Leadership in Organizations, 9th edition Gary A Yukl Test Bank

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Test Bank for Leadership in Organizations

Leadership in Organizations Ninth Edition

Gary Yukl William L. Gardner, III

Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 1 The Nature of Leadership 1) What is the best explanation for so many different definitions of leadership? A) scholarly nitpicking about trivial issues B) disagreement about what should be included in the definition C) little opportunity for rigorous scientific analysis D) leadership is a very old topic with centuries of definitions Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) What is the most common element in definitions of leadership? A) Leadership is an authority relationship. B) Leadership is the ability to make good decisions. C) Leadership is an attribution made by followers. D) Leadership is an influence process. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Definitions of leadership ________. A) are usually derived by systematic observation of leaders B) are only minor variations of the same general description C) are important for designing and interpreting research D) are pointless because there is no basis for their verification Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) What process is emphasized in the definition of leadership proposed by Yukl? A) influencing followers to have complete trust in the leader B) motivating followers to do more than they initially expected C) empowering each follower to become self reliant D) facilitating collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) Leadership effectiveness is best assessed ________. A) by evaluations from the leader's boss B) by subordinate evaluations of the leader C) by a variety of subjective and objective criteria D) by objective indicators of group performance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Most leadership theories emphasize ________. A) leader characteristics B) follower characteristics C) both leader and follower characteristics D) characteristics of the leadership situation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 7) What aspect of leadership has been emphasized most often in leadership theories and research during the past half century? A) leader traits and skills B) leadership behavior C) leader power and authority D) the leadership situation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 8) What level of leadership processes is emphasized in most theories of effective leadership? A) intra-individual B) dyadic C) group D) organizational Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) A theory that identifies the essential behaviors for any type of leader is best classified as ________. A) descriptive and universal B) prescriptive and universal C) descriptive and situational D) prescriptive and situational Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) A theory that emphasizes leader traits and skills as determinants of leadership behavior is best categorized at what level? A) individual B) dyadic C) group D) organizational Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) A theory that explains the most effective pattern of leadership behavior in a specified situation is best classified as ________. A) descriptive B) prescriptive C) universal D) comprehensive Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) A theory that describes how changes by top management in the structure and culture of an organization affect the behavior of employees is best described as a ________ theory. A) prescriptive B) hierarchical C) multi-level D) complexity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Most of the leadership theory and research has described ________ leadership. A) direct B) ethical C) informal D) toxic Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 14) A leadership theory that describes relationships among leader traits, behavior, influence processes, outcomes, and situational variables is best classified as ________. A) descriptive B) integrative C) comprehensive D) universal Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which is the LEAST accurate statement about the outcomes of leadership actions? A) Immediate and delayed outcomes are usually consistent with each other. B) Immediate outcomes are easier to predict than end-result outcomes. C) Immediate and delayed outcomes are usually interrelated in complex causal chains. D) End-result outcomes are less useful as criteria of leadership effectiveness. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which statement about leaders and managers is MOST accurate according to Yukl? A) Managers and leaders are different types of people. B) Managing and leading are mutually exclusive and unrelated. C) Managing is not important for effective leadership. D) Leadership is important for the success of most managers. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) The numerous definitions of leadership ________. A) are almost identical B) overlap a great deal C) have nothing in common D) differ in many respects Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 18) The differences among the various definitions of leadership ________. A) are nothing more than scholarly nit-picking B) merely express the same criteria in different terminology C) reflect deep disagreement about the identification of leaders and leadership processes D) reject the assumption that it is a process in which intention influence is exerted over other people Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) On which assumption do most definitions of leadership agree? A) Deliberate influence is exercised over other people. B) Influence over others is to be avoided. C) Influence should be exerted to punish, not to motivate. D) People cannot be influenced to do something they do not wish to do. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) Researchers who view leadership as a ________ are more likely to pay attention to the attributes that determine selection of designated leaders. A) shared influence process B) specialized role C) group engagement activity D) function that jeopardizes the effectiveness of the group Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) Which is true of the body of thinking that views leadership as a specialized role? A) It suggests that a person in the group cannot perform both leader and follower roles at the same time. B) It distinguishes between leader and follower roles. C) It does not consider the effects of the leader's behavior on other members of the group. D) Less attention is paid to the typical behavior of designated leaders. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Most behavioral scientists and practitioners ________. A) dispute that leadership is a useful scientific construct B) agree completely on the definition of leadership C) have lost interest in the subject of leadership D) believe that leadership is a real and important phenomenon Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Researchers who consider leadership to be an influence process that occurs within a societal system, diffused among the members, ________. A) posit that leadership is best studied as a specialized role B) suggest that leadership may only be exhibited informally C) believe it is more useful to study leadership as a pattern of relationships D) contend that leadership is important for the success of most managers Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) The ethical use of power ________. A) should not limit the definition of leadership B) must restrict the type of influence processes that researchers study C) is not of concern to most leadership scholars D) is not a legitimate concern Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Should the domain of leadership processes to study be limited by the leader's intended purpose? A) No, because acts of leadership have multiple motives, and it is seldom possible to determine the extent to which they are selfless rather than selfish. B) Yes, because leadership only occurs when people are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial for the organization and themselves. C) No, because the actions of a leader are never more detrimental than beneficial for followers. D) Yes, because actions motivated solely by a leader's personal needs cannot result in unintended benefits for followers. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Until the 1980s, few theories of leadership recognized the importance of ________ as a basis for influence. A) reason B) emotion C) monetary gain D) prestige Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) The conceptualization of leadership should include ________ processes. A) neither rational nor emotional B) both rational and emotional C) rational but not emotional D) emotional but not rational Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) Which of the following is an example of indirect leadership? A) emailing B) texting C) presenting a speech D) cascading Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy

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29) ________ leadership is the term used to describe how a chief executive can influence people at lower levels in the organization who do have immediate contact with the leader. A) Direct B) Indirect C) Specialized role D) Influence process Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) Which statement is true in the context of the ongoing controversy about the distinction between management and leadership? A) A person cannot be a leader without being a manager. B) A person cannot have the job title "manager" without at least one subordinate to lead. C) There is clear agreement on the area of overlap between management and leadership. D) Leadership can be viewed as one of several managerial roles. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) In this text, leadership is treated as ________. A) a specialized role but not a social influence process B) a social influence process but not a specialized role C) both a social influence process but not a specialized role D) neither a specialized role nor a social influence process Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) In this text, the terms leader, ________ are used interchangeably to refer to people who occupy positions in which they are expected to perform the leadership role, but without any assumptions about their actual behavior or success. A) manager, and boss B) subordinate, and manager C) subordinate, and direct report D) staff, and boss Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) In the text, the term ________ is used to describe a person who acknowledges the focal leader as the primary source of guidance about the work, regardless of how much formal authority the leader actually has over the person. A) subordinate B) partner C) outsider D) follower Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Conceptions of leader effectiveness ________. A) are based on the same criteria B) differ from one writer to another C) have nothing in common D) do not reflect effectiveness in terms of the consequences of influence Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) Which is an example of a subjective measure of performance? A) net profits B) return on investment C) rating obtained from the leader's superiors D) costs in relation to budgeted expenditures Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy 36) Market share is an example of a(n) ________ measure of performance. A) ineffective B) objective C) subjective D) relative Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) Follower attitudes and perceptions of the leader are ________. A) not a common indicator of effectiveness B) usually measured with questionnaires or interviews C) calculated using sales data D) impossible to measure Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Which question is NOT related to follower attitudes and perceptions of the leader? A) How well does the leader satisfy the needs and expectations of followers? B) Do followers perceive the leader to have high integrity? C) Has the leader increased the productivity of the followers? D) Do followers trust the leader? Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Which question concerns measuring leader effectiveness in terms of the leaders' contribution to the quality of group processes, as perceived by followers or outside observers? A) Do followers like, respect, and admire the leader? B) Have sales figures achieved by followers increased during the leader's tenure? C) Are followers likely to resist or subvert the leader's requests? D) Does the leader contribute to the efficiency of role specialization? Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) Which of the following would be MOST relevant to measuring the extent to which a person has had a successful career as a leader? A) A leader enhances group cohesiveness. B) A leader has a rapid ascent to positions of higher authority. C) A leader decreases costs in relation to budgeted expenditures. D) A leader improves the quality of work life for followers. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) The ________ result of an influence attempt is whether followers are willing to do what the leader asks, but a(n) ________ effect is how well followers actually perform the assignment. A) immediate; delayed B) delayed; immediate C) follower; leader D) leader; follower Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 42) When the immediate and delayed effects on the same criterion are inconsistent, the immediate outcome ________. A) will be positive while the delayed outcome will be even more positive B) will be negative while the delayed outcome will be positive C) is likely to be identical to the delayed outcome D) may be very different from the delayed outcome Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Which is the most common method used to study leadership effectiveness? A) descriptions of leader actions and decisions from observation and diaries, and critical incidents B) examination of social networks within organizations C) questionnaires filled out by subordinates and other people who interact with the leader D) experiments in which researchers assess effects of different patterns of leader behavior on group processes and outcomes Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) The use of multiple methods for studying leadership ________. A) is the norm among researchers today B) tends to be more common than using one familiar, well-accepted method C) minimizes the limitations of a single method D) muddles the research results and is therefore ineffective Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) ________ can be content analyzed to identify behavior used by effective and ineffective leaders. A) Biographies of famous leaders B) Questionnaires filled out by leaders themselves C) Videos that show different patterns of leadership behavior D) Fictional accounts of group behavior Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of variables that are relevant for understanding leadership effectiveness? A) characteristics of leaders B) characteristics of followers C) characteristics of industries D) characteristics of situations Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 47) ________ is an example of the "characteristics of the situation" key variable. A) Skills and expertise B) National cultural values C) Influence tactics D) Task commitment and effort Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Confidence and optimism is a characteristic of which key variable(s) in leadership theories? A) characteristics of the leader B) characteristics of the followers C) characteristics of the situation D) characteristics of both the leader and the followers Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) Most leadership theories emphasize ________ as the primary basis for explaining effective leadership. A) one category more than the others B) two categories, equally C) two categories, with one featured more prominently, D) all three categories Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 50) Which of the following is NOT one of the five approaches into which the theories and empirical research reviewed in the text are classified? A) trait approach B) behavior approach C) nature-nurture approach D) power-influence approach Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 51) The ________ approach emphasizes attributes of leaders such as personality, motives, values, and skills. A) behavior B) trait C) power-influence D) situational Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) The ________ approach began in the early 1950s after many researchers became discouraged with the ________ approach and began to pay closer attention to what managers actually do on the job. A) behavior; trait B) power-influence; situational C) trait; behavior D) situational; power-influence Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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53) The most common research method in the behavior approach has been a ________. A) laboratory experiment B) field experiment C) critical incident D) survey field study Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) In the power-influence approach, power is viewed as ________. A) valuable only for the degree to which it influences subordinates B) essential for influencing industry trends C) important for influencing subordinates as well as peers, superiors, clients, and suppliers D) secondary to other leader behaviors including tireless energy and penetrating intuition Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) Charismatic and transformational leadership ________. A) emphasize leader and follower values as well as leader behavior B) highlight the importance of contextual factors that influence leader behavior C) explain leadership effectiveness in terms of the amount and type of power possessed by a leader D) emphasize personality, motives, values, and skills Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) Theories of ethical leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership all view leader ________ as the foundation for the leader's goals and behaviors and their impact on followers. A) behaviors B) traits C) values D) situations Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) Leadership can be described as a(n) ________ process involving leader interaction with one subordinate. A) intra-individual B) dyadic C) group D) organizational Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) Which is a typical research question for the intra-individual level of conceptualization? A) How do leaders make decisions about competitive strategy and external initiatives? B) How is leadership shared in the group or team? C) How does a leader influence subordinate motivation and task commitment? D) How are leaders influenced by role expectations and constraint? Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) At which level of conceptualization is the research question, "How leaders influence the shared mental models of team members?" A) intra-individual B) dyadic C) group D) organization Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) As compared to ________ theories of leadership, ________ theories usually provide a better explanation of financial performance by an organization. A) dyadic or group-level; organization-level B) organization-level or group-level; dyadic C) dyadic or organization-level; group-level D) organization-level or group-level; intra-individual Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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61) Most leadership theories emphasize the characteristics and actions of the ________. A) follower without much concern for leader characteristics B) leader without much concern for follower characteristics C) follower and the leader equally D) follower, the leader, and the industry equally Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 62) ________ describes how followers view a leader's influence on events and outcomes. A) Empowerment theory B) Attribution theory C) The leader substitute theory D) The emotional contagion theory of charisma Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) Empowerment theory describes how followers view their ability to ________. A) follow leadership requests and commands B) influence other followers C) influence important events D) manage their own responsibilities Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Sharing of leadership functions among the members of a group are emphasized in which type of theories? A) leader substitutes B) empowerment C) emotional contagion theories of charisma D) self-managed groups Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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65) Theories that focus almost exclusively on either the leader or the follower are ________ than theories that offer a more even-handed explanation. A) less useful B) more useful C) more realistic D) less inclusive Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Prescriptive theories ________. A) identify necessary conditions for using a particular type of behavior effectively B) explain leadership processes C) describe the typical activities of leaders D) explain why certain behaviors occur in particular situations Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) Which statement regarding descriptive theories is NOT true? A) They specify what leaders must do to become effective. B) They describe the typical activities of leaders. C) They explain why certain behaviors occur in particular situations. D) They explain leadership processes. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) When a wide discrepancy exists between what leaders typically do and what they should do to be most effective, a prescriptive theory is ________. A) inapplicable B) less valuable than a descriptive theory C) especially useful D) not the optimal one Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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69) A theory that explains how leader behavior varies from one situation to another would be described as ________ theory. A) a prescriptive universal B) a descriptive universal C) a prescriptive contingency D) a descriptive contingency Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Which statement about contingency theories is true? A) They describe an aspect of leadership that applies to all types of situations. B) They describe aspects of leadership that apply to some situations but not to others. C) They can simultaneously be descriptive and prescriptive. D) They can be descriptive but not prescriptive. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Research indicates that leadership is best defined as a specialized role rather than as a social process or a pattern of relationships. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) The best approach for understanding leadership is to examine rational cognitive processes, because emotional processes are too unreliable to include. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) The assumption underlying the trait approach to studying leadership is that some people are natural leaders who are endowed with certain traits not possessed by other people. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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74) The behavior approach to studying leadership includes studies of what managers actually do on the job. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) The power-influence research examines influence processes between leaders and other people. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) The study of influence tactics can be viewed as a bridge linking the power-influence approach and the behavior approach. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) A contingency theory describes some aspect of leadership that applies to some situations but not to others. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) An integrative approach to studying leadership is an approach that involves more than one leadership construct. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Dyadic processes involve the relationship between a leader and another individual who is usually a subordinate or another type of follower. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) A theory that explains what leaders must do to be effective is called a descriptive theory. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19 C..

81) Definitions of leadership have much in common, with little variation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Researchers who have a very broad definition of leadership are less likely to discover things that are unrelated to or inconsistent with their initial assumptions about effective leadership. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) People who are forced or manipulated into doing something can never become committed to the coerced course of action. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Sending memos and having face-to-face meetings with small groups of employees are examples of direct influence. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) A person without a managerial job title cannot be a leader. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Ratings from a leader's superiors, peers, or subordinates are subjective measures of effectiveness. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) Absenteeism can be construed as an indirect indicator of dissatisfaction toward a leader. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

88) One example of an objective measure of a leader's effectiveness is productivity. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) The distinction between universal and contingency theories of leadership is a sharp dichotomy. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand which aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Classifying leadership theories in terms of level of conceptualization means describing a leader's influence on others. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Why do you suppose that there are so many definitions of leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. They will likely include the idea that the term itself is taken from the common language and incorporated into the technical vocabulary of a scientific discipline. This appropriation carries extraneous connotations that create ambiguity of meaning. Additionally, researchers usually define leadership according to their individual perspectives and the aspects of the phenomenon that are of most interest to them. The differences in definition reflect deep disagreement about the identification of leaders and leadership processes. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 92) Should influence attempts that are irrelevant or detrimental to followers be included in the definition of leadership? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. One viewpoint holds that leadership only occurs when people are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial for the organization and themselves. In this conception, a leader's attempts to gain personal benefits at the follower's expense would not be considered. Another opinion is that all attempts to influence the attitudes and behaviors of followers in an organizational context, regardless of the intended purpose or actual beneficiary, are part of leadership. Acts of leadership often have multiple motives, and it is seldom possible to determine the extent to which they are selfless rather than selfish. The outcomes of leader actions usually include a mix of costs and benefits, some of which are unintended, making it difficult to infer purpose. For this reason, it may be best not to limit the study of leadership processes based upon the leader's intended purpose. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 21 C..

93) What is the difference between leadership and management? Answer: Student answers may vary. It is obvious that a person can be a leader without being a manager (e.g., an informal leader), and a person can have the job title "manager" with no subordinates to lead. Nobody has proposed that managing and leading are equivalent, but the degree of overlap is a point of sharp disagreement. The most useful perspective is probably to view leadership as one of several managerial roles. Most scholars seem to agree that success as a manager or administrator in modern organizations also involves leading. How to integrate the two processes has emerged as a complex and important issue in organizational literature. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 94) Discuss the criteria that are used to assess the effectiveness of leadership. Answer: Student answers may vary. The criteria selected to evaluate leadership effectiveness reflect a researcher's explicit or implicit conception of good leadership. Most researchers evaluate leadership effectiveness in terms of the consequences of influence on a single individual, a team or group, or an organization. One very relevant indicator of leadership effectiveness is the extent to which the performance of the team or organization is enhanced and the attainment of goals is facilitated. Follower attitudes and perceptions of the leader are another common indicator of leader effectiveness, and they are usually measured with questionnaires or interview. Leader effectiveness is occasionally measured in terms of the leader's contribution to the quality of group processes, as perceived by followers or by outside observers. A final type of criterion for leadership effectiveness is the extent to which a person has a successful career as a leader. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) What are some of the new and cutting-edge methods used to assess leadership effectiveness? Answer: Student answers may vary. One type of study examines social networks within organizations to determine which individuals exert influence and leadership within the network. Other studies use implicit measures to tap into automatic cognitive processes that people use without conscious awareness to describe leaders by using broad classifications such as charismatic, authentic, ethical, and empowering. Another stream of research uses biosensor methods that combine biology, chemistry, and technology to identify the physical and psychological mechanisms that underlie leader traits and behaviors, follower reactions to leaders, and the development of leader-follower relationships. Yet another cutting-edge line of research employs behavioral genetics approaches such as studies that compare the attributes of identical twins who were raised apart, or fraternal twins who were raised together, to determine the relative influence of genetic ("nature") versus environmental ("nurture") forces on leadership emergence and effectiveness. Still another emerging field of inquiry focuses on what we can learn about leadership from people's reactions to leaders' facial expressions. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) List and discuss the five categories into which the leadership theories in the text are classified. Answer: Student answers may vary. To be consistent with most of the leadership literature, the theories and empirical research reviewed in this book are classified into the following five approaches: (1) the trait approach, (2) the behavior approach, (3) the power-influence approach, (4) the situational approach, and (5) the values-based approach, although some theories and research involve more than one approach. The trait approach emphasizes attributes of leaders such as personality, motives, values, and skills. Underlying this approach was the assumption that some people are natural leaders, endowed with certain traits not possessed by other people. The behavior approach began in the early 1950s after many researchers became discouraged with the trait approach and began to pay closer attention to what managers actually do on the job. After identifying observable types of leader behavior, these behaviors were related to measures of outcomes such as the performance of the leader's group or work unit. This line of research seeks to explain leadership effectiveness in terms of the amount and type of power possessed by a leader and how power is exercised. Power is viewed as important not only for influencing subordinates, but also for influencing peers, superiors, and people outside the organization, such as clients and suppliers. The situational approach emphasizes the importance of contextual factors that influence leader behavior and how it influences outcomes such as subordinate satisfaction and performance. Major situational variables include the characteristics of followers, the nature of the work performed by the leader's unit, the type of organization, and the nature of the external environment. Values-based approaches to leadership differ from the previously discussed approaches in that they highlight the importance of deeply held leader values that appeal to and influence followers. Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) In terms of classifying leadership theories, what is meant by the "levels of conceptualization?" Answer: Student answers may vary. Another way to classify leadership theories is in terms of the "level of conceptualization" used to describe a leader's influence on others. Leadership can be described as (1) an intra-individual process for leaders, (2) a dyadic process involving leader interaction with one subordinate, (3) a group process, or (4) an organizational process. The levels can be viewed as a hierarchy, starting with individual, then dyadic, then group, and finally organization. What level is emphasized will depend on the primary research question, the type of criterion variables used to evaluate leadership effectiveness, and the type of mediating processes used to explain leadership influence. Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) Why are some assumptions necessary to make dyadic explanations relevant for explaining a leader's influence on the performance of a group or work unit? What are some of these assumptions? Answer: Student answers may vary. Since real leaders seldom have only a single subordinate, some assumptions are necessary to make dyadic explanations relevant for explaining a leader's influence on the performance of a group or work unit. One assumption is that subordinates have work roles that are similar and independent. Subordinates may not be homogeneous with regard to skills and motives, but they have similar jobs. There is little potential for subordinates to affect each other's job performance, and group performance is the sum of the performances by individuals. An example of minimum interdependence is a district sales unit in which sales representatives work separately and independently of each other and sell the same product in different locations or to different customers. However, when there is high interdependence among group members, a group-level theory can better explain how leadership can influence overall group performance. Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) Discuss the distinctions between descriptive and prescriptive leadership theories. Answer: Student answers may vary. Another important distinction among leadership theories is the extent to which they are descriptive or prescriptive. Descriptive theories explain leadership processes, describe the typical activities of leaders, and explain why certain behaviors occur in particular situations. Prescriptive theories specify what leaders must do to become effective, and they identify any necessary conditions for using a particular type of behavior effectively. The two perspectives are not mutually exclusive, and a theory can have both types of elements. For example, a theory that explains why a particular pattern of behavior is typical for leaders (descriptive) may also explain which aspects of behavior are most effective (prescriptive). However, the two perspectives are not always consistent. For example, the typical pattern of behavior for leaders is not always the optimal one. A prescriptive theory is especially useful when a wide discrepancy exists between what leaders typically do and what they should do to be most effective. Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) To what degree do leadership theories focus on the characteristics of followers? Answer: Student answers may vary. The extent to which a theory is focused on either the leader or followers is another useful way to classify leadership theories. Most leadership theories emphasize the characteristics and actions of the leader without much concern for follower characteristics. Only a small amount of research and theory has emphasized follower characteristics. Empowerment theory describes how followers view their ability to influence important events. Attribution theory describes how followers view a leader's influence on events and outcomes, and other theories in the same chapter explain how followers can actively influence their work role and relationship with the leader, rather than being passive recipients of leader influence. The leader substitutes theory describes aspects of the situation and follower attributes that make a hierarchical leader less important. The emotional contagion theory of charisma describes how followers influence each other. Finally, theories of self-managed groups emphasize sharing of leadership functions among the members of a group; in this approach, the followers are also the leaders. Learning Objective: Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 2 Leadership Behavior 1) Which of the following is NOT an example of clarifying behavior by a leader? A) Explain the reasons for an assignment. B) Clearly explain what results are expected. C) Ask the subordinate to set performance goals. D) Explain the relative priority of different tasks. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which of the following is NOT an example of supporting behavior? A) Clearly explain what the subordinate is expected to do. B) Express confidence in a subordinate who has a difficult task. C) Remember details about a subordinate's interests and family. D) Help a subordinate deal with a personal problem. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Supportive leadership is MOST likely to result in what outcome for subordinates? A) stronger organizational commitment B) stronger satisfaction with the leader C) better coordination among subordinates D) better performance by subordinates Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an outcome of leader supporting behavior? A) better time management for the leader B) reduced stress for the subordinates C) more cooperative leader-subordinate relationships D) lower absenteeism and turnover by subordinates Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 1 C..

5) According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are MOST likely to have a ________. A) high concern for the task and a moderate concern for relationships B) moderate concern for the task, and a high concern for relationships C) moderate concern for both the task and relationships D) high concern for both the task and relationships Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which is NOT a method for developing behavior taxonomies? A) distributive aggregation B) judgmental classification C) factor analysis D) theoretical-deductive approach Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Which of the following is NOT one of the behavior meta-categories identified by Yukl? A) task-oriented B) relations-oriented C) process-oriented D) change-oriented Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Which of the following is NOT primarily a change-oriented behavior? A) communicating an inspiring vision for the organizational unit B) monitoring the external environment C) encouraging innovative thinking by subordinates D) setting specific performance goals for subordinates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) Which type of behavior is LEAST likely to occur with people outside the leader's work unit? A) external monitoring B) delegating C) networking D) representing Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which of the following was NOT provided as a guideline for developing subordinates? A) Provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior. B) Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance. C) Provide opportunities to learn from experience. D) Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which of the following guidelines was recommended for recognizing? A) Provide recognition only for outstanding performance. B) Provide more recognition to people in essential, high-visibility jobs. C) Actively look for effective behavior or contributions to recognize. D) Give praise in private to avoid embarrassing the recipient. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which of the following was provided as a guideline for monitoring? A) Measure only outcomes rather than wasting time trying to assess causal processes. B) Develop independent sources of information about the performance of the work unit. C) Use prior performance as the primary basis for assessing current performance. D) Conduct weekly progress review meetings with each subordinate. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which feature was NOT recommended as a guideline for setting performance goals? A) Set goals for every task and responsibility. B) Set goals that are clear and specific. C) Set goals that include a specific target date. D) Set goals that are challenging but realistic. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which of the following was NOT recommended as a guideline for coaching? A) Provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior. B) Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance. C) Encourage the person to look at a problem from different perspectives. D) Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which of the following was NOT a suggested guideline for action planning? A) Identify the optimal sequence for the essential action steps. B) Determine starting times and deadlines for each action step. C) Determine who will be accountable for each action step. D) Identify the best procedure for conducting each action step. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) To improve problem solving, it is recommended that managers should ________. A) concentrate on solving the easy problems first B) concentrate on solving the most difficult problems first C) deal with a problem as soon as it is discovered D) look for ways to solve related problems at the same time Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) There are many divergent taxonomies for behavior ________. A) so it can be difficult to translate from one set of behaviors to another B) but different terms are never used to refer to the same type of behavior C) although the same term is not defined differently by different theorists D) however all the key concepts are covered in the various taxonomies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 18) There are ________ taxonomies of the behavior concepts pertaining to managers and leaders. A) several almost identical B) a couple of similar C) a few slightly different D) many divergent Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19) Behavior categories ________. A) are tangible attributes of the real world B) exist in an objective sense C) are abstractions D) can be established into an absolute set of correct behaviors Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20) Which of the following is NOT a reason for the divergent taxonomies of leadership behavior? A) Behavior categories do not exist in any objective sense. B) Behavior constructs can be formulated at different levels of generality. C) Theorists keep striving for the absolute set of "correct" behavior categories. D) Taxonomies are developed using different methods. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) Two taxonomies that have the same purpose ________. A) cannot be devised at different levels of abstraction B) must be framed in the same level of generality C) may be formulated at different levels of specificity D) will focus on the same set of objectively correct categories Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Which is a reason why taxonomies developed to describe leadership behavior are so different? A) An absolute set of "correct" behavior categories can be established. B) Constructs can be formulated at different levels of abstraction. C) All taxonomies are tangible attributes of the real world. D) Taxonomies must include all relevant aspects of leader behavior. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) A key concept in one taxonomy ________. A) may be absent from another taxonomy B) must be included in all taxonomies C) is always easily translated to the corresponding concept in other taxonomies D) will have the same name in all taxonomies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 24) A hierarchical taxonomy has ________. A) more than five narrow behavior categories B) just one broad behavior with many component behaviors for it C) two or fewer component behaviors for each of two or more narrow behaviors D) two or more broad behaviors with specific component behaviors for each broad one Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Most of the theories and research on effective leadership behavior involve ________ defined behaviors. A) one or two broadly B) at least five broadly C) exactly three narrowly D) four or five narrowly Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 26) ________-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with increasing mutual trust, cooperation, job satisfaction, and identification with the team or organization. A) Task B) Relations C) Change D) Transforming Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Task-oriented behavior ________. A) focuses on the accomplishment of an undertaking in an efficient, reliable way B) is concerned with increasing trust, cooperation, and identification with the team C) prioritizes and encourages innovation in the workplace D) emphasizes consultation and joint decisions Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) Which of the following labels has been used to describe task-oriented behavior? A) consideration B) maintenance behavior C) initiating structure D) supportive leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) Which of the following labels has been used to describe relations-oriented behavior? A) maintenance behavior B) concern for production C) instrumental leadership D) goal emphasis Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) The ________-oriented categories usually include specific behaviors such as clarifying work roles and objectives, assigning specific tasks to subordinates, and planning activities and tasks for the work group. A) change B) relationship C) task D) transforming Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Most studies on task-oriented and relations-oriented behavior found that ________. A) subordinates were more satisfied with a demanding and forceful leader B) no preference for leadership style was expressed by subordinates C) a considerate, supportive leader led to greater satisfaction for subordinates D) an encouraging, thoughtful leader resulted in lower subordinate approval Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) According to studies, leader task-oriented behavior is ________ related to subordinate satisfaction. A) consistently B) not consistently C) never D) always Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8 C..

33) Interpretation of overall results from studies on task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors is ________. A) facilitated by differences in the behavior measures employed B) made challenging by disparities in the types of criteria used C) enabled by similarities among the research methods utilized D) not attempted due to overlap among overall objectives Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Little attention was paid to behaviors directly concerned with ________ in early leadership theory and research. A) encouraging and facilitating change B) accomplishing the task in an efficient and reliable way C) increasing mutual trust D) improving job satisfaction and identification with the team Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) In the 1980s, ________. A) some change-oriented behaviors were included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership B) leading change officially became recognized as a type of behavior distinct from task- and relations-oriented behavior C) the pursuit of a distinct change-oriented category of behavior was abandoned D) theorists discarded the standalone category of change-oriented behavior Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Which of the following is a specific type of change-oriented behavior? A) clarifying work roles B) monitoring subordinate performance C) assigning specific tasks D) encouraging innovation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 9 C..

37) Which of the following is NOT a specific type of empowering decision procedure? A) consultation B) joint decisions C) clarification of task objectives D) delegation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) ________ leadership is another name for the behavior category involving decision-making procedures that a leader can use to involve others in decisions about the work. A) Autocratic B) Charismatic C) Democratic D) Didactic Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Some of the research on empowering leadership includes other types of leader behaviors in addition to decision procedures, like ________. A) proposing an appealing vision of what could be changed B) sharing information C) assigning specific tasks D) withholding resources Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) What is another term for transformational leadership? A) visionary leadership B) aspirational leadership C) participative leadership D) empowering leadership Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 10 C..

41) Which is NOT an example of a specific transformational leadership behavior? A) leading by example B) talking about personal values C) lobbying for resources D) making self-sacrifices for the group Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Making self-sacrifices for the team or organization is associated with ________ leadership. A) empowering B) participative C) democratic D) transformational Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Networking is one of the three distinct and broadly defined categories of ________ behavior. A) external B) internal C) visionary D) proactive Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) Which of the following is NOT one of the three categories of external leadership behavior? A) networking B) clarifying task objectives C) external monitoring D) representing Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) Doing favors for peers or outsiders is an example of which category of external leadership behavior? A) external monitoring B) representing C) clarifying D) networking Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Which of the following behaviors is associated with external monitoring? A) identifying threats and opportunities for the leader's group or organization B) using ingratiation C) socializing with people in other work units D) using political tactics to influence decisions made by governmental agencies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) Which of the following behaviors is NOT an example of the representing category of external behavior? A) lobbying for resources from superiors B) promoting the reputation of the leader's group C) studying the decisions of competitors D) negotiating agreements with suppliers Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Conducting market research is an example of ________. A) external monitoring B) representing C) networking D) clarifying Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) The representing category of external behavior includes ________. A) using political tactics to influence decisions made by superiors B) studying the actions of opponents and competitors C) attending professional conferences and ceremonies D) joining social networks Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) Proactive influence tactics ________. A) cannot be used with people outside the organization, like clients or suppliers B) are especially important for routine requests C) can help gain commitment to requests and proposals D) should not be used for a leader to resist influence attempts made by others Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) Short-term planning of work activities means deciding all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) what to do B) how to do it C) when it will be done D) why it should be done Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) The purpose of ________ is to ensure efficient organization of the work unit, coordination of activities, and effective utilization of resources. A) planning B) clarifying C) monitoring D) problem solving Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) The purpose of clarifying is to ________. A) ensure efficient organization of the work unit, coordination of activities, and effective utilization of resources B) guide and coordinate work activity and make sure people know what to do and how to do it C) gather information about the operations of the manager's organizational unit D) deal with disruptions of normal operations and member behavior that is illegal, destructive, or unsafe Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) ________ involves gathering information about the operations of the manager's organizational unit, including the progress of the work, the performance of individual subordinates, the quality of products or services, and the success of projects or programs. A) Planning B) Clarifying C) Monitoring D) Problem solving Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) What is the purpose of problem solving? A) to ensure efficient organization of the work unit, coordination of activities, and effective utilization of resources B) to guide and coordinate work activity and make sure people know what to do and how to do it C) to gather information about the operations of the manager's organizational unit D) to deal with disruptions of normal operations and member behavior that is illegal, destructive, or unsafe Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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56) Planning ________. A) usually occurs in a single behavior episode B) is mostly a cognitive activity C) has no observable aspects D) is least observable when a manager takes action to implement plans by communicating them to others Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) Clarifying behavior is more important when ________. A) an organization has elaborate regulations regarding how work should be done B) subordinates are highly trained professionals C) there is substantial role ambiguity for members of a work unit D) the work unit functions harmoniously and is conflict-free Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) Information gathered from monitoring is used to do all of the following EXCEPT to ________. A) identify problems B) clarify tasks C) formulate objectives D) modify policies Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) Which of the following is an example of a reactive problem solving behavior? A) purchasing generators to be used if there is a disruption in the supply of electricity B) creating a contingency plan for operations in the case of a natural disaster C) establishing health and safety guidelines for the operation of dangerous equipment D) providing replacements to consumers who received defective merchandise Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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60) Descriptive research on effective managers suggests that they ________. A) pass problems along to others within the organization B) involve more people than necessary to ensure that a problem is solved C) give priority to important problems that can be solved D) focus their time on intractable problems Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Supportive leadership ________. A) includes a wide variety of behaviors that show consideration, acceptance and concern for the needs and feelings of other people B) seeks to guide and coordinate work activity and make sure people know what to do and how to do it C) involves giving praise and showing appreciation to others for effective performance, significant achievements, and important contribution to an organization D) strives to increase a subordinate's skills and facilitate job adjustment and career advancement Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) ________ leadership involves giving praise and showing appreciation to others for effective performance, significant achievements, and important contribution to an organization. A) Supportive B) Developing C) Recognizing D) Clarifying Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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63) Which type of leadership behavior involves increasing a subordinate's skills and facilitating job adjustment and career advancement? A) supportive B) developing C) clarifying D) recognizing Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Key components of ________ leadership include mentoring, coaching, and providing developmental opportunities. A) supportive B) developing C) clarifying D) recognizing Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) Bolstering a person's self-esteem and confidence is a guideline for ________ leadership. A) supportive B) developing C) clarifying D) recognizing Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Developing ________. A) is usually done with a colleague B) cannot be done with a boss C) may be done with a peer D) is never delegated to subordinates Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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67) Which of the following is an example of a potential benefit that developing can offer to the organization? A) better job adjustment B) more skill learning C) faster career advancement D) higher employee commitment Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) The primary purpose of recognizing, especially when used with subordinates, is to ________. A) strengthen desirable behavior and task commitment B) attain task objectives C) build and maintain effective interpersonal relationships D) increase acceptance and trust of the leader Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Praise ________. A) is the most difficult form of recognition B) is overutilized by many managers C) most often is given publicly D) may take the form of oral comments Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Recognition ________. A) should not be given for improvement if an individual's level of performance is still only average B) must be limited to successful efforts C) may be given for personal sacrifices made to accomplish a task D) should be limited to a few best performers in each type of job Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18 C..

71) It is not possible to establish an absolute set of "correct" behavior categories to organize the behavior descriptions from research over the last half-century. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 72) Initiating structure includes behaviors such as assigning tasks to subordinates, maintaining definite standards of performance, asking subordinates to follow standard procedures, emphasizing the importance of meeting deadlines, criticizing poor work, and coordinating the activities of different subordinates. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 73) Change-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with understanding the external environment and finding ways to minimize the amount of adaptive change. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 74) The three meta-categories of task-oriented, relations-oriented, and change-oriented behaviors are independent and unrelated to each other. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 75) The most common method for studying effective leadership is an experiment in which leader behavior is manipulated by researchers to determine how it affects subordinates. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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76) Planning is easy to observe because it mostly involves processing, analyzing, and deciding that occurs at discrete moments. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 77) Clarifying mostly involves the communication of plans, policies, and role expectations to peers and clients. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 78) Monitoring involves gathering information about the progress of the work, the performance of individual subordinates, and the success of work unit activities and projects. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why task and relations behaviors are both important for leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 79) Developing includes managerial practices such as mentoring and coaching that are used to increase a subordinate's skills and facilitate job adjustment and career advancement. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 80) Consideration is a behavior category that includes sets of behaviors involving concern for relationships. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 81) In the field of leadership behavior, sometimes different terms are used to refer to the same type of behavior. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

82) Despite the divergent taxonomies used to describe leadership behavior, it is simple to translate from one set of behaviors to another. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) One reason for differences among taxonomies is the fact that behavior constructs can be formulated at different levels of abstraction. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 84) All taxonomies are intended to cover the full range of leader behaviors. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Task-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with accomplishing the task in an efficient and reliable way. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) The task-oriented term "instrumental leadership" is similar to the relations-oriented term "supportive leadership." Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 87) Leadership theory and research has from its earliest days focused much attention on behaviors directly concerned with encouraging and facilitating change. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 21 C..

88) The purpose of planning is to ensure efficient organization of the work unit, coordination of activities, and effective utilization of resources. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Clarifying behavior is likely to be less important when there is substantial role ambiguity or role conflict for members of the work unit. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Key components of the recognizing category of leader behavior are giving praise and showing appreciation. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Why do taxonomies of behavior concepts pertaining to managers and leaders differ from one another? Answer: Student answers may vary. Behavior categories are abstractions rather than tangible attributes of the real world. The categories are derived from observed behavior in order to organize perceptions of the world and make them meaningful, but they do not exist in any objective sense. No absolute set of "correct" behavior categories can be established. Thus, taxonomies that differ in purpose can be expected to have somewhat different constructs. Another source of diversity among taxonomies, even for those with the same purpose, is the possibility that behavior constructs can be formulated at different levels of abstraction or generality. The scope of behavior taxonomies also differs. A third source of diversity among behavior taxonomies is the method used to develop them. Each method has its own biases and limitations, and the use of different methods results in somewhat different taxonomies, even when the purpose is the same. There are substantial differences in the number of behaviors, the range of behaviors, and the level of abstraction of the behavior concepts. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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92) What is the difference between task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors? Answer: Student answers may vary. Task-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with accomplishing the task in an efficient and reliable way. Relations-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with increasing mutual trust, cooperation, job satisfaction, and identification with the team or organization. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) According to studies, do subordinates prefer leaders who display task-oriented or relationsoriented behavior? Which type of behaviors are more effective? Answer: Student answers may vary. Scholars have reviewed and analyzed the results from the large number of studies on task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors, but interpretation of overall results for the two broad types of behavior was made difficult by differences among studies in the behavior measures, types of criteria, and research methods that were used. Most studies found that subordinates were more satisfied with a leader who was considerate and supportive, although the relationship was weaker when the measures of behavior and satisfaction were not from the same source. Leader task-oriented behavior was not consistently related to subordinate satisfaction. In some studies, subordinates were more satisfied with a structuring leader, but in other studies they were less satisfied or there was no significant effect on satisfaction. Results are also inconsistent for studies on how the two broad behaviors are related to indicators of effective leadership. The findings suggest that all leaders need to use some taskoriented and relations-oriented behaviors, but the effects depend on the leader's ability to identify and use specific component behaviors that are relevant for the leadership situation. A detailed description of specific task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors and guidelines for their use is presented later in the chapter. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leader behavior has been described and examined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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94) Name and describe the type of leadership that encourages the involvement of subordinates in decision-making. Answer: Student answers may vary. Empowering and participative leadership involves decisionmaking procedures that a leader can use to involve others such as subordinates or team members in decisions about the work. Terms used to describe the frequent use of such procedures with subordinates include participative leadership, empowering leadership, and democratic leadership. Specific types of empowering decision procedures include consultation, joint decisions, and delegation. The frequent use of these decision procedures may reflect a strong concern for relations objectives such as subordinate commitment and development, as well as for task objectives such as decision quality. Some of the research on empowering leadership includes other types of leader behaviors in addition to decision procedures (e.g., sharing information, providing resources). Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) Which category of external leadership behaviors is most important to a leader's success? Why? Answer: Student answers may vary. Many leaders must also interact with other people in the same organization, such as bosses and people in other subunits, and with people outside their organization, such as customers, clients, suppliers, subcontractors, government officials, important people in the community, and managers from other organizations. These interactions reflect the need for information about complex and uncertain events that influence subunit operations and depend on the cooperation and assistance of numerous people outside the immediate chain of command. Three distinct and broadly defined categories of external behavior are networking, external monitoring, and representing. Networking involves building and maintaining favorable relationships with peers, superiors, and outsiders who can provide desired information, resources, and political support. External monitoring includes collecting information about relevant events and changes in the external environment, identifying threats and opportunities for the leader's group or organization, and identifying best practices that can be imitated or adapted. Representing includes lobbying for resources and assistance from superiors, promoting and defending the reputation of the leader's group or organization, negotiating agreements with peers and outsiders such as clients and suppliers, and using political tactics to influence decisions made by superiors or governmental agencies. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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96) What are proactive influence tactics? Answer: Student answers may vary. Several types of influence tactics are used in influence attempts made by leaders with subordinates, peers, bosses, and people outside their organization, such as clients and suppliers. This type of behavior is important to gain compliance or commitment to requests and proposals, especially ones that are not routine and unlikely to be successful if the leader makes only a simple request. Influence tactics can also be used by a leader to resist or modify influence attempts made by others. Learning Objective: Understand the major types of leader behavior in leadership theory and research. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) Can the effectiveness of a leader's skill at planning be assessed? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. Planning is mostly a cognitive activity that involves analyzing information and making decisions about how task objectives will be accomplished. Planning seldom occurs in a single behavior episode; instead it tends to be a prolonged process that occurs over a period of weeks or months. Because planning is a cognitive activity that seldom occurs as a single discrete episode, it is difficult to observe. Nevertheless, some observable aspects include writing plans, preparing written budgets, developing written schedules, and meeting with others to formulate objectives and strategies. Planning is most observable when a manager takes action to implement plans by communicating them to others and making specific task assignments. Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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98) Why is problem solving an important type of behavior for leaders? What is the correct approach to solving operational problems? Answer: Student answers may vary. Problem solving is a type of behavior used by leaders to deal with disruptions of normal operations and member behavior that is illegal, destructive, or unsafe. Leaders face an endless stream of operational problems and disturbances in their work, and examples include serious accidents, power failures, equipment breakdowns, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, quality problems, supply shortages, and strikes by labor unions. Several survey studies found that problem solving was related to effective leadership. The descriptive research using critical incidents, diaries, and comparative case studies also provides evidence that effective leaders deal with operational problems in a timely and appropriate way. The descriptive research also found that ineffective leaders ignore signs of a serious problem, avoid responding until it becomes much worse (e.g., by forming a committee to study it and write a detailed report), make a hasty response before identifying the cause of the problem, discourage useful input from subordinates, or react in ways that create more serious problems at a later time. It is desirable to evaluate whether a problem can be solved within a reasonable time period with available resources and (2) whether it is worthwhile to invest the time, effort, and resources on this problem rather than on others. Descriptive research on effective managers suggests that they give priority to important problems that can be solved, rather than ignoring these problems or trying to avoid responsibility for them by passing the problem to someone else or involving more people than necessary to diffuse responsibility for decisions. For problems that are either trivial or intractable, it is often best to postpone attempts to resolve them and use the time more effectively. Of course, some problems are so important that they should not be postponed even when the initial probability of a successful solution is low. Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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99) What are the three specific types of relations-oriented behaviors related to effective leadership discussed in the text? Answer: Student answers may vary. The three types of relations-oriented behaviors related to effective leadership are supporting, developing, and recognizing. Supportive leadership (or "supporting") includes a wide variety of behaviors that show consideration, acceptance, and concern for the needs and feelings of other people. Supportive leadership helps to build and maintain effective interpersonal relationships. A manager who is considerate and friendly toward people is more likely to win their friendship and loyalty. Developing includes several managerial practices that are used to increase a subordinate's skills and facilitate job adjustment and career advancement. Key component behaviors include mentoring, coaching, and providing developmental opportunities. Developing is usually done with a subordinate, but it may also be done with a peer, a colleague, or even with a new, inexperienced boss. Recognizing involves giving praise and showing appreciation to others for effective performance, significant achievements, and important contributions to the organization. Although it is most common to think of recognition as being given by a manager to subordinates, this managerial practice can also be used with peers, superiors, and people outside the work unit. The primary purpose of recognizing, especially when used with subordinates, is to strengthen desirable behavior and task commitment. Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 100) What misconceptions are there about providing praise and recognition? Answer: Student answers may vary. Managers tend to think of recognition as appropriate only for major achievements, thereby limiting their opportunity to gain the benefits from this potent managerial practice. Recognition should be provided for a variety of other things, including demonstration of initiative and extra effort in carrying out an assignment or task; achievement of challenging performance goals and standards; personal sacrifices made to accomplish a task or objective; helpful suggestions and innovative ideas for improving efficiency, productivity, or the quality of the work unit's products or services; special efforts to help someone else (e.g., coworker, customer) deal with a problem; and significant contributions made to the success of other individuals or teams. Some managers believe that it is inappropriate to recognize performance improvements if an individual's level of performance is still only average or substandard. However, some form of recognition for improvements is important to encourage and strengthen efforts toward additional improvement. Improvements can be recognized in a way that also communicates an expectation of continuing progress toward excellence. Another fallacy is that recognition must be limited to successful efforts. Sometimes recognition is necessary for unsuccessful efforts to perform an important activity with a low probability of success. Learning Objective: Understand how specific types of task and relations behavior can be used effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 3 Leadership Situation 1) The primary explanatory process in Path-goal Theory of leadership is the influence of leader ________. A) expectations on subordinate behavior B) expectations on subordinate expectations C) behavior on subordinate expectations D) behavior on group processes Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) According to Path-goal Theory, supportive leadership contributes most to subordinate satisfaction and motivation when the task is ________. A) tedious and stressful B) important and meaningful C) complex and variable D) interesting and enjoyable Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) According to Path-goal Theory, directive leadership is most effective when ________. A) the task is simple and repetitive B) work roles are ambiguous C) the task is tedious and stressful D) work roles are independent Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) According to Leader Substitutes Theory, leadership is least important when there are ________. A) few substitutes and neutralizers B) few substitutes and many neutralizers C) many substitutes and few neutralizers D) many substitutes and neutralizers Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) According to Leader Substitutes Theory ________. A) effective leaders find capable substitutes to replace subordinates who lack appropriate skills or motivation B) effective leaders find capable substitutes to fill in for them when they must be absent from the work unit C) hierarchical leadership is less important when new strategies can be substituted for obsolete ones D) hierarchical leadership is less important when many substitutes are present in the situation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) According to the Multiple Linkage Model, short-term group effectiveness depends primarily on what the leader does to ________. A) maximize the task commitment of subordinates B) improve planning and coordination of operations C) correct any deficiencies in intervening variables D) remove organizational constraints Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) In the Multiple Linkage Model, long-term group effectiveness depends primarily on ________. A) the leader's interpersonal skills B) the leader's technical skills C) the leader's ability to gain more power over subordinates D) the leader's ability to make the situation more favorable Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) According to Stewart, which of the following statements is NOT correct? A) Demands and constraints are essentially the same for most managerial jobs. B) Managerial behavior is strongly influenced by demands and constraints. C) Role conflicts are caused by incompatible demands from different people. D) Demands and constraints depend in part on a manager's perceptions. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) In comparison to low-level managers, most top executives ________. A) are more focused on solving immediate problems B) are more autocratic in their decision making C) have a stronger concern about efficiency D) have a longer time perspective Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Managers in large units are MOST likely to ________. A) use less delegation B) use group decision making more often C) spend more time planning and coordinating D) provide more coaching Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) In a crisis situation, effective leaders are likely to ________. A) consult with subordinates B) reduce their exposure C) act more considerately D) act more decisively Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which of the following is NOT a suggested guideline for adaptive leadership? A) Use more planning to prepare for a long, complex task. B) Provide more direction to people with independent work roles. C) Be more supportive to people who have a stressful task. D) Provide more direction and briefings when there is a crisis. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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13) Which of the following is a suggested guideline for adaptive leadership? A) Make contingency plans to prepare for any possible problems. B) Hold more meetings to involve people when a crisis occurs. C) Maintain a high level of situational awareness. D) Rely on previously effective practices. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 14) Which of the following was NOT a recommendation for effective time management? A) Determine how much time is spent on different activities. B) Eliminate activities that require a lot of time. C) Plan daily and weekly activities. D) Avoid procrastination. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 15) Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended guidelines for time management by leaders? A) Analyze how you have been using your time. B) Determine the important objectives to be accomplished. C) Use multi-tasking to conduct important activities. D) Plan daily and weekly activities in advance. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 16) Which of the following was NOT found in the research on leadership situations? A) The situation directly influences a leader's behavior. B) The situation moderates the effects of leader behavior on outcomes. C) The situation directly affects mediators for effects of leader behavior. D) The situation has little effect on leader behavior. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Heller and Yukl found that as span of control increased, upper-level managers made ________ autocratic decisions and used ________ delegation. A) fewer; less B) fewer; more C) more; less D) more; more Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) A situational variable is called a(n) ________ if it increases the effects of leader behavior on the dependent variable but does not directly influence the dependent variable. A) mediator B) neutralizer C) enhancer D) substitute for leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19) When a situational variable can make a mediating variable or an outcome more favorable, it is sometimes called a(n) ________. A) mediator B) neutralizer C) enhancer D) substitute for leadership Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20) A situational moderator variable is called a(n) ________ when it decreases the effect of leader behavior on the dependent variable or prevents any effect from occurring. A) mediator B) neutralizer C) enhancer D) substitute for leadership Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 5 C..

21) A situational moderator variable is called a neutralizer when it ________. A) decreases the effect of leader behavior on the dependent variable or prevents any effect from occurring B) increases the effects of leader behavior on the dependent variable but does not directly influence the dependent variable C) makes a mediating variable or an outcome more favorable D) makes a mediating variable or an outcome less favorable Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) A substitute can indirectly influence leader behavior ________. A) when it decreases the effect of leader behavior on the dependent variable B) if it becomes obvious to the leader that some types of behavior are redundant C) when it increases the effect of leader behavior on the independent variable D) if the leader is unaware that some types of behavior are unnecessary Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Leader task expertise enables a leader to provide better coaching, and subordinates are more likely to follow advice from a leader who is perceived to be an expert. This example illustrates which of the following? A) neutralizer B) enhancer C) substitute D) mediator Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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24) Leader instruction in how to do a task has little effect on the performance of employees who already know how to do it. This example illustrates which of the following? A) neutralizer B) enhancer C) substitute D) mediator Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 25) Much of the knowledge about how the situation influences leader behavior comes from descriptive research using all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) observation B) interviews C) field experiments D) diaries Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 26) ________ are the required duties, activities, and responsibilities for someone in a managerial position. A) Demands B) Constraints C) Choices D) Patterns of relationships Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 27) ________ are characteristics of the organization and external environment limiting what a manager can do. A) Demands B) Constraints C) Choices D) Patterns of relationships Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 7 C..

28) ________ include the opportunities available to someone in a particular type of managerial position to determine what to do and how to do it. A) Demands B) Constraints C) Choices D) Patterns of relationships Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 29) Standards, objectives, and deadlines for work that must be met are examples of ________. A) demands B) constraints C) choices D) patterns of relationships Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) Examples of major ________ include the objectives for the manager's unit and the priorities attached to different objectives A) demands B) constraints C) choices D) patterns of relationships Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) ________ include bureaucratic rules, policies, and regulations that must be observed. A) Demands B) Constraints C) Choices D) Patterns of relationships Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8 C..

32) Which of the following is an example of a demand? A) adhering to safety regulations B) following environmental regulations C) deciding which strategies to use to pursue objectives D) conducting performance appraisals Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) Which of the following is an example of a constraint? A) securities regulations B) required meetings C) delegated responsibilities D) authorization of an expenditure Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Which of the following is an example of a choice? A) bureaucratic procedures B) priorities attached to different objectives C) availability of resources D) labor laws Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) Demands and constraints ________ choices in the short run; over a longer time period a leader has the opportunity to modify demands and remove constraints in order to ________ choices. A) limit; expand B) limit; limit C) expand; expand D) expand; limit Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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36) More time is needed to deal with ________ when new assignments must be made frequently and coordinated closely. A) subordinates B) superiors C) peers D) outsiders Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) More time is needed to deal with ________ when the manager is highly dependent on them for resources or assignments. A) subordinates B) superiors C) peers D) outsiders Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) More time is needed to deal with ________ when the manager is dependent on them for services, supplies, cooperation, or approval of work outputs. A) subordinates B) superiors C) peers D) outsiders Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) More time is needed for clients, customers, suppliers, and/or subcontractors when ________. A) superiors make unpredictable demands B) the manager is highly dependent on these outsiders and must negotiate agreements, carry out public relations activities, and create a good impression C) it is important but difficult to monitor subordinates' performance D) peers must be closely coordinated Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10 C..

40) Having to establish relationships with many people for short periods of time as opposed to dealing with the same people repeatedly ________. A) causes the manager's job to be much simpler B) makes it impossible for the manager to impress people C) further complicates the manager's job D) is preferable when a manager needs to influence people Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 41) The chaotic and demanding nature of managerial work makes ________ one of the most important administrative skills for leaders. A) conflict resolution B) interpersonal skills C) analytical decision making D) time management Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Which of the following is a guideline for effective time management? A) Learn to use a wide range of relevant behaviors. B) Provide more direction to people with interdependent roles. C) Take advantage of reactive activities. D) Use more planning for a long, complex task. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective time management? A) Monitor critical tasks more closely. B) Plan and prepare for extreme events. C) Learn the reasons for demands and constraints. D) Determine what you want to accomplish. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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44) A coalition of ________ is especially important when it is necessary to make innovative changes and ensure that they will be implemented successfully. A) internal critics B) external allies C) internal and external supporters D) collaborative leaders Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 45) More external behavior is needed when the leader is ________. A) only mildly dependent on information from other parts of the organization B) heavily reliant on resources from higher management C) unaffected by governmental regulations on the work D) not dependent on cooperation from clients Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Which of the following is NOT a remedy for procrastination? A) focus on fear of failure B) break a complex task into smaller parts C) set a deadline earlier than the date on which the task must absolutely be completed D) tackle unpleasant tasks early in the day Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) Setting aside some time for reflective analysis and planning ________. A) is desirable only if not done on a regular basis B) can make managers too preoccupied with reacting to day-to-day problems C) may help managers avoid many of the problems that they are faced with D) makes them less prepared to deal with unavoidable problems Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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48) The initial version of the ________ described how a leader's task-oriented behavior and relations-oriented behavior influence subordinate satisfaction and performance in different situations. A) Leader Substitutes Theory B) Path-goal Theory C) Multiple Linkage Model D) LPC Contingency Model Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 49) Which of the following is one of the LEAST useful of the early contingency theories? A) Path-goal Theory B) Leader Substitutes Theory C) Situational Leadership Theory D) Multiple Linkage Model Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 50) According to Path-goal Theory, subordinates will perform better in all of the following cases EXCEPT when they ________. A) perceive that minimal effort is required to attain task objectives B) perceive that high performance will result in beneficial outcomes C) are optimistic that it is possible to achieve the task objectives D) have clear and accurate role expectations Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 51) Task-oriented behavior has a stronger effect on role clarity, self-efficacy, effort, and performance when subordinates are ________. A) unsure about how to do their work B) sure of how to do their work C) assigned simple and easily achievable tasks D) very experienced in the work they need to accomplish Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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52) A key proposition of Path-goal Theory is that supportive leadership has a stronger effect when the task is all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) tedious B) dangerous C) stressful D) routine Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 53) Which of the following is a substitute for instrumental leadership? A) an unstructured and highly varied task B) minimal prior training and experience for subordinates C) an intrinsically satisfying task D) extensive rules and standard procedures Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Which of the following is a substitute for supportive leadership? A) a highly structured and repetitive task B) extensive prior training and experience C) an intrinsically satisfying task that is not stressful D) extensive rules and standard procedures Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) Professionals who are internally motivated by their values, needs, and ethics ________ quality work. A) do not need to be encouraged by their leader to do B) require additional encouragement from their leader to do C) are willing but incapable of producing D) need extensive direction and training to produce Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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56) ________ describes how specific types of leader behavior and situation variables jointly influence performance by individual subordinates and by the leader's work unit. A) Path-goal Theory B) Leader Substitutes Theory C) The Multiple Linkage Model D) Situational Leadership Theory Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) The Multiple Linkage Model ________. A) includes a smaller number of mediating variables that explain the effects of leader behaviors and situational variables B) replaces the broadly defined behaviors used in most earlier contingency theories with specific types of leader behaviors C) deals directly with organizational processes involving adaptive leadership by top management to threats and opportunities in the external environment D) does not include explanatory mediating variables Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 58) The four types of variables in the Multiple Linkage Model include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) leader behaviors B) explanatory mediating variables C) subordinate behaviors D) outcome variables Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) Intrinsic motivation is likely to be higher for subordinates for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ________. A) the work requires varied skills B) the work is interesting C) the work is easily accomplished D) the work provides automatic feedback about performance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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60) A basic proposition of ________ is that leader actions correct any deficiencies in the mediating variables that determine group performance. A) Path-goal Theory B) Leader Substitutes Theory C) Situational Leadership Theory D) Multiple Linkage Model Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) The evidence supporting contingency theories of effective leadership is ________, and the findings are ________ to interpret. A) limited; easy B) limited; difficult C) vast; easy D) vast; difficult Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 62) What is a guideline for flexible, adaptive leadership? A) Understand your leadership situation, and try to make it more favorable. B) Focus on using a small range of relevant behaviors. C) Provide less direction to people with interdependent roles. D) Give an inexperienced subordinate freedom to perform without coaching. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for flexible, adaptive leadership? A) Monitor a critical task or unreliable person more closely. B) Be more supportive to someone with a highly stressful task. C) Plan and prepare for extreme events. D) Use more planning for a long, complex task. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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64) All of the following can result in more exposure for an organization EXCEPT when ________. A) decisions do not have immediate consequences B) actions have highly visible outcomes C) mistakes can result in risk to human health and life D) poor judgment can result in disruption of operations Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) There is less exposure when ________. A) decisions have immediate consequences B) bad judgment can result in loss of resources C) actions have important consequences D) decisions are made by a group that has shared accountability for them Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Which statement about leader discretion is true? A) Demands and constraints are determined entirely by objective job conditions. B) Research shows that for managers with similar jobs there is little variability of behavior. C) A leader's objectives and skills play a role in determining demands and constraints. D) Leaders have no say in which aspects of their job are emphasized. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 67) Which of the following is NOT true regarding the fact that different people define the same job in different ways? A) It reflects a leader's interests, skill, and values. B) It is influenced by the role expectations others have for the leader. C) It is due to the inherent trade-offs among different aspects of a job. D) It is the result of some leaders failing to perform their duties in an effective manner. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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68) All of the following are primary concerns of higher-level managers EXCEPT ________. A) implementing work policies and programs B) managing and leading are mutually exclusive and unrelated C) modifying the organization structure D) initiating new ways of doing things Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Low-level managers are primarily concerned with ________. A) interpreting policies B) implementing programs C) making long-range plans D) facilitating work activities Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) ________ tend to be more concerned with technical matters, staffing, scheduling work, and monitoring subordinate performance. A) Top executives B) Higher-level managers C) Middle managers D) Lower-level managers Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) The contingency theories of effective leadership have at least one predictor variable such as leadership behavior, at least one dependent outcome variable such as subordinate satisfaction or performance, and one or more situational variable. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 72) A variable that enhances the strength of the relationship between a predictor variable and a dependent variable is called a mediating variable. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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73) Leader Substitutes Theory suggests that in many situations no leadership is necessary. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 74) According to the LPC Contingency Model, a high LPC leader would be preferred in a situation where the leader-member relations are good, the task is highly structured, and the leader has high position power. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 75) According to the Path-goal Theory of leadership, task characteristics have a direct effect on subordinate effort and satisfaction. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 76) According to the Cognitive Resource Theory, under periods of high stress leader intelligence is less likely to improve leadership effectiveness. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 77) The Multiple Linkage Model describes how managerial behavior and situational variables jointly influence the performance of an individual subordinate or the leader's work unit. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 78) Most of the research on contingency theories used weak research methods and failed to provide strong, conclusive results. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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79) The early contingency theories have many conceptual weaknesses that make them difficult to validate and limit their practical utility. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 80) A general guideline for managers that can be derived from the contingency leadership research is that leaders need to provide more direction to subordinates with simple and repetitive tasks. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 81) Early research on leadership failed to provide strong support for universal conceptions of effective leadership. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Aspects of the leadership situation can have different types of causal effects, but only one type of effect can occur for the same situational variable. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) A situational variable is called an enhancer only if it directly influences the dependent variable. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 84) Constraints are characteristics of the organization and external environment limiting what a manager can do. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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85) Standards, objectives, and deadlines for work that must be met are examples of constraints. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Demands and constraints are not determined entirely by objective job conditions, they also depend on the leader's objectives and skills. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 87) Middle managers are primarily concerned with interpreting and implementing policies and programs, and they usually have a long-time perspective (10 to 20 years in the future). Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 88) Making autocratic decisions allows a manager to reduce the amount of time needed to make decisions. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 89) A guideline for coping with demands and constraints is to make time for reflective analysis and planning. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Situational variables indirectly influence mediating variables. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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91) Can a situational variable directly influence a leader's behavior? Answer: Student answers may vary. A situational variable may directly influence a leader's behavior but only indirectly influence the dependent variables. Aspects of the situation such as formal rules, policies, role expectations, and organizational values can encourage or constrain a leader's behavior. In addition to the direct effect of the situation on leader behavior, there may be an indirect effect on dependent variables. For example, a company establishes a new policy requiring sales managers to provide bonuses to any sales representative with sales exceeding a minimum standard; sales managers begin awarding bonuses, and the performance and satisfaction of the sales representatives increase. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 92) What is the difference between demands and constraints? Answer: Student answers may vary. Demands are the required duties, activities, and responsibilities for someone in a managerial position. Demands include standards, objectives, and deadlines for work that must be met, and bureaucratic procedures that cannot be ignored or delegated, such as preparing budgets and reports, attending certain meetings, authorizing expenditures, signing documents, and conducting performance appraisals. Constraints are characteristics of the organization and external environment limiting what a manager can do. They include bureaucratic rules, policies, and regulations that must be observed, and legal constraints such as labor laws, environmental regulations, securities regulations, and safety regulations. Another type of constraint involves the availability of resources, such as facilities, equipment, budgetary funding, supplies, personnel, and support services. The technology used to do the work constrains the options for how the work will be done. The physical location of facilities and distribution of personnel among work sites limit the opportunities for face-to-face interaction. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What is meant by the term "exposure?" What are some examples of high-exposure jobs? Answer: Student answers may vary. Another aspect of a managerial job that determines what behavior and skills are required is the amount of responsibility for making decisions with potentially serious consequences, and the amount of time before a mistake or poor decision can be discovered. There is more "exposure" when decisions and actions have important, highly visible consequences for the organization, and mistakes or poor judgment can result in loss of resources, disruption of operations, and risk to human health and life. There is less exposure when decisions do not have immediate consequences, or when decisions are made by a group that has shared accountability for them. Examples of high-exposure jobs include product managers who must recommend expensive marketing programs and product changes that may quickly prove to be a disaster, project managers who may fail to complete projects on schedule and within budget, and managers of profit centers (e.g., managers of each company store or service facility) who are held accountable for their unit's costs and profits. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22 C..

94) Do you agree that it is inevitable that different people will define the same job in different ways? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. A managerial or administrative position makes various demands on the person who occupies it, and the actions of the occupant are constrained by laws, policies, regulations, traditions, and scope of formal authority. Demands and constraints are not determined entirely by objective job conditions; they also depend on the leader's objectives and skills. There are choices for what aspects of the job are emphasized, how much time is devoted to various activities, and how much time is spent with different people. The descriptive research showed that even for managers with similar jobs, there was considerable variability of behavior. The trade-offs inherent among different aspects of the job and the lack of time to do everything well make it inevitable that different people will define the same job in different ways. How this job definition is done will reflect a leader's interests, skills, and values, as well as the role expectations other people have for the leader. Leaders differ with regard to their skill in dealing with role conflicts and inconsistent demands, and a highly skilled leader may be able to reconcile role requirements that were initially incompatible. Moreover, leaders with a record of successful decisions and demonstrated loyalty to the organization are given more freedom to redefine their role and initiate innovations. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 95) Discuss the concerns and authority of lower-level managers. Answer: Student answers may vary. Low-level managers are primarily concerned with structuring, coordinating, and facilitating work activities. Objectives are more specific, issues are less complex and more focused, and managers typically have a shorter time perspective (a few weeks to two years). Managers at lower levels in the authority hierarchy have less discretion and freedom of action, because they must operate within the constraints imposed by formalized rules and policy decisions made at higher levels. Researchers found that lower-level managers had less discretion, were required more often to consult with superiors before taking action on decisions, and made the final choice in a decision less often. Lower-level managers tend to be more concerned with technical matters, staffing (personnel selection and training), scheduling work, and monitoring subordinate performance. The number of activities carried out each day is greater for lower-level managers, and the time spent on each activity tends to be less. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can influence leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) To what degree does the size of the organizational unit influence leader behavior? Answer: Student answers may vary. A study of general managers concluded that managers of the larger organizational subunits had more demanding jobs in comparison to managers of smaller units. Decisions are more difficult due to the sheer volume of issues and activities and the lack of detailed knowledge a manager is likely to have. Because larger units are likely to have a more bureaucratic structure, managers must cope with more constraints (e.g., rules, standard procedures, and required authorizations). Consistent with this analysis, general managers in larger organizational units had larger networks and attended more scheduled meetings. When a manager has a large number of subordinates, it is more difficult to get all of them together for meetings, or to consult individually with each subordinate. Such leaders tend to use less participative leadership or to limit it to an "executive committee" or to a few trusted "lieutenants." Heller and Yukl found that as span of control increased, upper-level managers made more autocratic decisions, but they also used more delegation. Both decision styles allow a manager who is overloaded with responsibilities to reduce the amount of time needed to make decisions.. As the size of a work unit increases, so does the administrative workload. Managers spend more time on planning, coordinating, staffing, and budgeting activities. The increase in coordination requirements is magnified when the subordinates have highly uncertain and interdependent tasks. Sometimes part of the increased administrative burden can be delegated to a second in command, to a coordinating committee composed of subordinates, or to new coordinating specialists who serve as staff assistants. In many cases, however, the leader is expected to assume the responsibility for providing direction and integration of group activities. Learning Objective: Understand how aspects of the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 97) Should a leader take time from their busy schedule for reflective analysis and planning? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. The chaotic and demanding nature of managerial work makes time management one of the most important administrative skills for leaders. Managers face relentless pressures for dealing with immediate problems and responding to requests for assistance, direction, or authorization. Some of these problems require immediate attention, but if managers become too preoccupied with reacting to day-to-day problems, they have no time left for the reflective planning that would help them to avoid many of the problems, or for the contingency planning that would help them cope better with unavoidable problems. Therefore, it is desirable to set aside some time on a regular basis for reflective analysis and planning. One approach is to set aside a block of private time (at least one to two hours) each week for individual planning. Another approach is to schedule periodic strategy sessions with subordinates to encourage discussion of strategic issues. Still another approach is to initiate a major improvement project, delegate primary responsibility to a subordinate or task force, and schedule regular meetings with the individual or group to review plans and progress. Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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98) What are the general guidelines for coping with demands and constraints? Which do you think are the most useful? Answer: Student answers may vary. The general guidelines for coping with demands and constraints are: Learn the reasons for demands and constraints. Expand the range of available choices. Determine what you want to accomplish. Analyze how you use your time. Plan daily and weekly activities. Avoid unnecessary activities. Conquer procrastination. Take advantage of reactive activities. Make time for reflective analysis and planning. Plan and prepare for extreme events. Learning Objective: Understand how to deal with demands, constraints, and role conflicts. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 99) Describe Path-goal Theory. Answer: Student answers may vary. Initial versions of Path-goal Theory described how a leader's task-oriented behavior and relations-oriented behavior influence subordinate satisfaction and performance in different situations. The theory was later extended to include participative leadership and achievement-oriented leadership. As in expectancy theory of motivation, leaders can motivate subordinates by influencing their perceptions about the likely consequences of different levels of effort. Subordinates will perform better when they have clear and accurate role expectations, they perceive that a high level of effort is necessary to attain task objectives, they are optimistic that it is possible to achieve the task objectives, and they perceive that high performance will result in beneficial outcomes. The effect of a leader's behavior is primarily to modify these perceptions and beliefs. The effect of leader behavior on subordinate satisfaction and effort depends on aspects of the situation, including task characteristics and subordinate characteristics. These situational moderator variables determine the potential for increased subordinate motivation and the way in which the leader must act to improve motivation. Situational variables also influence subordinate preferences for a particular pattern of leadership behavior, influencing the impact of the leader on subordinate satisfaction. A key proposition of the theory involves the moderating influence of situational variables on instrumental leadership. Task-oriented behavior has a stronger effect on role clarity, self-efficacy, effort, and performance when subordinates are unsure about how to do their work, which occurs when they have a complex and difficult task and little experience with it. Another key proposition is that supportive leadership has a stronger effect when the task is very tedious, dangerous, and stressful. In this situation supportive leadership increases subordinate confidence, effort, and satisfaction. Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) Is flexible adaptive leadership as important today as it was when it was first proposed decades ago? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. In an increasingly turbulent and uncertain world, flexible adaptive leadership seems even more relevant today than it was decades ago when the contingency theories were first proposed, and especially for extreme contexts (e.g., trauma organizations, high-reliability and critical-action organizations) and extreme events (e.g., natural disasters, terrorist attacks). Better contingency theories are needed to help managers understand and overcome the challenges confronting them. Learning Objective: Understand how to adapt leader behavior to the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 4 Decision Making and Empowerment by Leaders 1) Which was NOT found in the descriptive research on decision processes in organizations? A) Most major decisions are made in an orderly, rational manner. B) Decision processes are prolonged for important decisions. C) Decision processes are often affected by organizational politics. D) Major decisions may involve a series of small, incremental choices. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) The decision procedure that provides a subordinate the most influence is ________. A) consultation B) joint decision making C) delegation D) collaboration Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 3) In the Vroom-Yetton model of decision participation, the rules for identifying appropriate decision procedures are designed to protect the ________. A) leader's responsibility and authority B) rationality of the decision C) right of people to be consulted about decisions affecting them D) quality of the decision and subordinate acceptance of it Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) According to the Vroom and Yetton model, the leader should NOT use an autocratic decision procedure when ________. A) the decision is important and subordinates have relevant information B) a decision is needed quickly to deal with an immediate crisis C) subordinates are likely to disagree with each other about the best solution D) subordinates trust the leader and respect his/her expertise Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 1 C..

5) What is the LEAST important reason for delegating to subordinates? A) develop subordinate skills and confidence B) make subordinate jobs more interesting C) ensure subordinates have enough work to do D) increase subordinate commitment to a task Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Substantial delegation is MOST likely to occur when ________. A) the task is important for the work unit B) the manager is confident and secure C) subordinate jobs are highly interdependent D) work procedures are highly standardized Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Decisions about what to delegate to a subordinate are MOST likely to be influenced by how ________. A) much the subordinate wants the assignment B) much the manager is overloaded with extra work C) competent and trustworthy the subordinate is D) long the subordinate has worked for the manager Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Which of the following actions does NOT represent a significant form of delegation? A) Assign a larger number of routine tasks. B) Increase discretion about how the work is done. C) Increase authority to expend resources. D) Reduce the frequency of required progress reports. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) Which of the following is NOT likely to be a benefit from using delegation? A) more development of the subordinate's skills B) less responsibility for an overloaded manager C) increased commitment by the subordinate D) more efficient time management for the manager Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which is NOT a guideline for effective delegation? A) Delegate high priority tasks that are urgent. B) Monitor progress in appropriate ways. C) Inform others who need to know. D) Make mistakes a learning experience. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for how to delegate effectively? A) Specify the subordinate's scope of authority and limits of discretion. B) Explain the new responsibilities and the expected results. C) Arrange for the subordinate to receive relevant information. D) Tell the subordinate to report any problems immediately. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) A manager should NOT delegate tasks that are ________. A) symbolically important B) tedious and unpleasant C) complex and challenging D) urgent but not important Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which of the following was NOT recommended as a guideline for participative leadership? A) Look for ways to build on ideas and suggestions by subordinates. B) Restate subordinate ideas and concerns to verify understanding. C) Identify the best ideas and quickly dismiss any that have weaknesses. D) Let subordinates know how their ideas and suggestions were eventually used. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which is the following is a guideline for encouraging participation by subordinates in a meeting to discuss a proposed change by a manager? A) Present the proposal and challenge subordinates to find any weaknesses. B) Explain reasons why the proposal is better than any obvious alternatives. C) Present the proposal as tentative and encourage subordinates to improve it. D) Explain the reasons why top management is likely to approve the proposal. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) What is the BEST way to summarize the findings in research on participative leadership? A) Participative leadership does not affect subordinate performance. B) The more participation a leader uses, the more satisfied subordinates will be. C) Participative leadership substantially improves subordinate performance. D) The results are inconsistent and dependent on the situation. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following characteristics of the job or organization is MOST likely to be a facilitating condition for the effectiveness of empowerment? A) cultural values emphasizing reliable, efficient operations B) repeated transactions in a continuing relationship with customers C) a competitive strategy of low cost, standard product or service D) a high degree of standardization and formalization Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) ________ involves the perception by members of an organization that they have the opportunity to determine their work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important events. A) Participative leadership B) Delegation C) Consultation D) Empowering leadership Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 18) ________ involves efforts by a leader to enlist the aid of others in making important decisions. A) Participative leadership B) Delegation C) Consultation D) Empowering leadership Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19) Empowering leadership ________. A) involves efforts by a leader to enlist the aid of others in making important decisions B) promotes a sense of psychological empowerment for followers by sharing power with them and by providing emotional and developmental support C) involves the perception by members of an organization that they have the opportunity to determine their work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important events D) involves giving an individual or group the authority and responsibility for making a decision Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20) Decision processes usually ________. A) are characterized by confusion and emotionality B) are governed by rationality C) involve careful analysis of likely outcomes D) are devoid of preconceptions and biases about the best course of action Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) The greater the job demands and stress for a manager, the ________. A) less likely that a prolonged search for benefits will be made B) more likely that careful analysis of potential costs will be made C) less likely that the manager will rely on solutions used in the past D) more likely that the manager will avoid practices used by other companies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Experienced managers try to do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) determine whether a problem is familiar B) figure out if a problem is novel C) avoid classifying a problem D) apply past experience to a familiar problem Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Involving other people can improve ________. A) the quality of problem diagnosis, but not of decision choice B) neither the quality of problem diagnosis nor decision choice C) decision choices, but only if problem diagnosis has already been successfully completed without assistance D) the quality of problem diagnosis and of decision choice, but only if appropriate processes are used Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 24) Important decisions in organizations ________. A) typically require the support and authorization of many different people B) are always made by the same person who initiates the decision process C) do not commonly involve a manager consulting with subordinates, peers, or superiors D) never include people at different levels of management Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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25) The different people involved in making a decision ________. A) often disagree about the true nature of a problem B) cannot have different theories about the actual character of a problem C) always agree on the likely outcomes of the proposed solution D) never have different mental models for explaining the cause of a problem Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 26) Which of the following is NOT likely to cause a prolonged, highly political decision process? A) Decisions involve important and complex problems. B) Decisions have no ready-made, good solutions. C) Many affected parties have compatible, consistent interests. D) A diffusion of power exists among the parties. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Which of the following is NOT likely to cause the decision process to drag on for weeks or months? A) A proposal is sidetracked by opponents. B) A solution is preempted by an immediate crisis. C) A plan is recycled back to its initiators for revisions. D) A good, ready-made solution already exists. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 28) According to Kotter, short-term objectives and plans made by managers are usually ________. A) vague B) specific and detailed C) incomplete D) only loosely connected Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) Routine decisions ________. A) should always be made the same way as momentous decisions B) cannot be made in consultation with others C) do not require technical knowledge D) must balance systematic analysis and decisive action Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) Although usually classified as primarily a ________-oriented behavior, participative leadership also has implications for ________. A) relations; task objectives and leading change B) task; relations objectives and leading change C) change; relations and task objectives D) relations-oriented and task; leading change Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Which is NOT another term commonly used to refer to an aspect of participative leadership? A) consultation B) joint decision making C) power sharing D) centralization Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Which choice correctly orders the four decision procedures on the continuum from no influence by other people to high influence? A) autocratic decision; consultation; delegation; joint decision B) autocratic decision; consultation; joint decision; delegation C) delegation; joint decision; consultation; autocratic decision D) delegation; autocratic decision; consultation; joint decision Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) With ________, the manager asks other people for their opinions and ideas and then makes the decision alone after seriously considering their suggestions and concerns. A) autocratic decision B) consultation C) joint decision D) delegation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 34) With ________, the manager gives an individual or group the authority and responsibility for making a decision; the manager usually specifies limits within which the final choice must fall, and prior approval may or may not be required before the decision can be implemented. A) autocratic decision B) consultation C) joint decision D) delegation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 35) Which of the following describes the autocratic decision procedure? A) The manager makes a decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of other people, and these people have no direct influence on the decision; there is no participation. B) The manager asks other people for their opinions and ideas and then makes the decision alone after seriously considering their suggestions and concerns. C) The manager gives an individual or group the authority and responsibility for making a decision; the manager usually specifies limits within which the final choice must fall, and prior approval may or may not be required before the decision can be implemented. D) The manager meets with others to discuss the decision problem and make a decision together; the manager has no more influence over the final decision than any other participant. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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36) Which of the following describes the joint decision procedure? A) The manager makes a decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of other people, and these people have no direct influence on the decision; there is no participation. B) The manager asks other people for their opinions and ideas and then makes the decision alone after seriously considering their suggestions and concerns. C) The manager gives an individual or group the authority and responsibility for making a decision; the manager usually specifies limits within which the final choice must fall, and prior approval may or may not be required before the decision can be implemented. D) The manager meets with others to discuss the decision problem and make a decision together; the manager has no more influence over the final decision than any other participant. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) When a leader makes a decision alone, but uses influence tactics such as rational persuasion to gain support for it, this is called a ________ decision. A) tell B) sell C) joint D) consult Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Involving other people in making a decision is likely to increase the ________ of a decision when participants have information and knowledge lacked by the leader and are willing to cooperate in finding a good solution to a decision problem. A) acceptance B) satisfaction C) quality D) development Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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39) People who have considerable influence in making a decision tend to identify with it and perceive it to be their decision. This feeling of ownership leads to an increase in ________. A) acceptance of the decision B) the quality of the decision C) the development of participant skills D) satisfaction with the decision process Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) The potential benefits of participating in the decision-making process ________. A) are identical for all kinds of participants B) vary by type of participants C) is unaffected by whether one is a subordinate or peer D) are not applicable to outsiders Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 41) Research results show that participative leadership ________ result(s) in higher satisfaction, effort, and performance. A) sometimes B) always C) never D) cannot Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Decision acceptance is likely to be greater for ________. A) consultation than for joint decision making B) an autocratic decision than for consultation C) joint decision making than for consultation D) an autocratic decision than for joint decision making Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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43) The normative decision model includes ________ type(s) of autocratic decision, ________ type(s) of consultation, and ________ type(s) of joint decision making. A) 0; 2; 1 B) 2; 1; 2 C) 1; 1; 0 D) 2; 2; 1 Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) In most cases, delegation is appropriate ONLY with which of the following? A) subordinates B) peers C) superiors D) outsiders Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 45) A manager who is overloaded with work is likely to ________. A) use more delegating and more consulting B) use more delegating but less consulting C) use less delegating but more consulting D) use less delegating and less consulting Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Which participative procedure involves the shifting of primary responsibility for a particular type of decision to an individual or group? A) consultation B) joint decision making C) delegation D) centralization Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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47) When a subordinate is allowed to make important decisions and implement them without getting prior approval there is ________ delegation. A) no B) little C) moderate D) substantial Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) The term ________ is commonly used to describe a variety of different forms and degrees of power sharing with individual subordinates. A) joint decision making B) centralization C) consultation D) delegation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 49) Delegation will decrease job satisfaction if the subordinate ________. A) desires more responsibility B) has the skills to handle additional duties C) lacks the ability to do the work D) experiences some success in the delegated task Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) It is a more efficient use of the manager's time to concentrate on those functions that ________. A) the manager can do better than subordinates B) subordinates need more time to accomplish than the manager C) have the greatest influence on the performance of the manager's work unit D) are urgent but not important Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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51) Failure to delegate ________. A) may occur due to a manager's insecurity B) can arise from a manager's desire to share power C) is not related to characteristics of the subordinate D) allows a manager to relinquish responsibility for work activities Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) Which of the following is a guideline for what to delegate? A) Delegate tasks that cannot be done better by a subordinate. B) Delegate tasks that are high priority but not urgent. C) Delegate only unpleasant tasks. D) Delegate tasks not central to the manager's role. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 53) Which of the following is a guideline for what NOT to delegate? A) Managers and leaders are different types of people. B) Managing and leading are mutually exclusive and unrelated. C) Managing is not important for effective leadership. D) Leadership is important for the success of most managers. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) If a subordinate lacks the necessary skills and knowledge, delegating responsibility for a more significant task ________. A) will be empowering B) may cause the subordinate to worry about failure C) is likely to increase feelings of self-fulfillment D) is a wise managerial decision Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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55) Which is an example of the broader conception of empowering leadership? A) Withhold necessary information to challenge subordinates. B) Encourage subordinates to view opportunities as problems. C) Act defensively when subordinates question leader decisions. D) Remove unnecessary bureaucratic restraints. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) More empowerment will be felt when the ________. A) content and consequences of the work are inconsistent with a person's values B) person is directed how and when to do the work C) person has concern about being able to do the work effectively D) person believes it is possible to influence important events and outcomes Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 57) Which of the following is NOT a type of empowerment program? A) self-managed team B) democratic structure C) employee ownership of company D) centralized leadership Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) More empowerment is likely when leaders ________. A) are elected B) are appointed C) serve unlimited terms D) make autocratic decisions Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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59) The influence of members is greater when ________. A) leaders are appointed B) a leader's term is guaranteed, despite performance C) they are able to remove a leader with unsatisfactory performance D) management assesses leader performance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) Which of the following is MOST likely to be used within a large organization as a formal procedure to increase empowerment? A) A referendum must be held to allow members to decide an issue. B) Elected representatives from each major subunit participate on a governing council. C) Members attend a meeting to determine an important issue by direct participation. D) A pressing issue is determined by a majority vote of members of the organization. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) The election of leaders and use of policy-making councils or boards with elected members are ________. A) uncommon in public sector organizations B) unusual in professional associations C) required by law in private sector business organizations D) rare in private sector business organizations Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) The most extreme form of shared leadership, in which all important decisions are made collectively, with leadership responsibilities for daily operations distributed among the members, is LEAST likely to be found in which of the following? A) large corporations B) cooperatives C) voluntary organizations D) small employee-owned businesses Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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63) ________ programs give employees a clear understanding of financial information, such as revenues, profits, and costs, about the company. A) Closed-door B) Bossless C) Open-book D) Mentorship Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 64) When leadership responsibilities are ________, empowerment is LEAST likely to be increased. A) invested in a single leader B) distributed to a small group of people C) shared by a team D) divided among a few members Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) Which of the following is a potential benefit of empowering leadership and empowerment programs? A) lower costs for selection and training B) consistent service quality C) lower labor costs for skilled employees D) stronger task commitment Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Which of the following is a potential risk of empowering leadership and empowerment programs? A) lower job satisfaction B) weaker organizational commitment C) inappropriate decisions by some employees D) greater turnover Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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67) Which of the following is NOT a potential risk of empowering leadership and empowerment programs? A) less trust in the leader B) customer feelings of inequity about unequal treatment C) opposition by middle managers D) inconsistent service quality Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of empowering leadership and empowerment programs? A) elevated levels of employee performance B) lower costs for selection and training C) more creativity, innovation, and learning D) stronger optimism about the eventual success of the work Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Which of the following statements about research on the outcomes of using decision participation is true? A) Few studies have been conducted on this subject. B) Research evidence is strong and conclusive. C) Results are not dependent on situational aspects. D) The studies display a lack of consistent results. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Research on the consequences of using delegation ________. A) is extensive B) indicates it can be effective in appropriate situations C) suggests it is successful for all decisions D) proves that the competency of the leader plays in role in its success Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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71) Involving other people in making a decision is likely to increase the quality of a decision when participants have information and knowledge lacked by the leader and are willing to cooperate in finding a good solution to a decision problem. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) When a decision is made by a participative process considered legitimate by most members, then the group is likely to accept the decision and encourage any reluctant members to help implement the decision. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Descriptive studies of managerial activities find that much of a manager's behavior is reactive allowing little time for reflective planning. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) In Stewart's model, demands are the duties, activities, and responsibilities defined for someone who occupies a managerial position. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) The job description research found that strategic decision making is a more important activity for top managers than for lower-level managers. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Findings in the quantitative research provide strong and consistent results on the positive effects of participative leadership for employee satisfaction and group performance. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19 C..

77) Participative leadership should be used even if the manager has the necessary knowledge and is confident that the subordinates will accept the decision. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 78) Most studies on the normative decision model provide support for it. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 79) According to the normative decision model, when subordinates have incompatible objectives with the leader, consultation usually results in higher quality decisions than joint decision making. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 80) Consultation is the decision procedure that allows the greatest amount of empowerment. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 81) Involving others in making decisions is often a necessary part of the political process for getting decisions approved and implemented in organizations. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) The research on psychological empowerment emphasizes the leader's perspective. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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83) Decision processes are often characterized more by rationality than by confusion and emotionality. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 84) Recent research revealed that there is a minimum threshold for the level of participative leadership that must be reached before positive effects on employee performance are realized. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 85) Results from research on the effects of participative leadership show conclusively that participative leadership consistently results in higher satisfaction, effort, and performance. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 86) Decision quality is less important when the manager's position has high exposure. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 87) A guideline for what to delegate is to delegate only pleasant tasks. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 88) Theories of psychological empowerment help to explain when and why efforts to empower people are likely to be successful. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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89) Efforts to increase employee empowerment often involve empowering behaviors by leaders with their direct subordinates rather than organizational programs. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 90) It is difficult for employees to influence decisions or assess the effectiveness of top executives unless they have access to accurate information about business performance, plans, goals, and strategies. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 91) What role can emotion play in decision making? Answer: Student answers may vary. Decision processes are often characterized more by confusion and emotionality than by rationality. Instead of careful analysis of likely outcomes in relation to predetermined objectives, information is often distorted or suppressed to serve preconceptions and biases about the best course of action. The emotional shock of discovering a serious problem and anxiety about choosing among unattractive alternatives may result in denial of negative evidence, wishful thinking, procrastination, vacillation between choices, and panic reactions by individual managers or by decision groups. The greater the job demands and stress for a manager, the less likely it is that a prolonged search or careful analysis of potential costs and benefits will be made. Instead, a highly stressed executive is more likely to respond to serious threats and problems by relying on solutions used in the past or by imitating the practices of similar companies. Individuals with strong negative affect (fear, anger, depression) are more likely to use dysfunctional methods for decision making than individuals with positive affect. Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) Are routine decisions different? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. Not all decisions involve major changes or prolonged political processes. Managers make many less momentous decisions in the process of solving operational problems, setting short-term goals, assigning work to subordinates, setting up work schedules, authorizing the expenditure of funds for supplies or equipment, and approving pay increases. These decisions often involve the use of established procedures or solutions, the manager has the authority to make a decision, few important people will be affected by the decision, little conflict exists about objectives or solutions, and pressure is felt for a quick decision due to a deadline or a crisis. Managers usually make this type of decision either alone or after briefly consulting with a few people, and only a short period of problem analysis and search for solutions is likely to occur. Although these decisions are less important, they require appropriate technical knowledge by the manager and the capacity to find a good balance between lengthy, systematic analysis and quick, decisive action. A hasty decision based on limited information may fail to solve the problem, but the problem may get worse and be more difficult to resolve if the manager delays a decision to get more information. Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) List and describe the different types of decision procedures recognized by most leadership scholars. Answer: Student answers may vary. The type of decision procedure used by a manager determines how much influence subordinates or group members have over the decision. Scholars have proposed several different taxonomies of decision procedures, and there is no agreement about the optimal number of decision procedures or the best way to define them. However, most leadership scholars would recognize the following four decision procedures as distinct and meaningful: autocratic decision, consultation, joint decision, and delegation. Autocratic decision: The manager makes a decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of other people, and these people have no direct influence on the decision; there is no participation. Consultation: The manager asks other people for their opinions and ideas and then makes the decision alone after seriously considering their suggestions and concerns. Joint decision: The manager meets with others to discuss the decision problem and make a decision together; the manager has no more influence over the final decision than any other participant. Delegation: The manager gives an individual or group the authority and responsibility for making a decision; the manager usually specifies limits within which the final choice must fall, and prior approval may or may not be required before the decision can be implemented. Learning Objective: Understand different forms of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) What potential benefits does participative leadership offer? Describe the one you believe is most beneficial. Answer: Answers may vary. Four potential benefits are higher decision quality, higher decision acceptance, more satisfaction with the decision process, and more development of decisionmaking skills. Quality: Involving other people in making a decision is likely to increase the quality of a decision when participants have information and knowledge lacked by the leader and are willing to cooperate in finding a good solution to a decision problem. Cooperation and sharing of knowledge will depend on the extent to which participants trust the leader and view the process as legitimate and beneficial. Acceptance: People who have considerable influence in making a decision tend to identify with it and perceive it to be their decision. This feeling of ownership increases their motivation to implement it successfully. Participants gain a better understanding of how they will be affected by a decision, which is likely to reduce any unwarranted fears and anxieties about it. Satisfaction: Research on procedural justice found that the opportunity to express opinions and preferences before a decision is made can have beneficial effects on work attitudes and job performance regardless of the amount of actual influence participants have over the final decision. People are more likely to perceive that they are being treated with dignity and respect when they have an opportunity to express opinions and preferences about a decision that will affect them. Development: The experience of helping to make a complex decision can result in the development of more skill and confidence by participants. Whether the potential benefits are realized depends on how much involvement participants actually have in the process of diagnosing the cause of the problem, generating feasible solutions, evaluating solutions to identify the best one, and planning how to implement it. Participants who are involved in all the aspects of the decision process learn more than participants who merely contribute to one aspect. Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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95) Are the potential benefits of participation the same for all participants? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. The potential benefits of participation are not the same. The leader's objectives for using participation may differ depending on whether participants are subordinates, peers, superiors, or outsiders. Downward consultation may be used to increase the quality of decisions by drawing on the knowledge and problem-solving expertise of subordinates. Another objective is to increase subordinate acceptance of decisions by providing a sense of ownership. A third may be to develop the decision-making skills of subordinates by giving them experience in helping to analyze decision problems and evaluate solutions. A fourth is to facilitate conflict resolution and team building. Lateral consultation with people in different subunits may be used to increase decision quality when peers have relevant knowledge about the cause of a problem and likely solutions. When cooperation from other managers is necessary to implement a decision, consultation is a way to increase their understanding and commitment. Lateral consultation facilitates coordination and cooperation among managers of different organizational subunits with interdependent tasks. Upward consultation by a manager makes it possible to draw on the expertise of the boss, which may be greater than the manager's expertise. In addition, upward consultation allows a manager to find out how the boss feels about a problem and is likely to react to various proposals. On the other hand, excessive consultation with a boss suggests a lack of self-confidence and initiative for the subordinate. A manager with authority to make decisions is wise to avoid becoming too dependent on the boss when making these decisions. Consulting with outsiders such as clients and suppliers helps ensure that decisions affecting them are understood and accepted. It is also a way to learn more about their needs and preferences, strengthen external networks, improve coordination, and solve mutual problems. Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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96) What is meant by the threshold effect of participative leadership? Explain. Answer: Student answers may vary. Recent research revealed that there is a minimum threshold for the level of participative leadership that must be reached before positive effects on employee performance are realized. Further, the extent to which this threshold effect was realized depended upon how much information the leader shared with followers. Two studies were conducted to explore when and how this threshold effect occurs. In both studies, participative leadership was unrelated to employee performance below a moderate, threshold level, but once that threshold was surpassed, gains in employee performance were achieved. This curvilinear relationship was stronger when information sharing by the leader with subordinates was high, and weaker when information sharing was low. Finally, Study 2 found that employee perceptions of leadership effectiveness mediated the combined effects of participative leadership and information sharing on objective work performance. Researchers explained their findings by suggesting that some leaders are reluctant to embrace participative leadership because they fear doing so will lessen their power or cause them to be blamed if employees fail to meet expectations. Leaders may elect to exhibit a moderate degree of participative leadership, assuming that doing so will be enough to pacify subordinates' desires for input. If subordinates sense that the leader's commitment to participative leadership is half-hearted, they may decline to invest the extra effort and resources that their participation would require. When followers sense a full commitment to securing their input, they are more likely to provide it, which will improve work performance. The extent to which the leader shares information with subordinates further complicated the threshold effect. When employees felt the leader readily shared relevant information with them, the threshold effect was strengthened. If they felt the leader was reluctant to share information, it was weakened. Learning Objective: Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative and empowering leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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97) Describe the normative decision model. Answer: Student answers may vary. The normative decision model proposed by Vroom and Yetton describes aspects of the decision situation that determine whether a specific type of decision procedure will be effective. They identified five decision procedures for decisions involving multiple subordinates, including two varieties of autocratic decision (A-I and A-II), two varieties of consultation (C-I and C-II), and one variety of joint decision making by the leader and subordinates as a group (G-II). A-I: You solve the problem or make the decision yourself, using information available to you at the time. A-II: You obtain the necessary information from your subordinates, then decide the solution to the problem yourself. You may or may not tell your subordinates what the problem is in getting the information from them. The role played by your subordinates in making the decision is clearly one of providing necessary information to you, rather than generating or evaluating alternative solutions. C-I: You share the problem with the relevant subordinates individually, getting their ideas and suggestions, without bringing them together as a group. Then you make the decision, which may or may not reflect your subordinates' influence. C-II: You share the problem with your subordinates as a group, obtaining their collective ideas and suggestions. Then you make the decision, which may or may not reflect your subordinates' influence. G-II: You share the problem with your subordinates as a group. Together you generate and evaluate alternatives and attempt to reach agreement (consensus) on a solution. Your role is much like that of chairman. You do not try to influence the group to adopt your preferred solution, and you are willing to accept and implement any solution that has the support of the entire group. Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 98) According to the normative decision model, when decision acceptance is important and subordinates are likely to disagree among themselves about the best solution to an important problem, which decision procedures are NOT appropriate? Answer: Student answers may vary. The normative decision model provides a set of rules for identifying any decision procedure that is not appropriate in a given situation, because decision quality and/or acceptance would be jeopardized by using that procedure. When decision acceptance is important and subordinates are likely to disagree among themselves about the best solution to an important problem, autocratic procedures (A-I, AI-I) and individual consultation (C-I) are not appropriate, because they do not provide the opportunity to resolve differences through discussion and negotiation among subordinates and between the subordinates and the leader. Learning Objective: Understand the situations in which participative and empowering leadership are most likely to be effective. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 27 C..

99) Given the many potential benefits from delegation, why might leaders fail to delegate as much as they should? Answer: Student answers may vary. Results from a study that asked managers in several companies about the importance of different reasons for not delegating include keeping decisions involving confidential information; keeping tasks and decisions that are very important or are central to one's role; keeping tasks for which mistakes are highly visible, that one can do better than subordinates, that are difficult to explain to subordinates, that are difficult to monitor, or that are interesting and enjoyable. Some aspects of a manager's personality are associated with failure to delegate, including a strong need for power, insecurity, a high need for achievement, and difficulty in forming relationships. Some managers enjoy the exercise of power over subordinates and the feeling of being in charge. Delegation is never absolute, because a manager continues to be responsible for the work activities of subordinates. To avoid the risk of mistakes, a manager who is insecure may delegate sensitive tasks only to a few trusted subordinates, or not at all. Furthermore, allowing a subordinate to demonstrate competence in performing managerial responsibilities may create a competitor for the manager's job. Managers with a high need for achievement often prefer to retain important, challenging tasks rather than delegating them. Managers who take pride in solving important problems may be reluctant to relinquish that activity or admit others could do it as effectively. Failure to delegate is also related to characteristics of the subordinates, such as task expertise and shared objectives. The potential for delegation also depends on the nature of the work and the amount of authority possessed by the leader. A lack of leader authority to make decisions or change how the work is done limits the potential for delegation. Another constraint is when subordinates have highly interdependent jobs. Learning Objective: Understand when and how to use consultation and delegation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 100) How do formal decision procedures play a role in empowerment programs? Answer: Student answers may vary. Empowerment is also increased when the formal procedures for making important decisions give members significant influence over these decisions. In some organizations, the charter specifies that a meeting or referendum must be held to allow members to decide important matters by a majority vote. In large organizations where direct participation is not feasible, an alternate form of empowerment that is sometimes used is to have elected representatives from each major subunit on the governing council, or to allow lower-level members to elect one or more representatives to serve on the board of directors. In many public sector organizations, members also have the right to attend open meetings of the board or council to express opinions about important issues before a decision is made. The election of leaders and the use of policy-making councils or boards with elected members are common in public sector organizations and professional associations, but they are rare in private sector business organizations in the United States. Learning Objective: Understand empowerment programs and psychological empowerment. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 5 Leading Change and Innovation 1) Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a reason for resistance by employees to a proposal by top management to change the current strategy? A) a climate of distrust in the organization B) fear of losing status and power C) cynicism about the feasibility of the change D) resentment of external dependencies Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which is LEAST likely to be the reason for resistance to major changes in job content and procedures by people who have been doing the job with moderate success for many years? A) concern about their future job security in the organization B) concern about not being able to adjust to the necessary changes C) concern about the high cost to the organization of making the changes D) a belief that the proposed changes are unnecessary Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which of the following is part of Lewin's model of organizational change? A) refreezing B) reinventing C) reorganizing D) revitalizing Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) What is the initial stage in the multi-stage model of reaction to change? A) anger B) denial C) mourning D) regression Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) A successful vision for an organization is MOST likely to include which of the following? A) specific performance objectives with a clear deadline B) a memorable slogan about the key value to be achieved C) a list of tangible benefits that members can expect to receive D) a vivid image of what can be achieved and why it is worthwhile Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which of the following is LEAST desirable for a vision? A) leader characteristics B) follower characteristics C) both leader and follower characteristics D) characteristics of the leadership situation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Which of the following was NOT recommended when developing a vision for an organization? A) Rely on your knowledge about organization members as the primary source of ideas for a vision. B) Identify strategic objectives with wide appeal and use them as a source of insights about shared values. C) Ensure that the vision is compatible with core competencies in the organization. D) Continually assess the feasibility of the vision and refine it as new possibilities are discovered. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Which is MOST likely to be effective for implementing major change? A) Make followers feel responsible for failure of the old strategy. B) Provide opportunities to experience early success in implementing change. C) Emphasize the obstacles so followers will not become complacent. D) Maintain control over sensitive information about new problems. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) What is the recommended way to deal with someone in a key position who continues to resist change and is likely to sabotage it? A) Ignore the resistance and try to work around the person. B) Find a qualified replacement who supports the change. C) Warn the person to stop resisting the change. D) Keep asking the person to support the change. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which approach is LEAST likely to be useful when trying to implement a major change in an organization? A) Include symbolic changes that will affect the daily activities of members. B) Select a task force with the skills and values needed to implement the change. C) Describe the changes as routine, incremental adjustments to avoid upsetting people. D) Measure the effects of the change on people, processes, and performance. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which of the following was NOT recommended to facilitate acceptance and successful implementation of a major change? A) Convince people that the change can be made without any difficulties or inconvenience for them. B) Use ceremonies and rituals to help people deal with the pain of giving up familiar things they value. C) Create a sense of urgency about the need for change by showing it will be more costly not to change. D) Demonstrate personal commitment to see the change through to the end, regardless of temporary setbacks. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) What is the BEST way to describe the essential processes in learning organizations? A) acquisition of new knowledge by the organization B) diffusion of new knowledge to people who can use it C) application of new knowledge by members of the organization D) acquisition, diffusion, and application of new knowledge Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3 C..

13) Which term is used to describe the process of learning how to make incremental improvements in existing products, services, or processes? A) exploration B) extrapolation C) exploitation D) innovation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which of the following is the MOST useful approach for developing a learning organization? A) Encourage employees to become specialists in functional areas. B) Encourage systems thinking by all managers in the organization. C) Create a reward system that fosters competition among employees. D) Use imitation of competitors as the primary basis for innovation. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which leadership action is LEAST likely to increase flexibility and innovation in an organization? A) Set challenging innovation goals for members. B) Leverage learning from surprises and failures. C) Ensure new knowledge is shared with other members. D) Ensure that employees understand the formal policies. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) The type of organization culture MOST likely to facilitate long-term performance in a turbulent environment would emphasize the need ________. A) to improve short-term profits B) for a powerful and visionary CEO C) for flexibility and continuous learning D) for consensus among organization members Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) The ________-centered approach to change involves changing mindsets and values with persuasive appeals, training programs, team-building activities, or a culture change program. A) attitude B) role C) technology D) strategy Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) The ________-centered approach involves changing work functions by reorganizing the workflow, redesigning jobs to include different activities and responsibilities, modifying authority relationships, changing the criteria and procedures for evaluation of work, and changing the reward system. A) attitude B) role C) technology D) strategy Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) Which of the following is involved in the role-centered approach to change? A) changing attitudes with persuasive appeals B) changing values with a culture change program C) increasing technical skills with a training program D) changing the reward system Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) Which of the following is part of the attitude-centered approach to change? A) teambuilding activities B) reorganization of the workflow C) revised criteria for evaluation of work D) modified authority relationships Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) Which statement regarding the attitude-centered and role-centered approaches to change is true? A) Either approach can succeed depending on how well it is implemented. B) The two approaches are incompatible. C) Beer and colleagues argue that an attitude-centered program is more likely to succeed. D) Using the two approaches together is not advised. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Which type of change involves using networked workstations, order processing systems, and intranets with groupware for idea sharing among employees? A) attitude B) role C) technology D) strategy Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 23) Which of the following is associated with a change in competitive strategy? A) introducing new products B) using sales tracking systems C) redesigning jobs D) making persuasive appeals to change values Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) Internal changes in an organization that emphasize economics ________. A) seek to improve human capability B) try to increase individual learning C) make adjustments to compensation D) strengthen cultural values Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Which activity is associated with internal changes that focus on people? A) increasing organizational learning B) downsizing C) restructuring D) adjustments to incentives Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Which is an example of transitional change? A) routine training B) improving communications C) basic problem solving D) implementing a new program Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Which is an example of developmental change? A) improving communications B) basic reorganization C) introduction of new technology systems D) implementing a new program Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) The most extreme type of change is ________ change, which requires dramatic shifts in vision, systems, strategy, or structure. A) developmental B) transitional C) transformational D) technological Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) In the ________ phase, people come to realize that the old ways of doing things are no longer adequate. A) unfreezing B) changing C) refreezing D) reacting Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) In the ________ phase, people look for new ways of doing things and select a promising approach. A) unfreezing B) changing C) refreezing D) reacting Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) In the ________ phase, the new approach is implemented and it becomes established. A) unfreezing B) changing C) refreezing D) reacting Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Co-opting or removing opponents is associated with ________ toward change. A) increasing the driving forces B) reducing the driving forces C) increasing the restraining forces that cause resistance D) reducing the restraining forces that cause resistance Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) Using position power to force change is associated with ________ toward change. A) increasing the driving forces B) reducing the driving forces C) increasing the restraining forces that cause resistance D) reducing the restraining forces that cause resistance Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Which choice correctly orders the four stages of the typical pattern of reactions to changes imposed on people? A) 1. Denial 2. Mourning 3. Adaptation 4. Anger B) 1. Anger 2. Mourning 3. Denial 4. Adaptation C) 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Mourning 4. Adaptation D) 1. Anger 2. Denial 3. Adaptation 4. Mourning Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) The feeling, "This isn't happening," is associated with which stage in the reaction to change? A) adaptation B) anger C) denial D) mourning Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Despite the extensive literature providing guidance on how to initiate and manage change, it is argued that as much as ________% of change efforts fail to meet expectations. A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 70 Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) Experiencing repeated, difficult change ________. A) has effects that are clearly defined by research in the issue B) is more likely to "inoculate" people and leave them better prepared for future change C) may leave a person less resilient and more vulnerable to the effects of subsequent change D) usually has little to no pronounced effect on an individual's future reaction to change Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 38) Compliance with change is likely if people fear punishment for resisting the change, which is called ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) illegitimate D) dismissive Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) A person resists change because, although it would benefit the organization, it would cause the individual to have to transfer to a new location. This is an example of which reason for rejecting change? A) The proposed change is not necessary. B) The proposed change is not feasible. C) The proposed change is not cost effective. D) The change would cause personal losses. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) A person resists change because, even though it would provide tangible benefits for that individual, it is perceived as unethical or illegal. This is an example of which reason for rejecting change? A) The leaders are not trusted. B) The proposed change is inconsistent with values. C) There is organizational cynicism about change. D) Leadership is important for the success of most managers. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) All of the following are factors that might contribute to organizational cynicism and resistance to change EXCEPT ________. A) organizational history of layoffs B) excessive executive compensation C) self-serving decisions that foster distrust of organizational leaders D) leaders who are perceived to have legitimate authority Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Which of the following is LEAST likely to conduct the diagnosis of the nature of an organizational issue? A) top management team B) outside consultants C) a stakeholder task force D) government regulators Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Instituting popular change programs ________. A) never fail to solve organizational problems B) can't make problems in an organization worse C) may cause benefits in one part of the organization but fail to improve overall performance D) is a way to solve institutional problems without first doing a diagnosis of the issue Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) Knowledge of systems dynamics is helpful for ________. A) both identifying the nature of a problem and for anticipating the likely effects of changes made to resolve it B) identifying the nature of a problem but not for anticipating the likely effects of changes made to resolve it C) anticipating the likely effects of changes made to resolve a problem but not for first identifying the nature of a problem D) neither identifying the nature of a problem nor anticipating the likely effects of changes made to resolve it Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) Systems dynamics involve ________. A) simple relationships B) single causes and outcomes C) immediate effects D) cyclical causality Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Another common phenomenon of systems dynamics is a reinforcing cycle wherein ________. A) small changes grow into much bigger changes B) big changes devolve into much smaller changes C) resulting changes are always desirable D) resulting changes are never desirable Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) Large-scale change in an organization ________. A) is likely to be successful without the support of top management B) is always initiated by top management C) may not involve top management until the process is well underway D) never requires the replacement of top management Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) The essential role of ________ in implementing change is to formulate an integrating vision and general strategy, build a coalition of supporters who endorse the strategy, then guide and coordinate the process by which the strategy will be implemented. A) subordinates B) top management C) outsiders D) lower-level management Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) Top management should NOT ________ to facilitate change. A) provide encouragement B) give support C) offer necessary resources D) dictate the details of how Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 50) The optimal pace and sequencing of desired changes in an organization ________. A) has been extensively studied and researched B) is the rapid introduction of changes to prevent the buildup of resistance C) is not the gradual introduction of change D) has not been definitively determined Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) When changes in the environment are gradual and no obvious crisis has occurred, ________. A) it is essential to create a sense of urgency about the need for change B) most people will succeed in recognizing the emerging threats or opportunities C) the leader should push for incremental adjustments D) it is not the leader's responsibility to help people understand the problems necessitating change Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) Which of the following is NOT an example of how visions influence change? A) People will feel that the sacrifices and hardships change requires are justified. B) A sense of continuity is created for followers. C) There is hope and faith that a better future will be attained. D) Some of the work required to achieve change is outsourced. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) A successful vision should be simple enough to be communicated in ________ minutes or less. A) 1 B) 5 C) 15 D) 30 Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) The development of a vision is a(n) ________. A) interactive process B) straight, direct route C) simple progression from vision to strategy D) linear progression from strategy to actions Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) A vision ________. A) tells just what an organization does B) is typically dull C) explains why what a company does is worthwhile D) should not appeal to emotions Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) ________ are statements used to summarize and communicate values in simple terms. A) Values statements B) Slogans C) Strategic objectives D) Project objectives Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) ________ are tangible outcomes or results to be achieved, sometimes by a specific deadline. A) Values statements B) Slogans C) Strategic objectives D) Project objectives Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) The creation of a successful vision is usually ________. A) the work of a single, heroic leader B) done in a single moment of revelation C) a collaborative effort of many different people in the organization D) generated by a mechanical formula Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) When soliciting the input of key stakeholders to develop a vision, it is often best to begin with ________, the group most likely to have the broad perspective and knowledge necessary to understand the need for change. A) joint venture partners B) labor unions C) junior members of the organization D) senior executives Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) A successful vision must ________. A) promise too much B) seem impossible to attain C) be challenging yet believable D) provoke skepticism Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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61) The practice of examining best practices used in successful organizations is sometimes called ________. A) exploitation B) systems dynamics C) benchmarking D) diffusion of knowledge Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Getting advice from consultants who have relevant expertise, hiring outsiders with special expertise, and entering joint ventures with other organizations to increase learning opportunities are all examples of ________. A) external acquisition of new knowledge B) systems thinking C) change agents D) symbolic changes Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) ________ involves finding innovative new products, services, processes, or technology. A) Exploration B) Extrapolation C) Exploitation D) Innovation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Too much emphasis on exploitation can ________. A) result in increased flexibility B) discourage development of new products and services C) excessive costs for acquiring new knowledge D) steep costs associated with R&D Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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65) Easy access to information about an organization's operations ________. A) is the enemy of learning B) is too risky in today's competitive world C) facilitates the acquisition of knowledge D) should not include problems and failures Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Making best practices into official doctrine ________. A) is a very flexible strategy for translating learning into practice B) is an easily updatable way to formalize institutional learning C) may end up being used in a way that discourages subsequent learning and innovation D) is always preferable to posting lessons learned on an interactive network Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 67) Which of the following is the LEAST formal way to translate learning into practice? A) written manuals B) computer files C) official doctrine D) interactive network of ideas Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) The term ________ describes workplaces where the values of innovation, experimentation, flexibility, and initiative are firmly embedded in the culture. A) learning organizations B) change agents C) venture boards D) innovation teams Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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69) In organizations focused on change and innovation, who should be empowered to deal with problems and find better ways of doing the work? A) only the CEO B) only top management C) only lower-level employees D) people at all levels Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Which of the following is an example of a people-oriented action a leader can take to facilitate the successful implementation of change? A) identifying likely supporters B) making symbolic changes that affect the work C) creating a coalition to approve changes D) creating a sense of urgency Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Most resistance to change is the result of ignorance, inflexibility, or self-interest among certain individuals. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 72) A vision should be simple, detailed, and grounded in immediate tangible benefits for employees. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) A mission statement usually describes the key values or ideological themes considered important for an organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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74) A guideline for creating a vision is to not involve too many stakeholders but to involve just the key stakeholders who comprise the board of directors, top executive team, and the outside investors. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 75) Careful diagnosis to determine the reasons for an organizational problem is essential before implementing a change program to deal with the problem. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Systems thinking involves understanding the complex interdependencies among organizational processes and how the different parts of the organization are interrelated. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Benchmarking includes identifying and imitating the best practices of successful organizations. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) In order to remain competitive, it is more important for an organization to create new knowledge internally than to obtain it from outside of the organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 79) The term "learning organization" has been used to describe organizations that learn rapidly and use the knowledge to become more effective. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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80) Mental models help to explain why people may discount or ignore unexpected information that does not fit their theories or assumptions about how things work. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Major change in an organization is usually guided by the top management team, but other members of the organization can initiate change or contribute to its success. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) The attitude-centered approach to change is incompatible with the role-centered approach. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) Research on the cumulative effects of experiencing repeated, intense changes suggests that the more common effect is to "inoculate" people and leave them better prepared to change again. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Resistance to change is common in organizations. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) If an organization has a history of failed change efforts based on popular management programs that are ineffective, this may make the employees cynical about future change efforts. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Implementing a generic change program that is currently popular makes it unnecessary to conduct a careful diagnosis of the problems confronting the organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

87) Major changes must be initiated by top management. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) To be meaningful and credible, a vision should be a wishful fantasy. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Although some continuity in the vision is desirable, it is helpful to keep looking for ways to make the vision more appealing and credible. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Exploitation involves finding innovative new products, services, processes, or technology, whereas exploration involves learning how to make incremental improvement in existing products, services, or processes. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can increase learning and innovation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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91) What is the distinction between role-centered and attitude-centered approaches to change. Which do you think is more effective? Answer: Student responses may vary. One useful distinction is between efforts to change attitudes versus efforts to change roles, structures, and procedures. The attitude-centered approach involves changing attitudes and values with persuasive appeals, training programs, team-building activities, or a culture change program. In addition, technical or interpersonal skills may be increased with a training program. The underlying assumption is that new attitudes and skills will cause behavior to change in a beneficial way. The leader seeks to convert resisters into change agents who will transmit the vision to other people in the organization. The rolecentered approach involves changing work roles by reorganizing the workflow, redesigning jobs to include different activities and responsibilities, modifying authority relationships, changing the criteria and procedures for evaluation of work, and changing the reward system. The assumption is that when work roles require people to act in a different way, they will change their attitudes to be consistent with the new behavior. Effective behavior is induced by the new role requirements and reinforced by the evaluation and reward system. Over the years, there has been controversy about which approach is the most effective. Either approach can succeed or fail depending on how well it is implemented. Some researchers argue that a role-centered program is more likely to be successful than an attitude-centered program. However, the two approaches are not incompatible, and the best strategy is to use them together in a mutually supportive way. Efforts to change attitudes and skills to support new roles reduce the chance that the role change will be subverted by opponents before it has a chance to succeed. Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 92) List and describe the stages in the change process as formulated by Lewin. Answer: Student responses may vary. One of the earliest process theories was Lewin's forcefield model. He proposed that the change process can be divided into three phases: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. In the unfreezing phase, people come to realize that the old ways of doing things are no longer adequate. This recognition may occur as a result of an obvious crisis, or it may result from an effort to describe threats or opportunities that were not evident to most people in the organization. In the changing phase, people look for new ways of doing things and select a promising approach. In the refreezing phase, the new approach is implemented and it becomes established. All three phases are important for successful change. An attempt to move directly to the changing phase without first unfreezing attitudes is likely to meet with apathy or strong resistance. Lack of systematic diagnosis and problem solving in the changing phase will result in a weak change plan. Lack of attention to consensus building and maintenance of enthusiasm in the third stage may result in the change being reversed soon after it is implemented. Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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93) How can prior experience with change affect people? Answer: Student responses may vary. The effects of experiencing repeated, difficult change are not clear. One possibility is that experiencing traumatic change will "inoculate" people and leave them better prepared to change again without such an intense or prolonged period of adjustment. For example, having experienced and survived the loss of two jobs in five years, a person could become confident about taking more risky, less secure jobs in the future. However, it is also possible that repeated change leaves a person less resilient and more vulnerable to adverse effects from subsequent change. The explanation involves prolonged stress and the inability to completely resolve the emotional trauma of an earlier change. For example, after losing two jobs in five years as a result of downsizing, a person might not be able to deal with the threat of losing another job and seeks early retirement. Research on the cumulative effects of experiencing repeated, intense changes is still limited, but it suggests that the more common effect is to increase stress and frustration. The stress caused by earlier changes and a person's self-efficacy for change jointly determine how the person will react to more changes. Even for people with strong confidence in their ability to handle change, multiple changes in a short period of time can undermine commitment. People are likely to feel frustration and a sense of injustice if the burden of implementing change is placed on them without adequate support from the organization. Feelings of being unjustly treated are intensified when most of the benefits of the changes will accrue to others, such as owners and top management. Learning Objective: Understand the psychological processes involved in making major changes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) Discuss some of the common reasons that people resist change. Answer: Student responses may vary. People may believe that the proposed change is not necessary. A change is likely to be resisted if there is no clear evidence of a serious problem or opportunity that would justify major change. The signs of a developing problem are usually ambiguous at the early stage, and it is easy for people to ignore or discount them. People may believe that the proposed change is not feasible. Making a change that is radically different from anything done previously will appear difficult if not impossible to most people. People may resist a change because the benefits would not justify the costs necessary to implement the change. Resources are necessary to implement change, and resources already invested in doing things the traditional way will be lost. Even if a change would benefit the organization, it may be resisted by people who would suffer personal loss of income, benefits, or job security. Major changes in organizations invariably result in some shift in power and status for individuals and subunits. Some jobs may be eliminated or modified, resulting in layoffs or transfers to new locations. The proposed change may be inconsistent with people's values. If a proposed change is viewed as unethical, illegal, or inconsistent with strong beliefs about proper behavior, it is more likely to be resisted, even if it would provide tangible benefits to the person. Change may be resisted because the leaders who propose it are distrusted, and this distrust can magnify the effect of other sources of resistance. Even without an obvious threat, a change may be resisted if people imagine hidden, ominous implications that will not be discovered until it is too late to do anything about them. Some organizations have a history of failed change efforts based on popular management programs that are ineffective. The employees may become cynical that the latest organizational change effort simply reflects another "fad" that will either fail or soon be abandoned. Learning Objective: Understand reasons for resisting change. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 95) Should an organization try to save time by skipping a thorough diagnosis and implementing a generic change program sooner than later? Answer: Student responses may vary. Before initiating major changes, leaders need to be clear about the nature of the problem and the objectives to be achieved. Just as in the treatment of a physical illness, the first step is a careful diagnosis to determine what is wrong with the patient. The organizational diagnosis can be conducted by the top management team, by outside consultants, or by a task force composed of representatives of the various key stakeholders in the organization. An incorrect diagnosis or an inappropriate change program will not provide the desired benefits. A common mistake is to implement a generic change program that is currently popular without a careful diagnosis of the problems confronting the organization. Some examples of popular change programs in past years include downsizing, delayering, total quality management, quality circles, lean management, re-engineering, self-managed teams, outsourcing, and partnering with suppliers. Change programs often fail to solve organizational problems and sometimes make them worse. The benefits obtained from changes made in one part of the organization often fail to improve the overall performance of the organization and may cause new problems for other subunits. Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24 C..

96) What is meant by systems dynamics? Answer: Student responses may vary. To understand the reasons for a problem and how to deal with it requires a good understanding of the complex relationships and systems dynamics that occur in organizations. Knowledge of systems dynamics is helpful both for identifying the nature of a problem and for anticipating the likely effects of changes made to resolve it. Systems dynamics involve complex relationships, multiple causes and outcomes, delayed effects, and cyclical causality. Problems have multiple causes, which may include actions taken earlier to solve other problems. If the diagnosis only identifies one of several problems, the changes may fail to achieve the desired outcome. In large systems such as organizations, actions have multiple outcomes, including unintended side effects. Understanding the complex interdependencies among organizational processes and the implications of efforts to make changes requires cognitive skills and "systems thinking." When making decisions or diagnosing the cause of problems, it is essential to understand how the different parts of the organization are interrelated. Even when the immediate objective is to deal with one type of challenge, such as improving efficiency, leaders need to consider the likely consequences for other performance determinants and the possibility that any immediate benefits will be nullified by delayed effects. Another common phenomenon is a reinforcing cycle wherein small changes grow into much bigger changes that may or may not be desirable. A positive example is when a change made to improve processes in one subunit is successful, and other subunits are encouraged to imitate it, resulting in more benefits for the organization than initially expected. A negative example is when rationing is introduced to conserve a scarce resource and people stockpile more of it than they currently need, thereby causing more shortages and problems. Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) When implementing change, why is it important to build a broad coalition to support the change? Answer: Student responses may vary. The task of persuading people to support major change is not easy, and it is too big of a job for a single leader to do alone. Successful change in an organization requires cooperative effort by people who have the power to facilitate or block change. It is essential to build a coalition of supporters, both inside and outside the organization. A supportive coalition may be even more important in pluralistic organizations that have collective leadership (e.g., hospitals, universities, professional associations) than in hierarchical business organizations where the top management team may have sufficient power to authorize major change. The first step is to ensure that the executive team is prepared to undertake the difficult task of implementing major change in the organization, and some changes in the team may be necessary. Supporters are needed not only within the top executive team, but also among middle and lower levels of management. In a study by Beer of six companies undergoing a major change effort, the companies with a successful transformation had more middle managers who supported the changes and possessed relevant skills to facilitate it. The external members of the coalition may be consultants, labor union leaders, important clients, executives in financial institutions, or officials in government agencies. Learning Objective: Understand how to implement a major change in an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 25 C..

98) What are values statements? Answer: Student responses may vary. Values statements are a list of the key values or ideological themes considered important for an organization. The values usually pertain to treatment of customers, treatment of organization members, core competencies, and standards of excellence. Common themes include satisfying customers, achieving excellence in products or services, providing an innovative product or service, developing and empowering employees, and making important contributions to society. A values statement provides a good beginning for developing a more complete vision. However, just listing values does not clearly explain their relative priority, how they are interrelated, or how they will be expressed and achieved. An effective vision statement provides a glimpse of a possible future in which all the key values are realized at the same time. Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) When promoting change, is it a good idea to identify relevant elements in the old ideology? Why or why not? Answer: Student responses may vary. Even when radical change is necessary in an organization, some elements in the current ideology may be worthy of preservation. Look for values and ideals that will continue to be relevant for the organization in the foreseeable future. Sometimes traditional values that were subverted or ignored can serve as the basis for a new vision, as in the following example: A manufacturing company that once had a reputation for making the best products in the industry decided to pursue a strategy of cost reduction to compete with the inexpensive products of foreign competitors. The strategy was not successful. After several years of declining sales the company lost its dominant position in the market and its products were perceived to be of inferior quality. Major changes were made to implement a new strategy that emphasized quality and innovation rather than low price. The strategy was justified as a return to key values from the glorious early years of the firm. Learning Objective: Understand how to develop an appealing vision for an organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) Organizational learning involves acquiring and using new knowledge. Should new knowledge be acquired from outside the organization? Answer: Student responses may vary. Organizational learning involves acquiring and using new knowledge. The new knowledge can be created internally or acquired from outside the organization. An important leadership function is to encourage and facilitate external acquisition of relevant knowledge. New ideas and knowledge may also be acquired from a variety of outside sources, including: publications on results of applied research, books or articles describing practitioner experiences, and observation of best practices used elsewhere. Other sources include purchasing the right to use specific knowledge from another organization, getting advice from consultants who have relevant expertise, hiring outsiders with special expertise, entering joint ventures with another organization to increase learning opportunities, and acquiring another organization that has relevant expertise and patents. The process of examining best practices used in successful organizations is sometimes called "benchmarking." Imitating the best practices of others can be beneficial, but it is essential to evaluate their relevance before adopting them. It is also important to remember that imitation alone seldom provides much of a competitive advantage. Rather than simply copying what others are doing, it is usually better to improve their best practices, and to invent new approaches not yet discovered by competitors. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 6 Power and Influence Tactics 1) What kind of power is dependent upon friendship and trust? A) affiliation power B) dyadic power C) expert power D) referent power Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 2) Which two kinds of power have been found to be related most strongly to leader effectiveness in motivating subordinates? A) expert and legitimate power B) reward and referent power C) expert and referent power D) reward and expert power Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Control over access to information is a source of power over ________. A) subordinates B) subordinates and peers C) peers and superiors D) peers, superiors, and subordinates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) Referent power is MOST likely to result in which type of influence process? A) internalization B) personal identification C) instrumental compliance D) collective identification Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) Which of the following is NOT an example of resistance to an influence attempt? A) Carry out the request with only the minimum necessary effort. B) Delay taking action to see if the agent is serious about the request. C) Tell the agent why you are too busy now to carry out the request. D) Appeal to a higher authority to rescind or change the request. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Use of legitimate power by leaders is MOST likely to result in which outcome? A) resistance B) compliance C) commitment D) confusion Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) The status and influence accorded an emergent leader depends primarily on the leader's ________. A) social popularity among the members B) control over rewards desired by group members C) seniority among group members D) demonstrated competence and loyalty Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Which statement about institutionalization in organizations is MOST accurate? A) It describes how subunits with unique expertise gain power in organizations. B) It facilitates an organization's adaptation to a changing environment. C) It describes how power is used to enhance or protect that power. D) It demonstrates why political tactics are unnecessary to maintain power. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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9) Explaining why a proposed activity would be good for the target person is an example of which tactic? A) rational persuasion B) apprising C) exchange D) collaboration Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which influence tactic is used MOST frequently in organizations? A) consultation B) rational persuasion C) exchange D) pressure Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which tactic is more likely to be used in a follow-up influence attempt than in an initial influence attempt? A) ingratiation B) consultation C) personal appeal D) pressure Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which influence tactic is used more often in attempts to influence superiors than in attempts to influence subordinates? A) pressure B) coalition C) exchange D) legitimating Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which influence tactic is MOST likely to result in target commitment? A) consultation B) exchange C) personal appeal D) ingratiation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which influence tactic is LEAST likely to result in target commitment? A) exchange B) rational persuasion C) collaboration D) inspirational appeals Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which influence tactic is MOST dependent on the agent's reward power? A) rational persuasion B) legitimating C) exchange D) apprising Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Strong expert power is MOST likely to enhance the effectiveness of which tactic? A) inspirational appeals B) consultation C) rational persuasion D) legitimating Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Personal power includes ________. A) potential influence derived from legitimate authority to make important decisions B) potential influence derived from agent expertise and friendship with the target person C) control over the use of resources and access to information D) control over the use of rewards and punishments Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) The most general way to classify power sources is the distinction between ________. A) position power and personal power B) legitimate power and illegitimate power C) reward power and coercive power D) referent power and expert power Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) ________ power is based on formal authority, and it involves the rights, prerogatives, obligations, and duties associated with a particular position in an organization. A) Reward B) Referent C) Expert D) Legitimate Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) ________ power is the perception by the target person that an agent can provide important resources and remunerations desired by the target person. A) Reward B) Referent C) Expert D) Legitimate Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) Reward power depends ________. A) only on a manager's actual control over resources and rewards B) only on the target person's perception that the agent has the capacity and willingness to provide promised rewards C) on both a manager's actual control and the target's perception of that control, with the actual control being more important D) on both a manager's actual control and the target's perception of that control, with the target's perception being more important Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Managers usually have much more reward power over ________. A) subordinates than over peers B) peers than over subordinates C) superiors than over subordinates D) superiors than over peers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 23) Subordinates usually have ________ their leader's reputation and prospects for a pay increase. A) some indirect influence over B) some formal mechanism to affect C) unlimited reward power for D) no ability to impact Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) A leader's ________ power over subordinates is based on authority over punishments, which varies greatly across different types of organizations. A) reward B) coercive C) referent D) expert Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Over the last two centuries, there has been a general decline in use of ________ power by most types of leaders. A) reward B) coercive C) referent D) expert Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 26) ________ power is derived from a target person's strong feelings of affection, admiration, and loyalty toward the agent. A) Reward B) Coercive C) Referent D) Expert Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Referent power ________. A) is an important source of influence over subordinates, but not peers or superiors B) has no limitations C) may lead to a target feeling exploited, if requests are extreme D) can cause a target to do things the agent is perceived to want, even without being asked Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 28) Task-relevant knowledge and skill ________. A) are not major sources of personal power in organizations B) provide a potential influence over subordinates and peers, but not superiors C) grant the same power to the agent regardless of how important a problem is to the target D) must be recognized as expertise by the target in order to endow power to the agent Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) Which is the MOST important evidence of expertise? A) displaying diplomas B) attending workshops C) winning awards D) making good decisions Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) All of the following are ways that an agent tries to protect expert power EXCEPT ________. A) permanently solving a problem B) keeping procedures shrouded in mystery C) using technical jargon to make a task seem more complex D) destroying alternate sources of information about task procedures Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) All of the following are negative consequences of a subordinate having control over operating information EXCEPT ________. A) magnifying one's accomplishments B) covering up mistakes C) interpreting complex analyses of operating information D) exaggerating the amount of expertise and resources needed to do one's work Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Power ________. A) is a static condition B) changes over time C) does not vary with conditions D) cannot be altered by the actions of individuals Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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33) Innovation ________. A) by a leader is a win-win situation B) that is successful will lead to credit for subordinates, not the leader C) that fails will result in loss of status for a leader D) is accepted but not expected of leaders Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) ________ theory explains how some organizational subunits gain or lose power to influence important decisions such as determination of the organization's competitive strategy and the allocation of resources to subunits and activities. A) Social exchange B) Strategic contingencies C) Institutionalization of power D) Information power Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) Which of the following is NOT one of the three factors upon which the power of a subunit depends, according to strategic contingencies theory? A) the extent to which the subunit's expertise is unique rather than substitutable B) expertise in coping with important problems C) demonstrated competency and contribution to the attainment of shared objectives D) centrality of the subunit within the workflow Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Success in solving important problems is a source of ________ power for subunits, just as it is for individuals. A) referent B) information C) reward D) expert Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) Which statement about a powerful subunit is NOT true? A) It can get its members appointed to key leadership positions. B) It cannot influence key decisions indirectly. C) It is often able to use its power to maintain a dominant position even after its expertise is no longer critical to the organization. D) It can promote its objectives directly. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Studies on the consequences of leader power ________. A) are conclusive B) indicate that effective leaders have more expert and referent power than less effective leaders C) suggest that effective leaders rely on their position power more than their personal power D) reveal that possessing position power yields no benefits for a leader Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is related to leadership effectiveness. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Which statement is NOT true? A) Too much position power may be as detrimental as too little. B) Personal power is immune to misuse. C) In general, a leader should have a significant amount of position power. D) Personal power resists erosion, even when a leader acts contrary to the interests of followers. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how power is related to leadership effectiveness. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 40) Which of the following is NOT a way that leaders can facilitate reciprocal influence? A) encouraging subordinates to participate in making important decisions B) fostering and rewarding innovation C) dictating how things will be done D) empowering subordinates to discover better ways of doing things Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy

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41) With ________ power, authority is usually exercised with a request, order, or instruction that is communicated orally or in writing. A) reward B) coercive C) legitimate D) referent Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Exercising legitimate power by using a polite request ________. A) is especially important for people sensitive about status differentials B) implies that you should plead C) means appearing apologetic about the request D) is less effective than an arrogant demand Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 43) When the agent offers to give the target person a reward for carrying out a request or performing a task, it is called a(n) ________ tactic. A) personal appeal B) pressure C) exchange D) ingratiation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) In order to foster a more satisfying relationship in terms of mutual loyalty and friendship, rewards should be ________. A) used as impersonal incentives B) be mechanically distributed C) purely economic transactions between leader and agent D) more symbolic and recognize accomplishments Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) ________ power is invoked by a threat or warning that the target person will suffer undesirable consequences for noncompliance with a request, rule, or policy. A) Legitimate B) Coercive C) Expert D) Referent Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 46) In work organizations, which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate use of coercion? A) deterring subordinates from engaging in illegal activities B) keeping subordinates from violating safety rules C) urging subordinates to find new and innovative ways of getting things done D) preventing subordinates from committing reckless acts that endanger others Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy 47) When an agent clearly has much more relevant expertise than target persons, ________. A) the effects of the expert power will be automatic B) explanations will be required to support a request C) the proposal's adoption relies on supporting evidence D) prior successes in dealing with such problems should be described Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Referent power ultimately depends on the agent's ________. A) seniority within the organization B) expertise and skills C) past accomplishments D) character and integrity Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) What is role modeling? A) A well-liked person sets an example of proper behavior. B) An agent clearly expresses how important a request is. C) A person provides evidence supporting a proposal. D) An agent makes an explicit threat for failing to do what the agent wants. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) The type of behavior used intentionally to influence the attitudes and behavior of another person is usually called ________. A) role modeling B) compliance C) an influence tactic D) scope of authority Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) ________ tactics are intended to influence people to like the agent or to have a favorable evaluation of the agent. A) Impression management B) Political C) Proactive D) Rational persuasion Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 52) Which of the following is NOT an example of a political tactic? A) influencing the agenda for meetings to include your issues B) influencing decision makers to use criteria that will bias decisions in your favor C) changing the procedures used for a current task D) selecting decision makers who will promote and defend your interests Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) With ________, the target person is not convinced that the decision or action is the best thing to do or even that it will be effective for accomplishing its purpose. A) commitment B) compliance C) resistance D) defiance Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Refusing to carry out a request and trying to persuade the agent to withdraw or change are associated with ________. A) commitment B) compliance C) resistance D) enthusiasm Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 55) Which of the following proactive tactics is LEAST likely to improve the agent-target relationship? A) ingratiation B) collaboration C) apprising D) exchange Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) A(n) ________ appeal is an attempt to develop enthusiasm and commitment by arousing strong emotions and linking a request or proposal to a person's needs, values, hopes, and ideals. A) inspirational B) apprising C) personal D) consultation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) Rational persuasion is ________. A) an inflexible tactic B) unlikely to be effective if the agent and target have incompatible objectives C) effective even when the agent lacks expertise and credibility D) not very useful when the target person share's the agent's objective Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) The exchange tactic ________. A) involves explicit but not implicit offers to reward a person for doing what is requested B) is likely to be effective even if the target person doesn't think the agent is able to provide the promised benefit and can be trusted to actually deliver it C) is more likely to be used in influence attempts with bosses than subordinates and peers D) is especially appropriate for a request that offers no important benefits for the target person and would involve considerable effort and inconvenience Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 59) ________ usually involves an impersonal trade of unrelated benefits, whereas ________ usually involves a joint effort to accomplish the same task. A) Collaboration; exchange B) Exchange; collaboration C) Ingratiation; exchange D) Exchange; ingratiation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) Giving compliments, doing unsolicited favors, acting deferential and respectful, and acting especially friendly and helpful before making a request are examples of ________. A) pressure B) collaboration C) apprising D) ingratiation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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61) ________ persuasion is more likely to be used when the agent has expert power that includes the knowledge to explain why a request is important and feasible. A) Rational B) Pressure C) Legitimating D) Exchange Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) An agent with strong ________ power may be more successful in gaining compliance with a simple request, even though no pressure or exchange tactics are used. A) legitimate B) expert C) referent D) coercive Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) Which of the following is NOT one of the core tactics? A) rational persuasion B) consultation C) pressure D) apprising Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) If two or more different tactics are combined, ________. A) an influence attempt will fail B) an influence attempt is less likely to be successful C) an influence attempt is more likely to succeed D) the results of an influence attempt are not affected by the compatibility of the chosen tactics Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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65) Which type of influence attempt is LEAST likely to be effective? A) rational persuasion B) inspirational appeal C) apprising D) legitimating tactic Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Most of the tactics used for proactive influence attempts ________. A) cannot be used to resist a request made by a boss B) can be used to modify a request made by a subordinate C) should never be used with clients D) may be used to resist or modify a request, but only if the same form of the tactic is used Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) Saying that you are in a difficult situation and would really appreciate the person's help is an example of which tactic? A) ingratiation B) personal appeal C) pressure D) exchange Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) Explaining that your request is consistent with office rules and policies is an example of the ________ tactic. A) apprising B) pressure C) coalition D) legitimating Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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69) Which of the following is an example of the coalition tactic? A) mentioning the names of others who endorse a proposal when asking the person to support it B) pointing out that your request is consistent with a prior agreement C) keep asking the person in a persistent way to say yes to a request D) saying that there is nobody more qualified to do a task Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Asking for suggestions on how to improve a tentative proposal is an example of which core tactic? A) consultation B) inspirational appeal C) rational persuasion D) apprising Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Instrumental compliance is a type of influence process where the target person imitates the agent's behavior or adopts the same attitudes to please the agent and to be like the agent. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) Using political tactics to increase power or protect existing power sources is called institutionalization of power. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) In general, research findings indicate that effective leaders rely on their position power more than on their personal power. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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74) When using coercive power it is sometimes important to establish credibility by demonstrating the will and ability to cause unpleasant consequences for the target person. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) The outcome is called resistance when the target person is willing to carry out a request but is apathetic rather than enthusiastic about it and will make only a minimal effort. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) For influence attempts that address simple, routine requests, compliance may be all that is necessary to accomplish the agent's task objectives. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Political tactics are used to influence how important decisions are made in an organization. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) Ingratiation is used more for initial requests than for follow-up attempts. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) The type of power MOST likely to enhance the effectiveness of exchange is referent power. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Explaining how a person's career may be helped by doing a task for you is called an exchange tactic. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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81) In large organizations, the effectiveness of managers depends on influence over superiors and peers, but not influence over subordinates. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Power is a dynamic variable that changes as conditions change. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) The most general way to classify power sources is the distinction between position power and personal power. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) A polite request is less effective than an arrogant demand, because it does not emphasize a status gap or imply target dependence on the agent. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Even when the conditions are favorable for using rewards, they seldom motivate someone to put forth extra effort beyond what is required to complete the task and get the reward. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Using coercion is more likely to result in commitment than compliance. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) When relying on referent power as a source of influence, it is important to ensure that the target person understands how important a request is for you. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

88) Rational persuasion is a flexible tactic that can be used for most influence attempts and target persons. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Proactive influence tactics are always needed in an influence attempt. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) It is not feasible for a manager to use more than one direct influence tactic at the same time or in a sequence. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) What is the distinction between personal power and position power? Answer: Student answers may vary. Efforts to classify types of power usually involve differences in the source or basis for potential influence over another person or event. The most general way to classify power sources is the distinction between position power and personal power. These broadly defined categories involve power sources that are either inherent in an agent's position in the organization, or that involve attributes of the agent and the agent-target relationship. Position power includes potential influence derived from legitimate authority to make important decisions, control over the use of resources and access to information, and control over the use of rewards and punishments. Personal power includes potential influence derived from agent expertise and friendship with the target person. Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) Why do you believe that the use of coercive power is declining? Answer: Student answers may vary. A leader's coercive power over subordinates is based on authority over punishments, which varies greatly across different types of organizations. The coercive power of military and political leaders is usually greater than that of corporate managers. Over the last two centuries, there has been a general decline in use of coercive power by most types of leaders. For example, most managers once had the right to dismiss employees for any reason they thought was justified. The captain of a ship could flog sailors who were disobedient or who failed to perform their duties diligently. Military officers could execute a soldier for desertion or failure to obey an order during combat. Nowadays, these forms of coercive power are prohibited or sharply restricted in many nations. It is best to avoid using coercion except when absolutely necessary, because it is difficult to use and likely to result in undesirable side effects. Coercion often arouses anger or resentment, and it may result in retaliation. In work organizations, the most appropriate use of coercion is to deter behavior detrimental to the organization, such as illegal activities, theft, violation of safety rules, reckless acts that endanger others, and direct disobedience of legitimate requests. Coercion is not likely to result in commitment, but when used skillfully in an appropriate situation, there is a reasonably good chance that it will result in compliance. Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 93) What are some limitations of expert power? Answer: Student answers may vary. Expertise is a source of power only if others are dependent on the agent for advice. The more important a problem is to the target person, the greater the power derived by the agent from possessing the necessary expertise to solve it. Dependency is increased when the target person cannot easily find another source of advice besides the agent. It is not enough for the agent to possess expertise; the target person must recognize this expertise and perceive the leader to be a reliable source of information and advice. In the short run, perceived expertise is more important than real expertise, and an agent may be able to fake it for a time by acting confident and pretending to be an expert. However, over time, as the agent's knowledge is put to the test, target perceptions of the agent's expertise are likely to become more accurate. Thus, it is essential for leaders to develop and maintain a reputation for strong expertise and credibility. Specialized knowledge and technical skill will remain a source of power only as long as dependence on the person who possesses them continues. If a problem is permanently solved or others learn how to solve it by themselves, the agent's expertise is reduced. Thus, people sometimes try to protect their expert power by keeping procedures and techniques shrouded in secrecy, by using technical jargon to make the task seem more complex and mysterious, and by destroying alternate sources of information about task procedures such as written manuals, diagrams, blueprints, and computer programs. Successful influence depends on the leader's credibility and persuasive communication skills in addition to technical knowledge and analytical ability. Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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94) Why might someone want to distort or withhold access to information? Answer: Student answers may vary. A leader who controls the flow of vital information about outside events has an opportunity to interpret these events for subordinates and influence their perception and attitudes. Some managers distort information to persuade people that a particular course of action is desirable. Examples of information distortion include selective editing of reports and documents, biased interpretation of data, and presentation of false information. Some managers use their control over the distribution of information as a way to enhance their expert power and increase subordinate dependence. If the leader is the only one who "knows what is going on," subordinates will lack evidence to dispute the leader's claim that an unpopular decision is justified by circumstances. Control of information also makes it easier for a leader to cover up failures and mistakes that would otherwise undermine a carefully cultivated image of expertise. It has been common practice for political dictators to limit follower access to sources of information, and in recent times this practice has included limiting access to the Internet and preventing opponents from communicating any criticism of the leader's decisions. If a leader is completely dependent on a subordinate to interpret complex analyses of operating information, the subordinate may be invited to participate directly in making decisions based on these analyses. Even when not actively participating in the decision process, a subordinate who provides most of the information for a decision has substantial influence over it. Control over operating information also enables subordinates to magnify accomplishments, cover up mistakes, and exaggerate the amount of expertise and resources needed to do their work. Learning Objective: Understand how power is acquired or lost in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) How much power is necessary for a leader? Answer: Student answers may vary. The amount of necessary power for a leader will depend on what needs to be accomplished and on the leader's skill in using the available power. Some leadership situations require more power than others for the leader to be effective. More influence is necessary in an organization where major changes are required, but there is strong initial opposition to the leader's proposals for change. It is especially difficult for a leader who recognizes that the organization will face a major crisis in coming years, a crisis that can be overcome only if preparations are begun immediately and short-term sacrifices are made, but the evidence of the coming crisis is not yet sufficiently strong to convince key members to support the necessary changes. In such situations, a leader will need sufficient expert and referent power to persuade people that change is necessary and desirable, or sufficient position and political power to overcome the opposition and buy time to show that the proposed changes are necessary and effective. A combination of personal and position power increases the likelihood of success, but forcing change is always risky. Learning Objective: Understand how power is related to leadership effectiveness. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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96) When using legitimate authority, should one issue demands or polite requests? Why? Answer: Student answers may vary. Authority is usually exercised with a request, order, or instruction that is communicated orally or in writing. The way in which legitimate power is exercised affects the outcome. A polite request is more effective than an arrogant demand, because it does not emphasize a status gap or imply target dependence on the agent. Use of a polite request is especially important for people who are likely to be sensitive about status differentials and authority relationships, such as someone who is older than the agent or who is a peer rather than a subordinate. Making a polite request does not imply you should plead or appear apologetic about a request. To do so risks the impression that the request is not worthy or legitimate, and it may give the impression that compliance is not really expected. A legitimate request should be made in a firm, confident manner. In an emergency situation, it is more important to be assertive than polite. A direct order by a leader in a commanding tone of voice is sometimes necessary to shock subordinates into immediate action in an emergency. In this type of situation, subordinates associate confident, firm direction with expertise as well as authority. To express doubts or appear confused risks the loss of influence over subordinates. Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 97) How can one gain and use referent power? Answer: Student answers may vary. Referent power is increased by showing concern for the needs and feelings of others, demonstrating trust and respect, and treating people fairly. However, to achieve and maintain strong referent power usually requires more than just flattery, favors, and charm. Referent power ultimately depends on the agent's character and integrity. Over time, actions speak louder than words, and someone who tries to appear friendly but manipulates and exploits people will lose referent power. Integrity is demonstrated by being truthful, expressing a consistent set of values, acting in a way that is consistent with one's espoused values, and carrying out promises and agreements. One way to exercise referent power is through "role modeling." A person who is well liked and admired can have considerable influence over others by setting an example of proper and desirable behavior for them to imitate. When there is strong personal identification, imitation of agent behavior is likely to occur even without any conscious intention by the agent. However, because people also imitate undesirable behavior in someone they admire, it is important to be aware of the examples that one sets. An agent with limited referent power may find it useful to remind the target person of favors done in the past or events when their friendship was very important. Finally, when relying on referent power as a source of influence, it is important to ensure that the target person understands how important a request is for you. An example is to say: "I would really appreciate it if you can do this, because it is really important to me." Learning Objective: Understand how to use power effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) Into what three categories can a target's reaction to influence attempts be classified? Answer: Student answers may vary. Commitment: The target person makes a great effort to carry out the request or implement the decision effectively. This outcome is usually the most successful one for a complex, difficult task that requires enthusiasm, initiative, and persistence by the target person in overcoming obstacles. Compliance: The target person is willing to carry out a request but is not enthusiastic about it and will make only a minimal effort. With compliance, the target person is not convinced that the decision or action is the best thing to do or even that it will be effective for accomplishing its purpose. However, for a simple, routine request, compliance may be all that is necessary to accomplish the agent's task objectives. Resistance: The target person is opposed to the proposal or request, rather than merely indifferent about it. Resistance can take several different forms: (1) refuse to carry out the request, (2) explain why it is impossible to carry out the request, (3) try to persuade the agent to withdraw or change the request, (4) ask higher authorities to overrule the agent's request, (5) delay acting in the hope that the agent will forget about the request, and (6) make a pretense of complying but try to sabotage the task. Resistance is usually regarded as an unsuccessful outcome, but it can be beneficial if it helps the agent avoid a serious mistake. For example, you develop a detailed plan for a new project, but people find some serious flaws that need to be fixed before they will implement the plan. Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) Describe the apprising influence tactic. Answer: Student answers may vary. Apprising involves an explanation of how a request or proposal is likely to benefit the target person as an individual. The benefits may involve the person's career advancement, job satisfaction, or compensation. Apprising may involve the use of facts and logic, but unlike rational persuasion, the benefits described are for the target person, not for the organization or the mission. Unlike exchange tactics, the benefits to be obtained by the target person are not something the agent will provide to the target, but rather something that is likely to happen when the agent's request is carried out or the proposal is implemented. This tactic is more likely to be used with subordinates or peers than with bosses. Successful use of apprising requires unique knowledge about the likely personal benefits associated with an activity or change, and a subordinate is much less likely than a superior to be a credible source of such knowledge. An exception is the situation where the subordinate is experienced but the boss is new to the organization. Learning Objective: Understand the different types of influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) Can influence tactics be used to resist influence attempts? Explain why or why not. Answer: Student answers may vary. Most of the tactics used for proactive influence attempts can also be used to resist or modify a request made by someone else such as a boss, peer, subordinate, or client, although a different form of the tactic is usually appropriate. For example, when used as a resistance tactic, rational persuasion may involve explaining why the agent's request or proposal is unlikely to be successful. Collaboration may involve an offer to help accomplish an objective in a different way than the one proposed by the agent. Apprising may involve explaining why a proposed activity or change is likely to result in unfavorable personal outcomes for the agent. Legitimating may involve explaining how the agent's request is inconsistent with company rules or a formal contract. Pressure is another tactic that can be used in upward influence if the agent is willing to take the necessary risks. The agent can make a threat to resign or to pursue legal action against the agent if an unethical request or an unacceptable demand is not withdrawn. Learning Objective: Understand effective ways to use the influence tactics. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 7 Leader Traits and Skills 1) What is the BEST conclusion about the traits of managers? A) A very intelligent leader will be effective in any situation. B) A leader who is weak on any key trait will not be effective. C) Some traits improve the chance of being effective, but their relative importance depends on the situation. D) The trait approach fails to provide useful insights about the reasons for effective leadership. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) What is the MOST important motive for predicting who will seek leadership positions? A) power B) achievement C) affiliation D) esteem Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which pattern of traits (from strongest to weakest) is BEST for managers in organizations? A) power, affiliation, achievement B) achievement, power, affiliation C) power, achievement, affiliation D) achievement, affiliation, power Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) Effective managers are LEAST likely to have which of the following traits? A) emotional maturity B) high need for affiliation C) achievement orientation D) internal locus of control orientation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) What is the MOST accurate conclusion about power motivation of managers? A) Most managers have a socialized power orientation. B) Managers with a socialized power orientation are usually effective. C) Managers with a socialized power orientation are more likely to be effective than managers with a personalized power orientation. D) Managers with strong power motivation are usually effective, regardless of which type of orientation they have. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) A leader with a socialized power orientation is MORE likely to ________. A) socialize with subordinates B) ask subordinates to attend social events C) clarify social objectives for subordinates D) empower subordinates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) A very narcissistic leader is MOST likely to ________. A) have empathy and concern for subordinates B) perceive human relationships in complex terms C) become preoccupied with power and prestige D) seek objective advice from subordinates and peers Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Effective leaders are LEAST likely to have a high score on which "big five" trait? A) self confidence B) conscientiousness C) openness to experience D) neuroticism Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) It is better for a leader to have a moderately high level than a very high level of which trait or skill? A) self confidence B) emotional maturity C) social intelligence D) interpersonal skill Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Research at CCL found that leaders who eventually derailed in their careers ________. A) experienced a string of successes in their earlier managerial positions B) developed many cooperative relationships in their earlier positions C) had earlier experience in a variety of different of managerial positions D) had earlier managerial positions that were very difficult and challenging Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Research at CCL found that compared to managers who derailed in their career, managers who continued to be successful had more ________. A) ambition to succeed B) interpersonal skill C) formal education D) technical brilliance Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Social perceptiveness and behavioral flexibility are key components of ________. A) interpersonal awareness B) vocational intelligence C) situational awareness D) social intelligence Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which conclusion BEST describes how CEO skills are related to organization performance? A) The essential CEO skills are the same for all types of organizations. B) CEO skills are not related significantly to company performance. C) The essential skills for a CEO are the same as for other types of leaders. D) The most important skills depend on several aspects of the situation. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) In comparison to low-level supervisors, top executives usually need more ________ skills. A) conceptual B) technical C) interpersonal D) processing Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which statement about technical skills is MOST accurate? A) They are most important for top executives. B) They are most important for middle managers. C) They are most important for lower-level managers. D) They are equally important for managers at all levels. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following was NOT presented as a guideline for career planning? A) Seek information about your strengths and weaknesses and learn from feedback. B) Display strengths and hide weaknesses to build an image of superior competence. C) Take advantage of opportunities to develop relevant skills that are deficient. D) Select and empower subordinates who have strengths that complement yours. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) ________ are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a particular way. A) Personality traits B) Skills C) Values D) Self-concepts Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 18) Which of the following is NOT an example of a personality trait? A) self-confidence B) affiliation C) extroversion D) emotional maturity Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy 19) Social needs and motives ________. A) guide, energize, and sustain behavior B) are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a certain way C) are internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong D) involve values and beliefs about a person's occupation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) Which of the following traits is MORE likely to be influenced by learning? A) physiological needs B) temperament C) energy level D) social needs Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) What are internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong, ethical and unethical, and moral and immoral known as? A) personality traits B) values C) self-concepts D) skills Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Fairness and justice, honesty, equality, and civility are examples of ________. A) personality traits B) values C) self-concepts D) skills Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Self-concepts, self-identities, and social identities ________. A) are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a particular way B) are internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong, ethical and unethical, moral and immoral C) relate to the ability to do something in an effective manner D) involve values and beliefs about a person's occupation, relationships to others, and worthwhile roles and activities Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) Skills are determined by ________. A) learning only B) heredity only C) both learning and heredity D) neither learning nor heredity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Competencies ________. A) are often used to describe qualities considered relevant for managers in a particular organization, profession, or situation B) may involve traits or skills, but never a combination of related skills and traits C) are determined strictly and solely by heredity D) are internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong, and they influence a person's choice of behavior Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Social needs and motives ________. A) do not include the need for achievement, esteem, or affiliation B) are unimportant traits C) guide, energize, and sustain behavior D) are probably less influenced by learning than other traits Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Cross-cultural research suggests that individuals who lack awareness and engage in selfenhancement are seen by their bosses as being highly likely to derail in ________cultures, because they violate the cultural norms for modesty. A) only individualistic B) only collectivistic C) both individualistic and collectivistic D) neither individualistic nor collectivistic Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 28) Research suggests that genetic factors account for ________ percent of the variance in the attainment of leadership roles, as well as the possession of personality traits associated with leadership, such as social potency and need for achievement. A) 10 B) 30 C) 50 D) 70 Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) Cutting-edge genetic research also reveals that people who possess "r64950, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) residing on a neuronal acetylcholine receptor gene (CHRNB3)" are ________. A) more likely to occupy leadership positions B) less likely to hold leadership roles C) not likely to have a proactive personality D) predicted not to possess social potency and need for achievement Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 30) Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Some traits and skills increase the likelihood that a person will be selected or elected to fill a leadership position. B) Some traits and skills increase the effectiveness of a leader, and actually guarantee it. C) A leader with certain traits can be effective in one situation but ineffective in a different situation. D) The pattern of traits and skills that best predicts leader effectiveness varies somewhat for different outcomes. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 31) Which of the following is NOT a specific trait related to leadership effectiveness? A) external locus of control orientation B) personal integrity C) socialized power motivation D) moderately low need for affiliation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Which of the following is a specific trait related to leadership effectiveness? A) personalized power motivation B) moderately low achievement orientation C) low core self-evaluations D) emotional stability and maturity Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) ________ help(s) managers cope with the hectic pace, long hours, and unrelenting demands of most managerial jobs. A) High energy level and stress tolerance B) Emotional stability and maturity C) Personal integrity D) Socialized power motivation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) A leader with high stress tolerance and composure is more likely to do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) stay calm B) make better decisions C) provide confident, decisive direction to subordinates in a crisis D) shift responsibility for a problem to someone else Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy 35) All of the following are related concepts EXCEPT ________. A) self-confidence B) self-control C) self-esteem D) self-efficacy Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 36) Leaders with high self-confidence are more likely to ________. A) have high expectations for subordinates as well B) lower subordinate commitment by retaining too much control C) put off dealing with difficult problems D) be indecisive in a crisis Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) Which of the following is NOT a possible consequence of excessive self-confidence in a leader? A) rash decision making B) intolerance of dissenting viewpoints C) denial of evidence that a plan is flawed D) benefits of participative leadership realized Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) People with a strong external control orientation ________. A) believe they can influence their own destiny B) have a less future-oriented perspective C) take more initiative in solving problems D) are less likely to use coercion than persuasion Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Research shows evidence that an internal locus of control is ________. A) negatively associated with managerial effectiveness B) less effective in terms of criteria like profitability and sales growth C) not always linked to socially responsible behavior D) not correlated with success in environments that require major product innovations Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 40) People with high emotional maturity are associated with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) having more self-control B) being less defensive C) being less prone to mood swings D) being more self-centered Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) While there is ample evidence that the traits of ________ are linked to leadership emergence and effectiveness, some of the research also indicates that the combination of these traits, coupled with high self-esteem, is especially important. A) self-confidence, internal locus of control, and emotional stability B) self-efficacy, external locus of control, and emotional stability C) socialized power motivation, internal locus of control, and emotional immaturity D) self-efficacy, external locus of control, and personal integrity Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 42) People who are low in need for power ________. A) are more likely to seek positions of authority B) may be more attuned to the power politics of organizations C) usually lack the desire and assertiveness to lobby for necessary resources D) are adept at imposing necessary discipline Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Managers with a socialized power orientation are MOST likely to do which of the following? A) use a participative style of leadership B) be unwilling to take advice from people with relevant experience C) accumulate symbols of personal prestige D) use power to aggrandize themselves Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) ________ is a primary determinant of interpersonal trust. A) Stress tolerance B) Emotional maturity C) Integrity D) High energy level Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) Honesty, loyalty, fairness, justice, and altruism are values related to ________. A) integrity B) external locus of control orientation C) high core self-evaluations D) personalized power motivation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Narcissism is associated with ________. A) a low need for esteem B) a strong socialized need for power C) low emotional maturity D) high integrity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) Narcissists in leadership positions ________. A) surround themselves with subordinates who are loyal and uncritical B) make decisions after gathering adequate information about the environment C) seek objective advice from subordinates and peers D) accept responsibility for project failures Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) A narcissistic leader is LESS likely to be effective than a leader who has ________. A) strong self-confidence and optimism combined with a personalized power orientation and high emotional maturity B) low self-confidence and optimism combined with a personalized power orientation and low emotional maturity C) low self-confidence and optimism combined with a socialized power orientation and low emotional maturity D) strong self-confidence and optimism combined with a socialized power orientation and high emotional maturity Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) Leaders with a high need for affiliation ________. A) are likely to be greatly effective in their managerial roles B) use rewards to gain approval, not to recognize effective performance C) confront genuine differences instead of avoiding conflict D) focus on accomplishing the task over interpersonal relationships Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) Which of the following is NOT one of the traits in the "Big Five" model? A) surgency B) dependability C) intellectance D) introversion Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) ________ skills include knowledge about methods, processes, and equipment for conducting the specialized activities of the manager's organizational unit. A) Technical B) Interpersonal C) Conceptual D) Cognitive Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) In general terms, ________ skills involve good judgment, foresight, intuition, creativity, and the ability to find meaning and order in ambiguous, uncertain events. A) technical B) interpersonal C) social D) cognitive Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) A person with high cognitive complexity ________. A) sees things in simplistic terms B) has difficulty seeing how diverse elements fit together to make a meaningful whole C) is able to predict future events from current trends D) cannot see shades of gray, and instead views things as black and white Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Empathy, charm, tact, and diplomacy are examples of ________ skills. A) technical B) cognitive C) conceptual D) interpersonal Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy 55) ________ skills include knowledge about human behavior and group processes, the ability to understand the feelings, attitudes, and motives of others. A) Technical B) Social C) Conceptual D) Cognitive Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) ________ facilitates emotional stability and information processing in stressful situations and it helps leaders maintain their own optimism and enthusiasm about a project or mission in the face of obstacles or setbacks. A) Self-awareness B) Self-regulation C) Empathy D) Social intelligence Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) Emotional intelligence ________. A) is easily learned B) can't be taught C) requires coaching for significant improvement D) is something you are either born with or not Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) What is defined as the ability to determine the requirement for leadership in a particular situation and select an appropriate response? A) emotional intelligence B) social intelligence C) empathy D) self-regulation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) The two primary components of social intelligence are ________. A) empathy and emotional self-awareness B) empathy and behavioral flexibility C) social perceptiveness and self-awareness D) social perceptiveness and behavioral flexibility Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) Which traits are relevant to the ability to learn from experience and adapt to change? A) self confidence, emotional stability, and an external locus of control orientation B) achievement orientation, emotional stability, and an external locus of control orientation C) achievement orientation, emotional stability, and an internal locus of control orientation D) self-confidence, emotional stability, and an internal locus of control orientation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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61) Managerial level affects ________. A) the relevance of the three broad categories of skills and the relative importance of specific types of skills within each category B) the relevance of the three broad categories of skills but not the relative importance of specific types of skills within each category C) neither the relevance of the three broad categories of skills nor the relative importance of specific types of skills within each category D) nothing related to the three broad categories of skills Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Which is true about higher levels of management? A) The complexity of relationships that need to be understood and managed is greater. B) The problems that need to be solved are more routine and clearly defined. C) The number of activities to be coordinated is smaller. D) There is less variation in the activities that need to be coordinated. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 63) The quality of strategic decisions ultimately depends on ________ skills, even though some ________ knowledge is necessary to make these decisions, and ________ skills are necessary for developing relationships, obtaining information, and influencing subordinates to implement decisions. A) conceptual; technical; interpersonal B) technical; interpersonal; conceptual C) interpersonal; conceptual; technical D) technical; conceptual; interpersonal Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 64) ________ are mainly responsibly for implementing policy and maintaining the workflow within the existing organizational structure. A) Low-level managers B) Middle-level managers C) Higher-level managers D) Top executives Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16 C..

65) The role of ________ requires a roughly equal mix of technical, interpersonal, and conceptual skills. A) low-level managers B) middle-level managers C) higher-level managers D) top executives Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) More ________ skills are needed by middle- and lower-level managers who are expected to participate in strategic planning, product innovation, and leading change. A) technical B) interpersonal C) conceptual D) social Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) ________ skills are more important for top executives in organizations where operating decisions are highly centralized. A) Conceptual B) Cognitive C) Interpersonal D) Technical Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Considerable progress has been made in identifying traits and skills relevant for managerial effectiveness and advancement. B) Most trait studies are guided by a theory that explains how traits are related to managerial effectiveness and advancement. C) It is difficult to interpret the relevance of abstract traits except by examining how they are expressed in the actual behavior of leaders and the effects of leader decisions and actions. D) Few trait studies include mediating processes to explain why leadership traits and skills are relevant for predicting effectiveness in the current position or career success. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the limitations of the trait approach. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 17 C..

69) The relationship of traits and skills is ________, and ________ amount of the trait is usually optimal. A) often curvilinear; a moderate rather than the maximum B) always linear; a moderate rather than the maximum C) often curvilinear; the maximum rather than a moderate D) always linear; the maximum rather than a moderate Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the limitations of the trait approach. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 70) A better understanding of leadership in an organization may be gained by examining the ________. A) traits of non-managerial employees B) traits of the chief executive officer C) pattern of traits for the executive team D) pattern of traits for the entire organization Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the limitations of the trait approach. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 71) Managers who derailed were less able to handle pressure and were more prone to moodiness, angry outbursts, and inconsistent behavior. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) People with a strong internal locus of control orientation believe that events are determined mostly by chance or fate and they can do little to improve their lives. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) People who have an external locus of control are more likely to be effective managers. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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74) People who demonstrate emotional maturity have a more accurate awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, and have a self-improvement orientation instead of denying weaknesses and fantasizing success. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) People with a low need for power are rated higher as leaders by their subordinates because they seek to empower others. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Achievement orientation includes a set of related needs and values, including a strong performance orientation and concern for task objectives. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Most studies find a positive correlation between need for affiliation and managerial effectiveness. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) The "Big Five" model of personality includes five broadly defined personality traits that include extroversion, self-efficacy, and need for achievement, power, and affiliation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) The most useful taxonomy proposed for classifying managerial skills has three broadly defined skill categories called technical skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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80) Social intelligence is defined as the ability to determine the requirements for leadership in a particular situation and select an appropriate response. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Personality traits are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a particular way. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Considerable evidence shows that most traits are determined solely by heredity. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) Skills are determined jointly by learning and heredity. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) The trait research finds that energy level, physical stamina, and stress tolerance are associated with managerial effectiveness. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) It is impossible for an effective leader to be too self-confident. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Managers with a socialized power orientation use power to aggrandize themselves and satisfy their strong need for esteem and status. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

87) A major determinant of expert and referent power is the perception by others that a person is trustworthy. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) Leadership is the sole province of extraverts. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills best predict success in a managerial career. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Technical skills include factual knowledge about the organization and knowledge about the organization's products and services. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Writers generally agree that there is little to no transferability of skills across organizations at the executive level. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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91) What types of attributes have been examined in leadership research? Answer: Student answers may vary. A variety of individual attributes have been examined in the leadership research, including aspects of personality, temperament, needs, motives, and values. Personality traits are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a particular way, and some examples are self-confidence, extroversion, emotional maturity, and energy level. Social needs and motives are also important traits, because they influence a person's attention to information and events, and they guide, energize, and sustain behavior. Examples include the need for achievement, esteem, affiliation, power, and independence. Considerable evidence shows that most traits are jointly determined by learning and by an inherited capacity to gain satisfaction from particular types of stimuli or experiences. Values are internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong, ethical and unethical, moral and immoral. Examples include fairness and justice, honesty, freedom, equality, altruism, loyalty, civility (courtesy and politeness), pragmatism, and performance orientation (excellence). Values are important because they influence a person's preferences, perception of problems, and choice of behavior. Self-concepts, self-identities, and social identities involve values and beliefs about a person's occupation, relationships to others, and worthwhile roles and activities. It is usually assumed that people are intrinsically motivated to defend their self-esteem and to maintain consistency among their core values, social identities, and behavior. Skills are the ability to do something in an effective manner, and as with traits they are determined jointly by learning and heredity. A competency may involve traits, skills, or a combination of related skills and traits. Competencies are often used to describe qualities considered relevant for managers in a particular organization, profession, or situation. Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 92) To what extent are leader traits and skills the result of heredity or learning? Describe the research that has been done to answer this question. Answer: Student answers may vary. Some other studies have attempted to determine the extent to which leader traits and skills are the result of heredity or learning. By comparing identical twins (who share 100% of their genetic background) to fraternal twins (who share roughly 50% of their genetic background), insights into the influence of genetic versus environmental factors can be gained. The evidence suggests that genetic factors account for 30% of the variance in the attainment of leadership roles, as well as the possession of personality traits associated with leadership, such as social potency and need for achievement. Cutting-edge genetic research also reveals that people who possess "r64950, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) residing on a neuronal acetylcholine receptor gene (CHRNB3)" are more likely to occupy leadership positions, while those who have the dopamine transporter gene DAT1 are less likely to have a proactive personality, and hence less likely to hold leadership roles. The research indicates that leadership success involves a combination of inherited and learned attributes. Learning Objective: Understand how leader traits and skills are related to effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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93) List the most relevant aspects of personality for effective leadership by managers and administrators in large organizations. Answer: Student answers may vary. Over a period of several decades, researchers examined a variety of different personality traits related to managerial effectiveness and advancement. The choice of traits and the labels used for them have varied from study to study, but the results have been fairly consistent across different research methods. • High energy level and stress tolerance • Internal locus of control orientation • Emotional stability and maturity • High core self-evaluations • Personal integrity • Socialized power motivation • Moderately high achievement orientation • Moderately high self-confidence • Moderately low need for affiliation Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 94) Why might too much self-confidence be a negative trait for a leader? Answer: Student answers may vary. There are some clear advantages of having self-confidence, but if it becomes excessive some dysfunctional behaviors may occur. Excessive self-confidence may make a leader overly optimistic about the likely success of a risky venture, and it may result in rash decisions and denial of evidence that a plan is flawed. A manager with extremely high self-confidence is inclined to be arrogant, autocratic, and intolerant of dissenting viewpoints, especially if the manager is not emotionally mature. Because the manager is unresponsive to ideas and concerns expressed by others, the benefits of participative leadership are unlikely to be realized. Thus, in situations where the leader does not have vastly superior expertise than subordinates, a moderately high amount of self-confidence may be better than either extremely high self-confidence or low self-confidence. The arrogance and know-it-all attitude associated with excessive self-confidence have another negative side effect. An arrogant manager will have difficulty in developing cooperative relationships with people who are not dependent on the manager's specialized expertise. Acting arrogant toward people who have more expertise than the manager may create enemies who are able to derail the manager's career. Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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95) How is locus of control related to managerial effectiveness? Answer: Student answers may vary. Research on the relationship of this trait to managerial effectiveness is still limited, but the results suggest that a strong internal locus of control orientation is positively associated with managerial effectiveness. For example, Miller and Toulouse (1986) conducted a study of chief executive officers in 97 firms and found that internals were more effective than externals in terms of objective criteria such as profitability and sales growth. The relationship was stronger for firms in dynamic environments where it is more important to have major product innovations. Howell and Avolio (1993) conducted a study of 76 executives in a large financial institution and found that internals had better business-unit performance than externals for the year following the measurement of personality. However, there is also evidence that an internal locus of control is not always linked to socially responsible behavior. Keller and Foster (2012), for example, found that U.S. presidents with an internal versus external locus of control were more likely to engage in risky diversionary strategies for domestic political purposes. Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 96) Which are more effective, managers with a personalized power orientation or those with a socialized power orientation? Answer: Student answers may vary. Managers with a personalized power orientation use power to aggrandize themselves and satisfy a strong need for esteem and status. They have little inhibition or self-control, and they exercise power impulsively. Personalized power leaders seek to dominate subordinates by keeping them weak and dependent. Authority for making important decisions is centralized in the leader, information is restricted, and rewards and punishments are used to manipulate and control subordinates. The leader tries to play off different individuals or factions against each other to keep them weak. Assistance and advice to a subordinate are provided in a way that demonstrates personal superiority and the inferiority and dependence of the subordinate. Sometimes personalized power leaders are able to inspire subordinate loyalty and team spirit, but adverse consequences are more likely to occur. When problems are encountered in the work, subordinates are reluctant to take any initiative in solving them. Instead of acting quickly to deal with a problem, they ignore it or wait for directions from the leader. Managers with a socialized power orientation are more emotionally mature. They exercise power more for the benefit of others, are hesitant about using it in a manipulative manner, are less egoistic and defensive, accumulate fewer material possessions, have a longer-range view, and are more willing to take advice from people with relevant expertise. Their strong need for power is expressed by using influence to build up the organization and make it successful. Because of their orientation toward building organizational commitment, this kind of leader is more likely to use a participative, coaching style of managerial behavior and is less likely to be coercive and autocratic. Such leaders "help make their subordinates feel strong and responsible, bind them less with petty rules, help produce a clear organizational structure, and create pride in belonging to the unit." Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 24 C..

97) What is a narcissist? Can a narcissist be an effective leader? Answer: Student answers may vary. Narcissism is a personality syndrome that includes several traits relevant to effective leadership, such as a strong need for esteem, a strong personalized need for power, low emotional maturity, and low integrity. Narcissists in leadership positions have a number of characteristic flaws. They surround themselves with subordinates who are loyal and uncritical. They make decisions without gathering adequate information about the environment. Objective advice is not sought or accepted from subordinates and peers. They tend to undertake ambitious, grandiose projects for personal glory, but they are likely to be risky and unrealistic. When a project is not going well, they tend to ignore or reject negative information, thereby missing the opportunity to correct problems in time to avert a disaster. When failure is evident, the narcissistic leader refuses to admit any responsibility, but instead finds scapegoats to blame. Even initiatives that involve improving corporate social responsibility are likely to be short-lived and unsustainable. Despite the many negative aspects of narcissism, this personality syndrome may also have some positive aspects, at least in limited situations. Research on U.S. presidents and CEOs of computer and software companies found that some of the most and least successful leaders were narcissistic. The strong self-confidence and optimism of narcissistic leaders facilitates their efforts to influence others to pursue bold, innovative objectives, which may or may not prove to be feasible and worthwhile. Despite questionable motives for proposing risky new initiatives, a narcissistic person is sometimes successful in leading an organization's response to serious threats or unusual opportunities. However, a narcissistic leader is less likely to be effective than a leader who has strong self-confidence and optimism combined with a socialized power orientation and high emotional maturity. Learning Objective: Understand what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 98) What are the limitations of the Big Five model of personality? Answer: Student answers may vary. Not all scholars agree that the Big Five model of personality is better than taxonomies with more specific traits. If both relevant and irrelevant traits are included in a broadly defined factor, the accuracy of prediction will be lower. Even when the component traits are all relevant, they may not have the same relationship with different criteria of leadership effectiveness. More research is needed to determine whether the Big Five traits predict and explain leadership effectiveness better than the specific component traits. Such research should be based on a theory that clearly describes how the leader traits are related to specific types of behavior that can explain why the traits are related to leadership effectiveness. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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99) Are managerial skills transferable from one type of organization to another? Answer: Student answers may vary. An interesting question about managerial skills is the extent to which they are transferable from one type of organization to another. Writers generally agree that lower-level managers cannot easily transfer to a different functional specialty (e.g., from sales manager to engineering manager), because the technical skills needed at this level of management are so different across functions. However, less agreement is evident about the transferability of skills across organizations at the executive level. Katz proposed that top-level managers with ample human relations and conceptual skills can be shifted from one industry to another with great ease and no loss of effectiveness. However, some other writers contend that the transferability of skills for top executives is limited due to variations in ownership, traditions, organizational climate, and culture. Different industries have unique economic, market, and technological characteristics. Familiarity with technical matters, products, personalities, and tradition is a type of knowledge that is acquired only through long experience in the organization. Only the general components of conceptual and technical skills can be used in a different situation; the unique knowledge component of these skills must be relearned. Moreover, an executive who moves to a different industry must develop a new network of external contacts, whereas the old network would still be relevant for a move to another organization in the same industry. In general, it seems to be more difficult for an executive to make a successful transition to a different industry or type of organization, especially if the new position requires extensive technical expertise and an extensive network of external contacts. Learning Objective: Understand how the relevance of a trait or skill depends on the situation. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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100) What are the limitations of the trait approach? Answer: Student answers may vary. Most trait studies are not guided by a theory that explains how traits are related to managerial effectiveness and advancement. It is hard to interpret the relevance of abstract traits except by examining how they are expressed in the actual behavior of leaders and the effects of leader decisions and actions. Few trait studies include mediating processes to explain why leadership traits and skills are relevant for predicting effectiveness in the current position or career success. Another limitation is the lack of attention in many studies to the leadership situation. The relevance of different traits and skills will depend in part on the nature of the leadership position, the types of challenges facing the leader, and the criteria used to assess effectiveness. Most studies only test for simple, linear relationships. However, the relationship is often curvilinear, and a moderate amount of the trait is usually optimal rather than the maximum amount. When the relationship is curvilinear, a study that only tests for a linear relationship will yield incorrect results. Most trait studies examined how single traits or skills are related to leadership effectiveness or advancement. This approach fails to consider how the traits are interrelated and how they interact to influence leader behavior and effectiveness. A broader perspective is needed to examine patterns of leader traits and skills in relation to leader effectiveness. Sometimes the optimal pattern requires a balance among related traits. Effective leaders balance a high need for power with the emotional maturity required to ensure that subordinates are empowered rather than dominated. The concept of balance has been described for individuals, but it applies to shared leadership as well. A better understanding of leadership in an organization may be gained by examining the pattern of traits for the executive team rather than focusing on the traits of a single leader such as the CEO. Learning Objective: Understand the limitations of the trait approach. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 8 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership 1) Charismatic leadership is BEST understood by examining which of the following? A) leader characteristics such as traits and behavior B) leader and subordinate characteristics C) leader and situational characteristics D) leader, subordinate, and situational characteristics Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which of the following influence processes is LEAST important in theories of charismatic leadership? A) instrumental compliance B) personal identification C) social identification D) internalization Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which of the following is NOT an important behavior in the attribution theory of charismatic leadership? A) are usually derived by systematic observation of leaders B) are only minor variations of the same general description C) are important for designing and interpreting research D) are pointless because there is no basis for their verification Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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4) According to Conger and Kanungo, attributions of charisma are LEAST likely for a leader who ________. A) creates dissatisfaction with current conditions B) makes personal sacrifices to achieve the vision C) acts in conventional ways to achieve the vision D) recognizes opportunities to make successful changes Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 5) According to Shamir, the vision articulated by charismatic leaders emphasizes ________. A) specific, challenging performance objectives B) tangible benefits that justify exceptional follower effort C) symbolic and expressive aspects of the work itself D) factual evidence about the feasibility of the objectives Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Descriptive research on narcissistic charismatics found that they are MOST likely to ________. A) take the time to guide and facilitate the implementation of their vision in the organization B) press ahead in a persistent quest to attain their vision despite setbacks or negative evidence C) give recognition to followers who make important contributions to the attainment of the vision D) plan carefully for a successor qualified to protect the vision after the leader departs Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Which of the following is NOT likely to be a negative consequence for a charismatic leader? A) Overconfidence and risky decisions result in poor outcomes. B) Excessive empowerment of followers creates confusion. C) Power is misused by the leader to gain personal benefits. D) Polarization and conflict occurs among organization members. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2 C..

8) What conclusion is BEST supported in the case study by Roberts of a school administrator? A) Followers attribute charisma to a new leader who uses unconventional behavior and enthusiastic visioning to deal successfully with a crisis. B) Followers attribute charisma to a new leader who uses an unconventional approach in a crisis, regardless of the outcome. C) Followers attribute charisma to a new leader who uses unconventional behavior and enthusiastic visioning, regardless of whether there is a crisis. D) Charisma is unlikely to be attributed to any new leader in a highly bureaucratic organization, regardless of the situation. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 9) Which of the following is NOT a transformational behavior according to Bass? A) individualized consideration B) intellectual stimulation C) contingent reward behavior D) inspirational motivation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) According to Bass, effective transformational leaders ________. A) select subordinates who will be loyal and uncritical B) challenge strongly held values of followers to get their attention C) delegate most decisions to individuals or self-managed teams D) use a combination of transformational and transactional behaviors Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which statement about transformational and charismatic leadership is MOST accurate? A) Both types of leadership involve the same underlying processes. B) Both type of leadership are effective in any situation. C) Charismatic leaders are more effective in business organizations. D) Charismatic leaders are less common in business organizations. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3 C..

12) Most theories of charismatic and transformational leadership ________. A) emphasize rational processes more than emotional processes B) emphasize emotional processes more than rational processes C) give equal attention to rational and emotional processes D) describe emotional processes and ignore rational processes Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13) Which statement comparing transformational and charismatic leadership is MOST accurate? A) Personal identification is more important in transformational leadership. B) Situational variables are less important for charismatic leadership. C) Leader articulation of an appealing vision is important in both theories. D) There are no important differences between the two types of leadership. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Personal identification with the leader is ________. A) equally important for transformational and charismatic leadership B) not important for either transformational or charismatic leadership C) more important for transformational leadership than for charismatic leadership D) more important for charismatic leadership than for transformational leadership Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which is NOT a recommended guideline for transformational leadership? A) Ask followers to trust the leader's exceptional ability. B) Act confident and optimistic when setbacks occur. C) Lead by example to model effective behavior. D) Use dramatic, symbolic actions to emphasize key values. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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16) Which was a suggested guideline for communicating a vision? A) Set a concrete deadline for attaining key aspects of the vision. B) Explain in a general way how the vision can be attained. C) Remind followers about difficult obstacles to be overcome. D) Offer incentives to motivate follower commitment to the vision. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 17) ________ is a Greek word that means "divinely inspired gift." A) Transformation B) Transaction C) Charisma D) Optimism Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 18) Weber used the term ________ to describe a form of influence based not on tradition or formal authority but rather on follower perceptions that the leader is endowed with exceptional qualities. A) transformation B) optimism C) transaction D) charisma Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) The early conceptions of charisma defined it primarily in terms of ________. A) the effect of the leader on followers B) the effect of followers on the leader C) the leader traits that explain the effects of the leader on followers D) the follower traits that explain the effects of followers on the leader Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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20) Which of the following is NOT one of the three important ways charismatics communicate their leadership qualifications and expectations to potential followers, according to Antonakis and colleagues? A) appealing to follower values B) making a radical vision appear unattainable C) communicating in symbolic ways that are clear and vivid D) displaying emotional conviction and passion for the mission Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 21) Charisma is more likely to be attributed to leaders who advocate a vision that is ________. A) highly discrepant from the status quo B) highly in accordance with the status quo C) radical enough that the leader is viewed as incompetent D) comprised of small, incremental changes Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Attributions of charisma are ________ for leaders who have influenced people to collectively achieve objectives that initially seemed impossible. A) impossible B) improbable C) inappropriate D) probable Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 23) ________ is another reason for a leader to be viewed as extraordinary. A) The decision to take small, incremental steps B) The achievement of a goal that initially seemed probable C) The ability to see opportunities others fail to recognize D) The adherence to goals aligned with the status quo Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6 C..

24) Leaders are more likely to appear charismatic if they make ________ appeals to follower values and ideals. A) emotional B) logical C) desperate D) calculated Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 25) If the leader expresses strong confidence in an innovative strategy, ________. A) success may be attributed more to luck than to leader expertise B) followers are less likely to view the leader as charismatic C) followers are likely to work harder and increase the chances of success D) success is less likely, as the leader will be perceived as arrogant and egotistical Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Which of the following is LEAST likely to result in a leader being viewed as charismatic? A) emotional appeals to values B) small, incremental changes C) unconventional methods and behavior D) deceptive demonstrations of exceptional abilities Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Followers who identify with the leader are more likely to do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) imitate the leader's behavior B) reject the leader out of fear C) carry out the leader's requests D) make an extra effort to please the leader Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy

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28) When followers see a charismatic leader as an idealized self who exemplifies their wishes and fantasies, and who serves as an ideal role model to emulate, this is called ________. A) internalization B) social identification C) personal identification D) self-efficacy Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 29) Social identification can be increased by ________. A) encouraging followers to emulate the leader as a role model B) skillful use of slogans, symbols, and rituals C) emphasizing the symbolic and ideological aspects of the work D) fostering desired impressions through the use of their own appearance Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) The ultimate form of ________ occurs when followers come to view their work role as inseparably linked to their self-concepts and self-worth. A) self-efficacy B) personal identification C) internalization D) impression management Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Which influence process is at work when a leader emphasizes the symbolic and ideological aspects of the work, making it seem more meaningful, noble, heroic, and morally correct? A) internalization B) self-efficacy C) impression management D) emotional contagion Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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32) When leaders make conscious efforts to portray themselves as confident, creative, trustworthy and visionary they are engaging in ________. A) personal identification B) internalization C) self-efficacy D) impression management Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) ________ occurs when a leader who is very positive and enthusiastic influences the enthusiasm of followers for the work and their perception that they can accomplish difficult objectives. A) Impression management B) Emotional contagion C) Self-efficacy D) Personal identification Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Emotional contagion ________. A) may cause the leader's qualities to become exaggerated B) cannot occur among the followers themselves C) is exemplified by a leader's deliberate efforts to create a particular impression D) spreads slowly and laboriously Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) Which of the following is NOT one of the traits found to be associated with charismatic leadership by Banks et al. in 2017? A) conscientious B) introverted C) agreeable D) emotionally stable Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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36) In interpreting their results of which qualities are associated with charismatic leaders, Banks et al. found that ________ contributes to the leader's commitment to the vision and mission. A) intelligence B) openness to experience C) conscientiousness D) agreeableness Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) Negative charismatics are usually narcissists who ________. A) intentionally seek follower devotion to ideals more than to themselves B) have influence that results more from personal identification than from internalization C) share decision-making authority with followers in order to empower them D) have a socialized power orientation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Positive charismatics ________. A) do not engage in self-sacrifice B) use rewards and punishment to control followers C) delegate authority to a considerable extent D) have a leadership style that is inevitably beneficial to followers Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) The consequences for followers are ________with a positive charismatic leader than with a negative charismatic. A) the same B) better C) worse D) sometimes better, sometimes worse Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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40) According to Harrison, subordinating member needs to the mission ________. A) is never justified B) may be acceptable in times of crisis C) results in good balance between task and people concerns D) works well in some types of organizations, but not others Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 41) Overemphasizing the importance of extra-role activities ________. A) is a hidden cost of charismatic leadership B) is not possible C) increases employee job engagement D) is one of the potential benefits of charismatic leadership Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 42) In the absence of a genuine crisis, ________. A) charismatic leadership cannot emerge B) charismatic leadership is more likely C) a leader can encourage satisfaction with current conditions to try to create an opening for charismatic leadership D) a leader can precipitate a crisis to set the stage for a demonstration of expertise in dealing with problem in unconventional ways Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 43) The influence of charisma on leader evaluations has been shown to be greatest when the factors responsible for past performance are ________. A) positive B) negative C) variable D) inconclusive Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11 C..

44) When the causes of organizational performance and leader responsibility for it are unclear, perceptions of charisma are more important for determining who is most qualified to be the next leader. This is known as ________. A) emotional contagion B) symbolic action C) attributional ambiguity D) collective efficacy Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 45) Followers ________ are more responsive to a leader who can explain how the mission of the group or organization is relevant to their core values. A) who lack a clear self-identity B) with a clear self-concept C) who are confused about their lives D) with high anxiety about their situation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Attributions of charisma for people who have close contact with the leader may depend more on the ________. A) leader's behavior and interpersonal skills B) evidence of exceptional achievements C) influence of individuals who promote the leader's reputation D) defense of controversial actions and decisions by the leader Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 47) Laboratory experiments on charismatic leadership ________. A) have not yet been conducted B) were unable to assess the effects on participants of leader behavior C) found that followers are very slow to form impressions of leader charisma D) suggest that followers are highly impacted by leaders' nonverbal expressive behavior Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12 C..

48) If other executives believe a leader has exceptional expertise, ________. A) the leader will not be able to objectively evaluate his or her plan B) the executives may resent the leader and point out flaws in the plan C) the executives will be inhibited from suggesting improvements in the plan D) the leader will struggle to gain their acceptance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 49) Charisma is a(n) ________ phenomenon when it is dependent on personal identification with an individual leader who is perceived to be extraordinary. A) permanent B) transitory C) infallible D) harmful Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) When a charismatic leader departs or dies, ________. A) a succession crisis is unlikely B) a leader's authority may be transferred to a successor through rites C) it is impossible to embed the leader's vision in the culture of the organization D) the organization will proceed unimpeded Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) An adverse consequence of charismatic leadership, the ________ is a situation in which the followers of charismatic leaders are less likely to openly express their emotions than followers of supportive, noncharismatic leaders. A) awestruck effect B) succession crisis C) emotional contagion D) attributional ambiguity Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13 C..

52) Leader charisma ________. A) must be taught B) is something one is either born with or not C) can be improved by training D) cannot be taught Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 53) Although research on effects of charismatic chief executives is limited, the available results suggest that charisma ________. A) is an essential attribute for their success B) may be detrimental for most of them C) plays no role in their performance D) is highly correlated with positive outcomes Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) ________ leadership appeals to the moral values of followers in an attempt to raise their consciousness about ethical issues and to mobilize their energy and resources to reform institutions. A) Charismatic B) Transformational C) Transactional D) Symbolic Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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55) ________ leadership motivates followers by appealing to their self-interest and offering benefits. A) Charismatic B) Transformational C) Transactional D) Symbolic Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) According to Bass, transformational and transactional leadership are ________ processes. A) distinct but not mutually exclusive B) overlapping and mostly similar C) mostly divergent and opposed D) interchangeable Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) Which statement is true? A) Transformational leadership increases follower motivation less than transactional leadership. B) Transformational leadership increases follower performance more than transactional leadership. C) Transactional leadership is likely to generate commitment to task objectives. D) It is not effective to use a combination of both transformational and transactional leadership. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) With transactional leadership, ________. A) followers feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect toward the leader B) followers are motivated to do more than they originally expected to do C) the leader provides rewards to followers who comply with the leader's requests D) the leader motivates followers by activating their higher-order needs Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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59) Setting an example of courage and dedication and making self-sacrifices to benefit followers is an example of which type of transformational behavior? A) intellectual stimulation B) idealized influence C) individualized consideration D) inspirational motivation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) ________ is behavior that influences followers to view problems from a new perspective and look for more creative solutions. A) Intellectual stimulation B) Idealized influence C) Individualized consideration D) Inspirational motivation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Which type of transformational behavior includes providing support, encouragement, and coaching to followers? A) intellectual stimulation B) idealized influence C) individualized consideration D) inspirational motivation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Communicating an appealing vision and using symbols to focus subordinate effort are hallmarks of ________. A) intellectual stimulation B) idealized influence C) individualized consideration D) inspirational motivation Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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63) ________ is defined in terms of looking for mistakes and enforcing rules to avoid mistakes. A) Contingent reward B) Passive management by exception C) Management by exception D) Laissez-faire leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Laissez-faire leadership ________. A) involves the use of incentives to influence subordinate task motivation B) is best described as the absence of effective leadership C) is best described as an example of transactional leadership D) includes use of contingent punishments and other corrective action in response to obvious deviations from acceptable performance standards Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) Transformational leaders are MOST likely to be considered as ________. A) competent B) exceptional C) exciting D) polarizing Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Truly charismatic leaders ________. A) can be found in any organization B) can be found at any level in an organization C) use a leadership style that is relevant for all types of situations D) are rare and emerge in only unusual conditions Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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67) Transformational leaders likely do fewer things that ________. A) make followers dependent B) empower followers C) develop follower skills D) increase availability of information Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) The ________ leaders are more effective in situations where there is a high level of political and ideological conflict, whereas ________ leaders are more effective when there is little political conflict and more emphasis on constructive problem solving. A) charismatic and ideological; pragmatic B) ideological and pragmatic; charismatic C) charismatic and pragmatic; ideological D) transformational and transactional; charismatic Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 69) Which form of communication is MOST effective when trying to explain a vision? A) meeting with people directly B) writing newsletter articles C) televising news conferences D) sending emails and letters Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) The strategy for attaining the vision is MOST likely to be persuasive when it is ________. A) simplistic and conventional B) unconventional and straightforward C) simplistic and straightforward D) conventional and complex Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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71) Charismatic leadership is essential for a CEO to be effective. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) Transformational leadership describes how effective leaders inspire and transform followers by appealing to their ideals and emotions. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Transformational and charismatic leadership are similar in most respects and the terms can be used interchangeably to describe leaders. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) A leader who supports the status quo or advocates only small, incremental changes will not be viewed as charismatic. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) Personal identification and internalization are types of influence processes that may occur for some followers of a charismatic leader. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Strong personal identification occurs when people take pride in being part of the group or organization and regard membership as one of their most important social identities. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19 C..

77) Transformational leadership involves values relevant to the exchange process, such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, and reciprocity. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) Leader optimism and self-confidence are essential to influence others to support the leader's vision, but excessive optimism can cause a failure to recognize flaws in the vision or strategy. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Charisma is a perpetuating phenomenon via emotional contagion and when the leader departs or dies a successor is likely to provide charismatic leadership in the organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Transactional leadership motivates followers by appealing to their self-interest and exchanging benefits. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Charisma is the term used to describe a form of influence based not on tradition or formal authority, but rather on follower perceptions that the leaders is endowed with exceptional qualities. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Leaders are less likely to appear charismatic if they make emotional appeals to follower values and ideals. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

83) When collective efficacy is low, people are more willing to cooperate with members of their group in a joint effort to carry out their mission. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Research reveals that charismatic leaders with mostly positive effects on followers have almost identical traits and behaviors as leaders with mostly negative effects. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Charismatic leaders are MOST likely to remain in power when the factors that contribute to organizational performance are ambiguous. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) A potential consequence of charismatic leadership is that excessive confidence and optimism can blind the leader to real dangers. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) The awestruck effect means that followers of charismatic leaders are more likely to openly express their emotions than followers of noncharismatic leaders. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) Charismatic leadership is risky. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 21 C..

89) Transactional leadership is not likely to generate commitment to task objectives. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) The reactions to transformational leaders are usually more extreme and diverse than reactions to charismatics. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) According to Antonakis and colleagues, what are three ways that charismatics communicate their leadership qualifications and expectations to potential followers? Answer: Student answers may vary. In more recent years leadership scholars have attempted to find better ways to describe charismatic leadership. After examining many different conceptions of charismatic leadership, Antonakis and colleagues identified three important ways charismatics communicate their leadership qualifications and expectations to potential followers: (1) appealing to follower values, (2) communicating in symbolic ways that are clear and vivid, and (3) displaying emotional conviction and passion for the mission. These communication processes may be common for charismatic leaders, but their use does not automatically guarantee a leader will be regarded as charismatic. Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) Describe some of the types of behaviors that are common for charismatic leaders. Answer: Student answers may vary. Charisma is more likely to be attributed to leaders who advocate a vision that is highly discrepant from the status quo, but not so radical that followers will view the leader as incompetent or insane. Leaders are more likely to appear charismatic if they make emotional appeals to follower values and ideals. It is more common to articulate a vision describing task objectives in ideological terms that reflect existing follower values than new ones. Leaders who express enthusiasm and optimism about a proposed new initiative, project, or strategy are more likely to be viewed as charismatic than leaders who appear doubtful and confused. Leaders are more likely to be viewed as charismatic if they make self-sacrifices and take personal risks to achieve the vision they espouse. Charisma is more likely to be attributed to leaders who use unconventional and innovative strategies that appear to be succeeding. Attributions of charisma to a leader are increased when the leader demonstrates the ability to do things that appear exceptional to followers. Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What is the difference between self-efficacy and collective efficacy? Answer: Student answers may vary. Task motivation also depends on individual self-efficacy and collective efficacy. Individual self-efficacy is the belief that one is competent and capable of attaining difficult task objectives. People with high self-efficacy are willing to expend more effort and persist longer in overcoming obstacles to the attainment of task objectives. Collective efficacy refers to the perception of group members that they can accomplish exceptional feats by working together. When collective efficacy is high, people are more willing to cooperate with members of their group in a joint effort to carry out their mission. A leader can enhance follower self-efficacy and collective efficacy by articulating an inspiring vision, expressing confidence that it can be accomplished, and providing necessary coaching and assistance. Learning Objective: Understand the traits, behaviors, and influence processes included in theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) Discuss the relationship between charismatic leadership and crisis situations. Answer: Student answers may vary. Charismatic leaders are more likely to emerge in crisis situations where there is fear of economic loss, physical danger, or threats to core values. Nevertheless, in contrast to Weber's (1947) viewpoint, Conger and Kanungo (1987) do not consider an objective crisis to be a necessary condition for charismatic leadership. Even in the absence of a genuine crisis, a leader may be able to create dissatisfaction with current conditions and provide a vision of a more promising future. To set the stage for proposing new ways, the leader may try to discredit the old, accepted ways of doing things. The impact of unconventional strategies is greater when followers perceive that conventional approaches are no longer effective. Finally, the leader may also precipitate a crisis where none existed previously to set the stage for demonstration of superior expertise in dealing with the problem in unconventional ways. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 95) Define attributional ambiguity. How is it related to presidential elections in the United States? Answer: Student answers may vary. The influence of charisma on leader evaluations has been shown to be greatest when the factors responsible for past performance (including leader effects on it) are inconclusive. The effects of this "attributional ambiguity" are most evident in the selection of leaders for important positions, such as when corporate board members are responsible for appointing or reappointing the CEO. If organizational performance is clearly good (or bad), evaluations of an incumbent leader tend to be positive (or negative), regardless of the leader's charisma. However, when the causes of organizational performance and leader responsibility for it are unclear, perceptions of charisma are more important for determining who is most qualified to be the next leader. To test these predictions, Jacquart and Antonakis (2015) used economic performance data and ratings of leader charisma to forecast the outcomes of presidential elections in the United States. The researchers were able to predict the past election results from 1916 though 2012 with 95% accuracy. As expected, when the performance of the national economy was clearly strong, the candidate from the incumbent party was elected, and when the economy was performing poorly, the candidate from the incumbent party was unlikely to be elected or reelected. However, when the state of the economy was ambiguous, the most charismatic candidate was elected. In a follow-up study of corporations, the researchers confirmed that CEO charisma and firm performance interact to determine leader retention. The implication is that charismatic leaders are most likely to rise to power, and remain in power, when the factors that contribute to organizational performance are ambiguous. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders, followers, and the situation affect attributions of charisma. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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96) Describe the behavior of a narcissistic charismatic leader. Answer: Student answers may vary. Negative charismatics are usually narcissists with a personalized power orientation, they intentionally seek follower devotion to themselves more than to ideals, and their influence results more from personal identification than from internalization. They may use ideological appeals, but merely as a means to gain power, after which the ideology is ignored or arbitrarily changed to serve the leader's personal objectives. They seek to dominate and subjugate followers by keeping them weak and dependent on the leader. Authority for making important decisions is centralized in the leader, rewards and punishments are used to manipulate and control followers, and information is restricted and used to maintain an image of leader infallibility or to exaggerate external threats to the organization. Decisions of these leaders reflect a greater concern for self-glorification and maintaining power than for the welfare of followers. Typical dysfunctional attributes of negative charismatics: • Fails to manage important details for the success of a project • Pays too much attention to superficial aspects of the job • Informal, impulsive leader actions create chaos and confusion • Autocratic decisions fail to use available expertise from others • Controlling style of managing creates excessive dependence by others • Creates disruptive rivalries among favored and unfavored groups of employees • Makes exaggerated claims of unique personal expertise and commitment • Makes exaggerated claims for the success of leader decisions or actions • Claims credit for successful ideas and outcomes produced by others • Emphasizes positive events to distract attention from failing programs • Limits access to negative information about leader weaknesses and failures • Devalues and demeans critics and opponents of the leader • Uses unconventional, dysfunctional behavior that alienates some people • Is often absent from managing operations (too many nonrelevant activities) Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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97) What are some negative consequences of charismatic leaders? Answer: Student answers may vary. Charismatic leaders tend to make more risky decisions that can result in a serious failure, and they tend to make enemies who will use such a failure as an opportunity to remove the leader from office. Leader optimism and self-confidence are essential to influence others to support the leader's vision, but excessive optimism makes it more difficult for the leader to recognize flaws in the vision or strategy. Identifying too closely with a vision undermines the capacity of people to evaluate it objectively. If other executives believe the leader has exceptional expertise, they will be inhibited from pointing out flaws or suggesting improvements in the leader's strategies and plans. In a persistent quest to attain the vision, a charismatic leader may ignore or reject early signs that it is unrealistic. The same impulsive, unconventional behavior that some people view as charismatic will offend and antagonize other people who consider it disruptive and inappropriate. Likewise, people who remain committed to the traditional ways of doing things may be alienated by the unconventional vision espoused by most charismatic leaders. Some initial supporters may become disillusioned if the leader fails to acknowledge their significant contributions to major achievements by the group or organization. The response of people to a charismatic leader is likely to be polarized; the same leader arouses extreme admiration by some people and extreme hatred by others. Charisma is a transitory phenomenon when it is dependent on personal identification with an individual leader who is perceived to be extraordinary. When the leader departs or dies, a succession crisis is likely, and many organizations founded by a charismatic leader fail to survive this crisis Another adverse consequence of charismatic leadership, and one that is somewhat counter-intuitive, is called the "awestruck effect." Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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98) Is charismatic leadership good for organizations? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. Critics list several reasons why it may not be feasible or desirable to have charismatic leaders occupy important positions in organizations. Charismatic leadership is risky. It is impossible to predict the result when people give too much power to an individual leader who they expect to deliver on the promise of a better future. Power is often misused while the vision remains an empty dream. Charismatic leadership implies radical change in the strategy and culture of an organization, which may not be necessary or appropriate for organizations that are prosperous and successful. It is difficult to make radical change in an organization if no obvious crisis exists and many members see no need for change. If there is more than one charismatic leader in the organization and they have incompatible visions, the organization may be torn apart by disruptive conflict. Charisma is a rare and transitory phenomenon. The beneficial accomplishments of a charismatic leader may not persist after the leader departs. The early dramatic successes that make a leader appear charismatic can sow the seeds of eventual failure if overconfidence encourages risky decisions that will endanger the organization and its members. The available results of the admittedly limited research on charismatic chief executives suggest that charisma is not an essential attribute for their success and may even be detrimental for most of them. The descriptive research found that few leaders of successful organizations were viewed as charismatic. Despite the adverse consequences found for charismatic leaders, they are not all doomed to fail. Success is possible when the leaders have the expertise to make good decisions, the political skill to maintain power, and the good luck to be in a favorable situation. There are many examples of charismatic leaders who established political empires or founded prosperous companies and retained control of them throughout their lifetime. Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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99) What are some differences between charismatic and transformational leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. Transformational leaders probably do more things that will empower followers and make them less dependent on the leader, such as developing follower skills and self-confidence, delegating significant authority to individuals or teams, providing direct access to sensitive information, eliminating unnecessary controls, and building a strong culture to support empowerment. Charismatic leaders probably do more things that foster an image of extraordinary competence for the leader and increase subordinate dependence, such as impression management, information restriction, unconventional behavior, and personal risk taking. Another likely difference between transformational and charismatic leadership involves how often each type of leadership occurs and the facilitating conditions for it. According to Bass, transformational leaders can be found in any organization at any level, and this type of leadership is universally relevant for all types of situations. In contrast, truly charismatic leaders are rare, and their emergence appears to be more dependent on unusual conditions. They are most likely to be visionary entrepreneurs who establish a new organization, or reformers who emerge in an established organization when formal authority has failed to deal with a severe crisis and traditional values and beliefs are questioned. Another difference involves the way people react to the leaders. The reactions to charismatics are usually more extreme and diverse than reactions to transformational leaders. The affective reaction aroused by charismatics often polarizes people into opposing camps of loyal supporters and hostile opponents. Transformational leaders get a less intense reaction from followers and are unlikely to have this polarizing effect. They are viewed as competent and professional but are not usually considered exciting and exceptional. Learning Objective: Understand similarities and differences for charismatic and transformational leaders. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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100) How does leading by example help a leader promote commitment and optimism in an organization? Answer: Student answers may vary. One way a leader can influence subordinate commitment is by setting an example of exemplary behavior in day-to-day interactions with subordinates. Leading by example is sometimes called role-modeling. It is especially important for actions that are unpleasant, dangerous, unconventional, or controversial. A manager who asks subordinates to observe a particular standard should also observe the same standard. A manager who asks subordinates to make special sacrifices should set an example by doing the same. Some of the most inspirational military leaders have been ones who led their troops into battle and shared the dangers and hardships rather than staying behind in relative safety and comfort. A negative example is provided by the executives in a large company that was experiencing financial difficulties. After asking employees to defer their expected pay increases, the executives awarded themselves large bonuses. This action created resentment among employees and undermined employee loyalty to the organization and commitment to its mission. A more effective approach would be to set an example by cutting bonuses for top executives before asking for sacrifices from other employees. The values espoused by a leader should be demonstrated in daily behavior, and it must be done consistently, not just when convenient. Top-level leaders are always in the spotlight, and their actions are carefully examined by followers in a search for hidden meanings that may not be intended by the leader. Ambiguous remarks may be misinterpreted and innocent actions may be misrepresented. To avoid sending the wrong message, it is important to consider in advance how one's comments and actions are likely to be interpreted by others. Learning Objective: Understand how to inspire more follower commitment and optimism. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 9 Value-Based and Ethical Leadership 1) According to Burns, transforming leaders are MOST likely to appeal to ________. A) fairness and reciprocity B) economic self interest C) respect for rules and tradition D) ideals and moral values Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Unethical behavior is LESS likely for a leader with ________. A) a personalized power orientation B) an internal locus of control orientation C) low conscientiousness D) high narcissism Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which condition is MOST likely to encourage ethical behavior in organizations? A) strong emphasis on individual productivity B) cultural values for obedience to authority C) intense competition for valued rewards D) cultural values for individual responsibility Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) What is the MOST important indicator of personal integrity in the theories of ethical leadership? A) Leader values are consistent with follower values. B) Leader behavior is consistent with follower values. C) Leader behavior is consistent with the leader's espoused values. D) The leader's espoused values are consistent with cultural norms. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) Ethical behavior is more likely to occur when the dominant concern for the leader is ________. A) complying with the organization's formal rules and policies B) avoiding negative consequences for the person's career C) acting consistent with internal values and ethical beliefs D) carrying out role expectations for the leadership position Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which is NOT a major obstacle in evaluating ethical leadership for individual leaders? A) lack of interest in ethical leadership among scholars B) difficulty in determining if the ends justifies the means C) cultural differences in standards of ethical behavior D) the subjectivity inherent in the selection of criteria Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Ethical behavior and integrity for a leader is MOST likely to result in ________. A) higher unit performance B) higher ratings for the leader by bosses C) less stress for the leader D) higher subordinate satisfaction and trust Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) What is emphasized MORE in ethical leadership theories than in transformational leadership? A) leader behaviors B) leader values C) leader skills D) leader traits Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy

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9) Which type of value is NOT emphasized in theories of ethical leadership? A) altruism B) hedonism C) optimism D) empathy Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 10) Which theory emphasizes the importance for leaders of helping people satisfy their dual needs for fellowship and transcendence? A) authentic leadership B) transforming leadership C) servant leadership D) spiritual leadership Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 11) Which theory has the MOST emphasis on the responsibility of leaders to oppose social injustice and inequality? A) transformational leadership B) authentic leadership C) servant leadership D) transforming leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 12) Which theory includes the LARGEST number of influence processes and follower characteristics? A) transforming leadership B) authentic leadership C) spiritual leadership D) servant leadership Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which of the following theories has the MOST emphasis on improving subordinate performance? A) authentic leadership B) transforming leadership C) transformational leadership D) servant leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which of the following was NOT a recommendation for ethical leadership behavior? A) Stay neutral in political conflicts involving ethical issues. B) Set an example of ethical behavior in your own actions. C) Initiate discussions among followers about ethics and integrity. D) Encourage and recognize ethical behavior by followers. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 15) Which is the LEAST accurate statement about the outcomes of leadership actions? A) Help the weaker party get what it needs. B) Suggest an equal division of the benefits. C) Help the parties find an integrative solution. D) Play the stakeholders off against each other. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) What statement about leader influence on the ethical behavior of followers is NOT accurate? A) Leaders have very little influence on follower ethical behavior. B) Leaders can influence it by setting an example in their own behavior. C) Leaders can influence it with clear standards and guidelines for ethical behavior. D) Leaders can influence it with performance appraisal criteria and rewards. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Which of the following statements about ethical leadership is true? A) There is waning interest in the study of ethical leadership. B) Theorists have reached consensus about the way to define and assess ethical leadership. C) Even discussing ethical leadership causes some people to feel uneasy. D) There is some ethically neutral ground for theories of leadership. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) A difficulty in evaluating the morality of individual leaders is ________. A) the objectivity inherent in determining which criteria to use and their relative importance B) that the final evaluation can be influenced as much by the qualities of the judge as the qualities of the leader C) leaders either have all strengths or all weaknesses with regard to criteria D) the lack of enough relevant criteria to use in an assessment Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard 19) Judgments about the ethics of a particular decision or action usually take into account all of the following EXCEPT the ________. A) ends B) means C) preferences D) outcomes Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) When evaluating whether deception is justified when the purpose is to help another person avoid serious personal harm, one is assessing the extent to which the ________ justify the ________. A) means; ends B) outcomes; ends C) ends; means D) outcomes; means Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy

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21) Which of the following is NOT a behavior that is usually considered unethical in Western nations? A) falsifying information B) stealing assets for personal use C) provoking unnecessary hostility and distrust among others D) accepting responsibility for one's own mistakes Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Judgments about ethical leadership ________ across cultures. A) vary somewhat B) are identical C) share no commonality D) cannot be compared Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Behaviors commonly regarded as morally justifiable include ________. A) failing to observe the rules and standards one applies to others B) using kindness to gain the trust of people who will later be exploited C) honoring promises and commitments D) blaming others for one's mistakes Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) Behaviors that appear morally justifiable ________. A) can be used for unethical purposes B) are usually a screen to cancel unethical behavior C) are never used to justify unethical actions D) cannot be used for ethical purposes Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) It is easier to evaluate ethical leadership when the interests of the leader, the followers, and the organization ________. A) are incompatible B) can be achieved with risky actions C) require costly actions to attain D) are congruent Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Ethical dilemmas are involved in all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) creating enthusiasm for a risky strategy or project B) influencing decisions that will benefit some people at the expense of others C) proposing a project that will require hard work and dedication to achieve D) inducing followers to change their underlying beliefs and values Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) If an obvious crisis already exists for the group or organization, expressing doubts and sharing complete information ________. A) can create panic and ensure failure B) is the only ethical course of action C) will guarantee the success of the project D) is expected but impossible Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) Effective leaders ________. A) dwell upon a project's risks B) emphasize what can be accomplished C) motivate individual action rather than shared efforts D) focus attention on the obstacles in the organization's path Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) It is more difficult to evaluate ethical leadership when ________. A) the actions that serve the interests of some followers also serve the interests of other followers B) various stakeholder values and interests are in synch C) stakeholders have incompatible preferences D) the same action that benefits followers now also benefits followers later Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) The traditional perspective is that ________ in business organizations are agents who represent the interest of the ________ in achieving economic success for the organization. A) managers; owners B) managers; employees C) employees; owners D) employees; managers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Which of the following appears MOST ethical? A) supporting the faction that will provide the highest personal gain for the leader B) playing stakeholders off against each other (e.g., by encouraging negative stereotyping and mutual distrust) C) balancing the interests of different stakeholders within the constraints imposed by legal and contractual obligations D) trying to ignore substantive conflicts of interest Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Leaders who have ________ are more likely to resist the temptation to use their power to exploit others. A) a socialized power orientation B) low conscientiousness C) high neuroticism D) high narcissism Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) According to Kohlberg, at the lowest level of moral development, the primary motivation is the ________. A) satisfaction of role expectations B) satisfaction of personal needs C) fulfillment of internalized values D) fulfillment of moral principles Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) At ________ level of moral development, the primary motivation is to satisfy social norms determined by groups. A) the lowest B) a middle C) the highest D) an unattainable Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) A person at the highest level of moral development ________. A) is primarily motivated by self-interest B) will deviate from ethical principle to avoid physical punishment C) is incapable of deviating from social norms D) may risk social rejection to achieve an important ethical objective Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Moral development ________. A) is inevitable B) follows the same path as physical maturation C) is unavoidable D) may result in a person becoming fixated at a particular development stage Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) In a situation where there is a strong consensus about ethical behavior, ________. A) moral self-identity is more important as a determinant of behavior B) judgments about ethical consequences of actions are more important determinants of behavior C) most people will conform to the social norms D) only people with the strongest moral self-identities will conform to the social norms Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Moral ________ refers to the capacity to elaborate and effectively attend to, store, retrieve, process, and make meaning of morally relevant information. A) conation B) maturation C) transparency D) spiritualism Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Elements of moral ________ include moral courage, moral efficacy, and moral ownership. A) conation B) maturation C) transparency D) spiritualism Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) If in a person's moral identity formalism is more important, the person will ________. A) be inclined to obey rules B) be unable to follow policy C) primarily be concerned with consequences D) violate formal laws to result in benefits for others Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) A(n) ________ environment and a lack of strong regulation by government may encourage more ________ intended to improve financial performance. A) dynamic; risky decisions B) stable; illegal activities C) static; unsafe choices D) uncertain; ethical deeds Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) Unethical behavior is more likely when ________. A) performance goals are realistically difficult B) there is little pressure for increased productivity C) there is intense competition for rewards and advancement D) the organization has strong cultural values and norms about ethical conduct and individual responsibility Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Moral ________ refers to the saliency and strength of the issue. A) conation B) denotation C) intensity D) maturation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) Moral intensity has been shown to ________. A) not be a key situational determinant of ethical behavior B) decrease a person's willingness to engage in questionable accounting practices C) decrease a person's willingness to engage in whistleblowing behaviors D) decrease the amount of emotional exhaustion experienced after making a decision Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) In research on ethical leadership, consequences are more often assessed for ________ rather than for ________. A) measures of organizational performance; employees B) employees; measures of organizational performance C) outside stakeholders; perceptions of organizational culture D) perceptions of organizational culture; outside stakeholders Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) When higher employee trust and commitment also result in improved financial performance for the organization, effects at the individual and organizational level are ________. A) negative B) unrelated C) consistent D) inconsistent Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) Unethical leadership is LEAST likely in which of the following situations? A) Followers possess self-esteem and self-efficacy. B) Followers believe that obedience to formal authority is necessary. C) Violence is prevalent. D) Corruption of officials is widespread. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Which of the following is NOT a way to limit executive power? A) having an independent board of directors B) enacting procedures for evaluation of leaders C) banning term limits for leaders D) employing procedures for appealing decisions made by leaders Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) The ethical ________ pertains to ethical beliefs, values, and assumptions of organizational members that define a set of standards for ethical behavior. A) culture B) climate C) conation D) cognition Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) The ethical ________ describes the shared perceptions of members regarding the organization's ethical practices and procedures. A) culture B) climate C) conation D) cognition Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) The follower consequences associated with abusive supervision include more ________. A) aggressive behavior toward the organization B) job satisfaction C) organizational commitment D) organizational citizenship behavior Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 52) Which is NOT an example of an unethical process used to inflate profits? A) billing customers for services that were not provided B) falsifying the qualification of applicants for loans or mortgages they are not be able to repay C) marketing securities with inflated quality ratings D) performing less maintenance of equipment, despite the increased risk of costly breakdowns or accidents in the future Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) In which form of leadership do leaders seek to raise the consciousness of followers by appealing to ideals and moral values such as liberty, justice, equality, peace, and humanitarianism, not to baser emotions such as fear, greed, jealousy, or hatred? A) transforming B) servant C) spiritual D) authentic Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Which statement about transforming leadership is true? A) It may only be exhibited by the highest-level leadership in an organization. B) It may involve influencing superiors. C) It may not involve influencing peers. D) It cannot occur in the day-to-day acts of ordinary people. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard 55) ________ leadership in the workplace is about helping others to accomplish shared objectives by facilitating individual development, empowerment, and collective work that is consistent with the health and long-term welfare of followers. A) Transforming B) Servant C) Spiritual D) Authentic Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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56) In his conception of servant leadership, Greenleaf proposed that providing meaningful work for employees is ________ providing a quality product or service for the customer. A) less important than B) more important than C) equally as important as D) irrelevant, as long as the organization is Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) When a corporation is facing difficult economic problems and cuts in expenses are necessary to remain profitable, it is very difficult for a(n) ________ leader to balance the competing preferences of owners and employees. A) transforming B) servant C) spiritual D) authentic Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) ________ may be the major reason why most earlier leadership theories did not include spirituality. A) Confusion about the difference between spirituality and religion B) The fact that spirituality needs religion to be meaningful C) A desire to support one favored religion D) Its inability to enhance motivation in followers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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59) ________ is manifest in a sense of "calling" or destiny, and the belief that one's activities, including work, have meaning and value beyond being instrumental for obtaining economic benefits or self-gratification. A) Fellowship B) Religion C) Transcendence D) Authenticity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) Which is NOT a core component of authentic leadership? A) self-awareness B) balanced processing of information C) relational transparency D) externalized moral component Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Which core component of authentic leadership involves the fact that authentic leaders welcome and seek out feedback and use it to make informed decisions without becoming overly defensive? A) self-awareness B) balanced processing of information C) relational transparency D) internalized moral component Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Relational transparency ________. A) avoids sharing one's thoughts and feelings openly B) involves disclosures that would be inappropriate for the workplace C) involves the presentation to others of the leader's true self D) means yielding to the temptation to misrepresent oneself for personal gain Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 16 C..

63) The theories of ethical and values-based leadership have more emphasis on ________, and more emphasis on ________. A) leader behavior than on leader values; consequences for stakeholders than on enhancement of subordinate motivation and performance B) leader behavior than on leader values; enhancement of subordinate motivation and performance than on consequences for stakeholders C) leader values than on leader behavior; consequences for stakeholders than on enhancement of subordinate motivation and performance D) leader values than on leader behavior; enhancement of subordinate motivation and performance than on consequences for stakeholders Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard 64) Which statement about theories of ethical and value-based leadership is NOT true? A) Ethical leaders can improve the lives of followers. B) Ethical leaders' effects on followers have implications for improving collective performance. C) The types of values emphasized in the ethical leadership theories indicate that some types of leadership behavior are more relevant than others and should be consistent with the leader's values. D) Ethical leaders' primary concern is maximizing performance. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) Which of the following is an example of transformation behavior being used in a manipulative way? A) Individualized consideration can be used in an inauthentic way to build subordinate loyalty to the leader and make it easier to exploit a subordinate. B) Inspirational motivation can be used to increase subordinate task commitment and performance even if the leader cares only about personal career advancement. C) Intellectual stimulation can be used to increase creative ideas that the leader will claim credit for to enhance the leader's reputation. D) Idealized influence including leading by example and making sacrifices can be used to express a leader's true concern for the mission or subordinates. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard

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66) In theories of servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership, the leader's values for humility, openness, and transparency in decision making and the emphasis on follower development and empowerment ________ the leader will be viewed as charismatic. A) make it unlikely that B) ensure that C) are not related to whether D) cannot be considered when determining if Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) Concerning the criterion communication of relevant information, which is an example of unethical leadership? A) using deception and distortion to bias follower perceptions B) discouraging and suppressing any criticism or dissent C) attempting to sell a personal vision as the only way for the organization to succeed D) favoring stakeholders who can provide more benefits Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) Recent meta-analysis found that ________ leadership showed more promise as a standalone theory. A) authentic B) ethical C) servant D) transformational Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Which of the following is NOT an example of a way for leaders to promote ethical practices? A) Set clear standards for ethical conduct. B) Model ethical behavior in your own actions. C) Help people find fair and ethical ways to resolve problems and conflicts. D) Ignore unethical practices in the organization. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy

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70) It is much easier for managers to oppose unethical practices when there is strong and ________ support for such opposition and the standards for unacceptable behavior are ________. A) explicit; ambiguous B) implicit; ambiguous C) explicit; clear D) implicit; clear Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Personal integrity is an attribute that involves honesty and consistency of behavior with espoused values. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 72) In cross-cultural research on the essential traits for effective leadership, integrity is near the top of the list in all cultures that have been studied. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Getting agreement about desirable moral principles is surprisingly simple even for values and principles that differ across cultures. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 74) According to Kohlberg, the highest level of moral development involves satisfying role expectations and social norms determined by groups, organizations, and society. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand different conceptions of ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy

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75) Spiritual leadership is based on positive psychology and psychological theories of selfregulation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 76) One basis for evaluating ethical leadership is how the leader influences follower perception of the risks and prospects for success when introducing new ventures or projects. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 77) The theory of servant leadership proposes that service to customers is the primary responsibility of leaders. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 78) Leader behaviors that appear morally justifiable can sometimes be used for unethical purposes. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Authentic leadership theory emphasizes consistency among a leader's values, words, and actions. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Early theories of transformational leadership emphasized the importance of leader decisions and actions that are consistent with moral principles. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy

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81) One difficulty in evaluating the morality of individual leaders is the subjectivity inherent in determining which criteria to use and their relative importance. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Researchers have not found any types of leader behavior that are considered improper regardless of national culture. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 83) It is still a subject of debate among scholars whether integrity is an important aspect of ethical leadership. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 84) It is important for a leader to help people understand a problem without demoralizing them. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 85) The traditional perspective holds that managers in business organizations should serve multiple stakeholders inside and outside of the organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 86) A person with a socialized power orientation is more likely to engage in unethical, abusive leadership. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 87) Moral ownership is the willingness to take responsibility for moral decisions and actions. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 21 C..

88) The formal reward system can encourage and support ethical or unethical behavior by leaders and members. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Studies suggest that ethical leadership at the corporate level generates both financial and societal benefits. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 90) In research on ethical leadership, consequences are more often assessed for measures of organizational performance than for employees. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for followers and the organization. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Why can it be difficult to define ethical leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. Several criteria are relevant for judging individual leaders, including the person's values, stage of moral development, conscious intentions, freedom of choice, use of ethical and unethical behavior, and types of influence used. Famous leaders usually have a mix of strengths and weaknesses with regard to these criteria. One difficulty in evaluating the morality of individual leaders is the subjectivity inherent in determining which criteria to use and their relative importance. The final evaluation can be influenced as much by the qualities of the judge as by the qualities of the leader. Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) How does the culture in which an organization exists influence perceptions of ethical behavior? Answer: Student answers may vary. Judgments about ethical leadership vary somewhat across cultures, but researchers find that some types of leader behavior (e.g., exploiting followers) are considered improper regardless of national culture. In cross-cultural research on the essential traits for ethical leadership, integrity is near the top of the list in all cultures that have been studied. Ethical leadership is influenced by cultural values, social norms, legal requirements, and professional standards in countries where an organization is located. It is much easier for managers to oppose unethical practices when there is strong and explicit support for such opposition and the standards for unacceptable behavior are clear rather than ambiguous. It is more difficult to discourage unethical behavior in countries where bribes and kickbacks, gender and religious/ethnic discrimination, child labor abuse, hazardous working conditions, unsafe products, deceptive advertising, sexual harassment, and falsifying accounting records to evade taxes are widely accepted practices in organizations. Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard 93) Is it ethical to attempt to change the underlying values of individual followers? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. Some writers contend that this type of leader influence is clearly unethical, even when the intended outcome is to benefit followers as well as the organization. These writers question the implicit assumption that the leader knows what is best for followers, and there is concern about the misuse of power and control over information to bias follower perceptions about problems and events. A special concern is the influence of charismatic leaders on followers who are weak and insecure. A contrary view is that leaders have a responsibility to implement major changes in an organization when necessary to ensure its survival and effectiveness. A large-scale organizational change may not be successful without changes in member beliefs and perceptions. Effective leaders engage members and other stakeholders in a dialogue to determine what types of changes are necessary and morally right for the organization. How much influence the CEO or any other individual should try to exert on this process, and the form of the influence, are ethical questions that are yet to be resolved. Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties in defining and assessing ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard

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94) Describe Kohlberg's model of moral development. Answer: Student answers may vary. Kohlberg proposed a model describing how people progress through six sequential stages of moral development as they grow from a child to an adult. With each successive stage, the person develops a broader understanding of the principles of justice, social responsibility, and human rights. At the lowest level of moral development, the primary motivation is self-interest and the satisfaction of personal needs. At a middle level of moral development, the primary motivation is to satisfy role expectations and social norms determined by groups, organizations, and society. At the highest level of moral development, the primary motivation is to fulfill internalized values and moral principles. A person at this level may deviate from norms and risk social rejection, economic loss, and physical punishment in order to achieve an important ethical objective. The Kohlberg theory of moral development is similar in many ways to Kegan's theory of psycho-social development. Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) What is moral intensity and how does it affect ethical leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. A key situational determinant of ethical behavior is the moral intensity of the issue. Moral intensity refers to the saliency and strength of the issue, and for a leader it is determined by six factors: (1) the degree of consequences for others; (2) the probability that those consequences will occur; (3) whether the consequences will occur in the short-term or distant future; (4) the closeness (physical, social, cultural, and psychological) of the affected parties to the leader; (5) the extent to which the consequences are limited to only a few versus many individuals; and (6) the amount of agreement among others as to what the leader should do. Moral intensity has been shown to reduce a person's willingness to engage in questionable accounting practices, to increase the willingness to engage in whistleblowing behaviors, and to increase the amount of emotional exhaustion experienced after making the decision. Learning Objective: Understand the individual and situational influences on ethical leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Hard 96) How does abusive supervision affect an organization? Answer: Student answers may vary. Abusive supervision includes using power and authority to humiliate, ridicule, bully, or otherwise mistreat subordinates. Such behavior is usually regarded as a form of unethical leadership. A recent meta-analysis by Mackey, Frieder, Brees, and Martinko indicates that the follower consequences associated with abusive supervision are universally negative, and include poor job performance, greater emotional exhaustion, less job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior, and more deviant and aggressive behavior toward coworkers and the organization. For example, a study of abusive behavior by restaurant managers found that it resulted in higher employee theft and waste of food. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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97) Discuss the limitation of spiritual leadership theory. Answer: Student answers may vary. Spiritual leadership theory has several. How leader values and skills influence leader behavior is not clearly specified in the theory, and the processes by which leaders influence followers are not clearly explained. The relative importance of calling and fellowship and how they are interrelated is not clear. The theories include many different values, and it is not clear whether some values are more important than others, or how the values are related to leader behavior. Also unclear is how a person becomes a spiritual leader, or what types of life experiences can explain why some leaders are more spiritual than others. Even though the theorists emphasize that spirituality is distinct from religious beliefs, some religious beliefs and cultural values may encourage spiritual leadership, especially for individuals in an organization, community, or nation with strong cultural values and religious traditions. More research is needed to identify conditions that favor spiritual leadership and enhance the influence of such leaders on followers and the organization. Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 98) What negative consequences are possible with servant leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. Despite the potential benefits from servant leadership, there may also be some negative consequences for an organization when the welfare of followers is considered more important than financial performance. When a corporation is facing difficult economic problems and cuts in expenses are necessary to remain profitable, it is very difficult for a servant leader to balance the competing preferences of owners and employees. Conflicts between financial objectives and employee welfare are less intense in nonprofit, voluntary, and public sector organizations, but even for these organizations a reduction in employee benefits may be necessary in a weak economy. More research is needed to clarify the implications of servant leadership for different stakeholders in organizations. Learning Objective: Understand theories of transforming, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate

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99) How can leaders help people find fair and ethical ways to resolve problems and conflict? Answer: Student answers may vary. One important leadership function is to influence people to acknowledge an important problem, rather than denying it, discounting the seriousness of the problem, procrastinating about corrective action, or providing fake remedies and stress-reducing diversions. Another important function is to help frame problems by clarifying key issues, encouraging dissenting views, distinguishing causes from symptoms, and identifying complex interdependencies. Leaders can facilitate problem solving by helping people get information, by identifying points of agreement and disagreement, and by encouraging people to find integrative solutions to conflicts. It is important to proceed at a pace that people can tolerate, because if pushed too fast, people may resort to defensive avoidance mechanisms, such as concluding that temporary relief or limited progress is a complete solution. As noted in the guidelines for leading change, it is important to ensure that people understand the difficulties that will be encountered and the self-sacrifices that will be necessary to succeed, but it is also important to build hope and optimism about finding a solution. These ideas seem especially relevant for evaluating political candidates who oversimplify problems, promise unrealistic solutions, and pander to short-term individual interests rather than collective needs. Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 100) Describe ethical programs that are employed by large organizations. Answer: Student answers may vary. Many large organizations have ethical programs, and they often involve both an attempt to strengthen relevant internal values and features to enforce compliance with ethical guidelines and policies. Examples of typical features of ethics programs include a formal code of ethics, an ethical committee that is responsible for developing policies and practices, methods of reporting ethical concerns to the ethics committee or top management, ethics education programs, methods to monitor ethical behavior, and disciplinary processes to deal with unethical behavior. A study conducted in large U.S. corporations found that top executives with a strong concern for ethical behavior are more likely to implement ethical programs, and the scope of the programs is likely to be broader. A more recent study by Eisenbeiss and associates found evidence that CEO ethical leadership works through the organizational ethical culture to enhance firm performance, but only for firms with strong corporate ethics programs. The types of leadership values associated with the use of ethics programs are similar to the ones discussed earlier in this chapter. The research also indicates that responsibility for ethics should be taken seriously by all executives and not simply delegated to staff professionals. Some ways a top executive can influence the ethical climate in an organization include talking about the importance of positive values, setting an example of ethical behavior, making decisions that show integrity is as important as profits, and enforcing discipline for ethics violations. The use of ethical programs in an organization is also influenced by environmental pressures, such as media attention for ethical failures and corporate scandals. However, it is better to avoid scandals and financial failure by being proactive and creating a strong ethical climate. Learning Objective: Understand how to promote ethical behavior and oppose unethical practices. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Difficulty Level: Moderate 26 C..

Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 10 Dyadic Relations and Followers 1) The research on LMX shows that effective leaders ________. A) avoid exchange relationships with their subordinates B) have high quality exchange relationships with a few subordinates C) have an equal number of high and low exchange relationships D) have high-quality exchange relationships with most subordinates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) When there is a high LMX relationship, the leader is MORE likely to ________. A) give the subordinate easy assignments to do B) monitor the subordinate's performance frequently C) understand the subordinate's problems and needs D) provide detailed instructions to the subordinate Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which was NOT found in the research on leader-member exchange? A) The LMX relationship with a subordinate continued to improve each year. B) Leaders gave more benefits to high LMX subordinates than to low LMX subordinates. C) High LMX subordinates performed better than low LMX subordinates. D) Leaders delegated more to high LMX subordinates than to low LMX subordinates. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 4) A special exchange relationship with some subordinates LEAST likely to occur when the leader ________. A) has little expertise in how to do the work B) is overloaded with duties and responsibilities C) has many immediate subordinates D) has an unfavorable relationship with superiors Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 1 C..

5) Research on attributions shows that most people ________ on organizational performance. A) overestimate the effect leaders have B) underestimate the effect leaders have C) accurately assess a leader's impact D) have no opinion about the effect of leaders Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) When is a leader MOST likely to be viewed as highly effective? A) The leader makes major changes in strategy and performance slowly improves. B) The leader makes major changes in strategy and performance rapidly improves. C) The leader makes small changes in strategy and performance slowly improves. D) The leader makes no changes in strategy and performance remains high. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Which statement about implicit leadership theories is NOT accurate? A) Implicit theories influence a person's evaluation of leaders. B) Implicit theories usually involve assumptions about effective leadership. C) Implicit theories can result in biased ratings of a leader's behavior. D) Implicit theories are seldom found in people who are intelligent. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 8) Studies on how managers perceive poor performance by a subordinate find that they are MOST likely to ________. A) attribute the cause to external factors such as insufficient resources B) attribute the cause to internal factors such as motivation or ability C) attribute the cause to bad luck or random, unpredictable events D) make an accurate assessment of the cause of poor performance Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) How are managers MOST likely to interpret the reasons for effective performance? A) Internal attributions are made for effective performance by subordinates. B) External attributions are made for effective performance by subordinates. C) Internal attributions are made for high LMX members and external attributions are made for low LMX members. D) External attributions are made for high LMX members and internal attributions are made for low LMX members. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 10) After a manager makes an external attribution for weak performance by a subordinate, what is the LEAST likely response by the manager? A) provide more resources B) increase incentives C) remove obstacles D) simplify the task Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which of the following is a recommended guideline for correcting a subordinate's performance deficiencies? A) Explain that the subordinate needs to become more motivated to succeed. B) Warn the subordinate not to be defensive when receiving negative feedback. C) Threaten to fire the subordinate unless performance quickly improves. D) Explain why the subordinate's behavior is causing problems for others. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) In a meeting to deal with poor performance by a subordinate, the leader should ________. A) ask the subordinate to suggest remedies B) tell the subordinate what must be done C) refer to formal rules and work procedures D) have the subordinate ask coworkers for advice Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3 C..

13) An employee who volunteers to stay late and do extra work is using which form of impression management? A) ingratiation B) self-promotion C) exemplification D) modeling Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which is NOT one of the impression management tactics described in the chapter? A) exemplification B) supplication C) intimidation D) self-promotion Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which of the following is a cognitive strategy for self-management? A) positive self-talk B) self-monitoring C) cue modification D) self-reward Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how followers can have a more effective relationship with their leader. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following is a suggested guideline for followers? A) Point out when a leader is being defensive about suggestions. B) Get approval from the boss before taking action to resolve problems. C) Verify the accuracy of information you provide to the leader. D) Follow rules and standard procedures to avoid any blame for problems. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how followers can have a more effective relationship with their leader. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Leader-member exchange relationships ________. A) develop gradually over time B) form immediately C) are dictated solely by the subordinate's position D) usually devolve over time Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) What is the basis for establishing a high-quality exchange relationship? A) the subordinate's control over outcomes that are undesirable to peers B) the leader's control over outcomes that are desirable to the subordinate C) the subordinate's desire to eventually ascend to the leader's role D) the leader's experience as a subordinate in a similar role Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) Which is an example of the benefits a subordinate can provide to a leader in a high-quality exchange relationship? A) assigning interesting tasks B) delegating greater responsibility C) increasing pay D) helping with administrative duties Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) All of the following are ways a leader can maintain a high-exchange relationship with subordinates EXCEPT ________. A) providing attention B) being responsive to needs C) using coercion D) employing rational persuasion Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) A low-quality exchange relationship ________. A) is characterized by more mutual influence B) involves standard benefits only C) creates certain obligations and constraints on the leader D) creates subordinate loyalty toward the leaders Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) ________ events are often described as the "daily hassles and uplifts." A) Self-promotional B) Implicit C) Ingratiation D) Affective Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) ________ are brief, intense reactions to an event or person, whereas ________ are longer, less intense, and are not focused on a specific event or person. A) Moods; emotions B) Emotions; moods C) Affects; effects D) Effects; affects Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) How many studies have measured LMX from the perception of both the leader and the follower? A) none B) a small number C) most D) all Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Subordinate ratings of LMX are strongly influenced by ________. A) how supportive and fair the leader is with the subordinate B) how supportive and fair the subordinate is with the leader C) judgments about the subordinate's competence and dependability D) judgments about the leader's competence and dependability Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Research on LMX theory examining how LMX is related to other variables is mostly comprised of which of the following? A) laboratory experiments B) field experiments C) survey field studies D) studies using observation and analysis of communication patterns Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) A study by Nahrgang, Morgeson, and Ilies (2009) found that high scores on ________ predicted development of a more favorable exchange relationship in the early stages of a new team simulation exercise. A) extraversion for leader and agreeableness for member B) extraversion for member and agreeableness for leader C) performance for both leader and member D) extraversion and agreeableness for both leader and member Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) The LMX relationship is especially likely to suffer when ________. A) the leader values being proactive, and the follower does not B) the follower values being proactive, and the leader does not C) the follower sees the leader as lacking initiative D) the leader sees the follower as possessing initiative Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7 C..

29) When the exchange relationship is favorable, behavior by the leader includes more ________. A) close monitoring B) domination of conversations C) delegation D) threats Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) It is ________ that some subordinates are proactive about developing a favorable relationship rather than passively accepting whatever the leader decides to do. A) impossible B) unheard of C) unlikely D) probable Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Research indicates that a favorable ________ exchange relationship is associated with greater role clarity, higher job satisfaction, stronger organizational commitment, and more citizenship behaviors. A) lateral B) upward C) downward D) diagonal Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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32) A manager who has a favorable exchange relationship with ________ is more likely to establish favorable exchange relationships with ________. A) colleagues; the boss B) colleagues; subordinates C) subordinates; the boss D) the boss; subordinates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) Managers with a favorable upward relationship with their own boss were described by subordinates as all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) having greater technical skill B) providing more outside information C) engaging in more autocratic decision making D) allowing more subordinate autonomy Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) A positive work group climate and a people-oriented organizational culture have been shown to be ________ related to LMX quality. A) positively B) negatively C) inversely D) in no way Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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35) Positive relationships of LMX with justice perceptions, organizational citizenship behaviors, job satisfaction, and leader trust and a negative relationship with turnover intentions were found to be ________ cultures. A) stronger in Western B) stronger in Eastern C) equally strong across D) nonexistent in individualistic Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Higher-quality leader-member relationships tend to produce positive work outcomes ________. A) only in Eastern cultural contexts B) regardless of cultural context C) with benefits less pronounced in individualistic societies D) with benefits most pronounced in collectivistic societies Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) Research about how the role-making process occurs has ________. A) not yet been attempted B) had inconsistent results C) reached a conclusive consensus D) not yielded any results Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) ________ theory describes the cognitive processes used by leaders to determine the reasons for effective or ineffective performance and the appropriate reaction. A) Attribution B) Affective C) Implicit D) Exemplification Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10 C..

39) An external attribution for poor performance is MORE likely when ________. A) the subordinate has prior history of poor performance on similar tasks B) the subordinate performs other tasks ineffectively C) the subordinate is doing as well as other people who are in a similar situation D) the effects of failures or mistakes are serious or harmful Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) An external attribution for poor performance is MORE likely in all of the following cases EXCEPT ________. A) the manager is dependent on the subordinate for his or her own success B) the subordinate is perceived to have other redeeming qualities (popularity, leadership skills) C) the subordinate has offered excuses or an apology D) evidence indicates internal causes Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 41) When an external attribution is made, the manager is MOST likely to respond by providing ________. A) more detailed instruction B) additional supervision C) better information D) easier goals Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) When an internal attribution is made and the problem is determined to be insufficient ability, the manager is MOST likely to respond by ________. A) giving a reprimand B) monitoring subordinate behavior more closely C) finding new incentives for good performance D) setting easier deadlines Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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43) When an internal attribution is made and the problem is determined to be a lack of subordinate responsibility, the manager is MOST likely to respond by ________. A) removing obstacles B) reducing inherent difficulties C) assigning the subordinate an easier job D) giving a warning Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) The ________ position power a leader has, the more likely the leader will attribute effective performance by a subordinate to ________. A) more; intrinsic motivation B) more; extrinsic motivation C) less; a desire to avoid punishment D) less; a desire to gain rewards Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 45) Low-quality exchange subordinates get more ________ when mistakes and performance difficulties occur. A) support B) coaching C) resources D) blame Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 46) Relational attributions are those about ________. A) the relationship itself B) the relative positions of the leader and subordinate C) the level of the company in which the members work D) the relationship of the leader with peers and colleagues Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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47) Correcting performance deficiencies ________. A) should be avoided so subordinates' self-esteem isn't wounded B) is an important but difficult managerial responsibility C) cannot be accomplished without implying personal rejection D) is not possible without lowering trust between the parties Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 48) Before confronting a subordinate about a performance deficiency, it is important to gather information about all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) timing B) magnitude C) scope D) attitude Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 49) Part of fact finding before approaching a subordinate about a performance problem involves getting information about ________, like what led up to the problems and what was the subordinate's involvement. A) timing B) magnitude C) antecedents D) scope Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) Which term is used when a leader automatically ascribes inadequate performance to a lack of subordinate motivation or competence? A) attribution bias B) relational attribution C) ingratiation D) exemplification Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13 C..

51) Which is an example of a situational cause beyond the control of a subordinate? A) failure to follow standard procedures and rules B) failure to detect a problem before it becomes serious C) failure to carry out a major action step on time D) failure by outsiders to carry out their part of a project on time Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 52) After receiving complaints about a subordinate, when is it MOST effective to provide corrective feedback? A) at a later time so all involved have had time to calm down B) soon after the incident is noticed C) before a preliminary investigation can be conducted D) after similar incidents occur so all can be addressed at the same time Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 53) Specific feedback and examples of performance deficiencies ________. A) are easier for a person to deny B) may not communicate what the person is doing wrong C) should be kept brief D) are best avoided so as not to offend the subordinate Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Corrective feedback is ________ if it includes an explanation of the reason why a person's behavior is inappropriate or ineffective. A) more offensive B) more useful C) less practical D) less effective Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14 C..

55) A manager who blows up, yells at the person, and makes insulting remarks ________. A) is likely to motivate the person to improve his or her performance B) will facilitate problem solving C) undermines the relationship between manager and subordinate D) is criticizing the behavior, not the person Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) Which of the following is NOT a suggested way for a leader to increase a subordinate's confidence? A) Mention the beneficial qualities that can help the person do better. B) Describe how others overcame similar failures or setbacks. C) Express confidence that the person will succeed. D) Lower expectations for the person. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) ________ attributions are made for someone who occupies a high-level position with substantial prestige and power, especially in cultures where leaders are viewed as heroic figures. A) Fewer B) More C) No D) Irrelevant Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) If performance suddenly increases soon after a leader's term of office begins, ________. A) all credit will be attributed to the previous leader B) more credit will be attributed to the previous leader than the new leader C) more credit will be attributed to the new leader than if performance improved slowly D) less credit will be attributed to the new leader than if performance remained stable Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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59) ________to followers influence attributions more than ________. A) Direct actions that are highly visible; indirect actions that are not visible B) Indirect actions that are not visible; direct actions that are highly visible C) Direct actions that are not visible; direct actions that are highly visible D) Indirect actions that are highly visible; direct actions that are highly visible Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 60) Leaders who make innovative changes in the strategy (what is done or how it is done) get ________ than leaders who stick with a traditional strategy. A) less credit for success and less blame for failure B) less credit for success and more blame for failure C) more credit for success and more blame for failure D) more credit for success and less blame for failure Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 61) Improving performance is LEAST likely to be credited to the leader in which of the following situations? A) The overall economy is improving. B) Sales are up for all firms in the industry. C) Unfavorable new regulations are passed. D) A new competitor enters the market. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Which of the following leaders will be attributed the MOST responsibility for success or failure? A) a leader who is seen as a figurehead B) a leader who is viewed as a puppet C) a leader who appears to have considerable power in deciding what to do D) a leader who appears to have no discretion for decision making Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16 C..

63) ________ is the process of influencing how others perceive you. A) Impression management B) Leader-member exchange C) Relational attribution D) Self-management Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Which tactic involves behavior intended to demonstrate dedication and loyalty to the mission, the organization, or followers? A) exemplification B) ingratiation C) self-promotion D) followership Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) ________ involves behavior intended to influence the target person to like the agent and perceive the agent as someone who has desirable social qualities. A) Exemplification B) Ingratiation C) Self-promotion D) Followership Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) An indirect form of ________ involves getting other people to talk in a positive way about your skills and loyalty. A) exemplification B) ingratiation C) self-promotion D) followership Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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67) Which is an example of self-promotion? A) displaying trophies in one's workspace B) arriving early and staying late C) laughing at the target person's jokes D) providing praise for the target person Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) Which of the following is NOT a method used by leaders seeking to distort or cover up evidence that their strategy is not succeeding? A) discounting the seriousness of the problem B) proposing bold and innovative remedies C) continuing with incremental approaches for dealing with the situation D) hoping that things will get better Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Which of the following adjectives is part of Chaleff's conception of the follower? A) conformist B) proactive C) weak D) passive Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) How many members of an organization have the dual roles of leader and follower, and switch back and forth between these role identities depending on the role identities claimed by the other party? A) none B) just a few C) many D) all Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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71) Research shows that most leaders have similar relationships with each of their subordinates. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) The basic premise of LMX theory is that leaders develop a separate exchange relationship with each subordinate as the two parties mutually define the subordinate's role. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) According to LMX theory, a high-exchange relationship has benefits for both the manager and employee. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) Attribution theory describes the cognitive processes used by leaders to determine how to manage impressions Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) The Two-Stage Attribution Model describes how a manager determines the cause of the poor performance and selects an appropriate response to correct the problem. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) When an internal attribution is made, the manager is more likely to respond by trying to change the situation such as providing more resources. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Implicit theories of leadership involve stereotypes and prototypes about the traits, skills, or behaviors that are relevant for a particular type of position, context or individual. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19 C..

78) Demonstrating effective behavior when you know the person is watching and doing voluntary tasks that are highly visible are examples of exemplification tactics. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) To be effective as a follower, it is necessary to implement decisions made by a leader even when they are misguided or unethical. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Self-promotion is an impression management tactic intended to influence the target person to like the agent. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Most of the early research on leadership behavior focuses on how much leaders vary their behavior with different subordinates. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Until recently, follower attitudes and behavior were only examined as an indicator of leader influence and effectiveness. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) High-exchange relationships do not create obligations or pose constraints on the leader. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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84) A leader's upward dyadic relationship affects downward dyadic relationships. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Research on attributions also found that the exchange relationship influences the manager's perception of a subordinate's performance. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) A lack of follower ability or effort is characterized as an internal attribution. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) When criticizing performance it is more effective to be vague instead of specific and detailed. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) Some differences in implicit theories are likely among countries with diverse cultures. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Most studies on impression management have examined how followers attempt to influence bosses. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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90) Doing voluntary tasks that are highly visible is an example of the impression management tactic ingratiation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) What is the basic premise of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory? Answer: Student answers may vary. The basic premise of the theory is that leaders develop an exchange relationship with each subordinate as the two parties mutually define the subordinate's role. The exchange relationships are formed on the basis of personal compatibility and subordinate competence and dependability. According to the theory, most leaders develop a high-exchange relationship with a small number of trusted subordinates who function as assistants, lieutenants, or advisors. These relationships are formed gradually over a period of time, through reciprocal reinforcement of behavior as the exchange cycle is repeated over and over again. Unless the cycle is broken, the relationship is likely to evolve to the point where there is a high degree of mutual dependence, loyalty, and support. Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) Describe recent LMX theory that considers the role of affective events during key stages of the leader-follower relationship. Answer: Student answers may vary. Affective events elicit affective reactions—positive or negative emotions and moods—from individuals at work. Emotions are brief, intense reactions to an event or person; moods are longer, less intense, and not focused on a specific event or person. Affective events are often described as the "daily hassles and uplifts" people experience that influence their behavior, job attitudes, and interpersonal relationships. At the initial role-taking stage, the leader offers the member the chance to form a higher-quality relationship. The leader's affective expressions are cues regarding the leader's enthusiasm for the relationship that in turn evoke emotional reactions from followers. Positive leader emotions like happiness are likely to be reciprocated by the follower and provide the foundation for further relationship development, but negative emotional expressions like anger and fear discourage relationship growth. Furthermore, leaders who are high in affective empathy, the ability to understand and share the emotional experiences of others, are better able to foster positive emotional connections with followers that promote relationship development. In the second role-making stage, the leader delegates promising assignments to the follower, who is expected to perform effectively. Throughout these interactions, leaders and followers serve as sources of affective events for one another. As the relationship unfolds, the leader's and member's feelings may begin to synchronize, as the parties come to share positive or negative feelings about one another. During the final role-routinization stage, the quality of the LMX relationship stabilizes. The relationship may still change based on member emotional reactions to LMX differentiation. For example, if a new member joins the work group and quickly forms a close, high-quality relationship with the leader, followers with existing LMX relationships may experience jealousy, anger, or frustration. Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 93) Do cultural values affect LMX? If so, how? Answer: Student answers may vary. Cultural values in different countries are another aspect of the situation that may be relevant for understanding the effects of LMX. In a meta-analysis by Rockstuhl and colleagues, the relationships of LMX with key work outcomes were examined across 23 countries to explore the potential influence of national culture on exchange quality. Positive relationships of LMX with justice perceptions, organizational citizenship behaviors, job satisfaction, and leader trust and a negative relationship with turnover intentions were found, and these relationships were stronger in Western, individualistic cultures than in Eastern, collectivistic cultures. However, the positive relationships between LMX and organizational commitment, task performance, and transformational leadership were equally strong across cultures. These findings suggest that while higher-quality leader-member relationships tend to produce positive work outcomes, regardless of the cultural context, the benefits are most pronounced in Western and highly individualistic societies. Learning Objective: Understand why different dyadic relationships develop between a leader and subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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94) When is an external attribution of poor performance in a subordinate more likely? Answer: Student answers may vary. Managers attribute the major cause of poor performance either to something internal to the subordinate (e.g., lack of effort or ability) or to external problems beyond the subordinate's control (e.g., the task had inherent obstacles, resources were inadequate, information was insufficient, other people failed to provide necessary support, or it was just plain bad luck). An external attribution is more likely when (1) the subordinate has no prior history of poor performance on similar tasks; (2) the subordinate performs other tasks effectively; (3) the subordinate is doing as well as other people who are in a similar situation; (4) the effects of failures or mistakes are not serious or harmful; (5) the manager is dependent on the subordinate for his or her own success; (6) the subordinate is perceived to have other redeeming qualities (popularity, leadership skills); (7) the subordinate has offered excuses or an apology; or (8) evidence indicates external causes. Managers with prior experience doing the same kind of work as the subordinate are more likely to make external attributions, perhaps because they know more about the external factors that can affect performance. Manager traits such as internal locus of control orientation can also influence attributions. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) Discuss the incompatible biases of managers and subordinates regarding internal and external attributions about poor performance. Answer: Student answers may vary. The leader's behavior toward the subordinate is consistent with the attribution about performance. For example, effective behavior by a high-quality exchange subordinate is more likely to be praised, and mistakes by a low-quality exchange subordinate are more likely to be criticized. Thus, the leader's perception of a subordinate tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Low-quality exchange subordinates get less support, coaching, and resources, but the manager is more likely to blame them for mistakes or performance difficulties, rather than recognizing situational causes and the manager's own contributions to the problem. The bias of many managers toward making internal attributions about poor performance by a subordinate is in sharp contrast to the self-serving bias of subordinates to blame their mistakes or failures on external factors. These incompatible biases make it more difficult for the manager to deal with performance problems. The manager's bias results in greater use of punitive actions, which are resented all the more by subordinates who do not feel responsible for the problem. Thus, a major implication of the attribution research is the need to help managers become more careful, fair, and systematic about evaluating subordinate performance. Managers need to become more aware of the many options available for dealing with different causes of performance problems and the importance of selecting an appropriate one. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders are influenced by attributions about subordinates. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) How can a leader avoid attribution biases? Answer: Student answers may vary. There may be more than one reason for inadequate performance, and the leader should not assume that a performance problem is due to a lack of subordinate motivation or competence. As noted previously, a performance deficiency may be due to situational causes, internal causes, or a combination of both. Situational causes that are usually beyond the control of the subordinate include the following: shortages in supplies, materials, or personnel; unexpected or unusual events (e.g., accidents, bad weather, sabotage, lawsuits, new regulations); resource levels below budgeted levels due to last-minute cuts or shifts in priorities; and failure by people in other parts of the organization or outsiders to carry out their part of a project properly and on time. Internal causes for poor performance usually involve low motivation or deficiencies in subordinate skill. Examples of this type of problem include the following: failure to carry out a major action step on schedule, failure to monitor progress to detect a problem before it becomes serious, showing poor judgment in dealing with a problem, procrastinating in dealing with a problem until it gets worse, failure to notify superiors about a problem that requires their attention, making an avoidable error in the performance of a task, failure to follow standard procedures and rules, and acting in an unprofessional manner. Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) Why is asking the subordinate to suggest remedies an effective guideline for dealing with performance deficiencies? Answer: Student answers may vary. It is essential to get the person to take responsibility for dealing with a performance deficiency. Improvement is unlikely if the person makes excuses and denies responsibility for the problem. Commitment to improve is more likely if the person suggests ways to deal with the problem. Thus, when discussing how to correct performance deficiencies, begin by asking for suggestions rather than telling the person what to do. Use openended questions such as "What ideas do you have for improving performance?" and "What can we do to avoid this problem in the future?" Encourage the person to consider a variety of possible remedies, rather than focusing quickly on one narrow remedy. Try to build on the subordinate's ideas rather than merely pointing out limitations. If the subordinate fails to identify some promising remedies, try to present your own ideas as variations of the subordinate's ideas. State your ideas in a general, tentative way ("What about the possibility of . . . ?") and let the subordinate develop the details so he or she feels some ownership of the improvement plans. If you conclude that a low-quality relationship with the follower contributed to the problem, work with the follower to identify relationship-improvement behaviors that you can both target to strengthen the relationship. Learning Objective: Understand appropriate ways to manage a subordinate with performance deficiencies. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) How do a leader's actions affect follower attributions about the leader? Answer: Student answers may vary. A leader who has done something that could explain a change in performance will be attributed more responsibility for it. Leaders who take direct actions that appear relevant get more credit for performance improvements than leaders who do not. Direct actions that are highly visible to followers influence attributions more than indirect actions that are not visible. The importance of direct action is increased when followers perceive an immediate crisis. A leader who acts decisively to resolve an obvious crisis is considered highly competent, whereas a leader who fails to take direct action in a crisis, or whose action has no apparent effect is likely to be judged incompetent. The uniqueness of changes made by a leader also influences attributions about the leader's competence. Leaders who make innovative changes in the strategy (what is done or how it is done) get more credit for success and more blame for failure than leaders who stick with a traditional strategy. Learning Objective: Understand how attributions and implicit theories influence follower perceptions of a leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) According to research, how effective are ingratiation and self-promotion tactics in follower attempts to influence bosses? Answer: Student answers may vary. The usual way to measure the effectiveness of upward impression management is how the boss evaluates the subordinate's competence, or the extent to which the subordinate gets favorable career outcomes such as a pay increase or promotion. The research indicates that ingratiation is often effective as an impression management tactic for upward influence. Ingratiation can increase how much a subordinate is liked by the boss and may also improve appraisals of subordinate performance. However, to be effective as an impression management tactic, ingratiation must appear to be sincere. If it seems manipulative, it will fail to have the desired effect and may have a negative effect. The results for self-promotion tactics are less consistent, but they suggest that a negative reaction is more likely than a positive reaction. A subordinate who uses this tactic too often or in an annoying way will be liked less by the boss and given a lower performance appraisal. Self-promotion is a more difficult form of impression management to pull off successfully. Unless used only infrequently and in a subtle way, selfpromotion tactics are likely to be seen as bragging and conceit. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders and followers attempt to manage impressions. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) Should followers challenge flawed plans and proposals made by bosses? Why or why not? Answer: Student answers may vary. One of the most valuable contributions a follower can make is to provide accurate feedback about the leader's plans and proposals. To minimize defensiveness, begin with a comment that shows respect and a desire to be helpful in accomplishing shared objectives. Describe any obvious faults in a plan or proposal using specific terms rather than vague generalities and avoid making the critique personal. If appropriate, suggest getting reactions from other credible people before going ahead with a plan or proposal that is questionable. Sometimes a boss may be unwilling to listen to concerns about a decision or policy that is unethical, illegal, or likely to have adverse consequences for the organization. In this situation, it may be necessary to escalate your influence attempt and use pressure tactics such as threats and warnings. Threatening to resign is one way for a follower to express deep concern over a controversial decision. However, such threats should not be used lightly, and they are appropriate only after a serious effort has been made to influence the boss in other ways, such as rational persuasion and use of coalitions. The threat should be expressed with conviction but not personal hostility. Learning Objective: Understand how followers can have a more effective relationship with their leader. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 11 Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups 1) Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a primary determinant of performance for a functional team? A) how long the current leader has been in that position B) trust and cooperation among the team members C) the organization and coordination of activities D) member agreement about objectives and strategies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a reason for high team performance? A) high collective efficacy for team members B) diverse mental models for team members C) collective identification of members with the team D) high level of member skills relevant to the task Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) The GREATEST amount of shared leadership is likely to be found in a ________. A) self-managed operational team B) quality circle C) cross-functional project team D) virtual team Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) Which type of team is MOST likely to be given the task of designing a new product and bringing it into production? A) traditional work team B) self-managed operational team C) cross-functional project team D) quality circle Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 1 C..

5) Which is NOT likely to improve the effectiveness of a self-managed team? A) Let members share in financial gains from improved performance. B) Change the membership frequently to give the team fresh ideas. C) Provide accurate, timely information relevant to team activities. D) Give members training in interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which type of activity is LEAST likely to be delegated to a self-managed team? A) evaluating each team member's task performance B) determining strategic objectives and priorities C) determining the work procedures to be used by the team D) determining which team member will carry out each task Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Members are MOST likely to experience role conflict and divided loyalties in a ________. A) cross-functional project team B) self-managed operational team C) traditional work team D) team with a new leader Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) What is the MOST useful role for the external leader of a self-managed team? A) Select new members of the group when they are needed. B) Mediate internal conflicts and encourage cooperation. C) Monitor the group to ensure it does not become a social club. D) Serve as a coach, facilitator, and advocate for the group. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) What was found in research on the effectiveness of self-managed teams? A) Productivity and quality improved substantially. B) Organizational commitment usually increased. C) Turnover and absenteeism were usually lower. D) The results were not consistent across studies. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which process is MOST likely to occur in an after-activity review? A) determination of responsibility for errors and mistakes B) recognition of members for their contributions to the team C) analysis of what was done well and what needs to be changed D) selection of the most qualified team leader for the next activity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which of the following is LEAST likely to build collective identification and mutual trust among team members? A) Emphasize common interests and shared objectives. B) Encourage and facilitate social interaction among members. C) Use more rewards that are contingent on individual performance. D) Use ceremonies and rituals to emphasize shared values and achievements. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which process was NOT a suggested method for team building? A) Keep members informed about the group's achievements. B) Use symbols and slogans to create a unique identity for the team. C) Conduct sessions to analyze group processes that need improvement. D) Ask members to elect an informal leader to represent the team. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) The primary responsibility of the leader of a decision group is to ________. A) suggest good ideas for solving the problem B) ensure that everybody has equal influence C) encourage group members to reach an agreement quickly D) structure the discussion in a systematic manner Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which of the following is a task-oriented leadership function in decision groups? A) supporting B) process analyzing C) summarizing D) harmonizing Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which leader action is MOST likely to improve a group decision? A) Ask judgmental questions to stimulate more creative solutions. B) Separate solution generation from solution evaluation. C) Identify someone who is responsible for causing the problem. D) Insist that the person who suggests a solution must defend it. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following was NOT recommended for leaders of decision groups? A) Focus the group discussion on the best two solutions. B) Encourage members to look for integrative solutions. C) Describe the problem without implying the cause or solution. D) Allow ample time for systematic evaluation of ideas. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Which is an example of a co-acting group? A) baseball team B) football team C) wrestling team D) volleyball team Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) Which is an example of an interacting group? A) chess team B) diving team C) bowling team D) soccer team Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) The word "team" is correctly used to describe an interacting group that has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT ________. A) small size B) common purpose C) independent roles D) identical skills Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) A ________ team has low to moderate stability of its membership. A) cross-functional B) self-managed operating C) top executive D) characteristic Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) A ________ team's autonomy to determine work procedures has low to moderate stability of its membership. A) cross-functional B) self-managed operating C) top executive D) characteristic Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) A top executive team has low to moderate ________. A) stability of its membership B) duration of existence for the team C) autonomy to determine work procedures D) autonomy to determine mission and objectives Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) A cross-functional team has high ________. A) autonomy to determine mission and objectives B) autonomy to determine work procedures C) authority of the internal leader D) diversity of members in functional background Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) A self-managed operating team has high ________. A) autonomy to determine mission and objectives B) duration of existence for the team C) authority of the internal leader D) diversity of members in functional background Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Member skills and clear role expectations are more important ________. A) when the task is simple B) when the task is easy to learn C) during a period of change in team membership D) when turnover is low and the workforce is stable Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Group performance will be ________ when members have the knowledge and skills necessary to do the work, and they understand what to do, how to do it, when it must be done, and by whom. A) higher B) lower C) unaffected D) undone Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 27) A leader can do ________ to improve member skills. A) nothing at all B) little C) exactly one thing D) several things Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) A high level of coordination is ________. A) irrelevant when conditions are changing rapidly B) most important when the situation is static C) unnecessary for a challenging assignment D) especially important for a complex task Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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29) A team will usually perform a new task better if ________. A) members have an explicit strategy B) members have an ambiguous plan C) plans ignore potential problems D) strategies omit foreseeable obstacles Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) If a team has talented people it ________. A) cannot fail B) won't succeed unless it uses a performance strategy inconsistent with member skills C) may not perform well if people are given tasks for which their skills are irrelevant D) cannot succeed Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) The performance of a team depends ________. A) only on the motivation and skills of members B) only on how members are organized to use their skills C) on both the motivation and skills of members, and on how members are organized to use their skills D) on neither the motivation and skills of members, nor on how members are organized to use their skills Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 32) Collective efficacy is likely to be higher for a team with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) strong member skills B) high level trust/cooperation C) ample resources D) an unrelated performance strategy Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) The increased importance of cooperation and coordination among interdependent members of interacting groups makes leadership ________ in co-acting work groups. A) less challenging than B) equally as hard as C) more difficult than D) not as important as Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Developing member skills about how to work together as a team is facilitated by ________. A) ensuring members understand how their roles are interrelated B) infrequent rehearsals C) spontaneous performance of roles D) ensuring members understand how their roles are independent Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) The importance of external coordination ________. A) increases as interdependence increases B) decreases as interdependence increases C) increases as interdependence decreases D) is unrelated to the level of interdependence Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) Maintaining a network of contacts who can provide relevant information, encouraging members to develop their own networks of useful contacts, and consulting with other subunits about plans and decisions that affect them are leadership behaviors that can be used to improve ________. A) internal organization B) external coordination C) member skills and role clarity D) commitment to task objectives and strategies Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 9 C..

37) Resource acquisition is less important for a group that ________. A) cannot work without the materials B) needs materials for which no substitute can be found C) requires many resources to do the work D) has its own ample supply of resources Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 38) There is a strong relationship between intra-team trust and team performance, especially in teams characterized by ________. A) high levels of task independence B) decentralized authority C) generalized member knowledge D) specialized member skills Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) It is more difficult to have a high level of cohesiveness and group identification in ________. A) well-established teams B) teams with stable membership C) teams with cultural diversity D) teams with emotionally mature members Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) High cohesiveness can provide ________ for group decisions. A) only benefits B) only risks C) neither benefits nor risks D) both benefits and risks Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) Groupthink ________. A) is less likely in a highly cohesive group B) describes a state of complete harmony in joint decision making C) occurs when members of a cohesive group are afraid to dissent D) is encouraged by strong leaders to yield more creativity Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) The shared belief of members that the team is capable of successfully carrying out its mission and achieving specific task objectives is called ________. A) impotency B) collective efficacy C) groupthink D) consensus Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Which is NOT a leader behavior to improve collective efficacy? A) expressing optimism and confidence in the team B) setting realistic goals to provide an opportunity to experience early success C) adding obstacles to force the team to work together to overcome them D) celebrating progress and important achievements Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) The term ________ is commonly used to describe conscious beliefs and implicit assumptions about the causes of performance and the best way to improve it. A) mental model B) cohesiveness C) group potency D) groupthink Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) Research on teams found that they are likely to have higher performance if members have a shared mental model that is ________. A) ambitious B) easily achievable C) unattainable D) accurate Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) Groups with diverse membership ________. A) are likely to be more cohesive B) have better communication C) find more creative solutions to problems D) are more accepting of others with different beliefs and values Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) The ________ phase involves determining who will be members of the group and making initial decisions about performance strategies, work assignments, and member roles in the group. A) transition B) performance C) implementation D) execution Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 48) The performance phase involves all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) implementing and executing performance strategies B) deciding on the mission, objectives, and formal leadership roles C) monitoring and assessing performance D) resolving any problems in the work Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) External processes involve ________. A) decisions about work procedures B) decisions about member roles C) interactions with clients D) relationships among the group members Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) Which is NOT one of the basic types of subgroups, according to the typology developed by Carton and Cummings? A) identity-based B) geography-based C) resource-based D) knowledge-based Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) ________-based subgroups have members united by common demographic or value-based attributes. A) Identity B) Geography C) Resource D) Knowledge Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 52) Processes within ________-based subgroups often revolve around unbalanced perceptions of fairness and the centralization of power within the team. A) identity B) geography C) resource D) knowledge Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) Team members from different ________-based subgroups typically employ unique technical jargon and symbols and possess shared mental models about their work. A) identity B) geography C) resource D) knowledge Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Knowledge-based subgroups emerge ________. A) because organizations develop specialized units to address management information systems, human resource management, and accounting B) from efforts to protect the subgroup's identity, and may fragment the team's overall identity C) when a clear hierarchy among subgroups is apparent D) when members attempt to create a hierarchy among subgroups Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) In a functional operating team, the members are likely to have jobs that are ________. A) unspecialized, with interchangeable roles B) somewhat specialized but still part of the same basic function C) completely specialized and unrelated to one another D) unspecialized and unrelated to one another Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) Functional work teams ________. A) are typically of short duration B) have erratic, ever-changing membership C) usually do not have formal leaders D) may have group members perform specific leadership functions Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) Cross-functional teams ________. A) are no longer being used in organizations to improve coordination of interdependent activities among specialized subunits B) cannot include representatives from outside organizations C) plan and conduct a complex activity that requires considerable coordination, cooperation, and joint problem solving D) are usually permanent additions to the formal structure of the organization Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) Which is NOT an advantage of cross-functional teams? A) flexible, efficient deployment of personnel and resources to solve problems as they are discovered B) improved coordination when people from different functions come together to work on a project at the same time, rather than working on it sequentially C) decrease in communication barriers, due to the functional diversity of the members, because each function usually has its own jargon and ways of thinking about things D) ability to view a problem or challenge from different perspectives, rather than from only a narrow functional viewpoint Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) Which is NOT a difficulty associated with cross-functional teams? A) conflicting loyalties B) prioritization of functional turf over team objectives C) inefficient deployment of personnel and resources D) time-consuming decision making Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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60) Most cross-functional teams ________. A) have a formal leader who is selected by higher management B) use self-management C) elect a formal leader from among their membership D) don't need a strong leader Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Which is NOT one of the three themes describing essential processes as cited by Mumford et al? A) idea generation B) idea structuring C) idea promotion D) idea recycling Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Planning and organizing project activities, selecting qualified members of the team, and handling budgeting and financial responsibilities are related to which skill required for leading cross-functional project teams? A) technical expertise B) project management skills C) cognitive skills D) political skills Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) Which is an example of a political skill? A) resolving conflicts B) building cohesiveness C) developing coalitions D) solving complex problems with systems thinking Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16 C..

64) Which is an advantage of group decision making? A) usually take less time to make B) process issues bolster the quality of decisions C) increased member commitment to implement D) ease of reaching agreement increases with incompatible objectives Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) Which is NOT a common process problem that reduces the quality of group decisions? A) member inhibition B) groupthink C) false consensus D) collective efficacy Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) In the context of leading decision groups, an effective leader ________. A) ensures that the group uses a systematic decision process B) dominates the discussion C) should be very passive D) does not take primary responsibility for leading the decision meeting Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) The leader behavior "stimulating conversation" has which specific objective? A) Guide and sequence discussion. B) Increase information exchange. C) Increase comprehension. D) Check on agreement. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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68) The leader behavior "gatekeeping" has which specific objective? A) Increase and equalize participation. B) Reduce tension and hostility. C) Prevent withdrawal and reduce tension. D) Regulate behavior. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) At a meeting, the problem should be ________. A) described in a way that assigns blame B) stated objectively C) introduced in a way that implies the cause D) introduced in a way that implies the solution Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand procedures for leading successful meetings. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) As part of facilitating participation in meetings, leaders should encourage members to ________. A) dominate the discussion B) express concerns C) make derogatory comments D) intimidate people who disagree with them Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand procedures for leading successful meetings. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Collective efficacy is when team members have a shared belief that the team is capable of successfully carrying out its mission and achieving specific task objectives. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) A cohesive group of people with similar values and attitudes may overestimate the probability of success for a risky course of action. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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73) Cross-functional teams generally have a high degree of autonomy to determine work and their mission and objectives. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) It is typical for self-managed teams to have an internal team leader who is elected by the members, and the position may be rotated among different members on a regular basis. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) Group maintenance behavior improves interpersonal relations, aids resolution of conflict, and satisfies the needs of members for acceptance, respect, and involvement. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Brainstorming is an idea generation activity where members are encouraged to suggest ideas and the group quickly makes a positive or negative evaluation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Groupthink helps members collectively find the best way to deal with a problem. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) Functional operating teams that are stable over a long duration and have members with similar jobs are usually led by an elected leader with little authority for internal operations. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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79) Whenever feasible a leader should encourage the group to try to reach a consensus rather than deciding on the basis of a simple majority. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Even in teams with a formal leader, it is often beneficial for other members to share some of the leadership roles. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) A co-acting group is a work unit with a great deal of interdependence among the members. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) A growing trend in organizations is to give less responsibility for important actions to teams. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) In general, there is a positive correlation between member empowerment and group performance. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Member diversity has negative and positive implications for groups. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Within many work teams, subgroups emerge due to the nature of the team's composition. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

86) Most cross-functional teams employ self-leadership. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the types of subgroups and their effects on group processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) Emphasizing common interests and values is a guideline for effective group leadership. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) A guideline for effective group leadership is to discourage social interaction, so that group members focus on their work-related activities. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Using a group to make a decision has several potential advantages over decisions made by an individual leader. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the primary leadership functions in decision groups. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) A guideline for leading decision group meetings is to combine idea generation with idea evaluation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand procedures for leading successful meetings. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Why is it important for a leader to encourage commitment to task objectives and strategies? Answer: Student answers may vary. Member commitment to task objectives and performance strategies for attaining them facilitate cooperation, innovation, and extra effort to accomplish difficult tasks. Leadership behaviors that are especially relevant for increasing member commitment to shared objectives include: (1) articulating an appealing vision that links the task objectives to member values and ideals; (2) explaining why a project or new initiative is important; (3) setting task objectives that are clear and challenging; (4) planning relevant performance strategies for attaining the objectives; and (5) empowering members to participate in planning activities and developing creative solutions to problems. Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 21 C..

92) What is the difference between co-acting groups and interacting teams? Give examples of each. Answer: Student answers may vary. In a co-acting group there is little interdependence among members. They perform the same type of work, but they work alone, do not depend on each other, and need little coordination. Examples include sales representatives, professors, tax accountants, machine operators. The word "team" is correctly used to describe an interacting group that is small and has members with a common purpose, interdependent roles, and complementary skills. To clarify the distinction, interacting teams are found in basketball and soccer, whereas in bowling or wrestling the "teams" are actually co-acting groups. Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What are some things a leader can do to improve member skills? Answer: Student answers may vary. A leader can do several things to improve member skills. When the team is being formed, or replacements are needed for departing members, the leader can influence the selection of new members and ensure an appropriate mix of complementary skills. In a newly formed team, or when the team has a new type of task to perform, the leader can clearly explain member responsibilities and relevant procedures for performing specific types of activities. At appropriate times in the performance cycle, leaders can assess the skills of current members to identify any deficiencies, provide constructive feedback and coaching, and arrange for members to receive necessary instruction in other ways (e.g., from more experienced members, or in workshops and courses). Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can influence group processes and improve performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) Besides the motivation and skills of members, upon what else does the performance of a team depend? Answer: Student answers may vary. The performance of a team depends not only on the motivation and skills of members, but also on how members are organized to use their skills. The design of work roles and the assignment of people to them determine how efficiently the team carries out its work. Performance will suffer if a team has talented people but they are given tasks for which their skills are irrelevant or the team uses a performance strategy that is not consistent with member skills. Team performance also depends on the extent to which the interdependent activities of different members are mutually consistent and synchronized. A high level of coordination is especially important when the team performs a complex task under rapidly changing conditions. Coordination is determined by decisions made during the planning phase prior to the start of a new task, and a team will usually perform a new task better if members plan an explicit strategy that takes into account potential obstacles and problems that could limit performance. Coordination is also facilitated by adjustments in member behavior during the team's performance of the task. The performance of a team also depends upon the extent to which team activities are consistent with related activities in other parts of the organization, and the importance of this external coordination increases as interdependence increases. Group performance also depends on getting essential resources, and political support from outside sources. A recent meta-analysis by De Jong, Dirks, and Gillespie documents that there is a strong relationship between intra-team trust and team performance, especially in teams characterized by high levels of task interdependence, centralized authority, and specialized member knowledge and skills. Learning Objective: Understand the processes that determine group performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) What actions can leaders take to help their team develop an accurate, shared mental model? Answer: Student answers may vary. Group performance is unlikely to improve unless the mental model is not only shared but also accurate. Leaders can help members identify their assumptions about cause-effect relationships, determine ways to assess the accuracy of these assumptions, and jointly develop a more accurate mental model. Ways to improve understanding and agreement about causes of problems and good solutions include the following: (1) hold a meeting to discuss member assumptions and beliefs and identify any supporting evidence; (2) examine relevant publications on the subject; (3) implement more accurate measures of team processes and performance determinants; (4) conduct controlled experiments to assess causeeffect relationships; and (5) conduct after-activity reviews to improve learning from experience. Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) How can a leader influence collective efficacy? Answer: Student answers may vary. A leader can influence collective efficacy in several ways. Behaviors that influence collective efficacy include: (1) expressing optimism and confidence in the team; (2) setting realistic goals or targets that will provide an opportunity to experience early success; (3) helping the team find ways to overcome obstacles; and (4) celebrating progress and important achievements. Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) What effect does member diversity have on a team? Answer: Student answers may vary. The extent to which members vary with regard to personality, demographic attributes (e.g., age, gender, ethnic identity, education), and functional specialization has implications for group processes and outcomes. Groups with diverse membership are likely to be less cohesive, because people tend to be less accepting of others who have different beliefs, values, and traditions. Diversity can also impede communication when members use different language, jargon, measures, or criteria. On the positive side, having members with different perspectives, experiences, and knowledge can result in more creative solutions to problems. The importance of diversity for group performance varies somewhat for different types of groups and different situations. It is easier to convert diversity into cooperative problem solving when members are highly interdependent for attainment of important shared objectives, but making it happen is a major leadership challenge. A leader with authority to select members can try to select members who are diverse in terms of their background and relevant knowledge. Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 98) Describe effective leadership behavior for functional work teams. Answer: Student answers may vary. Effective leadership in functional work teams may require many specific types of leadership behavior. The optimal pattern of behavior is not the same for each type of functional team. The appropriate pattern of behavior will depend on the situation and the relative importance of the performance determinants at that time. Many of the required leader behaviors in a functional work team are similar to the task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors described in Chapter 2. If team members are not highly motivated and performance is less than it should be, then the leader may need to inspire and challenge members to increase their commitment to team objectives. If major changes are being implemented by the organization, then some change-oriented behaviors may be needed. How much external behavior (e.g., representing, lobbying) is needed will vary depending on coordination requirements with other parts of the organization, variation in the demand for the group's products or services, and the adequacy of resources already provided by the organization. To cope with disruptions and immediate crises, some problem-solving and crisis management behaviors may be necessary. Learning Objective: Understand the leadership challenges for different types of teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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99) What are the benefits and limitations of self-managed teams? Answer: Student answers may vary. Self-managed work teams offer a number of potential benefits, including stronger commitment of team members to the work, more effective management of work-related problems, improved efficiency, more job satisfaction, less turnover, and less absenteeism. Having team members cross-trained to do different jobs makes the work more interesting for members and increases the flexibility of the team in dealing with personnel shortages resulting from illness or turnover. Their extensive knowledge of work processes helps team members solve problems and suggest improvements. Finally, the changeover to selfmanaged teams typically reduces the number of managers and staff specialists in an organization, which lowers costs. Self-managed teams are difficult to implement, and they can be a dismal failure when used in inappropriate situations or without competent leadership and support. If interpersonal conflicts cannot be resolved in a constructive way that will ensure a high level of interpersonal trust and cooperation, then the team may restructure itself with more independent roles, thereby reducing the potential benefits and performance gains. Learning Objective: Understand effective procedures for leading teams. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 100) Why is one of the guidelines for leading decision group meetings to separate idea generation from idea evaluation? Answer: Student answers may vary. Research has found that idea generation is less inhibited when it is separated from idea evaluation. Procedures have been developed to reduce inhibition and facilitate idea generation in groups. With brainstorming, members are encouraged to suggest any idea about the problem that comes to mind, and no positive or negative evaluation of ideas is permitted (including scowls, groans, sighs, or gestures). The rationale is that inhibition would be reduced by deferring evaluation of ideas, domination would be reduced by making contributions brief and spontaneous, and creativity would be increased by mutual facilitation of ideas and a climate of acceptance for strange and novel ideas. Brainstorming improves idea generation in comparison with a regular interacting group, but some inhibition may still occur. The nominal group technique was developed to correct the deficiencies of brainstorming. During or prior to a group meeting the members are asked to contribute their ideas anonymously without any discussion of them. When they are finished, the leader posts the ideas for everyone to see or provides a copy of them to each member before the meeting. For a virtual group the ideas can be posted on a common website. Group members are invited to build on ideas already listed or add new ideas stimulated by seeing the list. Then the leader reviews the list with the group to see if there are any questions about the meaning of an idea or its relevance to the objective. In a recent improvement of this procedure (called "brain writing"), the evaluation of ideas is postponed until a later meeting, and participants are encouraged to continue thinking about the problem and the list of suggested ideas. The rationale for a follow-up meeting is that members do not have adequate time to reflect upon each other's ideas when they are busy writing ideas of their own, and an "incubation" period is necessary to realize the potential for mutual stimulation of ideas. Learning Objective: Understand procedures for leading successful meetings. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 25 C..

Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 12 Strategic Leadership 1) Which condition is NOT likely to limit a chief executive's discretion to make major changes in the strategy of an organization? A) The organization has a few major clients who account for most sales. B) The organization has ample financial reserves. C) The culture of the organization is strong. D) The organization has a strong board of directors. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Research finds that major changes in companies are usually initiated by ________. A) a strong chief executive who has occupied the position for many years B) an internal successor selected by the prior chief executive before retiring C) an internal successor selected to replace the prior CEO who was forced out D) an external successor brought in to replace a CEO who was forced out Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) When an organization has declining performance, a CEO who has been in office for many years is LEAST likely to ________. A) look for ways to improve implementation of the existing strategy B) make small, incremental changes in the strategy C) give a pep talk and urge people to redouble their effort D) make major changes in the organization's strategy Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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4) What is the BEST summary of findings in research on leadership succession? A) Chief executives have little influence on organization performance due to the overwhelming influence of economic and market conditions. B) Chief executives have a strong impact on organization performance and are the primary determinant of whether the organization prospers or declines. C) Chief executives have a moderate impact on organizational performance when measured over a period of several years. D) Chief executives influence stock prices but have little or no influence on the firm's actual economic performance. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 5) According to Schein, organization culture is BEST described as ________. A) basic values and beliefs shared by members of the organization B) member perception of the primary mission of the organization C) the values and objectives espoused by the top executives D) member commitment to the organizational objectives Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) How is a strong organizational culture related to the financial performance of an organization? A) Performance is enhanced. B) Performance is reduced. C) Performance may be enhanced or reduced. D) There is little impact on performance. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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7) Which is NOT a core performance determinant for an organization in the flexible leadership theory? A) efficiency and process reliability B) leader experience and intelligence C) human resources and relations D) innovation and adaptation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) According to the flexible leadership theory, the CEO of an organization should ________. A) focus primarily on short-term objectives such as quarterly profits B) provide heroic, charismatic leadership for the organization C) coordinate leadership processes across levels and subunits D) emphasize direct behaviors more than management programs and systems Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 9) According to flexible leadership theory, strategic leadership is MOST difficult when ________. A) adaptation is more important than the other performance determinants B) efficiency is more important than the other performance determinants C) the performance determinants are all very important D) the performance determinants all differ in importance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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10) Which guideline about management programs and systems is most consistent with flexible leadership theory? A) Programs and systems should be used to reduce the number of individual managers that are needed. B) A program or system should not be used if more than one performance determinant will be affected. C) A program or system should not duplicate the effects of direct behavior by individual managers. D) Programs and systems should be supported by the direct behavior of individual managers. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) In what situation are executive teams LEAST likely to be useful? A) The organization includes several business units with diverse products. B) There is intense competition among executives to become the next CEO. C) The organization has a complex and turbulent environment. D) The executives in the team have very diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which of the following actions by the CEO is NOT likely to improve the effectiveness of an executive team? A) Clearly define objectives consistent with shared values of team members. B) Eliminate most meetings and use email to communicate separately with individuals. C) Give the team considerable discretion but specify limits of team authority. D) Rely more on advice from members with the most expertise. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which of the following theories MOST strongly emphasizes the importance of emergent processes for the adaptation of organizations to their environment? A) complexity leadership theory B) relational leadership theory C) informal leadership theory D) distributed leadership theory Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) When the competition is intense and the environment is changing rapidly, it is especially important to ________. A) have detailed plans and operating procedures B) increase the power of the chief executive C) maintain a high level of external monitoring D) strengthen the organization culture Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which of the following was NOT given as a guideline for external monitoring? A) Examine a wide range of developments and trends in the environment. B) Make an extra effort to learn what clients and customers want and need. C) Identify both the strengths and weaknesses of competing products. D) Rely primarily on your own intuition to analyze the environment. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which condition is LEAST important for the success of a new strategy? A) It is similar to a strategy that was previously successful. B) It is based on the core competencies of the organization. C) It is compatible with significant changes in the external environment. D) It has a few clear themes relevant to the shared values of the members. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Much of the early leadership literature was concerned with ________ in organizations, but in more recent years there has been increased interest in "strategic leadership" by ________. A) supervisors; top executives B) middle managers; supervisors C) top executives; supervisors D) top executives; middle managers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) The shift in focus of leadership literatures reflects an increased interest in understanding how executives can transform their companies to cope with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) globalization B) maintaining the status quo C) increasing international competition D) rapid technological and social change Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 19) An important responsibility for ________ is to formulate strategies for the future survival and prosperity of the organization. A) hourly employees B) supervisors C) middle management D) top executives Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20) Adaptation is more important when the external environment is ________. A) volatile B) certain C) stable D) predictable Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6 C..

21) The external environment is more likely to be volatile and uncertain in situations of ________. A) gradual technological change B) political stability C) new threats from competitors D) economic turmoil Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) A rapid response to changing conditions and new competitors is especially important for an organization with a strategy that emphasizes ________. A) mass market, imitation products B) services designed to satisfy the repetitive needs of customers and clients C) unique, leading-edge products D) services designed to deal with consistent and timeless customer needs Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Other determinants of ________ include effective knowledge management; flexibility of work processes; innovations in products, services, or processes; and the availability of discretionary resources. A) adaptation to the environment B) efficiency and process reliability C) strategic human resource management D) competitive strategy Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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24) ________ is the use of people and resources to carry out essential operations in a way that minimizes costs and avoids wasted effort and resources. A) Adaptation B) Efficiency C) Competitiveness D) Reliability Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 25) Efficiency is less important when ________. A) the competitive strategy of the organization is to offer its products and services at a lower price than competitors B) an organization is unable to pass along cost increases to customers C) the organization is highly subsidized by the government or private investors D) a financial crisis occurs and funds to support essential operations are limited Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) ________ means avoiding unnecessary delays, errors, quality defects, or accidents. A) Adaptation B) Efficiency C) Competitiveness D) Process reliability Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) Process reliability ________. A) is conceptualized primarily as a component of efficiency B) usually decreases costs C) often leads to increased accidents D) never affects adaptation or human resources Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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28) The term ________ is sometimes used to describe the quality of an organization's human resources, which include the relevant skills and experience of members. A) social capital B) human capital C) collective work D) organizational culture Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 29) Human capital is LESS important for which types of workplaces? A) consulting firms B) virtual organizations C) advertising agencies D) research universities Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) Human capital is MORE important for an organization that ________. A) has highly automated processes B) requires few employees C) employs mostly unskilled workers D) depends on people with unique talents Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Which is an example of a method used to enhance employee skills? A) flexible job design B) use of work teams C) recruitment D) rewards and incentives Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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32) ________ includes decisions about the types of products or services to offer, the basis for appealing to potential customers, and the methods used to influence potential customers or clients. A) Adaptation B) Process reliability C) Efficiency D) Competitive strategy Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) In the context of competitive strategy, patriotism is an example of which of the following? A) types of products or services to offer B) basis for appealing to customers C) methods used to influence potential clients D) ways to obtain necessary financial resources Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Which is NOT an example of a process and quality improvement program? A) quality circles B) TQM C) outsourcing D) Six Sigma Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) Assessment centers and recruiting programs are examples of which of the following? A) quality of work-life programs B) socialization and teambuilding C) employee development programs D) human resource planning Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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36) Entrepreneurship programs and innovation goals are examples of ________. A) market analysis programs B) innovation programs C) knowledge acquisition D) organizational learning Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) Direct behaviors and decisions about strategy and programs or structures are ________ forms of leader influence. A) complementary B) competing C) mutually exclusive D) conflicting Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 38) The second general approach to influencing the determinants of organizational performance, making decisions about competitive strategy, organization structure, and management programs, ________ influences individuals and groups. A) in no way B) directly C) indirectly D) negatively Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) A major change in strategy is more likely to be accepted when ________. A) employees are left to determine how it will benefit the organization B) colleagues exchange theories on the reason it is needed C) possible reasons for the change are circulated via the grapevine D) leaders explain why it is needed Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11 C..

40) At a company call center, an incentive program rewards employees based solely on the number of customers served. Since faster service is achieved by reducing service quality, service declines. This is an example of ________. A) management programs enhancing the effects of direct leadership behavior B) management programs limiting the effects of direct leadership behavior C) direct behaviors facilitating the implementation of a strategy or program D) direct behaviors impeding the implementation of a strategy or program Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Hard 41) A company-wide training program reduces the amount of training that managers need to provide to their immediate subordinates. This is an example of ________. A) management programs serving as substitutes for direct behaviors B) direct behaviors serving as substitutes for management programs C) management programs undermining direct behaviors D) direct behaviors undermining management behaviors Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Hard 42) Whenever possible, leaders should try to enhance ________ performance determinant at a time. A) only one B) more than one C) at least three D) four or more Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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43) When leaders are able to enhance innovative adaptation and efficiency simultaneously, this is called ________. A) relational leadership B) process reliability C) organizational ambidexterity D) collective work Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) Once a leader achieves a good balance of trade-offs among the performance determinants, ________. A) things will continue smoothly B) changing conditions may upset it C) the situation no longer needs to be assessed D) any upset can be cured by using the same strategies that worked in the past Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 45) The implementation of a new strategy or major change can be delayed ________. A) only when there is a powerful CEO B) only when there is a weak CEO C) by prolonged conflicts among top management D) by acceptance of change at the middle-management level Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 46) The primary responsibility for resolving disagreements and achieving integration usually falls on ________. A) the CEO B) the executive team C) middle management D) hourly employees Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13 C..

47) ________ primary responsibility for ensuring that the organization has a relevant core ideology, but leaders at ________ must help to build support for it and ensure that it is understood. A) Top management has; all levels B) Middle management has; the top management level C) Hourly employees have; the middle management level D) Clients have; all levels Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Which statement is correct? A) Top executives have a monopoly on relevant information or new ideas. B) Innovative changes in organizations rarely originate from lower levels. C) There are several ways top management can increase the involvement of middle- and lowerlevel managers in making strategic decisions. D) Virtual meetings about strategic decision making are impractical and ineffective. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 49) The power and discretion of top executives are greater when ________. A) there is a strong organizational culture resistant to change B) the CEO answers to a strong board of directors C) surplus financial reserves are available to fund new ventures D) labor unions have sufficient power to block changes a leader wants to make Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 50) There is less discretion for top executives when the ________. A) CEO is a major shareholder of the firm B) CEO is an owner of the firm C) board of directors is easily influenced to support the CEO D) CEO operates in the shadow of the company founder Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 14 C..

51) Which is a type of internal constraint faced by top executives? A) powerful coalitions within an organization B) the nature of the organization's primary products C) the nature of the organization's primary services D) the types of markets in which the organization operates Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) Managerial discretion is greater if the organization ________. A) is in an industry that has flat demand B) deals in products that are standardized commodities C) is a monopoly D) faces much direct competition Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 53) Discretion is constrained ________. A) by powerful external stakeholders who can dictate conditions B) when the organization is in a growth industry that has rapidly increasing demand C) if the company's sales come from a wide variety of clients D) when the organization can turn to one of several suppliers for key materials Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 54) In a crisis situation, leaders are expected to take more ________, innovative actions A) impulsive B) traditional C) decisive D) hesitant Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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55) The potential influence of a CEO on the organization's performance is ________ when major changes in the environment threaten to undermine the effectiveness of the existing strategy or provide unusual opportunities to pursue a new strategy. A) far less B) inconsequential C) much greater D) trivial Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) In periods of relative stability and prosperity, major innovative changes in an organization are ________ to occur. A) almost guaranteed B) more probable C) required D) less likely Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) How much time is usually required to verify the success of a major change? A) six months B) one and a half years C) three to five years D) at least one decade Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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58) The most restrictive situation is one in which internal and external constraints are so severe that the CEO is merely a figurehead who cannot implement any significant strategy changes or innovations. This type of position is unlikely to attract a(n) ________ leader. A) compliant B) innovative C) conservative D) risk-averse Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) A CEO position with ample discretion ________ innovative leadership. A) provides opportunities for B) guarantees C) precludes D) limits the possibility of Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) The ________ of an organization consists of shared assumptions, beliefs, and values for the members. A) competitive strategy B) core competency C) culture D) synergy Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Which statement is correct? A) Not all organizations have a top management group. B) The CEO, middle managers, and supervisors make up the top management group in an organization. C) The top management group functions the same way in all organizations. D) A current trend is to share power within the top management team. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 17 C..

62) Executive teams ________. A) are becoming less acceptable B) have not been used successfully in other countries C) have been effective in Japan D) are not beneficial for complex organizations in a turbulent environment Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) Which of the following is NOT a potential advantage of executive teams? A) additional skills B) additional knowledge C) infallible decision making D) improved communication Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) A study found that when the CEO ________a strategic decision, the decision quality was better, the decision was perceived as more fair, team members were more committed to implement the decision, their trust in the leader increased, and they identified more with the team. A) allowed members of the executive team to influence B) was solely responsible for C) appointed a surrogate from the executive team to make D) abstained from participating in Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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65) A study of top management teams from 116 Israeli firms found that a high level of mutual understanding and collaboration among members, called ________, was related to better quality of strategic decisions and more favorable ratings of organizational performance A) organizational ambidexterity B) behavioral integration C) team-centrism D) organizational culture Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) ________ is needed to detect threats and opportunities for the organization, and ________ guides the organization's response to threats and opportunities. A) External monitoring; competitive strategy B) External monitoring; strategic human resource management C) Internal monitoring; competitive strategy D) Internal monitoring; strategic human resource management Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) External monitoring is also called ________. A) internal constraining B) environmental scanning C) strategic planning D) adaptation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 68) More external monitoring is needed when the ________. A) organization is highly dependent on outsiders B) environment is relatively stable C) organization faces minimal competition D) organization is relatively self-sufficient Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19 C..

69) Reviews of research on strategy formulation and strategic planning by top executives show that it can improve an organization's performance, and that it is more important in an environment that ________. A) is simple B) is dynamic C) has no threats D) has few opportunities Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) The guidelines for strategic leadership ________. A) depict a rigid sequence of steps B) are based on theory but not research C) are cyclical, overlapping activities D) reflect a simple approach to effective planning Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) External monitoring, which is needed to detect threats and opportunities for the organization, is a function delegated to lower-level managers because of their proximity to front line workers. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 72) The research on leadership by chief executives of organizations shows that they have more influence on organizational processes and outcomes in some situations than in others. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Efficiency is an especially important performance determinant when the competitive strategy of the organization is to offer unique, leading-edge products or services. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

74) The determinants of organizational performance are so closely interrelated that efforts to improve one determinant generally improve the other determinants as well. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) Competitive strategy includes decisions about the types of products or services to offer and the basis for appealing to potential customers or clients. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) Many different types of improvement programs, management systems, and structural forms can be used to influence organizational effectiveness. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) In general, it is much more difficult for leaders to change culture in a mature organization than to create it in a new organization. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) Relational Leadership Theory describes leadership as part of the evolving social order resulting from interactions, exchanges, and influence processes among many people. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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79) Complexity theories of leadership are primarily concerned with describing the complex cognitive processes that occur in CEOs. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Flexible Leadership Theory describes how leaders change their strategic objectives so that employees will do more than they initially expected. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Much of the early leadership literature was concerned with top executives in organizations, but in more recent years there has been increased interest in supervisors and middle managers. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) One important responsibility for top executives is monitoring the external environment to identify threats and opportunities. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) Efforts to improve efficiency by using new technology may fail if the cost of purchasing and operating the new technology exceeds any savings from a smaller workforce. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Leaders can do many things to influence the determinants or organizational performance, but they can only indirectly influence individuals and groups. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 22 C..

85) How much influence top executives can have on the performance of their organization is determined entirely by internal and external constraints on their decisions and actions. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) When the organization is a monopoly, discretion in key areas such as pricing, technology, and product changes cannot be limited by government regulation. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) The traditional approach toward the top management group is to have a clear hierarchy of authority with a CEO, a chief operating officer, and several subordinate executives who head various subunits of the organization. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) Two key functions for top executives in business organizations are to monitor the external environment and formulate a competitive strategy. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why it is important to monitor the external environment and how to do it. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) For business organizations, a major part of the strategy is how to compete effectively in the marketplace and remain profitable. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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90) Like tangible resources, core competencies are depleted when used. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Under what circumstances is adaptation to the environment especially important? Answer: Student answers may vary. The effectiveness of an organization depends on responding in appropriate ways to external threats and opportunities. Adaptation is more important when the external environment is volatile and uncertain, which is likely in situations of rapid technological change, political and economic turmoil, or new threats from competitors or external enemies. A company is more likely to adapt successfully to its environment if it has a relevant competitive strategy specifying the types of products or services to offer and ways to influence potential customers or clients. Successful adaptation sometimes requires major changes in the organization's products and services, or the procedures for marketing and supplying them. A rapid response to changing conditions and new competitors is especially important for an organization with a strategy that emphasizes unique, leading-edge products or services designed to satisfy the changing needs of customers and clients. Adaptation is enhanced by accurate interpretation of information about the environment; collective learning by members, and accurate mental models about the determinants of performance. Other determinants of adaptation include effective knowledge management (retention and diffusion of new knowledge within the organization); flexibility of work processes (capacity to change them quickly as needed); innovations in products, services, or processes; and the availability of discretionary resources (to support new initiatives and crisis management). Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) What negative effects can be associated with process reliability? Answer: Student answers may vary. Process reliability means avoiding unnecessary delays, errors, quality defects, or accidents. Examples of negative effects include theft or misuse of resources, expenses for correcting or replacing defective products or inadequate services, expenses for repairing or replacing damaged equipment, and lawsuits by customers or employees who are injured by errors, accidents, or exposure to harmful substances. Process reliability is conceptualized primarily as a component of efficiency because it usually increases costs, but sometimes it can also affect adaptation (e.g., if sales are reduced by defective products or poor service) or human resources (e.g., employees are seriously injured or killed by avoidable accidents and hazards). Process reliability can be improved by using extra resources to ensure that quality and safety standards are maintained, products or services are delivered on time, and accidents are avoided. However, efficiency will not be improved unless the savings from improved process reliability exceed the cost of the extra resources. Sometimes it is possible to redesign products and simplify work processes in ways that will reduce errors and delays as well as the direct cost of operations (e.g., with re-engineering or Six Sigma programs). Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What factors impact the effective performance of collective work? Answer: Student answers may vary. Collective work is performed more effectively by people who have strong skills, strong commitment to task objectives, confidence in their ability to achieve challenging objectives, a high level of mutual trust, and strong identification with the organization and its mission. Talented, dedicated employees are important for the achievement of both efficiency and innovative adaptation. Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) Does competitive strategy affect performance determinants? If so, how? Answer: Student answers may vary. Decisions about competitive strategy have the greatest potential influence on adaptation, but they also affect the relative importance of other performance determinants and their optimal level. For example, the decision to offer lower prices as the primary basis for increasing sales and profits may require a reduction in the cost of operations (e.g., by using improved technology, by using less expensive materials, by reducing the pay and benefits of current or newly hired employees, or by outsourcing high-paying jobs to low-wage countries). The decision to provide more unique products or improve customer service may make it necessary to recruit more skilled employees or change the way current employees are trained and rewarded. Implementing a new strategy usually requires some modification of management programs, systems, and structures in the organization, and it may also involve negotiation of new agreements with other organizations (e.g., clients, distributors, suppliers, strategic partners). Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 95) In general, how successful are improvement programs and structural forms in improving organizational effectiveness? Answer: Student answers may vary. Many different types of improvement programs, management systems, and structural forms can be used to influence organizational effectiveness. Most programs have as the primary objective the improvement of adaptation, efficiency, or human capital. Despite some dramatic successes, many improvement programs and management systems fail because they are irrelevant, poorly implemented, or incompatible with the organization's culture and competitive strategy. Management programs and systems intended to improve one performance determinant often have unintended side effects on other performance determinants, and the side effects may be positive or negative. Even if a program is able to achieve its primary objective, adverse side effects may cause it to be abandoned. However, there is considerable research evidence that strategic human resource management programs can improve organizational performance by aligning human resource practices with strategic goals. Learning Objective: Understand what organizational processes determine a company's performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) Why do interdependencies among the performance determinants create challenges for leaders? Answer: Student answers may vary. Complex interdependencies and trade-offs among the performance determinants create difficult challenges for leaders. Decisions and actions that are intended to improve one performance determinant can affect the others in a positive or negative way, and unintended consequences are common. A leader who puts too much emphasis on influencing one performance determinant may have an adverse effect on another performance determinant, resulting in lower organizational performance. When there are difficult trade-offs, it is essential to find an appropriate balance that reflects the relative priorities of the performance determinants and the potential for improving each one. In some cases it is not possible to improve a performance determinant without consistent changes in the others. For example, it is difficult to improve efficiency or innovation if the necessary changes depend on employees who lack the motivation and skills necessary to achieve these objectives. Whenever possible, leaders should look for ways to enhance more than one performance determinant at the same time. Learning Objective: Understand how top executives can influence organizational processes and performance. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 97) Describe the internal constraints that may be faced by top executives. Answer: Student answers may vary. How much influence top executives can have on the performance of their organization is determined in part by internal and external constraints on their decisions and actions. One type of internal constraint involves powerful inside forces or coalitions in the organization. Power and discretion are greater when the CEO is a major owner or shareholder of the firm or when the board of directors is easily influenced to support the CEO. Discretion is also increased when surplus financial reserves are available to fund new ventures, or the firm's prosperity makes it easy to finance innovations by borrowing funds. There is less discretion when the CEO must operate in the shadow of the company founder, satisfy a dominant owner (e.g., the organization is a family-owned firm or the subsidiary of another firm), or answer to a strong board of directors with rigid ideas about the appropriate way to do things. Discretion is also limited when internal factions and coalitions have sufficient power to block changes a leader wants to make (e.g., labor unions, other executives with a strong power base), or there is a strong organization culture that is resistant to change. Large organizations with a strong bureaucracy and standardized ways of doing things have an inertia that is difficult to overcome. People resist change that threatens their status and power, contradicts their values and beliefs, or requires learning new ways of doing things. Learning Objective: Understand constraints on strategic leadership and conditions that make it more important. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) How does the leadership of executive teams affect their effectiveness? Answer: Student answers may vary. Whether the potential advantages of executive teams are realized depends on the leadership provided by the CEO. Effective leadership is more likely if the CEO has relevant values, traits, and skills. For example, a comparative case study of 17 CEOs found that CEO personality was related to the top management team characteristics (optimism, cohesiveness, flexibility, and moderate risk taking), which were related in turn to a measure of financial performance. Executive teams are more likely to be successful when the CEO selects team members with relevant skills and experience, clearly defines objectives consistent with shared values, gives the team considerable discretion but clearly specifies the limits of team authority in relation to CEO authority, helps the team establish norms that will facilitate group processes, facilitates learning of skills in working together effectively, and encourages openness and mutual trust among team members. The CEO should avoid actions that encourage competition or distrust, such as overtly making comparative evaluations among team members and meeting with individual executives to deal with issues that should be addressed by the entire team. It is also essential for the CEO to help the team avoid process problems that can prevent them from making good decisions. If the CEO dominates decisions, the potential benefits of diverse members with relevant knowledge may not be realized. The quality of a strategic decision is likely to be better if individuals with the most expertise for that type of decision have ample influence over it. It is also important to make decisions in a timely way. The CEO should seek consensus among the executives who would be the most affected by a decision, rather than prolonging discussion in an effort to achieve consensus among all members. Learning Objective: Understand the potential advantages of executive teams and how to use them effectively. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 99) Gives examples of possible competitive strategies. Answer: Student answers may vary. Some examples of possible competitive strategies include the following: selling a product or service at the lowest price; having superior quality, customer service, or the most innovative products and services; providing a unique product or service in a segment of the market ignored by competing organizations ("niche" strategies); and being the most flexible about customizing products or services to meet each client's needs. Sometimes it is feasible to pursue a mix of strategies at the same time (e.g., have the least expensive "standard" product or service as well as the best customized versions of the product or service). Strategy may also involve the way the product or service is produced, delivered, marketed, financed, and guaranteed. Learning Objective: Understand the procedures that can be used to formulate a good competitive strategy. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) What is external monitoring and what role does it play in business organizations? Answer: Student answers may vary. External monitoring is needed to detect threats and opportunities for the organization. Top executives need to be sensitive to a wide range of events and trends that are likely to affect their organization. It is essential to learn about the concerns of customers and clients, the availability of suppliers and vendors, the actions of competitors, market trends, economic conditions, government policies, and technological developments. The information may be gathered in a variety of ways (e.g., reading government reports and industry publications, attending professional and trade meetings, talking to customers and suppliers, examining the products and reports of competitors, conducting market research). External monitoring (also called "environmental scanning") provides the information needed for strategic planning and crisis management. The amount of change and turbulence in the environment will determine how much external monitoring is necessary. More external monitoring is needed when the organization is highly dependent on outsiders (e.g., clients, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, joint venture partners), when the environment is rapidly changing, and when the organization faces severe competition or serious threats from outside enemies. Monitoring of the external environment is usually considered more important for upper-level managers than for lower-level managers. However, the difficulties involved in scanning and interpreting information about environmental changes make this responsibility one that should be shared by managers in an organization. Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 13 Cross-Cultural Leadership and Diversity 1) What was NOT mentioned as an important question in the cross-cultural research on leadership? A) differences in beliefs about the essential characteristics of effective leaders B) differences in how much a type of leadership behavior is used in each country C) differences in beliefs about the importance of leadership for organizations D) differences in the effects of leader behaviors on follower attitudes and motivation Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) What is the name of the MOST extensive research program on cross-cultural leadership? A) Effective Leadership Across Nations (ELAN) B) Global Leadership In Different Environments (GLIDE) C) Leadership Effectiveness Across Different Societies (LEADS) D) Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which description of cross-cultural research on leadership is MOST accurate? A) New methods of cross-cultural research provide clear, consistent results. B) The research found that there is little similarity of leadership across cultures. C) Methodological problems make the interpretation of results very difficult. D) The results show most leadership theories are equally valid across cultures. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a source of difficulties in cross-cultural research on leadership? A) reluctance of people in some cultures to participate in the research B) lack of equivalent meaning for measures used in different cultures C) cultural response biases for rating forms and questionnaires D) confounding of national culture with other situational variables Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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5) What is the MOST accurate description of culture clusters? A) values that cluster together in the same culture B) values that cluster together in all cultures C) religions with a similar set of values D) countries with a similar set of values Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which value was NOT regarded as important for effective leadership in all the cultures that were studied? A) compassionate B) dependable C) visionary D) honest Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) Which attribute was considered important for leaders in all of the cultures that were studied? A) ambitious B) humble C) self sacrificing D) decisive Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Participative leadership is MOST likely to be effective in a culture with ________. A) high collectivism B) low power distance C) high gender egalitarianism D) low performance orientation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) Which cultural value dimension is MOST likely to encourage rapid economic development? A) high performance emphasis B) high uncertainty avoidance C) high humane orientation D) high power distance Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Detailed plans and formal procedures are MOST likely to be found in a culture with ________. A) high performance emphasis B) high uncertainty avoidance C) high collectivism D) high gender egalitarianism Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Which statement is MOST accurate according to the research on gender and leadership? A) Men are more effective than women as leaders in organizations. B) Women are more effective than men as leaders in organizations. C) Men and women do not differ much in their effectiveness as leaders. D) Few studies have compared the effectiveness of men and women leaders. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which is LEAST likely to be a reason for the "glass ceiling" in large organizations? A) differences in leadership behavior displayed by men and women B) implicit theories about the attributes required for effective leadership C) popular stereotypes about the skills and traits of men and women D) less encouragement and developmental opportunities for women Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) Which was recommended as a guideline for managing diversity in organizations? A) Disseminate evidence to support popular stereotypes. B) Insist on tolerance of any differences in cultural values. C) Defend the right of people to choose their own team members. D) Explain the benefits of diversity for the team or organization. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a promising method to improve equal opportunity in organizations? A) Train assessors to avoid the effects of gender role stereotypes. B) Ensure that relevant criteria are used for promotion decisions. C) Offer women mentoring programs that are designed for them. D) Select managers randomly from a list of qualified candidates. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Which of the following was NOT suggested as a mechanism for reducing discrimination and intolerance in an organization? A) appraisal criteria that consider diversity issues and provide equal opportunity B) advisory committees to identify discrimination or intolerance and develop remedies C) quotas to ensure each minority group is equally represented in leadership positions D) hotlines for employees to report incidents of discrimination and intolerance Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which feature is the LEAST desirable for a diversity program? A) help people gain a better self awareness about stereotyping and intolerance B) help people understand why they are responsible for discrimination C) help people understand and appreciate ethnic and cultural differences D) help people understand the benefits of diversity for an organization Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) Cross-cultural leadership research is primarily a(n) ________ approach that considers how leadership values and practices that emerge in one culture apply within other cultures. A) collectivist B) comparative C) absolute D) unconfirmed Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) The study of global leadership is focused on the ________ challenges that confront the leaders of multinational organizations A) theoretical B) abstract C) academic D) practical Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 19) There has been more leadership research on ________ differences than on other types of diversity. A) religious B) racial C) gender D) ethnic Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) Most of the early research on leadership was conducted in ________. A) Eastern Europe B) Asia C) Latin America D) Canada Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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21) Which is NOT a reason why cross-cultural research is important? A) decreasing globalization of organizations B) increasing need to influence people from other cultures C) desire to understand how people from different cultures view leaders D) necessity of determining if a leadership theory is valid in cultures that differ from the one in which it was developed Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Cross-cultural research requires researchers to consider a ________ than usual range of variables and processes. A) narrower B) broader C) more focused D) more superficial Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Only a small number of studies have examined ________. A) how beliefs about effective leadership behavior are similar from one country to another B) how beliefs about effective leadership traits are different from one country to another C) how cultural values and leadership practices are both changing over time D) cross-cultural differences in the actual pattern of leadership behavior Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) ________ specify acceptable forms of leadership behavior and may be formalized as social laws limiting the use of power. A) Gender stereotypes B) Cultural norms C) Cultural value dimensions D) Cross-cultural differences Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Deviation from social norms may result in ________ and ________ from other members of the organization. A) diminished respect; increased social pressure B) increased respect; decreased effectiveness C) increased esteem; decreased social pressure D) diminished insolence; increased effectiveness Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Leadership behavior is ________. A) only influenced by national culture B) not influenced by the type of industry C) influenced by other situational variables besides national culture D) unaffected by national culture Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) The distinction between profit and nonprofit is an example of which situational variable affecting leadership? A) type of organization B) type of industry C) characteristics of the managerial position D) cultural values and traditions Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 28) Which is an example of the situational variable characteristics of the managerial position? A) public corporation versus private ownership B) telecommunications C) retailing D) position power Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy

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29) Countries in which ________ is being replaced by ________ are likely to see a shift toward stronger individualism and performance-orientation values. A) socialism; capitalism B) capitalism; socialism C) an autocratic system; socialism D) capitalism; an autocratic system Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) Countries in which an autocratic political system is replaced by a democratic system are likely to become more accepting of ________. A) non-participative leadership B) empowerment in organizations C) autocratic decision making D) fear-based motivation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) Countries in which strong gender differentiation is gradually replaced by gender equality can be expected to become more accepting of all of the following leadership practices EXCEPT ________. A) nurturing B) developing C) high power distance D) building cooperative relationships Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) Dorfman and colleagues found that ________ managers used more participative leadership than managers in ________. A) American; Korea B) Japanese; America C) Mexican; Japan D) Korean; Mexico Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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33) Research found that American managers were more likely to ________, while Japanese managers were more likely to ________. A) use written memos to provide direction; use face-to-face meetings for direction B) use face-to-face meetings to provide direction; use written memos for direction C) withhold criticism; give negative feedback D) channel negative feedback through peers; directly give negative feedback Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) Researchers found that directive leadership was related to organizational commitment in ________. A) the United States B) South Korea C) Taiwan D) Japan Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 35) A study found that leader contingent reward was related to subordinate organizational commitment in all of the following countries EXCEPT ________. A) the United States B) Mexico C) Japan D) Korea Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) A cross-cultural study by Fu and Yukl found that Chinese managers were more likely than American managers to use ________. A) confrontational tactics B) rational persuasion C) direct approaches D) gift-giving prior to a request Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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37) ________ is a cross-cultural study of leadership in 60 different countries representing all major regions of the world. A) Diversity training B) The glass cliff C) Collectivism D) The GLOBE project Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) According to the GLOBE project, which is NOT a leader attribute that is widely viewed as effective? A) visionary B) dependable C) ambitious D) honest and trustworthy Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) According to the GLOBE project, which is NOT a leader attribute that is viewed as more important in some countries than in others? A) cautious B) compassionate C) self-sacrificing D) decisive Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) The differences among countries for ideal values were ________ for actual values, and it is still not clear how to interpret the results. A) equal to those B) much greater than C) much smaller than D) almost double those Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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41) ________ involves the acceptance of an unequal distribution of status in organizations and institutions. A) Power distance B) Uncertainty avoidance C) Gender egalitarianism D) Performance orientation Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 42) In cultures with high ________, there is more fear of the unknown, and people desire more security, stability, and order. A) power distance B) uncertainty avoidance C) gender egalitarianism D) performance orientation Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) ________ is the extent to which the needs and autonomy of specific people are more important than the shared needs of groups, organizations, or society. A) Power distance B) Uncertainty avoidance C) Individualism D) Collectivism Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 44) ________ is the extent to which men and women receive equal treatment, and both masculine and feminine attributes are considered important and desirable. A) Power distance B) Gender egalitarianism C) The glass ceiling D) The glass cliff Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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45) The extent to which high individual achievement is valued is called ________. A) performance orientation B) humane orientation C) gender egalitarianism D) uncertainty avoidance Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 46) ________ means a strong concern for the welfare of other people and the willingness to sacrifice one's own self-interest to help others. A) Performance orientation B) Humane orientation C) Individualism D) Gender egalitarianism Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) In high power distance cultures, people ________. A) expect leaders to have reduced authority B) are less likely to comply with rules C) are more likely to question directives D) are less likely to challenge authority Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) ________ is a low power distance culture. A) New Zealand B) Russia C) China D) Mexico Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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49) ________ is a high power distance culture. A) The United States B) Western Europe C) Venezuela D) New Zealand Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 50) ________ is a country with high uncertainty avoidance. A) Canada B) Sweden C) Denmark D) France Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) ________ is a country with low uncertainty avoidance. A) The United Kingdom B) Spain C) Germany D) India Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) In countries with high gender egalitarianism, ________. A) there is more differentiation of sex roles B) few jobs are segregated by gender C) women have more equal opportunities D) there is more bias in how leaders are evaluated Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) In societies with strong performance orientation values, ________. A) who you are is more important than what you do B) individual achievements can be an important source of status and self-esteem C) family loyalty takes precedence over accomplishing a task effectively D) results are emphasized more than people Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) Participative leadership is considered more important in the ________ cluster than in the ________ cluster. A) Middle East; Anglo B) Germanic Europe; Eastern Europe C) Confucian Asia; Nordic Europe D) Southern Asia; Germanic Europe Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) Employee work preferences include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) desire for job security B) desire for growth opportunities C) desire for cross-cultural consistency D) desire for respect Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) Which is NOT one of the three aspects that are especially important for global leaders to understand because they differ across regions of the world? A) national culture B) employee work preferences C) factors that engage and motivate employees D) international exchange rates Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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57) Which aspect of a global organization arises from the organization itself? A) espoused values and norms B) national cultures C) political and economic systems D) history Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) Which of the following is a key personality trait or characteristic of global leaders? A) local mindset B) introversion C) cultural agility D) ethnocentrism Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) The strong tendency to favor men over women in filling high-level leadership positions has been referred to as the ________. A) glass cliff B) glass ceiling C) gender egalitarianism D) gender stereotype Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 60) The term ________ refers to the tendency of women to be more likely to be appointed to leadership positions that are risky and precarious. A) glass cliff B) glass ceiling C) gender egalitarianism D) gender stereotype Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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61) One major problem related to the limitation of research on gender differences is the lack of a clear definition of ________. A) culture B) gender C) leadership D) politics Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how gender issues have been studied and the limitations of this research. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) If stereotypes about gender result in inflated differences when in reality there is little or no difference, this is an example of the influence of ________. A) differential role expectations B) the differential influence of organizational factors C) contamination from extraneous variables D) faulty data analysis Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how gender issues have been studied and the limitations of this research. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) The utility of meta-analyses for interpreting research on gender differences is ________ when the results in the published literature are not representative. A) increased B) nonexistent C) limited D) irrelevant Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how gender issues have been studied and the limitations of this research. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 64) Most studies on gender and leadership are focused on determining ________. A) if there is a difference between men and women B) the cause of any differences between men and women C) whether men are more effective leaders than women D) why women hold fewer leadership positions than men Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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65) Which statement is NOT true? A) The essential skills and behaviors for effective leadership are identical across situations. B) Some types of leadership positions may provide a slight advantage either to men or to women. C) Any gender advantage in a particular position is likely to be a small one. D) Gender should not be an important qualification for the position. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Hard 66) Female candidates are likely to be rated as ________ qualified than male candidates for many types of leadership positions unless accurate information about each person's skill and experience is collected and used in the selection decision. A) a bit more B) less C) equally as D) twice as Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) ________ can take many forms, including differences in race, ethnic identity, age, gender, education, physical appearance, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation, and differences associated with a person's generation. A) Collectivism B) Power distance C) Diversity D) Individualism Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 68) Diversity and inclusion in an organization ________. A) have no potential costs B) offer only benefits C) generally decrease creativity D) increase the talent available to fill positions Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Hard

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69) Which is a guideline for encouraging tolerance and appreciation in an organization? A) Challenge people who make prejudiced comments. B) Explain the benefits of diversity for the team or organization. C) Speak out to protest against unfair treatment based on prejudice. D) Take disciplinary action to stop harassment of women or minorities. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Which is a guideline for discouraging intolerance and discrimination in an organization? A) Set an example in your own behavior of appreciation for diversity. B) Encourage respect for individual differences. C) Identify biased beliefs and role expectations for women or minorities. D) Promote understanding of different values, beliefs, and traditions. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) Cross-cultural leadership research is important because leaders must also be able to understand how people from different cultures view them and interpret their actions. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 72) A major issue is the extent to which leadership theories developed and tested in one culture can be generalized to different cultures. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 73) The extent to which people accept an unequal distribution of power and status in organizations and institutions is called uncertainty tolerance. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 74) In a collectivistic culture, membership in cohesive in-groups is an important aspect of a person's self-identity, and loyalty to the group is important. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 18 C..

75) Gender egalitarianism is the extent to which men and women receive equal treatment, and both masculine and feminine attributes are considered important and desirable. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 76) A possible explanation for the glass ceiling phenomenon is higher standards of performance for men. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Most studies find that women are more effective than men in leadership positions. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 78) In societies with strong performance orientation values, people are emphasized more than results. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Societies with a strong humane orientation encourage and reward individuals for being friendly, caring, generous, and kind to others. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Diversity training is a structural mechanism designed to uncover discrimination. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Cross-cultural leadership research examines the direct or moderating influence of culture on leadership practices, processes, and effects. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 19 C..

82) The diversity of people in leadership positions is decreasing. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 83) Cultural values can influence manager's attitudes and behavior in ways that may not be conscious. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Cross-cultural research showed that Japanese managers were more likely to give negative feedback. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 85) The acronym GLOBE means "Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness." Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Participative leadership is viewed as a more favorable leadership attribute in high power distance cultures. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 87) To succeed as a global leader, one should develop personal qualities and capabilities that lead one to observe behavior, unravel nuances, build trust, and adapt one's approach to be successful in a particular cultural context. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy

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88) In the complete absence of sex-based discrimination, the number of women in chief executive positions in business and government should be close to 50 percent. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Assessment of gender differences is usually the primary purpose for conducting a survey field study on leadership Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how gender issues have been studied and the limitations of this research. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 90) Diversity in the workforce is decreasing in the United States and Europe. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Why is cross-cultural research important? Answer: Student answers may vary. Increasing globalization of organizations makes it more important to learn about effective leadership in different cultures. Leaders are increasingly confronted with the need to influence people from other cultures, and successful influence requires a good understanding of these cultures. Leaders must also be able to understand how people from different cultures view them and interpret their actions. To understand these issues, it is essential to determine if a leadership theory is valid in cultures that differ from the one in which it was developed. Some aspects of a leadership theory may be relevant for all cultures, but other aspects may apply only to a particular type of culture. Cross-cultural research also requires researchers to consider a broader than usual range of variables and processes, which can provide new insights and improve leadership theories. Research to develop or validate taxonomies of leadership behavior in different cultures can reveal new aspects of behavior that are relevant for effective leadership. Examination of cross-cultural differences may cause researchers to pay more attention to possible effects of situational variables not usually included in most leadership theories (e.g., religion, language, history, laws, political systems, ethnic subcultures). Finally, cross-cultural research poses some unique methodological challenges that may result in improved procedures for data collection and analysis. Learning Objective: Understand why cross-cultural research on leadership is important. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) Describe cross-cultural research on behavior differences. Answer: Student answers may vary. Much of the cross-cultural research examines differences among countries with regard to typical patterns of leadership behavior. Scores on behavior questionnaires are analyzed to determine whether a type of behavior is used more in one culture or country than another. For example, Dorfman and colleagues found that American managers used more participative leadership than managers in Mexico or Korea. However, a quantitative comparison of scale means from behavior description questionnaires is complicated by methodological problems such as confounding and lack of equivalence. For example, lower scores may be obtained in one country because the behavior items have a different meaning there, or because respondents in that culture avoid giving very high scores on a questionnaire. A smaller number of cross-cultural studies attempts to identify qualitative differences in the way a specific type of behavior is enacted in each country. For example, one study found that positive reward behavior was important for leadership effectiveness in different cultures, but the types of behavior rewarded and the way rewards were used differed across cultures. Another study found differences in the way managers communicated directions and feedback to subordinates. American managers were more likely to use a face-to-face meeting to provide directions to subordinates and to give negative feedback (criticism), whereas Japanese managers were more likely to use written memos for directions and to channel negative feedback through peers. It is important for leaders to recognize problems that are caused by cultural differences among members and need to be resolved quickly. Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What is the GLOBE project? Answer: Student answers may vary. The GLOBE project is a cross-cultural study of leadership in 60 different countries representing all major regions of the world. The acronym GLOBE means "Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness." The project has involved more than 150 researchers in different countries working together in a coordinated, long-term effort. The researchers hoped to develop an empirically based theory that describes the relationships between national culture, organizational processes, and leadership. The GLOBE project also examined how leadership and cultural values are affected by other situational variables, including type of industry, economic development, type of government, dominant religions, and type of climate conditions for a country. Multiple methods of data collection were used, including survey questionnaires, interviews, media analysis, archival records, and unobtrusive measures. The strategy for sampling and analysis was designed to control for the influence of industry, management level, and organizational culture. The research included an indepth, qualitative description of each culture as well as analyses of quantitative variables. Learning Objective: Understand the difficulties of studying cross-cultural leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) What effect do conceptions of power distance have on leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. Power distance involves the acceptance of an unequal distribution of power and status in organizations and institutions. In high power distance cultures, people expect the leaders to have greater authority and are more likely to comply with rules and directives without questioning or challenging them. Subordinates are less willing to challenge bosses or express disagreement with them. More formal policies and rules are used, and managers consult less often with subordinates when making decisions. Participative leadership is viewed as a more favorable leadership attribute in low power distance cultures such as Western Europe, New Zealand, and the United States than in high power distance countries such as Russia, China, Taiwan, Mexico, and Venezuela. In low power distance countries, transformational (supportive and inspirational) leadership is more likely to be combined with a participative style of decision making, whereas in high power distance countries, it is likely to be combined with a directive, autocratic style of decision making. In developing countries with a high power distance culture, people often prefer a "paternalistic" style that combines autocratic decisions with supportive behavior. Sadri, Weber, and Gentry found that in low power distance cultures where interactions tend to be less formal and participative leadership is more common, leaders who displayed higher levels of empathic emotions received higher ratings of performance from their bosses than was the case in high power distance cultures. Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) How does culture affect gender egalitarianism? Answer: Student answers may vary. Gender egalitarianism is the extent to which men and women receive equal treatment, and both masculine and feminine attributes are considered important and desirable. In cultures with high gender egalitarianism, there is less differentiation of sex roles and most jobs are not segregated by gender. Women have more equal opportunities to be selected for important leadership positions, although access is still greater for public sector positions than in business corporations. In the absence of strongly differentiated gender-role expectations, men and women leaders are less limited in their behavior, and there is less bias in how their behavior is evaluated by subordinates and by bosses. Examples of countries with strong gender egalitarian values include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Countries with a low level of gender egalitarianism include Japan, Italy, Mexico, and Switzerland. Cultural values for gender egalitarianism have implications for the selection and evaluation of leaders and for the types of leadership behavior considered desirable and socially acceptable. In cultures with strong "masculine" values for toughness and assertiveness, "feminine" attributes such as compassion, empathy, and intuition are not viewed as important for effective leadership. Participative leadership, supportive leadership, and relations-oriented aspects of transformational leadership are viewed less favorably in cultures with low gender egalitarianism. Leaders are more likely to use direct, confrontational forms of interpersonal influence rather than indirect, subtle forms of influence. Leaders whose actions display humility, compassion, or conciliation are more likely to be viewed as weak and ineffective in a "masculine" culture. Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 23 C..

96) What are culture clusters? Identify the 10 clusters developed by researchers, and for 2 of these clusters, list the countries that comprise them. Answer: Student answers may vary. The cultural value dimensions are moderately intercorrelated, and examining differences for a single value dimension without controlling for the others makes it difficult to determine their independent effects on leadership beliefs and behavior. For example, in a country that has high power distance and low uncertainty tolerance, it is not clear how much each value influences the emphasis on centralized decisions for a company. For this reason, researchers have grouped countries into clusters based on regional proximity and similarity in language, ethnic background, and religion. The GLOBE researchers grouped 61 countries into 10 clusters, and a discriminant analysis confirmed that the classification of countries into clusters accurately reflected differences in the nine cultural values for each country. Eastern Europe: Albania, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Slovenia Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela Latin Europe: France, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland (French) Anglo: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (white), United Kingdom, USA Nordic Europe: Denmark, Finland, Sweden Germanic Europe: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland Middle East: Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Turkey Sub-Saharan Africa: Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa (black), Zambia, Zimbabwe Confucian Asia: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan Southern Asia: India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand Learning Objective: Understand how cultural values are related to leader behavior. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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97) Discuss guidelines for global leadership. Answer: Student answers may vary. The following guidelines for global leadership reflect essential global leadership qualities. Understand your global employees. There are many aspects of human talent that leaders must understand to be effective. Three aspects are especially important for global leaders to understand because they differ across regions of the world: national culture, employee work preferences (e.g., desire for job security, growth opportunities, respect), and factors that engage and motivate employees. Considering the variance across national cultures and the stability of values and underlying assumptions within cultures, the subtle but strong influence of culture on the behavior of individuals and groups at work is not surprising. Understand the layers of complexity in your organization. Global organizations, like an onion, have many layers of complexity. Some, such as the industries within which the firm chooses to compete and its espoused values and norms, arise from the organization itself. Others, including different national cultures, political and economic systems, languages, and history, arise from the regions within which the organization operates. To be effective, global leaders must understand that these different aspects of the situation shape the behavior of individuals and teams at work. Understand yourself. An understanding of the personal characteristics and practical experiences that predispose and prepare leaders to succeed in the global arena, as well as self-awareness regarding these qualities and experiences, can help global leaders to be more effective. Key among the requisite personality traits and characteristics are cultural agility and a global mindset, as they provide leaders with the perspective and flexibility required to understand and adapt their leadership within and across cultures. Learning Objective: Understand the essentials for effective global leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) What is the theory of feminine advantage? Answer: Student answers may vary. Feminine advantage claims that women are more likely than men to possess the values and skills necessary for effective leadership. The difference is a result of childhood experiences, parent-child interactions, and socialization practices that reflect cultural sex-role stereotypes and beliefs about gender differences and appropriate occupations for men and women. These experiences encourage "feminine" values such as kindness, compassion, nurturing, and sharing. Proponents of the "feminine advantage" theory contend that women are more concerned with consensus building, inclusiveness, and interpersonal relations, and they are more willing to develop and nurture subordinates and share power with them. Women are believed to have more empathy, rely more on intuition, and be more sensitive to feelings and the quality of relationships. Proponents of the feminine advantage also claim that the changing nature of leadership in organizations has increased the relevance of skills and values that are stronger in women than in men. As with earlier claims that men are more qualified to be leaders, the claims that women are more qualified appear to be based on weak assumptions and exaggerated gender stereotypes. The evaluation of assertions about gender superiority in leadership requires a careful consideration of the findings in the empirical research. Learning Objective: Understand the findings in research on gender differences in leadership. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) What are the effects of diversity and inclusion in the staffing of an organization? Answer: Student answers may vary. Diversity and inclusion offer potential benefits and costs for a group or organization. A greater variety of perspectives can increase creativity, and full utilization of a diverse workforce would increase the amount of available talent for filling important jobs. However, diversity can also result in more distrust and conflict, lower satisfaction, and higher turnover. An organization is less likely to have shared values and strong member commitment when it has many diverse members who identify primarily with their own subgroup. Thus, managing diversity is an important but a difficult responsibility of leaders in the twenty-first century. The desired outcome of efforts to manage and value diversity is employee inclusion, where all employees, including historically marginalized groups, feel they can openly express who they are and how they differ from others (including deep-level differences in personalities, values, and strengths). Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) Describe some of the things that can be done to facilitate equal opportunity and promote employee inclusion. Answer: Student answers may vary. Surveys of employee attitudes can be used to identify problems and assess progress. The organizational communications media can be used to describe what is being done to promote equal opportunity and report achievements. The assessments used for selection and promotion decisions will be more accurate if the raters who make them are trained or otherwise helped to reduce biases caused by racial, ethnic, or gender role stereotypes. The stereotypes can include both positive and negative features, and when they lurk below conscious awareness, their influence on the interpretation and evaluation of another person's behavior is more difficult to detect. A method for reducing this bias is a "structured free recall" intervention. Raters are asked to recall both positive and negative behaviors by a candidate before rating the person's qualifications for a position. Mentorship programs that provide adequate advice, encouragement, and assistance facilitate the advancement by women and minorities. Leadership development programs should provide equal opportunities for people who want to learn relevant skills and gain valuable experience. Affirmative action programs can be helpful if they are well designed and implemented. The programs are likely to be less controversial and more successful if the need for them is clearly understood by the members of an organization, and ways are found to encourage affirmative action without imposing reverse discrimination. The human resources management department usually has primary responsibility for many of the processes that affect diversity and equal opportunity, such as recruiting, selection, employee orientation, performance appraisal, training, and mentoring. However, a successful effort to improve diversity and equal opportunity requires strong support by top management and managers at all levels of the organization. Learning Objective: Understand how to manage diversity and provide equal opportunities. AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 14 Developing Leadership Skills 1) Training programs to enhance leadership skills are ________. A) seldom used for effective managers B) used mostly for department supervisors C) used mostly for top executives in large organizations D) widely used for managers in organizations Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which approach for leadership development is used MOST often by organizations? A) behavior feedback workshops B) formal training programs C) formal mentoring programs D) special assignments Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which was NOT found in most studies on leadership training in organizations? A) Training is usually focused on improving skills rather than on changing personality traits or values. B) Most organizations systematically assess their leadership training activities to ensure they are cost effective. C) Training is usually focused more on skills needed for the current job than on skills needed for a future job. D) Organizations prefer to send managers to workshops or external short courses rather than to degree programs. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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4) Which of the following was NOT recommended in the design of effective training? A) Provide clear and specific learning objectives. B) Sequence content from complex to simple ideas. C) Allow an opportunity to practice learned skills. D) Provide specific feedback about progress. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 5) Which of the following was NOT a suggested guideline for effective training? A) Use concrete examples, diagrams, and mnemonics in explanations. B) Relate training objectives to the person's interests and career ambitions. C) Begin with complex material that requires trainees to stay focused. D) Allow ample opportunity for active practice with relevant feedback. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Research on the way managers acquire leadership skills finds that ________. A) formal training is integrated effectively with developmental activities B) classroom training results in more learning than special assignments C) decisions about job assignments consider developmental objectives D) learning from experience is an important source of leadership skills Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 7) Research at CCL indicates that the LEAST amount of learning occurred for managers who had ________. A) assignments for which they were already well prepared B) challenges they had to face alone without much help C) opportunities to make mistakes and understand the reasons for them D) diverse experiences with different types of challenges Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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8) Which of the following statements about learning from feedback is LEAST likely to be true for top executives? A) The realization that they have made it to the top causes executives to become less defensive and more open to feedback. B) Top executives tend to become isolated from most people except other executives who cannot provide much useful feedback. C) Most executives receive much praise but little constructive criticism from their subordinates. D) Feelings of confidence and superiority cause many executives to ignore or discount negative feedback. Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 9) The research on consequences of mentoring indicates that ________. A) benefits occur only for the person receiving mentoring B) benefits occur only for the person providing mentoring C) both the mentor and the person receiving mentoring get benefits from it D) neither the mentor nor the person receiving mentoring get much benefit from it Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) Which developmental method provides the MOST varied and intensive feedback to managers about their traits, skills, and behavior? A) mentoring programs B) multisource feedback workshops C) business game simulations D) developmental assessment centers Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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11) In most behavior feedback workshops for management development, the primary source of information about a manager's behavior is ________. A) other managers in the workshop who fill out a checklist B) observers who record the person's behavior during a simulation C) observation of a videotape taken of the manager doing regular work D) questionnaires filled out by people with whom the manager works Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which of the following is NOT likely to be an advantage of executive coaching over formal training courses? A) expense B) confidentiality C) effectiveness D) flexibility Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13) Which two types of benefits were identified as likely outcomes of mentoring for the person who is being mentored? A) psycho-social benefits and transcendence B) career facilitation and self awareness C) career facilitation and psycho-social benefits D) self awareness and psycho-social benefits Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Which developmental method is MOST useful for helping managers to understand their inner feelings and values? A) mentoring programs B) developmental assignments C) personal growth programs D) multisource feedback workshops Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4 C..

15) Which of the following was NOT recommended for an integrated approach to management development in companies? A) Align development with succession planning. B) Use currently popular training programs. C) Use mutually consistent developmental activities. D) Strengthen cultural values for personal development. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand why leader development should be consistent with strategic planning. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following is NOT a recommended guideline for self-development of leadership skills? A) Seek relevant feedback from other people. B) Look for easy answers to developmental needs. C) Increase self monitoring of behavior. D) Develop a personal vision of career objectives. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 17) A recent survey of more than 2,500 human resource and business leaders in 94 countries reveals that accelerating, deepening, and broadening leadership development across organizational levels is viewed as a top priority, with ________ percent of respondents reporting this need as "important" or "urgent." A) 50 B) 75 C) 86 D) 99 Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) Which is an example of a formal training activity? A) workshop at a training center B) coaching by the manager's boss C) mentoring by someone higher in the organization D) special assignment that involves new skills Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 5 C..

19) ________ is/are usually embedded within operational job assignments. A) Formal training B) Developmental activities C) Self-development activities D) University coursework Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) Which statement about self-development activities is NOT true? A) They are carried out by individuals on their own initiative. B) They include reading books and viewing videos. C) They are usually conducted by training professionals. D) They extend beyond the workplace. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 21) Most leadership training programs ________. A) are designed to increase specific skills and behaviors relevant for managerial advancement B) are aimed at top executives C) are not geared toward lower- and middle-level managers D) emphasize skills needed in one's current position rather than those needed for promotion Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) The pattern of selecting mostly "fast-track" managers for a leadership training program is ________. A) being replaced by a series of opportunities available to any manager in the organization B) replacing the series of opportunities available to any manager in the organization C) being eliminated in favor of programs that occur only once or twice in a manager's career D) replacing programs that occur at appropriate points in all managers' careers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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23) Leadership training ________. A) does not include workshops that last only a few hours B) programs must last for at least a year C) must be undertaken at the individual's own expense D) may be offered at universities on a part-time basis Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) Leader training is more likely to be successful if designed and conducted in a way that is consistent with ________. A) the latest buzz in popular opinion B) findings in research on learning processes and training techniques C) training utilized by the most successful companies in other industries D) whatever methods an organization has traditionally used Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 25) Which is a desirable feature for a training program? A) general learning objectives B) single delivery method C) simple content only D) relevant, timely feedback Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Trainees should have ample opportunity to practice the skills they are learning ________ the training. A) before B) during but not after C) after but not during D) both during and after Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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27) ________ can be used to help managers interpret their experiences and learn new skills. A) Coaching and mentoring B) Special assignments C) Emulating competent bosses D) Modeling incompetent superiors Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) Managers can learn what NOT to do from ________. A) coaching and mentoring B) emulating behavior modeled by incompetent bosses C) observing superiors who engage in unethical behaviors D) special assignments Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 29) Research found that learning from experience is affected by all of the following EXCEPT the ________. A) educational background of the manager B) variety of tasks and assignments C) quality of feedback D) amount of challenge in assignments Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) A challenging situation involves ________. A) routine problems to solve B) simple obstacles to overcome C) risky decisions to make D) mundane tasks to perform Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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31) The research at CCL found that challenge was greatest in jobs that required a manager to ________. A) maintain the status quo B) be responsible for low-visibility problems C) handle external pressure D) receive ample guidance from superiors Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 32) The research at CCL found that managers who experienced adversity and failure earlier in their careers were ________ likely to develop and advance to a higher level than managers who experienced only a series of early successes. A) less B) equally C) more D) half as Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) Experiencing failure may NOT result in beneficial learning and change unless a person ________. A) refuses responsibility for it B) increases the stress level C) finds ways to overcome individual limitations D) denies a failure occurred Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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34) Rotating managers among positions in different functional subunits of the organization ________. A) can help provide them with a variety of job challenges B) reinforces their tendency to interpret and handle new problems in the same way C) denies them early experience with a wide range of problems D) allows them to reuse the same leadership behavior and skills Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 35) A variety of challenges can also be designed into ________. A) multisource feedback B) simulations C) self-development D) mentoring Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) People who ________ are less likely to accept responsibility for failure or to use feedback to improve their skills and future performance. A) do not believe that most events are predetermined by uncontrollable external forces B) do not have a high internal locus of control orientation C) have a high internal locus of control orientation D) believe that they can control their own destiny with their actions Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 37) Useful feedback about a manager's behavior ________. A) is seldom provided within operational assignments B) is usually provided within operational assignments C) always results in learning D) is disruptive to self-analysis in a management job Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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38) Obstacles to learning from experience ________ higher levels of management. A) are greatest at B) disappear at C) are lowest at D) don't begin until Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 39) Success in attaining a high position of power and prestige ________. A) tends to decrease executives' self-confidence about their style of management B) may progress to a feeling of superiority in top executives C) makes executives more likely to heed criticism from those who are less successful D) causes people to be more likely to criticize the executive Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) The primary purpose of ________ is to assess the strengths and developmental needs of individual managers. A) developmental assessment centers B) mentoring C) multi-source feedback programs D) special assignments Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 41) 360-degree feedback programs ________. A) differ from multi-rater feedback programs in several key ways B) are no longer in wide use today C) are used only in small organizations D) assume that managers lack knowledge about their skills Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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42) In a feedback program, managers receive information about their skills or behavior from standardized questionnaires filled out by other people, including all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) subordinates B) peers C) superiors D) family Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Feedback is likely to be more accurate when the rating questionnaire tracks behaviors that are ________. A) meaningful B) hard to observe C) confidential D) misunderstood Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 44) Ratings are more likely to be accurate if ________. A) the feedback is used for developmental purposes B) the feedback is part of the formal performance appraisal process C) respondents understand how the results will be used D) the purpose of the survey is kept confidential Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 45) A field experiment found that ________ was more effective for changing the behavior of bank managers than ________. A) giving them a feedback report to read; a feedback workshop with a facilitator B) a feedback workshop with a facilitator; giving them a feedback report to read C) giving them a feedback report to read; a one-on-one meeting with a manager D) a summary of the feedback; giving them a feedback report to read Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12 C..

46) Which of the following is NOT a way that has been identified to enhance the effects of feedback? A) offering skills training B) using only one feedback cycle C) providing individual coaching to managers following the feedback workshop D) holding a meeting with the raters to discuss their feedback Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) In ________, managerial traits and skills are measured with methods such as interviews, aptitude test, personality tests, situational tests, a short biographical essay, a speaking exercise, and a writing exercise. A) 360-degree feedback B) special assignments C) mentoring D) developmental assessment centers Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) The assessment center process typically takes ________. A) 1 to 2 weeks B) 2 to 3 days C) 3 to 4 hours D) 50-75 minutes Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 49) Assessment centers ________. A) were subsequently found to be useful for developing managers B) do not involve any data collection C) were initially used only for promotion decisions D) were never used to make selection choices Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13 C..

50) Compared to feedback workshops, developmental assessment centers use ________ procedures and a ________ set of measures to increase self-understanding, identify strengths and weaknesses, and assess developmental needs. A) more intensive; more comprehensive B) more intensive; less comprehensive C) less intensive; more comprehensive D) less intensive; less comprehensive Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) Managing a new project or start-up operation, and assuming responsibility for some administrative activities previously handled by the person's boss are examples of which of the following? A) multisource feedback workshops B) developmental assessment centers C) special assignments D) personal growth programs Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) Which developmental assignment would be MOST likely to require taking a temporary leave from one's job? A) serving as the department representative on a cross-functional team B) chairing a special task force to plan a major change or deal with a serious operational problem C) serving in a temporary liaison position in another organization D) developing and conducting a training program for the organizational unit Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) A study by Dragoni and colleagues (2014a) found that time spent in global work experiences was ________ related to competency in strategic thinking, ________ for leaders who were exposed to a country culture different from that of their home country. A) negatively; more so B) negatively; less so C) positively; more so D) positively; less so Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) A variety of studies suggest that women are ________ given challenging, high-visibility assignments. A) just as likely as men to be B) less likely than men to be C) more likely than as men to be D) never Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) Which of the following is a relationship in which a more experienced manager helps a less experienced protégé? A) executive coaching B) personal growth programs C) mentoring D) special assignments Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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56) Research on conditions likely to increase the effectiveness of mentoring suggests that informal mentoring is usually ________. A) more successful than a formal mentoring program B) less successful than a formal mentoring program C) just as successful than a formal mentoring program D) not at all successful Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 57) Protégés were more likely to initiate mentoring relationships and get more mentoring if they had ________. A) low emotional stability B) high self-monitoring C) external locus of control orientation D) short tenure in the organization Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) An executive coach is usually employed for a period of time ranging from a few ________ to a few ________. A) hours; days B) days; weeks C) weeks; months D) months; years Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) Use of an internal executive coach offers which advantage? A) wider experience B) greater objectivity C) easy availability D) more confidentiality Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16 C..

60) Executive coaching ________. A) is usually given to middle managers B) may be provided on a weekly or biweekly basis C) must be requested by the employee who wants coaching D) provides a permanent, "on-call" coach Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 61) Use of an external executive coach offers which advantage? A) wider experience B) easy availability C) more knowledge of the culture D) better understanding of core competencies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) The most sophisticated ________ are based on a systems model of the complex causal relationships among important variables for a particular type of company and industry. A) simulations B) multisource feedback workshops C) mentoring relationships D) special assignments Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 63) A large-scale simulation typically involves one ________. A) hypothetical organization B) real-world industry C) actual organization D) hypothetical and one actual organization Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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64) Interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills ________ in a simulation. A) are learned automatically by participants B) cannot be learned C) are attainable with extensive preparation D) are not the focus Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) ________ are designed to improve self-awareness and overcome inner barriers to psychological growth and development of leadership competencies. A) Multisource feedback workshops B) Special assignments C) Developmental assessment centers D) Personal growth programs Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) An important exercise near the end of most personal growth programs is to develop and present to the group a(n) ________. A) list of the essential people that his or her organization should retain B) personal vision for one's future C) appeal for why he or she should be one of three people saved from a sinking ship D) catalog of one's accomplishments Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 67) One key assumption of ________ is that many people have lost touch with their inner feelings and values. A) developmental assessment centers B) special assignments C) personal growth programs D) multisource feedback workshops Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18 C..

68) The set of individual attributes that accelerate leader development have been called ________. A) self-development B) return on development investment C) learning climate D) developmental readiness Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) The amount of management training and development that occurs in an organization depends in part on prevailing attitudes and values about development, sometimes referred to as ________. A) developmental readiness B) support by the boss C) learning climate D) return on development investment Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Leadership development is more likely to be successful when top executives have ________ that takes into account related responsibilities and strategic decisions such as selection and appraisal criteria, succession planning, management systems, and competitive strategy. A) a systems perspective B) a learning climate C) multisource feedback D) simulation training Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand why leader development should be consistent with strategic planning. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) The effectiveness of training programs, developmental experiences, and self-help activities depends primarily on the intelligence and motivation of the individual being developed. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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72) Serving as a department representative on a cross-functional team is an example of a developmental assignment. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Formal training programs provide most of the skill needed for effective leadership by managers. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) Coaching and mentoring can be used in conjunction with special assignments to help managers interpret their experiences and learn new skills. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) The research on learning from experience indicates it is affected by 3 factors: amount of challenge, difficulty of tasks or assignments, and immediacy of feedback. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) The primary purpose of executive coaching is to prevent leaders from making any mistakes. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 77) Large-scale business games and simulations emphasize interpersonal skills much more than cognitive skills or decision making. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 20 C..

78) Business games and simulations can be very useful for leadership development. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Experiencing success in handling difficult challenges greatly facilitates leadership development. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) A basic assumption of multisource feedback programs is that most managers lack accurate knowledge about their skills and behavior, and the feedback can be used to improve it. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Researchers showed that, depending on the guiding assumptions, type and length of the intervention, and type of participating managers, expected RODI ranges from slightly negative to more than 200 percent. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Leader developmental experiences may not extend beyond the workplace to other domains. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the importance of leadership training and development in organizations. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 83) More learning occurs during operational assignments when people get accurate feedback about their behavior and its consequences and use this feedback to analyze their experiences and learn from them. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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84) As executives become more powerful, people become more reluctant to risk offending them by providing criticism. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) If a participant in a multisource feedback program acknowledges a skill deficiency and wants to improve, how to improve will be evident. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Protégés should always wait for a mentor to select them, instead of being proactive in initiating mentoring relationships. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) An executive coach is a permanent mentor. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) A manager who does not understand the importance of coaching and mentoring is unlikely to provide much of it to subordinates. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how leaders can encourage and facilitate leadership development. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 89) Decisions about what types of training and development to provide are often influenced by current fads and vendor hype rather than by a systematic analysis of essential competencies that need to be enhanced. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand why leader development should be consistent with strategic planning. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 22 C..

90) Self-development may include diagnosing learning needs and identifying self-help techniques that are relevant and available. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Describe the features of effective training programs. Answer: Student answers may vary. The effectiveness of formal training programs depends greatly on how well they are designed. The design of training should take into account learning theory, the specific learning objectives, characteristics of the trainees, and practical considerations such as constraints and costs in relation to benefits. Leader training is more likely to be successful if designed and conducted in a way that is consistent with findings in research on learning processes and training techniques. The program design should take into account learning theory, the specific learning objectives, characteristics of the trainees, and practical considerations such as available time and costs in relation to benefits. Desirable features for training programs include: • Specific learning objectives • Conduct a needs analysis • Clear, meaningful content • Appropriate sequencing of content • Appropriate mix of training methods • Opportunity for active practice • Relevant, timely feedback • Build trainee self-confidence • Multiple delivery methods • Multiple training sessions across regular time intervals Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) How can the effectiveness of formal training programs be assessed? Answer: Student answers may vary. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of formal training programs include: (1) participants' attitudinal reactions (i.e., ratings of training utility and satisfaction with the training/instructors); (2) learning in the form of knowledge and skill acquisition; (3) transfer of learning whereby trainees utilize acquired skills and abilities to improve performance; and (4) results in the form of positive organizational outcomes such as lower costs, increased profits, and reduced absenteeism and turnover. How much leadership training can affect these outcomes depends on the personality and ability of trainees, the training design and execution, and supporting conditions in the organization. The relative importance of the different determinants depends in part on the type of training and the outcome measure. A recent meta-analysis by Lacerenza and colleagues (2017) provided evidence of training effectiveness on the four criteria of reactions, learning, transfer, and results. Training effectiveness was enhanced by inclusion of a needs analysis, multiple delivery methods, face-toface delivery, feedback, spaced training sessions, and on-site location of training. Learning Objective: Understand the individual and organizational factors that facilitate leadership training and development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) What effect does failure have on managers who are learning from experience? Answer: Student answers may vary. Experiencing success in handling difficult challenges is essential for leadership development. In the process, managers learn new skills and gain selfconfidence. However, learning from experience can involve failure as well as success. The research at CCL also found that managers who experienced adversity and failure earlier in their careers were more likely to develop and advance to a higher level than managers who experienced only a series of early successes. Types of hardship experiences found to be significant for development included failure in business decisions, mistakes in dealing with important people, career setbacks, and personal trauma (e.g., divorce, serious injury, or illness). However, experiencing failure may not result in beneficial learning and change unless a person accepts some responsibility for it, acknowledges personal limitations, and finds ways to overcome them. Moreover, when the amount of stress and challenge is excessive, support and coaching may be needed. Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) What do researchers and coaches think about multisource feedback programs? Answer: Student answers may vary. Among researchers and coaches, there is little disagreement that under the right conditions and applying evidence-based 'best practices' that 360-degree feedback can increase self-awareness and increase individual and team effectiveness. A metaanalysis by Smither, London, and Reilly of 26 studies lends support for this conclusion, as 360degree feedback was positively related to perceived gains in performance and changes in behavior. Such improvements were most likely when recipients expressed a perceived need to change their behavior, had a positive feedback orientation, reacted positively to the feedback, believed that change was feasible, set appropriate goals for regulating their behavior, and took actions that enhance relevant skills. Recent studies have also linked the use of multisource feedback programs to improvements in human capital, financial performance, and the sustainability of a just and fair work environment. However, research also shows that when 360degree feedback assessments and interventions are poorly designed or used for political purposes, they foster disengagement and contribute to poor individual and team performance. A meta-analysis for all types of feedback research found only a weak positive overall effect on performance; in one-third of the studies, performance declined for varied reasons involving how the feedback was delivered, the recipient's personality, and the type of feedback provided. In summary, the research shows that feedback can be effective when best practices are followed, but counterproductive when they are not. Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 95) In addition to behavioral feedback about a manager, developmental assessment centers also collect information about the manager's prior experience, motives, personality traits, skills, interests, and aspirations. Why? Answer: Student answers may vary. Information about behavior and skills is integrated with information about motives, background, experience, and career aspirations to provide a more complete picture of the person's strengths, weaknesses, and potential. The rationale is that behavioral feedback alone is insufficient to change ineffective behaviors that are supported by strong motives, values, and self-concepts. Helping the person to confront weaknesses and develop a better self-understanding increases the likelihood of behavior change. Participants also receive counseling about developmental needs and career choices. To avoid the inherent dangers in this enhanced feedback, careful selection of participants is emphasized, to screen out people who would not benefit from it (or who may not be able to handle the stress). Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) How does gender affect the availability of special assignments and mentoring opportunities? Answer: Student answers may vary. The effectiveness of developmental assignments is reduced when bias and discrimination are widespread in the organization. A variety of studies suggest that women are less likely than men to be given challenging, high-visibility assignments. Despite the existence of laws prohibiting it, discrimination based on gender, race, or age still occurs in making assignments and promotions. Mentoring is also affected by some demographic factors such as age, gender, and race. Women and minorities have more difficulty finding successful mentoring relationships. Common difficulties for women include stereotypes about appropriate behavior, concern about intimacy with men, awkwardness about discussing some subjects, lack of appropriate role models, resentment by peers, and exclusion from male networks. Some of these difficulties remain even when women mentor women. Despite the difficulties, empirical studies found no evidence that gender affects the success of mentoring. Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 97) What do participants learn from large-scale simulations? Answer: Student answers may vary. What participants learn from a large-scale simulation depends in part on who participates. If participants are a "family group" of managers from the same organization, their behavior in the simulation will reflect the prevailing culture and relationships in that organization. The feedback to participants in family groups can be used to help them understand and improve their decision-making and conflict resolution processes. For example, most of the managers from one company that participated in the Looking Glass simulation made hasty decisions and looked for information to justify them, rather than carefully gathering information to determine the nature of the problem and available opportunities. During the debrief, participants became aware of their ineffective behavior and realized that it was consistent with the culture of their company. The research on business games and simulations is still limited, but there is increasing evidence they can be very useful for leadership development. Learning Objective: Understand the benefits and limitations of different methods for leadership development. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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98) Define the term "learning climate." What can organizations do to create and support a healthy learning climate? Answer: Student answers may vary. The amount of management training and development that occurs in an organization depends in part on prevailing attitudes and values about development, sometimes referred to as the "learning climate." Many things can be done to create and maintain a supportive climate for continuous learning and development. Some examples include the following: (1) make job assignments that allow people to pursue their interests and learn new skills; (2) establish work schedules that allow enough free time to experiment with new methods; (3) provide financial support for continuing education by employees; (4) arrange special speakers and skills workshops for employees; (5) establish a sabbatical program to allow employees to renew themselves; (6) establish a career counseling program to help employees develop selfawareness and find ways to achieve their full potential; (7) establish voluntary skill assessment and feedback programs; (8) make pay increases partly dependent on skill development; (9) provide awards for innovations and improvements; and (10) use symbols and slogans that embody values such as experimentation, flexibility, adaptation, self-development, continuous learning, and innovation. Learning Objective: Understand why leader development should be consistent with strategic planning. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 99) How is leadership development dealt with in most organizations? Answer: Student answers may vary. Most literature on leadership development has been focused on improving the skills and behavior of individuals, emphasizing leader development rather than leadership development. However, as the conceptualization of leadership evolves, so must ideas about leadership development. If leadership is a shared process that involves the cooperative efforts of many people, then leadership development must also consider how to prepare people to participate in this collective process. Development of individuals is still important, but there is also a need to develop effective leadership processes in teams and in organizations. Progress in understanding what must be done and how to do it will depend in part on progress in theory and research on leadership processes at the group and organizational level. It will also require more intensive, longitudinal research on ways to enhance these leadership processes. To be optimally effective, leadership development must be consistent with an organization's competitive strategy as well as with other human resource activities. Unfortunately, the developmental activities in most organizations are not based on strategic business objectives, and there is seldom any effort to determine if the activities are relevant to these objectives. The disconnect between developmental activities and strategic objectives probably reflects a lack of understanding about the interdependencies between them. We are only beginning to learn how developmental activities affect the acquisition of leadership competencies, and how the competencies are related to organizational effectiveness. In a time of rapid change, it is not easy to predict the extent to which specific competencies will continue to be relevant in the future. Thus, even when top executives realize leadership development should be guided by strategic objectives, it is difficult to design developmental systems that will meet the needs of an organization in a turbulent environment. Learning Objective: Understand why leader development should be consistent with strategic planning. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27 C..

100) What guidelines for self-development are there? Answer: Student answers may vary. Self-help activities provide another approach to enhance leadership skills. Self-development may include diagnosing learning needs and identifying selfhelp techniques that are relevant and available. Many self-help techniques are available for improving leadership, including practitioner books, instructional programs on DVDs or from online sources, and interactive computer programs. While some of these techniques are intended to be a substitute for formal training programs, some are used to supplement training, and others are intended to facilitate learning from experience. A study in 2010 examined personality traits associated with propensity for self-development of leadership skills, but more research is needed on the effectiveness of self-learning techniques, the conditions under which they are most effective, and the extent to which they can substitute for formal instruction. Some recommendations for self-development of leadership skills are: • Develop a personal vision of career objectives. • Seek appropriate mentors. • Seek challenging developmental assignments. • Use social networks to learn about developmental opportunities. • Improve self-monitoring. • Seek relevant feedback. • Learn from mistakes. • Learn to view events from multiple perspectives. • Be skeptical of easy answers. Learning Objective: Understand some ways for leaders to develop their own skills. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Leadership in Organizations, 9e (Yukl) Chapter 15 Overview and Integration 1) Which conclusion about progress in leadership research is MOST accurate? A) Most leadership studies have yielded useful knowledge. B) Progress has been much faster than was initially expected. C) Much has been learned about determinants of effective leadership. D) Very little is known about the determinants of effective leadership. Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 2) Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a weakness in most leadership theory and research? A) use of multiple methods to verify findings B) overemphasis on dyadic processes C) insufficient attention to explanatory processes D) insufficient attention to the leadership context Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 3) Which is LEAST likely to be a reason for the confused state of the leadership literature? A) a proliferation of confusing terms and diverse definitions B) the use of complex theories to explain leader influence C) the reliance on weak methods for much of the research D) the narrow focus of most empirical studies on leadership Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 4) What is the BEST conclusion about the current state of leadership theory? A) Most of the theories are strongly supported by empirical research. B) Most of the theories provide a good explanation of leadership processes. C) Most of the theories are very comprehensive. D) Most of the theories have not been adequately tested. Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 1 C..

5) Which conclusion about trends in leadership research over the last decade is NOT correct? A) More varied research methods have been used to study leadership. B) There is more research to test contingency theories of leadership. C) More of the studies include variables from the different approaches. D) There is more research on cross-cultural differences in leadership. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 6) Which of the following is NOT characteristic of most leadership research? A) an emphasis on explanatory processes and mediating variables B) an assumption of strong effects by heroic individual leaders C) a focus on dyadic processes rather than collective processes D) an assumption of unidirectional causality from leader to followers Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7) What research method is used MOST often to study leadership effectiveness? A) survey field studies B) laboratory experiments C) field experiments D) intensive case studies Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 8) Which type of research is LEAST likely to be useful for increasing our understanding of leadership at this point in the development of the field? A) comparative case studies B) same-source survey studies C) field experiments D) longitudinal field studies Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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9) Which of the following is NOT a common feature of leadership research? A) studies that involve field experiments B) surveys conducted in real organizations C) studies conducted to test leadership theories D) studies with subordinate ratings of leader behavior Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 10) What is the BEST conclusion about the results from the research on trait, behavior, and power-influence processes? A) Each approach is so unique that the findings cannot be compared. B) The findings are seldom statistically significant for any approach. C) The findings from different approaches show substantial convergence. D) The findings from different approaches are mostly inconsistent. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 11) Convergence of findings from different research approaches in leadership ________. A) has been a prime concern of most leadership theorists B) has been extensively validated by empirical research C) is entirely a matter of speculation by academic scholars D) is facilitated by an integrating conceptual framework Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 12) Which is NOT true for the integrating conceptual model presented in this chapter? A) The model includes the influence leader traits, power, and behavior. B) The model allows for reciprocal influence processes between variables. C) The model is supported by many studies that examine all the linkages. D) The model applies to dyadic, group, and organizational levels of analysis. Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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13) The implications of empowerment for effective leadership are MOST important for which level of leadership theory? A) individual level B) dyadic level C) group level D) organizational level Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 14) Employee talent is relevant for understanding effective leadership at the ________. A) dyadic level only B) group level only C) organizational level only D) dyadic, group, and organizational levels Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15) Effective leaders are MOST likely to ________. A) make important task decisions by themselves B) help build consensus about objectives and strategies C) make decisions that will benefit powerful stakeholders D) emphasize individual rights over collective responsibility Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 16) Which of the following was NOT described as an essential theme for effective leadership? A) strengthen the collective identity of followers B) rely on followers to interpret events C) promote social justice and morality D) encourage and facilitate collective learning Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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17) The field of leadership has been in a state of ________ for decades. A) ferment B) stasis C) balance D) inertia Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 18) ________ empirical studies were conducted to understand effective leadership, but the results from most of this research are weak, inconsistent, and difficult to interpret. A) A couple dozen B) A few hundred C) Several thousand D) Almost one-hundred thousand Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 19) Aspects of the leadership situation ________ a leader's activities and behavior. A) minimally influence B) strongly influence C) do not at all influence D) are incapable of influencing Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 20) The people who interact with a leader communicate ________ about appropriate behavior, and ________ are created by competing demands from different people (insiders versus outsiders, subordinates versus bosses). A) role expectations; role conflicts B) qualitative methods; quantitative methods C) role conflicts; role expectations D) quantitative methods; qualitative methods Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 5 C..

21) Role expectations and activity patterns are affected by all of the following EXCEPT the ________. A) nature of the position B) type of organization C) culture of the organization D) international culture Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 22) Which is an example of an external constraint affecting the decisions and actions of leaders? A) standard procedures B) budgetary requirements C) labor laws D) organizational culture Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 23) Effective leaders take advantage of ________ as an opportunity for discretionary action. A) role conflict B) role expectations C) role modeling D) role ambiguity Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 24) Which statement is true? A) Dyadic behaviors cannot improve the performance of a leader's group. B) Dyadic behaviors cannot improve the performance of a leader's work unit. C) Dyadic behaviors are sufficient in and of themselves. D) Dyadic behaviors can improve the performance of a leader's group or work unit, but other behaviors are also necessary. Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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25) Relevant leader behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) recruiting talented members with relevant skills B) cross-training members on multiple tasks C) improving skills that are developed D) conducting team training Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 26) Talented employees are especially important for ________. A) routine tasks B) highly complex tasks C) tasks requiring routine skills D) tasks requiring skills that are easy to learn Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 27) The descriptive research found that effective leaders develop a ________ objectives and strategies. A) written agenda of short-term B) mental agenda of short- and long-term C) written agenda of short- and long-term D) mental agenda of long-term Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 28) Effective leaders ________. A) never try to solve more than one problem at a time B) relate problems to each other and informal objectives to solve more than one problem at a time C) never solve fewer than three problems at a time D) untangle related problems and consult informal objectives to solve them one at a time, in order of priority Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 7 C..

29) ________-oriented behaviors are used to improve or maintain internal efficiency and coordination in a team or organization. A) Change B) External C) Task D) Relations Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 30) ________-oriented behaviors are used to build commitment to work objectives, mutual trust and cooperation, and identification with the team or organization. A) Change B) External C) Task D) Relations Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 31) ________ behaviors are used to ensure that internal activities are coordinated with related activities in other parts of the organization, and to get necessary information, resources, assistance, and support from bosses and people outside the leader's work unit. A) Change B) External C) Task D) Relations Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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32) ________-oriented behaviors are used to modify objectives, strategies, and work processes and facilitate adaptation to the external environment. A) Change B) External C) Task D) Relations Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 33) ________ influence are important for the leader to provide satisfactory benefits, obtain adequate resources, facilitate the work of the team, buffer subordinates from unreasonable demands, and represent their interests effectively. A) Upward and lateral B) Downward and lateral C) Downward and diagonal D) Upward and external Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 34) ________ power is derived from aspects of the situation such as the amount of formal authority, control over distribution of rewards and punishments, control over information, and access to important people. A) Expert B) Social C) Position D) Referent Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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35) ________ power is developed by being supportive, caring, fair, and accepting. A) Expert B) Social C) Position D) Referent Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 36) ________ power is acquired by successfully handling internal problems and external threats. A) Expert B) Social C) Position D) Referent Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 37) Management systems, reward systems, improvement programs, structural forms, and facilities are examples of ________. A) indirect ways of influencing people B) political tactics C) proactive influence tactics D) unethical influences Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 38) Empowerment of individuals or groups is more successful when there is ________. A) confusion about objectives and priorities B) a low degree of decisiveness C) lack of responsibility D) a high degree of mutual trust Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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39) All of the following are common process problems EXCEPT ________. A) hasty decisions B) polarization C) groupthink D) extensive participation Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 40) ________ skills are necessary to analyze problems, develop creative solutions, identify patterns and trends, differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information, understand complex relationships, and develop effective mental models. A) Tactical B) Conceptual C) Technical D) Interpersonal Answer: B Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 41) ________ skills are needed to influence people, develop cooperative relationships, establish and maintain social networks, understand individuals, facilitate teamwork, and resolve conflicts constructively. A) Tactical B) Conceptual C) Technical D) Interpersonal Answer: D Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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42) ________ skills are needed to understand activities, operational processes, products and services, technology, and legal/contractual requirements. A) Tactical B) Conceptual C) Technical D) Interpersonal Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 43) Leaders with a personalized power orientation are MOST likely to try to ________. A) build commitment to idealized goals B) use consultation and delegation C) gain personal loyalty from subordinates D) empower subordinates by sharing information Answer: C Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 44) A socialized power orientation in leaders ________. A) encourages them to involve subordinates in determining how to achieve task objectives B) is essential for maintaining mutual trust and credibility C) causes them to seek to accumulate more power D) is needed to conduct effective problem-solving meetings Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 45) Social and emotional intelligence help a leader ________. A) determine who needs to be influenced to support change and how to do it B) recognize threats and opportunities in the external environment and formulate an appropriate strategy based on the organization's core competencies. C) articulate an appealing vision and persuade people that change is necessary D) direct unit activities and analyze operational problems Answer: A Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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46) Most leadership theories and related research have a ________ focus, with ________ integration of findings from the different approaches. A) narrow; limited B) narrow; abundant C) broad; limited D) broad; abundant Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 47) The number of studies that straddle more than one approach is ________; the different lines of research are gradually ________. A) decreasing; converging B) decreasing; diverging C) increasing; converging D) increasing; diverging Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 48) Explanatory constructs at one level of conceptualization can serve as ________ for the effects of leadership at a different level, and higher-level constructs may serve as ________ for the effects of leadership on lower-level processes or outcomes. A) mediating variables; moderators B) moderators; mediating variables C) explanatory constructs; multilevel explanatory processes D) multilevel explanatory processes; explanatory constructs Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 49) A mediating process at one level ________ at other levels. A) can have no effect B) may have beneficial or adverse consequences C) may have only beneficial consequences D) may have only adverse consequences Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 13 C..

50) How leaders can influence a subordinate's task commitment is the primary focus of most ________ theories of leadership, and in many cases these theories are merely extensions of motivation theories. A) dyadic B) group C) organizational D) industry Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 51) Which organizational explanatory construct is MOST similar to the dyadic construct subordinate self-efficacy and self-confidence? A) mission commitment by all members and subunits B) shared optimism and hope among organization members C) integration among subunits, trust of top management D) collective identification with the organization Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 52) Which group explanatory construct is MOST similar to the organization construct human capital and employee talent? A) level and diversity of team member skills B) collective identification with the team or unit C) team or unit autonomy and empowerment D) trust and cooperation among members Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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53) How leaders can influence the task commitment of a team is a key feature of ________-level theories of leadership. A) dyadic B) group C) organization D) industry Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 54) By articulating an inspiring vision and taking symbolic actions that are consistent with the vision, top executives ________. A) can only effectively influence employees during personal interactions B) are only able to influence low-level subordinates C) can influence members at all levels in the organization D) run the risk of alienating mid-level employees Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 55) Personal identification by a subordinate with the leader provides potential ________ power over the subordinate. A) referent B) position C) expert D) upward Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 56) Strong identification with a team or subunit ________. A) provides the leader with potential referent power over subordinates B) can result in greater cohesiveness C) often causes a spike in the turnover rate D) has no potential risks Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 15 C..

57) As role specialization and role interdependence increase, it becomes ________ for leaders to match member skills with job requirements and to coordinate their activities. A) unnecessary B) easier C) more difficult D) impossible Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 58) ________ is an important determinant of efficiency for an organization, and it involves not only the design of individual jobs but also the design of subunits and managerial positions with responsibility for planning and coordinating subunit activities. A) Social identification B) Specialization C) Corporate culture D) Collective learning Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 59) At the dyadic level, leaders can influence the self-efficacy of an individual subordinate by ________. A) making inspiring speeches B) acting confident and optimistic C) taking highly visible actions to deal with problems D) providing clear explanations when assigning tasks Answer: D Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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60) Strong optimism usually ________. A) increases commitment to achieve task objectives B) has negative consequences C) triggers risky decision making D) results in the failure to recognize serious threats that require immediate action by the team or organization in order to avoid a disaster Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 61) Which statement is NOT true? A) Learning is essential for improving adaptation to external change. B) Learning is a source of incremental improvements in efficiency and human capital. C) Learning occurs at individual and group levels, but not at organizational levels. D) An important form of leadership influence involves improvements in collective learning about effective processes and strategies. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 62) Until recently, most leadership studies have been guided by theories of ________ influence processes involving the effects of ________. A) dyadic; individual leaders on individual followers B) group; individual leaders on individual followers C) dyadic; teams of leaders on groups of subordinates D) group; teams of leaders on groups of subordinates Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 63) The methods used in most leadership studies are based on ________. A) undisputed facts B) valid assumptions C) questionable assumptions D) proven evidence Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 17 C..

64) Which is an example of a quantitative method? A) questionnaires B) open-ended survey questions C) diaries D) critical incidents Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 65) A longitudinal case study uses interviews and also includes quantitative questionnaires administered periodically to some of the participants. Which statement is true? A) In this example, only quantitative methods are used. B) In this example, only qualitative methods are used. C) In this example, both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. D) In this example, neither quantitative nor qualitative methods are used. Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Application of knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate 66) Which statement is true? A) Experiments are much easier to conduct than survey studies. B) Survey studies can be completed more quickly than experiments. C) Survey studies allow strong inferences about causality. D) The use of laboratory and field experiments is decreasing. Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 67) Historically, experiments have constituted ________ of the thousands of studies conducted on leadership. A) less than five percent B) about 25 percent C) more than 50 percent D) almost all Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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68) In comparative studies, the use of ________ makes it difficult to identify the effects of unmeasured variables that are confounded with the independent or dependent variables. A) convenience samples B) ideal samples C) samples that are hard to obtain D) samples that are appropriate for the research objectives and design Answer: A Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 69) Processes such as developing dyadic relationships, building effective teams, and leading change often require ________ of study. A) hours or days B) days or weeks C) months or years D) years or decades Answer: C Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 70) Progress in understanding leadership has been ________ than expected from the ________ amount of effort expended on leadership research. A) faster; wealth of publications and the immense B) slower; wealth of publications and the immense C) faster; dearth of publications and the minor D) slower; dearth of publications and the minor Answer: B Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 71) More research has been conducted on leader activities and behavior than on any other aspect of leadership. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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72) Most research and theory on effective leadership has emphasized the importance of a single, heroic leader. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 73) Confidence and optimism about the possibility of achieving difficult task objectives are motivational concepts that help to explain the performance of an individual, team, or organization. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 74) Dyadic theories of effective leadership usually include some aspect of mutual trust and cooperation as a key determinant of reciprocal influence. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 75) Personal identification by a subordinate with the leader provides potential influence that should be avoided for ethical reasons. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 76) The many diverse situational demands and constraints allow leaders few choices about what aspects of the job to emphasize, how to allocate their time, and with whom to interact. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy

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77) There is little convergence in the findings about effective leadership provided by research on traits, behavior, power and influence, and situational variables. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 78) How much power and influence a leader needs depends on the objectives and the situation. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 79) Many of the early leadership theories were conceptualized at multiple levels. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 80) Dyadic theories of effective leadership provide a clear and comprehensive description of executives' influence on an organization. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 81) Despite a host of issues, in recent decades substantial progress has been made in learning about effective leadership. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 82) Much of the research on effective leadership examines how the leadership situation influences a leader's choice of behavior and the effects of this behavior, and some of the research has examined leader behavior, leader traits and skills, and leader power and influence processes. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 21 C..

83) Top executives in an organization have primary responsibility for decisions to implement or modify human resource programs and systems, but leaders at all levels of the organization will be involved in implementing them. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 84) Influence derived from position power is especially important when it is necessary to control rebels who try to disrupt the activities of the organization or criminals who want to steal its resources. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 85) Effective leaders never use indirect ways of influencing people. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 86) Most of the early studies on leader traits and values included measures of leadership behavior. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 87) Empowerment is more complex for dyads than for teams. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 88) The choice of methods and design of studies for much of the leadership research have accelerated the rate of progress in learning about effective leadership. Answer: FALSE Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 22 C..

89) The appropriate type of analysis for quantitative data from survey studies depends on the underlying theory of leadership processes and the level of measurement for the variables. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 90) The selective review of leadership theory and research in this book shows that we are making substantial progress in learning about leadership. Answer: TRUE Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Reflective thinking Difficulty Level: Easy 91) Which aspect of leadership has been the focus of the most research? Answer: Student answers may vary. More research has been conducted on leader activities and behavior than on any other aspect of leadership. The descriptive research found that effective leaders develop a mental agenda of short- and long-term objectives and strategies. The agenda is used to guide their actions, manage their time, and help them become more proactive. Effective leaders identify problems that are both important and solvable, and they take responsibility for dealing with these problems in a systematic and timely way. By relating problems to each other and to informal objectives, they find opportunities to solve more than one problem at the same time. Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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92) What implications for leadership effectiveness in groups and organizations does the distribution and sharing of power over decisions have? Answer: Student answers may vary. The distribution and sharing of power over decisions have important implications for leadership effectiveness in groups and organizations, especially in cultures that value democracy. Extensive participation can result in better decisions when relevant information and ideas are distributed among people who are willing to cooperate in finding a good solution, and ample time is available to use a participative process. Participants are more likely to understand and accept the decision if the decision process allows sufficient opportunity to present ideas and influence the outcome. The quality of group decisions depends to a considerable extent on whether essential leadership functions are carried out and the group is able to avoid common process problems such as hasty decisions, polarization, and groupthink. Empowerment of individuals or groups is more successful when there is agreement about objectives and priorities, a willingness to assume responsibility for making decisions, and a high degree of mutual trust. Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 93) Which traits and skills are most relevant for relations-oriented leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. Some traits and skills appear to be especially relevant for effective relations-oriented leadership. Altruistic and humanitarian values encourage supportive leadership and concern for individual subordinates. Emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, and communication skills facilitate development of cooperative relationships and make influence attempts more effective. Personal integrity is essential for maintaining mutual trust and credibility. A socialized power orientation encourages a leader to involve subordinates in determining how to achieve task objectives. An appreciation for individual and cultural differences can help a leader facilitate cooperation and teamwork by diverse followers. Learning Objective: Summarize major findings about leadership traits, skills, behavior, and influence processes. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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94) What benefits can collective identification by members with a team or small group provide? Are there any potential risks? Answer: Student answers may vary. Collective identification by members with a team or small group has potential benefits such as greater cohesiveness and cooperation and lower turnover. Leaders can increase collective identification by helping to create a unique identity and a favorable reputation for the team. Leaders can interpret events in terms of social identities related to past experiences and shared values of followers. Symbols, rituals, and ceremonies can be used to enhance the visibility of the group and to encourage members to express their loyalty and dedication. Stories, myths, and celebration of current and past achievements can also enhance collective identification. Despite the potential benefits, strong identification with a team or subunit also has potential risks. For example, members may be unwilling to express concerns or dissent that would improve the group's decisions. Disagreements with other subunits or with top management are more likely to escalate into serious conflicts. In extreme cases, the unit may seek to withdraw from the organization or to use political tactics to undermine opponents in the organization. Learning Objective: Understand key points of convergence in findings from the different perspectives. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 95) How can top executives facilitate cooperation? Answer: Student answers may vary. Top executives can facilitate coordination and cooperation by providing structural forms such as cross-functional teams, matrix structures, and integrator positions (e.g., product managers). Management programs can be used to encourage cooperation, such as team building activities for executives, cross-functional task forces, job rotation for executives from different subunits, and rewards based on contributions to overall firm performance. Cooperation can be increased by an inspiring vision emphasizing shared values for members of the organization, regardless of their subunit function and local objectives. Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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96) Describe some ways that leaders can influence collective learning on teams. Answer: Student answers may vary. Theories of team leadership identify several ways leaders can influence collective learning and creative problem solving. The leadership behaviors relevant for influencing creativity by an individual are still relevant, but additional leadership behaviors are needed to explain the synergy and interactive aspects of collective learning and creative problem solving by a group. Leaders can influence the group to use systematic procedures for analyzing problems, encourage the use of helpful procedures for generating creative solutions (e.g., brainstorming), encourage discussion of a broad range of options, and prevent the team from rushing to a decision without carefully considering the potential costs and benefits (e.g., by developing best- and worst-case scenarios). Leaders can encourage group members to build on each other's ideas rather than being too critical. Relevant behaviors to facilitate collective learning include encouraging the team to experiment with competing solutions to assess their consequences and using after-activity reviews to improve group performance of repetitive tasks. Some of the leadership behaviors that facilitate creativity, collective learning, and systematic problem solving can be shared among the members of a team. Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate 97) What are the advantages and risks of empowerment for organizations? Answer: Student answers may vary. Empowerment has both advantages and risks for organizations. Extensive decentralization to interdependent subunits means that many leaders are making interrelated decisions that must be mutually consistent to avoid detrimental effects. Empowerment of subunits that are interdependent but have different priorities increases the need for cooperation and coordination among subunit leaders. Decentralization can be risky if subunits have objectives that are not consistent with the organization's objectives, and they are allowed to pursue risky strategies that will eventually endanger the organization. Decentralization also means forgoing some potential advantages offered by standardization of work processes and management practices. Thus, it is essential to find an appropriate mix of centralized and decentralized decisions and to ensure that relevant leadership processes occur. Learning Objective: Understand similar explanatory processes in dyadic, group, and organizational theories. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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98) Qualitative methods offer some advantages for studying leadership, but these methods also have limitations. Discuss some of these limitations. Answer: Student answers may vary. Standards for the application and evaluation of qualitative methods are not as explicit as those for traditional quantitative methods, and interpretations based on qualitative methods are sometimes very subjective. Descriptions of past events may be biased by selective memory for aspects of behavior consistent with the respondent's stereotypes and implicit theories about effective leadership. Direct observation is also susceptible to selective attention and biased interpretation of events. Attribution errors may occur if an observer or interviewer has information about unit performance. When observers immerse themselves in an organization for long periods of time in an effort to understand the context and meaning of what they are seeing, they may become involved in the very processes under observation, thereby risking objectivity. The limitations and advantages of quantitative and qualitative methods make it desirable to use a complementary combination of both methods whenever possible. Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard 99) What are some of the unique advantages of field experiments? Answer: Student answers may vary. Field experiments are more difficult to conduct than laboratory experiments but offer some unique advantages. Most field experiments involve realistic working conditions and people who have experience working together. Field experiments can be used to assess the effects of different patterns of leadership behavior, and they provide an excellent way to assess the utility of interventions used to improve leadership (e.g., training, feedback, executive coaching). Common limitations of field experiments on leadership are weak manipulations, non-random assignment of participants to experimental treatments, weak assessment of outcome variables, failure to measure mediating processes, and use of an unrepresentative sample that limits external validity. A field experiment on leadership is likely to be more useful if it is based on a relevant and well-specified model, it includes a strong and appropriate manipulation of independent variables, it includes multiple measures of relevant variables, and it is conducted over an appropriate time period. In experiments conducted to evaluate developmental interventions (e.g., feedback or coaching), it is easier to gain approval for a control group if the researcher provides an opportunity for members of the control group to participate in the intervention at a later time. Learning Objective: Understand how the methods used to study leadership affect what is learned about it. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Moderate

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100) What is the current state of the study of leadership? Answer: Student answers may vary. People have been interested in leadership since the beginning of recorded history, and the study of leadership as a scientific discipline started early in the last century. The massive literature produced by this effort is beset with confusion and ambiguity, but the selective review of theory and research in this book shows that we are making substantial progress in learning about leadership. Nevertheless, much more remains to be learned. Effective leadership at all levels of society and in all of our organizations is essential for coping with the growing social, economic, and environmental problems confronting the world. Learning to cope with these problems is not a luxury but a necessity. Progress in understanding leadership has been slower than expected from the large volume of publications and the immense amount of effort expended on leadership research. Fortunately, in recent years there has been an increase in the richness of research questions and the variety of approaches used to study them, and the field appears to be undergoing an accelerating pace of discovery. With such a vital subject, it is imperative that we continue to upgrade the quality of leadership research and theory. Faster progress will require the efforts of dedicated researchers who value discovery of useful knowledge and are willing to invest the time and effort needed to conduct good research. Learning Objective: Understand what progress has been made in the research on effective leadership. AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty Level: Hard

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