Come Alive with the Healing Poet

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Come Alive

With The Healing Poet

Sharon Stanton Keep 1

With The Healing Poet

Sharon Stanton Keep

Stow Publishing


Published by Stow Publishing,Peteeni, Mill Lane, High Salvington, Worthing, Sussex BN13 3DE Copyright Š Sharon Stanton Keep, 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher and copyright holder. Sharon Stanton Keep has asserted the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0-9552960-0-5

Cover design by Roger Miller





Acknowledgements Foreword by Nick Williams Introduction Desire Kick away the props Spring clean Start energised Get connected Get writing Focus Get thinking Re-align Dream Stretch your day Follow your heart Pull your own strings Take your place Seek from within Be you Welcome pain Bust bitterness Release regret Watch emotions Manage anger Turn to love Accept yourself


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(continued) Ask better questions Value yourself Love Shine Receive Smile Get Inspired Take action Consider the source Keep going Get creative Re-awaken the child Do it today Recognise resistance Turn up Make mistakes Walk through fear Beware sabotage Go with the flow Step up Be thankful Love life Live in the moment See Nourish yourself Have faith Be ready About the author

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One of the great paradoxes of life is the amount of time it can seem to take to change. So often we sense new possibilities, are inspired to a new future and have brilliant ideas with moments of utter clarity. We feel awake and alive. Too often then, the self doubts creep in, we rationalise away why we can’t do what we felt inspired by and we gradually allow ourselves to fall back to sleep again. We all know how easy that is, and how socially acceptable it can be to resist what we know in our hearts we are really here for. We are afraid to stand out, be different and live a fulfilling life and shine a light in a world that can seem so dark. What is inspiring about Sharon is that she woke up, but what is even more inspiring is that she has stayed awake. Instead of talking herself out of her passion, she has treasured it, nurtured it and chosen to share it with the world. She has become a willing channel for inspiration. She is committed to making the world a better place by sharing her heart through her poetry. She cares about relieving suffering and tending to sad and broken hearts. And through all this, she helps us remember the beauty, joy and glory of life. One of my favourite spiritual texts is a book called ‘ , and one of its lessons teaches, ‘ I am grateful to Sharon for reminding us of the miracle and wonder of life. Thank you Sharon for waking up and staying awake. Nick Williams (London, March 2006 ) 11





Kick away the props! Pursue your dream Follow your star Let go of what’s gone And find who you are.


In order to move forward in life, you must be prepared to let go of whatever is holding you back, discover who you are and head in the direction you want to go. I am not suggesting that this should be to the detriment of anyone else. Conversely, if you are more fulfilled and happier for taking this action then this will be to the benefit of those around you. Some time ago, a friend invited me to have lunch at his house. On arrival, I was surprised to see Christmas cards on display in his lounge – in July! He told me it brought comfort knowing all the people who had thought about him. Here was a man who had suffered a broken relationship, was lonely and hoping to meet someone he could share his life with. I suggested it was time to take down the Christmas cards and start looking to the future. He did and soon afterwards met a lovely lady and became engaged.


Spring clean! Have a good old turn out Put rubbish in a bin Wave goodbye to clutter And let the new you in.


I thoroughly recommend doing a ‘Life Laundry’ on yourself. Clearing out anything that is no longer serving you. Ask someone to help you if you are a bit of a horder! Turning out old clothes or possessions, that have no sentimental value or interest, is very therapeutic. They have a strong association to the past and the ‘old you’, so letting them go is good energy for moving on. Good memories connected with them will remain with you. I gave away all my ‘power suits’ that had been hanging in my wardrobe and replaced them with softer, more colourful and elegant clothes. I immediately noticed how much more feminine and relaxed I felt. Similarly, giving my office a coat of paint, a new carpet and throwing out all the old papers I had accumulated over my desk, led to a huge increase in my creativity and written output. Getting rid of the old is a signal to beckon in the new.


Start energised! I wake up in the morning And prepare to greet my day To welcome in the hours ahead That join me on my way. May my heart remain uplifted Until again it’s time to rest And then may I find comfort Knowing today I did my best.


What are you like first thing in the morning – ‘full of the joys of spring’ or the ‘we’d better not speak to you until lunch time’ variety? Putting yourself into a positive state first thing will make you feel good and have a beneficial effect on all that you do. We cannot know everything that is before us in the day ahead, nor should we, but we can prepare ourselves to welcome challenge, be ready to learn, understand, grow, share and love. What drives you to get out of bed? Hunger, thirst or panic that you will be late? How much better to wake each day with purpose and anticipation for all the opportunities that are waiting to greet you. At the end of each day I like to look back at what I’ve achieved and the people I’ve met, in the hope that in some small way I have grown as a person and connected with others.


Get connected! We’re a world of many races Appearing separate on our land But in truth we’re all connected Like the fingers on a hand.


I think one of our problems in life is that we see ourselves as separate from others. Unique we certainly are but separate we are not. It is easy to see why we feel disconnected and I think much of this comes from fear or misunderstanding. Like the fingers on a hand, we see ourselves as standing apart, not noticing that the fingers are attached to the palm. It is only when we look deeper that we notice that we are all joined. I love the feeling of connectedness to others and the feeling of oneness that this gives me. With a little tolerance, there is so much we could teach and so much we could learn.


Get writing! Write down your achievements As you travel day by day And very soon you’ll notice That you’ve come a long, long way.


Keeping a daily journal will allow you to look back and notice your achievements. We are often too close to ourselves to see the small steps that we take on our journey but over a period of time you will be encouraged by the progress you have made. My journal (or I should say journals, as they are now in to double figures) has fast become my friend and confidant. Somewhere I can download my innermost thoughts and feelings and thereby release them. I also keep a special journal for first time achievements, positive feedback and successes, which I turn to when my spirit needs lifting. This has been signed and contains beautiful messages from some of the people who are very close to me.


Focus! Focus on what you want in your life Describe what you hear, see and feel Give thought to all you ask for today As tomorrow it may be for real.


What you focus on you draw towards you. It gets bigger! So pay attention to your thoughts, the company you keep, what you read and the films and television programmes you watch. Focus every day on what it is you want to draw towards you. Model yourself on people who have achieved what you want to achieve (only their good points). Hang out with them if possible. Write an account of a day in the future in the present tense. Describe your surroundings, who you are with and what you are doing. Include every detail, the colours, the smells, how you feel and what you hear. Your subconscious only understands the present tense and will assume this is the life you’re already living and do all it can to make it happen – even when you’re sleeping. Get yourself a large piece of card and cover it in pictures of anything that you desire. These are often referred to as treasure maps or dream boards. Visualisation is very powerful. You don’t need to know how it works, just do it! A friend of mine cut out a photograph in a magazine of a beautiful bedroom. Shortly afterwards, she was invited to stay with some friends only to find that her room was the very same room featured in the magazine. As strange as this may seem, I have heard so many stories like this that I can no longer accept them as mere coincidence. 27

Get thinking! Paint a wondrous picture on the canvas of your mind And you may be surprised by all the thoughts that you will find Notice from your thinking just how good it makes you feel When by your very own design your dreaming becomes real.


It is up to each one of us to create our future rather than just letting it happen to us. We cannot aspire to what we cannot see, so think deeply about the wonderful things you want to create in your life. Picture them in your mind, give them colour and texture, make them rich and bold. Notice how good these things make you feel. Imagine yourself in the picture and draw it towards you, deep down. Give real thought to what you picture, it matters. What you aspire to should be yours by divine right. In other words, not to the detriment of others.


Re-align! We all possess divine design And each of us can re-align It’s in our hands to reconnect Then act upon what we select. Intention is how we express All that we seek for great success With written and the spoken word Assuring that our voice is heard. Focus on what’s true and right Keep that image in your sight The source is always held inside Awaiting there to be our guide. Consider carefully how you act For energy we all attract It moves away when we show fear But as we love it gathers near. Supportive of our human race The world provides as we embrace Believe in life and don’t forget For what we ask, we’re bound to get.


We all possess divine design. It is the blue print present in all of us from which we have disconnected. Our intention is everything and can be expressed energetically with the written word, the spoken word and by visualisation. Speak your mantra daily in a positive and powerful way and energy will come to you. Write your intention in a beautiful way, clarify and re-write if necessary. Picture in your mind what you want to create in your life and draw it towards you. Pay particular attention to what you say and notice any negativity for these are your blocks to receiving success. Watch your emotions. People are attracted to love but will move away from you when you are fearful as they recognise the fear in themselves. If you are leaning towards something and it is moving away from you, it is an indication that you may be in the wrong place. Try something else. There is a true group who will come to you if you are standing in your authentic space.


Dream! Wake up to dream Dreams are not owned by sleep. Dare to dream Dreamers achieve what they seek. Build your dream With steps that will reach high above. Live your dream And fill it with joy and with love.


I have heard it said that people who dream when they are awake are dangerous, for these are people who can achieve anything. Your dream is your passion and is a very good indicator of where your true happiness lies. It is where your energy and enthusiasm are at their highest but we cannot have what we cannot see. By dreaming and believing in our dream we are able to bring in to being what we most desire. Follow your highest vision. That which is most uplifting or outrageous. A vision which will stretch, grow, reward and fulfil. Consciously change your thoughts, words and actions to match this vision. Choosing this is a return to consciousness. I love this quote from ‘A Course in Miracles’ – ‘Your problem is not that you ask for too much, but that you settle for too little’. If we limit our dreaming that is what we will achieve. Dream big.


Stretch your day!

Just twenty-four hours Is the length of a day In which we must find time To work, rest and play. It’s a bit of a challenge For me and for you So let’s not waste a moment With so much to do.


Once I had set myself goals I was eager to plan a strategy for the rest of my life! There was so much I wanted to achieve and I realised I was going to need more time. We cannot physically make our days any longer but we can make better use of the time we have. Planning and structuring your day will help to alleviate wasting time and keep you on track. If you find you hardly ever have any time for yourself, it may be necessary to ask for help. Following a healthy eating pattern will make you feel more invigorated. You will wake energised for what the day may hold and have more energy throughout the day. If you can work at a pace that is comfortable for you and not be in overdrive you will be less likely to flag as the day wears on. You will find that the more you do the more you will be able to do. Time is such a valuable resource. Appreciate it. Do not take it for granted just because it is there. Time is a gift, accept it. Making the most of your time is also very satisfying. When you look back on what you have achieved it spurs you on to achieve more. One of my role models and now very good friend, published his autobiography to coincide with his eightieth birthday. He entitled the book ‘So Much To Do, So Little Time’. I admire him for so many qualities but not least because he makes the most of every moment. 35

Follow your heart! If a job’s worth doing Then the job’s worth doing well And if you do it from your heart You can’t help but excel.


Get passionate about what you do. Put your energy in to what uplifts you and not in to what makes your heart sink. Life shouldn’t be a sacrifice. Of course, there will always be outstanding jobs that we don’t much relish, the ones that end up undone or at the bottom of the pile. I have found the best way of tackling these is to change your attitude towards them. In fact, this may be all that is necessary to change a mundane chore in to a pleasurable one. Ask yourself what could be good about doing them or find something you love to go alongside them, such as playing some wonderful music. One of our daughters works for an insurance company, where her wonderful sense of fun does not go unnoticed. Her latest antic involved singing a song from the hit musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ to one of her customers over the telephone. Of course, this was only after he’d agreed to take up the policy she was selling! This bubbly behaviour is quite infectious and has the effect of raising the sales of the entire department. No wonder she is their top seller.


Pull your own strings! Don’t be a puppet Controlled by string or wire Accept responsibility And go where you desire.


It was not so long ago that I was still allowing other people to ‘pull my strings’, not taking full responsibility for my life. I thought that by doing everything, putting myself in the right places, being all things to all people, something wonderful would happen in my life. I put in so much effort that I considered there had to be a return. Not so. I hadn’t set myself any clear goals and was desperately seeking recognition. No amount of adulation or achievement would have satisfied my need for acceptance and I would still have been banging my head against a brick wall if I hadn’t taken responsibility for my actions. One thing is certain. If you don’t take charge of your life, others will. If you have relinquished your responsibility you are giving others the power to control your emotions and, ultimately, your behaviour. Whatever your situation, start now to pull your own strings.


Take your place! Life is like a jigsaw With the universe its theme And each of us an equal piece Makes up this wondrous scene. Not only do we have our place Where soul and body meet In truth, we must take up this space Or the jigsaw’s not complete.


We may see talented people all around us and wonder what our talents are but we can be sure that we are all unique and we all have special gifts that are unique to us. Imagine our world a bit like a jigsaw. Each one of us has a unique role to play in life which only we can fill by believing in ourselves and living our dream and like a jigsaw when we find our place we help others find their places, too. It is a perfect fit and you will feel as though you are standing in your authentic place. Just as one piece of a jigsaw finding its right place leads to other pieces finding theirs, so there is an order to life. When the time is right, the moment will be shown to us. Therefore, we have no need to panic, feel pressured by time or wonder why nothing is happening, because it is. Wait your turn. If what you want isn’t immediately dropping in to your lap and you believe you have done everything you can to prepare for it, put your energies in to helping others and remain receptive and alert for your own opportunities, they will come.


Seek from within! I’d been looking for an answer Searching high and low Feeling really desperate Not knowing which way to go. In truth I knew the answer It was there for me to see For what I had been searching Was here inside of me.


Over the years, I have been desperate to find my niche in life. Where I fit in. I have explored many different avenues. Tried many things. Always busy, sometimes manic! The one thing I never did was stop, or even slow down. I never listened to my inner voice. I’m not sure that I even knew I had one. This has come as an amazing revelation. If you haven’t already discovered your inner voice I would strongly recommend that you do. Find yourself some quiet time and ask your inner voice what purpose it would have you fill. Listen for an answer. An answer may come to you as an idea or a strong feeling that you should do something. This gets easier with practice. Believe me, if I can do it anyone can.


Be you! Be who you are Not what you do For that is the home Of the authentic you.


Let me ask you a question. Are you happy being who you are or do you strive to cover up who you are, or think you are, with worldly achievements? We are frequently asked what we do, as if that makes us the person we are. We have come to believe that our outward achievements reflect our inner spirit but the likelihood is that they don’t. I kept myself so busy over the years that I became an authority on ‘doing’ but knew very little about ‘being’. I was constantly taking on voluntary work, helping in schools, a school governor, charity fundraiser and chair person on committees. The list grew longer and the demands on my time greater. All very commendable in their own way but I was doing the right things for the wrong reasons. I had been going through an emotionally difficult period and overworking meant that I didn’t have time to slow down and think about what was happening in my life. It was my way of suppressing the pain. I was on an emotional roller-coaster. Now that I value who I am, I can be my authentic self. Finding this place brings the greatest fulfilment, that no amount of outward achievements could ever satisfy. 45

Welcome pain! Pain can be so harmful When you keep it locked within So rant and rave and let it go It’s safer out than in.


Now you probably think that I’ve completely lost the plot but I will explain. I am talking about emotional pain. When we choose to hide our pain away, ignoring it, it stays locked within us and can and does harm us physically and emotionally. So when pain comes to the surface, embrace it, because it is at this point that we can recognise and deal with it. We only have to ask if we need help but the first step is to accept there is a problem that requires healing.


Bust bitterness! Do not carry bitterness For what’s happened in the past It eats away at what is good And makes your suffering last. Acceptance and forgiveness For whatever has gone wrong Not change but true transition Is the way to move life on.


There comes a time when it is necessary to move on from past traumas. Hanging on to bitterness for whatever has happened in the past only hurts you and will ultimately destroy you. It will be like a lead weight hanging around your neck, getting heavier and heavier and will eventually encroach in to every area of your life. Whatever your experience, once you are able to accept and forgive, you will free yourself to move on with your life. Some years ago, a family situation that went badly wrong left me with panic attacks by day and nightmares when I was asleep. I realised that carrying bitterness was eating in to me. The person it was most hurting was me. It was imperative to heal the memory of all that had occurred in order to move on with my life. It was time to forgive, both myself and others. It may not be appropriate, or even possible, to forgive or seek forgiveness directly with another. For instance, the person in question may no longer be alive. In my particular case, the forgiveness took place inside of me but the healing was life transforming. Without this action I would not have been able to write this book. 49

Release regret! If a wrong cannot be righted And it’s eating you away Try doing someone a kindness To ease your pain today. Holding on to sorrow Will only make it grow Don’t carry to the future Regrets from long ago.


I’m sure if you could put the clock back there are some things you would do differently. I know I would. We may feel sorry about hurtful things we have said in anger or wrongs we have done to others. In the light of experience, we may have acted differently but we cannot change what has gone before. Yes, you will feel sorry but holding on to sorrow only keeps pain alive. To move forward with your life, try doing someone a kindness. If you cannot show this kindness directly where you would like then place it somewhere else. Many of us carry huge amounts of guilt around on our shoulders and kind acts, willingly given, are a perfect way of commencing the healing process.


Watch emotions! Hate, resentment and jealousy Will return to you laden with sorrow Replace all these feelings with love in your heart And you’ll find a much brighter tomorrow.


Hate, resentment and jealousy are powerful emotions. Most of us have experienced them at some time in our lives. If you easily identify with these emotions and they are controlling your life you will already know how destructive they can be. What you give out is returned to you, so give what you want to receive. If we are constantly suffering from the same emotion, that creates pain, then it makes sense to remove it from our daily lives. I am a very enthusiastic person and have often experienced disappointment when others haven’t followed through or enthused about something as much as I would like. This would leave me feeling very discouraged. My disappointment arose from having an expectation of others. This is something I had no control over and, therefore, I left myself wide open to hurt time and again. To overcome disappointment, I have had to learn not to have an expectation of how I want people to react. If the response from others is positive then I’m delighted but I don’t expect it. I have learnt and, if I’m honest, am still learning to detach myself from the outcome.


Manage anger! When that feeling hits you And anger’s on the brink Seek the bigger picture Step back, stop and think. No two people are the same Some hold a different view It really doesn’t matter If they don’t agree with you. Listen to the words being said Try to understand Arrange to have support close by Or friend to be at hand. Write everything in a journal With hindsight read it back And don’t take words in anger As personal attack.


We all lose our temper at times but for some people anger is a controlling influence on their lives and those around them. This poem was featured on a radio programme discussing anger management and I have included it here in the hope that anyone who regularly suffers from anger will find the tips helpful. Take this situation, for example. You have decided exactly how something should be. You think that this has been deliberately ignored. You have let them know how you feel. They feel attacked. You both lose control and feel angry. Sound familiar? Stand back and see the bigger picture. Attempt to see the other person’s point of view. You don’t have to agree. If you are regularly losing your temper, try and have a friend close by or someone you can call. Write everything down in a journal and return to it at a later point. Notice if things were really as you thought. Don’t take anything personally that is said to you in anger.


Turn to love! There is no power in evil There’s nothing to resist The magic’s in the power of love Where evil can’t exist.


From an early age, we are raised on tales about the twin powers of good and evil. In fairy stories, we are sure that good will always triumph. We seek a happy outcome. It is ingrained in us. Many of us have been brought up with the idea of heaven and hell and I clearly remember the graphic description of hell received in my school days. Focusing on evil only gives it power. By turning our attention towards love we are creating a place where evil cannot exist. Therefore, we have nothing to fear. As in the words of The Beatles song, ‘All you need is love’, love is everything.


Accept yourself! I’m not so keen on being me I’d much rather be you You always know what words to say And what is right to do. Some parts of me I try to hide They’re better out of view I only want to show my best When I am close to you. But it makes me feel uneasy It leaves a nasty taste For all this time pretending Seems such a wicked waste. If I could learn acceptance I’d set my spirit free And know that when I’m near you It’s okay to be me.


I wonder why it is that we are so critical of ourselves? Learning to accept ourselves for who we are, warts and all, is such a big lesson in life. We are all made up of many different facets and have our strengths and our weaknesses. Being aware of our weaknesses, recognising and accepting them as our shadow side, helps us to deal with them and be more comfortable with who we are. Focusing on what we don’t like about ourselves takes a lot of energy. Energy that would be much better directed into moving forward with our lives in a positive way. Next time you have a negative thought about yourself consider what it is trying to tell you. If there is something you need to change about yourself, do so. If the negative thought is not serving you in any way choose to ignore it and move on.


Ask better questions! To ask a better question Is empowering I have found For you’ll always get an answer That will turn your life around.


Ask yourself better questions and you will receive better answers that will instantly improve the quality of your life. If you ask yourself negative questions, like ‘Why am I so fat?’ or ‘Why can’t I be clever?’, you will always get a negative answer. Your brain is trying to help you, even if it’s not telling you the truth! By turning the question around you will receive a positive answer that will help you to move forward. So ask instead, ‘How can I eat healthily and lose weight?’ or ‘What would be a fun way to learn more about this?’ Try and find something positive in every situation. Ask yourself, ‘What could be good about this? Be aware of the questions you ask yourself and ask better questions every day.


Value yourself! Value yourself And the gift which is you Do not underestimate All that you do. Appreciate others Value them too For the gifts that they hold Reflect within you.


We cannot move forward in life until we accept that we are worthy. When we value ourselves our gifts come alive, we achieve a sense of fulfilment and we can make a real contribution to others. Try to make everyone you come in to contact with feel valued. Other people love it when we take an interest in them and it’s a great way of forgetting yourself if you’re feeling shy or uncomfortable. I can remember a time when I felt threatened by other people’s creativity. I allowed other people’s talents to undermine my own and destroy my confidence. I rationalised that there was only so much demand for creativity and if someone else was being creative then there was no room for mine. Fortunately, I no longer hold this belief. I love to be around other creative people enjoying their talents and they, in turn, inspire me to share my gifts.


Love! Let love pour out from the depths of my heart Like a stream that flows to the sea As a channel whose waters can never run dry For a greater love nourishes me.


Loving ourselves doesn’t come naturally to many of us. If we are asked to name other people that we love, that would come easily but most of us never consider that we need to love ourselves. When we learn to do this we are truly able to love others. We are channels for love. As we give love, so it comes back to us ten times over. Aim to give more love than you receive. By the way, it’s impossible! People today would be much more empowered if they loved themselves. Their increased selfrespect would enable them to be in control of their lives, avoid addictions and stand up to bullies. I am particularly keen to pass on this message to our young people, who have so many pressures to cope with in their schools and everyday lives.



Let us share our gifts graciously One with another Be bold in our giving To sister and brother Shine in the darkness For others to see I will light your way As you will guide me.


We all have gifts or talents that we are given to use and share with others. They are not meant to be kept hidden away, locked in a dark place. Our world needs them. Perhaps we are too modest or reluctant for some reason to stand up and be counted but when we are prepared to shine our light not only are we accepting our gifts but we are inspiring others to shine their light too. A young friend was feeling pressured in to giving a demonstration of her fencing skills during a school assembly. She was worried that she would be seen as showing off by her peers and was very anxious about doing it. On learning about her predicament, I sent her this section on shining and on consideration she decided she would give the demonstration, after all. I was so pleased for her and I’m grateful that she has agreed for me to mention it here. It is an example of how sharing my gift inspired someone else to share theirs.


Receive! We like to give to others But many do believe It really is much better To give than to receive. Accepting isn’t easy What should we say or do? Just keep it very simple And say a big ‘thank you’.


I am the first to admit that there’s joy in giving and it’s a wonderful and necessary thing to do but for many of us receiving is much more difficult. If we all decided to be ‘just givers’ there would be no one to receive our gifts, so who would we give them to? Giving gives us so much pleasure. It makes us feel good. To allow others the pleasure of giving we need to accept their gifts graciously. That means, receive them with grace. A sincere thank you for a gift, whether material or in the form of a kind act or words, is often all that is required.


Smile! The earth’s a little short on smiles Or so I’ve often found A little friendship here and there Would make the world go round. A smile transcends all languages For people everywhere It is an instant greeting And lets you know I care.


Smiling is such a great way of communicating. It instantly relaxes people and makes them feel welcome. Others will love to be around you if you have a smiley face. It makes them feel good. How often do you come up against someone who is a bit prickly, irritated or just plain difficult? Try and see their point of view, build rapport, smile. You may be surprised how you can turn the situation around. I cannot leave this section without mentioning our youngest daughter who was ‘smile-hunted’, rather than ‘head-hunted’, by a house mistress in her senior school. The teacher had noticed our daughter’s engaging smile and was determined to have its owner in her fold. Our daughter’s smile brightens up everyone around her but what they are really witnessing is the depth of love within.


Get Inspired! Your body cannot help but breathe It goes on day and night Just add some inspiration And your spirit will ignite.


I love the idea of inspiration being to our spirit what oxygen is to our body. We need to inhale inspiration deeply or our flame is extinguished. Just as our body dies without oxygen, so our spirit needs to be inspired to come fully alive. We are all creative beings and I believe, apart from the pleasure derived, benefit hugely from the creativity of others. As I write this, my spirit is still uplifted from a wonderful evening of poetry, song and music. (Or as my husband called it, an evening of poetry soaked in music!) It felt so good to experience the combined talents of the actors, singers and musicians and to immerse myself in their creativity. Thoroughly inspiring!


Take action! I had this really good idea It didn’t last for long One minute it seemed brilliant The next it felt all wrong. I thought of many reasons Why I shouldn’t even try What could I have been thinking A person such as I? But something made me wonder What if others felt the same So nothing ever happened And our world could never gain. Feeling fear is normal So I’ll put it in its place My ego will not stop me Taking up my treasured space.


How often do we have a really good idea, only to talk ourselves out of it moments later? We may like the idea of doing something but not want to put it in to practice for fear of failure or looking stupid. Everything starts life as an idea. The difference between having an idea and making it come about is action. Without action an idea cannot blossom. It is not what we CAN do in life that counts, it is what we WILL do. I have a friend whom I consider to be very successful. He has spent his life working at something he loves and been well rewarded for it. Yes, he is clever. Yes, he has talent. But by far the biggest reason for his success is that when he gets an idea he always acts upon it. He takes action.


Consider the source! Some say that I can’t do that And others do agree Each time I have a good idea I’m told it’s not for me. But now I’ve started thinking That this may not be so No matter what they do or say I’m going to have a go.


It can be very discouraging when people advise you against doing something. You know the sort of ‘helpful’ advice I mean - you’re too young, too old, it will never work, if it was that easy everybody would be doing it! Seek out role models who have achieved what you want to achieve. Their advice will be worth having. Do not seek advice or take to heart the opinions of people who are held back by their own fears or limitations.


Keep going! It’s great to get things started Once you’ve had that good idea But losing the momentum Is easily done I fear. You need to keep wheels turning And have your goal in view Seek help from one another And commit to what you do.


Starting something is the easy bit. Keeping it going is much more difficult. Have you ever started a project but not finished it or given up on your new year resolutions? Of course, we all have. Once you know your goal, find a support network or someone who shares your vision who will keep you at it and encourage you. Isolation can be a killer, no matter how strong your resolve. Be aware of impatience and be prepared to keep going that much longer and you will succeed. Trust your creativity and never give up. Determination is more successful than talent!


Get creative! Creativity lies within us Just as our hearts beat And the blood runs through our veins. It is not about struggle or loneliness Or looking stupid in a crowd But is ours to run with. Creativity will never cease And armed with courage Allows us to trust in life So we may evolve to follow our paths By taking steps day by day With life to support us. Creativity is sharing gifts Though we hide with fear As our ego bids us. Be prepared to release something in life For as we turn to a new page Our story will unfold.


After giving a talk to a group of ladies, one of the members approached me and told me that she used to be creative but now she had lost it! I assured her it was still there waiting to be brought back to life. We are all creative beings and can bring creativity into whatever we do in life – our thoughts, work, hobbies and relationships. There is a sad belief that doing something creative that you love will leave you penniless or set you apart. This is not so. Imagine the creativity that has been lost because people were told in their early years to ‘get a proper job’. Don’t listen to your ego that wants to keep you small. Trust in your creativity, give birth to it and share it with others.


Re-awaken the child! Wake up! Wake up! Your inner child And your life will become much more fun There’s always a child there within you Until your last moment is done.


We all have an inner child who longs to be noticed and nurtured. Re-awakening the child within us creates a sense of fun and helps us not to take no for an answer. Children go for what they want. Young children live in the moment. They are not concerned with regrets from yesterday or worries about tomorrow. When did you last skip, jump in a puddle or paint a picture? What would you do before you were ten years old that you wouldn’t have the courage to do today? Do it! Write yourself a letter from the ‘young you’ to the person you are today. You may find it enlightening. Here is an extract from a similar letter that I wrote to myself. …Do you remember all the things I like to do? How much fun I have playing make believe and being lost in time with my creative thoughts. Why not choose one of the things that I do, go back to the place where I do them and re-live that moment? Recapture that magic feeling and share it with me. Bring me to life again so that we can be together forever.


Do it today! I’ll definitely do it When I’ve lost a bit of weight I’m sure that when I’m nice and trim That I’ll be feeling great. I’ll definitely do it When I’ve studied a bit more If I should try to do it now You’d think me daft I’m sure. I’ll definitely do it When I’ve saved a bit more cash To do it in my present state Would surely be too rash. I’ll definitely do it When I’ve moved to a new home There’s too much clutter lying around And my ‘in’ tray’s rather grown. I’ll definitely do it But I can’t do it today I’m busy till tomorrow And it’s just a day away.


How many times have you said you are going to do something but then not followed through? Don’t wait for the perfect moment. It may never come. Don’t wait to start eating healthily – get rid of the junk food and start now. Don’t wait until you’ve got more time to commence a project – find time now. Don’t wait to be an expert to start something new – learn something now. There is always something you can do today to move closer to your goal, however small. In short, don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today. The difference between having a passing interest or achieving success is commitment. The time to take action is now.


Recognise resistance! What is it you’re not doing And putting off today? Notice your resistance For it’s showing you the way.


Have you ever noticed when there is something you ‘should’ be doing that there are lots of other things you find to do first? This is resistance and you should be aware of its existence because it is probably stopping you from going in the direction that is right for you. I encountered resistance on the first day I had set aside to start writing this book. I found all sorts of jobs that I ‘needed’ to do before I could put pen to paper – cleaning boots, making shopping lists, having a drink, tidying up, having another drink. When I finally arrived at my desk that ‘needed’ tidying up, too! Once you recognise resistance and understand that it can be the forerunner to creativity, you learn to accept it and push on regardless. Resistance is normal.


Turn up! My inspiration woke me up And got me out of bed These absolutely crazy thoughts Were rushing round my head. I knew I’d have to run with it And not put off the day For inspiration’s here and now Ignored it goes away.


I am frequently asked where inspiration comes from. I believe that it is a gift from God that we must be prepared to act on, turn up and be willing. It’s not about worrying if the inspiration will arrive. It’s about knowing that all things are possible when we step up. Once we believe in something then we are shown the way. As we find our creativity so heaven and earth will support us. Inspiration can arrive at any time of day and night. It is very convenient if it arrives when you are sitting at your desk on a Monday morning (and it usually does) but I am quite accustomed to waking in the middle of the night or jumping out of a bath to write down my latest idea – some of which have appeared in this book.


Make mistakes! If I always get perfection There’ll be no challenge in my way I need to make a few mistakes From which I’ll learn today.


Yes, it’s great to get things right but seldom do we get things right first time. A demand for instant perfection only leads to discouragement and gets us nowhere. Don’t expect to get anything perfect the first time you try it. Learn from your mistakes and don’t be afraid of them. At least you’ll know how not to do it next time. A toddler learning to walk doesn’t give up when he falls over. Remind yourself of all the things that you can do now that at one time seemed difficult or even impossible. Be prepared to re-draft or re-think. Build on what you learn.


Walk through fear! Don’t run away and hide yourself From something that you fear Take courage and walk through it And then watch it disappear.


Be prepared to step through fear because that is how we grow. Fear never completely goes away. It is something we learn to live with and should recognise as it may be showing us the way forward. We may fear failure, rejection, being ignored or not taken seriously, not getting anywhere, taking the wrong path, approaching the wrong people or just kidding ourselves. We may even fear success as this could take us away from our comfort zone. When I feel fear creeping up on me, I ask myself what is making me feel nervous. I then stare it in the face, take a deep breath and say ‘okay fear, I’m coming through!’ Sounds bizarre, I know, but it helps and once you have walked through fear it is no longer there.


Beware sabotage! If you fail to reach the winning post Each time your goal’s in view Re-evaluate your thinking And success will come to you.


If you are sabotaging yourself as you are getting closer to your goal you are probably doing so for a very good reason. Maybe you don’t fully believe in the outcome (achieving your goal). If you are lacking confidence, this is your ego holding you back. You may be associating more pain to a situation than pleasure or you may be carrying from childhood other people’s values around success or abundance. Ask yourself what is holding you back. Notice what you are trying to achieve/avoid deep down and install some new values that will support your success. Congratulate yourself for doing so well and for all you have achieved so far in moving towards your desired outcome. When I look back, I have missed out on some opportunities because I didn’t have the courage to accept them. Stepping up seemed too painful for the prize on offer. Today I take my opportunities. I no longer experience failure. Things often don’t turn out as I expect them to but there is always something to be learnt or shared along the way.


Go with the flow! Do not doubt your talents Your resources are within Success will come and find you If you just invite it in.


When we move closer to our goal we can actually feel it drawing towards us and we may question whether we have the talent to achieve and maintain our dream. Perhaps we’re surprised to find that we are reluctant to be successful, after all! At this point, I have found being guided by my inner voice and not forcing the situation very comforting. We already have within us all the resources we need to succeed in what we are asked. We just need to get out of our own way. What is really exciting, is that we are not required to produce our success, only accept it.


Step up! Change does not come easy It’s a scary thing to do To leave behind the place you know And walk to pastures new. So as the higher ground you seek Don’t worry where you roam You’re just reclaiming long lost paths And now you’re going home.


Most of us don’t relish change, it’s scary. It frightens us because it is unknown territory. We imagine all sorts of terrible things will befall us but we don’t know what. It’s difficult to leave behind all that is familiar to us where we feel safe but if we never accept change in our lives we cannot grow. It is reassuring to realise that when we step up we are accepting our destiny, the reason that we are here. When we take this action the universe cheers out loud and supports us, for it knows that we have taken the right road home.


Be thankful! If your cup in life’s half empty Just pour yourself some gratitude And notice how your world improves With just a change of attitude.


The quickest way to have true wealth is to live in a place of gratitude. When you start to focus on all that you have and not what you don’t have, your life will improve immeasurably in many areas. Be thankful for all that you have in life, for that is what you will draw towards you. There is so much to appreciate and the things that matter most in life cannot be bought. Family, good health, love, freedom, time, fresh air, nature and opportunity are just some of the things that we would pay dearly for if we were deprived of them. So notice anything that you have been taking for granted and add it to your bowl of plenty.


Love life! Walk with a jaunty step Feel glad to be alive Grab your life and shake it It’s not enough to just survive.


Live each day to the full. Feel the joy that makes you happy to be alive, whatever that is for you. Notice and be grateful for what you are drawn towards. Share this joy with others. Bring joy in to their lives and help them live their dreams. True, life isn’t always a bed of roses but I have come to welcome challenges as I know they will stretch me. I really don’t want the alternative, which is to die of boredom and tiptoe all the way to heaven. I recall one Christmas morning feeling amazing joy as I walked to church. I particularly love this festive time of year but with a song in your heart every day can be like Christmas. Life is an adventure – grab it!


Live in the moment! The precious present Is not found in the memory of yesterday Or the promise of tomorrow It is, as it says, The precious present.


There is something very amazing and precious about now. It will never come again. Be aware of all the beauty that is around you. Take time to wonder at a snowflake, appreciate spring flowers, watch birds as they fly free above you. In our busy lives it is all too easy to dash from one place to another without noticing anything on the way. There is always something to uplift you – a newborn baby, an act of kindness, blue sky, being alive! The possibilities are endless.


See! Open your eyes to the wonders of life See things from a new point of view Give thanks for the blessings around you this day And notice the change within you.


We don’t have to travel to the ends of the earth in search of beauty and wonderment. In truth, all we need do is wake up to what we have in front of us. If we are not prepared to see what is already before us, the little things that perhaps we take for granted, we will remain blind to the abundance our world has to offer. Of course, it is important to have clear and worthwhile goals but what is even more important is the way we journey towards them, with love, joy and compassion in our hearts. Sometimes we forget that what is most beautiful and meaningful in life is absolutely free.


Nourish yourself! I step inside the twilight zone It’s never far away A place between the dreams of night And pressures of the day. I go where no one follows There’s only space for me My temple from the world outside Where calm and peace are free.


Nourish yourself with whatever brings you joy or contentment. Take time to relax, be in soft time and listen to your inner self. Recognise this as a period for healing and spiritual growth. You are worth it. Build yourself an alter (metaphorically speaking). This could be somewhere in your home or garden or it may be walking by the sea or in the country. I have a special chair where I like to sit and look out over my garden. Wherever is good for you, try and find time each day to be in a quiet place and listen for direction.


Have faith! What a man will soweth Is also what he reaps. What a man will giveth Is also what he keeps. What a man will trusteth Is also what he frees. And what a man believeth Is also what he sees.


Faith is not about knowing all the answers but believing that as we take each step we will be shown the way. It is about having the courage to take each step and knowing that every loving act will be returned to us, although not necessarily from the place where it was given. It is trusting in a higher source that raises us beyond human weakness and reaching a point where we believe everything is possible so that we are able to see it. Faith is waking up from our sleep, with our eyes wide open, so that we may see and accept all that we already have.


Be ready! Whatever this day holds, Lord I offer it to You I say ‘Adsum’, I’m present To do what I must do. Prepared to face the challenges That show themselves each day I know that You will guide me With grace You send my way. I may have human frailties But I am strong for You Committed now for action A faithful servant too. I’m willing and I’m ready From this I’ll not refrain Dear Lord, in spite of everything I say ‘Adsum’ again.


I don’t know where you are in your life at present but I do know that, whatever your circumstances, if there is something you want to change there is always a way. As a final thought, I leave you with a story from an autobiography of a Catholic priest who is a very dear friend to me. Looking back on his life, he recalls his days as a student when the rector would call each name during assembly and each man would answer ‘Adsum’, literally, I am present. That simple word indicated something more than being present in person. It meant that he was willing, in spite of all the difficulties he had to face once again, to carry on. My friend has now turned eighty but he still greets each day with the word ‘Adsum’. Whatever this day holds for you, may your heart be open, may your spirit be willing and may you be ready.



About the author Sharon is passionate about helping people to make the most of their lives, whatever their circumstances. She has the gift of being able to connect with people through beautifully written, yet simple and straightforward, words. Her poems have been broadcast on radio, performed on stage and regularly appear in newspapers and magazines. Sharon’s empathy with others has led her to writing poems for weddings, anniversaries and remembrance. A collection of which are now available as greeting cards and inscribed on her own range of angel candles. Sharon offers compassionate and professional support to clients seeking personal development or facing a life change. She would be delighted to hear from you and may be contacted on....



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