Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology 3rd edition Conerly

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Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology 3rd edition Conerly


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OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e Test Bank and Reading Quizzes The assessments to accompany OpenStax Sociology 3e were developed to provide instructors and students with a basis for reviewing and assessing sociological concepts, terms, theories, contributors, applications, and situations. In response to requests for additional and varied assessments, OpenStax is expanding on the assessment resources we provide. We are doing this with significant help from Dr. Nicolas Simon and the students at Eastern Connecticut State University, whom we thank for their efforts and support of the text and the open community. Please note that OpenStax's efforts to provide more robust support are ongoing, and through generous donations from funders and the community, we will be expanding on these offerings, as described below. This package contains two types of question sets: 1. Test Bank: Mirroring the 2nd edition test bank and containing many of the same questions, the test bank has been updated to reflect terminology and some new questions in each chapter. 2. Reading Quiz Banks: Developed by Dr. Simon and his team, these offerings are generally vocabularybased with some light applications/situational offerings. Note that many of the topics covered repeat across a few different styles of questions in each chapter, and they are designed to have instructors choose which offerings best meet their approach and preference. The reading quiz sets generally contain the following; • About 20-30 questions that are purely definitional, usually phrased in two manners for each term • About 20-30 questions that involve more detailed situations and people; these are also key-term based, but they have potentially a more inviting or meaningful set up. • About 10-20 questions on "sociology facts and figures," including correlating the sociologist to the concept, discussing specific publications, dates, quantitative information, and so on.

Note that the Test Bank is All Rights Reserved and may not be posted on any publicly available web sites without infringing upon its copyright. We pursue this level of license in order to support instructors who prefer to maintain the academic integrity of the material. Additional Resources

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Challenge/Higher-Level Questions: OpenStax is working with a number of faculty to augment these sets with more robust and higher-level multiple choice and short-answer questions. We intend for these to be released during Fall 2021. OpenStax Tutor: Sociology 3e is supported by OpenStax Tutor, an adaptive learning system containing thousands of multiple-choice (with feedback), open-ended (with rubrics), and multimedia-inclusive questions. Tutor integrates the textbook readings and offers instructors and students the ability to check their understanding, monitor progress, and enhance the learning experience through detailed reports and recommendations. Tutor also allows instructors to add their own questions and integrate with their LMS, and Learn more at tutor.openstax.org

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 1 1. What approach is often used to understand what’s defined as deviant within a society? a. Criticism b. Symbolic interactionism c. Constructivism* d. Antipositivism 2. Sociology is defined as the: a. Qualitative analysis of human phenomenon. b. Systematic study of society and social interaction.* c. Quantitative analysis of social transgressions. d. Theoretical examination of life’s origins. 3. Which of the following men coined the term positivism, and is widely considered the father of sociology? a. Auguste Comte* b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. Émile Durkheim 4. Please define C. Wright Mill’s sociological imagination. a. The theory that man evolved slowly over time. b. The process of analyzing human behavior based solely on statistics. c. A series of interviews asking subjects about their sleep habits and dreams. d. How individuals understand their own and others’ pasts in relation to history and social structure.* 5. A hypothesis can be defined as: a. A way to explain different aspects of social interactions b. A testable proposition* c. An attempt to explain large-scale relationships d. Philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories, generalizations, and the experiments performed in support of them 6. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of individuals and the society that shapes that behavior (or, the concept that the individual and society are inseparable) is referred to as: a. Dynamic equilibrium 2


b. Latent functions c. Dramaturgical analysis d. Figuration* 7. A paradigm can be defined as: a. Philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories, generalizations, and the experiments performed in support of them.* b. The social ties that bind a group of people together such as kinship, shared location, and religion c. The consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated d. Social patterns that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society 8. Jeremy wrote an essay criticizing the college admissions process, arguing that heavy competition and limited educational resources make admission difficult for the average student. Which perspective would Jeremy’s argument fall under? a. Structural Functionalism b. Conflict Theory* c. Symbolic Interactionism d. Behaviorism 9. Alona is examining the impact of the 2011 Penn State scandal on student morale and school spirit by distributing number-scaled surveys in her Introduction to Sociology class. Alona is employing a _____ research method. a. Qualitative b. Pathos c. Logos d. Quantitative* 10. ____ believed that societies grew and changed as a result of the struggles of different social classes over the means of production and greatly favored ____. a. Durkheim; Communism b. Max Weber; Positivism c. Karl Marx; Communism* d. Comte; Antipositivism

11. Which theorist claimed that people rise to their proper level in society based solely on their belief in a meritocracy? a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber 2

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c. Herbert Spencer d. Émile Durkheim* 12. Eleanor is researching the effect social media has on worldwide political awareness and revolution. Felix is examining the effect World of Warcraft has on the romantic relationships of middle-aged men in his metro area. Eleanor’s analysis is _____, while Felix’s analysis is _____. a. Micro-level; macro-level b. Macro-level; micro-level* c. They are both macro-level. d. They are both micro-level. 13. _____ view society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals who make up that society. a. Symbolic Interactionists b. Conflict Theorists c. Structural Functionalists* d. Social Individualists 14. Qualitative sociology can be defined as: a. In-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the source of its data.* b. Virtual interactivity, online polls, and online gaming. c. Door to door sales pitches, cold calls, and press conferences. d. Statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of participants. 15. Political science teacher Mr. Jones asks his students to study how social media can influence public opinion by “following” famous activists, academics, and politicians on Twitter. While reading and exchanging each other’s Tweets, some classmates became close friends. The first is an example of the project’s ____ function, the second is an example of the project’s _____ function. a. latent; manifest b. manifest; manifest c. manifest; latent* d. latent; latent 16. Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and Karl Marx were all advocates of: a. Conflict theory* b. Structural functionalism c. Capitalism 3

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d. Symbolic interactionism 17. After weeks of protest in Zuccotti Park, NYC’s “Occupy Wall Street” divided into two camps: one composed of higher income protestors, and one composed of lower-income protesters. A ______ would be most interested in the relationship and nature of day-today exchanges between the two groups. a. Conflict theorist b. Structural functionalist c. Symbolic interactionist* d. Feminist conflict theorist 18. Weber’s proposal of antipositivism influenced sociological researchers to ______ while examining different social worlds. a. Reject antiquated notions of privacy and consent b. Methodically predict situational outcomes c. Manipulate test subjects into answering difficult questions d. Gain a subjective understanding of human cultural norms* 19. According to Durkheim, which of the following is NOT a social fact? a. A religious belief b. A law c. A custom d. All of the above are social facts* 20. Verstehen is defined by the text as: a. To maintain a moral conscience. b. To compare and contrast social facts. c. To understand in a deep way.* d. To require proof of interpretation.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 2 1. Alexis wants to research the 1960’s feminist movement. She reads articles from the time period, watches documentaries, reads scholarly journals on the topic, and interviews influential women from the movement. What kind of research method is Alexis using? a. Ethnography b. Surveys c. Experiments d. Secondary data analysis* 2. Reliability is defined by the text as: a. How well the study measures what it was designed to measure. b. How long a study is expected to remain relevant and influential. c. How close the study’s results come to the experimenter’s hypothesis. d. A measure of a study’s consistency that considers how likely results are to be replicated if a study is reproduced.* 3. John wants to study whether a larger number of laptops available to students at his school lead to higher grades. Choose the independent and dependent variable. a. Independent variable: Grades; Dependent variable: Number of laptops b. Independent variable: John; Dependent variable: Grades c. Independent variable: Grades; Dependent variable: John d. Independent variable: Number of laptops; Dependent variable: Grades* 4. Quincia is studying how of the lack of comprehensive sex education is affecting a small, rural town in North Dakota. She spends two months in the town, observing and interviewing the townspeople. Quincia is conducting a(n) _____. a. Ethnography* b. Case study c. Experiment d. Secondary data analysis 5. A class of third graders is told that the assistant principal will be visiting their class to confirm their teacher’s reports of bad behavior. When the principal visits, the students behave perfectly. This is an example of ________. a. The Authority Effect b. The Regressive Effect c. The Hawthorne Effect* d. The Cognizant Effect

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6. Which of the following is NOT an example of a sociological hypothesis? a. The more study halls students are given during the school day, the worse they perform on their tests. b. The more CDs Jamilla buys, the less money she has in her bank account* c. The longer an inmate spends in prison, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to the outside world. d. The more positive reinforcement a parent gives a child, the better they do in school. 7. Kendra is researching the effects of vitamin C on test-taking ability. Before the exam, Kendra gives group A orange juice, and group B water. Vitamin C is the ______. a. Experimental group b. Control group c. Dependent variable d. Independent variable * 8. The term interpretive framework can be defined as: a. A basis for which sociologists determine whether their independent and dependent variables reflect the results. b. A sociological research approach that seeks in-depth understanding of a topic or subject through observation or interaction; this approach is not based on hypothesis testing.* c. An established scholarly research method that involves asking a question, researching existing sources, forming a hypothesis, designing and conducting a study, and drawing conclusions. d. Specific explanations of abstract concepts that a researcher plans to study 9. Tyson is researching whether actors on prime-time television and hit movies negatively impact teenagers’ body images. He is going undercover at a local high school to observe and participate with the students to better understand the world they live in. Tyson is conducting which research method? a. Field research* b. Surveys c. Experiments d. Secondary data analysis 10. Which of the following is an example of nonreactive research? a. Gathering data from government studies* b. Educating classrooms on the necessities of safe sex c. Interviewing heroin addicts and providing them with clean needles d. Volunteering at a local food bank and interacting with homeless persons

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11. Miguel is doing a research paper on New York City’s Stonewall riots of 1969. He visits the scene of the riots, interviews people who were there, reads the police reports of the event, and watches video footage. Miguel is conducting a(n) ______. a. Overview b. Case study* c. Experiment d. Data analysis 12. Which of the following is not a purpose of the American Sociological Association’s code of ethics? a. To guarantee the safety of their participants b. To maintain value neutrality c. To ensure the financial gain of the researchers* d. To foster professionally responsible scholarship in sociology 13. The term value neutrality is defined by the text as: a. A practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during the course of a study and in publishing results.* b. The study of evolving ethics and morals in relation to sociological research. c. A systematic approach to record and value information gleaned from secondary data as it relates to the study at hand. d. A study’s participants being randomly selected to serve as a representation of a larger population. 14. Kyle is collecting newspaper clippings from his grandfather about the American public’s perception of World War II. This is an example of ______. a. Tertiary data b. Interactive data c. Primary data d. Secondary data* 15. Which of the following is an example of an unethical sociological research practice? a. Conducting a literature review prior to conducting an experiment b. Drawing conclusions from a study which the hypothesis did not predict c. Observing study participants without their consent* d. Using a control group and an experimental group during observation 16. Thomas wants to better understand the trends in literacy rates in Baltimore city over the past 50 years using Baltimore city data. What type of research should Thomas conduct? a. A survey b. Field research c. An experiment d. Secondary data analysis*

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17. What is the importance of interpretive framework? a. It leads to in-depth knowledge of a participant’s social world.* b. It eliminates the need for a literature review. c. It relies on statistics to determine causal relationships. d. It prevents researchers from making unethical decisions. 18. Which of the following is not a step in the scientific method? a. Research existing sources b. Report results c. Receive corroboration from the field* d. Formulate a hypothesis 19. Kevin conducted a study on whether the length of the line at a local Starbucks affected how well the customers enjoyed their coffee after receiving it. Malcolm conducted the study at his local Starbucks, and found the same results. Kevin’s study had a high level of _____. a. Literacy b. Validity c. Interpretation d. Reliability* 20. In order to better understand the sorority pledging process at her university for her sociology thesis, Carmen pledges with a popular sorority. This is an example of _____. a. Literature review b. Participant observation* c. Secondary data analysis d. Dependent variables

21. What was the major ethical lapse of the Tuskegee Experiment? a. Conducting a study only on Black people b. Not treating the men who were infected c. Not informing the subjects of the study that they had syphilis * d. Not adhering to a code of ethics

22. What was the major ethical lapse regarding researchers' treatment of Henrietta Lacks? a. Not treating her cervical cancer b. Reusing her cells without her consent * c. Reusing her cells in vaccines and related medicines d. Not acknowledging that the cells came from her

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 3

1. Society and culture _____. a. Could not exist without each other* b. Are unrelated c. Are the same thing d. Could not exist together 2. Elise travels across Thailand with her friends and, to her surprise, finds the country quite unlike the United States. “I hate the food,” she tells her family at home. “I hate the language, I hate the weird customs and awful music. America is clearly the best place to be.” This is an example of _______. a. Paradigms b. Xenocentrism c. Moral relativism d. Ethnocentrism* 3. Xenocentrism is: a. The opposite of cultural relativism b. The opposite of cultural universalism c. The same as cultural imperitivism d. The opposite of ethnocentrism* 4. A cultural universal is: a. An object or a belonging of a group. b. A pattern or trait common to all societies.* c. The ideas, attitudes and beliefs of a particular society. d. A written document outlining appropriate behavior.

5. Many Americans pay for haircuts, trips to the dentist, or transportation on the metro and bus systems. These actions support the notion of capitalism, an example of _____. a. Non-material culture* b. Material culture c. A cultural universal d. The counterculture


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6. Which of the following is an example of a cultural universal? a. Some type of religious practice b. Holding hands with your best friend c. A funeral or related practice related to those who have died* d. Marrying the partner whom your parents have chosen for you 7. Kurt and Mitch visit an Amish village on a class trip. “Let’s see if we can round up some old radios and appliances and drop them off for them later this week. I think they’ll appreciate it. They just don’t understand what they’re missing.” Mitch rolls his eyes. Kurt’s perspective is an example of _______. a. Behavioral normativity b. Cultural imperialism* c. Material culture d. Ideal culture 8. Which of the following is an example of cultural relativism? a. Ingrid becoming upset over the course language used in the Australian Outback. b. Andy marrying a woman who does not practice his religion, though his parents disprove. c. Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying.* d. Joseph protesting the Running of the Bulls while visiting Pamplona. 9. Angelica visits Thailand with her family. When she wears short-shorts and tank tops while visiting a series of temples during her first week, she is met with hostility from the locals. As a result of the event, she has a difficult time speaking to members of her family, and questions her previous approach to style and fashion. Angelica is most likely experiencing _____. a. Globalization b. Culture shock* c. Material culture d. Xenocentricism

10. The term values can be defined as: a. The tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. b. A culture’s standard for discerning what’s good and just in society.* c. Scripture found within the Bible. d. Federal laws and regulations.


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11. Janet is invited to a theme party on campus, at which everyone is supposed to dress as their favorite video game character. She wears her normal attire -- jeans and a lightweight jacket -- and as a result not many people associate with her during the party. The host implies that Janet should leave, but doesn't demand it. Janet is experiencing: a. Formal sanction b. Xenocentricism c. Social control* d. Ethnocentricity 12. Which of the following is NOT an example of a formal norm within the United States? a. Driving on the right hand side of the road b. Crossing streets on cross-walks c. Paying taxes d. Making eye contact while speaking* 13. What is one difference between a more and a folkway? a. Mores encourage social rebellion; folkways do not. b. Mores are legally acceptable to violate; folkways are not. c. Mores are constructed based on norms; folkways are not. d. Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not.* 14. The term language can be defined as: a. Gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words that help people understand the world. b. A symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.* c. The exchange of gestures and signals for the purpose of reaching a consensus. d. Communication grounded in ideals, norms, and values. 15. Imagine two nearby nations, one of which has a long ocean coastline and the other that does not. The nation that borders the ocean is known for detailed poems and stories about marine wildlife and fishing. The nation that does not border the ocean is known more for stories about warfare. If researchers attribute this difference to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, what would they most likely indicate is the difference between the two countries' arts? a. The country near the ocean has more direct experience with it, which is why their culture reflects it. b. The country closer to the ocean had more encounters with traders and explorers from other regions, who shared their culture and arts. c. The country closer to the ocean speaks a language with a greater vocabulary related to the ocean. 3

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d. The country closer to the ocean has incorporated the ocean and maritime life into their ethnic identity.

16. TV series like The Real Housewives and The Masked Singer are examples of _____, while the obscure works of playwright Sam Shepard are an example of ______. a. High culture; popular culture b. Popular culture; high culture* c. High culture; low culture d. Jersey culture; low culture

17. What is the best example of a counter culture? a. Vegan people b. People who homeschool their children c. People who live "off the grid" -- no electricity or communication* d. People who continually prepare for natural disasters 18. For most of the 1990s and early 2000s, music fans usually had to purchase entire music albums even if they only wanted one or two songs. The iTunes store enabled individual song purchases to give the users more choice. What did this represent? a. An innovation* b. A discovery c. A culture shock d. A diffusion 19. TJ notices that their new neighbor is building a machine in the backyard. When TJ inquires what it is, their neighbor explains that its a pumpkin catapult for a competition, and shows TJ dozens of pictures of various national events and tournaments involving hundreds of people. TJ's neighbor is involved in a: a. Counterculture b. Out-group c. Subculture* d. Culture


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20. Which of the following is an example of an informal sanction? a. A teacher taking a cell phone from a middle school student because they would not stop playing with it in class. * b. Someone being incarcerated because they damaged property. c. A power company turning off electricity because of lack of payment. d. A teacher publishing a late-submission policy.

21. After teenage activists Greta and Bruno Rodriquez led school walk outs in their respective home countries of Sweden and Argentina, students around the world began staging similar types of protests. This is an example of: a. Globalization b. Innovation c. Diffusion * d. Socialization


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 4 1. _____ describes how any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern. a. Institutionalization b. Habitualization* c. Industrialization d. Rationalization

2. ____ societies relied on permanent tools for survival, and expanded due to innovations such as crop rotation and fertilizer. a. Industrial b. Feudal c. Agricultural* d. Hunter-gatherer 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of self-fulfilling prophecy? a. Charlotte is an intelligent teenager, but told by her step-sisters and cousins that she’s destined to a life of poverty and failure. Charlotte begins to do poorly in school, and eventually drops out. b. Though encouraged by his parents to audition for Julliard, Jose believes he isn’t good enough to attend. After his audition, he expresses this reluctance to the admissions committee. They don’t admit him due to his lack of certainty. c. Morgan overhears a professor predicting the economic recession will prevent entry-level graduates from finding gainful employment. Morgan goes on interviews but doesn’t bother preparing, convinced it’s a waste of time. Morgan appears unprofessional and is not hired. d. Kevin sprained his ankle a month before a marathon. Though his trainer advises him not to participate, Kevin runs the marathon and places third.*

4. The Agricultural Revolution is often referred to as “dawn of civilization” because: a. Cities and towns were established, and humans had more time for leisure activities.* b. Societies began to form where rainfall was plentiful; groups were able to cultivate plants instead of living nomadic lifestyles. c. Tribes became nomadic, traveling to various locations in search of sustenance. d. Animals were first domesticated as a resource for survival.


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5. Please place the following societies in chronological order: a. Pastoral; Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural; Agricultural b. Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Agricultural; Horticultural c. Pastoral; Agricultural, Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural d. Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Horticultural; Agricultural* 6. If a young girl in a family is expected to take on the cooking and cleaning roles while her mother is at work, she is most likely aligning to: a. Achieved status b. Ascribed status* c. Underlying status d. Role strain 7. A single-parent paralegal is asked to take an extra shift three times per week during which he has to organize files for another lawyer. The extra work keeps him away from his son, and leaves him unable to keep up with the housework. He is experiencing: a. Ascribed status b. Achieved status c. Role strain* d. Role conflict

8. Functionalist Émile Durkheim viewed society as: a. An even playing field composed of the educated and uneducated b. Split between two classes categorized by education, kinship, and religion c. The product of class struggle, requiring social revolutions to correct rampant class inequality d. An organism in which each portion plays a vital role in keeping the organism stable and healthy* 9. On the first day of high school, Kaitlin overhears a group of girls calling her “goth” and “emo.” She soon begins to don more black clothing, dark makeup, and seek out friends who dress the same. This is an example of ______. a. Institutionalization b. Role performance* c. Role strain d. Ascribed status


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10. Which of the following is NOT an example of organic solidarity? a. A Ford Motors employee assembling taillights on an assembly line b. A freelance artist creating a sculpture of Barack Obama* c. A fast-food employee putting burgers into their buns d. A toll-booth employee collecting toll change

11. Alienation is defined by the text as: a. The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his or her society, work, or sense of self.* b. Social forces considered real which exist outside the individual. c. The act of defying social norms in favor of group unity d. The strength of ties that people have to their social groups, was a key factor in social life 12. Which of the following is NOT one of Marx’s four types of alienation? a. Alienation from the product of one’s labor b. Alienation from one’s self c. Alienation from others d. Alienation from one’s religion* 13. A judge and her gavel. A cop and his gun. A lawyer and her power suit. A ____ would be most concerned with the parts these objects play in impression management. a. Functionalist b. Symbolic interactionist* c. Feminist d. Conflict theorist 14. Durkheim defined ______ as the communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society. a. The iron cage b. Collective conscience* c. Bourgeoisie d. Anomie


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15. As industrialization began to boom, Durkheim believed people were more susceptible to anomie because: a. Collective norms are weakened. b. Society no longer has the support of the collective consciousness. c. Specialization of labor lead to alienation. d. All of the above* 16. Karl Marx asserted that the means of societal change existed in the tension between: a. The enslaved bourgeois reclaiming power from the controlling proletariat. b. The bourgeois struggling for the allocation of resources amongst themselves. c. The working class proletariat taking the means of production from the wealthy bourgeois.* d. The proletariat fighting each other for a position within the bourgeois. 17. The concept anomie can be defined as: a. A situation in which society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness.* b. How strongly a person is connected to his or her social group. c. A person’s beliefs and ideology are in conflict with her best interests. d. When one or more of an individual’s roles clash. 18. Which of the following is an example of role conflict? a. Derek attends law school and becomes a lawyer, though he dreams of one day becoming the next John Grisham. b. Becca returns to work after giving birth to her daughter, finding it difficult to act as mother, wife, and executive.* c. Alex takes a sabbatical from his job as a professor of Molecular Biology to raise his two young children. d. Krista lands a role on Days of Our Lives and begins receiving fan mail from fans across the country. 19. Charles Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self hypothesizes that: a. Self-esteem is directly correlated with body image. b. The media encourages society to base their appearances on visible public figures. c. People base their images on how they think other people see them.* d. Personal identity isn’t influenced by outside social forces.


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20. The term institutionalization can be defined as: a. The idea that society is constructed by us and those before us, and it is followed like a habit. b. The act of implanting a convention or norm into society.* c. A status a person chooses, such as a level of education or income. d. Responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 5 1. During her first day of kindergarten, Marie does not understand how the lunch line in the cafeteria works. She hesitates and watches as the older kids pick up their trays and silverware and then get in line. She follows their lead and successfully buys herself lunch. Marie’s experience in the lunchroom is an example of _____. a. Socialization* b. Role fulfillment c. Resocialization d. Anticipatory socialization 2. Erik Erikson’s theory explains: a. Why Rhesus Monkeys preferred terry cloth maternal stand-ins versus the maternal stand-ins that provided food. b. How human sexual desire is linked to the development of a personality. c. When human moral development begins in an individual. d. How the actions of society help shape personalities throughout the eight basic stages of life.* 3. Some sociologists have pointed out that gender roles are often determined by how a society socializes young boys and girls. Which of the following is an example of socializing a child into a gender role? a. Taking a young boy to the aquarium. b. Buying a girl a toy kitchen to play with.* c. Letting a girl wear pants to school. d. Allowing a boy to sleep with his blanket. 4. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, when do humans begin to think about the feelings of other people and begin to see the world through other people’s eyes? a. When they are born. b. When they first go to school. c. In their teenage years* d. After they graduate from college. 5. George Herbert Mead’s specific path of development for individuals is as follows: a. Preparatory stage, play stage, game stage, generalized other stage* b. Game stage, play stage, generalized other stage, preparatory stage c. Preparatory stage, game stage, play stage, generalized other stage d. Generalized other stage, preparatory stage, play stage, game stage

6. Katrina, age 5, and Sharon, age 4, love to play together while their mothers chat. Katrina has a toy iron and washing machine. She and Sharon spend hours “washing” and “ironing” her baby 1 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


doll’s clothes, just like they see their mothers do. Which of George Herbert Mead’s stages of development are Katrina and Sharon exemplifying? a. The preparatory stage* b. The play stage c. The game stage d. The “generalized other” stage 7. When considering the reasons for a significant uptick in students withdrawing from a college and not returning (i.e. dropping out), what is the difference in what sociologists and psychologists might study? a. Sociologists might study mental health issues, and psychologists may consider changes in grading practices at the school. b. Sociologists might study changing demographics at the college, and psychologists might consider whether dietary options or other health factors might have changed. c. Sociologists might study the types of support structures for students, and psychologists might study whether a recent protest conflict resulted in trauma or emotional distress. d. Sociologists might study the levels of emotional distress in the withdrawn students, and psychologists might study the impact of a new first-year experience program. 8. During a kindergarten music break, the teacher makes a student feel badly because the student cannot play the piano. The teacher expresses surprise because they happen to know that the child's parents are both professional musicians. Which arena is the core of the teacher's assumption. a. Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Development b. George Herbert Mead’s theory of self-development c. Nature vs. Nurture* d. Freud’s theory of self-development 9. Parents often socialize their children to: a. Understand and follow different norms from what they themselves follow b. Understand and follow the same norms that they themselves follow* c. Ignore society and create their own norms and follow them regardless of consequences d. Ignore society and live alone without much interaction with other people 10. Education is important to society because: a. It teaches children facts about the world in which they live. b. It teaches children how to interact with their peers and helps them to gain social graces. c. It teaches children how to react to authority and how to behave in group and one-onone situations. d. All of the above* 11. The transition from college life to work life can be quite difficult for many young adults in the United States. Which is a possible cause for this struggle? a. The status quo has been maintained for a substantial period of time, and now the economy and government are undergoing significant changes. 2 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


b. Many young people are in the same situation, so drawing expertise or knowledge from their experiences from peers is difficult. c. Finding a job, renting an apartment, and being independent is a daunting task that seems insurmountable. d. All of the above* 12. Sherry is in her mid-eighties and is moving to a nursing home. She is used to getting up at 5 o’clock each morning and making breakfast for herself. Her new roommate likes to sleep until 7 o’clock and breakfast is not served at the nursing home until 8 o’clock. What is Sherry most likely to experience through this transition? a. A shift in her desire to enjoy life. b. A shift in her reading habits. c. Resocialization.* d. A complete and permanent loss of herself. 13. Peer groups are important to adolescents because: a. They help to develop a sense of identity separate from adolescents’ parents.* b. They provide the second major socialization experience outside the realm of their families. c. They rank higher in importance to adolescents’ than parental influence. d. They help exert dependence among adolescents. 14. In an effort to control a total institution, and to create a community of sameness, inmates are forced to strip down, be searched by police officers, and given identical uniforms before entering prison. This is an example of _______. a. An entry test that must be passed b. A degradation ceremony* c. A graduation ceremony d. An exit test that must be passed 15. Sumaira is scared that she will not find a job in the current economy. She decides to be a business major and attend one of the top business schools in the country. Upon graduation, she is hired by a major investment banking firm in New York. Sumaira has completed: a. A degradation ceremony. b. Developing her sense of self. c. Anticipatory socialization.* d. Developing her sense of morality. 16. Mark, whose parents are wealthy, has been socialized to believe that he can be whoever he wants to be. His best friend Matt, whose parents are blue-collar workers, has been socialized to believe that hard work and following instructions is all he needs to support himself. Which sociological paradigm does this story fit? a. Structural Functionalism b. Conflict* c. Symbolic Interactionism d. Feminist Theory 3 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


17. Joseph and Paula are excited to welcome their child into the world. They cannot wait to pass on all their knowledge, insight, and rich culture. Just as their parents gave them guidance and showed them how to live, Joseph and Paula will continue the chain by handing down their societal values and thus, sustain the society they love so much. Which sociological paradigm does this story fit? a. Structural Functionalism* b. Conflict c. Symbolic Interactionism d. Feminist Theory 18. Baby Marla is always well dressed. She has ribbons, bows, and frills all over her dresses and even in her hair. Her mother, who is worried that people might mistake Marla for a little boy, is determined to communicate to the world that she has a baby girl. Which sociological paradigm does this story fit? a. Structural Functionalism b. Conflict c. Symbolic Interactionism* d. Exchange Theory 19. Ahmed has been trying to change his schedule so that he can take one more AP class his senior year in high school. He keeps running between the guidance office and the administration office to sort out the problem. Ahmed’s interaction with the school’s bureaucracy is an example of: a. The influences of a total institution b. The generalized other c. The influences of one’s peer groups d. The hidden curriculum of schools* 20. Whose study described the differences in the way that boys and girls view morality? a. Carol Gilligan* b. Erik Erikson c. Sigmund Freud d. Lawrence Kholberg

21. Which of the following is best described as a part of resocialization?

a. A parent punishing their child for repeating a behavior they were warned to stop. b. A parent restricting their little girl's use of her play kitchen after the girl says playing in the kitchen makes her "feel like mommy."

c. A worker using Google docs instead of Microsoft Word to write their memos. d. A worker erasing discarding all their old post-it note reminders in favor of their new online calendar.*

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 6 1. Sandy is standing in line for The Weekend tickets. The line wraps around the block, spilling into the streets and crowding store windows. Sandy is part of a(n): a. Dyad b. Triad c. In-group d. Aggregate* 2. What is the difference between a primary group and a secondary group? a. A primary group is small, consisting of emotional face-to-face relationships; a secondary group is larger and impersonal.* b. A primary group is small and impersonal; a secondary group is large and consists of face-to-face relationships. c. A primary group is large and impersonal; a secondary group is small, consisting of emotional, face-to-face relationships. d. A primary group is large and impersonal; a secondary group is small and purely instrumental in function. 3. Which of the following is an example of an in-group/out-group dynamic: a. Organizations across a college campus come together at a yearly fundraiser to raise money for the local Breast Cancer Awareness chapter. b. Members of sorority Delta Delta Delta advise their pledges not to socialize with members of pledges of rival sorority Sigma Delta Theta.* c. Chorus members of the campus’s production of Hairspray practice in Theatre building’s first floor, while the cast of God of Carnage practices on the second floor. d. The Chemistry Club advertises their organization at the local science fair. 4. When Michael starts high school, he joins the basketball team. He begins to look to his teammate friends for cues on how to behave at dances, in the hallways, and even in the classroom. Michael’s basketball team is serving as Michael’s _____. a. Out-group b. Reference group* c. Aggregate d. Secondary group


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5. A total institution can be defined as: a. A business which offers career advice for federal employees. b. A group in which the masses have a large influence in decision making. c. A clear chain of command found in a bureaucracy. d. An organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization occurs.* 6. Grace works in at an advertising agency. Grace’s coworkers help her complete presentations, contact clients, and assist her with research. Her coworkers are serving a(n): a. Expressive function b. Intrinsic function c. Elementary function d. Instrumental function* 7. An instrumental leader: a. Promotes emotional strength and health, ensuring that people feel supported. b. Refers to the main focus or goal of the leader. c. Is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.* d. Rejects gender roles in the name of the feminist movement. 8. Christine is president of her Improvisation Comedy Troupe. When making decisions about booking gigs, rehearsal spaces, and call-times, Christine leaves the troupe to decide for themselves. Christine is a(n) _____ leader. a. Authoritarian b. Democratic c. Laissez-faire* d. Republican 9. Solomon Asch concluded that one reason people conform to a group is because they believe: a. They are too weak to decide for themselves. b. The group is better informed than they are.* c. Dissent is a form of weakness. d. Large groups never make mistakes.


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10. The United States Government is a form of: a. A bureaucracy* b. A coercive organization c. A total institution d. A normative organization 11. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a bureaucracy: a. Clear division of labor b. Impersonality c. Explicit rules d. Personality-based promotion* 12. The McDonalidization of Society refers to: a. The increasing presence of the fast-food business model in common social institutions.* b. The obesity epidemic that’s rapidly sweeping the United States. c. The country’s increasing dependence on fast food as a daily meal. d. The increasing popularity of McDonalds as a hang-out for youths. 13. Kellan wants to shop at Express for the new school year, but because all of his friends shop at Pacific Sun, Kellan does as well. Kellan’s behavior is an example of: a. Consumer-oriented discretion b. Laissez-faire leadership c. Conformity* d. Out-group dynamics 14. The concept “reference groups” can be defined as: a. Groups which consist of people for whom an individual feels great disdain. b. Groups a person belongs to and feels are an integral part of his or her identity. c. People who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. d. Groups to which an individual compares himself or herself.* 15. A famous socialite is court-ordered to enter a rehabilitation center to eliminate her drug addiction. The socialite is about to become a member of a: a. Voluntary organization b. Paparazzi organization c. Utilitarian organization d. Coercive organization*


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16. Tanya enrolls in a local community college so they can one day become an engineer. Tanya is about to become a member of a: a. Voluntary organization b. Paparazzi organization c. Utilitarian organization* d. Coercive organization 17. Which of the following does NOT constitute cyberbullying? a. Sending threatening text messages b. Posting embarrassing images a person online c. Sending threatening letters to someone’s home* d. Hacking someone’s account and pretending to be him or her 18. When Elan goes to the tutoring center at their college, they are surprised that they cannot meet with an individual tutor, but are given a computer program to practice on. When it doesn't work, they are told to contact the company that made the study program. None of the tutoring center workers know anything about the college subjects. This is an example of: a. An out-group dynamic b. McDonaldization * c. Bureaucracy d. Impersonality

19. Despite a decline in customers and several negative reviews on social media and in a local newspaper, a restaurant owner holds fast to their belief that their traditional ethnic menu should remain in place. When the new assistant chef integrates new ingredients into the appetizers, the owner wants to criticize her, but decides that it is better for staff morale and confidence they are supportive of the changes. What type or function of leadership is the owner revealing? a. Authoritarian b. Democratic c. Laissez-faire d. Expressive * 20. The term meritocracy is defined by the text as: a. A status-based regime in which advancement is unlikely. b. The removal of personal feelings from a professional situation. c. The authoritarian devalue of an employee. d. A bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on proven and documented skills.* 4

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 7 1. Ally’s father was sent to prison when she was 12 for the trafficking of narcotics; her brother was arrested when she was 13 for possession of methamphetamines. By the age of 18, Ally has been arrested three times for possession of marijuana. Which theory best describes Ally’s experience? a. Differential association theory* b. Strain theory c. Labeling theory d. Opaque theory 2. The term deviance can be defined as: a. The act of notifying authorities when criminal acts are occurring. b. A violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law.* c. Social reward for the violation of norms. d. The regulation and enforcement of norms.

3. What is an example of deviance? a. Laughing at an instructor’s joke during a class b. Waking up at 5 am to go for a run c. Not noticing a phone call on a silenced device d. Failing to signal a turn while driving* 4. What is the difference between a violent crime and a hate crime? a. A violent crime is based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics. b. A violent crime is punishable in a court of law; a hate crime is not. c. A hate crime is punishable in a court of law; a violent crime is not. d. A hate crime is based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics.* 5. Jake receives a promotion at his law firm after winning an important case. This is an example of a: a. Positive informal sanction b. Negative informal sanction c. Positive formal sanction* d. Negative formal sanction


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6. Which theorist studied the power elite, and the influence they had over society? a. Karl Marx b. Carl Sagan c. Émile Durkheim d. C. Wright Mills* 7. The term crime can be defined as: a. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.* b. A harmful action directed at the authorities. c. A sequence of events leading to incarceration. d. An unintended consequence of necessary action. 8. Functionalist Émile Durkheim believed some deviance within society was: a. Necessary; it challenged people’s views.* b. Dangerous; it encouraged disruptive behavior. c. Insignificant; deviance within society is largely ignored. d. Instrumental; it encouraged the population to rebel. 9. Which of the following is not a branch of the U.S. Criminal Justice System? a. The police b. The jury* c. The courts d. The corrections system 10. The term secondary deviance can be defined as: a. When positive formal sanctions cause an individual to deviate from society’s expectations. b. When a violation of norms does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others. c. When negative informal sanctions encourage an individual to seek more positive behavioral choices. d. When a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society.* 11. Which of the following is an example of a negative informal sanction? a. Mario being sent to jail after robbing a CVS. b. Beatrix being booed off stage after telling an offensive joke during her comedy routine.* c. Eleanor being given a “Teacher of the Year” award for her work as a high school English teacher. 2

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d. Meredith receiving compliments on her hair after visiting the salon.

12. Social control is: a. An arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives. b. A system that has the authority to make decisions based on law. c. A label that describes the chief characteristic of an individual. d. The regulation and enforcement of norms.* 13. Strain theory: a. Argues that morality is based on wealth. b. Asserts that motivation and personal responsibility are the key factors in living a healthy lifestyle. c. Addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals.* d. States individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance. 14. In first grade, Scott is unfairly singled out by his teacher for bad behavior, partly because his older brothers had behavioral problems themselves. Throughout grade school, Scott gains a reputation as a “problem” child. Scott eventually drops out of school, thinking he was born to fail anyway. Which school of thought best fits Scott’s experience? a. Strain theory b. Control theory c. Differential association d. Labeling theory*

15. In general, which types of crime are most likely to have the most victims per act or series of acts? a. Street crime b. Corporate crime* c. Violent crime d. International crime


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16. True or False: Deviance is always considered a crime? a. True b. False* 16 –19: Please match the sociologist to his theory: 17. Edwin Sutherland (b) 18. Travis Hirschi (c) 19. Robert Merton (a) 20. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay (d)

a. Strain theory b. Differential association c. Control theory d. Cultural deviance theory

21. An average of _____ people in the United States fall victim to hate crimes each year? a. 100,000 b. 150,000 c. 205,000* d. 200,000

22. Among these choices, which is the primary motivator of hate crimes? a. Disability or ability b. Socioeconomic status c. Religion d. Gender


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 8 1. Caleb attended a private high school, which gave each student access to a personal laptop and iPhone. Ted attended a poorly funded public school, which had few computers and outdated technology. When Caleb gets to college, he’s more prepared than Ted for coursework which includes computer and online material. This occurrence is an example of: a. Late adoption b. Knowledge gap* c. Technological disparity d. E-readiness 2. E-readiness can be defined as: a. the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge.* b. the application of science to solve problems in daily life. c. the virtual experience offered by leading educational institutions. d. the electronic waste created by consumers. 3. Which of the following is an example of planned obsolescence? a. Evangeline refuses to purchase a Droid or an iPhone because her Razor phone has been in perfect shape for the past 6 years. b. Target offers a “buy two, get one free” sale on Blue Ray discs. c. Sarah’s iPod breaks just as the newest iPod Nano is being introduced.* d. Jerome spills coffee on his MacBook, and it ruins the keyboard. 4. After the floppy disk was introduced, zip drives were invented shortly after, followed quickly by flash drives. This is an example of: a. Digital divide b. Disruptive technology c. Patent infringement d. Evolutionary change* 5. Cloud-based storage such as Google Drive and Box has led to a decline in hard drive and flash drive sales. This is an example of a. Digital divide b. Disruptive technology * c. Patent infringement d. Evolutionary change


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6. How can one describe the impacts of disruptive technology on various stakeholders? a. Disruptive technology forces consumers into a new way of doing things while allowing producers to retain their typical practices. b. Disruptive technology lowers prices for consumers, which leads to the decline of traditional companies in the market. c. Disruptive technology changes the way that consumers obtain or use a product, which leads to winners and losers among producers.* d. Disruptive technology leads to benefits for nearly everyone involved in the market, providing opportunities for new and traditional producers. 7. Last week, a major politician was caught in a political scandal. The story was featured on the front page of the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN.com, and was the lead story on NBC, ABC, and CBS nightly news. This is referred to as: a. Homogenization* b. Telecommunication c. Fragmentation d. Alliteration 8. The term technological diffusion is defined as: a. The spread of technology across borders.* b. The global lack of access to online media. c. A form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly. d. The breakdown of communication between technological innovators and the general public. 9. Which sociological perspective sees technology and media as a tool individuals use to express how much wealth they have? a. Functionalist b. Cyberfeminist c. Symbolic Interactionist* d. Conflict 10. How has advertising revenue significantly changed in the past few years? a. Newspaper advertising revenue has greatly increased, while online advertising revenue has fallen. b. Cable and online revenue have remained greatly unchanged, while newspaper and magazine advertising revenue have fallen greatly.*


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c. Magazine revenue has risen steadily, while online and newspaper revenue has fallen dramatically. d. Online advertising revenue has fallen slightly, while newspaper advertising revenue has increased greatly. 11. Which of the following is NOT an example of new media? a. Barnes and Noble* b. Twitter c. Facebook d. The Kindle 12. The term media globalization can be defined as: a. The cross-cultural development and exchange of computer hardware. b. The governmental sanction allowing worldwide access to media education. c. The inability of geographically rural areas to access new media. d. The worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.*

13. Susan has the newest iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac. When a new Apple product is released, Susan stands in line for hours to be the first to buy it. Susan is a(n): a. Republican b. Technophile* c. PC person d. Neo-Luddite 14. Before the dawn of social media, powerful TV networks and widely circulated newspapers had great influence over the news stories that were reported to the public. This is referred to as: a. Social control b. The great divide c. Gatekeeping* d. Discriminatory journalism 15. Which theorist would be most interested in who controls the media, and the ways in which the dominant race and class minimizes the media presence of the lower classes and other races? a. A conflict theorist* b. A symbolic interactionist c. A cyberfeminist d. A functionalist 3

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16. What is a negative risk of media globalization? a. Social media spreading awareness about social causes. b. Accessible technology being made available to remote societies. c. The spread of computer literacy. d. Governments censoring information for their benefit.* 17. The term panoptic surveillance is defined in the text as: a. A form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly* b. A network of neighborhood spies who go through local mailboxes and listen in on phone lines c. When people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action about the issue at hand d. An online invasion of spyware which track when controversial political beliefs are being expressed

18. Tyson visits China over spring break, and after getting online to write home to her parents, she realizes some of her favorite social media sites are blocked by the Chinese government. She becomes concerned with how technology reinforces inequalities among communities, both within and among countries. What sociological perspective best fits Tyson’s concerns? a. Functionalist b. Cyberfeminist c. Symbolic Interactionist d. Conflict* 19. The debate about net neutrality consists of two main sides. Which of the following is one of those sides? a. Designating those who provide Internet service as common carriers would constitute a reasonable regulatory burden. b. Those who provide Internet service should be treated as common carriers, legally prohibited from discriminating based on the customer or nature of the goods.* c. People should pay Internet providers a premium for faster service, since you pay for what you get. d. Companies should invest in making improvements to their Internet service or expanding those services to underserved areas.


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20. Today, the majority of mass-media outlets are owned by six corporations. This is a product of ___. a. Cyberfeminism b. Media globalization* c. Technological imbalance d. Corporate isolation 21. From the functionalist perspective, which of the following is a function of social media? a. Life changing function b. Social norm function c. Entertainment function d. All of the above*

22. The term cyberfeminism is defined by the text as: a. The application to and promotion of feminism online.* b. The removal of feminist social activism from the physical world to the online world. c. The threat of sexism overtaking internet message boards. d. The growing number of young girls who are becoming addicted to World of Warcraft.

23. Companies that pay people to be product ambassadors rely on which tendency? a. People tend to follow the crowd. b. People tend to follow the lead of celebrities. c. People tend to follow the lead of people they know.* d. People tend to purchase products after they see widespread use of them.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 9 1. Elisa graduated from college with a double major and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa society. She was then offered a job in New York where she worked 12 hours a day and produced excellent results. Within two years she had over 100 employees working under her. Elisa’s hard work was rewarded with a raise and a bonus. This form of promotion is based on the principles of: a. A meritocracy* b. A democracy c. A caste system d. A closed stratification system 3. It was time for Oli to marry. He had finished school and was starting a job. His parents chose a bride for him whose parents had the same amount of wealth and belonged to the same class as they did. Oli and his bride will have a(n) _________ marriage. a. Exogamus b. Endogamous* c. Traditional d. Unconventional 4. Cate is the daughter of a Senator and the former CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Harry grew up on a farm, tilling the land for a living. They are planning a June wedding. They will have a(n)___________ marriage. a. Exogamous* b. Traditional c. Endogamus d. Unconventional 5. Which factor is considered when evaluating someone’s standard of living? a. Income b. Employment c. Class d. All of the above* 6. With the recent Occupy Wall Street Movement, the people of the United States keep hearing about the top 1%. How much of the United State’s wealth rests in the hands of the wealthiest top 1% of people? a. 1/3* b. 1/4 c. 1/8 d. 1/16 7. Charlotte was born to a lower class family in rural Pennsylvania. After taking a job in the mail room of a large corporate office, Charlotte is slowly promoted through the ranks and 1 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


becomes CEO of the company by the age of 50. Compared to her parents, Charlotte’s story demonstrates what type of social stratification? a. Structural mobility b. Intergenerational mobility c. Intragenerational mobility* d. Downward mobility 8. What is particularly unique about the United States middle class? a. It is the smallest class in the United States. b. It is broken into two subcategories: upper and lower middle class.* c. The people who are middle class often have little to no education. d. The upper class are as likely to become members of the lower class as members of the lower class are likely to become members of the upper class. 9. Which historical event was greatly responsible for global stratification as we see it today? a. World War I b. The Fall of the British Empire c. The French Revolution d. The Industrial Revolution* 10. What is the most significant threat to the relatively high standard of living people are accustomed to in the United States? a. The decline of the middle class* b. The feminization of poverty c. The growth of the upper class d. The stagnation of wages for workers 11. GNI PPP, or gross national income divided by purchasing power parity, helps measure: a. The standard of living in a country.* b. The average level of education per person in a country. c. The amount of inflation affecting a country’s currency. d. The average global interest rates for loans. 12. In 2008 the United States, as well as the rest of the world, felt the effects of the recession. After the collapse of the housing market, people lost their jobs and they quit spending money. Many people could not afford their mortgages anymore and their homes went into foreclosure. For many people, it was a time of __________. a. Social stratification b. Social inconsistency c. Horizontal mobility d. Downward mobility* 13. Since the social classes in the United States do not have any clear boundaries, how is a sociologist supposed to determine whether their subjects are in the upper class or the uppermiddle class? 2 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


a. Upper class is often defined as having control over one’s life and the lives of people around you, while the upper-middle class is often defined as having control only over one’s own life.* b. The upper class is split into “old money” and “new money” people, while the uppermiddle class simply struggles to maintain its wealth. c. All upper class people enjoy opera and have been bred for their stations while the upper-middle class consists mostly of newly wealthy people who may not have had the same kind of upbringing. d. In the upper class, everyone knows everyone, but in the upper-middle class, the people do not comingle. 14. What seems to be the key (although not the rule) to upward social mobility? a. How well off your parents are. b. How much education you have.* c. How many jobs you work. d. How much you spend on your personal appearance. 15. A person’s position in a country’s social stratification is determined by: a. Wealth, power, income, race, education* b. GNI PPP, GDP, GNI, the PRB, and standards of living c. Clothes, accessories, hobbies, shoes, and number of credit cards d. Prestige, family, legal records, occupation, and favorite food 16. The Davis-Moore Thesis states: a. That economic hardship and skyrocketing inflation is the cause for all social stratification in the United States. b. That Karl Marx was correct and that stratification can only be solved by converting to a socialist government. c. That the more society values a particular profession, the more the people in that profession will make.* d. That people constantly move up and down the social ladder, and this creates an unstable economy which will eventually collapse on itself. 17. Whose work do conflict theorists rely on to help form their arguments surrounding social stratification? a. Auguste Comte b. Émile Durkheim c. René Decartes d. Karl Marx* 18. Hope is desperate for the new designer purse that she saw while window shopping at her local mall. She knew every girl in school would covet her bag and wish to be like her. When she walked in, she whipped out her credit card, and purchased the $5,000 bag. This kind of purchasing is called: a. Conspicuous consumption* 3 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved.


b. Popular consumerism c. Designer consumerism d. Credit card consumerism 19. Symbolic interactionists have come to the conclusion that: a. Most people do not care about social rank and standing. b. Only lower class people drink beer. c. Only upper class people can enjoy a good game of polo. d. Most people only socialize with people in their same social class.* 20. One main issue in studying global social inequality is: a. Most countries keep their economic situations secret. b. Social inequality is relative and therefore, difficult to compare across cultures.* c. The presence of tourism can make a country look richer than it really is. d. Most people live beyond their means which gives a false sense of wealth to a society.

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 10 1. Which social class is quickly disappearing from modern economies? a. Upper Class b. Middle Class* c. Lower Class d. The amount of people in each class has been about the same for the past 10 years. 2. How is global stratification different from social stratification? a. Global stratification only examines environmental inequalities among nations while social stratification examines inequalities among people. b. Global stratification can only measure the inequalities among purely democratic states, while social stratification can be expanded to apply to people in any country in the world. c. Global stratification examines a myriad of different types of prejudice and inequality, while social stratification covers the social class and standing of individuals.* d. Countries cannot move up and down the global stratification ladder, unlike people who can use social mobility to climb or fall down the social stratification ladder. 3. If a scholar associates continued economic challenges in Africa as an outcome of previous European colonialism, to which theoretical paradigm would they likely subscribe? a. Structural functionalism b. Symbolic interactionism c. Conflict theory* d. Feminist theory

4. How can improved education in one nation lead to deindustrialization in another? a. Greater education leads to higher wages b. International trade favors those nations with greater educational status c. Companies choose to begin selling to the more educated and highly paid people in the other nation. d. Companies relocate to nations as they gain skilled and educated workers.* 5. Immanuel Wallerstein’s classification of nations uses which set of terms? a. super powers, allies of super powers, enemies of super powers b. primary nation, secondary nation, tertiary nation c. first world, second world, third world d. core nation, peripheral nation, semi-peripheral nation*

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6. Which statement explains why Immanuel Wallerstein’s classification is preferred by sociologist? a. Wallerstein’s classification uses neutral terms that allow his classification of nations to be less biased and appear less ethnocentric.* b. Wallerstein’s classification uses the United States as a point of comparison so that people can understand what he is saying. c. The former Cold War era classifications are outdated and no longer accurately show the economic state of individual nations. d. Wallerstein’s classification is based more on sociological data than economic data, and because of that, applies to the field of sociology better than the Cold War era classification. 7. Why does U.S. companies continue outsourcing efforts despite their negative impacts on U.S. workers? a. Capital flight, caused by outsourcing, helps local economies thrive, so Americans are willing to make the trade off. b. Deindusrialization, also caused by outsourcing, is better for the environment, so Americans are in favor of it. c. Americans want lower prices for their consumable products, and the only way for companies to deliver those low prices is to outsource the work to cheaper laborers.* d. Companies find that the many U.S. restrictions on manufacturing can seriously disrupt production, which leads to profit loss, which in turn results in outsourcing. 8. Which number does the World Bank use to determine the status and classification of each nation? a. Gross National Income per Capita* b. Gross Domestic Product c. Purchasing Power Parity d. Organization for Economic and Cooperative Development data 9. Which trend has the World Bank seen in its study of poverty in low-income nations? a. Equal numbers of men and women live in poverty. b. More men live in poverty than women. c. More women live in poverty than men.* d. Children can avoid living in poverty if they live with their fathers. 10. 88 million people live on less than $1.00 a day. These people are said to be living in _____________. a. Subjective poverty b. Marginal poverty c. Absolute poverty* d. Relative poverty

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11. Maria babysits as a form of income while she is in college. Because the amounts she gets per job are not huge, Maria never bothers to report her earnings to the IRS. Maria is a part of the _____________. a. Underground economy* b. Under-reported economy c. Under-earning economy d. Under-paid economy 12. Which continent has the greatest number of impoverished nations in the world? a. Asia b. Africa* c. South America d. North America 13. Which continent has the largest number of people living in poverty in the world? a. Asia* b. Africa c. South America d. North America 14. The two regions with the highest risk of social unrest are: a. Europe and Africa b. Latin America and Asia c. South America and North America d. Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East-North Africa region* 15. Without judging the ethics of these claims, how do some companies and individuals justify manufacturing and purchasing goods that involve child labor to produce? a. They indicate that they have no control over it. b. They guarantee that no child labor is used. c. They rely on local countries to monitor working conditions. d. They indicate that people working those factories are better off than others who don't have those jobs.* 16. Which is an effect of extreme poverty that also contributes to its cyclical nature? a. Lack of education* b. Home foreclosures c. Massive credit card debt d. Excellent healthcare

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17. Which statement would you find in the analysis of poverty by Neckerman and Torche? a. People will take advantage of social welfare programs if you do not watch them carefully. b. People live in poverty because they are lazy and lack meaningful work. c. Once poverty has entered a geographic location, it is very difficult to get rid of.* d. People living in poverty enjoy living in poverty. 18. An example of slavery, according to Anti-Slavery International, is: a. Factories employing adults at salary level b. Factories using child labor* c. Children attending school d. Children playing with friends 19. Areas that once had vast economic growth and large amounts of industry, but are now suffering from the effects of outsourcing are going through a period of: a. Industrialization b. Deindustrialization* c. Post-industrialization d. Industrialization transition 20. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was created by: a. Third world countries b. Core nation countries* c. Middle-income countries d. Asian and American countries

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 11 1. In the United States, which race would be considered the dominant group? a. Hispanic b. White* c. Black d. Asian 2. Which of the following is an example of racial steering? a. Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.* b. The Trail of Tears, when the United States government forced Native Americans to permanently leave their homes and territory. c. Kiki being told she’ll be bad at math because she is a girl. d. Jose’s parents not allowing him to date Martha because she is of a different race. 3. According to the social construction of race school of thought, race is: a. Based only on geographic regions b. No longer in existence c. A product of the media d. Not biologically identifiable* 4. Adolf Hitler blaming Germany’s pre-war problems on the Jewish population is an example of: a. The scapegoat theory* b. The social construction of race c. White privilege d. Pluralism 5. Max believes that most people’s racial beliefs are based on images conveyed in popular media since many people never meet members of certain races for themselves. Max’s perspective is: a. Functionalist b. Conflict theorist c. Feminist d. Symbolic interactionist*


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6. The term discrimination is defined in the text as: a. The theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. b. Biased thought based on flawed assumptions about a group of people. c. An expression of dissatisfaction with the justice system. d. Prejudiced action against a group of people.* 7. Speedy Gonzalez was a popular cartoon character, but is widely considered an inappropriate stereotype. Many children were raised watching Speedy Gonzalez cartoons, unaware that such stereotypes are negative. This is a product of: a. Genocide b. Intersection theory c. The culture of prejudice* d. The scapegoat theory 8. Aiden attended religious private school for eight years before going to a public high school. While discussing literature, Aiden's teacher often makes references to the Bible without explaining them. The other students -- even those who are Christian -- do not understand the references, but Aiden knows them thoroughly. Relative to the other students, Aiden has: a. Accessibility b. Intersection c. Privilege* d. Equity

9. Aiden attended Christian private school for eight years before going to a public high school. While discussing literature, Aiden's teacher often makes references to the Bible without explaining them. The other students -- even those who are Christian -- do not understand the references, but Aiden knows them thoroughly. Relative to the other students, Aiden has: a. Accessibility b. Intersection c. Privilege* d. Equity 10. Why do many people avoid acknowledging their privilege to themselves or others? a. They do not think they have any advantages b. They think that those with disadvantages need to improve themselves c. They don't think privilege exists d. They think that acknowledging it will lessen their accomplishments * 2

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11. True or False: Only the dominant racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups have privilege. a. True b. False *

12. The term segregation is defined in the text as: a. The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture. b. The deliberate annihilation of a targeted, usually subordinate, group. c. The integration of diverse cultural concepts into a public school curriculum. d. The physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions.* 13. Which of the following is an example of implicit bias? a. A judge decreeing that all women who appear in his courtroom must wear dresses or skirts. b. A teacher asking the tallest child in the class to help them get something from a high shelf. c. A casting director for a radio advertisement rejecting an application because of the applicant's Asian-sounding name. * d. A nightclub owner rejecting applicants for a front door security guard position because they are too small.

14. When studying attitudes about policing in a community largely inhabited by people of one race and ethnicity, researchers see a very distinct difference between older people and younger people's responses, as well as distinct differences based on income level. What theory is associated with these outcomes? a. Functionalism b. Intersection theory * c. Pluralism d. Conflict theory

15. In 2010, what did controversial Senate Bill 1070 propose, causing a series of protests and legal battles? a. After being charged with a crime, Wisconsin courts can order legal immigrants back to their countries of origin. 3

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During a lawful stop, detention, or arrest, Arizona police officers may establish the immigration status of anyone they suspect may be here illegally.* c. If suspected of illegal activity, Nevada police may search the home of any immigrant, or child of an immigrant, without a warrant. d. After being detained by New Mexico police, immigrants are given no rights by the authorities and may be held for weeks without being officially charged. 16. Arizona Senate Bill 1070, often referred to colloquially as the “papers, please” law, was aimed widely at those of: a. Irish descent b. Middle Eastern descent c. Chinese descent d. Mexican descent* 17. Angela believes that race relations in her country are poor because the ruling class has enacted various laws and regulations to keep other groups from achieving equality. With which sociological perspective does Angela’s view best align? a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory* c. Feminism d. Symbolic interactionism 18. Which group within the United States has been stereotyped as the model minority? a. The Asian American community* b. The African American community c. The Arab American community d. The Hispanic American community 19. 1967’s Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia, a case which legally allowed interracial marriage, is an example of a. Racism b. Stereotyping c. Amalgamation* d. Assimilation

20. Asad’s first grade class is diverse: there are two students from Korea, five students from South America, two students from the United States, three students from Kuwait, a student from Mexico, two students from England, and five students from western Europe. Asad’s class is: 4

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a. b. c. d.

Segregated Pluralistic* Assimilated Profiled

21. The term assimilation is defined by the text as: a. When a dominant group forces a subordinate group to leave a certain area or even the country. b. The theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. c. The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture.* d. The act of singling out an individual because of his or her race. 22. Cedric’s uncle believes that racism and discrimination have made a positive impact on society – but only in the lives of those who are members of the dominant group. Which sociological perspective is Cedric’s uncle coming from? a. Functionalism* b. Conflict theory c. Feminism d. Symbolic interactionism 23. Which of the following is NOT an example of a stereotype? a. Cynthia believing her best friend to be good at math because she is Asian. b. Maria assuming her son-in-law is a heavy drinker because he is Irish. c. Isaiah cooking his girlfriend a meat-free dinner because she is a vegetarian.* d. Pedro assuming his neighbor likes rap music because he is African American. 24. True or false: The majority of American citizens are descendants of immigrants? a. True* b. False


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 12 1. What is the difference between sex and gender? a. Sex refers to sexual orientation, and gender refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females. b. Sex is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine, gender is biological characterization of anatomy. c. Sex refers to who a person is sexually attracted to, and gender refers to whom a person chooses to partner with. d. Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, while gender is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine.* 2. True or false: A person’s sex, as determined by their biology, does not always correspond with their gender. a. True* b. False 3. The term sexual orientation can be defined as: a. A person's deeply held attitudes and beliefs about sex. b. A phase which a person outgrows before entering heterosexuality. c. A person’s emotional and sexual attraction to a particular sex.* d. A person’s biological gender. 4. Peggy accepts a job offer as an advertising copywriter. Her boss immediately assigns her campaigns for products such as makeup and cleaning products. Peggy asks for different clients, but her boss tells her she should stick to what she knows best. Peggy is experiencing: a. Sexual orientation b. Sexism* c. Masochism d. Homophobia


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5. Chase was assigned male at birth. In early adulthood, Chase begins living as a woman but has no desire to undergo surgery or hormone therapy. They are sexually attracted to women. Chase is: a. Transgender* b. Bisexual c. Intersex d. Homophobic 6. The term sexuality is defined by the text as: a. An individual’s sense of being either masculine or feminine. b. The repressed sexual inclinations of society as a whole. c. An individual’s biological gender. d. A person’s capacity for sexual feelings.* 7. Jenny is given a doll for 2nd birthday, while her brother, Tyrone, is given a fire truck. This is an example of gender: a. Bending b. Indifference c. Socialization* d. Stratification 8. What is the first agent of socialization? a. The law b. Family* c. Friends d. School 9. When Jeanette’s parents find out her twin brother, Rex, has been sexually active, they tell him to use protection. When they found out Jeanette has been sexually active, they ground her for a month. This is an example of: a. A double standard* b. A misunderstanding c. Homophobia d. Gender identity 10. Gender Dysphoria is: a. A form of homophobia b. A form of sexual dysfunction c. A condition where transgender people choose to alter their bodies d. Distress felt by some people whose gender identity doesn't align with their sex assigned a birth.* 2

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11. When thinking about gender, Jeff sees men as the dominant social group and women the subordinate group. Exploitation of the subordinate group has created social problems, such as high rates of poverty among single mothers. Which sociological perspective best fit Jeff’s views? a. Conflict Theory* b. Structural Functionalism c. Cyberfeminism d. Symbolic Interactionism 12. Tasha believes that gender is about the division of labor in the family. In the pre-industrial era, men were the hunter-gatherers and bread-winners, and women were keepers of the home. After World War II, changes in the family structure allowed women to become breadwinners also, altering the roles of the family. From what sociological perspective do Tasha’s thoughts come? a. Conflict Theory b. Structural Functionalism* c. Cyberfeminism d. Symbolic Interactionism

13. Which of the following is true about Intersex people? a. They all have physical characteristics that differ from the usual ways people develop. b. They are considered Transgender. c. Their Intersex characteristics can be discovered at any time in their lives. * d. None of the above.

14. The term doing gender can be defined as: a. The refusal to participate in any tasks with gender-specific requirements. b. When people perform tasks based upon the gender assigned to them by society and, in turn, themselves.* c. The prejudiced belief that one sex should be valued over another. d. Dating a member of the same sex to make a political statement.

15. When Wendy’s sorority sisters discover that Wendy is a lesbian, they hold a secret meeting to decide if Wendy should still be allowed to pledge. A handful of the sisters vote “no.” This is an example of: 3

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a. b. c. d.

Doing gender Bisexuality Homophobia* Social imperialism

16. Which of the following is NOT a product of gender stereotyping? a. Keisha’s mom encouraging her to take home economics over shop class so she can please her future husband. b. A music store employee encouraging a young woman to study the piano or flute instead of the drums or guitar. c. A teacher discouraging a female student from entering the military, suggesting nursing school instead. d. A father buying a basketball hoop for his daughter’s eighth birthday.* 17. What is the purpose of queer theory? a. To question the ways society perceives and experiences sex, gender, and sexuality.* b. To determine whether sexual orientation is a product of nature or nurture. c. To examine the genetic differences between the heterosexual population and homosexual population. d. To purpose a series of federal laws that will put an end to many social inequalities.

18. In which country is sex education required in public schools? a. The United States b. Sweden* c. England d. Nigeria 19. What is the significance of the Kinsey scale? a. It is a definitive method for determining someone's sexual orientation. b. It is a definitive method for determining someone's gender identity. c. It established sexual orientation as a continuum instead of a set of exclusive categories.* d. A religious test which classifies a person’s sexuality.

20. Biological determinism is: a. The prejudiced belief that one sex should be valued over another b. An extreme or irrational aversion to people of a different sexual orientation 4

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c. An individual’s sense of being either masculine or feminine d. The belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology*

21. What is meant by the "motherhood penalty"? a. It is a belief that women who are not good mothers should be punished. b. It is a belief that women's qualities as mothers conflict with competent professional qualities.* c. It is a belief that mothers will not be able to spend the appropriate time at work. d. It is a belief that women who spend too much time at work cannot be good mothers.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 13 1. Why does the Baby Boom generation, in general, face an extremely challenging financial situation? a. Because they did not have the educational achievement to obtain a high income. b. Because they went through several major economic downturns in their lifetimes, which depleted their wealth. c. Because of age discrimination and people who take advantage of older people financially. d. Because they did not save enough money to maintain their lifestyle.*

2. Your grandmother is still very active and loves to get her friends together for bridge on Friday. They always talk about all those old-old people down at the senior center who like to play bingo. About how old are the old-old senior citizens to whom they are referring? e. 67 f. 72 g. 75 h. 85* 3. When your mother-in-law fell and broke her hip at age 72, you were concerned because she is still ________________. a. Young-old* b. Middle-old c. Old-old d. Ancient 4. Sociologists have adopted the phrase, “the graying of the United States.” What does this phrase mean? a. People are living under so much stress now, that they are going gray early. b. Gray is culturally considered beautiful and thus people are bleaching their hair. c. The greatest part of the population is reaching the age of 65 and entering old age.* d. With industrialization and the building of big cities, there is very little green nature left and everything is the color of steel.

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5. No one in the United States can watch the news without hearing about the struggle over Social Security. Which approach has been used in the past to avoid the program’s collapse? a. Increasing the work week to 80 hours so that there is more money coming into the program. b. Increase the age at which someone can start collecting Social Security.* c. Only pay Social Security to people who paid the tax; cut out any spouses or dependents who might benefit. d. Make Social Security a private program, much like insurance or a 401(k).

6. What is a dependency ratio? a. It is the comparison of working people to non-working people.* b. It is the comparison of children to parents. c. It is the comparison of grandparents to parents. d. It is the comparison of healthcare professionals to the elderly. 7. The world population is growing and aging. In an effort to collectively deal with some of the challenges facing the elderly, several countries gathered at a summit. Which plan was the result of this summit? a. The Brussels Plan b. The Berlin Plan c. The Madrid Plan* d. The Paris Plan 8. While visiting your dad at his nursing home, you see an elderly lady sitting at the table with a full tray of food in front of her. She is in a wheel chair and seems depressed. You conclude that she is experiencing: a. Primary aging b. Secondary aging* c. Tertiary aging d. Quaternary aging 9. According to Erik Erikson’s theory on aging, what is the final hurdle that most people who reach old age must overcome? a. Despair* b. Loathing c. Sentimentality d. Concession

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10. Which is a social issue that many elderly females discover they are victims of? a. Being patronized by gas station attendants. b. Being suspected of shoplifting by sales clerks. c. Being carded to prove their Senior Citizen status. d. Having their medical ailments trivialized by doctors.* 11. Which of the following is NOT true about old age? a. Women notice wrinkles as one of the first signs of aging. b. Elderly people lose all appetite and drive for sex.* c. Elderly men sometimes start to go bald as they age. d. Elderly people start dying their hair to replace the color they lose. 12. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’s book On Death and Dying added much content knowledge to which field? a. Thanatology* b. Teleology c. Metrology d. Ontology 13. How do elderly widows and widowers react to death of their significant other? a. Differently: elderly widows often do not remarry while elderly widowers do.* b. Differently: elderly widows often remarry while elderly widowers do not. c. Similarly: both elderly widows and widowers often remarry. d. Similarly: both elderly widows and widowers do not often remarry. 14. Which three states allow some form of physician-assisted suicide? a. Iowa, Nebraska, and Nevada b. Georgia, New York, and Pennsylvania c. Washington State, Oregon, and Montana* d. Texas, California, and Virginia 15. Accusing people of DWE (driving while elderly) is considered a type of: a. Clairvoyance b. Ageism* c. Behaviorism d. Functionalism

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16. When elderly people are considered elders and leaders of a group of people, they are functioning under a(n): a. Republic b. Meritocracy c. Oligarchy d. Gerontocracy* 17. What causes some caretakers to abuse their elderly charges? a. Job satisfaction b. Depression* c. Lack of emotional attachment d. Pride

18. What is the basic idea behind disengagement theory? a. As people age, they think less and less about being married to their spouse, and more about their individuality. b. As people age, they disengage with their friends in order to spend more time with their families. c. As people age, they generally withdraw from all forms of society.* d. As people age, they begin to lose their friends and family and spend their last days mourning their losses. 19. Some conflict theorists ascribe to the idea that as time and technology move forward, elderly people are left behind and they lose social standing and power. Which specific theory does this describe? a. Modernization theory* b. Age stratification theory c. Exchange theory d. Continuity theory 20. A symbolic interactionist may choose to study senior centers, and other groups of elderly people. Which theory might they find most useful for their study? a. Subculture of aging theory* b. Gerotranscendence c. Selective optimization with compensation theory d. Age stratification theory

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21. For the first time in U.S. history, people over 50 years old make up the majority of the incarcerated population. Which of the following is not a reason for this development? a. The overall aging of the U.S population b. The mass incarceration programs of the 1980's and 1990's c. Increasing incidences and prosecutions of insurance and similar crimes by older people.* d. Increasing life expectancies of the Baby Boom generation.

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 14 1. Family is a term that is difficult to define. When studying sociology it is important to remember that: a. Sociologist try to keep the definition open so that people who walk by each other on the street are a family. b. Sociologists try to keep the definition open to encompass all types of people who are emotionally close to each other.* c. Sociologists only consider people who live in the same household to be a family. d. Sociologists only consider traditional marriage as a requirement to be a family. 2. Passing on one’s heritage, possessions, and wealth is: a. The right of the first born male in every country in the world. b. The right of the first born female in every country in the world. c. Generally based on lineage, which is defined by one’s culture and family.* d. Generally based on one’s relationship with one’s younger siblings. 3. Why do sociologists find the study of family to be so important when trying to grasp the mores and norms of a culture? a. Families provide for each other as well as carry out and teach a particular culture to other members of the family.* b. Families almost never reinforce the values of the society in which they live, and thus can bring about change without much effort. c. Families are so isolated from society at large that they become tiny independent societies. d. Families tend to be apathetic towards culture whereas young unmarried people reinforce social rituals and ideologies. 4. When Maria married John, she moved to John’s house, which was adjacent to his parent’s house. Her mother-in-law was always over giving Maria advice on everything from decorating to icing cakes. Maria lives in a: a. Matridistant residence b. Patridistant residence c. Matrilocal residence d. Patrilocal residence* 5. Watching television shows can be a good way to understand and study families because: a. They teach us what the ideal family should look like. b. They teach us how to behave when parents get upset. c. They teach us how to think through the consequences of certain actions. d. They teach us how a family on screen can represent the values of the era in which they aired.*

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6. The U.S. Census Bureau keeps records of different statistics that pertain to families. For example, in 2018, there were three million children who did not live with their parents. About half of these children were: a. Living with foster parents b. Living with their grandparent(s)* c. Living with their older brother or sister d. Living with an aunt or uncle 7. What is the relationship, if any, between people who cohabitate and then get married, and those people who wait to live together after they marry? a. Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly higher divorce rate after they get married than those who don’t cohabitate until after marriage.* b. Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly lower divorce rate after they get married than those who don’t cohabitate until after marriage. c. Cohabitating, unmarried partners have the exact same divorce rate as the people who don’t cohabitate until marriage. d. It does not matter because divorce occurs when two people are incompatible and does not depend on how long people have lived with each other. 8. Which is one reason that sociologist cite to explain why men and women are delaying marriage until their mid-to-late twenties? a. Many young people place education and career higher than marriage on their list of priorities.* b. Many women fear having children too early and, consequently, having to give up a good career. c. Most men spend at least a year traveling the world to get a better understanding of the world, and consequently, don’t want to be tied down by a wife. d. Most people in the Millennial generation are caring for their aging parents and do not have time for long term, serious relationships. 9. What is a particular risk for children who have younger siblings when the children are separated from parents? a. The older children will not be considered in the child services system. b. The older children will be kept from school. c. The older children will be called on to take care of their siblings.* d. The younger children will want to be separated from their older sibling. 10. Marcy and her three children have endured extremely challenging financial circumstances ever since Marcy’s husband was killed in an automobile accident. Given what you know about George Murdock’s theory, what would you expect to happen to this family? a. Marcy would lie in bed weeping hysterically and ignore the needs of her children. b. Marcy would become a stellar stay-at-home mom. c. Marcy would go back to work and rely on her parents for childcare.* d. Marcy would never remarry and would never let her children drive. 11. To a conflict theorist, marriage and families are fascinating because: 2 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved


a. b. c. d.

All married men and women fight every single day of their lives. No one ever gets what they want, so everyone compromises. All teenagers always fight with their parents. Within the family are social standings and power struggles*

12. Peter finds that he always reacts differently to correction from his father than from his mother. What might a symbolic interactionist studying families make of this situation? a. Peter needs professional counseling. b. Peter plays different roles with his father and mother.* c. Peter needs a sibling. d. Peter’s lack of respect for his mother means he’ll probably get divorced when he’s older. 13. Which factors do sociologists suspect were the cause for such a high divorce rate during the 1960’s? a. There was an increase in women working outside of the home, and also, greater social acceptance of divorce.* b. Men were granted more freedom and often allowed to work from home which put more strain on their marital relationships, and which also coincided with women becoming more educated and more aware of their legal rights. c. The 1960’s saw the birth of the zero-tolerance concept, which many men and women applied to their marriages, and which, many in society thought a great idea. d. Most people divorcing in the 1960’s grew up during World War II and struggled to make the austerity of their childhood correlate with their more abundant and fruitful lifestyles in the 1960’s. 14. In which part of the family life cycle, do sociologists point to as the most stressful time for a marriage? a. The engagement period. b. The first year of marriage. c. The birth of the first child.* d. The birth of the last child. 15. If you consider the University of Virginia’s National Marriage Project, what can be concluded from their study? a. Finances are an important foundation for a successful marriage.* b. Children are an important foundation for a successful marriage. c. Love is an important foundation for a successful marriage. d. Counseling is an important foundation for a successful marriage.

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16. How is the feminization of poverty revealed in outcomes related to children in families that have experienced divorce? a. Young women whose parents are divorced have a lower rate of employment than boys and young men. b. Girls who live with solo fathers are less likely to go to college. c. The majority of children who live with divorced mothers live near or in poverty.* d. Government funding benefits divorced men who are parents. 17. What is the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and marriage? a. Men and women who are married feel empowered to report abuse, thus the statistics we have on IPV between married couples are very accurate. b. Men and women who are married experience less abuse, than those who are separated or cohabitating.* c. Men and women who are married experience considerably more abuse, than those who are cohabitating, or separated. d. Men and women who are married prefer to seek therapy and counseling for their problems rather than hitting, punching, or screaming. 18. What is one of the biggest challenges facing groups and organizations that try to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV)? a. The victims of IPV do not report the abuse.* b. IPV almost never happens, so it is difficult to locate and predict. c. Most people do not know what IPV is. d. IPV is not taken seriously by the court system. 19. If you work with children, why is it important to be ever vigilant for any signs of child abuse? a. Social Services will sue you if you miss any sign of child abuse. b. Most reports of child abuse come from non-relative adults who interact with the child.* c. The child being abused may need extra help with focusing, learning, and concentrating. d. The child being abused may be made fun of by his or her peers, which may cause more emotional distress. 20. Corporal Punishment is another way of saying: a. White Collar Crime b. Life in prison c. Spanking* d. The death penalty

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 15 1. Which of the following is NOT true of the sociological perspective on religion? a. Religion is a cultural universal. b. Religion is a social institution. c. Religion is a system of beliefs. d. Religion is a symbol of high culture.* 2. Which two words did Émile Durkheim use to distinguish between religious objects and nonreligious objects? a. Sacred; profane * b. Unclean; holy c. Secular; religious d. Ordinary; sanctified 3. What correlation between religion and society did Max Weber see and study? a. Religion was pushed out of society as countries began to industrialize. b. Religion was important to lower class people, but not very important to those in higher classes. c. Religion was very influential over the economy and the habits of workers.* d. Religion was just a way for governments to justify and control their people. 4. Which position describes Karl Marx’s view of religion and society? a. Religion was the key to uniting the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. b. Religion simply kept the Proletariat in their low social class.* c. Religion inspired the Proletariat to work harder while under the rule of the Bourgeoisie. d. Religion was something only the Bourgeoisie had time to contemplate. 5. Some believe that religion is important because it adds meaning to people’s lives and provides answers to difficult questions. A sociologist following which theory would agree with this statement? a. A structural functionalist* b. A conflict theorist c. A symbolic interactionist d. A feminist 6. You are interested, like Durkheim, in how ordinary objects become sacred. Which theoretical approach will help you most in analyzing the data you collect? a. Structural functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interactionism* d. Feminism 1 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved


7. A sociologist studying how religious beliefs become so deeply rooted in people that they can hate people of other religions probably is: a. A structural functionalist b. A conflict theorist * c. A symbolic interactionist d. A feminist 8. Roberto has just moved to a new city. He does not know anyone but he wants to find a mosque where he can practice Islam. Which theory will Roberto use, either consciously or subconsciously, to make a decision? a. Rational Choice Theory* b. Enlightenment Theory c. Logical Approach to Decision-making Theory d. Pro vs. Con list 9. Sanchita worships three different and separate gods. Her religion falls into which category? a. Monotheism b. Polytheism* c. Atheism d. Totemism 10. What name do Buddhists give to their four basic rules? a. Communion b. Commandments c. Pathways to Meditation d. Noble Truths* 11. When Hildegard visited a Church of Christ, she realized just how similar their practices and beliefs are to her regular denomination of choice, the Episcopalian Church. These similarities probably mean that the Church of Christ is: a. A faith that is not part of any larger category. b. A cult within the Christian faith. c. A sect within the Christian faith.* d. An ecclesia within the Christian faith. 12. If someone who follows the teaching of Confucius mentions the word jen, they are referring to: a. Their sacred texts. b. A teaching that everyone should be treated kindly.* c. A mystical type of meditation. d. The discussion over whether Confucianism is a religion or a social system.

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13. How many pillars are essential to the Islamic faith? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5* d. 6 14. Megachurches have become popular in certain parts of the United States. Where else in the world are megachurches widely popular? a. South Korea* b. the United Kingdom c. Samoa d. Mongolia 15. The ___________ records Jewish interpretations of the _____________ which is their sacred text. a. Torah; Talmud b. Hasidic texts; Aggadic Midrashim c. Talmud; Torah* d. Tanakh; Tawrat 16. When Rosa and Sergei realized that the poor were being neglected in their city, they mobilized the members of their synagogue to send letters to the government asking them to fix the growing rate of poverty, or at least, fund the citizens so they might help their neighbors. This is an example of: a. Zero-Tolerance Theology b. Liberation Theology* c. Social Theology d. Protest Theology 17. What did Marx and Freud see as the downfall of religion that would lead to the secularization of society? a. Class stratification of society b. Social strains of society c. Apathy of society d. Modernization of society* 18. How did technological innovation lead to major changes in religion? a. Larger places of worship such as massive temples and churches could contain thousands of people. b. The ability to travel lowered the importance of religion in people's lives. c. The ability to mass produce religious texts led people to pursue their own interpretations of religion.* d. As people began to communicate electronically, they no longer needed to attend worship 3 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved


19. Many people are familiar with the yin-yang symbol. From which religion does this come? a. Confucianism b. Baha’i c. Taoism* d. Jainism 20. Which text is considered sacred to Christians of all sects? a. The Book of Mormon b. The Apocrypha c. The Hymnal d. The Bible*

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 16 1. Which of the following does NOT account for the differences in the educational system from country to country? a. Financial resources from the government and population b. Geographic distribution of male and female students* c. Value placed on education d. Amount of time devoted to education 2. The term formal education is defined by as: a. Learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors through participation in a society. b. The education one receives at a private school, parochial school, or private college. c. An education that is accompanied by a tutor at all times. d. The learning of academic facts and concepts.* 3. Jackson lives in rural Chile, and is the son of a poor farmer. The nearest school is 50 miles away, and he has no means to get there. What does the educational system in Jackson’s country lack? a. Formal education b. Informal education c. Universal access* d. Latent functions 4. Which court case set the precedent for access to education within the United States for students with disabilities? a. Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia* b. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Brown v. the Board of Education 5. Which of the following is NOT a latent function of education? a. Political and social integration b. Courtship c. Working in groups d. Transmission of culture* 6. Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education? a. Socialization b. Social control c. Social placement d. Social networks*


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7. Malik grew up in an affluent household which embraced activities such as attending the opera, visiting museums, and traveling to foreign countries at least once a year. When Malik goes to college, he finds he has much to talk about with professors, and fellow students from similar backgrounds. Malik is enjoying the benefits of: a. Grade inflation b. Cultural capital* c. Tracking d. The education gap 8. The concept hidden curriculum can be defined as: a. A type of nonacademic knowledge that one learns through informal learning and cultural transmission.* b. The course objectives teachers incorporate into their syllabi after the semester has started. c. The emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications. d. The unexpected subjects students take an interest in after being exposed to experts in the field. 9. Which of the following is NOT a method used within the United States to produce educational equality? a. Charter schools b. Mandatory tutoring* c. Bussing d. Head Start 10. Which of the following sociological perspectives argues that the educational system reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities arising from differences in class, gender, race and ethnicity? a. Symbolic interactionism b. Conflict theory* c. Functionalism d. None of the above. 11. Kara has behavioral problems as a young child. As she goes through school, she is labeled “troubled,” and told she will never amount to anything. Kara, though intelligent, decides to “live down” to this expectation. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in studying Kara’s experience? a. Symbolic interactionism* b. Conflict theory c. Functionalism d. Feminist theory


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12. The term sorting can be defined as: a. A formalized system that places students on “tracks” (advanced, low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities. b. The process by which students are allowed to choose their own classes based on interest. c. Classifying students based on academic merit or potential.* d. The use of education to improve one’s social standing. 13. Which sociologist studied how cultural capital helps an individual navigate their culture? a. Max Weber b. Karl Marx c. Émile Durkheim d. Pierre Bourdieu* Please match the court case with its significance: 14. Plessy v. Furguson (b)

a. Set precedent for universal access to education in the United States b. Allowed racial segregation in schools and private businesses c. Declared that state laws that had established separate schools for black and white students were unequal and unconstitutional

15. Brown v. the Board of Education (c) 16. Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia (a)

17. What is the Head Start Program? a. A teaching method which equips students to regurgitate facts in order to do well on standardized tests. b. A federal program that provides academically focused preschool to students of low socioeconomic status.* c. A state mandate that determines the eligibility of students who expect to attend college. d. A curriculum which requires states to test students in prescribed grades, with the results of those tests determining eligibility to receive federal funding. 18. How does grade inflation affect employment opportunities? a. It allows people to alter their credentials or achievement on resumes and job applications. b. It allows people to pass certification tests they would normally fail. c. It encourages employers to hire people from the same institution they attended d. It encourages employers to hire people who might not have deserved the good grades they received.* 3

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19. When Ahmed is in 5th grade, he does poorly in math and science. His teachers recommend him for lower-level classes throughout middle school in all subjects, and he’s not given the chance to excel elsewhere. This process is known as: a. Tracking* b. Grade inflation c. Feminism d. Manifest function 20. What factors contribute to inequality within the educational system in the United States? a. Racism b. Socioeconomic status c. Geography d. All of the above* 21. Although the Brown v. Board of Education decision indicated that race-based segregation was illegal, how did many communities maintain their formal segregation? a. Congress and the President did not support the decision. b. States did not recognize the Supreme Court's authority. c. The decision did not mandate the exact requirements of desegregation as would a law.* d. Supreme Court decisions are not enforceable.

22. In the case of the Harlem Nine, the courts decided that New York City was practicing: a. de jure segregation b. de facto segregation* c. classism d. implicit bias

23. What is a core reason that students with dyslexia or ADHD have not received the support they need? a. Educators do not know how to manage or support those disorders b. Accommodations aren't usually successful c. Many people with these disorders are not properly diagnosed * d. There are now laws indicating how people with these and similar disorders should be treated in education.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 17 1.

Why do some voter referendums not enforced by the states in which they were administered? a. Voter referendums are not sanctioned by their state constitutions b. Voter referendums have a very low response rate in elections c. State governments may pass laws designed to negate them.* d. State governors have the ultimate power in deciding which voters to follow.

2. How did Max Weber define power? a. The authority to imprison citizens without cause. b. The legal resources to prosecute and punish. c. Politically elected influence used to control the masses. d. The ability to exercise one’s will over others* 3. Juan believes that battles such as the French Revolution are necessary for a country to preserve liberty, to maintain or gain land, and will ultimately lead to a more even distribution of wealth among a population. From which sociological perspective do Juan’s thoughts come from? a. Feminist b. Conflict theory* c. Functionalism d. Symbolic interactionism Please match the type of authority with its definition: 4. Traditional (a)

a. Power legitimized on the basis of long-standing customs b. Power that is legitimized by rules, regulations, and laws c. Power legitimized on the basis of a leader’s exceptional personal qualities

5. Charismatic (c) 6. Rational-Legal (b)


Which sociological perspective would consider activism such as Occupy Wall Street and Teacher’s Union rallies undesirable, because they force political change? a. Feminist b. Conflict theory c. Functionalism* d. Symbolic interactionism


What is the difference between an oligarchy and a monarchy? 1

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a. Members of an oligarchy do not necessarily achieve their status based on ties to noble ancestry, while members of a monarchy do.* b. There is no difference – both members achieve status based on ties to noble ancestry. c. Both are elected by a democratic process, but monarchies have the right to override the popular vote. d. Members of a monarchy do not necessarily achieve their status based on ties to noble ancestry, while members of an oligarchy do.


Which sociologist studied the power elite, and wrote the book entitled Who Rules America? a. G. William Domhoff* b. C. Wright Mills c. Karl Marx d. Émile Durkheim

10. Communist regimes, which attempt to control all aspects of citizens’ lives, are examples of which form of government: a. Oligarchy b. Dictatorship c. Constitutional monarchy d. Totalitarian dictatorship* 11. In recent decades, lobbying has become a powerful force in the political world. Lobbyists frequently meet behind closed doors with senators, lawmakers, and congressmen and women to push influential legislation through the congressional process. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in examining the lobbying movement? a. Feminist b. Exchange theory c. Functionalism d. Symbolic interactionism* 12. Which of the following best defines the term patrimonialism? a. Power that people accept because it comes from a source that is perceived as legitimate. b. A military technique which includes the spread of the conquering country’s religion. c. A ruling class that is dependent upon the blood line from the father’s side of the family. d. A type of authority wherein military and administrative factions enforce the power of the master.* 13. What was the significance of the famous case Reynolds v. Sims? a. It gave African Americans the right to vote. b. It reaffirmed the concept that each person’s vote should be counted equally.* c. It gave women the right to vote. d. It established the precedent that felons are not allowed to vote. 14. Queen Noor of Jordan is a leader of which form of government? a. Oligarchy 2

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b. Dictatorship c. Constitutional monarchy* d. Monarchy

15. Over the past decades, the turnout of minority voters has: a. Steadily increased* b. Remained unchanged c. Steadily decreased d. Slowly decreased 16. From the functionalist perspective, which of the following is NOT a purpose of government? a. Planning and directing society b. Meeting social needs c. Managing international relations d. Lobbying for domestic corporate interests* 17. Kendra believes the U.S. government to be corrupt, and thinks that there should be no governing force to control people’s lives. Kendra believes in: a. Democracy b. Constitutional monarchy c. Anarchy* d. Oligarchies 18. Please define representative democracy: a. A form of government in which a small percentage of the population is represented by popular election, and the rest of the population is represented by those whose office is dependent upon noble birth. b. A government of a nation that recognizes monarchs but requires these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution. c. A form of government in which power is held by a small, elite group. d. A government wherein citizens elect officials to represent their interests.* 19. Hitler was an example of what kind of authority? a. Charismatic* b. Rational-legal c. Traditional d. None of the above. 20. Which of the following contributes lower percentage of voter turnout from those who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds? a. Voting sites frequently discourage participation from those of lower socioeconomic backgrounds. 3

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b. Members of lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to overestimate the voting practices of their peers. c. Lower-paying jobs frequently have less flexible hours, making time to vote difficult.* d. Many citizens from lower socioeconomic backgrounds cannot afford to vote.

21. Which sociologist saw political conflict as the only means of promoting positive change for the underprivileged? a. G. William Domhoff b. C. Wright Mills c. Karl Marx* d. Émile Durkheim


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 18 1. Which of the following best defines the term commodity? a. A physical object we find, grow, or make to meet our needs and those of others.* b. An activity that benefits people, such as health care, education, and entertainment. c. An economic system which adheres to the principles of socialism. d. A benefit given to those who participate in the capitalist market. 2. Which of the following is an example of structural unemployment? a. A large fire burns down an automotive plant in Detroit, forcing the employees temporarily out of work. b. Three sales associates from Target are fired after stealing merchandise from the electronics department. c. John quits his job after getting accepted into law school. d. Though many companies are hiring in Washington D.C., unemployment is high in Tennessee.* 3. During what time period did economies begin to develop globally? a. The Industrial Revolution b. The Post-Industrial Revolution c. The Agricultural Revolution* d. The Information Age 4. Terrence and his family own a farm in a remote region of Chile. They farm only enough to produce enough food to feed the family, and pay their taxes. What are Terrence and his family engaging in? a. Capitalism b. Mercantilism c. Capitalistic Farming d. Subsistence Farming* 5. Which of the following is an example of polarization? a. The job market is increasing in the lowest economic levels, and is increasing in the highest economic levels.* b. A professional career is guaranteed after earning a college degree. c. Unemployment is down for those with PhDs and those without a high school education. d. The recession has encouraged many workers to earn their associate degrees. 1

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6. Jin is a conflict theorist sociologist. Which of the following statements about Occupy Wall Street would most align with Jin’s sociological perspective? a. Occupy Wall Street is positive; our capitalist economy is only making social inequality grow larger.* b. Occupy Wall Street is a waste of time; our capitalistic economy is keeping our nation healthy, and is designed for maximum efficiency. c. Occupy Wall Street is a threat; with so many angry people gathered in one place, horrible violence will surely break out. d. Occupy Wall Street is dangerous; large crowds in these environments heighten the risk for sexual abuse and gender discrimination. 7. The term xenophobia can best be defined as: a. An illogical fear and even hatred of foreigners and foreign goods.* b. A marketing campaign aimed at foreign countries selling American goods. c. A pronounced fear of globalization destroying one’s job. d. A hatred of corporate America and the lobbying push. 8. Davis is low on cash, but really wants an electric guitar. He offers to trade his acoustic guitar, for his friend Bill’s electric guitar. Davis is engaging in: a. Supply and demand b. Mercantilism c. Capitalism d. Bartering* 9. By 2009, America had suffered several consecutive quarters of economic decline. America was in the midst of a: a. Capital rebuttal b. Recession* c. Depression d. Economic sling-shot recovery 10. Which of the following best defines the term globalization? a. The process of removing manufacturing and industrial sites from foreign countries and returning them to the United States. b. When products are assembled over the course of several international transactions. c. Long periods of recession followed by sharp economic upturn worldwide. d. The process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market.*


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11. What was the significance of NAFTA? a. It encouraged trade with North Korea, which had previously been embargoed. b. It allowed freer trade opportunities for the United States, Canada, and Mexico.* c. It forbade trade with any country that didn’t use a capitalist government. d. It restricted trade within North American countries by imposing a heavy tax and tariffs. 12. Apple computers ship their computer parts to India to be made, and station their tech support in India. This is an example of a: a. Decisive export b. Global assembly line* c. Global commodity chain d. Xenophobia 13. Keshawn used to work for an IT company in Baltimore, but lost his job when his company decided to use workers in New Delhi instead. This is an example of: a. Outsourcing* b. Polarization c. Automation d. The technology gap 14. The term mercantilism can best be defined as: a. An economic system in which there is private ownership (as opposed to state ownership) and where there is an impetus to produce profit, and thereby wealth. b. When children tend to enter the same or similar occupation as their parents. c. An economic policy based on national policies of accumulating silver and gold by controlling markets with colonies and other countries through taxes and customs charges.* d. An economic system in which there is government ownership (often referred to as “state run”) of goods and their production, with an impetus to share work and wealth equally among the members of a society. 15. Which of the following is not an example of underemployment? a. After college graduation, Marcus could only find work part-time as a bartender. b. After his wife gave birth to twins, Jerry quit his job to help raise them.* c. Following the recession, Ellen lost her fulltime job as a PR assistant and found part-time work as a cosmetic sales associate. d. When John’s sales job is outsourced he’s forced to take work as a janitor to pay off his student loans.


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16. Alex’s country was once communist, but now allows limited private ownership of companies, and lets market forces determine production and pricing decisions. What kinds of economy is Alex living in? a. Market Communist b. Market Socialist* c. Capitalist d. Democratic 17. What is one reason unemployment statistics are unreliable? a. Those surveyed frequently lie about their employment status. b. The statistics include only those who are currently looking for work.* c. The government only surveys those who have been out of work for a year or more. d. Different states define unemployment in different ways. 18. Which of the following industries is not projected to experience growth within the United States within the next 10 years? a. Financial b. Healthcare c. Community and Social Service d. Farming, Fishing, and Forestry* 19. Émile Durkheim described mechanical solidarity as: a. A form of socialism under which individuals and cooperative groups exchange products with one another on the basis of mutually satisfactory contracts b. A form of social cohesion that comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion, as might be found in simpler societies* c. A form of social cohesion that arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work d. A practice where jobs are contracted to an outside source, often in another country 20. Which of the following is an example of convergence theory in action? a. Germany rebuilt its economy after World War II, creating more job opportunities and prosperity for its citizens. * b. Following the decline of the automotive industry, Detroit became a bankrupt city with large unemployment. c. The suburbs of Paris became crime-infested after wealthier citizens moved into the city, pushing the lower classes out of their homes. d. Washington DC has become a city to which many young people flock because of its low unemployment rate and job opportunities. 4

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21. What contributes to the concept that it's very expensive to be poor? a. People with low income do not qualify for government support. b. Taxation effects people with lower income than higher income. c. People with lower income have a difficult time getting loans.* d. People with lower income have no means of social mobility.


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 19 1. Medical sociology is the systematic study of: a. The causes and distribution of diseases b. Doctor/Patient relationships among ill and healthy patients c. The rate at which social diseases spread amongst varying socioeconomic populations d. How humans manage issues of health and illness, disease and disorders, and health care for both the sick and the healthy* 2. Which of the following is NOT a result of the commodification of health care? a. The wealthy having greater access to healthcare b. Poorer members of society experiencing illness caused by poor diet c. HIV spreading across the United States at a rapid rate in the 1980’s* d. Spousal benefits being frequently denied to gay and lesbian couples 3. Sheryl was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was a teenager. She’s hesitant to tell her friends, and tries her best to hide her diagnosis from her coaches, teachers, and employers, since she’s seen other people with the illness be discriminated against on account of it. Bipolar disorder is an example of a(n): a. Untreatable illness b. Stigmatized illness*’ c. Withdrawn illness d. Contested illness 4. Obesity is rising at the fastest rate in which of the following countries? a. High income* b. Middle income c. Low income d. All are rising at high rates 5. At many times in history, women were diagnosed or declared mentally incompetent or insane for speaking out or even pursuing education. Which sociological perspective would be most concerned with why these acts were associated with illness, and what effect that diagnosis had on society? a. Exchange theory b. Functionalist c. Feminist d. Symbolic interactionist* 1

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6. What is one of the largest contributors to health problems in low-income countries? a. Veganism b. Clean water access* c. High caloric diets d. Sterilization 7. Epidemiology is: a. The study of how people manage issues of health and illness, disease and disorder, and healthcare for both the sick and the healthy b. The study of the social process that normalizes “sick” behavior c. The study of the process that changes “bad” behavior into “sick” behavior d. The study of the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases* 8. Drake lives in Great Britain, where the British government owns and operates the country’s health care system. This is an example of ____: a. Socialized medicine* b. Limited healthcare c. Private healthcare d. Individual mandates 9. Which of the following would a social epidemiologist be likely to study: a. The effects of redistricting on a local election b. The prevalence of crime surrounding John Hopkins hospital c. The use of cough medicine as a recreational drug for suburban teens d. The high cancer rates surrounding a large manufacturing plant in New Mexico* 10. The United States healthcare system consists of: a. Socialized medicine b. Public and private insurance coverage* c. Global healthcare d. Private insurance coverage only 11. When a number of young, gay men in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles began dying of a mysterious disease in the early 1980’s, the public began referring to the disease as “the gay cancer,” stigmatizing the disease for doctors and patients. This is an example of: a. The medicalization of deviance 2

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b. The social construction of the illness experience c. The decriminalization of HIV d. The cultural meaning of illness* 12. Which of the following was not among the United Nations eight Millennium Development Goals set in 2000? a. Reduce child mortality b. Improve maternal health c. Decrease obesity* d. Fight HIV/AIDS 13. Taylor works as a legal assistant. His insurance doesn’t cover treatment for depression, and he spends 15% of his income each month to receive care. This is an example of a. An individual mandate b. Universal healthcare c. Underinsurance* d. Public insurance 14. Which sociological perspective argues that sick people fill a societal role, and are stigmatized by society if they spend longer in that role than is appropriate? a. Conflict theory b. Feminist c. Symbolic interactionism d. Functionalism* 15. What sociologist pioneered the concept of “The Sick Role”? a. Howard Becker b. Stuart Hall c. Talcott Parsons* d. Pierre Bourdieu 16. Which of the following is an example of legitimation? a. Rihanna pretending to be ill so she can miss her chemistry exam b. Marley’s doctor diagnosing him with bronchitis * c. Kelsey buying Clariton to medicate her allergies d. Chuck giving Damion the flu after sharing a soda 17. In recent years, a great compulsion to engage in frequent and risky sexual behaviors was deemed sexual addiction. This is an example of: a. Individualized deviance 3

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b. Deviant qualification c. Commodification of health care d. Medicalization of deviance* 18. Shane believes that the commodification of health has created a large number of problems within the United States. From which sociological perspective does this come from? a. Conflict theory* b. Functionalist c. Feminist d. Symbolic interactionist 19. Which of the following best defines the concept of “The Sick Role”? a. The pattern of expectations that define appropriate behavior for the sick and for those who take care of them* b. The social sanctions faced by a person who claims to be sick for too long c. The discriminatory practices used by corporations when an employee takes sick leave d. An illnesses that is questioned or considered questionable by some medical professionals 20. Dana’s lives in a country which guarantees healthcare for all of its citizens. Dana lives in a country which uses: a. Globalization healthcare b. Optimization healthcare c. Market-driven healthcare d. Universal healthcare*


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Test Bank Questions Chapter 20 1. A sociologist is studying how the population of certain countries influences and affects the population and environment of other neighboring countries. This sociologist is most likely a: a. Structural functionalist* b. Conflict theorist c. Symbolic interactionist d. Feminist 2. Anil has noticed that infertility has been affecting many of his intergenerational friends and family. Based on this observation, Anil is writing his senior thesis on the effects that certain cities, water quality, and hormones might have on his friends. Anil will most likely approach his findings and paper using which theory? a. Demographic transition theory b. Cornucopian theory c. Zero population growth theory* d. Malthusian theory 3. Paris has been studying the demography of the United Kingdom. The U.K. is very similar to the United States or Sweden in that it is industrialized, has relatively long life expectancy, and infant mortality is low. Which stage in the Demographic Transition Theory would the U.K. fall into? a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4* 4. Melissa has been working to develop drought-resistance seeds that require little water to grow and which produce grain. She wants to send these to arid parts of the world, where conventional grain is not easy (or even impossible) to grow to improve nutrition for the people in those countries. In sociological terms, Melissa most likely ascribes to: a. Demographic transition theory b. Cornucopian theory* c. Zero population growth theory d. Malthusian theory 5. In which states do the highest numbers of recent immigrants live? a. Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas b. California, New York, and New Mexico c. California, Florida, and Texas * d. California, Oregon, and Washington

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6. Your best friend Sky is hoping to start a new city on an island in the Pacific. Which sociologist would you suggest she read first, before setting out? a. Arlie Hochschild b. Thomas Malthus c. Gideon Sjoberg* d. Paul Ehrlich 7. Which is an aspect of city life that might catch a human ecologist’s attention? a. The NIMBY movement to prevent a giant chain from opening near a high rise apartment building. b. The decision to make sidewalks narrower so that a city road can provide on-street parking.* c. The number of nannies that can be found in Central Park on a given day. d. The number of male nannies that take care of children in New York City. 8. If we consider the concentric zone model, which is a conflict theorist’s critique? a. The model fails to show the gentrification of neighborhoods as certain classes start to take over cities.* b. The model fails to take into account all the parks and playgrounds in the city. c. The model does not show any careful city planning that usually takes place when a city is born. d. The model fails to explore areas of overlap where a business might be located in a suburb or people might live above their businesses in the city. 9. What type of nations are the greatest sources of greenhouse gases? a. Core b. Peripheral c. Postindustrial* d. Semi-peripheral 10. Some people may think that once you’ve studied one city, you’ve studied them all. Which is an example of why these people may be misinformed? a. London has a subway system and New York City does not. b. Hong Kong does not have a McDonald’s but Detroit does. c. The banlieues, or suburbs, of Paris are the bad parts of town, almost inside-out compared to Baltimore.* d. The exurbs of Prague are actually in the middle of the city while the exurbs are on the outside of Los Angeles. 11. Three things are important for the formation and sustentation of a city. Which of the below options is NOT one of them? a. Fresh water supply b. Consistent Food Supply c. Well constructed buildings* d. Social Stability 2 Copyright 2021, Rice University. All Rights Reserved


12. Why do we have two words for a big city: metropolis and megalopolis? a. A metropolis only has domestic airports while a megalopolis has international airports. b. A metropolis has less than 2 million people, while a megalopolis has more than 5 million people. c. A metropolis is characterized by the presence of a subway, while a megalopolis is characterized by a public bus system. d. A metropolis is just one city while a megalopolis includes many different cities.* 13. Bill wants to increase his herd of cattle on his farm. Right now, he his herd numbers around 100, and he has 100 acres of his farm set aside for their pasture. What would a sociologist suggest so that his farm, which feeds many in his town and county, can continue to function? a. Bill should examine the carrying capacity of his lands and consider setting aside more land if he wants to increase his herd.* b. Bill should make sure that he has at least one bull so that he can keep breeding his cattle. c. Bill should start training his son at age 5 to deal with cattle so he will be equipped for his inheritance. d. Bill should sell his farm to the highest bidder and relax more often. 14. What have sociologists begun to realize about the nomadic lifestyle? a. Nomads have a hard time bridging the gap between their traditional lifestyle and doing what is best for the land.* b. Nomads never tire the land they live on because they are constantly moving from place to place. c. Nomads are better than stationary farmers at protecting the land and keeping the soil good for other people’s use. d. Nomads only raise sheep and goats, not cows or oxen, so the grass their herds consume is minimal at most. 15. What is one way the people of the United States, and the world, are reaching and abusing the Earth’s carrying capacity? a. We spend money ejecting trash into outer space. b. We show little concern about contaminating water with our garbage and waste.* c. We have created parks and protected forested areas, sometimes in vain. d. We eat animals when we should really only eat plants which are much more renewable. 16. How can e-waste lead to health and safety issues? a. If left unmanaged, e-waste gives off gases that make people sick. b. The disposal and recycling processes expose people to toxins. * c. Money spent on replacing spent electronics reduces people and countries' resources to spend on healthcare. d. Electronics give off radiation that interfere with nerve signals.

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17. How can lack of clean access to water affect educational improvement in a region? a. Regions without adequate clean water have a difficult time building schools. b. Regions without adequate clean water cannot attract teachers or other educational staff. c. Children in areas without adequate water spend too much time hauling water over long distances.* d. Children in areas without adequate water work in order to purchase clean water instead of going to school.

18. What was the name of the agreement that several countries signed as a way to pledge the lessening of carbon emissions? e. the Hong Kong Pact f. the Beijing Pollution Reduction Agreement g. the Kyoto Protocol* h. the Seoul Greener Earth Initiative 19. Josh sits in his kitchen in the city projects trying to sip his coffee while inhaling the nauseating fumes wafting from the town dump that was relocated to within a mile of his home. He desperately wishes he could move, but he works two jobs just to make ends meet for his family. Josh lives in the poorer part of town; the part that is greatly overlooked by local government officials. What might a sociologist call this phenomenon? a. white flight b. gentrification c. environmental racism* d. urbanization 20. Which of the following is one of the many concerns with the practice of fracking? a. Fracking may cause volcanoes to erupt by undermining the seismic stability of an area. b. Fracking requires a huge amount of water.* c. The chemicals used in a fracking mix create a potentially putrid odor. d. Fracking includes drilling vertically into the rock to create new pathways for gas to travel.

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Test Bank Questions Chapter 21 1. Tarah is attending a sold-out concert at Red Rocks, with thousands of other fans of the artist. Tarah is part of a: a. Public b. Mass* c. Norm d. Casual crowd 2. An anti-smoking campaign features former tobacco users who are visibly and audibly sick. Which type of framing did this campaign use? a. Diagnostic* b. Motivational c. Referential d. Prognostic 3. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an animal rights group that has over 2 million members across the country and spends millions of dollars on advertising (print, broadcast and social media) in order to spread social awareness about their cause each year. Which theory attempts to explain PETA’s success? a. Collective behavior theory b. Resource mobilization theory* c. New social movement theory d. Frame alignment process 4. An airplane has crashed on a deserted island off the coast of Fiji. The survivors are forced to learn new behaviors in order to adapt to the situation and each other. This is an example of which theory? a. Immersed socialization b. Assembling c. Emergent norm* d. Abrams 5. The hacker group Anonymous is known for action against governments and other organizations that its members believe are oppressive or unjust, including hacks targeting the New York Stock Exchange and web sites depicting child abuse. What type of movement is Anonymous? a. Revolutionary b. Alternative c. Resistance* 1

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d. Reform 6. When social movements link their goals to the goals of other social movements and merge into a single group, this is referred to as: a. Ecofeminism b. Frame diagnostics c. Motivational framing d. Frame alignment process* Please match the term with its definition: 7. Conventional Crowd (c)

a. people who share close proximity without really interacting b. crowds of people who are focused on a specific action or goal c. people who come together for a regularly scheduled event d. crowds who share opportunities to express emotions

8. Acting Crowd (b) 9. Casual Crowd (a) 10. Expressive Crowd (d)

11. Which of the following is an example of a convergence cluster? a. A crowd watching a performance of Hairspray b. A group of friends traveling to New York City for the weekend* c. A crowd singing the National Anthem before an Orioles game d. A boat of people screaming after Jaws is spotted beside their boat 12. According to Neil Smelser, several conditions must be in place for _________________ to occur? a. Collective behavior* b. Effective interpretation c. Social revolt d. Singular protest 13. Neil Smelser’s theory of crowd behavior is referred to as ______ theory: a. Crowd intonation b. Immersed socialization c. Assembling d. Value-added* 2

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14. Which of the following is the best definition of social change? a. A group of people gathered to protest or rally in favor of a bill or law. b. An act of a bill passing in the House and the Senate. c. An act of military rebellion. d. The change in society created through social movements as well as external factors like environmental shifts or technological innovations.* 15. Assembling perspective falls under which sociological perspective? a. Feminist b. Interactionist* c. Conflict theorist d. Functionalist 16. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C. which advocates for equal rights and marriage rights of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual citizens. The HRC is a ____ group: a. Revolutionary b. Reform* c. Religious/Redemptive d. Alternative 17. When news of Proposition 8 broke in California in 2008, hundreds of thousands of protestors came together using Twitter, Facebook, and the media to get their message of protest out. Which stage of Blumer and Tilly’s social movement outline represents this? a. Technological response stage b. Coalescence stage* c. Social media stage d. Institutionalization stage

18. For several years, millions of people took part in the ice bucket challenge to raise money and awareness regarding the disease ALS. While the movement hasn't been formally closed, fewer people undertake it now. At which stage is the ice bucket challenge likely in? a. Preliminary stage b. Coalescence stage c. Social media stage d. Decline stage*


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19. Several families in a community become ill after a nearby factory begins burning a new type of fuel. Several hashtags begin trending about the issue, a community leader holds a rally, and environmental activist appears on a number of talk shows to discuss the dangers of the new fuel. The movement to ban the fuel is in which stage? a. Preliminary stage * b. Coalescence stage c. Social media stage d. Decline stage 20. Which of the following is not a widely contributing factor in social change? a. Disease* b. Social institutions c. The environment d. Technology

21. Chip believes that individuals in crowds behave rationally, and thinks crowds are engaging in purposeful behavior and collective action. What sociological perspective is Chip referring to? a. Emergent norm b. Immersed socialization c. Assembling* d. Value-added 22. Which of the following best defines a social movement? a. All politicians and elected officials. b. A collection of rights and laws aimed at the silent majority. c. A purposeful organized group hoping to work toward a common social goal.* d. A group of people organized at a meeting, such as a town hall or a courtroom.

23. Tarana Burke said the following about the movement she helped found: I think we have to be careful about what we’re calling the movement. And I think one of the things I’ve learned in the last two years is that folks don’t really understand what a movement is or how it’s defined. The people using the hashtag on the internet were the impetus for Me Too being put into the public sphere. The media coverage of the viralness of Me Too and the people being accused are media coverage of a popular story that derived from the hashtag. The movement is the work that our organization and others like us are doing to both support survivors and move people to action (Walsh 2020).


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What best describes Burke's statement about social movements? a. b. c. d.

People do not understand movements unless they are a part of them. People can engage with movements in a range of ways. * To be a participant in a movement, a person should embrace all aspects of it. The formal organization is the only authentic component of the movement.


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Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology 1. A cultural anthropologist is studying societal values and cultural norms of a tribe of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest. While doing so, they try their hardest to understand their norms and values without comparing it to their own culture. This is an example of _____________. a. b. c. d.

Antipositivism Culture Conflict Theory Functionalism

Answer: a. 2. Karl Marx focused on struggles between the bourgeoisie (the small group of capitalists who own the means of production) and the proletariat (the masses of workers exploited by the capitalists). Both groups of people compete for the same limited resources. This is an example of ______________. a. b. c. d.

Functionalism Feminist Perspective Conflict Theory Symbolic Interactionism

Answer: c. 3. In America we celebrate Valentine’s Day, growing up children celebrate it in school by coloring red hearts and giving it to their parents. As they grow older, they associate red hearts with love and eventually give something similar to that to their significant other. It is mutually understood that this is an act of love. This is an example of___________. a. b. c. d.

Generalized others Constructivism Conflict Theory Latent Functions

Answer: b. 4. Amy comes from a Mexican Catholic family. They go to church every week and next week, Amy turns 15. Her family is throwing her a Quinceanera, where they dance and celebrate her birthday. Many other people who are a part of this religion do the same thing. This is an example of _____. a. Paradigms b. Antipositivism c. Culture 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology d. Positivism Answer: c. 5. On October 31, every year, Mexican families gather around and celebrate the Day of the Dead. They get dressed up, put out gifts for their loved ones that passed away and celebrate their lives. This is a part of Mexican _________? a. b. c. d.

Society Culture Lifestyle Roles

Answer: b. 6. When a teenager bases their perception of romance and relationships off romance movies in the real world, they are exemplifying a technique used by sociologists called __________. a. b. c. d.

Dynamic equilibrium Sociological thinking Conflict Perspective Dramaturgical Analysis

Answer: d. 7. Alex started playing soccer when she was little and is now entering her freshmen year of college with a soccer scholarship. Throughout her soccer career, Alex has learned sportsmanship, teamwork, and drive. All which will help her get through her college life and her life after college. This is an example of a _______. a. b. c. d.

Function Structure Dysfunction Paradigms

Answer: a. 8. Schools socialize children by teaching them the values and beliefs of society. This is an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Antipositivism Conflict Perspective Manifest Function Latent Function 2

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology

Answer: c.

9. During our sociology study we created a ___________, stating that if we went to Starbucks, there would be more women than men coming in to buy beverages. We tested it, and found that there were indeed, more women coming in and ordering drinks than men. a. b. c. d.

Hypothesis Culture Grand Theory Conclusion

Answer: a. 10. Before we start our laboratory experiment, we must come up with a ________ which we will test in the study and see if it’s true or not. a. b. c. d.

Theory Method Hypothesis Social Fact

Answer: c. 11. In school, we are taught to read and write. Without school, we probably wouldn’t learn as fast or at all. This is an example of a ______________. a. b. c. d.

Manifest Function Latent Function Dysfunction Knowledge gap

Answer: a.

3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology 12. Betty is a sociological scientist. She loves to look at patterns of society such as social behavior and social structure. The term used, coined by Auguste Comte, to describe the study of these social patterns is... a. b. c. d.

Positivism Paradigms Reifications Verstehen

Answer: a. 13. Brenda is curious about why people choose to start smoking cigarettes when they know it may cause cancer. She conducts many in-depth interviews with current smokers and asks why they started smoking. What type of research would this example demonstrate? a. b. c. d.

Quantitative Sociology Qualitative Sociology Dramaturgical Analysis Latent Functions

Answer: b. 14. Elle the Sociologist is running research in which they must conduct in-depth interview to understand why some people prefer dogs over cats. What type of research would this example demonstrate? a. b. c. d.

Reification Quantitative Sociology Qualitative Sociology Social Facts

Answer: c. 15. Lev the Sociologist is running research in which he put a survey on the Internet about cell phone use while driving. He received over 1,000 results. With his findings he performed statistical tests to find conclusions. What type of research would this example demonstrate? a. b. c. d.

Quantitative Sociology Qualitative Sociology Field study Experiential sociology

Answer: a. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology

16. When performing this type of research, we use statistics to measure the data we have received from a large sample size. This research is called: A. Qualitative Sociology B. Quantitative Sociology C. Verstehen D. Micro-level Answer: b.

17. Meena is a successful lawyer who grew up with a loving family. She credits her mother and father for her success. Since her parents made such an impact on his life, Meena would consider them ______ ______. a. b. c. d.

Supporters Significant Others Generalized Others Latent Functions

Answer: b.

18. Anita does not drive through red lights, follows similar fashion to her peers, and does not drink alcohol as she follows the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All these things control her social life and are examples of: a. b. c. d.

Social Facts Social Controls Sociology Theory

Answer: a. 19. Colleges and universities help students to succeed and graduate. They are ____________: a. b. c. d.

Credentialists Latent Functions Social Solidarities Social Institutions

Answer: d. 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology 20. Kerry and John’s group of friends all go to the same church, live in the same town and shop at the same grocery store. These social ties are known as: a. b. c. d.

Social Institutions Social Solidarity Conflict Perspective Paradigms

Answer: a. 21. In an Agrarian community, people construct social order through a reliance on farming. Agrarians also make a living through growing crops through human and animal labor. Everyone in the community interacts with one another and share a common culture. This is an example of a _________. a. b. c. d.

Conflict Perspective Government Culture Society

Answer: d. 22. Kelly is a very understanding individual. In every argument, she can imagine herself in the other persons shoes to see their side of the argument. Even in history class, she can put herself in the opposing position to the war she is learning about, to understand their point of view. Being able to imagine yourself in another's position is called_______ ________. a. b. c. d.

Social Solidarity Generalized others Latent Functions Sociological Imagination

Answer: d. 23. Bob went to college and got a master’s degree. He studies how groups of people interact in different situations. Sometimes he studies large groups of people, like a whole culture, or he studies small groups, as little as four people. What subject did Bob get his degree in? a. b. c. d.

History Psychology Sociology Kinesiology 6

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology Answer: c. 24. Evolution describes human life. It explains how each generation lives on with the traits best for survival. These traits get passed down and allow each new generation to evolve. This idea of evolution is a_____. a. b. c. d.

Theory Hypothesis Conclusion Law

Answer: a. 25. John likes to understand others. He likes to put himself in other people’s shoes in different situations. In German, a descriptor of this action of understanding another person is called: a. b. c. d.

Hypothesis Reification Verstehen Dramaturgical Analysis

Answer: c.

26. Antipositivism is defined as: a. The view that social researchers should strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values. b. An extension of symbolic interaction theory which proposes that reality is what humans cognitively construct it to be. c. A technique sociologist use in which they view society through the metaphor of theatrical performance. d. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior. Answer: a. 27. The view that social researchers should strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values is known as: a. b. c. d.

Antipositivism Constructivism Dramaturgical Analysis Figuration 7

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology Answer: a. 28. Conflict Theory is defined as: a. A theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society. b. An attempt to explain large-scale relationships and answer fundamental questions such as why societies form and why they change. c. A theory that looks at society as a competition for limited resources. d. A proposed explanation about social interactions or society. Answer: c. 29. A theory that looks at society as a competition for limited resources is known as: a. b. c. d.

Functionalism Grand Theories Conflict Theory Theory

Answer: c.

30. Constructivism is defined as: a. A theoretical perspective through which scholars examine the relationship of individuals within their society by studying their communication (language and symbols). b. An extension of symbolic interaction theory which proposes that reality is what human cognitively construct it to be. c. The scientific study of social patterns. d. A theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society. Answer: b. 31. An extension of symbolic interaction theory which proposes that reality is what humans cognitively construct it to be in known as: a. Symbolic Interactionism b. Constructivism c. Positivism 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology d. Functionalism Answer: b. 32. Culture is defined as: a. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior. b. The organized and generalized attitude of a social group. c. The scientific study of social patterns d. A group’s shared practices, values, and belief’s. Answer: d. 33. A group’s shared practices, values, and belief’s is known as: a. b. c. d.

Figuration Generalized Others Positivism Culture.

Answer: d. 34. Dramaturgical Analysis is defined as: a. A technique sociologists use in which they view society through the metaphor of theatrical performance. b. A stable state in which all parts of a healthy society work together properly. c. The part a recurrent activity plays in the social life as a whole and the contribution it makes to structural continuity. d. A theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society. Answer: a. 35. A technique sociologists use in which they view society through the metaphor of theatrical performance is known as: a. b. c. d.

Dramaturgical Analysis Dynamic Equilibrium Function Functionalism

Answer: a. 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology 36. Dynamic Equilibrium is defined as: a. The view that social researchers should strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values. b. An attempt to explain large-scale relationships and answer fundamental questions such as why societies form and why they change. c. A stable state in which all parts of a healthy society work together properly. d. The laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, customs, fashions, rituals, and all of the cultural rules that govern social life. Answer: c. 37. A stable state in which all parts of a healthy society work together properly is known as: a. b. c. d.

Antipositivism Grand Theories Dynamic Equilibrium Social Facts

Answer: c. 38. Dysfunctions is defined as: a. Social patters that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society. b. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior. c. The unrecognized or unintended consequences of a social process. d. An error of treating an abstract concept as though it has a real, material existence. Answer: a. 39. Social patterns that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society is known as: a. b. c. d.

Dysfunctions Figuration Latent Functions Reification

Answer: a. 40. Figuration is defined as: a. A stable state in which all parts of a healthy society work together properly. 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology b. A theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society. c. Patterns of beliefs and behaviors focused on meeting social needs. d. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behaviors of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior. Answer: d. 41. The process of simultaneously analyzing the behaviors of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior is known as: a. b. c. d.

Dynamic Equilibrium Functionalism Social Institutions Figuration

Answer: d. 42. Function is defined as: a. Social patterns that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society. b. The part a recurrent activity plays in the social life as a whole and the contribution it makes to structural continuity. c. The unrecognized or unintended consequences of a social process. d. Sought consequences of a social process. Answer: b. 43. The part a recurrent activity plays in the social life as a whole and the contribution it makes to structural continuity is known as: a. b. c. d.

Dysfunctions Function Latent Functions Manifest Functions

Answer: b. 44. Functionalism is defined as: a. A theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society. b. Social patterns that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society. c. The part of a recurrent activity plays in the social life as a whole and the contribution it makes to structural continuity. 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 1 An Introduction to Sociology d. An attempt to explain large-scale relationships and answer fundamental questions such as why societies form and why they change. Answer: a.

12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

1. Empirical Evidence is defined as: a. a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on specific subject are evaluated together. b. results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting. c. evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation. d. an in depth analysis of a single event, situation or individual. Answer C 2. ________ is evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation. a. b. c. d.

Empirical evidence Secondary data analysis Hypothetical evidence Quantitative research

Answer A 3. Meta-analysis is defined as: a. an interpretive perspective, that seeks to understand social wolds from the point of view of participants. b. a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific subject are evaluated together. c. a technique that sociologists use to contribute knowledge to the discipline through this concept. d. research collected in numerical form that can be counted. Answer B 4. ______ is a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific subject are evaluated together. a. b. c. d.

Scientific method Random sample Value neutrality Meta-analysis

Answer D 5. A hypothesis is defined as: 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research a. a testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variables. b. how well the study measures what it was designed to measure. c. the effect, or thing that has changed. d. a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgement, during the course of a study. Answer A 6. A(n) ______ is a testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variables. a. b. c. d.

Theory Sample Experiment Hypothesis

Answer D 7. The Scientific Method is: a. the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it. b. formal guidelines for conducting sociological research. c. a process used by scientists to find the answer to a question or problem. d. a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to another method. Answer C 8. The ________ is a process used by scientists to find the answer to a question or problem. a. b. c. d.

Correlation Scientific Method Field Research Nonreactive research

Answer B 9. Reliability is defined as: a. how well the study measures what it was designed to measure. b. the cause of the change. c. a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population. 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research d. how likely research results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced. Answer D 10. _____ refers to how likely research results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced. a. b. c. d.

Validity Precision Reliability Value neutrality

Answer C 11. Validity is defined as: a. the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. b. how well the study measures what it was designed to measure. c. the guide to search through a vast library of materials or a certain topic. d. the effect, or thing that is changed. Answer B 12. _______ refers to how well the study measures what it was designed to measure. a. b. c. d.

Validity Reliability Correlation Scientific Method

Answer A 13. Operational Definition is defined as: a. the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it. b. people who are the focus of the study. c. an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. d. a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject. Answer A 14. _____ is the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

a. b. c. d.

Field Research Ethnography Operational Definition Scientific Method

Answer C 15. Independent Variables are defined as: a. the effect, or thing that is changed. b. data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions. c. evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation. d. the cause of the change. Answer D 16. ______ is/are the cause of the change. a. b. c. d.

Samples Independent Variables Dependent Variables Institutional Ethnography

Answer B 17. Dependent Variables are defined as: a. b. c. d.

the effect, or the thing that is changed. research collected in numerical form that can be counted. the cause of the change. how well the study measures what it was designed to measure.

Answer A 18. The______is the effect, or thing that is changed. a. b. c. d.

Independent Variable Random Sample Dependent Variable Population

Answer C 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

19. An Interpretive Framework is defined as: a. the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it. b. an interpretive perspective, seeks to understand social worlds from the point of view of participants, which leads to in-depth knowledge. c. a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. d. a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing results. Answer B 20. A(n)__________ refers to an interpretive perspective, seeks to understand social worlds from the point of view of participants, which leads to in-depth knowledge. a. b. c. d.

Interpretive Framework Intuitive framework Ethnography Content analysis

Answer A 21. The definition of the Hawthorne effect is: a. a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject. b. when researchers join people and participate in a group’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context. c. the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. d. where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study. Answer D 22. The______ is where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study. a. b. c. d.

Interpretive Framework Observational bias Hawthorne Effect Uncertainty principles

Answer C 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

23. The definition of Secondary Data Analysis is: a. while sociologists often engage in original research studies, they also contribute knowledge to the discipline through secondary data analysis. b. data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire. c. where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study. d. results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting. Answer A 24. While sociologists often engage in original research studies, they also contribute knowledge to the discipline through __________. a. Content Analysis b. Secondary Data Analysis c. Qualitative Data d. Literary study Answer B 25. A Survey is defined as: a. people who are the focus of a study, such as college athletes, international students, or teenagers living with type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes. b. every person in a population has the same chance of being chosen for the study. c. a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. d. collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire. Answer D 26. A_____collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire. a. b. c. d.

Sample Correlation Survey Case Study

Answer C 27. Population is defined as: 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

a. people who are the focus of a study, such as college athletes, international students, or teenagers living with type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes. b. a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population. The success of a study depends on how well a population is represented by the sample. c. research collected in numerical form that can be counted—are easy to tabulate. d. a small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. Answer A 28. A survey targets a specific _______, people who are the focus of a study, such as college athletes, international students, or teenagers living with type 1 (juvenileonset) diabetes. a. b. c. d.

Experiment Population Sample Hypothesis

Answer B 29. A Sample is defined as: a. people who are the focus of a study, such as college athletes, international students, or teenagers living with type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes. b. one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. c. a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population. d. a person in a population has the same chance of being chosen for the study. Answer C 30. A(n) _____ is, a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population. a. b. c. d.

Sample Random Sample Institutional Ethnography Ethnography

Answer A 31. The definition of Random Sample is: a. a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population. 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research b. small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. c. is a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. d. every person in a population has the same chance of being chosen for the study. Answer D 32. In a(n) _______every person in a population has the same chance of being chosen for the study. a. b. c. d.

Ethnography Random Sample Interview Case Study

Answer B 33. Quantitative Data is defined as: a. results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting. b. a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. c. data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire. d. research collected in numerical form that can be counted—are easy to tabulate. Answer D 34. This kind of ______ is research collected in numerical form that can be counted— are easy to tabulate. a. b. c. d.

Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Field Research Nonreactive Research

Answer A 35. Qualitative Data is defined as: a. a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing result. b. a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research c. results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting. d. the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it. Answer C 36. This kind of _______ is results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting. a. b. c. d.

Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Secondary Data Analysis Correlation

Answer B 37. An Interview is defined as: a. small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. b. an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. c. an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. d. a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. Answer D 38. A(n)_____ is a one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. a. b. c. d.

Survey Interview Case Study Sample

Answer B 39. Field Research is defined as: a. a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. b. a small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. c. researchers join people and participate in a group’s routine activities for the 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research purpose of observing them within that context. d. extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. Answer A 40. _______is a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. a. b. c. d.

Primary Data Interpretive Framework Field Research Participant Observation

Answer C 41. Correlation is defined as: a. an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. b. a small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. c. researchers join people and participate in a group’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context. d. meaning that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. Answer B 42. _______ is a small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. a. b. c. d.

Correlation Sample Random Sample Validity

Answer A 43. Participant Observation is defined as: a. research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. b. a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific subject are evaluated together. c. the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research measure it. d. researchers join people and participate in a group’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context. Answer D 44. ______, is when researchers join people and participate in a group’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context. a. b. c. d.

Ethnography Participant Observation Institutional Ethnography Experiment

Answer B 45. Ethnography is defined as: a. an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. b. an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. c. the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. d. meaning that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. Answer C 46. ______ is the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. a. Institutional Ethnography b. Participant Observation c. Code of Ethics d. Ethnography Answer D 47. Institutional Ethnography is defined as: a. an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. b. the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. c. where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study. d. a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research subject are evaluated together. Answer A 48. ___________ is an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. a. b. c. d.

Interpretive Framework Field Research Correlation Institutional Ethnography

Answer D 49. A Case Study is defined as: a. meaning that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. b. where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study. c. an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. d. what seeks to understand social worlds from the point of view of participants, which leads to in-depth knowledge. Answer C 50. A(n)____is an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. a. b. c. d.

Experiment Case Study Hypothesis Interview

Answer B 51. An Experiment is defined as: a. they investigate relationships to test a hypothesis—a scientific approach. b. that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. c. research collected in numerical form that can be counted—are easy to tabulate. d. one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic. Answer A 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

52. ______ is when they investigate relationships to test a hypothesis—a scientific approach. a. b. c. d.

Case Study Ethnography Experiment Correlation

Answer C 53. Nonreactive Research is defined as: a. they investigate relationships to test a hypothesis—a scientific approach. b. that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. c. how likely research results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced. d. evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation. Answer B 54. _______ does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people’s behaviors. a. b. c. d.

Nonreactive Research Qualitative Data Field Research Value Neutrality

Answer A 55. Content Analysis is defined as: a. to guide the search through a vast library of materials and avoid wasting time reading unrelated sources. b. while sociologists often engage in original research studies, they also contribute knowledge to the discipline through. c. they investigate relationships to test a hypothesis—a scientific approach. d. a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing results. Answer A 56. Code of Ethics are defined as: 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

a. research collected in numerical form that can be counted—are easy to tabulate. b. formal guidelines for conducting sociological research—consisting of principles and ethical standards to be used in the discipline. c. a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. d. its small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables. Answer B 57. ______ is/are formal guidelines for conducting sociological research—consisting of principles and ethical standards to be used in the discipline. a. b. c. d.

Code of Ethics Hawthorne Effect Empirical Evidence Value Neutrality

Answer A 58. Value Neutrality is defined as: a. an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. b. how well the study measures what it was designed to measure. c. how likely research results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced. d. a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing results. Answer D 59. _______ is a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing results. a. b. c. d.

Validity Code of Ethics Value Neutrality Content Analysis

Answer C 60. Dr. Jane Smith collects data by giving a survey to 500 students on campus regarding their views on community service. This is an example of________________ . 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research a. b. c. d.

Hypothesis Empirical evidence Theory Operational definition

Answer: B 61. Dr. Merdith Grey is starting a new research project. She read a scholar literature review about a new social outcome on campus. Based on the reading and her own experience on campus, she assumed that college students are often affected by socio economic statuses and that students from the same social output will more likely communicate with each other rather than if they are different. This is an example of_________________ . a. b. c. d.

Scientific method Independent variable Hypothesis None of the above

Answer: C

62. Mary White researched how college students drinking on Thursday night affect attendance on Friday morning classes. She discovers that 50% of students who go out drinking on Thursday night do not go to class on Friday morning. She believes that researchers who use the same methodology will have the same findings. This is an example of ____________ . a. b. c. d.

Case study Field research Reliability Code of ethics

Answer: C 63. Dr. Smith starts a new research in Sociology of Higher Education about student’s retention. First Dr. Smith read many books and articles to discover what is known about the topic and what should be explored next. Dr. Smith then identifies the theories and concepts which will help him to develop a method that will be used to collect data. Dr. Smith started their _____________ . a. b. c. d.

Literature review Participant observation Field research Correlation 15

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

Answer: A 64. Dr. Howard wants to do research on college students and how they like their classes. However, he cannot give survey to everyone on campus because there are too many students. He decides to use a smaller group of students or _____________ which will give him the information he needs. a. b. c. d.

Reliability Experiments Hypothesis Sample

Answer: D 65. Dr. Elizabth Hale wants to understand how college GPA is affected by SAT scores, class attendance, and class preparation. SAT scores, class attendance and class preparation are the ______________ . a. b. c. d.

Dependent variables Constants Independent variables Control variables

Answer: C 66. Dr. Hale wants to understand how college GPA is affected by SAT scores, class attendance, and class preparation. College GPA is the ______________ . a. b. c. d.

Dependent variable Independent variable Experiment Control variable

Answer: A 67. This picture is an example of:

16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research a. b. c. d.

Value neutrality Sample Correlation Hawthorne effect

Answer: D 68. Dr. Smith want to understand how the New York Times present and analyze poverty in America. She is using articles published in the New York Times from 2010 to 2020. This is an example of _______________. a. b. c. d.

Experiment Primary Data Secondary Data Analysis Participant Observation

Answer: C 69. What are some of the challenges of doing a survey? a. b. c. d.

Time consuming Be difficult to encourage participant to respond Captures what people think and believe but not necessarily how they behave in real life All of the above

Answer: D 70. Jonathan is conducting a research about food. He is asking every 15th person that leaves living the student center a series of questions about the food. He is conducting this research during prime lunch and dinner times. What is this an example of _________ . a. b. c. d.

Qualitative Data Validity Secondary Data Analysis Random Sample

Answer: D 71. Jefferson college is a small Liberal Art College. The classes are small with a maximum of 20 students per class. The college calculated that the ratio of professor per student was 1:15. This is an example of __________. a.

Quantitative Data 17

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research b. c. d.

Qualitative Data Sample Reliability

Answer: A 72. Which on is NOT an implementation of Field Research? a. b. c. d.

Observation Participant observation Ethnography Questionnaires

Answer: D 73. Professor Denise decides that the only way to get accurate data for her experiment on social conformity was to collect the data herself. She believed that ______________ was the best way to understand the situation. a. b. c. d.

Hypothesis Primary Data Secondary Data Analysis Meta - Analysis

Answer: B 74. A change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable but does not necessarily indicate causation. For example, a change in the level of education bring a change in the level of income. This is an example of _______________. a. b. c. d.

Empirical Evidence Correlation Hawthorne Effect None of the above

Answer :B 75. Suzie is a freshman in college. She lives in the dorm and her sociology professor has assigned her an assignment. Her assignment is to observe students who live in the dorm, participate with them in the different activities organized in the dorm, and collect data about how they interact with each other based on race, class, and gender. This is an example of _________________. a. Quantitative Data b. Secondary Data Analysis 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research c. Participant Observation d. Experiment Answer: C 76. Jessica is a TA in Professor J’s class, and she is assigned to observe how the students interact and socialize during group assignments. She is told to give monthly reports on all that she observed. This is an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Survey Ethnography Interview All of the Above

Answer: B 77. Professor James has been doing an in-depth study on a new program developed by a local organization. This unique program had been specifically designed for the local community and cannot be reproduced in other communities. This is an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Case Study Experiment Survey Quantitative Research

Answer: A 78. Professor Marley teaches a WWII class at his college. He wants to research and write a historical account of all the events post D-Day. In order to have enough information to write his book professor Marley collects research from other researchers, looks at newspapers and magazines, and even watches movies about WWII. This is an example of ____________ . a. b. c. d.

Secondary Data Analysis Experiment Field Research Case Study

Answer: A 79. Sandy is heading to the fair to conduct research. She plans on recording the number of people wearing boots vs shoes. When she leaves the fair after several hours of observation she had her results. She concludes that 1 out of 4 people at the fair were wearing boots. Sandy has gathered her info using___________ . 19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research

a. b. c. d.

Qualitative Data Interview Nonreactive Research Secondary Data Analysis

Answer: C 80. Informing subjects on the rules of consent, asking subject to sign a consent form, revealing your status of researchers, and maintaining confidentiality are examples of the _____________ . a. b. c. d.

Validity Qualitative Data Control Group Code of Ethics

Answer: D 81. It’s almost that time to start planting some more corn on Farmer Joe’s Ranch. But farmer Joe can’t decide on which fertilizer to use. He currently has Chem Grow fertilizer in his garage, and he thinks if he uses this then he will get more corn than the other fertilizers. To help him decide he plants 3 small patches of corn each exposed to the same conditions. However, one type of corn is planted with no fertilizer, the other is planted with Chem Grow fertilizer, and the last is planted with organic fertilizer. After a couple weeks of maintaining the corn he has his results. Farmer Joe chooses the Chem Grow seeing as it yielded the most corn. His hypothesis was correct. Farmer Joe found his results using the__________ . a. b. c. d.

Secondary Data Analysis The Scientific Method Meta Analysis Interpretive Framework

Answer: B 82. Harry is interested in the different ways students get to class. He passes out a survey asking students how they get to campus using the different possible answers: by car, by bus, by bike, walking, or other. This is an example of __________________ . a. b. c. d.

Quantitative data Qualitative data Participant Observation Secondary Data Analysis 20

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research Answer: A 83. The more time you spend running on a treadmill the more calories you will burn. This is an example of ___________ . a. b. c. d.

Ethnography Participant Observation Correlation Interview

Answer: C 84. John is tasked with understanding the work culture for the company he works for. One by one he sits down with people and asks them questions regarding their work experience, the work place, and their interactions with coworkers. John is conducting a(n) _____ . a. Interview b. Participant Observation c. Ethnography d. Survey Answer: A 85. Who wrote Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture? a. b. c. d.

John S. Lynd and Merrell Lynd Kylie Jenner John Mihelich Frances Heussentamn

Answer: A 86. Who wrote Nickel and Dimed? a. b. c. d.

Frances Heussentamm Barbara Ehrenreich Erving Goffman Max Webber

Answer: B 87. Who wrote the article called “My Fake Job” in 2000 about participant observation? a.

John Mihelich 21

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 2: Sociological Research b. Max Weber c. Rodney Rothman d. Frances Heussentamn Answer: C 88. Who developed institutional ethnography? a. b. c. d.

Dorothy E. Smith Max Weber Linda Muller John Mihelich

Answer: A 89. Which sociologist said we must establish value neutrality, a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during a course study? a. b. c. d.

John Mihelich Max Webber Michel Foucault Daniel Bell

Answer: B 90. The Hawthorne effect was written in _________ . a. b. c. d.

1985 2020 1969 1973 Answer: A

22 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 1. Culture is defined as: a. the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. b. patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. c. shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn. d. the opposite of ethnocentrism, and refers to the belief that another culture is superior to one’s own. Answer C 2. ______ is/are shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn. a. Culture b. Values c. Beliefs d. Material Culture Answer A 3. A Society is defined as: a. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. b. a group of people who share a community and a culture. c. a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms. d. gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people understand that world. Answer B 4. A______describes a group of people who share a community and a culture. a. Culture b. Ideal Culture c. Subculture d. Society Answers D 5. Material Culture is defined as: a. culture, in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society b. the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists. c. the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. d. patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. Answers C

1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 6. _______ refers to the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. a. NonMaterial Culture b. CounterCulture c. SubCulture d. Material Culture Answer D 7. Nonmaterial Culture is defined as: a. in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. b. a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. c. certain behaviors by giving their support, approval, or permission, or by instilling formal actions of disapproval and nonsupport. d. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. Answer A 8. ________ consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. a. Cultural Universals b. Nonmaterial Culture c. Material Culture d. Culture Shock Answer B 9. Cultural Universals are defined as: a. the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture. b. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. c. the result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts— when things are put together in an entirely new manner. d. patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. Answer D 10. _______is/are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. a. Cultural Relativism b. Real Culture c. Cultural Universals d. Global universals Answer C

2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 11. Ethnocentrism is defined as: a. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture. b. the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture. c. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. d. a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. Answer D 12. _______ involves a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism d. Norms Answer B 13. Culture Shock is defined as: a. result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts—when things are put together in an entirely new manner. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. c. certain behaviors by giving their support, approval, or permission, or by instilling formal actions of disapproval and nonsupport. d. one may experience disorientation and frustration. Answer D 14. Cultural Relativism is defined as: a. a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. b. the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture. c. a type of subculture that rejects some of the larger culture’s norms and values. d. an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new. Answer B 15. ______is the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture. a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Popular Culture d. Diffusion 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture Answer A 16. Xenocentrism is defined as: a. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. b. the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists. c. the opposite of ethnocentrism, and refers to the belief that another culture is superior to one’s own. d. the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. Answer C 17. __________is the opposite of ethnocentrism, and refers to the belief that another culture is superior to one’s own. a. High Culture b. Xenocentrism c. Ideal Culture d. Culture Answer B 18. Values are defined as: a. the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. b. a group of people who share a community and a culture. c. in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. d. a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Answer D (Page 56) 19. ______is/are a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society a. Values b. Beliefs c. Norms d. Sanction Answer A 20. Beliefs are defined as: a. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. b. how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them. c. the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. d. established, written rules. Answer C 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 21. _____ is/are the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true a. Norms b. Beliefs c. Formal Norms d. Social Control Answer B 22. Ideal Culture is defined as: a. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. b. a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms. c. how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them. d. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. Answer D 23. ______are the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. a. Ideal Culture b. Real Culture c. Mores d. Folkways Answer A 24. Real culture is defined as: a. behaviors by giving their support, approval, or permission, or by instilling formal actions of disapproval and nonsupport. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. c. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. d. the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists. Answer D 25. _____the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists. a. Ideal Culture b. Popular Culture c. Real Culture d. High Culture Answer C

26. Norms are defined as: a. casual behaviors that are generally and widely conformed to—is longer. b. established, written rules. 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture c. a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. d. how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them. Answer D 27. _____define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them. a. Informal Norms b. Formals Norms c. Values d. Norms Answer D 28. Formal Norms are defined as: a. certain behaviors by giving their support, approval, or permission, or by instilling formal actions of disapproval and nonsupport. b. a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms. c. established, written rules. d. standards society would like to embrace and live up to. Answer C ( 29. ______are established, written rules. a. Mores b. Formal Norms c. Symbols d. Informal Norms Answer B 30. Informal Norms are defined as: a. casual behaviors that are generally and widely conformed to—is longer. b. an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new. c. a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms. d. a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Answer A 31. _____ are casual behaviors that are generally and widely conformed to—is longer a. Folkways b. Culture Lag c. Informal Norms d. Mores 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

Answer C 32. Mores are defined as: a. norms without any moral underpinnings. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. c. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. d. are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group. Answer D 33. ______are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group a. Mores b. Folkways c. Norms d. Beliefs Answers A 34. Folkways are defined as: a. a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted. b. norms without any moral underpinnings. c. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. d. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture. Answer B 35. ______ are norms without any moral underpinnings. a. Mores b. Innovation c. Folkways d. Symbols Answer C 36. Symbols are defined as: a. a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted. b. patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. c. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. d. gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people understand that world. Answer D 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

37. ____ such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people understand that world. a. Symbols b. Culture Lag c. Language d. Counter culture Answer A 38. Language is defined as: a. gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people understand that world. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. c. a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted. d. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture. Answer C (Page 60) 39. ______ is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted. a. Language b. Symbols c. Subculture d. Mores Answer A 40. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is defined as: a. a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted. b. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. c. the idea that people experience their world through their language, and that they therefore understand their world through the culture embedded in their language. d. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. Answer C 41. ________is based on the idea that people experience their world through their language, and that they therefore understand their world through the culture embedded in their language. a. Discoveries b. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis c. Globalization d. Innovation 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

Answer B 42. High culture is defined as: a. a type of subculture that rejects some of the larger culture’s norms and values. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. c. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. d. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. Answer D 43. Sociologists use the term_______, when defining the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. a. High Culture b. Subculture c. Popular Culture d. Counter culture Answer A 44. Popular Culture is defined as: a. a smaller cultural group within a larger culture. b. the spread of material and nonmaterial culture. c. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. d. a type of subculture that rejects some of the larger culture’s norms and values. Answer C 45. _______ refers to the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society a. High culture b. Popular culture c. Globalization d. Mores Answer B

46. Innovation is defined as: a. an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new. b. the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. c. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society. 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture d. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture Answer A 47. A(n)________ refers to an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new a. Folkways b. Innovation c. Diffusion d. Sanction Answer B

48. Inventions are defined as: a. the result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts— when things are put together in an entirely new manner. b. an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new. c. make known previously unknown but existing aspects of reality. d. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture. Answer A 49. ________ result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts— when things are put together in an entirely new manner. a. Innovation b. Inventions c. Discoveries d. Culture Shock Answer B 50. Culture Lag is defined as: a. the standards society would like to embrace and live up to b. one may experience disorientation and frustration c. time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture d. the spread of material and nonmaterial culture. Answer C 51. ______to refers to time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture. 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture a. b. c. d.

Real Culture Subculture Culture Shock Culture Lag

Answer D 52. Globalization is defined as: a. integration of international trade and finance markets. b. make known previously unknown but existing aspects of reality. c. an object or concept’s initial appearance in society—it’s innovative because it is markedly new. d. the objects or belongings of a group of people. Metro passes and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are automobiles, stores, and the physical structures where people worship. Answer A 53. We have since come to refer to this integration of international trade and finance markets as _______ a. Diffusion b. Globalization c. Values d. Xenocentrism Answer B 54. Diffusion is defined as: a. the spread of material and nonmaterial culture. b. the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. c. shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn. d. in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. Answer A 55. ______is the spread of material and nonmaterial culture. a. Ethnocentrism b. Mores c. Sanction d. Diffusion Answers D

11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 56. Jaqueline practices Judaism and it states that there is only one God. This is an example of ________. a. b. c. d.

Society Belief Polytheism Informal norm

Answer: B 57. Lennon’s grandmother was involved in the hippie movement of the 1960’s. This movement criticized the values and norms of the American society. This movement was a ______________. a. b. c. d.

Society Innovation Culture shock Counterculture

Answer: D 58. When Native Americans were first forced to live on reservations, the children were forced to go to Christian-based schools and were taught English. Their native language was discouraged or often forbidden. This is an example of ____________. a. b. c. d.

Cultural Imperialism Countercultures Cultural relativism Culture shock

Answer: A 59. Genevieve was talking to her mother about how other countries eat spiders and asked her mom what she thought. Her mom stated she thinks there is nutritional value and she sees why some people in other countries consume them. Her mom’s thoughts are an example of ____________. a. b. c. d.

Ethnocentrism Cultural relativism Culture universals Xenocentrism

Answer: B

12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture 60. Sage’s teacher handed out an assignment where each student was assigned a country, and students would research the country’s political system, art, architecture, and language. These four things are an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Norms Cultural universals Formal norms Values

Answer: B

61. Jasmine took a vacation to Taiwan. She has never experienced being far away from the states surrounding hers, let alone a foreign country. What may she experience? a. b. c. d.

Belief Ideal culture Culture shock Culture lag

Answer: C 62. McDonald’s is a fast food place that started in America in the 1940s. It slowly spread to different cultures around the world. This is an example of __________. a. b. c. d.

Diffusion Inventions Ideal culture Discovery

Answer: A

63. Lilian is researching countries that eat bugs for a sociology project. She thought it was gross and repulsive and asked why anyone would think to eat insects. This is an example of __________. a. b. c. d.

Xenocentrism Cultural relativism Diffusion Ethnocentrism

Answer: D 64. Jillian made sure to teach her children manners and to not be rude. This is an example of __________. 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

a. b. c. d.

Formal norms Cultural relativism Folkways Ethnocentrism

Answer: C 65. From the Egyptians, to the Roman Empire, to India, there was a lot of trading with spices, silk, textiles, etc. This is an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Culture Globalization Innovation Discoveries

Answer: B 66. Brandon loves to attend popular Broadway shows and watch opera performances. Brandon is a fan of what? a. b. c. d.

Ideal culture High culture Pop culture Both B and C

Answer: D 67. Kris is writing a fictional story about a utopia. A utopia is a perfect world, and everyone is happy. This is an example of _________. a. b. c. d.

Material culture Real culture Ideal culture Norms

Answer: C 68. Toni walks down the hall and waves to his friend Tristan. He gives Tristan a high five after hearing about his goal at the game last night. These gestures are an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Informal norms Ideal culture Folkways A and C 14

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

Answer: D 69. Thomas Edison is known for creating the “first” light bulb, getting a patent, and bringing it to commercial production. They started being commercially manufactured and sold in 1880 under Edison’s company, Edison Electric Light Company. The light bulb was a(n) ____________. a. b. c. d.

Innovations Non-Material culture Diffusion Discovery

Answer: A 70. The Sumerians used clay, rocks, and mud to make the first wheel. A wheel was never seen before. What did they do? a. b. c. d.

Invention Discovery Innovation Non-Material culture

Answer: A

71. In America, technology is a big part of our culture. We use laptops, cell phones, tablets, or gaming consoles. These physical pieces of technology are examples of _____________. a. b. c. d.

Material culture High culture Deviance Non-Material Culture

Answer: A 72. In some countries where monogamy is favored, polygamy is often look down upon and disapproved of. Polygamy would go against those who favor monogamy. This would be an example of ___________. a. b. c. d.

Traditional Gender Role Sexism Mores Ideal culture 15

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture Answer: C 74. There are many different religions around the world, some are more common than others. Religion is an example of __________. a. b. c. d.

Material Culture Ecclesia Cultural Relativism Nonmaterial culture

Answer: D 75. In the United States, when formally meeting someone new, you usually give a handshake. This is an example of a _________. a. b. c. d.

Function Norm Law Formal Norm

Answer: B

76. In Nick’s class, Jerome showed up late. When he opened the door, Nick looked up to see the teacher and some students giving him looks of disapproval for being late. This is an example of _________. a. b. c. d.

Sanctions Subculture Counterculture Law

Answer: A

77. Daniella admires and tries to be honest, loyal, and respectful. These are examples of her ________. a. b. c. d.

Material culture Values Subculture Globalization

Answer: B 16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

78. Pride flags would be an example of ___________ for the LGBTQ+ community. a. b. c. d.

Society Innovation Non-Material Culture Symbols

Answer: D 79. Mick thinks Greece is way better than where he currently lives, Minnesota. He started feeling this way after his family took a trip to Greece in the summer. This is an example of __________. a. a. b. c.

Xenocentrism Ethnocentrism Culture shock Counterculture

Answer: A 80. Madeline had gotten caught stealing from the mall; she broke the law. Laws are an example of __________. a. b. c. d.

Mores Informal norms Folkways Formal norms

Answer: D 81. Art can be found in every culture, as well as music, entertainment, and food. Since they are found in if not every culture, these would be examples of __________. a. b. c. e.

Norms Society Cultural universals Cultural imperialism

Answer: C

82. A colonizing nation's expectation that the original inhabitants learn their language instead of the other way around is an example of: 17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture a. b. c. d.

Xenocentrism Culture Shock Cultural Relativism Cultural Imperialism

Answer: D 83. Some Americans believe that Europeans produce superior automobiles. Others believe that French wines are better than American wines. These are example’s of_______. A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativism C. Xenocentrism D. Beliefs Answer: C 84. Italian Gelato being sent to the United States and American sitcoms being able to be played around the world are examples of_______. A. Globalization B. Cultural Lag C. Counterculture D. Cultural Imperialism Answer: A 85. Using your napkin at the dinner table and saying please and thank you are examples of_________. A. Countercultures B. Formal Norms C. Informal Norms D. High Culture Answer: C 86. No matter where you go, every culture will have their own style of art, sports, and music. This is an example of_________. A. Universalism B. Popular Culture C. Ethnocentrism D. High Culture Answer: A 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz Chapter 3: Culture

87. George Murdock first recognized the existence of _________ while doing research around the world? a. b. c. d.

Nonmaterial Culture Cultural Universals Material Culture Homo Sapiens

Answer: B

88. Sociologist Harold Garfinkel studied people’s ______ in order to find out how societal rules and norms not only influenced behavior but also shaped social order. a. Laws b. Customs c. Beliefs d. Norms

Answer: B 89. In 2010, what subculture did sociologist Mark Greif set about investigating? a. Hipster a.


b. Athlete c. Musician Answer: A

19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Society is defined as: A. A situation in which an individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy. B. Shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn. C. A group of people who live in a definable community and share the same culture. D. Patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s social status Answer: C

2. ____________ refers to a group of people who live in a definable community and share the same culture. A. Capitalism B. Iron-Cage C. Society D. Achieved Status Answer: C 3. Achieved status is defined as A. The status a person obtains by choice like high school dropout, self-made millionaire, or nurse. B. A status that you don’t select, such as son, elderly person, or female. C. The communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society. D. The responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society. Answer: A 4. ___________ refers to the status that a person obtains by choice. A. Ascribed Status B. Achieved Status C. Habitualization D. Role-Set Answer: B 5. What defines an agricultural society? A. Relied on areas heavy with rainfall and other conditions to allow them to grow stable crops. They were able to make permanent settlements. B. Society that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection. C. They relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival. They were able to breed livestock for food, clothing, and transportation, and they created a surplus of goods. D. A society that relied on permanent tools for survival. "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: D 6. __________ refers to the kind of society that relied on permanent tools for survival. A. Horticultural Society B. Feudal Society C. Industrial Society D. Agricultural Society Answer: D 7. Thomas’ Theorem says: A. People’s behavior can be determined by their subjective construction of reality rather than by objective reality. B. An idea can become true if it is acted upon. C. Refers to the condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or the sense of self. D. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest. Answer: A 8. ____________ states that people’s behavior can be determined by their subjective construction of reality rather than by objective reality. A. Thomas’ Theorem B. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy C. Alienation D. False Consciousness Answer: A 9. Alienation refers to: A. A situation in which society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness. B. A situation in which an individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy C. Refers to the condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or the sense of self. D. A situation in which a person’s different roles contradict each other. Answer: C 10. ___________ refers to the condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or the sense of self. A. Anomie B. Iron-Cage "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

C. Alienation D. Role Conflict Answer: C 11. Status is best defined as: A. Patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s social status. B. The awareness of one’s rank in society. C. The way people base their image on what we think other people see. D. The responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society Answer: D 12. The responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society helps identify their _____________. A. Roles B. Class Consciousness C. Looking-Glass Self D. Status Answer: D 13. Anomie is a situation in which: A. A person’s different roles contradict each other B. Society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness C. An individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy D. The individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or the sense of self. Answer: B 14. What is the situation in which a society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness ? A. Role Conflict B. Anomie C. Iron-Cage D. Alienation Answer: B 15. Social integration is best defined as: A. The strength of ties that people have to their social groups. B. The way a person expresses his or her own role "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

C. The communal belief’s, morals, and attitudes of a society D. The act of implanting a convention or norm into society Answer: A 16. The strength of ties that people have to their social groups is referred to as: A. Social Integration B. Role Performance C. Collective Consciousness D. Institutionalization Answer: A 17. What best defines ascribed status? A. The awareness of one’s rank in society. B. The status a person obtains by choice. C. A status that you don’t select. D. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest. Answer: C 18. What is a status that you don’t select such as a son, elderly person, or female? A. Habitualization B. Achieved Status C. Ascribed Status D. False Consciousness Answer: C 19. What is the best definition of self-fulfilling prophecy? A. An idea that can become true if it is acted upon. B. A situation in which a person’s different roles contradict each other. C. People’s behavior can be determined by their subjective construction of reality rather than by objective reality. D. Describes how “any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern, which can then be performed again in the future in the same manner and with the same economical effort. Answer: A 20. What is the best identification of an idea that can become true if it acted upon? A. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy B. Rationalization C. Thomas’ Theorem "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

D. Habitualization Answer: A 21. How do you best identify the bourgeoisie? A. Societies that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection. B. The laborers in a society. C. Societies rooted in the production of material goods. D. The owner of means of production in a society. Answer: D 22. In a society, who are the owners of means of production? A. Proletariats B. Pastoral Societies C. Feudal Societies D. Bourgeoisies Answer: D 23. Roles is defined as: A. A type of social order maintained by the collective consciousness of a culture B. Patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s socials status C. The awareness of one’s rank in society D. The way people base their image on what we think other people see Answer: B 24. The patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s social status is identified as: A. Class Consciousness B. Roles C. Looking-Glass Self D. Status Answer: B 25. Capitalism is defined as: A. The communal belief’s, morals, and attitudes of a society. B. Society that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection.

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

C. The way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government. D. Based on the production of information and services. Answer: C 26. The way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government describes _______ A. Feudal Societies B. Information Societies C. Capitalism D. Collective Consciousness Answer: C 27. Role-Set is defined as: A. An array of roles attached to their status B. A strain or stress that happens when too much is required of a role C. A status a person obtains by choice like high school dropout, self-made millionaire, or nurse D. A status that you don’t select such as son, elderly person, or female Answer: A 28. An array of roles attached to a status is identified as: A. Role-Set B. Role Strain C. Achieved Status D. Ascribed Status Answer: A 29. Class Consciousness is defined as: A. The communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society B. A condition in which the belief’s, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest C. The way a person expresses his or her own role D. The awareness of one’s rank in society Answer D 30. The awareness of one’s rank in society is labeled as A. Collective Consciousness B. False Consciousness "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

C. Role Performance D. Class Consciousness Answer: D 31. Role strain is defined as: A. The way a person expresses his or her own role B. A strain or stress that happens when too much is required of a role C. The responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according tot heir rank and role in society D. A situation in which a person’s different roles contradict each other Answer: B 32. A strain or stress that happens when too many different types of responsibility are required of a person is called A. Multitasking B. Role Strain C. Role Performance D. Role Conflict. Answer: B 33. Collective consciousness is defined as: A. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest. B. The act of implanting a convention or norm into society C. The way people base their image on what we think other people see D. The communal beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a society. Answer: D 34. What are the communal beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a society called? A. False Consciousness B. Institutionalization C. Looking-Glass Self D. Collective Consciousness Answer: D 35. Role performance is defined as: A. The way a person expresses his or her own role B. A situation in which a person’s different role contradict each other C. A strain or stress that happen when too much is required of a role

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

D. Patters of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s social status Answer: A 36. The way a person expresses his or her own role is called: A. Role Performance B. Role Conflict C. Role Strain D. Role Answer: A 37. False consciousness is defined as: A. The communal beliefs, morals., and attitudes of a society B. Refers to the condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or sense of self. C. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology, of a person are not in the person’s own best interest. D. A situation in which an individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy Answer: C 38. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest is known as A. Collective Consciousness B. Alienation C. False Consciousness D. Iron Cage Answer: C 39. Role conflict is defined as: A. A strain or stress that happens when too much is required of a role B. A situation in which society no longer had the support of a firm collective consciousness C. A condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person’s own best interest D. A situation in which a person’s different roles contradict each other Answer: D 40. A situation in which a person’s different roles contradict each other is called: A. Role Strain B. Anomie "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

C. False Consciousness D. Role Conflict Answer: D 41. Feudal societies are defined as: A. Society that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection B. Relied on areas heavy with rainfall and other conditions to allow them to grow stable crops. They were able to make permanent settlements. C. Relied on their surroundings for survival. They hunted wild animals and foraged for uncultivated plants for food D. Based on the production of information and services Answer: A 42. A society that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection is identified as: A. Feudal Societies B. Horticultural Societies C. Hunter-Gatherer Societies D. Information Societies Answer: A 43. Rationalization can be defined as: A. A type of social order based around an acceptance of economic and social differences B. A society built around logic and efficiency rather than morality or tradition C. The act of implanting a convention or norm into society D. An idea that can become true if is acted upon Answer: B 44. A society built around logic and efficiency rather than morality or tradition would be: A. Organically solid B. Rational C. Institutional D. Self-Fulfilling Answer B 45. Habitualization is defined as: A. The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or the sense of self. "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

B. The act of implanting a convention or norm into society. C. Describes how “any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern, which can then be performed again in the future in the same manner and with the same economical effort.” D. People’s behavior can be determined by their subjective construction of reality rather than by objective reality. Answer: C 46. What describes how “any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern which can then be performed again in the future in the same manner and with the same economical effort.” A. Alienation B. Institutionalization C. Habitualization D. Thomas’ Theorem Answer: C 47. Proletariat is described as: A. The owners of means of production B. The laborers in a society C. Relied on permanent tools for survival D. Relied on their surroundings for survival, they hunted wild animals and foraged and uncultivated plants for food. Answer: B 48. The laborers in a society are labeled as: A. Bourgeoisie B. Proletariat C. Agricultural Societies D. Hunter-Gatherer Societies Answer: B 49. Horticultural Societies are characterized by: A. Societies that relied on their surroundings for survival, they hunted wild animals, and foraged for uncultivated plants for food. B. Societies rooted in the production of material goods. C. Societies relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival. D. Societies that relied on areas heavy with rainfall and other conditions to allow them to grow stable crops. Answer: D

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

50. Which society relied on areas heavy with rainfall and other conditions to allow them to grow stable crops? A. Hunter-Gatherer Societies B. Information Societies C. Pastoral Societies D. Horticultural Societies Answer: D 51. Pastoral Societies are characterized as: A. Societies rooted in the production of material goods. B. Societies that relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival. C. Societies that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection. D. Societies that relied on areas heavy with rainfall and other conditions to allow them to grow stable crops. Answer: B 52. Which type of society relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival? A. Industrial Societies B. Pastoral Societies C. Feudal Societies D. Horticultural Societies Answer: B 53. Hunter-Gatherer Societies are characterized as: A. Societies that relied on their surroundings for survival, they hunted wild animals and foraged for uncultivated plants for food. B. Societies that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection. C. Societies rooted in the production of material goods. D. Societies relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival. Answer: A 54. Which society relied on their surroundings for survival, they hunted wild animals and foraged for uncultivated plants for food. A. Hunter-Gatherer Societies B. Feudal Societies C. Industrial Societies D. Pastoral Societies Answer: A "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

55. Organic Solidarity is defined as. A. A type of social order maintained by the collective consciousness of a culture B. A situation in which an individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy. C. A type of social order based around an acceptance of economic and social differences. D. The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his/her society, work, or sense of self. Answer: C 56. A type of social order based around an acceptance of economic and social differences is identified as: A. Mechanical Solidarity B. Iron Cage C. Organic Solidarity D. Alienation Answer: C 57. Industrial Societies are characterized as: A. Societies that relied on production of material goods B. Societies that relied on the production of information and services C. Societies that relied on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival D. Societies that contained a strict hierarchal system based on power based around land ownership and protection. Answer: A 58. The Sentinelese tribe of the Andaman Islands use tools like bow and arrows, spears, and traps to capture their food. This is an example of __________ . A. Industrial Society B. Agricultural Society C. Hunter gatherer Society D. Feudal Society Answer: C 59. Ancient Egyptians settled in the Nile Vally. They perfected their way of farming in order to survive. This is an example of ____________ . A. Pastoral Society B. Agricultural Society C. Informational Society "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

D. Industrial Society Answer: B 60. In medieval times, landowners called Lords allowed people to live on their land (which provided important resources necessary for survival) in exchange for their loyalty and protection. This is an example of _____________ . A. Pastoral Society B. Post-Industrial Society C. Feudal Society D. Agricultural Society Answer: C 61. Ancient Mongols domesticated animals like horses, deer, buffalo, and more. They used these animals for transportation, food, and clothing. They even made tools out of their bones. What kind of society is this? A. Pastoral Society B. Feudal Society C. Industrial Society D. Information Society Answer: A 62. Despite the Amazon Rain Forest being one of the most dangerous areas in the world, the Yanomani tribe is willing to live there because the high amounts of rainfall ensure that their crops will always have a steady source of water. They cultivate these crops for food and medicine. What kind of society is this? A. Hunter Gatherer B. Horticultural C. Feudal D. Information Answer: B

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

63. Ali is a member of a small Indonesian tribe. She works ten hours a day, farming with fellow community members. Meanwhile, everyone’s children attend the same school where they are taught the village’s customs and morals. At the end of the day everyone goes home and eats the same type of food. This is an example of ___. A. Mechanical Solidarity B. Organic Solidarity C. Proletariat D. Collective Conscious Answer: A

64. John owns a factory that processes oil and hires 200 employees to ship and process it. For Marx, Jon is member of the _______________ . A. Bourgeoisie B. Proletariat C. Feudal Society D. Information Society Answer: A 65. Mike works in a factory with other workers where they spend their whole day processing barrels of oil. For Marx, Mike is a member of the ___. A. Bourgeoisie B. Feudal Society C. Information Society D. Proletariat Answer: D 66. United States has a system where the means of production are privately owned by individuals. For example, Bill Gates own Microsoft. This is called ___. A. Dictatorship B. Feudal Society C. Capitalism D. Socialism Answer: C

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

67. People across the world consider Beyoncé as beautiful. Tara wanted to be beautiful like Beyoncé, so she started doing makeup, dressing and dancing like her. She did this because she thought it made her beautiful too. This is an example of___. A. Class Consciousness B. False Consciousness C. Rationalization D. Informational Society Answer: B

68. In the U.S the implementation of bureaucracies in government, as well as the construction of high efficiency living spaces in architecture and urban planning are examples of_______________ . A. Class Consciousness B. Mechanical Solidarity C. Proletariat D. Rationalization Answer: D

69. The residents of a suburban neighborhood complained about the noise of the new train that came through their street. After a few weeks, they didn’t even notice the train anymore, and the complaints stopped. This demonstrates _____________. A. Accommodation B. Rationalization C. Habitualization D. Organic Solidarity Answer: C

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

70. Susan is known by many titles by different people. She is a daughter, a sister, a student, a friend, an employee, an athlete, and a chess player. These titles represent her ________________ . A. Status B. Status Set C. Role D. Role Set Answer: B 71. A rumor began to circulate among people that a toilet paper shortage was expected soon. Everyone started stocking up on toilet paper to be prepared when the shortage arrived. The demand for toilet paper became much greater than the supply, leading to a real shortage. The rumor wasn't true, and a shortage of toilet paper wasn't expected. This is an example of _________________ . A. Thomas Theorem B. Institutionalization C. Habitualization D. Role Strait Answer: A 72. When it is predicted that a stock will go up or down, investors usually buy or sell stocks accordingly. For example, selling when a stock goes down, or buying when a stock goes up. This is an example of __________. A. Habitualization B. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy C. False Consciousness D. Bourgeoise Answer: B 73. In America doctors, judges, and lawyers are more respected than criminals, janitors, and garbage management workers. This an example of__________. A. Role Set B. Status C. Industrial Society D. Role Strain

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: B

74. The 2016 Olympics were full of athletes who worked very hard to be a part of the games. They earned the right to compete among the best athletes in the world. This is an example of ___. A. Mechanical Solidarity B. Ascribed Status C. Status Set D. Achieved Status Answer: D

75. Businessmen and women dress up in nice looking suits and ties with fancy watches or shoes. They do this to project a serious, successful, and professional image to whoever they encounter. This shows _________. A. Role Performance B. Role Set C. Role Strain D. Ascribed Status Answer: A 76. Julie is a student worker at college. The title “Student Worker” describes her ___. A. Roles B. Role Set C. Achieved Status D. Habitualization Answer: C 77. When Amy was born, she became a sister because her parents had a previous child. This is an ____. A. Achieved Status B. Ascribed Status C. Role Set D. Anomie Answer: B "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

78. Shannon just finished nursing school and graduated along with many of her peers. She already found a job as a nurse in the local hospital. This is an example of __________. A. Role Set B. Achieved Status C. Set D. Ascribed Status Answer: B 79. A few hundred years ago the Yaka tribe hunted and looked for plants. When food was no longer a resource around them, they had to move to a new location in order to survive. This is an example of ___________ . A. Industrial Society B. Agricultural Society C. Feudal Society D. Hunter Gatherer Society Answer: D 80. In the United States, many Americans believe in freedom, Pursuit of Happiness, and the American Dream. This is an example of ____________ . A. Collective Conscience B. Mechanical Solidarity C. Organic Solidarity D. Anomie Answer: A 81. At the end of the 19 century, in many small villages in Europe, local inhabitants knew each other, shared the same values, and control how everyone behaved. This example illustrates the concept of ____________ defined by Durkheim. A. Collective Conscience B. Anomie C. Mechanical Solidarity D. Organic Solidarity Answer: C

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

82. During the Great Depression, the failure of industries and banks created a situation in which individuals were not able to believe in the American way of life. They were lost and didn’t know what norms to follow. This situation illustrated the concept of_______________ created by Durkheim. A. Apathy B. Mechanical Solidarity C. Organic Solidarity D. Anomie Answer: D

83. Harmony drives her own car to work every day, while most of her coworkers take the bus because they don't have a car. She is often able to order lunch while her colleagues brown bag their lunch. After noticing the differences, she starts brown bagging her lunch as well, and is sure not to talk about her weekend plans. What is Harmony displaying? A. Politeness B. Competency C. Organic solidarity D. Class Consciousness Answer: D 84. In the morning my mother makes coffee. She does not have to think about the process of how to make it but just does it from memory. She will continue to make coffee in the future. This is an example of_________________. A. Habitualization B. Institutionalization C. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy D. Thomas Theorem Answer: A 85. In order to get the white collar career and the job or your dreams you need to attend college. This is an example of____________________. A. Habitualization B. Institutionalization C. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy D. Thomas Theorem "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: B

86. My aunt went to college for many years to become a nurse. This is an example of ____________ . A. Role Strain B. Achieved Status C. Ascribed Status D. Role-Set Answer: B

87. When Katie is at school, she goes to every class, takes notes, does all her homework on time and submits her final papers before the due dates. When Katie gets home, she cleans the house for her parents, cooks dinner, does the grocery shopping, and plays with her younger siblings. This example illustrates the concept of______ created by Goffman. A. Role Performance B. Looking Glass Self C. Role Conflict D. Ascribed Status Answer: A 88. Who created the concept of “impression management? A. Max Webber B. Karl Marx C. Erving Goffman D. Charles Cooley Answer: C 89. Who created the concept of the term Looking Glass Self? A. Charles Cooley B. Karl Marx C. Erving Goffman D. Max Webber

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: A 105. How many years ago did societies begin to recognize their ability to tame/breed animals and grow their own plants? a. b. c. d.

About 9,000 years ago About 7,500 years ago About 3,000 years ago About 4,500 years ago

Answer: B. 107. When was the basic structure of human society based around kinship and tribes? a. b. c. d.

About 2,000-4,000 years ago About 5,000-8,000 years ago About 10,000-12,000 years ago About 15,000-18,000 years ago

Answer: C 108. What year did James Watt and Matthew Boulton create the steam engine? a. b. c. d.

1783 1782 1788 1789

Answer: B 111. All the following were categorized in Marx’s class and alienation EXCEPT: a. b. c. d.

Alienation from product of one's labor Alienation from the process of one's labor Alienation from others Alienation from family

Answer: D

114. Which century gave rise to feudal societies? a. b.

2nd century 18th century "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

c. d.

9th century None of the above

Answer: C. 115. In the 18th century, Europe had a rise in technological invention. This rise of technology invention began the ____________ . a. b. c. d.

Pastoral Revolution Industrial societies Industrial Revolution Post Industrial societies

Answer: C

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization

1. Anticipatory socialization is defined as: a. The way we prepare for future life roles. b. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. c. A group made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests. d. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. Answer: a 2. _____ is the way we prepare for future life roles. a. Resocialization b. Moral Development c. Anticipatory Socialization d. Socialization Answer: c

3. _____ is the process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. a. Retraining b. Degradation Ceremony c. Resocialization d. Anticipatory Socialization Answer: b 4. Generalized other is defined as: a. The way we prepare for future life roles. b. The common behavior expectations of general society. c. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. d. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. Answer: b 5. _____ is the common behavioral expectations of general society. a. Generalized Other b. Degradation Ceremony c. Nature d. Anticipatory Socialization Answer: a 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization 6. Hidden curriculum is defined as: a. The informal teaching done in schools that socializes children in societal norms. b. The way we prepare for future life roles. c. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. d. A group made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests. Answer: a

7. Moral development is defined as: a. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. b. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. c. The way we prepare for future life roles. d. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. Answer: b 8. _____ is defined as the way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. a. Resocialization b. Anticipatory Socialization c. Moral Development d. Degradation Ceremony Answer: c

9. Nurture is defined as: a. The role that our social environment plays in self-development. b. The way we prepare for future life roles. c. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. d. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. Answer: a 10. _____ is the role that our social environment plays in self-development. a. Nature b. Nurture c. Hidden Curriculum d. Generalized Other Answer: b 11. Peer group is defined as: 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization a. A group made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests. b. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. c. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. d. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. Answer: a 12. _____ is a group made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests. a. Study Group b. Anticipatory Socialization c. Generalized Other d. Peer Group Answer: d 13. Resocialization is defined as: a. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. b. The way we prepare for future life roles. c. The process by which old behaviors are removed and new behaviors are learned in their place. d. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. Answer: c 14. _____ is the process by which old behaviors are removed and new behaviors are learned in their place. a. Moral Development b. Degradation Ceremony c. Anticipatory Socialization d. Resocialization Answer: d 15. Self is defined as: a. A person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. b. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. c. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. d. K The way we prepare for future life roles. Answer: a 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization 16. _____ is defined as a person’s distinct sense of identity as developed through social interaction. a. Nature b. Degradation Ceremony c. Self d. Anticipatory Socialization Answer: c 17. Socialization is defined as: a. The process wherein people come to understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of societal values. b. The way we prepare for future life roles. c. The way people learn what is “good” and “bad” in society. d. The process by which new members of a total institution lose aspects of their old identities and are given new ones. Answer: a 18. _____ is defined as the process wherein people come to understand societal norms and expectations to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of societal values. a. Degradation Ceremony b. Socialization c. Anticipatory Socialization d. Moral Development Answer: b 19. Abby is part of a youth soccer team. On this team, she learns not only how to play soccer, but also learns how to communicate, the idea of teamwork, and how to build trust. As she is learning these societal values and playing on this soccer team, she is engaging in the process of ______________. a. b. c. d.

Socialization Moral Development Norming Resocialization

Answer: a

4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization 26. A high school history class is having a debate about gun control. James is having trouble seeing the other side of the gun control argument, and firmly believes that guns should be outlawed. Melanie disagrees, and believes they are necessary for protection. James and Melanie are strengthening their sense of ____________ through social interaction. a. Moral Development b. Political affiliation c. Generalized Other d. Self Answer: d 27. Ruby is playing with a photo frame and breaks it. Ruby’s mother scolds her and sends her to her room. Through this punishment, Ruby learns breaking the photo frame was a “bad behavior." This is an example of _______________ . a. Moral Development b. Rationalization c. Resocialization d. Nurture Answer: a 28. Katie pushed her brother down the slide after he was taking too long to go down. Afterwards, her mother sat her down and explained to her that you have to wait for the person ahead of you to finish, and you must wait your turn. Katie then understood that being patient was one of society’s rules. Katies understanding of societal norms through this process. This is an example of _____________________. a. Moral Development b. Sociological Imagination c. Positivism d. Rationalization Answer: a 29. Jay lost all of his friends because he was mean to them. Now that he has no friends, he is left sad and confused as to what he did wrong. After realizing what he had done, Jay is now aware of others’ feelings around him. He takes these feelings into consideration when determining “good” and “bad” behaviors. This is an example of _______________ . a. Moral development b. Culture c. Society d. Hidden curriculum Answer: a

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization 30. Cooper runs across the street without looking, and his parents reprimand him for not paying attention. Running across the street without looking is deemed a wrong and dangerous behavior. This is an example of ___________________ . a. Status b. Stratification c. Moral Development d. Nature Answer: c

31. Casey is in Kindergarten and her brain is still developing. She can only learn things with her five senses, and is learning the alphabet with pictures. She is at the _____________ of her life. a. Conventional Stage b. Pre-Conventional Stage c. Post-Conventional Stage d. Generalized Other Answer : b 32. Brandon is from a different country and just moved to America for school. He raised his middle finger up as a greeting to someone, unaware of the context it has in our society. The person on the receiving end of this gesture was offended. Brandon later learned that this was a bad thing to do in America through the sociological process __________. a. Nature b. Status Set c. Moral Development d. Society Answer: c 33. Mario has always been a shy kid, especially since he moved to a new area. He joined a local dance team and made new friends, expanding his social horizons and made him less shy. Since joining, he has had more confidence in himself. This transformation would be an example of Mario strengthening his sense of __________. a. Moral Development b. Self c. Nurture d. Role Set Answer: b

6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization

34. Sarah believes if she makes her daughter dance from a young age, she will one day be a great dancer. She feels her daughter will be who she is due to: a. Nature b. Nurture c. Mass media d. Moral development Answer: b

35. Bryson noticed he was red-green colorblind when he thought the Christmas tree was red and the Santa Clause statuette was green. Bryson’s father was also colorblind, meaning that it was passed down to him. This would be an example of __________. a. Nurture b. Nature c. Self d. Moral Development Answer: b 36. Lily, a college student, is in a study group for her first-year math class. All of the students are in the same class and are in the same age bracket. This study group would be an example of a/an ____________________. a. Institutional group b. Primary Group c. Sample d. Peer Group Answer: d

37. Mike is being taught etiquette and social skills in his English class, which is not part of the subject material. This is an example of a/an __________. a. Dramaturgical Analysis b. Hidden Curriculum c. Manifest Function d. Dyad Answer: b

7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization

38. Jordan loves to play “house” on the playground and imitates the behavior of his father. He remembers seeing his father use his tools in the garage to fix things around the house, so Jordan picks up a stick and uses it as a screwdriver to fix the “refrigerator” that broke in the imaginary house he is playing in. Imitating his father’s behavior while learning societal skills is an example of _______________. a. Role Strain b. Mechanical Solidarity c. Anticipatory Socialization d. Organic Solidarity Answer: c 39. Oliver is a Junior in high school. He is aware that in order to get a good job later in life and make money he needs to get into a good college. He works hard in school and takes all the medical classes his school provides, and wishes to get into Harvard’s Medical Science program so he can become a surgeon. Being aware of what society expects from you at a young age and making choices around these expectations contributes to _______________ . a. Norm b. Interaction c. Anticipatory socialization d. Moral development Answer: c 40. Jack and Jill are expecting a baby. They start reading baby care books, buying baby clothes, and begin setting up a nursery. This is an example of _____________ . a. Culture b. Anticipatory socialization c. Nature d. Degradation ceremony Answer: b 41. Sam (35) and Mike (36) are married and have stable jobs. They know that retirement is on the horizon and are beginning to plan. The two know that they need to start saving up money in order to be financially healthy after retirement. They call the bank and ask to set up a savings account in order to prepare for this time. What process are they going through? a. Anticipatory Socialization b. Moral Development c. Nature d. Ageism Answer: a 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization 42. Gary lost his job as a middle school French teacher. He is going back to school to become an electrician. This is an example of _____________. a. Constructivism b. Reification c. Resocialization d. Figuration Answer: c 43. Ed’s family is moving him into a senior care center. He can no longer dress by himself, cook, do grocery shopping, and clean his house. In the senior care center, Ed will have a different life in which an aid will help him to dress, someone will cook for him, and a custodian will clean his room. This is an example of ______________ . a. Degradation b. Moral development c. Ageism d. Resocialization Answer: d 44. Jim used to live with his daughter and son in law for five years. Recently, Jim started showing symptoms of dementia, which increasingly got worse over time. Jim’s daughter and her husband told him that they could not take care of him anymore. The couple decided to put Jim in a nursing home in order for him to be taken care of properly. Jim now has to adjust to his new life in this new home. This situation is an example of _____________. a. Population b. Counterculture c. Globalization d. Resocialization Answer: d 45. Ruth was sentenced to be incarcerated for two years. When she arrives at the correctional facility, the officers take her taking her belongings, train her on hygiene, and explain that she will only undertake a few activities per day. This an example of ______________ . a. Degradation b. Moral development c. Self-realization d. Anticipatory socialization Answer: a

9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 5 Socialization

46. How many jobs on average did Baby Boomers hold between the ages 18 and 46? a) 56 b) 67 c) 3.7 d) 11.3 Answer D (Page 106) 47. What was demonstrated by the research of Harry and Margaret Harlow? a) Necessity for social contact b) Compatibility among couples c) Insanity d) The need for shrimp Answer B (Page 95) 48. Who explained the difference between Sociology and Psychology? a) Mead b) Jonathan Venn c) Cervantes d) Emile Durkheim Answer D (Page 96) 49. Who created a theory on personality development? a) Eric Reith b) Erik Erikson c) Emile Durkheim d) Jon Johansson Answer B (Page 96)

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

1. A group is defined as: a. any collection of at least two people who interact with some frequency and who share some sense of aligned identity. b. a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity. c. people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. d. small, informal groups of people who are closest to us. Answer A 2. A _______ is any collection of at least two people who interact with some frequency and who share some sense of aligned identity. a. Category b. Group c. Aggregate d. Secondary Group Answer B 3. An aggregate is defined as: a. people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. b. a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity c. a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity d. people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. Answer B 4. A(n)________ is a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity. a. Category b. Group c. Aggregate d. Primary group Answer C

1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

5. Category is defined as: a. a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity. b. groups to which an individual compares herself. c. a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity. d. people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. Answer D 6. A _________ are people who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. a. Primary group b. Aggregate c. Tertiary Group d. Category Answer D 7. Primary group is defined as: a. a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity. b. a small informal group of people who are closest to us. c. groups to which an individual compares herself. d. a group of people you experience first things with. Answer B 8. A ________ group is a small, informal group of people who are closest to us. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Reference d. OutAnswer A 9. Expressive Function is defined as: a. the function of being goal oriented toward a task or goal. b. the function that acts as a mentor for others. c. the function that serves an emotional need. d. the function that serves to promote competition Answer C 10. A function that serves an emotional need is known as a(n) ________. 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

a. b. c. d.

Instrumental Function Expressive Function Interpretive Function Leadership Function

Answer B

11. An instrumental function is defined as: a. the function of being goal oriented toward a task or goal. b. the function that serves an emotional need. c. the Function that brings people together. d. the function that serves to promote competition. Answer A 12. A(n) _____________ function is being goal oriented toward a task or goal. a. Primary b. Leadership c. Instrumental d. Conforming Answer C 13. In-group is defined as: a. a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity. b. a group that an individual is not a member of and may even compete with. c. groups to which an individual compares herself. d. a two-member group. Answer A 14. A(n) ________ group is a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity. a. Common b. Out c. In d. Reference Answer C 15. Out-group is defined as: a. a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

b. a group that an individual is not a member of and may even compete with. c. groups to which an individual idolizes. d. a three-member group. Answer B 16. A(n) _______ group is a group that an individual is not a member of and may even compete with. a. Reference b. Out c. Leadership d. Primary Answer B 17. Reference Group is defined as: a. a group that an individual idolizes. b. a group that an individual is not a member of and may even compete with. c. a group that individuals compare themselves to. d. a group that resides in the same area. Answer C 18. A _________ group is a group that individuals compare themselves to. a. Secondary b. Primary c. Leadership d. Reference Answer D 19. A dyad is defined as: a. a two-member group b. a three-member group c. a ten-member group d. a six-member group Answer A 20. A two-member group is called a ________. a. Dyad b. Triad c. Quad d. Sextet 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

Answer A 21. A triad is defined as: a. a nine-member group b. a four-member group c. a three-member group d. a five-member group Answer C 22. A three-member group is called a ______. a. Quad b. Triplet c. Dyad d. Triad Answer D 23. Leadership Function is defined as: a. the function that refers to the main focus or goal of the leader. b. the function that serves an emotional need. c. the Function that brings people together. d. the function that serves to promote competition. Answer A 24. _________ function refers to the main focus or goal of the leader. a. Democratic b. Leadership c. Practical d. Passive Answer B 25. An Instrumental leader is defined as: a. leaders more concerned with promoting emotional strength and health and ensuring that people feel supported. b. leaders who encourage group participation in all decision making. c. leaders who are goal oriented with a primary focus on accomplishing tasks. d. leaders who issue orders and assign tasks. Answer C 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

26. A(n) ________ leader is goal oriented with a primary focus on accomplishing tasks. a. Expressive b. Authoritarian c. Passive d. Instrumental Answer D 27. An Expressive leader is defined as: a. leaders more concerned with promoting emotional strength and health and ensuring that people feel supported. b. leaders who encourage group participation in all decision making. c. leader who are goal oriented with a primary focus on accomplishing tasks. d. leaders who issue orders and assign tasks. Answer A 28. __________ leaders are more concerned with promoting emotional strength and health and ensuring that people feel supported. a. Formative b. Expressive c. Hands-On d. Authoritarian Answer B 29. Leadership style is defined as: a. the style a leader uses to achieve goals or elicit action from group members. b. the tone a leader uses when addressing a group. c. the way a leader dresses may affect its groups members. d. the style a leader uses when conflict arises. Answer A 30. __________ is the style a leader uses to achieve goals or elicit action from group members. a. Teaching Style b. Leadership Style c. Comradery Style d. Control Style Answer B 31. A Democratic leader is defined as: 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

a. a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make their own decisions. b. a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-building before moving into action. c. a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone’s emotional wellbeing. d. a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks. Answer B

32. ________ leaders encourage group participation and consensus-building before moving into action. a. Hands-On b. Expressive c. Democratic d. Passive Answer C 33. The definition of Laissez-faire leader is: a. a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make their own decisions. b. a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-building before moving into action. c. a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone’s emotional wellbeing. d. a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks. Answer A 34. A(n) ________ leader is a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make their own decisions. a. Formative b. Expressive c. Creative d. Laissez-faire Answer D 35. An Authoritarian leader is defined as: a. leaders more concerned with promoting emotional strength and health and ensuring that people feel supported. b. leaders that encourage group participation in all decision making. c. leader is goal oriented with a primary focus on accomplishing tasks. 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

d. leaders who issue orders and assign tasks. Answer D 36. A(n) ___________ is a leader who issues orders and assign tasks: a. Authoritarian b. Democratic c. Presidential d. Formal Answer A 37. Conformity is defined as: a. going against the grain in social situations. b. rebelling against the norms. c. trying to persuade others to follow a status quo. d. the extent to which an individual complies with group or societal norms. Answer D 38. _________ is the extent to which an individual complies with group or societal norms. a. Social compliance b. Conformity c. Mirror-Image society d. Recognizing norms Answer B 39. The definition of formal organization is: a. small face-face organizations. b. strict business-like organizations. c. large, impersonal organizations. d. little small-town organizations. Answer C 40. A _______ organization is large and impersonal. a. Formal b. Coercive c. Normative d. Utilitarian Answer A 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

41. A bureaucracy is defined as: a. a type of normative organization, characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality. b. a type of voluntary organization, characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality. c. a type of coercive organization, characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality. d. a type of formal organization, characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality. Answer D 42. A _________ is a type of formal organization, characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality. a. Monopoly b. Business Model c. Bureaucracy d. Fortune Five-Hundred Answer C 43. A Voluntary/Normative organization is defined as: a. an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and total resocialization occurs. b. an organization that people join to fulfill a specific material need. c. an organization that people join to pursue shared interests or because it provides some intangible rewards. d. an organization that people do not voluntarily join, such as prison or a mental hospital. Answer C 44. A __________ organization is an organization that people join to pursue shared interests or because it provides some intangible rewards. a. Voluntary b. Coercive c. Totalitarian d. Utilitarian Answer A 45. A Coercive organization is defined as: 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

a. an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and total resocialization occurs. b. an organization that people join to fulfill a specific material need. c. an organization that people join to pursue shared interests or because it provides some intangible rewards. d. an organization that people do not voluntarily join, such as prison or a mental hospital. Answer D 46. In a __________ organization people do not voluntarily join, such as prison or a mental hospital. a. Forced b. Coercive c. Utilitarian d. Strict Answer B 47. A Total institution can be defined as: a. an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and total resocialization occurs. b. an organization that people join to fulfill a specific material need. c. an organization that people join to pursue shared interests or because it provides some intangible rewards. d. an organization that people do not voluntarily join, such as prison or a mental hospital. Answer A 48. A ________ is an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and total resocialization occurs. a. Co-op b. Total institution c. Penal Colony d. Army Base Answer B 49. A Utilitarian Organization is defined as: a. an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and total resocialization occurs. b. an organization that people join to fulfill a specific material need. 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

c. an organization that people join to pursue shared interests or because it provides some intangible rewards. d. an organization that people do not voluntarily join, such as prison or a mental hospital. Answer B 50. A ____________ is an organization that people join to fulfill a specific material need. a. Coercive Organization b. Joint Organization c. Partner Organization d. Utilitarian organization Answer D 51. The definition of hierarchy of authority is a. the aspect of bureaucracy that places one individual or office in charge of another, who in turn must answer to her own superiors. b. the fact that within a bureaucracy, each individual has a specialized task to perform. c. the way in which rules are outlined, written down, and standardized. d. the fact that big corporations are better than smaller ones. Answer A 52. ________ refers to the aspect of bureaucracy that places one individual or office in charge of another, who in turn must answer to her own superiors. a. Nepotism b. Hierarchy of Authority c. Big Money Corps d. Chain of Command Answer B 53. Clear Division of Labor is defined as: a. the aspect of bureaucracy that places one individual or office in charge of another, who in turn must answer to her own superiors. b. the fact that within a bureaucracy, each individual has a specialized task to perform. c. the way in which rules are outlined, written down, and standardized. d. the fact that big corporations are better than smaller ones. Answer B 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

54. __________ refers to the fact that within a bureaucracy, each individual has a specialized task to perform. a. Business Hierarchy b. Mediocracy c. Clear Division of Labor d. Explicit Rule Answer C 55. The definition of Explicit Rules is: a. the rules that a democratic leader demands its group to follow. b. the types of rules in a bureaucracy; rules that are outlined, recorded, and standardized. c. the regulations put in place by a coercive organization. d. the laws of the land, cannot be broken by any means. Answer B 56. _________ are the types of rules in a bureaucracy; rules that are outlined, recorded, and standardized. a. Explicit Rules b. Civil Orders c. Social Norms d. Business Standards Answer A 57. Impersonality is defined as: a. offensively impolite or ill-mannered in business situations. b. showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked in professional situations. c. the removal of personal feelings from a professional situation. d. being overly friendly in business situations. Answer C 58. Bureaucracies are also characterized by _________, which is the removal of personal feelings from a professional situation. a. Bitterness b. Shallow c. Compliance d. Impersonality Answer D 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

59. A Meritocracy is a: a. bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on merit—proven and documented skills. b. formal organization where everyone is valued the same. c. bureaucracy in which every member is assigned the same. d. coercive organization where membership and advancement is based on merit— proven and documented skills. Answer A 60. A _______ is a bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on merit—proven and documented skills. a. Monopoly b. Capitalist Venture c. Meritocracy d. Commision-based Answer C (Page 126) 61. McDonaldization of Society is defined as: a. a very capitalist shift in society. b. the commercialization of America. c. the increasing presence of the mass production business model in common social institutions. d. the take-over of fast food in America. Answer C 62. _________ is the increasing presence of the fast food business model in common social institutions. a. McDonaldization of Society b. Commercialization of Society c. Wendyization of Society d. Money-Hungry Society Answer A 63. A line of people waiting at a register is an example of _______. A. Primary Group B. Aggregate C. Organization D. Secondary Group 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

Answer B 64. During a research project in a sociology class, facilitators separate men and women in two different group. These groups, created by grouping subject based on similar characteristics, are known as __________. A. Categories B. Aggregates C. Expressive Functions D. Primary Groups Answer A 65. Naomi just started working at her local elementary school. Her new coworkers and staff members are hardworking and goal-oriented. Naomi’s new job is an example of a ________. A. Primary Group B. Dyad C. Secondary Group D. Out-Group Answer C 66. Huey had invited some friends, family members, and coworkers for the Super bowl. This is an example of a _______. A. Group B. Dyad C. Reference Group D. Out-Group Answer A 67. When Nicholas became the manager of the local grocery store, he trained his staff to be more attentive to environmental factors and other needs of clients. This is an example of _____________ . A. Primary Group B. Leadership Function C. Triad D. Group Conformity Answer B 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

68. Matthew, Robert, and Daniel had been friends since 25 years. They met the first day of elementary school. Since, they are like family to each other. They are always been there for each other. Matthews, Robert, and Daniel are an example of a ________. A. Secondary Group B. Out-Group C. Primary Group D. Dyad Answer C 69. Adam is a die-hard rugby athlete. He eats, sleeps, and breathes rugby. Adam loves his teammates and coach because they make him feel like he belongs on the team. Adam’s rugby team is an example of ________. A. Out-Group B. Tryad C. Triad D. In-Group Answer D 70. Noel’s idol and role model is Tom Brady, he aspires to be as successful & reputable as Brady. He often compares himself to Brady. For Noel, Tom Brady is an example of a________. A. Out-Group B. Primary Group C. Secondary Group D. Reference Group Answer D 71. John’s mother is the head of a technology company where she is admired for her hard work and commitment to achieving a common goal. John’s mom is an example of a(n)_______. A. Expressive Leader B. Laissez-faire Leader C. Democratic Leader D. Instrumental Leader 15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

Answer D 72. Anthony and Lucy are partners working on starting up a company together. Anthony and Lucy are an example of a(n) __________. A. Triad B. Category C. Dyad D. Expressive Functions Answer C

73. Eve is the Department chair of the Department of Sociology. She is well-respected by all of her colleagues. Eve believes in leading the department by regularly checking in with staff to promote personal/ mental health and wellbeing to support her staff. Eve is an example of a(n) _________. A. Instrumental Leader B. Democratic Leader C. Expressive Leader D. Authoritarian Leader Answer C 74. Eve, the Chair of the Department of Sociology, focuses on the emotional needs of her faculty. This is an example of __________. A. Out-group B. Reference Group C. Expressive Function D. Instrumental Function Answer C 75. Ben is the Department chair for chemistry at the same university as Eve, however, he believes in leading his staff with a very hands-off approach and allows his team to control what they do and how they do it. Ben is an example of a _________. A. Laissez-faire Leader B. Authoritarian Leader C. Expressive Leader D. Democratic Leader 16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

Answer A 76. Grace is the owner of a small cafe in town. She never has “help wanted” signs because her employees all still work there, even after many years. The cafe staff said that they never left because they felt heard, respected, and had a say in all of the decisions made in the cafe. Grace is an example of a ________. A. Expressive Leader B. Democratic Leader C. Instrumental Leader D. Laissez-faire Leader Answer B

77. Gabrielle has never had any intention of shoplifting. When she was hanging out with her older sister and her friends at the mall they started shoplifting. Gabrielle followed their examples and shoplift few items. This is an example of ________. A. Triad B. Laissez-faire Leadership C. Conformity D. Moral decline Answer C

78. Abel and Ava love to help others and find it so rewarding that they spend their Saturdays and Sundays at the local soup kitchen. The soup kitchen is fully run by other volunteers like Abel and Ava. The soup kitchen is a __________. A. Voluntary Organization B. Total Institution C. Bureaucracy D. In-Group Answer A 79. Zachary and Maria have always enjoyed skiing and snowboarding so they both joined the ski team composed of 10 persons. The ski team is an example of a _________. A. Total institution 17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

B. Dyad C. Normative Organization D. Utilitarian Organization Answer C 80. Francis was admitted into a mental hospital against her will under the Florida law that allows individuals with mental illness to be hospitalized against their will for up to 72 hours if they meet certain criteria. The mental hospital is an example of a ___________. A. Coercive Organization B. Democratic Leadership C. Normative Organization D. Voluntary Organization Answer A 81. Samuel Mudd didn’t appreciate the freedoms of everyday life until he went away to prison, where he complained about inhumane conditions and degrading punishments . Everything he did was controlled by the guards and warden. Prison is an example of a(n)_________. A. Normative Organization B. Total Institution C. Utilitarian Organization D. Democratic Leadership Answer B 82. Caleb always hated school growing up, however, he knew that he needed a college degree. College is an example of a(n)_________. A. Democratic Leadership B. Tryad C. Utilitarian Organization D. Total Institution Answer C 83. At Noel's job, every one of his colleagues is assigned a particular task to complete which is specific to their area of expertise. The way Noel’s job is organized is an example of _________. 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

A. Impersonality B. Hierarchy of Authority C. Clear Division of Labor D. McDonaldization of Society Answer C 84. Carla just began attending a boarding school with many strict protocols and expectations that she was required to read in the school handbook. Carla’s boarding school uses ________. A. Hierarchy of Authority B. Explicit Rules C. McDonaldization of Society D. Meritocracies Answer B 85. Earl is in the process of hiring a new assistant, he is choosing between two final candidates one of the candidates is his best friend's wife and the other is a random applicant. He interviewed both of them and ended up deciding to hire the random applicant because she had the best interview. Earls decision to hire the best interviewee exemplifies _________. A. Impersonality B. Explicit Rules C. Clear Division of Labor D. Hierarchy of Authority Answer A 86. Edward a well-respected worker, just received a promotion and raise at his job for all of the hard work and extra hours he constantly puts in at the office. Edwards job is an example of a ________. A. Impersonality B. McDonaldization of Society C. Meritocracy D. Hierarchy of Authority Answer C

19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

87. Karen, a researcher, is studying products that are easy and efficient to use. She is also studying trademarking predictability at the best cost for the least effort. This is commonly referred to as _____________. A. Iron Rule of Oligarchy B. Meritocracies C. Impersonality D. McDonaldization of Society Answer D 88. Silvana hates where she lives. Her life is completely monitored and controlled. She is fed an assortment of medication and when she asks why things are the way they are she is told that everything is the way it should be. This is an example of ____________ . A. Total Institution B. Hierarchy of Authority C. McDonaldization of Society D. Voluntary Organization Answer D 89. Sociologists describe the dimensions of an increasingly popular business model becoming more and more common in modern day society. The first dimension focuses on maximizing efficiency. The second dimension emphasizes quantity over quality. The third dimension is about predictability. The fourth and final dimension is control of humans using technology. This is known as ________________ . A. McDonaldization of Society B. Voluntary Organizations C. Total Institutions D. Meritocracy Answer A 90. Suzie is a CEO. Suzie is known as the office “sweetheart”. She always takes people's feelings into account. Connections are everything for her. She always hires her employee’s spouses and family over other candidates. Suzie challenges the bureaucratic idea of ______________ . A. Dyad B. Impersonality C. Hierarchy of Authority 20 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

D. Explicit Rules Answer B 91. In Ryan’s practice, partners are rewarded for the time they spend at the company with raises every few years regardless of their work reports or work ethic. What is this not an example of? A. Impersonality B. Explicit Rules C. Meritocracy D. Clear Division of Labor Answer C 92. What percentage of middle school students admitted to “seriously thinking about committing suicide” as a results of online bullying? a. 30% b. 15% c. 5% d. 20% Answer: D

93. According to a report released in 2013 by the National Center for Educational Statistics, what percentage of students reported being bullied by their school peers? a. 10% b. 17.8% c. 27.8% d. 30% Answer: D 94. In 1951, what psychologist sat 8 people around a table to conduct a research on one test subject? a. Soloman Asch b. Sigmund Freud c. John B. Watson 21 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

d. B.F Skinner Answer: A 95. Who wrote the article “The Problem of Sociology”? a. Georg Simmel b. Max Weber c. Stanley Milgram d. Charles Horton Cooley Answer: A 96. Who suggested that groups can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary? a. Georg Simmel b. Max Weber c. Stanley Milgram d. Charles Horton Cooley Answer: D 97. George Ritzer created the concept of _________ . a. In-group and out-group b. Bureaucracy c. Mcdonaldization d. Core discussion group Answer: C

98. All children born between the years _______ are considered millennials. a) 1990-2010 b) 1985-2005 c) 1980-2000 d) 1975-1995 Answer: C

22 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

99. A study by the Cyberbullying Research Center found that _____ middle-school ...…….students admitted to “seriously thinking about committing suicide” as a result of online …...….bullying. a) 20% b) 12% c) 15% d) 8% Answer: A


Weber designed his perception of a bureaucracy in _________.

a) 1915 b) 1922 c) 1936 d) 1927 Answer: B

101. Who suggested that groups can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary groups? a) Solomon Asch b) Charles Horton Cooley c) Robert Michels d) Peter Marsden Answer: B

Match the concept with the proper author. 102.

In-group and out-group

William Sumner 23

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization


Dyad and Triad

George Ritzer



Amitai Etzioni



Georg Simmel

106. Voluntary organizations 117) Answer: William Sumner - Page 119 118) Answer: Georg Simmel - Page 122 119) Answer: Max Weber - Page 126 120) Answer: George Ritzer - Page 127 121) Answer: Amitai Etzioni - Page 125

Max Weber

107. What are the two groups that Charles Horton Cooley believed that people were divided into? A) In-group and out-group B) Category Group and Reference Group C) Primary Group and Secondary Group D) Rally Group and Aggregate Group Answer: C 108. People can be placed in two types of groups as described by William Sumner depending on their sense of belonging to them: ____________________ . A) In-group and out-group B) Category Group and Reference Group C) Primary Group and Secondary Group D) Rally Group and Aggregate Group Answer: A 109. Which of the following is not a formal organization proposed by Amitai Etzioni? A) Involuntary organizations 24 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 6 Groups and Organization

B) Normative organizations C) Coercive organizations D) Utilitarian organizations Answer: A 110.

Weber described a bureaucracy as having these four aspects:

A) Clear division of authority, Hierarchy of labor, Explicit rules, Bias B) Hierarchy of authority, Clear division of goods, Explicit rules, Impersonality C) Hierarchy of authority, Clear division of labor, Explicit rules, Impersonality D) Hierarchy of authority, Clear division of labor, Minimal rules, Impersonality Answer: C 111. According to Cooley, primary groups serve _______ while secondary groups serve _______. A) Expressive function, Authoritarian function B) Instrumental function, Expressive function C) Authoritarian function, Democratic function D) Expressive function, Instrumental function Answer: D

25 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

1. Deviance is defined as: a. a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms. b. being different from the crowd. c. an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives. d. a criminal offense that can be punished by sanctions. Answer A 2. _________ is a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms. a. Sanctions b. Misdemeanor c. Deviance d. Crime Answer C

3. All societies practice __________, the regulation and enforcement of norms. a. Social Order b. Positive Sanctions c. Social Control d. Formal Sanctions Answer C 4. Social Order is defined as: a. codes that maintain formal social control through laws. b. an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives. c. a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law. d. the system tasked with supervising individuals who have been arrested for, convicted of, or sentenced for criminal offense. Answer B

1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

5. _________ is an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives. a. Social Order b. Social Control c. Social Norms d. Social Compliance Answer A 6. Sanctions are defined as: a. codes that maintain formal social control through laws. b. the means of enforcing rules. c. the rewards given for following the norm. d. an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives. Answer B 7. ________ are the means of enforcing rules. a. Laws b. Legal Codes c. Sanctions d. Self-Report Studies Answer C 8. Positive Sanctions are defined as: a. rewards given for following the norms. b. sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced. c. praise from a superior figure. d. achieving your personal goals. Answer A 9. _________ are rewards given for following the norms. a. Negative Sanctions b. Benefit Sanctions c. Formal Sanctions d. Positive Sanctions Answer D

2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

10. Formal Sanctions are defined as: a. sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced. b. sanctions recognized by small organizations. c. sanctions that take place at formal businesses. d. sanctions enforced by other countries on the U.S. Answer A 11. _________ Sanctions are sanctions that are officially recognized and enforced. a. Professional b. Formal c. Business d. Positive Answer B 12. Strain Theory is defined as: a. a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. b. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. c. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals. d. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. Answer C 13. _______ is the theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals. a. Conflict Theory b. Strain Theory c. Cultural Deviance Theory d. Labeling Theory Answer B 14. Social Disorganization Theory is defined as: a. the theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. b. the theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals. c. a theory the ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

d. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. Answer A 15. ________ is the theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. a. Cultural Deviance Theory b. Conflict Theory c. Labeling Theory d. Social Disorganization Theory Answer D 16. Cultural Deviance Theory is defined as: a. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. b. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. c. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals. d. a theory that states that crime is the defining characteristic of a society. Answer A 17. ________ is a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. a. Conflict Theory b. Cultural Deviance Theory c. Labeling theory d. Distress Theory Answer B 18. Conflict Theory is defined as: a. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. b. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals. c. a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. d. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

Answer A 19. _________ is the theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. a. Labeling Theory b. Conflict Theory c. Anarchist Theory d. Social Disorganization Theory Answer B 20. Power Elite Group is defined as: a. a collection of people who exist in the same place at the same time, but who don’t interact or share a sense of identity. b. a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his identity. c. groups to which an individual compares herself. d. a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of society who hold the power and resources. Answer D 21. _________ is a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of society who hold the power and resources. a. Power Elite Group b. The One Percent c. The Robber Barons d. Silicon Valley Answer A 22. Labeling Theory is defined as: a. a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. b. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. c. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. d. a theory the ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society. Answer D 23. __________ theory is the ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society. a. Assumption 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

b. Labeling c. Conflict d. Deviance Answer B 24. Primary Deviance is defined as: a. deviance that occurs when a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society. b. a behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions. c. a violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others. d. a minor wrongdoing against the laws in place. Answer C (Page 141) 25. _________ is a violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others. a. Primary Deviance b. Secondary Deviance c. First-offense d. Misdemeanor Answer A 26. Secondary Deviance can be defined as: a. a violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others. b. a direct violation of strict rules that are enforced. c. deviance that occurs when a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society. d. deviance that occurs when a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society. Answer C 27. _________ deviance occurs when a person’s self-concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society. a. Secondary b. Primary Deviance c. Juvenile d. Tertiary Answer A 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

28. Master Status is defined as: a. a label achieved once one masters their craft. b. a status achieved after taking a test. c. a status that is given to an individual who works very hard for their craft. d. a label that describes the chief characteristic of an individual. Answer D 29. _________ is a label that describes the chief characteristic of an individual. a. Controller Status b. Definitive Quality c. Master Status d. Defining Characteristic Answer C 30. Differential Association Theory is defined as: a. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. b. a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. c. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. d. a theory that states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance. Answer D ( 31. ___________ is a theory that states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance. a. Conflict Theory b. Differential Association Theory c. Control Theory d. Deviance Theory Answer B 32. Control Theory is defined as: a. the theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. b. the theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime. 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

c. the theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. d. the theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. Answer D 33. _________ is the theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. a. Control Theory b. Direct Theory c. Conflict Theory d. Treatment Theory Answer A 34. Crime is defined as: a. a minor wrongdoing. b. an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. c. a behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions. d. illegal actions. Answer C 35. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions is known more formally as _________. a. Misdemeanor b. Felony c. Violation d. Crime Answer D 36. Legal Codes are defined as: a. laws followed by formal organizations. b. social codes that if broken can result in legal action. c. codes that maintain formal social control through laws. d. a set of rules that all patrons must follow. Answer C 37. ________ are codes that maintain formal social control through laws. a. Legal Codes 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

b. Laws c. Social Norms d. Cultural Roles Answer A 38. Violent Crimes are defined as: a. crimes that involve the destruction or theft of property, but do not use force or the threat of force. b. crime committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. c. crimes based on the use of force or the threat of force. d. attacks based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics. Answer C 39. __________ crimes are crimes based on the use of force or the threat of force. a. Violent b. Heinous c. Street d. Hate Answer A 40. Nonviolent Crimes are defined as: a. crimes committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. b. crimes are activities against the law, but that do not result in injury to any. c. crimes involve the destruction or theft of property, but do not use force or the threat of force. d. crimes that take place in wealthy towns. Answer 41. __________ Crimes involve the destruction or theft of property, but do not use force or the threat of force. a. Corporate b. Nonviolent c. Street d. Victimless Answer B 42. Street Crimes are defined as: 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

a. crimes committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. b. crimes involve the destruction or theft of property, but do not use force or the threat of force. c. crimes are activities against the law, but that do not result in injury to anyone. d. crimes are attacks based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics. Answer A 43. ________ Crimes are crimes committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. a. Nonviolent b. Victimless c. Petty d. Street Answer D 44. Victimless crimes are defined as: a. crimes committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. b. crimes involve the destruction or theft of property, but do not use force or the threat of force. c. crime committed by white-collar workers in a business environment. d. crimes are activities against the law, but that do not result in injury to anyone. Answer D 45. _________ crimes are activities against the law, but that do not result in injury to anyone. a. Nonviolent b. Petty c. White Collar d. Victimless Answer D 46. Hate crimes are defined as: a. crimes that are hated by everyone. b. crimes are attacks based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics. c. crimes are committed by average people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces. d. crimes based on the use of force or the threat of force. 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

Answer B 47. _________ are attacks based on a person’s race, religion, or other characteristics. a. Violent Crimes b. Heinous Crimes c. Hate Crimes d. Despicable Crimes Answer C 48. The definition of a Self-Report Study is: a. a collection of data acquired using voluntary response methods, such as questionnaires or telephone interviews. b. when civilians take justice into their own hands. c. a social study of how many crimes are self-reported. d. a test that can be performed on the public to create a reaction. Answer A 49. A _________ is the collection of data acquired using voluntary response methods, such as questionnaires or telephone interviews. a. Census Survey b. Self-Report Study c. System of Reports d. Collection of Crimes Answer B 50. The definition of a Criminal Justice System is: a. an organization that exists to enforce a legal code. b. a branch of the government that creates the law. c. a system in which all prison inmates are kept records of. d. an organization that exists to change laws. Answer A 51. A _________ is an organization that exists to enforce a legal code. a. Court System b. Criminal Justice System c. Legal Counsel d. Local authority Answer B 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

52. The definition of police is: a. a civil force in charge of regulating laws and public order at a federal, state, or community level. b. a committee working to protect the civilians. c. the people with the duty of maintaining law and order in or for (an area or events). d. a legal force that fights across seas for this country. Answer A 53. The __________ is/are a civil force in charge of regulating laws and public order at a federal, state, or community level. a. Army b. Coast Guard c. Police d. Defense Attorney Answer C 54. Court can be defined as: a. civil force in charge of regulating laws and public order at a federal, state, or community level. b. a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law. c. a committee working to protect the civilians. d. a group that processes and judges civil cases. Answer B 55. A ________ is a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law. a. Judge b. Jury c. Public Defender d. Court Answer D (Page 146) 56. Corrections Systems can be defined as: a. the system tasked with supervising individuals who have been arrested for, convicted of, or sentenced for criminal offenses. b. a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law. c. civil force in charge of regulating laws and public order at a federal, state, or community level. d. the government sanctions protecting the American people. Answer A 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

57. The _________ is the system tasked with supervising individuals who have been arrested for, convicted of, or sentenced for criminal offenses. a. Civil Court b. Corrections System c. Police Force d. Army Answer B 58. Rosa Parks refusing to move to the back of the bus is an example of ______. a. Negative Sanctions b. Deviance c. Social Control d. Norm Answer: B 59. Which of the following is an example of negative informal sanctions? a. Employee being fired b. A student being expelled c. Disapproving looks d. A promotion at work Answer: C. 60. Michael just got a promotion at work, this is an example of _____. a. Positive formal sanctions b. Positive informal sanctions c. Negative formal sanctions d. Negative informal sanctions Answer: A. 61. The president of the United States is a member of the ______ a. Social class b. Criminal justice system c. Corrections system d. Power elite Answer: D. 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

62. Armed robbery, murder, and rape are all examples of _____ a. Non-violent crimes b. Violent crimes c. Street crime d. Corporate crime Answer: B. 63. Morgan’s car was stolen when she was at work, this was a _____ a. Victimless crime b. Non-violent crime c. Corporate crime d. Hate crime Answer: B. 64. A man was beaten because of the color of his skin. This is an example of ______________ . a. Violent crime b. Street crime c. Hate crime d. Corporate crime Answer: C. 65. Using the social disorganization theory, where is a crime most likely to occur? a. A wealthy neighborhood b. A community where everyone knows each other c. A community with weak social ties d. A community with no children Answer: C.

66. True or false: According to the differential association theory, children who have parents who committed a crime are more likely to engage in criminal behavior than children without familial criminal history. a. True 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

b. False Answer: A. 67. Which of the following is an example of street crime? a. Embezzlement b. Vandalism c. Identity theft d. Murder Answer: B. 68. Being arrested for shoplifting is an example of ____________________ . a. Informal positive sanctions b. Informal negative sanctions c. Formal negative sanctions d. Formal positive sanctions Answer: C. 69. Which of the following is NOT part of the power elite? a. Teachers b. Celebrities c. Politicians d. The President Answer: A.

70. The ____ has the authority to make decisions based on law. a. Power elite b. Criminal justice system c. Police d. Court Answer: D. 71. ______ are motivated b race, religion, sexuality, and other characteristics. a. Hate crimes 15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

b. Violent crimes c. Street crimes d. Non- violent crimes Answer: A.

72. Which of the following are examples of positive informal sanctions? a. A mother giving her child a cookie when they complete their homework b. A scientist being given an award for their amazing breakthrough c. A woman being promoted at her job due to her talents and hard work d. A student receiving a bad grade on a test Answer: A. 73. True or False: Any act of deviance is a crime. a. True b. False Answer: B.

74. Dan and Arin both commit acts of deviance. Dan commits only minor acts of deviance that don’t affect his day to day life. Arin, however, commits major crimes that cause him to be labelled as a criminal and shunned by others. Dan's deviance is _________ and Arin’s deviance is __________. a. Primary, Secondary b. Secondary, Primary c. Both Primary d. Both Secondary Answer: A. 75. A person commits an act of violent crime. Which of the following could NOT have been the crime she committed? a. Stealing office supplies from work b. Beating her husband c. Breaking a window to get into a building d. Threatening someone with a knife 16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

Answer: A. 76. A person is arrested over a noise complaint. It is an example of ___________. a. Positive Formal Sanction b. Negative Informal Sanction c. Negative Formal Sanction d. Positive Informal Sanction Answer: C.

77. Joshua is pulled over for speeding down the highway. He received a ticket and goes on with his day as normal. Which form of deviance had he performed? a. Primary deviance b. Secondary deviance c. Tertiary deviance d. None of the above Answer: A.

78. True or False. All crimes are forms of deviance, but not all forms of deviance are a crime. a. True b. False Answer: A. 79. Which of the following is an example of the labelling theory? a. A man is convicted, serves his sentence, and then cannot find a job due to his background. b. A woman has been caught speeding multiple times but hasn’t been fired for it c. A person is seen smoking marijuana where it is not legal but still works at a law firm d. None of the above Answer: A.

80. For some, prostitution is a ____________. A. Corporate crime 17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

B. Victimless crime C. Hate crime D. Violent crime Answer B 81. A person was caught at night spray painting a billboard in view of the highway. This is an example of a ____________. A. Street crime B. Violent crime C. Hate crime D. Corporate crime Answer A

82. The employee of a local gas station calls 911 to report a robbery. The _____ arrive at the scene in order to investigate and interview the employee. A. Criminal justice system B. Police C. Power elite D. Court Answer b

83. A civilian calls the police to report a crime. The police then investigate the report and if they find a suspect they make an arrest. If the suspect pleads not guilty to the charges or accusations, then the case goes to trial where a judge and jury will decide the verdict. If the defendant is found guilty he or she receive a sentence. The corrections system looks over him while he is in prison. This is an example of how the ___________ works. A. Corrections system B. Police C. Criminal justice system D. Police Answer C

18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

84. During the United States civil rights movement, Rosa Parks violated social norms when she refused to move to the “black section” of the bus. This is an example of ______. A. Legal codes B. Sanctions C. Crime D. Power elite Answer C

85. A student plagiarized their entire essay, which is against the university code of conduct. As a result, the student was expelled from the university. This is an example of ______________ . A. Formal sanctions B. Violent Crime C. Informal sanctions D. Social order Answer A 86. Katie comes in 15 minutes late to her job. As a result, her manager scolds her and tells her not to do it again. This is an example of ______. A. Formal sanctions B. Positive sanctions C. Crime D. Informal sanctions Answer D 87. A student has all D’s and is placed on academic probation. She is suspended from the soccer team until her grades improve. This is an example of ______________. A. Positive sanctions B. Informal sanctions C. Negative sanctions D. Society Answer C

19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

88. Max holds the door open for every elder person he sees in public and is always rewarded with a “Thank you.” This is an example of a ______. A. Positive sanction B. Negative sanction C. Formal sanction D. Crime Answer A 89. When an employee breaks a rule in the employee handbook the manager yells at the employee in order to make sure the employee doesn’t do it again. This is an example of _____________. A. Positive sanctions B. Social control C. Legal Codes D. Hate Crime Answer B 90. An individual who grows up in a poor neighborhood with high rates of drug use, violence, and delinquency is more likely to become a criminal than an individual from a wealthy neighborhood with a good school system and families who are involved positively in the community. This is an example of ______. A. Social disorganization theory B. Social order C. Conflict theory D. Strain theory Answer A

91. A member of the Ku Klux Klan set fire to the Dur-ul-Arqam Mosque. This is an example of a ________. A. Street crime B. Nonviolent crime C. Hate crime D. Victimless crime Answer C 20 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

92. A person who does not tip a restaurant server is committing an act of: ______. A. Deviance B. Crime C. Hate crime D. Positive sanction Answer A

93. Seven-year-old Susan is in a drugstore one day with her mom and she found her favorite bar of candy. Her mom was already paying for her items, and Susan suddenly had an idea to put the candy in her mom’s purse. She left the store with her mom and started eating the candy on the way home. Her mother saw her eating the bar and was shocked. She asked Susan if she had taken it and Susan admitted she did. Her mother brought her back to the store to confess, and she never took anything from a store again. This incident of Susan taking a candy bar is known as _________. A. Deviance B. Primary deviance C. Formal sanctions D. Legal code Answer B 94. Daniela did not say thank you when someone held the door open for her. When her mom and her got back in the car, her mom yelled at her for not being polite. Daniela received _______________. A. Positive sanctions B. Crime C. Negative sanctions D. Formal sanctions Answer C

95. What was the crack-cocaine punishment disparity following Barack Obama's 2010 Fair Sentencing Act? 21 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

a. b. c. d.

1 to 100 1 to 18 1 to 40 1 to 36 Answer B

96. What is strain theory? a. a theory that examines social and economic factors as the causes of criminal deviance b. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society c. a theory that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime d. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals Answer D, 97. How does conflict theory describe crime? a. It examines social and economic factors as the causes of criminal deviance b. It states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance c. The ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society d. It that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control Answer A, Page 98. What is Control Theory? a. a theory that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control b. a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals c. a theory that states social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society 22 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

d. a theory that states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance Answer C 99. The Social Disorganization Theory states that crime is most likely to happen where… a. b. c. d.

Social norms are not followed Deviance is acceptable One is born a criminal There are weak social ties Answer D


How does the Social Disorganization Theory explain deviance? a. Crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control b. It states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance c. The ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society d. It examines social and economic factors as the causes of criminal deviance Answer A

101. According to the Differential Association theory which group is most likely to commit crime? a. b. c. d.

Those labeled as deviant from society Those abused as children Those with weak social ties Impoverished people Answer B


How does the Cultural Deviance theory describe deviance?

23 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

a. It that suggests conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime b. It states individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance c. The ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society d. It that asserts crime occurs in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control Answer A 103.

Émile Durkheim believed that crime ____________________________. a. b. c. d.

It changes social norms It solidifies social norms It affirms social norms All above Answer D


Who created the strain theory? a. b. c. d.

Émile Durkheim Robert Merton Professors at the University of Chicago Clifford Shaw Answer B


Who created the Cultural Deviance Theory? a. b. c. d.

Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay Robert Merton and expanded by Karl Marx Professors at the University of Chicago Émile Durkheim Answer A


Who created the concept of the Power Elite? 24

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 7 Deviance Crime and Social Control

a. b. c. d.

Karl Marx Robert Merton C. Wright Mills Edwin Lemert Answer C


Who created the Control Theory? a. b. c. d.

Leola Strickland Edwin Sutherland Professors at the University of Chicago Travis Hirschi Answer D

25 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology 1. Technology is defined as: a. b. c. d.

all interactive forms of information exchange. the application of science to solve problems in daily life. the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.

Answer B 2. ______ is the application of science to solve problems in daily life. a. Evolutionary Model of Technological Change b. Media Globalization c. Technological Diffusion d. Technology Answer D 3. The Knowledge Gap is defined as: a. the gap in information that builds as groups grow up without access to technology. b. the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge. c. the uneven access to technology around race, class, and geographic lines. d. a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. Answer A 4. The _______ is the gap in information that builds as groups grow up without access to technology. a. Technology Gap b. Common Gap c. Knowledge Gap d. Information Gap Answer A 5. E-readiness is the ability to: a. sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge. b. find information much quicker. c. know where to find scholarly sources. d. know how to share information to other people. Answer A 6. The ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge is known as _______. a. Knowledge Gap 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology b. Technology Connection c. E-readiness d. Technophile Answer C 7. The Digital Divide is the: a. censorship of information from certain countries. b. the uneven access to technology around race, class, and geographic lines. c. lack of knowledge on how to use technology. d. lack of technology in education. Answer B 8. ____ is the uneven access to technology around race, class, and geographic lines. a. Net Neutrality b. Gatekeeping c. Knowledge Gap d. Digital Divide Answer D 9. Net Neutrality is defined as: a. the principle that all Internet data should be treated equally by internet service providers. b. the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. c. the spread of technology across borders. d. the even access to information through technology. Answer A 10. ________ is the principle that all Internet data should be treated equally by internet service providers. a. Media Globalization b. Technological Diffusion c. Net Neutrality d. Evolutionary Model of Technological Change Answer C 11. Media is defined as: a. all interactive forms of information exchange. b. all print, digital, and electronic means of communication. c. a streaming service. d. journalism done through the internet. 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology Answer B (page 160) 12. _____ is all print, digital, and electronic means of communication. a. Media Globalization b. New Media c. Media d. Technology Answer C 13. Utility Patents are: a. patents that are granted for the invention or discovery of any new and useful process, product, or machine. b. patents that are granted when someone has invented a new and original design for a manufactured product. c. patents that recognize the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced. d. patents that are given to newly created work appliances. Answer A 14. _______ are patents that are granted for the invention or discovery of any new and useful process, product, or machine. a. Plant Patents b. Design Patents c. Construction Patents d. Utility Patents Answer D 15. Design Patents are for: a. the invention or discovery of any new and useful process, product, or machine, or for a significant improvement to existing technologies. b. the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced. c. a new and original design for a manufactured product. d. the creation of original artworks/sculptures. Answer C 16. _____ are patents that are granted when someone has invented a new and original design for a manufactured product. a. Design Patents b. Plant Patents c. Utility Patents d. Feasible Patents 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology Answer A 17. Plant Patents are: a. patents that are granted when someone has invented a new and original design for a manufactured product. b. patents that are granted for the invention or discovery of any new and useful process, product, or machine. c. patents that are granted for the discovery of a new species of grass. d. patents that recognize the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced. Answer D 18. _______ are patents that recognize the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced a. Utility Patents b. Plant Patents c. Design Patents d. Tree Patents Answer B 19. The Evolutionary Model of Technological Change is defined as: a. the act of a technology company planning for a product to be obsolete or unable from the time it’s created. b. the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. c. a breakthrough in one form of technology that leads to a number of variations, from which a prototype emerges, followed by a period of slight adjustments to the technology, interrupted by a breakthrough. d. the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount. Answer C 20. _______ is a breakthrough in one form of technology that leads to a number of variations, from which a prototype emerges, followed by a period of slight adjustments to the technology, interrupted by a breakthrough. a. Technological Globalization b. Evolutionary Model of Technological Change c. Technological Diffusion d. Technological Breakthrough Answer B 21. New Media is defined as: a. all interactive forms of information exchange. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology b. all print, digital, and electronic means of communication. c. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. d. a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. Answer A 22. _______ is all interactive forms of information exchange. a. Media b. Social Media c. New Media d. Media Globalization Answer C 23. Planned Obsolescence is the: a. process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. b. act of a technology company planning for a product to be obsolete or unusable from the time it is created. c. situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace. d. sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount. Answer B 24. _______ is the act of a technology company planning for a product to be obsolete or unusable from the time it is created. a. Planned Obsolescence b. Net Neutrality c. Technological Diffusion d. Gatekeeping Answer A 25. Media Globalization is defined as: a. the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. b. a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. c. a form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly. d. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. Answer D 26. ______ is the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. a. New Media b. Social Media 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology c. Media Globalization d. Internet Media Answer C 27. Technological Globalization refers to: a. the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. b. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. c. the principle that all Internet data should be treated equally by internet service providers. d. the spread of technology across borders. Answer A 28. __________ is the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. a. Digital Divide b. Technological Globalization c. Technological Diffusion d. Evolutionary Model of Technological Change Answer B 29. Media Consolidation is defined as: a. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. b. a form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly. c. a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. d. a situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace. Answer C 30. ________ is a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets. a. Media Expansion b. Media Censorship c. Media d. Media Consolidation Answer D 31. An Oligopoly is defined as: a. the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service. b. a situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace. c. a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. d. a cruel and oppressive government or rule. 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology

Answer B 32. A(n) _____ is a situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace. a. Oligarchy b. Monopoly c. Oligopoly d. Media Consolidation Answer C 33. Technological Diffusion is defined as: a. the spread of technology across borders. b. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. c. the uneven access to technology around race, class, and geographic lines. d. the gap in information that builds as groups grow up without access to technology. Answer A 34. _________ is the spread of technology across borders. a. Technological Globalization b. Technological Consumption c. Technological Diffusion d. Technological Transparency Answer C 35. Narcotizing Dysfunction is defined as: a. a result in which people damage their eyes for staring too long at a computer screen, phone screen, etc. b. a result in which people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action. c. a result in which people become hostile due to fake internet information. d. a result which causes people to be too invested in the internet and in technology in general. Answer B 36. _______ is a result in which people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action. a. Narcotizing Dysfunction b. Gatekeeping c. E-readiness 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology d. Knowledge Gap Answer A 37. Gatekeeping is defined as: a. a result in which people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action. b. a form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly. c. the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount. d. a situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace. Answer C 38. _______ is the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount. a. Gatewatching b. Bookkeeping c. Gatekeeping d. Filtering Answer C

39. ______ is a form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly. a. Sentinel Surveillance b. Common Surveillance c. Active Surveillance d. Panoptic Surveillance Answer D 40. Cyberfeminism is defined as: a. the promotion of feminism online. b. the application of feminism online. c. the application to AND promotion of feminism online. d. online users who are feminists. Answer C 41. ______ is the application to AND promotion of feminism online. a. Cyberfeminism b. Technophiles 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology c. Neo-Luddites d. Web Feminism Answer A 42. Neo-Luddites are defined as: a. those who see technology as symbolizing the potential for a brighter future. b. those who see technology as a symbol of the coldness of modern life. c. those who constantly surround themselves with technology on a daily basis. d. those who distance themselves from technology regularly. Answer B 43. ________ are defined as those who see technology as a symbol of the coldness of modern life. a. Technophiles b. Users c. Neo-centrics d. Neo-Luddites Answer D 44. Technophiles are defined as: a. those who distance themselves from technology regularly. b. those who see technology as a symbol of the coldness of modern life. c. those who see technology as symbolizing the potential for a brighter future. d. those who constantly surround themselves with technology on a daily basis. Answer C

45. Jacob is a student in college. Every week he uses Facebook, a social networking site to stay in touch with his family and friends at home. As a sociology major, Jacob watches podcasts about technology in his Sociology of Technology course. After watching these podcasts, he had to write a blog post about the accuracy of information presented in these podcasts. Every week, Jacob uses ______. a. b. c. d.

Planned Obsolescence New Media Media Globalization Media Consolidation

Answer B 46. Lola has invented a new kind of brush that will fix damaged hair. In order to prevent someone else from selling the same product, Lola must obtain a(n) ______. 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology

a. b. c. d.

Plant Patent Design Patent Utility Patent Intellectual property

Answer C

47. The computer education teacher at the elementary school loves the new technology that is being brought into classrooms. She believes that it can help improve a student's education and performance. These teachers are ______. a. Technophiles b. Neo-luddites c. Luddites d. Late adopters Answer A

48. A cellphone company relaunches a new version of its most popular phone every year in the fall. Once the new phones launch, the previously launched phones work poorly and are out of date. The company does this so consumers will buy the new phone. What is this an example of? a. b. c. d.

Planned Obsolescence Media Consolidation Net Neutrality Plant Patents

Answer A

49. People who are ________ believe that technology can promote a better future for the world. a. b. c. d.

Neo-luddites Technophiles Media Gatekeepers

Answer B

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology

50. Annie has a website where she posts about the inequality between gender and the struggles women and men face daily. This is an example of _____________ . a. Cyberfeminism b. E-readiness c. Gatekeeping d. Knowledge Gap Answer A 51. Danielle has received a new position where she has to use Microsoft Office Excel and teach it to her co-workers. She is having trouble understanding how to use the shortcuts in time for her presentation in the staff meeting next week. What is Danielle having difficulty with? a. b. c. d.

Media consolidation Cyberfeminism E-readiness Net Neutrality

Answer C 52. There has been a period of time where there is a slight adjustment of technology such as flash drives increasing in memory. What is this an example of? a. Technological evolution b. Gatekeeping c. Disruptive technology d. Digital Divide Answer A 53. In China, the social media are controlled by the government. The Chinese government and others personnel in charge of the media outlets decide what goes out to the general public on social platforms. This term is known as __________________. a. Social control b. Digital Divide c. Gatekeeping d. Disruptive technology Answer C 54. Henry’s grandmother has recently purchased a new iPhone. She constantly asks Henry about certain aspects of the phone such as Applications, how to send a text message, and many more. Since she is two generations behind her grandson, she is 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology having trouble keeping up with the new trends of the millennials. What is this an example of? a. b. c. d.

Media Globalization Technological diffusion Media Knowledge Gap

Answer D 55. In 2019, the United States of America has nine important multinational media conglomerates for television. These media conglomerates used to be controlled by fifty major media companies in 1983. This is an example of _________. a. b. c. d.

Media Consolidation Cyberfeminism Knowledge Gap Technological diffusion

Answer A

56. Michael took a volunteer trip overseas to Yemen to install technology to institutions for individuals who have never used or seen computers before. Michael is fighting against ________. a. Gatekeepng b. Digital Divide c. Media d. Cyberfeminism Answer B 57. CNN and many other news stations uses its platform to decide what messages the public is exposed to. This term is known as _____________. a. Net neutrality b. Cyberfeminism c. Gatekeeping d. Digital Divide Answer C

12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology 58. Kayla’s aunt is always quite confused when Kayla attempts to explain to her how her new laptop works and how to send an email and to access Facebook. What situation is this describing? a. Design patents b. Knowledge Gap c. Media d. E-readiness Answer B 59. The owner of a small sports apparel store is not getting as much online traffic as Dick’s Sporting Goods because Dick’s has been paying Internet service providers for a faster service. The smaller retailer can’t afford to do the same. It goes against the idea of ___________ . A. Media Globalization B. Net Neutrality C. New Media D. Technophiles Answer: B

60. Josh has been an avid user of his computer for as long as he can remember. He loves it but as he gets older notices that staring at the screen for long periods of time is damaging his eyes. He invents a special pair of glasses that reduce the strain on your eyes that come from a screen and now Josh wants to sell these glasses. In order to do so and make sure no one else steals his idea Josh must file for a ___________ . A. Plant Patent B. Technophile C. Technological Diffusion D. Utility Patent Answer: D

61. In 2014 the Disney corporation bought the company known as Lucasfilm, which makes the Star Wars movies. In 2019 a sale was finalized where Disney bought out Fox and now owns everything on the fox banner as well. Disney buying up these large corporations is an example of _____________ . A. Media Consolidation B. Planned Obsolescence C. New Media D. Cyberfeminism 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology

Answer: A

62. When was the telegraph invented? A) Early 1700’s B) Late 1600’s C) Mid 1800’s D) Mid 1700’s Answer: C Match the researchers with their findings. Mossberger, Tolbert, and Gilbert

Liff and Shepard


Guillen and Suarez re s

a) Found that the global digital divide resulted from both the economic and sociopolitical characteristics of countries b) Found that the majority of the digital divide for Africans could be explained by socioeconomic status and geographic location c) Found that women, who accessing technology shaped by men users, feel less confident in their internet skills and have less Internet access at both work and home d) Suggests that different news outlets all tell the same stories, using the same sources, resulting in the same message, presented in slight variations

Answers: 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 63. When did the history of technology begin? A) During the industrial revolution B) During the 18th century C) When the first radio was invented D) In the earliest stages of human societies 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology Answer: D 64. Right up through the 1970’s, which three major networks dominated U.S. television? A) Fox, The CW, NBC B) CBS, PBS, Fox C) Disney, MTV, ABC D) ABC, CBS, NBC Answer: D 65. Who invented the computer? A) Thomas Edison B) James Watt C) Charles Babbage D) Steven Jobs Answer: C 66. When did the Entertainment Software Rating Board set a rating system for games and addressed issues of violence, sexuality and drug use? A) 1992 B) 2005 C) 1994 D) 1989 Answer: C 67. In the mid-90s, the U.S. government grew concerned that Microsoft was a monopoly, exercising control over the available choices and prices of computers. A) True B) False Answer A 68. When was the first form of a calculator invented? 15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology A) 2400 B.C.E B) 1491 C) 1700 B.C.E D) 1653 Answer: A 69. When were color and sound first integrated into feature films? A) 1960’s B) 1930’s C) 1920’s D) 1970’s Answer: B 70. Which author wrote a book titled 1984 that depicts panoptic surveillance in the form of an all-seeing government? A) George Orwell B) F. Scott Fitzgerald A) John Stienbeck B) J.K. Rowling Answer: A 71. When it comes to media and technology, a functionalist would focus on the symbols created and reproduced by the media. A) True B) False Answer B (Page 169) Connect the theorist to their view on media and technology. Functionalists mong

a) Technology reinforces inequalities among communities, both within and among countries 16

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 8 Media and Technology Conflict Theorists

increasing Symbolic Interactionists

b) Sees the contribution that technology and media provide to the stability of society, society, from facilitating leisure time to increasing productivity c) Sees the symbolic uses of technology as as signs of everything from a sterile futuristic futuristic world to a successful professional life

Answer: 1 B 2 A 3 C

72. Who famously noted that the people in charge of the media who decide what the public is exposed to are the heart of media’s power? A) Hebert Spencer B) C. Wright Mills C) Karl Marx D) Robert K. Merton Answer: B 73. Shoemaker and Voss (2009) define gatekeeping as the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount. A) True B) False Answer A

17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 1. Social Stratification is defined as: a. a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige. b. social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. c. a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. d. an ideal system in which personal effort—or merit—determines social standing. Answer A 2. ________ is defined as a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige. a. Caste System b. Class System c. Social Stratification d. Meritocracy Answer C 3. Wealth is defined as: a. an increase—or upward shift—in social class. b. the money a person earns from work or investments. c. the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. d. the value of money and assets a person has from, for example, inheritance. Answer D 4. ______ is the value of money and assets a person has from, for example, inheritance. a. Wealth b. Income c. Finance d. Liquid assets Answer A

5. Income is defined as: a. the value of money and assets a person has from, for example, inheritance. b. the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic lifestyle. c. the money a person earns from work or investments. d. the act of buying products. 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States Answer C 6. _____ is the money a person earns from work or investments. a. Wealth b. Income c. Liquid Assets d. Credit Answer B 7. The Caste System is: a. the social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. b. a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. c. the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual’s rank across social categories like income, education, and occupation. d. a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives. Answer D 8. ________ is a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives. a. Class System b. Standard of Living c. Caste System d. Class Answer C 9. The Class System is defined as: a. a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives. b. social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. c. a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. d. unions of people within the same social category. Answer B 10. Sociologists define ______ as the social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. a. Class System b. Caste System c. Endogamous Union 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States d. Class Answer A 11. Class is defined as: a. social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. b. a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives. c. the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual’s rank across social categories like income, education, and occupation. d. a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. Answer D 12. ____ is a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. a. Meritocracy b. Class c. Class System d. Primogeniture Answer B 13. Exogamous marriages are defined as: a. unions of people within the same social category. b. unions of spouses from the same social categories. c. unions of spouses from different social categories. d. unions of people from different social categories. Answer C 14. ______ are unions of spouses from different social categories. a. Exogamous Marriages b. Endogamous Union c. Polygamy Marriages d. Meritocracy Answer A 15. Endogamous union is defined by sociologists as: a. unions of spouses from different social categories. b. a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives. c. the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States d. unions of people within the same social category. Answer D 16. ________ are unions of people within the same social category. a. Exogamous Marriages b. Endogamous Union c. Polygamy Marriages d. Meritocracy Answer B 17. Meritocracy is defined as: a. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. b. a cruel and oppressive government or rule. c. an ideal system in which personal effort—or merit—determines social standing. d. a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Answer C 18. ______ is an an ideal system in which personal effort—or merit—determines social standing. a. Oligarchy b. Democracy c. Tyranny d. Meritocracy Answer D 19. Status consistency is defined as: a. the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic lifestyle. b. the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual’s rank across social categories like income, education, and occupation. c. the consistency of an individual's wealth, including assets and money. d. a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. Answer B 20. _______ is the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual’s rank across social categories like income, education, and occupation. a. Status Consistency b. Social Consistency 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States c. Financial Consistency d. Social Mobility Answer A 21. Primogeniture is defined as: a. a law stating that all property passes to the firstborn daughter. b. a law stating that all property passes to the firstborn son. c. a law stating that all property passes to the next male relative. d. a law stating that all property passes to the local government. Answer B 22. ______ is a law stating that all property passes to the firstborn son. a. Ultimogeniture b. Endogamous Union c. Postremogeniture d. Primogeniture Answer D 23. Standard of Living is defined as: a. a comparison of the wealth, economic stability, status, and power of countries as a whole. b. a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. c. the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic lifestyle. d. an increase—or upward shift—in social class. Answer C 24. ________ is the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic lifestyle. a. Structural Mobility b. Standard of Living c. Class Level d. Income Answer B 25. Social Mobility is defined as: a. an increase—or upward shift—in social class. b. the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. c. a lowering of one’s social class. 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States d. a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. Answer B 26. ______ is the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. a. Structural Mobility b. Intergenerational Mobilityc. Intragenerational Mobility d. Social Mobility Answer D 27. Upward Mobility is defined as: a. an increase—or upward shift—in social class. b. a lowering of one’s social class. c. an increase in ones wealth. d. an increase that enables a whole group of people to move up the class ladder. Answer A 28. _______ is an increase—or upward shift—in social class. a. Social Mobility b. Downward Mobility c. Intragenerational Mobility d. Upward Mobility Answer D 29. Downward Mobility is defined as: a. a decrease in ones wealth. b. a decrease that causes a whole group to move down the class ladder. c. a lowering of one’s social class. d. a lowering of one’s assets. Answer C 30. _____ is a lowering of one’s social class. a. Upward Mobility b. Downward Mobility c. Social Mobility d. Intergenerational Mobility Answer B 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 31. Intergenerational Mobility is defined as: a. a difference in social class between different members of the same generation. b. a difference in social class between different generations of a family. c. a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. d. a lowering of one’s social class. Answer B

32. ________ is a difference in social class between different generations of a family. a. Intergenerational Mobility b. Intragenerational Mobility c. Structural Mobility d. Social Mobility Answer A 33. Intragenerational Mobility is defined as: a. a difference in social class between different generations of a family. b. an increase in a generations social class. c. a difference in social class between different members of the same generation. d. an ability to change positions within a social stratification system. Answer C 34. _________ is a difference in social class between different members of the same generation. a. Intergenerational Mobility b. Social Mobility c. Structural Mobility d. Intragenerational Mobility Answer D 35. Structural Mobility is defined as: a. a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. b. a societal change that enables an individual to move up or down the class ladder. c. a societal change that enables a generation of a family to move up or down the class ladder. d. the structure of how a country's society and the ability to move up or down it. Answer A 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 36. _________ is a societal change that enables a whole group of people to move up or down the class ladder. a. Intergenerational Mobility b. Intragenerational Mobility c. Structural Mobility d. Class Markers Answer C 37. Class Traits is defined as: a. the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class. b. social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments. c. a group who shares a common social status based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. d. the atypical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class. Answer A 38. ________ is the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class. a. Class Behavior b. Class Traits c. Class Normativity d. Class Actions Answer B 39. Global Stratification is defined as: a. a thesis that argues some social stratification is a social necessity. b. a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige. c. a comparison of the wealth, economic stability, status, and power of countries as a whole. d. a comparison of how happy a society is compared to other countries. Answer C 40. ________ is a comparison of the wealth, economic stability, status, and power of countries as a whole. a. Global Stratification b. Social Stratification c. National Stratification d. Nationwide Stratification Answer A (page 194) 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 41. The Davis-Moore Thesis suggests: a. some social stratification is a social necessity. b. social stratification is not a social necessity. c. social Stratification harms our society. d. social Stratification benefits our society. Answer A (page 196) 42. _______ is the thesis that argues some social stratification is a social necessity. a. Moore-Davis Thesis b. Social-Stratification Thesis c. Davis-Moore Thesis d. Thesis Thesis Answer C (page 196) 43. Conspicuous Consumption is defined as: a. the act of striking and preventing to buy products to make a statement about social standing. b. consuming products because of a fad or trend. c. the act of buying and using products to make a statement about social standing. d. the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class. Answer C 44. __________ is the act of buying and using products to make a statement about social standing. a. Conspicuous Consumption b. Inconspicuous Consumption c. Trending Consumption d. Societal Consumption Answer A 45. Social stratification is a system that: A. Ranks society members into categories. B. Destroys competition between society members. C. Allows society members to choose their social standings. D. Reflects personal choices of society members. Answer: A

9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 46. Anna owns a house that is worth $400,000 and a car that has a value of $32,000. In her checking she has $10,000. This is Anna’s ____. A. Wealth B. Income C. Conspicuous Consumption D. Social Mobility Answer: A 47. John makes $300 a week from his job at the grocery store. On top of that, he makes an extra $100 every week for cutting the grass in his neighborhood. This money is Johns ____. A. Wealth B. Income C. Social Stratification D. Class Answer: B 48. What factor makes caste systems closed? A. They are run by secretive governments. B. People cannot change their social standings. C. Most have been outlawed. D. They exist only in rural areas. Answer: B

49. Addison lives in a neighborhood where everyone's houses are the same: 3 bedrooms, 2 floors, garage, and a finished basement. Every family has about 2 cars, average in style. All the kids in this neighborhood attend public school and have in style clothing, but not over the top. Addison's neighborhood is ________. A. Upper class B. Middle class C. Lower class D. No class Answer: B 50. A endogamous marriage is simply 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States A. Marriage to someone outside of one's social group. B. Marriage to someone inside one's social group. C. Choosing not to get married. D. Getting married due to societal pressure. Answer: B 51. Omar’s family is considered middle class, he is soon to be married to Baha whose family is also considered middle class. This is an example of a ________. A. Exogamous Union B. Endogamous Marriage C. Meritocracy D. Social Mobility Answer: B

52. A Exogamous Union is simply A. Marriage to someone outside of one's social group. B. Marriage to someone inside one's social group. C. Choosing not to get married. D. Getting married due to societal pressure. Answer: A 53. Based on meritocracy, a physician's assistant would: A. Receive the same pay as all the other physician’s assistants. B. Be encouraged to not earn a higher degree to seek a better position. C. Most likely marry a professional at the same level. D. Earn a pay raise for doing excellent work. Answer: D 54. The concept of meritocracy is an idea because A. A society has never never existed where social rank was based purely on merit. B. Society as a whole has always existed where social rank is based purely on merit. C. Social standards are based on multiple factors. D. It means job performance will continue to mean less to social standings. Answer: A 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States 55. Which statement illustrates low status consistency? A. A suburban family lives in a modest ranch home and enjoys a very nice vacation each summer. B. A single mother receives food stamps and struggles to find adequate employment. C. A college dropout launches an online company that earns millions in its first year. D. A celebrity actress owns homes in three countries. Answer: B

56. The traditional methods of succession to the British throne is _____. A. Primogeniture B. Standards of living C. Upward mobility D. Meritocracy Answer: A 57. Based on primogeniture, when parents pass away what child will inherit all property? A. The oldest daughter B. The youngest daughter C. The firstborn son D. The youngest son Answer: C 58. One’s standard of living is A. The level of wealth available to a certain socioeconomic class in order to acquire the material necessities and comforts to maintain it's lifestyle. B. The level of happiness one is able to feel due to the amount of material goods they are able to acquire. C. The amount of money one puts away in the bank for retirement. D. How your parents decide to take care of you as an adult. Answer: A 59. The standard of living is based on factors such as A. What jobs your grandparents had. B. Only occupation. C. Hitting the lottery. D. Income, employment, class, poverty rates, and housing affordability. 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States Answer: D 60. When people improve or diminish their economic status in a way that affects social class A. They experience primogeniture. B. They experience social mobility. C. They experience nothing. D. They experience class traits. Answer: B 61. Kelly deciding to go back to college to get her masters and become a manager at Stop and Shop is an example of A. Social mobility B. Class traits C. The davis-moore thesis D. Conspicuous consumption Answer: A 62. Which person best illustrates opportunities for upward mobility in the United States? A. First-shift factory worker B. First Generation college student C. Firstborn son who inherits family business D. First time interviewer who is hired for the job Answer: B 63. An increase- or upward shift- in one’s social class is A. Downward mobility B. Social mobility C. Upward mobility D. Intergenerational mobility Answer: C 64. Jackson getting a divorce caused him to lose his house and become in debt to his lawyer. As a result of this, Jackson is experiencing a lowering in his social class. Jackson is experiencing A. Upward mobility 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States B. Intergenerational mobility C. Downward mobility D. Meritocracy Answer: C 65. Going to college is one way people can experience upward mobility. Therefore, dropping out of college is one way people might experience A. Intragenerational mobility B. Structural mobility C. Global stratification D. Downward mobility Answer: D 66. Which of the following scenarios is an example of intergenerational mobility? A. A janitor belongs to the same social class as his grandmother did. B. An executive belongs to a different class than her parents. C. An editor shares the same social class as her cousin. D. A lawyer belongs to a different class than her sister. Answer: B 67. Which of the following scenarios is an example of intergenerational mobility? A. A janitor belongs to the same social class as his grandmother did. B. An executive belongs to a different class than her parents. C. An editor shares the same social class as her cousin. D. A lawyer belongs to a different class than her sister. Answer: D 68. Structural mobility occurs when: A. An individual moves up the class ladder B. An individual moves down the class ladder C. A large group moves up or down the class ladder due to social changes D. A member of a family belongs to a different class than his or her siblings Answer: C 69. In the first half of the twentieth century, industrialization expanded the U.S economy, raising the standard of living and leading to upward 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States

A. Structural mobility B. Social mobility C. Global stratification D. Class systems Answer: A 70. Behaviors, customs, and norms associated with a class are known as: A. Class traits B. Power C. Prestidge D. Underclass Answer: A 71. The amount of resources a person has to spend on items like hobbies, vacations, and leisure activities is indicated by A. Power B. Class traits C. Structural mobility D. Global stratification Answer: B 72. World wide patterns of social inequality are highlighted by A. Conspicuous consumption B. Global stratification C. Class traits D. Structural mobility Answer: B 73. Unlike Davis and Moore, Melvin Tumin believed that, because of social stratification, some qualified people were _____ higher-level job positions. A. Denied the opportunity to obtain B. Encouraged to train for C. Often fired from D. Forced into Answer: A 15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States

74. The basic premise of the Davis-Moore thesis is that the unequal distribution of rewards in social stratification: A. Is an outdated mode of societal organization. B. Is an artificial reflection of society. C. Serves a purpose in society. D. Cannot be justified. Answer: C

75. In many countries _______________ is composed of upper, middle, and lower class. a. b. c. d.

Racial stratification Social Stratification Gender stratification Sexual stratification

Answer: B 76. Leo is an upper-class U.S. citizen who owns a mansion that is worth 1 million dollars and a car that is worth $400,000. This is Leo’s ______. a. b. c. d.

Social class Power Wealth Income

Answer: C 77. James makes $400 a week from his regular office job and $200 from his taco business on the side. This is James’s ______. a. b. c. d.

Income power Wealth Social class

Answer: A 78. In 2008 the U.S. economy took a huge blow that left many people unemployed, this was known as the ______________. a. Great Depression 16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States b. Depression c. Recession d. Great Recession Answer: D 79. Tatiana was born in a rural farm in India, she was born poor and had to work in a farm for the rest of her life. She won't be able to move up the social ladder because in her culture members of a specific group stay in this position for the rest of their life. This system is known as the ____________. a. Indentured servitude b. Feudalism c. Caste system d. Class system Answer: C

80. Norine is a successful musician who earns millions, travels the world and has access to the best health care. She is part of the _______ class. a. Upper b. Middle c. Lower Answer: A 81. Hannah started as an office assistant job in New York, but through hard work she moved her way up to become the CEO of the company. This is an example of ___________ . a. b. c. d.

Caste status Downward Mobility Social Mobility Structural Mobility

Answer: C

82. Tommy is comparing the wealth, economic stability, status and power of the United States to Russia for his school project. This is an example of ____________ . a. Global stratification b. Social stratification c. Social status 17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States d. Class traits Answer: A 83. _______________ believes that bigger the role you take in a society the more you should get paid. a. b. c. d.

Max Weber Karl Marx Davis-Moore Thesis Conspicuous consumption

Answer: C

84. Princess Margaret married Joe who picks up the trash outside her castle. This is an example of __________. A. Exogamous Union B. Endogamous Union C. Wealth D. Caste System Answer: A 85. How much does a person earning the minimum wage of $8.00 an hour, working 40 hours a week, make in a year? A. $20,000 B. $16,640 C. $25,675 D. $32,390 Answer B 86. How much has CEO pay increased since 1970? 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States A. 135% B. 128% C. 250% D. 298% Answer D 87. How much have corporate profits increased since 1970? A. 141% B. 134% C. 128% Answer A

88. In 1965, how many individuals received food assistance? A. 500,000 B. 350,000 C. 745,000 D. 450,000 Answer A 89. In the recession of 2008, how many people participated in the food stamp act? A. 20 Million B. 28 Million C. 30 Million D. 40 Million Answer B 90. What percent of the population makes up the lower class? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% Answer B 91. What percent of the population makes up the Middle Class? A. 40% 19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States B. 50% C. 60% D. 80% Answer C 92. What percent of the population makes up the Upper Class? A. 20% B. 15% C. 10% D. 40% Answer A

93. Who Published the David-Moore Theory? A. Kingsley Davis B. Karl Marx C. Wilbert Moore D. Both A and C Answer D 94. Who believed social stratification resulted from people’s relationship to production? A. Wilbert Moore B. Karl Marx C. Max Weber D. Emile Durkheim Answer B 95. Who countered the Davis-Moore thesis in “Some Principles of Stratification: A Critical Analysis.”? A. Max Weber B. Kingsley Davis C. Melvin Tumin D. Emile Durkheim 20 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 9 Social Stratification in the United States Answer C

21 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 1. Global inequality is defined as: a. the mean income of the people in a nation. b. this unequal distribution among nations. c. concentrating resources in certain nations and is significantly affecting the opportunities of individuals in poorer and less powerful countries. d. dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized. Answer C 2.

concentrates resources in certain nations and is significantly affecting the opportunities of individuals in poorer and less powerful countries. a. Global Inequality b. Core Nations c. Deindustrialization d. Dependency Theory

Answer A 3. GINI coefficient is defined as: a. measures income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality. b. measures income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents the highest possible inequality and 100 represents complete equality. c. measures income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 10 represents the highest possible inequality. d. measures income inequality between countries using a 10-point scale on which 1 represents the highest possible inequality and 10 represents complete equality. Answer A 4.

measures income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality. a. Dependency theory b. GNI c. GINI coefficient d. Fourth world

Answer C 5. Global Stratification is defined as: a. stigmatizing minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe. b. the unequal distribution among nations. c. the poorest, most undeveloped countries. d. the unequal distribution among nations. 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality

Answer B 6. a. b. c. d.

is the unequal distribution among nations. Class difference Debt Accumulation Absolute Poverty Global Stratification

Answer D 7. First World is defined as: a. capitalistic democracies. b. having moderate economies and standard of living. c. the poorest, most undeveloped countries. d. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. Answer A

8. Third World is defined as: a. having very little industrialization; what they do have often represents the outdated castoffs of core nations or the factories and means of production owned by core nations. b. the poorest, most undeveloped countries. c. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. d. capitalistic democracies. Answer B 9. a. b. c. d.

is the poorest, most undeveloped countries. First World Second World Third World Fourth World

Answer C 10. Second World is defined as: a. not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nations. b. the mean income of the people in a nation.

2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality c. low-income countries affected by their lack of industrialization and can improve their global economic standing through an adjustment of cultural values and attitudes to work and industrialization and other forms of economic growth. d. having moderate economies and standard of living. Answer D 11. a. b. c. d.

is defined as having moderate economies and standard of living. First World Second World Third World Fourth World

Answer B 12. Fourth World is defined as: a. stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe. b. the form of slavery once practiced in the American South, occurs when one person owns another as property. c. the buildup of external debt. d. concentrating resources in certain nations and is significantly affecting the opportunities of individuals in poorer and less powerful countries. Answer A

13. Core Nations is defined as: a. the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another. b. measures income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality. c. not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nations. d. dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized. Answer D 14.

are dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized. a. Underground Economies b. Tertiary nations c. Core Nations d. Peripheral Nations

Answer C 15. Peripheral Nations is defined as: 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality a. having very little industrialization; what they do have often represents the outdated castoffs of core nations or the factories and means of production owned by core nations. b. not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nation. c. lacking even the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare. d. a form of slavery once practiced in the American South, occurs when one person owns another as property. Answer A 16.

has/have very little industrialization; what they do have often represents the outdated castoffs of core nations or the factories and means of production owned by core nations. a. First World b. Peripheral Nations c. Second World d. Core Nations

Answer B 17. Semi-Peripheral Nations are defined as: a. not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nations, while also exploiting peripheral nations. b. stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe. c. the poorest, most undeveloped countries. d. capitalistic democracies. Answer A 18.

is/are not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nations, while also exploiting peripheral nations. a. Fourth World b. Core Nations c. First World d. Semi-Peripheral Nations

Answer D 19. Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita is defined as: a. measuring income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality. b. the income standard deviation of the people in a nation. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality c. the mean income of the people in a nation. d. measuring income inequality between countries using a 10-point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 10 represents the highest possible inequality. Answer C 20. a. b. c. d.

is the mean income of the people in a nation. Peripheral Nations GINI Coefficient Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita Deindustrialization

Answer C 21. Capital Flight is defined as: a. a form of slavery once practiced in the American South, occurs when one person owns another as property. b. the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another. c. the buildup of external debt. d. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. Answer B 22. a. b. c. d.

refers to the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another. Capital Flight Gentrification Modernization Theory Deindustrialization

Answer A 23. Deindustrialization is defined as: a. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. b. no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations. c. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. d. states that global inequality is primarily caused by core nations (or high-income nations) exploiting semi-peripheral and peripheral nations (or middle-income and low-income nations), which creates a cycle of dependence. Answer B

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 24.

occurs as a consequence of capital flight, as no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations. a. Gentrification b. Underground Economy c. Poverty d. Deindustrialization

Answer D 25. Debt Accumulation is defined as: a. having moderate economies and standard of living. b. the buildup of external debt, wherein countries borrow money from other nations to fund their expansion or growth goals. c. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. d. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. Answer B 26.

is the buildup of external debt, wherein countries borrow money from other nations to fund their expansion or growth goals. a. Relative Poverty b. Extreme Poverty c. Debt Accumulation d. Global Stratification

Answer C 27. Relative Poverty is defined as: a. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. b. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. c. the poor pledging themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board. d. an unregulated economy of labor and goods that operates outside of governance, regulatory systems, or human protections. Answer A 28.

is a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. a. Relative Poverty b. Subjective Poverty c. Absolute Poverty 6

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality d. Global Inequality Answer A 29. Absolute Poverty is defined as: a. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. b. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. c. an unregulated economy of labor and goods that operates outside of governance, regulatory systems, or human protections. d. lacking even the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare. Answer D 30.

is lacking even the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare. a. Global Inequality b. Extreme (or absolute) Poverty c. Relative Poverty d. Subjective

Answer B 31. Subjective Poverty is defined as: a. the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another. b. having moderate economies and standard of living. c. subjectively present when your actual income does not meet your expectations and perceptions. d. the poor pledge themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and boar. Answer C 32.

is subjectively present when your actual income does not meet your expectations and perceptions. a. Underground Economy b. Subjective Poverty c. Global Inequality d. Global Stratification

Answer B 33. Chattel Slavery is defined as: a. a person owning another as property. 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality b. the poor pledging themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board. c. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. d. stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe. Answer A 34. a. b. c. d.

occurs when a person owns another as property. Debt Bondage Global Feminization of Poverty Relative Poverty Chattel Slavery

Answer D 35. Debt Bondage is defined as: a. unequal distribution among nations. b. not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle-class marketplace for core nations. c. the poor pledging themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board. d. an unregulated economy of labor and goods that operates outside of governance, regulatory systems, or human protections. Answer C 36.

refers to the poor pledging themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board. a. Capital Flight b. Debt Bondage c. Chattel Slavery d. Absolute Poverty

Answer B


explains how low-income countries are affected by their lack of industrialization and can improve their global economic standing through an adjustment of cultural values and attitudes to work and industrialization and other forms of economic growth. a. Modernization Theory b. Global Stratification c. Dependency Theory d. First World 8

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality Answer A 38. Dependency Theory explains how: a. the poor pledge themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board. b. poverty is composed of many dimensions. c. global inequality is primarily caused by core nations (or high-income nations) exploiting semi-peripheral and peripheral nations (or middle-income and lowincome nations), which creates a cycle of dependence. d. pattern occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. Answer C 39.

states that global inequality is primarily caused by core nations (or highincome nations) exploiting semi-peripheral and peripheral nations (or middleincome and low-income nations), which creates a cycle of dependence. a. Debt Accumulation b. Capital Flight c. Global Stratification d. Dependency Theory

Answer D 40. Underground Economy is defined as: a. a person owning another as property. b. no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations. c. dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized. d. an unregulated economy of labor and goods that operates outside of governance, regulatory systems, or human protections. Answer D 41.

is an unregulated economy of labor and goods that operates outside of governance, regulatory systems, or human protections. a. First World b. Underground Economy c. Global Stratification d. Debt Bondage

Answer B 42. Global Feminization of poverty is defined as: a. a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality b. women pledging themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and boar. c. subjectively present when your actual income does not meet your expectations and perceptions. d. a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society’s average standard of living. Answer A 43.

is a pattern that occurs when women bear a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. a. Relative Poverty b. Absolute Poverty c. Subjective Poverty d. Global Feminization of Poverty

Answer D 44. A ____ ____ discusses the society’s stability and functioning as a whole, such as a government of a town provides education for the children of families, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends to keep itself running. A. Functional perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Feminist perspective D. Symbolic Interactionist Answer: A 45. The united states is an economic powerhouse that can support or deny support to important economic legislation with far-reaching implications. Under the world system approach what type of nation is the United States? A. Global B. Core nation C. Semi-peripheral D. Peripheral nation Answer: A. 46. In 2007 there was a wealth gap between the core nations in the northern part of the world. This gap uses a 100-point scale which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality. What was the name of the measurement used called? A. GINI coefficient 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality B. Debt bondage C. Debt accumulation D. Capital flight Answer: A 47. High-income countries which is approximately 25% of the nations in the world hold most of the world’s wealth. Middle-income countries are the largest proportion of the world’s nations- about 42% have an average income and standard of living. Low-income countries are a third category which constitute people living with limited resources. These three types of income show _____ _____. A. Debt bondage B. GINI coefficient C. Global stratification D. Underground economy Answer: C 48. You are a woman in the workplace and your boss just gave you an impossible deadline just to prove that you cannot deliver the work on time. Such deadlines or tasks are a way of discriminating women. This is an example of _____ _____. A. Gender inequality B. Advanced economics C. Underground economy D. Core nations Answer: A 49. The Aboriginal tribes in South America or Australia are entirely self-sufficient but do not participate in the global economy. ___________ refers to the sub-population subjected to social excursion in global society or stateless and notably impoverished nations. A. Third world B. First world C. Second world D. Fourth world Answer: D 50. ____ ____ are usually characterized by a wealthy and diverse economy, a centralized government with a military, state institutions, and taxes, massive specialization, and social stratification and class systems. The United States, 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality Canada, Europe, and others have the most power in the world economic system and are characterized by this name. a. b. c. d.

Core nations Semi-peripheral nations Peripheral nations Global inequality

Answer: A 51. Mexico provides cheap labor to the U.S. as well as supplying goods at a rate that is directed by the U.S. These nations are not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material. This is an example of ____________________ . A. Peripheral nations B. Semi-peripheral nations C. Deindustrialization D. Chattel slavery Answer: B 52. These countries are more developed than those of other nations. By looking at the map below the dark blue color represents _____________ . A. Advanced economy B. Least developed economy C. Less developed economy D. Economy in transition Answer: A

12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality

https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscmsprodcms/media/documents/IntroductionToSociology2e-OP.pdf 53. These countries are changing from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. The countries in light blue color represents these __________ . A. Advanced economies B. Economies In transition C. Least developed economies D. Less developed economies Answer: B

13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscmsprodcms/media/documents/IntroductionToSociolo gy2e-OP.pdf 54. ____________________, represented in orange in the map below, are highly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks and have fewer human assets than other nations. A. Less developed economies B. Least developed economies C. Economies in transition D. Advanced economies Answer: A


14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality


55. Regions in the upper Northeastern United States and Midwest that were once home to booming industries are now full of abandoned industrial factories. This is an example of ____. A. Underground economy B. Peripheral nations C. Absolute poverty D. Deindustrialization Answer: D

56. John does not have a job and has to rely on government assistance. He is only able to afford necessities but does not meet his society’s average standard of living. This is an example of ____ ____. A. Chattel slavery B. Relative poverty C. Capital flight D. Absolute poverty Answer: B

15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 57. A 12-year-old boy had never been to a doctor or attend school. He lacks the basic necessities which include adequate food, clean water and safe housing. This is an example of ____ ____. A. Low-income nation B. Subjective poverty C. Relative poverty D. Extreme poverty Answer: D 58. A family subsisting on a few dollars a day in Nepal might think of themselves as doing well, however, a westerner traveling to Nepal might visit the same family and see extreme need. This is an example of ____ ____. A. Extreme poverty B. Capital flight C. Subjective poverty D. Relative poverty Answer: C

59. ____________________ is when women are bearing a disproportionate percentage of the burden of poverty. This means more women live in poor conditions, receive inadequate healthcare, bear the brunt of malnutrition and inadequate drinking water. A. Relative poverty B. Debt accumulation C. Global feminization of poverty D. Absolute poverty Answer: C 60. _________’s poverty can be traced to the availability of land, especially arable land (land that can be farmed). The poverty is worsened by civil wars and inadequate governance that are the result of artificial colonial borders and corrupt leaders. A. Africa B. Europe C. North America D. Debt accumulation Answer: A 16 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 61. MENA includes oil-rich countries in the Gulf, such as Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait but also countries that are relatively resource-poor in relationship to their populations, such as Morocco and Yemen. These countries are predominately Islamic. What two regions make up MENA? A. Middle East and North Africa B. Asia and Africa C. Europe and Oceania D. United States of America and Canada Answer: A

62. Africa received billions of dollars in loans from wealthy nations between the 1970s and 2002. Those loans compounded interest. Although Africa has effectively paid off the initial investments into its land, it still owes billions of dollars in interest. Africa, therefore, has little or no resources to invest in itself, in its own economy or human development. It's unlikely that Africa will ever prosper unless that interest is forgiven by the more powerful nations that lent the initial money, erasing the debt. This is an idea from the _________________ . A. Debt bondage B. Dependency theory C. Modernization theory D. Slavery Answer: B 63. Modernization theory attempts to identify the social variables that contribute to social progress and development of societies and seeks to explain the process of social evolution. One flaw in modernization theory is the unwillingness to recognize _________. A. That semi-peripheral nations are incapable of industrializing B. That peripheral nations prevent semi-peripheral nations from entering the global market C. Its inherent ethnocentric bias D. The importance of semi-peripheral nations industrializing Answer: C

17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 64. If a sociologist points out that core nations dominate the global economy, in part by creating global interest rates and international tariffs that will inevitably favor highincome nations over low-income nations, he is influenced by the ___________ . A. Functionalist theory B. Dependency theory C. Modernization theory D. Symbolic interactionist theory Answer: B

65. During the Cold war, first world was used to describe industrialized capitalist democracies. What was the term used to describe poor unindustrialized countries? a. b. c. d.

First world Second world Third world Global stratification

Answer C 66. Peter is a single dad working a full-time job. He can afford food, cloth, a place to stay. However, he cannot afford vacation to Disney World, a 3000 square feet house, and a big SUV. This is an example of _____________ . a. b. c. d.

Subjective poverty Relative poverty Debt accumulation Debt bondage

Answer A 67. Tommy is a college student. He is paying for his own tuition with the money he has saved up. He has taken out loans. Since tommy knows he will be in debt after college and currently has no job, he must be smart with his money. Jimmy can not afford some of the things he would like to have at his age like a car, a gym membership and going out to eat with his friends. This is an example of _____________ . a. b. c. d.

Subjective poverty Relative poverty Debt accumulation Debt bondage

Answer B 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality 68. The United Sates, Canada, and Japan are all examples of ________ . a. b. c. d.

Second world Core nations Third world Fourth world

Answer B 69. Bob had a major surgery, once he was recovered he noticed he has some left over medication. Bob sell the medicine on the black market to get some money. This is an example of________ a. b. c. d.

Underground economy Norm Absolute Poverty Capital Flight

Answer A 70. In Flint, Michigan, GM employment felt from 80.000 workers in 1978 to 8.000 in 2010. GM used factories in other countries such a Mexico to produce vehicles at a cheaper cost and increase revenues for stock holders. This is an example of_______ . a. b. c. d.

Deindustrialization Dependency theory Debt accumulation Relative poverty

Answer A 71. During the cold war, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia were communist countries and had a moderate economic state. These countries were part of the ________ . a. b. c. d.

First world Second world Underground economy Third world

Answer B 72. Maya has lived in India her whole life and agreed to be a brick worker in exchange for money. In the middle of her working, her mother became sick and Maya borrowed money from her boss in order to visit her. Maya does not make enough 19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality money to pay him back and can not stop working for him due to her debt. This an example of _______________ . a. Debt bondage b. Debt accumulation c. Deindustrialization d. Chattel slavery Answer A 73. After the Cold War, the United States of America was one of the most industrialized countries in the world. It was the ____________ . a. b. c. d.

First World Second World Third World Fourth World

Answer A

74. During the Cold War, the term first world country was created to refer to industrial capitalistic democracies such as the United States. The United States and ___________ had the highest standard of living. a. b. c. d.

Japan Tibet Russia Brazil

Answer A. 75. Bob lives in the United States in a 2-bedroom apartment with three kids. He is living paycheck to paycheck. His family cannot afford cable television. This is an example of _______ . e. f. g. h.

Relative Poverty Absolute Poverty Debt Bondage Debt Accumulation

Answer A 76. Mexico provides abundant cheap agricultural labor to the United States as well as supplying goods to the US market. Mexico is considered “in-between nations”. 20 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality Mexico is not powerful enough to dictate policy but acts as a major source for raw material. Mexico is an example of __________ . i. j. k. l.

Core nations Semi-peripheral nations Peripheral nations Debt Accumulation

Answer B 77. Joe is a steelworker. His company can no longer compete with companies using cheaper steel and cheaper labor force. His company is closing the factories and Joe is losing his job. This is an example of_______ a. Deindustrialization b. Second World c. Chattel Debt d. Absolute Poverty Answer A

78. During the Cold War, Bulgaria was a communist country. Bulgaria had a moderate economic state. It was an example of ___________ . a. First world b. Second world c. Underground economy d. Third world Answer B 79. China is an example of a country that has a lot of manufacturing goods. These countries tend to be industrialized and export a lot of useful goods across the country. This would be an example of______ a. Semi-peripheral nations b. Core nations c. Peripheral nations d. First World Answer A

80. Which theory suggests that low-income countries can improve their global economic standing by industrialization of infrastructure and shift in cultural attitudes towards work? 21 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality a. b. c. d.

Modernization Theory Industrialization Theory Conflict Theory Functionalist Theory

Answer A Question: Match the theorist to the idea Functionalist

a.) Addresses systematic inequality created when core nations exploit the resources of peripheral nations.

Social Interaction Theorist

b.) Focuses on why we have global inequality and what purposes it serves.

Conflict Theorist

c.) Focuses on understanding the difference between what someone living in a core nation defines as poverty and what someone living in a peripheral nation defines as poverty.

81. What type of nation tends to have lower maternal and child mortality rates, longer life spans and less absolute poverty? a. b. c. d.

Core Nations Peripheral Nations Semi-Peripheral Nations High Income Nations

Answer A 82. Which theory states that it would be in a core nations best interest to ensure the longterm usefulness of their peripheral and semi peripheral partners? a. b. c. d.

Modernization Theorists Dependency Theorists Industrialization Theorists Functionalist Theorists 22

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality

Answer B 83. When was the “Cold War Terminology” developed? a. b. c. d.

1945-1989 1930-1950 1950-1960 1900-1945

Answer A 84. __________’s World Systems Approach uses an economic basis to understand global inequality. a. b. c. d.

Max Weber Immanuel Wallerstein Leslie T. Chang Karl Marx

Answer B 85. Who wrote Factory Girls: From Village to City in Changing China? e. f. g. h.

Immanuel Wallerstein J.K. Rowling Leslie T. Chang Manual Castells

Answer C 86. First World Countries are capitalistic democracies such as _______. i. j. k. l.

United States and Japan Latin America and Asia China and Cuba Australia and New Zealand

Answer A 87. China and Cuba are considered ________ Countries. m. First World n. Second World o. Third World p. Fourth World 23 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 10 Global Inequality

Answer B 88. Peripheral Nations have very little industrialization; what they do have often represents the outdated castoffs of core nations or factories and means of production owned by core nations. An example of a Peripheral Nation would be ______. q. r. s. t.

Mexico United States Canada Cuba

Answer D

89. What does MENA stand for? u. Middle East and North America Region v. Middle Europe and North Africa Region w. Middle East and North Africa Region x. Middle Europe and North America Region Answer C 90. Immanuel Wallerstein created the world systems approach in _______ . a. b. c. d.

1979 1980 1985 1989

Answer A

24 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity 1. Racial Profiling is defined as: a. shared culture—the practices, values, and beliefs of a race. b. the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a race. c. the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone. d. a term that can be used interchangeably with the term minority. Answer C 2.

is the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone. a. Racial Profiling b. Racial steering c. Ethnicity d. Minority Grouping

Answer A 3. Social Construction of Race is defined as: a. oversimplified generalizations about groups of people, can be based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation—almost any characteristic. b. a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. c. the way in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society. d. is a more sociological way of understanding racial categories. Research in this school of thought suggests that race is not biologically identifiable and that previous racial categories were arbitrarily assigned, based on pseudoscience, and used to justify racist practices. Answer D

4. Ethnicity is defined as: a. a term that describes shared culture—the practices, values, and beliefs of a group. b. the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. c. consists of actions against a group of people, can be based on age, religion, health, and other indicators. d. suggests we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes. Answer A 5.

is a term that describes shared culture—the practices, values, and beliefs of a group. 1

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity a. b. c. d.

In-group Class Race Ethnicity

Answer D 6. Minority Group is defined as: a. any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. b. the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group. c. the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions. d. often substituted for the group that’s in the majority. Answer A 7.

is any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. a. Race b. Ethnicity c. Minority Group d. Class

Answer C 8. Subordinate Group is defined as: a. the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone. b. used interchangeably with the term minority. c. the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group. d. a subordinate group being forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country. Answer B 9.

can be used interchangeably with the term minority. a. Dominant Group b. Minority Group c. Subordinate Group 2

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity d. Assimilation Answer C 10. Dominant Group is defined as: a. substituted for the group that’s in the majority. b. suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group. c. oversimplified generalizations about groups of people, can be based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation—almost any characteristic. d. a term that describes shared culture – the practices, values, and beliefs of a group. Answer A 11. a. b. c. d.

is a term often substituted for the group that’s in the majority. Stereotypes Institutional Racism Discrimination Dominant Group

Answer D 12. Scapegoat Theory is defined as: a. suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group. b. the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group. c. oversimplified generalizations about groups of people. d. the deliberate annihilation of a targeted (usually subordinate) group, is the most toxic intergroup relationship. Answer A 13.

suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group. a. Pluralism b. Scapegoat Theory c. Segregation d. Prejudice

Answer B 14. Stereotypes are defined as: a. a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. b. the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity c. oversimplified generalizations about groups of people. d. someone believes one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group. Answer C 15. a. b. c. d.

is the oversimplified generalizations about groups of people. Redlining Stereotypes Intersection Theory Prejudice

Answer B 16. Prejudice is defined as: a. the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group. b. the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone. c. the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. d. the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group. Answer A 17.

refers to the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group. a. Profile b. Ethnocentrism c. Pluralism d. Prejudice

Answer D 18. Racism is defined as: a. the way in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society. b. actions against a group of people, can be based on age, religion, health, and other indicators. c. a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. d. can be used interchangeably with the term minority. Answer C 19.

is/are a type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. 4

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity a. b. c. d.

Stereotypes Racism Colorism Privilege

Answer B 20. Institutional Racism is defined as: a. the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group. b. real estate agents direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race. c. the way in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society. d. any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. Answer C

21. Colorism is defined as: a. someone believes one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group. b. a race-based wealth gap, urban sprawl, and a black unemployment rate three times that of the white unemployment rate – worsened existing racial tensions in Ferguson while also reflecting nationwide racial inequalities. c. stereotype is applied to a minority group that is seen as reaching significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment. d. the intergenerational impact of de facto and de jure racism that limits the abilities of black people to accumulate wealth. Answer A 22.

is when someone believes one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group. a. Culture of Prejudice b. Model Minority c. Dominant Group d. Colorism

Answer D 23. Discrimination is defined as: 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity a. a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. b. consists of actions against a group of people, can be based on age, religion, health, and other indicators. c. the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group. d. a subordinate group being forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country. Answer B 24.

consists of actions against a group of people, can be based on age, religion, health, and other indicators. a. Amalgamation b. Segregation c. Discrimination d. Racial Steering

Answer C 25. Racial Steering is defined as: a. the intergenerational impact of de facto and de jure racism that limits the abilities of black people to accumulate wealth. b. real estate agents direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race. c. the practice of routinely refusing mortgages for households and business located in predominately minority communities. d. a term that describes shared culture—the practices, values, and beliefs of a group. Answer B 26.

is when real estate agents direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race. a. White Privilege b. Sedimentation of Racial Inequality c. Racial Steering d. de facto segregation

Answer C 27. Privilege is defined as: a. the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group. b. the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions. c. the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity d. the benefits people receive by oppressing others Answer A


refers to the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group. a. Benefits b. Dominance c. Privilege d. de facto segregation

Answer C

29. Redlining is defined as: a. separating the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes. b. the practice of routinely refusing mortgages for households and business located in predominately minority communities. c. a minority group that is seen as reaching significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment. d. is a more sociological way of understanding racial categories. Research in this school of thought suggests that race is not biologically identifiable and that previous racial categories were arbitrarily assigned, based on pseudoscience, and used to justify racist practices. Answer B 30.

is the practice of routinely refusing mortgages for households and business located in predominately minority communities. a. Minority Group b. Social Construction of Race c. Redlining d. Assimilation

Answer C


is the deliberate annihilation of a targeted (usually subordinate) group, is the most toxic intergroup relationship. a. Expulsion 7

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity b. Genocide c. Segregation d. Decimation Answer B

32. Expulsion is defined as: a. the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. b. the process by which a minority individual or group gives up its own identity by taking on the characteristics of the dominant culture. c. the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group. d. a subordinate group being forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country. Answer D 33.

is a subordinate group being forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country. a. Racial Profiling b. Racial steering c. Expulsion d. Genocide

Answer C 34. Segregation is defined as: a. the ideal of the United States as a “salad bowl”: a great mixture of different cultures where each culture retains its own identity and yet adds to the flavor of the whole. b. any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. c. a more sociological way of understanding racial categories. Research in this school of thought suggests that race is not biologically identifiable and that previous racial categories were arbitrarily assigned, based on pseudoscience, and used to justify racist practices. d. the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions. Answer D

8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity 35.

is the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions. a. Culture of Prejudice b. Segregation c. Pluralism d. de facto segregation

Answer B


is the ideal of the United States as a “salad bowl”: a great mixture of different cultures where each culture retains its own identity and yet adds to the flavor of the whole. a. Pluralism b. Colorism c. Racism d. Institutional Racism

Answer A 37. Assimilation is defined as: a. the process by which a minority individual or group gives up its own identity by taking on the characteristics of the dominant culture. b. someone believes one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group. c. the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone. d. stereotype is applied to a minority group that is seen as reaching significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment. Answer A 38.

is the process by which a minority individual or group gives up its own identity by taking on the characteristics of the dominant culture. a. Model Minority b. Amalgamation c. Racial Steering d. Assimilation

Answer D 39.

is the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group. a. Assimilation 9

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity b. Gentrification c. Amalgamation d. Discrimination Answer C


is when stereotype is applied to a minority group that is seen as reaching significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment. a. Racism b. Colorism c. Ethnicity d. Model Minority

Answer D 41. Real estate agent Karen Smith shows an African American couple a house in a predominantly White neighborhood. They like the house and tell the real estate agent that they want to buy it. Karen then tells the couple that they should consider cheaper options in a more affordable neighborhood because she feels they will not fit in this predominantly White neighborhood. This is an example of ______________. a. b. c. d.

White privilege Racial steering De Jure Segregation Colorism

Answer: B 42. In a minority neighborhood, Grace applies for a mortgage for her house but gets declined by the bank. Her friend Marissa applies for a mortgage for her self-owned hair salon but also gets rejected. The bank feels that the neighborhood is too much of a risk and that the residents will not be able to pay back the loan. This is an example of _________. a. b. c. d.

De Jure Segregation Racial steering Redlining Racial profiling

Answer: C

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity 43. The United States of America is known as a melting pot. Different cultures, ethnicities, races, and religions come together to form _______________. a. Amalgamation b. Assimilation c. Expulsion d. Pluralism Answer: D 44. Ali is an immigrant from Algeria. He came to the United States and found it hard to hold onto his culture and his religion: Islam. Ali met a woman. She is Christian, Ali converted to Christianity to marry her. He no longer practices neither his culture nor Islam. This is an illustration of _________________ . a. Assimilation b. Expulsion c. Amalgamation d. Segregation Answer: A 45. In the post-civil war era, Black people and White people were separated in almost all public places. There were different bathrooms and water fountains for each race. Schools for Black people were not as enriched as those for the White population. This is known as _____________. a. Redlining b. Segregation c. Stereotypes d. Prejudice Answer: B 46. Gale meets a new student at his school. The student’s name is Jose, and Gale assumes that he is Hispanic. He wants to talk to him but does not know a topic starter. He assumes that Jose likes soccer and decides to ask about that. This is an example of __________ . a. Segregation b. Discrimination c. Prejudice d. Stereotype Answer: D

47. A White lady returned an item with no questions asked while person of color was asked to present proof of purchase. This is an example of ___. 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity A. Stereotype B. Prejudice C. White Privilege D. Colorism Answer: C

48. After moving to America, an African woman began wearing clothes from Old Navy instead of traditional garments and fabrics. This is an example of ___. A. Amalgamation B. Model Minority C. Functionalism D. Assimilation Answer: D 49. Marquis is driving. Marquis is African American and isn’t violating any traffic laws. The police pulls Marquis over under the suspicion that since Marquis is black he may have drugs on him. The officer's actions is an example of? a. Racial profiling b. Social construction of race c. Colorism d. Redlining Answer A

50. During the 1930’s, The Nazi Party blamed German economic hardship on Jews. It is an example of _______________. a. Intersection Theory b. Scapegoat Theory c. Model Minority d. Ethnicity Answer B 51. Jacob was explaining to Cassie that all tall African Americans are great at playing basketball, and that all Asians are great at math. Jacob is giving Cassie examples of what? a. Discrimination b. Colorism 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity c. Stereotypes d. Pluralism Answer C

52. Aashi and Urvi are actresses. When auditioned for a Bollywood film, Aashi who has a lighter skin color, get the job due to her skin tone. This is an example of ______________________ a. Colorism b. White Privilege c. Segregation d. Genocide Answer A 53. John is a man finishing a Bachelor Degree in Early Education. He is applying to take care of children in a day care for the summer before starting a teaching job in a local elementary school. Despite his qualification, the day care denied his application because he is a man. This is an example of ___________ . a) Racism b) Expulsion c) Sedimentation of racial inequality d) Discrimination Answer D

54. Casual racist imagery such as African American in a grape soda commercial or Irish man being a drunk in a movie would be examples of ____________ . a. b. c. d.

Model Minority Culture of Prejudice Racial Profiling Scapegoat Theory

Answer B 55. Julia thinks that race, class, gender, sexual orientation cannot be separated if you want to understand someone's experience. This is an example of ___________ . a. Assimilation 13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity b. Discrimination c. Intersection Theory d. Scapegoat Theory Answer C

56. A Native group with its own religion taking up Christianity and become a part of the Christian group would be an example of what? a. b. c. d.

Amalgamation Intersection Theory De Facto Segregation Scape Goat Theory

Answer A 57. True or False: The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ended Chinese immigration. a) True b) False Answer A 58. True or False: The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 took away Indian tribes rights from the United States Bill of Rights. a) True b) False Answer: B 59. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced the relocation of native tribes east of the ___________. a) Nile River b) Rio Grande 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 11: Race and Ethnicity c) Tennessee River d) Mississippi River Answer: D

15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

1. Gender is defined as: a. the explicitly limiting the definition of “marriage” to a union between one man and one woman. b. the behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male. c. the physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity. d. the meaning it assumes sexual orientation is biologically determined and unambiguous. Answer B 2. ________ is/are the behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male. a. Gender b. Gender Role c. Sexuality d. Transsexuals Answer A

3. ________ is the physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity. a. Heterosexism b. Gender c. Gender Identity d. Sex Answer D 5. Sexual Orientation is defined as: a. physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex. b. meaning it assumes sexual orientation is biologically determined and unambiguous. c. the prejudiced beliefs that value one sex over another. d. the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. Answer A 6. ________ is someone's physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or female). a. Doing Gender 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

b. Sexual Orientation c. Sexual Expression d. Sexuality Answer B

9. Gender Role is defined as: a. the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. b. society’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave. c. the belief that people perform tasks or possess characteristics based on the gender assigned to them. d. the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sexlinked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality. Answer B 10. _____ is society’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave. a. Gender Role b. Sexism c. Gender Identity d. Gender expression Answer A 11. Gender Identity is defined as: a. the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sexlinked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality. b. individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex. c. a person’s deeply held internal perception of their gender. d. a person's sex assigned at birth Answer C 12. _______ a person’s deeply held internal perception of their gender. a. Sex b. Gender Identity c. Gender Expression d. Sexuality Answer B 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

13. Transgender people are: a. those who dress differently from the way that people expect b. people who perform tasks or possess characteristics based on the gender role assigned to them. c. people who feel an attraction to others of a different gender d. individuals who identify with the gender that is the different from their sex assigned at birth. Answer D

14. Sexism is defined as: a. the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sexlinked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality. b. prejudiced beliefs that value one sex over another. c. the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. d. viewed as a person’s capacity for sexual feelings. Studying sexual attitudes and practices is a particularly interesting field of sociology because sexual behavior is a cultural universal. Answer B

16. Doing Gender is defined as: a. it assumes sexual orientation is biologically determined and unambiguous. b. his or her physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or female). c. people perform tasks or possess characteristics based on the gender role assigned to them. d. society’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave. Answer C 17. ________ is when people perform tasks or possess characteristics based on the gender role assigned to them. a. Doing Gender b. Transsexuals c. Queer Theory d. Sexism Answer A 18. Social Construction of Sexuality is defined as: a. individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

b. the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sexlinked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality. c. it assumes sexual orientation is biologically determined and unambiguous. d. the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. Answer B 19. ________ is the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sex-linked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality. a. Social Construction of Sexuality b. Biological Determinism c. Sexism d. Queer Theory Answer A 20. Biological Determinism is defined as: a. society’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave. b. physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity. c. a person’s capacity for sexual feelings. Studying sexual attitudes and practices is a particularly interesting field of sociology because sexual behavior is a cultural universal. d. the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. e. when Professor Simon doesn’t like it when his students don’t attend his class. Answer D 21. ________ is the belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology. a. Biological Determinism b. Gender Identity c. Queer Theory d. Sex Answer A 22. Sexuality is defined as: a. the physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity. b. a person’s capacity for sexual feelings. Studying sexual attitudes and practices is a particularly interesting field of sociology because sexual behavior is a cultural universal. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

c. behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male. d. his or her physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or female). Answer B 23. _________ is a person’s capacity for sexual feelings. Studying sexual attitudes and practices is a particularly interesting field of sociology because sexual behavior is a cultural universal. a. Biological Determinism b. Sexism c. Sexuality d. Queer Theory Answer C 24. Queer Theory is defined as: a. prejudiced beliefs that value one sex over another. b. transgender individuals who attempt to alter their bodies through medical interventions such as surgery and hormonal therapy—so that their physical being is better aligned with gender identity. c. individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex. d. an interdisciplinary approach to sexuality studies that identifies Western society’s rigid splitting of gender into male and female roles and questions the manner in which we have been taught to think about sexual orientation. Answer D 25. ________ is an interdisciplinary approach to sexuality studies that identifies Western society’s rigid splitting of gender into male and female roles and questions the manner in which we have been taught to think about sexual orientation. a. Doing Gender b. Queer Theory c. Sexism d. Biological Determinism B

26. Kendrick was taught to assume that everyone he meets is attracted to the opposite sex. Kendrick was raised in a ______________. 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

a. b. c. d.

Heteronormative Society Horticultural Society Homonormative Society Safe Space

Answer: A

27. Eric has recently been married to his husband and is filling out a wedding survey. After confirming that he is a male, the website immediately begins asking questions about his “bride.” This is an example of _______________. a. b. c. d.

Homophobia Patriarchy Heterosexism Discrimination

Answer: C

28. In ____________, men are expected to get a job and provide for their families, but women are expected to stay at home to do the housework. a. b. c. d.

Heteronormatism Biological Determinism Cisnormativism Traditional Gender Roles

Answer: D

29. Liam wants to become a nurse. When he tells his dad about it, his idea is discouraged because Liam’s dad thinks men should be doctors. Liam’s dad is supporting _______________. a. b. c. d.

Traditional Gender Roles Social Construction of Sexuality Heterosexism Heteronormative Society

Answer: A 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

32. Daniel lives in a society that views the sexuality of individuals in a strict format, either heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Daniel believes that individuals have a more complex relationship with sexual orientation, such as having their sexuality embedded in their gender identity. Daniel’s ideas are examples of _______________. a. b. c. d.

Exchange Theory Symbolic Interactionist Theory Functionalist Theory Queer Theory

Answer: D

33. Gary is put in different activities than his sister, Anna. Gary’s parents got him to try out for the Football team while Anna must take dance classes. This is an example of _______________. a. b. c. d.

Social Construction of Sexuality Deviance Cultural Relativism Gender Socialization

Answer: D 34. People who are attracted to individuals of either sex are considered ______. a. b. c. d.

Bisexual Pansexual Heterosexual None of the above

Answer: A 35. When a teacher needs help handing out textbooks, they ask a boy to help. When the teacher needs help cleaning the blackboard, they ask a girl to help. This is an example of _______________. a.

Sexism 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

b. c. d.

Homophobia Social Construction of Sexuality Ableism

Answer: A

36. When getting to know her college roommate, Haley asked her roommate Sarah if she was attracted to males or females. Haley was asking Sarah’s ______________ . A.) Gender identity B.) Gender expression C.) Sex D.) Sexual Orientation Answer: D

37. In a snow storm this year Rebecca asked her husband to shovel the driveway, bring the garbage to the road, and fix the chair that was broken in the storm. When he asked for help, she answered no and said “It’s your job, you’re the man”. This is an example of ____________ . A.) Gender Roles B.) Sexual Orientation C.) Social Construction of Sexuality D.) Gender Identity Answer: A

38. When Kathy was elected for student council president, Jacob made a comment that she would do poorly in her new position because she’s a woman and women don’t know how to lead as well as men. This is an example of ______________ . A.) Traditional gender roles B.) Sexism C.) Gender expression D.) Ableism Answer: B 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

39. Harper was going on her first date. She wore a dress, put makeup on, and did her hair. Her date, Matthew, picked her up, wore a tie, and offered to pay for dinner. This is an example of _______________ . A.) Doing Gender B.) Sexism C.) Social Construction of Sexuality D.) Sex Answer: A 40. Lawrence wants to work full time and pay his families bills while his wife stays home to care for their children. He wants to be the man of the house. This is an example of ________________ . A.) Asexuality B.) Transgender C.) Biological Determinism D.) Doing Gender Answer: D 41. Heather was telling her coworker, Jen, that her son has been acting up. She thinks it is from the stress of school. Her daughter however, is also stressed, but she keeps to herself. Jen said that just because they are feeling the same way, doesn’t mean they’ll behave the same. Jen told her that males and females behave differently due to differences in their biology. This is an example of _____________ . A.) Asexuality B.) Social Construction of Sexuality C.) Homophobia D.) Biological Determinism Answer: D

42. True or False: In 2008 women made 77 cents to every dollar that a man makes. a. b.

True False

Answer: True 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

43. What percent of Swedes think there is nothing wrong with pre-marital sex? a. b. c. d.

60% 89% 45% 20%

Answer: B 44. True or False: Men think about sex an average of 19 times per day, compared to 10 times per day for women. a. b.

True False

Answer: A 45. What year did President Obama overturn the “don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy?

A. 2009 B. 2012 C. 2010 D. 2011 Answer D 46. How does the Samoan culture translate the concept of the “third gender”? a. b. c. d.

The way of the woman. Gender neutral. The way of the man. Combination of man and woman.

Answer: A

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

47. Who argued against U.S. society’s monolithic definition of sexuality and its reduction to a single factor: the sex of someone’s desired partner? A. Talcott Parsons B. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick C. Ruth Bader Ginsburg D. Alfred Kinsey Answer B 48 Who was among the first to conceptualize sexuality as a continuum rather than a strict dichotomy?

A. Alfred Kinsey B. George Murdock C. Talcott Parsons D. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Answer A 49. What year did the transgender athlete Caster Semenya’s record-breaking time come into question based on her biological differences?

a. b. c. d.

1990 2000 2009 2019 Answer: C (page 260)

50. True or False: During the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, 8 female athletes with XY chromosomes underwent testing and were ultimately confirmed as eligible to compete as women.

a. True b. false Answer: A (page 260)

11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

51. What is the term used among Native American tribes for a person who acts or dresses as the opposite gender?

a. b. c. d.

Berdache. Cross-dressing. Rafuine. Fedran. Answer: A

52. . What year did U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia write the following quote? “The word gender has acquired the new and useful connotation of cultural or attitudinal characteristics (as opposed to physical characteristics) distinctive to the sexes. That is to say, gender is to sex as feminine is to female and masculine is to male.” a. b. c. d.

2000 2018 1960 1994 Answer: D

53. What is the name of Alfred Kinsey’s book published in 1948?

a. b. c. d.

“Sex and Gender” “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” “Sexuality Rules” “I am Kinsey” Answer: B

54. History shows in film that male main characters are more common than female main characters. What is the ratio of male main characters to female in the top 10 grossing movies from 1991 to 2013?

a. b. c. d.

5:5 9:1 10:0 6:4 12

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 12 Gender Sex and Sexuality

Answer: B

55. True or False: Before 1840, women could not own or control property.

a. True b. false Answer: A 56. True or False: Before 1850, women could not execute a will.

a. True b. False Answer: B 57. True or False: Before 1963, employers could legally pay women less than men for the same work.

a. True b. False Answer: A 58. Before 2000, women did not have the right to a safe and legal abortion.

a. True b. False Answer: B

13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

1. Gerontology is defined as: a. biological factors such as molecular and cellular changes. b. a group of people who share a statistical or demographic trait. c. the period from birth to death, including a sequence of predictable life events such as physical maturation. d. a field of science that seeks to understand the process of aging and the challenges encountered as seniors grow. Answer D

2. Social Gerontology is defined as: a. deference and respect to one’s parents and ancestors in all things. b. the study of biological changes that occur in elder people c. a specialized field of gerontology that examines the social aspects of aging. d. the average number of years a person born today may expect to live. Answer C 3. _______is a specialized field of gerontology that examines the social (and sociological) aspects of aging. a. Social Gerontology b. Secondary Gerontology c. Medicinal sociology d. Grief counseling Answer A 4. ____ is a group of people who share a statistical or demographic trait. a. Cohort b. Class c. Age bracket d. Category Answer A

5. _____ is the average number of years a person born today may expect to live. a. Mortality prediction b. Life Expectancy c. Fertility ratio d. Primarily Aging 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

Answer B


________ is the number of nonproductive citizens (young, disabled, or elderly) to productive working citizens. a. Employment Ratio b. Non-productivity Ratio c. Productivity Ratio d. Dependency Ratio

Answer D 7. Filial Piety is defined as: a. deference and respect to one’s parents b. deference and respect to one's children c. a type of social structure wherein the power is held by a society’s oldest members. d. the aging process, including biological, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual changes. Answer A


______ is defined as biological factors such as molecular and cellular changes. a. Secondary Aging b. Tertiary Aging c. Primary Aging d. None of the above

Answer D

9. ________ occurs due to controllable factors such as lack of physical exercise and poor diet. a. Primary Aging b. Secondary Aging c. Tertiary Aging d. None of the above Answer B

2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

10. ________ is the systematic study of death and dying. a. Activity Theory b. Exchange Theory c. Thanatology d. Grief Answer C

11. _______ is a type of social structure wherein the power is held by a society’s oldest members. a. Gerontology b. Gerontocracy c. Autocracy Answer B

12. Peter is a 75 year old retired man. His life has changed immensely since retiring. He now enjoys going to the gym every morning to swim. During his afternoons he likes to garden, do yard work, and read with his book club friends. This closely illustrates the _____ theory. a. Modernization b. Activity c. Hospice d. Disengagement Answer: B 13. Betty, who is 67 years old, was laid off from her office job on Friday. When she asked her boss why she was being let go from the company, he responded simply telling her that she was “too old”. This wrongdoing is an example of the _______ theory. a. Functionalist b. Queer c. Age Stratification d. Subculture of Aging Answer: C

3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

14. Carly was at the grocery store and was in a hurry to get out and to her appointment. She had three lines to choose from. Two of the line’s cashiers appeared over the age of 60, and the third line had a teenage looking cashier. She chose the third line because she assumed the other two, would take too long. This is an example of ______. a. Ageism b. Abuse c. Filial Piety d. Hospice Answer: A

15. Daniel, Cindy, Treveon, and Callie all started their first year of college on September 2nd, 2019. They belong to the same educational ______. a. Primary Group b. Social Class c. Cohort d. Life course Answer: C 16. Jillian always loved the game of chess growing up, as well as watching baseball games with friends and family. In her youth she was on her school’s chess team. Now that she is retired, she started a chess club at the YMCA, and tries to attend at least 5 Red Sox games a season. This is a prime illustration of the ______ theory. a. Continuity b. Activity c. Disengagement d. Subculture of Aging Answer: A 17. After Samantha retired, her life changed completely. She had so much free time that she never had before. She started biking and joined an all women’s book club that met twice a week, to keep herself busy. This example illustrates the _____ theory. a. Activity b. Disengagement c. Continuity d. Selective Optimization with Compensation 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

Answer: A

18. Marc was very self-centered for most of his life. Marcs sister, Angela, has noticed that Marc seems more peaceful and connected with the world as he’s gotten older. This is an example of _________. a. Secondary Aging b. Gerotranscendence c. Subculture of Aging d. Primary Aging Answer: B 19. In Africa, the ____________ is extensively lower due to lack of health and wellness resources other countries have. a. Dependency ratio b. Life expectancy c. Life course d. Fertility Rate Answer: B 20. Sharron is an 85-year-old woman and has almost completely lost her hearing due to old age. This is an example of _____. a. Geriatrics b. Primary Aging c. Life expectancy d. Secondary Aging Answer: B 21. George is a 70-year-old man who has been smoking cigarettes for 42 years and is now suffering from lung cancer. This is an example of _______. a. Thanatology b. Primary Aging c. Gerontology d. Secondary Aging Answer: D 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

22. Jim, who is now 70 years old, used to have healthy and perfect skin, though as he aged his skin began to become more saggy and he eventually grew wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. This is an example of _____. a. Grief b. Gerontocracy c. Senescence d. Ageism Answer: C

23. Katherine and her friend Savanna, ages 72 and 74, spend a lot of time together in the nursing home. They always go to the cafeteria on their floor and drink coffee and gossip together like many of the other elders there. This is an example of the ______ theory. a. Gerotranscendence b. Subculture of Aging Theory c. Modernization Theory d. Age Stratification Theory Answer: B

24. As my grandma had gotten older, she has stopped being as social as she used to be. This is is a natural part of growing old called _____. a. Activity Theory b. Continuity theory c. Age Stratification Theory d. Disengagement theory Answer: D

6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

25. Who wrote about Exchange Theory? a. Dowd 1975 b. Riley, Johnson, and Foner 1972 c. Cowgill and Holmes 1972 Answer: A 26. Who wrote about the Modernization Theory? a. Dowd 1975 b. Riley, Johnson, and Foner 1972 c. Cowgill and Holmes 1972 Answer: C 27. Who wrote the book On Death and Dying, outlining the five stages of grief? a. Ignatz Nascher b. Erik Erikson c. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross d. Carol Gilligan Answer: C 28. What year did Japan come up with the idea that the elderly deserve assistance? a. b. c. d.

1986 1492 1848 1994

Answer: A 29. When was the term Geriatrics coined? a. 1800 b. 1600 c. 1900 d. 1700 Answer: C 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 13 Aging and the Elderly

30. In what age group is there a case of AIDS in every one in five people? a. 30-40s b. 20-30s c. 60-70s d. 70-80s Answer: C (page 284) 31. What year did Oregon institute the Death with Dignity Act? e. f. g. h.

1907 1997 2003 2014

Answer: B 32. In 1960 what percent of elderly over the age of 65 existed on poverty level incomes? i. j. k. l.

35% 20% 60% 50%

Answer: A 33. As of 2019,___________ states and the District of Columbia have passed similar laws allowing physician assisted suicide. a.) 3 b.) 5 c.) 7 d.) 4 Answer: C

8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 14 Relationships, Marriage, and Family 1. Marriage is defined as: a. b. c. d.

a legally recognized social contract between two people a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection one’s traceable ancestry the tracing of kinship through one parent only

Answer: A 2. _____ is a legally recognized social contract between two people. a. Family b. Partnership c. Relationship d. Marriage Answer: D 3. Family is defined as: a. a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection and serves as an economic unit of society b. a legally recognized social contract between two people c. one’s traceable ancestry d. the tracing of kinship through one parent only Answer: A 4. ________ is a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection and serves as an economic unit of society. a. Nuclear Family b. Extended Family c. Family d. Marriage Answer: C 5. A family of ________ refers to the family into which a person is born. a. Marriage b. Orientation c. Procreation d. Bilateral descent Answer: B 6. A family of Orientation is defined as: a. the family into which a person is born b. the family that is formed through marriage 1

c. the tracing of kinship through one parent only d. the tracing of kinship through both parents Answer: A 7. A family of _____ describes one that is formed through marriage. a. Orientation b. Cohabitation c. Procreation d. Marriage Answer: C 8. A family of Procreation is defined as: a. the family into which a person is born b. the tracing of kinship through one parent only c. the family that is formed through marriage d. the tracing of kinship through both parents Answer: C 9. Cohabitation is defined as: a. a family in which a person is born b. a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection c. being married to multiple people d. when a couple shares a residence but not a marriage Answer: D 10. When a couple shares a residence but not a marriage, this is referred to as: a. Monogamy b. Polygamy c. Cohabitation d. Relationship Answer: C 11. Monogamy is defined as: a. being married to more than one person at a time b. when someone is only married to one person at a time c. when someone decides not to marry d. entering into marriage while still married to another person Answer: B 12. When someone is married to only one person at a time, this is referred to as: "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

a. b. c. d.

Monogamy Polygamy Cohabitation Polyandry

Answer: A 13. Polygamy is defined as: a. being married to more than one person at a time b. a man being married to more than one woman at the same time c. a woman being married to more than one man at the same time d. the tracing of kinship through one parent only Answer: A 14. Being married to more than one person at a time is referred to as: a. Monogamy b. Polygamy c. Polygyny d. Polyandry Answer: B

15. Bilateral Descent is defined as: a. one’s traceable ancestry b. following the father’s line only c. the pattern of tracing kinship d. following the mother’s line only Answer: C 16. The pattern of tracing one’s kinship is the definition of: a. Patrilocal residence b. Ambilineal c. Bilateral Descent d. Kinship Answer: C 17. Kinship is defined as: a. one’s traceable ancestry b. following the father’s line only c. following the mother’s line only d. following both the father and mother’s lines "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: A 18. One’s traceable ancestry is the definition of: a. Bigamy b. Patrilineal c. Matrilineal d. Kinship Answer: D 19. Unilateral Descent is defined as: a. following only the father’s line b. the tracing of kinship through one parent only c. following only the mother’s line d. following both the mother and the father’s line Answer: B 20. The tracing of kinship through one parent only is the definition of: a. Patrilineal b. Matrilineal c. Bilateral descent d. Unilateral descent Answer: D 21. Patrilineal Descent is defined as: a. following the father’s line only b. following the mother’s line only c. following one parent only d. following both parents’ kinship Answer: A 22. Following the father’s line only is known as ________. a. Matrilineal Descent b. Unilateral Descent c. Bilateral Descent d. Patrilineal Descent Answer: D 23. Matrilineal Descent is defined as: a. following the father’s line only b. following the mother’s line only c. following both parent’s lines of kinship "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

d. following one parent’s line of kinship Answer: B 24. Following only the mother’s line of kinship is known as ________. a. Patrilineal Descent b. Bilateral Descent c. Matrilineal Descent d. Bilateral Descent Answer: C 25. Ambilineal Descent is defined as: a. following either the mother’s or father’s line only, depending on the situation b. following the mother’s line only c. following the father’s line only d. following both parent’s lines Answer: A 26. Following either the father’s or mother’s line only, depending on the situation is ________. a. Patrilineal Descent b. Matrilineal Descent c. Ambilineal Descent d. Bilateral Descent Answer: C 27. In a Patrilocal Residence system, it is: a. customary for the wife to live with her husband’s blood relatives b. customary for the husband to live with his wife’s blood relatives c. following the father’s line only d. following the mother’s line only Answer: A 28. In a ________ ________ it is customary for the wife to live with her husband’s blood relatives. a. Matrilocal Residence b. Patrilocal Residence c. Family Life Cycle d. Family Life Course Answer: B "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

29. In a Matrilocal Residence system, it is: a. customary for the wife to live with her husband’s blood relatives b. customary for the husband to live with his wife’s blood relatives c. following the father’s line only d. following the mother’s line only Answer: B 30. It is customary for the husband to live with his wife’s blood relatives in a: a. Matrilocal Residence b. Patrilocal Residence c. Family Life Cycle d. Family Life Course Answer: A 31. The Family Life Cycle is defined as: a. the events that occur in the lives of families b. following the mother’s line only c. following the father’s line only d. a set of predictable steps and patterns families experience over time Answer: D 32. The set of predicable steps and patterns families experience over time is: a. Nuclear Family b. Family Life Course c. Family Life Cycle d. Extended Family Answer: C 33. A Family Life Course is defined as: a. the events that occur in the lives of families b. a set of predictable steps and patterns families experience over time c. following both parent’s lines d. following neither parent’s lines Answer: A 34. Recognizing the events that occur in the lives of families is part of the: a. Nuclear Family b. Family Life Cycle c. Family Life Course d. Extended Family "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Answer: C 35. A Nuclear Family is defined as: a. family including aunts, uncles, and cousins b. married parents and children as the nucleus c. a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection d. being married to only one person at a time Answer: B 36. Referring to married parents and children as the nucleus is known as: a. Extended Family b. Family c. Nuclear Family d. Polygyny Answer: C 37. An Extended Family may include: a. aunts, uncles, and cousins b. both parents c. the father’s parents d. the mother’s parents Answer: A 38. Aunts, uncles, and cousins living in the same household are known as a(n): a. Nuclear Family b. Family c. Ambilineal Family d. Extended Family Answer: D

39. Susan married her college sweetheart, Nick, straight after graduation, They have been together for more than 10 years, Nick is the only man Susan has been married too. This is an example of _______. A.) Patrilineal B.) Nuclear Family C.) Monogamy D.) Family Life Cycle Answer: C "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

40. Harry is interested in getting to know the history of his family when he learned some interesting facts about where he came from. Therefore he began to look into his ancestors from both of his parents lineage. This is an example of _________________ . A.) Bilateral Descent B.) Unilateral Descent C.) Patrilineal Descent D.) Matrilineal Descent Answer: A 41. Steven has lived with both his parents all his life. After becoming curious about where he comes from, one day he decides to trace his kinship through one parent only. This is an example of ________________ . A.) Bilateral Descent B.) Unilateral Descent C.) Patrilineal Descent D.) Matrilineal Descent Answer: B 42. Alexis is half Italian and half American. Alexis is Italian through her mother’s family. This is an example of ______________ . A.) Bilateral Descent B.) Unilateral Descent C.) Patrilineal Descent D.) Matrilineal Descent Answer: D 43. Mary and Joseph recently got married and they decided to move in with Mary’s parents. Joseph knew he would have limited power in the household. This is an example of ____________ . A.) Matrilineal Descent B.) Patrilocal Residence C.) Matrilocal Residence D.) Patrilineal Descent Answer: C

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

44. Jamie and Henry are a married couple that have three children. Steve, Ashley, and Henry II. They live in a house outside the city together. This is an example of ________________ . A.) Nuclear Family B.) Polygamy C.) Extended Family D.) Same Sex Couple Answer: A 45. Linda lived eight hours away from her husband before marriage. Afterwards, Linda moved in with her husband and his family. This is an example of _________________ . A.) Matrilineal Descent B.) Patrilocal Residence C.) Matrilocal Residence D.) Patrilineal Descent Answer: B

46. Alexa lives with her sister, her mother, as well as her grandma and grandma on her mother’s side. This is an example of _________ . A.) Family Life Cycle B.) Nuclear Family C.) Extended Family D.) Matrilocal family Answer: C

47. Livi and Antonio broke up few months ago and are in the process of filing divorce papers. For now, they are still living together in the same house. This is an example of ________. A.) Extended Family B.) Cohabitation C.) Polygamy D.) Two Parent Household Answer: B

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

48. Matt’s two aunts, three uncles, five cousins and himself all live in his home. This is an example of _________. A. Extended Family B. Family Life Cycle C. Bilateral Descent D. Nuclear Family Answer: A

49. Andrew and Nicole just got married. Andrew now lives with all of Nicole’s family. This is an example of ______________. A. Matrilocal Residence B. Patrilocal Residence C. Patrilineal Descent D. Matrilineal Descent Answer: A

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion 1. Religion is defined as: a. b. c. d.

the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “the divine” cults, sects, and groups with pejorative connotations a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred a large, mainstream organization that isn’t state sponsored

Answer: C 2. A system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred is/are ________. a. Cults b. Religious Beliefs c. Sects d. Religion Answer: D 3. Religious Experience is defined as: a. the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “the divine” b. a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred c. a large, mainstream organization that isn’t state sponsored d. cults, sects, and groups with pejorative connotations Answer: A 4. ________ is/are the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “the divine.” a. Sects b. Religious Experience c. Religious Beliefs d. Religion Answer: B 5. Religious Beliefs is defined as: a. the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “the divine” b. a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred c. a large, mainstream organization that isn’t state sponsored d. specific ideas members of a particular faith hold to be true Answer: D 6. Specific ideas members of a particular faith hold to be true is the definition of: a. Religious Experience b. Denomination 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion c. Established Sects d. Religious Beliefs Answer: D 7. Religious Rituals is defined as: a. a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred b. behaviors or practices that are either required or expected of members of a particular group c. a large, mainstream organization that isn’t state sponsored d. specific ideas members of a particular faith hold to be true Answer: B 8. ________ are behaviors or practices that are either required or expected of members of a particular group. a. Established Sects b. Cults c. Religious Rituals d. Megachurches Answer: C 9. A Cult is defined as: a. a new religious group b. a small religious group c. a congregation d. mainstream religious organizations Answer: A 10. A new religious group is called a ________. a. Sect b. Cult c. Ecclesia d. Denomination Answer: B 11. A Sect is defined as: a. a new religious group b. a small religious group c. a large, mainstream organization d. the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “the divine” 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion Answer: B 12. A small religious group is called a ________. a. Cult b. Ecclesia c. Sect d. Denomination Answer: C 13. An Established Sect is defined as: a. a sect that dissolves without growing into a denomination b. a large, mainstream religious organization c. a new religious group d. a small religious group Answer: A 14. A sect that dissolves without growing into a denomination is called a(n) ________. a. Cult b. Sect c. Established Sect d. Denomination Answer: C 15. A Denomination is defined as a: a. a large, mainstream religious organization b. a political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece c. a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings d. a belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings Answer: A 16. A large, mainstream religious organization is called a(n) ________. a. Ecclesia b. Megachurch c. Sect d. Denomination Answer: D 17. Ecclesia is defined as: a. a political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece b. a religion based on belief in a single deity 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion c. a religion based on belief in multiple deities d. a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings Answer: A 18. A political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece is called: a. Monotheism b. Polytheism c. Ecclesia d. Animism Answer: C 19. Monotheism is defined as: a. a religion based on belief in multiple deities b. a religion based on belief in a single deity c. a sect that dissolves without growing into a denomination d. a Christian church that has a very large congregation Answer: B 20. A religion based on belief in a single deity is known as ________. a. Polytheism b. Ecclesia c. Sect d. Monotheism Answer: D 21. Polytheism is defined as: a. a religion based on the belief in one single deity b. a religion based on the belief in multiple deities c. a political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece d. a belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings Answer: B 22. A religion based on the belief in multiple deities is ________. a. Totemism b. Animism c. Polytheism d. Monotheism Answer: C 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion 23. Animism is defined as: a. a religion based on the belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings b. a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings c. non-religious people who do not believe in a divine being or entity d. a Christian church that has a very large congregation Answer: B 24. A religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings is: a. Totemism b. Monotheism c. Polytheism d. Animism Answer: D 25. Totemism is defined as: a. a belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings b. a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings c. a Christian church that has a very large congregation d. a large, mainstream religious organization Answer: A 26. The belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings is known as: a. Animism b. Totemism c. Polytheism d. Monotheism Answer: B 27. An Atheist is someone who: a. believes in multiple deities b. believes in only one deity c. doesn’t believe in a deity or divine being d. believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings Answer: C 28. Someone who doesn’t believe in a divine being or deity is known as a(n) ________. a. Monotheist b. Polytheist 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion c. Atheist d. Animist Answer: C 29. The Liberation Theory started in the 1950’s and 1960’s in Latin America, and combines: a. Christian principles with political activism b. Christian principles with divine connections c. Divine connections with divine nonhuman beings d. Atheism with polytheism Answer: A 30. The _____ _____ started in the 1950’s and 1960’s in Latin America, and combines Christian principles with political activism. a. Monotheistic Theory b. Polytheistic Theory c. Liberation Theory d. Atheistic Theory Answer: C 31. A Megachurch is defined as: a. a political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece b. a small and relatively new group c. behaviors or practices that are either required or expected of the members of a particular group d. a Christian church that has a very large congregation averaging more than 2000 people who attend regular weekly services Answer: D 32. A Christian church that has a very large congregation averaging more than 2000 people who attend regular weekly services is known as a(n): a. Liberation b. Ecclesia c. Megachurch d. Denomination Answer: C 33. Amongst others, John worships Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. What faith does he practice? 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion a. b. c. d.

Islam Catholicism Hinduism Buddhism

Answer C 34. Mike doesn’t believe that humans are capable of knowing the ultimate truth about the nature of existence, particular if there is and what characteristics a God may have. He is _________. a. agnostic b. ecclesia c. polytheist d. totemist Answer A 35. Fasting each lunar year during the month of Ramadan is a _______ of the Muslim faith. a. b. c. d.

Religious belief Ecclesia Totemism Religious ritual

Answer D 36. As one type of Christian worship gathering, a Megachurch is one which __________. a. has three or more seating areas b. broadcasts sermons over public television c. utilizes a sophisticated sound system d. has at least two thousand congregants Answer D 37. A religion is comprised of a system of __________which contribute to a person’s sense of identity. a. beliefs, values and practices b. region, culture and ethnicity c. family background, language and education d. holidays 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion

Answer A 38. For some religious individuals, faith is inspired by a __________ such as narrowly escaping a gruesome death or visions of divine inspiration. a. stroke of genius b. religious ritual c. religious experience d. ecclesia Answer C 39. Sometimes new religious movements, or NRMs, are called __________. a. fringe faiths b. denominations c. megachurches d. cults Answer D 40. In the 16 century, a small group of Christians followed the teaching of Martin Luther and John Calvin. They broke away from the large community of Roman Catholic. This is an example of ___________ . a. sect b. cult c. Theology Liberation d. ecclesia Answer A 41. Although it is a large religious community unto itself, Protestantism is considered a __________ because it is a part of the larger umbrella of Christianity. a. sect b. cult c. denomination d. totemism Answer C 42. Iran could be considered an example of __________because there is a Statesanctioned faith. 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion a. a cult b. an authoritarian government c. an ecclesia d. secularism Answer C 43. Christians only believe in one deity (God) because their faith is __________. a. atheist b. agnostic c. monotheistic d. animist Answer C 44. Hinduist are considered polytheistic because they __________. a. are present in many cultures and countries around the world b. worship many deities c. are totemists d. practice agnosticism. Answer B 45. Susan finds divinity in trees and rivers, she practice __________. a. agnosticism b. animism c. denomination d. protestant Answer B 46. Totemists such as Joe believe that __________ are all connected and spend lot of time outdoors. a. ancestors and the youth b. the deities of all religions c. men and women d. humans and natural beings Answer D 47. Mike doesn’t believe in divine beings such as God; he believes in science as the ultimate truth, and considers himself to be a(n)_____________.. a. atheist b. Unitarian c. monotheist 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion d. humanitarian Answer A 48. Developed by combining Christian ideas with social activism, __________ is a movement that began in the 50s and works to create social changes in the community. a. progressive-Protestantism b. Evangelism c. liberation theology d. Second wave feminism Answer C 49. Islam is an example of one of the _____ religions which include only one God. a. cult b. monotheistic c. liberal d. conservative Answer B 50. For Catholics, attending confession is an important religious_________ because it is expected or required. a. experience b. ritual c. ecclesia d. denomination Answer B 51. Michael lives his life by a certain set of rules. He is expected to go to church every Sunday and pray. These are examples of his_______. a. Religious Belief b. Religious rituals c. Religion experience d. Church Answer B 52. Kathy had a heart attack. Before she was revived, she thought that she felt the hand of god bringing her up to heaven. Since this _______ , Kathy’s belief in god is stronger than ever. a. Religious Experience b. Religious Belief 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion c. Religious Rituals d. ecclesia Answer A 53. It was Jeremy’s thirteenth birthday, he was excited for his Bar Mitzvah. A Bar Mitzvah for Jewish boys turning thirteen is an example of a _______. a. Religious Beliefs b. Ecclesia c. Religious Ritual d. Religious Experience Answer C 54. Henry wasn’t scared of death because he thought there was an afterlife where he would eventually be reunited with his family, an important _______ for him. a. Religious Beliefs b. Societal Norms c. religious Experience d. Relgious Ritual Answer A

55. Someone who is Baptist is part of Christianity. This is because the long-standing community of the Baptist faith is a _______ of the Christian Religion. a. Denomination b. Cult c. Sect d. Ecclesia Answer: A 56. Some religions are practiced within a certain region or nation, such as Islam in Saudi Arabia. These are examples of _______. a. An ecclesia b. A megachurch c. Cult d. Congregation Answer A

11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion 57. John has strong ideas, so he decided to start his own religion. He believed his ways were the only acceptable ones. He got some of his friends to join and eventually had a group of followers who obeyed his every whim. He created a _______. a. Religion b. Cult c. Ecclesia d. Congregation Answer: B 58. Christianity is considered a _______ religion because it only believes in one god. a. Polytheistic b. Monotheistic c. Totemistic d. Animistic Answer B 59. An ancient Greek practice included belief in many gods, including Poseidon, Zeus, Hades and others. This particular faith is an example of _______. a. Monotheism b. Multitheism c. Tomemism d. Polytheism Answer D

60. Some Native American tribes chose family names from nature such as River or Mountain. They believed there was a spiritual connection between these families and the things they were named for. This would be an example of _______? a. Totemism b. Animism c. Polytheism d. Monotheism Answer A

61. Jeremy got in trouble at his private Catholic school for asking the teacher for evidence of God’s nature and existence. He wasn’t too sure that the details he was getting from the people around him were likely to be accurate about such a thing. His questions indicated some degree of _______. a. Liberation Theology b. Ritual 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion c. Monotheism d. Agnosticism Answer D 62. Some members of the church felt that it was their job to use their faith to bring about social change and practiced________. a. Charity b. Proselytism c. Liberation theology d. Monotheist Answer C 63. Joanne had been struggling with her life but last night she had a dream where an angel came and told her everything would be ok. This was a ____ for her. a. b. c. d.

A religious belief A religious ritual A religious experience A sect

Answer: C.

64. Hayley is wiccan and has an altar set up in her room with various items related to her religion that she uses to conduct her ____. a. b. c. d.

Mega church Religious rituals Religious beleifs Liberation theology

Answer: B. 65. Kevin comes off as a very charismatic and caring person. He runs a religious group which is very secretive and controlling of its members. Kevin often lies about the intentions of this group in order to appeal and attract more people. He is the leader of a ___. a. b. c. d.

A Mega Church A totemism A cult An ecclesia 13

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion Answer: C.

66. The traditional Japanese, Shinto, believes there is holiness in everything from plants to animals. Shinto was based on the idea of ___. a. b. c. d.

Animism Monotheism Totemism Atheism

Answer: A.

67. In Saudi Arabia, most people practice the Sunni Islam religion. This religion is the official religion of all of Saudi Arabia. The fact that they have an official religion is an example of ____. a. b. c. d.

A denomination An ecclesia A Sect A religious belief

Answer: B.

68. How long ago did Hinduism originate in the Indus River Valley? a. b. c. d.

3,000 years ago 4,500 years ago 8,300 years ago 11,600 years ago

Answer: B

69. How long ago did Christianity begin in Palestine? 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 15 Religion a. b. c. d.

1,000 years ago 1,800 years ago 2,000 years ago 3,000 years ago

Answer: C

70. How many people are members of megachurches in America? a. b. c. d.

750,000 people 2 million people 6 million people 10 million people

Answer: C

15 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education

1. Education is defined as: a. learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. b. a social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. c. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. d. the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. Answer B 2. __________ is a social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. a. Formal Education b. Informal Education c. Education d. Cultural Transmission Answer C 3. __________ describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. a. Formal Education b. Hidden Curriculum c. Informal Education d. Sorting Answer A 4. Formal education is defined as: a. a social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. b. the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. c. learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. d. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. Answer D 5. Informal Education is defined as: a. the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. b. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. c. learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education d. a social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. Answer C 6. Learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society is referred to as: a. Informal Education b. Formal Education c. Sorting d. Hidden Curriculum Answer A 7. _____________ refers to the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. a. Informal Education b. Cultural Transmission c. Social Placement d. Formal Education Answer B 8. Cultural Transmission is defined as: a. people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. b. learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. c. the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. d. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. Answer C 9. Universal Access is defined as: a. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. b. the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. c. learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. d. people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. Answer D 10. _______________ is defined as people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. a. Tracking b. Universal Access 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education c. Cultural Capital d. No Child Left Behind Act Answer B 11. ___________________ is one of the major methods used by people for upward social mobility. a. Tracking b. No Child Left Behind c. Social Placement d. Sorting Answer C 12. Social placement is: a. the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission. b. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. c. classifying students based on academic merit or potential. d. one of the major methods used by people for upward social mobility. Answer D 13. Sorting is defined as: a. classifying students based on academic merit or potential. b. the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission. c. one of the major methods used by people for upward social mobility. d. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. Answer A 14. Classifying students based on academic merit or potential is defined as: a. Social Placement b. Tracking c. Sorting d. Universal Access Answer C 15. ______________ is cultural knowledge that serves (metaphorically) as currency that helps us navigate a culture. a. Social Capitalism b. Informal Education c. Cultural Capital 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education d. Social Capital Answer C 16. The definition of cultural capital is: a. the culture knowledge that serves (metaphorically) as currency that helps us navigate a culture. b. the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission. c. people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. d. classifying students based on academic merit or potential. Answer A 17. ____________ refers to the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission. a. Informal Education b. Hidden Curriculum c. Cultural Transmission d. Formal Education Answer B 18. ____________ is a formalized sorting system that places students on “tracks” (advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities. a. Universal Access b. Tracking c. Sorting d. Social placement Answer B 19. Tracking is defined as a. classifying students based on academic merit or potential. b. the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum. c. people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. d. a formalized sorting system that places students on “tracks” (advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities. Answer D 20. Grade inflation is defined as: a. the observation that the correspondence between letter grades and the achievements they reflect has been changing (in a downward direction) over time. b. people’s equal ability to participate in an education system. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education c. the emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications. d. a formalized sorting system that places students on “tracks” (advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities. Answer A

21. ______________ embodies the emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications. a. Tracking b. Competency c. Hidden Curriculum d. Credentialism Answer D 22. Credentialism: a. a formalized sorting system that places students on “tracks” (advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities. b. was developed to give low income students an opportunity to make up the preschool deficit discussed in Coleman’s findings and provides academiccentered preschool to students of low socioeconomic status. c. embodies the emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications. d. is the observation that the correspondence between letter grades and the achievements they reflect has been changing (in a downward direction) over time. Answer C 23. ______________ was developed to give low income students an opportunity to make up the preschool deficit discussed in Coleman’s findings and provides academiccentered preschool to students of low socioeconomic status. a. No Child Left Behind b. Common Core c. The Head Start Program d. Charter Schooling Answer C

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education

24. Will is in sixth grade at Willimantic Middle School. After successfully acing all his classroom assignments and demonstrating above grade level knowledge in his subjects, Will is placed into his school’s Honors program. A group where students must score in the top 10% of their class as well as possess at minimum am “A” average in each class. This is an example of _______. A. Universal Access B. Tracking C. Sorting D. Formal Education Answer: C 25. Joyce is a sophomore at Windham High School in Windham, CT. After a successful first year, Joyce was placed into Honors biology, Honors World history, and Honors English. In these classes, she learns a fast-paced curriculum with other students of the same ability who regularly take other honors classes. This is an example of _________________ . A. Advanced Placement B. Tracking C. Sorting D. Head Start Program Answer: B

26. Erica is a sophomore at Windham High School. She just submitted her final project for her World History class. Despite writing her essay on technology in World II instead of her assigned topic of Battle strategies in the Vietnam War, Erica still received a B+. Her grade was based mostly on the effort she put into her essay instead of the actual content, this is an example of________. A. Sorting B. Tracking C. Grade trading D. Grade Inflation Answer: D 27. Teachers at Southington High School strongly support the implementation of leveled classes, the levels will go as followed, subsequently increasing in difficulty level as mentioned, College Prep (CP), Competitive College Prep (CCP), Honors (H), and Advanced Placement (AP). Teaches in support of these classes claim that students have a more individualized learning curriculum as well as benefitting from attending classes with other students of similar academic achievement. These Teachers support the system of_____. 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education A. Sorting B. Tracking C. Universal Access D. Placement Answer: B

28. Lucas is in the kitchen watching his mother prepare dinner. He asks his mother how she makes the pasta become soft after taking it out of the box. Lucas’ mom explains that the pasta must be boiled in order to cook it properly, showing him how the heat of the water softens the pasta. Lucas learned a valuable skill through the learning process of __________. A. Diffusion B. Informal Education C. Cultural Capital D. Formal education Answer: B 29. In Science class, Geraint learns the cultural norm for waiting to speak when acknowledged by a person of authority by raising his hand and waiting to be called on by his teacher. This is an example of ______. A. Cultural capital B. Universal Access C. Cultural transmission D. Sorting Answer: C 30. Elizabeth is taking the SAT’s, she comes from a prestigious, upper class background. Due to her background Elisabeth has had several experiences with worldly values and customs. Elizabeth may have an easier time taking the SAT than another student from a low-class background because of her extensive______________. A. Grade Inflation B. Cultural Capital C. Credentialism D. Sorting Answer: B

7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education 31. A landmark case that helped create_________ for education is in the supreme court case of Mills vs. Board of Education. A. Universal Access B. Unfettered Access C. Limited Access D. Open transfer Answer: A 32. Students in general classes receive more information about community colleges when students in honors class receive information about going to Universities or Ivy Leagues. This is an example of _____________ . A. Social Placement B. Busing C. Tracking D. Sorting Answer: C 33. Due to __________, students are putting in less effort for better grades. Critics say it’s causing students to put less effort into their classes. Those in favor say it gives struggling students motivation to stay in school. A. Conflict Theory B. Culture Capital C. Grade inflation D. Education Answer: C Who wrote Social Problems and Social Imagination: A Paradigm for Analysis, where they point to the notion that social problems are, in essence, contradictions? a. b. c. d.

Erving Goffman Malcolm Gladwell David Simon Pierre Bourdieu

Answer C Arising from the tutelage of ancient ___ thinkers, centuries of scholars have examined topics through formalized methods of learning. a. German 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education b. Italian c. Latin d. Greek Answer D

Which title of the Education Amendments in 1972 established that discriminating on the basis of sex in U.S. education programs is illegal? a. b. c. d.

Title IV Title X Title V Title IX

Answer D President ___ sent members of 101st Airborne Division from Kentucky to escort black students into Little Rock Central High School after the governor of Arkansas tried to deny them entry. a. b. c. d.

Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson

Answer B Governor Wallace’s desperate attempt to uphold his policy of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” stated during his ___ inauguration became known as the “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.” a. b. c. d.

1963 1964 1961 1968

Answer A The Head Start Program provides academic-centered daycare to students of low socioeconomic status. a. True b. False 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 16 Education

Answer B

Which is the intended and visible functions of education? a. Manifest Functions b. Latent Functions Answer B Conflict theorists believe that public schools reduce social inequality. a. True b. False Answer B Which theory points that tracking perpetuate inequalities? a. b. c. d.

Feminist Theory Symbolic Interactionism Functionalism Conflict Theory

Answer D Cultural capital refers to the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission. a. True b. False Answer B Feminist theory aims to understand the mechanisms and roots of gender inequality in education, as well as their societal repercussions. a. True b. False Answer A

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics 1. Power is defined as a. The ability to exercise one’s will over things. b. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne. c. A means to understand the underlying social norms and values of a group d. Traditional domination facilitated by an administration and military that are purely personal instruments of the master. Answer: A 2. The ability to exercise one’s will over things is known as: a. Power b. Monarchy c. Politics d. Leverage Answer: A 3. Authority is defined as: a. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power b. A form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status. c. A concept holding that all people’s votes should be counted equally. d. Accepted power that people agree to follow. Answer: D 4. Accepted power—that is, power that people agree to follow is known as: a. Absolute Monarchies b. Democracy c. One Person, One Vote d. Authority Answer: D 5. Traditional Authority is defined as: a. Power that is made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations. b. Government of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution. c. Authority that is accepted because that has traditionally been the case; it’s legitimacy exists because it has been accepted for a long time. d. Power held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. Answer: C 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics 6. Authority that is accepted because that has traditionally been the case; it’s legitimacy exists because it has been accepted for a long time is known as: a. Rational-Legal Authority b. Monarchy Power c. Traditional Authority d. Dictatorship Answer: C 7. Patrimonialism is defined as: a. The absence of organized government. b. Traditional domination facilitated by an administration and military that are purely personal instruments of the master. c. Power held by a small, elite group. d. Small group of powerful people who control much of a society Answer: B

8. Charismatic Authority is defined as: a. Accepted power that people agree to follow. b. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations. c. Governments in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne. d. Power legitimized on the bases of a leader’s exceptional personal qualities. Answer: D 9. Power legitimized on the basis of a leader’s exceptional personal qualities in known as: a. Authority b. Rational Authority c. Lineal Authority d. Charismatic Authority Answer: D 10. Rational-Legal Authority is defined as: a. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations b. Power legitimized on the basis of a leader’s exceptional personal qualities c. A government in which a single person rules until her or she dies or abdicates the throne d. Power legitimized because it has been accepted for a long time Answer: A 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics 11. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations is known as: a. Rational-Legal Authority b. Charismatic Authority c. Monarchy d. Traditional Authority Answer A 12. Anarchy is defined as: a. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power b. Power in held by a small, elite group c. The absence of organized government d. Power is held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population Answer C 13. The absence of organized government is known as: a. Monarchies b. Oligarchy c. Anarchy d. Athesim Answer C 14. Monarchy is defined as: a. The absence of organized government b. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne c. Government wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power d. Governments of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution Answer B 15. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne is known as: a. Anarchy b. Monarchy c. Absolute Monarchy d. Constitutional Monarchy Answer B 16. Absolute Monarchies are defined as a. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics b. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne c. Power held by a small, elite group d. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power Answer D 17. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power are known as: a. Rational-Legal Authority b. Monarchy c. Oligarchy d. Absolute Monarchy Answer D 18. Constitutional Monarchies are defined by: a. Governments of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitutions. b. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne. c. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated power. d. A government in which citizens select representatives to promote policies that favor their interests. Answer A 19. Governments of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution are known as: a. Constitutional Monarchies b. Monarchies c. Absolute Monarchies d. Representative Democracies Answer A 20. Oligarchy is defined by: a. The absence of organized government. b. Power is held by a single person, that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. c. The power is held by a small, elite group. d. Small group of powerful people who control much of a society. Answer C 21. The power that is held by a small, elite group is known as: a. Anarchy 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics b. Dictatorship c. Oligarchy d. Power Elite Answer C 22. Dictatorship is defined as: a. A government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne. b. Traditional Domination facilitated by an administration and military that are purely personal instruments of the master. c. A form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status. d. Power is held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. Answer D 23. Power held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population is known as: a. Monarchy b. Patrimonialism c. Democracy d. Dictatorship Answer D 24. Totalitarian Dictatorship is defined as: a. Power held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. b. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations. c. Power held by a single person that is even more oppressive and attempts to control all aspects of its subjects’ lives, including occupation, religious beliefs, and number of children permitted in each family. d. Small group of powerful people who control much of a society. Answer C 25. Power held by a single person that even more oppressive and attempts to control all aspects of its subjects’ lives, including occupation, religious beliefs, and number of children permitted in each family is known as: a. Dictatorship b. Charismatic Authority c. Totalitarian Dictatorship d. Power Elite 5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics Answer C 26. Democracy is defined as: a. A form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status. b. Governments of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution. c. A concept holding that all people’s votes should be counted equally. d. Power that is held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. Answer A 27. A form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status is known as: a. Democracy b. Constitutional Monarchies c. One person, one vote d. Dictatorship Answer A 28. Representative Democracy is defined as: a. Power held by a small, elite group. b. Power that people agree to follow. c. A government in which citizens select representative to promote policies that favor their interests. d. Governments wherein a monarch has absolute or unmitigated powers. Answer C 29. A government in which citizens select representative to promote policies that favor their interests is known as: a. Oligarchy b. Authority c. Representative Democracy d. Absolute Monarchies Answer C 30. Politics is defined as: a. The ability to exercise one’s will over others. b. A means to understand the underlying social norms and values of a group. c. Refers to power that people agree to follow. d. Small group of powerful people who control much of a society. 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics

Answer B 31. A means to understand the underlying social norms and values of a group is known as: a. Power b. Politics c. Authority d. Power Elite Answer B 32. One Person, One Vote is defined as: a. Accepted power that people agree to follow. b. A form of government in which citizens select representatives to promote policies that favor their interests. c. A concept holding that all people’s votes should be counted equally. d. A government that is led by a single, controlling leader. Answer C 33. A concept holding that all people’s votes should be counted equally is known as: a. Authority b. Representative Democracy c. One person, one vote d. Anarchy Answer C 34. Power Elite is defined as: a. A small group of powerful people who control much of a society. b. Power held by a small, elite group c. Power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations d. Power that is held by a single person that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population. Answer A 35. A small group of powerful people who control much of a society is known as: a. Power Elite b. Oligarchy c. Rational-Legal Authority d. Dictatorship Answer A 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics

36. Napoleon, Mother Theresa, Hitler, Martin Luther King, Jesus had a ___________ . A. Traditional Authority B. Rational-Legal Authority C. Charismatic Authority D. Democracy Answer: C 37. Fredric will eventually become king once his father passes. Once this happens, he will be running the _____. A. Monarchy B. Dictatorship C. Democracy D. Oligarchy Answer: A

38. Hitler, Stalin, Mao had complete power and ran the government as a(n) ________. A. Democracy B. Anarchy C. Constitutional Monarchy D. Dictatorship Answer: D 39. Xi Jinping is the leader of China. Him and a few of his rich, trusted colleagues run the country. This is an example of a(n) _______________. A. Anarchy B. Democracy C. Oligarchy D. Monarchy Answer: C 40. In the United States all votes are considered to be equal no matter who the person casting the vote is. This is an example of a(n)________________ . A. Dictatorship B. One person, one vote 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics C. Absolute monarchy D. Anarchy Answer: B 41. While some monarchies are absolute in power others force their leaders to abide by the laws of the greater constitution. This is an example of _____________ . A. Absolute monarchy B. Monarchy C.Democracy E. Constitutional monarchy Answer: D 42. Hitler created a dictatorship. A synonym would be a(n) _________________ . A. Totalitarian State B. Constitutional Monarchy C. Democracy D. Anarchy Answer: A

43. The United States is a government run on democracy; citizens get to elect representatives to promote and stand up for their beliefs. This is an example of a(n) ____________ . A. Representative democracy B. Traditional democracy C. Capitalist society D. Absolute democracy Answer: A 44. Government officials are given a certain amount of power when they are elected because it is written in the Constitution. This is an example of ____. a. b. c. d.

Monarchy Traditional authority Rational-legal authority Dictatorship Answer C 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 17 Government and Politics

10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy

1. Economy is defined as: a. social institution through which a society’s resources are exchanged and managed. b. simpler societies where social cohesion comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion. c. arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work. d. exchanging one form of goods or services. Answer A 2. __________ refers to the social institution through which a society’s resources are exchanged and managed. a. b. c. d.

Economy Mechanical Solidarity Organic Solidarity Bartering

Answer A 3. Mechanical Solidarity is defined as: a. social institution through which a society’s resources are exchanged and managed. b. simpler societies where social cohesion comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion. c. arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work. d. exchanging one form of goods or services. Answer B 4. __________ exists in simpler societies where social cohesion comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion. a. b. c. d.

Economy Mechanical Solidarity Organic Solidarity Bartering

Answer B 5. Organic Solidarity is defined as: a. social institution through which a society’s resources are exchanged and 1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy managed. b. simpler societies where social cohesion comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion. c. arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work. d. exchanging one form of goods or services. Answer C 6. __________ arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work. a. b. c. d.

Economy Mechanical Solidarity Organic Solidarity Bartering

Answer C

7. __________refers to an object that a society agrees to assign a value to so it can be exchanged for payment. a. b. c. d.

Money Goods Subsistence Capital

Answer A 8. Mercantilism is defined as: a. an object that a society agrees to assign a value to so it can be exchanged for payment. b. an economic policy based on accumulating silver and gold by controlling colonial and foreign markets through taxes and other charges. c. an economic policy in which people produce only enough to feed themselves and pay their taxes. d. an economic system in which there is private ownership. Answer B 9. __________ is an economic policy based on accumulating silver and gold by controlling colonial and foreign markets through taxes and other charges. a. Money b. Mercantilism 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy c. Subsistence Farming d. Capitalism Answer B

10. __________ is when people produce only enough to feed themselves and pay their taxes. a. b. c. d.

Money Mercantilism Subsistence Farming Capitalism

Answer C

11. Market Socialism is defined as: a. an economic system in which there is government ownership. b. a subtype of socialism that adopts certain traits of capitalism, like allowing limited private ownership or consulting market demands. c. individuals and cooperative groups would exchange products with one another on the basis of mutually satisfactory contract. d. explains that as a country's economy grows, its societal organization changes to become more like that of an industrialized society. Answer B 12. __________describes a subtype of socialism that adopts certain traits of capitalism, like allowing limited private ownership or consulting market demands. a. b. c. d.

Socialism Market Socialism Mutualism Communism

Answer B 13. Proudhon believed economies could work using a principle called _________ under which individuals and cooperative groups would exchange products with one another on the basis of mutually satisfactory contract. a. Socialism b. Market Socialism c. Mutualism 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy d. Convergence Theory Answer C

14. Globalization is defined as: a. occurs when there are two or more consecutive quarters of economic decline. b. important symbolic interactionist concept related to work and the economy. c. the process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market. d. products are assembled over the course of several international transactions. Answer C 15. __________ refers to the process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market. a. b. c. d.

Recession Career Inheritance Globalization Global Assembly Lines

Answer C

16. Global Commodity Chains are defined as: a. where internationally integrated economic links connect workers and corporations for the purpose of manufacture and marketing. b. source of manufacturing jobs to developing nations has greatly diminished the number of high-paying, often unionized, blue-collar positions available. c. the process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market. d. a gap has developed in the job market, with most employment opportunities at the lowest and highest levels and few jobs for those with mid-level skills and education. Answer A 17. Globalization has also led to the development of __________, where internationally integrated economic links connect workers and corporations for the purpose of manufacture and marketing. a. Global ommodity chains b. Supply chains 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy c. Automation d. Polarization Answer A

18. __________ describes when there is a societal level of disjuncture between people seeking jobs and the available jobs. a. b. c. d.

Underemployment Structural Unemployment Cyclical unemployment None of the above

Answer B

19. In the 1700’s, the British controlled their economy by putting limits on what the colonies could produce, restrictions on how they spend their money, and said who they could trade with. This is an example of _______. A. Mercantilism B. Colonialism C. Market Socialism D. Mutualism Answer: A

20. John’s father works as an architect for Gensler, a popular architectural company in the United States. Growing up, John always admired his father’s work and was inspired to be like him some day. Currently, he is pursuing a degree to become an architect himself. This is an example of ______________. A. convergence theory B. career inheritance C. family life cycle D. nepotism Answer: B

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy 21. Sam lost his job due to an influx of computerized technology, which benefits the company by doing his job more efficiently and for less money than an actual worker. What is this an example of? A. outsourcing B. structural unemployment C. automation D. global assembly line Answer: C 22. Claire just graduated from college with her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, but she is struggling to find a job. In order to be able to afford her apartment and pay her bills, she has resorted to working as a waitress while she continues her job search. Despite her higher education, she is working in a restaurant being paid very little. Claire is subject to ______________. A. automation B. career inheritance C. structural unemployment D. underemployment Answer: D 23. Mason recently graduated with his Master’s degree in Social Work and is looking to begin a career. While researching, he found that the best paying and most available jobs are in California, yet he lives in Alabama. This ‘geographic mismatch’ can best be described as ________________________. A. automation B. structural unemployment C. mutualism D. socialism Answer: B 24. In a small town in Iceland, there is only one high school, one church, and one Walmart. Everyone in town works at the Walmart, they all go to church on Sunday, and they all go to the same school. Everyone in this small town shares the same beliefs, values, and customs. This is an example of __________. A. Mechanical Solidarity B. Structural Unemployment C. Automation D. Organic Solidarity 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy

Answer A 25. In Great Britain’s early history, the government created the Navigation Acts. It was used to make sure all trade between the British and Dutch empires were made on British vessels. It was meant to maximize exports and keep foreigners from being able to acquire British gold and silver. This is an example of _________? A. Mutualism B. Mercantilism C. Socialism D. Colonialism Answer B 26. There are many places hiring in Georgia, however most unemployed live in Michigan. This could be an example of: A. Structural Unemployment B. Career Inheritance C. Convergence Theory D. Depression Answer A 27. In the United States, there are many job openings for high-wage jobs and low-wage jobs, however there are very few job openings for mid-wage jobs. This occurrence is known as: A. Unemployment B. Polarization C. Mercantilism D. Outsourcing Answer B 28. Katie was fired from her job as a cashier because the grocery store she worked at started using self-scan checkout aisles. This situation is known as ________________ of the workplace. A. Automation B. Polarization C. Outsourcing D. Mechanical Solidarity Answer A 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy

29. From 2008-2009 the United States experienced 4 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. This is known as a: A. Mercantilism B. Recession C. Socialism D. Mutualism Answer B

30. What is the projected change of employment in the farming, fishing, and forestry industries in the U.S. between 2010 and 2020? A. 10% B. -10% C. 1% D. -1% Answer: D 31. What is the projected change of employment in the construction and extraction industry in the U.S between 2010 and 2020? A. 13% B. 12% C. 5% D. -3% Answer: A 32. What is the projected change of employment for people with no high school degrees in the U.S. between 2010 and 2020? A. 11.2% B. 5.7% C. 10.9% D. 12.5% Answer: C 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy 33. As conditions improve and opportunities rise, people may move from job to job. This is explained in the ______. A. Convergence theory B. Functionalist Perspective C. Conflict perspective D. Career inheritance Answer: A 34. What theory discusses economic inequality in a capitalist marketplace? A. Symbolic Interactionist Perspective B. Functionalist Perspective C. Conflict Perspective D. Economic Perspective Answer: C 35. Who defined the concepts of Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity? A. Wilbert Moore B. Emile Durkheim C. Vladaimir Llyich Lenin D. William Domhoff Answer: B 36. Who reported the top 1% householders owned 35.4% of all privately held wealth? A. Emile Durkheim B. Vladaimir Llyich Lenin C. William Domhoff D. FMelvin Tumin Answer: C 37. Who was one of the founders of Russian communism? A. William Domhoff B. Troy Deeny C. Vladimir Llyich Lenin D. Kingsley Davis 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy

Answer: C (Page 397)

38. Who began to question what serves as currency in a society and decided to try something new? A. William Domhoff B. Emile Durkeim C. Vladimir Llyich Lenin D. Heidemarie Schwermer Answer: D 39. In 1516, who published Utopia? A book which imagined a society with little private property and mandatory labor on a communal farm. A. William Domhoff B. Thomas More C. David Van Percy D. Aiden McGeedy Answer: B 40. Who admired aspects of socialism? Especially its rationalism and how it could help social reform, but he worried that letting the government have complete control could result in an "iron cage of future bondage" from which there is no escape. A. Wayne Rooney B. Thomas More C. Max Weber D. Heidemarie Schwermer Answer: C 41. What early socialist said “if an owner did not work to produce or earn the property, then the owner was stealing it from those who did” A. Pierre-Joseph Proudon B. Karl Marx C. Melvin Kohn D. Émile Durkheim 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 18 Work and the Economy Answer: A (Page 403) 42. In 1893, Émile Durkheim said ________ arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work. The complex U.S. economy, and the economies of other industrialized nations, meet the definition of organic solidarity. A. Organic solidarity B. Communism C. Socialism D. Capitalism Answer: A 43. Thomas More's Utopia, published in 1516, imagined A. A society with little private property and mandatory labor on a communal farm (p403) B. A society with food and housing for all C. A society where no one had to work D. A society with infinite wealth, equal pay, and equal labor Answer: A

11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine

1. __________ is/are questioned or questionable by some medical professionals. a. Underemployment b. Structural Unemployment c. Stigmatization of Illness d. Contested Illnesses Answer D 2. Mortality is defined as the: a. number of deaths in a given time or place. b. incidence of disease. c. process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. d. most common mental disorders in the United States. Answer A

3. Morbidity is defined as the: a. number of deaths in a given time or place. b. incidence of disease. c. process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. d. most common mental disorders in the United States Answer B 4. __________ is the incidence of disease. a. Mortality b. Morbidity c. Medical status d. Epidemiology Answer B 5. Medicalization is defined as the: a. number of deaths in a given time or place. b. incidence of disease. c. process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. d. way of treating disorders Answer C

1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine 6. __________ refers to the process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. a. Mortality b. Morbidity c. Medicalization d. Anxiety Disorders Answer C 7. Anxiety Disorders are the: a. the second most common mental disorders in the United States. b. incidences of disease. c. processes by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy. d. most common mental disorders in the United States. Answer D 8. The most common mental disorders in the United States are __________. a. Mortality b. Morbidity c. Medicalization d. Anxiety Disorders Answer D 9. Mood Disorders are: a. the second most common mental disorders in the United States. b. those that affect 9 percent of people in the United States yearly. c. a reduction in one’s ability to perform everyday tasks. d. social limitations. Answer A 10. The second most common mental disorders in the United States are __________. a. Mood Disorders b. Personality Disorders c. Disability d. Physical Limitations Answer A

2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine 11. Personality Disorders are defined as: a. the second most common mental disorders in the United States. b. affects 9 percent of people in the United States yearly. c. a reduction in one’s ability to perform everyday tasks. d. reserving the term disability to refer to the social limitation. Answer B 12. Depending on what definition is used, there is some overlap between mood disorders and ____________, which affect 9 percent of people in the United States yearly. a. Mood Disorders b. Personality Disorders c. Disability d. Anxiety disorders Answer B 13. Disability is defined as: a. the second most common mental disorders in the United States. b. affects 9 percent of people in the United States yearly. c. a reduction in one’s ability to perform everyday tasks. d. reserving the term disability to refer to the social limitation. Answer C 14. __________ refers to a reduction in one’s ability to perform everyday tasks. a. Mood Disorders b. Personality Disorders c. Disability d. Physical Limitations Answer C

15. __________ require everyone to have insurance coverage by 2014 or pay a penalty. a. Stigmatizations b. Independent Mandates c. Individual Mandates d. Socialized Medicines Answer Cc 16. U.S. healthcare coverage can broadly be divided into two main categories: __________ (government-funded) and__________(privately funded). a. Private Health Care and Stigmatization b. Public Health Care and Individual Mandate 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine c. Public Health Care and Private Health Care d. Stigmatization and Individual Mandate Answer C 17. Public Health Care and Private Health Care are defined as: a. U.S. healthcare coverage can broadly be divided into two main categories. b. the two main places to visit in America. c. the two U.S. Presidential nominees. d. the two best topics that Professor Simon like to speak about. Answer A 18. Socialized Medicine is defined as: a. their identity is spoiled; they are labeled as different, discriminated against, and sometimes even shunned. b. people who pay at least 10 percent of their income on healthcare costs not covered by insurance or, for low-income adults, those whose medical expenses or deductibles are at least 5 percent of their income. c. requires everyone to have insurance coverage by 2014 or pay a penalty. d. government owns and runs the system; it employs the doctors, nurses, and other staff, and it owns and runs the hospitals. Answer D 19. Under a __________ system, the government owns and runs the system. It employs the doctors, nurses, and other staff, and it owns and runs the hospitals. a. Medicalization b. Equal protection c. Universal access d. Socialized medicine Answer D 20. Universal Healthcare is defined as: a. simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone. b. the study of the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases. c. patterns of expectations that define appropriate behavior for the sick and for those who take care of them. d. physician; that is, a physician must certify that the illness is genuine. Answer A

21. Legitimation is defined as: 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine a. simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone. b. the study of the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases. c. patterns of expectations that define appropriate behavior for the sick and for those who take care of them. d. physician; that is, a physician must certify that the illness is genuine. Answer D

22. According to conflict theorists, capitalism and the pursuit of profit lead to the __________ of health: the changing of something not generally thought of as a commodity into something that can be bought and sold in a marketplace. a. Commodification b. Medicalization c. Demedicalization d. Underinsuring Answer A 23. Medicalization of Deviance is defined as: a. conflict theorists, capitalism and the pursuit of profit. b. the process that changes “bad” behavior into “sick” behavior. c. “sick” behavior is normalized again. d. simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone. Answer B 24. The term __________ refers to the process that changes “bad” behavior into “sick” behavior. a. Commodification b. Medicalization of Deviance c. Demedicalization d. Underinsured Answer B 25. Demedicalization is defined as: a. conflict theorists, capitalism and the pursuit of profit . b. the process that changes “bad” behavior into “sick” behavior. c. “sick” behavior is normalized again. d. simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone. Answer C

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine 26. Dr. Karev is a medical sociologist. In his job he studies how humans and societies manage health issues, diseases, health disorders and healthcare. This job is crucial to understand how to better handle illness. What is another reason why being a medical sociologist is important? A. It is the study of sickness and without it we wouldn't know how to cure illness B. It recognizes the critical role that social factors play in forming the health of individuals, groups, and society as a whole. C. It enables society to see how far doctors have come with the advancement of technology D. All of the above. Answer: B

27. A contested illness is an illness that is questioned or considered questionable by some medical professionals. Which of the following is most likely a contested illness? A. Cancer B. Restless leg syndrome C. Strep throat D. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Answer: D 28. In the Emergency Room, Dr. Hunt and Dr. Grey see many patients with urgent illnesses and injuries. On occasion, someone will come in and seem to have what is called a contested illness. Together they work hard to see if the patient is telling the truth and if they are actually in pain or feeling ill. How do doctors decide when a patient they are treating has an illness that would be questioned by some medical professionals? A. The illness is real and the patient is showing real symptoms B. The illness described by the patient could be in their head C. A patient has complaints of feeling extremely ill, but the doctor does not find any signs of any illness. D. Both B and C Answer: D

29. A person was diagnosed with AIDS three years ago. Since then every time they go to the doctor, they does not receive the same level of care they did before he was given his diagnosis. This is most likely do to issues presented by which concept? 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine A. Stigmatization of Illness B. Contested Illness C. Social Epidemiology D. Sick Role Answer: A 30. What may be the causes of obesity in the United States? A. Unhealthy goods such as processed foods, sweet snacks and sweetened drinks are becoming more popular. B. People are less active active and speed more time playing computer games and watching television. C. More jobs require sitting at a desk. D. All of the above Answer: D

31. Adductions to many substances are no longer considered bad behavior, but rather diseases. This is known as: A. Mood disorder B. Stigmatization C. Socialized medicine D. Medicalization Answer: D 32. Canada provides_____________ for everyone no matter their household income. A. Public Healthcare B. Universal Healthcare C. Medicalization D. None of the above Answer: B

33. Insanity was used to explain criminal behaviors until it was deemed a medical condition. This is known as: A. Stigmatization B. Personality disorder C. Medicalization of deviance 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine D. Individual mandate Answer: C

34. Linda is going to college to study how humans manage and deal with different diseases and illnesses. She studies _____________ . A. Medical Sociology B. Social Epidemiology C. Biology D. Epidemiology Answer: D

35. Steve broke his leg and must temporarily use a wheelchair instead of walking. This physical limitation could be defined as a(n) _________________. a. Mortality b. Disability c. Illness d. Impairment Answer: d

36. A child had chicken pox and was not allowed to go to school. This is an example of ____________ _______. a. Stigmatization of Illness b. Sick role c. Stigma d.none of the above Answer: b

37. Jim is a stunt driver and spends 50 % of his income on healthcare costs not covered by insurance. Jim is _________________. a.underinsured b.socialized medicine c.stigmatization of illness d.none of the above Answer: a 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine

38. According to the ______________ perspective, health is vital to the stability of society. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic Interactionist Answer: A 39. Who was the first to discuss the sick role? a. Talcott Parsons b. Max Weber c. Karl Marx d. Emile Durkheim Answer A 40. Theorists using the _________ perspective suggest that issues with the healthcare system, as with most other social problems, are rooted in capitalist society. d. Functionalist e. Conflict f. Symbolic Interactionist Answer B 41. According to conflict theorists, capitalism and the ________ lead to the commodification of health a. Individual mandate b. Social epidemiology c. Stigmatization d. The pursuit of profit Answer D 42. Alongside the health disparities created by class inequalities, there are a number of health disparities created by ….? a. Racism b. Sexism c. Ageism d. All of the above 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine

Answer D

43. TRUE OR FALSE: In the United States, a disproportionate number of racial minorities also have less economic power, so they bear a great deal of the burden of poor health. a. True b. False Answer True 44. TRUE OR FALSE: The poor are more likely to experience illness caused by poor diet, to live and work in unhealthy environments, and are less likely to challenge the system. a. True b. False Answer True 45. ________________—the dominant group—are the ones who make decisions about how the healthcare system will be run. a. People with money and power b. People affected by poverty c. The middle class Answer A 46. According to the ___________ perspective, health and illness are both socially constructed and they focus on specific meanings and causes people attribute to illness. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic Interactionist Answer C 47. In 2011, the global rate of mortality for children under five was ______ per 1,000 live births. a. 100 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine b. 60 c. 25 d. 650 Answer B 48. __________ people with a disability are considered “out of the labor force;” that is, they do not have jobs and are not looking for them. a. 3 out of 10 b. 5 out of 10 c. 6 out of 10 d. 8 out of 10 Answer D 10 49. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects _______ of adults. a. 2% b. 4% c. 8% d. 13% Answer B 50. What is the name of the disease caused an epidemic in Liberia and Sierra Leone on March 19, 2014? A. Dengue B. Ebola C. Chicken Pox D. Both A&C Answer: B 51. _______ suggests that we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes. A. Fox and Worts B. Patricia Hill Collins C. Talcott Parsons D. Emile Durkheim Answer: B

11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 19 Health and Medicine 52. _________ find that all women experience pain and anxiety during the birth process, but that social support relieves both as effectively as medical support. In other words, medical interventions are no more effective than social ones at helping with the difficulties of pain and childbirth. A. Fox and Worts B. Patricia Hill Collins C. Talcott Parsons D. Emile Durkheim Answer: A 53. Who said “the sick person has a specific role with both rights and responsibilities. To start with, she has not chosen to be sick and should not be treated as responsible for her condition. The sick person also has the right of being exempt from normal social roles; she is not required to fulfill the obligation of a well person and can avoid her normal responsibilities without censure”? A. Patricia Hill B. Talcott Parsons C. Fox and Worts D. Emile Durkheim Answer: B

12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment 1. Fracking is defined as: a. a method used to recover gas and oil from shale by drilling down into the earth and directing a high-pressure mixture of water, sand, and proprietary chemical into the rock. b. the destruction of manmade products with a drill. c. the action of arguing with a significant other. d. a method used to extract valuable materials from E-waste. Answer A 2. __________ is another word for hydraulic fracturing; it is a method used to recover gas and oil from shale by drilling down into the earth and directing a high-pressure mixture of water, sand, and proprietary chemical into the rock. a. b. c. d.

Extracting Destroying Fracking Studying

Answer C 3. Demography is defined as the study of: a. b. c. d.

Groups and Organizations Video Game Demos Graphs Populations

Answer D 4. _________ is the study of populations. a. b. c. d.

Sociology Psychology Geology Demography

Answer D

1 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment 5. Fertility Rate, in a society, is defined as: a. b. c. d.

how many children a woman has. the rate of a woman giving birth to children. a measure of noting the number of children born. a measure of noting the number of children that have died.

Answer C 6. The __________ of a society is a measure of noting the number of children born. a. b. c. d.

Fertility Rate Mortality Rate Population Geology Rate

Answer A 7. Mortality Rate, in a society, is defined as: a. b. c. d.

a measure of noting the number of children born. a definition of the way people die. a measure of noting the number of people who die. how many children a woman has.

Answer C 8. The ____________ of a society is a measure of noting the number of people who die. a. b. c. d.

Fertility Rate Population Population Composition Mortality Rate

Answer D 9. Population Composition is defined as: a. a snapshot of the demographic profile of a population, made up of changing fertility, mortality, and migration rates. b. the ratio of males to females in a society. c. the DNA of humans. d. what the population is in a given area. Answer A 2 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

10. Changing fertility, mortality, and migration rates make up the total __________ __________, a snapshot of the demographic profile of a population. a. b. c. d.

Density Composition Mortality Rate Heart Rate Population Composition

Answer D 11. Sex Ratio is defined as: a. b. c. d.

the number of women for every hundred men. the number of men for every hundred women. the number of children for every hundred adults. the number of adults for every hundred children.

Answer B 12. The population composition includes the ___________, the number of men for every hundred women. a. b. c. d.

Ratio Population Ratio Sex Ratio Heart Rate

Answer C 13. Population Pyramid is defined as: a. b. c. d.

a plot graph of population distribution by gender. a line graph of population distribution by sex and age. a picture of population distribution by gender. a picture of population distribution by sex and age.

Answer D 14. Malthusian Theory includes the idea that: a. three factors would control human population that exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity. b. two factors would control human population that did not exceed the earth’s carrying capacity. 3 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment c. one factor controls all outcomes of population. d. three factors determine overall population growth. Answer A 15. According to the __________, three factors would control human population that exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity. a. b. c. d.

Cornucopian Theory Demographic Transition Theory Sociological Theory Malthusian Theory

Answer D 16. Carrying Capacity represents: a. how many people can live in an apartment building. b. how many children can be carried in a school bus at a time. c. how many people can live in a given area considering the amount of available resources. d. how many people can live in a given area regardless of the amount of available resources. Answer C 17. _____________ represents how many people can live in a given area considering the amount of available resources. a. b. c. d.

Earth Resource Building Capacity City Capacity Carrying Capacity

Answer D 18. What is the Zero Population Growth Theory? a. the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of people leaving it via death or emigration. b. the number of children entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of adults entering a population. c. the number of people entering a building and increasing the building population. d. the number of people still growing in their lifespan. 4 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment Answer A 19. The __________ states that the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of people leaving it via death or emigration. a. b. c. d.

Cornucopian Theory Zero Population Growth Theory Demographic Transition Theory Malthusian Theory

Answer B 20. The Cornucopian Theory asserts that: a. the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of people leaving it via death or emigration. b. human ingenuity can resolve any environmental or social issues that develop. c. future population growth will develop along a predictable four-stage model. d. population will continue to grow until the Earth’s carrying capacity is met. Answer B 21. The __________________ scoffs at the idea of humans wiping themselves out; it asserts that human ingenuity can resolve any environmental or social issues that develop. a. b. c. d.

Urban Sociology Theory Demographic Transition Theory Cornucopian Theory Urbanization Theory

Answer C 22. What does the Demographic Transition Theory suggest? a. the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of people leaving it via death or emigration. b. future population growth will develop along a predictable four-stage model. c. the earth will surely perish because of the rate of population growth. d. the definite ending to humanity is lack of human ingenuity. Answer B

5 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment 23. The __________ suggests that future population growth will develop along a predictable four-stage model. a. b. c. d.

Urbanization Theory Refugee Theory Cornucopian Theory Demographic Transition Theory

Answer D 24. Urbanization is the study of: a. b. c. d.

social, political, and economic relationships in cities. population. demography. families.

Answer A 25. __________ is the study of social, political, and economic relationships in cities. a. b. c. d.

Demography Geography Urbanization Filial Piety

Answer C 26. What is the title of the specialization in study of Urbanization? a. b. c. d.

Urbanizer Urban Study Population Study Urban Sociology

Answer D 27. Refugee is defined as: a. an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. b. an individual who wants to leave his or her country because of the struggles of that country’s government. c. a group of people fleeing a country because of the effects of bad economy. d. a person seeking refuge from the harsh rules of his or her country. 6 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

Answer A 28. A(n) __________ is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. a. b. c. d.

Internally Displaced Person Hard Worker Refugee Asylum-Seeker

Answer C 29. What is an Asylum-Seeker? a. an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. b. those whose claim to refugee status has not been validated. c. someone who acts crazy so they are put into an insane asylum. d. someone who loves to be with crazy people. Answer B 30. A(n) __________ is one whose claim to refugee status has not been validated. a. b. c. d.

Refugee Geographer Flier Asylum-Seeker

Answer D 31. Internally Displaced Person is defined as: a. neither a refugee nor an asylum-seeker; they have fled their homes while remaining inside their country’s borders. b. those whose claim to refugee status has not been validated. c. an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. d. someone who is unsure of who they are, and their social status dwindles because of it. Answer A 32. What are the suburbs? 7 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

a. communities that coexist within a tri-state area. b. communities that house the elderly. c. communities surrounding cities, typically close enough for a daily commute in, but far enough away to allow for more space than city living affords. d. communities that are in the country. Answer C 33. __________ are the communities surrounding cities, typically close enough for a daily commute in, but far enough away to allow for more space than city living affords. a. b. c. d.

Exurbs Suburbs Metropolis Tri-State Area

Answer B 34. What are the exurbs? a. communities that exist outside the ring of suburbs and are typically populated by even wealthier families who want more space and have the resources to lengthen their commute. b. communities that coexist within a tri-state area. c. communities surrounding cities, typically close enough for a daily commute in, but far enough away to allow for more space than city living affords. d. communities that house young people looking for apartments close to where they go to school. Answer A 35. __________ are communities that exist outside the ring of suburbs and are typically populated by even wealthier families who want more space and have the resources to lengthen their commute. a. b. c. d.

Suburbs Exurbs Metropolis Megalopolis

Answer B 36. What is a Metropolis? 8 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

a. a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs. b. together, the suburbs, exurbs, and the metropolitan areas all combined. c. a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple continents and their surrounding countries. d. a mix between suburbs and exurbs that are blended so seamlessly it is almost impossible to determine what it is. Answer B 37. Together, the suburbs, exurbs, and the metropolitan areas all combine to form a __________. a. b. c. d.

Megalopolis Megatropolis Population Metropolis

Answer D 38. A Megalopolis is defined as: a. b. c. d.

a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs. a school project done by a history student for their sociology class. urbanization encompassed in a graph. a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple continents and their surrounding countries.

Answer A 39. A huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs is called a __________. a. b. c. d.

Metropolis Urbanized area Population Megalopolis

Answer D 40. What is White Flight defined as? a. the migration of economically secure white people from racially mixed urban areas and toward the suburbs. 9 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment b. the migration of economically secure Hispanic people from racist communities towards the exurbs. c. the migration of economically insecure families living in the suburbs. d. a decision made by a group of white people to take a vacation by plane. Answer A 41. __________ refers to the migration of economically secure white people from racially mixed urban areas and toward the suburbs. a. b. c. d.

Exurbs Metropolis White Flight Colored Flight

Answer C 42. Gentrification is defined as: a. the segregation of a person or group of people based on their gender and sexual orientation. b. when members of the middle and upper classes enter and renovate city areas that have been historically less affluent while the poor urban underclass are forced by resulting price pressures to leave those neighborhoods for increasingly decaying portions of the city. c. when smaller cities are forced to migrate to the exurbs because of the expansion of major cities. d. geographical definitions for the migration of groups of people to the exurbs. Answer B 43. __________ occurs when members of the middle and upper classes enter and renovate city areas that have been historically less affluent while the poor urban underclass are forced by resulting price pressures to leave those neighborhoods for increasingly decaying portions of the city. a. b. c. d.

De-urbanization Population growth Urbanization Gentrification

Answer D 44. What is Sustainable Development? 10 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment a. a development strategy that looks at on the relationship between people and their built and natural physical environments. b. achieving development that occurs without depleting or damaging the natural environment. c. when someone finally figures out their successful daily routine. d. the study of human life expectancy and related factors. Answer B 45. To achieve development that occurs without depleting or damaging the natural environment is called __________. a. b. c. d.

Gentrification Green building Sustainable Development Ecology

Answer C 46. What is the Concentric Zone Model? a. a Venn diagram. b. a long stick that shows how big concentric circles are. c. the most famous example of human ecology; views a city as a series of concentric circular areas, expanding outward from the center of the city, with various “zones” invading adjacent zones and succeeding. d. the most famous example of human ecology; views a city that has no concentric circle “zones” in it; a city that inhabits a maximum amount of people in these non-circular “zones” due to overpopulation of a previous civilization. Answer C 47. The __________ is perhaps the most famous example of human ecology. This model views a city as a series of concentric circular areas, expanding outward from the center of the city, with various “zones” invading adjacent zones (as new categories of people and businesses overrun the edges of nearby zones) and succeeding (then after invasion, the new inhabitants repurpose the areas they have invaded and push out the previous inhabitants). a. b. c. d.

Concentric Zone Model Demographic Transition Theory Sociological Zone Model Population Model

Answer A 11 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

48. Climate Change is defined as: a. what happens when contaminants are introduced into an environment (water, air, land) at levels that are damaging. b. the term now used to refer to long-term shifts in temperatures due to human activity and, in particular, the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. c. the quality of life being hindered by changes in the earth’s atmosphere. d. the absorption or decay of broken, obsolete, and worn-out items. Answer B 49. __________ is the term used to refer to long-term shifts in temperatures due to human activity and, in particular, the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. a. b. c. d.

Pollution Greenhouse Climate Change Global warming

Answer C 50. Pollution is defined as: a. the term now used to refer to long-term shifts in temperatures due to human activity and, in particular, the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. b. describes what happens when contaminants are introduced into an environment (water, air, land) at levels that are damaging. c. a geographic area with high levels of cancer within its population. d. the quality of life being hindered by changes in the earth’s atmosphere. Answer B (page 461) 51. __________ describes what happens when contaminants are introduced into an environment (water, air, land) at levels that are damaging. a. b. c. d.

Climate Change Ecology Greenhousing Pollution

Answer D (page 461) 52. A __________ is a geographic area with high levels of cancer within its population. 12 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

a. b. c. d.

Cancer Cluster Cancer Zone Socioeconomic Zone Polluted Zone

Answer A 53. What is E-waste? a. b. c. d.

spam emails that are moved from an inbox to a spam folder. the disposal of broken, obsolete, and worn-out electronics. the quality of life being hindered by changes in the earth’s atmosphere. a wasteful person that sends a lot of emails.

Answer B 54. __________ is the disposal of broken, obsolete, and worn-out electronics. a. b. c. d.

Pollution Climate Change Human Ecology E-waste

Answer D 55. What is Environmental Racism? a. When people are racist towards certain parts of the environment. b. The environment not giving enough resources to sustain an entire civilization, so populous and poor areas are not given enough resources to survive, while wealthier people survive. c. Refers to the way in which minority group neighborhoods (populated primarily by people of color and members of low socioeconomic groups) are burdened with a disproportionate number of hazards, including toxic waste facilities, garbage dumps, and other sources of environmental pollution and foul odors that lower the quality of life. d. A heartfelt spiritual message from the earth given to its inhabitants because of racism. Answer C

13 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment 56. Amanda works with high pressurized water and machines to recover gas and oil from shale by drilling down into the earth and directing a high-pressure mixture of water, sand, and proprietary chemicals into the rock. Her job is uses ______. a. b. c. d.

Demography Urbanization Sustainable development Fracking

Answer: D 57. Bob is studying the specific population in Spain, Bob is studying the _____ in Spain. a. b. c. d.

Demography Democracy Fertility rate Mortality rate

Answer: A 58. Billy looks at the number of births in Russia in 2019 and compared it to the number of births in Ukraine and Siberia. Billy focuses on the ____ . a. b. c. d.

Demography Child rate Fertility rate Mortality rate

Answer: C 59. Piper calculates the number of people who died after a hurricane. Piper is calculating the/ a _____. a. b. c. d.

Demography Morbidity rate Population pyramid Mortality rate

Answer: D 60. Jenny is concerned about the Aboriginal population in Australia, so she looks at the births, deaths, and immigration of the population. She is studying _____. a. Population Composition b. Sex ratio 14 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment c. Fertility rate d. Population pyramid Answer: A 61. Amanda calculates the ____ of Poland too see how many men there are to every one hundred women. a. b. c. d.

Demography Sex ratio Fertility ratio Population pyramid

Answer: B

62. Chuck believes that the three factors that control human population so that it does not exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity is war, famine, and disease. His belief resembles _____. a. b. c. d.

Carrying capacity Malthusian Theory Sex ratio Zero Population Growth

Answer: B 63. John is studying how many people can live in a given area considering the amount of available resources. John is studying____. a. b. c. d.

Cornucopian Theory Malthusian Theory Sex ratio Zero Population Growth

Answer: A 64. Becky has left her home country to take shelter after a civil war broke out. Though she fled her home country to a new one, her refugee status has not been validated. She is considered a(n)____. a. b. c. d.

Asylum-seeker Refugee Internally Displaced Person White Flight 15

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

Answer: A 65. Mary had to leave her home because of an increase of violent crimes in her town. She is still remains inside her country’s borders and therefore she is considered a(n) _______. a. b. c. d.

Asylum-seeker Refugee Internally Displaced Person White Flight

Answer: C

66. Katie lives in an area that includes a city and its suburbs and exurbs, she lives in the ______. a. b. c. d.

Exurb Suburb Metropolis Megalopolis

Answer: C 67. Patty lives in a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs, she lives in a _____. a. b. c. d.

Exurb Suburb Metropolis Megalopolis

Answer: D

68. Peter recently had to leave his apartment in Boston because rent was too high. His neighborhood has historically been considered the poorest part of Boston. Now it is renovated and becoming increasingly expensive as more and more affluent people move in. This is an example of _____. a. b. c. d.

Sustainable development Suburbification Gentrification The concentric zone model 16

"Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

Answer: C

69. Lacy is an environmental activist that teaches about _______, which is when contaminants are introduced into an environment (water, air, land) at levels that are damaging. a. b. c. d.

Climate change Global warming Pollution E-waste

Answer: C

70. Lilly lives in a primarily Black community in which is located a power plant. Her town has a high level of air pollution. The power plant supplies power to surrounding, more affluent towns, but they do not experience the pollution. This is an example of _____________ . a. b. c. d.

E-waste Redlining Environmental pollution Environmental racism

Answer: D

71. Edward is extremely interested in studying the U.S. population. The best way for him to really understand the American population is by studying fertility, mortality, and migration. These are all components of _____. a. b. c. d.

Demography Population Pyramid Carrying Capacity Population compaction

Answer: A 72. Jessica’s Environmental Justice class has been talking about how humans overuse resources selfishly. Over time, there will not be enough resources for the growing population that the world has now. This idea is called ________. 17 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment

a. b. c. d.

Population Pyramid Zero Population Growth Cornucopian Theory Carrying Capacity

Answer: D 73. Bob wants to make a visual presentation for his class featuring the population of his town, distributed by sex and age. Bob should use a _______________. a. b. c. d.

Sex Ratio Population pyramid Ratio pyramid Population Composition

Answer: b

74. A plane crashes on a small deserted island. The survivors quickly discover the amount of resources on the small island and figured out how many people the island’s resources can support. The survivors discovered the islands__________. a. b. c. d.

Demography Gentrification Carrying capacity Carrying ratio

Answer: c 75. The number of people leaving a population through death or emigration is equal to the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration. This is known as ______________________. a. b. c. d.

Equitable growth Zero population growth Population stability Population Pyramid

Answer: b

76. Who came up with the Cornucopian theory? A) Simon 1981 B) Albert 1979 C) Gibbson 1985 18 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Quiz 20 Population Urbanization and the Environment D) Ally 1980 Answer A 77. Who came up with the Malthusian theory? A) Garret Mardin B) Thomas Malthus C) Paul Ehrich D) Gideon Sjoberg Answer B 78. Who wrote “the tragedy of the three commons”? A) Albert Peterson B) Garret Mardin C) Zack Mack d) Gary Whitestone Answer B 79. According to _________ there are three prerequisites for the development of a city. A) Christopher Cold B) Kelly Marano C) Gideon Sjoberg D) Paul Ehrlich Answer C 80. Who brought Malthus’ prediction into the twentieth century? A) Kelly Marano B) Paul Ehrlich C) Nicholas Maine D) Rebecca Swartz Answer B

19 "Supplemental Material for OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 3e” by Eastern Connecticut State University students and their professor Nicolas P. Simon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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