Theories of Personality Understanding Persons, 6th Edition By Susan C. Cloninger
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 1 Multiple Choice 1) Writers and philosophers tell us about human nature. Why do we also need psychology? A) Writers and philosophers ignore human motivation. B) Psychology allows a systematic understanding of human nature. C) Psychology is concerned with values, which writers and philosophers ignore. D) Writers and philosophers ignore maladjusted personalities. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 2 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Psychology attempts to understand human nature using the method of A) science. B) literature. C) intuition. D) philosophy. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 3) What is personality, according to your text? A) a person's social skills B) the reaction of a person to social forces C) the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience D) the individual's level of adjustment or mental health Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 4) Which of the following kinds of questions are not addressed by personality theory? A) questions about personality dynamics B) questions about personality development C) questions about personality description D) questions about personality diffusion Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 5) When we ask, "How is one person different from another?" we are asking questions about the __________ of personality. A) description B) dynamics C) development D) destiny Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual
6) When we ask, "How do people adjust to their life situations?" and "How does their thought affect what they do," we are asking questions about the __________ of personality. A) description B) dynamics C) development D) destiny Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 7) When we ask, "How do biology and experience influence a person from childhood onward?" we are asking questions about the __________ of personality. A) description B) dynamics C) development D) destiny Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 8) Categories of people with similar characteristics are called A) factors. B) traits. C) types. D) sets. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 9) Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, described sanguine, melancholic, choleric, and phlegmatic __________ of personality. A) traits B) types C) dynamics D) factors Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 10) A measure in which a person is given a score on some dimension, for example, a score of 61 or 85 on a 100-point scale of "traditionality", is a __________ measure. A) qualitative B) quantitative C) factorial D) typological Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual
11) How can we describe personality? A) Factors B) Traits C) Types D) All of the above E) None of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 3 (table) Question Type: Factual 12) Which of the following does not describe a trait? A) Trait scores are discontinuous variables B) A person is given a numeric score to indicate how much of a trait the person possesses C) There are many traits to describe everyone D) A person can be described on every trait. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 3 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 13) Which of the following does not describe a personality type? A) Membership to a type is all or nothing. B) A person belongs to one and only one category. C) There are many different types to describe everyone. D) A person fits into only one type. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 3 (table) Question Type: Factual 14) Which of the following does not describe a factor? A) Factor scores are continuous variables. B) There are many factors to describe everyone. C) A person is given a numeric score to indicate how much of a factor the person possesses. D) A person can be described on every factor. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 3 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 15) In the study of personality, including the influence of society and culture allows a better explanation of ____________ differences among people. A) gender B) ethnic C) cultural D) all of the above E) none of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual
16) A __________ allows a more precise description of personality because it refers to a more focused set of characteristics. A) variable B) type C) temperament D) trait Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 17) Like traits, factors are A) broad. B) quantitative. C) qualitative. D) developmental stages. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 18) In comparison to factors, traits refer to more __________ characteristics. A) socially desirable B) broad C) specific D) changeable Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 19) In comparison to traits, factors refer to more __________ characteristics. A) socially desirable B) specific C) broad D) changeable Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 20) Some research gives personality tests to a group of people and compares their scores. What approach does this illustrate? A) the idiographic approach B) the case study approach C) the nomothetic approach D) the clinical approach Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual
21) One person at a time is studied using the __________ approach. A) factor analytic B) eclectic C) nomothetic D) idiographic Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 22) Case studies and psychobiography are examples of the __________ approach. A) idiographic B) eclectic C) nomothetic D) correlational Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 23) Rae Carlson (1971) criticized nomothetic personality research. Which of the following is included in her criticism? A) Researchers have failed to understand individuals as whole persons. B) Researchers have failed to use appropriate statistics. C) Researchers have ignored theory. D) Researchers have studied too many different kinds of people. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 24) Which of the following is not a major issue in personality theory concerning the formation and changes in personality mentioned in the text? A) To what extent is personality influenced by heredity? B) To what extent can personality change as a result of learning? C) How much change in personality can actually occur in adolescence? D) How critical are the childhood years for personality development? Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 4-5 Question Type: Conceptual 25) Personality __________ refers to motivation. A) description B) dynamics C) development D) measurement Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 4 Question Type: Factual
26) Personality dynamics includes which of the following? A) adaptation to the environment B) cognitive processes C) cultural influence D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 4 Question Type: Factual 27) Biological influences result in differences in styles of behavior and emotional reactions in infancy and afterwards. Which term best describes such differences? A) personality B) trait C) type D) temperament Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 5 Question Type: Factual 28) All of the following are dynamic issues addressed by personality theories except A) Individual differences B) Adaptation and Adjustment C) Cognitive Processes D) Culture Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 5 – 6 (table) Question Type: Factual 29) Which of the following is not a major issue addressed by personality theories? A) Descriptive issues B) Developmental issues C) Directive issues D) Developmental issues Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 5 – 6 (table) Question Type: Factual 30) Personality theories are tested using the __________ method. A) intuitive B) clinical C) scientific D) idiographic Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 6 Question Type: Factual
31) A __________ is a conceptual tool for understanding certain specified phenomena. A) theoretical construct B) psychological test C) theory D) variable Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 9 Question Type: Factual 32) Theoretical constructs are A) obsolete in modern personality theory. B) the concepts of a theory. C) used only in experimental research. D) used only in correlational research. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 33) Which of the following illustrates an operational definition of "shyness." A) Shyness is caused by teasing. B) Shyness in childhood predicts shyness in adulthood. C) Shyness is measured by a 25-item self-report test. D) Shyness is common in adolescence. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Conceptual 34) The statement, "High self-esteem causes social responsibility" is A) a theoretical proposition. B) a hypothesis. C) an operational definition. D) a paradigm. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 35) A theoretical proposition is A) an abstract statement telling how two theoretical constructs are related. B) a statement saying how a theoretical construct can be measured. C) a prediction about observations in research. D) a proposal to change the way personality is developed, based on theoretical considerations. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual
36) Which of the following illustrates a theoretical proposition? A) Frustration leads to aggression. B) Aggression includes verbal behavior (e.g., insulting someone) as well as physical behavior (e.g., hitting someone). C) Frustration can be produced by a malfunctioning soda machine. D) Frustration is a subjective experience. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 7-8 Question Type: Conceptual 37) A hypothesis is A) an abstract statement telling how two theoretical constructs are related. B) a statement saying how a theoretical construct can be measured. C) a prediction about observations in research. D) a proposal to change the way personality is developed, based on theoretical considerations. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 38) A hypothesis is tested by A) logical reasoning. B) reviewing the published literature. C) conducting empirical research. D) examining the results of several related studies. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 39) The criterion of verifiability requires that theoretical propositions be A) true. B) reliable. C) testable by empirical research. D) applicable to a variety of populations. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 8 Question Type: Factual 40) For a theoretical construct to be clearly understood, it must be: A) verifiable B) parsimonious C) defined precisely D) valuable heuristically Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 8 Question Type: Conceptual
41) Theories that apply to only a narrow range of behavior are not A) comprehensive. B) refutable. C) scientific. D) empirically verifiable. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 8 Question Type: Factual 42) A theory that offers practical strategies for improving human life is said to have A) comprehensiveness. B) applied value. C) generalizability. D) empirical verifiability. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 9 Question Type: Factual 43) Which of the following is not listed by the text as a criterion of a good theory? A) comprehensiveness B) verifiability C) applied value D) consistency with human values Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 7-9 Question Type: Factual 44) A theory that has suggested new ideas for later theories and research, is said to have A) applied value. B) heuristic value. C) parsimony. D) empirical validity. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 9 12 Question Type: Factual 45) Which statement best describes the relationship between theory and research? A) Theory and research are separate disciplines within personality psychology. B) Theory influences research by suggesting research ideas, but research has no impact on theory. C) When research has become sophisticated, with good measuring instruments, theory is no longer necessary. D) Theory and research mutually influence one another. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 9 Question Type: Conceptual
46) Implicit theories of personality could be described by all but which of the following? A) They are generally held by ordinary people. B) They are unscientific. C) They are not necessarily incorrect. D) Their accuracy is guaranteed. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 9 Question Type: Conceptual 47) Which statement best describes personality research methods? A) Experimental research is the best research method. Others are now obsolete. B) Personality can only be studied by correlational methods, since it is not possible to do true experiments in this area. C) Personality research is best done with large groups of subjects. D) A variety of personality research methods are appropriate for personality research. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 9-10 Question Type: Conceptual 48) A personality measure that produces consistent scores from one time to another is A) valid. B) useless. C) reliable. D) projective. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 49) A researcher decides to see how consistent a new personality test is by computing two scores. One score is the total of the odd-numbered items. The other score is the total of the even-numbered items. What is the researcher assessing? A) validity B) test-retest reliability C) alternate forms reliability D) split-half reliability Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual 50) Which approach to reliability can be used if subjects are tested on only one occasion, using only one test? A) test-retest reliability B) alternate forms reliability C) split half reliability D) No reliability tests are possible with only one testing session. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual
51) Which of the following factors contributes to higher test reliability? A) homogeneous items B) a short test C) changes in the personality trait D) items that test different things Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual 52) Assessing intelligence by measuring the size of a person's head would be A) reliable but not valid. B) valid but not reliable. C) neither reliable nor valid. D) both reliable and valid. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual 53) Sam is taking a personality test for the second time. The first time he was simply guessing at answers. The second time, he remembers how he answered before, and answers the same way in order to be consistent. The test will probably be A) reliable but not necessarily valid. B) valid but not reliable. C) neither reliable nor valid. D) both reliable and valid. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual 54) In using the "known groups method" to determine whether a test is valid, a researcher needs to test A) groups of people whom he or she knows personally. B) subjects who agree to have their names known. C) groups with published norms on a variety of personality tests. D) groups which can be presumed to differ on the construct being measured. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 55) If a test of academic ability given to high school students is correlated with grades during the freshman year at college, the test has A) construct validity. B) test-retest reliability. C) alternate forms reliability. D) predictive validity. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 10 Question Type: Conceptual
56) Construct validity is present when A) a construct can be operationally defined. B) a test distinguishes among criterion groups. C) several research studies confirm the usefulness of the construct. D) good measurement has been demonstrated. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 57) Direct self-report measures of personality A) are seldom used. B) are often reliable. C) always measure several personality traits simultaneously. D) are valid even when subjects intentionally give false responses. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 11 Question Type: Conceptual 58) Tests, such as inkblot tests, which ask people to respond to ambiguous stimuli, are called A) self-report measures. B) response measures. C) projective tests. D) behavioral measures. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 59) Behavioral measures used in personality research include A) Real life observation B) Laboratory observation C) Self reports D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 60) Personality researchers use A) self-report measures. B) projective tests. C) behavioral measures. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Conceptual
61) __________ research examines the relationships among two or more variables. A) Correlational B) Experimental C) Idiographic D) Psychobiographical Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 62) Correlational research A) is used to demonstrate causal relationships among variables. B) is seldom used in the field of personality. C) cannot determine causality underlying observed relationships among variables. D) includes independent and dependent variables. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 63) Which of the following procedures can determine cause-effect relationships? A) correlational research. B) factor analysis. C) experimental research. D) the case study. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 64) A research study has shown that adolescents who play on sports teams are more likely to be admitted to college than those who do not play sports. From this study, we can conclude that A) playing on sports teams causes increased success in college applications. B) college applications cause increased participation on sports teams. C) most college students have played sports. D) there is a relationship between playing sports and being admitted into college Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 12-13 Question Type: Conceptual 65) The independent variable corresponds to what a researcher thinks is the A) cause. B) effect. C) third variable. D) uncontrollable factor. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual
66) The dependent variable corresponds to what a researcher thinks is the A) cause. B) effect. C) third variable. D) uncontrollable factor. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 67) A researcher is interested in testing the proposition that being in a good mood causes increased cooperation among children at school. This can be tested by conducting an experiment in which the dependent variable is A) mood. B) being in school. C) cooperation. D) age. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 12 Question Type: Conceptual 68) A researcher is interested in testing the proposition that watching a lot of television causes increased aggressiveness among children at school. This can be tested by conducting an experiment in which the independent variable is A) watching a lot of television. B) being in school. C) aggressiveness. D) age. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 12 Question Type: Conceptual 69) An intensive investigation of an individual is called a(n) A) bibliography. B) experiment. C) case study. D) psychoanalysis. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 13 Question Type: Factual 70) Psychobiography is different from case studies because psychobiography has more emphasis on A) pathology. B) theoretical considerations. C) the individual. D) experimental methods. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 13 Question Type: Factual
71) Which statement best describes the relationship between psychobiography and psychoanalytic theory? A) Psychobiography is, by definition, based upon psychoanalytic theory. B) In the past, psychoanalytic theory guided much psychobiography, but the field has broadened to include other theories. C) Psychobiography is the term used for psychoanalytic case studies, when they are published in nonclinical journals. D) Psychobiography is a therapeutic technique within psychoanalysis. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 13-14 Question Type: Conceptual 72) Psychobiography is most useful for A) clarifying theoretical statements. B) testing cause-effect relationships. C) devising new personality measures. D) treating people with personality maladjustments. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 13 Question Type: Conceptual 73) An approach that combines aspects of several different theories is called A) eclectic. B) heuristic. C) nomothetic. D) experimental. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 14 Question Type: Factual 74) The term __________ refers to a theoretical model that has been generally accepted by scientists in a field (such as personality psychology). A) paradigm B) construct C) theory D) hypothesis Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 14 Question Type: Factual 75) One major division among theories, sometimes called the "two disciplines" or "two cultures" of psychology, is between A) clinical and idiographic theories. B) scientific and humanistic approaches. C) human and animal theories. D) laboratory and scientific theories. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 14 Question Type: Factual
True/False 76) Personality may be defined as the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 77) Personality types are quantitative, while traits are not quantitative. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 2-3 Question Type: Factual 78) A personality type is broader than a personality trait. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 79) Most personality research is idiographic. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 80) Traits, factors, and types all describe personality? Answer: TRUE p. 3(table) 81) The idiographic approach studies one person at a time. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 82) Psychobiography uses a nomothetic approach to understanding people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 3 Question Type: Conceptual 83) Nomothetic research is generally regarded as more scientific than idiographic research. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 3p. 4-5 Question Type: Conceptual 84) Historically, culture and society have been important considerations in the study of personality? Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 4 Question Type: Conceptual 85) Collectivist cultures promote the personality characteristics of extraversion and assertiveness. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 4 Question Type: Factual 68
86) Based on test scores, U.S. students have been increasing in self-esteem, extraversion, anxiety, and neuroticism. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p.4 Question Type: Factual 87) The study of personality dynamics often focuses on motivation directing behavior. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 4 Question Type: Factual 88) Personality psychologists, unlike clinical psychologists, are not concerned with adaptation and adjustment. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 4 Question Type: Conceptual 89) Most personality psychologists think that heredity is unimportant as a determinant of personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 5 Question Type: Conceptual 90) Experience, especially in adulthood, influences the way each person develops toward his or her unique personality Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 5 Question Type: Conceptual 91) There is considerable evidence that personality is relatively stable over a person’s lifetime. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 5 Question Type: Factual 92) The scientific method requires personality psychologists, like other scientists, to assume that behavior is determined by causes that can be found through research. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 6 Question Type: Factual 93) Abstract concepts in personality theory can be directly observed but do not necessarily correspond to observable phenomena. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 6 Question Type: Conceptual 94) Abstract concepts in personality theory cannot be directly observed but do correspond to observable phenomena. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 6 Question Type: Conceptual
95) Operational definitions describe the practical applications of personality theory to improving the human condition. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 96) Propositions are associated with the theoretical level while hypotheses are associated with the level of observables. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 97) The criterion of verifiability requires that the theorist specify observations which would refute the prediction. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 8 Question Type: Factual 98) Disconfirmation of a theory is as important as support found for a theory for advancing science. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 8 Question type: Factual 99) Basic research is intended to advance theory and scientific knowledge. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 9 Question Type: Factual 100) Theory influences research, but the opposite does not occur. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 9 Question Type: Conceptual 101) A personality test which yields consistent scores on two occasions is said to be reliable. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 102) A personality test which yields consistent scores on two occasions is said to be valid. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 103) To determine test-retest reliability, it is necessary to have two different forms of a test. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Factual
104) Other things being equal, a long test is usually more reliable than a short test. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 105) A personality test which measures what it claims to measure is said to be valid. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 106) One way of studying the validity of a test is to determine whether it predicts behavior. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 10 Question Type: Factual 107) A test that yields the same score on two occasions is said to have construct validity. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 108) Tests that measure personality using direct self-report measures almost always produce the same score as those that use behavioral measures. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 11 Question Type: Conceptual 109) A test score should not be used to make statements about populations (races, ages, and so on) other than those for which there is evidence about test validity. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 110) Objective measures sometimes play a role in personality research by measuring personality itself. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 11 Question Type: Conceptual 111) Behavioral measures help develop an understanding of personality in its real-world context. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Conceptual 112) In an experiment, the dependent variable measures the "effect." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual
113) In an experiment, the dependent variable measures the "cause." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 114) It is generally difficult to manipulate a personality trait as a cause in an experiment. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p.12 Question Type: Conceptual 115) Experimental research is the primary method for studying personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 12 - 13 Question Type: Conceptual 116) Constructs derived from experimental research can be considered identical to those derived from correlational research. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 13 Question Type: Factual 117) An intensive investigation of a single individual is called a case study. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 13 Question Type: Factual 118) A psychobiography is a case study that emphasizes theoretical considerations. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 13 Question Type: Factual 119) To determine whether a person died of suicide, psychologists may carry out a psychological autopsy. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 13 Question Type: Factual 120) All psychobiography, by definition, uses psychoanalysis to interpret an individual. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 13-14 Question Type: Factual 121) Psychoanalysis emphasizes the importance of childhood experience in understanding individuals. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 13 Question Type: Conceptual 122) Most personality psychologists can be considered eclectic. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 14 Question Type: Factual 72
123) In recent years, experts have agreed on one paradigm in personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 14 Question Type: Conceptual 124) Psychologists in the scientific culture emphasize experimentation over intuition. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 14 Question Type: Factual Essay 125) How does the text define "personality"? Discuss this definition. Difficulty: 1, p. 2 126) List and explain the three issues that personality theory studies. Difficulty: 2, p. 2 127) Contrast types, traits, and factors as units of personality. Give an example of each. Difficulty: 2, pp. 2-3 128) Who would be more likely to use a nomothetic approach to personality, a researcher or a clinician? Explain. Difficulty: 2, p. 3 129) Briefly discuss the role of culture historically and currently in personality study. Difficulty: 3, p.3 130) List the three main issues addressed by personality theories and some of the questions that each issue raises. Difficulty: 2, pp. 5 -6 (table) 131) Explain what is meant by a "theoretical construct" and an "operational definition." Give examples of each. Difficulty: 1, p. 7 132) List and explain the criteria of a good theory. Difficulty: 2, p. 7-9 133) Explain what is meant by "reliability" of measurement. Are reliable measures always valid? Why or why not? Difficulty: 2, p. 10-11 134) Explain the difference between correlational research and experimental research. One of these methods can determine causality and one cannot. Explain which can determine causality, which one cannot and why. Difficulty: 2, pp. 12-13 135) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of psychobiography as an approach to understanding personality. Difficulty: 3, pp. 13-14 73
136) What is "eclecticism"? What are some reasons this approach has value? Difficulty: 3, pp.14-15
Name:________________________________ Chapter 1 – Quick Quiz 1) Psychology attempts to understand human nature using the method of A) science. B) literature. C) intuition. D) philosophy. 2) What is personality, according to your text? A) a person's social skills B) the reaction of a person to social forces C) the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience D) the individual's level of adjustment or mental health 3) Categories of people with similar characteristics are called A) factors. B) traits. C) types. D) sets. 4) A __________ allows a more precise description of personality because they refer to a more focused set of characteristics A) variable B) type C) temperament D) trait 5) A __________ is a conceptual tool for understanding certain specified phenomena. A) theoretical construct B) psychological test C) theory D) variable 6) A theoretical proposition is A) an abstract statement telling how two theoretical constructs are related. B) a statement saying how a theoretical construct can be measured. C) a prediction about observations in research. D) a proposal to change the way personality is developed, based on theoretical considerations. 7) A hypothesis is A) an abstract statement telling how two theoretical constructs are related. B) a statement saying how a theoretical construct can be measured. C) a prediction about observations in research. D) a proposal to change the way personality is developed, based on theoretical considerations.
8) Tests, such as inkblot tests, which ask people to respond to ambiguous stimuli, are called A) self-report measures. B) response measures. C) projective tests. D) behavioral measures. 9) The independent variable corresponds to what a researcher thinks is the A) cause. B) effect. C) third variable. D) uncontrollable factor. 10) The dependent variable corresponds to what a researcher thinks is the A) cause. B) effect. C) third variable. D) uncontrollable factor.
Answer Key Chapter 1 – Quick Quiz 1. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Conceptual 2. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 3. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 2 Question Type: Factual 4. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 3 Question Type: Factual 5. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 6. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 7. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 7 Question Type: Factual 8. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 11 Question Type: Factual 9. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual 10. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 12 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 2 Multiple Choice 1) Chapter two begins with a psychoanalytic discussion of Adolf Hitler. According to the author’s analysis, at what stage was Hitler fixated? A) oral B) anal C) latency D) genital Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 20 Question Type: Factual 2) In the analysis of Adolf Hitler, to what did the analysts attribute Hitler’s tyrannical rage? A) His underdeveloped id. B) His overactive superego. C) His failure as an artist. D) His weak/non-existent ego. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 20 Question Type: Factual 3) Which of the following is the least important influence on human thought and behavior, according to Freud? A) childhood emotion B) instincts C) reason D) unconscious forces Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 21 Question Type: Factual 4) Freud's theory challenged our trust in A) conscious experience. B) science. C) therapy. D) hypnosis. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p, 22 Question Type: Factual 5) Before he became a psychoanalyst, Freud was a A) business executive. B) neurologist. C) rabbi. D) singer. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p.22 Question Type: Factual 75
6) The term "psychic determinism" refers to A) the scientific method. B) the influence of the unconscious. C) extra-sensory perception. D) will power. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 23 Question Type: Factual 7) Freud explained neurotic symptoms according to the principle of A) psychic determinism. B) mesmerism. C) hypnosis. D) catharsis. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 23 Question Type: Factual 8) Freud's "iceberg metaphor" illustrates that A) most people are "cold." B) repression requires energy. C) most of the mind’s processes are unconscious. D) the same substance can appear in quite different forms. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 23 Question Type: Conceptual 9) The conscious mind is A) the major component of the personality (according to Freud). B) experience of which we have awareness. C) expressed in dreams. D) repressed. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 23 Question Type: Factual 10) Material that is not in awareness at a particular time, but that can readily be recalled if we try, is A) unconscious. B) preconscious. C) conscious. D) postconscious. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 23 Question Type: Factual
11) Mental processes of which we are chronically unaware are called A) preconscious. B) conscious. C) sublimated. D) unconscious. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 23-24 Question Type: Factual 12) According to Freud, a child who has been sexually abused and who cannot remember the experience A) is psychotic. B) is lucky, since the event cannot have produced any psychological damage. C) has suppressed the experience into the preconscious. D) has repressed the experience into the unconscious. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 24 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Because of an unconscious guilt about what she has said, a woman becomes mute, unable to speak. This is an example of A) hypnosis. B) conversion hysteria. C) preconsciousness. D) malingering. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 24 Question Type: Conceptual 14) Hypnosis is best described as A) a separate state of consciousness. B) a fraudulent claim. C) a state of great suggestibility. D) an epileptic-like seizure. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 24 Question Type: Factual 15) Which of the following is not caused by unconscious forces, according to Freud? A) psychosis B) dreams C) intentional actions D) forgetting Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 24 - 26 Question Type: Factual
16) Freud praised __________ as "the royal road to the unconscious." A) hallucinations B) dreams C) hypnosis D) free association Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p, 25 Question Type: Factual 17) "Let me introduce today's topic, psychoanalysis, developed by Dr. FRAUD," says the instructor. This error illustrates a A) countertransference. B) conversion hysteria. C) Freudian slip. D) cathexis. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 26 Question Type: Conceptual 18) A "Freudian slip" is caused by A) unconscious wishes. B) childhood trauma. C) dreams. D) catharsis. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 26 Question Type: Factual 19) The characteristics of dream work described by Freud do not include A) Condensation B) Projection C) Symbolism D) Displacement Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 26 Question Type: Factual 20) According to Freud's hedonic hypothesis, people seek A) consciousness. B) pleasure. C) ego. D) the opposite-sex parent. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 27 Question Type: Factual
21) Researchers have used projective tests to investigate each of the following motives with the exception of A) Achievement motives B) Affiliation motives C) Intimacy motives D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 27 Question Type: Factual 22) The unconscious is least likely to be revealed through A) The interpretation of dreams B) Humor C) Objective tests D) Free association Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 25 – 27, 38 Question Type: Factual 23) The most primitive structure of personality is the A) id. B) ego. C) superego. D) Oedipus conflict. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 28 Question Type: Factual 24) The energy of personality is called A) libido. B) cathexis. C) homeostasis. D) sublimation. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 28 Question Type: Factual 25) The two kinds of psychic energy are A) conscious and unconscious. B) neurotic and normal. C) Eros and Thanatos. D) primary process and secondary process. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 28 Question Type: Factual
26) The aim of instincts is A) mental health. B) sublimation. C) tension reduction. D) unknown. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 28 - 29 Question Type: Factual 27) The four characteristics of instincts do not include A) Object B) Resource C) Aim D) Pressure Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 28 - 29 Question Type: Factual 28) The person or thing in the real world that permits an instinct to be satisfied is termed a(n) A) aim. B) object. C) pressure. D) source. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 29 Question Type: Factual 29) The id functions according to A) primary process. B) secondary process. C) tertiary process. D) the reality principle. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 29 Question Type: Factual 30) Which structure of personality is responsible for conscious adaptation to reality? A) id B) ego C) superego D) preconscious Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 29 – 30 Question Type: Factual
31) The ego functions according to the __________ principle. A) hedonic B) reality C) libidinal D) homeostatic Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 29 Question Type: Factual 32) Which structure of personality corresponds to the "voice of conscience," warning us to avoid evil? A) ego B) id C) superego D) hallucination Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 30 Question Type: Factual 33) The superego corresponds to A) reality. B) mature ethics. C) highly developed personal qualities. D) childish understandings of morality. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 30 Question Type: Conceptual 34) __________ signals that id impulses may break through (overcome repression) and be expressed. A) Moral anxiety B) Neurotic anxiety C) Reality anxiety D) Hedonic anxiety Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 30 Question Type: Factual 35) The purpose of defense mechanisms is to A) resolve intra-psychic conflict. B) preserve life. C) preserve sleep. D) signal that the id may take over the personality. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 31 Question Type: Conceptual
36) Which of the defense mechanisms listed below is the most primitive? A) projection B) denial C) identification D) rationalization Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 31 Question Type: Conceptual 37) A person who unconsciously hates a sibling, but consciously feels only love for the sibling, is using the defense mechanism of A) projection. B) isolation. C) identification. D) reaction formation. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 30 Question Type: Conceptual 38) In the defense mechanism of __________, the person's own unacceptable impulse is instead thought to belong to someone else. A) projection B) isolation C) identification D) reaction formation Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 31 - 32 Question Type: Factual 39) A child who is really angry with his or her mother yells at the baby-sitter instead. Which defense mechanism is this? A) projection B) reaction formation C) isolation D) displacement Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 32 Question Type: Conceptual 40) A person who borrows or merges his or her identity with someone else, such as a powerful parent, is using the defense mechanism of A) identification. B) projection. C) reaction formation. D) rationalization. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 32 Question Type: Conceptual
41) A parent who punishes a child because of unconscious aggression, but who gives plausible reasons ("It will teach the child obedience," and so forth) is using the defense mechanism of A) identification. B) rationalization. C) projection. D) denial. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 32 Question Type: Conceptual 42) Which kind of person is most likely to deal with impulses through sublimation? A) a child B) a psychotic C) a neurotic D) a creative artist Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 33 Question Type: Conceptual 43) George has been diagnosed as having a sexual identity disorder and he is seeking genderreassignment surgery. How would psychoanalytic theorists explain George’s desire to voluntarily castrate himself? A) George is projecting his sexual perversions onto others. B) George has identified too closely with his mother and therefore he must castrate himself. C) George is upset with his father and is displacing that anger onto his own sexuality. D) George’s biology matches that of a woman and that is why he desires the surgery. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 33 Question Type: Conceptual 44) Defense mechanisms can be measured by A) interviews. B) projective tests. C) self-report inventories. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 33 Question Type: Factual 45) People with a repressive coping style A) seldom become anxious. B) usually outgrow this defensiveness. C) use negative emotion as a cue to repress or forget material. D) all of the above. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 33-34 Question Type: Factual
46) What has cross-cultural research examining defense mechanisms found? A) Although there were some slight differences, samples in the U.S. and Thailand were quite similar in their use of defense mechanisms. B) People in Thailand do not display any of the defense mechanisms. C) Women in both countries used the defense mechanisms, but the men did not. D) Defense mechanisms vary wildly across cultures. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 34 Question Type: Factual 47) In order of their occurrence, the first three psychosexual stages are: A) anal, oral, phallic B) phallic, anal, oral C) oral, anal, phallic D) oral, phallic, anal Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 34-37 Question Type: Factual 48) By age __________, the personality has been formed, according to Freud. A) two B) five C) ten D) eighteen Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 49) Fixation during the oral period typically results in certain oral character traits. Which of the following is not an oral trait? A) dependency B) obstinacy C) optimism D) passivity Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 50) Optimism, passivity, and dependency are characteristic of the A) oral character. B) anal character. C) phallic character. D) latent character. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 35 Question Type: Factual
51) Orderliness, parsimony, and obstinacy are characteristic of the A) oral character. B) anal character. C) phallic character. D) genital character. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 52) Attitudes toward money are, according to psychoanalytic theory, related to development during the __________ stage. A) oral B) anal C) phallic D) latency Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 53) During the Oedipal Conflict, according to Freud, what do boys want from their mothers? A) attention B) nurturance C) a sexual relationship D) a baby sister or brother Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 54) During the Oedipal stage, boys are afraid of A) all women. B) their mothers. C) castration. D) failure in school. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 55) During the phallic period, a boy may develop A) a superego. B) male sex-typing. C) an Oedipus complex. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 36 Question Type: Factual
56) Sex roles, according to Freud, are learned at about age A) two. B) four. C) ten. D) fourteen. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 36-37 Question Type: Factual 57) Male and female superego development are different, according to Freud, because A) fathers usually spend little time at home. B) girls usually have better language skills than boys. C) parents usually want to have a son, rather than a daughter. D) boys have penises, but girls don't. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 36-37 Question Type: Factual 58) Normal feminine development, according to Freud, results in the traits of A) nurturance and warmth. B) happiness and enthusiasm. C) optimism and generosity. D) passivity and masochism. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 36-37 Question Type: Factual 59) According to Freud's latest thinking, in the Electra phase A) young girls fantasize being their fathers' lovers. B) girls are often seduced by their fathers. C) girls as well as boys are interested in science. D) girls are closer to their mothers than to their fathers. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 37 Question Type: Factual 60) Before he abandoned the seduction hypothesis, Freud believed that psychiatric maladjustment in his female patients was caused by A) incest between daughters and their fathers. B) excessive talk about adult sexuality in the presence of children. C) seduction of children by strangers. D) fear of sexual temptations. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 37 Question Type: Factual
61) Psychoanalytic theory says that fixation during the phallic period results in problems with A) sexual promiscuity. B) homosexuality. C) superego formation. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 37 Question Type: Factual 62) Freud described middle childhood as a time of A) important psychosexual development. B) conflict with the parents. C) peer group interaction. D) relative calm for the sexual instincts. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 37 Question Type: Factual 63) The most healthy, developed personality is called a(n) __________ in Freudian theory. A) anal character B) genital character C) oral character D) phallic character Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 37 - 38 Question Type: Factual 64) Freud's criterion of mental health is A) love and work. B) frequency of dreaming. C) willingness to undergo psychoanalysis. D) wealth. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Factual 65) The basic technique of psychoanalysis is A) dream interpretation. B) free association. C) transference. D) catharsis. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Factual
66) During psychoanalytic treatment, buried feelings may emerge from the unconscious. This is called A) cathexis. B) catharsis. C) free association. D) transference. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Factual 67) __________ refers to awareness of one's true motivations, and is achieved in psychoanalytic treatment. A) Insight B) Intellectualization C) Rationalization D) Interpretation Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 38 Question Type: Factual 68) If a patient falls in love with her (or his) psychoanalyst, she (or he) is probably experiencing A) sublimation. B) countertransference. C) transference. D) catharsis. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Conceptual 69) If a psychoanalyst falls in love with his (or her) patient, he (or she) is probably experiencing A) transference. B) countertransference. C) free association. D) seduction. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Conceptual 70) According to your text, what does research say about the effectiveness of psychoanalytic treatment? A) It is not effective. B) It is less effective than other therapies, but better than no treatment. C) Results are mixed compared to other treatment but is shown to be more effective for psychosomatic disorders. D) It is generally as effective as other treatments, and probably more effective for phobias. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 38 Question Type: Factual
71) The recovered memory controversy is concerned with memories A) of prenatal experience. B) conveyed from another person by telepathic powers. C) of childhood sexual abuse that have troubled people throughout their lives. D) of childhood sexual abuse that are not recalled until therapy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 39 Question Type: Factual 72) As a scientific theory, psychoanalysis A) has been well supported by many experimental studies. B) has been supported in its statements about development but not about therapy. C) fails to make clear, verifiable predictions. D) uses highly reliable measurement, such as projective tests. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 39 Question Type: Factual 73) Silverman tested psychoanalytic research using the technique of A) dream interpretation. B) Rorschach inkblot tests. C) hypnosis. D) subliminal psychodynamic activation. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 40 Question Type: Factual 74) The phrase "Mommy and I are one" generally has __________ effects, according to Silverman's experiments. A) beneficial B) harmful C) psychosomatic D) no Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 40 Question Type: Factual 75) Which statement best describes the current cognitive interpretation of the unconscious? A) Some material is not conscious because it was never the focus of attention. B) Material is unconscious if conscious awareness would be too anxiety provoking. C) Material is unconscious if it is dynamically related to fixations. D) Material becomes unconscious if a person was tired when events occurred. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 40-41 Question Type: Conceptual
76) Which statement best describes explanations of the unconscious? A) Both Freud and modern theorists propose a dynamic unconscious. B) Both Freud and modern theorists propose a cognitive unconscious. C) Freud proposed a dynamic unconscious; modern theorists propose a cognitive unconscious. D) Freud proposed a cognitive unconscious; modern theorists propose a dynamic unconscious. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 41 Question Type: Conceptual True/False 77) Psychoanalysts believe that Adolf Hitler had an unresolved Oedipus Complex wherein he hated his abusive father and loved his overprotective mother. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 20 Question Type: Factual 78) In his analysis of Hitler, Henry Murray suggested that Hitler had all of the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 20 Question Type: Factual 79) In the analysis of Adolf Hitler, Henry Murray suggested that Hitler had higher levels of eros energy than thanatos energy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 20 - 21 Question Type: Factual 80) Material that has been repressed is said to be "unconscious." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 23 - 24 Question Type: Factual 81) People generally identify with their unconscious mental processes. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 24 Question Type: Factual 82) Hypnosis has been shown to be able to help treat a number of conditions including asthma, warts, psoriasis, and eating disorders. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 24 Question Type: Factual 83) According to Freud, in cases of "conversion hysteria," physical symptoms (paralysis, deafness, tics, and so forth) are caused by unconscious forces. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 24 Question Type: Factual
84) "Glove anesthesia" has been shown to result from neurological damage. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 24 Question Type: Factual 85) Hypnosis is a separate brain state, not influenced by social factors. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 25 Question Type: Factual 86) Freud considered psychosis to be the experiencing of the unconscious in the raw. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 25 Question Type: Factual 87) The hidden meaning underlying dream symbols is called the "manifest content" of a dream. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 25 Question Type: Factual 88) Freud did not believe that further information apart from the dream itself was necessary for the dreams interpretation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 26 Question Type: Factual 89) The id functions according to the pleasure principle. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 28 Question Type: Factual 90) Thanatos is "the death instinct." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 28 Question Type: Factual 91) Source, pressure, aim, and object are the four characteristics of instincts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 28 – 29 Question Type: Factual 92) In humans, the object of an instinct is determined by biological factors and is not changed by experience. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 29 Question Type: Factual
93) The ego operates according to the pleasure principle. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 29 Question Type: Factual 94) The ego functions according to the reality principle. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 29 Question Type: Factual 95) The superego functions according to primary process. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 30 Question Type: Factual 96) The "ego ideal" is an image of what a person would like to be. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 30 Question Type: Factual 97) The id, ego, and superego coexist peacefully. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 30 Question Type: Conceptual 98) Repression of unacceptable thoughts or impulses requires psychic energy. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 30 Question Type: Conceptual 99) A person who uses projection as a defense mechanism perceives other people as having characteristics (such as dishonesty) that are actually the person's own unconscious wishes. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 31 - 32 Question Type: Conceptual 100) Cultural scapegoats can be unfairly accused of immoral acts because of the defense mechanism of projection. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 32 Question Type: Factual 101) An overweight person who defends his or her overeating with many reasons ("I need the energy," "I need the vitamins," and so forth) is using the defense mechanism of rationalization. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 32 Question Type: Conceptual
102) The most desirable and healthy way of dealing with unacceptable impulses is intellectualization. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 33 Question Type: Factual 103) Defense mechanisms cannot be measured by psychological tests. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 33 Question Type: Factual 104) Psychoanalytic theory suggests that people desiring sexual reassignment surgery are displacing childhood sexual trauma. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 33 Question Type: Factual 105) Cross-cultural research suggests that the defense mechanisms are largely universal. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 34 Question Type: Factual 106) Fixation can result from a child’s early experience of psychic trauma Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 107) The first psychosexual stage is the anal stage. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 34 - 35 Question Type: Factual 108) As the infant develops from the oral erotic to the oral sadistic phase, he or she becomes increasingly passive. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 109) Fixation in the oral period often results in the character trait of dependency. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 110) The anal period occurs when the child is two and three years old. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 35 Question Type: Factual 111) Fixation at the anal phase may result in conflicts over issues of control. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 93
112) According to Freud, girls differ from boys in that they do not want a sexual union with the opposite sex parent during the phallic period. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 36 - 37 Question Type: Conceptual 113) Freud thought that it was normal and healthy for a woman to prefer a career to motherhood. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 36 - 37 Question Type: Conceptual 114) It has been conclusively demonstrated that childhood seduction causes hysteria. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 37 Question Type: Factual 115) In psychoanalytic treatment, the patient is instructed to say only things that are sensible and rational, in order to practice good ego skills. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 38 Question Type: Conceptual Essay 116) Your book provides an in-depth Freudian analysis of Adolf Hitler. Summarize the analysis and describe how psychoanalytic theory explains Hitler’s behavior. Difficulty: 3, pp. 19 – 21 117) Discuss why the time in which Freud practiced and theorized should be considered when evaluating his ideas. Difficulty: 3, p. 22 118) Explain Freud's concept of psychic determinism. Give two hypothetical examples and explain them in terms of psychic determinism. Difficulty: 2, p. 23 119) Discuss the therapeutic benefits of hypnosis and the different theories explaining hypnosis. Difficulty: 3, pp. 24 – 25 120) Alex dreams that he has a brand new baseball bat, bigger than any he has had before. Discuss this dream from a Freudian perspective. In your answer, include the manifest content of the dream and the latent content of the dream. Difficulty: 2, pp. 25 - 26 121) Discuss the role of humor in the expression of the unconscious. Difficulty: 2, pp. 26 – 27 122) List and discuss the four basic aspects of instincts. Difficulty: 3, pp. 28 – 29 123) Explain the functions of the id, the superego, and the ego. Difficulty: 1, pp. 28 - 30 94
124) What is intrapsychic conflict? Describe the roles of the id, the ego, and the superego in this conflict. Difficulty: 3, p. 30 125) What is the purpose of defense mechanisms? List three defense mechanisms, and give an example of each. Difficulty: 2, pp. 31 - 33 126) Explain what motivates an artist to paint, according to Freudian theory. Difficulty: 2, p. 33 121) List the five psychosexual stages of development. What development occurs in each of the first three stages? Difficulty: 2, pp. 34 - 38 122) Summarize and discuss Freud's theory of the personality differences between males and females. Difficulty: 2, pp. 36 - 37 123) Discuss the controversy over Freud's seduction hypothesis. Difficulty: 3, p. 37 124) Describe psychoanalytic treatment. Difficulty: 2, pp. 38 - 39 125) What is the recovered memory controversy? What does available scientific evidence indicate? Difficulty: 3, p. 39 126) Describe empirical evidence that tests Freud's theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 39 - 40 127) Discuss Silverman’s experiments on subliminal psychodynamic activation. Difficulty: 3, p. 40 128) Discuss the concept of nonconscious cognition and how it differs from Freud’s idea of the unconscious. Difficulty: 3, pp. 40 - 41
Name:________________________________ Chapter 2 – Quick Quiz 1) Mental processes of which we are chronically unaware are called A) preconscious. B) conscious. C) sublimated. D) unconscious. 2) The most primitive structure of personality is the A) id. B) ego. C) superego. D) Oedipus conflict. 3) Which structure of personality is responsible for conscious adaptation to reality? A) id B) ego C) superego D) preconscious 4) Which structure of personality corresponds to the "voice of conscience," warning us to avoid evil? A) ego B) id C) superego D) hallucination 5) The purpose of defense mechanisms is to A) resolve intrapsychic conflict. B) preserve life. C) preserve sleep. D) signal that the id may take over the personality. 6) In order of their occurrence, the first three psychosexual stages are: A) anal, oral, phallic. B) phallic, anal, oral. C) oral, anal, phallic. D) oral, phallic, anal. 7) During the Oedipal stage, boys are afraid of A) all women. B) their mothers. C) castration. D) failure in school. 8) According to Freud's latest thinking, in the Electra phase A) young girls fantasize being their fathers' lovers. B) girls are often seduced by their fathers. C) girls as well as boys are interested in science. D) girls are closer to their mothers than to their fathers. 96
9) Freud's criterion of mental health is A) love and work. B) frequency of dreaming. C) willingness to undergo psychoanalysis. D) wealth. 10) During psychoanalytic treatment, buried feelings may emerge from the unconscious. This is called A) cathexis. B) catharsis. C) free association. D) transference.
Answer Key Chapter 2 – Quick Quiz 1. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 23 - 24 Question Type: Factual 2. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 28 Question Type: Factual 3. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 29
Question Type: Factual 4. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 30 Question Type: Factual 5. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 30 Question Type: Conceptual 6. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 34 Question Type: Factual 7. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 36 Question Type: Factual 8. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, pp. 36 - 37 Question Type: Factual 9. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Factual 10. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 38 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 3 Multiple Choice 1) The fact that Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed himself within the Christian symbols of his own heritage, rather than using symbols from other religious traditions, A) would have been a disappointment to Jung. B) was consistent with Jung's advice that people stay within the symbols and mythology of their own heritage. C) was evidence that he had not developed to his full potential. D) shows that he was prejudiced. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 45 Question Type: Conceptual 2) According to the text, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke in symbolic terms of the future potentials of the world because he was A) a minister. B) an intuitive type. C) black. D) an extravert. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 45 Question Type: Factual 3) Compared to Freud, Jung's theory is A) highly deterministic. B) mystical. C) less concerned with heredity. D) more concerned with early childhood experience. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 46 Question Type: Factual 4) What was Jung's attitude toward scientific methods and language? A) He praised scientific methods above literary methods. B) He rejected science, saying it is unsuitable for understanding the psyche. C) He accepted experimental science, but not survey methods. D) He agreed with Freud's opinion about science. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 46 Question Type: Factual 5) When Jung and Freud first met A) they argued, and decided they could not be colleagues. B) they had much to talk about (13 hours worth!). C) they planned to set up a joint therapy clinic. D) Jung asked to be Freud's patient. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 47 Question Type: Factual 99
6) Jung's term, "Self," refers to A) conscious self-concept. B) how people are perceived by others. C) the total, integrated personality. D) unhealthy narcissism. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 48 Question Type: Conceptual 7) Jung refers to the total, integrated personality as A) the Self. B) the persona. C) the Great Mother. D) the animus. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 48 Question Type: Factual 8) According to Jung, the relationship between the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality is best understood as A) inflation. B) conflict. C) repression. D) compensation. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 48 Question Type: Conceptual 9) The adult developmental process in which various aspects of the unconscious are explored is called A) individuation. B) ego inflation. C) teleology. D) mysticism. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 48 - 49 Question Type: Factual 10) Individuation is the process of A) finding a social identity. B) finding the one individual who will be a life-long love partner. C) re-centering in adult development. D) discovering one's major personality traits. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 48 - 49 Question Type: Factual
11) In mid-life development, diverse aspects of the psyche are integrated through the A) anima. B) persona. C) transcendent function. D) dominant function. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 48 - 49 Question Type: Factual 12) Jung described the ego as A) the gatekeeper to consciousness. B) the center of will. C) the most conscious aspect of personality. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Factual 13) Jung suggested that the center of personality ought to be A) in the conscious aspects of personality. B) in the unconscious aspects of personality. C) balanced between the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. D) outside of personality. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 49 Question Type: Conceptual 14) The persona is the aspect of personality that A) adapts to the world. B) is the basis for the true Self. C) deceives others. D) contains the sexual and aggressive instincts. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Factual 15) Neglected and repressed aspects of personality that are inconsistent with a person's self-concept are found in A) the ego. B) the shadow. C) the persona. D) the dominant function. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Factual
16) According to Jung, the shadow A) often contains sexual impulses. B) often contains aggressive impulses. C) is the gatekeeper to the unconscious. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Conceptual 17) According to Jung, prejudice against racial minorities involves projection of the A) anima. B) animus. C) shadow. D) dominant function. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Men's "inner woman" is described by Jung's concept of the A) anima. B) animus. C) shadow. D) Great Mother. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Factual 19) Jungian theory suggests that a woman who is seeking her "Prince Charming" is, in fact, really looking for her A) anima. B) animus. C) shadow. D) persona. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Conceptual 20) Jung felt that men fell in love with women on whom they projected their A) anima. B) animus. C) persona. D) shadow. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 50 - 51 Question Type: Conceptual
21) Which of the following is/are part of the personal unconscious? A) the anima B) the animus C) the shadow D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 22) The collective unconscious contains A) fixations. B) complexes. C) the Self. D) archetypes. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 23) The collective unconscious A) is determined by heredity, rather than experience. B) contains archetypes. C) is a mystical concept. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 24) Jung's concept of the "collective unconscious" is controversial because A) it is difficult to operationally define. B) it suggests that personality is inherited, thus contributing to racism. C) it is contrary to the environmental emphasis of most of psychology. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 51 Question Type: Conceptual 25) The archetypes that are closest to consciousness are A) the Great Mother and the Spiritual Father. B) the Hero and the Trickster. C) the Mandala and the Self. D) the Shadow and the Anima (or Animus). Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 51 - 52 Question Type: Conceptual
26) It is typical of an archetype, according to Jung, that it A) describes only feared and rejected aspects of personality. B) includes both positive and negative aspects. C) is not experienced until adulthood. D) can be expressed in words, but not in visual images. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 52 Question Type: Conceptual 27) Jung suggested that humans are predisposed to associate spirituality with images of A) the father. B) the mother. C) the Self. D) the Trickster. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 52 Question Type: Conceptual 28) The Hindu World Wheel, along with other square or circular symbols, represents the archetype of the A) Great Mother. B) Spiritual Father. C) Hero. D) Mandala. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 53 Question Type: Factual 29) Alchemists tried to transform base metal into gold. Jung interpreted this effort as A) evidence of psychosis. B) an early phase of the science of chemistry. C) an example of the archetype of transformation. D) evidence of ego inflation. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 53 Question Type: Factual 30) Hallucinations, according to Jung, are experiences of A) the shadow. B) the collective unconscious. C) extraversion. D) the mandala. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 53 - 54 Question Type: Factual
31) How did Jung describe the relationship between the collective unconscious and consciousness? A) The collective unconscious is made known to consciousness through symbols. B) The collective unconscious and consciousness are identical. C) The collective unconscious never influences consciousness. D) Consciousness and the collective unconscious are in unending conflict. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Conceptual 32) Research described in the text supports the idea of archetypes by showing enhanced __________ in an experiment, when archetypes are correctly used. A) memory B) relaxation C) creativity D) dreaming Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Factual 33) Jung called the experience of spiritual or transpersonal energies _____. A) anima B) animus C) numinous D) psychosis Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 54 Question Type: Factual 34) According to Bettelheim's research, when children are exposed to fairy stories with all the monsters and witches removed, A) they become less aggressive. B) they become more trusting of the world. C) they become more disruptive. D) they lose interest in the stories. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Factual 35) According to Jung, the function of mythology and ritual is A) to ensure peaceful coexistence among people of different backgrounds. B) to fill in the gaps in human experience until science can explain everything. C) to allow individuals to tap the energies of the collective unconscious without being destroyed by them. D) to support the social position of those in power. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Conceptual
36) Jung understood religious symbolism in terms of A) the personal unconscious. B) the collective unconscious. C) the persona. D) the diffusion hypothesis. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 54 Question Type: Factual 37) What was Jung's attitude toward myths? A) He thought that myths had been made unnecessary by modern science. B) He thought myths were useful, but only for uneducated people. C) He thought myths were important at the early stages of psychological development, before the individuation process, but not thereafter. D) He thought myths often provide valuable guidance. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 55 Question Type: Conceptual 38) For Jung, mythology A) involves the collective unconscious. B) has a numinous (spiritual) dimension. C) should be an active, creative process. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 54 - 55 Question Type: Factual 39) A patient who has conflicted, unconscious, emotional ideas about his or her mother is said (in Jungian theory) to have A) a mother complex. B) a Great Mother. C) an archetype. D) a transference. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 56 Question Type: Conceptual 40) Jung devised the Word Association Test in order to explore A) the collective unconscious. B) transference. C) complexes. D) active imagination. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 56 Question Type: Factual
41) According to Jung, all dreams are products of A) the collective unconscious. B) the personal unconscious. C) the unconscious. D) neurotic conflict. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 42) In the process of __________, a dreamer associates to the people in the dream and the dream symbols. A) amplification B) recall C) active imagination D) interpretation Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 43) Jungians sometimes recommend continuing with dream imagery in waking imagination. This technique is called A) psychosis. B) amplification. C) active imagination. D) free association. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 44) Jung dreamt of "looking up at" a patient whom he had been viewing with little respect. This dream was interpreted (in the text) according to the principle of A) compensation. B) amplification. C) individuation. D) synchronicity. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 56 Question Type: Conceptual 45) According to Jung, interpretation of dreams included the following stages except A) Recollection of the dream B) Amplification of the dream C) Acting out of the dream D) Active imagination Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 56 Question Type: Factual
46) Symbolic therapy techniques used by Jung included A) Artistic creations B) Myths C) Attention to symbols D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 47) A person who has successfully completed a Jungian analysis must A) believe in ESP. B) attempt to convert others to the Jungian way of thinking. C) lead a symbolic life. D) pass a Word Association Test. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 48) Unlike Freud, Jung was interested in A) neurology. B) neurosis. C) symbolism. D) paranormal phenomena. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 49) Mental telepathy is one example of Jung's concept of A) complementarity. B) synchronicity. C) amplification. D) archetypes. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 50) Jung's nondeterministic principle, by which he understood paranormal phenomena, is called A) astral projection. B) the collective unconscious. C) synchronicity. D) mythology. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 57 Question Type: Factual
51) According to Jung's concept of synchronicity, A) only insight can produce a cure for neurosis. B) only people of the same psychological type can become close friends. C) therapists should interpret all of a patient's dreams. D) phenomena which seem logically to be coincidental have connections that feel meaningful. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 57 Question Type: Conceptual 52) The I Ching is A) an ancient Chinese method of fortune-telling. B) a famous Chinese psychologist who accepted Jung's theory. C) a coin. D) a part of the personality in Jung's theory. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 58 Question Type: Factual 53) Jung described eight different kinds of personality, called A) auxiliary types. B) styles of life. C) psychetypes. D) archetypes. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 58 - 59 Question Type: Factual 54) An individual's personality type, consisting of introversion or extraversion plus the dominant function, is called the A) character type. B) diagnosis. C) psychological type. D) genotype. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 58 - 59 Question Type: Factual 55) People whose psychic energy tends to "flow outward" toward external reality are __________ types. A) feeling B) sensation C) intuitive D) extraverted Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 59 - 60 Question Type: Factual
56) People whose psychic energy tends to "flow inward" toward their own thoughts and inner states are __________ types. A) feeling B) sensation C) intuitive D) introverted Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 59 - 60 Question Type: Factual 57) Jung felt that introverts were A) likely to become more extraverted with therapy. B) more mature than extraverts. C) more concerned with inner experience than extraverts. D) likely to prefer extraverts as friends. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 59 - 60 Question Type: Conceptual 58) The function which is complementary to feeling is A) intuition. B) extraversion. C) introversion. D) thinking. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 60 Question Type: Conceptual 59) A balance between thinking and feeling will make a person A) indecisive. B) introverted. C) a better decision-maker. D) intuitive. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 60 Question Type: Conceptual 60) Sensation and intuition are ways of A) making decisions. B) getting information about the world. C) dealing with people. D) escaping reality. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 60 Question Type: Conceptual
61) Which pair below are complementary functions, that become more balanced as people mature? A) introversion and extraversion B) thinking and sensation C) feeling and intuition D) sensation and intuition Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 60 Question Type: Conceptual 62) Which of the following is not one of the functions of personality identified by Jung? A) feeling B) intuition C) projection D) sensation Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 60 Question Type: Factual 63) Which of the following tests measures Jungian personality types? A) the Rorschach inkblot test B) the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator C) the Defense Mechanisms Inventory D) the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 60 - 61 Question Type: Factual 64) Jungian psychological types have been found to influence people's behavior in A) business. B) education. C) eyewitness testimony. D) all of the above. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 61 Question Type: Factual 65) Students who are __________ types tend to prefer more detail in academic advisement, according to research. A) intuitive B) extraverted C) thinking D) sensation Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 62 Question Type: Factual
66) When they are interviewed about what they have seen, __________ types are particularly susceptible to making errors if they are asked misleading questions. A) introverted intuitive B) extraverted feeling C) sensation D) thinking Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 62 Question Type: Factual 67) Which psychological type is associated with resistance to the fundamental attribution error, according to research by Hicks (1985)? A) Extraverted Feeling B) Extraverted Sensation C) Intuitive Thinking D) Intuitive Feeling Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 62 Question Type: Factual 68) Jung intended his description of psychic functions to refer to A) major personality differences that make one person different from another. B) ways of finding appropriate therapies for each individual. C) descriptions of psychic functions that need to be fully developed in all people. D) descriptions of the way people change from childhood to adulthood. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 62 Question Type: Conceptual True/False 69) According to the text, the public projected onto Martin Luther King, Jr. the archetype of the Hero. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 44 -46 Question Type: Factual 70) Jung believed that psychologists should increase their attention to the methods of science. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 46 Question Type: Factual 71) Jung suggested that personality growth would be improved if people would focus consistently on conscious experience. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 48 Question Type: Factual
72) Jung's term "Self" refers to those aspects of personality that have been fully developed and of which the person is conscious. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 48 Question Type: Factual 73) In adulthood, a person explores and develops unconscious potentials through the process of i individuation, according to Jung. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 48 - 49 Question Type: Conceptual 74) Jung criticized people as "ego inflated" if they identify too closely with their conscious experience. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Factual 75) The persona is generally developed in middle age. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Conceptual 76) Unacceptable sexual and aggressive impulses are characteristic of the shadow. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 49 - 50 Question Type: Conceptual 77) The shadow is always predominantly negative. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 49 - 50 Question Type: Conceptual 78) According to Jung, projection of the shadow contributes to racial prejudice. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Factual 79) Jung described moody and emotional men as "possessed by the anima." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 50 Question Type: Factual 80) Jung described very opinionated women who are preoccupied with power as "possessed by the animus." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 50 Question Type: Factual
81) Men's projection of the anima onto a woman is part of the process of falling in love, according to Jung. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 50 - 51 Question Type: Factual 82) The collective unconscious is one of Jung's ideas which is most accepted by scientists. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 51 Question Type: Conceptual 83) Jung believed that part of the unconscious is inherited. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 84) Archetypes are the inherited "psychic instincts" of the collective unconscious. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 85) The collective unconscious is influenced by heredity. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 51 - 52 Question Type: Factual 86) The Great Mother, the Hero, and the Trickster are some of the archetypes described by Jung. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 52 - 53 Question Type: Factual 87) Jung thought that the plight of the Hero was similar to the challenges facing all individuals in their own psychological development. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 52 Question Type: Factual 88) A mandala symbolizes order and emerging psychic wholeness. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 53 Question Type: Factual 89) Psychotic individuals have no contact with the collective unconscious, in Jung's theory. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 54 Question Type: Factual
90) A symbol is entirely unconscious, with no conscious component. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Conceptual 91) No scientific research on archetypal symbols has been conducted. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 54 Question Type: Factual 92) To protect children, it is better to remove all frightening creatures from children's fairy tales. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 54 - 55 Question Type: Conceptual 93) According to Jung, because of the collective unconscious, cultures often have similar myths. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 54 - 55 Question Type: Conceptual 94) According to Jung, myths will no longer be needed when science is sufficiently developed. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 55 Question Type: Factual 95) According the Jungian scholars, all the important myths of humankind were developed by the sixteenth century. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 55 Question Type: Factual 96) Jung devised the Word Association Test. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 97) The Word Association Test can be used to identify complexes. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 98) Unlike Freudian analysis, Jungian analysis ignores dreams. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual
99) It is pointless to try to continue with dream imagery once the dreamer has awakened, according to Jung. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Conceptual 100) After a successful Jungian analysis, a person no longer needs symbols. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 57 Question Type: Conceptual 101) Jung reported that he had personally experienced paranormal phenomena. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 102) According to the text, Jung's mysticism is an attempt to compensate for the lack of intuition and feeling in traditional science. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, pp. 57 - 58 Question Type: Factual 103) A person's preferred psychological function is called the auxiliary function. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 58 Question Type: Conceptual 104) Jung thought that people who begin life as introverts, if they continue to develop, become extraverts in later life, and vice versa. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 59 - 60 Question Type: Conceptual 105) In Jungian theory, it is more mentally healthy to make decisions by thinking, than by feeling. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 60 Question Type: Conceptual 106) Sensation types are typically focused on concrete details. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 60 Question Type: Factual 107) Jung thought that people who are "sensation types" early in life should develop more intuition as they grow older. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 60 Question Type: Factual
108) Businesses have rejected the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a purely theoretical assessment with no practical value. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 60 - 62 Question Type: Factual 109) According to research by Ward and Loftus (1985), introverted and intuitive people are particularly accurate eyewitnesses, even if they are asked misleading questions. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 62 Question Type: Factual 110) According to research by Hicks (1985), people who score high on intuition and thinking are especially resistant to the fundamental attribution error. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 92 Question Type: Factual Essay 111) Discuss the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. from a Jungian approach. Talk about the psychological types that describes Dr. King as well as how Dr. King exemplifies the archetype of the hero. Difficulty: 2, pp. 44 - 46 112) Explain what is meant by Jung's assertion that the Self should be the center of personality. Difficulty: 1, pp. 48 - 51 113) What personality development occurs in adulthood, according to Jung? Difficulty: 2, pp. 48 - 49 114) How does personality contribute to racial prejudice, in Jung's theory? Difficulty: 2, pp. 49 - 50 115) Explain how the anima and the animus are involved in androgyny, and in the process of falling in love. Difficulty: 2, pp. 50 - 51 116) Explain what Jung called the collective unconscious. List and briefly describe three archetypes. Difficulty: 2, pp. 51 - 53 117) Discuss Jung’s opinions about myths and religion. Difficulty: 2, pp. 54 – 55 118) Describe Jung’s beliefs about dreams, dream interpretation, and their use in the therapeutic process. Difficulty: 2, p. 56 119) Describe the Word Association Test. What does it measure? Difficulty: 2, p. 56 120) Explain Jung's concept of synchronicity. Give an example. Difficulty: 1, pp. 57 - 58 117
121) Explain what is meant by psychological type. In everyday language, explain what a person would be like who is an extraverted, feeling, sensation type person. Difficulty: 2, pp. 58 - 60 122) Describe the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory. Briefly describe two research results using this instrument. Difficulty: 2, pp. 61 – 62 123) Discuss the research outcomes for the experimental studies of judgments. Difficulty: 3, p. 62
Name:________________________________ Chapter 3 – Quick Quiz 1) Jung's term, "Self," refers to A) conscious self-concept. B) how people are perceived by others. C) the total, integrated personality. D) unhealthy narcissism. 2) Jung described the ego as A) the gatekeeper to consciousness. B) the center of will. C) the most conscious aspect of personality. D) all of the above 3) According to Jung, the shadow A) often contains sexual impulses. B) often contains aggressive impulses. C) is the gatekeeper to the unconscious. D) all of the above 4) The collective unconscious A) is determined by heredity, rather than experience. B) contains archetypes. C) is a mystical concept. D) all of the above 5) The archetypes that are closest to consciousness are A) the Great Mother and the Spiritual Father. B) the Hero and the Trickster. C) the Mandala and the Self. D) the Shadow and the Anima (or Animus). 6) How did Jung describe the relationship between the collective unconscious and consciousness? A) The collective unconscious is made known to consciousness through symbols. B) The collective unconscious and consciousness are identical. C) The collective unconscious never influences consciousness. D) Consciousness and the collective unconscious are in unending conflict. 7) What was Jung's attitude toward myths? A) He thought that myths had been made unnecessary by modern science. B) He thought myths were useful, but only for uneducated people. C) He thought myths were important at the early stages of psychological development, before the individuation process, but not thereafter. D) He thought myths often provide valuable guidance.
8) Jungians sometimes recommend continuing with dream imagery in waking imagination. This technique is called A) psychosis. B) amplification. C) active imagination. D) free association. 9) Jung's nondeterministic principle, by which he understood paranormal phenomena, is called A) astral projection. B) the collective unconscious. C) synchronicity. D) mythology. 10) Jung described eight different kinds of personality, called A) auxiliary types. B) styles of life. C) psychetypes. D) archetypes.
Answer Key Chapter 3 – Quick Quiz 1. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 48 Question Type: Conceptual 2. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 49 Question Type: Factual 3. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 50 Question Type: Conceptual 4. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 51 Question Type: Factual 5. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 51 - 52 Question Type: Conceptual 6. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 54 Question Type: Conceptual 7. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 53 Question Type: Conceptual 8. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 56 Question Type: Factual 9. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 57 Question Type: Factual 10. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 58 - 59 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 4 Multiple Choice 1) In the description of Oprah Winfrey in the beginning of chapter 4, the text states that as a child Oprah was dissatisfied with her hair, her nose, and her dark skin. What would an Adlerian psychologist call these negative self-evaluations? A) felt-minus B) felt-plus C) inferiority drive D) id complex Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 68 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Adler's theory is called A) psychoanalysis. B) social analysis. C) individual psychology. D) learning theory. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 69 Question Type: Factual 3) Which statement best describes the relationship between Freud and Adler? A) Freud influenced Adler. B) Adler influenced Freud. C) Freud and Adler each influenced the other. D) Neither Freud nor Adler influenced the other. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 69 Question Type: Factual 4) Because of his emphasis on growth and a holistic view of people, Adler's theory is a precursor to A) trait psychology. B) humanist psychology. C) learning theory. D) psychoanalysis. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 70 Question Type: Conceptual 5) According to Adler, Freud was A) an introvert. B) a paranoic. C) the greatest psychologist who ever lived. D) a pampered child. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 70 Question Type: Factual
6) According to Adler, the basic human motivation is to strive toward A) a better situation. B) sexual fulfillment. C) balance between the conscious and the unconscious. D) inner peace. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 7) Adler's term, "__________," has become widely known. A) transference B) psychic determinism C) collective unconscious D) inferiority complex Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual 8) According to Adler, people are motivated to move from __________ to __________. A) a felt minus; a felt plus B) Europe; America C) rural areas; cities D) physical needs; psychological needs Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 9) In his explanation of the concept of organ inferiority, Adler emphasized A) the inheritance of personality. B) the subjective experience of the child. C) the impact of physical limitations on the development of intelligence. D) determinism. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 10) According to Adler, the healthy way to deal with physical inferiorities is through A) denial. B) repression. C) compensation. D) social support. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Factual
11) According to Adler, a child who suffers from a childhood crippling disease A) will probably become neurotic. B) will probably become psychotic. C) will probably not be affected psychologically, because physical and psychological issues are separate. D) may have a variety of outcomes, depending upon his or her attitude toward the disability. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual 12) A child who fights with playmates may be expressing A) organ inferiority. B) masculine protest. C) the aggressive drive. D) superiority striving. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Adler's concept of the "aggressive drive" is most closely associated with the emotion of A) guilt. B) shame. C) embarrassment. D) anger. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 72 Question Type: Conceptual 14) An inferiority complex is A) a normal stage of development. B) a result of compensation for organ inferiority. C) an unhealthy outcome. D) a sign of mental health. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 15) A person who cannot successfully compensate for inferiority, in Adler's theory, develops a(n) A) inferiority complex. B) fictional finalism. C) aggressive drive. D) phobia. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual
16) Masculine protest occurs in A) boys only. B) girls only. C) unhealthy girls only. D) both boys and girls. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 17) Which statement most accurately compares "superiority striving" and "perfection striving," as Adler used these terms? A) Superiority striving is neurotic; perfection striving is healthy. B) Superiority striving is healthy; perfection striving is neurotic. C) Superiority striving and perfection striving are similar, and are both neurotic. D) Superiority striving and perfection striving are similar, and are both healthy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 18) Organ inferiority, the aggressive drive, masculine protest, superiority striving, and perfection striving are A) stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of normal personality. B) stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of unhealthy personality. C) stages in the development of Adler's thinking about personality. D) various diagnostic categories. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 71 - 73 Question Type: Factual 19) In Adler's theory, a superiority complex is A) a sign that a person has achieved a high level of mental health. B) a requirement to become a therapist. C) unhealthy. D) not mentioned. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Conceptual 20) Of the following, Adler most strongly emphasized A) determinism. B) the creative self. C) spirituality. D) sexuality. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual
21) In his phrase describing his point of view about people, Adler said that each person is the __________ of his own personality. A) artist B) creator C) destroyer D) judge Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 22) Imagining what would make up for the negatives in our lives is, according to Adler, A) fictional finalism. B) a neurotic defense mechanism. C) characteristic of neglected children only. D) a superiority complex. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 23) The unknown part of a person's fictionally final goal is A) irrelevant to psychological functioning. B) repressed because of painful childhood experiences. C) the unconscious. D) likely to cause emotional problems. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 24) Which phrase corresponds most closely to Adler's concept of a "fictional finalism"? A) what we think will satisfy our sense of what is lacking in our lives B) pretending that we have finally reached the goal C) a book or journal in which we imagine the last year of life and write about it D) a false theory which has been finally given up Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 72 Question Type: Conceptual 25) A person who has a fixed, unchanging, inflexible "fictional finalism" is probably A) an artist. B) a healthy personality. C) a neurotic. D) old. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Conceptual
26) Adler's term that best describes an individual's unique personality is A) family constellation. B) style of life. C) compensation. D) social interest. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 27) Of the following, the most important key to understanding a person, according to Adler, is contained in his or her A) dreams. B) attitudes toward people. C) first memories. D) physical characteristics. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 28) Which of these questions would Adler ask in order to understand a person? A) "At what age were you toilet trained?" B) "Do you dream in color or in black and white?" C) "What is your earliest memory?" D) "What does this inkblot look like?" Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp.73 - 74 Question Type: Conceptual 29) Research on early memories A) has not been conducted. B) confirms that they correlate with many behaviors. C) shows that they are not important, and that Adler's predictions were not confirmed. D) shows that early memories are usually inaccurate. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 30) Which phrase did Adler use to refer to people who do not develop in a healthy way? A) mistaken styles of life B) psychologically underdeveloped C) neurotic misfits D) retarded Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual
31) Adler categorized delinquents as __________ type people. A) aggressive B) brutal C) ruling D) getting Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 32) People who continually put down others as worthless have A) a mistaken style of life. B) a ruling type of personality. C) a deprecation complex. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 74 Question Type: Conceptual 33) The three mistaken styles of life identified by Adler are A) gluttony, greed, and crime. B) neurosis, psychosis, and retardation. C) ruling, getting, and avoiding. D) masculine protest, aggressive drive, and organ inferiority. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 34) A person who is excessively passive and dependent has probably adopted a(n) __________ style of life. A) avoiding B) getting C) ruling D) socially useful Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 35) People who suffer from agoraphobia are __________ type people, in Adler's typology. A) avoiding B) getting C) ruling D) socially useful Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 74 Question Type: Factual
36) Which type of personality is most healthy, according to Adler? A) the socially useful type B) the getting type C) the ruling type D) the avoiding type Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 37) According to Adler, a socially useful style of life is A) impossible in modern society. B) typical of extraverts. C) a mistaken style of life. D) healthy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 38) According to Adler, a person's style of life is determined by A) parents. B) the person's own goals C) fate D) biological factors. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 39) Adler believed that a person’s style of life was in place by age A) 2 B) 5 C) 12 D) 25 Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 40) Adler recommended that parents should A) indulge their children. (There's no such thing as a spoiled child!) B) avoid pampering their children. C) teach their children about sex roles. D) punish any early signs of homosexuality. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 75 Question Type: Conceptual
41) Adler would not recommend that parents give their children A) Encouragement B) Respect C) Consistency D) Lots of attention Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 75 Question Type: Conceptual 42) What do Adlerians offer parents? A) sympathy B) the threat of lawsuits C) training programs D) legal options Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 43) Which statement best describes the attitude of Adlerian psychologists toward parents? A) Parents can learn to be more effective through training programs. B) Parents have much less impact on their children than is generally supposed. C) Parents should limit their families to no more than two children. D) Parents know what is best for their children. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Conceptual 44) The term "family constellation" refers to A) the genetics of personality. B) the number, age, and sex of siblings. C) the fact that grandparents are also important in determining personality. D) the family's beliefs about who is the "star." Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 45) Adler called attention to the importance of A) sexuality. B) age. C) birth order and siblings. D) pets. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 76 Question Type: Conceptual
46) Oldest children are __________ by the arrival of later children, according to Adler. A) rewarded B) made higher in status C) deprived of their pacemaker D) dethroned Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 47) According to Adler, the first-born child is likely to be A) a male. B) pampered. C) neglected. D) high in social interest. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Conceptual 48) Adler described the first-born child as the __________ for the second child. A) parent substitute B) role model C) pacemaker D) fantasy sexual object Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 77 Question Type: Factual 49) The most favorable birth order, according to Adler, is the A) first-born. B) second-born. C) youngest child. D) only child. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 77 Question Type: Factual 50) Adler described the youngest child as likely to be A) pampered or spoiled. B) high in social interest. C) deformed. D) rebellious. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 77 Question Type: Factual
51) Which of the following family situations would Adler not say affects a child’s personality development A) Birth order B) Spacing between children C) Number of boys and girls in the family D) Children with special talents must compete more than those who do not Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 77 Question Type: Factual 52) The effects of birth order are A) consistently found, by research, to confirm Adler's predictions. B) universal across cultures and socioeconomic levels. C) significant for achievement, supporting Adler's theory, but not for other aspects of personality. D) often significant in research, but with varying effects in different studies. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 77 - 78 Question Type: Conceptual 53) Revolutions in science, like those led by Copernicus and Darwin, are typical of __________ children. A) firstborn B) laterborn C) only D) twin Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 78 Question Type: Conceptual 54) Frank Sulloway examined birth-order effects in famous historical figures such as Copernicus and Darwin. Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of Sulloway’s work discussed in your text? A) History and the lives of historical figures are open to multiple interpretations B) Other empirical research demonstrated opposite findings from those of Sulloway.. C) Sulloway was too empirical in his approach. D) Sulloway was biased in choosing to study the people he examined. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 78 Question Type: Factual 55) Adler's major criterion for psychological health is A) the absence of anxiety. B) social interest. C) high achievement in school. D) creativity. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 79 Question Type: Factual
56) The most important evidence of mental health, for Adler, is A) a satisfying sex life. B) social interest. C) a good mood. D) the ability to tolerate frustration. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 57) According to Adler, all neurosis stems from inadequate A) ambition. B) self-confidence. C) social interest. D) intelligence. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 58) People who score high in social interest A) are mentally healthy. B) are satisfied with their work. C) are healthier than those who score low. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 79 Question Type: Conceptual 59) The three major tasks of life, according to Adler, are A) school, marriage, and parenthood. B) life style, financial security, and achievement. C) self esteem, reputation, and challenge. D) love, work, and social interaction. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 60) According to Adler, which of the following is one of the three tasks of life? A) artistic achievement B) social interaction C) political interest D) education Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 79 - 80 Question Type: Factual
61) Adler suggested that, if there is a fourth life task in addition to the three he named, it is A) reproduction. B) politics. C) art. D) recreation. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 80 Question Type: Factual 62) Which of the following is not one of Adler's "tasks of life"? A) love B) reproduction C) social interaction D) work Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 80 Question Type: Factual 63) Unlike Freud and Jung, Adler considered the relevance of psychoanalysis to A) schools. B) women. C) therapy. D) dreams. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 80 Question Type: Factual 64) Adlerian therapy aims to increase people's A) self-disclosure. B) ambition. C) social interest. D) ability to recall dreams. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 81 Question Type: Factual 65) Which is not one of the Adlerian stages of psychotherapy A) Goal Directive Stage B) Knowing Stage C) Clarification Stage D) Doing Differently Stage Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 81 (table) Question Type: Factual
66) According to Adler, the key to understanding dreams is A) whether they are in color or in black and white. B) what the person ate before going to sleep. C) whether the dream includes other people, or only the dreamer. D) the emotion created by the dream. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 82 Question Type: Conceptual 67) Which statement does not correspond to Adler's beliefs about therapy? A) The patient determines whether the outcome is successful. B) Transference should be avoided. C) Therapy must last at least a year to be successful. D) Therapy should reduce the excessively high self-image of patients. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 81 - 83 Question Type: Conceptual 68) Which statement best describes Adler's views about the mind and the body? A) They are separate. Psychology should study only the mind. B) Mental activity can be explained entirely in terms of physical changes in the body, especially the nervous system. C) They are closely interrelated. Mental conflict can lead to physical illness. D) The body is most important. If physical health is sound, there will be no mental conflicts. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 82 Question Type: Conceptual 69) Adler can be considered a pioneer in the field of A) ecology. B) psychosomatic medicine. C) gerontology. D) the heredity of personality. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 82 Question Type: Factual True/False 70) Adler's theory emphasizes the uniqueness of each person. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 69 Question Type: Conceptual 71) Adler's theory was influenced by the fact that he was very healthy as a child. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 70 Question Type: Conceptual
72) Adler directed his writing primarily to academic researchers, and largely ignored the public. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 73) Adler thought that the impact of physical handicaps on personality depends on a child's subjective experience. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual 74) It is unhealthy to try to compensate for physical handicaps, according to Adler. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 75) Adler thought that the aggressive drive occurred only in delinquents. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Conceptual 76) Adler criticized the traditional sex roles of his culture. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 71 Question Type: Factual 77) For Adler, "superiority striving" is the opposite of "organ inferiority." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 78) Adler used the terms "aggressive drive" and "perfection striving" to refer to essentially the same psychological process. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 71 - 72 Question Type: Conceptual 79) When inferiority feelings are not overcome and growth stagnates, they are called an inferiority complex. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 80) A superiority complex is a sign of mental health. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Conceptual
81) Having a fictional finalism is a sign of mental disturbance, according to Adler. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 72 Question Type: Conceptual 82) People generally have a clear, precise image of their guiding life goal, according to Adler. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 72 Question Type: Factual 83) Unity of personality is important in Adler's theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 84) Adler thought that Freud had underestimated the importance of repression. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 85) Early memories provide important information about personality, according to Adler. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 86) Adler believed that a person’s lifestyle was not in place until age 12. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 87) Adler believed that a person’s lifestyle was in place by age 4 or 5. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 73 Question Type: Factual 88) Erroneous first memories are not useful for understanding a person. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 73 Question Type: Conceptual 89) Adler emphasized the uniqueness of individuals, more than their shared qualities. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 90) Adler's primary goal was to provide a typology of personality types. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 74 Question Type: Factual
91) Some "ruling type" people are high achievers. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 74 Question Type: Conceptual 92) Adler thought that artists and poets were avoiding type people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 93) Adler agreed with Freud that important personality developments occur early in life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 75 Question Type: Factual 94) Parents should always set a very high standard for children's behavior; whatever the child can do, it is not good enough, according to Adler. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 75 Question Type: Conceptual 95) Adler believed you could never give a child too much attention. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 75 Question Type: Conceptual 96) Adler cautioned parents to avoid either pampering or neglecting their children. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 75 - 76 Question Type: Factual 97) Adlerians recommend that problem children should be taken away from their parents. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 98) Effective parenting can be taught in parenting training programs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 99) Adler proposed that the firstborn child would develop the healthiest personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Conceptual 100) Research consistently supports Adler's claim that the second-born child is most favorable. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 78 Question Type: Factual
101) Type A personalities are most likely to be firstborn children. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 77 Question Type: Conceptual 102) Adler's "social interest" is the same thing as extraversion. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 103) According to Adler, all neurosis stems from inadequate social interest. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 79 Question Type: Conceptual 104) Social interest can be measured by self-report tests. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 105) Research, in general, confirms that social interest correlates with many positive behaviors. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 79 Question Type: Factual 106) Work is an important task of life, according to Adler. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 79 - 80 Question Type: Factual 107) Adler thought that monogamy was an old-fashioned value which was not consistent with modern psychological knowledge. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 80 Question Type: Factual 108) Social interaction is an important task of life, according to Adler. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 80 Question Type: Factual 109) Adler was a major contributor to school psychology. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 80 - 81 Question Type: Factual 110) In Adlerian therapy, early memories provide information about the patient's problem. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 81 Question Type: Conceptual
111) According to Adler, psychotherapy can improve physical as well as psychological well-being. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 82 Question Type: Conceptual Essay 112) Provide an Adlerian analysis of Oprah Winfrey. Make sure you talk about her early development, the influence of her parents and their parenting styles, her fictional finalism, and how she currently meets Adler’s criteria of psychological health. Difficulty: 2, pp. 67 - 69 113) Describe a person's fundamental motivation, according to Adler. Difficulty: 2, p. 71 114) What is an "inferiority complex"? How is it different from a feeling of inferiority? Difficulty: 2, pp. 71 - 72 115) Explain the term fictional finalism. Give an example. Difficulty: 2, pp. 72 - 73 116) Explain the disagreement between Adler and Freud about the importance of the unconscious. Difficulty: 2, p. 73 117) Jean says her earliest memory is of being lost at a family picnic. Discuss this memory from the perspective of Adler's theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 73 - 74 118) List and explain Adler’s three mistaken styles of life. Difficulty: 2, p. 74 119) How do parents contribute to their children's personality development, according to Adler? What parental behaviors does he warn against? Difficulty: 2, pp. 75 - 76 120) Explain how birth order influences personality, according to Adler. Difficulty: 1, pp. 76 - 78 121) Discuss the research on Adler’s birth order theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 77 – 78 122) Describe a mentally healthy personality, according to Adler. Difficulty: 2, pp. 78 - 80 123) Describe Adler's contributions to school psychology. Difficulty: 3, pp. 80 - 81 124) List and briefly explain the stages to Adlerian therapy. Difficulty: 3, p. 81(table) 125) Describe Adler's approach to psychotherapy. Difficulty: 2, pp. 81 - 83
Name:________________________________ Chapter 4 – Quick Quiz 1) Adler's theory is called A) psychoanalysis. B) social analysis. C) individual psychology. D) learning theory. 2) A person who cannot successfully compensate for inferiority, in Adler's theory, develops a(n) A) inferiority complex. B) fictional finalism. C) aggressive drive. D) phobia. 3) Imagining what would make up for the negatives in our lives is, according to Adler, A) fictional finalism. B) a neurotic defense mechanism. C) characteristic of neglected children only. D) a superiority complex. 4) Of the following, the most important key to understanding a person, according to Adler, is contained in his or her A) dreams. B) attitudes toward people. C) first memories. D) physical characteristics. 5) The three mistaken styles of life identified by Adler are A) gluttony, greed, and crime. B) neurosis, psychosis, and retardation. C) ruling, getting, and avoiding. D) masculine protest, aggressive drive, and organ inferiority. 6) According to Adler, a person's style of life is determined by A) parents. B) the person's own choices. C) early experience. D) biological factors. 7) The term "family constellation" refers to A) the genetics of personality. B) the number, age, and sex of siblings. C) the fact that grandparents are also important in determining personality. D) the family's beliefs about who is the "star."
8) Adler's major criterion for psychological health is A) the absence of anxiety. B) social interest. C) high achievement in school. D) creativity. 9) The three major tasks of life, according to Adler, are A) school, marriage, and parenthood. B) life style, financial security, and achievement. C) self esteem, reputation, and challenge. D) love, work, and social interaction. 10) Adler can be considered a pioneer in the field of A) ecology. B) psychosomatic medicine. C) gerontology. D) the heredity of personality.
Answer Key Chapter 4 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 69 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 71 - 72 Question Type: Conceptual 3) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 72 - 73 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 73 - 74 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 74 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 75 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 76 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, pp. 78 - 79 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 79 - 80 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 82 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 5 Multiple Choice 1) In his analysis of Mahatma Gandhi, Erik Erikson suggested that Gandhi had not successfully resolved two of the major life conflicts. Which two conflicts were they? A) trust and autonomy B) integrity and autonomy C) intimacy and trust D) intimacy and generativity Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p.85 Question Type: Factual 2) Before he was a psychoanalyst, Erikson was a(n) A) philosopher. B) engineer. C) physician. D) artist. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 87 Question Type: Factual 3) Erikson is best known for extending Freud's concept of the A) id. B) ego. C) superego. D) Oedipus complex. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 88 Question Type: Factual 4) In contrast to Freud's emphasis on sexuality, Erikson emphasized the __________ aspects of personality. A) work-oriented B) anal C) oral D) social Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 89 Question Type: Conceptual 5) Erikson's basic principle for understanding development was the __________ principle. A) compensatory B) epigenetic C) self-actualization D) conflict Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 88 - 89 Question Type: Factual
6) Which statement best corresponds to Erikson's epigenetic principle? A) Neurosis occurs when basic needs are not met. B) Fathers, as well as mothers, are important in development. C) Development occurs according to a ground plan, with each part having its time of special ascendancy. D) Sex differences are largely a result of heredity. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 88 Question Type: Factual 7) Research shows the following about psychoanalysis for children except A) Provides benefits for psychological problems B) Adults psychoanalyzed in childhood have greater resiliency C) Psychoanalysis is less expensive than behavioral treatments D) Provides benefits for medical problems such as diabetes Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 88 Question Type: Conceptual 8) In his epigenetic principle, Erikson compared development with A) the motion of objects as described in physics. B) the biological development of a fetus. C) the spiritual development of a soul. D) an actor or actress learning a script. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 88 - 89 Question Type: Factual 9) According to Erikson's epigenetic principle, A) people get what they deserve out of life. B) development proceeds according to a biologically-based plan, with sequential development of parts. C) some people are more gifted, genetically, than others. D) males and females are different because of their biology. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 88 - 89 Question Type: Factual 10) According to Erikson, personality develops A) primarily before the age of five. B) primarily in adolescence. C) throughout the life span, in five stages. D) throughout the life span, in eight stages. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 89 Question Type: Factual
11) At each stage of development, according to Erikson, there is a __________. A) specific biological motivation B) crisis C) new significant other with whom to form a relationship D) risk of suicide Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 89 Question Type: Factual 12) The task of infancy, in Erikson's terminology, is to develop a sense of A) autonomy. B) the body. C) trust. D) attachment to the mother. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 91 Question Type: Factual 13) According to Erikson, the crisis of infancy is A) life or death. B) autonomy or shame. C) trust or mistrust. D) eat or throw up. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 91 Question Type: Factual 14) The two-year-old toddler is developing a sense of A) trust. B) identity. C) initiative. D) autonomy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 91 Question Type: Conceptual 15) According to Erikson's theory, the sense of __________ is particularly likely to interfere with an individual's initiative. A) mistrust B) guilt C) shame D) despair Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 91 Question Type: Factual
16) In Erikson’s third psychosocial stage, the child acts in a(n) __________ mode. A) intrusive B) incompetent C) incorporative D) selfish Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 91 Question Type: Factual 17) During the elementary school years, children develop a sense of A) self-confidence. B) gender identity. C) industry. D) identity. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 18) According to Erikson's theory, a sense of inferiority is particularly likely to develop during the __________ stage of development. A) second B) third C) fourth D) fifth Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 19) The identity crisis occurs in A) childhood. B) adolescence. C) adulthood. D) old age. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 20) The identity crisis can be thought of as finding an answer to the question __________ that is mutually agreeable to the individual and to other people. A) "Who am I?" B) "What is the meaning of life?" C) "When may I leave home?" D) "Is this the right thing to do?" Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual
21) According to Erikson's theory, adolescents are especially vulnerable to developing a sense of A) identity confusion. B) inferiority. C) shame. D) despair. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 22) A juvenile delinquent is typical of a person who has a __________ identity. A) confused B) diffused C) negative D) positive Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 23) Erikson described "fidelity" as a strength associated with which ego development stage? A) initiative B) identity C) intimacy D) trust Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 24) The crisis of __________ versus isolation occurs in early adulthood. A) generativity B) togetherness C) intimacy D) assertiveness Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 25) In the seventh psychosocial stage, the ego strength of __________ is developed. A) trust B) integrity C) identity D) generativity Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Factual
26) Generativity can be expressed through the role of A) Parent B) Teacher C) Mentor D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Conceptual 27) In old age, people typically A) are considering whether life was meaningful. B) are at the stage of developing generativity. C) have completed all psychological development, so no tasks remain in old age. D) are more neurotic than they were in youth. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Conceptual 28) Erikson’s wife Joan, described a ninth stage of development that she and her husband had discussed. In the ninth stage a very old person confronts the negative aspects of earlier stages they may be experiencing again in their old age. This stage is called A) stage regression. B) gerotranscendence. C) integrity complex. D) the final transition. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Factual 29) According to Erikson, culture A) does not influence the psychosocial stages. B) influences personality development. C) generally threatens ego strengths once they have developed. D) leads to different sequences of stages in different cultures. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 93 - 94 Question Type: Conceptual 30) Religion, according to Erikson, is most relevant to A) initiative. B) will. C) hope. D) fidelity. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Factual
31) Erikson believed this cultural support makes the wisdom of past generations available to help with healing and growth A) Religion B) Education C) Law D) Competition Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 32) Erikson consider this a possible substitute for religion as a cultural support A) Productive work B) Artistic creation C) Fellowship D) None of the above E) All the above Answer: E Difficulty: 3, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 33) Unresolved issues from the second psychosocial stage are most relevant to the cultural institution of A) law. B) technology. C) marriage. D) religion. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Conceptual 34) Culture's "ideal prototypes" support the ego strength of A) autonomy. B) identity. C) fidelity. D) initiative. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 35) What can a society do to support people's sense of initiative, according to Erikson's theory? A) reward their efforts B) provide cultural models or prototypes C) pay them well D) Nothing; based on childhood experience, you either have initiative or you don't. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 94 Question Type: Conceptual
36) What cultural support legitimizes and provides boundaries for the development of autonomy? A) Religion B) Law C) Education D) Technology Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 37) Erikson discussed this prototype as a cultural support for the aggressive ideals of the developing individual. A) Religion B) Law C) Competitive athletes D) The military Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 38) Erikson's theory implies that problems with technology are relevant to which stage of development? A) second B) fourth C) sixth D) seventh Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 94 - 95 Question Type: Factual 39) Technological elements in culture support a person's sense of A) identity. B) initiative. C) autonomy. D) competence. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 94 - 95 Question Type: Factual 40) Ideological perspectives, such as those presented by political movements, are especially relevant to the __________ psychosocial stage. A) fourth B) fifth C) sixth D) seventh Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Factual
41) Based on Erikson's theory, we may interpret political activists as working on the ego strength of A) identity. B) autonomy. C) hope. D) integrity. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 95 Question Type: Conceptual 42) Which of the following is/are a way culture can provide the support of cooperation and competition? A) Marriage B) Homosexual relationships C) Nonsexual relationships D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Conceptual 43) The capacity to love develops in Erikson's __________ stage. A) first B) third C) sixth D) seventh Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Factual 44) The seventh psychosocial stage is expressed in the role of A) parent. B) teacher. C) mentor. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 95 Question Type: Factual 45) In old age, people develop the ego strength of A) fidelity. B) love. C) wisdom. D) industry. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 96 Question Type: Factual
46) Erikson's theory describes the attainment of __________ in old age. A) financial security B) love C) generativity D) wisdom Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 96 Question Type: Factual 47) Which of the following is not a social institution that supports ego strengths? A) Religion B) Humor C) Law D) Technological elements Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 94 - 96 Question Type: Factual 48) Based on Erikson's theory, we could help people to maintain their ego strengths through A) loving them. B) modeling. C) cultural supports. D) money. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 96 Question Type: Conceptual 49) Some studies reported in the text have found that minority members score lower on identity than whites, a finding which is interpreted as a consequence of A) cultural factors. B) genetic differences. C) intellectual differences. D) research bias. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 96 Question Type: Conceptual 50) Jose thinks of himself as Chicano. This is an example of A) an ethnic identity. B) a cultural neurosis. C) individualism. D) pseudospeciation. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 96 - 97 Question Type: Conceptual
51) Individuals may adjust to a new culture by doing the following A) Assimilate themselves into the mainstream culture B) Emphasize their ethnicity C) Become bicultural D) All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 97 Question Type: Conceptual 52) The stage which has been most frequently studied by researchers is the __________ stage. A) autonomy B) industry C) identity D) intimacy Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 97 - 98 Question Type: Factual 53) Which term refers to the mature resolution of the identity crisis? A) identity diffusion B) identity foreclosure C) identity achievement D) identity confusion Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 97 Question Type: Factual 54) Teenagers who are rebellious, nonconforming, and philosophically concerned are typical of those in the category of __________ on Marcia's measure. A) Identity Achiever B) Moratorium C) Identity Diffusion D) Foreclosure Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 97 Question Type: Factual 55) A person who thinks conventionally, is moralistic, and has always known what he or she has wanted to become for a career fits the __________ category of Marcia's identity scale. A) Identity Achiever B) Identity Diffusion C) Foreclosure D) Moratorium Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 97 Question Type: Factual
56) As they get older, people's scores on the Inventory of Psychosocial Balance generally A) become unreliable. B) decrease. C) increase. D) remain stable. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 98 - 99 Question Type: Factual 57) Research finds that people are more likely to be concerned with helping other people, through work or political activity or social activism, if they are high in A) trust. B) autonomy. C) generativity. D) integrity. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 99 Question Type: Conceptual 58) Research on generativity has found that young adults whom are not yet parents A) are higher on generativity than people that have children. B) have a strong attachment to pets, which may be a way of practicing their generativity potential. C) often become authoritarian-style parents if they have children at a young age. D) have low levels of ego integrity. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 99 Question Type: Factual 59) As Erikson predicted, research finds less fear of death among people who score high on a measure of A) trust. B) initiative. C) generativity. D) ego integrity. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 99 Question Type: Factual
True/False 60) Children do not benefit from psychoanalysis. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 88 Question Type: Factual 61) In contrast to Freud's psychosexual theory, Erikson offered a psychosocial theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 89 Question Type: Factual 62) In Erikson's theory, each stage of development has a characteristic crisis. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 89 Question Type: Factual 63) Ideally, the infant should develop with no mistrust whatsoever. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 89 Question Type: Conceptual 64) The two-year-old child is vulnerable to developing a sense of shame. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 91 Question Type: Factual 65) Erikson supported the idea of identity exploration before settling on an identity in adolescence. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 92 Question Type: Factual 66) To commit to an identity to early in adolescence risked poor choice according to Erikson Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 67) A teenager who is exploring various identities is in a period of moratorium. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 68) The virtue of fidelity develops during the fifth psychosocial stage. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 92 Question Type: Factual
69) Erikson suggested that psychological intimacy requires that individual identity first be established. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 70) A person who is afraid of their identity being destroyed in a close relationship will have difficulty with the stage of intimacy versus isolation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 71) Marriage guarantees that the intimacy versus isolation crisis will be resolved successfully. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 72) Being a parent is especially relevant to the psychosocial task of identity versus identity confusion. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 92 Question Type: Conceptual 73) Erikson uses to term "stagnation" to refer to those who can't adequately take care of others, including their own children. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Factual 74) In the integrity vs. isolation stage, the person focuses entirely on the past. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 93 Question Type: Factual 75) The elderly are dealing with the task of integrity versus despair. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Factual 76) In old age, if life seems meaningless, the person is experiencing "stagnation." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 93 Question Type: Factual 77) In modern life, despair is inevitable among the elderly, according to Erikson. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p.93 Question Type: Conceptual 78) Erikson's theory ignores cultural factors. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 93 - 94 Question Type: Conceptual 155
79) According to Erikson, religion misleads people by giving them false hope. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Conceptual 80) Like Freud, Erikson dismissed religion as neurosis. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 81) Erikson noted that society's gender roles support the ego strength of initiative. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 94 Question Type: Factual 82) Technological elements in culture provide a way to support a sense of competence. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 94 - 95 Question Type: Factual 83) An overemphasis of work as a basis of identity can be harmful to development according to Erikson Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 94 – 95 Question Type: Conceptual 84) The development of identity can be resolved wholly on an individual level and does not involve any influence by society. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 95 Question Type: Conceptual 85) In adolescence, a person develops a sense of fidelity to an ideology. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Factual 86) Society influences adolescents but, according to Erikson, they do not influence society. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 95 Question Type: Conceptual 87) Research shows that individualistic cultures show greater levels of generativity than do collectivist cultures. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Factual
88) Erikson suggested that people can express generativity in their careers as well as in their roles as parents. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 95 Question Type: Factual 89) Erikson said that the desire to have children is solely a result of cultural conditioning. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 95 Question Type: Factual 90) Erikson's theory has been criticized as reflecting the values of his culture. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 96 Question Type: Factual 91) Cultural rituals threaten ego strengths. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 96 Question Type: Conceptual 92) The interrelationship between individual personality and the social world is probably most clearly seen through the study of ethnic and racial identity. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 96 Question Type: Conceptual 93) Different racial and ethnic groups face different cultural influences on identity formation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 96 - 97 Question Type: Factual 94) Belonging to more than one cultural or ethnic group has many psychological disadvantages and no psychological benefits. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 97 Question Type: Conceptual 95) Cross-cultural research confirms that having a foreclosed identity status is always negative. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 98 Question Type: Factual 96) There has been little empirical research on Erikson's concept of identity. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 97 Question Type: Factual
97) "Identity confusion" and "identity diffusion" both refer to inadequate resolution of the identity crisis. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 97 Question Type: Factual 98) Erikson said that a moratorium period comes after identity achievement. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 97 Question Type: Factual 99) Sexual orientation exploration can possibly affect broader identity exploration. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 98 Question Type: Conceptual 100) Research generally finds that people score higher on measures of Erikson's stages as they get older. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 98 - 99 Question Type: Factual 101) People who master the early psychosocial stages well are likely to develop more maturely in the later stages than those who have had a more difficult time in early life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 99 Question Type: Conceptual Essay 102) Discuss Erikson’s analysis of Mahatma Gandhi. Talk about influential experiences in Gandhi’s identity development and Gandhi’s experience moving through the psychosocial stages of development. Difficulty: 2, pp. 84 - 86 103) Compare and contrast Erikson's psychosocial model of development with Freud's psychosexual model. Difficulty: 2, pp. 87 - 91 104) Explain Erikson's "epigenetic principle." Difficulty: 2, pp. 88 - 89 105) List Erikson's eight psychosexual stages. Describe the crisis of each stage. What ego strength is developed at each stage? Difficulty: 2, pp 89 - 93 106) Describe Erikson's proposed ninth stage of psychosocial development. How does this stage impact very old adults? Difficulty: 2, p. 93 107) Describe a healthy resolution of the identity crisis. Name and explain two types of unhealthy resolution. Difficulty: 1, p. 92 158
108) What is a psychosocial moratorium? Explain by describing how college can provide a moratorium. Under what circumstances does college not provide a moratorium for an individual? Difficulty: 2, p. 92 109) Select one of Erikson's first four stages of development. What crisis occurs at that stage? What ego strength develops? How does culture support that ego strength? Difficulty: 2, pp. 91 - 92 110) What ideas does Erikson contribute to the understanding of racial conflicts? Difficulty: 2, pp. 96 - 97 111) Describe the process of identity formation for members of a cultural minority. Difficulty: 2, pp. 96 - 97 112) Describe how researchers measure identity status. Discuss one or two research findings. Difficulty: 2, pp. 97 - 98 113) List and discuss the four identity statuses of identity development. Difficulty: 2, pp. 97 – 98 114) It has been shown by research that how individuals resolve Erikson’s stages does correlate to certain outcomes. Discuss the research findings around this. Difficulty: 3, p. 99
Name:________________________________ Chapter 5 – Quick Quiz 1) In contrast to Freud's emphasis on sexuality, Erikson emphasized the __________ aspects of personality. A) work-oriented B) anal C) oral D) social 2) Erikson's basic principle for understanding development was the __________ principle. A) compensatory B) epigenetic C) self-actualization D) conflict 3) According to Erikson, personality develops A) primarily before the age of five. B) primarily in adolescence. C) throughout the life span, in five stages. D) throughout the life span, in eight stages. 4) According to Erikson, the crisis of infancy is A) life or death. B) autonomy or shame. C) trust or mistrust. D) eat or throw up. 5) According to Erikson's theory, a sense of inferiority is particularly likely to develop during the __________ stage of development. A) second B) third C) fourth D) fifth 6) The identity crisis can be thought of as finding an answer to the question __________ that is mutually agreeable to the individual and to other people. A) "Who am I?" B) "What is the meaning of life?" C) "When may I leave home?" D) "Is this the right thing to do?" 7) In old age, people typically A) are considering whether life was meaningful. B) are at the stage of developing generativity. C) have completed all psychological development, so no tasks remain in old age. D) are more neurotic than they were in youth.
8) Which term refers to the mature resolution of the identity crisis? A) identity diffusion B) identity foreclosure C) identity achievement D) identity confusion 9) Teenagers who are rebellious, nonconforming, and philosophically concerned are typical of those in the category of __________ on Marcia's measure. A) Identity Achiever B) Moratorium C) Identity Diffusion D) Foreclosure 10) A person who thinks conventionally, is moralistic, and has always known what he or she has wanted to become for a career fits the __________ category of Marcia's identity scale. A) Identity Achiever B) Identity Diffusion C) Foreclosure D) Moratorium
Answer Key Chapter 5 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 128-129 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 128 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 128 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 130 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 132 Question Type: Conceptual 7) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 133 Question Type: Conceptual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 143 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 143 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 143 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 6 Multiple Choice 1) Marilyn Monroe's exaggerated concern for suffering animals is interpreted by the text according to the defense mechanism of __________. A) compartmentalization B) externalization C) elusiveness D) rationalization Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 103 Question Type: Factual 2) According to the text, Marilyn Monroe fits the pattern of a person with A) excessive self-control. B) a "moving away" type personality. C) womb envy. D) a neurotic need for affection. Answer: D Difficulty 2, p. 103 Question Type: Factual 3) In what area did Horney most strongly disagree with psychoanalysis? A) the importance of the unconscious B) the importance of early experience C) the role of sexual conflict in personality D) the importance of the parent-child relationship Answer: C Difficulty 2, pp. 104 - 105 Question Type: Factual 4) What social change had a major impact on Horney's life? A) the rise of Nazi forces B) increasing religious conflict C) increasing opportunities for women D) the decline of agriculture Answer: C Difficulty 2, p. 105 Question Type: Factual 5) The analyst whom Horney consulted for her own therapy was trained in the __________ tradition. A) Rogerian B) behavioral C) Adlerian D) Freudian Answer: D Difficulty 1, p. 105 Question Type: Factual
6) Which word best summarizes the attitude of the psychoanalytic community toward Horney? A) jealousy B) admiration C) hostility D) gratitude Answer: C Difficulty 2, p. 106 Question Type: Factual 7) The experience of basic anxiety is the feeling of being __________ in a potentially helpless world. A) armed and dangerous B) loved but challenged C) isolated and helpless D) responsible and in charge Answer: C Difficulty 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 8) According to Horney, the two most important emotions in infancy which help understand later development are A) hope and trust. B) anxiety and hostility. C) depression and joy. D) fear and love. Answer: B Difficulty 1, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Horney described the child as experiencing the emotion of __________, which cannot be expressed because of parents' power. A) anxiety B) love C) pride D) hostility Answer: D Difficulty 1, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 10) Which of the following is not one of the three interpersonal orientations described by Horney? A) moving against B) moving away C) moving alongside D) moving toward Answer: C Difficulty 1, p. 107, 109 Question Type: Factual
11) Which interpersonal orientation(s) does a healthy person use, according to Horney? A) moving toward, but not against or away B) moving away, but not toward or against C) moving against, but not toward or away D) moving toward, against, and away Answer: D Difficulty 1, p. 109 Question Type: Factual 12) A person who adopts the "self-effacing solution" A) is mentally healthy. B) is a "moving toward" type person. C) is a "moving away" type person. D) is a "moving against" type person. Answer: B Difficulty 2, p. 107, 109 Question Type: Conceptual 13) People who adopt the self-effacing solution are seeking A) love. B) mastery. C) freedom. D) self-actualization. Answer: A Difficulty 2, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual 14) According to Horney, people who are compliant with others' needs, constantly seeking affection and approval, are A) high in social interest. B) likely to be aware of their own hostility. C) disproportionately focused on "moving toward". D) emotionally healthy. Answer: C Difficulty 2, p.109 Question Type: Factual 15) A person who adopts the "expansive solution" is a(n) A) moving toward type person. B) moving against type person. C) moving away type person. D) emotionally healthy person. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual
16) People who adopt the expansive solution are seeking A) self-actualization. B) love. C) freedom. D) mastery and/or power. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 107, 109 Question Type: Factual 17) According to Horney, competing to do well in your career is often a sign of A) aggression. B) love. C) self-actualization. D) dependency. Answer: A Difficulty 2, p. 109 Question Type: Conceptual 18) A person who adopts the "resignation solution" is a(n) A) moving toward type person. B) moving against type person. C) moving away type person. D) emotionally well balanced person. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual 19) People who adopt the resignation solution are seeking A) love. B) self-actualization. C) freedom. D) mastery. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 20) Parental neglect and rejection makes a child angry according to Horney, leading to a dilemma for the child as to whether to express their anger or not. Horney called this A) Basic evil B) Basic anxiety C) Basic hostility D) Basic conflict Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual
21) If a child does not feel loved and safe, he / she feels vulnerable. The term used by Horney to describe this is A) Basic evil B) Basic anxiety C) Basic hostility D) Basic conflict Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 22) The appeal of freedom is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 23) The appeal of mastery is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 24) The appeal of love is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 25) The “detached” personality is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual
26) The “aggressive” personality is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 27) The “compliant” personality is related to A) The self-effacing solution B) The expansive solution C) Resignation (solution) D) None of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 28) According to Horney, detached personality types seem to live by the motto A) "If you love me, you will not hurt me." B) "If I have power, no one can hurt me." C) "If I do my best, nothing can hurt me." D) "If I withdraw, nothing can hurt me." Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 109 Question Type: Conceptual 29) A healthy person, according to Horney, A) moves toward people. B) moves against people. C) moves away from people. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 109 Question Type: Conceptual 30) Horney's expansive personality type corresponds to a profile of people who are at risk for A) cancer. B) AIDS. C) heart disease. D) accidents. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Factual
31) Which two interpersonal orientations use the basic adjustment strategy of eclipsing? A) moving toward and moving against B) moving toward and moving away C) moving against and moving away D) none of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Factual 32) A "moving away" type person uses the major adjustment strategy of A) eclipsing. B) detachment. C) externalization. D) compensation. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Factual 33) In Horney’s view, a neurotic person is alienated from the __________ self. A) idealized B) real C) actual D) physical Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 34) The growth potential within a person belongs to the __________ (in Horney's theory). A) actual self B) idealized self C) social self D) real self Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 110 Question Type: Factual 35) A very high degree of emphasis on the idealized self is, according to Horney, A) a sign of mental health. B) typical of men but not of women. C) typical of women but not of men. D) neurotic. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 111 Question Type: Conceptual
36) Turning away from the real self, with all its imperfections, is (according to Horney) A) a sign of loss of contact with reality. B) likely to prevent growth. C) characteristic of "moving away" type people, but not the other types. D) all of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p.111 Question Type: Conceptual 37) According to Horney, a person with low self-esteem is not in healthy contact with the A) idealized self B) orientation toward people C) real self D) body Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 110 - 111 Question Type: Conceptual 38) Which of the following is not one of Horney's "major attempts at solution"? A) eclipsing the conflict B) detachment C) externalization D) rationalization Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 110 - 111 Question Type: Factual 39) Horney described some people as over-valuing the idealized self. The term for this is "the tyranny of the __________." A) shoulds B) idealized self C) conscience D) neurotic ideal Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 40) Horney used the term __________ to refer to projection of inner conflicts onto the outside world. A) detachment B) transference C) moving away D) externalization Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual
41) What is externalized, according to Horney? A) anger B) self-contempt C) oppression D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 42) According to Horney, the four major adjustment strategies A) eliminate neurosis. B) are signs of psychosis. C) create the appearance of harmony without solving the neurotic problem. D) are more commonly used by women than by men. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 43) Sometimes people are unaware that their behavior is blatantly incompatible with their idealized self image. What is this called? A) projection B) blind spots C) arbitrary rightness D) compartmentalizing Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 44) Blind spots prevent us from A) detecting dangers in the world. B) realizing how little our parents really loved us. C) seeing our own faults. D) experiencing jealousy. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 45) By using the defense mechanism of compartmentalization, people A) become rigidly compulsive. B) engage in incompatible behaviors, but each at a different time, in a different setting. C) project their conflicts onto other people. D) think they are always right. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Conceptual
46) In the defense mechanism of __________, a person gives socially acceptable reasons for behavior, though they may not be the true reasons. A) self-control B) self-presentation C) elusiveness D) rationalization Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 47) People who never experience much emotion, whether anger, rage, sexual excitement, or other emotions, are probably __________, according to Horney. A) mentally healthy B) "moving against" types C) using excessive self-control D) using rationalization Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 48) Jerry thinks of himself as cheerful, but typically responds to "How are you?" with some gloomy answer. He is using the secondary adjustment technique called A) elusiveness. B) blind spots. C) compartmentalizing. D) arbitrary rightness. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 112 Question Type: Conceptual 49) People who use the defense mechanism of arbitrary rightness A) tend to be intelligent. B) avoid conflict by declaring dogmatically that they are right. C) do not commit themselves to any particular opinion. D) doubt that they are correct. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 50) People who use the defense mechanism of elusiveness A) declare dogmatically that their position is the correct one. B) tend to be artistic. C) avoid commitment to any particular position. D) deny moral values. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual
51) Leon rejects the idea of paying income tax, believing that paying taxes is for fools. What defense mechanism is he using? A) elusiveness B) arbitrary rightness C) rationalization D) cynicism Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 112 Question Type: Conceptual 52) Which one of the following is not a secondary adjustment technique? A) cynicism B) blind spots C) elusiveness D) the idealized self Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 111 - 112 Question Type: Factual 53) Horney described the primary neurotic conflict of her time as the conflict between A) love and hate. B) competitiveness and cooperation. C) competitiveness and love. D) men and women. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 54) According to Horney, differences between males and females are A) primarily due to biological causes. B) primarily due to lack of communication. C) primarily due to cultural forces. D) not very great, when we really get to know people. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Conceptual 55) Horney was particularly interested in the impact of culture on __________. A) education B) occupational choice C) violence D) gender roles Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual
Commented [O1]: Recommend changing to “gender roles” to fit changes in terminology in new edtion
56) The major reason for personality differences between men and women, according to Horney, is A) culture. B) hormones. C) genetics. D) differences in education. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 57) According to Eagly's social role theory, differences between men and women can be explained in terms of A) sex hormones. B) cultural expectations. C) physical strength. D) intelligence. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p.113 Question Type: Factual 58) Culture, according to Horney, encourages women to develop A) fear of success. B) fear of failure. C) fear of relationships. D) fear of men. Answer: A Difficulty 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 59) According to research by Brems and Johnson (1990), the Bem Sex-Role Inventory scale for Femininity is very highly correlated with a measure of A) intelligence. B) masochism. C) interpersonal potency. D) interpersonal sensitivity. Answer: D Difficulty 3, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 60) Research (by Howard, Blumstein, & Schwartz, 1986) that included both heterosexual and homosexual couples found that __________ used supplication and manipulation to get their way in a relationship. A) females, regardless of sexual orientation B) males, regardless of sexual orientation C) homosexuals D) the less powerful partner, regardless of sexual orientation Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual
61) In response to Freud's assertion that women experience penis envy, Horney replied that A) men also experience penis envy. B) women outgrow penis envy when they get married. C) men experience breast envy. D) men experience womb envy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 62) Some feminist theorists urge that "feminine" strengths such as __________ should be more positively valued. A) independence. B) aggression. C) pornography. D) empathy. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 113 - 114 Question Type: Factual 63) According to Westkott, psychologists should hesitate supporting the importance of relationships as a feminine value because A) men value relationships as much as women do. B) the effect of such a message is to make it more difficult for women to overcome the sex role stereotypes of culture. C) women are, in fact, not very good at relationships. D) discussions of sex differences make psychology too political. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 114 Question Type: Factual 64) Research on the relationship between sex role orientation and mental health shows that A) psychological masculinity is associated with higher mental health in men, but not in women. B) psychological femininity is associated with higher mental health in women, but not in men. C) psychological masculinity is associated with higher mental health in both sexes. D) psychological femininity is associated with higher mental health in both sexes. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 114 Question Type: Conceptual 65) Cross-cultural research suggests that people value their achievement goals particularly in __________ cultures. A) collectivist B) individualistic C) Latin American D) traditional Answer: B Difficulty 2, p. 114 Question Type: Factual
66) Which of the following statements would Horney most likely reject regarding therapy? A) Counselors can be biased in their work with clients because of their own ethnic background. B) Counselors can be biased in their work with clients because of their own sexual orientation. C) Therapists are uninfluenced by culture. D) Analysis is valuable. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 114 - 115 Question Type: Conceptual 67) According to Horney’s theory, we can conclude that most parents do not give their children enough A) oral satisfaction. B) love. C) time. D) guidance. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 115 Question Type: Factual 68) There would be less neurosis, according to Horney's theory, if A) people ate more well-balanced diets. B) parents loved their children more. C) society were more permissive about sex. D) schools were less rigidly structured. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 115 Question Type: Conceptual 69) In psychoanalysis, relationships are referred to as objects that can satisfy libidinal desires. The term often used for this is A) Object permanence B) Object relations C) Object love D) Object adoption Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 116 Question Type: Factual 70) The relational model would suggest that early relationships A) Are important because children do not yet have a sense of themselves as separate persons B) Are the basis for developing internal representations of self and others C) Prepare individuals for the expectation of love or rejection from others D) None of the above E) All the above Answer: E Difficulty: 2, p. 116 Question Type: Factual
71) Research with parents and children, using Ainsworth's strategy of observing infants in the presence of a stranger, A) is consistent with Horney's theory. B) disconfirms Horney's theory. C) shows that all infants are frightened of strangers. D) shows that infants raised by neurotic parents prefer a stranger to their biological mothers. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 120 Question Type: Conceptual 72) What did Rene Spitz observe about attachment in infants in orphanages? A) Human touch and love was unimportant for the well-being of the infants. B) Adequate food and medical care were all that was necessary for healthy development of the infants. C) Infants became ill and some died without human touch and love, even with proper nutrition and medical care. D) There is no relationship between attachment and well-being. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 119 Question Type: Factual 73) Researchers report that men who are anxiously attached express __________ toward women in TAT stories. A) love B) dependency C) violence D) admiration Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 121 Question Type: Factual 74) Children are likely to grow up with secure attachment if their parents are A) psychologically healthy. B) warm and protective. C) present in the home. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 122 Question Type: Conceptual 75) Research on adult attachment finds that A) childhood attachment influences love relationships in adulthood. B) childhood attachment does not predict adult attachment. C) Horney's theory was fundamentally wrong about attachment. D) attachment is important for understanding female personality, but not male personality. Answer: A Difficulty 2, pp. 121 - 122 Question Type: Conceptual
True/False 76) According to the text, Marilyn Monroe's analyst apparently did not confront her neurotic needs as Horney's theory suggests he should have. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 103 - 104 Question Type: Factual 77) Horney challenged the psychoanalytic idea that the unconscious has powerful effects on experience. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, p. 104 Question Type: Factual 78) According to Horney, young children experience a fundamental conflict between dependency and hostility. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 79) People who adopt the self-effacing solution are seeking to be loved. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual 80) Intrapersonal conflict is the basis of neurosis according to Horney. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 81) People who adopt the expansive solution are moving toward others. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, pp. 107 - 108 Question Type: Conceptual 82) The Horney-Coolidge Type Indicator assesses Horney’s three interpersonal orientations. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 83) The self-effacing solution is also called the “compliant” personality Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual 84) The expansive solution is also called the “detached” personality Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Factual
85) The “aggressive” personality is related to the expansive solution in Horney’s theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 108 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 86) People who adopt the resignation solution live by the motto, "If you love me, you will not hurt me." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 109 Question Type: Conceptual 87) Scores on the Horney-Coolidge Type Indicator were found to correlated with measures of various personality disorders. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 107 Question Type: Factual 88) Assertive behavior corresponds to what Horney called "adequate aggressiveness." Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 109 Question Type: Conceptual 89) Horney's four major adjustment strategies, when followed conscientiously, eliminate neurosis. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 90) A "moving toward" type person eclipses dependency. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 91) A "moving against" type person eclipses dependency. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 92) A "moving away" type person uses the major adjustment strategy of detachment. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 93) Neurotic people turn away from the real self. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Conceptual 94) Neurotic people turn away from the real self. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 110 - 111 Question Type: Conceptual 179
95) According to Horney, mentally healthy people constantly remind themselves what sort of person they should to be. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 96) The defense mechanism of projection is a kind of externalization. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 97) A person who is a tyrant at work but loving at home is probably using the defense mechanism of compartmentalization. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 112 Question Type: Conceptual 98) High levels of self-control can be neurotic, according to Horney. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, pp. 111 - 112 Question Type: Conceptual 99) Consider the joke about the neighbor who said he didn't borrow a bucket; besides, it was leaking when he borrowed it; besides, he already returned it. This joke illustrates the defense mechanism of elusiveness. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 112 Question Type: Conceptual 100) Cynicism is a social attitude, but not a defense mechanism, according to Horney. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 101) Horney agreed with Freud that personality is affected by biology. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 112 Question Type: Factual 102) According to Horney, gender differences are primarily determined by biological forces. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 1, pp. 112 - 113 Question Type: Factual 103) Horney thought Freud had underestimated the extent to which personality is influenced by culture. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 1, pp. 112 - 114 Question Type: Conceptual
104) Horney's main contribution was the listing of diagnostic criteria for neurosis that were universal, applying to all cultures. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, pp. 112 - 114 Question Type: Factual 105) According to Horney, culture, rather than biology, defines what is masculine and what is feminine. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 1, pp. 113 - 114 Question Type: Factual 106) Horney described the "fear of success." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 107) Research confirms the hypothesis that traditionally feminine women are more mentally healthy than are nontraditional women. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, p. 114 Question Type: Factual 108) Individualism contributes to the sort of achievement conflicts described by Horney. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 113, 114 Question Type: Conceptual 109) The relational approach to therapy emphasizes interpersonal relationships, particularly with the father. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 115 Question Type: Factual 110) The relational model was presented by Horney and others as an alternative Freud’s drive model. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 115 Question Type: Conceptual 111) The goal of Horney's therapy is to make a person more like the idealized self. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 115 Question Type: Conceptual 112) Horney hoped that her theory would help people to be better parents. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 115 Question Type: Factual
113) If their parents were divorced, children are at increased risk for problems with attachment. Answer: TRUE Difficulty 2, p. 122 Question Type: Factual 114) Because attachment issues cause major personality change in young adulthood, it is not possible to predict patterns of attachment in middle age from earlier attachment. Answer: FALSE Difficulty 2, pp. 121 - 122 Question Type: Factual Essay 115) Using Horney’s theories of personality, explain Marilyn Monroe’s often neurotic and selfdestructive behavior. Difficulty 2, pp. 102 - 104 116) Discuss the Horney-Coolidge Type Indicator (HCTI) and its correlation to personality disorders and the three orientations suggested by Horney. Difficulty: 3, pp. 107-108 117) Describe the emotional conflicts of early life, according to Horney's theory. Difficulty: 1, pp. 107 - 110 118) List and describe Horney's three interpersonal orientations. Difficulty: 1, pp. 107 - 110 119) Explain the terms "self-effacing solution," "expansive solution," and "resignation solution" in relation to the three interpersonal orientations. Difficulty: 2, pp. 107, 109 120) Explain the difference between healthy and neurotic use of the interpersonal orientations. Difficulty: 1, pp. 109 - 110 121) Describe the neurotic's attitude toward the real self, according to Horney's theory. How is this different from the attitude of a healthy person toward the real self? Difficulty: 1, pp. 110 - 111 122) Explain and give examples of these defense mechanisms: blind spots; rationalization; and elusiveness. Difficulty: 2, pp. 111 -112 123) Discuss Horney’s ideas about cultural determinants of personality and neurosis. Difficulty: 3, pp. 112 – 114 Question Type: Conceptual 124) Explain what is meant by "fear of success." How did Horney's theory contribute to this concept? Difficulty 2, p. 113 Question Type: Conceptual
125) Explain what Horney meant by "womb envy." Difficulty 2, pp. 113 - 114 Question Type: Conceptual 126) What is the relational approach within psychoanalytic theory? Compare and contrast its major emphasis with those of Freud and Horney. Difficulty: 2, pp. 115 - 118 127) Discuss the development and importance of the sense of self in relationships from the relational theory standpoint. Difficulty: 3, p. 118 Question Type: Conceptual 128) Discuss the impact of narcissism on individuals and relationships. Difficulty: 2, pp. 118 - 119 Question Type: Conceptual 129) Discuss research on infant attachment from the perspective of relational theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 119 - 120 Question Type: Conceptual 130) Discuss research on adult attachment from the perspective of Horney's theory and the relational approach. Difficulty: 2, pp. 120 - 122 Question Type: Conceptual
Name:________________________________ Chapter 6 – Quick Quiz 1) Which word best summarizes the attitude of the psychoanalytic community toward Horney? A) jealousy B) admiration C) hostility D) gratitude 2) According to Horney, the two most important emotions in infancy which help understand later development are A) hope and trust. B) anxiety and hostility. C) depression and joy. D) fear and love. 3) Which of the following is not one of the three interpersonal orientations described by Horney? A) moving against B) moving away C) moving alongside D) moving toward 4) Which interpersonal orientation(s) does a healthy person use, according to Horney? A) moving toward, but not against or away B) moving away, but not toward or against C) moving against, but not toward or away D) moving toward, against, and away 5) A person who adopts the "self-effacing solution" A) is mentally healthy. B) is a "moving toward" type person. C) is a "moving away" type person. D) is a "moving against" type person. 6) A "moving away" type person uses the major adjustment strategy of A) eclipsing. B) detachment. C) externalization. D) compensation. 7) According to Horney, the four major adjustment strategies A) eliminate neurosis. B) are signs of psychosis. C) create the appearance of harmony without solving the neurotic problem. D) are more commonly used by women than by men.
8) According to Horney, differences between males and females are A) primarily due to biological causes. B) primarily due to lack of communication. C) primarily due to cultural forces. D) not very great, when we really get to know people. 9) In response to Freud's assertion that women experience penis envy, Horney replied that A) men also experience penis envy. B) women outgrow penis envy when they get married. C) men experience breast envy. D) men experience womb envy. 10) Children are likely to grow up with secure attachment if their parents are A) psychologically healthy. B) warm and protective. C) present in the home. D) all of the above
Answer Key Chapter 6 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 106 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 107 Question Type: Conceptual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 107, 109 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 109 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 107, 109 Question Type: Conceptual 6) Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 110 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 111 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 113 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 122 Question Type: Conceptual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 7 Multiple Choice 1) Mother Teresa’s sense of charity for others is an example of what type of trait? A) cardinal B) central C) secondary D) elusive Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 127 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Allport’s theory emphasized the development of the unified person and therefore his theory is called A) analytical. B) unconscious-oriented. C) personological. D) client-centered. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 128 Question Type: Factual 3) Allport grew up in A) Vienna. B) the American Midwest. C) India. D) an orphanage. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 129 Question Type: Factual 4) When Allport met Freud, what happened? A) Freud analyzed Allport's dreams. B) Freud experienced a powerful countertransference. C) Allport thought that Freud misunderstood him. D) Allport proposed that he develop a test to measure Freudian defense mechanisms. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 129 Question Type: Factual 5) Which of the following is not a major theme in Allport's work? A) psychosis B) consistency of personality C) social influence D) the self Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Factual
6) Allport's theory of personality emphasizes A) consistency. B) the self. C) social influence. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Conceptual 7) Allport's saying, "The same heat that melts the butter hardens the egg" illustrates A) the danger of drugs. B) the interaction of personality and situations. C) genetic influence. D) determinism. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Conceptual 8) Allport defined personality as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those __________ that determine his __________." A) traits; mental health B) significant attachments; social interactions C) psychophysical systems; unique adjustments to the environment D) physical characteristics; individuality Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Factual 9) Allport defined personality as "the __________ within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to the environment." A) development B) dynamic organization C) nurturance D) existence Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 130 - 191 Question Type: Factual 10) Which statement best describes Allport's attitude toward biological influences on personality? A) Will power is so important that biology plays no part in personality. B) Biological influences determine most of personality. C) Biological influences, along with psychological influences, are important determinants of personality. D) Biological influences explain mental illness, but not variations in normal personality. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Conceptual
11) Which statement best describes Allport's attitude toward heredity? A) Heredity is of little importance to personality. B) All features of personality are influenced by heredity, at least to some extent. C) Heredity influences intelligence, but not other aspects of personality. D) Heredity is the major determinant of psychosis. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Conceptual 12) According to Allport, heredity influences __________ aspects of personality. A) no B) a few C) many D) all Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Which statement best describes Allport's attitude toward traits? A) Trait concepts involve circular reasoning, and so should be abandoned by scientific psychology. B) Traits are the basic causes of behavior. C) There are only about a dozen basic personality traits. D) Traits are all nomothetic. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Conceptual 14) According to Allport, the basic unit of personality is the A) ego. B) interpersonal style. C) trait. D) proprium. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 15) Allport described __________ traits as traits that are possessed by only one person. A) central B) cardinal C) common D) individual Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 132 Question Type: Factual
16) Allport was committed to traits understood from the __________ point of view. A) biological B) idiographic C) nomothetic D) psychoanalytic Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 17) According to Allport, the ultimate real unit of personality is A) a common trait that exists in a specified population. B) the neuron. C) a unique trait, which has psychophysical reality within an individual. D) unconscious motivation. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 18) Research reported by Allport and later confirmed by others shows that ratings of traits are more reliable if A) a 7-point scale is used, rather than a 5-point scale. B) the rater can indicate which traits are particularly descriptive of a person, and only those traits are considered. C) people rate themselves. D) a standard list of traits is used. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 132 - 133 Question Type: Factual 20) Allport and Odbert identified 17,953 trait names by studying A) college freshmen. B) biographies of famous people. C) letters from Jenny. D) the dictionary. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 133 Question Type: Factual
21) Allport and Odbert examined the dictionary and found about __________ traits. A) 5 B) 16 C) 500 D) 18,000 Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 133 Question Type: Factual 22) Traits can be inferred from A) behavior. B) personal letters. C) personality tests. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 133 - 135 Question Type: Conceptual 23) Sally writes with large, slanted handwriting. Jane's handwriting is small and upright. Allport and Vernon (1933) studied such differences with their concept of A) common traits. B) individual traits. C) expressive traits. D) secondary traits. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 133 Question Type: Conceptual 24) When Allport compared a computer analysis of the letters from Jenny to the results of his own structural-dynamic analysis, he found A) that the results were markedly different. B) that the results were quite similar. C) that both failed to understand Jenny's personality. D) that he had miscoded the letters. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 134 Question Type: Factual 25) Which of the following is not a value measured by the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values? A) Aesthetic B) Academic C) Religious D) Theoretical Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 134 (table) Question Type: Factual
27) Which statement best corresponds to Allport's attitude toward methodology? A) Personality theory is limited primarily by lack of adequate computers. B) Statistical developments have made "armchair psychology" obsolete. C) Factor analysis is superior to structural-dynamic analysis. D) It is wrong to overemphasize methodology; instead, psychologists should concentrate on a problemcentered approach. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 28) Allport's attitude toward highly mathematical empirical studies is best described as __________. A) respectful B) distrustful C) enthusiastic D) confused Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 29) Arranged in order from most pervasive to least pervasive in an individual's personality, Allport describes these traits: A) secondary, central, cardinal. B) central, secondary, cardinal. C) cardinal, secondary, central. D) cardinal, central, secondary. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 30) The half dozen or so major personality dispositions of a person are __________. A) cardinal traits B) central traits C) primary traits D) secondary traits Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual
31) Which way of describing George best illustrates Allport's concept of central traits? A) George is like a lamb; he is very meek. B) George is a typical Englishman. C) George is intelligent, ambitious, deceptive, good-looking, friendly, athletic, and selfish. D) George is not like anyone else I know. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 32) Nearly everyone who knows Harry agrees that he is friendly. "Friendly" is probably a __________ for Harry. A) cardinal trait B) secondary trait C) central trait D) primary trait Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 33) Secondary traits describe ways in which A) people are inferior to others. B) people are consistent, but in ways that affect few behaviors. C) personality can be measured by questionnaire. D) people try to get their own way in competitive settings. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 34) The most pervasive kind of personality trait is a __________ trait. A) cardinal B) central C) primary D) secondary Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 35) A trait that influences virtually all of a person's behavior is a __________ trait. A) cardinal B) central C) nomothetic D) secondary Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual
36) The highest level of integration of personality is reflected in an individual's __________, according to Allport. A) sense of self B) habits of everyday living C) philosophy of life D) traits Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 135 - 136 Question Type: Factual 37) According to psychoanalysis, people are motivated by experiences in their past. Which concept from Allport contrasts with this view? A) functional autonomy B) central traits C) habits D) extrinsic orientation Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 38) Allport's concept of functional autonomy emphasizes the importance of __________. A) self-respect B) the past C) the present D) the future Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 39) Allport's concept of functional autonomy asserts that A) healthy people can function without much help. B) childhood is the most important period for the formation of personality. C) traits should be understood in terms of the present, rather than in terms of their origins. D) once a good statistical method is available, theory is no longer necessary. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 40) Which of the following is not listed by Allport as characteristic of a normal, mature adult? A) warm human interactions B) emotional security C) realistic perceptions D) financial success Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 136 - 137 Question Type: Factual
41) A person who can talk for half a day without mentioning his or her occupation is probably __________, according to Allport. A) unemployed B) mentally healthy C) trying to influence others D) neurotic Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 42) All of the following are evidence of lack of mental health (according to Allport) except A) egocentrism. B) self-criticism. C) realistic perception. D) having few interests besides work. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 136 - 137 Question Type: Factual 43) Helson and Wink (1987), in a longitudinal study of adult women, found that A) Allport's criteria of maturity did not apply at all to women. B) Women rarely, if ever, viewed themselves objectively. C) Women rarely, if ever, had warm interactions with others. D) Women sometimes experienced conflict between individual development and the demands of society, and Allport's theory did not consider such conflict. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 137 Question Type: Factual 44) Allport's phrase, unitas multiplex, refers to A) a statistical procedure for analyzing personality. B) the similarity between twins. C) the need for multiple sources of data in analyzing a personality. D) the integration of diverse elements in a healthy personality. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 137 Question Type: Factual 45) Allport's term, proprium, corresponds most closely to which of the following terms? A) neurosis B) social influence C) the self D) the superego Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 137 Question Type: Factual
46) The earliest stage in the development of the proprium focuses on A) the hunger drive. B) the relationship with the mother. C) the sense of the body. D) language. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 47) Allport describes a central issue in the 1- to 2-year-old's development: recognition of his or her A) body. B) possessions. C) mother. D) name. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 48) Identification of the self with one's possessions first occurs at about age __________, according to Allport. A) 4 B) 9 C) 15 D) 21 Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 49) When does "propriate striving" develop? A) about age 2 B) in middle childhood C) in adolescence D) in adulthood Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 50) In adulthood, a person is in the stage of development that Allport called A) ego-enhancement. B) ego-extension. C) self as knower. D) self-identity. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Factual
52) In addition to Allport’s intrinsic / extrinsic religious orientation, researchers have also investigated A) Quest orientation B) Immanence C) Spirituality D) All the above E) None of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 139 Question Type: Factual 53) According to Allport, the study of prejudice should primarily emphasize A) the social conditions in which people live. B) economic conflict among people. C) early messages taught to children. D) individual personality. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 140 Question Type: Factual 54) In order to understand the phenomenon of prejudice among churchgoers, Allport suggested the concept of A) extrinsic religious orientation. B) projection. C) jackdaw eclecticism. D) the proprium. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 140 Question Type: Factual 55) According to Allport's research, which person is most likely to be racially prejudiced? A) a person who has a cardinal disposition B) a person who has an intrinsic religious orientation C) a person who has an extrinsic religious orientation D) a rich person Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 140 Question Type: Conceptual 56) A person who is extrinsically religious is likely to agree with which statement? A) "My religious beliefs influence all my important life decisions." B) "One reason for my being a church member is that it helps establish a person in the community." C) "The most important lesson of religion is to love your neighbor." D) "People should contribute one-tenth of their income to the Church." Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 138 - 139 Question Type: Conceptual
57) A person who is intrinsically religious is likely to agree with which statement? A) "My religious beliefs lie behind my whole approach to life." B) "Women should not be permitted to be ministers." C) "Being a member of a church is a good way to meet people." D) "Prayer in public schools violates the U. S. Constitution." Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 139 Question Type: Conceptual 58) A review of research studies finds that intrinsically religious people are A) tolerant of others, regardless of race or sexual orientation. B) low in racial prejudice. C) prejudiced against rape victims. D) none of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 141 - 142 Question Type: Conceptual 59) Research studies find that extrinsically religious people are __________, compared to intrinsically religious people. A) more prejudiced against racial minorities B) more prejudiced against homosexuals C) more prejudiced against the poor D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 141 Question Type: Conceptual 60) “I go to church because it helps me to make friends” is an example of which type of religious orientation? A) Extrinsic – socially oriented B) Extrinsic – personally oriented C) Intrinsic – socially oriented D) Intrinsic – personally oriented Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 139 Question Type: Conceptual 61) Researchers report that intrinsically religious people are A) low in prejudice against all groups. B) high in prejudice against all groups. C) high in prejudice against homosexuals. D) low in prejudice against homosexuals. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 141 Question Type: Factual
62) Instead of "intrinsic religious orientation," Batson suggests that "__________" leads people to nonjudgmental concern for helping others. A) extrinsic religious orientation B) religion as quest C) religious fundamentalism D) Christianity Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 142 Question Type: Factual 63) In their classic study of rumor transmission, Allport and Postman found that A) often a black was reported, wrongly, to have been holding a knife. B) rumors increase the amount of violence, the more they are retold. C) eyewitnesses are more accurate than is generally believed. D) rumor transmission cannot be studied in the laboratory. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 142 - 143 Question Type: Factual 64) In his concept of jackdaw eclecticism, Allport warned against A) including psychoanalytic concepts in personality theory. B) accepting ideas without careful selection to determine what is valuable and what is not. C) basing personality theory on animal research. D) basing personality theory on studies that include only males. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 143 Question Type: Factual True/False 65) Mother Teresa most likely had an extrinsic religious orientation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 127 Question Type: Conceptual 66) Allport suggested that psychologists should learn from common sense. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 128 Question Type: Conceptual 67) Allport agreed with Freud that self-reports should not be trusted, because of the power of the unconscious. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 129 Question Type: Conceptual 68) Allport taught the first personality course in the United States. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 129 Question Type: Factual
69) Allport considered the family to be important for personality, but the larger society to be unimportant. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Factual 70) In Allport's theory, mentally healthy people tend to be unified or integrated. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Factual 71) According to Allport, heredity influences all aspects of personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Factual 72) According to Allport, personality is a real cause of behavior. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 131 Question Type: Factual 73) According to Allport, personality traits should be abandoned as theoretical concepts because of circular reasoning. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Factual 74) Allport criticized the concept of "trait," saying it involved circular reasoning and should be abandoned. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 131 Question Type: Factual 75) According to Allport, people all have similar traits. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 76) According to Allport, the primary unit of personality is the trait. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 77) Most researchers since Allport have adopted the idiographic, rather than the nomothetic, approach to research. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 132 Question Type: Conceptual
78) Allport dismissed handwriting analysis as not appropriate for science. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 133 Question Type: Factual 79) Allport analyzed Jenny's letters through a "structural-dynamic" approach that was, in effect, a content analysis. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 134 Question Type: Factual 80) Allport was primarily interested in the handwriting styles used by Jenny in her personal letters. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 134 Question Type: Factual 81) Scores on the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values predict occupational activities decades later. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 134 Question Type: Factual 82) Allport frequently emphasized the need for greater statistical sophistication in personality research. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 83) An individual's personality can be described by a half dozen or so central personality traits. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 84) The central traits of personality are measured by the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 134 Question Type: Factual 85) An example of a secondary trait is Popeye's love of spinach. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 86) The sense of self is the highest level of integration in personality, according to Allport. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 87) Allport's primary interest in motivation was its past origins. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual
88) Unlike Freud, Allport emphasized the present, rather than the past. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 89) Allport's concept of functional autonomy describes the importance of the present, rather than the past. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 90) According to Allport, a mature, healthy person has a unifying philosophy of life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p 137 Question Type: Factual 91) For some people, according to Allport, religion provides a healthy, unifying philosophy of life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 137 Question Type: Factual 92) A unified personality is a sign of immaturity, in Allport's theory. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 137 Question Type: Conceptual 93) Personality development, for Allport, focuses on the development of the proprium. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 137 - 138 Question Type: Conceptual 94) Allport described self-image as a particular issue in adolescence. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 95) Allport described propriate development in adulthood as cognitive integration of earlier developments. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 138 Question Type: Factual 96) Allport was satisfied with psychology’s ability to precisely predict individual outcomes in people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Conceptual 97) Extrinsic religious orientation refers to the preference for churches that have elaborate works of art. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 138 Question Type: Conceptual
98) People who question the contradictions and tragedies of life, are said to have a Quest orientation of religion. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 139 Question Type: Factual 99) According to the study of quest orientation, a person who has a high quest orientation will be more inclined to depend on God to deal with a tragedy than an individual who has a low quest orientation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 139 Question Type: Conceptual 100) For a person with a high quest orientation, questioning why contradictions and tragedies of life occur is part of religion’s meaning. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 139 Question Type: Conceptual 101) Research studies of prejudice offer strong and unambiguous support for Allport's description of the low prejudice of intrinsically religious people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 141 - 142 Question Type: Conceptual 102) Allport’s research on rumor transmission found that headlines describing World War II going well for the Allies caused more soldiers to enlist. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 142 Question Type: Factual 103) Jackdaw eclecticism is when people gain insight from many areas without carefully evaluating the source from which they draw the information. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 143 Question Type: Factual Essay 104) Discuss Mother Teresa in the context of Allport’s theories of personality. What were her cardinal and central traits? What was her religious orientation? Difficulty: 2, pp. 126 - 127 105) What did Allport believe about the consistency of personality? Difficulty: 1, p. 130 106) How did Allport define personality? Explain the significance of this definition. Difficulty: 2, pp. 130 - 132 107) Discuss Allport's concept of a trait. Explain the difference between an individual trait and a common trait. Difficulty: 2, pp. 132 - 133
108) Describe Allport's analysis of Jenny Grove Masterson's letters. Difficulty: 2, pp. 133 - 134 109) Describe Allport's attitude toward methodology in personality research. Difficulty: 2, p. 135 110) Explain how cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits are different. Give an example of each to illustrate your point. Difficulty: 1, p. 135 111) Discuss Allport's concept of functional autonomy. Explain how this concept differs from Freud's views. Difficulty: 2, p. 136 112) List and explain characteristics of a mature, healthy adult, according to Allport. Difficulty: 2, pp. 136 - 137 113) List and describe the stages of personality development, according to Allport's theory. How do these stages illustrate Allport's interest in the unity of the self? Difficulty: 2, pp. 137 - 138 114) Explain what Allport meant by "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" religious orientation. Describe the relationship between these orientations and prejudice. Difficulty: 2, pp. 138 - 142 115) Discuss the alternative religious orientations being studied that Allport’s intrinsic / extrinsic religious orientations have promoted. Difficulty: 2, pp. 139 – 140 116) Discuss Allport’s study of rumor transmission during World War II. Difficulty: 23, pp. 142 - 143 117) Summarize Allport's advice about eclecticism. Difficulty: 2, p. 143
Name:________________________________ Chapter 7 – Quick Quiz 1) Allport's theory of personality emphasizes A) consistency. B) the self. C) social influence. D) all of the above 2) Allport defined personality as "the __________ within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to the environment." A) development B) dynamic organization C) nurturance D) existence 3) Which statement best describes Allport's attitude toward biological influences on personality? A) Will power is so important that biology plays no part in personality. B) Biological influences determine most of personality. C) Biological influences, along with psychological influences, are important determinants of personality. D) Biological influences explain mental illness, but not variations in normal personality. 4) According to Allport, the basic unit of personality is the A) ego. B) interpersonal style. C) trait. D) proprium. 5) Which statement best corresponds to Allport's attitude toward methodology? A) Personality theory is limited primarily by lack of adequate computers. B) Statistical developments have made "armchair psychology" obsolete. C) Factor analysis is superior to structural-dynamic analysis. D) It is wrong to overemphasize methodology; instead, psychologists should concentrate on a problemcentered approach. 6) Arranged in order from most pervasive to least pervasive in an individual's personality, Allport describes these traits: A) secondary, central, cardinal. B) central, secondary, cardinal. C) cardinal, secondary, central. D) cardinal, central, secondary. 7) Allport's concept of functional autonomy emphasizes the importance of __________. A) self-respect B) the past C) the present D) the future
8) Allport's term, proprium, corresponds most closely to which of the following terms? A) neurosis B) social influence C) the self D) the superego 9) A person who is extrinsically religious is likely to agree with which statement? A) "My religious beliefs influence all my important life decisions." B) "One reason for my being a church member is that it helps establish a person in the community." C) "The most important lesson of religion is to love your neighbor." D) "People should contribute one-tenth of their income to the Church." 10) In their classic study of rumor transmission, Allport and Postman found that A) often a black was reported, wrongly, to have been holding a knife. B) rumors increase the amount of violence, the more they are retold. C) eyewitnesses are more accurate than is generally believed. D) rumor transmission cannot be studied in the laboratory.
Answer Key Chapter 7– Quick Quiz 1) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 130 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 131 Question Type: Conceptual 4) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 132 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 135 Question Type: Conceptual 6) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 135 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 136 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 137 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 138 Question Type: Conceptual 10) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 142 - 143 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 8 Multiple Choice 1) Sonya Sotomayor was diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a child. Her ability to keep the disease well controlled is probably the result of which personality factor? A) Neuroticism B) Agreeability C) Conscientiousness D) Extraversion Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 147 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Which of the following is not a description of Sonya Sotomayor by individuals that demonstrate the personality factors of Extraversion and Agreeableness? A) Warm B) Generous C) A team player D) Ambitious Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 146 Question Type: Conceptual 3) One sentiment that clearly influenced Sonia Sotomayor’s life was: A) Education B) Loneliness C) Curiosity D) Pride Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 146 Question Type: Factual 4) Cattell proposed that the experimental and quantitative phase of the study of personality was preceeded by A) Intuitive insights expressed through literature B) Clinically oriented theories supported by some experimental work C) Both A & B D) None of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 148 Question Type: Factual
5) A statistical technique for determining a smaller number of dimensions in a data set with a large number of variables is called A) analysis of variance. B) correlation. C) factor analysis. D) path analysis. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 148 Question Type: Factual 6) Factor analysis is used to A) determine how much of personality is caused by heredity. B) determine whether intervention programs are effective. C) simplify a large data set with many variables. D) determine whether a computer program has any bugs. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 148 Question Type: Factual 7) Cattell was born and attended college in A) China. B) Ireland. C) England. D) the United States. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 148 Question Type: Factual 8) Cattell's background, before he studied psychology, was in the field of A) medicine. B) art. C) science. D) astronomy. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 148 Question Type: Factual 9) The primary function of Cattell's Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (IPAT) was to A) recommend students for remedial and accelerated programs. B) distribute psychological tests. C) lobby Congress for more funding for psychological testing. D) provide an alternative program for graduate study. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 149 Question Type: Factual
10) Cattell defined personality as that which permits A) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. B) evaluation of the level of adjustment of a person. C) selection of an appropriate questionnaire. D) optimal assignment of individuals to jobs. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 11) Cattell defined personality as that which permits A) adaptation to the social world. B) becoming all that we have the potential to become. C) the prediction of behavior. D) self-esteem and the respect of others. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 12) Cattell thought that __________ alone were questionable in assessing personality. A) projective tests B) factor analysis C) self-reports D) objective tests Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 13) Cattell's major contribution has been to A) psychotherapy. B) measurement. C) interview techniques. D) social psychology. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 14) Cattell studied all of the following except A) D-data. B) L-data. C) Q-data. D) T-data. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150 Question Type: Factual
15) Responses to pencil and paper self-report tests (such as those that ask subjects to rate how much they agree with statements such as "I generally prefer to be with people rather than alone") are called A) D-data. B) L-data. C) Q-data. D) T-data. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 16) Cattell classified projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, as A) D-data. B) L-data. C) Q-data. D) T-data. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 17) Subjects are asked to tap their fingers as many times as they can in 10 seconds, providing a measure of A) D-data. B) L-data. C) Q-data. D) T-data. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Your driving record, grade point average, and letters of recommendation might be studied by Cattell, who would call them A) D-data. B) L-data. C) Q-data. D) T-data. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Conceptual 19) Cattell derived data from A) questionnaires. B) objective tests. C) life history records. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 150 Question Type: Factual
20) A __________ procedure predicts behavior from several variables at once. A) correlational B) statistical C) multivariate D) MAVA Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 21) Underlying patterns of personality, which reappear in a variety of populations, are called (by Cattell) __________. A) complexes B) sentiments C) source traits D) surface traits Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 22) Cattell developed his 16PF by using the statistical technique known as A) the P-technique. B) the Q-technique. C) ergic analysis. D) factor analysis. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 23) Cattell claimed that his 16PF measures A) adjustment. B) the surface traits of normal personality. C) the source traits of normal personality. D) the effect of heredity on personality. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Conceptual 24) The set of a person's scores on all 16 factors of the 16PF A) is called the "profile." B) must total 100. C) is a measure of adjustment. D) is a measure of intelligence. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual
25) Cattell thought that __________ factors were required to make good prediction of behavior. A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 16 Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 151 Question Type: Factual 26) Scores on the 16PF can be simplified to fewer factors by a technique called A) correlation. B) first-order factor analysis. C) second-order factor analysis. D) MAVA. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 151 Question Type: Factual 27) Two second-order factors on the 16PF are A) Invia and Premsia. B) Intelligence and Superego Strength. C) Extraversion and Stability. D) Psychoticism and Neuroticism. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 151 Question Type: Factual 28) Neurotics typically have low scores on A) intelligence. B) ego strength. C) introversion. D) all of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 151 Question Type: Conceptual 29) Cattell criticized clinicians because of inadequacies A) in resolving the transference. B) in their own unresolved complexes. C) in making diagnoses without using empirical data. D) in therapeutic interventions. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 151 Question Type: Conceptual
30) Fluid intelligence A) is easily lost. B) is a predisposition to do well in artistic endeavors. C) is a special kind of intelligence that predisposes people to do well in fluid mechanics. D) is the innate ability to learn. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual 31) Crystallized intelligence A) is inherited. B) is developed by the age of 5. C) is developed by the age of 10. D) includes the effects of formal education. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 32) The Culture Fair Intelligence Test is designed to measure A) the impact of culture on intelligence. B) crystallized intelligence. C) race differences in intelligence. D) fluid intelligence. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 33) What was Cattell's contribution to intelligence testing? A) He invented the popular Stanford-Binet intelligence test. B) He demonstrated sex differences in patterns of intelligence. C) He devised a measure of "fluid intelligence." D) He demonstrated that grade point average is a better measure of intelligence than so-called "intelligence tests." Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual 34) Researchers have found what kind of evidence against the inherited "innate ability" interpretation of the Culture Fair Intelligence Test? A) education does influence fluid intelligence scores B) zero correlations between parents and children on this measure C) failure of the measure to predict school performance D) high correlations between this test and measures of extraversion Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual
35) Heredity determines __________ of the variation in people's intelligence, according to Cattell. A) none B) nearly all C) about 50% D) about 80% Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 36) Because of his beliefs about intelligence, Cattell supported __________ in order to prevent a decline of the general intelligence of the population. A) educational television B) vitamin supplements to infants C) early marriage D) the eugenics movement Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual 37) __________ traits are hereditary source traits, such as emotional reactivity, that determine the style and tempo of behavior. A) Ability B) Dynamic C) Surface D) Temperament Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 38) __________ traits are motivational traits. A) Ability B) Dynamic C) Surface D) Temperament Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 39) Constitutional, dynamic source traits such as anger, curiosity, and fear are called A) ergs. B) metaergs. C) sentiments. D) attitudes. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual
40) Ergs are A) dynamic traits. B) influenced by heredity. C) comparable to animal instincts. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 41) Ergs involve a tendency to seek a particular A) love partner. B) temperature. C) goal. D) level of stimulation. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 42) Two important kinds of metaergs are A) fluid and crystallized. B) sentiments and attitudes. C) ergs and energy. D) temperament and ability. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 152 - 153 Question Type: Factual 43) The most important sentiment, according to Cattell, is the A) superego. B) religious sentiment. C) self-sentiment. D) subsidiary sentiment. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 153 Question Type: Conceptual 44) Jane loves her family. Harold is unhappy with his home. Sarah is very religious. These are examples of __________. A) temperament traits. B) ergs. C) attitudes. D) sentiments. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 152 - 153 Question Type: Conceptual
45) Which of the following statements is the best example of subsidiation? A) Intelligence increases with age, up to a certain point. B) Males and females have different typical personality profiles. C) We must work in order to eat. D) Americans tend to be more relaxed than Europeans. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 153 Question Type: Conceptual 46) Relationships among attitudes, sentiments, and ergs are diagrammed in the A) MAVA. B) specification equation. C) dynamic lattice. D) P-technique. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 153 Question Type: Factual 47) The dynamic lattice shows A) the impact of heredity. B) the subsidiary relationships among ergs and metaergs. C) intrapsychic conflict. D) personality profiles. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 153 - 154 Question Type: Conceptual 48) Barbara has discovered that participating in a health club satisfies many motivations, including the need for exercise and social motivation. This is an example of A) short-circuiting. B) an ability trait. C) the master sentiment. D) confluence learning. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 154 Question Type: Conceptual 49) In principle, behavior can be predicted from personality by adding together several terms in the A) Multiple Abstract Variance Analysis. B) dynamic lattice. C) specification equation. D) 16PF. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 154 Question Type: Conceptual
50) The specification equation includes A) personality traits. B) situational factors. C) temporary factors. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 154 Question Type: Factual 51) The specification equation permits A) determination of the extent to which a trait is inherited. B) comparison of a person's test scores with standard norms. C) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. D) determination of the extent to which a trait is influenced by the environment. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 154 Question Type: Factual 52) Cattell suggested that studying individual case histories A) is possible with the P-technique. B) should be left to clinicians. C) is not scientifically possible. D) should be the major effort of personality psychologists. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 155 Question Type: Conceptual 53) Cattell devised the MAVA in order to A) investigate the contribution of heredity and the environment to personality. B) give clinicians a better diagnostic instrument. C) show that he could make clinical diagnoses based on an interview. D) have an alternative to self-report personality tests. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 155 Question Type: Conceptual 54) The extent to which a trait is influenced by genetics is called A) the concordance rate. B) heritability. C) genetic finalism. D) expressed phenotype. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 155 Question Type: Factual
55) Currently, a popular alternative to Cattell's model proposes that there are __________ basic factors of personality. A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 8 Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 156 Question Type: Factual 56) The Big Five factors provide a model of A) the major forms of mental disorders. B) the major factors of personality. C) the history of personality theory. D) the major criteria for evaluating personality theories. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 156 Question Type: Conceptual 57) Two psychologists who have researched the Big Five factors are A) Skinner and Staats. B) Dollard and Miller. C) Allport and Odbert. D) Costa and McCrae. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 156 Question Type: Factual 58) The lexical approach is based on studying A) genetics. B) social interactions. C) language. D) childhood. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 156 Question Type: Factual 59) Which of the following is not one of the Big Five factors of personality? A) Extraversion B) Neuroticism C) Openness D) Aggressiveness Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 156 (table) Question Type: Factual
60) Which of the following does not describe extraverts, according to research on the Big Five? A) friendly B) talkative C) sexually active D) serene Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 157 Question Type: Factual 61) Sam is a friendly, compliant person who avoids fights and generally goes along with what others want to do. Which factor describes him best? A) extraversion B) agreeableness C) conscientiousness D) openness Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 157 Question Type: Conceptual 62) Jenny worries a lot and is unhappy and has low self-esteem. Which factor describes her best? A) introversion (low extraversion) B) low agreeableness C) neuroticism D) conscientiousness Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 157 Question Type: Conceptual 63) Ed is neat and self-disciplined, and he studies hard and gets good grades. He is ambitious. Which factor best describes him? A) neuroticism B) conscientiousness C) agreeableness D) openness Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 158 Question Type: Conceptual 64) Connie is imaginative and artistic, and more liberal and broadminded than most people. The factor that best describes her is A) agreeableness B) extraversion C) openness D) neuroticism Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 159 Question Type: Conceptual
65) The Big Five factors have been found in A) adults. B) children. C) other countries. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 160 - 161 Question Type: Factual 66) Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement-seeking, and positive emotions are __________ of extraversion. A) invalidation B) facets C) opposites D) operational definitions Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 67) Each of the Big Five factors has __________ facets. A) two B) three C) six D) sixteen Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table) Question Type: Factual 68) The Big Five model A) describes personality. B) explains personality. C) offers a therapy approach. D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 162 Question Type: Factual True/False 69) Cattell's theory suggests that Einstein's intelligence can be attributed primarily to good early education. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 70) Factor analysis is based upon the statistical concept of correlation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 148 Question Type: Factual
71) A correlation matrix contains correlations among all pairs of variables. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 148 Question Type: Factual 72) Cattell defined personality as "the conscious mind, which directs behavior, and the unconscious mind, which directs dreams." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 73) Cattell recommended that researchers use the interview as a way of measuring personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 74) Cattell devised many tests to measure personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 75) Cattell devised many measures of personality, but none of intelligence. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 76) Projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, are called "Q-data." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 77) Cattell thought that Q-data and L-data were separate factors of personality, uncorrelated with one another. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150 Question Type: Factual 78) Cattell is noted for his extensive work on multivariate approaches to personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 79) It is obvious to everyone that Jane is cheerful; therefore, "cheerfulness" is a source trait. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Conceptual
80) Cattell called the underlying dimensions of personality "surface traits." Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 81) The 16PF test measures the main dimensions of normal personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 82) The 16PF has been used in occupational settings to describe and compare groups of people. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 83) Heredity influences the development of neurosis. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 151 Question Type: Factual 84) The Culture Fair Intelligence Test is designed to measure crystallized intelligence. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 85) Research has shown that tests of fluid intelligence are sometimes influenced by education. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 86) Cattell's theory includes ergs and metaergs as dynamic (motivational) traits. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 87) With learning, ergs are channeled into metaergs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual 88) The self-sentiment is an important erg. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 153 Question Type: Conceptual 89) The most important sentiment is the self-sentiment, according to Cattell. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 153 Question Type: Conceptual
90) The dynamic lattice outlines the goals of psychotherapy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 153 - 154 Question Type: Factual 91) Cattell predicted behavior from personality through his specification equation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 154 Question Type: Factual 92) All of Cattell's research is based on groups of subjects, rather than the study of individuals. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 154 Question Type: Factual 93) Constitutional traits are largely determined by experience. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 155 Question Type: Factual 94) Cattell argued that heredity has no effect on normal personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 155 Question Type: Factual 95) Cattell argued that theory was unnecessary and an obstacle to good personality research. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 155 Question Type: Conceptual 96) The Big Five factors and Cattell's factors were both derived using factor analysis. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 155 - 156 Question Type: Factual 97) Factor theories are primarily descriptive but also focus on personality development. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 146 Question Type: Conceptual 98) Sonya Sotomayor’s identity awareness as a Latina woman would probably be considered a metaerg by Cattell? Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 147 Question Type: Conceptual 99) Sonya Sotomayor’s effort and sacrifice to excel as a student, a lawyer, and a judge is evidence of the trait dimension of Agreeableness? Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 146 Question Type: Conceptual 221
100) Cattell believed that personality was simply a matter of predicting one variable of personality at a time. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 101) Cattell maintained that since his second-order factors were similar to the Big 5 factors, they were as useful in predicting behavior as his 16 primary factors. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 151 Question Type: Factual 102) Personality researchers for the most part are in agreement as to how many traits are necessary to describe personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 155 Question Type: Factual 103) The Big Five factors are based on the lexical approach, studying people's descriptions of personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 156 Question Type: Factual 104) Surprisingly, extraversion is not one of the Big Five factors. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 156 Question Type: Factual 105) A person who scores low on neuroticism is generally emotionally stable. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 157 - 158 Question Type: Conceptual 106) Conscientiousness is associated with high grades. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 158 Question Type: Conceptual 107) Scoring high on Neuroticism can sometimes be positive and helpful in an individual’s life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 158 Question Type: Factual
108) Artistic, imaginative people generally score low on openness. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 159 Question Type: Conceptual 109) Facets of agreeableness, such as trust and compliance and modesty, are correlated with one another. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 160 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 110) The Big Five factors of personality are well-established in adults but not yet demonstrated in children or people in other cultures. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 161 Question Type: Factual 111) The Big Five are not robust factors; sometimes researchers can find them, and sometimes not. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 161 Question Type: Factual 112) The Big Five have been found in a variety of personality tests besides those devised specifically to measure them. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 161 - 162 Question Type: Factual 113) According to the text, the Big Five model describes personality, but is not a full theory of personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 162 Question Type: Factual Essay 114) Describe how the Big 5 personality factors are demonstrated in the life of Sonya Sotomayor. Difficulty: 2, pp. 146 – 147 115) How did Cattell define "personality"? Difficulty: 2, p. 149 116) Briefly summarize Cattell's contributions to personality testing. Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 151 117) List the three sources of data that Cattell included in his research. Give an example of each. Difficulty: 2, pp. 149 - 150 118) Distinguish between surface traits and source traits. Give an example of each. Difficulty: 2, p. 150
119) Describe Cattell's 16PF. Why is it said to measure source traits, rather than surface traits? Difficulty: 2, pp. 150 - 151 120) Explain the difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Difficulty: 2, pp. 151 - 152 121) Explain the relationship among sentiments, ergs, and metaergs in the dynamic lattice. What term did Cattell apply to this relationship? Give an example to illustrate your explanation. Difficulty: 3, pp. 151 - 153 122) What is the purpose of the specification equation? Explain how it is used. Difficulty: 2, p. 154 123) Discuss Cattell's contributions to understanding heredity as it influences personality. Difficulty: 2, p. 155 124) Describe the Five Factor model. Include descriptions of each factor. Difficulty: 2, pp. 155 - 162
Name:________________________________ Chapter 8 – Quick Quiz 1) Cattell defined personality as that which permits A) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. B) evaluation of the level of adjustment of a person. C) selection of an appropriate questionnaire. D) optimal assignment of individuals to jobs. 2) Cattell's major contribution has been to A) psychotherapy. B) measurement. C) interview techniques. D) social psychology. 3) Underlying patterns of personality, which reappear in a variety of populations, are called (by Cattell) __________. A) complexes B) sentiments C) source traits D) surface traits 4) Cattell developed his 16PF by using the statistical technique known as A) the P-technique. B) the Q-technique. C) ergic analysis. D) factor analysis. 5) Fluid intelligence A) is easily lost. B) is a predisposition to do well in artistic endeavors. C) is a special kind of intelligence that predisposes people to do well in fluid mechanics. D) is the innate ability to learn. 6) Crystallized intelligence A) is inherited. B) is developed by the age of 5. C) is developed by the age of 10. D) includes the effects of formal education. 7) Ergs are A) dynamic traits. B) influenced by heredity. C) comparable to animal instincts. D) all of the above
8) The specification equation permits A) determination of the extent to which a trait is inherited. B) comparison of a person's test scores with standard norms. C) prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. D) determination of the extent to which a trait is influenced by the environment. 9) Which of the following is not one of the Big Five factors of personality? A) Extraversion B) Neuroticism C) Openness D) Aggressiveness 10) The Big Five factors have been found in A) adults. B) children. C) other countries. D) all of the above
Answer Key Chapter 8 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 149 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 150 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 152 Question Type: Conceptual 6) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 152 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 154 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 156 (table) Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 160 - 161 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 9 Multiple Choice 1) Reportedly, Hilary Rodham Clinton has always been bold and assertive. This early display of these traits suggests the influence and importance of _____ in the development of her personality. A) biological predispositions B) evolutionary C) parenting style D) early life experiences Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 165 Question Type: Conceptual 2) The fundamental assumption of evolutionary approaches is that A) genetic variations that enhance reproductive success will become more frequent over generations as a result of natural selection. B) males are superior to females. C) biology influences physical but not behavioral characteristics. D) experience does not influence personality. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 167 Question Type: Factual 3) Specific processes that have evolved because they solve particular adaptive problems of survival are called: A) Evolved coping skills B) Evolved psychosocial mechanisms C) Unconscious processes D) Evolved psychological mechanisms Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 167 Question Type: Factual 4) Imitating others is made possible biologically by A) Mirror neurons B) Memory strategies C) Evolved psychological mechanisms D) Temperament Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 168 Question Type: Conceptual 5) Evolutionary theory has implications for A) aggression. B) altruism. C) sexual behavior. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 168 Question Type: Conceptual 227
6) When it comes to reproductive potential, men may choose to do which of the following? A) Promiscuity B) Have children with one women and then stay and protect them C) Not have children but help care and protect his kin’s children D) All the above E) None of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 169, 171 Question Type: Conceptual 7) According to evolutionary theory, altruistic behavior has survival advantages A) when it enhances survival of one's children. B) when it enhances survival of other relatives, in addition to children. C) when it enhances survival of other members of one's group who are not one's relatives. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 8) Altruism, according to evolutionary perspectives, is most directly caused by A) reasoning. B) the emotion of empathy. C) experience. D) the emotion of happiness. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p.171 Question Type: Factual 9) Sexual jealousy A) is an evolved psychological mechanism. B) is more frequent among females than among males. C) is learned, not innate. D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 168 (table) Question Type: Factual 10) Evolved psychological mechanisms include all of the following except A) imitation. B) sexual jealousy. C) temperament. D) sexual attraction based on physical appearance. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 168 (table) Question Type: Factual
11) Evolutionary theory describes that sexual attraction is greatest toward A) physically attractive partners. B) older partners. C) partners who resemble the opposite sex parent. D) partners with artistic or musical talents. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 168 Question Type: Conceptual 12) The sexes differ in attitudes toward sexual promiscuity, according to evolutionary theory, because of A) differences in parental investment. B) different social norms. C) parental uncertainty. D) differences in the age of puberty. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 169 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Parental uncertainty A) is greater in males than in females. B) contributes to sexual jealousy in females. C) explains reciprocal altruism. D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 169 Question Type: Factual 14) Sexual fidelity, according to evolutionary theory, A) is greater in females than in males. B) is greater in males than in females. C) is equal in both sexes. D) is explained by cultural norms, not natural selection. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 169 - 170 Question Type: Factual 15) In cultures with equal status for men and women, A) sex differences in factors that contribute to sexual attraction are reduced. B) attractiveness and status have effects on sexual attraction are similar to cultures with greater status differences. C) there is less sexual infidelity. D) there is more parental uncertainty. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, pp. 169 - 170 Question Type: Factual
16) Parents enhance the survival of their genes by A) having only one child. B) adopting children. C) nurturing their children. D) abusing their children. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 170 Question Type: Conceptual 17) How does evolutionary theory explain people that choose to be celibate? People that choose celibacy A) make no contribution to the species and therefore it is inadvisable as an evolutionary strategy. B) often still take care of their kin, who in turn have children and thus the celibate person is still contributing to the well-being of the species. C) have weak genes and in not having children they are serving to strengthen the species. D) are confused about what they really want and therefore they cannot be good parents. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 170 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Studies of rats deprived of maternal contact showed that the rats developed permanent deficits in the hippocampus. Such deficits (in rats or humans) could make them more vulnerable to A) aggression. B) depression. C) introversion. D) sexual promiscuity. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 170 Question Type: Factual 19) Aggression and striving for dominance are more common in A) children than adults. B) parents than childless couples. C) females than males. D) males than females. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 168 Question Type: Factual 20) Which statement best describes the relevance of evolutionary theory for culture? A) Evolutionary theory competes with and contradicts cultural explanations. B) Cultural explanations have demonstrated that evolutionary explanations are incorrect. C) Evolutionary explanations have demonstrated that cultural explanations are incorrect. D) Cultural evolution is included within evolutionary theory. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual
21) Evolution through transmitted learning from one generation to another is called A) Normative evolution B) Classical conditioning C) Cultural evolution D) Cultural consciousness Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Factual 22) According to the text, the communication of _______ make social living possible. A) Social norms B) Emotions C) Altruism D) Empathy Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 23) Which statement best describes the influence of genetics on personality? A) Genetics has little or no influence on personality. B) Genetics influences serious personality disorders, but not variations in normal personality. C) Genetics influences personality considerably, with heritability estimates of about .50. D) The influence of genetics on personality has not been studied, so no conclusions are possible. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 172 Question Type: Conceptual 24) The term heritability refers to A) how much the variability of a trait in a population can be attributed to genetic variation. B) the similarity of identical twins. C) the nature-nurture controversy. D) similarity of physical characteristics, but not of psychological traits, with one's parents. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 172 Question Type: Factual 25) The biological foundation of personality is A) temperament. B) extraversion. C) gender. D) dominance. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 173 Question Type: Factual
26) Which of the following is one of the dimensions of the EASI temperament model? A) Energetic B) Agreeability C) Intraversion D) Sociability Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 27) Which of the following is not one of the EASI temperament model’s dimensions? A) Emotionality B) Agreeability C) Sociability D) Impulsivity Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 28) Kagan’s temperament types are: A) Only the result of heredity. B) At least half influenced by heredity if not more. C) Mostly influence by the environment. D) Related to intelligence. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 174 Question Type: Factual 29) A person's temperament is best described as A) learned in early childhood. B) similar to the Freudian superego. C) changeable until adolescence, but stable in adulthood. D) biologically determined. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 30) Children who cried and clung to their mothers, in Kagan's studies, were called A) inhibited. B) neurotic. C) difficulty children. D) uninhibited. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual
31) In Kagan's studies, children with an uninhibited type of temperament A) acted aggressively. B) tended to be only children (with no siblings). C) interacted with the experimenter and a strange woman. D) all of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 32) Kagan suggests that stimulation of the __________ contributes to an inhibited temperament. A) frontal lobe B) amygdala C) cingulate gyrus D) brain stem Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 174 Question Type: Factual 33) In temperament studies, the sympathetic nervous system is less active in A) inhibited children. B) uninhibited children. C) younger children. D) older children. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 174 Question Type: Factual 34) In Kagan's model, children are more likely to develop an aggressive, antisocial personality if A) they have an inhibited temperament and receive overprotection. B) they have an inhibited temperament and are encouraged to explore the environment. C) they have an uninhibited temperament and receive strict discipline. D) they have an uninhibited temperament and receive lax discipline. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 174 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 35) The best way to raise a child who has an inhibited temperament, in order to produce a well-adapted personality, is to A) continue setting high standards for the child to achieve. B) encourage the child to explore the environment and give warnings when appropriate. C) do not interfere with the child's innate tendencies. D) provide strict discipline. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 174 Question Type: Conceptual
36) The term that refers to a person's inherited genetic profile is A) genotype. B) phenotype. C) temperament. D) genome. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 37) The term "phenotype" refers to A) a person's inherited genetic profile. B) a person's temperament. C) a person's observed characteristics. D) heritability. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 38) Rewarding experiences and drug abuse are associated with the neurotransmitter A) acetylcholine. B) dopamine. C) epinephrine. D) serotonin. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 180-181 Question Type: Factual 39) Neuroscientists have found that approaching pleasant stimuli and avoiding unpleasant stimuli A) activate the same neural pathways, but at different levels. B) activate different areas of the brain: the left hemisphere for pleasant experiences and the right hemisphere for unpleasant experiences. C) activate different areas of the brain: the left hemisphere for unpleasant experiences and the right hemisphere for pleasant experiences. D) activate subcortical areas but not the cerebral cortex. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 175 Question Type: Factual 40) Neuroscience has found that the right cerebral hemisphere is active when people A) are motivated to approach something. B) are motivated to move away from something. C) are angry. D) are happy. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 175 Question Type: Factual
41) Neurological evidence of left-right brain functioning shows that anger A) activates the left hemisphere, along with anxiety and fear. B) activates the left hemisphere, along with pleasant experiences that lead to approach. C) activates the right hemisphere, along with anxiety and fear. D) activates the right hemisphere, along with pleasant experiences that lead to approach. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 175 Question Type: Factual 42) Pavlov noted that some dogs, that he described as having a strong nervous system, A) could tolerate more intense stimuli before inhibition set in. B) inhibited stimuli at lower levels than others. C) could not be conditioned in his experiments. D) could be conditioned to sounds but not to lights. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 176 Question Type: Factual 43) People who seek intensely stimulating experiences and who take risks are said to be high in the trait of A) neurosis. B) psychosis. C) introversion. D) sensation seeking. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 177 Question Type: Conceptual 44) Eysenck's three factors of personality are theorized to be caused by A) biology. B) early experience. C) patterns of thinking. D) learning throughout life. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 177 Question Type: Factual 45) According to Eysenck, people become introverts because A) they are maladjusted. B) they have been mistreated by other people. C) their nervous systems are easily overstimulated. D) their nervous systems are slow to react to stimuli. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 177 Question Type: Factual
46) Neuroscientists recording responses to auditory stimuli in the people's brainstem, find that A) no activity is produced in this area of the brain. B) extraverts react more strongly to auditory stimuli than introverts. C) introverts react more strongly to auditory stimuli than extraverts. D) introverts and extraverts react similarly. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 178 Question Type: Factual 47) In Eysenck's theory, neuroticism is associated with A) greater emotional arousal. B) greater activity in the limbic system. C) greater use of defense mechanisms. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 178 Question Type: Conceptual 48) Besides Extraversion and Neuroticism, Eysenck proposed a factor he called A) Introversion. B) Melancholia. C) Psychoticism. D) Sensation Seeking. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 178 Question Type: Factual 49) People scoring high on Psychoticism are typically A) impulsive, hostile, sadistic, and unempathic. B) out of contact with reality. C) schizophrenic. D) well-liked. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 178 Question Type: Conceptual 50) Eysenck's personality factors have been found to be correlated with A) emotions, B) distractibility. C) criminal behavior. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 177 - 179 Question Type: Conceptual
51) According to J. A. Gray's theory, behaviors of approaching and avoiding stimuli are influenced by A) neurotransmitters. B) birth order. C) early experience. D) visual stimuli. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 52) In J. A. Gray's theory, the BAS would be most active when a person is A) sleeping. B) avoiding a feared event. C) approaching a pleasant experience. D) studying for a test. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual 53) Which of the following factors is included in Gray's theory? A) the Behavioral Activation System B) the Behavioral Inhibition System C) the Fight-Flight System D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 54) In Gray's theory, the term "BAS" refers to A) behavior, affect, and situation B) Behavioral Activation System C) belief, action, and situation D) brain, axon, and synapse Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 55) The Behavioral Activation System is associated with A) impulsive behavior. B) negative emotions. C) fear. D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual
56) The Behavioral Activation System is associated with A) rewarding and pleasant experiences. B) extraversion. C) dopamine. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual 57) Researchers have found correlations between BAS scores and A) depression. B) alcohol craving. C) bipolar disorder. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 58) The Behavioral Inhibition System would most likely be activated when you experience A) a sudden, frightening stimulus. B) the need to study instead of going out. C) joy. D) goal attainment. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual 59) The term "BIS" in Gray's theory refers to A) the Behavioral Impulse Syndrome. B) behavior, intellect, and selectivity. C) belief, inspiration, and sublimation. D) the Behavioral Inhibition System. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 60) High levels of BIS activity are associated with A) criminal behavior. B) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. C) anxiety. D) all of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual
61) According to Gray's theory, extraverts and introverts respond differently to A) reward but not punishment. B) punishment but not reward. C) both reward and punishment. D) neither reward nor punishment. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 180 - 181 Question Type: Factual 62) In Gray's theory, __________ are more influenced by reward. A) introverts B) extraverts C) children D) psychotics Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 180 – 181 Question Type: Factual 63) The neurotransmitter __________ is active in conveying rewards and positive incentives to the brain, in Gray's theory. A) dopamine B) serotonin C) acetylcholine D) norepinephrine Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 64) Which of the following is not a factor in C. R. Cloninger's tridimensional model? A) harm avoidance B) extraversion C) novelty seeking D) reward dependence Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 181 - 182 Question Type: Factual 65) In Cloninger's theory, dopamine is associated with A) psychosis. B) harm avoidance. C) novelty seeking. D) extraversion. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 181 Question Type: Factual
66) The trait of harm avoidance is associated with A) the neurotransmitter serotonin. B) introversion. C) high tolerance for pain. D) a history of abuse. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 181 Question Type: Factual 67) Low levels of norepinephrine, in the tridimensional model proposed by C. R. Cloninger, are associated with A) anxiety. B) reward dependence. C) novelty seeking. D) psychoticism. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 182 Question Type: Factual 68) Normal development of the brain depends upon A) genetics. B) environment. C) mother-infant interaction. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 182 - 183 Question Type: Factual True/False 69) According to the text, biological theories have clear operational definitions of theoretical constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 166 Question Type: Factual 70) Evolutionary approaches emphasize universal human tendencies, more than do other biological approaches. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 167 Question Type: Conceptual 71) Evolutionary approaches emphasize the great differences between modern people and our remote ancestors. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 167 Question Type: Conceptual 72) Evolutionary theory proposes that every trait that now exists has adaptive value. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 166 - 167 Question Type: Conceptual 240
73) The tendency to imitate others makes social learning possible. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 168 Question Type: Conceptual 74) Low status males tend to mate more than high status males because females view them as more likely to stick around and help raise and protect their children. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 168 Question Type: Conceptual 75) According to evolutionary thought, men tend to be more selective and women more opportunistic in regard to mate selection. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p. 169 Question Type: Conceptual 76) Emotions are essential for social behavior. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 77) Understanding other’s facial expressions of emotion is a learned skill. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p.171 Question Type: Factual 78) Altruism is a rationally calculated act. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 79) Altruism cannot be explained by evolutionary theory, since it decreases survival and reproduction for the individual. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 80) Kin altruism explains altruism toward relatives. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 171 Question Type: Factual 81) Reciprocal altruism explains altruism toward relatives. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 171 Question Type: Factual
82) Sexual jealousy is an evolved psychological mechanism to help ensure certainty about paternity. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 169 Question Type: Factual 83) Imitation cannot be interpreted as an evolved psychological mechanism. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p.168 (table) Question Type: Factual 84) Mothers have greater parental investment in each child, compared to fathers. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 169 Question Type: Conceptual 85) Emphasis on female beauty and male status is explained by evolutionary theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 168 - 169 Question Type: Factual 86) Evolutionary theory can explain sexual attraction but not long-term relationships. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 169 - 170 Question Type: Factual 87) Parents who nurture their children have an evolutionary advantage. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 170 Question Type: Conceptual 88) A child’s survival and psychological health depend on good parenting. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 170 Question Type: Conceptual 89) Aggression against other humans has no evolutionary function. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 168 Question Type: Factual 90) Evolutionary theory describes males as more concerned than females with achieving status and dominance. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 168 Question Type: Factual 91) Culture is outside the scope of evolutionary theory. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 171 Question Type: Conceptual 242
92) The fact that our ancestors lived in small groups influences our social decision-making tendencies. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 171 Question Type: Factual 93) Many dimensions of personality have been shown to be influenced by genetics. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 172 Question Type: Factual 94) Although much has been learned about personality, researchers have been unable to identify any of the specific genes or neurotransmitters that are involved in different personality dimensions. Answer: False p.172 95) Traits that are influenced by genetics would be expected to have a high heritability score. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 172 Question Type: Conceptual 96) Emergenic traits are influenced by heredity, but nonetheless result in children who seem quite different from their parents. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 97) Personality is influenced very little, if at all, by heredity. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 172 Question Type: Factual 98) The belief that body fluids or "humors" influence personality was first proposed in the 1800s. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 260 Question Type: Factual 99) Temperament is a biological basis for personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 173 Question Type: Conceptual 100) Modern temperament researchers put children in standard situations, such as with strangers and toys, to see how they will behave. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual
101) Temperament researchers have found that, confronted with the same novel situation, some babies play calmly while others seem afraid and cry. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 173 Question Type: Conceptual 102) Kagan suggests that the difference between inhibited and uninhibited temperament depends on an individual’s level of sympathetic nervous system activity. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 174 Question Type: Factual 103) Differences in stimulation of the amygdala can make babies have different temperaments. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 174 (table) Question Type: Factual 104) A person's biological nature can affect experience, but experience cannot produce biological changes. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 174 Question Type: Conceptual 105) The left frontal lobe of the brain is more active when people are experiencing depression and anxiety, than when they are happy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 175 Question Type: Factual 106) Dopamine is involved in rewarding experiences and drug use. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, pp. 180 - 181 Question Type: Factual 107) Differences in emotional arousal contribute to personality differences. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 176 Question Type: Conceptual 108) Depression is associated with greater than normal activity in the left cerebral hemisphere. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 175 Question Type: Factual 109) Activity in the right cerebral hemisphere is greater for pleasant experiences and also for anger. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 175 Question Type: Factual
110) The left cerebral hemisphere is active when people are experiencing something pleasant and also when they are angry. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 175 Question Type: Factual 111) Pavlov's dogs differed in the level of stimulation they tolerated before inhibition of cortical arousal began. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 176 Question Type: Factual 112) The trait of sensation seeking is associated with preference for stimulating experiences and risky sexual behavior. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 177 Question Type: Factual 113) Extraverts tend to have strong nervous systems, while introverts have weak nervous systems. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 177 Question Type: Conceptual 114) People who have a nervous system that has greater inhibitory processes are likely to be introverts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 177 Question Type: Conceptual 115) Extraverts respond vigorously to stimulation, and they are slow to inhibit their physiological reactions. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 177 - 178 Question Type: Conceptual 116) At low levels of stimulation, extraverts are able to maintain attention better than introverts. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 178 Question Type: Conceptual 117) Extraverts are less impaired on experimental tasks by noise than are introverts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3,p. 178 Question Type: Conceptual 118) People who score high on Psychoticism usually are diagnosed with serious mental disturbance, such as schizophrenia, at some point during their lives. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 178 Question Type: Factual
119) Extraverts tend to make more mistakes on vigilance tasks, compared to introverts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 179 (table) Question Type: Conceptual 120) According to Clark and Watson, Extraversion is associated with positive emotionality and Neuroticism is associated with negative emotionality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 179 Question Type: Factual 121) People who are sexually promiscuous and who use drugs and alcohol would likely score high on a factor called Disinhibition versus Constraint. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 179 Question Type: Conceptual 122) J. A. Gray's theory describes biological differences in the approach and avoidance motivational systems. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 179 - 180 Question Type: Factual 123) The BAS and the BIS influence learning. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Factual 124) Introverts are more influenced by reward than are extraverts. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual 125) Extraverts are more influenced by reward, and introverts are more influenced by punishment. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 180 Question Type: Conceptual 126) Novelty seeking is a biological trait that predisposes people to use drugs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 181 Question Type: Factual 127) C. R. Cloninger's tridimensional model proposes traits that are identical to those proposed by Eysenck. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 181 - 182 Question Type: Factual
128) High levels of dopamine are associated with the factor of reward dependence. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 182 Question Type: Factual 129) Reward dependence is associated with low levels of norepinephrine. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 182 Question Type: Factual 130) Harm avoidance is associated with high levels of serotonin. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 181 Question Type: Factual 131) If there is evidence for the heritability of a personality trait, we should focus on a biological-level interpretation of that trait, according to the text. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 182 Question Type: Conceptual 132) Experience cannot change biology. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 182 Question Type: Factual 133) If medication leads to improvement in personality, it means that the problem was not influenced by learning. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 183 Question Type: Factual 134) Biology and experience combine to influence personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 183 Question Type: Factual Essay 135) Discuss how Hilary Rodham Clinton’s personality may have been influenced by her biology and genetics. Difficulty: 3, pp. 164 - 166 136) Explain the role of the brain and emotions in the approach and avoidance response. Difficulty: 3, pp. 175 - 176 137) How do evolutionary approaches explain altruism? Difficulty: 2, pp. 170 - 171 138) Describe differences between males and females, from an evolutionary perspective Difficulty: 2, pp. 168 - 170 247
139) What is an evolved psychological mechanism? Give two or more examples. Difficulty: 2, p. 167 - 168 140) What do we know about the influence of heredity on personality? Difficulty: 2, pp. 172 - 173 141) Describe temperament, and explain how it influences personality. Difficulty: 2, pp. 173 - 175 142) Describe the particular biological differences that contribute to temperament. Difficulty: 2, pp. 173 - 175 143) Contrast the advice that should be given about child-rearing to the parents of an inhibited child and the parents of an uninhibited child. Difficulty: 3, pp. 173 - 174 144) List and describe some ways that brain functioning contributes to personality. Difficulty: 3, pp. 263-264 145) Describe the implications of Pavlov's conditioning studies for human personality. Difficulty: 3, p. 176 146) List and describe Eysenck's three factors of personality. Difficulty: 2, pp. 177 - 179 147) Describe the physiological differences between introverts and extraverts, according to Eysenck's theory. What research evidence supports this theory? Difficulty: 2, pp. 177 - 179 148) List several biological measures that are correlated with Eysenck's three factors of personality. (Be sure to indicate which factor is correlated with each measure.) Difficulty: 3, pp. 177 - 179 149) Explain what is meant by the BAS and the BIS in J. A. Gray's theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 179 - 181 150) Describe how biological theories, including those of Eysenck and Gray, have implications for the development of personality through learning. Difficulty: 2, pp. 177 - 181 151) Have biological theories made learning obsolete as an explanation of personality development? Why or why not. Difficulty: 1, pp. 177 - 181 152) Name and describe C. R. Cloninger's three personality traits and identify the neurotransmitters associated with each. Difficulty: 2, pp. 181 - 182
153) Propose a hypothetical research study relating personality to the level of any one neurotransmitter. Tell what theory supports your hypothesis, and provide operational definitions for your measures. Difficulty: 3, pp. 181 - 182 154) Explain why genetic effects cannot be understood without considering experience. Difficulty: 2, pp. 182 - 183 155) Joseph LeDoux is quoted as saying that nature and nurture "speak the same language." Explain what he meant by this. Difficulty: 3, pp. 182 - 183
Name:________________________________ Chapter 9 – Quick Quiz 1) The fundamental assumption of evolutionary approaches is that A) genetic variations that enhance reproductive success will become more frequent over generations as a result of natural selection. B) males are superior to females. C) biology influences physical but not behavioral characteristics. D) experience does not influence personality. 2) Evolved psychological mechanisms include all of the following except A) imitation. B) sexual jealousy. C) temperament. D) sexual attraction based on physical appearance. 3) Sexual fidelity, according to evolutionary theory, A) is greater in females than in males. B) is greater in males than in females. C) is equal in both sexes. D) is explained by cultural norms, not natural selection. 4) The biological foundation of personality is A) temperament. B) extraversion. C) gender. D) dominance. 5) The term heritability refers to A) how much the variability of a trait in a population can be attributed to genetic variation. B) the similarity of identical twins. C) the nature-nurture controversy. D) similarity of physical characteristics, but not of psychological traits, with one's parents. 6) A person's temperament is best described as A) learned in early childhood. B) similar to the Freudian superego. C) changeable until adolescence, but stable in adulthood. D) biologically determined. 7) The term that refers to a person's inherited genetic profile is A) genotype. B) phenotype. C) temperament. D) genome.
8) The term "phenotype" refers to A) a person's inherited genetic profile. B) a person's temperament. C) a person's observed characteristics. D) heritability. 9) Besides Extraversion and Neuroticism, Eysenck proposed a factor he called A) Introversion. B) Melancholia. C) Psychoticism. D) Sensation Seeking. 10) In Gray's theory, the term "BAS" refers to A) behavior, affect, and situation B) Behavioral Activation System C) belief, action, and situation D) brain, axon, and synapse
Answer Key Chapter 9 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 167 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 168 (table) Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 169 – 170. Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 172 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 173 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 178 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 180 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 10 Multiple Choice 1) Tiger Woods’ mother used behaviorist principles to get young Tiger to do his homework. She would allow him to play golf only after his homework was done. In this example, what type of reinforcer/punishment is Tiger’s mother using? A) primary reinforcer B) secondary reinforcer C) negative punishment D) extinction Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 187, 197 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Tiger Woods’ ability to hit a golf ball well is an example of which component of the Basic Behavioral Repertoire? A) Language-Cognitive B) Sensory-Motor C) Emotional-Motivational D) Motor-Conditional Answer: B Difficulty: 1, pp. 187 - 188 Question Type: Conceptual 3) Besides his collaborative work with Neal Miller, John Dollard studied A) animal behavior. B) sex differences in empathy. C) sociological questions (race relations and social class). D) the psychology of color vision. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 4) Besides exploring psychoanalysis and learning theory, Miller included conducted research in A) physiological mechanisms of motivation B) sociology C) chemistry D) medicine Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 5) Besides exploring psychoanalysis and learning theory, Miller included conducted research in A) physiological mechanisms of motivation B) sociology C) chemistry D) medicine Answer: A 276
Difficulty: 3, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 6) Miller and Dollard suggested that "in order to learn, one must want something, notice something, __________ something, and get something." A) ask for B) give C) do D) decide Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 7) Miller and Dollard suggested that "in order to learn, one must __________, notice something, do something, and get something." A) avoid something B) see something C) have something D) want something Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 8) Freud's concept of "libido" corresponds to Dollard and Miller's concept of A) anxiety. B) behavior gradients. C) cue. D) drive. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Which of the following is a drive? A) hunger B) anxiety C) ambition D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 10) Which of the following best defines a cue in the sense that Dollard and Miller used the term? A) a vague idea about what is desired B) an ordered list of possible responses C) distinctive stimuli that a person notices at the time of behavior D) the reward for a behavior Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual
11) If a neurotic person compulsively washes his or her hands every time he or she thinks about disease, then thinking about disease is a(n) A) response. B) cue. C) drive. D) fixation. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual 12) Learning consists of strengthening the connection between the __________ and the response. A) learner B) drive C) cue D) reward Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual 13) When called on in class, Sam is more likely to stutter than to say the right answer clearly. For him, stuttering is __________, in terms of Dollard and Miller's theory. A) a cue B) the most likely (dominate) response C) least likely response D) a punishment Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual 14) Dollard and Miller adopted the assumption of Hullian learning theory that reward occurs when A) drives are reduced. B) praise is given. C) goals are achieved. D) punishment ends. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 15) The term learning dilemma refers to a situation in which A) material is presented too quickly to be learned. B) two responses are rewarded. C) the responses made are not rewarded. D) there are inadequate discriminative stimuli. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 16) Undesirable responses can be eliminated by A) extinction or punishment. B) punishment or reward. C) extinction or spontaneous recovery. 278
D) generalization or discrimination. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 17) Jerry is trying to be just like his father, despite different cues. This is an example of A) an anticipatory response. B) copying. C) matched dependent behavior. D) same behavior. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 192 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Sarah has learned to say, "May I watch television?" when she hears her older sister ask that same question. Her older sister asks when the clock says that it is 7 PM, but Sarah can't tell time yet. This is an example of __________. A) same behavior B) copying C) matched dependent behavior D) generalization Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 192 Question Type: Conceptual 19) Which statement best describes matched dependent behavior? A) The person behaves in the same way as the model, and is controlled by the same cues as the model. B) The person behaves in the same way as the model, and is reinforced by the similarity to the model's behavior. C) The person behaves in the same way as the model, but is controlled by different cues, which are provided by the model. D) The person behaves in the same way as the model, but is controlled by different cues, which are in the situation seen by both. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 192 Question Type: Conceptual 20) In the first stage of development, Dollard and Miller described conflicts over A) talking back. B) feeding. C) toilet training. D) masturbation. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 192 Question Type: Factual 21) Dollard and Miller recommend feeding an infant A) only breast milk. B) whenever the infant is hungry. C) on a fixed schedule (for example, every 4 hours). D) with a bottle. 279
Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 192 Question Type: Factual 22) Dollard and Miller cautioned that if toilet training is rushed, __________ will develop. A) anxiety and guilt B) an early Oedipus complex C) apathy D) phobias Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 192 Question Type: Factual 23) In the second stage of development, Dollard and Miller described conflicts over A) feeding. B) picking up toys. C) toilet training. D) sharing. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 192 - 193 Question Type: Factual 24) Dollard and Miller suggested that toilet training is easier if A) the child is an only child. B) it is begun as early as possible. C) it is delayed until language develops to provide mediating cues. D) the child goes to nursery school. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 193 Question Type: Conceptual 25) In the third stage of child development, according to Dollard and Miller, a child is often punished for A) messiness. B) poor eating habits. C) masturbation. D) wetting the bed. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 193 Question Type: Factual 26) In addition to Freud's first three psychosexual stages, Dollard and Miller described a fourth stage, concerned with conflict over A) anger. B) sex roles. C) siblings. D) playmates. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 193 Question Type: Factual 27) Ideally, by learning to deal appropriately with anger-anxiety conflicts in childhood, the person will be 280
able to be A) assertive. B) powerful. C) considerate. D) peaceful. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 193 Question Type: Conceptual 28) Conflict occurs when a situation A) arouses anger. B) involves other people. C) is similar to situations experienced in childhood. D) provides cues for two or more incompatible responses. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 29) Conflict occurs when cues are present for A) anxiety. B) compatible responses. C) incompatible responses. D) aggression. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 30) Barbara remarks, "The closer we get to the restaurant, the hungrier I get!" This observation corresponds to which concept? A) gradient of approach B) gradient of avoidance C) approach-avoidance conflict D) spontaneous recovery Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 31) Sometimes Leslie is terrified of spiders; sometimes she is not. According to Dollard and Miller, one likely reason for this variation in the level of fear is A) whether Leslie has actually ever been bitten by a spider. B) how far away the spider is. C) whether Leslie is alone or with other people. D) how long it has been since Leslie has eaten. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 32) Charlie Brown wants to talk to the little red-headed girl, but he is afraid she will reject him. What type of conflict is this? A) approach-approach conflict B) avoidance-avoidance conflict 281
C) approach-avoidance conflict D) double approach-avoidance conflict Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 33) Given the opportunity, a person confronting an avoidance-avoidance conflict will A) become aggressive. B) directly confront the situation. C) leave the field (avoid both choices). D) try to control the situation through self-talk. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 34) There are two ways Jane can get to school. If she walks, unfriendly dogs will bark at her. If she rides the bus, the school bully will pull her braids. What kind of conflict is she experiencing? A) approach-approach conflict B) avoidance-avoidance conflict C) approach-avoidance conflict D) double approach-avoidance conflict Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 35) Johnny's parents ask, "Do you want to go to camp this summer, or go on vacation with the rest of the family?" Johnny does neither; he runs away from home. Apparently, the choice given him presented a(n) __________ conflict. A) approach-approach B) avoidance-avoidance C) approach-avoidance D) double approach-avoidance Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 36) An adolescent who has come home later than he should is given the choice between being grounded for a week or having to do extra chores. This choice presents him with a(n) __________ conflict. A) approach-approach B) avoidance-avoidance C) approach-avoidance D) double approach-avoidance Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 37) Which of the following situations generally produces the least conflict? A) approach-approach B) avoidance-avoidance C) approach-avoidance D) double approach-avoidance 282
Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 38) In contrast to therapy, attempts to reduce conflict with alcohol and drugs A) never work. B) provide a temporary and generalized reduction of avoidance. C) are more likely to be effective. D) are slower. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 39) By definition, "frustration" occurs when A) aggression is blocked. B) drive reduction is blocked. C) a person is angry. D) a person is unhappy. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 193 Question Type: Factual 40) Dollard and Miller explained aggression with their __________ hypothesis. A) aggression formation B) anger-anxiety C) frustration-aggression D) libido Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 193 - 194 Question Type: Factual 41) According to the original frustration-aggression hypothesis, A) frustration always leads to aggression. B) aggression is always a consequence of frustration. C) the relationship between frustration and aggression is simple and straightforward. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 193 - 194 Question Type: Conceptual 42) Dollard and Miller postulated that interfering with an organism's behavior which would reduce a drive (for example, preventing a hungry animal from eating) would produce A) discrimination learning. B) identification. C) aggression. D) apathy. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 193 - 194 Question Type: Conceptual 43) Since Dollard and Miller, other theorists have modified the explanation of aggression by 283
A) considering the influence of learning non-aggressive responses to frustration. B) considering situational cues. C) considering individual differences in personality D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 44) Language is, for Dollard and Miller, the key to understanding Freudian __________ processes. A) id B) defensive C) ego D) superego Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 45) Learning theory explains neurotic symptoms as ways to A) avoid anxiety. B) avoid reality. C) attain satisfaction of infantile needs. D) get attention. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 46) Psychotherapy, as we know it today, involves A) learning new labels for experience. B) learning to express unwanted thoughts. C) expressing feared material without reprimand D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 47) Willfully putting thoughts out of ones consciousness is called A) regression. B) denial. C) suppression. D) avoidance conflict. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 48) What happened to participants in Wegner’s study when they were told not to think about a white bear? A) participants were able to easily avoid thinking about the bear B) participants completely forgot about the bear C) participants found it amusing D) participants experienced intrusive thoughts of the white bear Answer: C 284
Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 49) What is the rebound effect? A) People suppressing thoughts often think of the unwanted thoughts later with greater frequency. B) People completely forget what they were trying to suppress and cannot think of it later when they want to recall the information. C) People are unable to suppress information when given conflicting instructions by researchers. D) People first suppress a bit of information and it becomes repressed information. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 50) Before he became a psychologist, Skinner was interested in having a career as a(n) A) astrophysicist. B) physician. C) taxidermist. D) writer. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 196 Question Type: Factual 51) Skinner wrote a novel entitled A) “For the love of elderberries” B) “Walden Two” C) “The Behaviorist Handbook” D) “Operant Conditioning and Your Child” Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 52) Skinner's theory focuses on A) biological predispositions. B) reinforcement and punishment. C) emotions. D) thoughts. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 53) What is the most important determinant of behavior according to Skinner? A) early experience B) sex drives C) models of behavior D) environmental outcomes contingent on an organism’s behavior Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 196 Question Type: Conceptual 54) According to Skinner, the idea that personality traits influence behavior is 285
A) not scientific. B) probably true. C) a fundamental assumption of his theory. D) demonstrated by a functional analysis. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 196288 Question Type: Conceptual 55) "Mentalism" explains behavior in terms of A) intelligence. B) hypnosis. C) thoughts and other mental states. D) goals. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p.196 Question Type: Factual 56) How does the theory of operant conditioning differ from evolution? A) Operant conditioning leads to adaptive behavior; evolution does not. B) Evolution leads to adaptive behavior; operant conditioning does not. C) Evolution takes a long time; operant conditioning does not. D) Operant conditioning influences human behavior, while evolution influences animal behavior. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 196 Question Type: Conceptual 57) Learning is measured by increases or decreases over a period of time in an organism’s A) physiological responses. B) the rate of responding. C) adherence to social attitudes. D) love interests. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 58) Skinner invented a device for studying learning. What was it called? A) the lever B) the memory drum C) the paired associate device D) the Skinner box Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 59) An operant response is a behavior that A) has been produced by shaping. B) has an effect on the environment. C) has been freely emitted by the organism. D) occurs in a laboratory. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 197 286
Question Type: Factual 60) A primary reinforcer A) increases the frequency of responding. B) is always pleasant. C) is determined by the environment. D) is learned, rather than innate. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 61) If you hear music every time you scratch your forehead, and so you scratch your forehead more and more often, Skinner would conclude that the music was A) a hallucination. B) a reinforcer. C) a punishment. D) a challenge. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Conceptual 62) Which statement is true of a secondary negative reinforcerment? A) It increases the frequency of behavior. B) It decreases the frequency of behavior. C) It is another term for punishment. D) It is determined by biology. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Conceptual 63) Punishment will only reduce the frequency of behavior if A) it is predictable. B) it is explained. C) it is contingent on a response occurring. D) it is given by authority figures. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Conceptual 64) Punishment A) has no potential adverse effects. B) reduces the frequency of behavior. C) influences only the behavior that is punished. D) all of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 65) Sarah's mother wants her to learn to talk at the dinner table when only the family is present, but to keep quiet when there are guests. Which kind of learning would be appropriate? A) discrimination learning 287
B) superstitious learning C) classical conditioning D) learning by continuous reinforcement Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Conceptual 66) A schedule of reinforcement refers to which of the following? A) the specific contingency between responses and reinforcements B) the time of day (morning, afternoon, etc.) when reinforcements are given C) the written record of reinforcements which have been given D) the difference between reinforcement and punishment Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 67) Every response is reinforced in a __________ schedule. A) partial B) ratio C) continuous D) interval Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 68) Continuous reinforcement schedules generally produce __________ learning. A) very slow B) no C) rapid D) inappropriate Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 69) A shortcoming of continuous reinforcement is that it produces learning that is A) difficult to eliminate. B) impossible to generalize to new situations. C) can rapidly become extinct. D) not measurable by observers. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 198 Question Type: Conceptual 70) A parent who wished to apply Skinnerian principles to teach a child to behave, even when the parent was no longer present to reward good behavior, should A) forget it. It can't be done, according to Skinner. B) use a continuous reinforcement schedule. C) use a partial reinforcement schedule. D) use punishment instead of reinforcement. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 198 288
Question Type: Conceptual 71) Systematic application of learning principles in therapy is called A) systematic therapy. B) a functional analysis. C) insight therapy. D) behavior modification. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 198 - 199 Question Type: Factual 72) The first step in behavior modification is A) extinguishing the undesirable behavior. B) selecting a reinforcer. C) deciding on a schedule of reinforcement. D) making a functional analysis of the behavior to be changed. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 198 - 199 Question Type: Factual 73) Desirable behavior can be increased by using A) primary reinforcers. B) secondary reinforcers. C) schedules of reinforcement. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 197 - 198 Question Type: Conceptual 74) Critics accuse Skinner of ignoring A) ignoring uniquely human capacities. B) focusing too much on the environment and not enough on the person. C) too much emphasis on situational control. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 75) Skinner describes people as not A) able to improve society. B) capable of changing in adulthood. C) selfish. D) free. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 76) Skinner said that societies should be designed so that A) individuals are supervised more closely. B) reinforcements cause people to behave in ways considered desirable. C) everyone has an equal say in how the society is governed. 289
D) manual labor is not necessary. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Conceptual 77) Skinner's utopian community was called A) Utopia. B) Skinner City. C) Walden. D) Walden Two. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 78) Which statement best describes Skinner's attitude toward language? A) Language is the highest human achievement. B) Psychotherapy consists of learning new ways of talking to yourself. C) Language can be explained in behavioral terms (e.g., as stimuli and responses). D) A universal language would help achieve world peace. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 79) Staats developed a theory called A) behavioral psychology. B) repertory psychoanalysis. C) psychological behaviorism. D) tokenism. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 80) Staats advanced behavioral theory by A) developing a more advanced Skinner box. B) being the first behaviorist to study humans. C) showing the difference between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. D) contributing behavioral insights to an understanding of personality. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Conceptual 81) According to Staats, stimuli that elicit emotional responses A) function as reinforcers for new learning. B) are not suitable to use as reinforcers for children. C) can be effective for punishment, but not for positive reinforcement. D) all of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 201 Question Type: Factual 82) The basic building blocks of personality, according to Staats, are 290
A) conditioned responses. B) basic behavioral repertoires. C) emotions. D) motor behaviors. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 201 Question Type: Factual 83) According to Arthur Staats's concept of basic behavioral repertories, personality consists of behaviors that A) are basically the same in everyone. B) build from basic stepping-stones to more complicated later behavior. C) can be unlearned as easily as they are learned. D) include overt, physical behaviors but do not include language or speech. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 201 Question Type: Conceptual 84) Which of the following is not one of the three types of BBRs identified by Staats? A) emotional-motivational B) health-nutritional C) language-cognitive D) sensory-motor Answer: B Difficulty: 1, pp. 201 - 202 Question Type: Factual 85) The emotional-motivational basic behavioral repertoire is formed by A) verbal instruction. B) operant conditioning. C) classical conditioning. D) education. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. Question Type: Factual 86) In the learning study that required subjects to push or pull a lever differently for religious and transportation words, Staats and Burns found that A) subjects were faster in "pushing away" what they did not value, and "pulling toward" what they did value. B) intelligence scores predicted speed of learning. C) religious individuals learned faster on all tasks. D) religious words elicited faster reaction times in all subjects. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 203 - 204 Question Type: Factual 87) Learning to play sports and learning to make the sounds of a foreign language are both examples of behaviors in the __________ repertoire. A) emotional-motivational B) language-cognitive 291
C) sensory-motor D) athletic-musical Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 205 Question Type: Conceptual 88) Psychological behaviorism says that biological factors can influence behavior: A) before, but not after, the development of BBRs. B) after, but not before, the development of BBRs. C) both before and after the development of BBRs. D) only by enabling a person to respond to environmental stimuli. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 206 Question Type: Factual 89) Which of the following is an example of how personality is measured, from a behavioral perspective? A) by assessing the frequency of prototypical behaviors for personality traits B) by interviewing people C) by administering performance tests D) by observing subjects in a standard chamber, through a one-way mirror Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 207 - 208 Question Type: Conceptual 90) The act-frequency approach is designed to measure __________ from a behavioral perspective. A) intelligence B) the speed of learning C) personality D) psychological adjustment Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 207 - 208 Question Type: Factual 91) An approach to personality measurement that is based on assessing the frequency of prototypical behaviors is the A) action paradigm. B) behavioral paradigm. C) base rate approach. D) act-frequency approach. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 207 Question Type: Factual
True/False 92) Tiger Woods was reinforced often as a child for playing golf. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 187 Question Type: Factual 93) Dollard and Miller reinterpreted psychoanalytic theory in terms of learning theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 94) Dollard and Miller considered learning theory from an exclusively Skinnerian perspective. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 95) "In order to learn, one must want something, ...," that is, there must be a cue. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 190 Question Type: Factual 96) According to Miller and Dollard's theory, a person who does not do anything will not learn anything. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 190 Question Type: Conceptual 97) According to Dollard and Miller, learning is influenced by rewards. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 98) The dominant response is always the most socially desirable response in a situation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Conceptual 99) The dominant response is the most likely response to occur in a given situation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 100) A learning dilemma occurs if the dominant response does not bring about drive reduction. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 101) Rewards are more effective if they immediately follow the desired response. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 293
102) If two brothers greet their mother with identical statements ("Yo, Mom!") in the morning, we can be sure that same behavior (in terms of Dollard and Miller's theory) has occurred. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 192 Question Type: Conceptual 103) Dollard and Miller disagreed with Freud's claim that childhood conflicts are important to personality development. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 192 Question Type: Factual 104) Dollard and Miller recommended that children be fed on a strict schedule, every four hours. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 192 Question Type: Factual 105) Dollard and Miller recommended strictly punishing children for masturbation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 193 Question Type: Factual 106) Incompatible responses are defined as responses that are disapproved by parents. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 107) Chocolate tastes delicious, but it is fattening. For a person trying to lose weight, this produces an approach-avoidance conflict. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 108) Alcohol and drugs can reduce conflict, at least temporarily. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 109) According to the original frustration-aggression hypothesis, frustration always produces aggression. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 193 Question Type: Factual 110) Non-aggressive responses to frustration can be learned. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 111) Aggressive drives can be expressed through displacement, for example, through behaving aggressively against your spouse rather than against your frustrating boss. 294
Answer: True Difficulty: 3, p. 194 Question Type: Conceptual 112) Researchers agree that playing violent video games reduces aggression because of catharsis. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 113) Dollard and Miller's theory is based on animal research, and so it ignores human language. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 194 Question Type: Factual 114) The term stupidity-misery syndrome refers to neurosis, in Dollard and Miller's theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 115) For Dollard and Miller, psychotherapy involves learning better solutions to conflicts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 116) Dollard and Miller thought suppression was an effective and productive method for coping with unwanted thoughts. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 117) Suppression has been found to be linked with greater sympathetic nervous system arousal Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 118) Writing about traumatic events always has positive outcomes on a person’s psychological and physical heatlh. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 195 Question Type: Factual 119) Skinner's theory of animal behaviorism has never been accepted by mainstream psychology. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 196 Question Type: Conceptual 120) Skinner's theory has had very little influence on psychology. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 196 Question Type: Conceptual 295
121) Skinner argued that psychology would advance more quickly if it would use concepts from philosophy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 196 Question Type: Conceptual 122) Skinner thought that psychology should be concerned with the external causes of behavior, rather than with internal causes. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 196 Question Type: Factual 123) Change in the rate of responding is a better measure of learning that Skinner advocated. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Conceptual 124) Skinner invented the Skinner box. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 125) Operant responses can be recorded in a Skinner box. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 126) The rate of responding is increased by positive reinforcement. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 127) Primary reinforcers are learned. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 128) Secondary reinforcers are innate. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 129) The rate of responding is reduced by punishment. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 130) Punishment has no adverse outcomes in eliminating behavior. Answer: FALSE 296
Difficulty: 2, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 131) According to the concept of extinction, one way to stop people from picking on you is to ignore them. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Conceptual 132) As a result of discrimination learning, behavior occurs in one situation but not in another. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 133) As a result of generalization, children can learn to talk in class when there is a substitute teacher, but to be quiet when their regular teacher is present. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Conceptual 134) Continuous reinforcement produces behavior which is very resistant to extinction. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 135) A fixed ratio schedule is a kind of partial reinforcement schedule. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 140) Ratio schedules can produce very high rates of responding. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 198 Question Type: Factual 141) Skinner's theory has no practical applications to humans. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 198 - 199 Question Type: Conceptual 142) Skinner never intended that his theory be applied to humans. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Conceptual 143) Skinner's theory did not say anything about issues of freedom and free will. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Conceptual
144) Skinner's analysis of language is generally accepted among psychologists as one of his greatest contributions. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 145) Skinner's approach is more idiographic than nomothetic. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 146) Staats devised the time-out procedure for controlling behavior. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 201 Question Type: Factual 147) Stimuli that elicit emotional responses can be used as reinforcers, according to Staats. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 201 Question Type: Factual 148) Staats describes basic behavioral repertoires as the highest level of personality development. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 201 - 202 Question Type: Factual 149) Psychological behaviorism can be applied to childrearing by identifying and teaching basic behaviors. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 202 - 203 Question Type: Conceptual 150) Everyone has the same basic behavioral repertoires. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 201 Question Type: Conceptual 151) Classical conditioning influences the emotional-motivational repertoire. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 203 Question Type: Factual 152) Staats and Burns conducted a study of learning to push or pull a handle to distinguish religious or transportation words, and found that subjects' religious values influenced their performance. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 203 - 204 Question Type: Factual 153) Staats recommends using flash cards to help children develop their language-cognitive repertoire. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 204 298
Question Type: Factual 154) The theory of psychological behaviorism explains left-handedness in terms of learning, not brain predisposition. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 205 Question Type: Factual 155) People who fail to learn basic behaviors are likely to suffer maladjustment, according to the theory of psychological behaviorism. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 205 - 206 Question Type: Conceptual 156) A weakness of psychological behaviorism is that it ignores biological influences on personality. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 206 - 207 Question Type: Conceptual 157) The act-frequency approach is used to assess personality from a behavioral perspective. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 207 - 208 Question Type: Factual
Essay 158) Explain how Tiger Woods’ success as a golfer may have been influenced by behavioral principles. Discuss the possible influence of reinforcement schedules and Basic Behavioral Repertoire. Difficulty: 3, pp. 186 - 189 159) Use the concepts of drive, cue, response, and reward to describe the behavior of a student who, told there will be a quiz in the next class, goes to the library to study. Difficulty: 2, pp. 190 - 191 160) What is a learning dilemma? Give an example. Difficulty: 2, p. 191 161) Explain how Dollard and Miller made the language of psychoanalysis more in line with learning theory by reinterpreting identification as imitation Difficulty: 3, p. 192 162) List (in order of their development) Dollard and Miller's four critical training periods of childhood. Explain what is learned in each stage. Difficulty: 2, pp. 192 - 193 163) Explain Dollard and Miller's concept of an approach-avoidance conflict. Give a hypothetical example. Difficulty: 2, p. 194 299
164) Discuss the frustration-aggression hypothesis. How has it been modified by later researchers? Difficulty: 2, pp. 193 - 194 165) How can language influence maladaptive behavior and therapy? Difficulty: 2, pp. 194 - 195 166) Discuss the “white bear” research on suppression and the rebound effect. Difficulty: 2, p. 195 167) Discuss the research relating writing to physical and emotional well-being. Difficulty: 2, p. 195 168) Explain Skinner's objection to mentalism. Difficulty: 1, p. 196 169) Discuss Skinner's theory from the perspective of adaptation. Compare operant conditioning with evolution. Difficulty: 2, p. 196 170) Explain reinforcement and punishment, emphasizing how they are different. Difficulty: 2, pp. 197 - 198 171) Joshua tries very hard at football, but gives up easily in his math class. Explain how discrimination learning may have led to this behavior. Difficulty: 2, p. 198 172) Sally is very angry with her mother, but doesn't dare express it because she would be punished. However, she yells at her sister and complains about her piano teacher. Explain how the learning concepts of generalization and discrimination can be used to understand this displacement. Difficulty: 2, p. 198 173) Joe keeps trying and trying to be accepted by a particular group of popular classmates. Jim tried, but was rejected, so he stopped trying. Discuss how these differences in persistence may be explained in terms of schedules of reinforcement. Difficulty: 3, p. 198 174) Describe a problem behavior that could be treated using behavior modification.therapy. Explain why behavior modification would be effective. Difficulty: 2, p. 198 175) Discuss objections to Skinner's theory as a theory of personality. Difficulty: 3, p. 199 176) How can psychological behaviorism be used to improve child rearing? Difficulty: 2, pp. 199 – 200, 201 - 205 177) How does psychological behaviorism explain adjustment and maladjustment? Difficulty: 3, pp. 205 - 206
Suggested: Discuss how Dollard and Miller’s first three crises relate to Freud’s first three stages of psychosexual development. pp. 192 – 193
Name:________________________________ Chapter 10 – Quick Quiz 1) Miller and Dollard suggested that "in order to learn, one must want something, notice something, __________ something, and get something." A) ask for B) give C) do D) decide 2) The term learning dilemma refers to a situation in which A) material is presented too quickly to be learned. B) two responses are rewarded. C) the responses made are not rewarded. D) there are inadequate discriminative stimuli. 3) Dollard and Miller explained aggression with their __________ hypothesis. A) aggression formation B) anger-anxiety C) frustration-aggression D) libido 4) Skinner invented a device for studying learning. What was it called? A) the lever B) the memory drum C) the paired associate device D) the Skinner box 5) A primary reinforcer A) increases the frequency of responding. B) is always pleasant. C) is determined by the environment D) is learned, rather than innate. 6) Punishment A) has no potential adverse effects B) reduces the frequency of behavior. C) influences only the behavior that is punished. D) all of the above 7) Which statement best describes Skinner's attitude toward language? A) Language is the highest human achievement. B) Psychotherapy consists of learning new ways of talking to yourself. C) Language can be explained in behavioral terms (e.g., as stimuli and responses). D) A universal language would help achieve world peace. 8) Staats developed a theory called A) behavioral psychology. B) repertory psychoanalysis. 302
C) psychological behaviorism. D) tokenism. 9) The basic building blocks of personality, according to Staats, are A) conditioned responses. B) basic behavioral repertoires. C) emotions. D) motor behaviors. 10) An approach to personality measurement that is based on assessing the frequency of prototypical behaviors is the A) action paradigm. B) behavioral paradigm. C) base rate approach. D) act-frequency approach
Answer Key Chapter 10 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 19 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 191 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 193 - 194 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 197 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 199 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 201 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 207 Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 11 (KELLY) Multiple Choice 1) According to the text, one of Richard Nixon's personal constructs was A) "responsible versus selfish." B) "white versus black." C) "us versus them." D) "male versus female." Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 211 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Because they both thought in terms of privacy and power, Nixon and Kissinger could relate well to one another, according to Kelly's __________ Corollary. A) Choice B) Commonality C) Modulation D) Sociality Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 212 Question Type: Conceptual 3) In order to emphasize that his theory was concerned with the "nature of the animal" rather than with environmental forces, Kelly called his theory A) a person-centered theory. B) a naturalistic theory. C) a humanistic theory. D) a jackass theory. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 213 Question Type: Factual 4) Kelly was most disturbed by the __________ in Freud's theory. A) focus on sexuality B) loose definitions C) anti-religious sentiment D) distrust of consciousness Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 214 Question Type: Factual 5) Kelly proposed a metaphor of man as A) creator. B) architect. C) scientist. D) zookeeper. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 214 Question Type: Factual
6) Kelly called his underlying philosophical assumption "__________." A) logical positivism B) constructive alternativism C) physiological determinism D) humanistic science Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 214 Question Type: Factual 7) Kelly's theory is based on the assumption of A) hedonic relevance. B) functional analysis. C) constructive alternativism. D) cognitive dissonance. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 214 Question Type: Factual 8) According to Kelly's fundamental postulate, psychological processes are channelized by A) experience in childhood. B) patterns of drive satisfaction. C) unfulfilled needs. D) how a person anticipates events. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 215 Question Type: Factual 9) According to Kelly's Construction Corollary, people anticipate events by construing their A) causes. B) effects. C) situational constraints. D) replications. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Factual 10) Kelly's concept of __________ helps understand unconscious and emotional experience. A) constructive alternativism B) the Dichotomy Corollary C) preverbal constructs D) preemption Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Factual
11) If you ask George to explain how he feels about his father, he has little to say. Yet every time his father is mentioned, he becomes tense. Kelly would explain this with his concept of A) preverbal constructs. B) preemption. C) hostility. D) threat. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Conceptual 12) According to Kelly, preverbal constructs are useful for understanding A) conscious goals. B) psychosomatic disorders. C) creativity. D) vocational choice. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 216 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Kelly explained personality change as a result of A) adjusting to environmental pressures. B) universal stages of development. C) stages of development which vary with each culture. D) successive constructions of the replications of events. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 216-217 Question Type: Factual 14) According to Kelly, we make choices in life in order to A) reduce tension. B) increase pleasure. C) increase the predictability of events. D) improve our reputation in other people's eyes. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 15) Under threat, instead of elaboration of a construct system, __________ occurs. A) reevaluation B) sedimentation C) destruction D) maintenance Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 217 Question Type: Factual
16) In Kelly's theory, people are more likely to experiment with new constructs when A) they are threatened. B) they are in love. C) they are not threatened. D) they are angry. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Factual 17) __________ constructs can be applied to new situations. A) Dichotomous B) Preverbal C) Permeable D) Impermeable Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Joe thinks of people as "likable" or "unfriendly." When Joe meets someone new, he classifies them into either of these categories. The construct, "likable/friendly" is, for Joe, a(n) __________ construct. A) concrete B) complex C) preverbal D) permeable Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 19) __________ constructs are especially useful for dealing with new experiences. A) Concrete B) Peripheral C) Permeable D) Superordinate Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 20) According to Kelly, all constructs have __________ pole(s). A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) many Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 217-218 Question Type: Factual
21) Dichotomous constructs are those which have A) implications for evaluation of people as good or bad. B) no likelihood of being changed by experience. C) much similarity from one person to another. D) two poles. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 217-218 Question Type: Factual 22) According to Sherry, "Most people are selfish." Her therapist asks her, "What are the other people like, the ones who are not selfish?" The therapist is asking about the __________. A) contrast pole B) core construct C) concrete construct D) likeness pole Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Conceptual 23) Two people are talking. One says, "People are either ambitious or they're lazy." The other disagrees, saying "People are either ambitious or they're already rich enough!" These two people disagree about the __________ pole to "ambitious." A) concrete B) contrast C) fixed role D) peripheral Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Conceptual 24) Slot movement describes A) fitting in to society's roles. B) becoming a leader in a bureaucracy. C) extension of the construct system. D) changing to the contrast pole of a construct. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 25) Which of the following is an example of slot movement? A) deciding to go back to school B) deciding which person you really love C) converting from atheism to an established religion D) picking a college major Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 218 Question Type: Conceptual
26) "Slot-movement" refers to A) radical changes, such as from atheist to "born-again Christian." B) role changes, such as moving from being a student to being an employee. C) gambling. D) a method for scoring personality tests. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp.218 Question Type: Factual 27) Personal constructs are organized A) alphabetically. B) by the place in which they were developed. C) by age. D) as superordinate and subordinate constructs. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 28) Constructs that are central to a person's identity are called __________ constructs. A) alternative B) core C) personal D) peripheral Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 29) Which of Kelly's corollaries explains why people are inconsistent? A) the Commonality Corollary B) the Fragmentation Corollary C) the Dichotomy Corollary D) the Individuality Corollary Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 218-219 Question Type: Factual 30) "Is your teacher happy?" a student is asked. The student replies, "I don't know; I never thought about that." What interpretation from Kelly's theory is appropriate? A) "Happiness" is a core construct for the student. B) The student has a fragmented view of the teacher. C) The teacher is a victim of slot movement. D) The teacher is outside the range of convenience of the student’s construct "happiness." Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 219 Question Type: Conceptual
31) The range of convenience of a construct describes A) the age at which the construct was formed. B) the extent to which the construct is adaptive in a person's life. C) the events to which the construct applies. D) the likelihood that the construct will change. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 219 Question Type: Factual 32) Kelly understood differences between individuals as due to A) different early experience. B) different personal constructs. C) heredity. D) misunderstandings by researchers. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 219 Question Type: Conceptual 33) According to Kelly's Commonality Corollary, people have similar psychological processes if A) they have had similar life experiences. B) they are in similar environments. C) they have similar heredity. D) they use similar constructs. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 219 Question Type: Conceptual 34) In order to have a relationship with someone, according to Kelly's Sociality Corollary, you must A) understand that person's construct system (or be understood by that person). B) mutually respect one another. C) mutually trust one another. D) have the same personal constructs. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 219-220 Question Type: Conceptual 35) Kelly devised the __________ Test. A) Projective Role B) Psychological Assessment C) Therapeutic Construct D) Role Construct Repertory Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 220-222 Question Type: Factual
36) The first step in taking the REP test is to A) free associate to your dreams. B) list several people whom you know. C) make a list of all the things you want to accomplish. D) describe yourself in 250 words or less. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 220 Question Type: Factual 37) The "REP" test refers to the __________ Test. A) Residual Category Report B) Rethink-Consider-Prepare C) Role Construct Repertory D) Reliable Concept Report Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 220 Question Type: Factual 38) A Role Construct Repertory grid consists of A) lists of people and constructs. B) lists of the requirements for adequate performance in life roles. C) lists of all the significant people in your life, and the reasons they are important. D) an outline of the duties of each role in an organization. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp.220-221 Question Type: Factual 39) Two constructs on a REP Test are similar if A) they are given the same label for the likeness pole. B) they are given the same label for the contrast pole. C) they are given the same label for both the likeness pole and the contrast pole. D) they are applied similarly to the people being rated, even if the verbal labels are different. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 220-222 Question Type: Conceptual 40) Kelly's REP Test can be scored for A) neurotic tendencies. B) self-actualization. C) cognitive complexity. D) intelligence. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 220-222 Question Type: Factual
41) A person is said to be "cognitively complex" if A) the person has high measured intelligence. B) the person uses logical opposites to describe the construct and contrast poles on REP Test constructs. C) the person produces many different constructs on the REP test. D) the person has emotionally troublesome complexes that he or she is trying to understand. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 222 Question Type: Factual 42) Cognitive complexity A) decreases with age. B) allows greater flexibility of adaptive behavior. C) is a sign of neurosis. D) must be measured by clinical interviews. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 222 Question Type: Conceptual 43) One sign of good mental health is A) having many concrete constructs. B) having dichotomous constructs. C) cognitive complexity. D) slot movement. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 222 Question Type: Factual 44) A person whose core structures are about to change extensively A) is psychotic. B) feels guilty. C) feels threatened. D) feels hostile. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 222-223 Question Type: Factual 45) Jane is about to move to a foreign country, where customs are so different from what she knows that her core constructs will have to change extensively. According to Kelly, Jane will feel A) suicidal. B) guilty. C) angry. D) threatened. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 222-223 Question Type: Conceptual
46) Therapy can be threatening when A) it is about to elicit change in core structures. B) the therapist does not understand the client. C) it considers childhood experiences. D) the therapist is not competent. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 222-223 Question Type: Conceptual 47) Compared to threat, fear is concerned with __________ constructs. A) interpersonal B) physical C) peripheral D) comprehensive Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p.223 Question Type: Factual 48) When we confront events outside the range of convenience of our construct system, we experience A) fear. B) threat. C) hostility. D) anxiety. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 49) Joanna has been put in charge of organizing a rally, and she hasn't got any idea (or any constructs) about how to do it. What emotion would Kelly expect her to experience? A) anxiety B) fear C) hostility D) threat Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 50) Rather than giving up a construct that has been invalidated, Terry continues to try to validate it. Terry is behaving with __________, according to Kelly. A) achievement motivation B) creativity C) hostility D) loose constructs Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual
51) Kelly said that hostility occurs when A) a person stubbornly sticks with a construct that has already been invalidated. B) a person's core constructs have been invalidated. C) a person must interact with someone who has different personal constructs. D) effective action is not possible. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 52) The C-P-C Cycle describes A) creativity. B) biorhythms. C) effective action. D) social interactions. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 53) When a person confronts a new, unfamiliar situation, which phase of the CPC cycle will first occur? A) circumspection B) choice C) control D) courage Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 54) What is the second phase of the C-P-C cycle? A) panic B) prayer C) preemption D) pondering Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 55) What is the third phase of the C-P-C cycle? A) calibration B) circumspection C) control D) counting Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual
56) Larry tends to make decisions quickly, without considering enough alternatives. In terms of the C-PC cycle, he should spend more time on A) the first step B) the second step C) the third step D) the entire cycle Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 57) Linda tends to think about alternatives for too long, without making a choice about how to act in a situation. She should work on the __________ stage of the C-P-C cycle. A) first B) second C) third D) none of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 58) The Creativity Cycle describes A) works of art. B) alternating periods of high and low productivity in life. C) changes in constructs. D) the relationship between creativity and neurosis. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 59) What strategy is most likely to increase creativity? A) learning to loosen constructs B) learning to tighten constructs C) learning to make constructs impermeable D) learning to validate constructs Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 60) Brainstorming and free association are techniques to increase A) creativity. B) adaptation. C) intelligence. D) control. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual
61) What technique of therapy did Kelly devise? A) behavior modification B) client-centered therapy C) fixed role therapy D) individual analysis Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 224 Question Type: Factual 62) Kelly's therapy is most like A) acting a role in a play. B) removing a diseased part with surgery. C) running a race for a reward. D) dreaming. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 224-225 Question Type: Conceptual 63) People who score high on cognitive complexity are likely to A) be anxious. B) make appropriate vocational choices. C) be introverted. D) drop out of groups. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 226 Question Type: Conceptual True/False 64) The text concludes that Richard Nixon was "cognitively complex" in the area of foreign affairs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, pp. 210-212 Question Type: Factual 65) Kelly's theory emphasizes the situational determinants of behavior. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 213 Question Type: Factual
66) According to Kelly, people determine their own lives by their cognitive processes, that is, by how they interpret events. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 213 Question Type: Conceptual 67) According to Kelly, constructs are, by definition, verbal statements. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 214 Question Type: Factual 68) According to Kelly, we anticipate the future because of what we know about the past. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 215 Question Type: Conceptual 69) Kelly describes development through six stages of construct formation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 215 Question Type: Factual 70) According to Kelly, people make choices that will permit their construct systems to be elaborated or extended. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Factual 71) According to Kelly, people are most likely to change their constructs when they are threatened. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 72) For a person who believes that miracles continue to happen in the present day, miracles correspond to a permeable construct. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 73) Some constructs are bipolar; others are unipolar. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 217-218 Question Type: Factual 74) According to Kelly, all constructs are dichotomous. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 217-218 Question Type: Factual
75) People are less likely to be aware of the contrast pole than of the likeness pole of their constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 217-218 Question Type: Conceptual 76) One sign of mental disturbance is that the contrast pole of a construct is not logical. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 218 Question Type: Conceptual 77) Core constructs are those constructs currently undergoing change in an individual. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 78) People consistently apply the same constructs to all situations, unless they are mentally disturbed. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 218-219 Question Type: Conceptual 79) If a person is outside the range of convenience of a construct, then the contrast pole applies to that person. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 219 Question Type: Factual 80) All mentally healthy people use the same constructs. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 219 Question Type: Conceptual 81) According to the Individuality Corollary, people differ from each other in their construction of events. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 219 Question Type: Factual 82) According to Kelly, two people can be involved in a social process without either person understanding the other. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 219-220 Question Type: Conceptual 83) Kelly devised the REP Test to assess people's constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 220-222 Question Type: Factual 84) Cognitive complexity is desirable for healthy adaptation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 222 Question Type: Conceptual 331
85) Cognitive complexity is a sign of neurosis. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 222 Question Type: Factual 86) People feel threatened when their core constructs are about to change. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 222-223 Question Type: Factual 87) Threat is produced only by undesirable changes in life. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 222-223 Question Type: Factual 88) Anxiety is a sign that our constructs are not adequate. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 89) The C-P-C Cycle describes the three steps of effective action. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 90) The last step of the C-P-C cycle involves taking action. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 91) The C-P-C cycle describes changes in constructs. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 92) Creative people think in logical, tight constructs. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 223 Question Type: Conceptual 93) The REP test can be used to identify a client's constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 224 Question Type: Factual 94) In personal construct therapy, it is important for the client to always remain in touch with his identity, and to avoid fantasy about being someone else. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 224-225 Question Type: Conceptual
95) Schizophrenics show disordered personal constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 225 Question Type: Factual Essay 96) Describe Richard Nixon from the viewpoint of Personal Construct Theory. Discuss his various constructs and how he used them in his political career. Difficulty: 2, pp. 210-213 97) Explain Kelly's metaphor, "man-the-scientist." Difficulty: 1, pp. 214 98) Explain Kelly's concept of "constructive alternativism." Difficulty: 1, pp. 214-215 99) Every time she is criticized, Thelma becomes anxious and her blood pressure rises. However, when asked what she is thinking, she honestly says, "Nothing." How can Kelly's cognitive theory explain her experience? Difficulty: 3, p. 216 100) Using Kelly's Choice Corollary, explain why a college student might choose a particular undergraduate major. Difficulty: 3, p. 217 101) From the perspective of Kelly's theory, explain a person who makes a radical change in personality, for example, a criminal who repents and becomes a born-again Christian. Difficulty: 2, p. 217-218 102) Explain why a therapist would want to know the contrast pole of a client for whom an important construct is "able to cope." Difficulty: 2, pp. 217-218 103) Using Kelly's theory, explain why people from very different backgrounds may have difficulty relating to one another. What can be done to improve their relationship? Difficulty: 2, p. 219-220 104) Describe the REP test. Give an example of a small (3-item) grid and explain it. Difficulty: 2, pp. 220-222 105) Describe cognitive complexity. How is it measured? How does it influence behavior? Difficulty: 2, pp. 222
106) Describe Kelly's approach to therapy. Difficulty: 2, pp. 224-225 107) Describe one research result using the REP test. Explain why it is important. Difficulty: 2, pp. 225-226
Name:________________________________ Chapter 13– Quick Quiz 1) Kelly called his underlying philosophical assumption "__________." A) logical positivism B) constructive alternativism C) physiological determinism D) humanistic science 2) Kelly's concept of __________ helps understand unconscious and emotional experience. A) constructive alternativism B) the Dichotomy Corollary C) preverbal constructs D) preemption 3) According to Kelly, we make choices in life in order to A) reduce tension. B) increase pleasure. C) increase the predictability of events. D) improve our reputation in other people's eyes. 4) According to Kelly, all constructs have __________ pole(s). A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) many 5) Personal constructs are organized A) alphabetically. B) by the place in which they were developed. C) by age. D) as superordinate and subordinate constructs. 6) In order to have a relationship with someone, according to Kelly's Sociality Corollary, you must A) understand that person's construct system (or be understood by that person). B) mutually respect one another. C) mutually trust one another. D) have the same personal constructs. 7) Kelly devised the __________ Test. A) Projective Role B) Psychological Assessment C) Therapeutic Construct D) Role Construct Repertory 8) Cognitive complexity A) decreases with age. B) allows greater flexibility of adaptive behavior. C) is a sign of neurosis. D) must be measured by clinical interviews. 335
9) The C-P-C Cycle describes A) creativity. B) biorhythms. C) effective action. D) social interactions. 10) What technique of therapy did Kelly devise? A) behavior modification B) client-centered therapy C) fixed role therapy D) individual analysis
Answer Key Chapter 13 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 214 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 217 Question Type: Conceptual 4) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 217-218 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 219-220 Question Type: Conceptual 7) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 220-222 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 222 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 223 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 224 Question Type: Factual
Additional Recommended Questions Multiple Choice Kelly’s theory has generated a great deal of research in a variety of settings including A. Business B. Vocational choice C. Education D. All the above Answer: D. Difficulty: 1, p. 225 Question Type: Factual In fixed role therapy a client A. Tries new constructs by role playing a fictitious personality B. Participates in Free Association C. Records and discusses their dreams D. Draws mandalas Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 224 - 225 Question Type: Factual Techniques for helping an individual change their constructs in therapy include all except A. Talk therapy B. Time binding C. Word binding D. REBT test Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 224 Question Type: Factual What is the order of Kelly’s Experience Cycle A. Anticipation, Investment, Encounter, Confirmation or Disconfirmation, Constructive Revision B. Encounter, Investment, Constructive Revision, Anticipation, Confirmation or Disconfirmation C. Anticipation, Encounter, Constructive Revision, Confirmation or Disconfirmation, Investment D. Confirmation or Disconfirmation, Constructive Revision, Encounter, Investment, Anticipation Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 215 (figure) Question Type: Factual Which of the following describes preverbal constructs A. Emotions B. Causes of psychosomatic illnesses C. Similar to unconscious emotional experiences described by psychoanalysts D. None of the above E. All the above Answer: E Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Factual The statement “A person’s processes are psychologically channelized by the ways in which he anticipates 338
events” describes Kelly’s A. Fundamental Attribution Error B. Fundamentalist beliefs C. Fundamental Postulate D. Fundamental Norm Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 215 Question Type: Factual Just as a scientist uses theories to plan observations and make predictions, a person uses ______ to predict what will happen in life. A. Personal intuition B. Personal constructs C. Personal counselors D. Personal astrologers Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 214 Question Type: Conceptual Kelly’s theory can be described as A. Phenomenological B. Teleological C. Idiocratic D. All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 213 Question Type: Conceptual True/False Behaviors and emotions follow cognitions according to Kelly. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 213 Question Type: Conceptual Kelly considered his theory to be a cognitive theory. Answer: False Difficulty: 3, p. 213 Question Type: Factual Although situations matter, it is a person’s perception of the situation that is crucial to understanding personality according to Kelly. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 213 Question Type: Conceptual Personal constructs are used by an individual to predict what will happen in personal relationships. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 213 Question Type: Factual
Kelly’s concept of events refers to people more so than to events in the usual sense of the word. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Conceptual Emotions can be a type of preverbal construct according to Kelly. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 216 Question Type: Factual Psychosomatic illnesses may be the result of preverbal constructs. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Conceptual Kelly proposes that development occurs in a fixed sequence. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 216 Question Type: Conceptual Dichotomous constructs are normally opposites of one another and vary from one person to another. Answer: False Difficulty: 3, pp.217 - 218 Question Type: Conceptual Superordinate constructs usually help to break down larger subordinate constructs leading to more correct anticiaptions. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 218 Question Type: Conceptual According to Kelly, psychological similarity and understanding is necessary for social interaction to occur. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 220 Question Type: Conceptual Constructivist therapy works best for individuals with severe disturbances such as psychosis. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 225 Question Type: Factual Constructivist therapy works best for individuals with less severe symptoms such as anxiety than more severe disturbances such as psychosis. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 225 Question Type: Factual
Essay Give a brief description of Kelly’s 11 corollaries and how they relate to each other. pp. 216 - 220
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 12 (Mischel) Multiple Choice 1) Despite numerous physical difficulties, artist Frida Kahlo believed she could be successful in her work. This is called A) collective efficacy B) id inflation C) cognitive bias D) self-efficacy Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 229 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Mischel focuses particularly on __________ variables. A) cognitive B) environmental C) motivational D) situational Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 230 Question Type: Factual 3) Mischel challenged the traditional personality theory assumption of A) determinism. B) social influence. C) mental health as adaptation. D) consistency of behavior across situations. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 234 Question Type: Factual 4) The term consistency paradox refers to A) the challenge of understanding how people can develop across a lifetime yet still remain consistent. B) the discrepancy between research, which shows that people act differently in different situations, and common sense, which says they are consistent. C) people's efforts to seem consistent to other people. D) the paradox that most personality theories seem to be saying the same thing, only in different words. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 235 Question Type: Factual 5) According to Mischel, traits __________ behavior. A) cause B) describe C) predict D) contradict Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 235 Question Type: Factual
6) According to Mischel and his colleagues, the effect of traits on behavior depends upon A) the person. B) the time of day. C) the situation. D) the observer. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 236 Question Type: Factual 7) Mischel's term "cognitive person variables" refers to A) intelligence. B) several concepts that replace "traits" as theoretical terms. C) a method for devising personality questionnaires. D) a statistical technique for data analysis. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 238 Question Type: Factual 8) Terms that we use to describe ourselves and other people, such as "intelligent, outgoing, and empathic," would be called __________ by Mischel. A) traits B) personal constructs C) expectancies D) subjective stimulus values Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual 9) "Wears glasses patched with tape; carries lots of books; has few friends." This, according to Mischel's terminology, might be a __________ of a category of person’s referred to as “nerds” A) profile B) trait C) personal construct D) prototype Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual 10) In Mischel's terminology, the __________ of an extraverted person might include knowing how to begin a conversation with a stranger and thinking of things to say in a conversation. A) competencies B) expectancies C) person variables D) traits Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual
11) "If I ask Jane to go to the movies, will she go, or reject me?" This is a question of A) reciprocal determinism. B) stimulus-outcome expectancies. C) behavior-outcome expectancies. D) self-efficacy expectancies. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual 12) Adam doesn't know whether he will be thanked or criticized if he helps cook dinner. He is uncertain about A) self-efficacy expectancies. B) competencies. C) encoding strategies. D) behavior-outcome expectancies. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual 13) "If Jerry is shouting now, he may soon hit." This is an example of a __________. A) self-efficacy expectancy B) stimulus-outcome expectancy C) behavior-outcome expectancy D) prototype Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual 14) Individual differences in students valuing of their teacher’s praise is an example of A) self-efficacy expectancies. B) subjective stimulus values. C) encoding strategies. D) retention processes. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual 15) Differences in their __________ can explain why two children who both know the right answer to a question do not both answer the question even though they know the teacher will praise them if they answer the question correctly. A) subjective stimulus values B) self-efficacy expectations C) competencies D) outcome expectations Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual
16) According to Mischel, people are not passively controlled by their environment because they can develop __________ to influence their own behavior. A) personal constructs B) prototypes C) traits D) self-regulatory systems Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 241 Question Type: Factual 17) Which behavior best illustrates Mischel's concept of self-regulatory systems and plans? A) getting an A on a test B) setting a goal of writing 2 pages a day until a major paper is done C) going out partying with friends D) believing that you can pass a test Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 241 Question Type: Conceptual 18) Mischel conducted research on the delay of gratification in A) rats. B) employees of large companies. C) children. D) twins. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 232 Question Type: Factual 19) In Mischel's research, preschoolers delayed their gratification by waiting for A) birthday presents. B) recess. C) pretzels and marshmallows. D) the end of class. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 232 Question Type: Factual 20) Delay of gratification is easier if A) the rewards are visible. B) the child thinks about how good the reward is. C) the child sees models who delay their own gratification. D) all of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 233 Question Type: Conceptual
21) When researchers conducted follow-up research, children who had greater ability to delay gratification in preschool were found, in high school, A) to be rated higher by parents on cognitive and social competence. B) to have higher SAT scores. C) to cope better with frustration. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 233 Question Type: Factual True/False 22) Mischel argued that people are more consistent across situations than other theorists recognized. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 234 Question Type: Factual 23) The term consistency paradox refers to the finding from research that people are more consistent than would be expected from personality trait theory. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 235 Question Type: Factual 24) Mischel suggested that "trait" concepts should be eliminated entirely from personality theory. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 235 Question Type: Factual 25) According to Mischel, the effect of a trait on behavior depends upon the situational context. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 345 Question Type: Factual 26) Instead of traits, Mischel uses the term personal constructs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 239 Question Type: Factual 27) A "prototype" is a typical example of a category. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 239 Question Type: Factual 28) Competencies tend to be more consistent than traits. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Factual 29) Expectancies are internal, subjective beliefs about what will happen in a situation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Factual 302
30) If I have confidence that I can do something, I have a high self-efficacy expectancy. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual 31) The same outcomes are not rewarding for everyone, because people differ in their subjective stimulus values. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 241 Question Type: Factual 32) According to Mischel's research, it is easier for children to delay gratification if they can look at the rewards they are going to get. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 232 Question Type: Conceptual 33) Preschoolers who could delay gratification had better ego skills, years later, when they were high school age adolescents. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 233 Question Type: Factual Essay 34) Use cognitive social learning theory to explain how the behavior and personality characteristics of artist Frida Kahlo. Describe her personality and how cognitive social learning theory would explain why she had those characteristics. Difficulty: 2, pp. 228 - 230 35) Summarize the trait controversy and Mischel's role in it. Difficulty: 2, pp. 234 - 238 36) Explain the term "consistency paradox." Difficulty: 1, p. 235 37) Discuss Mischel’s “CAPS” model. Include brief explanations of all major terms and ideas. Difficulty: 1, pp. 238 - 241 38) Using the example of a shy person, explain how Mischel's cognitive person variables differ from a trait interpretation of personality. Difficulty: 2, pp. 239 - 241 39) Describe Mischel's research on the delay of gratification. List some of his important findings. Difficulty: 2, pp. 232 - 234
Name:________________________________ Chapter 12 – Quick Quiz 1) Mischel focuses particularly on __________ variables. A) cognitive B) environmental C) motivational D) situational 2) Mischel challenged the traditional personality theory assumption of A) determinism. B) social influence. C) mental health as adaptation. D) consistency of behavior across situations. 3) According to Mischel, traits __________ behavior. A) cause B) describe C) predict D) contradict Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 235 Question Type: Factual 4) According to Mischel and his colleagues, the effect of traits on behavior depends upon A) the person. B) the time of day. C) the situation. D) the observer. 5) Mischel's term "cognitive person variables" refers to A) intelligence. B) several concepts that replace "traits" as theoretical terms. C) a method for devising personality questionnaires. D) a statistical technique for data analysis. 6) Which behavior best illustrates Mischel's concept of self-regulatory systems and plans? A) getting an A on a test B) setting a goal of writing 2 pages a day until a major paper is done C) going out partying with friends D) believing that you can pass a test 7) Terms that we use to describe ourselves and other people, such as "intelligent, outgoing, and empathic," would be called __________ by Mischel. A) traits B) personal constructs C) expectancies D) subjective stimulus values
8) Mischel conducted research on the delay of gratification in A) rats. B) employees of large companies. C) children. D) twins. 9) Which of the following is not one of the expectancies described by Mischel? A. Behavior-outcome expectancy B. Societal-outcome expectancy C. Self-efficacy expectancy D. Stimulus-outcome expectancy
10) Which of the following does not describe a prototype? A. Can be very broad in their descriptiveness B. Can be very narrow, concrete, and vivid C. Offer ways to easily classify all individuals D. Make it easier to recall information about individual’s that fit into a prototype than those who do not
Answer Key Chapter 12 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 230 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 234 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 235 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 236 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 238 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 241 Question Type: Conceptual 7) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 232 Question Type: Factual
9) Answer: B p. 240 10) Answer: C p. 239
Additional Suggested Questions: Multiple choice Ego resilience promotes all except A. Learning from experience B. Understanding of friendship C. Higher moral judgment D. Selfish gratification Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 233 Question Type: Conceptual Metcalf and Mischel speculate that the ability to develop self gratification is connected to A. Cognitive maturity B. Development of the hippocampus C. Development of the frontal lobes D. All the above Answer: D. Difficulty: 3, p. 234 Question Type: Factual Which of the following statements would learning theory support? A. Same behavior is not consistent across situations unless reinforced in the same way. B. Behavior is not dependent on consequences. C. If a person is a able to discriminate between situations, behavior will be consistent. D. If the same behavior is reinforced the same way in different situations, the behavior will vary. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 235 Question Type: Conceptual Behavior results from which of the following: A. Internal states and interpersonal events B. Physical and verbal effects C. All the above D. None of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 236 (chart) Question Type: Conceptual CAPS stands for A. Cognitive Affective Personality System B. Cognitive Affect and Pattern Sample C. Cognition And Personality Society D. Common And Peculiar Stats Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 238 Question Type: Factual The CAPS model shows all except A. A person’s global traits 307
B. An individual’s consistent cognitive patterns C. An individual’s consistent emotional patterns D. A general framework or metatheory of personality Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 238 Question Type: Conceptual Personal constructs are all except A. Used by individuals to describe themselves B. Universal C. Used by individuals to describe others D. A part of an individual’s unique self-system Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual Encoding strategies involve all but A. The same as personal constructs B. Are discovered through self –reports C. Are used by individual’s to describe situations and events D. Involve a person’s subjective experience Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p.239 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following does not describe a prototype? A. Can be very broad in their descriptiveness B. Can be very narrow, concrete, and vivid C. Offer ways to easily classify all individuals D. Make it easier to recall information about individuals that fit into a prototype than those who do not Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following is not an example of cognitive and behavioral construction competencies mentioned in the book? A. Sexual gender identity B. Social rules and conventions C. Personal constructs of self and others D. Rehearsal strategies for addressing others Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual Construction competencies are described by all except A. What a person knows B. What a person is able to do C. What a person actually does D. Include many learned behaviors Answer: C 308
Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following is not one of the expectancies described by Mischel? A. Behavior-outcome expectancy B. Societal-outcome expectancy C. Self-efficacy expectancy D. Stimulus-outcome expectancy Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not one of the theoretical concepts describing how people’s beliefs about what they can accomplish influence behavior A. Mischel and Bandura’s self-efficacy B. Rotter’s internal and external locus of control C. Dweck’s mastery orientation D. Seligman’s learned helpfulness Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 240 - 241 Question Type: Conceptual Cognitive affective units in the CAPS model A. Build on a biological base B. Develop based on an individual’s unique experience C. Are influenced by culture D. All the above E. A and B Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 241 Question Type: Factual Cognitive affective units allow for the study of A. Individuals B. Groups with similar experiences C. Racial disparity and its effect on behavioral differences D. All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 241 Question Type: Conceptual An individual who needs to focus on doing a task might be able to initiate appropriate cognitive affective units by A. Moving to a physical context to allow for activation B. Engaging in affirming self talk C. Becoming more aware of the cognitive context needed for different behaviors D. All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 243 Question Type: Conceptual
True / False The ability to delay gratification does not occur until young adulthood. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p.232 Question Type: Factual Ego resiliency is the ability to change one’s behavior based on the demands of the situation. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 233 Question Type: Conceptual Inhibition of behaviors can result in emotional distress and ill health in some individuals. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 234 Question Type: Factual Mischel’s “hot” and “cool” model treats delay of gratification on a developmental level rather than as a process. Answer: False Difficulty: 3, p. 234 Question Type: Conceptual Learning theory predicts that behavior in different situations will always be consistent. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p. 235 Question Type: Conceptual According to Mischel and Wright, behavior results from a set of conditions, rather than from a trait alone. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 236 (chart) Question Type: Conceptual According to Mischel and Wright, behavior results from a trait alone, not as the result of a set of conditions. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p.236 Question Type: Conceptual The Wediko Camp Study validated the idea of the consistency of behavior across situations. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p.237 Question Type: Factual Identical twins are the exception to the rule that experience produces differences in individuals. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 237 Question Type: Conceptual
The CAPS model is intended to show an individual’s global traits. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p.238 Question Type: Conceptual Mischel used the term “cognitive person variables” to distinguish his approach from trait theory but later changed to the term to “cognitive affective unit.” Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 238 Question Type: Factual Personal constructs are trait terms that people use to describe themselves and other people. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual Personal constructs are trait terms that people use to describe themselves but not other people. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p.239 Question Type: Conceptual A “self-system” refers to the personal constructs that an individual uses to describe themselves. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 239 Question Type: Conceptual Mischel said that external subjective experiences determine an individual’s performance. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 240 Question Type: Conceptual Cognitive affective units can be used to study groups as well as individuals. Answer: True Difficulty: 3, p. 241 Question Type: Conceptual Essay Discuss the internal conflict of the delay of gratification an individual can experience. p. 234 Describe the findings of the Wediko Camp Study. p. 237 Discuss Mischel’s 3 types of expectancies and how they impact behavior. pp. 240 – 241 Discuss how the CAPS model can be used in the study of groups. pp. 241 - 243
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 13 (Bandura) 1) Bandura's concept of __________ describes the mutual influences of the person, the environment, and behavior. A) attentional processes B) self-regulation C) reciprocal determinism D) symbolic coding Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 250 Question Type: Factual 2) The concept of reciprocal determinism involves all of the following variables except which one? A) behavior B) environment C) person D) society Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Factual 3) The main function of the self-system, as described by Bandura, is to A) enhance self-esteem. B) regulate behavior. C) ensure that behavior is moral. D) keep homeostatic balance. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 251 - 252 Question Type: Factual 4) A person high in self-efficacy A) is high in overall intelligence. B) believes he or she can act effectively in a situation. C) is popular. D) is healthy. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual 5) Self-efficacy has been found to help treatment programs for A) phobias. B) weight loss. C) AIDS prevention. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 252, 260 Question Type: Factual
6) Bandura recommends that self-efficacy should be measured A) globally. B) separately for each area of behavior. C) by projective tests. D) by an interview. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 253 Question Type: Factual 7) Outcome expectations are A) the same as self-efficacy. B) beliefs about how much effort is required to achieve a desirable outcome. C) beliefs about what will happen if a behavior is performed. D) not important in Bandura's theory. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 253 Question Type: Factual 8) A student who believes he or she can memorize all the definitions in the book, but still will not get a good grade, has A) low self-efficacy expectations. B) low outcome expectations. C) both low efficacy expectations and low outcome expectations. D) a phobia. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 253 - 254 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Students high in self-efficacy A) get better grades. B) give up easily. C) don't need to study very much. D) are more anxious about tests. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 254 Question Type: Factual 10) Research shows that we are more likely to strive toward goals if A) we concentrate on the distant goal, not immediate short-term goals. B) no one else has succeeded. C) we are working alone. D) we expect to be able to reach them. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual
11) A student has just started working on a term paper, which is supposed to be 40 pages long. One way to increase a sense of efficacy is to A) sleep on it. B) think about something else. C) realize that writing 4 pages a week for 10 weeks will complete the task. D) think of how important this paper is for the course grade. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 254 Question Type: Conceptual 12) Research suggests that self-efficacy beliefs have the greatest effect on task performance at the __________ of the task. A) beginning B) middle C) end D) none of the above Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 254 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Which physiological variable has been found to be correlated with self-efficacy? A) immune system functioning B) brain waves C) temperature D) REM sleep patterns Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 255 Question Type: Factual 14) A high level of self-efficacy is associated with A) pessimism. B) improved immune functioning. C) being female. D) all of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 255 Question Type: Factual
15) Optimism is A) similar to efficacy in its effects on behavior. B) the opposite of efficacy in its effects on behavior. C) immature and unhealthy. D) an early form of efficacy. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual 16) “Attentional processes” refers to A) what we observe or pay attention to. B) what we remember. C) what we are motivated to do. D) what we are able to do. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 255 Question Type: Factual 17) A person who is dressed in distinctive, eye-catching clothes is assured at least of meeting the requirements of the __________ process of learning. A) retention B) attentional C) motivational D) motor reproduction Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 255 Question Type: Conceptual 18) The term "retention process" refers to A) noticing a model. B) remembering what a model has done. C) doing what a model has done. D) deciding whether it is worthwhile to behave as a model has done. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 255 Question Type: Factual 19) Various cognitive techniques, such as symbolic coding, enhance A) attentional processes. B) motivational processes. C) motor reproduction processes. D) retention processes. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 255 Question Type: Factual
20) A baseball player who repeatedly practices batting a ball, trying to improve, is working on the __________ phase of learning. A) attentional B) retention C) motor reproduction D) motivational Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 256 Question Type: Conceptual 21) A coach may offer a prize for the most-improved player of the season. This would affect learning because of A) attentional processes. B) motor reproduction processes. C) retention processes. D) motivational processes. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 256 Question Type: Conceptual 22) Bandura expanded learning theory by his work on the importance of A) extinction. B) generalization. C) modeling. D) punishment. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 23) Learning by watching models is called A) extinction. B) spontaneous recovery. C) transitory learning. D) vicarious learning. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 24) Bandura's studies of modeling in children were designed to investigate the psychoanalytic concept of A) Oedipal rivalry. B) sibling rivalry. C) superego development. D) identification. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 257 Question Type: Factual
25) In their research on modeling, Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1963) found that children are most likely to imitate adults who are A) the same sex as the child. B) nurturant. C) high status. D) powerful. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 26) Based on research by Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1963), we would expect that A) children will identify with the father in a two-parent family, whether he works or stays at home. B) children will identify with the mother in a two-parent family, whether she works or stays at home. C) children will identify with the working parent in a two-parent family, whether that parent is the mother or the father. D) children will identify with the caretaking parent in a two-parent family, whether that parent is the father or the mother. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 257 Question Type: Conceptual 27) Bandura's research suggests that parents who wish to have children who aim for high goals should A) model high standards for behavior. B) punish low performance. C) tell their children about the difficulties of the real world. D) be nurturant. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 258 Question Type: Conceptual 28) Bandura and colleagues demonstrated that children can learn __________ through modeling. A) aggression B) performance standards C) arbitrary playful behaviors D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 257 - 258 Question Type: Factual 29) In his studies of aggression, Bandura found that A) children are most aggressive when they are tired. B) children are most aggressive when they are with their siblings. C) children can learn aggressive behavior by watching adult models in a film. D) children can learn aggression by watching television news programs. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 258 - 259 Question Type: Factual
30) In his studies of film-mediated aggression, children watched models behave aggressively toward A) other adults. B) children. C) animals. D) a Bobo doll. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 258 Question Type: Factual 31) In his studies of aggressive behavior, Bandura found that A) boys were more aggressive than girls. B) children increased their aggression if the model was punished for being aggressive. C) children stopped their aggression if it led to physical injury. D) children imitated live models, but not models seen on film. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 258 Question Type: Factual 32) According to Bandura's research, children who have observed aggressive models may not behave aggressively, even if they have learned to do so, if they lack A) incentives. B) courage. C) an audience. D) toys. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 258 Question Type: Factual 33) Why do individuals behave immorally, according to Bandura? A) Society offers temptations for immoral behavior. B) People are fundamentally selfish. C) People conform to social pressures. D) People fail to regulate their behavior toward moral standards, because of moral disengagement. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 262 Question Type: Conceptual 34) What recommendation does Bandura offer to make people behave more morally? A) Teach them moral lessons in childhood. B) Provide models of moral behavior. C) Increase social control over behavior. D) Appeal to their religious sentiments. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 262 Question Type: Factual
35) Bandura said that therapy should be based upon A) insight. B) an analysis of childhood experience. C) learning principles. D) physiological interventions. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 259 Question Type: Factual 36) The most important determinant of therapeutic effectiveness, according to Bandura, is the development of A) insight. B) self-efficacy. C) identification. D) motivation. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 260 Question Type: Factual True/False 37) According to the concept of reciprocal determinism, behavior can influence personality, as well as the opposite. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Conceptual 38) Outcome expectations are the same, theoretically, as self-efficacy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 253 - 254 Question Type: Factual 39) People with high self-efficacy try harder. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 254 Question Type: Conceptual 40) The concept of self-efficacy has few implications outside of psychotherapy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 252 - 255 Question Type: Conceptual 41) Efficacy is a cognitive concept that has no known relationship to physiological variables. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 254 - 255 Question Type: Factual 42) Paying attention is the first phase of learning. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 255 Question Type: Factual
43) Motivation can come from processes within a person, as well as from external sources, according to Bandura. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 256 Question Type: Conceptual 44) Bandura asserted that learning can occur by observing models. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 45) Children are more likely to imitate the parent who is more nurturing, rather than the parent who has more power. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 257 Question Type: Conceptual 46) According to Bandura, people automatically model what they have observed. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 255 - 257 Question Type: Conceptual 47) Aggressive behavior can be learned by modeling. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 258 Question Type: Factual 48) Parents who set high standards for their own behavior are likely to have children who also set high standards. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 258 Question Type: Conceptual 49) Children sometimes imitate aggression less if they see the model punished for being aggressive. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 258 Question Type: Factual 50) Research finds that in the real world, as well as in the laboratory, aggression is increased by modeling. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 259 Question Type: Factual 51) In real life, modeling produces only socially desirable behavior. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 259 Question Type: Factual
52) To ensure moral behavior, we must consider society and not only the individual, according to Bandura. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 262 Question Type: Factual 53) Bandura's research shows that modeling can be an effective therapeutic intervention for phobias. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 260 Question Type: Factual 54) According to Bandura, effective psychotherapy requires that a person gain insight into the developmental origins of problem behavior. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 259 - 261 Question Type: Factual Essay 55) Explain Bandura's concept of "reciprocal determinism." Diagram it. Discuss how this concept is different from Skinner's concept of environmental determinism. Difficulty: 2, p. 250 56) Define "self-efficacy." Why are self-efficacy expectancies important? Difficulty: 1, pp. 252 - 255 57) List and explain the four processes that influence learning, as described by Bandura. Give an example of each. Difficulty: 3, pp. 255 - 256 58) Summarize Bandura's research on modeling. List some of his important findings. Explain the relevance of this research for personality development. Difficulty: 2, pp. 257 - 259 59) Describe the contributions of cognitive social learning theory to psychotherapy. Difficulty: 2, pp. 259 - 261
Name:__________________________________________________ Chapter 13 Quick Quiz 1) A person high in self-efficacy A) is high in overall intelligence. B) believes he or she can act effectively in a situation. C) is popular. D) is healthy. 2) Bandura expanded learning theory by his work on the importance of A) extinction. B) generalization. C) modeling. D) punishment. 3) Learning by watching models is called A) extinction. B) spontaneous recovery. C) transitory learning. D) vicarious learning. 4) Bandura and colleagues demonstrated that children can learn __________ through modeling. A) aggression B) performance standards C) arbitrary playful behaviors D) all of the above 5) The most important determinant of therapeutic effectiveness, according to Bandura, is the development of A) insight. B) self-efficacy. C) identification. D) motivation. 6) The concept of reciprocal determinism involves all of the following variables except which one? A) behavior B) environment C) person D) society 7) Which of the following is not one of the four processes required for learning to take place
according to Bandura! A. Attentional Processes B. Detention Processes C. Motor Reproduction Processes D. Motivational Processes 8) Optimism is A) similar to efficacy in its effects on behavior. B) the opposite of efficacy in its effects on behavior.
C) immature and unhealthy. D) an early form of efficacy. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual 9) Research shows that we are more likely to strive toward goals if A) we concentrate on the distant goal, not immediate short-term goals. B) no one else has succeeded. C) we are working alone. D) we expect to be able to reach them. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual
10) Which of the following is not one of the efficacy expectations that an individual’s self efficacy is based upon A. Performance Accomplishments B. Vicarious Experience C. Physical Arousal D. Verbal Persuasion Answer: C p. 261 (chart)
Answer Key Chapter 13 Quick Quiz 1) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 257 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 257 - 258 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 260 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Factual
7) Answer: B pp. 255 - 256 8) Answer: A
Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: D
Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Factual
10) Answer: C p. 261
Additional Recommended Questions: Multiple Choice Which of the following is not another term for modeling? A. Imitative learning B. Vicarious learning C. Observational learning D. Imaginative learning Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 257 Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not included as a process of observational learning? A. Noticing a model’s behavior B. Putting the behavior in memory C. Thinking about doing the behavior D. Deciding the behavior is worth doing. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 256 Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not included as a factor influencing retention? A. Symbiotic coding B. Cognitive organization C. Symbolic rehearsal D. Motor rehearsal Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 255 - 256 Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not true about efficacy expectations? A. Are lasting B. Should be grounded in experience C. Can be harmful if unrealistically high D. Can facilitate undesirable behaviors if focused on Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 254 Question Type: Conceptual
High self efficacy leads to all of the following except A. Effort B. Discouragement C. Persistence at a task D. Setting higher goals
Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual
Self regulation in dealing with unpleasant emotions can include A. Thinking of pleasant memories B. Avoiding thinking about the unpleasant C. Looking for the positive in an otherwise unpleasant event D. All the above Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following does not help guide one’s self regulation? A. Setting high goals B. Considering one’s possible self C. Considering one’s negative possible self D. Setting low goals Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual When considering goals, one should consider A. Setting subgoals to help work toward long-term goals B. One’s possible self C. One’s negative possible self D. All the above E. None of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following is not a self-regulation process? A. Self-observation B. Judgmental processes C. Vicarious observation D. Self-Response Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 251 Question Type: Factual Self direction does not involve A. Anticipating the future B. Monitoring progress toward goals C. Dwelling on the past
D. Correcting one’s course toward the future as needed Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 251 Question Type: Conceptual
Human agency involves an individual using all but A. Self-reflectiveness B. Intention C. After thought D. Self- reactiveness Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 251 Question Type: Conceptual Bandura’s theory potentially gives individuals A. Less control over their lives B. More control over their lives C. Less ability to be self-directed D. Less responsibility for their actions Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 251 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following theories is least deterministic? A. Bandura’s social learning theory B. Neuroscience C. Freud’s psychoanalytic thought D. Skinner’s behaviorism Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 251 Question Type: Conceptual Bandura would say all but which of the following are important in understanding personality A. The situation B. Behavior C. Fortuitous chance D. All the above are important Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Conceptual In using the slogan “yes we can” Barack Obama illustrated this kind of efficacy that Bandura talked about; A. Self-efficacy
B. Collective-efficacy C. National-efficacy D. Us-efficacy Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 246 Question Type: Conceptual Which of the following is not one of the four processes required for learning to take place according to Bandura? A. Attentional Processes B. Detention Processes C. Motor Reproduction Processes D. Motivational Processes Answer: B Difficulty: 1, pp. 255 - 256 Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not one of the efficacy expectations that an individual’s self efficacy is based upon E. Performance Accomplishments F. Vicarious Experience G. Physical Arousal H. Verbal Persuasion Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 261 (chart) Question Type: Factual
True / False Barack Obama had a number of important models in his life including his father. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 247 Question Type: Factual Even though his father was absent when he was a child, Barack Obama had a number of significant models in his life. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 247 Question Type: Factual Though they had similar theoretical orientations, Bandura developed a theory of traits while Mischel focused on the role of modeling in learning behavior. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p. 248 Question Type: Factual Bandura believed that learning only occurred during childhood. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 249 (table) Question Type: Factual Personality influences behavior in that individuals often make choices based on their personalities. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 250 Question Type: Conceptual A recognition of the role of personality, situation, behavior, and fortuitous chance help offer a complete understanding of personality according to Bandura. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Conceptual By recognizing the role of fortuitous chance in determining life outcomes, Bandura was stating that he believed in determinism. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 250 Question Type: Conceptual Human agency is when individuals act with intention, after thought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness. Answer: False Difficulty: 3, P. 251
Question Type: Conceptual Self regulation involves only giving oneself reinforcements. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, p. 251 Question Type: Conceptual
An important step in self-regulation is to choose goals. Answer: True Difficulty: 1, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual Individuals who choose low goals tend to perform better than those who choose high goals. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p. 252 Question Type: Factual Our possible self is the self we wish to avoid. Answer: False Difficulty: 1, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual Emotions can be self-regulated as can behaviors. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 252 Question Type: Conceptual Thinking about doing a behavior is required for observational learning to take place. Answer: False Difficulty: 2, pp. 255 – 256 Question Type: Factual Observational learning violates the early learning theory assumption that learning can only occur if there is reinforcement. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 257 Question Type: Conceptual
Essay Discuss Barack Obama’s life in respect to the principles advocated by Albert Bandura and social learning theory. pp.245 – 248 Discuss self-regulation and the development of the self system. p. 251 – 252 Describe Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment and what was discovered. p. 258 Discuss the efficacy expectations that must be dealt with in order to change self efficacy. p. 261 (chart)
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 14 Multiple Choice 1) Maya Angelou generally followed her own feelings, whether anger toward racial insults or discomfort about burning chemical treatment of her hair. This trust of her own feelings illustrates Rogers's concept of A) the organismic valuing process. B) conditional positive regard. C) empathic understanding. D) self-actualization. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 268 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Carl Rogers grew up in a family that can be described as __________. A) neglecting B) strict C) alcoholic D) nonreligious Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 269 Question Type: Factual 3) Carl Rogers was proud that his students' clinical training included __________, which he innovated. A) a training analysis B) psychological testing C) a supervised practicum experience D) training in diagnosis Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 270 Question Type: Factual 4) Rogers regarded the fundamental motivation to be A) the actualizing tendency. B) the need for security. C) interpersonal needs. D) sexual needs. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 5) Rogers described a force for growth in all organic and human life. He called this the __________. A) formative tendency B) anti-entropy tendency C) actualizing tendency D) self-actualizing tendency Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 6) Within each person, inner experience signals what is growth-producing. Rogers called this experience
__________. A) conscience B) self-actualization C) incongruence D) the organismic valuing process Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 7) Dennis believes, wholeheartedly, that moving to Colorado is right for him, though he cannot explain why and though others disagree. The sense within him that guides him is called the __________. A) ego B) actualizing process C) organismic valuing process D) transference Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Conceptual 8) The best guide to healthy growth, according to Rogers, is A) a professional psychotherapist. B) a religious philosophy of life. C) the organismic valuing process. D) careful reasoning. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Conceptual 9) When people are unhealthy, immature or criminals, Rogers blamed A) them for a lack of will power. B) bad genetic influences. C) social forces. D) their parents. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 271 Question Type: Factual 10) The fully functioning person, according to Rogers, experiences each moment A) as inevitable, given the past. B) as a fresh and new experience. C) as a test of fundamental moral principles. D) as less important than the future. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p.272 Question Type: Conceptual
11) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fully functioning person, according to Rogers? A) adaptation to others' expectations B) openness to experience C) the experience of freedom D) creativity Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 271-272 Question Type: Factual 12) Which of the following was not one of the characteristics of a fully functioning person listed by Rogers? A) existential living B) openness to experience C) social interest D) creativity Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 271-272 Question Type: Factual 13) "Live each moment to the fullest," is Jennifer's motto. Rogers would probably evaluate this motto as A) a defense mechanism. B) evidence of good emotional health. C) evidence that she is not making appropriate plans for the future. D) sinful. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Conceptual 14) Rogers recommended that psychologists should investigate subjective experience when it was __________. A) spiritual B) value based C) mystical D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Factual 15) Rogers thought that values A) should not be included in psychology. B) emerge for each person from subjective experience. C) are universal, and the same values apply to everyone. D) of selfishness are supported by his theory. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p.272 Question Type: Conceptual
16) In Rogers's theory, the ideal self A) is the source of healthy development. B) is the same thing as the real self. C) should be incongruent with the real self, for optimal development. D) interferes with self-actualization. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 273 Question Type: Factual 17) A person who uses defense mechanisms to seem better than he or she is ("Me? Angry? Never!" or "Tired? No, I always have energy to help a friend!") is losing touch with __________. A) reality B) friends C) the ideal self D) the real self Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Conceptual 18) If a person is "incongruent," A) medical, rather than psychological, help is needed. B) the real self and the ideal self are in conflict. C) it is a sign of mental health. D) psychological tests must be given orally, rather than in writing. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 19) If the ideal self and the real self do not match, Rogers said A) they are "incongruent." B) we should strive toward the ideal self. C) we should try to overcome the real self. D) a person is self-actualized. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 20) "I want to be thin, but I am so chubby," says Lou. This statement illustrates __________. A) self-actualization B) incongruence C) the formative process D) empathic understanding Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Conceptual
21) Rogers criticized parents for A) being overly permissive. B) fighting in front of their children. C) not loving their children enough. D) making their love depend on their children's good behavior. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 22) In conditional positive regard, A) love is given only for "good" behavior. B) self-examination occurs only when conditions are right. C) children are neglected. D) the real self is trusted more than the ideal self. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 273 Question Type: Factual 23) Which parental statement illustrates "conditional positive regard"? A) "Finish your homework before watching TV." B) "don't hit your sister." C) "Be good or no one will love you." D) "Fight your own battles." Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Conceptual 24) Conditional positive regard causes a person to lose touch with the __________. A) ideal self B) real self C) social self D) all of the above Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 25) For a parent who wants to have a child who gets good grades, what is likely to be a condition of worth? A) money rewards B) bragging to friends about how brilliant the child is C) doing homework D) praise Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 273 Question Type: Conceptual
26) What does Rogers recommend that parents provide for their children? A) conditions of worth B) conditional positive regard C) unconditional positive regard D) a good education Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 27) Unconditional positive regard means loving someone __________. A) because you yourself feel loved B) regardless of that person's behavior C) unwisely D) without considering the consequences Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 28) Jeffrey has just broken a window. Which statement illustrates his parents' unconditional positive regard? A) "You must pay for the window, however much it costs." B) "You won't be allowed to play baseball for a week." C) "That happened to me once, when I was a kid." D) "I love you anyway." Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Conceptual 29) Which of the following is not a psychological quality required for creativity? A) openness to experience B) intelligence C) an internal locus of evaluation D) the ability to toy with elements and concepts Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 274 Question Type: Factual 30) Adolescents who are creative are likely to have had parents who A) encouraged their children's curiosity in early life. B) encouraged their children to control their emotions. C) were critical of them. D) helped their children with their work. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 274 Question Type: Factual
31) Rogers called his therapeutic method A) revised psychoanalysis. B) client-centered therapy. C) individualized therapy. D) self-actualization therapy. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, pp. 274-275 Question Type: Factual 32) Rogers focused on __________ in therapy. A) the client's experience B) insight C) diagnosis D) transference Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 274-275 Question Type: Factual 33) Which statement best describes Rogers's attitude toward psychoanalytic theory and therapy? A) Psychoanalytic theory has made therapy highly effective through catharsis. B) Rogers never took psychoanalytic theory seriously. C) Psychoanalytic theory makes important insights possible for patients, whose behavior becomes more adaptive. D) Psychoanalytic theory suggests interpretations that do not improve maladaptive behavior. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Conceptual 34) "Prizing" is another term for A) allowing a client to determine how much therapy should cost, based on its value. B) unconditional acceptance of the client. C) awarding rewards (prizes) for good behavior. D) congruence. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 35) Rogers's concept of unconditional positive regard refers to A) parental neglect. B) the client's acceptance of the therapist's interpretations. C) the therapist's acceptance and positive valuing of the client, which is not dependent on particular "good" behaviors. D) the acceptance of their parents that clients develop during the course of therapy. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 275 Question Type: Conceptual
36) If a therapist likes a client, Rogers said that A) the therapist should examine the reasons for this. B) this feeling may be communicated to the client. C) it may be difficult to objectively seek insight. D) therapy will probably not be successful. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Conceptual 37) Rogers described the ideal therapist as someone whose inner experience A) is largely transparent to the client. B) is hidden under a professional demeanor. C) includes only positive emotions toward the client. D) is irrelevant to the therapeutic work. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 38) Rogers's concept of congruence means that A) the therapist is psychologically similar to the client. B) the therapist acts as he or she genuinely feels toward the client. C) the therapist believes that the client has been properly diagnosed. D) the client and the therapist are well matched for one another. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 39) Rogers thought that it was most important for the therapist to know A) what the client's early childhood had been like. B) how a client was diagnosed. C) the subjective experience of the client. D) what the client was dreaming. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 276 Question Type: Conceptual
40) When therapists from the majority white culture are counseling minority clients, there are often difficulties with __________, according to the text. A) unconditional positive regard B) congruence C) empathic understanding D) payment Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 276 Question Type: Factual 41) Which of these is not a condition for therapeutic progress, according to Rogers? A) congruence B) empathic understanding C) insight D) unconditional positive regard Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 274-276 Question Type: Factual 42) Rogers thought that theories could be improved through A) logical analysis. B) focusing on external, observable phenomena. C) increased attention to the development of psychological problems in childhood. D) research. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p 276 Question Type: Factual 43) Compared to other psychotherapists, Rogers was more likely to A) restate what the client said. B) offer interpretations. C) confront the client's maladaptive behaviors. D) interpret the transference relationship. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 277 Question Type: Conceptual
44) According to research on Rogerian therapy, the correlation between the real self and the ideal self A) is not a useful measure. B) increases after therapy. C) decreases after therapy. D) is unaffected by therapy. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 277 Question Type: Factual 45) Changes in psychotherapy are measured by Rogers's A) Picture Test. B) Insight Inventory. C) Therapist Rating Scale. D) Process Scale. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 277 Question Type: Factual 46) A desirable outcome of psychotherapy, according to Rogers, is A) control over feelings. B) clear ideas about right and wrong. C) more thought about the future. D) the experience of having choices. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 277-278 Question Type: Conceptual 47) As a client makes progress in therapy, what happens? A) The client becomes increasingly objective in describing experience. B) The client focuses increasingly on the future. C) The client more freely experiences and expresses emotions. D) all of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 276-278 Question Type: Conceptual 48) As a client makes progress in therapy, what happens? A) The client expresses more subjective experience. B) The client focuses increasingly on the present. C) The client more freely experiences and expresses emotions. D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 276-278 Question Type: Conceptual
49) Rogers called his therapy groups "__________." A) encounter groups B) T-groups C) sensitivity groups D) family constellation groups Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 278 Question Type: Factual 50) The leader of an encounter group is called a A) "leader." B) "facilitator." C) "resource person." D) "trainer." Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 278 Question Type: Factual 51) Which statement would Rogers most likely have made at the beginning of a group session? A) "Here we are. We can make of this group experience exactly what we wish." B) "There will be a break of 15 minutes at 10:30." C) "My name is Dr. Carl Rogers, and I will be telling you what to do today." D) "Let's go around the room. Please tell us your name, your occupation, and your reason for being here today." Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p.278 Question Type: Conceptual 52) Rogers thought that education could be improved by A) trusting students to choose their own directions. B) more carefully applying learning principles. C) using team teachers. D) providing more incentives for learning. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 278-279 Question Type: Conceptual 53) Rogers suggested that educators should A) set higher standards for their students. B) include more attention to feelings in their courses. C) be better paid. D) discipline students more. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 278-279 Question Type: Conceptual
54) "Satellite relationships" are A) relationships with people other than the spouse or primary partner, sometimes involving sexual intimacy. B) consulting relationships with another therapist, to get a second opinion. C) unhealthy dependent relationships among family members. D) a primary example of Rogers's influence on organizational development. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 279 Question Type: Factual 55) Cramer's research on friendship found that A) Rogers's description of growth-producing qualities of a therapy relationship does not apply to friendship. B) people with low self-esteem choose friends who act like Rogerian therapists. C) friends should listen, but not offer advice. D) friends, like therapists, can facilitate personal growth. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 279 Question Type: Factual 56) Applied to business organizations, Rogers's theory suggests that A) supervisors should receive therapy. B) workers should share in the power and decision-making of their companies. C) too much paperwork interferes with productivity. D) employees should be encouraged to work harder through pay incentives. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 279 Question Type: Factual 57) Rogers suggested that political tensions could be reduced through A) better education. B) economic cooperation. C) encounter groups. D) providing political leaders with psychotherapy. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 279-280 Question Type: Conceptual 58) Rogers has been criticized for underestimating the human capacity for A) adaptation. B) evil. C) change. D) social living. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 280 Question Type: Conceptual
True/False 59) Maya Angelou's decision to confide in a friend, rather than in a therapist whose background was quite different from her own, illustrates the difficulty of therapists in achieving empathic understanding when clients come from different social backgrounds. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 276-278 Question Type: Conceptual 60) According to Rogers, people's fundamental motivating process is the actualizing tendency. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 61) The organismic valuing process leads people toward healthy development. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 62) Rogers blamed social forces for people's disturbed and criminal tendencies. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 63) When Rogers described a person as "fully functioning," he meant the person was physically healthy, but not necessarily psychologically healthy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 272 Question Type: Factual 64) For Rogers, the term "fully functioning" meant "psychologically healthy." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Factual 65) Openness to experience is a characteristic of fully functioning people. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 271-272 Question Type: Factual 66) Rogers suggested that people not trust their inner experience too much, but rather evaluate it rationally. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 271-272 Question Type: Factual 67) Rogers described fully functioning people as having the experience of being able to make choices. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 271-272 Question Type: Factual
68) For Rogers, creativity is a talent determined by heredity. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 274 Question Type: Factual 69) Rogers opposed mysticism and research on paranormal phenomena. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Factual 70) Rogers agreed that psychology should be value-free. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 272 Question Type: Factual 71) Actualization is always a healthy process. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 72) Self-actualization is always a healthy process. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 73) Rogers encouraged parents to set high standards for their children's behavior. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp.273 Question Type: Factual 74) Rogers recommended loving a child, even when the child misbehaves. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 273-274 Question Type: Factual 75) How parents interact with their preschool children is related to the creativity of the children years later, in adolescence. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 273-274 Question Type: Conceptual 76) Rogers's therapy is called "client-centered therapy." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 274-275 Question Type: Factual 77) Rogers’s therapeutic techniques followed the medical model of treatment like other therapies of the day. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 274 Question Type: Factual
78) Rogers recommended that therapists should clearly communicate to clients what behavioral standards they must reach. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 79) Being accepted by the therapist helps a client to accept his or her own experience, according to Rogers. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 275 Question Type: Conceptual 80) Rogers recommended that therapists be objective, communicating neither liking nor dislike of a client as a person. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 81) Rogers recommended that therapists should allow clients to accurately know how they (the therapists) feel toward them, in most cases. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 82) Rogers thought that a good theory of personality made it unnecessary to spend much time getting to know each individual client. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp.275-276 Question Type: Conceptual 83) Rogers thought that clinical experience demonstrated the effectiveness of his therapy, making research unnecessary. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 276 Question Type: Factual 84) The real self and the ideal self become more similar after therapy. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p.277 Question Type: Conceptual 85) Rogerian therapy causes clients to focus more on the future, and less on the present. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 276-278 Question Type: Conceptual 86) Research shows that therapeutic change can occur during a weekend encounter group. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 278 Question Type: Factual
87) Rogers said that education should be more student-centered. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 278-279 Question Type: Factual 88) Friends can facilitate healthy psychological growth. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 279 Question Type: Conceptual 89) Most people find Rogers's theory very pessimistic. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 280 Question Type: Conceptual 90) Questionnaires measuring aspects of personality described by Rogers's theory have been devised by researchers. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, pp. 279-280 Question Type: Factual 91) Evidence from questionnaire studies supports Rogers's theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, pp.279-280 Question Type: Factual Essay 92) Describe Maya Angelou’s journey towards self-actualization. Discuss some of the difficulties she experienced in her early family life and with racism that and how she worked through those. Include a examples of her organismic valuing process. Difficulty: 3, pp. 267-269 93) Explain what Rogers meant by the actualizing tendency. Difficulty: 1, p. 271 94) List and explain characteristics of a fully functioning person. Difficulty: 2, pp. 271-272 95) Discuss Rogers's attitude toward subjective experience. Include in your answer an explanation of the "organismic valuing process." Difficulty: 2, pp. 271-272 96) Explain Rogers's concept of congruence and incongruence (related to a person's sense of self). Give a hypothetical example to illustrate your point. Difficulty: 2, p. 273 97) Describe the sort of environment that encourages the development of creativity, according to Rogers. Difficulty: 3, pp. 273-274 98) List and explain the three major conditions for effective therapy, according to Rogers.
Difficulty: 2, pp. 274-276 99) Describe research on the process of psychotherapy, that is, on therapists' behavior when then they are practicing client-centered therapy. Difficulty: 3, pp. 276-278 100) Describe research testing the effectiveness of client-centered therapy. Difficulty: 3, pp. 276-278 101) Describe encounter groups. List some of the uses of such groups. Difficulty: 2, p. 278 102) Describe Rogers's criticisms of traditional education. How would he like to see it changed? Difficulty: 2, pp. 278-279 103) Describe Rogers's advice about relationships and marriage. Difficulty: 2, p. 279
Name:________________________________ Chapter 14– Quick Quiz 1) Rogers regarded the fundamental motivation to be A) the actualizing tendency. B) the need for security. C) interpersonal needs. D) sexual needs. 2) Within each person, inner experience signals what is growth-producing. Rogers called this experience __________. A) conscience B) self-actualization C) incongruence D) the organismic valuing process 3) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fully functioning person, according to Rogers? A) adaptation to others' expectations B) openness to experience C) the experience of freedom D) creativity 4) If the ideal self and the real self do not match, Rogers said A) they are "incongruent." B) we should strive toward the ideal self. C) we should try to overcome the real self. D) a person is self-actualized. 5) Unconditional positive regard means loving someone __________. A) because you yourself feel loved B) regardless of that person's behavior C) unwisely D) without considering the consequences 6) Rogers called his therapeutic method A) revised psychoanalysis. B) client-centered therapy. C) individualized therapy. D) self-actualization therapy. 7) Rogers described the ideal therapist as someone whose inner experience A) is largely transparent to the client. B) is hidden under a professional demeanor. C) includes only positive emotions toward the client. D) is irrelevant to the therapeutic work.
8) Which of these is not a condition for therapeutic progress, according to Rogers? A) congruence B) empathic understanding C) insight D) unconditional positive regard 9) Rogers called his therapy groups "__________." A) encounter groups B) T-groups C) sensitivity groups D) family constellation groups 10) Rogers thought that education could be improved by A) trusting students to choose their own directions. B) more carefully applying learning principles. C) using team teachers. D) providing more incentives for learning.
Answer Key Chapter 14 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 271 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 271-272 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 273 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 274-275 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 275 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 274-276 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 278 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 278-279 Question Type: Conceptual
ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED QUESTIONS Multiple Choice: Which of the following is not one of the suggested ways for therapists to deal with cultural differences? A. Refer the client who are from similar cultural backgrounds B. Obtain additional training about the client’s cultural issues C. Encourage the client to adopt his new culture more fully D. Learn about the client’s culture by asking them questions Answer: C p.276 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual
Roger’s believed that work employee / employer relationships would benefit from all of the following except A. Genuineness B. Acceptance C. Empathetic understanding D. Traditional authority patterns Answer: D p. 279 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Conceptual
True/False Therapists are not responsible to learn of their clients’ culture if they proceed with counseling a culturally different individual. Answer: False p. 276 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 15 Multiple Choice 1) In the case of David Pelzer in the beginning of Chapter 15, we learned that David sometimes had to eat food out of the dog dish to survive. What need was he trying to meet in doing so? A) self-actualization B) love and belongingness C) safety needs D) physiological needs Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p.286 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Abraham Maslow's theory emphasizes A) social determinants of behavior. B) learning. C) scientific methodology. D) the most healthy individuals. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 285 Question Type: Factual 3) Maslow recommended a __________ approach to psychological research. A) method-centered B) person-centered C) problem-centered D) time-focused Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 286 Question Type: Factual 4) Maslow's theory is sometimes called A) individual psychology. B) person-centered theory. C) third force psychology. D) behavioral psychology. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 286 Question Type: Factual 5) Maslow's vision of "Taoist Science" emphasizes A) meaniful interaction with the subject matter. B) control of experimental error. C) the separation of the observer and the subject matter. D) objectivity. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 286 Question Type: Factual
6) At the lower levels of the hierarchy of needs, people are motivated by A) fear. B) conscious goals. C) unmet basic needs. D) neurotic conflict. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 287 Question Type: Factual 7) At the first four levels of the need hierarchy, people are motivated by __________. A) fear B) hunger C) deficiency D) approval Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 287 Question Type: Factual 8) In order of their emergence, the needs in Maslow's hierarchy are A) physiological, safety, esteem, love, self-actualization. B) physiological, esteem, safety, love, self-actualization. C) physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization. D) safety, physiological, love, esteem, self-actualization. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 287-288 Question Type: Factual
9) According to Maslow, once a need has been met A) it never again is the predominant need. B) it may again become dominant, if no longer met in the future. C) a person becomes fixated, and remains at that stage. D) a person moves down to the next lower level. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 287 Question Type: Factual 10) Which of the following is an example of the second level of the need hierarchy? A) Children in drought-stricken Africa are dying of starvation. B) The football quarterback is embarrassed that he fumbled a catch. C) Military personnel, away from home for many weeks, are sexually frustrated. D) People are evacuated from a building because of a bomb threat. Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 287 Question Type: Conceptual 11) Sometimes, according to Maslow, people become compulsive and obsessive neurotics in order to try to ensure a feeling of A) physiological need satisfaction. B) self-esteem. C) safety. D) being loved. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 287 Question Type: Conceptual 12) Regarding sex, Maslow thought that it was A) only a physiological need. B) an important "love and belongingness" need, as well as a physiological need. C) not a source of deficiency motivation in the twentieth century. D) not interesting for a theory concerned with self-actualization. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 13) Maslow studied sex in humans A) as a physiological need only. B) as a belongingness and love need only. C) as both a physiological and a belongingness and love need. D) in a laboratory. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual
14) After safety and physiological needs are adequately met, the next level to motivate people is A) sex. B) esteem. C) love and belongingness. D) self-actualization. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 287-288 Question Type: Factual 15) The need for self-esteem is A) a deficiency motivation. B) a self-actualization motivation. C) never adequately satisfied. D) the highest human need. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 287-288 Question Type: Factual 16) The highest need on Maslow's hierarchy of needs is A) creativity. B) self-esteem. C) self-actualization. D) love. Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 287-288 Question Type: Factual 17) The need to be all that you can be, to fulfill all your potentials, is typical of the __________ level of the need hierarchy. A) second B) third C) fourth D) fifth Answer: D Difficulty: 1, pp. 287-288 Question Type: Conceptual 18) At the highest level of the need hierarchy, people are A) no longer motivated by deficiencies. B) quite similar to other self-actualized persons. C) incapable of feeling bored. D) perfect. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 287-288 Question Type: Conceptual
19) Compared to D-motivation, B-motivation is A) later to develop. B) less passive and receptive. C) more focused. D) more similar to animal motivation. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 20) Which of the following illustrates B-motivation? A) jealousy B) beauty, truth, and justice C) focused attention D) business Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 21) A person who is "metamotivated" A) is in the middle of the need hierarchy. B) is trying to restore homeostasis. C) is passive and receptive, rather than active. D) feels determined by forces beyond his or her control. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 288-289 Question Type: Factual 22) Which of the following characteristics is typical of D-love? A) independence for both partners B) facilitation of each partner's growth C) jealousy D) self-actualization Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 289 Question Type: Conceptual 23) Which statement about self-actualization tendencies is most accurate? A) Self-actualization does not motivate people, in any form, until the lower order needs are met. B) Maslow estimated less than 1 percent of all individuals are self-actualized. C) Curiosity and creative tendencies occur at the highest level of the need hierarchy only. D) Self-actualization is the dominant motivation throughout life, according to Maslow. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 289 Question Type: Conceptual
24) Which hypothesis is predicted by Maslow's theory? A) People would rather starve than eat food forbidden by their religion. B) Great soldiers would rather die than act cowardly. C) Starving artists and musicians produce the best works of art. D) none of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 3, pp. 286 – 289 Question Type: Factual 25) Rather than the terms "neurotic" and "normal," Maslow preferred the terms A) "mentally ill" and "mentally healthy." B) "self-actualizing" and "stunted." C) "crazy" and "sane." D) "well adjusted" and "poorly adjusted." Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 289 Question Type: Factual 26) Maslow recommended that psychology should study people who A) represent a broad diversity of personality types. B) are self-actualized. C) agree to provide answers to questionnaires, as well as being rated by trained observers. D) represent a variety of psychiatric diagnoses. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 289 Question Type: Factual 27) In his survey of 3,000 college students, about how many did Maslow find whom he considered to be self-actualized? A) one student B) two percent (60 students) C) ten percent (300 students) D) fifty percent (1500 students) Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 289 Question Type: Factual
28) Which of the following methods did Maslow use most often in his study of self-actualized people? A) experimentation B) multivariate correlational studies C) surveys D) indirect observation Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 290 Question Type: Factual 29) Which of the following is listed by Maslow as a characteristic of self-actualized people? A) career success B) many friends C) intelligence D) need for privacy Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 290 Question Type: Factual 30) Which of the following is characteristic of self-actualized people, according to Maslow? A) firm belief in the values of their society B) a sense that life is highly predictable C) rejection of sexual needs D) spontaneity Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 290 Question Type: Factual 31) What phrase best describes a peak experience? A) a mystical, altered state of consciousness B) a moment when achievement seems easy (though the experience may be misleading) C) a "personal best" performance D) the time in middle age when mental health is highest, before the inevitable declines of old age Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 290 Question Type: Factual 32) Peak experiences are A) universally interpersonal in nature. B) universal among self-actualized people. C) always religious experiences D) none of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 290 Question Type: Factual
33) Researchers have found that retrospective peak experiences reported among Japanese adults A) are the same as those reported by Westerners B) are mostly the result of sexual encounters C) are rare as most are “nonpeakers” D) involve interpersonal experiences Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 290 Question Type: Factual 34) People who are self-actualized are most likely to laugh at A) the human condition. B) psychologists. C) their teachers or supervisors. D) nothing. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 291 Question Type: Conceptual 35) Which of the following is not a characteristic of self-actualized people? A) enculturation B) spontaneity C) creativity D) need for privacy Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 289-292 Question Type: Conceptual 36) Which of the following is not listed by Maslow as a characteristic of self-actualized people? A) optimism B) spontaneity C) peak experiences D) humility Answer: A Difficulty: 3, pp. 289-292 Question Type: Factual 37) Which of the following is characteristic of self-actualized people, according to Maslow? A) close interpersonal relationships with many people B) conformity to standards of their peer group C) self-centeredness D) creativity Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 290 Question Type: Factual
38) Maslow referred to his utopian vision of society, which he called A) Walden Two. B) Utopia. C) Eupsychia. D) Nirvana. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 291 Question Type: Factual 39) Maslow described self-actualized people as thinking like a(n) A) scientist. B) psychologist. C) artist. D) politician. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, p. 291 Question Type: Conceptual 40) Which test measures self-actualization? A) the Maslow Art Test B) the SAT C) the MMPI D) the Myers-Briggs Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 292 Question Type: Factual 41) A measure of self-actualization that is frequently used in research is the A) MMPI. B) Rorschach inkblot test. C) Personal Orientation Inventory. D) psychiatric interview. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 292 Question Type: Factual 42) The Personal Orientation Inventory measures A) a person's stage in the need hierarchy. B) a person's level of self-actualization. C) extraversion. D) creativity. Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 292 Question Type: Factual
43) Which of the following is a scale measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory? A) the Authoritarian Thinking scale B) the Inner Directed Supports scale C) the Psychosomatic Symptom scale D) the Religious Orientation scale Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 292 Question Type: Factual 44) The Time Competence scale of the Personal Orientation Inventory measures the extent to which a person lives in the __________, which is evidence of self-actualization. A) real world B) past C) present D) future Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 292 Question Type: Factual
45) While therapy in traditional modes might be necessary for the seriously disturbed, Maslow thought that healthy people could develop their potential through A) groups. B) behavioral interventions. C) traditional educational settings. D) private self-exploration. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 293 Question Type: Conceptual 46) Which statement best describes implications of Maslow's approach to the workplace? A) Work is only relevant for stages 2 and 3 in Maslow's need hierarchy. B) Work impedes self-actualization. C) Managers are usually self-actualized, but lower level employees are not. D) Work is more satisfying if it contributes to need fulfillment at various levels in the need hierarchy. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 293 Question Type: Conceptual 47) Maslow's need hierarchy theory helps us understand A) why consumers choose some products over others. B) why consumers sometimes pay more for prestigious versions of products. C) how products like food can fulfill physiological needs and also be relevant to esteem needs D) all of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 294 Question Type: Conceptual 48) What was Maslow's attitude toward religion? A) Religion has no place in the modern world. B) Religious dogma is a useful guide to self-actualization. C) Religious prophets have experienced what Maslow calls "peak experiences," which are valuable insights to be communicated to others. D) Religion was not discussed in his theory. Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 294 Question Type: Factual 49) Regarding religion, Maslow thought that A) truth should be sought in the traditional religions of our culture. B) truth should be sought in religions of other cultures. C) science has made religion obsolete. D) prophets of the past actually had "peak experiences." Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 294 Question Type: Factual
50) Maslow criticized the desacralization of human experience by professionals, by which he meant A) the heresy of secular humanism. B) the loss of the sense of the sacred. C) the inclusion of values in science, where they do not belong. D) the failure to appropriately measure psychological qualities. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 294 Question Type: Factual 60) Education, according to Maslow, should encourage students' A) curiosity. B) respect for authority. C) physical health. D) mathematical competence. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 294 Question Type: Factual 61) Maslow's critics suggested that his theory was overly influenced by his own A) neurosis. B) values. C) religion. D) animal research. Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 294 Question Type: Conceptual 62) Maslow envisioned a next stage in the development of psychology. This "fourth" stage would be concerned with __________ issues. A) transpersonal B) supernatural C) social D) neurological Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 286 and 293 Question Type: Factual 63) Deci's concept of intrinsic motivation is best described as A) inner personality motives of many kinds, including libido and self-actualization. B) motivation to do an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself. C) resistance to conformity pressures. D) B-motivation. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 297 Question Type: Factual
64) The term "positive psychology" refers to A) a current emphasis in psychology on subjective experience and psychological health. B) a philosophical position that emphasizes scientific observation. C) all the empirically verified findings within psychology. D) political activism in favor of increased funding for psychological research. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 295 Question Type: Factual True/False 65) The abuse David Pelzer experienced at the hand of his mother had little impact on how he got his needs met at an early age. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 282-284 Question Type: Conceptual 66 David Pelzer’s foster family helped him meet his needs for Love and Belongingness. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 282-284 Question Type: Factual 67) Maslow emphasized the importance of well-controlled research studies in psychology. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 286 Question Type: Factual 68) The hierarchy of needs describes five levels of needs, from basic physical needs to self-actualization. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 286-288 Question Type: Factual 69) According to Maslow, humans, unlike animals, are never motivated primarily by hunger and other physical needs. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp.286 Question Type: Conceptual 70) The needs lowest on Maslow's hierarchy are safety needs. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 287 Question Type: Factual 71) After safety needs are satisfied, the next level to become prepotent is belongingness and love needs. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Factual 75) After esteem needs are met, the next level to emerge as important is belongingness and love. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 287-288 Question Type: Factual
72) Esteem needs are satisfied when other people think well of us, even if that reputation is based on erroneous information. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 73) Esteem needs are important at the level of B-motivation. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Factual 74) Achievement and concern with reputation are typically important at the fourth level of the need hierarchy. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Factual 75) At the highest level of the need hierarchy, people are metamotivated. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 76) B-love often involves jealousy. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 288-289 Question Type: Factual 77) Maslow considered curiosity to be an early manifestation of self-actualization. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 289-291 Question Type: Conceptual 78) Maslow's theory predicts that needs will appear in a particular order within an individual's life. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 288 - 289 Question Type: Factual 79) Maslow preferred to speak of "human diminution or stunting" instead of "psychological illness." Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 289 Question Type: Factual 80) Maslow suggested that we could learn most about personality by studying unhealthy populations. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 289 Question Type: Factual 81) According to Maslow, most college students, by the senior year, are self-actualized. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 289 Question Type: Conceptual
82) Self-actualized people typically have a strong need to be with other people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 290 Question Type: Conceptual 83) People who are self-actualized may act conventionally for convenience, but they are detached from their culture. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 4290 Question Type: Conceptual 84) Self-actualized people are less likely to conform to social influence pressures than are other people. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 290 Question Type: Conceptual 85) According to Maslow, all self-actualized people have peak experiences. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 290 Question Type: Conceptual 86) Self-actualized people are particularly aware of the conflict between what is good for the individual and what is good for other people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, p. 291 Question Type: Conceptual 87) Self-actualized people have human faults, like the rest of us. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 291 Question Type: Conceptual 88) According to Maslow, the self-actualized person thinks intuitively, like an artist. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 291 Question Type: Conceptual 89) The Personal Orientation Inventory measures self-actualization. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 292 Question Type: Factual 90) Self-actualization, as measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory, does not correlate with other measures of mental health or adjustment. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 292 Question Type: Factual 91) The desire for safety stops many people from becoming self-actualized. Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2, pp. 292-293 Question Type: Conceptual 92) The Esalen Institute is a growth center founded on the principles of Maslow's ideas about human growth. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 293 Question Type: Factual 93) Maslow believed that traditional religions were important for self-actualized people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 294 Question Type: Factual 94) Maslow expected that his theory would be validated by traditional scientific investigations. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 446294-295 Question Type: Factual 95) Competence, autonomy, and relatedness are important needs, according to self-determination theory. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 297 Question Type: Conceptual 96) Intrinsically motivated people, according to Deci's theory, are independent of other people. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 297 Question Type: Factual 97) Positive psychology emphasizes people's psychological growth and happiness. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 295-296 Question Type: Factual
Essay 98) Analyze the life of David Pelzer (from the case in the beginning of chapter 15) using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Talk about his early life experiences and his needs then and how he had his needs met as he aged. Difficulty: 2, pp. 282-284 99) List and explain the levels of Maslow's need hierarchy. Give an example of each. Difficulty: 1, pp. 284, 286-288 100) Contrast deficiency motivation with being motivation. Include a discussion of the differences between D-love and B-love. Difficulty: 2, p. 288-289 101) What are peak experiences? Discuss the kinds of people who experience them. Difficulty: 1, pp. 290 and 294 102) Explain what Maslow meant by creativity as a characteristic of a self-actualized person. Consider the hypothetical case of a child with great musical talent, who can play the violin exceedingly well at a very young age. Do you think such a child is "creative" in the sense that Maslow meant? Why or why not? Difficulty: 2, p. 291 103) How common is self-actualization? What prevents it from being universal? Difficulty: 1, pp. 288-293 104) Explain what Maslow meant by desacralization and what he suggested should be done about it. Difficulty: 2, p. 294 105) Discuss the role of values in Maslow's challenge to scientific psychology. Difficulty: 2, pp.294-295 106) Compare intrinsic motivation and positive psychology with Maslow's theoretical concepts. Difficulty: 2, pp. 297-298
Name:________________________________ Chapter 15– Quick Quiz 1) Abraham Maslow's theory emphasizes A) social determinants of behavior. B) learning. C) scientific methodology. D) the most healthy individuals. 2) In order of their emergence, the needs in Maslow's hierarchy are A) physiological, safety, esteem, love, self-actualization. B) physiological, esteem, safety, love, self-actualization. C) physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization. D) safety, physiological, love, esteem, self-actualization. 3) Regarding sex, Maslow thought that it was A) only a physiological need. B) an important "love and belongingness" need, as well as a physiological need. C) not a source of deficiency motivation in the twentieth century. D) not interesting for a theory concerned with self-actualization. 4) The highest need on Maslow's hierarchy of needs is A) creativity. B) self-esteem. C) self-actualization. D) love. 5) Which statement about self-actualization tendencies is most accurate? A) Self-actualization does not motivate people, in any form, until the lower order needs are met. B)Maslow estimated less that 1 percent of individuals are self-actualized. C) Curiosity and creative tendencies occur at the highest level of the need hierarchy only. D) Self-actualization is the dominant motivation throughout life, according to Maslow. 6) In his survey of 3,000 college students, about how many did Maslow find whom he considered to be self-actualized? A) one student B) two percent (60 students) C) ten percent (300 students) D) fifty percent (1500 students) 7) What phrase best describes a peak experience? A) a mystical, altered state of consciousness B) a moment when achievement seems easy (though the experience may be misleading) C) a "personal best" performance D) the time in middle age when mental health is highest, before the inevitable declines of old age
8) What prevents self-actualization from being more common? A) people's desire for safety B) people's desire for approval C) unmet lower-order needs D) all of the above 9) What was Maslow's attitude toward religion? A) Religion has no place in the modern world. B) Religious dogma is a useful guide to self-actualization. C) Religious prophets have experienced what Maslow calls "peak experiences," which are valuable insights to be communicated to others. D) Religion was not discussed in his theory. 10) The term "positive psychology" refers to A) a current emphasis in psychology on subjective experience and psychological health. B) a philosophical position that emphasizes scientific observation. C) all the empirically verified findings within psychology. D) political activism in favor of increased funding for psychological research.
Answer Key Chapter 15 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 285 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 286-288 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 288 Question Type: Conceptual 4) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, pp. 289 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 289 Question Type: Conceptual 6) Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 289 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 290 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 292-293 Question Type: Factual 9) Answer: C Difficulty: 3, pp. 294 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 295 Question Type: Factual
ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED QUESTIONS: Multiple Choice: Transpersonal therapists may draw from a variety of sources including A. Traditional therapies B. Meditation C. Paranormal insights D. All the above E. None of the above Answer: D p. 293 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Maslow’s theory offers suggestions to business that can A. Satisfy employees B. Satisfy customers C. Help maintain the loyalty of employees and customers D. All the above E. None of the above Answer: D p. 293 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Seligman and Csikzentmihalyi describe positive psychology as being about all except A. Objective experiences B. Well being C. Hope for the future D. Civic virtues Answer: A p. 295 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual The three pillars of positive psychology do not include A. Positive subjective experience B. Positive traits C. Positive reframing D. Positive institutions Answer: C p.296 (table) Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Subjective well being includes all except A. Balance of more positive than negative emotions B. Perception of life satisfaction C. Low self-esteem D. Sense of purpose Answer: C p. 296 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Conceptual
Positive emotions are/do not A. Just pleasurable B. Reward good choices C. Direct good choices D. Enhanced by drugs Answer: D p. 297 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Doing an activity for the satisfaction of the activity itself defines A. Flow B. Intrinsic motivation C. Extrinsic motivation D. Subjective well being Answer: B p. 297 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not a trait shown to contribute to happiness and/or sense of well being? A. Religion B. Optimism C. Making money D. Forgiveness Answer: C pp. 297 -300 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not one of the six “core virtues” espoused by worldwide religious and philosophical teachings? A. Courage B. Humility C. Wisdom D. Justice Answer: B p. 300 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual The VIA Classifications of Strengths lists all except A. Temperament B. Transcendence C. Love D. Wisdom and knowledge Answer: A p. 300 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual All of the following are examples of positive psychology interventions to enhance well-being except
A. Salutation exercise B. Gratitude visit C. Life summary D. Blessings exercise Answer: A p. 301 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not one of the “mature defenses” listed by Vaillant as relevant to positive psychology A. Altruism B. Repression C. Sublimation D. Humor Answer: B p. 300 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual True/False: Maslow suggested that less than 1% of individuals ever become self-actualized. Answer: True p. 289 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Maslow advocated that businesses should only seek to meet lower-order needs as higher order needs were beyond most businesses’ scope. Answer: False p. 293 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Positive emotional states are of minor concern to the field of positive psychology. Answer: False p. 296 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual The Satisfaction with Life Scale has high face validity and construct validity. Answer: True p. 296 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Flow is when artists, musicians, and / or groups become totally engaged in their activities. Answer: True p. 297 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Conceptual A meaningful life and quest for meaning in life is always happy. Answer: False p. 297
Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Research shows that money is an important part in achieving happiness. Answer: False p. 298 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Research shows the people with very low incomes in the U.S. are not as unhappy with life as most people think. Answer: True p.298 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual A person who is resilient has the strength to survive stressful situations but still experiences the usual negative consequences of those experiences. Answer: False p. 300 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Conceptual Essay: Discuss how Maslow’s theory has been used in the business world. pp. 293 – 294 List the three pillars of positive psychology, giving several examples of the concepts studied under each. p. 296 (table) Discuss the concepts studied under the pillar of positive subjective experience in the field of positive psychology. pp. 296 - 299 Discuss the concepts studied under the pillar of positive traits in the field of positive psychology. pp. 299 – 302 Discuss the concepts studied under the pillar of positive institutions in the field of positive psychology. pp. 302 – 303 Discuss whether money has been shown to bring happiness or not. p. 298 Discuss the aspects of forgiveness and altruism in the perception of a meaningful life. p. 298 Discuss the role of optimism in an individual’s well being. pp. 299 – 300 Discuss the habits or skills taught by positive psychology to increase resiliency. pp. 300 – 301 Discuss the use of positive psychology in the workplace. p. 302
Discuss how positive psychology can help students and teachers in schools. pp. 302 – 303.
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 16 (Buddhism) Multiple Choice 1) Which is true about the Dalai Lama’s attitude toward Western science? A) He is open to science, but rejects the idea that biology is the cause of mental processes. B) He says that science and Buddhism cannot mix. C) He rejects science as an attachment to the self. D) He is ambivalent about Western science. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 306 Question Type: Factual 2) Buddhism seeks to foster healthy growth by emphasizing A) individual differences. B) judgmental acceptance of differences. C) the unchanging ways of humanity. D) universal potentialities in the human condition. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 307 Question Type: Factual 3) Early Western psychologists were influenced by Buddhism, including A) William James. B) B. F. Skinner. C) Sigmund Freud. D) Albert Bandura. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 308 Question Type: Factual 4) Which empirical practice does Buddhism rely the most on? A) experimental designs B) correlational designs C) factor analysis D) self-observation Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 456 Question Type: Factual 5) Studying a culture from its own point a view is called a(n) _____ approach. A) etic B) emic C) forced etic D) universal Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 457 Question Type: Factual
6) The word buddha means A) priest. B) awakened one. C) wise one. D) intelligent. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 7) This type of Buddhism is found particularly in Japan that uses koans to overcome limitations of thought. A) Mahayana Buddhism B) Spiritism Buddhism C) Siddhartha Buddhism D) Zen Buddhism Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 318 Question Type: Factual 8) Buddhism traces its roots back about _____ years. A) 1000 B) 1500 C) 2500 D) 5000 Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 308 Question Type: Factual 9) According to Buddhism, what is the higher stage of consciousness called? A) enlightenment B) actualization C) self-actualization D) ego-integrity Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 10) The Dalai Lama has achieved a higher stage of consciousness by following the Eightfold path. Buddhists call this status A) enlightenment. B) actualization. C) self-actualization. D) ego-integrity. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, pp. 308, 310-11 Question Type: Conceptual
11) Which of the following is NOT one of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism? A) suffering B) attachment C) detachment D) retachment Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-311 Question Type: Factual 12) We are often ignorant of the true nature of things, also called the A) karma. B) dharma. C) duhka. D) delusion. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 309-311 Question Type: Factual 13) Jim is in emotional pain and disharmony. Which of the Four Noble Truths is he experiencing? A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 310 Question Type: Conceptual 14) The Buddhist way to deal with suffering is to A) allow into consciousness B) feel sorry for oneself C) avoid the pain. D) continually push it aside. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p.310 Question Type: Factual 15) According to Buddhism, the origin of suffering is A) humanity itself. B) early life experiences C) detachment. D) attachment. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 310 Question Type: Factual
16) Which of the following is a kind of desire listed in Buddhism? A) desire for sensory pleasure B) desire to continue to exist C) desire for annihilation D) all of these Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 310 Question Type: Conceptual 17) Sopal has detached himself from craving and has taken on the role of compassionate teacher. Which of the Four Noble Truths is he displaying? A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 310 Question Type: Conceptual 18) The method of achieving an end of suffering described in the Fourth Noble Truth is called A) detachment. B) thought-action orientation. C) meditation. D) the Eightfold Path. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 310-311 Question Type: Factual 19) Daren believes that there is no self, that the self is impermanent. Which Buddhist idea does this represent? A) hishkama karma B) anatta C) detachment D) nirvana Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 312 Question Type: Conceptual 20) Nirvana is A) the goal of spiritual development. B) one of the Four Noble Truths. C) a Buddhist concept of self. D) a technique to achieve enlightenment. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 312 Question Type: Factual
21) A Buddhist might explain depression as a form of suffering caused by A) the overemphasis of the self. B) early life experiences. C) negative thought patterns. D) physiological factors. Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 312 Question Type: Conceptual 22) What would a Buddhist say about the connection between thought and behavior? A) Thought is not important in behavior. B) Our thoughts are consequences of our behavior. C) Behavior is produced by thought and intention. D) The two are unrelated. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 312-313 Question Type: Conceptual 23) According to Buddhism, consequences for behavior are called A) karma. B) vipaka. C) hishkama D) dharma Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 313 Question Type: Factual 24) Karma refers to A) intentional, willful activity. B) good or bad consequences for our actions. C) detachment. D) the selfless ideal of Buddhism. Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 313 Question Type: Factual 25) Eric is a selfish thief. According to Buddhism, what will he likely be reborn as? A) a human B) a jealous anti-god C) a god D) an animal Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 313 Question Type: Conceptual
26) What does Buddhism say about the connection between the mind and the body? A) The two are separate. B) The mind causes problems in the body, but the body does not influence the mind. C) The two are inseparable. D) The body causes problems in the mind, but the mind does not influence the body. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 313-314 Question Type: Conceptual 27) Vanessa has experienced a transformation from ordinary consciousness to a state of being wherein she recognizes the true nature of things and the path to spiritual progress. In Buddhist terms, what has Vanessa experienced? A) identity achievement B) actualization C) detachment D) awakening Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 314 Question Type: Conceptual 28) The Transcendental Meditation program proposed that there are _____ distinct states of consciousness. A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 466 Question Type: Factual 29) Brutus is constantly angry, aggressive, and retaliates against his enemies. Buddhism would describe Brutus as being in A) sukha. B) the self realm. C) the hell realm. D) nirvana. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 315 Question Type: Conceptual 30) According to Buddhism, which of the following emotions can interfere with one’s accurate perception of reality? A) anger B) love C) passion D) all of these Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 316 Question Type: Factual
31) In Buddhism, compassion comes from A) empathic concern. B) realizing that there is no separate self – other’s suffering is your own suffering. C) individual desires to show others the path to wellness. D) a desire to move up in status in the rebirth. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 316 Question Type: Factual 32) Buddhism explains prejudice and violence as A) an attachment to self. B) an attachment to difference. C) a detachment from compassion. D) resulting from one’s caste. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 316 Question Type: Factual 33) Before his enlightenment Siddhartha came to need the help of others to achieve his enlightenment. This is an example of the importance of A) community. B) self-focus. C) attachment. D) karma. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 317 Question Type: Conceptual 34) _____ is defined as any form of spiritual practice. A) Guru B) Yoga C) Karma D) Koan Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 318 Question Type: Factual 35) The type of yoga that disciplines the body through exercises and postures is called A) Bhakti yoga B) Hatha yoga C) Karma yoga D) Jnana yoga Answer: B Difficulty: 3, pp. 318-319 Question Type: Factual
36) Buddhist meditation is used to A) enhance serenity. B) enhance well-being. C) focus attention. D) all of these Answer: D Difficulty: 1, p. 318 Question Type: Factual 37) Chu-Chih is practicing meditation. While doing so he allows thoughts to appear as they will and observes them without judgment. What type of meditation is he practicing? A) suhka meditation B) bhakti meditation C) concentrative meditation D) mindfulness meditation Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 319 Question Type: Factual 38) Research has demonstrated that meditation improves A) perceptual attention. B) vocabulary. C) mathematical ability. D) musical ability. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 319 Question Type: Factual 39) Research on meditation has shown that it can elicit improvement in A) perceptual attention. B) creativity. C) practical intelligence. D) all of these Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 319 Question Type: Conceptual 40) Brain scans done on people meditating revealed an increase in _____ waves. A) alpha B) beta C) phi D) delta Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 321 Question Type: Factual
41) The story of the blind men touching different parts of an elephant and each concluding it is a different animal demonstrates the potential problems of _____. A) sensation B) perception C) meditation D) yoga Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 319-320 Question Type: Conceptual 42) Some scientists believe that the sense of detachment associated with meditation may be caused by release of A) endogenous opioids. B) serotonin. C) dopamine. D) GABA. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 319 Question Type: Factual 43) Buddhism describes _____ moments of perception. A) 5 B) 10 C) 17 D) 25 Answer: C Difficult: 1, p. 320 Question Type: Factual 44) Your text describes emotional reaction as one of the moments of perception of Buddhism and likens it to _____ in Western psychology. A) psychoanalytic defense mechanisms. B) self-actualization. C) irrational thought patterns. D) basic levels of needs. Answer: A Difficult: 3, pp. 320-321 Question Type: Factual 45) Attending to the first levels in the moments of perception (those things that are below traditional levels of conscious attention) is called _____. A) pure awareness B) focused awareness C) perceptual yearning D) anatta Answer: A Difficult: 2, p. 476 Question Type: Factual
46) Brain research on various types of meditation shows changes in which part of the brain? A) thalamus B) basal ganglia C) frontal lobe D) all of these Answer: D Difficult: 3, pp. 321-322 Question Type: Factual 47) _____ means that with repetition the same stimulus no longer triggers a response that it once did. A) Anatta B) Delayed gratification C) Mindfulness D) Habituation Answer: D Difficult: 2, p. 322 Question Type: Factual 48) In a classic study of Zen meditators, a clicking sound was periodically made while the participants meditated. What was the finding of this study? A) The meditators easily blocked out the sound. B) The meditators had difficulty blocking out the sound and were annoyed by it. C) The meditators experienced every clicking sound as a separate, new experience. D) There was no difference in how long-time meditators reacted to the sound compared to novice meditators. Answer: C Difficult: 2, p. 322 Question Type: Factual 49) What is true regarding brain-imaging studies examining how participants process emotional stimuli? A) Participants instructed to think negatively about a picture had decreased activity in the amygdala even after the picture was removed. B) Thinking positively or negatively in processing emotional picture had little impact on the brain. C) Participants instructed to think negatively about a picture had elevated activity in the amygdala even after the picture was removed. D) none of these Answer: C Difficult: 2, p. 322 Question Type: Factual 50) Meditation has been found to be helpful with which of the following conditions? A) Anxiety B) Criminal behavior C) High cholesterol D) all of these Answer: D Difficult: 2, pp. 322-323 Question Type: Factual
51) Some of the benefits of _____ include lowered heart rate, increase immune system functioning, and lower levels of cortisol. A) psychological repression B) the split consciousness task C) conscious focusing D) meditation Answer: D Difficult: 1, p. 323 Question Type: Factual 52) Meditation can lead to psychological improvements including which of the following? A) better ego development B) higher levels of moral development. C) more mature ego defense mechanisms D) all of these Answer: D Difficult: 2, p. 324 Question Type: Factual 53) Uri has been meditating for many years. What is likely true about his psychological state? A) He has higher moral reasoning skills. B) He has a constant identity crisis. C) He lacks coping skills. D) He has low levels of ego development Answer: A Difficult: 1, p. 324 Question Type: Conceptual 54) Aspects of meditation have been incorporated into Dialectical Behavior Therapy used to treat people with _____. A) schizophrenia B) anxiety disorders C) borderline personality disorder D) depression Answer: C Difficult: 1, p. 324 Question Type: Factual 55) Meditation by therapists can help reduce _____. A) burnout B) empathy C) listening ability D) cognitive skills Answer: A Difficult: 1, p. 324 Question Type: Factual
56) Buddhism understands addiction as _____. A) a jealous ego B) adaptive C) detachment from others D) an unhealthy craving Answer: D Difficult: 2, p. 324 Question Type: Factual 57) What behavior is associated with the Buddhist term “Hungry ghosts”? A) paranoia B) addiction C) pride D) anger Answer: B Difficult: 2, pp. 324-325 Question Type: Factual 58) Which of the f ollowing describes the relationship between Buddhism and science? A) Buddhism is receptive to and cooperative with science. B) Science rejects the proposals of Buddhism. C) Buddhism does not wish to associate with science. D) There has been little interaction between Buddhism and science. Answer: A Difficult: 2, pp. 325-326 Question Type: Conceptual True/False 59) The Dalai Lama is an example of the trait compassionate. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 306 Question Type: Factual 60) Buddhism emphasizes continual development, even across different lives. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 307 Question Type: Factual 61) Buddhism dictates that followers accept the teachings of Buddhist dogma. Answer: FALSE Difficult: 2, p. 308 Question Type: Conceptual 62) Buddhism and psychology have similar goals and similar approaches to those goals. Answer: TRUE Difficult: 2, p. 308 Question Type: Conceptual
63) Empirical research in Buddhism relies heavily on self-observation. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 456 Question Type: Factual 64) Buddhism has roots in Hinduism. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 65) Siddhartha Gautama is the name of the person that started Buddhism. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 66) Buddhists deny the possibility of rebirth. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 67) Buddhists seek to block all suffering from consciousness while experiencing the First Noble Truth. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-310 Question Type: Conceptual 68) Detachment from craving is the Third Noble Truth. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 310 Question Type: Factual 69) The Eightfold Path is also called the Middle Way. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 310-311 Question Type: Factual 70) Buddhism teaches that the self is impermanent. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 312 Question Type: Factual 71) Nirvana is the annihilation of all selfhood and attachments and is the goal of development.. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 312 Question Type: Factual 72) The word Karma is often used incorrectly to refer to both one’s actions and the consequences for those actions. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 3, p. 313 Question Type: Conceptual
73) The idea of dependent origination in Buddhism means that we should be dependent on ourselves. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 313 Question Type: Factual 74) The mind and body are distinct entities in Buddhism. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 313-314 Question Type: Factual 75) Enlightenment follows after awakening in Buddhism. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 314 Question Type: Conceptual 76) Buddhists define happiness as momentary pleasure. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 315 Question Type: Factual 77) Buddhism’s concept of aggression is similar to Horney’s concept of moving against. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 468 Question Type: Conceptual 78) The concept of compassion in Buddhism is similar to the concept of love in Western psychology. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p.316 Question Type: Conceptual 79) According to Buddhism, one individual meditating on peace cannot impact peace around the world. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 317 Question Type: Factual 80) One kind of Buddhist practice uses puzzles to challenge our logic, this practice is called a koan. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 318 Question Type: Factual 81) Zen Buddhism practices a type of meditation called zazen. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 319 Question Type: Factual 82) Sensation and perception are the same thing. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, pp. 319-320 Question Type: Conceptual
83) Research on Buddhist monks has shown that meditation can alter perception. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 320 Question Type: Factual 84) Blindsight and implicit memory studies provide some evidence of the early moments of perception. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 321 Question Type: Factual 85) Emotional reactions require a full progression through the moments of perception. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 321 Question Type: Conceptual 86) Research shows that meditation can increase the thickness of the brain. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 322 Question Type: Factual 87) Meditation has been used to treat Attention-Deficit Disorder. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 323 Question Type: Factual 88) Some spiritual advisers recommend maintaining a meditative state during everyday activities. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 324 Question Type: Factual 89) The practice of mindfulness meditation and psychoanalytic free association are similar in their approach and goals. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 482 Question Type: Conceptual 90) A combination of meditation practices and cognitive behavioral therapy have been used in treating alcoholics. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, p. 325 Question Type: Factual 91) Scientist Albert Einstein found Buddhism appealing. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, p. 484 Question Type: Factual
92) The early introspective methods of psychology rival the complexity and depth of self-observation in Buddhism. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 326 Question Type: Conceptual 93) Buddhists understand time as linear, moving one direction. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 485 Question Type: Factual Essay 94) Describe the personality of the Dalai Lama including his approach to cognitions, society, and continual development. Difficulty: 2, pp. 305-307 95) Explain how Buddhism is relevant to personality psychology. Difficulty: 2, pp. 307-308 96) Give a brief summary of the history of Buddhism, including how it began and some of the different types of Buddhism. Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-311 97) Describe the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. Give examples of each and how someone might progress through them. Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-311 98) Describe qualities of someone that has achieved enlightenment. Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-311 99) What is the Eightfold Path and how is it used in helping people make changes in their lives? Difficulty: 3, pp. 310-311 100) How does Buddhism view the concept of self and ego? Difficulty: 2, pp. 311-312 101) Define Karma and Vipaka. Describe what Buddhism teaches about these. Difficulty: 2, p. 313 Difficulty: 3 102) What is the connection among mind and body in Buddhist thought? Difficulty: 2, pp. 313-314 103) Describe Buddhism’s explanation of happiness, anger, and love. Difficulty: 3, pp. 314-316 104) What is the importance of community in one’s quest for enlightenment? Difficulty: 2, p. 317 105) Define yoga and describe four types of yoga practice. Difficulty: 3, pp. 318-319 394
106) Talk about the importance of meditation to Buddhism. Discuss the process of meditation and some of the different types of meditation. Difficulty: 3, pp. 319-321 107) Explain the concept of the 17 Moments of perception. How does that relate to Western ideas of perception and consciousness? Difficulty: 2, pp. 320-321 108) Discuss some of the research findings on brain measurement during meditation. Difficulty: 2, pp. 321-322 109) How has meditation been used to improve psychological and physical well-being? Difficulty: 2, pp. 323-324 110) How has Buddhism been incorporated into psychotherapy? Difficulty: 2, pp. 324-325 111) Describe Buddhism’s explanation of addiction. Difficulty: 2, pp. 324 - 325
Name:________________________________ Chapter 16 – Quick Quiz 1) Buddhism seeks to foster healthy growth by emphasizing A) individual differences. B) judgemental acceptance of differences. C) the unchanging ways of humanity. D) universal potentialities in the human condition. 2) Which empirical practice does Buddhism rely the most on? A) experimental designs B) correlational designs C) factor analysis D) self-observation 3) Buddhism traces its roots back about _____ years. A) 1000 B) 1500 C) 2500 D) 5000 4) According to Buddhism, the origin of suffering is A) humanity itself. B) early life experiences. C) detachment. D) attachment. 5) The method of achieving an end of suffering described in the Fourth Noble Truth is called A) detachment. B) thought-action orientation. C) meditation. D) the Eightfold Path. 6) Nirvana is A) the goal of spiritual development. B) one of the Four Noble Truths. C) a Buddhist concept of self. D) a technique to achieve enlightenment. 7) Karma refers to A) intentional, willful activity. B) good or bad consequences for our actions. C) detachment. D) the selfless ideal of Buddhism. 8) What does Buddhism say about the connection between the mind and the body? A) The two are separate. B) The mind causes problems in the body, but the body does not influence the mind. C) The two are inseparable. D) The body causes problems in the mind, but the mind does not influence the body. 396
9) _____ is defined as any form of spiritual practice. A) Guru B) Yoga C) Karma D) Koan 10) Which of the following describes the relationship between Buddhism and science? A) Buddhism is receptive to and cooperative with science. B) Science rejects the proposals of Buddhism. C) Buddhism does not wish to associate with science. D) There has been little interaction between Buddhism and science. 11) Which of the following is NOT one of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism? A) suffering B) attachment C) detachment D) retachment
Answer Key Chapter 16 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 307 Question Type: Factual 2) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 456 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 1, p. 309 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 310 Question Type: Factual 5) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 310-311 Question Type: Factual 6) Answer: A Difficulty: 1, p. 312 Question Type: Factual 7) Answer: A Difficulty: 3, p. 313 Question Type: Factual 8) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, pp. 313-314 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Answer: B Difficulty: 1, p. 318 Question Type: Factual 10) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 325-326 Question Type: Conceptual 11) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 309-311 Question Type: Factual
Additional Recommended Questions Multiple choice A person who is enlightened and remains in the world to help others on their spiritual path are called A. Duhkha B. Samsara C. Bodhisatva D. Vipaka Answer: C p. 316 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not a Buddhist technique for dealing with anger? A. The method of mindless breathing B. The method of embracing our anger C. The method of looking deeply into others and recognizing their suffering and need for help D. The method of mindful walking Answer: A p. 315 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual To Buddhism, the undisciplined mind is A. Like a wild horse B. A drunken monkey that has been stung by a scorpion C. Improved through meditation D. All the above E. None of the above Answer: D p. 314 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual The mind and body as one-entity is captured in Buddhism by the term A. Duhkha B. Samsara C. Nirvana D. Namarupa Answer: D p. 314 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Being self compassionate entails A. Accepting one’s shortcomings as part of being human B. Treating oneself with kindness C. Being mindful when considering negative aspects of self D. None of the above E. All the above Answer: E p. 311 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Conceptual 399
The development of the following offers an alternative pathway to mental health without the pitfalls of narcissism and aggression according to Budhism. A. Self-esteem B. Self-efficacy C. Self-compassion D. Self- control Answer: C p. 311 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not part of the Eightfold Path? A. Right effort B. Right mindfulness C. Right neighborhood D. Right concentration Answer: C p. 311 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not part of the Eightfold Path? A. Right view B. Right invention C. Right speech D. Right action Answer: B p. 311 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Meditation allows all except which in regard to attachments? A. Appear B. Examined C. Released D. Held onto Answer: D p. 310 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Ordinary people, not yet enlightened are caught up in ______ or the wheel of suffering A. Duhkha B. Samsara C. Nirvana D. Vipaka Answer: B p. 310 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual What Pali language term would Karen Horney associate with her idea of the “basic anxiety?” A. Duhkha B. Nirvana C. Vipaka 400
D. Dharma Answer: A p. 310 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not a translation of the word duhkha A. There is suffering B. Unsatisfactoriness C. Harmony D. Frustration Answer: C p. 310 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual True / False According to Buddhism, existence is discontinuous and ends at death. Answer: False p. 309 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Karen Horney would associate the Pali language word “duhkha” with her concept of the “basic anxiety.” Answer: True p. 310 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Ordinary people who are enlightened are often caught up in “samsara.” Answer: False p.310 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Freud’s concepts of the libido, ego, and thanatos are similar to the Buddhist list of three kinds of desire. Answer: True p. 310 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Buddhism teaches that life and thoughts are constantly transient. Answer: True p. 312 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Buddhism describes an immortal soul that is does not die. Answer: False p. 312 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Emotions can be made more healthy through learning according to Buddhism. Answer: True p. 314 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual
Current psychological research supports the Buddhist idea that happiness does not come from material possessions. Answer: True p. 315 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Compassionate identification with others helps to diminish anger according to Buddhism. Answer: True p. 315 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Essay Discuss the concept of self compassion compared to the concept of self esteem. P311
Theories of Personality, 6e (Cloninger) Chapter 17 Multiple Choice 1) A dominant paradigm would prevail if theorists agreed A) how to define "personality." B) what theoretical constructs are useful to explain personality. C) what statistical tests should be used to study personality. D) how therapy should be conducted. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 328
Question Type: Conceptual 2) The approach that values selected contributions from diverse theories is called A) eclecticism. B) unified theory. C) pluralism. D) learning theory. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, pp. 328-329 Question Type: Factual 3) Eclecticism results in a theory that A) unites various theories into a systematic whole. B) includes valuable contributions from diverse theories, but without a systematic framework. C) respects various theories, which are allowed to coexists. D) selects the one best theory and rejects the others. Answer: B Difficulty: 2, pp. 328-329 Question Type: Factual 4) Pluralism is an approach that A) respects the integrity of various theories, which are allowed to coexist. B) attempts to unite various theories into a unified whole. C) combines the best of various theories, without making a systematic whole. D) selects the one best theory and rejects the rest. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Factual 5) Unified theory, according to Staats, should be developed to A) select the best aspects of various theories, however unsystematic the result may be. B) discover the one best theory, which should be the focus of research, while the others are left to history. C) encourage the development of several theories, which can coexist, since we cannot know at this time which theory is best. D) combine diverse theories into one systematic whole. Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 329 Question Type: Factual
6) The approach which advocates combining various theories into one systematic whole is called A) eclecticism. B) pluralism. C) unified theory. D) none of the above Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Factual 7) One reason for the diversity of theories is that they explain phenomena at different A) levels of complexity. B) levels of intellectual sophistication. C) levels of explanation. D) levels of cultural awareness. Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Conceptual 8) A multilevel theory is best described as A) a unified theory that explains phenomena at various levels (e.g., biological, behavioral, and so on). B) a theory presented differently for elementary students and for advanced students. C) a theory that is tested by both correlational and experimental research. D) a theory that is ambiguously phrased. Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Conceptual 9) Personality theories have proposed various metaphors for people. Which of the following metaphors is not considered by the text? A) the information processing metaphor B) the mechanistic metaphor C) the organic metaphor D) the political metaphor Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 330-331 Question Type: Factual 10) According to modern physics, A) objects cannot change or move unless acted upon by outside forces. B) change is continuous. C) time unquestionably moves in one direction. D) none of the above Answer: D Difficulty: 2, p. 330 Question Type: Factual 11) Rogers's "actualizing tendency" is based upon a(n) __________ metaphor. A) information processing B) organic C) mechanistic D) political 400
Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 330 Question Type: Conceptual 12) Cognitive theories are most closely associated with the __________ metaphor. A) information processing B) emergent self C) mechanistic D) organic Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 330 Question Type: Conceptual 13) When people tell the stories of their lives, they are expressing the __________ metaphor. A) information processing B) emergent self C) mechanistic D) narrative Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 330-331 Question Type: Conceptual 14) Purposeful striving corresponds most closely to the __________ metaphor. A) information processing B) emergent self C) mechanistic D) organic Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 331 Question Type: Conceptual 15) Emergent determinism suggests that A) ultimately, personality is determined by environmental factors. B) personality emerges from a social context, without which it cannot be understood. C) basic physiological drives, represented in the nervous system, determine personality. D) higher order mental processes have a causal role in personality. Answer: D Difficulty: 3, p. 331 Question Type: Factual 16) Rychlak challenges traditional assumptions about __________ within personality theory. A) biological causation B) determinism C) statistical analysis D) psychopathology Answer: B Difficulty: 3, p. 331 Question Type: Factual
17) Mystical beliefs in experience that includes more than the individual ego are most closely associated with the __________ metaphor. A) information processing B) transcendent self C) mechanistic D) organic Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 331 Question Type: Factual True/False 18) Personality psychologists are in agreement on a common paradigm. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 1, p. 328 Question Type: Conceptual 19) It is always desirable to have comprehensive, rather than limited-range, theories. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 3, pp. 328 Question Type: Conceptual 20) Eclecticism values selected contributions from various theories. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 1, pp. 328-329 Question Type: Factual 21) A pluralistic perspective attempts to combine diverse theories into one unified, systematic whole. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Factual 22) No attempts at unified theory have been made in recent decades. Answer: FALSE Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Factual 23) The mechanistic metaphor underlies Freudian and behavioristic theory. Answer: True Difficulty: 2, p. 330 Question Type: Conceptual 24) Telling the story of one's life is an example of the narrative metaphor of personality. Answer: TRUE Difficulty: 2, pp. 330-331 Question Type: Factual Essay 25) Explain the term "paradigm." How does a paradigm influence research? Difficulty: 2, p. 328 26) Explain the various ways one can deal with theoretical diversity, including eclecticism, pluralism, and 402
the search for a unified theory. Difficulty: 2, pp. 328-329 27) List and describe three metaphors that have been applied to personality. Difficulty: 2, pp. 329-332
Name:________________________________ Chapter 17– Quick Quiz 1) A dominant paradigm would prevail if theorists agreed A) how to define "personality." B) what theoretical constructs are useful to explain personality. C) what statistical tests should be used to study personality. D) how therapy should be conducted. 2) The approach that values selected contributions from diverse theories is called A) eclecticism. B) unified theory. C) pluralism. D) learning theory. 3) The approach that advocates combining various theories into one systematic whole is called A) eclecticism. B) pluralism. C) unified theory. D) none of the above 4) Personality theories have proposed various metaphors for people. Which of the following metaphors is not considered by the text? A) the information processing metaphor B) the mechanistic metaphor C) the organic metaphor D) the political metaphor
Answer Key Chapter 17 – Quick Quiz 1) Answer: B Difficulty: 2, p. 328 Question Type: Conceptual 2) Answer: A Difficulty: 2, p. 328-329 Question Type: Factual 3) Answer: C Difficulty: 2, p. 329 Question Type: Factual 4) Answer: D Difficulty: 2, pp. 329-332 Question Type: Factual
Additional Suggested Questions Multiple Choice The fact that we should be aware that predictions which seem reliably repeated may not hold in other _______ is a lesson that should be learned from complexity theories. A. Circumstances B. Contexts C. Populations D. All the above Answer: D p. 332 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Chaos theory proposes all except A. Events are determined B. Minor variations can have dramatic effects on outcomes C. Outcomes are predictable D. The flap of a butterfly’s wings miles away could trigger a tornado. Answer: C p. 331 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual
Complexity theory has been developing as a way to explain A. The weather B. The immune system C. Economic ups and downs D. All the above E. None of the above Answer: D p. 331 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual The transcendent self metaphor is suggested by all except A. Freud’s unconscious mechanisms B. Jung’s mysticism C. Buddhist beliefs D. Maslow and Roger’s experience beyond the individual ego Answer: A p. 331 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Rychlak suggests his concept of a telosponse is similar to all but the following theorist’s ideas A. Freud’s wish B. Jung’s archetypes C. Kelly’s constructs D. Adler’s birth order Answer: D p. 331 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Conceptual Which personality metaphor is teleological in nature. A. Transcendent metaphor B. Emergent self metaphor C. Chaos and complexity metaphor D. Mechanistic metaphor Answer: B p. 331 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Conceptual The personality metaphor that views the environment as either conducive to or an impediment to healthy growth is the A. Mechanistic metaphor B. Emergent Self metaphor C. Transcendent Self metaphor D. Organic Metaphor Answer: D p. 330 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Which of the following is not one of the personality theory metaphors discussed in the text. A. The Mechanistic Metaphor B. The Orgasmic Metaphor C. The Narrative Metaphor 406
D. The Chaos and Complexity Metaphor Answer: B pp. 330 – 332 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Which of the following does not describe eclecticism? A. Has limitations as a theory B. Does not provide a systematic framework for understanding personality C. Cannot be verified as an overall theory D. Offers a rationale for selecting which theory works best in a situation Answer: D p. 329 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual True / False Eclecticism has limitations as a theory. Answer: True p. 329 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Many personality theorists advocate that psychoanalysis should be the unifying paradigm of all personality theory. Answer: False p. 329 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual The mechanistic metaphor is deterministic. Answer: True p. 330 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual The organic metaphor views the environment as either conducive to or an impediment to healthy growth. Answer: True p. 330 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual A teleological theory will be focused on past forces that determine the present. Answer: False p. 331 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual A teleological theory will be focused on the direction a person is moving toward. Answer: True p. 331 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual The emergent self metaphor is teleological in nature Answer: True p. 331 407
Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Rychlak proposes that his logical learning theory’s concept of a telosponse is in opposition to most other personality theories. Answer: False p. 331 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual Behavior done for the sake of an intentional (premised) reason is Rychlak’s concept of a telosponse. Answer: True p. 331 Difficulty: 2, Question Type: Factual Rychlak suggests that excluding teleological concepts from personality theory is necessary. Answer: False p. 331 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual The transcendent self metaphor is suggested by Jung’s mysticism and Buddhist beliefs. Answer: True p. 331 Difficulty: 1, Question Type: Factual Complexity theory is a precursor to chaos theory. Answer: False p. 331 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual The butterfly effect is part of the complexity metaphor. Answer: False p. 331 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual The author of the text suggests that exceptions to normal predictions necessarily invalidate personality theories. Answer: False p. 332 Difficulty: 3, Question Type: Factual