Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition By
Norrie, Nanjad, Huber
Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 1: IT for Business and Business Professionals 1) Features such as e-mail, meeting facilitation and group scheduling are examples of: a) collaboration software b) groupware c) productivity software d) middleware e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text. 2) The concept of Moore’s Law is: a) everything that can go wrong will b) computing power roughly doubles every eighteen months c) always have a backup plan d) the 80/20 rule e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
Test Bank
3) Moore’s Law states that computing power roughly doubles every: a) 18 Days b) 18 Weeks c) 18 Months d) 18 Years Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
4) Business value is ______. a) the price structure of a firm’s goods and services b) the positive return on the investment of a firm’s resources c) derived from a firm’s marketing/promotional strategy d) the cost of implementing successful information systems within a firm Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
5) When considering data and information, ____________. a) data is a collection of unorganized facts and information is data that has been transformed into something useful b) data is unimportant and businesses should only consider information c) data is critical when developing a solution to a problem while information should be considered only occasionally d) data and information refer to the same thing Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-2
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
6) The Internet generates business value by: a) enabling the buying and selling of goods b) protecting domestic markets from foreign competition c) promoting trade barriers in areas of the world that are underdeveloped d) ensuring compliance of government legislation regarding foreign investment e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
7) The Internet has become an integral part of business for which of the following key reasons?: a) communication, knowledge, and information b) communication, knowledge, and commerce c) communication, information, and commerce d) information, commerce, and knowledge e) information only Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
8) When information systems are used to integrate people, information, technology, and business processes, you have created _____: a) business value b) relevance c) knowledge d) information e) wisdom Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-3
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
9) The kind of work that uses discovery, transformation, analysis, synthesis, and communication skills is called _____ work. a) business value b) relevant c) knowledge d) information e) wisdom Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
10) When a system has been designed to transform inputs into outputs in order to achieve a goal, the system is called a/an _____ system. a) computer b) business c) knowledge d) technology e) information Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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11) The Input-Process-Output model may be designed to accomplish all of the following except: a) achieve business goals b) apply appropriate use of technology c) delivery timely information d) create entertainment e) enhance knowledge work Answer: Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
12) You have been asked to create a database of customers for a small, start-up company. Which part of an information system will you begin with? a) process b) people c) input d) output e) distribution Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
13) Your supervisor has asked you for a monthly list of overall sales, by region, and by sales representative. Which part of an information system does this request illustrate? a) process b) people c) input d) output e) distribution Answer: d
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
14) Using the monthly list of sales, by region, and by sales representative, you discover that a helpful report would be to add year to date sales. Which part of an information system does your insight illustrate? a) process b) people c) input d) output e) distribution Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
15) When a person uses experience, information, and judgment, he/she is using _____. a) knowledge b) data c) systems d) wisdom e) savvy Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
16) Which of the following sequences is correct? a) knowledge-information-data Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-6
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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b) information-knowledge-data c) data-knowledge-information d) None of them are correct e) All of them are correct Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
17) You needed to purchase a new computer system for your office you have narrowed down your choices from several alternatives. This is an example of a/an _____. a) input b) output c) decision d) knowledge e) wisdom Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
18) Choose the statement that is the most accurate. a) The World Wide Web runs over the Internet. b) The Internet runs over the World Wide Web. c) The Internet runs over an intranet. d) The World Wide Web runs over an intranet. e) All of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-7
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
19) Through processing and reporting features, a/an ___ provides timely information to decision makers. a) MIS b) DSS c) CRM d) ERP e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
20) Knowledge work is: a) A career in information technology b) Can be in any industry c) Only in the field of Library Studies d) None of the above e) All of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
21) Which of the following concepts describes the flow through an information system? a) Discovery, Analysis, Transformation, Synthesis and Communication b) Input, Output, Process c) Data, Information, Knowledge d) All of the above e) None of the above
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
22) According to Ryan Chong, what is an important career skill? a) To know a little bit about everything b) To build your network of contacts c) To be a specialist in your field d) To be flexible and to easily adapt to change e) To become an expert on your ‘domain’ Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
23) Organizations and individuals must keep up with these rapid technology changes or risk becoming: a) Perfect b) Successful c) Obsolete d) Forgotten e) Unknown Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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24) VLSI stands for: a) very low-scale integration b) very large-scale integration c) varying low-scale integration d) varying large-scale integration e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text. 25) According to the text, in today’s work environment, it’s impossible to do knowledge work without: a) Technology b) Information c) Knowledge d) Money e) All of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text. 26) “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” a) Bill Gates b) Michael Porter c) Thomas Friedman d) Steve Jobs e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-10
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
27) An information system (IS) is an organized collection of: a) people, transformation, business processes, and communication b) people, information, business processes, and communication c) people, information, business processes, and information technology d) people, transformation, business processes, and information technology Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
28) An information system (IS) is designed to: a) inform outputs about inputs, in order to achieve a goal b) inform inputs about outputs, in order to achieve a goal c) transform outputs into inputs, in order to achieve a goal d) transform inputs into outputs, in order to achieve a goal Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
29) Information systems enhance: a) work, discussion, problem solving, communicating, and coordinating b) work, discussion, problem solving, information, and coordinating c) work, decision making, problem solving, information, and coordinating d) work, decision making, problem solving, communicating, and coordinating Answer: d Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-11
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
30) IPO model stands for: a) information-process-output b) input-process-output c) information-people-output d) input-people-output Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
31) A business should design its information system to leverage the _____ ability to use information technology to its best advantage a) Human b) Financial c) Environmental d) Technological e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
32) Input items entered into a system to transform them into: a) Outputs b) Processes Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-12
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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c) Goals d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text. 33) Putting your friends’ contact information into your contact list is an example of: a) Input b) Data c) Outputs d) Information e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
34) A series of one or more steps used by a business to transform inputs into outputs describes: a) Input b) Process c) Outputs d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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35) A collection of steps that interact with each other to transform inputs into outputs to achieve a goal: a) Technology Processes b) Human Processes c) Financial Processes d) Business Processes e) All of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
36) A choice made from one or more alternatives to follow or avoid some course of action: a) Option b) Risk c) Decision d) Mistake e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
37) A positive ROI of resources created through the effective and efficient integration of an organization’s people, information, information technology, and business processes creates: a) Business Value b) Successes c) Goals d) Profit e) None of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-14
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
38) A ________ is created at the intersection of people, process, and technology. a) cross zone b) productivity zone c) hierarchy d) pyramid e) safe area Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
39) Microsoft Groove, Microsoft SharePoint, and Blackboard are examples of: a) Collaboration software b) Portals c) Data warehouses d) Gateways e) Communication software Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
40) ________ generates business value by making it possible for professionals to share information both between themselves and with business partners. a) Cooperation Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-15
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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b) Collaboration c) Commerce d) Communication e) Conference Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
41) The Internet generates value by being an avenue for the buying and selling of goods, also known as: a) eBay b) Commerce c) Auction d) Reverse auction e) Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe what an information system is and explain why IS is so important in today’s world. Section Reference: The Importance of Information Systems Feedback: Please review the Importance of Information Systems section in your text.
42) CRM stands for: a) customer retention management b) customer relationship management c) class relationship management d) class retention management e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-16
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text.
43) ERP stands for: a) enterprise risk planning b) enterprise resource planning c) enterprise retention planning d) enterprise rotation planning e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text.
44) The CCICT launched an education initiative in 2009 to encourage high school students to consider ICT careers, with an ICT degree that several Canadian universities will call the _____ program. a) Information Technology Management (ITM) b) Business Technology Management (BTM) c) Commercial Technology Management (CTM) d) Communication Technology Management (CTM) e) Network Technology Management (NTM) Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text.
45) Who co-founded Intel? a) Bill Gates b) Steve Jobs c) Al Gore d) Gordon Moore e) Sean Parker Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-17
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text. 46) Students with more experience (e.g., co-op students) graduating from Ryerson University’s Information Technology Management program attained starting salaries of over: a) $40,000 b) $50,000 c) $60,000 d) $70,000 e) $ 80,000 Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text.
47) In preparing for an ICT career, your _____ is the best starting point a) network b) personality c) education d) experience e) bank account Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text.
48) A key decision that you will face in ICT career is the need to choose between a: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-18
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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a) technical or managerial path b) software or hardware c) Cisco or SAP certification d) PMP or CBAP designation e) Microsoft or Cisco certification Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the study of IT is so important to any future business professional. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Me? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Me? section in your text. 49) Canada’s ICT industries alone contribute _____ to the country’s GDP in 2008. a) $110 billion b) $120 billion c) $130 billion d) $140 billion e) $59.2 billion Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
50) From 2002 to 2007, the ICT sector grew by an average of _____ annually, compared with _____ for the overall Canadian economy. a) 5.1 percent ; 2.9 percent b) 6.1 percent ; 2.7 percent c) 5.1 percent ; 2.7 percent d) 6.1 percent ; 2.9 percent Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-19
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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51) The ICT industry plus ICT professionals in other industries comprise nearly _____ workers in Canada. a) 1.1 million b) 2.1 million c) 3.1 million d) 4.1 million Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
52) Which of the following statements best explains why software piracy is both illegal and unethical? a) Software piracy is considered wrong because of the act of stealing and unethical because it violates the “do no harm” principle. b) Software piracy violates federal law. c) Software piracy means a loss of income to software companies, thus making the software more expensive for the consumer. d) Software piracy may make it more difficult for an information worker to get his or her work done. e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
53) DSS stands for: a) decision support systems b) decision service systems c) decision supply systems d) decision success systems e) none of the above
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Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
54) TPS stands for: a) transaction portal system b) transaction paging system c) transaction project system d) transaction processing system e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
55) A/An _____ system integrates and standardizes processes, and centralizes and standardizes the storage and management of data a) MIS b) DSS c) CRM d) ERP e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
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56) _____ is/are added when IS and IT are used to support the goals of the organization: a) Business value b) Information c) Knowledge d) Data e) Wisdom Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
57) When we refer to a business, we mean an organisation with one or more people who: a) decide on common goals to pursue b) work together to locate and organise resources c) create processes in order to achieve the desired goals d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
58) A/An _____ provides analytical and visualization tools to support and enhance decision making and planning. a) MIS b) DSS c) CRM d) ERP e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-22
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Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
59) A ______is the exchange of something of value the business produces for something in return that the business values: a) transaction b) process c) trade d) currency e) barter Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
60) Spam is generally known as a (an) a) Process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access b) Encrypted code that a person, Web site, or company attaches to an electronic message to verify the identity of the message sender c) Exclusive rights given to the person to use e-mail addresses d) Unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroups posting sent to many recipients or newsgroups at once e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
61) Which of the following are types of information systems? a) MIS, TPS, DSS Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-23
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b) URL, HTTP, XML c) HTML, ASCII, WWW d) UML, USB, SCM Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
62) Capturing and processing online order transactions is an example of a/an _____ system. a) TPS b) MIS c) DSS d) ERP e) CRM Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
63) Providing timely information to decision makers is an example of a/an _____ system. a) TPS b) MIS c) DSS d) ERP e) CRM Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
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64) Integrating and analyzing customer transactions data is an example of a/an _____ system. a) TPS b) MIS c) DSS d) ERP e) CRM Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
65) Integrating and standardizing processes to store and manage data is an example of a/an _____ system. a) TPS b) MIS c) DSS d) ERP e) CRM Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
66) A system that enables data-based decisions that lead to new business opportunities is an example of a/an _____ system. a) TPS b) MIS c) DSS d) ERP e) CRM Answer: c Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-25
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
67) MIS stands for: a) minimized information systems b) maximized information systems c) management information systems d) monetary information systems e) must inform Sharma Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the most common types of information systems used in businesses. Section Reference: What’s in IT for an Organization? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for an Organization? section in your text.
68) Of the 10 forces identified by Friedman as responsible for flattening the world, only one is not directly related to technology. Which is it? a) Collapse of the Berlin Wall b) Open sourcing c) Offshoring d) Supply-chaining e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
69) When should the person report the cyber-terrorism attack? a) the IP address of an attacker belongs to the well-known terrorist organization b) when a hacker threatens to terrorize company network Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-26
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c) when company site is defaced by a terrorist group d) treat an attack as an individual incident e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
70) The best way to fight cyber-terrorist attack is to: a) establish a company procedure to fight cyber-terrorist b) hire skillful hacker to shut down terrorist sites c) establish mutual cooperation between law enforcement and industry d) post cyber-terror incidents to various mail-list e) hire counter-terrorist organization Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
71) Identity theft is most often committed in order to: a) avoid criminal prosecution b) make illicit purchases c) discredit the victim d) invade privacy e) jail time Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
72) __________ involves using official-looking e-mail messages to steal valuable information. a) Phishing Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-27
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b) Cloning c) Phreaking d) Softlifting e) Spoofing Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
73) A person is called _____________ when he/she trys to hurt a group of people with the use of a computer. a) craker b) black-hat intruder c) hacker d) cyber-terrorist e) social worker Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
74) Cybercrime is a(an) a) online or internet based illegal acts b) exclusive rights given to any person to duplicate and publish and sell any materials c) use of a computer without permission d) use of private network without permission e) any illegal act involving a computer Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
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75) Denial of service (DoS) attack is a (an) a) Unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroups posting sent to many recipients or newsgroups at once b) Assault on a computer or network whose purpose is to disrupt computer access to an Internet service such as the Web or e-mail c) Computer security risk that occurs when someone steals personal or confidential information d) Scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking e-mail that attempts to obtain your personal and financial information e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
76) Computer crime is often refer to as: a) a separate area of a hard disk that holds the infected file until a virus can be removed. b) giving exclusive rights to authors and artists to duplicate and sell their materials on internet c) any illegal act involving a computer d) giving someone an accesses to a computer illegally e) giving someone an access to a network illegally Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
77) Which of the following is not an indirect cost for victims of identity theft? a) The costs incurred in overcoming obstacles in obtaining credit b) The costs incurred when offenders misuse existing accounts c) The costs incurred in civil litigation initiated by creditors d) None of the above e) a and b Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 1-29
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Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
78) Globalization suggests that modern businesses are using information technology to: a) expand their market to customers around the globe b) find the lowest-cost suppliers regardless of location c) create 24-hour business days by shuttling work across time zones d) broaden the range of business activities across multiple nations e) all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
79) Allowing companies to take their operations to another location, which allows them to produce items better, faster, and cheaper defines: a) Offshoring b) Insourcing c) Open Sourcing d) Informing e) Outbound Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
80) Globalization has affected businesses in all of the following ways except: a) marketing to new customers b) understanding company grapevine c) finding new suppliers d) creating 24-hour workdays e) None of the above
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Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
81) Using Internet technologies to allow work to be done without human intervention refers to: a) Workflow software b) Offshoring c) Insourcing d) Open Sourcing e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
82) Globalization means: a) that modern businesses are using information technology to expand their market b) to find the lowest cost suppliers regardless of location c) to create 24 hour business days by shovelling work across time zones and nations d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the ways that IT has changed society. Section Reference: What’s in IT for Society? Feedback: Please review the What’s in IT for Society? section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 2: Technology Essentials 1) Clock speed on a computer is measured most recently in: a) Megahertz (MHz) b) Gigahertz (GHz) c) Megabytes (MB) d) Gigabytes (GB) e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
2) Higher clock speeds usually mean ________ performance. a) Faster b) Slower c) Worse d) Better Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
3) _____ temporarily locates data and instructions before processing. a) Memory b) The CPU
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c) The keyboard d) The mouse e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
4) Computers have long-term memory called: a) ROM b) RAM c) KB d) GB e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
5) ROM stands for: a) Read only management b) Random only management c) Read only memory d) Random only memory Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
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6) ____ contains instructions and data that only special devices can alter. a) ROM b) RAM c) KB d) GB e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
7) ____ stores data only until they are no longer needed, or until you shut down the computer. a) ROM b) RAM c) KB d) GB e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
8) RAM stands for: a) Random access management b) Read access management c) Random access memory d) Read access memory Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-3
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Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
9) PDA stands for: a) Professional digital assistant b) Programming digital assistant c) Personal digital assistant d) Portable digital assistant Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
10) Keyboards, pointing devices (such as a Wii, mouse, or touchpad), scanners, and digital cameras are examples of: a) Input devices b) Output devices c) Processing devices d) Storage devices e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
11) Computer monitors, printers, speakers, and MP3 players are examples of: a) Input devices b) Output devices c) Processing devices d) Storage devices e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-4
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Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
12) Examples of _____ include the computer hard drive, CDs, DVDs, USB flash memory, and external hard drives a) Input devices b) Output devices c) Processing devices d) Storage devices e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
13) _______, both wired and wireless, allow you to connect to a remote network over a telecommunications line, such as the telephone or cable TV service. a) Routers b) Bridges c) Switches d) Hubs e) Modems Answer: e Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
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14) The digital signals going out from your computer into an analog signal appropriate for the connection medium used is called: a) Modulation b) Demodulation c) Conversion d) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
15) Converting an analog signal back into a digital signal that your computer can recognize is called: a) Modulation b) Demodulation c) Conversion d) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
16) BPS stands for: a) Bytes per second b) Blips per second c) Bits per second d) Beeps per second Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-6
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Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
17) You can think about _____ as information that specifies how a hardware device should work with other data, information, and knowledge: a) Instructions b) Operating systems c) Software d) Drivers Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
18) The _____ software coordinates and handles the details of working with the computer hardware. a) Instruction b) Operating system c) Driver d) Utility Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
19) _____ software provides additional tools that you can use to maintain and service your system a) Utility b) Driver c) Operating System d) Application e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-7
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
20) A(n) ____ application is an example of utility software that helps guard your computer against unauthorized access when connected to a network. a) Driver b) Firewall c) Anti-virus d) Malware Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
21) _____ software is a complete, self-contained program or set of programs for performing a specific job. a) Utility b) Driver c) Operating System d) Application e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
22) Microsoft Word is an example of: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-8
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a) Document preparation software b) Electronic spreadsheet software c) Presentation graphics software d) Database management system e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
23) Microsoft Excel is an example of: a) Document preparation software b) Electronic spreadsheet software c) Presentation graphics software d) Database management system e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
24) Microsoft Access is an example of: a) Document preparation software b) Electronic spreadsheet software c) Presentation graphics software d) Database management system e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-9
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Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
25) Microsoft Outlook is an example of: a) Document preparation software b) Electronic spreadsheet software c) Presentation graphics software d) Database management system e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
26) An example of a Personal Information Management system is: a) Microsoft Word b) Microsoft Excel c) Microsoft PowerPoint d) Microsoft Access e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
27) _____ is/are software that is more common in enterprises. Its purpose is to link applications that use dissimilar software or hardware platform. a) Utility software b) Middleware c) Open source software d) Drivers Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-10
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Answer: b Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
28) _____ software is software that can be used, modified, improved, and redistributed. a) Utility software b) Middleware c) Open source d) Drivers Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
29) Today, the fastest-growing network is arguably our global computer network, known as the: a) Internet b) Extranet c) Intranet d) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
30) A computer network requires four primary components. Which of the following is NOT one of them? a) Data that computers share on the network b) Special hardware Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-11
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c) Software that allows computers to communicate d) Communication media to link the computers together e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
31) A ____ area network is within the immediate location or building. a) Personal b) Local c) Wide d) Municipal e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
32) POTS stands for: a) plain original telephone system b) plain original telecom system c) plain old telephone system d) plain old telecom system Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
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33) A _____ connects, translates, and then directs data that cross between two networks. a) Router b) Hub c) Repeater d) Bridge Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
34) A ____ serves as a central connection point for cables from the devices on the network. a) Router b) Hub c) Repeater d) Bridge Answer: b Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
35) A ____ is also known as a concentrator: a) Router b) Hub c) Repeater d) Bridge Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-13
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36) A ______ is sometimes needed to strengthen or amplify signals that are sent along a long transmission route. a) Router b) Hub c) Repeater d) Bridge Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
37) The Internet is sometimes known as a ____area network: a) Personal b) Local c) Wide d) Municipal e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
38) Servers are often assigned a specific task, such as handling Web traffic. What is this type of server called? a) Web server b) Application server c) Gateway server d) Firewall server Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-14
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Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
39) Servers are often assigned a specific task, such as running programs. What is this type of server called? a) Web server b) Application server c) Gateway server d) Firewall server Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
40) A ______ is a standard set of rules that allows the communication of data between nodes on a network. a) Moral b) Code c) Protocol d) Ethic Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
41) Software can be defined as: a) Something that is controlled by the hardware b) Something that comes with the computer itself c) A collection of instructions that in IT device executes Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-15
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d) Games and productive programs Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
42) Processing, memory, and storage are three components of: a) Information technology b) Basic hardware c) Networking components d) None of the above e) All of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
43) An example of document preparation software would be: a) Microsoft Word b) Microsoft Excel c) Microsoft Outlook d) Microsoft Access e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
44) An example of electronic spreadsheet software would be: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-16
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a) Microsoft Word b) Microsoft Excel c) Microsoft Outlook d) Microsoft Access e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
45) Modem speed is measured in: a) PPM b) BPS c) RPM d) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
46) An example of a DBMS would be: a) Microsoft Word b) Microsoft Excel c) Microsoft Outlook d) Microsoft Access e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-17
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Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
47) A(n) _______________________ performs processor- intensive computations using parallel processing. a) Supercomputer b) Mainframe c) Server farm d) Embedded processor e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
48) Which of the following carries out many of the organizational processing needs using highspeed processing chips and large amounts of memory? a) Supercomputer b) Mainframe c) Server farm d) Embedded processor e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
49) A(n) _______________________ allows multiple servers to handle network processing activities. a) Supercomputer b) Mainframe c) Server farm d) Embedded processor Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-18
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e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
50) Which of the following provides low-scale processing and/or identification; embedded in appliances and products? a) Supercomputer b) Mainframe c) Server farm d) Embedded processor e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
51) A ________________ covers a very small space that ranges from the size of a human body to a small office . a) PAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-19
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52) Which of the following operates within the immediate location or building, and shares files, resources, servers, and other hardware among the members of an organization? a) PAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
53) A ____________ operates over a large geographic area, and shares data, information, and resources among units of an organization distant from one another. a) PAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
54) Which of the following operates within the immediate location or building, and shares files, resources, servers, and other hardware among the members of an organization? a) PAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-20
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Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
55) The hardware location that temporarily stores data and instructions is: a) USB key b) ROM c) RAM d) Hard drive Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
56) Network traffic hardware includes all of the following except: a) Routers b) Bridges c) Hard drives d) Repeaters e) Hubs Answer: c Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
57) __________ temporarily locates data and instructions before processing. a) Processing b) Memory Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-21
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c) Input d) Output e) Storage Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
58) A flash memory stick is an example of: a) Input b) Output c) Storage d) Network e) Scanner Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
59) __________ stores data information and instructions for the long term. a) Processing b) Memory c) Input d) Output e) Storage Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-22
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60) Which of the following types of software controls the primary functions of a computer system? a) Utility b) Drivers c) Application d) Network e) Operating system Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
61) Which of the following is not considered part of a computer network? a) Nodes b) Software c) Users d) Links e) An electronic document Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
62) Network connection hardware includes all of the following components except: a) Phone lines b) NIC c) Modems d) Cable modems e) Wireless cards Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-23
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
63) CPU stands for: a) Central Packet Unit b) Controller Processing Unit c) Controller Packet Unit d) Central Processing Unit e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
64) A computer network consists of _____ that represent computer hardware: a) Communications b) Nodes c) Ports d) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
65) In a computer, the _____ holds the instructions used to control the start-up processes. a) CPU b) LCU c) RAM d) ROM Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-24
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e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
66) A plotter is: a) A printer b) A scanner c) Special architectural hardware d) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
67) Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of: a) Document preparation software b) Electronic spreadsheet software c) Presentation graphics software d) Personal information management software e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the fundamentals of information technology and how they come together to help increase your productivity as a business professional. Section Reference: The Components of IT Feedback: Please review the Components of IT section in your text.
68) The Internet uses the ______ suite of packet switching protocols. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-25
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a) HTML b) XML c) VoiP d) TCP/IP Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
69) Who owns the Internets? a) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) b) The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) c) The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) d) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
70) ISP stands for: a) Internet supply provider b) Internet service provider c) Internet server provider d) Internet support provider Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
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71) ___ is the popular name for 802.11 standards for wireless network access. a) Wi-Fi b) VoIP c) Cloud d) TCP/IP Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text. 72) _____ uses the Internet’s foundation technologies of packet switching and TCP/IP to carry voice instead of data. a) Wi-Fi b) VoIP c) Cloud d) TCP/IP Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
73) ____ computing simply means computing over the Internet. a) Wi-Fi b) VoIP c) Cloud d) TCP/IP Answer: c Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-27
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Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text. 74) There are several benefits to cloud computing. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) Reduced cost b) Scalability c) Accessibility d) Limited Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
75) The Internet is currently using IPv4. What is the next version that will be employed? a) IPv6 b) IPv4.1 c) IPv5 d) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
76) The Internet uses: a) TCP/IP suite of packet switching protocols b) Number of routers connecting points throughout the world c) Proprietary set of rules d) A and B e) B and C Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-28
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Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
77) ISP stands for: a) Independent service provider b) Internet service provider c) Internet service pulse d) Independence service pulse Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
78) Wi-Fi is the popular name for the _______ standards for wireless network access. a) 802.1 b) 802.1a c) 802.11 d) 802.11a Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
79) One purpose, now commonplace, is the use of _______________to make calls anywhere in the world and bypass traditional switched telephone networks. a) VoIT b) ViOT c) ViOp d) VoIP e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-29
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Answer: d Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
80) Which of the following is the most commonly known type of cloud computing? a) PaaS b) PAS c) ASP d) SaaS e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
81) __________ is an online technology company that develops and delivers software tools on the Internet. Payment for the service is often based on fees or subscriptions. a) PaaS b) PAS c) ASP d) SaaS e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
82) Which of the following is a true statement about the Internet? Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-30
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a) A wireless device cannot be used to connect to the Internet. b) The Internet and the World Wide Web are interchangeable terms. c) The Internet was discovered by Al Gore. d) Home users require an ISP to connect to the Internet. e) Dial-up and broadband provide faster access to the Internet. Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the Internet is so valuable to businesses, and outline some of the Internet applications available to businesses today. Section Reference: The Internet Feedback: Please review The Internet section in your text.
83) Static web page file will typically hold a combination of text content and ____ commands. a) HTML b) JavaScript c) Ajax d) C+ Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
84) A _____ is a software application that allows you to easily navigate the Web and view the content you find there. a) Web Server b) Web browser c) Search engine d) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-31
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Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
85) The ____ comprises the set of rules for exchanging messages on the World Wide Web. a) FTP b) XML c) HTTP d) TCP/IP Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
86) Who is known as the inventor of the World Wide Web? a) Tim Berners-Lee b) Bill Gates c) Steve Jobs d) Thomas L. Friedman e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
87) HTTP lives at the ____ layer of networks. a) Application b) Presentation c) Network d) Data Link e) None of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-32
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
88) _____ is the primary language for creating web pages. a) HTML b) JavaScript c) Ajax d) C+ Answer: a Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
89) _____ move around from site to site reading meta tags, and then report the data back to their database for storage. a) Spiders b) Metasearch engines c) Crabs d) Web browsers Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
90) Another term for Crawlers is: a) Spiders b) Metasearch c) Crabs d) Queries Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-33
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
91) A ____ sends out a search query to other search engines, and then returns the list to you. a) Metasearch engine b) Spiders c) SQL d) Crawlers Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
92) HTTP stands for: a) hypertext traded protocol b) hybrid transfer protocol c) hypertext transfer principle d) hybrid traded protocol e) none of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
93) The _____ you type into your browser can also be called a Web address: a) HTTP Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-34
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b) HTML c) URL d) XML e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
94) The Internet and the World Wide Web use which protocol to transmit messages? a) HTTP b) TCPIP c) HTML d) URL e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Identify the basic components of the World Wide Web and describe how web pages are located on the Web. Section Reference: The World Wide Web Feedback: Please review The World Wide Web section in your text.
95) The use of malicious code as part of a subversive, organized scheme is called: a) Malware b) Scareware c) Virus d) Worm Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-35
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96) A type of malware designed to trick victims into purchasing and downloading useless and potentially dangerous software is called: a) Malware b) Scareware c) Virus d) Worm Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
97) A program that is able to copy itself and infect a computer is called: a) Malware b) Scareware c) Virus d) Worm Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
98) Once started on a computer (by clicking an email attachment), it automatically sends out infected emails to everybody in the user’s address book. This type of risk is called: a) Malware b) Scareware c) Virus d) Worm Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-36
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Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
99) Unsolicited and undesired emails are called: a) Junk b) Spam c) DoS d) Phishing Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
100) An attempt to gain personal and confidential information for fraudulent purposes such as identity theft is called: a) Junk b) Spam c) DoS d) Phishing Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
101) An attempt to make a website unavailable to its users by sending the target so many communication requests that its server eventually goes down is called: a) Junk b) Spam c) DoS d) Phishing Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-37
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Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
102) To ensure that your password is and remains as strong as possible, you should follow all of these guidelines EXCEPT: a) Use at least eight characters. b) Include digits, punctuation, and non-printing characters. c) Use both upper- and lowercase characters. d) Use the same passwords on different accounts. e) Change your password regularly and don’t reuse passwords or make minor variations such as incrementing a digit Answer: d Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
103) A chalk mark on the side of a building put there by a hacker indicating an open network is available inside is called: a) Warchalking b) Chalktagging c) Chalking d) Chalkmarking Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
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104) ___________________ is the ability to hide information from unauthorized viewing. a) Availability b) Integrity c) Confidentiality d) Disaster recovery e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
105) ______________ is ensuring that data is not changed and represents the original secure data. a) Availability b) Integrity c) Confidentiality d) Disaster recovery e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
106) ___________________ is ensuring that data is available to those who need it, when they need it. a) Availability b) Integrity c) Confidentiality d) Disaster recovery e) None of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-39
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
107) A ___________________ allows an organization to resume operations after a major event that interrupts normal business processes. a) Availability b) Integrity c) Confidentiality d) Disaster recovery plan e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
108) A business _____________ plan addresses other aspects of resuming business operations, including loss and personnel recovery. a) Availability b) Integrity c) Confidentiality d) Continuity e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline important ways individuals and businesses can keep their data and information safe online. Section Reference: Internet Security Feedback: Please review the Internet Security section in your text.
109) Software tools that help individuals and teams keep up with their scheduled meetings, monitor projects, and share work files are known as: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-40
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a) Groupware b) Microsoft Groove c) SharePoint d) Blackboard Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
110) A(n) ____ is a set of services for distributing private information throughout an organization using a collection of private computer networks brought together to form an organization-wide, private network. a) Internet b) Extranet c) Intranet d) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Difficult Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
111) __________ is a communications service that allows users to communicate in real time over the Internet. a) Instant Messaging b) Blackberry Messaging c) Skype d) WebEx Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-41
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Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
112) ____ is a method of publishing audio programs via the Internet that allows users of just about any digital audio device to download broadcasts or to subscribe to a feed of new files (usually MP3s). a) Podcasting b) Blogging c) Vlogging d) Broadcasting Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
113) A ____ is a group of people who work across geographic distance. a) Dispersed team b) Localized team c) Dedicated team d) Virtual team Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
114) Benefits of using a GDT are all but one of the following: a) People can work from any place and at any time. b) Organizations can recruit the best people regardless of their physical location. c) Travel and sometimes facilities expenses are increased. d) There is greater flexibility for workers. Answer: c Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 2-42
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how technology has made collaboration in the business world easier and more productive. Section Reference: Meaningful Applications of Technology Feedback: Please review the Meaningful Applications of Technology section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 3: Managing and Using Data 1) _____ is/are raw unorganized facts, numbers, pictures, and so on. a) Data b) Information c) Knowledge d) Wisdom e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
2) _____ is/are organized and is/are useful to a person. a) Data b) Information c) Knowledge d) Wisdom e) Fact Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) _____ is/are created when a person combines experience and judgement. a) Data b) Information c) Knowledge d) Wisdom e) Idea Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
4) Names of clients, their phone numbers, and their email addresses in an address book program in a personal digital assistant would be an example of: a) Data b) Information c) Knowledge d) Wisdom e) Fact Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
5) _____ adds insight and ethics to the experience and professional judgement. a) Data b) Information c) Knowledge d) Wisdom e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-2
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Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
6) Breaking down the whole into its more discrete parts to better understand how it works describes: a) Discovery b) Analysis c) Transformation d) Synthesis e) Communication Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
7) _____ is knowledge work that requires you to use the results to deepen your understanding of the data and information. a) Discovery b) Analysis c) Transformation d) Synthesis e) Communication Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
8) _____ allows you to interpret trends or patterns that seem to explain the past and the present, and may suggest courses of action likely to favourably influence the future. a) Discovery Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-3
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b) Analysis c) Transformation d) Synthesis e) Communication Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
9) An anomaly is: a) A typical case b) An exceptional case c) An average case d) An only case Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
10) The ability to share your analyses, ideas, and solutions with others refers to: a) Discovery b) Analysis c) Transformation d) Synthesis e) Communication Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define data, information, and knowledge and describe how business professionals engage in knowledge work activities. Section Reference: What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? Feedback: Please review the What Are Data, Information, and Knowledge? section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
11) Which decision type below represents employing a new advertising campaign? a) Structured decision b Semi-structured decision c) Nonstructured decision d) Recurring decision e) Nonrecurring decision Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
12) A decision support system is a: a) Highly flexible IT system b) Interactive IT system c) Designed to support decision making d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
13) A/An _____ is one that can be programmed; it is routine or repetitive. a) Unstructured decision b) Fully-structured decision c) Structured decision d) Semi-structured decision Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-5
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Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
14) Sometimes even simple decisions may have increased uncertainty, or doubt about consequences and outcomes, associated with them. This would be an example of a: a) Unstructured decision b) Fully-structured decision c) Structured decision d) Semi-structured decision Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
15) This is a novel, complex situation, with no obvious or single correct decision or decision process: a) Unstructured decision b) Fully-structured decision c) Structured decision d) Semi-structured decision e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
16) Which of the following is not an Information Characteristic? a) Complete b) Accurate c) Readable d) Timely e) None of the above
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Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
17) A/An _____ exists when you find yourself in a situation that fails to meet your goals, needs, or expectations. a) Conflict b) Process c) Problem d) Situation e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
18) _____ refers to a series of steps or a process (logical sequence of activities) taken in response to some event or activity a) Conflict resolution b) Debriefing c) Problem solving d) Situational Review e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
19) Which of the following is not a major step in the IADD model? Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-7
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a) Investigate b) Analyze c) Decide d) Do e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
20) SQL stands for: a) structured query language b) structured query logic c) simplified query language d) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
21) This step of the IADD model is where you implement tasks and other physical activities according to your solution. a) Investigate b) Analyze c) Decide d) Do e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-8
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Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
22) The quality of the final output of this process (the decision) will likely be based on the quality of the inputs (the information and analysis you create) is the basis for this principle: a) FIDO b) GIGO c) AGO d) IADD e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
23) Decisions can be classified in the following ways: a) structured, unstructured, rational, problematic b) unstructured, semistructured, structured c) rational, irrational, problematic d) complete, accurate, reliable, timely e) unknown, known, uncertain Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
24) The third stage of the IADD problem solving model is __________. a) deliberate b) decide c) debate d) defer e) delegate Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-9
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Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
25) In order from first to last, the four phases of the decision-making process are: a) analysis, discovery, decision, execution b) discovery, analysis, decision, execution c) analysis, decision, discovery, execution d) decision, discovery, analysis, execution Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
26) Problem solving refers to: a) a series of steps or a logical sequence of activities to respond to an event b) a series of steps that transforms an unstructured decision to a structured decision c) a series of steps that synthesizes several sources of information d) a logical sequence of activities to analyze a problem e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
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27) In the context of the IADD model, criteria are applied to evaluate each alternative’s relative value and applicability in the __________ step. a) deliberate b) decide c) debate d) do e) delegate Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
28) Knowledge work activities include all of the following except: a) discovery and transformation b) input and output c) analysis and synthesis d) communication of data e) information and knowledge Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
29) _______ are the factors that you think are important and relevant to solving a problem. a) selections b) choices c) criteria d) determinants e) events Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-11
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Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
30) The problem solving process consists of which of the following elements: a) investigate, analyze, decide, do b) discovery, transformation, analysis, synthesis, communication c) completeness, accuracy, reliability, relevance, objectivity, timeliness d) decision making, problem solving, communication, technology e) investigate, solving, choose, do Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
31) Generating alternative solutions or choices to solve a problem may mean that you may have to gather more data) This means that you will be using which of the following knowledge work activities? a) transformation b) investigation c) analysis d) synthesis e) discovery Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
32) If you put up your umbrella just as the rain begins to fall, your action is: a) Reliable b) Unreliable Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-12
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c) Timely d) Untimely e) risky Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
33) If the mark you receive for this test is not correct, then it would be deemed: a) Complete b) Incomplete c) Inaccurate d) Accurate e) Mistake Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
34) According to the text, knowledge work consists of all of the following activities except: a) communication b) discovery c) analysis d) synthesis e) networking Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
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35) Setting one’s own schedule for the day represents which of the following decision? a) semistructured b) structured c) unstructured d) destructured e) multistructured Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
36) Using the search engines available on the Internet will aid you in which step of knowledge work activity? a) communication b) discovery c) analysis d) synthesis e) transformation Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
37) If you only have seven digits of a phone number in Toronto, the information is: a) Complete b) Incomplete c) Inaccurate d) Accurate e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-14
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Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
38) A mandatory course that you have to take that is part of your requirements for graduation would be an example of a/an: a) structured decision b) semistructured decision c) unstructured decision d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
39) An elective course that you have to take (i.e., you must choose one liberal art course from a list would be an example of a/an: a) structured decision b) semistructured decision c) unstructured decision d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
40) A course that does not necessarily fit into the requirements for graduation (i.e. a course after you have graduated) that you decide to take is an example of a/an: a) structured decision Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-15
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b) semistructured decision c) unstructured decision d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the structure, quality, and presentation of information influence the nature of the decisions made by business professionals. Section Reference: Decision Making and Problem Solving Feedback: Please review the Decision Making and Problem Solving section in your text.
41) A data _____ consists of interrelated data that are stored in files and organized so that computer programs can quickly and easily access specific pieces of data. a) Warehouse b) Centre c) Base d) Hierarchy e) Mart Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
42) A specific combination of bits represents each data ______. a) Character b) Bit c) Byte d) Field Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-16
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Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
43) The ASCII encoding scheme will use: a) 8 bytes b) 8 bits c) 16 bits d) 16 bytes Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
44) Unicode will store a letter using: a) 8 bytes b) 8 bits c) 16 bits d) 16 bytes Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
45) A combination of characters representing a data item is known as a a) Table b) Field c) Entry d) Record e) Database Answer: b Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-17
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
46) A collection of fields is known as a: a) Table b) Entry c) Category d) Record e) Database Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
47) A collection of records is known as a: a) Table b) Entry c) Category d) Field e) Database Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
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48) The top level of the data hierarchy compiles the organized collection of files into a: a) Table b) Entry c) Category d) Field e) Database Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
49) The unique identifier of a record in a database is called a _____ key. a) Public b) Private c) Primary d) Foreign e) Important Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
50) A key that is borrowed from another table to create another table is called a _____ key. a) Public b) Private c) Primary d) Foreign e) Secondary Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-19
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Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
51) The primary method for accessing and using data in an RDBMS is a: a) Inquiry b) Query c) Investigation d) Analysis e) Find Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
52) A _____ is a tool for asking a question of a database. a) Table b) Record c) Field d) Query e) Character Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
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53) There are two commonly used models for designing the organization of a relational database. Which of the following is one of them? a) RDBMS b) DBMS c) ERP d) ERD e) DFD Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
54) Which of the following is not a component of a traditional DFD? a) the external entities that send input or receive output from the system b) processes that show activities that move or transform data c) data stores that usually correspond to tables in the data model d) data flows that connect the components e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
55) A _____ is a means of storing and managing data for information access, typically composed of data from one or more transaction databases. a) Data Mart b) Data Model c) Data Warehouse d) Data Mine e) Giant Base
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Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
56) A _____ extracts and reorganizes subject-area-specific data to allow business professionals to focus on a specific subject area. a) Data Model b) Data Warehouse c) Data Mine d) Data Mart e) Data Set Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
57) Database technology is _____ compared to data warehouse technology when discussing response time. a) Much Slower b) A little slower c) About the same d) A little faster e) Much faster Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-22
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58) In which method do databases store information about entities? a) entity relationship diagram b) Porter’s five forces model c) data entity method d) relational data model e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
59) Tables consist of _____ represented by the rows of the table: a) records b) items c) entities d) fields Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
60) Which of the following is not an advantage of a database system? a) data independence b) increases data redundancy c) maintains quality of data d) handles security, synchronizes access by users e) allows for improved data access, different views of data, and report generation Answer: b
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
61) The primary technology used to store, manage, and allow efficient access to data is the: a) database b) data warehouse c) data farm d) cloud computing e) computer network Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
62) A database consists of: a) Unrelated data b) Interrelated data c) Correlated data d) A and B e) B and C Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
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63) DBMS stands for: a) Double Base Management System b) Dual Base Management System c) Data Base Management System d) Digital Base Management System e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
64) The data hierarchy: a) determines which type of data has precedent over another type b) determines which type of data is faster than others c) organizes stored data in increasing levels of complexity d) all of the above e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
65) A specific combination of bits represents each data ________. a) mine b) character c) warehouse d) base e) none of the above Answer: b
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
66) A _____ depicts how data move through a system. a) ERD b) DFD c) Logical Data d) Waterfall Model e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
67) What is the method used to ask something from a database? a) database demand b) record recall c) query d) request e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
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68) SQL stands for: a) Simple Query Language b) Structured Query Language c) Simple Question Language d) Structured Question Language e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
69) A data ___________ is a means of storing and managing data for information access, typically composed of data from one or more transaction databases. a) base b) warehouse c) entity d) entry e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
70) A data __________ extracts and reorganizes subject-area-specific data. a) base b) warehouse c) entity d) entry e) none of the above Answer: e Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-27
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Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
71) The two most commonly used models for designing the organization of a relational database are: a) DFD’s and ERD’s b) ERD’s and Waterfall models c) SDLC and Waterfall d) Logical Data and DFD e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
72) What is the correct ascending hierarchy of data in a system? a) Character, record, file, field. b) Field, character, file, record. c) Character, field, record, file. d) Field, record, file, character e) File, record, field, character Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
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73) In a large firm, custody of an entity's data is most appropriately maintained by which of the following personnel? a) Data librarian b) Systems analyst c) Computer operator d) Computer programmer e) Data Designer Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how databases help businesses store and access their data, information, and knowledge. Section Reference: Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations Feedback: Please review the Databases: The Primary Data Storage for Organizations section in your text.
74) _____ is a process for gaining competitive advantage through the intelligent use of data and information in decision making. a) Business process re-engineering b) Decision support c) Business intelligence d) Analysis e) Business engineering Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
75) Which of the following is not a stage of Business Intelligence? a) Data Sourcing b) Data Analysis c) Situation Awareness d) Risk Avoidance e) All of the above Answer: d Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-29
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
76) Identifying decision options and evaluating them based on expectations of risk and reward describes which stage of business intelligence? a) Data Sourcing b) Data Analysis c) Risk Assessment d) Decision Support e) Dashboard Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
77) There are multiple ways of organizing knowledge management systems. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) balanced scorecard b) dashboard c) measurement matrix d) query e) none of the above
Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
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78) Decision making can occur at many levels. Which is the most fundamental and lowest level? a) Technical b) Operational c) Strategic d) None of the above e) a and b Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
79) Decision making can occur at many levels. Which is at the highest level? a) Tactical b) Operational c) Strategic d) None of the above e) a or b Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text. 80) Who is quoted as saying “Knowledge is power”? a) Sir Alec Guinness b) Sir John A. Macdonald c) Sir Francis Bacon d) Sir Anthony Hopkins e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy
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Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
81) The system that enables transaction activities and captures the key data created by the transaction is known as a/an: a) Document management system b) Expert system c) Transaction processing systems d) Slicing-and-Dicing e) Expert system Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
82) The stage of business intelligence that produces useful information from the collected data and information is called: a) data analysis b) data sourcing c) situation awareness d) risk assessment e) decision support Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
83) Conferencing tools; online bulletin boards and chat facilities; email; and meeting support applications would be an example of which type of DSS? a) Communications-driven Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-32
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b) Data-driven c) Document-driven d) Knowledge-driven e) Model-driven Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
84) Executive information systems (EIS); geographic information systems (GIS); and OLAPenabled data warehouses would be an example of which type of DSS? a) Communications-driven b) Data-driven c) Document-driven d) Knowledge-driven e) Model-driven Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
85) This type of DSS focuses on retrieval and management of unstructured documents. Which type is it? a) Communications-driven b) Data-driven c) Document-driven d) Knowledge-driven e) Model-driven Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-33
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Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
86) Expert systems (ES); artificial intelligence applications; and data mining tools would be an example of which type of DSS? a) Communications-driven b) Data-driven c) Document-driven d) Knowledge-driven e) Model-driven Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
87) This type of DSS provides special problem-solving tools that help decision making by suggesting or recommending actions to users. Which type is it? a) Communications-driven b) Data-driven c) Document-driven d) Knowledge-driven e) Model-driven Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
88) A model-driven DSS: a) emphasizes access to and manipulation of a model b) focuses on retrieval and management of unstructured documents c) emphasizes access and manipulation of internal company data and sometimes external data d) provides special problem-solving tools Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-34
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e) focuses on communications and shared decision making Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text. 89) Management information systems (MIS) typically generate three types of reports. Which of the following isn’t one of them?
a) Demand reports b) Periodic reports c) Transaction reports d) Exception reports e) a or b Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
90) _____ includes anything that can be written down, stored, and codified. a) Explicit knowledge b) Implicit knowledge c) Tacit knowledge d) Persistent knowledge e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
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91) _____ includes the know-how that people have through learning and experience, which is difficult to write down and share. a) Explicit knowledge b) Implicit knowledge c) Tacit knowledge d) Persistent knowledge e) Codified knowledge Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
92) To support tacit knowledge, knowledge management systems often rely on collaborative software, which supports teamwork with technologies that enable communication and sharing of data and information. This category is known as: a) Shareware b) Freeware c) Groupware d) Software e) Hardware Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
93) Which of the following is one of the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard? a) Just in time. b) Innovation. c) Benchmarking. d) Activity-based costing. e) None of the above Answer: b Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-36
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
94) The Balanced Scorecard is a a) causal model of lead indicators of performance. b) causal model of lag indicators of performance. c) causal model of lead and lag indicators of performance. d) cause-and-effect relationship model of financial indicators of performance. e) None of the above. Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
95) The goal of visual analytics is the creation of tools and techniques to enable people to: a) Synthesize information and derive insight from massive, dynamic, ambiguous, and often conflicting data. b) Detect the expected and discover the unexpected. c) Provide timely, defensible, and understandable assessments. d) Communicate assessment effectively for action. e) All of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
96) Work in each of the participating areas, science and technology, focuses on different theoretical and practical aspects of users solving real-world problems using Information Technology. The benefit of collaboration between the science and technology is identified to be two-fold: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 3-37
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a) Jointly tackling common problems will arrive at better results on the local level of each discipline, in a more efficient way. b) Integrating appropriate results from each of the disciplines will lay the fundament for significantly improved solutions in many important data analysis applications. c) a or b d) a and b e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how business intelligence enhances organizational decision making. Section Reference: Business Intelligence Feedback: Please review the Business Intelligence section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 4: Enterprise Systems 1) The _____ is a connected series of activities, each of which adds value or supports the addition of value to the firm’s goods or services. a) Value chain b) Business process c) Logistic d) Enterprise resource management e) Supply chain Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
2) _____ include the receiving, warehousing, and inventory control of raw materials required to create a product or service a) Inbound logistics b) Operations c) Outbound logistics d) Marketing and Sales e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) _____ are the value-creating and often proprietary activities that transform the raw inputs into the final product. a) Inbound logistics b) Operations c) Outbound logistics d) Marketing and Sales e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
4) _____ are the activities required to get the finished product to the customer, including packaging, warehousing, and order fulfillment. a) Inbound logistics b) Operations c) Outbound logistics d) Marketing and Sales e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
5) _____ are all activities associated with getting buyers to purchase the product, including working with distributors, retailers or online channels. a) Inbound logistics b) Operations c) Outbound logistics d) Marketing and Sales e) None of the above Answer: d Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-2
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text. 6) _____ are those that maintain and enhance the product’s value, including customer support, repair services, and warranty and recall. a) Inbound logistics b) Operations c) Outbound logistics d) Marketing and Sales e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
7) We normally think of _____ as those directly related to the production and distribution of the organization’s products and services. a) primary activities b) secondary activities c) support activities d) tertiary activities Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
8) _____ activities are value chain activities that an organization conducts to support the creation of business value by the _____ activities.
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a) primary, secondary b) secondary, support c) support, primary d) secondary, primary Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
9) Porter identified four critical support activities. Which of the following is not one of them? a) firm infrastructure b) production management c) technology development d) human resource management e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
10) Referred to as _____, they focus on the activities of the functional department to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. a) functional information systems (FIS) b) workflow management system (WMS) c) point-of-sale (POS) d) transaction processing system (TPS) e) executive information system (EIS) Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities
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Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
11) By focusing on a business process from beginning to end, a _____ supports activities that several departments of the organization may carry out. a) functional information systems (FIS) b) workflow management system (WMS) c) point-of-sale (POS) d) transaction processing system (TPS) e) enterprise management system (EMS) Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
12) _____ enable transaction activities and capture the key data created by the transaction. a) functional information systems (FIS) b) workflow management system (WMS) c) point-of-sale (POS) d) transaction processing system (TPS) e) expert management system (EMS) Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
13) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transaction? a) Atomicity b) Consistency c) Independence d) Durability e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-5
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Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
14) Which of the characteristics is described as: A transaction must be unequivocally completed. a) Atomicity b) Consistency c) Isolation d) Durability e) Independence Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
15) Which of the characteristics is described as: The characteristics of a completed transaction should be permanent. a) Atomicity b) Consistency c) Isolation d) Durability e) Independence Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
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16) Which of the characteristics is described as: All unchanging properties of data must be preserved. a) Atomicity b) Consistency c) Isolation d) Durability e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
17) Which of the characteristics is described as: Each transaction should execute independently of other transactions that may occur at the same time on the system. a) Atomicity b) Consistency c) Isolation d) Durability e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
18) Most retail stores use a _____ to capture and store much of the data about their products. a) functional information systems (FIS) b) workflow management system (WMS) c) point-of-sale (POS) d) transaction processing system (TPS) e) management information system (MIS) Answer: c
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
19) Management information systems (MIS) typically generate three types of reports. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) Demand reports b) Periodic reports c) Transaction reports d) Exception reports e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
20) A/An _____ is designed to provide summary information about business performance to those making higher-level strategic decisions. a) Executive information systems (EIS) b) Document management systems (DMS) c) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) d) Logistics management systems (LMS) e) Decision Support System (DSS) Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
21) A/An _____ enters, tracks, routes, and processes the many documents used in an organization.
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a) Executive information systems (EIS) b) Document management systems (DMS) c) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) d) Logistics management systems (LMS) e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
22) A _____ is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. a) Value chain b) Business process c) Logistic d) Enterprise resource management e) Supply chain Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
23) One way to integrate the departments and functions across an organization is to use _____ software. a) Executive information systems (EIS) b) Document management systems (DMS) c) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) d) Logistics management systems (LMS) Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-9
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Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
24) These systems track materials and other assets upon arrival into the warehouse and inventory. What is it? a) Executive information systems (EIS) b) Document management systems (DMS) c) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) d) Logistics management systems (LMS) Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
25) _________ constantly monitor the supply of finished goods to ensure that enough supply is on hand to meet demand. a) Inventory management systems (IMS) b) Transportation management systems (TMS) c) Human resource information systems (HRIS) d) Logistics management systems (LMS) e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
26) Advantages of SaaS include all but one of the following: a) Clients no longer have to develop or maintain the applications. b) Applications are available anywhere clients can gain access to the Web. c) Satisfaction of the employees and customers are increased. d) Costs are reduced, as clients pay for only what they use and for only as long as they use the service. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-10
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e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
27) A model-driven DSS: a) emphasizes access to and manipulation of a model b) focuses on retrieval and management of unstructured documents c) emphasizes access and manipulation of internal company data and sometimes external data d) provides special problem-solving tools e) focuses on communications and shared decision making Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
28) One input to an open system organization is capital. Capital is: a) people hired to carry out all or part of the business processes b) the money that businesses need to operate c) the “ingredients” from which the company makes its products d) raw facts, summarized data, and information derived from research e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
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29) The ______ is a connected series of activities, each of which adds value or supports the addition of value to the firm’s goods or services. a) value chain b) value added service c) chain of service d) a and c e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
30) _____ include the receiving, warehousing and inventory control of raw material required to create a product or service. a) receiving departments b) shipping departments c) outbound logistics d) inbound logistics e) operations Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
31) _____ are the value-creating and often proprietary activities that transform the raw inputs to the final product. a) value chain b) value added c) outbound logistics d) inbound logistics e) operations Answer: e Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-12
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
32) _____ are the activities required to get the finished product to the customer, including packaging, warehousing, and order fulfillment. a) receiving departments b) shipping departments c) outbound logistics d) inbound logistics e) operations Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
33) Withdrawing money at an ATM machine is an example of: a) a transaction b) a sale c) a debit d) an exchange e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
34) A ______ activity is on that is directly related to the production and distribution of the organization’s products and services.
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a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) support e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
35) ________ activities are value chain activities that an organization conducts to support the creation of business value by the ________ activities. a) primary, support b) secondary, support c) support, primary d) support, secondary e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
36) All of the following are considered support activities except: a) shipping and receiving b) administration c) technology development d) human resource management e) procurement Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-14
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Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
37) An organization's value chain is the _______ of its primary and support activities. a) difference b) sum c) multiplication d) division e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
38) A model that uses statistics and probability to describe or to forecast possible scenarios is known as a/an: a) Financial model b) Simulation model c) Statistical model d) Optimization model e) Decision model Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text. 39) The following type of IS was designed to support activities throughout an organization’s value chain: a) Logistics Management System b) Transaction Processing System c) Customer Relationship Management System d) Enterprise Resource Planning System Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-15
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e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
40) These types of reports monitor when and why odd things happen in reporting that is critical to the operation. a) periodic reports b) exception reports c) demand reports d) occasional reports e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
41) The ingredients from which a company makes its products describe which input in an opensystem organization? a) Labour b) Raw materials c) Capital d) Technology e) Data, information, and knowledge Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
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42) Which of the following is not one of the five types of decision support systems? a) people-driven b) communication-driven c) data-driven d) document-driven e) knowledge-drive Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
43) Reports generated based on user requests are which type of reports? a) periodic reports b) exception reports c) demand reports d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
44) The support components of the value chain include all of the following functions except: a) Distribution b) Procurement c) Human Resources d) Technology e) Administration Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-17
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Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
45) Annual financial statements or monthly sales reports are an example of: a) periodic reports b) exception reports c) demand reports d) occasional reports e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
46) In the Ryerson University environment, which of the following would not be considered stakeholders? a) Students b) Professors c) Government d) Staff e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
47) A model for conducting experiments that test possible outcomes resulting from a quantitative model of a system is known as: a) Financial model b) Simulation model Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-18
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c) Statistical model d) Optimization model e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe ways in which organizations can apply IT to build business value. Section Reference: Information Systems that Support Business Activities Feedback: Please review the Information Systems that Support Business Activities section in your text.
48) We have seen many ways in which IT supports _____ by automating, informating, and transforming, and through the implementation of enterprise systems a) Strategy b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
49) Recognizing that executing processes also creates new data and information is called ________. a) transforming b) automating c) informating d) decimating e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-19
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Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
50) Which of the two IT applications listed below focus on processes and applications? a) automating and informating b) informating and support of value chain c) automating and transforming for competitive advantage d) support of value chain and transforming for competitive advantage e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
51) Which IT application below has the most impact on gaining a competitive advantage? a) automating b) informating c) support of value chain d) people e) transforming Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
52) Which of the following applications would be helpful in the automating process? a) Using survey data to target advertising b) Using online ordering forms c) Collecting data from online ordering forms d) Creating a unique approach to reach customers, such as Amazon’s “one-click” ordering system Answer: b Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-20
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
53) Which of the following applications would be helpful in the informating process? a) Using survey data to target advertising b) Using online ordering forms c) Collecting data from online ordering forms d) Creating a unique approach to reach customers, such as Amazon’s “one-click” ordering system e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses can use enterprise resource planning to strategically fi t IT to the organization. Section Reference: Enterprise Resource Planning Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Resource Planning section in your text.
54) When creating and implementing a business strategy, a business must attempt to identify, address, and eliminate elements of risk before they threaten its success. To do this, businesses apply a) Enterprise risk management (ERM) b) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) c) Logistics management systems (LMS) d) Executive information systems (EIS) e) Decision Support system (DSS) Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
55) Which of the following applications would be helpful in gaining a competitive advantage?
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a) Using survey data to target advertising b) Using online ordering forms c) Collecting data from online ordering forms d) Creating a unique approach to reach customers, such as Amazon’s “one-click” ordering system e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
56) COSO identifies four overlapping categories of business objectives for focusing on risk assessment and management. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) Strategic b) Operations c) Reliance d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 57) High-level goals, aligned with and supporting its mission defines which of the COSO’s categories of business objectives? a) Strategic b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-22
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Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 58) Effective and efficient use of its resources defines which of the COSO’s categories of business objectives? a) Strategic b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 59) Reliability of reporting defines which of the COSO’s categories of business objectives? a) Strategic b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
60) With respect to _____ , IT can provide important data for executive decision making in setting goals and strategies that align with an organization’s mission and that mitigate business risk. a) Strategy b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
61) With the appropriate IT systems in place, on-demand _____ provides organizations with critical information that they need to manage their business. a) Strategy b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
62) _____ reduces risk through policies and processes that ensure proper financial and accounting procedures. a) Strategy b) Operations c) Reporting d) Compliance e) Coping Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
63) Which type of organizational responses to risk is described by: Move the risk to someone who is more able to deal with it. a) Risk transfer Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-24
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b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
64) Which type of organizational responses to risk is described by: Postpone exposure to the risk until circumstances are more favourable or resources are available to address the risk a) Risk transfer b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
65) Which type of organizational responses to risk is described by: Either minimize the probability of the risk occurring or lessen the impact. a) Risk transfer b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
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66) Which type of organizational responses to risk is described by: Realize that some risks are unavoidable and make sure that contingency plans are in place. a) Risk transfer b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
67) Which type of organizational responses to risk is described by: Eliminate the possibility of the risk occurring; however, that may close the doors on some business opportunities as well. a) Risk transfer b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
68) Organizations used for outsourcing are often held to strict_____ , which penalize the organization monetarily should it not be met. a) service level agreements (SLA) b) disaster recovery plans (DRP) c) business continuity plans (BCP) d) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-26
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Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
69) A _____ allows an organization to resume operations after a major event that interrupts normal business processes. a) service level agreement (SLA) b) disaster recovery plan (DRP) c) business continuity plan (BCP) d) none of the above e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
70) A _____ essentially involves being able to reverse every action that took place to make the change happen such that everything is returned to its original state with no damage done. a) roll-back strategy b) contingency c) simulation d) prototype e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
71) Another name for a backup plan is: a) roll-back strategy b) contingency c) simulation d) prototype e) none of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-27
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Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
72) Roll-back strategies and contingency planning are both part of the _____ category of organizational response to risk. a) Risk transfer b) Risk deferral c) Risk reduction d) Risk acceptance e) Risk avoidance Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 73) Businesses generally base control around three key concepts. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) Control is a process that runs throughout the organization. b) Control influences how people behave at work c) Control can provide absolute assurance of achieving objectives. d) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 74) _____ prevent, detect, and correct actions that increase the enterprise’s risk of failing to meet business objectives. a) Effective controls Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-28
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b) Internal controls c) Efficient controls d) Preventive controls e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 75) A process effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives defines which type of control? a) Effective controls b) Internal controls c) Efficient controls d) Preventive controls e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
76) _____ are designed to avoid increased exposure to risk by stopping some action or process before it occurs. a) Effective controls b) Internal controls c) Efficient controls d) Preventive controls e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-29
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77) When an employee has not changed his or her password in 25 days, the employee may get a warning email message asking him or her to do so immediately. This is an example of what type of control? a) Corrective controls b) Internal controls c) Detective controls d) Preventive controls e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
78) _____ aim to remedy the situation and try to keep it from recurring. a) Corrective controls b) Internal controls c) Detective controls d) Preventive controls e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
79) Which of the following is not one of the seven generic categories of controls? a) aggregation of duties b) authorization c) security d) verification e) none of the above Answer: a
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
80) Which of the following is not one of the seven generic categories of controls? a) ID codes b) sanitization c) control totals d) supervisory review e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
81) _____ means that jobs do not span lines of control that would allow mistakes or fraud to go undetected. a) Segregation of duties b) Authorization c) Security d) Verification e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
82) _____ controls prevent scope creep and cost overruns in various situations, such as major projects or operations management. a) Segregation of duties b) Authorization c) Security d) Verification Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-31
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e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
83) Your student number is an example of which type of control? a) ID codes b) Sanitization c) Control totals d) Supervisory review e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
84) _____ can confirm that the application is accomplishing e-commerce functions (e.g., order placement, payment) without error. a) Segregation of duties b) Authorization c) Security d) Verification e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
85) Functions while necessary, do not add value to the activity or organization are known as: a) non-value-added Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-32
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b) nil-value-added c) zero-value-added d) empty-valued-added e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
86) Organizational stakeholders may be: a) internal personnel b) government agencies c) customers or clients d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
87) A business generally bases its IT and IS control on all of the following concepts except: a) Control is a process that is handled only in the IT Department. b) Control influences how people behave at work. c) Control can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance of achieving objectives. d) Control is a process that runs throughout the organization. e) Control ensures safety of data and information. Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
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88) Supervisory review in the internal control process ensures that which of the following reviews have been accomplished? a) transaction review process b) ID codes c) verification d) segregation of duties e) authorization Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text. 89) Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL): a) is a set of best-practices standards for IT and service management b) is a U.S. Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency creation c) guides process improvements associated with software development d) defines effectiveness and efficiency of operations Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
90) Which type of control aims to stop the situation from ever happening? a) Corrective Controls b) Internal Controls c) Preventive Controls d) Detective Controls e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
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91) Which control can help detect fraudulent actions? a) internal control b) segregation of duties c) ID codes d) Control totals e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
92) DRP stands for: a) Data Recovery Position b) Disaster Recovery Planning c) Digital Recovery Planning d) Data Recovery Planning e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
93) A stakeholder in a business can be all of the following except: a) customer b) government agency c) competitor d) employee e) journalist Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 4-35
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Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
94) A DRP is needed to resume operations after a major event such as: a) network upgrades b) data recovery c) natural disasters d) a and b e) a and c Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
95) Which stakeholder listed below is not an organizational decision maker? a) customer b) employee c) shareholders d) Board of Directors e) management Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
96) Which type of control is designed to prevent increased exposure to risk by stopping some action or process before it occurs? a) Corrective Controls b) Internal Controls c) Preventive Controls d) Detective Controls e) None of the above Answer: c
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
97) Which type of control aims to remedy the situation and try to keep it from recurring? a) Corrective Controls b) Internal Controls c) Preventive Controls d) Detective Controls e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
98) Businesses apply the COSO framework of enterprise risk management in all of the following ways except: a) identify and categorize potential risks b) impact and certainty c) assess risks and threats d) determine likelihood of a DoS attack e) decide if risk is acceptable Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe IT’s role in managing enterprise risk. Section Reference: Enterprise Risk Management Feedback: Please review the Enterprise Risk Management section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 5: Creating Business Value 1) According to Chris Moore what is some good advice for students seeking a career in IT or business? a) Always be changing b) Grow your network of contacts c) Know a little about everything d) Be a specialist in your field e) Make sure IT is your passion Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
2) A broad-based formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be, and what plans and policies will be needed to carry out those goals is a definition of what? a) Documentation b) Strategy c) Planning d) Requirements e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) Which of the following is not one of Porter’s Five Forces? a) New Entrants b) Suppliers c) Buyers d) Statistics e) Supply chain Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
4) The open systems model indicates that a business operates by transforming ___ into ____and by constantly interacting with its environment. a) inputs, outputs b) outputs, inputs c) processes, goals d) goals, processes e) input, processes Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
5) A ____ is a person or entity that has an interest in and an influence on how a business will function in order to succeed (or in order not to fail). a) President or CEO b) Stakeholder c) Shareholder d) Manager e) Client Answer: b
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
6) A stakeholder may be ____ or ____ relative to the system. a) external, internal b) above, below c) to the right, to the left d) inside, outside e) external, outside Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
7) Influence may be ____ or _____. a) actual, potential b) real, imagined c) right, wrong d) powerful, weak e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
8) In functional and decentralized structures, the lines of authority (who has the right to tell whom to do what) and communication are _____ oriented. a) vertically b) horizontally Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-3
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c) diagonally d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
9) The matrix structure ____ the functional and decentralized organizational structures. a) opposes b) aligns c) contradicts d) blends e) separates Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
10) Which of the following is an advantage of the matrix organizational structure? a) Frustration due to dual lines of authority and responsibility b) Enhanced problem solving, cooperation, communication, and resource sharing c) Increased need for coordination between functional areas consumes time and resources d) Potential for goal conflict between functional and decentralized components of matrix e) All of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
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11) Which of the following is a disadvantage of the matrix organizational structure? a) Increased flexibility and responsiveness to business needs and environmental changes b) Enhanced problem solving, cooperation, communication, and resource sharing c) Increased need for coordination between functional areas consumes time and resources d) Decision making occurs lower in organization and closer to customer e) All of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
12) Which of the following is a disadvantage of the functional organizational structure? a) Economies of scale through efficient use of resources b) Significant technical expertise found in the functional areas c) Clear chain of authority and communications within a function d) Employees may focus on functional area goals rather than organizational goals e) All of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
13) Which of the following is an advantage of the functional organizational structure? a) Significant technical expertise found in the functional areas b) Poor communication and coordination between functional areas c) Relatively inflexible or slow to respond to change in the business environment d) Employees may focus on functional area e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-5
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Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
14) Which of the following is an advantage of the decentralized organizational structure? a) Duplication of resources and efforts across organizational units b) Technical knowledge not as in-depth relative to functional organizational form c) Greater development of breadth of managerial skills d) Less direct control by upper management e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
15) Which of the following is a disadvantage of the decentralized organizational structure? a) Less direct control by upper management b) Faster response and greater flexibility c) Greater communication and coordination between organizational units d) Greater development of breadth of managerial skills e) All of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
16) Organizations need to perform a series of steps known as business a) values b) processes c) goals d) plans Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-6
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e) thinking Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
17) ____ to a process are those resources needed to start a process. a) Input b) Guides c) Output d) Enablers e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
18) _____ are rules or policies within which a process must operate a) Input b) Guides c) Output d) Enablers e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
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19) _____ are the results of a process. a) Input b) Guides c) Output d) Enablers e) All of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
20) _____ are a special kind of input or resource that facilitates a process. a) Input b) Guides c) Output d) Enablers e) All of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
21) Data, information and knowledge are examples of _____ to a process. a) Input b) Guides c) Output d) Enablers e) Helper Answer: a Difficulty: Easy
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Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
22) _____ is a special kind of measurement created by a business process that is then returned to the system to control the system’s future inputs, processes, and outputs. a) Feedback b) Monitoring c) Reporting d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
23) Which of the following is not a goal of BPR? a) reduce costs b) increase throughput c) increase speed d) increase satisfaction e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
24) Which of the following is an example of the transformation of data? a) A database query b) Results from a Web search c) A client/customer list Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-9
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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d) Sales data for the third quarter e) Creating a mailing list Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how businesses organize and use business processes to achieve competitive advantage. Section Reference: Business Organization and Business Processes Feedback: Please review the Business Organization and Business Processes section in your text.
25) One of the first ways that a business seeks to apply IT is through: a) Communicating b) Transforming c) Automating d) Informating e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
26) According to the text, which of the following is a benefit derived from automation for the Banking industry? a) Increases speed and accuracy of product transactions b) Increases flexibility and improves access of services to customers c) Improves accuracy d) Reduces costs and transfers control to customers e) Improve ease of use Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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27) According to the text, which of the following is a benefit derived from automation for the Travel industry? a) Increases speed and accuracy of product transactions b) Improves accuracy c) Reduces costs and transfers control to customers d) Allows transfer of processes to customers through online services e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
28) According to the text, which of the following is not a benefit derived from automation for the Grocery/Retail industry? a) Increases speed and accuracy of product transactions b) Improves accuracy c) Allows transfer of processes to customers through online services d) Reduces costs and transfers control to customers e) All of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
29) _____ is recognizing that executing processes also creates new data and information. a) Communicating b) Automating c) Informating d) Transforming e) processing Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-11
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Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
30) Using IT to help them acquire or maintain a competitive advantage over or in line with their competitors defines: a) Communicating b) Automating c) Informating d) Transforming e) Processing Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
31) A company possesses a _____ when it sustains higher-than-average profits for its industry. a) Large market share b) Monopoly c) Competitive advantage d) Oligopoly e) Unfair advantage Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
32) There are two basic ways of obtaining competitive advantage. What are they? a) cost and differentiation b) cost and placement c) differentiation and placement d) cost and quality e) none of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-12
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how IT helps create business value. Section Reference: Applying IT to Create Business Value Feedback: Please review the Applying IT to Create Business Value section in your text.
33) _____ can be simply defined as the highest level of decision making, involving basic questions of status, strategy, and compliance within an organization. a) IT governance b) Board governance c) Organizational governance d) Corporate governance e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
34) The distribution of IT decision-making rights and responsibilities among enterprise stakeholders, and the procedures and mechanisms for making and monitoring strategic decisions regarding IT defines: a) Corporate governance b) Corporate policy c) IT governance d) IT policy e) IT command Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text. 35) Which legal instrument sets out the ground rules that protects Canadians’ privacy at a federal level? Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-13
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a) Sarbanes-Oxley b) Bill 198 c) Multilateral Instrument 52-109 d) PIPEDA e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
36) _____ help guide the professionals within the field in terms of what is and is not acceptable and ethical behaviour. a) Codes of behaviour b) Codes of conduct c) Codes of ethics d) Codes of law e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
37) IT governance is: a) how the organization will set goals, objectives, priorities, and policies for IT b) how it will integrate IT with business strategies and goals c) which organizational members will make decisions regarding the successful completion of these tasks d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-14
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
38) The primary focus of IT governance is on _____. a) Decision rights associated with IT b) Information processing c) Network vulnerabilities d) Technology acquisition and modernization e) Knowledge generation Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
39) Which of the following statements best explains why software piracy is both illegal and unethical? a) Software piracy is considered wrong because of the act of stealing and unethical because it violates the “do no harm” principle. b) Software piracy violates federal law. c) Software piracy means a loss of income to software companies, thus making the software more expensive for the consumer. d) Software piracy may make it more difficult for an information worker to get his or her work done. e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
40) In Canada, which act ensures that companies are responsible for the data they collect?
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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a) Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) b) PIPEDA c) Charter of Rights and Freedoms d) Freedom of Information Act e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
41) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): a) sets ground rules for how private sector organizations may collect, use, or disclose personal information b) holds company’s officers personally responsible for providing accurate public financial information to investors c) focuses on personal health information d) foundations of enterprise information security e) focuses on E-commerce Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text. 42) What law instrument is used in Canada to protect people’s privacy? a) Sarbanes-Oxley Act b) Multilateral Instrument 52-109 c) EU Data Protection Directive d) PIPEDA e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
43) A CIO is: a) Chief Information Officer b) Chief Infrastructure Officer c) Commanding Information Officer d) Commanding Internet Official e) Corporate Information Officer Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
44) The leadership and management of a business are directly accountable to its owners defines: a) Effective Governance b) IT Governance c) Corporate Governance d) Less-robust Governance e) Policy Governance Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
45) The distribution of IT decision-making rights and responsibilities among enterprise stakeholder describes: a) Effective Governance b) IT Governance Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-17
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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c) Corporate Governance d) Less-robust Governance e) Policy Governance Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
46) IT governance is: a) how the organization will set goals, objectives, priorities, and policies for IT b) how it will integrate IT with business strategies and goals c) which organizational members will make decisions regarding the successful completion of these tasks d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
47) The primary focus of IT governance is on _____. a) Decision rights associated with IT b) Information processing c) Network vulnerabilities d) Technology acquisition and modernization e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-18
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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48) In Canada, which act ensures that companies are responsible for the data they collect? a) Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) b) PIPEDA c) Charter of Rights and Freedoms d) Freedom of Information Act e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
49) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): a) sets ground rules for how private sector organizations may collect, use, or disclose personal information b) holds company’s officers personally responsible for providing accurate public financial information to investors c) focuses on personal health information d) foundations of enterprise information security e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
50) All CIPS members (including students) agree to abide by the following Code of Ethics and its ethical principles/imperatives EXCEPT: a) Protecting the public interest and maintaining integrity b) Demonstrating competence and quality of service c) Maintaining confidential information and privacy d) Avoiding conflict of interest e) Charge $1000.00 or more for the consulting service per day Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-19
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Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
51) Founded in 1958, CIPS is a non-profit organization that represents thousands of IT professionals on important issues affecting the IT industry and profession has been a leading contributor of the following EXCEPT: a) Setting standards with the profession b) Providing IT support to its community c) Proving Certification of IT professionals d) Proving Information Technology Certified Professional designations e) Setting the coding standard Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
52) Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a (an): a) management process designed to help an organization acquire and view information about all of its projects b) internal process used to govern strategic project selection c) portfolio owner who get the “best bang for the buck” from resources invested d) individual listings in the portfolio e) sensible sorting, adding, and removing of items from the collection based on their costs, benefits, and alignment with long-term strategies or goals. Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 5-20
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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53) A major part of good governance is an understanding of: a) what the ethical and appropriate governance practices are to apply b) what the relevant codes of conduct consist c) what is and is not acceptable and ethical behavior d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the various types of organizational governance and state why governance is important in today’s business world. Section Reference: Corporate, IT, and Project Governance Feedback: Please review the Corporate, IT, and Project Governance section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 6: Managing IS Projects and Creating IS Solutions 1) A _____ is a detailed investigation and analysis of a proposed development project that is undertaken to determine whether it is possible to successfully build the proposed system. a) Technical study b) Financial Study c) Tangible Study d) Feasibility Study e) Cost and Benefit Study Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
2) An organization can determine _____ by examining potential solutions and evaluating these solutions based on its capabilities and the capabilities of any technology partners it may choose to work with. a) Technical capability b) Technical feasibility c) Financial capability d) Financial feasibility e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) Off-shoring is: a) partnership with a business in a distant country b) partnership with a business outside your country but in the same general geographical area as your business c) partnership in the same country as a business d) we do it ourselves e) gambling Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
4) Some costs and benefits are_____, which means that a value can easily be applied a) Realistic b) Unrealistic c) Intangible d) Tangible e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
5) Other costs and benefits are _____, meaning they are difficult to measure in monetary terms. a) Realistic b) Unrealistic c) Intangible d) Tangible e) None of the above Answer: c Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-2
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
6) When the outsourcing company is located primarily in a foreign country, the practice is known as: a) Inshoring b) Offshoring c) Outshoring d) Onshoring e) Distancing Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
7) Which of the following is not an advantage of outsourcing? a) High level of skill and expertise b) Internal staff provides project oversight c) Distraction of in-house IS staff from other duties d) Generally lower time and costs e) All of the above are disadvantages of outsourcing Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
8) Which of the following is not a disadvantage of outsourcing? a) Firm loses some control of project since it is necessary to give outsourcer some decisionmaking authority Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-3
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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b) Distraction of in-house IS staff from other duties c) Internal staff has less opportunity to build experience d) Requires good contracts and oversight e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
9) According to Joey Peng, what is good on-the-job advice? a) The better way is to do things differently b) The better way is to things the same c) The better way to do things is with others d) The better way to do purse pure business e) The better way is to build a strong IT background of your interest Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
10) When organizations outsource business to partners in a distant country, this is called: a) Offshoring b) Onshoring c) Global Sourcing d) Nearshoring e) Outsourcing Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-4
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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11) A ______________ study determines whether a project is technically and economically viable. a) technical b) compatibility c) feasibility d) conceptual e) cost-benefit Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
12) Tangible refers to: a) a cost or benefit that is difficult to quantify b) an orange-like fruit c) a cost or benefit that is easy to quantify d) None of the above e) Two of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
13) Intangible refers to: a) a cost or benefit that is difficult to quantify b) an orange-like fruit c) a cost or benefit that is easy to quantify d) abstract cost e) None of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-5
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
14) To determine economic feasibility, companies typically use all of the following except: a) GIGO b) IRR c) ROI d) NPV e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
15) A ________ is a detailed investigation and analysis of a proposed development project, to determine whether it is technically and economically possible. a) projection study b) feasibility study c) investigation d) proposal Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the major decisions organizations must address before developing an IS system. Section Reference: Critical Pre-development Questions Feedback: Please review the Critical Pre-development Questions section in your text.
16) At a high level, the SDLC simply starts with an idea. We call this the: a) Start-up b) Concept c) Commencement Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-6
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d) Initiation Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
17) This phase of the SDLC involves the environment within the organization that either promotes or inhibits the development of ideas for systems: a) Concept b) Inception c) Elaboration d) Transition e) Idea generating Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
18) This phase of the SDLC begins when an organization has the idea to build an information system. a) Concept b) Inception c) Elaboration d) Transition e) Design Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-7
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Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
19) In this phase of the SDLC, the project team finalizes the requirements for the system and the project plan, and designs the system architecture. a) Concept b) Inception c) Elaboration d) Transition e) Testing Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
20) At this time in the SDLC, the team finalizes the system and puts it in place. In addition, the team completes the final training of users and management of users. a) Concept b) Inception c) Elaboration d) Transition e) Testing Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
21) During this phase of the SDLC, the team builds the initial running system. The team usually implements core functionalities first, and then incorporates additional features. a) Construction Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-8
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b) Transition c) Production d) Retirement e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
22) Once the system is up and running, the organization must continuously monitor, maintain, and evaluate it. This describes which phase in the SDLC? a) Construction b) Transition c) Production d) Retirement e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
23) At some point, the system may lose its value to the company. This phase of the SDLC often marks the concept of a new system to replace the obsolete one. a) Construction b) Transition c) Production d) Retirement e) Life cycle Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-9
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
24) System analysis and design projects contain all of the following essential ingredients: a) finances, HR, IT, management b) people, methodology, management and tools c) methodology, capital, people and idea d) capital, tool, IT and methodology e) none of the above are correct Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
25) Which is NOT a phase of an IS during its life cycle? a) Pre-inception b) Collaboration c) Elaboration d) Construction Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
26) At which development phase does an organization finalize an IS and put it in place? a) Construction b) Inception Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-10
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c) Production d) Transition e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
27) At which phase does an organization finalize an IS and put it in place? a) Construction b) Inception c) Production d) Transition e) Starting Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
28) A word or words that describe retirement as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-11
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Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
29) A word or words that describe transition as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
30) A word or words that describe production as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
31) A word or words that describe elaboration as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-12
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a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
32) A word or words that describe construction as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
33) A word or words that describe inception as part of the life cycle of an IS development project is a/an: a) Idea b) Finalizes the requirements c) Finalizes and puts in place d) Monitors, maintains, evaluates e) None of the above Answer: a Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-13
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text.
34) Which is not a phase of an IS during its life cycle? a) Pre-inception b) Collaboration c) Elaboration d) Construction e) Transition Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the activities organizations must consider within each of the seven stages of the system development life cycle. Section Reference: The Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Feedback: Please review the Stages and Importance of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) section in your text. 35) Project _____ is “the application of knowledge skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.” a) Planning b) Inception c) Scope d) Management e) Retirement Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
36) The client may prefer to focus on a set time deadline for receiving the final software, often at the expense of incorporating every single last requirement. This is known as: Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-14
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a) Scoping b) Descoping c) Scaling d) Descaling e) Sizing Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
37) Which of the following is not one of the elements of the triple constraint in project management? a) People b) Budget c) Time d) Quality e) All of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
38) Which of the following is not a core function of the project management methodology? a) Time management b) Cost management c) Scope management d) Quality management e) HR management Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-15
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
39) Which of the following is not a facilitating function of the project management methodology? a) Risk management b) Procurement management c) Communications management d) Quality management e) HR management Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
40) Which of the following is not a main activity of project time management? a) Estimate activity resources b) Estimate activity durations c) System activities d) Develop schedule e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
41) _____ provide a standard format for displaying the results of the first four timemanagement activities. a) Gantt charts b) Gantt plans c) Project plans d) Project charts e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-16
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Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
42) The activity of managing several projects together is known as: a) Project management b) Product Management c) Program management d) System management e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
43) The _____ is the sequence of tasks that determines the overall completion time of the project. a) Slack path b) Project path c) Gantt path d) Critical path e) Optimal path Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
44) Tasks not on the critical path may have the luxury of extra time, called _____, for completing the work. a) Slack b) Flop c) Space d) FIFO e) LIFO Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-17
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
45) In addition to time, cost, scope and quality, what is the other choice an organization must consider? a) People b) Strategy c) Government d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
46) Which one of the following is not an organizational response to risk? a) risk acceptance b) risk avoidance c) risk behaviour d) risk reduction e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
47) Which one of the following IS project team skills represents a knowledge of techniques for ensuring that a project is successfully completed on time? a) Architecture and design Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-18
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b) Client interface c) Programming d) Project management e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
48) Risks are unavoidable; however, making sure that contingency plans are in place defines: a) Risk Deferral b) Risk Transfer c) Risk Acceptance d) Risk Avoidance e) Risk Management Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
49) A(n) __________ chart is used to show the sequences of project activities and to identify the critical path. a) data flow b) Gantt c) PERT d) ERD e) Pareto Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
50) Postponing exposure to risk until resources are available to address risk defines: a) Risk Deferral b) Risk Transfer c) Risk Reduction d) Risk Avoidance e) Risk Management Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
51) Project management tasks include all of the following activities EXCEPT: a) project scope management b) time management c) cost management d) quality management e) analysis and design Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
52) All of the following methods are used by businesses to deal with risk EXCEPT: a) Risk avoidance b) Risk acceptance c) Risk-safety matrix d) Risk transfer e) Risk deferral Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-20
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53) All of the following are core functions that lead to specific project objectives EXCEPT: a) Risk management b) Project scope management c) Time management d) Cost management e) Quality management Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
54) What is the response for assigning the risk to someone who is more able to deal with it? a) Risk Transfer b) Risk Deferral c) Risk Reduction d) Risk Acceptance e) Risk Passing Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
55) What is action for knowing that risks will occur and ensuring that contingency plans are in place? a) Risk reduction b) Risk acceptance c) Risk avoidance d) Risk transfer e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-21
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Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
56) The scope and complexity of an IS development project is: a) easy to manage b) cannot be managed c) difficult to manage d) a long-range goal e) causes financial difficulty Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
57) What helps the project manager to ensure that the project is meeting the schedule, budget, and quality targets? a) Time tracking b) Task scheduling c) Collaboration d) Estimating e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
58) What PM software includes a shared database as well as e-mail, chat, and virtual meeting capabilities? a) Time tracking b) Task scheduling c) Collaboration d) Estimating e) None of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-22
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Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the key tasks in managing an IS project. Section Reference: Managing an IS Project Feedback: Please review the Managing an IS Project section in your text.
59) The typical IS team has a/an _____ that ensures the project goals correspond to the organization’s business objectives and is often a senior executive or someone in a position of authority. a) Project manager b) Project sponsor c) Account manager d) Analyst e) Developer Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
60) A/An _____ actually creates the system itself by coding and deploying the technical infrastructure of the system and programming it to perform required tasks. a) Project manager b) Project sponsor c) Account manager d) Analyst e) Developer Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
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61) A/An _____ may have many titles, but they all provide the methods and processes to translate high level requirements in their particular area into lower levels of detail that can be turned into code by programmers. a) Project manager b) Project sponsor c) Account manager d) Analyst e) Developer Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
62) A/An _____ demands knowledge of methods and techniques to ensure delivery of the project on time and on budget, and the ability to communicate project goals and requirements to the project team and to co-ordinate the workflows of everyone on the project team. a) Project manager b) Project sponsor c) Account manager d) Analyst e) Developer Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
63) A/An _____ is responsible for the sales and service of the project team. a) Project manager b) Project sponsor c) Account manager d) Analyst e) Developer Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-24
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Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
64) A _______ should begin as part of the feasibility study: a) stakeholder analysis b) financial analysis c) testing d) prototyping e) investigation Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
65) Which of the following is true about performing a stakeholder analysis? a) The group of stakeholders analyzed includes anyone who has a stake in the project and may affect the outcome of the project. b) An attempt is made to judge the attitude of a stakeholder toward the project. c) In order to mitigate the risk associated with each stakeholder, a project team member is assigned to implement stakeholder management strategies. d) All of the above. e) None of the above. Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the importance of an IS development team and name some of the people who might be included on such a team. Section Reference: IS Development Teams Feedback: Please review the IS Development Teams section in your text.
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66) A _____ provides a framework for executing both the project management and technical processes of an IS project throughout the life cycle. a) Methodology b) Plan c) Diagram d) Chart e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
67) Initially, system developers tended to work in a very ad hoc way, called the _____ model. a) Makeshift b) Build-and-fix c) Concept d) None of the above e) Off the counter Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
68) With a/an _____ model, developers first investigate, specify, and implement an important core part of the system with minimal functionality. a) Prototype b) Evolutionary c) Waterfall d) Build-and-fix e) Agile Answer: b Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-26
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
69) With_____, the project team works with customers to progressively build the system from an initial outline specification using visual mock-ups of screens, diagrams of data relationships, and similar tools that help users see what is going to be built. a) Prototyping b) Construction c) Agile development d) Waterfall e) Quick and dirty Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
70) Because a/an _____ process is designed to satisfy continuously changing requirements, the team develops software in short development cycles or increments. a) Prototype b) Construction c) Agile d) Quick and dirty e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
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71) A/An _____ is a simplified representation of something real, such as a building, weather pattern, or information system that business professionals can manipulate to study the real item in more detail. a) Prototype b) Model c) UML d) HTML e) DHTML Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
72) _____ has become a very popular modelling tool, as it works particularly well for developing object-oriented systems. a) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) b) Extensible Markup Language (XML) c) Unified Modelling Language (UML) d) Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) e) Object Oriented (OO) Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
73) Together, the set of UML diagrams is known as the _____ model. a) Unified b) Agile c) Prototype d) System e) XML Answer: d Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-28
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
74) The UML _____ diagram notation captures all the possible ways to use a system. a) System b) Use case c) Sequence d) Waterfall e) Chen Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
75) A/An _____ diagram, which shows the order of various activities and by whom, and how they interact with the various system components as they occur in order. a) System b) Use case c) Sequence d) Waterfall e) Structured Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
76) UML stands for: a) Unified Modelling Language Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-29
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b) Unified Markup Language c) United Modelling Language d) United Markup Language e) Union Model Language Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
77) Together, the set of UML diagrams is known as the: a) waterfall model b) DFDs c) ERDs d) System model e) Structured model Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
78) The UML ________ captures all the possible ways to use a system. a) use case diagram b) sequence diagram c) entity diagram d) system model e) Analytical model Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-30
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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79) Organizations use a UML ________________ to view the interactions between system components as they occur. a) use case diagram b) sequence diagram c) entity diagram d) system model e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
80) Which model is a document-driven and highly structured process? a) development life cycle b) waterfall model c) build-and-fix model d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
81) Developers first investigate, specify and implement an important core part of the system with minimal functionality with which model? a) development life cycle b) waterfall model c) build-and-fix model d) none of the above e) all of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-31
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
82) The following methodology provides a project team with structure to ensure that everyone works toward the same project goals: a) development life cycle b) waterfall model c) build-and-fix model d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
83) The first development model to gain wide acceptance among system developers was based on the: a) development life cycle b) waterfall model c) build-and-fix model d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
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84) The original ad hoc methodology was called: a) development life cycle b) waterfall model c) build-and-fix model d) none of the above e) all of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
85) The deliverables of the implementation stage include all of the following EXCEPT: a) Program code b) Test documents c) User documentation d) Complete system e) Detailed records of changes Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
86) The deliverables of the transition stage include all of the following except: a) program code b) test documents c) user documentation d) complete system e) cost benefit analysis Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-33
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Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
87) Methods that can be used to provide a framework for an IS project include all of the following, except: a) waterfall model b) evolutionary model c) diagnostic model d) prototyping e) agile development Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
88) Prototyping may be described as an: a) IS methodology that continuously changes to meet new requirements b) IS methodology that produces an example for customers c) IS methodology that produces partial running systems d) IS methodology that uses phases to create a system e) IS methodology that uses parts of all methodologies to create a new system Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Outline the methods organizations use to ensure that they obtain the best IS to help meet their strategic goals. Section Reference: Standard IS Methodology Feedback: Please review the Standard IS Methodology section in your text.
89) Instead of using separate software packages, an IDE allows developers to complete several programming tasks within the same software application. a) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) b) Extensible Markup Language (XML) Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-34
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c) Unified Modelling Language (UML) d) Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) e) Work Bench Environment (WBE) Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text. 90) With _____ , a developer can use graphical diagrams to define a system’s components and how they are related. a) Code generation b) Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) c) Use case diagrams d) Sequence diagrams e) Unified Modelling Language (UML) Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
91) _____ is the use of computer-based support in the software development process. a) Code generation b) CASE tools c) Use case diagrams d) Sequence diagrams e) Unified Modelling Language (UML) Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
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92) This syndrome occurs when there is an overreliance on the tools for the success of the project, while neglecting the other pillars of a development project: a) Down syndrome b) Silver bullet syndrome c) China syndrome d) Completion syndrome e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
93) A(n) __________ combines software development tools into one package. a) application software b) IDE c) project management software d) UML e) XML Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
94) All of the following IS development tools are available to project teams, except: a) models b) IADD c) integrated development environments d) code generation e) CASE tools Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 6-36
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Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
95) Integrated development environment includes all of the following EXCEPT: a) Text editor to write program code b) File system to store programs c) Debugging tools to find and correct errors d) Collaboration features to connect pieces of a project e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe some of the IS development tools available to businesses today. Section Reference: IT Tools for IS Development Feedback: Please review the IT Tools for IS Development section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 7: E-commerce 1) According to Arti Davda what is good on-the-job advice? a) The better way is to do things differently b) The better way is to things the same c) The better way to do things is with others d) The better way to do things is alone e) The better way is to find a mentor Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
2) _____ is the use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks by individuals and organizations to carry out transactions in order to create or support the creation of business value a) E-commerce b) M-commerce c) E-Business d) M-Business e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) Online equivalent of the retail store as well as other services describes which e-commerce transaction? a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) b) Business-to-business (B2B) c) Business-to-government (B2G) d) Consumer-to-government (C2G) e) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
4) Electronic exchanges between companies for the Worldwide Retail Exchange describes which e-commerce transaction? a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) b) Business-to-business (B2B) c) Business-to-government (B2G) d) Consumer-to-government (C2G) e) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
5) Online sales to government agencies, as well as electronic payment of taxes describes which e-commerce transaction? a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) b) Business-to-business (B2B) c) Business-to-government (B2G) d) Consumer-to-government (C2G) e) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-2
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Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
6) Electronic payment of taxes as well as purchase of various types of licences describes which e-commerce transaction? a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) b) Business-to-business (B2B) c) Business-to-government (B2G) d) Consumer-to-government (C2G) e) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
7) Use of online auctions like eBay and similar other sites describes which e-commerce transaction? a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) b) Business-to-business (B2B) c) Business-to-government (B2G) d) Consumer-to-government (C2G) e) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
8) We can divide such products into two primary categories. What are they? a) static and physical b) digital and analog c) dynamic and static d) digital and dynamic e) physical and digital Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-3
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Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
9) Selling upgrades to a premium subscription service by first offering a free service with more limited capacity or capability demonstrates the: a) premium model b) free-to-buy model c) freemium model d) rent-to-own model e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
10) A/An ______ web site facilitates sales between third parties. a) advertising b) affiliate c) brokerage d) marketing e) exchange Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
11) ___________ is an e-commerce business model where websites are paid a fee when purchases come through them. a) Brokerage Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-4
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b) Advertising c) Affiliate d) Subscription e) Intermediary Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
12) All organizations must have a/an: a) strategic model b) planning model c) analytic model d) business model e) decision model Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
13) The internet also brought along the forces of _____ as a way for manufacturers such as Dell and others, to directly solicit orders from consumers and deliver products directly, rather than relying on a global network of wholesalers and distributes/dealers as a way of bringing products to the market: a) customization b) personalization c) build to order d) individualized e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-5
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14) Buying a new pair of jeans at is an example of which kind of ecommerce transaction: a) B2B (business-to-business) b) C2C (consumer-to-consumer) c) B2C (business-to-consumer) d) B2G (business-to-government) e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
15) All of the following are an example of a physical good, except: a) DVD b) iTunes Song c) Comic Book d) MP3 Player e) iPhone Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
16) Which of the following is an example of an e-commerce business model? a) Brokerage b) Advertising c) Merchant d) All of the Above e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-6
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Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
17) _______ products include anything that actually requires an actual shipment of the item. a) virtual b) digital c) physical d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
18) A business _____ defines how a company will meet the needs of its customers while making a profit. a) operation b) model c) division d) centre Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
19) Which of the following is NOT a type of e-commerce transaction? a) B2C b) B2B c) C2C d) B2G e) G2P Answer: e Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-7
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
20) __________ is a type of e-commerce business model that brings together buyers and sellers for a fee. a) Brokerage b) Advertising c) Affiliate d) Subscription e) Infomediary Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define e-commerce and describe how it is a part of today’s economy. Section Reference: E-commerce Defined Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Defined section in your text.
21) The ability of the consumer to move from thought to action creates new opportunities for businesses to operate at lower costs by easing the burden of the supply chain electronically. This is referred to as: a) Seamless transactions b) Information density c) Cost per Click (CPC) d) Frictionless transactions e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
22) The quality and quantity of information about products and services of interest to buyers has increased. This defines:
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a) information density b) personalization c) niche markets d) perfect market e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text. 23) A marketing message that a business customizes for each potential customer’s interests, based on his or her searching, browsing, and buying habits is known as: a) information density b) personalization c) niche markets d) perfect markets e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
24) Going to another seller means that a company will have to retrain their staff to use a new application. This type of cost would be an example of: a) training costs b) educational costs c) employee costs d) switching costs e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium
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Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
25) The ability to create custom product or services on-demand is referred to as: a) mass personalization b) mass customization c) individuality d) uniqueness e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
26) A marketing message that a business customizes for each potential customers interest, refers to: a) uniqueness b) mass customization c) individuality d) personalization e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text. 27) “A broad-based formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be and what plans and policies will be needed to carry out those goals” defines: a) marketing b) strategy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-10
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c) advertising d) business intelligence e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
28) The advertisements that you see on the side bars of many web pages are referred to as: a) Ad Bars b) Ad Wars c) Ad Words d) Adverts e) Advergame Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
29) The quality and quantity of information about products and services of interest to them refers to: a) information intensity b) information denial c) information density d) information overload e) information need Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-11
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30) Strategy is a plan, pattern, position and perspective. This quotes who? a) Michael Porter b) Sir Francis Bacon c) Steve Jobs d) Bill Gates e) Henry Mintzberg Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
31) Sellers use e-commerce to customize their products and services in which of the following two ways: a) Mass customization and personalization b) Marketspace and personalization c) Personalization and customer relationship management (CRM) d) Customer relationship management (CRM) and mass customization e) Mass customization and CRM Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
32) E-commerce affects competition between organizations in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a) Preventing any company from “owning” the market b) Enhancing collaboration/alliances c) Multiplying market niches d) Increasing barriers to entry Answer: d Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-12
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
33) An important strategy that companies are using to create a one-to-one marketing experience for their customers is known as: a) Co-operative Web site b) CRM c) Interorganizational System d) Division e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
34) The use of laptops, mobile telephones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) to connect to the Internet and Web to conduct many of the activities normally associated with e-commerce is known as: a) Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) b) Extranet c) Digital Commerce (d-commerce) d) Intranet e) Smart phone commerce Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
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35) ___________ is a type of transaction using hand-held devices such as cell phones and PDAs. a) H-commerce b) E-commerce c) M-commerce d) G-commerce e) C-commerce Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
36) Building a meaningful e-commerce strategy requires two different views of an organization’s strategy: what it wants to do the _____ strategy and _____ strategy that focuses on how it will do it. a) conceptual, technology b) technology, conceptual c) conceptual, risk analysis d) risk analysis, promotion e) risk analysis, technology Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how e-commerce creates value and helps organizations stay competitive. Section Reference: The E-commerce Advantage Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Advantage section in your text.
37) Which of the following is a benefit to the business in B2C e-commerce? a) Lower prices b) Shopping 24/7 c) Greater searchability of products worldwide d) Shorter delivery times for digital products e) Cheaper electronic transactions Answer: e Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-14
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
38) Which of the following is a limitation to the customer in B2C e-commerce? a) Increased competition due to global marketplace b) Unavailability of micropayments for purchases of small-cost products c) Ease of comparison between competing products drives prices down d) Customers want specific choices and will not accept substitutes e) Customers control flow of information instead of companies Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text. 39) According to Porter’s model, e-commerce ______ competition. a) increases b) decreases c) eliminates d) improves e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
40) When discussing benefits and limitations of B2C E-Commerce, expansion of niche marketing opportunity falls in which area? a) Consumer Benefits Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-15
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b) Consumer Limitations c) Business Benefits d) Business Limitations e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
41) When discussing benefits and limitations of B2C E-Commerce, Increased competition due to global marketplace falls in which area? a) Consumer Benefits b) Consumer Limitations c) Business Benefits d) Business Limitations e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
42) Which of the following is not an e-commerce benefit for businesses? a) Expansion of marketplace to global proportions b) More expensive electronic transactions c) Greater customer loyalty through customized Web pages and 1-to-1 marketing d) Expansion of niche marketing opportunities e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-16
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Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
43) A _____ key encryption uses the same private key to encrypt and decrypt a message. a) Public b) Combo c) Primary d) Private e) Secondary Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
44) A _____ key encryption system has two keys required to successfully read a message. a) Public b) Combo c) Primary d) Private e) Secondary Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and limitations of e-commerce to both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Benefits and Limitations of E-commerce section in your text.
45) A _____ transaction is when you buy something at market price determined by supply and demand from someone you do not know. a) Strategic sourcing b) Spot buying c) Impulse buying d) Outsourcing e) None of the above
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Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
46) ______ involves forming a long-term relationship with another company. a) Strategic sourcing b) Spot buying c) Impulse buying d) Outsourcing e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
47) With the one-to-many model, the seller often provides a Web-based private sales channel through a private network, called a) enterprise resource management (ERP) b) customer resource management (CRM) c) electronic data interchange (EDI) d) customer service management (CSM) e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
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48) Another name for an electronic data interchange (EDI) is: a) Internet b) Intranet c) Extranet d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
49) When there is an auction when the bidder with the lowest bid wins, it is called a: a) Reverse auction b) Low auction c) Backwards auction d) Sellers auction e) Dutch auction Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
50) In the _____, many companies use an exchange to buy and sell from each other through spot-buying transactions. a) Vertical exchange b) Diagonal exchange c) Horizontal exchange d) Exchange model e) Total exchange
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
51) Exchanges that meet the needs of a single industry are called a/an: a) Vertical exchange b) Diagonal exchange c) Horizontal exchange d) Exchange model e) Total exchange Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
52) Exchanges that deal with products and services that all companies need, regardless of the industry are called a/an: a) Vertical exchange b) Diagonal exchange c) Horizontal exchange d) Exchange model e) Total exchange Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
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53) The traditional procurement process has three key elements. Which of the following is not one of them? a) purchase order b) invoice c) delivery of goods d) receipt of goods Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
54) Typical steps of a traditional procurement process: Step 1 - The buyer sends a/an _____ to a vendor. a) Purchase order (PO) b) Bill of lading (BOL) c) Invoice d) Receipt of goods e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
55) Typical steps of a traditional procurement process: Step 2 - The vendor responds by sending the goods to the buyer along with a/an _____ , which describes the contents of the shipment. a) Purchase order (PO) b) Bill of lading (BOL) c) Invoice d) Receipt of goods e) Request for Quote (RFQ) Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-21
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Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
56) Typical steps of a traditional procurement process: Step 3 - After receiving the goods, the buyer sends back a signed copy to the vendor and internally files a/an _____. a) Purchase order (PO) b) Bill of lading (BOL) c) Invoice d) Receipt of goods e) Cheque Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
57) Typical steps of a traditional procurement process: Step 4 - The vendor sends a/an _____ to the buyer. a) Purchase order (PO) b) Bill of lading (BOL) c) Invoice d) Receipt of goods e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-22
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Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
58) A/An _____is a detailed list of goods shipped from the supplier, along with a list of all costs and discounts. In essence, it is a detailed bill and request for payment. a) Purchase order (PO) b) Bill of lading (BOL) c) Invoice d) Receipt of goods Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text. 59) A/An _____ is “a networked information system used by two or more separate organizations to perform a joint business function.” a) Operating System (OS) b) Interorganizational System (IOS) c) Intranet d) Extranet e) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
60) The two most common forms of IOS are: a) Extranet and Intranet b) Extranet and Internet c) EDI and Intranet d) EDI and Extranet Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-23
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e) EDI and Internet Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
61) _____ uses value-added networks (VANs) or private networks instead of the regular telephone system. a) Operating System (OS) b) Interorganizational System (IOS) c) Intranet d) Extranet e) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
62) Collaborative networks that use Internet technology to link businesses with their suppliers, customers, or other businesses that share common goals is/are called: a) Operating System (OS) b) Interorganizational System (IOS) c) Intranet d) Extranet e) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-24
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Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
63) A protected network designed to conduct business between two or more trading partners is called ____________. a) intranet b) internet c) extranet d) e-commerce e) local area network Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
64) Which business model involves forming a long term relationship with another company? a) strategic sourcing b) B2B c) brokerage d) co-operative website e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
65) If you have multiple vendors that provide you with products or services in a particular area, you would have which relationship? a) one to many b) many to one Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-25
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c) many to many d) one to one e) many to two Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
66) E-commerce has added value to an organization in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a) customer loyalty b) increased need for technology c) increased revenue d) profitability e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
67) A ______ exchange meets the needs of a single industry. A _____ exchange deals with products and services that all companies need, regardless of the industry. a) Parallel, Straight b) Horizontal, Vertical c) Straight, Parallel d) Vertical, Horizontal e) Straight, Horizontal Answer: d Difficulty: Medium
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Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
68) A company-centric business model uses which of the following e-commerce model(s) to conduct business? a) One-to-many b) Many-to-one c) Many-to-many d) Many-to-any e) Both A and B Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
69) With this business model, two companies collaborate to create a trading relationship that is mutually beneficial. a) Company-centric business model b) One-to-One business model c) Exchange model d) Chain efficiency Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
70) The traditional procurement process relies on:
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a) All paper-based documents b) All electronic-based documents c) Some paper-based and some electronic-based documents d) All of the above e) None of the Above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
71) __________ is a type of private network established between two or more business partners for electronic data exchange. a) LAN b) WAN c) MAN d) VAN e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Explain how organizations can use e-commerce to enhance the delivery of products and services, manage trade with business partners, and improve their supply chain efficiency. Section Reference: E-commerce Between Organizations Feedback: Please review the E-commerce Between Organizations section in your text.
72) ______ refers to fixed information, such as company information, online marketing, and electronic versions of company brochures. a) User content b) Automatic content c) Static content d) Dynamic content e) Real content Answer: c
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
73) Which technology is indicative of First-Generation E-Commerce? a) User content b) Automatic content c) Static content d) Dynamic content e) Real content Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
74) With ______, information on a web page can change depending on a number of factors. a) User content b) Automatic content c) Static content d) Dynamic content e) Real content Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
75) A ______is a small bit of data, usually created by programs running on the server, stored on the client machine, and passed back and forth in the HTTP request and response. a) Cookie b) Bit Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-29
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c) Byte d) Code e) Word Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
76) When data remain available for a period of time, it is known as ____ data a) Persistent b) Permanent c) Temporary d) Imminent e) Secondary Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
77) The most common client-side scripting language is: a) JavaScript b) AJAX c) AdobeScript d) ActiveX e) Visual basic Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
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78) With server-side programming, a business can do many things. Which of the following is not one of them? a) Deliver content that it customizes for the individual user b) Access data stored in a server-side database and send it to the client’s browser c) Optimally manage the traffic to the site d) None of the above e) a and b Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
79) Which of the following is not one of the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site? a) the shopping and ordering system b) the customer account c) the payment gateway d) the security system e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
80) A _____ is a company that provides a network to process encrypted transactions from a merchant’s website. a) Secure gateway provider b) Internet service provider c) Payment gateway d) Firewall service e) Application provider
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
81) A ____ links an e-commerce site with the banking network. a) Secure gateway provider b) Internet service provider c) Payment gateway d) Firewall service e) Application provider Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
82) A server that encrypts data using the SSL protocol is known as a: a) Secure server b) Gateway server c) Firewall d) Network server Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
83) SSL is currently being replaced by a newer protocol called the: a) HTTP b) XML Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-32
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c) VoiP d) TLS e) SET Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
84) We are currently in the _____ generation of e-commerce. a) First b) Third c) Fourth d) Fifth e) Sixth Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
85) _____ is a standardized way for one computer program to request and run another computer program over the Internet. a) Web service b) Protocol c) Software as a Service d) Mashup e) Brandstorm Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 7-33
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86) A ____ is a Web application that seamlessly combines information from more than one source into an integrated experience. a) Web service b) Protocol c) Software as a Service d) Mashup e) Brandstorm Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
87) B2B transactions can be divided into two types, namely ________ and _________. a) spot buying, strategic sourcing b) outsourcing, EDI c) e-commerce, outsourcing d) strategic sourcing, e-commerce e) spot buying, e-commerce Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objectives: Describe the evolution of e-commerce technologies and explain how these technologies have benefited both consumers and businesses. Section Reference: The Technology of E-commerce Feedback: Please review the Technology of E-commerce section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Chapter 8: Web 2.0, Social Media, and Online Trends 1) Moving from a passive site that basically displays information to a site that permits interaction with visitors or users is commonly referred to as _____ web: a) Interactive b) Dynamic c) Static d) Generated e) Automatic Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
2) Blogs and conversation threads are commonly referred to as: a) User-generated content (UGC) b) Semantic Web c) Social Utility d) Invitational Design Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) The _____ is a next-generation—but not separate—web that makes information sharing and exchange easier by focusing on content, searchability, and interpretability at a technical level. a) User-generated content (UGC) b) Semantic Web c) Social Utility d) Invitational Design Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
4) This term suggests that you only spend time on sites that are useful to you, and that the time invested on the site somehow contributes to your happiness or social satisfaction, or creates social opportunities for you. What is it? a) User-generated content (UGC) b) Semantic Web c) Social Utility d) Invitational Design Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
5) Which of the following is not one of the Three Pillars of Sociability? a) Validate b) Regulate c) Participate d) Affiliate e) c or d Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-2
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Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
6) What is the name of the legal instrument that Canada uses to protect privacy? a) Sarbanes-Oxley b) FIPPA c) PIPEDA d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
7) What type of Internet technology sends information to you without you requesting that information? a) F2b2C b) B2B c) Push d) Wiki e) Pull Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
8) Facebook or MySpace is a part of: a) Wiki b) Blog c) Social networking Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-3
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d) VoIP e) Planet Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
9) Technology that allows you to verbally speak with someone over the Internet is called: a) Wiki b) Social network c) Ephone d) VoIP e) Smartphone Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
10) Type of web technology that creates an online community where people can make statements and others can read and respond to those statements is called: a) I-Journal b) Podcast c) ASP d) Blog e) PHP Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
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11) Type of web technology that allows its community members to continuously change the contents on a web site is called: a) Intelligent bots b) Social networks c) Wiki d) Blog e) Change Over Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
12) The second generation of the Web is called: a) New web b) Emerging space c) My life d) Web 2.0 e) WWWW Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
13) Which of the following statements about wikis is not true? a) Companies use wikis to update content. b) Wikis lack a central editor. c) Wikis are only useful for external audiences. d) Wikis keep track of the date of entries and revisions. e) Wikis allow people to locate specific content. Answer: a
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
14) Ethical and legal considerations for blogs, wikis, and social networks include: a) stealth marketing b) defamatory comments c) inaccurate claims d) violations of copyright e) all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
15) How have blogs, wikis, and social networks such as Facebook changed how we work and learn? a) They have improved access to medical research. b) More students are enrolled in online courses. c) More workers commute to the office. d) A and B e) B and C Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
16) What type of web technology provides news that can automatically download right to your desktop? a) Social network Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-6
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b) RSS feed c) Podcast d) Wiki e) YouTube Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
17) To ban or not to ban social networks in the workplace is a serious issue. It is being discussed at management and HR meetings often. Some of the reasons given by employers for wanting to ban social networks at the workplace are: a) exposure of company’s computers and networks to virus and spyware b) loss in productivity affecting the bottom line c) legal liability and leaking of corporate information d) effect on available bandwidth to the business e) all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
18) The use of social networks is important to employees and plays a crucial role in their lives, and perhaps should not be banned completely in the workplace. Some of the issues needing clarification in employee-employer communications are: a) how much time may be spent online b) how much company information may be revealed knowingly or unknowingly c) internal structure of the team building at the workplace through social network platforms d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-7
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Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
19) Collaboration and user-generated content are often highlighted as major potentials of Web2.0 technologies. However, the transparency may turn out to be its dominating feature. When participating on social networks, some of the implications for you or your businesses are: a) your authenticity will translate as both honesty and integrity to the customer b) it will help build trust c) it will help engage in online conversations with customers d) all of the above e) only a and b Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
20) Typical examples of types of social media are: a) Blogs, wikis, and media sharing sites b) Blogs, social bookmarking, and forums c) Virtual worlds, social networking, and wikis d) a and b e) all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
21) Some of the reasons companies choose to advertise on social media sites are: a) large and growing number of users b) creates brand loyalty Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-8
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c) users spend a large portion of time online d) rich data sets allow for more precise targeting of consumers e) all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
22) In most jurisdictions, unique laws and regulations apply when your social media involves children. In Canada, the protection is specified in: a) COPPA b) PIPEDA c) OPC d) Anti-Spam e) No such protection in Canada Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text. 23) Whenever the words “electronic address” are used in the context of social media messages, it includes: a) an electronic mail address b) an instant messaging account c) home address on a letterhead d) a and b e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-9
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Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
24) All of the following statements concerning privacy should be exercised by users of social media EXCEPT: a) do not leave it to social network operators b) assume the worst – test and test again c) keep records d) trust everyone e) use disclosure practices Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define Web 2.0 and describe what features can make a social website more successful. Section Reference: Defining Social Technologies and Utility Feedback: Please review the Defining Social Technologies and Utility section in your text.
25) _____ involves associating keywords with your content to make it searchable so that other users can locate it and interact with it. a) Relating b) Imaging c) Tagging d) Collecting e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
26) When content (such as a YouTube video) instantly spreads online from its origins to nearly every corner of the world, it is considered to have: a) Gone mental b) Gone viral c) Gone spiral d) Gone high Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-10
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e) Gone extreme Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
27) Going viral is in keeping with the psychological concept of: a) Schadenfreude b) Freudism c) Folksonomy d) Acceptance Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
28) A situation in which a traditional brand faces an online storm that can quite literally damage the value of its brand overnight is called: a) Mashup b) Brandstorm c) Viral d) Folksonomy Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
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29) Social media participants differ from those of traditional media because: a) Traditional media users consume material created for them while social media audiences either dictate the type of product they want or bypass traditional producers to find products more suitable to their needs b) Traditional media users tend to be within a certain age, gender, and socio-economic group, while social media appeals to virtually every age, gender, and economic status. c) Social media users tend to be the millennial generation, while traditional media users are mainly Gen-Y. d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
30) SEO is an acronym for: a) send emergency object b) search engine option c) search engine optimization d) search emergency option e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
31) Some unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to manipulate search engine results in unfair ways. Suggested good practice(s) is (are): a) be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue b) be wary of firms that guarantee a #1 ranking on Google c) be wary if a company is secretive or won't clearly explain what they intend to do d) all of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-12
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e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
32) The first step of an SEO project is to: a) start with an initial website audit analysis b) check company LOGO c) check company strategic direction d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain social utility and how it is leveraged to encourage user-generated content. Section Reference: User-Generated Content Feedback: Please review the User-Generated Content section in your text.
33) When messages, offers, or promotions come from the company to the consumer in some form, this is an example of a(n): a) Indirect message b) Direct message c) Perfect message d) Imperfect message e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
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34) What other people said or did with products became more important with the arrival of the social web, and consumers began to seek out _____ sources of information a) Indirect b) Direct c) Perfect d) Imperfect e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
35) What are purpose-built sites (or forums or groups) designed to meet a specific need? a) Platform plays b) Platform wars c) Micro-markets d) Macro-markets e) Tech-markets Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
36) Making sure your brand and advertising messages are coherent and consistent is called: a) Direct marketing b) Indirect marketing c) Media transparency d) Brandstorm e) Online marketing
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Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
37) Which of the following is not a benefit of social computing in new ways? a) Conducting online focus groups for new product development b) Running viral campaigns to launch new products c) Holding virtual recruiting and job fairs in Second Life d) Using social media tools to move from a podcast to broadcast model for training and development and internal communication with employees e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
38) According to the text, what should Ford North America have done to improve their customer feedback site in the early stages? a) Delete any negative feedback b) Let their loyal customers come to their rescue c) Nothing d) Delete the site entirely e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-15
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39) Direct marketing is continuing to become more ________ oriented. a) personal selling b) Web c) television d) email e) radio Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
40) As the definition of social media develops, what is one underlying element? a) The intersection of technology, social interaction, and sharing information. b) Microsoft is the primary developer. c) Use of the various elements is free. d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
41) In social media, what type of marketing has become important for advertisers? a) e-mailed and online press kits b) word-of-mouth, or buzz marketing c) electronic ads d) product placement e) all of the above
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Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
42) What are some of the concerns related to the limit of social media transparencies? a) making it illegal for employers to monitor or capture the social media conversations of their employees b) accepting government monitoring of social media c) allowing employers to use against an employee what is contained in the employee’s social network profile d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text.
43) Websites such as can provide: a) information on traffic reports on Facebook b) most tweeted brands on Twitter in the last 24 hours c) tweeted information about you d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain the benefits businesses can obtain by harnessing the power of social media. Section Reference: Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and E-marketing Feedback: Please review the Creating Business Utility Using Social Media Tools and Emarketing section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. 8-17
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44) Blogs or weblogs are: a) Web pages of short, frequently updated postings by an individual that are arranged chronologically b) Messages of 140 characters or less c) A category for discussion groups within Usenet d) A web page that allows anyone to edit it e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how social media has changed the way people consume media and how this has affected social business models. Section Reference: The Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 Feedback: Please review the Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 section in your text.
45) The social business models of the future will empower: a) employees b) business partners c) customers d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how social media has changed the way people consume media and how this has affected social business models. Section Reference: The Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 Feedback: Please review the Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 section in your text.
46) Leaders in the business world are increasing their presence on Twitter. This is an example of: a) people focused on sharing ideas about gamification b) people focused on sharing ideas about cloud computing c) people focused on sharing ideas about identity management d) people focused on sharing ideas about social business strategy e) none of the above
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how social media has changed the way people consume media and how this has affected social business models. Section Reference: The Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 Feedback: Please review the Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 section in your text.
47) Social networking sites are beneficial for online advertising because they: a) provide global reach and most are free of charge b) provide opportunities to partner with competitors c) increase advertising effectiveness by targeting specific groups of people and are free of charge d) all of the above e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how social media has changed the way people consume media and how this has affected social business models. Section Reference: The Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 Feedback: Please review the Social and Business Impacts of Web 2.0 section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Tech Guide A: The Details of IT Hardware and Software 1) ______ is the physical component of information technology (IT). a) Software b) Hardware c) Freeware d) Shareware e) Firmware Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
2) _____ provides the instructions that the computer needs. a) Software b) Hardware c) Freeware d) Shareware e) Firmware Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
3) When evaluating hardware devices, there are a number of considerations. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) cost
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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b) compatibility c) accuracy d) process e) portability Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
4) You want the device to be within your budget and to provide the most value for each dollar you spend) This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
5) Hardware devices work together to form a system. Each device needs to work correctly with the other devices. This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
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6) You need your IT devices to work with data and/or information in a specific way. This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
7) You rely on your devices to handle data and instructions without errors. This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
8) You would like to work with your data and instructions as quickly and efficiently as possible. This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: e
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
9) Because you may want to work with information as you travel, you need to easily move the devices as well. This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware? a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
10) The size, shape, and physical arrangement of IT hardware can affect how and where you use a device) This describes which consideration when evaluating hardware. a) cost b) compatibility c) accuracy d) portability e) none of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
11) A(n) _____ is a very small device made out of semiconductor material that acts as a switch to control electronic signals. a) communicator b) XD Chip c) transistor Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-4
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d) ALU e) CPU Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
12) _____ chips carry out many different processing operations within a computer. a) XD b) SD c) Memory d) Macroprocessor e) Microprocessor Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
13) _____ chips also use transistors to store data within the computer. a) XD b) SD c) Memory d) Macroprocessor e) Microprocessor Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
14) We use _____ mathematics to describe the state of transistors. a) binary Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-5
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b) hexadecimal c) fractal d) algebraic e) finite Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
15) Data that transistors store as a sequence of discrete symbols from a finite set, are referred to as _____ data. a) analog b) digital c) sorted d) unsorted e) finite Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
16) In binary, the basic unit, a _____, corresponds to a power of two, or as they say in mathematics, binary is base 2. a) bite b) byt c) byte d) bit e) word Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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17) Binary codes represent letters and numbers through _____ which permits a specific combination of bits to represent each character. a) bit encoding b) byte encoding c) binary encoding d) character encoding e) digital encoding Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
18) For personal computers, the first encoding system was the Standard: a) ASCII b) ICT c) EBCDIC d) Unicode e) BCD Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
19) To deal with the increased globalization of business and use of PCs, most IT devices now rely on a more recent standard called: a) ASCII b) ICT c) EBCDIC d) Unicode e) BCD Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-7
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Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
20) Hardware devices, such as a computer or PDA, execute instructions as a sequence of binary strings known as _____ instructions. a) hardware b) software c) machine d) digital e) analog Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
21) At the core of all computing operations is the: a) XD Chip b) transistor c) macroprocessor d) microprocessor e) X-processor Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
22) The microprocessor contains the majority of the components that make up the: a) CPU b) ALU c) CDI d) ICT e) Bus
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Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text. 23) The CPU is located on the system’s _____, the main circuit board in an electronic device. a) controller b) motherboard c) peripheral d) transistor e) capacitor Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text. 24) The CPU consists of several components. Which of the following isn’t one of them? a) control unit b) arithmetic logic unit c) floating point unit d) code unit e) prefetch unit Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
25) Which component of the CPU performs the following four basic functions: fetch, decode, execute, and store? a) control unit b) cache memory c) floating point unit Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-9
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d) decode unit e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
26) Which component of the CPU executes mathematical and logic calculations on non-integer values (values that may have a fractional portion after the decimal point)? a) control unit b) cache memory c) floating point unit d) decode unit e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
27) Which component of the CPU fetches machine language instructions and translates them into binary code that the ALU processes? a) control unit b) cache memory c) floating point unit d) decode unit e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
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28) Which component of the CPU provides a staging area for instructions and the data? a) control unit b) cache memory c) floating point unit d) decode unit e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
29) Which component of the CPU provides a small amount of memory that stores incoming instructions in a queue while awaiting execution, thereby reducing CPU waiting time? a) control unit b) cache memory c) floating point unit d) decode unit e) none of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
30) Which component of the CPU has small sections of memory that store data while the microprocessor needs it? a) register b) clock c) bus d) instruction set e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-11
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Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
31) Which component of the CPU a crystal that sits on the motherboard and vibrates regularly? a) register b) clock c) bus d) instruction set e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
32) Which component of the CPU is a set of wires that transports data from one location to another? a) register b) clock c) bus d) instruction set e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
33) Which component of the CPU is a collection of machine language instructions that governs how the processor interprets and executes various tasks that it performs? a) register b) clock c) bus d) instruction set e) none of the above
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text. 34) The size of a CPU’s buses determines its_____, which is the number of bits the CPU can process in a single instruction. a) speed b) accuracy c) bandwidth d) volume e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
35) In a computer, the main bus is the data or _____ bus, which sends and receives data to and from the CPU to other components. a) internal b) external c) system d) address e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
36) The _____ buses control the bandwidth and carry data between the components that reside within the chip, which then connect them to main memory. a) internal Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-13
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b) external c) system d) address e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
37) _____ speed is probably the most common measure of CPU performance. a) Bandwidth b) Clock c) Internet d) Register e) Bus Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
38) In IT devices, the main purpose of the _____ is simply to hold instructions that control the device’s start-up processes. a) ROM b) RAM c) Bus d) operating system e) DRAM Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
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39) A small set of instructions, known as the _____ activates the hardware components and loads the operating system. a) RAM b) BIOS c) bus d) application e) driver Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
40) RAM can also be found in other components of your computer system, such as the printer and video and sound cards. This type of RAM is often referred to as _____RAM. a) dynamic b) static c) internal d) peripheral e) video Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
41) Two factors affect RAM performance. What is one of them? a) speed b) accuracy c) capacity d) cost e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-15
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Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
42) _____ refers to how precisely the device can pinpoint a location on a screen or the clarity and level of detail of an image rendered. a) Bandwidth b) Resolution c) Accuracy d) Tracking e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
43) _____ refers to how close the screen cursor follows the movement of the device. a) Bandwidth b) Resolution c) Accuracy d) Tracking e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
44) With_____, the CPU only handles a part of one task at a time. a) tasking b) multitasking c) parallel processing d) perpendicular processing e) multiple tasking Answer: b Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-16
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the elements that affect the processing capability of hardware. Section Reference: An Overview of Hardware Feedback: Please review the Overview of Hardware section in your text.
45) The primary input methods for a computer include the following EXCEPT: a) printer b) keyboard c) mouse d) scanner e) joystick Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
46) _____ uses a special scanning device to read carefully placed pencil marks on specially designed forms, such as those used in standardized tests. a) OCR b) OMR c) MICR d) MIDI e) CPD Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
47) A(n) _____ system uses a special ink that can be read by a special scanner. It is primarily used in the banking industry to print information on cheques for efficient processing. a) OCR Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-17
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b) OMR c) MICR d) MIDI e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
48) Usually implemented as software, _____ converts scanned print documents directly to electronic text. a) OCR b) OMR c) MICR d) MIDI e) CPD Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
49) _____ devices include music keyboards, controllers, and other electronic music devices. a) OCR b) OMR c) MICR d) MIDI e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-18
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Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
50) _____ continue to be, by far, the most common category of output device. a) Printers b) Keyboards c) Memory d) Display devices e) Camera Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
51) _______ are replacing _______ as the display of choice. a) CRTs; LCDs b) LCDs; CRTs c) Plasma to CRT d) a and b are correct e) None of the above are correct Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
52) For LCDs, the rate at which the voltage to each pixel is refreshed is called the refresh rate, measured in: a) hertz (Hz) b) megahertz (MHz) c) gigahertz (GHz) d) none of the above e) a and b
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Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
53) Which of the following is not one of the four types of touch screen technology in use? a) passive touch screen panel b) surface wave technology c) capacitive touch screen d) electromagnetic digitizer e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
54) A(n) _____ uses a specially coated resistive layer. Touching this layer sends an electrical charge to the controller for processing. a) resistive touch screen panel b) surface wave technology c) capacitive touch screen d) electromagnetic digitizer e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
55) A(n) _____ uses ultrasonic waves that pass over the touch screen panel. Changes in the ultrasonic waves that result from touching the panel are registered and sent for processing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-20
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a) resistive touch screen panel b) surface wave technology c) capacitive touch screen d) electromagnetic digitizer e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
56) A(n) _____ is coated with a material that stores electrical charges. Touching this panel draws a small amount of charge to the point of contact. a) resistive touch screen panel b) surface wave c) capacitive touch screen d) electromagnetic digitizer e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
57) Newer tablet PCs use a(n) _____ that accepts input only from a special pen containing an electromagnetic coil. a) resistive touch screen panel b) surface wave c) capacitive touch screen d) electromagnetic digitizer e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-21
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Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
58) A(n) _____ prints very high quality graphics, although at slow speed, by manipulating a pen over a page. a) printer b) multifunction machine c) plotter d) scanner e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
59) The sharpness of text and images on paper is usually measured in: a) PPM b) BPS c) Hz d) DPI e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
60) Printer speed is measured as the page rate in: a) PPM b) BPS c) Hz Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-22
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d) DPI e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
61) Which of the following is an example of an optical storage technology? a) DVD b) HDD c) tape d) USB flash drives e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
62) Which of the following is an example of a magnetic storage technology? a) DVD b) HDD c) CD d) USB flash drives e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
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63) Which of the following is an example of a chip-based storage technology? a) DVD b) HDD c) Tape d) USB flash drives e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the various types of input, output, and storage hardware that business professionals should keep current with. Section Reference: Hardware Devices Feedback: Please review the Hardware Devices section in your text.
64) The _____ handles requests from either application programs or hardware and then determines the processing order of the requests. a) kernel b) colonel c) colony d) none of the above e) a and b Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
65) The _____ is a specific process that allows the application program to make requests to the operating system or another application. a) API b) DPI c) BPS d) PPM Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-24
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Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
66) This start-up procedure relies on the use of the ROM chip, which permanently stores the instructions. What is this procedure called? a) BPS b) BIOS c) Boot d) Book e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
67) POST stands for: a) power-on system-test b) power-on self-test c) power-on start-test d) power-on star-test e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
68) With _____, the multiple CPUs in the same computer handle either multiple different jobs or multiple parts of the same job at the same time. a) tasking b) multitasking Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-25
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c) parallel processing d) perpendicular processing e) multiple tasking Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
69) The operating system must know the location of the word processor program files, as well as the location of a variety of utility files, known as _____ files. a) .DLL b) .EXE c) .JPG d) .WIN e) .COM Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
70) The OS handles this via a table of the various file parts and their locations on the disk, called the: a) NTFS b) DLL c) EXE d) FAT e) ASP Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. A-26
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Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
71) Virtually all operating systems now use a ____ (tree) structure that divides a long list of files into several shorter lists. a) vertical b) horizontal c) diagonal d) colonial e) hierarchical Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain why the operating system is so important to the use of all types of computers. Section Reference: Operating Software Feedback: Please review the Operating Software section in your text.
72) If a sales manager needed to automatically list the items according to item type in a spreadsheet, they would use the _____ tool. a) filter b) programming c) application d) sort Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how business professionals obtain and use application software. Section Reference: Application Software Feedback: Please review the Application Software section in your text.
73) _____software refers to programs for which the authors allow anyone to view the source code the programming instructions—and make changes. a) Open source b) Freeware c) Shareware d) Share-source e) Proprietary
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Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business professionals obtain and use application software. Section Reference: Application Software Feedback: Please review the Application Software section in your text.
74) _____ software requires a purchased licence and typically restricts access to the source code to the company employees. a) Open source b) Freeware c) Shareware d) Share-source e) Proprietary Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how business professionals obtain and use application software. Section Reference: Application Software Feedback: Please review the Application Software section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Tech Guide B: The Details of Networking 1) Which type of server handles high-speed processing? a) application b) database c) web d) file e) mail Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe client/server architecture and explain how it works. Section Reference: Network Architecture Feedback: Please review the Network Architecture section in your text.
2) Which type of server provides both software and data files to users? a) application b) database c) web d) file e) mail Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe client/server architecture and explain how it works. Section Reference: Network Architecture Feedback: Please review the Network Architecture section in your text.
3) When each computer in the network is on the same level as other computers and each computer is equally responsible for overseeing the functions of the network it is a(n) _____ network.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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a) client/server b) peer-to-peer c) flat d) computer e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe client/server architecture and explain how it works. Section Reference: Network Architecture Feedback: Please review the Network Architecture section in your text.
4) Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of a client/server network? a) There is a more complex programming relationship between clients and servers. b) There are more complex computer and network security issues due to increased numbers of users. c) System upgrades require upgrading of all clients and servers, regardless of location. d) The system can be upgraded in small steps. e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe client/server architecture and explain how it works. Section Reference: Network Architecture Feedback: Please review the Network Architecture section in your text.
5) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a client/server network? a) The computing burden is shared among servers and clients. b) Specialized servers handle one particular type of task. c) System upgrades require upgrading of all clients and servers, regardless of location. d) The system can be upgraded in small steps. e) The loss of one client does not stop other clients from accessing the server. Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe client/server architecture and explain how it works. Section Reference: Network Architecture Feedback: Please review the Network Architecture section in your text.
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6) The _____ created the original version of the network layer model. a) OSI b) OISE c) ISO d) ICANN Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
7) The network connection divides the message into smaller digital units called _____ each of which contains a specific number of bytes. a) parcels b) packs c) packets d) pings e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
8) At the network connection layer, each packet receives a sequence number and a(n) _____ address. a) destination b) source c) intermediary d) temporary e) permanent Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-3
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Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
9) _____ switching routes individual packets through the network based on their destination addresses. a) Route b) Application c) Packet d) Network e) none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
10) _____ switching is the key enabling technology that makes it possible to build large-scale, survivable networks like the Internet. a) Route b) Application c) Packet d) Network e) Brand Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
11) A(n) _____ is a type of computer with the sole purpose of accepting packets and determining the best way to send them to the destination computer. a) hub b) bridge c) switch d) router e) gateway Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-4
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Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
12) _____ cable, which transmits cable television signals into your home, is also widely used in networks. a) Coaxial b) Fibre-optic c) Ethernet d) Twisted-pair e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
13) _____ cable is the newest medium and consists of glass strands that can transmit a large number of signals at extremely high speeds. a) Coaxial b) Fibre-optic c) Ethernet d) Twisted-pair e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
14) _____ are high-frequency radio transmissions that can be sent between two Earth stations or between Earth stations and communications satellites.
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a) Radios b) Infrared c) Satellites d) Microwaves e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
15) Because most telephone and cable systems are analog, _____ convert digital signals from the computer into analog signals for transmission over the communications link. a) modulators b) demodulators c) modems d) routers e) gateway Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
16) Data rate is measured in: a) BPS b) DPI c) PPM d) MHz e) BTT Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
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17) _____ relates to how fast a single message can be transmitted between two nodes. a) Traffic b) Latency c) Capacity d) Tenacity e) Bandwidth Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
18) The term _____ often used in relationship to data rate, measures how fast data flow on a transmission path. a) traffic b) latency c) capacity d) tenacity e) bandwidth Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how the network layer model describes a wide area network. Section Reference: Network Layer Model Feedback: Please review the Network Layer Model section in your text.
19) A(n) _____ is a combination of hardware and software that connects two dissimilar computer networks. a) gateway b) router c) hub d) firewall e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-7
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Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
20) Bluetooth is a form of _____ area network. a) local b) municipal c) wide d) campus e) personal Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
21) A _____ provides the physical connection between a computer and a local network. a) motherboard b) hub c) network interface card d) cable e) path Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
22) An email address consists of two parts: the user name and the _____ address. a) domain b) Internet c) source d) destination Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-8
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e) server Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
23) The rightmost part of an email address is known as the top-level: a) domain b) Internet c) source d) destination e) server Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
24) _____ is a not-for-profit company set up over 10 years ago specifically to administer the domain name system. a) ISO b) ICANN c) OSI d) W3C e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
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25) ______technology enables wireless devices, such as mobile telephones, computers, and PDAs to communicate over a distance (less than 10meters) a) WAN b) LAN c) PAN d) DANe) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
26) Wireless LANs replace the usual LAN cabling between computers with wireless transmissions and are used by business professionals to increase the efficiency of many activities in the work place, except a) Pricing and labelling inventories from anywhere and transmitting the information to the back- office computer b) Checking email on handheld PDAs c) Connecting wireless devices to a bar code scanner to scan the items d) Requesting medical tests, checking the results, and then entering the information into a patient’s e-record from the patient’s room e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
27) Postal mail is often referred to as _____ mail. a) small b) slow c) snail d) snow e) none of the above Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-10
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Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
28) Distributing files to a large audience is done by placing them on a(n) _____ server and having the users download them over the Internet. a) NNTP b) ITP c) HTTP d) FTP e) TCPIT Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
29) _____, a computer scientist, developed the Web in 1989, at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland a) Bill Gates b) Tim Berners-Lee c) Steve Jobs d) Al Gore e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
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30) In web terminology, the address of a web page is referred to as its: a) URL b) TCP/IP c) FTP d) HTTP e) HTTPS Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
31) A(n) _____ is not an application or virus, but simply a data file that will be accessed by the related website the next time you visit it. a) biscuit b) crumb c) cookie d) link Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
32) How many characters long can an SMS message be? a) 140 b) 160 c) 255 d) 256 Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-12
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Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
33) In 2009, approximately how many messages were sent on mobile? a) 2 million b) 5 million c) 10 million d) 20 million e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
34) Sending a message on your mobile phone that contains a picture is referred to as a(n): a) SMS b) IM c) MMI d) MMS Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
35) A (An) __________ provides the physical connection between a computer and a local network. a) PAN b) ICANN c) NIC d) WLAN e) TCP Answer: c Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. B-13
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Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
36) An advantage of using BitTorrent protocol over FTP is it allows: a) files software, data, or document files available to a wide audience b) utility software are made available freely c) data files are made available freely d) breaks files into pieces to send them more efficiently using less bandwidth e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe how local area networks are configured, how the Internet works, and what makes the World Wide Web valuable to business professionals. Section Reference: Different Kinds of Networks Feedback: Please review the Different Kinds of Networks section in your text.
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Introduction to Business Information Systems Norrie/Nanjad/Huber Test Bank Tech Guide C: The Details of SQL, Logical Modelling, and XML 1) A(n) ____ database is structured with tables that are related to one another so data can be stored and retrieved efficiently. a) relational b) rational c) informational d) accessible e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
2) To query a database, it is common practice to use which language? a) Java b) C+ c) XML d) SQL e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition
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3) SQL stands for: a) sequenced query language b) structured query language c) simplified query language d) simple query language e) structured quick language Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
4) A ______ key is a field that holds a unique value for each record. a) combination b) foreign c) primary d) private e) public Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
5) A table is known more formally as a(n): a) entity b) record c) relationship d) field e) file Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-2
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6) The _____ keyword designates which fields to display as a result of the query. a) FROM b) SELECT c) WHERE d) AND e) OR Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
7) The ______ keyword designates which tables to search when querying a database. a) FROM b) SELECT c) WHERE d) AND e) OR Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
8) The ______ keyword specifies the search criteria, or query condition to use in finding records. a) FROM b) SELECT c) WHERE d) AND e) OR Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-3
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Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
9) Is SQL case-sensitive? a) Yes b) No c) For keywords only d) Sometimes e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
10) To designate a character or text constant as such, you must use which punctuation marks? a) Exclamation point b) Question mark c) Quotation marks d) Ampersand e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
11) Which of the following SQL statements is correct? a) FROM Table SELECT Field WHERE Record = ‘X’ ORDER BY Field b) WHERE Record = ‘X’ SELECT Field FROM Table ORDER BY Field c) SELECT FROM Table Field WHERE Record = ‘X’ ORDER BY Field d) ORDER BY Field SELECT Field FROM Table WHERE Record = ‘X’ e) None of the above is correct Answer: e Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-4
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Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
12) Which comparison operators below is not used in conjunction with the WHERE keyword? a) greater than (>) b) less than (<) c) greater than or equal to (>=) d) added to (+) e) not equal to (<>) Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
13) It is also possible to combine conditions in a query by using the AND or OR operators, known as _____ operators. a) comparison b) compound c) arithmetic d) logical e) aggregate Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
14) The _____ operator uses the wildcard character as a replacement for unknown or nonexisting characters in an attempt to find matches to a group of characters. a) AND b) OR c) SELECT Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-5
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d) LIKE e) WHEN Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
15) To insert a new record for a book with an item code of KOB, a retail price of $12.95, and an item cost of $7.95 into the Product table of a database, the SQL statement is: a) INSERT INTO Product Values(‘KOB’, ‘Book’, 12.95, 7.95) b) INSERT INTO Product Values(‘KOB’, ‘Book’, ‘$12.95’, ‘$7.95’) c) ADD INTO Product Values(‘KOB’, ‘Book’, 12.95, 7.95) d) ADD INTO Product Values(‘KOB’, ‘Book’, ‘$12.95’, ‘$7.95’) e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
16) Which of the following SQL statements will change all the records from the table Courses that begin with ITM and change it to BTM? a) CHANGE Course WHERE CourseCode = ‘ITM’ SET CourseCode = ‘BTM’ b) CHANGE Course SET CourseCode = ‘BTM’ WHERE CourseCode = ‘ITM’ c) UPDATE Course WHERE CourseCode = ‘ITM’ SET CourseCode = ‘BTM’ d) UPDATE Course SET CourseCode = ‘BTM’ WHERE CourseCode = ‘ITM’ e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
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17) Which of the following SQL statements will delete all the records from the table Students that have the last name “Sample”? a) REMOVE FROM Courses WHERE LastName = ‘Sample’ b) REMOVE WHERE LastName = ‘Sample’ FROM Courses c) DELETE FROM Courses WHERE LastName = ‘Sample’ d) DELETE WHERE LastName = ‘Sample’ FROM Courses e) None of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
18) In order to use an aggregate function, you must use a _____ field. a) numeric b) alpha-numeric c) string d) dummy e) none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
19) The SQL operation used to calculate certain values in the table, such as COUNT are called _____ functions a) comparison b) compound c) arithmetic d) logical e) aggregate
Answer: e Difficulty: Easy Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-7
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Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
20) Which of the following is not an aggregate function? a) AVG b) CNT c) MIN d) MAX e) SUM Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how SQL is used to query a single-table database. Section Reference: Using SQL to Query Relational Databases Feedback: Please review the Using SQL to Query Relational Databases section in your text.
21) Which of the following is not an advantage to using a relational database? a) Increasing data redundancy b) Improving data access and sharing by using database standards c) Maintaining the integrity of the data by having security and controls to prevent errors, duplication, and unauthorized entry d) Allowing configurable views of the data to match the user needs e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
22) The first step in logical modelling is to create a(n): a) DRM b) RDM c) ERD Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-8
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d) DRD e) DFD Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
23) Businesses then build a(n) _____ that adds the attributes and helps to organize them to creating the database. a) DRM b) RDM c) ERD d) DRD e) DFD Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
24) It is not possible to create a primary key–foreign key relationship with a many-to-many relationship. As a result, you need to draw a new relational: a) diagram b) table c) record d) entity e) database Answer: d
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Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
25) The relational entity is connected to each original entity by a _____ relationship. a) many-to-one b) one-to-many c) many-to-many d) one-to-one e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
26) A simple rule of thumb for determining foreign keys is that the primary key from the “_____” side of the relationship is used as a foreign key on the “_____” side of the relationship. a) many; one b) one; many c) many; many d) one; one e) none of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-10
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27) The relational entity uses the _____ key of each of the tables and its own _____key. a) primary; primary b) primary; foreign c) foreign; primary d) foreign; foreign e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
28) _____enforces consistency between linked tables. a) Referential locking b) Table locking c) Table integrity d) Referential integrity e) None of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
29) The _____ operation creates a single table from two (or more) tables. a) CONNECT b) COMBINE c) JOIN d) ADJOIN Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-11
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e) MIX Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
30) Another name for a saved query is a: a) result b) report c) total d) view Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how logical modelling is used to create effective relational database systems, and explain how SQL is used to query multiple-table databases. Section Reference: Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases Feedback: Please review the Using Logical Modelling to Create a Relational Database and Querying Multitable Databases section in your text.
31) An XML schema file has the extension: a) XSL b) XSD c) XMD d) XTML e) XML Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
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32) An XML stylesheet file has the extension: a) XSL b) XSD c) XMD d) XTML e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
33) XML stands for: a) eXtra Modern Link b) eXtensible Markup Language c) Example Markup Language d) X-Markup Language e) None of the above Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
34) The correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version: a) <xml version="1.0" /> b) <?xml version="1.0"?> c) <?xml version="1.0" /> d) None of the above e) a and b Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-13
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Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
35) Which statement is true? a) All the statements are true b) All XML elements must have a closing tag c) All XML elements must be lower case d) All XML documents must have a DTD e) None of the above statements are correct Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
36) Which of the following strings are a correct XML name? a) _myElement b) my Element c) #myElement d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
37) DTD stands for: a) Direct Type Definition b) Document Type Definition c) Do The Dance d) Dynamic Type Definition e) Dynamic Type Document Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or transmission of this page is strictly prohibited. C-14
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Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
38) DTD includes the specifications about the markup that can be used within the document, the specifications consists of all EXCEPT a) the browser name b) the size of element name c) entity declarations d) element declarations e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
39) The use of a DTD in XML development is: a) required when validating XML documents b) no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized c) used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor d) a good guide to populating a templates to be filled in when generating an XML document automatically e) none of the above Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Explain how XML is used to transfer data between software applications. Section Reference: Using XML for Data Transfer Feedback: Please review the Using XML for Data Transfer section in your text.
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