Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture) • Due Apr 14 at 11:59pm • Points 37 • Questions 36 • Available after Apr 10 at 11:10am • Time Limit 75 Minutes
Instructions • Mini Exam on Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population, Agriculture) only. • This exam is open book & note. • You only have one attempt on this exam. • You cannot go back after you have answered a question. • You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the exam once started. • Please select the best answer to the questions.
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* Some questions not yet graded © Correct answers are hidden. ► for this quiz: 36 out of 37 * * Some questions not yet graded . Question 1 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is most responsible for the rapid increase in the human population growth rate after approximately 1800? Lack of birth control use Reduction in crime rates Improvements in housing construction Improved health, medicine, and sanitation
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Question 2 1 / 1 pts The human population is approximately. 600 million 21 billion 3 billion 8.5 million 7.7 billion
Question 3 1 / 1 pts Replacement level fertility is defined as. the total number of second children born to couples in which their first child died. the total number of children born worldwide each year. the average number of children a woman will bear in her lifetime the total number of children a couple must have to replace themselves in the population.
Question 4 1 / 1 pts The population size of a country withis not expected to grow quickly in the near future, a female to male ratio of 1.2 to 1 a lack of industrialization and modern technology a pyramid-shaped age-structure diagram high level of female literacy and education along with job opportunities for women
Question 5 1 / 1 pts An age-structure diagram with a small base and larger top, like seen in Japan, represents a shrinking population with a low reproduction rate and large elderly population. reflects a stable population. a high reproduction rate & rapid population growth. reflects a population with exponential growth.
Question 6 1 / 1 pts
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
All of the following factors help to reduce the total fertility rate (TFR) except education & employment for women improved medical care that reduces infant mortality. social security to help support the elderly. living in the countryside or on a farm. birth control & family planning.
Question 7 1 / 1 pts
How does industrialization and modernization help to reduce fertility rates? Select all that apply.
More industrialized and modern nations are more likely to pass laws that limit the number of children a couple may have. Women are more likely to be going to school or working, so they start having children at a later age. It increases the costs of raising & educating children who are going to school instead of working. Technology increases efficiency, which reduces the need for children in the workforce.
Question 8 1 / 1 pts Declining death rates due to increased food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is characteristic of thestage of the demographic transition. post-industrial transitional pre-industrial stabilization
Question 9 1 / 1 pts Which of the following statements are true about human societies as they move through the demographic transition towards industrialization & a post-industrial stage? Select all that apply. Fertility rates decline until populations stabilize or negative growth is achieved
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
They use more resources, which results in greater pollution. Populations continue to grow exponentially until nations enact strict laws regulating birth rates. The reduced population has a smaller ecological footprint which results in less pollution.
PartialQuestion 10 0.33 11 pts From the population video you viewed, "How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth," we learned that China, India, and Rwanda have all tried to reduce their population growth rates through different methods. Match the method of each country that was discussed in the video. One-child Policy
Education program for all children, but especially for girls.
Government program that provides free or low-cost contraceptives and family planning.
Question 11 1 / 1 pts To reduce the human ecological footprint on Earth, we must not only reduce the rate of human population growth, but also reduce consumption of resources and production of waste, particularly in wealthy nations. quickly find a way to colonize the moon or other planets. immediately stop using electricity and all forms of transportation, which would reduce pollution dramatically, return to hunting and gathering like our ancestors.
Question 12 1 / 1 pts The first human agriculture of plants & animal domestication occurred over 10,000 years ago in The tropical rainforests of central Africa The Fertile Crescent area of the Middle East Eastern China
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Central America The Andes Mountains of South America
Question 13 1 / 1 pts In tropical areas, many farmers engage in Swidden agriculture, also known as slash and burn, where they burn down areas of the tropical rainforest, dig the ash from the plants into the soil, and then grow crops temporarily. They then move to new areas of forest to repeat this process after nutrients from the ash are depleted. Why has this form of agriculture developed in tropical zones? The soils are made up of sand and the nutrients sink into deep layers of the soil horizons. There are many animals living in the soil that eat all of the soil nutrients, leaving little for plants. Soils are low in nutrients in tropical areas because the topsoil is washed away by abundant, regular rainfall. The hot, tropical weather and sunshine bakes the soil and destroys all of the nutrients.
Question 14 1 / 1 pts Soil is made up of all of the following EXCEPT, Disintegrated rock and minerals. Decaying material like dead leaves and animal waste. Plastic particles. Microorganisms like bacteria and fungus. Earthworms and many types of insects.
Question 15 1 / 1 pts In developed countries, like the U.S.A., the biggest nutritional health problem is undernutrition denutrituion overnutrition malnutrition
Question 16 1 / 1 pts Industrial agriculture and Green Revolution techniques introduced by Norman Borlaug
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Select all that apply. □ may not be sustainable due to overuse of chemicals and damage to soils increased the ability to obtain more food from the same area focus on organic farming focus on preserving biodiversity of wild species around farms
Question 17 1 / 1 pts Monoculture, the practice of planting large areas with a single type of crop,. accounts for less than 1% of US croplands requires no chemical fertilizers or pesticides is a development of industrial agriculture is typical of Native American farming techniques
Question 18 1 / 1 pts Which of the following can lead to severe erosion as seen in American Dust Bowl of thel930’s?
Select all that apply. over-tilling and plowing soil and leaving it fallow to be eroded by wind & rain overgrazing of soil by livestock farming on slopes that allows topsoil to be eroded by rain and irrigation growing cover crops like alfalfa between harvest seasons
Question 19 1 / 1 pts The consequences of over-fertilization can include. Select all that apply. air pollution, including climated change, when nitrogen fertilizer volatilizes in the air compaction and degredation of soils overtime increases in wildlife in surrounding areas pollution of freshwater supplies leading to health problems like Blue Baby Syndrome an increase in tornadoes in farm areas
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Question 20 1 / 1 pts Synthetic, chemical fertilizers provide nutrients to the soil but they do not provide organic matter or maintain the proper soil chemistry, which is crucial for the survival of
decomposers like soil bacteria & detritivores like worms. crops like corn and wheat. pathogens and diseases. crop pests like caterpillars.
Question 21 1 / 1 pts One way to reduce water use & avoid over-irrigation of crops is to Only grow crops in parts of the world with abundant rainfall.
Use drip irrigation that supplies the water directly to the plants roots instead of using sprinklers that spray in the air. Stop farming and go back to hunting & gathering. Grow only plants that don’t require any water.
Question 22 1 / 1 pts Pesticides are chemicals or poisons that kill or destroy pest organisms like weeds, insects, and fungus that harm valuable crops. True False
Question 23 1 / 1 pts Why is it likely that pests will become resistant to pesticides over time when they are used in agriculture?
Pests learn to fly away or burrow deep underground to avoid pesticides when they are sprayed only to emerge unharmed later. Pesticides lose potency over time with exposure to sunlight and water.
A small fraction of large pest populations may have genes that confer some degree of immunity to a given pesticide, so they will survive and pass their resistant genes on to their offspring.
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Pesticides also kill snails and slugs that act as predators on most types of insects.
Question 24 1 / 1 pts Pollinators like honeybees are vital to agriculture because they. Select all that apply. prey on insect pests like aphids help to fertilize soil with their wastes pollinate one out of every three bites of food that we eat. aid in fertilization of flowering plants, which increases reproduction rates and therefore, crop yields.
Question 25 1 / 1 pts What is one way that people could help honeybees? Spray more pesticides in their gardens to kill off insect pests. Increase the amount of paved materials, like concrete, in their yards. Grow more flowering plants in their gardens & even balconies that honeybees could use as a food source. Kill all butterflies & wasps because they compete with bees for nectar plants.
Question 26 1 / 1 pts Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (feedlots) contribute to which of the following environmental problems? antibiotic resistance in microbes (bacteria) from over-use of antibiotics given to animals in dirty, crowded conditions, eutrophication leading to dead zones in water bodies from manure running off into waterways climate change from release of greenhouse gases like methane from manure & the animals themselves. All of the choices are correct.
Question 27 1 / 1 pts Which livestock animal raised for meat or animal product produced for human consumption requires the greatest amount of land (space), feed, and water? Chicken Beef (cows) Pork
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
Question 28 1 / 1 pts The antibiotics that are given to livestock & salmon to prevent infections have no impact on the effectiveness of antibiotics used in human medicine. True False
PartialQuestion 29 0.67 11 pts Which statement(s) about growth hormones such as Bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) is/are true? Select all that apply. They are given to dairy cows to increase milk production. They are linked to colon and prostate cancer as well as reproductive problems. They are banned in many nations including those in the European Union & Japan. They were first used in the United States in 2015.
Question 30 1 / 1 pts Aquaculture. Select all that apply.
can pollute the ocean through the release of large amounts of animal waste from the farms is not carried out sustainably produces an abundant & reliable source of protein
can reduce pressure on over-harvested wild fish & invertebrates like shrimp, but can destroy coastal habitats like estuaries is the slowest-growing part of the food production industry
Question 31 1 / 1 pts Insects can be a healthy and sustainable food for the growing human population because no other animals eat insects, so we could have the whole world supply for humans only.
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
insects are already ground into most processed food products, so it would be an easy way to obtain more calories with few people noticing. we can reduce the use of pesticides by eating crop insect pests.
they are abundant; high in protein and good fats; need little space, food, or water; give off few greenhouse gas emissions.
Question 32 1 / 1 pts What is true about genetic engineering or modification (GM)? Select all that apply. Corn and wheat are the only GM crops grown in the U.S. Europe leads the world in land area dedicated to GM crops.
Genetically modified (GM) organisms are created through genetic manipulation of DNA, which mixes genes to create new traits in the target species. They are unanimously favored by farmers and scientists, and the public. GM mimics genetic mutation while traditional plant breeding is more like natural selection.
Question 33 1 / 1 pts Which of the following statements about gene editing are true? Select all that apply.
Gene editing is just a theoretical idea that has not been tested in a laboratory setting yet. Gene editing can potentially produce crops that are drought tolerant, resistant to disease, or more nutritious. A small section of DNA can be changed using a technology called CRISPR. Gene editing can only be used to make plants tolerate pesticides like Roundup.
Scientists can make precise changes to a plant or animal's own DNA that could happen through traditional breeding but would have taken much longer.
Question 34 1 / 1 pts Organic farming.
Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
has no national standards in the United States is presently limited to only a handful of fruit and vegetable crops began in the year 2010 has dramatically increased in the United States, Canada and Europe in recent years
Question 35 1 / 1 pts Locally grown produce purchased from farmer’s markets or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs does not help to guarantee farmer’s income. decreases fossil fuel use to transport the produce. is always more expensive than produce purchased in supermarkets. is treated with chemicals to maintain freshness & color during transport.
Question 36 Not yet graded 12 pts In a few sentences answer the following question: Who is Ron Finley and what is his mission? 3 sentences minimum. You can watch the short video about Ron that we viewed in class in our Ch. 7 Agricultute powerpoint lecture, or I have included it here if you want to view it again before answering the question.
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Mini Exam - Chapters 6 & 7 (Human Population & Agriculture): X ESEC100-41181 ESEC100H-42951 (F2F)
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Quiz Score: 34 out of 37 * Some questions not yet graded