The Texas Experience, Lone Star Politics, Policy, and Participation 1st Edition

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The Texas Experience, Lone Star Politics, Policy, and Participation 1st Edition By Texas Tribune

Chapter 1 Texas Society and Political Culture Multiple Choice Questions 1. The word politics simply refers to __________. A. the actions of politicians B. how people view their government C. the relationship between the people and their government D. the process of forming relationships based on shared interests Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.1 Differentiate between government and politics and show the relationship between these two elements. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Conceptual Pieces Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 2. In describing the art of government, former U.S. president Calvin Coolidge said that politics is not a product, but a _______. A. service B. production C. sales pitch D. process Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.1 Differentiate between government and politics and show the relationship between these two elements. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Conceptual Pieces Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 3. When speaking about government, someone is really speaking about __________. A. politics B. public institutions C. economics D. sociology Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.1 Differentiate between government and politics and show the relationship between these two elements. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Conceptual Pieces Difficulty Level: Difficult 1 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 4. What determines which group of people will get to implement their policies and spend taxpayer dollars to carry out their goals? A. party membership B. power in government C. national trends in politics D. judicial precedent Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.1 Differentiate between government and politics and show the relationship between these two elements. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Conceptual Pieces Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. Which of the following groups was first to settle Texas? A. Native Americans B. Spanish C. Mexicans D. French Answer: A Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. In what year did the French claim Texas? A. 800 B. 1684 C. 1776 D. 1824 Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. How did Spain establish dominion over the Texas territory? A. Spain built more than 40 forts throughout the territory. B. The Spanish eradicated the Native American population. 2 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. Spain waged war to take the territory from the French. D. Spain established missions and attempted to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 8. The official church of Mexico during the time Anglos settled in Texas was __________. A. Calvinist B. Baptist C. Catholic D. Pagan Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. What drew Anglos to settle Texas? A. Texas’s temperate climate B. Texas’s sandy beaches C. plentiful open land D. reception of the native Hispanic population Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 10. From which country did Texas win its independence? A. Spain B. Mexico C. France D. Great Britain Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. 3 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. At the time of Texas independence, the people of Texas were known as __________. A. Texicans B. Texans C. Tejanos D. Mexicans Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 12. Which slogan was inscribed on a banner at the battle of San Jacinto? A. Long Live the Revolution B. Freedom for All C. Remember San Jacinto D. Come and Take It Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Early Settlers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. What did Edmund J. Davis choose over keeping his citizens happy during the Reconstruction era? A. a close relationship with Mexico B. support for slavery C. personal enrichment D. Texas’s re-admittance to the United States Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Changing Loyalties of Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 4 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

14. Which of the following was a factor in Texas benefitting from its agricultural products? A. ports B. automobile C. refrigerated rail cars D. well-established cattle trails Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.3 Analyze the economic evolution of Texas and identify economic factors that may influence Texas public policy in the future. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Stage One: “Take It” Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 15. How did Texas avoid significant damage from the 2008 economic recession that rocked the U.S. stock market and housing markets in several other states? A. a diverse economy B. comparatively high regulation of its real estate market C. high taxes D. lack of available space Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.3 Analyze the economic evolution of Texas and identify economic factors that may influence Texas public policy in the future. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Stage Three: “Serve It” Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 16. Which of the following is something Texas has that draws industry to the state? A. a strong unionized workforce B. a strong regulatory environment C. a moderate level of taxes D. cheap space Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.3 Analyze the economic evolution of Texas and identify economic factors that may influence Texas public policy in the future. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Stage Three: “Serve It” Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 17. Why was the 1901 discovery of massive oil deposits particularly good timing for Texas? A. There was a significant shortage of fossil fuels in the Middle East at that time. B. The automobile and oil- and diesel-powered locomotive had just been invented. 5 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. Petroleum prices were at an all-time high. D. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had disbanded. Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.3 Analyze the economic evolution of Texas and identify economic factors that may influence Texas public policy in the future. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Stage One: “Take It”” Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 18. Jess told her friend that during her last trip to Texas, she experienced winds that brought the temperature down almost 40 degrees in 10 minutes. She said that the locals described these events as “Blue Northers.” What region of Texas was she most likely visiting? A. western highlands B. piney woods C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. basin and range Answer: A Learning Objective: 1.4 Compare and contrast the geographic regions of Texas and show how the land has shaped Texans and their politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Western Highlands to the High Plains Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 19. Carla Sanchez was traveling from south Texas when rocky plateaus and cliffs came into view. What area of Texas is Carla approaching? A. western highlands B. piney woods C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. basin and range Answer: A Learning Objective: 1.4 Compare and contrast the geographic regions of Texas and show how the land has shaped Texans and their politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Western Highlands to the High Plains Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. Where in Texas are the Davis Mountains located? A. western highlands B. piney woods C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. basin and range Answer: D 6 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 1.4 Compare and contrast the geographic regions of Texas and show how the land has shaped Texans and their politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Basin and Range Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 21. Where in Texas is the Big Bend State Park located? A. western highlands B. piney woods C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. basin and range Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.4 Compare and contrast the geographic regions of Texas and show how the land has shaped Texans and their politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Basin and Range Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. Where in Texas can one find rice paddies? A. western highlands B. piney woods C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. basin and range Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.4 Compare and contrast the geographic regions of Texas and show how the land has shaped Texans and their politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Coastal Plains and Gulf Lowlands Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23.. Why does the demographic term “Hispanic” exclude people from Portuguese-speaking Brazil? A. It generally excludes people of South American descent. B. It only refers to people from Latin America. C. It was created specifically to exclude the Iberian península. D. It generally refers to people of Spanish-speaking descent. Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Ethnic Demographics 7 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 24. Younger people who move into Texas are __________ groups that came in the past. A. more homogenous B. older C. about the same in age as D. more diverse than Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Ethnic Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 25. According to the latest Census numbers, which of the following groups has the highest median income? A. White people B. Black people C. Hispanics D. Asians Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Income Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 26. Which part of Texas has the highest poverty rates? A. North Texas B. West Texas C. South Texas D. Central Texas Answer: C Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Education Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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27. Which part of Texas has the lowest poverty rates? A. North Texas B. West Texas C. South Texas D. Central Texas Answer: A Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Income Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 28. In terms of percentage of college graduates, where does Texas rank among all states? A. very low compared to other states B. about 25th C. in the top 10 percent D. in the top 5 percent Answer: A Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Education Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 29. What expected shift in demographics will provide an important tax base for taking care of the growing segment of aging Texans, now living longer due to medical advances? A. an influx of immigrants from Western Europe B. a population growth of adults age 18 to 64 C. a population growth of minors age 18 and under D. a growth in early retirees from the “Rust Belt” Answer: B Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Age Demographics Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 30. Which of the following is considered reflective of Texas conservative values? A. trust in government B. support for ethics changes for government officials C. concern for the needs of the community 9 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. resistance to change Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States, and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Traditionalistic Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 31. After hearing that the Texas legislature was considering legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, Amira told her husband: “That just isn’t right. Texans have always prided themselves on being upstanding people and changing our laws to allow drugs doesn’t preserve those values.” Which political culture is most closely reflected in her statement? A. individualistic B. social democratic C. moralistic D. traditionalistic Answer: D Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States, and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Traditionalistic Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It

Short Answer Questions: 32. During Reconstruction, which group was restricted from voting, and what was a result of that group not being allowed to vote? Answer: During Reconstruction, former secessionists, who were Democrats, were not allowed to vote; in Texas, this resulted in the Republican Party gaining political power. Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Changing Loyalties of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 33. What is the difference between the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino”? 10 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: The term “Hispanic” describes a person of Spanish descent, while “Latino” describes a person of Latin American origin. While many Latin Americans speak primarily Spanish (making them Hispanic), some speak other languages, such as the people of Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken. Thus, Brazilians are not Hispanic but are, rather, Latino. Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Ethnic Demographics Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 34. According to the textbook, which group in Texas will in the near future be larger than that of White people, and why? Answer: According to the text, because of Hispanics’ birth rates, in the near future the number of Hispanics in Texas will surpass the number of White people. Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Ethnic Demographics Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 35. Who are the oldest Texans, in terms of ethnicity? How does this compare to the group that makes up the youngest age category? Answer: According to Figure 1.8 in the text, 64 percent of Texans who are older than 65 years of age are non-Hispanic White people, while 22 percent are Hispanic and only 9 percent are nonHispanic Blacks. Conversely, of Texans under age 19, only 33 percent are non-Hispanic White people, while 12 percent are non-Hispanic Blacks and almost half, 49 percent, are Hispanic. Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Age Demographics Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 36. Dan is not all that certain that ethics rules for government officials is a good thing. Knowing this, explain which political culture probably informs Dan’s thinking. Answer: Dan’s attitudes, beliefs, and behavior are probably shaped by the traditionalistic political culture, which does not have a favorable view of ethics reform. Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Putting It Together: The Political Culture of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Essay Questions 37. What were the perceived abuses of the administration of Governor E. J. Davis, and how has this administration affected policy choices that have been made, and are still being made, in Texas? The ideal answer should include: 1. The E. J. Davis administration was said to have (1) used the state’s militia to intimidate political opponents; (2) suppressed the publication of newspapers critical of his leadership; and (3) bolstered the rights of formerly enslaved people. It was also characterized by excessive public spending, significant property tax increases, appropriation of public funds for the benefit of the governor’s political and financial allies, and strict control of voter registration by the occupying Union military. 2. The effect of the administration is that it acted to reinforce views against both centralized government power and government and power in general. Today, especially among members of the modern Republican Party, any expansion of government power is subject to intense scrutiny and is often followed by charges of overreach. Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: The Changing Loyalties of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 38. Identify the things Texas possesses that give it significant influence within the nation, and explain why. The ideal answer should include: 1. Texas has an abundance of fertile soil, ideal grazing conditions for cattle, access to the ocean, and a central location in the United States. 2. Fertile soil has allowed Texas to develop a large agrarian economy. Access to the ocean allows Texas to have an active fishing industry and ports. Ports and Texas’s central location provide Texas with an advantage as a central importation and distribution hub. Texas’s oil production provides a source of wealth for the state. Learning Objective: 1.2 Identify the key events from Texas history that have shaped the state’s political landscape. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Modern Statehood Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 12 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

39. Identify the age-related demographic changes projected for Texas in the future. The ideal answer should include: 1. Texas will continue to become younger because young migrants will continue to seek economic opportunity from the diverse economy. 2. These younger populations will continue to cluster in urban areas, leading to greater population density and growth in those areas. 3. The population will grow fastest from ages 18 to 64, which will serve as an important tax base for a longer-living elderly population. Learning Objective: 1.5 Profile the current Texas population (including the major ethnic groups) and identify future demographic developments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas. Topic: Age Demographics Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 40. Identify the conservative influences on Texas’s history and discuss how those influences have affected policy decisions in the state up to the present day. The ideal answer should include: 1. Conservative influences have remained remarkably consistent over the course of 180 years of Texas history. 2. Staunch Democrats that ruled the state for the first 100 years after the Civil War and the Tea Party activists today all have a fierce distrust of government in all forms. 3. In Texas the role of the government is still in question as politics revolve around not only the federal government’s role in state affairs but also the rights of the state to set policy. Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Putting It Together: The Political Culture of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 41. Gregg wants to see Texas remain business friendly in the future and is against the state creating more regulations. In fact, all Gregg really wants is for the state to reduce the number of regulations it currently has. Which political culture do you think Gregg does not care for and why? Which political culture does Gregg most align with? The ideal answer should include: 1. Gregg probably has a dislike for the moralistic political culture, which focuses on the collective good and considers the desires and needs of the community. 2. If one puts the needs of business in front of the needs of the community, a person is mainly influenced by the individualistic political culture, which centers on the individual’s achievement and needs, as opposed to those of the community. 3. Gregg appears to align with the individualistic political culture. 13 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States, and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Putting It Together: The Political Culture of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 42. Compare and contrast the three political cultures. Which one do you believe is the best for Texas? The ideal answer should include: 1. In the individualistic culture, private concerns are more important than public concerns. Those who ascribe to this political culture support relatively low taxes and smaller government and have a general distaste for politicians. 2. This is in contrast to the moralistic political culture, which focuses on the collective good and considers the desires and needs of the community. In this culture the desires of the community, not individual interests, hold sway over policy. 3. Somewhat different than these two is the traditionalistic political culture, which emphasizes a rigid desire to maintain traditional customs and values. Those who ascribe to this political culture have an intense resistance to change. 4. Students should come up with some reasoning that draws from one of the political cultures and tie it to some aspect of policy (smaller government, better protection of the environment, etc.) in Texas. For example, if, as the authors state, voters choose and the winners get to spend tax dollars implementing their goals, then the will of the community should be deemed paramount. Thus, the moralistic political culture would be best for Texas’s collective good. Learning Objective: 1.6 Discuss three political cultures in the United States, and identify the dominant political cultures in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Putting It Together: The Political Culture of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 2 Federalism and the Texas Constitution Multiple Choice Questions 1. The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that __________. A. is best viewed as allowing state governments to do whatever they want B. is best viewed as allowing the national government to do whatever it wants C. grants state and national governments delineated authority D. does not allow the national and state governments to share in funding programs Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Federalism Applied Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 2. How did the COVID-19 pandemic highlight some of the inherent inefficiencies of federalism? A. Both federal and state governments failed to adequately prepare for distributing vaccines. B. The federal government’s complete discretion over mask bans led to public disunity. C. Initial miscommunication caused the federal government to overproduce vaccines. D. State governments all agreed to circumvent CDC regulations regarding public events. Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Federalism Applied Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 3. After escaping from a Texas state prison, John is found a few miles north in nearby Lawton, Oklahoma. Which section of the U.S. Constitution mandates that Oklahoma return fugitives? A. Article I B. Article II C. Article III D. Article IV Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutional Limits on States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 4. When the U.S. Supreme Court rules that a state law is unconstitutional, which level of government is it affirming as supreme? A. national B. state C. local D. city Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. Steven has strong feelings about the need for more governing power to reside at the state level. How can Steven realize this goal? A. run for Congress so he can then pass legislation to change the U.S. Constitution B. work to pass a constitutional amendment that grants the states more authority C. advocate for laws at the state level that will void federal laws D. sue the governor for capitulating to federal authority Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Federalism Applied Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 6. Which political institution has the power of judicial review? A. the executive branch B. the legislative branch C. the judicial branch D. government bureaucracies Answer: C

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Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 7. Frankie wants to protest a recent law that was passed by the Texas legislature, but he is unsure whether he can legally do so. If he asked you where to find evidence of such a right, which amendment in the U.S. Constitution would you direct him to? A. the First Amendment B. the Fifth Amendment C. the Tenth Amendment D. the Twenty-fourth Amendment Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutional Amendments Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 8. The national government can control the states by __________. A. threatening military law if the states do not comply with congressional laws B. forcing the members of a state’s congressional delegation to vacate their offices C. suspending state elections D. providing or withholding money Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgetary Pressure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. George works for a U.S. senator and is asked to determine whether Congress has a certain power. If you were asked, where would you tell George to begin his research? A. Article I of the U.S. Constitution B. Article IV of the U.S. Constitution C. the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights D. the Third Article of the Bill of Rights 17 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgetary Pressure Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 10. The struggle between the national and state governments over which has the authority to do something is ultimately decided by the __________. A. U.S. Congress B. attorney general of Texas C. president D. U.S Supreme Court Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: The Federal Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Under the delineated authority that states possess under the federal system, state constitutions tend to contain many legislative provisions, each creating a __________ government. A. very powerful B. highly restrictive C. somewhat powerful D. somewhat restrictive Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain why state constitutions tend to be long and restrictive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: State Constitutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 12. Which of the following best characterizes how frequently the Texas constitution has been amended compared with other states? A. It is the most amended state constitution in the U.S. B. It is in the top 5 most amended constitutions among the states. C. It is approximately in the middle compared to other states. D. It is one of the least amended constitutions among all U.S. states. 18 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain why state constitutions tend to be long and restrictive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: State Constitutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 13. Why would it be extremely difficult to legalize casino gambling in Texas? A. There is no mechanism for its legalization currently available within government infrastructure. B. It would be unlikely to survive the judicial review process in the Texas Supreme Court. C. Securing a two-thirds vote in the Texas house would be nearly impossible. D. It would have to be changed by a constitutional amendment. Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain why state constitutions tend to be long and restrictive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: State Constitutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14. Which Texas constitution was amended to include precepts of Jacksonian democracy? A. Coahuila y Tejas B. 1836 constitution C. 1845 constitution D. 1861 constitution Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1845 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Which of the following Texas constitutions was adopted after Texas seceded from the United States? A. 1836 constitution B. 1845 constitution C. 1861 constitution D. 1869 constitution Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1861 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 16. Which of the following Texas constitutions was adopted after Texas reentered the Union? A. 1845 constitution B. 1861 constitution C. 1869 constitution D. 1876 constitution Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1869 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 17. Who was E. J. Davis? A. a World War II hero that ran for governor of Texas B. the founder of Dallas C. the Democratic governor during the 1960s who oversaw the integration of African Americans into Texas schools D. Republican governor of Texas during the Reconstruction Era Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1869 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 18. Which of the following Texas constitutions gave the governor significant appointment power? A. 1845 constitution B. 1861 constitution C. 1869 constitution D. 1876 constitution Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. 20 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: The 1869 Constitution Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 19. Which statement best characterizes the 1869 Texas constitution? A. It was a conservative document. B. It concentrated power at the county level. C. It centralized power. D. It made a corrupt administration of the Texas government more probable. Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1869 Constitution Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 20. Which of the following groups attended the constitutional convention of 1875 looking to establish a cheap and weak government? A. radical Republicans B. representatives from other southern states C. Democratic Party leaders D. Texas Grange Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 21. In what year was the current Texas constitution written? A. 1869 B. 1876 C. 1901 D. 1974 Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy 21 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. Which of the following was a populist farmers’ alliance that was influential in the creation of the 1876 Constitution? A. Radical Republicans B. Jacksonian Democrats C. Democratic Party D. Texas Grange Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23. Under the 1876 Constitution, the legislature meets __________. A. every year B. twice a year C. once every two years D. every year all year long Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Limits on Government Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 24. What was the most significant change to the powers of the governor from the 1869 constitution to the 1876 constitution? A. The governor’s powers to appoint a cabinet were dramatically increased under the 1876 Constitution. B. The governor’s powers to appoint a cabinet were taken away. C. The governor was given the power to appoint judges to the Texas supreme court. D. The governor was denied the ability to call special sessions of the legislature. Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Limits on Government Power 22 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 25. Under the 1876 constitution, the Texas governor’s power was __________. A. further increased from the previous constitution B. kept about the same as under the previous constitution C. was reduced a little from what the governor had under the previous constitution D. was reduced significantly from what the governor had under the previous constitution Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Limits on Government Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. The Texas Bill of Rights provides __________ than the U.S. Bill of Rights. A. significantly fewer rights B. about the same amount of rights C. just a couple more rights D. significantly more rights Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: The Bill of Rights Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 27. To amend the Texas constitution, __________ of both houses and __________ of voters must approve. A. half; two-thirds B. two-thirds; a majority C. three-quarters; two-thirds D. majority; majority Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Amending the Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy 23 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. To amend the Texas constitution, the Texas legislature proposes __________. A. a bill with a simple majority and then the governor must sign it B. an amendment with a two-thirds vote of both chambers and the people of Texas must vote for it C. an amendment with a two-thirds vote and the governor must sign it D. an amendment with three-fifths vote, the Texas Supreme Court rules on it, and then the people of Texas must vote for it Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Amending the Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. A 1972 amendment to the Texas Bill of Rights added additional safeguards not provided by its federal counterpart. Which of the following did it ban? A. sex-based discrimination B. discrimination based on disability C. laws that restrict rights based on sexual orientation D. religious teachings in Texas public schools Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Bill of Rights Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 30. Which of the following is not involved in approving amendments to the Texas constitution? A. governor B. senate C. house D. voters Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Amending the Constitution 24 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 31. As of 2020, approximately how often has the Texas constitution been amended? A. fewer than 30 times B. between 50 and 75 times C. just over 500 times D. more than 750 times Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Amending the Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. The current Texas constitution can be characterized as being __________. A. a model for the rest of the nation’s states to follow B. poorly designed C. a model for governmental efficiency D. as well written as the U.S. Constitution Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.6 Explain why those who benefit from the current constitution will work to make comprehensive reform difficult. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Constitutional Revision Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 33. The best opportunity for Texas to have adopted a new constitution was in ___________. A. 1946 after World War II B. 1963 after the assignations of President Kennedy C. 1968 with the election of President Nixon D. 1972 after the Sharpstown political scandal Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.6 Explain why those who benefit from the current constitution will work to make comprehensive reform difficult. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1974 Constitutional Convention Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

34. Why did alumni from Texas A&M University oppose the major constitutional reforms proposed in 1975? A. They would have had to reorganize under shared administration with the University of Texas. B. They would have had to share financial resources with a larger number of universities. C. There was concern it would allow curricular reforms regarding the teaching of evolution. D. Their conservative base rejected a further separation of church and state. Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.6 Explain why those who benefit from the current constitution will work to make comprehensive reform difficult. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1974 Constitutional Convention Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

35. According to the textbook authors, why is there hesitancy among state leaders to revise the Texas constitution? A. Certain groups now in power could potentially lose that power with a revision. B. Changes to the constitution are too easily made. C. It is not really needed, as the state operates at a high level of efficiency. D. A new constitution would have to be approved by the U.S. Congress. Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.6 Explain why those who benefit from the current constitution will work to make comprehensive reform difficult. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Prospects for Revision Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. Which statement is the best description of the current Texas constitution? A. The Texas constitution is viewed as well constructed. B. The Texas constitution is viewed as not well suited for today’s society. C. The Texas constitution is a concise document similar in length and powers of government established by the U.S. Constitution. D. The Texas constitution is well tailored to the values of modern Texans. Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Difficult 26 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Apply What you Know Short Answer Questions 37. What is the purpose of a constitution? Answer: A constitution provides a framework under which government operates, grants power to political institutions, and limits the operation of that power. Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 38. What is judicial review? Answer: Judicial review is the power of the courts to strike down laws that violate the state or national constitution. Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain how state power is constrained by federalism and by the national and state constitutions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 39. What was the primary aim behind passing the U.S. Bill of Rights? Answer: The U.S. Bill of rights was aimed at limiting the power of the national government. Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Constitutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Apply What You Know 40. Discuss the primary difference between the U.S. Constitution and the Texas constitution regarding their length and objectives. Answer: The U.S Constitution is noted for its brevity while the Texas constitution is noted for its extreme length. The objective behind the U.S. Constitution is to convey broad powers while the objective behind the Texas constitution is to severely restrict government power. Learning Objective: 2.3 Explain why state constitutions tend to be long and restrictive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. 27 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: State Constitutions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 41. Which group held the most influence during the constitutional convention of 1875, and what was its members’ primary objective? Answer: The Texas Grange held the most influence during the convention of 1875, and their primary objective was the reduction of government power. Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Essay Questions 42. Discuss the ways in which the federal government can control the states. The ideal answer should include: 1. Federal transfer payments to states act to compel states to comply with federal goals. 2. The federal government can sue states in federal courts to compel states to adhere to federal law. 3. The Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause defines how states treat their citizens. 4. The U.S Bill of Rights provides a uniform standard of treatment across the nation that states must adhere to. Learning Objective: 2.2 Analyze how the national government has gained power within the federalism equation. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: National Gains Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 43. Discuss the major differences between the last four of Texas’s constitutions, and explain the reasons for these differences. The ideal answer should include: 1. The 1861 constitution, which was written when Texas seceded from the Union, made it illegal to free enslaved people. 2. The 1865 constitution was written after Texas was forced back into the Union at the end of the Civil War. It did not make slavery illegal, as the U.S. Congress expected, and this was the primary reason that the constitution of 1869 was written. 28 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. The 1869 constitution was written under the guidance of the Radical Republican Congress during Reconstruction; it created a strong, centralized government. 4. The 1876 constitution was written after the end of Reconstruction; compared to the 1869 constitution, the later document reduced the power of the government. Learning Objective: 2.4 Differentiate among the first six constitutions of Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The Constitutions of Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 44. Discuss the role the Texas Grange played in formulating the Texas constitution of 1876, its members’ main goals, and the reasons they sought these goals. The ideal answer should include: 1. The Grange, a populist farmers’ group, played a major role as the largest block of delegates to the convention of 1875. 2. Grangers wanted a cheap government in order to limit taxation. 3. Grangers wanted a weak government in order to weaken railroad and other commercial interests’ ability to attack farmers’ interests. 4. Grangers feared strong centralized power vested in a governor. Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas Constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 45. Explain why the 1974 constitution and other efforts to revise Texas’s constitution have failed. The ideal answer should include: 1. The proposed 1974 Texas constitution contained right-to-work provisions that were considered hostile by the dominant business interests of the state. 2. It contained school funding equalization, which was considered as too costly. 3. Those interests who could lose benefits under a new constitution are stronger than those interests that would gain. 4. Constitutional revision is not a major concern of Texas voters. Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: The 1876 Constitution Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 29 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

46. Explain the process of amending the Texas constitution and how often amendments have been historically approved by voters. The ideal answer should include: 1. Both the house and the senate must approve the proposed amendment by at least a two-thirds vote. 2. Ratification of amendments approved by the legislature requires majority approval from the voters. 3. The vast majority (almost 90 percent) of all proposals that reach the voters are ratified, in part because of low voter turnout. Learning Objective: 2.5 Analyze how Texas’s current constitution is partially a reaction to the previous Reconstruction-era document and partially a return to pre–Civil War policies. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Amending the Constitution Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Considering the failure to revise the Texas constitution, how would you explain its prospects for revision? The ideal answer should include: 1. Revising the Texas constitution would require a large expenditure of time, money, and effort, and there is no incentive for political leaders to move ahead with revision, given those requirements. As such, revision is not likely to occur. 2. There are many interests that benefit under the established system, so there would be a large amount of opposition to revision. 3. The need to revise the constitution is not well understood by the public, so there is no great push from the people to revise. 4. Even when well-meaning politicians come up with reasonable revisions, they do not go far in the legislative process. Learning Objective: 2.6 Explain why those who benefit from the current constitution will work to make comprehensive reform difficult. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution. Topic: Constitutional Revision Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 3 Voting and Elections in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Today, voting rights in Texas are __________. A. almost universal for all adult citizens B. highly restricted in Texas C. denied to any person that has had a felony conviction D. eagerly exercised by a high percentage of Texans Answer: A Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. After Union troops withdrew from Texas and Republicans were ousted from public office, which of the following were passed to both sanction racial segregation and deny equal rights to African Americans? A. Black codes B. Jim Crow laws C. Reconstruction amendments D. Personal Liberty laws Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: A History of Voting Rights Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. In 1905, the Texas Democratic Party adopted the primary system to replace the caucus method, a process in which _____ selected nominees for elective office. A. current elected officials B. Federal representatives C. party leaders D. the Texas governor Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: White Primary Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 4. Texas progressives believed that a poll tax would reduce the number of poor voters, thus aiding legislation on which issue? 31 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. interracial marriage B. marijuana C. reproductive rights D. prohibition of alcohol Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Poll Tax Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. How did Texas initially attempt to undermine the federal ban on poll taxes outlined in the Twenty-fourth Amendment? A. by having a dual-ballot system that still charged poll taxes for state elections B. by relocating voting sites to remote and rural areas C. by refusing to provide ballots in languages other than English D. by administering a “surcharge” during the voter registration process that mirrored the poll tax Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Poll Tax Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases overturned the White primary based on the logic that political parties are “an agency of the state” that must abide by federal law regarding political participation? A. Texas v. United States B. Smith v. Allwright C. Nixon v. Herndon D. Grovey v. Townsend Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: White Primary Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases overturned provisions in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that required federal approval for changes in voting practice for states with a history of discriminatory behavior? A. Texas v. United States B. Smith v. Allwright C. Shelby County v. Holder D. Grovey v. Townsend Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. 32 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: The Voting Rights Act Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 8. Imagine a moderately affluent African American female in 1926 who wanted to vote in the Texas primary elections of that year. The most daunting barrier for her to vote was __________. A. the poll tax B. lack of suffrage C. the dominance of the Republican Party in the state electoral process D. the White primary Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: White Primary Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 9. Two 2018 newcomers to the U.S. Congress, from El Paso and Houston, became the first _____ women to be elected from Texas. A. Hispanic B. African American C. Asian American D. openly gay Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: The Voting Rights Act Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 10. The poll tax was primarily initiated to __________. A. have a means of paying for state government’s cost of holding elections B. keep minorities and poor people from participating in elections C. to keep women from participating in election D. to comply with the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Poll Tax Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. The __________ ended the state poll tax in Texas. A. Texas legislature B. U.S. Congress 33 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. U.S. Supreme Court D. Democratic Party Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Poll Tax Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 12. If the Texas legislature were to draw political districts in a way that discriminated against minority groups in the voting or registration process, it would be in violation of __________. A. political gerrymandering B. the rules of both political parties C. the Texas Constitution D. the Voting Rights Act Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Voting Rights Act Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 13. The voting rights of an African American living in Texas in 2018 are significantly more secure than that of an African American living in Texas in 1960 because __________. A. the poll tax has been eliminated B. the population of African Americans has increased C. the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965 D. the number of liberal Democrats in the Texas legislature has increased Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Voting Rights Act Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14. David, a university student, moved from Tarrant County to Hays County in August of the academic school year in an election year. For David to vote in the upcoming November election in Hays County, he must __________. A. re-register with his new address at least 30 days before the election B. have voted in the preceding primary election C. call the local political party of his choice to obtain a ballot at least 30 days before the election D. send a registered letter to the elections division of Tarrant County notifying them of his move at least 30 days before the election Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.2 Explain voter registration requirements in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. 34 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Voting in Texas: Qualifications and Registration Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 15. George just moved to Texas and wants to vote in the next election. Which statement describes the process he should now undertake in order to vote do so? A. He should be prepared to pay a fee when submitting his application and, if he is a convicted felon, he must ask the governor for a pardon. B. He can apply for voter registration when applying for a driver’s license at his new address. C. He will be required to register each year. D. He must be 18 years old by election day and be a U.S. citizen. Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.2 Explain voter registration requirements in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Voting in Texas: Qualifications and Registration Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 16. Dale was convicted of arson of a habitation, considered a first-degree felony in Texas. According to state law, when will he be allowed to vote again? A. during community supervision, which includes probation or parole B. never again under any circumstances C. while incarcerated at the next election D. after his sentence, including probation or parole, has been completed Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.2 Explain voter registration requirements in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Voting in Texas: Qualifications and Registration Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 17. _____ occurs when citizens believe there are too many elections, and thus fail to vote. A. Voter fatigue B. Election burnout C. Political nihilism D. Electorate confusion Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Texas Laws Affecting Registration and Turnout Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 18. Which of the following statements best characterizes recent trends in Texas voter turnout among racial and ethnic minorities? A. It has steadily increased over the last decade. 35 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

B. It has remained stable over the last decade. C. It has slightly decreased over the last decade. D. It has steadily decreased over the last decade. Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turns Out Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 19. What major difficulty prevented legislators from rewriting elections laws to account for COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election? A. There was no precedent for rewriting laws on the voting process. B. The legislature was out of session. C. Social distancing measures prevented committees from meeting on the issue. D. The Texas Secretary of State had become ill during this period and could not convene. Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Texas Laws Affecting Registration and Turnout Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 20. In which of the following elections did Texas see the largest number of votes cast in its history? A. 2012 gubernatorial election B. 2014 presidential election C. 2016 gubernatorial election D. 2020 presidential election Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Turnout in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 21. Turnout is defined as the percentage of __________ who cast ballots. A. the voting age population B. the voting eligible population C. total population D. registered voters Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Turnout in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy 36 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. Differences in voter turnout rates by race and ethnicity can be primarily explained by looking at the differences in __________ levels. A. marriage B. labor participation C. education D. income Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turns Out Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Analyze It 23. Which percentage of Texans voted early in the 2020 election? A. 26% B. 55% C. 73% D. 87% Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Texas Laws Affecting Registration and Turnout Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. Which group’s share of the total vote in Texas in 2020 significantly overrepresented its percentage of the total Texas population? A. Non-Hispanic White people B. Hispanics C. African Americans D. Asian Americans Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turnouts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 25. The __________ a person is, the __________ they are to vote. A. younger; more likely B. older; more likely C. older; less D. younger; more Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. 37 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turnouts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. Which of the following characteristics is the best indicator of who will vote? A. race B. education C. family tradition D. income Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turnouts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 27. It can be generally stated that __________ then __________. A. the angrier a voter is about an issue, the more likely he or she is to vote B. the angrier a voter is about an issue, the less likely he or she is to vote C. if a state has a history of a traditionalistic political culture, voter turnout tends to be higher D. if a state has a history of a moralistic political culture, voter turnout tends to be lower Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turns Out Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 28. Primary elections in Texas are __________. A. partisan B. a rare occurrence C. held in November D. held for all political parties Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Primary Election Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. Why is the Green Party guaranteed ballot access in Texas until 2026? A. It received 5 percent of the vote in the 2020 presidential election. B. It received 2 percent of the vote in the 2016 Texas Railroad Commission race. C. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that all parties established before 1950 may be on the ballot. D. It secured 250,000 signatures during the last general election cycle. Answer: B 38 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 30. When voters don’t recognize either name on a ballot race, who are they more likely to vote for? A. the name listed first B. the name listed last C. the shortest name D. the name most similar to their own Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 31. If Miguel considers himself a Republican, when does he make a formal statement about his partisan affiliation? A. He identifies as a Republican when he registers to vote. B. He does so when he votes during a general election. C. He does so when he votes during a special election. D. He does so when he votes during a primary election. Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Primary Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 32. If you want to become a state representative, you will first have to __________. A. win the general election for the position B. win a special election for the position C. win a primary election for the position D. get the blessing of a political party’s leadership Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Primary Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 33. In a primary election, if the candidate who got the most votes did not garner more than 50 percent of the votes, then a __________ is held. 39 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. special election B. general election C. runoff election D. election for governor Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Primary Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 34. How are office holders chosen? A. through a primary election B. during a party convention C. through a general election D. through a special election Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 35. To win office in a general election, a candidate must receive __________. A. 33 percent of the votes B. a majority of the votes C. at least half of the votes D. a plurality of the votes Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 36. Which Texas governor won office without receiving a majority of the vote? A. Gregg Abbott B. Rick Perry C. George W. Bush D. Ann Richards Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

40 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

37. What determines which political party’s candidates will be listed first on the ballot for each race? A. the drawing of straws each decennial B. the party that controls the Legislature for each biennial session C. the party that wins a coin toss after each U.S. Census D. the party that won the most recent governor’s race Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: General Election Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. If a state legislator leaves office before the end of his or her tenure, how is a new person chosen to fill the vacancy? A. The governor selects a person. B. A primary election is held. C. A general election is held. D. A special election is held. Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Special Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 39. If the Texas legislature proposes a constitutional amendment, a(n) __________ can be called to determine its fate. A. off-year election B. primary election C. general election D. special election Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Special Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 40. A school board decides that it needs to build new schools and must sell bonds to finance them. The school board __________. A. will have to wait until the next off-year election B. will have to wait until the next national election C. will have to wait until the next gubernatorial election D. can call a special election Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. 41 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Special Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. According to the textbook, recent special elections in Texas have had a turnout rate of __________. A. less than 15 percent B. 25 percent C. 50 percent D. more than 75 percent Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Special Election Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 42. Because the Republican Party has controlled state-wide races for so many years, most campaign spending __________. A. is done for the primary election B. is actually very low C. is done for the general election D. has been limited by the Texas Legislature for legislative races Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 43. An individual who wants to give money to candidates for office in Texas is __________. A. limited on how much they can give per candidate B. limited on the total amount given to all candidates during any calendar year C. not limited on any of the races D. not limited as to how much they can give to candidates except in judicial races Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

42 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

44. To view how a candidate spends his or her campaign contributions you can visit the __________ website. A. Secretary of State’s B. Texas Ethics Commission’s C. governor’s D. candidate’s Answer: B Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 45. To better identify potential supporters, candidates rely on __________, a process that builds a sophisticated portrait of individual voters. A. data mining B. the political parties C. the door knocking survey technique D. mail advertisements Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 46. According to the textbook authors, which of the following governors created a strong social media presence? A. Greg Abbott B. Rick Perry C. George W. Bush D. Ann Richards Answer: A Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 47. Texas corporations __________. A. can give campaign contribution directly to candidates B. can only give campaign contributions to judicial candidates C. cannot spend money on politics D. can give money to PACs for political purposes Answer: D Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. 43 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 48. Marisol is a candidate for the open Texas Supreme Court seat. She received a donation of $42,000 from a single source. Based on the contribution limits, who of the following could have provided it? A. an individual B. a law firm C. a political action committee (PAC) D. a family Answer: C Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Short Answer Questions 49. Explain three ways in which Texas laws limited voter participation. Answer: Texas laws limited voter participation through use of the poll tax, the White primary, racial gerrymandering, and disenfranchisement of women. The poll tax was a financial barrier for poor people and minorities; the White primary constrained African American participation in primary elections; racial gerrymandering drew political district lines so that African Americans could not elect a member of their own community to political office; and women were not allowed to vote until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: A History of Voting Rights Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 50. What law led to significant federal intervention into voting rights in Texas? What were the results of its passage? Answer: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed the federal government to intervene in states where state laws suppressed minority voting rights. The act protected all voters’ rights against discrimination in the registration or voting process. In addition, this law prohibited racial gerrymandering, a process by which districts were redrawn to prevent minority communities from electing their members to elective offices and thereby increasing the number of minorities in office. Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: The Voting Rights Act Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

44 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

51. Identify and compare the ways that voter turnout can be measured. Which is better for measuring voting participation? Why? Answer: Voter turnout is defined as the percentage of registered voters that turn out to vote. Voter turnout can be measured either as the percentage of registered voters who vote or as the percentage of voting-age population who vote. The best measure is the latter because it is based on a percentage of all people that are eligible to vote, whereas voter turnout of registered voters is based on only those who are registered, which is only 80 percent of those who are eligible. Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Turnout in Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 52. Explain why the White non-Hispanic demographic has the highest level of voter participation. Answer: White non-Hispanics are older than other social groups, and older people vote at higher rates. White non-Hispanics tend to have higher education, professional status, income, and wealth than minority groups do (excluding Asian Americans), and these characteristics are associated with higher voter participation. Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turns Out Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 53. How can campaign spending for a state-wide primary election be higher than for a state-wide general election? Answer: Republican dominance of state-wide races makes the primary election more important (more competitive) than the general election. Learning Objective: 3.5 Explain the obstacles to running a campaign in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Campaigning Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Essay Questions 54. Analyze three voting reform efforts undertaken in the United States, and discuss the benefits and criticism of each. The ideal answer should include: 1. Voting reform efforts include same-day voting, vote by mail, absentee voting, election day registration, voter identification, and early voting. 2. All except voter identification have increased voter participation. 3. Criticisms leveled at these efforts include the fact that uninformed voters are encouraged to vote, which can lead to poorer choices. Also, there may be a social cost to early voting, as it is no longer a “civic” day for the nation and state. Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. 45 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Texas Laws Affecting Registration and Turnout Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 55. Compare the 2020 voter participation levels of Hispanics to those of other social groups in terms of their share of the vote to their share of the overall population in the state. What factors explain low voter participation by the Hispanic community? The ideal answer should include: 1. The answer should discuss how low the Hispanic vote is compared to its share of the population. 2. The answer should discuss how the White non-Hispanic population is overrepresented in the overall share of the vote compared to its share of the state’s total population. 3. The answer should discuss how similar the Asian American and African American share of the vote is similar to each group’s share of the state’s total population. 4. The answer should discuss the socioeconomic factors that affect voter participation, language barrier, as well as a history in Texas of a traditionalistic political culture that suppressed voter participation. Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Who Turns Out Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 56. Describe the different types of elections held in Texas. Identify the function of each and compare their turnout rates. The ideal answer should include: 1. The three major types of elections are general, primary, and special elections. 2. The general election is held in November of even-numbered years for national and offyear congressional elections. General elections held for electing a president (national elections) have a higher turnout rate than general congressional off-year elections, primary elections, and special elections. 3. Primary elections are elections for selecting a political party’s nominee for elective offices. Turnout for these elections is considered very low, lower than for congressional off-year elections. 4. Special elections are used for filling vacancies in legislative offices, for constitutional amendments, and for local bond elections. Turnout rates for special elections are the lowest of all elections. Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Types of Elections Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

46 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

57. Explain the purpose of the primary election. When are primaries held, and how does a candidate win? Characterize voter turnout for primary elections compared to other types of elections. The ideal answer should include: 1. A primary election the process through which major parties choose their nominees for the general election. 2. A primary is held in March of even-numbered years. 3. A candidate must win more than 50 percent of the vote and, if not, there is a runoff election between the top two vote getters. 4. Voter participation is lower in the primary than in the general election. Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Primary Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 58. Explain the differences in voter turnout rates for presidential and gubernatorial elections. The ideal answer should include: 1. The answer should discuss the intense media coverage of national elections versus off-year gubernatorial elections. 2. The answer should reference the narrow electorate turnout for gubernatorial elections. Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Types of Elections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 59. Explain the circumstances under which a special election can be held in Texas and how much voter turnout is expected for them. The ideal answer should include: 1. A special election can be held when there are unexpected political vacancies. 2. A special election may be held to ratify an amendment to the state constitution. 3. A special election may be held to approve bond issues. 4. Low voter turnout is considered a norm in special elections. Learning Objective: 3.4 Differentiate among primary, general, and special elections. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Special Election Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 60. Explain why poll taxes were implemented into Texas elections, how they were removed, and how Texas attempted to prevent their removal. The ideal answer should include: 1. They were used to disenfranchise poor and minority voters and reduce voter turnout. 2. Progressives wanted to reduce corruption and spur efforts to maintain Prohibition. 3. The Twenty-fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned poll taxes. 47 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Texas developed a dual-ballot system that still used poll taxes in state races. Learning Objective: 3.1 Identify past restrictions on voting rights in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Poll Tax Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 61. Describe the different voting reform measures states have undertaken to increase turnout and make participation easier. The ideal answer should include: 1. They allowed automatic registration or same-day registration on Election Day. 2. They allowed all voting to be conducted by mail. 3. They liberalized their voting rules, allowing voters to cast ballots by mail merely by asking. Learning Objective: 3.3 Analyze causes of low voter turnout in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze the state and local election process. Topic: Texas Laws Affecting Registration and Turnout Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

48 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 4 Political Parties in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which is one of the main objectives of a political party? A. to manipulate public opinion B. to control interest groups C. to raise money for candidates D. to win elections Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. Which 2019 education legislation was passed unanimously, illustrating that bipartisanship is possible in modern Texas politics? A. inclusion of history curriculum based on the contributions of Mexican Americans B. infrastructure support for low-income schools in the Rio Grande Valley C. pay raises for the state’s teachers D. increases in community college funding Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Which of the following best describes how Texas Democrats fared during the 2020 election? A. a moderate success, much like their performance in 2018 B. minimal progress, as Republicans still have strong majorities in both houses C. significant losses, despite the lack of support for former President Trump nationwide D. a historically strong performance, signaling an imminent return to power Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

49 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Since __________, the Republican Party has had a majority in both the Texas house and senate. A. 1978 B. 1981 C. 1994 D. 2003 Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 5. Which of the following political parties now controls state government in Texas? A. Libertarian B. Republican C. Democratic D. Green Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 6. In which year did the Republicans begin to dominate state-wide elections? A. 1978 B. 1981 C. 1994 D. 2003 Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 7. Which of the following is an alliance of individuals and groups in support of a particular candidate? A. a coalition B. a faction C. a plutocracy D. an aristocracy 50 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.1 Explain why political parties exist. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Political Parties Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 8. ______ are political groups that usually agree on some sort of basic, often vaguely defined, set of ideas, but there is also a fair amount of tension and rivalry. A. Committees B. Parties C. Coalitions D. Factions Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 9. Which third party was created by Ross Perot when he ran for president of the United States in the 1990s? A. the Tea Party B. the Reform Party C. the People’s Party D. the Alliance Party Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 10. What is the remuneration for serving as a party’s state chair? A. no salary B. $7,200/year C. $72,000/year D. $150,000/year Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices 51 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. A __________ is the formal meeting of a political party where it selects its leadership. A. platform B. primary C. convention D. coalition Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 12. The members of a party’s state executive committee are __________. A. appointed by the party’s chair B. elected during the party’s convention C. elected in a statewide vote during the primary election D. elected in a statewide vote during the general election Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 13. Which of the following statements best describes the effect of COVID-19 on the state party conventions in Texas? A. Only one of the parties still met in person and neither finished its party business in time. B. Both parties were required to meet online, and Republicans experienced several difficulties. C. The state conventions were canceled due to the unprecedented effects of the pandemic. D. The conventions had to be held concurrently at the same site, which had never been done. Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14. How many members are there on a party’s state executive committee? A. 31 B. 62 52 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. 150 D. 435 Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Which level of a party is the basic or grassroots level? A. precinct level B. county level C. state level D. national level Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 16. A party’s state chair is chosen __________. A. by the voters of a county during the general election B. by a party’s primary voters C. by the party’s state executive committee D. by the party’s state convention delegates Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 17. A political party’s county chairs are selected __________. A. by the voters of a county during the general election B. by a party’s primary voters C. by the party’s state executive committee D. by the party’s state convention delegates Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices 53 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 18. What is the basic unit of the Texas political system? A. state-wide office B. Texas House District C. Texas county D. precinct Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 19. Precinct chairs are selected __________. A. by the voters of a county during the general election B. by a party’s primary voters C. by the party’s state executive committee D. by the party’s state convention delegates Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 20. The term of office for a county chair is __________. A. 2 years B. 4 years C. 5 years D. 6 years Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 21. What is the remuneration for serving as county chair? A. no salary B. $7,200/year C. $72,000/year 54 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. $150,000/year Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Elected Party Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. For most of the 20th century, Texas politics was marked by __________. A. competition between Democrats and Republicans B. competition between Libertarians and Democrats C. competition between liberal and conservative Democrats D. competition between Populist and Republicans Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 23. Which of the following statements best characterizes Texas voter turnout during the 2020 presidential election? A. Although turnout was higher, it failed to reach the numbers of the 2016 presidential election. B. Texas voter turnout was lower than in the past three presidential elections. C. Almost half of all registered voter went to the polls, roughly the same rate as in 2018. D. It was the highest level of turnout since 1992. Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Democratic Party Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. When did the Democratic Party formally organize in Texas? A. 1845 B. 1876 C. 1961 D. 1978 Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. 55 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Beginning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25. For most of Texas history, the Republican Party was associated with __________. A. business conservatives B. social conservative C. African Americans D. northern unionists Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Beginning Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. By the early 1900s, political conflict was occurring in Texas between __________. A. liberal Democrats and liberal Republicans B. conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans C. progressive Republicans and conservative Republicans D. progressive Democrats and conservative Democrats Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 27. Which of the following Texas politicians eventually became president of the United States? A. Sam Rayburn B. Ralph Yarborough C. Lyndon Johnson D. Bill Clements Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Easy 56 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 28. The election of Texas governors like Miriam “Ma” Ferguson, Pat Neff, and William Hobby in the 1910s and 1920s illustrated that success in this era _____. A. was predicated on progressive principles B. required politicians to embrace the New Deal policies of Franklin Roosevelt C. depended solely on adherence to the principles of the Republican Party D. depended more on personality than philosophy Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 29. Which of the following Texas politicians became the first Republican governor in 105 years? A. Sam Rayburn B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Bill Clements Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The End of Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 30. Few political observers predicted that when Ann Richards was elected governor in 1990 it would be the last time that a _____. A. woman would hold a statewide office in Texas B. Democrat would win that office for at least the next 30 years C. Republican would win the governorship D. member of a third party would win a statewide office in Texas Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The End of Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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31. Which of the following groups moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? A. progressive Democrats B. liberal Democrats C. conservative Democrats D. African Americans Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The End of Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 32. The Republican Party has controlled state politics in Texas for the last __________. A. 20 years B. 30 years C. 40 years D. 105 years Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Republican Party Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. The Republican Party’s primary constituency group for the first 30 years after Reconstruction was __________. A. business conservatives B. banking and commercial interests C. progressives D. African Americans Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Post–Reconstruction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. The modern Republican Party in Texas began with the election of ___________. A. E. J. Davis B. John Tower C. Bill Clements D. George W. Bush 58 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Birth of the Modern Republican Party in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 35. Why was a special election held in Texas after the presidential election of Lyndon Johnson in 1960? A. The U.S. Constitution prohibits a person from holding seats in two governmental branches. B. Several U.S. Representatives from Texas resigned in protest of his election. C. Both the majority and minority senators from Texas suddenly died that year. D. It was mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court. Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Birth of the Modern Republican Party in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 36. Which of the following races would be considered a down-ballot race? A. president B. governor C. U.S. senator D. lieutenant governor Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Reagan Years Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Apply What You Know 37. In what year did Texas become a two-party state? A. 1961 B. 1978 C. 1988 D. 1994 Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: A Two-Party State Difficulty Level: Easy 59 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. It is generally understood that __________. A. African Americans are now discovering the historical roots of the Republican Party and are voting for Republicans at higher rates than 15 years ago B. increasingly larger numbers of White voters vote for the Republican Party C. Hispanics have steadily become more Republican over the past 15 years D. Asian Americans vote for Republican Party candidates more than Democratic Party candidates Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Are Demographics Destiny? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Apply What You Know 39. The textbook authors state that __________. A. the Libertarian Party will soon reach 20 percent of the vote B. the Republican Party will continue to dominate state politics well into the next 25 years C. the Green Party is increasingly taking Democratic Party votes D. the Democratic Party can win the majority by increasing voter turnout Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 40. Which of the following is most significant in determining the future of the Democratic Party in Texas? A. demographics B. education levels of Anglos C. voting patterns of Anglos D. voting patterns of African Americans Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Are Demographics Destiny? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. Although _____ are more likely to vote Democratic, Republicans like George W. Bush and Rick Perry have done very well with this group of voters. 60 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. African Americans B. Hispanics C. White people D. social liberals Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Are Demographics Destiny? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 42. Which of the following groups would be more likely to vote Republican? A. White people B. African American C. Asian American D. Hispanics Answer: A Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 43. Which of the following characteristics best describes a social conservative? A. supports governmental regulation of big business B. supports government regulation of moral issues C. supports governmental programs for poor people D. is highly secular Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 44. Which of the following characteristics best describes a Libertarian? A. supports governmental regulation of big business B. opposes government regulation of moral issues C. supports governmental programs for poor people D. opposes abortion rights Answer: B Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 45. Which of the following is a description of the Tea Party? A. a new political party established in 2008 B. more conservative than populist C. the same as the Trump wing of the Republican Party D. opposed to the business wing of the Republican Party Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 46. When asked about his political beliefs, Jeff states that he strongly believes in limiting the size of government through reducing taxes and imposing conservative fiscal policies. He also believes in individual and cultural freedoms, suggesting that most recreational drugs should be legal. Which political party most closely aligns with Jeff’s beliefs and policy positions? A. the Green Party B. the Democratic Party C. the Republican Party D. the Libertarian Party Answer: D Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Today, the most prominent factional rift in the Democratic Party is between __________ and __________. A. liberals; conservatives B. African Americans; Hispanics C. progressives; liberals D. Anglos; African Americans Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. 62 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 48. Which statement best describes how partisanship is used to organize the Texas legislature? A. Power in the legislature is structured along strict party lines. B. Power in the legislature is based on equal partisanship control of committee chairs. C. The Texas house tends to be more bipartisan than in the Texas senate. D. The Texas senate tends to be more bipartisan than in the Texas house. Answer: C Learning Objective: 4.7 Explain the role of partisanship in Texas governance. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Partisanship in Texas Governance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Short Answer 49. What is a coalition? Answer: A coalition is an alliance consisting of a variety of individuals and groups in support of a particular candidate for elected office. Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 50. What is an ideological party? Answer: An ideological party is one built around a set of principles that are its primary unifying concept. Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 51. Explain the differences between the four political parties in Texas. Answer: 1. The Republican Party is conservative. 2. The Democratic Party is liberal. 3. The Libertarian Party is mainly ideological. 4. The Green Party is an environmental party and tends to draw votes away from the Democratic Party. Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. 63 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 52. What was the most significant aspect of President Obama’s ground game? Answer: President Obama invested resources to identify friendly voters and get them to vote. Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Parties’ Constituents Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 53. Sue Ellen recently moved to Texas from Alabama. She was not involved in politics in Alabama, but now, after moving to Texas, she wants to join a local party organization. Sue Ellen’s main political concern is the moral decay she sees in Texas that she attributes to lower attendance at her Judeo-Christian church. Which political party would you suggest Sue Ellen join, and why? Answer: An argument could be made that the Republican Party would be the best fit for Sue Ellen because its social conservative wing is primarily concerned with moral decay as the source of society’s problems. She would not be a good fit for the Libertarian Party because government regulation is not an issue for her and Libertarians support social freedoms, which is the opposite of what the Republican Party supports. She would not be a good fit for the Democratic Party either, because Democrats support gay marriage and other social freedoms that are at the center of the idea of the moral decay of society. Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Party’s Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Essay Questions 54. What are the differences between ideological parties and coalitional parties? The ideal answer should include: 1. An ideological political party is one united around a set of principles. These are found mainly in other countries and third parties in the United States. 2. A coalitional political party is one in which alliances have formed between different groups that may not agree on all policy options. Learning Objective: 4.2 Differentiate between ideological and coalitional parties. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Structure Difficulty Level: Difficult 64 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Analyze It 55. Explain why political party platforms are often unimportant to political candidates running for elected office. The ideal answer should include: 1. Platforms tend to garner limited coverage from the media. 2. Winning elections is more important to most officeholders than strict adherence to the party’s platform. 3. Most voters are never going to read their party’s platform and thus are ignorant of what their party platform states on a wide range of issues. Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 56. What is the difference between a county convention and a state senatorial district convention? The ideal answer should include: 1. A county convention is called for when the entire county that is in one state senate district. This in contrast to a senatorial district convention that is called for a county that is partitioned by two state senate districts. 2. All counties that have been partitioned by a particular senatorial district will meet together. 3. Both county conventions and are midlevel conventions in which a platform is drafted and delegates to the state convention selected. Learning Objective: 4.3 Describe the levels of the political party organization in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Conventions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 57. Describe the history of the two main political parties in Texas and the periods when each was dominant. The ideal answer should include: 1. The Republican Party controlled state politics from the end of the Civil War until the end of Reconstruction. 2. After Reconstruction, the Democratic Party ruled for more than 100 years. 3. In 1961, Jim Hightower became the first Republican to win a state-wide race in Texas since the Reconstruction Era. 4. In 1978 Bill Clements became the first elected Republican governor of Texas in 105 years, after the Democratic Party fissured between the liberal and conservative wings of the party. 5. The Republican Party became better organized during the Reagan presidency, and in 1994 it began to control state-wide political offices. By 2003, it controlled the legislature.

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Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas; 4.5 Explain the Republican Party’s recent success in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Democratic Party; The Republican Party Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 58. Describe the main reasons that the Democratic Party lost its dominant control over Texas politics in the 1990s. The ideal answer should include: 1. Low taxes and the advent of air conditioning caused an influx of immigration from out-of-state Republicans. 2. As the national party became more liberal, conservative Democrats made a permanent migration to the Republican Party. 3. The inability to win down-ballot races made it difficult for Democrats to field candidates with statewide name recognition. Learning Objective: 4.4 Explain the long and successful history of the Democratic Party in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The End of Democratic Dominance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 59. What are the four major factions of the Republican Party? What are the main concerns of each faction? The ideal answer should include: 1. The four main factions of the Republican Party are the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, the libertarian conservatives, and Tea Party activists. 2. The economic conservatives are primarily concerned with keeping taxes low and reducing government regulation of business. 3. Social conservatives are primarily concerned with moral issues, especially opposing abortion and gay rights. 4. Libertarian conservatives are primarily concerned with smaller government and less regulation, while also seek less government constraint on social issues. 5. Tea Party activists were initially concerned with government bailout programs during the economic crisis of 2008. Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Party’s Constituents Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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60. Point out the major challenges faced by Texas Democrats trying to create a new Democratic majority in the electorate. The ideal answer should include: 1. Democrats need to increase voter turnout rates among core constituents. 2. Democrats need to increase registration of Hispanics. 3. Democrats need to increase enthusiasm among its core constituents. 4. Democrats need to focus on key issues, such as immigration, education, and framing the Republican Party as extreme. 5. Democrats need to prevent a rift between the liberal and progressive wings of the party. Learning Objective: 4.6 Analyze the challenges facing each major party today. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Party Politics in Texas Today Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 5 Interest Groups in Texas Politics Multiple Choice Questions 1. An important role of interest groups in the legislative process is to provide __________. A. campaign funds B. candidates for office C. a counterbalance to political parties D. information Answer: D Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify and explain the roles of interest groups in politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Roles of Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. Which of the following is the primary reason for interest groups? A. To find and run candidates for office B. To win elections C. To influence elected officials D. To bring together like-minded groups to act in the political arena Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify and explain the roles of interest groups in politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Interest Groups’ Purpose Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Interest groups primarily __________ while political parties __________. A. seek to influence elected officials; seek to nominate candidates to run for office B. do not support candidates with campaign contributions; do support candidates with campaign contributions C. seek to influence a wide range of policy areas; have a narrowly tailored policy agenda D. take a stance on a wide range of issues; focus on a few policy areas Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify and explain the roles of interest groups in politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Interest Groups’ Purpose Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 68 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Why are interest groups vital to their own rank-and-file members? A. They provide equal opportunities for all members to have their concerns heard. B. They prevent them needing to know about every government decision that affects their interest. C. They deliver critical financial dividends throughout the legislative cycle. D. They give all citizens the same ability to advance their interests. Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify and explain the roles of interest groups in politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Interest Groups: The Case For Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. The Texas Taxpayer and Research Association is a(n) __________ interest group. A. ethnic-based B. labor-based C. business D. single issue Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. Which of the following best explains why teachers in Texas are not allowed to go on strike? A. The Texas Supreme Court labeled them essential workers, along with health care employees. B. A vote of superintendents disavowed the practice in the late 1990s. C. Employees in education are first responders for child abuse. D. Public employee unions are illegal in Texas. Answer: D Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. The AFL-CIO is a(n) __________ interest group. A. ethnic-based B. labor-based 69 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. business D. single issue Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 8. The NAACP is a(n) __________ interest group. A. ethnic-based B. labor-based C. business D. single issue Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. Why can ethnic-based interest groups, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), also be considered economic groups? A. Group memberships are based on fees and dues. B. Equality can often be measured in economic terms, such as equal pay for equal work. C. Race and economic issues are indistinct in Texas labor laws. D. The primary voting motivation for all racial and ethnic groups is personal wealth. Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 10. LULAC is a(n) __________ interest group. A. ethnic-based B. labor-based C. business D. single-issue Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. 70 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. MALDEF is a(n) __________ interest group. A. ethnic-based B. labor-based C. business D. single-issue Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Economic Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 12. If you wanted to join an interest group that seeks to protect the environment, you would join a(n) __________ interest group. A. economic B. public C. private D. business Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Public Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 13. An animal rights group is considered a(n) __________ interest group. A. economic B. public C. private D. business Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Public Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy 71 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 14. The League of Women Voters is considered a(n) __________ interest group. A. economic B. public C. private D. women’s equal rights Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Public Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Interest groups provide __________, the life blood of the legislative process. A. money B. information C. networking D. trust Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Methods of Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 16. In the Texas legislature, almost all of the __________ bills passed in every session are passed during the __________ of the proceedings. A. 7,500; last 60 days B. 1,250; last 30 days C. 800; last 20 days D. 150; last 40 days Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Methods of Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 17. Charles was hired by the Texas Farm Bureau Federation to represent the organization on an upcoming bill regarding the legalization of medical marijuana. Per his contract, he will no longer 72 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

work for the federation after the vote on this specific legislation has concluded. Which term best describes what type of lobbyist Charles is? A. medical specialist B. hired gun C. solo practitioner D. independent contractor Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 18. If you are working on behalf of an interest group and serve as a point of contact between the group and policy makers, you are __________. A. a lobbyist B. a partisan C. a political operative D. the bureaucratic staff Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 19. Why do Texas legislators rely on expertise from lobbyists in crafting or understanding laws? A. They cannot be experts in all the technical matters for which they must write legislation. B. Most Texas politicians lack university degrees. C. Legislators spend most of the 140-day session engaged in required public relations obligations. D. It is their only objective, non-partisan source of information on these issues. Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. Which of the following is the main reason for requiring lobbyists to register with the state if they are involved in direct communication with the legislative or executive branch? 73 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. possible conflicts of interest with legislation at the federal level B. potentially harmful foreign influences in state affairs C. documentation of expenditures for tax purposes D. public disclosure of lobbyists’ expenditures Answer: D Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 21. How does an interest group typically try to sway the opinion of a legislator to either support or oppose a bill? A. threaten to run an opponent against the legislator during the next election B. offer campaign contributions C. write a position paper on the bill and give it to the legislator D. get the governor to call the legislator about the bill Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. If a lobbyist cannot schedule a meeting with a legislator, that lobbyist’s next best option is to__________. A. run an ad in the local newspaper informing the legislator’s constituents that the legislator is not doing his or her job B. ask the speaker of the house to help schedule a meeting C. ask the governor’s chief of staff to intervene D. buy lunch for the legislator’s staff Answer: D Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23. Texas has __________ limitations on lobbyists. A. strict B. moderate C. few 74 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. no Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. In Texas, lobbyists must disclose their expenditures if they spend more than _____ a day per recipient. A. $50 B. $114 C. $212 D. $400 Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25. The target of interim oversight is __________. A. the legislative staff B. the governor C. the bureaucracy D. the Texas Supreme Court Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 26. If a group has difficulty getting positive results from the legislative or executive branch, its next best option is to __________. A. file litigation B. provide campaign contributions to the Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor C. march on Austin D. mobilize membership Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. 75 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Litigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 27. Susan is the membership coordinator for the Texas chapter of the Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit advocacy group that advances environmentally sustainable causes. She knows that their will soon be a legislative debate over a bill to loosen regulations on oil drilling. To convince legislators that this will be an unpopular decision, she begins a massive letter-writing campaign for all the members of her chapter. Which strategy is Susan using in this instance? A. grassroots advocacy B. membership mobilization C. indirect lobbying D. PAC lobbying Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Membership Mobilization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 28. The two key assets interest groups provide to candidates are __________. A. information and campaign contributions B. personnel to man campaign offices and coordinated campaign advertisement C. insight to constituency opinions and partisan support D. partisan support and public opinion survey research Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Money and Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. Most interest groups rely on __________ to fund their internal operations. A. rich benefactors B. corporate donations C. membership dues D. fundraisers Answer: C

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Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Internal Funding Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. Interest groups rely on __________ to provide campaign contributions to candidates. A. individual contributions from members B. political action committees C. coordination with the major political parties D. direct corporate donations to candidates Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 31. More than _____ of the money spent in Texas legislative and executive races comes from interest groups, not including expenditures made by PACs independent of campaigns. A. three-quarters B. one-third C. half D. two-thirds Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. The ability of an interest group to contact policy makers to enlist their help is known as _____. A. access B. political capital C. the “red phone” D. leverage Answer: A 77 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. During the legislative session, __________. A. a legislator can receive campaign contributions from an interest group B. a legislator cannot receive campaign contributions from an interest group C. a legislator can receive campaign contributions from an interest group only if he or she reports it to the presiding officer of their chamber D. a legislator can receive campaign contributions from an interest group if he or she reports it to the attorney general’s office Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 34. Most PAC money goes __________. A. to the challenger B. to the incumbent C. equally to the incumbent and challenger D. to the political party with which the PAC is affiliated Answer: B Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 35. An interest group’s campaign contributions are meant to __________. A. buy the votes of legislators B. influence party leaders C. ensure access to legislators and executive officials D. ensure their party affiliation is secure Answer: C

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Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. Why are most legislative races in Texas decided in the primary election? A. a lack of regulation on campaign spending B. voter fatigue C. gerrymandering D. the absence of any third parties in Texas politics Answer: C Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: External Funding: PACs Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 37. Legislators are vulnerable to interest group influence because __________. A. the legislature is understaffed B. most legislators come from the membership of interest groups C. campaigns are understaffed and interest groups provide the personnel to man campaign offices D. they need help resisting the power of the governor Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.5 Show the links between interest groups and other participants in the Texas political environment. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Iron Triangle Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. Which of the following is not a part of the iron triangle? A. the governor B. interest groups C. bureaucratic agencies D. legislators Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.5 Show the links between interest groups and other participants in the Texas political environment. 79 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Iron Triangle Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 39. Which of the following is the most common way for Texas governors to insert themselves into the iron triangle? A. vetoing a bill B. appealing to the Texas Supreme Court C. direct messaging to the public D. hiring lobbyists to influence the legislative branch Answer: A Learning Objective: 5.5 Show the links between interest groups and other participants in the Texas political environment. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Iron Triangle Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Short Answer Questions 40. If you wanted to convince a government official to take a specific action that benefits an interest, how would you do that? Answer: I would engage in lobbying activities around personal contact with elected officials, providing money for campaigns through PACs and using litigation to address specific legislation. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: How Interest Groups Achieve Their Goals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. Discuss the three ways in which interest groups can achieve their policy goals. Answer: Interest groups can achieve their goals by lobbying legislators, by forming political action committees and making campaign contributions to specific candidates, and by litigation. Lobbying legislators involves providing information that explains the group’s position on a piece of legislation. A political action committee (PAC) is a means by which an interest group’s membership can funnel monies to candidates that support the group’s goals. Litigation is the process of using the courts to stop a law that is not viewed favorably by the group or is being implemented in a way that the group does not believe is the intent of the legislature. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. 80 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: How Interest Groups Achieve Their Goals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 42. Explain what is meant by the term “hired gun.” Answer: A “hired gun” is a professional lobbyist who is hired out to various interest groups to represent them on a particular issue. The relationship ends once the issue is resolved. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Lobbyists Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 43. Explain the term “membership mobilization” and provide three examples. Answer: Membership mobilization involves prompting a group’s membership to contact policy makers, either individually or en masse. Examples include contacting legislators in person, by email or letter, with a telephone call, through protest events, or by candidate endorsements. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Membership mobilization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 44. What are the two things interests groups provide in the iron triangle relationship? Answer: As one point of an iron triangle, interest groups provide campaign funds to legislators and information to legislators and agencies. Learning Objective: 5.5 Show the links between interest groups and other participants in the Texas political environment. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Iron Triangle Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

81 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Essay Questions 45. Explain the main arguments for and against the use of interest groups in politics. The ideal answer should include: 1. Interest groups speak for voters and help call attention to specific societal needs. 2. Members don’t have to follow every bill, rule, regulation, and implementation decision that the government considers. 3. The political system in Texas creates an environment in which moneyed interest groups can have disproportionate influence. 4. Interest group spending gives the appearance that groups are buying the votes of elected officials, although the truth is more complicated. Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify and explain the roles of interest groups in politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Interest Groups: The Case For; Interest Groups: The Case Against Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 46. What is a public interest group? Provide an example of a group, explain its purpose, and compare the governmental influence of public interest groups with economic interest groups. The ideal answer should include: 1. They are groups that lobby for issues that do not bring direct economic benefit to their members. 2. Salient examples include MADD, PETA, the Humane Society, PTA, etc. 3. By and large, economic interest groups have more resources at their disposal and have a greater impact than public interest groups. However, public interest groups can still have a significant impact, and resources don’t always translate to governmental victory. Learning Objective: 5.2 Compare and contrast the different types of interest groups in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Public Interest Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 47. What are the limitations on lobbying, and at what point in time must a person register with the state as a lobbyist? The ideal answer should include: 1. There are few limitations on lobbyists. 2. One limitation is that a person who spends more than $500 on food, benefits, or entertainment for legislative and/or executive officials must register as a lobbyist. 3. Another limitation is that a person that has received more than $1,000 in a quarter as compensation for his or her activities must register. 4. A lobbyist must provide monthly expenditure reports.

82 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

5. A person must register with the state as a lobbyist if he or she is involved in direct communication with an official to influence that official’s actions. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Becoming a Lobbyist Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 48. What are drawbacks to each of the three paths to becoming a lobbyist? The ideal answer should include: 1. Becoming a legislator is very expensive. Running for office requires substantial support from others, unless a person running for office has his or her own source of financial support. A legislator’s pay is very low, so a legislator must have a source of external financial support. 2. Becoming a legislator’s staff member is another path, but these positions are underpaid and the members are overworked. 3. The other path is to study law and become an attorney. However, the study of law is expensive and requires a lengthy time commitment. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Becoming a Lobbyist Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. What are some ways that an interest group seeks to achieve its policy goals? The ideal answer should include: 1. Interest groups lobby legislators and seek to achieve access by providing campaign contributions and information through position papers on specific bills. 2. They provide interim oversight of bureaucratic agencies to ensure that laws are implemented according to legislative intent. 3. They use litigation against the government to seek a court order that results in the interest group achieving its goals. Groups that rely on litigation normally lose their fight in either the legislature or the executive branch. Learning Objective: 5.3 Analyze the methods used by interest groups to influence policy makers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Becoming a Lobbyist Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 50. What role do interest groups play in elections? The ideal answer should include: 1. PACs are the conduit for campaign contributions from interest groups. 83 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. Independent expenditures promote or oppose candidates. 3. Scorecard ratings of candidates identify those that support or oppose an interest group’s goals. Learning Objective: 5.4 Explain the relationship between money and interest groups in the political process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups. Topic: External Funding Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 51. Identify the three parts of the iron triangle and explain what it is that each provides. The ideal answer should include: 1. The three parts of the iron triangle are legislators, interest groups, and agencies. 2. Legislators provide funding to agencies and help to interest groups in passing or stopping bills. 3. Interest groups provide campaign contributions to legislators and information to legislators and agencies. 4. Agencies provide information to legislators and interest groups. Learning Objective: 5.5 Show the links between interest groups and other participants in the Texas political environment. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Iron Triangle Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

84 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6 The Media and Public Opinion in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. What has been the 30-year trend in media consumption in Texas? A. Newspaper readership has increased significantly. B. Newspaper readership has declined significantly. C. Cable news viewing has decreased significantly. D. Newspapers have refused to establish an online presence. Answer: B Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 2. Newspapers were the primary source of news in Texas even after the advent of radio in the 1920s because fewer than _____ percent of Texas homes had electricity during the Great Depression. A. 3 B. 10 C. 16 D. 20 Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Texas Newspapers Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Which of the following newspapers is the oldest surviving in Texas? A. Austin American Statesman B. Houston Chronicle C. Hays Free Press D. Galveston News Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Partisanship and Early Newspapers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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4. Which of the following was the only newspaper in Texas to openly support abolition? A. Austin American Statesman B. Zeitung C. Houston Chronicle D. San Antonio Light Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Partisanship and Early Newspapers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 5. During the first three decades of the 1900s, the two major issues that dominated the political news in Texas were women’s suffrage and the reemergence of _____. A. English-only education B. Democrats in state politics C. the Ku Klux Klan D. social work programs Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. At the turn of the century, investigative journalism emerged and was also referred to as ______. A. yellow journalism B. muckraking C. tabloid journalism D. deep dive Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 7. Most newspapers in late-eighteenth-century Texas __________. A. promoted a pro-business agenda B. promoted a pro-labor agenda C. promoted a pro-farmer agenda D. promoted a pro-Union agenda 86 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 8. Which of the following papers was a Republican partisan paper during the period following the Civil War? A. Austin American Statesman B. Dallas Morning News C. Houston Post D. San Antonio Express News Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 9. Which newspaper did Amon G. Carter start? A. Fort Worth Star Telegram B. Dallas Morning News C. Houston Post D. San Antonio Express News Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 10. Which of the following statements best explains newspaper ownership throughout the 1930s? A. Most newspapers were owned by national conglomerates. B. Most newspapers were owned by Hearst and Pulitzer syndicates. C. Most newspapers were owned by local businessmen. D. Most newspapers were controlled by the state government. Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Difficult 87 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Even after readership waned in the 1950s, newspapers helped keep civil rights violence away from Texas through a moderate reporting on which issue? A. women’s suffrage B. integration C. same-sex marriage D. poll taxes Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Big-City Dailies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 12. Which original decision has made it difficult for newspapers to convince readers to pay for online content? A. Original online newspaper content was made free to the public. B. Initial newspaper websites only provided access to national news. C. Online newspaper subscriptions were more expensive than the print copies when they emerged. D. The decision to allow extensive advertising soured the public on the utility of online content. Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Newspapers in Decline Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 13. As of 2017, from which medium would Americans be least likely to receive their news? A. radio B. print newspaper C. television D. online sources Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Newspapers in Decline Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 14. Which of the following agencies regulates public airways in Texas? A. Texas Radio Communication Agency 88 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

B. Federal Communications Commission C. Texas Attorney General Office D. Texas Commission on Public Airways Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: First Licensed Stations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 15. Who was the most influential individual in making radio a major force in Texas? A. Walter Dealey B. Joseph Pulitzer C. William Randolph Hearst D. Bill Hobby Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: First Licensed Stations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 16. Which of the following was the first licensed radio station in Texas? A. KLBJ radio B. KUT radio C. WRR radio D. KSTX radio Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: First Licensed Stations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 17. When did radio reach its peak in popularity? A. 1900s to the early 1920s B. 1920s to the early 1930s C. 1930s to the 1940s D. 1940s to the 1950s Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. 89 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: The Golden Age of Radio Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 18. Why did radio maintain its popularity even as the financial consequences of the Great Depression deepened? A. Radio programs consistently played information about new employment opportunities. B. Although more expensive than newspapers, radio programs provided more financial content. C. American politicians convinced the public that radio was part of the American ethos. D. After initial purchase of the radio, use was essentially free. Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Golden Age of Radio Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 19. In 1979, a local radio station sold airtime to a candidate who was running for office. This candidate’s rival was told by the radio station it would not in turn sell radio time to the rival. Which statement best describes the options the rival has for dealing with the radio station’s refusal? A. Sue the station under the National Ant-Bias Act. B. Sue the radio station under the Doctrine of Media Fairness. C. Sue the radio station under the Fairness Doctrine. D. There is not much the rival can do, because radio stations are privately owned and can refuse service to anybody under the Doctrine of Freedom of the Press. Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.2 Describe how radio emerged as a component of the Texas media. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Golden Age of Radio Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. The first television station in a southern state, WBAP, broadcast from __________. A. Texas B. Alabama C. Mississippi D. Louisiana Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.3 Evaluate how television changed the way Texans consume news. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Television Difficulty Level: Easy 90 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

21. In which Texas city did the first television station start broadcasting? A. Ft. Worth B. Dallas C. San Antonio D. Austin Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.3 Evaluate how television changed the way Texans consume news. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Television Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 22. Which of the following states has 23 NBC affiliates, suggesting the large influence of television within its borders? A. California B. Texas C. Colorado D. New York Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.3 Evaluate how television changed the way Texans consume news. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Television Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23. How long is the typical news broadcast? A. 30 minutes B. 1 hour C. 1 hour and 30 minutes D. 2 hours Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. Which of the following is most likely to be used as a lead story on local news? A. weather B. investigation into consumer fraud C. local high school football scores 91 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. a serious car accident Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 25. Which statement best reflects how the mainstream media covers political news? A. The mainstream media’s news coverage tends to be in-depth and exhaustive. B. The mainstream media’s news coverage tends to be fake. C. The mainstream media’s news coverage tends to be primarily focused on fringe candidates. D. The mainstream media’s news coverage tends to be focused on the “horse race” of who is winning and losing. Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 26. Coverage of local and state news by the mainstream media is generally _________. A. very in-depth B. about the same as national news C. superficial D. nonexistent Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 27. In 2017, approximately which percentage of the public retrieved at least some of their news online? A. 30 B. 50 C. 70 D. 90 Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Internet 92 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. Why has the Texas Tribune dominated news coverage surrounding Texas politics since its inception in 2009? A. It has extensive financial backing from petroleum and natural resource conglomerates. B. It maintains the largest statehouse news bureau in the United States. C. It outsources its stories to AP writers from across the country. D. It maintains a physical office adjacent to the Texas capitol, providing unfettered access to politicians. Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Internet Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. The least popular source of news among U.S. adults is __________. A. television B. print newspaper C. radio D. online Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. Local newspapers’ political coverage tends to focus on __________. A. national stories B. local stories C. state stories D. international stories Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 31. Since 1990, circulation of weekday newspaper editions__________. A. showed tremendous growth 93 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

B. grew slowly but steadily C. experienced no growth D. experienced an extreme downturn Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. Compared to weekday newspaper circulation, the circulation of Sunday editions between 1940 and 2010 __________. A. showed tremendous growth B. grew slowly but steadily C. showed no growth D. showed a downturn, but remained higher than that of weekday editions Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 33. Which of the following Internet sites is considered a liberal source of news on Texas politics? A. Burnt Orange Report B. Texas Insider C. Austin American Statesman D. BurkaBlog Answer: A Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Internet Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. Which of the following Internet sites is considered a conservative source of news on Texas politics? A. Burnt Orange Report B. Texas Insider C. Austin American Statesman D. BurkaBlog Answer: B 94 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Internet Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. Which of the following statements best characterizes the textbook author’s argument regarding historical trends in media bias? A. Media bias has remained relatively constant over time. B. The media, for the first time, can be considered an objective source of political news. C. The media has never been more politically biased than in the Internet age. D. The media is less biased than it was during the first half-century of the state’s existence. Answer: D Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Bias in the Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 36. Charles, a city council member, meets up with three other council members to watch their daughters play a high school basketball game against their local rivals. At halftime, the group begins openly discussing agenda items of the council, scheduled to be voted on next week. Based on this information, Charles could be prosecuted under which legislation? A. the Freedom of Information Act B. the Hatch Act C. the Open Meetings Act D. Shield laws Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Texas Government, Transparency, and the Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 37. Which statement best explains how a tracking poll works? A. A tracking poll compares similar question from two polling organizations over time. B. A tracking poll compares the same questions from the same polling organization over time. C. A tracking poll compares how push polls have affected public opinion of a particular candidate over time. D. A tracking poll determines the accuracy of similar questions from many organizations doing exit polls for a particular set of races over time. Answer: B Learning Objective: 6.5 Evaluate the importance of polling and public opinion in Texas politics. 95 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Push Polling Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 38. A(n) __________ poll is one that seeks to influence how a voter thinks about a candidate. A. public B. tracking C. push D. exit Answer: C Learning Objective: 6.5 Evaluate the importance of polling and public opinion in Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Push Polling Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts Short Answer Questions 39. A new newspaper is formed in San Antonio, Texas, with the intent of helping the Republican Party in south-central Texas. If this paper contains stories that are favorable to the Republican Party and injurious to the Democratic Party, what can be concluded about this newspaper? Answer: This newspaper is a partisan newspaper, and its goal is to report on stories that promote a single favorable viewpoint in an effort to persuade people to support the Republican Party. Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Partisanship and Early Newspapers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 40. Discuss the nature of current newspaper ownership in Texas. Answer: Most Texas newspapers are now owned by out-of-state corporations. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 41. Identify and explain what happens if a person reads or watches news sources with views that are opposite their own views. Answer: That person will experience cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the anger one experiences when consuming information that is contrary to one’s personal viewpoint. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. 96 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Bias in the Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Remember the Facts 42. What differentiates freedom of the press under shield laws and prosecution of a journalist for failure to identify a story’s source? Answer: Freedom of the press is not an absolute right. Although some states and the U.S. government have provided protection to journalists who do not want to divulge a source for a story, journalists can be held in contempt for not doing so if the source provided information related to a crime. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Bias in the Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 43. A recent poll concluded that candidate A in a closely watched race was ahead of candidate B, 51% to 49%, with a margin of error of ±3%. How would you apply the science of polling to explain who was going to win this race? Answer: Based on this poll, it is impossible to claim that candidate A is going to win the election. Given the narrow margin of error, the probability is that either candidate may win. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Essay Questions 44. What are the different periods of the newspaper business in Texas? The ideal answer should include: 1. At first, there was the partisan press period, which ran from the Reconstruction Era to late 20th century. 2. Second came the big-city dailies like the Dallas Morning news, the Houston Post, Dallas Times Herald, San Antonio Light, and San Antonio Express News, to name a few. 3. During the second half of the 20th century, partisan leanings were not much of a concern because only one party controlled state politics, the Democratic Party. Papers began to focus more on single issues like women’s liberation and the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan. 4. There has been a marked decline in newspaper circulation from what it was in the 1940s. Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. 97 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Texas Newspapers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 45. Describe the reasons for the decline of the newspaper in modern journalism. The ideal answer should include: 1. So many other sources of information and entertainment became available, ensuring that readership decline was inevitable. 2. Stories that once were available only in print, and only the following day, are now immediately accessible via other sources. 3. Since most newspapers started with free websites, the public is unwilling to purchase online newspaper content. Learning Objective: 6.1 Trace the evolution of the print media in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Texas Newspapers Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 46. Explain the main reasons why Texas daily newspapers often neglect local and state political news in their coverage. The ideal answer should include: 1. Editors believe that customers don’t want to read about state or local politics. 2. The decline of newspaper advertising revenues has led to cutbacks in hiring investigative journalists and political reporting bureaus. 3. The transition from local ownership to national chains has also contributed to a reduction of resources allocated to cover local and state politics. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Considering the trends in media consumption, what do you predict will occur in the next 20 years regarding U.S. adults’ news consumption? The ideal answer should include: 1. Television today, accounts for the primary news informational source for more than 40%, the largest of all news sources. 2. Online sources of political news account for about 93 percent. 3. Radio accounts for about half that of television. (The author does not address decline in radio.) 4. Considering that print news has experienced a dramatic and steady decline as a source of political information and that television also has had a steady decline, it can be argued that both of these sources will continue their decline into the future. Also, considering that the Internet is a relatively new medium and that newspapers and television stations have an 98 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

online presence, together with new media such as blogs, social media platforms, and political websites, online news consumption will most likely continue to grow. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Mainstream Media and Political Coverage in Texas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. What is the “new media,” and what is its relationship to the Internet? The ideal answer should include: 1. New media include social media and political websites, which allow instantaneous communication of news over the Internet. 2. Social media websites allow unfiltered communication between candidates and political parties to their supporters, bypassing the traditional media, such as newspapers and television, through sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Government, Transparency, and the Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. How do the Open Meetings and Open Records laws contribute to transparency in government? The ideal answer should include: 1. The Open Records Act allows individuals, the media, and interest groups to see government records, thereby increasing trust in government. Greater access to government records means greater transparency in government. 2. The Open Records Act allows a government body or agency to exempt information if doing so is in the public interest; this allowance is tempered by the requirement that a government body or agency must obtain an opinion from the attorney general before denying access to the requested information. 3. Under the Open Meetings Act, members of a governing body cannot meet informally in any setting, so secrecy is diminished. Learning Objective: 6.4 Evaluate how the media covers Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: The Government, Transparency, and the Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 50. What is the relationship between public opinion and candidates and political parties? The ideal answer should include:

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1. Public opinion consists of the beliefs people have on a variety of issues. It is important for both candidates and political parties to shape public opinion in order to garner political support. 2. Candidates consume public opinion polls to become educated on the issues about which voters have concerns. 3. Political parties consume public opinion polls to gauge public sentiment about their agenda and to tailor their message in order to increase political support. Learning Objective: 6.5 Evaluate the importance of polling and public opinion in Texas politics. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Public Opinion Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 7 The Texas Legislature Multiple Choice Questions 1. You are a lobbyist for an interest group, and you are asked to get a bill passed within a 10-year period. How many sessions of the Texas legislature will occur in that ten-year period? A. 20 sessions B. 10 sessions C. 5 sessions D. 2 sessions Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 2. Which statement best describes the salary of a Texas legislator? A. Legislators earn a salary of $42,500 per year. B. Legislators earn a salary of $72,000 per year. C. Legislators earn a salary of $7,200 per year. D. Legislators earn a salary of $6,000 per year. Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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3. The terms of office for members of the Texas legislature is __________. A. four years for house members and six years for members of the senate B. two years for house members and four years for members of the senate C. two years for house members and six years for members of the senate D. two years for house members and two years for one-third of senate members and four years for the rest Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 4. Assume that the legislature is not going to have enough time to pass an important bill before the end of a session. Which of the following is one way of ensuring that a bill does get passed? A. The presiding officers of the house and senate order a special session to pass the bill. B. The two chambers pass a resolution to extend the session. C. The committees that oversee the bill in both chambers pass the bill over the summer break and send the bill to the governor to be signed. D. The governor calls the legislature into special session with instructions to pass the bill. Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. How many times may the governor call a special session? A. 3 times per term B. 5 times per term C. 7 times per term D. as often as necessary Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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6. Which statement best explains why so few bills are passed during a legislative session? A. The governor tends to veto almost 80 percent of the bills that the legislature passes. B. The legislative sessions are limited in time. C. Senate and house members serve terms of the same length—4 years—and this reduces motivation to pass bills. D. The legislature meets on a biannual basis, and this works to reduce motivation to pass bills. Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 7. George is 25 years old and wants to become a legislator. Under the Texas constitution, __________. A. George can run for either the house or senate based on his age and must have lived in the districts for these positions for 1 year B. George can run for the senate based on his age and must have lived in his district for five years C. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for five years D. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for one year Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Membership Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 8. Andres wants to run for the open house seat in his area. He is 20 years old, is a U.S. citizen, has lived in his district for 3 years, and is a registered voter. As of today, could he run? A. Yes, he can because he meets all requisite requirements. B. No, he can’t because he does not meet the age requirement. C. No, he can’t because he does not meet the residency requirement. D. No, he can’t because he does not meet the citizenship requirements. Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Membership Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 9. Which statement best describes who can serve as a member of the legislature? A. A “common person” can serve in the legislature because the per diem is so high during legislative sessions that it amounts to a high annual income. B. The legislature is considered a great place for a career because the salary is so high. C. Most people that serve in the legislature rely on the legislative salary. D. Many members of the legislature are well off and don’t need the legislative salary or work for a business that will continue to pay their salary while they are away on state business. Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Membership Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 10. Which statement best explains why the Texas legislature redraws district lines every 10 years? A. Redistricting is required by the U.S. Supreme Court. B. Redistricting is required by the U.S. Constitution. C. Redistricting is required by the Texas Supreme Court. D. Redistricting is required by the Texas Constitution. Answer: A Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Apportionment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Why is redistricting one of the most political endeavors in the Texas legislature? A. The Texas Supreme Court has no review powers over the decisions that are made. B. The process is so cost-intensive to the taxpayer. C. Redistricting brings more public scrutiny than any other political issue. D. District lines can be drawn to advantage one party over another. Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. 104 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Apportionment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 12. What is the primary consideration when redrawing district lines? A. gerrymandering B. racial gerrymandering C. one person, one vote D. contiguous borders Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Redistricting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. Which statement best describes the redrawing of district lines for the Texas legislature? A. The house draws the lines for house districts, and the senate draws the lines for senate districts. B. The house draws the lines for senate districts, and the senate draws the lines for house districts. C. Both the house and senate defer to the district plans created by the Legislative Redistricting Board. D. District lines are initially created by a commission that is composed of the speaker of the house, lieutenant governor, governor, and state chairs of the two major political parties. Answer: A Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Redistricting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 14. After a Census, Republicans are the majority party of both houses of the Texas legislature. To ensure that they keep their majority status after the next election cycle, they should __________. A. make sure to weaken the voting power of Hispanics and African Americans, as those groups tend to vote Democrat

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B. first, do partisan gerrymandering to give their party an advantage in all districts, and, second, protect their incumbents C. create as many noncontiguous partisan districts as possible to increase the voting strength of Republican voters D. gerrymander district lines without consideration of race or political advantage, which is the legal standard they must follow Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Gerrymandering Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 15. Which of the following is the most important function of the legislature? A. redistricting B. oversight C. creating a budget D. representing the people Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Leadership Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Remember the Facts 16. The lieutenant governor’s power is primarily due to __________. A. his or her role as a member of the executive branch, second in line to become governor B. the times he or she becomes governor when the sitting governor leaves the state or is otherwise incapacitated C. his or her ability to make a strong political partnership with the governor D. his or her leadership role in the senate Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 17. How are lieutenant governors able to steer the nature of the discussion over bills being debated in the Texas Senate? 106 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. They are responsible for recognizing senators during the debate. B. Their office staff creates the bill calendar, thus deciding what gets first billing. C. They can unilaterally end filibusters carried out by senators. D. They speak first on all bills presented to the chamber. Answer: A Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 18. The lieutenant governor’s salary is __________. A. set at the beginning of the legislative session B. dependent on how many days he or she attends the legislative session C. the same as that of a member of the legislature D. more than that of the speaker of the house Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 19. Membership on senate committees is __________. A. established by seniority B. based on the chronological order of senators’ requests and number of seats available C. determined by the drawing of straws from an envelope D. set by the lieutenant governor Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 20. Michael has high political aspirations and has set a goal of becoming the person in the state of Texas that exerts the most power over policy. Which political office should Michael set his sights on? A. governor B. lieutenant governor C. comptroller of public accounts 107 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. speaker of the house Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 21. If the governor of Texas decides to run for the United States presidency, who fills the vacated seat? A. no one; a special election is called B. the lieutenant governor C. the comptroller of public accounts D. the speaker of the house Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 22. How is the speaker of the house chosen? A. The speaker is chosen in same way as the lieutenant governor is, through a statewide vote. B. The governor consults party leaders throughout the state and nominates a speaker with senate approval. C. The members of the house choose the speaker. D. The house and senate pass a concurrent resolution that determines the speaker. Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Speaker of the House Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 23. The Legislative Budget Board is co-chaired by the lieutenant governor and __________. A. the governor B. a person established by members of the senate C. the president pro tempore of the senate D. the speaker of the house Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. 108 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Speaker of the House Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 24. How are members of house committees determined? A. Membership on committees is determined by seniority and the speaker. B. The speaker has the power to appoint all members of committees. C. All members of committees are determined by seniority. D. The majority party determines membership of committees. Answer: A Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Speaker of the House Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 25. Which committee is the only one exempted from the rules governing membership appointments? A. Transportation B. Ways and Means C. Appropriations D. Public Education Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Speaker of the House Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. Why is the committee system a key logistical piece of the legislative process? A. It allows smaller laws to be passed and sent to the governor without needing the entire body. B. Committees can create special legislative sessions when the calendar becomes too congested. C. It provides a system to navigate the thousands of proposed bills each legislative session. D. It allows the governor’s office an opportunity to have representatives in each policy domain. Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.4 Identify the different types of committees in the Texas Legislature and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Committee System 109 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 27. The role of a __________ is to revise the differences between house and senate versions of a bill. A. standing committee B. special committee C. conference committee D. interim committee Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.4 Identify the different types of committees in the Texas Legislature and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Types of Committees Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 28. Several members from both the house and the senate are appointed to an education committee, scheduled to meet in between legislative sessions. Their job is to gather information and craft possible solutions to the problem of remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic. What type of committee is most likely being described? A. standing committee B. special committee C. conference committee D. interim committee Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.4 Identify the different types of committees in the Texas Legislature and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Types of Committees Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 29. Those members of the legislature who are appointed as committee chairs tend to __________. A. be members of the majority party B. have seniority on their committees C. have support from fellow committee members D. be loyal to the presiding officers of their committees Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.4 Identify the different types of committees in the Texas Legislature and discuss the importance of the committee system. 110 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Committee Chairs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 30. As of 2019, which of the following statements best characterizes committee chairs in the Texas Legislature? A. There are no Democratic chairs in the house but many Democratic committee chairs in the senate. B. Contrary to their relative strength, Democrats hold most committee chairs in both houses. C. Democrats have a strong presence in house chair positions but less so in the senate. D. Democrats do not hold a committee chair position in either house. Answer: C Learning Objective: 7.4 Identify the different types of committees in the Texas Legislature and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Committee Chairs Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 31. How would the state of Texas ratify a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution? A. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution. B. The Texas legislature would pass a joint resolution. C. The governor would call a special session to deal with it. D. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution and send it to the governor for his or her signature. Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: How a Bill Becomes a Law Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 32. Which parliamentary tradition influenced the establishment of the Texas legislative process? A. Greek B. Roman C. Spanish D. British Answer: D 111 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The House Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 33. To kill a controversial bill that liberalizes gun regulations, several Democratic legislators line up to speak against a bill, one after the other, determined to delay by using their entire lot of time. What is this process called? A. tagging B. chubbing C. pigeonholing D. train delays Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The House Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. It is most difficult to amend a piece of legislation during __________. A. subcommittee hearings B. the full committee hearings C. the second reading D. the third reading Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The House Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. In the Texas senate, what procedure must be used to get almost every bill to the floor? A. tagging B. the filibuster C. suspension of the rules D. placement by the calendar committee Answer: C 112 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Senate Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 36. The __________ is/are responsible for working out the differences in a bill. A. speaker and lieutenant governor B. speaker, lieutenant governor, and governor C. interim committee D. conference committee Answer: D Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Conference Committee Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Remember the Facts 37. Most bills reach the governor’s desk __________. A. with relatively weak support from both the house and senate B. during the end of the legislative session C. right at the mid-point of the legislative session D. without the signatures of the presiding officers of the legislature Answer: B Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. If a governor does not sign or veto a bill within 10 days of receiving it, the bill __________. A. dies B. goes back to the committee of the chamber that sponsored the bill after an additional 20 days C. will become law if the 10 days fall within the session or will become law after an additional 20 days if the bill was received by the governor within the last 10 days of the session D. will die if the bill was received within the last 10 days of the session and if it is not signed during the 20 days after the end of the session Answer: C

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Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Short Answer Questions 39. How many legislators are in the Texas House and Senate, and how long are their terms? Answer: The Texas House has 150 representatives elected to two-year terms, and the Texas Senate has 31 senators who serve four-year terms. Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 40. How often does the Texas legislature meet, and how long is each session? Answer: The Texas legislature meets once every two years. Each session is 140 days long. Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 41. Why were legislative salaries set so low in Texas? Answer: Texas legislative salaries were set low to discourage career politicians and to encourage legislators to finish their work quickly and return to their regular jobs. Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Membership Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 42. What is a post-adjournment veto, and why is it so powerful?

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Answer: A post-adjournment veto is one that occurs after the legislative session has ended and the legislators have gone home. It is powerful because the legislature cannot reconvene to override the post-adjournment veto. Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 43. Explain why the state’s comptroller of public accounts has such an influential role in the legislative process. Answer: The comptroller of public accounts certifies state revenue and estimates the amounts that the legislature can spend. In addition, after a bill is passed, the comptroller must certify that there is money for the bill. Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed.; 7.6 Analyze the forces outside the legislature that can impact law making. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Final Obstacles; Other Players Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Essay Questions 44. There are many aspects of the structure of the legislative process that limit the ability of the Texas legislature to pass bills and resolve important issues. Identify and discuss the primary structural barriers that make lawmaking difficult in Texas and suggest what could be done to overcome them. The ideal answer should include: 1. The Texas legislature meets only once every two years for 140 days. The Texas constitution could be amended to call for an annual meeting or biannual meetings. In addition, the constitution could be amended to increase the length of sessions and/or allow the legislative leadership to call special sessions, something that only the governor can do. 2. The pay of $600 per month was established to force lawmakers to go home as quickly as possible. A constitutional amendment could be adopted that increases the pay sufficiently to make the legislature a professional legislature and thus be more attuned to lawmaking as a career. Learning Objective: 7.1 Explain, analyze, and compare the structure and composition of the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Structure 115 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 45. What are the major concerns surrounding the usage of partisan gerrymandering? The ideal answer should include: 1. Legislators in safe or uncontested districts have little accountability to the public. 2. It creates a situation where representatives are selecting voters rather than the inverse. 3. It creates a fine line between partisan gerrymandering and racial gerrymandering, particularly when minority voters support the party out of power. Learning Objective: 7.2 Explain redistricting and gerrymandering and analyze their impact on the Texas Legislature. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Gerrymandering Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 46. Assume you have been hired by the governor of Texas to figure out a way to increase the power of that office in the legislative process. Which board would you suggest that the governor be allowed to join, and why? The ideal answer should include: 1. The speaker of the house and lieutenant governor have enormous influence over government because of the weak role the governor has in formulating the budget and because the speaker and lieutenant governor co-chair the Legislative Budget Board, which sets the budget. 2. Because the governor does not sit on the Legislative Budget Board, allowing the governor to do so would increase the power of the governor over government. Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Leadership Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Describe the reasons that the office of lieutenant governor is often considered the most powerful office in Texas politics. The ideal answer should include: 1. The lieutenant governor appoints every committee member in the senate, including members of conference committees, as well as the chair and vice chair of each committee. 2. The lieutenant governor can recognize senators during debate on bills, which can steer the nature of the discussion. 3. The lieutenant governor is co-chair of the powerful Legislative Budget Board (LBB), which draws up the blueprint for the budget of the state.

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4. The lieutenant governor is the co-chair of the Texas Legislative Council, which helps draft, research, and distribute proposed bills through the legislative process. 5. The lieutenant governor is a member of the Legislative Redistricting Board, which springs into service if the house and senate fail to agree upon legislative or congressional redistricting in the session after each federal census. Learning Objective: 7.3 Analyze the roles of the presiding officers in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. What are the most important things that happen to legislation during each of its three readings? The ideal answer should include: 1. In the first reading, the bill is assigned to a committee by the speaker. 2. During the second reading in the house, members debate and can amend the bill. 3. In the third reading, there is a final opportunity to amend a bill, but amendments now require a two-thirds majority. Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The House Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 49. Identify and explain the four obstacles a bill faces at the end of its path to becoming law. The ideal answer should include: 1. If a bill requires spending money, it will have to find a way into the appropriations bill. 2. The comptroller of public accounts must certify that there is enough money to support the bill’s cost. 3. A bill that requires spending must avoid the governor’s line-item veto. 4. All bills have the potential to be ruled unconstitutional by the federal and state courts. Learning Objective: 7.5 Trace the process of how a bill becomes a law and identify ways in which a bill may be killed. and discuss the importance of the committee system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Final Obstacles Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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50. Identify the major players of the legislative process and explain why each is important. The ideal answer should include: 1. The governor is a major player who can shape the final working of legislation through veto power. Instead of waiting to veto a bill that he or she does not like, the governor can threaten a veto if the language of a bill is not changed to his or her liking. 2. The attorney general is a major player because legislature leaders will seek the attorney general’s opinion of the constitutionality of pending legislation. 3. The comptroller of public accounts is yet another important player as this officer certifies state revenue and provides estimates for how much the legislature can spend. 4. The courts have a role, as both federal and state courts can be asked to rule on the constitutionality of a bill. In addition, the courts can order the legislature to take remedial actions to rectify some injury to a group or individual. Learning Objective: 7.6 Analyze the forces outside the legislature that can impact law making. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Other Players Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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Chapter 8 The Governor in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which statement best describes the salary of the governor? A. The Texas governor is one of the highest paid governors in the nation. B. The Texas governor’s salary is a little above the national average. C. The Texas governor’s salary is a little below the national average. D. The governor’s salary is the same as that of the lieutenant governor. Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.1 Outline the qualifications to hold the office of governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Qualifications, Term, and Salary Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 2. Which of the following are elected officials who will not serve the following term, often because their successor has already been elected? A. minority whips B. leapfrog legislators C. golden calves D. lame ducks Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.1 Outline the qualifications to hold the office of governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Qualifications, Term, and Salary Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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3. Kevin is 29 years old and has resided (and been registered to vote) in Texas for ten years. He is a U.S. citizen. At the current time, could he run for governor of Texas? A. Yes, he meets all the requisite qualifications. B. No, he doesn’t meet the age requirements. C. No, he doesn’t meet the residency requirements. D. No, he doesn’t meet the citizenship requirements. Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.1 Outline the qualifications to hold the office of governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Qualifications, Term, and Salary Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 4. The powers of the Texas governor are __________. A. extensive compared to the powers of a third of other state governors B. weak compared to the powers of other state governors C. about the same as those of 80 percent of all state governors D. about the same as those of most state governors Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Executive Powers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 5. The primary role of the executive branch of Texas government is to __________. A. say what the law is B. carry out laws C. make laws D. interpret the law Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Executive Powers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. Most people who work in Texas government acquire their positions because of __________. A. patronage 120 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

B. the merit system C. political considerations D. nepotism Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Executive Powers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. Frank is an alumnus of the University of Texas at Austin and has made a lot of money in the oil and gas industry. He always wanted to serve as a UT Board of Regent, a gubernatorial appointment. To improve his chances to receive the appointment, Frank can __________. A. work hard on a person’s gubernatorial campaign B. pay his dues and start doing political party work, such as block walking C. make a significant campaign contribution to the candidate most likely to win the governor’s race D. make a significant campaign contribution to his political party Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointment Powers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 8. Which of the following Texas governors had the most ethnically diverse group of appointees? A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointment Powers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. __________ serves as an informal check on the Texas governor’s appointment powers. 121 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. Overlapping terms of board members B. The requirement of gaining approval of two-thirds of the senate C. The inability of a governor to remove a prior governor’s appointees D. Senatorial courtesy Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointment Powers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 10. Which statement best describes the governor’s appointment powers? A. A governor can remove his appointees with approval of two-thirds of the senate. B. A governor can remove his appointees and the appointees of prior governors with approval of two-thirds of the senate. C. With approval of two-thirds of the senate, a governor can only remove his predecessor’s appointees but not his own. D. A governor can remove his own appointees with only a simple majority vote of the senate. Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointment Powers Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Jim, a Republican from Marble Falls, recently won the Texas governorship by narrowly defeating the incumbent, a Democrat from El Paso. What will be the biggest constraint on Jim’s appointment powers at the beginning of his term? A. The appointment terms for most agencies will mean he will need to be reelected before making appointments. B. He will be required to get approval for new appointments from the house of representatives. C. He will have to completely replace every partisan appoint within the first six months of taking over as governor. D. For at least the first two years, he will deal with Democratic appointees serving overlapping terms. Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 122 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Appointment Powers Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 12. The power of the governor to institute martial law in response to insurrection or natural disaster is based on the governor’s constitutional __________ power. A. military B. law enforcement C. legislative D. message Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Military Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. Which of the following is the most significant restriction on the military powers of the Texas governor? A. partisanship in the Texas legislature regarding the role of the military B. budgetary issues for defense spending C. lack of public support for the Texas National Guard D. the significant military powers of the national government Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Military Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 14. Which reconstructionist Texas governor was deemed too powerful and is largely responsible for the current weak law enforcement powers of the office? A. Ann Richards B. E. J. Davis C. Richard Coke D. John Ireland Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.2 Describe the most significant powers possessed by the governor while acting as chief executive.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Law Enforcement Powers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Which statement best describes the power of the governor to call a special session? A. The governor can only call a special session two times between legislative sessions. B. The governor must get the approval of the speaker of the house and lieutenant governor before calling a special session. C. The governor can call an unlimited number of special sessions. D. The governor cannot keep the legislature in special session more than 90 days in any calendar year. Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Session-Calling Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 16. Which of the following statements best characterizes the usage of the gubernatorial special session since 1991? A. It has been widely used as a tactic by the governor throughout this period. B. It was not used through 2001 but then became more popular. C. It was widely used until 2000, at which point it fell out of favor as a political strategy. D. It has never been used in the modern political era. Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Session-Calling Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 17. Which statement best describes the Texas governor’s use of the veto over the past 75 years? A. Almost 80 percent of governors’ vetoes have been overridden by the legislature. B. Governors have rarely used the veto power. C. Only once has a governor’s veto been overridden by the legislature. D. There has been about a 50-50 split between sustained vetoes and veto overrides. Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 124 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Veto Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 18. Which of the following Texas governors allowed the largest number of bills to become law without his or her signature? A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Veto Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 19. During economic hard times, governors have found it necessary to transfer or withhold funds from an agency. Whose approval must a governor obtain before this can happen? A. the lieutenant governor B. the speaker of the house C. both the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house D. the Legislative Budget Board Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Budget Creation Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. Why does the governor have significant influence over the judiciary? A. The governor is the top elected official and can sway public opinion about the judiciary. B. The governor is head of the state party and in that role can endorse judicial candidates for office. C. The governor can raise much more money than any judicial candidate can, he or she can donate money to judicial candidates. D. The governor has the power to fill judicial vacancies at the district level and above. Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.4 Explain the judicial and clemency powers of the governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointment Power 125 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 21. Which of the following Texas governors introduced graft into the pardoning process, resulting in the removal of significant clemency powers from the governor? A. Miriam Ferguson B. Bill Clements C. George W. Bush D. Ann Richards Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.4 Explain the judicial and clemency powers of the governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Clemency Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 22. Why have Texas governors rarely invoked their clemency power in death penalty cases? A. It only provides a week-long reprieve to confirm paperwork signatures. B. Texas has very few death penalty cases compared to other states. C. Politicians running for re-election in Texas cannot afford to appear soft on crime. D. Capital punishment cases receive little media attention. Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.4 Explain the judicial and clemency powers of the governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Clemency Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 23. Which of the following best describes the relationship between clemency power and the governor’s office? A. The governor only has clemency power to release a person from jail for good cause. B. The governor only has clemency power to pardon a convict. C. The governor only has clemency e power to parole a convict. D. The governor only has clemency power to issue a 30-day reprieve in death penalty cases. Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.4 Explain the judicial and clemency powers of the governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Clemency Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It

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24. When did the Republican Party take control of both Texas’s governorship and its legislature for the first time since Reconstruction? A. 1978 B. 1994 C. 2002 D. 2010 Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Partisan Leadership Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 25. Governor __________ ran for president in 2012. A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Persuasive Power Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 26. Which modern Texas governor would be most likely to meet frequently with members of the legislative branch, inviting them to lunch and encouraging a nonpartisan atmosphere? A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Persuasive Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 27. Which governor was the first to establish an online presence? A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush 127 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Persuasive Power Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. Governor _________ is known for having integrated himself/herself into the legislative process. A. Ann Richards B. George W. Bush C. Rick Perry D. Greg Abbott Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Persuasive Powers Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. With which of the following countries does Texas enjoy a special relationship? A. Great Britain B. Canada C. Japan D. Mexico Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: International Relations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. Which of the following is a factor in the strong trade relationship between Texas and Mexico? A. a free trade deal B. Texas oil companies’ control of Mexico’s oil resources C. the historical and cultural ties between the two countries D. Rick Perry visits to Mexico to confer with its leaders Answer: A 128 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: International Relations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Apply What You Know 31. Which Mexican president was angry that Texas executed a Mexican citizen? A. Enrique Peña Nieto B. Felipe Calderón C. Vicente Fox D. Ernesto Zedillo Answer: C Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: International Relations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 32. Which of the following countries did Governor Abbott visit, to the consternation of fellow Republicans? A. Mexico B. Cuba C. El Salvado D. Venezuela Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: International Relations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. The framers of the Texas constitution envisioned that the governor would__________. A. be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office B. not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office C. grow the power of the office over time D. work closely with legislative leaders Answer: B Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Leadership Style 129 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. Which of the following reflects the informal power of the governor? A. vetoing a bill B. calling the legislature into special session C. appointing someone to a commission D. building on the perception of the governor as the state leader Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Leadership Style Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Apply What You Know 35. How many appointees does the governor make to boards, commissions, and judicial vacancies? A. about 3,000 B. about 5,000 C. about 7,000 D. about 10,000 Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.6 Illustrate the impact of the governor’s staff. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor’s Staff Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. About half of the gubernatorial aide staff works directly for the governor; the other half works for_____ offices such as the Texas Film Commission and the Texas Enterprise Fund. A. trusteed B. satellite C. legislative D. judicial Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.6 Illustrate the impact of the governor’s staff. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor’s Staff Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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37. Which of the following offices is responsible for ensuring that the Texas governor’s policies are implemented? A. Policy Office B. Legislative Office C. Administrative Office D. General Service Commission Answer: A Learning Objective: 8.6 Illustrate the impact of the governor’s staff. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor’s Staff Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 38. Marisol has recently been elected Texas governor, though she has limited experience in formulating or evaluating public policy initiatives. Who should she consult on how to get the most out of the legislative process, including when to bring proposals forward when they are most likely to pass? A. governors from states with similar budget, size, and interests B. the Legislative Budget Board C. the Texas Senate D. the governor’s staff Answer: D Learning Objective: 8.6 Illustrate the impact of the governor’s staff. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Governor’s Staff Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Short Answer Questions 39. What was the Grange’s motivation for putting the power to call a special legislative session solely in the hands of the governor? Answer: The Grange intended to limit the legislature by giving the power to call a special session in the hands of the governor, thereby strengthening the governorship and creating a roadblock to an overzealous legislature. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas. Topic: Session-Calling Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 131 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

40. How does the Texas governor use the State of the State address? Answer: The governor uses the State of the State address to present his or her legislative agenda. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Message Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. Explain the purpose of the filing or signing statement in the legislative process. Answer: When a governor allows a bill to become law without his or her signature, he or she can use a filing or signing statement to voice concerns about the bill’s constitutionality or objections to the bill’s intent. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Veto Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 42. Explain what is meant when describing the Texas governor as a partisan leader. Answer: The governor is the leader of his or her party. In this role the governor speaks for the party’s values on legislation and articulates party positions. Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Partisan Leadership Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 43. Why did Texas governor Rick Perry oppose building a wall between Mexico and Texas? Answer: Governor Perry believed that it was that the proposal was impractical and unworkable. Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: International Relations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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Essay Questions 44. Explain how the powers of the Texas governor are restricted by both the state constitution and its legislature. The ideal answer should include: 1. The Texas constitution restricts the governor’s powers through its creation of the plural executive, under which executive power is dispersed to a number of independently elected executive officials. This weakens the governor’s ability to control the executive branch. 2. The Texas legislature has created numerous boards and commissions whose leaders are appointed by the governor but whose terms are six years, allowing them to outlast a governor’s tenure of four years. The six-year overlapping terms of appointees make it difficult for the governor to control these boards and commissions. Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 45. Imagine that you have been hired to assess the electability of a gubernatorial candidate by comparing the candidate to an incumbent who shares characteristics of past governors. This candidate was first elected as sheriff at the age of 54; she has no religious affiliation, is unmarried, is relatively unknown to party activists, is a lesbian, and has no wealth. Identify the historical demographics of past governors and compare them to this candidate. Then provide a conclusion as to whether or not this candidate has a chance of winning the election. 1. Most Texas governors were married; the current candidate is not married and is not heterosexual. 2. Most previous governors were Protestant; the current candidate does not participate in religious practices. 3. Most governors were first elected to an office between the ages of late 40s and early 60s. The candidate was first elected to an office at the age of 54. 4. Most governors were financially well off; the current candidate does not have substantial wealth. 5. Most governors had name recognition within their parties. The current candidate has no name recognition. 6. Based on the historical demographic characteristics, a reasonable conclusion would be that the candidate does not have a chance of winning the election against the incumbent because she has only one of the historical characteristics of past Texas governors. Learning Objective: 8.1 Outline the qualifications to hold the office of governor. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Qualifications, Term, and Salary Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 133 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

46. Explain the importance of the line item veto to the power of the governor. The ideal answer should include: 1. Overall, the governor has weak budgetary powers. The line item veto is effective in allowing the governor to influence the budgetary process because it allows the governor to strike out one item without having to veto an entire budget bill. 2. Because an appropriations bill is passed at the end of a session, and a governor’s veto cannot be overridden if it occurs after a legislative session has ended, the governor has enormous power to negotiate on spending bills. 3. Generally, governors use the line item veto as an incremental budgetary tool to effect small budget cuts. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Line Item Veto Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 47. Explain the message power of the Texas governor and examples of how it can be used. The ideal answer should include: 1. Message power is the leverage the governor has by being the chief executive and in the public eye. 2. The governor can use the “State of the State” address to spell out the chief executive’s agenda and wishes for the upcoming legislative term. 3. The governor also has the power to announce emergency issues for immediate action from the legislature. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Message Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 48. Describe the evolving role of executive orders in the modern history of the Texas governor. The ideal answer should include: 1. Through most of modern Texas history, executive orders were viewed as constitutionally questionable. 2. After the El Paso Walmart massacre in 2019, Abbott began to use the executive order system, issuing eight executive measures in response. 3. In 2020, executive orders became much more common amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Objective: 8.3 Characterize the governor’s integral role in the legislative process. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Executive Orders Difficulty Level: Difficult 134 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. What are the different ways in which a governor can exert himself or herself as state leader? The ideal answer should include: 1. A governor can use the platform of the office to project a positive image of the state to outsiders. 2. A governor can use the desire of news media to cover the government, giving the governor the opportunity to influence public opinion. 3. A governor can take a hands-on approach to legislative issues by interacting with a large cross-section of members of the legislature and develop friendships that can later be converted into support for his or her legislative proposals. 4. A governor can develop campaigning skills, maintain a ground presence, and formulate networking strategies. Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Persuasive Power Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 50. What are the differences in leadership style that have been exhibited by governors from Ann Richards to Greg Abbott? The ideal answer should include: 1. Ann Richards had a hands-on approach to the office and was more involved in policy decisions than were governors that followed her. 2. George W. Bush was more congenial than Richards and less partisan than Rick Perry and Greg Abbott in his relationships with members of the legislature. Bush took care not to openly criticize members of the opposition party, and he attempted to build consensus. 3. Rick Perry had a tense relationship with the legislature. Legislative leaders were not sure where he stood on issues. 4. Greg Abbott has not actively engaged with the legislature as a general rule, often holding back his opinions on issues until he issues a veto or signs a bill. Learning Objective: 8.5 Describe the governor’s informal powers. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Leadership Style Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 9 The Plural Executive and the Bureaucracy in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Executive power is the power to __________. A. carry out the laws of the state B. say what the laws are C. make state laws D. interpret the state’s laws Answer: A Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. In Texas, __________ top executive officials are elected independently of the governor. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 31 Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.1 Differentiate between cabinet and plural executive forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Elected and Appointed Officials Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Which of the following statements best characterizes public knowledge of the plural executive system in Texas politics? A. The public’s interest in political personalities has led to severe partisanship about executive offices, regardless of political party. B. Although once ignored, there has been a strong uptick in interest over the executive offices since the election of Greg Abbott, C. Most citizens are not aware of the identity of many offices nor realize the talents needed to perform these jobs well. D. Political interest in the executive offices was high until Republicans took control and made the executive a largely homogenous political identity. Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.1 Differentiate between cabinet and plural executive forms of government. 136 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: A Deliberate Division of Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 4. Of the top elected officials in Texas, the office of __________ is viewed as the most powerful position in Texas. A. governor B. lieutenant governor C. comptroller of public accounts D. attorney general Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Lieutenant Governor Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 5. Which of the following executive officials is not elected by voters? A. attorney general B. secretary of state C. agriculture commissioner D. land commissioner Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointed Offices Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 6. Which of the following of Texas’s elected executive officials is responsible for collecting child support payments? A. attorney general B. secretary of state C. agriculture commissioner D. land commissioner Answer: A

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Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Attorney General Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. Most candidates for attorney general run for office promising to be tough on crime. Why does that misrepresent the true nature of the office? A. The office has historically been soft on crime. B. The state’s chief litigant has little to do with criminal prosecutions. C. All criminal prosecution is handled at the federal or county levels. D. The Texas public has no interest in criminal prosecution. Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Attorney General Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 8. The Consumer Protection Division is housed in the __________. A. attorney general’s office B. secretary of state’s office C. office of the comptroller of public accounts D. General Land Office Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Attorney General Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. Frank is upset that his local school board voted on a measure without public deliberation. He has asked the school district about the transcripts of any deliberations trustees of the board undertook but has not received a reply. Where would Frank go to seek an order that makes the school district produce the transcripts? A. Office of the Attorney General B. secretary of state’s office 138 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. comptroller of public accounts D. General Land Office Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Attorney General Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 10. Which of the following people narrowly won the nomination and reelection as Texas attorney general in 2018? A. Rick Perry B. Greg Abbott C. George P. Bush D. Ken Paxton Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Attorney General Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. Which office collects business taxes in Texas? A. Office of the Attorney General B. secretary of state’s office C. office of the comptroller of public accounts D. state treasurer’s office Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 12. Which elected position did Ann Richards occupy before she became governor of Texas? A. attorney general B. secretary of state 139 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. comptroller of public accounts D. state treasurer Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. How can the comptroller help the state, with little or no additional effort, end up with considerably more federal financial support? A. by litigating important financial lawsuits in federal court B. by turning in state tax receipts promptly to federal investigators C. by correctly filling out federal grant paperwork D. by providing accounting records that shows Texas is more efficient than other states Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 14. The budget cycle for Texas covers a _________-year cycle. A. one B. two C. four D. five Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Which agency generates economic data on Texas? A. Office of the Attorney General B. secretary of state’s office 140 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. comptroller of public accounts D. General Land Office Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 16. Which of the following elected executives is responsible for the Permanent School Fund in Texas? A. attorney general B. secretary of state C. comptroller of public accounts D. commissioner of the General Land Office Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Commissioner of the General Land Office Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 17. Jorge Sanchez just retired from the U.S. Army and is considered a Texas veteran. He wants to buy land and heard that there was a state loan program that helped veterans make such purchases. Which of the following agency heads oversees the board that would provide Jorge with the loan? A. attorney general B. secretary of state C. comptroller of public accounts D. commissioner of the General Land Office Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Commissioner of the General Land Office Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 18. Which agency was established by statute? 141 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. Texas Department of Agriculture B. secretary of state’s office C. office of the comptroller of public accounts D. the General Land Office Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Commissioner of Agriculture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 19. As Geraldo was pumping gas one day, he noticed a seal on the pump from the agency that ensured the pumps were accurately measuring the dispensing of the gasoline. Which of the following agencies is responsible for weights and measurements? A. Office of the Attorney General B. office of the comptroller of public accounts C. Texas Department of Agriculture D. General Land Office Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Commissioner of Agriculture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 20. Antonio has an assignment to report on five recent regulations instituted by any agency. From which agency can he obtain a publication of state regulations? A. Office of the Attorney General B. secretary of state’s office C. office of the comptroller of public accounts D. General Land Office Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointed Offices Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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21. Texas’s governor is considered the highest-ranking state military leader. The next in line of authority is the __________. A. attorney general B. adjutant general C. lieutenant governor D. speaker of the house Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointed Offices Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 22. After the 2021 power crisis, the Texas National Guard was deployed to perform welfare checks and assist citizens to get to heating centers. Who oversees their duties? A. the attorney general B. the adjutant general C. the Texas governor D. the Department of Homeland Security Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointed Offices Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 23. Texas has more than __________ non-education employees. A. 145,000 B. 250,000 C. 620,000 D. 1,000,000 Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Size Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 143 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

24. A(n) _____ refers to a chain of command organized by rank and is one characteristic of bureaucracy. A. caste system B. autocracy C. oligarchy D. hierarchy Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Hierarchy and Expertise Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25. Tim was recently hired as the superintendent for the Brownsville Independent School District and is responsible for the selection of suitable candidates for area principles. Instead of choosing people based on their ability, he selected applicants based on their support for his bid to become the superintendent and other people he is “connected” to in the educational sector. What type of system do these hiring practices best describe? A. meritocracy B. spoils system C. hierarchy D. oligarchy Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Hierarchy and Expertise Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 26. Most functions of Texas government are overseen by __________. A. the governor B. elected executives C. the Texas legislature D. boards and commissions Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 144 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Texas Boards and Commissions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 27. How many boards and commissions oversee Texas government? A. 50 B. 150 C. 250 D. 359 Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Texas Boards and Commissions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. Which of the following Texas agencies is overseen by an elected three-person body? A. State Board of Education B. Texas Railroad Commission C. Texas Water Development Board D. Health and Human Services Commission Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Texas Railroad Commission Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 29. Joan and her business associates are interested in investing in a startup company to develop compressed natural gas resources. Which state agency would regulate the company’s activities? A. State Board of Education B. Texas Railroad Commission C. Texas Water Development Board D. Health and Human Services Commission Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Texas Railroad Commission 145 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 30. Maria Hernandez is passionate about public education policy and is considering running for an office in Texas that would have the greatest impact on determining the curriculum for public education. Which position should she run for? A. governor B. lieutenant governor C. member of the State Board of Education D. speaker of the house Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: State Board of Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 31. Higher education officials complain that the State Board of Education is not doing enough to prepare students for college by focusing too heavily on _____. A. athletics programs B. standardized testing C. teacher salaries D. teacher unions Answer: B Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: State Board of Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. The Texas Water Development Board is primarily concerned with __________. A. keeping Texas rivers and lakes free of pollution B. ensuring that farmers have enough water C. overseeing conservation of water resources D. ensuring that urban areas have enough water Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 146 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Administrative Boards Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 33. Which of the following Texas agencies is overseen by an 11-member council? A. Texas Water Development Board B. Parks and Wildlife Department C. Health and Human Services Commission D. State Board of Education Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Administrative Boards Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. Which of the following Texas agencies can trace its origins back to 1917? A. Texas Water Development Board B. Parks and Wildlife Department C. Health and Human Services D. Department of Transportation Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Administrative Boards Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 35. The __________ oversees all higher education in the state. A. University of Texas Board of Regents B. Texas A&M Board of Regents C. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board D. Legislative Budget Board Answer: C Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: University Boards and the Coordinating Boards Difficulty Level: Easy 147 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. Katie recently graduated from cosmetology school and has ambitions of opening her own salon. She knows that before she can begin her career, she will have to pass the state exam issue by which department? A. the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation B. the Sunset Advisory Commission C. the Secretary of State D. the Texas Comptroller’s office Answer: A Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Occupational Licensing Boards Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 37. How does the legislature ensure that an agency is still needed? A. The legislature waits for the governor to send a request to eliminate an agency. B. The legislature waits for the agency heads to request the elimination of their agency. C. The legislature does an analysis of the cost of keeping an agency open versus the benefits to society. D. The Sunset Advisory Commission, whose members are appointed by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house, conducts a research and review process on that agency. Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the purpose and process of the Sunset Advisory Commission. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Sunset Advisory Commission Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 38. Which of the following statements best characterizes the review process of the Sunset Advisory Commission? A. Nearly all agencies fail the review process and are abolished or eliminated. B. About half of the agencies fail the review process and are abolished or eliminated. C. Roughly two-thirds of agencies fail the review process and are abolished or eliminated. D. Most agencies survive the review process. Answer: D Learning Objective: 9.5 Describe the purpose and process of the Sunset Advisory Commission.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Sunset Advisory Commission Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know Short Answer Questions 39. What is the major negative consequence of the plural executive? Answer: Most citizens are not aware of the identity of the top elected officials and cannot define the responsibilities of those officials. Learning Objective: 9.1 Differentiate between cabinet and plural executive forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: A Deliberate Division of Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 40. What are the responsibilities of Texas’s secretary of state? Answer: The secretary of state acts as chief election officer for Texas, interpreting the election code, training election clerks, and maintaining the roll of registered voters. The secretary of state’s office also issues charters for businesses incorporated in the state. Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appointed Offices Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 41. To what branch of Texas government are state agencies most accountable? Answer: Agencies depend on the legislature for appropriations to survive and to grow. Also, the sunset review process provides the legislature a means to close down agencies that have outgrown their usefulness. Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Accountability Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 42. Describe a bureaucracy. How does a bureaucracy ideally instill efficiency in government? 149 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: By its nature, a bureaucracy is hierarchical, with a definite chain of command. Each person in the bureaucracy has a specific job and should be an expert at that job. With an expert doing each job, there should be no wasted effort, meaning that the government should run efficiently. Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Hierarchy and Expertise Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 43. Explain how most of the heads of Texas’s boards and commissions are chosen. Answer: The heads of most of Texas’s boards and commissions are appointed by the governor rather than elected. Only two of the 150 boards and commissions have elected members. Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Texas Boards and Commissions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Essay Questions 44. Compare how heads of the national government departments are chosen and how the department heads of Texas government agencies are chosen. The ideal answer should include: 1. At the federal level, the heads of cabinet departments are appointed by the president. 2. Texas is one of eleven states that do not use this structure. Instead, Texas holds elections for the top executive officials and they run on independent tickets. 3. The Texas model is referred to as a plural executive, because the top executives are independently elected, meaning they are not tied to the governor’s office. Learning Objective: 9.1 Differentiate between cabinet and plural executive forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: A Deliberate Division of Power Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 45. Explain the important powers exercised by Texas’s comptroller of public accounts. The ideal answer should include: 1. The comptroller tells the legislature how much money it has to spend. 2. The comptroller finds ways to save the state money and to spend funds more efficiently. 150 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. The comptroller fills out federal grant paperwork. If the forms are filled out correctly, the state, with little or no additional effort, can end up with considerably more federal money. Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Comptroller of Public Accounts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 46. Explain the major responsibilities of the Texas Department of Agriculture. The ideal answer should include: 1. It is responsible for regulating the use of pesticides and providing information, training, and licenses for their use. 2. The office promotes the consumption of Texas-grown food, wine, fiber, and nursery plants. 3. It establishes the accuracy of weights and measures. Learning Objective: 9.2 Explain the roles of the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and commissioner of agriculture. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Commissioner of Agriculture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 47. Compare and contrast the way that was used in the past to fill job positions in Texas government and how positions are filled today. The ideal answer should include: 1. In the past, under the “spoils system” jobs went to workers of the party that won an election. 2. The spoils system is still used today by governors who appoint someone to a leadership position in the bureaucracy (patronage). 3. However, the trend in government is toward a “merit system” of hiring for most government employees. This means that the person that gets a job is the one who has the best qualifications for that position based on skills and training. Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Hierarchy and Expertise Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. Explain the differences that exist in bureaucratic accountability between Texas’s elected executives and appointed executives of boards and commissions. 151 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

The ideal answer should include: 1. The governor does not exercise direct control over agencies, and so state boards and commissions are not directly accountable to a top executive. 2. Board and commission members that are appointed by the governor are removed from direct accountability because the governor cannot remove prior appointees from office and because board members’ terms overlap. 3. Elected executive heads, such as agriculture commissioner, provide some measure of accountability for certain agencies because the elected official is accountable to voters for the agency’s performance. Learning Objective: 9.3 Determine how the bureaucracy impacts the operation of state government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Accountability Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 49. Using the Texas Railroad Commission as an example, identify how an agency can survive over time. The ideal answer should include: 1. Agencies don’t quietly fade away after the political environment changes. They find something new to do. 2. Finding something new to do allows the agency to hire more people, which provides new expenditures. 3. The Railroad Commission was originally intended to regulate rail rates in Texas, but the national government effectively accomplished this with its own agency. 4. The Railroad Commission found a new role in regulating the production of oil and gas. It expanded its regulatory powers into the gas utility industry as well as the liquid petroleum gas and compressed natural gas industries. This new role ensured it survival. Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Texas Railroad Commission Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 50. Explain the major areas of controversy within the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). The ideal answer should include: 1. There has been major controversy over textbook selection over the science of evolution. 2. Stakeholders complain that too much attention is placed on standardized testing in lieu of college preparation or academic standards. 3. The SBOE has come under fire over its U.S. history standards on a wide range of issues, including Moses, Helen Keller, and slavery.

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Learning Objective: 9.4 Differentiate among the functions of various types of boards and commissions. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: State Board of Education Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

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Chapter 10 The Texas Courts System Multiple Choice Questions 1. How many courts are there in Texas? A. about 1,200 B. about 2,000 C. about 3,400 D. about 9,300 Answer: C Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. How was the Texas court system established? A. by the 1869 Texas constitution B. by the 1876 Texas constitution C. by the U.S. Constitution D. by constitutional amendment in 1891 Answer: D Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Which statement best describes the authority of courts in Texas? A. All Texas courts can hear either criminal or civil cases. B. A court’s authority to hear a case is its jurisdiction. C. All Texas courts can hear all levels of criminal cases. D. All Texas courts can hear all levels of civil cases. Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Two Types of Law Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 154 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Gregg claims to have been wronged and is bringing a lawsuit. He will be the __________ in that suit. A. plaintiff B. prosecutor C. adjunct D. defendant Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Is It a Crime? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. If you are being sued for causing an injury, you are considered the __________ in the lawsuit. A. plaintiff B. prosecutor C. adjunct D. defendant Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Is It a Crime? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 6. Frank is being sued for an injury he caused in an auto crash. What is the injured party’s burden of proof in this suit? A. beyond a reasonable doubt B. a preponderance of evidence C. prohibitive D. capital Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Other Distinctions Between Civil and Criminal Law Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 7. The legal standard of guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt, is used __________. A. in criminal cases only B. in civil cases only 155 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. in both criminal and civil cases D. only in cases in which the remedy is more than $2 million Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Other Distinctions Between Civil and Criminal Law Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 8. What types of cases are initiated by a prosecutor? A. criminal B. civil C. divorce D. both civil and criminal Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Other Distinctions Between Civil and Criminal Law Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 9. Andrew was assaulted by a man during a late-night encounter in a bar. He wants the assailant to be criminally prosecuted and to still be able to sue for damages to cover his hospital bills. Is this possible under Texas law? A. No, relevant statute requires either a civil or criminal charge. B. No, only the state of Texas or the individual may pursue legal proceedings. C. Yes, there is a specific clause for assault cases in the Texas criminal code. D. Yes, some events can be the cause for both civil and criminal actions. Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Can an Act Violate Both Civil and Criminal Law? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 10. Municipal courts have the authority to hear __________ cases. A. Class C misdemeanors B. Class B misdemeanors C. Class A misdemeanors D. felony cases 156 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Makela is arrested by the Corpus Christi Police Department for making a false report to a law enforcement office, a class-B misdemeanor under Texas law. Will her case be heard in municipal court? A. Yes, because it happened within the city limits. B. Yes, but only because it involves local law enforcement. C. No, municipal courts may not hear criminal cases that are this serious. D. No, municipal courts adjudicate civil disputes. Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 12. Justice courts hear most of the civil cases in which the amount in dispute is under _____. A. $20,000 B. $40,000 C. $80,000 D. $100,000 Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. What is the minimum number of justices of the peace required by the Texas constitution? A. 100 B. 254 C. 512 D. 1024 Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 157 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14. What are the two kinds of county courts in Texas? A. constitutional county courts and county courts at law B. misdemeanor courts and felony courts C. district courts and courts of criminal appeals D. primary and secondary jurisdiction courts Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 15. Which of the following courts were created by the Texas legislature? A. justice courts B. county courts at law C. Texas Supreme Court D. Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 16. Which of the following courts requires judges to be licensed attorneys? A. justice courts B. municipal courts C. county courts at law D. constitutional county courts Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 17. Which of the following is the original jurisdiction of constitutional county courts? 158 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. civil claims of no less than $200 B. felony cases C. Class A and B misdemeanors D. violations of municipal ordinances Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 18. What jurisdiction does a probate court have? A. Class A and B misdemeanors B. Class C misdemeanors C. felony cases D. wills and trusts Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 19. Mitch wants to get divorced. In which court must he file his petition? A. justice court B. constitutional county court C. county court at law D. district court Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 20. Original jurisdiction over matters of child custody resides with the __________. A. Texas Supreme Court B. district courts C. county court at law D. justice of the peace courts Answer: B 159 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 21. How are most criminal cases resolved in the district courts? A. jury trial and conviction B. bench trial C. remanded D. plea bargaining Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 22. Which court requires candidates to be between the ages of 25 and 74? A. Texas supreme court B. court of criminal appeals C. court of appeals D. district courts Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 23. Which of the following judges are elected for six-year terms? A. justice court judges B. constitutional county court judges C. probate court judges D. court of appeals judges Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Easy 160 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 24. Robin aspires to serve on the Texas Fourth Court of Appeals. She is 61 years old, has practiced law for 31 years for courts of appeals, and served as a district court judge for 11 years. Is she eligible? A. Yes, she meets all the requirements. B. No, she doesn’t meet the age restriction. C. No, she doesn’t meet the requirements for time practicing law. D. No, she doesn’t meet the requirements for judicial tenure. Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 25. The Texas court of criminal appeals __________. A. has appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases B. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases D. can hear appeals for divorces Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. The Texas supreme court __________. A. can try any type of felony case B. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases D. can hear death penalty appeals Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

161 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

27. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is set to hear a capital murder case in which the death penalty is a possible outcome. It is required to meet en banc, which means _____ justices will be present to hear the case. A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 28. The Tenth Court of Appeals decides that the case they are reviewing excluded admissible evidence, a major error in conducting the trial, but they do not want to render their own verdict. Which action are they most likely to take? A. reverse the decision B. uphold the decision C. remand the decision D. abstain from any decision Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 29. How many justices sit on the Texas supreme court? A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 13 Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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30. In which Texas city did a high school district’s superintendent ban high school cheerleaders from displaying Bible verses at football games, which led parents to file a lawsuit against the district? A. Killeen B. Kilroy C. Kountze D. Austin Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.3 Analyze how the Texas judiciary plays an important role in shaping public policy. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Court’s Role in Public Policymaking Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 31. __________ is the philosophy that the courts are to be engaged in public policymaking. A. Judicial restraint B. Precedent C. Judicial activism D. Original intent Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.3 Analyze how the Texas judiciary plays an important role in shaping public policy. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Court’s Role in Public Policymaking Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. The Texas supreme court ruled that the state’s education finance system was unconstitutional because _________. A. it kept property taxes too high B. it was not providing equal per-pupil funding C. it forced school segregation based on race D. it was not equitable Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.3 Analyze how the Texas judiciary plays an important role in shaping public policy. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Court’s Role in Public Policymaking Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 163 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

33. Which statement best describes how judges in Texas are chosen? A. Trial court judges are elected, and appellate level judges are appointed. B. Trial court judges are appointed, and appellate level judges are elected. C. Texas supreme court justices are elected in nonpartisan races and all other judges are appointed. D. Although municipal court judges can be appointed, all other judges are elected. Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.4 Explain why the method for selecting Texas judges is under constant criticism. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: How Judges Are Selected Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. Why did Texas originally decide on a system to elect rather than appoint most of its judges? A. basic distrust of government B. a desire to pattern itself after the United States C. a requirement by the U.S. Supreme Court D. laissez faire politics Answer: A Learning Objective: 10.4 Explain why the method for selecting Texas judges is under constant criticism. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: How Judges Are Selected Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. Which of the following groups has an issue with the at-large method of selecting justices for the highest courts? A. business interests B. Anglos C. labor unions D. minority groups Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 164 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

36. Why did Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Phillips say that Texas has “the most expensive judicial races in the world and the most politicized judicial races in the world”? A. His intent was to explain why so few people wanted to run for judicial office in Texas. B. His intent was to explain why, when mixing money and politics, judges must dodge accusations that a decision was improperly influenced by a donor rather than by the law or facts of a certain case. C. He wanted to support the idea that the system ensures that qualified judges get elected. D. He wanted to show that the system provides equal opportunity to minority groups and White people because all one needs is to raise enough money and be a member of the right political party. Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 37. Which of the following reforms was passed in Texas and placed in the 2020 elections? A. Judges are to be elected in nonpartisan races. B. Judges are to be appointed by the governor and approved by a two-thirds vote of the senate. C. Judges will be appointed by the appropriate legislative bodies. D. Straight-ticket voting was eliminated so voters will be forced to choose candidates over party affiliations. Answer: D Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 38. Chris suggests reforming the judicial system by providing a list of qualified judges to the governor, who selects individuals from the list to serve 4-year terms. Which reform measure, used in several states, does this method pattern itself after? A. the New Hampshire Plan B. the Patrick Compromise C. the Missouri Plan D. the Rio Grande Valley method Answer: C Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. 165 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 39. What reason did Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick suggest would prevent changes to the present system of electing judges? A. Voters overwhelmingly support partisan elections. B. There is not enough support in the Texas Senate for changes to occur. C. The governor would veto any such measures. D. It would get struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional. Answer: B Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Short Answer Questions 40. What types of conflicts are courts charged with resolving? Answer: The courts are responsible for resolving conflicts arising from contracts, disputes over property ownership, or personal injury or conflicts that originate from police action or from the interpretation of a statute, a law, or a phrase contained in a legislative act. Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 41. Give an example of a criminal case, and identify which court has jurisdiction over that case and why. Answer: Students will provide an example of a criminal act, identify the court in which a trial for that act would take place, and provide an explanation of the type of infraction that took place. For example, “A city police officer issued Joe a citation for speeding. Traffic violations are Class C misdemeanors, and since the infraction occurred within city limits, the city municipal court has jurisdiction over the case.” Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Introduction 166 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 42. What is the criminal jurisdiction of municipal courts? Answer: Municipal courts have jurisdiction over all Class C misdemeanors that occur within the city’s geographic limits. Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 43. Discuss the three different conclusions an appellate court can arrive at after reviewing a case. Answer: 1. An appellate court can uphold a trial court’s verdict, leaving the ruling intact. 2. It can overturn, or reverse, a trial court’s finding and find in favor of the appealing party. 3. It can remand, or return, a case back to a lower court and order a new trial. Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Appellate Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 44. How can a court’s decisions be said to make law? Answer: When a court renders a decision, that decision can have the same effect as legislation, such as when a court declares a law unconstitutional or establishes guidelines for the legislature to follow when implementing legislation. Learning Objective: 10.3 Analyze how the Texas judiciary plays an important role in shaping public policy. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Court’s Role in Public Policymaking Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It Essay Questions 45. Compare and contrast criminal law and civil law. The ideal answer should include:

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1. Civil law exists to protect rights and property and to hold individuals accountable for their actions. Civil lawsuits usually involve two private entities, at least one of which is attempting to recover damages or to correct a situation that the party perceives as unfair. 2. Criminal law focuses on regulating people’s conduct and protecting society from the unlawful actions of individuals. 3. Criminal law is further distinguished from civil law by the fact that it is structured and codified. Criminal laws are contained in various “codes” that clearly define what conduct is criminal and that provide for specific penalties. 4. Civil cases can be initiated by an individual, group, or corporation. In contrast, criminal cases are initiated by a prosecutor, who is employed by the state. 5. Civil cases are decided on a preponderance of the evidence. If the plaintiff proves, in the minds of 10 of the 12 jurors, that the defendant is mostly at fault, the plaintiff wins. By contrast, the prosecutor in a criminal case must convince all of the jurors that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This is the highest burden of proof required under the law; if even one juror does not vote “guilty,” the defendant cannot be convicted. Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Two Types of Law Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 46. Identify the differences between the two major types of courts in Texas, and explain the function of each. The ideal answer should include: 1. In Texas the two major types of courts are trial courts and appellate courts. 2. Trial courts have original jurisdiction over criminal cases and it is in these courts that the facts of a case are established and existing law is applied to a verdict. They also have original jurisdiction over civil cases as determined by law. 3. Appellate courts review a case after a verdict is rendered to determine whether the trial courts have correctly applied the law. They review both the manner in which the law was applied and whether established legal procedures were followed. Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Two Types of Courts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Frankie is considering suing the driver that hit his car for $7,000 in damages. In which courts can he can bring his suit, and why? The ideal answer should include: 1. Frankie can choose to bring his civil suit in the justice court, constitutional county court, county court at law, or the district court. 2. Each of these courts has original jurisdiction in the amount that Frankie is seeking. 168 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. Justice courts and constitutional county courts have an upper limit of $10,000 for civil actions. County courts at law have an upper limit of $100,000 for civil actions and district courts have no upper limit on civil actions. Learning Objective: 10.1 Differentiate between civil and criminal law. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 48. Ken is facing a trial for a felony and is seeking advice on his options to resolve the charges. Explain to Ken the three ways in which criminal cases can be resolved and offer advice on why people usually choose the one that is most popular for people in his situation. The ideal answer should include: 1. The three ways that a criminal case can be resolved are jury trial, bench trial, and plea bargaining. 2. A jury trial for a felony case will take place at a district court; to convict him, 12 jurors must all agree that Ken did indeed commit the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. A bench trial is a criminal trial that is held without a jury, as requested by the person charged. In this type of trial, the judge overseeing the case renders a verdict. Plea bargaining is a process in which the accused offers a guilty plea and in exchange receives a lighter sentence than he or she might expect from a trial verdict. 3. The evidence that the state has will determine which course of action Ken should take. If the evidence is somewhat weak and his attorney believes that he can prove that Ken did not commit the crime, then a jury trial is Ken’s best option. However, if the evidence is strong and it is likely that a jury will find Ken guilty, Ken should probably plea bargain. Learning Objective: 10.2 Outline the structure of the Texas court system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: Trial-Level Courts Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. Identify and explain the two reasons Texas uses elections to select most of its judges, and explain why the textbook authors state that one reason is ironic. The ideal answer should include: 1. Texas elects most of its judges because (1) Texas’s traditionalistic and individualistic political culture has a general distrust of government and resists judicial reform, and (2) the framers of the Texas constitution reasoned that a popularly elected judiciary would be more responsive to the people than to any full-time politicians and would act to curtail the power of the governor. 2. The irony of the desire to curtail the power of the governor is that this same system allows the governor to fill vacancies in state courts between elections. Currently, seven of the nine justices serving on the Texas supreme court first assumed office by means of gubernatorial appointment. Being appointed to fill a term of office provides a huge advantage to the

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appointee, because it allows the justice to run as an incumbent in the next election. The ability to fill vacancies has provided the governor with immense power to shape state courts. Learning Objective: 10.4 Explain why the method for selecting Texas judges is under constant criticism. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: How Judges Are Selected Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 50. Other than the Missouri Plan, identify and explain three other reform measures that have been proposed for the Texas court system. The ideal answer should include: 1. Reformists have suggested a process that uses single-member districts to provide people of color equal opportunity to serve as members of the state courts. 2. One proposal is abolishing the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, making the Texas Supreme Court the highest court for all civil and criminal cases. 3. Judges presiding in courts of original jurisdiction could be appointed by the appropriate legislative bodies, such as the city council and county commissioner. Learning Objective: 10.5 Evaluate the merits of suggested judicial reforms. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government. Topic: The Call for Judicial Reform Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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Chapter 11 Local and County Governments and Special Districts in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which level of government offers Texans the most control over their own lives? A. national B. federal C. state D. local Answer: D Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 2. Advanced degrees in __________ offer government leaders professional training. A. accounting B. public administration C. political science D. sociology Answer: B Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. Where is most of Texas’s population growth occurring? A. cities B. towns C. rural counties D. suburbs Answer: D Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 171 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Which of the following Texas cities experienced the fastest population growth between 2015 and 2016? A. San Antonio B. Houston C. McKinney D. Frisco Answer: C Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 5. Which of the following Texas cities added the most people between 2015 and 2016? A. Houston B. San Antonio C. Frisco D. Dallas Answer: A Learning Objective: None Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. What form of government can do anything its charter authorizes but cannot conflict with existing state or federal law? A. special district government B. general law city C. home rule city D. school district Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipalities Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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7. Which form of local government must be approved by voters in municipalities of 5,000 or more people? A. home rule B. general law C. special districts D. county government Answer: A Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipalities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 8. Which of the following Texas cities is the largest city in the state to use the mayor-council form of municipal government? A. Houston B. San Antonio C. Dallas D. El Paso Answer: A Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 9. Which form of municipal government is most widely used by small cities? A. mayor-council B. county rule C. council-manager D. commission Answer: A Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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10. Which form of municipal government is used by most medium-sized Texas cities? A. strong mayor-council B. weak mayor-council C. council-manager D. commission Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. In which type of city government does the mayor and city council select a person to be the chief administrator? A. strong mayor-council B. weak mayor-council C. council-manager D. commission Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 12. How much do city council members generally earn for their service? A. $600 per month B. between $110 and $150 per council session C. between $90 and $100 per council session D. between $10 and $50 per council session Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipal Elections Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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13. Why do most people run for city council? A. It pays a nice salary. B. It is a great stepping-stone to a higher office. C. They have been angry at the city for something it did or did not do. D. They want to fulfill a sense of civic duty. Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipal Elections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 14. Which of the following is the largest source of most Texas cities’ revenues? A. sales tax revenue B. federal transfer payments C. state funding D. property taxes Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Finance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 15. Juliet is a member of her city council and has been worried about the condition of public education. She wants to create an after-school program that she believes will help improve student performance. However, there are not enough current funds in the city budget, and she will instead have to seek a different revenue source for the program. Based on this information, what is she most likely to propose to the city? A. She will need to seek funding assistance from the federal government. B. She will need to state funding for the program. C. She will need to seek approval from the city’s voters to create a special tax to fund the program. D. She will need to establish an economic development tax to fund the program. Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments.

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Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Finance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 16. The City of Austin needs to improve the streets and sidewalks along a major thoroughfare. This will require a large expenditure of monies that the city does not have. What is the best way the city can borrow the money for the project? A. It can issue revenue bonds. B. It can borrow money from a commercial bank. C. It can issue general obligation bonds. D. It can borrow money from the state. Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Bonds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 17. The city of Hurst needs to widen a road to accommodate increased traffic caused by development. However, one side of the street has several homes that are in the way of this expansion. What can the city do to complete this project? A. The city can ask the state for authority to confiscate the homes from their owners. B. The city can ask the federal government for the authority to confiscate the homes from their owners. C. The city can use its police force to confiscate the homes. D. The city can condemn the homes but must compensate the owners. Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Eminent Domain Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 18. Most Texas cities begin the yearly budget process in __________. A. January B. May 176 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. August D. October Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgeting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 19. Why do proponents argue that abatements are necessary to incentivize business relocation to Texas? A. the lack of available space for incoming business B. the need to counter high property taxes C. the need to offset the high state income tax D. the high regulation in Texas compared to other states Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgeting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. Mayor Sylvester Turner wants to incentivize people to relocate to Houston from the Rust Belt, endorsing a policy that will make incoming businesses exempt from all general taxes for the first year that they move to the city. What is this type of incentive usually called? A. municipal waiver B. exemption bond C. offset budgeting D. abatement Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgeting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 21. Which of the following are called the “administrative arms of state government” by the Texas constitution? 177 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. special districts B. cities C. counties D. secretary of state’s office Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: County Government Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 22. As part of his job, Ryan keeps track of sexually transmitted infections. He probably works at the __________ level of government. A. special district B. city C. county D. national Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: County Government Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 23. Which statement best describes the power of counties compared to that of cities? A. Counties have a lot more power than cities do. B. Counties have about the same amount of power as cities do. C. Counties have a little less power than cities do. D. Counties are relatively weak compared to cities. Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Structure of County Government Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 24. Eddie received a jury duty notice in the mail. Which Texas office sent it? A. treasurer B. tax assessor-collector C. county clerk 178 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. district clerk Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Elected Officials Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 25. The county commissioners court acts and functions less like a court and more like what other government position? A. treasurer B. city manager C. county clerk D. sheriff Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Structure of County Government Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. Which of the following has primary responsibility for providing medical care to the indigent? A. special districts B. city government C. county government D. federal government Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Structure of County Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 27. Which of the following officials has primary responsibility for county-wide law enforcement? A. police officer B. sheriff C. constable D. county attorney Answer: B 179 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Elected Officials Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. Which of the following officials is primarily responsible for serving subpoenas for justice of the peace courts? A. police officer B. sheriff C. constable D. county attorney Answer: C Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Elected Officials Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. Which of the following officials is a county’s legal adviser? A. county clerk B. sheriff C. constable D. county attorney Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Elected Officials Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. Bobby needs to get a copy of his birth certificate and ask a question about a jury duty summons he received in the mail. Which office(s) will he be going to? A. district clerk B. district clerk and county clerk C. county clerk and tax assessor-collector D. district clerk and tax assessor-collector Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. 180 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Elected Officials Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 31. Which of the following governing entities provides a specific service to a limited geographic area in Texas? A. county government B. special district C. municipality D. state government Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Special Districts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 32. Regional transportation districts are primarily funded by _____. A. property taxes B. local sales taxes and tolls C. state income taxes D. municipal bonds Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Special Districts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. One shared feature of special districts is that they have a “recognized existence.” Which of the following statements best characterizes that idea? A. They must be chartered by the state and conduct business openly. B. They must be approved by the special district committee found in the governor’s office. C. Other area districts must consent to their construction and agree to overlapping powers. D. They must make their itemized purchasing records available to the public. Answer: A Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Special Districts Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 181 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

34. What is the most common form of special district in Texas? A. community college districts B. water conservation districts C. soil conservation districts D. independent school districts Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Special Districts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. A superintendent manages a __________. A. city B. county C. community college D. public school system Answer: D Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Special Districts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. Which of the following statements best characterizes independent school districts (ISDs) in Texas? A. The majority of Texas ISDs serve more than 100,000 students. B. The majority of Texas ISDs serve fewer than 1,000 students. C. Most ISDs serve roughly 50,000 students each. D. Only 10 to 20 ISDs serve more than 1,000 students. Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Special Districts Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 37. Why did the framers of the current Texas constitution allow for the creation of independent school districts (ISDs)? A. to ensure more local control of Texas’s public schools B. to account for population changes after the Civil War 182 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. to address failure to meet educational goals for several decades D. to fix disparities between schools in north and south Texas Answer: A Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Special Districts Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. To prevent duplicating unnecessary work, local governments __________. A. ask the Texas legislature for a report of their services B. participate in a council of government C. act jointly to create an independent special government D. have been prevented from duplicating services by the state legislature Answer: B Learning Objective: 11.5 Summarize the importance of special districts in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Councils of Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Short Answer Questions 39. What are municipalities? Answer: Municipalities are governing entities recognized by the state legislature and are responsible for providing an array of local-level services. Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 40. Explain the major differences between the strong mayor-council form of government and the weak mayor-council form of government. Answer: The major differences between the strong mayor-council form and the weak mayorcouncil form of government are (1) that in the strong mayor form the mayor is often empowered to veto policies and ordinances passed by the council and to hire and fire city personnel as he or she deems appropriate, and (2) the weak mayor form does not grant such powers to the mayor. Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. 183 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. Which type of election system has led to an increase in diversity in Texas city governments, and why? Answer: The state’s larger cities have more diverse populations, and these cities have more diversity on the city councils because they use the single-member district system to select city council members. Under this system, the city is divided into districts, and voters in these districts may only vote for candidates who reside there. Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipal Elections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 42. Why do racial and ethnic groups find the local level of government more accessible than other levels? Answer: Ethnic and race-based groups have found that local government is relatively more accessible, in part due to the implementation of single-member district elections and the resulting election of minority representatives. Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: The Effects of Group Participation on Municipal Government Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 43. Explain how the ad valorem tax works. Answer: An ad valorem tax is a system of taxation in which each property is taxed “according to value.” Values are determined by the county property assessment office and a rate is set per $100 of assessed value. For instance, an established ad valorem rate of $0.50 and $0.75 per $100 of assessed value for a house valued at $100,000 by the county property assessment office will generate a $500 tax bill. Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Finance 184 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know Essay Questions 44. Compare and contrast home rule cities and general law cities. The ideal answer should include: 1. General law cities can be any size, but almost all cities under 5,000 in population are general law cities. They have limited autonomy and are closely regulated and monitored by the state and may do only those functions that are permitted by state or federal law. They do not have a city charter. 2. Three-fourths of Texas cities are general law cities, but 80 percent of the people of Texas live in home rule cities. 3. Home rule cities have the opposite characteristics of general law cities and each must have a population of at least 5,000 people before it can seek home rule status. A home rule city has greater autonomy and may do anything that its charter authorizes that does not conflict with any existing state or federal law. Home rule cities provide a greater array of services because they are larger and because they have greater taxing authority than a general law city. Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipalities Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 45. Explain the three ways a municipal government could be structured and identify where each structure is mainly used. The ideal answer should include: 1. The mayor-council type of arrangement is a simple form of government in which most of the day-to-day executive operations are carried out by the mayor or by a city council. There are two variants: weak mayor and strong mayor. In a weak mayor system, the mayor has limited implementation and no veto powers. In strong mayor cities, the mayor is often empowered to veto policies and ordinances passed by the council and to hire and fire city personnel as he or she deems appropriate. The weak mayor-council form is the most widely used and is most popular in Texas’s less populated and rural cities. 2 The council-manager form of government is used by most medium- and larger-sized cities in Texas and throughout the United States. The qualified voters who reside in the city elect a city council and a mayor, which in turn hire a city manager to carry out the council’s policies. This system allows for both professional management and local political control. City managers usually are formally trained in urban studies or public administration and have extensive knowledge of budgeting, finance, and personnel laws. 3. Only a handful of cities operate under the commission form. Rather than an elected council, these cities elect commissioners, and each commissioner is responsible for

185 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

overseeing a specific component of operations. For example, a single commissioner oversees police and fire, parks and recreation, or public streets. Learning Objective: 11.1 Compare and contrast the two types of cities and several forms of city government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Forms of Municipal Governments Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 46. Identify and explain the three main types of municipal elections in Texas. The ideal answer should include: 1. The at-large system is a method of electing representatives where there are no districts or wards drawn, and the candidate may draw votes from the entire area to be governed. 2. The place system is a system of electing local government leaders whereby the candidates must campaign for a particular seat on the city council. 3. A single-member district is a specific geographic area with a population equal to that of other districts that elects one person (a single member) to represent that area. Learning Objective: 11.2 Evaluate the various structures of municipal government, including elections and forms of government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Types of Municipal Elections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 47. What is the relationship between eminent domain and condemnation of property for public use? The ideal answer should include: 1. Eminent domain is the power of government to reclaim a privately held property for the government if the property is needed for the greater public good. 2. This power has been used by governments to obtain privately held property for construction of highways, airports, shopping malls, and military installations. 3. Condemnation is the actual legal action that governments use to take property and convey compensation at fair market value. Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Eminent Domain Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. Determine how a city might be able to lure a new business. Why would a city want to do so? 186 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

The ideal answer should include: 1. City officials must create a favorable climate to attract new business. One way is to ensure the city has low ad valorem rates compared to those of other nearby cities. 2. A city can also offer financial incentives, called abatement. An abatement is a financial incentive offered by governments to business and commercial concerns as a means of luring them to set up operations within the borders of a particular city. 3. Attracting new business can create hundreds of jobs in the community and generate thousands of dollars in local sales tax rebates that can then be used to fund city services. Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Budgeting Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 49. Explain what municipal bonds are generally used for and distinguish the two principal types. The ideal answer should include: 1. Cities sell municipal bonds to raise the money necessary for long-term infrastructure improvements and other capital projects. 2. General obligation bonds are issued for the purpose of making capital improvements that are paid off in small yearly payments. 3. Revenue bonds are also used for capital improvements and are repaid by revenue generated by the improvement; examples include sports arenas and public facilities for which there is an admissions charge. Learning Objective: 11.3 Identify the major sources of revenue and expenditures of local governments. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Municipal Finance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 50. Why are some Texans critical of county government, and what do they suggest would bring greater efficiency to that form of government? The ideal answer should include: 1. The Texas constitution has placed limitations on county governments establishing home rule charters and ordinances and has mandated the plural executive system, all of which keep county governments from being as effective or responsive to local needs as they can be. 2. Voters are apathetic about county government constitutionally mandated plural executive system of government because they have to vote for too many people in administrative functions. In addition, the number of elected officials means that no one person is in charge. 3. Constitutional limitations keep counties relatively weak in terms of autonomy because they do not have the ability to establish home rule or pass county-wide ordinances. 187 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Reforms that have been suggested including the establishment of a council-manager form of government, which would allow commissioners to appoint a county manager, who would hire a professional staff, bringing greater accountability. In addition, the establishing of home rule would allow counties to pass ordinances in response to local needs. Learning Objective: 11.4 Explain why counties were established and how they have evolved. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government. Topic: Criticism of County Government and Proposed Reform Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It

188 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 12 Criminal Justice Policy in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which federal agency is responsible for collecting national crime statistics? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. National Security Administration C. Central Intelligence Agency D. Department of Defense Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Measuring Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. _____ are the eight offenses that the state and national governments use to perform statistical studies. A. Misdemeanors B. Felonies C. Index crimes D. Statutory crimes Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Measuring Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 3. __________ is the most common form of crime in Texas. A. Robbery B. Rape C. Property crime D. Aggravated assault Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Measuring Crime 189 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 4. __________ is the most common form of violent crime in Texas. A. Robbery B. Rape C. Property crime D. Aggravated assault Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Measuring Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 5. Which statement explains why arrest rates in Texas are rising but the crime rate is decreasing? A. Texas has a young population. B. Criminals are released from prison too soon. C. The illicit drug trade continues to increase. D. There are now more police officers than in the past. Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Crime in Texas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 6. Why do retailers keep certain cold remedies behind their counters? A. People have been overdosing on it. B. Retailers don’t want people to use them to produce particular drugs. C. State legislature requires them to do so. D. Pharmaceutical companies have a high moral stand and have implemented this policy on their own. Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Crime in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy 190 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. What is the maximum jail time for being convicted of having a connection to the manufacture of methamphetamine? A. 10 years B. 15 years C. 20 years D. 25 years Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Crime in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 8. How many people are arrested in Texas each year for committing major crimes? A. 10,000 B. 100,000 C. 500,000 D. more than 1 million Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Crime in Texas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 9. Which of the following is the age range of people who are considered to be most prone to committing crime? A. 12–16 B. 17–24 C. 25–35 D. 36–49 Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Factors in the Crime Rate Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 191 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

10. Which of the following is most responsible for the reduction in crime nationwide? A. the war on drugs B. advances in police weaponry C. improved technology D. cultural shifts between generations Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Factors in the Crime Rate Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 11. What percentage of adult male Texans are currently incarcerated or on probation or parole? A. 5 percent B. 10 percent C. 15 percent D. 20 percent Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Corrections Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 12. Nearly __________ people in Texas are either in jail, in prison, on probation, or on parole. A. 10,000 B. 100,000 C. 500,000 D. 1 million Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Corrections Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

192 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

13. Which of the following statements best characterizes the comparative costs of incarceration to education? A. It is slightly more expensive to educate adults than imprison them. B. It costs roughly the same to educate adults than imprison them. C. It costs considerably more to educate adults than imprison them for the same time. D. It costs considerably more to keep an adult behind bars than a year of adult education. Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Corrections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14. Which of the following states executes the largest number of criminals? A. Texas B. Oklahoma C. California D. New Mexico Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Capital Punishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 15. Why does Texas have a high execution rate? A. Texas’s political culture supports executions for crimes. B. Texas has a high level of poverty, which leads to the commission of capital crimes. C. Most of the people convicted of a capital crime were framed by prosecutors. D. Police get promoted if they make an arrest for a capital crime, so more police officers work those cases. Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Capital Punishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

193 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

16. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment? A. First Amendment B. Fourth Amendment C. Fifth Amendment D. Eighth Amendment Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Executions on the Decline Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 17. Jordan was convicted for first-degree murder after he confessed to planning the death of his physically abusive uncle. During the trial, it became indisputable that Jordan had an intellectual disability. Under current Supreme Court precedent, what is the maximum sentence that he can face? A. the death penalty B. life in prison C. 10 years D. 40 years Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Executions on the Decline Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 18. Which statement best describes jurors’ option(s) for sentencing for a person convicted of a capital crime? A. The jury is required to sentence that person to death. B. The jury can sentence that person to prison for life with chance of parole after 40 years. C. The jury is required to sentence that person to life without possibility of parole. D. The jury can choose to sentence that person to death or to life without the possibility of parole. Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Executions on the Decline Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 194 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

19. The __________ regulates the manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages throughout Texas. A. TABC B. Texas Rangers C. DPS D. DEA Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: State Level Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 20. Alfredo is a con artist who has been scamming local artisans across the state of Texas through credit card fraud. After an anonymous tip, he is located at the Texas Renaissance Festival. Which department’s Bunco Division is most likely to have been searching for him? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. Department of Public Safety C. Central Intelligence Agency D. Grimes County Sheriff’s Department Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: State Level Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 21. Who is responsible for maintaining each of Texas’s county jails? A. county sheriff B. Texas Rangers C. city police D. constable Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: County Level Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts

195 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

22. Which of the following is an elected official in Texas? A. an agent of the TABC B. a Texas Ranger C. a city police D. a constable Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: County Level Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23.Which of the following peace officers provides services to the justices of the peace? A. sheriff B. Texas Ranger C. city police D. constable Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: County Level Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. Brazos County, home of Texas A&M University, currently has four precincts based on its population size. How many constables are authorized to it under the Texas constitution? A.1 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: County Level Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 25. Which city has the largest police department in Texas? A. Dallas B. San Antonio C. Houston 196 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

D. Ft. Worth Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Local Level Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 26. Glenn has been convicted of simple assault. What is his potential sentence? A. no sentence B. 180 days in the city jail C. 180 days in the county jail D. 1 year in the county jail Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 27. Glenn has been convicted of simple assault. What is his potential fine? A. $250 B. $500 C. $750 D. $950 Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 28. Christie has been convicted of assault causing injury. What is her potential sentence? A. 180 days in the city jail B. 180 days in the county jail C. 1 year in the county jail D. 2–4 years in the county jail Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None 197 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 29. What is the maximum fine for a felony conviction in Texas? A. $2,000 B. $4,000 C. $5,000 D. $10,000 Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. What is the maximum fine for a violation of a city ordinance in Texas? A. $2,000 B. $4,000 C. $5,000 D. $10,000 Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 31. What type of crime is sexual assault? A. Class A misdemeanor B. Class B misdemeanor C. State Jail felony D. 2nd Degree felony Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 32. In Texas, misdemeanor sentences are served in the __________. 198 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

A. city jail B. county jail C. state jail D. state penitentiary Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: The Importance of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 33. In Texas, the sentence for attempted capital murder is __________. A. the death penalty B. life without parole C. 2–20 years D. 5–99 years Answer: D Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 34. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution asserts the right __________. A. against unreasonable searches and seizures of property B. of due process C. of double jeopardy D. to an attorney even if a person can’t afford one Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Stages of Due Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. Police officers would call fingerprints or blood splatters found at the scene of a crime __________. A. fruits of a crime B. mere evidence C. contraband D. tools of a crime 199 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Stages of Due Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 36. Who decides the amount of time that someone convicted of a crime will serve? A. grand jury B. trial jury C. prosecutor D. attorney general Answer: B Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Stages of Due Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 37. Michelle is 25 years old and a full-time theater student at Austin College. In addition, she is the sole caretaker of her 12-year-old sister. Is Michelle exempt from jury duty in the state of Texas? A. No, she does not meet any of the exemption criteria. B. Yes, she meets the age exemption. C. Yes, she meets the education exemption. D. Yes, she meets the caretaker exemption. Answer: C Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Stages of Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 38. Johnny was arrested on sexual assault charges. The victim was presented with a photo lineup. All the photos were completely black and white except for Johnny’s, which was in color. What reform legislation does this scenario most closely resemble? A. Michael Morton Act B. First Step Act C. George Floyd Act D. Tim Cole Act Answer: D 200 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Texas’s Leadership in Criminal Justice Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 39. Which of the following statements best characterizes Texas’ current role in criminal justice reform? A. Texas has been called the “gold standard” for reform efforts. B. Texas is considered about average in reform efforts nationwide. C. Texas is behind most states in its efforts to create justice reform. D. Texas is considered dead last in reforming its criminal justice sector. Answer: A Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Texas’s Leadership in Criminal Justice Reform Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know Short Answer Questions: 40. What is used at all levels of government as the official measure of crime? Answer: All levels of government measure crime as the number of crimes recorded by (or reported to) law enforcement agencies. Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Measuring Crime Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 41. What are the primary characteristics of a typical person in a Texas or prison, on probation, or on parole? Answer: A typical person caught up in the criminal justice system is an adult male who has not completed high school and is just as likely to be unemployed as employed. Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Corrections Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 201 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

42. What are two arguments put forth by supporters of the death penalty? Answer: Supporters of the death penalty argue that much-needed prison space would be available if the state expanded the list of capital crimes and executed more prisoners. They also argue that putting the condemned to death would save taxpayers money. Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Capital Punishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Analyze It 43. Ken was 16 when he committed a murder in Texas. Explain why, after his conviction, he did not receive the death penalty. Answer: In Roper v. Simmons (2005), the U.S. Supreme Court held that persons who were 17 years old or younger at the time the capital crime was committed could not be executed. Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Executions on the Decline Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 44. Identify the type of crime for which the Texas Penal Code provides a sentence of up to 1 year in county jail. Answer: The Texas Penal Code provides a sentence of up to 1 year in county jail for those crimes it defines as misdemeanors, relatively minor offenses. Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: None Topic: Due Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Essay Questions 45. Identify and explain the three classical methods of measuring crime. The ideal answer should include: 1. There are three classical methods of measuring crime. 2. First, victimization surveys are effective and often used by academics and private-sector consulting firms. 3. Second, incarceration rates presume that more arrests for a given crime reflect a greater number of those crimes being committed. 202 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. A third measure is the number of crimes recorded by (or reported to) law enforcement agencies. Learning Objective: 12.1 Explain why crime rates are among the most important statistical data generated by government. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Measuring Crime Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 46. Assume that you are serving on a jury that has convicted Dan of murdering his wife, a capital crime. Identify the three questions that the judge will ask the jury to determine whether Dan will receive the death penalty. Describe a scenario in which he will be sentenced to death and a scenario in which he will not receive the death penalty. The ideal answer should include: 1. The judge will ask the jury to answer three questions: (1) Was the defendant’s conduct that caused the death of the victim committed deliberately and with the reasonable expectation that the victim’s death would ensue? (2) Is it probable that the defendant would commit additional criminal acts of violence that would constitute a continuing threat to society? (3) Is there anything in the circumstances of the offense and the defendant’s character and background that would warrant a sentence of life imprisonment rather than the death sentence? 2. If the jury’s answers are yes/yes/no, the sentence is death. If the answers are anything but yes/yes/no, the sentence is life without the possibility of parole. Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: “Questions of Life and Death” Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 47. Identify the three reasons behind the decrease in the use of the death penalty in Texas, and explain why each change has occurred. The ideal answer should include: 1. In Roper v. Simmons (2005), the U.S. Supreme Court held that persons who were 17 years old or younger at the time the capital crime was committed could not be executed. In Texas, several death row inmates were transferred to the general population because of this ruling. 2. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could not execute persons with intellectual disabilities on the basis that doing so violated the Eighth Amendment’s protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Consequently, the death sentences of 28 death row inmates with intellectual disabilities were commuted to life in prison. 3. Jurors who had sentenced individuals to death were troubled by the requirement that they choose either the death penalty or sentencing the person to live with the chance for parole after 40 years. Jurors said they chose the death penalty in order to keep an offender from ever 203 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

being free again. Because of a change in legislation, juries can now choose a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. Learning Objective: 12.2 Discuss why the use of the death penalty has been on the decline and will continue to decrease. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Executions on the Decline Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. Explain the role of the Texas Rangers, including whose authority they are under and the historical reasons for their formation. The ideal answer should include: 1. The Texas Rangers are an elite division of the Department of Public Safety that investigates major crimes and allegations of police misconduct. 2. The Rangers were formed in 1837, when the Republic of Texas needed an inexpensive, yet effective, police force. 3. Having no ties to local governments or its politics, today’s Texas Rangers are called to investigate complex, high-profile cases. Learning Objective: 12.3 Identify the major types of law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: State Level Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. Explain due process and the exclusionary rule and the relationship between the two. The ideal answer should include: 1. Due process is the rights guaranteed to individuals accused of committing criminal acts. These rights include equal treatment and protection under the law, safeguards against cruel and unusual punishment, the right to trial by jury, the right to a court-appointed attorney if the defendant cannot afford to pay an attorney, and the right to face the persons who have made the accusation. 2. The exclusionary rule demands that any items or evidence gathered during an illegal search of a person’s private property be excluded as evidence against the defendant at the time of trial. 3. The relationship between the two is that the exclusionary rule is a due process right. Without protection from arbitrary searches, there cannot be due process right of equal treatment. Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Due Process Difficulty Level: Difficult 204 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Analyze It 50. Explain what happens in each stage of the criminal justice process. The ideal answer should include: 1. The first stage of the criminal justice process is arrest. Both the U.S. and Texas constitutions guarantee that no person shall be arrested unless probable cause has been established. 2. The second stage of the process is the indictment. For individuals accused of committing a felony, a critical component of due process is the right to have the facts of the case heard by a grand jury. The grand jury decides whether there is enough evidence to ascertain probable cause. If so, then they will issue a “true bill” or indictment and the case will move to the next stage. 3. In the third stage, the trial, the prosecutor represents the state and brings the case to trial. However, before trial the prosecutor will attempt to negotiate a settlement, usually for a lesser charge or less jail time, with the accused. If the accused (defendant) does not agree to the plea bargain, then he or she can have either a trial by jury or a bench trial, where the case is heard by a judge and no jury. When a defendant opts for a bench trial, the judge hears the testimony and determines the verdict. If the case goes to a jury trial, six jurors hear misdemeanor cases (those heard in municipal, justice, and county courts-at-law). Twelve jurors are required for felony jury cases, which are tried in the district courts. Conviction for a jury trial requires that all members of the jury agree on a verdict of “guilty.” Likewise, a unanimous vote is required for a finding of “not guilty.” If the final verdict is not unanimous, or if the jury fails to render a verdict at all, the judge declares a hung jury (a non-unanimous verdict) or mistrial, and the prosecutor has the option of requesting a second trial using another jury. Learning Objective: 12.4 Explain how an individual’s right to due process extends through all stages of the criminal justice system. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Topic: Stages of Due Process Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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Chapter 13 Public Policy, Finance, and Budgeting in Texas Multiple Choice Questions 1. The __________ of Texas creates public policy through executive orders. A. governor B. legislature C. courts D. bureaucracy Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Public Policy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. Greg is a sixth-grade student that receives breakfast through a subsidized school breakfast program. It can be said that Greg is participating in a program administered under __________. A. distributive policy B. redistributive policy C. regulatory policy D. fiscal policy Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Types of Policy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 3. Paying property taxes to fund public education is an example of __________. A. distributive policy B. redistributive policy C. regulatory policy D. fiscal policy Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Types of Policy Difficulty Level: Moderate 206 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 4. The Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program provides federal aid to families with children in circumstances in which the primary caregiver cannot provide for the family’s basic needs. What type of policy is this? A. distributive policy B. redistributive policy C. regulatory policy D. fiscal policy Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Types of Policy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. __________ is designed to prevent or reduce some activity because that activity is viewed as harmful. A. Distributive policy B. Redistributive policy C. Regulatory policy D. Economic policy Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Types of Policy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 6. The __________ stage of the policy making process involves identifying a problem that requires attention. A. formulation B. agenda-setting C. implementation D. evaluation Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Policymaking Model Difficulty Level: Moderate 207 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 7. After several high-profile incidents that led to litigation, Tim’s employer has mandated that all employees take a comprehensive sexual harassment training that defines the concept, provides an overview of applicable compliance regulations, and covers what types of behaviors are appropriate at work. What stage in the policymaking process is this? A. formulation B. agenda-setting C. implementation D. evaluation Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Policymaking Model Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It 8. The Texas legislature passed a law that an agency must take a specific action to solve a problem. At which stage of the policymaking process did the passage of this law occur? A. formulation B. agenda setting C. implementation D. evaluation Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Policymaking Model Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 9. According to the textbook, which of the following is one of the top priorities of public policy? A. creating a budget B. feeding poor people C. subsidizing business D. funding elections Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Constraints on Budgeting Difficulty Level: Moderate 208 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Skill Level: Analyze It 10. Which type of policy relates to the Texas’s activities for raising revenue and spending resources? A. distributive policy B. redistributive policy C. regulatory policy D. fiscal policy Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Constraints on Budgeting Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 11. Who has the responsibility for both estimating and certifying revenue in Texas? A. speaker of the house B. lieutenant governor C. governor D. comptroller of public accounts Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Balanced Budget Provision and Other Constitutional Roadblocks Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 12. Which of the following is considered as the greatest constraint on government spending in Texas? A. balanced budget requirement B. biennial budget system C. public sentiment D. federal unfunded mandates Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Balanced Budget Provision and Other Constitutional Roadblocks Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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13. Why does the Texas legislature create a two-year budget? A. That is considered to be the most efficient. B. The federal government operates on a two-year budget. C. It is a requirement of the comptroller of public accounts. D. The legislature meets in regular session every other year. Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Biennial Budget System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 14. Once the Texas legislature passes a budget and the governor has acted, how soon does the budget go into effect? A. the following month, 30 days B. after 6 months C. the following year D. the day after the governor takes action on the budget bill Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Biennial Budget System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 15. Assume that the Texas legislature is not in session and the economy has gone into recession. What must occur before legislators can act to reformulate policy? A. The legislature as a body must wait for the comptroller to decertify the budget. B. The legislature must wait for a special session to be called. C. The legislature must wait for economic conditions to deteriorate to a point where a constitutional provision allowing deficit spending kicks in. D. The legislature must wait until the federal government increases monies for state governments. Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Biennial Budget System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know

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16. Based on the priorities set by the Texas government in 2019, which of the following legislative efforts would take top priority in upcoming sessions? A. a bill that increases environmental quality standards for water from Texas aquifers B. a bill that restructures the organization of the state tax code C. a bill that recalculates the way property taxes are calculated for education spending D. a bill that increases subsidies for private development of public transit Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Congressional and Court Mandates Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 17. Which percentage of the Texas general revenue is allotted for dedicated funds and spending influenced by federal mandates? A. 24 percent B. 35 percent C. 56 percent D. 82 percent Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Dedicated Funds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 18. Texas’s Legislative Budget Board comprises __________. A. the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house B. the governor, the speaker of the house, and the comptroller of public accounts C. the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and the chairs of various senate and house committees D. the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and the chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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19. Which of the following statements describes how Governor Greg Abbott could alter state spending after the budget has been passed? A. He can increase spending but must call the legislature to meet using his special session power. B. He can impound or transfer funds if the Legislative Budget Board agrees. C. He has no power to change the budget once it has been passed. D. He can increase spending but only with unanimous approval of the Legislative Budget Board. Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 20. Every agency in Texas government creates a long-term strategic plan for a __________ period. A. two-year B. five-year C. seven-year D. ten-year Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 21. The governor’s budget __________. A. is instrumental in creating the final budget document during the legislative process B. is folded into the work of the Legislative Budget Board C. is closely reflective of the final document that the legislature creates D. carries minimal influence with the legislature Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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22. What is the name of the committee that begins the work on the budget in the Texas house? A. Appropriations Committee B. Finance Committee C. Ways and Means Committee D. Committee on State Affairs Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 23. What is the name of the committee that begins the work on the budget in the Texas senate? A. Appropriations Committee B. Finance Committee C. Ways and Means Committee D. Committee on State Affairs Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. Which statement best describes Texas’s sales tax compared to other states? A. It is the highest in the country. B. It is the 5th highest in the country. C. It is the 13th highest in the country. D. It is the lowest in the country. Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25. Which form of tax presents a greater burden on low- and middle-income earners than on wealthy people? A. property tax B. excise tax 213 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. sales tax D. income tax Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 26. Which of the following statements best characterizes the most likely future of the state sales tax when considering current legislative attitudes? A. The state should expect several legislators, from both parties, to attempt to raise the sales tax. B. Citizens should expect Republican legislators to put forward proposal to increase the sales tax. C. There should be several efforts to increase the sales tax but only from Democrats. D. There should be no serious efforts to increase the state sales tax from either party. Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 27. Jenna is the proprietor of an adult entertainment establishment in Denton, Texas. She is concerned that the $5 entry fee, or “pole tax,” on her patrons will discourage business. Based on judicial precedent, how could she prevent her customers from having to pay it? A. ensure that the business does not operate on Sunday B. no longer serve alcohol at the establishment C. pay a franchise tax surcharge D. serve food Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 28. Dan is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of an office products manufacturing company in his hometown of Harlingen, Texas. His corporation currently has $100,000 of total revenue. Using only this information, how much will it pay in margin (franchise) taxes to the state of Texas? A. $700 214 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

B. $1000 C. $1550 D. $2500 Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 29. If you are wealthy, which tax should you prefer? A. property tax B. excise tax C. sales tax D. income tax Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 30. __________ is the third-largest source of revenue for Texas. A. Sales tax B. The oil tax C. The motor fuels tax D. The motor vehicle sales tax Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

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31. The largest source of revenues for Texas is __________. A. sales tax B. the oil tax C. the motor fuels tax D. the motor vehicle sales tax Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 32. The state sales tax rate in Texas is __________. A. 8.25 percent B. 6.25 percent C. 6 percent D. 4.25 percent Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. The maximum sales tax that can be collected at point of sale or service, including any local sales tax, is __________. A. 8.25 percent B. 6.25 percent C. 6 percent D. 4.25 percent Answer: A Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 34. Texas’s largest source of revenue is __________. A. sales taxes B. property taxes 216 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

C. motor fuel taxes D. federal income Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.5 Explain how non-tax revenue has surpassed tax revenue Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Federal Income Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 35. Which of the following constitutes the largest portion of the state’s budget? A. prison system B. university systems C. public education D. welfare programs Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.6 Describe the top three areas of expenditure in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: State Expenditures Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 36. Approximately how much funding does the federal government provide Texas with every year? A. $1 billion B. $2 billion C. $3 billion D. $5 billion Answer: D Learning Objective: 13.6 Describe the top three areas of expenditure in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 37. A large portion of the funding for Texas’s social welfare programs comes from __________. A. margins tax B. sales tax C. federal funds D. property taxes Answer: C Learning Objective: 13.6 Describe the top three areas of expenditure in Texas. 217 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Health and Human Services Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 38. Melinda’s current income disqualifies her from Medicaid assistance, despite the fact that she is making less than 200 percent above the poverty line. If she wanted to seek additional assistance for her dependent children, which program should she look to? A. Medicare B. Children’s Health Insurance Program C. Affordable Care Act D. Social Security Disability Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.6 Describe the top three areas of expenditure in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Health and Human Services Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 39. The bulk of the business and economic development spending goes to __________. A. Texas’s Department of Economic Development B. Texas’s Department of Transportation C. Texas’s Children’s Health Insurance Program D. the Texas Workforce Commission Answer: B Learning Objective: 13.6 Describe the top three areas of expenditure in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Business and Economic Development Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Remember the Facts Short Answer Questions: 40. What is public policy analysis? Answer: Public policy analysis is the study of power, distribution, and outcomes, taking into consideration the various choices available to solve a problem. The final product—the resulting policy—represents a compromise among competing interests. Learning Objective: 13.1 Analyze the public policy process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Public Policy 218 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 41. Why can’t the legislature use debt to finance spending? Answer: The Texas constitution includes a balanced budget provision that constrains the legislature from spending more than it receives in revenue. Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Balanced Budget Provision and Other Constitutional Roadblocks Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 42. Explain what non-dedicated tax revenue is. How is its growth limited by the Texas constitution? Answer: Non-dedicated tax revenue is that revenue that has not been set aside for a specific expense category of the budget. The constitution limits the growth of non-dedicated tax revenue to no more than the overall growth of the Texas economy. Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Balanced Budget Provision and Other Constitutional Roadblocks Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 43. What are Legislative Appropriation Requests (LAR), and how are they used by the legislature? Answer: A LAR is an agency-level request for funding for the upcoming biennial budget based on past expenditures and anticipated needs. Using these LARs, the Legislative Budget Board begins to construct the budget. Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 44. Compare regressive taxes and progressive taxes and identify which income group benefits most from each type of tax. Answer: A regressive tax increases as income decreases. A progressive tax increases as income increases. A progressive tax places a larger tax burden on wealthy people and a regressive tax places a larger tax burden on low-income earners and poor people. Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. 219 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It Essay Questions 45. Identify and explain the three components of fiscal conservatism. Answer: 1. The components of fiscal conservatism are opposition to deficit spending, strong support for low tax rates, and strong support for limited spending for public services. 2. Opposition to deficit spending means that Texas government must have sufficient revenues to cover expenditures for its budget-balance budget requirement. 3. Support for low tax rates means that conservatives do not like paying taxes and want their taxes to be low. Most people don’t like paying taxes; in Texas, the anti-tax sentiment is more ingrained. Texans expect good roads, quality education, and strong prisons, but they don’t want to pay more than the minimum for any of it. 4. Limited spending for public services reflects the idea that government should not spend money on programs that are of a redistributive nature. Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Constraints on Budgeting Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 46. Explain what federal mandates are and how have they affected the Texas budgeting process. The ideal answer should include: 1. Federal mandates are regulations set by Congress that state and local governments must meet. 2. These regulations require states to meet minimum standards in a number of areas, from health care to the environment and access for people with disabilities. 3. These federal mandates put a financial burden on state governments, especially since many mandates are unfunded or underfunded. Learning Objective: 13.2 Analyze the constraints on the budget process in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Congressional and Court Mandates Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 47. Identify and explain the stages of the budgetary process in Texas. The ideal answer should include: 220 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

1. The first part of the budgetary process is the development of a budget plan by the Legislative Budget Board. 2. At the beginning of the legislative session, the comptroller delivers the Biennial Revenue Estimate to the legislature. 2.The LBB plan is then introduced in both the house and senate. Working from this blueprint, the Appropriations Committee in the house and the Finance Committee in the senate craft spending bills. 3. Individual lawmakers have the opportunity to affect spending, both through these committees and through floor debate. 4. The senate and house will inevitably have some different spending priorities, so the final appropriations bill will emerge from conference committee. 5. Even after the legislature approves the conference bill, the governor can veto individual line items from the budget. Learning Objective: 13.3 Explain the role of the Legislative Budget Board. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: The Budget-Making Process Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 48. You are a politician who wants to decrease the tax burden on poor people. Construct a tax policy proposal that indicates the taxing sources you would alter and the form of taxation that would achieve this goal. The ideal answer should include: 1. A plan to reduce the taxing burden in Texas on poor people would begin by reducing the sales tax rate the state and localities can impose. Sales tax is the largest component of tax revenue in Texas, and it is considered a regressive tax. A regressive tax is characterized as one that decreases as income increases. 2. To make up for the lost revenue, a new income tax should be imposed, because this type of tax is based on the ability to pay. It is considered a progressive tax so that as a person’s income increases, the tax rate also increases. 3. Moving from a regressive sales tax to a progressive income tax will do the most to shift the tax burden from poor people to those who have a greater ability to pay. Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 49. What is the margin tax, and how has it not lived up to the original goal of using it to better fund public education? The ideal answer should include: 1. A margin tax is a tax assessed on the marginal income of a business. It is a form of franchise tax, which is a specific tax paid by businesses operating in Texas. 221 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. The margin tax was created as a result of the 2006 special session called to deal with the specter of voters angry over closed schools. 3. The tax is assessed on the lesser of the following: 70 percent of a business’s total revenue; a business’s revenue minus its cost of goods sold; or a business’s revenue minus employee compensation. Businesses engaged primarily in wholesale or retail trade pay a 0.5 percent tax on that marginal rate. Other businesses pay 1 percent on the margin rate. 4. Sole proprietorships are exempt from the tax, but professional associations, partnerships, and corporations all pay. 5. The margin tax will never generate the income that its advocates promised in 2006. In 2017, the margin tax produced only $3.2 billion in revenue, three-fifths of what it produced in 2012. Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analyze It 50. Identify and explain three examples of “sin taxes” used by the state of Texas. The ideal answer should include: 1. Texas taxes cigarettes and other tobacco products except cigars. At $1.41 a pack, Texas has one of the highest cigarette taxes in the country. 2. Alcoholic beverages are taxed, ranging from $6 a barrel for beer to $2.40 a gallon for liquor. The state also receives 14 percent of the gross receipts from mixed-drink sales. 3. In 2007 the legislature enacted a new sin tax on patrons of adult entertainment establishments that administers a $5 entry fee on all customers. Learning Objective: 13.4 Differentiate among the major sources of tax revenue in Texas. Texas Government Learning Outcome: Analyze issues, policies, and the political culture of Texas. Topic: Tax Collection Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analyze It

222 Copyright © 2022, 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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