing excellent customer service encourages open communication between frontline employees and all levels of management.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-05 Separate average companies from exceptional companies. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Separating Average Companies from Excellent Companies
23) Typically, in organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service, the status quo is acceptable. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-05 Separate average companies from exceptional companies. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Separating Average Companies from Excellent Companies
24) Generally, most customers want the transactions to be quick; hence, they do not expect pleasantries such as "please" and "thank you." ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-06 Identify what customers want. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : What Customers Want
25) If frontline employees are angry because of a policy, procedure, management, or a customer, they must always communicate their frustrations or pressures with that customer.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 02-06 Identify what customers want. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : What Customers Want
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Which of the following statements is true of a top down-oriented organization?
A) Customers are at the top of the organization's structure. B) It typically focuses on individual needs of customers rather than its products. C) It typically views the senior management as a final element or afterthought. D) Upper management is at the top of the hierarchy.
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Which of the following statements is true of successful organizations?
A) The mission and vision statements of these organizations are completely different. B) They typically view customers from the standpoint of what company products or services they use. C) The members of the upper management make themselves visible to frontline employees. D) They realize that it is cheaper to continually attract new customers than to retain current customers.
Version 1
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
In an organization, _____ are the task assignments that service providers assume.
A) service delivery systems B) customer expectations C) employee roles D) value chain activities
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Which of the following characteristics is included in RUMBA?
A) Abstract B) Understandable C) Measureless D) Rigid
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
30) In a purely customer-focused environment, service measurement is typically in terms of _____.
A) employee turnover B) the number of products manufactured C) potential sales D) the number of customer complaints
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Managers should ensure that employees _____.
A) focus on attracting new customers rather than retaining current customers B) communicate the internal problems of the organization to customers C) are given assignments that tie in directly with the ultimate purpose or mission and overall values or beliefs of the organization D) are assigned goals which are difficult to obtain in order to ensure maximum productivity
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
32) Emma is the manager of a small beauty salon. She deals with different kinds of customers and has to ensure that the customer needs are identified and satisfied. To develop an effective customer service, she should do which of the following?
A) Always use "they" language when dealing with customers and hide behind "company policy" when handling customer problems B) Continually strive to gain new knowledge and skills and deliver the level of service equal to that offered by established salons C) Focus on taking a one-time service or sales opportunity approach instead of developing an ongoing relationship with customers D) Exclude the information collected from customer feedback surveys when measuring the service performance of her salon
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Reflective Thinking Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Retail and service organizations should _____.
A) focus on attracting new customers instead of trying to retain current customers B) communicate their internal problems to customers C) establish policies and procedures that are flexible D) respond to customer complaints using "company policy" as an excuse
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Version 1
34) Which of the following approaches helps companies develop an effective organizational culture?
A) Companies should recognize, appreciate, and regularly reward the performance of their employees. B) Companies should always view customers from the standpoint of what company products or services they use. C) Companies should develop mission statements that are completely different from the vision statement. D) Companies should ensure that employee roles are contrary to the overall values or beliefs of the organization.
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
35) _____ is used to describe when lower-level employees in an organization are given decision-making and problem-resolution authority.
A) Micromanagement B) Empowerment C) Centralization D) Totalitarianism
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
What is another advantage of empowerment?
Version 1
A) It provides a morale boost to inexperienced or failing employees. B) It hides internal problems from the customer. C) It requires frontline employees in an organization to decrease contact with their managers. D) It is an intangible way that service organizations reward employees.
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
37) Which of the following is the first step that an organization should take in creating or redefining its service environment?
A) Empowering its employees to better serve customers B) Making sure it knows who its customers really are C) Conducting an inspection of its systems and practices D) Reviewing the manner in which external customer needs are addressed
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-02 Define a service strategy. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Establishing a Service Strategy
38) _____ are a method of reviewing the manner in which internal and external customer needs are addressed.
Version 1
A) Ethical codes B) Vision statements C) Churn rates D) Focus groups
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-02 Define a service strategy. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Establishing a Service Strategy
39) To ensure the success of an organization's customer service, a service professional should do which of the following?
A) Continually reevaluate what he/she does on a daily basis when dealing with customers B) Communicate the organization's internal policies, practices, or politics to customers C) Focus on attracting new customers rather than trying to retain existing customers D) Always use "they" language when dealing with customers
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-02 Define a service strategy. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Establishing a Service Strategy
40) _____ is defined as a group of processes in an organization that makes service seamless to customers by ensuring that things work properly and the customer is satisfied.
Version 1
A) Customer-friendly system B) Employee empowerment C) Product development D) Management information system
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
41) The means by which an organization effectively gets its products and services to customers is known as:
A) outsourcing B) service delivery systems C) micromanagement D) service measurement
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
To maintain an efficient service delivery system, an organization should always _____.
Version 1
A) ensure that frontline employees cannot make decisions without the permission of their supervisors B) ensure that customers do not have to deal with the internal policies, practices, and politics C) encourage its managers and frontline employees to use "they" language when dealing with customers D) view customers from the standpoint of what company products or services they use
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
An indirect delivery system typically involves _____.
A) face-to-face interaction between employees and customers B) a hands-off self-service approach to customers C) extensive customer contact throughout the interaction. D) a more caring customer service approach than a direct delivery system
Question Details Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
A benefit for an organization that outsources its noncore positions is that _____.
Version 1
A) the long-term employee expertise of the organization is retained B) the organization's reputation in the eyes of the local citizens improves significantly C) the loyalty of the remaining employees in the organization increases D) the need to purchase and update computers and related equipment is eliminated
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
Which of the following statements is a disadvantage for a company that outsources jobs?
A) The need to purchase and update computers and related equipment increases substantially. B) The potential to groom and hire from within an enculturated workforce decreases. C) The work force size within the company increases, thereby increasing its salary budget. D) The company's contribution to employee health benefits, retirement, and 401(k) payments increases.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
46) Internal employees or external consultants who pose as customers in on-site visits, over the telephone, or online to determine how well customers are being served are known as _____.
Version 1
A) mystery shoppers B) lobbyists C) jobbers D) category captains
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
47) To promote a positive service culture, customer service professionals should always _____.
A) view vendors and suppliers as salespeople whose only purpose is to serve them B) focus on taking a one-time service or sales opportunity approach instead of developing an ongoing relationship with customers C) be well versed in the many facets of their organization and its operation, related industry topics, and the competition D) use "they" language when dealing with customers
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
48) Daniel, a customer service executive, has received a call from Mrs. Karen Lynn, a customer, complaining about a problem with her refrigerator. Mrs. Lynn wants to get the refrigerator fixed at no additional cost. However, the warranty period for the appliance has expired. In this scenario, which of the following responses will demonstrate Daniel's commitment to customer service?
Version 1
A) "Mrs. Lynn, I cannot help you. The company policy states that customers have to bear the cost of repairs after the warranty period has expired." B) "Mrs. Lynn, let me transfer your call to the sales department. They will brief you about the new products that are being offered this month." C) "Mrs. Lynn, I've inquired about your request, but the manager has said that the company cannot incur the cost of repairing your refrigerator." D) "Mrs. Lynn, what I can do to resolve this problem is to offer you a thirty percent discount on the repair costs and a two-year warranty on your appliance."
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Reflective Thinking Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
49) Which of the following is a characteristic of organizations that are highly committed to customer service?
A) They discourage employee empowerment. B) They readily accept status quo of competitor. C) They benchmark the successful practices of competitors. D) They restrict communication between frontline employees and all levels of management.
Question Details Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 02-05 Separate average companies from exceptional companies. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Separating Average Companies from Excellent Companies
Version 1
50) Which of the following guidelines should customer service professionals follow to meet the expectations of customers?
A) Service professionals should always use "they" language when dealing with customers. B) Service professionals should involve customers in situations that are out of their control. C) Service professionals should strive to mask their feelings of anger, frustration, and pressure from customers. D) Service professionals should focus on attracting new customers rather than trying to retain existing customers.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-06 Identify what customers want. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : What Customers Want
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) From a customer's perspective, what are the skills and qualifications that service employees in both large and small organizations must possess? What may happen if service employees fail to possess these skills?
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Explain how a mentor can assist new employees.
Version 1
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
Explain how empowerment helps develop an effective service culture.
Question Details Learning Objective : 02-01 Explain the elements of a successful service culture. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Defining a Service Culture
54) What are the two types of delivery systems? Why is there a delicate balance in selecting a service delivery system?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-03 Recognize customer-friendly systems. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer-Friendly Systems
List the eleven strategies for promoting a positive service culture.
Version 1
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 02-04 Implement strategies for promoting a positive service culture. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Promoting a Positive Service Culture
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch2 1) FALSE The service culture is made up of various factors, including the values, beliefs, norms, rituals, and practices of a group or organization, and is different for each organization. No two organizations operate in the same manner, have the same focus, or provide management that accomplishes the same results. 2) TRUE A service culture includes the values, beliefs, norms, rituals, and practices of a group or organization. Any policy, procedure, action, or inaction on the part of an organization contributes to its service culture. 3) FALSE Companies that are top-down-oriented (with upper management at the top of their hierarchy and customers as a final element or afterthought) or product-centered view customers from the standpoint of what company products or services they use. On the contrary, organizations that are customer-centered or customer-centric focus on individual needs. 4) TRUE In the past, organizations were continually making changes to their product and service lines to try to attract and hold customers. Often this has been their primary approach to customer satisfaction. Now, many organizations have become more customer-centric and stress relationships with customers. They realize that it is cheaper, and smarter, to focus efforts on better customer service to keep current customers.
Version 1
5) FALSE Many major organizations have become more customer-centric and focused on relationships with customers. They realize that it is cheaper, and smarter, to keep current customers rather than subscribe to a revolving-door approach of continually trying to attract new customers to replace the ones that they lost to competitors. 6) TRUE Generally, an organization's approach to business, its mission or its service philosophy, is driven from the top of the organization. Upper management, including members of the board of directors, when appropriate, sets the vision or tone and direction of the organization. 7) TRUE Most successful organizations have written mission and vision statements that answer the questions of "What does the organization do?" and "Why does the organization exist?" Mission statements should tie back to the vision statement and should be incorporated into the infrastructure (e.g., HR policies and procedures) and service culture of an organization. 8) TRUE Employee expectations are perceptions about positive and negative aspects of the workplace. Depending on your job, the size and type of your organization, and the industry involved, the employee roles and employee expectations may be similar from one organization to another, and yet they may be performed in a variety of different ways. 9) TRUE
Version 1
For any goal to be attained, it must be believable to the people who will strive to reach it and to the supervisors or team leaders who will monitor it. The biggest issues in developing goals are to make them worthy of belief and faithful to the values of the individual and organization, and to ensure that they make sense and tie in directly with the established overall departmental and organizational goals. 10) FALSE Employees must ensure that service continues to be delivered to customers seamlessly. Customers should not hear about internal problems. They should be able to expect that the products and services they paid for are delivered when promised, in the manner agreed upon, and without inconvenience to them. 11) TRUE A sole proprietorship is a one-owner and more than one is often considered a partnership. The growth of sole proprietorships and small businesses has an upside in that they provide more choices for customers. 12) TRUE An effective return policy is part of the overall service process. In addition to service received, the return policy of an organization is another gauge customers use to determine where they will spend their time and money. 13) FALSE Mentors are individuals who dedicate time and effort to befriend and assist others. In an organization, they are typically people with a lot of knowledge, experience, skills, and initiative, and have a large personal and professional network established. A protégé is typically a lessexperienced recipient of the efforts of the mentor. Version 1
14) TRUE An organization should periodically conduct an inspection of its systems and practices to decide where the company is now and where it needs to be to better serve customers and to be competitive in a global service economy. The manner in which internal and external customer needs are addressed also should be reviewed. For example, are surveys, focus groups, or customer–provider meetings/forums conducted within the organization? 15) FALSE Customers should not have to deal with internal policies, practices, or politics. They should be able to contact the service provider; get the information they need; make a buying decision, where appropriate; and have the products or services they have selected flawlessly delivered in a timely, professional manner. 16) FALSE The type of delivery system used by organizations to serve customers is important because it affects staffing numbers, costs, technology, scheduling, and many other factors. 17) TRUE The major difference between the two types of service delivery systems is that in a direct contact environment, customers interact directly with people, whereas in an indirect system their needs are met primarily with self-service through technology (possibly integrated with the human factor in customer contact/call centers) integrated with Internet services. 18) TRUE
Version 1
By outsourcing jobs to a third party, companies can save money by eliminating large ongoing salaries; reducing health benefits, retirement, and 401(k) payments; avoiding the need to purchase and update computers and related equipment and a myriad of other equipment; increasing workforce size without necessarily doing likewise to the budget; and bringing in new, fresh expertise, ideas, and perspectives from outside the organization. 19) FALSE An important strategy for an organization to adopt to create a positive customer-centric service culture is to form a solid relationship with its customers. Employees should focus on developing an ongoing relationship with customers instead of taking a one-time service or sales opportunity approach. 20) FALSE One mistake that many frontline employees and supervisors make in communications with customers is to intentionally or unintentionally demonstrate a lack of commitment or support for their company and a sense of powerlessness. A common way in which this occurs is with the use of "they" language when dealing with customers. 21) TRUE To promote a positive service culture, a service professional should partner with customers, treat vendors and suppliers as customers, share resources, and demonstrate commitment, among other strategies. 22) TRUE An organization that is committed to providing excellent customer service encourages open communication between frontline employees and all levels of management. This openness in communication sets excellent companies apart from average ones. Version 1
23) FALSE Typically, in organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service, the status quo is not acceptable. Excellent companies work to challenge the status quo. 24) FALSE Most customers expect certain intangible things during a service encounter, such as personal recognition, courtesy (pleasantries such as "please" and "thank you"), timely service, and professionalism. 25) FALSE If frontline employees are angry because of a policy, procedure, management, or the customer, they must strive to mask that feeling. Customers should not have to deal with the employees' frustrations or pressures. 26) D Organizations that are top-down-oriented have upper management at the top of their hierarchy and customers as a final element or afterthought. 27) C In successful organizations, members of upper management make themselves visible to frontline employees and are in tune with customer needs, wants and expectations. They also “walk the talk” and continually drive and communicate the mission and vision of the organization through their words, actions, and decisions. 28) C Employee roles are the task assignments that service providers assume. Depending on the job, the size and type of organization, and the industry involved, the employee roles and employee expectations may be similar from one organization to another, and yet they may be performed in a variety of different ways. Version 1
29) B For an organization to be successful in providing superior service to its external and internal customers, its roles and expectations must be defined and communicated in terms of the following characteristics, sometimes referred to as RUMBA (Realistic, Understandable, Measurable, Believable, Attainable). 30) D In a purely customer-focused environment, service measurement can be in terms of factors such as talk time on the telephone, the number of customers effectively served, customer feedback surveys and satisfaction cards, and letters or other written correspondence or—on the negative side—by customer complaints. 31) C When developing employee goals, it is important to ensure that they make sense and tie in directly with the established overall departmental and organizational goals. Too often, employees are given assignments that are contrary to the ultimate purpose or mission and overall values or beliefs of the organization. 32) B To stave off failure and help ensure that customer needs are identified and satisfied, Emma must continually strive to gain new knowledge and skills while working hard to deliver a level of service equal to that offered by the bigger organizations. 33) C There are a lot of local, state, and federal regulations with which an organization must comply. However, retail and service organizations should establish policies and procedures that are flexible to satisfy customer needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Version 1
34) A In any employee environment, people work more effectively and productively when their performance is recognized and adequately rewarded. Many organizations use public recognition, contests, games, employee activities (sporting or other events), financial rewards, incentives (gifts or trips), employee-of-the-month or -year awards, and a variety of other techniques to show appreciation for employee efforts. 35) B Empowerment is the word used to describe the giving of decisionmaking and problem-resolution authority to lower-level employees in an organization. This precludes having to get permission from higher levels to take action or serve a customer. 36) D Empowerment is the word used to describe the giving of decisionmaking and problem-resolution authority to lower-level employees in an organization. Empowerment is also an intangible way that successful service organizations reward employees. Often someone who has decision-making authority feels better about himself or herself and the organization. 37) B The first step a company should take in creating or redefining its service environment is to make sure it knows who its customers really are and how it plans to attract and hold those customers. 38) D The manner in which internal and external customer needs are addressed should be regularly reviewed by means such as surveys, focus groups, or customer–provider meetings/forums. 39) A Version 1
It is not just an organization's responsibility to ensure the success of customer service. Service professionals also have to be familiar with the organization's goals and work toward helping make them successful. A simple way to accomplish this is to give thought to their role in the service process and continually reevaluate what they do on a daily basis when dealing with customers. 40) A Customer-friendly systems refer to the processes in an organization that make service seamless to customers by ensuring that things work properly and the customer is satisfied. 41) B Service delivery systems are a combination of people, technology, and other internal and external elements that make up your organization’s method of getting its products and services to customers. 42) B An organization must determine the best way to deliver quality products and service and to provide effective follow-up support to its customers. Customers should not have to deal with internal policies, practices, or politics. 43) B The major difference between the two types of service delivery systems is that in a direct contact environment, customers interact directly with people, whereas an indirect system offers a hands-off self-service approach through technology (possibly integrated with the human factor in customer contact/call centers) integrated with Internet services. 44) D
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By outsourcing jobs, companies can save money by eliminating large ongoing salaries; reducing health benefits, retirement, and 401(k) payments; avoiding the need to purchase and update computers and related equipment and a myriad of other equipment; increasing workforce size without necessarily doing likewise to the budget; and bringing in new, fresh expertise, ideas, and perspectives from outside the organization. 45) B The practice of outsourcing jobs to a third party provides multiple benefits to companies while also bringing with it some downsides. On the negative side, long-term employee expertise is lost, employee loyalty to the organization suffers, succession planning opportunities and the potential to groom and hire from within an enculturated workforce is reduced, and the organization's reputation in the eyes of local citizens is potentially tarnished due to sending jobs away. 46) A Mystery shoppers are internal employees or external consultants who pose as customers in on-site visits, over the telephone, or online to determine how well customers are being served. The use of mystery shoppers is a strategy for gathering customer feedback and analyzing organizational effectiveness. 47) C The frontline contact person is likely to receive a variety of questions related to the organization. By being well versed in the many facets of the organization and its operation, related industry topics, and competition, the employee can project a more knowledgeable, helpful, and confident image that contributes to total customer satisfaction. 48) D
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A common way in which employees express a lack of commitment is with the use of "they" language when dealing with customers. This can be in reference to management or policies or procedures; for example, "Mrs. Howard, I'd like to help, but our policy (they) says." or "Mrs. Howard, I've checked on your request, but my manager (they) said we can't." An alternative to using "they" language is to take ownership or responsibility for a situation by telling the customer what you can do, not what you cannot do. 49) C The following factors can demonstrate an organization's level of service commitment: Executives spend time with the customers; executives spend time talking to frontline service providers; innovation and creativity are encouraged and rewarded; benchmarking (identifying successful practices of others) is done with similar organizations; open communication exists between frontline employees and all levels of management; the status quo is not acceptable. 50) C Customers should not have to deal with the frustrations or pressures of service professionals. If an employee is angry because of a policy, procedure, management, or the customer, he/she must strive to mask that feeling.
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51) Customers expect service employees to have a broad general knowledge of products and service; interpersonal communication skills; technical expertise related to products sold and serviced; customerfocused "can do" attitude; initiative; motivation; integrity; loyalty to the organization, products, and customers; team spirit; creativity; sound ethics; time management skills; problem-solving capability; and conflict resolution skills. If the service employee fails to possess or exhibit any or all of these factors, the result could be a breakdown in the relationship between the employee and the customer, with ultimately negative repercussions. 52) When experienced people leave an organization, they will take decades of experience and knowledge and leave behind a huge gap in many organizations, especially those that have not created an effective exit strategy or prepared others to step into key roles and positions. Mentors are people who are well acquainted with the organization and its policies, politics, and processes. They are well connected (inside and outside the organization), communicate well, have the ability and desire to assist new employees (the protégé), and are capable and experienced. Therefore, through mentoring programs, they can assist new and young employees by sharing their knowledge and experiences with them.
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53) Employee empowerment is one way for a supervisor to help ensure that service providers can respond quickly to customer needs or requests. The intent of empowerment is a delegation of authority where a frontline service provider can take action without having to call a supervisor or ask permission. Such authority allows on-the-spot responsiveness to the customer while making service representatives feel trusted, respected, and like an important part of the organization. Empowerment is also an intangible way that successful service organizations reward employees. Often someone who has decision-making authority feels better about himself or herself and the organization. 54) The major difference between the two types of systems is that in a direct contact environment, customers interact directly with people, whereas in an indirect system their needs are met primarily with selfservice through technology (possibly integrated with the human factor in customer contact/call centers) integrated with Internet services. There is a delicate balance in selecting a service delivery system. This is because each customer is unique and has personal preferences. While many prefer a hands-off self-service approach, others resent it and often view it as a loss of caring. 55)The following are the eleven strategies for promoting a positive service culture: Partner with customers; Explore your organization's vision; Help communicate the culture and organizational vision to customers—daily; Demonstrate ethical behavior; Identify and improve your service skills; Become an expert on your organization; Demonstrate commitment; Treat vendors and suppliers as customers; Share resources; Work with, not against, your customers; and Provide service follow-up.
Version 1
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Service providers have little control over the emotional state of their customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 03-01 Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Importance of Effective Communication Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Communication is a key element to successful customer interactions. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 03-01 Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Importance of Effective Communication Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The environment is one of the elements in an interpersonal communication model. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
You take on the role of decoder when you initiate a message with your customer.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
A channel is the method through which people communicate messages. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
6) If a message is not encoded well, this can lead to a service breakdown and potential conflict. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
7) It is necessary to avoid using negative-sounding "you" messages as a primary means of addressing customers.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
8) Small talk with a customer is yet another way to impose a sale on a customer and should always be avoided. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
9) Paraphrasing is one technique to help ensure that you have accurately received your customer’s message. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
10) The specific practice of a message receiver giving back in his or her own words what he or she believes a sender said is called feedback.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
11) Defusing a situation with a customer by acknowledgment can be used in every unhappy situation with any customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
12) By asking questions, you can make customers feel as if they are a part of the conversation and get them involved as you build rapport through ongoing dialogue. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
Feedback is transmitted either verbally or nonverbally.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Providing Feedback Effectively AACSB : Analytical Thinking
14) Before providing feedback, it is important to take into consideration the knowledge and skill level of the customer as part of encoding. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Verbal Feedback
The appearance of your work area can send a powerful nonverbal message to customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Nonverbal Feedback AACSB : Analytical Thinking
16) When providing verbal feedback, if the customer's body language or nonverbal cues or words indicate misunderstanding, you should pause and take corrective action.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Verbal Feedback
17) Messages sent to someone through other than spoken means are called nonverbal feedback. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Nonverbal Feedback AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Eye contact with a customer should be made frequently and held for at least 30 seconds. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Nonverbal Feedback AACSB : Analytical Thinking
In reality, customers want to hear what you can do, not what you can't do. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-05 Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer re Topic : Avoiding Negative Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
20) All-encompassing or inclusive expressions such as always, never, and everyone are known as global terms. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-05 Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer re Topic : Avoiding Negative Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Global terms are an effective way to build credibility with your customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-05 Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer re Topic : Avoiding Negative Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Aggressive assertiveness is appropriate in all situations. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-06 Use assertive communication techniques to enhance service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Assertive Communication Techniques
23) Aggressive communication aims at expressing dissatisfaction in a manner that does not create breakdown in the relationship. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-06 Use assertive communication techniques to enhance service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Assertive Communication Techniques
Use "you" statements to foster understanding and cooperation with customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
25) Good customer service requires learning to never say no, even to an unreasonable request. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) The business of customer service is all about _____.
A) one-way communication B) achieving profits C) people D) discouraging feedback
Question Details Learning Objective : 03-01 Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Importance of Effective Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking
27) As a service provider, one key element in making your customer interactions successful is _____.
A) to realize that you are the most important element in the situation B) to communicate only with those who know you best C) to recognize how you tend to communicate by asking those who know you best for feedback D) to realize that everyone you know is uncomfortable with giving you feedback and may not have a different perspective
Version 1
Question Details Learning Objective : 03-01 Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Importance of Effective Communication Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
_____ is the foundation of effective customer service.
A) Jargon B) Two-way communication C) Deferring responsibility D) Paraphrasing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
A communication delivered through speech or signals is known as _____.
A) noise B) a message C) a channel D) filters
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
Version 1
30) Which of the following statements is true of the problems associated with channels of communication?
A) Nonverbal cues like inflection and tone are unidentifiable in telephonic conversations. B) Face-to-face conversation denies the opportunity to supplement words with nonverbal cues. C) Written communication has the potential feeling of the message being too impersonal. D) It is typically best to avoid face-to-face communication in an ideal world.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
31) _____ occurs when a customer converts messages received into familiar ideas by interpreting or assigning meaning.
A) Encoding B) Recoding C) Channeling D) Decoding
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
Which of the following statements best describes noise?
Version 1
A) It refers to the dialogues used in customer interactions to enhance relationships, show civility, and build rapport. B) It is the idea or concept that you or your customer wishes to convey. C) It is a term that describes the method through which people communicate messages. D) It refers to the physiological or psychological factors that interfere with the accurate reception of information.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
Which of the following is an element of the interpersonal communication model?
A) Conflict B) Aggressive service C) Noise D) Negative communication
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
Which of the following is an element of the PLAN guide to effective communication?
Version 1
A) Acquire new relationships. B) Nurture a continuing relationship. C) Limit interactions with customers. D) Prevent small talk.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
In customer service, pet peeves or hot buttons are behaviors such as _____.
A) putting someone's call on hold without permission B) demonstrating knowledge or authority C) answering the telephone promptly D) exhibiting a professional appearance
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
To deliver quality service effectively, a service provider must _____.
A) deal with the needs of the business first B) deal with the customer's business concerns first C) rush in to solve the problem quickly D) deal with the human being first
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
When something goes wrong, a service provider should _____.
A) look for someone else to blame B) hide quickly so you do not have to solve the problem C) use several policy excuses D) take responsibility and take appropriate action
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
You are a customer service provider. When the telephone rings, you should _____.
A) wait at least five minutes so the caller will know you are busy B) answer it quickly even though you are still eating lunch C) clear your head, focus on the telephone and answer professionally and cheerfully D) look over at a colleague and nod to them to answer it
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
Version 1
39) Dialogue that is used to enhance relationships, show civility, and build rapport is called _____.
A) paraphrasing B) small talk C) global term D) pet peeves
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
40) The practice of a message receiver giving back in his or her own words what he or she believes a sender said is called _____.
A) channeling B) decoding C) encoding D) paraphrasing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
41) The silent bond built between two people as a result of sharing common interests is called _____.
Version 1
A) rapport B) conflict C) noise D) feedback
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
Which of the following statements is true of feedback?
A) It is always transmitted verbally. B) It elicits negative effects if given nonverbally. C) It can be used only on relationships that are strong. D) It has both positive and negative effects.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Providing Feedback Effectively AACSB : Analytical Thinking
43) _____ is the response to a sender's message that allows both the sender and receiver to know that a message was received correctly.
A) Jargon B) Small talk C) Verbal feedback D) Rapport
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Verbal Feedback
Why is nonverbal feedback sometimes more powerful than spoken or written feedback?
A) It is often subject to interpretation. B) It is the most assertive form of feedback. C) It prohibits negative feedback. D) It considers distortion.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Nonverbal Feedback AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following phrases is most likely to lead to a communication breakdown?
A) “Please…” B) “I appreciate…” C) “Listen to me…” D) “You're right…”
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-05 Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer re Topic : Avoiding Negative Communication Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
46) Projecting a presence that is assured, confident, and capable without appearing arrogant is known as your level of _____.
A) rapport B) indignation C) aggressiveness D) assertiveness
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 03-06 Use assertive communication techniques to enhance service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Assertive Communication Techniques
Which of the following is an example of nonassertive behavior in a Western culture?
A) Briefly gathering your thoughts before responding. B) Avoiding eye contact when talking to someone. C) Folding the hands while talking. D) Apologizing for mistakes and moving on with the conversation.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 03-06 Use assertive communication techniques to enhance service. Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Assertive Communication Techniques
Which type of behavior sustains customer relationships rather than destroying them?
Version 1
A) Judgmental behavior B) Hot button behavior C) Aggressive behavior D) Assertive behavior
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
One way to demonstrate assertiveness while interacting with a customer is to _____.
A) ask for feedback from the customer B) avoid direct eye contact C) use “you” statements D) keep arms crossed and hands on your hips
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
50) Which of the following is an aggressive solution for handling customer problems or service breakdowns?
Version 1
A) “You lose and I win” B) “You win and I lose” C) “You lose and I lose” D) “You win and I win”
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) What are filters?
Question Details Learning Objective : 03-02 Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Elements of Effective Two-Way Communication
Explain the PLAN acronym and its relevance to positive communication.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-03 Project a professional customer service image through positive communicati AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The PLAN Model for Effective Communication
Version 1
Describe nonverbal feedback. What are some examples of this type of feedback?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-04 Provide feedback effectively. Topic : Nonverbal Feedback AACSB : Analytical Thinking
54) Why is it important to use positive words or phrases, rather than emphasizing the negative in a customer service environment?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-05 Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer re Topic : Avoiding Negative Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
What is the difference between assertive and aggressive behavior?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 03-07 Identify key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior. Topic : Assertive versus Aggressive Service AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch3 1) TRUE One variable over which you have little control as a service provider is the emotional state of your customers. When you first encounter someone, you have no idea if he or she is happy, sad, optimistic, angry, vindictive, or in some other frame of mind. 2) TRUE Two key elements in making interactions with customers successful are to recognize how one tends to communicate and understanding how the communication process works. You must be able to effectively communicate verbally and to ask appropriate questions, listen, and analyze customer needs, wants, and expectations. 3) TRUE The environment (office, call center, store, and group or individual setting) in which you send or receive messages affects the effectiveness of your message and is a component of the interpersonal communication model. For example, in a busy business environment, you or others may take shortcuts in communicating and send a perceived curt or abrupt verbal and/or nonverbal message. This could potentially cause a service breakdown. 4) FALSE The sender selects a communication channel and then creates and encodes the intended message to the receiver. This starts the communication process. You take on the role of sender as you initiate a message with your customer.
Version 1
5) TRUE The channel is the method chosen to transmit a message. Examples of channels include face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, chats, Twitter, written correspondence, and facsimile (FAX). 6) TRUE Depending on how well the message was encoded or whether personal filters (e.g., gender, background, age, language, or cultural differences) interfere, the received message may not be the one you originally intended. 7) TRUE Try to avoid using negative-sounding "you" messages as a primary means of addressing your customer. To help enhance your service delivery, get to know your customer’s name when possible and use it in greeting him or her. You can focus on what “I” or “we” can do for or with the customer. 8) FALSE Small talk is a dialogue used to enhance relationships, show civility, and build rapport. By bonding with the customer through small talk, you show that you recognize the customer as more than a nameless face or a prospective sale. 9) TRUE To ensure that you got the message that your customer intended to communicate, take time to ask him or her for feedback. Do this by repeating to the customer the message you thought you heard, but in your own words—paraphrase. 10) FALSE
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Paraphrasing is a technique that helps ensure you have received your customer’s message. The practice of a message receiver giving back in his or her own words what he or she believes a sender said is a process called paraphrasing. 11) FALSE Although defusing by acknowledgement can help diffuse some tense situations, it tends to become patronizing and insincere when someone is really angry. 12) TRUE Eliciting customer feedback and participation makes customers feel as if they are a part of the conversation and builds a good rapport. This will foster a feeling that the two of you are working together to solve a problem while putting the customer in psychological control of the situation. 13) TRUE Feedback is a response to messages a listener receives. This response may be transmitted verbally (with words) or nonverbally (through actions or inaction). 14) TRUE Before providing feedback, you should take into consideration the knowledge and skill level of your customer(s). This is part of the encoding, an element in an interpersonal communication model. Failure to consider the customer could result in comprehension breakdowns. 15) TRUE Factors related to you, such as the appearance of your work area, clothing, jewelry, body art, hairstyle, or makeup, can send powerful messages. Nonverbal feedback can be more powerful than the spoken or written word because it is often subject to interpretation. Version 1
16) TRUE When providing verbal feedback, you should be conscious of how your customer is receiving your information. If the customer's body language indicates misunderstanding, you should pause and take any corrective action necessary to clear up the confusion. 17) TRUE Messages sent to someone through other than spoken means are called nonverbal feedback. Examples are gestures, appearance, and facial expressions. 18) FALSE Maintain intermittent eye contact as you smile (no longer than 3 to 5 seconds at a time). Avoid squinting or glaring. 19) TRUE Customers do not want to hear what you can't do; they want to hear how you're going to help satisfy their needs or expectations. It is better to say “Let me get that answer for you” or “I can do . . .. ” 20) TRUE Global terms are potentially inflammatory words or phrases used in conversation. They tend to inappropriately generalize behavior or group people or incidents together (e.g., always, never, everyone, everything, all the time). 21) FALSE Global terms such as, “We return all calls within four hours” can undermine your credibility if your customer can give just one example for which your statement is not true. Instead of global terms, phrase statements to indicate possible variances such as, “Our objective is to return calls within four hours.”
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22) FALSE Assertiveness involves projecting a presence that is assured, confident, and capable without seeming to be aggressive or arrogant. It is important to be able to recognize the style of assertiveness to call upon in various situations. Hostile aggressive behavior can lead to relationship failure. Do not confuse assertive with aggressive service. 23) FALSE Aggression involves hostile or offensive behavior. Aggressive behavior often manifests itself in the form of either a verbal or physical attack. On the contrary, assertive communication aims to disagree or express dissatisfaction in a manner that does not create a breakdown in the relationship. 24) FALSE Blaming statements, such as "you" statements, are like verbal finger pointing and can irritate and escalate emotions. Use "I" statements, where you let customers know how you feel about the situation or something the customer said. 25) FALSE Learn to say no to unreasonable requests in a confident, yet nonthreatening manner. Use the word “no” and offer an explanation if you choose to. In general, strive for win-win solutions. Work toward mutual understanding and the attainment of resolutions that allow the organization and the customer to succeed. 26) C
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All customer experiences are a combination of people coming together for a common purpose. The business of customer service is all about people, and organizations must take a proactive approach to ensuring that frontline employees have the requisite communication skills to interact with a diverse customer base. 27) C Two key elements in making your interactions with customers successful are to recognize how you tend to communicate and understanding how the communication process works. The easiest way to find out how you communicate is to ask those who know you best. Ask a variety of people for their feedback because each person will likely have a different perspective based on experience with you. 28) B Two-way communication is the foundation of effective customer service. This is an active process in which two individuals apply all the elements of interpersonal communication (e.g., listening, feedback, positive language) to effectively exchange information and ideas. 29) B A message is a communication delivered through speech or signals, or in writing. This means the idea or concept that you or your customer wishes to convey 30) C When you revert to written communication through any channel, there is the potential for misunderstanding of meaning, lost opportunity to supplement the words with verbal and nonverbal cues, and the potential feeling of the message being impersonal. 31) D
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Decoding is the stage in the interpersonal communication process in which a receiver analyzes the messages received in an effort to determine the sender’s intent. Depending on how well the message was encoded or whether personal filters interfere, the received message may not be the one you originally intended. 32) D Noise consists of the factors such as health, physical characteristics, level of attention, and emotional condition that interfere with the accurate reception of information. It can also include environmental factors such as external sounds or room acoustics that inhibit communication and listening. 33) C The elements of the interpersonal communication model are environment, sender, receiver, message, channel, encoder, decoder, feedback, filter, and noise. 34) B The PLAN model stands forPrepare for positive customer interactions,Let your customers know they are important,Address your customer's expectations positively, andNurture a continuing relationship. 35) A Pet peeves are potential irritants related to how someone communicates or behaves and are likely to bother customers. They can easily lead to customer relationship breakdowns. One such example is abruptly putting someone on telephone hold without their permission. 36) D
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To deliver quality service effectively, strive to let customers know that you recognize them as individuals and appreciate their time, effort, patience, trust, and business. By making contact on an emotional level during interactions, you help ensure a more positive outcome by demonstrating a friendly level of service. 37) D Take responsibility for what you do or say and, if necessary, for actions taken by someone else that failed to satisfy the customer. When something goes wrong, a service provider has to take responsibility and work to resolve the problem positively and quickly. 38) C Communication is a major portion of your job and has a definite impact on the relationships and impressions that you forge with your customers or clients. As a customer service provider, when the telephone rings, mentally "shift gears" before answering. Stop doing other tasks, clear your head of other thoughts, focus on the telephone, then cheerfully and professionally answer the call. 39) B Look for opportunities to communicate on a personal level or to compliment your customer. Small talk is a dialogue used to enhance relationships, show civility, and build rapport. 40) D One way to ensure that you got the message that your customer intended to communicate is taking time to ask him or her for feedback. You can do this by paraphrasing: repeating to the customer the message you thought you heard, but in your own words. 41) A
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Rapport is the silent bond built between two people as a result of sharing common interests and issues and demonstrating a win-win, I care attitude. Small talk helps build rapport with the customer. 42) D Feedback can be verbal or nonverbal in nature. The effect of feedback may be positive or negative, depending on the content and delivery. 43) C Verbal feedback includes paraphrasing. It lets both senders and receivers of messages know that a message was correctly received by giving an appropriate response. 44) A Nonverbal feedback can be more powerful than the spoken or written word because it is often subject to interpretation based on the customer’s background, culture, gender, age, and many other factors. Examples are gestures, appearance, and facial expressions. 45) C “Listen to me…” is a phrase that can damage customer relationships. People are likely to react powerfully and negatively to this type of phrase. 46) D Assertiveness involves projecting a presence that is assured, confident, and capable without seeming to be aggressive or arrogant. Your assertiveness level relates directly to behavioral style preferences and culture. 47) B
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Communicating assertively involves elements of self-respect and respect for others. Generally, assertive communication deals with expressing ideas positively and with confidence. In a Western work environment, this includes making direct eye contact, smiling, listening empathetically, and then calmly and firmly explaining what he or she can do to assist the customer. 48) D Assertive behavior sustains customer relationships while aggressive behavior can destroy them. Asserting yourself means that you project an image of confidence, are self-assured, and state what you believe to be true in a self-confident manner 49) A Asking for feedback can indicate that you are open to dialogue and invite the customer’s views or thoughts rather than trying to control the situation or conversation. Through discussion, you can correct any misperceptions either of you have. 50) A A “you lose and I win” solution is an aggressive solution where you ignore the customer’s needs in order to get your way. Your goal should be to achieve an assertive “you win and I win” solution where both you and the customer retain respect for one another and both parties gain something from the compromise. 51) Filters are factors that distort or affect the messages one receives. They include, among other things, attitude, interests, biases, expectations, experiences, education, beliefs and values, background, culture, and gender. These factors can cloud our perception and judgment and can sometimes result in communication and service breakdowns. Version 1
52) To maximize the potential and create a positive outcome with customers, a service provider must use the PLAN acronym as a guide to effective communication. The model stands for: Prepare for positive customer interactions, Let your customers know they are important, Address your customer's expectations positively and, Nurture a continuing relationship. 53) Nonverbal feedback refers to the messages sent to someone through other than spoken means. Examples are gestures, appearance, and facial expressions. Nonverbal feedback can be more powerful than the spoken or written word because it is often subject to interpretation based on the customer's background, culture, gender, age, and many other factors. 54) You can squelch customer loyalty and raise customer frustration in a number of ways when communicating. Your choice of words or phrasing can often lead either to satisfaction or to confrontation, or it can destroy a customer–provider relationship. Customers do not want to hear what you can't do; they want to hear how you're going to help satisfy their needs or expectations. It is essential to avoid using vague or weak terminology. 55) Assertiveness can assist in solving problems; aggressiveness can escalate and cause relationship breakdowns. Asserting projects an image of confidence and self-assurance. For example, an assertive customer service professional interacts in a mature manner with customers who may be offensive, aggressive, or unreceptive to what you are trying to explain to them. They avoid becoming defensive or confrontational and maintain appropriate intermittent eye contact while smiling.
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TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Verbal messages consist of such things as movements, gestures, body positions, vocal qualities, and a variety of unspoken signals. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
2) When messages are transmitted between two people during communication, verbal messages are likely to contradict or override nonverbal signals. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
3) When in doubt about your message meaning, people tend to believe the words spoken out loud. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
4) Nonverbal communication gives no room for misinterpretation of the cues used by different people. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
5) Nonverbal communication cues that send powerful messages through gestures, vocal qualities, manner of dress, and grooming are called body language. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Body Language AACSB : Analytical Thinking
6) The key to reading body language is to realize that your interpretation should be used only as an indicator of the true meaning. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Body Language AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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7) In most Western cultures, the typical period of time that is comfortable for holding eye contact is about 25 to 30 seconds. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Body Language AACSB : Analytical Thinking
8) Although changes in voice tone add vocal variety to messages, they do not affect interpretation of meaning. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
9) The average rate of speech for most adults in a workplace setting is 125 to 150 words per minute. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
Time allocation refers to the amount of attention given to a person or project. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Nonverbal Cues and Their Effect on Customers AACSB : Analytical Thinking
11) A service provider must get back to a customer and renegotiate if the deadlines or agreedupon terms can't be met. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Nonverbal Cues and Their Effect on Customers AACSB : Analytical Thinking
12) The term gender communication is used to refer to communication between males and females. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
13) Generally speaking, males learn nurturing and relationship skills early, whereas females approach life from a more aggressive and competitive stance. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Women are likely to be more bilateral in the use of their brain. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
15) If you are to understand and serve people who might be different from you, you must first become aware that they are also very similar to you. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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16) The number of service providers and customers with varied backgrounds has been declining at a rapid pace. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
17) Impact of culture refers to the outcome of people from various countries or backgrounds coming into contact with one another and potentially experiencing misunderstandings or relationship breakdowns. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
18) Hundreds of years ago, a handshake was used in many cultures to determine whether a person was holding a weapon. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors AACSB : Analytical Thinking
19) Playing with hair, pulling at an ear, and other such habits should be minimized because they tend to send negative messages to customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors AACSB : Analytical Thinking
20) Displaying an editorial eyebrow is most likely to be viewed as questioning a customer's honesty. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Nonverbal communication is a scientific method to understand human beings. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
22) When they are not attentive, service providers miss important vocal and visual clues related to customer feelings. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
23) Perception checking is one way to clarify a nonverbal cue by stating the behavior that was observed. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
24) Standing up when customers arrive or approach is an indicator of a customer-focused behavior. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-07 Demonstrate specific customer-focused nonverbal behavior. Topic : Customer-Focused Nonverbal Behavior AACSB : Analytical Thinking
25) Offering customers something to drink when they come to your office, or if they are attending lengthy meetings, is appropriate. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-07 Demonstrate specific customer-focused nonverbal behavior. Topic : Customer-Focused Nonverbal Behavior AACSB : Analytical Thinking
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Which of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages?
A) They are likely to be highly ineffective in customer interactions. B) They clearly indicate that words have little relevance. C) They are likely to contradict or override verbal messages. D) They replace most written communication in business.
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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Which of the following is a problem associated with nonverbal cues?
A) They are highly ineffective in customer interactions. B) They are incapable of carrying powerful messages. C) They are likely to be misinterpreted. D) They are overridden by verbal messages.
Question Details Learning Objective : 04-01 Define nonverbal communication. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Nonverbal Communication Defined AACSB : Analytical Thinking
28) Nonverbal communication cues that send powerful messages through gestures, vocal qualities, manner of dress, and grooming are known as _____.
A) verbal fillers B) pupilometrics C) paralanguage D) body language
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Body Language AACSB : Analytical Thinking
29) In most Western cultures, the typical period of time that is comfortable for holding eye contact is _____ seconds.
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A) 5 to 10 B) 15 to 20 C) 25 to 30 D) 35 to 40
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Body Language AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Pitch, volume, rate, quality, articulation, and other attributes are known as _____.
A) vocal cues B) spatial cues C) verbal fillers D) proxemics
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
31) Your appearance and grooming are an important part of your _____ when dealing with customers.
A) corporate culture B) nonverbal behavior C) spatial perception D) verbal behavior
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Physical Appearance and Grooming AACSB : Analytical Thinking
_____ refers to the manner or clarity in which verbal messages are delivered.
A) Voice quality B) Proxemics C) Inflection D) Articulation
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
33) The scientific study of relationships between signs, symbols, and words and their meaning is called _____.
A) paralanguage B) proxemics C) semantics D) vocalics
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
34) In a board meeting, the chairman says "John is the pineapple of hard work". He obviously meant the word pinnacle and not pineapple. This is an example of _____.
A) verbal filler B) malapropism C) paralanguage D) voice quality
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Difficulty : 3 Hard Bloom's : Apply Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is most likely to damage the customer-provider relationship?
A) Using paralanguage B) Performing perception checking C) Using a lot of jargon D) Communicating nonverbally
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Vocal Cues AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Zones or distances in which interpersonal interactions can take place are known as _____.
A) proxemics B) semantics C) environmental cues D) hygiene cues
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Spatial Cues
37) Intimate distance, which is typically reserved for family and intimate relationships, is usually _____.
A) 4 to 12 feet B) 18 inches to 4 feet C) 0 to 18 inches D) 12 or more feet
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Spatial Cues
38) Nonverbal factors that also influence a customer’s perception, such as _____, are examples of miscellaneous cues.
A) perception checking B) semantics C) etiquette and manners D) paraphrasing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Nonverbal Cues and Their Effect on Customers AACSB : Analytical Thinking
_____ is likely to lead to customer relationship breakdowns.
A) Saying "please" and "thank you" to customers B) Asking permission and acknowledging contributions C) Organizing and cleaning the work area regularly D) Using pet phrases such as "cool" excessively
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Nonverbal Cues and Their Effect on Customers AACSB : Analytical Thinking
40) Acceptable rules, manners, and ceremonies for an organization, profession, or society are known as _____.
A) proxemics B) etiquette and manners C) personal habits D) semantics
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. Topic : Nonverbal Cues and Their Effect on Customers AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is true of gender communication?
A) Males tend to be more bilateral in the use of their brain. B) Males are most comfortable being in close physical proximity with other males. C) Females tend to learn more nurturing and relationship skills early. D) Females approach life from a more aggressive, competitive stance.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
42) In order to be the most successful in a customer service environment, service providers must _____.
A) develop the skills necessary to interact with both men and women B) learn to focus on the behaviors of women, because they make up the largest customer base C) learn to focus on the behaviors of men, as they are more often the decision-makers D) ignore any gender differences and treat every customer identically
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
43) If a service provider is to understand and serve people who might be different from them, they must first become aware that _____.
A) they are also very similar B) conducting business with them is always unsuccessful C) culture does not play a significant role D) the Internet is always the best source of information
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
44) _____ refers to the outcome of people from various countries or backgrounds coming into contact with one another and potentially experiencing misunderstandings or relationship breakdowns.
A) Impact of culture B) Semantics C) Gender communication D) Perception checking
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is an example of negative nonverbal behavior?
A) A firm handshake B) Gesturing with open hand C) Pointing a finger D) Maintaining eye contact
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors Difficulty : 3 Hard Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Holding hands near or over the mouth may present problems for those who _____.
A) rely on reading lips to understand messages B) have a vision impairment C) communicate well with you D) recognize your message is one of certainty
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors AACSB : Analytical Thinking
47) Groupings of nonverbal behavior, such as crossed arms and friendly touching, are called _____.
A) inferences B) clusters C) verbal fillers D) pauses
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
48) The process of clarifying a nonverbal cue that was received by stating what behavior was observed, giving one or two possible interpretations, and then asking the message sender for clarification is called ____.
A) time allocation B) semantics C) proxemics D) perception checking
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
49) As a service provider, one way to show you respect customers and are eager to assist as they approach is to _____.
A) stand up if appropriate and offer assistance. B) continue whatever you are doing so you look busy. C) simply point them in the direction they want. D) grab the customer's arm to steer him or her in the right direction.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-07 Demonstrate specific customer-focused nonverbal behavior. Topic : Customer-Focused Nonverbal Behavior AACSB : Analytical Thinking
If service is going to be delayed or take longer than planned, it is best to _____.
A) hurry up so the customer does not wait longer than necessary B) just send the customer over for a free cup of coffee at the coffee shop C) remember the customer can always use some extra time to shop D) notify the customer the reasons for delay and offer alternatives available
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-07 Demonstrate specific customer-focused nonverbal behavior. Topic : Customer-Focused Nonverbal Behavior AACSB : Analytical Thinking
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) Explain the four spatial cues in which interpersonal interactions occur.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-02 Recognize various nonverbal cues and their effect on customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Spatial Cues
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What is the role of gender in nonverbal communication?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-03 Explain the effect that gender has on communication. Topic : The Role of Gender in Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Explain the impact of culture in customer interaction and service.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-04 Describe the effect of culture on nonverbal communication. Topic : The Impact of Culture on Nonverbal Communication AACSB : Analytical Thinking
What is the editorial eyebrow?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 04-05 Identify unproductive behaviors. Topic : Negative Nonverbal Behaviors AACSB : Analytical Thinking
What are clusters?
Version 1
Question Details Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Remember Learning Objective : 04-06 Use a variety of nonverbal communication strategies. Topic : Nonverbal Communication Strategies AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch4 1) FALSE Nonverbal messages consist of such things as movements, gestures, body positions, vocal qualities, and a variety of unspoken signals sent by people, often in conjunction with verbal messages. 2) FALSE A significant fact to remember is that when messages are transmitted between two people during communication, nonverbal signals can contradict or override verbal messages. That does not mean that your words are unimportant. When in doubt about your message’s meaning, people tend to believe the nonverbal (facial, body, and vocal) parts. 3) FALSE In messages between two people, nonverbal signals can contradict or override words. When in doubt about your message's meaning, people tend to believe the nonverbal parts. 4) FALSE Although nonverbal cues carry powerful messages, there is considerable room for misinterpretation of the cues used by different people involved in it. Other people may send and receive nonverbal cues differently from the way you would. 5) TRUE
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Body language refers to nonverbal communication cues that send powerful messages through gestures, vocal qualities, manner of dress, and grooming. By recognizing, understanding, and reacting appropriately to the body language of your customers, as well as using positive body language yourself, you will communicate with them more effectively. 6) TRUE Placing too much importance on nonverbal cues could lead to miscommunication and possibly a service breakdown. The key to reading body language is to realize that your interpretations should be used only as an indicator of the customer's true message meaning. 7) FALSE In most Western cultures, the typical period of time that is comfortable for holding eye contact is 5 to 10 seconds. Then, an occasional glance away is normal and expected. 8) FALSE These changes are referred to as inflection or pitch. They add vocal variety to messages and can dramatically affect interpretation of meaning. 9) TRUE Rate of speech refers to the number of words spoken per minute. An average rate of speech for most adults in a workplace setting in Western cultures is 125 to 150 words per minute (wpm). 10) TRUE
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The amount of attention given to a person or project is referred to as time allocation. Some organizations have standards for servicing customers within a specific time frame, but these time allocations should be targets, not absolute deadlines, since all customer transactions cannot be resolved in a specified period of time. 11) TRUE If a service provider can't meet agreed-upon terms or time frames, it is necessary to get back to the customer and renegotiate in order to maintain the customer’s trust. 12) TRUE Gender communication is the term used to refer to communication between genders. Understanding the nuances often exhibited when people of the opposite gender come into contact with you increases your chances of providing customer satisfaction. 13) FALSE Females generally tend to learn more nurturing and relationship skills early, whereas males approach life from a more aggressive, competitive stance. These differences in approaches to relationship building can have an impact in the customer service environment. 14) TRUE Women often tend to be more bilateral in the use of their brain. They can switch readily between the left (analytical, logical, factual, facts-andfigures-oriented) and right (emotional, creative, artistic, romantic, and expressive of feelings) brain hemispheres in various situations. Men, on the other hand, tend to be more lateral in their thinking. 15) TRUE
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With cultural diversity comes a challenge. If you are to understand and serve people who might be different from you, you must first become aware that they are also very similar to you. 16) FALSE As a result of growing cultural diversity, the number of service providers and customers with varied backgrounds is growing at a rapid pace. 17) TRUE If you are to be successful in interacting with a wide variety of people, you will need to understand the impact of culture by learning about many behaviors, habits, values, and beliefs from around the world. Impact of culture refers to the outcome of people from various countries or backgrounds coming into contact with one another and potentially experiencing misunderstandings or relationship breakdowns. 18) TRUE Hundreds of years ago, a handshake was used in many cultures to determine whether a person was holding a weapon. Later, a firm handshake became a show of commitment or of one’s word. 19) TRUE Using some mannerisms can indicate to a customer that you are anxious, annoyed, or distracted. Cues such as playing with hair, tugging at clothing, handwringing, throat-clearing, biting or licking your lips, or drumming your fingers or tapping a surface with a pencil or other object can all send a potentially annoying and negative message. 20) TRUE This mannerism is sometimes called the editorial eyebrow because some television broadcasters raise their eyebrow. With only one eyebrow arched, this often signals skepticism. It can be viewed as questioning the customer's honesty. Version 1
21) FALSE Nonverbal communication is not a science. That is because each person is a unique combination of factors such as personal backgrounds, educational experiences, cultures, and life experiences which affect their nonverbal behaviors and interpretations 22) TRUE Inattentiveness leads to missed opportunities. Too often, service providers miss important vocal and visual clues related to customer feelings or needs because they are distracted doing other things or not being attentive. 23) TRUE Perception checking involves stating the behavior observed, giving one or two possible interpretations, and then asking for clarification of message meaning. 24) TRUE Depending on the layout of the work area, if you are seated behind a desk when a customer arrives or approaches you, stand up and greet him or her. This helps to demonstrate customer-focused behavior. 25) TRUE Customers should be treated like “guests” the same way you would at home. Offer to get them something to drink if they come to your office or if they are attending lengthy meetings. 26) C Nonverbal messages consist of such things as movements, gestures, body positions, vocal qualities, and a variety of unspoken signals sent by people, often in conjunction with verbal messages. When in doubt, people tend to place more value on nonverbal messages.
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27) C The skill of recognizing, assigning meaning, and responding appropriately to nonverbal messages is not exact. Although nonverbal cues carry powerful messages, there is considerable room for misinterpretation of the cues used by different people. 28) D Body language refers to the nonverbal communication cues that send powerful messages through gestures, vocal qualities, manner of dress, grooming, and many other cues. 29) A If either the length or the frequency of eye contact differs from the “norm,” many people might think that you are being rude or offensive. In most Western cultures, the typical period of time that is comfortable for holding eye contact is 5 to 10 seconds. 30) A Vocal cues are qualities of the voice that send powerful nonverbal messages. Examples are rate, pitch, volume, and tone. 31) B Through your appearance and grooming habits, you project an image of yourself and the organization. Good personal hygiene and attention to your appearance are crucial in a customer environment. 32) D Articulation, enunciation, or pronunciation of words refers to the clarity of one's word usage. 33) C
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Semantics is the scientific study of relationships between signs, symbols, and words and their meaning. Although not nonverbal in nature, semantics is a crucial element of message delivery and interpretation because people interpret your intentions or meanings based on their understanding of word definitions. 34) B The given scenario is an example of malapropism where, when a person unintentionally misuses or distorts a word or phrase that sounds somewhat like the one intended but with a different context. 35) C Jargon refers to specific technical or industry-related terms. Using a lot of jargon that customers may not understand because of their background causes communication problems. 36) A Proxemics or spatial cues are the zones or distances in which interpersonal interactions take place. This zone varies depending on the level of relationship a person has with someone else. 37) C Proxemics vary depending on the level of relationship a person has with someone else. Intimate distance is 0 to 18 inches and it is typically reserved for family and intimate relationships. 38) C Miscellaneous cues refer to other nonverbal factors used to send messages that impact a customer's perception or feelings about a service provider of organization. Examples are personal habits, etiquette, and manners. 39) D
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If you have annoying or distracting habits, you could send negative messages to your customer. Using pet phrases such as "cool," "groovy," and "awesome" excessively can lead to customer relationship breakdowns. 40) B Acceptable rules, manners, and ceremonies for an organization, profession, or society are known as etiquette and manners. People appreciate receiving appropriate respect and prefer dealing with others who have good etiquette and manners. 41) C According to research, females generally tend to learn more nurturing and relationship skills early, whereas males approach life from a more aggressive, competitive stance. The lessons learned early in life usually carry over into the workplace and affect customer interactions. 42) A Communication and customer–provider relationships can break down if you fail to recognize the differences between the sexes and the gender roles assigned to them in any given culture. 43) A The number of service providers and customers with varied backgrounds is growing at a rapid pace. If you are to understand and serve people who might be different from you, you must first become aware that they are also very similar to you. 44) A
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Cultural diversity is having a significant impact on the world and the customer service environment. Impact of culture refers to the outcome of people from various countries or backgrounds coming into contact with one another and potentially experiencing misunderstandings or relationship breakdowns. 45) C For many people, pointing a finger is viewed as a very accusatory mannerism and can lead to anger or violence on the part of your customer. If you must gesture toward a customer or toward an area or item, do so with an open flat hand in a casual manner. 46) A Holding hands near mouth muffles one's voice or distorts the message. If someone is hearing-impaired or uses a language other than your native tongue, and relies partly on reading lips, he or she may be unable to understand the message. 47) B Groupings of nonverbal behaviors that indicate a possible positive or negative intent are called clusters. Look at clusters of nonverbal behavior and the language accompanying them instead of interpreting individual signals. 48) D Perception checking lets others know that you have received and interpreted their nonverbal cues. It is the process of clarifying a nonverbal cue that was received by stating what behavior was observed, giving one or two possible interpretations, and then asking the message sender for clarification. 49) A
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Depending on the layout of your work area, if you are seated behind a desk when a customer arrives or approaches you, stand up and greet him or her. 50) D The speed with which you recognize and assist customers, gather information, or respond tells them what you think of their importance. If your service to the customer will take longer than planned or will be delayed, notify the customer, tell him or her the reason, and offer service alternatives if they are appropriate and available. 51) Each culture has its own proxemics or spatial cues for various situations. The four spatial cues in which interactions take place are:● Intimate distance-0 to 18 inches: Typically, this distance is reserved for one's family and intimate relationships. ● Personal distance-18 inches to 4 feet: This distance is used when close friends or business colleagues, with whom one has established a level of comfort and trust, are together. ● Social and work distance-4 to 12 feet: This is usually the distance range in face-to-face customer service situations. ● Public distance-12 or more feet: This distance range is likely to be maintained at large gatherings, activities, or presentations where most people do not know one another, or where the interactions are formal in nature.
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52) Gender communication is an important factor for to consider before dealing with customers in order to better understand the nuances often exhibited when people of the opposite gender come into contact. There has been a lot of research on the topic of gender communication in the past couple of decades. For example, some researchers have found that females are more comfortable being in close physical proximity with other females than males are being close to other males. Although similarities exist between the ways in which males and females relate to one another, there are distinct differences in behavior, beginning in childhood and carrying through into adulthood. You must develop the skills necessary to interact with both men and women if you want to succeed in the customer service profession. 53) Cultural diversity is having a significant impact on the world and the customer service environment. The number of service providers and customers with varied backgrounds is growing at a rapid pace. This trend provides a tremendous opportunity for expanding personal knowledge and interaction with people from cultures one might not otherwise encounter. It is necessary to become more skilled at dealing with people from other cultures. Views and approaches such as time, distance, touching, eye contact, and use of colors differ between cultures. Learning about these differences ensures that a customer's personal space is not inadvertently violated. 54) Raising an eyebrow is sometimes called the editorial eyebrow because some television broadcasters raise their eyebrows. With the editorial eyebrow, only one eyebrow is arched, usually in response to something that the person has heard. This mannerism often signals skepticism or doubt about what you have heard. It can be viewed as questioning the customer's honesty.
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55) Clusters are groupings of nonverbal behaviors that indicate a possible negative intent, for example, crossed arms, closed body posturing, frowning, or turning away. Other behaviors, such as smiling, open gestures with arms and hands, and friendly touching, indicate positive message intent. Evaluating clusters can help you gain a more accurate view of what is going on in a communication exchange.
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TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Listening effectively is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine the needs of their customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : The Importance of Listening
2) The research of Dr. Ralph G. Nichols has little application to the customer service industry. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : The Importance of Listening
3) The average white-collar worker in the United States has only about a 25 percent efficiency rate when listening. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : The Importance of Listening
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4) True listening is the physical action of gathering sound waves through the ear canal, as opposed to hearing, which is an active learned process. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
The first phase in active listening is hearing or receiving the message. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
Hearing is usually a simple process. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
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7) Once your ears pick up sound waves, the brain goes to work to focus on, or attend to, what was heard. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
The last step in the listening process is comprehending or assigning meaning. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
9) Patience is not a significant factor when a language barrier or speech disability is part of a customer's situation. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener
In dealing with customers, try to avoid subjective opinions or judgments.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener
11) Individual characteristics or qualities you have may get in the way of listening effectively to a customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
12) When you are ill, fatigued, in poor physical condition, or not feeling well, listening can suffer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
13) The circadian rhythm refers to the psychological 24-hour cycle associated with the earth's rotation.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
The circadian rhythm is not applicable to all people. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
15) If a customer specifically asks to speak to or be served by someone else, this could be an indicator of poor listening. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
16) The rate at which the human brain processes information is slower than the speed at which the average adult speaks.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
One cannot talk and actively listen at the same time. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-05 Develop strategies to improve your listening ability. Topic : Strategies for Improved Listening
18) Service recovery is a crucial step in delivering quality service and remaining competitive in the twenty-first century. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-05 Develop strategies to improve your listening ability. Topic : Strategies for Improved Listening
19) Congruence refers to a situation where the group means well but does not function effectively.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-05 Develop strategies to improve your listening ability. Topic : Strategies for Improved Listening
20) Open-end questions start with words like who, when, what, how, and why and are used to engage others in conversation or to gain input and ideas. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Topic : Open-Ended Questions
21) When a customer calls to complain about a problem, it is important to find out the background information about the customer or situation. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Topic : Open-Ended Questions
The closed-end question format follows the five W's and one H used by journalists.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Topic : Open-Ended Questions
Open-end questions are a quick way to check what was already said or agreed on. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Topic : Closed-Ended Questions
Nonverbal messages delivered via tone or body language seldom suggest criticism. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-07 Apply concepts discussed to generate meaningful responses to your question Topic : Guidelines for the Use of Questions
The best way to determine what customers want and expect is to ask them. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-07 Apply concepts discussed to generate meaningful responses to your question Topic : Guidelines for the Use of Questions
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Which one of the following statements is true of listening?
A) It is a passive physiological process of receiving sound waves and transmitting them to the brain, where they are analyzed. B) It is synonymous with hearing. C) It does not play a significant role in quality customer service. D) Most people take the listening skill for granted.
Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : The Importance of Listening
27) _____ is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine current needs of their customers.
A) Statistical analysis B) Listening C) Surveying D) Hearing
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Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : The Importance of Listening
28) A passive physiological process of gathering sound waves and transmitting them to the brain for analysis is known as _____.
A) attending B) memorizing C) comprehending D) hearing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
29) _____ is the phase of the listening process in which a listener focuses on a specific sound or message being received from the environment.
A) Hearing B) Attending C) Comprehending D) Assigning
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
_____ is the ability to gain, store, and retain information in the brain for later application.
A) Comprehension B) Response C) Recognition D) Memory
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
Recognition is _____.
A) a process that occurs in thinking when a previously experienced pattern, event, process, image, or object that is stored in memory is encountered again. B) a passive physiological process of gathering sound waves and transmitting them to the brain for analysis. C) the phase of the listening process in which a listener focuses attention on a specific sound or message being received from the environment. D) the ability to gain, store, retain, and recall information in the brain for later application.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
_____ refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to a message originator.
A) Responding B) Receiving C) Recalling D) Recognizing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
______ is the last phase of the listening process.
A) Comprehending B) Attending C) Hearing D) Responding
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
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34) _____ requires putting yourself in the customer's place and trying to relate to the customer's needs, wants, and concerns.
A) Responsiveness B) Empathy C) Congruence D) Convergence
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener
Particularly in customer service situations, an effective listener should be _____.
A) emotionally involved B) defensive C) understanding D) judgmental
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium
36) ____ is often displayed through nonverbal cues such as nodding or cocking of the head to one side or the other, smiling, or using paralanguage.
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A) Bias B) Impatience C) Attentiveness D) Objectivity
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener
37) _____ is especially important when a language barrier or speech disability is part of a customer's situation.
A) Patience B) Subjectivity C) Defensiveness D) Emotional involvement
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener
Which of the following is a personal obstacle that can cause listening breakdown?
A) Physical barriers B) Ringing phones C) Information overload D) Hearing loss
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
39) Mental factors that can cause a shift in focus in interacting with others are known as ____.
A) dialects B) disabilities C) perceptions D) psychological distracters
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
40) Many companies offer programs to help employees deal with personal and performance issues. These programs are often called _____.
A) the cafeteria blend B) employee assistance programs C) employee relations group help D) focus groups
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : Personal Obstacles that Affect Listening
The listening gap is understood to be the difference between _____.
A) the speed of sound and the speed of reception B) the speech rate of 125 to 150 words per minute and the thought rate of 80 to 100 words per minute C) the speed at which the brain can comprehend communication and the speed at which the average adult speaks D) a customer explaining a problem and a customer service representative understanding it
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
_____ is the primary skill most people have for gathering information.
A) Talking B) Listening C) Writing D) Researching
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
If you regularly have to ask people to repeat information, you should _____.
A) learn to behave defensively B) blame your employer’s employee assistance program C) become more emotionally involved in conversations D) do a self-check on your listening style to see whether you need to improve
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
44) _____ are service provider projections made about underlying customer message meanings based on past experiences.
A) Psychological distracters B) Faulty assumptions C) Information overloads D) Listening gaps
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Bloom's : Understand Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
Which of the following is an example of an external obstacle to listening?
A) Personal fatigue B) Preoccupation C) Self-talk D) Ringing phones
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : External Obstacles to Effective Listening
46) The situation of a listener being bombarded with data from many sources is often called _____.
A) information stress B) information overload C) information gathering D) information recall
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Topic : External Obstacles to Effective Listening
Positive approaches to listening to a customer include _____.
A) focusing on one or two details. B) rushing a customer who seems to be processing information. C) turning off noisy equipment, facing the person, making eye contact and smiling. D) pushing a customer to make a decision after you have spent time presenting product information.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-05 Develop strategies to improve your listening ability. Topic : Strategies for Improved Listening Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium
48) In communication, _____ relates to ensuring that verbal messages sent match or are in agreement with the nonverbal cues used.
A) Comparison B) empathy C) congruence D) convergence
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember AACSB : Communication Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 05-05 Develop strategies to improve your listening ability. Topic : Strategies for Improved Listening
Closed-ended questions are typically used to _____.
A) determine customer needs. B) verify information already given. C) gather a lot of detailed information. D) uncover background data.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Closed-Ended Questions
Telling a customer, “You really don't want that color, do you, Mrs. Brown?” is a _____.
A) good method to get the customer to make a decision. B) routine question asked by top sales professionals. C) positive approach to decision-making. D) way to sound as if you are challenging the customer's decision making.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-07 Apply concepts discussed to generate meaningful responses to your question Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Guidelines for the Use of Questions Bloom's : Apply
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SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) Why is listening important?
Question Details Learning Objective : 05-01 Describe why listening is important to customer service. AACSB : Communication Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : The Importance of Listening
Describe the four steps in the listening process.
Question Details AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-02 Define the four steps in the listening process. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Steps in the Listening Process
Describe attentiveness as a characteristic of a good listener.
Question Details AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-03 List the characteristics of a good listener. Topic : Characteristics of a Good Listener Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium
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Describe how faulty assumptions are a factor that influences listening skills.
Question Details AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-04 Recognize the causes of listening breakdown. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : How Skill Level Affects Listening
Give five examples of open-end questions.
Question Details AACSB : Communication Learning Objective : 05-06 Use information-gathering techniques learned to better serve customers. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Open-Ended Questions
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch5 1) TRUE Listening is an active, learned process consisting of four phases: receiving/hearing the message, attending, comprehending/assigning meaning, and responding. A skilled listener will notice a customer’s words and these cues or nuances and conduct follow-up questioning or probe deeper to determine the real need. 2) FALSE Dr. Ralph G. Nichols is sometimes called the father of the field of listening. In his classic study on listening, data revealed that the average white-collar worker in the United States typically has only about a 25 percent efficiency rate when listening, which means that 75 percent of the message is lost.. The implications of such loss include higher customer churn rates, potential negative word-of-mouth publicity, and reduced revenue for your organization. 3) TRUE In a classic study on listening conducted by Dr. Ralph G. Nichols, who is sometimes called the father of the field of listening, data revealed that the average white-collar worker in the United States typically has only about a 25 percent efficiency rate when listening. 4) FALSE Hearing is the physical action of gathering sound waves through the ear canal, while listening is an active learned process. 5) TRUE
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When you listen actively, you go through a process consisting of various phases: the first phase is hearing or receiving the message, followed by attending, comprehending or assigning meaning, and responding. 6) TRUE Hearing is a passive physiological process of receiving sound waves and transmitting them to the brain, where they are analyzed. This is usually a simple process. 7) TRUE Once your ears pick up sound waves, your brain goes to work focusing on, or attending to, what was heard. In the process, it sorts out every sound being received. 8) FALSE The last phase of the listening process is responding, which refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to a message originator. Selecting an appropriate response is crucial to the success of your customer interactions. 9) FALSE Patience is especially important when a language barrier or speech disability is part of a customer's situation. Not everyone communicates in the same manner. Your job is to take extra care to determine the customer's needs and then respond appropriately. 10) TRUE If you have a preconceived idea about customers, their concerns or questions, the environment, or anything related to the customers, you could mishandle the situation. Listen openly and avoid making assumptions. In dealings with customers, it is best to avoid subjective opinions or judgments.
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11) TRUE As a listener, you may have individual characteristics or qualities that get in the way of listening effectively to the customer. These personal obstacles include biases, psychological distracters, physical conditions, and your circadian rhythm. 12) TRUE Your state of wellness and fitness is an internal factor that can contribute to or detract from effective listening. When you are ill, fatigued, in poor physical condition, or just not feeling well, listening can suffer. 13) FALSE All people have a natural 24-hour biological pattern (circadian rhythm) by which they function. It is the physiological cycle that is associated with the earth's rotation. It affects metabolic and sleep patterns in humans as day replaces night. This "clock" often establishes the body's peak performance periods. 14) FALSE Everyone has a natural 24-hour biological pattern, or circadian rhythm. Most people feel the strongest desire to sleep between 1:00pm and 3:00pm (a.k.a. the post-lunch, afternoon crash) and then again between 2:00am and 4:00am, but this can vary from person to person. That’s why some people are “morning people,” while others function best in the evening. 15) TRUE If customers specifically ask to speak to or be served by someone else, you may need to refocus on your listening style to see whether you need to improve. 16) FALSE
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The brain is capable of comprehending messages delivered at rates of as much as four to six times faster (thought speed) than the speed at which the average adult speaks. 17) TRUE When the customer starts talking, the first thing you should do is stop talking and listen carefully. You cannot talk and actively listen at the same time. 18) TRUE Service recovery is the process of correcting a wrong or correcting something that has not gone as promised involving provision of a product or service to a customer. Service recovery is a crucial step in delivering quality service and remaining competitive into the twentyfirst century. 19) FALSE In communication, congruence relates to ensuring that verbal messages sent match or are in agreement with the nonverbal cues used. 20) TRUE Open-end questions establish a number of facts and are used to seek substantial amounts of information and encourage dialogue. These questions determine customer needs and help verify and clarify information received. 21) TRUE When a customer calls to complain about a problem, often he or she has already taken unsuccessful steps to solve it. In such cases, it is important to find out the background information about the customer or situation by asking open-end questions and allowing customers to share as much information as they feel is necessary.
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22) FALSE Traditionally, closed-end questions start with verbs such as do, did, are, and will; elicit short, one-syllable responses; and gain little new information. Many closed-end questions can be answered yes or no or with a specific answer, such as a number or a date. 23) FALSE Closed-end questions are a quick way to check what was already said or agreed on. Using them reinforces that you're listening and also helps prevent you from making mistakes because you misinterpreted or misunderstood information. 24) FALSE Remember that nonverbal messages often contradict verbal messages. Nonverbal messages delivered via tone or body language can suggest criticism, even if your spoken words do not. 25) TRUE You will find no better or easier way to determine what customers want and expect than to ask them. They'll appreciate it, and you'll do a better job serving them. 26) D Most people take the listening skill for granted. But listening effectively is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine the needs of their customers. Many times, these needs are not communicated to you directly but through inferences, indirect comments, or nonverbal signals. 27) B
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Listening effectively is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine the needs of their customers. Many times, these needs are not communicated to you directly but through inferences, indirect comments, or nonverbal signals. A skilled listener will notice a customer’s words and these cues or nuances and conduct follow-up questioning or probe deeper to determine the real need. 28) D Hearing is a passive physiological process of receiving sound waves and transmitting them to the brain, where they are analyzed. This is usually a simple process. Because of external noises and internal distracters (psychological and physical), however, a customer's message(s) may be lost or distorted. 29) B Once your ears pick up sound waves, your brain goes to work focusing on, or attending to, what was heard. Attending is the phase of the listening process in which a listener focuses attention on a specific sound or message being received from the environment. 30) D During the comprehending or assigning meaning phase, the brain attempts to match a received sound or message with other information stored in the brain as a memory. Memory is the ability to gain, store, retain, and recall information in the brain for later application. 31) A Recognition occurs in the comprehending or assigning meaning phase of the listening process. It is a process that occurs in thinking when a previously experienced pattern, event, process, image, or object that is stored in memory is encountered again. 32) A Version 1
Responding refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to a message originator. Selecting an appropriate response is crucial to the success of your customer interactions. 33) D Responding refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to the message originator, and it is the last phase in the listening process. 34) B By putting yourself in the customer's place and trying to relate to the customer's needs, wants, and concerns, you can often reduce the risk of poor service. This trait is known as empathy, and is characteristic an effective listener. 35) C Do your best to listen well so that you can get at the customer’s meaning or need. The ability to listen as customers verbalize their needs, and to ensure that you understand them, is essential in properly servicing the customer. 36) C By focusing your attention on the customer, you can better interpret his or her message and satisfy his or her needs. Attentiveness is often displayed through nonverbal cues such as nodding or cocking of the head to one side or the other, smiling, or using paralanguage. 37) A Patience is especially important when a language barrier or speech disability is part of a customer's situation. Your job is to take extra care to determine the customer's needs and then respond appropriately. 38) D
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Personal obstacles are individual factors that can limit performance or success in life. Examples are disabilities, lack of education, attitude, and biases. 39) D Psychological distracters refer to mental factors that can cause a shift in focus in interacting with others. Examples are state of health and personal issues. Your psychological state can impede effective listening. Psychological distracters, such as being angry or upset, or simply not wanting to deal with a particular person or situation, may negatively affect your listening. 40) B Many companies offer programs to assist employees in dealing with their personal and performance issues. Through employee assistance programs (EAPs), organizations are providing counseling in such areas as finance, mental hygiene (health), substance abuse, marital and family issues, smoking cessation, weight loss, and workplace performance problems. 41) C Your brain is capable of comprehending messages delivered at rates of as much as four to six times faster (thought speed) than the speed at which the average adult speaks. The listening gap is the difference in the speed at which the brain can comprehend communication and the speed at which the average adult speaks in the United States. 42) B Listening is the primary skill most people have for gathering information. Unfortunately, in the United States (and other countries), the skill of listening is not routinely taught in most public school systems. Version 1
43) D You cannot afford the luxury of failing to listen to your customer. Periodically, you should do a self-check on your listening style to see whether you need to improve. 44) B Faulty assumptions are service provider projections made about underlying customer message meanings based on past experiences. Because of past experiences or encounters with others, you may be tempted to make faulty assumptions about your customer's message(s). Don't. Each customer and each situation is different and should be regarded as such. 45) D External obstacles are factors outside an organization or the sphere of one's influence that can cause challenges in delivering service. Ringing phones are external obstacles to listening, as are other people talking and information overload. 46) B Each day you are bombarded with information from many sources. You get information in meetings, from the radio and television, from customers, and in a variety of public places. In many instances, you spend as much as 5 to 6 hours a day listening to customers, coworkers, family members, friends, and strangers. Such information overload can result in stress. 47) C When dealing with customers, you should make sure that you take positive approaches to listening such as turning off noisy equipment, facing the person, making eye contact, and smiling while responding in a positive manner. Version 1
48) C When sending a message, you should make sure that your verbal cues (words) and nonverbal cues (gestures, facial expressions) are in congruence. In communication, congruence relates to ensuring that verbal messages sent match or are in agreement with the nonverbal cues used. 49) B Closed-end questions are inquiries that typically start with a verb; solicit short, one-syllable answers (e.g., yes, no, one word, or a number); and can be used for such purposes as clarifying, verifying information already given, controlling conversation, or affirming something. 50) D Be careful not to seem to be critical in the way you ask questions. For example, a question like "You really aren't going to need two of the same item, are you?" sounds as if you are challenging the customer's decision making. And the bottom line is that what customers choose should not be your concern. 51) Listening effectively is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine the needs of their customers. Many times, these needs are not communicated to you directly but through inferences, indirect comments, or nonverbal signals. A skilled listener will pick up on a customer's words and these cues or nuances and conduct follow-up questioning or probe deeper to determine the real need.
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52) When you listen actively, you go through a process consisting of various phases: hearing or receiving the message, attending, comprehending or assigning meaning, and responding.● Hearing is a passive physiological process of receiving sound waves and transmitting them to the brain, where they are analyzed. ● Once your ears pick up sound waves, your brain goes to work focusing on, or attending to, what was heard. In the process, it sorts out everything being heard. ● Once you've decided to which message or customer you will listen, your brain begins a process of comprehending or assigning meaning to what you heard or "decodes" it. ● The last phase of the listening process is responding. Selecting an appropriate response is crucial to the success of your customer interactions. The words you select, the way you deliver them, the timing and location, and the nonverbal signals you send all have meaning, and all affect the way others perceive and interpret your message. 53) By focusing your attention on the customer, you can better interpret his or her message and satisfy his or her needs. Attentiveness is often displayed through nonverbal cues (nodding or cocking of the head to one side or the other, smiling, or using paralanguage). When you are reading, talking on the phone to someone while servicing your customer, or doing some other task while "listening" to your customer, you are not really focusing.
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54) Faulty assumptions are biases which occur when service provider projections made about underlying customer message meanings based on past experiences. Because of past experiences or encounters with others, you may be tempted to make faulty assumptions. Don't. Each customer and each situation is different and should be regarded as such. Because you had a certain experience with one customer does not mean that you will have a similar experience with another. Take the time to effectively gather information in each customer encounter so that you can make an informed decision on the correct course of action, then make a judgment on what needs to be done to remedy the situation. 55) Examples of open-end questions (student examples may vary): • "What suggestions for improving our complaint-handling process should I present to my supervisor?" • "Why is this feature so important to you?" • "How has the printer been malfunctioning, Jim?" • "What is the main use of this product?" • "What are some of the common symptoms that you have been experiencing?"
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TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Behavioral styles are observable tendencies that you and others exhibit when dealing with tasks or people. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
A customer service professional needs to be aware that everyone is different. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
3) In dealing with customers, when someone is doing something with customers differently from your way, it means that the person is wrong. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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4) Adaptability is crucial in customer service, for many people do not always act the way you want them to. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Carl Jung divided behavior into two attitudes which he called constant and inconstant. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
6) Research has given us self-assessment questionnaires and models for explaining personal behavior, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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7) The way a person typically acts or reacts under certain circumstances is referred to as that person’s primary behavior pattern. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
An important point to remember is that there is one best behavioral style. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
People who have a preference for the rational style tend to be impatient. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Rational Style of Behavior
10) A person with a decisive style would be characterized by a direct, no-nonsense approach to people and situations.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Decisive Style of Behavior
A service provider should be sure to label a person as being one behavior style. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
Nonverbal cues of a rational style person include intense and constant eye contact. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
13) An individual with inquisitive style may use formal titles and full names instead of nicknames. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
14) The expressive style exhibits nonverbal cues such as enthusiasm and wide inflection in voice. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
15) A service provider can partner with internal or external customers to solve problems and produce a win-win situation. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
A win-win situation is one in which the customer and you and your organization succeed. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
A likely behavior of a customer with inquisitive style is intermittent eye contact. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
18) For those with a decisive behavioral style, an appropriate response to a firm, active handshake is to return a weak, limp handshake. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
19) A service provider should strive to provide seamless service that seems effortless and natural to the customer. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
20) No matter which behavior style tendencies a customer demonstrates, everyone likes to feel appreciated. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
Everyone has perceptions about the people and events they encounter. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
Perceptions refer to how an item, situation, or people are viewed by others. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
You are stereotyping a person when you make generalizations not based on reality. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
Stereotyping people affects the service provider-customer relationship. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
25) Observing people, listening to them objectively, and responding according to the situation helps avoid stereotyping people. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Observable tendencies, or descriptive terms that identify categories of human behavior, are known as _____.
A) disparate situations B) personal obstacles C) behavioral styles D) faulty assumptions
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
27) In customer service, relationships with customers are built on _____ the characteristics of others.
A) ignoring B) accepting C) neutralizing D) rejecting
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Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
28) In customer service, many people do not always act the way you want them to. Hence, for those in customer service, _____.
A) behavior studies are a waste of time B) controlling others’ behavior is necessary C) isolation from such customers is essential D) adaptability is crucial
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What Are Behavioral Styles? Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
29) The psychiatrist who conducted research related to behavioral styles in the early twentieth century is _____.
A) Andrea Jung B) Carl Jung C) George Boeree D) Lovie Jung
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Carl Jung divided behavior into two attitudes known as _____.
A) decisive and indecisive. B) introvert and extrovert. C) Type A and Type B. D) constant and inconstant.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
31) Carl Jung explored human behavior and divided it into functions. One of the four functions is _____.
A) listening B) talking C) touching D) thinking
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The way a person typically acts or reacts under certain circumstances is known as _____.
A) primary behavior pattern B) service characteristic C) personal profile D) behavioral stereotyping
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is a preference attributed to the rational style?
A) Talking more and observing less when in groups B) Dislike of being on a first-name basis with others C) Avoiding anger and conflict D) Having formal office spaces
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Rational Style of Behavior
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34) _____ style is the behavioral group most characterized by being introverted and task focused. A) Rational B) Decisive C) Inquisitive D) Expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Inquisitive Style of Behavior
People who have a preference for the inquisitive style may tend to _____.
A) communicate informally. B) like to be on a first-name basis. C) like to be with people even in leisure activities. D) use cool and brief handshakes, often without a smile.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Inquisitive Style of Behavior
36) _____ style is one of the behavioral groups, characterized by a direct and no-nonsense approach to people, and a desire for immediate gratification of needs or results
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A) Rational B) Decisive C) Inquisitive D) Expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Decisive Style of Behavior
37) If you display a confident, possibly arrogant demeanor, you are most likely exhibiting a(n) _____ style.
A) rational B) inquisitive C) decisive D) expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Decisive Style of Behavior
38) The persons who are most likely to have a functionally decorated office are those of the _____ style.
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A) rational B) inquisitive C) decisive D) expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Decisive Style of Behavior
39) Of the four behavioral styles, which is most characterized as people-oriented, fun-loving, upbeat, and extroverted?.
A) rational B) inquisitive C) decisive D) expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Expressive Style of Behavior
40) If someone is not time-conscious and may be late for appointments often, they are likely exhibiting a(n) _____ style.
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A) rational B) decisive C) inquisitive D) expressive
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Expressive Style of Behavior
41) When interacting with a customer who has a rational style and keeps communication brief, your best strategy is to _____.
A) ask open-end questions to obtain information. B) focus on their need for accuracy. C) keep word choices brief D) focus on their need to be liked.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl Difficulty : 3 Hard Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
A(n) _____ is an example of a nonverbal cue from someone who is expressive.
A) forceful tone. B) active body language. C) short attention span. D) fleeting eye contact.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
43) The system of identifying issues, determining alternatives for dealing with them, then selecting and monitoring a strategy for resolution is known as _____.
A) problem solving B) win-win situation. C) disparate treatment. D) saying “yes”
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
44) An outcome to a disagreement in which both parties walk away feeling that they got what they wanted or needed is _____.
A) disparate treatment. B) a win-win situation. C) stereotyping D) seamless service
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
45) If a rational behavior style customer makes intermittent eye contact, a service strategy you may want to use is to _____.
A) focus on the negative aspect B) avoid making eye contact C) avoid smiling D) listen actively
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. Difficulty : 3 Hard Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
46) If a decisive pattern customer directly places blame on you, the service provider, a strategy you may use in response is to _____.
A) be brief in offering solutions B) seek the customer’s reassurance C) give a weak handshake D) turn the customer over to someone else
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. Difficulty : 3 Hard Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
47) _____ refers to continually evaluating products and services to ensure that maximum effectiveness, efficiency, and potential are being obtained from them.
A) Disparate treatment B) Win-win situation C) Process improvement D) Stereotyping
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
The way someone views an item, situation, or others is called a(n) ____.
A) stereotype B) perception C) bias D) inflection
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
49) A generalization made about an individual or group that is not based on reality is called a _____.
A) stereotype. B) win-win situation. C) disparate treatment. D) seamless service.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
50) _____ means deliberate discrimination against a person based on his or her age, race, sex, ethnicity, or ability level.
A) Disparate treatment B) Stereotyping C) Seamless service D) Process improvement
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) What are behavioral styles? How do they affect service provider-customer relationships?
Question Details Learning Objective : 06-01 Explain what behavioral styles are and why you should be concerned with th Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking
52) Briefly state and explain the behavioral differences between rational and inquisitive styles.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-02 Identify four key behavioral styles and the roles they play in customer se Topic : Identifying Behavioral Styles AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Rational Style of Behavior Topic : Inquisitive Style of Behavior
Why is it necessary to recognize different behavior styles and communicate accordingly?
Version 1
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-03 Develop strategies for communicating effectively with each behavioral styl AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Effectively Communicating with Different Personality Styles
What is meant by the term “seamless service”?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-04 Respond to customer problems effectively while building relationships. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies for Building Strong Customer Relationships
Discuss how we base our perceptions within a customer service framework.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 06-05 Use knowledge of behavioral styles to help manage perceptions of others. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Perceptions and Stereotypes
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch6 1) TRUE Behavioral styles are actions that you can see or experience that people exhibit when dealing with tasks or people. As you grow from infancy, your personality forms based on your experiences and your environment. These form the basis of your behavioral style preference(s). 2) TRUE Not everyone behaves as you do, yet many still demonstrate behaviors that are similar to yours. As a customer service professional, you need to be aware that everyone is different. 3) FALSE Part of being a customer service professional is that you need to understand human behavioral style characteristics. You should recognize that someone else doing something or acting differently from the way you do doesn't mean that the person is wrong. It simply means that they approach situations differently. 4) TRUE In customer service, adaptability is crucial, for many people do not always act the way you want them to. There are many strategies that can be used to help modify and adapt your behavior so that it does not clash with that of your customers. 5) FALSE
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Carl Jung divided behavior into two attitudes called introvert and extrovert and four dominant impulses that drive behavior or “functions” (thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition). 6) TRUE From Jung’s complex research (and that of others) have come many variations, additional studies, and a variety of behavioral style selfassessment questionnaires (surveys) and models for explaining personal behavior. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an example of a behavioral style self-assessment questionnaire. 7) TRUE Primary behavior pattern refers to a person’s preferred style or approach for dealing with others. Everyone typically has a primary behavior pattern to which he or she reverts in stressful situations. 8) FALSE An important point to remember is that there is no "best" or "worst" behavioral style. Each person should be valued for his or her strengths, and not belittled because of what you perceive as shortcomings. 9) FALSE People who have a preference for the rational style tend to be patient. The rational style is characterized by being quiet, reflective, taskfocused, and systematic. 10) TRUE The decisive style is characterized by a direct, no-nonsense approach to people and situations. People who have a preference for the decisive style may tend to talk and interrupt more than listen. 11) FALSE
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Be careful not to label a person as being one style (for example, Toni is a high ''R") since people use all four styles—and most people do not appreciate stereotypes and labeling. 12) FALSE Nonverbal cues of the rational style person may include fleeting eye contact, a gentle handshake, and flowing, nondramatic gestures. 13) TRUE Someone with an inquisitive style may prefer to use formal names instead of nicknames, and keep sharing of personal information minimal. 14) TRUE The expressive style may exhibit nonverbal cues such as enthusiasm and inflection in voice. A person with expressive style tends to be very intense and dramatic with active body language. 15) TRUE Whether a situation involves simply answering a question, guiding someone to a desired product or location, or performing a service, customers should leave the interaction feeling good about what they experienced. For a service provider, there are many ways of partnering with either internal or external customers to solve problems and produce a win-win situation. 16) TRUE A win-win situation is an outcome to a disagreement in which both parties walk away feeling that they got what they wanted or needed. 17) TRUE People behaving in inquisitive or rational style often exhibit intermittent eye contact. As a customer service professional, you should also make eye contact while actively listening.
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18) FALSE For those exhibiting a decisive behavioral style, a strategy in response to a firm, active handshake is to return a firm businesslike handshake. 19) TRUE A service provider should strive to provide seamless service to customers. Seamless service is done in a manner that seems effortless and natural to the customer. This means that they should get great service and never have to worry about your problems or breakdowns. 20) TRUE Most people like to feel special and appreciated. Creating that feeling in others is what stellar customer service is all about. 21) TRUE Perceptions are how someone views an item, situation or others. A person’s behavioral style as well as background, based on education, experiences, events, and interpersonal contacts, can influence how he or she views the world. 22) TRUE Everyone has perceptions about the people and events he or she encounters. Perceptions explain how someone views an item, situation, or others. 23) TRUE A stereotype is a generalization made about an individual or group and not based on reality. Similar people are often lumped together for ease in categorizing them. 24) TRUE
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Stereotyping people affects service providers' relationships with customers and could even lead to legal charges of disparate treatment and liability for service providers and their organization. Stereotyping clearly works against treating each customer as an individual. 25) TRUE To avoid categorizing or stereotyping people, spend time observing them, listen to them objectively, and respond according to each situation and person. Doing this can lead to better relationships and improved customer service. 26) C Behavioral styles are observable tendencies and descriptive terms that identify categories of human behavior identified by behavioral researchers. Many of the models used to group behaviors date back to those identified by Carl Jung. 27) B When dealing with your customers, you should recognize that someone else doing something or acting differently from the way you do does not mean that the person is wrong. It simply means that he or she approaches situations differently. Relationships are made when participants learn to accept the characteristics of others. 28) D In customer service, adaptability is crucial, for many people do not always act the way you want them to. There are many strategies that can be used to help modify and adapt your behavior so that it does not clash with that of your customers. 29) B
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Many self-assessment questionnaires and much of the research related to behavioral styles are based on the work begun by psychiatrist Carl Jung and others in the earlier part of the twentieth century. 30) B Jung explored human personality and behavior. He divided behavior into two attitudes (introvert and extrovert) and four dominant impulses that drive behavior or “functions” (thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition). 31) D Carl Jung explored human behavior and divided it into four functions: thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuitive. The four functions are dominant impulses that drive behavior. 32) A Primary behavior pattern refers to a person’s preferred style or approach for dealing with others. 33) C The rational style is one of four behavioral groups characterized by being quiet, reflective, task-focused, and systematic. Avoiding anger and conflict is a preference attributed to the rational behavior style. 34) C Inquisitive style is one of the four behavioral groups, characterized by being introverted, task focused, and detail-oriented. 35) D The inquisitive style is characterized by being introverted, task-focused, and detail-oriented. People preferring inquisitive style tend to have cool and brief handshakes, often without a smile. They prefer formality and distance in interactions.
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36) B Decisive style is one of the four behavior styles, characterized by a direct, no-nonsense approach to people and situations. People who have a preference for the decisive style may tend to project a competitive nature. 37) C Decisive style people exhibit a confident, possibly an arrogant demeanor. They may display symbols of power to demonstrate their own importance (e.g., expensive jewelry, clothes, cars, and power colors in business attire, such as, navy blue or charcoal gray). 38) C Decisive style people may have functionally decorated offices (all items have a purpose and are not there to make the environment more attractive). 39) D People with an expressive style may project a friendly, positive attitude. Expressive style is one of the four behavior groups characterized as being people-oriented, fun-loving, upbeat, and extroverted. 40) D Expressive style people often are not time-conscious and may often be late for appointments. They may get distracted in conversations and start discussing other issues. 41) A A rational style behavior is characterized by brief communication. The recommended strategy in response to this behavior is to ask open-end questions to draw out sufficient information. 42) B
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An expressive person is characterized by nonverbal cues including active body language, and enthusiasm and inflection in voice. 43) A To deliver total customer satisfaction, you will need to make the customer feel special, which often requires skills such as relationship building through effective communication and problem solving. Problem solving is the system of identifying issues, determining alternatives for dealing with them, then selecting and monitoring a strategy for resolution. 44) B There are many ways of partnering with either internal or external customers to solve problems and produce a win-win situation. A winwin situation is an outcome to a disagreement in which both parties walk away feeling that they got what they wanted or needed. 45) D If a rational customer has intermittent eye contact, the service provider's response strategy should be to listen actively to the customer and make eye contact. 46) A When a decisive style customer directly places blame on a service provider, the best strategy to be used by the provider is to be brief, tell the customer what you can do and offer solutions. 47) C
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After you have dealt with a problem, your next concern should be to personally address the process that caused the breakdown or make a recommendation to your supervisor or other appropriate person. All employees are responsible for quality service and process improvement. Process improvement refers to the process of continually evaluating products and services to ensure that maximum effectiveness, efficiency, and potential are being obtained from them. 48) B Everyone has perceptions about the people and events he or she encounters. A perception refers to how someone views an item, situation, or others. 49) A Stereotyping can adversely affect delivery of customer service. A stereotype is a generalization made about an individual or group and not based on reality. 50) A Stereotyping people affects your relationships with customers as it is a generalization made about an individual or group, and not based on reality. The practice could even lead to legal charges of disparate treatment and liability for you and your organization. Disparate treatment refers to deliberate discrimination against a person based on his or her age, race, ethnicity, or ability level.
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51) Behavioral styles are observable tendencies or actions that people exhibit when dealing with tasks or other people. A customer service professional should strive to provide service in a manner that addresses not only the behaviors preferred by them, but also those that fulfill the needs and desires of others as well. A customer service professional must understand human behavioral style characteristics to be better at establishing and maintaining positive relationships with customers. When dealing with your customers, it is essential to recognize that someone else doing something or acting differently from the way you do doesn't mean that the person is wrong. It simply means that they approach situations differently. Relationships are built on accepting the characteristics of others. In customer service, adaptability is crucial, for many people do not always act the way you want them to.
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52) Rational style is one of the four behavioral groups characterized by being quiet, reflective, task focused, and systematic. People who have a preference for the rational style may tend to: • Listen and observe more than they talk, especially in groups. • Be very patient. • Wait or stand in one place for periods of time without complaining, although they may be internally irritated about a breakdown in the system or lack of organization • Exhibit congenial eye contact and facial expressions. Inquisitive style is one of the four behavioral groups, characterized by being introverted, task focused, and detail-oriented. People who have a preference for the inquisitive style may tend to: • Rarely volunteer feelings freely. • Ask specific, pertinent questions rather than make statements of their feelings. • Rely heavily on facts, times, dates, and practical information to make their point. • Prefer to interact in writing rather than in person or on the phone.
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53) Each behavior style features various indicators of the style in practice. Remember, these cues are indicators, not absolutes, as you begin to use them to interact appropriately with others. Once people's style tendencies are recognized, it gives scope for improving relationships and chances of success by tailoring communication strategies according to the style exhibited by people. Everyone is a mixture of all four styles and can change to a different style to address a variety of situations. It is essential to be careful not to label a person as being one style (for example, Toni is a high "R") since people use all four styles and most people do not appreciate stereotypes and labeling. 54) Seamless service is done in a manner that seems effortless and natural to the customer. Processes and systems are fully functional, effective, and efficient. Service representatives are well-trained and proficient in delivering service, and there is no inconvenience to the customer. 55) People's perceptions of events vary greatly, as do their perceptions of each other. As a customer service provider, you should be aware of how you perceive your customers and, in turn, how they perceive you. In some cases, you may stereotype people and, in doing so, adversely affect delivery of services. In some instances, the factors that you might be tempted to project onto an individual, such as age, gender, race, or ethnic background, might actually stem from the person's behavioral style preference. You need to be very careful that your perceptions about any group of people are not influenced by stereotypes because this clearly works against treating each customer as an individual.
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TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Customer expectations can affect how service is delivered and perceived. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
2) When a product or service fails to meet what the customer wants or needs, dissatisfaction and frustration can result. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
3) Motivators that cause customers to seek out specific types of products or services are referred to as customer needs. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
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Service breakdowns do not occur in all industries. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking
5) The more you know about behavioral style tendencies, the harder it is to deal with people in a variety of situations. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-02 Apply knowledge of behavioral styles in difficult customer situations. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Behavioral Styles in Difficult Customer Situations
A key to successfully serving all types of customers is to stereotype them. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Deal With Difficult Customers
Internal customers with special requests can be classified as difficult customers.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Deal With Difficult Customers
Talkative customers are not classified as difficult customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Deal With Difficult Customers
9) People who challenge a service provider's ability to deliver service and who require special skills and patience are difficult customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Deal With Difficult Customers
10) A demanding customer may feel a need to be or stay in control, especially if he or she has felt out of control in the past.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Demanding or Domineering Customers
11) To effectively serve an angry customer, the service provider must move beyond the emotions to discover the reason for his or her anger. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Dissatisfied and Angry Customers
12) A good strategy when dealing with rude or inconsiderate customers is to remain professional. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Rude or Inconsiderate Customers
13) The key to helping resolve service breakdowns is to frame your problem resolution with customer-focused messages through the use of the emotion-reducing model.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-04 Use the emotion-reducing model to help keep difficult situations from esca AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Emotion-Reducing Model
14) When using the emotion-reducing model, it is appropriate for the service provider to interrupt the customer and interject his or her own views. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-04 Use the emotion-reducing model to help keep difficult situations from esca AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Emotion-Reducing Model
The cost of acquiring new customers is less costly than the cost of retaining current ones. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 1 Easy Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-05 Explain why customers defect. Topic : Reasons for Customer Defection AACSB : Analytical Thinking
16) Customers often take their business to competitors if they feel they have received poor service and complacency, inappropriate complaint resolution, or unmet needs from one's company.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-05 Explain why customers defect. Topic : Reasons for Customer Defection AACSB : Analytical Thinking
17) The key to complaint resolution is that it is your perception of the situation, not the customer’s, which counts. ⊚ true ⊚ false Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-05 Explain why customers defect. Topic : Reasons for Customer Defection AACSB : Analytical Thinking
18) Dealing with internal customers may be more sensitive than your dealings with outsiders due to the ongoing nature of the relationship. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-06 Develop effective strategies for working with internal customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Strategies for Working with Internal Customers
19) To prevent or at least reduce the possibility of breakdowns with your internal customers, you should honor all commitments and promises to your internal customers.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-06 Develop effective strategies for working with internal customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Strategies for Working with Internal Customers
The best way to deal with a service breakdown is to reflect upon it after it occurs. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
21) If customers share a concern, complaint, or question with you in person, you should remember to use verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills in conjunction with customer service. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Once a customer transaction is completed, there is never any further follow-up required. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The first key step in the problem-solving process is to identify the alternatives. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-08 Explain the six steps of the problem-solving model. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Steps in the Problem-Solving Model
24) The primary purpose of any good service recovery program should be to return the customer-provider relationship to its normal state. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
25) The U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that businesses take specific actions to prepare for potential disaster situations. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Disaster Planning Initiatives in the Service Recovery Process Learning Objective : 07-10 Discuss the importance of disaster planning initatives in the service of r
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) _____ are things that customers typically desire but do not necessarily need.
A) Expectations B) Wants C) Defections D) Breakdowns
Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following situations could lead to a service breakdown?
A) Room service food was delivered at the appropriate time and temperature. B) A manager prepares a report ready for distribution, on time. C) A hotel room is not ready past the stated check-in time. D) The delivery of needed parts, ordered by a manufacturer, arrives on time.
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Question Details Learning Objective : 07-01 Define what a service breakdown is. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : What is a Service Breakdown? Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
28) A customer who rarely volunteers feelings and asks “why” questions demonstrates characteristics of the _____ behavioral style.
A) expressive B) decisive C) inquisitive D) rational
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Apply Learning Objective : 07-02 Apply knowledge of behavioral styles in difficult customer situations. Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Behavioral Styles in Difficult Customer Situations
Which of the following is a good strategy for effectively handling demanding customers?
A) Accommodate every wish of the customer. B) Avoid addressing the customer using his or her name. C) Retaliate verbally when the customer becomes unreasonable. D) Be professional and respect the customer.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation AACSB : Reflective Thinking Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand Topic : Demanding or Domineering Customers
30) People who have difficulty making a decision or making a selection when given choices of products or services are _____.
A) domineering customers B) indecisive customers C) dissatisfied customers D) inconsiderate customers
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Indecisive Customers
31) Which of the following tactics is best to effectively handle dissatisfied or angry customers?
A) Be positive and negotiate a solution. B) Listen passively to the customer's grievances. C) Have an argument prepared as a defense mechanism. D) Reassure the customers through false promises.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Dissatisfied and Angry Customers
32) Which of the following is a good strategy for effectively handling rude or inconsiderate customers?
A) Don't compromise, even if needed. B) Don't make direct eye contact. C) Don't resort to retaliation. D) Don't maintain decorum.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Rude or Inconsiderate Customers
Which of the following characteristics best defines talkative customers?
A) Customers exhibiting extroverted behavior and who are very people-oriented. B) Customers who take pleasure in being obstinate and contrary when dealing with service providers. C) Customers who seem to have their own agenda without concern for the feelings of others. D) Customers who have definite ideas about what they want and are unwilling to compromise or accept alternatives.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Talkative Customers
Before you can get a customer to calm down and listen, you must first _____.
A) call your manager to take over B) listen passively to the customer's grievances C) deal with the customer's emotional state D) raise your voice to get his or her attention before you start
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-04 Use the emotion-reducing model to help keep difficult situations from esca AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Emotion-Reducing Model
The first step to helping resolve any service breakdown is to _____.
A) apologize emotionally for the inconvenience, frustration, and mistreatment B) offer numerous alternatives to satiate the customer's needs C) immediately accommodate every wish of the customer D) frame your problem resolution with customer-focused messages through use of the emotion-reducing model
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-04 Use the emotion-reducing model to help keep difficult situations from esca AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Emotion-Reducing Model
36) Which of the following work habits help build a good working relationship with internal customers?
A) Pitch in to help when you have spare time and your co-workers need any assistance. B) Unload personal problems with co-workers to make yourself feel better. C) Ensure you forward your calls all the time, regardless of your presence at work. D) Never hesitate to tweak the truth if your work ethics are being questioned.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-06 Develop effective strategies for working with internal customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Strategies for Working with Internal Customers
37) Which of the following is a suggested strategy for preventing dissatisfaction and promoting problem solving?
A) Always sympathize with the customer just to make them feel better. B) Refrain from going the extra mile to provide exemplary service. C) Give in to the whim and request of every customer. D) Think like the customer and act accordingly.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
You can win the customer over by _____.
A) working without the help of the customer to solve the problem B) telling the customer to go somewhere else while you handle it C) letting someone else handle it to save your time D) using a people-centered approach to problem analysis and problems solving
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is a benefit of exceeding customer expectations?
A) Increase in competition B) Goodwill and positive publicity C) Increase in domineering customers D) Customer defection
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
40) Which of the strategies should be adopted when a customer takes time to share a concern, complaint, or question?
A) Redirect the complaint, concern, or query to your boss. B) Pretend to address the customer's grievances by giving them utmost importance. C) Take necessary actions to resolve the problem only when it is most convenient for you. D) Ensure that necessary follow-up actions begin once the transaction is completed.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-07 Identify strategies for preventing customer dissatisfaction and problem so Topic : Strategies for Preventing Dissatisfaction and Problem Solving AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following statements about the problem-solving model is true?
A) Customers rarely have a solution in mind to offer when they seek to redress their grievances. B) Customers always know how to explain their problem well. C) Customers never want someone to be responsible. D) Customers often feel ownership for the solution when a problem is solved jointly.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-08 Explain the six steps of the problem-solving model. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Steps in the Problem-Solving Model
Version 1
42) Peter, a customer-care executive of Homefort Inc., an electronics company, adopts the problem-solving process to find a solution to a complaint he received from a customer regarding a nonfunctioning microwave. After identifying the problem, what should Peter do next?
A) Make a decision and then reflect on it. B) Evaluate the alternatives. C) Identify the alternatives. D) Compile and analyze the data.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-08 Explain the six steps of the problem-solving model. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Steps in the Problem-Solving Model
Which of the following is the final step in the problem-solving process?
A) Evaluating the alternatives B) Knowing you made the right decision C) Monitoring the results D) Analyzing the data
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-08 Explain the six steps of the problem-solving model. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Steps in the Problem-Solving Model
The first phase in the service recovery process is to _____.
Version 1
A) provide compensation B) apologize C) take immediate action D) show compassion
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
45) When a company provides what is promised, dependably and with quality, it is considered to be ____.
A) attentive B) resourceful C) seamless D) trustworthy
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
46) When a company provides caring, personalized attention to customers, recognizing both their human and business needs, it is considered to be _____.
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A) attentive B) resourceful C) seamless D) trustworthy
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
Which of the following best defines prohibitions?
A) Local, state, or federal regulations that prevent a service provider from satisfying a customer's request even though the provider would normally do so. B) Alternatives offered by service providers when an original request by a customer cannot be honored because of such restrictions as governmental statutory regulations, unavailability of products, or inability to perform as requested. C) A service strategy in which service providers strive for excellent customer service and satisfaction by doing more than they say they will do for the customer or exceeding customer expectations. D) The perceptions that customers have when they contact an organization or service provider about the kind, level, and quality of products and services they should receive.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
Which of the following statements about compensation is true?
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A) Compensation should be provided only when a customer demands it. B) The value or degree of the compensation should equal the customer's loss only in terms of energy or frustration. C) The recovery should compensate only the original loss and need not necessarily give any additional value. D) Customers should feel that the organization has suffered an equal loss.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
49) Which step in the service recovery process allows the service provider to find out if a recovery effort is successful?
A) Providing compensation B) Showing compassion C) Taking immediate action D) Conducting a follow-up
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s Topic : Implementing a Service Recovery Strategy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
In order to be prepared for a potential disaster, businesses should _____.
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A) make customers responsible for their contingency plans B) avoid storing vital information and data on the cloud C) wait until a natural disaster strikes to see how employees react D) create a preparedness program for the business
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Disaster Planning Initiatives in the Service Recovery Process Learning Objective : 07-10 Discuss the importance of disaster planning initatives in the service of r
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) List any five possible strategies to effectively handle dissatisfied customers.
Question Details Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 07-03 Recognize different types of difficult customers and effectively deal with Bloom's : Understand AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Dissatisfied and Angry Customers
List any five work behaviors to adopt that can build internal relationships.
Question Details Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-06 Develop effective strategies for working with internal customers. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Strategies for Working with Internal Customers
Version 1
What are the six steps in the problem-solving model?
Question Details Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-08 Explain the six steps of the problem-solving model. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Steps in the Problem-Solving Model
What are the five phases to the service recovery process?
Question Details Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
55) How would one demonstrate empathy during problem resolution with a customer if they are prohibited from helping the customer?
Question Details Difficulty : 2 Medium Bloom's : Understand Learning Objective : 07-09 Implement a front-line service recovery strategy, and spot roadblocks to s AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Phases of the Service Recovery Process
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch7 1) TRUE Customer expectations are the perceptions that customers have when they contact an organization or service provider about the kind, level, and quality of products and services they should receive. Today's customers are more discerning and better educated, have access to more up-to-date and accurate information, and are often more demanding than in the past. 2) TRUE Service breakdowns occur daily in all types of organizations. When a product or service fails to meet what the customer wants or needs or does not live up to advertised promises or standards, dissatisfaction and frustration can result. 3) TRUE Needs are motivators or drivers that cause customers to seek out specific types of products or services. These may be marketing-driven, based on advertising they have seen, or may tie directly to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. 4) FALSE Service breakdowns occur daily in all types of organizations. For example, a service breakdown can occur when a volunteer at a silent auction for charity misplaces an item won by a donor. 5) FALSE
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Behavioral preferences have a major effect on the interactions of people. The more you know about behavioral style preferences, the better you will understand your customers and the easier it becomes to deal with people in a variety of situations. 6) FALSE A key to successfully serving all types of customers is to treat each person as an individual. If you stereotype people, you will likely damage the customer–provider relationship and might even generate complaints to your supervisor or legal action against you and your organization based on perceived discrimination. 7) TRUE You may think of difficult customer contacts as those in which you have to deal with negative, angry, demanding, or aggressive people. These are just a few of the types of potentially difficult interactions that you may encounter as a service representative. Internal customers with special requests can also be classified as difficult customers. 8) FALSE Difficult customers are more than just those who are negative, angry, demanding, or aggressive people. Talkative customers can be considered difficult customers. 9) TRUE Difficult customers are more than just those who are negative, angry, demanding, or aggressive people. People who challenge a service provider's ability to deliver service and who require special skills and patience are also difficult customers. 10) TRUE
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Often, demanding customers are insecure or have a behavioral style that lends itself to wanting to be in control or to “win.” A demanding customer may feel a need to be or stay in control, especially if he or she has felt out of control in the past. 11) TRUE Dealing with angry people requires a certain amount of caution. To effectively serve an angry customer, you must move beyond the emotions to discover the reason for his or her anger. 12) TRUE Just because the customer exhibits inappropriate behavior does not justify your reacting in kind. Remain professional, calm, assertive, and in control of the situation. 13) TRUE Using the emotion-reducing model helps to calm the customer so that you can then solve the problem. The key to helping resolve service breakdowns is to frame your problem resolution with customer-focused messages through the use of this model. 14) FALSE To help calm the customer down, you must send customer-focused verbal and nonverbal messages. Most important is the ability and the willingness to listen calmly to what the customer has to say without interrupting or interjecting your views. 15) FALSE It costs five to six times as much to win a new customer as it costs to retain a current one. 16) TRUE
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If customers perceive that you and/or your organization do not sincerely care about them or about solving their problems, they may go elsewhere. 17) FALSE The key thing to remember about complaint resolution is that it is the customer's perception of the situation, not yours, that counts. If customers believe that they are not treated fairly, honestly, in a timely manner, and in an appropriate fashion, or if they are still dissatisfied, your efforts failed. 18) TRUE Although your interactions with internal customers may not be difficult, they can often be more sensitive than your dealings with outsiders. This is because if someone within your organization becomes irritated or dissatisfied with you, he or she does not necessarily go away. 19) TRUE If you promise to do something, do your best to deliver, and in the agreed-upon time. If you cannot do something, say so when your internal customer asks. To prevent, or at least reduce, the possibility of such breakdowns, honor all commitments you make to internal customers. 20) FALSE The best way to deal with a service breakdown is to prevent it from occurring. One strategy to prevent a breakdown is to research and learn to use interactive communication techniques. Learn to listen for their unspoken as well as verbalized needs, concerns, and questions. 21) TRUE
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React to customer remarks or actions. Let the customer know that you heard what she said or that you received her written message. If the information is given in person, remember to use verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills. 22) FALSE Once a customer transaction is completed, make sure that you begin any necessary follow-up actions. For example, if appropriate, make an additional phone call to customers to be sure that they received their orders and are satisfied with your actions. 23) FALSE To solve a problem, you need to first identify the problem and determine if the problem is one that should be solved. Then, after compiling and analyzing the data, you identify the alternatives. 24) TRUE If done well, a disgruntled customer can often become one who is very loyal and who acts as a publicist for the organization. To accomplish this, the primary purpose of any good service recovery program should be to return the customer-provider relationship to its normal state. 25) TRUE The U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that organizations take at least the following actions to prepare for potential disaster situations: create a preparedness program for the business; identify critical business functions and systems; create an emergency communications plan; test preparedness systems regularly; and build a disaster preparedness kit. 26) B Wants are things that customers typically desire but do not necessarily need. When a product or service fails to meet what the customer wants, dissatisfaction and frustration could result. Version 1
27) C Service breakdowns occur whenever any product or service fails to meet the customer’s expectations. A hotel room that is not ready past the stated check-in time may result in a service breakdown. 28) C Individuals with a tendency for the inquisitive behavioral style rarely volunteer feelings. They ask “why” questions, desire facts and figures, and are formal, task-oriented, conservative, and punctual. 29) D To effectively handle demanding customers, always be professional and respect the customer. Do not raise your voice or retaliate verbally. Try to work with your customer to negotiate an acceptable alternative when problems arise. 30) B People who have difficulty making a decision or making a selection when given choices of products or services are indecisive customers. Such customers sometimes spend long periods vacillating between several options as they seemingly struggle to choose one over the other. 31) A Be positive and negotiate a solution while dealing with dissatisfied or angry customers. Be willing to compromise, if appropriate, needed, and possible. 32) C When dealing with a rude customer, don’t resort to retaliation. Retaliation will only infuriate this type of customer, especially if you have embarrassed him or her in the presence of others. 33) A
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Customers exhibiting extroverted behavior who are very people-oriented are referred to as talkative customers. Recognize that this person’s personality style is probably mainly expressive and that his or her natural inclination is to connect with others. 34) C It is important to remember when dealing with people who are behaving emotionally that they are typically upset with the structure, process, organization, or other factors over which you and/or they have no control. Before you can get your customer to calm down, listen, and address the situation, you must first deal with her or his emotional state. 35) D The key to helping resolve any service breakdowns is to frame your problem resolution with customer-focused messages through use of the emotion-reducing model. This model is a process for reducing customer emotion in situations when frustration or anger exists. 36) A If you have spare time and your co-workers need assistance with a project, volunteer to help out. They may do the same at some point in the future when you are feeling overwhelmed with a project or assignment. 37) D Think like the customer. Think about how you would like to be served under the conditions you are dealing with and act accordingly. 38) D Always respect the customer. By using a people-centered approach to problem analysis and problem solving, you can win the customer over. With both of you working together, you can define the problem and jointly reach an acceptable solution. Version 1
39) B Go the extra mile by giving your customers exemplary service. Some things cost little or nothing and return your "investment" many times over through goodwill and positive word-of-mouth publicity. 40) D Once a customer transaction is completed, make sure that any necessary follow-up actions are begun. For example, if appropriate, make an additional phone call to customers to be sure that they received their orders and are satisfied with your actions. 41) D If you jointly solve a problem, the customer often feels ownership for the solution—that he or she has made the decision. 42) D After identifying the problem and to be able to effectively determine a course of action, you need as much information as possible and a thorough understanding of what you are dealing with. 43) C Once you have made a decision, monitor the effect or results. Do not assume that your customer is satisfied, especially if any negotiation occurred between the two of you. 44) B The first phase in the service recovery process is to apologize, apologize, and apologize again. Showing sincere remorse throughout the recovery cycle is crucial. 45) D
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Customers want the service they receive to be trustworthy. A trustworthy company provides what is promised, dependably and with quality. 46) A Customers want the service they receive to be attentive. When a company provides caring, personalized attention to customers, recognizing both their human and business needs, it is considered to be attentive. 47) A Even though you may want to, there may be times when you will not be able to give customers what they want because of regulations or prohibitions. Prohibitions refer to local, state, or federal regulations that prevent a service provider from satisfying a customer's request even though the provider would normally do so. 48) D Prove to customers that they are valuable and that you are trying to make up for their inconvenience or loss by providing compensation. This penance or symbolic self-punishment should be significant enough that the customer feels that you and your organization have suffered an equal loss. 49) D The only way to find out whether you were successful in your recovery efforts or whether the customer is truly satisfied is to follow up. This contact should come within a few days after the complaint was resolved. 50) D
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The U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that organizations create a preparedness program for the business as one step to prepare for potential disaster situations. This will allow them to remain functional or to more effectively recover should a similar catastrophe strike. 51) Occasionally, you will encounter dissatisfied customers or angry ones. Unfair as this may be, you have to try to calm these customers and make them happy. To effectively handle such customers one must listen, remain positive and flexible, be compassionate and empathize without making excuses, ask open-end questions and verify information, and lastly take appropriate action. 52) Take a proactive approach to building internal relationships so that you can head off negative situations. This can be accomplished in part by adopting work habits such as maintaining good grooming and hygiene habits, refraining from unloading personal problems, pitching in to help when needed, being truthful, and refraining from office politics and gossips. 53) The six proven steps to problem solving involve identifying the problem, compiling and analyzing the data, identifying the alternatives, evaluating the alternatives, making a decision, and monitoring the results. 54) Typically, there are five phases to the service recovery process. They include apologizing repeatedly, taking immediate action, showing compassion, providing compensation, and conducting a follow-up.
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55) Expressions such as “I can appreciate your frustration,” “I understand how we have inconvenienced you,” or “I can imagine how you must feel” can go a long way in soothing and winning the customer over. Such statements help you connect psychologically with a customer. Empathize with the customer, state what you cannot do, explain why and offer a way to resolve the problem with a recovery strategy (such as faxing something to the customer that the customer needs). Remember before you can truly address the customer's problem, you must deal with the emotions or feelings.
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TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) As the world grows smaller economically and technology increases, the chances of having contact on the job with people from other cultures decreases. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 08-01 Recognize that diversity is not a bad thing. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Impact of Diversity Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Diversity presents challenges but enriches our lives as we grow professionally. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 08-01 Recognize that diversity is not a bad thing. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Impact of Diversity Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
“Diversity” only refers to race or the color of skin. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Some differences between people, such as height and weight, are innate.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Cultural diversity has to do with the broad similarities between groups of people. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity AACSB : Analytical Thinking
6) Caution must be used when considering any characteristics that define an individual, since grouping people can lead to stereotyping. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
7) Applying your own cultural practices and beliefs to a situation involving someone from another culture is highly recommended.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-03 Embrace the need to treat customers as individuals. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Treating Customers as Individuals
Values can also influence your perceptions and actions toward others. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
9) A key to customer service success is to be open-minded and accept that someone else has a different belief system that determines his or her needs. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Many service providers are wise to take values for granted. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Values are based on deeply held beliefs of a culture or subculture. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
12) Adopting or accepting the beliefs of others is essential to accomplish the goal of providing excellent service to the customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
A person’s value system helps him or her determine good from bad. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
In some cultures, conservative dress by women is one manifestation of modesty. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Disclosing personal information about oneself is often a cultural factor. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
The title used to address people is known as the form of address. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
17) Polychronic refers to the perception of time as a central focus with deadlines being a crucial element of societal norms. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Within a given subculture of society, all people choose the same conflict resolution style. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
19) The key to effectively serving all customers, and particularly people from different cultures, is flexibility. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Topic : Providing Quality Service to Diverse Customer Groups AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Closed-end questions encourage customers to share information. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
21) You should avoid technical terms, contractions, slang, or broken English when talking with non-native speakers. ⊚ true ⊚ false Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
In most cases, customers who have disabilities want to be treated differently. ⊚ ⊚
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true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
23) You can always assume familiarity and call someone by his or her first name when addressing them. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
24) When communicating with diverse customers, it is better to describe people in general terms than to single a customer out or focus on exceptions in a group ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
25) If you use a term such as “honey” or “sugar” to address someone, it is your perception, not the customer’s, which is the deciding factor of your actions. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Which of the following best defines diversity?
A) It refers to the perceptions or assumptions that individuals or cultures maintain. B) It refers to the characteristics, values, beliefs, and factors that make people different, yet similar. C) It refers to the long-term appraisals of the worth of an idea, person, place, thing, or practice held by individuals, groups, or cultures. D) It refers to the way that cultures view propriety of dress and conduct.
Question Details Learning Objective : 08-01 Recognize that diversity is not a bad thing. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Impact of Diversity Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
27) The _____ refers to a term coined by Tony Alessandra related to going beyond the step of treating customers the way you want to be treated, to the next level of treating them the way they would like to be treated.
A) Golden Rule B) Polychronic Rule C) Platinum Rule D) Conflict Resolution Rule
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity AACSB : Analytical Thinking
28) Which of the following factors is learned or gained through our environment and life experiences?
A) Beliefs B) Sibling birth order C) Hair color D) Physical condition
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 08-02 Describe some of the characteristics that make people unique. Topic : Defining Diversity Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
29) According to the text discussion, which of the following is the most likely result of applying your own cultural practices and beliefs to a situation involving someone from another culture?
A) Effective communication B) Business growth C) Customer satisfaction D) Poor service
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-03 Embrace the need to treat customers as individuals. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Treating Customers as Individuals
To be effective in dealing with others, service providers should _____.
A) ignore the power of values and beliefs and treat everyone alike B) think of their own value system as better than that of someone else C) use negative feedback as needed and strive to adopt the beliefs of others D) be open-minded and accept that someone else may have a different belief system
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Which of the following best defines modesty?
A) It refers to the important concept of esteem in many Asian cultures. B) It refers to the title used to address people. C) It refers to how people of a given culture view property. D) It refers to the way that cultures view propriety of dress and conduct.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Version 1
32) Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively handle customers’ expectations of privacy?
A) Adopt a gregarious attitude and speak freely to make the customer feel comfortable. B) Avoid controversial topics that might be emotional hot buttons or sensitive. C) Give in to every whim and request of the customer. D) Avoid generating small talk about the weather or traffic.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
33) A(n) _____ focuses on the need for service providers to build strong bonds with customers.
A) intimate relationship B) interpersonal relationship C) familial relationship D) polychronic relationship
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
34) Which of the following strategies is suggested to help build strong interpersonal business relationships?
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A) Assume a quicker familiarity with people from different cultures. B) When you will be having ongoing contact or doing repeat business, follow the customer’s lead. C) Spend time in conversations strictly pertaining to business concerns or topics and avoid personal discourse. D) Share confidential information about the organization in order to build trust and respect.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
Which of the following statements about gender roles is true?
A) Decision-making and authority are clearly established as female prerogatives within most cultures. B) Gender roles are no longer evolving around the world. C) Culturally and individually, people view the role of men and women differently. D) When people leave a country, they also leave behind their cultural values and attitudes on gender norms.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
36) _____ are groups in which members value themselves as separate from their group and responsible for their own destiny.
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A) Collectivist cultures B) Individualistic cultures C) Ethnocentric culture D) Polycentric cultures
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
37) Which of the following statements best reflects the behaviors of people from monochronic societies?
A) They base promptness on relationships. B) They tend to do one thing at a time. C) They consider time as a guide and flexible commodity. D) They juggle multiple things without feeling stressed.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
People from polychronic societies tend to _____.
A) work toward long-term deadlines B) take commitments seriously C) adhere closely to plans D) do one thing at a time
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-04 Determine actions for dealing with various types of people. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Impact of Cultural Values in Service Situations
39) John works as a sales representative for, an online travel portal. He receives a call from a Russian customer, who is not fluent in English, inquiring about holiday packages. To best serve the customer's needs, John should _____.
A) assume that everyone has the same experiences and treat them accordingly. B) listen patiently and try to understand the customer’s meaning. C) raise his voice to enhance better understanding and lay emphasis. D) ask closed-end questions.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
40) Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively handle customers with language differences?
A) Avoid humor and sarcasm as they could lead to embarrassment. B) Assume that the customer shares your views. C) Alter your tone to enhance understanding. D) Use closed-end questions to encourage customers to share information.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
41) James, a sales executive at an apparel store, encounters a German customer who does not speak English. The customer tries to communicate his needs to James. After interpreting the customer's needs, James is still seeking clarity to help understand the customer better. James should next try to _____.
A) adopt a flippant approach B) paraphrase the customer's message C) use humor and sarcasm D) pretend to address the customer's needs
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
42) Tom, a sales executive at an electronics store, is helping a Japanese customer who is not fluent in English and wishes to purchase a laptop. While attending to the customer, which of the following strategies should Tom employ?
A) He should speak louder for better clarity. B) He should give the customer a lengthy explanation on the features and specifications of each laptop. C) He should be extremely brisk in his approach to the customer. D) He should continue to sport a smile whenever appropriate.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
43) Which of the following strategies should be used to effectively help customers with hearing disabilities?
A) Ensure you over exaggerate your mouth's movements so that the customer can see your mouth form words. B) Interact with the customers by asking them closed-end questions for which the customer must provide descriptive answers. C) Use facial expressions and gestures to emphasize key words or express thoughts. D) Avoid speaking louder or reducing background noise as it might hurt the customer's feelings.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
44) Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively help customers with vision disabilities?
A) Give vague information and directions. B) When walking with someone who is blind, offer your arm. C) Raise your voice while dealing with visually impaired customers. D) Avoid introducing or referencing others who are in the room to eliminate confusion.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
45) Daniel, a customer care executive at an e-commerce site, receives a complaint from an elderly customer regarding a mismatch in the product delivered to him. While dealing with this customer, Daniel should _____.
A) adopt a flippant approach if the customer is a bit arrogant, disoriented, or disrespectful. B) be careful not to let biases about older people interfere with good service. C) try to sound patronizing while addressing the customer's grievances. D) treat the customer as if he or she is confused or disoriented
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Elderly Customers
46) Keith, a middle-aged sales representative at a sports apparel store, often encounters customers from Generation Y. Which of the following approaches should Keith adopt to serve these customers better?
A) He must adopt an informal approach and treat them as his own children. B) He must adopt a flippant approach toward them. C) He must strive to become overly familiar with them. D) He must strive to cater to their wants and needs just like any other customer.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be Bloom's : Apply AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Younger Customers
47) Which of the following strategies should be adopted to communicate most effectively with diverse customers?
A) Use care with nonverbal cues. B) Make sure that your language is exclusive. C) Always address the customer using his or her first name. D) Assume that everyone appreciates a good joke.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
A _____ is an online journal or diary that allows people to add content.
A) podcast B) cache C) blog D) wiki
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
49) A _____ is a form of server software that allows nontechnical personnel to create and edit website pages using any web browser and without complex programming knowledge.
A) wiki B) podcast C) blog D) cache
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
50) When communicating with diverse customers, which of the following is a suggested strategy?
A) Add in lots of remarks and jokes B) As a rule, use male-oriented personal pronouns C) Verbally identify customers as “handicapped” or “disabled” D) Be very careful when using gestures
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) List any five strategies to effectively handle customers with language differences.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Language Differences
52) What is the significance and purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
List any five strategies for servicing customers with hearing disabilities.
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Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
54) List any three strategies to effectively serve customers with mobility or motion impairments.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-05 Identify a variety of factors that make people diverse and that help to be AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customers With Disabilities
List the basic guidelines for communicating effectively with diverse customers.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium Learning Objective : 08-06 Communicate effectively with a diverse customer population. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Communicating With Diverse Customers
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch8 1) FALSE Diversity is encountered everywhere (e.g., over the telephone, on the Internet, in supermarkets, in religious organizations, and on public transportation) and is an important aspect of everyone’s life. As the world grows smaller economically and otherwise, the likelihood that you will have contact on the job with people from other cultures increases significantly. 2) TRUE Although diversity presents challenges in making us think of differences and similarities, it also enriches our lives—each encounter we have with another person gives us an opportunity to expand our knowledge of others and build relationships, while growing personally. 3) FALSE The word diversity encompasses a broad range of differences. Many people only associate the term diversity with race or color of skin. However, it also encompasses a variety of other individual and group characteristics such as cultural diversity. 4) TRUE Some factors that make people different are innate, that is, they are born with them, such as height, weight, hair color, gender, skin color, physical and mental condition, and sibling birth order. All these factors contribute to our uniqueness and help or inhibit us throughout our lives, depending on the perceptions we have. 5) FALSE Version 1
Cultural diversity term has to do with the differences between groups of people, depending on their country of origin, backgrounds, and beliefs. 6) TRUE Caution must be used when considering any characteristics, since grouping people can lead to stereotyping and possible discrimination. This is a recipe for interpersonal disaster, service breakdown, and organizational failure. 7) FALSE Applying your own cultural practices and beliefs to a situation involving someone from another culture can result in frustration, anger, poor service, and lost business. 8) TRUE Values can also influence your perceptions and actions toward others. Being conscious of differences can lead to a better understanding of customers and potentially reduce conflict or misunderstandings in dealing with them. 9) TRUE A key to customer service success is to be open-minded and accept that someone else has a different belief system that determines his or her needs. You, as a service provider, should strive to use all the positive communication and needs identification you have read about to satisfy the customer. 10) FALSE Many service providers take values for granted. This is a mistake. Values also differ from one culture to another, depending on its views on ethics, morals, religion, and many other factors. 11) TRUE
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Values come from deeply held beliefs of a culture or subculture. Often, they are founded in religion, politics, or group mores. They drive thinking and actions and are so powerful that they have served as the basis for arguments, conflicts, and wars for hundreds of years. 12) FALSE Your goal is to provide excellent service to the customer. In order to achieve success in accomplishing this goal, you must be sensitive to, tolerant of, and empathetic toward customers. You do not need to adopt the beliefs of others, but you should adapt to them as appropriate. 13) TRUE Values are the "rules" that people use to evaluate issues or situations, make decisions, interact with others, and deal with conflict. As a whole, a person’s value system often guides thinking and helps him or her determine right from wrong or good from bad. 14) TRUE In some cultures (e.g., Muslim and Quaker), conservative dress by women is one manifestation of modesty. Such practices tie to religious and cultural beliefs that originated hundreds of years ago. 15) TRUE You should be aware that disclosing personal information about oneself is often a cultural factor and that expectations of privacy vary. 16) TRUE The title used to address people is known as the form of address. Examples are Mister, Miss, and Doctor. A customer’s preference for a particular name or form of address can have an impact upon your ability to effectively deal with him or her. 17) FALSE
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In relation to time, people and societies are often referred to as being either monochronic or polychronic. Monochronic refers to the perception of time as being a central focus with deadlines being a crucial element of societal norms. 18) FALSE Even within subcultures of a society, there are often differing styles of communication and dealing with conflict. Of course, regardless of culture or group, people choose different conflict resolution styles based on personality style preferences. 19) TRUE The key to effectively serving all customers, and particularly people from different cultures, is flexibility. Since you are likely to encounter customers from virtually any country in the world when you work in today’s business environment, you need to be prepared. You need to have a way to use alternative methods or strategies for providing service. 20) FALSE Open-end questions encourage customers to share information. Closedend questions do not allow you to accurately gauge a customer's viewpoint or understanding. 21) TRUE Use Standard English (or whatever the primary language is for the country in which you are doing business). Avoid technical terms specific to a product, organization, process, or industry; contractions (e.g., don't, can't); slang (e.g., like, you know, whoopee, rubberneck); or broken language (e.g., sentences that fail to follow standard rules of grammar or syntax). 22) FALSE
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In most cases, customers who have disabilities have learned to accommodate their own personal needs and do not want to be treated differently; they want to be treated equally. You should strive to provide excellent customer service, as always. 23) FALSE Don't assume familiarity when addressing others. Don't call someone by her or his first name unless she or he gives permission. 24) TRUE Instead of singling a customer out or focusing on exceptions in a group, describe people in general terms. That is, instead of referring to someone as a female supervisor, black salesperson, or disabled administrative assistant, say supervisor, salesperson, or administrative assistant. 25) FALSE Keep in mind that certain words have a negative connotation and could insult or offend. Even if you do not intend to offend, the customer's perception is the deciding factor of your actions. 26) B Diversity is an important aspect of everyone’s life. Diversity refers to the characteristics, values, beliefs, and factors that make people different, yet similar. 27) C To better ensure customer service success, find out what customers want and treat them as they want to be treated. This concept has been termed the Platinum Rule. 28) A
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Factors that make us unique that are learned or gained through our environment and our life experiences include religion, values, beliefs, economic level, lifestyle choices, profession, marital status, education, and political affiliation. 29) D No two people are alike, no two generations are alike, and no two cultures are alike. Applying your own cultural practices and beliefs to a situation involving someone from another culture can result in frustration, anger, poor service, and lost business. 30) D To be effective in dealing with others, service providers should not ignore the power of values and beliefs, nor should they think that their value system is better than that of someone else. The key to service success is to be open-minded and accept that someone else has a different belief system that determines his or her needs. 31) D Modesty refers to the way that cultures view propriety of dress and conduct. Modesty can be exhibited in many ways. In some cultures (e.g., Muslim and Quaker), conservative dress by women is one manifestation of modesty. 32) B Disclosing personal information about oneself is often a cultural factor and expectations of privacy vary. Avoid controversial topics that might be emotional hot buttons or sensitive to other people. 33) B
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Before business is conducted in many Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern cultures, building of a strong interpersonal relationship is extremely important. An interpersonal relationship focuses on the need for service providers to build strong bonds with customers. 34) B Relationship building includes when you will be having ongoing contact or doing repeat business, follow the customer’s lead. Get to know them and share information about your organization and yourself that can lead to mutual respect and trust. 35) C Gender roles refer to behaviors attributed to or assigned by societal norms. Culturally and individually, people view the role of men and women differently. 36) B Individualistic cultures are groups in which members value themselves as individuals who are separate from their group and responsible for their own destiny. In these cultures, emphasis is placed on individuals’ goals, as in Western countries. 37) B People from monochronic societies tend to do one thing at a time, take time commitments seriously, are often focused on short-term projects or relationships, and adhere closely to plans. 38) A Polychronic people are used to distractions, juggle multiple things without feeling stressed, consider time as a guide and flexible commodity, work toward long-term deadlines, and base promptness on relationships.
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39) B John may be frustrated in this situation, but so is the customer. John should focus on what the customer is saying and try to understand the meaning of the message and the needs being communicated by the customer. 40) A Humor and sarcasm are common to many Westerners but do not work well with customers whose first language is not English. They could lead to customer confusion and embarrassment, so it is best avoid these. 41) B After focusing on what you think is the customer's message, you may convey your understanding to the customer in your own words. When you think that you don't understand, either paraphrase the part of the customer's message up to the point at which you did understand or ask clarifying questions. 42) D Smiling is a universal language; speak it fluently (when appropriate). 43) C In interactions with customers with hearing disabilities, you can use facial expressions and gestures to emphasize key words or express thoughts. But do not assume that people who are hearing impaired are helpless. 44) B Customers with vision disabilities may need special assistance. When walking with someone who is blind, offer your arm. Do not take the person's arm without permission; this could startle him or her. 45) B
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Be careful not to let biases about older people interfere with good service. Don't ignore or offend older customers by making statements such as "Hang on, old timer. I'll be with you in a minute." 46) D If you are older, you may be tempted to talk down to younger customers or be flippant. Don't give in to the temptation. Keep in mind that they are customers, and service is based on satisfying personal needs and wants. 47) A The best suggested strategy is to use care with nonverbal cues. The nonverbal cues that you are familiar with may carry different meanings in other cultures. Be careful when you use symbols or gestures if you are not certain how your customer will receive them. 48) C Blogs are online journals (web logs) or diaries that allow people to add content. Many organizational websites use them to post "what's new" sections and to receive feedback (good and bad) from customers and website visitors. 49) A Learn as much technology as you can if you plan to effectively provide service to members of Generations X and Y, since they are very technically savvy. One type of technology is a wiki. A wiki is a form of server software that allows nontechnical personnel to create and edit website pages using any web browser and without complex programming knowledge. 50) D
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The nonverbal cues that you are familiar with may carry different meanings in other cultures. Be careful when you use symbols or gestures if you are not certain how your customer will receive them. For instance, the “okay” symbol means zero or worthless in some other cultures. 51) To effectively handle customers with language differences, let the customer guide the conversation, be flexible, listen patiently, speak clearly and slowly, use open-end questions and paraphrasing, avoid sarcasm and humor, and pause frequently. 52) A U.S. federal act signed into law in July 1990 guaranteeing people with disabilities equal access to workplace opportunities; this act provides that people with disabilities have equal access to workplace opportunities. The interpretations of the law require businesses to provide certain services to customers with disabilities and to make certain premises accessible to them. The law also often prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment related to disability. 53) In interactions with such customers, a variety of things can be done to provide effective service such as facing your customer directly while speaking, speaking louder, using short sentences and words, using nonverbal cues, and providing written information whenever possible. You may also enunciate your words and speak slowly, check for understanding by using open-end questions, communicate in a welllighted room, watch backlighting, and reduce background noise, when possible.
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54)Customers who have mobility or motion impairments often use specially designed equipment and have had extensive training in how to best use assistive devices to compensate for the loss of the use of some part of their body. Such customers can be better assisted by the following strategies: Conduct an environmental survey and correct areas where mobility may be an issue. Do not assume that someone who has such an impairment cannot perform certain tasks. As mentioned earlier, people who have disabilities are often given extensive training. Make sure that you place information or materials at a level that makes it possible for the person to see without undue strain. Do not push or lean on someone's wheelchair without his or her permission. 55) While dealing with diverse customers, one must be careful with your remarks and jokes, make sure that their language is inclusive, respect personal preferences when addressing people, use general terms, recognize the impact of words, and use care with nonverbal cues.
Version 1
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Technology touches few aspects of life in most developed countries around the world. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-01 Recognize the role of technology-effective service delivery. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Role of Technology in Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
2) According to reports, by the end of 2016, less than half of all developed nations were using the Internet. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-01 Recognize the role of technology-effective service delivery. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Role of Technology in Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Millennials and younger consumers are the primary age groups tapping into technology. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-01 Recognize the role of technology-effective service delivery. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Role of Technology in Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Version 1
4) Operations that used technology were once viewed as labor-intensive and “back-office” functions, rather than an integral component of the overall operation of an organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
5) The organizations doing business using technology-based applications have been labeled electronic commerce. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
6) At a help desk, service providers are trained to assist customers with questions and problems. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
Version 1
7) Automated attendants provide callers with a menu of options from which they can select by pressing a key on their telephone keypad. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
A key to website effectiveness is recognition and connections. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Websites as a Form of Technology Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and
A portable on-demand broadcast is called a podcast. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Web-Based and Mobile Technologies
10) By setting up a website, businesses are walking onto an uneven playing field where they cannot compete with multinational competitors.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
Customers who are technically naïve tend to be highly trusting of e-commerce websites. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
12) E-mail was not meant to replace formal written correspondence although many companies use it now for correspondence functions. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
13) Most people find it satisfactory and professional for messages to be sent without proofreading or spell-checking them to save time.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
14) The e-mail system was designed as an inexpensive, quick way of communicating via the World Wide Web. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
An important thing to remember about e-mail is that it is sometimes unreliable. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
While sending an e-mail, use blind courtesy copies liberally. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
17) Emoticons are the faces created through use of computer keyboard characters and symbols. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
18) Include as many graphics as possible in a fax message to make the message more visually appealing. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for Facsimile
19) Modern businesses rely heavily on the use of the telephone to conduct day-to-day operations and communicate with internal and external customers. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
20) One disadvantage of telephone communication is the lack of face-to-face contact with the customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
21) Jargon, slang, and colloquialisms are friendly terms and phrases that make customers smile and should be used often. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
22) When you fail to use good grammar in your communication, you may be perceived as lazy or uneducated. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
23) You should eliminate distractions by not eating, drinking, chewing gum, talking to others, or handling other tasks while on the phone with a customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
24) A key to using voice mail effectively is to keep your outgoing message current and indicating your availability. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Effectively Manage Voice Mail and Answering Machines
Telephone tag results in a loss of efficiency, money, and, in some cases, customers. ⊚ ⊚
Version 1
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Effectively Manage Voice Mail and Answering Machines
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) Which of the following statements about call centers in the United States is true?
A) Call center functions have largely been returned to the U.S. from countries like India and Mexico. B) Call center functions have largely been brought back in-house from third-party companies that specialize in call center operations. C) There has been some shrinkage in the number and size of call centers due to the rise in self-service web or speech recognition technologies. D) Call centers have replaced instant messaging as the technology of choice for resolving the complaints of younger customers.
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-01 Recognize the role of technology-effective service delivery. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Role of Technology in Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
27) Almost _____ of households in the Americas and half of those globally were connected to the Internet by the end of 2016.
A) half B) two-thirds C) one-third D) one-fifth
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Question Details Learning Objective : 09-01 Recognize the role of technology-effective service delivery. Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : The Role of Technology in Customer Service Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking
28) _____ provide callers with a menu of options from which they can select by pressing a key on their telephone keypad.
A) Automatic call distribution systems B) Automated attendants C) Interactive kiosks D) Internet telephony
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
Which of the following statements best defines an automatic call distribution system?
A) It refers to a form of caller identification system similar to home telephone caller ID systems. B) It refers to a system that integrates a representative's computer and phone to facilitate the automatic retrieval of customer records and other information needed to satisfy a customer's needs and requests. C) It refers to a telecommunications system used in call centers and customer care facilities to capture incoming calls and route them to available service providers. D) It refers to a voice recognition computer mechanism that queries survey respondents with questions and stores their responses.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
30) Which of the following statements is true about an automated computer telephone interview?
A) It is typically built around an advanced interactive voice response technology along with voice broadcasting technology. B) Customers are left with no option but to be interviewed by an automated process of questioning. C) Customers are left with no option but to be interviewed by a representative of the organization. D) It involves spamming to send unsolicited and indiscriminate bulk messages to various customers.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
The automatic number identification system allows companies to _____
A) access highly confidential information about customers. B) conduct automated phone surveys of customers. C) identify customers by their country or area code. D) bypass and disregard customer complaints and phone calls.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
32) Which of the following is a function controlled by the computer telephony integration systems?
A) Generate event-related invoices and track payments. B) Screen population of customer data when the customer answers the phone. C) Development of e-mail/direct-mail lists. D) Automatically maintain a detailed audit history on customer transactions.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
Which of the following is a function of customer relationship management software?
A) Call quality monitoring and recording. B) Coordinated transfer, where a caller can be passed to another representative along with the data populated on a service representative's computer screen. C) Representative/agent state control. D) Automatically maintain a detailed audit history on customer accounts, transactions, and individual events.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
34) _____ is a type of technology that allows online chats in real-time text transmission over the Internet between customers and service representatives.
A) Internet telephony B) Intelligent callback technology C) Instant messaging D) Media blending
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
35) A(n) _____ allows customers and customer contact centers equipped with video cameracomputer hookups to interact via the computer.
A) electronic mail system B) screen pop-up C) facsimile system D) interactive kiosk
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
36) _____ refers to an abusive use of various electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited and indiscriminate bulk messages.
A) Robocalling B) Blogging C) Spamming D) Media blending
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
37) _____ allows someone browsing the Internet to click on words or phrases, enter his or her phone number, and continue browsing.
A) Internet callback technology B) Internet telephony C) Media blending D) Predictive dialing system
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
_____ allows a system to recognize keywords or phrases from a caller.
A) Speech recognition B) Screen pop-up C) Voice over Internet Protocol D) Digital display
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
39) _____ technology involves using hardware and software delivered over a network, such as the Internet, allowing users access to data without having to pay for additional equipment or infrastructure.
A) Cloud computing B) Online information fulfillment C) Internet call-back D) Voice over Internet Protocol
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Web-Based and Mobile Technologies
Which of the following statements is true about social media?
A) It is considered to be the most expensive means of getting information out. B) It is currently the least preferred medium of marketing for companies. C) It always leaves a negative impact on the company's image since employees discuss their job, talk about issues, and vent their frustrations. D) It provides a wealth of opportunity for companies that want to share their message about products and services with the world.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Social Media as a Form of Technology
41) Which of the following social networking websites is a real-time short messaging service which provides a great vehicle for checking customer reactions to a commercial or product rollout?
A) Pinterest B) YouTube C) LinkedIn D) Twitter
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Social Media as a Form of Technology
42) _____ is an electronic form of messaging between mobile, portable, or fixed devices over a telephone network.
A) Cloud computing B) Texting C) Media blending D) Predictive dialing
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Social Media as a Form of Technology
43) _____ are informational or discussion websites that contain articles or comments posted in reverse chronological format on the World Wide Web.
A) Podcasts B) Wikis C) Blogs D) RSS feeds
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Social Media as a Form of Technology
Which of the following is a distinct advantage of using technology in organizations?
A) Information and services can be provided on demand to customers and a worldwide customer base can be developed. B) By adopting superior technology, organizations do not face any challenges during a low-unemployment period. C) With the advent of technology, employees are seldom required to be trained or retrained. D) Staying on top of competition with technology is relatively inexpensive and costeffective.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
Which of the following benefits does technology bring to employees?
A) It reduces staff costs and overhead. B) It frees them from mundane tasks. C) It frees them from reassignment or dismissal. D) It reduces their stress levels.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
What is a potential disadvantage of technology for an employee?
A) It increases staff costs. B) It increases the number of mundane tasks. C) It increases the overhead related to employees. D) It increases the risk of reassignment or dismissal.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
When communicating with a customer via e-mail, you should _____
A) use lengthy and detailed sentences B) rely on e-mail for both formal and informal correspondence C) use jargon, slang, and emoticons to set a friendly mood D) use both upper and lowercase letters
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
Version 1
Which of the following techniques help to create a positive telephone image?
A) End the call abruptly since it is essential to respect the customer's time. B) Use a canned or mechanical presentation to gain the customer's attention. C) Adopt a flippant approach when the customer gets unreasonable. D) Continually evaluate yourself since you are your own best critic.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Creating a Positive Telephone Image
49) Which of the following strategies should be adopted for successfully providing effective customer service over the telephone?
A) Address customers using their first name irrespective of their consent. B) Always ask open-end questions to clarify or verify information. C) Always answer a phone call by the third or fourth ring. D) Multitask while attending to customers on the telephone to save time.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
Which of the following strategies should be adopted when effectively using voice mail?
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A) Keep your outgoing message current. B) Refrain from stating your name or expected availability. C) Initiate telephone tag to improve efficiency. D) Wait at least two business days before responding to voice mail messages.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : How to Effectively Manage Voice Mail and Answering Machines
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) What are the types of phone numbers that companies provide for their customers to call the organization to place orders, get information, or receive service?
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
List any five functions performed by customer relationship management software.
Version 1
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Customer Contact/Call Center Help Desk Learning Objective : 09-02 Describe ways in which technology enhances an organization's service deliv
53) List any five approaches to help reassure your customers about security of your technology.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 09-03 Discuss ways in which companies are integrating the evolving web-based and Topic : Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
54) Explain the usage of e-mail in today's context compared against what it was originally designed to accomplish.
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-04 Communicate effectively via e-mail, the Internet, and fax. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Technology Etiquette for E-Mail
List four advantages of telephone communication.
Version 1
Question Details Learning Objective : 09-05 Deliver quality service through effective telephone techniques. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Effective Telephone Communication Skills
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch9 1) FALSE To say that technology has permeated almost every aspect of life in most developed countries would be an understatement. With the number of Internet users continuing to climb throughout the world, it is no wonder that online sales of products and services continue to rise. The Internet accounted for 21 percent of the GDP growth in mature economies over the past five years. 2) FALSE According to reports from the United Nations International Telecommunication Union, by the end of 2016, 47.1 percent of the world’s population was using the Internet with 80.1 percent of developed nations doing so. 3) FALSE Younger consumers are not the only ones tapping into technology. A Pew Research Center report indicates that “more than half of older adults (defined as those ages 65 and older) were internet users.” 4) TRUE In the past, operations that used technology were seen as labor-intensive (because of the need to maintain and operate equipment) and behind-thescenes or “back-office” functions. They were not viewed as a strategic initiative related to the overall operation of the organization. 5) TRUE
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The influence of technology-based applications is so significant in terms of dollars that organizations doing business with them have been labeled electronic commerce (e-commerce) businesses or websites. 6) TRUE A help desk is a support center in which service providers are trained and assigned to assist customers with information, questions, problems, or suggestions. 7) TRUE Automated attendant systems can be used to provide prerecorded responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and to route callers to specific representatives or other employees and departments. These are the machines that customers encounter. 8) TRUE Websites provide organizations with a valuable tool for presenting a “face” to the entire world. They are a component of an organization’s professional brand. One key to website effectiveness is recognition and connections. People must know about the organization and be able to find its website to access information on it. 9) TRUE A portable on-demand broadcast is called a podcast. Podcasts are a form of digital media through which audio, video, PDF, or electronic publications (ePub) files are delivered in a series, similar to a television series. 10) FALSE
Version 1
Simply by setting up a website, organizations can become known and develop a worldwide customer base while helping to equalize the playing field with multinational and distant competitors. This is because, on the Internet, visitors do not know how many employees or buildings and how much money an organization has when they view a website. 11) FALSE Customers, especially those who are technically naive, have a level of distrust and paranoia related to giving information via the Internet and over the phone to unsolicited callers. 12) TRUE E-mail was not originally intended to replace formal written correspondence, although many organizations now use it to send things like attached correspondence and receipts. 13) FALSE Checking your message before sending an e-mail may help prevent damage to your professional image. This is especially true when writing customers because you are representing your organization. 14) TRUE The e-mail system was designed as an inexpensive, quick way of communicating via the World Wide Web. It was never intended to replace formal written correspondence. 15) TRUE An important thing to remember about e-mail is that it is sometimes unreliable. Many people do not check their e-mail regularly, especially if they use free e-mail accounts offered by,,, and other companies. 16) FALSE
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Most e-mail systems allow you to send a copy to someone without the original addressee knowing it (a blind courtesy copy, or bcc). Use blind courtesy copies sparingly. If the recipient becomes aware of the bcc, your actions might be viewed as suspicious and your motives brought into question. 17) TRUE Emoticons (emotional icons) are humorous characters that send visual messages such as smiling or frowning. They can be created with various strokes of the computer keyboard characters and symbols. 18) FALSE If graphic images are unnecessary to clarify written text, eliminate them. They waste the receiver’s printer cartridge ink, tie up the machine unduly, and can irritate your receiver. 19) TRUE Effective use of the telephone saves employee time and effort. Modern businesses rely heavily on the use of telephones to conduct day-to-day operations and communicate with internal as well as external customers. 20) TRUE Although there are many advantages of telephone customer service, lack of face-to-face contact with the customer is a potential disadvantage of telephone communication. 21) FALSE Technical jargon, slang, and colloquialisms can distort your message and detract from your ability to communicate effectively. This is especially true when your recipient speaks a language other than your native language. 22) TRUE
Version 1
Good grammar helps project a positive, competent image. When you fail to use good grammar in your communication, you may be perceived as lazy or uneducated. 23) TRUE Do not eat food, chew gum, drink, talk to others, read (unless for the purpose of providing the customer with information), or handle other office tasks (e.g., filing, stapling, stamping, sealing envelopes, or using the computer) while on the phone unless you are checking information for the customer on the line and with his or her permission. 24) TRUE A key to using voice mail effectively is to keep your outgoing message current, indicating your availability, the type of information the caller should leave, and when the caller can expect a return call. 25) TRUE Telephone tag is frustrating and a waste of valuable time. It results in a loss of efficiency, money, and, in some cases, customers. 26) C One factor that has contributed to the shrinkage in the number and size of call centers is the rise in self-service web or speech recognition technologies that allow customers to place their own orders and access information without contacting a customer care representative. 27) B According to reports from the United Nations International Telecommunication Union, by the end of 2016, almost two-thirds of households in the Americas and half of those globally were connected to the Internet. 28) B
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Automated attendant systems can be used to provide prerecorded responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and to route callers to specific representatives or other employees and departments. 29) C An automatic caller distribution system routes incoming calls to the next available agent based on number called, time of day, caller ID, or callerselected codes. 30) A Automated computer telephone interviews allow organizations to conduct automated phone surveys of customers. Programs are typically built around advanced interactive voice response (IVR) technology along with voice broadcasting technology. 31) C The Automatic Number Identification (ANI) (pronounced "Annie") is a form of caller ID like that on many home telephones. It allows customers to be identified by their country/area code and have their calls directed appropriately before an agent talks to them. 32) B Computer telephony integration (CTI) systems help integrate a customer service representative’s computer, phone, fax, web, and e-mail systems to facilitate the automatic retrieval of customer records and other information needed to satisfy a customer’s needs and requests. Another function controlled by CTI includes screening the population of customer data when the customer answers the phone. 33) D
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Customer relationship management (CRM) software systems are designed for use by organizations to assist their marketing, sales, and service professionals to better manage their relationship with current and potential customers by providing a database function for storage and retrieval of information about customers, products, and services. 34) C Instant messaging is a communication technology that allows people to type messages back and forth and see the other person’s message as soon as it is sent. They can then respond quickly as if having a conversation over the telephone. 35) D An interactive kiosk or digital display allows customers and customer contact centers equipped with video camera-computer hookups to interact via the computer. These computer terminals have customized software and hardware and are set up in a public area where users can interact with a screen display. 36) C Spam or spamming refers to an abusive use of various electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited and indiscriminate bulk messages to people. Spamming by unscrupulous people and organizations has given e-mail advertisers in general a bad reputation. 37) A Internet callback technology allows someone browsing the Internet to click on words or phrases (e.g., Call me), enter his or her phone number, and continue browsing. This triggers a predictive dialing system and assigns an agent to handle the call when it rings at the customer’s end. 38) A
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Speech- or voice-recognition programs allow a system to recognize keywords or phrases from a caller. These systems can be used for routing callers to a representative and for retrieving information from a database. 39) A Cloud computing is technology that allows for remote storage of a user’s data, which can then be accessed through a web browser using a mobile application on the user’s tablet, mobile device (e.g., smartphone), laptop, or computer. From a cost perspective, it provides a means for individuals and organizations to access service and products without having to pay for additional equipment and infrastructure for the storage and operation of data and applications. 40) D Users connect on various social and media sharing sites for a variety of reasons. This potentially provides a wealth of opportunity for companies that want to share their message about products and services with the world since there are hundreds of millions of visitors to these websites each year. 41) D Twitter is a real-time, short messaging service that works with a variety of communication networks and electronic devices. It is a great vehicle for checking customer reactions to a commercial or product rollout, asking for ideas, or gathering information regarding other organizationsponsored events or activities. 42) B Texting is the process of someone typing and sending a brief electronic message to another person over a phone network using a mobile phone or fixed or portable device. Version 1
43) C Blogs are chronological “diaries” that allow bloggers and those within organizations to provide updates, product or service commentary, and information and graphics or video to internal and external customers in the form of posts. 44) A One advantage of technology is that information and services can be provided on demand to customers. Often, many customers can be served simultaneously through the telephone, fax, and so on. The challenge for organizations is to have well-maintained, state-of-the-art equipment with trained, qualified, competent, and customer-oriented people to operate it. 45) B Technology brings many benefits to employees. The greatest benefit is that it frees them from mundane tasks such as taking information and mailing out forms, information, or other materials. 46) D New technology requires new training and skills. Some people have difficulty using technology and are not able to master it. This in turn can lead to reassignment or dismissal. 47) D With e-mail, writing a sentence or message in all-capital letters is like shouting at a person and could offend or cause relationship problems. 48) D Continually evaluate yourself. You are your own best critic. From time to time, think about your conversation—what went well, what could have been improved. 49) C
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You communicate a lot by the way you handle a phone call. One tip for success is to always answer by the third or fourth ring. This sends a nonverbal message to your customers of your availability to serve them. 50) A A key to using voice mail effectively is to keep your outgoing message current, indicating your availability, the type of information the caller should leave, and when the caller can expect a return call. 51) Most organizations have 800 and 888 numbers that are usually free that customers can use to call the organization to get information, place orders, receive service, and for a variety of other functions. The feebased 900 numbers are pay-as-you-go with the caller incurring a perminute charge for service from the telephone company and/or a flat fee from the organization for services rendered. 52) Customer relationship management systems perform the following functions that include capturing contact information, tracking suppliers and vendors, monitoring sales, returns, deadlines, and other important dates, developing e-mail/direct-mail lists, and attaching files to event or customer records.
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53)Avoiding customer concerns is often as simple as communicating effectively. The following approaches help reassure your customers about the security of technology: - Emphasize the organization policy on security and service - Stress any participation in consumer watchdog or community organizations - Direct customers to areas on your website that shows your digital certificate or security level - Point out any website page that shows organization's history - Ask only for pertinent information - Answer questions quickly and openly - Offer other options for data submission - If calls are recorded, remind the customer of this, and point it out as an added layer of security - Explain how personal information will be used or stored 54) E-mail was designed as an inexpensive, quick way to communicate via the World Wide Web. E-mail was not intended to replace formal written correspondence, although many organizations now use it to send things like attached correspondence and receipts and to notify customers of order status, to gather information needed to serve a customer, and for other business-related issues. 55) Even though there are some disadvantages to telephone communication (e.g., lack of face-to-face contact with the customer), there are many advantages. Some of the advantages follow: - Convenience - Ease of communication - Economy - Efficiency Version 1
Version 1
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Customer loyalty is a rational thing rather than an emotional one. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
2) Customer loyalty describes the tendency of customers to return to an organization because of service. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
Technological advancement has failed to impact customer loyalty. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
Version 1
4) The most important thing to remember about trust is that, without it, you do not have a customer service relationship. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
5) Even when you win trust and achieve customer satisfaction, the customer relationship is very fragile. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
6) One of the biggest mistakes any service provider can make is to deny accountability in dealing with the customer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Version 1
7) One of the most common mistakes service providers make in dealing with customers who have a complaint or problem is to nonverbally send a message of skepticism. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
8) To create a social bond with customers, treat customers as a number, or one in a series rather than as individuals. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
9) A simple way of accomplishing individualized service is to ask what else the customer like or prefer. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Version 1
In B2B, customers are often companies. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
Short-term customer relationships are the ones that sustain organizations. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
12) The way to gain and retain customer loyalty is by looking at customer interactions from a short-term perspective. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management is a crucial element of customer loyalty.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
14) A channel partner is the relationship of two organizations in which they are able to build a larger and stronger competitive presence. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-04 Develop the service provider characteristics that will enhance customer lo Topic : The Role of Channel Partner Relationships on Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking
15) By effectively managing channel partner relationships, retail and service pricing can be kept down. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-04 Develop the service provider characteristics that will enhance customer lo Topic : The Role of Channel Partner Relationships on Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking
A simple way to demonstrate responsiveness is to attend to customer needs promptly.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
17) Use closed body language and few verbal cues to let customers know you are glad they have chosen your organization. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
18) A subtle way to show your ability to adapt to customer needs is by quickly learning and mastering new technology systems to respond to the customer more efficiently. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
19) Core values are a set of standards which guides the conduct of all employees to maintain a positive customer relationship .
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
Initiative applies only to external customer situations. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
21) Projecting a positive personal image is a crucial element in communicating an “I care” attitude to customers. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
22) A moment of truth is defined as any instance when a customer comes into contact with any element or representative of an organization.
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⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-06 Identify strategies that can be used to make customers feel like they are Topic : Making the Customer Number One AACSB : Analytical Thinking
23) Building a good customer service relationship in order to increase customer satisfaction is valuable because it can lead to repeat business. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-07 Discuss strategies that can enhance customer satisfaction. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
24) An effective approach to increasing sales is to focus on the features of a product or service and not the benefits. ⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-07 Discuss strategies that can enhance customer satisfaction. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
25) A customer's perception of quality service is often one of the prime reasons for his or her return.
Version 1
⊚ ⊚
true false
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-08 Define quality service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Total Quality Management
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26) True customer loyalty tends to come about as a result of _____.
A) the very first customer-provider encounter B) the rewards customers gain from special promotions, sales or loyalty programs C) an organization’s concerted, ongoing efforts to meet customer expectations and needs D) a customer encounter in which a problem or complaint was resolved
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
27) In recent years, the concept of expert recommendation changed dramatically for many consumers. For instance, for millennials, the definition of “expert” has now shifted to _____.
A) only individuals with professional credentials B) experienced customer service representatives C) only individuals with strong academic credentials D) potentially anyone with firsthand experience
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Understanding Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-02 Establish and maintain trust with customers.
Which of the following statements best defines customer satisfaction?
A) It refers to a five-step process for creating contingency or backup plans to better serve customers when problems arise or things do not go as expected. B) It refers to any formula used to calculate the cost of acquiring a new customer or replacing a current one. C) It refers to a term that is used to describe how well an organization is doing in providing products and services that meet or exceed a customer's needs and expectations. D) It refers to the process of a customer switching between products or companies, often simply to get a better price, contract, rebate, or warranty.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Which of the following strategies should be adopted to successfully build trust?
A) Refrain from accepting ownership of any mistake as it projects poor performance of the organization. B) Refrain from making any eye contact while attending to the customer. C) Offer special incentives to attract new customers rather than focusing on current customers. D) While communicating with the customer, project positivity and enthusiasm.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
30) Tom, a customer care executive, receives an order of 25 personal computers from a customer who wants the goods to be delivered to him in two days. Tom needs to inform the customer of that there will be a delay in shipping goods in bulk in such a short span of time. In order to maintain trust, Tom should _____.
A) update the customer only when they inquire about the delay in the shipment B) update the customer regarding the delay as per his own convenience C) update the customer regularly and keep the customer informed of any further delay D) update the customer only when he or she raises a complaint regarding non-receipt of goods
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Which of the following is an easy way to show respect to customers?
A) When addressing a customer, always use his or her first name. B) Stop talking when the customer begins to speak. C) Return calls or e-mail messages at your own convenience. D) Avoid eye contact with the customer lest he or she is offended.
Version 1
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Which statement identities the best strategy for dealing with customer complaints?
A) Customers who have complained are likely lost to your organization, so cut your losses and ignore them. B) Organizations should always hesitate to ask for feedback because it will likely not be good. C) Browse company blogs and websites and remove any negative posting or customer complaints. D) You cannot fix what you do not know is broken. Ask for customer input and act upon it.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
Which of the below is a shortsighted view of customer interactions?
A) A company views customers from a relationship standpoint. B) A customer service representative strives to employ as many positive relationship building skills as possible. C) A company views customer interactions from a long-term perspective. D) After a customer calls or comes in and service is provided, the company assumes the customer no longer matters.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
Which of the following is a poor example of fostering solid customer relationships?
A) Waiver of transaction charges charged by financial institutions. B) Complementary air and water for vehicles at gas stations. C) Complementary Wi-fi Internet access to customers in a hotel. D) Restocking fees charged by online retailers for returned items.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
Identify the true statement about customer relationship management.
A) It enhances customer loyalty due to pricing and product service offerings that meet current customer needs. B) It increases marketing costs because direct mail, follow-up, and other customer recruitment activities are increased. C) It decreases return on investment (ROI) because marketing fails to target specific customer needs. D) It increases the need to obtain new customers through marketing because current customers are not aware of offerings.
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
36) Which of the following categories of partners includes organizations that are intricately meshed with another company's internal operations?
A) Indirect B) Transactional C) Strategic D) Tactical
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-04 Develop the service provider characteristics that will enhance customer lo AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Types of Channel Partners
37) The _____ type of channel partnership involves signing agreements through which one organization creates a long-term alliance with another organization to brand, develop, or produce each other's products or services.
A) indirect B) tactical C) transactional D) strategic
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-04 Develop the service provider characteristics that will enhance customer lo AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Types of Channel Partners
38) Which of the following is a channel partner that provides a distribution outlet or link for a company's products and services?
A) strategic B) transactional C) direct D) tactical
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-04 Develop the service provider characteristics that will enhance customer lo AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Types of Channel Partners
39) Which statement below is most appropriate to use when you want to show appreciation to a customer?
A) “That color really looks good on you.” B) “That is a beautiful tie.” C) “It's nice to see you this morning.” D) “Are you feeling OK?”
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty Bloom's : Apply Difficulty : 3 Hard AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
Which of the following is an example of ethical behavior?
A) Reporting a theft carried out by another employee. B) Misleading a customer about warranty coverage in order to make a sale. C) Providing or substituting an expensive product for an inferior one. D) Providing nonstandard parts, but charging for factory parts.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
Which of the following is the first step in the planning process model?
A) Evaluate the situation B) Examine the situation C) Identify alternatives D) Set a goal
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
42) Which of the following is the next step after identifying alternatives in the planning process model?
A) Select the best alternatives B) Create an implementation plan C) Examine the situation D) Evaluate the situation
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
43) Which of the following is the next step after examine and evaluate in the planning process model?
A) Create an implementation plan B) Set a goal C) Identify alternatives D) Evaluate alternatives
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
44) _____ are instances in which a customer connects with a service provider or some other aspect of an organization.
A) Codes of ethics B) Exit surveys C) Contact points D) Channel partners
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-06 Identify strategies that can be used to make customers feel like they are Topic : Making the Customer Number One AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The concept ofunderpromise andoverdeliver refers to _____ customer expectations.
A) failing to meet B) creating C) disregarding D) exceeding
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-06 Identify strategies that can be used to make customers feel like they are Topic : Making the Customer Number One AACSB : Analytical Thinking
46) Looking for opportunities to generate small talk about nonbusiness-related matters with customers describes which type of customer encounter?
A) Establish rapport B) Identify customer needs C) Satisfy customer needs D) Offer a channel partner
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-06 Identify strategies that can be used to make customers feel like they are Topic : Making the Customer Number One AACSB : Analytical Thinking
The prime objective of following up with customers is to _____.
A) let them know you have not forgotten them and appreciate their business B) trick them into remaining loyal to your company C) establish a close personal friendship with each and every customer D) hand off responsibility to the customer for any service breakdowns
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Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Learning Objective : 10-06 Identify strategies that can be used to make customers feel like they are Topic : Making the Customer Number One Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking
Which of the following is the best tip to handle customers effectively?
A) Only ask closed-end questions to determine the customer's needs. B) Treat as many customers as possible simultaneously to cater to all their needs. C) Strive to provide exceptional service to win over the customer. D) Get to know only those customers who wish to foster a long-term relationship.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-07 Discuss strategies that can enhance customer satisfaction. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Which of the following strategies helps provide quality service to customers?
A) Address the customer using his or her first name irrespective of their consent. B) Stay aware of the competition and the products offered by the competitor. C) Focus on features of a product or service rather than its benefits. D) Deny accountability while attending to the customer.
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-07 Discuss strategies that can enhance customer satisfaction. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
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50) _____ is a systematic approach to identify and quantify the best practices in an organization in order to make improvements in effectiveness and efficiency.
A) Customer retention model B) Customer relationship management C) Total quality management D) Planning process model
Question Details Accessibility : Keyboard Navigation Bloom's : Remember Difficulty : 1 Easy Learning Objective : 10-08 Define quality service. AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Total Quality Management
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 51) List any five ways to show respect for to customers.
Question Details Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : The Role of Trust in Establishing Customer Loyalty Learning Objective : 10-01 Relate the role of customer and brand loyalty to organizational success.
List the five steps of the planning process model.
Version 1
Question Details Topic : Provider Characteristics Affecting Customer Loyalty Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Learning Objective : 10-05 Describe the provider's responsibility for establishing and maintaining po
53) List any five tips that would help employers/employees provide quality customer service and enhance customer satisfaction.
Question Details Learning Objective : 10-07 Discuss strategies that can enhance customer satisfaction. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Strategies to Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Discuss the importance of the customer's perception of quality customer service.
Question Details Learning Objective : 10-08 Define quality service. Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Total Quality Management
List the components in the customer relationship management process.
Version 1
Question Details Learning Objective : 10-03 Explain customer relationship management and explain its importance to qua Bloom's : Understand Difficulty : 2 Medium AACSB : Analytical Thinking Topic : Customer Relationship Management
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Answer Key Test name: Lucas_7e_Ch10 1) FALSE Customer loyalty is an emotional rather than a rational thing. Each time there is contact at a touch point where the customer and provider come together, there is opportunity for further cementing the customer relationship and loyalty, or driving a wedge between the customer and organization due to failure to meet expectations or needs. 2) TRUE Customer loyalty is a term used to describe the tendency of customers to return to a product or organization regularly because of the service and satisfaction they receive. 3) FALSE Customer loyalty has been impacted to some degree by the advent of mobile and other types of electronic communication devices that allow consumers to easily find a way to provide feedback on products and services to others and to reach out for information that helps them make a buying decision. 4) TRUE Lasting customer relationships are built on trust! The most important thing to remember about trust is that, without it, you have no relationship. 5) TRUE
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It is easy to destroy trust quickly; an inappropriate tone, a missed appointment, failure to follow through on a promise, a lie, and a misleading statement or information to a customer are just some of the ways you can sabotage this relationship. 6) TRUE One of the biggest mistakes any service provider can make is to deny accountability in dealing with the customer. When you or your organization, or the products or services it sells, cause customer inconvenience, loss, or dissatisfaction, take responsibility immediately, apologize, and work toward an acceptable resolution with the customer. 7) TRUE It is important to trust your customers. One of the most common mistakes service providers make in dealing with customers who have a complaint or problem is to verbally acknowledge and agree, but nonverbally send a message of skepticism. 8) FALSE To create a social bond with customers, you will need to take time to get to know your regular customers and serve them individually. Treating customers as individuals and not as a number or one in a series is a very important step in building rapport and loyalty. 9) TRUE A simple way of accomplishing individualized service is to ask what else the customer would like. For example, a server at a restaurant might ask such a question and the customer might respond, “Do you have any (item)?” An appropriate response from the server would be to cheerfully retrieve the item for the customer right away, or offer an alternative if the item is not available. 10) TRUE Version 1
With B2B (business-to-business), customers are often companies. This makes managing customer relationships more difficult. 11) FALSE Customer retention is the ongoing effort by an organization to meet customer needs and desires in an effort to build a long-term relationship. Long-term customer relationships (customer retention) are the ones that sustain organizations. 12) FALSE Many service providers look at customer interactions from a short-term perspective. They figure that a customer calls or comes in, they provide service, and then the customer goes away. This is a shortsighted viewpoint in that it does not consider the long-term implications. This is not the way to gain and sustain customer loyalty. A more customerfocused approach is to view customers from a relationship standpoint. 13) TRUE Customer relationship management (CRM) is the concept of identifying customer needs; understanding and influencing customer behavior through ongoing communication strategies in an effort to acquire, retain, and satisfy the customer. CRM is a crucial element of customer loyalty. 14) TRUE Relationships with channel partners is a key component for managing customer loyalty. A channel partner is the relationship of two organizations in which they are able to build a larger and stronger competitive presence. 15) TRUE
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A key component of managing customer loyalty is for organizations to effectively manage its channel partner relationships. Such partners can help gain access to new business opportunities at lower costs, without having to merge or acquire more assets and employees. This means that retail and service pricing can sometimes be reduced. 16) TRUE A simple way to demonstrate responsiveness is to attend to customer needs promptly. If you get an e-mail or voice mail message, respond to it immediately, if possible. If you have face-to-face customer contact, greet customers quickly even if you are busy with someone else. 17) FALSE Be enthusiastic. Use open body language, vocal cues, and gestures to let your customers know that you are glad they have chosen you and/or your organization. 18) TRUE A subtle way to show your ability to adapt relates to technology. By quickly learning and mastering new technology systems provided to you by the organization, you can respond faster and more efficiently to customer needs. If you cannot match customers’ expectations, or at least demonstrate knowledge and effectiveness in using technology, you might frustrate them. 19) FALSE A code of ethics are a set of standards, often developed by employees, that guide the conduct of all employees. By having a written standard of conduct, organizations demonstrate to customers that they are concerned for their welfare. 20) FALSE
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Initiative does not only apply to external customer situations. What you do around your boss and coworkers (internal customers) also sends powerful messages about you. 21) TRUE Projecting a positive personal image—through manner of dress, knowledge, appearance of your work area, and your mental attitude—is a crucial element in communicating an “I care” image to customers and potential customers. By paying close attention to such factors, you are better positioned to establish and maintain a strong customer relationship. 22) TRUE A moment of truth is a phrase popularized by Scandinavian Airlines System President Jan Carlzon in his popular 1987 book of the same name. It is defined as any instance when a customer comes into contact with any element or representative of an organization. 23) TRUE By providing a personal, professional strategy, you can help ensure that customers return. This is because building good relationships in order to increase customer satisfaction is valuable—it can lead to repeat business—the key to keeping a business productive and profitable. 24) FALSE An effective approach to increasing sales used by most salespeople is to focus on describing how a customer benefits from a product or service rather than what it does. Benefits help paint an image of how he or she will gain something by using the product or service. 25) TRUE
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A strategy for helping to increase customer loyalty relates to the quality of service you and your organization provide. A customer's perception of quality service is often one of the prime reasons for his or her return. 26) C True customer loyalty stems from an organization’s concerted, ongoing efforts that are part of its strategic goals to meet and exceed the expectations and needs of its customers. 27) D In the case of millennials (people born between 1981 and 2000) “… the definition of ‘expert’—a person with the credibility to recommend brands, products, and services—has shifted from someone with professional or academic credentials to potentially anyone with firsthand experience, ideally a peer or close friend.” 28) C Even when you win trust and achieve customer satisfaction, the customer relationship is very fragile. Customer satisfaction refers to a marketing term that is used to describe how well an organization is doing in providing products and services that meet or exceed a customer's needs and expectations. 29) D As you communicate, project your feelings and emotions by being positive and enthusiastic. Let customers know that you are human and approachable. Also, communicate frequently and keep customers informed. 30) C
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Communicate frequently and keep customers informed. This is especially important when a problem has occurred or they are awaiting a product or service that has been delayed. If you fail to update them regularly, they may become frustrated and believe that you are lying or trying to hide something from them. 31) B One easy way to show respect to customers includes not talking when the customer begins to speak. 32) D By taking the time to ask for customer input and actually listening to what he or she has to say, and then acting appropriately upon those comments, you can solidify a bond and further enhance the customer’s level of trust in you. You cannot fix what you do not know is broken. 33) D Typically, many service providers look at customer interactions from a short-term perspective. They figure that a customer calls or comes in (or they go to the customer), they provide service, and then the customer (or the service provider) goes away. This is a shortsighted viewpoint in that it does not consider the long-term implications. 34) D Many organizations and industries seem to forget the value of fostering solid customer relationships. They often treat existing customers poorly or not as well as newly acquired ones. Examples include restocking fees charged by online retailers for returned items. 35) A Direct benefits of going above customer expectations include elevated profitability due to increased sales, customer referrals, and longer customer retention during life cycles. Version 1
36) D The tactical category of partners includes organizations that are intricately meshed with your company's internal operations. Examples of such arrangements include mobile phone service providers that use retail outlets (e.g., Best Buy or mall kiosks) that display and sell products. 37) D The strategic type of channel partnership involves signing agreements through which one organization creates a long-term alliance with another organization to brand, develop, or produce each other's products or services. As example of this is code sharing that takes place between airlines. For example, two different airlines can sell seats on a single plane under their own individual flight numbers. 38) B Transactional or indirect type of organization provides a distribution outlet or link for your company's products and services. The challenge is that they maintain no specific loyalty and when the opportunity arises to obtain a newer product or service line, or one that is less expensive, they may move to other suppliers or vendors. 39) C Show appreciation to customers with phrases such as: “Thank you for coming to (organization)." "It's nice to see you this morning." "You have been very patient while I assisted the previous customer. Thank you." 40) A Monitoring and helping correct improper behavior is a personal choice based on your values and beliefs. You cannot control how other people act, but you can control how you act. When an employee reports a theft carried out by another employee, this is an example of ethical behavior. 41) D Version 1
The planning process model is a five-step process for creating contingency or backup plans to better serve customers when problems arise or things do not go as expected. The first step in the planning process model is to set a goal. 42) A After identifying alternatives in the planning process model, one must select the best alternatives. Do not forget to measure this choice against the criteria established earlier in the planning process model. 43) C After examining and evaluating the situation, the next step in the planning process model involves identifying the alternatives. Meet with peers and supervisors or team leaders to develop a list of alternatives, and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option. 44) C Every time you encounter a customer in person, through technology, or over the phone, you have an opportunity to provide excellent service. Some companies call a service encounter the moment of truth or refer to them as contact points, in which the customer comes into contact with some facet of the organization. 45) D Many terms are used to describe the concept of exceeding expectations—knock-their-socks-off service, positive memorable customer experiences, E-plus service, customer delight, dazzling service, fabled service, stellar customer service, and five-diamond or five-star service. All these phrases have in common the concept mentioned before of going above and beyond customer expectations—underpromise andoverdeliver. 46) A Version 1
Customers react to and deal effectively with employees whom they perceive as likable, helpful, and effective. When you look for opportunities to generate small talk about nonbusiness-related matters, you help to establish rapport. When something goes wrong, people who feel a kinship with service providers typically give higher ratings on the relationship-rating point scale than people who do not feel this connection. 47) A Follow-through is a major factor in obtaining repeat business. The prime objective is to let them know that you have not forgotten them and appreciate their business and support. 48) C Do not just provide service; provide exceptional service. Provide additional information, offer suggestions that will aid the customer, send articles that may be of interest, follow up transactions with calls or letters to make sure that needs were met. 49) B Stay abreast of what other, similar organizations are offering in order to counter comments about them. Staying aware of the competition has the additional benefit of helping you be sure that you can describe and offer the products, services, and features of your organization that are comparable to those being offered by others. 50) C Total quality management is a systematic approach to identify and quantify the best practices in an organization in order to make improvements in effectiveness and efficiency. It is a term used in many industries and by manufacturers to label the goal of improvement.
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51) Some easy ways to show respect to the customer include the following:- Address customer by his or her last name or title - Stop talking when the customer begins to talk - Take time to address the customer's question - Return calls or e-mails within reasonable amount of time - Show up on time for scheduled meetings - Do what you promised to do, and do it right the first time. 52)The planning process model is a five-step process for creating contingency or backup plans to better serve customers when problems arise or things do not go as expected. The steps are: - Set a goal - Examine and evaluate - Identify alternatives - Select best alternatives - Create implementation plan 53)To provide quality customer service employers/employees should: - Pay attention - Know your customers. - Deal with one customer at a time. - Give customers special treatment. - Handle complaints effectively - Sell benefits, not features - Know your competition - Do the unexpected
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54) A customer’s perception of quality service is often one of the prime reasons for his or her return. The quality of service that is experienced by your customer will affect how they view your product or service. Although much is written these days about quality, it is not merely a fad. Quality service involves effort and activities by the organizations that are done well and exceed the expectations of the customer. 55) There are a number of components in the CRM process: - Operational (involving sales and service representatives). - Relational/Collaborative (involving interaction with customers through such means as e-mail). - Technological Web pages and automated voice response, or AVR, systems. - Analytical (involving analyzing customer data for efforts like marketing and financial forecasting).
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